#and his personality just fit for a caster
squisheebugdoodles · 9 months
Working on a caster for dnd (much to @egirl-vrissy's delight since she's been trying trying to get me to play a caster for like. three years now unsuccessfully) right now, and currently fascinated by the "message" cantrip's implication that magic is a form of radiation since among other far thicker things, "a thin sheet of lead" can stop the spell from working. Rotating ideas in my mind about the worldbuilding potential of that wrt the fact that i LOVE when magic users' spells have a physical impact on them the more they use them and how this could be a really neat feature to implement.
It's not even relevant to my character cuz my guy isn't gonna use that cantrip but i DO think it's a fascinating implication and could be both horrific and VERY funny to look deeper into that for a future character.
Instead but equally interesting and to me personally very funny is that my guy is going to experience temporary madness when we finish battles cuz he doesn't like and can't handle physical violence or killing <3
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anarchomoop · 1 year
Really loving this year's summer event in FGO. Was not expecting to like it so much based on previews since there were a handful of servants involved whose plotlines I usually don't like, but even they're being utilized well here. And like... I can never get enough Mandricardo.
#FGO#Fate Grand Order#Fateposting#I am kind of now shipping Mandricardo and Sei Shounagon#They fit together remarkably well#They've been cute together and played off of each other nicely#More of these 2 together please#Also I really do not get Anastasia in this?#I haven't seen any of her stuff outside of her Lostbelt but like... her having a hopeless crush on MC seems... I dunno#It seems off to me? She had a thing for Kadoc Zemlupus and also seemed kinda 'aloof ice queen'-y to me not 'girl with hopeless crush'-y#But like I get that the version of her you summon doesn't have quite the same memories/personality as her LB self?#Does she just fall in love with whoever summons her? That kinda feels like it cheapens some of the emotions of Kadoc's storyline#But yeah other than her I've liked how everyone's been used#And even then Anastasia as like a rival/foil to Kama/Charolette Corday works in this story I just kinda dislike how it changes other storie#Also love Corday Caster as a stage magician who knows nothing about real magecraft. Super good.#And Goredolf as a camp counselor/scout master fits really well#Trying to be stern and in charge but he's a big softie who will ultimately go along with what everyone else wants#Even against his better judgement#And he brought Caenis along!#I love Caenis as sort of Goredolf's unofficial servant#He gave him a croissant and now they're bonded for life that's how it goes this is what happens when you give a dogboy table scraps#I don't know what's going to happen after these LBs but I do want OG Da Vinci to be restored/resurrected somehow.#OG Vinci deserves a summer fit like Hommunculus Baby Vinci got#But yeah good summer plotline#Maybe even a top 10 plotline overall we'll see how it shakes out#Not hitting the highs of Jalter's Manga Summer though
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cumulus / nephos / “cloud” / ☁️
[plain text: cumulus / nephos / “cloud” / ☁️ cloud emoji]
[id: pastel fem looking person in pastel manual wheelchair looking down to slug in lap. there also slug on head n slug slide down skirt (don’t ask how). (all color pastel). person hair pink bangs, purple side hair, & blue low loose pigtails go below hips. purple eyes & medium-light ish skin. wearing bright turquoise ish color shirt collar with pink ruffles, & white shirt body with blue ruffles decorate, n green long sleeve cardigan over it also with ruffles. rainbow midi above knee skirt with white ruffles overflow from side of wheelchair. wear mismatch stockings, person’s left side rainbow stripes, n person right side turquoise blue with clouds on it. person not wearing shoes.
their wheelchair has yellow headrest, teal stroller push handle, green contoured backrest with supportive panels on two side lateral, teal to blue transition arm rest, orange big wheels with rainbow windmill candy swirl as cover & red push rim. frame is turquoise blue gradient to pink, has dump/slant, with yellow slug on one side’s turning point. purple fat caster wheels. attach to backrest is big white angel wings, & above arm rest has glowing yellow halo. their AAC device floating by them, has turquoise blue case with white cloud patterns. is saying “slug” icon. border of art lined with rainbow gradient lace. end id]
(otherwise known as hate names terrible at decision)
VERY pastel n rainbow overload >:)
they level 3 autistic (“requiring very substantial support”) with high support needs—meaning they cannot independently do most adaptive functioning skills, needing other people physical help to do/do for them. they also need 24/7 supervision & physical help for all iADLs & bADLs.
they nonverbal & use AAC full time. their AAC is symbol based speech generating device.
their (most likely [<haven’t decided] partner who act as their) disability caretaker is hyacinthos shinya🪻🌌.
they also full time non-ambulatory wheelchair user with very specific posture & seating positioning needs so not out of it for long or really much at all.
angel wing on back of wheelchair is power assist! is magically powered by hyacinthos (who angel) & can be powered even remotely / far away. way control wheelchair & power assist part by intuitive / hand motions & gestures / etc, part by halo hover above armrest that act as joystick. can use it like traditional joystick or wear as bracelet n control that way! (gimme it i want one) (if you recognize this setting it may be because previous version)
they do mix of self propel, power assist, & caregiver push. their wheelchair have stroller style push handle instead traditional push handle for easier caregiver push, especially one handed.
is set in magical world & they do some magic (< haven’t decided]!
character not slug obsessed, artist the slug obsessed one
character sheet below cut!!
artfight character profile (VERY wip)
please do feel free draw them (with credit) n tag me!!!!!!
reblog welcome but please don’t repost
will fight you if debate about autism levels & support needs
hi under cut
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[character sheet. functionally described below]
top left is full character clothing (with wheelchair translucent in background) because in original there some key parts blocked by wheelchair especially arm rest.
skirt around waist have purple band with blue small ruffles. center have rainbow bow with rainbow star on top.
n also have front n back of AAC device. what drawn here is 5x7 grid with various colored squares showing different parts of speech but grid size more so because like. is how much could fit comfortably. so even when redraw n isn’t exact 5x7 with colors exactly right where is right now, is okay. colors & where they are based on own AAC device >:) because of course
design of aac device case basically same as above. back side just have bigger clouds. oh also device has handles. tho it float around so handles get used less. float around so don’t have worry about how to carry it how to mount on wheelchair etc etc etc it follows you it automatic come to your hand when you wanna say something (kinda also acting as prompting bc sometimes think about say something but don’t actually say in device) it get out way when you don’t want it. if only like this irl lol
bottom left is info about character already said
bottom right is wheelchair design
parts covered up by person: rainbow gradient side guard, blue contoured cushion.
n also drawing of back of backrest: when not in use, wings power assist shrink to small decoration on back. not big there all time.
also have stickers! sticker of nessie, banana slug, sheep, cloud, star, rainbow, & an AAC symbol of “AAC”
wheelchair may also have magical tilt & recline & elevate. how? don’t know!!! why not just make full powerchair? uhhhh like manual chair look better
n picture of irl windmill candy
border of art also rainbow gradient lace.
yea that all please draw them 🥲
praise me put lots work into them
pls be nice to them
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lilithofpenandbook · 2 months
A ramble about Patronuses and does and stags
Something about Lily and Severus and James and Harry is that they all have the same Patronus. But it's Lily and Severus who match, and Harry and James who match.
Harry idolised his father specifically, felt more of a connection to him, so his being a stag reflects that. Snape loved Lily, so of course his is a doe. That part is simple.
It's Lily and James that interests me. Doe and Stag. At first you'd just go "oh, they match, the patronuses are just gendered to match them". But then look at Severus. His is also a doe. Of course, it's to match Lily.
But here's the problem: Severus is a man. If he matches like James does, then it should be a stag. But it's not, it's a doe. Exactly like Lily's.
