#if you booped me and i forgot to boop back i am sorry lol
ingo-ingoing-ingone · 6 months
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This is where I ended up for today! XD I was asleep last night, and my app isn't up to date (and desktop version is SUPER janky on mobile) so booping at work was hard
So I spent the last hour booping people XD I got a lot of errors BUT I HAD A BLAST THANK U FOR BOOPING ME
If it's still here tomorrow I'm gonna go for 1000 boops
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*boops your nose* send this to ten blogs you think are lovely and deserve a boop on the nose😊🫵💚
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but because I am a bit too tired to go into each of these people's ask boxes, allow me to tag them here and spread THE BOOP:
@savage-rhi @margridarnauds @thatcrazycrowgirl @susann-noir @tkwritesdumbassassins @abowlofcurry @gravecleric0900 @straight-into-the-animus @acdoesart @aiza-luna @nyanykamito (and I am sorry if I forgot anyone, I am still drinking my coffee, and I have something like 4 hours sleep on my back lol)
(also, retagged people becasue tumblr was not giving them as tagged)
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xnchxntmxnt · 2 years
hiyaa !!
i’d like to request fluff sjsjsjsjsj
i’ve recently got back into hq,, once again<3
so teru pls n ty cause just,, he
anyway if you pls, male/gn reader who gets rejected and basically gets comforted n then realises,, oh shit i like you not this mfer 😦😦 so there’s sobbing and ilys but then a real ily and it’s just all so
anyway !! don’t feel pressured to write ever, have a good day :]]
my b!! forgot to sign off lol,,
yr recent ask was me !! i have returned <3
we're gonna pretend i didn't get this ask several months ago ok im sorry
small conversations, smaller confessions
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Character: Terushima Yuuji
Warnings: some kissing at the end, maybe a little cursing?
Notes: i decided to empty out my drafts/inbox and this was the latest thing in my inbox again i am so sorry. thank you @possiblypoe for the help love /p <3
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It was hard to stay upset when your best friend had ice cream smeared on his nose and was giving you a retelling of a conversation he’d had with his four-year-old brother, while somehow managing to sound exactly like his brother when he mimicked him. 
For the last ten minutes, Terushima had been parading around your room, overdramatically imitating his brother while taking quick breaks to shove more ice cream (from the giant tub, by the way—you were sharing it since he forgot to buy himself anything on your way home) in his mouth. 
The person you’d had a crush on rejected you at school, and since they had, Teru had been right by your side. You had to threaten him to get him to go to class, actually. He was trying to be incredibly supportive, though, and comfort you in any way he could. 
Which lead to him insisting on going to the store, buying a ton of your favorite junk food, and now he was doing everything in his power to make you laugh. Including some rather inappropriate jokes that had him laughing harder than you. 
He sat on your bed, kicking his feet up and putting them on your lap. “How you feeling now?” he asked, taking a rather large scoop of ice cream and putting the whole thing in his mouth. 
You stared at him for a moment. “Worried you're going to get a brain freeze, Yu.”
He shrugged. “Eh, whatever,” he said through a mouthful of ice cream. “Not what I meant. You feeling better about what’s-their-name?”
“A little.” You let out a long sigh before shoving his feet off of you, deciding to lay down. Your pillows were on the other side of him, so you laid your head on his leg. He smiled down at you as you kept talking. “You’ve done a lot for me. Thank you, Yu.”
“Anything for you,” he said, booping the tip of your nose. “Y’know, that person’s kind of a jerk, anyway. I don’t think that would have worked out well for you.”
“Did you hear something or are you saying that to make me feel better?”
“It’s just to make you feel better.” 
You scoff and roll your eyes at him. 
“I’m sorry! I don’t think I’ve heard one person say something bad about them! President Perfect, if you ask me. Maybe a little too perfect.”
The comedic suspicion in his voice made you laugh again. What would you do without him?
Teru was…amazing, really. He was there to comfort you at any given moment, always had something to make you laugh, and had this energy that drew people to him like a magnet. He was always so chipper and, despite sometimes needing someone to reign his shenanigans in, really cared about the people around him and made sure they knew it. 
When you looked up at him again, a content smile stuck on his face as he looked back, something seemed like it clicked in the back of your head. You’d been pining after this person for a few weeks and sure, maybe you liked them, but there was something different about Yuuji. How much of that was years of friendship, and how much of that was something else?
You sat up abruptly, shaking the thought from your mind. You didn’t need to go there right now, what if he didn’t feel the same? What were you saying—you yourself weren’t sure how you felt about him! You needed to get your head straight first and then you could figure out what the hell all this meant. 
“You alright?” he asked, following you by sitting up as well, reaching out a hand to make sure nothing was wrong. 
Quickly, you nodded, jumping up and heading toward your door. “Yeah! I’ll, uh…ill be back in a sec. Feel free to finish off the ice cream.”
He made a weird face but you didn't take the time to look, instead running for the hallway and deciding to lock yourself in the bathroom for a moment. What were you thinking? Years of friendship down the drain because of a fleeting thought? But now you were thinking about it more and—
“Dammit!” you cursed, half-whispered as you slammed your fist on the counter. Now what were you going to do?
A quiet knock sounded from the other side of the door and you heard Yuuji’s voice. “(Y/N)?” he asked. “You good? Thought I heard something fall…”
You sighed and turned, opening the door. He offered an encouraging smile that broke whatever sanity you had left in your mind. 
All the emotional exhaustion finally got to you. Maybe it wasn't a great decision, it was definitely rash, but you grabbed his hand and pulled him a little closer, asking, “would you freak out if I kissed you right now?”
He stared, wide-eyed, but shook his head. Without a second thought to let your sense of reason kick in, you dropped his hand, grabbed him by the collar, and kissed him.
It was fast—much too fast—but you could feel the tension cut through the air and dissipate the closer you got. Expectantly, you looked at him as you pulled away, waiting for one of you to say something. You tried to, but the words didn’t want to come out. 
He spoke up first, barely above a whisper. “I have been waiting to do that for years,” he muttered before leaning in again. This time, he kissed you breathless, one hand gently on your hips and the other holding the side of your face. Your hand dropped from his collar and played with the (quite soft, actually) buzzed hair at the bottom of his head. 
You stayed there for a while, back against the counter, just kissing. Neither of you wanted to pull away from the other, he was more important than air, and apparently, he thought the same. 
After a minute or so of that, he leaned his forehead against yours, smiling against your lips. “You have no idea how much I wanted to do that,” he said, bumping his nose against yours. 
You leaned back quickly, looking him in the eye, expression that of shock. “You what?” you asked, just now processing his earlier words. 
He laughed and laid his head on your shoulder. “I’m sorry, (Y/N), I…I never wanted to say anything, but I’ve had a massive crush on you since…what, probably first year?”
Gently, you smacked the back of his head, asking, “why didn’t you tell me?”
Yuuji picked his head up and kissed your cheek. “I didn’t know you’d feel the same!” he said, mimicking your tone. “Let’s just…skip that part. Less talking, more kissing.”
He paused for a moment to make sure you didn’t want to argue/would be okay with that (always a gentleman) so you closed the gap between you. He was right, talking could wait.
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@emswordss @kodzukoi @animated-moon @duckymcdoorknob @mysterystarz @sirimirihiro @momoewn @otaku-thingz
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uselessbard1031 · 3 years
hi hi hi :) i love your latest story and tbh all of your works !! i was just curious on when an update is going to be posted for burnout. boop REMEMBER to take care of yourself… have a lovely day
Thank you so much for reading my fics! :) I’m glad you asked as I’ve been meaning to post about it here.
Currently, I’ve just started a new job, am a lead role and a crew member on a movie in production, and am still working on a cartoon in pre production. I’m also trying to find time for a novel I’m writing and the weekly dnd group i DM but those are less pressing lol. So I’ve back burnered Ao3 at least until shooting wraps for the film.
There may be one more update between now and then or there may not be but either way when production wraps the second weekend of October I’ll be back to having time for Fanfiction. Thank you all for your patience and I’m sorry that it took me so long to think to post about it. (I kind of forgot I had tumblr lol) :)
For now, Let’s play a game. I’ll write two truths and two lies about the next chapter and if any of you can guess the lies, I’ll tell you a third truth
1.) Kya Finds out Lin has a crush
2.) Reyke and Y/N get into a fight
3.) Lin confronts Kanto about being her dad
4.) Lin and Y/N build a pillow fort
Good luck!
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txemrn · 3 years
The Picture Show
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Book: TNA
Rating: fluffy; smidge of sensuality, smidge of angst
Word count: exactly 2000
A/N: Oof! I wanted to participate in wacky drabbles #102 this week, but long story short, the week got away from me, and I am painfully late in posting! That's okay, though! It's going up anyway, and I'm sure they won't mind me using their prompt (prompt will be in bold)! Huge thanks to @kat-tia801 for brainstorming this fic with me, and thank you to @chemist-ana for pre-reading (and convincing me it wasn't dumb lol). As always, these characters belong to our friends at Pixelberry (also, Caroline is the name I've given Sam's first wife; even though we know her real name now, old habits die hard... wow, pun not intended!).
A crisp, cool breeze manifests a gentle oasis for the gathered movie-goer crowd on the humid city street. Waiting in line to purchase tickets for their impromptu date night, Brynn casually ties a knot in the front of her knit band tee, exposing a thin strip of her Tuscany-sun-kissed skin. Finger-combing her almond waves, she tosses her careless strands into a perfectly teased bun to enjoy the reprieve from the stifling August heat.
“You’re making this too easy for me.” The familiar, smoky whisper sends a pleasure-filled jolt down Brynn’s spine as his breathy chuckles tickle her ear. His fingertips pad across her midriff, tucking his sizable hand into the front of her jeans. His other hand cups around her head as he presses his plump pout to the sensitive spots of her neck. “So, what’ll it be tonight: Melissa McCarthy telling jokes for two hours or scary paranormal demons?”
“The difference being?” Brynn jokes, pulling Sam’s hand out of her pants, lacing her fingers with his.
“Touché,” he chuckles, hiding a wide grin. Their lips meet together for a simple kiss just as the ticket booth attendant motions for them to approach. After collecting their tickets for the latest horror flick, the young couple approach the concession counter. “Wanna share a popcorn?”
Brynn’s eyes light up as she eagerly nods her head. “And gummy worms, please!”
“You are just as bad as the boys--”
“What does that mean?” Brynn jovially pinches Sam, aiming for his chest.
“Let’s just say that gummy worms were never on the weekly grocery list until you came around,” he smirks, raising an eyebrow while guarding his nipples.
“See? I improved your life in more ways than one,” Brynn quips.
Sam lets out a hearty laugh, pulling Brynn’s body closer to his. “Mmmm--” he kisses one side of her neck, “--so many--” he kisses the other side of her neck, his hand grazing the curve of her ass, “--different--” he suddenly squeezes hard, making Brynn yelp, “--ways--” he captures her lips in a hungry kiss.
A clearing of a throat abruptly interrupts the moment. “‘Scuse me, but did you want butter on your popcorn, sir?” Sam’s cheeks burn red as Brynn chuckles through a nod. “That’ll be twenty-eight eighty-one.”
Sam quickly double-takes as he pulls out his wallet. “I’m sorry,” he grins politely, “did you say almost thirty dollars? For popcorn and gummy worms?”
“And your wife wanted a large Coke Zero.”
Brynn smiles brightly as she dramatically slurps on a straw. “Yes, husband, your wife wanted a large Coke Zero,” she sardonically mimics the concession worker, batting her eyes innocently.
Sam lowers his voice. “For thirty dollars?”
“Actually for twenty-eight eighty-one,” the teenage attendant corrects.
“You’ll have to excuse him,” Brynn pats Sam’s chest, winking at him endearingly before turning her attention to the cashier. “He hasn’t been to the movies since de Blasio took office.”
The attendant gives a confused look. “Who?”
Brynn stifles a laugh. “Exactly.” She looks warmly up at Sam as he boops her on the nose, grinning smugly at her. She puts her hand in his hand that is holding his wallet. “I’ve got this, old man.”
“Absolutely not.” Sam pulls his hand away from hers. “What kind of gentleman do you take me for?”
“Sam, it’s not a big deal,” she reaches for his wallet. “You are always paying. Let me do this tonight. My treat.” He quickly snatches his wallet, lifting it above her head while shaking his head. “Samuel!” she titters, stretching to grab his wallet. “Why are you being so difficult? Put that away.”
“Brynn, c’mon, there are people waiting--”
“Exactly. Let me pay.” She pushes her petite body in front of Sam’s as she reaches for her own wallet. “Here, sir,” she motions to the cashier as she begins to pull out two twenty-dollar bills.
“No. Brynn!” Sam loops his arm in front of Brynn’s body, shielding her from pulling her money out. “Stop that!” He turns to the concession attendant. “Here, take my card--”
Brynn swats at Sam's hand, accidentally knocking his wallet out of his grasp, the contents of the billfold dumping out onto the counter. Brynn cups her mouth, laughing at an irritated Sam who is taking a large deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. She quickly hands her money to the attendant before turning her attention to Sam. “C’mon, let’s get this cleaned up--”
And suddenly, there it was, splayed out for both Sam and Brynn to see together: a picture of Sam’s late wife. In the nude.
Sam quickly snatches the picture up as well as his cards and cash, hoping Brynn didn't notice. When he looks back up, Brynn is already giving their tickets to the attendant to be admitted into the theater.
She noticed.
“I--I think I’m gonna need some more napkins,” she nervously interrupts, an out-of-breath pant to her voice.
“Ma’am? There are napkins inside," helpfully offered a worker.
“Oh,” Brynn appears defeated, refusing to look at Sam. “I’ll go grab our seats then,” she offers, power-walking away from her boyfriend.
“Brynn? Brynn?” His voice carries over the bustling hallway, but she doesn’t slow down. Once in the theater, Brynn anxiously stumbles in the low-lighting, picking out seats. Catching up to her, Sam’s hands kindly grip her shoulders. “Brynn. Please. Talk to me.”
She cordially smiles at him. “Talk about what?” She sits down, nervously pawing to open her bag of gummy worms.
Sam steals the bag of candy from Brynn. “Are you seriously going to pretend that didn’t just happen?”
“Pretend that what didn’t just happen--”
Putting his hands on his hips, he raises his voice. “You seeing my wife’s tits.” With the sudden cascade of snickers and gasps from fellow patrons turning to stare, Brynn grabs Sam’s arm, yanking him down into his seat.
Sam leans over, whispering into Brynn’s ear. “Please, let’s just talk about this--”
“There’s nothing to talk about, Sam,” her eyes stare intently at the large white screen.
