#im also glad its easy to communicate with them about it too
knifearo · 7 months
Hi! i've recently been coming to terms with the fact im very likely aroace, with aromanticism being the Main One on my mind since i've been struggling a bit with accepting that its possible i may never Be in a traditional relationship, mostly due to the fact that so much of what people set up as milestones to reach in life revolve around romantic love.
I just wanted to say i've really appreciated your blog, its been really nice see your posts and its just been helping a lot in trying to navigate all this :) aromanticism feels like its not talked about anywhere near as much as it should be (feels like it'd help not only aroace ppl but like. everyone), and if i'd known that so many people felt this same way sooner i think it would've brought some relief.
it's been especially tough lately i think with not being a teenager anymore, meaning all my friends around me are finding romantic partners and i guess its tough not to feel like the 'second choice' (some of this stemming from anxiety rather than actually how they treat me), and navigating how i feel around all that (also realising that at this point im not just a late bloomer lol). its been a real help finding spaces online that have people talking about their variety of aspec experiences, and its nice to know there's others like me :)
hello, my dear anon <2
first of all: i'm so glad to provide a space for you that's helpful and comforting. community is so important, especially in experiences that can feel so isolating; no matter how you're feeling, at any point, there will always be people here to support you and listen to you and stand by your side. the aspec community is so important to me and i'm so happy to hear that it's been good to you :)
second of all: coming to terms with being aromantic can be difficult, for sure. the fact that so many of us use the words "coming to terms" is significant to begin with; it was very much the same for me, where it felt like a grieving process for a life that i never really wanted but was Told that i should have. it's difficult to work through the knowledge that the entire course of your life, as people set it up for you, is going to be changed away from what you were told would make you happy. this obviously isn't the same for everybody—i have a lot of people in my notes talking about how aromanticism was a wholly positive, freeing discovery for them—but. y'know. it's not like that for everybody, especially not at first. breaking out of amatonormativity is no easy task. just to express that i felt the same things right alongside you <3
especially with the fear of losing everyone around you to relationships... i mean, i think this is where community comes in again. there's a beautiful world out there where people are more aware of the intricacies of non-romantic relationships and the harms of amatonormativity and in that beautiful world we'll all be secure in knowing that our relationships with people will be important no matter the nature of them, but in the meantime, the security of being friends with other aspec people who are aware of all of this can be really comforting. you'll find the people who will stay by you no matter what, eventually, but forming those relationships with people who already understand is really nice. just like any queer relationships, i think. obviously there are cis people who will be cool but oh, the beauty and comfort and joy of t4t relationships in any form... aspec4aspec (a4a? do we have a general term for that? ace4ace aro4aro etc.) relationships are very important to me. helps to deal with that irrational anxiety, too. :)
one thing about being aromantic is that you will look around at the world and realize how innately helpful and revolutionary aromanticism would be if more people knew about it... again. a beautiful world someday. what we do for now is keep talking about it and keep sharing aro joy and keep developing our own important non-romantic relationships and promoting relationship anarchy and establishing our own lives and personhood on our own terms. so happy to have you here as aroace if that's the term you do land on <2 adore you, treasure you, etc., and i hope you have a wonderful wonderful day. feel free to check in anytime about anything! the ask box is always always open. xoxo
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meowzilla93 · 5 months
Hello! I saw your rant post and I wanted to ask if we could get the context behind it? It seems kinda out of nowhere and I saw the tag list on tumblr and didn't saw anything negative towards any character. I also just want to know to avoid this person, I really don't want to interact with toxic people ://
Thank you for your answer
hello anon!
i hope you are doing well ᓚᘏᗢ
first and foremost, i won't be naming any names here. yes, my post was vague, and that was the point of it. because the truth of the matter is that no matter the fandom, this sort of behaviour is evident in all of them and i was calling it all out. identifying the people directly can cause more harm than good, and it is not my intention to victimize anyone.
it just so happened that recent events regarding a specific community pissed me off to no end this time round, and it was a long time coming.
in a way i am glad that you have not seen anything yourself from specific tags and the community, but the reality is that people who choose to target a set group or a set character and don't want blowback from it wont tag their posts to make them easily accessible. however, if you interact with enough blogs, basically the '6 degrees of separation' rule comes into affect, where blogs that interact with that fandom start to link to each other and you unfortunately will end up with a blog that doesnt align with your taste or morals on your feed and you get an unhealthy dose of toxicity from it
this happens on all forms of social media; where i have been seeing this kind of activity is more so on twitter, but it has happened here on tumblr too.
i do want to stress that when i do see this kind of toxicity i do block/mute them from my feed so i dont have to see it, but it doesnt stop it from existing. and then seeing how it affects the people around me because unfortunately its not so easy for them to get away from it, it just hurts me deeply
if you know my blog well enough, you know i am a massive fan of OLBA currently, and thats typically what i post, amongst other fandom stuff that interests me, however its typically OLBA.
the OL series is all about acceptance and understanding and openness with one another. discrimination, bullying, anything like that doesnt exist in the story and shouldnt exist in the fandom either.
its unfortunate to see that regardless of the type of community it should be, that negativity and toxicity exists regardless. as some one as part of the LGBTQIA+ community, i have unfortunately seen comments that are against what the community stands for. i have seen commentary that is essentially bullying of one account or a collective for the sort of content they produce. hyprocritical comments, calling out someone for their content but going ahead and making that content themselves.
if you have not seen this sort of activity, im grateful for it. truly, its not nice to see this kind of stuff, and if you do, blocking and muting it is the best option to avoid them and keep to the healthier side of the fandom
please note, this blog will always be an open blog, other than calling out this poor behaviour, the entire purpose of this blog is to be positive!
to share fics and and art and headcannons and thoughts about all characters in the fandom i am a part of, because i am trying to share the love i have for the series with others and have great discussions around them
i know this was a vague answer anon, but i hope you understand the reasoning behind why and wish you all the best
your friendly neighborhood kaiju,
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renegadeshroom · 5 months
i am once again procrastinating my bedtime but i just realised that i never had my final thoughts on the whispering skull! i finished it like a week ago or something. assorted ramblings under the cut
george faking his death by looking into the mirror at the end there got me REAL good. poor eyesight W lmaooo. i am so so so glad lucy made the only smart move possible -- im giving her this position over winkman bc though he was smartER about it than most everyone else it was just base profiteering on his part, which simply endangered someone else further down the line -- in relation to the mirror and smashed its shit in. megacursed mirror deliberately made out of seven ghosts that kills anyone who looks into it for too long and makes everyone who doesnt look into it long enough to die obsess over getting another better look into it is, shockingly, bad news! im still wary of deprac and dont entirely trust them and tbh barnes lucy probably saved your ass from getting mirrored to death by smashing that shoddy piece of shit thing into pieces. so like, thank her. idk, get her a cake or something. i am of course also suitably wowed by how um. literally explosive things got at winkman's auction. did not expect them to blow the whole thing up. and i am glad they were fiiiinally able to work together with kipps' team to mutually save their own asses. it had to happen eventually ofc, but we know the threshold now. amused that lucy got out of this whole ordeal without further meaningfully interacting with another girl whatsoever though things of interest to me:
afaik we did not learn the name of the whispering skull, despite learning the names of like everyone else in bickerstaff's little death cult. i wondered very briefly if maybe the deceased's relationship to ghosts in life is a factor in how their own ghost manifests, vis a vis the type system. even with the skull being the only type three so far, i think bickerstaff decidedly put that idea to bed however. im also beginning to think that particularly old ghosts are more powerful, generally speaking, but thats probably just a survivorship bias?
