#and i loved the crabs and tumblr memories a lot
ingo-ingoing-ingone · 6 months
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This is where I ended up for today! XD I was asleep last night, and my app isn't up to date (and desktop version is SUPER janky on mobile) so booping at work was hard
So I spent the last hour booping people XD I got a lot of errors BUT I HAD A BLAST THANK U FOR BOOPING ME
If it's still here tomorrow I'm gonna go for 1000 boops
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insertdisc5 · 2 years
The tumblr q&a is over, but I was curious! I love all the different phrases the characters in isat/sasasa:p use--If it's something you can say, where did inspiration for "gems alive" and other phrases come from?
long post ahead
ok so when I was figuring out the world, I found this lecture on worldbuilding by Brandon Sanderson (go watch it, and also go read his books), and (im gonna paraphrase heavily here) one thing he mentioned is that, to make a memorable world, one thing you can do is pick a couple areas of culture, and go real deep with it. So like, pick fashion, and architecture, and interior design, and develop those a bunch, and bam! you convinced people you have a whole dang world, even though you only developed 3 areas of this world. hollow iceberg everyone thinks is a real iceberg.
he also mentioned the idea of like... getting weird with it? and develop based on a weird detail? for example, in his book The Stormlight Archives, one detail is that women have to hide their left hand at all times. ok, so what does that mean, whats taboo about a left hand? is the left hand shameful, or lewd somehow, the same way ankles were for us? what about fashion, what does women's fashion look like? and how do you live your every day life, knowing you can't show this hand, can you carry things the same way? etc
SO, for me, one of the Big Worldbuilding pillars i picked was, uh, swear words lol. or language and common expressions, more generally. i went on a whole journey where i was like... ok swear words in a LOT of languages (including french and english, both languages i speak fluently) are either sexual, or about gross bodily discharges. you know what words i mean!!!!!
and, well, i also didnt want the game to be full of those words, mostly because i think its a tightrope to use those words without seeming cringe, and also because i have a Core Memory of showing a comic to a colleague and she said "well i wouldve liked to show it to my kids, but you said fuck 12 times in there" and i didnt show my face to her for a week. family friendly family friendly family friendly
so what swear words should my characters use, that arent the same ones we use? and could those swear words actually tell us something about the world they live in? could i actually use those swear words... to show the characters come from different cultures???
and what COULD swear words be like, if theyre not about sex or body stuff? well irl they're usually about religions or belief. "oh god", "goddamnit", etc. as a sidenote, stuff like "oh my god" or "geez" arent used, because jesus christ is not canon to the ISAT universe. alright
i decided very early on i wouldnt have those in the game either, but i COULD have them be about the religions specific to this world. and for insults, i could have them be about stuff those beliefs would see as lesser.
anyway instead of talking about "gems alive" lets talk about "crab"
isabeau+mirabelle+bonnie use "crab" as a swear word because they follow a religion all around change, bettering yourself, evolving, and, the crab meme,
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for those who dont get the joke, its about carcinisation, and about how a bunch of non-crab-like forms somehow evolved to a crab-like form. which would be horrible, for a religion all based around change!!! you mean we change and evolve, but theres a chance we might all become crabs??? CRAB!!!!!!!
anyway having "crab" kinda reads as 1. swear word 2. thats funny and weird (sets the tone) 3. tells you they know what crabs are (world not that different from ours, AND means they live close-ish to the coast, aka not land locked) and 4. crabs are somehow hated/feared, even if as the player you dont get why, it shows this country has its own culture (even if you dont get the crabs joke, which uuuh apparently doesnt work as well in countries that dont have this specific meme. WHATEVER!!!!)
(a few people came to me saying "heh, i get it, because crab and crap are very similar words" and um actually i did not think about that. crab is just a funny word on its own, and also i am a comedy genius without even trying)
anyway tldr: swear words as a worldbuilding tool. soon in theaters
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crabussy · 2 months
Hola Robin!!
I read all your pinned n bio hoping to find how you felt about sharing donation posts, but found no sign, so I'm giving it a try.
I usually just ask on don blogs but things got a bit harder, so I'm just asking around just this time (I hope, if I asked before I'm sorry, I have memory issues)
Just a RB on our pinned post could help us get seen.
Also... I used to be an animal planet fan :) love nature documentaries, can I get some recs?
I don't know much but can I ask for a bit of cool crabs? I have a soft spot the tiny guys, It's been a hard year and I just want to forget about it with cook creatures, anything you want to share honestly.
Sorry for rambling, but thanks for your time and patience if you read all of it :)
Hope you have a great week!!
I've reblogged it once already but here's the post again so that its easy to find!! I really hope you guys can get what you need to make your situation much better.
as for documentaries, surprisingly I don't watch that many!! but I watched this one and REALLY enjoyed it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOn1zALv9qw
it's about nz!! conservation, culture, people and places. there's lots of animal action as well as many other interesting things!!
and I LOVE crabs I am so happy to share some images with you....
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this is the new zealand half crab! also known as kokoriki in te reo māori. I love their mottled blues and greens and funny shape! they're actually not true crabs as they have only 3 pairs of walking legs but I love them anyway.
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and this is the sally lightfoot crab! I just love them for their crazy colouration (blue underbelly?? so cooool) and interesting name!
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grumpy-baby · 1 year
Polyamory diaries: Hard Mode
My therapist tells me I should journal, but where's the fun in doing something that has absolutely no hope of external validation? So here we are. All roads lead back to tumblr somehow.
About a year ago, my friend told me that M (partner of 10 years/ primary partner/nesting partner) and I are doing non-monogamy on hard mode. What she meant by that was the fact that we went from monogamy to non-monogamy after having been together for years already. And it's true. Non-monogamy will absolutely fuck your relationship six ways from Sunday if you're not ready. It exposes every crack, crease or strain on your partnership, shining an unforgiving light on every single rug-sweep or white lie or mildly unhealthy habit you've ever made. Transitioning from monogamy is much harder than operating from a base of non-monogamy from the start.
But I used to be proud that we did it "properly". We managed the transition. We read the books. We learned about attachment styles. We started out swinging, then we eased into dating and having sex separately, and then opened our relationship. And about two months ago we had a remarkably casual conversation about falling in love with others. And as we witnessed other newly-NM partnerships of 7, 8 years crumbling around us while ours went from strength to strength, we felt smug that our relationship's foundation was reassuringly solid. (That is NOT to say it was easy - it was really fucking hard - but we Did It, yaknow?)
Enter 2023.
In the space of four months:
I got medically signed off work for burnout
I started having my first breakthroughs in psychodynamic therapy, one of which was the realisation that my mother is an abusive malignant narcissist
I had suicidal ideation and a breakdown over M's relationship with a woman who treated me extremely poorly, and felt backed into using veto power despite my assurances to myself that I wouldn't ever
I realised I almost definitely have ADHD
My ex, with whom I was still very much in love and from whose ending of our relationship I was still reeling, died of a ketamine overdose
I went no contact with my mother
Friends, I am Not Doing Great. Actually, given the circumstances, I think I'm doing remarkably well, but dear reader, when I tell you I am so fucking tired...
I could go on about the devastating impact all this has had on my self-image, confidence, mental health, emotional wellbeing, etc, but you can probably take a guess at all that. However, having all of these events packed so closely together has meant I've had to do a LOT of processing bad feelings and it's been...eye-opening.
You see, it turns out that I've been suppressing almost all of my emotions my whole life. My father was so explosive, and my mother's emotions so wild and all-consuming, that there wasn't any space for me to express anything except quiet, well-behaved compliance. I was in denial about my mother's emotional abuse for all of these years and having to face that all of a sudden has brought back a lot of memories. And in all of them, I was punished (severely) for my rage, my sadness, my pushback. So I suppressed them. I went through my whole life thinking I was strong, resilient and untouchable. A spiky little fighter who could overcome anything without feeling anything but determination. Turns out I'd actually emotionally castrated myself.
Now, at the age of 31, I am feeling my feelings for the first time. And boy are there a LOT of them. Before this year, I thought M was the one who would struggle with polyamory the most. I thought if we ever broke up, it would be me doing the breaking. Out of the two of us, I was sure I was the more independent and self-reliant.
Turns out those were lies I told myself. I'm not spiky and plucky. I don't have an exoskeleton. I have a bunch of defective survival mechanics that haven't been fit for purpose for decades and are now falling away. I'm a soft, sensitive and deeply, deeply hurt little crab whose only safe home is my partner. I haven't learned how to build my own yet.
So when he goes on dates, when I think about him having sex with others, when he tells me he and his new partner are really really into each other - rather than feeling excited for him like I used to, I can feel it all spinning away from me. My newly-discovered emotions, which I never learned to regulate because I wasn't allowed to have any, take the wheel and drive me down into the pits of the worst possible case scenario and tell me that it's real, that I'm too ugly and broken for him to love me anymore, that he hates me, that my friends hate me, that I'm nothing but a burden, that it's the truth, that my life is over.
My logical brain tells me I'm happy for him, that I have compersion, that he deserves good partners, just like I do. But it doesn't make the thought of meeting her tonight any less terrifying. At least she's bringing her dog - hopefully he'll diffuse any tension.
Hard Mode. No shit.
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2ollux-and-company · 10 months
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(credit to Vim_des on twitter for our icon.)
(credit to benkeibear on tumblr for our dividers.)
CURRENT HOST: Dualscar Vantas
We are the Silly Billy system! We are a fictive-heavy system with a variety of sources, but this blog is for the Homestuck fictives!
We will occasionally post sprite edits, which most of us love doing! They’re very fun and we wouldn’t be opposed if someone requested some from us!
PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT if you are a syscorse blog, a proshipper, or a Cronus fictive/kin!
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Sollux Captor: II go by any pronoun2 but II prefer iit/iits. II am not 2ure of my age, 2o tread liightly iif you want to talk flu2hed wiith me. II’ll mo2tly po2t and reblog art and 2tiimboard2. My tag ii2 #twinarmaggedons.
Gamzee Makara: I LiKe GoIn By ClOwN/ClOwNsElF. I’m DeFiNeTlY A MiNoR So DoN’t TrY To GeT It On ReD StYlE. I’lL MoStLy PoSt RaNtS, SoUrCe MeMoRiEs, AnD My VrIsKa ObSeSsIoN. My TaG Is #terminallycapricious.
Vriska Serket: hi! ::::) i go by she/her (but i’m experimenting with he/they!!!!!!!!) and i’m an adult! i’ll mostly just re8log shit like fanart (mostly of me ::::)) 8ut i’ll also make appreciation posts a8out my darling girl nepeta! my tag is #arachnidsgrip
Nepeta Leijon: :33< i go by kitty/cat!!! i’m vrhisska’s kid and i’m thirteen! i lovelovelove reblogging silly posts and i’ll post my own someclimbs! i’ll also post a lot about karcat and equihiss (they were my moirails!) my tag is #arseniccatnip!
Dave Strider: i go by he/crab (in honor of karkat my silly rabbit) and i’m a grown man B) i’ll mostly talk about karkat and sollux, and i’ll totally reblog shit about them too. my tag is #turntechgodhead.
Bro Strider: I go by he/him. I’m 28. I won’t post much, probably, but I’ll reblog anything about my dope ass lil bro. My tag is #timaeustestified.
Kanaya Maryam: I Go By She/Buzz/Flower. I Love Rose Very Much, So Most Of My Posts And Reblogs Will Be Rose-Centric And I Will Subject You To Each Post Twelve Times A Day. My Tag Is #grimauxiliatrix.
