#//Sean does not have a room so there is no couch for Y/N to sleep on :o(
balloonboyismyson · 7 months
I am getting sick and my only saving grace has been to think about how my FNAF crushes would act finding out Y/N is sick 🙏
So headcanon time, how would the Glamrocks (and Sean mayhaps) act finding out Y/N came into work sick and is trying to act normal about it (and failing)
OOOOOHH OKAY HEADCANON TIME (I hope it is just a fluke and you do not end up actually getting sick)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Freddy would most certainly recognize your posture and demeanor first. Instantly, he races to you and makes you face him. With one scan, he can tell just what ailments you have. You attempt-in vain-to tell him you are fine, but he interrupts you with all the information he has received: "Runny nose, itchy and sore throat, fever, cold sweats, coughing and fatigue. You also appear to be having a mild allergic reaction to Dayquil." You try telling him it is all you had, but he brings you to a first-aid station in an attempt to scrounge up some benadryl and ice packs. Afterwards, he brings you back to his room and lays you on the couch.
Roxy notices your skin first. It is extremely dry, and your lips are extremely chapped. "What're you doing here?? You need to lay down now, you look like you're gonna pass out!" Since it is a Saturday, you try to tell her that you are hungover, but she rolls her eyes at you. "Someone who's hungover wouldn't be able to walk two steps in here without sunglasses as dark as Monty's." She orders you to go lie down on her couch and sleep. You try to remind her you are here for your job, but she has already moved on and is preoccupied brushing her hair. After a moment of not moving, she snaps her fingers and points to her couch. You walk over with your metaphorical tail between your legs and get comfortable.
Monty gets the wrong impression when you first step in his greenroom. He sprints over to you, his face painted with concern. "Hey did somethin' happen?? 'Re you okay??" When you meet his gaze, he softens. "Oh. Caught a bug?" You shake your head and tell him it is just allergies. Even through his sunglasses you can see him squint at you. "Tch'yeah. 'Kay. 'N' I'm a crocodile." You look away from him and attempt to steer the conversation to your nightly duties. "102.2" He states. You quirk a brow and question the number he gives you. "You're 102.2°F." You try to tell him you are not that bad, but before you can he picks you up, plops down on the couch and places you on top of him. You bring up your job, but he cuts you off. "Don't care."
Chica can hear just how awful you are in your voice when you greet her. "Woah!" She yells as she covers her beak and runs over to scan you. Once she is done she wastes no time grabbing your hand and back. "C'mere, c'mere now, easy does it." She leads you and sets you down on her surprisingly comfortable chair. Before you have time to de-escalate the situation, she is already out of the room. After a few minutes she returns with a few ice packs, water bottles and some benadryl. Again, you attempt to speak, but she shuts you down. "Here, take this!" Since she is the one who deals with sick and hurt kids the most, you give up on trying to stop her and take the meds.
Sean goes to greet you when you walk in the room but is cut short by seeing how miserable you look. "Woah my god!" He quickly puts his things down and makes his way over to guide you to the nearest table. He reaches in his chest compartment and pulls out a small package of tissues for you. "What made you come in!?" You try to convince him you had just been standing in the cold for a bit and needed to warm up, but he looks at you with a low-lid stare. "Sorry shortstack, but the cold doesn't make you sound like that." You clam up and try to find a different excuse, but he cuts you off. "How 'bout this. You go find an employee break room somewhere and I'll finish your shift for you." Your eyes widen and you tell him that you are fine and are totally capable of doing it. "You deserve a break," He smiles, "and some much needed rest." Then, he gets up to see you to the break room.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Power Couple
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing 
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Summary: Sean, Felix, Dave, and Joel welcome Corpse’s girlfriend to a game of Party Animals. It’s her first time playing and she has to deal with a lot more than just the controls and objectives - her boyfriend being a cute, cuddly sweetheart with ulterior motives to his clinginess.
Requested by @susceptible-but-siriusexual. Thank you so much for your request! Hope I captured what you wanted and how you wanted. Feel free to send any other requests you may have XOXO
It’s been one hell of a day. Had to correct twice as many documents as I was originally supposed to at work; found my car with a flat tire in the parking lot as I was about to go home; argued with my boss over the phone while stuck in a traffic jam. It’s been a rough twelve hours, but it has led me here and that’s what I’d rather think about.
By ‘here’ I mean I’m sitting on the couch in Corpse’s recording room, my computer in my lap, my screen displaying the screen to the game Party Animals. The suggestion was Corpse’s. He immediately picked up on my below par mood and wasted no time finding a solution to bright up the remainder of the day, shadowing the shitty portion of it. I am not what you would call a gamer. Sure I’ve played Among Us with Corpse and his friends a few times. Even that I struggle to do because I’m internally fangirling over all the people in the lobby. Yeah, dating a youtuber doesn’t mean you automatically stop gushing over the many content creators on the platform you’ve been watching for quite some time now. Corpse knows how nervous I get so he’s always near me when we play with Sean, Felix and the other. All he has to do is give me that encouraging smile and wink of his and I’m good to go. Side note: massive props to him for going easy on me in Among Us, getting teasingly called ‘simp’ by his friends in the process.
“You’ll love it.“ He promised me over and over again as the game was downloading on my computer.
“I don’t doubt that, Corpse. But I am going in completely blind and I seriously don’t wanna embarrass myself.“ I mumble a quick ‘nor you‘ under my breath, hoping he doesn’t catch it because I’m in for a pep talk if he does. 
To my dismay, he does, “Listen here, you couldn’t embarrass me even if you actively tried to do something outrageous. Most likely scenario, I’d join you in the act.” He ducks in front of the couch so we’re at eye level, his hand coming up to cup my cheek in the sweetest, most comforting gesture ever. “We’ll show em who’s the boss at stealing candy.”
I can’t help but laugh, feeling unable to express just how much this man means to me. Words can’t do the feeling justice.
“Corpse Wife has arrived!“
Hearing all the greetings lights a flame in my chest, the warmth spreading all the way to my neck and cheeks. “Hi guys! Missed playing with you!”
“We missed you too!“ Dave, the only one of the gaming gang I’ve actually met in person, replies to me, his words along with all the others’ wrapping around me like a comfort blanket. Despite them knowing I’m a fan of theirs, they’ve always made me feel welcomed, comfortable, nothing less than them.
“You know anything about this game?“ Felix asks me.
I shake my head, almost forgetting he can’t see me, “Corpse told me it’s funny and cute. It sounds like the perfect game for me.” 
“Oh no, this is a game of survival. Survival of the fittest!“ Sean shouts excitedly, a bang following his shout I can only assume was him hitting his desk.
“I’d like to think I’m pretty fit.“ I shrug my shoulders, laughing along with the guys.
“This is the only way to find out if you actually are.“ Joel’s voice comes through my headphones in the form of a tease.
Sean mumbles quietly to himself as he’s deciding how to separate us in two teams. “Guys, a little help here. We all suck at this game, it doesn’t really matter who’s in which team.”
“Actually...“ Felix trails off, “Corpse and Y/N are the ultimate power couple in Among Us. Chances are they will be in this as well. So, the only logical move would be to...“
“I’m taking Y/N, you take Corpse.“ Sean declares. “Joel, Dave, who do you guys wanna be with?“
And the game starts. Sean, Joel and I are the Meowfia while Corpse, Felix and Dave are yet to choose a team name. We throw around snarky, cocky comments at each other, taunting the opposite team as we struggle to take the candy to our respective sides of the map.
“Don’t you dare pull that lever, Dave!“ I launch at Dave, knocking his cute avatar away from the lever, buying Joel and Sean some time to steal back the gummy bear Corpse and Felix took from us.
“Y/N! Joel is out! Help me!“ Sean is freaking out now. I ditch Dave’s unconscious body and run to Sean’s aid. 
As I’m helping him push it towards out area a member from the opposite team latches onto my avatar, weighing me down and hindering me from doing anything.
“Hug!“ Corpse laughs as he has literally turned into a koala, holding onto my avatar.
“Corpse, you know you are actually supposed to hinder Y/N, not hug her. It’s cute though, don’t get me wrong.“ Felix laughs as him and Sean continue to struggle over the gummy bear.
“Nah, his tactic’s great. I can’t do shit.“ I desperately try and shake him off, “Babe, this is unfair. I can’t even be mad at you!“ I whine, staring to panic now that Dave is back to life and Joel is nowhere to be seen.
The round is won by Felix, Dave and Corpse who, if I might add, didn’t let go of me for the rest of the game.
We switch maps, now every man for himself. We’re on the submarine, recreating the Hunger Games with cute fuzzy animals. The thought passes through my mind, causing me to giggle.
“Y/N, you sound exactly like I’d imagine your avatar to sound. You’re so cute.“ Sean’s avatar circles mine a few times as he laughs.
He’s not wrong, my pale blue puppy is indeed cute. Apparently immortal as well.
“How is Y/N still alive?! Holy shit, her and Corpse really are a power couple.“ Dave shrieks when he sees me pick up the freeze gun. “NOOO!“ He shouts, devastated by the fact I shot him, sending him straight to his death.
“Chill, Dave. It’s all cool. Nothing personal.“ I struggle to hide my laughter, “No hard feelings, right?“
“Of course not, love.“ I can tell he grits the sentence through clenched teeth.
“Aw Dave, you are such an ice guy.“ I giggle, now shooting Joel with the gun.
“Someone take that gun from her!“ Sean cries as him and Felix race up the submarine.
Suddenly, the avatar of my boyfriend again wraps itself around mine. I hadn’t seen him in a while, considering Sean knocked him into the ocean earlier in the round. 
“How are you still alive?!“ I try to spin my puppy to get him to let go but he holds on tightly. “Babe, I swear, you are cute and I love you, but this is ridiculous. How and why are you alive?”
“That’s his superpower! He never fucking dies.“ Felix laughs, letting out a yelp when he briefly slips while climbing.
“Immortals!!! Immortals!!!“ Sean breaks out into a song, a song I really like, breaking the restraints I had on my laughter.
“Drop the gun or we’re dying together.“ He says almost seriously. Even though I can only see the back of his head I know he’s grinning.
“A Titanic/Romeo and Juliet mashup? Why not? I can live with dying a double historical death.“ Even though I appear accepting of his offer, I’m still trying to set myself free.
In the end, Sean claims his first win of the game and the rest of us are dead at the bottom of the ocean. Corpse and I did indeed die a Romeo and Juliet/Titanic death, getting everyone in their feels. We make a deal to get together and play again as soon as possible and we all go our separate ways, exiting the Discord call.
*Later that night* 
After a dinner consisting of takeout and two thirds of a shitty romantic comedies, Corpse shifts from next to me, starting to get up from the couch. I am surprised to feel jolted out of a half sleep as the room is now completely silent, the TV being turned off.
“Hey where’re you going?“ I ask groggily, rubbing my sleepy eyes.
“I have some editing to do. Don’t worry, I won’t stay up too late.“ He kisses my forehead before grabbing his phone from the coffee table.
Just as he’s about to walk away, I wrap my arms around his legs. He laughs, catching onto what I’m insinuating. His chuckle brings a smile to my face and butterflies in my belly. No matter how long we date for or how much time we spend together, some things never change. 
“Payback, huh?“ He asks, the smile audible in the question. I keep my eyes shut but nod, my arms still around his legs. “Alright, you koala. You’re coming with me.”
In his recording room, he settles in his chair placing me in his lap in a way that my legs dangling off to the side, my side leaning against his chest, my face hidden in the crook of his neck. We’re both comfortable, content and relaxed.
I don’t know when exactly it happens, but all my mind has registered is a quiet ‘I love you’ and the soft touch of Corpse’s lips on my temple. I manage to reply with an ‘I love you too’ before my sleepiness consumes me, my body completely relaxing against his, the warmth of his body, his scent, the sound of his breathing making me feel safe and loved: the two feelings I want him to feel with the same intensity when I’m in his arms.
Something tells me he does.
@simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17 @chrysanthykios  @annshit @i-cant-choose-a-username-help
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
The Next Step Part Two
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Summary: A few kids were able to hear Hanseok's screams in the abandoned house Vincenzo left him in. They called the ambulance in time to take him to the hospital. Months later, Hanseok tracks Y/N down at a party with Han and tries to kill her. Han had something else in mind.
Notes: mention of Jang Hanseok, mentions of Vincenzo plots, SMUT warning, 18+, minors DNI, GIF is not mine
Despite it being months since Vincenzo's call saying that Hanseok was dead, Han still kept his eye on you. Once he saw you actively looking for apartments, he squashed it and said that you could keep each other company. Something fluttered in you when he said that he was willing to do anything to keep you safe.
For once, you enjoyed someone staking claim over you. With Han, he respects your individuality and free will. He doesn't restrain you from doing anything but when he thinks you're doing something dangerous, he'll keep you company.
Sean thinks that Han will ask you out or something but you said that wasn't going to happen he only saw you as a friend and he was still in love with Giselle. Sean asked Han the same thing and he was said similar things. So Sean decided to leave you two alone and let you two figure it out ourselves.
"Put something cute on, we're going to a party." Han says, poking his head in to see you doing yoga. "Who are you trying to be flexible for?" He asks. "For me, Han. Yoga calms me." You say, lifting one leg and tucking it on your pelvic bone in the tree pose. Han steps into the room and pushes you into the cushion in front of you.
"Han!" You scold. "Come on, Sean is waiting for us." He says, turning his back to leave but you jump on his back instead. You grab the chips from his hand and jump off his back to make a run for it but he already grabs you. The back of your knees hit the bed, sending you both hurdling onto the bed.
Your hair fans around your head as you stare up at him. A smile tugs on his lips and he asks, "Is that where you wanted this to go?" You were completely baffled by the fact that his hips were hovering over yours and his chocolate brown eyes drifting between your lips and your eyes.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" "Something like that." He leans in so close you could practically taste him. Your breath hitches in your throat and your heart bangs against your chest but your find yourself pulling him closer until your lips collide with his. A softly sigh into the kiss and he plants a hand on either side of you.
You were just getting used to him lips against yours when his phone starts to ring. He pulls away with a grumble and answers his phone with a sharp what. You smile up at him and you could hear Sean asking where you guys were through the phone but Han leans down to give you a few more kisses in response.
"We'll be there. Don't get your boxers in a twist," Han says against your lips. He ends the call and kisses you once more before getting up from the bed. "Get dressed."
"Roger that," you say, sliding to the edge of the bed. "You want your chips back?" "I'm actually in the mood for dessert, but I'll gladly wait until later tonight." He says, giving you a once over.
Feeling a bigger sense of pride, you walk up to him and press the bag of chips into his chest. "I'm going to take a shower, care to join?" You ask. "If I do that, we're definitely not making it to the party.
Han and Y/N finally pick up Sean thirty minutes later and he immediately felt a change in the vibe between you two. And he definitely noticed the stolen glances and smiles you would send each other. But he didn't say anything until he was alone with Han.
"So what happened between you two?" Sean asks before taking a swig of beer. "What are you talking about?" Han asks, trying to keep it cool by having his back leaning against the railing and not staring at her like he wanted to do. But at least Sean has eyes on her.
Han has body guards trained on her at all times but he still worries for her. It's like he can finally breath when he sees her. "Alright, well what if I tell you she was talking with a pretty good looking guy right now?" "She's her own person. I don't control anything she does." Han answers, popping a chip into his mouth.
"Oh, look at that, he's snaking an arm around her waist." Sean teases and Han wiped his head around so fast, Sean felt whiplash by just witnessing it. Han looked to see you softly swaying her hips to the music as you sipped on your Sake. No man in sight. Once Han realized that he rolled his eyes at Sean but couldn't hide the sigh of relief that left his lips.
"So what changed between you two?" Sean repeats. "We kissed. And it felt so addicting like smoking my first cigarette. I just want to keep kissing her until I can't breathe. And it scares me man." Han says, crunching on more chips.
Sean's eyebrow furrows when he realizes that you were gone and your normal guards are nowhere in sight. "Han, she's gone." Sean says. "Cut the shit. It's not funny."
"No, I'm serious. Look." Han looks at you were a few minutes ago to see . Little did they know that Hanseok tracked you down and followed them into the club.
He bought off Han's guards so you became easy access. Then he just pulled you into a room and shoved you in. Crawling away from him on the floor, you frantically searched for anything you could use as a weapon. Then your eyes fall on a mirror.
"You almost killed me, you know. Vincenzo nearly did it, but he was so caught up on making me suffer as you requested, that it gave me the chance to be saved." Hanseok explains, pulling off his hoodie to show his scarred body.
"Oh God," you whimper. "I'm going to enjoy this," He says, pulling a knife from his belt. You stand up in a wide stance and put your hands up so you could deflect his blows. Your hands were shaking, your worst nightmare has come to life but you can't forget what Vincenzo taught you after he left Korea.
He came to Japan to visit you and see how you were doing. In return for assisting with Hanseok's execution, he taught you how to defend yourself from any deadly weapon. "What? You really think you're going to fight me?"
"The days where I cower from you are over, Hanseok. You want to kill me? Go ahead and try." You snark, shifting your weight from one foot to the next as you waited for him to strike. "Where the hell could she be? She was just here!" Han snaps, looking around the crowd frantically.
You scrambled out of the room with blood sprayed across your neck from when she stabbed Hanseok in the chest with a piece of glass. He should be dead but knowing that he has a vendetta, he's not going to die so easily. You spot Han in the crowd and ran towards him.
"What the hell happened?" "H-hanseok, he's still alive. He tried to kill me." You whimpered, tears building in your eyes. "Where is he?" Han asked. You could see his eyes darken with anger but chose not to question it. You took his hand and followed him into the room where Hanseok held his chest heaving.
Han took out his phone to call DK who answered on the first ring. "Bring your gun. We have some business to take care of." Han says coldly. "Take her back to my place and don't leave her side until I get there." Han says to Sean, talking as if you weren't standing right there.
"No, I'm staying with you." You start, grabbing a hold of his arm. "I don't want you to see me like this," Han says, pulling his arm away hesitantly. "Come on, Y/N." Sean says and Han reassured, "I'll be fine." You nodded before following Sean to the car.
Hours passed and you were on the verge of taking Han's car and going back to the club when Han slowly walks through the door. Sean and you looked at him with wide eyes when you notice blood splattered across his clothes and face. He was practically drenched in it.
"You can take my car back home, Sean. I won't be leaving for a while." Han says softly and Sean nods his head, choosing not the say a word. He leaves the apartment and you spring to your feet. You try to cup his face to get a good look at him but he moves away.
"Han," "Let me get cleaned up first," he walks passed you and turns on the shower. You wait on the couch for him to finish his shower, chewing on the inside of your cheeks nervously. He finally walks back in with black sweatpants and a white tank top.
"I'm headed to bed. It's been a long day." He says. "Don't do that. Talk to me. Please." You say, standing in his way. "What happened?" You add.
"Do you really want to know?" "I want to know if you're okay." "Well I don't want to talk about it. Good night." He dismissed before walking upstairs to his room.
You respected his decision and decided to stay in the living room with a clear view of the door. Just in case Hanseok crawls out of his grave and finds his way back to you again. Truthfully, you didn't feel the need to sleep. But after you became hyper-vigilant of the door, your eyes closed on their own.
You woke to a soft hand touching your cheeks. Gasping away, you grab Han's hand. "Hey, relax, it's just me." He says and you loosen your grip on him. Sitting up, you tuck your knees into your chest. "What are you doing awake?" You ask.
"I couldn't sleep." He says, followed by a long silence. "Thank you, for doing that for me. I don't know how to repay you." You say. "You don't have to repay me." "Of course I do. What you did is traumatic. It'll effect you in ways I can't fix." "As long as you're by my side, Y/N. I can get through anything."
"Han," you start, but he turned your chin so you are facing him. "I love you," he says, making your heart flutter. You lean forward and pressed your lips to him. Piling yourself in his lap, you pull away to say, "I love you too."
He stands from the couch and carries you into the bedroom, occasionally pecking you on the way. He lays down on the bed and you straddled his lap. You unbuttoned your shirt and let it fall off your shoulders. Your hands found his chest but he sits up and rolls so you are laying on your back.
He glances down at your bare chest before wrapping his lips around one of your nipples. Your head falls onto his soft pillow as he continued to work on your sensitive nub. He pulls away with a satisfying pop before blowing cool air and pressing a soft kiss to your nipple.
He does the same to the other breast and your back arches off of the bed, gasping when your clothes buckle rubs against his crotch. He kisses down the line of your stomach before pulling off your fleece shorts, leaving more kisses in it's wake. He settles himself in between your legs and props your legs on his shoulder.
"Oh God," you whine when he laps your folds painfully slow and kitten licks your clit before lapping your fold again. Your hand rakes through his fine hair and he links one of his hands with yours, resting it on your stomach. You rolled your hips at the same time his kitten licked you clit and your legs spasm as you release yourself into his mouth.
"You taste amazing, ojo." He says. He uses his thumb to part your folds before going to work on your clit much faster now. "Han! Oh God, oh God, oh God," you chant as your grip on his hair tightens and you lift your hips off the bed. He push you back down gently and unlinks his hand with yours so his body could shadow over yours.
His free hand rubs circles on your clit and you moan into his mouth. "Han, please." "Shh, chisana hana." You moan at his pet name for you. Little flower. I think it fits. He captures your lips in a slow kiss that you were so caught up in, you didn't even notice that he pulled off his pants and started to pump himself.
He gently parts your legs and slides the tip along your folds to gather your juices. He slides himself in and your toes curl as his dick brushes up against a sensitive spot in your pussy. He waits for you to adjust and you signal him to move by nodding softly. His thrust are slow but deep and he buries his face into your neck.
You rest your hands on his lower back and he continued to rub your clit as he thrusted into you. A whine leaves your lips as you come apart under him but he continues to thrust into you. He lifted one leg over his shoulder and kept the other one hooked around his waist.
Digging your nails into his back, he moans and arches his back, digging himself deeper into you. "Of fuck," he moans into your neck and thrusting into you faster until you came undone once again. You were seeing stars as he cums after three hard thrusts.
He pulls out of you and lays down next to you, nuzzling himself into you neck and leaves soft kisses. The entire time, it felt like you were floating on a cloud. His touches felt light as a feather but burned into your skin the more he touched you.
It was nothing like sex with Hanseok. Han puts your needs before his own and he actually takes care of you in ways you didn't even know were possible. "Can I tell you something?" "Sure," you lay on your side, resting your hand on the side of your face.
"I think I fell for you and it scares the hell out of me." He confesses and you reach over to trace the side of his face. He waits for you to say something and a soft smile plays on your lips. "I think I fell for you as soon as we met. But we don't have to rush anything. We have nothing but time." You say softly.
"Come here," he says,.opening his arms and you wrap your arms around his neck, hiking your leg over his waist.
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It Doesn’t Matter What They say [Corpse Husband]
Hey! This is my first time doing something on Tumblr. If you’d like, go to my Wattpad because thats where this story comes from! Also, sorry if its not accurate. Im still knew to the Corpse_Husband fanbase and the people the people he is seen playing with (-Cr1tiKal and Pewdiepie] and im not familiar with personalities 
Summary: No one knew of Corpse and Y/Ns relationship. Until Corpse thought it was a good time to reveal it and maybe to make the people who simp way too much over him calm down a bit. he thought it was a good idea, so did Y/N. But the fans were not happy..
Corpse really loved Y/N. He loved her so much that he let her see his face- a week after they met. They met online through Twitter and became best friends, and they totally hit it off. Y/N made Corpse happy, and he trusted her with all his life. Y/N was small, cute, and innocent. She had a soft high pitched voice and was short. She was the exact opposite of Corpse, and that's what he loved about her. He loved when she wore his hoodies, they were always way bigger on her and the sleeves went over her hands. He loved how kind she was. Y/N was a sweetheart, and Corpse didn't know how he was able to score this hard.