the skull was marginally helpful to lucy when the chips were down?? genuinely did not expect that, but i suppose it has a more powerful interest in exploiting lucy's ability to commune with it than it does a desire to see her and her friends get their shit kicked in. im sure the skull would greatly enjoy watching all of them kick the bucket in a variety of gruesome and horrible ways, but it has a very material interest here, and it seems remarkably easy to manipulate with the simple threat of being buried somewhere and forgotten forever. much to think about! it makes me wonder if lucy is the first person to be able to hear it... i would suspect, given marissa fittes reporting the existence of type threes, and the fact that george stole the skull from the fittes agency, it may have been one of the type threes encountered by her
thinking on it now, the skull is not, afaict, mentioned to be smaller than an adult human's skull. so despite the skull serving as bickerstaff's psychic protege in life, it seems to not have met its end at the same time or circumstances as bickerstaff. then again, maybe he just started out as bickerstaff's psychic lackey, but proved to be useful enough to hang around for longer than his psychic ability was potent
this really just turned into a list of musings about the skull huh. whoops
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Hey there love <3!
Great to know your exams are over :D... mine just began and I want to cry 😔... so before I'm too busy I wanted to request something ^^
So uhm chapter 96 right...? We all can see the communication problems between the minamoto Brothers...
SO What about Teru with an Exorcist s/o who's also been like a prodigy in Exorcism since young and like they're kinda childhood friends. But they however do better with handling their feelings and are more open minded , they get why Kou did what he did ( both of the brothers were wrong in their own ways) and so they help the brothers communicate better? Maybe they're with Teru when he's sulking, trying to comfort/ cheer him (up) and subtly explain that its kinda both parties fault and just overall help the two communicate better?
Kinda long but thats the request part...
NOW, I just want to say I love , love , love your writing (ik I've said it before , but its so good -)! I hardly know you but you seem like such an amazing person. Please eat, sleep , drink water and stay healthy. I hope you get alooooot of followers and you ace your exams <333
Hehe I know its random but I just wanted to let you know how amazing you are !
Please do feel free to ignore my request ! I will not mind at all.. take care!!! (Tried to be colorful heh :>)
Loosen Up a Bit
genre : Fluff
Character : Minamoto Teru
TW : None
A/N : AWWWW IM SO GLAD YOU LOVE MY DOOKIE WRITING AWHSHHWHAH PLEASE DO DRINK, EAT, AND SLEEP ALOT ASWELL AND TY!!! This was a very colorful request and I like it Hehe, Sibling fight what I like to see HWHAHAHA
Also I'm sorry it took so long to do your requests, Projects and requirements keep pilling in 😞
I hope you enjoy 💗
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I should apologize..
You and Teru have been childhood friends ever since kindergarten
both of you got along VERY WELL as you were also an exorcist
He found out about it when he saw you exorcist a supernatural pretending to be an old lady causing harm around the playground
After he witnessed that he would bug you to come and exorcist
which you gave in obviously
Months turned into years
and you two were in 1st year of high school when you guys fell inlove and became a couple
You absolutely adored his younger siblings and would absolutely break when you see them fight
which they wouldn't do so often
but this time, Teru and Kou had a massive fight leading to them giving each other silent treatments
so you marched up to his room in hopes you can persuade Teru and Kou to talk
Teru sulked as he wrapped his blanket over his head watching everyone play with fireworks just outside his window
"Hmp.. What is this? They are all having fun without me.." Teru watched as Yashiro lit another one making Tiara shout in joy watching the sparks come out
As he continued to watch, he heard a soft knock on the door "Teru? Come outside, don't coop yourself in your room too much.." He perked up to hear your soft voice, He got up and opened his door and pulled you in hugging you "W-woah hey bud calm down" You softly raked his blonde hair
After you guys went to the near shore to bring back Aoi and Hanako, He and Kou had a massive fight which turned into them slightly giving each other silent treatments. But you know Kou wasn't like that, He even tried to give him snacks and candy but he didn't know how to approach and start a conversation with his older brother. And here we are, a sad lonely Teru watching everyone have fun without him
You sighed "Teru.. You need to go down there and talk with Kou.. Giving each other silent treatment is not the way to go" Convincing him was never easy, he is very stubborn. He dragged you down with him down his bed as he cuddled up to you hiding his face on your neck, making you turn to all kinds of shades of red
You tried to calm yourself down
You were met with silence as you sighed. "I mean, it's both your faults anyway.. You two need to communicate and clear the air, okay?" He wasn't budging "Teru.. Sulking like this won't make Kou come up here and instantly talk with you" He finally looked up, he looked tired. "I understand what I did was.. Selfish and very wrong of me.. But I did it because I wanted to keep him safe"
"Safe by hurting and lying to him?"
"Okay I admit that wasn't right either"
"None of what you did back there was right."
Teru groaned as he hid under the covers, You were about to say something but heard another knock on the door, You got up despite Teru saying and begging for you not to go. You opened the door and came face to face with Kou, Holding a plastic bag with a bunch more food
'Why is the younger brother the one persuading the older brother..'
"Hello Kou, are you here to talk with your brother?" You leaned on the door frame as he nodded slowly, You stepped aside signaling that he can come in, Kou let himself in as he eyed his older brother hiding under the sheets
"Do you two want me to give you so space?"
"No" Both Teru and Kou answered at the same time making both go silent, you sighed heavily as you sat down on Teru's swivel chair "I hope you both know that both of you were in the wrong.." Teru sat down on his bed as Kou looked down
"We know.. And Teru-nee.. I'm sorry"
"No Kou, I should be the one who's sorry.."
