#but yeah everyone else was p cool like the vibes were cool
omgrandomwords · 4 months
ok so i’m incapable of keeping literally anything to myself but i am feeling very emotional abt this so
#i went to this like adhd therapy group at shcool#and like these ppl were so articulate??? like i keep forgetting some people are very capable of saying things in a way that makes sense#and also help why was it relatable#anyways it’s nbd except it’s a big deal TO ME#and i also walked out feeling Shameful which is not great#but i hear is common?#hopefully?#and like yeah ok so i’m like oh i may actually be neurodivergent to the neurodivergent webbed site#but still i think i just held on to the idea that im a little quirky instead#and i worry everyone around me will be like ‘well duh’ but FUCK YOU#I DON’T WANT YOU TO ‘well duh’ ME YOU CAN’T SAY SHIT#evil part of my brain is like nah ur making too big a deal out of it you’re literally fine and normal#but considering how fucked up i actually have been the past eight months especially it’s like No No there’s something going on#and i can’t just be like yeah i’ve got *gestures vaguely* without actually doing anything about it#bc that’s gotten me in the worst mental state of my life#and i fully signed up for these therapy groups because i was feeling so bad#it was like 11pm and i was hating myself and my chest hurt and i was like yaknow there’s free shit somewhere to talk abt this stuff#and now it happened and i went and it was alright#i brought a fidget toy i stole from my sister and did some colouring and talk about how bad i am at getting shit done#but yeah everyone else was p cool like the vibes were cool#and i’m really excited for the next session bc we’re supposedly going to go on a Walk#i love walks
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lightsoutletsgo · 7 months
P L A Y L I S T (cl16 x singer!reader series) vol.4 - monaco
warnings: none
word count: 2.6k
hi everyone! here's the next part! they finally meet in person! I'm really vibing with writing this rn so I have a couple of chapters already drafted so I'm hoping to upload the next few pretty regularly! happy reading love, mimi taglist currently: open! @whatsupstark
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Y/N didn’t know much about F1. But as she wandered through the ‘paddock’, as Charles had called it, she found herself being swept up in the hype and excitement. Celebrities mingled amongst team investors and sponsors and mechanics. Already she’d seen a few friends and acquaintances. Y/N stopped suddenly at a call of her name, turning round she saw Charles and a man who she was pretty sure was called Carlos. He was dressed the same as Charles so that seemed like a good indicator. “Y/N!” She couldn’t help the grin that overtook her features and she felt Carlos stare at her knowingly from opposite her. “Charles, hi!” Her answer was breathy as he got closer, stopping just in front of her. Neither of them spoke for a second but both of them could have sworn it was longer than that. ‘God his pictures didn’t do him justice’ she thought as, ‘she’s even prettier up close’, ran through Charles’ mind, 
“So are you going to introduce us or…?” Carlos chimed in from next to his friend. Charles cleared his throat as Y/N took a step back,  “Uh yes! Carlos this is Y/N.” Y/N smiled at Carlos warmly as he extended a hand for her to shake,  “It’s lovely to meet you.” His accent was warm and his face was very handsome. Y/N mused to herself if good looks were also a necessary qualifying trait for F1 too. 
“Your concert in Rome was incredible!” Y/N was dragged back to the current conversation by Carlos’ compliments, “Thank you so much! We loved every second of it.” “I know Lily will be so excited to know you’re here today. This way, I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Carlos continued as he held his hand out to guide Y/N towards a larger group of people and Charles had to bite back a frown. She was his guest today, he had invited her here so he could get to know her and maybe spend a little time with her. Why did he need to share her with everyone else too? “Are you not coming with us Charles?” Y/N’s sweet voice and concerned look made his tummy flip and he nodded dumbly at her before trudging along behind the pair, ‘there’ll be other opportunities’ he told himself firmly. 
“Guys, this is Y/N.” Greetings were exchanged and fangirling was done (though Lando refused to admit he had squealed when Y/N shook his hand) and before Charles knew it, he was being called to the garage to prepare for the start of the race. “I’m sure Lily will be more than happy to let you hang around with her!” Charles nodded towards Lily who was almost vibrating where she stood. Your face fell ever so slightly, “Oh… Yes of course, thank you.” “Is that okay? I’m sorry I can’t stay longer.” “No no it’s okay! I uhhh…” She trailed off, “I guess I’d just hoped that I’d be able to watch it from the Ferrari garage?” Charles felt himself turning as red as his Ferrari team uniform at her confession and he nodded, his tongue feeling heavy, “That’s more than okay, yeah that’s cool... dude,” He gave her a thumbs up and immediately facepalmed mentally. He cringed as he heard Lando snort from behind him and saw Max cover his mouth to hide a laugh out of the corner of his eye. “I-I’ll walk you there.” Charles strolled with her through the paddock, doing his best to pretend that Carlos was not tagging along behind them. She asked him questions as they walked; how long was the race? Was he nervous about today? Did he think it was going to rain? How fast would he be going? Charles answered each one with careful thought and consideration and he felt his heart swell a little at the way she took such genuine interest in him and his job.
“Well, here we are!” Charles led her into the Ferrari garage, greeting each team member he passed and wishing them good luck for the race. Y/N smiled at the interactions, clearly Charles was a kind person. Something fluttered in her tummy as she saw his dimples appear again and again. He handed her a pair of headphones and helped her find a place in front of several large screens. “Have a good race!” She said enthusiastically before cringing internally, “sorry I don’t know what you usually say before a race… I'm guessing I shouldn't really tell you to break a leg…” Charles’ head tipped back as a full laugh came from deep in his tummy. God she was adorable, “Just good luck is enough!” As he turned to leave for the grid, he suddenly stopped at the feeling of her hand gently taking his wrist. “Charles!” His eyes flitted down to look for a second before he looked up at her, she hesitated for a second and he watched as a look of realisation flashed across her eyes before she was dropping his wrist and stuttering out her next words, “I-I just wanted to say… umm…” He took a step towards her, “Yes?” “Drive safely? Please?” A soft smile spread across his face and those damn butterflies were taking flight in her tummy once more. “Always.” He gave her hand a squeeze for reassurance before he was swallowed up by the bustling garage and out of sight. 
Y/N’s lack of F1 knowledge was showing as she did her best to follow along with the race. Part of her wondered if she should have gone with Lily after all. It may have been easier to follow along with her experienced commentary, but Y/N was glad she’d chosen to support Charles a bit more closely. After all, she was his guest. As she watched the cars lap the track again and again she thought back to their conversations. How he’d, albeit quite awkwardly, flirted with her. He’d made her smile that was for sure. Even through the exhaustion of the tour, she’d found herself staying awake a little later just to reply to him. So naturally when he’d invited her to be his guest at Monaco this weekend, how could she say no? 
She watched the screen intently, eyes searching for a red car with each new camera angle. Once or twice she sensed the TV cameras on her, ready to catch her reactions and so she did her best to appear smiley and calm, despite feeling nervous at her surroundings but also nervous for Charles. 
78 laps later and the race was finished. Y/N didn’t know much about F1 but she knew that 6th wasn’t a bad place to be… it just wasn’t the result Charles wanted. She felt bad for him, having sensed through their conversations that week that he added extra pressure onto himself when he raced at Monaco. She understood, she alwasy felt more pressure when performing at home too. Nevertheless she was waiting there for him with a smile when he reached the garage. “Congratulations!” Charles gave a small smile but she could tell he wasn’t feeling as good as he had before the race. “Thank you.” “Well you didn’t crash so I’d say you did a good job! I doubt I could even manage the simplest corner!” Another smile pulled at his lips this time, more genuine. She could tell even after a short while of talking to him when his smiles were genuine or not. His dimples were always deeper and his eyes a lot brighter. “So what happens now?” Charles inhaled before letting out a heavy sigh, “I have a few interviews and then debrief before we pack up and do it all again somewhere new next week!” She giggled, “Sounds just like tour!” Y/N joked before Charles bit his lip, suddenly turning nervous “Hey uhhh, I have to go and do these interviews but if you want, we could… maybe go and get dinner later? I can take you to Lily so you don’t have to hang out alone!” Y/N was silent, Charles felt himself growing embarrassed, “But if you’re busy it’s fine I totally get it and-” “No no! I would like that…” Y/N nodded as she bit her lip shyly, her head dropping to look at her feet as Charles nervously brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck. 
Acorss from them at the entrance of the garage, Lando and Max stood in conversation with Carlos, all three of them watching the pair intently, “I bet you 50 they’re together by the time we get to Silverstone.” Max nodded completely convinced he was right, “Silverstone? Nahh mate, more like Canada…” Lando said assuredly, “You’re both wrong!” Carlos shook his head, crossing his arms as he leant against the wall, “End of the season.” He said confidently. “End of the season?” Lando raised an eyebrow as Max scoffed, “They’re both two blind idiots with feelings.” Carlos justified, “You have a point…” Max conceded. 
Y/N shifted uncomfortably as she felt someone’s eyes on her, looking around she spotted Carlos, Lando and Max and she felt her cheeks get warm as she realised they’d been staring at her and Charles. Charles followed her gaze and rolled his eyes, “Just ignore them, I think they’re still a little starstruck. Shall we go? I’ll drop you off at Williams on my way.” The pair made their way out of the garage and down the pitlane to the Williams garage. Lily smiled warmly at Y/N as she made her way through the circus of mechanics and engineers and higher ups, “I’ll look after her, don’t worry” Lily sent her a wink which made her giggle, feeling less nervous about not having Charles around. She turned and he smiled at her reassuringly, “I’ll be back in a little bit - I’ll come and find you outside hospitality!” Y/N nodded before turning back to Lily who still seemed a little dazed that she was standing next to her. “I’m so glad you managed to come to the concert!” Lily smiled widely, “It was incredible! I think a few of us are going to go to a few more concerts before the season is over!” Y/N laughed as Lily led her out of the garage and towards hospitality, “You know, I was pretty surprised that Charles decided to join us.” “Oh really?” Y/N said taking a seat with her at one of the tables outside, “Yeah, he’s probably admitted this himself but he had no idea who you were when you guys first met…” Y/N giggled as Lily shook her head good-naturedly, “it’s crazy how you guys bumped into each other like that twice!” “I know!” Y/N’s eyes widened “Did you talk about it with him at all?” Lily asked curiously before Y/N nodded, 
“We did actually! He apologised for not recognising me and assured me he wasn’t trying to kidnap me!” She said with a fond smile, “And I apologised that I’d scared him so much - twice!” The two girls collapsed into fits of giggles before Y’N’s voice dropped to a whisper, “Can I ask you something?” Lily nodded, “Is it true he kept googling all the lyrics through the concert?” Lily let out a loud laugh as Alex and Logan approached the table, “What’s so funny?” Alex asked, taking a seat, “Y/N was just asking me about Charles googling the lyrics at the concert, “How did you hear about that?” asked Logan, “Oh I see everything on twitter,” Y/N said with a smirk, “my fans keep me very well informed!” Lily gasped, “Does that mean you’ve seen the videos of me crying and dancing along?” Alex snorted as Logan coughed to cover up a laugh, both of them remembering how the sight had looked in-person right in front of their eyes. Y/N nodded, her face turning solemn as she placed a hand on Lily’s shoulder seriously, “I’m so sorry Lily but… I don’t think we have a space for you as a backup dancer on this tour.” Lily played along, looking down and clasping her hands together as her eyebrows furrowed, “It’s a brutal industry…” The table fell into laughter before Y/N saw Charles approaching.
“What are we all laughing about, hmm?” Charles was curious as he reached the table, “Oh we were just discussing the outcome of Lily’s audition.” You nodded, face becoming serious once again, “It wasn’t the outcome she wanted…” “I just can’t believe my dancing wasn’t good enough.” “Dancing? Is that what you’d call it?” Alex gave Lily a playful nudge as she gasped dramatically, “Y/N you see how mean he’s being?!” Charles gently placed a hand on her shoulder before leaning down to stage whisper dramatically, “We should leave before this gets nasty!” With a stifled giggle, YN stood up from her chair, making sure to give Lily a hug and exchange her number before following Charles away from the business of the paddock and down a small quiet side street.  