“You’re mad.”
“I’m not mad.” Brynn begins wringing her hands as her foot nervously bounces. “I just,” she sighs before becoming quiet, her voice audibly shaking, “I--I didn’t know. I mean--damnit, Sam, you keep a photo of her in your wallet?”
“Of my wife?" He enunciates, making Brynn feel foolish. "Is that wrong of me?”
“No,” Brynn’s lower lip begins to tremble, “yes? I--I don’t know, Sam. I don’t know what I’m supposed to think right now. I figured you'd have a picture of her. Just with, uh, I mean. She would be, um--"
"Clothed?" Sam smirks.
Brynn gradually looks into Sam's eyes, but finds herself abruptly avoiding his gaze as questions flood her mind. Why would he be keeping a nude photo of his late wife? How often does he look at it? Is that even her business to know? To care?
The house lights turn down as the roar of advertisements brightly flood the screen. Brynn rests her chin in her hand, fighting tears. Even though the excitement of the music and vivid colors enthralls the audience, Brynn is a million miles away. She feels completely confused as to how to feel about this situation. Was she even allowed to be upset about this? Why couldn’t things just be simple for once in their relationship?
“Brynn?” Sam beckons for her from the clouds, bringing her back to reality. He lifts up the armrest between them. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he pulls her into his chest, peppering her hair with kisses.
As the movie ends, Sam and Brynn remain silent, making their exit to the streets of New York. After a few blocks, Sam stops, sensing Brynn’s heightened emotions. He can tell she’s still bothered by what happened before the movie.
He sighs heavily. “Let’s talk about it.”
Brynn lets go of his hand, scoffing, spinning around to see if anyone was watching. After a few moments of silence, she can feel the heat budding in her cheeks. She crosses her arms, and while staring at Sam, she lets out an inaudible ‘okay’.
With sincerity in his voice, Sam locks eyes with Brynn. "I honestly haven't looked at that picture in months. I completely forgot that I even had it. But--” he hesitates for a second, choosing his words wisely, “--throwing it away seems like the wrong thing to do."
"Caroline* and I didn't have sex until our wedding night." Brynn's eyebrows furrow before her eyes widen in shock. Sam continues. "She wanted to wait until marriage, especially given," he takes a deep breath, "my past--which you know about." Brynn nods. "But then the night before our wedding,” a smile blossoms across his face in remembrance, “she gifted me this wallet. With this picture. She said it was her promise to me--her all to me. I know you see a nude picture. But,” he sighs nervously as his eyes glaze with tears, “it’s always been so much more than that.”
Brynn considers his words, a warm smile growing on her face. She finally holds out her hand, for Sam to take. “Let’s go home.”
The next night, Brynn did bedtime alone with the boys. The penthouse had been fairly quiet throughout the day, even after Sam came home late from work. There is still an awkwardness in the air, and even though Brynn and Sam weren’t angry with each other, they also didn’t know what to say.
Closing the twin’s bedroom door, Brynn quietly tiptoes to the home office in her robe, knowing Sam is lost in his paperwork. She cautiously knocks on the door. After a few moments, the door whips open, Sam grabbing Brynn and jerking her inside.
“Since when do we knock on doors, babe?” Sam sits back into his leather tufted chair, pulling Brynn onto his lap, endearingly rubbing circles on her lower back.
“I--I wasn’t sure if you were busy, or--or if you--”
Sam holds his hand over her mouth, a smile growing across his face. “You know better.” He grabs her hand, kissing the back of it. “Now, what’s going on?”
Brynn coyly looks up at Sam, clearly nervous to ask her next question. “Can I see your wallet?”
Sam’s face falls, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “Why?”
“I want to see it.”
Sam can’t bring his attention to Brynn. He never removed that photo of his first wife, nor did he know how Brynn was currently feeling about the nude picture. All he does know is he better pull out his wallet. And start praying for mercy.
Brynn stands up, circling around Sam’s office chair. Sam reaches in his back pocket, pulling out the wallet. Brynn wraps her arms around his shoulders, brushing her nose against his ear. “Open it,” she commands with a sensual, husky tone.
Sam dutifully opens his wallet to the plastic picture holder. His cheeks begin to swelter with pink growing down his neck. He can feel a queasiness growing in his gut as he lays it out for Brynn to see.
“Aren’t you going to look?”
“Brynn?” He throws off her arms, becoming irritated. “What kind of game--?”
And that’s when he sees it: a picture of his stunning girlfriend, carefully photographed in the nude with her hands posing perfectly across her assets.
Sam’s eyes quickly dart around the room, finding Brynn locking the door and uncinching her robe. Letting the fabric pool on the floor, she straddles her naked body across his lap, his hands unable to resist.
Brynn grabs the wallet, pulling out the nude photos of herself and Sam’s first wife. “This may have been her promise to you, and you can keep it for as long as you want,” Brynn pulls out her photo, handing it to Sam. "But, this. This is my promise to you, Sam Dalton." She leans over, stealing his breath with a fervent kiss. “I love you.”
Cupping her cheek, Sam’s eyes gather tears as he looks admirably at his new forever. “I love you, too.”
Tags: @ao719 @charlotteg234 @chemist-ana @choiceskatie @forallthatitsworth @jessiembruno @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @lovelyladyk88 @lucy-268 @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @phoenixrising308 @sfb123 @shannonwrote @shewillreadyou @taniasethi @thefrenchiemama
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itsmaddienotmaddy · 4 years
Okay. I’m gonna do this thing ONE MORE TIME.
US v. Argentina
Let me start by saying, I think the team was FANTASTIC. Really proud of all the girlies.
Jane - another cap, another uneventful game for her in. Still, good experience, good distribution. That’s all I got!
Becky - maybe should have been allowed a break lol. Her energy after that head clash was “I’m getting too old for this shit.” She is NOT, I want Captain Becky forever, but it was still the vibe. She was getting up a lot more, Becky goal 2021 plz. Her defensive tackle win that started the run to Alex’s goal was beautiful.
Baby T - incredible. Amazing. I MISSED her. I feel like everyone always talks about needing versatility on the back line (myself included) and Tierna falls into the category of one who can slide around. She was confident on the ball, her passes were strong and she had some great runs and crosses when her and Sonnett swapped for a few!
Casey - so so so good. She’s been out of the rotation for a bit so I think I kind of forgot. But she did excellent. Her offensive work was strong, her defensive work was strong, her assist to Kristie was perfect. Glad she got 45 today!!
Midge - came out with some FIRE. She was not getting beat to a ball, she was not getting beat in a run. Her offensive runs were smooth af. Crosses didn’t get off as well, but that’s okay. Making a case for herself, no doubt. Very happy she did not PERISH getting sandwiched near the end.
Kelley - she knew she only had thirty minutes and she used them! Obviously not a huge chunk of time but her crosses. Are. So. Fucking. Good. The way she sets herself up for them, gets open. Big fan of it. Hopefully Miss Glass Bones can keep herself HEALTHY
Sonnett - right back, left back. Center back for a couple minutes. WHEREVER. I thought she did great tonight. She caught so much fucking flack for her performance against Brazil which was.. rude. Watching the game a second time, she actually did decently well with the load she was given. And this game! Took a moment to get in with the flow, but then was awesome. One lil cheeky two hand push in the second half that was ‘not great’ but damn. Slide tackles were on. Defensive headers were strong AF. And when she feels confident, the MOVES. I love it.
JJ - I know she isn’t old at all, but she was also giving, “I am too old for this shit” vibes. Maybe she was a little tired from all the full nineties she’s been playing, who knows. Either way. Miss Consistency always. Her play is just a force to be reckoned with and as my roommate pointed out, she is always so aware at what is going on at all times.
Rose - also knew she was on 45 minutes so just decided to run around crazy (which is a good thing). That energy sparked so much in the first half and she created so many opportunities. And I’m gonna be real, Rose has def been weight lifting, lookin swole, knocking people over. Also want to take a moment to appreciate the full awkwardness that was her accepting the MVP award. Never change bitch.
Kristie - full ninety, full spice, ANOTHER GOAL. God what a woman. For real. She is having a time and I think all of us are here for it. She took a moment to settle into the game, the first chunk of time was a little aimless, and then she snapped into it. She had an assist, she had a goal, she had even MORE opportunities. Her corners were beautiful, such a good weapon to have. And the end, coming to defend Midge from from the linebacker tackle.. I MEAN.
Jaelin - aside from nearly killing Becky, she had an incredible second cap showing. Kid has no fear, tackles were on point. She is going to be so much fun to watch. Love.
Lindsey - after her nice little first half rest, came in ready to GO. She didn’t have to dictate as much in the middle of the field since the game wasn’t as dire. Helped out on the left, the right, set up some beautiful plays and had ONE MORE BEAUTIFUL ASSIST. Her and Christen are on the same wavelength and they’re loving it and I’m loving it, and their hugs are so pure.
Carli - got an assist and a goal. So stat-wise, killing it. Very happy to see her choose to pass that one to Pinoe. Also happy to see her in just one half. Typical dumb shit falling way too much in the box for no reason, but like, she gave the wheels for 45, she’s still out there!
Pinoe - everyone’s favorite purple/pink haired lesbian knows how to score some damn GOALS. She makes it look easy. She’s methodical, she’s precise. We’ll be out there, talking shit on Pinoe not playing defense (which to her credit, she did do a few times today,) not totally on her game. And she senses it and is like, oh. Here .TWO GOALS. Are you not entertained???!! She’s still got it. Just, the best.
Sophia - showed up with the footwork today!! God, her first drive into the box, just gorgeous. Got caught a few times waiting for the ball and didn’t make the step to get her body in front of the defender, but this was her best national team showing thus far. Her assist to Alex was so good. Such smart awareness, the weight on the pass was great. And did it all with 12 pounds of Bubble Yum in her mouth.
Alex - MOM GOAL. She did it for CHARLES. So proud. A little flopsicle for a bit out there. But she did make up for it with some awesome runs, good connections with Christen, and tbh, she almost had at least two more goals. She isn’t quite at the peak of where she was before, but closer and closer.
And then I saved Christen for last because we got a full ninety out of her and she was hilarious to watch. She obviously prefers the left, all of her typical tricks seem to work for her better on that side. We saw it all from her. We saw her get blatantly fouled because no one knows how to stop her and her throwing her hands in the air because that is what she DOES. We got cut moves. We got the zoomies. Set pieces. Corners were meh (but Kristie took over, it’s fine.) We got her yelling in frustration, yelling at the dumbass ref. I mean. The camera person also gifted us with many a close up. AND THEN FINALLY AFTER 100 YEARS, A GAME ENDING GOAL. With her head of all things. Header assists to header goals. Boop to BOOP.
I’m glad Crystal got some well deserved rest, though she was ROBBED from at least contention for MVP. So rude. Lynn and Abby with some well deserved rest as well. I did miss Abby’s diagonal long balls today. They are the best.
Another trophy for the USWNT and a lot of things that make Vlatko’s job VERY FUCKING DIFFICULT. I am sorry to that man.
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wxlfstxrx · 4 years
sorry i’m shamelessly taking advantage of you offering to write them, but o’knutzy on a road trip! where are they going? who’s driving? what snacks did they pack? do they tease whoever’s driving? lol how often do they pull over
HELLO. god, finally. i’m so sorry this took so long. also it turned into 5.7k words of O’Knutzy being O’Knutzy. hope you like this :) major props to @siriuslyqueer and @shinymooncolor for the help as always <3 characters by @lumosinlove!
Finn and Logan are showing Leo photos of their Harvard days one night as they’re cuddling in bed together, when Leo casually mentions how he sometimes wishes he had gone to college first before joining the league. 
“Growing up, I didn’t have many friends from school. I mostly kept to my family instead. Honestly though, if I had gone to college, I probably would’ve enjoyed my time there,” He says wistfully.
He doesn’t notice Finn and Logan glancing at each other, smiling knowingly. 
The next morning, the two boys drag Leo out of bed bright and early, bouncing up and down excitedly.
“What the—”
“ROAD TRIP, BABY,” They yell into his ear, and the next thirty minutes are a flurry of washing up and packing essentials for the long drive. Leo’s confused as hell but he’s still half asleep and refuses to deal with the hyperactive boys until he’s gotten his coffee from the cafe across from their apartment.
Once they’re eventually settled into Finn's car, with their respective cups of coffee and some bagels to munch on, Leo asks where they’re going as Finn starts the car and turns out onto the main road. The freckled redhead reaches a hand over to boop Leo on the nose, who swats his hand away playfully. 
“It’s a secret,” He winks. Leo settles back into the passenger seat resignedly, knowing better than to question their spontaneous decisions.
A couple seconds after, Logan leans forward, over the centre console, and plugs his phone in. He scrolls through his Spotify for a bit, before a familiar song starts blasting through the car speakers. 
“What the hell, Lo,” Finn frowns at Logan through the rearview mirror. “Isn’t it a bit too early for this?”
Logan narrows his eyes and wags a finger at him, opening his mouth to say something, but bursts into song instead. 
Leo looks at Finn, confused, and Finn just shoots him an amused look. 
“He loves singing to High School Musical on long drives,” He laughs, nodding his head to the beat anyway. Leo just stares between the two of them, looking highly intrigued. “Have you never been on a road trip before, Peanut?” 
Finn cocks his head to the side, looking at him curiously as Leo turns back to the front, shrugging in embarrassment. “Only with family. It was very different from this.” 
“Well,” Finn grins, drawing out the syllable. “You’re with us now. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”
At that moment, Logan grabs Leo’s shoulders from behind and shakes him. “What about us? What about everything we’ve been through?”
Leo laughs in surprise, and Logan pouts. “C’mon, Peanut, you’re supposed to sing along!”
He twists in his seat slightly, and grabs his phone as a microphone. “And what about meeeeeee?”
Logan laughs loudly, closing his fingers around Leo’s wrist and pulling the phone towards his mouth. “What am I supposed to dooooooooooooooo?”
“I gotta leave, but I’ll miss you,” The three of them sing at the top of their lungs, and dissolve into laughter.
They sing a few more songs after that, taking turns to scream the lyrics within the confined space of the car. Eventually, they settle into a comfortable silence when they’re all out of breath and thirsty, and Leo takes a sip of his coffee. “What do you guys normally do on road trips?”
Finn and Logan share a glance through the rearview mirror, and Logan shrugs. “Depends on where we’re going, and how long we’re going for, really. Seeing as we have training tomorrow, we don’t really have a choice this time, but sometimes we’d plan these in advance and book a room if we have to stop over somewhere. They’re usually fun, unless you’re with the wrong crowd.”