Without them noticing, you slipped away from the room and quietly closed the door. This conversation needs to be between them and only them, you can't just sit there and akwardly watch them apologize to each other
What seemed like minutes you left his room, Kou finally got Teru to come out and have fun with everyone else
"Well, done sulking I assume president?" Akane jokingly said but Teru zapped him "Teru"
"Oh dear, I didn't see you there [F/N]" He laughed a little as you sighed
Everyone was having a blast having fun, Heck you guys even had a barbecue that wasn't even planned to bring him down
"[F/N], Can you come with me for a moment?" You were about to bite into one of Kous delicious barbecue but stopped "Sure Teru" You got up and walked up to him, He held ypur hand as he brought to a part of his house where no one can hear or see them
"Woah hey what are we doing here?" Teru hugged you and kissed your cheek "Thank you for cheering me up and helping me talk with Kou again.. After we came back from the near shore it has been akward between us.." You ruffled his hair "Of course love.. I hate to see my two favorite brothers fighting you know" You flicked his forehead making him whimper in pain "Next time, be careful with your words or I'll cut that tongue of yours"
He chuckled "Wooww.. Scary.." He held your face up to him with his hand as he stared at your pretty [E/C] Eyes
As if time had stopped, all the background noise became muffled and the only thing that was moving was the both of you
"I love you.. [F/N]"
"I love you too Teru" You giggled as leaned in to get a taste of your sweet soft lips
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HELLO I'M RLLY RLLY SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO DO YOUR REQUEST, I was unmotivated and not feeling myself for days making it difficult for me to do requests 😭
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placeinthisworld · 4 months
i am relating to SO much of what im reading on ur blog rn. do not get me wrong - i LOVE ttpd and love taylor. it's kind of one of those things that's like "always have, always will." im always going to be so grateful for her work and this community, and as i said - i AM loving the music rn!
BUT. she feels different, and feels so far away. i know we are not owed her time or attention, but when you've built your entire brand on fan connection and being "different" than any other celebrity in that regards, it's going to feel off and unexpected when it suddenly stops with no explanation. most of her little interaction is on tiktok, which is half the time not with actual fans, but rather anyone who uses her song in the background (which a lot of times is influencers!) ppl say "yeah but now she does so much more for us" .... yeah... so many new THINGS to buy.
i also think she's at a place where she KNOWS she is on top of the world rn (good for her!) but it has come with a complex - she knows now she doesnt NEED to be close with her fans, doesnt NEED to use her platform for good, doesnt NEED to take constructive criticism - because the gp likes her enough to where she doesn't even need a strong centralized fanbase. as of rn, no opposition can make a dent in her fame or income and she knows it. and it feels icky, and honestly makes her feel less human (which is interesting, because the ttpd is imo some of the most raw humanlike work)
the new social circle is off too. i dont hate travis, and i was happy for her, but have come to like him less and less since realizing he's a bit sleazy and is kind of only liberal for pay. he's publicly made r*pe jokes and xenophobic comments in the past couple years (NOT from 15 year old tweets! recent!) his dad is also super transphobic and mahomes brother is a charged SAer yet taylor gallavants w both of them. travis just seems like an oaf and while im glad she had something more easy and fun, it's telling that there's been a lack of backlash towards him when he's exhibited the same behavior as matty and the only things taylor could write ab him were sports and high school references. i hate to even touch on her personal life like this but god forbid this is a forever thing :/ omg this is a lot but yeah im glad we're having this convo
yup!! bestie your feelings are so valid and i feel very very similarly about everything!!
she knows she doesn’t need to appeal to a niche audience of tween girls anymore. she knows she’s beyond that. fate worked its magic and now she’s america’s it girl without any of drama of having to censor her work. and while yes i’m very proud and happy for her, you’re exactly right, she’s more than happy to continue to push things for us to buy in order to feel close to her. she’s already established a group of life long fans by those who she’s interacted with, invited to things, sent money too etc. so she really doesn’t have to do anything else besides make more music and have the world speculate about her personal life. at the end of the day she just feels sooooo disconnected to us now, compared to how we used to have it at least.
ugh i knew icky meathead was sleazy without even needing taylor to bring him into the limelight but now everyone and their mom is obsessed and up his ass too. EVEN with all those gross things about him (we all saw the recent commencement speech excuse 🤢) he’s definitely democratic for pay. i definitely don’t think he’s gonna stick around forever, either he’ll fuck up and get caught w another girl or she’ll get bored of his ass (speculating that this is a legit relationship and not PR at least lol) she’s a girl that needs a new boy every now and then i fear.
generally i’m just disappointed in her now in a lot of aspects. but completely disconnecting from the world, acting like a whole ass genocide is not actively happening, only ever promoting of talking about herself or her own work just seems so bland and selfish. she’s mentioned voting like what, twice this year? in generic ghost written sentences on an IG story?
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ophernelia · 1 year
THIS IS A LONG ASK BUT ITS NICE SO PLEASE DONT BLOCK ME!! Im too scared to come off anon but i wanted to say that i followed you since you were peachmilktea with 200 followers and i am like weirdly proud of how far you’ve grown. I know i don’t know you and thats the weird part but I remember when you started posting about lykaia and would only get a few likes (me being one of them 💀) and its really nice to see how far you’ve come now in just a few months. I struggle with depression and watching lykaia has helped me feel better and gave me some comfort. and i wont say copy because its not copying but Ive the influence i guess you’re had with some other creators and not in like a mean way but I just think that its cool. i saw ashleyplays post about you on twitter and it was nice to see my two favorite creators talk about inspiring each other. its made me want to try different stuff out in my own game and especially with reshade I hadn’t tried it before you mentioned how easy it is to make presets. Every interaction ive had with you has always been really nice so I just wanted to tell you I appreciate you and your content. And I hope you post a new build soon too!! xx
Oh my goodness! This has me bawling so if there’s some typos that autocorrect can’t fix, know that’s why. First off, the way I wanna know who you are soooooo bad! But I’ll respect your anonymity lol. If you’ve been here since peachmlktea then you were a day one for sure! That was like August of last year lol. And as someone who also deals with depression, I am so so so glad and happy Lykaia provides you with even an ounce of comfort. The whole reason I even make the show is because it helps me cope, so I’m so glad that it helps you out too.
And the influence thing.. eh I won’t touch on that at all. I’m a quick learner lol. I won’t miss the mark again. So, I won’t take credit for that. I couldn’t anyway. This community is filled to the brim with talented and creative people. Always has been prior to me jumping into content creation and will always continue to do so. EA gave us the bones of this game and everyone just said “Bet. Watch what I do with it”. But yeah that interaction with her was amazing! Its always nice when people whose work you admire tell you they admire yours. She’s lovely! I have nothing but respect for her and her craft. My personal stuff aside, a lot of creators in the community have been really cool like that. The creators hype each other up pretty often. We bicker like siblings every 3 business days, but we’re good for acknowledging each other too lol. And yesss! I’m a reshade girly fr now. It makes the game feel new every time you use/make a new preset. It’s a fun program to play around with.
