#and i feel like i have a hard time working backwards like this……like plot au/concept —> placing a character
aimfor-theheart · 9 months
Hey there, Cielo! I’ve remembered an old but very vivid dream of mine about a ronin and an abducted daughter of a yokai. The two ofc will eventually fall in love and the ronin swears to rescue her, sacrificing all he had in the process.
I have no idea to keep this idea as on original story or convert into a fic. If it ends up as a fic, I’ll need some guidance that’s why I’m slipping into all my fave writers inboxes.
So, to you, among your faves who is the most sad yet vengeful samurai coded character willing to burn down the whole world for the one he loves?
i know you said “he” so i apologize but the first person to come to mind to me is maki!!! she really is sad yet vengeful samurai coded will to burn down the world for who she loves.
honestly tho! i think this could fit a ton of favs 😭 it just depends on who you want!! i think revenge is one of those things that can be given to many—maybe not your most golden hearted of heroes! but gosh even yuuji has some….vicious wolf of revenge in him.
(i’m thinking of that line he has to mahito after he kills junpei about…..the next words out of his mouth made everything else he’d ever said feel like a lie because it was filled with so much truth: “i will kill you”)
so sorry i’m not a ton of help but i do really think you could pick many characters and many favs! and there are quite a few that have a natural theme of vengeance in their own stories—they might be easier to apply it to!
good luck on your writing!!
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m-jelly · 2 years
Hi Jelly!
Can I request a oneshot of Captain Levi Ackerman x Anne Boleyn! reader who is bold, passionate, kind and intelligent, and speaks her opinions without a sh*t. Scenario: The Reader came from a noble, well-off family, and decided to run away when she heard that her father and uncle decided to used her to seduce the king and gain some political advantages, but she refused stating that she would rather die to be the mistress of the king rather than marrying a man she loved.
So she ran away from home, and decided to join the Survey Corps to which she ends up capturing everyone's attention including Captain Levi due to her bold, brazen & kind-hearted but witty and intelligent personality.
You can end how it ends, thank you :))
Sure thing. I'm going to contain a little information page about Anne Boleyn so people know a little bit more about my country's history. I will also be changing a few things with the plot, seeing as there is one King in AOT, people aren't allowed to get close to him. So, it'll be probably a rich merchant instead.
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@kenkopanda-art Thank you, he's beautiful <3
Choosing a different path.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Canon AU, romance, falling in love, time skips, becoming a couple, being a couple, growing old together.
Concept: Sick of your father treating you like you're more of an object than a person, you decide to chase a dream of making a difference. You train hard in the main core, then sign up to the scouts at a much older age than most do (usually 15, but you're much older). You join during the time Levi loses his friends to the titan. You both don't click at first, but the way you are around people gets you noticed by the outspoken Levi. Levi helps you control your temper a little as you bond over the years. Eventually, you both fall in love, but it takes time.
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First opinions
Levi watched you as you talked with a small group of scouts. He frowned a little at your outgoing personality. He liked that you could throw around a few dirty jokes, but you had this pent up anger inside you and it kept leaking out. He knew it was to do with your family background, but it was really none of his business.
He'd been watching you for a bit, mainly because you were confident and you happily put yourself in a lot of situations that others would run away from. He knew that you were probably going places and likely be a top scout in Erwin's division because you were a leader.
Levi stood up when you approached him. "Tch, brat."
You frowned at him. "Grumpy ass."
"You do know I'm a superior, right?"
You shrugged. "Then act like one."
He followed you as you walked. "I could discipline you for that."
You turned and walked backwards. "Then do it."
"Cleaning duty, for two months."
You stopped. "Two months? Are you serious?"
He walked past you. "You showed me attitude and you challenged me." He looked back at you. "Careful what you say, you're not at home with daddy with a silver spoon in your mouth. You're a soldier now, so act like it. It's about being a team, not a selfish little shit who wanted to rebel against daddy and now feels like they have a fucking right to rebel here against everyone."
You sighed. "Yes, sir."
He stopped and sighed. "Look." He turned to you. "I know you had a shit time with your dad controlling everything, but you joined the military and the scouts which are full of controlling people. You come here for order, to be disciplined, to work as a team and to save lives. You have to remember though that everyone is here for a reason and you are not the main character. Got it?"
You nodded. "Yes, sir."
"If you wanna make your mark here, don't do it through these means. Make a difference to people, work hard, work as a team and help others."
You gulped hard and felt a thick lump there. "I understand, sir. I'll do my best."
"Good, now get to cleaning."
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Getting along
Levi smiled a tiny bit as you laughed hard at his joke while you were scrubbing the floors. Due to you being put on cleaning duty for two months, you'd been getting to know the Captain and he was getting to know you. You both had a lot more in common than you first thought.
Levi was getting on with you more because you were changing. After his comment to you, you'd been very proactive. You took on a lot of shifts and helped train the other scouts in your group. You supported your superiors with their paperwork and did what you could.
You packed the cleaning things away and sighed. "Is that okay?"
Levi looked everything you did over and nodded. "Good work."
You smiled in pride. "Thanks."
"Come on, we're going to have some tea."
You followed him. "Really?"
He nodded. "Yeah."
"I'd like to, sir."
He nodded and led you to his office. He made tea for you and him and put it all down on the coffee table. "Sit." He looked over at you. "Tch, you look like you can't shit. We're here to socialise, not a Captain and cadet, okay?"
You relaxed a little. "Thanks, sir."
He handed you a cup of tea. "Levi."
Your hands hugged your cup. "Thank you, Levi."
"Pleasure." He sat back and sipped his tea. "How are you getting on with everyone?"
"Good, better. I took your advice and I'm not so much of an aggressive ass." You looked over at Levi. "You should give it a try."
He snorted a laugh. "Funny."
You smiled a little. "You're a nice guy, you know?"
"People will think you're weird for saying that."
You hummed a laugh. "Why?"
"People don't find me attractive and nice."
You smiled. "Never said anything about attractive."
He blushed. "Tch, you know what I mean."
You downed your tea. "Well, if we're talking about attractiveness, then I think you're very attractive, handsome actually." You poured yourself another cup. You sat back and smiled at him. "You're a lot nicer than you think."
"Most people are scared of me, or they think the sun shines out of my ass."
You leaned and looked at his bum. "I don't see it."
You smiled a little. "That's me." You sighed. "Do you lash out at people because you're scared of them getting close, and being close means the greater the loss?"
He thought about your words for a moment. "I guess."
"Besides, it better to let people in and enjoy the time you had with them, instead of question what you missed."
He frowned a little. "What are you? Some feelings doctor?"
You laughed. "No, but advice is advice. Take it or leave it."
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There for each other
Levi limped down the hall and only had one person in mind he needed to see. He'd just lost his squad to the female titan and his ankle was fucked thanks to him helping Mikasa. He felt like he was falling apart, but there was only one person in the world who could comfort him.
He lightly knocked on your door and opened it. He called your name and smiled a little. "Hey."
You looked up at Levi and gave him a pained smile. "Hey. Come on in."
He limped over and sat on the sofa. He let out a sad sigh. "You and Petra were best friends, right?"
You nodded as you fought tears. "Yeah." You frowned and cleared your throat. "I'm sorry for your loss. You had an incredible team."
"I did."
You turned your head away from Levi as you cried quietly. "S-Sorry."
Levi placed his hand on your back. "Don't be sorry. You have every right to feel this way."
You turned to Levi. "They deserved better, they did."
"I agree."
"Can I hug you?"
He nodded. "Yeah."
He lifted his head as your moved yours to just under his chin and nuzzled. He blushed as you held him and softly cried. He rubbed your back and sniffed back tears. He let himself grieve with you, he let himself feel the pain of loss. He closed his eyes and thought of his squad.
You pulled back after a while and sniffed. "I'll make us a cup of tea."
You cleared your throat as you made a pot. "How's your ankle?"
He stretched his leg out. "Pretty shit."
You walked over with the tea. "Shit huh? Well, if it makes you feel any better at least it matches you."
Levi stared at you. "Are you calling me shit?"
You laughed and put the tray down. "Just lightening the mood."
He hummed a laugh. "Good joke."
You handed him a cup of tea. "You out of commission for a while then?"
You smiled a little. "You'll bounce back. You're strong."
He looked down into his tea. "Strong..."
You leaned over and kissed his shoulder. "Yeah, strong."
Levi blushed a little. "Tch, you suck at aiming."
He gulped. "You missed my cheek."
You leaned close and kissed his cheek. "Better?"
He nodded shyly. "Much."
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Becoming a couple
Levi gulped hard and gave himself a little pep talk. He nodded to himself and walked right over to you as you sat on the wall looking out at the view the scout base had. He couldn't help but admire you in the light of the setting sun.
He sat down next to you and cleared his throat. "Evening."
You smiled at Levi. "Evening."
He shuffled a little. "About last night."
You laughed. "It happens Levi, people do randomly kiss others when they've had a few to drink."
He gulped hard. "Thing is, I wasn't drunk. I was sober and it wasn't random."
You looked over at Levi. "Meaning?"
"Meaning, the kiss was intentional."
You locked eyes with Levi. "So, you wanted to kiss me and you kissed me."
You moved closer. "Do you want to kiss me again?"
He nodded. "Yes."
You took the lead and pressed your lips softly against his. You smiled when he exhaled through his nose like his whole body relaxed. You hummed when he slid his hand along your cheek and deepened the kiss. Levi jumped off the wall and faced you. He stood between your legs and tangled his fingers in your hair. He pulled you closer and kissed you again. His tongue moved with yours as passion filled him.
He pulled back and panted. "I want to be with you. Do you want to be with me?"
You nodded a little and smiled. "Yes. Do you?"
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Leaving the scouts
You put the last of your things in your bag before turning to Levi. You smiled a little at him. "It feels weird leaving the scouts."
He hummed and grabbed your biggest bag. "Yeah, you ran away from your family to be here, yet now you're leaving."
You hugged yourself with one arm. "I wish I could stay, but after getting injured during the Shiganshina retake, I have to leave."
Levi stared at you as he remembered how you looked with fresh burns on your skin. He stared at the bandage on your neck and knew the extent of the damage done to you. He was surprised you were alive. He still thought you were the most beautiful woman in the world to him. It wasn't your choice to leave, but in fact, you were told to leave due to being too hurt.
Levi wrapped his arms around you and held you close. "I love you. You know that, right?"
You wrapped your arms around him and cried a little. "Yeah, I know."
"I love you so much."
You sniffed a little. "I love you too." You gripped his back. "Thank you, for not giving up on me."
He pulled back a little to look you in the eyes. "I would never give up on you." He leaned closer and kissed you. "Come on, let's move you into your new home."
You sniffed and grabbed your lightest bag. "Yeah."
He walked with you through the base with people's eyes following you. He glared at the people who stared because he knew they just wanted to stare at the girl with burns. He wanted to protect you and make you feel beautiful because to him you were. He loved every inch of you. Having burns from titans and living was rare, so the fascination with you was going to be a long one, maybe for life.
You unlocked the front door of your cottage and let Levi in. "I was thinking about getting a dog and a cat, you know, for company. The cat can help keep the mouse population down and the dog can keep me protected."
Levi frowned. "I can do all that."
You laughed as you put your bags down. "You can't always be here. You are still a member of the scouts, so you're needed with them."
"You need me."
You sat on the arm of your sofa. "I do, but you're the best chance the scouts have at winning."
He walked up to you and kissed you. "I just want you to say you need me."
You smiled a little. "I need you, Levi Ackerman. I need you. I will always need you." You cupped his face and smiled. "Will you stay with me tonight? I haven't slept alone in years because me and you have always been together."
He held your hands. "I'll stay. I'll make dinner too. I made sure they stocked up your place."
You smiled as you watched Levi get food things out. You giggled a little. "I like this view. Makes me think we're a married couple."
Levi hummed. "Well, maybe we should do it. We should get married."
You smiled a little. "I'd like that. Only if you mean it."
"Oh, I mean it, Mrs Ackerman."
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After the war
Levi leaned on his walking stick as he walked out into the garden. He smiled at his dog sleeping with his cat sleeping on the dog's back. He hummed a laugh, then looked over at you with your arms on show meaning he could see the burns that had healed up.
Levi frowned when he heard cooing. He leaned around and saw his baby strapped to your chest and wide awake. "Thought you were supposed to be asleep."
You looked down at your baby. "Hey, your daddy is right! You're supposed to be sleeping."
"Why don't I take them? You're working hard."
You stood up and sighed. "I was just finishing anyway. I'll put them in their outdoor bed." You unstrapped your baby and lay them in the bouncing bed outside. "There you bounce away little one."
Levi smiled down at his kid squealing with laughter as they bounced. "Beautiful." He looked up at you. "Just like you."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. "You're so handsome."
"Look at me."
"I am."
He sighed. "My face is messed up."
You kissed along his scar. "I see a handsome man in front of me. You love me with my burns, and I love you with your scars."
He hummed a laugh. "I guess you're right."
You helped him to sit in his chair before sitting across his lap. You let out a long sigh as you cuddled up to him. "I love you."
"I love you too." He squeezed you. "What do you think about having another baby?"
You kissed your husband's cheek. "I would love another."
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inktrailing · 3 years
I stole this from @the-kaedageist because it looked fun.
