#and i think people should be able to see them 👍👍
fruitsyrups · 7 months
its that person who co-wrote one of those spidermax snippets, and did u delete this one? :(
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Ahhh yes sorry I deleted the ST posts that I was still occasionally getting notifs on. I screenshot all of my deleted posts / still have the drawings saved, if you want me to send them to you ? Bc I know how annoyingly hard it can be to find a reblog of a deleted post sometimes
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naivety · 6 months
man if you're voting for biden just to vote against trump, just say that. we have got to get over this harm reduction shit when what we really mean is harm reduced for us, me, mr american and literally nobody else on this bitch of an earth. if the only and most emphasized thing we do to reduce the harm our president and their platform does to the living is vote, we are reducing nothing. for anyone or ourselves, because voting alone doesn't challenge the trajectory of anything. it buys 4 more years before we have to do it all again, if that. thinking this way is what promises having to think this way again, and again, and again and again. in 2024, who american leftists vote for 1 day of the year matters little compared to what we do the other 364.
#j.txt#once again talking to me here there is a constant wailing alarm in my head like 24/7#we aren't taught the other ways we can facilitate change on purpose#there is power in the polls but unfortunately in america it is very little compared to the power in. the union..... lol#i'm not hardcore judging scared minorities in america if they wanna vote for biden out of fear for trump this election cycle#but i am hardcore judging if it's proclaimed as the morally superior thing to do when it's just not#like at all#which is also by design!#would you like blue poison or red poison don't you love living in a country that lets you choose!#i also just hate the narrative that this is our only way out of trump's america#like if he wins it's over like people who've been organizing and agitating and fighting and being arrested won't be doing the same shit#before and after#we gotta stop seeing voting as activism let alone a meaningful challenge to facism#not that i know everything either#just. even the few history books i've opened don't hold instances of voting being the way out of a tide of facism man#we can multitask guys vote for who we think we need to but if that's all we're doing to change things um.#we will be stopping nothing and we will be here forever#these shitheads have power here in and outside of office and they will do whatever they can wherever they can do it regardless#like they tried storming the capital literally last election. like#and that's just. here in our own country#why should we expect them to act any different this go around. genuinely. i would like to be able to expect different#all that said i feel like i am going crazy every day 👍#2024 elections
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transmascaraa · 8 months
Hi! I've currently been into Ga ming recently since he's released and your works for him are really cute 💗💗 so I was wondering if I can maybe request him, Bennett, tighnari, cyno, and Scaramouche (if you write for them ofc!) with a always nauseous and overheating reader?
I've been going through that for a long while now and it kinda adds onto not really eating all the time because of being afraid to throw up when it happens, sometimes feeling like a burden for having a different body temperature than most and feeling like it's just a problem, not being able to wear clothes I really want to because of how hot I may get, the possibility of passing out whenever and the embarrassment I get from that, ect 😭
I hope your day is well, and that hopefully you have a fun time writing this if you decide to 💗🫶
multiple characters headcannons!
how are they with overheating!reader?
characters: gaming, bennett, tighnari, cyno, wanderer x gn!reader
author's note: i love this idea so much😭 i'm not somebody that's overheating easily, but i still get hot faster than others, it's the main reason i hate summer and love winter👍 but i think i can understand people who suffer from overheating. i once almost passed out a few months ago and it's either that i felt sorry for this one dog, or because of sunstroke. either way, i'm glad to do this request, because i really like it<3
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-he would be prepared ALL THE TIME. it's true. it's canon, i'm the mole on his neck.
-anyways, he would always have one of your t-shirts in his bag. he learnt how to do cpr and what to do IF you pass you. he reassured you that it was okay. that you having a warmer body temperature wasn't something you should be embarrassed of.
-in his eyes, he found the good in that whole problem.
-winter, you're not all the cold in winter, while he... freezes, despite being pyro.
-he's there with you, always ready for anything, encouraging you to eat.
-he also always has a cold drink in his bag, it might come in handy for you...
-either way, he wouldn't mind it. he just wants to help you. he sees nothing wrong with you.
-but he avoids teasing you that much, what if you get too hot and feel nauseous?
-he doesn't want that. instead, he knows when to stop.
-he's clumsy, and everyone knows that. but he does try his best to help. he WANTS to help.
-when you feel nauseous, he starts panicking a bit but tries to keep a more calm composure to not make it even harder for you.
-he knows how to treat you. he's trying his best, please, thank him.
-he asked lisa about how to help a nauseous person, and he listened closely.
-sometimes, he rants to razor about you, but not about your overheating problem, but about how strong you were. how brave you were.
-how he admired you.
-and when with you, he tries to tell you all of those same things, but he ends up blushing too much, and just telling you to "paint it over".
-but at rare times, when he makes you feel hotter by telling you such sweet praises, he apologizes immediately, and tries to cool you down.
-he's trying, he really is.
-he has everything with him. if gaming had everything you needed, tighnari has 2 times more of them. what if you run out of cold water? what if the first shirt he brought with him was still making you hot? he even has an ice pack with him.
-he's like a mom. anything you need, he has it. he would take great care of you, making sure you're alright.
-if you're nauseous, don't worry! he has the medicide. you're allergic to something? you'll never see it again.
-if you're ever close to passing out, he knows exactly what to do, so you shouldn't worry all that much, because you have him.
-others, and even maybe you, might see him as overprotective, or overreacting, but he just says that "it's for your own good" and carries on with taking your mind off of things by talking to you about aranaras.
-he may be a bit strict, but it really is jsut because he cares for you. he wants the best for you, and hopes that he can be the one to help you get to there.
-i could talk about him for ages but i think you get the point.
-i'm virtually sighing right now. he would care for you, yes, do anything for you, do anything you want him to.
-he'll bring you anything and everything you need.
-he had anything you need with him, but if you run out of anything, he's thinking of a solution to stop that.
-in all seriousness, he'll skip anything and everything for you.
-yes, he does bore you with his horrible jokes no matter what, but if he sees that he's too annoying, he'll stop.
-if you're about to pass out, he's either gonna keep his composure and help you or just...
-call tighnari because he's panicking a bit too much.
-he avoids bringing you to the desert with him, completely, at all costs.
-he wants to to be okay, and reassures you when you have trouble eating.
-he's like a dad, the opposite of tighnari. he may not have anything you need at ALL times, but he always comes up with a solution.
-and he loves choosing outfits for you, and he gets hot easily too, that's why he doesn't wear much clothing himself.
-uhhh he's complicated. he'll never show any interest in helping you, but deep down he so fucking worried about you. he would take your body heat if he could. he would splash you with ice-cold water if you wanted to.
-but he'd mask it with saying "weak."
-you know him good enough tho, he cares about you more than anyone else.
-you know he'd sacrifice anything and everything to help you.
-he literally forces you to eat.
-he has everything you need with him, and does his best to help you. if he runs out of something, he'll call nahida.
-nahida plays a huge part in this too, but you don't know.
-he secretly talks to nahida to teach him about overheating more. so he knows how to help. he asks her any question he has, and the almost immediately memorizes it. he needs to know how to help you. so, if you ever almost pass out, he'd just be telling you to shut up while trying to help, but on the inside, it's a mess, really.
-he doesn't want you in pain.
i actually really like this one
either way, i hope you like this one, anon! and that you i potrayed overheating good enough😭
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
Here's a short list of things that I think would affect yuu (not from an omegaverse world) being in twisted wonderland (omegaverse au)
The scent thing. In my mind, everyone has a scent, including betas, theirs are just weaker. So how would Yuu, who has no scent, be classified? Would ortho or idia want to study them and see what's different between twst folks and earth folks? Scent is usually just noted in smut scenes, but it does have a larger role in most a/b/o stories. Mainly, it's how people communicate emotions. If you're happy, it shows in your scent. If your distressed, it shows in your scent. If your scared, excited, horny, anxious, it shows in your scent. People probably focus on scent when it comes to emotions before they focus on your face or body language. So figuring out what Yuu is feeling is probably a lot harder. It's even worse if Yuu isn't that expressive in the first place. Although it does make me wonder about how people try to hide their scents when their trying to be aloof or stoic...