Y/N really loved Corpse. He loves so damn much it might kill her. She was happy she got her phone fixed after it stopped charging, if she didn't this wouldn't have happened. They became best friends and hit it off, and she loved when she made Corpse smile. She knows his real name- but calls him Corpse because that's what he prefers. She knows his birthday, his favorite foods, his favorite songs, his personality, how to cheer him up, she knows everything. She loved Corpses deep voice and how it soothed her to sleep. She loved how tall he was compared to her. She loved sitting on his lap while he made his videos and did his streams. He loved wearing his warm hoodies and snuggling up to his chest after long days. Corpse was the best, and Y/N didn't how she was able to score this hard.
Corpse and Y/N thought it would be a good idea to reveal their relationship to the world.
So they did.
In his last stream, he was playing Among Us and decided to tell everyone about Y/N. His exact words were "Guys by the way, I think it's pretty important to tell you guys that I now have a girlfriend. Her names Y/N, and shes the sweetest little thing."
"I'm not little!" Y/Ns voice rung out from behind him. She was sitting on his bed watching him play. Everyone he was playing with freaked out at how soft and high pitched her voice was.
"Her voice is the exact opposite of Corpses, how is this possible?" Felix said with a laugh.
"How can a demon score with an angel?" Charlie commented.
"She sounds so cuuuute!" Poki said, already falling in love with Y/N even she never heard her voice.
"Awwe now I feel lonely." Sykkuno said, sending a sad face in the chat which made them all laugh.
"Nice to meet you all!" Y/N said, walking over to sit on Corpses lap. She was wearing a familiar black hoodie that was way too big on her. Hmm.. wonder whose it is.
"Wha- are you wearing my hoodie again? I was looking for it all over." Corpse had a smirk plastered on his face and looked Y/N over. She was wasn't wearing any pants- but she knew that smirk meant he was just teasing her, they don't make love very often. They just have late night cuddle sessions and kisses.
"I hid it from you so I can wear it." Y/N said a little sheepishly. She was a little awkward talking to Corpse like this infront of everybody. But by how his friends greeted her, she knew they liked her. She was sure the fans would like her as well.
"Wow. You know I was very cold without that hoodie. I had to wear this plain white t-shirt that made me even more cold." Corpse shook his head in a teasing way. Though Y/N was very soft and innocent, so she thought he was being serious for a second.
She frowned, "I'm sorry! I'll give it to you now-" She started to take it off but was stopped by Corpse.
"Ay ay ay ay- no no no, it's fine I was just joking Y/N." He chuckled, hugging her tightly.
"How is she so pure?" Toast muttered, sitting there in disbelief.
"Shes so innocent." Aoc chuckled, already liking this Y/N girl. She really wanted to play a game of Among Us with her, she seemed like such a nice girl to play with.
"Corpse you better treat her like a queen or I swear to god I will-" Charlie was cut off by Sean.
"SHe sound so perfect for Corpse, I'm for ya dude." Sean said, knowing what to come with that sentence.
"Oh how dare you cut me off. I was about to speaks of wisdom!" Charlie said.
"You were about to say profanity. We need to protect this bean we know as Y/N" Poki said.
Charlie sighed, "Fine. But you better expect a fucking DM Corpse!"
Y/N decided to play along with this, She looked curiously at Corpse and said "Babe? Whats fucking?"
There was audible gasps, and Corpse looked at her in complete and utter disbelief. His little innocent bean just said the no no word, it was forbidden in her vocab.
"pretty sure Corpse already took it if you know what I mean."
"Ew what the f--feck?"
It was a fun night for Y/N and Corpse. Y/N enjoyed her time talking to the others and studying Corpses strategies as an imposter. She was excited for when she was gonna be able to play with them, she really looked forward to it. After the stream, Corpse went to record a video reading some more fan written horror stories. Y/N went and laid on the couch, waiting patiently for her boyfriend to finish up his recording- which was going to be a while. She scrolled through her phone, watching a few of Corpses videos and looking at photos of them on her camera roll.
But she made a mistake by going on Twitter.
"Corpses gf is so fake lmao"
"Y/N does not deserve Corpse! Shes sounds like such a bitch"
"I hope @T/N and @Corpse_Husband break up. I hate their relationship already 😭"
"Y/N sounds like a hoe and isn't worthy of Corpses time."
"I bet Corpse is so tired of @T/N lmao. its obvious in his voice loooooooool"
"I hope Y/N dies so i can get a piece of deep daddy 🤩🥰"
"I already hate Y/N and I haven't even seen her in any other vids XD"
"Yoo they sound like they hate her lol. I bet they're just putting on an act to make her feel better about herself."
The DMs, messages, and comments on her posts were even worse..
"You don't deserve Corpse. Fuck off hoe."
"You aren't worry of Corpses time."
"You're such a user."
"I bet Corpse really hates you."
"I hope you fucking because Corpse doesn't need an ugly hoe like you in his life"
And they just got worse and worse. Y/N was shocked, why are they hating on her so fast? Does Corpse really not like her..? Is she really not worthy of his time..? NO! She pushed them away, Corpse loves you, and that's truth.
But even so, Y/N couldn't stop reading the messages. They were all so mean.. Only a few people stood up for her. She felt her heart break, everyone hates her... Just despises her! She felt tears run down her face. She cuddled into the hoodie, pulling the oversized hoodie her H/C hair. She felt hurt and hated, like no one wanted her, not even Corpse- the person who loved her the most.
After an hour, Corpse decided to take a little break from recording and check on Y/N. He missed her soft voice and her cuddles, so he was on a mission to get just that thing. He stood up from his gaming chair and gave a nice long stretch and ran a hand through his black hair. He walked to his door, slowly opening it and quietly walking through the hallway. He planned to scare Y/N, and sense it usually takes him hours to finish his recording she wouldn't suspect a thing.
But when he got closer to the living room, he felt worry and concern overwhelm him. He heard the soft sobs and cries of his beloved girlfriend. He rushed into the living room, sitting on the couch and picking her up to hold her in his arms. "Hey babe- are you ok? Whats wrong?"
Y/N didn't say anything, she just snuggled into Corpses chest and hugged him tightly as she sobbed.
"Babe, you can tell me anything, you know that? What's wrong? Did someone say something that hurt you on stream? Wait- is it what Sykkuno said? Baby I'm not gay he's just a friend and you know that, it's just a joke that we're-"
"I-i-its not that.." Y/N muttered out.
"Then whats wrong?" Corpse asked, his voice full of nothing but worry and concern.
Y/N grabbed her phone and turned it on. She went on Twitter on looked up the hashtag 'HateY/N' and told Corpse to scroll through.
She watched as he scrolled through the tweets, and his expression twisted into one Y/N has never really seen before, anger. Oh he was livid. How could they say those things at his beautiful, sweet, and happy girlfriend? He thought his fans would support him and Y/Ns relationship. Why didn't they care?
He read some of the battles, some people loved Y/N.
"Bro stfu. Y/N is perfect for Corpse."
"lmao what? Shes ugly asf"
"Seriously? If you really cared about Corpse you would support him. Now fuck off."
Corpse pulled his own phone out and hopped on Twitter,  instantly typing a response to everyone who has been hating on Y/N.
He said "To everybody who has been hating on @T/N, my girlfriend. I love her with all my life and I do not like how some of you guys have been treating her. She has changed my goddamn life, and all this bullshit you guys have been spitting has made Y/N cry. So please.. just please stop."
After that, Corpse threw his phone onto the carpet and hugged Y/N tightly, kissing her temple softly. "It doesn't matter what they say, I will always love you Y/N."
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astranva · 4 years
Not One of Them | Pt. 2
Pt 1
Word Count: 4k
Category: Fluff!
Warning: None
Summary: Faith wears her Harry dress, they have breakfast, and 4-year-old Faith has a gift for Harry.
You and Harry instantly pulled away before you turned, looking down at your daughter who was rubbing her eyes before you kneeled beside her bed.
“Hey, baby.” You cooed, watching as she squinted before she turned from you to Harry, trying to make sense of who was standing in her room.
Slowly her eyes widened, and it was when Harry smiled and waved, letting out a small “hi” that she gasped.
“A-Are you Mr. Harry Styles?”
You giggled to yourself, looking up at Harry before he knelt beside you on the floor and offered his hand for a handshake. “I am, but call me Harry. You’re the beautiful Faith?”
Faith sat up, putting her small hand in his and shaking his hand before she grinned. “Yes, but call me Faith.”
Harry laughed, gently shaking her hand which felt too small in his gigantic one. “Your Mum told me a lot about you.”
“Really?” Faith beamed before looking at you, “Did you show him the video?” She whispered, although her tone was definitely loud enough for Harry to hear.
You nodded, “I did. He said he wanted to see you.”
“You wanted to see me?” Faith turned to Harry, the smile not leaving her face.
“Very much. Tell you what,” Harry inched closer, “How about you get your sleep and then tomorrow we can meet over breakfast? Would you like that?”
Your heard fluttered, jingled, danced, gleamed, you name it. You turned to look at him with slightly parted lips, looking at him as if he grew two heads.
Eagerly, Faith nodded before looking at you, “Can we, Mommy? Please, please, please?”
You laughed in disbelief, still looking at Harry before shrugging, “I mean I don’t see why not. Only if Harry is 100% okay with it.”
“I’m a 101% okay.” He assured you, giving you a nod and a smile.
“Mommy makes the best pancakes.” Faith said.
“Is that so?” Harry smirked, tearing his gaze from Faith to you, “I think we need to test that, love.”
You chuckled, “Fine. Breakfast here.” You agreed before looking at Faith, standing before bending to kiss her forehead, “But you, missy, need to sleep. It’s past your bedtime.”
“Can you sing me a song, Harry? I like your singing.” Faith asked as she lied down.
“Baby, he ca-”
“I’d love to.” And to assure you, Harry put a hand to your back, eyes set on Faith as he kept his voice gentle.
Your lips parted, staring at him as he inched closer to your daughter, asking her what song she wanted him to sing.
“Canyon Moon.” Faith beamed, reaching beside her to grab her dinosaur and cuddle it against her before she turned to face Harry.
“Canyon Moon it is.” Harry nodded, getting comfortable on the floor and crossing his legs before clearing his throat. “Gotta see it to believe it…”
And you watched. You sat beside him, eyes going from him to your daughter, being too speechless and motionless to react whenever he’d reach to pat her head or whenever Faith would quietly sing along with him. You watched the man whom you met only a day before sing to your daughter, lulling her to sleep.
You watched Harry pull the covers up and on her shoulder as Faith’s eyes finally shut, her breath going steady.
“She’s out.” He whispered, finally turning to look at you.
Not trusting your voice, you nodded, getting up with him on right behind you before you turned on her night light before getting out, leaving her door ajar.
Harry was worried. He feared that he had crossed his limits, doing something that no stranger would do. He wouldn’t have thought so if it weren’t for the lack of words that left your lips as the both of you stood in your living room.
He found himself sighing, taking off your crossbag which he almost forgot he was wearing, putting it on your couch before a hand was placed on his hip, the other one reaching to brush back his hair. “Look, Y/N, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that back there with Faith, I know you probably don’t want her getting the wrong idea or-”
“Do you regret it?”
And finally, you talked.
You looked as nervous as he was, rocking on the balls of your feet as you clutched your hands together in front of your body.
“Do you regret it? Singing her to sleep? Meeting her?”
“No. I don’t.” Harry replied in a heartbeat, slowly approaching you, “She’s a lovely kid,” he whispered, standing right in front of you with little space between the both of you. Harry reached up, gently grazing your skin with his knuckles, “You did an amazing job, Y/N.”
And that was it. The lump in your throat, the itching in your nose, your eyes growing tearful, it made Harry frown as he cupped your face.
“Hey, hey, why are you crying? Did I say- Did I do anything wrong?”
“No,” you sobbed, “God, no, far from it.” You sniffled, “I just- Nobody has ever sung her to sleep except me.”
His heart swelled. He didn’t know what to say and thankfully, you went on.
“My mom tried a few times but Faye never sleeps when someone else sings to her.” You cleared, “This is all too much for you and it’s only our first date a-”
And God, he wanted you to stop talking so he took matters in his own hands and pressed his lips against yours, feeling you melt right there and then before you kissed back, your hands going up to hold onto his wrists as he gently held your face in his hands.
It was sweet and short, sufficing to do the job of making you shut up and because Harry just really thought kissing you had to be one of the greatest feelings he had ever felt.
Pulling back, the distance between the both of you remained little. “Then let me take you out again,” he softly said before pecking your lips, “And again,” this time, he pressed a kiss to your nose which had your face scrunched up and had him smile, “And again,” your left cheek, “And again,” your right cheek, “And some more.” Finally, again, your lips.
“This is a responsibility, you know that?” You asked, eyes gazing into his, “Harry, I can’t have her get attached to you just so you can one day decide to leave because you want out of this. I’ve never done this before,” you admitted, “I never had to explain to her the absence of a figure in her life because I never allowed a single person close enough to me like that, to her. I don’t want her growing up seeing temporary partners in my life either.”
“And I admire that, I do.” Harry said, moving his hands until he had them on your waist, “We have all the time we need, that you need. Slow, yeah?”
You nodded, “But you have to make it to breakfast tomorrow.”
“Only if you want me to.” He smiled.
“I do,” you assured, wrapping your arms around him before pulling him into a hug, pressing your cheek against his chest, “Just- No kissing or anything in front of her, okay? We’re just friends to her.”
“Just friends?”
“Just friends.”
“Well, friend,” Harry chuckled, pulling away and looking down at you, “I hope you didn’t friendzone me because I would really love to take you out on a second date.”
“I don’t know, I think I did.” You joked, laughing quietly as you looked up at him, watching as he tipped back his head and laughed.
“Well, just friend, would you mind giving me a kiss goodnight?”
“I don’t like my hair.” Faith groaned from her seat on the kitchen table.
“Faye, we changed your hairstyle 3 times.” You commented, flipping a pancake.
“I just don’t think I like it.”
“Well what do you want?”
“Can you do these buns here?” She asked, putting her hands on her head, showing you that she wanted space buns.
“Alright, final hairstyle. If you don’t like them, just let it down, okay?” You asked, putting the pancake on a plate before turning off the stove and walking towards her.
“When will Harry be here?” Faith asked as you unbraided her hair.
“Should be here in a minute, Nugget.”
“Is he your friend?” She asked as you began twisting her hair into a bun at the top of her head on the side.
You only hummed in confirmation.
“Does that mean you don’t kiss?”
Your eyes widened, glancing down at her to see that she was casually playing with her dinosaur. “Uh, yeah? Why?”
Faith shrugged, “I don’t kiss my friends, but I see Aunt Cece doing it all the time with uncle Sean, and I saw Boyd’s parents kiss, too. So maybe you and Harry don’t kiss because you’re just friends.”
Well damn was your daughter clever.
“Yeah, Harry and I are just friends.” Who went on a date and kissed way too many times but that was a story for another time.
Yours and Faith’s heads turned once the door bell rang, you instantly taming your hair and straightening your blouse.
Faith was out of her seat in a second, running towards the door with you hot on her heels. “Faith, what did we say about you opening the door?”
Timidly, Faith’s movement halted with her hand on the knob before she looked at you with a bashful smile.
You peaked through the peep hole and surely enough, Harry stood with two bouquets, looking to the side.
“Go ahead.” You signaled with a smile, watching her open the door.
Your eyes moved from your daughter’s grin to the man on the receiving end. In off-white corduroy pants, a striped cotton t-shirt underneath, a black Statesman jacket, black vans, and a black short crossbag across his chest, Harry stood with two bouquets; one was of strawberries – which had you grinning – and another was a single sunflower.
“Come in, come in.” You attempted to contain your grin as you moved aside, Faith jumping up and down in excitement with a wide grin on her face that lit her face up.
As soon as Harry went inside, he knelt down, looking at Faith with a soft and genuine smile on his face, “This is the best dress I have ever seen. You look beautiful.”
“Right?” And as if to add emphasis, Faith gave a twirl in her dress – the Fine Line black tee. “Do you like my hair?” Faith raised her fingers to point at her space buns.
“I love your hair!” Harry’s eyes widened as he exclaimed, “Did you do it yourself?”
Faith shook her head, stepping closer to you to lean on your leg, “Mommy did.”
Harry looked up at you, eyes glimmering, before he stood up, eyes set on you. “Mommy did a great job.”
You smiled, your hand finding its way on her shoulder.
“Oh,” Harry’s eyebrows went up, “This is for you.” He handed Faith the sunflower, watching her gasp before taking it from him.
“Sunflower! Like your song!”
Harry’s heart seemed to make a dance of its own at the comment, smiling bashfully at the 4-year-old before nodding, “Just like my song.”
“What do we say, Faye?” You asked her quietly, feeling like you were about to melt at the interaction.
“Thank you, Harry.”
“You’re welcome,” he smiled before looking back at you, reaching to hand you the strawberry bouquet with a small smirk, “And this one’s for you.”
Your face heated up, taking the fruit bouquet from his hands before tilting your head slightly, giving her an appreciative smile, “Thank you. They’re lovely, but you didn’t have to.”
“Nonsense. I wanted to,” Harry clutched his hands behind his back, “Besides,” he cleared his throat, leaning forward a little as to whisper, “I have to make a good first impression.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes at him, “My daughter is wearing a t-shirt from your merch. I think the impression is quite nice.”
The 3 of you then had walked towards your dinning table where you had set the food prior to Harry’s arrival, the table being beside a huge window which had done a great job at letting the sunlight through, a vase of baby pink and white tulips in the middle while the food decorated the rest of the small circular table.
“Mommy, can I put this here?” Faith asked after she climbed up on her chair, her sunflower in one hand while the other pointed at the vase.
“Yeah, of course.”
Gently taking out the flower from the biodegradable wrapping paper, Faith sat on her knees before reaching forward to place it.
“Harry, coffee, tea, orange, apple, peach juice?” You asked.
“Orange would be great, thank you.”
With a smile your way, Harry stood politely by a chair close to Faith’s, watching you nod before going out of sight to the kitchen.
Knowing your daughter’s favorite is apple juice and yourself wanting orange, you poured the juices in glasses before placing them in a tray and going back to where Faith and Harry were, chuckling to yourself when you saw Harry standing and nodding to the story Faith was telling him, seeming to be very invested in it.
“And then-and then, Mrs. Castillo made me play with her puppy.” She concluded with excitement.
“Really? She did?” In a matching tone of excitement, Harry responded, “That’s so nice of her. Do you like puppies so much?”
As you placed the juice glasses in their places beside the plates, you knew that your daughter had eagerly nodded.
“I want to get one but mommy says we can’t now.”
“Hey, sit,” you motioned to Harry, watching as he sat on the chair opposite to yours, “And yes.”
“Why’s that?” Harry asked.
“Because,” you began as you put two pancakes on his plate to which he mumbled a “thank you” for, “I don’t think I can handle this one and a dog at the same time now. It’s too big of a responsibility.”
“Puppies really are a responsibility,” Harry agreed and nodded at Faith as he cut a piece from his pancakes, “Mummy’s right.”
“But I’ll take care of it.” Faith frowned, holding on to her utensils.
“I know you will, baby, but it’s going to go through a teething phase where they destroy and chew on everything, and it’s going to need potty training, and about 2 walks a day. It’s a lot right now but I did promise you that we’d get one when you’re older, right?”
“Yeah,” she shrugged, “Can we get a fish?” Faith then turned to Harry, “Like the one in your video!”
You chuckled as you saw Harry’s face turn to one of amusement, maybe because he wasn’t sure that she had seen it. “That was a big fish, wasn’t it?” You asked.
“What happened to it? Do you still have it?”
Your innocent daughter definitely didn’t know that the fish was real and you weren’t going to destroy her imagination like that anyway.
Harry glanced at you before looking back at her, “It’s back in the ocean with its family and friends.”
“Did you name her?”
“Yeah,” Harry nodded, before he reached a hand to wiggle it at Faith, “Named her Faith.”
Faith broke into giggles, “No, you didn’t.”
“We’ll never know.”
“How about you eat your food and let Harry enjoy his for a little bit?” You suggested with a chuckle.
A minute later, you and Harry broke into a conversation about lyrics and the writing process of some songs.
“Sometimes I’d have these lyrics written, and I have a tune in my head and things are just- very poetic,” You said as Harry nodded in understanding while chewing on the strawberries you had placed on his plate, “And then the final product would be this upbeat song that completely drowns the lyrics and I just go,” your eyebrows went up, “Oh.”
“I get that,” Harry nodded, “It sucks. Like yes, music itself is amazing and working on the beat is enjoyable but some people just don’t give the lyrics any justice.”
“Exactly,” you pointed at him, “I remember writing this one song about,” you paused, discreetly tipping your head to the side, “You-know-who,” and by the looks of it, Harry had understood that you meant your ex and Faith’s father, “And it was so heartbreaking that I remember being so astonished by it and I wanted to like, release it out there, so somebody linked me with this A-list singer and the first demo session was just-“ You cringed.
“Did they end up singing it?” He asked.
You shook your head, “Nope. Might have lost a good deal but I just,” you shrugged, “I couldn’t have my words drowned out like that, especially these words.”
Reaching forward, Harry placed his hand on top of yours, “You did the right thing.”
Your eyes were on your hands, face heating up as you smiled to yourself while brushing your hair back, Harry clearing his throat with a smirk before looking at Faith.
“So, that fish…”
Faith sat on a chair, legs dangling as she had a pillow on her lap, her sketchbook on top of it as she drew while you and Harry sat beside each other on the couch beside her, low noise coming from the television that played a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode.
“You actually bit off the tip of your tongue?” You asked in shock, a hand to your heart.
Harry nodded, “Yup. Jumped out of a window and I just, hit my chin with my knee.”
“Why would you even jump out of a window?” You laughed.
With a shrug, Harry sheepishly scratched the back of his head, “I was high.”
Alright, maybe he didn’t want to let you know that. Maybe you’d think he was a heavy druggy. Maybe you’d kick him out. Maybe you’d ghost him because you couldn’t have your daughter around someone who got high.
“Ah, looking for inspiration?” You asked, no sign of any annoyance or worry.
He nodded, “Nothing too heavy though. Shrooms.” Harry said quietly, making sure that Faith couldn’t hear the conversation.
“I had a friend once,” you giggled, sitting straighter, “She got promoted and where she works, they usually host a party to celebrate, right?”
Harry nodded along, subconsciously smiling like you were, his eyes traveling from your eyes to your lips to your eyes again.
“And she’s just the worst with words. Like, really bad, used to fail so many courses back at uni. And she had to give a speech. So before the party, she had some shrooms and Harry, I kid you not, that might as well have an Academy award speech.”
“No way!”
“Yes! And everyone was just so emotional and it later got posted on YouTube, has about 300 thousand views, and nobody knows that she was high all along.”
You and Harry laughed together, you leaning on the couch on your arm as you were both turned towards one another.
“Put Matthew McConaughey to shame.” You jokingly added.
“And then look at you,” Harry tilted his head, a small smile on his face, “Doing it all while sober.”
“Aw, no.” You waved him off bashfully.
“No, seriously. You’re a lyrical genius, Y/N. Besides the awards, everybody knows when it’s a song that you wrote. There are a lot of songwriters who go unnoticed but-“ he shook his head, “Not you.”
You couldn’t reply. What was there to say? Thank you? A “thank you” wouldn’t have done his words, his tone, or the butterflies in your stomach any justice.
Maybe it was why you felt yourself leaning closer, Harry mirroring your actions slowly, gaze on your lips.
It was soft and gentle the moment your lips were against each other, nothing heated, nothing heavy – just gentle and soft.
So much for not kissing with your daughter around.
“Harry, look!”
You both instantly pulled away, Harry clearing his throat as he turned and wiped his sweaty palms on his pants, biting the inside of his mouth to stifle the wide smile that wanted to break out on his face.
Faith was in front of him in a second, holding out a paper for him.
“I made you a gift.” Bashfully, Faith said quietly as Harry held the white paper, looking at it.
