#and i also had glamrock freddy in that pack
puhpandas · 4 months
I opened a fnaf card pack and got 3 fnaf ar skin cards one of which being liberty chica
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balloonboyismyson · 7 months
I am getting sick and my only saving grace has been to think about how my FNAF crushes would act finding out Y/N is sick 🙏
So headcanon time, how would the Glamrocks (and Sean mayhaps) act finding out Y/N came into work sick and is trying to act normal about it (and failing)
OOOOOHH OKAY HEADCANON TIME (I hope it is just a fluke and you do not end up actually getting sick)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Freddy would most certainly recognize your posture and demeanor first. Instantly, he races to you and makes you face him. With one scan, he can tell just what ailments you have. You attempt-in vain-to tell him you are fine, but he interrupts you with all the information he has received: "Runny nose, itchy and sore throat, fever, cold sweats, coughing and fatigue. You also appear to be having a mild allergic reaction to Dayquil." You try telling him it is all you had, but he brings you to a first-aid station in an attempt to scrounge up some benadryl and ice packs. Afterwards, he brings you back to his room and lays you on the couch.
Roxy notices your skin first. It is extremely dry, and your lips are extremely chapped. "What're you doing here?? You need to lay down now, you look like you're gonna pass out!" Since it is a Saturday, you try to tell her that you are hungover, but she rolls her eyes at you. "Someone who's hungover wouldn't be able to walk two steps in here without sunglasses as dark as Monty's." She orders you to go lie down on her couch and sleep. You try to remind her you are here for your job, but she has already moved on and is preoccupied brushing her hair. After a moment of not moving, she snaps her fingers and points to her couch. You walk over with your metaphorical tail between your legs and get comfortable.
Monty gets the wrong impression when you first step in his greenroom. He sprints over to you, his face painted with concern. "Hey did somethin' happen?? 'Re you okay??" When you meet his gaze, he softens. "Oh. Caught a bug?" You shake your head and tell him it is just allergies. Even through his sunglasses you can see him squint at you. "Tch'yeah. 'Kay. 'N' I'm a crocodile." You look away from him and attempt to steer the conversation to your nightly duties. "102.2" He states. You quirk a brow and question the number he gives you. "You're 102.2°F." You try to tell him you are not that bad, but before you can he picks you up, plops down on the couch and places you on top of him. You bring up your job, but he cuts you off. "Don't care."
Chica can hear just how awful you are in your voice when you greet her. "Woah!" She yells as she covers her beak and runs over to scan you. Once she is done she wastes no time grabbing your hand and back. "C'mere, c'mere now, easy does it." She leads you and sets you down on her surprisingly comfortable chair. Before you have time to de-escalate the situation, she is already out of the room. After a few minutes she returns with a few ice packs, water bottles and some benadryl. Again, you attempt to speak, but she shuts you down. "Here, take this!" Since she is the one who deals with sick and hurt kids the most, you give up on trying to stop her and take the meds.
Sean goes to greet you when you walk in the room but is cut short by seeing how miserable you look. "Woah my god!" He quickly puts his things down and makes his way over to guide you to the nearest table. He reaches in his chest compartment and pulls out a small package of tissues for you. "What made you come in!?" You try to convince him you had just been standing in the cold for a bit and needed to warm up, but he looks at you with a low-lid stare. "Sorry shortstack, but the cold doesn't make you sound like that." You clam up and try to find a different excuse, but he cuts you off. "How 'bout this. You go find an employee break room somewhere and I'll finish your shift for you." Your eyes widen and you tell him that you are fine and are totally capable of doing it. "You deserve a break," He smiles, "and some much needed rest." Then, he gets up to see you to the break room.
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oveliagirlhaditright · 2 months
Summary: It's hard for Vanessa, knowing everything William Afton wanted her to be--and also what she failed to be--and even more: what she ended up becoming. But with Gregory and Glamrock Freddy by her side, somehow it's easier.
It was… difficult some days for Vanessa knowing that not only was she William Afton's daughter—something she still didn’t entirely understand, and she wasn't sure she wanted the details on how it was possible—but also that he hadn't even wanted her to be herself. No, he'd wanted her to replace the daughter that he'd lost, Elizabeth.
Vanessa was a misfit if there ever was one. But she wasn't alone. In some twist of fate, she had found her "siblings." The boy Gregory who had been meant to be her brother Evan in some way, and even the animatronic "Glamrock Freddy," that had somehow ended up with Michael's soul.
In many ways, Vanessa supposed she could have despised them… and maybe she should have—in an attempt to shout to the world that she wasn't just some piece to a puzzle. But the truth was that Vanessa loved these two with all her heart. And not because they were supposed to be from her family: Afton’s family, rather. Vanessa would have adored them if they had absolutely nothing to do with that part of her life at all, just for the fact that it was these two who had saved her.
"Do you think Cassie would like this one recipe I found in a cookbook?" Gregory asked now, pulling Vanessa out of her reverie. “It’s an orange cake, but it’s largely made with carrots! And somehow, it still tastes more orange than anything! But there’s still a tint of carrot, I guess,” Gregory said the last, with a thoughtful expression on his face, examining the recipe once more as the trio stood together in their new kitchen.
"I'd think that she would at that, since she loves carrot cake so much. What you're doing for her is really sweet, Gregory,” Vanessa beamed at her, for all intents and purposes, adopted son. But since that thought made her feel too old, she swiftly dashed it and amended it with “little brother,” in her head. Yes, that made her feel better all around. And she handed Gregory a mixing bowl for his endeavors, as she wondered how Freddy might help.
And it was by handing Gregory the sugar right away, which reminded Vanessa of what a sweet boy Gregory and Freddy both were: something she knew well. Because it was through them that she was no longer trapped in the darkness as Vanny, after all.
There were some days that Vanessa didn't think she'd ever be able to thank the boy and animatronic enough for what they'd done for her—she could still distantly remember what it felt like to be trapped in her own head, scratching to get out as the memory of Afton made her do thing she hated—but she knew she'd spend the rest of her life being there for the boys, to try and make it up to them.
But speaking of trying to make it up to someone: even though Gregory had had nothing to do with Cassie's getting hurt at the Pizza Plex—rather it had all been the damned Mimic's fault--since Cassie had been injured in trying to save who she thought had been Gregory, Vanessa knew this was why he going all out to try and show her just how much he appreciated her now.
"I think this is a great idea, Superstar," Freddy said smiling. "And you need butter for the recipe, right? Here, have some exotic butters."
"And next you have to use blood oranges; you can't forget about those. After all, they're the tastiest of oranges," Vanessa told Gregory with a wink, before going to the fridge to grab them for her vertically challenged friend. She had left them pretty high up in there when she'd gone shopping last, after all, since she had left the refrigerator had been pretty packed.
It was only when Vanessa turned back around with the bag of oranges in hand that she noticed that both Gregory and Glamrock Freddy were staring at her. "What-" she started. But then she looked at the sharply colored item in her hands and remembered what she had just said.
Blood red oranges. Yes, Vanessa might not have been Vanny anymore—or the intended Elizabeth replacement—nor was Freddy Michael, or Gregory Evan, but one wrong move was all it took to throw them back into that whirlwind, wasn't it?
As it happened, all three of them had far too many memories where blood was concerned. And those memories would always be childhood monsters in the closet, but they all knew how to turn on the lights now. Together.
"Err… How about clementines?" Gregory tried.
"Clementines sound lovely!" Freddy all but sang.
And as Vanessa set about helping Gregory, and Freddy, help make this cake for Cassie, she knew they were also gladly passing the torch to Cassie, too.
Author’s Note: Happy birthday, Liz! ^_^ Hope you’re having a great one so far, like you so rightly deserve. It just seemed right to me to do something FNAF related for you, since you did something FNAF for me last year. And I also know how much you love sibling relationships, of course.
Obviously, there are quite a few fan theories going on with this fic, and they’re some of my favorite ones—kind of like how these three might be my favorite relationship in FNAF.
I also genuinely don’t know where the “Crying Child’s name was Evan” thing came from, but I just decided to go with it here to simplify the writing of things. Yep!
Happy 10th anniversary of FNAF, everyone! May many good things come our way… but most importantly for me and this fic: happy birthday once again, Liz!
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amymaleneart · 1 year
Glamrocks in the Harpy Au pt.2
Montgomery "Monty" Etsitty has a bit of a not so great reputation in the local community. He is known as a big brute that has a tendency to smash first, ask questions later. It also doesn't help that his animal spirit is the alligator and looks very much like a were-gator. Due to his temper and bad attitude, he always has his tail out, short muzzle with sharp teeth, claws and at least 50% of his scales on display. Otherwise he's very buff, very dark tanned skin with his iconic red mohawk. The only good thing that he does have going for him is that he is always nice to the kids, even if he looks very scary. Monty was able to prove this by stopping an attempt kidnapping by smashing the unmarked white van, pulling the guy out and beaten him near the inch of their life. The local judge wasn't too happy with how Monty handled the situation, but the parents were very grateful to Monty (albeit still wary of him). Monty is a construction worker and local handyman when in between jobs. Y/N hired Monty, on Freddy's recommendation, to help rebuild the barn and the farmhouse after the falling incident with Sundrop. Everyone had a rough time at first with Monty's attitude, but Y/N trusted Freddy and gave him the chance. Sundrop is very wary of Monty and would hide behind Y/N. But surprisingly Moondrop looks up to him like an uncle. He saw Monty as a strong person and wants to emulate that same strength. Monty didn't mind Moondrop following him around on the farm, as long as he doesn't get in the way of his job.
Roxanne "Roxy" Mahigan is known as a gorgeous woman with big silver hair, stunning golden eyes and glamorous completion. She's also known as a narcissistic and most people could only stand her for a short time before they find a way to excuses themselves. Her animal spirit is the gray wolf, which shows with by her having her tail, ears, fangs and claws out at all times. Though Roxy doesn't really mind because she feels it enhances her beauty. Roxy comes from a competitive family of car racers, which could explain why Roxy is the way she is because of the pack mentality and her own parents view her as an omega. No matter what she does, wither it's beauty or talent, it just not good enough for them. Even when she was able to received her animal spirit the family is known for, their response was, "Huh, thought yours was going to be a toy poodle." Soon after that, Roxy decided to move out and live with her uncle Foxy (who is to local mechanic after he retired from the Navy) and her cousin Mandy (aka Mangle cause she a talented contortionist). Roxy picked up the family business as a mechanic, but she also likes to race in the local derby on the weekends. Pretty much the only time that Roxy is a tolerable person is when she's around her best friend, Chica. Chica understands her past, but is happy to point out when Roxy is out of line. Chica even recommended her to Y/N to fix the old compact utility tractor that came with the farm. Moondrop straight out doesn't like her and would even go as far as hissing at her if she got too close. Sundrop, on the other hand, had a huge crush on her and wanted to be close to her while she's working on the tractor. Y/N ended up having to lock Sundrop in the R/V so Roxy could do her job.
(I looked up common Native American surnames because I thought it would be interesting. Freddy does have a hyphen surname cause I did want to make it obvious that he's apart of the Fazbear family.)
Continued from Part 1
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famousfilmsfan · 1 year
Continuation of ‘The Model’
A year after that meeting with Vindi and Jon. Fazerton was built and the animatronics were moved into the new location.
Here are some mini shots from the town.
1. Suns new brother
Sun: *gawking over the new large daycare* Moony! What do you think this is awesome!…moony?
Sun turns around and moon isn't there
Sun: Moon?…moon!
Bryan pops up from around the corner with a crate
Bryan: Okay Sun, good news and bad news. Which first?
Sun: Bad news?
Bryan: Bad news is, Moon is destroyed.
Sun; What?! How?!
Bryan: He walked into traffic and was hit by a semi truck, and then another, and then another. Then one of those trucks carrying cars hit him
Sun was white and began to wail like a baby.
Bryan: Hey hey, it’s okay. I got you a new moon.
Sun: *crying* It’s not the saaaame!
Bryan: ‘Oh my god how is he an empath’ Well here
He opened the crate and a moon animatronic falls out snoring.
Bryan: uh. Moon?
Moon: *mumbles* Five more minutes dad. *snuggles into the packing peanuts*
Bryan: Moon!
Moon: Ah! *jumps up* Ugg, what happened? I just had a weird dream.
Sun: What happened?
Moon: I was falling, but not falling, and eating but not….it was cool.
Sun: This isn't the same, Moon is my brother.
Moon: *half asleep* Hey baby bro. *walks over to Sun and hugs him* Oh you’re so warm.
Sun: *freaking out* What? What is this?!
Bryan: Brotherly love
Sun; I thought that was a myth.
Bryan: No…Wow original moon really didn’t like you.
Moon; *snoring softly*
Bryan: He’s asleep again? Wow.
Sun: He likes me! *hugs back and spins him around, the two saying ‘weeee!’ In perfect unison*
2. Evilness draw back.
Glitchtraps gang was hiding in some bushes outside of a general store
Glitchtrap: Great! Just great! Not only did Bryan move, which means we lost all the progress we made, we can’t even move the portal because Sun is refusing to work with us now that he has ‘New moon’
Helpy; Also the fact that there’s nowhere in this town we can built a new base or a new portal. And the fact that moon was the only one who knew how to move all that stuff unnoticed.
Glitchtrap: Don’t remind me.
Nightmare: Master? I did hear about a warehouse a few miles out of town that was abandoned due to asbestos
Glitchtrap: Perfect!
Later that night!
The four animatronics walked through the woods.
Vanny: Ugh. Why is it so far?
Glitchtrap: I don’t know.