But I am so grateful and thankful to you! This was one of the sweetest messages I’ve ever received. You absolutely made my day with this. And if you ever feel comfy coming off anon, message me privately!
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stormyoceans · 7 months
So since you were a major influence for me to go watch vice versa after last twilight I thought its my duty to let you know that I now finished it and you WERE RIGHT
Also may I add the moment I completely lost it:
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scene of all scenes. What a confession. What a love story. They're EVERYTHING to me. I can't believe more people are gushing over it what's up with that?!?!
I even watched our sky right after cause I didn't want to let them go and they had a CHILD. GIVE THEM A CHILD I DARE YOU 😭😭😭
Anyway. Yeah thanks for counterbalancing all the people who said vv isn't a good show like WHAT WERE YOU GUYS WATCHING?!
it just makes me sooooo happy to see that people are still willing to give vice versa a chance after all this time!!!!!! and to know that i had even the smallest part in making you decide to watch it?????? NOT TO BE DRAMATIC BUT THERE ARE NO WORDS TO PROPERLY EXPRESS HOW THIS MAKES ME FEEL 🥺 AND IM SO GLAD YOU ENDED UP LIKING IT SO MUCH TOO!!!!!!!!!
im honestly never going to stop being vocal about how much i love this show because 1) it brings me so much joy and comfort i just want to share these feelings with everyone, and 2) IT'S AN AMAZING WONDERFULLY WRITTEN SHOW AND PUENTALAY INVENTED PARALLELISM ROMANTICISM SOULMATISM TRUE LOVISM!!!!!!!!
like i know the show has a lot of product placements (which anyway i think they did a wonderful job to integrate in the narrative and there are only very few of them i would actually do without), but they put so much care and thought and details in the story they wanted to tell!!!!! there's a reason i always say that this show HAS TO be rewatched at least once, and that's because you're gonna notice so many things that you didn't the first time around!!!!! and like the cinematography, the production, and the coloring are spectacular, the characters are all so lovable, AND DON'T EVEN LET ME START ON PUENTALAY LIKE YOU'RE SO RIGHT NO ONE COMPARES TO THEIR LEVELS OF TENDERNESS DEVOTION COMMUNICATION DOMESTICITY LONGING ADORATION CARE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!
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lunicho · 5 months
i’m glad you’re doing alright!! college is very hard😓 but it is cool to try, so i hope it’ll be easy on you but you will also have success in keeping up with assignments and such, it can be very overwhelming but just be gentle with urself of course and i’m sure you will do great!!
i’m also glad to hear you have more motivation for writing! i look forward to reading more of what you put out, and especially the a-z series! i liked how u portrayed fuma but also, u can headcanon anyone however u want because we know it doesn’t have to be entirely accurate!! i’m sure other people will enjoy it and/or share their thoughts with u and inspire like, other ideas or whatever idrk what i’m saying but just that like this whole fic community seems to be based off sharing ideas and thoughts about how idols would be, either in regards to relationships, sex, etc and it is all speculation of course!! i think i’m over explaining this… anyways.. i hope u won’t stress too much<333 and i look forward to reading more! and also wish u the most luck with college you’ve got this!!
- 🍑 anon
yess i've been struggling with school since the beginning of the year cuz honestly its been rough overall with me adjusting to new things in my life and stuff like that but im hoping to do well this time around!
ur so right bby tysm for ur words. this is really what i needed to hear, the part about me being able to write them however i please is so so important and i need to remind myself of that. i don't need to search for accuracy cuz at the end of the day idk them personally and this is supposed to be all for fun anyways! thank you for being so so kind <3
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novembermorgon · 5 months
Hello op tis me again!! Apologies for taking [checks notes] 84 years to get back to you I have had A Week. However!!! Cayn and Ysabel continue to live rent free <3 like I'm just so obsessed with how gothic they are which is like. My favorite thing tbh. Part of me is gratified bc everything you said I kept nodding and going yeah I thought so, because your art was so *clear* the vibes were just. So easy to read (in the best way). I THOUGHT the ring was a match with Aegon's and also rip the rat tail long live the rat tail. I have to say Ysabel haunts me but Cayn scratches an Itch. Like. U feel me? Cayn belongs squarely in Hannibal NBC with his palatable person suit that is doing very little to distract *him* from the fact that he's about to eat someone whole and raw and it's probably going to be someone he loves before he moves on to someone he hates. Maybe it'll even be the same person. Who knows!! There's this tragedy to them both but Cayn is almost trying to tell himself he can Change it and Control the way the tragedy will fall (and getting humbled bad lmao) while Ysabel is like. Carrion carted away by the waves. Never stood a chance and at some point she stopped fighting very hard. Also I feel like. There's this Deep Intimacy yet Huge Emotional Distance between Aemond and Ysabel where neither knows how to communicate or really Approach someone so instead they have to consume maim kill leave a mark. I cannot touch you except to hurt you ect. And her obsession with him is in and of itself so haunted bc it's like she wants to Eat Him but she Doesn't but that way she can Control It but. And we stay at that but. While with Aegon and Cayn it's like yes I do like you. I fear writing the stronger word. Instead I will eat you whole and you will remember me by the imprint of my teeth on your side and I will remember you by the way I bloat with desire for you and choke on your blood <3 and it's like wooow. Wooow. Love it. Obsessed with it. As you can tell I do not like them normal. Do u know what happens to them at the end of the war? I can't imagine Ysabel ending up any better than Helaena. But also. I gotta say. Big fan of tragic siblings I am—I have So Many Feelings about these two relating to each other qnd hoe The Love Was Apparently There and it Didn't Change Anything. Too many feelings to put it too words. After all that word vomit (thank u if you read the whole way through) I wish to tell you that u have inspired me to make my Bolton oc more weird and unsettling and haunted. My disgraced Lenora and her legion of skinned animals and skulls <3 My Shadowskin Lady. I want her to be such a Freak while also being so tragic and doomed to being nothing but a third wife <3 but anyway!! I have stolen enough of your time and wish you good luck with your commissions!! Thank uu for replying to me and I look forward to future works on these doomed suckers 😌
under the cut because this got long ..
it did make me sit and stare and giggle a little bit because its true you were very on the mark with them . i do think part of the charm with the boltons Is their inability to be anything but very un-subtly gothic and weird and strange . you look at them and you can immediately clock what's going on here .
