#and i dont think id actively seek out more than one partner
steampunkedparm · 2 years
me and my grandma were at a cafe a few months ago or something and at one point had gotten onto the topic of identity within the queer space and their respective nuancs and cus of how many lables i use i often use my own identity as examples and at one point i revealed im not opposed to polyam relationships and she asked me how i knew that and??
how the fuck DO i know that??
#all other parts of my identity i feel i had to label i know full why that label is there#but i dont know why polyamory is here#i struggled with that part of me like i did any other part as you do as a kid who has only ever known queerness as being a 'bad' thing#(my family werent the ones to do the bashing. but i wonder sometimes if they ever brought positive queerness into my life before i became#so obnoxious about my identity)#regardless. i came to a conclusion with most of it#being regarded as a woman feels bad. but so does the idea and practice of a guy. oh! im nonbinary!#I've never felt any romantice attraction to any dude ive met. the idea of being with a guy like that feels wrong. oh!! im a lesbian!!#and so on and so forth#but like. never had that with polyamory#it just was like. oh. i am that.#that is a thing i am and im beginning to be okay with that#i would've prolly been more open about it if my freshman year health teacher didn't openly bash on polyam :)#fuck that guy. he wouldn't ever shut up about his wife eitjer so like#like! good for you but you just hurt not only me but my friends and a whole fucking community#sidetracked oops#im content in the knowledge of my identity#and i dont think id actively seek out more than one partner#even if i wasn't with my current partner i dont think i would#if it's just me and it id be very okay with that :)#polyam or not i love them a lot and im glad its them and im glad they're okay with it#im also glad its easy to communicate with them about it too#im at the point where i dont think im malign sense#like. if i have a crush on another person and we vibe well and i communicate well about it with my partner and it goes somewhere sure okay#r8gby THATS literally how it works what are you saying
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newsoulresolutions · 3 months
What’s your weirdest habit or quirk?
probably my random obsessions and thought patterns. I randomly break out into British accents. I'm a complete goofball (when I'm not taking myself to seriously) I love a woman that smells great and also might not shower after the gym.
What is your conflict style?
I have very aggressive tendencies when im in a conflict so I try to talk my way through it best I can. I have some trauma related to conflicts so I try to keep my tone even and understanding and ask my partner to do the same. If I get to a point where im too frustrated I try to step away, Go outside, have a smoke, Im learning that sometimes alcohol can do more damage than good so Im learning to lean less on it when im irritated or frustrated. I'm learning that leaving isn't always a good thing. Yes it allows for space to cool off but it can also make your partner feel abandoned. I try to avoid conflict. I have triggers from things getting out of control. Name calling, rudeness, disrespect. It pushes me to an aggressive place and I become the person I'm trying not to be. I don't like having my buttons pushed but I'm learning that it's not the other person's fault for pushing my buttons it's mine because I allow there to be buttons in the first place.
What are your expectations for the relationship?
My expectations are that my partner and I can build something real. To grow to understand one another and share new and fun experiences. Im a big homebody and like to be at home and just lounge but I do like to explore new things when given the chance. Id like to have a partner that understands im not perfect but im a work in progress. Im looking for my apocalypse partner, my late night rambler, my random kitchen cook, just someone to explore and enjoy the parts of me I dont show everyone. Since addressing my life with polyamory I'm searching to be whole. Some might say you can't use people to make yourself whole and that is true. What I mean is that I'm seeking to be all of myself. I can easily work a crowd. Talk to anyone. It's just a mask though. I want to be able to be the normal me. The cook, the lover, the caregiver, I also want to be the sadist, the Dom, the indulger (pretty sure I made that word up). I've struggled a lot with identity so I've forced parts of myself into the shadows to keep a partner happy or to make things work. Truly I just want to be all of myself and for that to be okay. Not fixed. Not judged. But accepted in a healthy way. I'm a lot of people and I just want a partner that allows for that. I understand that relationships cost. Energy, time, effort, selflessness, and reciprocation. It's not all about me. I want someone that helps me learn them where there are not solely for how they got there but how to be what they need right now.
How would you describe your spending habits?
I spend the bulk of my money on bills. Sucks but things have to be taken care of. I grew up in survival mode and it's carried over into my adult life. I'm used to working long hours or two jobs to have a bit of what I want here or there. I'll get caught up on things and make a big purchase or a group of small purchases really just to make myself feel better. I don't do much self care besides my haircut and a nice bottle here and there. Im coming to a place where I'm managing better. But there is always room for improvement.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Having my face sat on. A good Netflix binge. Steak. And eating pussy lol. For some things in life there are no substitute.
What’s your favorite date night activity?
So as I stated above im a homebody. But i dont mind going out. I think unless something catches my eye and im like oh yeah that would be awesome I think more of the basic dates. movies and dinner. maybe some range time. spa days are good and getting pedis or something. I typically just enjoy casual things.
What’s the best setting for date night?
Wherever you can connect with your partner best.
What makes you feel the most loved?
understanding of me and the way i think. The world isnt black and white and i tend to see things from others point of views. the way I treat people and the way the people i care about means so much to me. Its not always the way people expect its not the way that people assume things. Im just odd. and I think i feel most loved when I feel understood.
Do you believe in monogamous relationships?
I do. I believe the idealism behind it sometimes locks us into places that can be avoided. I believe monogamy and polyamory both have their merits and should be explored in an honest and open way.
Ideal sex life?
As often as possible and makes it good for both parties. I love sex. I think I've struggled with what makes sex good. Is it the orgasm? Is it heading my partner moan? Is it learning new things to try? I've struggled with anxiety and am still struggling with it. I think ideally my partner would communicate and say I love this but I don't like that. I want someone who can express what I'm doing makes them feel good and helps me be better for them.
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spacesnaill · 4 years
Holds you at gunpoint. Every question for Jupiter. (you can skip some if you want-)
i love you, you motherfucker 🔫
1. what is your character's relationship to the traveler?
jupiter is aether’s and lumine’s big sibling, so they all get along very well. i like to think aether and lumine are way more brash and “act before you think” kind of people, while jupiter usually is the one who takes lead (both because of the big sib energy and because they are way more analytical). that being said, jupiter is aware that the twins are very much capable of surviving on their own and fighting if there is any need for that, which is why even after losing touch with them in tevyat they know that the twins will manage somehow, they just need to find them
2. is your character proud of, ashamed of, or indifferent to their feelings towards members of a certain gender?
i’d like to think that the species/society the trio comes from doesnt give a fuck about gender and sexuality so jupiter would never feel ashamed or upset about their feelings towards specific genders. i dont think they would rlly label themself but they are definitely not straight. as to having feelings towards others: they are usually straight forward in their approach
3. what is your character's relationship with themselves?
jupiter knows their purpose and objective very well, but that often clouds their true desires. i like to think that they havent really been thinking for themself up until they were stranded in tevyat and had to rely on themself. they came to realize their own opinions and perspectives that they carry with themself everywhere they go. tho, their views are rather flexible, because they are very much willing to learn if an oppoturnity arises. that being said, they dont quite know themself well just yet, they are still learning after all
4. what is their favorite region? why?
with how much of the game is available rn, liyue is definitely their favorite so far. it’s culture is incredibly rich and full of fascinating stories and legends. i personally am looking forward to the release of sumeru, but what will come out of it is yet to be seen
5. what is their relationship with Zhongli? do they have one at all?
oh they very much do. while his charm and politeness are qualities that they very much enjoy, what originally drew them closer to him was his vast knowledge over liyue’s traditions and customs. at first during their stay at liyue harbor they would wait to catch him during his afternoon and evening strolls around the city to ask him things and carefully listen to everything he has to say. id like to think that zhongli appreciated having such an active listener and even a conversation partner at some point. eventually their little friendship grew into fondness for each other and they would seek each other’s company, until jupiter straight up confessed. id like to think their relationship is fairly innocent and very much founded on mutual respect and admiration. they both value honesty and communicate with each other rather well. and even though, zhongli hesitated before agreeing to travel with them, leaving liyue behind, he doesnt regret doing it
6. who is their love interest? If they do not have one, who is their closest friend?
while zhongli is both their love interest and their dear friend, venti is their first close friend. during the events of chapter I they both bonded. venti seemed like someone containing a vast amount of knowledge that jupiter was eager to discover. it quickly became apparent to them that the bard doesnt particularly like to talk about the past in detail, but venti still would surprise them with how much he knew about art and the culture surrounding it. they are both pretty light spirited so they always enjoyed each other’s company and their bond only grew stronger during their travels.