“Where are we going?” Y/N asked, looking around as she took in her surroundings, “There’s a great spot I know a little out of town. It’s kind of a hole-in-the-wall place but they make some of the best pasta I’ve ever had.” 
“Pasta? Sign me up!” Y/N gave an enthusiastic reply as Charles unlocked his car, taking her bag from her shoulder and holding it as he opened her door for her. She slid into the passenger seat and took her bag back, placing it on her lap as he closed the door and jogged round to the driver's seat. As he turned on the engine and the car roared into life, the sound system came on automatically. A familiar voice drifted out through the speakers and a rhythm that her body knew by heart filled the car. “I-is this my song?” Charles found his cheeks matching the colour of his team brand once more as he scrabbled to mute the volume but just turned it up louder in the process Y/N clapped a hand over her mouth, looking at him, as she began giggling harder than she had all day. “I was just… it was… research?” Charles scrambled for an excuse as Y/N continued giggling, hand falling away from her mouth as her head tipped back in laughter. And as they sat there in his car, her song still quietly playing in the background, Charles realised he didn’t mind embarrassing himself and would happily make a fool of himself over and over again if it meant he got to see her laughing like that once more.  “No no no, don’t be embarrassed.” Y/N sighed, her stomach sore from laughter, “I think it’s cute you were researching.” Charles’ cheeks heated up again, ‘she called me cute?’ he screamed at himself in his head. “Okay, honestly? I haven’t been able to get that song out of my head since I heard it at the concert, it’s really catchy!” Y/N nodded, “It gets stuck in my head too sometimes - and it’s my song!” “It’s definitely one of my favourites.” Charles admitted and Y/N found herself having to look out of the window to hide how big her smile was. Charles cleared his throat, “So! Shall we go?” He began to drive, fighting to contain his excitement that you were in the passenger seat, “Don’t go driving as fast as you did earlier!” Y/N joked, Charles smiled, eyes darting to look at her for a second before fixing his gaze back on the road once more, “Never. Not when I have such precious cargo in the passenger seat.” Y/N bit her lip and looked out of the window once more, but Charles could tell she was smiling to herself, he caught it in her reflection in the window.
It suddenly dawned on him as they drove that he didn’t feel as down as he expected to after the race. In fact, he rather felt like he’d won.
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keirawantstocry · 8 months
Hi, jay, can I request morning crew being witches(I just really like witches) (I miss both them and witchcraft SMP)
them using different spheres of magic and having hard time combining them, also bitching about each other choices
Kissing you on the mouth /p ofc you can 
Okay ive spent the last few minutes scouring the witchcraft smp wiki to see what vibes you’re most likely looking for and i will now make an attempt :) 
there is some shenanigans altho im not sure how close this is to what you were thinking considering theres so many ways to address witchcraft but i hope you enjoy anyway <3
It was no surprise to anyone that Tubbo was a nature witch, it was something everyone had expected. And to a certain degree they understood that he was going to use those powers to do some weird building shit. But holy hell. 
“Actually what the fuck is this,” Fit proclaimed, his hands on his hips as he studied Tubbo’s new creation. There were plants twirling up around dirt in the shape of what seemed to be machinery? It was massive, expanding across nearly a mile of land. 
“Well, I’m not sure what I’m going to call it yet but it’s a lot like a Create machine-” 
Pac and Fit groaned in unison. “You are your Create machines,” Pac said through a laugh. “Seriously what is it?” 
“They’re cool!” Tubbo exclaimed. “What do you want from me! What are you two doing with your magic??” 
“Uh, nothing?” Fit said while Tubbo gaped at him. 
“Please do not tell me that you have the power and ability to control electricity and you aren’t using it to build a single machine or anything.” 
Fit stared at him. The seconds ticked by as they just stared at each other. 
“Holy shit,” Tubbo said quietly. “You are so fucking boring.” 
Pac laughed loudly. “I mean, Fitch, he kind of has a point.” 
Fit whirled on him. “Oh yeah sure okay, what have you done with your healing magic?” 
Pac’s eyebrows dipped down in confusion. “I’m healing people, what are you talking about? There’s nothing else to do!” 
“Actually, I’m sure you could probably find a way to harness that power and put it into a Create-” 
“Noooo,” Pac howled, dropping down to the ground and slapping his hands over his face. “Not with the Create mod again. Tubbo please. Bom deus!” 
It was Fit’s turn to laugh. “Not so funny now huh? When he’s on your ass about your magic?” 
“Shut up, Fitchie,” Pac muttered into his hands. “Shut up.” 
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allyougottado · 22 days
HI Doodle! How have you been? I've been kinda meh bc of college but thats beside the point. About your reblog of sending you a character (or in this case, coach haha) I wanna see your list on either Maybel or Joshua or Lumen Brooks(I'm indecisive about those 3, they've been filling my mind lately aaaaaaa), even tho they dont have much lore, I love read others HC, so I'm eager to read yours^^(sorry if they wont fill all the list thingy:()
i’ll try to do all 3 cuz i rly like these coaches as well 😎 (i'm skipping fave line and song i associate them with because... ppl dont speak in just dance and i'm not creative enough to associate coaches with any song other than their own map LOL)
fave thing about them: her design is so cute!!!! i love yellow and her dress looks inspired by poodle skirts with the little line (phone cord?) spiraling down the skirt lol it’s so adorable. i especially love the alt. design cuz purple sleeveless jacket is CUTESY (also she looks like she’s matching with joshua with the sleeveless jacket hehe 🤭 very CUTE💯💯💯)
least fave thing about them: nothing to hate abt her 😍
brOTP: love you like a love song (this headcanon was subconciously created by looking at ur art btw LOL)
nOTP: i’m ngl i have never seen any other ship with maybel in it LOL
random headcanon: she’s a softie but the one thing she’s loud abt is her #LOVE!!!! i probz got this from the straightforward and aggressively-lovey vibe from call me maybe (and the dance too), but also a description from the JD twitter lol (they describe her as the sweet one hehe)
unpopular opinion: idk i’ve never seen too much opinions that i disagree with abt her
fave picture of them: it’s scrapped but this is kick ass maybel from puppet master lmao
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fave thing about them: the fake personality i made for him in my head 😼 and also his yellow glove probably
least fave thing about them: i'm gonna be really honest this part will probably be empty for almost everyone i’m not a person who hates easily 😭
brOTP: i always thought that #thatpower extreme and sorry looked similar to him (i think everyone else did too LOL) so YEAH they’re totally bros to me. i also group epsilon with those 3 but if i explain it will totally derail :P
OTP: maybel 💛🩷
nOTP: haven't seen anything too hateable yet lol
random headcanon: kuudere lolz. basically the exact same thing i said for maybel but instead of sweet and soft (🥺) he's like cold and serious on the outside but super hype and chill when he's dancing or talking to ppl he likes
also he’s probz the most normal compared to #thatpower extreme and sorry lol
unpopular opinion: once again, i haven't seen too much opinions i can disagree with lol
fave picture of them: this screenshot i took from youtube lmao
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lumen brooks!!!!!🎸
fave thing about them: ur gonna be so shocked when you hear this but i love his yellow raincoat i want it for myself. also he has TEAL HAIR! TEN MILLION CHARACTER DESIGN POINTS TO YOU UBISOFT (blue hair=looks like miku=good)
also i like rock so his map is so cool. i like how they went with a quirky weird rock map instead of a depressing dark one like the two they added in 2023 like yeahhhhh lets switch it up a little (no hate tho i fucking love evanescence BTW)
least fave thing about them: WOAH it’s a bit too soon to hate lolz
brOTP: probz p1 and p3, zephyr reef and crimson riff. i know they’re most likely not even real but i’d like to think he treats them as if they were his bros. also it would be rlly funny if he just has crazy flow powers and can make stuff he draws real harold and the purple crayon style
OTP: nothing rn
nOTP: also nothing rn… that game needs to come out so i have more brainpower to think of cool stuff to say 😾
random headcanon: when u think punk he doesn’t really look like one compared to crimson riff but he probz acts like one lol. would probably hate ppl like night swan and nithe long. and probably kids in america too (she’s falling for the propaganda… 😔 lol) also he’s loud. idk why i think that it just fits to me lol. also everyone probably thinks he’s #CRAYZAY 🤪 but don’t worry bro. i understand you 🤝
unpopular opinion: idk at first i thought he would be chill with scotty but i somehow changed my mind like scotty’s too much of a sweetie pie and lumen is too feisty (to me hehe) i still like fanworks with both of them in it tho they’re funny. like clashing personality stuff is still very entertaining to me
fave picture of them: idk he’s only existed for a couple of months so there’s not much pics of him… probz the little cartoony promo art from twitter cuz i like how huge they drew his rainboots here LOL
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(also hiii mey i’m meh as well LOL when i typed the first half of this post i was out at the mall and i feel like i embarrassed myself so hard there 😭 embarrassment still lingers and it sucks cuz i love the mall but whatever… I’M SENDING MY ENERGY TO YOU SO COLLEGE CAN GET A LITTLE LESS SUCKY 🫶💓)
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vwmpiris · 9 months
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. ✧ 。 . ♫ * . ˚ ✧ .
first listen : the event winners !!
okay so, first of all, we want to thank everyone who participated bc we thought like 2 people would participate and ... yeah nvm.
everyone had such pretty mbs and it was so hard to pick just one winner !! so we picked 2 for each place and we also had to merge the boy grps and girl grps bc there werent enough bgs to give out the prizes... some prize adjustments were also made!
and finally, our winners are !!!
  🗝   first place :
🥇 @pupicito : LOVED the fresh, dreamy and nostalgic vibe this gave off !! very cute !!! 🥇 @y-vna : really creative and eye pleasing <3 it's jus perfect idk what else to say
  🗝   second place :
🥈 @y2jiz : this is just too cute, love the colour scheme n the overall aesthetic ! 🥈 @joyuvv : what can i say besides that its absolutely stunning ?? love the little details you've added !!!
  🗝   third place :
🥉 @wonysela : this mb looks very cool !! this was a hard concept n despite that you still nailed it. 🥉 @ningrlz : adorablee <3 we loved the gifs n colours so much !!!
  🗝   honourable mentions !!
🏅 @yeossemble 🏅 @missmiettes 🏅 @cybertink
. ✧ 。 . ♫ * . ˚ ✧ . 
🗝 prizes !!
first place : 100 reblogs , 4 locs , 3 moodboards second place : 75 reblogs , 3 locs , 2 moodboards third place : 50 reblogs , 2 locs , 1 moodboard honourable mentions : 30 reblogs (prizes (the mbs) will take some time cuz we have exams 😢)
dm me or @p-oisn 2 claim !!
. ✧ 。 . ♫ * . ˚ ✧ .
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dragonmarquise · 2 months
BRC Headcanon Full Names
I have another BRC ask to work on tonight, thus I figure I should post this now. So then, behold! A big ol’ list of full name headcanons!
Basically a continuation of this post I made a long while back. This covers pretty much all the major characters, at least the playable ones. Plus even specific crew members from the rival crews!
Some of these have specific meanings that I used for the particular character, others were just kind of more general vibes, like “Oh this sounds cool/cute/etc.” A few of these will have extra notes on why I picked particular given/family names, but otherwise just assume it was because I liked the sound of it! Went with mostly Dutch last names for most of these characters since, well, dialog in parts of the game imply New Amsterdam is still in the Netherlands, so that made it a bit easier when I couldn't think of anything else to try, y'know? :P
Also note, not everyone here has a middle name. Not everyone irl has one anyways! Also also, some of the Dutch last names may be in the format of “Van (something)” or “De (something”, so just wanted to point that out in case anyone might get confused and think Van/De is a middle name, lol
Starting with the main cast:
Tryce = Tristian Christoffel
Bel = Annabella Pieper
DJ Cyber = Cyrus Rafaël Nassau
Felix = Bernard Manfred Van Steen (I still maintain that Felix looks like his real name would be Bernard, lol)
Vinyl = Florence Zoë Hendriks (when she was a child, she would sometimes write it as “Hendrix” and try to convince people she was related to Jimi Hendrix; it worked more often than it probably should have)
Solace = Levi Smit
The five bonus BRC members:
Rave = Vanessa Yvonne Ziegler (A headcanon, note, her dad is a black German, and her mom is from the Dominican Republic! Since she has a bunch of lines in German, and at least two in Spanish (one in particular being specifically Dominican slang), so that’s how I’m handled this :P )
Mesh = Bassam Karimi (first name means “smiling” in Arabic, last name is derived from the given name Karim/Kareem, which in turn means something along the lines of "generous, noble" or “dignity”; my research into this yielded differing results, but this seems to be more or less the overall idea. Honestly think it both sounds nice and really suits him!)
