#and i feel like he can sense merlin has a secret but what is it? and why wouldn't he tell him?
hyuckkaiji · 1 year
my love - ominis gaunt x f!reader
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summary; pt.2 to only mine. Ominis has loved you since the moment he met you. He found the universe cruel to give him such a love yet allow you to love his best friend. But now you're his, and he can never let you go. Not after all he did to get you in the first place. Ominis!pov up until the actual smut then it's kinda dual!pov pt.3: ominis , pt.3 sebastian
word count; 5.1k
warnings; 18+, explicit sexual content, dark themes, dubcon, porn with a plot, dark!ominis, sub/dom dynamics, mentions of cheating/infidelity, manipulation, obsessive behavior, controlling behavior, If I'm gonna be real with y'all ... yandere!ominis
note; in love with this man, need him to treat me like this. idc if he locks me up in his basement as long as I'm with him. maybe went a lil overboard. Second ever smut 🥴🫶 also ik I didn't specify but the spell he used locked her in the house so she couldn't run away 🤪
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The memory of meeting you is ingrained in Ominis' mind, every part of you is. The sound of your laugh, the smell of your hair, the feel of your skin against his. You are undoubtedly irrefutably the most beautiful creature to have ever walked this earth. He's known that since he was fifteen.
But you didn't love him back, much to his dismay. Although he could understand it. Who would love him? Not even his own family did. No, he didn't fault you for not loving him. He faulted you for loving Sebastian Sallow.
He would tell himself he understood, of course he understood. He loved Sebastian too, Sebastian was one of only three people he had ever loved. He understood it, he did not blame you, he understood it, he did, he swore he did. But he didn't, not really, and as time went on, his lack of understanding only furthered.
And he began to blame you, such an intelligent witch, and yet you continued to be fool when it came to Sebastian. You watched him make all the wrong decisions, for merlin's sake, aided him in those decisions. You not only stood by but stood with Sebastian as he delved deeper and deeper into the dark arts, all in hopes of saving Anne.
Constantly defending his decline into utter insanity, "If it were my sister..." But you didn't have siblings, Ominis did, and he would never do what Sebastian was doing. It wasn't right. When would you stop being such a fool? He told you and told you and told you some more how bad the dark arts truly are. But you always did favor ignoring his warnings.
Did you just not care about what he had to say? No, you cared, you told him you cared, and he knew you spoke truly, but you cared about Sebastian's happiness more. Even when he couldn't take it, even when he begged you to speak some sense into Sebastian, you defended your lover. "Would you not use the unforgivables to save a loved one?" For you he may, but he had pushed that thought away, doubling down, telling you under no circumstances would he ever.
His last straw was the killing curse, the bloody killing curse. There was no coming back from that. He could no longer stand by his friend, his brother, really. The only family he had, he couldn't stand by Sebastian when he wouldn't even stand by his own blood for using such heinous magic. He had expected you to side with him. You weren't that much of a fool. His heart broke when you didn't, Sebastian it was always Sebastian. You begged him not to tell, Sebastian had good reason for his actions. No one need know what he did.
According to you, Sebastian always had good reason, and you begged so prettily, the word please sounded so right coming from your lips. Until he remembered why you were saying, "please," why you were begging. But he agreed none the less, agreed to keep Sebastian's secret. But that was a lie, a lie he swore to take to his grave. Sebastian had gone too far.
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Ominis hadn't slept. In fact, he was on his fourth cup of coffee. Tea, tea, you had told him, with some of the other ladies, wives, of Feldcroft. But tea does not take all night. He had opened up a book when you left, opting to read until your return.
He had wanted to beg you to stay in with him, wanted to let his hands roam your bare skin, wanted to drop to his knees, and hike your leg over his shoulders then and there. But he is a gentleman. So he decided to wait until you got back home to satiate his desires, you wouldn't be long and he's not an animal, he could wait.
Waited he did, waited until the book began to bore him. Waited until the moon hid away, waited until the vibrant colors of dawn began to paint the sky. You were like this sometimes. He had learned to work around it. So, like the good husband he is, he waited. Other men would have demanded you stayed. Other men would have gone out and dragged you back home, beat you bloody perhaps. But he isn't like that he loves you and he'll work around your moods. You always come back to him any how.
He knows it's just one of your moods or moments as he calls them. Those times where you think you want to leave him, where you think you'd be able to. But you know and he knows, he's all you have and you'll come back. He'll wait until you feel better, but he'll not sleep without by his side.
So there he sat, swirling a fourth cup of coffee, with just a hint of milk and sugar. He didn't like it too sweet. The sun not yet fully in the sky when he hears you shuffling your way to the front door. Perhaps you thought he'd still be asleep. He did enjoy extra time in bed on his days off. Perhaps you thought you could climb into bed with him and pretend you hadn't been out contemplating running away, again.
You did that semi-often. He would pretend to be asleep, he would pretend not to notice you'd walked your night away, lost in that pretty head of yours. But he knew, he knows everything about you. It doesn't bother him the way you feel, not really. He would love it if you loved him back. Hell, he'd be over the moon about it, but it's not important. You can hate him, he doesn't really care, as long as you're his, your feelings don't really matter.
As long as you sleep by his side at night, as long as you have breakfast with him every morning, as long as you welcome him home with false kisses in the evenings, as long as you quiver when his cock enters you, he's perfectly happy letting you have your little day dreams about leaving.
Something about tonight had felt different, though. He had felt off. It was not long before dawn when he let his worries get the best of him, the sky more dark than light when he cast his spell. His intuition was right, it always was.
Sebastian Sallow was in Feldcroft. Ominis should have been more diligent with his wards, he knew he had been getting slack. It had been so many years now, he thought surely Sebastian would have moved on by now. But no, he supposes, had roles been reversed, he would not have moved on either. It's his own fault, he should have never slacked on his wards. He would need to remedy his mistake.
Perhaps you hadn't run into Sebastian, perhaps it had just been a normal walk for you. No, Ominis knows Sebastian, even after all these years, he knows him. He found his way to you, his perfect little wife. Gods help him if he has touched you in any way.
How to deal with this dilemma? Oblivate maybe. No he doesn't feel right casting such a spell on you, a good husband would never. He needs more information before-
"Husband." Merlin, how he loves hearing you say that. Yes, yes, he is your husband, you needn't ever speak his name again. Only call him husband, stake your claim on him, call him yours. Yes, your husband. Your good husband, your sweet husband.
"Wife." His voice is calm, he looks over in your direction. Wand in one hand, coffee in the other. "You did not sleep, darling." A statement. "You did not come home, I couldn't sleep without you." True.
"I-I-" You didn't continue, letting the awkward silence settle, thick and heavy. "Come sit, my love, I was worried when you did not come home, but as you said, this is Feldcroft, so I did not necessarily worry for your safety." A lie, normally true, but tonight had been different, "Do not take that the wrong way. I always worry for your safety, I only meant-"
"I know what you meant, husband." You tossed your coat over an armchair before sitting next to Ominis. He set his wand and coffee to the side on a small table, uncrossing his legs, patting his lap for you to rest your head. A common gesture, he enjoys the way your hair feels like woven silk between his fingers. You obeyed, such a good wife, his wife.
You wiggled a bit before finding a comfortable spot on his lap. He was still in the same outfit. Though he was only in his dark blue trousers and his white button-down shirt. "Where were you?" His fingers started their routine, your hair was knotted, more than usual. His fingers gently worked out the knots regardless.
"Walking, I'm sorry, I should have come home. Should have come back to you." Liar, his fingers twitched, wanting to grab you by your hair and force you to speak the truth. He knows where you were. He always knows where you are. Just as he always knows where Sebastian is.
It was one of his main reasons for becoming an auror. Of course, he enjoyed his job and enjoyed taking down dark wizards, scum of the earth. But his main reason was to keep Sebastian away from you, to keep you all to himself. You, you have been his reason for everything, his reason for living. His need for you is insatiable.
Before he met you, had Sebastian went down this dark path he might have mourned his friend, would have left his life but never betrayed him, never turned him in. But after you, you his sweet wife, his one true love. You're the reason Sebastian is on the run, this is really all your fault. If only you had loved him to begin with, he would have never needed to get rid of Sebastian.
Never needed to do all that he has done, for you, he did it all for you. Do not misunderstand, he regrets nothing but still it must be acknowledged, he is no betrayer by nature, he is only what you have made him.
"Speak the truth, y/n." He has no tolerance for liars, your falsities he could deal with but blatant lies, he could not. You shot up from his lap, moving to look in his face. Though his eyes could not see the worry etched into your features, he could feel it radiating off of you.
"Ominis." He perfers when you call him husband, but his name has never not sounded heavenly on your lips. "I speak the truth. Why do you accuse me otherwise?" Do you think him a fool? Blatant lies, by the gods, he never took you for a liar, yet here you are. He is a fool. He stands quickly, grabbing his wand.
"Ominis." You sound afraid, your voice coming out in a slight whimper. You've never sounded afraid of him before, something about it sends a jolt to his cock. You should sound afraid. He is a powerful wizard, after all, one of the most renowned aurors of your time. Him and his partner are responsible for putting almost half of the new prisoners in Azkaban, several he managed to capture on his own.
You should be afraid of him, you should respect him, you should love him. After all this fucking time and everything he has done for you, given for you, why don't you love him? Why is it still Sebastian. You would rather live a life on the run, a life of a criminal, than be with him?
He casts the spell while you still cower before him, one of his own creation. One, powerful witch you are, even you could not take down. "What...what was that?" Still whimpering, he'll give you a reason to whimper, a reason to beg.
Too long he has been the gentleman, the good auror, the perfect husband. Clearly, you crave something different than what he's been providing. "A spell."
"Cleary." You snap, fear gone, back again is his angry little wife. He loves you, anger and all, but dear, this not the time. His hand connects with your cheek, the sound of the slap vibrating in the silent house. He can smell the tinge of blood in the air, he must have broken your lip. He does not know his own strength, he should not have struck you so hard. No, you deserved this, he needs to teach you a lesson. He grips your face harshly, forcing you to look him in the eyes. He knows it's bothers you, makes you squirm to look a blind man in the eyes.
"You will not speak to me like that again. Unless you enjoy being struck?" You did not respond, at a loss for words he supposed. He's never been harsh with you, never even raised his voice at you. He can be a cruel man, truthfully he is a cruel man, just never to you. It's a side of him he has made sure you were never subject to.
He leaned down, until your noses were almost touching. He could feel your eyes scan his face, hear your short rapid breathes. Fear or anger? He wished you would speak. "Do you understand, wife?" He could barley hear you and he has superior hearing to most men, "yes."
"Yes, what?" He did not know what he wanted more, for you to anwser correctly or incorrectly so he could strike you again. Feeling you tremble beneath him, it was exhilarating. You need to understand how good you have it, need to understand all the leniency he gives you is a courtesy, one he will rescind unless you learn to behave like a proper wife, the wife he deserves.
"Yes husband." Such a good girl, his good little wife. He should be kind, he wants to be kind to you. But making you bleed, making you afraid has awoken some animal instinct in him, unchecked need.
He tilts his head letting his tongue dart out to swipe away the blood building at your lip, letting the metallic taste settle in his mouth. A part of you he is only tasting for the first time, a taste he wants more of. But he pulls back, he needs to control himself at least some what, at least until you beg him to continue.
