#and i did realize You Know I Think Our Pals Might Not Just Let Us COmmit Murder Like That (Just A Thought)
the-acid-pear · 3 months
actually does anyone know how far into dialtown chapter 3 i am? bc i keep getting like Worried bc i dont want to finish it TOO fast but at the same time im like "what if im just a quarter into the route and im a fucking idiot?"
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msbarrybeeson · 2 years
Listen (F!Reader Insert)
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A/N: When the movie trailer dropped, I knew there are many opportunities for angsty fan fiction, so I kind of took one. Some of the dialogue is canon, everything else is from my imagination. Anyway, getting the characters’ "character” was a challenge. I’ll appreciate any constructive criticism to improve it. Enjoy!
Summary: Casey Jones is trying to warn them of their future.
Pairing(s): Rise! Leo X Reader (Established Relationship)
Reader: Feminine pronouns are used. No actual appearance, only mentions.
Genre: Humor / Slight Angst
Warning(s): Rushed writing. Written before release. Mentioned character death.
Word Count: ~840
“So what’s your business with our friend, pal?”
Casey slowly opened his eyes, groaning through the headache. The world seemed upside-down, but judging from the ropes tying his body to a chair, he got the memo. So he was knocked out and taken into the underground subway station. The human boy grimaced; the stench reeked here.
In front of him stood four mutant turtles, in addition to the presence of a sewer rat and another human. “Master.. Leonardo?” Casey murmured as he recognized the blue eye-mask and red markings.
“Hey, did you hear that?” Mikey gasped. “He knows your name!”
Leon smirked. “And he added a nice ring to it, too.”
“So Blue does mature after all.” Splinter scratched his fur.
“Great,” Donnie rolled his eyes. “Thank you for inflating his ego.”
“Guys, come on now—,” Raph began.
“Shh. Give a minute, hermanos, I’ve got a plan.” Leon announced with confidence.
All the voices blurred. Casey glanced around groggily, only to realize there was one person missing from the group. “(Name).... Urgh…. Where’s.. where’s (Name)?”
The group quieted down.
“Oho, skipping the introductions, are we?” Leon narrowed his eyes. He stepped closer to the human boy. “You got something against her too? …I’d let it go if I were you,” he threatened.
“This is what happens when random people jump straight to asking about his girlfriend before doing introductions,” Donnie remarked. Casey panicked under Leon’s glare, especially once he saw Leon pull out his katana. “Hey, hey!” Casey shook fervently. “Hold on a minute! It’s not—.”
“My hermanos, what do you think we should do with him?” The turtle pointed with the tip of his blade.
“Ooh, ooh!” Mikey raised his hand. “Give him a nasty haircut!”
Raph thrusted his fist forward. “We could use a nice punching bag.”
“Or here’s a better idea,” Donnie pulled down his goggles, doing a quick analysis of Casey, “how about I alter his brain, so we can remote-control him?”
“Pfft. Think we’ve scared him enough, boys.” April clapped her hands, making them drop the act and fall into laughter. Raph was snickering in back, seeing Casey all pale and shaken up. “Oh man, that was good.”
“Okay, okay, okay.” Leon wiped a tear. “In all seriousness, who are you, ‘cause we need to call you something other than— I don’t know, human guy?”
“...The name’s Casey Jones—.”
“Hold up, Jones as in Cassandra Jones? Never knew she has a brother,” April asked.
“Son,” he grumbled. God, how many times would they be interrupting him? “I’m her son.”
“Guys, I think he’s gone insane,” Donnie remarked.
“Careful, Don,” Mikey hushed. “Maybe he’s got trauma, and was put up with his sister being the mother role.”
Leon scratched his chin. “Seriously? Casey— I mean, Cassandra here— acting like anyone close to a mother?”
“For the record, I’m not insane!”
“Then, explain how you might be Cassandra’s son, when you’re just about her age.”
“Woah, Donnie, don’t tell me—.”
“That I took DNA samples from his teeth while he were knocked out? Why yes, yes I did.”
Casey shook in the air, which only had the rope swinging him from side to side. “Listen! You want to know how I’m her son? Simple answer is: I’m not from your time.”
“...Is this going where I think it is?” Donnie covered his own mouth with his hand.
“I know how this sounds,” Casey cautioned. “But I need you to believe me, because I’m from… the future.”
Once again, everyone bursted out into laughter. In fact, even Splinter was amused.
“Y-you cannot be serious!” Donnie crouched over, dying. “That’s not possible!”
“Look, person named Casey,” Raph wiped another tear, “no offense, but if you’re trying to scare us, I can assure you you’ve got better things to do.”
“No! I’m trying to warn you guys about the future!”
“Right,” Leon rolled his eyes playfully. “And uh… how do we know whether we should take your word for it?”  
“Because if you won’t do something about this,” Casey’s face contorted in anger, “(NAME) IS GOING TO DIE!”
Noise slipped into immediate silence. Everyone stopped, eyes wide.
“Woah, woah,” Raph’s tone lowered, “You crossed the line there, pal.” The snapping turtle looked to his red-eared brother in concern. He found Leon clenching his hands and narrowing his eyes. “Yeah. There are other ways to get us to listen, y’know.”
“But you wouldn’t listen! And I’m not lying when I—!”
“Then, what are you talking about?!”
“Fine. Let’s start over.” Casey sighed, “My name is Casey Jones. In the future, an alien race by the name of Kraang decimated the planet. Master Leonardo gave me a mission: find the key and stop them.
When I arrived, I couldn’t recognize the place at all. Seeing Commander O’Neil, I thought she could the best person to start with.”
“What’s (Name) got to do here?” Donnie questioned.
“She—.” Casey hesitated, meeting Leon’s eyes. The red-eared slider crossed his arms. “Say it.”
“…She was killed trying to save Master Leonardo.”
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colorfuldream · 8 months
Watched a really nice video about Island of the Slaughtered and in order to free my mind from it, I'll rant about it and give some headcanons
TRIGGER WARNING for death, torture, ghosts/malevolent spirits, light SA mention/talk at the very end (it'll be in bold to be easier to notice! It starts after "Based on your thoughts about Heather, the text will take on new meanings yet work").
So, it's rare for writing to scare me. However, for some reason, this did give me a fright. Maybe the way the YouTuber read it, or perhaps the music and ambiance he added, is why I was hyper-vigilant while showering but the concept itself is terrifying when you think about it. 15 people died! You'd think that the kill count would stop, that they would survive for longer, but they don't. Even smart or athletic characters get caught... And for the dumbest reasons. Exactly like teenagers. They all make mistakes yet, somehow, this is barely their fault. They couldn't have planned it. They couldn't have known. The killer is almost omnipotent, it's like they can smell whenever there's an opportunity. They don't seize the simple moments of weakness (like how they didn't keep watch or, at least, only had one person which is exactly how Harold managed to sneak out and get killed), they wait until they can get that perfect chase or opportunity to torture the campers.
I feel like the sheer number of victims is what gets me. It's so easy to assume that they're all competent enough to survive a little longer. What makes it hit harder is that the last footage of those poor teens is the beginning of TTI up to Ezekiel's death. Imagine seeing the beginning of a horror movie composed of your loved ones and not knowing how it ended or, worse, learning that they were a victim, brutally killed, and you can't even have the body back. A whole month. That's how long it took for someone to go help them. Everyone knew. And no one did anything. Fucking Chris McLean ended up doing it. The same man who abandoned them, got them into this mess, and refused to say where the island was located.
Now, some headcanons before I overthink two of the deaths:
The canon serial killer and the one in this AU cohabit in the island. Maybe on good terms too. Our buddy with the hook and the chainsaw is just chilling, maybe helping out a little his mate, but enjoying the show. The chainsaw used for Heather might even be his! What a good pal.
The ghosts see each other as they were before their deaths. Be it that they're imagining it or that they can manifest a not-scary look. Owen and Geoff are forced to stay close but they really don't mind!
They don't really care for Chris's helpers. Sure, they were angry and disliked them, throughoutly tormenting them, but they weren't the target. They likely could have killed them, as the helpers probably accidentally broke some rules, but they were pawns to torment and scare Chris further. At some point, they begin to leave them alone as they realize that the helpers are their age... They're like them. Chris brought two more teenagers on an island with a serial killer, a monster who dismembered Ezekiel, with no experience and no actual weapons. Fuck, they're normal teens. What are they doing here?! This just angered the ghosts even more and cemented their desire to take revenge against Chris.
As long as Chris doesn't realize that he broke some rules, they let it go. Those are only here to scare him and make him squirm. To make him know that they're here at all times, watching, waiting for him to slip, loathing him.
While it's canon that the ghosts are fine with the survivors unless you've slighted them, they won't impose their rules and haunt you. They'll maybe taunt you and be here, reminding you that they died partly because of you, but they won't do much. For example, Trent will simply check in on Gwen. Her guilt is already enough and he doesn't have it in him to cause her more remorse. However, the sound of his voice as he sings into the night, kills her inside. He doesn't mean to but she's being eaten alive at not being able to get him out —even though she would have died with him if she stayed or manager to free him and they both know it. Noah, on the other hand, will glare at Duncan and make snippy remarks whenever he's trying to give out instructions. He'll question his choices and at every hint of annoyance, simply raise an eyebrow and in his classic tone say "really?" which guilts Duncan enough for his taste. He also chirps in when Duncan inevitably realizes that he was right about some of the directions, the bitter realization that they were both wrong and right about some things, that this was a misunderstanding and they were both too stubborn to work it out, that Noah could have survived if he hadn't been a jerk. All Noah had to say was "told you so" and Duncan would dig his nails into his palms at the cruelty he had displayed.
The reason why the ghosts didn't get the killer immediately is because they didn't know the limits to their powers and they were scared. Simple as that.
To add onto that, they used Chris as bait to make sure everyone else got out safe. They made Chris's death longer and more painful than anything they had gone through before immediately killing the murderer. That or they then tormented them until they died, either of natural causes or of fright.
Time for me to overthink two of the deaths!
My choice is Ezekiel and Heather. Ironically, they're the beginning and the end, both pictured as innocent and young.
Quick note for both of them but the ghosts may look like that because that was their last state as living. Yeah, I'm implying that they were dismembered alive.
I LOVE the writing for his discovery. It comes across as child-like, even when it comes to his corpse. You could say I love it to bits.
It's easy to forget that he was a sheltered kid after everything that happened in the canon. Here, he's portrayed as sweet and so, so much like a child. Someone who didn't deserve it.
He was an easy target. He might not even have noticed that anything was amiss until it was too late.
It would take time to find every part of his body. Did the crew search for him before setting off? I doubt it. They likely put things together quick and bailed, never finding his every piece.
A small detail that came up was that the hole Katie hid in might have been the one where his arm was. I like to think it was and she had to bite back her scream. The killer could have thought that they didn't need to search for her, she'd abandon her friend and get back to safety or if she didn't, she'd have screamed her head off at finding a rotting arm as she tried to hide.
His rule is the most interesting part to me. Chris will have to search for his body once but then he will simply have to run to them every time afterwards... And that's the last thing you want to do when there's a killer on the loose! It's also very, very fun for a video game. All the rules are! The art not being too scary either would make it very good. Anyhow!
If Chris needs to bring them back together, it's even more horrifying. Would he need to carry them with him in case Ezekiel wants to bother him? Do they go back to their original places and he needs to do everything every time?
Picture his voice. It isn't scary. Yet it would make it so much more eerie and unsettling. While true for every victim, his ghost doesn't even look scary. Again, it's child-like. And with everything else, it makes a wonderful picture.
I love EVERYTHING about this one. The reference, the call backs to the canon... The writing!
I'll keep the latter for the end as it will tackle more sensitive content.
God, the way she's the last warning. Threatening. Vengeful. Exactly how she was in canon and how Chris perceived her.
The fact that she was found by the two most important people to her character! Iirc, Gwen found her head which is a shame since it's a reference to when Leshawna (sorry for the spelling guys) stuck her inside of the fridge.
The way she was grabbed by her ponytail! It's the way she wore her hair in latter seasons.
Off with her head for the queen bee. The stereotypical mean, popular girl.
Now for the writing: This was a straight-up call-out to her haters. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way it directly calls Chris, and us, out. She was a kid. She was terrified, begging, small and alone as she was killed. It makes sure we get that. We know her as a mean girl but she was a girl. She didn't deserve it. The way her suffering was highlighted, showing that she was crying like a young kid, compared to the others' was well-written and hit harder than the rest. It can even imply that Heather pretended to be meaner than she was for the show. It's a valid theory for the canon, she was cunning and she knew it made her memorable. But that meant that Chris truly thought she was. Based on your thoughts about Heather, the text will take on new meanings yet work.
Last trigger warning for SA:
"She was pretty". Amazing. Perfect. That, by itself, tells me that the creator is a very good writer and knows how horror works.
Listen. Listen up well. The SA headcanon isn't bad. Is it gross? Yes. The entire AU is. SA is. However, we've grown desensitized to murder and gore. Not SA. It still feels horrible and outrageous. That's why it works and makes for good horror. BUT! The thing is not to overdo it. Not say too much, not use it too much. Especially not as a fetish.
Here, it's done perfectly. Yes, she's a minor. They all are and most got brutally murdered. So a creepy murderer isn't that bad.
The implications that he kept her head because he found her pretty are amazing. It makes her fate so much more tragic. It brings a new level of cruelty and disgusting to her death. We know that he doesn't have pure intentions. Just staring at her frozen head is horrible enough. We know the way he looks at her, how he sees her. It also raises the question why. Why her? Canonically, most of the girls are pretty. Lindsey, in particular, was the most beautiful. Was it because Heather cried and begged? Was it because he had disfigured the others before he could notice their looks? Is it because he found that "submitting her" made her better? (Which is incidentally a real thought process r*p*sts have. Some like to bring some people down a peg by doing those awful things, hating how they felt inferior because their poor victims didn't look at them or at the world "right".)
It's a real question and worry that this simple like brings. It brings a real, scary subject we aren't desensitized to just yet into this and enhances the horror. It doesn't say too much, it isn't insensitive. We won't ever know what the killer would/will do. We just know he's a vile piece of shit on every level.
It's also a huge contrast to how child-like Heather was described as and how it was hammered into our heads. It's said so simply, almost like another child would say. "Oh she's pretty". It isn't said in a gross way! That's very good writing. It keeps the same tone. It's almost eerie with how simple and factual it is.
That headcanon exists (and might be popular, I don't look at the fandom) because the line and implications are there. Horror should make you uncomfortable and that's what this does. Of course, personally, I wouldn't say the killer did anything. But, he might have planned to. He might have after the body was discovered. It wasn't like the campers had the time to bury their friends or would fathom that this monster thought Heather was pretty.