Noises. This also ties into emotions, the more extreme ones at least. A/b/o twst people purr when their happy or content and growl when they're feeling territorial. Yuu might be able to growl, not very well but whatever. But purring? Yeah no. Not happening. Bless Jades heart he's trying so hard to give Yuu gifts they like and listening for a purr and it just. Never comes. Also imagine being Yuu and you're just getting growled at on a daily basis that's just gotta suck lmoa
Warnings for menstruation and omega heats 🤩 (also jade thinks his partner got SAed so HUGE TW). I personally think that TWST doesn't have periods. Mostly because I read Period Drama series by twstfanblog and was like "Yeah sure I'll integrate that into my belief system". So Yuus under a lot of stress right? Especially those first few months and overblots, so I think it's safe to say that an AFAB Yuus cycle would probably skip over those few months or even a year until everything calms down. And then boom! Ovulation! Jade thinks it's a preheat or a heat and is trying SO HARD to be respectful because they did not talk about this before hand and he doesn't know if he's aloud to "help" them the way he's wants to. Doesn't exactly help that Yuus throwing themself at him every step of the way and asking shit like "Hey if we have kids what would you name them :D?". Yuu is killing him. All in all though, it's a pretty subdue heat, they're not confined to their nest (a messy pile of pillows, blankets, and cushions that they impulsively made in Ramshackle one day) or anything, they can go to class and move around just fine (he doesn't let them though. He doesn't need any perverts possibly getting off or fantasizing about something only he should be fantasizing about), and unfortunately, they're not keeping him in their nest and letting him breed them until they forget their own name, so it all worked out just fine. And then about a week later, he goes to Sam's first thing in the morning to buy more snacks and comes back to the strong scent of his loves blood, only to find out that blood was coming from "the void" and they're curled up in pain, and crying. Yeah that was the worst moment of Jades life, actually. 0/10. Would not recommend. He almost killed several people that day 👍
Nests. Yuu doesn't know what the hell a "nest" is or why Jade freaked out so hard with joy when they made their shitty little pillow fort but hey! At least he's happy! Look at him! Just vibrating with joy! While he's sitting just outside the fort and is just... staring at them..... Is he not gonna come in? So now their scooching over and awkwardly patting the spot next to them- and Jades eyes just dilated SO HARD ok
Ruts and knots. The Fun Shit. Jade asked (very flusteredly) if Yuu would be willing to help him through his upcoming rut and Yuus like 🧍👍🧎. And it's a lot more intense than they were expecting. Bro is looking a half step away from feral as he carries Yuu over to the "nest" and just let's go fully shortly after they start. And Yuu is throughly enjoying it but also- isn't this a little much?!It's just a week of a bad Coleen Hoover novel where all they do is have sex and sleep! They ain't built for this! Honestly, they're just a doll for him at this point because there is not a THOUGHT behind those eyes expect for Jade and his dick and they ain't even mad about it!
That last section wasn't a question I was just thirsty. Damn this ask got long as hell shit.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH bless you. My lifespan... my strength... it is returning 2 me.
I think a lot of this could be cleared up with some communication, but at the same time poor Yuu wouldn't know what they were supposed to be communicating.
If scents are reflective of emotion and how people communicate, I would think they reflect people's personalities in the same way facial expressions do? So a particularly stoic person (like say Silver) would have a much more muted scent when he's happy than someone who is much more expressive (like Kalim.) Of the people who would be most distressed by Yuu's lack of scent, I think it would actually be Riddle since I could see him thinking it is a medical issue they need to get checked out ASAP. It would certainly isolate them from their peers even more than not being a mage would, making them a real alien as far as most people in Twisted Wonderland would be concerned.
Now. Jade. My beloved. I think after he manages to successfully court Yuu he would be very smug about this because he would be maybe one of the only people in Twisted Wonderland able to pick up on Yuu's unique body language. But that's in the future, now he's struggling because on top of no scent there's no purrs D:< He's fantasized about what it would sound like sosososososo many times and he is worryingly close to realizing that he's not above begging. He just wants some praise from his chosen mate... please...
lmao about the growling I just would not be able to take that seriously and probably make some dumb comment that would get my ass beat. But if it was really loud that would stress me out.
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... oh poor Jade. In my head I am thinking of Yuu maybe having been told by a (concerned) adeuce that Jade is attempting to court them so they start trying to reciprocate (which does not help anyone's concerns) but they haven't really talked about what exactly that means yet. So by the time Yuu starts ovulating they're still in what Yuu might consider to be a "talking" phase? Because Jade hasn't asked to make things official? Whereas Jade is simultaneously on cloud nine planning the wedding and in the depths of despair wondering how best to continue his courtship efforts because oh he wants to help you with your heat so badly :c he's in a permanent state of horny grip the entire week and so tense. Yuu wonders if it would be too much to offer to help him relax since they aren't all that close yet so they figure they'll ask him some questions to see how he reacts and all that and he is extremely receptive but he still doesn't make a move, even if he does insist on talking to them around the pillow fort a lot?
Speaking of the pillow fort... I'm just picturing Jade sitting so pretty and heavy breathing while Yuu is sat there very confused because he is buzzing with excitement but they can't tell what kind. Man relationships are real hard so is jade when you add in alien biology and customs to them please let him help you hope you aren't doing something wrong? you could never please please please just one chance Yuu one chaaaaance
The period stuff... I don't think my mind would jump to SA but certainly some sort of attack and Jade being Jade, he would not let that stand. Thankfully no one actually gets hurt since Jade asks Yuu for names and they have a very strange conversation about reproductive biology. Oh so you are bleeding because you aren't pregnant? Well that sounds like such an easy fix~ And is probably when you finally have that talk about how horny he was all last week because he asks, very earnestly asks to help you through your next "heat" so you don't have to endure this pain again.
Since you were being thirsty allow me to share some of my... thoughts ( ̄▽ ̄||)
I feel like Jade would want to take Yuu in his merform at some point if not first because he wants them to think about it. He wants to ruin them for anyone who is not very specifically him and he is not shy about it, but alas the omega decides where to build the nest and you chose "poorly." Yuu is getting their guts rearranged while Jade bullies them about their poor nest building skills. It's ok, he just finds you so cute maybe he'll walk you through it next time? Sure he's never had to build a nest, never felt the need but he's sure if you follow his instructions nice and slowly you'll do just fine.
