#and i can’t just be like yeah i’ve got *gestures vaguely* without actually doing anything about it
evanbi-ckley · 3 days
He feels like he’s being weighed down. Like he’s under water or a heavy blanket. His limbs are heavy, and he can’t get his eyes to open. There’s muffled sound nearby, but he can’t make out anything coherent. He’s also really warm. Uncomfortably so.
Is this what death is like? Is he in Hell? Or something Hell-adjacent? Were all the fire and brimstone idiots he refused to give the time of day actually right about something?
But then the heat is gone and there’s a cool breeze that skims across his skin.
Does he have skin? Do people feel their skin once they’re dead?
He’s still debating with himself as he gets pulled further under.
What is that annoying, repetitive sound? Did he change his alarm? Why the fuck can’t he turn it off?
It hurts.
Why does it hurt?
He can’t even tell what hurts, but something fucking hurts.
If he could just open his eyes and get up to take some ibuprofen.
Also his nose itches. Why can’t he fucking scra-
“Fucking bees.”
He’s warm again, but it’s not uncomfortable this time. 
He feels safe. And alive. 
He doesn’t feel as weighed down anymore.
It’s difficult, but he cracks his eyes open. He’s - in the hospital? That’s definitely a hospital ceiling and hospital lights and hospital machines beeping.
He turns his head to the left - slowly - and sees his arm is in a giant cast. That explains why he can’t lift it.
He turns his head to the right just as slowly. He’s surprised to see a head of curly hair lying next to his hip, a large hand in his own. 
When he flexes his hand, the curly head pops up immediately.
The man looks at him with bloodshot eyes that clearly haven’t seen sleep in days. He’s young - not alarmingly so but certainly younger than Tommy. The stubble on his jaw has gone far past 5 o’clock shadow and has entered the realm of beard, making him look slightly older. But who -?
“Tommy?” the man asks. His voice is low and raspy, possibly unused.
“Uh,” Tommy says. His own voice sounds even worse.
Without hesitation, the man turns - without letting go of Tommy’s hand - and pours a cup of water from the pitcher on the table next to the bed. Then he brings the cup up to Tommy’s mouth, a bendy straw pointing toward him.
Tommy drinks slowly, his mouth feeling like parchment that’s been left out in the sun too long. 
“Thanks,” he says.
The man sets the cup down and says, “Yeah, so um, h-how do you feel?”
He thinks for a bit, taking stock of himself.
“Sore. Numb in places. I assume they’ve got me on the good stuff?” The man nods, a cute smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth. “But there’s also the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen sitting next to me, holding my hand. So all told, I’m doing pretty well.”
The tips of the man’s ears turn pink, and a cute blush spreads across his cheeks. Adorable.
“You don’t have to flirt so hard, Tommy. You should know by now, I’m a sure thing.”
Ah, so -
“So we’re,” Tommy gestures vaguely with his head, “together?”
“Uh,” the man laughs uncertainly, “for about six months now, yeah.”
“Oh.” Tommy’s eyebrows shoot up. “But you’re so…” He trails off, not really knowing where he was going with that.
“So…what?” the man prods.
“Take your pick,” Tommy says. “Young? Pretty? Out of my league?”
“Sweetheart.” The man says it like they’ve had this discussion before, but he’s smiling. “Don’t try to amnesia your way out of being with me. I called dibs forever after our second date.”
Tommy smiles lazily. “Dibs forever, huh?”
“Yep. You’re stuck with me.”
Humming as if he’s considering the pros and cons, Tommy finally says, “I guess I can live with that.”
The man’s smile is blinding. “Evan,” he says. “Evan Buckley. In case you forgot.”
It comes back to him then - a cruise ship rescue in the middle of a hurricane, a basketball game, a kiss, a first date that ended terribly, more dates that ended perfectly, slow dancing in the kitchen, long nights together that ended too soon. A call during a bad storm, total engine failure, glass and fear and rain and acceptance and trees and blue eyes and a smile like warm sunshine.
“Evan,” Tommy says, pulling him closer. “Baby.” He kisses him softly. “I love you more than anything. How could I forget?”
Evan has tears in his eyes and leans their foreheads together when he says, “Don’t ever do that again. I thought I lost you.”
“I’m so sorry, baby. I thought so, too. I thought I’d never get to see you again. I’m so sorry.”
The next kiss is wet with tears - Evan’s or his own, it doesn’t matter. They’re here, and they’re both okay, and they’re together. That’s all that matters.
“I love you, too, by the way,” Evan says once they pull apart. “Can’t believe you waited to tell me until after you almost died, but I’ll take it.”
“I’ll say it every day until I actually die, okay?” he says. He gets a smack to his good shoulder for his effort, but they’re smiling too hard for it to have any weight.
There’s a long road ahead with recovery and therapy and stubbornness and frustration, but they’ve got this. They’ll get through it all. 
part 1
part 2
part 3
also now on ao3!
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omgrandomwords · 4 months
ok so i’m incapable of keeping literally anything to myself but i am feeling very emotional abt this so
#i went to this like adhd therapy group at shcool#and like these ppl were so articulate??? like i keep forgetting some people are very capable of saying things in a way that makes sense#and also help why was it relatable#anyways it’s nbd except it’s a big deal TO ME#and i also walked out feeling Shameful which is not great#but i hear is common?#hopefully?#and like yeah ok so i’m like oh i may actually be neurodivergent to the neurodivergent webbed site#but still i think i just held on to the idea that im a little quirky instead#and i worry everyone around me will be like ‘well duh’ but FUCK YOU#I DON’T WANT YOU TO ‘well duh’ ME YOU CAN’T SAY SHIT#evil part of my brain is like nah ur making too big a deal out of it you’re literally fine and normal#but considering how fucked up i actually have been the past eight months especially it’s like No No there’s something going on#and i can’t just be like yeah i’ve got *gestures vaguely* without actually doing anything about it#bc that’s gotten me in the worst mental state of my life#and i fully signed up for these therapy groups because i was feeling so bad#it was like 11pm and i was hating myself and my chest hurt and i was like yaknow there’s free shit somewhere to talk abt this stuff#and now it happened and i went and it was alright#i brought a fidget toy i stole from my sister and did some colouring and talk about how bad i am at getting shit done#but yeah everyone else was p cool like the vibes were cool#and i’m really excited for the next session bc we’re supposedly going to go on a Walk#i love walks
0 notes
sweetmisschesire · 1 year
Well ive posted the next chapter on ao3
So now im gonna write an ending to @cryptidofthekeys recent one shot
Also, sorry Streber
Streber scared another group of kids as they walked up the steps.
“Do not worry dear children, although I am a real vampire, I’ve already fed tonight! Mwahaha!”
He made a grand gesture with his cape towards the door. “But beware the Candy Man~ Now get inside and get scared!”
The children ran past him into the house laughing, with screams soon following at the first scare. Streber was having the time of his life. He was running a haunted house with his friends, celebrating his favorite holiday, and was getting to spend it all with his boyfriend for once.
Streber couldn’t but be feel so giddy. This night was going so perfect. Kevin was doing very well, like Streber knew he would. Just earlier he had heard sone absolutely horrified screams coming from the room he was in.
As some kids exited the haunted house laughing he gave them one last scare to send them off. People came and went all night, most stopping here before continuing trick or treating. The two kids that went to the candy store all the time came running out.
“Yeah that was s im o real!”
“Let’s go get more candy!”
Streber chuckled to himself watching the pumpkin and skeleton blaze down the sidewalk at breakneck speeds. They sure did have a lot of energy. He readjusted his cape when heavy footsteps came from behind him.
Glancing over his shoulder he saw the devil man from before. Streber couldn’t help the shudder his body gave. Everything about this guy was off. His silence save for his footsteps, his mannerisms, his smile. The man stared at him for an uncomfortably long time, loudly chewing on something in his mouth.
‘Probably candy from the bowl.’
The creepy guy swallowed and walked down the steps. It was then that Streber noticed that he had a bone in his hand.
Streber sighed inwardly, this was a problem sometimes.
“Excuse me?” Streber cursed how small his voice sounded. “You can’t take the props.”
The guy only turned his head snd somehow grinned wider. He held his arm out and dropped the fake bone on the ground. Streber grimaced as the man then licked his fingers with a popping sound before leaving into town.
Streber had considered going to grab the prop, but more people started showing up and he needed to keep his place as greeter. He continued his show of scaring and inviting people in, vaguely listening to them talk on their way out.
The earlier ones were talking about the scares that got them the most. The vampires, the zombies, the candy man, all while munching on their candy. But then the conversations started getting weird.
He was focused on his role so he only heard some words like ‘real looking corpse’ and ‘blood.’ And at first he thought they might be talking about Leon but the blood part confused him. Sure there was fake blood in the house, but it wasn’t on Leon.
When there was no more people coming in, Streber actually focused on what they were saying as they left.
“Dude that corpse looked so real.”
“Yeah but wasn’t all that blood overkill?”
“Dude if you lose an arm or leg you will totally bleed that much.”
‘Wait, lots of blood? Missing arm?’
None of it made sense there was nothing like that in there. Not unless one of the guys added something in without him knowing at the last minute.
“I never saw the Candy Man though.”
“Yeah I was kind if looking forward to it.”
‘They never saw Kevin?’
“Well let’s get more candy while we can.”
Streber shuffled nervously, he knew it was probably nothing. They likely just missed the room Kevin was in. And yet the house was pretty linear, it would be really hard to miss anything.
A bad feeling settled in his gut. He wanted to go check on everyone. He walked inside and saw that so far everything looked fine. Ethan, Leo, Liv, everyone was okay. Now he just needed to check on his boyfriend.
“Hey Kev, you alright? People were mentioning they didn’t see…you…”
His boyfriend was on the ground, not moving. His arm was fucking gone. And the blood. Oh fuck there was so much blood.
Streber rushed in wincing at his shoes squelching in Kevin’s blood. He dropped to his knees by Kevin’s body, ignoring the feeling if the blood soaking into his pants.
“No no, fuck babe, please!”
Streber felt around his neck for a pulse and was mildly relieved to find there still was one. But it was weak, and Kevin was still bleeding. Streber ripped off his cape and tied it around Kevin’s arm to stop the bleeding as much as possible.
“Yo Strebs, what’s with the screaming? Did Kevin actually get yo-“ Ethan’s voice cut off as he walked in the room.
“Wh-what the fuck?!”
“Ca-call an ambulance! Now!”
Ethan fumbled with getting his phone out of his pocket as he called for an ambulance. More of his friends showed up and started freaking out.
“What the hell happened?!”
“Pl-please we need an ambulance right now!”
“Oh fuck that’s a lot of blood.”
“Th-the haunted house off of Main Street, it was that formerly abandoned one.”
“Wh-where’s his arm?”
Streber felt a stab in his heart as he remembered the devil guy from before. And the bone prop he dropped on the lawn.
‘That wasn’t a prop oh fuck that wasn’t a prop.’
That devil man was Velseb. The cannibal that the police were looking for. Streber swallowed back the spit that pooled in his mouth. Being sick wasn’t going to help.
Ethan touched Streber’s shoulder making him jump.
“They’re on there way, should be here soon.”
Streber only nodded, afraid if he opened his mouth he would puke. He simply turned back to his boyfriend and pulled him closer.
“Please, please, please.” He sobbed.
He doesn’t even remember how much time had passed, and only vaguely remembers the EMTs taking Kevin from him to the ambulance. Ethan helped him up and guided him to his car so they could go to the hospital. Leon had apparently shut down the haunted house when seeing Kevin’s body, so no one walked in on him.
‘How many people had walked past him like that? Did they just think he was a prop? Did, did he scream? How did we not here it? Did we hear and think it was just some kids?’
Streber looked over at Ethan.
“Come on, we’re here.”
The next thing Streber knew they were in the waiting room. He thinks a nurse asked him about the blood. Ethan had to explain, he just couldn’t talk. Couldn’t stop seeing Kevin’s lifeless body laying in his own blood.
Ethan had guided him over to a chair and sat next to him. Streber managed to pull his phone and handed it to Ethan. He gave him a questioning look.
“Ra-Radford. Rick.”
“Oh. You want me to talk to them?”
Streber only nodded before he finally broke down sobbing into his hands.
Radford wasn’t sure what to expect when Streber called him. He had sent a pic to him earlier of Kevin in costume. He had somehow managed to convince him to take part as a scar actor.
Radford had to admit the costume looked cool. But he was absolutely going to tease Kevin about it. It was his right as his friend. Streber had gushed about getting to spend the night with Kevin which was part of the reason why he agreed to help cover Kevin’s shift.
Getting a favor out of Kevin later was nice too. Streber and Kevin had one of the sweetest, mushiest relationships he had ever seen. Which Radford mercilessly pointed out whenever Kevin made fun of bad romance movies. So he had expected Streber to be bragging about how well the night went.
“Hey Strebs, how did it go?”
“Um, Radford?”
Oh, that was Ethan.
“Uh, hey Ethan. Why do you have Streber’s phone?”
Radford could see Rick glance his way briefly before going back to closing duties.
“I, Streber’s not really able to talk right now.”
Now Radford was worried. “What do you mean is Streber alright?”
“Physically yeah.”
“You guys need to get to the hospital.”
A chill ran down his spine. “Why do we need to go to the hospital.”
Rick stopped what he doing and waited to see what happened.
“We-we don’t know all of what happened but Kevin-“
“Kevin’s hurt really bad.”
“You guys need to get here soon.”
Radford swallowed hard. “O-ok.”
He hung up and took in a shaky breath before facing Rick.
“Forget the rest of closing duties, we need to go to the hospital.”
“What happened?”
“I-I don’t know the full story but apparently Kevin’s been hurt really bad. So fuck this place let’s go.”
The two of them shut off the lights and locked the door, hoping into Radford’s car. The ride was quick and painfully quiet, and the rush into the hospital’s lobby even more so.
Streber and Ethan were there talking to John and Jack. Streber was a short guy, but he looked much smaller with the way he was hunched over, there was blood all over his hands and soaked into his costume.
“So you’re saying you saw him in a devil costume?” John asked.
“Y-yes.” Streber whispered.
“And you didn’t call the police?”
Ethan rubbed his arm. “Didn’t know it was him in that costume, until after we found Kevin.”
“What about the house, you said you shut it down.”
“Yeah so no one else would walk in on-“
The two grew quiet.
“Thank you for answering these questions.” He turned to Jack. “Let’s go investigate the house.”
The two left and Radford rushed up to Streber and Ethan.
“What happened? Why were the police here?”
Streber hunched in on himself and began sobbing.
“The-there was this big guy dressed in a devil costume. We didn’t think anything of him despite how creepy he was.”
“H-he was-“ Ethan swallowed “Under that make up he was Bob Velseb.”
“The escaped cannibal?”
Radford felt his stomach tie in knots. “Fuck. Kevin?”
“Velseb took his arm off.”
“What?” Rick actually had a look of shock on his face.
“He lost a lot of blood, they’re working on him now.”
“How did this happen?”
Ethan turned to Rick. “Like I said he came in in disguise, in that devil costume. No one recognized him.”
“It wasn’t till we found Kevin, and, uh, what was left of his arm in the yard that we figured what likely happened. The officers just confirmed it was Velseb in that costume.”
“I’m gonna kill him.” Rick growled out.
“The cops already did, shot him a bunch of times and ran over him twice.”
Radford supposed that was good news. Maybe the only good news if Kevin-
He pinched his arms to break that train of thought. They didn’t know anything yet, people survived loss of arms all the time. The only problem was Kevin lost a lot of blood apparently.
Radford looked over at Steber, who was openly sobbing. His eyes were bloodshot, and his makeup ran down his face in streaks under his eyes. Right. This would be hitting him hardest.
Radford put a hand on Streber’s shoulder and he looked at him.
“Come here.”
He pulled him into a tight hug as Streber sobbed into his shoulder. He rubbed his back as he openly wailed.
“Why did this happen?!”
“I don’t know.”
“It’s not fair!”
“I know.”
Radford had managed to guide Streber over to a chair and sat him down. Rick and Ethan joined them in seats on either side of him and Streber. Streber’s crying, the clock’s ticking, and the receptionist typing are the only sounds that filled the room.
The wait was agonizing, and time seemed to stretch on forever. Radford was so focused on the sounds he never heard the doctor approach.
“Excuse me, are you with Kevin Kandy?”
The group jolted upright to see the doctor with a clipboard in her hand. Right, Kandy. It was a name Streber constantly teased him for cause of his job, who teased him right back for his last name being Batz.
“Y-yes. H-how is he?”
“I’m Dr. Swan. You’re friend is alright, but will not likely wake till tomorrow.”
Radford felt a huge wave of relief wash over him. Fuck. He was alive. He was okay.
“I want to see him.”
Streber’s voice was raw from his crying and screaming, and was barely audible.
“Of course. Follow me please.”
The four of them got up and walked after Dr.Swan. Eventually she gestured them to a room and they went inside. Kevin laid in the middle of the bed, hooked up to machines. A blood bag and breathing device had also been attached.
Streber immediately rushed forward and grabbed Kevin’s left hand. Of all the arms Kevin lost of course it was his dominant one. This would make things harder than it already was.
Streber ran a hand down Kevin’s cheek, being mindful of his breathing tube. Radford stepped forward with Rick on the right side of Kevin. The stub was well wrapped in gauze, and there was likely an ugly scar underneath.
Kevin was very pale from the blood loss, but other wise seemed okay. Radford had honestly been so fucking terrified that Kevin would die. He’s not sure he could handle that.
He knows Streber wouldn’t be able to.
“I am sorry to interrupt, but visiting hours are over. And he needs time to recover.”
Streber leaned down and gave Kevin a kiss on the cheek. The four of them walked out of the hospital to their cars, all of them feeling completely drained.
Radford began driving Rick towards his house. It was silent for a long time until Rick broke it.
“I know.”
“He could have died, he almost did!”
Radford could only nod.
“I hope that piece of shit burns in hell.”
“Yeah, me too.”
Everything felt heavy as he started to wake up. He doesn’t remember falling asleep, or why he was this exhausted still. Last thing he remembers was the haunted house.
Streber had wanted him to join, he agreed right?
What was he again? Oh right, Candy Man.
After that?
Terror, fucking panic.
Being held down, his arm being pulled.
A knife.
Pain, so much pain.
Tearing, ripping, awful sounds.
Screaming, crying, begging for help.
He had to fight, he was in danger, he needed to move.
“Kevin, Kevin stop!”
A hand grabbed his left arm, and he struggled more.
“Kevin you’re okay! You’re safe.”
He knows that voice. Taking time to breathe, he realized he didn’t feel any pain. He opened his eyes and saw that he was in the hospital. Over on his left was his boyfriend, who had his arm in a gentle grip.
Not the same wrenching, tearing, cutting-
Kevin grimaced “Wh-what?”
Oh. Right. That devil guy. But that meant.
Oh, yeah. His arm was definitely gone. There was some of it left but elbow down there just…
Kevin swallowed hard, it actually hammering what happened that nigh. It was still really fuzzy, probably cause of how much blood he lost. A firm squeeze in his remaining hand had him look at Streber.
“Oh, babe I’m so sorry.” Streber sobbed. “I had nonidea it’s my fault, I-“
Kevin grabbed Streber and kissed him all over his face. He kept doing it til the crying turned into giggles.
“Pft! Kevin stop! That tickles.”
“Listen to me, this was not your fault. It was all the asshole’s. Not yours.”
