#and i know that's a line to straddle and all translators have to make choices
neosatsuma · 7 months
okay tgcf-readers, help me out: how is the official translation? How does it differ from the most popular fan translation we had for a while? Better/worse?
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hii! so i read ur dating tom k hcs and i loved them, could i pls request dating bill hcs as well? hope u have a good day/night <3
(hello! Thank you for requesting and sorry if this is a bit messy but enjoy! Thank you for loving my Tom headcannons, and have a good night/day!)
Dating Bill Headcannons
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He is probably the best choice to even be with
He's so amazing man
I feel like he would rather have a private and intimate relationship
He wouldn't want paparazzi and fans all in your guys' business
But paparazzi has gotten a couple pictures of you guys
And Lord
He looks so in love, when he looks at you it looks like he's full on smitten
When he is in a relationship, he will do his best to make it last and be happy
He doesn't want to lose any chance he has to be with you for as long as he can
When people flirt with you, either in front of him or just in general
He feels a little bad
Just a bit
There is a lot of bickering in the relationship
Playful banter
You guys play wrestle a lot probably just because to piss the other off
There are mistakes on both sides of the relationship as it probably is his and your first one
So get over those hurdles and it's all good
Switches from German to English on you a lor
So if you know German, amazing!
If you dont, pray someone can translate
Would love if you learned German for him if you didn't know before
Because since he is pretty popular he is busy, and he feels bad because he doesn't have much extra time even if he does he spends it with you
After people flirt with you he'll try his best to spend as much time as possible with you
Is the embodiment of the kid who you're parents dream about you bringing home only for him to turn around and be the complete opposite
He's Bill, he can be flirty, shy and anything at any given time
He's not all that blatant about affection in public
Mostly hand holding and small kisses or kisses on the cheek or holding your waist
But in private is a whole other story
Mans is not letting go
It feels like he is glued to you
He loves doing your makeup to match his
Just you like straddling his lap as you just let him do your makeup
It's perfect
You guys are a pretty popular couple
Lots of rumors about you guys but you both ignore them
He gets asked about you a lot interviews
He is happy to answer and and all given questions as long as they don't cross a line
He is proud to say out loud he is dating you
He is down bad man
Matching outfits all the way
You guys probably have whole fan pages about you guys
You inspire some songs, some are just for you two and one or two he has released to the public
"Yeah, that one is about (Name)."
He says it with the biggest smile on his face
Tom teases his brother so much
Bill denies being totally smitten until you come into the room
He likes sitting next to you no matter where
Will have a hand on your thigh just because
His hands are sometimes cold so don't be alarmed when it's freezing
You guys go shopping and he's full on making outfits for you to show him
Full on show and spending hours in a shop
He does not care
You guys get lost a lot when you guys wander off
Gustav has found you both in multiple parks in the middle of the night
He will pull you up on stage when he wants
If your style is similar to his, he is full on in love
Even if it isn't, he likes how your style would contrast with his
He lets you do his makeup
Like Tom, is not threatened by his bandmates or brother if you get close to them
Would actually prefer if you were friends with them so you can come along and spend more time with him
If you're in the band, he is having the time of his life on stage
And if you're not, he's still gonna spot you out in the crowd
Always wants to make you proud of dating him when he is performing
He likes the fans, but would prefer just hugs and not kisses from them since he is dating you
If you're okay with it, he's fine with it, but if you're not he would ask them to please not kiss him
He doesn't want to risk your relationship
He is an asshole a lot of times
Idk if it's on purpose or he's joking around
He can be an asshole
Of you play an instrument or sing, he thinks it is legit a match made in heaven
Likes laying in bed with his head on your chest instead of the other way around
He would be devastated if you guys ever broke up or went on a break
Is trying his hardest to make up with you even in arguments
He is not letting the relationship go easily
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fivelakesinwriting · 3 years
could i please request a drabble with the "i hate everyone but them" with rafe or barry (or both) or topper, or really any obx character that you think would fit the bill? i am obsessed with your writing, that trope, and outerbanks and think it would be perfect
Thank you so much, baby xoxo
Author's Notes: If you give me option for Rarry, I will pick them every time. This somehow turned into a "Tease Rafe" fest...so...sorry if it got out of hand...I think it came back around. Let me know what you think if you have a moment. If you requested this - I hope you love it xoxo
Warnings: Swearing, Sexual references - Sexual innuendos, Smutty- ish * (daddy kink, biting/ marking, so much teasing, poly-relationship, dom! barry, tiny bit of jealousy? unprotected sex - please use protection, your choice which!)
Requested? YES! Requests for OBX are OPEN!
*My work is not to be transferred, copied, translated or reposted to any other sites without my permission. Please see my masterlist for all other works and warnings. Thank you! xoxo
If he could have, Barry would have left the Outer Banks years ago. If he had the foresight to what would have been coming his way when he arrived here, he probably would have never hitched a ride and let his roots grow.
He hated it here. At best he tolerated it. The people were stuffy and there was always something going on. Some sort of drama that he wanted no part of. The sense that the other shoe would drop was lurking around every corner, and he hated it. He never knew what to expect.
He was thankful for two people in his life that made the OBX seem less hellish, especially in the suffocating Summer. He couldn't believe he had been so lucky to have two people love him the way they did.
Barry was outside, just tidying up the yard for the first time in a few weeks. The Summer had been so hot. A stifling, almost unbearable heat that no one wanted to do anything outside. It was the first day in a long time that he made his way outside to kick around some of the branches and leaves that had fallen from the tree that shaded over the little hut they called home.
The windows of the small home were open, allowing the soft end of Summer breeze make it's way through the house and refresh the air within. As Barry made his way around the back of the house, near the bedroom they all shared, he halted as he heard a familiar giggle of Her.
"Rafe, don't!" Her laughed echoed over the property and into Barry's chest. He walked closer to the window at the back of the house and took a peak inside. He breathed out a smile as he saw his lovers rolling around on the bed together, as naked as he left them, tangled in sheets.
"I can't bite?" Rafe muttered as his hands disappeared beneath the sheets to pull her thighs up around his hips, his face buried in the crease of her neck.
"You leave big marks, baby." She breathed out as her nails pulled down his back to leave marks of her own.
Barry would never deny that he was usually the jealous type. If he was with someone then that person was hard-pressed to get time by themselves. He had a tendency to be a bit controlling, he knew that. So when the opportunity presented itself for him to be in a "throuple" he was beyond hesitant. He wasn't sure he had the capacity to share that love with two other people. He was afraid he would get jealous when it was just the two of them, and not him. But the deeper he got, the more he realized he loved being wrapped in the arms of two people. Or watching them together.
There was nothing he loved more than watching the two people he loved please each other, scream for each other while they begged for him to join them.
"You let Him bite. Why can't I?" Rafe growled as he pulled his face up from her neck and licked his lips, his weight held on his forearms.
Rafe Cameron, on the other hand, was a jealous son of a bitch who would never admit it. He would never admit that even if it turned him on, he was jealous when it was just Barry and Her rolling around in bed together. It made Rafe jealous that Barry could sink his teeth into her skin, and he couldn't. He was too rough, lost control in the heat of the moment too often.
"You know why, Country Club." Barry stated firmly as he tapped his knuckles firmly on the window frame to get their attention.
"Daddy, come in here with us." Her smile was wide as she turned over in Rafe's arms then crawled towards the open window behind the bed. She trailed her fingertips down the screen of the window as she sat pretty and naked in front of him, her neck covered in his own soft bite marks and a few of Rafe's harsher ones.
"Be there in a second. Don't let him bite you like that. Put him in that choke hold I taught you." Barry grinned sending her a wink, placing his palm flat on the dirty window screen before he walked away. As he brushed his hands on the legs of his coveralls his smile grew as he heard Rafe's yell through the open window.
Don't, baby! Ah - fuck! Why did he teach you this!
Barry made his way into the house once more, his lover's play fighting in the bedroom getting a little louder and a little closer. He washed his hands in the kitchen sink then took his time walking down the hall. He leaned against the door frame of their bedroom and breathed out a laugh when he found them tangled in bed again.
"Woman, what are you doing to him? That's not the move I taught you." Barry laughed, his hands in his pockets as his eyes scanned them on the bed.
She was perched on top of Rafe who laid on his back with his hands behind his back. She straddled the small of his back, sitting on his hands with one of her hands rooted in his hair as the other reached forward, walking across his chest.
"Came up with a new one." She smirked over at him as she gave Rafe's hair a pull, making him groan. Barry breathed out a laugh as he walked over to the bed, his hands resting on the edge of the mattress as he leaned over to be near her lips.
"You know, I think he likes it more than you think he does." Barry mumbled as reached a hand up to push some of her messy hair off her face.
"Dude, get her off me. She's stronger than she looks." Rafe groaned as he struggled under their girl, his neck strained to see what was going on above him.
"C'mon, Country Club. Seen you take down dudes bigger than her. You can do it." Barry taunted as he pushed himself off the bed, and rounded the mattress as he unzipped his coveralls.
"I don't wanna hurt her." Rafe breathed out, his response shaky and he clenched his fists underneath her as he turned his face, pressing his cheek against the sheets.
"You won't hurt me, baby." She cooed as she pulled her nails down his back to make him shudder.
"And if you do hurt her, I'll kill you." Barry grunted as he pulled his tank top over his head, and dropped it to the floor. He stepped out of his coveralls then crawled into bed with his lovers, kneeling beside their girl and Rafe while he squirmed.
Barry inhaled sharply as he saw the raised skin on her backside, the distinct mark of Rafe's teeth marked into her sweet skin. He shook his head as he leaned forward and grabbed the finely sculpted jawline of the boy face down on the bed as he whined.
"Left some nasty marks on our girl there, Baby Boy." Barry stated firmly, his eyebrows knit together as he scanned Rafe's face before he zeroed in on the exaggerated pout he wore.
God, he couldn't handle a bit of teasing. Even from Her, and she was the nice one in their relationship.
"M'sorry." Rafe muttered as he tried to pull his face out of Barry's grip, his feet kicked up behind him to try and knock the girl off of him as gently as he could.
"Be gentle. Got it?" Barry ordered as he removed his grip on Rafe's handsome face, but pointed his index finger menacingly at him.
"Understood." Rafe nodded his breath so heavy with anticipation, frustration, he thought he might pass out.
"C'mere, woman. Let the man catch his breath." Barry smirked as he sat up on his knees and held his hand out of for the woman still perched so pretty on top of Rafe's back. When she took his hands, her body turned towards him, Barry tugged her off of Rafe and into his arms.
"You smell like sweat and dirt." She whispered, her arms and legs wrapped around him tightly as he placed her in his lap.
"Thought that's what you liked about me. That, and I keep this one in line for us." Barry nodded over her shoulder towards Rafe who was slowly sitting upright, pushing his hands through his hair with a huff.
"I help, too." She replied with a quick look over her shoulder at Rafe before she turned back to Barry and tugged at his hair, pulled back and falling out by the second.
"Got a different technique than me, but yeah." Barry chuckled as he ran his calloused fingertips down her soft spine and watched intensely as her eyes closed, and her hips rocked in his lap.
"But yours is the best." She shivered as she pressed her own fingertips to his jawline, her forehead dropped to his as she bounced in his lap a little.
"Think so?" Barry muttered as he held on to her hips as she rolled them in little circles. He could feel Rafe's eyes on them, the jealousy rising in the younger man and mingling with the frustration.
"Yes, Daddy." She whispered as she wrapped her hand around the necklace that hung low on his chest.
"Baby Boy is a little jealous. You look so pretty bouncin' in my lap, but all he got was his hands behind his back." Barry teased as he pressed one of his hands flat against her back as the other lazily beckoned a sour looking Rafe over to them.
"Not jealous." Rafe grumbled as he propped himself up on the pillows next to Barry, propped against the wall under the window. He let their girl reach her hand out to him, her hand over his heart as she shifted in Barry's lap.
"You are, baby. Don't be. I love you both." She whispered, eyes wide as Barry reached between them to guide her down onto his manhood that had been pressing at her entrance.
She gasped as Barry settled inside of her completely, releasing a throaty groan of his own. She wrapped one arm around Barry's neck to bring his head down to her shoulder as the other hand slowly walked up Rafe's chest to his handsome face, and thumbed at bottom lip.
"Kiss me. Don't pout, or I'll sit on your hands again." She breathed out with a smile as she ran the pad of her thumb over Rafe's bottom lip while she followed the rhythm Barry created for her.
"Had your fun. Gonna put your hands behind your back next." Rafe growled as he bit at the tip of her thumb, then surged forward to kiss her lips. She gasped into his mouth as Barry hit that sweet spot inside of her and Rafe couldn't help but moan, too.
"So pretty. Does it feel good, sweetheart?" Rafe breathed as he reached for her hair and gave a soft tug. He watched as her eyes rolled back, Barry's groan bouncing off the bare walls of the house as she circled her hips a little wider, a little faster.
Days when it was just the three of them together, nothing but their love surrounding them, were seldom these days. It seemed there was always a problem around a corner for them to face, but Rafe knew they could face it together.
"Love you." She whispered as she tugged at the gold chain around his neck to bring him in for a kiss.
"Love you, too. Both of you." Rafe grunted as he pressed his lips to hers over Barry's shoulder.
Barry groaned with his release, pulling her off of his lap to rest her on her back as he leaned into Rafe. As he released a heavy breath he took a few seconds to recover, and take in his surroundings.
He fucking hated the Outer Banks. Big houses with fake people inside them at the centre of the island, while people on the outskirts starved trying to make ends-meet. But the people in his bed? He hated everyone but them. He loved them. He would die for them.
"Alright, woman. Get up. Teach you how to put Baby Boy in that choke hold again." Barry smirked, his bottom lip tucked under his silver tooth as he extended his hand to the girl to pull her up once more.
@barrysjumpsuit @barrysmanbun @starkey-babie @fashion-fasting @siriusstwelveyears @multifandom-obsessed @vintageobx @rafecameronspolo @sodasback @soph0864 @whcclxr @rottenstyx @babeyglo @beauvibaby @plutooryectors @pogueslandia
*tag list is open, please let me know if I forgot you or you would like to be added/removed from particular posts. I've removed the people that don't pre-populate :(
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Talk {Mando x F! Reader}
Rating: +18   
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: SMUT (inappropriate thoughts, praise kink?, bondage if you squint, breeding kink(no squinting required), yearning, riding) my inability to stick with a tense/pov
Comments: Alrighty so this one is entirely from Din’s point of view, thinking about all the filthy things he wants to do to you, while the two of you sit in hyperspace and you ask him questions. Also known as, Din tells you his name, and realizes how badly he wants to rail you. Din’s a giver and has tattoos and that's that. Italics are Din’s thoughts/imagination, also the smut, so if that makes you uncomfy, that’s where it is.  (Listen to Talk by Hozier if you want the vibes) 
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“Teach me Mando’a.” 
Din looked over at her from his place in the pilot seat. 
“Teach me! Mando’a is an important part of your culture, and whenever we see other Mandalorians, you speak in Mando’a and won’t translate for me,” you explained your reasoning behind the request. He looked over at you in his co-pilot seat. Your arms were crossed and you were staring at him, expectantly. You were too cute.
“Maybe we do it on purpose.” He absolutely did.
“Well, that’s just mean. Don’t you want me to be able to joke with Paz the way you do?” You asked, almost pouting. Din snorted. That was the last thing he wanted, another Paz to ride his ass. Although, he didn’t think he’d mind it if you rode him. 
“I’ll teach you a couple words and phrases, but that’s it,” he said, watching you grin out of the corner of his eye.
“How do you say ‘child’?” 
“How do you say friend?”
“What does cyar’ika mean?” 
Din paused, “it means beloved, or sweetheart, or darling.” He waited for some reaction from you, but none came. Just a quiet hum and your next inquiry. 
“What’s a di’kut?”  
“Why? Where did you hear that?” Din snorted.
“You called Paz that once after he was telling me some jokes. He seemed to think it was funny.”
Din did in fact remember calling Paz that. He had been telling you sex jokes in mando’a, knowing you wouldn’t understand and when he realized, Din told him to mind his business. “It means idiot.”
You smiled at that. “I have one more. What does riduur mean? I heard Paz ask you something about it.”
Din swallowed. Paz had indeed asked him about it, more specifically, when he was going to get his act together and ask you for riduurok. He could still hear Paz’ taunts that he’d steal her if Din didn’t get a move on. Din nearly punched him. 
When he said he’d teach you a little Mando’a, this wasn’t something he’d predicted. You were a smart girl. He just had to hope you didn’t put too many of the pieces together.
“It means spouse or partner,” he whispered. 
A vision of you beneath him appeared behind his eyes: you laid out for him, later on after you recited the mandalorian marriage vows.  You traced the ink on his skin, kissing the scars left behind from countless bounties. You discarded his helmet and smiled softly. Your hands caressed his face, tracing the lines and down the ridge of his nose. You littered his cheeks with kisses before you let him kiss his way down your body, pressing his lips on every inch of skin that was available. He buried his face between your legs, casting one arm across your torso to hold you down. He didn’t stop until you were screaming his name. 
“That’s it riduur, cum for me,” he coaxed you gently before diving back in with his fingers and tongue working to make up for every second the helmet separated him from you. After you came on his tongue, you dragged him up to you, crashing your lips against his, rolling your hips against his length. You could feel his cock pulsing against you. You rolled him on his side and straddled him, lowering yourself onto him and letting him rut up into you as you rode him slowly. 
“That’s it, riduur,” you groaned for him, “eyes on me. Eyes on me.” You dropped your forehead to his as he sat up and wrapped his arms around you. You let him envelope you full in his arms, your legs wrapped around his waist, sitting in his bunk and rutting into each other with all the love you could manage. 
  It wasn’t lost on him that in these visions his helmet was discarded, forgotten on the floor of his ship. Sometimes you were blindfolded, but more often than not, you were wide-eyed, staring up at him from his bed. He tried to shake the images from his head and in doing so asked you the question he’d wondered since he met you. 
 “Why do you never ask my name?” he pried, gently. He looked at you under the soft light of the stars. You were looking up at them streaking by the Crest in hyperspace. 
“It’s yours to give as you see fit. Your creed is yours to keep. I will not make it any harder for you than it already is. I have no right to ask until you choose to tell me,” you explained. There was a softness behind your words he couldn’t detect. 
“And what if,” he asked, turning to look at you directly, “I gave it to you.”
“Gave it to me?”
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?” he said, smirking beneath his mask of beskar. He watched you squint your eyes at his helmet and read into his tone. He loved your eyes; they were so expressive, so easy to read. They were beautiful.  
“Your messing with me aren’t you- you’re joking,” you huffed. You crossed your arms and satt back in the co-pilot chait, pouting. 
“I could never mess with you, sweet girl.”  
You turned in the chair to stare at him straight in the helmet. Din was always struck how you looked him dead in the eye every time. It felt like the helmet wasn’t there, like you could see through it. Through him.
“Don’t play with me, Mando. Don’t dangle something in front of me. I can take it if you never tell me, I’m a big girl. But please, please don’t toy with me.” Your eyes were as expressive as ever, holding back as much emotion as you could manage. But a bit fell through the cracks. A bit always fell through the cracks, the sadness, the longing, and something else. Something Din didn’t dare name. Love, it just might be love.
“Din. Din Djarin.” He said it as if it was common knowledge, something you should have known all your life. You stared at him, silently, almost as if you were debating to say it aloud. Din made the choice for you.
“Say my name.” His words came out more like an order than he intended. He tried to soften it as much as he could, trying again, “say my name, please cyar'ika.” 
“Din,” you breathed his name into the room and it felt like he was hearing it for the first time. He heard his own words in his head, saw the vision clearer than day. He thrust into you hard and slow, drawing out the most delicious sounds from you. “Say my name. Only my name, Mesh'la.” He brushed the hair away from your face as he continued his movements. You whispered his name as he laved kissed across the expanse of your chest. “That’s it. Fuck, your soft, like you’re made for me.” You cried out his name, begging him sweetly as he picked up the pace, his fingers dancing up your sides. “Just like that.” 
The vision shifted again and he saw you looking down at him as he rested his cheek on your inner thigh, biting gently. You tugged at the binders that kept your arms above your head as you grinned down at him. 
“Din, don’t tease me.” 
“Let me take my time with you, riduur. Fuck, I’ll kiss every inch of you before I let you go,” he smirked back up at you. You squirmed, trying to break free. Din slapped your inner thigh, causing you to moan on impact. “You like that, cyar’ika?” he questioned, kissing the spot he’d hit to leave a mark on your skin. His thumb rubbed slow small circles over your clit. “You like when I mark you?” 
“Yes, yes, please Din,” you gasped, “please.” Giving in, he kissed his way up your body, paying special attention to your tits, before taking your face in his hands and kissing you. It might have been sweet if not for the binders keeping your hands from running through his curls. He kissed you long and soft, letting his hand trail up your arm to where they were bound to his bed. He released them and eased into you in one motion, letting you hold onto to him as you cried out his name.
“Din.” The name never sounded so sweet. He could almost hear you whispering it in the dark, calling him to the bed you shared. He could hear you saying it lovingly above him as you ran your fingers through his hair and tugged on it. He can hear it as if he was slotted between your thighs, hands cupping your tits as you moan his name like a prayer.  
“Why does it sound so nice coming from your lips?” Even as the words slipped out of his mouth, he cringed. There were so many better ways to say it but he couldn’t stop the words from spilling out. You snorted and shot him a look that could only be described as bewilderment with a hint of entertainment.
“I’m trying to sound refined,” he said quietly. “It’s not working, is it?” He watched you hide your smile behind a hand.
“I wouldn’t say it’s not working, more that it doesn’t suit you.” Your eyes danced in the starlight. “I think the more ‘man of few words, rough and rumble’ suits you better. Don’t you?”
 Rough and rumble, eh? His imagination flashed the image of you cuffed in the cargo hold, arms above your head while he had his way with you. You, crying out his name as he sinks into you, fingers toying, teasing your nipples. He could practically feel you writhing as he snapped his hips into yours. He could almost hear you begging as his hand comes down on your ass and you gasp for him.
 “I suppose so,” he coughs, after realizing he was quiet for far too long. “You should get some rest, mesh’la. You’ve been up for a long time.” 
“Wait, what about mesh’la? You call me that all the time,” you questioned him. Din shook his head.
“That’s enough Mando’a for one night,” he chuckled softly. “Go sleep in my cot. It’ll be more comfortable.” You nodded and stood.
“Come on, ad'ika. I can’t let you sleep in a chair when you have a perfectly good bed downstairs.” You swiped the kid out of his seat and turned to look at Din. “Did I use it right? I can call him ad’ika?” 
Din let out a small laugh, and nodded. “That’s right, cyar'ika, he is cuun ad’ika. You’re learning.”  Your eyes lit up and your grin spread across your face as you cradled his child on your hip. 
“Goodnight Din. Get some rest soon, okay?” You murmured, rocking the child and beginning to descend the ladder to the hull. 
Din looked at you with the child and one final image ran through his head. He nearly choked at the idea of it.
You, laid out on his bed in the covert, begging him to put a child in you. “Fuck, you want me to fill you up sweet girl? Want me to fill you until you’re swollen?” He panted out, shifting your legs to his shoulders. The new angle made you cry out and cling to his arms. He grit his teeth and sucked a small bruise on your neck. “I’ll fuck you until I’m positive it takes. Want me to breed you, mesh’la? You’re gonna carry warriors for me.” You babble your agreement, eyes screwed shut. “Maybe I should just keep you bred all the time? Huh? After this one, I’ll fill you right back up. You can keep one on your hip, one at your breast, and round with the next.” You surged and kissed him with a ferocity Din hadn’t expected but reciprocated fully. 
It shifted again, this time he was coming home from a bounty and you’re holding his child on your hip, your stomach already round with a second while grogu clings to your leg. You smiled and laughed as all three reached for him in excitement. 
The thoughts hit him in such quick succession it felt like he’d been punched in the gut. It felt like someone was laying on his chest, like she was laying on his- fuck. He couldn’t keep doing this. He couldn’t ask you for riduurok until he was sure, positive you would want that too. The kid liked you too much for him to mess things up. But he couldn’t keep pretending he didn’t fall asleep thinking of you. 
Din was well and truly fucked.
cyar'ika- darling, beloved, sweetheart
darasuum - eternity
Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum (nee kar-TILE garh dah-RAH-soom) - colloquial: "I love you." (lit: "I know you forever.")
Mesh'la- beautiful
cuun ad’ika- our child
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tiarnanabhfainni · 3 years
i wrote another fic about generational trauma and the winchesters, this time featuring deadbeat mom extraordinaire mary née campbell, displacement, emigration, the american wake and just really missing your mom.
gonna quickly tag a few mutuals who might be interested but also you can find the fic under the cut
@uhuraha @myaimistrue @nonsensegnomes
American Wake
On a mild summer’s day in 1950, a wedding took place in Normal, Illinois. Dressed in a simple white dress that she had inherited from her mother, Millie Walsh looked up at the man who was to be her husband in daze of transcendent happiness. She had good reason to be besotted. His name was Henry Winchester and he was a dashing young academic of the supernatural with a fascinating air of mystery that surrounded him. They had met the previous year when he had come to her home in New York on a fact-finding mission. Millie fell in love after only two minutes of conversation.
With such a buoyant adoration to carry her through, Millie was perfectly happy to relocate to a state far from her family and friends to build a new life with charming debonair Henry. She knew about the supernatural elements of his life. How could she not? But it was a trade she was perfectly willing to make for the opportunity to create a family with him.
And she paid dearly for that decision. Millie lost a husband and was left to raise her four year old son alone.
It was all entirely avoidable of course. The Winchester name was not her inheritance by birth. No Cupid had ever marked her name for Henry. It was by no means a match made in heaven. If not for love, Millie could have lived a life completely divorced from the less-than-natural.
After her husband’s disappearance her heart hardened and she abandoned the Winchester name and any association with the supernatural. Packing her bags for Kansas, she returned instead to the ways of her own people. For Millie’s family had a long history of leaving their pasts behind them.
Millie’s maternal line can be traced back to a small town in Limerick, Ireland now known by the name of Patrickswell. The farm where her grandmother was reared would likely have been a fair few miles from the town itself but it’s difficult to be precise about these things since many of the records of the era were destroyed in an explosion during the Civil War of the 1920’s.
Bridget Ó Laochdha lived in a hard place surrounded by tough people. There was no work in the surrounding towns and villages and her family was forced to eke out a living on rented land. Most of the local community spoke little to no English and spent most of their day-to-day lives conversing and working through the medium of the Irish language.
The Ó Laochdha family was no exception to this rule. Bridget - as the sole member of the family with more than a rudimentary grasp on the foreign tongue - had been translating for her father at the market for most of her young life.
The rugged countryside that surrounded them was austere and beautiful but there was darkness around every corner. Violence engulfed the region as the Land War raged around them. The threat of eviction was a constant sword of Damocles over their heads and the precarity of the political situation left a permanent mark on Bridget’s development.
Bridget loved her family, of course she did. She loved the language she spoke with them and the easy rhythm of her life. But she knew that there was a brighter future out there somewhere on the other side of an ocean. Somewhere she wouldn’t hear constant news of Whiteboys, Invincibles and their clashes with the police. Somewhere that was safer, where she might get a job and support her family from afar. All she needed was the means to get there.
Mary idolises her dad when she’s young as children are prone to do. Her family are heroes who straddle the line between the known and the unknown and keep the world safe from the evil lurking in the shadows.
As a teenager, she joins the family business and she’s a natural. She excels particularly at getting information out of young witnesses. She sits amongst small groups of girls, nodding along to conversations about music, miniskirts and make-up and nudging the topic of discussion slowly around to the subject of her father’s latest hunt. Mary’s good with the guys too, she finds that a well-placed laugh or look can get her most of what she needs.
But intel is not the only area where she excels. Mary’s a sharpshooter and she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty. Hand her a shovel and she can dig a grave just as fast as the boys. She even knows the best technique for washing blood off her hands.
She’s on a path to be one of the best in the business. And she hates it.
Although many people left Ireland to try their luck in the United States in those days, it was still a difficult path to tread. Tickets to get to New York were expensive and hard to come by. Buying a ticket at the harbour was as likely to get you scammed as to get you a place on the boat.
Bridget was fortunate in that her local parish priest was looking to sponsor a few young hopefuls on the trip across the Atlantic and offered her a place. That decision might have been the hardest any in her family had ever had to make. To leave behind everything she knew and understood for the small chance that her life could be better. She made that choice nonetheless.
The tradition of The American Wake was one that dated back to the famine years in Ireland to mourn the departure of a loved one to that far off place across the ocean. There would be no real way to send letters home consistently and economic conditions meant that the emigrants would likely never be able to return home. What do you do when you are setting up to grieve someone who is still alive? You hold a funeral.
On Bridget’s last day in Limerick she cried until her tear ducts ran dry. She sat in the centre of the room and listened to the keening women wail around her. Her father could not speak his sadness but he stood beside her and rested his hand on her shoulder, bowing his head in silent prayer. Her mother held her face in her hands and whispered one last goodbye.
Yet amidst all of the tears and the heartache, a sense of relief made its way into Bridget’s bones and settled in her spine. There was death and loss but a future there too. A brand new life in a brand new land. And while they’d never say it, her family was relieved too, she could see it in their eyes. This was one less mouth to feed, one less person to clothe. The money she will send home in remittances would lighten her father’s load by a considerable degree.
As she boarded the boat in Cobh, she stared at the ticket clutched tightly in her hand and thought not of what it had taken from her but of the life it stood to grant her.
When Mary meets John for that second date outside his mother’s house, she knows that this is it. That he is her ticket out.
She clutches his body in her lap and cries and she doesn’t know what to do. With death and destruction all around her, Mary makes the only choice she can.