They approach an old warehouse to find it filled with bright lights loud music and people dancing.
Vanny: What the Hell is this?!
Bouncer: it’s a nightclub
Glitchtrap: We know what it is!
Bouncer: Then why did you ask?
Glitch trap: Any other places?
Helpy; Well there's an old bunker we can use.
Glitchtrap: Perfect!
They make it to the bunker it’s barely the size of a port a potty.
Vanny; This sucks.
Nightmare: Yeah you’re lucky i’m being used a chair.
Nightmare was being used by Glitchtrap as a chair.
3. The neighborhood
The animatronics were going to surprise Bryan, Vindi and Gregory but they were stopped at the gate to the hill neighborhood by a doorman.
Tippy(Get the reference?): Name?
Steve: Showtime Steve and the Glamrocks, and others
Tippy: *looking at a list* Sorry no on the approved list.
Foxy: There's a list?
Tippy: Yes. This is a private neighborhood.
Rockstar Freddy: Well we know Bryan, he lives here now let us in you overdressed gaurd
Tippy: do you have an invitation?
Steve: No.
Tippy: Then I cannot let you in.
R.Freddy: We’ll see about that.
He tries to storm past Tippy, but Tippy pulls out a tazer and shocks freddy with it, it makes him jolt about before collapsing.
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mothytheghost · 10 months
Small sun and Rgb story for the au lol
Rgb wandered around the streets. Trying to find the perfect person to take with them and help them finish this one and for all. The story can't keep going. He needed to find someone. He just needs someone to help him. Though finding a hero is a difficult task. Many heroes fell. He couldn't count how many heroes he lost. Because of it, he was in distress. His last hero was a little girl. He forgot what she looked like. But she was in green boots and a large red coat. He lost her. He's still distressed about it. Everything he did was all of his fault. He knew. She wasn't strong enough. She was just a little kid.
Two little boys soon pushed him out of the way. Getting him out of his thoughts as he heard one little boy.
"Out Of The Way!. I wanna see Freddy!.,"
Rgb seemed confused at first. He didn't know who this fellow 'Freddy' was. He was in the United States. The only Freddy he could think about is people named Freddy. Maybe a singer?. He doesn't know much about the culture here. He was so used to finding a hero back where he was normally. He went around the world to find one, since he knew there were other places to be.
As he walked with his cane. There was a long line of people. Full of children cheering and crying. What in dear heavens is going on?. He walked quickly as he looked across the crowd. Seeing loads of people surrounding a giant building with neon lights and palm trees decorated on the outside. With posters of a Bear. a Chicken. A Wolf. And an alligator. Decorated in these pop looks and outfits that burned his vision. Not used to the extreme fashion they had to them.
There was something the kids liked about the Animals. They seem to be mascots. Especially with how crowded it is. He was in awe of the building.
Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizza Plex.
He was interested. He was sure he could find a hero here. It's perfect.
Rgb passed a crowd of people who had tickets and children holding dolls of the characters. Teenagers were snapping glow sticks and putting them on as bracelets and necklaces. Some dressed up with fluffy hair and bows to match the theme. It's packed here. It made him feel a bit overwhelmed. But he had to do his part and find the perfect person.
Before he walked in. A lady with blonde pulled up hair and a grey security outfit halted him.
"You Need tickets sir to pass. You need to go back line! "
Rgb sighed. Holding his cane. He didn't have any change. So he ended up trying to get in. Luckily, he had an idea to wait it out to sneak in.
"miss. Could you tell me why are people are going everywhere over animals?" He looked at her as yellow dripped from his mouth. Watching her as she smiled.
"Freddy Fazbear has been an icon since the eighties. They are animatronics built to perform for kids at birthday parties."
Animatronics?. Rgb has never seen what an animatronic looks like. He remembered back then it's all about films and dancing on stage. But a living animal that is human like. Sounds very off and strange to him.
"What are the Characters here?" Rgb was having many questions. What are they? Where do they come from? Are they real animals or people in costumes?.
"The Robots here are Roxanne Wolf. Goes by Roxy. Montgomery Gator. Monty, Glam-rock Chica, and Glamrock Freddy. We also have extras like DJ Music Man and Sun. But those are backgrounds for other entertainment while Freddy isn't performing." She looked and smiled at him.
"Oh... They're robots. Like..."
Rgb froze. Not expecting robots. He never really liked the idea of futurism. The idea of technology taking over concerns. Yet, people seem to enjoy it. So there couldn't be harm in that. Right?.
The Security woman smiled. "That's correct!" Looking at Rgb proudly. "I like your costume, by the way!" She crossed her arms. Rgb looked confused to her. Does she mean his outfit? There's nothing wrong with it.
"Thank... You?." He tried to make a smile. But it failed as he grew more confused.
The guard looked at him before walking away. "See you around!. " she trailed off as she looked around the line to make sure nothing bad was happening. Everything seemed fine. Just kids jumping around with the dolls of the characters.
Rgb waved shyly at her. She was a kind person. He didn't know why he asked her if she wanted to be a hero. She seems nice. But Rgb decided not to. He has to think best in a hero. Not weak. Not too strong. No errors. He can't keep messing things up like what he did in the past. He has to find a right hero. Someone that is well and is a kind-hearted person. Like what he learned from his past hero. His Hero. Thinking about her made him feel guilty. He can't mess up this time.
It's now midnight. Rgb has planned to break in. Yes, it sounds stupid. But he's hoping those robots can do something for him. If everyone loves them. They have had the right role.
It took a while for him to get in. He crawled through the vent. This was ridiculous to him. He forgot why he's doing this. For a hero. Of course!.
Rgb crawled out as he made it to a giant room with a long hall. With windows. He looked around quietly as he came to one window. There was a white chicken in a pink outfit. With green triangle earrings. Wild cat prints on her legs. Playing on her guitar. This was a robot. She felt too real to look at. Looking at the room as looked decorated. The only mess there was just pizza boxes everywhere. Like she doesn't clean her room. She wasn't well mannered.
Rgb looked into another as he saw a wolf with long white hair and a tail. She had a red outfit, and she was looking at herself in the mirror. A well clean lady that loved to compliment herself. Telling herself she was the best. Rgb liked this attitude. But looking at a game with a seat and a car wheel. Seemingly a race game. Had a large dent on it with glass shattered everywhere. Seemingly, she's easily angered if she doesn't get what she wants. Rgb didn't want a hero to think they're in the spotlight. He wants someone to treat everyone equally and not focus on themselves.
There was another window.a green alligator with a red mow hawk and star glasses. He looked too strong for his fit. Seeing a lot of dents on the walls and a boxing bag to get his anger out. He seemed too much for a hero.
Then there was Freddy. Sadly, the lights are off. And the curtain is closed. He couldn't see much of his room. It was too dark. And it was difficult to see him. Rgb grew upset. He was going to get Freddy. But it failed on him. Then again. The security lady said there were more. So Rgb carefully took a trip around the Plex. Trying not to get caught by the Security bots, and carefully closed doors behind him.
Walking around as he was walking down a hall with posters. Looking at the ground as he saw a little card.
'Super Star Daycare Pass'
Someone left this. He picked it up and examined the colorful card with a rainbow. He smiled. Looking at the Plex map on the wall to find the Daycare. There it was. Just a few more rooms till he's there. Not too long like going down and up.
It a bit to get here. But here he was. Looking up at a giant statue as he smiled. Hoping this is the right place. He looked down through the window to look at the Daycare. the place was shockingly big. With three structures of the play area and a few tables. He felt shocked. How on earth are people able to create a place like this? It made him feel like a kid again. Though his childhood differs greatly from this. He still had a strange sense of nostalgia.
Looking down as he saw a little jester like animatronic with rays on his head that looked like a sun. Rgb watched the animatronic and examined his actions. He was jumpy and cleaned very well. Collecting papers of children's drawings, and stuck them to the wall happily. Rgb was interested. Watching the animatronic went the other direction. Rgb tried to figure out how to get down there. Seeing a blue slide as he sighed.
"I'm getting a little too old for this..." He whispered to himself. Taking his hat off, and held it to his chest with his cane. Carefully getting inside as he was hoping he got through it.
Thankfully, he did and landed in a colorful ball pit as he got on his knee carefully. Putting his hat back on, and tried to look professional. Getting out of the ball pit as he looked around for the animatronic. Strangely, he didn't see them and thought he lost them on time. Rgb frowned, fixing his hat. Hoping there will be someone else-
The Animatronic happily lifted Rgb up from behind as he screamed. Rgb tried to calm down as the animatronic faced him. He was a sun like animatronic dressed as a jester. His orange rays spun happily as Rgb looked into its white eyes. The animatronic had a happy grin on his face.
The animatronic shouted. Rgb was finally on the ground again. Holding his cane tightly to keep himself balanced. He took a breath. " I have a special request for you!. Rgb smiled.
The Animatronic got close to him as his smiled grew wider. " OH, OH!. ARE WE GOING TO DRAW TOGETHER!? "
Rgb backed up from the robot. Trying to fix himself. "No, not exactly.. " he watched as the Animatronic frowned. Watching as he stood proudly.
"Would you like to be a hero?"
The Animatronic froze. Smiling as it got jumpy again.
"A Hero!?. I Wanna Be A Hero!" The animatronic grew happy. His rays spun as he got up close to the smaller man in-front of him.
Rgb smiled. "Come Along Now!. We Must Hurry!" The Animatronic looked at him happily as he followed the man. Watching as he got a key and used it to unlock a door on a wall. The animatronic was shocked. There was never a door there. How did he do that?.
"After You!."
Rgb said to the sun animatronic. As the robot gave him a big hug as he happily jumped into the light.
This was so fun to write hhshjdkdkdkd
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blood-and-pizza · 2 years
I really wanna write fanfiction about my Fazbear Estate AU, but the problem is that I'm not sure where to begin.
I have tried writing something that starts when my self-insert, Melissa Pomene, starts working at the Estate. I've even tried writing about her job interview. But nothing of what I wrote felt right or really clicked with me.
I was thinking maybe I should try writing about a typical day at the Estate to establish various character relationships and whatnot, but... I don't know.
I have a vague idea of the chronological events:
Melissa Pomene is hired to work at Fazbear Estate's newest technician, as her predecessor, a man named Larry, has just been fired.
Because the job requires that she lives onsite, Melissa packs her bags and moves into the Estate's house for the maintenance team. Said house is just large enough for ten people to live in. She's getting Larry's old room.
The first animatronic she meets upon arriving is Classic Freddy, whom she remembers meeting on her ninth birthday. That event is what inspired her to work with animatronics in the first place.
She's in her new room unpacking when Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon show up, apparently intending to harass Melissa and put her through a hazing ritual, a tradition they started with new employees because Funfred really doesn't like most adult humans. I haven't decided whether they go through with these plans or not.
Melissa spends the rest of the week meeting various animatronics around the Estate, and (reluctantly) getting to know her human co-workers.
Towards the end of the week, just as Melissa is starting to get used to things, the Estate finds out about the Pizzaplex burning down. They also find out the animatronics that survived will be staying at the Estate temporarily, until the Pizzaplex is somehow rebuilt.
The Pizzaplex animatronics show up. Glamrock Freddy, the Daycare Attendant, and DJMM settle in fine, but Roxanne, Monty, and Glamrock Chica... well, to put it bluntly, they don't like it at the Estate, and it causes problems. Add in the fact that the three of them have serious behavioral issues, and it only makes things worse.
Remember how I said Michael is the owner of the Estate? And how he tends turn a blind eye to certain rules? I kind of want something to happen that jeopardizes that. If Vanessa wasn't already William's caretaker, I would have had him place her at the Estate to monitor everyone's behavior. Then again... maybe she could still do that. I don't think she was originally supposed to be taking care of William, but was coerced into it. I haven't worked out all the details yet.
Does anyone have thoughts on this? I happily welcome any suggestions people might have. I do want to write an actual story, it's just... difficult.
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angelofrainfrogs · 2 years
We Found Him, Superstar: Ch. 14
Fandom: Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach
Description: Since starting his new afterlife at the Pizzaplex, Gregory has managed to befriend the Glamrock animatronics and made a surprising discovery—Bonnie’s been hidden in the basement warehouse this entire time, badly decommissioned but still powered on. Along with Bonnie are the endoskeletons that, no longer under the virus’s control, seem much more sentient than normal animatronics… Gregory and his friends are determined to get Bonnie back into commission and figure out the mysteries of what exactly these endoskeletons are—and how to help them, too.
Chapter Summary: Thomas and Leon figure out a new way to communicate with Gregory—and also happen to see an unexpected animatronic in the bowling alley. A plan is put in motion to bring the well-loved rabbit back into the spotlight.
Rating: T
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38728158/chapters/108151155
Gregory must’ve been exhausted for he slept almost the entire day away, only appearing in the crowd during the band’s final performance. That worked out though, as Freddy and Chica’s schedules had to be revised in order for the techs to repair and clean them. Freddy was glad Gregory didn’t have to hang around the edges of Parts & Service while a new torso casing was put on—it might have distressed the boy to see him in pieces. 
Eventually, the day ended and Freddy and Gregory returned to their room. It was 12:01 on the dot when the guards knocked on the door, Thomas calling out: “Hey, you two! Can we come in?!”
Without hesitation, Gregory scrambled to his feet and ran over to open the door. Leon watched as it opened on its own, then looked over at Freddy and let out a nervous laugh. 
“That's very, uh... nice of you, Gregory,” Leon said slowly, entering Freddy's room with Thomas trailing behind him.