Mituna Captor: H1 1’M M17UN4 1’M 8 5W33P5 0LD 4ND 1 G0 8Y 8UM8L3/833 1’M G0NN4 83 P0571NG 480U7 L47UL4 4ND M33N4H 4 L07 MY 74G 15 #twiceannihilated
Gamzee Nitram: yO, i’m gamzee nitram, i’ll prOlly nOt use this blOg Often, but if i dO pOp up feel free tO say hi, i’ll reblOg things that remind me Of sOurce, i gO by any prOnOuns, my tag is #gnefariousguffaw
Doublespirit: i’m duwalscar vantas! i go by he/it/sor and im a duwalscar sufferer-wways kin! no, not a fictive, i knoww. buwt anywway i’ll probably post art n shit ya my tag is #doublespirit
Kerpop Makara: yO yO YOOOO it’S thE GRAND MOTHERFUCKING HIGHBLOOD iN thE FUCKING HIVE YO! I gO bY hE/honK/snorT anD I FUCKING LOVE MEN. I mighT noT posT mucH, buT iF I dO I MOTHERFUCKING RECKON i’lL posT abouT mY sourcE. mY taG iS #ghb
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felitomkinson · 2 years
Hi sorry I’m on anonymous cause I’m basing this off of pure memory rn so I could be wrong and no clue if you’d remember my blog anyways
I messaged you once for some reason as a teen on here and basically kinda dumped my Teenage Angst issues on you at the first sign of prompting when I probably shouldn’t have??? You were such a cool blog to me back in the day and I was a dumb little closeted trans man who was depressed and had issues with my parents and thought you were a cool artist and thought your selfies were cute idk???
ANYWAYS,,, on the off chance that you do somehow remember a teen messaging you on here and you giving kind words back that really helped me, I just wanted to pop in as the 23 year old I am today and kinda just say thank you for being kind to a stranger online :) not only am I out and living as a trans man (been on T for little over 2 years now!!!), I have an amazing boyfriend, I’m medicated for adhd now and on an antidepressant and I feel more mentally healthy than I ever had before!!! I’m possibly autistic too which explains a lot of my past troubles with people but haven’t gotten formally diagnosed yet.
Excuse the rambling, I just thought it would be nice to let you know that not everyone online forgets the kindness of other fellow online people :’)
I hope you have an amazing day and I’m glad I still follow you on here after so many years!!!
LORDDDDDD when will this app implement a send-a-hug feature instead of crabs, I do remember back in my earlier tumblr days I would try and give advice when prompted here and there and i am so sad my energy levels and time management don’t really allow me to do it as much, but it brings me so much joy to read this, knowing that you’re thriving all these years later and living your most authentic life and supporting your wellness like you are! i’m proud of you, look at you now, look at the turns life takes even when we feel we’ve hit rock bottom and how it can go upwards from there.
genuinely i am incredibly happy to read this and i hope that even if there are bumps along the road, you keep driving steadily, solid aiming pays off even if we zigzag. i’m not sure what i’m even saying but i hope the intent is perceived either way. sending lots of love to you and i repeat: i am pppppproud PROUD PROUD PROUD of how far you’ve come <3
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simkhira · 5 years
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I Have 300+ Gameplay Mods?! & Yes, They All Work Together...
Yes, you read that correctly. I have over 300 gameplay mods / overrides in my game. 340 to be exact. & Yes, they all work just fine together. By that I mean hardly any last exceptions / errors. So if you are looking for ways to spice up your game - here you go, sis:
⭐ = my ultimate faves
PLEASE SEE ALL 300+ LINKS ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE! desktop tumblr won’t let us be great.
BIG DISCLAIMER: Use these mods at your own risk! Just because all 300+ of these mods work for me, does not mean they will work for you. ALSO - when patch day comes, do not refer to this list for the most up-to-date versions of mods… I will only be updating this list when I feel like I need to.
let’s start with... the basics:
MC Command Center ⭐
UI Cheats Extension ⭐
More Columns in CAS ⭐
No Mosaic ⭐
CAS Background
CAS Blob Remover
CAS Immersive Lighting
CAS Tidy Accessories + Details
New Loading Screens
Cube Map Remover ⭐
Into the Light (Lighting Mod)
Out of the Dark (Lighting Mod)
Twinkle Toes (Lighting Mod)
No Fade on Sims and Objects
Build/Buy Camera (Tab Mode) ⭐
Lot Trait Effects Hider
Smaller Plumbob ⭐
& then you need... realistic socialization:
Chat Pack ⭐
Whim Overhaul ⭐
Meaningful Stories ⭐
Personality Please
Better Elders
More Face to Face Conversation
Call Over Sims (Higher Distance)
Call Anytime + Chat Longer on the Phone
Unlisted Phone Numbers ⭐
Low Fun is Boring
Family Matters (Share Big News with Family Members)
Share More News ⭐
Congratulate More
Ask What Happened More
Conversation Tweaks
Chat Standing Still
No Stand Up to Greet
No Rude Intro Animation
No Flirty Animation
Apology Fix (Don’t Apologize if Your’re the Victim)
Angry Walk-style Only When VERY Angry
Less Intrusive Conversations
NPC’s Get Out of My Convo
Autonomous Parenthood Social Interactions
Autonomous Social Interactions
Reduced Idle Chatting
Know Your Coworkers / Classmates ⭐
More Away Actions
More Social Activities
Spend Weekend With
Teach Me the Rumbaism
now let’s talk about... realistic romance:
Chemistry System ⭐
Pillow Talk After Woohoo ⭐
No Shy First Kiss
No Woohoo Dance
Shower Woohoo Tweaks
No Romance for Family
Restricted Romance Interactions
Less Jealousy
Simda Dating App
Can I Come Over?
Date Night Event
Movie Night Event
Set Family Relationships ⭐
Set Extended Family Relationships ⭐
Bathroom Privacy Tweak
Bridal Shower Event
Bachelor(ette) Party Event
Auto Engagement / Wedding Ring ⭐
Vacation Weddings
Sit at Weddings
Better Wedding Presents ⭐
Honeymoon Event
Buy More Gifts from Phone
Ask for Romantic Massage
Realistic Divorce ⭐
Traumatic Divorce for Children
Improved Relationships
No Restaurant Bill When Invited ⭐
Faster Cooking at Restaurants ⭐
Better Food Quality at Restaurants
Finish Eating in Restaurants
Restaurant Guests Overhaul
Restaurant Sit Tweak
(can y’all tell that restaurants annoy me? lmao)
first comes love, then comes... pregnancy / toddler / kids / fur babies:
Ages Behavior Tweaks
Toddlers Spawn at Parks (with Parents)
More Children at Beaches
Pregnancy Overhaul
Rub Your Baby Bump (Small Pregnancy Overhaul)
Determine Baby’s Gender for All ⭐
Ultrasound Scans ⭐
Baby Shower Event
Amazing Birth (Rave About Your Delivery)
Advanced Birth Certificate ⭐
Sibling Care Tweaks
Make Less / Clean Less Mess
Auto Brush Teeth After Puking
Auto Put Activity Crafts into Inventory
Allow Toddlers to go to Services
No Call Out of High Chair
Toddler Power Nap
Better Toddler Milk
Better + Younger Nanny
Call a Babysitter ⭐
Call a Dog Walker
Shorter Dog Walks
Dog Walkers in Other Worlds
Scold All Pets
Sell Grown Up Pets
Pet Food Serving Overhaul
More Efficient Pet Brushing
Kids Can Walk Dogs
Kids Can Order Espresso
Kids Can Ride Bikes
Kids Have More Phone Interactions
Kids Can Cook
Kids Can Do Retail
Kids Can Garden
Kids Can Make Flower Arrangements
Kids Can Make Robots
Kids Can Workout
Kids Can Do Spa Activities
Kids Can Play Guitars
Kids Can Play Ping Pong
Birthday Anytime
Let Friends Age Up ⭐
No Auto Put Away Toys
No Auto Put Away Pet Toys
No Puddles Under Tubs (Toddler Bath)
Has to Pee Walk-style for Kids Only
Better Homework ⭐
Better Grade School ⭐
Better High School ⭐
Preschool for Toddlers ⭐
School Projects are Fun
More School Holidays
25 School Vacation Days
Prom Night Event ⭐
Sleepover Event
Pizza Party Event
Field Trip Event
Family Reunion Event
Pool Party Event
speaking of school... university:
Less Credits for Degree ⭐
University Costs More ⭐
University Holidays Fixed
Higher Scholarships ⭐
Rejection Letter
Harder Distinguished Degree Acceptance ⭐
Degree Required for Promotions
Faster Run to University Class
Teens Jump to University
Choose Your Helmet
Choose Your Roommates ⭐
Roommate Age-Checks
Roommate Significant Other Fix
Roommates No Random Outfit Changing
Roommates No Random Item Spawning in Dorms
Roommates No Spawning Meals
Roommates No Trash
Roommates Sleep All Night
Roommates Less Music
College Org Members Are Uni Students
Faster University Homework ⭐
Faster Tutoring Class
Copy Graduation Photos and Diploma
No Bad Microwave Buffs
No Ghosts on Campus
Sports Fixes
Game Day Event
Graduation Party Event
once you graduate... careers & aspirations:
Plan Career Outfit
Better Work Actions
Enlist in War ⭐
Live in Business
Faster Retail Actions
Faster Record / Edit Videos on Video Station⭐
Higher Acting Gig Payouts & Royalties ⭐
More Realistic Overmax Pay ⭐
Higher Payments for Paintings ⭐
Higher Royalties for Apps/Games ⭐
Higher Royalties for DJ Mixing ⭐
Higher Royalties for Lifestyle Brands ⭐
Higher Royalties for Song Lyrics ⭐
Higher Royalties for Music ⭐
Freelancer Edits are More Successful
Sketchpad No Fees
Campaign Rally Event
Visible Political Position
Watch Political Speeches at Podium
Retirement Party Event
The University Aspiration Pack ⭐
Accomplished Lady Aspiration
Family Aspiration
Grow Up Aspiration
Teacher’s Pet Aspiration
Knowledge Aspiration
Retirement Aspiration
Romance Aspiration
Famous Pastry Chef Aspiration
Twilight Years Aspiration
All-Rounder Aspiration
Programming Genius Aspiration
Travel and Culture Aspiration
Wellness Aspiration
9 to 5 Career Pack ⭐
Night Shift Career Pack ⭐
Part Time Career Pack ⭐
Fitness Career
Health and Beauty Career
Modeling Career
Journalism Career (Adult + Teen)
Trust Fund Career (Adult + Teen)
Welfare Recipient (Adult + Teen)
Saturday Jobs (Teens)
Oceanography Career (Teens)
Private Tutoring Career (Teens)
All Freelancer Careers (Teens)
Tutor (Odd Job)
Woohoo (Odd Job) - lmao
Art Show Event
hahaha... adulting sucks:
Basemental Alcohol ⭐
Happy Hour Event
SNB Realistic Bills ⭐
SNB Banking
Invest in Stocks
Lowered Thermostat Bills
Instant Thermostat ⭐
Auto Wrinkles for Adults
Life Decider 
House Warming Party (No More Fruitcake)
Door Knock Notification ⭐
Island Events Notifications ⭐
No Strangers Knocking at Your Door
Quick Showers / Baths ⭐
Shower + Bladder Reliever (don’t judge me)
Power Nap ⭐
Sleep All Night
Smarter Robot Vacuum
Functional Tide Pods
Clean Your Bedsheets
Auto Put Away Clothes
Auto Start/Dry Clothes
Laundry on Community Lots Costs
No Idle Laundry Animations / Sparkles
Don’t Prep Food Where You Angry Poop ⭐
Don’t Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop ⭐
Eco Dishwasher
Faster Cooking ⭐
No Auto Set the Table
Ask to Cook, Bake, Grill
BBQ Event
Custom Food + Recipe’s ⭐
Custom Drinks + Recipe’s ⭐
Grannie’s Old Cookbook + Recipe’s ⭐
Bake Cupcakes in Oven
Coolers are Cooling
Advanced Fishing ⭐
Fishing Trip Event
Fish for Crabs, Lobster, & Shrimp
More Seafood Servings
More Snacks in Fridge
More Food at the Bar
More Food in the Cafe
Flea Market Every Sunday
Get to Church
just in case you... get famous:
No Fame Decay ⭐
Celebrities Never Reject Fans
Celebrities are Quarantined in Del Sol Valley ⭐
Get Famous Award Overhaul
Less Celebrity Reactions
Famous Sims Gain Followers Automatically
More Follower’s Resolution for Everyone
Free Staff (Chef, Barista, Bartender, etc.) ⭐
Gardeners and Maids on Weekends
Red Carpet Event