Deanna’s body still lies abandoned on the kitchen tiles. But isn't it better, in a way, that she never had to face her daughter leaving her behind?
The first impression America made on Bridget was not a positive one. No sooner than she arrived at Ellis Island, did they take the last vestiges of her home away from her. Bridget Leahy took her first step onto foreign soil without even her name to console her.
Her first job in New York was that of a kitchen worker in a large airy home in the employ of a family belonging to the upper echelons of East Coast society. Her hours were long and her fingers near scrubbed to the bone. Since her food and board were covered, every penny that she earned was sent home to Patrickswell.
While her English had served her well in local markets of Limerick, she found that they were quite inadequate here among native speakers. She sat around the table in the servants’ quarters with the others who worked in the home and listened as conversations happened all around her. They all spoke so fast and the topic of conversation switched so quickly that she couldn't quite keep track. Bridget simply did not have the vocabulary to contribute and so she stopped speaking entirely.
The longing for home was like a physical wound lodged just under her ribs and sometimes she wondered how she continued to breathe through the pain.
The only times that she could recognise herself was on her rare evenings off when she made her way down to the local Irish dance hall. There she could allow young men from Inchicore, Kilrush and Listowel to spin her around a room to the music of home and forget where she was for just a few hours.
It is impossible to overemphasise how little the role of a housewife suits Mary Winchester. The sundresses feel awkward on her form and the kitchen still feels like a foreign land.
The other mothers in the neighbourhood all seem to speak the same language as they switch tracks fluently between complaining good-naturedly about their husbands and swapping recipe cards. Mary has never felt more out of place.
She doesn’t know where she fits or how to contribute. The loss of her mother is like a crater in her chest and she doesn’t know where to lay down all of the grief she holds in her hands. She thinks she would be better at holding her children without it.
When it all gets too much, she sheds the skin of Mary Winchester and leaves her small family behind to retrace the Campbell path. She might not be able to get her family back but she can pretend to be home for just a small while when on a hunt.
In a small catholic church on an intersection, Bridget Leahy married Mick Walsh of Tyrone in a small, private ceremony. As a married woman, she left the world of employment behind and started the task of homemaking in their small Manhattan apartment. She did her best to keep the rooms aired out and clean but the grime of the city was ever present.
When she looked out of the window and saw grey dusty streets she couldn't help but compare the view to green fields and the fresh air of the Limerick countryside. Her husband worked in construction, building monuments of steel to the sky that looked towards an American future while she remained stuck in an Irish past.
When Bridget’s pregnancy first became obvious to the couple, they were delighted. This was their chance to build something of their own on American soil. A family.
When her waters broke, the women of the neighbourhood rushed into her room to oversee the birth and refused to let her husband in so he could hold her hand.
In another life maybe Bridget stayed at home and married a local boy in Patrickswell. Maybe she gave birth at home next to her parents’ fireplace with all of the women of her family around her and her mother stroking her hair.
Maybe she was destined to die in childbirth no matter where she was but at least at home the last voice in her ears would have been in a tongue that was her own.
Just like Millie Winchester née Walsh before her, Mary Winchester let the supernatural into her home in a desperate grab for the life that she wanted to build.
And just like her mother-in-law before her, a demon crashed through the walls and destroyed every semblance of a family that she had found.
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idabbleincrazy · 3 years
Go Out with a Bang Ch.3
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<--Chapter Two
Fandom: Angel (Buffyverse)
Rating: E
Pairing: Spangel
Word Count: 5691
Warnings: Smut, Sire/Childe dynamics, Vampire dynamics, bottom!Spike/top!Angel. Body worship, Hand job, Oral, Cum Eating, Rimming, Anal fingering, Anal, Claiming Bites, Blood drinking, Submissive Spike, d/s undertones, scratching, coming untouched, emoporn, smidge of angst, they’re both a pair of saps
Summary: Angel does things his way and Spike asks for something he never thought he could have.
A/N: marathon sex once again got thrown a bit off-course by the muse, who decided a Claim was necessary for more future drama. i swear i will get bottom!Angel in this fic if it kills me. “Tá tú mianach, William, mo mhaité. Always, forever. Agus tá mé mise, go deo na i gcónaí. (You are mine, William, my mate. Always, forever. And I am yours, forever and always.) mo ghrá (my love) ~ Irish Gaelic translations according to the internet ~
Feedback fuels my creativity! If you like my work, plz reblog/comment!!!
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Angel was on the bed, sitting back against the headboard, when Spike finally came out of the bathroom, his still-wet hair a mess of curls, rivulets of water tracing down his sculpted chest as he crossed the room. Angel mirrored the leer Spike cast over at him, his cock already twitching in interest as Spike sauntered over and stood at the foot of the bed. Spike’s leer grew as he caught sight of the items perched on the bedside table, wondered if more than the lube would get used before they left the suite.
“I’ll never get tired of seeing you like this, Spike. Naked and still half-hard as if we haven’t just gone two rounds in less than an hour.” Angel patted the bed. “Now, are you going to come over here, or am I going to have to come over there? Take into consideration whether you want to come again tonight before you decide; it’s not beyond my capabilities to leave you so desperate for it you’d barely be able to look at me without moaning but still well within fighting form, and you know it. Just like you know I don’t need you to come for me to do things my way...your choice.”
Spike’s eyes flashed a molten gold and he let out a low groan as he climbed onto the bed, his smirk turning sultry as he straddled Angel’s legs and slunk up the bed, his gaze not leaving Angel’s until he was sitting astride his hips. Angel grinned approvingly and Spike couldn’t help the shiver that ran down his spine as Angel’s hands made their slow way up his thighs to grip tight at his waist. 
“Have I told you how much I love these bloody big hands on me, luv?” Spike moaned softly and rocked back on his knees. “Fuck, Peaches, show me. Show me how you wanted to fuck me, how you wanted to claim me.” 
“Didn’t say I wanted to fuck you, did I, Spike?” Angel growled and pushed up quickly to roll them over, settling between Spike’s legs as they fell open against the mattress, and bracing himself over the length of his body to thrust his groin over the blonde’s. His voice was husky, gravelly yet honeyed at once. “What I want, William, is to make love to you. All we’ve done these past few months is fuck, I want to give you what I’ve been denying us both. What I’ve wanted to do for over a century.”
Spike let out a choked gasp at Angel’s hushed words. The soul flared in his chest at the prospect and the demon pushed against his ribcage in remembrance of the way Angelus used to reduce him to nothing but whimpers and monosyllabic pleading with his soft touches and slow thrusts. He rolled his hips, a shock of electricity zipping up his spine as his hardening cock slid against Angel’s. 
“Christ, Liam...yeah, fuck, want that, luv.” Spike’s voice was already pathetically close to whining as images flashed in his mind. He fought to focus on the here and now, knowing he needed to get himself under control or it would be over before Angel even kissed him. “Love me, Angel, please.”
“So beautiful, my Will, my lovely boy.”
Angel dipped his down and pressed his lips to Spike’s forehead, trailing a path of soft, fleeting kisses along his hairline. He hummed quietly as he felt Spike relax further into the mattress beneath him, looking down to confirm that Spike’s eyes had indeed closed just as he figured the gesture would cause him to. 
“My gorgeous Childe.” Angel kissed each closed eyelid in turn. “Perfect William.”
Spike fought back a sob as it rose in his throat, blunt teeth sinking into his tongue to keep from saying something he’d berate himself for later. Angel’s lips worked along his left cheekbone, feather-light against his skin.
“My sweet, pale prince. You were always a breathtaking sight, Spike.” Angel turned his head and kissed over his right cheek, determined to cover as much of his skin as possible with words of praise as his lips caressed him. “The moment I saw you, I understood just what our dark princess saw in you. Knew why our Dru sought you out. You complimented her so well, in nearly every way. Her dark, fiery beauty contrasting against your porcelain, angelic complexion.”
Angel felt a soft purr beginning to rumble in Spike’s chest and the corners of his lips tugged up in a pleased smile. He lingered by Spike’s ear, content to draw out the moment.
“The way your temperaments balanced each other out. Drawn to you like a moth, she was, and so was I. God, how I’ve always regretted I hadn’t been the one to find you. Been the first to taste you.” 
“Sire…” Spike tried to turn his head, desperate to capture Angel’s lips with his own, quell his words before he drowned in the desire welling up in him. “Fuck. Luv, oh Christ, luv, please.”
Angel took a small pity on his Childe and pressed a light peck to the skin below his ear before shifting himself up and claiming his lips. Spike’s mouth opened readily for him, eagerly welcoming the sweeping strokes of Angel’s tongue over his own. Angel could still detect mild hints of hops, wheat, and whiskey lingering behind the more heady essence that was pure Spike, a mix of cigarette smoke and lust, combining sinfully with the barest traces of his own blood as he explored his mouth.
He ran his tongue over Spike’s soft palate and along his teeth before probing teasingly over his gums, pressing softly against each nub that hid his fangs. Angel smiled into the kiss as he felt Spike’s fingers winding into his hair, the heel of his palm digging gently into the back of his head to urge him closer. Spike’s other hand wound around his back, fingertips tracing lightly over his tattoo, a small moan starting at the back of his throat. Angel swallowed the soft sound, grinding his hips down against the pliant body beneath him to draw out a breathy gasp.
“Angel, fuck”, Spike panted against his lips, hands still clutching at him as he arched against the solid chest pressing him into the bed, as if he couldn’t get close enough to him. “More, need more.”
Angel nipped lightly at Spike’s bottom lip briefly before tilting the blonde’s chin up to press wet kisses along the bolt of his jaw, tongue and teeth trailing over the sharp line of bone and pale flesh.
“Jesus, I’ll never get enough of this, never get enough of you, Spike. Eternity isn’t long enough to take my fill of you, the way you feel, your scent, your taste. Mine.” Angel pressed his lips fleetingly to the point where his angled jaw melded into the slender line of his throat, hips bucking forward at the vibration of the soft moan Spike let escape. “Always been mine.”
“Ye-yeah, yes, all yours, luv. Your boy, Angel, your Will. My Sire.” 
Spike tilted his head further back against the pillow, bearing his neck for Angel’s ministrations and let his eyes flutter closed, sinking into the feeling of Angel’s broad body pressed against him, at once too much and not enough. He wanted so badly to roll them back over and slam himself down on the stiff cock he felt brushing teasingly over his own, wanted Angel bucking up into him as he rode him into oblivion. 
For so long he’d wanted to hear his Sire talk to him like this again, and now he didn’t know how much longer he could listen without sobbing out. Didn’t deserve it, the words, the love, the lips and teeth pressing cool, stinging blooms along his throat. Done too much bad, lived too long in the dark to be the light Angel proclaimed him to be. He bit his tongue to keep back his protestations, dug his fingers in deeper to prevent his hands from pushing him away.
“Your Liam, sweet William.” Angel nipped his way down the column Spike’s neck, avoiding his still tender siring mark on the curve of his shoulder before sweeping his tongue over and up the center of his throat, blunt teeth clamping down on Spike’s Adam’s Apple with just enough pressure to make him gasp, steely-blue eyes startled open to flash amber as Angel looked up at him. “Your Angel, yours.”
Angel bit back the epithet of Sire he had felt compelled to tack on at the end of that sentence, Spike’s claiming mark tingling on his neck, the shared blood in his veins sparking cool heat through his body, the word pressing at the back of his throat. They belonged to each other now, fully, completely, Darla and Drusilla’s eradicated scars no longer binding either of them to anyone but the other. 
He worked his mouth along the other side of Spike’s throat, hips still working maddeningly slow against his. Angel inhaled deeply as he nosed along the curve of his neck, the delectable scent of Spike’s arousal prominent, even under the herbal notes of his fancy body wash and the slight salt-tang of sweat created by the exertion of Spike’s self-control. He let out a soft growl of lust-driven hunger as he laved his tongue over the dip of his clavicle, lapping up the bead of sweat from the hollow. 
“Gonna taste every bit of you, Spike, want to know that you still taste as delicious as my memory insists.” Spike whimpered and his fingers clenched tighter as Angel shifted his body downward, quick nips of blunt teeth work a trail across his collarbone. “So far, the consensus is that my mind isn’t as sharp as it used to be. So much better than any mere memory, my sweet boy.”
“Christ, luv...you’ll be the death o’me yet.” Spike shivered beneath Angel as he pecked and licked his way down his chest. “Not even started on the good bits and ‘m already bloody ready to shoot off like a fuckin’ geyser, Peaches. Didn’t realize by ‘take your time’, you meant you were gonna cover every soddin’ inch of me with your saliva and teeth marks.”
“Mm, don’t try to pretend you’re not enjoying every second of the attention.” Angel breathed a soft chuckle against Spike’s sternum as he kissed between his pecs. “Consider this making up for all the too-quick fucks these last wasted months. Never should have denied you this, ever. If you really don’t think you can control yourself, again, the handcuffs are modified to be vampire proof.”
“You really do have all the best toys, don’t you, pet? Gonna miss all these perks.”
Another chuckle.
“I’ll let you take those and whatever else you think will fit in the Viper before we leave here for good. Now, be good for me and let me do this, for my sake if not your own? Still not above tying you down, but I rather like having your fingers digging and scratching at me, all needy and desperate. Like you said, Spike. Vampires like a little pain with their pleasure.”
“Oh, God…” Spike arched his back as Angel turned his head to lave his tongue over his nipple, suckling the pebbling bud between his lips and scraping his teeth tortuously over it. “Fuck. Yeah, okay, luv, I’ll be good. Wanna be good for you, Angel.”
“Thank you.” Angel turned to work the other nipple to a rigid peak, watching Spike’s face as he came to a decision. He shifted to hold himself up with one arm, letting his free hand slip between their bodies. “Want me to make it easier, give you a reprieve?”
His hand wrapped around Spike’s leaking cock and Spike shuddered out a broken groan as he stroked him slowly.
“Please, yes, oh luv, please! Lemme come, Liam, so soddin’ close.”
“Then come, Will. Let me see that beautiful face as you spill over for me.”
Spike was wound so tight already, despite his two previous climaxes, that Angel barely had to swipe his thumb over the pre-cum-slick slit, fingers twisting around the swollen head of his cock, and his body locked up, ropes of cum surging out to land on his stomach, lukewarm spurts cool on friction-heated skin, lips flushed and frozen in a silent cry of pleasure. Angel watched with lust-dark eyes as Spike came, demon purring deep in his chest as he saw his William there, open and bare, saw the pure wanton ecstasy in those stormy blue eyes before they slipped closed, dark lashes striking against the pale skin of his cheekbones. He squeezed the still-hard cock lightly, relishing the plaintive moan that fell from those parted lips, his fingers trailing up the long shaft to collect the final drops of cum as Spike’s orgasm tapered out.
“Look at you, three times you’ve come for me, and still aching for more.” 
Spike’s eyes fluttered open in time to see Angel raising his fingers to his lips, a groaning gasp wrenched from his throat as his Sire sucked the digits clean. Angel collected the cum on his tongue and surged back up Spike’s body, lips crushing together bruisingly as he licked into his waiting mouth. Spike eagerly sucked the taste of himself off the thick, probing muscle with a growl. 
“Want us to always taste like each other, lovely Childe.” Angel felt abnormally breathless as he panted against Spike’s lips. “Smell only each other’s scents twisted together.”
Spike hummed in agreement and nipped at Angel’s bottom lip before letting his head fall back against the pillow, his body lax, arms falling to the bed as he gathered his wits. 
“Do love it when you get all possessive on me, pet. Makes me all kinds of tingly.” Spike wriggled teasingly beneath Angel’s bulk, eager to get back to it. “Thanks for that, Angel, ready for the rest of that time-takin’ if you are. Just don’t go startin’ all over, we’ll be here all bloody day ‘n night.”
“We make it through this battle, and we’re going to spend an entire twenty-four hours in the first bed we fall into.”
Angel pressed a final kiss to Spike’s lips and slid back down to continue his exploration of the lithe body beneath him. He nipped and licked his way down Spike’s stomach, tongue swirling around his navel, his eyes flicking up to Spike’s face as he dipped his tongue into it provocatively. Spike’s hands twitched at his sides, aching to dig his fingers into Angel’s ungelled hair and shove his head where he wanted it, raised his arms to shove them beneath the pillow under his head instead. Angel smiled appreciatively at the gesture and moved to suck a mark into his hip. 
“You really do want to behave, don’t you Spike?” Angel lifted his head a bit to admire the bloom of color rising beneath Spike’s skin. He looked up at him, admiring the unusual restraint the blonde was showing; he had fully expected him to lock his legs around his head and squeeze, growling, until Angel had taken him into his mouth. He shifted himself between Spike’s legs, hands coming up to soothe over his thighs, sensing something unsaid in those lust-hazed eyes. “I won’t press the issue now, Will, but whatever’s going on in that head of yours, we will talk about it eventually.”
“Thank you, luv. I will, I promise, just not today, yeah?”
“Not today.”
Angel shoved down his curiosity and dipped his head back down, refocusing his attention on the pliant flesh laid out before him. He flicked his tongue out, flattening the muscle as he licked over coarse honeyed curls. He slowly worked his mouth between Spike’s legs, carefully avoiding his cock as he licked away the last traces of cum. 
“Fuck, always such a tease, Angel. Don’t you ever change.”
“You’re just lucky we’re working within a somewhat limited timeframe.” Angel nipped at the inside of Spike’s thigh, his hands urging his legs further apart as he settled down flat against the mattress. “Seriously - twenty-four hours, you, me, naked. No distractions, no sparing a single thought for anything beyond whatever room we’re in.”
“And you call me insatiable.”
“Well, you do always claim I made you in my image. Like Sire, like Childe, sweet William.”
“Da...please.” Spike whined softly, hips wiggling despite his best efforts. “Touch me.”
Angel hummed and smirked up at Spike with a sly wink before pressing the barest of kisses to the tip of his cock. 
“Hand me the lube. And you don’t need to tuck your hands away, Spike. Told you, I like it when you’re tugging and pulling at me.”
Spike dropped his hands from under his head and retrieved the tube of lubricant from the bedside table. He handed it over to Angel and bent his knees up towards his chest to give him easier access as he popped the cap and squeezed a decent-sized drop of lube onto his fingers.
As he rubbed his fingers together to warm the gel, Angel dipped his head back between Spike’s legs. He briefly suckled a light mark into the thin skin of Spike’s balls, chuckling at the gasping moan he exhaled before leaving off to trail his tongue further down. He slid his free hand under Spike and lifted him slightly, laving his tongue down his perineum and pushing between the firm globes of his ass to lick over the furled ring of muscle. 
“Christ! Been a bloody age since you’ve done that, Da.” Spike’s hand found its way into Angel’s hair, nails scraping softly over his scalp, and he shuddered at the vibrations of Angel’s rumbled groan against the hidden flesh. He fought back the urge to buck down against the soft mouth that worked over him, choosing instead to drive Angel as desperate for it as he was. “Tell me, luv, your boy taste as good as you remember?”
Angel answered with a low, hungry growl and Spike yelped as he scraped blunt teeth over the sensitive skin around the clenched muscle before pulling away, his nose trailing up the inner curve of his thigh. The hand beneath Spike retreated to wrap around his cock, sliding slowly along the long shaft as his slickened fingers replaced his mouth. 
“Just as divine as ever, Will.”
Spike moaned as Angel pressed the pad of one finger against his rim, relaxing into it as he slowly pushed the thick digit past the ring of muscle. Angel eased his finger in past the second knuckle as he took his aching cock into his mouth, tongue flicking over the tip to collect the pearl of pre-cum that beaded there. 
“Gods, luv, Angel, so good.” Spike tightened his fingers, tugging at Angel’s hair as he restrained himself from bucking into the cool mouth that began to bob along his cock, the old obedient William of the past rising close to the surface as Angel worked him open. “Missed this. More than I ever bloody thought I did.”
Angel purred around his cock, thrusting his finger quicker as he felt the tight hole begin to loosen around it, his own cock hard and throbbing against his stomach. Spike’s free hand came to clutch desperately at his shoulder, nails scratching enticingly at his skin as he moaned, his hips pressing down against his probing finger.
“Fuck, please, Da, ‘nother, gimme another. Wanna feel you, Liam.”
Angel glanced up, his mouth still working over the throbbing length, and met with the dark gaze of his Childe, a groan rumbling in his chest at the need he found there. He took Spike’s cock further down his throat, his nose nuzzling into the coarse curls around the base as he eased another finger into his slick hole. Spike whimpered as Angel thrust his fingers deeper, crooking them as the pads found that bundle of nerves. A spurt of pre-cum coated his tongue as he rubbed over his prostate, soon easing up to start scissoring his fingers as Spike’s legs began to tremble. He hollowed his cheeks around his cock and suckled at the tip as he continued the tortuous preparation.
“Angel, luv, please! Too close, Sire...Da, please.”
Angel growled lustily at the sobbed pleas falling from Spike’s lips and released his cock with a lewd pop, his fingers still working within him as he lifted himself back over Spike’s body. He cupped Spike’s face with his free hand, his lips crushing to the blonde’s as he slipped a third finger into him, the slide quickly becoming easier as he thrust slowly. 
“Being such a good boy for me, sweet Will”, Angel rasped against his lips. “Begging so pretty for me, instead of snarling and snapping at me to be done with it. Ready for me, my beautiful one?”
“Christ, yes, Da! Please, Liam...Angel, fuck-oh, sod it all, make love to me?!” 
Angel’s groan hitched in his throat at the plaintive sentiment and he eased his fingers from Spike’s loosened hole, feeling blindly for the lube as he kept his gaze locked with his Childe’s. Out of sheer will, he managed to slick his cock up with one hand, the other braced against the pillow as he lined himself up. He watched Spike’s face closely as he pushed in slowly, forcing his own eyes to stay open as the tight warmth enveloped his aching cock. Spike’s lips fell open on a silent gasp, back arching and eyes flickering from blue to amber and back again as Angel bottomed out.
“Jesus, Spike”, Angel groaned out, his hips stilling as he felt the tight muscle ripple and clench around him. “Always so perfectly tight for me, my boy. Oh, William, no idea how long I’ve wanted to be with you this way.”
“Too long, I know, Da. Christ, I love you, Angel. Love feeling you like this, fillin’ me up so bloody well.” Spike’s hands gripped at Angel’s shoulders now, tugging him close as Angel wrapped a hand around his thigh. He nipped softly at Angel’s lips, kissing him languidly as Angel hesitated. “C’mon, luv. Need you to move now, please, Sire.”
Angel hitched Spike’s thigh up to wrap around his hip, his hand sliding down to grip at his waist as he began a slow pace. Spike moaned softly and clutched him tighter as Angel thrust into him, lifting his other leg to lock his ankles at the small of Angel’s back. Using the position for leverage, he pushed down to meet Angel’s thrusts on every upstroke, the tilted angle of his hips allowing the head of the thick cock stretching him to drag over his prostate. 
“Bloody hell, Angel,” Spike groaned, one hand scratching sharp nails along Angel’s back as the other trailed up to card through his hair, his body moving in rhythm with Angel’s thrusts. “Right there, luv. Fuck, not gonna last, ‘s too much, feels too good.”
“I know, Will. Jesus, I was so stupid, so fucking stupid to keep myself distant from you for so long.” Angel kept his steady pace as he kissed and nipped his way along Spike’s jaw and dipped his head to nuzzle at the curve of his throat. His voice was muffled against the pale skin as he continued, unable to face his Childe as his tone threatened to turn sorrowful. “Oh, God, Spike, I’m so sorry. Please, William-”
“Shh, hush, luv.” Spike gently stroked his fingers through Angel’s hair, letting a soothing purr rumble through his chest. “Must I keep remindin’ ya? No sorrow, Liam. You’re forgiven; I forgive you. Look at me, Da, please.”
Angel slowed his pace minutely as he lifted his head to look down at Spike; Spike smiled up at him, and it was his William he saw there, the time between then and now gone as Spike urged Angel’s lips down to his. Too soon, Spike broke the kiss, his cool lips trailing softly along his jaw to press feather light below his ear. 
“I’m gonna ask you somethin’, but I don’t want you to freak out over it, alright, luv?” 
Angel stilled his hips, wishing he could see Spike’s face as he whispered but knew better than to move his head. He bit back a moan when Spike nosed at the spot behind his ear as he waited for a response. 
“Okay, hmm, anything Will, ask me anything.”
Spike’s hold on him tightened, as though he were afraid that Angel would disappear from his embrace as soon as the words left his lips. Angel could smell a hint of fear threading between the still-strong scent of arousal that wafted off the blonde, so he returned Spike’s gesture of comfort and purred softly in encouragement; whatever his Childe intended to say, it was obviously of great importance to him to hold his tongue as nothing ever did.
“It’s okay, Spike, I won’t freak out. Don’t hide on me now, my glib Childe.” 
“Will-will you...Angel, will you Claim me?”
Angel gasped softly and finally pulled back to look at him with wide eyes, thankful for a heart that didn’t beat and skin that didn’t flush to give him away. 
“Spike...William, are you sure you know what you’re asking me? The Claim is-”
“Not to be taken lightly, I know, Da.” There was a nervous tremor to his voice as he spoke, his eyes pleading and earnest. “Wanted it for a long time, Angel, since before you got your soul, even. I may have loved Dru, but you were the only one I ever wanted to belong to that way.”
“The Sire mark was one thing, but if I do this now, with the battle looming...I don’t know if I should Spike. It will put you at risk, it’ll put the team, our family, at risk.” Angel shifted his weight and cupped Spike’s face, fingers tracing lightly over his cheek. “I want to, Jesus, how I want to, but even if you Claimed me back, I don’t know if I could bear the target it would put on your back. If the Partners send any vampires after us, they’ll know, and they’ll head straight for you.”
“Luv, you think I haven’t considered that? That I haven’t considered how it’ll vulnerate us as much as it will help us keep track of each other?” Spike’s voice was thick with held-back tears, his hand raising to cover Angel’s, squeezing. “Angel, I have faith in you, in us; I don’t wanna leave it up to bleedin’ chance that there’ll be time later to do this. We don’t know if there’s gonna be a tomorrow for any of us, and I’d rather meet my last death knowin’ I finally have all of you, that I gave you all of me. Please, Angel...Da...don’t deny me this, not now, after everything.”
Angel closed his eyes and let his face shift, his fangs extending. He dipped his head down and pressed his forehead to Spike’s, rubbing the ridges of his brow soothingly across the smooth skin. 
“Seems I can’t find it in me to deny you anything, anymore, my beautiful Will.” Again the word Sire weighed on his tongue as he sighed heavily, the mark on his neck tingling. “My Spike. I love you too much.”
“Liam, Angel, I love you, too.” Spike kissed Angel deeply, avoiding his fangs with long-practiced precision. He dug his heels into Angel’s lower back, urging him forward and pulling a groan from Angel’s throat as he clenched around his still-seated cock. “C’mon, Da, make me yours, and yours alone. Claim me, Angel.”
Angel broke the kiss and slid his hands under Spike’s back, clutching the blonde to him as he started to thrust again, his cock hard as ever. He buried his face in the curve of Spike’s shoulder, inhaling deep and letting the scent of him fill his senses, that hint of fear gone as arousal surged.
“Tell me when you’re close again.”
“When it comes to you, luv, I’m always close. Oh, Christ, yeah, faster, Da.”
“Mine, you’re mine. Tell me, Spike, need to hear you say it. Oh God, William, my sweet, infuriating, lovely boy.”
“Yours, Angel. Only yours, always was. It was always you I came back to, sittin’ there at the back o’my mind. Your boy, Da, heart, body, and bloody soul.” Spike keened as Angel pumped his hips faster, bucking down to meet the deep thrusts. “Fuck, ‘m close, Angel, so close. Do it, please, Da!”
Angel pulled away from Spike’s neck and settled him back against the pillows, his pace steady as he bowed his head over Spike’s chest, his lips brushing softly across the skin over his heart. 
“Tá tú mianach, William, mo mhaité. Always, forever. Agus tá mé mise, go deo na i gcónaí.”
Spike sobbed softly at the words, his body shuddering as Angel sank his fangs into his pale flesh and sucked that first mouthful of blood from the wound. The demon in him purred as the soul wept with joy as the Claim took hold, a shock of electric heat surging through him as Angel drank.
“Oh, gods, Angel, yes!” Spike’s hands cupped the back of Angel’s head, holding him to his chest. “Gonna come, luv, can’t hold it.”
Angel thrust his hips harder, his own climax bearing down on him as Spike’s blood filled his veins, the heady taste of it and the rush of the new bond that fused between them crashing over him like waves on sand. Every nerve wound tight, his body seizing on one last harsh thrust as he buried his cock deep within Spike’s clenching hole, ropes of cum spurting lukewarm as he clutched at the pliant body beneath him. He eased his fangs from the wound, rough tongue lapping over the punctures to clean the trickle of blood from the pale skin as it closed. 
Spike came with a loud cry as Angel filled him, white light sparking across his vision as he rode the waves, coming harder than he ever had in all his long years. His fingernails scraped across Angel’s scalp as his muscles clenched, friction-heated cum splashing across their stomachs as his cock twitched between them. 
“Angel! Oh, fuck...Christ, luv. Thank you, Da, thank you.”
Angel gave Spike’s chest one last lick and nosed his way back up to the crook of his shoulder, his orgasm finally petering out. Nosing along his throat and raining soft kisses across his clavicle, Angel murmured a quiet mantra of ‘mine’, his demon feeling a sense of peace Angel hadn’t thought possible to obtain. He could still feel his soul, though, so he let Angelus have his moment, content that the world was not yet in danger of him. 
“All yours, luv. Forever.”
Spike whimpered mournfully as he felt Angel’s softening cock slip out of him, his own cock twitching feebly at the feeling of his dead seed slowly seeping out of him. Shifting back into his human visage, Angel quieted Spike with a loving kiss before rolling off of him, slender fingers reaching to tug him back into his embrace. Angel smiled down at Spike and pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
“I’m just going to go get a washcloth.”
