#and i gotta work 16 hours today
analogboii · 5 months
driving to work today was straight ASS
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uniquesoulwinner · 9 months
My Queen
Leah Williamson x reader 
Idea that came to me after seeing Leah get her OBE today of a little surprise celebration with her girl who she didn’t think was even in the country! 
Hope you enjoy its not very good and the format isn’t working right so it might read funny but well it’s something 
Let me know what you think 
Y/n pov
Getting off the plane in London brings nothing but butterflies to your stomach at the thought of the day ahead. You see given that I’ve been in New York for work for the past 9 long weeks I was not meant to be here today well at least that’s what Leah thinks, I however always knew I would be here! 
As soon as we got the date for Leah to get her long awaited OBE medal I was on the phone to Amanda to plan exactly what was going to happen today, this has lead to a lot of sneaky phone calls between me and my girlfriends mother, who I’m nearly sure is more excited about me being there to surprise Leah than I am.
Finding out that I was going to have to be in New York for 16 weeks for work was never part of the plan, being away from Leah for that long was a thought that made my whole body hurt before I even went, which is why I I have worked my ass off over the last 9 weeks so complete everything I needed to do to get home to my girlfriend of 4 years early which brings me back to walking though Heathrow Airport at 7:45am on a Wednesday morning counting down the minutes until I have her in my arms again. 
Just as I was getting into the taxi to take me to the hotel I had booked for myself and Leah for that night my phone rang and my smile got even bigger seeing it was Amanda!
Y/n: Hey perfect timing I’m just in the taxi
Amanda: ahh perfect I’m so excited, she’s getting ready already! I swear she takes forever.
Y/n: Worth every minute though; you find yourself say thing that out loud without ever realising until you hear Amanda aww on the other end of the phone which made you blush no end! Anyway how are we looking for timeline I’m just heading to the hotel now to get showered and ready! 
Amanda: so we should be wrapped up in Windsor by around 13:30pm at the latest and then she thinks we are just going for dinner and meeting holly and all that couldn’t come to the ceremony there. You can hear the excited little giggle coming from Amanda like she is on a secret spy mission which makes you laugh  
Y/n: ok good and she definitely doesn’t suspect a thing right you ask already knowing that she doesn’t considering you spent 2 hours in the phone to her last night with her upset and missing you as well as telling you how much she wished you where going to be there today which yes broke your heart in two , the only thing that you hoped was seeing her face today would make up for everything!
Amanda: nope not a thing, she is completely oblivious you hear that cheeky giggle again she is going to be so happy y/n, she has missed you so much you you 
Y/n: yeh I know I’ve missed her too more than words but not long now, god I’m nervous you laugh at the Ridiculousness of getting nervous over seeing the woman that has been the centre of your world for 4 years now 
Amanda: oh sweetie you no need to be nervous, the second that girl sees you everything will be worth it, you know … Amanda suddenly stops talking only thing you can hear is some rustling and foot steps which your hoping isn’t Leah catching you both out 
Ok I gotta go she is wandering around now looking for her socks so I better help I’ll see you later ok text me when your there , ok bye bye bye and the phones goes dead leaving you laughing at the thought of your girl running around looking for socks which you know she will be treating like a Military mission in that room ! 
Later on that day after checking in to the hotel and getting yourself ready , wearing a tight green dress that you knew drive Leah crazy with your hair down and curled and black heals, you where standing that the bar of the restaurant that had been booked out for today with holly catching up on every bit of gossip you had missed being away which was lot it seemed! 
Although after the 7th time checking the door you did catch holly giving you a very knowing smirk which made you laugh purely because you didn’t care how obvious you where being, ever since Amanda text to say they where 20 minutes away you could help but look out for them ! You wanted your girl and weren’t even sorry about it ! 
The restaurant was full of Leah’s close family and friends most of which were now laughing at the twitter comments over Leah being the queen of England now ! Lol 
You only snapped out of staring at the door when you heard Jen Leah’s teammate call you 
Jen: y/n how does it feel to have bagged England’s new queen  all you heard was laughter which then turned to cooing and awe’s when you replied saying y/n: she has always been my queen 
And right as you said that you seen her your queen walk past the window towards the door looking out of this world and every bit worthily of the title queen in your opinion but it was to time and time for you to hide in the crowd who had all turned to face the door waiting for her to come in, to which when she did come in she was meant by just noise of chatting and clapping but all you could hear was her laugh that beautiful laugh while she made her way around people still not spotting you ! 
Amanda however snuck around to hug you whispering how she couldn’t wait to see Leah’s face ! 
After around 5 minutes of her still not spotting you , you had enough of waiting so grabbed a glass of champagne and made your way up behind her as she spoke to Alex Scott and Kim little both of who started smiling the second they seen you approach! 
Y/n: would the new queen like a drink you said standing behind her and while you couldn’t see her face you could see her body freeze as she heard your voice which made your heart burst. Y/n you heard her whisper still not turning around which made you giggle given that all you wanted right now was to kiss her still though you stepped forward so you where right behind her meaning you could whisper in her ear hello baby, any chance I could get a hug now?  You didn’t even have a split second to react when her arms where around your neck with such force that if ever the sensible kimmy hadn’t if grabbed the champagne out if your hands it would have been all down the back of Leah’s very expensive looking suit ! 
Suddenly all the people in the room weren’t there anymore the only thing that you noticed was your girl finally in your arms after way to long and while pulling her impossibly closer to you , you just breathed her in every part of you and missed every part of her and now here you could never imagine being away from her again which made what you were about to do even more clear in your head, so while holding her as close as possible with one arm your eyes met Leah’s grandmas giving her a nod and hold out your hand , you watched as the whole room tried to contain themselves as she placed the black velvet box in your hand giving your hand a small squeeze as she did !
Focusing back on Leah who’s head was still buried in your neck, pulling back slightly so you could see her with a massive smile on your face that was thankfully matched by her, finally gave you the chance to look into those eyes that have had you weak for years. It’s only when you see her eyes flick down to your lips that you pull her in making sure she can’t feel the box behind her back, although all sense leaves your body the second her lips meet yours for the first time in over 2 months. Finally it feels like I’m home you think, kissing her is home , she is home and with that thought you remember what you have hidden behind her back so with one final kiss you pull back to be met with a pout from her. 
Leah: your here, your actually here 
Y/n: I’m here baby I would never miss this looking at the smile on her face makes all the sneaking around worth it 
Leah: please tell me I have you for more than one night baby before you go back the pout comes back to her face again as she speaks Giggling at her you step back completely! Here goes nothing you think as you look into her eyes again how about forever you whisper never breaking eye contact, seeing the confusion on her have made you smile as you looked down at the box in your hands which was now between you and Leah, flicking your eyes back up seeing that hers where now fixed on the box in your hands as well it was go time so slowly you lower down onto one knee and open the box , hearing the gasp come from her  gave you the confirmation that the band you had chosen was the right choice! 
Y/n : le there is nothing I could say right now that would be any different to anything I have told you every day for the past 4 years but what I will say is how proud I am to be yours baby, every day with you is the best day of my life letting out a shaky breath as you see the tears in her eyes before you carry on and I want that for the rest of our lives, so Leah Williamson OBE you give her a cheeky smirk as the room fills with laughter , will you do me the honour of marrying me? Holding your breath for the whole 0.2 of a second it takes before you hear her say yes yes a million times yes , smiling with the tears running down both your faces you pull the ring from the box and finally put it on her finger as she pulls you up into a bruising kiss. 
You hear the cheers in the room, the clapping and banging on tables but all you feel is her , your finance , your Leah , your home! It’s just you two in the bubble of whispered words between the two of you consisting of i love yous, don’t ever leave again and I can’t wait to make you my wife , everything in that moment is just perfect! 
Hours later after food , champagne, a lot of laughter and more love than you could imagine, you are standing back beside your finance at the side of the room arms wrapped around each other just watching your friends and family around you. Turning to Leah you decide to take the teasing that’s been going on between the two of you for over an hour now to the next level,
Y/n: I booked us into a hotel for the next 2 nights so I hope you have no plans for tomorrow you say while looking her up and down because I have no plans on leaving that hotel room tomorrow. Watching as her eyes darken on front of you you step a little closer to her so you can whisper in her ear and just so you know earlier wasn’t the only time I plan on dropping to my knees for you my queen 
And with that Leah walked away and started saying goodbye to everyone you giggling behind her especially with the knowing looks you got from some people in the room but to hell with it you hadn’t had your girl in 9 weeks so you where going to make the most of every minute if that night and every night for the rest of your life with your queen ! 
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mrslectermoriarty · 2 months
Headcanon Series #16
Ice and Mav finally get their shit together after the Uranium mission. Don't ask me how, theories in the comments. Anyway, they kiss in public - on base or something, it looked very dramatic - they become a couple and the next morning Ice walks into the building he works in (enter important navy office) and half the officers he passes look very pissed at him, ready to bite his head off. Especially older ones he's known since the 90s or so. Most of them grumble some unfriendly sounding greetings into his direction. Some of the younger ones though smile at him with such happiness and sometimes clap his shoulder or congrate him, he can't really comprehend what's happening.
He shrugs it off and enters his office, only to find out his long time secretary and dear friend Mrs. Lesser is about to leave. For a vacation. She's never taken a vacation before. Sure, some free time over the holidays or when Ice took a break from work, but never longer than a couple days. Now she's gone for a few weeks.
The weird events continue when two hours later, a mad looking Admiral Hanson stands in his door and rants something about Tom being childish and stupid and how he could do such a thing. "Seriously, Tom. All those years and now you gotta pull a stunt like that? I thought better of you."
After the third officer passing his office and muttering something among the lines of "Really great, Kazansky," Tom calls for a meeting. He's the COMPACFLT after all. He outranks most people in the building. And this seems rather serious.