whatever you are... just be happy and healthy:
Fitness Controls ⭐
Balanced Calories ⭐
Go for a Walk
Hiking Increases Herbalism Skill
Power Workouts
Athletic Outfit in Winter ⭐
Healthy Drinks
Improved Meditation Stool
Improved Spa Day Tablet
Improved Yoga Mat ⭐
Craftable Pottery
Less Elder Exhaustion
Less Sickness
Longer Basketball Games
More Fun Stuff
Online Gaming with Headsets
and I can’t forget these... more gameplay mods:
NPC Controller ⭐
Improved Autonomy
Simulation Lag Fix
Simulation Timeline Unclogger
Improved Autonomy During Loading Screens ⭐
No Empty Venues When Arriving ⭐
No Temperature Deaths ⭐
No Death from Murphy Bed
No React to Stranger’s Death
Realistic Death (Mortem) ⭐
Memorial Event
Freezing Sims Don’t Turn Blue ⭐
More Club / Holiday Icons
Make Hidden Holiday Traditions Selectable
Random Holiday Traditions
Wellness Traditions
More Holiday Icons
Less Rain More Sun
Less Snow More Sun
Summer Blow-Out Event
Christmas Eve Event
New Year’s Eve Bash Event
No Ugly Rain Outfits
More Umbrella Variations in World
Open Umbrella on Rainy Days Only
No More Broken Umbrellas
Destroy Leaf Piles ⭐
Dress Code Lot Trait
Gender and More Lot Trait
Preferences Lot Trait
Add Sims to Groups During Events
No Auto Club Gathering ⭐
Flower Arrangements Slower Decay
Take Photo Overhaul (Moschino Stuff) ⭐
Snorkel Everywhere
Don’t Turn NPC’s into Spellcasters
No Role Outfits for Sages
ROM Portal Only for Spellcasters
& you also need these... much-needed overrides:
More Sponge Colors
More Sippy Cup Colors
More Dog Leash Colors
White Ice Skates
Better Food Textures (All of Them) ⭐
Hidden Bassinet ⭐
iPhone X Phone Replacement
Playing Cards Replacement
Military Salute Overhaul
Small Saucer Light ⭐
Working Medicine Cabinet ⭐
Working Alarm Clocks ⭐
Realistic Fighting Animation 
Oasis Springs + Island Living Palm Trees ⭐
special thank you to all of the wonderful mod creators! seriously, I could not play this game without you guys... (no, really.) There are way too many of you guys to name without missing someone... so if you reblog this, all I ask is that you please tag your favorite modders! (& maybe even add your favorite mods?)
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merakiclosed · 3 years
Confess to me
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》 Pairing: Namjoon x reader
》 Summary: Maybe Jimin is right, maybe your crush likes you back... Right? 
》 Genre: Fluff, college/university au, rated PG. 
》 Word count: 1.3k
》 Notes/Warnings: none 
Masterlist is in my bio - tumblr doesn’t like links >:(( | All messages and requests are open <3 | All rights reserved © Merakiiverse. Do not repost, translate, or claim as your own. 
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Hushed voices and gentle footsteps create a sense of calmness, the towering bookshelves that are filled with inky treasures adorn the room. The smell of fresh books makes you feel relaxed. This was, without a doubt, one of your favourite places; The library. With a singular brown sofa in the back corner of the room, you had the perfect view of the front desk where you could see the cute, clumsy boy who worked behind it. The bitter words of best friend circulated around in your head, you didn’t want to be just best friends with him, but you knew he was too good for you. 
It’s a vivid memory the first day that you met him at the young age of 7, the both of you being the only children in the playground with a book for recess. With the sun beaming down, together you sat as strangers under the oak tree in the shade as the other children screamed and played in the background. The both of you being too invested in the worlds that the books pulled you into to talk. And even though neither of you spoke, it was as if you had found comfort within each other. From that day, the both of you had been inseparable. Namjoon would pull you into the outside world, showing you all of the cute and mysterious creatures that he could find, with his favourite being tiny crabs. It would be a Saturday night and the both of you would stay up until the sun rose, talking about anything and everything that came to mind. A fond smile plays on your lips as you reminisce about your childhood; he’s changed a lot now that he is in college but the little things from the dimples on his cheeks to his favorite animal has never changed. 
You watch on as Namjoon serves a customer, his soft voice traveling just enough to hear him give directions to a certain section. Books and notes are scattered messily around the table, giving the impression that you’re actually getting work done and not stare at your best friend and crush. After all, you did come to study but anyone with eyes and brain would be distracted by the tall, clumsy boy. 
Unfortunately, you can’t go a day without one of the boys disturbing you, “Y/N” A loud whisper catches you off guard, making you jump in your seat. Turning to look at the culprit, you see a grinning Jimin slide into the chair next to you, “When are you going to ask him out?” 
Heat rises within you as you shake your head, avoiding eye contact with him as you pretend to be reading the open book on the desk - something about the developmental stages of speech. “Oh, c’mon Y/n, I know you like him.” He sings teasingly, ducking his head to try and meet your eyes. 
Keeping your gaze on the book, you can see in the corner of your eyes the sly smirk he wears on his face making you huff, “He doesn’t like me anyway. We are just friends and that’s all we'll ever be.” 
“Oh please, I see the way you both look at each other. You even cuddle every single time on movie nights.” He scoffs, slowly sliding the book from you and closing it. 
Finally looking up at him, you whine, “Okay Jimin I get your point but he doesn’t see me like that.” You pause, “He’s - He’s amazing; he’s smart, handsome, and kind. It's like a triple threat! And – and I’m just me. I’m not smart, I'm not pretty. He could do way better.” you shrug, voice trailing off softly. A pit forms in your stomach at the thought of confessing and embarrassing yourself. You would never be able to go back to being best friends if you ever did that and you’d rather be friends with him than not have him at all. 
Jimin’s eyes soften when he hears that and puts an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into him, “You're my best friend. Who is also amazing, talented, beautiful. And gosh, Y/n if you could see the way he looks at you, he looks at you like you are his entire universe. He only ever sees you in a room of people, he is so head over heels in love with you. He doesn’t shut up about you!” He says, rubbing his hand up and down your arm in comfort. If only Jimin could give you his set of eyes, you’d see just how much Namjoon is in love with you. He truly does understand where the nerves and doubt comes from as he has been in this situation before, with a certain someone in the friendship group. However, at the same time he wants to smack the both of you in the head for giving him a headache.  
You look up at him with tears threatening to fall from your eyes, you never expected for something like this to happen today. With a soft smile, Jimin brings both of his hands up to wipe away your tears, “Now, I'm going to have to ask you to girl up and get ready because he's about to come over right now.” 
You whip your head around to see Namjoon darting his head back and forth, seemingly trying to find something or someone. Starring wide at him for a second, the both of you make eye contact and instantly his face lights up, walking faster towards up as you can faintly see the tips of his ears go red. Gosh how is he so handsome but so cute at the same time. 
As he gets closer, you remind yourself that if you don’t do this now you will never be able to do it.- And Jimin will definitely kill you. Internally freaking, you turn in your chair to talk to him, but he’s gone...
“Hey Y/n.” The familiar voice is quiet but it sets off fluttering butterflies in your stomach. 
“H-hey Joonie.” You stammer, making you wince at yourself. 
“Wait. Have you been crying?” he brings a hand up to wipe a stray tear as his face contorts to one of concern. Shaking your head with a soft smile you answer quietly, “I'm fine.” 
“But if something is hurting you then it’s not fine” he whispers, cupping your face in his big hands. This in turn, makes you look at him properly and up close, you can see his famous dimples more clearly, and the way his brown hair is tangled from running his hands from it. This man was going to be the death of you. If you didn’t say anything now, you would regret it in the future. 
Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath, “I like you” your voice is almost inaudible. Almost.
With your eyes still closed, you miss the way his eyes go wide, not knowing that his heart is beating as fast as yours. If his eyes could, they would be heart shaped like in cartoons, his thumb stroking your cheek tenderly, “I – I like you too, of course I do” 
“No. Namjoon. I - I like like you.” 
A single second feels like forever as you wait. Everything is silent, yet you can hear pen on paper, you can hear hushed voices and muffled footsteps. And then you can feel his lips on yours. Soft and slow, as his plump lips move against yours, filled with love. It was short, but you can feel yourself moving into him more to kiss him again. The second kiss is a mess, full of smiles and giggles as you’re already addicted to him and his taste. 
Pulling away slightly, you can feel the way his breath ghosts over your lips. You can’t stop smiling, his eyes squint as he beams at you, you were so adorable. He comes closer again and peppers your face in tiny kisses. One to the forehead, two for the cheeks, one on the chin and lastly, one on your lips.
“I like like you too.” he whispers, a smile never leaving his lips.   
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*sequel* to actual fucking quotes from the shiftblr coffeehouse discord server
once again, it's out of context because x1000 funnier
also x1000 longer than previous post
"ur satan is gnc af"
"Bestie I’m already having gender envy over a fucking demon please"
"O_O ODEPIJHFbavevisdpvfhzdcnjawedsidjksjdkoeirjfmkdsoeirujdksodifjndmksoidfjdksidfj ITS" NOT IN MY FRAFTS IS SPEDNT 1 hour PN THAT SHIT"
"ohoho sexy"
"I am very proud of myself"
"himbo x edgy fuck"
"he has teefs"
"good for biting 📷"
"he's a himbo basically"
"i havent watched blue exorcist in years but mr okumura my beloved </3"
"is it important information to mention that the person i put up for my turn is the son of satan" "I know like 1 thing about everyone who isnt ranboo lmfao"
"tumblr sexyman"
"idk why but my first thought was cowboy onceler"
"I vibe with him but he is very long and twisty"
"steampunk e-girl"
"steampunk tumblr sexyman"
"Canonically bi crimelord I agree!!"
"they look like someone i would want to be friends with but is way cooler than me so i'd never actually talk to them"
"babby..... would die for him"
"honestly i probably kin him"
"i'm sure he's lovely but he looks way too much like my ex i'm sorry-"
"i'd be down for another rotation! i have another twink to show y'all"
"Also :00 blonde friend"
"Let us all infodhmo"
"Hsjagdvbs shhh im on phone"
"Nix woukd you like to joon?