He crouches before you, his hands against your knees, face tilted up towards yours. "My love, I know where you were." You shake your head, "I was walking, I just needed to breathe, needed to be away from the house for some time. I-" You let out a choked sob, fighting back your tears, he wants to comfort you, he hates when you cry, "I just wanted some time alone, sometime to feel like my own person. Not just Ominis Gaunt's wife."
His wife, his wife, his wife. Those words made his cock twitch, not the time. He stood and struck you again, this time you cried out, this time you brought your hands up to shield your face from another blow. His hand snaked into your hair, wrapping the loose strands in a fist, yanking your head back painfully.
"Speak the truth woman, unless you wish for me to forcefully extract the information." He was a master at such tactics, an empty threat when it came to you. He would never harm you in such a way, but you needed to believe he would.
"Ominis." Tears streamed down your face as you pleaded, but the way you said his name didn't have the intended affect on him. "Truth." Was his only response.
"I was with..." A hiccup, a sob, "Sebastian." The truth. Ominis released his harsh hold on you. Taking a seat next to you, pulling you into his chest, gentle hands stroking your head, rubbing your back as you continue to cry. "There, there my love. All I needed was the truth, if you had only been truthful to begin with." That only made you sob harder, but you did not pull away, instead burying your face deeper, holding his shirt tightly in balled fists.
When you finally calmed down, the only remnants of your break down being dried tear streaks and the occasional hiccup, Ominis held your face in his hands running a thumb over your busted lip softly. "I did not mean to hit you so hard, my love. I apologize."
"I-I can forgive you husband. Can you forgive me?" Did you mean it? Do you regret the night you spent with that fugitive? It doesn't matter, as long as you're in his arms, his wife, his love. "Tell me why you did it? Why you are not happy with me?" You face snaps to his, shocked at his words.
You stutter, unable to form a reply. "Yes, I know, I've always known. I just," He paused, leaning in to brush his lips against yours, "hoped you would learn to eventually." A shiver runs down your spine.
What made you do it, he isn't sure, but you lean in, closing the distance, locking your lips in a frenzied kiss, hands coming up to bury in his sleek blonde hair. Guilt? Best just to enjoy the moment. He kissing you back just as hurriedly, hands tearing your clothes off in a manor of disregard he has never shown before. Slow and loving has always been his way .
In a matter of moments both of you are naked, your kiss a mess of teeth and tongues, hands gripping hair and nails raking across bare skin.
His teeth bury into your neck, sucking and biting an angry red mark into your skin. You moan in response, using his shoulders to steady yourself, nailing digging into his pale flesh. "You're mine, my wife." His mouth is back on yours before you can respond.
This feeling is new for you, this way that Ominis is treating you. But you can't help the spark you feel, the tingles making their way through your body. You rub your thighs together to ease some of the friction, to feel some sort of sensation where you need it most. Where you need him, your husband, Ominis.
He slowed down, feeling you shift around, kissing soft chaste kisses, his normal kisses, into your skin. "Are you feeling needy, my love? Tell me what you wish." You always come first, "Your mouth, fuck, please Ominis."
Normally he would, as soon as the words "your mouth" left your lips he'd be down on his knees lapping away at your juices, swirling his tongue around your clit just the way he knows you like, the way that makes you come undone and shake beneath him. This is not a normal day.
He forces you down on your knees, your face aligned almost perfectly with his waiting leaking cock. "Ominis?" You're confused. He looking down, looking into your soul again, it's sends a shiver down your spine. But it's different this time not kind, not loving, but angry, hungry, a beast in a man's skin.
"I always give you what you want, I do my best to make you happy, I fuck you the way you want to be fucked. And still you have the gall to shut your eyes and imagine Sebastian while it's my cock you come undone on." His hand is in your hair, firm but not painful, "No more love, you're going to start being a good wife to me. You're going to listen and you're going to learn."
For the first time you want to, you stare up at Ominis' face, taking in every minute detail, the way his hair clings to his damp skin, mapping out the moles the scatter across his body, the ridged muscles he gained from years in the field as well as the scars he's got in battles, you've never cared to notice all this before. But right now I this moment, you can't deny, he's beautiful.
"Lesson one," He leans down, pressing a quick kiss to your waiting lips, "use that pretty mouth of your for something other that talking back to me."
"How do you know my mouth is pretty when you can't even see it?" He sneers at you, holding your hair a little tighter and it sends a wave down to your core. With his other hand he grabs his cock directing it down to press again you're lips.
In the four years you've been married to him, you've never done this. Sex has never been about his pleasure, only yours. Time and time again he had delved between you legs until you came apart on his tongue, yet he never asks for anything in return. You're not quite sure what to do, not sure you want to, not sure you could make him feel good if you did.
He taps your lips once more, "Open." His voice is gruff, he looks like he's barely restraining himself. You open hesitantly, but he's pushing his way in before your ready. You moan around him in protest, hands shooting up to push against his thighs, to no avail.
He's using his grip on your hair to make you bob around him, your tongue wrapping around the underside of his cock almost instinctionally. His head in thrown back, his chest rising and falling in rapid pants. "Fuck, pretty girl, I always knew your mouth would feel like heaven." He's jutting into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat repeatedly, making tears well in your eyes as you gag around him.
He keeps at this, holding you in place until he find his release. He lets go of your hair, moving both his hands to hold your face in place as he fucks the last few thrusts roughly into your throat. Your nails claw into his thighs at the assault. He doesn't pull all the way out, forcing you to swallow his load, the salty flavor settling, not nearly as bad as you would have imagined... almost pleasant.
He pulls you up, peppering kisses on your face. "You did so good, my sweet girl, my lovely wife." You don't know what to say but you feel an odd sense of pride, having made him feel so good, having made him come undone as he has you so many times before.
"Do you want me to touch you?" He's nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, breathing in the scent of your skin. You hum in response, "Please husband." You can feel him smile against you, one hand grips your hips and the other trails up and down your spine.
"Good start, my love. But I know you can beg a little better than that." He presses a kiss to the tip of your nose. "Do you remember how you begged me not to out Sebastian, you almost got down on your knees, you were on the verge of tears, begging me, it was so pretty, you were so pretty. I used to touch myself every night to the way you sounded that day." He chuckles, "Ominis, Ominis, please, I'm begging you Ominis, please. Fuck I can never forget how you sounded." He groans.
"Be a good girl and do it again. Beg me to touch you." Your face flushes, a mixture of anger at him for bringing up that situation, embarrassment at his mockery, plus an overall heat radiating through your body at his confession and demand.
You don't give in at first, you need not be at two men's mercy, allowing two men to abuse your body in such a way. But Ominis' hand shoots out, wrapping around your throat, your breath catches, unable to successfully suck in another. "P-lease." The word is rough and broken. "Atta girl." His grip loosens and you suck in a greedy breath but he doesn't let go all the way, "Go on, love, beg."
"Please husband." Your tone is soft, low, testing the waters. Ominis says nothing. "Please, Ominis..." You debate, will you really lower yourself to this, begging your own husband to have sex with you? But he struck you, forced his cock down your throat without permission and you still stand here, aching to feel his long slender finger burry themselves inside you. You need it and you will grovel to get it.
"Please touch me, please husband, I'm burning up, I feel as though I will combust if you do not touch me soon. I need to feel you inside me, please Ominis." He moans, actually moans at your words alone and without missing a beat his hand is between your legs.
"Fuck." He groans, leaning in to nip at your neck, "You're so wet, pretty girl." He run a finger between your lips, gathering the fuilds with his fingers, bringing it back up to circle your clit. You buck at the contract, electricity coursing through your veins as his slender fingers circle delicately, the pace and pressure teasing.
"Is this what you want, wife?" You grab his hand, trying to force him to put more pressure, how you like it, how he knows you like it, what will make you come undone in a matter of minutes. But he only tsks at you catching your hand with his free one, pulling it away as he continues his teasing ministrations.
"Yes, husband, yes, please" You whine, moving to grip his shoulders for balance. At your surrender, Ominis moves his free hand back to your hips, holding you in place.
"Did you beg Sebastian like this?" He doesn't stop touching you, "Did he make you this wet?" The teasing is becoming too much, you really do feel like you'll combust, "Does he know how to touch you just the way you like?" His fingers adds more pressure, pace quicking and in mere moments you're putty in his arms. Body tensing and convulsing against him as his strength only is the only thing to keep you upright.
His free arm wraps protectively around your waist, his other collects your juices, giving one final swipe over your clit that makes you jump in hypersensitivity. He brings the his wet fingers to your mouth, forcing them in with little resistance. "Do you taste that, pretty girl?" You hum around him.
"I did that to you. Not Sebastian. Me, your husband. This," his arm slides from your waist down to your bottom, grabbing the flesh roughly, "is mine. You are mine." He pulls his fingers free of your mouth with a pop, a thin string of saliva still connecting you two.
Before you can prepare yourself, Ominis' hand is back between your legs, three fingers buried deep inside you, curling at that spongy spot that makes you jump, that spot he always knows how to hit.
"This." Another curl of his slender fingers, "is mine. Only I get to touch this, taste it. Do you understand, wife?" That sensations is building in the pit of your stomach for a second time, it's too much you think, you always stop after the first one, he never pushes you further. You try to shove at his chest, he doesn't budge, but it's more so that your arms are too weak to actually push.
"Who do you belong to, my love?" You're so close, you can feel your resolve snapping like an old rope, string by tedious string. He stopped when you don't respond and you cry out in protest, trying to rock your hips against his still fingers. "Who do you belong to?"
"You, Ominis, I belong to you, my husband, my beloved. Fuck, please, I'm so close, please Om" His pace is punishing and in all of three strokes you feel the coil snap, see white behind your. You hold onto Ominis, trying to ground yourself to this reality as his fingers continue, drawing out your orgasm.
You couldn't stand if you tried, couldn't move a single muscle. But Ominis isn't done with you yet, no, his plan is to break you. You are his, only his, today is the day you finally get that lesson through your thick skull. He picks you up, carrying you in his arms to your shared bed.
He lays you down and you give an appreciative moan, your bed is so soft, familiar and welcoming. It smells like him you realize in your haze, you've never stopped to notice how his scent clings to everything in this house. How his scent gives you a feeling of safety, of home.
Ominis lines himself up with your entrance while you aren't paying attention, half gone nuzzling your face into the comforter. You moan at the intrusion, a mix of pain and pleasure and total oversimulation. You screw your eyes shut, trying to adjust to him inside you.
"Over my dead fucking body." Ominis grabs your face, forcing you to look at him. "Keep your eyes open, I want you to watch me, look at my face as I fuck you. Remember who's cock it is that's inside you." You nod, or you think you did, your body is so heavy, so far out of your control. All that exists is the overwhelming pleasure and Ominis face.
Ominis, you watch as his jaw clenchs, his head falling into your chest before picking back up just so you can see him, his brows scrunch together in pleasure, his eyes screwing shut. His hold on your waist is brusing as his hips jut against yours. Once again your struck by how beautiful he his, how consumed he is by you. You feel that pride again. You make him feel like that, why has it taken you so long to see it.
You reach a hand up, just as his trusts become erratic, your own body falling in sync with his, you pulls his face down just just enough to let your lips meet his in a ghost of a kiss. You finish for the third time this morning just as you feel him shoot his load inside you, he pulls you up holding you tighter against him, burying his face in your chest as he rides out his orgasm.
You rest your head on top of his, running a near limp hand softly through his blonde hair. "I-" the word catches in your throat, "I love you, Ominis."