Spike relaxed into the mattress as Angel disappeared into the bathroom, body near-boneless and tingly, his mind fuzzy and sated. 
“I need to draw you like that someday, Spike, all splayed out, hair mussed and curly the way I always liked it”, Angel’s voice was light and teasing as he returned to the bed with a damp cloth. “You always did look way too beautiful when you were completely fucked-out, my sweet William.”
Spike harrumphed sleepily, hissing soon after as Angel wiped the cloth over his sensitive cock. Angel chuckled and made quick work of cleaning up their spend and placed a chaste kiss to the bend of Spike’s knee before straightening back up from the bed. As he went to toss the soiled washcloth in the hamper, Spike found his voice.
“Be a peach and grab my smokes from my jacket, will ya, pet?”
Angel rolled his eyes, glad to see the Claim hadn’t changed Spike’s nature the way he’d heard often happened. He wouldn’t be his William without the snark. Angel disposed of the cloth and sidetracked into the living room to retrieve the pack of cigarettes and lighter from Spike’s duster where he draped it over his chair. He shook one out and lit it up as he rejoined Spike on the bed, taking a drag before handing it over to him and setting the pack on the bedside table. 
“Thanks, luv.”
The pair of them shared the cigarette in easy silence, Angel feeling his demon curl up to rest in its cage, content with the proximity of his mate. Spike stubbed the butt out in the crystal ashtray Angel kept on the table and turned to face him.
“Christ, Peaches, you’ve shagged my soddin’ brains out and it’s still daylight. Must be a new record.”
Angel laughed and looked over at the clock.
“Still got about six hours till we need to leave.” Angel felt his eyelids grow heavy and with a soft sigh, pulled Spike into his arms, draping his slender frame half-across his chest. Spike clucked his tongue in indignation and tried to scramble away but stopped as soon as Angel let out a displeased growl. “Sleep, Will. We’re far from finished here, and you’ll need a bit of rest after the Claiming. Behave, mo ghrá.” 
“Ya know, all that sappy talk’s fine while you’re buggerin’ me blind, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna put up with it elsewise. Even my poet heart can only take so much of that molasses.”
“Spike, will you just shut up and get some sleep?” Angel tugged him closer, pressing a kiss to his temple. “I thought the Claim was supposed to make you more endearing? So far, you’re just as impossible as ever.”
“And you wouldn’t have me any other way, ducks, admit it.”
“Sleep Spike.”
Chapter Four-->
@thewhiterabbit42​ @prose-for-hire​ @highonbandcandy​   
15 notes · View notes
hitoshishins-hoe · 5 years
Barbarian!Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Alright y’all! So I got a ton of great feedback on my fantasy au headcanons, and I was asked by several people on discord to write a one-shot based on my Bakugou headcanon, and so that’s what I decided to do! It is a bit long, and I may have gotten a little carried away, but I hope you guys like it! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
Warnings/Triggers: swearing, slightly ooc Bakugou (I love soft Bakugou ok), nsfw, loss of virginity, unprotected sex
Tengoku - Translates to “Heaven” 
Tenshi - Translates to “Angel”
Inari - Japanese goddess of prosperity
Word count: 5k
‘Forever’ was never in the cards for Bakugou. He planned on living fast, hard, and rich. Kicking ass, pillaging, taking revenge — but running into you made him realize maybe there’s more to life than just vigilante work. 
“Get your ass up shitty hair, we have a city to burn!” Bakugou slaps Kirishima awake from a deep sleep. 
“Bro chill! I can’t shift now! I have to save my energy to burn said city! Why don’t we travel by foot? There’s a city nearby, maybe we can sleep on an actual bed for once?” He stretches awake, now getting dressed. 
“Nah fuck that. We can go if you want, but I’m setting up camp, I’m not staying in some nasty fucking inn.”
Kirishima sighs, but agrees. It’s not like he had much choice anyway. After all, Bakugou was his only family in this world.
After eating breakfast, the two men packed up their belongings and began the trek to Tengoku, a small village about a half a day’s hike into the mountains. 
“Y/N! How are you my dear? What’s that you have there?” You look up from the small fragment of wood in your hand, having just finished carving the tail of a dragon. 
“Oh, good morning Tenshi! I had a dream last night about a dragon. He was red and huge, and he had a scar over his right eye.” You laugh, rubbing the back of your neck unconsciously. 
“Y’know, where I come from, those dreams that seem to be too real for comfort are just prophecy for the future.” She smiles warmly. 
Your (E/C) eyes catch a glint of sunlight at that. “Really? You really think I’ll meet a dragon someday?” You smile off into nothing. 
“Of course I do! You’ve wanted to see a dragon since you were about knee-height. And, well, every dragon has a rider, don’t they? Maybe a nice young man will come along with it. You’ve been here too long, go out and meet someone!” She laughs, knowing you’d grown up in the small village and had never left. You had no reason to. 
“Very funny, Tenshi. I’ll tell that to my dream-dragon.” You roll your eyes, focusing back down at the half-carved fragment in your hand. 
She laughs and makes her way down the small unpaved road that ran through the town, mostly lined with small tents with fresh produce, vendors, and entertainers.
Tenshi was the town’s founder, having come from ‘across the sea.’ She’d never tell anyone more than that. No one knew her name either, but everyone had affectionately coined the name ‘Tenshi,’ meaning ‘Angel’. She was well into her 80’s at least, and she acted as the chief and village grandmother to those who needed it. 
You on the other hand were an artist. Having been raised in Tengoku by monks, you lived a quiet life. Soon into your childhood you picked up the craft of carving. You’d found a small arrowhead along the creek that ran through town and starting working away at a chunk of wood you found nearby. From then on it became a hobby, then a craft, and now an art form. You started selling them to passers-by on their way to other destinations, and it brought in enough money to buy you a permanent room at the inn with plenty to spare. 
After Tenshi leaves, you go back to carving the dragon, each scale identical to the last. 
“How much for that one?” You yelp at the gruff voice immediately in front of you. You collect yourself and glance down at your half-finished dragon. 
“O-oh! This one? Well it’s not finished yet, I’m about halfway finished with carving and I still have to dye it! Can I offer you one of my finished pieces?” You gesture to the small table in front of you. 
The man just shakes his head, motioning to your hand. “I want that one. How long’ll it take?”
You think for a moment, and tell him maybe another 1-2 hours before the dye would dry once the carving was finished. 
He nods and grunts, making his way behind your table to the grass behind you. You look at him confused, but let it go since he’s not bothering you. 
You quickly glance behind you, offering the man a small smile. “I’m (Y/L/N) (Y/N) by the way.”
He looks up at you. “Bakugou Katsuki. Pleasure.”
You turn around sitting down in the small chair behind your table, hunched over while you carve. The man behind you doesn’t speak, and neither do you. It goes on like this for roughly an hour, until he breaks the silence. 
“Have you ever seen a dragon?” He asks you. 
You look up from your piece and sigh. “No, but it’s always been my dream, literally. I had a dream last night about a dragon. That’s what this carving is based on. There were lots of little details I remember about it. Like how there’s a scar along it’s right eye, across it’s chest, and on it’s left wing. Oddly specific, huh?” You laugh. “Our villages leader, Tenshi, says that sometimes those dreams that feel too real to be a dream are actually prophecy. Cool huh?” 
Bakugou’s eyes widen a bit, realizing you’d just described his dragon, Kirishima. 
“What is it?” You ask, noticing his change in demeanor. 
“I–” he pauses, mulling over his next words. His slack jaw turns up into a grin. “You want to meet a dragon?”
Now it’s your turn to look confused. “Y-you know one? Seriously?” You pause for a minute. “You’d better not be fucking with me.”
He chuckles “Whoa whoa princess, who says I’m fucking with you? He’s a shifter, not a full-blooded dragon but shit’s all the same to me. Finish up that carving for me and I’ll take you to him.”
Your eyes light up, feeling the sincerity in his voice. You immediately turn back to your unfinished piece, continuing on the hundreds of intricate scales. You two strike up a conversation after, both retelling stories from childhood, up to now. 
Through talking with him you learn that he really had it rough growing up, never having a true family, much like you. He was always moving towns, doing everyone’s dirty work with little to no pay. One day he was abducted and sold into slavery at the ripe young age of 15. The man he was sold to was one of the most foul men to walk the earth. The only nice thing was his slave-mate, Eijirou Kirishima.
The two teens quickly became friends. Spending every day and night in shared quarters really gave two people time to get to know each other. Shortly after Bakugou was purchased, Kirishima confided in him that was actually a dragon-shifter. No one else knew, or else he’d either be thrown into a bidding-war, or murdered. Some envied owning a shifter, while others thought they were a sin against the balance of life itself. 
Bakugou and Kirishima continued working for their owner for another 3 years before they decided to make their move. Over time they’d taken careful note of other slave owners in the village, their schedules, how many spaces they owned, family or no family. They also managed to pilfer small amounts of money, both from their own master as well as others. 
After some reassurance from Bakugou, Kirishima was able to shift and light the village ablaze. They created a network of safe houses so the other slaves were able to reach safety before all the slave owners were burned into oblivion. 
They never looked back after that. 
You look on with awe as Bakugou relays some of his and Kirishima’s adventures, as they continued to make their way through small towns, identifying rotten people, and “taking care of them.”
“W-wow,” you finally muster. You look down at your now finished piece, turning it in your hand. “You both sound incredible.”
He chuckles at that. “Yeah, well, what can I say. We’re both pretty damn cool.”
You laugh faintly, turning back to place your figurine into a small tin of crimson dye, allowing it to sit there for several minutes.
You both sit in silence as you pull the dragon out of the dye and set it on a drying rack. 
“You mentioned you grew up in this town, right? Why haven’t you left yet?” He asks, standing to his feet. 
You think for a minute. “I guess I haven’t really had any reason to. It’s quiet and everyone knows me here, ya know? Sure we don’t have the best food, or the best artisans, but it’s nice here.” You reply, turning to the table in front of you. 
“You realize how fucking talented you are, right? You could make four times what you make here if you were to travel to different towns.” He says sounding slightly irritated. “Don’t you want to see what else the world has to offer?”
You grow quiet, the faint smile fading from your face. “I never said I didn’t want to, but leaving everything I know, on my own completely, terrifies me.” You look down at your feet, letting out a shallow sigh.
“You can always tag along with Kirishima and I you know. I’d never oppose to a beautiful woman on my arm.” 
You look at him with wide eyes, cheeks flush. 
“Y-you just met me, you’d really take a chance on me? What if I’m a murderer or something?” You laugh nervously. 
He lunged forward at you, pinning you to the ground. You let out a soft grunt as you hit the ground, his hand pinning your arms above your head as he straddles your hips. 
“If you were a murderer, you’d never let someone get the upper hand, right?” He gives you a shit-eating grin as you huff in protest. 
“Besides, don’t you want to ‘live a little?’”
Your face cheeks deepen red in embarrassment, noticing the slight bulge in his pants so close to your heat. 
He notices your blush and snorts, hauling himself off of you, pulling you up with him. 
“How much longer on that dragon?” He asks, nodding to the drying rack. You dust yourself off, trying to hide your fading blush as you go to look at the dragon. 
“Ah, looks like it’s done!” You reply excitedly. 
You pick it up and look it over, proud of your handiwork. You then reach for Bakugou’s hand, uncurling his calloused fingers and setting the figurine in his open palm. He brings it to his face and inspects it, eyes lit with curiosity. 
“This is fucking incredible, (Y/L/N).” He says, awestruck. 
You let out a quiet ‘thank you’ and stand quiet for a moment. “You can call me (Y/N), you know. I’m not a fan of formalities.” You reply. 
Bakugou nods. “Yeah, me neither. Just call me Katsuki. And how much do I owe you for this?” He asks reaching for his coin pouch. 
“No no no! Don’t worry about it!” You exclaim, waiving your hands at him. “Please, as long as I can see a dragon I don’t need payment. It’s fine, really.”
He grunts out a ‘fine.’ And stuffs the figurine into his cloak. “Want to go see that dragon now?”
You nod eagerly, packing up your stocked items and throwing them into a bag. “Let me drop these off at the inn on our way there,” you tell him as you put up a “closed” sign on the table. 
You two travel down the now mostly empty road, dusk quickly approaching as you reach the inn. You run up to your room to put your stock away, jogging down the hall as to not keep Bakugou waiting. You grip the dresser in your room, panting as you’d worn yourself out a bit. “Katsuki,” you mumble, enjoying the way his name rolled off your tongue. 
“Yes?” You hear Bakugou’s voice from behind you. You yelp, running out the door before you could muster up an embarrassing excuse as to why you were saying his name in the mirror. 
He chuckles and follows you closely, eyes now wandering to your figure. You had on a plain dress, though it looked a tad small, only accentuating your curves. He wanted to devour you right then and there, but that wouldn’t be very gentlemanly, would it?
He eventually takes the lead, leading you to his small camp about a half mile outside the town. You two arrive about 20 minutes later, as the sun dips behind the mountains.
“Kirishima! We have a visitor!” Bakugou yells at the tent, a tall red-haired man poking his head out. 
“Dude, I-” He stutters, gesturing to his small protruding horns and scales on his face. You miss this exchange as you’re admiring the surrounding forest, since you’ve never been this far up the mountain before. 
“It’s fine, she’s fine.” He states gruffly, turning to you, oblivious to his state. His eyes soften as he sees you looking around the forest, admiring the sights. You notice him looking and look down at your feet, embarrassed. “C’mon, Kirishima will show you tomorrow, why don’t you sleep here tonight?” He nods at the small fire Kirishima had going. 
You sheepishly agree and make your way over to the tent, Kirishima now sitting by the fire. He extends an arm to you. “Hi! I’m Kirishima Eijirou! You can call me Kiri.” He grins, mouth full of jagged teeth. His smile is warm, and you return it in kind. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N), please call me (Y/N),” you shake his hand and sit by the fire.
“Hey Bakugou, I gotta, uh...eat,” Kirishima says. “Go eat then,” Bakugou replies, sitting down between the two of you. “Don’t wait up,” he mumbles under his breath, the shifter understanding immediately. 
“Well (Y/N), it was nice meeting you! I’ll be gone for the rest of the night, but I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” He smiles, running off in the opposite direction of Tengoku.
Shortly after Kirishima leaves, you heave out a sigh and flop backwards onto the grass, looking at the stars. Bakugou looks down at you, still amazed at how oblivious you are. He eventually lays his head next to yours, grunting as his head hits the ground. “Ow,” he grumbles, having hit it harder than he intended. You laugh at the whack  sound his head makes, spinning into a fit of laughter when he starts whispering profanities at the ground. 
“Hey, what are you laughing at, princess? You think it’s funny?” You wipe away a tear as your laughs turn into sniffles. 
“Maybe a little bit,” you laugh again. 
“Uh huh. You ticklish, sweetheart?” he smirks, your face paling at his threat. 
“Shi-,” you barely get anything out before he has you pinned, hands attacking your sides. 
“N-no! Please s-stop! I can’t take it!” You cry, the tickling so intense your eyes fill with tears.
“If you want me to stop, make me,” he smiles smugly. 
Having gained a new wave of confidence, you take your knee up to his groin and rub against his bulge, eliciting a moan from Bakugou, distracting him just long enough to flip your bodies so you now straddled him. 
Now he’s the one to be taken aback by your sudden change of attitude. “Where’d this come from?” He asks, his hands settling on your hips. 
You lean forward, your hands finding his chest underneath his heavy pelt as you bring your face just inches from his. “You were the one that said I should ‘live a little’, right? That’s what I’m doing.” 
He smirks, hands gripping tighter to your thighs. “Alright then brat, show me whatcha got.”
You lock your lips against his, his breath hot against your nose as you start to grind against him. He lets out a breathy moan, giving you enough space to slip your tongue into his mouth, deepening the kiss. It’s not long before the bulge in his pants is now straining against the fabric.
You slowly remove his pelt, revealing a well-built but scarred chest. You move your lips to his neck, gently sucking on the skin just beneath his jaw. 
“Fuck,” he groans as you suck on his sweet spot. You trail your kisses down his chest, leaving love bites in your wake. 
“You done this before?” Bakugou looks down at you, your hands now grasping the waistband of his pants. 
“N-no,” you stutter. “I only know what the entertainers in town have told me.” he replies with a weak tch as you continue. 
You undo his belt and slip his pants along with his boxers down around his ankles, his cock springing free from the confining material. Your eyes go wide at the size of him, never having seen a dick in person before. Noticing your hesitation, he smirks down at you. 
“What, don’t tell me you’re gonna back out now,” he laughs tauntingly. “We’re just ge—fuuuuck!” His face tenses as you lick a long stripe against the underside of his cock. 
You slowly coax his hardened member into your mouth, throat clenching as you slowly start sliding it in and out. You start at a steady pace, using your hand where your mouth can’t reach. Bakugou moans as you grow used to the size of him, taking more of him into your mouth inch by inch. Bakugou slowly starts to buck his hips up into your mouth, beginning to face fuck you as your throat clenches with every thrust. Your eyes brim with tears as the tip repeatedly hits the back of your windpipe. Your core begins to ache with neglect as Bakugou’s hips begin to stutter.
“F-fuck, I’m going to come,” he breathes as he thrusts into your mouth a handful more times before your mouth is filled with his salty seed. 
You slowly slip his cock from your mouth as you gulp down the liquid, wiping your mouth as you do so.
He chuckles, smug grin returning to his face. “Not bad for a first-timer,” he says, flipping you both so that he’s now straddling your hips.
He leans in next your ear and whispers “My turn,” as he bites down on your earlobe, sending a jolt of pleasure up your spine.
He kisses up your neck and jaw to your lips, pressing his body to yours. He momentarily breaks the kiss, his hands snaking under your dress, pulling it up over your shoulders, revealing your bare chest.
He trails kisses down your neck softly sucking, leaving love bites as you did to him. One of his hands makes its way to your already hard nipple, lightly tugging on it while his tongue swirls your other bud, eliciting a small moan from you. 
He continues his assault down your front, kissing your soft curves as his lips reach your waistline. His vermillion eyes meet yours as his fingers hook the band of your underwear and slide them down until they’re discarded on the ground, his lips never leaving your body.
He kisses your inner thighs, sending shivers up your spine, your mouth now agape as your core aches with want.
“Already so wet for me,” he coos, warm breath fanning your now bare cunt.
You moan, shifting your legs open wider, giving Bakugou better access. He kisses your now soaking heat, slowly prodding you open with his tongue. 
“Pl-please go slow,” you whisper, threading your fingers through his slightly damp hair. 
He reaches a hand up to your face, slowly stroking your cheek reassuringly. 
“Don’t worry princess, I know what I’m doing.” he replies, sliding his hand back down to your waist. 
“Let me know if you’re ever in pain, okay? I’ll stop immediately.”
You give him a curt nod as he slips his index finger into his mouth, turning his attention back to what’s in front of him. 
He slowly slides his finger into you, causing you to clench in discomfort. He stays still for a moment before he slowly starts sliding his finger in and out of your heat, already dripping with your arousal. After a short while he adds in a second finger, his eyes continuously flicking up to your face to gauge your reactions. 
Your eyes are clenched in pleasure, soft moans and mumbles of his name falling from your mouth. “K-Katsuki,” you start, slowly opening your eyes.
“Yes, (Y/N)?” He asks, still sliding his now coated fingers in and out of you. 
“Please fuck me,” your cheeks flush at your outburst. 
He smirks at that, sliding his fingers out of you, as you sigh at the loss of contact. He licks his fingers clean and pulls himself up to you, kissing you more fervently this time. 
You taste yourself on your tongue as you moan, Bakugou slipping his tongue into your mouth. He reaches down to himself pumping his cock several times, long since hard again. He lines up with your entrance, breaking your kiss momentarily. 
“Are you ready?” he asks, meeting your gaze.
You eagerly nod, as he does as well. He slowly slides himself into you, as you wince with pain. His eyes never leave you, even as your eyes close as you focus on the mild pain as he slowly stretches you. You start to relax as he bottoms out, stilling there for a moment to give you time to adjust. 
After a heavy sigh from you, he begins to move, slowly at first, barely sliding several inches in and out of you. 
“You can move, Katsuki,” you breathe. 
He grunts in agreeance as he picks up the pace, balls slapping against your heat as he nestles his face into the crook of your shoulder. 
It isn’t long before you feel a knot in your stomach, on the verge of coming undone. 
“Katsuki, I–” you moan, eyes rolling into the back of your head as he continues to pound into you. 
You come with a flash of white, clenching around him as your vision blurs. The feeling of you squeezing around him so tightly sends Bakugou over the edge not long after, a strangled moan leaving him as he paints your insides white. 
After several more thrusts he slips himself from you, collapsing next to you, quickly pulling you to his warm chest. 
You two stay like that for a bit, both lightly panting from your orgasms. You slowly curl yourself into him, his arm wrapping around you as your sigh. 
“My offer still stands. You can come with us, you know.” He breaks the silence, as you slowly look up at him. 
His eyes meet yours as you quickly turn away, cheeks pink with slight embarrassment.
“I feel like I’d slow you guys down,” you sigh, readjusting yourself as the cold night air starts to register. “Besides, I don’t know if I’d even be useful.”
He rolls his eyes. “I wouldn’t ask you along if I didn’t want you there. I feel like you’d be able to help funnel people out while Kirishima and I handle the rest. You’re good with people, right? You’d be able to do a lot of fucking good, (Y/N). And besides, your work is too damn amazing to stay locked away here. Don’t stay cramped up in this little town the rest of your life. Do something, you know?” He says gruffly. 
You lay in silence for a moment, processing his proposal. You pull yourself to a sitting position, and Bakugou shortly follows suit. 
You turn to him, pulling his face to yours and kiss him gently. 
“You know what? Sure. Why not?” You grin, filled with fresh resolve. 
He smirks at that, pulling you back to his chest as he lays back down in the cool grass. He reaches for a discarded item of clothing and wipes the both of you up. He throws you your dress and you slip it back on, as he finds some clothing to put back on as well.
Using each other for warmth, sleep takes you both, sunrise still a handful of hours away. 
You awake with the sun, hazy oranges and purples dancing behind your eyelids as the sun drags up over the horizon. You pull yourself up, stretching as you yawn away your drowsiness. 
You look down at Bakugou, his mouth slightly agape as he slowly stirs awake. You smile, thinking about all the things you hoped to do. Sight-seeing, exploring new foods, selling your trinkets to new markets of people; the opportunities seem endless. 
“Hey! Glad to see you’re awake! I stopped by earlier but you two were still passed out, so I went into town and got some food!” You hear Kirishima’s voice to your left, his arms full of cloth sacks, presumably filled with food. 
“Good morning,” you reply, voice still thick with sleep as he hands you a bag. 
He sits to the right of you, Bakugou stirring on your left as you open the bag and start eating. 
Bakugou eventually sits up, rubbing his eyes as Kirishima hands him a sack as well, Bakugou muttering a low “thank you” as he still struggles to wake up. 
The three of you sit in silence for a while, as you all finish up your food. 
Bakugou is the first to speak up, setting his discarded wrappings on the ground beside him. “(Y/N) here’s going to join us, she can help evacuate people as we do the rest.”
“Sweet! You’ll fit right in!” Kirishima smiles, wrapping an arm around you.
“I do have to collect my things from town, and say goodbye to everyone, but I’m ready to go after that!” you smile back, taking a sip of water.
Bakugou stands up, taking everyone’s discarded food wrappings and throwing them into a sack as the three of you clean up camp.
As day breaks, the three of you make your way into town, conversing along the way.
Before long you reach Tengoku, the sun now high above your heads as you make your way to the inn. It doesn’t take long to pack your small number of things. You don’t have much more than a week’s worth of clothing, a hand-carved hairbrush, and a handful of figurines, as well as a couple of knives. 
The three of you walk back to the front desk, returning your key to the innkeeper, exchanging pleasantries and a tearful goodbye. 
You slowly make your rounds around Tengoku, wishing everyone well and promising you’d be back. 
The hardest person to leave is of course Tenshi.
At present she’s at the local shrine, paying her respects. The three of you stop at the bottom of the steps, as to not disturb her. 
“Can you guys give me a minute?” You ask hesitantly, placing your bag on the ground. The pair of men nod as you slowly make your way to the top of the shrine. 
“Hey Tenshi,” you start, gently placing a shaky hand on her shoulder. She opens her eyes and stands from her kneeling position and turns to you, tears welling in her eyes. 
She smiles softly, taking your hands in hers. “I was just praying for you,” she says, slowly rubbing circles into the backs of your hands. “I spoke with Inari this morning, and she told me what you set out to do, and I’m so very proud of you, (Y/N).” she gleams. 
You smile and bring her small frame to yours in a tight embrace, failing to hold back tears.
“You'll be back,” she says as you both pull away. “I know you will.”
You smile at that, knowing she knew better than anyone what the future holds. 
You make your way back down the steps, eyes still slightly puffy as you reach Kirishima and Bakugou. 
“You good?” Bakugou asks, handing you your duffel bag. 
You nod, assuring him you’d be fine. Kirishima hands off his bags to Bakugou and starts to stretch out his limbs as Bakugou drops the bags next to you. 
Your thoughts are pulled to Kirishima as you see him out of the corner of your eye stretching. You give him a sideways glance, slightly confused at what he was doing. 
Bakugou observes you and snorts. “Hey I promised you a dragon, didn’t I? He can’t transform if his damn limbs are stiff.”
You mouth an “oh” as Kirishima takes a deep breath and his skin begins to darken to a crimson red. 
A tail slowly protrudes from his lower back as he begins to grow in size. His arms lengthen to match his legs as they progressively become longer and thicker, ends coming to sharp onyx claws. His face elongates into a snout, his mouth lined with the same jagged teeth he adorns in his human form. Wings twice the length of his now massive body protrude from his back, varying shades of crimson and black, a scar running along the crease of his left wing. He shakes himself out, his scales catching the sunlight, reflecting tinges of black and purple. 
Honestly, you’re awestruck. You’ve never seen something so massive and beautiful in your life. Bakugou’s eyes never leave you, admiring your face of wonder. You slowly make your way around to Kirishima’s front, his eyes catching yours as he brings his face level with you. Your eyes immediately land on his notable scar over his right eye, and you reach out to it, brushing your hand over his face. You walk back around to his side, dragging your palm against his scaly skin as you walk back to Bakugou. 
“W-wow,” is all you can utter as Bakugou chuckles. 
“He is somethin’, huh? Let’s get going.” He replies, hoisting you onto Kirishima’s back. 
He tosses you the remaining bags and pulls himself up as well, settling himself directly in front of you. You take one more glance back at the shrine, Tenshi now waving at you. You wave back, flashing Tenshi a toothy grin. You then turn to face Bakugou, your arms snaking around his thin waist. His muscles tense under you as he slaps Kirishima’s back, signaling it was time to go. 
Without time to register, Kirishima shoots up into the sky, your hands finding purchase on Bakugou’s pelt as you hold on for dear life. As quickly as it starts it’s over, Kirishima leveling out amongst the clouds. 
It’s breathtaking. The heat of the day melts away as the air pressure drops, the clouds breezing by. You feel like you could float on endlessly, and with Bakugou at your fingertips and Kirishima securely beneath you, you feel like you’re in heaven. 
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seductivejellyfish · 3 years
The first English translation of Homer’s Odyssey was completed in 1615, by classicist, dramatist, and poet George Chapman. He begins: 
The man, O Muse, inform, that many a way
Wound with his wisdom to his wished stay;
The first time I read the Odyssey was the summer before ninth grade. I had applied to a bougie private high school that I later chose not to attend, but as an acceptance gift they sent me a beautiful golden book, the Robert Fagles 1996 blank verse translation of the Odyssey. His first line: 
Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns
driven time and again off course, 
    At the time I had only the vaguest notion of the plot of the epic. I knew, or I thought I knew, that it was the story of Odysseus and his journey home, punctuated with an endless series of wild monsters and treacherous encounters. When I opened the book I was shocked to find that the Odyssey begins not with the adventure of the titular hero, but back home in Ithaca with his mopey abandoned son. My second shock came shortly after, when the goddess Athena descends to earth to inspire said mope, and does so in the form of Mentes, a man. 
    I reread the lines to make sure I hadn’t missed anything in the confusing clamor of ancient verse. Athena disguised as a man? Surely that couldn’t be right. But it was. Every single disguise of Athena, sans one, was a man. Not only that, there were multiple scenes where mortals recognize her for her true nature and yet still regard her in her guise. In those moments she existed as goddess and mortal, female and male simultaneously. It was almost too much to handle.
400 years after George Chapman, Emily Wilson became the first woman to translate the Odyssey into English. She hurled a book through a millenia’s glass ceiling and when it landed it opened to: 
Tell me about a complicated man.
Muse, tell me how he wandered and was lost.
At age 14 I wandered from a tiny private Jewish middle school into Boston Latin Academy and was promptly lost. Trapped in the practices of the past 300 odd years, every student was required to take 3-4 years of Latin. The first year was relentlessly boring. We bumbled our way through the textbook, memorizing endings and grammatical rules as though the language was a series of mathematical formulas and not something to be read and spoken and learned. 
In tenth grade I cut my hair. For years I had kept my waist-length hair in a thick side braid and in a day it was all gone. I can’t for the life of me remember what was it that made me do it, or when I got the idea. At some point I started telling people that I was thinking about it, and then I started telling people that I was going to do it, and then I did it. Anybody who has gone abruptly from long hair to short knows the miracle of the first shower: the giddy lightness that moves from your neck down through your whole body. 
We started reading real Latin in class and suddenly the language became alive. I wrestled with the text to produce a messy grammatical translation at the bottom of my page and then neatly rewrote a more pleasing version alongside the columns of poetry. I doodled all across the back of the pages--beautiful Greek men with flowing hair, columns and bays, Icarus, wings outspread, falling into the sea. Aphrodite descends to earth in disguise as a young huntress. I search between the pages for Athena. 