7. what do they think of Mona?
they are curious about and intrigued by her methods. they can also very much relate to her pursuit of lost/forgotten knowledge. they like to ask her about astrology and theorize with her, asking her to teach them little things for an exchange of a hot, homemade meal
8. what do they think of The Knights of Favonius?
their opinion on the knights is mixed. they can very much see that most of the people working for them are underqualified and not cut for the job or only doing it for the renown. while the idea of a city without a ruler is appealing, in practice the knights are the ones ruling over it and jupiter was left feeling sceptical when thinking about their methods and the possible future. they dont have anything against the individual people in the organization, but they do think their approach is highly flawed
9. wine is Mondstadt's most popular drink. do they drink wine?
while they do indulge in alcohol from time to time, they dont seem to be able to get drunk or even tipsy. they’ve concluded that since their body is built differently than a person of this world’s, its very probable that they dont react to certain foods and products the same way. alcohol is like any kind of a drink for them and many people are terrified when they see them consume it in large quantities
10. what do they think of Kaeya?
they like his playful nature and think he is a highly intelligent person, who doesnt show anyone what he is truly capable of. his methods, while very  cunning, seem rather brash, which somehow reminds them of their siblings. while they are very much curious about his motives and history, they dare not to pray if it isnt welcomed. during their stay in mondstadt they would often times catch kaeya lurking in the tavern and spending time with the local gangs and bandits in order to extort information from them while drunk. in the rarer occasions where he would be alone, they would sometimes keep him company, filling the night with talks about nothing in particular
11. if they were forced to make the choice between killing their love interest/friend or killing themselves, what would they choose? why?
that very much depends on when that would happen. pre-separation with their siblings, they would very much operate on the hard logic of “whoever has more information/more important information should survive”. however after spending time in tevyat and meeting its people, jupiter learns to greatly value life and their inicial stance would change to a more selfless one. the more they get to know about the world the more they are willing to put their life on the line to preserve life in it, especially if its the life of someone they hold dear
12. what do they think of Childe? 16. is there a canon character your character hates? why?
at first they were open to the idea of being childe’s friend, however with time they started noticing that something was wrong with his overt friendliness. when he revealed his true intentions, jupiter was not surprised, but learning what he had chose to do made them absolutely despise him. staying in liyue has taught them a lot and made them care about the people living in this world. however childe seemed to have no disregard to them. they will not hesitate to fight him if their paths do cross again
13. do they carry a lot of Mora?
having a large amount of mora is basically a requirement when travelling with zhongli and venti. jupiter does take on a lot of jobs and comissions, though mora is mostly a secondary issue for them. they do find themself owning quite a lot of it at times until they overspend with their companions and are forced to rely on their survival skills in order to save up enough to get a roof over their heads
14. does your character side with Kaeya, Diluc or neither?
when it comes to the family feud: neither. jupiter doesnt like to pry into family matters and they understand both kaeya and diluc never talking about their issues with one another. while they cant imagine siblings behaving like that, due to their own experience, they dont feel like its their place to judge.
when it comes to the knights of the favonius: jupiter slightly leans more on diluc’s side, recognizing the many weaknesses of the organization as it is, however they both come from different places when critiquing it.
15. what do they think of Venti?
venti has become their best friend and they value him deeply. they worry about him sometimes, aware of the origin of his appearance and the history behind it. they like how venti seems to perceive life in a very poetic way and are fascinated by it. they get along very well and venti often fill their time during their travels by his songs, both known and not yet named
17. how did they acquire their vision?
they seem to be blessed with the same ability as their siblings when it comes to being granted powers without aquiring a vision themself
18. what is your character's weakness?
their curiosity and hunger for knowledge
19. what is their strength?
they utilize the knowledge they have gathered into things they can use to their advantage be it in battle or daily life
20. what is your character's theme song?
pure gold by half·alive
21. what weather do they love the most? why?
they love when its sunny. jupiter very much enjoys the feeling of sunlight on their skin
22. what do they think of Paimon?
jupiter would be Ecstatic to get to meet paimon. her vast knowledge in all matters would make her a valuable companion. in the current story they have no idea who she is as of now though
23. what do they think of the Fatui?
while they do not approve of the fatui’s methods, they cant help but think that something much deeper must be going on. jupiter wants to believe that the tsaritsa cant be simply evil and that perhaps she has some other, hidden motivation for her actions. having spent time with and got to know the fatui in liyue, they also know that not all of them are cartoonish bad guys
24. what do they think of the archons?
overall the concept of archons seems very new and intriguing to them. they do try to get as much information about their godhood out of venti and zhongli. they wonder whether this world really needs the archons as much as it claims to
25. what is the worst thing that could happen to your oc?
either losing their siblings or losing their memory (its a great fear of theirs)
26. what does your oc want the most?
their long term dream is to write down all the knowledge they’ve gathered so far and make it accessible and understandable to anyone willing to read it
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mindthewitch · 4 years
Okay out of pocket and may be too soon to say but I think I'm getting better.
Heres a list of why I think that:
I'm opening up more
I'm actually able to contribute to convos on the spot(normally id have to think bc anxiety, and I still do if its someone important or an iffy topic)
Ive been happy since my last panic attack(which is like 2 weeks and its really weird)
Ive been more willing to get work done(but one day I was super tired and didnt do a thing which was also nice)
From above^, I didnt badger myself for not doing anything
I'm practicing self-appreciating humor
I'm trying to be more confident and tell myself that I deserve to be treated better
I'm not hiding my feelings as much(unless my feelings will directly hurt someone)
I'm not falling back on my trauma when things are hard anymore, im thinking about how much better things will be when I get through it
Confidence is my goal atm and then I'll move to healing(but theyre kind of one and the same)
I wasnt really able to be the kind of friend I wanted to be when i was sad(because I was too focused on my sadness) but im trying to help my friends more, be brighter with them, call them cute names, be there for them, because they deserve that and I havent given them what they deserve
On cute names^ , its really hard for me to call someone a cute name bc I dont want them to be uncomfortable but I'm saying to myself, "its a term of endearment, and I want them to know they are loved"
I am liking my body and myself more(which is SUPER weird bc I hate myself) and im trying to do right by myself by eating better and not wallowing in my own self pity(I'm on the chunky side and I would like not to be)
Though it still needs work, I'm more confident in my ability to have a (romantic) partner, although im not good at long distance or anything so I wouldnt be able to keep it up
^^^^I'm also working on taking initiative and texting people first, starting conversations, making (jokes) icebrakers, being more interactive in classes, taking risks
Talking to people I like(am comfortable with) and avoiding people I dont like(those who make me uncomfortable, I just think theyre rude, or I think they dont like me)
I'm actually interested in learning again
I'm still struggling with motivation but im making movements to change that
I'm listening to some happier music(I LOVE sad songs and rock and everything but I never really had any music to suit a happy mood and now I do, but that rock shit still makes me happy)
I'm trying to get around assuming that people dont care, such as with this post. I'm posting it to get it off my chest and "I know no one cares, but why should I care? Its my blog." Thats what I'm saying.
I'm trying to step away from bad habits
I'm trying to grant myself fun where I can
I'm still struggling with the juggling of life but I'm going with the flow a bit more
I'm trying to get less annoyed at the little things
I'm exploring more of the media that makes me happy
I am actively seeking out methods of making myself happy; researching faith, ways of coping, meditation, grounding, nature(and natural remedies), just being in the moment, taking that time to just stand there( I did this recently: I had just come out of barnes and noble where I made a purchase I quite enjoyed(see the leaning ladies), I had a London fog latte, and I was just standing in the rain talking to my mom and laughing)
I am telling my mom more things, seeking out her advice and help rather than trying to do it myself so I'm not a burden bc she has told me she gets annoyed when im ALWAYS sad.(but sometimes I think shes annoyed when im happy and shes not too)
I'm being more vocal about who I am, what I like, who I like, why I do or dont like something(of course only with people who want to hear it, I'm not just spouting shit, although that may seem like its not the case bc of this post haha)
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platinummice · 4 years
This was a lot more that i thought for some reason, the answers are pretty short and to the point so if you want me to elaborate on something a bit more feel free to ask :)
What of the Meyers-Briggs personality types they most fit into? INFP, ENFT, et cetera…
Did a take a test to figure this out? Why yes, yes I did. ISFP-T, or Adventurer is what I got for Archer.
Do they have any emotional or psychological conditions? Are they aware of it? Do they try to treat it?
He sure does, but he doesn’t really know what it is. He mostly just thinks he’s going literally insane. It’s a pretty big reason for him not sticking around people very much even though he craves affection.
Are they good at handling change in their life?
No not really, Archer has a hard time, now more than ever trying to keep his simple life together, he’d prefer it not change as much as possible.
Is your OC a martyr?
He tries pretty hard not to be, or at least to not show that he is. He sees the truth though.
Does your OC make a lot of excuses? For themselves? Others?
Archer is pretty straight forward, if he fucked up he’ll say something. But he’ll make things up for others if he like them enough.
Does your OC compromise easily? Too easily?
I guess it depends? If its not something that matters very much, compromise will be easier, but if he thinks it’s important then he’s going to be harder to bargain with.