Shine = Sol Bakker (“Sol” just means “sun” in Spanish and Portugese, basically the idea is she derived her street name from that!)
Rise = Josephine Katherina Thomas (She hates being called any sort of nickname for her first name. It’s either Rise or Josephine, that’s it)
Coil = Oscar Meijer (Fun fact, the English equivalent of Meijer is Meyer/Mayer. I genuinely did not intentionally make Coil’s real name to be a roundabout reference to the lunch meat, but now that I realize it, I’m definitely keeping it this way, loool)
Some others:
Rietveld = We know here full name is Irene Rietveld, but a bonus idea: the rest of BRC point out it’s a bit awkward for her to go by her real name as her street/writer name, so she eventually settles on Rivet as an alias! :D
Escher = Matthias Conrad Escher (Originally just Matthias, but then decided to make a reference to the actual M. C. Escher, “Yeah, my parents knew what they were doing.”; thanks to @slappels for the suggestion way back when!!)
My Devil Theory OCs! The season in parentheses is what in-game palette they correspond with.
Sai (spring) = Tomás Lucas Ortiz
Nunchaku (summer) = Roxanne Beverly Sullivan
Daishō (autumn) = Hiro Francisco Morikawa (first name using the character for “prosperous” (浩); last name using the characters for “forest” (森) and “river” (川). Not that he ever gets a chance to write them in Japanese characters anyways :P )
Bō (winter) = Gavril Jansen
Now for DOT EXE! A repeat from the full DOT EXE headcanons I made a while back, but still including it here for convenience.
Cueball = Ernesto Alberto Visser (Dutch father and Italian-American mother; “Her side of the family were like, the conservative Italian-American types. The kind that makes an annoyingly big deal about celebrating Columbus Day.”; his first and middle name come from two different great grandfathers on his mom’s side)
Eight Ball = Frederik Visser (older half-brother to Cueball, they share the same dad)
Cinco (five ball) = César Hugo Raúl Garcia-Flores (last name got hyphenated when he moved to New Amsterdam while getting his papers in order and stuff; not sure if I ever clarified it in the original post, but in most (probably all?) Spanish-speaking countries, people have two last names, one from their father and the other from their mother. When moving to a country that doesn’t allow for two last names, some people end up forced to pick one or the other. Cinco went with just hyphenating it to be able to effectively keep both.)
Neun (nine ball) = Sebastián Montero Sebastian Jäger
Twoson (two ball) = Beau Driessen
Fourside (four ball) = Robin Zaal
Jūrō (ten ball) = Maximilien Théodore Perrault
Quatorze (fourteen ball) = Marie-Madeleine Lucille Perrault
And heck, the rest of the New Amsterdam crews too while I’m at it. Same as with DT and DE, the season in parentheses is the corresponding in-game palette for the playable rival character.
The Franks:
Flesh Prince = Ruben Vos (last name meaning fox, and apparently was/is a nickname for a clever person… or a person with red hair, lol)
Bill (spring) = Caspar Westenberg
Charles (summer) = Thomas Vogels
Michael (autumn) = Abraham Joël Admiraal
Larry (winter) = Lennard Van Herten
(For their street names besides the Prince, they’re named after famous basketball players, specifically from this list; Charles, Michael, and Larry are probably obvious, with Bill there’s at least two different Bills on that list lol)
Eclipse: (Street names come from constellations, I tried to go with more (relatively?) obscure ones for the names)
Vela (spring) = Sara Al-Ghazzawi
Aquila (summer) = Melissa Agnes Fortuin
Lyra (autumn) = Hannah De Klerk
Cassiopeia (winter) = Xandra Gemma Daalmans (given name is actually Alexandra, but she goes mostly by Xandra for her business)
And finally the rest of FUTURISM: (see my recent short headcanon post about them!)
Nyx (spring) = Laura Kappel
Jazz (summer) = Vincent Linden
Veronica (autumn) = Paula Prinsen (Paula is the feminine form of Paul, which in turn has roots in the Latin word Paulus which can mean humble. This is an intentionally ironic name choice for this character, lmao. Also Prinsen means “son of the Prince”, so this one is more in line with her haughty attitude)
Quantum (winter) = Esther Katja Hoedemaker (She goes by Kat as a nickname)
This next one only applies to my fanfic AU of “What if we take the postgame at face value and Red somehow became a separate person from both Felix and Faux”, but anyways:
Red = Russell Miles Van Steen (Picked the first and middle names himself, note that Russell just means “red” lol. He took on Felix’s last name since they see each other as brothers after a certain point. And it’s not like Red could come up with a better last name anyways. His middle name when paired with Felix’s middle name is a Miles Edgeworth reference :P )
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stucknthemiddleff · 4 months
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Jealousy 1.18
Put It Up - Chris Brown Ft. Rihanna
Advice - Kehlani
See Through - Chris Brown
Rock Bottom - Pleasure P Ft. Lil Wayne
Kiss It Better - Rihanna
Stuck N The Middle
The sun sat perfectly on the horizon of the ocean, all the while everyone sat on the deck just enjoying the view. The light warm winds were perfect all day. Music played from the radio adding to the calming vibe. I got a tan, as so did Cari seeing her bikini line when she moved it a bit off her shoulder.
The turkey bacon sandwiches Cassie had made for lunch were the most delicious I had ever had. It mentally made me note on why Cari was such a good cook. She may not have always got along with her mother, but she picked up a good few traits.
Cooper and Cari played cards with Clay and it seemed every moment Calen got a chance, he eye raped me in only the cover up showing my bikini.
The funny thing is he did it so trained, like he's done it before. It had to be one of his secrets of using those seducing brown piercing eyes of his. My libido was on one hundred percent because of his lustful stares.
"So Dana, do you date like Cari here that I didn't even know had a boyfriend." Cassie spoke up making the comfortable vibe shift a bit.
"Um, yes I-"
"Calen, why can't you keep your big ass mouth shut?" Cari yelled over the wind that picked up a bit on the boat.
"Man, you the one acting like she wasn't going to find out anyways. Should of brought the nigga." Calen laughed making Cooper join in.
"Yo, stop talking about my nigga like that, he cool." Cooper tried defending Bryson. I just shook my head since I still hadn't been able to answer Cassie's question.
"Can y'all please stop saying that derogatory language please." Cassie asked looking over at Calen and Cooper. With with a smile she looked back my way waiting for her answer.
"To answer your question Cassie, yeah I do. Women." I answered honestly, feeling Calen's eyes grill me all humor gone.
"Oh alright, I don't discriminate with that. Just as long as you let me know you're trying to date my daughter or not." Cassie laughed.
"Oh no, Cari and I are like sisters." I smiled, even though I've thought about it in the past. That is until Calen Rodriguez sat next to me in a club one night.
"More like your son." Calen muttered making my heart drop. Cari snickered.
"What was that Calen?" Cassie asked from across the boat.
"Nothing, I'm just talking to myself." He blinked his squinty eyes at me, letting me know he was high and trying to be an ass.
"Well, we should be heading back before it gets too dark. I am wore out." Clay announced standing to his feet.
"Yeah, I'll go up with you babe." Cassie offered standing with him, they departed to the upper deck.
Cari and Cooper seized playing cards, while Calen took something white from behind his ear. Taking a little black lighter out of his shorts pocket, he lit the spliff taking a pull.
It never amazed me more with anyone else than it did when he smoked, he made it look so sexy. Catching me stare at him, he turned his head to the side winking at me.
Fighting the smile that wanted to come upon my lips I stood with Cari, needing to get as far from him as I could on this boat.
"Ready to change out of these bathing suits?" She asked while I nodded. We went down to the lower deck, I entered into the room where I had left my clothes earlier. Slowly I changed back into my white shirt and black shorts that stopped at the space of my upper thighs.
Pulling my hair into a messy bun, I couldn't wait to take a shower. Opening the door again, I was glad that Calen wasn't surprisingly standing outside the room waiting for me like earlier.
I could feel the boat starting to move again, letting me know we were going back to land. My first boat experience wasn't all that bad and I wouldn't mind doing it again. Mostly because I knew how to swim thanks to Calen now.
It infatuated me at how many firsts I had experienced with him that I never thought I would. Somewhere inside me, I knew there would be more. But before there would be, I needed to tell him and ask of my curiousness on what took place while we were apart.
It mattered to me, and if he was done with lying about something that should be small, he would have no problem with telling me. Thinking about him holding that gun still made me shiver.
Staying quiet would be done, as much as I wanted him. He still needed to know how much of a wreck he made me. I couldn't just forget the pain, it was still there.
Once docked everyone started taking things back to the house, I being last out the cabin behind Cari I grabbed my book bag. My arm was pulled instantly back into the cabin once everyone was off.
It was Calen.
"There's lights that lead to the guesthouse on the sand, come tonight."
"I don't know." I sighed looking up at him, he did a small conniving smile stretching his freckles a bit exiting out the boat.
"Why?" He asked with urgency slowing his feet a little to walk alongside me to the house.
"Because we have things to discuss." I told him, my eyes darted over to see his reaction. Remaining silent he had a confused look on his face.
"Like what?" He finally asked, "We already talked."
"Calen for one-"
"I'm done with you rejecting me, I'm not about to be so lenient this time." He growled clenching his jaw, still keeping his eyes towards the house.
"No, why you denying us, tell me?" He cut me off again, I walked a little slower becoming aggravated with him. Like what happened to respecting my wishes?
Following behind him, he stopped blocking the way inside the back patio doors.
"Calen." I groaned, irritated by how he was acting. I really wanted to shower and get the saltwater off my body.
"What?" He asked clad in a thin white t shirt, his tattooed torso could be seen through it. Leaning against the door frame he acted like he was picking something off his arm.
"Move." I ordered wide eyed at him.
"Make me." He challenged, I smirked at him seeing Cassie standing behind him with a look of disapproval on her face.
"Calen Antoine-Ruiz Rodriguez, stop being rude and go get the rest of the stuff off the boat." She ordered as he just looked at me with an evil grin moving to go back to the boat. What the hell was up with him?
"I am so sorry, he has his moments where he's-"
"Bipolar, yeah I know he....I mean Cari told me." I blinked catching myself. Cassie smiled with a small nod. That was close.
"Yeah." She did a soft chuckle, not noticing I was screaming on the inside.
"I'm going to go hit the shower, thank you again for a beautiful day Ms. Rodriguez." I smiled at her beginning to move my feet, knowing I needed to get away before something I said messed up everything.
"Please call me Cassie, Dana. Plus it was a pleasure to go out on the water today it has been some time." She rubbed my arm beginning to walk in the kitchen. Probably to get dinner started I noticed Cassie liked to cook like all her children weren't grown.
Giving her one last nod I made my way to the stairs. Back to the guest room I finally was actually comfortable to sleep in. It made me see with Cassie just how much she missed everyone being all home together again.
I couldn't bring my drama here with me between Calen and I when she was just so happy. He was being weird anyways, I wish he would just chill out. It's like my bikini turned him into the cocky arrogant guy I first met months ago.
"Hey, I'll be in my room so just come over when you finish." Cari popped her head in my door that I hadn't locked.
"Okay, yeah." I nodded at her and she stared at me up and down.
"Did you take the pill?" She asked me.
"Yes, I took it." I sighed looking away from her searching with my eyes and hands for my pajamas. Didn't matter, Calen still wasn't getting none as long as I wasn't alone with him. I honestly didn't know what guards he would make come down without question if we were alone.