“But I didn’t even know you were hurt! Even after seeing him with your bone-“
Streber winced at that, and Kevin did to. Oh yeah, he remembered that too. Creep fucking ate his arm right in front of his face.
“Who-“ a pause “w-who…”
“I-it was Velseb. None of use could tell with his costume.”
Of course it was the escaped serial killer and cannibal. Who else? This was always his damn luck on Halloween.
“He’s dead, by the way.”
“Shot, multiple times. Run over twice apparently.”
Overkill, but efficient he guessed. As long as he couldn’t come back. Couldn’t finish the job. He looked at his arm.
“I’m gonna have to learn to write again huh?”
“I-I can help. I’m a natural leftie after all.” Streber placed a hand on his chest and made a grand gesture with the other.
“Pft. Ha ha ha! That you are sweetfangs.”
Streber leaned onto his shoulder and Kevin put his head on top of his. Everything was going to be okay.
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[K is wandering, Cybork at her side]
K: finally, all the people are out of the woods. 
[robotic barks]
K: Yes, I know I said I’d be a cryptid, but not yet. I’ll reveal myself after something goes down again. Keep the conspiracies going, ya know?
[A unknown voice suddenly speaks up from a distance behind K, the voice has an undertone of static]
???: Conspiracies are always fun! Also, cool dog.
[K jumps about a foot, with an undertone of mechanisms as her head swivels towards the noise]
K: What the fuc-who’s there?
[A sound of mechanical joints whirring as someone leans out from behind a tree]
???: Hello there! I’m Iris, and I’m assuming you’re not a Security Hetch finally put out here in the forest to help find escaped employees?
[A small sound of focus rings adjusting and more mechanisms]
K: Eh, I suppose I am that obvious. No, I’m not. Given that you don’t look like the Taskmanagers, I’m assuming you aren’t Hetch’s either.
Iris: It was the talking that gave it away, but ah, technically I am “Hetch’s”, but only in the sense that anything Showfall belongs to them. I am from another facility, do you know of Squig? She’s my boss!
K: …fair. And Squig…she’s the one who plays Squiggles, right?
[Iris claps her hands together, making a rather noisy clack]
Iris: Yup! I’m here on a job for her, speaking of which… have you seen any purple-haired cowards in the woods lately? About this tall, probably throwing a temper tantrum? Maybe you know her, she was a Security Engineer, name was Mai.
K: Well, I knew her, back when I had an actual job. I was a Security Developer, so we had some interaction, but not much. As for seeing her in the woods, no. I’ve seen plenty of people: some cops, Mechanic, Katherine, but no purple-haired cowards. Sorry ‘bout that.
[Iris lets out a long static-filled sigh]
Iris: Shame, a chase through the woods seemed fun, it’s been a while since I last got to do that.
[Small mechanical joints whirr as the metal panels making up Iris’ body shift]
Iris: But a Security Developer? Seems like the tables got a bit turned on you there.
[rotations as the camera refocuses]
K: Suppose so. Wonder if that’s how I kept my mind. Or whether they just failed at making me a true Security.
Iris: Hmm… well just by looking at you I can tell they were pretty obviously trying to go for someone who’d be able to track any problems into smaller spaces that their big ‘ole TV head guys can’t get into. [Iris’s face plates snap into place] Iris: So, probably a bit of column A, a bit of column B. Tried to leave you with enough intelligence you’d be able to sneak around, but that combined with whatever knowledge you already had… Well to put a long story short, is probably why you’re walking around in the forest with that cool dog.
K: Suppose you’re right. You certainly look like you have experience in matters of Securities. [sounds of robotic arm movements as K scratches Cybork on the head] K: And yeah, he is a pretty cool dog. Named him Cybork.
[Iris lets out a small gasp] Iris: Cybork? Oh, that is just the cutest little name! But yes, a good… oh hmm, can’t remember how long it’s been. At least over 20 years. A good 20+ years of experience is what you’re looking at!
K: I always forget that Showfall’s been around that long. But you certainly look the part. Much more sturdy than these wire noodle things. [mechanical noises as K gestures vaguely around]
Iris: It really helps when you get to design it all yourself, but honestly it is impressive just how much the Taskmangers can do here even without any sort of external protection of their wires. But speaking of time, unless you have anything else you’d like to chat about, I should probably get back to looking for that purple brat.
K: Go ahead, and have fun once you catch her. I’ll be watching.[various camera whirrings]
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Spencer and Y/N decidedly hate each other. But when a near-death experience puts one of them in a coma, their mutual hatred might have to take a backseat— Or will it? Category: Angst / Happy Ending! + Humor and a lil bit of Fluff Content: Strong language, Reader is in a coma, mentions of injury, kissing Word Count: 2.6k
NOTE: This one’s for Pom’s ( @imagining-in-the-margins ) September Writing Challenge, Enemies To Lovers! I have another one coming up as well, but this idea wouldn’t get out of my head ever since I watched The Abyss with my dad and I had to get it out 😅 I hope you like it!!
I swear to fucking God, if this motherfucker really thinks he—
That was the last thing Y/N thought before she was knocked out cold.
With her line of work, it was natural to assume that she was thinking about the unsub, but unfortunately the criminal she and her team were tracking down was the farthest thing on her mind. Spencer would have chastised her for it— letting something else cloud her thoughts while she was in a dark alley, alone, and with a serial killer on the loose.
"You should be smarter than that!" she could hear him say in that high pitch he always carried when he was upset— especially with her. "If you don't get yourself killed one of these days, then it'll be the rest of us!"
Thinking about it made her blood boil.
"It's your fault," she wanted to tell him. "I had to blow off some steam because you were pissing me off!"
The only thing was... She couldn't tell him.
Well... She could.
He just couldn't hear her, because no one could.
It was like some stupid, cliché movie, where you found yourself standing over your dying body and having to choose whether to live or not. It seemed like the obvious choice, to fucking live, but... Y/N found herself wandering around her hospital room, yelling into the void and attempting to jump back into her own body.
Nothing was working.
And when Spencer showed up, his face red and his hair and clothes all messed up, she wanted to scream at him.
Nothing. He was practically lifeless as he drifted to the chair next to her bed and sat down. It was nearly impossible to read from his expression and body language how he was feeling, and that alone was enough to make her angry again. (Not that the anger had really gone away since waking up next to her comatose body, of course.)
"Hey! Dumbass!"
Still nothing.
As Spencer just blankly stared down at Y/N's bed, she decided she'd had enough.
"I hate you."
It was a bold enough statement to stop Y/N in her tracks, no matter how quietly he'd mumbled it. She knew for sure that he didn't like her, after years of constant bickering and dirty glares and whatever else, but... The word 'hate' was like a knife that sliced through her joking rage and stopped the whole world around her.
If she wasn't already out of her own body, she just knew she would have felt her soul leave.
Spencer didn't hate anyone. Not that she was aware of, anyway. He found nearly everyone delightful, and vice versa... But for some reason, he hated Y/N.
She scoffed, crossing her arms. "Yeah, well... Feeling's mutual, I guess..."
"You're stupid, and reckless, and you don't think. And you're a goddamn nightmare to work with... You know what— You're a stone-cold bitch."
His words made her physically step backwards, and it felt like if she were a cartoon, there might have been steam coming out of her ears.
"Yeah, well jokes on you, you make it easy," she seethed. "Fuck you!"
"How... How dare you..." he continued, anger reddening his face.
Y/N watched as he balled his fists and leaned in a little closer to her body, his voice tight and strained. "How dare you walk into my life and boss me around and make it impossible to breathe... From the moment I met you, you've brought out this... this fire in me that I can't put out no matter how hard I try, and it's insufferable—You're insufferable, and I hate you, how dare—"
Whatever he was going to say next was cut off by a shortness of breath. Spencer breathed in, loud and choked, and the next breath he let out was nothing short of a sob. His eyes squeezed shut, tears rolling down them and his hands clutched the bedsheets with a vigor and rage that Y/N had never seen from him, even in all the years she'd spent visibly getting on his last nerves.
"N—No," she choked out, feeling her throat tighten. "Don't... Don't turn into a sappy mess on me now, do you hear me, Reid? You hate me, don't... Don't..."
"I don't hate you," he whispered, wiping his eyes and reaching out to grab her lifeless hand. "I hate that you make me feel this way, but... I could never hate you..."
She wanted nothing more than to be able to squeeze his hand back, to tell him, not even necessarily with words but with a simple gesture, that she was right there and wasn't going to go anywhere.
She just... had to figure out how to make that true.
Still, Spencer kept going, a small laugh bubbling up through tears and phlegm. "But I will hate you if you die, because I just know you're gonna come back and haunt me for eternity... Probably... shit in my shoes or something."
Y/N barked a laugh that was true and pure... Happy, even.
The genius may have acted like he hated her, but it turns out he knew her pretty well, perhaps even fondly in one way or another.
To think— All those years she spent seeing him sneer at her, feeling his glare burn into her soul, the amount of times she caught him making faces or inappropriate gestures behind her back, all of it... And the whole time, he was probably doing it with a little flicker of fondness deep within the confines of his heart, which he swore to fill with nothing but hatred for her.
The thought made the little flicker in her own heart burn brighter.
As she wandered closer to her bed, beside Spencer and in front of her own body, she reached her hand out to see if she could touch his face, to give him something...
Even though she had no luck, something shifted when he spoke.
"Just... Come back to me, please? I know I'm not good at apologizing, but if it means I get you back... I swear that I will make up every horrible thing I've ever done or said to you. Just... Please don't leave me."
He laid his head down in his hands and tried not to cry again, every said horrible thing replaying on a loop in his brain like some kind of taunt. He wished more than anything for a chance to make it up to Y/N, and now he might not ever be able to.
"You think I'd leave this mortal earth without getting the chance to kick your ass?"
Everything was so fuzzy and light and brimming with these high emotions that Y/N almost didn't realize she was saying these words and Spencer was hearing them. She almost didn't feel the warmth of her bloodstream beneath layers of skin, the beat of her heart slowly coming back to life at the sounds and smells of the hospital room.
She almost didn't realize that Spencer was grabbing her now, his warm hands covering her cold ones and bringing them back to life as well.
"Screw you," he breathed with absolutely no malice to be detected in his voice.
They shared a smile so bright, no one would have been able to guess that they never got along.
Not only was she stuck at home doing nothing while on suspension (Yes, it turns out that storming off into an alley and not paying attention while on the job, just because a co-worker pissed you off, can get you suspended by Chief Strauss), but Y/N was also being visited by a daily rotation of her co-workers and friends and family, and her house was nearly covered in flower bouquets and baked goods.
It was a nightmare.
The sentiment was nice, sure, but if she had to move one more vase, she was going to start throwing them.
God, maybe Spencer was right, I am a stone-cold bitch...
Thinking of him also put a little damper on her mood.
He hadn't been to visit her once... And she figured that after their nice little moment at the hospital, he'd at least stop by with flowers or an "I'm glad you're not dead!" call, but there was nothing on his end. Not even a text message or a letter.
But for all she knew, their small moment of kindness could have been a figment of her concussed imagination.
Please, she thought, if I brought it up to him he'd probably just laugh in my face.
Rather than a laugh, Y/N heard the bright sound of her doorbell, which normally would have meant a fun unexpected visit or a date she was getting ready for, but by now it only meant another vase of flowers or a pie from a neighbor she still didn't remember the last name to.
Either way, she answered the door with as polite a smile as she could muster, and instead of finding a vaguely familiar neighbor or acquaintance, she found Spencer.
Though, to be fair, he was holding a bouquet of flowers.
"Well, this is a surprise," Y/N drawled, crossing her arms. "I don't even think you've ever been to my house."
She was surprised to see him nervous around her, rather than irritated. And she would have found it endearing had they not been practically mortal enemies from the moment they met... She was suspicious.
"O—Oh, yeah... I know, I just thought... I wanted to come see how you were doing... These are for you."
He held out the flowers, which were truthfully the pretties set she'd received, and it irked her. Because of course he of all people would be the one to tell which kinds of flowers she'd prefer.
"Thanks," she said, taking them from him and allowing him the space to come inside. "Watch out, it's a maze in here..."
While she looked for somewhere to put the flowers on display, she could feel Spencer looking around her space, probably profiling what he could behind a sea of flowers.
Y/N sighed. "What?"
"Nothing. I'm just... I'm surprised this many people actually like you."
Despite the nature of his observation, she found it comforting. That level of playful contempt was what she was used to, and it brought a sparkle to her eye as she turned to face him. "Ha... I'm not a complete bitch, you know."
Between the growing grin on his face and the smirk forming on her own, Spencer and Y/N found themselves falling back into a familiar rhythm. And yet, something about it was still... different.
So much so that Y/N felt honest-to-God butterflies in her stomach when he approached, hands retreating from his pockets and head tilting off to the side. His expression held that look he got when he was trying to figure someone out, usually an unsub. She hated to admit it to herself, but a little part of her always found that side of him extremely attractive.
And now that it was right in front of her?
She didn't know what to make of it.
"What?" she snapped, looking for an excuse to hide any and all attraction she was feeling.
Spencer stepped back a little, breaking away from whatever trance he'd just been in. "God, why do you always have to do that?"
"Do what?"
"You push away every single show of affection! Any time I'm trying to be nice, you just act like it's some big inconvenience to you!"
Y/N laughed. "Ha! That's what that was? Just now? When you insulted me, and then started stalking towards me with that look you get when you're interrogating an unsub? That's what you call affection?"
"That's not... That's not what that was!"
"Oh really? Then what was it?"
"It was part of the routine! Banter! Y—You know, that's our thing! We insult each other, and we act like we hate each other but we... We don't, really..."
The longer he went on, the faster her heart raced. This was the moment in the movie where he inevitably blurted out that he loved her, and in turn she would either kiss him or slap him, or slap him and then kiss him...
But Y/N was still feeling rather playful despite the swarm of butterflies in her stomach begging for some relief.
"Oh?" she prompted, taking a slow step closer to him. "We don't?"
Spencer seemed to get red immediately, and he avoided her eyes. "U—Uh... Well I... I thought... Maybe I read it all wrong, a—and I'm sorry if I did..."
She'd been getting closer meanwhile, and now they were practically toe-to-toe. He did his best to ignore her, taking a few steps back until she cornered him against the front door. And with the way he wasn't doing anything to get out of his predicament, she took that as his acceptance and took another leap.
"What..." she cooed, crawling her fingers up the front of his chest like a spider. "You like me? Hmm?"
When he finally looked down at her, she allowed herself to smile, albeit slowly and with calculation.
In a flash Spencer went from nervous to fed-up, weight seeming to visibly lift from his chest as he sank against the door. "You're messing with me..."
"It's so fun."
"You know what, screw you."
"Is that a promise?"
"Maybe it is. What are you gonna do ab—"
She didn't let him finish.
In an instant, Y/N lunged forward and pulled him down for a kiss.
Even though she thought he might have tried to take control of the situation, he ended up surprising her with a wanton moan as his hands clutched at her sides, holding on for dear life. Their bodies and tongues collided in a mess of years worth of pent-up tension, chaotic and wild and fiercely beautiful in a way that put even the greatest first kisses to shame.
And of course, Spencer had to go and ruin it.
He pushed her away and looked almost panicked. "W—Wait, are you even cleared to do this?"
Y/N rolled her eyes, reaching out for him again. "I'm fine."
"Y/N, you were in the hospital! I thought... I thought you were..."
She appreciated the sentiment, but with her entire body on fire from his touch, she decided she needed more of it. "Yeah, but I'm not... I'm very much alive, and you know what?"
He blinked back at her, watching carefully as she leaned in close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"It's because of you. You make me feel... more alive than I've ever been."
"And... You're not messing with me this time?"
With a laugh,  Y/N shook her head and leaned up to brush her nose with his. "Nuh-uh... But if you'd like to, I'd love to mess with you in a more fun way. And maybe I'll even let you do it back..."
Spencer hummed, feeling himself gravitate towards her more with every passing second. "Deal."
He barely got the word out all the way before she was dragging him through the maze of flora and contained food and into her bedroom, where piece by piece, their hatred and fondness for one another combined to create the most exquisite of nights.
PERMANENT TAGLIST:  @elldell1204 @muffin-cup @calm-and-doctor @slutforthegubes @rainsong01 @yourmisosoup @liveloudwriteloud @reidsconverse @la-vie-en-amour1 @edgycowboy666 @averyhotchner @centiaaa @lizziechaseee @coffeeandendlesswords @usuck @spenxerslut @ssacalumsg0lden @emilyprentisslittlewhore @takeyourleap-of-faith @reidyoulikeabook @spencerreid9 @b-a-utiful @jareauswifey @flipperpenguins @pansexualthing @donald4spiderman @awesomebooklover17​ @shemarmooresfedora @izraahh1 @bakugouswh0r3 @singularityjc @xoxospencerreid @thatsonezesty13 @big-galaxy-chaos @mggskneescrews @youabitchhhh @spencersjello @moonlight-2-6 @starrylang @foreveryoungxx3 @spencerreidscoffeecup @morganwilliams  @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @gubswh0re @mrsobrien888  @umbreonwolfy 
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broadwayandnetflix · 3 years
i have a request for bo burnham!!:) maybe like the reader and bo watch the special when he gets done editing it and doing all the other stuff he has to do for it, and he records her reaction to the whole thing and that’s how he announces the special?? i know that’s weird but it’s been stuck in my head, so you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to!
Test Run - Bo Burnham x Reader
Warnings: Language
Theme: FLUFF (angst if you like squint)
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: y’all I wrote this so fast, like kachow. I hope you enjoyed it, and got a break from all of the angst. but angst is still good. but this fic is not me fangirling over inside. never, couldn’t be me. I hope you enjoyed the fic though @bos-a-feminist I had sm fun writing it.
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It had been late one evening when Bo had practically burst into the door of your bedroom. You sat puzzled as you gave the man time to catch his breath, as he gave you an eager look.
Trying not to giggle as Bruce yipped at Bo’s feet in pure excitement, it seemed he too was trying to figure out what was going on.
“What? Are we finally gonna have sex again?” you say humorously, causing the man to break composure for just a second.
“No! I mean what the fuck? Yes, yes, and to answer your question, yes. But not right now.”
You giggle as he looks at you with an expression you couldn’t fully decipher. In any constellation, it had been months since you had seen the man this energetic.
Usually, when Bo would come back from his long days in the guest house, he’d tend to be exhausted. Often just giving you a quick kiss before collapsing onto the mattress.
His blue eyes softening towards you as he extends his hand for you to take. Which made you realize that there was an ounce of seriousness in his actions.
Your hands fitting perfectly in his as he pulls you up from the bed, one hand making sure to hold the small of your back.
“Where are we going?” you breathe out.
Bo remained silent, but you found out soon enough as he led you outside to the guest house.
You had stopped dead in your tracks, causing him to do the same. Eyes widening as you realized what was gonna happen, turning to Bo and giving him the biggest grin you could muster.
From the minute he had set foot in the guest house to begin his special, he had been very secretive about it. Something about how it helped him to create something that no one really knew about.
I mean, you had some idea when the UPS trucks kept delivering camera equipment. Or when he had asked if he could take some of your clothes. Other than that, though, top secret.
It had been about roughly a little over a year when he had started the special. A year of emotions and hard work, and by the looks of it.
It seemed as though he had finished.
“Wait are you doing what I think you are doing?” you say, looking at him expectedly.