It's a bit strange, really. Especially when this is I believe the only known case of gendered patronuses. When Tonks's changed, it was just a wolf. Not a male, nor female. And okay, perhaps it's because there are less obvious gendered differences in wolves, but there's another thing.
Stags and does don't represent the same thing.
The doe is a symbol of beauty, grace, nurturing, and care. The stag symbolises protection and strength (incidentally, it is surprising James is a stag and not a buck, which symbolises more recklessness and energy). So while they are compatible, they are not the same. And as Patronuses tend to have an affinity with their caster, someone having a doe or a stag would be reflection of them, not their gender. Someone kind and nurturing would have the doe, someone bold and protective would have the stag. (This of course is excluding Patronuses that have been influenced by other people, like Tonks' wolf because of Remus. Then again the wolf does fit her too, in my opinion).
Another point for this is Severus Snape. Severus, who is severe, harsh, bitter. Who also has a doe Patronus. Of course, this is because he loves Lily. But that's the thing- it wasn't a stag, it was a doe. For me, that proves that Patronuses do not reflect the caster's gender (unless of course we want to make an argument for Severus being a more feminine character, which is also very plausible due to a lot of symbols of feminity connected to him, but I'm not going down that rabbit hole here). So Severus matches because he loves Lily. And it's a doe, not a stag, because does and stags are not considered the same.
But then where does that leave James? Her husband? Well, there are at least two possibilities in my opinion.
Firstly is that their patronuses actually don't reflect their love. They only "match" because they're from the same species. To me, it seems to be more of a happy coincidence, rather like how Harry first thought his Patronus was a horse and Ginny's is a horse, or maybe it's the qualities that the patronuses represent that led James and Lily to be compatible. Personally I think (and this is completely headcanon) that maybe the patronuses are what led them to connect, considering their patronuses go well together it would have started some conversation. And I don't think it's a guaranteed possibility that Patronuses change based on being in love, it just sometimes happens (I could be wrong). Also, there's the fact that James' Animagus form was also a stag, and again I may be wrong but I believe Patronuses and Animagus forms do match. So his at least is guaranteed to not be that way because of lily, but because of his Animagus form. As for Lily, there are other animals that would reflect what does do, however it wasn't her who was in love, it was James who wanted her, so I feel like it's even less likely for her Patronus to be the one that changed for James. So I geniunely believe their patronuses matching was a coincidence.
The other possibility is that James doesn't love Lily the way Severus does. James went after Lily even though she turned him down so many times, he didn't leave her alone. Severus on the other hand did, when she said she was done. And yes, I've heard the "oh if he loved her so much he should have left his group for her" argument. Did James leave the Marauders? Did he stop bullying people for her? No, and no. In fact, he went behind her back and still bullied people. James had this more selfish love for her in a way (I'm not saying that he didn't love her, just that he was more selfish). Severus was more selfless in a way. He couldn't leave his group (can you imagine what they would do to him if he betrayed them?), and he didn't pretend he did or bother her after that. He put himself in incredible danger to ask Dumbledore to protect her, and agreed to do anything, when he didn't need to (what was Dumbledore gonna do, NOT protect the potters?), and in the end, Severus's love was more self-sacrificing than James, and I think that's why his Patronus is the exact same as Lily's while James is almost but not quite. Severus didn't have that selfishness James did, nor did he have that layer of deceit in their relationship like Lily and James did.
But what if the stag and doe really do match? If the two are considered the same, even with their different connotations, then that still leaves the question of why Severus doesn't have a stag. If all of the above is wrong, then why does Severus have a doe? Well, I do have a theory on that too- Severus's Patronus is a doe because he's the one who aligns with a doe. Which is interesting, considering he's so bitter and angry, but I do think that the doe also symbolises him, or what he could have been. A lot of Severus is focused on the past, on Lily, and probably on what could have been if he hadn't said that one word, if he had done this one thing differently, if this was different, if that was, and so on. The doe, with its gentle, nurturing connotations, may be also a symbol for how he could have been a gentle, kind person if he hadn't been so shaped and scarred by the world, if he had been the person Lily wanted him to be, if he had been like Lily. There's also the phrase "a deer caught in headlights" and how deer are known to be timid and easily spooked- perhaps he's, deep inside, just a mess of nerves. So perhaps Severus could have matched Lily with a stag like James did, but it just wasn't his nature, so it was a doe.
Anyway those are my very messy thoughts. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's a combination of all these or maybe none. I really do think the doe isn't just a reflection of Lily but of Severus too, that he's compatible enough with a doe so his Patronus was able to become a doe too despite having the demeanour of a depressed, moody raven than a doe.
also for all we know Severus may have always been a doe and it's lily's who matched him and then James matched her but that's entirely just a theory but also low-key funny if James's entire thing of being a stag is because of lily who's a doe because of Severus so James is a stag because of Severus and I don't think he'd like that lmao-
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Gonna infodump about my D&D character
(Sadly forced to keep things confidential because my party members follow me on tumblr…you know who you are 👁️👁️)
I’ve only had Gawain for a short time but OH MY GOODNESS I FUCKING ADORE THIS SILLY GUY!!
Also kinda shocked that the moodboard I made for him got that many notes. That’s a first…
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Also please enjoy the drawing @hootbon made for me. I will never shut up about their art.
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So…for what CAN post publicly…
Gawain is your token Lawful Good Paladin TM. Bonus points for being a protector aasimar I guess. (Though I might multiclass into a bard depending on how things go. It would fit him well. They’re my favorite spell caster.)
His personality is gonna be SO fun to play. Before I explain that, I should mention that he’s actually the youngest of the group at 24. The second youngest is the Kobold (Maran) who’s 37. So he’s a lot more naive and still understanding himself and the world around him. People often dismiss him due to that unfortunately. But, you know, imagine a dumb collage age boy and you get somewhat of an idea.
He’s a very sweet and compassionate guy, extremely extroverted and fun loving…maybe a bit flirty at times. Definitely cracks witty comments and one liners in battles ranging from something clever to “suck my dick” or something dumb like that. That doesn’t mean he can’t be serious, he absolutely knows when he should. Ironically he’s the most “normal” of the group, often being the straight man. Overall heart of gold and just wants to help people.
He has a bit of a rebellious and impulsiveness to him. As clever as he is, he’s mostly driven by his emotions. It’s always a “do what feels right in the moment” rather than logic. In general he’s just very emotional and struggles with hyper empathy. This also causes him to question a lot of the authority around him.
I’d also say he has that Disney Princess syndrome. Gawain is convinced that he has some grand destiny and is meant for more. He’s always wanted to explore and learn more about the world, meet new people and cultures, live a life of glory and adventure. Maybe he’s in over his head or maybe he’s not…we’ll see.
However, another big reason for doing all this is that he wants to understand who he is…more accurately WHAT he is. He was born to humans, raised by humans, and grew up in a mostly all human kingdom. So he grew up thinking he was one despite some strong differences between him and the others. Aasimar are VERY rare, and more like myths to most people, and others don’t even know they exist. So people either assumed he was blessed or cursed, some treated him like the messiah, and others thought he was a freak and dangerous. So yeah, he never felt like he belonged and wants to learn about himself.
Somewhere in his life he ended up becoming a squire and completed his training just before the start of the campaign…
And that’s all the backstory information I can post because my friends will see this.
I guess I can do a bit of trivia:
It’s still D&D lore, but the world itself is homebrew. Humans are actually not the majority race, far from it. Most humans live in a large archipelago with various human nations. I remember the DM said the estimated population of humans was 20,000 to 30,000. The two mainland continents are one dominated by dwarves and the other by elves, along with other races being far more common on the mainland. Not really about my character but I LOVE that detail. It’s somewhat relevant I guess since I said Gawain grew up in a human society.