Does your OC put others’ needs before their own?
Only his dogs and his friends needs get put before his own. Anyone else? so sorry.
Does your OC have any addictions? If so and problematic, have they admitted it to themselves?
He’s addicted to taking in animals? Seems harmless, but in truth he does it so he has a reason to keep living, which isn’t healthy. I can’t say he’d still be alive if he hadn’t taken Ranger and Fletcher with him the day those raiders killed the rest of his dogs. 
Does your OC have any phobias? If so, where did they come from?
He’s terrified of needles. Thanks mom and dad.
Is your character empathetic?
He is, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to care.
Is your character observant?
Yes, very. Probably because he works with animals a lot, and its very important to notice their body language, so he can read people and situations pretty well. Plus he’s more of a sniper so being observant is important.
What’s one of your OC’s proudest moments of themselves?
He was really proud when he finished building his house, and all the furniture for it.  
Do they get jealous easily? Do they feel bad if they do?
He doesn’t get jealous very easily, but even when he does he doesn’t bring it up. He’ll sulk around a bit, and when asked he’ll say he fine. He wont really feel bad about if? Its just an emotion, it happens sometimes.
What instantly irritates them or puts them in a bad mood?
Seeing people hurt animals for no reason. He will throw down. Might not win, but its the thought that counts.
Are they harsh on themselves?
Do they make excuses often?
Nah he’s pretty fast to admit when he’s doing something wrong.
Is your OC intended to be found generally attractive? Unattractive? Average? Is there a reason why?
I mean i didn’t make him like super ugly? But i wasn’t going for amazingly attractive either, so average i guess?
Does your OC place much importance on their appearance? Do they feel confident in it?
He wears a mask all the time so he really doesn’t care. I mean at one point he had tore most of his hair out and just had a few scattered clumps clinging to his head, but people couldn’t see his face so it didn’t matter to him.
What are some of your OC’s biggest personal obstacles? This could be emotional, physical, social… Are they aware of it? Are they trying to overcome it?
He got some damn big emotional problems, and he recognizes some, like his slowly diminishing will to live. But things like his urge to have someone else control his entire existence he doesn’t really realize are problems. 
Do they believe you have to give respect to get it, or get respect to give it?
Everyone starts off with a set amount of respect. You either get more or have it taken away depending on your actions.
Is your OC considered funny? Do they believe they’re funny?
Arch can be pretty funny, if he has anything its a sense of humor.
Does your OC find any “bad” or “mean” humor funny? Do they wish they didn’t?
Yeah he does, what can you do. No guilt will stop him.
Do they have a large or small group of friends?
He has two dogs and sometimes he works with a stinky man. He thinks Gage is a friend but does Gage think he is a friend? Who knows if Gage will ever tell him.
Do they have people they are genuinely honest with about themselves?
....His dogs?
Does your OC enjoy social events, such as parties, clubs, et cetera..?
He likes talking to people, but if there are too many people around he gets overwhelmed pretty fast.
Does your OC like to be the center of attention or more in the mix?
More in the mix, he gets anxious.
Do they consider themselves superior or more important than anyone else? Lesser?
Arch considers himself less important then most people, thats mental illness babey. 
Do your OC’s morals and rules of common decency go out the window when it comes to those they don’t like, or when it’s inconvenient? Aka, are their morals situational?
He’d throw everything to the wind for his dogs. Sorry friends, but they’ve helped him through too much.
Do they believe people change over time? If so, is it a natural process or does it take effort?
Well he knows that he has changed a lot, so why not other people too?
How religious is your OC? What do they practice, if anything? If they don’t associate with any religion, what do they think of religion in general?
When he was in the Mojave, Joshua taught him about Mormonism, but he didn’t really understand. He remembers some stuff, but after he left he didn’t try to keep up with practicing it. 
Do they believe in an afterlife?
It’s not something he takes time to think about really. That kid of a ‘ill cross that bridge when i get there’ type thing
Would they like to be immortal? Why, why not? If they are immortal, would they rather not be?
He would definitely not like that. He can barely manage his mental health as it is.
Would you say that your OC is intelligent? In what ways? Would your OC agree?
Smart when it comes to plants and animals, just about everything else? Not so smart.
How many languages do they speak?
Speaks exactly one(1) language.
Do they enjoy learning? Do they actively seek out sources of self-education?
He likes learning things, its just getting that knowledge to stick in his head that’s a problem. He doesn’t really seak out knowledge but if he has the chance to ask about things he will.
What sort of home do they live in now, if at all? How did they end up there?
Its just a little shack like building, but he built it and he’s proud.
What’s their ideal home look like? Where is it?
A big ol’ farm house, lots of room for lots of dogs/friends
Could they ever live in a “tiny home”?
I dont think so, but it’d be funny as hell.
How handy are they? Can they fix appliances, cars, cabinets, et cetera?
He can fix simple things, cabinets, chairs, dressers. Nothing too much more advanced than that.
How much do they work? What do they do? Do they enjoy it?
He works really all the time. From when he wakes up to when he goes to bed. He basically runs a mini zoo by himself, its a lot of work but he loves it.
How often are they home?
Pretty often, he has animals to take care of.
Are they homebodies and enjoy being home?
Not really, he likes being out and about.
Do they engage in any of the arts? How good do you intend them to be? Would they agree they are?
Archer is actually pretty musically inclined, he’d never admit it though. You might be able to catch him singing to his dogs, if you're lucky.
Would they enjoy a theme park?
Maybe if he could somehow go when there aren’t any people there. That might sill be pushing it. He gets overwhelmed easily.
Is your OC close to their family?
Who makes up your OC’s family, at least the more important members to them?
He only ever knew his mom and his dad. If there was anyone else in his family he never met them.
Does your OC find their family supportive? If not, what would be an example why not?
Nah he really doesn’t think they’re supportive of him. They definitely wanted him dead.
What kind of childhood did your OC have?
Did they go through any typical phases growing up?
He went through a lot of things, but never got the chance to be emo.
What is your OC’s orientation, romantic and/or sexual? Has it ever been a source of stress for them? Have they always been pretty sure of their orientation?
I know i said he was strictly gay yesterday but im thinking he’d actually probably be Pan and he’d just lean towards more masculine partners. He hasn’t really thought about his sexuality so he’s never had a reason to be stressed over it.
Is your OC a thoughtful partner, in whatever aspect of that you want to cover?
Any space in his mind that was supposed to be used for math and literacy etc. is now storage space for little facts about the people he cares about. He will remember. Oh you said you thought this flower was pretty six an half years ago in passing and i found one so i thought id bring it back for you.
Does your OC believe there’s only one ideal partner (or multiple ideal if not monogamous) for everyone, or that there are many people who could be right?
Probably that there are multiple people who could be right.
Does your OC believe in love in first sight?
He barely even knows what love is, really.
Does your OC believe in marriage (or their culture’s equivalent)?
He doesn’t really understand the point of it but if his S/O wanted it, he’d agree.
Has your OC ever cheated on anyone or been cheated on?
Nope :)
What’s your OC’s idea of a perfect date?
Climb to a really high place, lil picnic, watch the sun set, (maybe hold hands?) look at the stars.
What are some things that your OC finds to be an instant turn-off in potential partners?
Not liking animals. They’re literally his entire life, you cant be with him and not like animals.
What are their favorite kinds of flavors– Sweet, salty, sour, spicy, creamy, et cetera?
Umami. But he’ll literally eat anything, especially if he’s desperate.
Are they vegan/vegetarian (if their overall culture/species generally aren’t)? If so, why? Do they think animal products are wrong in all circumstances?
He doesn’t really eat a lot of meat cause he wants to hurt as few animals as possible. He uses most of the meat he hunts for his animals, and only eats it when there is nothing else, or if there’s the possibility of it going to waste.
How often do they cook? Do they order out a lot?
He cooks pretty often, that being said do NOT eat what he makes! I dont know how he is still alive!
Could they eat the same thing they enjoy over and over and not get bored of it quickly?
Yep, in fact that's basically what he does already. Food is food babey.
Did you create the character to be like yourself, did they end up being like yourself, or are they very different from you?
Archer wasn’t ever supposed to be like me, and he’s not really, which i think is a good thing?
Would you hang out with your OC if you could?
Yes he needs hugs and I will provide.
What’s the longest you’ve had an OC for?