(Also me: “I’ll do this meme quickly...” ... *loses track of time*)
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
78 to my greatest surprise. I guess the only favor 2020 did for me was in writing.
2) What’s you total AO3 word count?
355,868. Holy...
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
10. Critical Role, CWDC, Men in Black (movies), Supernatural, Doctor Who, PotC. Spattering of some other stuff.
4) What are your top five fics by Kudos?
Unconventional, Men in Black, Jay/Kay, 1211 kudos... somehow
Fish Tales, Men in Black, Jay/Kay, 336 kudos
meet us where the night ends, Critical Role, Essek/Caleb, 298 kudos
I see death cresting over the hill, Critical Role, Essek/Caleb, 276 kudos
message, Critical Role, Essek/Caleb, 273 kudos
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I AM REALLY BAD ABOUT THIS. It’s literally on my AO3 profile that I’m bad about it. I try every now and then but I so often just get flustered and then don’t end up responding. Oftentimes I’m at work and just flailing during the rest of my shift and yeah /)_(\ Words Are Hard, says the writer.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
OH THERE’S A COUPLE. I would say Caught in the Wires (MIB, Jay/Kay); and you know my soul (CRc2, Essek/Caleb) probably are the two worst for bad end future fics. follow me into the golden wild (DW, Rose & the Moment) is my favorite of my bad end fics though lol. I fucking love that fic hahaha, and it’s one of my least read stories XD
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t really. Not fic wise. A lot of my thought processing goes through basically using an RP format with myself (because I like icons, okay) so sometimes I’ll take wild concepts and play out scenarios with a bunch of characters and sometimes I’ll get shit out of it that I can actually use but other times I’ll have fun things that will not translate well to fic.
My fav of those was a Pokemon AU that y’know basically dragged a bunch of characters in and eventually they had to deal with a Problem like ya do while still ending up stranded. I enjoyed throwing Dean/Lucifer at that because Dean just ended up “ghost hunting” aka freeing/helping/catching ghosts and ending up with 70+ and Lucifer really only traveling around with a Zoroark and still hating humanity but helping mistreated and scapegoated pokemon.
I just really like Dean and his ghost army lmfao.
An actual crossover fic I have (and maybe one day could finish) was Arrow/The Dresden Files only because Paul Blackthorne except it uses book canon instead of TV canon because of Winter Court Bullshit so like whatever, I do what I want some days I guess \o_O/
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don’t... think so? I sometimes get minor disagreements on characterization but I typically write for myself and am pretty set in my ways so it’s like okay I accept your opinion but it’s not going to change anything.
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I cannot write smut to save my life.
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If I have I definitely haven’t noticed.
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
stood too close to the flames (LoT, Mick/Len) was translated.
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
13) What’s you all-time favorite ship?
I ship so many things at the drop of a hat and so frequently go back to old ships to find new things to read even if it’s been a looooong time. I would say Jay/Kay since I’ve shipped and written them for the greatest length of time without it fading.
I do genuinely enjoy writing Dean/Lucifer though so go rarepairs I guess.
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I fucking love I’ll Stop the Whole World (DW, Doctor/Master, 47k words) as I’ve pulled it up again after idk months to skim through but I suppose I learned a lot from writing lost in the lapse again and going backwards to any of my longer WIPs just hurts a bit? I want to figure it out because there’s so much I adore in it but there’s a lot of work to be done and having two monitors helps now but... I don’t have the energy to tear it apart and sew it back together.
15) What are your writing strength?
god idk
I’d like to say I’ve gotten better at I guess... balance? Juggling dialogue and action and scenery. I forced myself to work on scenery descriptions awhile back and I think it paid off?
I learned to take good notes, especially if it’s something with multiple plot threads that I need to keep track of. That’s what has made some of my older WIPs such a bitch because I didn’t do that and I’m like ????? Hey? Past Me? WHAT?!?! And retroactively trying to build a timeline is REALLY DIFFICULT ACTUALLY.
I do also think I keep my narrative parallels pretty tight. I’m sure a lot get missed because people aren’t staring at the same story that I am for months combing things over, but it delights me okay ;)
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing shit?! Well, I’ve gotten better at that over the course of the last year. Critical Role reaction fics helped A TON with that. Just spitting things out immediately after an episode.
I am a fucking perfectionist though. Like I’ll canon divergence all I want but mentally I need the basis of canon to weave into my writing even if it’s just for a single line. I like willfully breaking canon not ignorantly.
This means I either never get things done because I need to rewatch or I too meticulously obsess over something.
While I think I’m good with writing scenery I’m SUPER BAD at character descriptions?? I’m trying to?? Work on it?? But that’s one thing I’ve finally just been like okay I know I’m bad at this I just need to accept it and go on because if I get hung up on it then again, nothing’s gonna get posted.
I’ve learned that I vehemently hate the words “still” and “probably” because I white noise them even when doing intensive editing and I use them so damn much and now that I realize going back to read old things hurts my soul.
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Look I grew up primarily on writing Yu-Gi-Oh! fic. I had my Time with poor use of Japanese in fic. While I don’t have any fandoms now that I write for that it would be relevant... I can’t do it anymore. However, reading it doesn’t bother me, and it generally doesn’t jar me out of anything. Like it feels normal reading it in MDZS fics for one thing.
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I want to say some super wonky ~new cards~ Cardcaptor Sakura fic. But I think the first fandom I published for on FFN was likely YGO. Anything early than that I would have blacked out of my memory ahahaha.
19) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
lost in the lapse again took up my life for MONTHS and was really my pride and joy. It was the longest thing I’ve ever written and edited to my liking. I’m so so happy with how it came out and I’m shocked honestly that it has 118 kudos now because I really expected it to get maybe half that, tops. But it was definitely one of those I’m writing this for me, this encompasses what I want, and if others enjoy it that would be really nice!
Otherwise I think I’d say I see death cresting over the hill because it has so many elements I just enjoy rereading. I think it’s my favorite of my Critical Role fics too.
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fictionalrambles · 4 years
Shadowhunters Fandom Story - Part Twelve
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Submitted by notquiteascrazy
Five Favourite Stories
 The Stars Aligned series by @lecrit​
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC:  The only thing I knew for certain coming into this “picking faves process” was that there had to be something by Lecrit on this list. The way Lu writes Magnus & Alec enraptures me every single damn time and to narrow it down to just one was so hard. So I cheated & picked a series ;) It was one of the first Malec fics I read and just the whole AU is perfect.
I re-read it when Oscar Nominations are announced and on the day of the ceremony (I don’t even care about the Oscars). And probably 5 or 6 times throughout the year on top of that. The mutual pining is so strong to begin with, there’s some very light angst with some classic “bad guy” action by Camille and when they finally get their shit together, well, it’s just beautiful. Jace being an idiot, Izzy being the most supportive ever, nerd Simon… It’s got the works. If you haven’t already read it, why the hell not? Go. Now.
FAVORITE QUOTE: “I know we usually don’t thank our agents in these things,” he says, still scanning the room, “but my agent is also my PA and one of my best friends, and I just won an Oscar so I think I can do whatever I want tonight and he won’t hold it against me.” The audience laughs, as much in amusement as it is in surprise but Magnus doesn’t really notice, finally giving up. “Okay,” he exclaims in the mic, “I can’t find him. Has anyone seen Alec? Tall, dark, handsome and probably glued to his phone right now?” [Trying to cut this entire speech down into the best bit? Impossible but I decided to go with the start]
 2C by Oumy
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC:  I love the antagonism between Alec & Magnus to begin with and while the source of this is revealed in an additional fic later on, while reading 2C you can entirely predict what started it all. And within the main work itself, it doesn’t need saying because the way the characters are written subtly folds in all these personality traits that we know & love. Even before they finally get it together, they’re pushing each other & challenging each other to be the best versions of themselves. The way it builds from rivalry to romance is just *chefs kiss*
Plus, the mental image of Alec & Magnus as incredibly skilled musicians is Hot. We’ll ignore the slight “Magnus can’t play the charango and it’s awful every time he tries going near an instrument” thing… In this universe, they’re musical maestros!
FAVORITE QUOTE: Alec moved from the door, his long legs already eating up the distance to the entrance, and the competitive side of Magnus, the one that reluctantly thrived on their rivalry, refused to let him have the last word, so he blurted out at the retreating figure “Bite me, Lightwood” Alec turned around, walking backwards and spread his free hand, that perpetual half smile still etched on his face “Only if you ask nicely”
 Between the Lines by @msalexiscriss​
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC:  The plot is fantastic. The entire concept that Magnus is a criminal didn’t necessarily sit well with me at first but then as the story progresses and you realise why, it all starts to come together. And so much of their characteristics & traits are woven into it in a really fun way, e.g. Magnus’ love of glitter. From the very beginning the chemistry between them is so well written considering they’ve barely interacted in person. The way Magnus taunts Alec, the way they play this cat & mouse game. About halfway through I had this sudden fear that I would not enjoy the ending. I just couldn’t see a satisfying conclusion where no-one’s morals were compromised and they still got their happy ending but it really came together and did all the characters justice!
FAVORITE SCENE: The entire “first date” on the rooftop. The way Alec ends up there, the way Magnus has it all planned out. The conversation & the teasing from Magnus. The prying for information from Alec. The way they both dance around each other while enjoying the company & getting to know one another. 
 Deeper Than the Truth by insieme
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC:  Can you really compile a list of favourite fics without including at least one coffee shop AU?! And this one is so much more than just a coffee shop AU. I love how Magnus’ unbridled passion & enthusiasm jumpstarts Alec. I love the slow burn that builds up between them & how their relationship develops. I love the quiet moments of their relationship that are interwoven with the bigger moments. I love the balance between Alec hating the lies he’s telling and knowing that he could hurt Magnus and the inner turmoil he goes through. I love that the reveal is realistically handled and not just swept under a rug but they actually talk about the communication issues. I just love it all.
FAVORITE QUOTE: “Well Alexander, I would love to continue this conversation at the present except I have a whole room of ladies with sharp sewing needles who are not going to be too pleased with me if I keep them waiting any longer. Perhaps if you’re here tomorrow, around the same time, we could bump into each other again, and you could tell me your ridiculous dislike for Mr. Archer over a cup of coffee?” Magnus looked at Alec confidently, like he had no reservations whatsoever that Alec wouldn’t accept his offer. He was right. “Tomorrow. Yeah, okay. I’ll be here.” Alec said, unable to stop the smile that crept onto his face. Magnus was already on his way out the store when Alec realized what Magnus had said. He called out after him, “My name is Alec!” Magnus just waved over his shoulder, calling out “See you tomorrow, Alexander!” He was so screwed. [What I have learnt about myself going through this exercise is the early moment of relationships in fics are my favourites. They set the tone of what’s to come & build the chemistry from there!]
 Choose your weapon by @steakandvodka​
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC:  Clalec BROTP ftw. Honestly, this is just cute and shows such lovely character growth & their relationship develops so beautifully. Alec is shown as supportive & a good leader and very typically Alec in response to Clary. But it also shows a softer side & how him & Fray become friends.
Meanwhile, we see a struggle from Clary that isn’t shown in the show about how not being brought up in the shadow world means working harder to get up to scratch & her insecurities around it.
FAVORITE QUOTE: “Look, I know better than anyone how much pressure it can be to be perfect all the time. Especially when you have people doubting you — the drive to prove them wrong can overshadow every other responsibility in your life. But hard work isn’t always a good thing, not if you don’t go about it in a healthy way. It can set you back, and more importantly, you can get hurt” [Alec Lightwood finally embracing healthy work-life balance <3]
 Author Story
At first I felt a little bit like a fraud trying to write this. I’d hardly consider myself an author - I’ve barely really written anything (politely ignoring my terrible contributions to the HP fandom well over a decade ago)
I’d never really considered myself particularly creative, much happier to just absorb the fruits of other people’s creativity and be glad that there are so many talented people in the world writing stories and making art. Shadowhunters changed that for me. The characters have resonated with me and I found myself inspired on a couple of occasions to actually put pen to paper (Well, fingers to keyboard)
I still consider myself very creatively challenged but I’m enjoying exploring the little bursts of inspiration, even if I find myself wishing I’d paid more attention in English class! Reading has always been my escape from reality, writing is now giving me that opportunity to create my own escapes. So if there’s anyone else who’s new to this and nervous about trying to write/sharing their writing, I feel you! But if you have a story you want to tell - go for it! You might surprise yourself :)
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raendown · 5 years
Pairing: Hashirama/Madara/Tobirama/Izuna Word count: 1662 Soulmate au: The one where everyone has a tattoo that shifts under your skin to reach towards your soulmate
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KO-FI and commission info in the header!
Chapter 196: Hashirama/Madara/Tobirama/Izuna
Madara and Izuna had known since they were young that the potential was there, that their souls were so connected they were drawn together even without being true soulmates. It was there in the ink on the back of their hands that reached for each other only to skitter away the moment they touched. Knowing they were so close to being each other’s soulmates meant they had grown up an extremely close pair, close enough to raise a few eyebrows though no accusations were ever made.