He pulls away at that, bringing you into a gentle kiss. "I knew you would. I knew it. That's why I had to get rid of Sebastian. My wife, my love, you're mine."
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hurts2think · 1 month
hi hello!! if you do platonic stories/hcs id love something with a gn/prince reader and charming being roommates/overall just bff vibes lol and if not, i'd love to see a hook x gn reader with a secret relationship or somthing of the sort! thank youu <3
🛹Young!Prince Charming x Reader Roommates Headcanons🛹
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Reader pronouns: Non specified
Pairing: Young!Prince Charming x GN!Reader (platonic)
Plot: Roommate shenanigans and best friends with Charming!
Extra: Idk if you guys know this but Charming is one of my favorite characters from RoR. I was very happy someone requested him :) no one ever requests him lol
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- You two are both royalty so you've known of each other but never really connected before personally outside of royal meetings
- It was kind of awkward at first for this reason, despite him trying to be as not awkward as possible.
- After a week or two, you discovered you had a band that you both like and immediately bonded over it.
- You guys don't have any classes together but always end up studying together in the library
- Sometimes the study sessions end with yelling about the right answer and not understanding anything.
- Which gets you kicked out of the library usually.
- Charming isn't very argumentative in general though, if he can sense an argument coming up he immediatley surrenders and just says "Yeah you're right, you're right."
- He's smiling all the time. Like all the time. Sometimes you swear his face is stuck that way
- During winter break one year everyone was snowed in the whole week and no one could go anywhere
- During that snow in, you guys watched a new movie every night, usually bad ones to laugh at.
- "No it was actually kind of good." "Oh my God, Charming. You think every movie is good."
- He sets like 5 alarms every morning that always end up waking you instead of him.
- He always goes out of his way to make you feel better if you had a bad day
- Charming is a raging bisexual, he's just not entirely aware of it.
- You kind of figured he was bisexual when he started randomly saying things about the guys at Merlin
- "Hook has really good hair, the cut fits his face so well." "Do you think Hades works out? He looks like he does" "Morgie is kind of cute... In a puppy kind of way."
- "Do you have a thing for villian boys or something?" To which he immediately denies having anything for anyone.
- BUT After you two became more comfortable with each other he starts talking about liking Ella
- You encourage him to ask her to Castlecoming
- As chill and relaxed as he is outside and with everyone, you've started to realize how dramatic he is. He is a prince afterall.
- "She literally hates me. I brought up Castlecoming and immediately shot the idea down in general. She wants me dead or something."
- Night of Castlecoming you wingman him and he actually gets to dance with Ella
- Once him and Ella get together you always remind them you're the reason they're together.
- He's not very physically affectionate with you but he'll rest his arm on you a lot.
- You guys share a singular braincell.
- He's literally supportive of pretty much every single thing you do no matter what
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theroundbartable · 8 months
What do you think are Merlin and Arthur’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic?
OOoh... interesting question.
Arthur Pendragon:
Arthur's positive traits, his strengths, are also his weaknesses. He questions everything. He tries to see the good in people and tries to do right by them. It is kind of why he's such a resetting character. Because every time he reaches out to something, like magic, he gets proven otherwise. Yet, he can't NOT question it. He's trusting and forgiving and yet, he's the character who has most often been deceived, lied to and actively betrayed. In a strange way, this behavior makes him extraordinary. He has trust issues, in the end, but he still offers his trust to his knights and especially to Merlin. In a way, he tends to overlook the bad things people did because he values their positive traits more (like with Agravaine).
And of course, he cares more about his kingdom than himself. His kingdom is even more important to him than his father or any of the people who's love he craves.
Other weaknesses of his are obviously that he can't do basic stuff like brush his hair or cook. And I'm pretty sure he's somehow cursed that all these magic events happen around him.
Another is his self worth. He sees worth in everyone else but never in himself. His life is important only to protect Camelot. His life belongs to his people and he really does believe that. It's not that he thinks he's worthless, it's that he misinterprets it and lives as a breathing sacrifice.
Merlin's strength is his confidence and his faith. From the moment we first see him, he's able to face one of the most powerful people in the world and not back down, even though he knows he has to hide his magic.
He is brave and selfless. In the sense that he doesn't care about his own feelings and life as much as about others, especially Arthur. And of course, he hates conflict.
Merlin is NOT trusting. Not the way Arthur is. Merlin trusts people he has seen do good in action. He does NOT trust people he doesn't know, and in some cases, even his friends. Best example for this part is Lancelot's shade, whom Merlin almost immediately suspected. I think, in a way, he seems more naive and trusting to us because for us this is fiction and just a show. But to Merlin, it is significant that some stuck up noble saves his life without question, or that someone is willing to keep his magic secret for Merlin's sake, or that the dragon helps him find his purpose and helps him to better Camelot. That is why Merlin's trust is RELIABLE, while Arthur's is not. And that is why Arthur trusts Merlin's instincts. I think Arthur knows that Merlin has a better hunch for people's true intentions than he does. It is just that after a while, he thinks he's learned from previous mistakes and he doesn't want to be so bad at it, when HE'S the one who should know, after being betrayed so many times, while Merlin is JUST a servant with no such history (that he knows of).
Their dynamic:
How could I start this part other than with 'they are two sides of the same coin'. And I think it's really fucked up because imagine a coin with a person on each side. They would NEVER be able to ever fully see each other.
Imagine that. I think, Arthur's side is the one with the number on it that tells him exactly what his worth is, where he's supposed to be, supposed to go, what he can be exchanged for.
On the other side is Merlin who is the side that talks about where he's from, what his traditions are, etc.
Merlin has to learn his self worth through the storyline, Arthur needs to learn the traditions and where he is from and what he is truly fighting for. That's kind of why I love the metaphor.
It also means that Arthur can never truly know who Merlin is unless Merlin tells him. Can't know magic, can't know his own background and the circumstances of his birth.
And Merlin can never truly see how important he is to the kingdom. He only knows he's tied to Arthur and that SOMEDAY it will be better. That he's already reached his destiny doesn't even occurr to him.
It makes me wonder what it means when Arthur dies, in relation to this metaphor. Is the side blank now? Has the coin simply been flipped and now Merlin is at the front? What does it mean???
Anyway. What else I love about their dynamic is how intimate it is. I'll say it as I always do, I think Gwen is the better queen and makes more sense to marry Arthur since they both see only the future of the kingdom. But that is the point. Their relationship is public and a symbol of peace. Merlin's and Arthur's shared destiny is always private, always hidden behind layers of lies. Even when they finally share their true feelings, it remains intimate and private. When they are together, they are focused on themselves and their soulbond.
Where Gwen and Arthur discuss the future of the kingdom and what to do with their people, Merlin is personal reassurance for Arthur.
Here are two example scenes that shall make this more clear.
In the episode where Arthur is meant to marry Elena, he asks Merlin what he thinks about the arranged marriage. And Merlin goes on a rant to tell Arthur that his feelings matter. That being emotionally available, by choosing himself and who he loves, he WILL be a better king. In Merlin's rant, Arthur's happiness comes fist. The kingdom, second. Even though they are clearly interconnected.
Arthur had a conversation with Gwen about the marriage beforehand and Gwen accepted his responsibility to marry for the better of the kingdom, putting CAMELOT first. While promising him that he can be happy with his wife too. Even if she's not what he wants at first, he can grow to love her.
Neither of those are bad things. As I said before, Arwen makes sense and MORE sense for the kingdom. But Arthur and Merlin are more private and intimate and basically soulmates. Romance aside, this is what I think makes their dynamic so fascinating to me. It is friendship, a deep emotional bond that often times goes beyond normal friendship. (Not necessarily romantic, but definitely deeper than best friends.)
There is more I love but I don't want to spam the tumblr. Lol. Thank you for the question, anon :)
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wumiings · 1 year
The thing that really gets me about Merlin and Arthur’s dynamic re: being simultaneously friends (implies equality) and master/servant (unequal) is the way they both understand what this means so differently.
Like, Arthur is not deliberately cruel as a person. He sometimes lashes out in anger— particularly to cover hurt, fear, or insecurity— and is not above using his and Merlin’s relative stations to his advantage in the moment. But while this is certainly not okay, it does not characterize most of their interactions.
Most of the time, when Arthur insults Merlin, or roughhouses with him, or assigns him too many chores just to be petty, he clearly seems to think of it as friendly banter/play. And when Merlin insults him right back, or complains without real heat, or half-asses the chores, Arthur takes it as confirmation that they’re on the same page.
Because here’s the thing: when Arthur says, “You’re my servant, so we can’t be friends [paraphrase: but under other circumstances, we might be],” what he means is that they are obviously friends but they’re not allowed to call each other that, or act like it. It’s against the social rules of their environment to acknowledge their friendship.
But that is not what those words mean to Merlin. He does see Arthur as a friend, but not in the sense that they’re just playing along with the roles of servant and master. Because unlike Arthur, there is an inherent threat to Merlin’s safety and well-being implied by any reminder of those roles.
“You’re almost like a friend [except you’re my servant]” doesn’t just mean they can’t use the word. It means “I have power over you, and in moments when it’s inconvenient to treat you as a friend (see: the anger), I can and will use that power to put you back in your place.”
It’s a reminder that Arthur has fired, overworked, struck, imprisoned, threatened with exile, and held a sword to Merlin’s throat before, and so long as Merlin needs to keep his magic a secret for the sake of staying by Arthur’s side, he is powerless to do anything about it. It could happen again.
Merlin insults Arthur because he knows he can get away with it (as long as he stops when more serious threats are invoked). He complains but allows those complaints to be taken as jokes/exaggerations, because he doesn’t expect his hurts to be taken seriously and doesn’t feel comfortable making himself vulnerable to Arthur about how his actions affect him.
The chores situation in particular aggravates me to no end, because Merlin is routinely expected to do things that do not by any means fall under the purview of a personal servant. Why would he be mucking out the stables?? Surely there are stable hands who are paid to do that. And why does he do the laundry himself instead of delivering it to the laundress?
All this in addition to apprenticing with Gaius (or working as a fully qualified physician post-4x08) and going along on patrols/missions/etc. doing what I’m pretty sure would normally be a squire’s duties? As none of the knights seem to have one??
Admittedly, Merlin sometimes insists on going along on missions for Protecting Arthur Reasons, which is not Arthur’s fault, but still. Arthur knows the kind of hours Merlin is putting in. Which makes moments like in 3x01, when he undervalues, belittles, and then intentionally undoes Merlin’s hard work (cleaning the floor) so frustrating to watch.
But again, Arthur is not cruel! I never get the sense that he truly enjoys causing Merlin real emotional distress. The problem is that he consistently underestimates the amount of distress that Merlin is actually in — partly because (as previously stated) Merlin often undersells his own feelings.
TL;DR - Merlin is Arthur’s friend! His only/closest friend!! Arthur looks at Merlin and sees someone brave and loyal and absolutely worth risking his life for. But his privilege blinds him to the ways in which he fails to treat Merlin like a friend should. Outside of life-or-death situations, he doesn’t often behave as though he values Merlin (his time, his effort, his capabilities, or his friendship) particularly much. And that’s a fucking tragedy.
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fuckingfandomfreak · 3 months
Bro I saw that you said Arthur was in the right to kill that king in s4 (I forgot his name) and YESSSS omg everyone is always like it was wrong but I can never see how and I was starting to go crazy.