“We brought something for you!” Thomas announced as he stepped into the room, a large drawing pad tucked under his arm and an unopened pack of mechanical pencils in one hand. He put these down on the table and sat on the couch, opening the drawing pad to the first blank page while Leon settled next to him. 
“We thought maybe we could try communicating directly by writing to each other?” the guard explained, though it sounded more like a question. To demonstrate, he took out one of the pencils and clicked it a few times until the lead came through, then wrote “HI GREGORY” in large letters on one edge of the paper and flipped it around for the boy to see.
Gregory crouched down and pulled out a green marker from underneath the couch, taking the cap off as he moved to the drawing pad. Instead of writing something back, the boy simply began drawing stick figures with smiley faces followed by his name. Thomas watched the marker move with avid fascination, mouth hanging slightly open as the pictures formed, followed by Gregory’s name in shaky child’s font. He knew the ghost existed, but seeing him actually communicate like this suddenly made the situation even more real. 
“I don't know what to say!” Gregory finally admitted, lifting his gaze over his shoulder to meet Freddy’s.
“How about you reply by writing ‘Hi Thomas?’” Freddy suggested, crouching down next to him. He then glanced up at the guards with a small smile as he explained: “He is unsure of how to respond.”
The boy smiled and nodded his head at the suggestion, soon lowering his head. He wrote what Freddy suggested, although it wasn’t the best spelling: 'hi tomus' 
Leon read the words with slightly narrowed eyes, tapping his foot and lifting his gaze to meet Freddy’s. “...How old is Gregory?” 
“He is ten,” the bear replied, meeting Leon’s gaze and knowing they were probably thinking the same thing—it seemed like Gregory might not be able to write as well as expected for someone of his age… although, they’d need to see more to actually make a determination on what level he was truly at. 
“That’s a really good try!” Thomas said, smiling at Gregory’s attempt. He picked up the pencil and spelled his name correctly. “You just missed a few letters—it’s a weird name, I know.” He then nudged Leon’s arm, holding out the pencil to him. “Here, write yours so he can see it, too!”
Leon nodded his head slowly, soon looking over at Thomas as he was nudged. Leaning forward, he wrote his name down with the pencil before pulling back. Of course, he had many questions but... he couldn't voice them now, especially with the boy right there. Gregory stared at the guards’ names before looking up at Freddy again. 
“What do I write now?!” he asked, clearly intrigued with what they were doing.
“What other names do you know how to write?” Freddy asked, smiling at Gregory again. He didn’t want the boy to realize he was being assessed while he was simply trying to talk to his new friends. “Perhaps Thomas and Leon will recognize them, too.” 
“Yeah, let’s try that!” Thomas readily agreed. He could tell that something was off by the way Leon was acting, but he was much more focused on the ghost to figure out what the issue was. He’d just ask Leon when they got back to the office. Leon himself wasn't the best with kids, so he simply sat back and let Thomas work his magic.
Gregory hummed, immediately beginning to write down what he was sure of. He wrote 'Freddy Fazbear' on the paper, followed by Chica, Monty, and Roxy, remembering the hundreds of times he’d seen the words plastered on posters and signs throughout the Pizzaplex. Though Gregory’s penmanship was shaky, the names were all written correctly. 
“Wonderful!” Freddy praised, ruffling Gregory’s hair, which to the guards just looked like him shaking a claw in mid-air. “Perhaps we can try answering a question or two?” He looked at Thomas and Leon. “What is something you would like to know about Gregory?” 
“Ummm… well, I’d ask your favorite animatronic, but that’s pretty obvious.” Thomas laughed, then hummed as he thought of a good question. Something easy and not too deep—he didn’t want to scare off the kid when they were just starting to get close. “Let’s see… what’s your favorite color?”
Gregory smiled and leaned into Freddy's palm, watching Thomas as he spoke. The boy tapped his chin before beginning to write: 'reD' 
Leon looked at the answer for a moment before slowly nodding his head, resting his arms against the back of the couch comfortably. “Gregory likes red. Nice color.” 
“Ooh, yeah that’s nice!” Thomas agreed with a nod, now catching onto the others’ concern. A ten year old should know when to use capital letters. He picked up the pencil again and turned the notepad around to write “purple,” then flipped it back so Gregory could see. “I like this one.”
Gregory at the word for a moment, a slight frown crossing his face before he addressed Freddy for confirmation. “That says, uh… purple, right?” 
“Correct,” Freddy confirmed, keeping his smile wide despite the growing worry in the back of his mind. Clearly, Gregory had missed out on some essential points in his education, and it only made Freddy realize how little he actually knew about his past. Gregory had been living on the street before Vanny caught him, his mother had disappeared, his father was out of the picture, and… what else? For all the times Gregory had called him “dad,” Freddy knew next to nothing about his son’s history.
“I think I forgot something in the security room. Would you like to join me for a minute, Freddy?” Leon offered as he stood, although he gave the animatronic a look that showed he didn’t really have much of choice. 
“Oh… certainly, Leon,” Freddy agreed, then met Gregory’s gaze as he put a gentle hand on his head. “Will you be alright with Thomas, superstar? I will not be long, I promise—and you can always call me on your Fazwatch if you need me.” 
Gregory fiddled with his Fazwatch for a moment before gently nodding his head. “Okay…”
“Uh, not that I don’t appreciate the quality time, but I’m not ready to deal with a ghost kid by myself yet, Leon!” Thomas whispered, gripping his coworker’s pant leg a bit desperately. Talking to Gregory with the other two there was one thing, but being completely alone with him and, in effect, responsible for him was a whole new level that he hadn’t prepared for.
“We're not going to be far; I just need to talk to Freddy,” Leon whispered back, taking Thomas’s hand and setting it back on the notepad. “You'll be fine—just don't upset the kid.”
Freddy gave Gregory’s shoulder a squeeze and stood, trailing closely after Leon as the guard exited the room. Thomas watched them go with wide eyes, before his gaze shifted to the floating t-shirt that marked Gregory’s presence. His expression immediately softened, not wanting the kid to feel like it was his fault Thomas was so nervous (even though it unintentionally was). 
“Okay, Gregory, let’s try some more questions for now—how’s that sound?” 
“I assume that you noticed the same thing as I did about Gregory’s reading and writing proficiency,” Freddy said when they were a suitable distance away so as not to be overheard.
“I did,” Leon confirmed with a nod, leaning against the wall. “I didn’t want to ask any questions in front of him, but... Do you know anything about his parents?” He frowned softly. “Nothing shows up for him under the missing children, and I'm not even sure what his last name is… It's like he doesn't exist.”  
“No, I… I am rather ashamed to admit that I do not know his last name, nor much about his past at all,” Freddy replied quietly, shaking his head. “All he has told me is that his father has been out of the picture for a long time, and he and his mother lived on the streets outside of the Pizzaplex before she… ‘disappeared,’ as he put it.” Freddy let out a heavy sigh. “I have a strong feeling he has not been in any database for quite some time.” 
“I see... I guess that makes sense.” Leon gave a sigh. This wasn’t the answer he’d hoped to receive. “Well, don't beat yourself up over it. Maybe you can talk to him about it sometime.”
Freddy nodded. “I think he will be eager to learn, but I need to conduct some more observations before I can fully determine where he is in terms of schooling.” He frowned, trying to take Leon’s words to heart but still feeling bad for not noticing this sooner. “He has simply never needed to write while he has been with me, and anytime I contacted him when we were apart we spoke through his Fazwatch. He picked up some notes during our journey, but… now that I think about it, he always asked me to read them aloud—even if he found one on his own, he would wait until we reunited to ask me what it said… I suppose that was a sign in and of itself, but we were too preoccupied with other tasks for me to catalogue this behavior for future reference.” 
“Hey, it’s alright,” Leon reassured, a bit unnerved to see the animatronic so worried. Tentatively, he reached out to give Freddy’s arm a light pat. “Like you said, you had other things to worry about. Just try figuring out anything you can from him when you get the chance; I'm sure he wouldn't mind answering your questions.” 
“Thank you, Leon.” Freddy gave him a smile. “I appreciate your support—and Thomas’s too, of course.” He tilted his head towards the room, listening closely. He couldn’t make out any words, but he could hear Thomas chattering enthusiastically and Gregory exclaim something in response. “They seem to be getting along as well as can be expected under the circumstances.” 
Leon let out a soft chuckle, rolling his eyes. “I’m sure Thomas is just happy to actually have the chance to interact with kids—he really wanted to work the dayshift, you know.”
“Did he?” Freddy thought for a moment, then nodded with a small laugh of his own. “That makes sense; he was quite terrified when I first met him, and I could not fathom why he signed up for the job of night guard…”
“A combination of his application being at the top of the pile and him willing to take any job at the Pizzaplex he could get, probably.” Leon looked towards the room, folding his arms over his chest. “Although I doubt he’d switch to dayshift now even if he got the opportunity to—he’s way too invested in this ghost stuff. Ah—I am too, don’t worry. My focus is just more towards whatever the hell is going on with the other kids and what happened to them in the first place...”
“You are doing invaluable research—thank you again.” Freddy’s expression softened in appreciation. “Speaking of, is there anything else you wanted to discuss while we have a moment to ourselves, or shall we go and see what they are doing in there?” 
“That's all I have for now—just let me know what you find out.” Leon smiled up at the bear faintly. 
“I certainly will.” Freddy nodded, returning his amiable grin. 
As the conversation between Leon and Freddy was taking place, Thomas and Gregory were finding even more ways to communicate. 
Thomas’s eyebrows scrunched together as he scanned the room. He then let out an aha! as he picked up the nearby Freddy plush, placing it on the table next to the drawing pad. He flipped to a fresh page and quickly sketched two large circles, writing “yes” under one and “no” under the other. Then he looked at Gregory with a huge grin. “There! Now if I ask you a yes or no question, you can put the Freddy plush in the circle for your answer! Does that make sense?”
Gregory took a moment to process the rules before nodding… though he remembered that Thomas couldn't quite see him. He moved over to hold onto the plush, staring at the circles for a second before placing the toy over the one for “yes.”
“Yesss!” Thomas cheered, happy that his plan seemed to work. “Okay, this opens up a whole bunch of stuff we can talk about! Let’s see, um… ooh, I’ve got one—I read that ghosts use electricity as an energy source. So, when you sucked the juice out of our flashlights… did it actually give you an energy boost?!”
The boy hesitated before setting the plush on the “yes” circle once again. As much as he wanted to try and speak to Thomas directly by trying to reveal himself like he’d unintentionally done with that dayshift guard a few days ago, Gregory didn't want to scare him... and the ghost also wanted to conserve his energy since he had the whole rest of the night ahead.
“Cool, cool, good to know,” Thomas said with a nod. He didn’t necessarily want Gregory to show himself either—even though it was clear Gregory was just a boy, there was still a tiny part in the back of the guard’s mind that worried a terrifying demon would appear in his place. For now, he really just wanted to know how Gregory’s powers worked. “So, can you take energy from anything electrical?” 
“Of course I can!” Gregory replied, then lifted the plushie back up and set it down on the “yes” circle for a third time. 
“Interesting…,” Thomas mused, staring at the toy. “Hmm, what next… well, I’d tell you something about me, but I’m not sure what you’d wanna know! Freddy might have to help you with asking your questions for now… but that’s okay! I can tell that he loves you a lot—you know that, right?”
Gregory wished there was a way to project his voice at least, but for now he simply tapped the plushie against the “yes” circle with a vigorous nod. “Yeah! And I love him a lot, too.”
“I figured,” Thomas chuckled. A wistful look crossed his face, then he grabbed the pencil and started sketching something. As he worked, he rambled: “I’ve known of Freddy and his band for a looong time—ever since I was a kid. He’s looked different over the years, but I think this is the best version of him; he’s definitely the most interactive one, that’s for sure… You know who my favorite animatronic is, though?” He finished his sketch and turned the notepad around, revealing a simple drawing of a friendly, grinning rabbit face sporting a pair of endearing buck teeth. “You probably don’t even recognize who that is, do you? My drawing skills aren’t that great, and he hasn’t been in the Pizzaplex for a while…”
The boy watched Thomas closely as he drew, immediately letting out a loud gasp and jumping up as the image was revealed. 
“Bonnie!” Gregory cheered, soon settling down to begin writing in a blank area, trying to remember how to spell the name from the signs he’d seen around the Pizzaplex—much fewer than those for any other animatronic: 'bonnie' 
Thomas gasped in delighted surprise when Gregory wrote down the rabbit’s name, a huge smile lighting up his face. “Yeah, Bonnie! I always loved him the best; he’s just the mascot for the bowling alley now, but until recently he used to be the bass player in the band!” The guard laughed, giving the Freddy plush a light pat on the top of his hat. “I feel like he and Freddy were always meant to be best buds—what do you think?”
The boy immediately nodded his head as he repeatedly tapped the plush on the “yes” circle. This was perfect! Maybe Thomas would be able to help bring the bunny back after all!
The door suddenly opened, the pair immediately turning to see who it was. Once Freddy was in sight, Gregory ran over and hugged onto the bear’s legs, a bright smile lighting up his face. “Freddy, guess what?! Thomas said Bonnie is his favorite animatronic!”  
“Oh?!” Freddy asked, surprised. He bent to place a hand on Gregory’s head, looking at Thomas as he did so. “Gregory said that your favorite animatronic is Bonnie?” 
“Yeah!” Thomas replied with another laugh. “I wasn’t sure if he’d recognize him, but he knew who he was right away, even from my crappy drawing—oops.” He grimaced apologetically, pressing a hand to his mouth briefly before continuing. “Anyway, Gregory agreed with my theory that you and Bonnie were designed to be best friends.” 