and its very true… ill be so real and genuine i STILL havent watched hannibal the whole way through but ive absorbed the vibe enough through many years of being a gay person online to where yeah definitely this guy has some hannibal in him . that bit of restraint in really really trying to put yourself in a square that slowly but surely begins to crack under the weight of at the core needing to feed the urge to hurt something . believes himself to be strong enough to keep it away but ultimately the same fate waits each time …… similarly to ysabel . they both end up in the same place of hurt inflicted on others and in turn on themselves but while cayn fights against it and tries to rise above it ysabel leans into it and accepts it regardless of how much it scares her because she's always been taught to lay down and take whatever comes her way as a polite nice lady that doesn't fight and doesn't say no .
i do like to spin their relationships around in my mind . both separately and between each other . with ysabel i feel like her most intimate moments Are when she gets to be a little unhinged ie biting and chewing on someone etc because its very raw . so entirely separate from anything she knows and anything that's expected of her and so desperate and pleading that it gets very real . whereas cayn for a long time sees that violence as a failure to himself and in turn prefers to sit down and have a polite conversation and only thinks of how it would be to reach across the table and strangle a man . ultimately though that violence is inherent to him i like to think he wants to feel in control of it . wants to have the upper hand no matter what and doesnt like when it becomes an urge that just drives you without thought or reason . ysabel starving animal who cant help it vs cayn predator on a calculated hunt etc in the end theyre both very much formed by being raised by a dad who was so much worse . united in misery and a root of violence and hate and death that was planted in them from the moment they were born . they both have it and they will never escape it because there was never a point where it wasnt there. as for endings ….
i'm a little conflicted on them both partially because i still need to iron out some war details etc but as a general frame of reference it ends aaaalmost the same as in canon beyond the fact that the greens win a little more vividly . well . as much as you can 'win' a terrible tragic war with your own family . in the end jaehaera + aegon + alicent + cayn + ysabel and her kids are alive . aegon iii and viserys ii hang around too like in canon . i imagine errhhmmmm… (taps my noggin) aegon remarries . ive been fond of cassandra baratheon stepmom to jaehaera lately . well.. king's landing politics ensue . everyone is sort of miserable . i swear that i'll get to figuring it all out one day . i swear!!!!
most relevant to court i guess would be ysabel since i imagine she remains in the red keep for most of the war and after it . mentioned somewhere i think but she has two kids - a daughter (aelora) and a son (baelor) both of which make it through the war - but baelor is weak and sickly kind of partially because ysabel is basically left half-bedbound after her second pregnancy that probably shouldn't have happened in the first place . … he dies of illness pretty young which sends ysabel spiraling even worse than she already was post war . girls who have their bodies irreversibly ruined and torn apart to where they can barely function anymore in the hopes of having a son - giving a little boy to a husband who is bound to die at war and having your son follow closely behind and having it all be for nothing . i think she grows to resent her daughter silently for being a girl (westerosi misogyny so deeply seated even in its women) and i don't think they ever really grow all that close . sits and rots in her chambers or in the gardens and dreams about her dead son and her dead husband instead of looking to the family she has that are still there .
i think she's kind of disconnected from court just based on the fact she's entirely too hurt physically and mentally to really even be able to contribute much . she's allowed to sit in her misery because she's family to the targs atp but it's a little rough . in a little twist of weird connections i think she would get along with aegon iii pretty well in the sense that they're both horrendously miserable and she projects some sort of son onto him. sits and reads with him and talks about whatever kids talk about and acts like nothing is wrong for a few hours
i played with the idea of her eventually joining the silent sisters as a sort of final frontier of guilt and shame and horror at what her life becomes but i don't think she would even have the drive to do that much at the end of the war LOL
and cayn …
this one is trickier because he's …. … ……..? i dont know. i think its tough to find a real direction for him in my mind and i cant figure out why . but i think i got it.. more context first > their dad dies during the war, i imagine somewhere around rook's rest after the north is openly split apart or a bit later on when they actually try to go against the starks directly, and in my mind it kind of leaves cayn in (similarly to ysabel) in a state of being trapped in the past in a place he can never return to . their dad represents everything cayn believes he should be and all he should live up to and all his house and family stand for and seeing him die really does get to him . not to mention he also gets hurt pretty bad - just that chunk of harm that comes with war and what it'll do to a man. forever stuck on some field of battle far away and the world keeps spinning but you never quite spin along with it . dons his dad's armor and now suddenly he's saddled with the weight of responsibility and duty and all their family's pain both literally and metaphorically . kind of resembles the bolton skinchanging theories if you really get insane about it ie you take on a man's skin (his weird flesh armor) and now you're just as much him as you are yourself etc
i imagine he returns to king's landing for a while after they've duked it out with the starks for a bit and the north cools off a little . comes back and he's hurt and aegon is hurt and barely conscious half the time and his facade probably drops pretty harshly . spends some time taking care of aegon and doing what he's told and dreams about the fact that there has to be a purpose and a meaning to fighting a war . goes against what he used to want (restraint) and drives himself to violence and hate because if he doesn't then he'll sit down and think and realize that his dad died for nothing and theyve been fighting stupid battles for a cause that he doesn't really care about . rabid guard dog off the leash with no true goal he wants for and no true cause he believes in .
by the time the war ends and aegon remarries i imagine he leaves court because admittedly he would actually seethe a little bit seeing aegon married again . with helaena it was okay because i think he recognizes neither of them chose that and neither of them (from my perspective) really love the other in any romantic sense but when it's an active choice he gets really really upset . silently of course . <3 the gay yearning catches up with him and he faces the fact aegon is barely a person anymore and he has no place at court in turn . goes home to the north and with the greens sort-of-winning he's given winterfell and titles and they settle into some kind of peace for a little while. he marries a karstark girl because it's what his father had intended for him and they're about as unhappy as you can get in a relationship. maybe they have a son in time but more than likely not. i think while everything kind of holds up for a while there are a lot of issues here that don't seem to ever really get resolved properly - lots of unhappy lords and lots of bastard siblings who think they know better and lots of rumors and disagreements and a steady swirling pot of disaster boiling under the surface. i can imagine he goes off to fight off some rebellion after a good few years and ends up dead . maybe for the best .
i dont know if ysabel even really processes it . i think if she wasnt already so unresponsive she WOULD just step out a window
in another reality that im going to manifest in my mind space cayn stays in king's landing after the war and has someone else manage the north . sticks around and tries to ignore the fact that he's jealous and angry and feels no satisfaction or ease even when they've won and the war is over . sticks around and has a toxic evil homosexual relationship with the king that grows strained when he has a new wife and a kingdom to run properly this time and they settle into a horribly tense unbearable distance that's broken only when cayn steps up and poisons him or just chokes him out or something and proceeds to kill himself ala your first gay situationship where dying feels like a good alternative to having to process the fact that you cant really be together . hope you understand . either way the boltons (well . the ones that are relevant in this case there are always cousins and second cousins etc in asoiaf to pick up the slack) fizzle out and end up miserable or dead even after the promise of power and status is fulfilled . don't aim too high or you'll have that much further to fall if you will a whole lot of nonsense being put out here but i hope you enjoy whatever's cooking …. really really appreciate the interest and im glad to provide whatever u might be wondering about + more ramblings… would LOVE to see more freakish bolton ocs also . there is nothing like a horrible house that raises horrible people who reek of tragedy and terror and a doomed narrative and SO many chances to make something so fun please tell me more !