Your shoulder against his, you looked over and your heart fluttered.
Three stick figures were standing alongside one another, a tall one, a shorter one with longer hair, an even shorter one with two small balls on its head, a yellow flower beside the last figure.
“This is you,” Faith pointed at the tallest figure, “This is Mommy, and this is me. And this,” pointing at the flower, “The sunflower you got.”
Right above the figure was a big, asymmetric red heart.
Your stomach fluttered, looking at your daughter for a moment before looking at Harry.
It looked like Faith had taken a liking to Harry – one that was bigger than you had expected.
Harry was speechless, eyes on the drawing as he felt his face heat up from the admiration, the innocent act being enough to have him feel like crying.
“This is the best gift anyone has ever given to me.” And he meant it. Looking at Faith, he looked into her eyes – which he had realized were exact replicas of yours – “Thank you so much, Faith.”
You couldn’t help but feel like tearing up when Faith threw herself on him, struggling but managing to wrap her arms around his neck in a hug.
It seemed to have surprised Harry, too for a moment, but it took a second for Harry to help Faith up properly on his lap, hugging her back.
Faith was affectionate, you knew that, but she was never that affectionate with people other than family and the people she had grown up surrounded by. It was why you backed a little to watch, your hand loosely on your mouth.
“Thank you for breakfast,” Harry said as he stood by the door with you, “And the talk, and everything.”
“Thank you for coming. Faith and I had fun,” you smiled down at the ground before looking up at him, “I’m sorry if it was too much – with the drawing and Faith hugging you and talking your ear off and e-”
“Are you kidding?” Harry shook his head with a small laugh, “That was the best thing to happen to me in a long time. I’m framing that drawing the minute I’m home.” Harry patted his crossbag, where the drawing lied.
“She’s actually never like that with new people,” you admitted, “I’m surprised myself.”
“What can I say?” Harry teased, “I have my ways with kids.”
“Ha ha,” you jokingly rolled your eyes, “You associate yourself with single moms often?”
“No, just the beautiful and talented ones.” He gave you a shrug, “That was very cheesy.”
“It was,” you laughed, “But it’s alright, I liked it.”
“Well then, we’re okay.” Harry nodded with a smile.
“We’re okay.”
A second passed before Harry furrowed his eyebrows, “You doing anything on Friday?”
“Not that I know of, no.”
“In that case,” his face softened, “How does dinner sound?”
“Dinner sounds lovely.” You smiled, clutching your hands together against your front. “But you know we need to start working, right?”
“Then how about we work then maybe cook a homemade meal at my place?” He suggested, “Faith is very much welcome to come.”
“Faith and work? Yeah, right,” you cringed, “I can drive her to mom’s for the day, it’s when my mom has my cousins over anyway so she’ll be alright.”
“If anything goes wrong, just tell me. I can get her anything she needs for entertainment.” Harry spoke honestly.
You smiled, stepping closer to him, “I’ll let you know.”
“Good. 5?”
“5.” You nodded.
“So it’s see you soon.” Harry smiled softly, looking down at you before gently moving one hand to your waist, leaning down to press his lips softly against yours.
“See you soon.” You repeated quietly against his lips as you pulled away.
“Call me?”
You nodded, licking your lips, watching as Harry’s eyes glanced at your lips again. Saving him the movement, you leaned closer to peck his lips.
hes.updatesss: Harry restocked the black and the white Fine Line t-shirts and added kids’ size on his website!
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ssa-daddyhotchner · 4 years
Undercover - Chapter 10
Chapter Selection
He opens the door and his eyes are clouded with tears but they don't run down his face. His hair is disheveled and his breathing is heavy. I run over to him and hold him upright. 
"Hey what happened, who were you talking to?" The conversation between him and whoever wasn't my business but he was really messed up from the looks of it. "That was- that was my uh brothers boss." I see a tear slowly run down his cheek and I cup his face using my thumb to wipe it away. 
"My- my brother passed away this morning", my heart broke for him. "Come here", I sat on the floor and he fell into my arms, gripping my waist and neck crying into my shoulder. "Shh"
I picked him up off the floor and walked him upstairs. I laid down on the bed and he laid next to me. He nestled his head into my chest and softly started to cry again. I held him tightly and he went to sleep in my arms. 
I stayed there for a while but pulled away and put him under the covers. I took a shower washing my hair and body when I felt someone's hand on my hip. I turn to see Aaron. 
"You should be getting some rest", he looked at me and his eyes are glassy, red, and puffy.  
I turned him around and washed his body carefully leaving kisses on his shoulders. I turn off the water and we step out. I throw on his shirt and sit on the bed while he changes. 
"Do you wanna talk about it?" 
He stops moving and stands there. "Not right now, I can tell you later or tomorrow just not now." 
We spent the day curled up on the couch and bed sleeping and eating. I heard my phone ring and I looked at the caller ID and it said unknown. I answered and I heard a deep voice on the other end. "There's a car out front, black SUV."  
"Aaron we have to go," he looked up from the laying down. His face was still puffy from the tears.  
He got up, changed and we left to go downstairs. When left the elevator; there was black SUV parked directly outside. We get inside car; the car starts to moving going to another location. The car stopped outside and warehouse. We walk inside and see Carmine standing in the center with his security surrounding him. 
"Before we start what's your name." Carmine says to Aaron. "Christopher Harris", he did show any expression on his face. "We accept your offer" 
"Great, all I ask for is an investment of let's say $200,000." I stare at him. "Ok done." he gestures to his men and he hands me a check. We know that Carmine only likes physical money no electronic transactions. 
When we cash's that check the bank will give his marked bills only and will track the money. I write the check and hand it back to him. "Now seeing as we are now in business I need to make sure you're really in this." Carmine brings a couple inside the building and makes them kneel. 
"Kill them." My heart drops, I feel sick to my stomach. I glance over at Aaron to me he looks furious and upset. To anyone else he looks emotionless. I didn't show any emotion taking the knife that was set on the floor. 
The couple were turned around but I saw their faces when they were brought in. They were turned away from us. Aaron grabbed the knife from the floor looked at me and nodded. 
"Before you continue I'm just going to state, I really want your business but if you choose to not go any further uh we'll have to you know."
I looked back at Aaron and pressed the knife to the wife's throat while Aaron did the same to the husband. The movements were fast; both of us slicing clean through their necks from left to right. Their lifeless body's dropped to the floor; the blood pooling around them. The husbands eyes still over looking right at me. 
I felt a pit in my stomach; I felt empty. Carmine had his guards bring us back to the car and drive us the penthouse. 
I don't remember the trip or how I was suddenly laying in the bed. Aaron put his hand on my shoulder and I went to sleep. 
That moment was haunting me, replaying in my dream; I'd never killed someone in cold blood let alone someone that was 'innocent'. I was still wrong, how was I gonna go on. I just felt cold, alone; the only warm thing was Aaron and he felt the same way I did then we had to get through this together. 
I woke up to Aaron laying on me, he was still upset over Sean's death; It was 10x harder for him. My phone was ringing, I had 10 miss calls. I answered and Garcia was on the other end. "How are you and boss man doing." 
"Pen..", I had a hushed and pain full tone to my voice. "I need you to check who Carmine was in business with a few weeks ago." I can tell she wanted to ask me something but decided against it. 
"He was working with Monica and Steven Benson." I nodded even though she couldn't see me.
"Send me their photos." I had a theory that Carmine technically didn't murder those people but their future investors did. So those people Aaron and I killed were Monica and Steven. 
"Ok sent them." I got the message and open the file. I was right the couples faces were staring back at me. My breathing hitched and it woke up Aaron. He lifted his head, "Baby what is it." I could basically hear Penelope's smile through the phone. 
"Y/n?" Garcia could hear me breathing picking up. My face started to feel numb and my body felt like pins and needles. My vision went blurry and as I laid on the bed. 
I was having a panic attack; Aaron picked up the phone, "We'll call you back." He picked me up in his arms and held me close. 
The warmth from his body bringing me some peace. I hugged him wrapping my arms around his neck.  "Honey it's ok shh, I need you to calm down for me ok." His voice was quiet and low rumbling in my ear. I slowly after 5 mins started to calm my breath. 
"Aaron we murdered them." I chocked out tears welling up in my eyes running down my cheek. 
"I know." His arms tight around me. He pulled away, placed his hand on my face using his thumb to wipe the tears of my face. 
He furrowed his brows, "tsk honey.." He pulled me back into a hug. 
A few hours later I was still on the bed. I calmed down enough to talk about to subject. "I had a theory which has now....been proven to be true." He looked at me through the mirror of the bathroom. 
I continued, "After we uh proved ourselves I could shake this feeling. Garcia had called and I asked her about who he last worked with...Monica and Steven; she sent me their photos and they were the people we killed." I trailed off internally trying to calm myself down. 
Aaron walked back into the room, "So we were done with our business or when he finds someone else. We'll be his next targets." I nodded. 
Getting off the topic he held his hand out and I grabbed it. We walked us into the elevator and went down to the lobby. Our car pulled up and he took me to go get dinner. 
I was now 7pm and was getting dark. He got us chick-fil-a and drove us too the park. 
We walked around for a while just talking enjoying the others company. 
"Aaron I just got the text from Garcia, Carmine cashed the money we got his ass." I said while he was in the shower. "How long does that give us till he comes after us?" Aaron said coming out of the bathroom. 
"I'm not sure, I think the last couple worked for him for a few weeks before...." I trailed off putting my head down. He walked up to me lifting my head with his finger. "It's ok", he reassured me. 
"I wanna know something", Aaron nodded putting on his clothes. "How are you so ok with this... I mean you've been through more that I have in the last week. You know with the killing and Sean..." 
He tensed up when I mentioned Sean; "Drop it y/n", he said walking down the stairs to the living room. I understood why he didn't answer his brother only passed 2 days ago. It was obviously still a touchy subject. 
I followed him down the stairs and walked outside putting my hands on the cool glass railing. The balcony overlooked everything; looking straight down seeing the street below. We were easily a few hundred feet above the ground. 
I let the breeze run through my hair with the warm sun on my skin. I walked inside to grab a speaker and went outside; sitting on the couch. I sat there listening to music. 
I woke up to Aaron sitting across from me listening to the music gazing at the skyline. 
He saw me shifting in my seat and turned his attention. He stood up walking over to the ledge. I went over to him wrapping my arms around his waist, resting my head against his back. He let out a sigh placing his hand on mine. He pulled my in front of him. 
My back pressed against the thick glass. "You know it's always a girls dream to get absolutely destroyed on a balcony." It was a fantasy of mine for some reason. Aaron raised his eyebrows with a smirk growing on his lips. His hands made there way down my back resting on my ass; kissing me passionately. 
I went in for another kiss but he pulled away unbuckling his belt. He pulled my hands together and tied the belt around them. It disappointed me that I wasn't allowed to touch but it excited me.
He cupped my face and crashed his lips to mine molding them together. His other hand running up and down my stomach making me have butterflies. He got dangerously close to my waistband tugging on it slightly. "Please", I whimpered. "tsk patience", his lips connecting with my jaw and neck leaving small hickeys behind.
The heat from his fingers slowly making there was down to my core had me begging. Releasing small breaths I grinded my hips on his palm but he took his hand away. He tugged my pants off, bunching up around my ankles I stepped out of them. Aaron threw them on the couch returning to me. 
His rough hands finally giving me what I needed. I could feel myself slowly dripping down my thighs. "y/n you're already so wet." He said while sliding a finger inside me. He curled his finger rubbing against me g-spot. He slid in another, my tied hands going around his neck holding on. 
My knees started to buckle, "Aar-." I said breathlessly, he took his fingers out bringing them to his mouth. "Little girl you taste so good", he got down kneeling in front of me. 
Licking a thick stripe up my slit. Adding a little pressure towards my clit. His tongue pushing in my folds flicking over my clit while bringing his fingering back thrusting in and out. 
I moaned out, "Fuck". I could feel him smiling against me; him never turning his attention away from my clit. "Aar- I'm gonna", he went even faster sliding in and out. His eyes went straight to mine never looking away. 
The knot growing bigger and bigger until I released on his fingers. He came back up kissing me pushing his tongue inside my mouth. 
I could taste myself on his lips; I smiled into the kiss.
I unwrapped my arms from around his and he unbuckled the belt; rubbing my wrists, "I'm not done yet." Gazing into my eyes he smirked.
"Please daddy." I looked into his eyes seeing them darken shade by shade. 
I took off his shirt and ran my hand down his chest taking off his pants. My back still pressed against the edge. His hands on my hips, my hands gripped around his cock pumping. Aaron turned me around pressing my chest on the glass. 
My head peering over seeing the street below. If only they knew what was happening above them. 
His left hand pressed firmly on my lower back keeping me down an din place. His other hand running his cock up and down my slit. He slowly entered me; both of us letting out breathy moans. 
He let me adjust, it had been almost 2 weeks since we last fucked; I was stressed, we both needed this. He made quick movements, coming out all the way before slamming back into me. 
I met this thrusts half way clenching around him, signaling him to not stop. He brought his hand to grip my hip so hard he was going to leave bruises. He thrusted in and out with so much force. He moaned putting his thumb on my clit matching his pace. 
His grip and the rail were the only things keeping me standing. I dropped my head in pleasure crying out, when he grabbed my hair pulling my head back forcing me to look out to the city. Seeing the sun going down and the building light up everything; it felt like a fucking movie.
He pulled out suddenly flipping me around facing him. Giving me no warning before pounding back into me. I whimpered and he groaned in my ear. He pulled my leg up on his waist holding it there. My hand went to his throat and he stared into my eyes. 
His eyes only got darker as a grin crept on his face. He took the hand on my hip and placed it around me neck with more force. I was in a state of pure euphoria. The hand around my throat made my vision blurry and the constant amount of pleasure making the knot in my stomach tighter. 
"Y/n...", he moaned my name. I clenched my walls around him making his finish quicker. I reached my edge cumming around him while he spilled inside me. 
He pulled out and I stayed outside waiting for him to come back. I decided to walk inside to go to the bathroom. 
When I came back Aaron was leaning on the ledge. He pulled my hand and spun me around him holding me close. His hands on my waist looking down at me. "Baby you got something...", he said chuckling he was pointing to my neck. 
There was a forming hand print, I playfully smacked his arm. "You know you like to see them." 
I nodded, "Yea I do but how do you think the teams gonna feel when they see cause I don't wanna cover it up." He started tracing the edges of the bruise when we heard the elevator ding. 
Emily walked in with a tray, "Guys!" She yelled for us and we walked back inside. 
"What are you doing here." I say to Emily as she walked to the couch. 
"I'm 'delivering' food, Carmine has his men in the lobby; I had to be carful. Anyway before I head back down what are you guys doing?" 
I glanced at Aaron before answering. "We were just sitting outside." 
Emily nodded, "So nothing." I said yes and we started laughing. She went back to the elevator pressing the bottom floor. The doors closed and I let out a sigh. 
"I know me hair was covering a little but do you think she saw it." Aaron said yes walking to upstairs to the bedroom. 
My phone started to ring. "Mrs. Perez?"
"Yes? Whos this." Getting to Aaron, I put the phone on speaker. 
"It's been a week since we last met and I'm calling ask for another payment. Come down stairs and hand the check to the man at the front desk." That was all he said then he hung up the phone. 
@mac99martin  @appleblossoms-posts  @oreogutz @donttellanyoneireadfanfiction  @marie1115 
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ladyreapermc · 5 years
Fic: The Proposal (Keanu x Reader)
Summary: Follow up for Always the Quiet Ones. After a month away, Mr. Reeves is back and he has a proposal for you. Part 1 - Always the Quiet Ones | Part 3 - Dark Paradise| Part 4 - Without You
Author’s Notes: I just got attacked by a plot bunny and this happened. I will continue to visit this universe because I totally love the possibilities here. If you have ideas or suggestions, my ask box are always open. And as always, feedback is appreciated.
Wordcount: 5985
Warnings: Smut (dirt talk; bad language; d/s vibes; unprotected sex)
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Your shift had wrapped up a few minutes ago and after hours on your feet, you were taking a few moments to rest before heading home. Trying to avoid rush hour and a packed train, you were hanging out in the breakroom with Sean, one of the bellboys.
The breakroom was the place of rest for all the employees, from the secretaries in the administrative offices, to the front desk girls, the housekeepers and bellboys. It used to be a dark, depressing place when you first started 3 years ago, with concrete walls and poor lighting, but everyone pitched in to turn it into a comfortable room.
Now with painted walls, nice couch, and armchairs; a dining table and even an old expresso machine the restaurant threw out and one of the guys from the laundry room fixed, it felt like your second home. How sad was that?
You moved to town for college with big hopes and dreams to become a lawyer and help out your family, but to make those come true you had to face long work hours at the hotel, fitted between your classes. Whatever free time you had was spent studying and finishing college assignments.
You didn’t even know what a social life looked like at this point, but that was ok. You were almost done with college and if you kept your grades up – which you have been doing – you had great potential to get an internship at Pearson & Hardman and then your life would change, you just knew it.
“Earth to Y/N,” Sean called, making your attention snap back at him. “Did you hear a word I’ve said?”
You hadn’t, lost in your own thoughts. He had been telling you about his quarterback days before he blew his knee and had to give up a career in sports and take this job to help his family. Sean liked to reminiscence his glory days and you didn’t mind listening, but sometimes you didn’t really pay attention.
Not like some of the others. They would hang to every word. Mostly because Sean was handsome and funny, and everyone seemed to have a crush on him. However, according to Maggie, he only had eyes for you.
If you had known about that a month ago, you would be more excited by the prospect. You liked Sean. He was a great guy. Always took the time to walk you to the train station whenever you finished your shift late, like a perfect gentleman. Definitely boyfriend material.
He wasn’t, however, the one that filled your dreams; made you wake up gasping and wet, in desperate need for release. He wasn’t the name you hoped to see crossing your cellphone screen every time your phone rang or the face you searched in the lobby whenever you walked in for work.
“Sorry, I didn’t.” Your smile was sheepish and apologetic.
“That’s ok. I think I’ve told this one before,” he said with a shrug, his blonde hair falling over his eyes. “So, I was thinking, since we’ve both done for the day, maybe we could…”
He trailed off when Maggie walked in, her blue eyes wide and excited as she looked your way, small hands compulsively straightening her receptionist uniform.
“A guest just requested housekeeping in his suite,” she announced, her eyes darting at Sean, before looking back at you as if trying to convey some secret message that went over your head. “He asked for you specifically.”
“So? She clocked out,” Sean was the one to reply. “Send someone else.”
“I can’t.” Maggie’s eyes seemed to plead with you, but you could only stare at her in confusion. “He’s in the presidential suite.”  
“Mags, she’s not going,” Sean insisted, his voice turning annoyed. “Doesn’t matter how VIP this guy is.”
“It’s Mr. Reeves!” Maggie blurted out, panicked and you couldn’t contain your small but sharp intake of breath. She was the only one who knew. No wonder she was so nervous.
“Again…” Sean began. “She’s not…”
“No, I’ll do it,” you cut him off, getting to your feet. “I know he’s very… particular about his bedsheets.”
It was a weak excuse, you knew, but you couldn’t care less. You just wanted to see him again. Even if you didn’t hear from him for a month. Even if you didn’t even know if he wanted to see you too. For all, you knew he really just wanted you to change his sheets.
Heart hammering in your chest, you made your way to the top floor where the presidential suite was. Your feet were heavy like lead; anticipation and dread mixed in your belly as you approached his door, holding the vacuum-sealed package with the new set of bedsheets. You rasped your knuckles on the polished wood, announcing yourself.
It wasn’t Mr. Reeves that opened the door, but a gorgeous redhead, tall and with a model’s body, her makeup and hair perfect and part of you wanted to reach over to check your hair, which had been in a ponytail the entire day.
She stepped aside so you could walk in and at first glance, you saw no sight of Mr. Reeves and wondered if maybe Maggie got it wrong, but when you walked into the bedroom, you could see his broad back fitted in a perfectly tailored grey suit as he spoke on the phone at the balcony.
“Considering how expensive this place is, you’d think they would keep their sheets clean,” the woman spoke, shaking you from your staring and bringing you back to work.
You quickly stripped the bed from the old sheets which were in perfect condition and started the slow task of redressing the bed under the watchful gaze of the woman and you fought the urge to squirm.
Who was she? A girlfriend? Wife? Lover? You had researched extensively about Mr. Reeves and for all accounts, he was single and one of the most eligible bachelors out there. Maybe it was so new the gossip sites didn’t get word of it yet.
You knew the second Mr. Reeves walked back into the room because the scent of his aftershave preceded him, and the piercing gaze of the redhead moved away from you.
“Keanu, darling, should we head for dinner? I heard they have an excellent duck here,” she said, her tone so pretentious it grated on your nerves.
“You’ll have to excuse me, Cheryl, but I’m exhausted. I’ll just gonna order room service and catch some sleep. It was a long flight.”
And how was it possible that just the sound of his voice was enough to send a thrill of arousal through you? Your entire body was suddenly tense with expectation, waiting for the undeniable pleasure his voice promised.
“Of course,” Cheryl said, sounding disappointed. “See you tomorrow then, handsome.”
You glanced over in time to see her lean for a kiss. Mr. Reeves turned his head just in time and her lips landed on his cheek instead. Cheryl looked upset but had no time to protest because he closed the door in her face. You let out a small snort, attracting Mr. Reeves’ attention.
“You didn’t actually have to change the sheets,” he said, walking closer to you, one hand loosening his tie. “It was just an excuse.”
You stood there, holding one of the pillows halfway into the new pillowcase, watching him. You thought he looked like sin in jeans and a t-shirt, but in a suit like this, he was just perfect. It was dark grey, the shirt a shade lighter, the tie black. His hair was combed back, a bit longer than the last time you saw it, and his beard trimmed and neat.
“You like whiskey?” he asked on his way to the bar, shrugging off his blazer and throwing carelessly on the couch.
“Not really,” you replied, leaving the pillow on the bed and walking into the sitting room. He had already measured the amber drink in two glasses, offering one to you.
“You’ll like this one,” Mr. Reeves said with a smile and you took the glass because you didn’t really know what else to do. “Maggie in the reception said you were off duty.”
“I clocked out half-hour ago,” you said, sipping the drink and wincing as it burned down your throat. It tasted like oak flavored cough medicine, so you set the glass aside under his amused gaze.
“Good. You can have dinner with me,” Mr. Reeves announced, taking a seat at one of the armchairs and you fought the urge to glance down his lap, at the prominent bulge you knew it was there.
“Won’t your girlfriend mind?”
“Cheryl? She’s a business partner, nothing more,” he said, sipping his drink.
“Does she know that?” the words slipped from your lips before you could contain yourself and Mr. Reeves snorted, his eyes crinkling with amusement and your heart leaped at the sight.
“Is that jealousy I’m hearing, sweetheart?” he asked, offering you a hand.
Your rational side was telling you to stay away. That he was just using you. The stupid, hopeless side of you took his hand, letting him guide you onto his lap and cup your cheek. His rough thumb traced your lips and you parted them, allowing Mr. Reeves to push it inside. You even swirled your tongue around it, sucking slightly and his gaze darkened, his erection pressing against his zipper and your center.
“I’ve been thinking about this the whole day,” he said, his voice lower, throatier. His hand coming up to your back, finding the zipper of your uniform. That was what gave you pause, made you let go of his thumb and get up from his lap. “Something’s wrong?”
“I’m a housekeeper, Mr. Reeves,” you declared, voice surprisingly strong considering your nerves were wrecked. “Not a…”
“I never said you were,” he interrupted, a confused frown marring his handsome features and you snorted, arms crossed over your chest.
“No, you just fucked me senseless, then disappeared for a month and came back like nothing happened, ready to fuck me again.”
There was a biting tone to your words, you knew, but it was warranted. You had your pride at the very least and no matter how amazing the sex had been and how you hadn’t been able to push him out of your mind, you weren’t just getting back in his bed without knowing what this was.