"Good, even though I would love to be an auntie." She laughed at me, I could feel myself blushing.
"Cari!" I yelled at her as she shut the door back. Having a kid with Calen, it never dawned upon me. But we had a lot to work on before we even get to the point of creating life.
After showering, I put on a black tshirt and some matching pajama shorts. My phone that Cari let me borrow until I got another vibrated on the bed while I brushed out my hair a bit. Picking it up, I saw it was a text. I didn't even give him this number, I don't know how he had it.
Calen: You still coming tonight????? (Sat, 8:31PM)
Putting my phone back down, I decided to ignore him. All he wanted was some ass and I wanted answers. Until he would give me what I wanted he wasn't getting shit from me, not this time.
Exiting out the guest room I smelled food in the hall, but decided not to go downstairs without Cari. My stomach roared from the smell and couldn't wait to go eat. Going to Cari's room, I opened the door to see her fully naked sitting on her bed having a video chat with Bryson.
"Oh my gosh!" I yelled closing the door back, they were so nasty. Standing in the hall with my back against the door, I could hear Cari laughing and I just shook my head.
"Are you done?" I asked after somewhat five minutes had went by.
"I am now." She answered like she was more relieved. Goodness my best friend was a freak with her boyfriend. Opening the door again, she had a sports bra on and boy shorts.
"Why didn't you have your door locked?" I asked closing it back once I stepped all the way in her room.
"Everyone usually knocks in this house." She told me going into her closet, her laptop on her bed was closed thankfully.
"Wow, my bad then." I spoke sarcastically sitting on her bed.
"So tell me what's up with you and Calen. Y'all beefing?" She asked coming back in her room with a shirt on, some shorts in her hand.
"He just for some reason thinks everything is suppose to go back to normal, after half explaining why he just left." I told her watching while she put one leg in after the other in her shorts.
"So he didn't he give you a full explanation, because Dana you were like a fucking ghost for the past three months." She told me, being the only real eye witness of the depression Calen put me through.
"Yep, didn't get the whole thing." I told her.
"Well why the fuck did he just up and leave?" She asked me in annoyance. To protect you, and the rest of your family from my crazy ass ex, or so he says.
"Shit that he had no control of, came into his life and he just had to leave." I spoke with half truths. Cari would probably just think I was lying if I told her the truth. It was just something that was incomprehensible unless you saw the truth.
I knew Calen didn't want his sister or any of his family to know the danger he felt he put them in, all over loving me. Shit I didn't even want them to know.
"That's what he won't tell you, what the shit was?" She asked sitting on the bed with me.
"Yeah, part of it." I did a half smile looking down at her bed.
"Well, he shouldn't get nothing until he tells you all. I know you already know what to do, so I won't say no more." She shrugged her shoulders, I did a quick nod with a shrug.
Cari was so understanding, and she already half knew how her brother was so she could understand what I was going through with him. His mysteriousness and charm.
"Only thing I will say, is I can tell he still is in love with you so be careful." She warned me, "I've never seen an in-love-Calen, and he has it bad for you Dana."
"Thanks Car." I smiled at her, made me wonder if her mother noticed too.
"Anytime." She smiled back, "Sorry about the video chat thing."
"Let's just go eat and not even talk about that please." I laughed standing up off her bed, she followed suit.
"Okay." She laughed turning the lights off in her room, and we headed downstairs to eat. I was certain after all the shit I've been through, I could take Calen. I hoped.
Leaning up against the railing of the patio outside, I pulled from my blunt wondering what the fuck was taking her so long to respond back to my text. Letting the purple kush leave my lungs, I closed my eyes feeling so wound up.
I needed her touch, the smell of her on me, I wanted it all. No matter what I've done since being here the itch just wouldn't go away. Didn't know how much longer I could hold out.
"Calen, what did you do?" My mothers voice came from behind. Fuck.
"What are you talking about ma?" I asked not looking back towards her.
"I talked to Zeus." She told me.
"That's nice, how's my uncle doing?" I asked nonchalantly. Old ass just couldn't keep his mouth closed about our business.
"Calen, tell me what the fuck happened that you needed weaponry from my brother." She seethed, making me glad I was somewhat past my usual high.
"A problem, that I took care of." I told her, turning towards her she gave me a cold hard stare of ice, "Nothing for you to worry about."
"Bullshit, tell me right now." She demanded, "Who helped you take care of this problem?"
"Mother, everything is alright." I tried persuading her.
"Ahora mismo!" She screeched at me.
"Family, in New York." I huffed putting out my blunt, I was hungry and done talking about this.
"The Latin Kings, you're back with them now aren't you?" She asked me, heart break in her eyes, "They are not your family."
"No ma." I groaned in irritation, "Come on I'm hungry can we go eat?"
"They always want a debt repaid for something, yes you are!" She yelled while I walked past her, she grabbed my arm stopping me.
"I don't want to lose you to that fuckin' gang Calen." She told me in anger.
"You're not." I told her, pulling her into a hug she held me tightly. Closing my eyes, I didn't think she would let our talk the other day go. But honestly I didn't care about none of that shit right now.
When I eventually got back to the states I would have to link back up with Lupe. But for now my only focus was Dana, and I needed her. I went into the dirty of my past life to have her here with me, and I'll be damned if I let her slip through my fingers again.
She was the only link that would keep me from sinking back into that life, and she needed to know that. I just needed the chance to get her alone.
Everyone sat around the table in the kitchen eating burgers and hot dogs along with barbecued chicken that Clay put on his grill for dinner. It was all delicious, including the salad that Cassie prepared. I was glad she didn't have to do as much cooking.
The table was cherry every now and then, but the only non cherry part was Calen's absence from the table. No one spoke on it and I felt somewhat responsible. After dinner, Clay and Cassie said their goodnights.
Cari and I headed back into her room just to chill and probably watch a movie or something. There was a knock at her door before Cooper popped his head inside.
"See, Cooper knocked." Cari laughed and I gave her the middle finger.
"Nope, I have a boyfriend for that," She smirked at my hand, "He's just so far away." Cari complained in a whine laying on her side.
"Ew, um, if ma and dad ask I went out okay?" He muttered, having both of us sit up from his words.
"Where you going?" Cari asked, exactly the question in my mind. This nigga was trying to sneak off to probably go see a female.
"To a party, if y'all must know, and no y'all can't come." He told us, Cari scoffed at him.
"Bullshit we going nigga, where the hell the party even at?" She asked.
"The Hernandez estate." He huffed shaking his head.
"Wait, the twins are having their summer party tonite?" Cari asked. Twins?
"Cari, come on I'm already late." Cooper complained watching her get out of bed skipping to her closet.
"Cooper it is only ten thirty, you aren't missing shit." She yelled walking back out of her closet with an outfit she looked down at me, "You in the mood for partying?"
"It's been a while since I've had a-"
"It's settled we going!" She shouted, "Cooper don't you try and leave either or ma and pa will know you took the boat."
"Fuck man, this is why I don't tell y'all shit." He grumbled at us, and we laughed at him as he shut the bedroom door back.
"Let's get ready shall we?" She smiled pulling me up from my seat on the bed.
When Cari was talking about the boat I thought she meant the yacht but I was wrong, there was another small boat that we took. In the night it went fast down the coast. I wondered why they didn't tell Calen anything but he probably didn't want to go.
Coming to a small dock, it was the back of a huge, and I mean huge estate. Bodies danced back and forth while music blasted from speakers on the pool deck.
Some girls only walked around in bikinis while others were fully dressed. I was glad I kept it simple with my outfit. Cari took my hand leading me with Cooper in front deeper towards the house.
"Who are all these people?" I shouted to Cari over the music.
"Only the rich kids of the island that are somebody's really." She told me, her smile was an elite one. It dawned on me that the Rodriguez family must had a high reputation if Cooper was invited here.
"What's up nigga!" Cooper yelled embracing some guy who had pretty light brown eyes.
"Coop! Was good and I see you brought Cari, it's always good to see you hun." The pretty browned eyed guy spoke, then his eyes shifted to me.
"Yeah, they caught me before I could sneak away." Cooper muttered to the guy.
"Hello Chance, good to see you again. This is just my friend Dana." Cari introduced me to the tall skinny guy that must have been the host of the huge party.
"Pleasures all mine. Caliente." He spoke taking my right hand he kissed the back of it with warm lips.
"Um, yeah nice to meet you." I spoke with a light chuckle at him, slipping my hand out his grip.
"Oh and from the U.K. Well, well, you have definitely out did yourself Coop." Chance smiled with pretty white teeth at me.
"Yeah, anyways where's the fuckin' drinks man?" Cooper asked.
"Yeah, follow me. You ladies want a drink?" Chance asked us and Cari nodded along with me in unison.
"Follow me." He nodded, walking through the crowds of bodies enjoying themselves.
Laying on my bed, I stared up at the ceiling wishing she would just answer her phone. Tapping my hand on my knee, I tried to just call Dana but her phone just kept ringing. She was seriously just ignoring my ass.
"Fuck." I groaned sitting up in my bed. I scanned through my endless thread of messages on my phone and saw one from Coop I must have ignored.
Coop: going to the Hernandez party, know you might not go with the funk yo ass been in. but it would mean a lot if your ass showed up. (Sat, 10:45PM)
That was thirty minutes ago, and I didn't really want to go. My ass wasn't in the mood for partying I wanted to be laid up with my girl.
Being desperate, I called Cari's phone just to see if Dana was just sleep or some shit. It rung like three times before her ass answered. Immediately I heard loud ass music in the background.
"Hello?" She answered sounding confused.
"Cari, where the hell you at?" I asked and she laughed in my ear. Some nerve she got.
"Calen you are not my dad, what the hell you want?" She asked me, and I was already getting annoyed with her.
"You at the Hernandez party?" I asked her hoping she was anywhere else.
"Yeah and I'm not alone." She spoke sing songy, "Need to get your shit together Calen."
Then she hung up, in my face.
Get my shit together huh?
Guess I'm going to a party.
I sat on a stool by the huge bar with Cari that looked like it belonged in a club. Wrapping my lips on a cup of sex on the beach, it made my front lobe fuzzy way too soon. It was my first cup and I probably had about three more sips in it.
"Want another babe?" Cari asked me and i cheesed nodding at her. She chuckled at my tipsy ass before turning towards the bar, telling the bad female that was making drinks for another order.
"This wasn't a bad idea, even though Cooper was against it." I mumbled in her ear since the music was more louder in the section of the estate we were in than outside.
"Nah, it wasn't. But anyways, Cooper was nothing compared to how Calen will react." She laughed making me confused.
"What you mean?" I asked her, how would Calen would know we were here.
"His party pooping ass called me like ten minutes ago, he's probably not going anywhere anyways." Cari shrugged sipping from a clear straw in her glass.
She was right, I wasn't going to let the fear of Calen coming trying to start some shit get to me. Just enjoy myself like how I should. I was on vacation dammit.
Some guy came out of nowhere drunk as hell obviously and walked right into me with his drink. It was like I didn't even have time to react.
"Shit!" I groaned standing up out the stool, what mad it worse was the twins; Chance and his brother Chris was standing by us talking to Cari and Cooper.
The coincidence that they had names starting with a C also was weird, but I paid it no mind.
"Oh, well damn ain't you wearing your drink." Some girl laughed, I felt so embarrassed.
"Where's the bathroom?!" I yelled, ignoring Cari trying to wipe me with napkins.
"Um, you can use the one upstairs, third door on the right." Chance told me with a smile like he was trying to stifle his laugh.
Everyone was on the liq, and probably wouldn't remember this but it didn't make me feel any less humiliated. Storming off I went upstairs and by the time I got up there, automatically forgot what door Chance told me.
"Fuck." I mumbled, leaning up against the wall in the barely lit hallway. My flip flops padded gently on the hardwood floors, and I tried the first door. But it was just a linen closet, with only sheets and blankets.
"Oh my gosh!" I groaned going to the next door and taken aback, no horrified, embarrassed more by what I saw.
In the lightly lit room, a very tall light brown skinned guy stood, getting head from two different females. My mouth formed a huge O in embarrassment, his low sleepy eyes made eye contact with mine, not one hint of shock on his face.