You wind up in Ramshackle's tub more than once. Just don't complain about not being able to remember most of it because he'll just take that as you wanting a redo. Say less, he's been good for too long anyway *smack*
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gguk-n · 3 months
Harmonies on the fast lane (Carlos Sainz x kpop artist!Reader SMAU)
Face claim- Bibi (A K-Pop Artist) Stage name is Aria
Google translated korean and spanish. All the pictures are from pinterest or instagram
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Liked by dlwlrma, kimsmell1, and 256,976 other
ariascorner 저는 F1과 카트를 좋아해요. I love F1 and karting Newest hyperfixation!! Also you should go karting with your bestie
user1 누나 너무 예뻐 💓💓unnie is so pretty user 2 can't believe unnie is also f1 girlie❤️💓 user 3 사랑해💓 I love you user 4 누나가 최고야!! 사랑해 💓❤️Noona is so pretty, love you
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Liked by _happiness_o, m_kayoung and 467,892 other
ariascorner 지금까지 최고의 해. 올해가 얼마나 꽉 찼는지 믿을 수가 없어. 그리고 나는 내 매진된 쇼에서 너희들 앞에서 공연해야 했어. 정말 고마워. 나는 계속해서 더 열심히 일하고 너희 모두를 자랑스럽게 만들 거야. 날 사랑해줘서 고마워. 사랑해!! The best year so far. Can't believe what a jam packed year this was and I got to perform in front of you guys at so many of my own sold out shows. I am so grateful to you. I will continue to work harder and make you all proud. Thank you for loving me. I love you!!😭😭💓💓😘😘
user 5 네가 사는 걸 봤어, 넌 정말 좋아. 😭😭I saw you live, you are so good user 6 I'm the girl she kissed in the second last picture. best day ever🙈🫣 user 7 천사의 목소리 Angelic voice 💓💓 user 8 Please come to my country soon 😭😭
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Liked by 5479 others
ariatics It's that time of the year and dispatch has released their rumoured relationships this year. *drumroll* It's Aria unnie this time and we can't see the guy's face at all. But who ever it is I'm so happy for them!!
user 1 eww, how can she do this to us??🤬🤬 user 2 she'll never succeed if she doesn't work hard and only hang out with guys🤢🤢 user 3 how is her company letting her do this? user 4 I hope they break up asap so that unnie can go back to making music 🤧🤧
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Liked by 6479 other
ariatics Dispatch posted a picture of Aria unnie at Incheon airport. Apparently she has personal business she needs to attend to.
user 5 I hope she gets her shit together soon. user 6 how can she look so pretty even without make up 😭😭 user 7 bet she is going on a trip with her boyfriend😪😪 user 8 she just finished her rookie years and is already acting like a senior 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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Liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 1,754,862 others
carlossainz55 Some rest and relaxation before starting pre-season training
landonorris ooo, it's your girlfriend. Did she teach you how to soft launch?🫣🫣 charles_leclerc can't wait to see you at the race in a couple of weeks🤝👍 user 1 we lost him girls, he's taken😭😭😔 user 2 2 shirtless Carlos pictures in one post🥵 user 3 good luck Carlos, know you can do it!!👊 user 4 can't wait to see you in Bahrain☺️ user 5 who do you think the mystery girl is??🤔
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Liked by 45,879 others tagged carlossainz55 and ariascorner
sainzgirlie Carlos back at the paddock after his appendix removal surgery in Jeddah. He will not be driving this week but it seems that his girlfriend has tagged along to take care of him. From what people have seen, they say Y/N Y/L/N also known as Aria, a k-pop artist keeps fretting over him. Both of them were seen exchanging a couple kisses confirming the pair is indeed dating.
user 6 unnie has gone mainstream😱😱 user 7 Get well soon Carlos!!😔❤️ user 8 Atleast someone is taking care of him😭 user 1 can't believe my eyes. Y/N unnie and Carlos oppa 🤧🤧
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Liked by carlossainzofficial, ariascorner, landonorris and 4,678,986 other tagged ariascorner
carlossainz55 So grateful to be able to share my life with the prettiest, kindest and most important woman in my life. I've become a better person because of her. Thank you for always being there for me, in my good and bad time. I love you carino!! 사랑해 자기야 I love you baby
landonorris congratulations mate!! I don't have to keep my mouth shut anymore ariascorner landonorris not like you actually did charles_leclerc both of you look so cute. Alex wants to know if we can get tickets? ariasworld charles_leclerc Alex can have all the tickets!! user 2 aww!! they are so cute!! I've never seen Y/N so in love!! user 3 그녀는 국가의 공주일 뿐만 아니라 그의 공주이기도 하다. She isn’t only the nation’s princess but his princess too user 4 two of the prettiest people dating🥰🥰 user 5 Carlos is in love ngl I would be too if I was dating Y/N😍😍 ariascorner ¡Gracias por quererme! Te quiero, mi príncipe 💓💓😘😘 Thank you for loving me! I love you my prince Liked by Author
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Liked by genyouthent, carlossainz55, dlwrlma and 3,879,975 other tagged carlossainz55
ariascorner So blessed to be able to call you mine. I'm gonna proudly show you off!! Thank you for believing in me and supporting me!! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me!! I love you baby!! Te quiero más que a las estrellas del cielo I love you more than the stars in the sky
user 6 그가 널 행복하게 해주길 바라 😭😭💓I hope he keeps you happy user 7 I get the best of both worlds. My mom and dad are actually dating!!!😘😘 user 8 So happy for you Y/N!! I hope you are always happy🎉🎉 user 1 she said fuck kpop standards, I love my man😱😱 user 2 we love supportive couples😍😍 user 3 can’t wait to see you at races and Carlos at inkigayo 🤣🤣 carlossainz55 넌 내 인생의 사랑이야. ❤️❤️ you are the love of my life Liked by Author
Hope you enjoy!! I had fun making this!!
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rzyraffek · 11 months
This is my first time doing an ask, but I was wondering if I could request an ftm/ftnb reader x slasher fic (any character you think would fit/any character you want to add) where the reader has trouble breathing in the winter/cold and wearing their binder just makes it worse and their whole body is sore due to going up and down stairs so much so they can't keep up with the slashers longer strides and has to run after them.
Like, if the reader and the slashers were at the zoo or somewhere outside and the reader just started to take SUPER deep breaths just to be able to breathe normally or just to get air; especially after walking up or down stairs or hills.
And at one point the reader just gets tired of having to take so many deep breaths so they just go the the bathroom and take off their and layer two jackets over their shirt since they didn't bring an extra bra.
And like about 20 minutes later, reader STILL has to take super deep breaths just to actually breathe and having to run after the slashers just to be able to walk next to them; but with how sore reader is, they can't keep up with their partner and often has to take 3-minute breaks just to be able to catch their breath.
Remember binder users! You should wear them only up to 6hours daily! Dont ruin your ribcage!! I use to wear binder so yeah, I get it.
Anyways👹ofc i will write this!
So bacially, ftm s/o struggles with breathing due to binder and weather! You didn't specified which slashers so I will just go with flow on this one!
Slashers with s/o that struggles with breathing due to binder
Micheal Myers
Don't worry dude is used to noises of people choking to death lol
But fr dude gets a bit worried? He doesn't like how sometimes s/o has to take breaks just to breathe
If you guys are in rush and s/o has to take a break dude will just "hell nah fuck this" and pick s/o up
Micheal really doesn't care about gender or sex. Your a dude? 👍. There's no need to 'prove it' or look certain way for him to belive you
Brahms Heelshire
Dude fr will set a timer on his phone so s/o won't 'overdose' binder 😭
Erm honey you are starting to hyperventilate, its time for a break dont you think?
Brahms acually did his homework and read bunch of articles about binders and now he understands way more😊👍
Darling remember to exercise before and after you wear it so it less uncomfy
Finds s/o very cute and squishes them too hard sometimes
Billy Lenz
The fuck?Are you suffocating or something? *judges*
What feels worse? Wearing binder a bit too tight or billy sitting on your chest while your trying to sleep?
Bro doesn't understand what is "gender dysphoria" and tired to hide s/o binder once cuz he didnt trust it
Lucky for you Billy doesn't go outside, so you don't have to worry about him getting lost walking faster than you
What are pronouns?
Jason Voorhees
Oh Jason you big baby
Jason just feels bad, cuz he knows that s/o feels less cool without the binder but baby you cant breathe😭
Of course he will wait for s/o and he won't rush them at all!
Will try to convince s/o to not wear binder so often. Jason sees you as a perfect boufriend weather you wear it or no
Genuinely worried about s/o health
Asa Emory
Ah creature, why would you think that wearing binder for whole day was a good idea?