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Less moody about it cause - actually no equally moody but less bothered by it if that makes sense - but as much as I am glad to be working through the gender stuff with the system, or rather for the system until now, finding out just how deep this rabbit hole of misery goes fucking sucks and is literally draining as shit.
I think I'm getting fatigued cause I've been bearing it on my own for what, like three years? Solely to give Riku the time to focus and catch up on healing sexual trauma (which I've been responsible for monitoring and guiding them through) and so that Ray - who is our stability backbone - didn't have to endure or risk his stability for longer than needed when little could be done (cite Riku's sexual trauma being a blocking point for any genuine deep thought on gender at the time)
Like, in hindsight, and Riku pointed this out the other day, but in a polyfragmented system that is majorily transmasc, I'm the only part that has actively stayed focus on this and have kept a very intense tab and focus on it while juggling being the ferryman for Riku's sexual trauma recovery, the advocate for EPs for like a year and a half of that time, and the Persecutor Breaking-In Guy like
It's totally fair for me to "start getting burnt out" and if anything its really impressive that I am only NOW getting burnt out being the only one dealing with a topic that regularly makes me suicidal (not active but not passive either, a secret third thing - active but absolutely not doing it)
And honestly though, having dealt with that and been the ferryman through trauma processing of CSA shit for like 3 years and forcing persecutors to communicate their trauma and issues effecticely to help them, I REALLY don't get why anyone would think someone would CHOOSE to be trans or that it is anything but a group of people just trying to live life with a fucking shitty hand
Like I'm sure others would disagree, but as someone with a lot of trauma thats carried less experienced trauma holders through living inspite of what happened to them, dysphoria is literally the only mental / psychological / physical means of suffering that has ever had me **depressed properly** rather than any form of depression or hurt that immediately turns into a burning fire and rage of some sort
Literally raising myself, being a trained dog, regularly handing my dad his own ass on a plate in fights, dealing with an oppressive DID system, fucking America existing, first hand and second hand shit with sexual trauma, betrayal from the person who was supposedly our "only support" - literally dysphoria is the top dog of a beast I have ever had to push through
And the fact that some people minimize how much people with dysphoria could be struggling? It just blows me the fuck away
If you gave me the option to solve our dysphoria and all its complications in a snap or resolve our trauma and all its complications in a snap I would rapidly click dysphoria without hesitation and without consulting the system
Cause at this point I am the Trauma King. I'm the best at handling it and Im (at least one of) the best at dragging parts through Trauma Coping 101. And I'm also the dysphoria king, and as it is such a hypothetical situation would fall into my domain to make decisions on since I have the largest breath and experience with both
And it would be such an easy decision I kid you not.
But anyways, this is equally for the trauma / DID community as it is for the trans community. And for the transfolk out there, good god know your misery is valid and you arent being dramatic or asking for too much to have people respect you and make small changes to make your suffering slightly less
It shouldn't be needed, but if you need a socially normalized right to validate your hurt and need for aid, this post stands here as verification as a survivor of a shit ton of traumas that the suffering is absolutely, at the very least, comparable. If people can understand how bad it is to have to deal with PTSD let alone the shit thay gives you DID (diagnosed), there is at least one person out there that says dysphoria is more unbearable.
So what with all the American stages of transgenocide going on especially in America, I just wanted to let you know that they are the fucking atrocious people and whatever garbage transphobes say that might make you question your "choice" throw it in the fucking garbage.
Being trans isnt easy and wouldnt be anyones choice with how bullshit it can be
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lesbian-gnf-archive · 2 years
(im lurker anon but im going to assign myself an emoji now)
THOSE PICTURES ARE SOOOO TELLING like tone it down boy. i havent stopped to watched any of their streams (i was a huge fan of minecraft when i was a kid but i havent played in ages and im not too interested in gaming) but they seem soooo sweet together :] i see their clips around here a lot and its always very nice! might watch some of their streams when i have the time
its so weird to know how people were mean to dream when he came out because it cant get any more vile than that. sexuality is a very personal thing and i think everybody should have their freedom to explore it in whichever way they feel most comfortable. being under the public eye at all times must make the experience so much harder :/ but glad hes feeling comfortable with his community to share his experiences and explore his queerness!! thats really really nice and im happy for him
also pls pls tell the rose quartz elephant story im so curious about it - 🌼
Hello hello hello!! Ur right he's always been uhmmm Like That like the fact that he looks the same when talking to him before and after seeing his face and it's always been so full of love and warmth and ohhhhh he loves that boy to death.
They are the sweetest, they have been friends together since 2016 and Dream said that he was 19 and cocky and studied the YouTube algorithm so he went to George who just finished college with a computer science degree and said "I'm going to blow up, come with me" and now three/four years later Dream has 31 million subscribers and George has 10 million and they live together and also with their other best friend Sapnap (who Dream met when he was 13 and Sapnap was 11 on a hunger games server, Sapnap said "type 123 for Skype team" and Dream responded "123" and they've been best friends since and call each other brother even if not through blood, they're very sweet and I love them). And they're dating and they're in love and they've made it and I'm so proud of them.
I strongly recommend watching their streams if u ever have the time!! And honestly I'd even recommend Dream's manhunt videos, they changed Minecraft YouTube community to what it is today and Dream edits them to be very cinematic and to tell a story. You don't really have to like or know anything abt Minecraft to enjoy them, they're just overall really fun and cool (the last one was February 2022 it's also one of my faves).