He grimaces, and so does Finn, and Leo wonders what memory they’ve dug up. He wants to ask them, but Logan continues rambling about past road trips that he’s been on, some with Finn and some without. The boys let him talk, and eventually they pull up at a gas station when Finn realises that he’s running low on petrol.
“Bathroom, anyone?” Finn asks as he hooks the car up to the nozzle to pump in more petrol. They shake their heads but Leo requests to swap seats with Logan.
“Need more leg space,” He smirks teasingly at Logan, who growls and charges at him, headbutting his chest with full force, eliciting a loud oof from the blonde boy. Finn rolls his eyes fondly and Leo laughs, digging his fingers into Logan’s sides and making him squirm and yell.
“No, Harzy, help me, help mmph—” Logan tries his best to escape Leo’s clutches to no avail, and his knees buckle as he collapses with laughter. Leo holds him up and throws an arm around his shoulders, and Logan leans heavily against his side, gasping.
“All right, all right,” Finn gestures for them to climb back into the car. “Let’s go, if we wanna make it there by lunch we gotta leave now.”
Leo sighs in contentment as he settles into the backseat, sitting sideways so he can stretch his lanky legs across the seat.
“Fucking show off,” Logan grumbles under his breath, and Leo smirks.
“Jealous much?”
Logan huffs and turns back to the front, crossing his arms.
Finn sighs exaggeratedly and cranks up the music, to which Logan starts singing again. He’s a ball of energy, high from the caffeine and he’s bouncing so hard in his seat that Finn has to place one hand on his thigh to remind him that he’s in the passenger seat of a moving vehicle. 
“Lo, honey, please.”
Leo stifles a laugh and leans further back into his seat. He watches the cars speed by them on the highway, and he watches the two boys up front alternating between singing and talking, and he feels his heart thundering in his chest. He doesn’t think he’ll ever stop feeling amazed and in awe of the fact that the two of them are his to love.
He lets the world pass them by, losing himself in the moment and soaking in the realness of it all.
Eventually, they exit the highway, and Leo looks out of the window, trying to decipher their location. He guesses he could just check Google Maps, honestly, but he likes the mystery of it all too.
“Lunch?” Leo sits back up and leans forward, between the two boys. He’s starving; the bagel he had earlier in the morning had barely been enough and of everything they could’ve forgotten to pack, they forgot the snacks. His stomach has been rumbling for a good hour or so.
Finn and Logan grin at each other.
“The usual?”
“Oh, he’ll love it.”
Leo’s brows raise. “The usual? Seems like you’ve been here bef—”
Realisation dawns on him.
read more on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25018075
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supergirl-writingz · 4 years
Coming Out
Reader x Super Friends (Kara, Alex, and Lena)
Note: This is my first fanfic ever! So sorry if it’s bad lol. Please republish and leave me any advice or criticism, I promise I won’t be offended! I’m new and have a lot to learn:) Also pleaseeee leave requests haha or just chat me anything you wanna say or questions!
Warnings: Coming out, homophobic parents
You took a deep breath and knocked on Kara’s door. She quickly opened it with a bright smile, which quickly turned into a frown when she saw that you were crying.
She quickly grabbed your arm and guided you inside, “Y/n what happened?”
You walked inside and saw the your other best friends, Alex and Lena, who both looked just as concerned as Kara did.
“I-I did it” you sobbed out, choking on your words.
Lena put her hand on your back soothingly, “Did what darling”
“I told my parents that I’m bi... they didn’t take it well” you said, looking around unable to make eye contact with the women around you.
They all knew that you were bi, and they were wonderful about it. You were so nervous to tell them because you thought it would affect your friendship, you were so wrong. Coming out to Kara, Lena, and Alex was what gave you the confidence to come out to your parents. It made you think everyone was as accepting as they were. Again, you were so wrong.
Alex exchanged a worried look to Kara and Lena and finally asked, “What happened y/n? You know you can talk to us”
You looked at them and felt ashamed and looked down again. “They kicked me out. They told me that they were disappointed and not the child they raised. They told me I could come back when I was ‘fixed’”
You immediately broke down into the tears that were just starting to slow. You were starting to believe what your parents said, that there was something wrong with you.
Alex grabbed your face and turned it towards her, so you were looking into each other eyes. She took both her hands and cupped them around your face and starting talking to you. Her touch was soft, while her voice was stern, “Y/n there is nothing wrong with you, sweetheart. You know that right?”
You immediately looked away. You didn’t know what to say, You were lost.
Alex instantly moved your face towards her again, “Look at me”, she said with a serious tone.
“Do you think there is something wrong with me?” Alex asked.
This question caught you off guard.
“What? No, Alex, of course I don’t think there is something wrong with you”, you said quickly, very confused.
She couldn’t help but show a tiny smirk at your confusion, “Well I’m gay there must be something wrong with me too”
You started to worry that Alex took what you meant wrong. You started to frantically think of what to say, when you noticed Alex, Kara, Lena all grinning at you. Realization hit in.
Smiling you said, “I see what you did there, very clever”
She smiled warmly and responded, “If you know there is nothing wrong with me, then that should assure you there is nothing wrong with you”
She was right. Nothing was wrong with you. Your parents were wrong. You smiled, thankful for the friends you had. Being the baby of the group, you always got the best advice.
“You’re right Alex. I am pretty awesome”, you said with a grin.
Kara laughed and booped your nose, “Well I wouldn’t go that far”
You pretended to act offended, and turned your head around, not facing them. Alex took this opportunity and started to tickle you. You laughed so hard, that you forgot you were crying in the first place.
You looked at your friends, and said happily, “I love you guys”
“We love you too”, they said in union.
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This is purely my opinion. But Do I like Elsword or Closers. Well I like both but let me explain.
Elsword has a total of 14 playable characters with 4 paths thats a total of 56 characters. Closers got around 19 ( Lucy isn't released yet but she is the 19th character). Both games have a set of playstyles available, though Els. somewhat landslides the maximum playstyles in games is a bit much.
Closers you can literally make 19 characters alltogether, Elsword I forgot the maximum character it has been years last I looked at the change. But you could have enough characters available.
Bankshare, so Closers has account bank and character bank, you can literally transfer sometghings over to your alts easily, except if you need to use those quality seals for some items which I know those are given like candy. Elsword NA had a quest for free bankshare in account, but got rid of it. ( i been seeing the KR players mention they have that quest on new accounts but I don't know as I can't play Els. KR so someone confirm with me.) So really locked off the chance of items and such being booped to another character.
Character progression - This might anger some people but remember I've seen the pre before revamps back in 2015-2016, Elsword was easy as hell, newer updates made them even better, I never done Master Class, bought em for a few characters i wanted for El collection. But Closers is slightly difficult, I asked my friend about Task Force, he says it takes 5 days. I'm like "What are you serious? Thats so bad, I don't want to call Closer players crazy, but you call your job changes easy? That's annoying to do." Like I'd rather a time scale of easier advancements instead thanks, not 5 days.
Character Selection - HOO BOY I will get hate for the progression but. Elsword is new with the idea but I like theirs, put away your torches. Closers Teamwork buff is great, but Elsword if they're active collected, you'll get the stat increases, Closers, my Eunha has 767,637 Combat power in hubs but in the sectors the teamwork system comes into play where she has 807,784 power I don't like the sector only buff, have it on and active no matter what, my Tina having 987,798 power and in sectors she has 1,000,000 power, I would like to see my progress at full power.
PNA vs ERP - Obviously I like the PNA is easy but you gotta level within special areas like planar gate, where the ERP you can level it in lv 99 dungeons. But rewards for pna is better imo.
Fatigue - Elsword still has this system but really it doesn't bother me much, Closers rid of that system so yay more entertainment.
Special weapons/armor - Elsword has the better kind but after seeing some players gear in Closers, Closers tops them, although the sector limit in puri does prevent the replayability that I'm use to for Void weapon and Flames Judgement. And that you'll get puri gear NOT for the main that you have, which does get annoying but more materials it is, hooray although I want Eunha's Tindalos costume but I can't get dem eroded fibers.
Promo costumes - Closers is better on this field, your character gets their base outfit and best of all you can upgrade them you can craft special outfits much easily as Els there is no perma character promo costume ( except v2 but that ended at revamp before Rose's release.) So no viable way to have a costume to rely on I'd rather a perma costume or buying major rip.
Death - Elsword is better. I'm sorry the animation in Closers add more to your time on death so elsword it doesn't take around 2-4 seconds to get a ressurection menu or leave sector.
Dungeons and hubs - I like both, just don't let me fight flying enemies, and we both good.
Characters - Mixed opinion some I don't like some I like, Tein might as well be girl I'm only joking. But some are comparable. Like Seth's to Seth and Laby to Laby i like them as characters as they refer themselves in 3rd person lol they are sweethearts of characters imo.
Story - both are good, shut up I'm not the one who skips the story and bitch and whine about why a game has story or why it shouldn't even have a story, or that you didn't bother to look at the story not our fault but its there. Your opinion is one half of the games so hush.
Search and Wikis - Els has it easier. I can find Elwiki and characters much easily than closers, Closers had a really good wiki but I can't find it as its gone so none tops Elwiki. But Closers stuff I can't find easily I have to literally specify what I am looking up for that game.
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Debuff Zane Build
i am tired of not seeing this build in all the zane build videos i watch so im sharing it here because its stupid fun bc u run fast and kill faster. it’s not meta, but its fun as fuck and u have a lot of damage and survivability with it. I’ve completed M4 Slaughter Shaft with it- haven’t tried on M10 yet but i have faith. p.s its 4 am pls have mercy if there’s spelling mistakes.
what ur gonna need is a band of sitorak, zheitseiv’s eruption, a seein’ dead, and the piss grenade. everything else is fair game, whatever u want. try to get it to have the sntl cryo anoint bc good. but u must have the 4 main items for this to work perfectly (it also somewhat works with a low level Frozen Heart bc best shield in the game but you will die a lot more)
also i need a fucking name for this build help
oh god oh fuck i forgot i was playing through the handsome jackpot dlc again
oki im ready to party
this is my current loadout
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sometimes i switch the reg Q-System for a kaoson or a nighthawkin if i need ammo (OP QSystem is... OP but not as fun as a tracking grenade QSystem so i don’t care for it) and maybe the brainstormer for a reflux if many shielded enemies (i prefer the brainstormer over the reflux atm. so try for a brainstormer!!)
3rd slot, that’s a monarch which used to be a dictator b4 it got a straight upgrade. I actually don’t use the bipod unless im in a boss fight and don’t need to move fast. usually violent momentum and violent violence cover the dps loss
ur first 3 gun slots honestly don’t matter much. I have my reasons for using them, but you can use whatever u want i think, so long as its a strong weapon (bc unfortunately a lot of weapons are not scaled for m10). u dont HAVE to use the monarch or the Q system or the brainstormer. I recommend them, cuz theyre fun, but u don’t gotta if u wanna swap em out for a a kaoson or a yellowcake or a sandhawk or smth
the last gun is my zheitsev’s eruption. This bad boy, when u reload, shoots out homing balls of debuffery. So every enemy that gets hit with these gets a debuff. I have tried this with the needler but I prefer Zheitsev’s bc it can hit more enemies and once and takes less time. this gun only goes to Blane (ur clone). 
for the skill trees we have no points in under cover even tho brainfreeze is the best skill in the gaaaaame
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really the hitman tree is p self explanatory, u wanna go fast as fuck boiii. My band of sitorak does not have the +15 movespeed while zoomer is active anoint (it has the break shield amp anoint, which is p okay. want movespeed, but a nice human from the reddit gave me this sitorak so i didn’t have to farm). u want drone delivery bc Blane will NOT be throwing grenades. If you try to make him throw grenades with the seein’ dead he will ONLY throw grenades and never fire his gun, meaning he’ll never reload. it’s a nightmare. anyway. u want the piss grenade (ideally with the +25% damage on thrown anoint). im not looking forward to regrinding this when they finally mayhem buff grenades.
we put one point into playing dirty because we want those extra shots and honestly with the amount of times seein’ dead can proc ur kill skills you’ll have it more often than not
we also have points in good misfortune for that sweet sweet uptime (which btw can be infinite using the brainstormer/reflux bc it is essentially a redistributor without the need for ur barrier) the monarch/dictator also does it justice
for Blane u DON’T WANT praemuntis. we want blane reloading as often as gotdamn possible. now unfortunately my seein’ dead gave me a +weapon mag size roll (im actually not sure if this affects blane, but im assuming it does) but it does have the amazing +5 donnybrook so I’m taking it anyway. I am so not looking forward to regrinding a good class mod when they finally release action skill buffs for them. i cri. i actually hear 3 points in donnybrook and 2 in violent violence is p good (or 1 in violent violence 1 in playin dirty) so maybe grinding won’t be so bad. maybe i’ll finally get a +weapon damage roll
u can grab 1 point in ducttape mod and put 4 points into borrowed time if you want. it doesn’t really matter. i current have 5 in borrowed time and 3 in pocket full of grenades (for some reason??? usually i only put 2 in.). U can do that and use those extra points for either ducttape mod or more points in playing dirty. 
u NEED quick breather. This skill has a STUPID interaction with the band of sitorak shield because of how quickly it recharges. I’m talking, the instant you swap with Blane, you have full shields and so does he. It’s dumb, I love it. Use it to get out of trouble.
so im probably gonna need to explain why i have 3 points in trick of the light: im a cryo slut. That’s it. put those wherever you want, just make sure you can get Double Barrel. i’ve seen builds where people actually go for brainfreeze, i might try that next time i respec.