Near the city of Crete lived an unremarkable but blameless man and his unremarkable wife. So scared was he of the pain of raising a daughter that he delivered the ultimate warning to his wife: if their child should be born a girl, she must be killed. Only a boy should live. We all know the story--with the dropping of the ultimatum, the course of the tale is sealed. The mother will have a baby girl and she will be unable to destroy her. In this tale there are no babies in baskets, or foundlings left in the woods. Instead, instructed by a goddess, the mother conspires with a nurse to raise the child as a boy. The father names the child Iphis, after his father, and the mother is happy because the name suits a boy or girl and it removes part of the burden of the lie. The child grows up fine and beautiful, with all the best features of the male and female. Their disguise is unquestioned, and they grow up happy, sharing their childhood with a friend, Ianthe. We know this story too. Young love blossoms, and soon the two are engaged, to the delight of father and the despair of mother and child. 
I read this story properly for the first time, in Latin, in the summer of 2020, with the help of my Greek professor. At the beginning of our Greek class the year before we had each chosen Greek names. I was fascinated by the gender play in this story, and so I stole the name Ianthe from it. I am drawn much more to Iphis, of course, but I find the name Ianthe more lovely. And perhaps it is fitting that I embody that fascination with the choice of the name of the character so in love with Iphis, whatever gender they may be.
Burning with love and chafing at the equal ardor of Ianthe, Iphis cries out in despair to the gods. 
    “If the gods want to spare me, then they ought to spare me already! If not, if they wish to destroy me, then at least deal me some regular harm, according to the laws of nature! Never has love of mares consumed a mare, or of cows a cow: sheep love rams, and stags chase after does, the females of their own kind. Thus too birds couple, and amongst each and every type of animal, no woman is seized by feminine desire. I wish I were no woman!”
We reach this part of the poem and I am compelled to stop and reach through the text, to try in vain to comfort the grieving lover. You’re not broken at all, poor girl. You’re not alone.
    My professor asks me if I knew the story when I chose my name, and I tell her that I did. I am always aching to be recognized, to be seen, but at the same time I want to reassure her that this angst of Iphis’ which dominates the text is not a pain I have had to bear. Blessed by my circumstances, I have never once resented who I am. I have never been made to feel unnatural, and I have never felt alone. Again, perhaps it was right that I chose to become Ianthe, the unwitting and undisturbed bride who manages to never hear a thing about the anguish that surrounds her betrothal.
    The end of the story offers a neat resolution-the goddess hears Ianthe’s prayers and transforms her into a man. Light the marriage torches and sound the bells! I am torn in every direction. I don’t know what’s more important--the love of a woman for a woman, the ability for a character to straddle the line between gender, or the transformation from woman to man. Despite knowing that the social construct of gender in Roman times is far from the one I exist within, I can’t help wondering about Iphis after the curtains close. Are they happier as a man? Are they a man at all, or a woman in the body of a man? Was gender ever anything for them other than a weight around their neck, or a performance to play? I translate and translate and wonder what pronouns to use, reading the word woman again and again. 
Iphis leaves a gift in the temple, dedicated to the goddess with an inscription:
A boy pays this gift, which a woman had pledged, Iphis.
I take a spoken Latin class and think of using neuter endings for myself and then I don’t. I go from “she/her” to “she/they” to “any pronouns.”
O Muse, instruct me of the man who drew
His changeful course through wanderings not a few,
Trans. John William Mackail, 1903.
Athena comes to earth as Mentes. Aristophanes jests with his tale of the original third androgynous gender as pretty boys vie for spots on the ground next to Socrates. 
Tell me, O Muse, of the Shifty, the man who wandered afar.
Trans. William Morris, 1887.
The goddess commands that Iphis live as a baby girl until she can grow into a man. I bind my chest with medical tape and stick socks in my jeans and write my first original ancient Greek poem. 
Tell me the tale, Muse, of that man
Of many changes,
Trans. Herbert Bates, 1929. 
Telemachus strings up a line of women like caught bird for the crime of being sex slaves and translator Fagles kills them again when he calls them “sluts” and “whores” where the Greek says “sleeping.” 
This is the story of a man, one who
was never at a loss.
Trans. William Henry Denham Rouse, 1937
I’m letting my hair grow out again, in an undercut this time. Quarantine has seen me take at last to the clippers, shaving the sides and leaving the rest to grow. It’s long enough now to tuck behind my ears. I’ve spent my Saturdays chanting the Odyssey in a sing-song up and down my house and yard. I’ve memorized over 50 lines by now, but none as powerful as that eternal first. Someday I’ll translate it too. I imagine how appropriate it will be to have a little “trans.” before my name.
The first word of the Odyssey is Ἄνδρα, Andra-man. I take the man inside of me, right next to the woman and the thing which is neither, and I work on translating myself. 
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sm-entertain-me · 5 years
Would You Rather... (M)
Contains: Lee Jeno x (f) reader, adult language, mentions of alcohol, smut, sexual themes, intense foreplay, slight exhibitionism, unprotected sex (Be safe), creampie, crushes to lovers!au
Synopsis: Renjun knew you had a crush on Jeno, everyone did. Being the tease he is, he decides to suggest a little game of Would You Rather to exploit your feelings towards Jeno.
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“What? Why me?” You asked after you nearly choked on your solo cup filled with a drink that Haechan made you, quickly trying to weasel out of your turn at the rather steamy game of Would You Rather. Of course, you didn’t want to play, but you especially didn’t want to play when Renjun is the one asking the questions. He knows your situation with Jeno and has teased you mercilessly about it, saying how you two would make a great couple whenever you two were sitting next to each other, earning a quick laugh from Jeno to play it off as a joke. Little did Jeno know, you had the fattest crush on him since you had known him as a trainee. But something tells you that he’ll definitely find out by the end of the night.
“Because,” Renjun said simply, a playful smirk lining his face. “Everyone else is playing fair. Are you really going to be the person that chickens out on their turn when you’ve been asking the guys to do stupid shit all night?” He must’ve been talking about when you asked Jaemin if he would rather streak down the street or drink a cup of hot sauce. Everyone got a kick out of it except for Jaemin as he’s still hovering over the toilet at this very moment, so you didn’t know why you were the one being punished for it.
“And I still hate your guts for it!” Jaemin shouted from the bathroom, followed by  a quick dry heave as he threw his head down in the toilet bowl to brace himself. You can admit that you did feel bad for making Jaemin choose between those two options, but you honestly thought he would prefer to strip instead of drink the whole cup of hot sauce. Jaemin’s body is wonderful and he knows it so that’s why you thought he would choose to streak.
Everyone’s eyes were now on you as you tried to deflect your turn, begging someone to go for you since Renjun was known for cruel asks whenever you guys played Would You Rather. So cruel to the point that he forced Mark to choose between breaking up with his girlfriend or giving a striptease for his viewers on V-Live. His girlfriend was so pretty, shame they only lasted two months all thanks to Renjun.
Sighing at your defeat, you quickly downed the rest of the alcohol that remained in your cup and winced slightly, feeling the liquid burn down your throat before locking eyes with Renjun, “Fine. Do your worst.”
“Oh, I will,” Renjun said with an evil smirk as he looked at you and then flicked his eyes all around the circle of people huddled on the living room floor. You happened to notice how Renjun’s eyes seemed to look at the subject of your infatuation a bit longer than the others, returning to look into your eyes with what was easily the most unsettling gaze you had ever seen. “Y/N,” He began, waiting patiently for your response in a rather mocking way.
Your eyes hardened immediately at his cocky demeanor as you shifted in your seat, giving him a look that would certainly send any of the boys running for the hills. But of course, Renjun was used to getting that look from you on the daily, that’s why he chose to exploit it from you. Through gritted teeth, you snarled at the person who enjoyed torturing you, “What, Renjun?” Here it comes.
“Would You Rather...” Renjun began as his voice trailed off into thin air, thinking about how to word the question in a way that one choice would definitely be chosen over the other. He was particularly sneaky like that. “Give Jisung a blowjob or makeout with Jeno for five minutes straight?”
The crowd around you got silent as they waited on the edge of their seats to hear what your answer was, the look of fear spreading across your face. Renjun knew you would never think about Jisung that way, let alone touch him that way. He knew how much of a brother Jisung was to you, and that’s why he chose him to be involved in the other choice he knew you weren’t going to pick.
“I’m not touching Jisung like that and you know it!” You hollered as you drew your hand back, launching the red solo cup that reeked of vodka at Renjun, your face twisting into shapes of pure anger.
Renjun had a shit eating grin on his face as he leaned in towards you, testing your resolve, “Then I guess you’d better get to making out with Jeno. Wouldn’t want to keep him waiting, huh?” Everyone’s attention then shifted over to Jeno who was sitting in his spot, a smug smile on his face that easily had you feeling some type of way. Jeno always had that effect on you, no matter how hard he tried. He could be eating and you would still find something attractive about him. Maybe it’s the way his jaw clenched with every bite he took, or the way his Adam’s apple would bob whenever he swallowed, or just him sighing in relief as he took a bite from being starved all day...
After about a minute of contemplation, your legs found yourself as you crawled across the floor in the most sexiest way you could muster, making sure to maintain eye contact with Jeno the whole entire time. You even went as far as to lick your lips to see what kind of reaction it would get out of Jeno. No matter how much you thought you knew Jeno, he had always been hard to read. But you can tell by the way his eyes are traveling all over your body that there wasn’t any other place he would rather be.
Everyone crowded around the two of you, Mark running to grab a timer of some sort as Jaemin trudged out of the bathroom with a bucket in hand to make sure he got a front row seat to some softcore porn that was about to go down. Meanwhile, you were sitting in Jeno’s lap, squirming around to try and get comfortable on the massive peaks of his thighs while he just sat there, laughing at how hard you were trying.
“Here, let me,” Jeno said huskily as he gripped at your hips and pulled you closer to him, his crotch mere centimeters away from your steadily heating core. A small gulp came from you as you stared into his eyes, shocked that he would be so okay with you straddling him in front of his best friends. Jeno simply smirked at you, raising his eyebrows as he leaned in to graze your ear, taking the flesh of your lobe between his teeth as he growled, “Wanna help them with the subject of their next wet dream?”
You didn’t even have time to answer Jeno, partially because you were completely beside yourself at the moment, and because Renjun shouted at the top of his lungs to start the timer. Once Jeno heard Renjun give permission to start, Jeno’s hands slipped up your back to the nape of your neck, pushing you forward to have your lips meet. Jeno’s lips tasted faintly of the alcohol he had been drinking but felt like heaven on earth as you immediately sank into him.
As Jeno’s arms wrapped tightly around your waist, he managed to slide his hands underneath your legs to cup at your ass, giving you a hard enough squeeze to force your lips open and slip his tongue into you. A shocked gasp came from you as Jeno’s tongue explored every inch of you, relishing in your taste as you could feel something poking at your core.
When you two decided to take a break for air, you couldn’t help but to look down and confirm your suspicions. Sure enough, Jeno was becoming hard in his pants the longer you two made out. You could hear Jeno let out a chuckle as his fingers found the bottom of your chin to pick it up and make eye contact with him, “Focus baby, we still have two more minutes. You can worry about that later.” Your thighs shuddered at that thought.
You two quickly resumed your activities, teeth gnashing on each other’s lips to see who could make the other’s lips the reddest, tongues sliding in between you two to gather massive amounts of saliva to be shared between you. Everyone around you was shifting in their seats, Mark and Haechan especially. They were working hard at pulling the fabric away from their crotches to give them much needed space as they continued to watch you two intensely. This fueled Jeno’s ego as he quickly grabbed onto your ass and leaned forward, planting your back flush against the carpet below.
“Jeno,” You moaned out in shock, looking up at his flustered face with widened eyes. Jeno didn’t respond with words, but instead responded by pressing his lips onto the left side of your neck, sucking and nibbling on the tender skin to mark you up with the most beautiful shades of reds and purples. You could feel your breath hitch in your throat as Jeno worked the tender skin in between his lips, running his tongue along the side of your neck until he found a new place to mark as his.
“Time’s up!” Renjun shouted loudly at the two of you, wanting the both of you to stop what you were doing so they could continue to play their game with the other female players in the room. But there was really no point in trying to pull you and Jeno apart. You two craved each other, needed each other. Jeno was like oxygen to you, and you his sun. Neither one of you wanted to break the intense kiss you two shared in fears of never being able to recreate the raw passion you two felt for each other. But of course, all good things must come to an end...
Or so you thought. When you two were finally pulled apart by Renjun and Jaemin, Jeno helped you to your feet with the same hunger in his eyes as he leaned in to whisper, “If you’re okay with it, I’d really like to take you to my room.” Although you tried not to seem too desperate in your response, the rate at which you nodded your head made you look pretty damn needy. No matter, you were about to indulge in one of your most prominent fantasies: fucking Jeno.
Jeno practically dragged you to his room, not giving any of the guys an explanation as he led you down the hallway and shoved you into his room. Once the door closed, Jeno was on you. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist, making sure to let his hands wander the swell of your ass and give a light smack. The same amount of passion you two shared in front of everyone else was found again as Jeno let you fall on the bed, climbing on top of you and pouring his very soul into the kiss you shared.
While Jeno took care of your neck and lips, you ran your hands down the front of his abs, moaning out at the feeling of his rock hard abdomen pressing against your hands. Jeno chuckled against your lips as he reached between you two, grabbing onto your hand and leading it further down until your fingers hooked onto the belt line of his jeans, tugging lightly at the fabric. The rough denim felt so nicely against your finger tips, but you figured something else would feel even better as you frantically grabbed at the fabric until it came loose and was pushed down Jeno’s legs.
It didn’t take long for every single piece of clothing to be removed, thrown all over random places of his room as Jeno settled in between your thighs, enamored with the amount of wetness spilling out of you.
“Holy fuck, Y/N. You’re so wet for me... How long have you been wanting to fuck me?” Jeno asked genuinely as he took a break from rubbing himself to his full length, looking you deep in the eyes. The way he looked down at you made you forget about all the events that led up to this moment, made you feel so vulnerable.
You leaned up slightly to capture his lips with yours, sighing into the kiss as you pulled away and returned his gaze, “Let’s just say it’s been a long time.” A smile painted itself on Jeno’s face as he admired the angelic features of your face, but then the look of his eyes quickly turned to desperation as he forced his cock between your walls, throwing his head back from the delicious squeeze.
“F-Fuck,” Jeno moaned out as his fingernails dug into the skin of your hips, creating tiny crescents as he refused to move his hips just yet, wanting to feel every single clench of your walls before he completely wrecked you. When he finally got himself together, Jeno zeroed in on the sight of your pussy swallowing up his cock. The sight caused him to twitch deep inside of you as he pushed all the way into you, his hips pushing harshly against yours as you moaned out in pleasure.
You were a moaning mess as Jeno thrust deep inside of you, pulling himself out just to ram back in without so much as a word of warning, watching how you fell apart at his touch. Your hands reached up and wrapped around Jeno’s broad shoulders, nails digging into his skin the harder he fucked into you, leaving burning red marks in their wake. Jeno was hitting all the right spots for you as you screamed out to let him know just how good he was making you feel. You were wondering how long he could go.
“Oh god Jeno, right there! Don’t stop, don’t stop!” You begged mercilessly as you arched your back off of the mattress, pressing your naked torso flush against Jeno’s as you could feel your high progressing at a faster rate. Even though your eyes were closed from the feeling of euphoria pumping through your body, you could imagine the luring look on Jeno’s face, the thin layer of sweat coating both of your bodies, and his lip nested in between his perfect white teeth.
“Cum for me, Y/N. I need you to cum for me,” Jeno rasped in your ear as he leaned down and bit on your collar bone, trying to get himself to focus on not cumming before you but you were making it so damn hard with how your walls encased his cock deep inside. As a last ditch effort to get you to cum, Jeno sped up his thrusts and paired them with his fingers latching onto your clit to rub you to your high, watching how your eyes shot open from the intense pleasure that ripped through your body.
Nonsensical sounds that resembled Jeno’s name fell from your lips as you dug your nails deep into the honeyed skin of his back, tears pricking your eyes from how good he made you feel. As your walls clamped down around his cock, you could feel his cock give one last twitch before his cum flowed out and filled you up completely, a small volume of it escaping you and dripping down your slit to the sheets below you.
Still recovering from your mindblowing orgasm at the hands, and cock, of Jeno, you lay limp underneath him as Jeno fought to keep himself propped up on his arms to reach and grab some tissues. You couldn’t help but to look up at him with a blissful smile on your face, to which Jeno caught a glimpse of.
“What are you looking at babe?” Jeno asked with a playful tone while simultaneously sliding himself out of you, quickly pushing the tissue against your sore folds to catch as much of his cum as he could before it made an even bigger puddle under you.
You simply shook your head, still wearing the stupid smile as you responded, “Just... Remind me to thank Renjun.”
Before Jeno could give you one of his signature chuckles or smiles, you heard a voice shout from right outside the door, “You’re welcome!”
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auntarctica · 4 years
When it comes to your inspiration for Reboot and Original DMC, what calls to you to help build the world, scenarios and characterizations of Dante and Vergil? And do you intend to write more of both?
Interesting. Thank you so much for dropping me a note! Easy question first: yes, absolutely; I am writing more of both DmC Reboot and DMC classic. I’m primarily an original writer, but this is my one actual fandom, and my one true pairing. I’m definitely an institutionalized lifer in that respect; got in early and I’m never getting out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Here’s what I’m working on: Reboot-wise, I have the next chapter of Do Not Speak Against the Sun well underway, and there will be at least one more chapter after that, if not three(?). (Haven’t decided whether to save those ideas for a different fic or use them here – I know every writer in the world can relate.)
Classic-wise, I have underway:
- an interstitial, Dante-centric flashback-heavy fic that loosely spans the period post-4 up to V’s appearance in 5 in vignettes, with occasional forays into nostalgia and his past with Vergil, which is called Donec Gratis Eram Tibi (In the Days When I Was Dear to You).
- Confraternity, the post-5 fic that will follow that one.
Both of those are continuations of the Opera Omnia.
(Now I feel weird because whenever someone asks what I’m working on I always want to know what they’re working on but since you are a wild anon I cannot do the requisite social dance and it consternates me…) As for inspirations, like regrets, I have a few. I’m sure that a great deal of my Weltanschuuang is informed by my past as an opera singer (before I quit to write full time), and being a dual citizen of the US and the EU, straddling the Old and New worlds – which is part of why the backdrops of both Classic and Reboot are equally appealing to me.
History, philosophy, psychology, classical mythology, art and human nature are all sort of baked into DMC, no matter the iteration, and I think that those of us who are drawn to it tend to already have those interests; a pre-existing passion for those subjects. In seeking to augment those worlds, it’s only natural to draw on what’s already in the narrative and flower outward from there. The way my mind strains it, DMC Classic is ultimately a classical/gothic fantasy with nods to modernity, and DmC Reboot is ultimately a modern fantasy with nods to gothic classicalism, so that tends to really inform some of the choices, both maximal and subtle, that I make when I go to write in one or the other. For instance, if I had chosen to name a DMC Classic fic Do Not Speak Against the Sun, I would have named it in the original Latin. But Reboot is not as neoclassically or gothically weighted as Classic, (even if we can absolutely assume Vergil’s Ivy League classical education) which is why I feel the translated phrase works better. I really tend to like resonance – self-referentialism, themes that call back to themselves, or reappear like leitmotifs, gaining greater significance as they go, and foremost, this idea that everything in existence is interleaved and cantilevered and nothing is irrelevant. Although Reboot and Classic each have very different approaches, and thematic aspects the other lacks, there are also a lot of themes that they share – and it’s fun to play within both those congruencies and the discrepancies.
One thing I really like is the idea of toying with resonances between the universes - things that might surface in the narrative in both worlds, but in completely different contexts.
For instance, there were a few places in Do Not Speak Against the Sun where I saw a chance to incorporate a turn of phrase or piece of dialogue from my longstanding DMC classic fics - one example would be in Consanguinity where Vergil surveys the overgrown courtyard of the manor and remarks in the narrative that “the topiary [is] growing unchecked”. Reboot Vergil actually says this sentence out loud, but the context is (cough cough) rather different.
So I peppered in quite a few things like that.
I think of them as cryptic little love notes to repeat readers – the ones who maybe know your words even better than you do. It’s a really gratifying interaction when someone picks up on one of the little callbacks, or remarks on the architecture – writing is largely a solitary pursuit by nature, so those interludes of mutuality are all the more valuable.
I ended up doing it with some lines from the games, as well – subverting the infamous “how about a kiss from your little brother” - which also, intriguingly, necessarily changes the speaker of that line, purely because Reboot changed the canon.
Things like that, I think, add to the general idea that both sets of Dantes and Vergils can coexist in the greater Zeitgeist, in parallel, never even knowing when their universes graze up against each other in those odd little moments - and that’s a parity I like, these resonant and recognizable moments - the familiar subverted. It is both new and old, recognizable and surreal.
(Though that’s a fic I’d like to write too, some day - after all, the Yamato is already capable of opening interdimensional portals; canonically it’s not much of a stretch for any of them to wind up in the others’ world - and I’m sure that crossover has been done many, many, many times, but hey, the world can tolerate one more stab at the ol’ canon… ;) ) I think it’s rather to the credit of the developers of Reboot that while they changed the canon significantly, the characters are still recognizable – as they should be, in any good fanfic AU (which, let’s be fair, is basically what Reboot is). While different circumstances have emphasized different aspects of their personalities – and their resultant relationship dynamic and evolution - the core values and motivations of the characters remain intact. In DMC 5, Vergil posits a rhetorical question, addressed to Dante, as he sits beneath the Qliphoth awaiting him – I’m probably badly paraphrasing here, but essentially he says, “If things were reversed that day, would I have your life, and you mine?” It’s an interesting moment, because it seems like an almost wistful musing from him—and yet an uncharacteristically simplistic one. Vergil seems like a guy who believes in multifactorial influences, and not apt to think it could be as simple as “Dante got all the breaks”, so we can surmise that perhaps he summarily mentally answered his own question with a wry, chagrined, “no”. He cannot ultimately let himself believe he is a pawn of fate, and that he had no hand or control in his own destiny—that would be contrary to his entire worldview and self-concept.
And while it would be a convenient and face-saving philosophy to blame fate, or Dante, and he allows himself to entertain the thought, briefly, I believe he rejects it.
What I find interesting is that Reboot actually sort of also answers that question, by having Dante be the one who was disenfranchised and Vergil the one who had all the breaks, and we see that lives are shaped by more than mere circumstances, and that Vergil’s core personality, the parts that remain consistent across universes – curiosity, impulsivity, innovation, creativity, ambition, individualism, idealism – will always lead him through a more dramatic arc than Dante, and subsequently a more resplendent redemption.
There’s a famous Teddy Roosevelt quote that suits what I see as Vergil’s general philosophy, in either universe:
“The credit belongs to those who are actually in the arena, who strive valiantly; who know the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spend themselves in a worthy cause; who at best know the triumph of high achievement; and who, at worst, if they fail, fail while daring greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.” And I think that intuitive consistency across universes is what I rely on most heavily when I go to write either one - the rest is all set-dressing; superficial, and circumstantial. Even if Vergil’s personality is different, or expressed differently, his character is consistent; his theory of mind, his worldview. Same goes for Dante. All that said, I’m not sure I actually addressed what you asked, so if there are more specific questions or things you wanted to know that I completely elided, please feel free to shoot a follow-up. I am at your disposal!
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fivelakesinwriting · 3 years
Private Party Two (Rafe Cameron)
Author's Notes: Rafe's girlfriend just wants to give him the best birthday, but he has his own ideas .. All characters are 18+ (Rafe is 19 anyways..)
Warnings: Swearing, Sexual references - sexual innuendos , Smut * (ropes! choking! unprotected sex - please be careful, your choice how! )
Requested? No. Requests for OBX are open, though!
*My work is not to be transferred, copied, translated or reposted to any other sites without my permission. Please see my masterlist for all other works and warnings. Thank you! xoxo
For someone who enjoyed the company of other's, to be surrounded by other people, it surprised her when he told her that he didn't want a party for his birthday. He only wanted to stay in with her, to do something "quiet" just the two of them.
"Are you sure, Rafe? You don't even want to go out for dinner or anything?" She asked the night before his birthday as they got ready for bed.
Rafe laid in bed and flipped through channels on cable T.V. He laid propped up against the headboard, his eyes flickered over to her as she leaned against the door frame of the adjoined bathroom.
"Nowhere I wanna go." Rafe shrugged as he settled on sports highlights and rested the remote on his abs.
"But it's your birthday!" She replied with a stomp of her foot, flicking out the light of the bathroom and walking to the bed. She climbed on to the mattress and crawled her way over to him, straddling his thighs.
"Believe it or not, I'm perfectly content here. With you and no one else." Rafe smirked as he reached his hands out for her hips and pulled her body further up on his.
"I can't believe you don't want even a little party." She stated as she laid her body flat on his, her breasts pressed to his chest.
"I think you're under the impression that we won't be doing anything for my birthday tomorrow. And that's not the case. Because I already have something in mind." Rafe grinned as his fingers pulled at the soft satin of her bed-shorts to keep her impossibly close.
"Can I know what it is?" She asked as she tried to sit upright, but Rafe refused her movement. He placed a hand on her lower back and forced her to stay flat on top of him.
"Nope." Rafe replied as he closed his eyes and held his girlfriend's backside in the palms of his hands, his fingertips creeping beneath the hem of her shorts.
"Rafe, you can't hold me hostage on top of you like this all night. This isn't comfy." She whined as she wriggled on top of him, her hands reaching for his wrists to pull his palms from her backside.
"Comfy? Hmm. You're gonna have a rough time tomorrow if you find this uncomfortable, pretty girl." Rafe grinned with a firm squeeze of her backside with both hands, his eyes still closed.
"Rafe.." She trailed off with a warning tone, her hands to pressed to his chest as she used all her strength to battle his biceps and sit upright. She looked down at his cocky smile as he kept his eyes closed, his hands still firmly planted on her ass.
"Go to sleep. It's my birthday tomorrow." Rafe replied softly as he removed a hand from her backside to press it against her lower back, slowly lowering her back down against him. He wrapped his biceps around her body and gave a squeeze, he could feel her heart racing against his chest.
"I love you." Rafe grumbled with a kiss to the side of her face.
"I love you, too." She sighed, accepting that he wasn't going to tell her what he planned for his birthday and that wandering hands was all she was going to get from him that night as well.
It was his birthday. He didn't feel any different, but she made him feel so fucking special they could have been knighting him for all he knew.
When Rafe woke up his girlfriend was on top of him, the way he had fallen asleep, except her satin pajamas had been abandoned. She laid with her thighs on either side of him, her lips pressed all over his face.
"Happy birthday, Rafe." She whispered in his ear as she pressed a kiss below his ear.
"Thanks, sweetie. And thanks for unwrapping my present for me." Rafe replied with a sleepy smile as he grabbed at the backs of her thighs to shift her body along his waist down to his lap.
"You're getting more than this for your birthday, Rafe." She replied with a soft tug of his hair at the top of his head, his eyes darting open. He looked at the ceiling, unable to look at his love who peppered kisses along his neck to his chest. He dug his fingertips into her thighs and shifted her to exactly the spot he wanted her.
"What if I don't want more than this?" Rafe mumbled, his voice raspy with sleep as he wrapped her in his arms. He pressed his warm hands to her bare back, her chest flush with his.
She let out a frustrated sigh as she battled his arms and sat upright. She placed her hands on his pecs as she looked down at him as he rested his hands behind his head.
"What's the issue?" Rafe scoffed as he adjusted his pillow beneath his head, his eyes scanning over the naked woman on top of him.
"Let me spoil you on your birthday. Take you out to dinner. Buy you something nice. You can teach me how to play golf or something. You're being impossible, Rafe!" She sighed as she placed her hands on either side of his torso.
"I'm being impossible? All I want to do for my birthday is fuck you. Repeatedly. In every position we can think of. Maybe tie you up. That's it. I don't want to go anywhere. I don't want any bottles, or dinners. I just want you in this bed and all over this apartment." Rafe replied as he kept his hands beneath his head as he moved his gaze from between her legs, up to her breasts and to her pretty face.
"Tie me up?" She asked quietly as she reached forward for his biceps and gave a soft squeeze of his muscles.
"That could be my present." Rafe replied as he flexed his muscles under her touch, raising his eyebrows with a smirk as her hips shifted on top of him.
"Tie me up with what?" She asked while she pulled her hands off his biceps and ran her fingertips over his pecs as she thought about his proposition.
"Won't use anything too much this time. Just one of my ties or something. If you like it I can get some rope, or some handcuffs for us to play with." Rafe grinned as he kept his hands to himself, despite the way he itched to grab her, flip her onto her back and make her his for the first time that day.
"Okay, Rafe." She nodded as her index finger traced through plains of his abs.
"Because you want to? Or because it's my birthday?" Rafe asked as he pulled his hands out from under his head and placed them on her hips. He sat upright, wrapping one arm around her waist, while the other took advantage of her naked body and felt over her skin.
"Because I want to. And if I let you tie me up, maybe you'll let me tie you up." She smiled as she placed her arms over his shoulders and rested her chest against his, her breast pushed up.
"Fat chance, pretty girl." Rafe grinned while he grabbed her hips and flipped her onto her back, his forearms bracing his weight on the mattress.
"You're no fun, Rafe." She whispered as she pressed her thighs to his hips, her hands running up and down his bare back.
"I'm the most fun." Rafe replied with a soft smile and a quick kiss of her lips before he sat up on his knees and reached over to the bedside table, opening the drawer and pulling out a neatly coiled rope.