Dude is smart, he already knew what binders are!
He is aware that trans people often struggle with dysphoria and he can't just be like "dont wear a binder lol" so he tries to calming explain that nono honey you are a man even if you don't have a flat chest i love you
If he finds out that s/o whats a top surgery, Asa went "Alr bet" and then your bank account blew up
Funfact! If s/o was openly trans before they met Asa... dude was convinced that s/o just has severe asthma 😭 he was like ??? Uh do you have your inhalator with you?? Or like is it temporary???
👽guys I ate good chicken today. With sauce
Also im not sure if its good? I kinda forgot how to write entering stuff😭😰
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lav-bee · 5 months
Dr. Stone x Reader
You Flinch Because of Them
Character/s: Chrome, Ryusui
💛- read as platonic
Warnings?: Flinching 🤷‍♀️ not anything that should be triggering, more of a hurt comfort type fic 👍
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- Chrome is great. He’s nice, passionate, and caring. But sometimes he can be a bit… loud
- Not that there's anything wrong with that, most of the time you dont think he's aware of it. But his yelling is always sudden and it makes you tense
- Because of this you don't see yourself around him very often and at some point he took notice of this
- One day he was able to get himself alone with you and at first it was going smoothly until he let out a yell of excitement and scared the crap out of you, causing you to tense and flinch away from him
- Immediately seeing you freeze he quickly quieted down, “Are you alright?”
- Doesn’t mean to pry but after a short explanation that you don't like loud noises he tries to tone it down when he's near you
- “Let me know if I get carried away and I'll fix it, okay?”
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- Dude is fricken LOUD! You could hear him from yards away
- And it’s not just random spurts it’s almost all the time
- He’s been ‘HAHA’ ing ever since he woke up!
- Due to his yelling you’ve tried your best to avoid him, but it’s hard to do that without being obvious about it
- He’s one of the main people working on the ship and guess who else is largely involved, YOU
- After some time of avoiding him, Ryusui finally took notice to how you would hide in waiting, there have been many times were he’s talking to Senku and as soon as he leaves you show up
- His first conclusion was that maybe you liked him but you were too shy. So he took it before himself to make the first move
- “HAHA!”, He popped out of nowhere and scared the crap out of you, causing you to flinch
- “My apologies! I didn’t mean to frighten you!” He says… still talking loudly
- After the misunderstanding he’s more mindful about his yelling. He keeps tabs where you are in case of frightening you
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rose-riot-johnson · 2 months
Hello!! Can I plz request Kanto! Mikey x reader where he meets her for the first time and becomes obsessed with her? Like maybe the reader accidentally stumbled across their meeting area whilst walking home and some of his members tried to scare her off but she just beat them up and then looks at Mikey with boredom and is like "keep your dogs in place" before walking off home and things can go from there. It's ok if no tho! :)
Hi anon😃While I did have to think about how to write the fanfic about Mikey and reread the request a few times before writing it, this request does sound fun to write in general and I have written about Mikey before, so I definitely will try writing this fanfic about him😁👍I also did see hints about what gender you would like me to write the reader as, so Female Reader it is😃👍I have also looked up "Kanto!" through google in different ways, so hopefully I will be writing this fanfic about "Kanto! Mikey" well, anon😁👍
*This fanfic contains 1 or more long paragraphs😅
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♥️Mikey Is Impressed and Obsessed With You♥️ ((Adult)Kanto!Mikey, aka, Manjiro Sano x Female Reader)
Genres: Mutual Gang Member Confession Fluff (Warning ⚠️: Stalkerish Behavior, Language(?), and Violence
On your way home from the gym, you accidentally stumbled across a meeting area. Some of the gang members told you to go home. Some tried to threaten to as their attempt to scare you, because you being in the meeting area.
A few minutes later Mikey made it to the meeting area, as you asked, "Are these people your friends? As he's grabbing one of the beaten up gang members by the front of this shirt. He replied "Yes... They are... I'm curious about why are you asking me this, why did you beat my gang members up and how you were capable of beating them up? ", as he's impressed about the fact you beat them up. You replied back, "You need to keep your dog's in place then! I was on my way home minding my own business when these friends of yours are telling me to go home and threaten to beat the shit out of me! I'm hoping they're not assuming that I'm a spy for another gang, because I haven't even been in a gang yet... I actually learned how to fight from some of the videos I saw and I guess going to the gym paid off honestly...".
Before you were able to leave the meeting area, Mikey said, "Before you do leave... Let's introduce ourselves and I do have an offer for you... Just atleast hear me out, then you can leave...", as you stopped walking then turned around, as you introduced yourself, "My name's (Female Reader Name)...". "Who are you? And what do you want with me?", you asked. Mikey happily replied, "Just call me Mikey... Anyways I'm impressed you were able to take out all of my gang members the way you did, so... And you were right... It was my fault... I should have known an accident like this would happen... I will keep them in place... Especially Kenny... Would you like to join my gang, (Female Reader Name)?".
You were surprised about what Mikey said. You were also hesitant at first for how the rest of the gang members were acting, before you beat them up and Mikey finding out about it, however you decided to accept Mikey's offer to be a new member of his gang and went home. After you got on your way home, Mikey scolded the rest of the gang members (as gently as he possibly was able to) about how he felt it was their fault for being in a situation of getting beaten up and they should have waited until he gotten to the meeting place to handle the matter of you being here in the first place, instead of getting mad at you about it, so it wouldn't of happened the way it did. The rest of the gang members (especially Draken) were shocked that Mikey scolded them, not just for being beaten up, however also for how they approached you and not waiting for Mikey to arrive on how to approach you.
After the incident, Mikey developed a huge crush on you and became very obsessed with you. His daily routine has been involving from finding out where you lived, to following you around from where you live, to anywhere you go, to when you go back to wherever you live, and is doing so in a sneaky way, because he wants to know a whole lot about you. One day you caught on to him be sneaky about following you around and stalking you, as you said, "I know you're following me, Mikey! If you wanted to know more about me and go anywhere with me, you could have asked or atleast let me know you're doing so!", before Mikey decides to show himself to you, while blushing.
You then asked, "Is there something you wanted you ask or tell me, Mikey?", as you continued, "You didn't need to stalk me or follow me without me knowing, you know... I wouldn't have mind you keeping me company...". Mikey then asked, "Before I confess, would you like to go out with me on a date?". He then continued, "You see... Eversince what you did to the other gang members for approaching you the wrong way due to them misunderstanding that you went in the meeting by accident, I have became impressed and I began to like you alot... I been feeling more about you than words can describe... I also love how capable you are with fighting, even tough I haven't witnessed you fight yet... You just seem like a cool kind of cutie... Anyways, (Female Reader Name)... How do you feel about me... Be honest!".
Before you were able to answer, a group of enemy gang members made their attempt to ambush both you and Mikey. Despite of you and Mikey being completely surrounded, both you and Mikey have fought the enemy gang members well, especially protecting yourselves, while protecting eachother and one shot wailing the whole enemy gang, full force. Once all of the enemy gang members ended up being outcold in the matter of minutes, you have been thinking about what he said and thinking about your answer for him.