Double barrel will make it so blane can use the zheitsev’s eruption and debuff your enemies for you. it’s worth it.
so the augments u want are these:
SCHADENFREUDE. because band of sitorak has such a tiny capacity, ur shield is constantly up. If its not, it’s constantly breaking from full capacity. this does have a fun effect with the amp shield break anoint, but mainly i like it for the 25% damage buff whenever it breaks. its a tradeoff for damage, ur constantly swapping between max shields and more damage, so its actually p constant survivability and damage over the long run.
i grab doppelbanger bc blane sometimes gets stuck in the floor and/or i don’t feel like running all the way back. i wouldn’t recommend getting which one’s real or digital distribution only bc u want him alive as much as possible. u can also get binary system instead of doppelbanger, its up to you
for Zoomer u want bad dose for the movement speed and (sometimes) static field (only if the enemies have shields). this is so if blane goes down or he isn’t taking damage, zoomer can refill ur shields. if the enemies won’t have shields usually i grab winter’s drone or boomsday depending on how i feel.
im actually gonna try to see if i can’t grab brain freeze. hang on. i know trick of the light is frowned upon for most people so lemme just respec. (im sorry i just love the vibes it gives me it’s like HAHA you thought that was me? no!!! boop. and then they’re ice sculptures and man i love h2o i wish emma had frozen more people the only people she really freezes are Greg and Miriam and honestly she doesn’t even kill Greg smh. (Greg is dr denman’s assistant. greg is highkey god.) I do like what she did to Mirami, the fucking implications that YES these teenage girls ARE powerful enough to instakill people, they just don’t out of the kindness of their hearts. Rikki was badass that episode too. actually i love the episode where rikki almost boils a dude alive for making a fool of her with ILLEGAL F I S H and burns people using steam from a pipe. rikki is my favorite mermaid- she knew what was u p. I wish mako mermaids was as badass as h2o was. and the cartoon. god imagine the cartoon violence. sigh. let them use their op superpowers to be SUPERHEROES. like in h2o au i have baron flynt puppeteer people to their deaths from Thor bc he has cleo’s powers like why couldn’t she do that to someone. Like dr denman “lmao bye bitch” or even charlotte (who imho wasn’t bad until cleo started being rude to her. cleo was 100% at fault that season). it wouldn’t have killed her!!! ... instantly. probably. ive never seen avatar in full but i did watch the blood bending episode as a child and as i understand it that’s frowned upon but hey. CAN BELLA TURN PEOPLE INTO JELLY?? harry potter 🅱oneless arms... my god.)
anyway, respeccing. 
there goes all my money. rip.
so i think im gonna have to live with the slower reload speed (sob) but yes u can in fact get brain freeze with this build. lemme show...
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so ye in the event u just can’t live without freezing people (i know the feeling) feel free to do this. imma play with this for a bit and see if i can live with slower reload. I actually depend on the 100% cryo with zoomer active for all my cryo damage. i also use an ice breaker so they freeze fairly easy (but only on mobs. on bosses u want the snowdrift or something else)
this build isn’t really meta and u might have trouble doing a solo run of true takedown on m10... bc its true takedown on m10, but honestly it’s fun as F U C K. you CAN do it, but it’s not no thoughts head empty like barrier-redistrubutor/yellowcake zane can be so u gotta be on TOP of ur SHIT. i love it. running around killing stuff. it’s fun. i also love teleporting. it’s my FAVORITE THING. I STILL GET GIDDY OVER IT BECAUSE IT’S SO FUN. ask my friends, they will tell you, sometimes i’ll just start gushing over how much fun it is to teleport even though i’ve played zane since release. just. GFDGHKJGDFK so much fun. i just... b o o p. god i love this game. i took a break to play assassin’s creed odyssey (fun sneaky beaky game, pretty awful dialogue) so DAMN i missed this. 
here’s a link to a video I took on athenas (my favorite area to run. it’s this game’s bloodshot stronghold!) this is the playlist i listen to while playing Zane. i keep swapping songs during play bc sometimes they don’t fit my vibe or i get tired of them lol (spotify control is hooked to my 4th and 5th mouse buttons so i don’t have to stop playing) i forgot where my shock sandhawk was in my inventory, is what i use to demolish traunt. i was so scared i threw it in my bank earlier on sanc-iii lol (also yes i still slap blane’s ass. it’s to encourage him to kill)
and here’s a link to the save + everything I had on me at the moment (including the stuff i picked up in the vid in case u want it lol) cuz im lazy and don’t feel like clearing out my inventory. some of these are only m4-9. which ones? it is a mystery. you’ll know when the new update releases ;) (no but actually im so hype for mayhem level on the item cards. finally. FINALLY!!!)
why is this video taking so long to upload. hynnnggggg
oh god is that the sun
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ultraclops · 4 years
Semi-live Blogging: Return of the Mao Mao Episodes
Before we start, is it just me or is the animation like 10x smoother than it usually is? Also like I said with Nakey, there’s a lot more good expressions too!
Lucky Ducky Mug
Adorabat drinks from sippy cup like baby
"What, Mao Mao's ridiculous mug?" says Badgerclops, holding a cheap plastic big gulp cup he probably got from the grocery store.
How did Adorabat not notice the Lucky Ducky sticker on the Aerocycle
"Don't touch it" (Badgerclops proceeds to slam the table to move it) Ah Badgerclops, ever the contrarian
I love the way Mao says "PROFESSIONAAAL SILENCEEE"
Badgerclops trying to make his mouth disappear and failing made me scream with laughter
Are they seriously reducing Ratarang to 'the funny lil Italian guy'? C’mon guys you’re better than this
Wait why do they think Kevin is Adorabat?? They've seen Adorabat multiple times?? "But they're both blue!" You FOOL Kevin is TEAL there's a difference
Everybody gangsta til Mao Mao's ears start speaking morse code
They're doing surprisingly good silent but it's probably not gonna be that way very long.
Thank you, Lucky Ducky Mug, for catering to my niche interest in characters with neon outlines on black backgrounds.
Mao Mao thinking: Normal thoughts
Badgerclops thinking: Musical-esque singing
Adorabat thinking: Literally just heavy metal
The Sweetypies seriously think they're just playing a really intense game of charades huh,,,
(Mao jabs BC in the stomach with the fire net) HAHA GET REKT
The scene with Badgerclops trying to give Mao Mao Penny's mug is the funniest shit in the world I couldn't stop laughing...or maybe I'm just sleep-deprived
So the Sky Pirates are so similar compared to the Sheriff's Dept. that they can think perfectly in sync? That's cool
Why is Snugglemagne throwing a random tea party & why did he only invite the Sheriff's Dept.
Yep there goes the plan. Both of their plans.
Am I going crazy or did the skin on Mao Mao's mouth tear apart like it was sewn shut?! Also yay they're talking again
"It's not gonna stop charging, so I'm just gonna let it explooode..." Mood
"What about the mega laser tube made by mega Losers?" Fsfhkfh
Hey, everyone learned something new from this experience! Are the Sky Pirates gonna try that Hive Mind tactic from now on?
Awww, they fixed his mug with gold - GOD DAMN IT I KNEW THERE WAS A CATCH!!
Lonely Kid
(Sighs) ...I said (SIGHS)
"I literally can't relate to that problem at all." says Badgerclops, who joined a gang because he wanted people to like him.
Shin just dropped off Mao Mao at a summer camp and expected him to make friends? Why does this feel like the plot of Camp Camp
I'm sorry the Mao clan has a freaking PARTY AERO-BUS??
That BGM is DEFINITELY an extended version of "I Love You, Mao Mao" and I want the lyrics NOW
So Bao was literally just a stray that Mao took home?? Would make sense as to why he wasn't trained
I have a feeling the Flimborg is some sort of sacred being the townspeople worship for some reason
How in the hell did Mao tie that guy up and why didn't he bother to untie him
"And then you become frien-" "BEES. IN THE EYES."
"Everyone knows bees are our friends!" "Uh, actually, they were wasps." "Friends to no-one!" Usually I'd agree with BC, but I read an article about someone befriending a wasp and her babies so.
So the Mao clan's just known as the "Golden Cat Family Up The Hill?" Huh. I thought they’d have more recognition, especially since Shin says he went to that same summer camp at the beginning.
Man those kids are jackasses
"Say hi to your mommy!" "I would if she was here..." Excuse me wHAT
Noo don't cry baby boi - tHEN BAO JUST TACKLES HIM ASFHDKDL
"Go away! I don't feel like laughing right now!"
Look. You can see the EXACT point Mao developed his adult personality
I know Mao Mao means well but that is gonna go terribly wrong.
"I AM A HERO! I WILL BE LOVED!!" Okay first of all OUCH, second of all THAT IS PAIN
This monster empty, YEET
Awww it was just a sweet little puppy-ish monster...and it was his BIRTHDAY
"Hi, Aunt Gloria!" (Pulls out pitchfork) BETRAYAL
He didn't feel bad about ruining the festival because he made a friend doing it I 💞💞💝💝💗💗
Thanks for that 'different times' comment cuz I don't want kids thinking being beat is normal.
"Just like you found me...and I'm your best friend!" Tbh I thought she was gonna say 'Me and Badgerclops' & that would make a lot more sense
Why are they fighting over who's his best friend they're obviously BOTH his best friends
I'm sorry did Badgerclops just call Adorabat a "little mutant"?? ARE THE SWEETYPIES MUTANTS??
Awww his friends love him sm...and he feels so loved too...💓💓💗💗💕💕
Try Hard
No one gives a shit about Pinky being kidnapped lol
"K for Copyright Infringement"
"You'll never be like me!" Oof a little harsh maybe?
"You've gotta learn to be your own kind of hero, in your own special way!" So THAT'S where it's from
"You just gotta...try hard." Hey, title drop!
Ngl the moment Mao Mao said "Badgerclops take the shot" I immediately thought of The Confession 3 by TomSka
"Up in a tree, little old me, about to do something...UGLY..." 7-year-old me sniping people on Halo 3 like
Why is he shooting them with gelatin tho? ...oh. Oh THAT'S why.
Tbh if I didn't have subtitles on I would've thought BC was saying "beep boop"
This badger and cat empty, YEET
Adorabat walking into the Skyship with only a walkie-talkie is giving me some sort of vibes...OH, Silent Hill! Or Tattletail
"Mao Mao would hide the body!" Very unsubtle there, wonder how it got past censors
"Ratarang, say something!" "Pasketti?" "THAT'S THE BRAT!"
Wait a sec, they can just use Badgerclops' arm to power the ship? Why didn't they try that in CapturedClops?
"Good thing my head is in here cuz I'm a-scared of heights!" Ramaraffe. Whose whole schtick is making herself taller. Is acrophobic?
"Because she's Sheriff's Department, that's how! >:3" "Also y'all tend to be pretty incompetent >X/"
Why does she keep trying to use the elevator when she can fly? Nvm she climbed up Badgerclops' arm
"Ooooh I'm also hereeee"
Why is the Omega Field just a bunch of broken glass? And why doesn't she just step around it?
"I can fly!" "She can fly!" "SHE FORGOT?!" Ooh that's why
"You're the best thing to ever happen to a bat like me." 💝💝💕💕💓💓
Wait she's talking through the walkie-talkie and her molts are there but she isn't there where is she?
Oh she was freeing the other two from the gelatin. No wonder Mao Mao almost threw up, it was bug flavored.
I hope that 'Nah' means Adorabat's realized she needs to be herself instead of her just rejecting her individuality like I think it is.
Scared Of Puppets
Oh, so this takes place after Sleeper Sofa! Praying it's a fix-it episode...
Oh no PTSD flashbacks. He's scared of them cuz one's head landed on his lap as a kid? Understandable have a nice day.
Who tf collapsed into a sobbing heap on the floor then leaps back up and insists they're fine? Mao Mao, apparently.
Hairless ape? Is that what they call humans or are they something different in general?
"TAKE ALL MY MONEY!!" What did BC want an antique puppet for if he had no idea Mao was scared of them...
Mr. Din Dandalib!
"I...(eye twitch) love him too..."
If I scared my friend and they threw up I would simply never do that again. RIP to Badgerclops but I'm different
(Badgerclops makes concrete blocks around the pothole) "Why didn't you just fill in the pothole??" "I AM TRYING MY BEST!!"
...Illegal house plants? ...like marijua-
That was literally just that one video where a guy knocked out another guy in a mask jumping out of a trash can...
So it's a CPR class...AND a hair-styling class? How
I stg the moment Badgerclops walked in the door I knew he was carrying Mr. Din Danalin I SWEAR
"You're 10." "BUT I'M 6??" JFC Shin doesn't know his own son's age AND is partially responsible for his pupaphobia. And I called it on Mao Mao being six in the flashbacks
Can someone take the footage of the Annex exploding and add the ReviewTechUSA intro over it please
"How many Adult Learning Annexes have to be destroyed before you admit you're scared of puppets?!" is extremely funny without context
(Mao punches the wall cuz hes mad at himself for being scared) Kinkinkinkinki
How does one forget to drink milk
Oh shit the scene from the promo...
Yay he's starting to feel less scared - wait NVM it JUST STARTED TALKING??
Oh it was just a dream - er, nightmare. FIRST NIGHTMARE SEQUENCE OF THE SERIES!
"I just gotta get my socks on...wait, I wear socks, right?" Dud e you wear NOTHING BUT A BELT...
"There’s a lot of pu-" "PUBLIC DANGER"
Those puppets are alive I stg
"I'M A BIG BOI..."
Awwww she said what he told her at the beginning of the episode!
Adorabat takes after Badgerclops sometimes I swear
Oooh shit sequel hook - oh NVM it was Badgerclops voice acting - NVM Mao Mao passed out. Dang
The Perfect Couple
Watermelon time babyyy
Ah so he wanted to perfectly cut a watermelon in half, that's why he got so many?
"I need (counts on fingers) 600 more watermelons!" glad to see I'm not the only one who counts on my fingers
Why would Penny and Benny need 600 watermelons for their wedding? Also I called it on Penny & Benny being the couple
Mao Mao has to officiate the wedding? I thought priests did that
Please don’t throw up again Mao Mao
"A nondescript sack!!" Dude he just taking out the trash...
Nvm its just laundry
Oh so THAT'S what Ramaraffe thought Kevin was Adorabat
"Why don't you buy me cake and do my laundry?" Are you implying you wanna marry Mao Mao, Badgerclops 👀
I lov Mao Mao's faces in this scene he legit looks like a bishouen anime protagonist
Nvm no transformation it's just his wedding outfit
Why did they invite Orangusnake and Boss Hosstritch to the wedding tho? What about when they hid in their moving truck and used their electricity - wait Badgerclops technically did that last one, nvm
Is Mao Mao having hallucinations just gonna be a regular thing now....
Why did Mao Mao say "melons" in a Spanish accent I'm scared
"They're both terrible, so what does it matter if they get hitched or not?" They're definitely gonna change their minds now
"She lied because she wanted to protect his feelings! And he lied because he couldn't bear to hurt her!" Isn't that just the plot of The Truth Stinks?