Genuinely, that episode irks me like nothing else. It drives me fucking CRAZY. Like it’s a perfectly good episode that I can’t enjoy bc it MAKES NO SENSE. I feel gaslit
Not even just bc im an Arthur girlie (but I am), but bc everyone fucking acted like executing the other king was a crazy decision that started a war. The show had me agreeing with AGRAVAINE 🤮🤢
Like just genuinely, from a normal perspective, King Carleon INVADED Camelot (not even the borders but deep into Camelot; they said in the episode) and took territory. That’s an act of war. Everyone in that episode (and eventually Arthur) acts like Arthur started a war, but Carleon did. You can’t invade another country and just expect the king to let you go. That’s crazy!!! It makes no sense 😭
And you got everyone telling Arthur that he shouldn’t murder a man in cold blood and that’s not like him, and then Annis calling Arthur a coward for executing her husband, and suddenly it’s Arthur’s fault there’s a war. When Carleon invaded another country and just expected to get off with a wrist slap????
Arthur was even better than he should’ve been about it. Carleon had to either secede land to Arthur as punishment for invading Arthur’s land multiple times (they mentioned Carleon kept taking border towns but this time was different bc this was little in the center of the country) or lose his head. And Carleon decided to lose his head, and everyone was up Arthur’s ass being like “Carleon would never agree to those terms. This is just an excuse to behead him,” and expect us to feel bad for CARLEON???
Like too bad, so sad, don’t invade other countries. Why was agravaine the only one speaking common sense?? Arthur had to be harsh with him bc Arthur kept sparing Carleon before and Carleon kept invading. And Arthur letting Carleon go with a slap on the wrist would’ve just shown every other king that he was a bitch, and they could keep invading Camelot until they succeed without any repercussions. Yes, Arthur should’ve killed Carleon. Obviously, Queen Annis was going to retaliate, but that’s not his fault. He didn’t start this. Carleon did.
It’s this weird thing that the show does where they have like zero tolerance for war, but they just makes everyone look like idiots. I love a good anti-war message, but the show wasn’t going for that. It just had stupid lessons. Like the multiple times some foreign king was going something shady, and Merlin went crazy trying to fix what they were doing while also keeping it a secret bc if Arthur or Uther found out, they would’ve started a war.
But a foreign king deliberately sabotaging a peace treaty bc he wanted two kings at the peace treaty to fight so that he could profit from the destruction is an act of war. It’s stupid to me not to tell anybody bc now Camelot just has an untrustworthy and shady ally.
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epic-sorcerer · 2 months
How gay people were actually precived in medival times
Ok so even after years of obsessive research, it sitll took me until recently to finally grasp a medival point of view on homosexuality. I’m assuming I’m not alone in my not understanding of it so I figured I might as well break it down for my fellow Merlin fans.
So basically, there was no consept of heterosexuality and homosexuality. There was only “female attraction” or “male attraction.” If a man possessed the same sexual attraction as a woman would, he would have a female attribute.
For this reason, they were considered “hermaphrodites.”
Unfortunately I’m going to have to keep saying this word, because modern ones jsut don’t make sense here. But please know that it is widely considered a slur among intersex people and originates from a Greek myth where hermaphrodite gets his body murjed with a woman who wants to rape him. So. Don’t call people that, please.
Anyways. Hermaphrodites were considered a medical condition and had to pick a gender to be, as they couldn’t simply exist as a third gender. This of course carried a lot of shame amongst the people who were concidered hermaphrodites. The gender was often chosen based on what sex characteristics were most prominent.
So, assuming the only “female traits” a male has is his homosexuality, they would likely stay as a man unless they really did not want to be. And even then, they would have to do it in secret because any deviation from their strict idea of gender was considered a threat to society. Witch is why hermaphrodites had to live as one male *or* female in the first place
I think this puts in to a lot of perspective on how I write Arthur especially. I originally would write Arthur as feeling very emasculated by being queer from a perspective of toxic masculinity.
But looking at it now, is that not gender dysphoria? Of course he doesn’t want to have female sex characteristics. When I’m a guy, I don’t either!
I’ve done lots of research and sighlent lurking on intersex spaces for a while now just because. But I think now I’ll start using that knolage to my advantage to my writing because it’s more realistic. I think murjing my experience as a queer person and intersex people’s experiences would make the sotry make a whole lot more sense.
I would recommend anyone to simply just follow the #intersex tag. But yk….if you’re not intersex you should probably stay silent unless you have a question or something. They get talked over a lot.
I am thankful that I have a direct tie from my hyoerfixation to intersex because while I have done my own research without it, it’s still difficult to do just about anything if it’s not about Merlin. Perhaps some other people reading this struggle in the same way.
I hoped this helped you guys, here’s my main source that really helped me. And you can ask me questions if you’d like.
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thank you so much, I shall answer these prompts NEOW
21: Fics you wish you could find more of?
Oooohhh more fics involving Gwen, that's for sure. When she's written right she's one of the strongest, most relatable characters imo, 'cause all she wants is for the world to be right and just and kind and everything wants to prove her wrong, but she won't back down from her views. I would also adore more Elyan, just in general. And complete rewrites of the show 'cause the one I'm reading right now is so good I might do one as well. Also modern au's where they're all like secret badass spies or smth, 'cause those are so fucking cool (i am accepting fic recs for ALL of this, please feed me y'all)
24: Everyone knows that fandom doesn’t like uther but what are your feelings about gaius?
I think 1) we need more concrete info about how he was when he was younger, but 2) i think he is severely complicated and wanted what was best of merlin and morgana, but failed the two while also giving them a ton of love. With morgana, he just didnt want her to pursue her power lest she become uther's next victim, cuz gaius cares for the pendragon siblings like his own. With merlin, he was just trying his best with his overpowered nephew, who alos has a destiny regarding his people's genocide's son, and he just doesn't know what to do half the time, kinda like merlin. I didnt like how he lied to merlin n morgana, how he gaslit her and how he made merlin hide and become so anxious abt his magic (and we see what that looks like season 5), but i get it. I really get it. I dont know what i wouldve done if one wrong move could mean the death of two kids he considers his own. I bet he was scared all the time and hated himself for it.
27: Modern Merlin headcanons, if any?
OH BOY. OHHHH BOY. So many. It really depends on what au i have for modern merlin, but I'll give you a few generals:
he's a teacher of sorts; i like the idea that he's kinda collecting magical anomalies and teaching them how to understand their powers and being, since he knows what its like to be afraid of urself, so he's a personal magic teacher. I also rly like my magic elementary school au, since its merlin teaching magic to a bunch of kids, which is adorable
he has officially one cat, a black one called Midnight, that accidentally became immortal along the way and now hes severally attached. I say officially since hes also friends with any other animal that he might come across and they recognise him if he passes them again. disney princess fr
he's figured out his gender and he can turn into a woman if he wants; she looks exactly like merlin, same height, same weight n muscles, the hair is longer cuz merlin likes it that way and her voice is deep and gorgeous
his favourite weapon is a staff or any long distance fighting weapon of the sort; also he looks cool as fuck fighting with it, but thats just a bonus
I'll stop here but i have SO MANY MORE
30: Side character death that makes you the maddest?
Elyan. There was, quite literally, no need for it. I was gonna say Lancelot, since we did not get enough of him, but his death made sense for his character. Elyan? What the fuck was that? It was just for pain and nothing else. What did it add to the story if not just a sad funeral scene and thats it? It just felt like they wanted him gone n found a way, and that pisses me off. I feel like him saving gwen and living would've given such a complex situation when she turns evil, 'cause what if she "confides" more n more in her brother, creating a rift between arthur n elyan, which then creates a rift between arthur n the knights, which would just isolate him further n make him suffer, which is what morgana wanted!! we couldve had protective brother elyan! I think i just wanted more knights in general.
Thank you so much for this ask, I yapped a fuck ton but it was funn
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gdn019283 · 28 days
Arthur’s talking about Merlin in this scene (02x03, “The Nightmare Begins”)
Let me break down this scene, not real quick, because, oh my Lord.
1) The choice of words, especially Arthur’s (and I’m not adding how tender they are spoken):
A) Arthur starts his reproach by saying that, “this has to stop.” Merlin’s first reaction could hint that he’s worried Arthur found out about his magic, but I don’t think that’s the reason. “There’s no point denying it.” Arthur has no idea Merlin had been the one to help Morgana in this episode; he couldn’t have known about Merlin guiding her to the Druids’ camp; he couldn’t have known Merlin had helped her get back, because no one had seen him. And Merlin knows this, so he shouldn’t be afraid of the magic, yet he freezes. He’s not scared that Arthur believes he and Morgana are a thing, since Merlin has never showed any interest in her, especially in the second season. Merlin stops, because he thought that Arthur figured out his silly, little crush on him. So, Merlin’s response, “denying what?”, around a gulp, makes much more sense. He knows Arthur could get angry if he finds out about Merlin’s true feelings. We can see Merlin is nervous but, the moment Arthur says, “the affections for the Lady Morgana”, Merlin’s second reaction is to smile. He knows he’s safe again. The love Merlin has for Arthur is as dangerous as the secret of his magic. But Arthur is also afraid, and we know why.
B) “Take some bit of advice from someone… Who—knows about women.” First of all, Arthur’s pause before deciding to use the word “knows”? It was intentional. Oh, please, this is too easy. Knows? Not, “has been with”, or “has talked to”, but knows? What, exactly, do you know, Arthur? (Barely nothing. Like I explained in my post here about why I believe Arthur isn’t attracted to women, he can’t even say “hello” to Gwen, without giggling like an imbecile, and you mean to tell me this same man knows about women? Sure). In retrospect, Merlin’s response is hilarious, since, after Arthur’s interactions with Gwen, and the failure of said interactions, Merlin definitely knows Arthur is just a laying liar who lies, (he also knows about what he’s actually lying about) and this is the best part of the scene. They’re both on common ground. Merlin is hiding his magic, and Arthur is hiding his own feelings, much like his manservant, except that Merlin believes Arthur wouldn’t reciprocate. It’s like they both know what they are actually telling each other, but can’t really say it out loud. Meanwhile, Arthur is hoping his words would make Merlin stick by his side, rather than by someone else’s.
D) “The king would have your head, if he found out.” Uther would have Arthur’s head, if he finds out about his son’s affections for Merlin, a man, in the same way Uther would have Merlin’s head, if he finds out about his magic (or his feelings for Arthur, for this matter). Therefore, Arthur is projecting everything he’s saying onto Merlin. It’s a warning to himself. Arthur’s refraining himself from doing or saying something he knows it’s impossible for him to have.
C) “Stick to girls who are more… How can I put it… On your level.” Arthur isn’t on Merlin’s level, and Merlin isn’t on Arthur’s. And they could never be. Not in this case. Arthur cannot be in a relationship with him, so they will never be on the same level as partners.
D) “She can’t be your friend… Let alone anything else.” If Arthur is really referring to Gwen here, instead of Merlin, then why does this phrase make no sense? Arthur is friend with Gwen. He knows that they truly love each other, and that one day, when he is crowned king, he will marry her. That’s the only thing Arthur has always been sure about, and maybe has doubted only once or twice. But if Arthur was, theoretically, to marry a man, who is also his friend, then his phrase makes total sense. And it changes meaning. Merlin can’t be even a close friend, let alone Arthur’s lover. In a world where queerness has to be hidden much like magic needs to be, Arthur cannot be seen being that friendly with Merlin, who, ops, happens to be a man. “I can’t really be seen buying my servant a drink.” As he says in season one, Arthur is very aware of the situation he and Merlin have been put in. So, no, she can’t be anything else, but Arthur isn’t afraid of telling Gwen of this, especially when he realises what he feels for her, so why should he feel differently now that he saw Merlin might have affections for Morgana? Arthur wants Merlin to stay alone just a bit more, much like he is alone, in a world that’s against who he actually is. He wants an ally in his loneliness and isolation.