"I am so sorry." I yelled immediately closing the door back, leaning against it with my back. Calming my heart I leaned up off the door going to the next finding the bathroom finally.
Closing the door behind me, I got a towel sitting on the toilet. The one exclusive high society party of this island and I was soon to be the laughing stock of it. I dabbed the wet spot on my shirt a few more times, looking myself in the mirror.
"You're supposed to be having fun Dana." I breathed and looked over myself once more. Being satisfied with my shirt and whole look I decided to exit the bathroom.
Opening the door I was met with those sleepy eyes again on the tall guy, who I walked in on. Shit, he's going to banish me from the house.
"Um...." I didn't know what to say looking up at him, he blew smoke from his full lips just staring down at me a dark look in his eyes.
"Do you need to use the bathroom or something?" I asked him and he shook his head at me.
"No." He spoke, "Never seen you before around here."
"Oh, yeah I'm not from here." I nodded sounding like an idiot.
"That's obvious." He muttered taking a pull from his blunt, "Who you here with?"
"Um, Cooper and Cari." I told him, like he knew who that was. Probably didn't even live here. He analyzed me once in confusion.
"Rodriguez." I continued and then he did a slow nod.
"Oh...he's back then." The guy spoke confusing me.
"Whose back?" I asked him, he leaned back on the opposite wall from me. A door down the hall opened, and the two females that I walked in earlier with the guy went down the hall.
"I'm August." He spoke to me pulling my attention back on him, "Hernandez."
"Dana, Ross." I smiled and he cracked one too. It was beautiful, I forgot a moment that I was in an awkward moment with him a while ago.
"Nice to meet you Dana." He spoke taking another pull from his blunt, "You smoke?"
"Oh, nah I drink. But someone spilled their drink on me thinking I wear it too." I spoke in annoyance, August did a small chuckle.
"Sorry about my rude guests, you want another outfit to change into?" He asked me, I had to admit it surprised me.
"Oh no, I'm fine. Being in your house is enough for me, it's beautiful by the way." I told him in honesty.
"Thank you, and I like your voice it's beautiful too." He told me, "Nah, more like sexy."
"Uh, thank you." I could feel myself blushing in front of this guy that was more than intimidating in his own way. He was handsome I had to admit.
"Dana!" A familiar voice yelled from down the hall, I turned towards the sound along with August. Calen walked down the hall quickly looking me up and down then put his sights on August.
"Hernandez." Calen muttered lowly towards August, he took another pull from his blunt staring back at Calen.
"Rodriguez." August spoke squinting his eyes at him.
"Dana, it's time to go, now." Calen told me still looking at August, they must have a very bad history.
"You're serious right now? All I was doing was using the bathroom." I huffed looking up at him, he was doing too much.
"Well are you done?" He asked looking down at me.
"Yeah." I breathed, feeling him grab my hand, and I waved bye at August. He nodded at me with a wave of his own, watching us walk off.
Calen never let my hand go even when we got to outside of the estate, he chirped an all black car. It was a BMW that I didn't even think came out yet.
"I'm not ready to leave yet." I told him, he looked angry at me clenching his jaw. He looked sexy when he was mad. Maybe it was the liquor in me, but I didn't even realize how long I had even been talking to August.
It seemed like it had only been barely five minutes. But it was longer than that, probably why Calen came upstairs looking for me.
"Dana, please get in the car or I'll make you." He threatened me. How dare he?
"Are you serious right now, I'll just go find Cari and leave with her." I told him beginning to walk away, and I was swept off my feet after only two steps. His Armani cologne invaded my nostrils deeply making me weaker than usual to fight him off.
"Calen!" I yelled while he put me in his car, he closed the door. Locked it with his key button every time I tried to unlock the door.
Getting in the drivers side, he pushed started the car driving off from the estate. I folded my arms over my chest, angry that he was trying to treat me like a child or something.
"So you're kidnapping me now, very mature." I scrunched my eyebrows in anger.
"I've been calling your damn phone all night, why you ignoring me?" He asked, thinking his question justified his actions obviously.
Low key his bold act did turn me on as much as I wanted to be mad at him.
"Until you were ready to just talk about stuff, I didn't want to hear nothing else." I told him, looking over he had his free hand holding his chin.
"We've talked Dana, I just wanted to-"
"Have sex, yeah I'm sure." I cut him off looking away from him.
He scoffed having me looking back over at him, "Believe me I want to do more than that to your ass."
"Calen!" I yelled not believing he was trying to joke around right now.
"What? I'm at least being honest, your ass act like you don't want me but I know better."
He drove down the road, turning on the overhead light to look for something.
"Don't try and tell me what I want." I spoke looking in his face and he smoothly made eye contact with me doing a squint of his eyes.
"Stop fronting with me Dana." He spoke softly, my heart skipped a beat as we kept eye contact, I looked away from him.
"That's what the fuck I thought."
"Swear you make me sick." I huffed looking away from him while he turned off the overhead light putting his spliff between his lips.
"I don't understand, how we got here." He muttered lighting a spliff, I looked over at him.
"You stopped loving me, that's how!" I yelled at him, taking another pull he put his blunt out, parking the car on the side of the road. Letting down his window he blew the smoke and turned towards me.
"I've never stopped fuckin' loving you!" He yelled at me clenching his jaw, "Everything I've done has been for you!"
"No, it's been for your family." I sniffled, "And I don't blame you for picking them over me I would've done the same."
"Fuck Dana, no, that's not how it is." He leaned closer to me, placing his right hand on my bare left thigh that my skirt didn't cover, "If you just give me the chance I'll tell you whatever you want, and you're all that matters to me."
"Well talk. Right now." I demanded in a softer tone looking over at him and I wish I hadn't. His brown eyes looked like fire staring me down. His warm right hand clenched my thigh gently.
"You switching our chains, that was strike one. I just felt my guards to respect what you want come down." He started, licking over his full pink lips slowly. It made me throb in hearing him bearing his thoughts, showing his sweet vulnerability.
His eyes analyzed me slowly, before he just moved the center down in the car so that he could move closer to me, this isn't going how I wanted in no way at all...but it just felt. Right.
"That fucking bikini was strike two, and then you rejected me in the boat..." He breathed moving his adam's apple while he talked and swallowed.
I couldn't talk, just get sucked up into him, fuck.
"Then seeing you talking to some other dude in the hall set me on fire, and I'm sorry for how I acted." He apologized in a soft tone, I felt his hand move further between my inner thighs.
"Calen." I groaned in frustration and want fearing for this to happen, he had me where I didn't need to be with him, we hadn't even talked yet.
"What?" He asked, his hand moving further he kept eye contact with me while cars passed us on the street.
"Can you please.." I breathed grabbing his tattooed diamond chained wrist feeling his fingertips reach the cloth of my panties.
"Stop?" He asked in a whispering purr, "Why when you know you don't fuckin' want me to baby?"
"Because we need to talk." I gasped taking in his fingers, after so long back where they were supposed to be.
"But, you dripping for me Dae." He whispered biting his bottom lip, his fingers slid left to right on my sensitive nub.
In little circles he rubbed up and down my center leaning more on my side of the car. Using his free hand he gripped my right thigh pulling my legs towards his side of the car.
"No, we need to-"
"We don't need to talk about shit." He looked into my eyes, throwing my shoes out the window pulling my hips closer to him. My head laid on the passenger seat I closed my eyes knowing I wasn't going to win, his soft hand gripped my body like I was his most prized possession.
Pushing my skirt up he ripped my panties in one swift move, I heard them tear slowly seeing he threw them out the car too. Then he kissed my left inner thigh with such gentle ease.
I gasped as he began to blow on me, reaching up his hand he moved my shirt up moving my bra out the way. Slowly his fingertips began to play with my left nipple.
"I fuckin' love you Dana, and I want you." Was his last words before he dived into my pearl like it had been centuries.
Slurping, sucking, moaning and groaning is all he put me through in eternal bliss his mouth made love to me, and he wasn't finished there.
"I don't want you to come like this, baby let me..." He trailed off softly grabbing my hips he stopped before I hit my peak, pulling me on top of him.
"Calen, we can't I-"
He pressed his mouth softly to mine kissing slow letting me taste myself, plunging his tongue down my throat. Tasting like sugar I indulged in his lips pulling away so I can breathe. Going for the sensitive spot on the right side of my neck next he bit, only to softly glide against the spot putting a hickie.
"Not like this, I don't want to lose my virginity like this!" I yelled at him, he had my nerves and emotions all over the place.
"Just, lets go back to the house Calen. Now!" I yelled, glad he had stopped his attack on me before it went too far. I moved back over to my side of the car, feeling like an idiot that I went back on my word and promise to myself.
Thanks For Reading!😍
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cerealmonster15 · 7 months
listen people can have their differing opinions that’s cool I just Personally Feel Like it’s just so mean to be yelling that feedback such as likes on posts and a kudos on fics are “useless”. What do u mean. Why. are ppl not expressing their feelings in a way that makes them comfortable ? ?
Like I Understand i guess in the sense of you don’t get to hear peoples opinions. I also feel kinda lonely and stuff when it’s quiet feedback but calling anything useless sounds so WEIRD to me ??? What is the goal. And also yea they do something still I’m pretty sure????
Take ao3. Isn’t sort by kudos an option on there? If your goal is to be seen more or whatever then if people are looking for high kudos fics, then people giving ur fic a kudos isn’t useless yeah??
And then tumblr. People keep saying “likes do nothing here there’s no algorithm” or whatever but that’s not really fully true. On your standard dashboard, sure, likes “don’t do anything” to move a post around on there. BUT that’s not the only place people find posts. If u are looking in the tags for posts, im p sure the default is to sort by popular posts. That’s, as far as I understand, a TOTAL NOTES count. Likes are included. Likes help ur posts her higher in that “popular” zone. I have several posts that have ended up in there in some small ship tags BECAUSE of all the likes, which does still have people seeing those posts now and then when they’re in the tag.
AND I’m pretty sure it’s a similar mechanic for the for you page. I’m sure we think people don’t use that feature but I’m pretty sure people do/ maybe new users. This is more of a theory on my part lol buttttt. I’ve noticed a few rare times where I’ve made an addition to a reblog on someone else’s post, there will be a stretch of time sometimes where random people that Do Not Follow Me keep liking/reblogging the post via my addition. WAY more times for it to just be a stray person wanting it from my addition without comments under (and I don’t think people do that when they’re only liking the post lol). And the few times I’ve accidentally had my for you tab on, I believe it does show via other people’s reblogs lol. So that’s just my way of saying total note count INCLUDING LIKES probably does put posts in peoples eyes on the for you tab / my experience tells me people do use that feature so it’s not just sitting there dusty lol.