He made Orangusnake officiate the wedding as punishment lol
Why are they,,,stepping on the watermelons?? Damn right Badgerclops I'd cry over that too
"What's, uh, your credit score like?" "850. Why, is that good?" "It's perfect..." HE WANTS TO MARRY MAO MAO NOW ASDFHKL
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snow-slayer · 5 years
A Bunch of Good Things from 2019
*I don’t do things consistently, so there’s chunks of time I just forgot to write. So the blank spaces are days where I could not recall the exact good things that happened.*
January 1: Started the year off right by hanging out with @nah-young, eating some delicious leftovers from New Year’s Eve and working on a puzzle. Also caught a shiny Delibird in Pokemon Go as the first catch of the year.  2: Had a headache at work, but went home to take care of myself. Dad and I talked for a long time about money and taxes without arguing. I have also discovered a future hobby I want to get into: 3D printing. 3: I cranked out four solid hours of studying. I’m going to ace the Auditing section of the CPA exam. I feel it in my bones (especially when I finally stood up and stretched). 4: My ‘other mom’ (one of my best friend’s mom) took me out for a belated Birthday lunch to our favorite Thai food place, and I enjoyed more mango sticky rice. It’s one of my new favorite desserts. 5: Did some epic New Year cleaning. Caught up on laundry, filed away my 2018 paperwork, and did some 2019 taxes. Finally on top of things! 6: A puzzle day! I connected a big piece of the sky to the side on the Lion King puzzle. I’ve still got a lot to go, but progress is being made. 7: As usual, I both surprised and pleased the teller at the bank when I moved some money from savings into my IRA. They wanted to know if it was for tax year 2018, but I could tell them last year was maxed out and it was for 2019. 8: Got to practice my training and supervising skills with @arrowhearts.  9: Spent the night at Lucy’s (she’s a cat). She’s the sweetest cat though, and was cuddling in my lap for so long! She even held my finger with her paw for like ten minutes. I love her. 10: It’s been forever, but I finally sat down and played some video games. I’m replaying Arkham Asylum again and really just exploring every nook and cranny I can find. 11: Might have started a new Francis story line ... Whoops :) 12: Helped Jane clear an apartment and acquired many new tools and art supplies to use. 13: Snow! It was snowing before bed, but I still woke up at 5 am to about 4 - 5 inches. Activated my dad gene and started shoveling at 5:30 am (sorry neighbors to the house I was dog sitting at). It’s so pretty out! 14: A quiet day, but I did some work for Jane and gamed some more. Can’t wait to start Arkham City when I get 100% on Arkham Asylum! 15: I took my coworker a basket of fun snacks from Lotte for her Birthday. She’s so excited to try them all! 16: Donated blood today and when I went to get dinner on the way home, I got a free salad! The entree was already free and I ordered a side salad. I pulled out my wallet to pay, but the coupon covered it, too!  17: Treated myself to breakfast on the way into preschool (my new volunteer place since the teacher I followed to several elementary schools is now at). Also ate some amazing home cooked food for lunch with @nah-young before going out for ice cream. 18: Did some very early spring cleaning to prep for my next yard sale and straighten up a bit. 19: Beat the storyline and finished gathering all of Riddler’s trophies in Arkham Asylum. I do still need to finish up the additional content for 100% completion. 20: Working with Jane to help clean out an apartment again and got stencils to use for my art (the ones with shapes of different sizes). I had wanted to get me a set, so I really lucked out. 21: Started reading a book for fun. Lol, I forgot that I can still read non-accounting things for fun. 22: Sent out 1099s at work. It’s always a dreaded part of the year, but it’s taken care of! 23: I started uploading my old Franmouche stories to AO3. I forgot that I’d written 185 pages of them. At least if someone else likes my rarepair, they have lots to read. No guarantees on the quality, but there is quantity. 24: Made fun penguin cutouts for the preschool class I volunteer at. Then studied for nine hours on campus. A busy, yet productive day. 25:  Finished watching all my lectures for the next portion of the CPA exam! So much auditing knowledge!!! 26: Panic alleviated. My check engine light had been on for a few days. Usually it’s just a gas cap issue so I was worried, but after readjusting the cap again (which usually fixes it) and an oil change, the light went out! 27: Played some Pokemon Go for four hours with @arrowhearts and Lyla. No Kyogre, but at least we each got a Groudon. Plus, the weather was beautiful for this time of year. 28: I found a dollar today while sweeping the parking lots with my dad! I’m gonna be riding this wave for a week. (Fun fact: my dad and I used to go bike riding on Sunday afternoons/evenings in the local parking garages and look for pennies. We’d always get bragging rights when we found a quarter or more. We still get excited and tell each other of the day’s finds when we find a few coins while we’re sweeping). 29: Had a bit of a headache, but managed to get through it so I could finish the workday. Then I get some well deserved rest. 30: Met up with @nah-young for some fries and ice cream! 31: My annual physical went well! Took care of a couple test we’ve been putting off, too, and they weren’t quite as bad as I thought they’d be.
1: I had such a productive day in the office, even for a Friday. Special thanks to @arrowhearts for helping me move all (24  years worth) of our files. 2: Started off the day a little rough and feeling low, but I decided to go up to campus, and I’m so glad I did. I was able to help a bunch of people get to their destination. Also hung out with @nah-young and @arrowhearts in a sketchy room. 3: Technically today (starting at 1 am). Had a great talk with @nah-young about a lot of things including our friendship. Successfully avoided the Super Bowl (which I heard sucked, so that was a good use of my time). 4: Had a really good conversation with my dad for almost an hour. We had some fights earlier in the year, but it was nice to be able to connect some. 5: It’ll be silly to look back on, but I thought I lost a reference letter for a scholarship applicant, but realized I could find it on our shared drive. Such a relief! 6: I tried Duck Donuts for the first time today. One of our board members brought me and a coworker a half dozen each. 7: Caught a Miltank in Pokemon Go! I thought I missed my chance, but there was a special running, so I got it. 8: Just heard we got a new boss at work, so it’ll be nice to be full staffed again. 9: Started working on a painting for @arrowhearts. It might be my first completed artwork of the year. 10: A lazy day, but I flipped through a book on home decorating. You know, to plan for my future house. 11: Officially started working for Jane’s business. We’ll see how it goes, but at least it’s an extra couple of hours per week. 12: Finished a dog sitting job, and I’m super thankful to be sleeping in my own bed again. 13: I gave Lucy, the sweetest cat ever, a piggyback ride and it was the cutest thing ever. I was on my knees and forearms trying to get Lucy to boop my nose when she just climbed on my back and sat down. I rose up on my knees and hands and she did the “i’m not so sure but I’m going to stay here” stand and let me crawl across the floor a while before finally jumping off. I love this cat. 14: Took the auditing section of the CPA exam. I feel much better about this one than I have about the other two. We’ll see on the 26th. 15: Such a busy day at the office! It was productive, but just a lot of work. 16: Even though I just too the other exam, I managed to get a lot of studying done. 17: Mamaw and I got to chat and work on the puzzle for a while. It was nice to hang out with her since I haven’t done son in quite a while. 18: We had some really good food at our investment club meeting today. Sheppard’s pie (like meat and mashed potatoes), salad, this great cracker dip (I have no other details other than feels like sharp cheddar finally shredded with a hint of spice in some sort of sauce). 19: Our new executive director started today. I think I made a pretty good first impression! 20: Started playing Arkham City again. We had a snow day and even my office closed, so I made the most of my day. 21: Lol and today I finished the main storyline of Arkham City. Accidentally, because I was doing side quests, but Batman got mad when I tried to go finish some before the last mission. 24: I am obsessed with Excel, but I figured out a formula so that it would total certain categories even if they weren’t in order. Plus I learned how to make a drop down menu (on two versions of Excel). Guess who’s budget looks beautiful! 25: I caught a Latias in Pokemon Go. Not having much luck with the water legendaries. I wonder if they don’t like me because we picked the grass starter. 26: I passed the Auditing section! (and instead of keeping it quiet, I made a point to tell some people). Then @nah-young and I went to dinner to celebrate our successes of the day and just have a nice chat. 27: Good news: I starved off a migraine that was starting on Feb 26. Maybe this new method will help them from getting bad. Just took an Aleve with some hot tea. 28: Went on a Pokemon run, and I found $20 blowing across the yard when I got home! A nice find for the year.
March 1: I’ve been really getting into “Ghost Story” by Peter Straub and had so much time to just sit and read while it rained. 2: I watched “Spiderman: Enter the Spiderverse” today. An epic movie and I highly recommend it! I also have several new costume ideas... 3: Officially started working on my Library Comic Con cosplay. There’s not much to show, but it was nice to start costuming again. 4: Hiked up to the nearby bubble tea. It was good! I got a mango green tea creama. Next time I know I have to mix it up before I start drinking it. 5: 6:   7: 8: 9: 10: Started replaying Castlevania IV. It’s been a while since I beat it, so hopefully I can still finish it! 11: I have proven myself an Excel deity. Well, at least Jane thinks though. She needed a spreadsheet for something and had some ideas so I whipped it out in five minutes flat with a bunch of formulas she didn’t even know were possible. I’m quite proud of it. 12: Lol, speaking of excel, I was geeking out over my budget with one of our board members. She was showing me how she built her itinerary in excel for her next trip and I got to show off my budget. 13: 14: 15: It was fake St. Patrick’s day at work, so I got to show off my green Riddler suit. Apart from being mistaken as dressing like a leprechaun a few times, I received a bunch of compliments on it. I’ve gotten a lot of use out of that suit jacket. 16: Tagged along with @nah-young to her grandfather’s birthday party and watched Bohemian Rhapsody. Apart from the timeline inaccuracies, I really enjoyed it! Look at that: two new movies in one month. 17: First big leaf job of the season. I guess the first major landscaping job. Dad helped out, so it made life easier. 18: Investment club meeting went well, and I ended up staying late to chat and help clean up, but it was enjoyable. Also had some great tiramisu from Trader Joe’s. 19: 20: 21: It was a downpour today, but I also made a 20 minute Costco run. Parking was great, the lines were short, and I managed to balance everything without a cart. Success! 22: Finally got around to doing invoices. It’s such a weight off my chest to take care of them. 23: I had the house to myself, so got ample studying done, played some pokemon, and treated myself to some bubble tea. Got myself a bunch of good pokes from Community day. 24: Another lovely day to sit and hang out with @nah-young. I always enjoy our hour long conversations just sitting in my car in her driveway. I also finished the lectures for the BEC portion of the CPA exam. 25: I found a gift card loaded with $30 today. It had been thrown into the dumpster, so a little gross, but it washed off nicely. 26: Ran up to the local library to turn in my books (look @arrowhearts, I did it the day before they were due and didn’t have to make a midnight run). I wasn’t going to check out more books since I already had some checked out from another library visit (I go to many branches due to my job and often check out a book or two, resulting in cycles of books due at different times), but I did anyway. I started reading Area X, too, and so far, I’m really enjoying it. 27: Our family’s accountants think I’m a bit weird because I was so excited to get my tax papers back even though I owed money. I was just like “cool!” to all the facts and things on my sheets, which is apparently not what they’re used to, but one of the new tax laws works in my favor as small business income is taxed at a lower rate or something. 28:  29: 30: I love Annihilation in the Area X series! I haven’t plowed through a book that fast in years. 31: I was catching up on my business spreadsheets and it turns out I had the most profitable March since I started my business :)
April 1: No April Fools jokes, which is always a huge plus. 2: 3: 4: Took the BEC section of the exam and then clocked in a bunch of hours for the Foundation. Jubilee is almost here!!! 5: 6: The Jubilee is over!!! What a relief! A lot of things went well, and I heard it was a lot of people’s favorite. Not sure what actually happened because I was stationed at check in/out all night, but hopefully the silent auction results are good. Huge shout out to @arrowhearts and @nah-young for getting me through the night! 7:A quiet morning of returning the Jubilee to the Foundation. Plus some other landscaping. 8: I know everyone at work is saying I should take time off, and I didn’t, but I’m actually feeling blessed that I have the physical and mental stamina to keep working on things. Plus, I need to catch up with post Jubilee stuff. 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19:  Got to talking with my art dealer for a long while and we exchanged headcannons and ideas. 20: Had a nice Pokemon run with @arrowhearts‘ dog. Plus, enough work to keep me out of trouble X) 21: A very busy Easter. I moved a huge mound of mulch. It was half the size of my car. Hopefully the home owner will like it. 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: I’ve been feeling behind, but I finally knocked out a really important thing at work today. Got our annual applications in!
May 1: 2: 3: My gauntlets for my comic con costume look so cool! They’re a little stabby (there’s staples on the inside, although I should be able to tape it down for safety), but overall look cool for a first draft. 4: A long day, but I feel like I was really able to help my friend and her family, which is nice considering how much they do for me. 5: The event that happened wasn’t good, but I’ve been humbled as to how well our house was kept and motivated to try and become more organized. 6:  Dad and I were chatting today, and we could even touch on topics in a civil manner. It was quite nice!  7: Just found out I passed the BEC section of the CPA exam! I’m 75% CPA!!! And no cavities were found after my dentist appointment :) 8: Frantically working on my costume, but my head piece looks really good! 9: Mom even chipped in to help. We rigged up a steampunk mask I have (which doesn’t fit on my head right) so that I can actually wear it. 10: I’ve been fasting for Ramadan and I think my body and I are finally on the same page. It was a rough start this year, but I’m looking forward to focusing on being thankful for what I have and working on self discipline. 11: Library Comic Con! My costume is a bit rough, so no final pictures, but I have plans to make it better! 12: It was a busy Sunday. Lots of lawns, but thankfully the weather was cool. 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: Had a nice meeting with my boss. I keep feeling like I’m not on top of things or she’s disappointed, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Plus, she said I did great at the finance committee meeting, so that was nice. 18: Although I scared everyone I worked with all day, I was able to donate blood even though I had been fasting.  19: I saw the tiniest inch worm while I was pulling weeds today. It was more like a quarter inch worm and it was just trying so hard to climb up my arm when I found it. I also saw the first lightening bugs of the year. As a bug type Pokemon trainer, I’m quite pleased with all of this (less so with the mosquitoes though, as I got my first bite of the season). 20: I have found a nice way to keep cool at the property Dad and I work at. I’m allowed to douse my head, neck, and hat with the hose, and man does it feel good! 21: I received many compliments at the executive committee meeting for all my hard work on the budget, the Jubilee, and finance committee. 22: Caught up on reconciliations at work (finally). It’s been just a nightmare, but I’m happy they’re done. 23: Another me day. I’ve been taking Thursdays off and got to game for a bit but also accomplish a lot of laundry and studying. 24: Had a good meeting at work to discuss the future of the nonprofit I work at. Plus I finally made a phone call I didn’t want to make. 25: Went to a foam helmet making class with a coworker. I’m super excited to start trying out this style, and I think the sample we made in class can easily be used to make a helmet for Vile. Might have purchased a few things to go with it :) 26: Found a new drink that I love from Kung Fu Tea! Also got to rewatch Coco, which is always good. 27: Part of my afternoon spent working with Jane was changing her screen saver. It was set up for one photo of pictures, but some were so fuzzy, so we set up new pictures and I got to add my fuzzball to the reel. 28: I visited one of Jane’s friends to discuss dog sitting and we had such a nice conversation afterwards. 29: I found a four leave clover today while mowing lawns. It’s been years since I’ve found one, so that was exciting. 30: I plowed through about 6 hours of studying for the FAR portion of the CPA exam. Only two more lectures and then onto multiple choice! 31: Filled out a form at work (finally). Now I just have to hope my boss will sign it and have it notarized.