You then, finally, answered Mikey as you said, "You might a pain for stalking me the way you did, however I will definitely go out on a date with you, Mikey... Seriously... I would be more than happy to... Eversince the first time I met you, you seem very cute to me, also... You seem to have made amuch better impression than the other gang members did. You're also the first person who would try to include me, without me having to ask or even hint about being included into something honestly... I also have feelings for you too, by the way...". Mikey was very happy to hear that you felt the same way about him, as he did about him. Before you and Mikey left the where the both of you were, Mikey quickly inspected all of the unconscious enemy gang members wallets, as he said, "I usually let Kenny pay for dinner... It's just that the original plan was that since it's a dinner date, I was going to pay for both our meals for our dinner date... However, there's change of plans, since the enemy gang members got their asses beat in one shot, by the both of us, I figured why not take their money to pay for both of our meals and what will be left of their money after our dinner date, I'm going use to buy you a nice present... After that's what they get for trying to ambush us!", before he smileed at you. You then agreed with Mikey, as you replied, "That's right Mikey! Those bastards deserve it for trying to ambush us, like that... Seriously... They've made a piss poor attempt to ambush us!", before laughing.
After the night of your dinner date with Mikey (And Mikey getting you a nice present you enjoyed very much), both you and Mikey decided to make the relationship (which is your relationship between you and Mikey) official. This became the most fun relationship you and Mikey ever had. Even your and Mikey's gang has improved from your relationship with Mikey.
♥️The End♥️
I hope this Mikey fanfic was as fun for you to read, as it for me to write, my Tumblr Peeps😁👍I also hope I did well with handling things with writing a fanfic about Kanto!Mikey, anon😅😃👍Anyways I didn't mean to take as long as I did with writing this fanfic about Mikey, especially longer than I atleast expected😅My schedule has been busy with changes in plans, and need time to be able to think😅However I honestly did enjoy writing this requested fanfic and attempting to write this fanfic request was definitely something fun to write when it comes to writing fanfics😁👍As for the genre I came up with, because of how you requested the fanfic and how I have been writing it, I figured why not use the genre I came up with for this fanfic, anon😃👍
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polyamorousmood · 3 months
Hi there, I want to thank you first for running such a helpful page!
So I'm actually just starting to explore polyamory. My girlfriend has been poly since I met her over a dating site, but I'll admit when we first started dating my insecurities made me not want to hear much about her other partners.
But over time, I started realizing not only that I may want to date more people but that I was missing out on a part of my girlfriend by avoiding something that is a feature of her person. And luckily we did have a good talk about it! We are gonna have a tabletop game night soon for me to hang with some of her partners, and maybe I'll be lucky and they find something to like in me too.
But honestly, it still gives me some anxiety to see her talk about her time with other people. I hate feeling jealous like that after wanting to work on it! I just really love her and don't want my insecurities to make us break up. Do you have any good advice for how I can help reassure and center myself?
I just want this girl to be happy and I'd like to be able to continue to be someone who makes her happy
Well, then I'll start by saying you're welcome! I'm so pleased you get something nice out of this blog 🥰
I have talked several times about how to handle jealousy I was going to post links, but honestly, it'd be like 6 links at this point. Search for "#jealousy" on this blog and you can find them. Please read those, they contain good thoughts.
I am struggling to find the words to explain just how touching I find it that you're opening up to this side of your partner. Its the sweetest, most beautiful of revelations. As a poly person I feel what you said is very true, and I would be really touched you're wanting to open that up.
I would therefore also be very concerned with making sure it went well, and be willing to do a lot to help you out. So I think it'd be a good idea for you to make dedicated time to thoroughly talk over your concerns with your partner before, and talk about how you felt about everything after. I find it useful to mention anything, even if you dealt with it and it ended up okay. Its totally fair and in fact probably helpful to your partner to say "it was a little weird at first when you gave X a hug, but I realized that was stupid and I think I'm okay now."
I think for someone in your position, who is working on expanding what you're comfortable with -- and as something not mentioned in the other posts I've made -- its going to be important to find the sweet spot for growth. That is, generally exposing yourself to situations that are uncomfortable, but that you're able to accept/work through/handle. Factors for this could include (but are not limited to):
length of exposure
topics/types of discussion (sex, similarities/differences between you and other partners, attractiveness, (dis)enjoyment of activities with other partners, etc)
type of activity
what sort of affection is shared with whom
the degree of "publicness"
Think it through, and start out with some things you know you can handle. Again, if you want to make progress, you should be seeking something that is a bit uncomfortable, but not so much discomfort you can't get over it in a timely manner. (As an example, my cutoff would probably be something like "I'm still bothered by the end of the next day, and after talking to my partner about it," but its okay if yours is somewhere else.)
Also worth noting you don't have to have a "total success" to be successful here. There may be certain things you're never fully comfortable with seeing/hearing about. Since it sounds like everyone else is okay with you not being comfortable with any knowledge, I'd be surprised if it'd be a problem for you to maintain a few boundaries about it, even after you've put in a lot of work to being more open.👍
Since you mentioned already that you're uncomfortable with her sharing things she'd done with others, I'd like to offer three points to that specifically.
Congrats fr fr on that self-awareness! 🧠Legit you should be proud
You can start small here too. If you're not ready to know full details about something, but want to try something, maybe just ask her to give you a one-sentence summary when you ask how it went so you can practice!
I want to offer you a reframing here. I think you're likely feeling insecure when she mentions fun with her other partners because your thought is something sorta like "she has so much fun with them, she can't even stop thinking about it when she's with me... she must like that more..." . . . But what if... instead... you worked on replacing that thought with something like "she loves me so much, she wants to share even her special experiences from her other partners with me"? Does that feel more wholesome? and do you think that paints your partner in a kinder light, too?
I wish you the very best of luck, but quite frankly, I don't think you need it. I think you've done very well so far, and will continue to do so under your own power. And I do hope you feel powerful for tackling this.
And as always, I LIVE for updates. I'm proud of you!! 💙💖🖤🥰
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suffarustuffaru · 10 months
why the emilia camp thinks otto is their most threatening member 👍
i see some people being confused on why the emilia camp collectively seems to agree that otto is the biggest threat there for some reason and like. yeah. i get it.
but let me explain real quick why i think it makes sense for the emilia camp to think that :O !!
otto though is disarming because. well okay look at him he doesnt look threatening at all. he has the looks and personality of a wet cat. hes whiny. hes cringe fail. he gets stressed out with paperwork. he looks like you could just smack him around like a bug. he HAS been smacked around like a bug. but that makes him unpredictable because apart from roswaal, he is the Most Amoral one there. you can expect roswaal to be trying some shit, but youd never know when to expect otto is planning something. his moral compass is just “does this benefit me or my loved ones in some way? if not, then its gonna be gone 🥺”.
sure, he does nice things sometimes out of the goodness of his heart. he genuinely means well a lot of the time.
but also then you read the shit hes thinking in his internal dialogue and its like.
“should i go save some girl i dont even know from bandits??? hmm lemme think for a couple minutes. im the only one that can help rn… some guy claiming to be her dad is begging me to help his daughter, but also hes kind of annoying… but i dont even live in this city so why should i help… or Care. actually. but i feel kinda bad about this girl… but also this is gonna put me and my profits in danger… but if i reject helping then im forever gonna be known as the guy who abandoned them and then i wont be able to make any sales in this city anymore :<<<< ……anyway im gonna help them then lol im so smart.” and then he gets captured by the exact same bandits anyway so hes like “well okay now me and this girl might be sold into slavery so i might as well save both of us or ill feel bad ☝️☝️”
(yes. yes this is genuinely ottos thought process if you read through the Otto's Bittersweet Peddling Log side story.)
except all the back and forth Calculation he does in his head Stays In His Head and doesnt match up with his outward appearance most of the time. which means that sometimes his words dont match up with his actions. “dont be surprised if i leave at the first sign of danger,” he says, right after risking his life and writing a suicide note over a dude hes known for like four days. “ahah thanks for giving me a vacation to see my family…” he says, damn well knowing he cant go back home yet otherwise he’ll get sniped by assassins. “im gonna give you some of my own money bounty money to help you BUT BUT BUT DONT THINK THAT IM NICE OR ANYTHING I NEED MOST OF THE MONEY FOR REPAIRS OK YOU CAN ONLY HAVE A BIT :<<<“
this also means that whenever otto says or does something Particularly Questionable, all his friends are still kinda blindsided by it because otherwise otto seems Mostly Fine in comparison to whatever the hell everyone else has going on. hes just a wet pathetic cat of a guy ahah. theres nothing more going on with h—
“if everyone in vollachia dies but rem and natsuki-san live, then we’ve won. if everyone in vollachia lives but rem and natsuki-san die, then we’ve lost.”