"Gentlemen, I am at loss for words. Your overall behaviour today has not only been out of line for work but also simply disrespectful. If this has anything to do with the events from yesterday, I can only say I am disappointed. We are professionals and the government, the state and the people depend on our work. We can't let something from any of our private lifes affect us like this. We're grown men and we should be able to handle such things like grown men. We can only function as a united front."
There's an audible huff at the other end of the table, coming from Admiral Marcus. "Easy to say for you, you got the guy you've been thirsting over for the last 40 years, I lost about 200$ because of you and Mitchell." Admiral James, who sits next to him elbows him. Tom's eyebrow start to wander. "How exactly do you loose 200$ because of me? Please, elaborate."
Opposite from Marcus and James, Admiral Cameron pulls a thick folder from under the table and slides it over to Tom. Whispers and even gasps erupt. "It's over, so he might as well know now."
Tom opens the folder and is greeted with a long list of people, dates that reach back to the 80's and huge amounts of cash written down. Between the pages are various copied documents of conversations between him and Mav, pictures of them together on various occasions and hand-scribbled notes with more dates and different statements on them. Tom's eyebrows almost disappear in his hairline. "What is this?", he quietly asks, afraid of an honest answer.
Cameron sighs and speaks up: "Some guys from your Topgun Class apparently started this in 86'. It was about when you and Mitchell would get your shit together and do something against that unresolved tension between the two of you. They expanded their list with every squadron you both were in because you guys weren't subtle at all but also extremly stupid and the rest got a kick out of betting who'd give in first and when this would happen. At the ceremony in the 00's, when you got your stars, an Admiral got a hold on the list and decided to join. He brought it over here and no-one couldn't really resist. And now we heard of you and Mitchell eventually putting an end to this. Of course people are pissed, they bet way to high on the wrong guy or year!"
Tom's eyes skim down the list. It seems like every person he's known inside the Navy has their name written down on the yellowing paper. He spots Mrs. Lesser on there and let's out a surprised chuckle. "Marywas really good. Got almost 3000$ out of this. No wonder she's on vacation." He drages his hand over his face to regain some grip on the situation.
"I can't even- how did you manage to hide this from me for so long?", is the only question he gets out. James laughs. "We're the military. We have our ways." By now the whole table is chuckling or whispering in amusement. Tom can only shake his head, but also smiles. "Can I take this home? I need this in a proper display on my office wall. Or maybe over the dinner table. And you are all invited to an apology-BBQ."
Okay, I know this was weird, but in my head I can see so many people in the Navy that just see Pete and Tom working together and they think like "Yeah, these two are totally gonna end up together." I love people shipping IceMav, I'm sorry.
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revanchistsuperstar · 7 months
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Historical sewing adventures with Jensen time!
I made this jerkin FOREVER ago (before I moved in February), finally made some trunk hose to go with it and wore it out to the local Ren Faire today!
I do have a doublet of the same mustard wool broadcloth I’ve been steadily working on as well that’s almost done, but it’s missing its sleeves and closures, and I made the executive decision last night at around midnight that the local faire was not worth staying up until the wee hours to make about 16 buttons and hand sew just as many buttonholes, and honestly the outfit was fine without. It’s not like most people at an average Faire here in America are going to know as much as I do about men’s fashion during the reign of Elizabeth I, and it’s really not the point of them. I just wanted an excuse to finally have punkin pantss.
I want to make a cape eventually too. For peak cuntitude.
Though I gotta say, the little dangly earring was doing a lot for me in that department.
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satureja13 · 4 months
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💞 Valentine's Day Special - Part 2 It starts -> here 💞
Jack went over to Saiwa, who buried himself in work to not have to deal with his embarrassment and shame for having a fake relationship with Kiyoshi... Jack: "Sai, let's go out. You haven't left your room for days." Sai: "I did." Jack: "Yes. To the bathroom and to grab some food. Come on. I'll treat you to the market, hm?"
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Sai: "I'm busy with the game. We need to earn money to pay back Rubyn and the others for helping us finding our home." Jack: "They wouldn't want us to suffer because of this. Just for an hour, hm? I'm your Valentine today!" Saiwa sighed. Poor Jack also has no date today. Sai: "Ok, I'll save and then we can leave." Jack: "That's my boy!"
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Sai: "Let's go." Jack: "Aren't you going to change clothes?" Sai: "What for?" Jack: "True." But he's worried. Usually Sai never would leave the house like this...
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Sai: "Thanks Jack. I love you." Jack: "I know."
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And then they saw them. Kiyoshi and Jeb. On a Valentines Date! (Of course it wasn't. Jeb dragged Kiyoshi away from home because he had the same plan as Jack with Saiwa...)
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Poor Jeb. He already is so afraid that Sai will break up with him because he urged him in a fake relationship with Kiyoshi to bring him back. (That hadn't even been necessary...) Why are they even here? Sai hadn't left his computer for days, why now?
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Jeb: "What are we supposed to do now?" Kiyoshi: "I don't know."
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Sai knew what to do: "Let's leave the love birds on their own so they can enjoy their date. We are going to go home and watch a Star Wars movie." That would usually bring tears of joy to Jack's eyes - but not today... Since he has no better idea either they left. Jack wants to avoid Kiyoshi at any cost.
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Of course Jeb and Kiyoshi didn't enjoy their 'date' after Sai and Jack left.
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Jack is in his happy place. At least Han and Leia are happy together.
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Poor Saiwa. They need to find a solution for this dilemma. Soon.
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Vlad and Ji Ho enjoyed their date. Jack made Heart's Desire Waffles for them.
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They helped Vlad to calm down and Ji Ho's nervousness also faded. Vlad is still new to eating food and so this date was very special for him. His first sweets. He's hooked. And Ji Ho is so sweet and beautiful.
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After they finished, they stood up to go back to their rooms. Jack hadn't told them what to to after eating the waffles ^^' They didn't talk either, as always. The Bond told them how they felt and that they both had a good time today. Baby steps.
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They stood at the stairs to their rooms and it's awkward, as always. What now? Say something? Quickly charge the bond? They are so lost without Jack ^^'
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Jack's waffles gave Ji Ho the confidence to embrace Vlad to charge the Bond and then he even kissed Vlad's neck! And Vlad liked it <3 And the goats too: 'Yay!' 'Finally!' 'Best Valentine's day ever!'
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'Looking back on all the time we spent together You oughta know by now if you wanna be my lover Wanna be my lover Go ahead and take your time, boy, you gotta feel secure Before I make you mine, baby, you have to be sure You wanna be my lover, wanna be my lover, wanna be my lover'
La Bouche - Be my Lover (Link above leads to the MV on youtube)
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home happy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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obsidiancreates · 4 months
One Undead To Another (Chapter 16)
(Trigger warnings for graphic depictions of injury/dying, blood, nightmares)
Gus tips the delivery person and walks back into the main room of the office with two still-steaming burritos in a bag. Shawn feels the memory of salivating at that same smell– god, not even a week ago. Somehow it feels like it’s been years since he woke up cold and starving, but at the same time it’s been seconds. Is that a vampire thing, an ADHD thing, or a trauma thing? Is it worth figuring out? Not right now.
His mouth is bone-dry as he accepts the burrito. It smells good, great, and the way the warmth of it seeps through the tinfoil into his hands is heavenly. He feels no excitement to bite into it. 
“Alright.” Gus sits down at his desk. “Test number one– garlic.”
“I dunno about this, man. I told you I get hungry after I get hurt.”
“Shawn, we need to figure out your supernatural weaknesses before going back to taking cases.”
“I think we can consider garlic a lock!”
“Sunlight isn’t.”
“... Fair. … Fine. But only if you make some posters to hang around so we get some more private cases.”
“Why? Are you hungry again already?”
“Do I need to pull out the pencil rosary again?”
“Maybe? It’s not… bad. It’s just kind of… there. Can we just– I’m taking a bite, if I burst into flames or turn into a pile of ash just know my text about my Tears for Fears vinyls still applies.”
“Just making sure.” Shawn unwraps the burrito. It’s weird, to know something smells so delicious and know it should be making your mouth water and know you should be excited to eat it, but none of that matters. It’s like the whole experience is hitting a glass wall, clearly there, just barely out of reach to him. 
He takes a bite. Shredded pork, salsa, guac, there’s even roasted corn in this one. It’s loaded, incredible, and he can’t really enjoy it because even though it all tastes exactly like it did when he was human it doesn’t mean anything. Nothing is satisfied by it. In fact, the pang of hunger sharpens as the taste of the pork specifically floods his mouth.
It’s meat, and it’s wrong. Close, so close to what he needs, but not right.
Shawn swallows. “Didn’t even burn.”
“Alright, garlic is a no.” Gus crosses it off his list. “We’ve gotta find some garlic flowers next and see if those do anything.”
“Garlic flowers? Don’t be silly, Gus.”
“Garlic flowers are another classic vampire ward, Shawn! They’re used in the original Dracula novel!”
“It’s a novel?” 
“We had to read it in the seventh grade, remember?!”
“Not really. I do remember watching one of those old uh, black-and-white movies with Count Dookie.”
“Count Dooku, Shawn.”
“Gus, he was one of the bad guys, let’s not sweat over his name.”
“You’re trying to distract me.”
“Am not.”
“You are! You’re deflecting again!”
“Deflecting? Please.”
“We agreed, last night, that if you got uncomfortable with focusing on the vampire stuff or the psychic stuff you’d say it outright and we’d switch gears.”
“... Alright. Alright, yes, I’m… wanting to change the subject for a while.”
“Fine. Psychic stuff still fine, or no supernatural stuff at all?”
“None at all, man, I just… let’s watch a movie or something. Least that won’t be different.”