“Shit babe you catch on quick. Yes, if we are on the same mindset. I think we are, now hush, or I’ll never get to show you it.” Bo instructs before leading you inside.
In all honesty, you didn’t know what to expect. The last time you had seen the guest house had been roughly two years ago. Now? It looked completely different.
Wires and different camera equipment lay waste on the floor, making it almost a hazard. Other lights of various types and sizes filled the room like mini metal trees. It looked disorganized and yet organized at the same time.
Yet Bo walked through the maze of equipment with ease, almost as if it wasn’t even there. You smiled before tiptoeing to the clearing that Bo had made for you.
“Yeah apologies, I wasn’t expecting company.” Bo smirks as you break into laughter.
“It looks…well it looks well used.” you reply, getting comfortable on the chair he had provided.
In front of you sat a projection on the wall of what seemed to be an editing software. You looked back at Bo with an eager grin; he gives you a slight wink.
Anticipation settling in the air as you watched him mess around with the monitor. Until his cursor finally presses on a folder and a video screen pulls up.
You half expected him to sit beside you. Still, instead, he remains behind the computer, amongst his sea of technological instruments and cameras.
“Y/N, I’m showing this to you. Simply because you deserve to see why I’ve been so busy for like a year or more. Plus, you mean the world to me and I wanna know your input.”
Bo says softly. You can detect a hint of nerves in his actions and tone; you practically melt, realizing that was he anxious. Regardless you knew without a shadow of a doubt you were gonna love whatever he puts out.
You open your mouth to reply before he presses play, and an eerie ringing fills the room. Music filling your senses as the special, titled Inside, plays before you.
The next hour or two fills you with a multitude of emotions that you can’t quite place. It seemed like Bo was making you laugh seconds ago, and now you can’t help but feel tears well up in your eyes.
Cinematically it was stunning, breathtaking even. It was hard to believe that Bo had turned the little guest house into a studio. Or at least to the extent that it became, with its gorgeous displays and production.
Performance-wise, it was a completely different ballpark. Bo fucking delivered in more ways than one, whether in humor or just pure raw emotion.
Acting or not, it broke your heart to see the man you loved so dearly in the state that he was in. Of course, you could tell something was up even then when he was filming, but he never gave away the extent of it.
Just hearing him cry made your stomach twist in knots; you wanted to comfort him. Only to be reminded that it was just merely a video of him.
Even at the moment, it took you everything not to look back at Bo; you knew how much he valued your attention. Plus, you wanted to experience the special in full, just as you would if he were on stage.
The special wasn’t the same as his others, but it was well needed for a time like this. It felt personal and introspective, but it was also oh so clever and in-depth. You adored it and the time and effort that he had put into it.
As the credits rolled out and you saw an acknowledgment for your name, your heart soared.
You knew that the two of you had worked hard to be there for each other the past year. Especially with everything that was going on and Bo working most of the time.
To know that you had helped him in any shape or form. It just meant a lot, in more ways than he’d ever know.
The lights in the room flickered on as if he had made a make-shift movie theatre. You wiped away any stray tears, and before he could even say anything, you ran into his arms.
Bo jolting back in surprise before accepting the embrace and holding you tighter into his chest. His head resting gently on top of yours due to his taller stature.
“God I love you so much, more than you’ll ever know. I seriously don’t know if I would’ve made it out alive this past year if I didn’t have you.” he croaked into your hold.
It took you a second to realize that the man was crying, and you pulled away to meet his eyes. Your fingers brushing away his tears before reaching up to give him a kiss.
His figure bending down just a tad to meet your lips as he kisses you back sweetly. It’s light and yet so filled with passion for making up for what time that had been lost.
Yet as he looks down at you, a smile etching across his lips. As he asks you about what your thoughts are on his special, he already knows your response.
Unbeknownst to you, he had recorded your entire viewing experience. Of course, if he were to ever share it anywhere, he’d ask your permission, but it was apparent.
Even as you told him how much you loved it and how much you enjoyed it. You knew that he knew that you understood the special the way he had intended it.
It was one of the many things that made him adore you endlessly. You meant the world to him.
“We should celebrate babe! Maybe order a pizza or something.” you exclaim, arms still wrapped around his neck in your embrace.
“We definitely should, but what pizza places are open at this hour?” Bo smirks as you give him a slight frown.
“I don’t know, that’s a good question.” you hesitate.
“Actually I do know one place that’s really good and delivers.” Bo whispers seductively up against your ear.
You giggle and gesture for him to continue as he swiftly pulls away from your hold. His hand outstretched for you to take once again as he leads you towards the house. Or, more importantly, towards your bedroom.
Bo sat anxiously beside you as his fingers lingered over the ‘post’ button on his different social media accounts.
The post in question was a video that he stitched together of you watching the special. With your consent, of course.
It had been edited together to be vague enough that he wouldn’t spoil the special. But nonetheless, it was sweet, and he totally made sure to include you tearing up in it.
You made it a priority to tackle him for that one.
The video was sweet and short, but it got the intended message across, and you personally loved it, just like you loved Bo and the special.
“Any-day now Robert.” you tease as you hold his one hand in yours.
“Do you think that they’ll wanna watch it?” he whispers quietly.
“Of course they will, it’s you. Baby you are so talented, your fans will be so excited.” you reassure.
Bo sighs before squeezing your one hand tightly before pressing the button. And letting Inside out into the world.
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theshelbyclan · 4 years
Happy Birthday!
Summary: It’s your birthday! And the Shelby brothers refuse to let another one of their baby sister’s birthday go by without some proper celebrating. 
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(Gif by @benson-shelby​)  A/N: It’s actually my birthday today, but due to quarantine I can’t really celebrate it with anyone. So I decided to celebrate with the Shelby’s! Via this little fic, purely self-indulgent, to cheer myself up and to remember some great birthdays I had in the past ;) Set in season 1, you’re just a few years younger than John. Words: 1710 *** “John, get her tea.” “I thought you had the tea.” “Well, then get the milk!” urgent whispers sounded in the hallway. 
“I’m not your bloody maid, am I, Ada,” John spat not so quietly in return.
You were lying in bed, awake for hours already. This was the day you’d become a woman, or so Ada had said, but still, your siblings were bickering like little children. It brought a smile to your face. Another annoyed grumble, “Shhh, you’re going to wake her up!” “Am not,” he hissed, “I got your fucking milk, didn’t I!” “Oi!” another low voice joined in, “Ada, you really need to take a look at the toast.” “What about the toast, Arthur?” “Burned it,” he mumbled and you could hear John giggle softly in the dark. Ada sighed deeply, “For fucks sake, fine, I’ll do it. Wait here.” As the least subtle brothers in the world shuffled about in the hallway, you thought of your other birthdays. When you were little, they were celebrated with mum and everyone gathered. During the war, no one paid attention to birthdays any longer. And now, after the war, people tried to get their lives back on track. Only last week you’d made sure Finn had gotten a birthday he’d never forget. And now they tried to return the favour, obviously. Another few minutes and about a thousands curses passed, when they finally tiptoed into the room. Closing your eyes, you decided to play along. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Slowly you sat up and put on a groggy voice, “What are you doing in here?” “You are the worst actor ever, Y/N,” John grinned. “Am I?” you feigned innocence. Ada handed you a cup of tea as John plopped down onto bed next to you, “Did you hear about Arthur burning the toast then?” “I didn’t burn it,” he protested, “Only… blackened it a little.” Ada sent her eldest brother a look, “Polly’s making some more.” “Thanks for the tea,” you smiled and took a sip. Frowning, you narrowed your eyes at John. “You’re not a child anymore, Y/N!” he explained happily. “Move over,” Arthur shoved his brother aside and hugged you, “Happy birthday, sweetheart. This is for you, go on, open it.” Wrapped clumsily in some brown paper, he’d given you a revolver. And just as you were staring at it, Aunt Polly walked in with toast in a lovely shade of light brown. “A gun,” she demanded at once, “For fucks sake, Arthur.” “She needs it to protect herself, Pol,” he returned, and with pride in his voice he added, “And look: it’s a lady’s gun!” You turned the weapon over and saw it was small, delicate and laid in. Still, deadly as any weapon it was. “My turn,” John said, bouncing up and down in excitement almost. He handed Polly your tea and when she sniffed it, she said strictly, “Alright, who put whiskey in her morning tea?” No one answered. Quickly John handed you his present, hardly wrapped at all. Inside, you found a peaky cap, razorblades included. “Honestly, John…” Ada sighed, “She’s not a bloody Blinder!” “It’s all she’s ever wanted!” John called out, “Ever since she could walk, she tried to steal our caps, forever talking about wanting to join us wherever we went. Now she’s got her own!” “I love it,” you beamed up at him, “All I ever wanted.” “Alright,” Ada interrupted, “Clearly Y/N has too many brothers so it’s up to me to turn her into a lady.” “Please do,” Polly sighed, “Or the only interest she’ll ever have is weapons.” She knew her niece well, “That and gambling…” Your sister combed a few rebellious strands of hair behind your ear and planted a kiss on your cheek, “My darling little sister, soon you’ll learn you have more than one way of getting a man to do what you want.” You blinked a few times. This had always been more of Ada’s area of expertise. “She has no idea what you’re on about,” Polly smirked. “Thank God,” Arthur and John said in unison. “Sit still,” Ada demanded and she started applying the lipstick, “Sit. Still.” You furrowed your brows at the unfamiliar feeling, “Just your colour,” Ada commented happily, “As I thought.” “Not bad, that,” Arthur commented as he tilted his head. John leaned back and examined you as well, “Yeah, well, it’s red, isn’t it? I like red...” “Lipstick, a gun and razors,” Ada commented matter-of-factly, “the most deadly Shelby as of yet, Pol!” Aunt Polly rolled her eyes. “Happy birthday, Y/N!” eleven-year-old Finn came running to the room and jumped up into your arms, “You can have mine!” And he thrust his homemade catapult into your hands by form of a gift. “Another weapon, Pol,” Arthur eyed her, “Whatever will become of our innocent little sister?” Aunt Polly rubbed her nose and stammered a little, “Well, you know I don’t agree with you joining the family business… And God knows I’ve tried to rein you in just a little…” “But,” you interrupted, eyes glittering mischievously. “But…” she looked down, “I got you something for your shoes.” “Shoes?” you looked at the little black package she’d handed you. John suddenly burst out laughing in realisation, Arthur tried to hide his face in his hands and Ada commented dryly, “So, no better than us, eh, Pol.” Slowly you opened the package. Inside, you found a small black butterfly knife. *** A few hours had passed, with the regular nonsense that you cherished more than anything in the world. The family was gathered in the kitchen, everyone argued and life seemed perfect. But, one thing was missing. “Where’s Tommy?” you finally asked. “He had business,” Polly answered shortly, “No idea when he’ll be back.” You eyed John carefully, the brother you always turned to, “You think he forgot?” “Nah,” he tried cheering you up, “And you’re doing alright with us, right? Don’t need grumpy here…” You smiled, but still it hurt a little. And then, unexpectedly, Tommy waltzed into the house like it was any other day. “Y/N,” he announced himself coldly, “I need you to come with me.” “Why?” you challenged, “We’re just celebra-“ “I said now, Y/N. Family business.” Tommy interrupted in a low voice. “Thomas…” Aunt Polly started, but he held up a hand to silence her. Then he turned to you and repeated, “Come with me.” Begrudgingly, you got up and followed your brother. Looking back, Arthur motioned you to move it, which made you all the more suspicious. Without moving a muscle in his face, Tommy opened the door and said, “Go on.” You stepped outside and the second you did, applause resounded through the streets. In front of every house, people had gathered and they cheered like you were royalty. You couldn’t believe your eyes. “Tommy, did you…” you started. “He’s been at it all morning,” John explained as he crossed you in the doorway. A few moments later, the sound of hooves echoed in the streets. “What the hell is this,” you said at once. “This,” Tommy made a broad hand gesture, “Is a gypsy on a horse.” “And what, pray tell, is he doing in the middle of town?” You recognised Johnny Dogs now, who called out, “Little Y/N Shelby! Happy birthday, love!  How the hell are you!” “I’m grand, Johnny,” you said numbly, “What’s with the horse?” He got off the horse and patted her flank, “She was a lovely filly as first. Sweet, but could never quite be tamed. Third filly out of Shadow, gorgeous beast.” “So, we decided,” Tommy mumbled as he lit a cigarette slowly, “she needed a rider who’d understand.” “What? Being a gorgeous beast?” your cynical reply came. Tommy rolled his eyes, “ ‘could never be tamed’ “. “Well, go on,” Johnny urged, smiling from ear to ear, “Up you get, little one!” Gingerly, you walked over to the horse. As you stroked her nose, Tommy handed you his cigarette and said softly, “What do you think of her?” “She’s an absolute beauty.” Tommy nodded, “Just like you,” but before you could send him a thankful look, he’d walked off again. And with the whole of Small Heath watching on, you climbed up on the horse. *** It was almost midnight when you woke up on a hard cold bench. A splitting headache washed over you as you tried to lift your head. You touched your temple and noticed some blood on your knuckles. Vaguely, you remembered being in the Garrison only a few hours before. You remembered Tommy had closed the betting den and the pub being packed with people, all celebrating your birthday. Memories of card games, songs and laughs came back to you. And the whiskey, so much whiskey. Slowly, you hoisted yourself up. As you looked around, you recognised the inside of the police cell. And you felt at your laced up boots: the knife was still safe inside. A sigh of relief escaped you. “How’s the head, eh?” Recognising your brother’s voice, you looked up without meeting his eye. “What did I do?” you asked finally. After a pause, Tommy replied, “Well, you celebrated your birthday alright.” “Did I have fun?” “Yes, I’d say so.” You frowned, “Why am I in here?” He cleared his throat, “It started with the barmaid and ended with you head-butting a policeman. Quite the Shelby night…” “Is that pride I hear?” Tommy didn’t answer, so you send him your best innocent smile. Eventually he asked, “Was it worth it?” “Hell yes,” you replied in a flash. “Little devil, celebrating her fucking birthday, eh?” “Admit it!” you pointed at him, “you areproud!”
And Thomas Shelby actually smiled through the bars, “Fucking right I am.” When he started to walk away, you shouted, “Oi! What about my bail?” “Paid it!” he called from a distance. “How am I supposed to get home?” you raised your voice even more. Tommy’s reply echoed, “Take your horse. She’s outside.” Myhorse? And just as a policeman with a head in bandages opened the door of your cell, you smiled to yourself: Best birthday ever.
Tommy left the station before you were released, but before he’d gone, he finally said:  
“Happy birthday, Y/N.”
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takeyourpillsbitchh · 2 years
Day 7 of 50 - Prompt: Cry your heart out
Wow I can’t believe I’ve actually been doing this a week without missing a day. So glad y’all have been enjoying this. This is probably one of my favorites so far✨
words: 1251
Mickey walked through the apartment looking for his husbands. He had just got back from the store and when he walked in his husband was nowhere in sight.
The TV was playing a movie and a throw blanket was tossed on the couch but there was no Ian. He had been having kind of a low day so Mickey decided to run to the store and get some groceries just in case he needed to be caring for Ian for a few days. After putting everything away he turned the TV off, scratching Milo’s head as he passed by.
He walked down the hall, guest bedroom and bathroom empty so that left their bedroom at the end of the hall. Mickey had just reached the door when he heard the sound of sniffles from inside as if someone was crying. His eyebrows furrowed as he reached his hand up, knocking a knuckle against the slightly ajar door.
“Ian?” He called as he pushed the door open, coming face to face with his husband, eyes red and wet, face flushed and streaked with tears holding a small box in his hands.
“Baby, what’s wrong? What’s all this?” He asked, walking over to the bed, gesturing to the box in Ian’s hands, sitting next to his husband and resting a hand on his lower back.
Ian looked down at the box then back at Mickey, his bottom lip trembling before he was shoving himself against Mickey’s and crying his heart out against his husband’s neck. Mickey let him for a minute. Held him close, rubbed his back and kissed his head. When the sob turned into soft sniffles again Mickey pulled back, grabbing his husbands beautiful freckled face and kissed him softly. Comfortingly.
“Wanna tell me what’s going on?” Mickey asked, thumbing away the wet streaks on Ian’s face.
“Monica,” Ian managed to get out, his voice cracking in a way that made Mickey’s heart hurt. He always hated seeing Ian cry, especially like this.
“Your mom, right?” Mickey asked, he had never formally met the woman but he knew who she was. Ian nodded. “You missing her today?”
“Yeah,” Ian nodded, his voice still hoarse, his chest still shuddering. “It’s, uh, it’s been 5 years, today.”
“Oh,” Mickey breathed, vaguely recognizing that as the Mexico incident as he started referring to it. But he didn’t comment. He was sure Ian knew that, he didn’t want to bring all of that up. Then he frowned. “Why did you say anything? We could have done something.”
“Done something? Like that?” Ian asked, a humorless chuckle. “No one ever gives a shit about Monica dying.”
“Well, I do,” Mickey shrugged watching Ian’s face change. “And we could have, I don’t know, watched a movie that reminded you of her. Made food she liked. Go put flowers on her grave. Look through this box together so you aren't alone.”
Ian looked thoughtful for a moment before adjusting the box in his hands, nodded his head in a barely there gesture and reached into the box, pulling out a chain with a small pendant on it.
“Monica gave this to me when I was 14, I never wore it. It wasn’t my style but she got it for me, probably stole it, but it was from her you know?” Ian asked and Mickey nodded because yeah he gets it. When Terry died Mickey got sentimental over knives, so yeah he definitely gets it.
“And this,” Ian continued pulling out a birthday card, one that looked like it used to play music once upon a time, “Was from my 10th birthday. When she passed away we found a bunch of birthday cards that she wrote to us but never sent cause she forgot or whatever. This is the only one that she ever hand delivered to me, even made me a cake that year too.”
Ian chuckled wetly, wiping the eye with his knuckles before pulling out a little baggy and holding it up for Mickey to see.
“Is that fucking meth?” Mickey asked, raising his eyebrows at his husband.
“Yeah,” Ian nodded, and Mickey gave him a what the fuck, Gallagher look.
“That’s what Monica left us after she died.” He whispered, holding the bag gently, almost careful as not to damage it and well, as fucked up as it was, Mickey couldn’t judge.
“She knew she was dying, that’s why she came back around, see us one last time. Make sure she was leaving us with a great legacy. Stole a shit ton of meth from a drug dealer and left us each a fucking pound of it.”
“A pound?! Of meth?” Mickey asked, eyes widening as a shocked laugh left his lip.
“Yeah. I know, right. Almost all of it went back to the met head who she stole it from. Hurricane Monica fucking us over from the grave. Dude tried to kill Carl.” Ian shook his head, laying the baggie back in the box.
“What else?” Mickey asked, leaning into Ian’s body as he pulled out the next item—two items.
“These, uh, aren’t about Monica. Just that day,” Ian said, turning his body a bit towards Mickey, holding it out for him to see. A bus ticket and a bank slip. Ian’s bus ticket from that day. And the fucking bank slip from his bank account that he cleared out and left all of his money with Mickey.
“Did it at least help?” Ian asked softly, and Mickey blinked his eyes, not realizing they had started to well with tears. Mickey nodded his head slowly.