“That is indeed true,” Freddy admitted with a large grin. This was such promising news—maybe at least Thomas wouldn’t be too opposed to being Bonnie’s spokesperson… although Freddy had a feeling that Leon wouldn’t mind all that much, either. From their recent conversation, it was clear that Leon cared more than he might appear to from his outward personality.
“Does that mean we can tell them about Bonnie now?” Gregory asked, tugging on Freddy’s arm excitedly. Leon made his way over towards Thomas, standing near the couch and glancing down at the drawing. 
“Hmm… I was always a Foxy fan, honestly,” Leon mentioned, shoving his hands in his pockets. “But Bonnie’s cool, too.”
Freddy remained quiet for a moment as he studied the guards. The worst thing that could happen would be that they either didn’t believe him, or inexplicably decided to vouch for Bonnie staying decommissioned—the second option being so uncharacteristic of what Freddy knew of the guards’ personalities that he couldn’t even imagine that situation. Still… he really didn’t want to overwhelm them with information, even if this was something good. Besides, they’d want proof, especially Leon, and Freddy was hesitant about either taking them to the basement or waiting for Bonnie to make his way up—they did technically have a job to do at night, after all. 
“Let us speak with him first,” Freddy murmured quietly enough for only Gregory to hear. “We can probably tell them tomorrow once we’re all ready, okay?”
Gregory hummed, then nodded. He didn’t really understand why Freddy didn't explain everything to the guards now—they were right here after all! But, Freddy knew what he was doing, and he said went.
“Okay, tomorrow then!” Gregory agreed, jumping up and down with his arms raised as a cue for Freddy to pick him up. Freddy complied with Gregory’s unspoken request, lifting the boy into a one-armed hold before smiling at the guards again. 
“Alright, I guess we’ll get out of your hair for the night,” Thomas said as he stood up, patting down his pockets instinctively to make sure his things were still there. “You can keep the drawing pad and pencils; we can use them the next time we stop by.”
Leon nodded as he made his way over towards the door. “Yeah, we'll try to bring Gregory other things to play with next time we stop by.” 
Gregory looked over at the drawing pad, smiling softly. “Tell them I said thanks!” 
“He says thank you,” Freddy remarked, walking the guards to the door and holding it open with his free hand. 
“See you both again soon!” Thomas said with a cheerful wave as he exited the room, soon falling into step with Leon and beginning to chatter enthusiastically about his time with Gregory. 
Freddy chuckled to himself as he watched them go. When they were out of sight, he tilted his head towards Gregory. “Well, speaking of Bonnie… shall we go pick him up and visit the children?”
“Mhm! I'm ready to go!” the boy replied cheerfully, kicking his legs forward to signal Freddy to begin their journey. “I liked the notepad a lot—Thomas drew some circles for ‘yes’ and ‘no,’ and I put your plushie on whichever one I wanted to say. It was fun!”
“I am glad to hear that,” Freddy said, shifting Gregory slightly to get a better hold of him as they walked. It was clear that the more comfortable and excited Gregory got, the less he could sit still—which Freddy found super endearing. He gave the boy a little hug, suggesting: “Perhaps we can write to each other sometimes, too—it will be good to keep your skills up. I am sure the other animatronics would love to practice with you as well! Our favorite type of presents are handwritten letters and cards, in fact, so everyone would be delighted to get one from you someday.”
“Handwritten letters?” Gregory repeated, resting against Freddy’s chest. If he knew this, he’s have already written so many letters and cards to all the animatronics! “I wanna write more! I like it.” 
“That sounds like a wonderful plan,” Freddy agreed with a smile as they made it to the basement elevator. The pair entered and a short ride later the doors opened into the familiar hallway. 
“Hey,” a soft voice said as they stepped out of the elevator. It was Ben speaking this time, and he slowly lifted a hand to point towards the center of the room. “We made something for you…” 
Lying on the floor were three pieces of paper slightly overlapping each other. The reason for this was clear as Freddy moved to get a closer look—it was a drawing of, from right to left: Gregory, Freddy, Bonnie, and nine child-sized figures, all holding hands with the people next to them. The children’s features were indistinct, looking like the typical faceless drawings of a very young kid, although there were attempts here and there to add different hairstyles or clothes. However, the thing that really stood out were the names over each of their heads (clearly written by one person, as the handwriting was consistent). It wasn’t immediately clear if they were in any sort of order, but they were as follows: Mia, Ben, Robin, Flynn, Ian, Ella, Katie, Lily, and Ivy. Freddy had heard most of them before, but the last two were unfamiliar.
“Wow, thank you!” Gregory exclaimed with a wide grin, bouncing excitedly in Freddy’s arms. “Can we hang it up in the room, Freddy?!” 
“We're happy you like it, Gregory…,” Mia said, an obvious smile in her tone.
Gregory quickly nodded his head, smiling joyfully. “I love it! And now I sorta know what you guys look like, so that's cool!”
There was the faintest whispered laugh from behind them, presumably Ben’s, and Freddy smiled around the room. “Thank you, this is lovely. Of course we will give this a place of honor in our room!” 
“Hey, guys!” Bonnie said, rounding the corner with a grin. “I see you found the picture; the kids worked really hard on it!”
Gregory smiled happily, waving a hand at the rabbit. “Hi, Bonnie! Yes, we love it! I wanna put it over the couch so I can see it before I go to sleep.” 
“Awesome!” Bonnie ruffled Gregory’s hair. “So, where are we going tonight?” He hopped slightly, an excited grin on his face. “If you didn’t have plans, can we go bowling again?” 
“I do not think we had anywhere specific in mind, did we?” Freddy replied, tilting his head towards Gregory. “Unless you wanted to show him somewhere else?”
Gregory begin to shake his head, but his eyes were drawn to a nearby unlit hallway as he was distracted by… something. He couldn’t see anything in the darkness, but the sensation of being watched was suddenly overwhelming. He shivered, hugging onto Freddy as he tried to distract himself. “Um… We can go bowling again!” 
“Alright,” Freddy said with a soft smile. He noticed the boy’s hesitancy but figured he was still unnerved by his disturbing nightmares. Freddy bent to pick up the drawing, carefully holding it in his claws. They’d need some tape to stick the pieces together, but that could be easily obtained. “We can drop these off at our room on the way to the bowling alley.” 
“Here, let me hold that—you’ve got your hands full,” Bonnie said with a laugh, taking the papers from Freddy’s outstretched hand.
“Thank you guys! You’re the best!” Gregory said, his voice back to its usual chipper tone as he waved to the room before giving Bonnie a thumbs-up. “I'm ready to bowl!” 
“Okay!” Bonnie said, leading the way to the elevator. He paused next to Ben’s endoskeleton, giving the hand still hanging by its side an extremely gentle high-five. Quietly, he praised: “Good job speaking up—see, you know they’re super friendly!” 
The endo didn’t show any immediate response except a slight twitch of a finger, although after a few seconds the voice said: “…Yeah, they’re cool!” 
Freddy smiled softly, his heart warmed by this attempt at communication. As small as it seemed, it was a big deal for the kids; he only hoped the others would start to feel comfortable speaking up soon, too. 
Freddy carried Gregory onto the elevator behind Bonnie, pressing the button and sending them up to the main level. They made a brief stop by their room to drop off the drawings and grab the Bonnie plushie per Gregory’s insistence, then headed off to the bowling alley. 
“Can I just watch, this time?” Gregory asked, holding the plushie securely as Freddy walked. “Bowling is so hard!”
“Of course, superstar,” Freddy replied, smiling down at him. 
“You can cheer for us both!” Bonnie said, then cupped a hand over his mouth and leaned towards Gregory conspiratorially. “But you’ve gotta cheer for me more so I can beat your dad this time, ‘kay?” 
Gregory giggled quietly as Bonnie spoke, quickly nodding his head. “Okay!” 
Either way, he'd be sure to cheer for both of them quite loudly. 
Meanwhile in the nearby security office, Thomas and Leon were hard at work. Leon was researching on the computer and printing out anything that might be useful while Thomas checked the cameras, idly switching feeds and scanning for anything interesting. 
“This is so depressing…,” Leon mumbled with a sigh, writing something down in his notepad. 
“Let me know when you need a break,” Thomas said, reaching for his coffee cup. He perked up upon seeing Freddy walking towards the entrance to Bonnie Bowl, holding a floating t-shirt and Bonnie plush in his arms. “Aw, they’re going bowling! That’s cute.” He took a sip of now-cold caffeine, then promptly started choking as a surprisingly familiar figure stepped into the camera’s viewpoint.
“That's adorable—what the hell?!” Leon exclaimed as Thomas' choking immediately caught his attention. Not wanting to risk a spill, he reached for the coffee and set it down before patting Thomas’s back harshly. “Are you okay?!”
Thomas coughed a few more times before nodding and reaching back to tap Leon’s hand, signaling that he was alright. 
“Y-yeah, I’m good—thanks, man,” Thomas answered gratefully, although his attention was quickly diverted back to the monitor. He pointed to it with wide eyes. “Do you see that rabbit?!” The screen showed a purple bunny animatronic following Freddy into the elevator down to Bonnie Bowl, the doors soon closing behind them as if nothing was amiss.
“The fuck…” Leon mumbled, rolling his chair closer to stare at the monitor, blinking a few times before pulling back. “Is that… Bonnie?! I thought he got put on the chopping block.” He leaned back in his seat, taking off his glasses to clean them on a cloth pulled from his pocket. “You know what this means…”
Thomas slowly turned his gaze to Leon, although for once there was a small—albeit still nervous—smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
“…We’ve gotta go check it out?” he asked, a hint of excitement in his tone. Surely a mysteriously re-commissioned animatronic was nothing compared to literal ghost children…
Leon nodded as he replaced his glasses and slowly got up from his seat, stretching his arms up over his head. “Ding ding. Let's go.” 
Inside the attraction, a game was already underway between the two animatronics. They’d already played two rounds, and as the pins were reset for round three, Freddy stood in the lead by a few points.
Gregory was laying down on the floor playing with his plushie while Freddy and Bonnie bowled, completely content in his own world. That is, until he caught sight of the two night guards coming through the door, stunned looks on their faces.  
“Freddy, they're here!” Gregory exclaimed, sitting up on his knees and pointing to the pair.
“Who is—” Freddy began, turning around to see the guards standing there, frozen except for their eyes darting between him and Bonnie. Freddy smiled, chuckling a bit nervously. “Oh… hello, Leon and Thomas; we did not expect to see you again tonight.” 
Bonnie slowly put down his bowling ball, moving to Freddy’s side and looking the guards over. It was the first time he’d actually seen them, and he was very curious to know all he could about the humans who were trying to help the kids.
“Oh, well...,” Leon cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. “We were going to leave you be but we, uh... noticed Bonnie here. We thought he’d been… away for a while.” 
“Yes, you are correct,” Freddy agreed with a nod. “Bonnie was out of commission for quite some time, but… Gregory and I recently discovered him!” He paused, trying to decide what else to say, when Bonnie spoke up. 
“I wasn’t in good shape and was stuck, which is why no one could find me—well, until these two,” the bunny added, gently patting Freddy’s shoulder. He grinned brightly at the guards. “The others helped me get fixed up and now here I am! It’s nice to meet you!” 
“Nice to… meet you,” Thomas repeated slowly, appearing slightly star-struck.
“That’s good, I suppose,” Leon murmured, not really knowing how else to respond. Clearly the animatronics were pleased with this situation overall, which only made him more curious as to what in the world happened to the rabbit. Leon glanced over towards Gregory, who remained in his spot. “I'm glad you guys were able to find him.” 
“Oh! Also, Thomas said you're his favorite!” Gregory chimed in, holding his plushie up towards Bonnie as if to demonstrate.
“Aww, really?!” Bonnie hopped excitedly a few times, looking at Thomas. “I’m your favorite?” 
“Y-Yeah!” Thomas agreed, nodding. He finally cracked a grin, looking towards the floating plushie. “Did Gregory tell you that?” 
Gregory grinned happily as he finally stood and moved to hug onto the rabbit’s legs. “See? Everyone misses you, Bonnie!” 
Bonnie chuckled, then shifted his gaze to Leon. “I’ll save the details of what happened for another time, if that’s okay; right now, I’m just glad to be back.” 
“We are sorry for not telling you sooner,” Freddy piped up. “We did not want you to be overwhelmed, as you are so focused on the children…”
“That's very considerate of you; thank you...” Leon paused, a nervous grimace crossing his face as he fiddled with the keys on his belt. “Now that we’re here, is there, uh, anything else you guys haven't mentioned? Like, another animatronic or something?” 
Freddy thought for a moment, then shook his head. “No, I believe at this point we have told you everything that we need to right now.” There was no point telling them about William just yet… especially since he was no longer a threat. Freddy paused for a moment, then added: “I am actually happy that you are here, as we were going to bring Bonnie to your attention soon. Currently, he is staying in the basement with the children. He will continue to do so until they are freed, but we were wondering if it might be possible to reintroduce him into the day shift roster?” 
Thomas and Leon shared a look before Thomas said slowly: “I mean, I’d love that too, but we’re not management or anything—we can’t make those kinds of decisions…”
“I'd be all for it, too, but I'm not sure how much management will listen to us. I mean, we figured Bonnie had been stolen or something, honestly, what with all the secrecy,” Leon added with a nod. As great of an idea as it was, they'd have to do a lot more than simply bring the animatronic to management—at the very least, they’d need to find a day for techs to come in and inspect Bonnie, let alone figure out all the finer details of what excuse there was for the rabbit disappearing for so long… But that was for someone above Leon’s paygrade to figure out. Still, he and Thomas could at least try something. “Maybe management will take it into consideration if we mention he’s been found?” 