Anyway I like mostly understand why people want reblogs and comments, like I do prefer them too bc I like when people tell me what they r thinking (however sometimes people do not add their thoughts in the tags either and that is just how it is!). And I also understand some people maybe just don’t know that others like that kind of feedback and need to hear it first to feel encouraged. I think I just personally do not like the tone that a lot of posts have when they talk about it. When ur calling likes useless bc idk it’s not the right kind of feedback u wanted so it’s inferior ?? 😭😭😭 I also feel like that intense vibe like, idk if this makes sense or if other people felt it too, but it negatively shifted my own perception too? Like. I thought likes were fine. But now with how intense people are about them and not meant if likes bc they just don’t count in ur eyes, now when people like instead of reblogging, I just think of all those posts and I’m like “hmm ok is my post bad did I make a bad post bc everyone says the likes aren’t good so if I’m getting likes I made A Bad Post. It’s Pity Feedback” <- which is SO unhealthy and also tbh has a lot more to do with my own issues that are just getting influenced here so it’s not all on those posts lol. I just Also Have Extra Issues 🫡
Ok jeeze I don’t wanna sound soap boxy tho so I’m NOT letting people rb this aJsndjfcjfjfjcjfj and ppl can absolutely have different feelings and opinions about the situation it’s fine. this is just. how I feel ✌️
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marley-manson · 4 months
lmao it's really something when a show wants to be progressive and tell us that homophobia isn't cool, but they can't even say a character is gay outside of ppl calling him slurs
TO BE FAIR i guess it's unclear whether joxer's issue with jace is that he's gay or just that he's wildly flamboyant, but like, that lack of clarity equates flamboyance with being gay anyway and makes ted raimi's performance as jace that little bit even more painful to sit through so yeah, being able to actually discuss it still would've helped there lol.
like it's nice that the show's heart is in the right place here and everyone else thinks jace is great etc, kudos where it's due, and i do generally assume that xena had to sometimes walk a fine line because it was the lesbian show and didn't have much heterosexuality as a buffer, so i'm more inclined to blame producers/execs than writers, but still. like, i'll take that one gay dude in blind faith over this any day
also in general my god. the vibes of this ep were just so bad. it's like whoever arranged the songs was trying to be as dull and monotonous as possible; the aesthetic was... painfully red; draco's rapiness was very unfun; and i get gabrielle's irritation with joxer trying to hook up with another woman as an ego thing but like whyyyyyy
the lone highlight for me was xena suddenly showing up between draco's band and the amazons and just telling them they were going to have a battle of the bands to decide who gets the lyre, and both groups listening to her by default because she's xena so what are they gonna do, fight her? Also the original songs were p cute, I guess. Not good, but not as cloying as the badly arranged pop songs
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alethiometry · 2 years
Rules: list eight shows for your followers to get to know you better.
Tagged by @aeide!
1. black sails. OBVIOUSLY. it's got everything. drama, intrigue, ocean gays, lying little wet rat twinks, anti-colonialist uprisings, caribbean history, grimy period-appropriate costumes, heartbreak, monologues, toby "saturday chillin don't fuckin @ me i'm chillin" schmitz calling himself daddy. everybody slays absolute cunt. it is THEEEE most perfect show ever created.
2. parks and recreation. rewatching p&r is an interesting experience because it was such a product of obama-era liberal america and the optimism just oozes out of every scene. also we don't like crisp ratt anymore. but it's also so genuinely funny and heartfelt and comforting! this show had a massive impact on my sense of humor, as well as i think framed failure in such a positive light: every character failed drastically at something over the course of the show, but through caring for each other were able to pick themselves back up and never let their shortcomings define them. i first watched it at a point in my life where i really needed that, so it has always stuck with me.
3. leverage. my comfort show to turn to when living in a post-capitalist hellscape that continues to reward billionaires for their moral bankruptcy while shitting on everybody else gets too depressing (so… like every day). is it campy and unrealistic? yes. do i care? no. sometimes you need escapism via direct action, heist hijinks, and extreme displays of bisexuality. also aldis hodge is one of the most beautiful human beings on planet earth.
4. supernatural. yeah yeah it's the hehe destiel meme show. but it was also tons of fun to watch every week, the worldbuilding started out fantastic (and then got progressively more and more insane), i think it's really the epitome of "really cool ideas with mostly lackluster execution". the bloody mary episode remains one of my favorite episodes of tv ever, and the fandom drama just keeps giving! i also met some of my dearest friends through the fandom, so maybe the real destiel love memes were the friends we made along the way.
5. twin peaks. the only show that made me so insane i went and got a tattoo of it. impeccable vibes, the experience of watching s3 and then memeing about it on reddit with everyone else who were all equally confused is an experience that will never be replicated.
6. love island uk. listen. fucking listen. i don't want this show to be listed here any more than any of you do, i'm sure. absolute bottom of the barrel brain rot that consumes my life and brings my workday to a grinding halt (thank you timezones) for the 2 months that each season is running. i absolutely have nothing good to say about love island uk other than it's sometimes really funny, usually unintentionally. but iain stirling's voice and those stupid neon pillows/beanbags and atrocious cursive font and catchphrases have wormed their way into my brain and nothing short of a complete lobotomy can remove it.
7. how to get away with murder. this wouldn't even be on here if saff and i didn't go on an insane binge of all six seasons last fall. but since we did… here we are. michaela pratt is an icon and has never done anything wrong ever in her life and i will die on this hill.
8. cunk on earth. this is probably recency bias speaking but oh my god i adore this show. it is exactly my brand of humor and i have so much respect for all the experts and miss diane morgan herself for making it through those interviews without breaking, because i would be fighting for my fucking life. this is the show that i will henceforth be recommending like a madwoman to all my friends.
honorable mentions: american vandal, derry girls, naruto, south park, dexter, elementary, orphan black.
i'm tagging: @winedark @seance @assassiyun @thatsouthernanthem @potsticker1234 @ciaramedba @doomcountry @thychesters <3
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
okay. ahsoka ep 3.
i already know jacen is in this bc i got SPOILED but let me tell you im gonna still be shocked anyway skldjflkd
k here we go
These introductions are pointless. Like we saw the last ep last week. If we forgot we can just look it up.
OH WOW she’s hot
“Not bad but not good” WOW HUYANG. Oh wow this guys comin for Sabines whole LIFE here damn
Um ig Ahsoka forgot that Mandalorians can hold their own against jedi just damn fine? Sabine once beat KANAN
Ahsoka: okay time to pretend to be Kanan
God can you imagine being stupid enough to give that line to her? Did filoni or Favreau write that line? Sounds on par with how idiotic those two dipshits are. Like that is so stupid. Who is that STUPID.
That’s like an anti-Kanan reference. That’s fucking Kanan retconning.
God I’m so MAD.
Honest to god I’m kinda glad this is only 30 mins long this time. I’m fucjing mad.
She fights like Sabine though. I love this actress for her. She’s doing Sabine so well. Thank you <3
Hooray chancellor mothma
I mean in name only so far but still. My lil snow pea boy
“Causing trouble with chopper” I’m so glad that droid is giving the galaxy hell with multiple generations of syndullas. Here’s to chopper outliving us all
She should be allowed to find her son the war hero at any costs
“People who were like family to me” okay uh so that’s a workaround for saying Kanan? But Kanan wasn’t even killed by
“Aunt” WHAT
She’s his SISTER
He looks a little like Kanan would have looked. AND NOTHING LIKE HERA (enter usual rant about PISS POOR CHARACTER DESIGN)
Also like. He wants to be a jedi 😭
God that look. She’s thinking of Kanan 😭😭😭
“Everyone could be a jedi” is the STUPIDEST TAKE
God i hate this fucking show
And I fucking hate filoni and Favreau so. Fuckingn. Much.
Huyang does NOT like Sabine
And he’s right about jedi and force wielders
She’s so cute I love u Sabeeen <3
T-6 shuttle shot
I love u T-6 shuttles
Wow those are fuckin… old ass ships. Clone war era.
I mean T-6 is even older but I love it so. I do not care.
Also hang on rewind a sec to the “few mandalorians have ever been jedi” okay how do you KNOW that. The two of you have been at odds so much for so long that I’m sure millions went by unnoticed by the jedi
Downgraded from Spheres In Space to fucking Circle In Space 🙄
I love Huyang he’s a bitch
Oh T-6 shuttle they’re really in it now
Oop floaty in space
Huyang out for the count again xoxo
Shin Hati is such a little shit and I ADORE her
She space-suited up in 3 seconds or some shit. God I hate sci fi.
Get yourself ahsoka you’re the dumbass who chose to stand outside
Shin Hati 👁 👁 fr
Ezra are u there?! 😭😭😭😭
okay after the initial AAAA umm yeah I’m thoroughly disappointed
The purrgil looked so BEAUTIFUL in design and colour and pattern in Rebels… only to be Giant Grey Things in this show?
God I fucking HATE this show.
Anyway half this episode is literally just space fighting. That’s so stupid.
I do like tbis planet. It’s dull and drab like everything else this show has done BUT at least the aesthetic of this one is meant to be dark and drab and dull
Anyway can they go back and follow the fucking purrgil yet
Mr Inquisitor I kind of hope you’re someone cool we already know. That’s a cool trope that I want to see in canon. If not that’s okay I want a cool inquisitor anyway.
So they’re meant to pick up thrawns ship? Like the way Jedi ships used to—
The way DT says purrgil has shocked me to near silence
That’s so funny it’s great and hard in his voice
So yeah that was stupid and awful and it’s good that was only 30 mins of disappointment rather than fucking 50 or whatever
Still love the vibes of this outtro tho. Wish the rest of the show was this cool.
now we just need -rex - ezra - direct kanan mention (like NAMED)
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meejijis · 1 year
for the ask meme, how about the letters B, C, F, G, I, K and X?
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
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If I have to choose which pairing came into mind, it's Fukami x Dolphi from WATGBS. That being their older versions that is. I remembered browsing around I think either Pixiv or Lofter back in 2014 and I stumbled upon a cute fanart of the older versions of them, Dolphi sleeping on Fukami's shoulder while I thiiink he was slightly blushing in the pic. Seeing this fanart, I didn't shipped them at first but I thought it was pretty cute and they had potential! Then later, someone in the fandom discovered that fanart and from there they made a whole new revolution of them creating a cute askblog and created lots of cute fanarts of them and yeah! Because of them, I ended up shipping them! 🐙🐬💞
C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never will
I have like maybe 6 NOTP's(???) that makes my blood boil LOL but I guess I'll name them
Wadanohara x anybody else but except Samekichi (Out of all wada pairings I hate the most is SalWada. I still very much hate the ship to this very day and even seeing it on sight makes me reaaaaaalllly severely uncomfortable)
Samekichi x anybody else but except Wadanohara
Tao Ren x anybody else but except Jeanne
Iron Maiden Jeanne x anybody else but except Ren. (Honestly the only Shaman King ship that makes my blood boil is Hao x Jeanne, I hate it a lot)
I also don't ship Hao with no one either, he's better off being single :p
I'm also not the biggest fan of OC x Canon pairings either since majority of the ships I like most of the time, I just can't stand see them being paired off with anyone else (I'm not a multishipper in general either) BUT if anyone enjoys this then your absolutely valid and cool. It's just not for me so I really try to avoid and filter/block this out.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
I doubt I'll remember but in almost all fandoms I'm in are mostly only in the shipping sides
2007 - 2012 (5 years): SasuSaku (Sasuke x Sakura from naruto)
2014 - 2019 (5 years): Samewada (Samekichi x Wadanohara from WATGBS)
2015 - now (As of 8 years atm) RenMei (Tao Ren x Iron Maiden Jeanne from Shaman King). Fun fact: I kiiinda did peak at the SK fandom from afar after I finished watching the 01 anime in 2015 during my spring break in school at the time but I never touched the main fandom cuz everyone during that time was hostile towards RenMei and there was too many RenMei antis so I would take a peek from time to time and eventually moved on, only until around 2018 Takei drew their official wedding art, made even more RenMei crumbs in Red Crimson/Marcos and from then on I got heavily invested in the ship
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
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Sasuke Uchiha x Sakura Haruno from Naruto. Been shipping them since 2007 and still ship them to this very day. So 16 years, I'm a veteran fan haha
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
Sadly yeaaaaa uhhh...
DSP (Deep sea prisoner). I ended up not vibing in the fandom because there were too many antis, wasn't a huge fan of many dark icky fanarts in general, there was also some fans that acted like supremacists, too many dramas would keep occuring (I remembered the dark days when the Mogeko Critical blogs were active from late 2016 to 2018) and yeah I excluded myself out somewhere in I think 2017 or 2018, it wasn't worth it.