I’ve technically had Archer for 5 years thats a long time :)
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ogkunty · 4 years
Furcadia Toxicity
The complete log file is provided, everything here is unedited, this all transpired publicly and should be available for everyone to have access to at all times. Thank you. (19:14:03) Tacada: watching the riot police going (19:14:21) Kixy: Protesting doesn't do anything. (19:14:23) Kunty: Nah, tell people to spend time with their fucking families they keep trying to ride dicks/cunts out of (19:14:23) Tacada: theyre taking the hong kong approach the protestors. using cones n water to stop tear gas nades (19:14:32) Kunty: they riot if quarantined. (19:14:33) Ditty: god (19:14:37) Ditty: turned out as expected (19:14:45) Ditty: Kixy: People will make a bigger stink out of not being called the correct pronoun than anything important. (19:14:48) Ditty: so peoples pronouns are important (19:14:52) Ditty: not sure why you have to bring that into this lmao (19:14:58) Puffin: ^^^^^^ (19:15:01) Ditty: Maya: Just offer free heroin and meth, you'll see enough people. (19:15:02) Ditty: so thats gross (19:15:07) Ditty: not sure why you have to bring that into this either (19:15:08) Kunty: IDC about pronouns, why is that even a thing? (19:15:09) Kixy: The point was that people get more angry over stupid shit than anything serious? (19:15:15) Ditty: pronouns are not stupid shit (19:15:19) Kunty: They are (19:15:21) Kixy: Yes they are. (19:15:27) Puffin: Riots are the language of the unheard, fam (19:15:29) Kixy: Compared to SO SO many things. (19:15:34) Ditty: why do we have to compare (19:15:39) Ditty: peoples identities are extremely important (19:15:41) Ditty: you cant rank it among other things (19:15:54) Ditty: did you know humans have the capacity to care about multiple things at once or are furcadians not able to do that (19:15:55) Tacada: sorry ditty i started all of this O.O (19:15:57) Kunty: I agree with Kixy, pronouns are NOT important in comparison to riots, killings, and corona. (19:16:03) Ditty: why are we comparing them (19:16:06) Ditty: answer the question
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The Devil’s Den Discord Meanwhile... Yes, you may Join.
/6:33 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: IMAGINE SEXUALLY HARASSING PEOPLE AND BEING TRANSPHOBIC AS FUCK ON FUCADIA [6:34 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: LITERALLY JUST FOR ATTENTION [6:34 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: WHO FAILED YOU [6:35 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: JK ITS YOUR OWN FUCKIN FAULT [6:35 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: "THE DEVIL'S DEN" THIS IS SOME SERIOUSLY TEEENY EDGELORD SHIT [6:35 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: ESPECIALLY WITH YOUR GROSS RAPE FANTASY THESAURUS-FUCKING DESCRIPTION [6:36 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: UNAPOLOGETIC SEXUAL HARASSERS SHOULD BE SHOT [6:39 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: jesus your discord server is dead as fuck [6:39 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: small wonder you have no friends [6:39 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: you are human garbage(edited) [6:43 PM] Hellcat: I'm here to fuck ass [6:44 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: its completely dead its no use [6:44 PM] Hellcat: Plague queens are my fetish tho [6:45 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: im here to fuck ass and fuck bubblegum [6:45 PM] Hellcat: Who failed you lmfao [6:45 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: yeah i had to rethink that cuz that'd mean it's someone else's fault [6:46 PM] Hellcat: It smells like poop and semen [6:47 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: as expected [6:55 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: [REDACTED] just thought yall should know your friend is a gross transphobe who repeatedly talked about my partner's genitals after being asked not to [6:55 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: and also claimed corona was a good thing because the world needs a "plague" [6:55 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: attention seeking teen edgelord bullshit [6:56 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: could only respond with "k" when it was brought up [7:08 PM] Ill: ? [7:09 PM] Ill: Logs please @Xzfgiiimtsath#6669(edited) [7:11 PM] Ill: It is without saying that unless evidence is provided, everything else is simply hearsay. I’m sorry to say that, without visible proof of this outrageous claim, you’re kind of just making empty accusations and slanderous character bashing. ): [REDACTED]  [7:12 PM] Ill: Oh, I guess they just wanted to troll. ): I’m sorry, hopefully this can be cleaned up. [7:28 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: OH HI [7:28 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: JUST ASK HER SHE WONT DENY IT [7:28 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: she was pretty proud of it on furc [7:28 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: i can post logs but judging from your response to that you'd just say i'd edited them lol [7:29 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: is it really hard to believe that she'd say something like that? seems pretty in-character for her [7:31 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: i mean you guys jerk it to beast porn tho i dont have high hopes for any moral outrage here [7:31 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: but if there were any trans people in the server id def want them to know [7:33 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: she was shit-talking people who care about their pronouns [7:33 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: my partner, who is trans, tries to explain to them what's wrong with that [7:35 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: then Kunty's response is to repeatedly talk about not wanting to hear about their genitals(?) which has nothign to do with pronouns and wasnt part of the conversation [7:35 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: when asked to stop talking about their genitals she continues unabated just to piss them off(edited) [7:36 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: you can choose to believe im just making this up for no reason if you want, but that would be really fucking brickheaded of you [7:37 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: care more about your shitty transphobic friend repeatedly who was bringing up my partners genitals randomly and without their consent(edited) [7:37 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: @ill [7:40 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: again, 0 hopes for you response, youre a fantasy animal r*pe enthusiast who says things like, "It is without saying that unless evidence is provided," [7:40 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: holy fuck get your head out of your ass [7:41 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: but ill STILL warn you of your transphobic friend since judging on your art youre lgbtq+ [7:43 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: are you just gonna wait til i leave again to respond? figures [7:44 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: you didnt even ask them about it, just "NO EVIDENCE SO ITS FAKE" [7:44 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: you'd really go that far to defend this person when you have no idea what happened? [7:44 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: god you fucking suck [7:44 PM] Ill: Okay but [7:44 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: but nothing [7:44 PM] Ill: You are actively here [7:44 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: wow youre a fuckin genius or something eh [7:44 PM] Ill: Why are you being aggressive? [7:45 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: because im pissed [7:45 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: obviously [7:45 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: stupid question [7:45 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: why are you deflecting [7:45 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: and defending your transphobic friend for no god damn reason [7:46 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz [7:46 PM] Ill: Okay, I understand that you are in an emotional state right now, but I would really need you to calm down first before coming off on a rage to people that have no idea what you are upset over. [7:46 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: ? [7:46 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: read my post dumbass [7:46 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: then you'd know [7:46 PM] Ill: No [7:46 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: LOL [7:47 PM] Ill: Here is why [7:47 PM] Ill: The stupidest things we say are said out of Anger. [7:47 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: are you legit like 14 [7:47 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: im wasting my time [7:47 PM] Ill: I will advise you a little more directly that you take time to calm down before you come venting. [7:48 PM] Ill: No, I am asking you to be an adult [7:48 PM] Ill: And not a raging tween with a hormone spike [7:48 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: said the literal child who thinks having emotions means "not being an adult" [7:48 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: lmfao [7:48 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: not being pissed about transphobia is a character flaw [7:48 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: work on it bitch [7:48 PM] Ill: I emphasize with your anger, I am not saying it is wrong to have them [7:48 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: emphasize with my anger [7:49 PM] Ill: I am saying that you are abusing everyone else for things we have no knowledge or control over [7:49 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: what the fuck are you talking about [7:49 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: im warning you about your transphobic friend and youre being a piece of shit about it [7:50 PM] Ill: You are acting like a child, I’ve been there and done that - it does not end well. Please take time to self care for yourself first so you can be an adult that can have a calm conversation [7:50 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: and you also fantasize about r*ping animals so again: 0 hope for you to have any concept of why things are wrong [7:50 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: total fucking human garbage [7:50 PM] Xzfgiiimtsath: [8:05 PM] Ill: I am going to go step away before I address this further, I am losing some patience very quickly. I am kindly asking you to do the same so that you may take time to care for yourself during this clearly highly emotional state you are in. Maybe sip some cool water, dab your cheeks with ice, and/or take a moment with a loved one that makes you feel safe. I do not know what else to recommend here, I do not assume ignorance right away when meeting people, and I would like to think that other people can also step back to rationalize themselves down from tensions like these. I call this being an adult, growing up enough to get beyond yelling and throwing every accusation at someone simply because you’re angry. Accepting that it could be possible there is a grave misunderstanding, or maybe even misinterpretation of intent/meaning. As a person that never gets these opportunities to rationalize issues away from pure misunderstood hatred, I have never seen the actual outcome. In the adult world here, if we are angry with someone that offended us, we can’t just go into their family bbq and be screaming like lunatics about how their goat fuckers based solely on our interpretations, either. That would lead to calling the police... it doesn’t get you anywhere ... not in the adult world. You need to stop and care for yourself before you come guns blazing. You don’t DO this in the adult world and then call the adults staring at you like a tantruming toddler “children” because they won’t feed your anger. I’m sorry, for whatever it is you feel WE did to you specifically. You came here, though and whatever your assumptions are, I understand that there is no arguing with you or reasoning with you beyond you are the victim of some unproven atrocity. 
- Xzfgiiimtsath#6669 - Hellcat#0186
(19:15:15) Ditty: pronouns are not stupid shit (19:15:19) Kunty: They are (19:15:21) Kixy: Yes they are.