It all depends on the delivery and of course some edgelords will be insensitive and approach it terribly. I think the actual AU did it exactly how it should be done.
The entire Heather section was done as best as it could ever be.
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pandamoniumvibes-27 · 2 years
Hello this is the very much delayed release of the Ei x reader part 2!
Link to part 1 is on my Masterlist!
Part 2 might be worse written because of this though but I’ll try my best!
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You and Ei had this routine now. You would sneak into Ei’s place, hang out, and leave just before her sister would get back from fighting or training.
Ei technically wasn’t supposed to let mortals into her abode. It was dangerous on multiple levels. But you refused to ever leave Ei.
You and Ei how to say grew to appreciate each other more and may or may not have started to date…
The first kiss was very spontaneous with you kissing Ei just before you left leaving her to look like a tomato when Makoto saw her.
“Yes?” Ei popped out from behind a cherry blossom tree. Your meeting place was the Grand Narukami shrine. From there it was a spy mission to sneak into Tenshukaku.
You say spy mission but it is really just Ei threatening the soldiers to keep their mouth shut. But it works so you go with it.
“You ready to head to your place?”
“You look pale.”
You froze for a moment. This past week you were feeling sick. It started off as a cold. It turned into something worse as time went by. You did your best to hide it but Ei always knew.
“Oh I have a small cold!! You know allergies from the… cherry blossoms!!! You know pollen and all that!”
For what it was worth Ei didn’t pry further.
“Hey so let’s go!!!”
Your cold has gotten worse but so has the war. Thankfully it meant Ei couldn’t see you get more and more sick as you kept visiting her place keeping it tidy.
On the downside Ei was fighting in the war now and slowly her friends were all dying one by one. You and Miko had grown to be pen pals. Keeping in touch but you refused to meet in person for fear of Miko telling Ei you were sick.
Ei just needs encouragement and small bits of happiness that you could provide. Is what you told yourself. But you knew this wasn’t good as doctors didn’t have a cure.
But suddenly you started to get better. You were practically glowing!! You felt stronger and soon you were able to go about what you used to do. Helping out the townsfolk and fixing things that were broken. Helping with the children of the town. Small things. But things you missed.
But you wanted to help more. And soon you were on the same battle field as Ei. Her not knowing of course. Fighting a mile away against a enemy know as Khaenri’ah. You didn’t realize how bad the war was. But soon you had 3 of their robots on you shooting missiles. You held your sword with worry but kept going. After beating the 3 of them you continued to fight and soon your captain came to you with a question.
“Y/N what do you want to do with your life?”
“Me? I never thought about it…”
“Well what are you good at?”
“I- I was just helping around at my village before I joined in the war.”
“I see. Well Y/N I think there is something that might be better suited for you.”
“What is it?!”
“I want you to be our informant.”
That’s how you got here. Spying on Khaenri’ah and sending information back to Inazuma. You started to learn everything that you could about Khaenri’ah. About their military about their government about there culture. Once you mastered Khaenri’ah you moved on to Liyue and then Mondstat and one day you found a hydro vision in your pocket. That day was also the day you had to run away from Khaenri’ah.
Having a vision was a dead give away you were working for the other side. You ran across the war field to the Inazuma base it was there where you saw your gods talking with their other god friends.
God how could you even ignore her. You two have been talking in only letters for years. You turned to Ei and smiled.
“So you joined the war ,became a double agent, and dated Ei. While that was going on and before without me knowing?”
This was bad this was real bad. You were meeting your in law sister and she did not look happy. Granted her little sister didn’t look happy but that was for future you to deal with.
“You say you’re mortal yet I don’t sense any mortal energy from you.”
“I’m sorry what?”
“I’m sorry?”
You and Ei looked at each other before looking away blushing.
“I’m surprised you didn’t sense it before Ei. You seem to have this unchanging energy about you similar to gods.”
“Similar to eternity?”
“Not quite. Unchanging and eternity are not one and the same Ei.”
You started to get nervous while you have been feeling different recently and while you are glad to see Ei and meet her sister. This was not the ideal way of meeting.
“Have you been sick recently Y/N?”
“What no she would tell me if she was extremely sick.”
Blush came up on your face as you began to stammer.
“Well…. You know… maybe I had sugar coated it a little…”
“I’m sorry what?”
“Well you know you get worried and with everything going on you need to have a good mental state! If you don’t have a good mental state then you know you can’t think well! If you can’t think well in war you get hurt! That’s bad-“
“Have you ever thought about how much more painful it is for me to know you were in pain for so long with out me knowing?”
You began to sweat not looking anyone in the eye.
“Well um no. I was just thinking about you being alive and ways I can help. And then ways I can make sure you stay a live which did lead me to being a double agent.”
“So you put your own preservation on the line for me an immortal god.”
“Well… Yeah okay it does sound pretty stupid when you put it like that but not all the way stupid!!!!”
“I do agree with the former mortal.”
“Excuse me former?”
“Even gods don’t last forever Ei. To show so much care and dedication. While it is reckless I do find myself at ease knowing you’re in good hands.”
“Makoto what do you mean by former mortal stop avoiding the question.”
“Why Y/N is a god now Ei. Congrats you have become a god.”
“Umm hey…”
Ei has been ignoring you since then. While it is cute that she acts like a toddler when angry it is not when you need comfort.
“Are you okay?”
Ei’s back was facing you she was look at the wall. She always did this when she was in deep thought.
“What about you?”
“Me? Im fine!”
“As much as I want to stay mad at you I have learned it is no use. Unlike eternity war creates uncertainty and unstableness.”
“Sometimes I wish things could stay the same forever.”
“It is the wish of eternity.”
“Ei. I missed you a lot. Every time I received your letters I wanted to comfort you and be there so you could comfort me when I was sick. I- I just- the thought of you getting hurt was to much for me to say anything.”
“I would have rushed back to you if I knew.”
“But what about your friends Ei? What about the war around us. You do know how important this is?”
“It’s all fleeting. You are eternal. As gods we don’t change. We forever stay the same. In every sense we are eternity. I cannot say I’m not glad you are one now.”
You and Ei have been fighting beside each other for months now. You saw Makoto’s death. It was right before the end of the war. You were all so close to being alive and well together. But when her and the dendro archon died. Everyone was scared and when the Cryo archon died. Ei decided to send you back to Inazuma so you can be safe. War beaten you headed back home and for Tenshukaku. The children ran up to you to say hello but the elders pulled them away. They seem to know just by looking that you had become a god.
It was odd to be treated like a god now even though you have been treated like one for the past months.
Miko visited you and you were able to explain everything to her.
When Ei returned she was quiet. She had brought something with her a exact replica of herself. It was almost scary at first you thought it was a dead body.
She kissed you and asked you one question.
“Will you carry out eternity with me?”
You agreed not know at the time what eternity had in store. You job was simple enough. To preserve Inazuma’s culture. It’s festivals it’s games it’s clothes. But it wasn’t fun at all. Ei had disappeared soon after and what was know as the shogun was all that was left.
The shogun would instruct you how to do when you didn’t do you job ‘properly’. It was then when you realized that a gods idea of Eternity was not the same as a mortals.
You became sad and had taken to visiting Miko every week to help. All you could do was carry out your gods commands. When they asked for everyone visions though. That’s when you drew the line. You fought it but no matter what you did you couldn’t get through to the Ei you knew long ago.
“A traveler has come to Inazuma.”
“Have they realized their mistake?”
“Hehe~ Inazuma is not kind to travelers but this one is different this is the one that helped Liyue and Mondstat.”
“You don’t seriously think-“
“I do hope you don’t plan on insulting the Guuji.”
“I have tried multiple times how can one mortal change her will when I a god has failed multiple times?”
“We just have to wait and see~”
You sighed.
You hoped this traveler was as good as they say.
Sorry this is so bad this has been a long time coming but I lost a lot of motivation and Interest after part 1 but I want to fully finish the ask. I hope you liked it I haven’t edited it or anything but I don’t want you to wait any longer.
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Misadventures of The Solars Scene: “Escape from Earth”
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A few minutes later, the gang and Shlorpians arrived at The Smokeshow House.
Human Terry: This is the place.
Human Jesse: Whoa! What is this place?
Waitress: The Smokeshow House. The ultimate night club for the sexiest boner people alive.
Shlorpian Jamie: I believe you are describing me.
Human Terry: What the hell’s Korvo doing at a place like this?
Human Jesse: Maybe he turn into human and he’s like a busboy or something.
Human Yumyulack: Maybe the cool people took shit on him for fun. I heard that happens to people. It never happened to me. *laughs nervously*
Shlorpian Frankie: But, do you even know what he looks like now if he really turned human?
Human Terry gasp in horror.
Human Terry: N-no…
Human Terry starts weeping as the kids comfort him.
Shlorpian Phoebe: Aw Terry, don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll find him.
Human Jesse: Yeah. Once we find Korvo, we'll-
Suddenly, Human Terry notices a human with a familiar crystal on his shirt.
Human Terry: Why have I seen that crystal before?
Human Terry looks at the gorgeous human man, who glance him with an annoyed look and then, Human Terry finally recognize him.
Human Terry: Korvo! We found him!
Shlorpian Cooke: *drops a glass of champagne* Korvo?
Shlorpian Phoebe: He's turned into the most gorgeous human I've ever seen!
Human Yumyulack: Korvo! Korvo!
The human Solars and Shlorpians go up to Human Korvo.
Human Korvo: Uh, can I help you?
Human Terry: Korvo, listen! We can’t live on this Earth anymore. Our human friends are being hated by the whole town now! We got to leave Earth ASAP if we ever want to help them start a new life!
Human Korvo: I'm sorry. I don't know who you are.
All: What?!
Human Jesse: But remember what you said? “Being Shlorpians is what we are!”
Human Korvo: I never said that.
Human Terry: Korv, c'mon. It's me, your husband.
Human Korvo: Ugh! Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?!
Human Yumyulack: Come on Korvo, you’re being a total jackass right now!
Human Korvo: Will you stop it?! I don't know who any of you shitheads are! Now leave me the fuck alone!
Man: Hey K, do you know these guys?
Human Korvo: They were just leaving!
Human Terry: No! We're not! *takes Korvo's arm* You are coming with us! Now!
Human Korvo squeals in horror and slaps Human Terry in the face. Human Terry gasps and tears up.
Shlorpain Frankie: Oh shit! Guys, group huddle.
The gang huddles.
Human Yumyulack: Okay guys, we have a big problem. Korvo has lost his marbles.
Human Jesse: I know. It's doesn't make any...*gasps in realization* Oh my gosh.
Human Terry: *rubbing his face from the painful slap* Wow. If I was that hot, I would not want to look back on my family. I lost the second love of my life to a stuffed crest pizza behind Pizza Hut.
Human Jesse: Guys, do you think Korvo might have amnesia?
Shlorpian Darcy: Huh? Maybe. I don’t know.
Human Terry growls in anger.
Human Yumyulack: Easy Terry. I think Jesse might be right. Korvo must’ve suffer amnesia when he was busy trying to find the person who did this to our friends.
Human Terry: FUCK!
Shlorpian Cooke: Yeah. Maybe that’s how he couldn’t recognize you.
Shlorpian Jamie: But how do we get him back?
Human Terry starts breathing in and out as he sheds tears.
Shlorpian Jamie: But how do we how do get back? *looks at Human Terry in concern*
Sonya: *skin suddenly turns robin’s eggs blue* You okay daddy?
Human Terry snaps and punches a wall in anger.
Human Terry: FUCK! *Human Korvo backs away slowly*
Human Korvo: You okay, pal?
Luckily, Shlorpian Frankie has an idea as she gets out a pea shooter and puts a dart in it. She aims at Human Korvo, who shrugs and went back to drinking his champagne, only to get hit by the dart and falls down unconscious. Human Terry looks down at Human Korvo while angrily breathing heavily with tears in his eyes.
Human Jesse: Terry! Easy! Calm down! It’s okay! Korvo is knocked out! Let’s get out of here!
Human Terry: Ugh! Fine!
Human Yumyulack: Terry? What’s wrong?
Shlorpian Cooke: Yeah. I’m sure we can find a way to get your husband’s memory back once we find the ship!
Human Terry: But what if we can't?!
Shlorpian Phoebe puts a hand on Human Terry.
Shlorpian Phoebe: We'll figure something out. I promise.
Human Terry: But-
Shlorpian Phoebe: Of course we can. Look I know you love Earth, but now everyone hates us more than ever. We have to leave now. Please, if you really love Korvo, you must do the right thing. And that is leaving Earth. For good.
Human Terry: Okay. But I wanna go with Korvo...I love him.
Shlorpian Phoebe smiles.
Shlorpian Phoebe: Of course we will. *finds the ship on the tracker* Holy shit! It’s in Las Vegas! Come on!
A few hours later, the gang finds the ship turned into a blimp.
Human Yumyulack: Guys! The ship!
Human Terry picks up Human Korvo.
Human Terry: Hang on there Korvy…
The gang heads to the ship and luckily Phoebe kicks the door with her foot as the door opens.
Shlorpian Phoebe: Alright y’all! Let’s get the fuck out of here!
The gang heads into the ship. Then, Human Korvo wakes up while rubbing his head. Then, the gang hears the Vegas Corporation Security Guard yelling at them from outside.
Vegas Coperation Security Guard: Hey! You’re not allowed here!
Human Terry: Oh shit!
Human Korvo: Wh-what happened? What am I doing in Vegas? How did I get on the ship?!
Human Yumyulack: Hurry guys! We have to leave now!
Human Korvo: Leave? What do you mean?
Human Jesse: We have to get out of here! Everyone hates our friends and want them off of Earth!
Sonya: Us also!
Human Korvo: Then what are we waiting for?! We gotta get fucking moving!
Human Terry gasp as he shed tears of joy.
Human Terry: Korvy! You remember!
Human Korvo: What? Okay. Can someone please tell me what-
Human Terry: Long story! You turn into a gorgeous human, then lost your memories turn you into a jerk and you lost your marbles! Now let’s fly!
Human Korvo: Okay?
Human Terry: Oh! And I almost forgot!
Human Terry surprises Human Korvo by kissing him on the lips.
Human Korvo: *giggles as he turns back into his Shlorpian self*
Human Terry gasps in shock.
Human Terry: Whoa! How did you turn back!
Korvo looks around his body and gasps.
Korvo: Oh my God! I’m me again! I guess we have develop some kind of shape shifting ability.
Human Terry: Wait. Does that mean I can do it too?
Then, Terry, Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa turn back into their normal selves.