"skitters away"
"I have two braincells and they both drink dumb bitch juice"
"oof wait whats the order again i have 0 memory"
"i want to bond with him over cosplay-"
"Awkwardly watches in band kid"
"One day I'm gonna a broadway star"
"which isnt to say they were bad. they were just fortnite dancing during rehersals"
"I threw it so hard my glasses flew off and slid under the stage right divider"
"anyway heres my boi"
"haha emo"
"virgil sanders kinnie"
"he looks like he listens to my chemical panic at the fallout boy"
"Bro I bet he'd kick my ass with his deck"
"bird man my beloved"
"fuck i had so much to say and then i forgot it all"
"She sounds like someone I would end up stealing her personality"
"yess name collector gang"
"alias glass aiden haven absinthe fish brick rice"
"But I have Cypress, Remure, Genesis, Lemres, and Comet"
"And she's named after a mars candy bar bc alien"
"Hey, if plato went by plato, you can be king thief"
"im not dissing my gramma like that shfojd"
"My dad has seven legal names" "bitches be like *looks at fictional character* *steals their name* it's us we're bithces"
"coraline lowkey traumatized me but i adore it regardless"
"mmmmmm magic man :]"
"°0° green man"
"criminal (affectionate)"
"he would shoplift a candy bar from walmart and then brag to all of his friends about the sick stealing he did"
"despite the fact he's canonically been capable of overpowering a minor deity"
"i would commit so many crimes for him"
"Very babey"
"Yes please tell green man he is very pog"
"he also keeps a lot of dumb secrets"
"but I will sorely miss the chaos and energy of this here chat until I wake again" (by request XD)
"i just say words and if they're funny then they're funny"
"* or extremly chaotic either works"
"at this point we are just taking turns rambling"
"bc my brain has a schedule"
"Hopefully they have gyoza there or I will lose my mind"
"hehe yes spooky man"
"my ghost glucose guardian"
"the head of the undead group that lives there, and we end up dating. (yes I date a ghost, no I will not be taking constructive criticism /lh)"
"ghosts r just inherently sexy"
"i mean im becoming a squid thing so"
"Raven quirk raven quirk!!"
"ł â m p"
"mothman: ooh lamp you look very nice today! do you come here often? mothman: wait shit no"
"I'd date a ghost"
"mine is still accurate, i am still sobbing (/j)"
"p e e p e e"
""@nick wilde is a tumblr sexyman" is the best thing i have ever seen"
"im sorry im cackling like a dying hyena"
"you're all 12 year olds"
"He once caused global warming on accident so he could get a tan"
"god, what a himbo. i love him"
"that reminds me of my friends kin assigned me jesus"
"Man outside of battle be like: princely crying but then in battle hes like: "CATACLYSM! DISASTER! DEVASTATION!" Chill out man"
"Every time I talk about satan it never fails to shock people it's my favorite thing to do"
"im kin assigning him roman sanders" ""Oh yeah he caused global warming because he wanted to get girls" "he what""
"oh damn i forgot satan was straight"
"twink appreciation club"
"give us the twinks"
"my first thought was bottom-"
"so many people to try and get his dad to love him"
"daddy issued"
"Big boy but"
"anyways janus is swagggg"
"gib twink"
"give twink then i will share"
"holds him gentle like hamburger"
"This dumb bitch opened a book that said "do not open" and got possessed by a little bastard"
"he is. fragile creachur"
"klug is beauty klug is grace i would let him step on my face"
"If I'm playing swap and I have to hear one more "Pwanet Powew" Im gonna lose it"
"Who is to blame? Pandora or the box?"
"Bakugo isnt my type but I respect the drip"
"i say like my type isnt long-haired pretty boys and girls that look so gnc that people have a history of confusing them for men"
"hes a gremlin and i can appreciate a pretty gremlin"
"that is to say i am attracted to VFlower vocaloid. This is a confession."
"note i am a lesbian"
"You may like Schezo wegey"
"why does he have one single expression"
"soul soul eater passes the vibe check"
"magic wand"
"I Want To Hold His Hand"
"i would commit a war crime for him any war crime idc which one"
"my favorite one is when he sounded rlly gay because he said "Muscular bodies keep me satisfied""
"p e a n u t"
"Klug is a homophobic homosexual its just facts"
"grug from the croods is peak male performance"
"jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair Ahem, you look very lovely."
"tag yourself im the fireworks shooting from the top of the head"
"i like essays"
"central time gang"
"11:11 pog-" (wait... is that a suprise angel number?? yes it is lovelies just for you <3)
"Then again im also a dumbass bitch who wonders what the souls in soul eater taste like. SERIOUSLY THOUGH. THEY LOOK TASTY AS HELL!!!! LIKE GODDAMN BRO YOU'RE MAKING ME FUCKING HUNGRY. Like. that shit- it's Bone Apple motherfucking Teeth. hell yea my guy. Im hongy now.... shlorp I'm seriously considering this. Like. They seem kinda like a liquid? But a solid? Are they like jello? The fuck they taste like my guy???? I keep imagining they're like sour, like sour candy maybe? Or do they taste salty? Sweet? Maybe some combo of two? Do they even have a taste or is it about the texture? The sensation? God my mouth is watering what the hell. I am starving. I think I need to go get a cookie. I'm gonna go get a cookie. Brb. I'm better. I'm still craving souls though. Which is a weird-ass cringey thing to say but I'm being dead-ass rn. They just.... look tasty???? And I wanna eat one. Thus. I am shifting to Soul Eater for the express purpose of satisfying my fucking cravings. enjoy"
"points were made"
"jello? more like helloooo schloooAHFJDSDAIDWNALDHSJKDAIDANDM"
"anime girl voice: mmm! mm... ahhhhmp!! mmm, mmm... aaahmp!"
"i think it sounds great i'm going to start eating like that"
"several people are typing"
"do these look edible to you"
"forbidden gummies"
"when I was on lsd I couldn't eat my fruit gummies because I thought they were alive because they had little faces on them"
"oh shit yeah don't do drugs"
"anyways general consensus is puyos are edible, ty for your input everyone"
"everypony is a word so powerful it can bring nations to its knees"
"pls the self control it's taking me not to say "hewwo everypony" in gen chat when someone new joins-"
"hewwo evewrypony uwu deaw cewestia i hopwe it doewsnt wain owo"
"ive cooked up a sowution wiwth the knowwege ive acwued. they say a kitcwen time saves niwne, but im just savwing two. Ive gathewwed the inwedients to make a time sowbet. Thewe's hawdly woom fow seconds when the seconds mewt away."
"I had a ten year old sister... you know what happened to her??? very sad, very tragic... she turned eleven....."
"Guts dont say the secks word :( /j"
"watch your fucking language in front of the president"
"im so sorry lumi"
"i think you're like ehhhh 8/10 funny"
"now me???? 10/10. Hilarious"
"sometimes i have to take a step back and remember that this is the same guts i follow on tumblr /lh"
""ok every here's some good shifting advice!!! uwu have a good day" "yeah i did lsd and ate fruit gummies""
"i have one setting and it's whatever this is"
"my bitch ass cat just pushed the door open with his fuzzy face and now my sleeping dad is being lulled into dreams by Cosmo Sheldrake's 'Pliocine'."
"me on discord: nick wilde"
"me on tumblr: shifting water! haha funne! me on here: my hermit crabs are cannibals also i want to eat souls."
"u give off older cousin ive never spoken to but always admire at the family gatherings vibes"
"what the fuck"
"If you adopt me then yes"
"am I qualified for dad jokes???"
"we're all a lot smarter on tumblr"
"I'm like "awww... sweet... sweet little shiftlings... posting such sweet shiftling content... so pure, so wholesome... does not even know abcs....""
"can't think before you speak if you never think B)"
"I'm not responsible enough to be a mom"
"cat pet"
"show us pictures of the cat or i will do Crime"
"maybe thats me being a coward tho"
if y'all want I can make this a series bc shiftblr keeps giving me more content
34 notes · View notes
Inside Eroda, the fictional Harry Styles island that’s baffled the internet
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Full Text from The Telegraph 4/12/2019
It all started on November 20. A Twitter account opened in October released its first post: “The Isle of Eroda’s rich history is embedded in daily life as the ruins of many structures from the past remain standing across the land. #VisitEroda”
It looked like a new marketing campaign for a little-visited, off-beat beauty spot. But a quick search would show it didn’t actually exist. Yet, Eroda had a website. Advertisements for the place were popping up on Facebook and Google. People interested in all manner of nerdy subcultures were foxed – it had the whiff of a clever marketing campaign about it, but what was it for?
Within hours, an Eroda subreddit had been created to discuss it. People dived deep into web hosting details, and only became more baffled as they seemed legitimate: “it ain't no kid doing a school project”. Was it a scam, a game, an elaborate prank? Some were convinced it was the beginning of a new Cloverfield film, World of Warcraft, a new Channel 4 series or even a means of human trafficking.
Meanwhile, scores of “Harries”, the sub-group of Directioners dedicated to Harry Styles, were piecing bits of evidence together. The pop star was due to release Adore You, the second single off his forthcoming sophomore album. “Adore” backwards was “Eroda”, and the video, released on November 23, looked like it had been shot in St Abbs, the Berwickshire fishing village where Styles had been spotted shooting in August. As Eroda claimed more of the internet, Harries  – some of the most forensic fans in the world – were sent into a flurry of investigation.
The goliath churn of a pop star marketing campaign is fairly familiar by now: cryptic social media teaser, excitable release date news, lyric video, full video, rinse, repeat.
Styles, who will release sophomore album Fine Line on December 13 and Adore You on Friday, satisfied many speculating fans on Monday with a near-three-minute-long trailer for the single, along with an illustration of the star standing in the ocean, surrounded by fish.
To those who had been studying Eroda for the past 10 days it was the confirmation they had been hankering for: Eroda was a Harry Styles project, and it confirmed what they had always known – that he is an artist beyond the normal realms of pop frippery (by contrast, former bandmate Louis Tomlinson spent the same afternoon releasing a video in which he sings in a bunker wearing a Stone Island parka).
Styles’ trailer introduced Eroda, showing it to be an island in the middle of the Irish Sea “shaped unmistakably like a frown, it is home to an all-but-forgotten fishing village that has had perpetual cloud cover for as long as anyone can remember”. Scenes appear of a typical coastal village, with crashing waves and brave little houses facing them. It gets increasingly weird: we learn that it is bad luck to “mention a pig in a fisherman’s pub” and to “whistle in the wind, in case you turn a gust into a gale”; the island mustn’t be left on odd-numbered days.  
The inhabitants of Eroda’s village always frown, calling it “resting fish face”. Until, that is, a beaming baby appears amidst the gloom. Deemed “peculiar” (a word that pops up a lot), the boy – who grows up to become Harry Style – was outcast, leading him to deal with his angst by screaming into jars. “He had lost his smile, and without it, the world grew darker, the wind colder, and the ocean more violent” the pan-European narrator explains. “Loneliness is an ocean full of travellers trying to find their place in the world”, she continues, as Harry finds himself bonding with a stubborn fish, before the film ends “to be continued…”
So far, so intriguing. But delve a little deeper into Eroda and you may find yourself wanting to visit. The island’s website – beautiful island views and a template dating back to the late Noughties – looks remarkably similar to those for any other charming coastal holiday destination, say Bute or Oban. “No Land Quite Like It”, reads Eroda’s strapline, before offering a familiar-enough menu: Accommodations, Attractions, Guide, Home and About Eroda. The video is similarly convincing: “Make memories for your senses at VisitEroda.com”, a dulcet-voiced woman encourages over shots of crabmeat and speedboats.