E) “You can’t hide anything from me, Merlin.” Arthur says it in hope that his message is clear, satisfied that Merlin is going to be his just for a little longer (this man cannot, for the love of him, communicate feelings, let’s all forgive him). And Merlin responds with, “wouldn’t dream of it”, because he longs to be the only one by Arthur’s side too, but he also knows that it’s not going to be like that forever, and that his dream is going to shatter, once he’ll realise he could never be with Arthur romantically, and he has to give up his feelings for the greater good (like always).
2) The facial expressions:
These speak louder than words. Merlin’s eyes, as soon as he realises what Arthur’s talking about, flicker closed and open so many times, disbelief painting his features at how Arthur could even think that Merlin, of all people, would want to be with Morgana, when he has already sacrificed everything he is and had for Arthur and his sake. It’s almost as if Merlin’s grumpy that Arthur could think that, and Arthur watches in the distance while he speaks, as if melancholic over something that hasn’t happened yet. And before parting ways, we can see Arthur’s eyes linger over Merlin’s face, his neck, as he squeezes and pats his palm over Merlin’s shoulder, testing to see if he can actually be true to his words and not do anything else. It’s almost like Arthur is telling Merlin that they could part ways together, if only he was more courageous. But they don’t, and things stay the same. And when Arthur actually goes away, Merlin’s smile fades so quickly, we can see he wants to follow Arthur like always. It’s a metaphor of how, in this case, they would always have to keep apart.
3) Last, but not least, Arthur’s touches:
He can’t seem to let go. He watches Merlin entirely, scanning him up and down, before deciding to go with his plan and placing his palm on Merlin’s shoulder. And he does not just place it, oh no. He guides Merlin the entire time he speaks. And Merlin doesn’t move a muscle (I swear the pat on the shoulder is their mating dance). Homeboy’s touch starved, so Arthur makes sure Merlin watches him while he lingers his caress, and listens to him, and Arthur has the bit of freedom to touch him. Merlin’s body automatically turns into Arthur’s grip, without complaint, because that’s where he belongs, and the both of them are aware. Arthur crushes Merlin’s shoulder, and let himself be vulnerable, even if only for a small fraction of time, before going away with everything he has stored for so long already: Merlin, and what he harbours for him on a daily.
I think the real meaning behind the scene has been hidden like in so many other ones. Gwen could be described in the same way Merlin is often described, so that no one would question the scene further, except that I did, and I made it much more homosexual. I believe Arthur’s words were meant for Merlin and Merlin alone. And deep down, Merlin knew all along too, but didn’t act on it, on none of his feelings, incapacitated after Arthur’s so many warnings.
If Merlin’s secret to hide is his magic, then for Arthur, it’s his queerness.
Two side of the same coin and all that. *angrily shakes fist in the air*
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winter-leftovers · 1 year
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter eight: Return of the Trollhunter (8/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Alfred reveals a secret and Blinky cracks the code to fight Gunmar
Word count: 2503
Warnings: no
(Season 1 Episodes 14, 15)
Song?: Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier
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“What about this one? Did it help?” Al got up from his spot on the floor and lifted his tail in excitement. Maybe this exercise was the one that would help Y/n recover her memory.
Y/n opened her right eye “No” she sighed, sitting up.
“Ugh!” Al sat back down.
“This is stupid” Y/n got up and started pacing along her room “Maybe…Maybe my memories are gone forever. Some people never…”
“No! Do not say that!” Al jumped onto the bed.
“Maybe we should accept the fact that I’m not getting them back. I tried everything I could: meditations, memory exercises, I’m doing sudokus for crying out loud” Y/n turned to Alfred, wiping away a tear “I don’t think it’s working” she stopped her rant when she realized her friend was quiet. Al was standing on top of the bed, his eyes wide open and head turned to the side.
“What is it?” Y/n put her hands on her hips
Al’s golden eyes were shining, his mouth half opened as if he was about to say something. He slowly lifted his left paw in the air but fell back down quickly.
“Alfred, are you ok?” She crouched down in-front of him.
He blinked a few times “I think it is working!”
“What are you talking about?” She frowned.
“You looked just like you did back then!!!” He stood on his back paws and put his front ones on her shoulders “Maybe it's coming back slower than what we expected but it’s coming!!”
“I don’t know what you mean” she was confused. Y/n discovered that her cat could talk but sometimes he wouldn’t make any sense.
“You moved exactly like you would do back when we lived in Ca…” Al put his front paws on his mouth.
“What? When we lived where?” Y/n stood up.
Al muffled an answer under his paws but Y/n couldn’t understand.
“I can’t understand you” she pointed to his mouth.
“I’m sorry. I should not have said that” he sat back.
Y/n sighed.
“It’s not fair” she said quietly, tears burning her eyes. The anger rose fast like a tsunami destroying everything in his way “It’s not fair” she shouted kicking the wall next to her door making a giant hole.
Al crouched.
“I’m tired of trying, Alfred!” Y/n sighed “and I know, I know you can’t tell me anything but I’m getting tired” she hugged herself, tears starting to fall and said “There always has been a hole in my chest and…and I always assumed that’s what happened when your parent left you in a highway” she chuckled and rolled her eyes “but then I found out that maybe, maybe, it’s not that, that there's more I was hopeful but it quickly vanished because I just can’t remember, you know?” She stopped her pacing once again and dropped herself to the floor “and I finally found someone to talk to about this emptiness that I can not talk with anyone else and it is not helping” Y/n dropped her head between her knees and started sobbing .
“Y/n, I’m so sorry” Al left the bed and sat next to her “I understand you completely. I wish I could give you back your memories and your magic but I can’t do it without hurting you” he rubbed his cheeks on her arm.
“My what?” Y/n lifted her head and cleaned her tears with her hand.
“Oh no! I didn’t mean magic magic. I meant magic” he moved his paws in the air.
“Magic? As in wizards and Merlin and stuff?” Her sadness was completely overturned by confusion.
“Whaaat? No. Who said anything about Mer..lin?” He started walking backwards.
Y/n saw him eyeing the half shut door but she was faster. Y/n closed the door before he could escape. She lifted him up and she got close to him, almost nose to nose
“Talk, cat”
Al looked to both sides, maybe looking for an escape, maybe because he couldn’t maintain her dear friend's stare.
“Alfred?” Y/n raised a brow.
“You are a wizard” He sighed.His whole body was relaxed. He had given up “You have magic”
“What’d you mean? Wouldn’t I have noticed that?”
“You wouldn’t know about it”
“Yeah, I know that’s…”
“Hear me up!” Al was serious. He was never serious.
“Sorry” Y/n put him on the floor and sat in front of him.
“When you don’t know about magic you don’t realize you have it until it’s too much to handle or someone else sees it in you, or at least in most cases. Your case is different”
“Why?” She lifted her knees to her chin.
“You already master magic”
“I don’t remember my extracurricular magic classes” she joked.
“Exactly. You did it before you found the Lakes” Al looked at her carefully.
“What? A master wizard at five? C’mon” she laughed but Alfred didn’t react.
“I’m saying the next thing just because you seem well right now but I can not say more” he paused.
Y/n was nervous. Alfred was always silly and funny but now, he seemed serious. If she didn’t know better he seemed to be about to announce to her that someone had died.
“You had a life before this one. This is not your first time growing up”
Y/n went lip. If the door wasn’t behind her she would have fallen to the floor.
“How? I…I don’t get it” She took her right hand to her chest.
“Neither do I” he looked down “One moment I was with adult you and then you disappeared and I found child you on a park”
Y/n nodded and petted his head, Alfred gladly accepted it.
“Did I have a family? Shouldn’t someone be looking for me?” Y/n close her eyes. Her head was turning. The fog had become too dense. It was impossible to look for a way out of the maze. But amongst the fog, in the darkness of her mind, a little crimson string lighted “Wait. How old am I? How many years had passed since the day I was born? On one of Blinky’s books says that wizards are immortal”
Alfred avoided her stare.
“So, I’m older than I look” she stood up.
“You look happy about it” Alfred stared at her as she took different little notebooks from all over her room.
“What if my dreams aren’t just dreams?” In the bottom of the drawer from her nightstand was a black notebook with this year written in silver ink, this one was bigger than the others. Y/n opened the last notebook seeing all the dreams she was able to write down the last couple of months.
“What do you mean?” Al sat down with her on the bed.
“Some people with amnesia remember through dreams, right? What if some parts of my dreams are made of real memories? "She moved through the pages looking for a specific page. “Like this one” she stopped. The page was half turned and heavily tear stained. It was a miracle it was still legible “My last night at college I had this sad dream. Well, not sad but I woke up feeling sad. It felt so…real. I was in a small cave in the middle of this…dark forest. I was sad, I don’t know why, but I was crying, my nose was stuffed and I was grabbing this stone with all my might and then, I felt the darkness start to swallow me, like I was waking up, but someone, a man, called for me bringing me back into the dream. He’s screaming my name. And when he saw me, he dropped on his knees and held me in his arms. I couldn’t see his face, the forest was so bright now but I wasn’t…scared. He said ‘It’s okay, Little Bird. We’ll find something you’ll like’ and I thought it was my brain tricking me trying to console me on the decisions I had made but when I woke up my face was all wet from crying and I had this in my hand” Y/n finished reciting the dream from memory, the notebook long forgotten on her legs and opened the drawer from her nightstand and pulled out a small flat black pebble that had a hole in it.
Al looked at the stone and Y/n back and forth.
“I didn’t think too much of it at the time but maybe…It means something?”
“Why did you choose this dream to talk about?” Al caressed the pebble with his paw.
Y/n cheeks went red “I dream a lot about this man” she smiled and put the pebble back on the drawer “I don’t know who he is but my mind seems to think he is important”
Al leaned on her legs and started purring.
“I’ll take that as I can’t say anything” she smiled and scratched his head. “So…magic..uh? How does that work?” Y/n smiled.
Alfred looked up, eyes wide open “No, I’m not a teacher” the cat shaked his head side to side.
“Oh, come on. You must know something. A party trick at least” Y/n wiggled her fingers.
“No, no, no. Merlin would kill me” Al absently looked into the distance.
“Wait, wait. The Merlin? I knew the Merlin?” Y/n stood up and lifted Al up with her.
“No…yes…something like that?” Al swung his tail rapidly.
“Something like that?”
“Yes! And besides I’m pretty sure magic is like ridding a bike”
“What do you mean?” She furrowed her brows.
“You already have your staff which means you already are a master wizard”
“So you are saying that… if I wanted to do magic I could?”
He nodded and jumped to the desk.
“Close you eyes and try to move something small”
Y/n looked around the room and took the pebble from the open drawer and placed it on the floor and sat in front of it. She closed her eyes.
“Now take a deep breath and focus on the image of the stone moving” Al explained.
Y/n took a deep breath. For a moment, everything was quiet. Silent. She couldn’t hear the birds chirping anymore. She felt like she was under water.