The god he venerates most is Ilmatar.
His eyes reflect his emotions and power. When using any of his abilities or when under intense emotions (both positive and negative), his eyes will turn a solid gold color.
Prior to his training, he was a courier. His parents ran his town’s postal service and that’s one of the things that got him into the idea of adventuring.
He’s more of a cat person than a dog person. He likes both, but I feel like he’d go for the cat.
The first weapon he ever used was a bow rather than a sword. The specific sword he uses is an arming sword.
He is a wonderful singer, his voice is almost ethereal in when he sings (little aasimar headcanon of mine).
His favorite study is anthropology, but also really likes history and geography. He’s always collecting little souvenirs and trinkets from everywhere he visits.
He keeps a diary and loves to write stories and sketch things. A lot of story inspiration comes from his dreams, which are often very vivid…and he remembers them super well.
Neither of his parents have blonde hair, nor is it a recessive trait they had. It’s actually part of his aasimar traits.
He talks in his sleep because I think it’s funny.
If this wasn’t a medieval fantasy world, he’d definitely use Gen Z slang. Maybe even tell someone “L + Ratio” or “Skill issue” after besting them in battle. In that same hypothetical reality, his favorite band would be Starset and The Score.
He takes good care of his appearance and health, so he does enjoy certain beauty products. A spa day is his ideal day off.
He hates salmon. He thinks it tastes bad and prefers catfish. I don’t know why I even thought of that fact but it’s there.
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rose-morose · 11 days
I was just thinking about the Gravity Falls 'Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons' episode and it got me thinking about what D&D 5e class each of the characters would be
(spoilers under the cut if you still haven't seen this show)
(just go watch it, seriously, watch it)
Grunkle Stan: this one is pretty obvious, the man is a rogue thief, even though he relies highly on charisma checks, he rarely succeeds as it is his cunning and sleight of hand that serve him best, and his penchant for burglary and spotty criminal record are an added bonus
Ford: a warlock with the incomparable Bill Cipher as a patron, it was a deal he struck with Bill that gave him the knowledge and skills necessary to complete his project, all the while Bill manipulated him into furthering his own agenda
Gideon: another warlock with the same patron as Ford, the nefarious Bill Cipher, and although Gideon can perform magic on his own, it was his partnership with Bill that made him a major player, but nevertheless he may have multiclassed into another caster, most likely a bard judging by his flair for the dramatic
Wendy: some type of ranger, her natural instinct, rural upbringing, lumberjack training, and survivalist skills make her an ideal candidate for the ranks of rangers defending the fringes of civilisation, her aptitude for nature would serve her well in the hunt
Dipper: probably a wizard, he relies on his intelligence as he wasn't born into the arcane, he must instead study it alone, he is not granted power by a patron, a deity, or an ancient bloodline, he built his skills up overtime with research and training to manipulate the power already around him
Mabel: definitely a college of lore bard, she reacts to every assault with cutting words, and with a creative and flamboyant personality coupled with her affinity for stagecraft (puppet shows), she fits the narrative of the bard perfectly
Grenda: could not be more barbarian coded, with the rage, the muscle, the intimidation, and the ability to inflict physical trauma she's got it all, you can't get more barbarian than that, be cautious when approaching, lest your skull be caved in with a sofa
that's all I have for now maybe I'll do more later
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utilitycaster · 27 days
Who has your favorite build in each campaign? I love seeing you talk about those kinds of reasonings bc personally i have a really hard time with leveraging dnd mechanics when I play and I wonder who did it best
Hi anon!
Some thoughts at the end re: build philosophies here, but to answer the question:
Campaign 1 is tough because I usually like to give this to a build that's something thoughtful, mechanically optimized [note: does not need to be optimized for combat], with clear choices made that are informed by and themselves inform the narrative. I respect the hell out of Vax's multiclass into paladin. Narratively, it shakes out great. The mechanics, however, are less than stellar. So my choice here is Percy. It's true that his subclass is broken as hell but that's not what I like. I think Taliesin makes good use of how fighters have a zillion ASIs and not only maxes out Percy's intelligence when that becomes important, but also takes Magic Initiate to hint at Orthax's influence, with thoughtful choices of spells to go with it. Fighter is a strong class and it's worth taking it the whole way through, and he does.
Campaign 2 is, on the other hand, easy, and I've talked about Fjord's build at length before so I don't want to go into it in detail, but suffice it to say: his paladin multiclass was exceptionally well-earned in the narrative while also being, famously, one of the best multiclass builds in D&D (the hexadin). But before that, his invocations (mask of many faces, gift of the depths, sculptor of flesh) tell a story of the kind of person he is: a sailor who almost drowned and won't let it happen again. A person trying to find his true identity amid a sea (pun intended) of expectations and potential models and bullying. Even his racial traits like relentless endurance, and the fact that he came in with more CON than CHA explain how he survived a brutal childhood. I think all of the Mighty Nein's casters did a particularly strong job of choosing the spells they used and flavoring them to their personality and Fjord was no exception, and as someone who remembers the speculation of paladin class, a homebrew one really was the only way to go.
Campaign 3 surprised me, because I have had my frustrations with it, but the more I think about it, it's Fearne. Her base subclass is one of the best out there, it's true, and she leans into the fire motifs adeptly, but I actually, after being somewhat critical of it, have really come around on the choice to multiclass into an arcane trickster. Why wouldn't she be a rogue if she likes to steal? Why wouldn't she, while trying to figure out what her relationship with her parents should be, try on her mother's subclass? Ashley picked some extremely good spells as well; Disguise Self, Identify, and Shield either protect her (she's not terribly squishy, but as someone who doesn't usually wildshape for combat, not a tank either) or fit niches that the party really doesn't have otherwise. And again, why wouldn't someone who loves to collect things perhaps try to learn what those things are? Yes, at times I'm impatient for Transport via Plants (though at this point...two party members could just have Teleport) but Fearne's build is one that surprised me, which is hard to do. Druids are usually so strong it's not worth multiclassing, and I'm a longstanding Rogue Disliker, but the choice makes sense. (I also happen to like that this means Fearne isn't going to live thousands of years - or rather, she might, because fey, but not in the way Keyleth will. I don't think that's her thing!)
So I think these choices reflect different approaches of what I'd put into 2 buckets of Valid Options.
Percy is the "stick with one class and do it very well; customize through feats and existing options." For more examples of this, see pretty much any character who never multiclassed. I think Liam is exceptional at this and to that point, Caleb and Orym are particularly good examples. I'd also like to shout out Keyleth, Jester, and Caduceus; as prepped casters this group didn't have the same degree of customization options other than their spells for the day, but I think they all had really good visions for what their character would likely prepare.
Fjord and Fearne are both narratively and mechanically strong, though in very different ways (and in Fearne's case, with an eye more to party balance than specifically being stronger herself). See also: Vex and Grog, who are mechanically good multiclasses and narratively make sense, even if it's not a huge moment; Veth; Kingsley and Luc are both good builds that allude to a narrative even if we don't see the full narrative; Chetney. Vax is, admittedly, a bit like Fearne; bit messy on an individual level but narratively without issue, good for party comp, and there's some unexpected interplay (vow of enmity + rogue abilities).