Of course both of them had always understood that same potential existed with their respective rivals as well. It was hard to ignore the pull of their ink each time the Uchiha and Senju clashed in battle, just as it was hard to ignore the disappointment whenever their bodies met in spurts of taijutsu only for the ink to skitter away as it always did. Even if one of them had been matched to an enemy it was still a precious honor to actually discover one’s soulmate. It would have been nice to know their match, though that would not have lessened the bond they had in any way.
Building a village with the Senju was a sort of bittersweet thing when it happened, so close together with so much potential and yet never a solid match made. More often than not Izuna and Madara found themselves ending the day by curling together on their living room couch and talking about anything but the concept of soulmates.
As time went on even Izuna learned to put his instinctual hatred aside and make friends of a sort with the two Senju brothers. The two pairs could often be found out and about during their off hours in any number of combinations even though rarely did all four of them find a chance to be together at the same time with so much work to be done in so many places. It was strange to admit but spending time with either of the Senju provided the same domestic contentment Izuna and Madara felt when they were alone together, something that only brought the four of them closer together.
Today just so happened to be one of the rare occasions that all four of them found they had a few hours to spend together. It was only a simple dinner eaten on the engawa in the Senju’s backyard but simple things were often the most peaceful, as Hashirama would likely say.
Izuna made no apologies for lounging against his old rival’s shoulder after the food had been demolished, watching their older brothers work off a few calories with messy roughhousing only a few feet away. Neither of them were wearing shoes and their feet slid repeatedly on the grass as an evening mist rose and left dew in its wake. Their pants were both soaked before long but they doggedly continued to clash and tumble and fill the air with unrestrained laughter. A far cry from the tension of the warring era.
“Go away,” Tobirama rumbled as he watched the two of them slip closer. “You’re going to fall on us if you’re not careful.”
“Hah! If I’m going down I’m taking all of you with me!” Madara's cackle didn’t have nearly the same hair-raising effect as it used to have with flowers all woven in a crown around his temple. Either he didn’t remember they were there or he refused to do away with such an obvious sign of Hashirama's favor – something he should well know he’d always had.
Rolling his eyes, Izuna snorted. “Take us down in to madness maybe. Listen to Tobi and go away. I’m comfortable.”
“We’ll try!” Hashirama managed to say before Madara gave another shove and he whooped with excitement as he pushed back, wrestling like children.
Of course because he had just promised to be careful that was when his foot slipped and he went reeling backwards. Madara cried out as he was dragged along by the death grips they were holding on to each other with, sending both of them crashing back against the engawa straight in to their younger brothers’ laps. Three different voices swore harshly but that still that wasn’t enough to drown out the sound of Hashirama's frantic apologies as they all twisted and squirmed and generally tried to figure out how to untangle themselves.
Eventually Izuna got tired of the confusing shuffle and shouted, “Everyone just stop moving!” To his great surprise, they listened.
“We didn’t mean to,” Hashirama whimpered.
“I smell a plot to force us in to accepting more of your insistent hugs,” Tobirama snipped back not unkindly. He sounded like he was trying not to laugh more than anything else.
“Alright.” Izuna struggled to get one hand under himself and braced against the pile of bodies with his other hand. “Just nobody move and I’ll try to figure out whose limb goes where and then we…and then we…oh my god…”
Predictably, all three other men began wriggling with worry.
“What is it?”
“Is something wrong?”
“Are you okay?”
“Did we hurt you?”
Izuna blinked at his hand and could only choke out one word. “Soulmates.”
Once more the pile went still, this time with shock. Of the three of them only Madara was at an angle they could make eye contact and his brother had never looked more like he was standing on a precipice, ready to jump at a moment’s notice. It was an odd look on him but one that reassured Izuna for the hundredth time just how deeply his brother trusted him.
“What did you say?” Madara asked and it took a few tries to answer him.
“I…” He looked down at his hand. “We’re…” The spot of ink that had always skittered away at the last moment was still and calm, so far down the back of his hand it had slid up his fingers and dyed the tips black where they rested on someone’s leg. “I think we’re all soulmates.”
That was the only explanation that made sense to him. Since making peace and getting to know each other he had touched all of these men more times than he could count and always his soul mark yearned for them until the last possible second when it shied away, incomplete. Now with all four of them in a heap his mark had settled for the first time. It was a wild idea that four different people could all be fate bonded to each other, a crazy intricate tapestry the likes of which he’d never heard of before, but the idea of it just felt so right that as soon as it settled in his mind he accepted it as truth without question. He had three soulmates. He was bound to all of his most beloved people.
“Is that possible?” he heard Hashirama ask.
“Probably,” Tobirama’s voice answered. “If you could all get off of me we could test that theory quite easily.”
“You want to do an experiment now!?”
“Dummy, we just have to touch each other. That’s the whole experiment.” Even as he rebuked his brother Tobirama managed to sound fond, a rarity he reserved only for those present in their little dog pile.
Once again the struggle began as they all wriggled about trying to untangle themselves. It took several more minutes and not a few elbows in unfortunate places but finally the four of them were able to stand facing each other in a tight circle just beside the engawa. With anticipatory looks traded back and forth Tobirama instructed them all to hold out one hand but not to touch each other, looking almost surprised that they all did as they were told without fight.
As expected, all of their marks reached out for each other but as he went around and touched each of them one by one their marks all skittered away. When he laid a hand each on Madara and Izuna both of their marks skittered away as well – but towards each other. Even when he brought all three of them together the results were the same.
“Right. Anija, if you would add your hand to the mix please.”
Hashirama very carefully reached out to poke one finger against the ball they made together and all of them watched with fascination as their marks all slotted together like puzzles pieces, four blots of ink happily reaching out and curling together in a way they had all seen in other people hundreds of times. There was no mistaking what that meant. Just like there was no containing Hashirama as it dawned on him that he had finally found the answer to a question that had plagued them all for years.
“We really are all soulmates! Oh this is amazing!” With a happy cry he reached out and drew them all in to a tight bear hug at the same time, nearly tripping them back in to another pile on the ground.
“Isn’t it though?” Izuna mumbled. He met his brother’s eyes and smiled to see the wonder in them.
“Actually, I’m a little upset this didn’t occur to me earlier,” Tobirama said with a frown.
Madara rolled his eyes. “You don’t always have to have the answer for everything you know.”
The two of them immediately began to bicker happily, Hashirama interjecting with frequent outbursts of glee, and Izuna watched it happen without mentioning that they were all still holding hands, not one of them making any sort of movement to pull away. It was hard to believe the solution was so simple yet so complicated at the same time and that it had been there for the taking if any of them had just opened their eyes to the possibilities.
Feeling like everything in his life had been leading him to this moment, to this happiness, Izuna closed his eyes and smiled as he listened to the sounds of the future awaiting him.
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thecloserkin · 5 years
fic rec: Are You Mine? and I Want Some More by PoetHrotsvitha
fandom: Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate
pairing: Evie Frye/Jacob Frye
word count: 54k and 50k respectively (one is a direct sequel to the other)
Is it canon: yes
Is it explicit: this is the most explicit material i have thus far reviewed on this blog
Is it endgame: yesssss
Is it shippable: yes
One thing you guys should know about me is I don’t read a great deal of smut. I don’t actively avoid it either, and I for sure consume more smut in the context of fanfic than in professional published fiction because I feel the following quote in my bones: “It wasn’t that friendship needed to be sexualized, it was that erotica needed to be … friendship-ized.” So when I stumbled on this fic that is 80% smut stretched over the thinnest pretext of plot, based on source material I have zero familiarity with, what did I do but fall headlong for this pairing and this story. Bless you, anon who brought Fryecest to my attention, and praise the Lord for modern AUs where knowledge of canon is not mandatory.
Jacob and Evie Frye are twins born into an Assassin family and raised by their exacting taskmaster of a father to take down the Templars. There’s no Templars or Assassins in this modern AU of course, just Evie’s looming A-Levels and their absent academic of a father. Evie’s still the golden child, of course—she’ll follow in their father’s footsteps and get her Ph.D. Jacob is the problem child. He’s already fallen in with the Wrong Crowd, he’s impulsive, he drinks and gambles and mostly solves problems with his fists. His relationship with their dad is hella strained. And because this is supposed to be PWP the author wastes no time in ratcheting the sexual tension up to 11 by having Jacob pick Evie up from her posh school on his MOTORCYCLE, each of them pretending not to be so turned on they could have combusted from desire by the end of the ride. Cool cool cool.
Their relationship begins barreling in a dom/sub direction almost from the word go. Evie is one thousand percent the take-charge, Type-A personality, so the idea is that she needs to relinquish that control in the bedroom, and Jacob is the only one she trusts to dominate her. Because they’re twins and they balance each other out adfkdfkdfjdkfd. The scene in the beginning where Jacob tells her not to button up her blouse while she’s making breakfast, and she actually listens to him instead of ignoring or insulting him, holy shit that was hot. It starts so small but eventually he’s got her wearing a wireless vibrator to class and begging for her “punishment” when she takes it out without his permission because it was too distracting.
I imagine this is what the 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon was about. I haven’t read 50 Shades of Grey myself, but I’ve interacted with people who rave about it and clearly got something out of those books, bad as they were. I’m not trying to compare the quality of this story to 50 Shades of Grey—it’s lightyears superior to that dreck—just that when I finished this fic I had the dazed realization that this was why people read smut.
There’s a throwaway line in Jacob’s internal monologue where he muses “they seem to be going about this backwards,” because he’s buying flowers for her the day after fingering her to a screaming orgasm, and yes I am 100% here for this trope. Ffs he sits with her in the library to keep her company while she studies! He waits for her/escorts her to her one hundred and one extracurricular activities! He’s a really immature 17-year-old and he’d never dream of doing this for anyone else, but when it comes to Evie he becomes suddenly sweet and thoughtful and solicitous. He’s constantly pausing in the middle of sex to ask for her enthusiastic & affirmative consent and reminding her to use the safe word. At the same time he’s madly jealous when anyone else shows a flicker of interest in her and he regularly makes her admit he “owns” her during their role-play. They are each other’s firsts which for some reason is really important to me in these kinds of they’re-teenagers-exploring-their-sexuality setups. This is Evie hitting up the lingerie boutique in preparation for their FIRST WEEKEND GETAWAY:
“I’m going away for the weekend with my-” Evie almost stumbled on the word, “-boyfriend.” What a strange concept.
I AM TRASH FOR THIS INCEST TROPE i love the way she stumbles over that word. Bc that’s not the box that Jacob occupies for her, is it? He’s much more than that. I love the way she alternates between begging him to put it in her cunt and calling him a prat and a shitheel; just because he’s the love of her life doesn’t make him stop being her insufferable little brother. You know what else I’m trash for? ALL the sneaking around tropes. One time while sexting with him in a storage closet at school she’s busted by one of the teachers and only barely has time to lock her phone before he confiscates it.
So the first fic ends with their dad finding the sexts and nudes on Evie’s phone, disowning them both, and Evie choosing to go to University of Edinburgh because their dad knows too many people at Oxbridge. The twins get a flat together and it’s happily ever after. Except no! In the sequel it’s ten years later and Evie and Jacob have returned to the house they grew up in to say goodbye to their dying father, and they’re ESTRANGED OH NO WHAT HAPPENED. Evie has a four-year-old in tow. We find out in fairly short order that the kid is Jacob’s, but Jacob doesn’t find out the truth until we’ve sent him through the angst wringer. The fic is about how they grieve and reconcile and how Jacob learns to parent, and this one is actually like 60% plot and I think I like it even better than the first one. This author’s note really spoke to me:
I’ve read a fair number of sibling incest modern AU fics in a few different fandoms and they all tend to end at “and then they ran away from their families and lived happily ever after/epilogue of sexy fun times possibly with the introduction of hey they've had a kid!”. And I mean I love that, don't get me wrong. But I guess I’m also weirdly preoccupied with the part about what comes after that, because it always seemed far too dreadfully simple an outcome. Normal relationships are rarely that easy, so why would these be? Then again I'm probably putting too much thought into a porn fic, LOL.
DEAR @poethrotsvitha, THIS IS A SIGNED PETITION TO PLEASE NEVER STOP OVERTHINKING THE PLOT OF YOUR PORN FICS. Like, nobody starts fucking their brother unless they really mean it, because the risk of the relationship going pear-shaped and the two of you still being stuck in each other’s orbit because there’s no “breaking up” with family? That’s a big risk. And also why incest pairings feel so high-stakes and I am trash for them, obvs. One of the reasons the dom/sub dynamic is so integral to their relationship was because Evie had a tendency to dictate to Jacob what he “can and can’t do,” and he understandably chafed against it sometimes. It’s what led to their breakup five years ago. And so him taking charge in the bedroom is a kind of counterbalance, and there’s a scene in this fic where she lets him role-play a noncon situation as a way to partly soothe his jealousy.
To a large extent it’s their son who brings about their reconciliation, but their son is also a hyperactive little git who throws a monkey wrench in their sex life, so now instead of hiding their relationship from their dad they’re tiptoeing around a four-year-old. And the big character development that happens on Jacob’s part is him recognizing that Thomas is Evie’s #1 priority now, and there comes a moment where he has to make a difficult decision to prioritize the two of them in his own life, too (by quitting his job and ending a toxic relationship). The other thing I really liked was how Jacob thinks ruefully he could have gone a another round if he were ten years younger, which he’s not, but Evie seems satisfied and that’s what matters. The recognition that he’s not a teenager anymore, and doesn’t have the stamina of one, but he’s also more mature and this time he’ll be able to give Evie what she needs? Oh, my heart. Like I said I loved them being each other’s firsts as teenagers but this, this second chance they’ve got as adults, this is beautiful.