um otto can you repeat that. what the fuck did you just say.
otto looks Mostly Normal, Just Stressed Out or Somewhat Chilling the vast majority of the time, and then he whacks you over the head with a steel chair. like can you imagine being garfiel and learning that this pathetic rag of a man is actually pretty brave when it counts. youre like “oh cool lol we kinda beat each others asses and i was Annoyed but now that thats all over i got some newfound respect for you!!” and then you read through his diary and hes got a suicide note in there, which is like. okay fine whatever hes kind of a clown just like my New Captain lol but hes dedicated to his friends, ill give him that. and then a year later you find your now brother figure (whos also lowkey highkey an alcoholic) with a broken hand after punching a wall because he couldnt do his Lets Abandon 50 Million People Plan and youre just sitting there going
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and okay dont get me wrong—subaru is Batshit Crazy. in Multiple Incomprehensible Ways. if the emilia camp (or Anyone. At All.) knew about all the shit hes done and been through with rbd, subaru would INSTANTLY be skyrocketing up the Most Threatening People list. but at the same time subarus less threatening than otto in the sense that subarus Always going to want to do good. hes Always going to want to save everyone. hes Extremely forgiving, on top of that. he goes along picking up friends everywhere he goes in his own Incomprehensible Unhinged Way and hes fond of All of them.
otto? yeah his opinion of you could shift on a dime and you could end up in his personal shit list unless youre one of the *checks list* *clears throat* maybe like ten people he cares about. and even if youre on the I Care About You! :) list, he could still get pissed enough at you to, i dont know, punch a wall over you? and spiral into obsession? and even if hes not upset at you hes still gonna mansplain manipulate malewife his way to his goals <33
and yeah of course subaru is also Mansplain Manipulate and Gaslight Gatekeep but at least he has way more good intentions AND his attitude about it is gonna be like "sorry :<<< i just gotta do this for your sake :<<<<<< :((( haha dont worry about it". subaru would never ever want to do anything big to hurt his loved ones (except for rbd). while otto doesnt even bat an eye. everyone can be manipulated if he has to. he goes down his list of Things I Need To Do and goes "yeah that had to be done. oh well. anyway i got more shit to do (like maybe kill a toddler lol)"
also lets talk about roswaal's perspective really quick. post-arc 4 hes like "well subaru-kun is always gonna want to save everyone and hes doing a pretty good job of things in general so whatever lol. i can still keep him in check by killing everyone if even one of his friends dies :)". so its like. YEAH subarus an Unhinged Wildcard. roswaal knows that. but right now subaru is more predictable and also again, roswaal knows he can keep subaru in check by making subaru have to reset if roswaal really needs to.
but otto? yeah ottos second in line for being an Unhinged Wildcard. but whats even worse is that otto is Basically Subaru but More Calculating and with a moral backbone thats Near Nonexistent. roswaal was genuinely concerned for otto in arc 8 for once and there was still Literally No Stopping Otto from being a stubborn little shit whos hell bent on all the maladjusted insane mentalities hes got floating around in his head, half of which he doesnt even say out loud, and all of which he thinks is Completely Right and that theres Nothing Wrong with what hes doing.
and also otto being underestimated and Not In The Tome was a big help as to how subaru got the win over roswaal in arc 4 👍and then otto Continues to try keeping an eye on roswaal after arc 4, to the point of getting roswaal's tome and actively trying to investigate roswaal's actions, so roswaal is Very Aware that otto is. a bit of a threat. roswaal of course is smarter and more powerful than otto though, but that still doesnt change the fact that otto is still capable of being a threat if roswaal doesnt Also kind of keep an eye on otto back. because roswaal kind of lost to otto already in arc 4!!
but okay, on top of all of this, no one knows the full extent of whats going on with otto, not even roswaal (though he has his Suspicions), and most definitely not subaru yet (whos Still a bit of an otto apologist anyway), and otto is already a bit menacing even without knowing All of that. and the rest of the emilia camp are already a bit more lenient with roswaal (as hes seemingly chilled out after arc 4 + they all need him still). that, and you can easily Expect roswaal post-arc 4 to be suspicious and Probably up to something. you wont know what it is, but you wont Exactly be surprised when it happens.
and also roswaal isnt publicly batshit crazy like otto is. otto of course isnt as Openly Weird as subaru, but otto is still Openly Unhinged and Pathetic. just look at him declaring julius and anastasia, HIS CAMP'S ALLIES, as enemies right to their faces alsdfjlsdjfl.
and with subaru, there is Zero doubt in the emilia camp's minds that subaru wants the best for them and everyone around them.
otto though? yeah he also wants whats best for the camp. he Cares about them, he really does. but hes so obviously Questionable by the time you get to arc 8 to the point where the entire rest of the camp starts eyeing him like this:
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theres also the fact that ottos dp allows him to have eyes and ears Everywhere so long as he doesnt overuse it. that paired with his Intelligence, Stubbornness, and Lack of Morals or self-awareness/sometimes guilt/regret over his actions is dangerous. theres a reason why gluttony if subaru decided to flood The Entire Surrounding Area Around Otto. the flood took away the potential army otto couldve made out of the animals and allies otto had in the city, and once you do that, whats otto going to do against someone like shaula? all of ottos power regarding his People Skills and Animal DP was stripped away.
but if that Isnt stripped away... well honestly otto can do whatever the hell he wants the moment he figures out a solid plan to try and get what he wants. his biggest ability at the core of what makes him dangerous is his ability to quite Literally be in the background. so long as hes underestimated, so long as he still has secrets, no ones gonna know the full extent of his bullshit!! you cant stop him if you dont even realize what hes going to do, and hes Good at doing that!!
and if gluttonybaru hadnt taken out otto, subaru would be skyrocketing right to the top of ottos shit list after subaru literally just killed All of ottos (and previously subarus.) loved ones. otto wouldnt stop until he figured out how to destroy subaru. its to the point where im pretty sure if otto had to choose between destroying half the world vs kill gluttonybaru once and for all, otto would certainly choose one of those options in a Heartbeat.
anyway. if youre an emilia camp member, and you see the dude whos in charge of the Vast Majority of the factions political affairs, the guy who you Know is very intelligent and competent and determined when it counts, say shit like "if everyone dies in this entire country i wouldnt even give a single flying fuck as long as our friends get back safe and sound :) it would be such a loss if the entire country lived but our friends didnt :<<<" OF COURSE I WOULD BE LIKE YEAH THAT GUY IS THE MOST DANGEROUS ONE HERE. HE HAS THE SKILLS AND THE MOTIVATION TO BACK UP THAT STATEMENT AND I WONT EVEN KNOW WHEN ITD HAPPEN. he also has the Mental Instability to back that up too, given the amount of times he spends drinking and Raging and Being Terribly Anxious over Every Little Thing.
youll be sweating buckets being wary of otto while ottos casually standing there with his wet cat looks and a knife in your back.
and otto has, for the most part, some of the most normal trauma compared to a bunch of people in this cast (not to discount ottos trauma and pain or anything but its true lajdsfls sorry otto. but also im not sorry because arc 5 was partially on you T^T). he doesnt have rbd, he doesnt have some weird family drama bullshit going on like the astreas or emilias family or the segmunts, he hasnt been erased by gluttony, etc etc. but hes still like this. if you put him in subarus position and gave him rbd, he would get even worse than he already is.