“Yeah!” Thomas agreed, shaking Leon’s arm excitedly. “Yeah, we can say we found him while we were doing our rounds or something! I know they’ll probably want details, but then again…” He trailed off with a shrug. “You know how management is—as long as something works properly enough to make money, they’ll go for it…” 
“I’ll be ready to come out whenever you need me!” Bonnie said, growing hopeful. He knew he wouldn’t be reinstated immediately, but at least the guards might be able to get the conversation started.
Leon nodded, giving Bonnie a small grin. “Well... We could always do it at the end of our shift tonight, or later whenever you're prepared. I'm sure they'll have to see how functional you are before they do anything towards announcing you’re back—run some tests, do some more repairs, stuff like that.” He gave a shrug. “I honestly don't see your repairs taking longer than a week at most.” 
“This is amazing Bonnie!” Gregory gasped, wiggling around with excitement.
Bonnie opened his mouth to insist he was ready right now… but then he paused. A week of constant observation was a long time to leave those kids alone. He figured he could sneak back to the basement at night, but he hated the thought of leaving them completely by themselves during the day. 
“Can I have some time to talk to Freddy and the others before we make any moves?” Bonnie eventually said, looking at the guards. “I don’t want to leave the kids alone all day…” 
“Oh, that is a good point,” Freddy mused, tapping his chin. “Hmm, perhaps we can check on them in shifts, when we have breaks in our schedules… we will discuss the details tonight.” 
“That’s fine,” Thomas reassured them with a soft smile. “We don’t want to upset the kids, either. Like Leon said, we can wait until you’re ready.”
Leon nodded his head, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Of course, take the time you need. Just let us know when you're ready to move forward.” 
“Ooh, ooh! I'll stay with them!” Gregory suggested, jumping up and down with his hand in the air. “I can keep them company! I promise I'll do good!”
“Are you sure, superstar?” Freddy asked, looking down at Gregory a bit worriedly. They hadn’t been apart for more than an hour while Gregory was awake—would he be able to deal with staying in the basement for so long? 
“What’s up?” Thomas asked, looking at Gregory curiously. “Does Gregory want to help?”
“He suggested that he can stay with the kids during the day,” Bonnie translated, remembering that the humans weren’t able to talk to the boy directly.
“I can stay with them!” Gregory insisted, now motioning for Freddy to pick him up. “Just promise to come see me...” 
“He sure likes being picked up,” Thomas commented with a chuckle, grinning at the sight of Freddy lifting the floating shirt into his arms once again. He realized Gregory might not understand his laugh so he quickly added: “Not that there’s anything wrong with that; it’s super sweet!”
“It's 'cause Freddy gives the best hugs and I feel safer like this,” Gregory stated with a proud grin, resting his head on Freddy’s shoulder. 
“Translation: Freddy gives the best hugs and Gregory feels safe with him,” Bonnie said, grinning at the pair as Freddy gave Gregory a loving squeeze. 
“Oh geez—he’s so cute,” Thomas murmured, pressing a hand to his heart. Then he grinned as well, doing his best to meet Gregory’s gaze based on the boy’s position in Freddy’s arms. “We’re still working hard to figure out all the cool abilities you might have, by the way! Leon’s been printing a bunch of stuff!” 
“Oh! I wanna know, I wanna know!” Gregory exclaimed, kicking his legs eagerly. 
Leon nodded in agreement with Thomas, chuckling softly. He wasn't much of a fan of children, but he'd be a liar if he said he didn’t think Gregory was adorable, too. “I have a lot already printed out and written. I want to do a bit more research before I show you, Freddy.”
“That is fair—have patience, Gregory,” Freddy said with a chuckle, smiling down at him before turning his expression on the guards. “Gregory is very excited, as are we all!” 
“Yeah, thanks for everything you’re doing,” Bonnie added. “It’s a huuuge help!”
“We're trying our best,” Leon replied humbly. “Now, we'll get out of the way for the rest of the night—as long as we don't see any other random animatronics, that is.” A corner of his mouth twitched upwards in a smirk. “If we see Foxy, I’m heading straight back over.”
“You need only keep an eye out for Monty and Roxy—but I am sure you know that by now,” Freddy said with a laugh. “We will see you tomorrow night!” 
“Good to meet ya!” Bonnie said cheerfully, placing one hand on his hip and waving with the other. “Thanks again!” 
“Not a problem,” Thomas replied with a thumbs-up, then turned to walk away. He paused after a few feet, quickly whirling around to wave frantically. “OH! Gregory, we didn’t forget you! See you tomorrow, too!”
“Bye!” Gregory replied, waving at the two despite them not being able to see him.
“I know we were in the middle of a game, but… I kinda want to talk to the kids and tell them the news,” Bonnie said, looking at Freddy once the guards were out of sight. 
“I think that is a good idea; as we walk, we can discuss specifics of who will stay with them while you are away,” Freddy replied, then hugged Gregory closer. “I know Gregory volunteered, but I do not want him to stay down there every day until you have gotten the tech’s approval… at least not without someone coming to check on him.”
“Yes! Good idea!” the boy repeated. “And maybe we can... Uhh...” He scratched the top of his head, trying to come up with some other ideas.
Freddy chuckled as they set off. “Do not worry, superstar, Bonnie and I will come up with something. Do you want to stop by the room and pick up anything to bring to the children?”
“Mhm! I'll bring some of my toys!”
When they reached Freddy’s room, Gregory was quick to begin grabbing different toys, setting them in his backpack before slipping it on his shoulders. Once Gregory was ready, Freddy held out his hand with a smile. Gregory was quick to take it, giving it a light squeeze. “After they're free they're gonna have to go to the gift shop for their own toys!”
Freddy and Bonnie shared a laugh, then Bonnie said: “We might have to go in stages so the staff doesn’t wonder why half their stock went missing in one night!” 
The group then made their way towards the basement elevator, Bonnie quickly taking Gregory’s other hand. As they walked, the animatronics came up with a plan. 
The children didn’t need constant supervision, as evidenced by the fact that Bonnie had been out and about these past few nights with no issue. However, Bonnie wanted someone to check in on them once in a while so they didn’t get anxious that they’d been abandoned. However long Gregory stayed in the basement was completely up to him—at this point, Freddy trusted that his son could find him whenever and wherever he needed to. If Gregory chose to stay with the kids for the whole day, that was fine, but he didn’t need to (especially if he started to get anxious from missing his dad). Therefore, Freddy, Chica, Roxy, and Monty would take turns sneaking down to the basement to check in when they had some free time in their schedules. Whoever came would depend on the day—and, of course, if the kids felt safe potentially being alone with another animatronic besides Freddy. He and Bonnie had a feeling that Chica would be no issue, but some of the kids may still be intimidated by Roxy and Monty.
“We're back!” Gregory announced once they’d reached the basement. “And I wanna show you guys my cool toys!”
“We also have good news!” Bonnie said, swinging Gregory’s arm. “We met some friends that are going to help introduce me back into the lineup!”
There was silence before Mia's voice spoke up. “...Really? That's awesome, Bonnie!” An endoskeleton soon began rocking from side to side, seemingly out of eagerness. 
Gregory smiled happily, holding Bonnie's hand up. “He'll be as good as new!” 
“Yeah!” Bonnie agreed with a soft smile, letting go of Gregory so he could gently pat the moving endoskeleton on the shoulder. “The only thing is, I’m gonna have to be away during the day while the technicians check me over to make sure I’m a-ok. But don’t worry—Freddy and I have a plan so you won’t be left alone until nighttime!” 
“Gregory has agreed to stay with you part of the time,” Freddy explained, looking around the room as he spoke. “The other animatronics and I will also stop by to check in when we have breaks in our schedules.” He paused, tilting his head questioningly. “Would that be alright with all of you? If you would prefer that only I come down, that is completely fine; I guarantee the others will not be offended.”
A plethora of whispers filled the room as the children discussed the situation amongst themselves. Soon, the whispering subsided and Mia spoke clearly once again. “...Well, I think we'll all be okay. Having Gregory here will keep us company, too. As long as we're checked up on, I don’t think it’ll be a problem.” 
“Great! Thank you, everyone,” Bonnie said, relief evident in his tone. He honestly hadn't been sure if the kids would go for it—they’d been gaining a lot more confidence recently, but anything could set them back, especially since he knew they all had different associations with each animatronic. He hopped excitedly, looking at Freddy. “You've gotta fill everyone in soon so you can check schedules.” 
“Alright; I will be sure to bring everyone up to speed on the situation,” Freddy replied. There was a moment of silence, until a small voice spoke up from a corner of the room. It was so soft that it was barely legible, but Freddy was just able to make out: 
“....I wanna play with Gregory some more....” Whoever said this was obviously very young, as they couldn't pronounce their R's and L's correctly, turning Gregory's name into “Gwegowy.” 
Gregory heard the voice as well, but his ears weren't able to pick up exactly what it said. He looked at Freddy and Bonnie curiously. “What was that?” 
“The twins want to play with you, Gregory,” Mia explained, then let out a small laugh. “A lot of us do!”
Bonnie pressed a hand over where his heart would be. Even he hadn't heard the twins talk yet... 
“Well, we do not have any other plans tonight,” Freddy mused aloud, glancing down at Gregory with a smile. “We can stay here, if you would like; you did bring a bunch of new toys to show them, after all.”
“Yes!” the boy chirped, pulling his backpack off. “I brought so many toys.” 
“I wanna see...!” Ben murmured as a few endoskeletons shifted excitedly. Freddy and Bonnie stepped back, letting the children interact amongst themselves. The animatronics shared a grin, happy at the progress that had already been made. Hopefully one day they would all be like one big, extended family—animatronic guardians included, of course.
Gregory sat down on the floor in the center of the room with his backpack in his lap. He began pulling out the toys he brought, lining them up on the floor. “And I have some more but they're all in my room! But you guys can have these so we can all have toys.” 
“I’ve always wanted toys from the gift shop!” Mia's voice said, sounding a bit closer than it usually did as an endoskeleton shifted to lean forward and look at the assortment of toys.
“Don't you worry—soon you guys can have all the toys you want!” Bonnie exclaimed, seeming to completely forget his earlier worry about missing stock. All he wanted was for the kids to be happy, and if that included cleaning out the Lost and Found and the gift shop, then that's what they'd do. The room went quiet again except for occasional soft squeak of metal as a few endoskeletons cautiously shifted to get a better look at the line-up of toys. 
Eventually, there was a small gasp as a certain plushie was noticed, and one of the twin's tiny voices exclaimed: “Chica!” 
This made Freddy perk up, thinking back to something that had recently been on his mind related to what was going to happen when all the kids were freed. 
“Everyone, I have a question for you,” he spoke up, and multiple sets of glowing eyes suddenly turned on him. He smiled, gazing around the room. “Who is your favorite animatronic? If you do not wish to speak up directly, I would appreciate you telling Mia.” 
Gregory scooted back to make more room for the endos to be able to look at the lineup of toys on display. Although, Freddy's question immediately caught his attention. 
“…Bonnie is mine. The twins love Chica,” Mia answered softly, going silent after hearing a few whispers. 
“I like Roxy...!” a boy's voice finally echoed. “Oh, I’m Robin, by the way!”
“I’m Katie—I like Bonnie, too...,” another girl's voice chimed in. 
“I like Monty!” Ben exclaimed, sounding rather proud of this fact. He paused, then added: “I didn't for a bit 'cause of what happened to Bonnie... but it wasn't Monty's fault! Also he's just the COOLEST!” The excitement was obvious in his voice, and it was clear he would be jumping up and down if he could.
“Monty is pretty cool,” Gregory agreed, zipping up his backpack before slipping it back on. “But Freddy’s my favorite!”
“Yeah, we all knew THAT...,” Ben replied, and the animatronics' eyes widened in unison. Regardless of the attitude, this was the most personality they'd ever heard from someone other than Mia. This was great progress, even if it seemed like Ben might be a bit of a handful. 
“Ella likes Music Man, and Ian likes Sun…,” Mia added soon after, then waited to see if anyone else would speak on their own.
“Moon is better...,” Flynn softly piped up, and with that everyone's favorite animatronics had been named and catalogued into Freddy and Bonnie's databases for future reference. 
“Thank you all for sharing!” Freddy said cheerfully. “It seems like there is a good variation of favorites, which is wonderful news.” 
“Definitely!” Bonnie agreed with a nod, then gave Mia and Katie a wink, happy that he had two kids that would stick by his side.
“Mhm, now we know who will be with who!” Gregory added with a bright grin, clinging to Freddy’s leg. Now that most of the children had been able to talk, it seemed they couldn't stop—they were whispering amongst themselves about their favorite animatronic.
Freddy placed a hand on Gregory's head, meeting Bonnie's gaze with a soft smile. He knew the others will be ecstatic to hear that they more or less already have their own kids to take care of in the future, instead of trying to split Gregory's attention all the time—though of course he’d still always have a special place in their hearts no matter what. 
“Perhaps we should bring the others up to speed on the new developments,” Freddy commented, checking his internal clock. “It is just past 4am, so we have enough time to at least fill Chica, Roxy, and Monty in on what is going on before the dayshift starts.” 
“Good idea!” Gregory added, jumping for Freddy to pick him up again. “Then we can tell Sun and Moon, and Music Man!” Freddy nodded as he lifted Gregory, adjusting one of the backpack straps as it began to slip off the boy's shoulder. 