“Yeah,” He answered, taking the two paper items and looking down at them. “I, uh, stayed in the car for a while, slept on the beach some nights, so I didn’t really use the cash much. Just a ten or twenty here and there for food. Didn’t want to use it. I was mad. It hurt every time I touched that damn yellow envelope knowing it was the last thing in that car you touched.”
“But it did help,” Mickey cut him off before he could apologize because he didn’t need to apologize anymore, putting the ticket and slip back in the box. “It bought me new clothes and a warm place to sleep some nights. I held on to this one twenty for a long time though. The last twenty that was in the envelope, the last thing I thought I would ever have of you and I couldn’t let it go. I used it to buy my own bus ticket back to the states, right before I finally had you again.”
“I still hate how all of that went down. I know we’ve talked about all of this, but I just—I love you and I hate knowing you were alone for so long,” Ian breathed, shutting the box and reaching for Mickey.
“I know,” Mickey nodded, letting himself be pulled into Ian. “I love you, too. But I’m here now, we both are and we’re fuckin’ married.”
“Yeah, we are fuckin’ married,” Ian laughed, followed by a sniffle.
“So, what do you say we go to the store, get some flowers and put ‘em on your mom's grave?” Mickey asked softly, looking up at his husband.
“You really wanna do that?” Ian asked, his face so open, vulnerable, soft. And Mickey nodded.
“Of course,” He nodded, letting Ian crush him against his chest is the tightest bear hug ever.
“Thank you,” He mumbled against Mickey's head.
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westiec · 3 years
June 27: Nie Mingjue, ace king
asexual Nie Mingjue, queer Lan Xichen, what even is flirting, rated T
Read on ao3
Contrary to popular (Huaisang's) belief, Nie Mingjue can in fact tell when people are flirting with him.
It's just, well, easier to pretend he doesn't. Nie Mingjue's a big, buff guy, so when he's friendly and affable and cheerfully misinterprets any flirting, then women tend to assume he's gay, and men tend to assume he's straight, and neither is quite right, but either way, he's planted himself solidly in the bro zone once more without any awkward conversations or needing to turn anyone down directly.
Which is why he can't quite figure out Lan Xichen’s deal. He was fairly sure the man was flirting with him when they first met at the gym. (Lan Xichen’s traps and lats, Nie Mingjue will readily admit, are downright enviable. He doesn't need to be interested anyone that way to recognize that.)
Nie Mingjue had expected him to go the way of so many other gym flirtations after a few rounds of his patented cheerfully oblivious act, but Lan Xichen had instead just backed way off the obvious flirting while continuing to extend cheerful overtures, offer to spot his lifts (and then actually do it), and greet him with that same dazzling smile every time they're at the gym at the same time.
"You're sure he's not just flirting more subtly?" Huaisang asks, when Nie Mingjue comes home from the gym once more buzzing with the weird energy working out with Lan Xichen always leaves him. "Some guys like the challenge of pulling a 'straight dude,' you know."
Nie Mingjue shakes his head. He's run into those kind of guys occasionally, and they do get the awkward conversation—and the smile with all the teeth he learned from his one and only ex. (They're still friends. Meng Yao had been great, back when Nie Mingjue was coming to the realization that, no, actually, he wasn't interested in sex with men either.)
"He's not flirting at all anymore," he says. "And you know I can tell. He's just so... intensely friendly."
Huaisang laughs at that, not unkindly. "Well, Da-ge, he just might want to be friends, then. Real friends, not just gym buddies."
Huh. Nie Mingjue had always vaguely wondered how people made friends as adults. Maybe that's it after all.
So the next time they're both at the gym, after they've finished their workouts and chatted through their cooldown stretches and are grabbing their post-grind smoothies—and okay maybe they've developed something of a routine while Nie Mingjue wasn't looking—Nie Mingjue asks, "You hike, right?"
"Sometimes," Lan Xichen replies, like it's not a total non-sequitur to the conversation they've been having about protein supplements. "I haven't been in awhile, but I do enjoy it. You?"
"There's a day hike I've been wanting to do, if you're interested. Huaisang sometimes goes with me, but he declared this one, 'too few birds, too much elevation,' and I was thinking it'd be fun for us to hang out together somewhere besides the gym."
"Somewhere that doesn't smell like sweaty feet, you mean?" Lan Xichen laughs. "I'd like that a lot," he says with one of those wide, warm smiles.
They trade numbers and pick a day and text a great deal over the next couple weeks, and that's how Nie Mingjue finds himself here, taking a hydration break at a scenic overlook halfway back down a mountain with Lan Xichen. It's been honestly perfect. The hike was everything he'd hoped for—great views and a decent athletic challenge—and the company is excellent. He and Lan Xichen match pace easily, chatting about little brothers, cooking mishaps, and a surprise shared love of movie musicals during the less strenuous portions of the climb. He's more relaxed than he can remember being in a long time, right up until Lan Xichen says, "Mingjue, can I ask you something? No wrong answer."
He nods for Lan Xichen to go ahead and hopes he's not about to ask what he thinks he's about to ask.
"Am I reading you wrong, or did you mean for this to be a date?" And there it is. "If you did, it's been a great one, it's only... I didn't think you went in for that sort of thing."
Lan Xichen grins playfully. "Mingjue, I don't know if you've noticed, but you get hit on at the gym, like, a lot." Nie Mingjue raises an unimpressed eyebrow at him, and he laughs. "Yeah, I figured. Anyway, you always turn them down—guys, ladies, whoever—but you've also never mentioned a significant other or anything like that, so I figured you just didn't date. But then it also sometimes feels like you're flirting with me? So, I just wanted to check in. I really enjoy hanging out with you, either way."
That's... okay, that's a lot. Nie Mingjue mentally reviews his interactions with Lan Xichen, today and over the last few months at the gym, and realizes he has been flirting with him. It's apparently easier to recognize in the other direction. "I'm sorry!" he blurts.
"It's not unwelcome," Lan Xichen says, still smiling.
"No, I mean—" Ugh, Awkward Conversation time. "I'm ace. Like, the 'not interested in any kind of sex, with anyone, ever' kind."
"Oh," says Lan Xichen, "cool. Thank you for sharing that with me, Mingjue."
Nie Mingjue shrugs and gestures back towards the path. Lan Xichen falls into step beside him. 'Cool, thanks,' is not the worst reaction he's gotten, Nie Mingjue supposes.
"So not flirting then," Lan Xichen says after awhile with a chuckle. "I can't always tell. Sorry for putting you on the spot."
"No, it's... I was flirting, I think," Nie Mingjue admits. Lan Xichen’s been so honest with him, and he wants to respond in kind. "But I'll cut it out."
Lan Xichen's ears flush red. "I mean, you don't have to," he says. "I like being gym buddies. I've liked texting with you lately. I've really, really liked today. If you wanted to do more of all that, with or without flirting, I'd like that too."
"You'd want to date me," Nie Mingjue clarifies, "even though I just told you I'm not ever gonna want to have sex with you?"
Lan Xichen's lips twitch into one of his sarcastic smiles. "Gosh, Mingjue, everything's not about sex, you know."
Nie Mingjue throws his head back and laughs. "Fine then," he says, "it's a date."
Shoutout to @shadaras for suggesting hiking when I got stuck on a good schroedinger's date activity!
#PrideMonthSnippets Masterpost!
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ptergwen · 3 years
Could you write a fic where Tom is in an interview and talking about the reader as his current gf and also being his first love/childhood love?
woah i wrote kind of a lot like we got DETAILED here 😭 have fun
tom’s love life has been the topic of many conversations over the years. he’s gotten countless questions about who he’s dating and what he looks for in a partner. you’d think the hype would die down at some point, but no. even more rumors have begun to spiral as he promotes cherry.
thank the nosy interviewers for that. they’re taking all their chances to get up close and personal.
“so, let’s talk about love,” an interviewer prompts tom one afternoon. he sits up straighter in his chair, expression serious. “sure, let’s.” “what do you think about it?” she’s being vague so she’ll get the most clickable answers. “do you mean, like, in this film? or just in life?” tom wears a curious smirk now. he glances off to the side, where you’re sat watching.
you’ve been sitting in on his interviews as of late to keep him entertained. as much as the movie means to him, he gets bored of answering the same questions about it. having you there to snicker at his jokes or blow him kisses really livens things up. it’s been that way since you were little. you’re always cheering tom up even if he doesn’t realize he needs any.
“both,” the woman replies, mirroring his cheeky smile. “right, that’s what i thought.” tom clears his throat and raises an eyebrow. “so i’m not mistaken, love in my own life?” “anything you feel like sharing.” she beams into the camera while he nods to himself. you give tom a little smile of approval, which he catches from the corner of his eye. he chuckles at the gesture.
“easy enough. i’ll start with cherry, then,” he decides, getting back into the movie. the interviewer nods for him to go on. “you know, cherry’s always been kind of unlucky in the relationship department.” tom pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts. “until he meets emily, and things are still a bit complicated with her. i’d say it’s the same way for me.”
you jaw drops off camera, tom doing his best to stifle a laugh. he’s the biggest tease to walk this earth. “oh, that can’t be right,” tom’s interviewer insists with a mischievous grin. “you’re one of the most eligible bachelors out there.” “not exactly eligible, actually,” he mutters and twiddles his thumbs in his lap. a smile creeps onto his face.
she doesn’t miss that. “you do have a special someone after all?” tom squints at her through the screen. “after all? who’s been asking?” he jokes, the woman laughing like it’s the funniest thing she’s ever heard. “everyone has. the entire world.” you make wide eyes at tom. he’s never given many details about his dating life before, so this is a big step to take.
“well,” he starts, glancing over at you subtly. “yes, i’m a taken man.” “by who?” the interviewer blurts. she’s the first person to get anything out of him. “um,” tom breathes out an awkward laugh. you mouth it’s okay to him, ready to give the people what they’ve been craving.
you’ve had this conversation with tom a couple of times. he’s never wanted to put any pressure on you about going public, so it’s been your call if and when you do. now, you’ve made it.
“my, uh, my best friend. it’s not harrison, for those of you who know him.” tom bites back another smile. you sport one of your own, the tips of his ears turning red. “does this best friend have a name?” the woman questions. he looks to you again for your permission to say it. you think about it for a few seconds, then you give in.
“it’s y/n. you might recognize her,” tom explains, shifting in his chair. “she’s been on my instagram a few times, other stuff like that,” the interviewer makes a mental note to insert his posts of you in the video. “yes, yes. i think i do. you said she’s your best friend?” she clasps her hands. he’s fully blushing now, you giggling quietly at the sight.
“since secondary school, yeah. we met in one of our classes. english, i believe,” tom hums. “i was sitting alone, so she came and sat next to me.” he’s grinning at the fond memory. you feel your face starting to get hot. “how sweet. it seems like you became fast friends,” the woman suggests, throwing more questions out.
“what happened that turned your friendship to a relationship?”
it was when you were two wiser and more experienced adults that you and tom came to understand your connection. there was one moment specifically that turned you from friends to something more, though. tom will share that story with his interviewer, since it seems like she’s into the gossip.
“we didn’t seal the deal until a couple of years ago.” tom breathes out a laugh at what he’s about to say. you’re well aware of it, rolling your eyes playfully. “but, there was a moment when we were kids that i knew i really liked her.” “please, spill,” tom’s interviewer happily requests. he gladly obliges.
“y/n asked me to practice kissing with her because she liked some other bloke.” tom whispers to his camera, “which wasn’t true, by the way. we’ll get to that.” you silently groan and throw your head back on your chair. he shoots you a wink before continuing. “she wanted to go out with him, and said it was a best friend’s job to help her... prepare.”
you press a kiss to your middle finger and stick it up at tom. “precious,” he sarcastically mumbles in response. “what happened next?” the woman reels him back in. tom focuses on the screen again. “right. so, i did some research on how to kiss.” he shakes his head at his former self. “i really should’ve been studying for my A levels or something.”
“when i’m all ready, i invite y/n/n over so we can ‘practice’.” tom makes air quotes around the world, you murmuring, “i hate you,” only for him to hear. “i don’t know what website i used, but it was clearly awful.” he holds a hand up to pretend it’s your face. “i went in, and i just, like, stuck my tongue down her throat. like this.” he’s recreating the moment, you cringing at the vivid image you get.
“oh, no. what did she do?” the interviewer gives tom a pained look. “she nearly vomited, is what she did. ran home right after.” tom puffs air out of his cheeks. you press your lips together in satisfaction. “anyway, we’re reminiscing on it a few years later, and y/n/n tells me something very interesting.” leaning forward, the woman gestures for him to say it.
“i was the bloke she was gonna ask out, but my terrible kissing skills, or lack thereof, scared her off.” he exchanges a knowing look with you. his interviewer gasps. “i was like... are you fucking kidding me?” he only mouths the fucking part even though it’s getting bleeped. that makes you snort. “there’s a turning point, there’s a turning point,” tom reassures everyone.
“i told her i’ve gotten better since then, and we should try again if she wanted.” the interviewer puts a hand on her heart. “did you?” tom lets out a content sigh. “we did, and then we had a long talk about feelings and all that shit.” you make a heart with your fingers for him. he puckers his lips to mime kissing you, without tongue. “we’ve been together ever since.”
“what a lovely story. thank you for sharing that with me,” the woman butters him up more. she gets another idea. “now that you two are official, do we get to meet her?” “you kind of have,” tom retorts, but still checks with you. not expecting anything to come of this, you only shrug.
“i’ve noticed you looking off camera quite a lot. is y/n there?” his interviewer points out, much to both of your surprise. you’ve been at this for weeks, and she’s the only one to say something. “uh, she is,” tom finds himself admitting. he’s a terrible liar, so he almost had to. “tell her to come say hi!” the woman pushes. you look horrified when tom peeks over.
“no, no. i don’t wanna put her on the spot,” he brushes it off. “she’s a bit... camera shy.” “come on, just for a second!” she persists, waving you over like she can see you. this lady is starting to get on your nerves. “you just told me about that steamy kiss of yours. what’s the difference?” tom quirks an eyebrow. “i don’t know if-“
he stops mid sentence when you appear next to him. it’s to shut the interviewer up. although, you might as well reveal yourself before paparazzi do it.
“never mind,” tom grins a toothy grin up at you. “you wanna have a seat, darling?” “happy to,” you hum as he pats his knee. you take your spot on his thigh, an arm slinging around his neck. he wraps his around your middle. the interviewer is so stunned, she’s finally out of things to say. this could quite literally break the internet.
your voice a low whisper, you speak into his ear. “i can’t believe i’m doing this. you should’ve stopped me.” tom squeezes you closer and tilts his head to the side. “what if i didn’t want to?” “my god.” you plant a quick kiss on his cheek, leaving tom’s mouth hanging open.
“there’s your thumbnail.”
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
Piss Off Your Parents - Part 4
Ukai Keishin - Haikyuu
Synopsis: freshly turned 18, you want to prove to your parents that you aren’t a child for them to push around anymore. First, get a job at the local corner store. Second, use the store owner’s 26-year-old son with piercings and a cigarette addiction to piss your parents off. Third, accidentally fall in love.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: mentions sexual experiences of reader before she was of age, discussion about sex lives, flirting, touching 
Song → 18 by Anarbor
Previous →Part 3
Next →Part 5
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Head resting in your hand and elbow resting on the counter, you huffed, still not used to the heat that accumulated in the store throughout the day and praying for just one customer to walk through the door so you could experience a refreshing blast of evening air. You supposed you could go outside yourself to cool off a little, like Keishin had previously suggested in lieu of sticking your head in one of the fridges, but being the only person at the store currently, you felt a little bad about leaving the building, even if it was just to step out front.
You were still trying your best to put on a good impression for Mrs. Sakanoshita—despite the rough first impression you had made on her son—and you knew the family store was precious, so you decided to suck it up for the remainder of your shift.
Without much to do, since you had completed your chores early, you remained seated at the front counter, bored out of your mind. That was, until your prayers were answered and you heard the front doors slide open.
“Hello!” you greeted happily, ready to welcome a customer. Your radiant excitement faded when you noticed it was just Keishin, however, and went back to slumping on the counter. “Oh, it’s just you.”
“Wow, those rapid mood changes must be why we’ve been so busy lately,” Keishin shot back at you, a cigarette hanging from his mouth like usual. “Will the girl behind the counter smile or frown at you? Maybe it’ll be both. Oh, how exciting!”
“Can it, dye job,” you grumbled.
Keishin feigned hurt, his hand resting over his chest dramatically as he pretended to have been shot. “Words hurt, you know. You’ve hurt me.”
“That doesn’t matter,” you told him, lazily gesturing around the empty store. “What does matter is that we’ve been dead for hours and I’m bored.”
Keishin poked his bottom lip out and faked a pout. “Awh, poor baby. Is getting paid to sit there and do nothing hard work? You must be exhausted. Poor thing.”
“I don’t get paid nearly enough to put up with you.” You reached across the counter to lightly smack his shoulder but he jumped out of the way just in time. “Seriously though, stay and entertain me for a while.”
“If you’re that bored, why don’t you dust the vents or something?”
You laid your head down on the counter and exhaled slowly for effect. “You know I aim to please but that sounds like hell. Can’t you just talk to me for like ten minutes? Tell me about your day or something.”
Keishin threw his head back and groaned loudly. “But I’m too hungry to think about anything other than food right now.”
“I’m hungry too but you don’t see me complaining about it.”
“No, you’re just complaining about everything else.” He leaned against the other side of the counter, his tongue flicking against the tip of his cigarette as he thought. “Actually, I’ve got a better idea.”
You glanced up at him, waiting for him to elaborate. “I doubt it but proceed.”
Done with your constant back talk, which was extremely common between the two of you ever since you had worked out your differences and agreed to the deal he had suggested, he took a drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke directly into your face. “Just shut up and listen, will you?”
You coughed when you accidentally inhaled the second-hand smoke. “If I get cancer and die, I’m haunting you.”
“Go ahead.” He didn’t pay any attention to the words leaving your mouth as he headed into the back room and shut off the store lights. Then, with his own set of keys in hand, he headed back toward the front of the store. “Come on.” He looked back at you expectantly when you didn’t immediately follow.
Confused, you slowly stepped around from the back of the counter. “Where are we going?”
“We’re closing up early and going to get something to eat.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, half of you wondering if this was some sort of employee test to see how responsible you were. “Are we allowed to do that?”
“I am, you aren’t,” Keishin said, beckoning you over to him. “But let’s just keep this between you and I, yeah? What my mom doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Besides, it’s slow anyway.”
Taking off your white apron and grabbing your things, you reluctantly followed the older man out of the store and watched as he locked up behind the two of you. Anxiously, you shifted your weight from foot to foot. “Are you sure I won’t get in trouble for this?”
“I promise I won’t tell on you,” Keishin assured you as he stuffed the keys back into his pocket and dropped his cigarette bud to the ground before crushing it with his foot. “Let’s go. I’m starving.”
Falling into pace beside Keishin as the two of you set off down the sidewalk, you following his lead, you weren’t sure exactly sure what to say or even if you should say something. Never before had you and Keishin existed outside of the store together and it felt a little awkward. 
“So . . . is this like a date or something?” You regretted the words as soon as they left your mouth. What you had meant to come across as a casual inquiry ended up sounding more like a desperate girl clarifying what she meant to the boy she liked. You sounded like a child.
The corners of Keishin’s mouth curled upward and he shrugged. “Call it whatever you want.” He really didn’t seem to care one way or another. “Although, I’d be a horrible boyfriend if I didn’t take you out at least once . . . fake or not.”