Jesse: Yay! We’re Shlorpians again!
Yumyulack hugs the Pupa. But then, they heard a loud thump which made they scream little and made them realize they must leave now.
Korvo: Quick! Let’s get the fuck outta here!
Jesse: AISHA, get us off this planet! Hurry!
AISHA: On it!
AISHA activates the launch sequence as the ship flies into the space and the gang cheers.
Korvo: Yes! *to Terry* I love you, baby.
Korvo romatically twirls Terry around.
Terry: *whistles lovingly*
Korvo and Terry make out while moaning lovingly.
Yumyulack: I'm gonna throw up.
Shlorpian Randall: Isn't it romantic?
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signor-signor · 2 years
The 27th of another month. 74 months after my favorite cartoon show was canceled. Ordinarily, Trending 27th would be happening, but it’s been downplayed as of late. However, there is something that’s resonated with me since SaveWOY’s heyday, long before we heard about Kid Cosmic and its being made at Netflix.
I’m not sure what happened, but a fan video by fluffy-raccoon-artist (formerly cerise-the-traveling-artist) called “SaveWOY: The Story So Far” is gone. It came out on March 31, 2017, and I think it’s been absent for the past 2 years or so. Fortunately, I have much of the dialogue memorized. I also remember the fellow who voiced Wander tried the best he could to channel Jack McBrayer accent-wise. If you see the name Cerise, that’s the artist herself depicted as her ‘WOY-sona.’ A real world person as a non-canon character, if you will.
Cerise: (to a cat onscreen) Oh, Biscuit! Shoo! Get out of the frame!
Wander: Wasn’t that a little mean? I mean, he wasn’t bothering anyone.
Cerise: Yeah, I know, but he’d still distract you.
Wander: Well, hi there, you fine internet goers! Folks call me Wander, and I’m ever so thrilled that you clicked on this here video! Why? Well, lemme tell ya! I just so happen to come from this cute little cartoon show called Wander Over Yonder, which just so happens to be one of the many WONDERFUL creations of… Drumroll, please.
Cerise: Oh! Oh, oh, right, right.
Wander: … Craig McCracken! The very same mastermind behind such classics as The Powerpuff Girls and Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. And believe it or not, while he was working on those two amazing shows, he was also doodling little ol’ me in his sketchbook, buuhhhht that’s not what this video is about. It’s about the show and just how great of a show it is. Okay, so this show is about me and my best pal Sylvia, traveling the universe and helping folks, with the occasional saving of an entire planet or a space worm trying to eat us, all while being chased by the fierce Lord Hater and his army of Watchdogs. You see, Hater’s the villain of the peace, but in reality, he’s just a big softy who just really wants attention.
Lord Hater: No I’m NOT!
Wander: Did I mention the music and the animation? Because it’s simply… AMAZING! Not to mention that this little show won three Annie Awards.
Cerise: And Weird Al plays a character in Season 2. He even gets a song.
Wander: The songs! Oh, how could I forget? Yes! This show has so many lovely songs! We even got an entire musical episode! This show has so many amazing things and so much potential! Too bad that… Disney canceled it. Yes, as sad as it is, Disney felt that two seasons were enough for our little show, much to the crew’s disagreement. They had a whole third season planned out, and it would’ve wrapped everything up in a perfect little bow. Of course, Craig and his hard-working crew tried their hardest to convince Disney to let them have a third season, but alas, it was no use. Now you all might be thinking, “Why are you telling us this?” “How can we help?” Well, I am so happy to say that the answer will be in the next video. Or if you’re impatient, in the description of THIS very video. Well, that was all for now. I hope to see you fine folks again real soon.* Bye!
*I’m not sure if this is how the line went, but just bear with me.
This “answer,” of course, turned out to be sending letters to Disney during the holidays in 2018. I must have sent roughly 8 total during that time.
If there’s a song that pretty much sums up how much I wish for WOY to be given the same amount of fairness given to the DTVA shows that got way too much love and/or more than two seasons, it’s “Waiting on a Miracle,” sung by Mirabel (Stephanie Beatriz) in Encanto. I immediately thought thought of everything SaveWOY has been trying to do when I first experienced the song and got a grasp of Mirabel’s longing to have a special gift since she’s a descendant of the Family Madrigal.
I realize the video might be a little dated, but the message is still clear. WOY is still incomplete, and it could surely be just as influential as most of DTVA’s overappreciated shows if Disney’s current bosses give it a chance.
While we’re on the subject, I have watched Seasons 1 and 2 for the 8th time on Disney+ on my one-season-per-month run. As glad as I was that WOY got a second season, I still don’t think two seasons are enough for the show. Any true fan would be quick to realize Fish Hooks, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Amphibia, and any other 11-22-minute episode show that got more than two seasons have more episodes than WOY does. Heck, I’m pretty sure the people who worked on those more fortunate shows never had to try their hardest to convince Disney to let the shows have their third season. At this point, I’d still settle for a PDF attachment of the plans for Season 3 even if it means ruling out “movement, music, and McBrayer” among other things. We fans must keep support for the show alive regardless of Craig’s current status with Cartoon Network.
That being said, I’ll be taking a little break from watching WOY - I have started taking an online master’s program in art and technology, so I’ll need to focus for the next few months. If any of you fans out there have Hulu and/or Disney+ and a whole lot of time on your hands, give the show tons of viewership. Maybe in time, you’ll come up with theories about S3, uncover more clues online, and create your own interpretation of Star Force Enforcement Force, like I did.
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tarnishedxknight · 1 month
[ Another Time Another Place A Hollow Universe In Space ]
When Vossler angrily said that mocking him was punishable by imprisonment, likely to intimidate and silence them, Rocket waved at him with a dismissive paw. “Save it, pal. Our team was formed accidentally at the Kyln, which is… you guessed it! A prison. I’ve escaped twenty-three prisons, so I wouldn’t bother if I were ya.”
Vossler didn’t seem self-aware enough to realize the Guardians were respectful with Reks, Basch or the other guards for a reason. But Vossler had clearly noticed that even the other guards chuckled at how ineffective his remarks were, which made Rocket think they didn’t like the man very much. Meanwhile, Mantis couldn’t ignore the sensation that something was wrong. The feeling made her antennae go crazy. Her fingertips went numb, her senses trying to adapt to the place. It was like running into a cobweb; you could barely see it, but you could feel it clinging to you. It was something she had never experienced before, despite the hundreds of planets they had visited.
“C'mon, man,” Quill said to Vossler when he started to insult Reks. “He’s still learning. Give him a break. I get it, you’re smart and we’re idiots, you know better and everyone else does not. If you’re so capable, stick to annoying other adults. Not kids.”
“It is a childish and cowardly thing to do,” Gamora said with a nod, agreeing with her boyfriend’s statement. “There is a difference between using your authority to maintain order and abusing it to belittle and demean young ones. Pathetic. Arrogant men like yourself tend to assume the entire galaxy belongs to them.” Gamora got close to his face, partly to shield Reks, but mostly to make sure Vossler could see her hardened expression. “If I were one of your colleagues, I wouldn’t trust you in the slightest. If I were a damsel in distress, I would trust you even less,” she hissed as she glared at him.
“You fuckin’ tell him, babe,” Quill said, unable to hide his proud, smug smirk.
Mantis felt slightly better after the Guardians held her in a group hug, providing her with a sense of familiarity by letting her read their emotions, helping her ground herself. In her disoriented state, she couldn’t see Munoh right away, but she could feel their presence even before the Occurian got close to her. When they stared at her, Mantis just… stared back, her eyes wide with surprise and incomprehension. The entire experience was affecting her, and now she had a vision to deal with. As her face paled, Mantis swallowed, trying not to engage with the hallucination, and focused on the Zune, trying to pick a song to listen to. However, as she adjusted the headphones over her ears, she quickly glanced at Munoh once again.
When Basch returned and told Quill that the King would see them, the half-human half-Celestial hybrid clapped once and did a little dance. “Cool, awesome! I mean…” Quill stilled and cleared his throat, bowing his head. “Thank you, Captain. We are grateful for your kindness, and we will remind it fondly in the future.”
“Remember it, not remind it. Dumbass,” Rocket corrected.
“If we have permission to do so, we’re all going. Together,” Quill said, ignoring Rocket. “Y'know, I think we know why Mantis feels the way she does. It doesn’t seem to be a health problem, it’s more of an empath problem.” He turned to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Can you walk?” He smiled when Mantis nodded. “Yeah? Good. Come on, Guardians!” he roared.
“Why are you yelling?” Drax inquired.
“Yeah, we’re right here,” Mantis complained.
“Ah, criminal fugitives, then. I might have known,” Vossler said judgmentally. “King Raminas is occupied with keeping this kingdom safe amidst war and plague. He hasn’t time to waste on miscreants like yourselves.”
Reks hated being left with Vossler. Dealing with him was night and day compared to his captain. It made Reks wonder how and why Vossler was accepted into the Order in the first place, but it was not his place to ever comment, of course.
Vossler looked to a few mechanics who were waiting to perform maintenance on the ship, even as they looked up at it and whispered amongst themselves at all the parts that looked like none they’d ever seen before. “Well?” he called to them and they all stiffened. “The sooner we fix this junkheap, the sooner we shall all be rid of these delinquents.”
The mechanics sprung into action, inasmuch as they went to approach the ship to check parts and skystones that didn’t exist, and to repair other parts they knew nothing about...
When Quill questioned his treatment of Reks, strangely going so far as to refer to the royal guardsman as an infant goat, for some unknown reason, Vossler listened quietly. As a very green woman continue to berate him, he stared for a moment before motioning for Reks to come closer to him. “You there, lad.”
“Y-yes, Ser Azelas?” Reks said, stepping forward.
“How many summers have you seen?” he asked.
“Seventeen, ser,” Reks replied.
“And how long are you enlisted in Dalmasca’s army?” Vossler pressed.
“Two years, ser,” the young man answered.
“And how long are you in service within the Royal Guard?” Vossler asked.
“One year, ser,” Reks replied, straightening a bit more with his response. It was clear that he was very proud of that promotion, indeed.
“There,” Vossler said, turning back to Quill. “He is no child. The age of adulthood in Dalmasca is sixteen, since you claim to be unaware of Ivalician cultures, and he has been already two years a soldier. Furthermore, in times of war and political unrest, we do not employ idiots among the Royal Palace Guard. Our king’s safety is paramount. Only the finest are promoted to such positions. The lad’s failing is neither lack of intelligence nor experience, but rather...” he glanced back at Reks, “lack of manners towards his superiors.”
“A-apologies, ser, if I have been at all rude,” Reks said to Vossler.
The corners of Vossler’s mouth curled ever so slightly upwards, his immense ego reveling in the guard’s subservience. “You are forgiven. But you will conduct yourself better from this moment onward.”
“Yes, ser,” Reks said.
Munoh noticed the one with very strong energy behaving... oddly. More than once she almost looked directly at them, but seemed to quite deliberately avert her gaze. Munoh sensed her energy becoming more volatile, as if disturbed by their presence. “You sense me, child... do you not?” Munoh asked very gently, a curious inquiry rather than a blunt challenge. Not many could detect the presence of an Occurian if they wished to remain undetectable, not without magical assistance, and so Munoh was impressed and intrigued. “No harm do I mean. Be at peace,” they said, offering some calming energy in her direction, since she seemed to be so unsettled. It was ancient, Munoh’s magic, but not threatening. More like an old, wise, guardian than an insidious intruder. Only a little, though, did they offer, for this one seemed to be highly sensitive to surrounding energies, and Munoh had no desire to overwhelm.
Upon Basch’s return, the very air seemed lighter among the ranks. “Aye, you’ve all permission to have audience with His Majesty. Howe’er, I must ask that you leave any and all weapons behind. If you are unaware, war currently rages on all sides around us. There are many who would seek to threaten His Majesty’s life and Dalmascan autonomy. ‘Tis a risk we cannot take. I bid you understand.” It was not negotiable, and yet Basch said it as though it were a kind request among friends rather than a direct order. He had a way with tone and words, with making those around him feel seen and heard, and with putting others at comfortable ease. It was part of the reason why he was Knight Captain over an older, native Dalmascan like Vossler. “You have my word that none shall threaten you unprovoked inside the palace, or they will answer to me,” he said rather formally. “Treat with us in peace, and we shall do the same with you.”
Vossler had taken to idly picking at his fingernails with the tip of a dagger while he listened to this conversation. Why was Raminas bothering with these lowlifes? Did he not have more important things to do with his time?
“Ser Azelas, remain here and make certain their ship is properly tended to,” Basch ordered.
“Aye,” Vossler simply said, though he was already bored of this.
Basch turned to the group of royal guardsmen, pointing in turn at two of them. “You, and you. Remain here and assist as needed. The rest of you, with me,” he ordered.
Reks, included among through going with Basch, was far more outwardly relieved than perhaps he should have been.
The Royal Palace of Rabanastre was a sprawling building of three main floors, six towers, and hundreds of years of history. Some seven hundred years old, the massive building consisted of white and beige sandstone, white marble, and granite, all locally sourced. As the Guardians were led inside its carved walls and high ceilings, it was apparent that the ancient building was very well kept. Clean and devoid of cracks or wear, the stone shined with a lovely polish at every glance. All around, tapestries depicting Dalmasca’s history and culture hung, as did the royal seal of House Dalmasca.
The only things that might have seemed out of place with the impeccably maintained luxury around every corner was the intrusion of sand and the presence of tiny lizards. Glistening, crystalline sand grains collected in corners and against walls, and this did not seem to bother anyone. In fact, it seemed almost welcomed and aesthetically acceptable for this to occur, judging by the fact that no one anywhere was in the process of sweeping it away. And the diminutive lizards, not unlike those of the anoles of Terra, were everywhere. On the walls, the ceilings, even clinging to the tapestries. And this, too, seemed normal, for the various guardsmen walking about within the palace took no notice of them beyond avoiding stepping directly on them.
Basch led the Guardians from the dock into one of the towers and down into the palace proper, taking them through large, opulent hallways lined with guards and servants alike. The palace was a bright and bustling place, filled with happy and proud energy, despite the hard times the population of Rabanastre found itself braving. All who worked there were proud to be there, loved their king and kingdom, and were proud to be Dalmasca. It was also clear that they had a great deal of respect for Basch as well, for many greeted him along the way. And whether it was another knight, a guard, or a lowly servant who greeted him, Basch returned the greeting with respect and kindness in like kind.