It didn’t take long for the Harries to take over the Eroda subreddit, moderators becoming increasingly rigid in ruling nuggets of unrelated Eroda flotsam irrelevant to the cause of discovery (such as the user who wanted to discuss Eroda, but without any intervention from the Harries). Tumblr users were similarly invested: “What do the ominous references to Him portend? What are they serving at those town dinners? You think it’s a cute little coastal AU [alternative universe] but upon closer examination it’s full-on Wicker Man meets Hotel California meets Nightvale in the afterlife (which is what most of those places are anyway so sure why not),” posted 1D Discourse of the Day.
The whole thing is littered with wordplay. Eroda, for one, is Adore backwards (Harry’s next single is called Adore You). But, as Directioners have pointed out, the copy throughout the website nods to forthcoming Styles songs: The Fisherman’s Pub is located on the corner of Cherry Street and Golden Way (Cherry is one new song, Golden is another); the album will be released on Friday, 13 December and Eroda recommends avoiding a departure on an odd-numbered day. Eroda’s fishermen wear a single gold earring for good fortune – a look historically sported by Styles.
Directioners went further still: the hosting for VisitEroda.com and Styles’ website, doyouknowwhoyouare.com, were owned by the same company, MarkMonitor.inc. Social media pixels linked pages about Styles with Eroda. Fans became suspicious over Visit Eroda adverts appearing not on their social channels or YouTube, but, of all places, on Wikipedia. “I'M FROM FRICKING PORTUGAL,” a baffled Reddit user posted. “NOTHING EVER HAPPENS HERE. WHY IS THIS HERE”.
Eroda had analog presence, too. A4 pamphlets – the kind of thing one could make on MS Publisher circa 1998 – appeared in the freesheet boxes on the pavements of Manhattan. At a promo event in Paris, Harry was asked about Eroda by a fan. He remained silent, but those who were there claim he “made a face”.
By November 29, more evidence arrived. A short film “advert”, which used footage from the trailer released on Monday, was screened by a new Harry Styles fan account from “Eroda”. They said the film appeared in a cinema in Kinlochbervie, on Scotland’s northern coast; the Eroda account then started to tweet about cinema screening times.  Eagle-eyed fans were swift to post screengrabs, showing similar island formations in the background of both the Eroda advert and that featuring Styles. The two were linked.
Kinlochbervie was, fittingly, a bit of a red herring: the footage shown in both the advert and the video trailer was actually taken in St Abbs, a picturesque fishing village in Berwickshire that’s no stranger to a rolling camera – it was “twinned” with New Asgard after being used as a location for Thor’s new home in Avengers Endgame.
Styles was there in August, shooting, it appears, a few things for the forthcoming album campaign. He and his crew used Angela Morris’s cottage, in St Abbs’ Sea View Terrace, as a green room during the three days of filming in the village, after Morris had responded to a note being popped through the door from a filming company. “One Thursday I was just coming home from work and there was Harry walking into the house,” she tells me. “All of the costumes were in the living room, make-up was going on in the kitchen.
“I asked if I could wait in the garden before my husband and I went out for the evening, so I just sat there when Harry came out,” Morris said. “I think he was having a coffee, and he sat down and chatted, asked me about bits and pieces about the village. I was talking to him about his Gucci clothes and we had a bit of a laugh. I wasn’t too starstruck, really, and I think he appreciated that.” Later on in the shoot, Styles invited Morris and her husband to share a glass of champagne with him and the crew.
While the shoot interrupted the sleepy pace of life on St Abbs for a few days – Morris says that visitor numbers had already been boosted by Avengers Endgame but small crowds of teenage girls began to crop up after word spread of Harry’s location – most villagers, she reckons, are pleased to see the place put on the map: “Most people I saw were embracing it and interested to see what was going on.”
A German artist named Mario Klingemann was, however, more incensed when his holiday collided with the shoot: “I didn't know who Harry Styles was until today when I learned that he's the guy who blocked off the entire St Abbs harbour and prevented us from enjoying our fresh crab rolls," he posted on Twitter, aggrieved.
But Morris found out about Eroda much like everybody else – through Facebook. “It’s really odd,” she assess. “Lovely footage of beautiful St Abbs, though.”
Long-lens pap shots from that shoot certainly seem to match up with what we’ve seen of Eroda so far. Styles gangles around in Seventies suits, befitting the aesthetic of his trailer. The smoking gun, though, is the presence of a young woman with hair that brings to mind a Dr Seuss illustration, or the hat Princess Beatrice wore at the Cambridges’ wedding. VisitEroda’s “about” page explains: “The primary occupation in Eroda is fishing, however, the island’s art scene has recently started to develop. In particular, Erodean hairstyles have become a rather bold expression of self amongst the island’s youth”. Clearly, these are scenes of Eroda that are being filmed.
There’s an unmistakably ominous air to Eroda, and some believe the video for Adore You will see some misfortune befall Styles – there were reports of a (fake) gunshot being filmed in St Abbs while he was there.
But what happens next is arguably less intriguing than what we’ve been given with Eroda so far. We are well-used to being nudged and prodded by pop stars ahead of a new release. Major albums aren’t so much brought out as “dropped” or “leaked”, arriving online in the middle of the night before their fans disseminate them through the internet. Fans, rather than critics, are given early listens – and under tight NDAs. Artists will clear their channels to mark a new direction, only to give us elaborate photoshoots and contrived poetry to create a “concept”.
Eroda is undeniably a “concept” – themes of loneliness, peculiarity, conformity and happiness have been woven into the fictional island from the off. But it’s been artfully done; look deep enough into the Reddit forums and you’ll see non-Styles fans begrudgingly accepting that this is the work of a former boy band frontman, rather than that of a somehow more “serious” game creator, filmmaker or even musician. Furthermore, it’s fun – and that’s all too rare in a pop world where things have become obsessed with authenticity, and a rogue comment can result in “cancellation”. One Directioner popped up on a thread only to add, “As someone who works in marketing/promotion... This is fucking genius. Harry Styles' team is tops”, and it’s difficult to disagree.
After a decade in which stars have had to up their social media presence to survive, tweaking and teasing their listenership in ever-increasing desperation to retain shrinking attention spans, Styles is closing out the 2010s with the greatest album campaign we’ve seen so far. As an artistic statement, it suggests the 2020s will be his to claim.
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couldbeasong · 4 years
1-60 for the ask meme
Ope sorry I did not see this until today. I think I know the one? If it’s not the one you meant just lmk lol
1. Selfie?
You can have this picrew but I wish to be unperceived.
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2. What would you name your future kids?
For female names I like: Harmony, Slyvia, Edelweiss, Bethany, and Opal
For male names I like: Uriah, Aiden, Kai, Levi, and Luke
3. Do you miss anyone?
My grandpa and Midnight (old dog)
4. What are you looking forward to?
Going on vacation in a few weeks, the end of the semester, and seeing @calligraphywitch tomorrow
5. Is there anyone who can always make you smile?
@calligraphywitch and my other girlfriend. They’re hilarious lmao
6. Is it hard for you to get over someone?
Romantically? Not really. You kinda gotta just accept it and move on. In the past, always being like: this will never work because of reason xyz helps.
Friendship wise? Absolutely. It depends a lot on the emotional investment I put into the relationship, but I find myself still missing people I haven’t talked to since High School or Middle School.
7. What was your life like last year?
It was weird being a freshman in college and trying to survive. I had a lot of family problems going on along with one of my best friends from High School being on her death bed for a while. A bit of a crisis of faith as well. But we survived, God willing! I miss pre-pandemic times tho
8. Have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
Ask my brother. I’m sure there’s been an instance.
9. Who did you last see in person?
My grandma across the room from me!
10. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
I hide them so well I can’t even find them!
I like to pretend they aren’t there and repress them a lot but idk if I’m good at hiding them from others per say.
11. Are you listening to music right now?
I’m in a zoom meeting for class, so I guess my professor's voice?
12. What is something you want right now?
13. How do you feel right now?
Kinda tired, kinda nauseous, kinda bored. Idk I probably need to drink some water.
14. When was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
Uhhhh idk about a week ago? My last hug was probably a week ago too XD
15. Personality description
I like to think I’m funny
16. Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
I work in customer service- everyday (:
17. Opinion on insecurities.
Everyone is insecure about something. It’s kinda fascinating how even though all of humanity is exactly the same (in terms of our struggles and insecurities, we don’t vary) we still judge others for having them. Confidence is seen as a virtue and the most attainable goal. Society profits off of your insecurities tho so be aware of what they are and don’t let yourself be scammed.
18. Do you miss how things were a year ago?
Certain aspects perhaps. But 2019 is gone. It performed and then it left. It can’t hurt us or help us anymore. There’s little use in dwelling on that and wishing for 2020 to be 2019.
19. Have you ever been to New York?
No, but I swear Ima go one day and see a show on Broadway.
20. What is your favorite song at the moment?
I have like three I’m cycling between rn
When You’re Home from In the Heights
Wake Up by Jenny Owen Youngs
Together by For King and Country
21. Age and birthday?
Old enough to know better and October
22. Description of crush.
He’s super great and super intelligent, not to mention super in love with God. Frankly, he deserves better than me. I gotta lot of self-improvement that needs to happen, but we’ll see what happens XD
23. Fear(s)
Heights, drowning, spiders, super dark streets and rooms, not being good enough
24. Height
5′5″ respectfully
25. Role model
It’s changed through the various stages of my life. Rn tho a few of my Christian online friends
26. Idol(s)
I mean I stan Brian David Gilbert, but I don’t idolize him lol
27. Things I hate
Cheesecake, sickly sweet stuff, when someone grabs the receipt out of the printer even though it’s way more effort for them to do so than for me just to hand it to them and it throws me off of my rhythm, fudge
28. I’ll love you if…
You exist (and even not then because fictional characters just hit different lol)
29. Favorite film(s)
Tangled, Ella Enchanted, Enchanted, Howls Moving Castle, Princess, and the Pauper
30. Favorite tv show(s)
Brooklynn 99, Parks and Recreation, Ouran High School Host Club, My Hero Academia, and Bojack Horseman (I’m going through a phase with it rn lol)
31. 3 random facts
Blue is my favorite color, I own almost nothing in blue, people are better at identifying members of their own race better than members of other races.
32. Are your friends mainly girls or guys?
Girls- they’re easier to talk to and approach. Tho I stan and love my guy friends. They are kings.
33. Something you want to learn
Everything? Idk I have an insatiable desire to learn and it switches. Consistently, I want to learn how to make my own clothes, play either piano, guitar, or violin, and detail cars.
34. Most embarrassing moment
Uggg I’m not talking about it and neither is @calligraphywitch
35. Favorite subject
I really enjoyed Statistics as much as I have hated it. My all-time favorite class I have ever taken tho was AP US Literature
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
Graduate grad school, get married, travel overseas
37. Favorite actor/actress
uhhh probably Chris Pratt or anyone who was on Parks and Recreation. Tho Broadway actors, I love Christian Borle
38. Favorite comedian(s)
John Mulaney
39. Favorite sport(s)
I miss playing softball and volleyball so prolly those
40. Favorite memory
There are too many to count. But usually, involve good conversations under the stars after 2 AM.
41. Relationship status
Have a picrew of my sister and me. Keep scrolling and mind ya business (jk ily anon)
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42. Favorite book(s)
The Bible lol but fictional book wise, I will always love the Warrior Cats series. Red Queen was pretty lit. The Hourglass Door gave me a love for time travel aus lol. And Library Wars is near and dear to my heart.