“You’re right.” His words startled you a little. You were expecting him to argue or even kick you out. You didn’t expect him to agree with you. “I should’ve called. I just get into my head when I’m working a deal and…” Mr. Reeves looked up at you, his brown eyes big and soft, like a chided boy. “I know that’s a crappy excuse, but it’s the only one I have.”
He patted the couch next to his chair and after a moment of hesitation, you took a seat begrudgingly.
“I should’ve made myself clear last time. I apologize for that,” Mr. Reeves said. “The truth is, I’ve been watching you for a while.” You raised your eyebrows at his words, and he grimaced. “That sounded weird, I’m sorry. What I mean is, I’ve noticed you. Before last time.”
“I know.” You noticed him too. Several times since he started staying in the hotel. Whenever you two were in the same room together and you glanced his way, he seemed to be watching you, but it was only last month that you actually talked to him. “Why?”
“You really don’t know?” he asked with an amused smile, eyes traveling over you. “It’s not just a physical thing. I can tell you’re smart, hardworking, kind and attentive… I like you.” Mr. Reeves declared, his gaze piercing. “And when I see something I like, I take it.”
“I’m not a thing,” you pointed out, lips pressed together in displeasure. He had sounded so nice at first.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” he amended. “I just want you, but I don’t really have time for relationships, so I hope we can reach an agreement.”
“An agreement?” you repeated in confusion.
Mr. Reeves stood up and moved to the table where a briefcase rested. He took out a manilla folder and hand it to you, giving you an encouraging nod until you opened it. You gasped as your entire life was displayed in front of you on paper.
The fact that your dad left when you were ten, abandoning you, your mom and your younger brother. How your mom had to take a loan so she could pay off your father’s debts, leaving your family and a horrible financial situation. Your own student loans and other financial issues; a copy of your paycheck and a bank statement that showed you only had a hundred dollars in your account. All the complaints you filed with your housing counselor about how loud your roommate was.  
“Wha… ho…?” you couldn’t form words, too shocked to speak.
“I can make all those problems go away,” Mr. Reeves said, taking his seat again. “I can get you a proper apartment, all expenses paid and even an allowance if you want to quit this job to focus on your studies or get an internship in a law firm. I can even get you some referrals, but with your GPA, I don’t think you’ll need them.”
“Why?” It was all you could manage, your mind a turmoil of thoughts.
“I told you,” he started, swallowing his whiskey, one hand resting on your knee. “I take what I want, and I want you. I tried fucking other people to feel the same thing I did with you, but I was right. You might have ruined for others, sweetheart.”
Mr. Reeves cupped your jaw, his thumb brushing against your cheek, but his touch which before seemed so inviting, made you pull back, stand up and pace.
“And what would be expected of me? If I accept this?” You asked, words coming out a lot more bitter than you intended.
“Your company and exclusivity,” he replied easily. “You’ll have the same from me, of course.”
“And when you say my company, you mean…”
“Your company,” Mr. Reeves interrupted, sounding a little impatient. “If I wanted a hooker, I’d pay for one. I just…” he let out a long sigh. “The time I spent with you? It was the first time I had fun in a good while. It wasn’t just the sex, it was everything. I want that on a regular basis. Especially since I’ll be coming over more often with the new brand of Arch about to open here.”
“I had fun too,” you admitted. “You don’t have to… you could just take me out for dinner and date me.”
“I want to take care of you,” Mr. Reeves said, tone soft as he stood up, coming to stand in front of you. Once again cupping your jaw, but this you let him. “Is that so bad?”
“I guess not,” you breathed out shakily as he guided you closer for a kiss.
“So, you’ll do it?” he asked, inches away from your lips. Close enough that you could smell the whiskey in his breath.
“Can I think about it?” you asked, and he nodded, his eyes searching for your consent. You nodded too and Mr. Reeves finally kissed you; chasing away all thoughts of the proposal he just made you.
You’ve been staring at your computer for the last twenty minutes. You were supposed to start an essay, but you were thinking about Mr. Reeves and his proposal instead, wondering what to do.
Your first impulse was to say no. Pride and indignation rearing their heads. You were broke, but you had some self-respect. You weren’t interested in selling yourself like that. Be his… kept woman?
Then again, it would be nice if your mom didn’t have to worry about the loan anymore. She could start saving money for your brother. A college fund so Jason won’t have to struggle like you.
It would also be nice not to have your own student loans any longer. To know that once you graduate you won’t have to slave yourself to pay back every cent. And having a place for yourself? Not having to share with a loud, insufferable bitch like your roommate or deal with the hallway parties and neighbors being noisy…
There was this apartment building close to campus, two bedrooms, one bath that you always daydreamed about whenever you walked by. In your mental picture, you’d turn one of the rooms into an office, with ceiling to floor shelves and a window bench, because you’ve always wanted one. A pullout couch so your mom and Jason could come to visit you and a fully equipped kitchen because your mom loved to cook…
Were you really considering this? Committing to a man you knew barely so you could have nice things? You were really that desperate? Well, no, but who didn’t want comfort? Who didn’t deserve to go to bed every night and not worry about money? About the roof over their heads? Over their families’ heads? And if you played your cards right, you could make sure to get everything you wanted and needed out of this arrangement.
Getting to your feet, you grabbed a few reference books and everything else you needed to know to make a viable contract and sat back in front of your computer, ready to work. After three hours, you stepped out of the library, laptop on your backpack and a copy of the contract you drafted inside a manilla envelop as you headed for the hotel.
It was your day off and you weren’t really planning on going anywhere near your place of employment, but if you were going to do this, you wanted to talk to Mr. Reeves as soon as possible.
You made a beeline for the reception desk where Maggie was talking to a guest. Her expression shifted into confusion when she saw you there, but realization quickly drew on it as well as an excited smile. She thought you and Mr. Reeves made a cute couple and said the whole thing sounded like a fairytale. She was so naïve it hurt.
“Is...” you trailed off, giving her a meaningful look, ignoring the curious look the other receptionist gave you.
“Yeah. I’ll make sure they know you’re on your way up.” Maggie winked at you, already grabbing the phone as you moved towards the elevators, your heart once again hammering against your chest, your palms sweaty.
The sound of your name as you waited for the elevator made you jolt, turning around to look at Sean coming over to you with a confused smile.
“I thought it was your day off,” he said.
“It is. I just…” you looked down at your hands, at the envelope and back at him. “Have some business to take care of.”
Right then, the elevator’s door parted, revealing Mr. Reeves in workout clothes, towel hanging from his shoulder, water bottle in one hand. His eyes landed at you, his lips pulling into a smile as he rested his free hand on doors to keep them open.
“Is that for me?” he asked, gaze dropping to the envelope before meeting your eyes again. You swallowed the lump of anxiety in your throat and nodded. “Well, let’s go then.”
You glanced back at Sean, at the understanding in his eyes, that quickly shifted into disappointment as he gave you a quick nod and walked away, leaving you to follow Mr. Reeves into the elevator.
As the doors slid closed, you could feel your entire body trembling with nervousness; you could barely draw breath like there wasn’t enough oxygen in the cart and you were painfully aware of Mr. Reeves' presence behind you.
He led the way to his suite, holding the door open as you stepped inside first.
“May I have some whiskey?” you asked as soon as the door was closed.
“I thought you didn’t like it,” he pointed out, setting his things aside as he made the way to the bar and poured you the drink.
“I don’t. I just need something to…” you paused, thinking about how to phrase it. Settle your nerves? Give you some courage?
He set the drink aside and walked towards you, helping you to shrug off your backpack and coat, setting it on the table along with the contract, before he turned back to you, his presence strong and strangely reassuring as he looked into your eyes.
“Whatever you decide, I will not judge you,” Mr. Reeves declared, resting his forehead against yours.
“But you won’t have me either?” you asked, hand coming up to his jaw, running over his beard.
“When you’re the owner of a multimillion company, people can try to take advantage of you,” he sighed. “I don’t mean you, just to be clear. This way, I get to take care of you and get what I need out of this, without risking my company.” He kissed your forehead and each eyelid, and you sighed too, your body instinctively relaxing in his embrace. “Tell me your terms.”
“I brought a contract,” you whispered, arching your neck to give him room to work as his lips moved down, kissing first your cheeks, then your chin and finally the hollow of your throat.
“I hate reading contracts,” he mumbled against your skin, his warm breath tickling you. “Just tell me.”
“Ok.” You struggled to focus and think back at the document you spent most of your afternoon working on. “The apartment. I want to pick it and when this is over…”
“If,” Mr. Reeves corrected, one eyebrow arched at you. “I don’t want us to start anything already thinking about the end.”
“If this is over,” you reworded with a nod. “I get to keep it. I want it in my name.” he only hummed in response, his fingers making quick work of the buttons of your shirt, pushing it down your arms. “And to ensure your investment, I’ll stay for at least a year, but after that, I can call it quits whenever I like.”
“No,” Mr. Reeves said, pulling back.
“No,” he repeated, looking at you. “I don’t want someone who doesn’t want me. You break things off at any moment. No need for that one-year clause.”
“And what makes you so sure I won’t just wait until you give me the apartment and end things?”
“I guess I’ll just have to trust you,” Mr. Reeves declared with a lopsided smirk, before catching one of your nipples in his mouth and sucking lightly through the fabric of your bra, making you gasp and grab his hair. “and in my ability to keep you entertained.”
You nodded, your head suddenly foggy and sluggish, too focused on the bolts of pleasure running through you to actually remember what you were doing.
“Sweetheart?” he called, looking up at you with that same smirk. “Your terms?”
“Right!” you shook your head, trying to clear it as you took a step back from him and he actually pouted in displeasure, but if you let him continue, you weren’t going to remember your name, let along your contract. “I don’t want an allowance. I can work.”
“Whatever you want,” he nodded taking his seat on the same armchair from last night and even though you knew it was probably a bad idea, you sat on his lap at his invitation. “I just thought you might like some more time to study, even find some internship in environmental law. Didn’t you tell me that was what you want to work with? I don’t think there are many paying positions in non-governmental organizations.”
“True,” you conceded as his lips returned to your body, pressing soft kisses all over your neck, his hands kneading your thighs, making wet heat pool between your legs. “Maybe I should be more realistic. Administrative law is pretty interesting as I found out.”
“If you say so.” His fingers skimmed over your cunt, making you roll your hips and groan, desperate to feel him without the barrier of clothing.
“Ok, so maybe a small one until I get a new job in a company I like,” you conceded, getting up long enough to kick your jeans aside, before coming back to his lap, earning a pleased grin from Mr. Reeves.
“Like I said, whatever you want.” He kissed you and you sighed again his lips unable to believe how much you missed this after only having one time before.
“How about your terms?” you asked breathlessly when Mr. Reeves released your lips. “It’s not fair if only I get a say in it.”
He paused for a moment and you took the opportunity to tug at his shirt. He obeyed without a word, letting you take it off him, his eyes had a faraway look as he thought about what you had just asked.
“The apartment. Pick someplace with a gym and a pool,” Mr. Reeves finally said, meeting your gaze. “I’m planning on staying over whenever I’m here.”
“I can do that,” you nodded, trying to think if the building you liked it had those things. “What else?”
“Your studies need to come above everything else. Even me,” he said and once again you nodded. “And I hope you understand that my company will come first too.”
“I understand.” You really didn’t expect any different. “Anything else?”
This time, you were the one to kiss over his neck and jaw as he thought things through, but you didn’t manage to go very far, as Mr. Reeves tilted your face back up, catching your eyes.
“You need to be completely honest with me. If you’re not happy with something I did, with this arrangement, with me, you need to tell me.”
You looked at him stunned; surprised by the care and worry in his tone. How could you think for even a second he just wanted to use you? And it made you wonder if you even need all of these terms and contracts and arrangements in the first place.
“Mr. Re… Keanu,” you amended when he arched an eyebrow at you. “Will you do the same?”
“Yes.” He gave you a short nod, eyes never leaving yours.
“Then yes.”
“That’s all I need,” Keanu smiled at you once again catching your lips and you melted in his embrace.
His hands traveled over your back, touching softly until he found the clasp of your bra and released it, helping you out of the garment, before kissing you once again, hand cupping your breasts, thumb teasing your nipple and making you arch up towards him, your moans muffled against his lips.
You rolled your hips in payback, rubbing yourself against the bulge in his sweatpants, making Keanu’s breath catch in his throat, the hand in your hip squeezing slightly, encouraging you to continue, root against him, seeking your release, but it wasn’t enough. Not by a long shot. Your body begged for his touch; your center pulsed and throbbed in need of him.
Reaching between your bodies, you tugged on the waistband of his pants and Keanu lifted himself so you could pull them down enough to free his cock. It laid hard and heavy against his lower belly and you licked your lips in anticipation, sliding to the ground on your knees so you could take him in your mouth.
He grunted above you at the first hesitant touch of your tongue against his head. His hands squeezing the arms of the chair, his eyes hooded watching you, lips parted, drawing shaky breaths.
Holding him steady, you let your tongue sneak out again, brush against his slit, collecting the pearly white drops gathering there, tasting him. You were surprised to find you quite enjoyed the salty, slightly bitter taste.
Emboldened by the discovery, you took his head fully in your mouth, eyes never leaving his as you sucked on it, making sure to stroke the rest as you’ve seen it.
“Give me your hand,” he croaked, his voice rougher than before and you obeyed, almost pulling it back when he ran his tongue over your palm. “To smooth things over.”
You only hummed in response, bringing your hand back to his cock and he was right, this time your motions were easier and by the way, Keanu’s lids fluttered, quite more pleasurable.
Slowly, you moved your head down, taking more of him, your tongue licking the underside vein, before swirling around his girth, exploring every ridge, every bump, before you pulled almost all the way back up and started all over again.
Keanu’s breaths were coming in short pants, his head was thrown back, his hands fisting the chair, his moans filling your ears and the sight of him this undone was making your body hot with want, sending a thrill through you. You did this. You made this powerful man succumb to you with just your mouth.
“Faster, sweetheart,” he asked, one hand coming to rest on your nape in encouragement, but not pushing it down.
You followed his request, bobbing your head faster, trying to hollow your cheeks to give him more friction and Keanu cursed above you, his hips moving up just slightly and you wondered how it would feel to let him fuck your mouth.
“Stop, stop,” Keanu said, tugging on your hair and you let him go with a pop, watching him with unsure eyes.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“Absolutely not,” he assured, pulling you back to his lap. “I just need to be inside your pretty cunt when I cum tonight.”
His words made you ache for him, your neglected clit throbbing in need and it was almost as if Keanu could read your body better than you, because he brought his hand to your core, thumb rubbing against your clit, fingers teasing your folds through your soaked panties, making you cry out and rock against his hand desperately.
“See? You need it too,” he whispered against your ear and you nodded, your arms around his neck as you rolled your hips. Keanu pushed your panties aside so he could press his fingers into you, rubbing your g-spot.
“Oh sir, please,” you gasped, pressing your forehead against his, one hand coming to stroke him. “Fuck me.”
“Soon, sweetheart,” Keanu assured, his fingers moving in and out of you. “I gotta get you nice and wet and ready for my cock. I don’t wanna hurt you.”
All you managed was a nod as you rode his hand, chasing the sweet pleasure of your climax, feeling your entire body tight and tense and ready.
 “You’re gonna cum, baby?” he asked, lips drawing into a smirk and you nodded, feeling Keanu speed his motions, his thumb pressing a little harder on your clit. “Do it. I wanna feel you soaking my fingers.”
A long moan slipped from your lips, your body arching and quaking above him as your orgasm washed over you, setting all your nerve-ends into haywire. You were so lost in the aftershocks that you barely noticed as Keanu pulled his fingers away, replacing them with his cock.
All you knew was the way it seemed to drag out your pleasure as he filled you up, your walls quivering around him as if trying to draw him deeper into you until you no longer knew where Keanu ended and you began.
“Ready, baby?” he asked in a pant, his hands on your ass and you just nodded, still too dizzy to really follow what he meant. Not until he slapped your ass lightly, bringing you back to the present, meeting his eyes and smirk. “Ride me, sweetheart.”
“Oh!” Using his shoulders as leverage, you raised yourself until he was almost all the way out, before sinking back in, making both of you moan at the sensations.
It took you a while, but with Keanu’s help, you managed to set a good rhythm, bouncing on his cock, while he licked and kissed and nipped your breasts, his own hips rising to meet you, making the armchair shake and squeak beneath both of you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
Not when your entire body seemed to sing with delight. All you could feel was Keanu beneath, around and inside you. His cologne mixed with the heady scent of his sweat filling your nose; the sight of him completely lost in pleasure as he marked your skin, branded you as his. His grunts and curses and moans like music to your ears. The taste of him still in your tongue…
There was nothing else in the world you wanted and the last rational part of you that seemed to have managed to keep going wondered why you were so hesitant in getting into this arrangement in the first place. You would be winning even if all you got of it was him.
“I’m not fucking you well enough if you’re still managing coherent thought,” Keanu whispered, pulling your closer to his body, until you were flushed together and stood up, making you squeal in surprise, arms tightening around him. “Don’t worry. I’m not gonna drop you.”
He brought you to the table, spreading you open on the polished chestnut surface, before pushing back inside you, startling a cry out from your lips. Soon enough he was fucking you hard and fast, one of your leg over his shoulder, his thumb once again rubbing your clit and all you could focus was him, needy little moans spilling from your lips.
“That’s better,” Keanu said with a smirk, bending down to nip at your belly.
You threw you head back and held onto the edge of the table, too far gone to do anything else as your second orgasm washed over you, making you almost scream out his name, your senses blacking out for just a moment until your felt Keanu stilling, a loud groan spilling from his lips as he came too.
For a while the only sounds in the room were your ragged breathing as the two of tried to recover, Keanu draped over you, head on your stomach making your leg bent in an awkward angle, but you were too boneless to give a fuck, even if you knew you’d end up with a cramp. You were too blissed out, sated and sleepy to care.
You barely felt Keanu pulling out of you or taking you in his arms and bringing you to bed. It was all just flashes.
Keanu cleaning you up with a warm cloth. The bed dipping with his weight as he pulled you into his arms, cuddling you close. Keanu getting up despite your protesting grumbles. Kissing your forehead and promising to come back in a bit.
You finally woke up, groggy and pleasantly sore, looking around in the dark room to catch your bearings, taking a moment to recognize where you were and why. Another one to realize you were along in bed and Keanu’s side had long grown cold, but there was a note on his pillow. He had a business dinner and would be back late so you should order anything you wanted from room service. You guessed you were gonna need to get used to that sort of thing. There was no point in being disappointed.
Naked, you padded into the sitting room finding the contract you wrote on the coffee table. You picked it up, noticing Keanu had scratched out the one year clause and added the other things you two had talked about, his handwriting neat and elegant, but his signature at the end, a messy chicken scratch.
It was official then. You were his. And Keanu was yours. For as long as this arrangement lasted at least.
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durmmelsass · 5 years
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Doing something about it.
I was getting ready for our bowling night when the doorbell rings announcing that the guys and Brittany just got here and by here I mean in the apartment that I share with my friend Y/F/N. For some reason everyone get together here before going out and end up back here at the end of the night.
I’m in my room doing my makeup when I hear my name in a conversation. I don’t recognize the voice that asks, “Is Y/N ready yet?”. My so called best friend laughs and answer, “Of course not, when does she get ready on time?”.
I hear a “Sooooo typical” and the devil spawn, aka Matthew Tkachuk enters my room, closing the door behind him. “What’s taking you so long?” he asks while laying down in my perfectly made bed and messing up my pillows.
I just give him a look, “Do you know that there’s a perfectly nice couch out there for you to sit, don’t you?”.
“Really? Didn’t notice” he smiles ironically and move a little getting more comfortable in my bed.
He then proceeds to take a deep breath and close his eyes. “Oh great, go to sleep! That way I don’t need to hear your voice”. “Oh, come on! You love my voice... don’t be sad tough, I’m a sleep talker, listen: Y/N is a bitch” he says the last part almost whispering, pretending he’s asleep.
He deserves me hitting him right in the face with one of my pillows, “You’re an asshole, Matthew”. He grabs me and pulls me to the bed in a way that I end up on top of him and for a moment the world seems to stop and all I can see is him... I’m hypnotized by his blue eyes and his really kissable lips. But then reality comes knocking on my door when Y/F/N screams for me to hurry up.
I roll to the other side of the bed to a sitting position and ask him the first thing that comes to mind, just to break the tension, “Should I do red lips or natural lips?”. He seems to get out of his head and answers in a low voice, “Red, Y/N... always red”, before biting his lips.
I sit down in my vanity and apply lip liner and lipstick, feeling his eyes on me the whole time. To refrain myself from literally jumping the guy, I grab my clothes and basically run to my bathroom to change.
Crazy as it is this has always been our dynamic, we annoy each other and pretend that there is not else going on. Clearly it’s been working so far (this is me being ironic).
“Is this good?” I ask Matthew when I’m done. He looks from my head to toes before nodding. He then gets up from the bed and we walk into the living room.
“Worth the wait, you look good Y/N”, I just smile at Johnny and address the girls, “We can go now. Let’s do that bowling”.
“Oh my god, that was terrible”, this obviously comes from Matthew. “What? That’s a good line!”, I say bending down to put on my boots as we head out of the apartment. Me being the clumsiest person alive, stumble forward and end up falling on my butt. Guess who helps me up? If you said Johnny you’re right because Matthew is laughing so hard that tears came out of his eyes.
“Thank you, Johnny!” I thank him and bump (on purpose, obviously) into Matthew. Of course he doesn’t even move being so much taller and stronger than me and having such nice arms and thick tights and...”, my not-so-pure thoughts are interrupted. “Of course Y/N, you ok though?”, there Johnny goes being the sweetest once again. I just nod and he grabs my hand pulling me so we can walk next to Sean and Britt.
Fast forward a couple hours and I officially give up on trying to bowl. “You’re soooo bad” Matthew says clearly trying to cheer me up. “Geez, thanks Matty! You’re such a supportive friend”, I squeeze the life out of his cheeks.
“Came on Y/N, let’s get some more beers”, Johnny is pulling my hand before I can respond. “Ok, here is good”, he stops abruptly before we even get to the bar and put his hands on my waist. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”, instinctively I put my hands on his chest to stop whatever he is doing.
“Helping you!”, he just smiles as if saying ‘it’s so obvious’. I don’t even respond because the confusion stamped on my face says it all. “We all agreed that you and Chucky need to just get over yourselves and do something”, he pulls me closer, “So, I took one for the team and it’s my mission to make him jealous”.
To be honestly I don’t even remember how me and Matthew started the whole ‘let’s annoy each other’ thing we have going on. Not gonna lie, it’s fun to get under his skin but I wouldn’t mind to just... get under him.
“I... don’t even know what to say”, I lick my lips nervously, “Do you think this is gonna work?”. “Of course! I’m such a great actor. Just don’t let him punch me, please”, his lips are smiling but there’s fear in his eyes and I can’t hold the laugh anymore.
Despite his best attempt, Johnny’s plan didn’t work. Can’t blame the kid for trying but his hysterical laughing at my stupid jokes and intense eye contact didn’t produce the wanted effect. Not complaining, it was really funny to watch Johnny Gaudreau trying to be all sexy and stuff.
After Sean beated all of us in the game, we decided to head back to the apartment and after a while everyone left. I changed into some comfy pjs and was making hot chocolate before my plans to binge watch something on Netflix was disturbed by the doorbell.
I open the door but before I can say anything Matthew is trapping between his body and the wall. “Is there something going on between you and Johnny?”, he asks in a low voice with his lips almost touching mine.
I whisper “No” and next thing I know he’s kissing me. It’s hard and desperate, his hands are everywhere and I can just feel him taking control over me. When we stop to catch a breath, our mouths are looking red and swollen and my heart is beating fast.