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aura-loveshine · 5 years
Fringe-dweller’s true tales.
I looked up at the half moon, and thought “this will be the 5th full moon since you died”... 
Three nights before you were so suddenly taken from the physical earth, you camped overlooking the beautiful large body of water. you explored the multifaceted countryside, you were always like a kid when it came to exploring. you would have honoured and felt connected with nature. you would have sat with a j and admired the full moon on Friday the 13th. it would have been so beautiful to see the full moon over the water, the reflection, the light bouncing off the rippling water and quartz crystal sparkly rockbed... 
I hope those days spent at that campsite were healing, I hope you felt at peace, I hope you spent those days happy, content. I imagine you playing guitar and adventuring with our magic merlin dog, enjoying the wildlife, the peacefulness. I imagine you listening to the abc radio you loved and talking to the other campers, sharing your quirky unique self, making people laugh, or think. I imagine you satisfied to have achieved the long time goal to drive to the tip of Australia, from Cook Town to Cape York in your FWD. I imagine you had chocolate or something sweet even though you were running out of everything else. 
I wonder if you dreamt those nights... I wonder if you had a feeling something was coming. I wonder about the last conversations you had with tribe. i wonder about where you thought the wind might take you next. I wonder if you actually were on your way to visit me... ill never know whether I/you/we could have done anything to change what happened... I can't believe after all the physical pain you endured through-out your 34 years, that you experienced pain in your last alert moments... I think about our dog being with you when it all happened... 
I imagine you loving being omnipresent, exploring the universe in your cosmic pirate-ship with Xena, your beloved 17 year old dog. I'm not surprised she passed 12 days after you... I'm glad your both free of your aching sore physical bodies. You both lived so adventurously. you and Xena are the only ones I know that can say they lived in their vehicles/bus for over 11 years, driving over a million kms around and through Australia. I also don’t know anyone else that helped as many fringe-dwellers as you did, loved and supported so many beautiful women without trying to take it to a sexual level, who invited people to travel with you and see new incredible parts of Australia. you saved forests, educated people, changed Bunnings national policy, inspired people to live better and more freely, you lived more in your short life-time than anyone I know. you experienced pain, near death experience, limitation childhood abuse and death of loved ones and still managed to be the incredible being full of enthusiasm with an open heart and playful inquisitive nature. 
I was relieved to hear you had been reconnecting with your mum and family. that our close friends had quality time with you before everything changed...       I know you knew there was a high chance of you dying while on the road due to road death statistics... but all the justifications can't outweigh the heaviness of not being able to message you, call you, find out where you are now, what your building or what fascinating experience you’ve had recently.
You were the first and only male partner I have shared a ‘de facto’ type lovership with, having only been with women until you. you were so respectful, you were loving and gentle...  travelling in a old coaster for 6 months with you living a true dream... you built us a bush shack in two weeks, you built us a bush palace in a month and a half, all while been technically ‘disabled’... you showed me sacred sites of Australia, you climbed into caves, swam in ocean with crocodiles a few kms away,, we ate dinner alone with Dick Smith in the desert, casually chatting. you introduced me to Robin Mutoid at Burn out, I loved sitting with you and Robin in the coaster watching you two light up talking about mad hatter genius building ideas... and plans to create an explosive pineapple grenade to the filming we were doing.
Some of my favourite memories of my life-time, have been with you. I cherish you, I cherish my photos of you, I'm relieved I didnt listen to you when you told me to stop taking photos and be in the moment, but now I can look at those memories when I need to see you. every time I see a old coaster van I'm going to think of you... so many things remind me of you... having merlin with me is the silver lining, I'm relieved she was safely found after 15 days of being missing in the bush. I'm relieved she's with me. but I wish I was instead bringing her back to you...
You led such an incredible life I hope to share your stories and pictures with the world. you inspired so many people while you were alive... and even after... thousands of people read about your death on social media and tv... the articles and posts used the photos I took of you. it was surreal to see you and our dog in articles, for what happened to be so publicised... for a tragedy so personal to be used as ‘grief porn’... I hope to use the publicity of it all to make change to the stretch of road. needs better signage, a lower speed, something! I can't get it out of my head that you were the 9th fatality out of 30 accidents in 31 years, within a 4km stretch of road... 9 fatalities is too many. 9 is the final number. you are the last one to be taken out there...
The bush fires started raging not long after you died... in a strange way, the fires seemed fitting in my state of grief. Our lives were all forever changed... I was forever changed. The fires burning for months. My grief, anger, shock and feeling of helplessness burning inside me for months.  the sense of emergency through out the country, the sense of disaster within me.
It was all a bit much trying to deal with you dying, Xena dying, merlin being missing for 15 days and everything else that happened over the next 2 months as well the fires raging, rainforests burning, native wildlife in crisis, homes burning, people dying and the nation all in panic and smoke. Being 1500kms away from my forest home and family while the fires burned out of control less that 40kms away, with road blocks and potential fires in between. Trying to have your life celebration festivities while experiencing heavy rain, wind warnings and strained tumultuous emotions all round... thunder and hail while my mums saying she is taking all my valuables and art to a safe house coz the fires are getting closer, and they are prepping to have to evacuate with the dog, cat, ducks and chickens... luckily, it never came to that, the fires were contained 25kms away from our home, contained only 20kms away from my closest town, a well known beautiful alternative community. 
A moment that will always bring a smile to my heart, was when I was finally driving home. Id had a really rough night, id been holding so much in, trying to just get through everything to get home, id started falling apart... we had just started driving, when we saw a small’ish’ dust devil. the ‘tornado hunter’ part in me instantly wanted to drive up the near by road to chase it. I held back, until I heard my friend say “we could throw some of him ashes into the dust devil”... and I zoomed up the road as quick as I could. although the little twister had gone out of reach, I trustfully threw some of your ashes towards it. my heart felt uplifted as I watched the ash catch, float up and dissolve toward the dust devil.
You weren't scared of dying, you lived actively seeking to push your own limits, always with a cheeky grin. but you always landed like a cat, you were always there, doing your thing... alive. you always came back... you would have heard about the fires and driven straight to help, you would have fought the fires like you had before. you would have used the experience as a way to further pursue actual change for the planet, would have been apart of the vocal community questioning how the government failed to protect and how we needed to have upheaval and revolution...
You drove so safely on the roads. I dont know what happened to the other driver, except that he was seemingly uninjured. was it actually an unfortunate accident? or did the driver lose control going around the corner at 130kms in a 100 zone.... 
Was it really ‘your time to go’? if I hadn't been to the crash site and dealt with all that I have, I might fantasise the idea that you pulled the ultimate fucked up prank, that your hiding out in your doomsday bunker, mischievously laughing at no one knowing your alive, being completely ‘offline’, plotting the moment to reveal yourself... to see you, hug you would be.... 
We separated as lovers 15 months before you died, as we had to go on seperate journeys, we had to become individuals again. we were both struggling with very different things, we had to salvage our friendship and love, to take a break, allow some time... and then... you died 7 hours away, on your way to my area... on your way to see me and Xena.. I can't help but feel I'm being punished somehow, question if I shouldn't have made you leave. you might still be alive... am I silly to dwell on thoughts like that? I thought we had more time.
All I can do is live passionately, continue to be inspired by you and cherish you and our time together, learn from my experiences, healing these wounds by living, by loving, by sharing truth, by having daily gratitude and celebrating the positive events and changes as they come.
I know, for a long time, I will count each passing full moon...
You will always be my gypsy pirate king.  
Fly Free my Lover. I'll see you on the other side once again.
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gweyson · 6 years
Oleander A1, A15, B6, B11, C3, D1, E2, E6, F1, F7, G1, H2 and I1?
im just throwing all the asks from this meme under a cut tbh
A1 - What of the Meyers-Briggs personality types they most fit into? INFP, ENFT, et cetera…
i dont actually know anything about mbti but according to my 5 minutes of google research id say either ESFJ or ENFP
A15 - Is your character observant?
very much so !! he notices. more than he’d like honestly
B6 - Would your OC let someone ahead of them in line if your OC had a big cart and the person behind them had very few items?
yes !! he generally thinks about other people before himself
B11 - Your OC is running late to meeting someone: Do they let the other person know? Do they lie about why they’re late?
he’ll let them know why he’s running late but he probably wont metnion why he’s late unless he’s asked about it
C3 - Is it important for them to be with people (socially, intimately, whatever) whose major ideological tenets align with their own?
yeah but that’s because he has controversial opinons such as “be nice to people” and “dont be an ass for no reason”
D1 - How religious is your OC? What do they practice, if anything? If they don’t associate with any religion, what do they think of religion in general?
he’s agnostic himself but he supports all his religious friends ! he thinks it’s a interesting topic and he likes to talk about it
E2 - Which of the nine types of intelligence is your OC strongest in? Weakest? (Linguistic, existential, naturalist, et cetera)
interpersonal !! he’s a people person
E6 - Do they enjoy learning? Do they actively seek out sources of self-education?
he does !! he’s one of those people who’s constantly trying to learn new things & keep an open mind bc he thinks everyone has something they can teach him
F1 - What sort of home do they live in now, if at all? How did they end up there?
he lives in a house with a loooooot of people (ie. younger siblings) he’s pretty happy with where he lives now bc it’s very open and light, he’s a foster kid so he’s been in some.... less than ideal households before
F7 - What’s their “dream career” or job situation?
he wants to be a nurse !