You nearly choked on your spit at the use of the word ‘boyfriend’. Even though you had been pretending to date him for the purposes of changing your parents’ ideals for the past few weeks, you were still caught off guard every time Keishin referred to himself as your boyfriend—even though he was usually doing it to mock you. 
“Yeah, just awful,” you agreed halfheartedly. “Where are we going anyway?”
“This little place that I like,” he said, his answer extremely vague until he continued. “Best ramen I’ve ever had.”
After a few more minutes of walking, the two of you arrived at the place Keishin was talking about and he ordered two take-out bowls and paid for them both, insisting that you should try his regular order since you had never been there before. Not wanting to disagree because he was footing the bill, you let him do what he wanted and tailed him out to a picnic table outside like an obedient puppy. 
“It’s much too hot to eat inside,” Keishin reasoned as he plopped down on the opposite side of the picnic table from you. “Plus, it’s nice outside. Might as well enjoy the weather while it lasts, right?”
“Right.” You nodded.
While Keishin dug right into his meal, you sat still, hands in your lap, and watched him. One thing you had quickly come to realize was that Keishin was the perfect specimen for people watching, and not just because he was relatively easy on the eyes. He was an interesting person; for example, how he tucked half-smoked cigarettes behind his ear to smoke later or how he always wore a headband to keep his hair out of his face but vehemently refused to just cut his damn hair. 
Even though you bugged him about cutting his hair all the time, you secretly hoped he would continue to stand his ground and refuse because you wanted to see what he looked like with his hair down. You also wanted to run your hands through his hair—it looked soft and fluffy—but that was besides the point.
“Hey, it’s gonna get cold,” Keishin snapped you out of your thoughts, his mouth half full of ramen as he jabbed his chopsticks in your direction. “Don’t tell me you don’t like ramen. You should have said something before I ordered for both of us.”
Snapping out of your daze, you picked up your chopsticks and shook your head. “No, I like ramen.” You took a bite to prove your point. “Sorry, I was just lost in thought.”
Keishin waited for you to eat a little more before digging for your consensus. “Good, right?”
“Yeah, really good,” you agreed. “I always walk past this place but I’ve never gone inside.”
“I was the same way. It doesn’t really catch your eye, so unless you’re looking for it, it’s easy to miss,” he said. “Then one day my grandpa took me here for my birthday and I’ve been coming ever since.”
You snickered. “Popular date spot then?”
Keishin cocked a brow. “What?”
“I mean, if you come here a lot, I’m sure it’s a go-to for dates,” you continued. “It even comes with a wholesome story about how your grandpa introduced you to it. Ultimate chick magnet.”
Keishin just rolled his eyes at you. “You know, contrary to popular belief, most girls don’t like it when you take them out to eat cheap ramen on a picnic table that’s falling apart.”
You chuckled. “I wasn’t going to say anything about the table, but I’m pretty sure I have at least ten splinters in my ass by now.”
“Yeah, this thing is torture. So eat fast and then we’ll move to the park across the street or something.”
Shoveling the rest of your food into your mouth, you ate fast while Keishin stared you down, every second that passed introducing your butt to a new world of pain. As soon as you were done, Keishin took both of your take-out bowls and tossed them into a nearby trashcan.
“Well, sucks for all those other girls then, because that ramen really is amazing,” you said when Keishin returned, the two of you crossing the street and heading into the park. 
“Told you.” Keishin smiled. “I’m glad you liked it.”
Once in the park, which was empty considering it was dark out and most kids were in bed by then, the two of you picked a nearby bench that wasn’t splintering and took a seat. 
Drawing your knees up to your chest, you wrapped your arms around your legs and sighed. “Thanks for dinner.”
“Yeah, no problem.” He let his head fall back and looked up at the night sky. “Damn, I could really go for an ice cold beer right now.”
“Well, we could start heading back now if you want,” you suggested. “The beers at the store are extra chilly since I didn’t stick my head in the fridges to cool off today, despite how sweltering it was.”
Keishin laughed. “Well, thank you for that,” he drew in a deep breath and relaxed into the bench, deciding whether to get up or not. “Let’s stay here for a while longer though.”
Silence fell over the two of you as you stared up at the sky and listened to the sounds of Miyagi in the evening. You tried to remember the last time you had gone out like this—just going wherever you wanted and doing whatever you wanted. You couldn’t recall the last time . . . or even if there was a last time.
Tilting your head to look at Keishin, you smiled at the sight of him sitting with his eyes closed, arms crossed behind his head and head lolled back. He looked happy, almost as peaceful as he did when he was sleeping.
“Hey,” you whispered.
Keishin cracked an eye open to look at you. “Hmm?”
“Thanks for tonight.” You breathed in the scent of the night air and a feeling of content washed over you. “As you’ve probably already figured out, I don’t really have any friends. I don’t get to go out like this very often . . . or ever, really.”
“You don’t need to thank me. It’s what boyfriends are for, right?”
You giggled. “Well, considering you’re not my real boyfriend, I think a ‘thank you’ is in order.”
“Well, you’re welcome,” he caved. “Speaking of fake boyfriends, how’s it going with your parents?”
You let out a frustrated moan. “Oh, about as well as expected. When I mentioned I was seeing someone they bombarded me with a million questions, none of which were answered to their satisfaction.”
Keishin cringed. “So I’m that bad, huh?”
You scoffed. “If you think that’s bad, you should have seen their faces when I showed them a photo of you.”
Keishin let out a laugh. “Don’t tell me they weren’t fans of the piercings?”
“Oh, they weren’t fans of anything,” you said. “I think the only positive thing they could say about you was that you had a pulse . . . no offense.”
“Eh, no worries. At least they didn’t call me a burnout . . . then I would have started crying.”
“Hey!” You smacked at his shoulder again, managing to hit your target this time. “I said I was sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t pay for my therapy.”
“Yeah, well, if you need therapy I doubt I’m the biggest reason.”
“You really are so cruel to me. Do your parents know you facilitate abusive relationships?”
You closed your eyes and shook your head. “That insinuates I’ve had past relationships, or any real ones.”
Keishin craned his neck to look at you, eyes wide. “Wait, you’ve never been in a relationship before? Like never?”
“Nope. I don’t even have any friends, so what makes you think anyone wants to date the boring girl with the crazy parents?”
Keishin looked at you like you were some wounded animal he had just found on the side of the road. You could see in his eyes he was slowly coming to terms with just how isolating your life was. You could tell he felt bad, but the last thing you wanted was his sympathy.
“Hey, don’t look at me like that,” you told him. “I’m not completely pathetic, okay? I still went through my experimental phase like most teenagers do. I just had to be very sneaky about it.”
“You know, back of a car, other people’s houses when their parents were gone. As far as my parents know, I’m untainted . . . a precious, naive virgin. I’m just not very experienced.”
“I can imagine.” Keishin was a little thrown by the direction the conversation had taken, but you were both adults and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little curious, so he just rolled with it. “High school boys aren’t exactly known for being great in bed.”
The two of you let out a shared laugh at that. “You got that right,” you agreed. 
“So, wait, no relationships but you’ve had sex? So you’ve never been with someone you have a genuine connection with?”
You eyed Keishin, perplexed by the sudden sincerity in his words. “You didn’t peg me as someone who cares about that kind of stuff.”
“I mean, I’ve had my fair share of one night stands, sure, but I’m not completely heartless,” he said, the eye contact he was using while he spoke sending a chill down your spine. “It’s completely different when it’s someone you care about. The experience is something everyone should have at least once in their lives.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever had a genuine connection with anyone before,” you confessed, unsure why you were spilling some of your deepest secrets in public, on a park bench, to a man you had only known for a couple of months. “It’s kind of hard when everyone is held at an arm’s length away.”
Without warning, Keishin shifted closer to you and placed his hand on your face, the pad of his thumb ghosting over your bottom lip. “I . . . I don’t know what to say,” he breathed.
“It’s not sad, not for me at least. You can’t miss something you’ve never had,” you spoke softly, worried you might scare him away if your voice was too loud or if you made any sudden movements. “No best friends, no boyfriends. Just me, my parents, and everyone else.”
Keishin looked like he wanted to say something; in fact, he looked like he wanted to say a lot of things, but despite this, he remained silent. Maybe he was worried about offending you, or maybe he was finally understanding just how different you were from other people. Maybe he didn’t like different. 
“But now there’s you.” You flashed a small smile, hoping to draw him out of whatever mess was going on inside of his head. “I’ve never met someone like you before.”
“Someone like me?” he finally spoke.
You nodded as you placed your hand over the one he was resting on your cheek and held it. “I’m not your responsibility and yet you’re going out of your way to help me. Not to mention I don’t even deserve your help. You are the first truly selflessly kind person I’ve ever met. Thank you.”
“What if I’m not as kind as you think I am?” His hands found their way to your waist and he pulled you into his lap so you were straddling him. “What will you do then?”
“That depends on what you’re planning on doing.”
Hands running up your sides, Keishin dug his finger tips into your skin as you lowered your head toward his, mouths inches apart. “What if I took you home, laid you down, and took care of you like a boyfriend should?” You could feel his hot breath on your face as he spoke. “What if I took advantage of your lack of experience?”
“I would say thank you,” you said, inching closer. Before your lips met, however, you stopped yourself. “But I promised not to fall in love, and I think it would be awfully hard to keep my promise if you did that.” With that, you planted your hands on his shoulders and pushed yourself away from him before he could make a decision he would later regret. 
Standing up, you collected yourself and drew in a deep breath. As soon as you had detached yourself from Keishin, you could see the fog that had been clouding his judgement dissipating as he came back to his senses. 
“I should probably head home now.” You decided, not wanting to ruin the first actual friendship you had by doing something stupid and selfish. 
“Yeah.” Keishin nodded, slowly standing up as well. It was clear he was slightly embarrassed by his actions, but you also noticed the glint in his eyes that gave away the part of him that still wanted to take you home with him. 
Trying to immediately leave what had just happened in the past, you smiled and turned to start heading home, opting to take the longer way so you wouldn’t have to take the same route as Keishin. “Good night, Keishin.”
“Good night, Y/N.” You heard him call after you, but you didn’t look back at him. Instead, you kept walking, hoping the time apart would serve as a reset on your relationship and put things back to how they had been before that night.
A few weeks ago, you would have jumped at the chance Keishin had dangled in front of your face just now. But since then, you had realized he was more important to you than someone you could just throw away with a one night stand. And since there was no way the two of you could actually be together, this was the only option if you didn’t want to lose him.
If only someone had warned you that genuine connections were this complicated. 
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skiitter · 3 years
A prompt, my dear. Hermione and Draco + “who hurt you?”
Draco Malfoy was a lot of things, the majority of which were less than desirable to any sensible person, but one thing he was not was late. His punctuality was a point of pride, in a sea of arrogance no doubt, but Hermione had come to appreciate it over the course of their working relationship. It was something she could rely on, something immovable in an otherwise dangerously murky situation. He may needle her ceaselessly and leave her to do the lions share of the paperwork, but he was always there when he was expected, an effortless air of smugness clinging to him like bad cologne.
This Sunday, however; this unremarkable, overcast Sunday in late September he was late. It was the day after her 24th birthday as well as their final meeting. The report had been ostensibly completed, the field work essentially finished, and the conclusion inevitably drawn. After the better part of a year dedicating 1/3rd of every weekend to spending most of the day with Malfoy, Hermione's Sundays were about to become her own once more; a prospect she was not all that excited about.
Everytime the chirp of the bell above the door announced a new arrival, she would glance over, expecting to see a shock of platinum hair above a signature sneer and everytime, she was disappointed.
"Another tea, miss?" The waitress asked, her expression a perfect blend of professionalism and pity.
"No, no thank you." Hermione spared another look out the window, searching for him among the crowd. "Actually, I think I'm done here. Could I get the check?"
Bundled up against the autumn chill, Hermione paid and left the Cafe' and it's memories behind. It wasn't quite noon yet, and the streets were slowly filling with the townspeople emerging to go about their days. She smiled at a few passersby but was otherwise lost in her own thoughts as she made her way to the Apparition point.
Maybe Malfoy had just decided their final meeting wasn't all that important. To be fair it was more of a formality than anything else. His decision to not show would have no negative consequence on anything other than her feelings. Feelings, of course, that she was deliberately not thinking about.
As she rounded the corner, absorbed in her denial, she didn't see him until it was too late. With an audible "oof" she ran straight into Malfoy, colliding chest to chest. She immediately bounced off but he caught her arm before she could hit the sidewalk.
"Graceful as always, Granger." He let her go and she stared, wide eyed and confused, at the state of his face.
"Merlin! Your face it's--"
"Your manners leave so very much to be desired." He looked cross but it was hard to tell beneath the bruising. An ugly, mottled patch of purple marred the left side of his face, stark and violent against his pale skin. It was fresh, the edges red with the recent impact, and it appeared to have just narrowly missed his eye.
"Malfoy," she reached her hand out, ghosting her fingertips over the bruise. "What happened?"
He sneered at her and jerked away. "Keep your obligatory Gryffindor concern to yourself, Granger."
"It's not an obligation!"
"Says the war hero."
"Will you--ugh!" She huffed and dragged him back around the corner, off of the sidewalk and into an alley. "What happened?" She repeated.
He looked around, deliberately avoiding making eye contact with her. "I made a wrong turn at Diagon Alley, is all."
"A wrong turn?" The incredulity in her voice was palpable. "To where? A boxing ring?"
"Just drop it, Granger."
"I will not just drop it. Look--look at your face!" She closed the space between them. "Malfoy, please. What happened?"
He sighed and the rigidity of his shoulders softened. "I forgot, okay? I went to Flourish and Blotts to get you your bloody birthday gift and when I left, I ran into some adoring fans."
"Our former school chums don't take kindly to my presence in Diagon Alley and, after our last little spat, I'd forgotten the warning they'd left me with." Malfoy's jaw tensed and he squinted up into the clouded sunlight. "They took it upon themselves to remind me."
Hermione balled her hands into fists to keep them from shaking. "Who?"
"It doesn't matter, Granger."
"Who?" She took a steadying breath. "Who hurt you?"
"I don't know. I vaguely recognized them from Hogwarts. It's fine."
It wasn't fine. It was categorically not fine. Malfoy was hardly the first of their class that had been on the wrong side of the war to be attacked. Harry had spent a significant amount of time trying to dispel such violent grudges and, to the best of her knowledge, it had been handled. Clearly, she was mistaken.
"We need to report this to the Ministry. Harry needs--"
"Absolutely fucking not." Malfoy gave her an indignant look. "The last person that needs to hear about this is Saint Potter."
"Malfoy, Harry's job is dealing with--"
"No, Granger. I said no."
"So what? Those nasty little insects just get to get away with it? No. I refuse. We didn't go to bloody war--"
"I was on the wrong side of that war, remember? So, yeah, we did go to war for this exact scenario to exist." He could see the lack of effect his words were having written across her face. "Granger. Please. I don't want this to become another of your crusades."
She reeled as if she'd been slapped. "Crusades?! Malfoy, it's about the injustice of it! You don't deserve to be attacked in the streets for something you did nearly ten years ago!"
"The court of public opinion begs to differ."
"Oh they'll beg alright," she snapped. At her genuine anger, his features softened and Malfoy gave her an unreadable look before looking away.
"You're such a fucking Gryffindor." He said it with an air of affection, though, and it helped to ground her back in the now.
"Thank you." Once more she placed her hand upon his bruised cheek and, to her surprise, he leaned into the touch. Her breathe caught in her lungs and she swallowed. "We--we should take care of that."
"It's just a simple spell. I'll handle it."
"No," she insisted and stepped away from him. "I will. It's the least I can do."
"This is hardly your fault."
"You went to Diagon Alley for me, remember?" She looked him up and down. "Speaking of..."
"I've been attacked and you're worrying over your stupid gift?" His tone was lighter than it had been since she'd ran into him.
"Of course I am. It's not everyday the evil Draco Malfoy buys you a gift." Hermione nodded to the Apparition point behind them. "Let's go."
"What about the Cafe? You can't honestly expect me to deny our Waitress her weekly opportunity to oogle at me." He gestured to his outfit: an expensive and perfectly tailored muggle suit that Hermione had forced him to buy after he showed up to their first meeting in robes.
"I've already been. It'd been weird to go back now. Besides, I think the bruise will overshadow your fancy slacks."
"Women like a man with scars."
She snorted. "It's hardly a battle scar, you git." when he gave her a pleading look, she rolled her eyes and looked around, to make sure they were alone. Satisfied with the lack of muggles, Hermione drew her wand and tapped it gently to his cheek. The static heat of magic bloomed between them and the ugly purple faded away, leaving his pale cheek unblemished once more. "There."
In the process of her healing, Malfoy had stepped completely into her personal space and the look he was giving her was heavy, deliberate.
"This isn't over, Malfoy. I'll find out who did this, with or without your help. They don't get to just attack you and get away with it."
"I'm hardly a weakling, Granger. I fought back."
"Good. It'll make them easier to identify."
"You're not going to let this go." It was not a question.
"No. I'm not."
"Because." She gave him a defiant look and he tipped her chin up with his hand. "You're my--"
"What? I'm your what?"
"Is that all?" He was dangerous, but in a completely different way to the bully he'd been in their youth.
"That depends."
"On what you got me for my birthday." She grinned and he laughed, pressing his forehead to hers a moment before pulling away and offering her his arm. She looped hers around it and let him steer them back in the direction of the Cafe.
After a lunch of finger sandwiches and tea, Malfoy finally handed her a perfectly wrapped gift that she immediately tore into. It was the latest book in a series on beasts that Rolf Scamander had been releasing, and it wasn't supposed to be out for another week.
"How did you get this?"
Malfoy shrugged, as if it was the least important thing in the world. "Money is an exceptionally good incentive."
"I love it. Thank you." She beamed at him and he cleared his throat as if it would distract her from the flush creeping up his neck.
"It's no big deal, Granger."
"To you maybe. It is to me. You know how I feel about birthday gifts." They both thought back to the spectacle she'd made of his back in June.
"I did fight for my life while I was out getting it." He grinned but the smile faded at the sharp look she gave him. "I'm joking, of course. Just a little fisticuffs, nothing serious."
"I'm sorry, Malfoy. I really am. You didn't have to go all the way to Diagon Alley for this."
"Sure I did."
"Just submitting your half of the report would be gift enough."
"Lucky for you I've done both. Besides, I'm sick of using that bloody report as an excuse to be around you." Hermione blinked, unable to process the weight of what he'd said. At the shock on her face, he shrugged again. "Come on, Granger. You can't possibly think I care about work this much."
He leaned forward and captured her chin in his hand. "My fierce, naive little lion. You're horribly dense." Malfoy gave her a soft kiss on the forehead and pulled away. "Let's go before the Waitress gets jealous."
"But. What."
"I've rendered the great Hermione Granger speechless. I am truly magnificent." His laugh brought her to her senses and she launched herself across the table to kiss him.
"Sod the waitress."
She did, in the end, figure out who hurt him and in true Hermione Granger fashion, made them rue the day they laid hands upon someone she loves.
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
delicate -- Hotch x Reader one-shot
Here’s that one-shot I’ve been holding for a while! Named her delicate after Taylor Swift’s song, purely because of the whole “dive bar on the east side/where you at?” imagery. I listened to the Spotify Singles (acoustic) version of the song while writing this, if you wanna listen while you read! Enjoy!! xx.