Soon, they arrived at a pair of immense, towering double doors flanked by guards more heavily armored than some others had been along the way. Basch paused before them, turning to the Guardians. “Please wait here a moment,” he asked of them as the doors were cranked open and he entered. The doors were closed behind him, and the Guardians found themselves waiting without, bounded by guards on all sides. This was only for a couple of minutes, and then the doors were cranked open fully and Basch bid the Guardians all enter. Once they had, the doors were cranked shut once more.
Upon a throne at the end of a long, torchlit, golden hall was an aging man with a kind face. Although old, he seemed alert and had a regal bearing about him.
“Your Majesty, I present to you Captain Star-Lord of Missouri in Terra, and his crew,” Basch said, nodding formally to the king before turning to the Guardians. “His Majesty King Raminas B’nargin Dalmasca,” he announced to them before stepping aside to allow the meeting to continue. He remained close by the throne, however.
{ I’m stopping here because I didn’t know if Quill or anyone else would speak up before the king did. And I also didn’t know if they would put up a stink about the weapons issue, so feel free to do whatever you wanted with that, heh. I will place a pic of Raminas below, though, so that you know what the Guardians are seeing when they meet him. He looks weary here because he just got some bad news, lol, but with them he’d look a bit more friendly. There just... aren’t too many pics of him because he died so early on in the game. }
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pesterloglog · 4 months
Roxy Lalonde, John Egbert, Harry Anderson Egbert
Candy, page 38
ROXY: sup john
ROXY: long time no see
ROXY: well alright then pal
ROXY: i do believe u know the way to the living room
JOHN: yeah, yep.
JOHN: thanks.
JOHN: sorry for staring like an idiot.
JOHN: it’s...
JOHN: i just got done with a whole week of feeling weird about hanging out in my dad’s old house again.
JOHN: I kind of forgot to think about how it would be surreal coming back here, too.
JOHN: some kind of nostalgia whiplash, i guess.
ROXY: fair enough yo
ROXY: harry andersons out if u were wonderin
ROXY: hell scoot back home later so if you make it thru round 1 of awkward ex-family convos im happy to say you can be rewarded with another
JOHN: oh, cool.
JOHN: i’d like to see him, if…
JOHN: if it’s okay with both of you.
ROXY: ya we chatted bout it
ROXY: but like i said
ROXY: one thing at a time
ROXY: lets me n u tear this ol egbert/lalonde estrangement band-aid right the fuck off n see what we got goin on underneath it
JOHN: sounds like a plan.
JOHN: so, uh.
JOHN: i’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently.
JOHN: and i’ve realized some things.
JOHN: some stuff that involves you and some that doesn’t, but all things i think you deserve to know.
JOHN: whew.
JOHN: ok lemme think where to start...
JOHN: you know how jake left jane?
JOHN: i mean, i assume you know.
JOHN: though, uh, no offense, but jane’s version might be...
JOHN: skewed.
ROXY: oh lmao nah i didnt hear it from janey
ROXY: harry anderson filled me in on wat he got thru the teen grapevine
JOHN: oh!
JOHN: are you guys not...
JOHN: nevermind.
JOHN: i’m sorry, i came to apologize for my shit, not pry into your business.
JOHN: we don’t have to talk about jane if you don’t want to.
ROXY: janey n me havent been super tight of late
JOHN: ah.
JOHN: what about politics not coming between friends and all that?
ROXY: lmao well turns out sometimes someones politics make it p clear what kind of friends they value
ROXY: or dont
ROXY: and idk sometimes people you used to like when you were a teen grow up to be assholes or w/e!!
ROXY: i think i was clingin to somethin just to prove to myself that i was doin stuff right
ROXY: ol rolal
ROXY: hella normal
ROXY: v good at sticking with friends
ROXY: the more i thought abt it the more i figured holdin on to that one thing made me lose out on some other shit
ROXY: u might relate
JOHN: haha, you got me there i guess.
ROXY: anyways
ROXY: im not tryna take up all ur big speech time w/ my stuff
ROXY: you were tellin me about how jake n janey finally went splitsways and how it gave you some kind of epiphany
JOHN: no, it’s cool!
JOHN: i’m glad to hear it.
JOHN: we can come back to your shit after my shit, maybe.
JOHN: but yeah, jake, he uh...
JOHN: he and tavros are living with me now.
JOHN: i think for the foreseeable future. we were expecting jane to have kind of a fit about it, but all we’ve gotten so far are some divorce papers.
JOHN: if she knows where jake is and she hasn’t had a drone fleet dispatched to nuke my house off the planet i think that’s a good sign she’s actually just letting them go?
JOHN: which is kind of surprising, but, uh. good, i guess.
ROXY: ok ill b the first 2 admit that janes turned into kind of a jerk lately but u no shes not actually like
ROXY: literally evil
ROXY: lol
JOHN: that’s debatable!
ROXY: sry to disappoint but janes just a person and you cant actually blame her for everything that went wrong in our marriage like i was her helpless thrall or somethin
JOHN: that’s not what i was saying...
ROXY: ok neither of us came here to argue about janey did we
JOHN: you’re right. let’s just not talk about her.
ROXY: yea
JOHN: anyway...
JOHN: i’ve been doing a lot of thinking about how things got to be like they are.
JOHN: i guess i’ll just come out and say it.
JOHN: i completed fucked up your entire life.
JOHN: i’m not going to pretend like there are two sides here. it’s my bad, totally.
JOHN: like, not just what happened to our marriage, though it’s also true that that’s completely my fault.
JOHN: but even before that...
JOHN: i think i fucked up on just this massive, fundamental level, and it’s what i did—
JOHN: or, well, what i didn’t do—
JOHN: that caused every stupid bullshit thing about the way this world is.
JOHN: none of this was supposed to be this way.
JOHN: honestly, it doesn’t feel right that we got married at all, does it?
JOHN: your life was heading in this whole other direction with callie, and i just...
JOHN: i dunno. i just kind of took that from you.
JOHN: i think i ended up taking a lot of decisions from a lot of people.
JOHN: everything took a backseat to what i wanted.
JOHN: whatever cosmic significance the lives here do or don’t have, all the pointless suffering i’ve created is... inhumane. and—
ROXY: oh nah ill stop u rite there my man
ROXY: im sorry john ilu but this is some hot steamin horseshit
JOHN: what?!
ROXY: its some real jerkoff emoji stuff is all im sayin!!
ROXY: you think you choice mattered so much that no one elses could measure up?
ROXY: n then what
ROXY: did u get what u wanted?
ROXY: did your life end and the points got tallied and you came out on top or like what?
ROXY: still p much seems like were movin to me
ROXY: and you sure dont seem like ur winnin so wheres all this good shit you got that you gotta go around handin out apologies for?
ROXY: also damn dude while were at it!!
ROXY: u forgot to actually say sorry in that apology!
JOHN: no, i didn’t — i just meant...
JOHN: i’m sorry for fucking up your life, or making it not—
ROXY: i like my life!!!
ROXY: i mean it aint perf and i got my share of fuckups n mistakes in there but you dont get to tell me its fucked up
ROXY: or that it isnt real or somethin
ROXY: its mine!
ROXY: i mean i felt... somethin i guess
ROXY: but its not just you
ROXY: youve never been the only player in this game u kno
ROXY: do u not remember who all was there when this all kicked off?
ROXY: me n callie wouldna told u u had a choice if it was all just some meaningless bs
ROXY: its not like i was ever some master seer of all that ever was or will be but i do know a lil bit abt what coulda gone down if things were different
ROXY: and u know what
ROXY: i like the way things turned out just fuckin fine
ROXY: so maybe u could stop wastin precious eternity thinkin ur so special that its ur fault everyones not perfectly happy
JOHN: i just kept wanting to find ways to make everything make sense, you know?
JOHN: but maybe it just fucking doesn’t.
ROXY: i know we became grownups in a world built specifically n cosmically for us
ROXY: so i get wanting to find a pattern in everything
ROXY: but not everything has 2 b that deep
ROXY: n when u think abt it
ROXY: lookin at it that way, like evrythin has to be this elaborately purposeful heroic design to be worthwhile
ROXY: is actually p shallow
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: yeah, i guess.
JOHN: i’m sorry. it’s just so hard to not feel like a total asshole.
JOHN: maybe i’m not some grand vizier of destroying time and space or whatever.
JOHN: but we KNOW that there’s a canon timeline out there.
JOHN: and it seems really obvious to me that we aren’t in it anymore.
ROXY: so what
JOHN: “so what”???
ROXY: yea
ROXY: so what
ROXY: tf do i care that theres some other reality out there some1 arbitrarily decided was the “real” one
ROXY: whats that have to do with the life i have now
ROXY: what is there actually that makes this one mean less than that one to the ppl who r actually in it
JOHN: you never feel like it would’ve been better if things had gone a different way?
JOHN: magic or no, i could have done a lot differently, for you especially.
JOHN: stuck around, or... fuck.
JOHN: stayed out of your way to begin with.
JOHN: let you and callie do your thing, or do whatever it was you seemed to be headed off to do.
JOHN: i just didn’t expect it to be me, after...
ROXY: nah dont say that
ROXY: i mean i accept ur apology this time but
ROXY: theres obvs all kinds of ways shit coulda gone
ROXY: and tbh back then
ROXY: with her...
ROXY: mostly i think i just wanted to do stuff right
ROXY: not that i knew wtf that even meant lmao
ROXY: which was prob the problem lmao lmao lmao
ROXY: just like
ROXY: we had this big fresh as hell start at bein people!
ROXY: i had all these conflictin thoughts abt how to be me in the first place
ROXY: like what it meant to date a beautiful skull alien
ROXY: sexualitywise and genderwise and person in generalwise
ROXY: for a while there i didnt know if i wanted ppl to think of me as a woman at all
JOHN: ah, i didn’t know.
JOHN: well, i guess maybe i wondered?
JOHN: but the way young idiot me would have wondered, so not that deeply.
JOHN: and it seemed like you’d forgotten all about it when we got together.
ROXY: i hadnt forgotten about it
JOHN: do you want to talk about it...?
ROXY: i coulda told you then but i kinda felt embarrassed abt flip floppin with my identity i think
ROXY: mean it isnt like i grew up with big airquotes society tellin me what was right n wrong like u did
ROXY: so it wasnt any kind of shamefest
ROXY: just a lot of abstract hypotheticals wed only just started talking about and never got very far into
ROXY: just idk i thought i might do things one way but then i stopped hangin out with callie as much
ROXY: its not like i stopped thinkin abt it
ROXY: or her
ROXY: but it never rly came up with anyone else and i didnt rly feel like i could talk abt it with you so i never brought it up again
JOHN: i’m really sorry you felt that way, roxy.
ROXY: its ok its not ur fault
JOHN: but you don’t regret it?
JOHN: not going for that stuff, and instead just... marrying me?
JOHN: i’m not asking so you can absolve me, i’m just impressed.
JOHN: how do you not second guess every choice you make?
ROXY: i havent stuck my head in the timeline vortex like u have so i dunno what its like to see other options
ROXY: i just do things the best way i think to do em and then shrug n hope it works out?
ROXY: i dont think i can regret anything
ROXY: theres not only one right way to be me imo
ROXY: i like the me i am
ROXY: its not like i went n decided “actually hell ya love to be a woman n do all the shit on the woman checklist”
ROXY: i get that thats prob what it looks like outside of my own self but i dont care abt that
ROXY: sorry lol im not good at this whole explainin what transpires in my brain thing
ROXY: idk this life ive been livin gave me harry anderson
ROXY: that kinda outweighs anything else just for me personally
ROXY: n its not like i ever totally quit thinkin abt that gender stuff
ROXY: i just found a different way to work it out than maybe i was originally gonna
ROXY: i...
ROXY: but lmao john were just adults
ROXY: were not dead!
ROXY: idk i mean were only what... barely middle aged in regular human years?
ROXY: we got all kinds of hypothetical but still prolly finite eternity to work our shit out
ROXY: who tf knows
ROXY: its not like you figure out who you are when youre 23 and then the rest of ur whole life is just sittin back watchin ur shit fall apart or not
ROXY: i mean maybe thats been it for u so far
JOHN: haha. ouch.
ROXY: i just dont think im anywhere near done buildin those roxy self actualization train stops
ROXY: who the fuck can say how many more i got lined up
ROXY: same goes for u
ROXY: if youre willing to look at this life as more than a cosmically pointless dead end failure that is
JOHN: i guess...
JOHN: there’s literally nothing to do but keep moving forward.
JOHN: i may as well not be a big fucking downer about it if i don’t have to be.
ROXY: thats the spirit
ROXY: weve got a million billion lifetimes ahead of us john
ROXY: u dont even KNOW all the ways u got left to fuck up in!!
ROXY: hows that for some inspiration??!
JOHN: it’s...
JOHN: it’s pretty fucking inspirational, roxy.
JOHN: thank you for trusting me with this personal stuff.
JOHN: i know partly you were telling me all that to kick my sadsack ass, but i know you don’t talk about this kind of thing every day.
ROXY: to be real i hadnt even let myself think abt it every day
ROXY: so thanks for lettin me ramble at u out loud instead of just almost thinkin abt it once every few years
JOHN: i guess sometimes it takes hearing the same shit over and over until it sticks.
JOHN: that’s mostly an own on myself by the way.
ROXY: lmao were just rippin off those bandaids left n right over here
ROXY: a coupla professional issue discussers
JOHN: yeah, i’m frankly baffled by how fucking good we are at this?
JOHN: where was this when we sucked so hard at being married?
ROXY: buried under a shocking number of issues is my guess
JOHN: well, it’s nice to throw a few off, for once.
ROXY: feel free to communicate with me instead of spendin the next 300 years in a silent prison of your own making if u so desire
JOHN: hey harry anderson.
JOHN: it’s really, really good to see you.
JOHN: do you wanna go for a drive?
HARRY ANDERSON: yeah, dad.
HARRY ANDERSON: that could be cool.
0 notes
jinnidokyo · 7 months
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Best of Friends
I enjoy being with my friends' company, especially when I feel at ease with them, even though I know we'll eventually part ways and attend different senior high schools, I genuinely enjoy my group of friends, especially when I feel at ease with them. When I was in junior high school, I actually had friends. At the time, we were intended to be a trio, but as 4 other students joined us, our trio grew to 7, so I now think of them as a circle. They think I'm just chill, but they don't realize that even when I'm upset, I'm still calm. My best pals are kind and it's natural on us that we all have bad sides. They are the kind of friends who will still accept you despite your financial situation.
It's great fun to be part of a group of people who are interested in academics, even if you're a slow learner, they'll be there to support you and help you when you fall short. Despite the fact that you struggle with your schoolwork a lot, it feels fantastic to always be laughing. I really made the most of the ten months we spent together in junior high school because I know how difficult it is to find friends like them. If I could go back in time to when we were in Grade 10, when we were both perfectly content to laugh, I think I would have done the same.