June 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: Took the (hopefully) last CPA exam. It was nice as I spoke to an elevator engineer before the exam and it helped to calm my nerves a bit.   7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: Wasn’t sure what day to put this on, but @nah-young and I hung out for hours just sitting and chatting on the cats’ back porch. 15: Successfully navigated into DC with the help of @arrowhearts (and had an interesting laugh about her being my son...? Oh well, at least we got to give the people sitting outside a show as we left the building with two rollie office chairs each). 16: Started working on my Halloween costume. I’ve abandoned the idea I originally had and will be switching to a different Mega Man X character (fun fact: it was a costume I originally intended to make before being introduced to Scaramouche back in 2017) 17: It was a scorcher, but had a slurpee for the first time in almost a year. I’m so thankful for the 7-11 within walking distance of where my dad and I work on Mondays. 18: I’ve officially passed the CPA exam! Now onto the next steps... 19: I have been struggling with telling people good news, but I did make an effort to inform some people about me passing the exam. 20: Told some more people about the CPA exam and just trying not to stress. I got celebratory milkshakes for my family after dinner. 21: My coworkers are so sweet. They brought me in a cake and we had a mini celebration. 22: 23: 24: 25: 26:Found a praying mantis while mowing. She kept standing where I wanted to mow, so I got to pick her up and put her somewhere safe (with lots of snacks for her!) 27: 28: 29: So glad I went to see Detective Pikachu with @nah-young and @arrowhearts! I really enjoyed it! 30: 31:
July 1: A new fiscal year! I did manage to get a good bit done on my latch hook. 2: A sudden thunderstorm took me off the weed pulling job early (i.e. a perfect opportunity to read). 3: It was quiet in the office. Too quiet ... yet super productive! I processed so many gifts and letters. 4: I don’t really celebrate, and spent a lot of it working, but played some pokemon in the rain. It was a warm day, so the cool rain felt so refreshing! 5: A jammed packed day with trashrooms, a bank run, and more pokemon quests! I completed another 15 and hatched a new pokemon. Plus I finished another book: Dr. Death. 6: A busy day, but I was able to finish everything so I can take the next day off completely (for once). Again, apologies to @arrowhearts  for dragging you out and getting caught in a downpour so I could get some bubble tea! 7: 8: 9: 10: Unboxed my unicycle! Not sure when I’ll ride, but it’s ready when I am. 11: 12: 13: 14: The vanity is back in my bathroom! Dad’s renovating it, and it’s been a slow process, but I finally have a sink! 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: Spent a few hours working on cleaning the basement, and I’m finally seeing some of the fruits of my labor. 21: 22: 23: 24: Officially finished the Vile helmet! 25: Just started a new dog sitting job, and the house is right on top of a pokestop. Guess I’m going to have a full item bag again! 26: Finally got myself a memory stick for my PSP. I’m replaying the Maverick Hunter X game ... because I can! 27: Got three team rocket grunts in one day at the one stop. 28: Plowed through the Vile portion of Maverick Hunter X. Lol, I probably make it harder on myself since I only use my favorites, regardless of if they’re good against the boss. 29: Had a huge crab and shrimp dinner at Jane’s house. 30: Hung out and ate delicious homemade butter chicken with my best friend’s mom (she’s basically like my other mother). We laughed and chatted, showed off our latest projects, probably kept the neighbors up, and just had a good time until like 2 in the morning.  31: Welp, it wasn’t a raid day for armored Mewtwo, but @arrowhearts and I did defeat more Team Rocket Go grunts in the rain.
August 1: Chatted with @nah-young for a few hours and I’ve got a new place to eat on my radar! 2: I kept feeling like I was letting my boss down because I couldn’t answer her questions/didn’t understand, but she insisted I was handling myself well, and found the information she needed later. Plus, she’s very complimentary of my work and appreciates my transparency and work ethic, both of which I work hard on and value. 3: 4: 5: 6:   7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31:
September 1: 2: 3: It’s official! We’re having a Halloween party at work. If my new schedule turns out, I’ll be at work on that day and will show off a costume. Not sure if it will be the one I’m working on, but I can always recycle an old one. 4: 5: 6:   7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: I had such a good ripstik run. @nah-young and I practiced for a good while yesterday (and she did her first trick, too!). I guess it’s nice to see the fruits of our practice since we’ve been working off and on for about a month. 16: Had the investment club meeting at my house. I didn’t get to cook everything, but I picked the recipe and it turned out well! 17: I finished “Every Tool’s a Hammer” by Adam Savage (from Mythbusters) and I really recommend it. It’s such a great book for anyone who makes or creates. It’s a fun read and chocked full of helpful hints. 18: I decided to start reading the Naruto series. I’m enjoying it so far! Now I just have to wait for the next to volumes to be available from the library. 19: I started replaying Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase. It’s amusing, although I’m a little rough. 20: 21: 22: 23: I’d been on the fence about taking a vacation early next year because I want to save up for a down payment, but after talking to my dad, I decided I’d do a little something. I still need to work out the plans (and make sure the people I want to visit are free), but I’m looking forward to it! 24: 25: 26: There’s a chance I might be going full time at my office job, so dad encouraged me to take the day off from trash rooms. I still got up early, but knocked out a bunch of chores, finished Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase, finished a drawing, and cleaned in the basement a bit. 27: Lol, I just realized I have three cycles of books checked out again. I started reading The Wicked Years series. I’m trying to set aside time each night so I can read a chapter or two before bed. 28: I made the pattern for my gauntlets! I’m actually trying to do it the right way and making measurements, creating an accurate template, and just generally taking my time. 29: Part 2 of the gauntlets: They’re made! My template worked and I spent a couple of hours slowly forming and shaping them. I still need some practice on the gluing component, but at least they feel sturdy. 30: Started replaying DK 64 again. I really love this game. Besides Gauntlet Legends, it’s probably my favorite N64 game we own. 31: Got rained out at work, but managed to take it easy in the afternoon and just generally keep ahead with laundry.
October 1: Today officially marks the first day of working full time at my office job. They added ten hours a week, so now I’m working 4 days at 10 hours each. It’ll take a little adjusting. I’m happy for the extra hours! 2: I sent out invoices on time for once! 3: It was my fuzzball’s 16th Birthday today! Someone also brought in some really yummy snacks to work that were leftover from a meeting. I also managed to create templates for the leg gauntlets and cut them out of  foam. I’m just rolling with the motivation now, and would like to have Vile finished by Halloween (keep reading to find out if it was finished). 4: Really just having a good time playing DK 64. Knocked out Gloomy Galleon, so all that’s left are my favorite levels! 5: 6:   7: I have leg gauntlets formed. Lol, I guess I should look up the name... All that’s left is the chest plate and cape! 8: I lucked out! My coworker can’t go to a book signing even this weekend and asked me to get her book signed since I’m going. It was the perfect opportunity to get my hands on a copy of “Where the Crawdads Sing” which I wanted to read before this weekend. 9: Making some headway on the costume again! Arm and leg gauntlets have the plating and base coat of plastidip. 10: I finished “Where the Crawdads Sing” within 48 hours of having it my possession. That’s such a huge accomplishment to read something so quickly and eagerly! 11: I was plowing through my to do list at work. I knocked out 11 items. Woo! 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: My Halloween costume is finished *gasp* before Halloween! Barely, but it counts. 31: I won the most creative costume at work! Well, tied for first, but that’s cool.
November (whoops, I really forgot to write this month) 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:   7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31:
December 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:   7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: My coworker is back! She had been on extended leave for a while, but now she’s back. She bring such a positive and fun attitude to the workplace. 13: 14: I’m officially 25! I worked a few hours in the rain, but got a lot done (and saw Lucy, my favorite cat I cat sit). Instead of going to a steakhouse for dinner, which I’m not a fan of, we ended up going to somewhere I did enjoy. Overall, it was a nice and quiet celebration. 15: 16: 17: I finished the Naruto series today! It was a good series, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Going to take a manga break to work on a few novels I have checked out and then  decide which series to start. 18:  19: A busy day again. Knocked out two leaf clients for the year and went to see three bands perform at a local music club. I stayed out way too late, but had a great time hanging with a friend, one of the performers, and the performer’s friend. 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: Hung out with my brother and grandmother. I crushed them in several games! 25: Went to my coworkers in the afternoon and dueled for the first time in quiet a while. They wiped the floor with me, but I had fun with my deck destruction deck. 26: 27: Ended up hanging out with Jane for a while and just chatting about everything. We’re seeing eye to eye on a lot of things, so it was nice.  28: Finished my leaf jobs for the year! Time to relax. 29: 30: 31: Welp, ended up being sick and missing out on the intended New Year plans. I guess I did start the year with a migraine, so here I am ending it with one. After I rested up, I did start playing my favorite video game. Plus, I frantically read “Hey, Kiddo!” before the end of the year
Notable stuff
Highlights: Passed the CPA exam Officially hired full time
Books read: “Ghost Stories” “Every Tool’s a Hammer” “Where the Crawdads Sing” “Wicked” Naruto series “Hey, Kiddo!”
Movies watched: Spiderman: Enter the Spiderverse Mary Poppins 2 The Princess and the Frog Pokemon Lucario
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nobodys-pearls · 6 years
For the fic prompts, adashi and 11. I read your fic "I hate space" and loved it and just want to see more drunk adashi because every time they get tipsy they get all lovey
Ahh I’m so happy that you enjoyed it I love that scene
(also if you read ‘i hate space’ this takes place during ch 13 after they save the day and all that jazz and are heading home)
11. things you said when you were drunk
“Woah, wait,” Shiro said, stopping in the middle of the hall and laughing to himself. His head felt all floaty and warm and nice and -
“Hurry up, Takashi. Lance gave us only five minutes,” Adam whined, tugging on Shiro’s sleeve and giggling when he lost his balance for a moment. Shiro pouted and closed his eyes, trying to focus.
“Right, we’ve - we’re going, but -” Shiro paused, scrunching up his nose in thought. “Where are we going again?” He opened his eyes to see Adam standing there with crossed arms, deep in thought.
“Shit, I forgot,” Adam said after a moment, but then he waved his hand. “Oh! We’re supposed to get Coran’s musta - you know, the thing on his - masta -” Adam furrowed his brow as he tried to come up with the word. “Coran’s gel and, uh, bring it back!” Shiro looked up and down the hall.
“So, what way?” Shiro asked, and Adam laughed, shaking his head.
“I have no idea.” Adam moved to lean against the wall, putting his hands on his knees and bending over. “My head is all -” Adam began to say, waving his hand as he tried to think.
“Floaty?” Shiro offered, and Adam pointed at him, his hair falling in his face.
“Yes, that.” He laughed again. “I don’t think that we’re gonna be able to do this dare.” Shiro joined him, leaning his head against the wall and closing his eyes.
“I can’t believe we even made it this far,” Shiro admitted, shaking his head, which currently felt like it was stuffed with cotton.  
“Are we lightweights now? Did we get old and now we can’t handle our alcohol?” Adam asked, leaning into Shiro’s side. He was warm. Shiro smiled.
“It’s the Nunvill, I think. Very strong.” Adam scoffed.
“If Iverson could see us now,” Adam said. Then Shiro watched as he quickly looked up and down the hall. “Oh shit, Iverson could see us now. He’s on the Atlas too!” Shiro’s eyes widened and then they both erupted into giggles, holding on to each other for support.
“I didn’t mean to get this drunk,” Shiro said, holding Adam’s hands and giving them a lazy squeeze. He felt himself leaning forward and Adam quickly shot a hand out to catch him.
“I don’t think we’ve ever been this drunk, not since -” Adam began, and then he started to blush. Shiro looked at him in confusion for a moment, and then the memory finally floated to the front of his brain. Adam’s hands on his chest, his tongue in his mouth, an empty bottle of wine between them. Shiro could feel his cheeks heat up as well, although they were already plenty warm. “Look at you,” Adam said, booping Shiro’s nose. “You have the Asian flush going on all over your face.” Shiro pouted.
“I do not.”
“Do too,” Adam teased, moving his face closer to Shiro’s and giving him a lazy smile. Shiro looked at him for a moment, admiring the way his skin glowed in the moonlight that was peeking through the window, and then he kissed him. It wasn’t one of their more graceful kisses, but Shiro felt himself being pressed against the wall, Adam’s arms caging him in on either side as he bit Shiro’s lip and asked for more. Shiro grabbed Adam’s belt loops and pulled him closer, causing a surprised gasp to escape Adam’s lips. Then Adam moved to kiss Shiro’s neck, biting and sucking until Shiro’s breathing became uneven and breathy. He wound his fingers through Adam’s hair and Adam started to go lower. Shiro laughed.
“We can’t do this in the hall, Adam. Knowing our luck Ives - Iverson will definitely catch us.”
“I don’t care,” Adam said simply, placing his hands on Shiro’s hips and sliding them up his shirt. Shiro let out another breathy gasp and he could almost feel his own pupils blow wide as he watched Adam with parted lips. “I’m so into you,” Adam said between kisses. “I don’t think you understand just how much I’m into you.” Shiro laughed again. Everything that Adam said sounded hilarious.
“I don’t think you understand how much I’m into you,” Shiro countered, his words sounding heavy and warm on his tongue. “I think the first time we kissed I almost sploded - exploded.”
“The first time we kissed I thought it was a dream,” Adam said easily, kneeling down to kiss Shiro’s hipbone.
“Adam -” Shiro gasped, his voice sounding a lot more uneven than he thought it would. Then he saw Adam looking up at him, his beautiful brown eyes half-lidded and soft.
“God I’m so in love with you, so in love that - that I -” Adam furrowed his brow in frustration. Then he laughed and shook his head. “I’m sorry, I’m too drunk to form a sentence right now. I want to tell you just how much I love you but I just - the words -” Adam laughed again and Shiro put a hand on his cheek.