43. Favorite song ever
You can’t ask me thisssss
Idk Hope is what we crave by For King and Country
44. Age you get mistaken for
24-30 it depends on the context
45. How you found out about your idol
46. What my last text message says
No xD not disney
47. Turn-ons
When you have a musical playing and the end of one song is the start of another so they bleed into each other. CHILLS or when a line of poetry just expresses how someone feels. OR when different parts harmonize just right
48. Turn-offs
When my computer deletes my homework right before it’s done
49. Where I want to be right now
In a little cabin in the woods
50. Favorite picture of your idol
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51. Starsign
52. Something I’m talented at
Reading peoples emotions
53. 5 things that make me happy
Music, Friends, Deep Conversations, Hugs, and God
54. Something that's worrying me at the moment
So much to do so much to see
55. Tumblr friends
Friends and mutuals include:
@calligraphywitch @an-assortment-of-forks @repentance-brings-healing @synthetic-blanket-hairs @loneallegiance @boywiththewand @knightof-cups @a-lil-strawberry @linkedwolf @indygo @obnoxioushair
There’s plenty more than that and I love you all ^^
56. Favorite food(s)
Tacos, Crab Ragoons, Salty Foods, RICE
57. Favorite animal(s)
Wolves and cats
58. Description of my best friend
Artistic, beautiful, supportive, hardworking. She is hilarious and an amazing person. There’s so much to the many reasons I love her I just can’t do it in words
59. Why I joined tumblr
Back in the 7th grade, my friends all had one and helped set me up with one. And that’s that.
60. Ask me anything you want
You want nothing ig lol if you want to submit one I can answer it still
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : Part 29 of 83 : World of Sea
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
Part 29 of 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2020
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information   remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
“Kurin and I were playmates when we were young,” Silor began earnestly. “We didn’t know what Cat was back then.  She was just someone who was always there.  Cat knew lots of good stories about the First Ships.  That’s where it started.  Kurin started asking for more stories and Cat started teaching her apart from the rest of us.
“One night, Kurin’s father died.  He was only twenty nine or thirty. Kurin found him.  Within a short time, her mother went raving mad, then ceased to move or do anything.  She’s still like that. Afterwards, Kurin and Cat, the Dragon, became inseparable.  I think that her parents were a test of Kurin by the Dragon but I’ll never know for sure.
“A little after that, Kurin beat me out of the boat-shop apprenticeship under Master Juris.  I was two Gatherings older and considered likely for the job.  Then, without any explanation, no other Craft on the Longin would have me either.  Her influence was spreading.
“To be fair, I never heard of Cat doing anything evil.  She wasn’t human, so she may not have realized what kind of person she was teaching.
“I became a deck-hand.  I was a good one.  In only one and a half Gatherings I was made lead deck-hand, the youngest ever on the Longin.  Ask anyone, I was well-thought-of, maybe officer material in a few more Gatherings.
“I admit that I fell asleep on watch.  It was only a nap, and I was on duty in the hold.  How much trouble was that?  I’ll tell you.  They stripped me of my lead deck-hand job!  Only three of her lousy crabs died, and they broke me for it!
“Later, I was in a class,” Silor paused, torn between ingrained loyalty and his tale.  “I can’t tell you what the class was about.  That’s Ship’s Business.  The important thing is this.  She was in the class, too.  Captain Mord told me that I was doing well and then threw me out of the class.”
Huh, she thought, hearing this out, If he believes what he’s saying there’s enough emptiness in his head to make a good float out of it.  I’ve heard some of these tales from other sources.  It’s obvious that he’s left out more than he’s told.  “Ye make a start on yer case but i’ t’is come up in t’e Arrakan fleet, ye’d lose.  Oi need more proof.  Especially about t’e fleet bein’ under ‘er control.  Ye’ve nae even addressed t’at.”
“Tanlin, love, I can attest to at least some of what he says.  He first brought the matter to my attention five Gatherings ago, as a lad of nine.  Since then I have watched the surreptitious machinations of Kurin.  She does far more than make toys!”
“Oi fail t’ see ‘t, Barad, m’ luve.  T’e fleet dinnae revolve about ‘er.  She commands nane, nae is she any but kind.”
Silor started to rise up in protest but Barad waved him down.  “That is true.  She is far too clever to put herself in so exposed a position. Why should she take risks when others will do so for her without even knowing that they serve her?  She has real power — — and no need for the trappings of power.”
He appeared to be hit by inspiration.  “Stand up, Silor!”
Mystified, Silor did so.
“There you are, Tanlin, the proof stands before you.”
“Oi’m now confused.  Enlighten m’.”
“Why was he exiled?”
“‘E slept on wotch, w’ich ‘e admits, an’ gave away Ship’s Business.”
“What business did he give away?  I’ll tell you.  He told amusing stories about their crabbing venture, which I grant is a main business for them.  The deadly revelation?  That they had special nets for crabs and knew where to find them.  Both are obvious to anyone who thinks for ten seconds.”
“Oi’m beginnin’ t’ see.  T’is wa’ a mere pretext.”
“Exactly. Once he was ejected from the Longin, his credentials should have gotten him an immediate berth on almost any ship in the fleet.  It didn’t happen.
“I was at the Captains’ Council.  Everyone agreed, even the Longin, that he had done nothing to die for but no ship would save him.  And they agreed that he was worth saving.  Thus, exile.  She rid herself of a nuisance, and no blood shed, nor clue that it was even her doing — — unless one looks at the whole unlikely chain of events.”
“Wy’d ye nae just take ‘im up t’en, like so many ot’ers ye’ve ‘elped?”
“Yes,” said Silor.  “Why did you let me be sent away?”
“Safety,” said Barad solemnly.  “Yours and mine.  You opposed her openly and she determined to have you removed.  That is why the others would not help you.  
“What would have happened to your only refuge if I had opposed her will by taking you openly?  I play the part of buffoon, many laugh at this ship and myself.  Let them.  It keeps her from taking us seriously. That is the only safety that there is.”
“Now Oi see ‘t.  Wye wa’ ‘t so ‘ard t’ see?”  You do play well to his madness, Barad.  I would not have tried to turn this one to a tool.  I must learn what you plan to do.  This one is dangerous.
Solemnly Barad said, “This is why only she, of all who claim to be Dragon-witches, is dangerous.  She never owns-up to her power.  She never claims it.  She just uses it, hidden from all.”
There was a discrete rap at the door.  They all quieted at once.  Barad went and opened it a narrow slit.  A whispered conversation followed.
“That was the watch officer.  We need to go up on deck.”
As they were going up the companion-ladder to the deck, Barad asked casually, “Have you ever seen your boat before?”
“Yes,” said Silor tightly.  “In the Longin’s boat-shop.”
“Master Juris must have been pleased with it.”
“He was but he didn’t build it …”  A look of fear washed across Silor’s face as the realization hit.  “Kurin did.  It was her journeyman’s submission piece.”  He ran to the rail.  “Where is it?  Where’s the boat?”
“I’m Officer of the Watch, Theld Elon, Sir.  Boat’s at the end of its line.”  The line went down into the water, drawn tight and pulled back at an angle by the Grandalor’s speed.  “Went down sudden a few minutes ago.”
Tanlin looked calmly over the side.  “‘T appears t’at we almost missed pickin’ ye up.  Oi wonder ‘ow t’is ‘appened?” How did you do this, you old dragon?  What a touch!  I would never have thought of this!
“Mister Theld, heave to,” ordered Captain Barad with quiet authority.  “Get a diver on deck now!  We need to secure that boat for lifting.  With the water in her she’ll be heavy when she breaches the surface.”
Theld set to issuing orders, and the tocsin began its tattoo of command, bringing the watch to deck.  A diver, roused from her bunk, came up still yawning and stretching.  A pair of ungainly looking flat things were hung over her shoulder.
“What’s the problem, Captain?”
“We need to retrieve the boat that’s on the end of this line.”
Without any question as to why or if it were urgent, the diver got straight to business.
“What kind of boat is it and how big?”
“Day-sailer. About twenty five feet long, loaded for a month’s voyage.” Captain Barad looked for confirmation to Silor, who nodded.
“How long is this line?”  She had stripped, leaving only a pair of tight fitting shorts.  Sitting on the deck, she began strapping the flat things onto her feet.  She tied her hair into a tight bun.
“About forty feet.”
“OK, I’ll need two fifty foot, number three cables.  Attach the first one to the cargo block of the heavy crane.  Get the portable crane over here and secure it to the mizzen mast.  Put the other cable onto its cargo block.”
There was a lull for Captain Barad, Tanlin and Silor, as the watch crew prepared things to the diver’s satisfaction.
“What are those things on her feet?” Silor asked.
“Arrakan diver’s flips,” Tanlin answered.  “Our divers ‘ave used t’em for Gat’erings past remembering.”
“I thought that you lost your memory,” said Silor curiously.  “Did it come back?”  At her look of distress and Barad’s of rage, he feared that he had made a serious mistake.
“Nae, Luve.  Donnae ‘old ‘t against ‘im.”  She was biting back tears.  The more I do this the easier it is to forget that it’s an act.  “Ye cannae protect m’ from t’e world forever, an’ Oi must learn t’ cope wit’ ‘t.” She turned to Silor.  “Tis like t’is.  Oi lost only ane t’ing from m’ memory.  People. M’sel’ an’ eveyane t’at Oi’ve ever known, until Oi awoke t’ t’e Orca song.
“Oi can draw ye t’e plan an’ lines o’ ever’ ship Oi‘ve lived on.  Oi know all t’at Oi used t’ know.  Oi ‘ave t’e ’ule Arrakan fleet, ‘ts laws, customs, navigation, ever’t’in’s ‘ere,” she tapped her temple.  “But t’ere’s nae ane person t’ere!  Nae even m’sel’!  Tis worse t’an ghosts.  Tis utterly empty an’ never stops ‘urting, unless Oi can focus on somet’in’ new.
“Barad’s precious t’ m’ because ‘e keeps m’ safe at night.  ‘E ‘olds m’ an’ keeps t’e emptiness inside from swallowin’ m’.” Strange, but that’s nearly true.  Even if what we did was wrong, what’s done is done.  We were married before the whole Naral fleet by Arrakan law and, as it was accepted, it’s now legal by the Third Great Law.  I’m being treated like a partner and friend as a wife should be.
“I’m sorry,” said Silor sincerely.  “I have some idea of what you must feel.  I’ve lost my ship, too.  Also, my fleet, all that made home for me.  They’re gone but I remember everything and everyone.  It hurts.”
“Oi donnae t’ink Oi’d like t’ trade places wit’ ye, Silor.”  My act is sailing closer and closer to reality.  Your madness is driving you ever further onto dry land.
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Return to World of Sea
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k00261376 · 4 years
In order to have a better idea of the idea of a fingerprint, or traces, that leave behind memories, I went put to take pictures in my area, near Aughinish Alumina, my house and my grandparents shed. Each has a biological trace, that gives someone who has been there or sees these photos an idea of what might have gone on there.
In the first image, you see the crabs that have died because they couldn't get back into the water. Regularly the water near Aughinish flows over the old trail road leaving crabs to find shelter in the grass, but then get stuck when the tide goes out again.
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2. In the next image, a few minutes away in a different area of Aughinish, you have an old bird watching sanctuary. There are no real visitors left, the only traces of people ever having been there are wrappers, and bird signs.
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3. Like many old sheds and houses, my grandads shed is full of cobwebs. Cobwebs are fascinating to me, because they can be so intricate, and can really envelop a space in just a short amount of time. They are a beautiful form of natural animal fingerprints, as each spider web is unique to that kind of spider.