Although we did not attend senior high school together, I am grateful that I had friends like them during that time. Although I cannot say that they are the best friends I have ever had, they are certainly among the best. I am grateful that I had friends like them during my Grade 10 years. I might want to start making new acquaintances in senior high school at this point, but I still won't forget them. They are such a blessing in my life, and I can't let them go because I want my grade 11 buddies to be decent people. I sincerely miss them and all I want to do is see them, greet them, and talk to them.
-Ito Yung nabuo naming magkaibigan ay subrang napaka special,ito Yung groupong Masaya kapag magkasama pero may halong kalungkutan rin di naman talaga kapag Tayo ay magkasama ay Masaya,may Araw din tayong may dinadalang problema sa isa't Isa.
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thingsthatmademe · 1 year
You Shall Know our Velocity
I'm only now realizing how many items in my house are there to serve as memory prompts.
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This is a copy of Your Shall Know our Velocity, by David Eggers. I picked it up while I was living back east because it was extremely popular with a certain set of west coast home-page/early-blog young people. People I was desperate to emulate. A group I'd first become aware of in the mid-late 90s while I was in college and whose first literary infatuation, Microserfs, had planted something in me.
I did not care for Your Shall Know our Velocity. To quote the most problematic of favs, it said nothing to me about my life. It's one of the first books I ever bought and put down after a few chapters.
I felt guilty about not finishing it because I was still coming out of a deep clinical depression that had dogged me for most of my life.
A few years later a concert friend and long-time crush-of-mine was looking for a tour companion. We'll call her Q——. I brought along You Shall Know our Velocity because I wanted to make one last attempt at reading it. She was a so-called "merch girl" and tour manager for a semi-famous modern folk musician and wanted a traveling companion for a leg of the tour. My memory begins to fail me here and even my pals at Concert Archives and SetList.FM haven't let me reconstruct the dates. The facts I'm sure of -- it was sometime between 2000 and 2005, and a three-or-four-date jaunt. For me, the tour ended in Toronto. The show previous to that was in a venue outside of Montréal.
My memory of the specifics starts to break down here. I THINK the show before Montréal was in New Jersey, but it may have been in an upstate NY town near the city -- probably Piermont, NY. This wasn't my only tour crushing-on-but-keeping-my-distance-from-because-of-fear-and-insecurity with Q—— and the details tend to mush together twenty years later. 
The emotional truth of that tour is crystal clear though. My falling out of crush with this woman (which puts it more in the 2003 - 2005 era of my timeline, when I was finally shaking off my depression and insecurity). It wasn't a disaster -- but the Quebec show was uncomfortable for a number of reasons. 
It was at a venue that also had a -- former? -- hostel above it but the venue owner seemed reticent to let us sleep up there. I wanted to start figuring out a hotel but Q—— shrugged and said it would work out and, for what it's worth, it did.
But the larger problem was an internet friend of Q—— who we met up with -- Gabe. Gabe was a shy, awkward, male presenting human and Q—— just seemed to delight in teasing him in a way that, between longtime friends, might be acceptable but sat wrong with me. Gabe seemed occasionally uncomfortable, and he reminded me of who I'd been just a few years earlier before I'd learned to mask better.
I also found in myself an ugliness that wanted to join in with the teasing to bond with Q—— at odds with wanting to stand up for the older, shyer, version of myself.
That night spent on the old hostel mattress I journaled about these feelings. They seem trivial now but at the time felt incredibly important to get down on paper (which means they were incredibly important to get down on paper). I had no journal so the inside cover of You Shall Know our Velocity served.
We had breakfast the next day with Gabe (and a pretty funny conversation about an infamous New York City dick dock) and then headed off for Toronto. I sort of detached from Q—— for this show -- I recall having a bit of a joint outside the venue (on the street? in broad daylight? what decriminalized paradise was this?!?) and spending a bit of the show with a woman, C——, who we would have described then as a baby-dyke. She was from our mutual concert-going community and had fooled around with Q—— and Q——'s partner in the past. She was desperate to see Q—— after the show and I recognized that intense draw to Q——'s charisma -- likely heighten by an actual sexual relationship instead of dissociative longing. 
I had a good time hanging out with this young, impossibly beautiful baby-dyke whose name I can't remember. She hustled me for loonies to tip the bartenders with (or perhaps just buy another cheap beer) and I was happy to give them up. Queer energy was something I was desperate for in those days for reasons I didn't always realize.
At some point, Q—— and C—— talked and it sounds like it didn't go well. Q—— put the freeze on her and I distinctly remember a distraught C——, crestfallen, mumbling out loud "she doesn't think of me at all".
Q—— was also visibility uncomfortable, and as we packed up was trying to sell me on the idea of my taking a bus home to Rochester instead of us driving there together. Exhausted by her antics (or, in retrospect, angry at myself for not seeing her clearly for who she was and not knowing who I was) I insisted on our previous agreements. It was an awkward three hours.
This week of my life was an emotional turning point for me, but I also felt bad about it for years. I tore off the book cover with my journaling. It may be lurking in some box in my basement or may be floating in a trash heap somewhere. I still have not read You Shall Know our Velocity. 
Years later, in 2010, I would meet up with Q—— and her partner in Los Angeles. I was there for work. I'd been out west in Portland and Seattle for five years and had come into myself. These were very much peak young person (if late blooming) years for me. We had a pleasant time but I remember seeing Q—— as an anxious nervous bundle of insecure energy. So many things about that tour jaunt in the early 2000s came into focus for me then and I realized I'd probably never see her again. 
It's thirteen years later and outside a note when Carol Channing died (there was a comedy bit, it's not important) I haven't spoken to her since. When I went poking around my long discarded drag/transvestite twitter feed from that era I saw she was still active and going hard with the "continued masking is oppression" brain worms.
If I was who I am now I'd probably try to gently engage with her about these things -- but if I was who I am now I never would have been in that situation. I even thought about reaching out to her after writing this but -- that's probably just vanity. Also the "continued masking is oppression" brain worms thing would be a lot to get past.
All that from a book I'll probably never read. Objects contain ghosts and we can talk to them if we want. Gabe, on the off chance yous see this, sorry for being a jerk 20 years ago. I hope you turned out OK. 
I did not care for Your Shall Know our Velocity. To quote the most problematic of favs, it said nothing to me about my life. It's one of the first books I ever bought and put down after a few chapters.
I felt guilty about no finishing it because I was still coming out of a deep clinical depression that had dogged me for most of my life.
A few years later a concert friend and long time crush-of-mine was looking for a tour companion. We'll call her Q——. I brought along You Shall Know our Velocity because I wanted to make one last attempt at reading it. She was a so called "merch girl" and tour manager for a semi-famous modern folk musician and wanted a traveling companion for a leg of the tour. My memory begins to fail me here and even my pals at Concert Archives and SetList.FM haven't let me reconstruct the dates. The facts I'm sure of -- it was sometime between 2000 and 2005, and a three or four date jaunt. For me the tour ended in Toronto. The show previous to that was in a venue outside of Montréal.
Memory of the specifics start to breakdown. I THINK the show prior to Montréal was in New Jersey, but it may have been in an upstate NY town near the city -- probably Piermont, NY. This wasn't my only tour crushing-on-but-keeping-my-distance-from-because-of-fear-and-insecurity with Q—— and the details tend to mush together in middle age.
The emotional truth of that tour is crystal clear though. My falling out of crush with this women (which puts it more in the 2003 - 2005 era of my timeline, when I was finally shaking off my depression and insecurity). It wasn't a disaster -- but the Quebec show was uncomfortable for a number of reasons.
It was at a venue that also had a -- former? -- hostel above it but the venue owner seemed reticent to let us sleep up there. I wanted to start figuring out a hotel but Q—— shrugged and said it would work out and, for what it's worth, it did.
But the larger problem was an internet friend of Q—— who we met up with -- Gabe. Gabe was a shy, awkward, male presenting human and Q—— just seemed to delight in teasing him in a way that, between longtime friends, might be acceptable but sat wrong with me. Gabe seemed occasionally uncomfortable, and he reminded me of who'd I'd been just a few years earlier and still was, really.
I also found in myself an ugly part that wanted to join in with the teasing to bond with Q—— at odds with wanting to stand up for the older, shyer, version of myself.
That night spent on the old hostel mattress I journaled about these feelings. They seem trivial now but at the time felt incredibly important to get down on paper (which means they were incredibly important to get down on paper). I had no journal so the inside cover of You Shall Know our Velocity served.
We had breakfast the next day with Gabe and then headed off for Toronto. I sort of detached from Q—— for this show -- I recall having a bit of a joint outside the venue (on the street? in broad daylight? what decriminalized paradise was this?!?) and spending a bit of the show with a women, C——, we would have described then as a baby-dyke. She was from our mutual concert going community and had fooled around with Q—— and Q——'s previous partner before. She was desperate to see Q—— after the show and I recognized that intense draw to Q——'s charisma -- likely heighten by an actual sexual relationship instead of dissociative longing.
I had a good time hanging out with this young, impossibly beautiful baby-dyke whose name I can't remember. She hustled me for loonies to tip the bartenders with (or perhaps just buy another cheap beer) and I was happy to give them up. Queer energy was something I was desperate for in those days for reasons I didn't always realize.
At some point Q—— and her talked and it sounds like it didn't go well. Q—— put the freeze on her and I distinctly remember a distraught C——, crestfallen, mumbling out loud "she doesn't think of me at all".
Q—— was also visibility uncomfortable, and as we packed up was trying to sell me on the idea of my taking a bus home to Rochester instead of us driving their together. Exhausted by her antics (or, in retrospect, angry at myself for not seeing her clearly for who she was and not knowing who I was) I insisted on our previous agreements. It was an awkward three hours.
This week of my life was an emotional turning point for me, but I also felt bad about it for years. I tore the book cover with journaling and it may be lurking in some box in my basement or may be floating in a trash heap somewhere.
Years later, in 2010, I would meetup with Q—— and her partner, Mark in Los Angeles. I was there for work. I'd been out west in Portland and Seattle for five years and really come into myself. These were very much peak young person (if late blooming) days for me. We had a pleasant time but I remember seeing Q—— as an anxious nervous bundle of insecure energy. So many things about that tour jaunt in the early 2000s came into focus for me then and I realized I'd probably never see her again. It's thirteen years later and outside a note when Carol Channing died (there was a comedy bit, it's not important) I haven't spoken to her since. When I went poking around my old drag/transvestite twitter feed from that era I saw she was still active and going hard with the "continued masking is oppression" brain worms.
If I was who I am now I'd probably try to gently engage with her about these things. I even thought about reaching out to her after writing this but -- that's probably just vanity. Also the "continued masking is oppression" brain worms thing would be a lot of get past.
All that from a book I'll probably never read. Objects contain ghosts and we can talk to them if we want. Gabe, if you're out there, sorry for being kind of a jerk 20 years ago.
0 notes
buckyownsmylife · 3 years
So I Take What I Want - Jake Gyllenhaal smut (ft. Tom Holland)
The one where Jake finally lets Tom watch him fuck you
Warnings: smut, cuckold!tom, mean!jake, voyeurism, overstimulation, possessiveness, cuck humiliation, name-calling, p in v, dacrophylia, light choking
Word count: under 2k
A/N: thank you to my lovely @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog for reading this over to me. As you might already know, this is part of my do it universe, and although it can be read by itself, I highly recommend you go read the other stories first.
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
The first thing I remembered was feeling a gentle kiss pressed to the back of my hand, gently awakening me as two hands softly cradled my face, brushing the hair away from it.
“How are you feeling, beautiful?” Blinking a few times, I was able to focus on the familiar bearded face that was patiently waiting for my answer, prompting me to try to sit up so I could give him one.
“I’m alright,” I assured him, although every single muscle in my body ached. It was a good king of hurt though, the kind that you had after a great workout session… which I supposed was more or less what had happened.
“Good,” Jake smiled, kissing me unexpectedly, and my eyes widened before I closed them to accept his gesture. Sure, this was still a bit surprising - I associated such an intimate act as something to be shared between two persons with actual feelings for each other, but after everything Jake had done to my body, I couldn’t very well feel shy about him pressing his lips against mine. “Because I need to have you again.”
I gasped when I felt his hands yank my ankles so I was on the edge of the bed, my legs dangling from it. “W-Wait,” I asked as his hands kept me spread open for his gaze. I wanted to cover myself in an effort to hide from precisely that, especially since I could feel his spent threatening to fall from me, drip onto the hardwood floors beneath us. “What about Tom?”
Jake snickered, eyes still fixated on the apex of my thighs, before finally raising them to meet mine. “He’s right there,” he informed me, nodding towards the other side of the room, where there were a couple of lounge chairs by the wall.
Craning my neck to look behind, I found my boyfriend sat in one of them, chewing on his bottom lip nervously as he took in the image of me being slowly spread open by his best friend. I took notice of how his cock strained against his pants and how once Jake was fully in, Tom leaned his whole body towards us, like he wanted to be as close as possible to the action.
Jake climbed onto the bed, adjusting me so I’d be underneath his warm body and started moving. My head swirled with the overwhelming emotions and sensations coursing through my body. While the man on top of me - and inside of me - worshiped every inch of my skin with his tongue and beautiful lips, the man I loved - the man staring at us from a distance - seemed to be stuck between pain and pleasure, desperate to keep watching and pause the scene at the same time.
“Tell him,” Jake panted in my ear, calling out for my attention. I already knew he was a sucker for it, already knew he didn’t like me to focus on anything else than him and the way his cock made me feel as it dragged along my walls.
What I didn’t know, however, was what he wanted me to say. I was fucked out and sensitive, yet still taken to the edge of desire. I couldn’t think, only feel. The only thing I truly wanted at that second was to keep climbing higher and higher until I had met bliss once more, and I knew I’d never get there if Jake stopped moving because he was unsatisfied with my answer.
Thankfully, he seemed to be in a giving mood. His nose rubbed against my throat as he kept pounding me, his words pressed against my skin, “Tell him what you tell me when we’re alone.”
I froze. Not even he would be that cruel, would he? But… maybe Tom would like it? I really couldn’t think. And in the silence that followed, I knew Jake’s mean dominant demeanor would grow to fill it, even before his dark chuckle resonated across the room.
“Don’t be shy,” he mocked, gripping my cheeks and shaking me still somewhat gently (for what I was expecting of him). “Tell him how you beg for my cock like a fucking whore.” And still, I remained silent. Well, that wasn’t accurate at all, actually. Moans and whimpers flowed freely out of my lips, taking over the words Jake longed to hear so badly.