Shaman King. Just like how I explained in the F section, the fandom had waaaayyy too many RenMei antis, heck RenMei is still hated by the fandom, a lot of huge popular blogs in the fandom back in the day treated RenMei shippers horribly (I'm not kidding) ranging from sending hate/death threats and ostracizing RenMei shippers out from the fandom, no one stood up for RenMei shippers when they were getting bashed for shipping Ren x Jeanne and it was awful. I even had a few friends back in the day that either got chased out from the fandom for having an opinion on them and another case was them being bullied to the point they ended up having traumatic experiences, left the fandom and it took them years to recover in therapy. People in the fandom straight up called us shippers terrible awful human beings for shipping a 4 year age gap and we should feel ashamed for it (And it gets even worse because the same people that called us bad awful human beings are also hypocrites and also ship problematic age gap ships in SK... and yet Renmei is somehow still considered the worst pairing???) Aaaand yeah because of the tumblr experience I've witnessed from afar, I didn't enter the fandom. (Until yeaaaars later I kinda tried to, in a discord server but I ended up not liking the experience as a whole because ppl on the server barely shipped RenMei, ppl got away with shitting on RenMei on there, I got blocked by a ex staff for shipping RenMei and almost most of the staff members are all RenMei antis and because of this experience, I completely gave up trying to be part of the SK fandom, it was not worth it as a RenMei shipper)
K - How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom
In the western side, everyone is really nice in the RenMei fandom even if it's really small. I used to be lonely for being the only hardcore shipper for them until 2 hardcore friends came along and I don't feel lonely anymore. I just recently became friends with a RenMei friend (Who was a veteran fan) a few months ago and I've had the most absolute time of my life hanging out talking and drawing the ship with them nearly almost everyday.
As for the JP fandom, I vibe with almost everyone on there as well, everyone is very supportive of the ship. Though I do have to admit, I kiiinda don't vibe well with a few fans sexualizing the younger kid versions of RenMei but we won't talk any further about that...
3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
I think I listed them down already in section F but I guess we can do other different OTP's
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Natsume Hyuuga x Mikan Sakura from Gakuen Alice
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Gruvia (Gray Fullbuster x Juvia Lockser from Fairy Tail)
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Amuto (Ikuto Tsukiyomi x Amu hinamori from Shugo Chara)
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kxmikomrade · 3 years
✧˖*°࿐SMAU - Kazuha
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╰┈➤Kaedehara Kazuha x Reader Order: Maple Leaf (Kazuha) Genre: Fluff Gn!reader Pronouns: Y/P (your Pronouns) Type: Headcannons Requested! by 💜Anon on Discord Warnings: !Kazuha Story quest/Inazuma Archon Quest Prologue SPOILERS! Request:'cream/maple leaf (2 ones can be ur choice) jasmine tea/mint tea hm maybe this is too basic ;-; i can change it if u want' Waiter's Notes: Your second order is served, Traveler :D Author's Notes: I actually changed it up from angst to fluff to just fluff, cuz I cant do angst as a starting (or I just had no ideas lmao), ANYWAY I haven't seen any SMAU with Kazuha so here u go! :)) no onion chopping today
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•His username is either 'Maple_boi' or 'Maple_Kazoo'
•He streams every other day or every 2 days. He also mostly streams poetry reading which is why 99% of his viewers are students who need help.
•He helps them with their poetry homework and assignments and sometimes Math and Science too. He is so patient and understanding with every one of his viewers that he makes a schedule so it blends with their timezones and his.
•Sometimes streams games to help his viewers forget of all their responsibilities and stress.
•Idk why but he gives me the Minecraft architect vibes.
•he's SO GOOD at building in Minecraft that he has a GIANT server filled with all the great builds he's built.
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•Talk about mad building skills, I could never
•Then some of his viewers requested him to play Genshin Impact. He's heard of it before and he saw Mondstadt once so he decided to try it out.
•cue to him keeping calm besides seeing the UNGODLY amount of space it takes. 'It will be worth it' he says.
•He joined during Zhongli's rerun
•Remember that one scene when Paimon showed us the pretty view of the statue of the seven from the cliff? Yeah, he's planning on building that in Minecraft 💀.
•Jumped off the cliff to test if there was fall dmg.
•Cue to Aether nearly dying
•When he reached Mondstadt, he KNEW he had to build it. His viewers are already crying in the chat, telling him to just focus on the goddamn game.
•He mains Aether because his chat keeps on pestering him to main him because they look like lost brothers.
•He's also f2p, and forever will be
•istg, he's so calm that he just there with a small smile on his face in every scene- HE BARELY HAS ANY ENTERTAINING REACTION. Like when it was revealed that Venti is barbatos? 🙂 (he already knew that because of the statue). Childe's betrayal? 🙂, revealing that Zhongli is Morax? 🙂, Dain being originally from Khaenri'ah? 🙂, Kaeya being from Khaenri'ah? 🙂, Lumine being the abyss princess? 🙂
•Though he got interested in Inazuma because its based off Japan.
•He's saving for Venti and Ayaka because of the powerful duo they are.
•Until you came in with the sick demo you had.
•He was SHOOK but like a bit wide-eyed. No, his jaw didn't drop just like how everyone else's did when you were introduced.
•But he did drop something, and that's all his plans on getting Venti and Ayaka.
•He was convinced to get your C6 and Signature weapon.
•Pre-farmed all your mats
•When you're banner dropped, his wallet also dropped.
•He WHALED just to get your C6. He got C1 mona, C0 jean, and C3 qiqi before getting your C6. His chat were either wheezing at it or spamming 'come home'
•Nobody talk about his wallet or bank account.
•It was all worth it, man's smitten for you.
•You have such a cool design, and cool gameplay, that he absolutely ADORES you
•When he saw the cutscene of your backstory, he felt bad for you. Having to have lost someone dear to you. He always thought that your friend was like a sibling to you. So seeing your devastated face made him go from, :)) to :((
•So guess what he did
•He decorated his whole teapot PROFESSIONALLY with your aesthetic <33 and put you in a balcony with a beautiful view of it all.
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Random Extra Headcanons
•His current party is You (Main Dps), Aether (Sub dps), Jean (Healer) and Zhongli (Shield and Burst)
•He has your merch, Posters, clothes, figurines, plushies, you name it
•When he goes for a break, he displays his screen with a live wallpaper of you sitting on a tree and just [favorite hobby]. His viewers dont mind at all
•Speaking of his viewers, they're called 'Maple leaves' dont ask why
•He built Mondstadt
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Part 2 with Inazuma act 2-3?
(911 Words)
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realcube · 4 years
hq!! boys with a short s/o
navi | masterlist | taglist
thanks to anon for this cute request
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characters:  kenma, noya, bokuto, & oikawa
trigger warning: swearing, sexual references, 
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kenma kuzome 
♡ bc you’re smol you can slip into his lap while he plays on his switch and since he can just peer over your shoulder, he lets you 
♡ also bc you are so - in his own words - compact..he kinda goes a bit rough on you bc he doesn’t know his own strength sometimes
♡ like he comes back from practise - having just bet up lev who’s like double his height, then pretends as though he’s the gentlest, most cuddly guy alive
♡ for instance, if you sit on his lap while he’s doing something important, he’ll push you off but bc he is quite strong and you’re quite small, you literally go flying across the room
♡ he also like the fact that he can place his chin on top of your head while hunched over 
♡ bc his posture is horrible which means that most ppl are up to his nose when he’s standing comfortably (and by comfortably i mean when his back is lookin like the letter c)
♡ but not you though bb
♡ he can rest his chin on your head WHILE messing up his back so thanks 💞
♡ also this is kinda unrelated but he probably enjoys seeing you cosplay as some of his favourite characters that are around your height
♡ idk he just seems like that sorta guy lol
♡ probably likes it when y’all get dirty in cosplay too yk
♡ and he constantly compares you to anime characters/ video game characters then makes comments accordingly lol
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
upon feeling kenma’s eyes momentarily shift from his nintendo switch onto you, your immediate response was to meet his gaze, shooting him a brief smile which quickly fell into frown upon hearing his following statement, “you’re around the same height as meliodas from seven deadly sins.”
you blinked rapidly, about to shrug him off and go back to whatever you were doing under you heard a “disgusting.” slip from his lips..so pounced on him. 
“KENMA! YOU CAN’T JUST CALL ME DISGUSTING BECAUSE I’M A SIMILAR HEIGHT TO AN ANIME CHARACTER YOU DON’T LIKE! DON’T  YOU HAVE AN--” to which kenma will just laugh and pretend like he’s trying to pry you off him when he’s actually really enjoying the feeling of you on top of him.
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yū nishinoya
♡ he is the short king™
♡ so he’s honestly so happy that not only does he get to be in the presence of his soulmate, but you’re also shorter than him 😍
♡ and i think having a shorter s/o would really help him with his body image 
♡ sorry to get serious on y’all so quick but i kinda think noya is secretly VERY insecure 
♡ he just has a ‘fake it till you make it’ sort of attitude in regards to his confidence
♡  but having a shorter s/o - especially if you’re really powerful, strong, confident or outspoken - would really give him an ego boost bc not only is he like ‘yep! that’s my star!’ but also everything you do is just so impressive to him
♡ also since you’re around the same height as him, sometimes he forgets that he can’t just jump on you and expect for you to hold his weight like he does with asahi, tanaka, tsukishima etc 
♡ so now you’re always on hyperalert when you pick him up from practise just in case he tackles you to the ground again
♡ it’s happened multiple times even when you were paying close attention though so i’d suggest just wearing a helmet next itme
♡ YJUHGFF he’s definitely the sort of guy to hype you up to his friends after you do the bare minimum
♡ and he ALWAYS mentions your height unless you tell him to stop 
♡ (he just wants his friends to know that just bc they are vertically gifted, they are no better than you or him >:(( keep em humble, yk? ) 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“yep! they’re getting their photo taken at this professional modelling company thingy with all those cool, chunky camera and the bright lights! they’re basically a model- and a few inches smaller than me so, perhaps short is the new sexy.” noya boasted with a casual shrug, feeding off of the amazing looks he was getting from hinata, tanaka and yamaguchi. 
upon noticing that yamaguchi was falling for nishinoya’s exaggerations, tsukishima chimed in, “short is definitely not the new sexy.” and before nishinoya could retort, tsukki hummed, “anyway, model, huh? what brand are they modelling for?”
noya’s lips curled into a bright smile and he clicked his tongue, almost to say ‘glad you asked’, before declaring proudly, “their passport!”
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kōtarō bokuto
♡ another one that doesn’t know his own strength 
♡ especially around you 
♡ like he squeezes you SO tight when hugging that you basically suffocate
♡ and his grip on your hand is always unreasonably strong too so never let him hold your dominant hand or else you won’t be able to hold a pencil for another week
♡ and sometimes he pinches your cheek when he thinks you look especially babey and jesus christ he could leave a bruise
♡ god forbid you’re watching him practise and he makes a killer spike then he turns to look at you with starry eyes--
♡ ...
♡ RUN 🏃‍♂️💨
♡ mans will chase you around the whole gym to pick you up and twirl you to celebrate his spike 
♡ the problem occurs when he holds you so close to him that you suffocate from his reek of BO
♡ he spins so fast that it makes you feel extremely sick and dizzy
♡ ALSO let’s not forget that one time he accidently let go of you a few seconds to early and you went fucking flying across the gym and landed on onaga’s water bottle 
♡ not only did you have to awkwardly hobble to the bathroom with soaking wet leggings so you could change into your spare pair, you also felt obliged to buy onaga a new water bottle 
♡ if you tell him to be gentler plz do it nicely or else he will be sad :((
♡ yeah he treats you like you’re his 7″0, ripped, basketball player s/o but you’re not 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
why were you here? why did you think this was a good idea to say yes to? oh, yeah, it because he gave those adorable damn puppy eyes that you are physically incapable of saying no to. on the bright side, perhaps he can use those puppy eyes to get you a free hearse driver for your funeral - which was sure to be soon.
through, your funeral planning was cut sort by bokuto chirping, “are you ready, babe?!” 
you sighed, arms outstretched as he stood with his back facing you, ready to trust fall onto you once you gave the ‘ok’. or so you thought. 
“yeah, bo. go o--” you couldn’t even finish your sentence before you felt bokuto’s muscular back suddenly weigh down on your arm. you tried to hold him up, - you really did - but both the surprise of it and his weight was enough to make you come crashing down with him. 
“(y/n)! you had one job!”