“Alright. Hey, I think American Duos is on.”
“Really? … Wow. Their ratings must be terrible, it’s the middle of the afternoon on a weekday.”
“The guy they replaced Zappato with is kind of lacking, and they had to replace Emilina last season and she’s not great either. I think it’s only still on because the producers are afraid of telling Nigel St Nigel he’s off the air.”
“Really? It sounds awful. Let’s watch the entire season.”
“You know that’s right.”
“Nice of you to join us today, detectives.”
They both freeze in their tracks. Lassiter turns around first, adjusting his tie nervously. “Ready to get back to work, Chief. It was just a 24 hour thing, and I’m firing on cylinders today.”
“We both are,” Jules jumps in.
“Good, because your homicide case wrapped up the other night and we need a few closing details from you both. You’ll find the paperwork on your desks–”
“Chief!” Buzz jogs over. “We just got a report on the wire, body pulled out of a lake. Looks like drowning.”
Jules makes eye contact with Lassiter. Shawn’s abilities really have evolved. 
“Oh, detectives!” Buzz grins at them both. “I’m glad you guys are feeling better today! Oh, um, Detective Lassiter, I put any remains of journals or anything we found from the mansion in a box and left it by your desk.”
The Chief turns to Lassiter with a disbelieving, you-better-explain threatening smile. “Uh, detective, when did you ask Officer McNab to do this?”
Crap. “Uh, over the phone yesterday, Chief.”
“And you heard about the mansion burning down… how?”
“... Well, uh… Spencer! Yes, Spencer called me in the middle of the night, said he had a vision. Normally I would’ve told him to screw off but I… humored, him, when he asked me to tell McNab… that.”
“You… humored… Mr. Spencer?”
“I blame the fever, Chief.”
“Well, then… I’ll blame it as well. If Mr. Spencer thinks something additionally important is in those journals, I’ll let you hold onto them for the moment, but it’s looking like this case is pretty much completely shut, at this point in time. Right now I want this drowning case to be your top priority.”
“You got it, Chief,” Jules says, giving a too-wide smile and overly enthusiastic thumbs-up. The Chief eyes her oddly for a moment, and then walks back to her office.
“Keep it together, O’Hara, you’re the one who convinced me to play along with this crap,” Lassiter whispers as they quickly walk to his desk.
“I’m trying! The bigger the secret, the harder time I have keeping it!”
“Then why in god’s name are we doing this?!”
“Because Shawn doesn’t deserve to go to jail or a mental facility for something he had no control over!”
“You do realize–”
“As soon as I said it. But Shawn’s not one of the the bad guys, Carlton. It’s different. He’s one of us.”
“... Yeah, alright.” Lassiter tries to sound unconvinced as he agrees. They reach his desk and he takes the lid off the box, frowning as he looks inside. “This is what McNab considers salvageable? He’s more off than I was before the divorce.”
“Oh, Carlton.”
“... My therapist says turning the situation into humor could help me move past it.”
“Alright… well, if you think it’s helping.”
Lassiter looks back into the box, slightly flushed with embarrassment now, and carefully looks through. “I don’t know that we’ll get anything helpful from this.”
“Well, maybe they’ll trigger some kind of… psychic revelation for Shawn.”
“We’re bringing him evidence now?”
“He’ll probably steal it out of evidence if we don’t.”
“You finally caught him doing that?”
“No, but, we both know he does.”
“... Fine. At least this way we can ask for it back. … Let’s focus on this drowning thing instead. You were lying when you said you’d call him, right?”
“No, I was not.”
“O’hara, you saw him this morning. He’s not even close to ready to work on a serious case.”
“... Fine. I’ll wait until we have evidence of foul play. If nothing suggests that, I’ll just tell him it was an accidental drowning case tomorrow.”
Henry closes the door to the security room and gives himself a moment to chuckle, tossing his badge up once and tucking it back into his suit pocket. He forgot how much he enjoyed flashing the badge to get into places.
He pulls up the security feed from outside the store on the night in question. He scrubs through, trying to pick out any suspicious details.
Just before 3 AM, a motorcycle is caught speeding by. It’s too blurry an image to tell if it’s Shawn’s bike, but Henry’s always considered ‘confirmation bias’ to be something that applies to other people. His investigations have never suffered from such a thing.
He scrubs through some more. Cars, cars, it’s too dark and blurry on the camera to tell them apart by make or model, much less license plates. The motorcycle is all he’s getting from this. 
He stands up, straightens his suit, and leaves. Maybe he’ll get something better from a more expensive store’s security feed. 
Shawn scoots a little further away as Gus lets out a snore and mumbles something flirtatious in his sleep. He thinks he’s getting an okay handle on the hunger thing– his throat is shot to hell again already, the temptation of Gus’s blood a little bit like that time his dad put a marshmallow on a plate and told him if he didn’t touch it for fifteen minutes he could have two. Comparisons keep drifting through his head, all the different things he can taste from having Gus so close, even when he does his best to stop breathing it in. 
Again, the movie snacks aren’t helping whatsoever. He keeps eating them anyway.
His mouth aches again. Pulses with pain in time with Gus’s heartbeat. He should really stop setting up situations where he’s alone with one or more of them.
He leans his head back on the couch and closes his eyes. The sound of the movie is sharp against his ears, just adding to the headache, getting less and less comprehensible as he slowly drifts off to sleep.
Juliet doesn’t have Thornburg.
Juliet doesn’t have Thornburg.
So why is she dying?
Shawn is holding her hand, trying to confess, but the words are stuck in his throat. Jules is wheezing, her eyes bleeding, looking into his with a fear dulled by a thick glaze of illness. Jules is dying. Jules is dying.
Lassie doesn’t get shot in the graveyard.
Lassie doesn’t get shot in the graveyard.
So why is he dying?
Shawn is holding Lassie as he bleeds out– no, he’s holding Mary Light, no, he’s holding Lassie, no, he’s–
Lassie’s blood is spilling out of his chest. He’s looking at Shawn with a level of terror that Shawn never ever wants to see from the detective, never should see from him.
He’s holding Mary again. “Wake up, Shawn.”
Lassie is dying in Shawn’s arms.
Lassie is dying in Shawn’s arms.
Gus doesn’t fall off a cliff when he grabs onto the extreme sports murderer.
Gus doesn’t fall off a cliff when he grabs onto the extreme sports murderer. 
So why is he dying?
Shawn holds Gus at the bottom of the cliff. Gus’s blood coats the rock beneath them. His eyes are completely sightless, his mouth trying to form words that will never come, not with a head injury like this. Gus’s hand grips Shawn’s so tight it hurts, a silent plea to save him.
Gus is dying and Shawn can’t save him.
Gus is dying and Shawn can’t save him.
Henry is not the victim of a plane crash.
Henry is not the victim of a plane crash.
So why is he dying?
Shawn struggles to keep his father’s head straight with one hand as he tries to get the radio working with the other. Henry is barely awake, wheezing, mumbling incoherently. Shawn can’t make the radio work. He can’t call for help.
He looks at his dad and sees regret shining in his bloodshot eyes. Henry reaches out with one bloodied arm and grabs Shawn’s bicep. There’s a tree branch impaled through his abdomen. He looks Shawn in the eye and opens his mouth–
“Wake up!”
Shawn sits up with a gasp! His grandmother’s voice screaming through his father’s mouth echoes in his head as he pushes off the couch and runs to the bathroom, splashing cold–
No, no, he’s colder than it is, he switches the tap and splashes warm water on his face. It’s unnatural, it’s wrong, it’s not something his skin should be anymore– the warmth shocks him into full wakefulness.
“Shawn?!” Gus’s footsteps are like hammers against his skull, his quickened heartbeat like a jackhammer. Shawn presses his hands over his ears.
“Shawn!” Gus’s hands are so warm, so warm, warm warm warm blood spilling into Shawn’s jeans from Gus’s skull at the bottom of a cliff–
Shawn finds himself presses against the bathroom wall, Gus standing in the doorway with the makeshift rosary held up, wet handprints on his shirt. Gus is shaking. Shawn realizes he feels fangs poking his lip.
He gulps in a breath, pressing his hands to his torso, then his face, holding them out– he repeats until he feels like he’s in his own body again. Gus watches, poised to run.
Shawn shakes his head, trying to knock the last echoes of the nightmare out. They won’t ever go away. They won’t ever go away.
Something clicks. He looks up. “Oh, god. I didn’t–”
“You lunged right for my neck.”
“I- Gus, I’m so– I didn’t–”
“I could tell.” Gus relaxes a little. His heart is still pounding. Shawn realizes belatedly that his voice has gone raspy again. Gus keeps the rosary held up. “What was that?”
“I-I… don’t…” Shawn swallows. They agreed he’d be honest. They agree he had to be honest, at least between the two of them. “I had a nightmare.”
“... About?”
“I don’t… want to talk about it.” If he talks about it he’ll relive it, he’ll have the images take over the real world again and if that happens he’s not sure he won’t try to–
“... Okay. Okay, but– Shawn, that was terrifying.”
“And your voice is all messed up again.”
“Noticed that too.”
“... You know, when I went out with Willow–”
“You guys actually went out?”
“Yes! A couple times! Anyway, she told me about this vampire bar place for people who pretend to be vampires.”
“So… do you think you could handle just having a little from someone, uh… consenting for their own reasons?”
Flash of white, film grain, stalking up behind the burglar, covering his mouth, sinking his aching fangs into warm soft flesh and drinking–
Shawn shudders– he wishes it was because he disliked the feeling of the memory– vision? … Memory. God, he wishes he disliked it.
“Not doing that, Gus. First of all that’s not my kind of kinky business–”
“Eugh! I was trying not to say it outright, Shawn!”