“Fine,” he relented. “Perhaps you need to be closer to your beloved.” I didn’t understand what he meant until his cock left me, making me whine like a wounded beast. His chuckle didn’t sound mocking this time, but the entire situation made it seem like that to me.
“C’mon,” he smacked my ass as I finally made my way out of bed, utterly confused about what he meant until he took me by the arm and dragged me all the way across the room, until I was standing just before my boyfriend. “Let me teach him how to really please you.”
A shiver went down my spine as I realized what was his plan all along. I gasped when I felt his hand pushing down on my lower back, making me fall over the arm of the chair where Tom was resting.
Before I could even adjust myself, Jake resumed his thrusts, even more punishing and quick than before. All the while, my boyfriend was just there, staring at me with wide eyes, almost as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing - even though it was something he himself had told me that he wanted.
A hand covered the one with which I held the chair, and I looked up to meet Tom’s soft brown ones. He smiled - it was a small, tentative smile. A smile that seemed to say, ‘this is a bit too much, but I’m okay. Are you okay?’
How could I tell him that I was beyond that? Would that be crossing a line? All I knew was that Jake’s cock was filling my abused pussy perfectly, hitting that spot deep inside of me, making my eyes roll to the back of my head, and that was all I could focus on.
Until my hands were captured and pulled behind my back, forcing me to separate from Tom once more. Tom looked confused, but I knew what this was. I already knew Jake was possessive, he hadn’t even tried to hide it, but I think until that second, I had allowed myself to believe that at least in front of my actual boyfriend he’d relent.
I was wrong. Instead, Jake sat down on the bed once more, spearing me open with his cock, forcing my legs to stay spread for Tom’s view. It was so fucking deep, much deeper than I was used to. The pleasure and sensitivity from my previous orgasms became too much.
Tears started streaming down my face, and upon seeing that, Tom’s voice resonated in our bedroom. “Jake, stop.” He’d never seen me cry for anything other than sadness and pain, but this was something more.
This was bliss. And Jake knew it, so he let Tom’s pleas go unanswered, his big hands forcing my hips to keep riding him as he mocked. “Oh, tell him, sweetheart. Do you want me to stop?”
But I couldn’t speak. All that left me were loud whines - whines that apparently terrified Tom because he insisted, now looking at me, “please tell him to stop, please.” Jake’s fingers found my clit, making me shudder in his arms.
The moment felt too real, too heavy. I didn’t know what Tom was referring to anymore. Did he want Jake to stop fucking me because he thought I was hurting, or was he the one hurting from seeing me getting fucked by his best friend?
He didn’t say, so all I could do was answer the question Jake had made. I managed to spit out a “N-no,” shocking Tom, his wide eyes making his surprise clear. Behind me, Jake just laughed.
“That’s right, tell him how happy you are. Tell him how needy you are for my cock.” I was so fucking sensitive, but I was relishing in it. I was not used to having such long sex sessions. My nights with Tom were always satisfying, but they were short - and I think that was something he was thinking about too, as he watched me fuck myself on Jake.
“She becomes such a whore when I’m near,” Jake informed my boyfriend. “Well, I guess you’re seeing it now.” Just then, he covered my throat with one of his hands, squeezing a bit, not enough to fully choke me, but enough to make it hard to breathe and have my pussy clamping down on him.
Jake’s P.O.V.
“Oh, fuck,” she cursed, making me grin behind her shoulders. “Oh, Jake…” My eyes were focused on Tom’s, making sure he was taking in the entire scene, the way she was the one who was really controlling it, fucking herself on me while I just held her up. The slip of my name from her lips embarrassed her though, so she move her hands over her eyes, much to my displeasure.
“No, don’t cover your face,” I ordered, taking her wrists and pulling them behind her back. “Let him see you. Let him see how well you take me.” Her pussy clenched around me once more, undeniably showing just how aroused she was at her boyfriend watching her giving herself to another man.
It had me moaning, fingers burying deeper in her supple skin, my hunger for her insatiable. “Yeah, you made a mistake letting me into your girlfriend’s pussy, pal.” I didn’t even look at Tom anymore, eyes too transfixed at the way her ass shook each time her hips met mine. “Now that I know what she feels like, I’m never gonna stop fucking her.”
He knew I meant it. I didn’t have to look at him to feel the fear rolling off of him in waves, egging me on. And it was all the more powerful because now that he had seen what she looked like succumbing to my desire, he would forever be scared that she would give in to me.
He could see the effect I had on her just as well as I could feel it. The juices running down her thighs, the gasps of pleasure, the way her fingers scratched on my arm that held her by the throat.
It was very clear that she liked this. And knowing that only left me more insatiable. “I’m done desiring her from a distance, wishing I was buried in this delicious cunt,” I warned my friend, not knowing if he’d believe me or attribute this entire confession as part of the scene. Either way was good enough for me. “I have her now and I’m never letting her go.”
Raising my gaze to meet his, I made sure he was looking at me as I pronounced my final words. “I’m making your girlfriend my fucking bitch. My cum is all she’ll ever know.”
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despressolattes · 3 years
unrequested, but just a little scenario that’s been running through my mind
CHARACTERS: Shoto Todoroki x reader
SUMMARY: in which your ‘good pal ‘todoroki once let you hold onto his left side to warm up after he accidentally freezes you during the USJ attack, and you then consistently proceed to use him as a human temperature moderator.
"Um... hey... Todo... roki...”
You spoke between shivers, standing behind him.
You watched as his shoulders rose in surprise after he finished unfreezing the villains, asking them what their plans for All Might were. Everything had happened so fast from the villains breeching the USJ, to one of them warping the students to different locations, to Todoroki completely freezing the area. You knew he was impressive, but his power was on a whole different level.
“L/N?” his heterochromatic eyes widened when he saw you there, smiling sheepishly as your limbs felt cold. “Why didn’t you get my attention sooner?”
“Oh, y’know, you seemed busy getting information out of those villains,” you replied awkwardly. If you were able to move your arms, you would’ve been scratching your head at this point.
He huffed at your response, but a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he walked over, placing a hand over the ice entrapping your body. Steam began to flow into the air as he melted the ice away from you.
You fell forward a bit after he was done, and he reached out to help steady you.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
You stood up straight, moving your arms out of his grasp as you nodded vigorously. Your palms went to your bare arms, trying to warm yourself back up.
A guilty look flashed on his face, and he held out his left arm.
“Here, hold onto me,” he said, looking away from you as a slight tint formed on his face, but his poker face remained.
“I can keep you warm with my left side,” he mumbled. “Just grab on until you feel better.”
Awkwardly, you let yourself wrap your arms around his torso, and his left arm snaked around your shoulders. You felt yourself slowly warming back up, but was it from embarrassment or from his quirk?
“Let’s go find the teachers and our classmates,” he said.
To say your friends had a lot to ask about Todoroki’s protective arm around you during the USJ attack was an understatement. He had ran into battle to help All Might, practically carrying you as his arm around your shoulder moved to your waist. His grip had tightened as he ran onto the scene, sure to bring you with him without you toppling over.
Afterwards, the girls all wanted to know what was going on. Toru had told them all about how Todoroki had accidentally frozen you alongside the villains, gushing about how afterwards he was a total prince charming offering to hold you until you were warm. You and Todoroki looked at each other in surprise when she had revealed she had been there. Neither of you had any clue, which meant he could’ve also accidentally froze her.
But as for your friends questions? You didn’t have much to say. It wasn’t like it was anything other than a polite gesture and an apology for freezing you.
You hadn’t talked to Todoroki much outside of a group setting since the attack on the USJ. 
You forget which of the girls had planned it, or how you got dragged outside of your house, but there you were. You were walking in a small crowd of class 1A students into an ice-skating rink, one of them suggesting to hang out after class got out.
Looking around, you saw Todoroki standing a bit further back from the group, observing the event around them. You wondered how he wasn’t cold, clad in a black turtleneck and a pair of jeans. Then, you remembered: he could probably regulate his body temperature using his left side.
Your classmates tugged on your arm and dragged you to put on ice skates and then onto the rink. You giggled as Ochako and Mina pulled you along with them, and laughed out when you’d fall backwards and land on your butt.
Eventually, you had broken off from the girls, and you saw Todoroki skating around. Of course the boy with an ice quirk was great at ice skating.
To the best of your ability, you skated over to him. The idea of being warm sounded nice, so you found yourself seeing only one logical solution to your problem.
“Todoroki!” you said enthusiastically, going to grab onto his left arm.
He looked startled as you latched yourself to his side.
“Um... what are you doing?” he asked as you wrapped your arms around his left one, using him for warmth and balance.
“It’s cold in here, and your left side is warm,” you responded with an innocent smile.
Todoroki’s cheeks heated up from the close proximity you had to him.
“Should’ve worn a bigger jacket then,” he said.
“You let me get warmed up by you before!”
“I was also the reason you were cold before.”
“Well, why should I be cold when there’s a perfectly hot boy standing right here,” you jokingly muttered.
Your eyes widened as you realized what you had just said, and how it could sound by anyone other than the two of you. He seemed to realize it, too, a hint blush forming on his face.
“T-that’s not what I meant,” you stuttered out, looking down in embarrassment and reflexively tightened your grip on Todoroki’s arm.
He looked away from you, but also didn’t shrug you off. He moved out of the way as Bakugo came racing past, detaching him arm from you to dodge a possible clash. You swear all you saw was a light blond flash as you fell backwards onto your but, grated ice flying into your face.
“Watch it, damn extras!” Bakugo yelled over his shoulders.
Todoroki’s looked down at your with wide eyes, a slight upturn of his lips.
“Here,” he offered you a hand, and you took it. After a moment of silent, he added, “I suppose you can hold onto me since you don’t look like you know how to skate.”
Todoroki turned into Shoto, and Shoto turned into Sho at the same rate that UA high school turned into UA boarding school, your classmates became your roomates—erm, building mates?—and your paths to being heroes took an abrupt jump off of its steady progression straight into the deep end.
How did you guys even find time to go to the beach? you wondered, sitting underneath an umbrella on a hot day, hearing the sounds of people talking and waves crashing.
You got up from your spot to run up towards the boadwalk strip of shops, where Todoroki was walking. He was in a pair of jeans, a white shirt, and a blue button up—one of his nicest casual outfits in your opinion.
“Oh, hey, Y/N,” he greeted, and you fell into pace next to him.
You kept on glancing over at him every few seconds, but not saying anything.
The boy eyed you, his grey eye turning to the side of his head to look at you.
“I’m not a human air conditioner, Y/N,” he muttered as he stuck his right hand out for you.
“Hm?” you asked innocently.
“You’re hot, right? That’s why you’re standing so cold to my right side?” he questioned, but it was more of a statement. “Just grab on already.”
You smiled sweetly as wrapped your arms around him, a content smile on your face while he looked away with a tint on his cheeks.
Of course, there was no way you could just so casually hold onto the Shoto Todoroki without your classmates wondering what was going on between the two of you. 
If you were honest, it had all just been a spur of the moment decision. After the USJ incident, deciding to go to him for warmth was nothing but an impulsive decision. You had half expected him to think you were weird and shrug you off, but he had let you hold onto him at the ice skating rink. And then again at the beach.
So, when the girls had an ‘intervention’ in your bedroom to ask what was going on between you and the Half-n-Half boy, you were positive the answer was nothing, whether they believed it or not.
And now, there was a dormitory movie night. A relaxation day planned by Iida and Momo, and you sat on the couch next to Todoroki. He sat in the middle of the couch with Midoriya and Ochako sitting on the other side of him while you squeezed in between hm and the arm of the couch. You were on his right side, which was nice with the warm tea Momo had made for everyone and the fuzzy blanket you had thrown over yourself and the youngest Todoroki.
As the movie continued, you learned your head against his shoulder.
“Mm,” he grunted softly, shuffling around in his seat to get comfortable.
Eventually. his arm just wrapped around your shoulder, letting your head lay on his chest instead of his boney shoulder. Your cheeks warmed up, but he kept his gaze on the TV.
Ochako and Midoriya were looking between each other and the two of you with smirks on their faces, giddily laughing together.
As you got too cold in his arms, you moved so that your upper body was practically in his lap, attempting to get closer to his left side.
“Jesus,” he muttered. “Stop moving.”
“It’s too cold now,” you mumbled.
He sighed, placing his left hand on top of your head.
Yet another movie night, and this time, before you could sit down, a hand grabbed your wrist.
“Yeah, not this again,” Todoroki said, and he pulled you down towards him before you could sit next to him.
You landed in his lap, and your cheeks heated up.
“U-uh,” you mumbled as he pulled the blanket around the both of you and let his arms wrap about your waist.
“You move too much during movies,” he stated as if it made sense why you were in his lap. “This way, you don’t need to because you’re against both my hot and cold side.”
“Um... okay...” you said softly.
You leaned against him softly and his chest rested on your shoulder to watch the movie. 
How it was that Shoto Todoroki became your human temperature moderator, you had no idea.
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mybrotherinkarkat · 2 years
The Overlooked Ableism of Jane Crocker
The relationship drama within the alpha kids’ group has been subject to a lot of speculation by the fandom. Even within the text you get conflicting reports about who the “bad guy” was in that situation, so it makes sense that the fandom would be divided on the issue. However, I always felt like there was a dimension that was lacking. No one seemed all that interested in pointing out Jane’s ableism
This might seem like an odd claim to make since none of the alpha kids are obviously canonically disabled, but I’m going to make the case that Jake is neurodivergent and that ableism is the root cause of Jane’s anger at him. If you like Jane as a character, that’s fine. If you disagree with my reading of the text, that’s also fine. I’m sleep deprived and probably a little manic and also the kind of person who writes sourced Homestuck meta in 2022, this is just for fun and catharsis 
This thing is long, so strap in and click the readmore
The first thing I need to prove is that Jake is neurodivergent. I read him as being autistic and ADHD, but the specifics are up to reader interpretation. My proof of this comes via Caliborn. Andrew Hussie (the character) explicitly states that he has a learning disability
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[Image description: a screenshot of black text on a white background. The text reads: Think of all you've done in spite of your learning problems. You don't let your disability hold you back, do you? End ID]
Later, Caliborn says this to Jake.