“I’m sorry... what?”, confusion written all over my face, “Not complaining but also not understanding”. “If you insist on talking let’s go to your room, don’t want anyone watching me talking about feelings”. I just roll my eyes and close the door before following him.
I arch a brow and wait for him to talk. But he doesn’t. “Matthew! You just barged in here, literally grabbed me and now you’re not saying anything? Explain yourself before I kick you out”. That seems to spark his attention.
“I just... god, I such at this”, he runs his hand trough his face, “Listen... I like you. Kinda”. “Ok, not kinda! A lot, actually”. How can this dumbass make me all soft with his terrible speech?
“To be honest I always thought you were too much for me. Too beautiful, too smart, too funny, too nice... too good”, he licks his lips before adding, “And never in a million years I would think you’d feel the same way. But watching my friend flirt with you all night made me realize that I had to do something and I can only hope it’s not too late”.
I sit on the bed and motion for him to sit beside me. “There was never anything going on between me and Johnny, he just had a plan to... make you jealous, I guess”. The outraged look on his face was priceless. “Well, it worked”.
“Did it really? Because you just seemed so unfazed by the whole thing”. “I’m not that good at showing my emotions, you probably can tell it by now, but there was nothing more I wanted to do than just kiss you and make sure everyone knew you’re mine”.
“I would’ve loved that. By the way, If you didn’t notice, I do feel the same way”, I lean on to give him a quick yet sweet kiss. “So what now?”, he asks moving his body and mine so I’m laying down on my pillows and he’s on top of me. I can already tell he likes to be in control and there’s nothing more that I want to do than take it from him.
“I say we give it a chance. Me and you together kinda of a chance”, I say looking at his eyes. “I’m ok with that”, he says shrugging before kissing me again. It starts slow but soon enough his hands are on my ass and I can feel how excited he is to see me.
“Slow down, Matty. At least take me on a date first”, I laugh at his frustration. “Ugh! Don’t you think we have waited long enough?”, he doesn’t let me go. “No way, I’m going to make you work for it”, I whisper in his ear.
“Can I spend the night, at least?”, he’s pouting and I just can’t resist. I pretend to think it over before agreeing, “Yes, you can stay the night. Come on, I was making hot chocolate before you came in. What some? We can watch something on Netflix”. “Ok, but I get to pick!”, he says and it doesn’t surprise me, after all... that’s my Matty.
// English is not my first language so please excuse any mistake and let me know so I can fix it 💓
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Nobody Matters Like You | John Wick x Reader (Oneshot)
Setting Prompt: Accidental Baby Acquisition
Words: 1680
Fandom: John Wick
Warning: Mentions of domestic abuse and cheating
Summary: John is assigned to protect an executive and their family, only to discover that he was killed by his wife who he told to just disappear, but she ended up leaving a baby behind. Now the task was to look after the baby until everything blows over, but he doesn’t know how, so he goes to you for help. Title inspired by Rockabye by Clean Bandit Ft. Anne Marie & Sean Paul
John cursed under his breath, knocking a drink back as he sat in Aurelio’s repair shop. The assignment was supposed to be simple, protect the executive businessman and his family until his enemies were dealt with. Turns out, the guy was a massive douche that slept around and constantly beat his wife. When John reached their estate, the executive was lying face down in a pool of blood in the kitchen with his wife standing over him, gun in hand.
“I had to,” she whispered, “Please…”
John nodded, pulling out a dishcloth from the counter and handed it to her to wipe the blood off of her. “I’ll get this cleaned up. You do what you can to disappear,” he said.
“I’m sorry. I know it was your job-”
“It’s fine. Hurry.”
He called it in, getting a cleanup crew to deal with the mess in the kitchen. He stood to the side as they did their thing before paying them. When they left, he went back inside, planning out how he could make it like the executive went off the radar with his wife.
John began to set everything up, walking around to get an idea of what kind of man he was. He walked up the stairs and peeked through the open doors of the guest rooms until he reached the opposite wing where he presumed were the executive’s room.
He could hear the wife whispering to someone from one of the rooms. He crept forward, hand hovering above his gun at his waist, just to be sure. The closer he got, he realized that she was crying. It was a baby room.
“I can’t do this,” she cried, kneeling next to the baby’s crib, two small luggage next to her.
“You should be leaving,” John reminded her.
She jumped, wiping her cheeks and sniffed. “I… I never wanted children. Not yet, at least. Then, when I heard my husband had been cheating with me… one of the women that he slept with showed up to our doorstep and just left her. She’s not my child, but I’m not heartless enough to just leave her and I’m still not ready to take the responsibility of caring for a child while I’m trying to disappear.”
“Is there no one you can take her to?”
She shook her head sadly.
John sighed. “I might know someone. I’ll take care of it. Just hurry and leave.”
“Thank you,” she breathed, getting up on shaking legs before grabbing her luggage, sparing one last look at the baby, then left.
Now, it was just John and the baby girl who just started to stir in her sleep. What should he do now?
You were humming in the kitchen with a movie playing in the living room when you heard urgent knocking on your door. You set your knife down and made your way over, looking through the peephole. What the hell was John Wick doing here?
You opened the door for him, hands on your hips. “Now, what occasion brought you over… is that a baby?”
John stood at your doorway looking haggard as he carried in a baby sleeping on a baby carrier along with a few bags filled with baby stuff. “There’s more in the car,” he muttered, immediately turning once he put the baby carrier on the couch.
You stared down at the baby with wide eyes, then sifted through the bags that had baby diapers, baby food, toys, and books. John came back with a folded crib, a stroller, and two small duffle bags.
“Um, John, what is all this? Who’s baby is this? Why is that baby here? Why do you have them? Why did you bring them here? What-”
“(Y/n), we’re best friends, right?” John cut you off.
You took in a sharp breath. “You knocked someone up?” For some reason, that thought made you feel uneasy.
“No,” he answered quickly, “My client did.” You exhaled, relieved.
“And where’s your client? Was your task to babysit?” you asked sarcastically, waving a hand over to the sleeping baby.
“My client’s dead. There’s no one to take care of her. I trust you, so I brought her here.”
“O… kay. So…,” you exhaled slowly, trying to wrap your head around the situation you were thrown in. You scratched your head, looking around at your now crowded living room. “If you think I’m going to take care of this baby on my own, I will kick your ass. I can’t ask my friends for help with her because they’re going to ask where she’s from. I know nothing about taking care of babies. What are we going to do about her anyways? Keep her?”
John looked at the baby, then at you. “We’ll deal with that later. I can stay over if you want. Some of my clothes are still here, right?”
You clear your throat, looking over at the dirty laundry you had yet to wash, a few of his shirts and sweatpants buried in it after you have used them around the house and as pajamas. They were very comfortable and you or may not have smelled them to remind you of John when he was away working.
“Yeah, let me finish dinner while you sort all of this,” you gestured to all the clutter, “and put them in… I don’t know, my room?”
John sighed in relief. He didn’t feel good about taking the baby somewhere else anyways. He had been an orphan himself and he didn’t like the idea of leaving her in the system. You were one of, if not, the most trusted friends he had, so you were the first person he thought of.
As he set up the corner of your room for the baby while you cooked, you couldn’t help but think how domestic it all was. You shook that thought away, though. It wasn’t like that with him.
One month later, you got the hand of taking care of baby Joana, as you named her, while John practically lived with you if he wasn’t busy with work. He used to stay at his own house when he was busy with a task or were taking time to himself after he finished one. That was happening less and less as time went on. Even his dog would be left with you to help watch over Joana.
You were sitting on the playing mat with Joana when John came home. Joana had to work on her crawling and rolling, both of which she only managed a little. At first when you put her on her back, she would try to roll, but stopped midway and lied on her side. Now, she could roll onto her stomach, but not onto her back. Crawling was another thing, too. She managed to crawl an inch, but instead of going forward, she would keep turning in a circle. Maybe she was copying Dog, who’d spin around before he lies down.
John watched the wholesome scene before him, patting his dog’s head as he leaned against the doorway. You were reluctant to look after the baby, but now you enjoyed Joana’s presence. You said that his help made a big difference, as caring for one baby could be stressful.
You patted at the space in front of you, encouraging Joana to crawl forward. She giggled, trying to coordinate her limbs.
“Come on, sweetie, you can do it,” you told her with a smile.
Joana frowned, crawling forward one inch, two inch, three inch, until she was right in front of you.
“Good job, Joana,” John said, taking off his shoes and knelt next to you.
Joana giggled, wiggling in place. You scooped her up and placed her on your lap as Dog came over. John swallowed, feeling his throat tightened seeing you and Joana smile at him with his dog wagging his tail. It was like something from a dream. A dream that he never knew possible when picked up work again after Helen was gone. It was all peaceful and normal.
“Look who’s home, sweetie?” you cooed, bouncing her on your thigh. It was your turn to giggle as Joana pulled a frowny face, much like John’s when he was serious. “So how was work, sweetie?”
John smirked. “Sweetie?” he teased.
You shot him a glare, your cheeks heating up at your slip. “It’s a habit. I’ve been talking to Jo and Dog all day and I call them sweetie,” you explained, avoiding his eyes.
He chuckled, but didn’t tease any further. “Well, I was actually thinking of retiring again. I have more than enough money for us to get by and maybe I can buy us a bigger house,” he said.
“Us?” you teased back, earning a glare from John. You grinned, stopping your bouncing and had Joana lean against you. “It’d be nice to have a bigger house, but does that mean that we’re actually keeping her?”
John shrugged. “Why not? You like her and she likes you. We’re both getting a hang of caring for her. Her father’s enemies had stopped looking for her and his wife, so she’s safe.”
You stared down at Joana who was getting drowsy. “You think I’ll be a good mother to her?” you asked John softly.
“You already are,” he assured you, leaning forward to kiss your head.
You closed your eyes, sighing in content. “John, I-”
“Hold that thought, I’m going to shower,” he said, standing up. Dog wagged his tail and followed his human around the house until John turned to him. “Stay by (Y/n) and Joana and protect them, okay?” Dog made a noise, turning back to sit in front of you.
John made his way through the room, your shared room, rifling through his side of the dresser drawer, tossing his dirty clothes in the hamper with your clothes, and grabbing his scrubber. This was practically his home. Walking through that door and seeing you with Joana and Dog, he felt like he was home.
His new home is all that mattered now.
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13rwbabes · 5 years
Montgomery x Reader Imagine (Part 18/?)
So um yeah, I know, I've been MIA for sooo long, I can't even remember when was the last time I posted (was if 2018 or 2017?lol) I wish I could give a good, reasonable explanation, but I can't really... I haven’t been much on tumblr in general, when I thought about writing I wasn't "feeling it". But lately, about three months after I got new phone I downloaded tumblr again and was really surprised to see people are still reading this, asking for next part and I was like whaaaat. Then on YouTube I watched some scenes from 3 season of 13 reasons, it reminded me what a cutie Timothy Granaderos is and I kind of wanted to start again. Another factor that pushed me to writing again is that at the moment life is a little overwhelming for me and it let's me zone out from everything. So here it is, part 18 if anyone is still interested lol It's not the best chapter I could imagine, especially for a come back but I promise, they will actually interact again in next one (btw I fixed my masterlist link)
Also this time I made sure I'm not suddenly gonna go MIA again and that I'm really prepared, next2 chapters are almost done :) I also think that in general this fanfic will be done in next 10(?) chapters, because I'm running out of ideas lol
IMPORTANT NOTE: I haven't watched seasons 2&3 but I'm familiar with what is going on. I know things Montgomery did is S2, I know how his story was shown in S3 but... This is my fanfic. This is like an alternate universe where Monty is straight and didn't raped anyone with a mop, okay?
"An intervention?", I chuckled. "I don't need any intervention."
"Yes, you do", Sheri said. "You are so smart and so intelligent, but you are such an idiot when it comes to your feelings."
"We spoke to Monty", Zach added.
"Oh, and what did he tell you?", I asked and crossed my arms on my chest. I was faking confidence but inside I was shaking. Did he tell them everything? Would the do that even though he promised he would keep it a secret?
"Everything", Justin said. "You can't skip school forever, Y/N."
"I have doctor's note, my wrist hurts", I shrugged. "Why are you here instead of school, that's real question."
"Priorities. We talked to Monty before he went home and we decided we have to do something and we have to do it now, because you are too scared and too stubborn and Montgomery is too insecure", Jessica said as she sat down on couch and patted place next to her, "So now, sit down and talk."
"Interesting, many words that I could use to describe Monty come to my mind, but insecure is not one of them", I said sitting down.
"He's insecure when it comes to you", Sheri said.
"Well, she did everything in her power to make him feel like that", Justin mumbled.
"Excuse me?"
"He told us everything. About the thing you two had. And how you always said he's not good enough for you."
"Oh wow", I chuckled. "Okay, fine, we were hooking up last year, but I have never said things like that to him. I ended things so now he's tryna make me look like the bad guy here".
"Okay, so tell me", Justin took chair sat on it backwards in front of me, "was he taking care of you?", his tone was sharp and others didn't dare to interrupt him.
"What do you mean?", I asked, but I felt where this conversation was going.
"For example, who took you to the hospital when you got allergic reaction?".
"Monty and you know that, you were there when it happened", I rolled my eyes.
"Who came here and checked on you later that day?"
"Who walked you to the nurse and then drove to hospital when you broke your wrist?"
"Who stood up for you when that dickhead Sean showed up at Bryce's Halloween party?"
"All of you actually", I smiled, I knew what he meant but I wanted to annoy him.
"You know what I mean", he said through clenched teeth.
"Okay, yes, Montgomery was next to me all night to make sure Sean didn't bother me."
"And didn't he put you to sleep when you got wasted and didn't get advantage of you because you was so drunk even though you begged to get laid?".
"Just stop fucking lie, Y/N", Justin sighed.
"Okay, yes, he put me to sleep and did not want to have sex with me because I was so drunk, I wouldn't call that begging to get laid".
"You really don't see this?", Sheri asked.
"See what?", I asked harshly.
"How much he cares about", she said quietly.
"What did he do when you told him your period was late?", Justin continued his 20 questions.
"He told you about that?!", I stood up.
"Yes, as we said, he told everything", Zach told.
"So what did he do?", Justin asked.
"He... Told me to stay and went to drugstore and got back with few pregnancy tests."
"Quite nice that he took care of everything", Justin chuckled.
"Okay, what is your point?", I was getting slowly irritated.
"He cares about you", all four of them yelled.
"If he cares about me, why did he started dating Tina, the second after I called things off?", at this point I was almost crying.
"Because you called it off suddenly out of nowhere and also because he is a bit dumb, like most of us", Jessica said.
"I called it off because I started having feelings for him", I said. "So I wanted some distance before I would get hurt", I shrugged.
"Why do you assume you would get hurt?"
"Because... It was supposed to be fuck buddies thing. That's what he wanted. There's no place for feelings".
"So are you saying that he literally called you the greatest girl he knows, only because of sex?", Justin asked.
"I know you don't agree, but he got in this fight with Alex today in your cause, because of that stupid list. I know, it's not what you wanted, you didn't asked for this and he usually does before he thinks but... he tries", Zach said.
"He changed. Everyone see it. Yes, he fought Alex today, but stop being blind and think about his behaviour last month or two...", Jessica added.
"I'm just... scared. What if I make a move and it won't work?", I said and swiped off single tear that streamed down my face.
"Honey", Jess hugged me. "But what if it does? He's speaks so highly about you. Even today after you had a fight at school, but he's miserable because he has no idea what else he could do to get to you."
"Well", Justin chuckled. "He also called her critical bitch to balance things out".
I laughed a little.
"I guess I deserve it", I said.
"So how it's gotta be?", Sheri asked.
"Okay", I sighed. "I will talk to him when he'll be back in school", I nodded. "But if it won't work and things will get more awkward, it'll be your fault", I pointed at four of them.
"They will", Jess smiled.
"Okay guys, let's leave her alone and give her time to make up her mind", Zach said.
"See you tomorrow", they said as they were leaving.
"Guys", I said before they left. "I'm sorry I was lying to you."
"Talk to Montgomery and we'll be good", Justin said with a smile while closing door.
I went to my room, laid on bed and stared at the ceiling trying to make up my mind. Suddenly I heard that front door opened and I realized I haven't locked them when Sheri and others left.
"Y/N?", I heard my mum.
I breathed a sigh of relief and got up from my bed.
"Yeah?", I said as I was walking downstairs.
"Dad called me. He said you came for a doctor's note because you skipped school."
"Well, my wrist hurts", I said avoiding looking at her. Mum could tell when I was lying most of the time.
"Okay", she sighed. "Tell me what is it really about?"
"It's my wrist. Really. I barely took it out of the cast, it's normal", I shrugged.
"Listen", she walked to the freezer and took box of ice cream, "it's your last chance to tell me the truth. Otherwise I'll stop being a cool mum", she handed me a spoon.
I stared at her, had a fight in my mind. As much as my relationship with my mum was really good, I considered both her and dad friends, I wasn't sure if I should tell her about the whole Montgomery mess. On the other hand how much worse could it get? Also she would have a fresh perspective on everything.
"Okay", I said finally and took deep breath. "It's about Montgomery", I said quietly.
"Ha, I knew something was going on!", she said walking from kitchen to the living room and sitting on the couch.
"Okay, calm down Ms I know it all, it's not what you think", I said and sat next to her. "So... You know I've been friends with Montgomery for few years now. Well, maybe not friends, more like... We had the same group of friends but the two of us wasn't like super close or anything. But this school year we got closer..."
"Because of the chemistry project?", She asked with a smirk.
"Well, yes, I was late to the first class and had to sit with him and that's how we got paired", I nodded. I knew I wasn't telling her the whole truth but I didn't think she would be amused with the whole friend with benefits thing. "Anyway...", I continued.
And I told her everything. I pointed out every thing he did for me, how he took me to the hospital when I eat peanut butter cookie, how he came and checked on me later that day, how he took care of me when I broke my wrist and stood on my side, not Tina's even though he was dating her at that time, how he took me away from Marcus when he made bet about me. I even told her what happened at Halloween party when he carried me away from Sean and made sure he stayed away from me (I didn't mention part where I was "begging to get laid", as Justin claims). And, for obvious reasons, I didn't tell about that time when I thought I was pregnant and he acted really matured and went to buy a pregnancy tests. As I was saying all this things I finally realised that everyone was right - he did took care about me and he did change.
"And after all this things you pushed him away because you are afraid to hell him how you feel?", my mum asked.
"Well... Yes", I nodded.
"Y/N Y/L/N, your father and I didn't raise you to be a coward. You'll of course do whatever you want but I really think you two should have an honest talk. What worse could happen?"
"You're right... Probably..."
"You seemed happier around October and November, just sayin...", she shrugged and went upstairs.
"Stop being coward", I whispered to myself.
Five minutes later I was driving to Montgomery's house.
"You can do it. You can do it. What's the worst thing that could happen?", I was my own hypeman. "He won't spoke to me? He already doesn't", I shrugged.
I parked and almost run to his front door. I rang the doorbell and waited moment but I didn't hear any noise from inside. I looked at the driveway, his car was parked, he had to be inside. I knocked hard few times. Still nothing. Then I heard something behind the house. I went there and that's where he was. He was playing basketball alone with his earphones on. I walked towards him, he saw me and froze for a moment. Then he ignored my presence and continued throwing ball to the basket. I walked closer, stood under the basket and caught ball when it was falling.
"Monty...", I said even though I wasn't sure if he could hear me.
He shook his head and walked back to the house.
"I'm not a coward", I mubled and followed him.
"Monty", I repeated.
"That's trespassing, you know?", he asked pouring himself some juice.
"I want to speak you", I said.
"And I want you to leave".
"Well I'm not leaving until to talk to me", I crossed my arms.
"I've had enough, okay?", he said walking past me, grabbed my arm and walked me to the front door. "Bye, Y/N."
"My parent will be home any time now and because I got suspended again, believe me, you don't want be here when they get here", he said, still not looking at me.
"Okay, well, can we talk tomorrow? Or maybe on Thursday when you'll be back in school if you want more time?", I asked.
"Nah, I don't think I want to talk to you at all", he said and closed the door leaving me on his doorstep.
I came back to my car holding back my tears.
"Fuck!", I screamed and hit steering wheel few times. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."
My phone started ringing, I looked at the screen.
"Hey, Atkins", I answered trying to sound normal.
"Hi, sweet, I sent you notes from today."
"Thanks, you're the best."
"Just try, you know, slow down with skipping school. Teachers start asking questions."
"This was last time, I swear", I sighed.
"Everything ok?", he asked concerned.
"Yeah... No, actually, it's not... I, encouraged by pretty much everyone I know including my mum, went to Montgomery to finally tell him everything, how I feel about him. But he doesn't want to talk to me and pretty much shut the door in front of my face..."
"Oh God... Do you want me to talk to him?"
"No, thanks, Sheri, Justin, Jessica and Zach spoke to him already. He's fed up with me and I deserve it to be honest", I shrugged.
"Don't say that! Give him few days, he'll probably change his mind by the time he'll be back in school", Jeff assured. "And if not, I'm more than sure, he'll want to talk to you when he see you at the prom this saturday".
"Yeah, I don't know if I'm going, I'm not in a mood."
"Oh no, no, no..."
"You're coming! Your mum ordered like ten dresses online, they're supposed to be delivered today. You're going. And don't use wrist as an excuse. Bye", he hung up before I could say anything more.
*** Monty's POV ***
It wasn't even an hour since Y/N left when I heard a doorbell.
"What again", I mumbled walking down the stairs. "Seriously?", I chuckled when I opened door and saw Jeff. "Who's coming next? Her mum? Her dad?", I swear one more person comes in, trying to defend her, I'm out.
"She doesn't know I'm here", Jeff walked inside.
"Whatever", I shrugged.
"Listen, I don't know the whole story, all I know is that since September both of you changed for better. She seemed happy and more relaxed. You didn't lose you temper so much and you were unbeatable on the field. Man, that two home runs?"
"Yeah, I mean, me and Y/N made a bet... Nevermind."
"Anyway, you were in a better place. Both of you. And know both of you are miserable."
"Well, thanks to her..."
"Man, I know her since forever. She can be a lot, she's neurotic and critical, I know that. The whole thing with this dickhead Sean really affected her. She really fucked her up and made her feel insecure and distanced and still somehow you were the first person she let in."
"Why are everyone making this whole thing about her? I was in it too. I finally wanted to change, to be better. Because of her. For her. And then she suddenly ended things. I mean... No one is that blind to not see that", I said. "And don't start with that 'she's insecure' crap talk", I added before Jeff had a chance to open his mouth.
"Listen, you'll do whatever you want. By far both of you are making yourselves miserable with your stubborness, but whatever", Jeff raised his hands with defensive gesture. "I send you notes from today, see you on Thursday", he said and left.
"Fuck", I whispered.
I had a point. I knew I had. Everyone were making is about Y/N, but I was in it too. When I told her she was the greatest person I knew, I meant it. I mean... How can someone not have at least a tiny crush on her. I meant it when I told her she's a catch. And yet she supposedly didn't get what I was trying to say? She finally made me feel vulnerable and then pushed me away.
I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling when I heard her voice in my mind saying jokingly "Just try not to fall in love with me". I should've taken that as a warning...
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erismerald · 5 years
MY NEW ROAD - Chapter 1
» Older Daniel Diaz x reader 
» Warnings: mature, romance, blood, gang                                             
Chapter 2
» So i was hoping i could read something about daniel diaz, at the end of 5 ep, and as i was sick of waiting,  so i decided to write a long short about older daniel diaz, so let's go :)
And there I was, in this moment  i was terrified, I could I feel my blood coming out of my belly, it hurts a lot... I couldn't breathe, or think, to be honest I didn't know what to do... Who is he? Why is he here? For a few seconds i felt my body being lifted up.
" Y/N ? Oh please wake up... ahhh SEAN!!!!"
I recognized this voice, but I just let my eyes close, I felt my body fall asleep.