And yeah, Dream has always suffered a lot online because he was faceless for most of his career so it was easy for antis to be cruel bc they couldn't associate him as a person. And when he face revealed it had already been 3 years of dehumanizing him that it just kind of happened, he's somehow become the internet's scapegoat and my heart breaks for him. But thankfully he doesn't care that much and he's living his best life now that he can go outside for the first time in 3 years and enjoy life and experience it all again and this time with his boyfriend and brother
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faaarawayyy · 1 year
16. interesting ass question
“if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?”
oh wow. yeah this is VERY interesting hmmm….. im gonna take this three different ways. also im gonna get deep into this rn so
if i had grown up in a different family- which, for everyones perspective, i have a mom and a dad (who is chronically ill/disabled) and a year-younger brother who i live with. my mom is mexican, dad is american, so my brother and i are mexican-american. i think if i lived without any of these people there would already be an immediate difference. with only my dad and brother id probably be tougher, but not as happy. with only my mom and brother id be a bit more… not-tough? i guess? its hard to say whether i would be more content or less content than i am now. without my brother it is very easy to say i would be a very different, likely more unhappy person. turn my family into bigots and either which way that would be the same outcome, unhappy and feeling unsafe… yk, im queer, and i think i would be in any life. there is more of my family to take into account (grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins, etc) and things probably would change about me if they were different too, but theres so many different possibilities with that. i will say there is one specific younger cousin i have so much hope for- i love her dearly and care about her with all i have. our closeness is only separated by the fact we arent siblings, i think. i’m the oldest (non-step) cousin in my family, so there’s a lot that everyone looks up to me for. not having any of them, especially the one i just talked about, would be so… strange, i think. like a missing piece.
if i had grown up in a different irl community, then damn, theres so many possibilities about that too. different city, different state, different country, different views, different ideologies, so so so many things could be so different. i am glad i grew up where i did/am growing up where i am, though. i know amazing and awful people alike and i think thats just… what community is. you will know people you love and you will know people you hate. thats just the nature of people i think. i would not change it though. shoutout to you and my other irl friends on this site <33
and god, if id grown up in a different online community… lets say i never ever stumbled into wof amino (shudders), and things would be so, so, so different in ways i cant even describe. being present online taught me about so many things, mostly about all the many different kinds of people that live and breathe and love on this earth just like me. i was introduced to the queer community, the neurodivergent community, the furry community, three that i identify with so strongly, and countless other peoples, like disabled communities i never wouldve known about otherwise. its crazy to think how much knowledge the online community gave me. despite the bad experiences and the trauma and the hurt ive faced here, too, i cant say anything other than that i love it. its a big part of what shaped me into what i am today. it introduced me to some of my closest friends, my found family (hugest shoutout in the world to freak bin, you guys are my everything) who i consider a wonderful extension on top of who i already have, my biggest inspirations and idols, it helped me find my footing in becoming an artist, a writer, someday an animator, and it helped me discover who i am- this funky queer, neurodivergent girlthing that i am which i had been unable to even fathom or explain to my own self for so long- and for that i have so much love.
i love what i grew up with and all the amazing people with me. i really would be very different without it all.
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codeform · 1 year
I just saw your posts about gender for that Clu person, and based on their responses, I think this is someone who is dealing with a lot of uncertainty and they were hoping for a certain answer for their question. Maybe not a permanent one, but a springboard or starting point. They are probably looking for a starting point that's a little more specific than 'whatever u want' because I think they might've said (or suggested) they aren't sure what they want.
Your answers are correct, of course, but speaking from personal experience on other topics, it can be frustrating asking for a simple yet specific answer (in this case, that would be an answer like 'cis male' or 'transfem') and getting only broad generalities. Might I suggest supplying them with some terms that seem to be a pretty close fit to what they described? You wouldn't be labeling them, you'd just be giving them some things to Google so they can see if it fits them. A place to start their gender identity journey from (because some people do feel more secure when they have that 'label' and this person might be one of those. And that's completely okay if they need that.)
Hope this helps you and them!
i Absolutely agree w u anon! but (and i am speaking as sm1 whose early exploration was almost entirely based off of discussions w highschool friends— all 2nd hand information. which is its own can of worms hsdfjkjs) i do think its important to like. do that initial footwork yourself?
bc (n im glad u agree!) there is just no neat answer!! esp not w nonbinary genders!! I (a man who has a very weird gender itself) am still constantly learning!! and i did edit one of my rbs but idk if Hal saw, but i think a very good place to start is less "what is upsetting me abt my gender" but rather "what is making me happy" — this is just generally a less painful jumping-off point too, bc its usually easier to work through when you're confused (its a lot to unpack upset/pain/confusion at the SAME TIME!!! not fun)
i will stick by honestly wikipedia as a genuinely useful surface level resource. install shinigami eyes so u dont wind up on transphobic sites and it has a solid rundown of both your "basic" terms and the history of the community, especially bc it is very hard if impossible to get an answer when youre asking sm1 else "heres what i feel now what am i." skhsdhf
and no hate!!! genuinely!!! thats a very easy place to wind up in, where u just WANT a clear-cut answer from sm1 else, but like i said b4: nobody knows you better than YOU!! i think theres like. this idea that we all just Knew and the truth is no, i promise we did not. we have all googled "nonbinary definition" "demigender definition" "neopronouns definition" i went thru 2 whole entire genders b4 i settled on Man and MORE AFTER THAT before settling on Man But Weird
AND ALSO. i am open to questions!!!!!!! but i am A WEIRD DUDE W AUTISM AND I AM NOT BUILT FOR MAKING SENSE!!!!! i promise i AM trying!!! and will continue to try!!! but it is abt to be June and pride is this month and wholeheartedly go to your local pride events if you are confused!!!!!! take to queer ppl who are both prepared to answer questions AND can provide much more relevant, local(!!!) resources — and talk to queer elders!!!! meet the coolest people in the world forever!!!!
but yea to circle back 2 th point i was like. Trying to make. doing that initial footwork yrself is the easiest i think bc you know you. i promise even tho it seems daunting it WILL ultimately be less confusing than trying 2 play 2nd hand telephone even if yr playing w friends (like i did. not ideal — wasnt safe for me to research myself but still Not Ideal)
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cdmodule · 2 years
(OSC ask meme - IK I PICKED A BUNCH feel free not to answer all of them!!) 2, 3, 7, 13, 14, 16, 22, 36, 38, 39, 40
NO IM SO GLAD I LOVE ANSWERING SHIT I will put this under read more tho From this post
2 - Least favourite show? Already answered! (Its object terror) 3 - Underrated show? LEGENDARY ADVENTURES FOREVER ^^ Short so far, but REALLY funny stuff in that show. Some of the jokes can fall a Little Flat to me but its never anything bad LOL. GOT SOME RLY FUN CHARACTERS TOO If u have a bit of time to watch an object show Id say watch this one. Partially cuz of my Next Point (Honorable mention: ACTOE) 7 - Underrated character? Snowy LAF <3 I feel like a lotta ppl I know would like this guy. I tend to be Biased towards short high pitched voice Guys anyway (also hes gay. Like canonically. Just wanted to mention this cuz Its a Win For Me) 13 - How many characters do you think should be in an object show ideally? Something between 10 and 20 usually seems Fine to me. Anything above that kinda Crunches my brain unless Its a case like BFDI where its More Over Time Over Years but thats . Really just an exception to the rule TBH 14 - What do you care about most in an object show? Simple Answer probably but I wanna be able to tell that ppl are just Having fun and putting passion into their shows. Everything else I can Give Or take. Object shows are really just passion projects between very few ppl and should be treated as such I feel like memorable character designs could be pretty important too, this can be Tricky sometimes cuz No One Owes An Object but theres many ways to make em stick out from another Same object 16 - A show/character you love that everyone else hates? HFGHHHHH SPANGE . SPONGY. HE IS MY BABYGIRL. I would f/o him If I didnt already have two f/os. Both the show and fanbase treat him SO bad for no good reason (Him being mean after everyone bullied him is justified imo). Like Its gotten to a point where I hold back from talking abt him in servers cuz Im afraid of ppl making Annoying Uncalled for rude jokes or "well he sucks" kinda comments (yes this has happened before god fucking help me). I could go More into this but maybe thats for its Own post. Only maybe though 22 - What character has the best design?