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4. As well as webs, you have lots of signs and traces left behind by my grandad, it's definitely a lived in space! I love the random paint scuffs and burn marks, think he made a few mistakes between fiddling with things!
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5. I am one of those people that love rain, it can be awful and cold, but it's cosy to stay inside, and watch the rain hit the window like a sad music video. The blurriness and the way light bends around the water is really interesting too. You can also see traces of me left behind, my fingerprints on the back door. I adore how the vague blurriness gives an impression of whats behind, the back yard, but you have to almost make sense of it yourself.
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TRIGGER WARNING (if you are uncomfortable or made upset by scars, look away here, or turn off my tumblr page)
6. Scars are really interesting, they can tell a sad story, a happy one, an exhilarating adventure, a survival. There are also different types, keloid which are thick and fatty, or thin ones, or really dark, or silvery pale. These happen to be ones on one of my legs, and I think the texture and colour is unusual, but I like the look of them.
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thecostumevaultblog · 4 years
I was tagged by the absolutely lovely @petegoestotown
Rules: answer 10 questions, tag 10 people and make another 10 questions.
⭐️My Questions⭐️
1. Favourite album?
Like, it changes every half a year. I get obsessed easily… Right now it’s Harry Styles’ Fine Line, but I’ve also been absolutely obsessed with Fleetwood Mac’s Rumors, and Green Day’s American Idiot. I’m very eclectic in my taste…and a bit ashamed of the fact, to be honest.
2. Who were you in a past life?
I like to think I was Elisabeth of Austria (Sissi). You know the type, glamorous, rich and miserable. But, knowing my luck, I probably was just a fisherman’s wife who died of malnourishment and bad medical care during the delivery of her fifth child or something like that.
3. Airdrumming or airguitar?
Definitely airdrumming. I’m traumatized with guitar playing… and that’s a way too long story for today.
4. Where would you travel in time if you could?
Realistically, back to 2012 and go through collage again. Those were fun times.
But for funsies sake, Spain in the 1550’s just because I love the women’s fashion and England in the 1880’s for pretty much the same reason.
Big gowns are literally the only reason anyone would persuade me to go back in time. I’m pretty sure that at whatever point I went back I would end up either being burned at the stake for heresy, hanged for witchcraft or sent to an asylum for “hysteria”. I’ve never been a lucky gal.
5. Do you play a sport? Which?
Satan, get away from me! I hate all and any sports and have made a life goal never to play one.
6. What weird food combinations do you enjoy?
I don’t have any… I think. I’m pretty vanilla with my food choices. The only thing I seem to love that all non-mediterraneans I’ve meet seem to think it’s disgusting is olives. But that’s not a food combination.
7. Do you think aliens exist?
Yes, probably. But I doubt they're even remotely similar to humans. They are probably bacteria or something like that.
8. Who’s your favourite stand up comedian?
I don’t really have a favourite, because I don’t watch much stand up comedy, but I loved the bits I saw Trevor Noah do.
9. What movie or book do you know the most quotes from?
Anything by Shakespeare. I am shit at remembering book quotes. But my memory is not so bad with film. So, also Lord of the Rings, Cyrano de Bergerac and anything from the Disney Animation Studio.
10. How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush and who was it?
I was about 9, and it was Orlando Bloom. I promise it was all very innocent and pure... I was really young. *So embarrassing*
my questions ~
1. what would you put into your own created salad?
Oh, I do this all the time. I love this salad: lentils, tuna fish, olives, sweet corn, cherry tomatoes, grated celery, grated beet, crab sticks and mozzarella. It’s amazing!
2. what would your call your garage band?
Loudly Whispers
3. which planet has the prettiest name in your opinion (in our solar system)?
Mercury. Don’t know why…
4. night mode or day mode on your phone?
Day mode! Night mode makes the screen look too green for me. It’s too much like the Matrix!
5. what was your fav childhood series?
It was an animated show called “Papyrus”. It was a French production, but it got translated to a bunch of different languages and I used to watch it in Catalan on TV. I just loved Ancient Egypt growing up…
6. what was the worst book you ever read voluntary?
50 Shades of Grey. Before you lose all respect for me… it wasn’t exactly voluntary… My aunt gave it to me as a present because “you said you like to read!” and I thought that it would be nice actually reading the book and be able to criticize it knowing the full extend of the thing.
7. if you could only ever eat fish or meat, what would you choose? (if youre a vegetarian:high five)
I couldn’t be a vegetarian… I would say fish.
8. if someone gave you a DVD with all the times people talked about you behind your back, would you watch it?
Oh dear! Oh dear! Don’t do this to me. I would throw it away only to get drunk thinking about what must be in there and proceed to fish it out and cry-watch it while intoxicated. And then be depressed and hating myself for watching it for a month.
9. pen or pencil?
10. whos your fav tumblr blogs? send them a nice message!
@tourdeforced, @tallulalusa, @thehowlingghost, @petegoestotown, @23-tiny-wishes, @kitty-rushes-in, @elleisforlovee, @vendelaberglin, @nails-n-glam, @weloveperioddrama, @lalilaloli, @pristina-nomine
I adore all of you and make me smile every-time you post! <3
my questions:
1. did a book or movie change your life or majorly shifted your views on a topic?
Not so much changed my life or my mind on anything… but I was really shaken after watching the James Baldwin documentary I Am Not Your Negro. Like, it showed me nothing new or nothing that I didn’t think already, but it phrased it in such a poetic and yet poignant way that it absolutely shook me to my core.
2. you’re allowed to dress in the style of one youth culture only for the rest of your life, which one do you choose?
The depressed Goth… I wanted so bad to be Goth, but my mum wouldn’t let me buy the pertinent clothing to achieve it.
3. what type of gifts do you love to receive?
I’m so picky with gifts… because my taste is so niche and I’m obsessive with the most obscure things that people sort of tend to miss the mark. Still, with that in mind, I love to receive films and books as gifts, because even if it’s not about whatever topic I’m currently fixated on, there’s always something of interest in them.
I hate being gifted knick-knacks, I want thinks that allow me to find something in them.
4. do you know your MBTI type?
MBTI? What is that? Well, I guess that definitely answers your question.
5. would you like to have dinner with a time Traveller from the future or with your favourite author?
Favourite author. I don’t want to be told how humanity ends.
6. would you run your country for a year?
Nop. Not a chance. I would be terrified of being unable to fix the things I think need to change. And I’m terrified of messing up.
7. which piece of art would you like to own?
Shit. Every single one of them?
If I had to choose one, though, it would be Velázquez’s Las Meninas. Such a shame it wouldn’t fit my apartment.
8. do you have pet peeves?
There’s people who don’t? I hate when people bend the page on a book to mark it. I hate when people invite themselves to my house. I hate when people leave things out of their proper place… and many, many more.
9. which fictional character is a lot like you?
I don’t really know…mmm… I’ve been told Monica, from Friends. I’ve been told a lot I look like Leia… But I would say, Alma from The Phantom Thread if she used sass and self-depreciating humor to hide her vulnerability. Don’t really know what that says about me…
10. a quote you’d like to share:
“I will no longer mutilate and destroy myself in order to find a secret behind the ruins.” Herman Hesse
1. What’s your favourite thing to do alone?
2. What’s the thing you always carry in your purse?
3. A book or a film that stayed with you long after you finished it?
4. Have you ever gone to the movies and payed to watch a film you knew wasn’t worth it?
5. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
6. What’s the one food you can’t live without?
7. Period dramas. Yay or Nay
8. What thing in your daily routine would you pay not to have to do?
9. What was the one thing you had to cancel due to the Covid Crisis that made you want to throw a tantrum?
10. What language would you like to learn?
@petegoestotown this was FUN! Thanks! I’m currently very bored and this is the perfect entertainment! Lots of love and don’t stop tagging me!
Now, the part that makes me sort of uncomfortable… I tag the usual people @tourdeforced, @tallulalusa, @thehowlingghost, @23-tiny-wishes, @kitty-rushes-in, @elleisforlovee, @vendelaberglin, @nails-n-glam, @weloveperioddrama, @lalilaloli, @pristina-nomine, please feel free to ignore me if I’m tiresome. Also, everyone else who wants to participate!
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I’m Leaving Tumblr: A Farewell to my Followers
I haven't been very active on this blog lately. If you're observant, you've probably noticed it. If I really wanted to, I could probably just leave it that way; everyone would eventually take me off their followed list as an inactive blog and absently wonder where I went. But I don't really want to do that.
In his poem “The Hollow Men,” T. S. Elliot wrote, “This is how the world ends: not with a bang, but with a whimper.” In my case, though I'm not a popular blog by any stretch, and though this arguably isn't a website that deserves the fanfare, I don't want to leave with a bang, but at least with a whisper: “Thanks for the memories. I'll be on my way now.”
To do that properly, I have to take you on a little ride. 
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In my time on this website, I:
Joined tumblr in June of 2017 for the purposes of posting art.
Proceeded to not post a lot of art.
Found the Captain America, Voltron, and Ninjago fandoms on here and got swept up in those instead.
Got my first 100 notes on a post about Dr. Julien. Dabbed in celebration.
Made a post about Shiro and Bucky maybe being friends.
Bought a mug from mintmintdoodles—and liked it!
Went on a missions trip. Came back.
Reblogged a LOT of fandom stuff.
Saw Wonder Woman, which was good.
Celebrated my first Steve's Birthday—I mean Fourth of July on the site.
Made lots of Clone!Shiro theory posts. 
Made a dumb “who in Voltron likes anime?” post. 
Fell in love with Matt Holt.
Started posting “Grass Whistle”, my first multi-chapter fanfic. 
Got a job, which kinda put the kabosh on the fanfic for a bit.
Bought a print from mechinaries.
Found a bunch of my other fandoms on this site including Lord of the Rings, How to Train Your Dragon, and Hamilton.
Celebrated my first Christmas on the site. 
Participated in the Ninjago Secret Santa, where I actually got my friend Candaru's prompt and it was hilarious.
Kinda ghosted through the first winter months of 2018 as my job occupied more and more of my time. 
Resumed posting Grass Whistle in the spring of 2018 and finally finished it, to a wonderful reception.
Saw Black Panther and loved it!
Started posting “The Run and Go”, to a better reception on FF.net than this site.
Saw Thor: Ragnarok and wished we got to see that hug.
Witnessed the best season of Voltron (S6) before everything went downhill.
Went on vacation. Came back.
Wrote and posted “Brother”.
Posted art celebrating Candaru's story “Several Dead LEGOs Play Cards”.
Went on the missions trip again. Came back.
Saw Infinity War and was in DENIAL.
Reconnected with a friend with whom I'd been through a really rough patch over the past couple of years, and began to mend our friendship.
Posted a really long queue of LotR stuff for no particular reason.
Watched Voltron end; it was terrible.
Started a new year and continued to keep the blog busy with lots of queues.
Watched Alita: Battle Angel and it was AMAZING.
Posted a really long How to Train Your Dragon queue for no particular reason.
Continued to dread Endgame.
Watched Endgame. Stayed in denial.
Fell behind on Ninjago seasons.
Watched the Voltron and Ninjago blogs I follow fade into inactivity until I was left with nothing but gifs of Endgame and my own sadness.
Kept the charade going until the summer of 2019 hit and I realized that I'm doing out of obligation what should be for fun.