“I know you were, that’s why I did. Anyway, second, that’s… too, vampire. Way too vampire.”
“... I could see if someone there is willing to donate blood.”
“Gus. You’ll pass out just trying to get the bag here.”
“I can handle it.”
“You don’t want to.”
“It’s that or you drinking me!”
“I won’t drink you!” Shawn doesn’t mean for it to come out panicked– but the way Gus tenses and raises the cross a bit more shows it did, in a bad way. Shawn shakes his head again, looking down and trying to regain some composure. “You– you just shouldn’t have to do that, buddy.”
“You shouldn’t have to be undead. It’s not a fair situation to any of us, Shawn.”
Jules, Lassie, Gus, Henry, bleeding bleeding bleeding dying dying dying Dying And Leaving Shawn Along FOREVER–
“I’m going.” Shawn is snapped out of it by Gus digging his car keys out of his pocket. “You just zoned out again and started shaking. If you don’t get blood, one of us is going to be in big trouble, and either way it goes it’ll be bad.”
“I’ll just close my eyes or something! I’m putting this in front of the door on my way out, I’ll be back as soon as I can. And I’m letting Lassie and Jules know what I’m doing.”
“... Could you uh, leave out the–”
“Don’t even have to ask. Just… try to relax a little while I’m gone, okay?”
Shawn doesn’t agree or disagree. Gus leaves, and Shawn splashes his face a few more times before going back to the couch. He sits in the spot Gus had fallen asleep in. Maybe he’s imagining it because he’s so cold, but the spot still feels a little warm.
His cell rings a moment later. Crap. He lets it go to voicemail.
“Shawn, call me back, would you? What’s the point of these damn things if you just ignore it all the time? Look, I got a letter about your bike insurance and they’re raising the monthly payments. You put the damn bike on my card so I think I’m entitled to know how well you’re taking care of the thing if I’m going to keep paying for it.”
Shawn groans. He tosses his phone to the other side of the couch. He’ll reply later– or maybe never. 
Henry wheezing, staring with dull bloodshot eyes, reaching out–
He’ll reply later.
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camaro-and-smokes · 4 months
Get Out of My Dreams, Get Into My Car
Chapter 3: Keep an open heart and you'll find love again
No new tags & warnings for this chapter, let's hold on to the pining and light angst for now. Moodboard by the lovely @a-redharlequin 💜 (who you can commission to make one for you too btw)
Read in full on AO3 >>
Summary: Steve and Billy get accustomed to living together. As expected, it doesn't go smoothly.
The soft sounds of running faucet and something hard clinking quietly against each other woke Steve up. He opened his eyes and was disoriented for a moment as the paneled ceiling above looked like very much not the hotel he'd been lately waking up. When he listened some more and could tell the distinct sound of waves crashing to the shore, soon followed by someone softly humming, he remembered where he was. He sat up, groaning and rubbing his stiff neck. The couch definitely was lumpy, and he'd go to buy himself a bed first thing after work today.
The humming stopped. “Morning,” Billy said from somewhere in the direction of the bathroom.
“Morning,” Steve muttered as he rubbed his face to his palms, then ran his hands through his hair. He took his watch from the coffee table and checked the time. 7:16 am. “How are you awake at this hour?” he asked.
“While you were still getting your beauty sleep, I was already on the waves for an hour,” came the answer.
Steve was surprised. “Really?”
Billy leaned out from the bathroom door to look at Steve. He was wearing a towel around his head and was applying something on his face. He shook his head. “I gotta teach you to surf so you understand the best things in life.”
Steve's curiosity piqued at the sight, and he got up, shuffling to the bathroom door. When he reached the doorway, his heart jumped to his throat at the ungodly sight of a lagoon monster from some old exploitation film. “Argh!” he screamed—yes, like a girl. He won't ever admit that, though.
Billy cackled. “Man, you should've seen your face!” He tried to catch his breath, but it seemed that this was the best thing since, well, ever.
Steve glared at him, placing his hands on his hips. “Really?” he asked, sounding maybe a bit too hurt, but his ego couldn't really take hits first thing in the morning.
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northernstvr · 6 months
I’m yours
“you’re so pretty it hurts”
chap.1 chap.2 chap.3
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader
Warnings: slight cursing, nothing really else.
for the texting, the blue is remus, the pink is you ☹️ sorry for the sexist colors but it’s what i can see best 😭
Getting back to your flat the day after that..interesting experience with your friend you sighed and pulled out the piece of paper the two very charming men gave you, ‘who do i text first?’ you grunted and just put it the first number on the page, with the name ‘Remus’ written over top of it, the handwritting was much neater than his mates, who you came to realize was his boyfriend, or so your friend told you.
“Hello?” 9:48am
“Been waiting for your text, love.” 9:48am
“Stalkerish.” 9:49am
“Don’t be rash, we had a fun time hanging out yesterday.” 9:49am
“We?” 9:49am
“Sirius and I.” 9:50am
Setting your phone down, you let out a huff. Maybe they ARE dating and they’re just playing with your feelings like the fuck boys they make themselves out to be. Looking at the clock, you had 2 hours to shower and get ready to be at work. Putting your hair in two low pigtails and doing a ‘natural’ makeup look, you headed out the door and caught a bus to the small café you’ve worked at for years.
“Don’t ignore us, darling.” 1:03pm
“I’m busy.” 1:11pm
“Busy..mhm..busy doing what?” 1:11pm
“doing my job. I’ve gotta go. bye.” 1:12pm
closing out of your messages, you glanced at the small number digits on your phone 1:13pm, you had 2 minutes before your break was over. “Y/N, today’s a slow day, why don’t you just go home?” you smiled and sighed “alright, thanks penny.” gathering your stuff you went and clocked out at 1:17pm.
“are you still busy?” 1:20pm
“We want to see you” 1:21pm
you looked at the notifications that were filling up your phone ‘don’t want to see you though.’ you thought and pursed your lips. Looking at the long list of shopping you had to get through for next weeks visit from your parents. Feeling your phone vibrate for a third time you opened it and read the message.
“Please, we’re only in town for 3 more weeks and we’d really like to get to know you more.” 1:30pm
“I have a lot of shopping to get through.” 1:32pm
“we’ll accompany you.” 1:32pm
“Fine, im heading to the grocery store near the bar you guys played at, its 4 doors down to the left once your at the entrance.” 1:34pm
Entering the store you huffed, grabbing a basket and pulling out your list- your phone vibrated again, your mom was calling. “Yes mom?” you mentally groaned as you heard her voice screaming at you from the other side of the line, about what? no clue.
The boys had gotten to the store 10 minutes after your text was sent. “well, where is she?” sirius sighed as remus just shrugged. Hearing the faintness of your voice down an isle they both walked over too it, “mom i really- ok.” you just sighed which sent her on another rampage “mom? mom? can’t hear you- yo- your breaking up-..” you groaned and hung up on her. “You alright darling?” Jumping a bit at the sudden voice you sighed “fine. thank you.” you glanced up to the two. “Hi!” sirius chirped and snatched you up for a hug “hello.” wrapping your arms somewhat around him, trying not to make it awkward. “What’re you shopping for?” remus started, as sirius let you pull away from the hug, “dinner- or dinners…my parents and their 3 kids are coming down.” remus nodded and sirius raised an eyebrow “their 3 kids?” you nodded as you proceeded to go down another isle “Im adopted, moved out at like 16, they lived and still do, in a tiny apartment, 2 bedroom so 4 of us had to stay in one.” you huffed, shivering at the thought of your stuff just magically going missing “where do you stay now?” you mentally cringed “One bedroom apartment.” grabbing basically any bag of chips, sodas, Cookies, etc, they begun to question, “is this all their gonna eat?” you giggled slightly “the kids? yeah. my parents actually expect me to cook. but the meat and stuff isn’t on sale yet.” remus glanced towards sirius before they both nodded “well pay-“ you cut them off “no.” sirius whined and started arguing with you “why not?” remus started slowly guiding the basket towards the meat section which made you stop. “because, if i have the meet then i HAVE to cook- just simply telling them they have to suffer with Tv dinners-“ sirius cut you off with a finger to your lips “you survive off of tv dinner?” his face looked distraught “I live alone, why would i cook for one person and wash 3 dishes.” sirius almost went faint, “b-b-but-“ remus shushed him “Love, if that’s how you like it, so be it. but, why don’t you stay with us next week? Sirius and i are renting this house till we go back and i expect it’d be big enough for the 6 of you.” you shook your head “stuff’ll go missing.” remus shrugged “not like any of what we packed was really important, plus our instruments are with james and peter” Sirius cut him off “we decided to bunk separately.” you thought about it “fine but that doesn’t really-“ it was remus’ turn to shush you, “we have our own private chef.” he winked at you and grabbed your hand, leaving the trolley in the middle of the store, slowly guiding you out, “why don’t we go to the park instead-“ they both chimed up in sync you huffed and just nodded, to tired to argue with both of them.
Spending the day with the two big goofs were fun, despite not really wanting too “Love?” you hummed in response, he softly grabbed your hand “it’s late, come back to ours? have dinner with us?” you smiled and just nodded softly “alright.”