It's hard to say who did things best because, for example, building a character like Ayden requires an impressive breadth of knowledge, a strong vision, and to be honest the freedom starting at L20 with 20 stats across the board grants. Some subclasses are particularly good (Fearne, Orym, and Dorian could all just coast on having some of the best subclasses for their respective classes, though they all have made great build choices too). Some classes are particularly good (hard to go wrong with fighter, wizard, paladin, or cleric though. my complaints of the empathy domain remain intact; on the other hand rogues live or die, literally, by what subclass they pick). Some characters have stories that are enhanced by multiclassing and some don't (Imogen, for example, has had a strong and interesting character arc, but there just aren't great build choices to reflect it.) My favorite doesn't necessarily mean mechanically the best (a thing that is difficult to qualify, let alone quantify, in a vacuum), and when it comes to d&d mechanics, a simple thing executed well (eg: Keyleth is a pretty straightforward example of what happens to be a very good subclass) can be better than a complicated build, even one backed by the story.
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nights-at-crystarium · 5 months
Fragments - episodes 36-40 author notes
You can find similar breakdown posts on older episodes in my pinned!
I didn’t need to spend so much screentime on Titania fight, yet it was a fun personal challenge. I’d never written/drawn a cohesive fight scene before. The scripted ingame instances don’t leave much room for imagination, I wanted to stay away from the fourth wall, and make up a more immersive scene. How do you even make it look mildly interesting? You’d think, well, characters will just flail at each other until one of them dies, right?
So yeah the biggest challenge was creating the ebb and flow. What affects Vivi’s actions? Why wouldn’t he just murder Titania like any other opponent, and be done with it? I threw in a generous amount of inner pov (that I previously used very sparingly) and some silly tricks. The stakes are high, yes, it’s a Lightwarden vs WoD encounter, but Titania still retains their playful personality above all else. Vivi's here just to do his job, but he also knows that he's dealing with a fae.
The msq makes Titania stand out among other wardens, I capitalized on that and hc’d that they’re important to Feo Ul, and, by proxy, to Vivi. That instantly provided some emotional stakes, and an answer to why he doesn’t rush to kill them out of the door.
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Vivi enters the castle in episode 35, and mostly runs in circles, analyzing his enemy, and even falls victim to illusions. This could’ve been it for him, but I daresay it worried none of us because we’re just at the beginning of a story about this guy, he’s THE guy in this universe not for no reason, he’ll manage.
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No deep meaning behind "grasshopper", I just thought it's a bizarrely precise descriptor of both Vivi's long legs and dragoon jumps, and it fits the natural theme of the fight.
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Vivi didn’t go in unprepared.
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This line will be relevant again in like, 5-7 years from now :’>
More under the cut~
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He always, always doubts everything, especially when it comes to his level of power. Self-nerfing. A light (heh) case of an impostor syndrome.
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Everyone loved the bonk for meme reasons, Vivi simply bought himself some time to cast.
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The Rainbow Sparkles of Believing in Yourself! And of something else, perhaps. I’m planting quite a bit of stuff for future, this one should take a mere year or so to pay off.
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I hope this pose’s enough of a hint that you shouldn't be taking episode 37 too seriously.
Yes, he used his spear to ~cast~. And took a sailormoon pose. This's his, monoclass dragoon’s, interpretation of what the caster magic’s probably like.
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Offscreen, Titania comes to their senses and shrills “so you wanna play rough?!”, Vivi ignores them, concerned with only one thing: did he succeed? How did the test of his custom spell go?
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It only worked out because the both of them are idiots.
I like to emphasize that Fragments isn’t about retelling the msq, or big epic battles, but here, where I actually put my heart into it, I feel like I managed to pull off at least one epic beat you’d typically see in an action-focused comic. Super proud of this panel ;w;
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This’s a standard panel divider I’ve used multiple times before, but it couldn’t be more visually appropriate here :3c
So, to recap. Vivi asks Titania if they miss the night sky. They do. Vivi brings the night sky to them, and lo, something actually happens. I illustrated this “something” as one of their eyes getting sort of cleansed here. This story suddenly takes a mahou shoujo (shounen, heh) turn, I appreciate that it may cause some eyebrows to raise, but I think it’s okay to take creative liberties like this in a story themed around identity, agency, and believing in yourself. If Titania’s so strong as to retain a tiny bit of their old self, to cohesively partake in a simple convo, then why can’t they return, even if for a brief moment, given the proper assistance.
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An appropriate reaction to the wild bs that’s going on. Imagine inventing the tale of WoD in the First, only to witness THIS.
As about Vivi, he can save a soul when he genuinely cares for it. We haven’t seen him do this before. He does it for Feo Ul explicitly, implicitly as a self-reflection. He’s projecting so hard after realizing that Titania looks like him. He wishes for them what he'd wish for himself: to rest, to be treated with care and consideration. They don't only look like him, they're also unfree, tortured by something. Empathy or not, this’s the kindest fight Vivi’s ever fought.
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I’m iffy about the canon talents that come with the Echo. You can understand any sentient creature, okay. What happens when you speak, does the other party feel the difference between that soulspeak and their native tongue? Does it feel off? Does it offend? I incorporated my own misgivings into Vivi’s thoughts about his Echo. He doesn't use soulspeak here out of respect and concern that Titania might not react well to it, throwing the entire plan out of the window. Thus he memorized quite a bit of fae words before the fight. This’s his way to mark himself as one of their people, or at least to show that he truly cares.
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Vivien Doubter Rell. Also yay first nod!
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Embracing his new duty, and possibly giving Titania the hug they deserve.
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Look HE’S OKAY. For now. I just thought the hiccup would be a cute way to acknowledge the terrible power he’s just absorbed. The canon cutscene moves on unblinking, but here’s different.
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Bracing himself for confrontation. Things might go awry. Or might not. Vivi doesn't know. Worst case scenario: this’s the end of his sweet lil friendship with Feo Ul. Do they like him, or a Titania-lookalike in him?
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“Oh bugger...” big pets come with big responsibilities, my dear Feo Ul.
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Just to reinforce his fae-ness.
Vivi had full control in this fight. Analyzed the enemy, successfully tested some crazy tricks, managed to have a heart-to-heart that resulted in getting a permission to kill Titania not with violence, but with mercy. So much could’ve gone wrong, but just didn’t. Vivi’s used to this, even if he constantly doubts everything, this’s how it always goes. He’s being flung at tasks with abysmal odds, somehow he emerges victorious.
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I just like this panel so much okay.
This arc may feel slow, but it gives depth to Vivi and Feo Ul's relationship, and seeing them together in later episodes will spark even more joy.
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Even after a warm moment they’d just shared, Vivi’s still wary. I broke out an analysis of what external influence, pressure to change means to him, please read this post if you missed it. YEAH TAGS AS WELL.
His expression here is an attempt to downplay the anxiety and swing the odds in his favor. What if Feo Ul insists and throws a tantrum? What if he has to become Titania right now, and there’s no way around this? Let’s make puppy eyes just incase, maybe that helps.
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One more personal fav panel. There’s SO MUCH in this look. They’re on a threshold, about to become something else on Vivi’s behalf. Because they love him so much. They’ve instantly become friends because they don’t want anything from each other, just the company. Feo Ul’s such a breath of fresh air for Vivi, a new hope in a new world, where he’s (comparatively) a nobody, where people still have the potential to love him for who he is as a person. This’s why our crimson pixie gets so much screentime.