“Focus” the voice of the man in her dreams echoed through her head. Her brows furrowed and her hands lifted from her lap. Y/n felt a lighting run through her body, burning at her fingertips. The feeling became unbearable making her open her eyes meeting with the stone at her eyesight.
“I can’t believe it worked” Y/n said.
“Me either” Al looked at the stone gracefully returning to her place.
Y/n wanted go keep trying, play with her new found ability but a text from Toby stopped her.
“Hey Tobes! What is it about Blinky going ‘cry-cry’?” Y/n walked down the small stairs in Blinky’s library at Trollmarket stopping at the last step before Blinky walked over her. He seemed consumed in his rambling, walking up and down the library, to notice her. Y/n chuckled thinking this is how Al must have seen her moments ago.
“He’s been like that for awhile” Toby was sitting on the floor, building a tower with some books, next to him was a girl with a PapaSkull shirt.
“How long he been like this?” Jim enter followed by Aaarrrgghh.
“Looong time” said Toby.
“Maybe you should switch to decaf” Jim suggested
“Yeah, I don’t…” before Y/n could finish Blinky started to talk loudly:
“According to legend, only one scholar, the Dishonourable Bodus, uncovered a method of wounding Gunmar”
“The trollhunters just told me there wasn’t any way. How do you do it?” Jim complained.
“No one knows. Gunmar had Bodus and his students hunted down and dispatched in a most unpleasant manner” Blinky got closer to the table by the fireplace.
“Lovely” Y/n said to herself.
“But here, this book, The final Testament of Bodus. This is the last surviving copy of his work! This is the key!” Everyone joined Blinky to the table “And I’m going to burn it”
Everyone gasped.
“Long time” said Aaarrrgghh.
Blinky grabbed two rocks and hit them against each other quickly starting a fire.
“Blinky, no! What are you doing that book might tell us the…”Jim ran to stop the fire but Blinky stopped him.
“Bodus was being hunted! He knew he had to keep it secret” with his other arm, Blinky stoped Toby from throwing water at the book.
Aaarrrgghh tried to blow on but it didn’t help.
“Stop” Y/n threw a blanket on top of the book suffocating the fire.
Ignoring everyone’s complaints, Blinky pushed Toby and Claire to the side
“You don’t understand. Bodus hid the secret within the book. Watch!” He blew on the ashes revealing a message. “I am so glad that worked” Blinky whispered.
“What does it say?” Jim asked.
“In the darkest tide, when Daylight darest wane, the Myrddin Wylt obscured a Shadow’s bane” Blinky translated.
“What’s a Myrddin Wench” Toby asked .
“It’s another name for Merlin” Claire and Y/n said at the same time. They smiled at each other.
“Shouldn’t someone be taking a picture of this or something?” Claire got close to the table where the ashes were laying and took a picture with her phone.
Y/n took a couple of steps back letting Claire get closer. She closed her eyes and extended her hand to grab Toby’s shoulder, she felt dizzy and didn’t want to fall. Was this knowledge from her past leaking through the wall of her amnesia? Why remembering felt like getting kicked in the stomach after a violent rollercoaster.
“Three forces elemental thou must seek. In marshland, caverns deep and mountain’s peak. Where worthy perish, ye prevail in night and eclipse all who quarry with thy might” Blinky continued.
“Anyone else freaked out a little bit by this evil perish poem?” Toby grabbed Y/n arm back.
“Me” whispered Y/n only to Toby.
“No. It said we can prevail! We can win! He hid a Shadow’s bane” Said Jim.
“Gunmar’s bane?” Asked Aaarrrgghh
“It’s referencing a weapon of insurmountable power, forced by three forces unhallowed” Blinky grabbed three books from his library “Pff course! It must be the Triumbric Stones. Three sards of legend tied to Gunmar’s lifeblood, lost to the ages. If we seek out these stones…”
“We can kill Gunmar! Blinky, you madman! You did it!” Jim grabbed Blinky by the shoulders.
“We make the weapon and wham! Gunmar is done-mar” Toby let go of Y/n and joined Blinky and Jim.
“Indeed! The Triumbric Stones have been hidden for centuries, but if I can decipher this text, Master Jim, then you shall”
“Eclipse all who quarry with thy might” finished Claire and turned to Y/n that was leaning against a table.
She smiled when noticed the younger girl looking at her.
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A/n: early post because why not?
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kateis-cakeis · 8 months
If Arthur was born with magic, what do you think he would have done? kept it secret? do you think he would have a very different relationship with Merlin? just wanna know your thoughts :D
Hi Anon! Sorry it's taken me a while to get to this!!! (Im so sorry truly)
I think an Arthur born with magic could go in many directions. Perhaps an Arthur born with it and showing it early would be scared into keeping it a secret. Or perhaps he would tell his father while crying, because he's confused.
Maybe it would be like Merlin, where he could move objects before he could talk - would then a nursemaid see and keep it a secret, or would she panic and run to the guards?
There's just so many ways it could go down. I think truthfully, if we combine how Arthur is in the show, especially in earlier seasons, with him having magic at an early age - and knowing of it, he would keep it a secret out of fear and disgust with himself.
He would definitely think himself a monster, and would largely act the same in public, while tearing himself apart in private. At least in the sense of lying to his father and the feeling of betraying his own people.
There's a point in the show where Arthur says "not a man, a sorcerer" (S1Ep12), so it's possible that he too wouldn't see himself as a man, but more a sorcerer, a monster - evil.
I think he would still listen to his father's lies, and that he would still think them to be the truth, even if he himself is evidence against that. He's just too close to Uther, and too close to his words, so he'd get a load of internalised prejudices.
I think in some ways he would have a different relationship with Merlin. Since Arthur would also be keeping a secret, and would know secret keeping well, I think he'd be at least more attune to the fact that Merlin is keeping a secret.
Whether or not he'd push him on it is something I'm not sure on, but I'd say no... simply because he wouldn't want to let it slip that he's hiding his own secret.
But at the very least, Arthur would be pretty much the same on the surface but like hiding a lot underneath.
Where it would step into obvious canon divergence AU territory is what he does with that in the long term.
Because it could go in so many directions. Like Arthur could boil over one day and tell Uther in defiance. He could be devasted after a raid, or an execution, let's say, and find comfort in Merlin's friendship - maybe even letting slip that Uther could kill him too (and Merlin would be like haha wtf).
Incorporating certain episodes into AUs like this is a lot of fun too. Like god imagine The Sins of the Father with sorcerer!Arthur like aaaaaaaaaah (and I have already included this in a fic before but I need moreee).
But episodes like the Beginning of the End, The Nightmare Begins, the Witchfinder, and so on. There's a lot there. As well as inventing scenarios that aren't in the show.
So, to conclude, I think an Arthur who knows he has magic from a young age would probably keep it a secret, if that's even possible for him, and would have a slightly different relationship with Merlin, but not by much.
There's a lot you can do with this concept and I'm obsessed with it because it really shakes things up!
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧’𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
If you didn’t have magic, Merlin wouldn’t feel differently about you! I do think having a significant other with magic would mean he felt more connected through a sense of “hey we might die because of what we can do” 
So with a partner that doesn’t have magic, I think he would feel like his s/o would be safer. Which would make him a tad less nervous about their safety
At first, he would be worried that you didn’t accept him. 
I mean, everyone has that issue of feeling like they’re “too much” for the person they like 
But Merlin would get to know you before disclosing such an important secret
Once the relationship was established, and you knew his secret, Merlin would be worried about your safety
Because if you had magic then you had an advantage
But now Merlin would want to be by your side whenever there was even a semblance of danger
Alas, he cannot do that. His attention needs to be on the King
So I think he would try to get some of the knights to train you 
Some men would be jealous that their partner was spending time with other men. But Merlin was not. 
Your safety came before everything else. Especially jealousy.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
Goodnight Sweet Possums by John Powell
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
  ✧ Dumbass x Oh God That’s My Dumbass   ✧ Troublemaker x WHY DO YOU KEEP GETTING IN TROUBLE?   ✧ Chaotic Asf x Chaotic w/ L Plates
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justalittleobsessed · 11 months
🧡 A Little Fanfic for You... Or My Fic Masterlist ✍️
Fandoms: Merlin, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (all iterations)
Total Fic Count: 29
Main Fic RN: When the Thunder and Lightning Comes (I Know That You'll Be by My Side)
All fics can be found on AO3!
*Last updated August of 2024!
How to Reveal Your Magic Because You Have No Sense Of Self Preservation Whatsoever: A Guide By Merlin Emrys
A series of unrelated one-shots and short stories about Merlin revealing his magic because both he and all his friends are idiots. Also, Merlin, for the life of him, has no sense of self-preservation at all and I try to embody that in these fics.
Series info as of November 2023:
Not completed
10 works (listed below)
Best + Bitter = Better (one-shot, 2,637 words, part 1 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
This was actually happening. They were being serious. They were actually being completely, utterly serious.
“You can’t actually believe this.” He gestured wildly to the group of people in front of them. Well, as best as he could tied up. This was one of the most ridiculous things he had ever heard. This was… this was… he didn’t even know. “This is complete bullshit.”
“Emrys was clear in his instructions. You must be sacrificed in order to bring peace to Albion”
The one where Merlin has had enough of everyone's shit.
Ironically Alive (one-shot, 3,139 words, part 2 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
Gwaine smiled that way he does when he wants to tick Arthur off. So really, it was his normal smile. “Seemed like a perfectly reasonable detail to point out.” He flipped his hair to the side, turning to face Arthur.
“Perfectly reasonable?!”
Behind Merlin, he heard some of the bandits shifting, whispering to one another. He was pretty sure it went along the lines of ‘what in the hell is going on’ and ‘there can’t actually be that many mysterious magical druids with blue cloaks that talk about destiny and give out magical red amulets to help stop enchantments that one sorcerer meets’, which, unfortunately, was sad and accurately true.
Merlin is never relaxing ever again. He was going to make sure of that after this shit.
Pick Your Poison (Literally) (one-shot, 2,469 words, part 3 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
So. That… just happened. Leon, in his lifetime, had witnessed many strange, unbelievable, and frankly quite concerning things. When one lived in Camelot, and was friends with both Arthur and Merlin, one usually got into a lot of crazy and unbelievable situations. And Leon was no exception.
But this. This had to take the cake. “Merlin.”
He hummed in response. It was entirely too calm. “Why did you just drink poison?” Fire, no literal fire and chaos reigned around them.
“It seemed like the reasonable thing to do at the time.”
And yet, he found himself not surprised in the slightest.
Leon pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling the oncoming headache behind his eyes. Goddamn fucking stubborn idiot.
Merlin decides poisoning himself is the best way to prove a point. Leon is just tired. So tired.
Caves and Valleys and Magic, Oh My! (one-shot, 2,603 words, part 4 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
Merlin stepped back. He was… appalled. Shocked. Angry. Slightly hungry. MAD. Who did they think they were?!
“Excuse me?!” Arthur screeched. “Merlin has magic?!”
“Yes.” Leon deadpanned. “Now please, Merlin.”
How did he get here? How did this happen to him? Why was his life like this? He just wanted to be in his nice warm bed and instead he was soaked, stuck in a magical cave, and made to listen to his friends reveal all his secrets.
Right. Sounded about accurate.
Merlin just wants to be home. Unfortunately, it seems like everyone else his different ideas. Typical.
Let's Do the Time Warp (Hopefully Not Again) (two-shot, 9,946 words, part 5 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
“Merlin, mate. He’s not lying. I wish you two were married. I, for one, would be your best man, obviously.”