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[Image description: Lime green text on a grey background. Text reads: uu: WHILE TO CASUAL OBSERVERS YOU MIGHT APPEAR. TOO STUPID TO KNOW HOW FAR PANTS ARE SUPPOSED TO GO DOWN YOUR LEGS.
uu: LIKE ME. End ID]
So Caliborn is the one who points out that Jake is probably neurodivergent. Jake goes on to agree, and to say that he thinks he’s probably having trouble with his friends because there’s something about him they don’t understand
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[Image description: Forest green text on a grey background. Text reads: GT: That maybe there is something special about me that nobody can understand. And maybe thats why i always seem to be botching things up the wazoo with my pals. End ID]
So Jake being some form of neurodivergent is canon, and he himself links it to his friend group drama. Why autism and ADHD, though? Well it’s partially because I relate to him, but I do think there's a canon basis. Jake has a tendency to ramble on without realizing the other person isn’t interested (ADHD), has difficulty picking up on social cues (autistic), doubts his own interpretations of those cues (autistic), has strong interests that his friends think are odd (special interests/hyperfixations), talks in a very particular way, and generally feels out of step with everyone around him. His arc from being happily goofy and fun-loving to being folded in on himself and blaming himself for not navigating a tricky social situation well is also the quintessential ND adolescence. We learn, like Jake did, that our ND traits are “bad” and we need to suppress them or earn the ire of those around us
But I digress. Let’s move on to the main event: dissecting the alpha kids’ relationship drama and addressing the ableism. Jane has a crush on Jake, but hasn’t worked up the nerve to confess yet. Jake has picked up on this, but isn’t sure if he’s reading the situation right, so he asks her outright
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[Image description: Forest green text on a grey background. Text reads: GT: Maybe its just my imagination but ive picked up on certain lets say hints.
GT: So i have to just come out and ask. End ID]
So Jake isn’t actually as oblivious as his friends frequently joke about behind his back, but he’s not sure if he can trust that he’s picking up the social cues correctly. This is very much an autistic mood. He’s probably been getting signals from his friends for years making it clear that he’s missing something, so he now second-guesses himself
When Jake asks if Jane likes him, she explicitly says that she doesn’t. He’s a little confused, but takes her at her word and believes he misread her friendship as romantic feelings. He doesn’t realize that her replies are so stilted because she’s lying and overwhelmed, and when he points out that she’s being a little odd she brushes him off. She also repeatedly affirms that she wants to be there for him as a friend, and responds with what Jake interprets as genuine interest.
Now, this sets a precedent in Jake’s mind. Jane just told him, outright, that she isn’t interested in him and is okay with him talking to her about his (at the time potential) relationship with Dirk. In the future, when she responds with that same sort of stilted disinterest, he reads it as genuine interest because she told him to
And it’s not like Jane doesn’t know Jake struggles with social cues. As I stated above, the other alpha kids regularly talk about how “oblivious” Jake is behind his back. They all know he struggles to understand them, and they all chalk it up to Jake being weird instead of trying to communicate with him in a way he understands. So Jane knows Jake doesn’t understand that she’s only being polite, and lets him believe she’s okay with this kind of conversation in the future
Meanwhile, in the future, Jake starts up a conversation with Jane that ends in disaster. The first thing that goes wrong is that Jake has forgotten Jane’s birthday (ADHD brain, babey). When she tells him he apologizes profusely and offers to come over right away, but Jane brushes him off and asks why he wanted to talk. He shelves the Dirk angst and tries to just have a friendly conversation, but Jane isn’t interested in his long-winded ramblings and stories he’s told her before (the ADHD vibes are off the charts). When she asks him to get to the point, he then begins telling her about his relationship drama. Jane eventually gets fed up and yells at him to shut up, and this is his response
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[Image description: Light blue and forest green text on a grey background. Text reads: GG: Shut up!!!
GT: Errr.
GT: Did i say something wrong? End ID]
Jake has clearly misread the situation, but it’s built on the same misunderstanding of social cues that Jane had previously reinforced. Jane continues to yell at him, and he repeatedly asks her what’s wrong and tries to get her to calm down so that they can talk about it. Instead of that, Jane berates him for talking a lot (ADHD trait), being “clueless” aka missing social cues (autistic trait), not realizing how long it’s been since they talked (ADHD trait), and talking about Dirk a lot (which she previously said she was okay with)
When she finally tries to drop the fact that she used to have feelings for him, she isn’t very clear, and Jake thinks she means she had feelings for Dirk. Remember, she explicitly said that she did not have feelings for Jake. Jake immediately blames himself for not realizing, and insults himself, then apologizes for not realizing their conversations were upsetting her. When she realizes he’s misunderstood again, she screams and flips a table, cancels her birthday party so that he won’t have a chance to talk to her about this in person, and destroys her headset
So let’s recap. Jake stays calm and tries to understand why Jane is upset, apologizes for screwing up, and makes multiple efforts to clear things up between them. Jane throws a tantrum because she got fed up with Jake’s neurodivergent traits, and the misunderstandings that she caused. Granted, she’s dealing with a lot of stress, but they all are
After this, Jane yells at Roxy for a bit and then leaves. Jake has the conversation with Caliborn mentioned above, and not too long after we start the trickster arc
Skipping over those shenanigans, we move to the post-trickster alpha kid conversations. Dirk and Jane talk about their mutual former feelings for Jake now that Dirk and Jake have broken up. Unlike Dirk, Jane doesn’t really acknowledge that her actions might have harmed Jake beyond just jeopardizing their friendship. Jake, for his part, blames himself entirely for everything
Crockertier bullshit aside, this is more or less where things are left with them. Jake’s self esteem ripped to shreds, and Jane relatively unscathed. Obviously this isn’t all Jane’s fault. All the alpha kids (and yes I include Lil’ Hal as an alpha kid) are ableist to Jake to some degree, as well as Vriska (because of course Vriska bullied the disabled kid with self esteem issues, that’s what she does)
So, is Jane being ableist to Jake. Well, she likely doesn’t know he’s neurodivergent, so she’s not doing it with any intentional malice. However, the things she yells at him for are all traits of neurodivergence. Traits that he displays shame and self-loathing for having. The fact is that it doesn’t matter whether or not Jane knew he was ND, or meant to be ableist. Her actions were ableist. She thinks Jake’s ND traits are character flaws, that they make him self-centered and rude, so she feels justified in chewing him out over it
From her perspective this isn’t really a big deal. Jake was obnoxious for a few months, she yelled at him out of frustration, and then she moved on. But from Jake’s perspective this is clearly devastating. He feels like he’s doing everything wrong, that he’s alienating his friends, that he’s a douchemuffin (his word), for… being autistic and ADHD? 
No like seriously, what did he actually do wrong? Jake is struggling to keep his head above water in a friend group that sees him struggling and laughs it off instead of helping him fit in. They don’t realize how much this is hurting Jake, or that he needs them to meet him in the middle. Even when they’re nice to him it tends to have an air of pity or amusement. Jane happens to have the most blatant ableist actions, but it’s not all on her
So why is this overlooked? Well, because it’s supposed to be. Jake struggling to communicate is played for laughs, and this is never given the gravity or seriousness that it deserves. While we do see John and Tavrossprite making an effort to help him feel welcome and accepted, there’s never really an examination of how Jake got to this point. Typical Homestuck, especially that late in the comic, but because the comic treats it like a joke the readers treat it like one too
Anyway this was a long and rambly way of saying that Jake English deserved better. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day/night/timezone
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sortasirius · 4 years
“Unity” and the Broken Boys
This is....one of the best episodes in the show.  Yeah, in all 325 of them, this is hands down one of the best.
First of all, stan Amara for clear skin.
That silent treatment babey, right out the gate with the Angst.  Tbh Dean deserves it.
“Like I said, killing Amara, Jack dying...that’s the only way.”
“The only way.  Our one shot.  Our Last chance.  You ever get tired of saying stuff like that?”
“We don’t have to like it, alright?  But you and me, we gotta get it done.”
Amara is such a welcome energy in this whole episode.  She’s warm and understanding, whip-smart and probably more powerful than Chuck.  I love her.
Sam is a wonderful, understanding, loving dad.  I love him eternally.  He loves Jack so much, he’s trying so desperately to do what’s right for Jack but also what’s right for the world.  Jack made this choice, but he can’t live with it.  How do you support your child when their life is at stake?
“Come on man.  Blindly following orders, lying to Amara, sending her to her death. Does any of this feel right to you??”
“It doesn’t matter how we feel!  You know what?  Stay.  Stay.  Someone has to be the grown up here.”
“Yeah well someone has to keep fighting for Jack!”
“He knows what he signed up for!”
“Last I checked, we don’t give up on family.”
“Jack’s not family.”
Y’all should have heard the noise I made.  What a fucking line.
“I know how you feel about the kid, I care for him too, I do, but he’s not like you.  He’s not like Cas.  He’s just not.”
“I’m- I’m ready.”
You can see the regret, the heartbreak in Dean’s eyes.  You can see how he wants to take those words back the moment he said them, and for Jack to hear them?  It’s unthinkable.
Sam and Cas I’m just so fucking emo dude.
“Sam, you stayed behind to find another way huh?  I woulda done the same.”
First of all, LOVE this structure.
Amara and Chuck have such a fascinating dynamic.  Rob and Emily do a great job (as they have all along) by clearly being siblings but...heightened.  You can just tell they both exude power, and the other is the only one they consider an equal.
“You and Dean had that whole weird...thing.”
“That wasn’t you writing?”
“Ugh, not that part.  Gross.”
What I took away from this is what I’ve suspected all along.  They HAVE free will, just not total free will.  Dean and Amara’s connection wasn’t Chuck, there are parts of the story he didn’t write.  Obviously, this comes into play later. 
I also have a hunch that Chuck doesn’t write romance.  I also think that in particular will come into play.
“Balance.  Something we’ve never tried before.  Creation and destruction, light and dark, brother and sister united again, but on behalf of one world, this world.  True balance.  The way it was always meant to be.  But you can’t.  You only care about your pleasure, your story.  Well, I guess that makes you the villain.”
“Villains get all the best lines.”
We see again and again this season, Chuck is irredeemable.  He doesn’t care about the angels, he doesn’t care about the world, he doesn’t care about anything.  He is a petulant toddler who has broken his toys. And when he realizes he’s trapped, he gets angry, he shouts and screams, completely at odds with Amara’s peace.
“You can’t hold me here forever.”
“I can hold you long enough.”
Pain is the name of the game in this section homies.  Because not only are we dealing with Dean’s pain, we’re also dealing with Jack’s.  Jack says he understands why Cas and Sam mean more to Dean, but Dean clearly doesn’t, he, once again, wants to say more, but is stopped, still stopped by his fear: his fear of not beating Chuck.
Alright guys, gals, and non-binary pals.  Let’s talk about Adam and Seraphina.
Adam.  The first man.  And Seraphina.  The angel.
“My old lady.  She’s the only one who could put up with me all these years.”
Yeah okay.  Volume at 100 I get it lmao.
But also: Adam wants God dead not because he and Eve were kicked out of the Garden, but because he went after their sons.  The theme of protecting the children strikes again.
“Killing God is your plan?”
“Yeah, Billie’s been giving us a hand but Sera and me, this is our baby.”
This juxtaposed directly with Dean’s own pain at what he has to do to kill Chuck, to gain his free will: the cost of his child.
Adam’s rib.
And who else might get his ribs hurt, only to be likely healed by an angel?
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It’s fine, that’s fine.  I’m fine with that.
“Jack, I don’t know how to explain it but, when I found out about Chuck, it’s like I wasn’t alive.  Not really.  You know like my whole life I’ve never been free, but like really free.  But now?  Now me and Sam, we got a shot at living a life, without all this crap on our backs.  And that’s, that’s because of you.  So, I want to say, I need to say...thank you, Jack.  Thank you.”
I’m gonna have to do a separate post about just Dean in this episode, because there is so fucking much to talk about, but there are a couple of things that I think are important:  Dean realizes how wrong he was, to say what he said.  He knows that it’s not true, this is the way he’s always coped with loss, by pushing the person to be lost away, but for Jack to hear it?  He can’t stand for that.
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Dean has finally pushed through the barrier.  He won’t be quiet in the face of his doubts anymore.  This is a breakthrough for him, and, of course, there are more to come.
Sam and Cas, my chaos duo.
The box, the inscription, the door.
Death’s library, filled with dead reapers.
And there it is.  The Empty.
It tells Sam the plan, the plan for Billie to take God’s place.  For everything to go back to the way it’s “supposed to be.”
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This has always been the game, since season 13.  This is the longest of long games.
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Sam fuckin Winchester, lying his way out of a confrontation with the Empty like the legend that he is.
He comes back with a new purpose: to stop Billie’s plan, and here’s where we get to the heart of the episode and maybe the heart of the season.
“You hear that?  Dean, brought to the edge of doubt.  His sense of duty, his rage winning out in the end.  And poor Sam, always gotta know everything.  Can’t leave well enough alone.  This is my ending, my real ending.”
The gun comes out, pointed at Sam.
Hmm...what did I say during 15x05?  Oh yeah, this.
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Dean would never survive killing Sam, but he’s willing to do anything, anything to earn his freedom.  His ending, where one brother kills the other and then kill himself.
Why, you might ask, did Sam not mention that the angels would be sent back to Heaven, why does he not mention Cas?  I’ll tell you why, or rather, Becky will.
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Plus, Dean looks back at Cas IMMEDIATELY when Sam says that, when he mentions Eileen, and THAT’S the first time he hesitates.  He can’t lose Cas.  But at the same time, he’s willing to do anything to have his freedom.
“Sam we don’t have a choice, Jack’s about to blow!”
“We always have a choice!”
You know me, just sitting here thinking about choice, the ability to choose, and how that translates to their free will.
And Sam...I don’t think there will ever be characters I love as much as these.
“I don’t care if Billie gets what she wants!  I don’t man, I’d trade it all, I’d trade em all for Chuck.  In a heartbeat!”
“What about me?”
“You’d trade me?”
“Chuck has to die.  He has to!  Otherwise he’ll keep us tap dancing forever, and I can’t live like that man, I can’t live like that, I won’t!”
“I know you feel like that right now, okay? I know you do, but you gotta trust me.  My entire life, you’ve protected me.  From Dad, from Lucifer, from everything.  I didn’t always like it, you know?  But it’s the one thing in the whole world that I could always count on.  It’s the only thing I’ve ever known that was true.  So please, put the gun away.  Just put it away.  We’ll figure it out, Dean, we’ll find another way, you and me.  We always do.”
Okay I feel like this is going to be one of those scenes that I cry watching for years to come.  Because fuck.  After fifteen years they finally admit that not only did Dean protect Sam from Lucifer, but he protected him from John.  John.  On a par with Lucifer.