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Vivi really said XD
The next few episodes wrap up the Il Mheg arc, and focus on good vibes and celebration. ShB follows a rollercoaster formula where it makes you smile at something nice and sweet only to whack you in the face right after, and I’m trying to do the same :3c
As always, thanks for reading~
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unsoundedcomic · 21 days
How much does bastion have to thank Sessine for the port idea? Seems like something too convenient for her to be a coincidence
She needed an undead man to serve as Sette's bodyguard and gate to the khert, and as far as she can tell, the process only works on a tacit caster. Duane happened to fit the bill. A lot of her timeframe revolved around when he was killed. He was always going to die before he became a Composer, but Bastion showing up and introducing his plod scheme put the fire needed in Lemuel's fellow conspirators to make it happen when it did. These are very tiny details but Bastion doesn't show up with a zombie installation pamphlet and a sales pitch; he happens to be there to meet with Shadwe and whoops, starts a conversation about his necromantic theories with the right people and woo, doesn't it just lead to some interesting new motivations.
Mistress of Coincidence, she called herself. But Sessine makes all the coincidences. She looks for convenient figures and junctures in history, swoops in to tweak them, and then guides the outcomes towards her purposes.
Bastion grew up working on a plantation where neck apparatuses were used. He apprenticed to a Black Tongue who'd mastered distillations and soul mapping. He was personally motivated to cure the problem of death after much of his family died of plague. He was the perfect little coincidence of a man to tweak, nudge, and guide.
Circumstances are convenient because the Lady has made them so. She's the director of a play that she has perfectly cast.
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
What are your ideas on Yutu’s Unique Magic?
Maybe Riddle!Yutu having a countering UM to his father, or Cater!Yutu having one that allows him to see the true in people, etc, etc…
Also, what if Yutu has a sister/brother back in his OG timeline? Did he bring them with or they just got left behind?
for context, check these posts (1) (2) or look at the Fyuuture kid section under series on my masterlist.
oof I have a lot. Unique magic strikes me as something that is supposed to be reflective of who the mage is as a person as well as the Disney character/concept the boy is based on.  Since Yutu is not based on anyone really, we are more free with inspiration for his unique magic, with two exceptions. Idia and Kalim both have lines suggesting that their unique magics are passed down in their family's, though I imagine the incantation is different to each person; it makes sense for their Yutu's to have Gate to the Underworld and Oasis Maker respectively.
Before I really get into the weeds, I do like the idea of Yutu having (a) sibling(s) in the OG timeline, again because that can happen in Fire Emblem Awakening but also because it adds to the angst somewhat. As for whether or not he would bring them back in time, the answer to that is yes. Yutu has a few friends he traveled back in time with that are scattered around Twisted Wonderland with no way to contact each other, and if he had a sibling (with the exception of Malleus! Yutu whose sister is a bit... special) then they would be among that group. If you want some extra angst we can steal even more from FE: Awakening and make it so Yutu's sibling died before he arrived, maybe they turned into a blot monster that follows Grim's overblotted form as a replacement for his hench human.
We could even make it so Yutu's sibling doesn't have any magic, just like Yuu. You know. For the parallels ψ(`∇´)ψ
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Riddle! Yutu
Riddle! Yutu having a magic that counters his dad is such a good concept, especially for someone who initially hates him. There are two types of magic that we have seen counter Off With Your Head: Trey's Doodle Suit and a strong shielding spell used by Leona.  I can think of a few directions to take this line of thinking, so let's start with the most grounded.
A strong shielding spell, one that can be applied to multiple people, sounds like a spell that thematically fits Yutu.  We don't know a lot about how these spells function, but they're important for combat magic and shielding multiple people seems to be implied to be difficult.  Let's say in this case it's natural for Yutu and essentially the same for him as shielding himself.  This sort of spell feels like it should have a card themed name, Big Blind maybe?  It's a term that refers to the minimum bet required to continue a poker game if I understand what I read correctly. The only card game I know how to play is yugioh
The less grounded approach could be a sort of spell that creates an anti magic field… it's a concept I did toy around with mostly because I was thinking about more Alice in Wonderland themed names for a unique magic, and thought up “Everything is Nonsense” or something along those lines.  My one sort of caveat to this concept is that I think a spell like this would be heavily stigmatized, probably cause a lot of blot build up for a caster, and I'm uncertain of how it would work mechanically. Well that and I have an idea for a different Yutu who this spell would fit a bit better... but that would require me to cook with a different type of fire.
I did mention in my post about Riddle! Yutu that I liked the idea of his unique magic allowing him to shrink or grow because of Rule 42 in Alice Adventure's in Wonderland saying all people more than a mile high must be rejected from court. If Riddle is the Queen of Hearts, well then any time they argue all Yutu has to do is grow and then he won't be allowed to yell at him any more so there. As a side note do you think this logic could apply to the Chimera in the Prologue? Because I could see that being darkly funny if it comes up in game in that context.
Cater! Yutu
I had a really well thought out idea about Cater being able to see a limited amount into the future before I realized that I was describing the sharingan from Naruto so fuck me I guess.
So just hear me out, you know in twst battles you can see at least one of spells the enemy is going to use? That's sort of what I thought Yuu's unique magic would be if they had it, but I also like the idea of it being Cater! Yutu's. It would function more like an instinct than an actual vision (*clenches fist* just like naruto) but he can use his magic to tell what a person intends to do before they fully think it. Cater is skilled at divination so a unique magic that lets his kid see a little bit of the future feels like it could work for him.
Speaking of divination, I sort of also like the idea of Cater! Yutu having a magic that has something to do with stars and starlight. Maybe he can turn into a void like being made of cosmic energy, similar to how Cater's Split Card is symbolic of his many faces, Yutu's void form could be symbolic of how he feels displaced in the world.
Ace! Yutu
We don't know what Ace's unique magic is (yet) but there are a lot of theories. Time travel, something that steals another person's spell, something related to optical illusions?
I think it would be fun if Ace! Yutu could do something with reflections/mirrors. As in he can reach through mirror and attack, similar to how Hanged Man works in JoJo. The further the distance the more magic it takes, it can also work with things like water but that takes a lot more magic too.
Either that or he's able to travel between mirrors on his own without the dark mirror. That might be a much more difficult thing to do though...
Jade! Yutu
I have a very clear idea for what I wanted to do with Jade! Yutu's magic, but it's a bit complicated to explain because I'm not a physicist.
The basic idea was that Yutu is able to exert magical force on an object, so long as he knows it's exact dimensions and what it is made of. I called it "Crush the Heart" because I wanted both his and Floyd's Yutus to have magic to follow their dad's naming theme. To activate it he has to be looking at where the object should be and picture it in his mind, the more precise the crush the more concentration, control, and magic it takes.
The name could in theory be quite literal, but Yutu isn't quite there yet in his knowledge of biology or magical control.
Floyd! Yutu
Like I said, I want the twin's Yutu's to have a name that is similar to their dad's. Floyd's Bind the Heart uses Kanji that literally translates to "coiling tail"... which I guess is more similar to the magic I gave Jade! Yutu than the "gnawing teeth" that Shock the Heart does, but that magic is supposed to be something that requires calm collected control, which Floyd and his son simply do not have. Still, lets play off that and give Floyd! Yutu a magic that has something to do with shocks and teeth.
I think Floyd! Yutu should have a taunt. Floyd already loves the idea of a good fight, his son is really good at combat magic, and they both talk so much shit that the idea of that literally being his unique magic just sort of works.
Functionally the spell would work similarly to Jamil's, where the person has to look him in the eyes for it to work. The name of the spell could be something like "Reveal the Heart" but that does sound sort of stupid to me so I'm not sold on it. The spell makes a person unable to focus on anyone other than Yutu and wares off after a certain amount of time, it can fail in fashion similar to Riddle's if the enemy mage has a protection spell up.
Azul! Yutu
Another Yutu who I know exactly what I wanted to do with, I got the idea while playing Darkest Dungeon of all things. I feel like it's a bit lame though.