So HI!! My name is y/n, im 17 and right now I'm living on my own in Mexico, more property in puerto lobos.
I'm a very simple girl, I grew up in LA with my grandparents, I never met my parents, and during my life, my grandparents never told me about their daughter, they just told me that she had abandoned me when I was Little, and as for my father, they didn't know who she was, so I never really cared about that.
I've been living here for about six weeks,I study in a small americam school, near here. I'm loving living here I never thought, that a dream I had since I was little would come true so soon, I decided to live here, because I love Mexican culture and not to mention that living by the beach never tires anyone, and I still have the privilege of seeing the sunset disappear into the waves...
Since I was a child I was very shy and I don't know how to express myself to others anht this is the reason why I've not be able to make friends in this new school yet, I feel ashamed when they look at me or try to talk to me, it's complicated, however, I've always managed to make some friends in LA, people I talk to almost every single day.
it's already 7 am i think i should be preparing for school but i think laziness has won ahaha, I got up and tried to take as little time as possible, I don't want to be late again or Ms. Lopez will kick me out of her class again.
I was new to that school and it wasn't the first time I was late, which I can say I love sleeping, but I have to work harder to make sure that doesn't happen, and I'm going to start right now haha.
I tried to take as little time as possible, of course that for me it's kind of impossible, because, I still had to take a shower before going, but I think at least I won't be late this time, I look at the clock and OMG is already 7:50 and the classes start at 8:00, ahhhhh how will I get to school in 10... Afff so much effort for nothing, well at least I can still get to the beginning of the first class.
On the way to school, I saw him again... I think his name is Daniel, he's from my class but I never talked to him before, and to be honest, I never had the courage to talk to him, well... not only with him, I think with everyone in general, so far I haven't made any friends, except the lady from the apartment next door, and we only talk on Sundays, because we have the same way when we go to church.
  I think I've been looking at him too long... why do I say that? He's looking at me right now. I can't deny it he's beautiful... he's so mysterious, but from what I've seen of him, at school he's very fun, reserved, but fun.
I felt him staring at me, which made me completely ashamed, and my only option for not having to talk to him was to hit him and not, to look at him as I passed by, even with my back to him his gaze managed to make me feel a huge chill, but it's a good thing that I'm already arriving at school.
For real I didn't know what to tell him anyways.
When i arrived at school i came across Ms.Lopez on the way. And I think it was at this moment that I realized I was completely fucked up, I tried to go unnoticed, but without success.
And when I turned back I only saw her ferocious gaze directed at me.
"Miss l/n shouldn't be in class already. Preferably sitting at your desk waiting for me." - she looked at me with a deadly look on her face
"oh I finally find you y/n, thx for waiting for me, and here you have your Spanish book that you lent me." He looked at me and winked at me, so that I could continue with the theater.
"O-of course I do, Daniel, there's nothing to be thankful for" he stands next to me and takes my hand. And he gave me the book, I felt my heart go off a thousand an hour...When I lifted my face I saw his eyes glued on me, why did he protect me?
"Is that why you were late?" She looked at me and then at Daniel, I felt the anger in her eyes
"yes i decided to wait for daniel" i smiled at her, and i felt daniel put himself behind me
"Vamos, no te enojes con ella, maestra. Sólo fue esta vez (Come on, don't get mad at her, teacher. It was just this time .)" Daniel grabbed my shoulders and spoke, I saw Ms. Lopez calm her eyes and take a deep breath.
"Hum being so, i let you pass your delay this time you two have 5 minutes to introduce you in my class, and miss L/N thank the boy Daniel for helping her " his voice was calm now but his words were cold.
She continued on her way to the classroom, and I hear Daniel laughed
"You're welcome!" daniel said as my body moved, his voice was now hoarse, I sounded hypnotized by the voice of him.
"T-thank you for helping me." I tried to be short and quick in my answer. I was so nervous and idk why.
"let's go to class before Ms. Lopez decides to murder us, because we're late" daniel just went on her way but stopped 3 steps ahead of me.
"will have to pull you?" he laughs softly and throws a half smile, my heart, jumped a beat when i saw that smile.
"Y-yes" I just followed him.... When we arrived in the room each one sat in his seat, but for some reason, Daniel kept looking at me and it made me nervous for the rest of the time.
During the rest of the day, everything went as usual, except for the failed attempt by me to escape Daniel's gaze, I  don't know what he was looking for in me, but I think I managed to make him lose interest for a while. I think.
When I finally rang the exit bell, I was the first to leave for the first time, I didn't want to know anything else, I just wanted to get home and enjoy being alone.
When I walked through the school gate, I took a deep breath and tried to rearrange my ideas, how can something as simple as talking to a person make me so nervous?
I'll speed up the walk and look at the sky and then at the sea at the end of the street to calm myself down. I didn't understand what was going on this day but I just asked it to end quickly. Yeah, to tell you the truth, I've never had a boy look at me for so long, am I getting a crush on him? AHHHHH well  I hope not.
When I was almost at home, I felt a chill on my back and soon I could be able to realized what was happening....
"Are you trying to avoid me?" Not that voice, not again.
I turned slowly and there he was, did he follow me? When I looked at him I felt my face boiling with shame.
"Did the Cat eat your tongue?" he looked at me and laughed, and began to approach me.
I tried to ignore to not have to answer, I really suffered from many anxiety problems and did not know what to do in these situations.
"okay i got you, you don't want to talk to me don't worry" he looked at the floor and his cheerful expression went to sadness
"well see you tomorrow at school" when he was going to turn around and continue on his way i screamed
He turned to me and smiled... OH God that smile was so sweet
"I thought you weren't gonna answer ahaha."
"I'm not ignoring you, or avoiding you...I'm just too shy to talk" I couldn't face his eyes so I just looked at the ground.
"Are you sure? I didn't want to get into it with Ms Lopez, but I knew if I didn't, she'd kick you out of her class" when I looked up I came across the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen.
It made me blush, involuntarily, I didn't know what to say.
"thank you...and it's okay, I'd be kicked out if it wasn't for you too, so thank you for helping me."
"You're welcome, I've always seen you being very shy with everyone and you don't seem to be the kind of person who would be late on purpose, well, I won't take up your time. See you tomorrow"
he said with a perverse smile on his face
"Oh and if tomorrow you want company for the school I can wait here for you".
I didn't have time to say anything else I just agreed and entered the building.
When I got home I lay on the couch, looking at the ceiling, trying to see what had happened, I didn't notice it, but I felt my body tired and ended up falling asleep.
"Daniel... Something about him attracted me...'
I opened my eyes very slowly, I looked at the window and it was already dark, I picked up my phone and turned it on, I had 5 unanswered calls from my grandmother, this was strange she didn't call me so often
I dialed her number and called...
"y/n honey is you?"
"yes Grandma, what's going on?  I'm sorry I was so tired that I fell asleep and didn't hear you call".
Without telling me anything else she felt like she was crying, but what happened to make my grandmother cry she hardly ever does, and when I say that she doesn't, it's because it's rare.
"Honey, I have something to tell you... Your mother is looking for you," those words left me unanswered, my mother?
Couldn't be, my mother abandoned me 16 years ago, for me she died... I started crying, that person who abandoned me 16 years ago, now its looking for me why? I had so many questions in my mind, I couldn't talk to anybody, I just need some time.
"honey are there? Y/n?" My grandmother called me...
"I'm sorry Grandma, I need to think a little, I'll call you later."
"darling no-" i hung up on her, i don't like to do this but i need time to process
I got up, grabbed my jacket and went out towards the beachWhen I got there I sat down on the sand, and watched the sea, and the waves coming at me, I didn't want to believe that my mother was looking for me, if she hadn't wanted me in 16 years, she wouldn't want me now.... Now I did not even want her back
At that moment I felt that I was not alone there, I turned around and saw a group of people coming towards me.
I got up quickly and tried to get out of there, but it was too late.
Fear sometimes makes us irrational, and at this moment I did not know what to do, I did not know how to react, I was scared, I felt one of the men grabbing me by the arms, and attached me to his body
"hey you, don't move so much kittens, let's talk"
The second man spoke and stood in front of me, and grabbed my face forcing me to look at him.
"so you're the Diaz little princess aren't you?" I wasn't noticing anything, I just tried to get away but without success, I wonder what would happen to me...
I tried to fight and I tried to let go, but unfortunately I only did worse, he pressed himself behind my back and won't let me go.
"Let's teach that boy a lesson, that's what he and his brother will pay to judge us dumb."
One of them pulled a knife out of his waist and approached me...
I started screaming, and crying madly, I was now completely scared.
At that very moment, I felt the blade pierce my skin... I didn't know what to do, I just tried to struggle
But when I turned my head, there he was, out of nowhere, the people around me were thrown away, I felt my body fall into the sand...
And there I was, in this moment  i was terrified, I could I feel my blood coming out of my belly, it hurts a lot... I couldn't breathe, or think, to be honest I didn't know what to do... Who is he? Why is he here? For a few seconds i felt my body being lifted up.
" Y/N ? Oh please wake up... ahhh SEAN!!!!"
I recognized this voice, but I just let my eyes close, I felt my body fall asleep...
But to be honest I felt my body warm, from this moment on, it just got dark.
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skiller0dani · 5 years
Battle of Hearts | Septiplier
Summary: Jack leaves Mark after a nasty fight- knowing that together they’re toxic and knowing they’ll be happier apart. 
Pairing: Jack x Mark (JackSepticEye x Markiplier) 
Word Count: 7.3k
Warnings: Angst, Tears, Fighting, Sadness
A/N: all I really have to say is that I really love Septiplier. Do you agree or do you agree. 
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He wasn't quite sure when it all went wrong. When it turned from sunshine to a hurricane. When the love and laughter was replaced with heartbreak and swallowing their tears. When the holding and hugging was swapped for Jack shoving Mark away from him because he just couldn't bare Mark's touch. Jack sat shakily, not even crying anymore. This fight was nasty, some hurtful things were shouted from both of them. Insults, degrades, and many other things shook through them as they remember spitting it at the other. Jack has been on the fence about this for a while but this just proves his fear. The fear that they did nothing but hurt each other, that they were toxic together. He didn't want to continue to hurt Mark and it really doesn't matter what they do to try and change it. This is the way is has to be. Jack leans his elbows on his knees, looking down at his clasped hands. Mark looked over at him, worried as he knows what's been running through his head lately.
"Baby I'm sorry." Mark mumbles, trying to capture Jack's attention. Jack didn't move, just remained still.
"Jack..." Mark said softly, sliding over to be closer to him. Jack froze, his eyes moving from his hands to the wall.
"Please." Mark pleaded, moving his arm over Jack's shoulders. He gently began to pull Jack over, until Jack finally gave in and leaned into Mark's chest. Mark held Jack to him tightly, drawing circles on his arm with the pad of his thumb. Jack knew where he would be in the morning, so he decided to enjoy Mark's presence for one more night.
"I'm sorry Jack." Mark said again, hoping to hear Jack's pretty voice. He remained silent though, breaking Mark's heart. Was he really so upset he didn't even wanna talk?
"Please talk to me." Mark pleaded again, feeling anxiety growing in his stomach.
"Mark..." Jack mumbled, not being able to manage more. But it didn't matter to Mark, even hearing name fall past Jack's lips was enough for him. Mark pressed a kiss to Jack's head, holding him as close as he could.
"I love you Sean." Mark told him, lying down onto the couch. He pulled Jack over with him, setting Jack on his chest. Jack listened to Mark's heartbeat as he felt tears in his eyes.
"I-I love you too." He responds, trying to keep the despair out of his voice. But Mark noticed, and lifted Jack's head.
"Baby what's wrong? What happened? Did I do something wrong?" Mark asked, feeling panic in his chest. Jack furiously shook his head before he buried his face into Mark's chest.
"Then what is it? I'll make it better." Mark said pulling Jack closer so that Jack's head lay in the curve of Mark's neck.
"Y-You can't." Jack stammered, not really sure of what he was saying.
"Then I'll help you forget." Mark told him softly as they lay on the couch.
It was 6 in the morning, and Jack stood with his bag slung over his shoulder. Silent tears rolled down his cheeks as he looked over Mark's sleeping form. He wanted to drop everything and lay back in bed with him, but he knew he couldn't do that. He had to stop the heartache, he knew Mark wouldn't. Mark would try everything he could to make it work, but they've been doing that. Nothing works, and from the very moment they connected Jack somehow knew this is how it was supposed to end. He pulled his white t-shirt down as he quietly moved out into the living room. He let his eyes look over the room, soaking it all in. Remembering every good moment, and every bad moment. He remembered how they decided to make macaroni art at 4 in the morning sat giggling like idiots at the dining table. He looked over to the couch where he remembered their first bad fight, ending with Jack collapsing in tears and Mark rushing to him telling him he didn't mean all the hurtful things he said. He lets his eyes move to a photo on the wall, at Playlist Live where they first told the viewers. He remembered Mark kissing him and hearing the screams. He remembered throwing that picture at Mark in another fight, resulting in a crack in the bottom right corner of the glass. Tears continued to slide down his cheeks as he carefully opened the wooden door, hesitant to step outside. He turned, admiring the room once more before softly closing the door behind him.
Mark woke a couple hours later. His hand subconsciously reached out to his right, expecting to feel Jack. His eyes popped open when he felt nothing but the bed sheets. He rolled onto is back and sat up, letting his eyes move around the room. Jack's phone was gone, and his charger. He then moved his gaze to the floor by the closet, to find all Jack's shoes gone. No. Mark threw the blankets off him, quickly moving into the closet. He threw the doors open, to see all Jack's t-shirts gone as well. No no no. Mark's mind was in a complete panic as he noticed more of Jack's belongings missing as well. He gripped the roots of his hair helplessly as he staggered out into his living room. He glanced around, everything looking normal and ordinary. A thought popped into Mark's head as he began to frantically search for a note Jack might have left. He looked for almost a half hour and his heart sunk when he found nothing. Mark felt sick as the room almost began to sway. No no no no no. That was the only thing being chanted in Mark's head, almost like a mantra. He stumbled to get his phone and he unlocked it, dialing Jack's number. The phone rang and rang and rang but Mark was met by a monotone voice. The voice informed him that the number has been...blocked? Why would Jack do this? Mark dropped his phone as he slid down the wall onto the floor. He gripped the hair on either side of his head as he felt nausea moving through his abdomen. What was he supposed to do now? Jack was gone, Jack left him. Tears ran over Mark's cheeks as he dropped his head to his knees, crying.
"Please Felix, I'm not asking to talk to him. I just need to know that he's okay." Mark pleaded, hearing Felix sigh on the other side.
"He's fine." Felix lied, knowing perfectly well that Jack was falling apart. Jack shook as tears ran over his cheeks. He placed his palms over his mouth in an attempt to silence himself as Mark spoke to Felix. Jack didn't want to go home right away in case Mark went to Ireland looking for him, so he was staying at Felix's for a few weeks. Felix nor Marzia minded, they wanted to help Jack.  
"Really? Is he home or...?" Mark asked, hoping Felix would tell him. Felix glanced over at Jack once before shifting from foot to foot.
"I don't know where he is, sorry Mark." Felix lied again. Panic shot through Mark at that statement, nobody knew where Jack was? What if something was wrong?
"You don't know where he is? What if he's hurt? What if he needs help?" Mark stressed, panic rising.
"I know for a fact he's okay. I just talked to him earlier today." Felix lied again, looking at Jack in concern as he slid to the floor crying. Marzia rushed to Jack, wrapping her arms around his torso.
"H-He talked to you?" Mark asked in disbelief.
"Yes and he told me he's fine and needs time away. I haven't been able to get ahold of him since." Felix told him, his eyes fixed on Jack.
"Thanks Felix...I'll let you go. Call me if you see him please?" Mark asked, tears in his eyes.
"Yeah sure thing buddy." Felix says, hanging up. He moves towards Jack as Jack glances up at him.
"M-Mark'll figure it out, I can't stay here." Jack stammers.
"Where else are you gonna go?" Marzia asks worried.
"I don't know, I'll figure it out." Jack says weakly, moving to get his bag.
"Jack, you can stay here. I'm worried about you man." Felix says worried as Jack moves to the front door. Jack only smiles a watery smile as he closes the door behind him.
Three harsh raps on the door make Marzia jump as she quickly runs to answer the door. The door swings open to reveal a disheveled Mark as he pushes inside the flat.
"Where is he?" Mark asks, his voice breaking. Felix comes into view, moving backwards from Mark.
"I don't know." Felix says softly.
"Bullshit! He was here, you lied to me!" Mark says loudly, tears running down his cheeks.
"He was." Felix confirms.
"Well where is he now?" Mark asks expectantly. Felix glances back at Marzia before he looks Mark in the eyes.
It's been 8 months. Mark remembers this clearly. He's been counting each and everyday. He watches all of Jack's new video's, just to make sure he's okay. It kills Mark to see Jack doing so well, even though it shouldn't. Jack doesn't look upset in the slightest, and he describes their break up as 'going their own ways' and that the viewers shouldn't be worried because him and Mark are 'still really close friends'. Mark always scoffs at that video, do friends not talk for months and months on end? Sometimes he picks up his phone and dials Jack's number, in hopes that one day he'll finally be unblocked. During this time Mark has tried so desperately to move on like Jack wanted him to, but he can't. How can he? Jack never said anything, he never even said goodbye! Nobody ever even compares to Jack, nobody could reach that level in Mark's mind. Mark is still so painfully in love with Jack and he can't take this anymore. He thinks about Jack every single day, and often has to fight the urge to fly out to Ireland. Mark groans, resting his head back against the headboard, wishing Jack would of at least let him keep something. A t-shirt, jacket, anything. He needs to smell Jack's cologne and feel his warmth. He needs to be near Jack, he needs it. Mark never tries to reach out to Jack, since he isn't blocked on any social media. Mark doesn't know why he doesn't try, maybe he's afraid that if he does Jack'll block him. He needs to see Jack somewhere, to see his bright smile, or his gorgeous blue eyes. Mark needs to see his dumb tweets and stupid jokes, he needs to be able to laugh every once in a while. Mark doesn't even try anymore, not even with Felix. He's so tired and his heart aches so much that all he can do is hope and pray that someday, Jack will come back to him.
Jack stands still, outside the door. He needed to do this, for Mark. His heart feels like it's being squeezed to death. His mouth hangs dry as he raises a shaky fist. 8 months. He should have left a note, or called him. He thought it would be easier for Mark if he just left, but it made it 10 times harder than he thought. He loved Mark more than anything, and Jack was doing this in the hopes that someday Mark will find someone who he's happy with. Jack knew him and Mark were too poisonous together. There was too much screaming, crying, and heartbreak. It hurt more to be with Mark, with how dysfunctional they were, than it does to be without him. Jack knocked on the door, bracing for what was to come. The door swung open to reveal Mark, who stopped dead when he saw Jack. Jack smiled a small smile at him.
"Hi Mark." He said casually, as tears began to well in Mark's eyes.
"Y-You came back." Mark stammered, feeling so many different emotions.
"I came to talk Mark." Jack explained, moving inside the house. Mark nodded frantically as he shut the door behind him.
"Of course, whatever you want." Mark said, shifting from foot to foot.
"Do you want to sit down?" Jack asked and Mark nodded, both of them moving to the couch. Jack clasped his hands together, trying his best to keep his facade on. He needed to look strong, crying was not an option.
"Mark, I came to talk to you about something." Jack said seriously, causing panic to run through Mark's chest.
"S-Sure what is it?" Mark asked, fidgeting slightly on the couch.
"I came to talk about what happened, 8 months ago." Jack explained.
"When you left me?" Mark asked, not meaning it to sound so bitter. Mark was sure Jack had good reason, maybe he's here to fix everything and come back to him.
"Yeah, when I left you." Jack said, running a hand through his hair.
"Mark, I'm not here to come back." Jack said, causing Mark's eyes to widen.
"Then why are you here? To hurt me?" Mark exclaims, hurt.
"I came here to do what I should have done 8 months ago. To say goodbye." Jack told him, looking over at him.
"W-Why? Sean I love you! Fuck I love you! Why are you doing this? We can fix us, I can fix us." Mark says, beginning to beg. Jack slowly shook his head, standing from the couch.
"We can't. All we do is hurt each other. Mark I can't hurt you like that anymore, I can't hurt like that anymore." Jack tells him calmly, keeping his composure.
"I can change baby! I will change, just please don't walk out that door. Not a second time." Mark pleads as Jack moves to the door. Jack places his hand on the door handle, and he looks back at Mark.
"Know that I'm doing this for you. You will always hold a very special place in my heart. Mark I will always remember the good times we had, and we did have good times. Please just let us go okay? It's better this way." Jack tells him calmly, but Mark is having a breakdown.
"S-Sean please. I'll do anything. Why would you come back to just leave again? It's mean, it's not fair! I can't just move on. I love you so damn much! I was okay, I was hopeful, why did you have to come back, if you didn't want me back?" Mark asked through tears.
"So that this time, you can see me leave. I won't be just a ghost that slipped away, leaving you hopeful that I'd come back. I want you to move on, you needed for me to say goodbye. I'm giving you closure Mark." Jack says, still remaining calm.
"I don't want closure! I want you!" Mark cries, gripping his roots.
"Goodbye Mark. I will always love you." Jack tells him softly, opening the door and closing it behind him. Mark remains frozen for a moment before he rushes to the door and yanks it open. He sees Jack close the door to his taxi, before it takes off. He runs to the end of his driveway as he watches helplessly as it disappears into the horizon.
He stands motionless because he knows that this time, Jack wont come back. This was goodbye. Mark realizes the hard way that everything good in this world always ends. Nothing lasts forever, no matter how much you love someone that doesn't mean they wont leave you. That's the nature of the world, the best things always get ripped apart.
And as Mark stands in his driveway, he can feel a hot knife, slowly twisting and digging into his already battered heart.
Jack lays wide eyed in bed, his mind going a million different directions. Mark has a girlfriend, and for the first time this entire year, Jack feels his heart breaking. He's been strong, this whole year he's been able to remain strong. It hasn't hurt him much, it was one of the hardest things Jack has ever done, but he was strong enough to deal with it. But now Mark has a girlfriend, and she's beautiful and so many things that Jack isn't. He doesn't cry, no matter how much it hurts- Jack doesn't cry. He isn't a crier anymore, this last year has been so emotionally devastating and one of the hardest years of Jack's life. It's hardened him. He closes his eyes, wondering what Mark is doing right now. He's awake, maybe having lunch? What if he's with her? He's probably happy, Jack hopes he's happy. Mark was upset when Jack left- but even now Jack knew he made the right choice. Look at how much happier Mark is. He's happier. Jack left him because he loves him, even now he still loves Mark. He's never going to stop loving Mark- but even if you love someone that doesn't mean you're good for them.
Mark stared vacantly into the distance as Amy prattled on about her day. Mark tried to listen he did but he couldn't stop thinking about Jack's Tweet from yesterday, 'date night wish me luck!' Jack went on a date? Did it go well? Is he seeing this person again? Mark should be moved on, and he tried. He cried, and then focused on his videos, and he started working out regularly. Helps get stress out, and now he feels almost numb. Not happy, not sad, not anything. "Babe? You okay?" Amy asks with a smile and Mark nods, taking her hand from across the table. He likes Amy, he really does. She's beautiful, smart, creative, and exactly what Mark needs- she's just not what he wants. But sometimes what you want is the opposite of what you need. Jack seems to think Mark is better without him- and for a year Mark has tried to convince him otherwise. But he's finally given up- when Jack has his mind made up no one but him can change it. Jack is what Mark wants, what he needs. Mark is always going to want Jack, he doesn't know why Jack thinks they aren't good together. Sure they fight, but that's something that can be changed with hard work- Jack gave up too easily.