I don't really know how to state this in a kind way, but neither the circumstances that brought me here nor the conditions that kept me here exist any longer. This is a fandom blog, and it's a tough break when you've fallen either out of step or out of love with your fandoms. Keeping up the queue is the only way that my blog stays active on my work days, but it isn't fun. This blog stays inactive because upkeeping it is a chore—a chore that I keep putting off, and a chore that no one asked me to do.
2 Timothy 2:20-21 says, “In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.”
I never really understood that. What does Paul have against common things? Does he have beef with clay? But I think I get it now—it's a simple matter of removing clutter. Cleaning out what's unnecessary so that the only things that remain are the best ones.
I'm not leaving tumblr because I have any anger against the site or any one person or fandom or whatever. I'm not leaving because something cataclysmic happened, or because I was abducted by aliens and their planet has bad wifi. I'm leaving because I've had some time to think, and I've decided that it's for my best mental health that I leave this chapter behind. Plain and simple.
Those who know me personally probably know that my prayer for 2019 has been centered around a single word: Restoration. The past few years have been hard ones for me, and it's time to rebuild and restore what's been broken. Sometimes repairing a house means tearing out the moldy walls first. Sometimes being your best self means eliminating distractions.
Because that's what these are—distractions, layered on distractions. Marvel distracted me from the real world, and Voltron distracted me between Marvel movies, and Ninjago distracted me when Voltron turned sour. When those fell through, I turned to old fandoms to distract myself. And when I finally extricated myself from that mess, made amends with some people, looked up, and faced my situation for what it is, I realized that it's not something I can maintain.
I'll still keep the blog up. I won't deactivate it, because deactivated blogs make me sad and wonder if there's some tragedy here that I don't know about. Especially since the platonic prompts post continues to make rounds, I want people to be able to come back to this blog if they wish and see what the original poster was like—someone who loves friendship in fandoms, celebrates it, and spent two years creating a safe haven of nothing but positive, pro-bromance content. If this blog was ever a safe haven for anybody, I want them to still have it available in its entirety. Even if it should never have been work, I did work hard on this. I don't want that to go to waste.
As for those I follow, there will still be some blogs that I check on from time to time—particularly the ones that my personal friends run—but I likely won't be interacting with the posts. If you know me in real life, you can still contact me through email or my fanfiction account. I'll be there.
But starting today, I'm taking the tumblr app off of my phone. I might come back sometime, but I don't see it happening. No offense or hard feelings to anybody—I'm just done for now.
If I ever made anyone smile, I think this would all be worth it. If I made someone laugh, or think, or cry, or if I inspired them to write something or draw something or create something that had never existed before, I think it would all be worth it. If I can truly say that I was a positive Christian influence in my short time here—that I touched somebody—I think it would be worth it.
After all, life isn't about followers. It's about friends. It isn't about notes. It's about whose lives you touched, whose day you made just a little bit better. And I know that all of you (except for the pornbots) are real people, and I want you to know that, to the best of my ability, I care about every single one of you. I want all of you to live happy lives, and I hope that God makes Himself very, very real to you and fills you with a love that words can't explain and a joy that our hearts can't contain and a hope that our minds can't imagine in our wildest dreams.
I wish all 119 of you well. I wish everyone who has ever crossed my path through this blog well. I hope I could make you smile. It's been fun, and I've met some great people and made some wonderful friends, and I'm glad to have been here.
Thank you to my friends. Thank you to anyone who ever liked or reblogged my art. Thank you to everyone who reblogs the platonic prompts post—it's just over 3,000 notes as I write this, which is about the size of my church, and while that isn't terribly a lot I guess it's still wild to think about.
I especially want to thank the Ninjago community for always being so enthusiastic, warm, and wholesome my whole time on this website, from giving me my first 100 notes on the Dr. Julien headcanon post just a few days into my time here to your staggering and sincere support of Grass Whistle a year later. Never stop being your wonderful selves—it was wonderful to interact with all of you.
Thanks for the memories. I mean that.
Here's a picture of one of my hermit crabs, Clover, on a tiny boat I got in Michigan. Peace out!
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—Sincerely, EA
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fandomoverflow · 5 years
Of Their Own Volition: Luxu, the Master, and KH3′s Secret Ending
Shortly I finished playing Kingdom Hearts 3, someone (can’t remember who but if anyone knows/finds the OP for it) suggested on Tumblr that Xehanort “shattering” Kairi was Luxu’s idea. That Sora didn’t require further motivation to fight Master Xehanort, but he did need a reason to keep abusing the Power of Waking until he faded away at the end of the game. 
My initial take on the idea was that Luxu either wanted to remove Sora as an obstacle to the Master of Masters’ plans, or Sora was part of the Master of Masters’ plans and Luxu wanted to isolate him from his friends. But now I think I’ve hit on a different take: Sora was just a means to an end. Getting Riku to the Master’s location was the true goal. 
Let me break it down. 
When Sora chases the Lich to rescue his friends’ hearts, Young Xehanort says 
“Dream by dream you nearly buried yourself in the dark of sleep. And now you’re at it again.” 
And when he departs, YX tells Sora that: 
“You’ve paid the price, and it lies at the bottom of the abyss.” 
Connecting Sora’s fate at the end of KH3 to the eternal slumber the Organization planned for him in DDD indicates that those who misuse the power of waking like Sora did trap themselves in the deepest layers of the Realm of Sleep.
Since the Master of Masters’ talk of fading/vanishing is reminiscent of what happens to Sora at the end of Kingdom Hearts 3, a lot of us have caught on to the indication that the Master’s disappearance in Back Cover is the result of misusing the power of Waking. 
For what purpose we still don’t know yet, but what the puzzle pieces laid out in the games tell us is that the Master of Masters knowingly sealed himself in the deepest abyss of the Realm of Sleep. How he’s able to interact with Young Xehanort in the Re:Mind trailer remains to be seen, but my best guess is that this is a projection of him, while his heart is elsewhere, like Crab Jack and what the Sleeping Realm Theory suggests happened with Kairi. 
Twitter user Scherzo pointed out the parallels in Chain of Memories’ Hollow Bastion storyline between Sora and the Beast as well as Riku and Belle. In their analysis, Maleficent’s role in this plot has paralles to Organization XIII. But in the comments for the post, Scherzo brought up the possibility that this plot parallel (Villain wants to use Character A’s love for Character B for their own nefarious ends) being repeated with the Master of Masters filling the role that Maleficent played in Chain of Memories. 
And that's when I remembered this line from Re: Chain of Memories when Vexen hears that Maleficent was one of the scents Zexion detected in Castle Oblivion’s lowest basement:
“The witch is gone. She cannot return from the Realm of Darkness of her own volition.”
Given the fact that the Realm of Sleep is repeatedly connected to the Realm of Darkness, it would stand to reason that returning from the deepest layer of the Realm of Sleep where Sora and the MoM are works similarly to returning from the Realm of Darkness.
So let’s look at the characters who have ended up in the Realm of Darkness at one point or another and how they were able to escape: 
Case 1 (Riku; COM): Sora enters Castle Obvious with the express goal of finding Riku. In Re:Com, his gut feeling that Riku and Mickey are in the castle is verbalized as “our very best friends. They’re here.” And during the course of Marluxia’s exposition dump, Sora out loud puts Riku into the category of “people I miss”. During or shortly after this time, Riku awakens in the Castle’s lowest basement. Vexen openly states that Riku’s arrival is because “his existence resonates with that of another.” In other words, Riku is able to escape the dark realm because of his connection with Sora.
Case 2 (Maleficent; KH2): After her apparent death in KH1, Maleficent’s heart ends up in the Realm of Darkness, where she manages to time travel back to the Age of Fairy Tales and ends up trapped in a Data Simulation made from the Book of Prophecies. A mysterious figure referred to as “Darkness” helps her return to her own time, back in the Realm of Darkness. In KH2, her raven diablo brings her robes to the Mysterious Tower. The three good fairies attempt to deny her existence, but simply remembering her is enough to reconstruct her body and return her to the realm of light. 
Case 3 (Sora & Riku; KH2): Sora’s heart opens the Door to Light at the end of KH2 after reading a letter that Kairi had written to him at the beginning of the game. 
Case 4 (DiZ; KH3): DiZ was removed from the Realm of Darkness by the Heartless of his former apprentice, who as a Heartless could travel in and out of the Dark World at will. 
Case 5 (Aqua; KH3): Rescued by Sora, who from her perspective she had met not too long ago when she recognized Riku as Terra’s chosen successor and made Sora promise to support Riku the way she knew Terra had needed support from her and Ven. In addition to that, Sora still had Ventus’ heart inside him when she was rescued. 
What all of these cases have in common is that each character is only able to leave the Realm of Darkness because of a strong enough connection with another person. 
Meaning that even if he knowingly consigned himself to the depths of the Realm of Sleep of his own choice, the Master of Masters cannot leave and return to the waking world without the outside assistance of someone he has a strong connection with: 
Riku’s connection to Sora allows him to slip out of the dark realm into Castle Oblivion in COM. 
Sora and Kairi’s connection allows him to open the Door to Light in KH2. 
DiZ was taken out of the dark realm by the Heartless of his former Apprentice. 
Aqua and Sora met once and he has Ven’s heart inside him. 
And although they tried to forget her, the three fairies, her enemies, were enough of a connection to allow Maleficent to come back in KH2. 
This fits incredibly well with Joshua’s line in DDD: 
“By ourselves we’re no one.  It’s when other people look at us and see someone.  That’s the moment we each start to exist.  All they needed was someone to see them, connect with them.”
In summary, escaping from the Realm of Darkness requires someone you know and have a strong connection with to acknowledge your existence.
But despite the similarities the Realm of Sleep is still the Realm of Sleep. The requirements for exiting its deepest layers aren’t going to be the exact same as exiting the Realm of Darkness. So it’s a good bet that the Power of Waking has to be involved 
The only times the Power of Waking was shown being used in DDD and KH3 were situations where the sleeper had a connection with the person waking them. Sora and Riku. Sora and Ventus. Sora and Kairi. 
So we can infer then that releasing someone from the depths of the Realm of Sleep requires 2 things: 
someone you have a connection with on the outside to serve as a beacon home
someone you have a connection with who can use the Power of Waking to release your heart from its prison. 
Which brings me to the end of Kingdom Hearts III and beyond. 
In the epilogue, Luxu summons four of the five Foretellers to the present day after Xehanort’s defeat. They are now the only people left alive who have a connection with the Master of Masters. No one else in the present day knows who he is. The few other X-era characters only knew of him at most and had no real connection to him. So it’s up to Luxu, Ira, Gula, Invi, and Aced to serve as the anchor point. 
As for the second requirement… 
After Kairi was “shattered” Sora used the Power of Waking one last time to restore her at the cost of casting himself into the depths of the Realm of Sleep. As his Dream Eater, Riku followed him. 
The presence of the Gazing Eye on Riku’s Soul Eater and Way to Dawn indicate that there is some connection between Riku and the Master of Masters. 
What that connection is remains to be seen (although I’m a big fan of the Nightmare Family Theory suggesting that the MoM is Riku’s father, with Luxu as his older brother and Nightmare counterpart), but I’m willing to bet that the Master of Masters is fully aware of that connection, whatever it may be. 
Now all he has to do is force Riku to acknowledge that connection and the Master will be freed from his prison to return to the Realm of Light once more. 
TL;DR: The Master of Masters has spent ages sealed in the deepest layers of the Realm of Sleep. The epilogue and secret ending of KH3 represent the beginning of the culmination of Luxu and the MoM’s carefully orchestrated plan to use the bond between Sora and Riku to free the Master from his self-constructed prison. 
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