Ok so this is Evie begging Jacob to fuck her in a closet in the middle of their dad’s funeral service??!:
“Please, I just need to forget. Just for a little bit- I need to forget, please-” Oh, God, this was a terrible idea. A terrible idea that she would die before she stopped- she felt like an addict after years of sobriety, pushed by stress and grief to needing that all-consuming high that she'd never quite been able to forget. Her fingers worked at his belt, pulling it open, unbuttoning his trousers to draw the heel of her palm along where he was already hard. “Evie,” he rasped, shuddering against her touch. “Shh,” she said, tucking his pants down enough to pull his cock free, giving it a few firm strokes. “Shh.” If they talked, it would be too real. It had to be rushed and frantic, to feel like it was just the once, to ease the ache in her chest.
And this is after they finish (“if only it could have lasted forever”):
Silently, she turned to let him zip up her dress … There was a warmth against the back of her neck as she felt him draw her hair aside and press a kiss to the sensitive skin, hesitant and uncertain.  "Thank you," she breathed into the darkness, listening to the click of his belt as it slid back into place.  He just sighed, leaning his forehead against her shoulder, saying a million things without speaking a word. 
Ok so to return an earlier point: When you want a canon incest happy ending in a modern setting (as opposed to if you’re both Targaryens) the most popular option is run away and live as an unrelated couple, which necessitates cutting ties with everyone you’ve ever known. This may be more or less difficult depending on the quantity and quality of those ties; unless this is Flowers in the Attic and you’ve literally been locked in the attic for years there’s bound to be people you care about other than your sibling so this is a monumental ask. The Fryes choose option B, “living openly as siblings and keeping the incest on the dl”. This option is not without risk, of course, since exposure is always a possibility, and Evie has to put up with the other moms at Thomas’s preschool eyeing Jacob like a piece of meat. Still, it means Thomas gets to bake cookies with his grandmother, who would not have let Evie and Jacob back in her life if they flaunted the truth. I mean, it’s not that she doesn’t know her kids are fucking, it’s just that a don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy allows everyone’s relationships to remain intact:
She seemed to be struggling to get the words out. “Is Thomas…” There were a few ways that this question could go, as far as Jacob could see, and he didn’t particularly want to deal with any of them. He leaned against the counter, palms rigid against the cold surface. “I’m really tired, Mother.” “I know. I just…” There was a terrible pause. “Are— are you and Evie…” Still facing the toaster, Jacob closed his eyes. He couldn’t muster a lot of fake outrage, but he planned to deny everything anyway. He didn’t care about how plausible it was. It was easier for everyone that way, especially Mother. Before he could open his mouth, though, Mother’s chair scraped back. “Actually, never mind. It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
Every Wednesday Evie (who’s moved back in with her mom) leaves Thomas with his grandma and goes to “book club” which is really date night at Jacob’s. And the two of them get right up to their old tricks:
When he gave her just the slightest nudge upwards with his hips, she finally let a broken whisper rasp out. “I can't- I want- please-” Jacob clicked his tongue. “You know what I want you to say.” She twisted her neck around again, and he could see that her eyes were now glassy with longing. “Huh?” “It's simple— just ‘My greedy cunt belongs to my brother’. “ “I will not."
The process of turning that initial “no” into a “yes” is scorchingly hot so there you go, I love these two, I love this fic, I have definitely seen the light and I'm ready to embrace smut.
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squandereduniverse · 6 years
I made a second list! This time with three more "nightmarish" AUs at the end as bonus.
Gem Harvest AU?
What if Andy’s prejudged against Gems was grounded in some backstory? (He was a former captive of the human zoo, and recently escaped. Which is why he’s been gone for 20 years.)
What if Andy was a member of an organization dealing with alien activity? He would have to struggle either to report or look the other way concerning Steven’s family. (Basically, Andy is a G3 Member.)
Here are my thoughts on Uncle Andy: We don’t need to bend over backwards to make him be a good person. He can stay a shitty person. His character could be useful in showing why Greg isn’t in contact with most of his family anymore, or that you don’t always have to like family and that has no baring on if you’re a good person or not. I don’t see much merit of giving him a deep and tragic backstory to explain why he’s the way he is when sometimes people are just unapologetically bastards because it’s to their advantage.
Canon-eqsue AU?
What if Jasper had discovered the Pink Diamond twist and discovered that White knew all along earlier than canon?
I could see that turning into a third faction of gems who have had enough of being pawns in a game played by people who claim to be greater than them. An unaligned faction that is fueled by a just rage over being used since their creation.
What if Steven was in reality slowly being corrupted by his gem to end up more like Pink? (An explanation to his dip in personality, and how he’s becoming so submissive to the Diamonds.)
That’d be an interesting explanation. It always seemed like he was being nurtured into being just like his mother, but to have it be out of everyone’s hands would be a fun thing to explore.
What if instead of the Gem War, the Crystal Gems were actually soldiers of Homeworld who refused to fight in the Gem War across the galaxy. Earth’s galaxy is essentially neutral ground, and Pink Diamond would have among those hiding out on Earth. (Essentially, the gems would have been on Earth since the late 1900′s, about the 1920′s. No human zoo, but there would Gem bases. Steven could still be born modern day.)
I mean Earth is basically a backwater planet, so it wouldn’t be neutral ground so much as the gem equivalent of running off into the mountains to be hermits until everything blows over.
What if the Crystal Grems had jobs to help support Greg and Steven? (Takes place long before Greg gets his check.)
Pearl - Mechanic or Ballet Teacher or Kendo teacher
Amethyst - Assists Greg at the car wash or a model for artists to paint taking advantage of her shapeshifting
Garnet - Gym trainer / Martial Arts Teacher
Peridot - IT - Tech Support or (if Lapis is written not to be a prick) Radio Host
Lapis - Coast Guard / Fisherwoman (Trust me, she could bring it the money.)
This could be a really cute idea. I could also see Garnet as someone who could offer relationship advice or a fortune teller. 
What if Pink Diamond’s soul ended up in Mystery Girl’s body? (Think Ozpin slowly taking over Oscar’s body, and it’s play for horror as Mystery Girl is slowly losing her body. Pink wouldn’t really care for her causing that.)
I think Pink’s soul went into Steven seeing as gems are their gems, but that being said I think that that’d be a great angst and horror fic if done right. 
What if Earth’s governments discovered the Zoo? What if we apply the usual trope of Steven trying to shoulder his mother’s responsibilities?
Well the thing is, first they’d have to find it, which would be hard because it’s in the middle of space, and then they’d have to both link it to Steven and care about aliens. But in a universe where they cared, they’d probably go after Lapis first, considering she stole an ocean which no doubt fucked with a lot of stuff. 
Crossover AU?
Outlast AU - Murkoff Corporation is teamed with Homeworld to create supersoliders of human and gem components. Priyanka finds out as she works there and sends out an email leading her to go through the plot of “Outlast Whistleblower” and Steven and Connie going with the Gems to recuse her triggering the plot of “Outlast”.
Dragon Ball Z AU - The universe is assigned a God of Destruction, a Supreme Kai, and an angel. Basically, the Diamond’s plans are literally shattered leaving the Diamonds to have no choice but to beg the CGs for help. Not they want to even help them.
Well the thing is, if we’re playing by DBS rules with Gods of Destruction, I don’t think that they’d care much about the Diamonds and their rule. It’s not much different than Freeza, except Freeza was doing it for profit and not whatever reason the Diamonds have. They’d be forced to subjugate themselves before them, but if that’s something Freeza could manage, I’m sure the Diamonds could as well. Maybe it’d even give a valid reason for White saying she has to be perfect. 
“NSFW” AUs? I do have a few in mind. Adult scenarios concerning the implications have arose. I will say these are not very pleasant compared to the rest. I’d call them “Nightmares Scenarios”.
The Zoo AU - Pink’s purpose was more than just having them in captivity. She wanted her own “personal harem”. Whenever a generation died out, she could just kidnap some more humans. Now, when Doug Maheswaran is taken, Connie and Priyanka go on a journey being aided by former members of Pink’s court who agree that she needs to be stopped. (No Steven, obviously. Connie would be the main heroine. This AU would play the Zoo’s concept for drama and for horror. There would also be no Blue, Yellow, or White Diamond to streamline the plot.)
This sent up a lot of red flags for me, and I can’t place why. I’d just stay clear of most zoo ideas.
Fusion Experiment AU - This experiment was a success, but it had gone horribly right. The CGs had no idea what to say that the Diamonds came running to Earth begging for their help and with Homeworld in ruins by this “creature”. This creature sought only three things, power, destruction, and more fusion experiments to absorb. (Think if the Alien, Predator, and Cell had a love child.)
I mean if we’re talking power, I don’t think the Crystal Gems have what it takes, and if we’re talking pride, I think there’s too much for the Diamonds to swallow. For this to work, I could only imagine either the Diamonds throwing the CGs under the bus, or the beast notices Earth after decimating Homeworld. 
What if the Crystal Grems had jobs to help support Greg and Steven? (Takes place long before Greg gets his check.) However, due to not being citizens, they had to take less reputable work.
I feel like this implies prostitution, but there’s a wild and dark world of black market work out there that we’re not exploiting. I wouldn’t say assassins, but hit men that just rough you up a little. There’s the selling of information, blackmailing, not all sellable organs are vital. 
Though I’d like to think that they target less than savory targets to make the world a better place.
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athyrabunlord · 6 years
About LLSHP AU (Afterword)
[Brief note about School Term] [other LLSHP AU stuff] [YohaMaRuby concept arts] [ChikaYouRiko concept arts] [KanaDiaMari concept arts] [Hogwarts Staff]
[FFN link] [Pixiv Link] [Translated to Chinese by plin2290]
I’m just so pleased and happy to have made it! I have so many existing incomplete stories that it’s astounding for me to actually complete a multi-chapter story. Once again, I’d like to say a huge THANK YOU!! to my readers for staying with me to the end, providing me feedback and expressing interest, motivating and inspiring me enough to reach this point.
The following is really just about my rambling, about my thoughts, about the planning process and my decisions, so do keep reading if you’re interested in the makings of this story. I just feel like sharing (aka: blah blah blah) since, again, I actually friggin completed a story omg (´;Д;`)  
First of all, let’s go way back to near the end of October 2016, not long after LLS Season 1 ended. Yes this is so long ago lmao. After drawing several canon-related fanarts and writing short blips to satiate my thirst, I decided to create a complete whole AU so I can fantasize more XD I ended up picking the Harry Potter verse because, come on, it’s always fun trying to Sort your favorite characters and think about their abilities and whatnot.
Ideas started to whirl and initial sketches began. There’s an old post explaining why I Sort the girls into their respective Houses. That’s also when extra details were pondered over, the why and the pros in doing so. You should know by this point that I’m a complete useless 3rd Years trash, but as I brainstorm more, I realize that their story is more suitable to be a prequel, something that supplements a main story. And so, what should the main story be about? What kind of story do I want to present? Who would be the perfect main character/narrator for this?
Yoshiko. In canon, she’s already associated with (black) magic and, as a First-Year and Muggleborn, she would be perfect for a reader to immerse into this fascinating new world of magic through her perspective. As an old post says, I fudged up the School Term and age during the initial stage and didn’t realize until everything’s all finalized, that’s why I had to keep it as it is XD;;;;
Anyway, at this point, I’ve already decided Yoshiko to be a Horcrux, with the antagonist of this story to be Yohane, and how the last few chapters are going to play out.  Everything else, even the other characters’ backgrounds are all further elaborated and refined based off of this central plot. On a side note, how sexy is Aikyan’s solo in the 3rd Live, I mean, the white and black wing I could only think about Yoshiko/Yohane DX
Ahem, I’ve always found Yoshiko’s character fascinating, that there’s a Yohane side of her even though, really, she’s Yoshiko (a good girl). The Chamber of Secrets and the Half-Blood Prince are the main source of inspiration for this particular idea, but of course HP fans might notice many elements from the original story used or modified in my story. I’m also a strong believer that the Patronus Charm can do more than just warding off Dementors or Lethifolds (and Obscurus), hence its significance in this story, especially later chapters.
Therefore, each girl’s Patronus was tentatively decided at this early stage, with 1 or 2 possibilities. After this, I then thought of what ships should this story present. As much as I did not want romance/ships be The Major Point, I have to acknowledge that ships are what people go for in a story, myself included. I understand shipping might turn people away from even trying a story, that’s why I kept it secret for the first few chapters before confirming it on tumblr (where the chapters were first uploaded). I was just testing the waters, to see if people are interested in the story enough to keep reading even if the ships aren’t their preferences.