"Turn over for me?" Rafe asked softly as he began to unwrap the rope as he looked his girlfriend over, still laid on her back on their bed.
"Wait. You already had rope? When did you get this?" She questioned, doing as requested and turned over, pressing up on to her hands and knees.
"Had it for a few months." Rafe replied under his breath as he grabbed her left ankle, pulling it out from beneath her and watched as she fell to her stomach on the bed. Rafe pressed soft kisses along her spine before he grabbed her wrists and held them behind her back, wrapping the rope around her wrists.
"I won't do it too tight this first time. Tell me if you don't like it, and I'll stop." Rafe muttered as he tied the knot securely around a few times. He pulled at her wrists to be sure, a smile on his face as she wiggled her backside at him for attention.
"Rafe." She breathed out against the sheets, her cheek pressed to the mattress to look at him.
"Is it okay, sweetie?" Rafe asked, his hands on her hips once the knot was tied to his satisfaction.
"Do you like it?" Rafe smirked as he lifted her up by her hips to have her kneel on the bed, then straightened up behind her.
"I don't like that I can't touch you, but I do like it. It's different." She replied, her head resting back against his shoulder as Rafe's hands touched her stomach and reached for her breasts. He loved that he had complete control over her and the situation.
"Well, the point is that you can't touch me. I have control, but I promise I'll make it worth it for you." Rafe grinned as he pressed a kiss to the side of her face then trailed his right thumb from between her breasts, down her body.
"Baby." She shivered, fists clenched behind her and against his abs as he walked his fingers between her legs.
"Trust me?" Rafe whispered with a kiss to her neck.
"With my life."
"Good." Rafe growled as he pushed her forward by her hips then reached between her legs for a soft touch. He dropped to his hands above her, his body framed to the shape of hers.
After placing a series of kisses from the back of her neck and down her spine, Rafe sat upright again and held her wrists in one hand while the other pulled at the waistband of his pajamas.
Rafe pulled his manhood out of his pants and dropped back down to his right hand above her as he lined himself up with her entrance. He breathed out a smile as she whined when his tip nudged her wet folds, her wrists tugging at the rope.
"Do you want to stop?" Rafe asked softly, his forehead dropped down to the back of her neck while he waited for her go ahead.
"No! Please, Rafe. Keep going." She replied quickly, her bound wrists reaching for him while her backside wiggled against him to prompt movement.
"Thank you. I love you." Rafe breathed out, his bottom lip between his teeth as he slowly slid inside of her. His hips pressed against her backside as he settled all the way in his love, a kiss pressed to the back of her neck.
"I love you, too." She moaned out, her back arched into him as she waited for his next move.
"Up we go." Rafe smiled as he knelt up then took hold of the rope, pulling her with him. He held the rope in his left hand while his right hand pressed against her stomach, his hips creating a steady upward rhythm.
"Fuuuuck, Rafe." She sobbed out, her head dropped back to his shoulder. She felt so good, but so helpless with her wrists tied behind her back.
"Feel good?" Rafe asked as he slowed his pace down, his thrusts shallow while he kissed down her neck.
"Yeah!" His woman's voice was wrecked as she nodded in response, her fingers attempting to reach for his hand that held her bounds.
"Can you handle riding me like this?" Rafe grunted with a soft bite of her shoulder while he pulsed his hips.
"Yes! Please!" She sputtered out as her hips pushed back against his.
"You're an angel." Rafe growled as he removed himself from inside her briefly, and laid back down on the bed. He grabbed her hips and placed her on top of him, lowering her slowly back down on his member.
"Shit. Fuck, Rafe." She panted while her fingers reached for his knees behind her as best she could to ground herself as his tip nudged her gspot.
"Oh, sweetheart. You look so fucking gorgeous right now." Rafe breathed out, his left hand on her hip to keep her steady while his right hand traveled up the middle of her stomach, between her breasts and around her throat.
Rafe's heart leapt into his throat for a quick moment. His sweet girl, she'd do anything to make him happy. He gently pressed his fingers to her pulse point and felt her innermost walls flutter around him as she orgasmed. He watched his love as her eyes rolled back in her head, her hips chasing after each current of pleasure he gave her.
"So pretty. So fucking good to me." Rafe growled with a few upward thrusts before he spilled inside of her.
His girl fell on top of him with a gasp, her hands still tied up behind her, and pressed a kiss to his neck.
"Let me help you, sweetie." Rafe whispered as he reached behind her for the knotted rope. He untied the rope by memory and dropped it off the edge of the bed.
She ran her hands all over his entire body, deprived of touching him their entire session. She placed soft kisses along his neck and collarbones as her nails pressed into his skin. Rafe shivered under her touch, his own hands running along her body in response.
"Was that okay?" Rafe asked with a smile, his hands on her lower back as he graciously accepted her affection.
"More than okay. Can I tie you up next?" She muttered against his neck, her hands gripped at his hips.
"To the headboard, yeah. I can't really do my job with my hands behind my back." Rafe chuckled as he felt her teeth graze his pulse point.
"That's not fair." She pouted as she sat up , her hands on his pecs for stability.
"It's my birthday." Rafe shrugged with a wide grin as he thumbed at her hips.
"So. Tie you up for my birthday?" She grinned as she trailed her fingers down his abs gently, teasingly, just to make him squirm.
"I told you already. Fat chance, pretty girl."
@starkey-babie @barrysjumpsuit @fashion-fasting @whcclxr @beauvibaby @sodasback @maybankslut @plutooryectors @rottenstyx @pogueslandia @soph0864
*tag list is open, please let me know if I forgot you or you would like to be added/removed from particular posts. I've removed the people that don't pre-populate :(
Please let me know what you think if you have a moment! Thank you so much xoxo
Requests for OBX ARE OPEN!
*this definitely wasn't written as a drew starkey story originally. nope.
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blueluneacy · 5 years
Study Sessions
Okay folks, here it is, prime Jotaro. Let’s see if I am kicked off this site.
I wrote it basically as jotaro is your TA in a bio class since he got his doctorate so theoretically he had to be a TA for a while since they basically force you to do that bc free labor. Anyways, here it is
this is the gud shit, the horny shit, the not sfw shit
Also on AO3!
 You thought you weren’t doing half bad until you got that quiz back. You had studied fairly hard, went to all the review sessions, but still… You weren’t expecting to get what you did.
A C. It wasn’t failing, don’t get it wrong but… You could’ve sworn you were doing better. In the range of B, B+. It was a bit disappointing. You tried to focus on what your teacher was saying during discussion, but still it… Bugged you. Jotaro Kujo… He was a graduate student going for his doctorate in Marine Biology, forced to be a teacher’s assistant for this low grade biology course while he worked on his thesis. You didn’t really care, if he wasn’t such a dick. You just needed this course for your major, and then you could move on from it all. But, still. This just felt ridiculous to you. You sat, listening to some explanation about cellular respiration, and not really caring about it at all. 
“Ah, that’s time. Remember that lab got moved to tomorrow an hour later. If you can’t make it, see me.” Hearing him speak brought you out of your trance, and you slowly packed up your things, making a mental note to ask a friend about what he said in the last 15 minutes of his lecture. You waited for everyone to leave, and just… Looked at him. You weren’t sure how to even start the conversation. You just stared at him. Eventually, he caught on, not even looking up from some book he was reading.
“What is it? Do you have a scheduling conflict?” He asked, and you just swallowed.
“Um… No, I wanted to… To ask you about my quiz?” You mumbled, and he raised an eyebrow. “What about it?” His voice was so cold, you felt yourself recoil a bit.
“Um, well… I don’t understand why you graded my written answers the way you did. I went and answered them correctly, didn’t I?” You questioned, and he just sighed. 
“If you have a problem with how I graded it, you can see me during office hours and we can go over it together.” That line just made you mad. He was pushing you off, you know he was. You grit your teeth and crossed your arms.
“Just because you don’t want to do your job doesn’t mean I should have to suffer.” You said, and almost immediately regretted it. He just looked at you, shaking his head.
“Good grief… Fine then. But I can’t stay and go over this now. What time would you like to meet? If you want it today, then I’ll be in my office working around eight tonight. Is that fine?” He asked, and you paused for a second. Wait, you were actually getting what you wanted? First time for everything. You nodded and did your best to smile.
“Yeah that sounds great! Thank you so much, I’ll see you tonight!” You left the classroom, feeling proud of yourself. You had no idea what you were getting yourself into.
When the evening came, you showed up early just to show how dedicated to class you were. You smiled, waiting by the door of the TA offices, just hoping you weren’t looking like a fool. Jotaro didn’t open the door for you until 8:10. When you saw him, you nearly fell over.
“You’re not… Wearing your jacket.” You mentioned quietly. Jotaro tended to wear a long white jacket, so it was strange to even see his arms. You never noticed how muscular he was under it. He was certainly handsome, but you were sure pursuing any sort of relationship with your teacher would get you in loads of trouble. Not that you ever thought he would look at you in that way.
“I’m not. They just turned the heat on after 3 cold nights, and now it’s boiling in here.” He replied, turning and walking back in, expecting you to follow. You did, you had no other choice if you were to get what you wanted. He was right, it was hot in here. You regretted not wearing something lighter. 
You noticed how empty the room was. It was full of different desks where all the graduate students turned teachers did their work. But, he didn’t lead you to his own desk, instead to a small table in a corner.
“This will work fine. Have a seat and take out the quiz.” He told you, and you sat down, expecting Jotaro to sit across from you. You were mistaken. Instead, he sat right next to you, pulling his chair close. You squeaked and stared at him with wide eyes. 
“Good grief… I can’t read the damn paper upside down. Do you want me to look at this or not?” He said. You swallowed and nodded.
“Alright, so um, the multiple choice is no problem, after all, it was pretty straightforward and I think I did pretty well, but in the written questions,” You showed him the test and turned the page to your written responses. You felt Jotaro lean closer to take a look. You swallowed. You could feel his body heat emanating, and you were thankful you were in a sweater to try and keep from touching his skin. However, the price was that you were broiling, not sure if it was from the heat or from Jotaro.
“I, um, didn’t understand where I went wrong. I’m not saying you’re wrong or anything, I just don’t understand.” You told him, and he thought for a moment, reading over your response. 
“Hmm. I thought your elaboration was poor. Your explanations were basic, giving almost no detail.” He told you, pointing to a question.
“See, here, I asked you to talk about rRNA transcription and translation, and you just gave me the steps of it with no examples.” You grit your teeth, crossing your arms. “You didn’t ask for examples.” You told him.
“I told you to explain it.” 
“And I did.”
“Everyone else gave an example.” You were starting to lose your temper.
“Really? Everyone else, including the people that failed, gave you an example of a protein being translated and transcribed in the human body on their 5 lines that we had to write out the answer to this question. Is that what you’re telling me?” You asked, rolling your eyes and standing up.
“When you explain something, doesn’t it make the most sense to give an example?” He asked, and you just shook your head.
“You’re hopeless. This makes no sense at all.” You crossed your arms, and he just sighed.
“I don’t understand why you’re so upset about this in the first place. You’re right on average with the rest of the class. This quiz is getting curved anyway, so you’ll have your B in the gradebook.” He told you, and you grit your teeth. You didn’t know that, since you were so upset you weren’t paying attention. But, you were angry, so you were gonna go off.
“It’s the principle of the matter. What if we aren’t curved next time, huh? How am I supposed to read your mind? I’m just supposed to guess what you want from me?” You asked, crossing your arms. He just sighed and waved you to sit back down.
“Good grief. Let’s just go through the rest of the questions then. You can vent all your concerns, if your haven’t overheated yet.” He said, and you froze. You didn’t realize how much your face had flushed. You knew that when you were angry, you ran hot, but still… 
“I… I’m fine. I don’t think we need to go over anything else. It is what it is.” You went to take your test, but Jotaro just pulled it away.
“So this was all just a waste of time?” He asked, looking you in the eye. His expression was still so cold, it sent a shiver down your spine. He noticed it.
“What was that?” He asked, and you immediately went into panic mode.
“Nothing! Yep, it was just silly me, not understanding something, and you explained it, so um, if you’ll just let me-” You tried to grab the quiz from his hand again, only for him to grab your wrist.
“You’re lying to me. What’s going on, you look awful.” He said, and you just swallowed, trying to pull away. He wouldn’t let go.
“I’m really fine. It’s just that you’re, I mean, it’s just hot in here. I must just not be feeling well because of it.” You told him.
“Then I’ll walk you back to your dorm.” He said, going for his jacket, but you squeaked out. God, this was getting embarrassing too quickly.
“N-No, it’s really fine, I should get going so you can-” 
“If you’re overheating, you could pass out on the way back. It’s dangerous.” He told you, and you just stammered a bit as you tried to pull away, but with a simple tug of your arm, he was able to pull you closer, keeping you from running. You stumbled right into him, knocking him back until both of you were on the ground. You squeaked, pulling yourself up and looking down on him. You didn’t realize how you were straddling him at the time, just the both of you staring at each other.
“O-Oh my god, I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to, I mean, I didn’t realize-” You tried to pull yourself off of him, when you felt him… Caress your cheek. You froze for a moment, looking right at him.
“You… don’t seem to have a fever. At least we can rule out any sort of illness.” He said, suddenly turning his head to look away from you. You couldn’t help but burst out laughing. 
“God! Even now, you’re still so stoic. I shouldn’t be surprised.” You moved to pull yourself up once again, when you leg brushed up against it, and you flinched. You swallowed, and Jotaro just grit his teeth and looked away. Well then. You apparently had given Jotaro Kujo a hard on from all this. And you immediately turned pale. You pushed yourself up from him and grabbed your test, already running to make your exit.
“Um, well, thank you, and uh, I’ll see you at the la-” You were cut off when you felt him grab your wrist once again, trying to keep you from leaving. Before you could protest, not wanting to give yourself any more shame, he leaned forward and slammed his lips against yours. You gasped, and Jotaro took the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth, stealing your breath away. You stepped back, but every time you did, Jotaro simply stepped forward, until you were against a wall. When he finally pulled away, you were almost nervous, seeing an expression on Jotaro’s face you never could have imagined could exist. One of pure and unbridled lust.
“Jotaro, we… This has to be against some rule, we can’t…” You told him, and his just sighed, leaning into your neck.
“No one has to know… Do you really not want to?” He asked, taking a deep breath in, and you felt yourself shudder once again.
“It… It’s not that I don’t want to… Hell, I really want to, but it’s a matter of should we rather than could we. You know?” You told him, and he just sighed.
“We could make it our little secret.” He replied to you, and you just sighed, relenting a bit.
“You promise no one will know?” 
“I have no one to tell.” He replied with a shrug. Finally, after a moment of thought, you nodded. You could’ve sworn you saw a smirk on his face, but before you could really take true note of it, he was leaning back in to try and tear your clothing off. You gasped, trying to help take off his own, but he was too busy covering you with ravenous kisses to really let you. You let your hands finally feel up his waist, gripping him tightly whenever he nipped at your neck or found a sweet spot to tease. Whenever you did, however, it only seemed to encourage him to toy with that spot even more, until you suddenly let out a mewl. You gasped and let go of Jotaro to try and cover your mouth, but he just shook his head.
“Don’t. Let me hear it.” His voice was soft, but commanding, dominant. You didn’t hesitate to listen, letting yourself moan more freely.
“W-Will… Will anyone hear?” You asked as he started to travel lower, pulling at the hem of your pants.
“Everyone should be gone by now. I stay late so no one bothers me.” He told you, and you let out a sigh of relief. It was cut off by Jotaro reaching in your pants to see if you were ready. You most definitely were, and you let out a moan as he touched you, squirming against him.
“J-Jotaro, please…” You begged, and he actually… Laughed a little.
“What is it?” His voice was so smooth, you felt like you could just let yourself melt into it, completely relax into his presence.
“Stop fucking around with me and just fuck me already.” You told him, and he shook his head.
“Good grief… If that’s what you want.” He let you go from the wall, only to pull you over to the table again, leaning you onto your back. He pulled away and you watched as he undid his belt and pulled off his pants, revealing himself. You gasped as you saw how massive he was.
“I… Do you really think that’ll fit?” You asked, a bit nervous, but he just leaned closer, starting to grind against you.
“We’ll just have to test it out then.” He told you, burying his face into your neck once again as he began to inch himself inside of you. You cried out, both at the pain of the stretch and the pleasure it was bringing you. You felt Jotaro sigh as he inched himself inside of you until he was completely sheathed. He sat like that for a bit, giving you time for your body to adjust, for the painful throb to finally subside. And then, when he finally thought you were ready, he began to move.
You moaned as you felt Jotaro start to move, your arms wrapping around him as he thrust into you at a merciless pace. He groaned quietly into your neck, panting as he moved, occasionally biting into the same spot of your neck. You were certain you would have a bruise there tomorrow. And yet, you continued to moan, to the point where tears were streaming down your face.
“Is this good? Do you like this?” He asked, his husky voice enough to get you drooling. 
“Y-Yes, Jotaro! It feels so good!” You told him, and he grunted, giving a particularly hard thrust that made you squeal. “Fuck… Good. What a good student I have.” You could tell by his town that he was meant to be teasing you, but it caused you to squeeze against him a little tighter. You couldn’t help it, it was kind of hot to hear him praise you like that. Unfortunately, he seemed to catch on.
“You like when I say that? When I call you my good little student?” He asked, and you whined, trying to claw into his back at this point. You could feel your body start to teeter towards the edge at this point.
“Y-Yes, I like it! Please, Jotaro, I’m so close!” You cried out, and he just chuckled before beginning to slam into you even harder. He was going to make sure you couldn’t walk right for a week.
“Then cum. Show me how good I make you feel.” He commanded, and you couldn’t help but give in. You moaned his name loudly, his word making you fall over the edge. You felt your entire body spasm from the ordeal, waves of pleasure coming over you. You heard Jotaro let out a small curse from under his breath, and pull out just in time to cum on your chest. The two of you were just panting, still in euphoria from the bliss that the two of you had felt together. You sat up slowly, and Jotaro leaned in to give you a kiss. It was certainly mouthy, no doubt, but it felt much more meaningful than the one that started this whole mess. 
And then, he pulled away, refusing to make eye contact with you.
“Well… I guess I was wrong. You seem to be in good health.” He told you, and you nodded slowly. This was just a one time thing, after all. You both would probably never speak of it again. You began to clean yourself up, while Jotaro walked over to his desk and packed a few things up. You tried your best to look presentable, hoping that your roommate wouldn’t comment about how you probably reek of sex. 
And then, the both of you left the room, Jotaro locking the door behind the both of you.
“I’ll see you tomorrow in lab then. Make sure to have the prelab assignment done.” He told you, and then he left. You walked in the opposite direction, hoping to go home and rest for a bit. Your body ached, surely no doubt protesting your decision to move so soon, but still, it was time to go home. To forget this all happened, and hope he forgot too. The true walk of shame was going to be in tomorrow’s lab, after all.
There was however, a small hope in your heart, that you tried to push down. To hope such a thing would only leave you sad, only hurt you. And yet, there it was. 
The hope that this could happen again.
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noladyme · 4 years
Skip To My Lou, My Darling - Chapter 7, This Is How You Remind Me Of What I Really Am I
The road so far...
Lulu has somewhat settled in to the bunker with the Winchesters - the ever affectionate Dean, and his sick brother, Sam - after facing both vampires, demons and a frozen ghost. Frustrated from all training and no actual hunting, she seeks out something for herself. But when she meets the scribe of God, her world - once again - is turned upside down.
Our story continues in season 9.
Tag list  @edonaspanca​ @wonderlandfandomkingdom​
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“… with the fall a witness/keeper (translation unclear) will be chosen; and she will come to know them all by their grace…” - Kevin Tran’s translation from old Enochian, from the angel tablet; handwritten by God’s scribe.
“No”. “Yes!”. “It’s not happening”. “Dean, come on…!”.
A month after our incident in Sioux Falls, Dean was still sore about me driving his car without his say so. It had been 15 of the most thrilling minutes of my life, before he’d literally threatened to set fire to Sam’s computer – and I’d relented; pulling over to let him drive his baby himself. I’d spent days after our return to the bunker making amends in every way possible; but even pie and sex – and pie during sex – had still not earned me back my front seat privileges.
“Sam’s not even going out with us – and you won’t let Kevin leave the bunker. I’m not sitting in the back seat, when it’s just the two of us in the car”, I complained. “Then you’re not going”, Dean declared. “Fine. You go grocery shopping alone”, I smirked. “I’m late, anyways. Remember my shade?”. Dean frowned. “I’m not buying you lipstick alone!”. I crossed my arms. “You absolutely are. I need it”, I said. “For what?”, Dean whined. “For my job…”, I said.
I’d taken a job as a bartender in a small music venue in Kansas City, just across the state line to Missouri. I didn’t actually have any bills to pay, but I hated living of Dean and Sam; and wanted my own earnings.
“You don’t need to work. I can have Charlie set you up with a card”, Dean muttered. “Ugh, this again”, I groaned. “You’ve had me on lockdown for weeks! I need to go out… Further away than the local Wendy’s”. “So, now you’re complaining about my choice of date-destinations?”, Dean grunted. I rolled my eyes. “Yeah… date”, I grumbled. “I paid!”, Dean “Even got you flowers…”. “That you stole from a Gas-n-Go!”, I frowned. “You even made me distract the cashier while you did it”. “What about the candlelit dinner?”, he asked. “We went through the drive-thru; and you put a birthday candle in my burger!”, I yelled. “And – oh yeah – Sam was there”. “It was a job!”, Dean shrugged. “Not my fault the joint was haunted”.
I threw my hands up in frustration, and stomped out of Deans room, to go find my stuff in room 13. He followed me down the hall. “And when are you gonna move in properly?”, he grunted. “You sleep in my room every night. No reason to waste electricity on another room”. “You have an unlimited supply of resources in this place”, I muttered, and stepped into the room; searching my bag for the dress demon-Tamara had given me. It would be fine for my first shift at the bar; as long as I wore jeans underneath it.
“It’s like you don’t want to be here… around me”, Dean said. I turned to face him. “This has nothing to do with you, Dean”, I smiled. “I need this for myself. I can’t be your in house sex-bunny for the rest of my life!”. Dean smirked and stepped up to me – twirling a lock of my hair around his fingers. “You didn’t mind last night…”, he teased.
He slid his hand around my waist, and pulled me flush against him. I swallowed hard, as his scent hit my nose, and warmth began merging from my core. “Dean…”, I croaked; as he leant in, and brushed his lips against my neck. “Lou…”, he breathed. His other hand travelled down to my bottom. “I need…”, I rasped. “Me too…”, Dean smiled; and moved his mouth to nibble at my lobe. “No… Oh, that feels… No!”. I pushed him away. “I have to get ready…”. “For grocery shopping?”, Dean grunted. “For work!”, I sighed. “You’re shopping alone, remember?”.
Dean went to lean against the wall. “I’d honestly rather have you hunting…”, he muttered. I smiled over my shoulder at him, and got out my makeup purse. “The last time we went on a hunt together – not counting the Wendy’s poltergeist – I got a ghost STD”, I chuckled. “So you’re done hunting?”, Dean asked; a slight hopeful tone to his voice. “Nope”, I said; and began taking off my t-shirt. “You just gonna look at me, while I change?”. “Absolutely!”, Dean smirked. I pulled off my top completely; walked over to him; and placed his hands on my bra-covered breasts. “Boobs. You happy now?”, I sighed. Dean looked like a kid in a candy store, and he smiled at my mounds. “Now, will you let me get ready?”.
I backed away from my main squeeze; leaving him to squeeze the air. “Oh, come on!”, he whined. “You can’t do that, and then just…”. “I absolutely can”, I smiled. “Oh, and until you let me ride shotgun again, that’s the last time you’ll get near these puppies”. “Fine!”, Dean growled. “But no driving!”.
I pulled the dress over my head, and pulled it down over my bottom. “You gonna wear pants with that?”, he muttered. “I hadn’t planned on it”, I lied; and instantly decided not to. “Do you have a problem with how I look?”, I challenged; turning around to face him again – sending him a sly grin. “Not at all… if you were a strip…”. He paused when he saw my expression. “Strip… mall… employee… Please don’t kill me”. He tried for an innocent smile. I sighed. “I like this dress. I like how I look in it”, I said. “So do I”, Dean retorted. “And so will every other male in a fifty mile radius, with a pulse… Maybe even some women”. “And that’s a problem?”, I asked.
Dean sat down on the bed, and threw his hands up in surrender. “What do you want me to say?”, he asked. “Go serve beers to strangers, looking like a dancer from an AC/DC video; and leave me here with my sick brother, to figure out how to close the gates of Hell?”. I blushed. “You think I look that good?”, I smiled. Dean grunted nonsensically.
I walked over to him, and straddled his lap; running my fingers through his short hair. “You wanted me to stay out of these trials; and I am”, I said. “I’m not even complaining that you’re keeping the king of Hell in the dungeon, we were supposed to make into a playroom”. I was still unhappy that I’d been cheated out of having a place to set up a gaming-room to hang out with Charlie in when she visited – I’d fallen in complete platonic love with the sweet nerd, after we’d been introduced a few weeks before.
Dean put his arms around my waist, and held me close. “There’s too much going on right now… You, out there – alone… I don’t like it”. His expression was serious. “I have my tattoo…”. I kissed his forehead. “… hex bags…”. His left cheek. “… my blade…”. Right cheek. Dean raised a brow at me. “Which you’ll hide where?”, he grunted. “That dress is… Crap, you really look hot!”. I chuckled, and pressed my lips to his. Dean held me tighter – making our kiss linger – and very distracting thoughts develop in my brain.
I groaned in frustration as he leant backwards, pulling me with him. “Stay…”, he breathed against my lips; and pushed me to lay on my back – leaning over me. His hand wandered up my thigh, and slid under the dress; tugging at my panties at my hip. “Dean…”, I sighed. “You want me to stop?”, he smirked, and moved his lips to kiss my neck; while putting his leg over me – his knee between my legs. “No… But I have to go”. “You really don’t…”, he whispered, and stroked his index finger inside my underwear; making me gasp when it found my folds. “It’s gonna take me forever to get to KC, without a ride. I need to catch a bu… oh my god…”. Deans finger entered me, and his thumb stroked my clit in that delicious way he’d found could make me soar. “I’ll give you a ride…”, he chuckled. “I’ll even drive you to work, afterwards”. “Please don’t make this harder than it already is…”, I moaned. “Right back at you, sweetheart”, Dean smirked.
As Dean kept pushing all the right buttons, I was soon quivering under his touch. He circled my nub, and stroked my walls in slow torturous movements, and with a desperate squeak, I came. “You don’t play fair”, I whimpered. “Playing fair doesn’t win the game. I taught you that during poker lessons”, he chuckled. He removed his finger from my insides, and slipped it into his mouth. “Now that that is settled, we can get back to that naked Karate Kid marathon”.
I got my panties back in place, and laughed softly. “I’m still going to work”, I smiled. “What?”, Dean grunted. “You thought you could convince me with a bit of playtime?”, I chuckled. I got up from the bed – trying desperately not to give away how much like jelly my legs felt – and pulled my dress back down. Dean grumbled, and got up as well.
I grabbed my leather jacket – slid my blade into the pocket I’d sown into that one as well – and put it and my ankle boots on. Dean followed me down the hallway – a sour expression on his face. We bumped in to Kevin, who instantly blushed at the sight of me. “You look nice, ma’am”, he said, not meeting my eyes; and scuttered off into his own room. “Thanks, Kevin!”, I smiled at him, as he closed the door behind him. “That kid is weird…”, I muttered. “He just doesn’t know how to talk to girls”, Dean said. “Especially ones in mini-dresses”.
Sam was seated in front of his computer in the library; looking sick as a dog. “How are you feeling?”, I said. Sam coughed, and ran a hand over his face. “I’ll be fine”, he said. Dean frowned. “I finished your ID. You sure about the name, though?”. “Yup”, I smiled. He handed me a driver’s license with my picture on it. “Well, here you go; Jordan Knight from Denver”, he said with a crooked smile. “Thank you”, I said.
I went to grab my purse. “Pop quiz!”, Dean called out. “I’ve got a bus to catch”, I groaned. Dean raised a brow at me. “Fine. Go”. “Werewolf”, Dean said. “Silver”, I sighed. “Ghoul?”, Sam challenged. “Decapitation”, I retorted. “We’re being too easy on you…”, Dean grunted. “Lamia”. “Season well with rosemary and salt; then cook over fire until dead”, I said, rolling my eyes. “Can I go now? I’ll be late”. “Smartass”, Dean muttered.
Sam stood up. “You got your hex bags? Holy water?”. I picked up my purse from the table. “Yes, dad”, I smiled. He chuckled weakly. “See you tomorrow”. Dean followed me to the stairs. “I put silver bullets in your .45. Carved devil’s traps into them”, he muttered. “Thanks, Daddy”, I smirked – making his lips twitch into a smile. I got on my toes, and kissed him gently. He squeezed my bottom. “I should take you…”, he said. I looked back at Sam, who’d gone back to his work. “You need to take care of your little brother”, I said. “Get groceries – and my lipstick. I’m almost out”. He grunted, and stole another kiss; before I walked up the stairs, and left the bunker.
It being my first shift at the bar, I was happy it wasn’t too busy. A cover band played poor renditions of Queen; and the free drinks for employees came in handy – making it easier to deal with the guitarist’s butchering of the classics. Tips were good as well; probably due to my dress.
Taking a break around midnight, I checked my phone. I had one voicemail. “Lou. We had to go. Kevin figured out something… I don’t know when we’ll be back. I’m sorry… We brought the house guest with us, so you’ll have the place to yourselves… Please be careful. Don’t go out there alone. You know what I’m talking about… I love you”.
Don’t go out there alone. Dean didn’t want me hunting; but he also didn’t tell me where he and Sam where going, or what they were doing. They’d taken Crowley. Whatever was happening, it was big – and I couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated to not have been included in the plans. Sam was sick, and Dean knew I would do anything for his brother – and for him.