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izzyy-prizzyy · 19 days
⋆。♫₊˚yeah the past was honestly the best but my best is what comes next ⋆。♫₊˚
~ 29th May, 2024 ~
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couldn't do much of what i planned for today cause had an appointment with doctor (nothing much had some issue with the knee; prolonged sitting with folded leg lol, anndd well according to the doc i have calcium deficiency) so yeah half of my day was wasted in this *sighs*.
sat for studying around 5:30-ish pm. started with organic chem (my be-loathed) and did a lecture spree (welp my organic in 11th was a waste ugh but no worries, starting complete oc from scratch, probably will complete 11th part by the end of summer vacations - thanks to my lord my savior amit mahajan sir!! gosh why didn't i watch his lecture in 11th sighs..also oc is kind of fun, just needed amit sir touch ig - not saying the other teacher i studied from in 11th were bad but it's just i couldn't solve ques' and goc was boo for me but now i got this!!) ; watched 2 lectures, each of 2 hours something, which took me around 5 hours something to complete - full with notes, complete understanding and all, did both the homework sheets and dpp of the same too (oc is fun ig)
watched a lecture of solutions chapter of 1 and a half hour something (not in backlog its just i did chemical kinetics and electrochem first to catch up w school so yeah now i'm doing solutions)
so yeah that was pretty much what i did today *sighs*. all in all, all i did was chem and that too just lectures with some itty bitty homework (12/16 and 8/11). not satisfied w today's work yep but yeah *shrugs*.
cause my best is what comes next :) - gotta keep thriving..
other: ₊read a one shot fanfic; wolfstar>>> (while waiting at the hospital) ₊listened to a song or two of namjoon's right person wrong place album - gosh namjoon you'll always be famous aahh i loved it!! (didn't have time to listen it before - man i miss those carefree fangirling days T-T)
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lunarsun12 · 8 days
Jay Parenting Dilemma
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After a week babysitting, Jay kids. Heesung has enough of their behaviours. First he got pushed by Sunghoon as he claims the bathroom first. Then Sunoo literally tried to rob him! Luckily Jake was there to stop him.
Heesung decided to make a bet with Jay. If he can actually control his kids, then he will be Jay chauffeur.
Will Heesung be Jay chauffeur?
Back At Enhypen Chat
Today 16:00
Niki🕺: Who took Sunoo and Sunghoon soul?
Jake🐶: Same question, those two are being so nice. Sunoo didn’t call Lyla a furr ball
Niki🕺: Sunoo even complimented Sunghoon his hair. And the scary part, I saw them giving eachother a hug
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Your Uncle Jay has been strangely responsible. He made Sunoo say sorry to Sunghoon for stealing his clothes
The day before the strange behaviour
Back At Heesung and Jay Chat
Today 1:00am
Jay🦊: HYUNG! Why did you call me! It is 1am!!
Heeseung🦌: You wouldn’t answer if I texted you so calling you is the best answer
Heesung🦌: We need to have talk about your kids!
Jay🦊: They are fine! Mind your own business! Look how angelic they are
Heesung🦌: I wish…I don’t have to intervene BUT when it was my turn to babysit the kids. They almost turned against me when I said no when they asked for more money!!
Jay🦊: They love the hustle and bustle. What’s the problem?
Heesung🦌: Name one time, there hasn’t been a problem with them?
Jay🦊: Hmmm, it’s late! My brain is not working right now
Heesung🦌: Hah! I bet you can’t go a week making the behave. Without having me and Jungwon to intervene
Jay🦊: Is this a challenge? I show I am always responsible. When I win, you will to be my chauffeur
Heesung🦌: Hah, that is never going to happen. Good luck making them behave
Present day (Day 6) …
Back At Enhypen Chat
Heesung🦌: I wonder how Jay is holding up?
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: He is doing fine…actually. He is making them his 3 hours curry
Niki🕺: Eomma can we come over! I want to try his famous curry recipe
Jake🐶: Us too!!
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: This is suspicious! I have the police on speed dial. No one come near Jay house tonight
Sunoo☀️: Good Evening fellow family!
Sunghoon❄️: Today is the best day! Appa finally told Sunoo off. He immediately started to be beareable
Sunoo☀️: Appa, finally stopped showing favouritism to Sunghoon. Naturally I will be nice
Niki🕺: This gotta be a joke…
Niki🕺: You guys are seeing this..
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Could get your Appa to come. We have some questions
Heesung🦌: Drats, Jay is taking it seriously. I gotta do something fast before I really become a chauffeur
Jay🦊: Hey guys! What’s up? Who knew parenting is so hard. Thanks Sunghoon for helping!
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: You okay hyung? You actually sorting your family out?
Jay🦊: It’s time for me to change my attitude! I have forgotten how cute my kids are
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Sunoo and Sunghoon is your Appa making you act
Sunghoon❄️: I don’t act. That’s sunoo job, he actually sorted the bathroom fight this morning and gave us a hug
Sunoo☀️: Appa is the best!
3hours later…
Sunoo☀️: We didn’t do anything….
Jay🦊: That’s it! THIS IS THE THANKS I GET FOR BEING NICE. I WILL CONTINUE MY OWN WAY!! Heesung Hyung is a liar!!
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Hold on hold on! How about you continue this new leaf. What about you said calling them cute
Jay🦊: Cute my butt! They are little demons! This is coming out both of your pocket money!
Jake🐶: Has anyone seen Appa? He has been missing for some time…
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Awww you miss your Appa? He said he is going on a run, don’t he will be home soon
Sunghoon❄️: This didn’t last long! Sunoo can be so annoying..
Jay🦊: Why did I even adopted kids! I just can’t win!!
30mins later…
Heesung🦌: I’m so glad, I put a stop to this. I can’t be Jay chauffeur my rep
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askaceattorney · 6 months
Christmas Chicken
It is the day before Christmas and Larry wants to buy Edgeworth chicken from KFC. Hopefully, this year's Christmas will be better than it was 16 years ago.
Today would be the last day before Christmas break when Phoenix would be off work for two days. Last Christmas was the exception because of Edgeworth, but this year he would finally have his days off. It wasn't as if there weren't other lawyers willing to take cases. Usually, trials would not take place on Christmas unless they were big ones, especially ones that involved those who worked in law. After last year, Phoenix wanted this year to celebrate Christmas with Maya, Pearl and-
The door burst open with Larry storming in urgency. Oh no.
“NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK! We gotta hurry before it's too late!” Larry cried excitedly.
“Before what is too late? Larry, what do you want?” Phoenix asked.
“Chicken, dude! It's the Holidays and we still haven't got our chicken for Edgey!”
“Wait, what are you talking about?” Phoenix asked, now seemingly more confused. Sure, California followed the tradition of eating chicken for Christmas instead of turkey or ham, but he couldn't recall him and Larry agreeing to buy chicken for Edgeworth. Not that he wouldn't want to.
“Don't you remember? How could you forget about our promise?” Larry asked his eyes in tears.
“Promise?” Phoenix questioned, rubbing his chin to figure out what it was that Larry was talking about. Christmas. Chicken. Edgeworth. “Hold it! Are you talking about that time you dragged to go to KFC to buy chicken for Edgeworth for Christmas?”
“YES! I knew you wouldn't forget!” Larry smirked, hands on his hips, before crying again. “But, Edgey and Pops weren't home that day!”
“And left me out in the cold rain for hours while the chicken grew cold,” Phoenix reminded Larry, already feeling his buckets of sweat pouring.
“And ruined our beloved chicken,” Larry finished, still in tears.
Actually, the chicken wasn't ruined. It had just turned cold and Larry left Phoenix by himself in the rain with the chicken still in the box, trying to keep it from sogging in the rain. It was recalling that memory that Phoenix remembered how much trouble he got for being out in the rain and catching the flu. This was also the last day he ever saw Edgeworth and the last Christmas they had before DL-6.
Sighing, Phoenix agreed, “I'll go, if it makes you feel any better.”
“Awesome Nick. I knew I could count on you!” Larry grinned happily, showing his teeth. He then showed his smirk again. “I checked the weather too. There should be no rain this time.”
“That's... good I guess,” Phoenix replied, still wanting to bring an umbrella just in case. “There should be a KFC just a few blocks away.”
“Let's go, then!”
Phoenix and Larry went outside, hopping on their bikes and riding along. However, Phoenix made sure to put up a 'Closed for the Holidays' sign before leaving. Maya was already shopping for chicken for her and Pearl, so why couldn't he? It was very cool today with the entire city of L.A. decorating for the holidays with their bright lights on the buildings and trees that sparkled green, yellow and red. Christmas trees were propped up with decorative lights and snowflakes were planted on the windows and doors. Advertisements were everywhere of Christmas cakes, chicken, chocolates, coffee and sodas. Lines were piling up to get their holiday meals.
“No worries, I already made a reservation, so we should have our chicken hot and ready!” Larry assured excitedly.
“Did you reserve a whole chicken?” Phoenix asked, being that 16 years ago Larry had only got the chicken bucket since he didn't know that the whole chicken had to be reserved. “How much did it cost?”
“Don't worry, it's only forty bucks. I figured you'd be able to pay for it. It beats using Edgey's lunch money,” Larry said as Phoenix shot him a glare. “I'm kidding, man!”
“Of course, you are because, at the time, you had to beg your sister for money while combining it with my pocket change I got from mowing lawns,” Phoenix reminded Larry.
“Hey, you remembered! Man, my sis was so mean! I had to clean her room for the entire week just so she could give me ten dollars. Between the two of us, we were able to reach enough to afford a big chicken bucket,” Larry said blissfully.
“Don't you get paid for that Santa gig or wherever you're working at now?” Phoenix asked.
“Yeah! You want us to split like 16 years ago? I can cough up twenty.”
“Yes! I still need to save some for Maya and Pearls! I'm not spending Forty bucks for a bird you ordered!”
“Fine. Fine. We'll split the cost. Geez, that's all you had to say.”
Phoenix was now remembering that last Christmas with Edgeworth so clearly, now that he was helping Larry. He never realized how much this meant to his childhood friend. He still remembered, that after buying the chicken bucket, he and Larry were searching for Edgeworth. It was almost Christmas Eve and had realized that the Edgeworths were not home. They didn't realize that Gregory had taken him and Miles to have Christmas with his colleague, Raymond Shields. Worst of all, it began pouring rain.