“I think I'm gonna stay with the kids,” Bonnie said, then chuckled. “I'm proud of you all for speaking up, and I want to keep talking to you guys before I'm MIA for a bit!” 
“Yaaaay...!” Katie cheered quietly, an endoskeleton a few feet away from Bonnie flexing its fingers excitedly.
“And with Leon and Thomas helping us, we'll get them freed in no time!” Gregory added, nuzzling his face into the crook of Freddy’s neck.
“We will indeed,” Freddy agreed, then gave Bonnie a slightly concerned glance, which the bunny picked up on with a nod. At some point, they'd need to bring the guards down here and introduce them to the kids. Though Thomas and Leon accepted them as a concept, it would be an entirely different thing to see the endoskeletons in person... But, that was a worry for another night. “Have a good time with Bonnie, everyone; we will be back again soon.” 
“Bye, bud!” Bonnie said, reaching over to ruffle Gregory's hair quickly as he passed on the way to the elevator. “See you both tomorrow!”
“Byeee!” Gregory said as he waved his hands with excitement, making sure to wave all around the room so no one was left out. As the elevator doors closed, Gregory couldn't help but giggle happily. “Now everyone will have a buddy and they won't feel alone either! I hope Thomas and Leon can find a way to get them out quick!”
“They are working their hardest,” Freddy assured him with a laugh. He hoped they'd make progress soon too, but this was quite a complicated thing they were trying to do that they really knew nothing about. Still, he trusted the guards to work their hardest and find all the potential solutions they could—at this point, Freddy knew they were good people. Freddy stared straight ahead, freezing for a moment before blinking a few times and smiling at Gregory. “I have sent a message to the others asking them to meet us in our room. They should arrive shortly.”
Gregory smiled, clapping his hands eagerly. As the two made it back to Freddy's room, he was quick to set his backpack into his toy box and sit on the couch, kicking his legs as he waited for the other animatronics to arrive. “Are they heeeeere yet?”
Masterlist of chapters on Tumblr here!
Please check out The Superstar Series on ao3 for all fics in this series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2726401
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hiddendrabbles · 3 years
Im the "-🎂 'anon' " from your inbox and I thought it was better if I resubmitted the request as a real anon lol. But anyways.
I wanted to request a (platonic) glamrock crew x male!animatronic!reader hc when its reader's birthday and the group try to make something special for him. Just pure fluff:)
It's my birthday tomorrow and the idea of spending the day at the PizzaPlex lives rent free on my head. Love those animatronics sm😭😭
- really 🎂 anon
glitter glue w/ glamrock crew
(oh mah gawd it rhymes) oh ho ho!!!! today!! its hereee!! i hope u have a wonderful day muah
(i also noticed after i finished writing u said hc😦 srry ASLO i added sunny in there bc…..) going back to my roots were all fluff must have AT LEAST. a hint of sad
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Today! The day was finally here! Sun was wiggling happily from their place on one of the kiddie chairs. Small giggles filled the air around them as well as the sound of paper being cut and folded. They’d managed to wrangle the kids into some arts and crafts by telling them they needed their help making party decorations. It was someone’s birthday today. Sun carefully poured some glitter onto their paper, it had to be perfect after all!
In Freddy’s dressing room four animatronics lounged around, duties over for the day. The lead singer of the band had a tablet in his hand and was carefully picking colors for the birthday cake. Humming thoughtfully, he turned the screen to show Chica who nodded enthusiastically.
“Oh that’s the one! Looks so yummy.”
“That’s what you’ve been say about every single color combination Freddy shows you.”
Roxy complained from her place on the couch where she was carefully wrapping the present they’d all put together. Monty, from his place near her feet, grunted in agreement.
“See Chica? Even the lizard agrees.”
“What did you just call me? Better watch your mouth you washed up-”
“Friends, please.”
They settled down, and while their faces did not have the ability to, they all gave the distinct feeling of pouting. Freddy had stood up, hands on his hips, as he looked at all of them.
“Remember, we have to work together. Today is not for us!”
With some more quiet grumbles everyone got back to work.
You were quietly standing by the entrance of your attraction, waving to everyone who was leaving with a big smile on your face. It had been a fun but busy day since it was the one year anniversary of you joining the Pizzaplex. There was merch of you everywhere it seemed. As the lights started turning off you looked around with a small frown. You hadn’t seen any of the glamrocks today. Maybe they had forgotten?
With a sigh, you adjusted your roller skate accessories and started towards the rink. Going around a few times, you let your head hang a little. You thought the glamrocks were your friends. Spending the night talking to them was what you were looking forwards to most of the day, eager to share some of the gifts you’d gotten. Everything was safely packed in a bag already. Cool glasses for Monty, bracelets for Roxy, snacks for Chica, a vintage Bonnie plush for Freddy, and even some art supplies for Sun and Moon.
Slowing to a stop in the center of the rink, you let out another sigh. The gifts were packed and ready. You could maybe just drop them off at their respective dressing rooms and leave if they didn’t want to see you. Maybe the night guard could even hand them out for you. Stomping caused your ear to twitch as you quickly looked over your shoulder to the entrance of the roller skating rink. There stood your fellow animatronics with Freddy eagerly waving at you. Skating towards them slowly and picking up your duffle back you eyed them carefully.
“Hey guys…what’s up?”
“What’s up? What’s up?! It’s your birthday! Or did you not notice?”
Chica waved a tiny plush version of you holding a balloon in your signature in her hand. A warm feeling started to bloom in your chest. They had remembered? Before you could say anything Chica spoke again.
“Come on! Sun is waiting for us at your surprise pa-oops.”
Her words were met with groans from Roxy and Monty. Freddy shook his head fondly and lead the way. A surprise party? Just for you? Slinging an arm around the dejected looking animatronic you laughed happily. On the way there you spoke with Roxy who was eager to learn to skate. That lead to some friendly banter on who would be faster between her and Monty.
At the entrance of the daycare Sun was waiting, bouncing on the balls of their feet. When they finally saw you approach, they sprinted towards you and wrapped you in a hug.
“You’re here, you’re here, you’re here! Ohhh we got everything ready! By ourselves too! There’s so much glitter and starts and stickers! You’re going to love, love, love it!”
You laughed at their enthusiasm and hugged them back tightly. With one arm you managed to dislodge the duffle bag from your shoulder and called out before the glamrocks could enter without you.
“Before we go in, I have gifts for everyone.”
“Gifts? For us? But it’s your day, sunshine. About you, just you!”
Squeezing Sun one more time you took your arm back to start digging through the bag for everyone’s gifts.
“Oh, but where’s the fun in that Sunny? Isn’t one of the rules ‘sharing is caring’?”
The sun animatronic was stumped. You were right of course. Sharing was caring! But did that apply to birthdays? Before they could overthink it too much, you patted their cheek lightly and handed them their new box of art supplies. The rest of the gifts were quickly handed out.
Before you knew it, you were in the middle of a big animatronic group hug. Words of thanks were overlapping and that warm, happy feeling was in your chest again. Freddy spoke, his voice loud and clear over the rest.
“We’re lucky to have you here with us, superstar. You help us fit together like never before.”
“Like glitter glue!”
Sun chimed in and you couldn’t help but laugh again. You liked the sound of that. You were their glitter glue.
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docleonidas · 3 years
Meeting of the Gregs
Chapter 4
(Gregory's and their survival equipment)
Aftermath: One orange backpack with freddy and monty pins. Contains 1 fazcam, one fazerblaster, security pass lvl 8, 4 fizzyfaz cans (one of each flavour), one small bottle of water, one can iced coffee. 3 grain bars (chocolate, raspberry and honey flavors.).
Upgrade: items taken from bag will respawn on consumption, trash is deleted.
HiWfi: One nintendo switch in carrying case, complete with charging cable, plug and three games. (Please Dm me what games.)
Upgrade: the switch has been upgraded with a danger detect function ranging from 1-10. Gzero is the only time a 10 would show up.
UF! :while the watch is unable to connect to your own AU currently (see below for explanation), it has been upgraded. It will now show you the directions of all registered faz watches, and acts as a hub, allowing you access to any messages. (This will also include private questions between Viva and each individual gregory. Due to loss of functions, you also have an additional pointer on your directional hud that points to the nearest useful unclaimed item.)
BwL! : One toolbox with basic tools + a soldering iron, and a spool of lead solder wire.
The toolbox has a battery pack installed in the base connected to solar panels on the top. The charge stored is enough to power BwL! For several days if needed, and will also power other devices like his soldering iron. The soldering wire will regenerate over the course of 24 hours if completely used.
Nightmare: A flashlight and illusion disk
Viva has combined both items, allowing you to use the flashlight to blind people with illusions, though it will only affect people caught in the beam. Due to the illusion disks power, it is also able to change nightmare's appearance while held.
Beacon: One sun and moon reversible plush. Straps have been sewn on to allow it yo be worn like a backpack.
Viva has upgraded it to store a few items in hidden pockets. Plasters, iodine solution and bandages are all inside pockets, but cannot be felt if the plush is squeezed.
Puppet: One charging cord and one glamrock Bonnie plush.
Viva has upgraded it where the Bonnie plush has solar panels tucked on the inside of his ears. There is a small outlet in his right foot where you can plug in your charging cord and it will take around 30 minutes to fully charge puppet.
Rbay: A toolbox with various tools for self repair.
Rbay's toolbox now is bigger on the inside, housing far more tools of a wider variety. Tools damaged and placed inside will be as good as new in 24 hours.
Double Trouble: (D only) a bandage.
This item has been upgraded in durability and size. It can now be used as a rope around 25 m long, or unfurled into a hammock to hold two gregs. Anyone sleeping in the hammock will find injuries heal faster than normal.
Slumber: specialised fazwatch for AI storage.
The watch will not have an Ai installed when you arrive, however, will now be upgraded to hold a primary AI, and a temporary 24 hour Ai if you can locate any. Viva suggests you save the temporary slot in case one of your fellow animatronic gregs is damaged to allow time for repairs.
DC: his pins become trackers. He now has all four as points on a compass linked to his fazwatch so if he pins them on something, he knows the exact direction of them at all times.
Nspb: now has paint that when mixed can do multiple different things when combined with fizzy faz. Pink lemonade makes glue, sour lime is acidic, orange purifies liquids and cherry just makes a mess.
Viva sat back with a groan. Working on all of these items was extremely tiring when she had to dig through hundreds of lines of code to edit each one carefully.
Still, these items would help keep them all alive and safe, and she didn't regret the risk at all.
"Right, I need to bail before Gzero finishes healing and wonders why I'm in this world." Viva says, standing up and stretching, the white leather jacket creaking.
She turns to face Rbay. "Oh, An important piece of information for you all. I told you your worlds got damaged when GZero and myself fought. He basically infected your worlds, hoping the corruption would spread and devour them."
She shifted a little in the sand, crossing her arms and looking annoyed. "Even working my fastest, I'd be able to save one of your worlds, and it would be highly damaged. So...I cheated."
Viva started walking around, the waves from the beach and the seagull cries filling the tense silence before she breathed out heavily.
"Have you ever heard of the phrase *stories have power* ?" She asked, looking around. "Like a story, if a main character is missing, the story cannot continue. By taking you all out of your worlds without explanation, your worlds time has slowed to a crawl, buying me time to deal with the corruption before it can grow and keeping your friends and families safe." She explained wearily.
"It's going to drain me of a lot of energy, but I can't just rescue only one of your worlds..." She said, before glancing at her cybernetic arm. "Anyway, you guys can ask me questions through the faz watches. Good luck Gregs!" Viva said, before vanishing into the doorway, leaving you all alone again.
(OK Gregorys, you have 24 hours. If you have not submitted an item to be edited by Viva or you will be stuck with normal items. Any questions you still have for her should be asked directly, they will not be answered from comments or reblogs! Hope you guys are ready for the actual starting point. Bear in mind that Viva has provided EVERYONE with faz watches.)
(Feel free to rp in the reblogs, OR let me know what you want to do so I can work it into the next part. I'm sorry this was focused on Viva, but I wanted to shift it to you guys as fast as possible)
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maidenofporcelain · 3 years
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"Hey kiddo's! Who's ready for story time?"
fnaf sona/oc time! ^7^ info under the cut!
Name: Sakura (cause m’lazy haha;;;;)
Works in the daycare! Is far more involved with the children than her coworkers (who just leave it to the robot y’know) but she’s very interactive!
Craft time is her time, and don’t get her started on holiday themed crafts she goes in hard.
She’s pretty patient, all things considered, especially since she works with practically lazy teenagers for coworkers and super eccentric animatronics, alongside wild children.
That Glamrock Freddy puppet she’s got? She made him! (his nose does do the boop sound) She’s made other puppets for the other animatronics as well! (did i mention she’s a lover of puppets? Muppets yay!)
While her coworkers may find Sun/Moon creepy and annoying, Sakura doesn’t mind them much at all, really only viewing them as a very eccentric animatronic.
- They actually work very well together since their main goal is to keep the children safe and entertained!
- One of Sakura’s favorite activities is telling stories while Sun does some shadow puppetry! (he’s actually quite good at it, but he is an animatronic of course)
- Does have to calm down the kids who are afraid of Sun/Moon tho;;;
- She always has to remind Moon to be a little less…aggressive-? When it comes to putting the disobedient children to sleep;;
- Refers to Sun as ‘Sunny’ (she has a hard time thinking of a nickname for Moon tho, so Moondrop it is lol)
No she hasn’t gotten stuck once or twice in the playpens- no- shut up!