I frowned my way through the rest of the shift; and hitched a ride with one of my new coworkers back to Lebanon. She was a cute as a button girl – just out of college – named Chloe. “It was a good first night for you Jordan! You should have seen me on my first shift”, she smiled, as I got out of the car by a building, I’d told her I lived in. “Yeah, I’ve worked in bars before”, I said. “I can tell. Well, good night!”. I waved her off, and waited until her Volvo was out of sight, before I took the 3-mile trek towards the bunker, on foot.
It felt strangely empty without the boys and Castiel there. Kevin’s face went white the minute I’d stepped into the library, and he practically ran to his room, to avoid conversation. Both the brother’s rooms showed evidence of them packing up in a hurry; Dean even having nabbed one of my own flannels – either by mistake, or because he liked how it’s snugness looked on him. Knowing him, it was probably the latter.
I texted him once I’d crawled under the sheets in his bed. - You stole my shirt. Bring it back whole. And come back whole yourself. x I snuggled up to his pillow, which smelled like his shampoo, musk and gunpowder – reminding me to put my gun under my own pillow as I slept.
I had a restless sleep; and when I woke around noon, I still hadn’t heard back from Dean or Sam. I was getting worried, and considered calling up some of the emergency numbers I had in my phone; to see if any hunters had heard from any of them. I decided against it, knowing that the brothers would give me hell if I got anyone else involved in their plans. For all I knew, they were actually in the process of saving the world right then and there.
My second night at the bar was busier than the night before. I was struggling with not knowing what was going on with Dean and Sam; and once again with the music. Bad renditions of Queen were now terrible ones of Zeppelin. Dean would have torn the place apart; or at the very least threatened the lead singer with a black eye, if he was there.
“Jordan! Table 4”, Chloe called out, and handed me a tray of drinks. I made my way through the crown, and smilingly served the patrons waiting. Once back at the bar, I checked my phone again. Nothing. I went into a storage room, and called up Kevin. “Hello…?”. “Kevin, it’s Lulu. Have you heard from the guys?”. There was no answer. “Kevin?”. “Sorry”, he squeaked. “You have my number?”. “Uh huh. And now you have mine”, I smiled. “Cool…”, the advanced placement student breathed. “Kevin? You heard from them”, I asked. “Uhm… no. Nothing. I can call you… if I do. Is it ok if I call you?���, he croaked. “Yes, Kevin. It’s ok if you call me”, I sighed. “Ok. Bye!”. He hung up. “Weird kid…”, I muttered.
I gave in, and dialed up Dean. Waiting to hear from him was tearing me apart. “This is Dean’s other, other, other cell. Two people have this number. If you’re not one of them, hang up. Sam; you know the deal. Find the nearest bar. Lou; yes… to whatever you’re about to say. Unless it’s driving privileges… beep”. I sighed. “Dean… What’s going on? Are you ok? I’m worried. Please call me… And I’m getting behind that wheel at some point. We both know it… I love you”. I hung up, and went back to work.
I plastered on my fakest grin, and served beers for another hour, before, suddenly, someone called out for me. And not a person I’d hoped. “Lulu?”. I froze in place. “Lulu! It is you!”. Pete was standing right in front of me. “Hi… Pete”, I croaked. “What are you doing here? I thought you went back to Denver, when your old job went out of business”. Pete grinned at me. “Yeah, I did. I’m filling in as a singer for the next band”, he said. “Their lead has mono”. “Oh… ok”, I said.
He opened his arms for a hug, and I stepped into his arms; giving him a half-hearted embrace. A chill went through my body, reminding me of the intense cold I’d experienced while suffering from ghost possession a month before. “How are you?”, he asked. “Did Alaska not work out?”. “It was… too cold”, I said; and wiggled out of his hold. “You look good, honey”, he said. “Pete…”, I groaned. “Sorry, I know… It’s still hard not to think of you like that…”, Pete muttered. “I still think you and me…”. I shook my head. “No… Let’s not do that”, I said. “Is there someone else”. “Yes”, I replied. “And it’s serious?”, he croaked. “Very”, I nodded. “Look, my shift is almost over. I have to go”.
I went to pick up a tray from the bar, but Pete followed. “Lulu!”, he sighed, and grabbed my arm. “I have to go”, I said, and shrugged him off. “Who is he?”, Pete called after me. “How long? Was it while you and I were still…? Lulu, you owe me that much”. I sighed. “I’m sorry. I can’t talk about it”. “Why?”. I ran my hand through my hair, desperate to avoid the situation. “I’m in… witness protection”, I said quietly. Pete frowned. “After that thing at your hotel? With those fugitives?”. I nodded. “It’s complicated. But I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone you saw me here”.
“Jordan!”, Chloe called from behind the bar. “You gonna grab these drinks?”. I snatched up the tray. “Pete… Have a good show”, I muttered, and walked away; leaving him looking flabbergasted after me.
I knew what my encounter with Pete meant. I couldn’t keep working here. I should have stayed out of KC all together; but doing something for myself had made me happy. Nabbing up my tips, I discretely got my purse and my jacket, and slipped out the back of the bar, hurrying down the busy street, to catch a bus or a ride, or whatever I could, to get back to Lebanon.
The hair at the back of my neck were raising, and I felt shivers down my spine. Something was wrong. A part of my training with Sam and Dean the last month, had literally been hide and go seek; and I was at the point where I could feel it in my bones, when I was being tailed. Sliding my hand into my purse, I cocked the hammer on my gun, and went down an alley. I ducked behind a dumpster; and waited.
Pete came down the alley, clearly having followed me. I secured my gun, and stepped forward. “Pete, you should go. Please”, I said. Pete stepped over to me, and pulled me into his arms. He seemed stronger than he’d been when we were together, and it took everything in me to not let my hunter instinct take over, and go for my blade. “Let me go”, I muttered. “For both our sakes”. He pulled his head back, and looked at me with hard eyes. “Why? Because he’ll hurt you otherwise? Or me?”. I put my hands to his chest, and pushed hard. “What’s that supposed to mean?”, I sputtered. Pete narrowed his eyes at me, and ran his fingers down the still healing bruise on my neck, where the vampire Patrick had bitten me. “This… This is what he does to you. I can see in your eyes that you’re afraid!”.
Pete wasn’t wrong. I was afraid, but not of Dean. I was afraid for him, and for the rest of the world, with everything he and Sam were doing at the moment. Pete tilted his head, and stroked my cheek. “I lie awake… I drive myself crazy, thinking of you”, he sang softly. “Why are you singing that song?”, I croaked. “It’s your song… remember? You thought I wouldn’t remember, how you’d sing this to yourself, in the shower; while cleaning the bar after closing time… Even after sex. And then you’d close your eyes, and frown. That cute little frown”. He ran a finger across my forehead. “It’s not my song, Pete”. I knew I’d have to say something now, to finally get through to him. “It’s ours. His and mine. It was always him… I’m sorry”.
I shrugged Pete off, and began walking back towards the street, when suddenly he grabbed my arm, and put his hand on the back of my head, pressing his lips to mine. I desperately tried to push him off. “Stop!”, I cried out. Pete almost growled. “You know, you broke my heart!”, he said. “When you left me. You and me… we’re endgame. So you can call yourself Lulu or Jordan, or whatever… I’m still gonna…”. He pushed me backwards against a wall, and held me there. “Let me make you happy again”, he breathed, and attacked my lips. I tried raising my knee, but Pete pushed it down, and held himself flush against me – holding on hard to my arm, probably leaving bruises.
“Hey!”, someone called out. A middle-aged man had appeared in the alley. He put a hand on Pete’s arm, and pulled him off me. “I think you should leave the lady alone”. “Stay out of this, man!”, Pete snarled. “I’m her…”. He was distracted long enough for me to raise my fist, and punch him across the jaw, making him stumble backwards. “Leave, Pete!”, I growled. “Before something really bad happens”.
Pete stepped forwards, with an enraged expression painted on his face. The stranger stepped between us, and put a hand on his shoulder. Pete’s face immediately calmed, as he looked at the man. “Walk away, Pete. Now’s not the time”. “Now’s not the time”, Pete repeated; turned around, and walked out of the alley – leaving me with the stranger.
“Hello, Lulu”, the man smiled. I slipped my hand into my purse, and pulled out my gun. “Silver bullets, and devil’s traps carved into them”, I growled. “Who are you, and why are you here?” The man raised his hands into the air. “I’m not a demon!”, he called out. “And those bullets won’t hurt me… My name is Metatron”. I looked the man over. He was short; on the chubby side, and had unruly curly hair. He didn’t look that part of the scribe of God. “You?”, I grunted; slowly lowering my gun. “You’re Metatron?”. The little man smiled softly. “Yes, I am”, he said.
I took a step backwards, secured my gun, and put it back into my purse. “What do you want with me?”. He grinned. “Castiel speaks highly of you. Says you are a good friend, and that he enjoys spending time with you”, he responded. “I don’t have many friends here on earth, and in just a minute, something very big is going to happen. I’d like to share the moment with someone special. You will be the witness”. Metatron raised two fingers – walked towards me – and put them against my chest; right above my heart. A jolt went through me, like someone had put live electricity through my body. I cried out in pain. “What did you do to me? Where is Cass?”, I croaked. On shaky legs I tried to move away; but the angel grabbed my arm. “He’s… unavailable”, Metatron replied. “Now come here. Stand next to me”. I shook my head, and reached for my blade in my jacket. “No thank you. Stranger danger”, I gulped. The angel frowned. “That’s not very friendly. Especially after I saved you from Pete. Come here!”, he said; and yanked hard at my arm. “Look up!”.
I followed his line of sight into the sky; and my jaw dropped. “Can you see them?”, Metatron breathed. What looked like falling stars or comets where dropping from the sky, lighting up the alley, and the angel’s smiling face. “What are they?”, I croaked. “It’s the angels…”, he sighed. “They’re falling. Isn’t it beautiful?”. My breath hitched. “What did you do?”, I rasped. “What did we do? We changed the world!”, Metatron laughed. “I’m creating a new heaven”.
The angel grabbed my hand, and kissed my knuckles. “Thank you for sharing this moment with me!”, he smiled. “Castiel was right to choose you. You’re a good companion… I’ll remember that”. “What’s that supposed to mean?”, I whispered, and pulled my arm from his grasp. “It means, I’ll consider letting you live… if you make the right decisions when the time comes”. He winked at me. “Go home… wherever that is. We’ll meet again”. He was gone.
I tucked away my blade, and made my way back to the street on wobbly legs. People around me were looking at the sky. Once in a while I’d hear a random stranger mutter yes, and see them jolt slightly. It was as if an aura of light would come over them afterwards.
I dialed up Dean. After three rings, he finally picked up. “Lou”, he croaked. “Dean, what’s happening? The sky is on fire, and I was just… molested by both my ex and the scribe of God!”, I almost yelled. A homeless man passing me, gave me a strange look. “What did he do? Did he hurt you?”, Dean growled. “I don’t know…”, I admitted. “He touched me in that freaky angel way. Said he wanted me to witness”, I breathed. “What the hell…?”. I could hear that he was driving. “Baby, go home”. I continued walking down the sidewalk, once in a while getting a strange look from random strangers. They would nod at me, as if they knew me – their eyes alight with something I couldn’t define. “I can’t”, I whispered. “I think I have something stuck to my shoe”. “Dammit!”, Dean cried out, at my use of code. “Ok… Have you heard from Cass?”. “No, nothing”. I sighed. “Did you finish it?”. “No”, Dean said. “Yes… it’s complicated. Sam’s hurt. I have to find some help for him”. “Oh my god… What can I do?”. “Nothing… Lou, you need to disappear. Don’t let anyone find you. You know how to do that”. “Dean…”, I whimpered. “Please let me come to you. I need to help. I don’t even know who I’m hiding from”. “Help me by staying safe. Out of sight. Please do this for me, Lou… I can’t lose both of you”, Dean rasped. “I love you…”. “I love you, Dean”, I whispered. “I’ll find you when it’s over”. He hung up.
I was alone again. Kansas City wasn’t an option, I needed to get out of there as soon as possible. If I went to Lebanon – to the bunker – I’d draw whoever I was hiding from to it. I only had my most basic hunting tools, and no skills to fight anything more dangerous than a vampire or a very weak demon. The only thing I could do was – for once – to listen to Dean, and do as I was told. I needed to disappear.
I hadn’t learnt to hotwire a car, and had no real cash to get me anywhere, so hitchhiking was my way forward. It took me 4 days to get to a small town in Michigan, named Hell. I was nothing if not aware of my situation. Last time I’d disappeared, I’d gone to Nowhere, because I didn’t want to be found by Dean, or by anyone else for that matter. This time, I’d literally gone to Hell, to avoid angels.
I was hungry and tired when I got out of a car full of rowdy frat boys, who wanted to party in the home of the Devil himself. I declined their offer of shacking up with them in their hotel, and instead searched out a cheap motel; which I knew I had no way to pay for. I’d have to think about that later.
Dean hadn’t called me, and I was unsure whether it would be safe to call him. I holed up in my room, snacked on cheap noodle cups, and kept my head down, when I once in a while was forced to leave the room by the maid – who would not take no for an answer, when I said I didn’t need my room cleaned up. I couldn’t be around her when she worked; her eyes were too intense, and she stared at me in a weird way.
After 3 more days of sheer panic; my phone finally rang, as I was lying in bed. I didn’t recognize the number, and my hands where shaking when I picked up. “Hello?”, I muttered. “Baby?”, Deans voice said. “What table?”, I croaked. “13. Always 13”, his warm voice said. “Dean… What’s going on? Can I come home?”, I whimpered. “Where are you?”, he asked. “Is it safe for you to know?”, I retorted. “Yeah…”. “In Hell”, I said. “What?”, he grunted. “Michigan. Hell. It’s a thing”, I sighed. “I wanna come back…”. Dean paused before answering. “That’s not a good idea right now, Lou”. “Oh…”, I croaked. “I’m sorry. Sam’s not… himself. It might not be safe. For either of you”. “I understand”, I lied. “You’re lying”, he grunted. “Yeah, I am. Why can’t you tell me what’s happening? When will this be over?”. He sighed, and I heard him moving from his room and down the hall – I recognized the echo. “Soon. I think. I need to keep Sam safe. And you”. “From what?”, I asked. “I don’t know who the bad guys are, and I don’t know how to protect myself from them… You know I hate to admit it, but I’m freaking out here!”. He must have stepped into the library, because the echo changed again. “I know… Look, I have to finish something up here, but after that I can come up to Michigan”, he said. “I wish… I wish it was different. Just please trust me”.
I heard Sam step into the room. “Is that Lulu?”, he asked. “How’s her case going?”. “What is he talking about, Dean?”, I asked. “Yeah, it’s good. She’s good”, Dean said. “Look, sweetheart, I gotta go. Sam says hi. And uhm… iron, for witches. Ok?”. “Dean?”, I breathed. “Bye”. He hung up.
I dropped the phone on the bed, and curled up. Something was very wrong.
I woke to a text from Kevin. Hi. This is Kevin Tran. Dean wants your address. So if you could text me back with that, that would be cool. xo K-Man. Five minutes later I got another text from the kid. Hi again. I didn’t mean to write xo. That was just a typo. Have a nice day. Kevin. I chuckled to myself, and texted him my info, sending him an xo in return. Because he deserved it.
In the afternoon I scraped up what little cash I had, and went to the front desk to pay for the week, but was informed that it had already been taken care of by a card registered to Gene Simmons. At least Dean had my back there. I was frustrated and angry. Dean was lying to Sam about where I was and what I was doing; and he apparently didn’t trust me enough to let me know what was going on either. At the same time, I missed him like crazy, and wanted nothing more than to be in his arms, and feel his warmth. In more ways than one, I was in Hell.
When the door knocked the morning after, I sprang out of bed, and quickly got dressed in jeans and my tank-top, to finally yell at the maid to go Heaven, because we were already in Hell; and I wanted her far, far away. I yanked open the door, and enraged look on my face; when I immediately let out a sigh of relief at the man in front of me.
Dean looked exhausted. He had dark circles around his eyes, and he was healing from some bruises to his jaw. I grabbed a hold of his jacket collar, and pulled him close – throwing my arms around his neck – and kissed him. “I drove all night”, he rasped. “I’m so sorry, Lou…”. “Shut up, and come in”, I said, and breathed in his scent; before pulling him inside. Dean looked around the room. “Wow… you really did go to Hell”, he grunted. “Does this place even take HBO?”. “The tv doesn’t work”, I muttered. “What happened? The truth, Dean. I can’t deal with lies right now”.
Dean scrunched up his brows. “I don’t know what to tell you… What happened with Metatron?”, he asked. I shrugged, still confused. “He was… weird”. “They tend to be”, Dean smirked. “Yeah but… The way he touched me… Then he wanted me to stand with him, and look at the angels falling. Witness, he said…”. Dean’s eyes fell to the ground. “He said that?”, he grunted. “Witness…”. “Yeah… Does that mean anything to you?”. Dean cleared his throat, and shook his head. “No. Nothing. Probably just weird angel talk… you know how they can be”. His expression was unreadable.
“Did they all fall? Where are they?”, I asked. “We think so… It seems Metatron tricked Cass into locking up Heaven…”, Dean muttered. “Holy crap…”, I gasped. “How is Sam?”, I muttered, walking over to make the bed – feeling strangely vulnerable. “We ended the trials… stopped before he could finish”, he said. “They were killing him…”. “Is he ok?”, I gulped. I couldn’t bear the thought of my friend hurt. “He’s getting there. I have someone working on it”.
I went to turn on the brewer for coffee. Dean knew my routine, and grabbed two mugs from the cabinet under the counter. I scratched my head. “I can’t stay here. I have none of my things with me. I can’t even hunt”. Dean narrowed his eyes. “Right…”, he said; before leaving the room for a moment – coming back with my backpack, and a duffle. “I brought some stuff”. He brought the bags over to the table, and set them down there.
“Looks like you’re kicking me out of the bat-cave permanently”, I grunted. “How can you think that?”, Dean exclaimed. “You know I want you with me… I practically begged you to move in to the bunker permanently, while you were doing everything to get away from it”. “I wasn’t”, I whispered; a tear escaping my eye. “I just needed to… do something for myself. Have something of my own, that I earned, and worked for”.
“That why you took that job?”, he asked. I nodded. “How did it go?”. “It didn’t…”, I said. “Pete turned up. I couldn’t stay there”. “Pete”, Dean sneered. “Don’t know which one of those dicks I hate more – him or Metatron”. “You don’t know Pete. He’s just a guy”. “He’s a douche…”, he grunted. “The man listens to Nickelback!”. I couldn’t help but chuckle, and wiped my eyes. Dean stroked my cheek. “Yeah… I don’t know what I was thinking”, I whispered.
Dean’s eyes travelled to my arm, which was still sporting faint bruises from my encounter with my ex. He lifted the arm gingerly, and ran his fingers over the now mostly purplish mark. “I’m gonna rip his lungs out!”, he growled. “Please, just leave it alone”, I croaked. “It’s over”. “He hurt you!”, Dean roared. “No more than I would have hurt him, if Metatron hadn’t stepped in”, I said. Dean raised a brow at me. “If I see him again, he’s dead”, he proclaimed. I tugged at his jacket, and pulled myself closer to him; feeling his tense body relax against me. He lowered his face to me, and kissed me gently; stroking my temple. “I’m sorry”. “Stop saying that, and show me what you brought”, I said.
Dean went back over to the table, and began pulling things of the bags. “Bobby’s… your journal”, he muttered. “Gooferdust – remember to use it whenever you check in somewhere new. Iron knife, silver knife… A jar of dead man’s blood, and some syringes…”. “Everything a working girl needs in her purse”, I jested. “And my clothes?”. “Kevin packed it up”, Dean said. “Huh… you let the teenage prophet go through my underwear?”, I smirked. Dean paused for a second. “I didn’t think that through”, he grunted. “Oh, and this…”. He handed me a small drugstore bag. I looked inside. “You got my shade!”, I smiled, and pulled out the lipstick. He chuckled. “Of course I did”.
I picked up a sawn-off shotgun. “So, you’re good with me hunting all of a sudden?”, I asked. He took the gun from my hands, and demonstrated the use. “Sam already showed me”, I smirked. “Of course he did…”, Dean grunted. “No, I’m not. But it’s your choice… And you’re… actually kind of ok at it”. I pouted playfully. “Aww… thanks”. I put down the shotgun. “Really…”.
We stood for a moment. “I hate this…”, Dean said. “What, awkward silence?”, I muttered. “No… leaving you out here alone”. He frowned deeply. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this. You were supposed to…”. “Bake you pies in my underwear, while you save the world?”, I smirked. Dean’s eyes glazed over for a moment, as he pictured the sight. He cleared his throat. “I mean, that would be fine by me”, he muttered. “But no. I wanted to train you. Make sure you were ready, before you finally realized you were crazy for staying with me, and ran off on bigger and better adventures” I smiled crookedly. “That was never gonna happen”, I said. “I’m not that smart”.
There was a knock at the door. “Housekeeping!”, a voice called out. I almost snarled. “What’s wrong?”, Dean asked. “Just the most dedicated maid I’ve ever met”, I sneered. I went to open the door, before the maid could let herself in. The woman’s eyes were as intense as always; if not more so. She attempted a smile, but it came out fake.
“It’s not a good time. I have company”, I said. “I’m just… making my rounds, miss”, the maid said. “I’d like to clean your room now, if you don’t mind”. Dean came up behind me. “She minds. It’s not a good time”. I saw a sheen of blue light in the maid’s eyes. It sent a jolt through me, and my heart skipped a beat. “You should go… now”, I croaked. “I’m afraid I can’t do that”, the maid said, her eyes locked sternly on Deans face. “I have to do my job. And he should not be here”. Dean pushed me behind him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”, he grunted. The maid moved her eyes to me. I felt a rush of blood to my head, as the light in her eyes intensified, and an aura of intense power pulsed from her. Suddenly, I recognized her – I’d never met her before – but I somehow knew, if not her, then at least what she was. “Angel…”, I rasped.
Dean grabbed his own angel blade from his inner pocket. He broadened his stance; shielding me. “Leave!”, he growled. Behind him, I went for my own blade, which I’d kept under my pillow. I quietly walked over the wall behind the door, and cut into my hand; letting it bleed. “You think I want to be here? This place… even the name of it is an offence to me”, the maid sneered. “But the witness must be protected. For now”. I began drawing with my blood on the wall. “She doesn’t need your protection”, Dean snarled. “You think you can protect her? From us?”, the maid smiled. “If we wanted her dead, she would be! Leave this place, Dean Winchester. Or I will not answer for the consequences”.
“Dean…”, I muttered. He looked back at me, and the sigil I’d drawn on the wall. He nodded, and I touched it with my bleeding hand. The angel-maid screamed out, and with a blaze of light, she disappeared. “Get your things!”, Dean growled. We scrambled to gather my bags; and I followed him out to the Impala, throwing my belongings in the back seat.
Dean jumped in behind the wheel, and I got in next to him. “How did you know?”, he snarled. “What?”, I asked. “How did you know she was an angel?” I shook my head, and held on to the dashboard as Dean swerved around a corner, and sped down the road. “I… just did. It was like I recognized her”. “You met her before?”, Dean snapped. He sped over a bump, making me jostle in my seat. “No, Dean. Could you please slow down? You’re scaring me!”. Dean clenched his jaw. “You recognized her? As an angel…”. “Yeah…”, I croaked; afraid to meet his eyes. Dean took a deep breath. “She used that word… witness. You… witnessed with Metatron. Right?”. “That’s what he said”, I muttered. “Why are you angry with me?”. “I’m not”, he sighed. He pulled out his phone and dialed up a number, putting it on speaker.
“Hello?”, Kevin’s voice answered. “Kevin!”, Dean growled. “what was that thing you read on the angel tablet a while back… about a witness”. “Hi Kevin”, I said, chiding Dean with my eyes for his poor social skills on the phone. “Hi… Lulu. Hey. I’m good. It’s cool”. “Kevin, stop flirting, and tell us!”, Dean snarled. I frowned at him. “Right. Yeah… it was something along the lines of ‘with the fall a witness will be chosen; and it will come to know them all by their grace’… I couldn’t figure out if it was witness or keeper”, Kevin said. Deans eyes widened. “Keeper of what?”, I asked. “I… don’t know. I was focused on other parts of the tablet at that point”. “Right. Thanks Kev’… and keep this between us”, Dean said, and hung up.
A thousand thoughts went through my head. “I’m a witness”, I said. “The witness. You can see angels, even as they hide in their vessels”, Dean grunted. “I was afraid of this, when you told me about what that winged bag of dicks did. I just wasn’t sure”. “Is that why I can’t come back?”, I asked quietly. Dean clenched his jaw. “I can’t have you around Sam… It’s not safe”. “For whom? Me or Sam?”, I grunted. “I’m not sure… I did what I had to”, Dean breathed. “He’s my brother”. “What did you do…?”, I said; my voice trembling and deep. “I… can’t tell you. Please just trust that it’s for the best if you stay away”.
I swallowed hard. “So what happens now? Are we… over?”. His eyes widened, and he grabbed my hand. “No! No, Lou… I just need… we need time for Sam to heal. Completely”, he said. Dean squeezed my hand tightly. “I swear I’ll tell you everything, when the time is right”, he declared. “I’m bringing you to a place I know. It’s a cabin. Warded”. “Ok…”, I croaked. He looked at me, trying for softness. “It’ll be ok”. He didn’t sound convinced; and his face was tense as he dialed another number on his phone. “Sam… Lulu’s in a bit deep here. I’m gonna need to stick around for another day or so… No, don’t worry, we’ll be fine… Yeah, ok. See you in Colorado”. I frowned at him again. “Why are you lying to your brother?”, I grunted. “He can’t see you right now. And you can’t see him. It’s how it has to be”. “He’s my friend”, I said bellow my breath. “Then you want him safe. Just go with me on this”, Dean demanded.
We drove for a good 4 hours, before I noticed Dean struggling. He was frowning and an angry pout formed on his lips. “You’re tired”, I said. “We should pull over”. “No”, he shook his head. “We need to get to Montana as soon as we can”. He sighed, and looked at me from the corner of his eyes. “Screw it. Can you drive for a while?” My jaw dropped. “I’m… yeah. Of course”.
Dean halted at the next gas-station we could find, and filled up the car. I got out of the car as he came back outside from the shop. He held up the keys with a worried expression. “She’s strong… but be gentle with her. Please?”. I smiled softly, and kissed his cheek. “I’ll treat her like my own”. “Yeah, I saw your Ford those years back. Pardon me for not taking that as a good omen”. He put the keys in my hand, and held them there. “Dean?”, I said. “Yeah?”, he muttered. “You’re gonna have to let go”, I smiled. He almost winced as his fingers left my hand.
I got behind the wheel, and Dean got in to sit next to me. “Don’t change my presets”, he grunted. “Go to sleep”, I said. “I got it”. I started up the Impala, and felt her purr under my touch. “Hi, baby. I’m back”, I smirked. Dean cursed under his breath.
We took turns driving; pulling over a few times to gas up; and at least three times for Dean to yell at me for either driving too fast, or for passing other cars too closely. All three times ended with me threatening to hitchhike the rest of the way; and Dean apologizing by pressing his lips to mine. In the end we made it to a cabin in Whitefish, Montana, the day after.
“This is Rufus’ old cabin”, Dean said, as he carried my bags in for me. “You’ll be safe here. Use it as headquarters if you want. I need you to stay away from anything angelic or demonic from here on out… If you insist on hunting, stick with ghosts; easy ones…”. He sent me a look. “Please”.
He put his arms around me. He seemed weaker than usual; not just tired, but mentally drained. “What’s wrong?”, I whispered; leaning my head against his shoulder. “Talk to me”. Dean shook his head. “I can’t… I want to, believe me”. “You don’t trust me?”, I croaked. “With my life, and my car…”, he said poignantly; putting his hand on my cheek. I narrowed my eyes at him. “But…?”. “You can’t be around Sam right now. You just can’t. Not until I know for sure that it’s safe… Or Sam is ok again”. “What’s that supposed to mean?”, I grunted. “You’re not making sense. What happened with him back there?”. Dean ran his hand over his face. “I know it’s… confusing. But he’s in real danger”. I grabbed a hold of his jacket; clenching it in my fist. “How is this gonna work?”, I asked. “Are you going to run all over the country with your sick brother; and whenever you have a spare 24 hours, I can see you?”. He sighed. “I don’t have that much time… I have to get to Colorado”.
I sighed and put my hand behind his head, to avoid him pulling away: and kissed him deeply. I needed him as much as I knew he needed me. “Just stay a little while”, I breathed.
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love-and-yukhei · 5 years
Never Forget Me || Lucas
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summary: Lucas meets Mina while in another country, in need of a translator. after spending three days together, he has to return home. they have a last minute argument, leaving Mina feeling uneasy. struggling to understand her feelings, she gives in and apologizes. the apology is more than either one of them ever expected it to be.
pairing: Lucas x OC
word count: 3.8k
warnings: suggestive themes, descriptive making out but not quite smut, lap sitting, ass grabbing
author’s note: this is an alternate chapter to my main fan fiction. i wrote this wanting to play around with a different sort of ending. i wrote this over a year ago and it was my first time writing something different from what i’m used to. some parts of the story may only make sense in the context of my fan fiction.
   When I heard his call end , I got up to see what he was doing. Peeking out my door , I could see that he had his dress shirt back on and was in the process of putting his accessories back on as well.
   “I have to go.” he said flatly. I guess he really was mad at me. Rightfully so , but I had never heard him talk to me like that before. It made me feel guilty.