Summary: Hotch doesn’t go to bars very often. Until he meets you at one.
Warnings: age gap (reader is somewhere around 24-25), mentioning of being safe at a bar (so alluding to date rape drugs), harassment from one drunk dickhead
Hotch Masterlist
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Hotch doesn’t go to bars.
When he’s not on a case, working on paperwork for a case, or caring for his son, he’s normally asleep.
Not at a bar.
But some nights, the memories are too much. Some nights, the cases take a toll on him — especially the children that never made it back home to their parents.
He doesn’t know why he’s in a bar. The only time he comes is when the team goes out and wants to drag him with. It’s normally Dave who manages to get him to agree to a beer or two.
But Aaron is alone this time.
You, on the other hand, know exactly why you’re in a bar.
You’re bored, you’ve just finished your masters degree, you need a drink and some time to yourself to people-watch.
It’s fun, really. Observing people while they’re drunk. You usually have one drink and switch over to water, wanting to remember the things you see while also staying safe.
But occasionally— or, well, more than occasionally by the sheer unfortunate fact of you being a woman alone in a bar, you get the typical man sliding into the seat next to you before he’s even all the way through his rehearsed, “Is this seat taken?”
You never answer. There is no point in trying because their ass already hits the chair before you can say, “Yes, it’s taken, by my foot, now move before I kick it up your ass.”
You never say that, not often. Sometimes the guys can be pretty big assholes, but the bartender, Vanessa, knows you well, so she usually threatens security before you get yourself in trouble.
Unfortunately, tonight looks like it’s going to be one of those nights.
The bar is packed for a reason you aren’t privy too until you see (and hear) the random band start a new song. Great. Performance.
Still, you snag the last seat at the bar, waving to the bartender when she sees you. You barely get the seat warm before she’s sliding your usual in front of you.
“It’s on the house tonight,” she yells.
“What?” You shake your head. “No the fuck it’s not.”
She leans closer so she doesn’t have to yell as loud. “You are my saving grace in this sea of assholes, so yes it is. We can fight about it later.”
“Fine,” you roll your eyes. You dip your hands underneath the bar to switch your diamond ring from your right to left hand.
Tonight, you’re married.
You got this ring when your last relationship ended so badly. It was a long time coming, and once you were finally able to see the other side, you went out and bought yourself an engagement ring. Just for you. A promise to yourself to start loving yourself harder, and going out with dickheads less.
So far, it’s been wonderful. You’re loving being alone. It was exhausting going on so many first dates, trying to love someone else instead of letting yourself heal.
It’s been two years of singleness for you now, and you’ve loved almost every day.
The “wedding” ring usually makes most of the guys turn the other way. A few that are oblivious will try talking to you, but once they glance at your hand, they excuse themselves.
It’s hysterical, if you’re honest.
But some, unfortunately, don’t give a damn.
Like the guy who has just squeezed his way into the seat next to you.
You roll your eyes and prepare yourself for the shallow conversations because, for some ungodly reason, the band decided now was a good time for a break.
“You come here often?”
Oh, for fuck’s sake. “Nope.”
“It’s a pretty good place,” the guy says, waving down the other bartender, his name is Nick. “You should come here more often.”
“Should I, now?”
“Yeah,” the guy grins. “You’ll see me.”
You roll your eyes so hard it nearly hurts.
“Wanna dance?”
“Not in the mood.”
“Can I buy you another drink?”
“No thanks.”
“Can I get you anything?”
“Why, do you work here?”
“Look, I’m just trying to be nice.” Ah, there it is. The “nice guy” line.
You turn your head, raising an eyebrow. “Good for you. I’m not interested.”
“Ooh,” he feigns hurt, holding an open hand to his chest. “Ouch.”
You shrug. “You’ll get over it.”
“You sure you don’t wanna dance?”
“I’m married,” you say easily, picking your glass up with your left hand to show off your ring. You don’t drink from your glass because you made the mistake of looking away for only a moment, so now you’re paranoid that he might’ve slipped something in it.
The guy looks around, then back to you. “I don’t see a husband.” Oh, he sounds so smug. Like he’s pulled one over on you. Moron.
“He’s on a work trip.”
“Well, he’s not here.”
“You don’t want to get on his bad side, dude.”
“Oh really? What’s he do for a living?”
“He works for the FBI.” The lie slips from your mouth before you can stop it, and you almost laugh.
It’s something you’ve pulled from the countless guys that have said they work for the FBI, but have no badge to show for it. It’s always cracked you up. You’re aware there’s an FBI office around here, but you doubt a greasy, blackout drunk works for them. Let alone more than five greasy, blackout drunks in one night.
“The FBI, huh?” The guy says, just taking it in stride. “What’s his name?”
Right as you’re about to make one up until Vanessa can get back over here to threaten security, two arms slip around your waist.
You’re ready to throw caution to the wind along with your fists, but the owner of the arms says, “Just go with it, I’m Aaron.”
You turn your head to see a very handsome older man peering down at you, a smile on his lips that you can’t help but mirror. Something about his face has your gut screaming that you can trust him, so you play along.
“Honey! I thought you were in Texas!” You throw your arms around his neck for good measure, and also for a moment to casually get a good whiff of his cologne. Goddamn. You’ll gladly be his fake-wife. Any day. Forever.
“I was,” Aaron says, squeezing you before letting you go. He moves to stand next to you, his arm around your waist in a protective manner. “We landed early, wanted to surprise you.” He kisses your knuckles to keep up the act, and then settles his eyes on the man who was bothering you.
“You must be the husband,” the guy mutters bitterly. “You really work for the FBI?”
Oh, fuck, you think. This guy just doesn’t give up. A few future scenarios flash before your eyes, but the one most alarming is a fight erupting, which isn’t all that far-fetched. You’d never be able to come back if you caused something like that.
But before you can stumble through some excuse, Aaron is pulling out a badge. An actual badge.
“Supervisory Special Agent Hotchner. I’m the unit chief of the BAU,” he says easily, holding his badge out for as long as it takes the guy to inspect it. You have no clue what BAU stands for, but you’re just thanking whatever Gods might be real that this is happening.
The idiot is scowling by the time Aaron puts his badge away. He leaves without a word.
Your jaw nearly drops as you watch the guy go, and literally leave the bar. You had hopes that he’d leave you alone, but leaving the bar entirely is even better.
Aaron’s arm slips from around your waist as he moves to take the now empty seat next to you. All the while you’re gawking at him like you’re in some fever dream.
When he catches your eyes, he says, “What?”
“Am I dreaming?” You blurt. “Do you really work for the FBI?”
He chuckles and pulls out his badge again, holding it out to you where you can read it. And sure as shit, he’s an actual FBI agent. What the fuck.
You look up as he pulls his badge away. “Did you hear me tell the guy my husband worked for the FBI?”
Aaron shakes his head. “That was pure luck. By the way,” he holds his hand out to you. “I’m Aaron.”
“Y/N,” you shake his hand, smiling at the fact that Aaron wanted to go through the official pleasantries and that you got to feel how soft his hand is again. “Thank you for that. I thought he’d never leave.”
“No worries. And it’s best he did, I really didn’t feel like arresting anyone tonight.”
“Arresting him? For what?”
“Well for starters, harassment. But since that usually doesn’t hold up very well, I’d have to say it was for his cocaine addiction.”
Your eyes widen. “He was doing coke?”
“Well, not out in the open, of course, but there were traces of it on his nose and his eyes had that look to them. Addicts are easy to spot when you run into them enough.”
Who the hell is this guy?
“Oh, and forgive me, what’s your husband’s name?” Aaron gestures down at your left hand. “I might know him, but I can’t say that I recognize you.”
“Oh,” you move the ring back to your right hand, much to Aaron’s surprise. “I’m not married. I only put it on the left hand to try to avoid assholes like that.”
“I see,” Aaron nods, and if you’re not mistaken, he almost looks pleased.
Vanessa returns to get Aaron’s drink, and then gives you a look.
You want to scream, yes, I’m well aware he is dangerously attractive and that he’s talking to me but don’t you dare say a word to embarrass me.
Instead, you say, “Can you make me another?”
She nods in understanding and pours out your drink, setting off to make a second after sliding Aaron his beer.
“So,” you turn your body and prop your head in your palm. “What’s got an FBI agent in a bar on a Tuesday night?”
He takes a long swig of his beer before answering. “What’s the real story behind that ring on your hand?”
“Answer for an answer,” you sing, smiling at Vanessa when she brings you your drink. She leaves without a word, raising her eyebrows at you.
“The cases can be rough,” Aaron says vaguely, bringing your attention back to him. “You?”
“Got it as a promise to myself to never date another prick ever again,” you chuckle, gazing down at the ring. “It’s worked its magic, so far.”
“So far?”
“I’m talking to you, aren’t I?”
He smiles through his next swig of beer.
It becomes a routine, you and Aaron sharing a drink at the bar.
To your surprise, he has the same views as you about alcohol. It’s fun to have one drink, but getting wasted and blacking out isn’t.
It’s refreshing, if you’re honest. Everyone your age wants to get absolutely shitfaced every time they go out, and that’s just never been for you.
It helps that Aaron is older. Well— You’re not sure if it helps or not. Because he is significantly older, the farthest you two have gone is sharing a drink at the bar. He usually leaves first, needing to get home to his son, to do more case work, or there was one time when he actually got a call about a case mid-drink. He was gone for two weeks after that.
But he always comes back, and he always finds you here, at this bar.  
You mostly come every night to keep Vanessa company for an hour or two. To give yourself a break from the chaos of reality and to give her a familiar face in the sea of drunken customers.
Every night that Aaron isn’t here, Vanessa asks you where he is. Like you would know (you only do if he tells you of a possible up and coming case). Like you have his number (you don’t). Like you care (you don’t want to admit that you do).
“No Daddy tonight?” Vanessa teases, sliding you your drink.
“If you don’t stop calling him Daddy, I swear to God.”
“Oh, don’t swear to Him. He doesn’t need to get involved.”
You send a glare her way, but you’re holding back a laugh.
“Is he still on a case?” She asks, trying to be serious again.
You shrug. “Who knows. They can last pretty long. He was gone two weeks for the last one.”
“Keeping track, are we?” She raises an eyebrow.
“Shut up.”
“I’m just saying, you two are killing me here, sharing drinks and not saying how you feel. It’s torture to watch you every week, you know.”
“He’s like...twenty years older than me. Or something.”
“And?” She scoffs. “Age is but a number. You’re an adult. He’s an adult. It’s fine.”
You shrug. “He probably just sees me as a friend. He would’ve given me his number or something by now, right?”
“I dunno, men are weird. But he’s older, he’s probably scared to make a move, scared he’ll make you uncomfortable.”
You shrug again. You appreciate her trying to show you the possibilities, the logical reasons for why the two of you haven’t gone any further from the bar, but you aren’t sure what to believe. Plus, it’s been a week since you’ve seen him. The last time you two shared a drink, he didn’t say anything about a case.
So, he’s either on a case again, or has stopped coming.
The latter thought has you debating getting shitfaced wasted for the first time in years. Being blackout drunk would probably hurt you less than if it’s true that he’s just suddenly ditched you.
But what stops you is when Vanessa runs back over, eyes wide. “Just spotted your hottie.”
Oh, now he’s my hottie? “What?” You inwardly scold yourself for sounding a little too giddy at the prospect of him being here. 
But if he’s here, why isn’t he sitting next to you?
Vanessa answers that one for you. “At a table in the back. He’s with friends I think.”
Friends? Never mind then on sharing a drink with him. “Oh, cool.”
Vanessa looks like she wants to say something, but is called away to another customer.
You don’t want to butt in with Aaron’s time with friends, so you stay at the bar, facing forward, nursing your one drink. Your mind conjures a plan in two seconds flat: finish your drink, head out for the night and discreetly look in Aaron’s direction, hopefully catch his eye, but if not, just go home and...shower and go to sleep.
Because if he wants to see you, he will. If he doesn’t, then he won’t.
Good plan.
Or at least, it is, until Aaron is sliding up beside you.
Your heart launches itself into your throat. You don’t say anything because you have no idea what to say. You were too busy assuming he’d rather be with his friends (which is...fine because it’s not like the two of you are...dating) to notice him walking up.
He says something for you, though. “Hey.”
Well, he might as well have stayed silent. What are you supposed to do with that?
“Hey,” you return casually, then offer a small smile. “Thought you’d be gone longer.” You operate on the assumption that he was on a case.
And he was. “This one actually worked in our favor.” He leans his elbows onto the bar, and naturally your eyes follow the movement. He’s not in a stuffy suit like the last few times, but he’s still in a dress shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
Arms. You’re a complete sucker for arms, and he’s practically teasing you like this.
“That’s good,” you comment, taking a sip from your drink. “Here to celebrate?”
“Yeah, we are.”
Nick brings Aaron his beer, thankfully, because you know Vanessa would’ve made some not-so-vague comment about Aaron being up here -- and maybe let an “accidental” Daddy comment slip.
To your surprise, Aaron sits down.
Your eyebrows furrow. “I thought you’re here with friends?”
Aaron looks over his shoulder and shrugs. “Just my team, yeah. I imagine they’re tired of me, though.”
You doubt that’s the case, but you know that if you say that, he’ll just brush it off.
“Not even gonna introduce me?” You tease instead, but you honestly want to smack yourself. You need to get a better hold on your word vomit. Inviting yourself is insanely rude.
Aaron’s eyebrows raise slightly, clearly not expecting you to say that — or to even want to be introduced to his team. “They’re a lot,” he says. “They’ll make a big deal out of this.”
“This?” You question, gesturing shortly between the two of you. “What is this?”
“What do you want it to be?” He asks carefully, averting his eyes shyly.
“Well,” you exhale dramatically, swirling your drink. “I think when you’ve shared a drink with a woman more than...twenty times, it should at least be considered dating.” You cut your eyes in his direction, your chest swelling as you see a grin breaking out on his face.
“I think I’m a bad date,” he says, confusing you. He chuckles, adding, “You don’t even have my number!”
“I’ll get it at the end of tonight,” you say, touching his arm gently for reassurance. “Come on, I think the back of my head is burning from how hard they’re staring.”
He looks through the corner of his eyes and sighs. “I’m sorry in advance for them.”
“No need to apologize,” you shrug. “Friends can be the worst. Vanessa has already started asking questions about you.” You nod toward the bartender that is feigning interest in clearing a space behind the bar.
“I figured,” Aaron murmurs. “Okay.” He slides off the stool, grabbing his beer in one hand, and holding his other one out to you.
Your heart jumps harshly when you take his hand. It’s warm and soft and secure, everything you want and need. You grab your drink in your free hand, giving Aaron’s hand a reassuring squeeze.
As soon as you and Aaron approach the table, the older gentleman is punching the one with tattoos. “Pay up.”
Aaron witnesses the cash exchange and stares at them tiredly. “Seriously, guys?”
Meanwhile, you’re holding back a giggle.
“Well, hello,” the woman with the colorful fashion sense says. “Introduce us!”
Aaron looks ready to pretend like he doesn’t know any of them, so you step up and say, “He told me you guys would be like this.”
That gets him laughing, and he finally says, “Y/N, this is Penelope, Emily, JJ, Spencer, Derek, and Dave.” Each person nods, waves, or smiles when their name is called.
“I’ll try to remember,” you joke. “But no promises.”
You squeeze Aaron’s hand in yours, trying to get him to loosen up. He does, barely, so when he tugs on your hand, silently asking you to step closer to him so his arm can fit around your waist, you oblige.
“What was the bet about?” You ask, nodding toward the men who exchanged cash a bit ago. It was Dave and Derek if you’re remembering names correctly.
“Rossi thought Hotch was going to bring you back over here, but I didn’t agree,” Derek says, nudging Dave’s arm. “I didn’t think you’d go for him.”
“Well, that’d be embarrassing if I went for someone else, considering we’re dating,” you chuckle, leaning your head back to look up at Aaron.
“Dating? So it’s official?” Emily asks, looking a little more excited than you thought any of them would.
“I think it was official the first time we met,” you snicker. “He pretended to be my husband so some dickhead would leave me alone.”
Aaron’s arm tightens around your waist at the memory.
“Okay,” Penelope grabs her drink, then moves over next to you, linking your arm with hers. “Hotch, we’re stealing her. We need details.”
Aaron doesn’t look like he wants to let go at all, but you press a kiss to his cheek. “Told you it’d be fine,” you whisper to him.
He surprises you by pressing a kiss on your lips. Midway through, your brain reminds you that this is technically your first kiss with him. And it’s in front of his friends. Swoon.
After so many dates with guys who were ashamed to be showing any sort of affection toward a woman, it’s nice to find a man who doesn’t care who sees his affection.
What can you say? After dating so many boys, it’s nice to finally find a man.
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adorethedistance · 4 years
All Day Affair - Charlie Gillespie x Reader (18+)
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JATP Masterlist - Valentine’s Masterlist
Warnings: 18+ Smut, swearing, light embarrassment (minors DNI)
Words: 2757
Summary: A rough night before leads to a slow morning after, causing you and Charlie to be late to Valentine’s brunch plans. All is forgiven and all is forgotten when he makes it up to you in the best way he can.
A/n: This weekend has not at all gone the way I’d thought/hoped it would and so I apologize for the slow churning of fics lately but I promise I am working on some much requested fics. On a lighter note, here is my contribution to the Valentine’s Day
My eyes groggily flutter open when I hear my phone rapidly buzzing on the bedside table. Charlie’s arm is draped over my exposed midriff, no doubt a position of his own doing. As I go to move his arm off my bare skin, he holds onto me tighter groaning an incoherent string of words. I attempt to grab the maniacally buzzing device with my eyes still closed. I’m incapacitated via Charlie’s hold on my waist, and thus, all I feel under my flattened hand against the cool surface are the discarded condom wrappers from last night.
“Charlie,” I scold, still not fully awake. He knowingly loosens his grip, allowing me to sit up and it isn’t until I’m upright and Charlie’s arm drops into my lap that I realize I’m completely naked under his t-shirt. My phone has not stopped vibrating like crazy much to my dismay. Haphazardly grabbing it off the nightstand, I wait for my eyes to adjust before I read the time.
“SHIT. Charlie! Charlie, we’re late!” I try and shake him awake. He whines miserably,
“Mmmmm, what?”
“It’s 11:26, we’re late!”
The messages are from Owen and Savannah, both of whom we were supposed to be meeting for brunch at 11. While Charlie and I wanted Valentine’s Day plans alone, we also wanted to spend time with our friends whom we love dearly. Since the original plan was for the two of us to have the evening all to ourselves, we agreed on having brunch to start the day off well. Look how that turned out for us. I scramble out of bed, and I nearly hit the floor as my legs give out from under me. Luckily, Charlie was right behind me and was able to catch me in time.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just sore.”
“Yessss.” I fake slap his chest before we resume in the chaos, frantically throwing on decent outfits. I toss Charlie one of his band shirts turned muscle tees after hopping into a pair of jeans. Once dressed, I run to the bathroom and pass a brush through my hair in a frenzy before I begin brushing my teeth at lightning speed. Charlie appears beside me to brush his own teeth, and I’m practically sprinting out of the bathroom as he does.
“Don’t forget to fix your hair!” My legs nearly give out once more as I struggle to slip on my favorite pair of sneakers. Once I’m upright again, and stable, I grab both of our wallets and the keys to the house and car and shove them into my bag. Together we bolt out the door and clamber into Charlie’s orange Subaru.