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tōru oikawa
♡ you’re his baby
♡ or at least, he treats you like one sometimes
♡ he says he treats you like a prince(ss) but everyone knows that he acts like you’re his first born child
♡ bc he literally carries you everywhere
♡ taking a brisk stroll on the beach? oikawa will force you to get on his back and use the excuse that he doesn’t want your clothes to get dirty 
♡ you’re in the mall and you even suggest that your feet are sore/ you’re tired? he’ll carry you bridal style anywhere you want to go - literally does not care if people are giving him weird looks 
♡ drunk? he’ll throw you over his shoulder and carry you home 
♡ just chilling on the couch? he’ll approach you, scoop you up into his arms and walk around the house 
♡ it annoys you sometimes but it can really come in handy other times
♡ like for instance, at a festival
♡ if you both get stuck at the back and you’re struggling to see the stage bc of all the literal giants looming in front of you, he’ll let you hop on his shoulders 🥺
♡ he probably teases you for it though lol
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“awh, can the small one not see the stage?”
you furrowed your brows, outstretching your arms to him - probably the first time you ever actually asked him to pick you up, so you prayed that he'd take you up on your first offer without you having to beg. “yeah, can you help?”
this oikawa you’re talking to; the petty king. so instead, he gave you some solemn advice before turning his attention back onto the performance, “try growing a few inches-- who am i kidding? a few feet.”
“rude.” you spat, fretfully looking around for a moment before coming to terms with the fact you’re not going to be able to see the performer, so you decided to just try vibe with the music instead.
“(y/n).” you heard oikawa call from beside you, so you turn your head to look at him then noticed that he was crouched on the ground, “what are you waiting for? get on.” 
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alelelesimz · 3 years
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izzy's dag-dag the artist... tag
Show us a rendition of yourself in your own art! Can be anything! Sims render? Random stick figure? Picrew? Go nuts! (Just be sure to tag the artist if you use someone else's picrew!!!!) Tag the blogs you want to know, and don't be a dick that's it! Also, feel free to answer as vague or in-depth as you want. And if you don't want to answer a question for any reason just don't vibe with it! Skip it if you wanna! Also make sure you tag me and use #dagdagtheartisttag so I can see it!!!!!!!!
thanks for tagging me @almost-spring!!!
1.) Do you prefer to be referred to by your name or blog name?
they’re the same lmao
2.) Where are you from?
venezuela!! i live in spain tho
3.) Do you have pets? 👀
no i WISH but i don’t have the time to properly take care of a pet
4.) Tell us about your "dream".
i just wanna have a job that doesn’t completely feel like a drag and enough money to not worry too much honestly lol
5.) Aside from art, what are your hobbies?
videogames, sleep.. that’s it i don’t have much more time 
6. )Does anyone irl know about your blog?
nah. however almost everyone in my life knows i play the sims for some reason
7.)Do you know anyone from your blog irl?
no but that’d be nice!
8.) What are some fun facts about you?
 I DONT KNOW ive been thinking about this and jesus christ
9.) What's your day job?
waitress 🙃
10.) Do you have a celebrity look alike?
no one that i’m aware
11.) What's your aesthetic?
grown up emo with oversized clothes only. i’ve been told i dress like a video game character or “kinda punk” which are both correct
12.) What kind of artist are you?
the one that doesn’t do as much art as they should
13.) How did you get into your form of art?
if we’re talking editing in general i started messing around with photoshop when i was 13 i think, but just sims edits idk i just stumbled upon simblr while looking for cc and realized people were doing cool stuff on here so i started doing the same
14.) What do you watch/listen/read/anything else while you create?
sometimes music, but most of the time either podcasts or whatever is on my watch later playlist on youtube
15.) What is your favorite of your own creations so far? 
i think this one and this one turned out really nice
16.) How would you describe your art style?
eclectic?? i just do whatever haha
17.) What is more satisfying to you coloring or outlining? 
18.) What meme would you use to describe yourself?
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everyone i know irl has send me every miyazaki meme cause they know how much i relate
19.) What character from any media form do you most identify with?
every time i see a question like this i can only think of bojack horseman which is a TERRIBLE thing but it is what it is!!
20.) If you were on the run, what would you change your name to?
uhh just anything that is not in spanish i guess
21.) Have you ever or do you want to change blog names?
yea my blog name sucks lmao
22.) God forbid Tumblr decides to pull a MySpace and lets us have page songs, what song would you choose? 
none ugh
23.) Oh yeah, I'm still on the MySpace train and I'm starting discourse! Who's your top 8?
idk? the mutuals i actually interact with 
24.) Did you understand those references or did you have to look them up? (I'm fully away I'm ancient, but are you?)
25.) One last question; why are you like that?
good fucking question!!
Dag dag?
Now tag tag!!!
i’ll tag @aniraklova @ladykendalsims @void-imp @madeofcc @hufflepuff-sim​ and uhh whoever wants to do it :p (also feel free to ignore it!)
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47crayons · 3 years
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!!!!! it's here :D the wip that started to consume me and has been continuing to do so since, now with a much better sense of what exactly is Happening
current tww taglist let me know to be +/- !! @a-completely-normal-writer @writing-is-a-martial-art @wannabeauthorzofija @magic-is-something-we-create @croctears @writeblrfantasy @opes-magnas @author-a-holmes @zoya-writes@fuyugomori @ink-fireplace-coffee
transcript is under the cut!!!
[transcript: a powerpoint presentation of black text on white background, written entirely in comic sans.
start slide one the top left corner reads in red, "warnings (most relevant) war, death, drugs (& addiction), poison". in the center, "the wicked within", and underneath it in smaller font, "a comic sans reintro by @47crayons". the comments around the entire slide read "a family that is so found!!!", "gang rivalry :D and gang content in general", "crime found family basically", "childhood friends to STILL FRIENDS", "all queer cast :p", "eat the rich (not quite, but it’s the right sentiment aldskjfls)", "kickass women, yeah bay bee", "nuanced relationships between different groups :D", "morally grey characters!!!", "so many different governments!!!", "a (mostly alsjflksdj) stable relationship!!!" end slide one
start slide two in the beginning of time… there were four gods: eltenjer, he/him, earth; skari, he/him, fire; aenged, they/them, air; thilda, she/her, water. i didn’t /mean/ for them to have genders, but a quiet breeze whispered “psst. i use they/them.” in the beginning? so you mean… they’re not there anymore? kind of! the gods need followers to survive, and after several unfortunate events, they lost the majority of their followers. the aforementioned unfortunate events: the great ruination, in which natural disasters caused several years of famine and other hardship. the restoration era, in which renovation led people to believe they can live without the gods. if the gods are dead, what’s the point? the gods aren’t /really/ dead, closer to dormant. they can’t actively interact with the mortal realm, but IF they had followers, they would come back to life. oh. did i mention that they control the magic. end slide two
start slide three the dormant gods who can't do... anything control the magic??? hey, no one said magic always has to work. foreshadowing alert huge foreshadowing alert. let’s talk about how magic works, shall we :D people use the Spirit to do magic. people have a Vessel (representation of stamina or how much Sprit can be used at once, can be trained!). people also have a Strength (a type of magic that works well with the user, these have varying frequencies which also depends on location). there’s too much i could say here, but the important thing is the main characters’ Strengths. the right depicts an image of a flowchart showing that gods need followers and produce sprit. people need spirit to do magic. end slide three
start slide four okay but where are we??? where could the magic be so fucked? well, here, of course! the left side shows a line art map, split into five parts going clockwise: portingdale, worchester, the hooks, elderwood, unlabeled. the legend shows that there are mountains in portingdale, forests in elderwood, and rivers that run from portingdale to everywhere else. the place where the four labeled regions meet is called the Inner City. the text on the right reads. welcome to Kjer! there are 3 districts. but wait! there are five? sections? and one isn’t even labelled. worchester used to be a district,,, but it left after the war began. the unlabeled section is the disputed region (re: war). let’s talk more about this war. elderwood wanted easier access to water (see: the rivers in the Wetlands) elderwood & portingdale have been fighting there on and off for over half a century. the hooks has three wards: west (hella rich), south (lower income), north (somewhere in between). end slide four
start slide five whomst. skip to the next slide if you want the actual characters. character basics: the unnecessarily-winded-and-cram-a-lot-of-lore-in version. in the North Ward of The Hooks, there are three main gangs. Kaer Styen, meaning “wicked ones”, Ghetfaer Skarnen, meaning “trickster lords”, Ad Knesten, meaning “the grumbles”. that was so many capital letters i don’t like capital letters alskjdflksjd. they have rivalries and conflicts from time to time, but it’s pretty rare. the tww cast is kaer styen !!! their main means of profit is a drug called jezdin. relieves physical and mental pain. lethal in high. quantities/ when tampered with. can also be addictive. they operate out of a dingy tavern-like building, and they live upstairs!!! okay so this is purely for vibes. how did u know. end slide five
start slide six the Gang. literally :3 Kaer Styen, my beloved. the first thing in each of their bios is their Strength (re: the magic slide). artbreeders!!! i fixed quite a few of them, but my artbreeder skills are questionable at best. this slide is split into three columns. the first column shows a white person with short, brown, curly hair and a firm, but not angry, facial expression. len, he/him, pan. Shifter (can manipulate physical properties). cynical, very cynical (because he has killer instincts). “oh people are dying? am i dying? are you dying? why should i care?” in a relationship with cal. the second column shows a person who appears east asian with long, black, wavy hair and fair skin. chloe, she/her, aroace. Chemist (chemistry but magical). literal archery god. also she’s so quiet it’s SCARY. seems welcoming, emphasis on /seems/ she’ll destroy your ass. knows what you’re feeling. she just. knows. the third column shows a white person with dirty blonde hair. they are smiling. cal, they/them, bi. Whisperer (can persuade others through speech/music). so casually funny all your burdens disappear for a hot minute. gets very attached very deeply. grew up in Portingdale which becomes Important later. end slide six
start slide seven cont. also they have piercings!!!! maybe i will make some picrews later (listen, i KNOW i’ve said this before but. maybe i’m for realsies this time, okay?) this slide is also split into three columns. the first a smiling white female with light blonde hair. eden, she/her?, demi lesbian. Healer (healing magic <3). seen hell and doesn’t want others to suffer. still believes in the gods’ existence. we Don’t talk about her awful parents. raised by a lovely woman in the South Ward, known as Nana. this eye (left) is almost PURPLE which i didn’t do on purpose but is honestly such a cool idea. the second column shows a partially smiling black man with short curly hair. jereth, he/him, gay. powerful life magic thing (will be spoilers if i talk any more). joins them at the beginning. honestly kind of scared of them (who wouldn’t be), but wants to live up to expectations. throws himself into stuff to avoid Thoughts. the third column shows a woman with brown skin, black wavy hair, and a small smile. she is NOT a member of Kaer Styen, but i’m talking about her here all the same. adalaide, she/her, bi (i didn’t like the e in adelaide alskdfjlsj). Melder (metals and the like). heir to the Portingdale throne (assuming her dad doesn’t disown her). Cal’s ex from a few~ years ago she’s still a lil’ hung up on them. technically an antagonist but i love her. so all my characters are queer sue me </3 end slide seven
start slide eight some semblance of plot? coming right up!! the four (jereth isn’t there yet!) are attacked in the Inner City. turns out it’s portingdale soldiers. and then they discover that portingdale has been poisoning the southern rivers (affects worchester and the south ward) because worchester doesn’t really contribute to Kjer as a whole. word gets out, and elderwood, naturally, is even angrier at portingdale (remember, they've been at war). so, they try to stop portingdale from being power hungry enough to poison the entirety of a country while learning about why worchester is so isolated while ALSO trying not to get killed by everyone who hates them. end slide eight
start slide nine memes :> the first is the meme of spongebob reading a sheet of paper and burning it. the paper reads, "going into worchester by yourself is going to get you KILLED", and spongebob is labelled "chloe". the second is the levels of brain template labelled "jereth". from the weakest to most powerful: "trying to figure out his magic", "doing it by accident", "saving everyone's lives". the third is the sleeping person and brain meme. brain: "you're going to portingdale". cal: yeah, i know. brain: you'll see adalaide. cal's eyes are wide open in fear. the fourth says "corporate needs you to find the difference between this image and this image". the first image says, "family", and the second one says, "len, chloe, cal, jereth." eden says, "they're the same picture". the fifth is the spiderman copycat meme where jereth is copying len. end slide nine
/end transcript]
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