Back to planning stage - as a multi-shipper, I did not want to set in stone right off the bat what the ships are either. And thus I continued expanding on ideas and see where things would  go, keeping most of the initial interactions and important moments intact. This is why there are times it might seem there are multiple pairings even though nothing was specified (cough wee kanadia, youriko etc (。・ ω<)ゞてへぺろ♡). Not to mention, as the main character, Yoshiko will always have moments with each of the 8 girls. I remember joking in an old post that, if this were a gal-game, there are various routes to this story, from the default path to those you have to unlock via certain conditions XDDD
Naturally, members of the 1st-year trio and Guilty Kiss get more screen time with Yoshiko. Then, as a fellow Slytherin and part of the tsurime trio, Dia does too. Not to mention Season1’s anime ED shows You & Angel together, You gets special moments too. Chika is Aqours’ leader who first accepted Yoshiko into the group as datenshi, so I tried to show that as much as I could given the circumstances in the story. And so, this leaves poor orca on the side lol. But yeah, YoshiMaru, YoshiRiko, YoshiRuby, so many possibilities! However, as more details get finalized, such as Yoshiko’s childhood, her Shiira-KANSU! Patronus and about the Augurey, YoshiMaru just happened. Things seem to click into place with their love as the focal point and I was able to keep expanding the story. First puppy love, innocent and pure. A dream that grew to become reality. Could other ships have worked? Yes, but then that would’ve given this story a different direction and it wouldn’t have been LLSHP AU – Yoshiko Tsushima and the Fallen Angel anymore. As I developed YoshiMaru more and more, I was very satisfied with my choice.
On a side note, I confirm Yoshiko did have a crush on You at first (and Hanamaru had a crush on Kanan) xD it’s mostly just physical attraction in a “the-senpai-I-admire” kind of way, and it soon morphs to strong friendship as this story progresses. I don’t know if this was obvious at all but that’s why these two girls always have a soft spot for Gryffindor Baka#2 and Baka #3 xD!!!
On the other hand, I was not expecting DiaRiko to form. Yes, it was my guilty ship but I didn’t intend for them to be a couple in this story, just close friends/confidantes. In canon, they’re already the straight man of their respective year trios (most of the time anyway, I’m looking at you ponkotsu penguin). Yet, given their respective pasts and personalities, they became intimately close and found solace with each other, and that kind of relationship is what I tried to show to the readers, especially through the Carbonado Interlude. They’re not predestined to fall in love but they did and found happiness. Out of the four ships, I was most worried about DiaRiko since it’s a rareship unlike the other three. That’s why I keep saying how pleased I am that it ended up being well-received by fans ;;A;;
ChikaYou came to be as I finalize the 2ndYears’ background and Riko’s part, while KanaMari’s story is set aside for the prequel and thus not given much spotlight in the main story (and also due POV effect). In spite of how much I adore ChikaYou, it’s also not shown much because of what happened in the story but also because I wanted to present their dynamic as a duo and CYR bond with Ruby (since that’s how Yoshiko perceives them most of the time anyway).  
Ruby, my widdle cinnamon roll baby, is left unpaired for a reason. I want to show that platonic/friendship love is just as wonderful and powerful. There’s a saying ‘lovers come and go, but friends are for life’, and that’s exactly what Yoshiko and Hanamaru meant for Ruby, and vice versa. Now, while I’m on this, I have a confession about Ruby’s fate. After the concept arts were drawn and uploaded, I was finalizing the details of the three Arcs before I toss the first chapter onto tumblr. The end of ch19 is definitely one of the biggest climax of the story - Ruby ended up being Yohane’s target instead of Dia. Originally, uh, yeah, Ruby is supposed to die because her wounds were too much. Regular healing spells do not work on sectumsempra, only a special counter-Curse could reverse the effects. I tried very hard to find a way around it to save her. I don’t want my baby to die, any of them really, and she still have so much ahead of her. Fortunately, I was able to save her through Yoshiko/Yohane which, in turn, saved this raven-haired girl as well. I was able to continue working backwards on finalizing the Arcs and individual chapters with a peaceful state of mind.
‘Yoshiko’, as in the one who’s been narrating the story from ch1-20, still died in a way, but at least I was able to change the story from Bad End to True End (?). True End is the ch21 I uploaded. Bad End route would have Ruby dead, Yoshiko gone and ch21 would turn out completely different. A Happy End would be Yoshiko the Narrator miraculously alive and the others not having scars or still recovering, but I just find that too unrealistic. I’ve minimized the, uh, damage enough as it is, given the circumstances. J.K. Rowling did go on a killing spree in Book7 but come on, with a psychotic maniac like Voldemort and all those magical spells, you can easily kill people. You don’t need Avada Kedavra to kill someone, a sudden Diffindo or Reducto is enough. I’ve chosen my sacrifice and one is too many already. And speaking of sacrifice, let me talk a bit about Riko and why she was the ‘first victim’. Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare. Even though this story was outlined even before the First Live, this song already stands out to me from the anime, a song where the 8 of them sang in Riko’s absence but her spirit is still with them. And so, I sort of portrayed that the way it is in this story. Even though Riko didn’t get any lines from ch12 onward until ch20, her role remains significant and is the pivotal point for the remainder of Arc2 and Arc3. In terms of the plot, I’ve followed my outline quite closely. All the core points remained unchanged as I write out the chapters, though how I write a chapter (ie the wording, the extra little details, and actual professor dialogues instead of just narration) did change as I go along, influenced by more of the official content. Facts about characters that are only revealed in Season2 or other media such as SIF etc were not incorporated into this story (for example, Kanan being afraid of ghosts and height). As I mentioned in an older post about wands, I would have chosen phoenix feather for Ruby’s wand core had I known about the Duo-Trio results. The Kazuno sisters would have been incorporated into the story alas, back then, very little was known about Saint Snow in Season1 of the anime. Yes… season2 was finished and, like, a total of 15 live performances have happened between the creation and the completion of this story LOL Back to the plot. Seven is said to be a magical number in the HP verse and that’s why each Arc has 7 chapters. Arc 1 is the Intro, Arc 2 is the turning point, Arc 3 is the climax and the resolution. Sounds easy and straightforward so I thought I would’ve finished the story within a year. Well. It ended up almost taking two years lmao. Obligations IRL aside, new ideas, more AUs, more fanarts etc also make sticking to the update schedule difficult. It’s the worst when it comes to writer’s block – you have the outlines, you know what’s supposed to happen in a chapter, yet the words just aren’t flowing and you’re stuck. Thankfully, with you lovely readers giving the feedback and encouragement I need, I made it over each bump on the road to get to the finale. Hanamaru wrote most of this story, yes. Each chapter titles with exception of Ruby’s interlude and ch18-19 also showed up in ch21. The title of the ‘book’ is supposed to be revealed in the Epilogue but, since I had to upload it onto Fanfiction.Net, I can’t just call it LLSHP AU so I had to reveal “Yoshiko Tsushima and the Fallen Angel” right away. Back then I called this a temporary title because I did think about giving this story an alternate title, since she didn’t write the interludes, ch21 and the epilogue. However, at the end of the day, this still suits the story best. After all, the individual titles for ch21 and the epilogue make up the story’s title.
“Yoshiko has always known that she isn't normal like everyone else. Surely, she would master everything about magic at Hogwarts, and become the amazing fallen angel she's meant to be. Little did she know, her school year would be more than eventful as she makes great friends, uncovers secrets, and learns what it truly means to be Yohane.” - this is the summary I put on Fanfiction.Net. It speaks from both Yoshiko the Narrator’s perspective, and Yoshiko from the Epilogue’s perspective. It probably sounds confusing but I hope you understand what I mean. So, what’s next? I’ve invested a lot in this world of LLSHP AU already and there are still so many more possibilities, especially with the rather open ending both ch21 and the epilogue presents, so I’m definitely not done with this AU! Since I have the memory of a goldfish, I don’t know if I’ve already mentioned this but the prequel will be told mostly in Mari’s POV. It will have occasional Dia and Kanan POVs too (because I’m a shameless 3yrs-oshi and writer privilege); Rather than taking forever to write and cramping the scenes into a massive interlude chapters, I’ve decided to split it in shorter chapters - this will roughly be a 12-part story that took place before the main story, showcasing segments of the kanadiamari’s first 3 years at Hogwarts.
This prequel is… relatively normal and lighter compared to the main story, meaning it’s more school-oriented and more slice-of-life episodes for the most part (at least, that’s the outline), and much more Professor cameos. There will be more N-card girls to be showcased as well, such as kanadiamari’s Housemates and Quidditch teammates. Overall, it’ll be shiny °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° There will not be a full sequel to the main story. Instead, there will be blips/drabbles about events that happen after the main story, as teased in the Epilogue - the TriWizard Tournament for one XD And, unlike the main story, the ideas for blips in this sequel-timeline are more vague, so I’ll be able to incorporate new content into it (as in, from official content 2017 onward such as proper characterization of Saint Snow).
There are plans for omake/filler fun blips as well - little incidents that happened throughout the main story or, rather, ‘excerpts’ that Hanamaru wrote but didn’t make it to the final version of her book. The first Halloween, more scenes with the Professors, birthdays and so on.
There are also plans for character-exclusive blips as well, similar to an Interlude. For example, DiaRiko’s ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) cough cough.
My tentative plan is to keep going with the prequel, and maybe every few chapter or so I’d write a sequel-timeline blip. I’ll see how my muse and inspiration is in the future, I’m already extremely satisfied that I finished the main story XD And I do want to work on some of my other existing AUs (ie Animus AU and Mafia AU just because I’ve already invested time in creating the concept arts and so I don’t want them to sink into oblivion…) or who knows, there might be new AUs. I mean, pretty much every new SIF set is enough to inspire a brand new AU please allow me a moment to giggle like the trash I am over the DiaRiko UR set *pterodactyl screech*
AHEM. Another thing is illustration/artworks. Since most of my time was spent on writing, there are much fewer artworks than I would’ve liked for this story. I think I mentioned this somewhere that I’d love to have an individual cover art for each chapter alas, no time at all DX I’d like to have at least one illustration per chapter too but OTL I can only pick one and so for this AU I chose writing over drawing. Cry.
Anyway, I’ve rambled long enough and I think I’ve talked about everything I want to get off my chest. If you have any questions/feedback, go ahead and fire’em at me, since I’m now able to answer anything without fear of spoilers now XD (unless your question is about the prequel or things that happen in the sequel-timeline)
Thanks for reading the whole thing and, ofc, staying with me until the end of this story!
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insanescriptist · 6 years
Hi, this isn't a question, but I just wanted to tell you how much I love your flame theory posts. I've been looking for flame theory stuff bc I'm dumb and can't make my own (not for fanfic I just like daydreaming abt my OCs and AUs) and I love how understandable and interesting your posts are. There's also lots of points where you bring up something I didn't even consider but makes so much sense that I go "duh!" and it's also really helped me with ny OCs and characterization of canon (1/2)
(2/2) characters and I feel less like I’m making a self-indulgent mary sue story in my head. I don’t know enough English to describe everything else I love abt your theories but yeah I love them and you’re rlly cool             
Thanks! A lot!
I’ve been needing to update those for like over a year now; it’s kinda obvious that some ideas have evolved over time but Flame Theory is mostly based on what Izzy already knows or can research. Fact-checking ideas, seeing correlations, determining causation if possible.
And then Izzy just lets a lot of that information drift around in the head, to see what pings as similar, connected etc; it’s kinda why Izzy’s hesitating on putting up new Flame-lore stuff as she’s debating with self over a few ideas and if Izzy has gotten things backwards and she doesn’t want to ret-con to the infinite. Because doing that makes things hard to understand as her understanding furthers, as which version is valid would stir debate and foster potential misunderstanding. We have enough of that in this fandom with the whole hard/soft, inverted/polarized ideas.
Because Izzy would like to make Flame Theory understandable, not just to self but to others. As good writing has to be understandable and this is not academia. More to the point, fandom isn’t a one-language phenomena and so needs to be understandable by those that have English as another language or may be too young to have been exposed to all the concepts referenced. Or just not good at the subject referenced. Which means avoiding made-up terminology, bad science and re-analyzing the data available.
So it’s actually a lot of work, for all that it’s all mental. Because when it comes to KHR, Flame Types will inevitably come up and writers need to remember to make not just necessary characters but people, Because if none of your characters are people but are plot-devices, then it’s bad storytelling. And if Izzy’s Flame Theory posts are helping your OCs become people and less mary sue while furthering your understanding of other characters then Izzy can be very proud of self and of you.
Again, much thanks!
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WLW Fic Rec List
with input from my beautiful friend @gee13
I promised a random anon I would give ‘em a more complete list of recs several months ago so here- in no particular order I have, Glee, Pretty Little Liars, Pitch Perfect, Girl Meets World, Supergirl, The 100,  The Good Place, and Riverdale. 
There’s very little porn without plot in here, but I went through my favorites on fanfiction.net and my history on Ao3 and if I recognized the fic I put it down. So some might have slipped through.
As I was going through these and rereading some old favorites I forgot about I wrote little bios. If your work, or a work you really like doesn’t have a bio it’s just cause I remembered it was really good and didn’t feel a need to reread it. If you want comment your own and I’ll edit the post and give you credit. 
The minimum qualifications for all of these were:
At least 2k words for a one shot, if it was a multi chapter there had to be at least 1k words per chapter (For example: 14 chapters, 14k words)
It had to be completed or updated in the last year ish (but like I was flexible based on the quality, and if I knew the author or the deal or not)
It had to be Ao3 or Fanfiction.net and tagged appropriately (so I could find it)
Also I never really got into g!p stuff because I ran into a lot of transphobic or just really offensive stuff early on which put me off of it.