In a nice contrast to all the rushing around we’ve done this morning, Charlie drives at a regular speed; thankfully, we make it to the restaurant in one piece. As soon as he puts the car in park the two of us run to the entrance to see our friends waiting at an outdoor table on the patio. Charlie and I finally made it, albeit a tad out of breath.
“Charlie, Y/n, nice of you to finally join us.”
“11:44 on the dot. Not your latest arrival, but an honorable mention,” Savannah jeers, waving me over to sit beside her.
“What happened this time?”
“Overslept. My usual alarm didn’t go off, I must’ve forgotten to turn it on last night.”
“Classic.” I’m distracted from Owen’s teasing when Savannah’s humorous smile drops. She’s looking at me with an emotion I can’t distinguish.
“You okay?” She simply nods and then pushes her chair back.
“I need to pee and you do too. Come on, Y/n.” And without allowing me to reply, she has me up out of the chair and briskly walking toward the bathroom. It isn’t until we’re outside the single stall that I noticed she grabbed my bag from the back of my chair. Once she’s locked us both in the room, she looks at me with wide eyes and a suppressed smile.
“What’s going on?”
“What’s this?” She answers my question with a question, before using her left index finger to poke the right side of my neck.
“Ow!” My face drops once I realize. Brushing past her, I move to stand in front of the bathroom mirror, inspecting the assemblage of love bites all over my neck area. Savannah merely giggles at the realization before opening my bag.
“You don’t have a sponge, so we’re gonna have to use our fingers.” I turn around to look at her, not through the mirror and find a bottle of full-coverage concealer in her hands.
“How did that get in there?”
“I put it in there last week after you had to spend the whole day adjusting your shirt around your collar bones to hide more of these.” She gives a vague gesture to the marks on my neck and begins applying the makeup.
“You’re a lifesaver.”
“And you are unbelievable. That was literally last week, and you’re already marked up again. Don’t you and Charlie ever just make love? Does it always have to be ‘ravage one another’s body’?”
“I mean, occasionally. I don’t know, sweet and tender isn’t really our thing.”
“Clearly.” Savannah steps back to survey her work, “Okay, you’re covered but be careful because I didn’t pack setting spray.”
“I am forever indebted to you.”
“You don’t need to worry about me. It’s Owen that you should pray doesn’t notice.”
“God, you’re right.”
“If I were solely judging by his hair, I’d have guessed you guys went at it this morning and not last night.”
“Shit, he’s probably marked up, too.”
“Well, I didn’t bring him concealer, and you two are not the same shade soooo… sorry.” I shake my head dismissively as I hold the bathroom door open for her behind me.
“Better him than me.”
“How was it though? You told me you’d text me updates.”
“Yeah, and then I didn’t set an alarm. But no, it was… so good. I’m like, sore.”
“Okay, we’re entering TMI territory so let’s find something to talk about before we’re back within earshot.”
“What are your Valentine’s plans for the rest of the day?”
“I might get frozen yogurt and watch a movie, haven’t really decided. I would ask what you and Charlie are doing, but based on this morning, I think I can guess.”
Just as Savannah and I did, the two boys fall silent once we approach the table; when the four of us are settled, I take a quick glance over the menu, as if I’m unsure of what I want.
“Okay, in the spirit of St. Valentine, let’s talk love. Tell us about your first kiss, Y/n.” Savannah eyes me, already knowing the horrendous story. I deadpan,
“Wait, I’m actually curious. I don’t think I know this story.” Charlie leans forward in his seat, placing his forearms on the table in front of him.
“See what you’ve done?” Savannah merely shrugs and takes a smug sip from her water glass. “No, I’m not doing this. Why don’t you tell us about your first kiss, Sav?”
“I asked you first.”
“Fine, be that way. Charlie, tell us about your first kiss.”
“Well, I don’t know I-”
“Come on, what’s ‘love-master’ Charlie’s origin story?” Owen teasingly pats Charlie on the back, and the four of us all fall under a shocked silence at the sound of Charlie hissing in pain. My lips part in surprise but quickly press shut in a moment’s realization.
“You okay?” Don’t do it, Owen.
“Yeah, I’m fine just-”
“Oh my god.” Upon patting Charlie’s back, the fabric of his shirt moved out of the way to reveal a conglomerate of scratches across the surface of his sun-kissed skin. Owen laughs out in disbelief before poking one of the scratches again, causing Charlie to smack his hand away.
“Holy shit, did you get mauled by a bear?” Owen then gasps in a realization that I’d pray he wouldn’t have, and he begins to laugh even harder. “That good, huh Y/n?” My face heats up a million degrees and I cover my face with one hand as a desperate defense mechanism.
“It’s not a big deal, Owen.” Thank god, Savannah’s come to the rescue. “They just got a head start on Valentine’s Day is all.”
“Okay, can we please change the subject?” I plead as I’ve already had enough of their laughter. Charlie gives me a look that is both apologetic and embarrassed and I let out an exaggerated sigh as a response.
The rest of our brunch date is still a good time minus the occasional interjectory joke about my and Charlie’s romantic all-day-affair yesterday. Our foursome disassembles, already planning the next group outing post-Valentine’s intimacy.
“That was absolutely humiliating,” I state, buckling my seatbelt in the passenger's side as Charlie begins pulling out of the parking spot.
“You want me to be gentler next time?” Charlie asks sincerely and extends his right hand over the center console to rub a comforting circle on top of my thigh over the fabric of my jeans. The gesture pulls the warmth in my heart and the butterflies in my stomach a little lower.
“...No,” I admit shyly. The confession elicits a small, cocky chuckle from Charlie. He then gives me an affirming squeeze before tracing the seam along my inner thigh in a way that is too sensual to mistake his intentions.
The entire car ride home, the feeling of Charlie’s fingertips ghosting up my leg makes my heart beat a little faster and ignites a subtle heat where I wish he’d trail his hand up to. I’m sure my desire is apparent to Charlie but he doesn’t say anything about it. When we get back to our home, I stick the key in the lock and open the front door but freeze as I feel Charlie pressing into my entire backside. He leans down to playfully bite part of my earlobe as his hands come to rest on my hips.
“You said you didn’t want me to be gentle?” All of my senses are clouded by dense arousal so all I can do is nod. He airily laughs, a warm breath dusting the surface of my skin and I shudder involuntarily. “Go inside.”
After closing the door behind us, Charlie shoves me up against it, his hand behind my head to prevent me from actually getting hurt. He kisses my lips forcefully but doesn’t linger, and instead trails down the column of my throat. The kisses are rough in between small bites of affection, surely leaving more marks that I’ll have to wake up early to cover tomorrow. Or just not go anywhere. After this, it’s looking like the latter.
“You want me to rough you up a little bit? Huh?”
“Yes.” The love bites Charlie’s leaving behind become harsher on my skin, as he trails further down my neck, across my collarbones. “Charlie, can we…?”
“Can we what? Tell me what you want.”
“Please what? Use your words.”
“Please, fuck me.”
“Your wish is my command.” And with that Charlie pulls me into the bedroom, stealing kisses in between steps. Charlie moves to sit me on the bed but as he grabs me by the hips, I maneuver to switch places and push him down onto the bed. He looks at me with a mix of surprise and excitement, taking the hand that pushed him between his own. I smile delicately when Charlie presses a gentle kiss to my knuckles. That is the last trace of softness.
The two of us begin stripping out of our brunch clothes as fast as we can. It’s as if we’re running out of time. We’re both almost fully naked but before I can get my panties off Charlie’s lips are back on mine. His movements are swift, kiss after kiss is filled with an unrivaled lust that is glorious.
Crawling onto the bed, Charlie stays close behind, never allowing any loss of contact between us. I recover to a sitting position and Charlie wraps his arm under my stomach and presses a line of kisses across my shoulder blades.
“Can I take you like this?” He asks earnestly, running his hands over the vast expanse of my bare skin. I choke out a desperate plea and my breathing softens once I feel the absence of Charlie’s touch on my body. When I turn around I see him searching the room like a madman.
“What are you doing?”
“I can’t find any more condoms. I think we used them all last night.”
“What? We only used three.”
“I don’t know! Maybe I dropped some?”
“Fuck it. Charlie if I’m not getting absolutely rawed in the next ten seconds I will walk out that door.” He doesn’t need any more encouragement than that and is back on the bed. Charlie grabs both sides of my face to bring me in for a long passionate kiss before taking his place behind me. His warm hands fall from my face to my waist, gripping the skin slightly.
Charlie sits back on his heels and moves my body back to hover over his. He runs a sensual path with his fingers down the sides of my body and slips one down through the growing wetness between my legs. Tracing the arousal over my quivering clit. The anticipation of the moment has heightened my sensitivity and as a result, I let out a whine. My whimpering continues when I feel him run the tip of his erection through the wetness. As I open my mouth to nag him for moving so slow, Charlie slams his entire length inside of me at once, causing me to cry out in pleasure. I can tell it feels incredible for him too by the way he’s gripping my hips. If he didn’t leave bruises yesterday, he definitely will today.
It doesn’t take long for him to figure out a tempo that’s comfortable for the both of us and my labored panting fills the room. Charlie lets out a groan followed by a laugh because we could both feel the physical reaction I had to the noise he had let out. Wrapping his right arm across my stomach, Charlie reaches the left up to grab my tits, and roughly bite another hickey on my shoulder. He uses his right arm to pull my body into his own torso, and shifting his hips he makes a few adjustments. Charlie shifts one more time and when he thrusts back into me I cry out so loud surely our neighbors will put in a noise complaint.
“There we go,” he grunts to himself, but our proximity allows me to hear. Repeatedly thrusting into that spot, my eyes flutter closed in pleasure. Charlie resumes leaving harsh, lingering kisses, and love bites down the side of my neck, moaning into them in ecstasy. As I feel my heat begin to pulse, Charlie knows I’m close and tries to grab my attention.
“Hey, hey. Look at me.” I will my eyes open and turn to look. The pleasure of his movements is so overwhelming that in between moans and shallow breaths, I find myself leaning my head back to rest on his bare shoulder. “I want you to look at me as you come undone.”
“Okay.” I swallow hard from how dry my mouth is from panting so hard for so long. Each next thrust is measured and the sound of our labored breathing and pleasured moans fill the electrified air.
“I’m close. Where do you want-”
“Just stay inside.”
“You sure?” Before I can give a coherent response my orgasm tears through me like a wildfire. I’m doing my best not to scream and what comes out is a mix between a strangled cry and a deep, guttural groan. Adding to my ecstasy, Charlie reaches down to trace tiny circles over my clit and I feel tears of overstimulation prick the length of my lower lash line. While Charlie fucks me through my high, I feel his movements stutter and the familiar twitch before he relaxes his hold on my body. The two of us collapse back onto the bed in a symphony of gasps and bliss-fueled laughter.
“Happy Valentine's Day,” he says behind a smile.
“I love you. That was the first time I’ve forgone condoms…” I state to the ceiling in a moment’s realization, “How do I get this out of me?”
A/n: I really am so sorry about the slow churn of writing. I’ve gotten busy with classes and though I knew this was coming I’m still upset that I can’t spend more time writing. On top of that being in a block has been really rough but it’ll pass with time I hope :)
Taglist: @caitsymichelle13​ @kaitlyn2907​ @itz-jas​ @crybabyddl​ @kcd15​ @kinda-really-lost​ @calamitykaty​ @morganayennefertyrell​ @n0wornever​ @dream-a-little-bigger-x​ @mrstodorooki @vicesvsvirturesfanfic @curlybrownhairedboys​ @amazinggracy​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @ghostlygreenbean​ @juliefromaustralia @merceret​ @jemimah-b99​ @ifilwtmfc​ @thesweetestsinner​ @imsydneywalker​ @lovesanimals​ @thebloodthirstyvampress​ @bumbleberry-pie​ @losers-club6​ @tefilovesreading​ @dmcfarland1​@joynerxmercer @kexrtiz​ @talk-on-the-street​ @phantompogues​ @konciousdreamer​ @sunsetcurvej​ @warmnesss0ul​
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
The Princess and The Pogue (Pt. 9)
Pairing: JJ x Reader / Topper x Reader
Word Count: 3.0k
Warnings: swearing, mild smut, angst, fluff
Part Summary: Y/N goes to see JJ after the party and she begins to think everything will work out
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The Pogues are gathered around the bonfire, chatting over a couple of beers and joints. JJ keeps checking his phone every few minutes, wondering why you haven't texted him yet. You agreed for him to pick you up at your house at eleven, but he wants to wait for your text saying you're home. He's considered just going over anyway, assuming you're already there since dinner would've ended at least two hours ago. Before he has the chance to even rise to his feet to go, you and Topper roll up the driveway. None of the Pogues recognize the gray BMW, except Sarah. 
“Is that Topper dropping off Y/N?” She frowns in confusion as the car comes to a steady halt at the end of the gravel drive. 
Pope presses his fingers to his temples, wide-eyed. “Am I hallucinating?” 
“Okay, enough weed for me," Kiara declares, passing the joint to John B. 
Topper stops the car and turns to you. “You’ll be okay?” 
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” you nod, collecting your bag between your legs. 
“Call or text if you need me,” he instructs, still somewhat reluctant to drop you off. 
“Will do,” you offer him a reassuring smile. 
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow," he complies, leaning over the divider and planting a quick peck to your cheek. “Love you.” 
“Love you too,” you return, granting him a kiss on the cheek as well. You climb out of Topper's car, walking toward the fire pit where JJ and everyone watch you utterly dumbfounded. “Hi guys,” you greet, slinging your bag over your shoulder. 
“Topper knows his way around The Cut?” John B pokes fun. 
“Did he drop you off to scope out the place?” Kiara grumbles. 
“He didn’t want me driving," you explain as you take a seat next to a silent JJ. "We went to Kelce’s for a little after dinner and I’ve been drinking." 
“What a gentleman,” Sarah mumbles sarcastically. 
“Hi Baby,” JJ greets you with a soft smile, wrapping his arm around your waist. 
“Hi,” you grin, leaning in and planting a kiss to his lips to which he reciprocates. 
“I could’ve picked you up,” he whispers against your lips. 
“I know," you state, parting from him for a second. "I just didn’t want to make you do the drive." 
“I’m surprised Topper let you out of the car,” Sarah snickers. 
“We came to an understanding,” you describe vaguely. 
“Oh yeah?" Kiara raises a brow. "What’s that?” 
“We’re just friends,” you reply confidently. 
“I don’t just kiss my friends goodbye...” John B mumbles under his breath. 
“We’re just friends," you reiterate, starring the boy down warningly. 
“You bet you are,” JJ agrees, pulling you into his side. “I missed you today.” 
“I missed you too," you blush, peering over to meet his gaze. 
“Movie anyone?” John B suggests suddenly rising to his feet. 
“Yes!” Sarah bursts. 
“Comedy!” Pope votes. 
“Romance!” Kiara challenges. 
“Actually," JJ sighs, standing up next to you. "I was going to head to bed, wanna come?” He asks as he glances down at you.
You hum. “Yeah, I’m pretty tired actually." 
You and JJ lay in bed, facing each other as you talk about everything under the sun. You could've watched the movie considering you've been up for hours talking, not once trying to fall asleep. Yet, spending hours laying in bed, talking to JJ, is a much better pass time. 
“Fish tacos from The Wreck,” JJ answers without a moment's hesitation. 
“Ooo, you know I’ve never been there,” you confess, intrigued. 
“Really?!" JJ's eyes grow wide. "We’ll have to go ASAP! Kie’s dad makes the best hush puppies,” he dramatically gestures with his hands. 
You giggle, “sounds amazing.” 
“Okay, now your turn." JJ's arm drapes over you and rubs his hand up and down your back. 
“Hmm," you hum, thinking it over. "My grandma’s chicken and dumplings. She always made it when I was sick and it’s like a warm hug.”
“Yum," he grins. “Dream vacation?”
“Anywhere with a beach,” you answer easily. “I love to travel, but I also love the ocean so can’t be too far from it. You?”
“Surfing trip around the world," he nods, clearly having thought about it before. "I’m talking Australia, Japan, Brazil, all over.”
“Surfing world tour. Very surfer Pogue of you,” you tease playfully. 
“Would a Kook Princess like to come?” He offers with a sly smirk as his eyes fall to the small space between you. 
“Sure I’ll follow,” you accept with a soft smile. 
JJ jokingly nudges you on the shoulder with a slight blush to his cheeks. “Stop," he chuckles. "If anything you pick the places and I follow. Follow you around the world.”
“You would?” You narrow your eyes at him with a smirk. 
“What’s that Carol King song?” He tries to recall and whispers some of the words. “Where you lead...”
“I will follow," you add in a sing-songy tone. 
“Anywhere!” You both say in unison to each other, causing you two to laugh. 
JJ exhales deeply, catching his breath after laughing.“Talking to you is so easy it’s scary," he confesses, taking your hand in his between you two. 
“I never felt so understood until I met you,” you tell him. 
His brows scrunch together as he watches your hands move around one another. “You don’t think Topper understands you?”
“I do... to an extent,” you shrug, not fully convinced. “He’s known me longer, so he knows why I am the way I am, but he’s not necessarily accepting of all of it.”
“What do you mean?” JJ wonders aloud.  
“If I told him that I don’t want to go to every party and rather stay in, he’d wonder why. If I said I don’t like the Club and rather spend a day on some remote island somewhere he wouldn’t relate. I could tell you that I want to move to Guam and you’d be game for it. Some days I don’t want to have any responsibilities or social obligations which confuses Topper. He’s satisfied where he is. He’s satisfied being stationary and though I’m told I have everything, I don’t want any of it." You pause, finding yourself coming to a hard conclusion. You peer up at JJ who's eyes have left your hands and pour into you. "There has to be more right? There has to be something different out there.”
“Life beyond the OBX?" He seek to clarify to which you nod. "Yeah, there’s an entire world outside of here!”
“That’s what I want..." You whisper. "Something entirely my own and somewhere where no one knows me.” 
“Maybe we should explore it together,” he smiles gently with content. “I mean, as long as it’s okay for one person to know you.” 
“You don’t count," you blush. 
JJ releases your hand, bringing his own to caress your cheek. “I want to see the world with you." 
You lean into his touch, his warmth making you feel safe, seen, and understood. “I think that can be arranged...”
JJ shakes his head, as though he's come to a profound realization. “You’re everything to me." His words slip by in a whisper as he leans in and presses a gentle kiss to your lips, sealing his statement. 
You run your fingers through JJ's hair, pulling him in deeper. He smiles against your lips, loving your reaction. He moves to hover over you, encompassing you with his body. You take matters into your own hands and press JJ down to lay down beside you. Swiftly, you move to straddle him. A grunt leaves him and you cower slightly. 
"Did I hurt you?!" You nearly panic. 
“No, no,” he’s quick to assure you, bringing his hand to your face and brushing your hair back. 
You hadn’t noticed when he got into bed, the bruises and cuts scattered across his torso. You remember them from the Boneyard and in the hot tub. You had thought perhaps they were from Topper. 
JJ can tell that your mind isn’t satisfied. "What else is troubling you?" He frowns. "Babe, look at me, please."
"If these weren't Topper, what happened?"
"I don't want to talk about it,” he scrunches his face with a shake of the head. “Don't worry, it's taken care of,” he tries to change the subject, reaching up to kiss you. 