G1 - Is your OC close to their family?
he doesnt know his ~actual~ family but he’s pretty close with the family he’s with now, although he’s still a little closed off with them (but that’s more because of habit than anything else)
H2 - Is your OC a thoughtful partner, in whatever aspect of that you want to cover?
very much so, he’s always trying to think of how his partner is feeling and what he can do to help them with whatever & cheer them up. often to his own detriment, oops
I1 - What are their favorite kinds of flavors– Sweet, salty, sour, spicy, creamy, et cetera?
he’s got the biggest sweet tooth on the planet tbh..... his ultimate fav is milkshakes but he’ll eat anything with a shit ton of sugar in it
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chocolate-brownies · 6 years
The first time I went to a Kundalini yoga class, I was the only fat person in the room. I noted it and moved on; at a size 20, I am often the largest woman in the room. I’m a bit fearless when it comes to trying new things, so it never phased me to feel odd as I stumbled and tripped over myself, finding modifications for Frog Pose where my stomach wouldn’t get in the way.
But I know, unlike me, that over 55 percent of women in the U.S. have admitted to having “abusive thoughts” about their size; as a plus-size influencer, I can’t tell you amount of times I have heard women tell me that being self-conscious about their weight stops them from trying new things, taking classes, going places, and experiencing moments in life that many people take for granted.
I also noticed I was one of the older people in the room at classes—which struck me odd, since the average age in the U.S. is 38, and just over 50 percent of people are over 35.
I’d love to say these observations were anomalies… they weren’t.  The more time I spent immersing myself in holistic wellness, the more I noticed a discouraging lack of body diversity participating in practices. We’re a country with a sea of colors, ages, sizes, and shapes—and yet, at most place I’d go, I’d be the lone larger body in a sea of slender, athletic, and disproportionately youthful women.
I am a 40-year-old plus size woman who works in self-love and wellness. I’m a Kundalini yoga teacher, a public speaker, a writer, and event creator. I’ve worked on social media serving size-inclusive groups of women with self-love and body positivity for over nine years. The number one comment I hear time and time again? “It’s so great to see someone who looks like me doing things.”
My Personal Journey
In 2015, I was around 360 lbs; this number may not be fathomable to you, so let me put it in perspective by saying my body was regularly in so much pain that I was unable to walk a single NYC block without stopping.  But the bigger problem, was that emotionally I felt like everyone was living, and I was just watching things pass me by in the fast lane. I needed more, but I was super scared to change.
I started looking around online, in classes, or in the media; there was nobody I could identify with to show me it was possible to create change from the inside out without buying into diet culture. I needed to identify with someone that could make it safe for me to try new things. So I’ve became the person I needed to see.
The number one comment I hear time and time again? “It’s so great to see someone who looks like me doing things.”
For the last three years, I’ve shared my spiritual, fitness, and personal growth journey online, the highs and the lows. In the process, I have become someone who runs the only truly size-inclusive personal growth event in the market today. Because I know the truth: Body diversity and representation matters.
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Sarah teaching her Body Love Workshop. Photo courtesy of the author.
To be blunt: This matters even if you aren’t fat.
Here’s why.
If we are alive on this planet, we’re going to age.
Chronic illness affects more than 40 percent of the population.
Over 19 percent of people in the U.S. live with a disability.
Deaf and hard of hearing people are often “left out” of traditional wellness spaces.
68 percent of women in the U.S. wear a size 16 and above.
Nearly 40 percent of Americans are obese.
Slender, young, seemingly “healthy” people are not the average in this country. And yet the wellness space can hardly be considered a welcoming or “safe” space for marginalized bodies. Even if you aren’t plus size, there’s a good chance you’ll fall into one of those categories as you get older—which means unless things change, consider yourself left out too. We’re all in this together!
Wellness is for every body.
Understand that when I say wellness, I don’t mean ads hocking weight loss products—that’s not wellness, that’s Diet Culture. There’s a difference between the two, and the industry needs to evolve beyond the idea that “thinner equals healthier.” Wellness is about creating wholeness in many areas of your life—your body, your spiritual life, your personal life, physical life, occupational life, and more.
Let me be clear—I do not have a problem with weight loss, and I am not, what some call, a Fat Activist. What I am is a person who believes that all bodies deserve access to tools and practices to help foster self-love and create change if they seek it.
I know the more we represent marginalized bodies engaging in wellness practices, the more we make it safer and accessible for more bodies to self-improve… And isn’t that what wellness is all about in the first place? All bodies deserve representation in the wellness space. As a plus size woman, I personally advocate for making wellness size-friendly.
⇢ What can we do to change the landscape? ⇠
If you are a teacher…
Learn modifications to help students of size or limited mobility. Introduce the modifications in your class without fanfare.
If you don’t know modifications, ASK for help. There are influencers and teachers who specialize in serving marginalized bodies; there’s no shame in being unaware. These voices have yet to be amplified in the wellness space, but they are there! Do the work and find them. (When I did my teacher training at Wanderlust Hollywood, I was the only person of size in the room; I continually used my presence to raise questions and share how my mobility impacted my practice.)
Don’t assume that every person of size who walks in the door will need special assistance! Simply make yourself accessible for questions if they are presented.
Encourage your studios to use a variety of bodies in their marketing and social media.
Once well-versed in accessibility techniques, offer to teach a class for serving different populations if none are available in your area. Enlist the support and advice of leaders who represent these communities with sincerity.
LISTEN to marginalized bodies; don’t talk over people. Be open and willing to hear, and be educated without ego. Remember, this is not about you.
If you are a student…
Treat everyone in your class the same way. Seriously.
Don’t “position police” your neighbors of size in class. Trust us, that person is aware of their body limitations; they don’t need you to chime in.
61 percent of people think it’s OK to make disparaging remarks about other people’s weight—don’t be one of them.
Be an ally to your friends of size and consider being a little more “size-friendly” in your life in general.
If you organize festivals or events…
Actively seek diverse bodies with subject authority to speak and present. We’re out here, trust me.
Use marginalized bodies in your advertisements and on social media. Treat these bodies exactly the same as you would any other model or representative.
Make sure your programming doesn’t innately fall into the “diet culture” of wellness; be aware of the messages you are sending by choosing which subjects to create space for.
Vary. Your. Programming. Be willing to have the hard conversations and be willing to create a safe space for all bodies to come to the table and participate.
Partner with influencers who represent marginalized communities. (They may have smaller followings… Do it anyway.)
It’s time we start acknowledging that all bodies are not thin. All bodies are not young. Some bodies are more able, and some bodies are less able. But ALL bodies are worth the journey of discovering what wellness means to them.
If you have serious thoughts to add to this conversation and would like to contribute to The Wanderlust Journal, please email [email protected]. Let’s change the wellness world. Together. 
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Sarah Sapora loves meditation and cowboy boots, and lives guided by the idea that every day we wake up (at any age or weight) is a chance to transform our life from a place of self-love. She’s a Kundalini yoga teacher who believes that strength training and deep soul-work are equally important in creating a happier and healthier life from the inside out. Sarah’s biggest passion is making holistic wellness accessible to bodies of size. She is a speaker, writer, social influencer, creator of the Body + Love Workshop, a totally size-inclusive personal growth event, and of LifeLove, an app launching in 2019. Sarah uses her voice to cultivate a community of self-love and self-improvement free of diet culture. You can find Sarah online on Instagram or on her website, www.sarahsapora.com.
The post I’m Fat and a Wellness Influencer. Here’s Why It Matters For You appeared first on Wanderlust.