   “Have a safe trip.” I said in a quiet voice. This whole situation made me feel hurt. He was going back to Korea , with the possibility of me never seeing him again. I thought I would be happy he was leaving , so I didn’t have to deal with him anymore , but could I really let him leave with this much tension between us ? I was happy to not be teased and annoyed anymore , but it didn’t feel right ; him leaving without that pure smile on his face.
   “Wait.” I yelled quickly walking over to him. He stopped in front of the door , turning to look at me. Still no smile. I didn’t like the look he was giving me. It was void of any emotion.
   “I’m sorry if it seemed like I was being cold towards you. You’ve been kind to me every day , even if you found teasing me amusing. I never thanked you for saving me from Hideyo and taking me home the first night. You didn’t have to stay and take care of me , but I appreciate that you did. You may have gone a little overboard when you rushed here during the storm , but I know you did it for my sake. I should have thanked you for that too. And I should apologize for hitting you in the face. I’m not sure why I did that.” I finished my apology with a bow that was deeper than necessary. I didn’t mean to say all that. It just sort of all came out at once.
   I didn’t hear anything back , so I slowly stood back up only to find him throwing his arms around my neck , hugging me. Whenever he hugged me , it always made me realize how tall he is. That gave me other weird feelings.
   “You don’t have to thank me for any of that. I enjoyed being around you. If I’m being honest , I wasn’t actually mad at you just now. I wanted to see how you would react if you thought I was mad.”
   I had played right into his scheme. I hated how he always found a way to get me to do exactly what he wanted. It frustrated me. He’d only known me a few days , but he already had me figured out. Maybe he paid more attention to me than I thought ?
   “And just so you know , I was actually awake from the moment you poked my arm.” That evil , teasing laugh of his returned , along with my feelings of annoyance. It was getting exhausting switching between being annoyed and whatever that other feeling was. He pushed himself away from me before I could get a good hit in. Now he was probably thinking all kinds of strange things.
   “One more thing , so you don’t forget about me.” he said moving towards me once again.
   I didn’t expect what came next. My body was frozen while my brain tried to process what was happening. When I realized his lips were pressed against mine , I tried pushing him off , knowing this wasn’t a good idea. I pushed on his chest as hard as I could , but it was no use. One of his giant hands was holding my face in place , his long fingers firmly holding onto the back of my neck.
   Well , I guess it was just a kiss. How intense could it possibly get ? He was leaving to go to another country anyways. There was a good chance I might never see him again , so what could it hurt ? Well it might hurt if I had romantic feelings for him , but that wasn’t even possible. How can you even fall for someone in the span of three days ? I can always play into whatever he’s planning and just see what happens.
   I stopped pushing on him and instead moved my hands so they were now around his neck. I interlaced my fingers together and pulled down on him , pulling him closer while I returned his kiss. He seemed surprised , but excited about my reaction. His fingers started gently pulling on the hair on the back of my neck , sending tingles down my neck and throughout my body. He probably shouldn’t do that if he doesn’t plan on taking this any further. Although if he did , I don’t think I would fight against the idea at this point , even knowing it was a bad choice. No , I can’t think like that. Maybe I should end this now ? My body and my brain were not communicating with each other properly , considering I ignored every ‘stop’ my brain was screaming at me.
   He chose to test me even further by trying to sneak his tongue into my mouth. Again , I was unsure if pushing this further was a good idea or not , but I couldn’t help myself. He already tasted too damn good and I needed more. I let him do what he wanted , but I responded in just the same way.
   If he was going to test me , then I was going to do the same to him. I let go of his neck and ran my hands down his chest. He flinched at the sudden touch , but didn’t move away as I moved my hands around to the small of his back and gripped at his shirt. He let out a small laugh , amused at this game we were playing.
   I think he knew what I was doing , because he too changed what he was doing. His hand that was previously gripping at my cheek was now gently gliding down my side ; his fingertips creating shivers over every part they touched until he reached my waist , which he gripped at , aggressively pulling me into him. He was being gentle before , but now that I was getting testy , his real personality was beginning to surface. I think I liked this side better.
   The feeling of now being pressed up against him with his fingertips digging into my back was giving me other ideas that I didn’t have before. He must have read my mind too , as he decided to try something a little more dangerous. He broke off the kiss , which I wasn’t happy about until I felt his lips on my cheek. He made sure to tease me by nibbling on my ear lobe a bit , causing my breathing to get heavier than it already was. He laughed for a second , but he wasn’t completely satisfied by that reaction. As he moved down to my neck , I instinctively moved one of my hands back up to his neck. He moved down lower and lower until he got to the nape of my neck. There , he started nibbling , causing me to dig my nails into the back of his neck in response. That was not a reaction he had expected. At the feeling of my nails clawing at him , he bit down hard. Surprised , I let out a short moan as he also sucked at my skin , surely causing it to turn colors. I wasn’t concerned about that at the moment. I was more focused on our game. Somehow he had gotten the upper hand on me and forced me to make a sound without intending to. I wasn’t about to let him win.
   I tried to think of something I could do to turn things around in my favor , although thinking straight was hard being in the blissful haze that he was causing. I realized that the couch was only a few feet away. If I could catch him off guard , I could make this work.
   I waited a few more seconds , resisting that blissful feeling until he finally stopped. He brought his face back up to my level , which is when I acted. I pushed him off me with probably a little too much force , but it was necessary to move someone who was 140 pounds of muscle. He fell back onto the couch , just like I had planned. Before he had time to process what was happening , I jumped on top of him.
   Now that I had him in this position , I wasn’t quite sure what I should do. Was this too much ? Surely he hadn’t planned on things going this far. I was now the one making sure he wouldn’t forget me. I didn’t want him to go back to Korea and forget the translator he met back in Japan , even if I never saw him again. The thought of him forgetting me made my heart hurt somewhere. While I was thinking this , I noticed I had been sitting there , straddling him with one hand on his neck while the other was pressed against his cheek , brushing his face with my thumb. I must have had a contemplative look on my face because he spoke for the first time in what seemed like hours.
   “What is it ?” he asked looking concerned. I didn’t want him to know I may actually have real feelings for him beyond that of a friend , which is what I had considered him after spending all this time together. Maybe he was more than that now ? Maybe he’s been more than that from the start ?
   “It’s nothing.” I replied before forcing my brain to turn itself off again and became a slave to my instincts.
   I kissed him harder this time , needing to forget about my insecurities. His hands were on both of my legs , trying to decide if it was okay to move them any further. It seemed even he was apprehensive about crossing that line. Still , I wanted to push things further , dancing on the edge of the point of no return.
   I removed both of my hands from his neck and started to unbutton his shirt. I was happy he didn’t try to stop me. I don’t think he was even sure about what I was about to do. Hell I didn’t even know what I was doing. My hands were moving all on their own now.
   Once that job was done , I was left with the question of what to do next. Taking his shirt completely off might be grounds for him to stop me , so I settled for something else. Ever since I realized he had perfect biceps , I had been curious about if he had muscles elsewhere too. I slowly slid my hands up his undershirt and over his abs to find that I was definitely correct. He flexed at the feeling of my hands searching him. At the same time he kissed me harder , more passionately than before. This must have been the signal he was waiting for to know he didn’t have to hold back as much as he was. His hands made their way slowly up to my behind , gripping at every part of my body that he could reach. We were definitely walking on thin ice now. I know I needed to stop , but at this point he was insatiable. I wasn’t ever going to get enough !
   I continued to touch him , moving up higher every time. The harder he gripped at me , the more I got lost in him. He wanted me just as badly , if not more than I wanted him.
   This time , I was the one to break off and place kisses all down his neck , starting from his chin. My real goal here was to get at his collarbone that had been toying with me for a while now. He made quiet , breathy noises as I finally got to his collarbone. His breathing was starting to get more erratic the lower I moved as well.
   It was the most intoxicating thing I had felt in a long time. Actually , I don’t think I’ve ever felt this drunk on a person. He annoyed the hell out of me and sometimes I did try to avoid him , but when he wasn’t around things were boring and I felt almost lonely. Truthfully , I really didn’t want him to leave. I was ready to do what I had to do to make him stay.
   He was now starting to lose the control that he had managed to maintain this entire time , though he was still fighting me. I still planned to win this game , even if I could only have a small victory. I stopped the assault my hands were now having on his chest and moved my hands over to his back. I dug my nails into his back starting from his spine , as I moved back to kissing his perfect lips. He kissed me back , now twice as desperate as before. His arms were now wrapped around my waist in a hug , pulling me as close to him as I could possibly get. I dug in harder after my nails had made their first round from his back to his sides.
   I don’t know how he managed to not be overly excited at this point , but he was definitely close. I knew I was close to getting what I wanted because he tried to speak up in between kisses.
   “Mina , you have to stop.”
   I ignored him and silenced him with another kiss. He told me to stop , but he wasn’t actually doing anything about it. I kept going , even after he tried pleading with me again. Like me , his body was betraying his mind. I would kill to know what he was thinking right now. If anything , I needed to make him stop thinking. I know if I pushed things just a little more , I would get there.
   To my dismay , his brain finally overrode his actions. He knew words weren’t going to do any good in this situation. It happened quick enough to shock me into stopping. I’m not quite sure what happened. One minute I was on top of him , the next he had both my arms pinned down to the couch , hovering over me. He had moved fast so my back hit the couch harder than he meant it to , but he managed to avoid my head hitting the arm of the couch. My legs were still wrapped around his waste though. I know he would never let me fall , but my body refused to completely let go.
   “Mina , you have to stop ! I’m trying to show a bit of restraint here.” he said still breathing hard.
   “You’re the one who started all this !” I complained. How could he ask me to stop when this only happened because of him ?
   “I didn’t intend to take it that far. Your reaction was...unexpected.”
   “Well what did you expect then ?” I was curious as to what he had been thinking when he started this game. It was a small win however , knowing that I didn’t do exactly what he had wanted. I threw his entire plan off.
   He stopped for a minute either trying to think of an answer or thinking about how to word what he wanted to say in English. I must have made his brain malfunction a bit.
   “Not that.”
   I was confused at this point. Was this just another moment that he was teasing me , or did he mean more by it ? Those blissful feelings I had been lost in had suddenly given way to the annoyance I was starting to feel again. What the hell did he want from me then ?
   “Do you not want me then ?”
   I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I had been trying to keep my feelings to myself , despite what had just went on. I thought I could still get away with using the excuse of being lost in the moment.
   He looked at me funny , like I had just posed the most ridiculous question in the world.
   “That’s not it at all. I really wouldn’t mind taking this further , but if we do that now , it could ruin whatever relationship it is that we have now. I know you’re not the type to just do this for no reason. You’re a bit more special to me than someone like that.”
   Okay , was not expecting that for an answer. I wondered exactly what he meant by me being ‘special’ to him. Suddenly , I wanted him more than I did even before all this. It was rare for me to give into someone saying sweet nothings to me like that.
   I did have one more excuse to continue our heated session.
   “What if I never see you again ?”
   Now this question really threw him off. He had been convinced just last night that I hated him. Now I was essentially begging him not to leave.
   He looked perplexed by my questioning. I felt his grip on my wrists tighten for a second. I watched as he watched me , contemplating on whether he should just give in or not. He took a deep breath before answering me.
   “If that’s what you’re worried about , I’ll make sure to see you again , one way or another. I don’t want to leave. We can continue this some other time , don’t worry.”
   Thinking about what I had said , I felt guilty now. I made it sound like I was guilting him into finishing the job , but that wasn’t my intention. I asked that question seriously. His decision was the correct one though. I was back and forth about how I felt about him. It wouldn’t be fair to him to be with him while I’m still confused.
   “Fine , I’ll stop.” I conceded when I finally found my words again. Somehow our roles had switched. I was the one who was acting on their feelings , while he was now the voice of reason.
   I thought he would let go of me after I let go of his waist , but he still didn’t move. He just smiled down at me with that sweet smile that drove me insane. This position wasn’t helping the situation much either. The thought of him holding me down made my imagination run away with itself. I had to bring myself back quickly to make sure I would stick to my word.
   “You can let go of me now.”
   “Oh yeah.”
   It was still another minute before he moved off me. I could tell it took all he had to make his body move. His mind must have still been thinking about other things the same way mine was.
   He reached out his hand to help me back up , pulling me up with more force than he needed to. Our bodies collided together , making things even worse.
   “Sorry.” he said quickly moving away from me.
   I guess all that tension that had been between us these past 3 days had been different from what I had initially thought. I thought I was just annoyed by him , but it turns out that wasn’t the case. What it really was , I didn’t know.
   After buttoning his shirt back up , he looked at me and started laughing.
   “What are you laughing about ?” I was annoyed thinking he was laughing at me.
   “Whatever you do , don’t look in the mirror.”
   “Why not ?”
   He didn’t answer me , so I walked over to the table where I had set my phone down earlier. I turned on the camera to see what he was talking about. I must have had a look of pure anger on my face because he started backing away from me. I knew he had left a mark on my neck , but I didn’t know it was that bad. It was big and dark enough that it would be impossible to hide without using make up and making an effort to hide it. That would be complicated , since it was summer. To make matters worse , I had to be at work in a few hours.
   “This looks horrible !” I yelled walking over to him. He was laughing , like always.
   “I couldn’t help it ! You were the one clawing at my neck ! I’m sure you left plenty of marks too that I’m not going to have any way of explaining.”
   I must have finally cracked , because I broke out into laughter. There wasn’t actually anything funny about this situation , but I thought it was funny that both of us were in a similar dilemma.
   He smiled and walked over to me , suddenly hugging me now. Hadn’t we just gotten ourselves out of this situation ?
   “I did figure something out though.”
   Now I was confused again. What exactly had he figured out ?
   “What’s that ?” I probably didn’t want to know the answer , but I asked anyways.
   “I know you might deny having any type of feelings for me , but your body said something completely different just now. I’ll let you keep on lying , for now. Don’t expect to get so lucky the next time I see you though.”
   I pushed him off me , ready to once again deny feeling any such way when he suddenly kissed me one last time. I was surprised so I ended up kissing him back. This time , he actually was teasing me. I wish he would just let me breathe already ! I pushed him off before I started getting that dizzying feeling again. If that kicked in , there would be no stopping me. I would find a way to convince him not to leave. He laughed , knowing I would’ve reacted that way.
   He was just about to leave after putting his shoes back on when he stopped and turned to me.
   “You don’t have to worry about me forgetting about you while I’m in Korea. Your memory was already burned into my mind after our first meeting. If anything , I find you twice as interesting as I originally did.”
   He gave me a cheesy wink before finally leaving. I shrank down into the couch. Somehow , he understood that I was concerned about him forgetting me without me having to say a word about it.
   Now that I was alone , all I could think about was what had just taken place. Why had I acted that way so suddenly ? Whenever he was around , it seemed like my brain would turn into mush. I always hung onto his every word. It drove me crazy that I didn’t understand why I felt that way. I’m not the type of person to do things like that , ever. He always confused my head and made my heart hurt.
   I had no interest in trying to sort out my feelings right now. I had more important things to do , like figuring out how the hell I was going to hide this ugly mark.
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Fandom: Star Wars (TCW)
Ship: Fives/Reader
Warnings: dom/sub elements, rough sex, kind of a hatefuck that develops into something softer, smut, p*rn with a bit of plot
Summary: A long long LONG time ago I got a request for a Fives/Reader fic where Reader and Fives kinda dislike each other at first. I started writing it like a year ago. I procrastinated a LOT and only finished it now. While procrastinating on a different fic. I might have adhd. the end
“I issue the orders, and you two are supposed to follow them to the letter!”
“No, I’m not, not when some self-absorbed nat-born from the military is trying to put my men in danger!”
“Your men were perfectly safe!”
“That was only because I followed Captain Rex’s orders!”
“Which were the same as mine! I demand your respect, trooper!”
“It’s ‘ARC Trooper’ to you, miss!”
“Well, it’s ‘Captain’ to you, sir! And as a captain, I outrank you!”
There is a deep sigh coming from behind you, and both of you turn to look at Echo, that is getting up from his bunk with his datapad in his hand, clearly too fed up with all the noise from your argument.
“Actually, the three of us have the same rank. Captains from the military branch are equivalent to ARC Troopers from the clone army.” he shrugs “It’s… all in the regulations. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
You can see in his face that, yes, he did, and you try to lower your voice despite your anger.
“Well, who would you say is in charge, then, ARC trooper Echo? It’s my commander, and by extension, myself, right?”
Echo looks from you to Fives, tapping his finger on the back of his datapad with an anxious look on his face.
“Uh… actually it’s both captain Rex and your commander, sir. We are part of a joint task force until this mission is over. I mean it’s technically over, the threat has been eliminated, but until we leave the planet you two should try to get along. Why don’t you turn your coolers on, Fives, and maybe you two can work your differences? Now if you will excuse me, I’m gonna find another room to stay for the night, somewhere quieter.”
And without another word, Echo turned on his heels and left, letting the door slide shut behind him. You scrunch your face in confusion.
“Did he say ‘turn your coolers on’?”
Fives waves a hand in a dismissive gesture.
“It’s an expression. Our helmet cooling systems, to ‘cool my head’. That di’kut.”
Yeah, judging by his tone, you don’t need that one last word to be translated.
“Well.” You say, straightening yourself up “I have nothing to turn my coolers about. You, on the other hand, are an insubordinate deey-kut.”
Fives seems angry at first but his expression breaks into a smirk.
“Wait, I’m a what?”
You stutter, feeling your face hot. Maybe that wasn’t the best time to give your very first try at mando’a.
“I said what I said.” And you swallow down, voice dropping to a murmur “Deey-kut.”
And now fives is positively laughing, corners of his eyes wrinkling up a little under the wide smile spreading over his lips. You perk up, your face feeling even hotter.
“May I know what are you laughing at?!”
Fives clearly makes an effort to stop laughing, flashing his tongue over his lips to then press them into a line. Something inside you seem to bloom at the sight of his charming smile as he combs his fingers through his hair – oh no, he’s... actually quite attractive. How are you only noticing this now?
“Nothing, it’s... your accent, it’s kinda...”
He keeps laughing. You mentally scold yourself, wishing you could stop staring, but it seems to get worse by the minute. His sharp cheekbones. His golden-brown eyes. His facial hair. Hells, even the tattoo of a number five on his temple.
Time to pull the breaks on this.
“W-well” oh great, you couldn’t just not stutter, could you? “I’m going to my room! Can’t wait to get out of this rock and away form you, mr. ARC Trooper.”
Fives’ smile turns into an annoyed frown.
“Great.” he says sharply “The feeling is mutual!”
“Ugh!” you turn on your heels, marching to the door
“Ugh!” Fives echoes behind you, and you don’t know if he’s genuinely annoyed of if he’s just mocking you
Doesn’t matter, you think to yourself as you’re walking down the corridor and stopping by your dorm’s door. Now you would finally be able to shower and sit down for some rest.
At least that’s what you think when you open the door and see your commander by one side of the dorm - who had been designated as your roommate during your stay on the planet – sitting on her bed and looking at you with a puzzled look on her face, and on the opposite side… there is Echo - you recognize the his white-and-blue kama – lying on your bed with his datapad held loosely in his hand, and he seems to be sound asleep.
“What is he doing here, sir?” you hiss out to your commander and she shrugs
“I told him it was your bed.” she murmurs “But he said you and ARC Fives weren’t letting him read so he laid there and… fell asleep, it seems.”
You let an indignant noise through your nose.
“Well, sir, I’m waking him up and sending him away.”
Your commander shrugs.
“I don’t care. I’m just glad we’ll be leaving this planet soon. I can’t stand another day working with these lunatics. That tattooed one, Hardcase, almost drove me insane. I think he isn’t familiar with the concept of ‘stealth’.”
You nod in agreement, and when you walk up to Echo and you see his lips parted, notice how he’s snoring softly, you stop on your tracks. You know how hard it is for a soldier to catch a break and get some rest. The poor man must be exhausted. You sure can find somewhere else to crash.
“Fine.” you grumble as grab your backpack off the floor, tiptoeing on your way out “Just… let him stay, it’s okay. Excuse me, sir.”
Well, as it turns out, you can’t find another place to crash; all dorms are taken, and some of them are even too full, with some of the clones and your own colleagues lying in sleeping bags on the floor. You and the other higher-ranks, as well as the ARC Troopers and their captains, are the very few ones that got more private rooms with just one roommate instead of a bunch of soldiers snoring around you, and you didn’t quite want to let go of this small perk.
Well, the only comfortable room left would be…
No. No way.
Later, you put down your cup of coffee and sigh, leaving the mess hall. It turns out that you can only stall for so long, and even if you’re not sleepy, you actually need to shower and rest. No choice but to go to the cocky ARC’s room. Just your luck.
Don’t think about his smile. Don’t. Nope. Or how big and strong he seems to be. Definitely don’t think about the way he carries himself, like he’s some irresistible gift from the universe. Don’t think about how pretty he must look all flushed and hot. Not happening.
You give yourself two light slaps to your cheeks. Focus, dumbass.
“ARC Fives?” you call tentatively; no answer
You try to knock on the door but it slides open before you can do it. Oh. It’s unlocked. And by the look of it, the room seems to be empty. Good. Maybe Fives has gone out for some caff himself? Maybe you can even jump in the shower, put on some clean clothes and relax for a while? You pick the bed where Echo had been sitting before and drop your backpack there, shuffling through your belongings…
That’s when the bathroom door slides open, and you look over your shoulder to see ARC Fives walk in wearing nothing but a white towel with the republic’s crest printed on it wrapped around his waist. Your eyes go wide – you try not to stare at his muscular body, the strong biceps and broad chest, the tiny droplets of water trailing from there down to his chiseled abs; your eyes trail lower jutting hipbones and a darker patch of what seems to be neatly trimmed hair peeking out where the fabric met his tanned skin.
You let out a small squeaking noise, turning your face away. The two of you share a prolonged silence that only makes things worse with every passing second.
“I’m sorry.” You gasp out “I... Your friend, the other ARC, he fell asleep on my bed and I don’t have another place to stay for the night, and…”
Fives doesn’t seem to be half as uncomfortable as you are, marching up to his own bed and unzipping the duffle bag there.
“Oh, and you wanna stay here, do you?”
Even ashamed as you are, you roll your eyes and look over your shoulder:
“More like I have t-” but your voice die out in your throat because Fives still has his back turned to you and has removed the towel so that he could get dressed; stars above, what a gorgeous ass he has.
Your deeper, darkest instincts are screaming for you to squeeze it and you mentally slap them. - Your instincts, not his magnificent ass cheeks, that is, even though that would certainly be great. Focus, soldier! Where in the moons is your common sense?
While you still stare, unable to pry your eyes from him even as he pulls his greys over his lovely bubble butt, Fives turns his face to look at you over his shoulder with a smirk.
“Enjoying the view, captain?”
You look away, feeling your cheeks burning, and you scoop your clothes in your arms, stomping away to the bathroom.
“Don’t be ridiculous. I- I should go shower.”
When you lock the door and pull your pants down, it’s not a surprise when you see how soaked your panties are. Curse Fives and his perfect smile, and his gorgeous bubble butt that probably fucking jiggles if you smack it...
Hells, you want him.
But he’s an idiot.
But you want him so bad.
You let your hair downYou then get to the shower and you almost want to punch yourself when your fingers travel down between your thighs, pressing at your engorged nub. But yes, maybe if you rub one out and get off before leaving the shower, the ARC won’t have the same effect on you anymore. You’re just horny, that’s probably it. Yes. Gotta be it.
You go to your regular fantasy, some hot dude grabbing your ass and pulling you down on himself as you straddle him. Oh yeah, that’s nice. You imagine the feeling of stubble rubbing against your cheek. Strange. The hot dude usually doesn’t have facial hair. Or tattoos. Come to think of it, the generic hot dude started looking a lot like Fives. No, no, no, get out, you’re not supposed to be thinking of... and then he laughs, that beautiful laugh but it’s in a rougher version of his voice, stained with lust and need and-
When you finish your shower you’re hornier than you were before, since you weren’t able focus on coming with that man constantly interfering in your fantasies, and it makes you so angry you want to punch something. You dry yourself up and put on your fatigues – you ditch the bra because the moons know how badly you want to let your breasts breathe some after being confined in your sports bra since 5 a.m.
You take some time drying your hair to then tie it back up in a bun again. You dress in your fresh dark grey pants and jacket, leaving it open since you still have your black tank top underneath. Yeah, if Fives wants to strut his stuff in front of you, two can play this game – though you’re not feeling bold enough to go out wrapped in a towel, of course.
When you walk out, Fives is already dressed in his armor from the waist down, wearing only his black shirt from there up; his hair is still wet and it looks like it’s been combed back. He seems to be stuffing his pauldrons and upper armor in his bag, zipping it shut.
“You can have the bedroom if you want, captain. I’ll find somewhere else.”
You stutter, surprised by the offer.
“You don’t have to…” and you straighten your back, clearing your throat “I mean, there are no other rooms available. You and I will have to stay here either way, unless you want to share a mattress with one of the other troopers.”
Fives raises an eyebrow. You swallow down, unable to forget about the sight of his abs and that beautiful ass.
“So.” Fives says, taking a few steps towards you “You’re gonna stay for the night?”
Shit, the way he carries himself. So confident, and almost arrogant. No, definitely arrogant. Fuck, you want him so bad.
“Looks like it.” you say, taking the extra steps to stand right in front of him “Got a problem with that?”
Fives smirks.
“Oh, I don’t have a problem with anything, as long as you recognize that I outrank you.”
You let out an exasperated laugh.
“You do not.”
Fives invades your space, face leaning close to yours.
“Yeah? Why did you jump in that ridge then? Oh right, you were following my orders.”
You look up to him, shaking your head with a mocking grin.
“‘Jump in’? More like ‘got dragged there by an insubordinate soldier’.”
Fives is inches from you now, warm minty breath coming hot over your lips and nose.
“I know you could have just woken Echo up and sent him back here so that you could have the bed in your captain’s room back.” his voice is low, lacking the mocking tone now “There’s no actual reason for you to stay in this room. So what do you really want here, captain?”
His brown eyes flicker from your own eyes to your lips. The ball is in your court now. You have to say something. Fuck. Fuck.
“You.” you murmur, holding his gaze “I want you.”
His eyes are so beautiful, especially when he smiles, as he does now.
“Well,” Fives says with a tiny laugh “we’re agreeing for once, because I want you too.”
You raise your face up to press your lips to his once, a small and chaste kiss. You pull back, staring up at Fives, waiting for a reaction.
There’s a small second during which Fives stares back before smashing his lips to yours, pushing his tongue deep into your mouth as you open up for him. It’s hot, rough and sloppy – and exactly what you wanted. You moan into the kiss, pressing your tongue to his, tasting him. You’re pretty sure you’re messing up, opening too much, and Fives, moons, he’s all tongue and teeth, nibbling at your lower lip; it’s a mess, but soon you start to slow down, trying to understand each other’s pace to an extent.
You pull apart for breath for no longer than a two seconds to then just keep kissing, deep and passionate, Fives’ hands grabbing at the back of your neck and your hands holding his wrists.
You pull back just about enough to try and bite his lower lip, hard, and Fives growls, grinning before sucking your lip into his mouth in turn. His hands move down to your shoulders, pushing you back and you just let him guide you until your back is pressed against the wall.
He pins you in place pressing his chest to yours, cocking his head to the side to kiss and lick your neck, nipping at a tendon there. You mewl and bury your fingers in his hair, tugging at it and pulling him harder on yourself.
Fives bites you again, harder this time, with a deep noise rumbling in his throat, and you whimper at the pain-pleasure, your right leg moving to the side so fives can press his codpiece against your groin. Moons above, yes.
Fives pulls back with his hands on the collar of your jacket, tugging it down your shoulder. The eager look on his face is a damn sight to behold that makes you feel worth a billion credits. You can’t wait for him to rough you up good.
“You tell me to stop, we stop, ok?” he murmurs as helps you out of the jacket were it gets caught at your wrists “You know what a safeword is? You got one?”
Oh. He knows his stuff. Stars be blessed, this might be a dumb decision that you’ll regret in the morning, but it’s not that easy to find a respectful man that is also this handsome.
“‘Red’ is fine” you grin at him, letting your jacket drop to the floor “I call ‘red’, hands off me, and the same goes for you. Deal?
Fives nods before slamming you back against the wall. Shit, this is gonna be good.
“Copy that.” and he grabs at the neckline of your tank top “You got a change of clothes? Anything to replace this one?”
“Wha-?” you try to catch your breath “Y-yeah, sure, why…?”
That’s when Fives clenches his fists and tears your top with a sharp tug, ripping it apart halfway down your stomach, exposing your breasts. You’re still trying to recover from how fucking hot that was and Fives just smirks, ripping the rest of your top all the way down and dragging each torn half of it down your shoulders.
“No bra, hmm?” he licks his lips “Well, that makes things easier.”
He runs his palm over your stomach, making you shudder as he moves it upwards to press the curve of his hand under your right breast, feeling it some to then squeeze softly. You whine at that, grabbing Fives’ hips. Ugh, why did your uniforms need to have so many layers?
Your hands shift down to the hem of his shirt, pushing it up; you can feel his abs under your palms, then his broad chest - stars above, what a body -  and Fives shudders, raising his arms to allow you to undress him, discarding his shirt on the floor.
He then leans down to suck avidly at your breasts, prying a loud moan out of you. Shit. Shit, he just tore you clothes off, and fuck, you’re so hot for him. Fives bites at your nipples, sucking at the skin of your breasts and making a patchwork of bruises there. You grab at his shoulders, enjoying the rough treatment and squirming in place, encouraging him with small moans and whimpers.
Fives kisses your sternum, licks it over and moves down to your stomach, leaving a trail of wet kisses and hickeys on his way down before he pulls your panties down, helping you step out of them.
Then, without warning, he cups your ass with both his hands and lifts you up against the wall, carelessly throwing both of your legs over his shoulders and straightening himself up.