Dean and Sam have, for so many years, sacrificed themselves for the other.  Dean’s demon deal, Sam and the trials, every season they have fought to see who can die the quickest for the other.  But this?  This is them fighting to stop the violence, to stop from killing the big bad.  This is them growing, in our eyes, in real time.  Sam has always been able to get through to Dean when no one else had a prayer, but for Dean to listen, for Dean to take his words to heart, to stop the hunt for Sam, for their family, that’s how you know they do have free will.
(Btw Chuck’s eye effect when he dusted Amara was sick as fuck but I’m emo for my boys so.)
Chuck knows it’s a loss, he knows that his story has, once again, been thwarted by the boys making their own choices.  And he’s pissed, but in his anger, we get a bomb dropped on us.
“Spare me your contempt Castiel, the self-hating angel of Thursday.  You know what every other version of you did after “gripping him tight and raising him from perdition”?  They did what they were told.  But not you.  Not the one off the line with a crack in his chassis.”
Are you fucking kidding me?
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Also, just worth bringing up this one as well:
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Every Castiel pulled Dean out of Hell.  Every one told him the same thing.  And yet, immediately, with this Cas and this Dean, something was different.  Because what has everyone seen about Cas, from the moment he met Dean?
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And there’s our endgame people.  Laid out on the line.
But we ain’t done yet, fam.
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We’ve talked about the handprint, but you know:
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So there you have it, our prep into the “monumental” 15x18.  I have spec on that, of course, but I think a novel is long enough for this.
What to take away: Dean’s rage was always Chuck’s plan, they do have free will, their love for each other, for their family, is what will stop Chuck’s control, Death is about to come back with a vengeance, Cas’ deal is at play, and, most importantly, Castiel and Dean Winchester are a blind spot for Chuck, something he has never, not once, controlled.
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darthzero22 · 3 years
We make a good team
Wrecker x Fem!Reader
No one dared to lay a finger on you, not even to speak to you in a bad way, and the reason was fear, fear that your tall and strong man would do something to them in order to protect you. But sometimes there are people who don't know that.  
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The others were at Cid's Parlor, but soon you would go to the Havoc Marauder because there was another job waiting for you to do. You were inside the ship, preparing it before takeoff, but Hunter ordered you to return to the bar through your communicator. You obeyed and exited the ship in the direction of the bar, but before you could get out of the docking station a man who was running collides with you, and both fall to the ground.
“Hey, you! Be more careful, or are you blind?” then man asked. You almost thought it was funny that the man was angry because it was his fault that he fell to the ground.
“You're the blind one, friend! Watch where you're going”
You didn't hurt yourself when you fell to the floor, but your palm feels a little sore. That man didn't care who you were, but when he sees that in the fall his datapad had been destroyed, he gets angrier at you when you were not to blame for anything. They were one of those typical guys who liked to pick fights over anything.
“You destroyed my datapad! That's it, you're going to pay for that” he gets up off the floor, but you don't.
“Well, that's your fault”
You see that the man was serious about making you pay when he comes threateningly close to you, but you always had your big, strong bodyguard.
“Hey, you!”
The man turns around when he hears the voice coming from behind him, and is startled when the tall, big, strong figure of Wrecker grabs his clothes around his neck and lifts him up with one arm very easily, making him take his feet off the ground.
“Oh, you better not have been planning to do what I think you were going to do” Wrecker sounded very angry, and he was certainly scarier that way.
“Let go of me! I promise I wasn't doing anything!”
“Yeah, right”
“Easy, big boy. Leave him” you approach him and put a hand on his arm, which he had up because he kept grabbing the guy and holding him in the air.
“But I saw you on the ground and him approaching you! If he was going to dare to hit you…”
“Easy, easy, pal. I wasn't going to do anything to... your friend”
“Wrecker” you now rest your hand on his chest.
Wrecker listened to you and let go of the man, causing him to fall to the ground in a sitting position.
“You mess with my girl and you mess with me, got it?” he makes his fists crack.
The man definitely runs out of there, scared, and Wrecker chuckles at the sight of him running away like a coward.
“Ha! It's always the same with these guys. They run away like cowards”
“Well, you gave him a good scare. Look how he runs” you smile.
“And that's fun! Do you think I made him soil his pants?”
“Most likely. You scare them easily. You are tall, very strong, you have big muscles…” you pat him on his chest. “And I love that”
“Oh, you've already made me blush” he smiled and he runs a hand over the back of his neck, his cheeks were a little flushed.
“You look adorable” you were smiling.
Despite the brief funny moment, Wrecker remembers seeing you on the ground earlier. He lowers his hand and rests it on your back, with a very soft touch.
“Are you really okay? What happened? I saw you on the floor”
“Yes, I am fine. Don't worry. That guy bumped into me as I was heading into Cid's Parlor”
“What an idiot! But, are you sure you're okay?”
“My hand only hurts a little, but it’s nothing”
“It’s nothing, big boy, really. So, you've come looking for me?”
“Yeah. Hunter told me you were on your way, but I wanted to come… and look for you”
What Wrecker was saying was true, but you knew he was hiding something. You look at him with a raised eyebrow, but always smiling, and he gets a little nervous because he knew that look of yours.
“Oh, don't give me that look!”
“Come on. Tell me everything”
“Fine! The truth is that I wanted to see you...” he blushes. “I don't like it when you are absent for a long time”
“Oh, big boy. I was absent for half an hour”
“Well, it's an eternity for me! But… I know I worry a lot. I know you can take care of yourself”
It was adorable to you that Wrecker would always worry about you, after all the situation you were in could be considered dangerous because you were fugitives. You were about to say something, but over your communicator you hear Hunter say to you and Wrecker that they were on their way to the ship.
“Well, it looks like another job in progress”
“I just hope there are some explosions this time! The last job was boring”
“Yeah. That’s…” you hear Wrecker's stomach rumble. “Looks like someone wanted to make an appearance. You didn't eat anything?
“I wanted to eat! But I can't buy Mantell Mix or anything else before we do the job and get paid. You know... the debt”
“I know. I may have the solution to that”
“Oh, you have credits?”
“Something better”
You head for the Marauder and Wrecker follows. Once inside the ship, you start looking for a box that you had kept in case of emergencies, but you did not find it in the place where you kept it. Maybe someone found it and put it somewhere else, but you had no idea where it might be. You were thinking for a few moments, while Wrecker was doing weights with Gonky, and suddenly it occurs to you where you might have left that box.
“Got it!”
“There, at the top of that rack. I'm sure someone put the box up there, maybe Echo”
“What's in that box?”
“Emergency rations. I'm sure they wanted to hide that box from you and me”
“What?! Oh, well, that's over!” he leaves Gonky on the floor. “They will see that they can't keep something from us for long”
“Yeah, but the rack is too high”
“That's easy to fix!”
Wrecker grabs you by the waist and easily pulls you up, making you sit on his shoulders. Thanks to that, now you could reach the rack easily, so you look for the box among the things.
“Did you find it?”
“Not yet. There's a mess up here. Oh, wow”
“What is it?”
“I found the flashlight we lost”
“Oh! I thought we lost it in Felucia”
“Felucia… It almost seems like an eternity has passed since that mission”
“You could say that again! I kinda miss the old days”
“Me too… Everything changed so fast”
“Yeah. But I still have you”
“And I have you, big boy”
After giving Wrecker a pat on the cheek, you continue searching until you finally manage to find the box.
“I found it!” you grab the box and open it. “And we found our reward”
“Ha! That's my girl. And they still don't realize that we make a good team”
“More than good” you smile.
Wrecker carefully helps you off his shoulders, and when you had your feet on the ground, you pull a ration bar out of the box. He was hungry, so when you give him the bar, he grabs it and eats it in one bite. You knew him and you knew that with just one he would not be satisfied, so you give him another bar. He realizes that he was eating all the rations and you weren't, you didn't care, but he did.
“I... Here” he gives you the ration bar he was going to eat, which was the fourth one. “You have to eat too”
“It's okay. I'm not hungry”
When he looked at you with those eyes, you couldn't say no to him. The truth is, you were a little hungry, and so you smile and grab the ration bar.
“Thanks” you start eating the bar.
“It's nothing. I have to thank you, though. You are… always taking care of me”
“Of course. I love you and want the best for you” you wipe your mouth with your hand.
“Oh, I already have the best, and it's you”
Wrecker wraps his strong arms around your body and hugs you tightly. You reciprocate the hug, and when you separate just a little, you give him a kiss on the cheek.  
“You take good care of me too, you always did” you said.
“It’s because I love you too. Now, before the others show up...” he lifts you up by grabbing your waist so that you are at his height, and you rest your hands on his shoulders. “I want to, you know… kiss you”
“You don't have to ask, big boy”
You bring your mouths together and join them in a kiss. As you always did when you kissed, you stay like this for a few moments, especially when you were alone. You wrap your arms around his neck to make the kiss more loving and deeper, and Wrecker hugs you a little tighter. When you separate from the kiss, you give him a caress on the cheek, and he refused to put you down.
“I have to put the box back in place. I don't want the others to know that we take rations without permission” you said.
“Right. Good point. But I don't think they'll find out”
“Let's not risk it”
Again Wrecker makes you sit on his shoulders, now to help you put the box back in its place, which was at the top of the rack.
“Done. If we are lucky, they will not suspect"
“Ha! They won't suspect us” he helps you get off.
“About what?” Omega's voice is heard.
You and Wrecker look at each other in surprise, and turn your heads to the side to see only Omega at the door of the ship. She had her typical curious face, as always.
“Oh! Hey, kid. We… We were talking about…” Wrecker certainly didn't know what to say.
“About adult stuff” that was the first thing that came to your mind.
“Yeah! Exactly”
“Adult stuff?” she was confused. “Why would others be suspicious of that?”
“You know... There are things that a couple keeps secret” you said.
“And we appreciate privacy… sometimes” Wrecker said.
“Oh, okay” she smiles.
Did she really believe that? Anyway, you and Wrecker relaxed when you heard her say that.
“Don't worry. I won't say anything about the ration box” she finally says and goes to her room.
“… I think we are bad at hiding things” Wrecker said to you.
“We are terrible criminals” you said.
“But we're still a great team" he smiles.
“There is no doubt about that” you smile. 
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pixxyofice · 3 years
Luz Noceda in Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door
aka oh my god this girl has been bullied
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I think about many things when i watch this show and Luz Noceda is one of them. My mind hops between many topics, but one i keep thinking about is how, in luz’s part of this episode, she just. slowly spirals. not helped by hooty at all. I keep going over her part and pointing out where her mental state is and i think it’d be interesting to line it out for people.
Is this partially projection? maybe. but i WAS a bullied kid with (undiagnosed) adhd when I was her age, sooo...
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so luz wants to ask out amity. this is pretty clear. she’s stressing about it, as young teens like her tend to do. she wants it to be perfect, she wants it in her cheesy little heart. but also... everyone back home said she was cheesy... can’t let amity think the same?
after amity had kissed her on the cheek?
This might be speculation on my part, but maybe she wants it to be perfect and “not cheesy” because she doesn’t want Amity to see her doing Luz Things and go ‘i don’t like her anymore’. Like I’m sure Luz has experienced in the past.
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yeah. after thinking about that, even on a subconscious level, her mood’s not in the best place. and then hooty comes in and tries to help and just ends up kicking all over her trauma. the hooty letter being initially negative probably didn’t help very much.
So Luz is like ‘whatever, guess i’ll follow whatever Hooty’s doing and go to the basement we apparently have’, goes down there, initially thinks a lamp shadow is amity, calms down seeing it’s not, and then OOPS AMITY IS ACTUALLY THERE.
as, ah, someone with adhd, luz not being prepared at all to see Amity is probably another thing that hooty messed up with his plan here regarding who he’s helping. like with him trying to do a ‘you are you’ message with king and just putting eda to sleep with sleeping nettles, him just dumping amity there and luz not being able to prepare herself the way she wants to probably sent luz’s nerves spiraling just a bit.
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Amity wants Luz to forget about the kiss. Amity’s regretting it.
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Luz doesn’t let Amity finish her sentence and tries to divert the topic but oh boy! this does NOT help her fears at all! and, ah, rejection sensitive dysphoria that kicks in when you’re expecting to be rejected my fucking beloathed.
Luz isn’t going to confess after that, it’s just gonna be awkward and stuff, get Amity out the basement and apologize for Hooty again, cry about how someone else changed their mind about you later-
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... only for this to happen. and luz is expecting amity to reject her for it. she’s already expecting it, and this is just making it worse- amity not only is regretting kissing her, amity’s seeing this and associating it with Luz. and Luz’s past experience tells her this is not going to end well for her At All.
Oh yeah, need i remind you of the line...
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”if amity sees this, she’ll think i’m such a loser” ? she wouldn’t. but the fact that luz automatically assumed that... means something. Luz is thinking back on probably her being rejected back at home, and she’s full of dread from our good ol’ pal RSD. dread that just gets worse and worse by every second.
That noise she makes is definitely not one of glee.
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“oh no, i’m gonna be made fun of again”
again. AGAIN. god i’m such a mess over this line- AGAIN. THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE. maybe not exactly this, but luz is seeing all this lovey cheesy stuff and instead of being happy about it she’s thinking back on probably something she did back home that led to her getting made fun of and she can’t focus on the moment- she’s focused on the feelings of both the past and the present and the common thing connecting that is just a big ol feeling of negativity and dread.
RSD. my fucking beloathed.
speaking of rsd, my secondhand embarrassment very much kicks in for the entire tunnel of love ride and i can’t ever rewatch it, but i can tell you something for certain:
Luz looked up to Amity, trying to muster up some sort of positive response, but she sees that stupidly corny pun and she knows Amity’s gonna see it. and her thoughts are going “amity’s gonna see this and i’m gonna be made fun of and called a loser for something I didn’t set up I have to make sure she doesn’t see this and explain that hooty set it all up because I wanted to confess but you don’t like me in that way so-”
spiraling thoughts like that. and she’s focused so much on that she misses how amity’s reacting. she’s missing how amity reacted positively, and how amity’s distressed at her actions.
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so, tunnel of love done, luz’s spiraling thoughts are... going less spiraly. she’s able to actually tell Amity that this was hooty’s stupid idea and don’t worry about it-
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then Amity hits her with the ‘us, dating? that’s stupid, right?’
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and luz realizes that she Fucked Up. and that probably slaps her directly in the face. and it’s definitely a different feeling than the negativity she was feeling in the tunnel, but she’s now very aware of some sudden facts.
1. Amity actually wants to date her, and 2. she just did a very. very stupid thing.
It was only Hooty immediately crying ‘NO’ and freaking out that saved whatever that conversation was going to be, and in fact gave Luz a better opportunity to explain herself and confess.
Funny, that.
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