Azul! Yutu can create phantom limbs out of cosmic magic. When he is in octopus form those limbs take the form of human arms, and when in human form they take the form of tentacles. He says when asked that what he is doing is manipulating shadows because he likes to keep people on their toes (or fins take your pick) and he finds it very funny to watch people squirm when they realize there really is no escaping his grasp.
It is a very difficult magic to use, he needs physical strength to use those limbs because they are only as strong as his real ones, so he works out and a lot to make sure he doesn't hurt himself while using it.
Ruggie! Yutu
Laugh With Me is a perfect magic for a hyena to have, and it suits Ruggie's personality really well. Actually... I did write that his Yutu shares his laugh and I think it would be so painfully cute if that extended to his Unique Magic too. Ruggie makes a big deal about how he's kind of a crappy mage, how he has to do a lot of extra work to make up for his low mana pool and poor upbringing. Can you imagine how embarrassed, proud, and awed he would be if his son inherited his spell? That's something only great mages are supposed to have, not little guys like him. Good thing neither Yuu or Yutu care about that huh?
Vil! Yutu
I haven't done a post about Vil! Yutu really beyond this bit about him bonding with Vil, but I did mention what I think his unique magic would be.
I can't find it but I read a myth once about a painter who drew animals with a magic paintbrush that would bring them to life if he gave them two eyes, so he only ever gave them one. I thought it would be neat to have a spell like that and it feels like something that would fit Yutu Schoenheit very well. His magic allows him to create temporary familiars similar to Lilia's bats, bigger creatures take more magic and focus.
I wrote the name for this spell as "Technicolor Dream" since I thought it would be nice for the name of Yutu's magic to nod towards his father's job and his dreams about having his family back.
I have a lot more Yutu's chilling in my inbox, so I'll revisit this topic (lilia! yutu has a whole ask about his um that I really like) once we are done with round 2 of Yutu posting.
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purplecatghostposts · 7 months
*Leans into mic* If Wyll never made a deal with Mizora and/or after he breaks his pact with her, I think he would make an excellent Bard and here’s why.
Wyll’s highest stat is Charisma, which Bards use to cast
Bards are full casters which means Wyll still gets to keep his spells AND get plenty of them!
Among the list of weapons a Bard is proficient with, a Rapier is among them
Bards are best known for their Bardic Inspiration and Wyll is the perfect companion to give this to because he’s already very encouraging and giving him a magical means of aiding people with said encouragement would be perfect
Wyll would get healing spells which means Shadowheart wouldn’t be the only Origin Companion with them on the team
Bards are a very supportive class and I just think Wyll would enjoy that, especially if this is after being a Fiend Warlock, a very self serving class. The change of pace would be something to get used to but probably welcomed
The Bard Subclasses Colleges of Valor and Swords would be extremely fitting for Wyll considering both deal with Bards being able to be more physical fighters so he could help out on the frontlines OR stay back and provide help from afar, making them very well rounded. (Personally I think he would make a great Valor Bard but Swords Bard is also great for him)
Wyll would get Vicious Mockery. He would be hilarious with it.
Bards don’t need to play instruments to be a Bard, they can both use their way with words to cast spells OR use other forms of art if they so wish. Not only is Wyll charismatic but he loves to dance. He could cast spells while he dances. It would look amazing
I just think Wyll would make for a good Bard. Look at him. He would enjoy the class immensely
Thank you for your time. All of this came to me after I was trying to figure out an AU in which Wyll never met/made a deal with Mizora and was trying to figure out his class. I know you could argue Paladin but they rely a lot on strength, which Wyll is not known for, and Bards are way better for Charisma and Dex! Plus Paladins are half casters and I think Wyll deserves MORE spells actually.
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doodlingwren · 3 months
✨️Gold Saints✨️ if they were to be ✨️Dungeons and Dragons✨️ characters
If you were wondering what I’ve been up to in the last few days, I was making this list based on my own headcanons. Mostly, I decided for what kind of class or subclass they could be. I don’t think I will add a race or a background for them because I am not up to date with the latest released manuals 😂 and these are just the official builds. If I had to look through the homebrew material I'd still be searching. Also, I used the classes of the fifth edition ^_^
Aries Mu
He’s an artificer (or if you are more familiar with the older name, he’s a tinker). There’s even an Armorer subclass, that let him have proficiency with heavy armours and so he can go in the middle of the battlefield without too many problems while still being a smith. When I say it’s perfect, I’m not even joking. Mu is possibly the easiest one to translate as a DnD character.
Taurus Aldebaran
Look, I would love to say paladin, but since he’s more on the pure physical strength rather that paladin stuffs, I’d assume for him a class like a fighter. I wouldn’t mind for him some sort of fighter + paladin multiclass where for the bigger part is a fighter. Maybe a Champion fighter + some levels of an Oath of Devotion paladin. Those subclasses are very basic, but they do the work. I cannot put his as a barbarian because well, I don’t think it would fit him (maybe the strength part, but only that).
Gemini Saga
He’s the dungeon master.
Okay, joke aside Saga is a bit more difficult. Visually, I think he’d be a paladin. Unlike others he has a good balance between physical strength and use of cosmos (both for attack and defence purposes). The subclass is a bit tricky, in the end it could be the Oath of the Watchers, since at least at the beginning, his wish was to protect Earth and then maybe he could later become an Oathbreaker? I’m partial to the Watcher since one of the spells for this class is Banishment and if it isn’t the poorer version of Another Dimension ability, I don’t know what it is.
Cancer Deathmask
He has the necromancer vibes without being a necromancer. In short, Oathbraker paladin: he can cast the ✨edgy✨ spells with ghosts and undead and it kind of makes sense that during the fight against Shiryu his cloth yeets off because of how bad he fucked up.
Leo Aiolia
Undecided between a normal fighter or a paladin. If he had an animal like Leo Kaiser in ND had those huge lions, he would be the ultimate ranger (subclass: Beast Master). But he doesn’t so… paladin. Maybe the subclass could be Oath of the Ancients, but I’m not sure.
Virgo Shaka
I’ve been thinking of where to put Shaka for almost two hours. My mind says monk, but my heart says wizard, but he must be a paladin somehow. Monk could be the perfect class for Shaka: you can easily see ki (the magical energy that empowers a monk attacks) as cosmos and the training/asceticism part would make sense for him. My only problem is that personally, I don’t see Shaka as someone that would resort to fighting bare hands against enemies (which is the core concept of the monk class). And mostly important, the monk class don’t have armour proficiency, which is the point of being a Gold Saint (neither does the wizard). As a wizard, I’d put him in the War Caster subclass, but being a wizard would make him a sort of cannon glass (wizard have the highest damage output, but at the same time the lowest number of hit points, aka life). Unless it is the Shaka from KotZ, then I could forgive a monk/wizard multiclass. As a paladin, I’m not even sure if he should be an Oath of Devotion. So, I will use the ace up my sleeve and say: Shaka is a cleric either with the Light Domain or the Order Domain, but I’m partial to the first one.
Libra Dohko
MONK. ASCENDANT DRAGON SUBCLASS. And if you feel silly enough, either a few levels of Paladin – Oath of Devotion or some levels as a Fighter - Battle Master .
Scorpio Milo
I am afraid that I have no clue of what Milo could be. My personal idea would be to make some sort of rogue, so I could imagine his scarlet needle to be a kind of sneak attack with a poisonous dagger. The subclass in this case would be either an Assassin or a Swashbuckler, to have the best implement of damage output. Maybe also a multiclass with a fighter (Champion subclass)?