Jack sat at his desk chair, slowly spinning. He isn't feeling like doing anything today- he wants Mark. But he has to stay strong, he can't give in not now that Mark is so close to finally forgetting him. But what he doesn't know is that Mark could never forget him- he loves Jack too much. Jack rubbed his hands over his face sighing heavily. He pulls out his phone, dialing the most recent number. "Nate? Hey, yeah I had fun last night. You wanna come over? Okay great see you in 10." Jack hung up, Nate was nice. Jack still wasn't sure if he liked Nate or just wanted someone to fill the empty space. Jack needed somebody to hold him- and he hates thinking that. It sounds pathetic. Nate wasn't a bad guy, he was in financing- boring. He wasn't as sculpted as Mark, he was a little thinner and he was blonde. Jack never thought he'd date a blonde. For a while he didn't think he'd date anybody but Mark. Funny how life changes and once upon a time all your dreams are as real as fairy tales. Funny.
Mark held his phone in his shaking hands, he was going to be leaving for London tomorrow, and Jack just recently moved there. Lunch couldn't hurt right? Both of them are in relationships and lunch doesn't mean more- it means friendship. Just friends. Mark can do just friends...right?
To: Jack Hey! Gonna be in London tomorrow. Lunch at noon? I'll buy! :)
Jack froze, staring down at his phone. Lunch? Mark was going to be in London? Jack swallowed a nervous lump in his throat, he hasn't seen Mark since he broke up with him in person. He hasn't spoken to Mark since then. The Viewers also began to notice they weren't completely honest about their break up because they took notice that Mark and Jack weren't filming together. Or speaking to each other. Or even speaking about each other.
From: Jack Sure! I look forward to it! Have a safe flight, see you tomorrow.
Mark smiled, the first real genuine smile in a year. A smile that doesn't feel even a little forced, Mark feels butterflies swarming in his stomach. He's so happy he could cry, scream, and faint all at the same time. He's gonna see Jack tomorrow. He doesn't know if he should smile until his cheeks hurt, or throw up. What is he going to wear? Should he wear something casual? Or dress up...dress down? And his hair, should he leave it or style it up? Is Jack gonna be happy to see him? Or is he gonna be distant? Will he even want to be friends? He loves Jack with everything he has, he's given Jack every part of him let him see the good, and the bad. He's never felt closer to another human being. Mark turns his attention back to Amy, happier than he's felt in a long time.
"Nate, hey!" Jack smiles, opening the door. Nate smiles, leaning down and giving Jack a quick kiss. Jack waited for that moment, the sparks flying, feeling all the pieces of the World come together- but it didn't happen. It was stale, and nothing but a kiss. Nate shed his jacket, looking around Jack's apartment. Jack's phone lays unlocked on his kitchen table where he left it to answer the door. "Who is Mark?" Nate asks accusingly, his eyebrows pinching in frustration. Jack's eyebrows raised in surprise, he wasn't dating Nate. So why was Nate demanding an answer like Jack was cheating on him? "A friend?" Jack says, growing defensive. "Just a friend?" Nate asks, crossing his arms. "Yes, and it's none of your business anyway." Jack snaps, taking his phone. He's angry that Nate read his texts and then had the nerve to demand him to explain himself. Nate has a moment of realization before his expression gets angrier, "that's Mark. Like your ex-boyfriend of 3 years." Nate snaps, taking a step towards Jack. Jack laughed bitterly, "you can leave now." Jack says, he doesn't need an overbearing and possessive boyfriend. Jack is not a possession, he needs trust in a relationship.
"Excuse me?" Nate says, his volume increasing. "I said leave Nate." Jack snapped, crossing his arms. Nate stormed towards Jack, who didn't budge. "Why the fuck are you still talking to him?" Nate asks, staring down at Jack. "Why the fuck do you care?" Jack bit back, his fists curled in frustration. Nate ran his hands through his hair, his face reddening. "Because you're mine, and I don't like what's mine wandering." Nate snapped, moving to sit on the couch. "I'm not anybody's. We went on one date, that does not make me yours. Now get the fuck out." Jack snapped, turning to got to his room but Nate stands and grabs Jack's arm. "Seriously? Don't talk to Mark anymore, and don't go to lunch tomorrow." Nate demanded and Jack ripped his arm free- shoving Nate out of the front door. "Get the fuck out and leave me alone!" Jack yelled, slamming the door in his face. Jack collapses on his couch, did that seriously just happen? He let out a deep breath, pulling out his phone.
To: Mark just kicked out a crazy boyfriend? well we went on one date. I was his boyfriend according to him.
From: Mark hey! you okay? Was it the date you mentioned on Twitter?
Mark still read Jack's tweets? Jack smiled, a blush crawling up his neck.
To: Mark yeah, he read our conversation and got angry. Demanded I don't see you and don't talk to you.
From: Mark what did you tell him?
To: Mark to fuck off lol
A wide smile spread across Mark's face, Jack kicked out a guy he liked because the guy told him not to talk to Mark. He kicked out that guy for Mark. A blush makes it's way up his cheeks as he quickly types a reply.
From: Mark I'll buy you an extra drink tomorrow
Jack smiles, setting his phone down. He still can't believe Nate turned into a complete psychopath. He seemed so nice last night, I guess everyone has a dark side- no matter how nice they seem. Jack let out a deep breath, his nerves building more and more.
Jack opened the door to the restaurant he was meeting Mark at, Mark was still on his way so Jack got a table for 2. About 15 minutes later Mark walks in and Jack stops breathing. Mark's hair is tussled, and he's wearing round glasses. He looks tired, but he has this glow to him- he really is happier without him. Mark smiles when he sees Jack, and his breath hitches. Jack was wearing a loose t-shirt, the collar exposing his collarbones. Oh how Mark loved to kiss down those damn collarbones... "hey!" Jack smiles, breaking Mark's dirty train of thought. Jack stood up and hugged Mark, and they both sat there, feeling each other, smelling the familiar scent they both missed so much. They hugged for a little too long but neither of them cared, they sat down and for a moment neither of them knew what to say. "So what are you doing in London?" Jack asks to break the silence, "vacation. Plus I missed you...and Felix!" Mark adds at the end, he didn't want to come on too strong and scare Jack away again.
"It's good to see you Mark." Jack smiled shyly and Mark beamed, Jack missed him. He can tell, and this brings a peace to Mark that he hasn't felt in a long time. Sitting here with Jack, Mark feels like the piece of him that was missing has finally found it's way back to him. "Do you remember when I was playing Just Dance in the living room?" Mark smiled and Jack burst into laughter, "with those stupid fucking booty shorts on? You smacked your head on the coffee table trying do that Russian song." Jack smiled, Mark rubbed his head, "I bled everywhere! I almost had to get stitches. Still hurts." Mark whines, smiling when he sees how happy Jack looks. "You're an idiot." Jack laughs and Mark blushes, feeling like his heart is going to explode. "Jack, are you happy?" Mark asks softly, looking down at his hands. Jack knew this conversation was going to happen, and he didn't know what to say. Jack swallowed down a lump in his throat, he wasn't a crier anymore. "Yeah, I'm good. Are you?" Jack lies with a smile and Mark felt his heart splinter a little bit. He felt his eyes mist, but he held it back. "Yeah...yeah I'm happy." Mark lied quietly. Jack smiled, that's what he wanted... for Mark to be happy, right?
"How long you gonna be in London?" Jack asks as they stand outside the cafe. Mark smiled, "2 weeks. And it's just me." Mark says, making sure Jack knows Amy isn't here. "We should...y'know.. hang out while you're here." Jack says nervously and Mark smiles widely, "I would like that." Mark looks at Jack and their eyes lock, and that fire reignites again. "Jack?" An angry and demanding voice snaps. Jack looks over to see Nate? "What the hell are you doing here?" Jack asks, anger in his tone. Nate storms over, and Mark immediately becomes protective of Jack. "Nate, did you follow me?" Jack asks with a brow raised, "had to make sure you weren't gonna crawl back to your ex. God you're such a whore, come on we're leaving." Nate snaps, dragging Jack by his arm. "You're fucking insane Nate!" Jack yells, wriggling against his grip. Mark storms forward and rips Nate off Jack, standing in front of Jack instinctively.
"Don't touch him again." Mark snaps, keeping Jack behind him. Nate laughs, stepping so close he's chest to chest with Mark. "He's dating me now, you're just his filthy ex trying to come in and take my man from me." Nate says calmly, with a smug smile on his face. "I am not your boyfriend Nate!" Jack yells from behind Mark. Mark turns to walk away when Nate shoves him and he stumbles but he catches himself. He turns to approach Nate but he sees Jack's fist collide with Nate's jaw. "Don't ever touch him or me again. Leave me the fuck alone!" Jack yells, reaching to grab Mark's hand. Jack pulls him all the way back to his house, which is a short distance away. Once the door is closed- Jack releases a shaky breath. Mark doesn't miss the face that their hands are still intertwined together. "You okay?" Mark asks and Jack nods, using all of his self control to hold back the tears. He is not a crier anymore.
Jack sits on his couch, with Mark sitting next to him. Mark now is terrified of leaving Jack here alone when he has to go back to LA. Is Jack gonna be okay with that psychopath stalking him? Jack leans his head on Mark's shoulder and Mark carefully wraps an arm around him, making sure Jack feels nice and safe with him. Jack sits up, taking a deep breath to hold tears back, he will not cry. He isn't a crier. He's not. Mark looks at him, reaching out for Jack. "Baby?" Mark asks, eyes widening at what he said, he said it so naturally he couldn't even stop it.
And tears stream down Jack's face.
Mark's eyes were wide, why does he always fuck it up. He watches Jack with tears on his face. Mark is frozen, he doesn't know what to do. He didn't mean to call Jack baby, but Jack was his baby for 3 years and it's hard to remember Jack is just his friend. Jack furiously wiped away his tears, after a year of working so hard to hold his emotions in, to deal with them internally and to not let himself cry- was all undone with one single word. He isn't angry with Mark, this is just all a lot. It's too much too fast, first Nate yells at him, stalks him, and then he reconnects with Mark, Nate tries to assault Mark and now this? It's too much. "P-please go." Jack stammers, feeling his heart racing so fast he can't breathe. His hands are tingling and his breaths are ragged and uneven. He can't breathe, he can't speak. "Jack, you're having a panic attack-" Mark starts, moving towards him. Jack turns away, his hands coming up to his head. "Mark go!" Jack says desperately. He doesn't know if he wants Mark to go or stay but he needs time to figure all this out. This is an entire year of emotions boiling over.
"Jack please let me explain-" Mark begs- he can't believe he messed up again. Now he's going to lose Jack forever, he can't believe he called Jack baby. With everything Jack must have going on in his head that's the last thing he needs to hear. Jack sits on the couch, with his head in his hands and tears running down his cheeks. Mark's heart breaks as he thinks back to that final fight before Jack left the next morning. Mark always does this to him, and for the first time Mark understands why Jack left. He was protecting Mark, but most importantly Jack was protecting himself. Mark feels helpless as Jack speaks again, "I just- I need space. Please go. I'll call you tomorrow." Jack says weakly, trying to calm himself down. Mark opens the door, looking back at Jack, "will you?" Mark asks softly but Jack doesn't answer so Mark closes the door behind him. When the door closes Mark grips the roots of his hair in frustration as tears build in his eyes.
Jack sits on his couch, trembling as tears fall. He's not hysterical or sobbing, he's calm but he feels like everything is breaking apart. "Baby" He can't get that word out of his head, how good it felt to be Mark's baby, even for a few seconds. He can't get it out of his fucking head. He can't forget how much he misses that, how much he misses Mark. How much he misses the good times, and the kisses and the 'I'm sorry's after the bad times. Did he make the right choice? Did Jack do the right thing letting Mark go? Jack lets out a deep breath, feeling the tears still come. Why can't he stop crying? It feels like he's letting out a years worth of holding it all in right now. A knock on his door draws him to his feet and everything in him wants it to be Mark. He wants Mark to fight for him, but Jack knows he won't because he tried that and it only caused him to lose Jack more and more. Jack opens the door to be met with Nate, "what the fuck." Jack mutters under his breath, how long is it gonna take for this guy to realize that Jack isn't interested.
Jack starts to close the door but Nate's foot stops it from closing. Jack knows he still has tears in his eyes and on his cheeks, he doesn't need this right now. "Jack please just hear me out." Nate begs, but Jack is not interested and keeps the door pressed firmly to his foot. Jack doesn't say anything and Nate doesn't wait for him to continue. "Jack- I... I'm actually a really big fan. I've watched your videos for years and I fell for you the second I saw you. I've loved you for so long that seeing you pine after your ex instead of giving me a chance...it drove me crazy and I'm sorry." Nate says and Jack doesn't even bother looking at him. Nate took a deep breath, desperately trying to get Jack to talk to him. "Look I'm sorry Mark broke up with you but-" "I broke up with him! I left him while he was sleeping and I didn't speak to him for 8 months. Then I broke up with him face to face and we haven't spoken in a year! You don't know shit about me, I'm toxic. Look what I've done. I turned you into a monster, and I've broken Mark's heart more times than I can count. So please..just find somebody else." Jack snaps, his tone softer towards the end. Nate finally moves his foot, and lets Jack close the door.
Jack turned and headed for his bed where he laid down in it, the covers pulled up to his chin as he laid there for hours. Not doing anything, not feeling anything. He is toxic, he ruins every single person he touches, Mark is better without him- he always has been. Tears don't come anymore, but this time he's not holding them back. He just doesn't have anything left to feel- he has nothing. He is nothing. He just lays there, curled up with nothing left to give.
Mark paces in Felix's apartment, he doesn't have any idea what's running through Jack's mind. Jack seemed really messed up when Mark left him, "I have to go back." He tells Felix, who has been utterly helpless during this entire situation. They need to be together- Felix knows they can't be happy if they aren't together. Felix digs around a drawer in the kitchen and returns with a key, "this is his spare key. Gave me one when he moved in." He says and Mark takes the key and practically bolts out the door. He's at Jack's in no time- it's only been a few hours but he's more worried about Jack now then he's ever been. He notices a car parked out front and sees Nate sitting in the driver seat. "What are you doing here?" Mark snaps and Nate rolls his eyes. "I'm here for Jack, whenever he's ready to give me a chance." Nate snaps. Mark could strangle him and wouldn't feel bad. Not one bit. "He still loves me, so find someone else." Mark says, desperately trying to convince himself that Jack does love him.
Mark opens the door with the key and looks around the darkened house. He makes a beeline for Jack's room and sees the covers thrown back and his phone left on the nightstand. Mark rushes to the bathroom, to find it empty and everything seems to be in place. His recording room is empty, the entire house is fucking empty. Where could he have gone? Mark returns to Nate, "he's gone. We have to find him." Nate nods, and unlocks the car. "Get in, we can drive around and see if we can spot him." Mark slides into the passenger seat as Nate begins to drive along the streets, looking around for Jack. "You know him best, is there anywhere he would go when he's upset?" Nate asks and Mark thinks for a moment. "Is there a park nearby?" Mark asks and Nate drives to the park closest to Jack's house, and sure enough Jack is curled beside a tree, looking out into the distance. Nate and Mark get out of the car but Nate hangs back as Mark approaches Jack. Jack doesn't even glance at Mark as he sits down next to him.
"Wasn't that hard for me to find you. You like being in the trees when you're upset." Mark says and Jack nods, "reminds me of home." He tells Mark, not looking at him. "You kinda really scared me when I didn't find you at home..." Mark trails off and Jack doesn't miss the fact that Mark referred to his house as home. "Sorry, just wanted to go for a walk." Jack says, feeling the breeze cool his skin. "Jack I'm sorry I-" Mark starts but Jack cuts him off, "don't. I just need time to wrap my head around everything." Mark nods, just sitting there with him, enjoying the beautiful view Nature provided. "I love you." Jack says, and Mark feels taken aback, "I love you." Jack turns to Mark, "I don't know what's going on with me, and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it...but I miss you. I shouldn't have given up so easily on us..." Jack says and Mark feels this pressure lifted from him, after a year and 8 months Jack finally says what Mark has been praying he'd say from the beginning. But Mark can't hurt him anymore.
"Jack I finally get it. I get why you left, we hurt each other more than we don't. I've hurt you so badly when all you needed was space from me. I can't keep hurting you. Eventually you will be okay- but only without me." Mark says, his heart breaking with every word. Now he knows how Jack was feeling when he left, he made a painful decision to help the both of them find happiness again. Jack is so close to getting there, to being happy but all that work he did will be undone if they get back together. Now Mark must make that same painful decision. All he's wanted is Jack, but now he must let him go, just like Jack let him go. Jack's eyes mist, is this really happening? Mark, he doesn't want to get back together. This can't be happening. "Mark...but you-" Jack starts and Mark smiles sadly, "I know but I didn't get it before. Now I do. I know you can be the person you want to be, but you can't do it with me holding you back." Mark smiles through tears, pressing a kiss to Jack's head as he stands.
Jack stands with him, following like a lost puppy. "Mark please, I was wrong. You have to know that! You were right the entire time, we can be happy together we just have to work for it!" Jack begs, funny how they've now switched places. "Jack we're spinning, like a Merry-Go-Round we keep going around and around. It has to end." Mark calmly explains, but tears are falling down Jack's face. "I don't want it to end, and Mark for a while I felt dizzy, because you're right we were going around and around. But now I see it clearly, and you always did. You said we need to fight for who we love, and I see now that you're right. We can fix this- we can fix us." Jack explains, stepping towards Mark. Mark doesn't want to let him go, he loves Jack more than anything else on this planet. They'll just keep hurting each other, they only hurt each other. "The good times outweigh the bad." Jack whispers, as he takes Mark's hands. Nate by this point as already gotten in his car and driven away, he knows now that nothing he can do will make Jack love him. Jack loves Mark, he's always loved Mark.
Jack smiles, and so does Mark. Whether they hurt each other or not, Mark doesn't have the strength to let him go. He never was as strong willed as Jack. Mark leans in, and presses his lips to Jack's. Things are going to be hard, love is never easy. But now they both have a determination to make it work, and to figure it out- no matter what.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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starkatana · 5 years
Lost My Mind
You are tired of constantly being on the edge. Your anxiety has gotten the better of you. You can’t run away anymore. You and Dabi are over and you need to forget him and your time together so you can go on with your life.
Dabi x Female Reader
You had exhausted your options this was all you could think of.
Instead of running away, you decided to get your memories wiped away with a mind-erasing quirk. Your work husband’s fiance’s sister has the quirk and she comes by and does it for you.
Your mental health was going down the drain since Dabi has been with the League. After nearly being abducted, having intruders break in your house, and your anxiety constantly on the run. It’s been hard to leave your house. You figured this was the best idea. You broke up with Dabi and have been staying with your work husband, but you’ve been such an anxious wreck, he felt bad for you and brought this up as an option.
After much thought and consideration. You agreed.
It was time. You were in their living room. You sat across from each other. She placed her hand over your eyes.
“I can feel my memories dying.”
“It's okay it hurts at first but it'll be over.” She reassured.
“Oh no. You began to cry as the memories of you and Dabi began flashing through your mind. “I-I don't want this anymore! I want them back! I want him!” tears started streaming down your face.
“Shhh sweetie, it will all be okay in a minute. You're gonna be okay.”
Tears kept coming as you shook your head to fight it but then the face you came to know and love was gone you felt yourself slipping down a dark pit. It's quiet. You feel relaxed.
You're walking on a pier with the salty sea breeze blowing around you. You breathe in and out so carefully you’ve been here before in this serene environment it's been a while since you felt relaxed and you don't know why.
“Y/n.” it was a familiar voice. You couldn’t figure out why, but it matched the environment. You go to turn around when you feel yourself coming to.
“Hey, guys. She's waking up.” you head your work husband's voice.
Opening your eyes you see him, his fiancé, and his sister.
“Good morning sleepy head. How are you feeling?” she asks.
“Like I had a good nights sleep for the first time in ages.” you stretch, “How long have I been out?”
“Just a few hours.”
“Mmmm, that's a solid nap.”
She nods. “So, besides refreshed how else do you feel?”
You shrug. “Like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.” you stretch out your arms in front of you and your eyes get wide "Whoa! What the fuck happened to my arms?!" They were covered in bruises new and healing.
“We got into a boxing match at the gym and you insisted that you didn't need padding and could handle the punches.” Your work husband’s fiancé answered you.
“Well, Jesus Christ I’m an idiot.” You laughed.
You work husband laughs. “That's why you've been so sore and tired you've been going to the gym a lot with us.”
“Ugh.” You groan, “being healthy sucks.”
The sister laughs. “Yes, it does. Oh yeah, by the way, who was that last guy you dated?”
"Oh god, uhm," You thought about it for a minute as your memory went through the dusty files in your mind "Sean?"
"Oh yeah!" Your work husband's fiancé snaps "He was the one DJ that got us into all of those shows for cheap."
“Yup! That’s the one! We just couldn't remember his name."
You laugh "Yeah, your bestie was so upset when we broke up." You stop laughing and look at every one. “Why are you all looking at me like that?”
Your work husband shakes his head and smiles back. Knowing it’s been such a long time since he’s seen you smile. He almost forgot what it looked like. But he couldn’t let you know that. “I don't know what you're talking about we're just glad you’re awake to join the conversation.”
You laugh. “Sorry I didn't know I was so tired but can we get something to eat I'm starving!”
“Hey, where's my phone?”
“You got a new one. It's on the fireplace.”
You grab the phone and unlocked it "Why'd I do that?"
"You got so drunk that you slammed your phone into the concrete."
"Oh shit. Let me guess I was taking shots."
“Yeah.” Your work husband laughs. “I think you did the most shots that night."
You laugh. “Man, I wish I could remember that.”
“Don't worry we remembered it for you.”
When in reality they disconnected her old line and got rid of her old phone and set up a new account, phone, and number as an extra precaution away from Dabi.
The next day at work, your work husband filled in your work bestie on what happened.
“So all of her memories of her and Dabi are gone?”
“Yup, everything associated with him gone.” He lets out a breath of relief. “Thank god too.”
There was a pause as your work bestie scrunched her face. Trying to keep her cool. “Guys, what the fuck did you do?!”
“She asked us to?”
“Did she tell you she's pregnant!”
“What?” your work husband’s face dropped.
“She is pregnant and now she won't have any memory as to how or why!”
“Oh my god. What did we do?” they starred at each other. “She didn't say anything!”
Your best friend sat back in her chair. “I don’t know why she didn’t say anything to you, but what next?”
“We can tell her she's our surrogate? She'd believe that.”
“It's not fair for her. It's just more lies that she has to live.”
“But you know what if that prick didn't put her in that situation we wouldn't be having to do this.”
“I get it. But I don't think it's fair for her all those memories of her and Dabi her feelings and thoughts and everything that brought her to this point is now just an elaborate fabricated story.” He was silent. “Well, we better go tell her that she'll need a check-up soon. Congrats on your new kid.”
On your next day off you were sitting on the couch eating chips and your work husband was hyper-aware of your stomach. He couldn’t believe you wouldn’t tell him you were pregnant. He sucks in some air and goes to her with a smile.
“C’mon we gotta go in for a check-up.”
“You’re pregnant with our kid?” he laughed. “did you forget?”
You cocked an eyebrow before looking at your stomach. “I'm pregnant?!” You feel your stomach. “That makes sense why I've been craving pizza.”
He laughs. “Yeah, thanks again for carrying him for us.”
“How could I forget something like that?”
“You've been stressed and tired I don't blame you but that's why we're here to help and remind you.”
“I feel so bad I have your baby in my body I should be taking better care of myself oh my gosh.”
“Don't be mad.”
“I had a little bit of wine today.”
He lets out a laugh. “It'll be fine. We'll make it work.”
You nod, “Sorry again.”
“Don't worry but let’s get going.”
At the ultrasound, you’re 12 weeks along. Nearly at the end of your first trimester.
“This is so exciting!” you squeal. You grab your work husband’s hand. “I can’t wait for you and your fiancé.”
He tries to control his face. He can’t believe it, you’re actually pregnant. His face changes when you grab his hand. Immediately he smiles down at you. “Me either.”