Or the alpha omega stuff, when my goach found out I was reading fanfiction she said ‘great just nothing with alpha omega shit okay” and that was like four years ago but I don’t care enough now to start. So none of those are on here (maybe in faberry but I don’t think so)
And they also had to be english, my spanish is still pretty bad so I can’t really read any of those- sorry :(
But let me know if the link ain’t right. And if you think something should be added let me know too, and I’ll read it and add it, and give you credit. My tastes have changed over the years to be slightly so if there’s something here that you think is distateful message me being like “can you reread this?” because it might’ve slipped through. Or I might be like “m8 thats some gay ass shit right there, agr33 to disagr33.” We’re all just here to read out otps getting together again and again in different ways, let’s just be chill about it
But don’t worry- what’s important is at the end of the day they’re all very very gay. 
Italics is required reading for each fandom
Dead Girls Don’t Sing (a must read) and the sequel Dead Girls Don’t get a Happy Ending - if you read nothing else for the rest of your life read this, it was written by one of the kindest women I know
You Don’t have the Right
A Perfect Match - slow burn, good if you like tennis
Comfortably Numb
Black Holes and Revelations
Angel Eyes
I’ll Be
Beers and Strippers
Kill the Light
Racing Against the Sun (fucking depressing I cried)
The Christmas Act
Acceptance and it’s sequels: Remembrance and Convergence
Making Angels Cry
Better Than Ice Cream - cute kid!faberry fic
Alone Together - slow burn af but worth the read
A Million Miles of Fun - ridiculous and great
Cuddle Monster - fluffy fluffy crack
Zero, Thirtyseven, Nine - I read this awhile ago and was too young to comprehend the genius
Secret Relationship Unlike Any Other - I was just thinking about this fic the other day!
Should’ve Asked for Directions - if you haven’t read this- read it I swear to god
An Accident of Paradise
Backwards Walk  and the companion Between The Drinks And Subtle Things - angsty and painful, I once attempted to write a happy ending and even my fluffy ass failed 
Better Where it’s Wetter - Introduced me to Ellen so…
Boats in the Sky
The Wish
Give your Heart a Break - left me a lil unsatisfied, but gave me some room to daydream about an epilogue
We might fall hard We might fall fast
I Told Him
Opposite Poles, Equal Partners - a quick angsty one shot to leave you unsatisfied :)))))))))
Quinn’s Second Time - I remember this being good awhile back, let me know ya’ll
Marley and Quinn
My Lost was Saying Found
12 Days
Pretty Little Liars
Ali’s Second Chance
Sinner’s Lullaby
the supreme 
In Holy Matrimony
Our War
A Break From Being Me
Acquired Madness
Her Silence is Deafening
It’s a Process
Orange is the new Alison
Brooklyn and the Baby
Dreaming - tbh I’m not sure if it’s good, but the concepts amazing and the first chapters are really good so we’ll see
Downtown Train - this author is an investment, I have a feeling they’ll get better with time and this fic is already really good. Perfect for a relaxing rainy day, or right before you go to bed because it won’t keep you up. Just like a chill fic bruh
Tattooed Memories & Hidden Stories
Soldiers are Dreamers
Lauren - frustrating for an emison shipper but undeniably well written
Place Your Bet - tbh everything by this author, while a little slow, is incredible 
And The Sparks That We Had Can No Longer Light Up Our Debris - angsty and unsatisfying, but I’m a masochist so I love it
Like Real People Do
Right now it feels like we’re bleeding (so deep that we might not get back up) - I have reread this shit so many times, I love it to death
she’s (not) too good for you - I reread this on the regular
25 Occasions People Have Celebrated in the Liarverse - seriously so good, I cried several times
Five Kisses Emily Fields Never Had (On Screen)
Half the Fun
A Break From Being Me - hasn’t been updated in 3000 years but sorta incredible tbh, read at your own risk!
Mulligan Madness
Ali’s Guide to the Art of Love - one of those fics that seems dumb but is actually really gripping and well written and it’s just that the summary’s misleading?
i’ve been afraid of changing (cause i built my life around you)
silver stepping stones - sorta like ‘Right now it feels like we’re bleeding…’ but told from Alison’s perspective and if Alison had gone with Emily. It’s not perfect but it’s a cute one shot and really in character
Ali’s Nightmare Before Christmas and it’s sequel Breathe Again - I actually haven’t reread these I just remember these being really really good
Art of Attraction - I actually know the author and she’s super nice and she writes a bunch of other great stuff
All the Things That Used to Matter
every thought a thought of you
Love is the New Denim or Black
Act Like Everything is Normal
wide open road (of my future)
Take Me to Your River (I Wanna Go)
Chalk Paths
Tell me you Won’t Leave me - really angsty, I felt like it really made an impact on me ya know?
Thirteen Things - this is actually a series but every fic is completed and utter gold
All the Way Home I’ll Be Warm - okay this is a lil hetero but it has emison so
Big Little Liars
Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Depravity
Slouching Towards Bethlehem
Times, They Are A’Changing - sorta every gay couple imaginable, I haven’t read it in awhile but I remember it being really good, there’s a companion peice: Baby, You’re the Best I’ve Ever Met that’s about Mona and Melissa
Pitch Perfect
Perfect Timing and a Perky Red Head
Girl Meets World
The Circle
iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou, she never says and the unfinished sequel which will continue to kill us “we’ll be fine,” he swore  (even if you aint in the fandom read this, some of the best work I’ve ever seen)
Growing Pains Taste Like Five Hour Energy And Her Lips
Darling so it Goes - hasn’t been updated in awhile so read at your own risk
your hand in mine (heartbeats in sync)
we howl to the moon
do you fall in love too easily?
Passage - I reread this to make sure it was still good as I remembered, crying now- read at your own risk
As Observed by the Sky
pretty sleeper and it’s companion pretty weeper - why is the rilaya fandom so angsty? IT’S NOT NECESSARY
crawl home to her - vampire au, not normally something I’m into but the pickings are sparce and this is damn good
Ten First Meetings
The Universe Wants Maya Dead - fucking angsty man, seriously
Day in the Super Life
with joyful ring - a cute Christmas one shot
a love that’s homeless - another cute fantasy one shot
ramble in the roots
Something to Write About
The War of Roses
Is this who we are now? - I wish this was more than a oneshot, I would’ve liked to see the ending play out but a fantastic concept- really
Of Soul-Mate’s and Heart-ache
The Fifth Wall -  I’ve loved the slow buildup but haven’t had a chance to finish it so no one talk to me about it ever
Secretaries Know Best - Jess is a queen and I love her
One Lena Comment Too Far - the greatest piece of literature to ever grace the internet
Did You Absolutely Have To - I’m dying and I love it
Your Name
Supergirl’s latest date - I remember this being pretty funny but I was too lazy to reread
Sunlit Honey and Lavender Sunsets and apparently the author has an unfinished sequel? Gold-Crested Ravens and Cornflower Blue Mornings
The 100
Lightening Only Strikes Once - READ READ READ PLEAASE
Down Came the Rain
The Blind Side of Love
Pie in the Sky - so so so so good! Like actually amazing
they take their shots but we’re bulletproof
you’re magic & you’re real
All That You Got (Skin To Skin Oh My God)
Copper Down - so I went on a clexa spree and so there’s gonna be a shit ton of those on here
More Than You Think You Are - a little ooc at times but pretty gosh darn amazing oh my god
masquerade dreams 
blood rush in the hazy glow - this killed me, I wish the author would give us an epilogue, maybe Clarke and Lexa buying the bar together and watching some lost college kids come in making it a circle or something, but really really really amazing Jesus
I’ll travel through time to save you
In Another Life - a little Lexark for ya, it’s a short, fun, satisfying read you can knock out in thirty minutes
Origamis - to prepare ya’ll for the single mom au I’m dropping probably never but have planned out in my head to a tee
The Wife Project: By Professor Alexandria Woods - Autistic!lexa is honestly one of my favorite head canons that I believe is 100% true, and this fic writes it effortlessly
Almost Three - angsty but interesting concept- definitely enjoyable and I’ve reread it multiple times
Some Angels Fall
Commander in Chief - the best part about this is that in this universe trump is in jail
i’ll give you the moon - some christmas fluff
she gave me a good character (but said I could not swim) - angsty and unfullfilling so you know I love it
The White Queen Running - I loved every moment of this fic and it’s (unfinished) sequal - The Red King Awake, while admittedly hard to follow at times it’s still incredibly sweet while also being angsty and intriguing. 10/10 would read again. Also there’s so much fanart for it? Like really really good fanart? I’ve actually saved some of the better pieces to give me inspiration when I write tbh…
An Unfinished Fight - wonderful concept but would’ve loved to see the ending scene played out more, still an overall amazing fic and honestly so satisfying
Love Letters and Coffee Grounds - a warm christmas fluff for ya that’s ridiculously long but still great. 
It’s in My Roots, in My Veins, in My Blood (and I Stain Every Heart That I Use to Heal the Pain - a little bit of plot exhaustion by the end, you can probably just stop reading after the second denny’s scene and then skip to the epilouge but still so fantastic. I stayed up till 2am reading this and have no regrets
This Isn’t Our Fate (But You’re Still My Destiny) - lexark and clexa in one amazing fic! Sign me the fuck up! Really fucking cute and fluffy and totally angsty headcannons for elyza I love.
An Adventure - I love the characterization for Aden and I love this so much in gerneral tbh
you’re magic & you’re real - I like exactly four headcanons about the 100 characters: autistic!lexa, dyslexic!clarke, nonbinary!octavia, and I can’t remember the other one. It doesn’t matter, all of the mentioned above are in this and it’s very gay and wonderful and I actually wish I could make a movie out of this because it’s so great
by her side - a warm fluffy christmas fic for yall
Let Your Hair Down - dunno, cute af I guess
The Days of our Lives - a series I didn’t have the patience to finish but I have adhd so… the first one was fantastic and I loved the second one, but it keeps going so the others are probably good too
Today at Dust - helpful if you want to cry
who told you that you were naked? - fantastic, like seriously one of the best things I’ve read. 
i can fly higher than an eagle (for you are the wind beneath my wings) - GREAT if you want to cry. Not clexa centered but at the end yeah… It’s about Anya and Lexa
I have lost my pain - creative and interesting, well written and well done. A very good fic in all manners of speaking
I Will Wait (You Forgave And I Won’t Forget) - just a cute oneshot that’s very well written and gripping
A Forest Fire - I’m a sucker for fix it fics 
Fallen - a series I didn’t have the paitence to finish but again, symptom of my adhd, the first book and second book’s first half was fantastic and cute. I just love the headcanon for Clarke
Fix You - angsty but also amazing?
Mystic Coffee - did this inspire fanart or was it inspired by the witch!clarke fanart?
the business of caring - I’m a huge fan of this author’s style of writing, it’s funny and straight to the point and very dry, I read this until 3:30am last night and I had to get up at 6 the next day
what the ground grows - written by the same author and you can see the similarities in voice. Seriously both are amazing but this one is considerably more angsty than the one above
I’m bigger than my body, I’m colder than this home (I’m meaner than my demons, I’m bigger than these bones) - so angsty but so wonderful, I actually cried so hats off to you author…
The Witch of Ceder Plains - a cute two shot
July 4th 2016 - not really a series like the description promises but a very good stand alone story that was well written
If Love Were Enough and the heartbreaking prequal What I Lost In You - both oneshots, both genius
Bury it and Rise Above - mideval oneshot that I love
Ramen, Redbull, and Spite - I need a comic book based off this, it’s genius
find your way to me - fuck this fic, no really, I stayed up till 4am reading it when I had to get up at 8 the next day. Fuck this fucking shit. Mainly fluff until everything falls apart
Sacred Spaces - wasn’t gonna cause it’s just a oneshot and the description is so bad but shit the imagery in here is to die for and I feel like I’m reading a van gogh painting seriously
maybe they will sing for us tomorrow: the only thing I’ve ever printed a hard copy of its my all time favourite probably (description and initial reccomendation by @lexascandlestores) 
Everything by this author is so good in the clexa section I would reccomend all of it seriously oh my god
move on me: reincarnation fic that’s really beautiful (description and initial reccomendation by @lexascandlestores​)
Against the multiverse: a really fun clever one shot  (description and initial reccomendation by @lexascandlestores​)
ultraviolet lights - a lexark one shot that headcannons Elyza in a way I haven’t seen her before (a soft gay extra mess)
Hope is the Thing with Feathers (That Perches in the Soul) - I really love the daemon universe even though I’ve seen very little of it. This was very vivid though and had great imagery...
You’re Love Is a Waiting Game - I don’t think the author knew how to end this which is why the ending wasn’t perfect, but it’s overall so amazing I love it and it’s def worth the read
a year of sundays - a bit of a slow read at times and a bit mind boggling at times that they don’t figure it out sooner but very fluffy and amazing and very in character
your hand in mine and it’s sequal your hand in mine (pt. ii) - at the time of my writing this I have not yet finished part two but the first one was mastered so well I can only imagine its counterpart will be of a similar nature. Also there’s smut in this
Nails For Breakfast, Tacks For Snacks - a series about clexa in the middle of a turfwar, it’s just three well written one shots that are gripping and have a lot of imagery and realism. 