yeah so anyway thats my quick rambley psa about why i think it makes sense that the emilia camp's voted otto as the most threatening one there 👍
but the fact that we (the audience) (or at least some of us!!) keep questioning why the hell the emilia camp thinks otto is the biggest threat there is means that otto's funny silly guy image is. Kind of Working??? just a little bit.
because. granted. of course i think subaru is easily the most threatening person there with both His Flavor of Insanity and rbd. subaru is an eldritch horror in every single way. but at the same time - hes an eldritch horror who thinks friendship is the best magic of all T^TT !!! he FORGIVES PEOPLE WHO'VE KILLED AND TORTURED HIM. hes not threatening in this sense - the fact that hes kind of just way too nice in this sense!!! granted yes, he IS abusing rbd and Terrifying and Threatening in a multitude of ways, but i'd rather take my chances with mainbaru over main otto right now HAH T^TT at least subaru will apologize and start bawling his eyes out if he stabs some random innocent civilian and stranger in the gut for Some Necessary Reason!! otto would feel a bit bad and then completely Eradicate that feeling of guilt with "i had to do it. it was them or me so no regrets <3".
because otto..................... yeah otto is the Worlds Most Pathetic Yandere to his whole camp.
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godbirdart · 1 year
Congrats on your soon-to-be titlessness! If you don't mind my input I've got some advice on recovery based on what I've found docs don't always tell people.
-get a shower chair. Even a plastic lawn chair will do, but showering after major surgery is SO tiring
-drainage is gonna be so much grosser than you think and that's cool and fine and normal
-the padded wrapping that goes under the compression vest to keep things clean can be kind of expensive? So if you don't want to buy them, clean menstrual pads are actually a completely fine alternative
-wear button ups and kimono type robes during recovery, cause you won't be able to lift your arms for a really long time
-major torso surgery leaves people bloated for up to a month. Pair that with no tits when you're used to seeing tits and you're gonna feel really dismorphic for a while. Like the bug worm guys from MiB. This is also normal so no worries 👍
-I don't know your personal support system so if you don't have family or friends who can take care of you in the couple weeks directly after the surgery, you should stock up on ready made meals. Everything is exhausting after surgery.
Enjoy your flat chest and best of luck!!
!!! MANY THANK YOUS FOR THIS i hope it's okay i go ahead and post this for anyone else that might be goin through tiddy-b-gone surgery in the future!!
didn't know about the bloating so i will keep that in mind!!! cannot wait to be a WORM for a bit
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mikuni14 · 9 months
The Sign - Ep 7
First of all, as always, I will officially ignore all the cop stuff, the doctor discussing his patient's condition and giving his data without a court order, how a person with a mental disorder is treated, and the meme quotes from Paulo Coelho 🙃 (It's interesting that the Dr. Chewconcretemotherfucker treated both art Art and Tharn 🤔)
It never ceases to amaze me how much Phaya has NO control over his face and his behavior in Dr. ChUNT's presence lmao. And how all Tharn gives him is basic politeness, and how it must be apparent to anyone interested (including Dr. Changinghisnameisapublicservice) that Tharn, his heart, and his body belong to someone else. So what exactly is he trying to achieve? The only thing left for him is to actually end this relationship in a drastic way… "So don't worry, I will see him to his bed" I bet your ass that you will Phaya! 😆 I'm 100% sure the only thing your bird brain registered is "I" and "Tharn" and "bed" 👍
Somehow, in this episode, Tharn was able to de-escalate the situation between Phaya and Dr. Chanceyougettharniszeroyoucunt (with just one sentence), and he was also able to confess why he was the way he was (it took him one sentence as well). This is what I wanted in last episode, but what we only got now to fit the plot… *sigh*
I really liked the scene of Phaya trying to explain himself to Tharn: he's freaking out, not controlling his emotions, grabbing Tharn's hands.. and those broken sentences, grimaces on his face, visible nervousness and distress. And how Tharn is worried about what he sees (that deep crease between his eyebrows), trying to hide his worry, comforting him. Phaya's line: "Just tell me you forgive me and all these symptoms would probably go away" floored me. That's some old romance novel shit, it gets me every time! 😍
Phaya and Tharn's conversation in the archive was great, making Phaya's position on being in a relationship clear. Tharn's reaction to what Phaya says and when he asks what would he do? Really nice, as Tharn shows mostly with his eyes how much it all affects him..
I love Phaya and how persistent he is, how he doesn't give up, how he treats all obstacles to his happy relationship with Tharn as something that simply needs to be overcome and that's it 😄 That's why he follows him like a dog, uses every opportunity to be with him and creates his own opportunities. Like inviting Tharn to his nest house to disarm him with his family, food and cat and ultimately WIN him. Which of course works! Who would have guessed, Phaya actually has some game after all lmao
The scene at Phaya's house was so sweet! Tharn is so loving and gentle with the cat, immediately noticing Namami, unconsciously petting him just beacuse he is within his arm reach, which is what cat people do without thinking. I love how everyone just passed the cat between them lol
I liked Tharn having fun, being relaxed, the way Phaya shows him around his nest, the way he talks to him about himself. Tharn staring at the eagle painting…
Ohhh, and we have a perfect confession. As it should be, because Phaya is so serious when it comes to Tharn: it was long, honest, romantic without exaggeration or cringe. It's nice that Tharn didn't interrupt him and made an emotional confession himself. I'm not surprised that Tharn gave in because everything had been building up to this point. The way he saw Phaya freaking out, the way Phaya kept pushing, the whole "love" atmosphere of their current case certainly made him think too. Tharn himself tells Phaya not to press him, suggesting that he doesn't have the strength to resist, because as Tongthai even said earlier, you can't "fall out of love." You can't just shut down your feelings and desires. And Tharn FEELS it and oh god how much he wants it. And what I think convinced him was that Phaya didn't dismiss his worries with the traditional "don't worry" or "everything will be fine" or worse, "you're exaggerating, it's just a delusion." No, Phaya took his fears upon himself, saying that HE would try not to leave THARN, taking the burden of keeping Phaya alive off Tharn's shoulders. "I'll do whatever it takes so that you won't be sad or lose me", because his life is his responsibility, not Tharn's. What Phaya did was notice Tharn's worry, recognize it, take it upon himself, and let Tharn relax. That's why I'm not surprised that Tharn allowed himself a moment of happiness, to reach for what he wants. Perhaps it's a moment of weakness that he will regret later, but come on, Tharn is not made of steel! He's just a cute lil' guy and he's in love and horny! 😭 Oh, but this confession had its beautiful moments: "I really want to have you by my side in every day of my life" "This is the best I can do, please don't force me" "I promise not to leave you"
Love scene: YES. I love Phaya when, before they started, he takes a deep breath, as if he's finally at peace, because this is it, he FINALLY has everything he wants, everything is right with the world. And then he just go for it. I fucking love predatory, hungry Phaya. I love the pliant Tharn, how he's almost always with his back to Phaya in an act of sweet submission and ultimate trust. Phaya had moments as if he couldn't believe that they were together and when he realized that yes, this was really happening, he became even more passionate, as if he couldn't get enough of Tharn. It was incredibly hot. There was a lot of heavy breathing, pulling on skin, tight embraces, intense caresses, hungry looks. And am I seeing things or there was a scene of Tharn nodding his consent and implication that Phaya was preparing him? 👀 Anyway, the scene was an intoxicating mix of Phaya and Tharn's fantasies: it was pretty, pink, emotional and hot.