"Poetry," Leon mumbled behind him, "Goddamned poetry."
Merlin gave him another startled look-voice rising in distress. “You were my best man!”
Oh, how thoughtful. Too bad he doesn't remember.
Gwaine gave him a thumbs up. "Okay."
Gwaine is generally confused about everything that is going on. Merlin, on the other hand, just wants to go back to his NORMAL, totally STRESS-FREE life. Hahaha.
Just Another Tuesday (one-shot, 3,104 words, part 6 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
Arthur… really didn’t understand what was happening here. Look, he was generally confused by Merlin most of the time - the man was a riddle wrapped in an enigma with a side of sass to boot. But this was too much, even by his manservant’s standards.
“No. I refuse to believe this. You,” He pointed at the woman, who had just been walking on water, and then to Merlin, who had just kissed the lady who was walking on water, “and you are not married.”
Merlin and Freya held out their hands. Rings that formed out of water moved onto their previously empty ring fingers.
“Oh,” Merlin said, like an ass, “I think we are.”
Arthur just wants to be in bed. It seems the entire world is against that idea.
Today Has Been Like... Torture (one-shot, 2,299 words, part 7 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
“Wait a minute… Do you have a pit of fire?”
The shack they were in was very small. Very cramped, and very much smelling of blood. They both looked around the room as if a pit of fire would suddenly appear. Merlin hoped a pit of fire would suddenly appear. That would make getting kidnapped on a Sunday worth it.
Murder Man looked at the ground sadly. “No.” His voice was quiet, sad. So disappointing. A pit of fire would’ve really spiced things up.
Merlin is positively bored. Sounds like a great time to get tortured, of course.
Call It Like It Is (one-shot, 2,900 words, part 8 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
“How do you…” Arthur wiggles his fingers, like he’s teaching magic to a five-year-old, “conjure the fire?”
“Oh, that’s easy,” Merlin starts, because what the fuck else does he have to do, and Lancelot just looks at him with that stupid look he always does when Merlin’s about to say something particularly stupid- “I call it forth from the deepest pits of hell.”
Everyone may know about Merlin's magic, but nobody knows what he's actually capable of. Merlin decides that this is a great advantage when your boyfriend is an idiot.
To Be a God (one-shot, 2,419 words, part 9 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
“Bow before me,” The sorcerer announces from his perch atop a pile of rubble, “for I am the Mighty Emrys, and I am a god.” It’s not a very mighty perch for someone who claims to be a god. In fact, it’s a very sad, unremarkable perch. Or maybe he’s just a sad, unremarkable man.
“No, I’m Emrys.” Merlin bites back.
“Maybe… we’re all Emrys.” Gwaine breathes out. Gwaine, Merlin thinks, really needs to shut his mouth.
The one where someone claims to be Emrys, and Merlin decides to put him in his place.
Just a Minor Accident (one-shot, 2,431 words, part 10 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
“I’m sorry... I must’ve misheard you. What the hell did you just say?” This can’t be real. This cannot possibly be real. He must be hallucinating. Hearing things. Maybe he’s finally lost it. That would make more sense than this.
Gwaine grins back at him with a somewhat manic smile. Merlin tries to sink deeper into his bed. “I said that we accidentally raised the dead.” No. He heard right.
The Knights raise the dead. Merlin just wants one full night of sleep, please.
The Once and Future Reign (one-shot, 7,034 words, part 1 of In Another Time series)
It started with Merlin. It always starts with Merlin.
Just One Yesterday (chapter story w/ 4 chapters, 24,076 words, on hiatus)
Merlin had waited a long, long, long time for the return of Arthur. Maybe even the knights or Gwen. What he wasn't prepared for was an ancient evil rising up to destroy the world. He certainly wasn't prepared for six new occupants in his house, who had no idea how to navigate the new world around them. But, he could handle it. After all, he was the most powerful being on the planet. How hard could it be?
Auribus Teneo Lupum (chapter story w/ 1 chapter, 5,691 words, on hiatus)
Morgana had unleashed something onto this world that had shaken Merlin to his core. Something cold and dark and not at all right. It swirled and settled inside of him, mocking his magic.
No matter what happened in the next few days, Merlin knew that nothing would ever be the same.
The Remnants of a Warlock (one-shot, 6,588 words)
Merlin sees everybody he has ever held close to his heart die off one by one. But he always moves on. He has to. So he locks it up and keep moving, because that's what he does. It's what he'll always do.
The one where Merlin watches as all his friends die. He might see them live, too.
Move Along
Mikey's got this bad habit of dying, and his brothers got this bad habit of not liking that. Mikey would appreciate it if his brothers would stop caring so much, and his brothers would appreciate it if he could start caring about it a whole lot more.
It's gonna be a wild ride.
Series info as of November 2023:
Not completed
2 works (listed below)
I Get Knocked Down (But I Get Up Again) (chapter story w/ 50 chapters, 131,830 words, completed)
Mikey lives, and Mikey dies. He’s been doing it for years, and yeah, sure it’s not his favorite thing to do, but it’s whatever. It’s nothing to worry about. He’s not worried about it. He just hopes his brothers never find out, ‘cause he has a feeling that they’d way overreact.
Mikey’s died a bunch of times and is totally Okay™ with this. His brothers? Not so much.
When the Thunder and Lightning Comes (I Know That You'll Be by My Side) (chapter story w/ 18 chapters, 50,102 words, updates frequently, side story to main fic)
Mikey lives, and Mikey dies. His brothers live too, although they don't die, and find it very concerning that Mikey continuously and worryingly continues to do so without caring. They'll get Mikey to understand that maybe that's not all that great... as soon as they figure out what's going on, that is.
Mikey keeps dying. His brothers would greatly appreciate it if he would stop doing that, please.
On Some Days (one-shot, 2,431 words, TMNT - All Media Types)
Sometimes, if he listened closely enough, he could hear their voices. Not often, not often enough, but sometimes.
It's too Quiet. He misses the Loud.
Life Could Be a Dream (chapter story w/ 9 chapters, 35,678 words, TMNT 2003, TMNT 2012, TMNT IDW, completed)
"Hey Raphie..."
"And that's another thing," he adds, narrowing his eyes, "since when do you call me Raphie?"
Since forever. He wants to say. But that was before, and this is now. He thinks he might kinda hate now.
Mikey, being Mikey, finds trouble. It's just that this trouble seems to involve him being human. It also seems to involve him not talking to his brothers, or having a dad, or being a ninja. So there's that. But all those things can be fixed, right? Something's telling him it's not gonna be as easy as it sounds.
Whumptober 2023
Michelangelo-centric whumptober fics!
Series info:
11 works (listed below)
If Only the World Could Stop Spinning (one-shot, 2,019 words, part 1 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
The world is spinning, and his head is hurting, and he's not really sure what's happening, but he thinks it'd be better if his brothers were here.
Day 1: Swooning, “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Denial Only Gets You So Far (one-shot, 1,569 words, part 2 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
Mikey is not feeling the best... no matter how much he tries to deny it.
Day 2: Thermometer
All That Burning (one-shot, 1,058 words, part 3 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT 2012)
Mikey is burning, and he is fire, and he is everything, and he is nothing. He just wants it to stop.
Day 3: "Make it stop"
Just a Flesh Wound (one-shot, 3,301 words, part 4 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
Mikey has an unfortunate night. You see, getting stabbed wasn't really a part of the plan, but here he is, bleeding out and all, and that might be a bit of a problem.
Day 4: Shock, "You in there?"
Under Pressure (one-shot, 2,965 words, part 5 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
It's just a normal patrol until it isn't. It's just a normal patrol until Mikey decides it would be fun to get himself caught up in a collapsing building. The it was not a normal patrol. Donnie should've guessed.
Day 5: Debris, pinned down, "it's broken"
A Survivor's Guilt (one-shot, 833 words, part 6 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - The Last Ronin)
Michelangelo watches everyone around him die over and over again. Never able to save them. Never there in time. And the only thing he can think of the entire time as that it would be better if he was dead instead.
Day 6: Made to watch, "It should have been me"
Don't Go Silent on Me (one-shot, 2,846 words, part 7 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
Mikey is sick. His brothers aren't answering their phones. Well. Big brothers will always take precedent over fevers, so he'll just have to deal with that later.
Day 7: Alleyway, radio silence, "can you hear me?"
Actions Have Consequences (one-shot, 3,524 words, part 8 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT 2003)
Donatello is not having a very good day. And to top it all off, his baby brother is on the verge of death. And if he does... if he goes down... all they've done will be for nothing.
On the other side, Michelangelo is thinking the very opposite. Because if his enemy, the person that tried to hurt his family comes away with only a few scratches, then it'll all be for nothing.
Seems both brothers have some issues to work through.
Day 8: "It's all for nothing"
Something Old, Something Treasured (one-shot, 3,517 words, part 9 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT 2003)
In his pocket, Michelangelo carries around a picture. It has four brothers in it – orange, purple, red, blue – and smiling, laughing faces. It’s still glossy, even after a few years. Full of love. A reminder of heartbreak and pain. He keeps it around anyhow. It’s his most treasured item.
Day 9: Polaroid
Broken Promises (one-shot, 2,228 words, part 10 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - The Last Ronin)
They keep leaving. They keep leaving him, abandoning him. They're not supposed to do that. His big brothers promised him, after all.
Day 10: "You said you'd never leave"
Not the Best of Days (one-shot, 3,926 words, part 11 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
Waking up in a cell is not the best place to wake up, nor is it the best way to start the day. He just needs to figure out how to escape, how to reach his brothers, and most importantly... how to not die at the hands of this psychopath.
Day 11: Captivity, "No one will find you."
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ghostmaldo · 7 months
Merlin X GN!Fae!Reader Modern AU
I wrote this purely out of my own suffering in my heart. Gooosh I miss the show so much ;-; Reader can be a good friend of love interest. Left it up to the reader. I think about Merlin wondering around the earth waiting for Arthur much more then I’d like to admit. Anyway. Enjoy!
Little sad, fluffy ending. Merlin misses Arthur.
Slight warning: Mentions of death, spoilers??? If you haven’t ever finished watching BBC Merlin ^^
Playlist listened to during the writing process: https://youtu.be/_DMo7B7oAVo?si=WVMp4ZYLMGiIDdaQ
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Merlin sat quietly under the gray thundering clouds. Nothing but the company of an old park bench and the creaking of its old wood underneath his legs. Pellets of water graced the young man's shoulder as the sky weeped upon him. Well… prehapes… young wasn’t the right word… Not anymore at least. Truthfully he was… millennia upon millennia years old. He only appeared young… bright eyes and high cheekbones. The weight of carrying such heavy misery waved from the corners of his eyes with a little sorcery still brightly dancing in his veins. Magic had long died in this world, yet not in him. Clinging on to thin threads from a promise made to him long, long ago.
The once and future king will rise again.
Creeaak. The interruption made Merlin nearly jump out of his whole skin. His eyes immediately looked to the source of the sound. Where he found an old friend. A fae with many secrets… yet still a comforting presence. A small smile crept onto his lips, his eyes crinkling slightly. ”Come to keep my company in the rain, (Y/N)?” They promptly returned his smile. The rain seemed to lighten with them here beside him. They had that sort of effect on the world . “Someone has to, otherwise you might just let the rain consume you.”