It didn’t take long. It was literally only a matter of time before Dabi was going to talk to you and your Work Husband knew this. He kept an eye out for him, but never saw him. You are leaving work with your work husband. You turn the corner when Dabi catches up to you grabbing your hand.
You stop in your tracks, recognizing the voice, but you can’t point out where You turn and look at the stranger. He has deep purple scars, mesmerizing blue eyes, that looked like he had just found something he was missing. Why didn’t you know who this was? Immediately your work husband grabs your arm defensively.
Dabi simply smiles at him before focusing his attention onto you. "Hey. Can we talk?"
"Y/n, let's go.”
"Dude, I know you don't like me but just a minute.”
You squint your eyes trying hard to remember who this is.
You can’t.
"I'm sorry but who are you?”
“What?” Dabi lightened his grip on you, his eyes got wide. You instinctively went to reach for his cheek but stopped. What was going on with you? You didn’t know this stranger.
Your work husband let out a quiet sigh of relief. He let go of your arm knowing you weren’t going to go with him. “Let's go y/n we're going to miss the train.”
You nod. “I'm sorry, but you just have me mistaken for someone else.” And you walk away from Dabi and after your Work Husband.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
You nod. “Y’know, he was cute.”
He rolls his eyes. “Not as cute as me, right?” he gives you a cheeky grin.
You laugh “Sure, but you're gay and engaged.”
He holds your hand and gives it a kiss. “You'll find someone sweetheart.”
You rub your belly. “Yeah.” you look over your shoulder. You still saw his hair. “I'm sure. But first, we gotta take care of this bundle of joy!” you fist bump into the air.
“Heh. Yeah.” he looks over his shoulder, hoping Dabi wasn't there. Did he know?
This one was hard to write. My poor burn boyyyyy </3
Hope you enjoyed! <3
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carlshameless · 7 years
Imagine | Carl. G Pt.II
Carl Gallagher imagine | Unedited
Note: Carl returned after 8 months/ Y/N returns 4 months later. There was going to ne another ending to this chapter that involved alot more interaction between Carl and Y/N, but maybe for another time.
Warning: typical shameless warnings, mentions of underage drinking
The day that Y/N returned was unexpected, to say the least. 
When Y/N tried to enter her own house, she found the doors locked and no spare key around. No matter how much she knocked on the door, she received no answer. Not feeling up to the task of breaking into her own home, Y/N knew that there were only two other places her sister would be at a time like this. She went with the more likely option, making her way across to the Gallagher's homestead where she knocked lightly on their door, secretly hoping that no one would answer. Not having seen the Gallagher's for a while had Y/N nervously tapping her foot in anticipation of seeing some familiar faces. 
Just as Y/N was about to walk away, the door opened and a young boy stared up at her.
 "Liam?" Y/N asked the young boy, completely surprised with how much he had grown in the year she had been gone. "Hey, buddy." She greeted him with a small wave, to which he just continued staring curiously up at her like he recognized her but couldn't remember how he knew her.
"So," Y/N cleared her throat when it became awkwardly clear that the boy wasn't going to say anything, "Is Y/S/N here?"
Liam continued staring.
"How about Fiona?" At the mention of the name, he looked Y/N up and down, noting the Military school uniform that she was wearing and shook his head. They had taught him well.
"She's not in trouble," Y/N sighed as she took in consideration that her skirt and blazer may have her mistaken for some type of authority figure. "I'm just looking for my sister."
Liam thought about it before shutting the door. Y/N huffed in disbelief and was about to go into town to look for sister at her workplace before the door opened again, an older figure standing in the doorway this time.
"Can I help you?" Fiona crossed her arms and leaned against the frame. Y/N's back was facing the woman and when she turned around, she saw the judgmental look drop from Fiona's face and was replaced with one of her toothy grins. "Y/N?"
Before Y/N could get a word out, Fiona had her embraced in a bear hug. Y/N looked behind the older woman to see Liam head peeking out of the window to see what all the commotion was. "Long time, no see." Y/N laughed as Fiona pulled away, holding the girl at arm's length to get a proper look at her.
"No shit! Look how big you are!" She pulled the younger girl to her side as she began to pull her along into the house. Fiona took Y/N bag from her and placed it in the lounge room, urging the teenager to follow her into the kitchen. As Y/N passed through the lounge, she realized that the house didn't have the energy that she remembered the house had. It was quiet, except for the children show blasting from the tv where Liam's eyes were now glued 
"Get your ass here now. You will not believe who's here." Fiona excited voice came through from the kitchen. Y/N followed the voice and found Fiona on her mobile, ringing who Y/N could only guess was her sister, ordering booze for what was no doubt Y/N welcome home party.
  "Look at you!"
 Y/N was suddenly spun around and pecked on both cheeks before getting pulled in for a hug. The person pulled away revealing to be none other than good neighbor Veronica with her husband, Kev, walking up behind her.
"All grown up and shit." She said excitedly, pinching Y/N's cheeks. "You looking more and more like your sister every day." She gestured to Y/S/N, who was busy cooking up a meal with Fiona in the kitchen, both ladies already a little tipsy from their early celebrations. V would no doubt be joining them soon.
"Hey Y/N." Kev greeted, wrapping one arm around the girl while his other hand held another case of beer.
"Hi, Kev. Where are the twins?" Y/N watched as the man set his stuff on the bench before making himself comfortable at the table. "They're staying with their grandmamma for a couple of nights, we're taking a little break at the moment."
Y/N nodded, noting how Kev didn't seem so uptight about the babies anymore. Hours had passed since she had now been home, or as close to home as it could get. Y/N sister rushed home after the news of her sister's return and began preparing for a big dinner. Music played in the background as the chatter between the adults started to get a bit rowdy.
A little too loud for Y/N's taste, which causes her to move towards the lounge, eyes on her back as she knows the three older ladies were gushing about how much she had grown. She sat down next to Liam who's eyes were still fixated on his cartoons. She smiled at the thought of when she would sleep over and watch Saturday morning cartoons with Carl and Debbie many moons ago.
The sound of the front door slamming shut broke Y/N out of her thoughts. She looked up to see a familiar face grinning down at her. 
"Well, it's about fucking time." Lip dropped his bags to the floor and opened his arms as an invitation that Y/N couldn't refuse. "I was starting to think they were never gonna let you out." He said as he pulled the unlit cigarette from his mouth and tucked it back behind his ear.
"You just start your break now?" Y/N asked the grown boy as he picked up Liam and kissed the boy's cheek.
"Yeah, had to wait for all the little-privileged shits to go home before I could leave."
Just as Y/N was about to ask him how college had been, she was interrupted by a high-spirited Fiona who spotted her younger sibling back for his holidays.
"Lip! You're home!" She called out to him as she and Y/S/N laughed about something in the kitchen. Lip lightly rolled his eyes and smiled over at Y/N.
"Well look who's in a good mood." Lip shifted Liam so that he was holding the boy more securely as the kid didn't seem to want to let go now that his older brother was around. He sat down beside the girl, leaning his head back as he let out a sigh, probably exhausted from his long trip home.
The two got to talking, catching up on what the past year had thrown at them. They spoke about Debbie and Y/N found out about her pregnancy and that she was 'here and there' when it came to where she actually lived. Ian was taking care of himself and his life but Y/N was sad to find out that Mickey wasn't apart of it now that he was doing time.
She found out about Fiona's marriage, then divorce, then upcoming marriage to a guy named Sean, something that the older woman forgot to mention. Jimmy Steve made a reappearance again, screwed around a bit, then disappeared. Sammi was locked up, which Y/N was thankful for because the crazy bitch was likely going to end up killing someone someday. Her son Chucky was a free man now, though from Lip told her, he was still the same as ever and Frank was still the same ol' Frank.
Then he moved on to someone Y/N knew she was never going to avoid. It genuinely surprised the girl that Carl had managed to get out of juvie early, for good behavior of all things. Not much was said about the boy, mainly because Lip wasn't around as much to know what was going on, but also because he knew that it was a touchy subject seeing as how the last time they'd seen each other was when the whole drug debacle happened.
Lip got up to go and help himself to one of Kev's beer, promising to sneak one back for her as a welcome back gift. By the time he returned with the beverage, two more familiar faces entered through the front door.
"Y/N!" A recognizable voice called out to the girl. She spun around to see Debbie and Ian standing behind the couch. Y/N got up and around to hug the two. 
"Welcome back," Ian greeted, pulling away to give a light pat on the shoulder to the girl. "Can't imagine the Sarge being too happy about that." He gestured to the beer can in Y/N's hand. "Don't worry, we won’t make you do formations at 'O six hundred hours." Ian teased, giving her a mock salute before making his way into the kitchen where the noise level raised.
Y/N was slow in reacting to a fast moving Debbie as the girl crushed her into a bear hug. "Holy shit." Y/N said as she felt Debbie's baby bump pressing against her own stomach. The two girls parted and it gave Y/N a chance to actually look down on the girl's belly.
 "Surprise," Debbie said nervously, not so sure how her old friend would take the news. Y/N shook her head in shock.
"I knew about this, but I didn't think you were this far along." Y/N noted that the girl looked about ready to pop. "Does it hurt?"
"Like a motherfucker. But it's cool though, it'll be here in a couple of weeks." The soon to be mother said giddily as she rubbed her belly. Her face soured though when she spotted Fiona giving her a look from the kitchen.
"Ugh." She rolled her eyes as she sat on the couch. Y/N followed her, taking the spot next to the older girl who sunk further into her seat. "I hate that look she gives me. Like she's expecting the baby bump to be gone. There's only one way this bump is gonna disappear." Debbie ranted. Y/N knew who she was talking about, but decided to keep herself out of their troubles, a lesson that she learned the hard way.
"Dinner's ready!" Fiona called out, setting the last dish on the table. Everyone made their way to the table and began to dig in.
"Hey, where's Carl?" Veronica asked as she passed a bowl of potato salad over to Kevin. Fiona just shook her head as she dished out some food for Liam.
"Who knows with that kid. Always home late, never calls or texts where he is. Little punk is starting to get on my nerves."
"Aren't we all." Debbie quietly cuts in, causing Fiona to glare at the girl.
"Last I heard, he was stalking that girl at the movies." Ian chimed in.
"I thought they were dating?" Lip said with a mouthful of potato.
"Like I said, who knows." Fiona put an end to that conversation and went off on her own with Y/S/N and V. Part way through their meals, a knock could be heard over the laughter and chatter which had Ian grabbing onto Y/N's arm to stop her from getting up. 
"It's probably Frank. I caught him outside so I locked the door because someone -" Ian looked at Debbie, "- told him about tonight."
"I didn't say shit. He was reading Fiona's text over my shoulder." 
"Typical Frank. M.I.A until there's free food and booze." Lip took a swig of his beer. The knocking continued, growing louder and louder with each knock before it finally stopped.
"Good riddance," Lip said as the table went back to their talks. It wasn't long before the knocking continued, but this time it came from the back door. Fiona slammed her fork to the table and made her way to the door.
"I swear to god Frank if you-" Fiona opened the door and came face to face with none other than Carl Gallagher.
"I ain't Frank." His now much deeper voice said as he and someone who Y/N could only assume was Nick, Carl's friend that Fiona had mentioned was living with the Gallagher's, swaggered inside. "Well, what do we have here?" Carl said suspiciously, finding a large group of people crowded around the table, food lined up from one end to the other.
As his eyes roamed the faces, his eyes landed on one face, in particular, the smug look on his face dropping as he was at a loss for words.
"I thought you weren't gonna be home 'til late tonight." Fiona closed the door behind the two boys. Both Nick and Carl said nothing, one because he was taken by surprise, the other because he was naturally silent. Y/N looked straight into Carl's eyes, seeing something almost familiar, something that reminded her of when they were young and there was nothing but their friendship, before the look was replaced by anger.
"Guess my invite must've gotten lost," Carl said coolly towards his siblings, the smug look returning to his face. Fiona brought some spare chairs over and then returned to her seat. By this time, most of them were finished with their meals, but Carl made a big show of how pissed he was that no one told him about tonight by reaching past everyone and sloppily piling his and Nick's food onto a plate, not having a care in the world that he was making a mess.
"Carl, eat properly," Fiona warned as he chewed loudly to purposely annoy everyone.
"Yeah, you dog." Debbie scrunched her nose at the sight of the mess he was making. 
"I can't help it, that's how we eat in prison." Carl spat out, his eyes connecting with Y/N's once more.
"I think you mean juvie." Y/N corrected, not liking the accusatory tone he was using or the way he only looked at her when said that.
"Same thing."
"I'm pretty sure they're not."
"Yeah?" Carl put down his fork. "-and how would you know?"
Things became tense, the party atmosphere dissipating as the two teenagers glared at one another. The only noise to be heard was the quiet chewing from Nick who continued eating as he watched things unfold.
It was abundantly clear where their friendship was by the scathing comments he made. He was still angry about something that Y/N didn't even know about. If anyone had the right to be angry, it should be her.
"Okay. How about I go and check on the cake." Y/N's sister said awkwardly as she got up from the table along with Veronica who offered to help.
"Hey! Cool it." Fiona pointed at her younger brother. Carl rolled his eyes and continued chewing his dinner as he glared directly in Y/N's direction. Y/N ignored him and looked down at the cake that Veronica and her sister placed in front of her, written across the top in frosting was the words 'welco home'.
"We couldn't fit the whole word on there," Veronica explained.
"Blow out your candles." Y/S/N said as she stood behind the girl. Y/N blew the candles out if only to get this whole thing over and done with. As the adults cut the cake and handed slices around the table, Kev put down his beer and look sheepishly over at Y/N.
"So, they trained you at that school? Like military style, right?" Kev asked, receiving a nod from the girl in response. "So then, have you ever, you know…" he tried his best to motion the rest of his question by making finger guns and shooting it towards others on the table. Y/N furrowed her brows and Veronica just sighed at her husband. "Have you ever, you know, shot somebody?"
"Kevin!" Veronica smacked the large man in the back of his head.
"What? That's what we were all thinking, right?" He said as he rubbed the back of his head.
"No, not really." Lip said from his end of the table.
"Hey, I think I'm gonna head home." Y/N said as she stood up from her seat, which caused a majority of the group to protest.
"Don't listen to him, Y/N. You know the stupid things that come out of his mouth." Veronica said as Kevin shook his head in agreement, thinking he was the cause of the girl leaving.
"It's all good Kev, I'm just tired. I stay any longer, I'm gonna be face first in that cake, and not in a good way." She smiled at the couple.
"I'll probably get going as well. Can I stay at your place for the night?" Debbie asked as she quickly got up and scooped up as many leftovers as she could. Y/N watched as Debbie walked past her and waited near the door, then turned back around to see Fiona making a disappointed look towards her only sister.
"I guess-" Y/N said but knew that the girl didn't mean it as a question.
"I'll be home soon." Y/S/N said as she handed the teenaged girl the house keys. They all farewelled the girls, leaving the rest of them to go back to some small chatter amongst themselves. Debbie waited as Y/N tried to put her shoes on, and looked behind the girl to see Carl watching them, or one of them in particular. Debbie was able to catch his attention by leaning in just enough to partially block his view.
Carl turned away quickly and focused back on what the conversation was at the table. Debbie just raised an eyebrow and looked between her brother and her friend, before grabbing the girl and linking their arms.
As the two girls walked out the door, Carl quickly lost any interest in hanging around the table any longer. "Yo, this party was lame. I'm going to bed." Carl said as he made his way up to his bedroom, Nick not far behind him.
As he got into his room, he tore his shirt off, throwing it across the room, and fell face first onto his bed. Something in his pockets started buzzing and he pulled his phone out to see that it was Dominique calling and that he had about five missed calls. He tossed the device onto his night stand and turned to face the wall, finding it hard to fall asleep with his mind racing with all of its thoughts.
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guccixstyless · 8 years
Torn Between- Part 2
Tumblr media
A/N: So sorry for the loooong wait, but here it is, part two and final part of this series. Hope you like it xx
Pairings: Theo X Reader, Stiles X Reader
Word Count: 1.58K words
“5 more minutes, please Scott.” I mumbled sleepily, face buried in pillow.
Scott was waking me up for school, but today I feel so lazy.
“We’re gonna be late.” Scott whined.
“Oh please you go fifteen minutes before school starts anyway.” I mumbled.
“Who’s gonna give you lift then?”
“I will text Theo, now get the hell out and lemme sleep.”
Finally he left. I sighed and reached my phone and texted Theo to give me lift. After few more minutes of snuggling, I unwillingly got out of bed. After getting ready I heard Theo’s car’s beep.
I grabbed two sandwiches from the counter and went outside, Aunt Melissa left early today for her shift.
“Good morning princess.” Theo laughed looking at my state.
My hair was pulled up onto a messy bun, I wore baggy T-shirts with jeans.
“Don’t laugh, I was up all night finishing off the freaking essay.” I groaned.
“Aww, you look cute still.” Theo said smiling softly.
“Sure.” I scoffed and handed him one of the sandwiches.
Once we arrived at the school, we were talking and walking down the hallway. I spotted Scott and Stiles standing in front of my locker.
“Hey guys!” I said.
“Hey,” Stiles said and hugged me.
“The sleeping beauty’s here.” Scott laughed.
“Shut up.” I punched him playfully.
“You look cute today.” Stiles said smiling.
“Uh thanks?” I blushed.
“Theo,are you alright?” Scott asked Theo.
I looked at Theo, he looked tensed, and it was as if he was controlling himself not to wolf out.
“I have to go.” He said and rushed off to his class.
“What’s up with him?” Stiles asked.
“No idea.” I replied confused.
After the classes, it was soon lunch time. Before lunch we had Physics, but Theo was not in the class, I haven’t seen him since this morning and now I was worried.
I sat beside Stiles and began making small talk with Lydia.Then I saw Theo coming towards the table, I sighed in relief and when he sat in the spot next to me, I asked him, ”Where the hell were you?”
“Oh it’s nothing serious, just wanted to take a break from class.” He shrugged.
I placed my hand on him and asked, ”are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah.” He said slowly looking into my eyes.
“Y/N, you have to try these fries,” Stiles said and fed me some fries.
“Mhmm, this is good, did they hire new chef or something?” I asked.
“Maybe.” Stiles laughed feeding me some more.
“You two are so cute.” Kira gushed.
“Yeah just date already.” Malia chuckled.
I blushed and looked at Stiles, he was blushing too.
“I gotta go, I just remembered something. ”Theo suddenly said getting up.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Nothing serious, I promise, I will call you later.” Theo said rushing off.
Well that was weird.
“No way Lyds!” I said to Lydia, me and her were currently at her place just flipping through fashion magazines.
“I’m telling you Y/N, he was so jealous.” Lydia said.
“Theo and I were a thing when we were kids, that was not even real. Now we’re just friends okay?” I argued back.
Although I said that I couldn’t help but think of Theo more than as a friend, I still had feelings for him. But I can’t risk it, I can’t bear heartbreak again. It’s better if we stay just friends, atleast that way I can still talk with him. Now I wanna focus on future, with Stiles.
“Are you sure about that? I saw the way he looks at you Y/N.” Lydia said smiling.
“Whatever it is. I don’t wanna ruin the thing I have with Stiles now.” I sighed.
“Aw, do what your heart wants, I’ll be here to support you.” Lydia said.
“Do you think Stiles likes me?” I asked blushing.
“Hell yeah he does, he’s head over heels.”
“I really hope he does, he’s so cute and perfect and all.”
“Love is in ze air.” Lydia said laughing.
“Whoa slow down, not love, just crush.”
“Yeah right.” Lydia laughed.
*the next day*
“Finally it’s Friday.” Kira said relieved.
“Guys, let’s go to this party tonight at Sean’s place.” Liam said during lunchtime.
“Yeah it’s been awhile, we should go.” Malia said looking excited.
“Yeah it’ll be fun.” I said.
I’m looking forward to this party to be honest. This week’s been stressful with school work and stuffs.
“Theo, you coming to the party tonight?” I asked Theo as I took a seat beside him during Physics class.
“I don’t know.” He shrugged.
“Please come, it’ll be fun !!” I tried to convince him.
“Total waste of time, I can’t even get drunk.” He said.
“But I’ll be there, c’mon!”
“Uh okay, fine, only for you.”He smiled.
“Yay.” I cheered and he laughed.
“Y/N you look so pretty,” Lydia approached me and hugged me once I went inside the party.
“Thanks, you look great too.” I said smiling.
“Where’s everyone else?” I asked her.
“They are in the other room getting us drinks, c’mon,” she said.
“Guys, Y/N is here.” She said as we entered the place where drinks are kept.
“HEY!” They all said cheerfully.
“Do you want a drink?” Stiles asked me.
“Uh no thanks, I’m fine.”I said.
“It sucks I can’t even get drunk.” Malia sighed.
We all just chuckled.
“By the way have you guys seen Theo? I texted him, he said he’s already here.” I asked the pack.
“Yeah I saw him earlier, no idea where’s he now though.” Kira shrugged.
“Okay, let me go find him, I will be right back.” I said as I exited the room.
The place was crowded, I began searching for Theo. The moment I spotted him my face fell. He was kissing a blonde girl. She was straddling him, they were sitting on the couch.
I felt my heart sink and a giant lump form in my throat.
He really doesn’t like me romantically anymore. 
What was I thinking? Ofcourse he doesn’t. Silly, stupid Y/N.
I sighed and went outside for fresh air. As soon as the cold air hit me, I felt somewhat refreshed. I walked towards the swing that was just around the corner and took a seat in one of the two swings. The music from inside still loud outside.
Why am I feeling this bad? I shouldn’t, I definitely shouldn’t. But I still couldn’t help but let the tears stream down my face.
“Y/N?” I heard Theo calling me.
I didn’t reply him back, just wiped my tears off and tried to not breakdown. He took a seat beside me in the other swing.
“You’re crying,” he started slowly, “why are you crying, everything okay?”
“Yeah, I-I’m fine.” I lied.
“Oh please, cut it off, what’s wrong?” He asked looking concerned.
“It’s nothing, like I said I’m fine.” I said stubbornly.
“You’re not fine, just tell me, please.” He said taking my hands in his.
I looked the other way, not wanting to see him.
“Look at me, please tell me what’s going on.” Theo pleaded, “did I do something.”
“Oh please Theo, as if you don’t know.” I sniffled. 
“What?” He asked confused.
“I-I’m upset because...”I started.
“Because? Just tell me.” 
“I saw you kiss some blonde girl !” I said frustrated.
“Oh.” He said slowly, “I had no idea that would bother you.” He shrugged, ”why does it bother you?”
“It-it’s just I was surprised.”
“Being surprised doesn’t make you burst into tears. There’s more to the story.” He stated.
“Just forget it, okay?” I shrugged.
“You still like me, don’t you?” He suddenly asked me.
“Wha-” I was interrupted by him.
“Besides, just to be clear, she was drunk and before I could stop her she started kissing me.”He started, ”If you stayed till the end, you would’ve seen that I pushed her away. I can never look at some other girl, when I already am in love with someone else.” He finished.
“Oh you like someone else? Who is it?” I asked with a pang in my chest.
“You didn’t answer my question yet, do you like me?” He asked.
“Theo....yes I still do, and seeing you kiss someone else just made it more clear.” I sighed.
“It hurts, doesn’t it?” He began slowly, “do you have any idea how much I was hurting when you were with Stiles, and everyone adoring you as couple.” 
“I wasn’t dating Stiles, I had this crush on him....wait the girl you lik-”
“Is you, Y/N Y/L/N, it’s always been you.” He said looking me at my eyes.
Before I could respond, Theo pulled me closer and kissed me. I immediately kissed him, and boy the sparks I felt was just indescribable. I pulled away and looked him in the eyes, the street lights gave enough light for me to see his gorgeous face.
“Promise me, you’ll not leave like you did years ago.” I asked gently.
He cupped my face and looked seriously before saying, “I promise.”
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