- Who the heck thought it was a good idea to put generators in the playpens!?
Intimidated/afraid of Monty.
She knows what happened.
Wears her Glamrock Bonnie pin with pride!! (especially since they don’t make them anymore;;;) (it's hard to see but i based the design of the pin off of @/lueey-jayzilla design cause its seriously cool! ^7^ )
part of her uniform is also from the time Glamrock Bonnie was still around.
Glamrock Bonnie was her favorite animatronic, even when she was a kid she was always a fan of Bonnie.
That is until…well y'know…
She misses Bonnie….
She’s always had a problem with falling asleep when she’s extremely exhausted, and as much as she enjoys her job at the PizzaPlex- being a daycare teacher is very very exhausting.
One of her coworkers told her that the Moondrop candies are not only good at putting children to sleep but are also pretty good at easing the brain pain (basically like sleepy time tylenol) And told her that the sleeping effect is something that primarily only works on children.
So when it comes to closing time she might take one just to ease whatever headache she has while she picks up around the playpens and theater.
But halfway through cleaning and either her exhaustion or the candy gets to her and- oh man, the floor just feels really comfortable right now- aaaand it’s sleepytime.
This usually ends up getting her stuck inside the PizzaPlex after hours, with her waking up at some ungodly time and panicking- wondering just what the heck happened.
Even when she doesn’t take a Moondrop candy she still gets tired enough to just pass out (geez are they pumping something in the air here?)
This sleeping problem has gotten so bad that she just packs an overnight bag and keeps it in her locker just in case. Better safe than sorry y’know?
Sometimes she uses the time that she’s stuck inside to do some prep work on crafts for the next day or do some extra cleanup with Sun.
The first time she had passed out Sun found her on the floor in the theater and just- was very confused? She wasn’t hurt, but not responding so…he just stood there and waited for something to happen (for hrs btw until she woke up, he just kinda stood there on high alert)
They’ve made forts on occasion.
Sun seems hesitant to let her leave the daycare area however, and by hesitant i mean extremely, it’s even worse when Moon is out instead….
They insist that going around the PizzaPlex after hours is "no good” and that she should just stay inside the daycare.
She doesn’t really get it, it’s just the mall after hours after all- just what could go wrong in a giant mall after hours?
She knows Vanessa. And by ‘know’ I mean ‘greet her when she sees her but barely gets as much as a nod back’. She thinks Vanessa’s probably just a really introverted person. She wonders if she knows that she’s accidentally slept over in the PizzaPlex, being the night guard and all, but if she does she hasn’t snitched yet so…
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cjau-x-ehf-au · 2 years
A fic ramble by mod Observer
 Insert SB playthrough stuff. With the arson ending. But since this is the chaos jester variant you know Obs will make it silly (especially after seeing all the sad fire ending art/writing on tumblr lately...)  Burntrap is down below doing Burntrap things. When Glamrock Freddy is about to set the place on fire, though, you know the chaos jesters aren't going to let their fellow jesterbot perish. Plus Juni, EHF alpha Helpful’s twin, is bonded with the jester gang, so you know the pack isn't gonna be happy, nor is the All-Mother. "ENOUGH!" booms a new voice from above, echoing around everything and louder than the crackling flames. "This needs to end, but not in a way that takes so many lives! Mechanical or no, I can see all your sparks, none of you deserve to have them put out except that undead wretch." 
 A being appears surrounded by pure white light. She has enormous wings spread wide, banded with dark and light, and her form, though humanoid, shows catlike grace as she lands on her feet. The white aura around her shoots throughout the massive building, snuffing all the flames instantly. As she advances on Burntrap, the murderbunny feels pure terror wash over him. This being... this deity can see into his very soul. And he knows there is no escape.
 "Undead wretch, what you have done can never be forgiven. Those who fell to you deserve to be set free, and you... you deserve to go back to the shadows from whence you came." 
Her voice is still echoing around him, the enemy can feel the ones whose lives he ended growing excited; the goddess is going to let them punish him as they see fit. And that's not even factoring in the divine justice he has coming.
He tries to run, but a clawed hand grabs him from behind 
 CJ!Moon: "You tried to get me and my brother killed. Only I'm allowed to pick on him. And thanks to you i had to deal with that *ugh* 90s nightmare (EHF Fresh!Sans) and his murderbeast (Rowan). I may not be one of the ghosts that gets to decide your fate, but I really don't like you. So..." 
 Burntrap gets multiple painful controlled shocks. Ok who gave Moon a taser?
 CJ!Sun gets a turn punishing Burntrap too. He's less physically violent than Moon but being scolded by him is almost as bad as a mom lecture from Helpful. Chica and Roxy are sharing popcorn in the background at the public humiliation of Burntrap, enjoying every second of this. 
 When the daycare bots are done, it's Monty's turn. He's so violent Obs isn't even going to write out what he does to the guy that caused him to try to kill a child. Because of the goddess binding BurnTrap, he's kept conscious this entire time.
 Freddy goes full disappointed dad mode. Though not as physically violent as Monty, Burntrap acts like he's been hit. Disappointed parent mode is surprisingly effective. 
 Roxy is really mad that this psycho caused her girlfriend to get hurt. Naturally when it's her turn she's more violent than Monty. Chica is just enjoying the chaos. After the chaos, Roxy and Chica kiss in front of peepaw afton, which he gets all offended by. The girls also make an obscene gesture toward him. Obs hcs Burntrap as not even having the decency to accept that love comes in many forms. And this time Sun doesn't complain about the obscene gesture like he normally would. 
 DJMM just takes advantage of his massive size to destroy Burntrap a few times and MapBot settles for being annoying. Obs isn't sure what glamrock Bonnie does but he gets a turn destroying Afton too.
Even the chaos jester crew shows up, supporting their fellow clowns. Marx manages to annoy Afton by existing because he screeches a lot. Jevil and Dimentio also kiss in front of the jerk and make an obscene gesture. 
 "How many times do i have to end your game before you get the hint?" growls Dimentio, magic sparking between his fingers. He does the magic box/explosion thing about 20 times in quick succession to hurt the enemy as much as possible, then it's Vanessa's turn.
 "You mind controlled me and manipulated me into going against my own job and harming rather than protecting. You know, like I'm supposed to do." She uses her taser with extreme prejudice as well as martial arts and even uses the weapon her Vanny persona had against the guy who made the Vanny persona in the first place. No Obs is not going to write out the violence. 
 "Ya know," says a familiar obnoxious voice from behind, "Ya really upset my wolf and my alpha by tryin' ta get me killed. Even da rest o' da pack ain't happy with ya." 
 Burntrap screes in absolute horror.
 "Why are YOU here?!" 
 "Because I summoned him" says a child's voice. 
Helpful pads over, unafraid. "My pack is on their way. We both know you tried to force the robots to kill me. And I had to hurt them to stop them, which they did not deserve. I also know how long it takes for mine to break you. Of course he also brought his explosives to physically break you. Dimentio, do you mind trapping this enemy in a box so mine can have his fun?" 
 "Not at all" purrs Dimentio
 Burntrap is caught again and surrounded by explosive furbies. Yes those are canonically Fresh's main weaponry, even outside of EHF. A few dozen rounds of explosions later, it's time for annoying the enemy by existing. Within 5 minutes Burntrap admits he preferred the explosions to hearing Fresh talk. Which only encourages him to annoy the murderbunny with cringe.
When he's done Rowan proceeds to violently remove the murderbunny multiple times with teeth and claws, the goddess's spell preventing Burntrap from staying down for too long to make him suffer for what he did. 
As the rest of the pack appears, they each get a turn using their respective weaponry as many times as desired. Bow, axe, knife, sword, bone attacks, sharp tendrils, blasters, scythe, hammer, battle brush, strings, etc.- all are used multiple times on Burntrap. They eventually stop to permit the alpha to get a turn and what the little shapeshifter does is too brutal to write out here. 
Juni even gets a turn, though she is much less confident than her twin. She still makes use of her claws of course. Once all who want a turn to punish the enemy are finished (Gregory included; he uses the laser he got from fazer blast), they go back to their respective verses, all except the All-Mother.
 "Little spirits, come to me. It is time." 
 The ghost kids that fell to Afton all appear to surround the goddess. "Do as you wish to the one who harmed you, little ones. I shall bind him in the limbo where you are held until you are ready to be set free. I shall remain with you until it is time to send him to the depths." 
 The blinding white obliterates all the corruption within the building, leaving the robots unharmed as the structure is destroyed. The chaos jesters provide housing and charging stations and stuff to the robots until an up to code place is built for them. 
 End scene
Note: the All-Mother character, Helpful the EHF alpha/their twin Juni, and Rowan are all my personal characters and (C) me, Mod Observer. The EHF version of the UTMV is (C) me and Mod Maxils. All other characters (C) their respective creators
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askfnafcast · 4 years
A ramble about voices
((OOC: Thinking on how voices can help shape an otherwise baseless character...
Fnaf has a funny distinction wherein the original games did not offer voices to help mould the characters. Certainly Foxy and Chica were kind of obvious as to what they would be: a southern chicken and a pirate. Freddy and Bonnie were more open ended as you could go off any sort of animatronic place in life to take inspiration. For me- Freddy will always have a deeper and more showman voice because he’s a dapper bear in a top hat. Bonnie is 50/50, sure I know how he sounded in the Showtime song, but the way I hear him is based solely on my characterization for him that would make no sense for anyone else.
I’ve had my designs for a majority of the animatronics fairly set in stone for a while so even when voices did come out for them, nothing changed. Some honestly worked very well for the image I already had for them, such as Mangle, Toy Chica or the nightmares that actually got voices. Then there were some I couldn’t possibly imagine my characterization suiting such as Toy Freddy. What did however work for me was not how he sounded but what he said: the gamer shtick. I freaking LOVE it! It gave me more to work off of! This was similar to Mr.Hippo (Gay grandpa) who I had a vague idea what he originally was to be but ultimately changed up my design (slightly) and direction based off of this lovely old man we were presented with. Rockstar Freddy is a slight example of this, I love the tone of the voice but besides that he’s got nothing. What I was able to take was the vocal quirk I’ve worked into him and a general fondness towards currency…plus his fanny pack.
There were some that affirmed my directions (and that’s a good feeling) such as Toy Bonnie. Now he’s a funny one in the sense his voice came from AR not an actual main story game. Now much like Bonnie his voice isn’t typically what it canonically is, rather he masks it for comfort and to be taken a bit more seriously. What really worked out for me was the voice lines. “Ladies and gentlemen, the stage is now mine.” That works so well for my smarmy little snot! “Clear the stage, for the star of our show is now here” This little creep wants everyone to know he thinks he’s the best Bonnie. Another who hardcore affirmed what I already had was Funtime Foxy. His voice is flawless. I had him written out to be a dandy show fox and that voice certainly lended itself well to it. Pigpatch also affirmed my look for him with his gravely tone.
However, as per my take Puppet and Lefty are the only voices (that I can think) that I’ve not even remotely touched. For canon purposes they’re perfect, but for me it would look frightfully peculiar giving a masculine presenting bear a soft child voice now wouldn’t it? What I did take from both instead was the softness. My Lefty speaks in whispers and hushed tones, as Puppet soft as well.
I’m still waiting to hear from our dear Glamrocks to see how they’ll change. Even, as it stands, the deep voice we assume was Glamrock Freddy changed my initial jock persona for him. I have voice head canons for the rest but am ready to drop them when I hear their canon ones. I am sincerely hoping the girls do not end up with squeaky voices, no disrespect intended to those who like the voices of Funtime Chica, Happy Frog and Toy Chica but to me, they’re not interesting (also no disrespect to the talent of the voice actresses). I keep listening to female Glamrock singers and love the idea of Roxanne with a huskier voice. Glitchtrap will be fun, assuming we get more of the bug eyed creep. The voice that we know from Princess Quest, assuming that’s going to be his voice, presents an interesting thing! I always envisioned him with a ridiculous almost tone, somewhere between Him from Powerpuff Girls and Gregory from Gregory Horror Show. What we got makes sense of course and I do genuinely enjoy.
To summarize my ramble here, voices are an important thing to me. They help me shape and envision what I’m working with. That’s why I have my singing head canons for these lovely weirdos. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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mixshroom · 2 years
{1} Spitting facts for the cats
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< Currently reading: Chapter {1} of Spitting facts for the cats >
{Miko's apartment: Bedroom}
Miko P.O.V.
I am a boy who's sleeping on my bed.
In which the bed I'm sleeping on is placed inside a room.
And the room where the bed I'm sleeping on is inside of an apartment.
Then the destination of my apartment is-
I open my eyes, showing its bright and soft maroon glow.
Suddenly waking up because I feel like I should.
I sit up and started to stare at my books on the desk then to my clock.
It read 8:15 A.M.-
I quickly rushed off the bed and started collecting my things that's needed for school. Did the neighbor's hear my shout? I hope not.
My chanting was cut off by being tripped because of the blanket that's now tangled at my legs making my chin collide with the floor.
I groan at the impact because it hurted me 😥, then I started rubbing my chin to lessen the pain.
My vision is spinning and a little blurry then started to clear a bit.
Blinking a few times till I can finally see a much clearer view, I turned my head to look at the clock and my eyes widened again.
8:18 A.M.
I start wriggling to get out of this tangled blanket around me.
Taking a deep breath,
I shouted and continued to wriggle out of my blanket's grasp.(A/N: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) Wasting seconds that should've been used as a time to fix myself.
Folding my blanket and fixing my bed now that I'm out of it,
I'm late for school.