Something Suspicously Close to Hope - read if you like crying and Stranger Things, it’s a series of one shots about Eleven being adopted by Clexa and I love them
beat the devil’s tattoo - I haven’t read the one for anya but I imagine, if it’s anything like this- it’s pretty darn good
And I am driftwood, found. - really emotional, I read the first part but never finished it but this forced me to go back and reread it. Definitely worth it.
Feels Like Home - a short but satisfying read with very good characterization
a hand to hold on to series - definitely prioritizes family over romance but the kids were very realistic and I liked what they did when they placed Lexa in such a new situation so fast. I feel like people characterize her as bad with kids a lot but I don’t think she was...
or what you will - realiztic and heartfelt, I liked the poetry it was additive and insightful
enchanted. - are there ever enough harry potter AUs? Could’ve done with some more angst but this was acceptable.
She (thefooliam): a classical emotional roommates fic that just nails all the feels (description and initial reccomendation by @lexascandlestores)
This is heaven in hiding: lawyer multi chapter that’s really good and pretty smutty though! (​)
Markenland Series - there’s just two right now but I think they plan on writing a third. Anyway, very cute, I loved the characterization and the slowburn but not kill me this is taking too long slowburn
More Women than Warriors - I can’t begin to describe how much I love this, one of my favorite things I’ve read of all time. Please read this.
Empath - gay
Love Is Blindness (I Don’t Want to See) - my dad sat next to the daughter of a notorius kingpin when he was in highschool, once she asked to borrow a pencil and never gave it back and he watched her use it for like three months and said nothing. 
Habromaniac: cute one shot ( description and initial reccomendation by @lexascandlestores)
this heart, fossilized and silent (once was tender, and once was violent) - surprisingly little angst after the beginning but in still a very realistic way. very fast paced in terms of action, I certainly was never bored...
Suffrage - there will never be a time when I am not interested in twentieth century, cross dressing, feminist clexa fighting for the rights of women
No Church In The Wild: one of the best heartbreaking canon one shots ever (description and recomendation by @lexascandlestores) 
Kiss Me, Kill Me; It’s Just The Same Isn’t It? - lexark, a little bit of poetic fluff thrown in there but it hit just that perfect mix of clexa and lexark, very good
the earth, that is sufficent - written for clexa week I loved every chapter of it. Each peice was a standalone but also worked cohesively with the others. Flawless, seriously.
Into the Wild Blue - I just love southern clexa okay? Leave me alone
it’s called contraband for a reason - written by one of the best clexa authors of all time it’s hilarious, sweet, in character, poignant and well done. At times the format takes away more than it adds but it allows the reader to compare and contrast the beginning and the end and see the character’s develop more clearly.
there is no sweeter innocence (than our gentle sin) - this author may or may not be a genius Imma go binge all of their works and let you know. This was vv good at least. One shot
we’re only young & naive still (the bittersweet between my teeth) - part of that gaf au (you can find here) that I love so much... just a one shot but the different perspectives are done really well which is a hard thing to do well
Before Words, Beyond Silence, and it’s unfinished sequal, In the Screaming Silence - it has that satisfying instant clexa connection while not sacrificing plot or angst, no trust me, it didn’t sacrifice angst. I think the ice queen plot was a little rushed but it’s still fantastic and I’m excited to see where the sequal goes!
Skylark -  A superhero fic that’s pretty damn cool. Clarke and the gang had illegal experiments done to them by Mount Weather and it gave them superpowers. They fight crime while trying to remain anonymous as well. This story is so clever and incorporates the City of Light/chips/ flame so cool, and Clexa are badasses, and just…read it, trust me. (Description and initial reccomendation done by @dreamsaremywords on this rec list)
You See The Smile That’s On My Mouth (it’s hiding the words that don’t come out) -  A childhood modern au where Clarke and Lexa are fuckin soulmates and best friends and it takes them a ridiculous amount of time to figure that out. (Description and initial reccomendation done by @dreamsaremywords on this rec list)
The World Had Less Color Without You - it’s a college au where Clexa become friends after being paired together for a project, and fall in love even though they’re both terrified of it. (Description and initial reccomendation done by @dreamsaremywords​ on this rec list)
Love on the Ground - This!! fic!!! is fucking fantastic. Canon-verse, angsty, so, so good. Just read it. (Description and initial reccomendation done by @dreamsaremywords​ on this rec list)
Mysteries of Love - There’s another apocalypse, but Clexa are soulmates, and there’s a happy ending. (Description and initial reccomendation done by @dreamsaremywords​ on this rec list)
Essays in Existentialism: FtWD - a writer on tumblr publishes a lot of fics, either multi or oneshots under the ‘essays in exstentialism’ I haven’t read any beyond this lexark multi but this lexark multi was pretty fricken amazing ngl. Unfortunately hasn’t been updated in more than a year so it’s a pretty big risk
You Ask My Name (and All I do is Listen) - I had every sort of feeling about this, it’s super in character and incredibly well done
The Library - a bar au with a perfect mix of instant connection and angst, really well done
possibility days - a celeb au that’s well written and annoyingly filled with useless lesbian themes for both our idiots
Hooked on a feeling - an HP au I waited a million years to be updated and then finally was and what I’m trying to tell you is it’s amazing and worth it and wonderful and fluffy and I’ll love it forever
gera’s step-sister au - a lot of porn, Idk why but I tried to read this a billion years ago but I reread it recently and loved it. But yeah - definition of porn with feelings
Come Morning Light - this author writes a lot of kid fics but this is one of my favorites. In character and well written with a heartbreakingly poetic style. I love it.
most ardently - like some of these authors fics are amazing (like this one) and some are dumb as shit and like? Are there co authors? Are you like multiple people? I don’t know but this was amazing, historical clexa is historical clexa. Has some themes of the suffragette au from my first rec list but carves out a nice space for itself.
Punchline - a oneshot where Clarke wanders around the world and runs into Lexa a lot except it’s angsty and beautiful and there’s a lot of imagery
clexa eternal au - painful heartbreaking well written fantastic. I love most of the stuff by this author too so like you can’t really go wrong
pump mud through my veins - I wasn’t sure about the structure at first but they did something really cool with it and honestly well done
out at sea - okay I saw the tumblr post for this but I gotta say they did something interesting and fun with it and I don’t mind. Well writtten and vv cute
we will meet again - put off reading this because I was prepared for endless heartbreaks. Did happen but totally worth it. Don’t worry there’s a happy ending
Zoo Parks and Restoration - I got annoyed with plot exhaustion but the amount of well done clexa in this made it perfect. I never really like modern aus that much but I love this
The Whore’s Queen - took a little bit to get going but once it did... damn...
We Looked Like Giants - for some reason I put this off but there was no reason to? It’s so good? And very in character?
when my heart is at war - I can’t wait for the sequals, the first one is incredible!
Fall Away - a lot deeper and angstier than the thing got me ready for, really amazing and really well done. Love them lesbians
we could be immortals - put this off for some reason I don’t know why. Very in character, very true to high school I think, and funny and sarcastic and well written. it’s a highschool au but it’s more in character than that, and there’s plenty that links it to canon. I prefer canon tbh, but this was a nice fluff break
The Taste of War and Heartache - angsty and unfinished this is another incredible work by thefooliam. I would ten/ten reccomend because where it leaves off is pretty okay. It’s a canon au but it has some modern elements for those who prefer that. Really a great fic.
Bellamy x Murphy
if you only knew (my heart is breaking) - murphy is immortal and it’s angsty, this actually introduced me to this ship and I don’t normally like mlm but I kinda love this?
cynophilia - geez I don’t know why I love this ship all of a sudden wow
(you owe me twenty) - this actually ends with Murphy and Emori but it’s still super well written and well done
The Good Place
Tahani x Eleanor
True Love Is What Janet and Jianyu Have - this author is actually getting a lot of the second season right tbh
Riverdale/Archie Comics
Can I Kiss You?
maybe being in a closet isnt so bad
Real Bisexual Kissing
Thaw - a real fluffy piece that won’t leave you angry and sad at all :)))))))))
Friends Don’t Let Friends Suffer Alone
The list as of 10/1/18
That’s it for now, I’ll probably reblog it with a continued list or post another list later as I go through more fics and more are reccomended and updated and finished. I just thought I’d post it now for obvious reasons...
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pichitinha · 7 years
what are some tropes you love and hate in fics?
Anon I know you sent this like hours and hours ago but I wanted to answer on a desktop bc do I know how to go straight to the point? No
Anyway, I am very particular with things I like, dislike, feel neutral and borderline despise when reading fanfiction so I will adapt my answer to fit the things I feel like mentioning even if they might not be tropes, so you can sort of understand what I read and my writing better!
I am 100% here for anything that has the tag “established relationship” not immediately followed by death/drama/angst/suffering. I like reading slice of life, happy, fluff, sexy, fun fics with my couples and I disagree wholeheartedly with the concept that this sort of fic is less worth bc it doesn’t have a plot. It’s completely possible for them to have a plot and most of them do and they are amazing!
Given my love for established relationship I also love Secret Dating, I have a thing for Amnesia stories and do like a tiny bit of well-written jealousy
Who doesn’t like pining and slow burn? It’s secondary to my love of est. couples but I do like reading about two idiots either a) falling in love or b) being in love and pining bc they think it’s unrequited. I do, however, like this when it is absolutely 100% mutual from the beginning, I have a hard time handling stories in which the unrequited pining is one-sided for a long or even short period of time. Is it more realistic? Yes and I am fully aware. But it for reals makes me sad so I overall avoid that
So the whole one-sided pining thing I mentioned above could be here. Cause like, if it has a happy ending and all that then I’ll probably read it and end up loving it, but while we’re in the first stage I’ll be real sad so I guess these two sort of balance each other out. I am also fairly neutral to fake dating, it’s a super favorite trope for most people but I have reservations on it on several accounts
I don’t usually like age gaps, pwp, enemies to friends to lovers or glorification of traits I am usually against (e.g. gangster au)
Don’t come near me with your “this does not have a happy ending" bullshit, I have no time for death fics or cheat fics or anything that walks backwards on a happy ending. I want them to either be happy from start to finish with the eventual setbacks in the middle or to be not happy and then become happy, don’t benjamin button the love story pls! If I wanted to be sad I’d look at my own love life tks
Anyway, this is not to talk about the quality of works with such traits, it’s merely a personal preference on what to read.
(Also, I was supposed to post this yesterday night and then I sent it to my drafts instead and found it now I’m sorry)
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agentredfort · 7 years
ruby redfort fic masterlist
What is this- geek central?
welcome to the Ruby Redfort fic masterlist, where I do my very best to collect every single bit of fic that’s out there on the internet for your convenience!
I’m not listing these based on quality (and besides, there’s not exactly a lot out there so i can’t pick and choose) so there’s going to be a wide range of fics in this list. any fics that I especially like will be marked as [PERSONAL FAVORITE]. any fics that I’ve added in recently will be marked as [*NEW*]. ships will be tagged!
if there’s any fics that you’ve noticed I’ve missed- or if you’ve written something yourself!- either shoot me an ask or a message via Tumblr and I’ll add it straight away. 
A Guide To Love For A Bozo [wattpad] by TeamSpectrum [multichapter, ongoing] Ruby/Clancy
This is a cluby fan-fic written by Agent Baker. Take a look to find out what happens.
despite the sparse description, this is actually pretty good.
Always [ff.net] by mockingjay341 [Oneshot, complete!]
Ruby is suffering from nightmares, but Clancy will always be there to make her feel better.
hella sweet. ruby needs a hug
Aren’t We All a Bit of a Bozo? [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [oneshot, complete!] Hitch/OC 
Heather looked across at Lydia as they ate their morning toast. “LB reckons there is going to be a new coding agent today, some kid. You know, the one Hitch is looking after.”
interesting concept!! 
Bozo [wattpad] by Kaya_Tano [multichapter, ongoing] Clancy/Ruby
Ruby Redfort, a thirteen year old Spectrum Agent, is facing more than just trouble at work. Her hormones are raging and her best friend Clancy Crew has fallen for her, hard. But Ruby doesn't notice because she is too busy trying to solve her latest case at Spectrum, and how will she cope when one of her closest friends is killed by the notorious murderer The Count, who is supposed to be in a high security prison? And who is the mole at Spectrum who is leaking information to him?
 not bad. i’m not a big fan of the ‘spectrum pairs ruby up with a cute boy her age’ plot, but this seems to be decently-written.
Changed at Birth [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Twoshot, now complete!] Background Hitch/Blacker 
“They said mum should have killed me with iron,” whispers Ruby.
the folk tale au i never knew i wanted tbh. only halfway done at the moment but it’s such a cool concept and it fits really well??
Convincing LB [wattpad] by Jasmine3103 [Oneshot, complete!]
I really wanted to know what Hitch said in CYD to convince LB to give Ruby another chance. So here is my version.
this was a really good missing scene sorta fic! give it some love if you’ve got a chance, the author seems really lonely to me
Family Ain't Just Blood [ao3] [tumblr] by celestialskies [Oneshot, complete!] [*NEW*]
Ruby looked up, aware that she probably looked like someone had tried to rock her to sleep by dragging her through a hedge backwards several times. Six hours of sleep over three days can do that to a person.