“Great, now our Christmas Present is ruined!” Larry whined as Nick protected the chicken bucket with his body and the edge of the roof of the apartment where the Edgeworths lived. “Let's go home, Nick.”
“No! The chicken is fine! We can still give it to Miles,” Young Nick exclaimed, feeling the pour of water from the rain pouring from the roof and onto his back. He was determined to protect the chicken bucket.
“Forget it. He's not home. We're already in trouble as it is,” Larry sighed, walking mopily back home. “Merry Christmas.”
“Larry,” Nick muttered, hearing the thunder from the rain and feeling stupid for not bringing an umbrella like his mom always told him to. He stared down at the bucket of chicken with determination in his furrowed eyebrows. “Miles will come home. He has to.” He looked up at the dark clouds of the sky as his entire back began to drench in water, his body shaking from the cold water. Thankfully, it rarely ever got cold in L.A.
“We're here!” Larry cried excitedly, Phoenix was now back to reality as the two of them parked their bikes at the bike rack, remembering to lock their bikes with the bike lock. “Hurry!” Larry took his best friend by the sleeve of his blue suit, then dragged him to the back of the line inside KFC.
There was an aroma of cooked chicken and fried foods. It was enough to make anyone who entered go hungry, even after eating. It was mostly clean with a sizable line and people at the tables talking among themselves. The sounds of beeping could be heard from behind the cash registers all lined up along the long counter where the crew workers were cooking the food, taking orders from the drive-thru and preparing.
Larry excitedly stared at the screen menu, grinning, “I've already ordered ahead of time, so they should be ready with the chicken to pick up.”
“Did you really order a whole chicken?” Phoenix asked in an amazed tone.
“Sure did! I wasn't going to ruin the chicken this time,” Larry smirked braggingly.
“The chicken wasn't ruined last time either. It just got cold,” Phoenix reminded his friend once more, sighing.
“It was still ruined. We never even got to eat it together,” Larry cried sadly as Phoenix shook his head.
“Because you left so soon.”
“The chicken was ruined!” Larry cried with such heartbreak that Phoenix felt bad, but also...
“Larry, we...” Phoenix tried to explain before they made it to the clerk.
“What can I get for you?” The Clerk asked politely.
“Oh yes, we ordered a whole chicken earlier this month. Larry Butz,” Larry said, his tears now gone and replaced with his usual cocky expression.
“Ah yes! Mr. Butz. Let me check,” The Clerk replied checking the orders to find a whole chicken.
“Thank you!” Larry cried out.
“Larry, listen, about the chicken,” Phoenix said, taking his friend by the shoulder.
“I know, right!? I can't wait until we get a bite of that!”
“No, I mean when we were kids. After you left, I waited with that chicken bucket for hours until the Edgeworths got home.”
“I know, Nick. The chicken was cold and you caught the flu because I always ruin everything,” Larry sighed sadly.
“Larry, that's not wha-” Phoenix tried to say, but was interrupted.
“Don't try to make me feel better, Nick. I know I'm trouble. That's why they call me the Butz. 'When something smells, it's always the Butz.' I just wanna do something right for once, alright. I always mess everything up, even my relationships.”
“Larry...” Phoenix said gently before the clerk came with the bag with the whole grilled chicken inside. The white bag showed the face of Colonial Sanders on the front.
“That will be 41.23,” The Clerk said as both Phoenix and Larry opened their wallets.
“Wait, I checked the price and it said $40!” Larry exclaimed.
“That's before tax, Larry,” Phoenix explained, feeling like facepalming right now. “It's fine, I'll pay the extra dollar and cents.”
“Thanks, Buddy,” Larry cried joyfully before he and Phoenix split the pay of the chicken, with Phoenix paying an extra dollar and twenty-three cents more.
Larry and Phoenix tied the bag before making their way to their bikes. Larry dropped the chicken in Phoenix's front bike basket. The two of them made their way, peddling to Edgeworth's apartment. Larry seemed so excited that everything was going his way for once. However, the one thing he seemed to underestimate was how long it was going to take to get to the apartment and to check the sky. Phoenix knew and was thankful he always knew to bring an umbrella. It was just like 16 years ago.
The first few drops landed on Larry's face before he screamed, “SERIOUSLY!?! It's raining!” He stopped peddling as Phoenix paused his, opening his umbrella.
“I've got an umbrella and the bag is tied tightly. The rain isn't going to ruin the chicken if we hurry,” Phoenix promised before the few drops turned into a downpour.
“Why does the world hate me!?” Larry cried dramatically, Phoenix keeping his umbrella above the chicken to keep it dry.
“I just want this Christmas to go right for once! I even checked the weather to make sure it wouldn't rain and they said it wouldn't!”
“This is not fair! Christmas is ruined and I-”
“LARRY BUTZ WILL YOU LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!?!” Phoenix screamed at Larry, making him stop his dramatics and stare directly at his friend, who was using his umbrella to protect the chicken. “You are a butz and always cause trouble, but you were the one that brought us together!” Larry stared at his best friend dumbfounded, his eyes still blinking in shock as Phoenix continued, “You stole Edgeworth's lunch money and while that might've resulted in me getting thrown under the bus by my classmates, that action showed me who my real friends were. You were the one that introduced me to Cow Tipping.”
“Yeah, before almost getting killed by a bull,” Larry muttered.
“But, we weren't and do you know why?”
“Because Edgey got us out?” Larry replied with a question.
“That's right. In the end, getting me to Cow Tip is what brought Edgeworth into the cattle pin and got us Detention. We were the only ones in the Detention Room. We were together.”
“Our Christmas was ruined that day, but not because of the chicken. It was because you weren't there,” Phoenix said as Larry's face began changing to that of a look that had been hit by a bulldozer. “So, don't leave this time when you don't even know how Christmas will turn out. Just because it didn't go the way we wanted, that doesn't mean it's all for naught. Look at the chicken.”
Larry looked at the chicken, seeing that it was still tied shut without a drop of rain on it. Even so “The chicken will get cold,” he said.
“It will. So, don't leave us this time. Let's have Christmas together,” Phoenix said as Larry nodded solemnly.
“Let's have Christmas together... rain or no rain,” Larry decided, getting back on his bike. “I won't leave this time.”
Phoenix smiled warmly before the two of them peddled down the rainy path. They were almost to Edgeworth's apartment anyhow. While riding his bike, Phoenix made sure that the chicken stayed as dry as it could with his umbrella. He was just as determined to save the chicken as he was those years ago. At the time, he never realized how much that day meant to Larry or his wanting to make that Christmas without causing trouble. Phoenix always assumed that Larry just never thought much of all the times he caused trouble for others. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that, in Larry's shoes, he'd feel dejected.
That Christmas was the last holiday Phoenix and Larry had with Edgeworth before DL-6 which would take place only three days later. Larry just wanted to make things right with Edgeworth, knowing Christmas was probably the worst holiday for him as a reminder of the worst day of his life. However, what Larry never knew was what had happened that day after he left.
Nick waited at the Edgeworths' apartment for hours and minutes he couldn't count. It was already black outside and had been freezing from the rain pouring and trying to keep the food dry. His arms went stiff at this point, his breaths panting before taking notice of the headlights from the car. Nick blinked, focusing on his breathing without noticing someone approaching.
“Nick, is that you? What are you doing here so late at night?” Gregory asked as Nick turned, not realizing his face was in tears.
“Larry and I got Miles some chicken a-and now it's...” Nick sobbed before sneezing.
“You're an idiot! Where is Larry!?” Miles asked, sounding angry as Nick turned his face down sadly, his body shaking again before feeling a brown coat over his body.
“Come here,” Gregory cooed, holding Nick in his arms. “Miles, bring the chicken inside. Hurry!”
“Yes, Father!” Miles replied, hurriedly taking the bucket of chicken and bringing it inside the apartment.
“B-B-But the chicken's probably co-oh AH-CHOO!” Nick trembled before sneezing.
“We can heat it up and eat it. Come on, now. I'll go warm you up some hot tea,” Gregory said, bringing Nick inside to provide him with warm clothes and to warm up the chicken.
Larry and Phoenix finally made it to Edgeworth's apartment, the sky already dark with its black clouds and thunder. Grabbing a hold of the bag of chicken, Phoenix dashed the doors of the stairwell, making their way to the front door of Edgeworth's apartment. At least the rain couldn't touch the chicken, now that it was dry. Larry pressed the doorbell.
“Hey Edgey! It's Nick and your old pal!” Larry called as Phoenix's body began shaking. He turned, taking notice. “Hurry up man, Nick is shaking! It's pouring out there and we brought you some chicken!”
The door opened, only to meet a familiar face that Phoenix did NOT want to meet, but it seemed Larry thought the opposite. He grinned, “And, who are you supposed to- EEK!” An oncoming whip made his way from the trigger-happy prosecutor.
“What is the meaning of this!? Phoenix Wright, you better explain yourself before I-” Franziska demanded before Phoenix began to sneeze.
“Sorry,” Phoenix moaned, feeling the sniffles.
“Honestly Wright, after all of these years, I'd think you'd have learned about going along with Larry's ideas!” Edgeworth rebuked with a voice filled with annoyance.
“You know this foolish man?” Franziska asked dumbfoundedly, glaring at Larry who got up.
“Sure do. Edgey and I go way back. So... are you Edgey's girlfriend? I didn't think he would ever get a date,” Larry grinned as Edgeworth glared at him.
“For your information, she is my mentor's daughter and like a sister to me!” Edgeworth glared.
“Oh, a sister. Why didn't you say so?” Larry said, not erasing his grin.
“S-So um... can I go inside. The chicken's already cold and I- AH-CHOO!” Phoenix sneezed.