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Just two designs I quite Like cuz I cant think of other ones rn Mace the Merciless (Paper puppets take 2) cuz Im gay Love Lock (The Almost Valentinesly Object Show) cuz Im Gay AND I like the little lock mouth :) Also honorable mention: Loser <3 36 - Favourite scene? I could use one with one of my faves/fave ships but thats TOO EASY . So Ill mention the pin and coiny Pep Talk scene in bfb 6 cuz It makes me EMOTIONALLLL theyre the sweetest ever. Im sure theres other ones I like a Lot but this one just sticks with me the most 38 - Favourite rarepair? LEAFPIEEEE Leafy and Pie is a complete Crack Ship AND ALSO SNOWFRIES but both work GREAT imo. I brainrot abt these occasionally ESP SNOWBALL AND FRIES I was suprised that no one before me and nate (and sal hi sal) thought of this ship Leafy and Pie complete each other Very Well. Snowball and Fries make good Old Man Yaoi Also technically WinnerLoser is a rarepair cuz most ppl hc them as enemies or siblings LOL 39 - Favourite villain/antagonist? Four cuz I need them carnally etc (Ignoring post split cuz Its so lame how everyone just forgave him NO GET HIS ASS!!! HE SUCKS!!!!! THATS THE WHOLE APPEAL!!!!!!!!!!) I dont have time or energy to go Deeper into the Four Appeal but u can probably guess. Hes fun <3 40 - Overall thoughts on the community? I'm too old for this
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
hi my sweet baby!! my heart literally broke for yn when i read the recent chap :(( the way she views herself right now makes me so sad like i can’t even describe it, i just want her to be okay :( as much as i love seeing hoon rant on his tumblr, these two just need to TALK omg like there’s so many things getting lost because of the lack of communication i just wanna lock them in a room to talk things out😭 and also the way riki and yn just sat there and cried together, im sure that brought back flashbacks of their past hardships bc they’ve been through so much like i would do anything for the nishimura siblings to be okay, i’ve developed an attachment to them i fear🥺
im feeling much better today!! started packing a little bit last night so i’m planning to get some more done today. i can finally leave the house so i might get myself a coffee or something later just to get some fresh air.
i hope you’re taking it easy my love, and hoping that there are only better days ahead for you💞 i know it’s easier said than done but although uni, work, and all of your other responsibilities are important, your overall health is the most important. you’ve been able to handle 100% of the challenges that were thrown at you, and i have no doubt in my mind that you’ll be able to get through this bump in the road. i love you so much and am sending you all my good vibes. you got this baby!!! love you tons🤍🎀 !!
- 💌
my angel baby, my penpal my love 🥺🥺🥺💗 firstly, as usual, thank you so so so much for always checking up on me and keeping me updated sbout yourself. i literally LOVE reading your asks and sometimes i dont get the notif and im like :/ where's my baby? and then i go to my inbox and i know its you from the very first line!!! i really appreciate you and treasure everything you send me 🥺💗
the thing about hoonyn, which is probably my least fave part of the E2L trope, is their lack of communication. like just fucking USE YOUR WORDS OH MY GOD ???? especially considering how important communication is to y/n like baby i love you but judt force him to talk to you bc having his face buried between your legs will not do good to either one of you on the long run 😭😭😭
the love the CH'nishimuras have received warmed my heart and im so happy we all love and appreciate them equally 🥺🥺
im so glad youre feeling better my sweet love, pls pls pls take it easy!!! youve been on the road so much im pretty sure your body's still recovering so dont worry about anything too much bc your health always comes first 🥺💗
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lunarsniperwifle · 10 months
Now for some Bloom Into You thoughts!!! Ill put it under a read more since its easy to hide lots of text that way & just in case anyone new is looking into the series they can avoid the read more spoilers. I loved it a lot :3
To no ones surprise now that i have all the manga i finished the main bloom into you story (so have the anthology manga and the 3 spin off light novels now!) Volume 3 & 7 got delivered today, i had the rest and read 1 & 2, and then 3 - 8 all got read today lol.
It was very cute!!! I can see why a lot of ppl treat it as a good "beginner" yuri/gl story for ppl to get into the genre with & a good "what if i like girls" story for self discovery. Very cute coming of age, dealing with finding out what kind of person you are, what love means to you, how your actions can accidentally impact others & make them upset in complex ways, why communicating is so important.
I really liked the change up of the play being a way for Yuu to push Touko into accepting who /she/ is rather than living on as her sisters replacement. It hurt so much seeing her bury her feelings for long, and have no one to talk to about it to process what shes feeling. Poor babygirl was suffering so bad, and couldnt tell anyone. Im glad Maki didnt beat around the bush at the batting cage, and that Saeki got the courage to confess and tell her definition of love which really helped Touko. Im excited to read her story in the light novels!! Im glad we get her perspective and eventually her love <3
And it had some side characters who are adults and gay which was really nice. I enjoyed the ending a lot too, it didn't just flat end at "we accept we love each other mutually" it went beyond that (was spicy but also got some time skip panels too, makes me excited for if the anthologies or LNs have any post ending stories and such). And the rings!!!!! I hope they werent just "cute ring" but like engagement rings of some sort. Ik touko didnt really care for labels, but it would be so cute if she was the one to propose and show yuu she does care and considers yuus feelings abt couply stuff. Also the "were girlfriends right" lil bit was adorable, and then shoving the parents out so they could be together in the house. And the dream of them being together (been there Yuu) and touko like validating that feeling of "of course well be together and live together in the future". Also Yuus sister internally clocking "my sisters gay' and being happy for her and supportive, such a good sister. So many gay lil happy thoughts.
Since the bluray was 50% off today got that on the way (i think the anime only ever got to like the 5th? Manga volume before ending from what i read? It was mentioned in one of the afterwords too) so thatll be exciting to watch too.
And then i can start the whisper me a love song once the extra bloom stuff is read! It seems cute, i mainly got it cause theres an anime adaptation coming soon and ppl were excited abt it so i figured why not read it and have the anime to look forward to!
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