Sagittarius Aiolos
He could be a paladin (Oath of the Crown?) with a feat like Crossbow Expert or a fighter with the Arcane Archer subclass. But because of his role as the Sagittarius Saint, I’m for the second option. Truth to be told, I wouldn’t mind a multiclass between those two.
Capricorn Shura
Another character that could be a paladin or a fighter BUT I say fighter AND the subclass must be Samurai, which is one of the best for striking powerful attack with a sword. No paladin class could do such things.
Aquarius Camus
Camus, like Aphrodite, has that kind of power that can be based on some sort of natural element, that would make me go “HE’S a DRUID!!!” if I didn’t know better. My main problem with druids is that they cannot wear or wield anything made of metal, therefore there would be no possibility for him to achieve a gold-saint-like kind of armour. As a paladin, Oath of the Ancients has a few spells that are ice-based, and I would implement that by giving him some levels in the sorcerer class (the subclass isn’t important for choosing those spells, but I’d like for him the Storm Sorcery subclass).
Pisces Aphrodite
Like Camus, he could be a druid, at least on paper. The ranger class has access to some druid spells, but I don’t know if it would match Aphrodite aesthetic completely. As a ranger, I’d go for a Fay Wanderer subclass and maybe a few paladin levels (Oath of the Crown subclass). He can have some levels a cleric (Nature Domain) as a treat.
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xstrawberryshiftsx · 3 months
How I met my better cr s/o PT1
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based off a dream and a playlist!
part two!
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Dove: that’s me! (I’m obvs not using my real name, plus my irl one is pretty weird so it suits lol)
Caster: my s/o
James: casters bestfriend
Bell: Casters twin sister
Jade, Min-Jun, Cindy, Clay: my best friends/friend group
I found this playlist on Spotify and my mind has never been more pleased
also no judgement this is super Mary sue and cringey but let me live
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‘who’s that chick?’
James asked as he crushed his Up&Go in his hand before trying to throw it-and miss-into the trash bin
‘I don’t fucking know’
Caster replied not looking up from his phone, it was like 8:30 and he didn’t have the energy for James gossip.
‘nah-mate seriously’ he jabbed Caster in the shoulder impatiently, he didn’t answer but put his phone down and looked in the direction that James was pointing to.
it was a girl-she was a golden blonde and light eyed, freckles littered her cheeks and she looked around 5’3-5’5. She was laughing loudly, holding one of her friends hands and Caster noticed that when she smiled two dimples showed and that she had slightly pointer then average canines.
‘Wow a girl-crazy’ he rolled his eyes sarcastically.
James rambled on for a moment about blondes and how the school never got new people-which was definitely not true, they lived in Sydney there was always gonna be new people.
The girl was surrounded by one of the main groups in the school year, this wasn’t an American movie and there wasn’t really a ‘popular’ group but they where some of the friendliest and well known people in the year, Clay, Min-jun, Cindy and Jade circled around her in a weird bubble, Cindy pointed around the school yard showing her random sections and Min-Jun not so subtly gestured to random people and telling her about them.
‘anyway-that’s why I think brunettes are wife material and blondes are friend material’
Sighing Caster turned away from the girl and back to his friend
‘wow that’s crazy interesting dude-really deep’
not understanding the sarcasm James grinned and nodded looking pleased with himself
‘still tho what a babe’
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Dove watched as her friends chatted on the train ride home, she’d known these guys since kindy but it was weird to finally been in the same actual school.
‘hey you all good?’ Clay asked suddenly noticing her quietness
the others looked up to her direction
‘hmm? Yeah I’m good thanks! Just been a long day’ she replied softly
‘I’ve got headphones if you wanna listen to some music and have some down time?’ Cindy said smiling as she rested a head on Doves shoulder.
‘Nah it’s okay-mine and Jades stop is soon-thanks tho’
Nodding Cindy got off her shoulder and turned to discuss some politics thing with Min-Jun. Eventually the train stopped and Jade and her both got off waving goodbye to their friends as they did.
‘so…-what’d you think about the school?’
‘oh! Uh-it’s nice-loud and full on but nice I guess’
Jade took Doves hand as they walked through their street the streets lights shining down on them.
Jade had moved in with Dove a few months back after her family decided to move back to England-jade had had a right fit about it and ended up staying behind to her delight.
‘As long as your happy’ Jade smiled, the street lights shone on her dark thick curls making them shine in golden light, everything about Jade was beautiful-from her golden brown doe eyes to her smile…a perfect picture.
‘I’m always happy’ Dove replied squeezing Jades hand
‘yeah-I know’
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Bell barged into Casters room holding a twenty dollar note in her hand.
He looked up from his desk his night glasses resting on his nose
‘what?!’ He groaned shutting his laptop and looking over at his twin.
Bell and Cass were eerily similar-only in appearance of course- they both had 1C dark hair and almost black eyes, they were pale and tall, the only difference was Bell was a decent person to be around.
‘I’m on my period…I-uh would personally be super appreciate if you decided to go to the corner store and buy me some snacks’ Bell crossed her arms and handed him the twenty dollars.
Sighing Cass got up from his chair.
‘yeah okay-what do you want?’
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Dove stared at their bedroom ceiling tracing the patterns with her eyes as she did. They turned over in her bed and twisted around trying to get comfortable. her uncle had recommended her to go to bed earlier but she couldn’t find it in herself to fall asleep.
she pulled on a jacket over her pjs and hopped out of bed walking out of her bedroom and through the halls and into the kitchen to where her uncle was having a beer
‘hey I’m going to the general store is that okay?’ She asked grabbing her wallet on the counter.
he looked up and smiled
‘sure pickle, just stay in the open streets and don’t be out for long-oh and keep your phone turned on’
Dove smiled and nodded before walking out the door
the door jingled as Cass walked through the store, going straight to the Asian snack section.
he looked down at the list Bell gave him
A cup of ramen (spicy beef flavour)
Two cans of melon soda
oreo and strawberry pocky sticks
Bin Bin rice crackers
white rabbit candy
Cass looked up realising he was blocking the aisle
‘oh sorry-‘ it was the girl-the new girl from school, he stared at her not expecting to meet her especially not here, he decided to be polite for once and start a conversation.
‘your the new girl right-uh Daisy?’ He didn’t mean it but his voice came out uninterested and mean
‘Dove-my names Dove…not daisy’ she said awkwardly not really in the mood for a chat
‘huh-that’s a weird fucking name’ again he didn’t mean to sound so off putting but he always somehow ended up with that tone
‘Excuse me? No need to be a cunt’
she tilted her head at him confused at his staring and comments, she narrowed her eyes before walking past him.
the boy was cute-and tall but she was put off by his weird gaze, plus what a dick. He watched as she walked past him straight towards the pocky section-he watched in horror as she grabbed both the last strawberry and the last Oreo pocky box.
Against his better judgement he spoke
‘wait-uh do you really have to get those…ones?’ she turned around looking at him an eyebrow raised
‘Huh?’ She didn’t say it meanly but it was clear she was on edge
‘the pocky-those are the last two’
‘Well your obviously blind since there’s like a bunch here’ she gestured to the wall behind them
‘yeah but I need those two’ he said feeling impatient-he was cold and he could already feel Bells comment if he came back late AND without her favourite pocky flavours.
‘No one needs anything’ Dove scowled crossing her arms and glaring up at him
He laughed clearly frustrated
‘yeah well your wrong cause I need those’
Scoffing Dove walked past him and straight to the checkout
‘hey-wait please’ he groaned-shit, his mum was right his attitude was beginning to be a problem.