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afearing · 6 years
since apparently theres no consequences for delivering unto this website extremely long and good takes i will present to you my hot take on the ace d'escourse, with no sources because I Dont Feel Like It. its more words than is reasonable bc i have been stewing in this for like 4 years and if i dont type it out at some point im going to fucking lose it. no, literally, it’s 3 pages long in word about shit no one cares about anymore. please remember to like and subscribe.
some background on me, i id’d as ace for something like 8 years, from the first time i read the wikipedia page on it back in maybe 2009 or thereabouts. i also id’d as aro for about a year in 2016. that is to say, i have a lot of compassion and understanding for asexual individuals and feel i understand the inclusionist side of the argument pretty well, as i never questioned inclusionism until maybe 2014 or so, when the discourse blew up. i took some time off tumblr because i was so fucking distraught to think that, as i id’d as aroace at the time, that i had to come to terms with not being lgbt. lol i was a little too attached to being ‘gay’ because... fun fact, past dumbass self... you are gay. anyway, i really dont want anyone to feel that i hate them, but after i cooled off a little bit i realized that the exclusionist take on asexuality just makes more sense. hopefully i can explain why clearly enough.
i really believe that what is understood as aphobia is 100% of the time simply a manifestation of our culture’s expectations surrounding sexuality. while “expectations surrounding sexuality” as a very broad topic does indeed cover both the lgbt community and people on the ace spectrum, facing these issues does NOT make a person lgbt. i subscribe to the idea that lgbt is for people targeted directly by homophobia and transphobia. ace issues ARE super important to talk about and the whole inclus/exclus nonsense is entirely because this discourse has been put under the wrong category. im aware that probably most people will not care that much about my opinion on the correct framing of asexual activism as i no longer id as ace but i think this is important for everyone. sexual expectations also weigh on straight individuals, especially women, and i’m going to describe a few examples to try to demonstrate why i believe both that it doesn’t make sense to consider asexuality lgbt as well as why it does make sense to frame it as an issue based mainly in misogyny.
call out post for myself, i use reddit, and i think the r/childfree community is a good example of what i think the framing should be like. although it’s acknowledged that not wanting children has larger social consequences for women, both men and women talk about their issues in the forum, including horrific accounts of reproductive coercion and rape, the intersections with race/being lgbt/ageism (although they could do a LOT better with intersectionality, many posters do touch upon it), profoundly cruel comments made by those who have/want children, difficulty finding an understanding relationship partner, discrimination at work, misunderstandings and even hatred from family and acquaintances, discrimination in healthcare, etc.
i think you can tell where i’m going with this. even though being childfree cuts against the expectations for sexuality in most societies, even though it leads to unfair judgment from others, and even though they face discrimination on the basis of the way they express their sexuality, childfree people do NOT frame parenthood/childfreedom as an axis of oppression, nor do they claim that their lack of desire for children makes them lgbt. it’s not even a question if straight childfree people are straight, because duh? nor if the presence of lgbt childfree people makes the whole community fall under the lgbt umbrella, because it obviously doesn’t.
to drive the point home, the reason why this is NOT an axis of oppression is because parents face a ton of issues as well! they also face reproductive coercion as well as judgment over the number of kids they have, constant scrutiny and moralization over every aspect of their parenthood style, judgment based on parents’ age/wealth/sexuality/marital or dating status/race, housing and employment discrimination, especially for mothers, the government hating poor parents and cutting their benefits, and more i’m sure i’m not thinking of. again, this is due to societal expectations of sexuality. to complete the analogy, people who aren’t ace face their own set of challenges and discrimination. part of homophobia/biphobia is tinged with hatred of our sexual attraction; no one except for straight white men is allowed to really express their sexuality without backlash, and even then there is this shame leading to a lack of proper sex ed and horribly unhealthy understandings of sexual attraction in a large portion of the populace. so calling aphobia an axis of oppression is just not right. and in addition, the large proportion of lgbt aces doesn’t make asexuality lgbt, that’s not how groups work.
some more on what i mean by ‘expectations around sexuality’... in terms of my experience in the US, there is some blueprint in many people’s minds of what a person should be like in terms of sexuality, and that is something like “cishet, abled man, who is neither ace nor aro, who gets laid regularly (but not to excess) starting no later than 18 and ending no later than 28 when he settles down with one cishet abled wife, also neither ace nor aro, who has only had sex with up to three committed boyfriends, and they have precisely two children, approximately two years apart in age, whom the parents can financially and emotionally support to the utmost, because they are also moderately to very well off, and the parents work under traditional gender roles to raise their children as conventionally as possible.” and if you deviate from this script in ANY way that’s viewed with moral panic and scrutiny by someone. and the connection to misogyny is that women are seen as sort of the bastions of sexual morality. we are punished especially harshly for nonconformity.
if you’re poor you’re fucked because either you don’t have kids or you can’t send them off to private schools and feed them fancy organic shit. if you’re lgbt or polyamorous or aro or ace? fucked! if you dare to reproduce as a disabled person, and if your disability impacts your parenthood, especially for women, you’re practically crucified even in liberal circles. if you have too few kids or too many (don’t you know only kids turn out weird? / how can you possibly raise 5 children properly?), if you have too much sex or too little, if you split up the work in your relationship not along gender lines, if you do unconventional things in your parenthood, like accept your trans kids or move a lot or any number of other things, the social judgment rains down like the fires of fucking hell. meaning practically no one can escape it!! huge bonus to the screaming crowd with pitchforks if you’re a person of color or a woman, mega ultra bonus to women of color.
but does that make everyone i just talked about lgbt? no! although every single one of the groups i mentioned is tangentially related through this issue, even though all of them face a lot of horrible problems and discrimination, that does not make those issues inherently lgbt. again, they are tangentially related and i could see a good case for solidarity among many of the groups mentioned; all of them are fighting for greater acceptance of different kinds of relationships, greater acceptance of seeking happiness and being who you are rather than pressuring everyone to conform as much as possible to the LifeScript. but all of those groups are equally related to the lgbt community - that is, tangentially only. just as you can be childfree and straight, a stay-at-home dad and straight, a straight woman of color, so too can you be polyamorous and straight, ace and straight, or aro and straight.
that’s it for my main point. ace and aro people? your lives are hard. i’m not going to downplay it in any way because i know there are a lot of people who actually hate your guts. fuck, i’ve seen people full-on shittalk asexuality, in the internet and real life, in the most blatant of ways, so it’s not just something you can necessarily escape by logging off. not as much so for aro people tbh but i predict as much once the Public gets more wind of your existence. i fully believe that you face a higher risk of sexual assault; discrimination in relationships, housing, and the workplace; horrible comments from everyone who thinks their shitty opinion on your sexuality and love life matters; and I believe you that that hurts and is terrible and that you deserve a place to discuss and provide support.
but. those issues are not exclusive to you. they’re not exclusive to lgbt people, or oppressed people, and so those issues don’t and cannot make you lgbt, nor do they make ace/aro vs. allo an axis of oppression. our communities intersect, yes, considerably, but you are not a subset of lgbt. perhaps our rhetoric can help you, but because straight ace and aro people exist you cannot and should not consider yourselves lgb+. i think you understand that the issues you face are a form of oppression, but they are the result of the toxic and misogynistic sex culture in this society, which, yes, targets lgbt people but also, practically everyone, including groups which are definitively absolutely not inherently lgbt, such as parents, gnc straight people, poc, disabled people, the list goes on.
to conclude, what really converted me to being an ace exclusionist was the example of a straight grey or demi ace. how could you possibly argue that someone who falls in love with the opposite gender only, but with more conditions or less frequently than someone not aspec, is lgb+, can call themselves queer, etc.? exactly what material reality does that person share with a gay or bi person? i think that their issues fall in line with aspec community issues but extremely clearly not at all with lgbt ones. 
the end but post script since i brought up orientation modifiers: perhaps it isn’t my place to say, but i don’t think that microlabels are very healthy and that it would make more sense for the ace community to work on expanding the idea of what sexuality is than to try to create a label to describe every single person’s experience of their sexuality. not that i think you should necessarily kick grey ace people out of the aspec community or that they’re not valid or whatever, but that perhaps it makes more sense to say that some people experience sexual attraction less frequently, and that’s alright. i don’t know.  i spent sophomore year of high school poring over those mogai blogs looking for some new orientation label that would make me go like, oh my god that’s me! and believing that if those labels helped people feel that way they weren’t doing any harm. but what actually finally made me feel like that was expanding my understanding of what attraction is and a better conception of lesbian issues and why i might feel so disconnected from my sexuality and why i might be obsessing over every interaction with a guy looking for signs i was attracted to him but feel super disgusted whenever they exhibited interest in me. i spent so long trying to go like maybe im cupioromantic lithsexual and feeling terrified that that i had such a weird and esoteric sexuality that no one could ever possibly understand enough to be in a relationship with me... like, ok dyke! i know a lot of people have had similar experiences and i don’t think i know a whole ton of people now in college who are still doing that, which makes me think those labels are more harmful than not. 
i guess that’s anecdotal but it’s easier for me to believe that a person could cling to those labels due to internalized homophobia than actually have a new form of sexuality heretofore undiscovered throughout all human history, but that’s just me. and so many of them just sound so unhealthy, like dreadsexual. i really wish people would work on expanding what not being asexual can mean and look like and i dont think there would be this drive to create these labels anymore. even demisexual which i think is probably the most mainstream conditional orientation, i think many people who have never heard of it and are perfectly content not to would describe the way they experience sexuality a similar way and just consider it normal. sexual attraction isn’t necessarily having your nethers set aflame upon first making eye contact with someone, it looks different for every person and it’s alright to just be how you are without making it part of your whole identity.