“You might be right about that.” He shot back with a low chuckle. In all of his years of being alive. (Y/N) was still the only one in eons to bring amusement back into his tear stained heart. He took a deep breath, basking in the rain's chill icy touch. He closed his eyes briefly and simply let humanity’s silence rush over him in waves. What was he doing here…? Truly? Still waiting for Arthur? Merlin’s memories of him were still freshly cut in his mind. The pair running through the castle halls like fools and the iron still strong in his mouth from the battles they faced… The scars he kept when Arthur died in his arms…
”Merlin…?” He flinched when he sensed (Y/N) wrap their delicate fingers around his arm. Though he quickly relaxed, the warmth of their head on his shoulder chasing away some of those unruly demons. “Your doing it again.” They spoke softly, always so courteous to his feelings…
“Sorry… I can’t help it sometimes… I was suppose to protect him-“
“It wasn’t your fault Merlin.” (Y/N) cut him off before he blumitted to far into his guilt. Merlin let out a long sigh, he certainly didn’t agree with them… but he knew better than to argue.
”What was he like?” Merlin fixated his eyes on them again, brows raised above his head. The question had taken him aback for a second. Unsure if he’d heard it correctly. “Arthur?” He confirmed watching them nod. They hummed, peering up at him with those wide curious eyes he’d come to cherish in his years of immortality. Their cheek a little smooshed up against his shoulder. He couldn’t help the wide grin spamming across his face.
“Well, first off he was a complete ass-“ A fit of giggles erupted from (Y/N) mouth at the comment, followed up with his own series of laughter. The rain didn’t feel so cold along his shoulder anymore…
Merlin went into all the details of his adventures with the young king of Camelot. Their adventures, conversations, the friends they’d made and the memories they’d forged together. His mood lifted with each word, recounting each step he’d taken next with his best friend. The one he missed so dearly…
“He was an idiot sometimes… but he was a good man with a good heart. He always wanted to do what was right.” As soon as he’d spoken the words, he sensed (Y/N) curl tighter around his arm. Their loving touch melding with his own. He was so grateful they were here with him. His body moved on its own, clasping one of their hands with his and pulling them closer. Resting his head on top of theirs. The motion brought a harsh burning lump into his throat. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes.
“It’s okay to cry Merlin. To mourn something you’ve lost even after all this time.”
That’s all it took. Large tears welded in his eyes and cascaded over his pale cheeks. Becoming lost in the sea of droplets still raining down from the sky. He stayed this way for several minutes. Clinging and sobbing into (Y/N) arms. Their gentle fingers circling soothing circles onto his arms. Everything he’d kept bottled up inside of him for so long ruptured violently and without apology. He didn’t need one. Not with them.
Over some time, the tears did run dry. He snuffled a few times as he wiped away the excess unflattering snot leaking from his nose with shaking hands. It was as if a tremendous weight had been lifted from him. Feeling so light he might fly off into the heavens to find Arthur himself.
“Better?” (Y/N) voice sweetly questioned. He smiled toward them through his tear filled lashes. “Better, thank you. I needed that.”
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penny-anna · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
oof only 5 okay!!
i was gonna do 1 per fandom but then i realised that came to 6 so screw it u get 6:
The Engraving (BBC Merlin)
Arthur had somehow got into a situation wherein he had to bugger the man who was – let’s face it – the closest thing he had to a best friend, and unless luck was very much on his side things were going to be awkward forever. Camelot has been stricken by a terrible drought! Fortunately, Merlin has found a magical ritual that can bring back the rain. Unfortunately, it requires group sex - and Merlin is a virgin.
this was one of the last merlin fics i wrote n its a very stupid and silly and fluffy gangbang. really enjoyed writing the 'everyone lives happily ever after' AU on this one. very fun :)
Golden (Doctor Who)
Good gracious, it had been so long since he’d been seduced. He’d forgotten what a delectable experience it was. After an exhausting run-in with the local monsters, the Doctor takes Jamie to a hot spring to relax.
THIS IS ANOTHER SMUT. SORRY. very honest answer here. this is my dw piece i go back to most often. love the atmosphere of it.
And I'll shiver like I used to (LOTR)
He could taste it on his tongue, the salty tang of the sea, fresher and somehow saltier than the sea he knew. He could feel the sand, soft and light underfoot, warm from the sun. 'Sam,' the voice had said, saying his name so tenderly, so carefully, as if it were something precious, something to be treasured. 'Oh, Sam. I’ll wait for you.' Samwise Mason is a junior member of the Stonemason's Guild of Haven City; he works hard, but doesn't stand out. He dreams, again and again, of a beach with white sand and a kiss goodbye. Samwise Mason is making a statue.
tough call here but im still so pleased with this one i worked so so hard and i think it's the most romantic thing i've ever written
Constellations (The Witcher)
"I know how soulmarks work. If a person has two names writ upon them by destiny, then one is to guide them to their true love and the other to their worst enemy. Everyone knows that." / "That’s an old wives’ tale." When Jaskier was fourteen, two names appeared on his skin: 'Geralt' and 'Yennefer'.
VERY tough call here as i wrote a lot of witcher fics i still love but hand on heart this is the one i most enjoyed writing. blasted it out in like a week iirc. great stuff.
the world won't wait till you're older (DCU/Shazam)
Shazam didn’t understand how taxes worked. He always seemed kind of lost when they talked politics. Wally often had the sense that he was nodding along with things he didn’t really understand. He knew what vaping was. Inexplicably he knew what TikTok was. Weird guy. The Justice League try to adjust to their newest member. They know he's hiding something from them, but in their line of work everyone has secrets. Shazam's no different. Is he? Or, the Justice League accidentally inducts a child and then deals with the fall-out.
obvious choice haha!! my most popular DCU fic!! its a banger i hope to match it one day
time to time (Back to the Future)
“Will you shut your damn mouth and listen to me?” his other self hisses. He gulps in a breath, and breathes out; then, resolved, he does his best to shake his head. “No,” he says. “Whatever you have to say, I won’t hear it – having any knowledge of my relative future could –” His other self claps a hand, hard, over his mouth. His palm is damp. Clammy. Emmett makes a protesting sound against it but before he can wriggle free, the other him speaks. “Marty dies.” A cloud passes over the sun. The Brown family are on vacation, taking a break from the stresses of 1986. It's a beautiful summer day. What could possibly go wrong?
hnghh got a lot of bttf fics i love but this one remains the stand out for me. obsessed honestly.
thank u!! i'm not going to send asks bcos im lazy but for once i will tag some people uhh ok @uighean @limerental @bg-sparrow @megamindsupremacy @wromwood
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ao3wasntenough · 4 months
There's other I thinking au for Sam, since it's kind canon Merlin is exist in bay. And let's make the knights are more likely guardian of artifacts and optimus is part of knights because he protect Allspark and he is a prime, so his past as low caste and not fighter still exist, optimus became knights same time when he became prime.
And well turn out Sam is from witwican bloodline and they in sense have magic. What if Sam have magic too? And well while he can feel supernatural stuff, he not aware about alien so he clueless about it when he see bumblebee in his car mode.
And of course it's something secret and well wile government short of knowing they can't do anything about that (I am no want government drama)
But of course Sam dragged into cybertron war so he must doing anything to still live and that meant showing his secret. His magic while not using wand, Sam must saying it in Latin and old english. With magic can be dangerous enemy for Decepticons. But like Harry Potter he hide among normal human and his kinsis hiding too and they not really have magic government per se, they follow like fairy court or any supernatural court in their place.
Also I thinking that when he first time seeing Autobots he still shock but not terrified because he saw many supernatural shit, and he will demand Autobots to showing that they are not from other dimensions / interdimensional being and Really from other planet but same dimension like him. Sam will demand them to showing his their blood because different dimensions different vibe, this will make he and Ironhide argue but after Sam sure Autobots are alien , Sam Start freak out.
I am gonna call it witwican au. Do you think the story will different if Sam have magic?
I think the implications are actually so unintentionally fantastic!
like the idea of generationally the witwician's have been trying to bullshit their way though life with cybertronians and other people build up an image of them to be strong awe inspiring leaders while they've just been so in over their head.
like even before the idea of merlin and the witwican clan, I long thought about the minor mention of his great, great grandpa who first found Megatron, going "insane" due to the glyphs and information being a generational trait of Schizophrenia which Sam during his allspark shard induced madness was thought was the problem and not aliens because he was sick of aliens.
I absolutely love the idea this lineage has the most love hate relationship with Cybertron before modern history knew of Cybertron.
I honestly couldn't see Sam with magic being a huge change aside giving him more agency and self power, and maybe a different feelings to the autobots and Optimus prime. Ye'old Knight finally reunited with thy wizard
I loved the designs of the knights so much, so cool, Imagine if in the last knight cade and the other humans after learning about the witwican clan, discover Sam had gone missing trying to find the knights and following his family's foot steps?
i love that idea more then the actual nothing ending he got with a cameo photo implying death.
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kneecoal-mooma · 1 year
Marauders' Map + The Twins Headcanon
Okay but like. How did Fred and George know that the password to the map was "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good?" There was no way they guessed that.
But then I remembered that when Snape was trying to get answers out of the map, the Marauders sent him a message that was essentially telling him to F off.
Basically, that got me thinking. What if the Marauders sensed that Fred and George would use the map for what it was made for and told them the password?
Obviously from canon, we know Fred and George stole the map from Filch's office. They would probably tap their wands on the parchment and say something like, "Fred and George Weasley command you to reveal your secrets".
And the soul of the map would realise that the twins would use it for pranks, so the Marauders would write back a message like; 'Mr. Moony officially recognises Mr. and Mr. Weasley as his fellow troublemakers. Mr. Prongs agrees with Mr. Moony. The Marauders are blessed to have met the company of Mr. and Mr. Weasley. Mr. Padfoot would like to add that he is absolutely convinced Mr. and Mr. Weasley would use this map for a "good cause". Mr. Wormtail is pleased to grant you access; "We solemnly swear that we are up to no good".
Fred and George would obviously tap the parchment again and say "We solemnly swear that we are up to no good" and see the map for what it really is.
But can you imagine Fred and George talking to the Marauders like Ginny did to the diary?
Fred + George: *taps parchment* Merlin, Snape put us in detention again!
The Marauders: Oh no, how disgusting! Does he not see your potential?? 😩
I feel like they would get really attached to bad mouthing Snape with the Marauders. (Also, I feel like this is how the Marauders find out that Snape has become a teacher, because in "Prisoner of Azkaban" it states "'Mr Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a Professor.'", but I have no idea how they knew he became a teacher in the first place.)
Fred and George would trust the map less after "The Chamber of Secrets", especially when Arthur says to Ginny something along the lines of; "If you can't see it's brain, you can't trust it."
Like, they obviously know the map is safe because they've had it for so many years at this point, but after what happened to Ginny, I don't think they were willing to risk it.
So they just give the map to Harry because why not 😭. Probably because they were like, "Eh, Harry saved Ginny, if the map actually is harmful, I'm sure he'll be fine-"
And the reason Harry never gets any messages from the Marauders was because Fred and George just straight up told him the passwords, so he never went through the process of tapping it and learning that way.
BASICALLY, the Marauders Map is kind of like Tom Riddle's diary but they don't actually split their souls because they don't give a rat's tail about that.
And you know that headcanon that when Fred dies, Sirius, James and Remus recruit him as the 4th Marauder? I feel like they would remember Map and be like, "Yes, this was the man our souls on earth trusted, so we trust you too."
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