{Road to school}
Running at full speed I ignore everything in my way.
I kept on running and running while singing the song of the skeletal system inside my head.
It's catchy ngl.
Seeing that I'm almost close to two different routes. I skid to a stop then turned my head left and right, deciding on which path I should take.
Take a left where nothing is right, or take the right where nothing is left.
I walked to the right since it's the shortest way and I'm right-handed as well as the fact that I'm always right.
But the fact that I'm always right is also the reason I always get left behind.😫😔✊
Readying to run at full speed again I feel the hair behind my neck stand a bit.
I tightly gripped both strap's of my bag and scanned the area surrounding me.
I looked at the plants.
There's no sign of movement.
No shift in the wind.
No sound of any rustles or any of the sort.
"Tch, maybe a stalker."
My head practically snapped that I thought it will break to where the sound came from.
There stood a cat who looks frozen in place. It had dark blue eyes and fur. It's eyes are wide and its pupils are slit with a stance that it looks like it's gonna pounce on its prey.
Seemingly making itself more intimidating.
I stare back at it.
Unblinking with my eyes wide, of course.
Too bad I sneezed making my eyes closed and the cat ran away.
I rubbed my nose and look at where the cat ran and then to where it was before.
I glared at the ground grumbling about someone talking sh*t about me behind my back. Then saw that my shoe laces are out of where I hid them.
I crouched then quickly tied it and squished it inside of my shoes.
I stood up and checked my surrounding one more time.
Seeing that there's no one around me, I hurriedly ran away.
Too bad, I didn't get to see those beautiful amber eyes in the corner along with 10 pairs of observing eyes.
{School: Class Room}
Packing my stuff as the school had ended. I open my oversized bag's front zipper then placed my stationary while trying to ignore the annoying gathering of girls in front of me giggling about something I don't care.
Grabbing my last notebook and placing it inside. After I zipped it close, I put on the straps of my bag then went out of the room. Walking casually with my thickly oversized black bag on my back, I again, ignore the stares I'm getting because of it.
A lot of questionable and curious looks along with annoying ones came my way but as I always say.
They're probably jealous, lol.👎
Having a bag just as beautiful as the night with its raven aesthetic and conveniently hidden compartment's, is always the best.
{School: Art Club}
Standing in front of the entrance of a club, I slowly reached my hands towards the door as I feel eyes on me, before sliding it open.
The students inside stopped what they were doing and turned to me, adding more gazes to my figure. Sweating at the looks, I'm given I gulped the nonexistent lump in my throat and asked,
"Can I have a box? Strong and thick ones please."
Then a boy whom I think is the president of this club looked at me suspiciously.
I mean who wouldn't?
He asked the one seated next to him before turning to me.
"You can get some over there."
He pointed to what I assume the storage room then continued to whatever he's doing.
I thanked him as they returned to what they were doing before. A sweat rolls down my forehead as I awkwardly walk to the indicated room, feeling a few eyes on me again.
"Thank you very much!"
Bowing a 90 degreed bow as I once again show my appreciation before closing the door. Feeling an unknowingly adorable smile crept on my face as pinks blooms on my cheeks.
It's been weeks since I've been looking for this type of box so I can't help but feel giddy because of finally having it. I went to different stores and asked if they have a box like this one, but sadly they have none.
I continue my way to the lockers as I try to ignore the stares on the back of my head.
'Those who peer's at me is going overtime today ever since I had a staring contest with a cat.'
Isn't it very common staring at a cat?
But that cat was weirdly colored.
Was that cat a spirit or any of the sort?
Or did I do something weird to someone again?
{School: Library}
Shaking my head to shoo upcoming thoughts. I stopped in front of a room before putting the box down along with my ✨ravishing bag✨ next to a box that looks like mine but a little bit smaller.
Leaving my stuff in the hallway after making sure that my bag is locked. I entered the room, feeling the stare's on me all day, gone.
'Thank goodness, I'm honestly scared.'
'I don't want to come out of this room yet.'
'Their gazes makes my gut churn.'
'Mommy pick me up, I'm scared lol.'
{School: Hallway}
After a few minutes of having a debate, I rapidly slide the door making a loud 'BAM' then looked around warily before going to my bag to get on moving.
The sooner I go home, the better.
I enter my fingers in the box's hole before slightly feeling something like an exhalation of air inside of it. I payed no mind and lifted it up before dropping it again.
"....... What the?..... Why is it so heavy?"
Never bothering on checking inside, I fixed the straps of my bag and stretched my knee's. Grabbing the box through both hole's as I sensed something inside of it again, but payed no mind.
"Probably the air trapped inside weighed. Lol, What a great discovery."
I joked to no one and carried the heavy box to my next destination.
{School: Hallway}
"A CAT?!"
I turned my head to peek at the noise and saw students avoiding and screaming "its a cat, its a cat."
Of course it's a cat losers. Are you all blind or what?
Heh, Adrien kinnie's.
I shrugged it off and fixed my gripped on the box and continue walking because I might get blamed that I brought the cat.
I glance at the cat seeing it staring at me.
It's red eyes stopped my legs as a wave of thoughts washed over me.
None surfaced, its just there with the wave.
They come and go.
Some lands on the shore but none aren't going farther from it.
Thoughts, ideas, and feelings that aren't enough for my brain to agree and my body to do.
Rising and drowning in the wave as they weigh in my mind.
Leaving me to dwell until answers' rises that would satisfy the 'all of me'.
Sorting and looking for a word.
I'm thinking.
I'm pondering.
I'm contemplating.
I'm having a disagreement, debate, controversy, a dispute.
Am I conflicted?
I'm overthinking again....
Am I?
A voice I know all too well broke me out of my thoughts and staring. Turning my gaze towards the voice, I see the freshman that follows me like a duckling everywhere.
When he's in a bad mood. Sadly 😔👊.
Ah, sh*t.
My little skylark spoke.
I quickly hid in the corner, completely dismissing the fact that I will get bonked if I stay.
'Entertain my sadistic side with pleasure, Kyoya-chan.'
There stood a male with black hair and narrowed grey eyes with a bird perched on his hair. He's wearing the Disciplinary Committee uniform which consists of; a white long-sleeved shirt, black pants, black shoes, and a black gakuran top worn on his shoulders, with the committee's armband pinned on the top's left sleeve.
The students started to tremble with fear as they come face-to-face with the devil of the school.
"For crowding and causing a commotion."
He takes out his tonfa's and take's a stance, doing the pose they all dread.
(A/N: If you want to see this Hibari Kyouya just search his name.)
"I'll bite all of you to death."
Cue the scramming of students and my disappointment.
Man, Kyoya's reputation as a frightening individual while earning the respect and fear of many people is very admirable.
Of course, mainly fear from me.
Fixing the box in my hands I see Kyoya-chan hiding his tonfa's to who-knows-where then crouched in front of the cat.
I silently watched him along with the ones in my box, without my knowledge of course.
He stared at the cat that was doing the same.
He said something I couldn't hear because of the distance.
Before lightly petting its head.
My breathing stopped as well as my heart.
Placing the box on my knee as I use my free hand, I clench at where my heart is.
Even though I frequently see him petting small and cute animals, I just can't help it.
I began to silently swoon and squeal at the scene with fluffy balls surrounding me, unaware of the eyes peeking from inside the box.
'Oh man, I wish I had my camera, I wanna pet the cat too- IS THAT A SMILE I SEE?!'
My eyes went out of its sockets before it went back in.
A tear slid down as I dramatically wiped it with my pointer finger with a smile of accomplishment on my face making the spectators in the box sweatdrop.
I held out my had and turned it into a fist while tears started streaming down.
That accomplishment being;
I made it as a mission because of his face. His face always has that scowl everyday and isn't that tiring?
And his face is wasted because of it.
Though it is cute and attractive, still,
Snapping out of my thoughts cause the sight was short-lived, Kyoya-chan stood up carrying the cat in his arms.
My swoo-ing stopped and I started examining the cat's features.
Kyoya-chan carried a red cat.....?
When did cats had red fur?
He lightly stroked the head of the red cat but halted once he looked at the corner I'm hiding at.
I quickly turned as he saw me or the front of my bag.
I hear footsteps of the arriving doom.
A sweat rolls down my forehead as I inhaled a lot of air and hardly griped the box. I stood up then started speed-walking to the lockers.
My school shoes skipping a step or two as I run or walk in panic.
Panicking and praying to whoever the supreme beings above can save me from this cute junior of mine.
'I If broke a rule that I forgot, forgive meee. Whoever have I wronged supreme beings, please forgive me and save meeeeeeeeee'
The thought of being bonked on the head with his hands doesn't sound too bad.
But with his tonfa's?
With that I repeated the word Charlotte Labouff wished upon a star.
'Please, please, please, please, please, please, please-'
A tug at the back of my bag pulled me out of my silent pleading's.
Gulping, I formed my lips upwards.
I faced the taller raven-haired male with a smile that had my eyes closed.
I acted natural by greeting him along with his chick with a question.
"Oh, Yo Hi-bird, Kyoya-chan! You need something from me?"
He greeted and held the red cat by its armpits in front of me.
Its feet and tail dangling in the air- Oh? A boy!
How charming.
The cat has red eyes and fur. Its red hair glistening from the setting sun outside, making it glow. The face he held is pure seriousness, same with the ravenette, but had a mix of embarassment.
How cute.
Turning my gaze from the seemingly embarrassed cat to the ravenette, I raised a brow.
He has a very unnoticeable tired expression on his face but noticeable to me.
Oh? that's rare.
Fully facing him while my hands is starting to get tired along with my legs. I started,
Before gently putting the box on the floor. I reached towards the cat but Kyouya-chan stepped back.
I sighed then inhaled,
And exhaled.
"Kyouya-chan don't blame me. You have nothing to blame. I didn't sneak that little guy in here. Had a few encounters today, but I didn't pet them or any of the sort."
He didn't seem to fully believe me.
That, I don't care.
Exasperatedly sighing again, I turned serious.
"I am not lying."
He glance at the box before taking a step towards me. It didn't look like he'll give me the cat,
"Tell me."
My little junior demanded.
"Okay..... I had a staring contest with about 5 or 6 cats today and 3 of them won so I gave them the price, food. I didn't pet them but they want me to. So I restricted my hands by tying it together and securing them behind my neck."
Unknowingly gaining sweatdrops, I pointed behind my neck.
"See? Right here you can see the mark of restriction against rubbing my hands-"
He started, then gave me the cat who quickly clung onto me.
I fixed its position to a more comfortable one and started stroking its head, who leaned on my chest for more contact.
Kyouya-chan who watched the scene, and the cat whom I carry. Both felt something but quickly dismissed it.
"Good to know."
I look at him and smiled, but got curious in seeing him staring intently at my box while peeking at the cat in my arms.
He's suspecting something.
I looked at the baby in my arms and my eyes met with red ones.
It's looking at me, what the f*ck?
My mouth turned agape before I smiled. The cat snuggled more, leaving fur on my favorite jacket.
I silently cried-
Kyoya-chan made a hissing noise.
"Geh, Kyoya-chan did you just- hiss??"
One of the weirdest noise he ever made.
He turned his head at me to glare but then gestured to the box.
"Oh this? I found this in the art room."
"No. Senpai, that box you have-"
"Hello there! Kinoko-san and Hibari-san!"
A voice interrupted Kyoya-chan simultaneously stopping my hand that was stroking the cat.
Kyoya-chan who had an annoyed face, along with me, who masks the annoyance by smiling, turned to the one who greeted us.
There stood a female slightly taller than me. She had long brown hair that reaches to her thighs and mischievously sadistic blue eyes behind her glasses.
"Neviah." I greeted while Kyouya-chan glanced at me to which I nodded then he went somewhere. Not before giving the box a look.
With Kyoya-chan now gone, she skipped towards me then began her usual dialogue.
"You brought another cat to show off? If you keep bringing them here you'll get expelled, you know? You, I and Hibari-san here wouldn't want that right?"
I smiled to her, a smile that didn't reach my eyes.
"I don't really care much Neviah. There's a lot of schools out there where I can continue my education but indeed. If I got expelled you have no one to pick with."
The last part fell deaf to her ears as she keep staring at the cat with a sadistic smile.
"Oooohh~ Isn't that the cat I'm told to dispose of? Ooh, ooh, ooh, can I hold him?"
I tightly hugged the cat but not too much too hurt him and started rubbing the back of his neck as I smiled once again to hide the bubbling annoyance.
"No. Your hands reeks of alcohol that makes this little dear's nose twitch."
I peeked at the red cat's face before smiling softly and turning to Neviah.
"Eh~ Just a ru-"
"As I said. You reek of alcohol and ALSO your presence along with your voice, smell, appearance, and vibes brings discomfort and gives this little dear a a lot of negative amount of stress. Please do use your ears and read someone first, will you?"
I glared at her before softly placing the cat in the box, not noticing my hidden spectators were squished in the corners.
Grabbing the box through the holes, I look at her blankly with mild distaste.
I bid her goodbye.
"Neviah, showing off my cats to people like you is nothing but a waste of time. Goodbye."
Very dryly.
{School: Front gate}
Calling out to the ravenette while carrying a box, I saw him push himself off the wall he was earlier leaning on.
I walked a little bit faster then halted once I'm near but not too close.
Gotta respect personal space. 👌
He gave me a questioning look.
"Oh, The dear cat is in here If you're looking for him."
He nodded as we make our way home while having a conversation, well mostly me deciphering his expressions and doing all the talk.
{Total Word Count: 2987 Words}
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