The End II. this is 2,200 words. if you read this far you’re a fucking mad l- *the academy cuts my mic line while looking directly at the camera like in the office*
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viralhottopics · 7 years
From Cokes flower power to Kendall Jenners Pepsi ad how ads co-opt protest
Yesterday, Pepsi pulled its new ad in less than 24 hours. Reality star Kendall Jenner giving a police officer a soft drink to calm a protest was immediately called the worst ad of all time. Can big business ever have a place in social activism?
When Nivea ran a recent Facebook ad with the supremacist-friendly tagline White is purity, it would have been reasonable to assume that, as far as misguided promotional campaigns go, it had cornered the market. Then Kendall Jenner stepped forward and offered a police officer a can of Pepsi.
In the two-and-a-half-minute video ad, which the soft drink corporation has now been forced to pull, the most fashionable member of the Kardashian clan is in the middle of a photoshoot when a passing protest march catches her attention. She rips off her blond wig, smudges her lipstick, casts off her couture and strides out into the crowd, surveying the scene, ascertaining, with the careful eye of a young Angela Davis or Gloria Steinem, what needs to be done to advance the cause. (The cause is not clear, as their banners, in the Pepsi colours, consist of painted love hearts, peace signs and the slogan Join the conversation. Perhaps theyre fighting for the rights of teenage diaries?)
Jenner approaches the line of friendly, pleasant-looking police officers and hands one a can of fizzy pop. A woman in a headscarf photographs her triumph. The cop smiles, and does not pepper-spray, beat, shoot or arrest anyone. The crowd party as if they are in the VIP enclosure at Coachella, safe in the knowledge that they have danced their way to a better world.
Live Bolder, says Pepsi, at the end. Bold is certainly one way of putting it. The backlash was swift, furious and witty. Charles M Blow, a columnist for the New York Times, tweeted that he would boycott Pepsi products until the brand apologised for this blasphemy, comparing the ad with the iconic Black Lives Matter picture, which captured nurse Ieshia Evans being arrested in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in July 2016. Cans and bottles of Pepsi were Photoshopped into key moments of the civil rights movement, and pictures of police brutality were captioned with, Kendall, please! Give him a Pepsi!. If there is one area in which the ad succeeded, it was in its ability to unite people across the political spectrum even Piers Morgan called it stupefyingly diabolical and snowflake claptrap.
Its a unique skill to have #boycottpepsi trending among both the right and the left. It managed to alienate both sides of an increasingly polarised consumer universe, says Nicola Kemp, trends editor at advertising trade magazine Campaign, who points out that the ad was made by an inhouse team at Pepsi, which may be why there is a sense that nobody thought to point out its deficiencies before it aired. Kemp argues that not only was the ad tone-deaf, it also failed to make any political point at all, co-opting the imagery, without taking a stand. You get a lot of people saying were in a state of perpetual outrage, that brands should always be aware that taking a stand can create a backlash, and that its better to stand for something than for nothing. But in effect it did both: it stood for nothing, with these anodyne signs, and it still created a backlash.
What about the idea that all publicity is good publicity? There is a growing conversation within marketing that outrage is a form of social currency, and that social currency equates to sales, Kemp says. But that is an overly simplistic point of view. I do think that, honestly, no brand would set out to create this sort of response.
In 1964, Pepsi first used the slogan the Pepsi Generation, which targeted young people and offered its customers an identity based on their allegiance to Pepsi, rather than its competitor, Coca-Cola. In an attempt to win over young, broke people that might also resonate with millennials, Pepsi highlighted the fact that it was cheaper than Coke. Who is the Pepsi Generation? asked a voiceover on one of its ads. Just about everyone with the young view of things. Livelier, active people with a liking for Pepsi-Cola! This, in turn, inspired perhaps the most famous use of activism in advertising history: Coca-Colas Id like to buy the world a Coke ad from 1971. According to its songwriter, Roger Greenaway, using bohemian-looking, racially diverse young people to sing about togetherness did have a point to make. I think it was the flower-power era, and most of America was tiring of the Vietnam war. The lyric, although not overtly anti-war, delivered a message of peace and camaraderie, he explained in 2015.
Dr John Jewell, of Cardiff University, who teaches on advertising, propaganda and political communication, sees a direct connection between the two rivals back again the other way, directly tracing the new Pepsi ad to Cokes 1971 spot. What Pepsi was doing was seeking to show its social responsibility. Its classic cause-related marketing, because in aligning itself with good causes, it boosts sales and brand loyalty.
Just look at this years Super Bowl ads: from Budweiser to Airbnb to Google, a surprising number of ads pushed a Trump-baiting, pro-diversity message. Meanwhile, outside the world of advertising, huge brands are doing their best to signal their progressive sensibilities. Take, for example, Apple providing rainbow-branded T-shirts for the 8,000 members of its staff who marched at San Franciscos Pride march.
The digital era has had enormous ramifications for the advertising industry, which has been forced to adapt, as first reliable broadband, and then smartphones, meant that consumers were able to switch off from campaigns that they would previously have been unable to avoid.
In the 90s, brands could simply throw enough money at a campaign to interrupt their way into culture, according to Dylan Williams, chief strategic officer at advertising agency Droga5, which works with brands such as Uniqlo, Seat and Danone. Thats no longer the case.
In 1999, the US ad agency StrawberryFrog coined the phrase movement marketing; one of its key points is to avoid trying to convince an audience of something they dont know yet, but to tap into what they already believe. A brand should be seen as sharing, not selling. Williams says that there are companies that have taken this approach and used it in a positive way he talks about Nike moving its marketing money away from huge-name celebrities and instead putting it into community training initiatives and races. This appearance of corporate altruism has become commonplace, as car companies create and promote green initiatives, or beauty brands promote a natural look, or fashion companies stick feminist slogans on their T-shirts.
Jewell suggests that when this goes wrong, as it appears to have done with Pepsi, it can be detrimental to activism. Its an easy way for us to politicise ourselves. Its suggesting that you dont actually have to take part in supporting Black Lives Matter if youre white. All you have to do is buy Pepsi and your support is telegraphed. In a way, when we support things on social media whether its weeping for France or praying for Syria thats an extension of that mentality, that we can show our support through consumerism.
But there is a distinction to be made between a 500 jumper with the words Radical Feminist across the chest and the kind of marketing that involves companies actually getting involved in the causes they say they support. This is largely why we have seen so many companies adopting a caring and sharing identity over the past two decades. Hitching its wagon to the environment, or LGBT rights, or feminism, for example, is a way for a brand to look good, which increases consumer loyalty, which makes the brand more money.
Kemp says: Brands such as Unilever are making an impressive investment not just in communicating a message of sustainability but in making a tangible impact on the communities they work within and their employees. She adds: Theyre well thought-out, theyre invested in, they partner with NGOs.
In March, to take just one example, LOral announced it would support the C40 Women4Climate initiative, mentoring 500 women in 10 cities who are working towards possible solutions for climate change. This commitment reflects two of LOrals major orientations: gender equality and climate protection, said Alexandra Palt, LOrals chief sustainability officer, at the time. Its just one part of a wider initiative for the brand; its mission statements read more like those of an NGO than a cosmetics company.
Jewell says that ultimately, if a business is making money while also putting that money where its mouth is, then it seems pointless to complain about it. You could argue that it does deflect criticism, but on the other hand, if it does actually save lives or improve the conditions of some people, that has to be a good thing. In many ways, just as technology has forced companies to change the way they persuade people to give them their money, it has also meant they are forced to behave better. What greater visibility these companies now have in the digital era means they have to act more responsibly now, because if they dont, it does affect sales, says Jewell.
That is just one of the many ways in which the Pepsi ad fell down: in its crude and multilayered appropriation of political activism, it acted irresponsibly, while attempting to do so under the banner of a social conscience. It seemed like an attempt to hoodwink its intended audience, and if there is one thing young people are wise to, its any sense that theyre being cheated.
Kalle Lasn, editor of the anti-consumerist publication Adbusters, says: Its the highest order mindfuck Ive ever seen the Donald Trump of commercial advertising.
Williams draws the same comparison. Frankly, its as if Donald Trump created the spot. The dystopian read on where brand communication is going is the awful current reality of a post-truth world, where we lie, we create alternate facts, we try to hoodwink the public with artifice, we sidle up to a couple of celebrities, and we hope that 51% of the population like it. I think it could be the worst ad of all time, and we have made a fair few of those, as an industry.
Still, he says, there has been at least one positive to come out of it for once, everyone has been on the same side, even if just for a moment. For me, the most refreshing thing about today is that everybody hates it, he says.
Read more: http://bit.ly/2oftNs9
from From Cokes flower power to Kendall Jenners Pepsi ad how ads co-opt protest
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