“It went cold again?” Larry asked, saddened. “It's just like 16 years ago. I always ruined everything, even chicken.”
“What are you blabbering about?” Edgeworth asked, seemingly confused.
“H-H-He's talking about that time when we bought that KFC chicken bucket and AH-CHOO!” Phoenix explained before sneezing again.
“Ah yes, my last Christmas with you. You really did miss out, didn't you?” Edgeworth smirked slightly, showing a much softer smile.
“Huh?” Larry asked with blinking, surprised eyes.
“Father took Wright in and got him a new change of clothes while heating the chicken he brought in the oven. We ate while spending Christmas Eve together. It was the very first ever sleepover I had and Father was grateful that I made a friend,” Edgeworth explained while Larry sat there, hearing everything that he had missed out on. “I always knew you were foolish, but leaving your friend out in the rain by himself and missing out on the happiest Christmas of my life was the most foolish out of all of them. Honestly.”
It hit Larry over the head in his realization of just how stupid he had been. He felt so angry and upset with himself at the time that he just gave up. Phoenix never gave up, even when all the rain was pouring down on him. This was the last and happiest time Edgeworth ever had with his father and Larry missed out on it. He got himself up, not even noticing Franziska folding her arms and thinking.
“I'm... very sorry, Edgey. I'm sorry for not being there and I'm sorry for leaving you out in the rain, Nick,” Larry apologized.
Phoenix sniffed, replying, “Y-You're always trouble. AH-CHOO but... I told you didn't I? You brought Edgeworth and I together.”
“Maybe, but you're the one that is keeping us together. You still sought Edgey when I gave up on him after he left. Don't sell yourself short,” Larry said, showing a warm smile.
“O-Only if you d-d-d- AH-CHOO don't,” Phoenix sniffed as Edgeworth humphed.
“Honestly, get inside. You're freezing to death, Wright! I've got a pair of extra clothes your size,” Edgeworth offered, guiding Phoenix inside as Franziska took the bag of chicken.
“Hmph, it seems you fools were able to keep this dry. I'll see to it that it's heated up properly, but it will have to be eaten now,” Franziska stated factually as Larry followed her.
After eating the bucket of chicken that had been warmed up by Gregory, Nick and Miles slept in their sleeping bags with night clothes on. Gregory made sure to call Nick's mother to inform her where he was and ask if he could sleep over. Nick knew that his mom was going to get onto him for staying out in the rain and catching a cold. He felt his nose stuff up, making it hard to breathe in though his nose. He blew his nose, but his nose still felt stuffed.
“You are the most stupid individual I've ever met in my life,” Miles rebuked.
“Sorry,” Nick apologized, huddling into his sleeping bag. “I had a great time tonight.”
“I did too,” Miles replied, smiling softly. “Thank you. I never had friends over for Christmas. Can we do this every Christmas?”
“Mhm,” Phoenix promised. “We'll spend every Christmas together.”
“Make sure to bring Larry this time. I won't forgive you, if you let him ditch you again,” Miles stated as Phoenix nodded. “I mean it. Larry is trouble, but that's because he only sees what's in front of him, not what's beyond. You need to remind him that there's always something beyond his sight. I know he's more capable than he thinks. If he only just tried and never gave up, he can reach the stars beyond my reach.”
“You really think so?” Nick asked.
“I believe the both of you can. Larry just never tries, while you try too much,” Miles said, sighing before closing his eyes to go to sleep.
“Heh,” Nick responded, staring up at the ceiling as he began feeling sleep taking over, perhaps from the cold medicine he was given earlier. “Merry Christmas.”
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en-thralled · 2 years
Can I request a Yandere enhypen - maknae line when all 3 of them likes you but you have a boyfriend so they decide to team up ? They first beat up your boyfriend, when you confront them , they circle around you , passing you to e/o threatening you and telling you how you cannot escape them bcoz they claim you . After they kidnap you they torture your boyfriend infront of you and kiss you infront of him as you try to get off . Your bf dies from both pain and from the fact that he couldn't protect you and now you would have to go through hell ..... Thank you in advance Nd I realy like your writing:)))
oh hi :D yeah of course! c;
WARNING: enhypen maknae line has yandere behavior, swearing and violence.
[thank you for requesting. you might not see this story because of how long this took to make. I'm very sorry! I'm getting busy these days and I'm getting piled up with a lot of work. If there's a chance you did read this, and is satisfied, leave another ask please (kindly tell me that you were the one who requested this.) :D
I might rethink if I still will leave the requests open. I'm disappointed in myself, because i couldn't fulfill your request on time. I'm really sorry anonymous person! But I hope you enjoy the story.]
You just finished class. You were now waiting for your boyfriend. You had set up a date for the two of you. He received a text message from you informing him that class had ended.
"Hey y/n."
You turn to face the person that has called you, "Oh hey Jungwon," smiling. You couldn't help but smile when you saw him because of his dimples. He asks you, "D…Do you have any plans today?"
You tell him, "Yeah, I'm going out with my boyfriend." You had that giddy expression all over your face. He hated it. He wished you were that excited when it comes to him. You swear you saw his expression change. But you brushed it off, it isn't such a big deal now, isn't it?
🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀 🌿🥀
You wonder what happened to him. "Come on Daehyun... pick the fucking phone up," you groan. You were looking forward for today. You dressed up more, put make up more. You spent 30 minutes with choosing your outfit, and finished all your assessments. Where the hell is he now? You were getting impatient.
16 missed calls.
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1 hour later...
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you went home already when he replied;
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You roll your eyes. You were tired of waiting for so long that you couldn't move a leg on your bed. And didn't have the time to reply to him. You yawn, you finally decide to sleep after scrolling through social media.
You slowly close your eyes as you drift to sleep.
🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀 🌿🥀
"Hey y/n!"
"What do you want Daehyun?" you turn to him, brows furrowed. "I'm sorry for yesterday, I'm guessing you didn't see my text-"
you cut him off, "I saw it."
"No reply? Something came up ok-?" you cut him off again.
"I said I saw it." He just stares at you with a worried expression. He looks like he was going to say something but hesitates. Well if he isn't going to say it, its better to go now. "Oh. If you're not going to say it, then I'll be going now." you turn your heel to walk away from him.
"W-wait!" he call out to you, "I gotta say something!"
Your raise your brow, "What is it?"
"Please.. Avoid them." he warns you, you furrow your eyebrows again. "Daehyun. What are you talking about?"
"Just- please avoid sunoo, ni-ki and jungwon." he sighs putting his hands on your shoulders. And he kisses your lips.
"My friends-? Daehyun-?" you question him.
"I love you."
"I love you too." you smiled at him, what was he talking about?
🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀 🌿🥀
"That fucker is in our way of having her." sunoo says furiously. "He has guts. To kiss her after we told him not to." he scoffs.
"We were so close to having her hate him."
"We weren't close, ni-ki. she was only mad, but she didn't hate him." jungwon corrects the younger one.
"I guess we have to teach him a lesson then." they all smile at each other, deviously...
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"Daehyun, Daehyun, Daehyun..." sunoo lets out a breathy chuckle, "What did we tell you?"
"Did your small brain forget what we said to you?" he lifts daehyun's chin, "Or you're just fucking stubborn?"
"She's ours. We claimed her. So stay the fuck away."
"W...When? When w-was she y-yours?" he still manages to spit out.
Ni-ki scoffs, and jabs him in the jaw. Your boyfriend just groans in pain.
"I'm this close to killing you." Jungwon grits his teeth.
🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀 🌿🥀
It was 8:00pm. You just finished your hangout with your friends at a mall. You were on your way home, until you heard someone grunting and groaning, (no, not in that way,) someone was getting beaten up.
You didn't want to bother with that and planned to just swiftly pass by the alleyway without getting caught. You were going to do it, however you were stopped by a familiar voice,
"S-Stop!" Holy shit. Was that your boyfriend?
"Where's the knife?" another familiar voice.
You quickly took a peek, and there he was... Getting punched and jabbed so multiple times. You watched in terror, there was nothing you can do, honestly.
Heh, you dumb bitch. Of course you were going to help him!
You picked up whatever object you can swing them with. You couldn't bear the look on his face, the knife threatening to cut right through his neck. you had to save him right away.
You slowly approach but the puddles just gave you away. The 4 boys swing their head toward the noise, which was you. The shock was undeniably evident in their face.
"Y/N...." daehyun weakly says.
You were so shocked too. You lost grip of the object you were holding.
"Sunoo, jungwon, niki..." you stare at them terrified. "What the fuck did you do to daehyun?!" rage fills you.
You were distracted on Daehyun, you were helplessly crying...He looked so pitiful.. That was when you blacked out.
🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀 🌿🥀
you slowly open your eyes, you were in an unfamiliar place. You hardly remember anything, you don't remember why you blacked out. Your eyes we're wandering around the room... The only thing you can hear is the faint sound of dripping water. That gave you a clue. You must be in a basement..
"Y/N..Are you... O-okay? " you were startled but the voice.
"oh my god.. Daehyun." You gasp, "What happened?!"
"Great question, y/n." a voice interrupts. you swiftly turn your head to the person, it was Ni-ki.
"Ni-ki.." you weakly say. it was like a stab in your chest. your closest friends, almost killing your boyfriends because of how they brutally beat him up. "Why the hell would you do this?"
"It's because you're ours. " he sighs, "But daehyun here, is fucking wall."
"We have to slowly break him.. Until we can be with you. "
Then two boys appear from the shadows, revealing Sunoo and jungwon.
"Hi y/n!" Sunoo, who shamelessly greets you in a 'sweet' way. You just stare at him with a dead expression.
"Aren't you going to say hi back? " Sunoo firmly grips your jaw making you since in pain. "My, my lady. You gotta learn manners now that you'll be here with us!"