Now you’re far high in the air with your back against the wall, sitting on Fives’ shoulders as he buries his face into your crotch. His facial hair feels warm and slightly rough against your sensitive skin, and the sensation is driving you crazy.
Hells, how can he be so strong? He’s not even wavering. He’s just holding you up effortlessly and oh, there’s his wet, hot tongue licking over your slit. You grab at his hair again, pressing him down on yourself.
“Oh- Oh, fuck, yes.”
Fives lets a small laugh rumble in his chest and begins sucking at your labia, nibbling at the sensitive skin to then press his lips to your pussy, sucking at your clit. Your legs twitch over his shoulder, and he keeps at it like he’s thirsty for you, tongue pushing inside your folds and lip teasing your clit. His hands keep you steady on his shoulders, and you close your eyes to enjoy the feeling. His goatee rubs against your pussy every time he moves his jaw and it feels so good. Damn, you’re close. If he keeps teasing that spot-
Your hand flies up to try and muffle your scream as you come hard at Fives’ mouth, spasms making your legs jump over his shoulder and you can damn feel him smiling against your skin as he licks and sucks you through it until you drop your shoulders, all muscles going limp, and you rely only on him to keep you in place and not let you fall.
He slowly eases you down, making sure your back is still supported against the wall until your feet can touch the floor. Your shaking legs somehow allow you to stand up, though not very firmly.
Fives licks his lips, his chin and the goatee over it glistening with what can only be your own slickness; he grabs you by your waist, kissing you deeply again. You can taste yourself on his tongue, smell your arousal on him. Fuck. Fuck, he made you come but you’re not even close to being satisfied, not yet.
Fives pulls back and you appreciate it, so you can try to even your breath and make your legs not feel so much like jelly. He unclips his belt and rips his codpiece off, letting it clatter to the floor and quickly undoing his pants, hooking his thumb on the waistband of his greys to push them down just about enough for him to be able to pull his cock out.
He’s hard, very much so, his cock pressed flush to his stomach, the slit already leaking precome, the head reddened and some veins drawn out under the skin of his shaft.
You lick your lips at that positively delicious-looking cock, and you can notice Fives looking at you, enjoying your reaction. Before you can even make a naughty remark about how bad you want to suck him off, Fives grabs your shoulders, pushing you down.
“On your knees.” he orders in a growled tone, and of course you put up a bit of a fight, what fun would it be in just obeying, and it makes him harden his tone, speaking between his teeth “I said on your kriffing knees!”
He grabs roughly at your jaw, forcing you to look up and guiding his cock down to your mouth, pressing the head against your lips until you part them and take him in. You open wide, sucking him in and glaring at Fives. The way he looks at you must be very similar to the way you’re looking at him – a raw, untamed desire that  is tainted with something akin to anger but not quite it. A mad wish to undo one another and to become undone by them, in the roughest way possible.
Fives grabs a fistful of our hair by either side of your head and pulls you upwards by it, pushing his length deeper in your mouth. The head of his cock slides over your tongue to then scrape against the roof of your mouth and then push at your throat; your eyes go wide, welling up with tears from the effort of holding your jaw open so wide and take his cock so deep. The feeling of being trapped by the wall behind you adds to the cold excitement settling in your gut.
“You okay there?” Fives asks a little breathlessly, and you nod as much as the position allows you to “Good. Tap my thigh if you need to breathe. Tap once if you understand me.” you comply, tapping two fingers against his thigh “Good.”
With that he pulls back some, and you inhale as much as you can as his cock weighs over your tongue before he pushes back inside, going even deeper now, all the way until his balls are pressed flush against your chin. You gag some, throat narrowing around Fives’ length, and he throws his head back with a moan. You know how to give a man a nice deep throating, but Fives is on the large side of average, and far thicker than you’re used to. When he pulls back, you can feel the thick strands of spit dribbling down your chin and landing on your naked breasts while you suck in another breath.
Fives takes turns at fucking your face and allowing you small respites during which you lick the head of his cock and catch your breath, but most of the time you remain a tad dizzy for the lack of oxygen and going lax under his touch, letting him handle you the way he pleases. Your face is a mess of saliva and sweat and you can taste his precome as you suck him avidly, your hands reaching up to pry his rear armor off and squeeze his ass hard, which earns you a pleased groan.
“M’getting close…” he drawls out, but he doesn’t really have to; you can easily tell from the way he’s been twitching over your tongue
You nod a few times, looking eagerly up at him and hoping this is enough of a go sign. Fives rocks his hips into your mouth, cock pushing and spreading your throat open every time it hits home. You can barely breathe and it’s making your mind hazy and your entire body feels too hot. Fives holds your head in place and lets out a strangled moan as he pulls back just about enough not to choke you, and you feel his cock twitch just shy of your throat, pumping hot come over the back of your tongue. You swallow each spurt dutifully, and Fives grins at you, hazy brown eyes filled with lust.
You sit on your haunches and look up to him, trying to catch your breath and letting just a small bit of come trail down your chin by the corner of your mouth.
Fives chuckles running his thumb over your lips, his voice raw with pleasure.
“It’s a good look on you, Captain. Didn’t know you could take a face fuck so beautifully.”
You grin at him, shaking your head with mock-disdain while he helps you up to your feet.
“Fuck you, ARC Fives.”
Fives laughs again, and in a split second he is flipping you around by your shoulder and shoving you against the wall. He presses himself behind you, and reaches down to undo your belt and pants.
“I’d much rather fuck you.”
You roll your eyes, knowing he wouldn’t be able to resist the banter. He undoes your pants and shoves them down your legs, letting you kick them away before he grabs your ass cheeks hard, fingers digging in your skin. You draw a sharp breath, raising your ass to him. There’s no way he’s hard again already, right?
His hand comes over your ass, slapping it hard. You yelp in surprise, and he squeezes your ass where it still stings a bit. Fuck, yes, he is so goddamn good at keeping you on edge.
“You good there?”
“Yeah…” you almost sing it, wiggling your ass some, and Fives laughs, landing another slap to your left cheek
“You like that, don’t you?” and he slaps your right cheek now, and you give him a pleased hum in response
The slaps are louder than they actually hurt, and you get off both from the noise and the stinging sensation. Hells, yes, not many partners can get the perfect amount of force for a good spanking but Fives just keeps surprising you. Your ass feels hot and sore and your love it. Fives stops to squeeze and caress your ass every once in a while to let you rest from the sharp pain, and it feels so delicious you’re soon shaking your hips to beg for more.
“It’s a nice view here.” he states almost flatly, and the way his voice barely rises at all when he swats his hand on your skin certainly does something for you; he’s making a show of pretending to be bored “all red and tender for me, captain. I like that.”
He then grabs you by your hips, pressing you against the wall with his body and whispering close to your ear.
“If you miss me tomorrow, just look in a mirror when you get home and you’ll see my handprints still there.”
Fuck, he has no right to sound so hot. You can feel his hard cock pressed between your ass cheeks and it makes you moan. You turn a fierce look at him over your shoulder.
“Are you just gonna talk or are you gonna fuck me?”
Fives grins, straightening himself up.
“So impatient.” And he gives a light push to the curve of your foot with his own in order to make you spread your legs further; moons above, you are both still wearing your combat boots “Hands on the wall.”
You press your palms flat to the wall and see him spit on his hand and lower it down to spread the slickness over his cock and yes, this is what you want, a rough fuck that borders on pain. Fives grabs your hip with one hand and guides his cock into you with the other. You feel the blunt head pushing against your slit and you bite your lip, letting your eyes roll back before letting them fall shut.
That’s when Fives shoves almost halfway in without warning. You press your face on your bicep, trying to muffle your scream there. Fives goes very still.
“You okay? Any close to red?”
“N-No…” you babble out “Just didn’t expect… I’ll let you know if I’m going red…”
“Ok. Good.”
Fives then grabs most of your hair in his fist, pulling you on himself by it as he rams all of him inside you. The noise you make is pitiful, a half moan, half sob. You’re positively drenched, but the sudden invasion still hurts to a degree, and it hurts so good.
“Fuck, you’re tight.” Fives hisses as he pulls halfway back to then go balls-deep inside you again “Squeezing me so good.”
“You feel so- ahn!” it’s hard to speak under the strength of Fives’ thrusts “So good…” and you grin, licking your lips
Fives lowers his knees and thrusts upwards each time, and you can feel the way his cock pushes at your engorged folds, rim of his head scraping your insides every time he pulls out, rubbing against a sensitive spot that makes you weak at the knees.
He squeezes your ass, nails digging in, and the whole thing is so rough and almost hateful, the way he touches you, speaks to you and fucks you, sharp staccato thrusts that seem to have no goal other than to make you painfully sensitive and pry out of you the screams that you try to hold back.
But the way he checks on you on occasion allow you to enjoy it all immensely, knowing that Fives won’t purposefully hurt you at any point, and that he will stop if you call red.
He may be an annoying cocky trooper, but he’s an excellent sexual partner, and you’re glad these traits were met in a man with a beautiful face, a sexy voice, a cock that is well on the larger side and a gorgeous ass.
Speaking of his ass, you reach one hand back to grab at it, and the way it clenches at each thrust of his with the effort of fucking you this roughly makes you grin involuntarily as you rake your nails over it.
“Yeah, fuck me…” your voice shakes under the strength of Fives’ thrusts “Fuck me harder…”
Fives lets out a breathless grunt, grabbing at your arm with a bruising grip, using it as much as your hair to pull you back, slamming himself inside you over and over. The sound of his hips smacking against your ass echoes at each sharp thrust, and when you manage to turn your head just about enough to look at him you see the hungry look in his eyes, his teeth bared and tendons tensed up on his neck.
Moons, what a sight.
Fives lets go of your hair to then press his palm flat over your back, pushing you down until your chest and the side of your face are pressed to the wall, never halting his sharp thrusts while he takes his other hand to his mouth and reaches down to your crotch, feeling his way down to tease your clit with his finger that is now slick with spit. He leans closer, tip of his tongue touching the curve of our ear while you mewl out. The way he’s rubbing circles over your sensitive clit will make you lose your mind.
“Oh I like that sound.” his voice is a low growl and you can see the proud smirk on his face, feel his warm breath on your skin while you roll your hips back to meet his thrusts
“Just don’t stop… please, don’t stop…” you groan out, reaching back to grab Fives by the back of his neck and so that you can give him a messy, wet kiss over your shoulder
Fives rubs circles on your clit while he still thrusts thrusts hard into you, and you slam both your palms on the wall, dragging your nails down. Fuck. Fuck, this feels so good.
“Oh, hells I’m-” you can’t quite finish the sentence because the orgasm that shatters you barely allows you to hold your legs in place, knees shaking at every sharp contraction and the pleasure making a wide grin spread over your lips and shudders rippling through your whole self.
Fives takes no mercy and fucks you hard through it, hissed curses coming from between his bared teeth every time you clench tightly around his shaft.
“Kriff… Can I…” and a moan cuts him off as he grabs your hips again, nails digging in your skin “Can I come inside?...”
His voice is raspy and breathless, the question a desperate plea. Fives’ pupils are blown wide with pleasure, his lip quivering some under the effort of holding back. You nod weakly still feeling the high of your orgasm.
“Come inside me. Fill me up.”
And that look on Fives face, the look on his eyes that say he’s claiming you as his own, the way he breathes hard through his mouth, moans escaping him at every thrust, stars be damned, it could be enough to make you come again.
You feel his cock twitching hard inside you when he buries himself to the hilt, pressing his face to your shoulder blade and biting down on your skin to muffle out his noises; and you can feel the hot slickness being pumped deep inside of you over and over again, extending your pleasure just for how hot the whole thing is, Fives pressed to your back, spending himself deep inside you, still wearing his kama.
Fives kisses and licks the patch of skin where he had bit down, soothing it, and he moves a hand to gently caress your hair.
“Kriff, that was good.” he breathes out, chest rising and falling against your back
“Yeah…” you wish you could be more articulate, but not only you are breathless, you’re also still riding the high of the slick feeling inside you; hells, you asked for a creampie and the trooper sure delivered “So good.”
Fives draws a few more breaths before slowly pulling out of you. You can feel the warmth dripping out of you down your inner thighs when he does, and damn, that wasn’t supposed to get you all hot again and yet…
You turn around very slowly, supporting yourself against the wall because your legs are still shaking. The look on Fives’ face is so rewarding, his eyes staring you up and down with a proud smirk. He had done that, he had turned you into the breathless come-filled mess in front of him. When you look down, you notice that Fives is still half-hard, and you bite a smile over your lip.
“You want some more?”
At this point, at least, Fives doesn’t act so cocky, sighing out with a couple of nods:
“Yeah, I do. You?”
You lick your lips, touching a hickey over your breast.
Fives grins, walking up to you and pulling you into his arms as you wrap your legs around his waist, throwing your arms over his shoulders. He kisses you, deep and passionate, to then nibble at your collarbones.
“You’re so damn gorgeous… ah!” he gasps out when you rake your nails over his back “Kriff, yes, do that again.”
You claw at his back again as he carries you over to his bunk, and he lets out a pleased laugh, dropping you down on your back on the mattress and climbing on top of you.
“That the best you can do?” you scratch him again once, twice, much harder this time “Coming made you this weak?”
You click your tongue in annoyance.
“Why don’t you fuck me hard and give me a good reason to scratch you?”
Fives scoffs, kneeling up and reaching for the belt of his kama. You hold both of his wrists, grinning with your tongue between your teeth.
“Oh no, you keep that on.”
Fives pauses to then raise an eyebrow, letting go off his belt to then lean over you, whispering over your lips:
“Who knew the army captain was such pervert?”
You lock your legs over the small of Fives’ back and push him roughly on his side to then climb on top of him, supporting your hand on the mattress and reaching for Fives’ cock, giving him a couple of slow strokes.
“Who knew the ARC Trooper liked some spanking and coming inside?”
Fives let out a shaky breath, rolling his hips into your hand and letting his head down on the bed, eyes gleaming up to you, cock growing harder at each stroke.
“Oh, yes.” he hisses “Yeah, yeah, just like that...”
When you sit on his thighs and start using your free hand to touch yourself, Fives just moans at the sight, easy praise falling out of his lips.
“I guess you’re the pervert here, mr. ARC, sir.” you grin, getting your fingers easily coated with the come still dribbling out of you some “Getting hard again so soon… wanna fuck me this bad?”
Fives jerks his hips upwards, clearly not satisfied just by your slow, lazy thrusts. His face is twisted in the sweet agony of delayed pleasure, and he whimpers.
“Yeah, I do… Wanna fuck you… Please…”
Little gods above, what a perfect switch that man is, going from making you scream against that wall before to begging for your pussy on the bed now. There’s no way you’re not gonna give him what he wants. You make a show of licking his come off your fingers and gets up on your knees again.
When you line yourself up to sink down on his cock, it’s much easier than before – a good amount of his release from before is still inside you, making your insides slick and easy to enter. Still, you sit down on him very slowly, enjoying his expression of pure awe as he watches his length disappearing into you bit by bit until you are pressed flush against his pelvis, purring in absolute delight. The way his cock stretches you inside, just shy of hurting, feels so good.
“Oh, stars.” Fives hisses, grabbing at your hips and pulling you down on himself as he thrusts up into you, hard and sharp just like before
You gasp out, rolling your hips to meet his pace, leaning down and cupping Fives’ face, heel of your palm rubbing against his goatee some.
“Fuck, you’re good.” you say in a moan between your teeth, and it sounds almost like you’re complaining
“Want me to go easier on you?” Fives teases you with a grin and another sharp thrust, hands moving to grab at your ass cheeks “Or are you enjoying my insubordination, captain?”
You let out a brisk laugh, splaying your hands on Fives’ broad chest, feeling his warmth and dragging your nails over his skin, watching the angry red lines left on their wake. Fives throws his head back on the bed, eyes , and the moan he lets out is just beautiful.
“Yeah, just like that… moons, yes…”
You roll your hips faster since Fives seems to have lost a bit of his rhythm when you clawed his chest – moons, he really has a thing for you scratching him – and the way he reaches your deepest spots makes you whine loudly, aching for release. Fives reaches for your breasts, squeezes them hard, and you bite your lip at him, grabbing his wrists and taking a moment to suck at his fingers. Then, with one fluid movement you are leaning to pin his hands above his head. Fives growls at that, a wicked grin spreading across his face.
“Fuck yeah, baby.” he playfully fights your grip, hips snapping upwards to meet yours “Take what you need.”
You change your angle some while still pinning him down, moaning at the way the head of his cock presses up against the tight bundle of muscles behind your clit.
“Fuck, you’re so damn big, feels so good.” you whine out “Can’t get enough of you.”
Fives lifts his head just about enough to catch one of your nipples between his teeth; you lean down lower to allow him to suck on your breast, your entire body feeling so damn good you can barely tell if you’re only about to come or if you’re already doing it. Fives lets go off your breast with a suckling noise, laughing breathlessly.
“Getting close there, captain? You’re squeezing me like crazy.”
You let go off Fives’ wrists to cup his face, all of you wound tight and tensing up like a coiled spring.
“F-Fives…” you say his name in a raspy, desperate begging “I’m gonna come, I’m gonna fucking come…”
Fives slaps your ass hard with both of his hands, a criminally handsome smile on his face. His tone is almost like he’s challenging you.
“Come, gorgeous. Come all over my cock, let me see you come.” he moves his hands over your thighs, slapping them hard now “Come for me, come nice and hard for me.”
The next hard slap to your ass makes you squeeze your eyes shut, your vision whitening out as you desperately chase Fives’ lips and give him a searing kiss, pushing your tongue deep in his mouth and feeling him moan against it. You shiver on top of the ARC trooper, your toes curling as your hips roll on their own, chasing every last bit of pleasure.
Fives grabs your hips with a bruising grip, pushing you down on him as his hips snap up over and over in a messy pace; you whimper as the rim of his head scrapes against your inner walls, sending waves of pleasure rippling over your still-sensitive body. Fives bares his teeth in a hazy smile and you can tell he’s about to tip over the edge. He drawls out your name before flashing his tongue over his lips, and your think it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever heard in your life.
“Coming, babe, gonna come so hard…”
You grin back at him, setting a playful mock-scowl on your features as you grab his jaw hard, rolling your hips along with his pace.
“Come inside me, Fives, fill my pussy good. Come for me. Come.”
Fives lets out a breathy, brisk laugh that melts into a languid moan as his hips stutter, warm slickness spreading inside you in hard spurts. He stares intently at you through all of it, biting a grin over his lower lip, cheeks flushed and pupils blown wide. He’s still shuddering a bit when he reaches a hand over your back, pulling you down over him. You happily let him do so, allowing yourself to lie on his broad chest, nuzzling at his neck.
The two of you stay a few seconds like this, catching your breaths. Fives smells so good you could stay like this forever. His hands are big and warm over your lower back and shoulder blade, and now that you’re coming down from your high, it’s a welcome feeling as you’re starting to feel a little cold.
You wince when his softening cock slips out of you, warm release trickling out of your pussy as it does. Your cheeks are burning as you come to terms with what just happened. The annoying ARC trooper and you just had some absolutely amazing sex and now you’re lying on top of him, two loads of him slowly oozing out of you.
Fives turns his head to press a soft kiss to your cheek. Why does his goatee feel so good against your skin?
“Are you okay?” he asks in a gentle tone, so different from his cocky, bossy demeanor from before “Do you hurt anywhere?”
You smirk.
“Just my pride. Never had a fuck this good.” Fives laughs, and it makes you shake on top of him “Am I crushing you?”
Fives runs his fingers through your hair, petting it gently. It makes you feel so good you have to fight the urge to purr.
“Not at all. Feels good.” He lets out a long sigh “That… was amazing. You’re so good. So hot.”
You shift some to reach for the back of his neck and caress him with gentle strokes.
“You too, handsome. I should’ve picked a fight with you before.” and you frown for a moment, turning to look at Fives’ gorgeous brown eyes “You didn’t make a deal with your brother for him to steal my bed and force me to come here, did you?”
Fives lets out a quiet laugh, giving you a kiss on your forehead.
“No. But he did say something about how he wished the two of us would resolve ‘this ridiculous sexual tension’ so that we would stop dragging him into our arguments.” He shrugged “I told him to shut up and went to take a shower. When I walked out, you were here.”
You roll off of Fives to lie on your back, laughing. Of course.
“Your brother… is an evil mastermind.”
Fives turns to lie on his side, looking at you with a smirk.
“Don’t blame him for the way you were staring at me when I walked out, captain.” He shuffles closer, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips “I know I don’t blame him for the way I couldn’t get you off my mind in the shower.”
The thought of Fives touching himself while he thinks about you is enough to make you hide your blushing face, pressing it against his chest.
“Well, I’m… I’m glad we worked things out.”
Fives reaches for a tip of the blanket, throwing it over you and pulling you closer into his arms.
“That sure is one way to say it.”
You keep playfully bickering with one another until you can no longer keep your eyes open, and you sleep curled up against the ARC trooper.
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philomaela · 4 years
Is there any characterization of the Ragnarssons in the show that you think is close to the ones in the saga?
Disclaimer: I need an easy way to refer to Ragnar’s saga, the tale of Ragnar’s sons and the Gesta Danorum book 9, since I do believe those texts are the core influence on Vikings. I’m going to refer to those texts as the main trio.  Yes, that is the best name I could come up with lol.
I guess if I had to pick… I would say Hvitserk and Bjorn? However, it’s not necessarily because what Hirst wrote for those two is so in line with the main trio, but rather because they are less fleshed out compared to their brothers. While they do things and have a certain level of characterization, most of their actions take place while the brothers are acting as a team, rather than acting as individuals. The result is that the bulk characterization often rests on things that can be ascribed to the Ragnarssons as a whole, rather than on them as individuals. So you have more wiggle room with them, you’re not contradicting anything instead you’re just supplementing, if that makes sense.
On that level, both Hvitserk and Bjorn are regarded as honorable-ish, passionate men who are great warriors. Bjorn also has a desire for maternal affection/praise that is implied by one of his verses in Ragnar’s saga. Bjorn in the Gesta Danorum is also a strong leader who inspires loyalty in his Kingdom and he’s very close to his father, choosing to fight beside his father against his half-brother Ubbe. All those things are in line with his characterization in the show imo.
However, I should add… as is the case with everything on Vikings… Hirst isn’t just drawing from the main trio, he’s drawing from other sources that sometimes contradict the narrative of said trio (even those texts sometimes contradict each other lol!). For example, Ragnar’s adventures in Paris come from contemporary French sources, not from the main trio. And it’s not incorrect to do that, it’s a valid storytelling choice! I just think the way it’s done sometimes leads to some problematic elements.
I know you didn’t ask, but I find it fascinating how Hirst has (imo, obviously) essentially given Sigurd, Ivar and Ubbe the opposite characterizations of the ones they had in the main trio. So, I want to go into detail about that, I’ll put it under a cut because it’s slightly off-topic and also this is already too long lmao.
This one I’ll mainly be talking about Sigurd as he stands in Ragnar’s saga and the tale of Ragnar’s sons. So, do you want to know what the key is to understanding Sigurd’s characterization in those texts? It’s that he is Aslaug’s son. He is a living symbol of his mother’s proud lineage, his birth saves her marriage and reveals her true background to the world. Sigurd, Aslaug’s youngest son, earns her the respect she deserved, but could not get while she was known as the daughter of peasants. While Aslaug loves all her sons (including her stepsons), to me the text makes it clear that Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye is her favorite. And Sigurd is a mama’s boy in through and through. When his brothers are refusing their mother’s advice to go to war, he speaks up on her behalf, even though he is only 3 years old. In the tale of Ragnar’s sons, Aslaug is given Sigurd’s sword and shield when he dies and raises his children, one of whom is a daughter named after Aslaug. (TBF, the translation I’ve read says that Aslaug gave her own name to the girl, but due to some weirdness in how facts are revealed in the story, I’m not sure if she did this before or after Sigurd died…)
Anyway, the thing about Sigurd as he stands in Vikings… his “origin” is totally different! Aslaug is known as a princess the moment she enters the story, she makes the prophecy of Sigurd’s eye due to anger at Ragnar making fun of her. In fact, the snake in Sigurd’s eye is treated ambiguously, rather than a straightforward blessing linking him to the Volsung line. So in this world, where Sigurd’s birth is not a transformative point in Aslaug’s story… well, he’s not quite linked to his mother in the same way, is he? Sigurd is not her precious boy, instead that spot is reserved for her “new” youngest son, Ivar the Boneless. She gives most of her affection and attention to the son who needs it most and so Sigurd grows jealous and resentful of Ivar. Rather than being a great king who rules justly, as in the Gesta Danorum, he’s seems somewhat petty and spiteful and since he dies young, he never has a chance to grow beyond that.
Sigurd goes from a favorite son and mama’s boy, to a resentful, less-favored child. Rather than inspiring (a small level of) jealousy in his brothers, he is jealous of his brother. Rather than being precocious, he’s just petty and in terms of the narrative, he dies before he has a chance to be anything else. These core character changes imo, come from the decision to change Aslaug’s origin story and as a result, erasing the original narrative importance of Sigurd’s birth. Oh sure, Sigurd’s still got a snake in his eye, but it’s purely aesthetic, it does not carry the same thematic weight and importance that it did in Ragnar’s saga.
The changes to Ubbe’s characterization are similar to Sigurd in that his origin story is completely changed and this subsequently changes his characterization. For Ubbe, I’ll mainly be discussing the Gesta Danorum, though Ubbe is briefly mentioned in the tale of Ragnar’s sons (as “Husto”) all that is really said about him is that he’s one of Ragnar’s illegitimate children. But anyway, in the Gesta Danorum, Ubbe is indeed Ragnar’s illegitimate son, born out of an affair with a woman of lower-birth. As far as I can tell, this class difference creates some resentment in Ubbe, because there is a line about how he respects his mother more than his father. Later, Ubbe’s paternal grandfather convinces him to stage a rebellion against Ragnar. Ubbe asks his half-brother Bjorn for help, but Bjorn prefers to fight by his father’s side. Interestingly, Ivar picks neither side, claiming that there is no honor in fighting against family. Either way, it’s Ubbe and his grandfather against Ragnar and Bjorn. Ragnar wins and kills Ubbe’s grandfather for inciting the rebellion and Ubbe eventually is captured. After Ragnar’s son Hvitserk dies, before Ragnar leaves to take vengeance, he forgives Ubbe for his rebellion. After that Ubbe disappears from the narrative.
Now in Vikings, Ubbe’s origin is again… completely different! Rather than being the an illegitimate son whose mother was of a much lower social class than his father… now he’s the legitimate son of a princess and an earl/well regarded hero! He’s not an only child anymore, now he’s an eldest son, with many younger brothers to look after. As well, his father isn’t a king whose achievements lay in conquest and forging an empire, but rather a king whose dream was to find farming land. So he transforms from a resentful and ambitious son into a responsible, unambitious son. Power is given to him so easily, he doesn’t need to take it by force and rather than taking away his father’s empire, he aims to fulfill his father’s dream.
So much changes for Ubbe once he becomes Aslaug’s son, you could say his fortunes are completely reversed! It’s funny in a way, Ubbe in the show complained about Margrethe having so many ambitions, perhaps because of his princely upbringing. However, Ubbe in the Gesta Danorum has a far more troubled background and the way he straddles class lines makes him far more ambitious and willing to challenge the societal norms.
So… Ivar is unique case, because I don’t think his “character flip” comes from the changes in his origin, like with the other two, but rather in Hirst borrowing from multiple other sources for Ivar. The dichotomy that comes from reading sources about Ivar are fascinating, you get the sense that the Ivar of the Great Heathen Army and the Ivar of Ragnar’s saga were two very different people lol. In sources such as the Íslendingabók or the writings of Adam of Bremen, Ivar is an evil pagan, the cruelest of all tyrants, continuously waging war, killing and torturing christians. But, interestingly, Ivar is not “boneless” in these sources, no mention is made of him having a disability (unless there is another source I am forgetting?). Now, in Ragnar’s saga, Ivar is very different. He is born disabled, the result of his father ignoring his mother’s prophecy. He is the eldest son and all his brothers follow him because he’s the wisest and most clever of them. He is so well-regarded, that when his brothers try to go to war without him, they’re not able to gather that many forces. He takes vengeance for his father without technically ever going to war and he rules well, watching over England even after he dies. There is a line in the tale of ragnar’s sons about how he didn’t lack cruelty, but… it seems like he is only cruel under very specific circumstances.
So, Ivar’s “origin” is changed a little bit, he goes from the eldest son to the youngest, so he has to fight for control against his brothers. He’s less responsible and more resentful. However, it seems that unlike Sigurd and Ubbe, whose new characterizations follow largely from changes in the story… Ivar’s personality in the show is the result of grafting his characterization from various other sources onto his backstory in Ragnar’s saga. Now, we have an Ivar who was born disabled and is a cruel, angry Pagan. Ivar does inspire loyalty… but as a tyrant, he also inspires fear in the people he rules over. Now, he kills one brother and gladly goes to war against the others, something he refused to do in both the Gesta Danorum and Ragnar’s saga. He’s still clever, but now he’s impatient and has rage issues, rather than being able to maintain a level of calm and work on long term plans like he does in Ragnar’s saga.
I… struggle, with this change more than with the others tbh. There’s nothing inherently wrong with changing an origin or pulling from multiple sources, but in the implication and effect they have on the story. While I don’t really care that Sigurd isn’t a mama’s boy or that Ubbe is a responsible son in the show, I’m not sure if I appreciate the decision to keep the disability of his Saga characterization but to cast him as a cruel, monstrous tyrant, as he is portrayed in other sources. It feels especially egregious when his brothers are painted as more noble and fighting against him. I wonder if there was maybe a middle line that you could have walked, either by making Ivar a little less gleefully evil or by making his brothers a little less virtuous.
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