“You don’t have to say anything. I already know,” Shiro said, giving him a lazy smile. Adam grinned up at him, and then his expression became more mischievous.
“Since I can’t tell you how I feel with words,” Adam began, placing his fingertips on Shiro’s beltbuckle. “How about I show you?” Shiro swallowed, his throat suddenly too dry.
“But Iverson -”
“It’s past his bedtime,” Adam assured him, beginning to play with Shiro’s beltbuckle. Then something buzzed in Shiro’s pocket and they both jumped. Shiro looked down at the pocket of his pants in confusion and then his eyes lit up in realization, clumsily pulling his phone out. He looked at the screen and then showed it to Adam. The timer was at zero.
“Looks like we lost,” Shiro said.
“Whoops,” Adam said with a smirk. He moved to stand up, clumsily wiping the knees of his pants. “I guess we should tell Lance and Keith that we failed. Shiro laughed.
“We failed horribly.”
“What can I say? You’re distracting even when we’re not drunk,” Adam said, weaving his arm through Shiro’s and leaning against him. They began to walk down the hallway, but then Shiro stopped. “What?” Adam asked.
“We’re going the wrong way,” Shiro said, looking over his shoulder at the other end of the hall. They looked at each other for a moment and began to laugh, their shoulders shaking. “We’re hopeless,” Shiro said, shaking his head.
“Two halves of a whole idiot,” Adam said. “How were we ever able to function on our own?”
With some effort and an embarrassing amount of wrong turns they managed to get back to Lance’s room, ready to tell him and Keith about their failed mission. But when they got there they found Lance and Keith passed out on Lance’s bed, the empty bottle of Nunvill on the side table. Shiro smiled at the two of them, seeing how Keith’s arms were wrapped around Lance like he was something delicate, seeing the way Lance face was nuzzled into Keith’s chest.
“Oh I am so tempted to take a picture,” Adam whispered, picking up the empty bottle. Then he turned to look at Shiro.
“You know that they’re totally into each other right?” Shiro nodded his head.
“I don’t think Keith realizes how much he talks about Lance when we train together.” Adam let out an amused huff.
“Back at the Garrison Lance couldn’t deal with his crush on Keith so he tried to convince me to kick Keith out of the program.” Shiro let out a surprised laugh and then quickly covered his mouth with his hands, looking at Lance and Keith with wide eyes and then breathing a sigh of relief when they didn’t move. Then he heard a click and turned to see Adam taking a picture of them before putting his phone back in his pocket. “I’m saving it for the slide show at their wedding,” Adam explained, and Shiro smiled, wrapping his arm around Adam’s waist and pressing a kiss on the top of his head.
“I’m so in love with you too,” Shiro said, “just so you know,” and he could feel Adam nuzzle into the crook of his neck.
“How about we let these two have their bonding moment,” Adam offered, and Shiro grinned, nodding his head in agreement. “And let’s finish having our own bonding moment,” Adam said, and Shiro’s eyes widened.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Shiro whispered, hearing his voice crack a little. Adam chuckled softly and move to hold Shiro’s hand, leading him out of the room.
“Tomorrow let’s just tell them that we found it, and that we totally didn’t get lost on the ship we’ve been traveling in for almost a year.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Shiro said, and together they made it to their own room, Adam still leading Shiro by the hand. By the time they made it back the effects of the Nunvill had pretty much worn off, and they ended up falling asleep on the couch the moment they got through the door. Shiro couldn’t imagine anything more perfect.
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
Shadowhunters Finale Review
...I can’t even summarize my thoughts properly right now because I am just so wildly exhausted and disappointed and frustrated, so here’s the unfiltered running commentary I made during the two-parter, sorted by characters and due to length beneath the cut:
On Jonathan:
Jonathan back at it again, killing flowers. ~puuure eeeviiil~ (Sorry. Still not over Jocelyn being a fucking dickhead who is ready to murder her son over one dead flower he killed as a toddler...)
...I just... I'm so tired of what they did with Jonathan? When they set him up as Sebastian Verlac, he seemed to layered, but this season, they are completely reducing him to the Incest Boi whose only motivation is “Clary doesn't love me enough!” and absolutely no one has even half a fuck to give about everything he has suffered...? Every abuse that is driving him and forged him...?
He could have been such a layered character. I'm not even talking redemption wise, to use the abuse to make him A Good Boi, but he could have been such an interesting villain, there could have been so much to him. This is stupid and sad.
But I am chocking on my laughter at the Seelie Queen literally teaching him WHAT HE COULDA BEEN TAUGHT FROM THE GET GO. To channel his powers. Granted, she channels them into killing Shadowhunters. But they could have been channeled into killing demons.
With the right parent, the right training, without living in hell and being tortured, he could have been an exceptional Shadowhunter. But let's pretend that he is Truly Inherently Evil only because of his demon blood and hey it's legit because he wants to bang his sister so who cares about this guy LOL.
HOLY SHIT THEY REALLY MADE CLARY MURDER HIM WITH A HUG. What a fucking way to go. I don't... I don't even know what to say to that to be honest.
On Clary:
“How do I come back after everything I've done”. What. What line is that. That's the line they could have given Jace in the first episode of 3B. You know, the guy who saw his own body commit 30+ murders, among them the murder of his own grandmother.
What... What's that everything Clary has done? Dress hotter than usual? Go to a rave? Try some Seelie drugs? Sure she killed Lenaia, but that was also a chick she didn't even know and so far she's not been very traumatized by like – killing her own biological father (seriously, the writers never bothered to give her a genuine reaction to that). Way to be overdramatic, writers.
Shitty Ex Machina Rune's existence aside; WHY does the Ex Machina Rune work?? RUNES DON'T WORK ON DOWNWORLDERS. That was like a whole thing in season 1. They kill mundies and they don't work on Downworlders?? Why the fuck is Clary allowed to play – not just an angel but an actual god at this point.
(But y'all know I am going to use this shitty dumb stupid rune in so many fanfiction.)
...But like holy shit. It is so callous to have her say that she wouldn't trade the Shadow World for anything and that “and I met Jace” like he brought all light into her life when the Shadow World killed her mother. Have the writers just completely forgotten that a month ago she lost her mother, her only biological family left?? Ah but it's totally fine because she has Jace now!!! And even though we literally started the episode off with her being devastated and wondering how she will ever come back after everything she has done, they are now only half an hour later already forgetting that she has just gone through major trauma, that she murdered her own father, that she lost her mother? But oh the Shadow World is super awesome, wouldn't wanna trade those past two, utterly traumatizing months for anything!!! Not even for my mom being alive LOL! Just... do the writers even care about the characters? At all?
HOLY FUCKING GODS THEY REMEMBERED JOCELYN. FUCK THIS IS RIDICULOUS ESPECIALLY AFTER HER CONVERSATION WITH SIMON IN EDOM. I am baffled. But I am 100% behind Jocelyn's message because Clary has been a scary motherfucker all this season now with all the things she has done and the rule-breaking. Fuck yeah she shouldn't be allowed to play God, which she DOES at this point.
But like, on a scale of 1 to 10 how dumb did they have to make Clary? Out of all of the ways she could have killed Jonathan, they decided “Nah man she is totally giving up her Shadowhunter self to hug her brother to death” instead of having Miss Stabby-Stab-Stab pull out a dagger and stab him to death? She literallly just got the warning and decides “LOL nope this is how I go out”. What---
There is a huge difference between a character sacrificing themselves for the greater good because there was 100% no other way and a character somehow turning a completely manageable situation into a self-sacrifice that is completely unnecessary... She could have just stabbed him. Or, you know, captured him with a trick instead of murdering. She could have stayed a Shadowhunter without using the Deus Ex Machina runes, living like a normal Shadowhunter. But they really made her go “If I can't play god, I'd rather give up the Shadow World”.
What the fuck even was that “One Year Later”. They literally just wasted a whole year since C/ace reuniting had zero negative effect on her? She didn't combust or anything. They could have literally went after her the day of the wedding, explained amnesia to her and brought her back. But the writers had to be dramatic bitches that put Jace through hell again, huh.
And what exactly did she believe happened? Like, Jocelyn and Luke and Simon?? Basically everyone she ever knew? What did she think happened to them and to herself? She just decided to go back to art school or what? Did they even think about this ending?
Honestly. It'd have been better had they actually Donna Nobled her and said she can never remember and has to be a mundie. But this? This year gap and bullshit and C/ace looking at each other and she suddenly remembers his name because True Love Wins? That makes it even dumber.
On Jace & Meliorn: (I'm trying to give each character their own for the finale, but... I can't separate those two in this case)
THAT STARTLED LITTLE BACKING OFF JACE DOES WHEN MELIORN TAKES IT TO THE BEDROOM. If that wasn't a coming on from Meliorn, I don't know what is. I am definitely living for this little bit of Jeliorn because that was a ship I was sure I'd never get to see proper interactions of. So, small blessings.
Hng. Jace can't lie. How pretty. Seriously his bond with Meliorn is like the saving grace from all of this. And how much fun Meliorn is having with this. Oh my gods my shipper heart is soaring.
SERIOUSLY I AM LIVING FOR THIS. “A serious question. How handsome do you think I am?” WHY WOULD YOU EVEN ASK THAT. Because you want to let my shipper-heart beat some. Thank you, Meliorn, personally, for my life. (Not to mention the answer. A NINE?? Jace. You so pansexual and into handsome Downworlders. It's canon now and I am blessed.)
I'm just absolutely living for Jace getting to interact with a non-Clary and a non-Alec (especially since all of his Alec-interactions this half-season have only been about Ma/ec...). It's... so refreshing to see them use Jace as... a character... instead of a prop. Even if he's played as a comic relief, I am taking so much more from this.
(ALSO: Jimon sparring! Jimon sparring and JACE BOOPING SIMON'S NOSE WHAT THE FUCK.)
On Alec:
What's with Maryse telling him to “take time to mourn”? What the fuck is that? XD He has literally been in Edom and gone back too. There's always been ways in and out. You're sure fast to bury him.
But also, maybe Alec should focus on the way to bring Magnus back instead of planning this fucking stupid wedding. You'd need your groom first.
Tonight. They're literally... I am weeping at how stupid this is. They got engaged yesterday and are getting married today. I had... actual, dumb hopes that the wedding would happen after a time skip. But I forgot this show doesn't know what time is. Ahahaha. Hilarious.
But holy shit am I angry about him being all dodgy and asking Maryse's permission to invite his own father to his wedding. Like. I am very rationally angry about the fact that all the kids sided with their abusive mother over their father, but that they are really all just treating him like that now is insane. Sure, he cheated on their mother, but he is still their father?? He has still been their father and he has been the good parent. If you can forgive Maryse's abuse just like that, how do you hold Robert cheating on Maryse over him like that? This is absolutely insane. What kind of priorities do those writers have to fuck it up this badly? Like the “oh no dad cheated on you let us all comfort you and totally forget the shitty way you have been treating your children!!!” wasn't bad enough on its own, but that they are completely acting like Robert was not just the cheating husband but somehow also the bad parent now? If this is where the show wanted to end it, they should have from the get-go also written him as the bad parent and her as the good parent, then I'd understand this, I'd understand the taking sides thing, the way they all completely turned away from Robert, the way Maryse blossomed and turned into an entirely different character. That ALL would make sense IF they hadn't decided in the first season and in 2B to write Robert as the warm rather and Maryse as the cold and abusive mother. The starting points and end points don't match.
On Magnus:
Magnus. On that throne. In that light. Now that's a look, to be honest.
Also, awkward conversations with the stepmother are very amusing. :D” (But, honestly, Anna and Harry playing off each other is really great. They play the power-dynamic really fascinating.)
Magnus being like “Well no need to close the door if we burn down the place right?” is a mood. It's so stupid and ridiculous, but like it's right. XD”
I'm glad Magnus at least said thank you to Lorenzo and even invited him to the wedding.
I genuinely don't know how to react to “High Warlock of Alicante” to be honest. Like. I don'T know what to say to that.
On Maia:
...I'd like to live in the alternate reality where Maia was more than just her relationships to boys. I'm still let down by the fact that the one (1) badass shot she got in the trailer was literally her walking away from Jordan's funeral fire, with her other ex and her future boyfriend flanking her from either side. If that doesn't summarize this show, I don't know what does.
And while I admire her decision to reconnect with her parents, it also seems rather messed up considering she literally just decided to be The Alpha. So let's leave the pack that has suffered so many recent losses... all alone. That's... not exactly Alpha behavior, even if it is the right thing for her as an individual at that point.
I mean like yeah sure she came back to become an Alpha, but still it's—a weird choice.
BAT BAT EXISTS BAT IS THERE I LOVE BAT HE GOT TO SPEAK. I am so so salty that he didn't get developed properly, that his relationship with Maia didn't get fully fleshed out.
On Isabelle & Simon:
Isabelle as the Human Torch is sure a very nice visual, to be honest.
(ALSO HELEN! HELEN! HELEN! I am 200% sure I can ship Aline/Helen/Isabelle in peace now. Don't @ me.) Though explain to me why Helen doesn't get the fuck away from Isabelle ASAP after realizing that Downworlders turn Isabelle into basically a bomb? I mean, she is half-Seelie.
...and can everyone maybe focus on “Izzy now catches fire when she is touching Downworlders” instead of “SHE WAS KISSING SIMON!!!”...? Like, priorities, dudes?
And how did she conclude “I explore when I touch demon blood. I should totally go to Edom! The place where demons live!”... and act like that should totally “”shield”” her from the atmosphere? What... logic goes into that? I'm serious, someone explain to me why “I explode when I come in contact with demonic stuff” leads to “but I'ma be extra safe in hell where all demonic things live and the very atmosphere should be demonic!!!”...
And Simon and Isabelle... kiss once... like... literally once and the next time they get a moment of being shown alone they literally already fucked. This show... knows that... you can actually go on dates and have a relationship with... oh no never mind this show has never heard the word “pacing” before I forgot sorry LOL
On Luke:
...But like why did his runes return though. I mean, getting turned into a Downworlder like... burned the runes away. They were gone. Why would him no longer being a Downworlder also immediately reapply all of his runes.
I don't know if I really like this, to be quite honest. I don't feel like we know enough about Luke for me to know what to feel about this? Like, he said he didn't want to be alpha and he's been turned against his will sure, but he's been a wolf for like 20 years now. It's... I don't know what to feel on this. Like, he seems really happy about this, but it also feels incredibly cheap due to the show never actually focusing on his thoughts and feelings??
Okay no now that I'm through with it I actually actively hate it. He should have become mundie. Erase it all. Let him live a mundie life with Clary.