You spit on his face. He slowly backs away from you, with his eyes darkening.
"Should we end it now?" Jungwon steps forward.
"Why, of course yes! " sunoo claps his hand.
They slowly approach daehyun, " Wait- No! Get away from h-him! "
There... You saw such a horrifying sight. He was beaten to death.
"Y/n..I'm sorry.. " your boyfriend's last words.
You ears start ringing and the voices and noises become muffled, " stop crying, we're doing this for you. "
Your stomach dropped because now you will be with them, forever.
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Fratboy Eren lures Mikasa to one of his frat parties under false pretenses. He convinces her to come over because he really needs help studying and when she shows up to his house and there is music blaring with people everywhere drunk out of their minds, she's PISSED. But Eren is just like "Great, you're here! Now can you lick this tequila off my abs please🥺"
YES !!!!!!! YES YES YES!!!
Eren isn't going to say he doesn't like frat parties. That would be wrong, immoral even, against the code.
But he is willing to admit that they do get kind of tiring after a while. So many girls, too many different names to pretend to remember, too many people touching him. After a while it just gets well... overstimulating and not in a good way.
There's girls caressing his forearms, begging him to take his shirt off, to be the canvas in which they lick tequila from, and sure, in theory it all sounds fun.
And at any other opportunity he'd jump at the chance, but today, he'd driven several hours back to school from home... without Mikasa to entertain him and supply him with home-made sandwiches. He's simply exahausted and he doesn't feel like fielding random girls from touching his dick while they lick tequila off his abs. It doesn't sound enjoyable in the least.
He just wants to lie down in his bedroom, nure his headache with ibuprofen and gatorade and fall asleep cradled in Mikasa's boobs. Is that so much to ask? "C'mon Eren, get in line it's your turn to be the shot next!" Porco goads him and Eren groans, yeah apparently it is too much to ask.
It's a long shot and honestly, unless Mikasa is nearby there's no way she'll make it in time, but he's gotta at least try.
Eren, 10:11 pm
If i buy you mcdonalds will you proofread my paper on why helen of troy is a babe?
He gets a response a minute later, ever punctual Mikasa and Eren tries his very best not to be smug, because being smug will do nothing but piss her off.
Mikasa, 10:12 pm
If it's on the disgusting sexist way that Helen was treated and how ridiculous it is that the trojan horse is more famous and discussed than her sacrafice....
After a while, Eren simply stops reading, especially when his little spitfire continues to send multiple paragraphs, there's only so much he cares about Helen. Eren, 10:15 pm
That's what it says, wanna come over?
Mikasa, 10:15 pm
Eren so help me god if your paper title is '10 Reasons Helen of Troy is A Babe' i'll kill you.
He doesn't doubt it.
Eren, 10:15 pm
Come over and you can find out.
Mikasa, 10:16 pm
I'm at the library, I don't have time. Every minute they spend arguing is a minute closer to his fate as a shot glass, he can't play her coy little games tonight as much as he loves them. So Eren does something he usually doesn't do with Mikasa, doesn't expose her too because it's a surefire way to turn her bright red and get her hot and bothered, too powerful of a tool to use against his arch nemesis. It's unfair really how well it works. Eren flirts. And shamelessly at that, lets his every thought about her bleed into his texts. Eren, 10:17 pm
You know they say Helen was the most beautiful of them all, a queen among women.
Mikasa, 10:17 pm
Ugh please don't tell me that's a quote you used in your paper.
Eren, 10:18 pm
It's not it's just the truth
but i disagree.
Mikasa, 10:18 pm
Eren, 10:18 pm
becuase you exist Miki, and obviously you're the most beautiful.
that's why i need u to come over
I'm working on my paper about the queen of all women and I need my muse 🍆🍆
how am I supposed to discuss her adequately if my girl isn't here?
Is it probably the cheesiest, dumbest thing he's ever written? Yes. Does it work, hook line and sinker? Also yes.
Mikasa doesn't respond for several minutes, but by the time she does, it's with one frisky little demand.
Mikasa, 10:25 pm
where's my uber, asshole?
Eren, 10:25 pm
on the way 😇
Mikasa is supremely pissed off when she walks into a full frat house armed with books on greek tragedies and her laptop, but Eren makes it up to her.
She arrives just in time to be the one to lick the tequila from his abs
"I hate you," she whispers against his neck as she comes up for a lick of salt and Eren smiles brightly, "Queens get to mount their thrones you know Miki, so get ready, you're gonna ride me later." And boy does she ever.
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bloomingdarkgarden · 10 months
ok having to postpone my update to WBITD until tuesday, a new wildfire started and i gotta drink ash and cinder outdoors for 16 hours tomorrow instead of curl up in blankets and edit. Joy.
Thanks your patience angels. I should really know better than to give hard dates during fire season. Anyways the no!filter hellish sunset today was astoundingly pretty at least. trying to stay positive despite working in an ecological apocalypse.
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hazediver · 8 months
Sephy was tired.
She had slept 16 hours, but she was tired. She was always tired, this wasn't new, and maybe, sometimes, it wasn't annoying, but today it was. Today she had to work, she had to get up and do what the company told her to do, be their good little HAZED and kill anything they threw her at.
She got out of bed, pushing her stuffed rabbit to the side. Her stomach turned - too fast, had to slow down. Gotta remember not to go that quickly, throwing up on her bedsheets wasn't a fun way to start her day, and besides, she didn't have the cash to buy new ones again - rent was due.
The notification light on her phone blinked, probably her handler, a medication reminder, and a debt collector, if she had to guess. At least one of those were useful.
She fumbled around, looking for her medbag. The dim light filtered through the blinds didn't help any, but “bright lights” and “I just woke up” didn't mix - best case scenario she get a migraine, worst case scenario, a seizure. She found the autoinjector, pulled up the side of her nightgown, grit her teeth, and jabbed the device into her thigh.
It hurt.
It hurt.
It hurt so much, she wanted to cry.
At least it was better than being sick.
She changed - from the nightgown into her pilot suit, plugging in the neural adapters into the ring of plugs around her neck. The third-generation dive system was supposed to be safer. It was supposed to be easier. But it made her sick - she was the only HAZED that got sick.
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h0rnyv01d · 8 months
0: Height
1: Virgin?
2: Shoe size
3: Do you smoke?
4: Do you drink?
5: Do you take drugs?
6: Age you get mistaken for
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
9: Got any piercings?
10: Want any piercings?
11: Best friend?
12: Relationship status
13: Biggest turn ons
14: Biggest turn offs
15: Favorite movie
16: I’ll love you if
17: Someone you miss
18: Most traumatic experience
19: A fact about your personality
20: What I hate most about myself
21: What I love most about myself
22: What I want to be when I get older
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
25: My idea of a perfect date
26: My biggest pet peeves
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
30: What I hate the most about work/school
31: What your last text message says
32: What words upset me the most
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
34: What I find attractive in women
35: What I find attractive in men
36: Where I would like to live
37: One of my insecurities
38: My childhood career choice
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
40: Who wish I could be
41: Where I want to be right now
42: The last thing I ate
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
44: A random fact about anything
oop this is long so
1: yeah lol
2: 6
3: nope, gotta keep them lungs healthy to stay slutty
4: nopity nope, i’m so scared of saying something i’ll regret while drunk
5: again, nope 😭😭
6: recently people have been offering me kids menus at restaurants? it’s odd, idk how old they think i am but
7: no :(
8: i wanna get a star pattern on my collarbone at some point, and maybe a jellyfish on my upper arm
9: yep! regular lobe, and a cartilage piercing on my right ear
10: i wanna get a bunch of piercings, but just on my ears, i’m getting a conch piercing on my left soon
11: probs my friend sophia but you wouldn’t know her obv lol
12: it’s complicated- we’re both into each other, and weve dated in the past, but neither of us is willing to b like “let’s get back together”
13: men just casually hinting at something they’re into. it just makes my brain go WILD with possibilities
14: being mean outside of sex
15: cinderella (1950)
16: i’ll love you if you’re sweet (my standards are so low i’m sorry)
17: my friends i don’t talk to anymore
18: i’ve had two seizures, and those were probably the worst moments of my life
19: i’m clingy but i won’t admit it
20: my chin and my need for attention
21: i got that hourglass figure <3
22: i wanna be an author!!
23: i have one little sister, i love her, but she’s nuts sometimes
24: no father, and my mom is more like a big sister than a mother to me
25: any date is perfect as long as i’m with someone i love. but if i had to pick, watching fireworks together
26: people pronouncing my city name wrong, idk why
27: he’s a lil short, he’s got curly blonde hair, and he’s so sweet, he wants to be lawyer someday
28: the person i dislike most has greasy brown hair, is 5’6, and looks like he doesn’t shower
29: protecting feelings, and also i’ve lied if i thought it’d help repair friendships
30: waking up early!! i hate getting up at 6
31: “will you wake up if i send you more pictures of cats i like, or should i wait until tomorrow?”
32: ‘we need to talk’
33: i’ve gotten told i look like cinderella twice today :)) that made me feel so amazing
34: i’m more attracted to men than women, but i’ve noticed that whenever i’m into women, they tend to be really strong
35: brunettes for some reason
36: tbh i’m perfectly fine in florida
37: my laugh
38: i used to want to be a marine biologist, and while that field is still incredibly interesting to me, i think i’d rather write
39: vanilla, i’m a basic bitch <3
40: adelaide kane, shes dropdead gorgeous i’d love to be her
41: greece, because apparently there’s a ton of cats!!
42: i had a banana a few hours ago
43: chris hemsworth. on his poster for thor: ragnarok, he literally fits leonardo da vinci’s idea of perfection, so i will unapologetically be saying this
44: the blue whale is the largest animal to have ever lived
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