You gasp. "Did someone do this to you?!" You quickly realize. 
"Y/N..."JJ exhales deeply. 
"JJ, I have to know!” You argue. “If someone-"
"It was my dad okay!" He confesses. 
You heart sinks has the dark reality hits you like a ton of bricks. 
"He... he gets mad sometimes..."JJ describes, looking anywhere but you. He begins to fidget with the hem of your shirt. When... When things weren’t good between us... I picked a fight with him. It was stupid. I shouldn't have done it, but I did! I think I wanted it. At least then I could control the pain,” he explains, killing you.
You lean down and plant a gentle, comforting kiss to his lips. When you pull back, JJ stares at you, stunned by the action. You swallow hard as you slide down, keeping eye contact with him as you plant a kiss to his bruised peck. JJ’s heart begins to race as he watches you. You continue on your path to his multicolored rib. JJ’s hand brushes over the top of your head gently. Your fingers curl under the hem of his boxers as you leave a trail of kisses over his cut and bruised stomach. 
"Y/N..." He breathes heavily as his eyes fall shut. 
"Never again,” you tell him warningly as a demand. “You never go back there. Here, Kie's, Pope's, my place, anywhere else but there. Morning, noon, or night, you need a place, come to me. You hear me?"
JJ nods, too consumed in you to voice anything. 
"I see marks like these on you again, I'll kill him and they won't find the body. I've seen enough crime documentaries. I can be like Liam Nison in Taken,” you joke slightly. 
"I'm sure you could," JJ smirks, peering down at you. 
You lift yourself up to hover just above his face. You cup his cheeks, making him look you in the eyes. "I'm never going to leave you, ever! You never have to suffer alone again. I promise. Your pain is my pain. Whatever you inflict on yourself you also do on me."  
"I promise too. You're my world, Y/N,” he tells you and you know he means it. “You're my life now."
Suddenly, there's a ruckus coming from outside in the hall. The sound of the screen door slamming against the frame and shouting. 
“Hey! Hey! Hey! I’ll go get her! You stay here!” You hear John B yell. 
“Like I’d listen to you!” Another voice barks. 
You break from JJ, trying to listen. “What’s going on?” 
“I don’t know,” he frowns, peering over at the door. He climbs off of you and slips out of the bed. He grabs a t-shirt from the chair in the corner and pulls it over his head, his boxers still slightly exposed. 
“JJ, be careful!” You beg, worried that it could be someone looking for trouble. 
"I will, Baby. It's okay," he promises, heading toward the door to check it out. 
“Cool off Topper!” Pope shouts before you hear a bang.��
“Topper?” You mumble in disbelief, flying off the bed and toward the door.
“Y/N!" JJ grabs your wrist as you open the door. "Baby, wait!” 
Before he has the chance to stop you, you stumble into the hallway. JJ rushes out of the bedroom, nearly running into you. Standing at the end of it, in the archway of the living room, Topper turns his attention away from the Pogues. His eyes land on you and a wave of relief consumes him. 
“Y/N...” Your name falls from his parted lips faintly. 
“Topper...” You stand frozen. 
“There is almost an equal Kook to Pogue ratio in this house and I don’t like it,” Pope huffs from behind Topper. 
“I need to talk to you," the tall blonde announces urgently. 
You speed walk down the hall, despite JJ's efforts to stop you. “Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah, I just... I... uh...” Topper stutters, nervously avoiding your gaze, and focuses on the small floor space between you. 
“Have you been drinking again?" You question, coming to the conclusion he has. He smells of beer and weed, more than he did hours ago. "Did you go back to Kelce’s!” 
“I was losing my mind, Y/N!" He bursts, uncharacteristically, causing you to jump and JJ to step forward toward you. "I needed a distraction, but nothing was working!” Topper explains in a rush, all fidgety. “Can we just go somewhere to talk?” 
JJ immediately steps in, moving to stand between the two of you. “You’re not going anywhere with her!” 
“Oh shove it,” Topper snaps at JJ. 
“You forget you’re on my side of the island, Kook!” JJ barks, shoving Topper in the chest. 
“Enough!” You scream, pressing a palm to each of their chests. “For Pete’s sake!” 
“Back off JJ!” Kiara yells. 
“I just need to talk to you,” Topper pants. 
You exhale deeply, glancing between JJ and Topper. You know JJ won't approve and won't allow it without a fight, but you agree to speak with Topper. “Okay, let’s go outside.” 
JJ laughs, pacing around. “You can’t be serious-” 
“Ten minutes!” You shout at him, escorting Topper toward the door. 
“She sure told you,” Topper mocks JJ as he backs up to the exit. 
“Oh shut up,” you grumble, urging Topper through the doorway leading to the front yard. 
You and Topper settle down on the hammock, swinging back and forth on the edge, side by side. The sun has long since set and the lights in the large tree illuminate the yard. Unable to sit still, Topper rises from his spot and paces in front of you. 
“What’s going on Topper?” You ask worriedly. 
The boy stops, rubbing his hand across the back of his neck nervously. “I’m losing my mind, Y/N!" He finally breaks his silence. "I feel like there are weights strapped to me and I’m being pulled to the bottom of the ocean, struggling for air!” He rushes out in a pant. “I’ve been an arrogant ass and too scared to pay attention, but now I’m just scared and I’m afraid if I don’t tell you this now that I’ll never get a chance like this again!” 
You stand, taking his hands in yours. "Just take a deep breath!" 
He yanks his hands free of your hold, running his fingers through his hair as he paces away. "I'm about to be the most selfish person on the planet!" 
“Topper, just say it! It can't be that bad!" You try to reassure him, the pit in your stomach growing with each passing minute. You can only assume the worst. 
“I love you!” Topper bursts out, meeting your gaze pleadingly. 
A weight lifts off your shoulder. You thought it was something bad. “That's it? I love you too,” you laugh lightly. 
“No!" He stops you. "Not the way you mean it... it’s not the same! I love you!” 
Neither of you notice the Pogues hiding in the enclosed patio, watching everything go down. 
“I knew it!” Pope announces from his spot by the window. 
“Pay up!” Kiara holds out her hand to John B. 
JJ's heart sinks when he hears the confession leave Topper. He wants to run for the hills, but he can't help but observe you stand there in shock. 
Topper's chest rises and falls rapidly. “I didn’t realize it fully until I dropped you off and saw you with him. I know what I said earlier, that I’m okay with this!" The words fly out of him like a freight train going full speed. “But I’m not! I’ve been in love with you for two years! Before Sarah, during Sarah, after her!” 
“Okay ouch...” Sarah mumbles from her spot on the patio. 
“I’ve loved you since the moment I met you, I’ve just been too caught up in everything else to notice!" Topper's voice cracks with emotion. 
"You tell me this now!" You shout, growing more frustrated with each passing second. 
He sighs, "I know, I know, I'm sorry-" 
"No! You don't get to apologize!" You snap at him, utterly pissed off and frankly hurt. "You could've had me! You had me, Topper!" You correct as your eyes begin to swell with tears. "You had every opportunity to change the status quo and you didn't! You let me feel like a toy, there to satisfy you when you needed company! Yes, it was fun! Yes, it was great sex! Yes, I fed into the holding and touching, even when you and Sarah were on a break because I thought..." You swallow hard, processing what you're about to say. "Because I thought that eventually, you'd love me!" You break, tears falling down your cheeks. You finally let go of a truth you've been holding in for years now. "If I kept sleeping with you that one day you'd realize that we were more than just friends! Everyone else thought it! But you were caught up on Sarah and then it became not letting Sarah be with John B! I had to break it off after Bermuda because it was killing me! I couldn't take it anymore! I had to begin to move on!" 
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm such an idiot!" Topper rushes up to you, taking your hands in his pleadingly. "Tonight, feeling you again, I saw the rest of our lives and I want it! I don’t give a shit about our friends or golfing or the Club or Sarah because none of it matters if I don’t get to experience it with you!” He begs, “so pick me! Be with me! Love me!” 
You whimper, unsure of what to do or say. Everything is happening so fast. 
"You slept with him?" 
You turn over your shoulder to find JJ standing just a few feet away. His eyes glisten under the lights of the tree. He swallows hard, taking your silence as enough of an answer. He nods his head, pressing his lips together to hold back his emotions.
“You’re exactly as everyone says!” He yells, pointing at you aggressively. 
In a second, he's sprinting away down the gravel drive. You step forward, ready to run after him, but Topper grabs your wrist. 
"Y/N, don't!" He pleads. 
You yank your wrist free, before running him. "JJ!" You call, "JJ wait!" 
"Y/N!" Topper shouts, running after you. 
"JJ!" You beg for him to stop. 
"Y/N, wait!" Topper grunts, sprinting. 
"JJ!" You struggle to keep up with the boy. Soon, he disappears into the dark woods across the street and you have no choice but to halt, losing all hope. 
You fall to your knees on the gravel. The sound of Topper's feet hitting the gravel quickly approaching. You slam your fists to the ground with a scream, hitting your boiling point. How much is a girl expected to take? 
Tags: @starkeythinker @bethii1 @thegunnerkelly@cc13723things@hockeybabe87 @jolomez @plutooryectors
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vizowrites · 3 years
That’s One Hell of a Resume
{Set during the Harvest Moon Festival competitions}
To  Blitzø’s great surprise, the Harvest Moon Festival was actually turning out to not be a fuck fest invite after all.
He honestly hadn’t been sure when the games initially kicked off.  The horde of imps that had come to compete for the title of “the roughest, toughest, bastard in Wrath” had a proclivity for violence that could easily--and not inaccurately--be described as a passion.  Then of course there was Stolas, watching him thirstily from atop his fancy seat underneath his fancy tent, cooing and cheering out “Blitzyyyyy!!'' at every opportunity he got to speak.  Yet the honored owl prince somehow still managed to keep his pants on throughout each and every event--and even more impressively managed to keep his degrading sweet talk void of any sexual obscenities.  He hadn’t even been able to manage that much on a day trip to a theme park with his daughter.  Yet somehow...this wasn’t even the best part of the festival to  Blitzø.  It was up there to be sure, but it wasn’t the toppiest top.  The “dom of the disco”**, if you will.  
No, the BEST part of the festival--and the thing that kept the imp grinning from ear to ear throughout the entire competition--was that this honkytonk battle royale was shaping up to be the perfect opportunity to show off and be recognized for just how much of a boss-ass bitch Blitz actually was: 2nd to absolutely fucking none.
Well...maybe with ONE slight exception.
“I gotta say, you just keep on impressin’ me every chance you get,” that one slight exception said with a smirk, the tip of his tail flicking forward into a small curl.  “No wonder your killin’ biz is so successful.  You do every kill single-handed there, Boss Man?” The two were standing off on the sidelines together during one of the many interims inbetween contests, where the first round winners had already secured their victories and now were stuck watching the remaining shitty losers battle it out to find out which of them would end up being the absolute shittiest loser.  It was taking a stupidly long-ass time, a hell of a lot longer than  Blitzø would’ve normally had the patience for, but with his present company leaning up against the bleacher stands like that.....there were definitely worse ways he could be spending his down time right now.
“Nah,” he answered with a small flick of his wrist, gesturing vaguely in the general direction of where he’d last seen Moxxie getting his ass kicked and Millie sitting in the stands watching it happen.  “I know he’s not doing a great job of showing it right now--” he said just as Moxxie got elbow dropped by a shark “--but Moxxie’s not completely useless.  He did get me shot on a job once while he was in the middle of being a little bitch, but as soon as he finally found his balls again, he got things back under control pretty fast.  And Millie’s just a straight up badass.  If her parents had allowed her to play in the games, you’d have gotten your ass handed to you three rounds ago.”
“That so?” Striker’s lips drew back into a slight smirk, just enough for the light to catch on the very tip of his fanged gold tooth.  “Because I seem to remember a certain someone else bein’ the one to get themselves all roped up in a hogtie about three rounds ago.”  
“I have no idea what you’re talking about but it sounds like complete bullshit.”
“That’s kinda what I was thinkin’ myself to be honest after that first relay run--” Those snake-like eyes raked in every inch of Blitz’s annoyed face, feeling the corners of his own pleasantly sting as his grin spread even wider. “Right up ‘til I saw some o’that nice red color risin’ up in their face--”
“IT’S HOT--THERE ARE FUCKING VOLCANOES NEARBY OKAY!!” Blitz realized, very quickly, just how loud and defensive those words sounded, but he also realized just as quickly that there wasn’t anything he could do to take them back now.  Instead, he straightened himself up, cleared his throat, pretended that there wasn’t some of ‘that nice red color’ in his face now, and said in what he thought was a much more nonchalant voice, “Anyway, I’m starving, and since these last few dipshits are taking forever to get their asses kicked, I’m gonna go find something deep-fried to shove down my throat.  Catch you at the awards ceremony or whatever the fuck they do around here to finish themselves off.”
The I.M.P. Head made it a grand total of two steps before the unmistakable crunch of boots sounded behind him, followed by a faint scoff of a laugh and the distinct rattling of a tail as Striker joined him at his side.  
“There’s a whole row of food stands back there behind the stage,” he said with a nod, meeting  Blitzø’s stride and starting to veer them off in that direction.  “And now that you mention it, I wouldn’t mind grabbin’ a bite.  Besides--I feel like I might owe you one for bringin’ up such a tender subject.”
The unrepentant but non-malicious smirk he sent Blitz’s way wasn’t at all softened by the wink that accompanied it, but it somehow brought a slight smile to the smaller imp’s lips all the same.
“You got fucking lucky and that was it,” Blitz insisted with a sharp flick of his tail, not having the faintest fucking clue why he was smiling about this in the first place but subconscioiusly hoping that swatting at Striker would be distracting enough that the taller imp wouldn’t notice.  “And besides, I could’ve gotten out of it if I had really wanted to.”
“Oh, so you wanted to be all tied up like that?”  The grin that spread across Striker’s face was even wider than the first, his razor sharp teeth now on full display. “Well now, if that’s what you were wantin’ you could’ve just asked.  I’d’ve been happy to oblige right from the start.” 
“Ha! Like I’d ever make it that easy for you,”  Blitzø retorted with a challenging grin, his eyes dancing with a truly impish gleam of delight as he and Striker rounded the stage together, his earlier thoughts of the food shacks that waited beyond almost entirely forgotten as they were overtaken by memories of their constant back-and-forth scuffle throughout the festival. “You beating me fair and square is one thing--even though you still totally just got really fucking lucky and also it definitely never even happened in the first place.  But if you were actually going to beat me...you better believe it’s not gonna happen without a fight.  I don’t just bow out like some sloppy bitch who can’t figure out where they put their car keys and has to take the walk of shame back to their shitty apartment at 4 in the morning.  If you wanna come out on top over me, you better fucking work for it.”  
The black tip of his pointed tail flicked up to poke Striker once in the center of his chest, punctuating the word ‘work’ perfectly. 
Striker’s tail, on the other hand, began to rattle.
“Yeah?” he said, his earlier easy tone starting to become weighted with something softer, but deeper.  Neither he nor  Blitzø made any indication that they were aware that he was guiding them both right on past the front of the stand that they had originally been headed toward, and instead had them disappearing into the shadows behind it. “You’re okay with not coming out on top so long as whoever does earns their place there?”
“I mean...”  Blitzø trailed off a bit as he casually leaned up against the back of the stand, folding his arms over his chest as he eyed Striker with that lingering gleam in his own gaze. “You have been able to keep up with me in all the other games...so I guess it might be possible for you to get the upper hand on me for at least one of them.”  
“Just me?”  The rattling sound intensified. 
“Well there sure as fuck wasn’t anyone else who was able to keep up,”  Blitzø rolled his eyes in annoyed exasperation at just how much everyone else truly sucked in comparison to the two of them, before he slowly looked back up at Striker--and realized that the snake-like imp was suddenly a lot closer than he’d been before.  Much closer.  
“Yeah, Blitz?”
“Please tell me we’re not actually talking about the fucking games anymore.”
A short, soft laugh was the initial answer, followed by that still rattling tail coiling around Blitz’s slender waist as Striker propped himself up on one arm against the structure behind them, his hand splayed just to the side of the crimson imp’s right cheek.  
“I haven’t been talkin’ about the games since you got me with your tail, Darlin’,” he whispered, his hooded eyes narrowing to glowing slits of pale gold as he leaned in almost close enough to touch.  “But I don’t know if there ain’t somethin’ to be said about that “fuckin’” part yet...”
Blitz’s words came back to him then, ringing in his head as clear as when he first said them: 
“...Well if you promise this isn’t some fuck fest invite...”
“.....You gonna work for it, Cowboy?” 
“Yessir, Boss Man.” 
“So...lemme get this straight--”  Blitzø finally shifted his weight, easing it off of Striker and rolling to rest his back on whatever podunk concession stand they’d spent the last ten minutes fucking up against.  “--You tie me for first place in the games, you ride around on the most majestic fucking horse I’ve ever seen, you take down a hell hog with a single stab while completely and mercilessly humiliating one of my employees in front of his in-laws at the same fucking time, and you called me “Sir” when we first met?  AND you’re a great fuck??”
The quirked eyebrow and smug gold-toothed grin he got in reply said more than words ever could, especially when accompanied by the satisfied rattling of that long, spiked tail.
“That’s one hell of a resume you’ve got there.”  Blitzø didn’t even realize his own face had split into a grin until he saw it reflected in Striker’s eyes, hypnotized by the sheer reckless abandon he felt ignited between them.  “Want to join I.M.P.?”  
Striker couldn’t help but laugh, reaching up to adjust the brim of his hat from where Blitz’s tail had nearly knocked it off, his unwavering gaze sparking into an infernal glow.
“Tell you what,” he said, his tone a warm rumble of amusement meeting temptation.  “You and I head on back to the stage, revel in our well-deserved glory, and--once we’re satisfied it’s been rubbed into the faces of those sorry ass losers enough--I’ll head on back up to the farm and have a little talk with Miss Mildred’s folks about finishin’ things up around here for the season.  Maybe see if they can find another set of hands to join ‘em for the next one if mine are gonna be occupied with--” His hand found its way down to Blito’s face, the sharp claw-like nail of his thumb pressing under the shorter imp’s chin to tilt it up towards his own. “--other things.”
“Believe me, Cowboy,”  Blitzø’s eyes were burning, twin embers of eagerness that ran so deep he could feel the heat of it vibrating through to his very core--and his vocal chords.  “You’re not going to find a more hands-on job than the one you’re gonna get if you come and work for me.  ESPECIALLY in that order.” 
Striker’s tail snaked its way up and along past Blitz’s hip, the pointed tip flicking over his chest as it’s rattle joined in the chorus of that deep, heated purring.  
“Don’t mind if I hold you to that, Sir.”
“Oh fuck me--”
And Striker did. Again.
Random Notes: 
**My counterpart to the phrase “the belle of the ball”--”the dom of the disco”.  I think I’m way funnier than I actually am. :D
ANYWAY tho I really hope y’all like it!!  This is the first fanfic I’ve posted anywhere publicly in a hot minute so I hope it’s not a bad kickoff to something I’m hoping to really get back into!!  I have plans to post the full fic of this--with the non-censored sex scene to my AO3 oohlala--so if that’s something you’d like to see, feel free to lemme know here and I can get right on that!!  Otherwise have a great day, thanks for reading, and if anyone wants to hit me up for some lovely BlitzStrike talks, I’m always open to messages!!
Thanks again Lovelies!! <3
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