"Couldn't sleep," she muttered. In her tired state, she barely noticed Hitch's expression shift from one of surprise surprise and mild amusement to one of concern.
Ruby can't sleep, and Hitch steps in.
goddamn, i’m always a sucker for unconventional family stories. i actually squealed when I saw this one, which should give you  a pretty good idea of how much i enjoyed it
Five times Clancy Crew chained his bikes to Ruby Redfort’s and one time he didn’t [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!]  [PERSONAL FAVORITE] 
The first time it was a mistake- honestly the chain accidentally went through the frame and well, it only held Ruby up temporarily.
this is really hecking cute and is just generally really great. it made me smile a lot. please check it out
Grains of Sand and Love [tumblr] by  blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] Ruby/Clancy
Being sixteen suddenly brought the barbecues on the beach, adolescent drinking and all the drama that it comes with.
it’s no secret by now that I love this author, this is soft and lovely and good and you should really read it
High School Sweethearts [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] [PERSONAL FAVORITE] Ruby/Del, Hitch/Blacker
There was no way you could look between Blacker and Hitch and think ‘brothers’.
short and oh so very sweet. i think i’m crying. this one is so good, my gay little heart is appeased
hold on tight [wattpad] by w0nderland-writing [multichapter, ongoing]
Ruby Redfort never gets a break, and in this story Ruby goes on an epic adventure in the Grand Canyon.
pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. a bit scattered but mostly coherent.
In which Ruby was right to worry [ao3] by Wolfiethepretzel [oneshot, Complete!] [*NEW*] [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
Froghorn was a constant nuisance in Ruby's life. But as soon as he disappeared she realized she'd rather him be about.
perfect Ruby characterization and some really hecking good bonding/character development. if you read nothing else on this list, at least check this one out.
Look Into His Eyes And Take Your Last Breath [wattpad] by WARNINGwhovian [very long, complete!] Clancy/Ruby, background LB/Baker [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
Meet Ruby Redfort, a super cool teenage wannabe spy. She's been through thick and thin and survived things from a giant sand timer to a legendary sea monster to invisible thieves to mythical wolves. She's already one of the most experienced agents in her agency, Spectrum, without even being an official one yet. She thinks she seen it all. But Ruby's entering a dangerous stage of life where she is vulnerable to many things, lots of things she knows nothing about. But Ruby is unduly worried about the years to come. She's a dauntless girl. But when things start to go wrong in her social life, her agent training in Spectrum and the return of an old foe start kicking off and suddenly, everything happens at once. And Ruby is faced with a choice. A dream job at a top secret spy agency with an astronomical pay, or a scrawny boy who doesn't believe in a dangerous life. Ruby Redfort, the choice is yours.
to my knowledge, the only completed longfic in the fandom so far. although it could do with a bit of editing, the quality is overall excellent and there’s some twists in there that even i wasn’t expecting. I especially loved the Ruby-Hitch dynamic and interactions in this one. If you’ve got a spare hour or two, I definitely recommend that you check it out!
Riding the Rails [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] Crossover with Railhead 
“The Guardians want you, Ms Redfort,” says a station worker as Ruby stops her game of Rock paper scissors with Zen.
I can honestly say I’ve never heard of Railhead before, but was super cool nonetheless. it feels super surreal and the details were a+++- go check it out
Rosetta Redfort: Freefall [wattpad] by TeamSpectrum [multichapter, ongoing] background Clancy/Ruby
Ruby's daughter, Rosetta, discovers her secret-Spectrum.  A conspiracy to steal a gem that will lead to a collapsing mountain and a giant flood.  Will Rosetta crack like a diamond under pressure or will she stand strong?
an interesting take on a future-fic. might not be everyone’s cup of tea but i kind of liked it.
Love is blind, well Ruby is. [ao3]  [tumblr] by Neondragon54 [Oneshot, complete!] Blacker/Hitch
It's well known to the entirety of Spectrum not to go into the coding room after Hitch had returned from a mission. Everyone (Blacker) is distracted and more than once has an important agent (LB) walked in on two agents kissing.
Ruby doesn't know this rule.
Goddamnit, now I’m invested in this ship. this is also super good, read it.
Movie Night [tumblr] by goldstarsforall [Oneshot, complete!] [*NEW*] Blacker/Hitch
They got to the cinema a lot earlier than either of the men expected. It was a clear night, the air felt crisp and clean and if they hadn’t booked Hitch would have just wanted to sit in the park and talk.
heckin’ cute lil’ oneshot. a Good Ship. a Good Fic.
Ruby Redfort: Don't Look Around [wattpad] by maybeitsdella [multichapter, ongoing]
Welcome back Ruby Redfort: every smart kid's smart kid. 
After making Larva, Ruby Redfort's career in espionage is sending her off the ground running. There's no time to sit at home, with Clancy (who might just have a crush on her), sipping on banana milk, watching Crazy Cops. Not when the Count is still out there, and not when the Silent G is just sitting there waiting for her to fail (or die).
A promising start, this fic looks quite interesting. It’s only got a few chapters so far but I’m definitely going to be following it closely
Ruby's Rule 6 [ff.net] by mockingjay341 [Multi-chapter, ongoing!] [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
Ruby and Clancy have each other's backs - no matter what. So what will they do when they realise that sometimes our greatest strengths can also be our biggest weaknesses?
hell yeah, multi-chapter!! i really love how Ruby and Clancy bounce off each other so far, it feels super real. I’m honestly looking forward to reading more from this author. i haven’t felt this excited for a fic in a while
Silence Is Golden [tumblr] by blackers-donuts  [Oneshot, complete!] [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
There was a sharp knock at the door. Ruby was finally going to bury the hatchet with Froghorn by asking him for help. 
this is possibly the softest thing i’ve read in my entire hecking life. basically just the code team chilling around and bonding and honestly it’s just so sweet and good
Some kinda death wish [ff.net] by Bubbly Washing Machine [Oneshot, complete!]  [PERSONAL FAVORITE] 
They stood at the bottom of the stairs, in the dark, and argued. "Rube, don't go up there," said Clancy desperately, "just wait for the rest of the team." "Look bozo, someone's gotta take her out before she catches on and splits the scene." Clancy looked her in the eye, pleading. "Please. Wait for backup."
Beautiful little character study- cute and poignant.
Sweating Is Totally (not) Necessary [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] [*NEW*] [PERSONAL FAVORITE] Blacker/Hitch, Ruby/Del
The phone finally picked up, Ruby knew it was still Clancy’s first few weeks at the desk of Buzz and he was getting a grip with the phone system but it really should be quicker.
This wonderful person wrote this for my birthday, so of course I freaking love it. it’s a great character study and just generally all-round a Good Thing- there was a coding segment midway through that I particularly enjoyed!!
Other Things
The TeamSpectrum Collection on Wattpad- an assortment of short fics, competitions and discussions that’s been put together by a whole lot of users, including me! Definitely worth checking out. 
My own wide very small assortment of fanfiction, located over on this page! it’s not included here on the masterlist because- well, posting my own stuff is a tiny bit awkward- but i hope you read and enjoy my work all the same
My ongoing Social Media AU can be found here. 
LAST UPDATED: 14/08/2017
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themarginalthinker · 7 years
Obligatory Carnivores have Hearts too
​​so...plot bunnies and brain blah. An au me and @bringobaggins had discussed one Skype yesterday and I couldn't get it out of my head without writing something for it. It's not been beta read but it hope it proves interesting enough of a concept. Marco and Jean are ghouls who happen to adopt a bunch of ghoul children who need help. (You should know also, that I know very little About Tokyo ghoul.) --- "Hungry..." sighed the little body against Marco's back, cold nose at his neck and freezing tiny hands gripping with as much strength as they possessed at this coat while they trotted in and out of the streetlight and shadows. "It'll stop soon, I promise," Marco hushed, hiking the kid up a little higher in the piggyback hold and stepping up his pace. She was already so small...her eyes had peered up at his from the shadows behind the dumpster red on black, glowing faintly and a small blue tail whipping back and forth as she had bravely sized up Marco, a grown ghoul more then three times her size and weight. How could he just leave? Jean was really gonna kill him this time...they were barely keeping a lid on everything as it was. Not that Marco particularly thought Jean would ever put up much of a fight to this - he rarely did anymore, and even then it was less like a fight and more the blond howl grumbling to himself as he went to find some clean clothes and heat up some water for a bath. Marco almost smiled at the thought. Jean could gripe and moan and spit sarcasm all the live-long day, but after the sun set and the kids were all put to bed (bed being a relative term here, more like 'put to sleep wherever they found space') he'd take careful count of their stock, their meager pocket money carefully rationed and make a list of anything the kids might need - or want, even. Marco would know. He helped. There came the sound of footsteps clomping down the small side street at the mouth of the alley Marco and his new charge traveled through, and the man froze, quickly slipping backwards to press them into the darkness, quieting the girl's whimper. The group was...young. A bunch of kids probably no older then Marco himself, laughing and talking like the night was theirs to while away. Marco wrinkled his nose faintly. Had it not been for the stench of hard alcohol and cheap tobacco - amongst other things in their blood stream - he might have found his interest in them more intense, even without the constant gnaw of hunger in his gut. But...well, maybe it was just the fact of having to constantly keep the well-being of children on his mind lately, but he'd always preferred his ah, dinner guests...clean. The group passed the pair's hiding spot quickly, and as soon as Marco knew they were out of earshot for his stealth (or lack thereof) Marco darted forward into the open. The little corridor of a street was lined with cars and tiny by-way shops and mom-and-pop stores that had long since closed up for the night. Even in the big city with a fairly active night life even this far away from city central, people tended to not want to..well...tempt fate. Marco might have resented that, if he simply didn't sympathize too much with those who locked up their doors tight just after sundown and refused to open them until the sun had properly risen. (Though, they were often the same folk who'd blame the victims so often displayed on the news for their own deaths, 'walking around outside after dark, what did they expect was going to happen'.) Marco didn't like watching the news anymore then he had to for such reasons. He usually left that to Jean. He didn't like seeing the number flashing at the bottom of the screen every morning at promptly eight o'clock counting off the number of bodies had ben recovered in the light of day, mangled, hacked at - sometimes fought over with the loser still left lying beside the corpse. Marco grit his teeth and told himself not to get worked up about it right now, as much as he could feel himself wanting to. Leaving almost whole bodies around like they mean nothing...What a fucking waste... Marco was thankfully broken from this line of thought by the child at his back sniffling against the late autumn chill and tugging a little at his coat. Right, more important things to think about...The man checks down the road, one side, and then the other before moving on, truly jogging now but trying not to draw too much attention from any passers-by. Weaving in and out of small back ways and down sets of stairs, eventually dropping down a horribly rusted metal ladder into a disused service tunnel, Marco made his way back to the closest approximation of home he'd had in a while. He was glad he and Jean were generally the only people who knew about this place - they'd spent a long while going over maps of the area, subway routs and construction plans for the area, but had found that this series of bunkers weren't marked at all on the latest maps of the city. Hiding in plain sight seemed to be a theme for their people... "Where are we going?" Marco tried not to jump for the girl's sake as her voice cut through the eery silence of the dark tunnel, unexpected. He played off his slight anxiety for her with a warm smile. Her eyes, still dark and glinting red under the jury-rigged emergency lights scattered about the walls blinked up at him seeming too bing and looking like she still wanted to cry. "Somewhere safe. Home. You can get something to eat and get warm, and have a bed to sleep in. And friends!" Hi words had little affect on her, turning her face back into his bare neck and stifling her pained whines. Marco repressed the urge to sigh again. He was going as fast as he felt comfortable with, but who knows how long she'd gone without a proper meal - how long it was since she'd been abandoned and left to go feral and inevitably hunted down by...them. She hadn't even told him her name when he'd inquired as a start to build enough trust to get her to come with him, even after he'd offered his own freely, and given her his switchblade so she could feel a little safer around him. Marco didn't balme her though. He couldn't see any of their behavior as anything more then a product of the environment they'd been forced into. Too damn young, even for their kind... Even the unreliable light of the emergency lamps gradually faded into nothing the deeper they journeyed into the maze of concrete and metal. AS a ghoul, Marco didn't need much light to see - the world above provided more then enough of it to navigate by even in the darkest parts of the city at night, but this was a blackness blanketing their senses like nothing else. A yawing abyss. Marco held the girl a little closer to him as he felt her shiver and shake in aborted sobs, boots scraping over scrap metal and cracked cement by muscle memory alone, scents and sounds of the place alien to any but those who lived there. And thankfully, Marco's senses had never led him wrong yet. He reached out into black nothingness - and his fingers lights, just as he knew they would, upon a large handle-latch. It would take a human some amount of work to open the monster of metal (even before it had been modified by Jean and Marco). But it gave easily enough under the creature's supernatural strength, swinging inwards with a loud groan that reverberated around the tunnel behind him. Light suddenly spilled over them, as well as heat and a dozen or more scents and sounds all coming from different places. "Not another one..." came a voice from somewhere above the ruckus, and Marco couldn't keep the smile off his face as he stepped into it all. "Good night to you too, Jean."
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