On Lorenzo:
I love how Lorenzo brings up the Downworld Council. SOMETHING I HAVE BEEN WONDERING ABOUT TOO. What the fuck happened to that. But nope, SoRrY Lorenzo you are just here to save Magnus. Again. (Others too, but still. It's once again for selfish reasons of helping the Shadowhunters with shit.)
I really like where they took his character. I thought he was just going to be a shallow prop to take Magnus down. Petty and empty. But that they actually give him growth and personality and a personal goal and that they also made him rekindle with Magnus after admitting what he truly wants? That was... actually good. That was more than I ever expected from those writers. Huh.
On Max:
MAAAAX!!! MAX WITH GLASSES! MAX BEING PRECIOUS! He is literally the only thing about episode 22 that I liked. Like that entire final episode was a fucking shit-show.
On Raphael:
Honestly at this point just fuck this show. It is his father’s wedding and he is a mundane. But let’s just have him interact with his ex and her new guy so he can give them his blessing instead of having him actually interact with Magnus.
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monohart · 6 years
5:42am. (roadtrip!au)
ft. sleepy!jungwoo, long drives and wong yukhei.
i made a mood board for this imagine too. 1/9 pics belong to me, the rest belong to others... and... in other news, i’m ?? overwhelmed?? with the unexpected support and feedback i’m getting with my content and you guys have no idea how happy that makes me. <3____<3 thank you. truly. and i’m sorry this ain’t as fluffy as my previous works i just really appreciate jungwoo’s hair and also wow he looks good in a seatbelt
Tumblr media
you were awake before the sun was.
thank goodness the alarm clock went off on time because you would’ve slept right through
and you hated falling off schedule.
actually, you and your boyfriend jungwoo both hated that.
being punctual was so important to you, and you were kinda glad that he valued punctuality too.
after waking jungwoo who slept on a spare mattress on the ground next to your bed that night, the two of you moved efficiently around the apartment
you got yourself changed and condensed your typical 20 minute morning routine in 5, and grabbed the bags you two packed last night
jungwoo dashed into the kitchen while brushing his teeth, and grabbed your groceries.
by 5:42am you were behind the wheel
and jungwoo was still trying to wake himself up as he flicked through the radio channels in search of something
yep he found it after a while
he glanced at you with a shy smile and you rolled his eyes
there was this early morning talk show he really liked listening to
it was a bit dumb.. the hosts were ex-comedians,
but you tuned in once, and they actually talked about interesting things. you’d learn a couple of new things from them
but you’d never admit that to him lol
or else he’d literally play it all the time
and you knew how much he liked that channel you were actually lowkey jealous because
if only he was just as obsessed about you as he was with those two hosts who were uh, middle-aged men with beer bellies
after a while jungwoo dozed off and you were stuck listening to the talk show by yourself
while stealing a quick glance at jungwoo, who was snoring really quietly, you reached over and changed the channel
bad move because the next channel was the rock channel
jungwoo sat up almost immediately, his eyes snapped open and scowled at you.
“i’m gonna doze off if i kept listening to that...”
he deadpanned at you for a second before resting his head on the seat to stare at you.
“what’s up, jungwoo?”
after getting no response from him, you thought he might’ve dozed off again, but after glancing at him, he was just staring at you with a drowsy look in his eyes
“whaaat?? is there something wrong?”
he shrugs before turning the other way to sleep again
and you sigh, slightly confused and frustrated tbh.
you were sleepy too and you kinda just wanted to cuddle with him and wait for the sun to rise but you had to keep to schedule.
you were kinda restless as well because you didn’t have breakfast yet and your stomach was making odd growly noises
you kept driving though because you guys had to pick up yukhei from the bus station
y’all had the worst communication in the past month and this trip was so badly organised but what can you do
so the three of you were off to a college reunion in a neighbouring state, but jungwoo wanted to stop by the beach
only God knew why he wanted to do that but then again maybe God himself didn’t even know why
and since y’all were best friends with yukhei, y’all let him tag along on the roadtrip
the only problem was he lived on the other side of the country and
he forgot to book plane tickets so the only tickets he could get last minute were bus tickets
they were much cheaper so he grabbed it
the only problem was he arrived at 6:15am that morning
you guys were on a tight budget so
there wasn’t really anything else you guys could do except wake up extra early to pick him up.
jungwoo didn’t have his license yet so
you behind the wheel was the only option.
when you pulled up to the bus station, you spotted your almost giant of a friend almost instantly.
you haven’t seen jungwoo jump that quickly out of a car before, to greet his best friend
not saying you were jealous but you were kinda jealous
but oh well i guess at the end of the day you were the one who was dating kim jungwoo
and real talk he was cute and cuddly to you
just not in public
nah he’s way too shy for that
UNLESS... he was either 1) feeling extra soft, 2) drunk or 3) sleepy.
he rarely showed you off in front of other people but sometimes you wished he would show you off a bit more, y’get what i mean?
yukhei was yukhei and he must’ve been on something because he was Hella Energised??
he noticed the sleepiness in your eyes and he knew jungwoo couldn’t drive
so he told you to have a nap at the back
you were like Sure but can jungwoo sit in the back as well
cue major?? eyebrow raise?? from yukhei???
oh right.. shit.. he kinda didn’t know about your relationship yet
jungwoo was Shifty Eyed but he was like ok the back is more comfortable anyway sorry bro
and yukhei rolls his eyes and then y’all were on the way again
yukhei was yukhei so he connected his phone into the sound system and the bass was booming again
he always had great music taste and you were kinda glad that you could sit in the back with your boyfriend while listening to yukhei’s playlist.
you stole a glance at jungwoo, and your heart went skrrt tiing boop because
he was!!??
already looking at you
he had that really cute hint of a smile on his lips
and he brushed his hair back every two seconds
kinda restlessly
and you could tell that he wanted to cuddle
but he was also hella sleepy
almost as much as you were
so you shifted more to his side, discreetly.
and he shifted to your side too
and you shifted again
and then him again
until you were only centimetres apart
phew that actually took a long time and you were glad that y’all were able to make it next to each other without being too obvious.
then he could finally place his warm hand on yours and you ran another hand through his bed hair which made his eyelids flutter and his lips stretched into a wider smile, one that you mirrored.
and then
he turned to you and slowly slipped an arm around your waist and pulled you flush against his side and -
“holy mother of grated cheese.”
jungwoo slammed his back against the seat and you started laughing but you leant against your boyfriend, hiding your flustered face in his shoulder.
“you two are disgusting.”
jungwoo’s laughed nervously and ran a hand through his hair again
“you, kim jungwoo, you are a f*cking brat. and i am so disgusted.”
jungwoo was laughing now, and you shrunk deeper in your seat as he placed his arm around you again.
“i tried to tell you lucas, ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ!”
“no you didn’t. you’re a disgrace.” yukhei snapped back playfully.
he kept glancing at you guys in the rearview mirror, pretending to be angry, but he was biting onto his bottom lip to stifle his grin..
because you and jungwoo were a flustered and giggly mess at the back
and y’all were so cute together and so obviously obsessed with each other
like what in the actual hell..... he’s never seen jungwoo so whipped for someone before
and maybe you couldn’t see it
actually now yukhei finally understood why all this time, jungwoo’s tone always changed when your name popped up in their conversations
y’all were embarrassed and flustered as heck but you guys held on tighter to each other while trying to deny anything shifty happened
to hell with that, won’t you just look at you guys smh
yukhei was cringing and screaming so hard inside but he maintained an unamused face while speeding along the highway.
jungwoo, on the other hand, was so nervous and shy and flustered you could feel his entire body just heat up
and it was kinda funny how yukhei was able to tease his best friend so easily
“i did, i swear i did! you were too.. ᵇᵘˢʸ .. ᵇᵘʸᶦⁿᵍ ᵍʳᵉᵉⁿ ᵗᵉᵃ ᶠᵒʳ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵍᶦʳˡᶠʳᶦᵉⁿᵈ.. to listen to.. what i was saying..”
yukhei scoffed and shook his head
but he was smiling now
“you guys are cute or whatever.”
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thekrazykeke · 6 years
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I’m pretty sure we all knew what was coming. The only one out of the loop must’ve been Andrew, boop. 🤣 Let me stop playin’, let me stop. Anyway, if y’all can’t catch me here or lingering on ao3, I’m probably on Skype. I forgot my old account name and password, but the current one is Krazy Keke. Listened to Bey’s If on Spotify to get the vibe for this fic. I recommend it if you want to cry, lol!
@braexx @wakandanmoonchild @wikiwakanda @theultimateblacknerdwithglasses @adiafegan @melaninmarvel
“I told yo ass...I told you. No contact, whatsoever. None. Nada!” Slamming the fridge door shut, you waved your index finger inches from under Andrew’s nose. “You talmbout ‘bae, I wanna work this out,’ ‘bae, i really love you’, but you still goin’ around and doing shady shit.” Slamming the bottle of water onto the counter, you aggressively twisted the cap off and flicked it into the waste basket. 
“You really testing my nerves, Andrew.” 
Andrew threw his hands in the air, exasperated. “The fuck you mad at me for? I ain’t text that girl, she texted me!”
“You wasn’t supposed to text back, stupid!” Hand on your hip, you look him up and then down, “Let me see your phone.” 
“Tuh!” He shook his head, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. “Ay, you trippin’.” 
“Why you won’t let me see the phone, got somethin’ to hide?” Making a move to reach in his pocket, he shuffles away. “Let me see the phone!”
“You actin’ crazy, stop!”
Against your better judgement, you make it work with your man, Andrew. For a few weeks, things had been going pretty well, the two of you communicated more and you didn’t freak out when he chose to hang out with other people besides yourself, he even checked in periodically, like at the beginning of your relationship. Things, however, still were not perfect and honky-dory. Andrew still flaked on you sometimes to work overtime (and you had a mini heart attack wondering if he’s cheating again), the intimacy felt forced and the sex? 
Well, let’s not get into the detail of how terrible that was.
He didn’t know that you’d run into T’Challa while at the park nor that y’all met up again, a few times with Buddy and Buddy actually liked T’Challa, which is surprising because your doggy occasionally growled at even your mother.
Maybe you didn’t say anything because at the back of your mind, you knew that this relationship was a sinking boat? That Andrew was a roguish ass muthafucka and constantly scheming?
Looking into the face of the man you once thought you’d spend a lifetime with, you felt nothing. “What are we doin’?”
“I’m tryna get you to stop for one!”
“No, not that. With us, stupid, with us. What are we doin’?” You reiterate.
“Whatchu mean?”
You blink back the sudden onslaught of tears. “This isn’t going to work.” You say hoarsely. Andrew makes to take a step in your direction and you held up a hand. “Don’t.”
"...I’ll pack an overnight bag, stay with my brother. We can talk about this in the morning.” You said nothing and he became frustrated, “Okay?!”
“You better not show your ass back here tomorrow. As of today, you’re evicted.” In your mind, there’s nothing to talk about. And with how he tried to get up out here with the quickness, no doubt he’d be either up in another ho’s guts or talking shit about you to his family, like you gave a fuck. 
None of them wanted to catch these hands. 
“What? You can’t do that! I pay rent here!”
“Rent, yup, you supposed to. But you three months behind, and this my house, in my name. Nowhere are you on the lease. So like I said, boy, e v i c t e d.” Waving him off, you crossed your arms in front of yourself, watching as he huffed and dragged his feet, getting what he needed and lowkey hoping you’d feel sorry for him. 
And you’re not. 
For the first time in forever, you feel great. Liberated.
Throughout the week, you ignore the phone calls and voicemails from your mother. From Andrew. Get lunch with your father for the first time in----too long, and the two of y’all have a blast making fun of what a joke Andrew was and still is. 
“Oh, would you look at that.” Dad tutted. “It just turned from bright and cheery and dismal that fast.” It was indeed raining out there, heavy. “Do you have an umbrella, honey? Because I can give you mine.”
“Daddy, no. It’s cool. I’m good. I’m gon’ stay inside, wait it out.” He still looked hesitant so you smiled. “Really, I will be fine.”
“Okay, pumpkin.” Kissing the side of your forehead, he then patted your cheek. “I love you. Call me when you get in?”
“Love you too. And I will.” You promise. 
Stirring the straw in the cafe’s signature Green Tea Berry Delight, sipping at the beverage occasionally, you stare at passerby running for shelter. A crack of lightning streaks across the sky and you absently are grateful you didn’t try and make a break for it like before. You’d be soaked in seconds. 
A hand taps the back of your chair and you blink, looking up. “Long time no see. Hello, stranger.” It’s T’Challa. “May I sit?” 
You gesture for him to go ahead and sit. He flags down the waiter, getting him to remove the leftovers. “We just saw each other Saturday. That’s a whole two days ago.” 
“Two days that were too long.” T’Challa stated, smooth. 
Unable to come up with a witty comeback and feeling flustered, you sip at your drink. He laughed softly.
“I am sorry. Too honest?” 
“No, no! On the contrary, it’s rare to, um, find a man so forthcoming about his feelings.” You clear your throat, your eyes dart around before meeting his again, “It’s refreshing. I like it.” 
T’Challa slowly smiled, the action lighting up his dark eyes. 
For more than half an hour, the two of you sat in the cafe. Talking, laughing. Flirting. 
Oh, the flirting. 
T’Challa gave out more compliments to you than Andrew had in...ever! But enough of that insignificant piece of trash. While most black men would only say nice things to try and get in between your legs, not so with T’Challa, he was sincere. Everything he said well thought out and meaningful. 
And when you spoke, he listened, really listened to you. 
Such an attitude you could easily get addicted to. 
You blinked when he lightly tapped your nose, jarring you back to the present. T’Challa stared at you with amusement. “I lost your interest. I am sorry, we can switch the subject.” 
“No, you didn’t. I was just thinking that I didn’t want to end this, uh...” You wave your hand around, frantically searching your brain for a neutral term instead of--
“I want this to have been a date. Partly because I am hoping this time you will let me kiss you.” You could only stare at him, stuck on stupid, speechless. “Can I kiss you, hmm?” The words caressed your ear, even as you drifted even closer into his embrace, he was so warm compared to the chill from the rain. “Tell me. Tell me I c--”
Unable to really help yourself anymore, your hands cup his cheeks and you lean up for a kiss. His left hand braces against the dip of your back, a solid warmth, even as y’all shared a kiss in the rain like a white couple in a Harlequin novel. Who cares that it was cliche? This man is one of a kind and you weren’t stupid enough to keep ignoring the signs that he could be... might be... 
The One?
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