Dove walked out the door pleased with themselves leaving Caster alone in the shop defeated
@starrihideshere @livingsecret @ottaorca @gaiaexploreslife @catschasingstars @lovebvni @morganshifts @chloesreality @zipperrants
this is super cringey and I absolutely hate myself for writing this 💀
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marvelmaniac715 · 6 months
I made Webby and the Lords in Black on Sims 4 a while ago:
Here’s Wiggly:
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I was really proud of his hair. I also gave every Lord and Webby their own special room/building, so here’s Wiggly’s:
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Decorating isn’t my strong suit but his room was the most fun to design, I was thinking mostly of a grand palace, mostly in green, with a fireplace and a table with thrones for him and his siblings to meet at - notice the white throne for Webby?
Here’s Pokey:
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I couldn’t find a beret so I went for a Phantom of the Opera style fedora, but the eyes I found were PERFECT (side note - they are all spell casters because that made the most sense considering their godly powers). Here’s Pokey’s room:
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I’ll be honest, I accidentally mostly forgot to give him instruments, my idea for this room was to explore his different interests because he spends most of TGWDLM trying to figure out what people want, and that’s reflected in the different activities in his room. I also gave him cool wallpaper that reminded me of a beehive as a cute nod to that - I think I gave him a violin in the end that you can only really see from a different angle.
Here’s Tinky:
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My inspiration for Tinky’s look here was anime characters, much like in NPMD, but I found the perfect goat eyes for him that totally add to his look. Here’s Tinky’s room:
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I gave Tinky every clock I could find, but the vibes of the room were definitely meant to replicate the cube with insane patterns meant to drive someone mad; there’s a rock climbing wall in the corner that I think alludes to Tinky’s feral energy.
Here’s Blinky:
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I’ll be honest; this hairstyle for Blinky was what inspired me to recreate the eldritch siblings on the Sims, it just seemed perfect, and of course I made his eyes massive so he can have a good look at everyone. The sunglasses also seemed pretty accurate to me. Here’s Blinky’s room:
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My idea for this room was to give Blinky things to watch - so there’s loads of tvs, a camera, comfy chairs and even spy tech in a corner in case shoes get too unrealistic for him. A small detail that I wanted to point out is that in every room for a Lord, I have placed lava lamps on their bedside tables that match their colours, funnily enough I just found them in the game anyway and they were a perfect fit.
Here’s Nibbly:
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A fluffy jacket, pigtails and a big mouth, what else do you need for an accurate Nibbly? I love that jacket, I wish I owned it in real life. Here‘s Nibbly’s room:
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Okay, this is essentially a fancy kitchen with a cupcake machine, a wardrobe, a vanity and a bed - I ran out of ideas here. Still, I think it’s cute and I think Nibbly would like it if he ever got midnight food cravings. This room could save lives.
Finally, here’s Webby:
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I honestly think that Webby is the most accurate, I was looking at reference images for all of them but that dress seems like it’s been ripped right from the screen, not to mention her hair. I’m proud of this Webby, I can sleep well at night knowing I’ve at least done her justice. Here’s Webby’s room:
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I was definitely going for ‘ethereal’ when I designed this room, with a chill, relaxing vibe - what could be more relaxing than loads of fairy lights? I also made it a priority to give Webby plants to show that she is encouraging new life instead of crushing it like her brothers - the larger amount of windows and lights also are meant to suggest that she’s a kinder, more moral/good person.
If you like my recreations, they are all together on the Sims gallery, just search for the Lords in Black and Webby or type in my EA ID, sparklefishkatie (shameless self-promotion) because I’ve put a lot of stuff on there over the years. Now; these guys are quite old, you might have to scroll back to find them, and I can’t actually remember if I put their rooms on the gallery, if I didn’t please let me know if you want them because I’ll absolutely put them up. If you’ve read to the bottom of this post, you’re the best, thanks a lot and please download these characters if you play Sims 4! 💕
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peachtinzz · 1 month
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very brief dnd au musings because the rot consumes and all that
elaboration below the cut!
i thought gerry as an unaware sorcerer could be neat, only fully coming into his power after the eye “recognizes” him as an avatar. the draconic bloodline sorcerer typing is because im kind of in love with the idea of the fears as dragons …. perhaps not on an entirely physical level but i like the idea of them presenting as dragons at least. also eric is the tiefling and mary is the elf!
i also think gerry would lean away from tapping into that bloodline magic as much as possible, preferring to use his skills as a rogue and learned arcane trickster magic since it’s something he himself earned and doesn’t require the use of the eye’s power. though that bloodline magic would for sure bleed into his arcane trickster abilities. some kind of visual signifier for that would be neat but im not entirely sure what it would be yet (probably eye tattoos lighting up or smthn, but i also think those as a general arcane focus could be cool also). his cantrips would be mage hand, lightning lure, minor illusion, and green flame blade (lvl 10+)!
i initially struggled with michael’s race and class but eventually decided on him being a firbolg for the giant ancestry (tall freaking guy) and motm describing firbolg magic as “the obscuring sort”, which reminded me of how people usually see michael as marked by the lonely! he also just has inherent fey vibes to me. not entirely sold on scribes wizard for him but it seemed the most fitting class/subclass for him. i had initially thought about him being a cleric, but he doesn’t have enough religious boy vibes for me personally to make him one (though if he were to be one i think he’d be a peace domain cleric). scribes felt fitting enough for the institute, and none of the wizard schools felt like vibes enough for him either. overall though i think he’d be a support based caster with the message, prestidigitation, light, gust (lvl 5+), and toll the dead (lvl 13+) cantrips
the magic colors/smells are just a personal thing for me! i love it when magic is sensory. to be specific, i think gerry would have a deeper olivey green pre eye avatar recognition that turns classic magnus green afterwards. michael would have a coral pink sort of color that glitters gold!
may or may not make full designs for them at some point or designs for other characters, who knows
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we-are-inevitable · 1 month
vivid picture in my head of jack looking at davey all pleading because his character is one death saving throw fail away from being full dead and their party doesn't have revivify because nobody wanted to play support and davey refusing to bend the rules to save jack's character when he rolls another fail. also jack's character had a normal person name like. mike. and years later whenever they're bickering for fun jack will say "well you killed mike my best friend mike!" and davey just has to take it because he did kill mike. nobody else knows what's going on
YES. all of this. oh my god im using this as an opportunity to rant for a second. rest in peace mike
jack is such a dramatic player and he really loves jokingly lying to davey while they’re playing. like
“Let’s see… Uh, Jack.”
“Does a 25 hit?”
“Really? Huh. I’m pretty sure it hits.”
“Nah. Nope. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t.”
and it’s that playful bickering that really gets them going bc what’s the point of d&d if you don’t have fun with your boyfriend ???
also i feel like jack kelly as a character is a tiefling rogue. but i feel like jack kelly as a Player would really love playing as magic casters, primarily a sorcerer- and i think that wild magic fits him so well
jack takes his characters so seriously. even his joke ones. i can see jack being a middle school anime kid who made OCs and looked up deviantart adoptables on pinterest and was constantly drawing his own little people in his sketchbooks (even though he takes that to the grave) and that weird kid never left- he was just dormant until davey put a character sheet in front of him
davey is the same with his NPCs though lets be real. the day jack draws davey’s favorite NPC is the day davey considers proposing
i don’t think that jack would ever DM but charlie probably would, and jack and davey are menaces when they’re both players. their characters always end up sleeping together and falling in love. it’s inevitable (hah)
anyway yeah jack gets really invested in his little gay people in a way neither himself nor davey expected and it’s a great time for the both of them
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