When I finally see them together, I'm as happy as Phaya with a naked, tattooed, wet Tharn in the shower 😄💖🥳 everything is right with the world.
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Aidlyn oneshot - It's Not Romantic, I Swear.
Requested by ServingDumbassBlonde on AO3 <3
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Ashlyn felt like she was about to have her brain explode. She was texting Taylor with big, long, ranting paragraphs (which is nothing like her at all).
-Ashlyn: I don't know what to do, Taylor. He won't get out of my head and I really want to punch a wall, but, like, in a good way?? But also in a panicky way. I've never felt panicky and now I'm angry because I feel panicky and now I'm angry at Aiden because HIS DUMB FACE WON'T GET OUT OF MY HEAD.
-Taylor: Holy crap.. Ashlyn.. I think you have a crush on Aiden!
Ashlyn fumbled as she read the message, nearly dropping her phone but catching it just on time. A crush? On Aiden, of all people?! No. Absolutely not. That is ridiculous, stupid, and most of all, DUMB.
-Ashlyn: No I do not! Aiden is so annoying and loud and has no sense of personal space. Plus, I've never had a crush. Ever. And I intend for it to stay that way forever.
Taylor couldn't help but giggle at Ashlyn's texts. It's so unlike her. Usually she would just text things like "OK" or "👍" or "Don't be idiots" or "Have you done the homework?". Nothing like this. Taylor likes this side of Ashlyn. Vulnerable and more like a human who has immovable patience and levelheadedness.
-Taylor: Ashlyn, I think you should just think about it for a bit. Has Aiden ever done or said anything to you that made you see him in a different light?
Ashlyn sadly had several moments she could think of. Aiden saving her from a phantom and holding her close, Aiden checking if she was OK in the hospital and brushing her hand with his, Aiden nudging her foot in the living room before going to bed when she was busy being stressed, Aiden just... being there.
But Ashlyn couldn't say that. Hell. No.
-Ashlyn: I'm going to bed.
She shut off her phone and slammed it on her nightstand, hiding her face in the pillows. She still had a couple of hours until she and the others will be in the phantom dimension. And she knew she won't be able to sleep until then.
Taylor couldn't help but giggle at the final message. She's such a cat Taylor thought.
"Hey, Tay," Tyler says, stepping into their shared bedroom. He had a new pair of black studs in his ears after re-piercing them with Aiden (who had literally begged him nonstop for entire week to pierce his ears for him).
"Ohhh, nice new earrings!" Taylor said, doing a silly wolf whistle, getting an eye roll out of him.
"Thanks. Anyways, can I borrow your phone?"
"Sure. But what for?"
"Mine is dead and I need to text Aiden proper piercing maintenance before he gets an ear infection in the first night."
Taylor chuckled as she handed him her phone. "Is that even possible?"
"With him? Probably."
Tyler opens up his sister's phone and is met with a text conversation between her and Ashlyn. Usually, Tyler wouldn't care. Why would he? Ashlyn is just blunt and annoying. But this was something he couldn't help but get curious about. Ashlyn was sending huge, long paragraphs of some sort of rant. Very unlike her. This he had to see. So what if that made him a snoop?
He read through the messages quickly and felt his jaw drop. Taylor looked over and noticed her brother's expression. "What's with that look?"
"Ashlyn likes Aiden?!"
Taylor screams and snatches her phone away. "Don't read my conversations!"
"Holy shit, is she brain dead?!"
"Don't be so mean! I think that they're adorable!"
"Of course you do!"
"Ugh! Just get out!"
"But I sleep in here!"
"I don't care! Tonight I get both bunks! Now, shoo!"
Tyler rolled his eyes, still dumbfounded as he stepped out of the room. Seriously, Ashlyn likes Aiden? What awful taste, really.
He settles onto the couch and Taylor gets on the bottom bunk. Simultaneously, all 6 of them fell asleep together.
The 6 of them met where they left off last night. They were in their camp. A phantom had somehow managed to get through and now they were trying to find where it could have come from.
"I think it's west," Ashlyn says as they catch up with each other.
"I agree with Ashlyn!" Aiden says, looking over at her with a smile that said 'I only say this because Ashlyn said it'. He often had this look when she speaks.
Ashlyn averts her eyes and hunches over slightly, hating, hating, hating whatever this was. Ugh! He trusts her so much and so fully, it made her sickeningly happy. It didn't help that he had new piercings that she thought he looks weirdly good in and UGH STOP IT, BRAIN.
Tyler felt like gagging at the two lovebirds. "It can't be west. All the lights are working there. It has to be south. The lights are dimming there."
Ashlyn narrows her eyes at him and takes a step forward. "It couldn't be south, either. The walls are way too solid over there for anything like that. And dim lights or not, it still deters the phantoms. West is also closer to the trees, where the phantoms could have more shade."
Tyler glares at her. "No way it's west. It would make no sense for it to be there. Logan is patrolling there all the time."
"He could've missed something."
"No way. He has way too sharp of an eye for that."
Logan felt like interjecting here. "I could have totally missed something, Tyler."
"No, it just makes no logical sense. It has to be the south."
The two began to yell at one another, and Tyler resulted to yelling out of pure frustration, "You have no right to think you're smart about anything, you literally have a crush on Aiden!"
The entire group went quiet and Tyler immediately regretted his words. He had gone too far. He has a bad habit of not thinking before he speaks.
Everyone stared at Ashlyn and Aiden had to suck in a breath to try and slow his heartbeat as best as possible.
"I.. I do... I don't.." But Ashlyn was an awful liar. Her red face wasn't helping, either. "I don't!" she yells again, looking at the rest of the group.
Taylor looked absolutely guilt ridden and Tyler looked like he wanted to jump off a cliff because he felt so awkward and angry with himself.
Ashlyn then looks at Aiden, who is just staring. And that just makes this all the worse!
"I... UGH!" She storms away from the rest, flipping the bird at Tyler, which is probably the most irrationally angry anyone had ever seen her.
Aiden was about to go after her, but Taylor puts a hand on his shoulder. "Give her some space."
But Aiden felt like her had to talk to her. If this was true, if this was real, then... then everything would be.. it could be... he had to see if this was true. He had to. But he knew Taylor was right.
So, for the rest of the night, the group inspected both walls, and came to the finding that Ashlyn was in fact correct about her suspicions of the west wall, which made Tyler feel even worse.
The next day, at school, Ashlyn didn't show up.
"Should I text her?" Aiden asked. He really, really wanted to talk to her. To see her face. Hear her voice. Her her say it herself. The words that he so desperately wants to hear are true.
But Taylor just shook her head. "Just leave her be. My stupid brother seriously hurt her pride."
"But what's so pride-hurting about liking me?" Aiden asked, trying to make it sound like a joke, but deep inside he was hurting that the mere idea of her liking him could be some shameful, humiliating thing.
"Probably because you're annoying," Tyler said bluntly.
"Sorry, sorry, I'll shut up.."
Taylor let's out a sigh and turns back to Aiden. "It's just that.. you know how she likes to be in complete control of how she feels and stuff. She doesn't like not being in control. So being alone will give her a sense of control over her life. So let's give her that."
Aiden slumped in his chair, Ben giving him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.
That night when they all fell asleep, Ashlyn busied herself with work, avoiding everyone else, especially Aiden. This was really starting to annoy him. He tried to follow her around as she was reloading riffles, fixing lights, and whatever else she could do. But he just couldn't keep up with her.
At school, she showed up, but sat at a different desk.
Seriously!? Let me talk to you! Aiden thought, absolutely miserable. He hated this! He hated it so much. He wanted to hear her say it. To hear if it was true. Please, please let it be true. The more time goes on, the more painful it gets.
Ashlyn didn't even show up at lunchtime.
"You're a complete idiot," Taylor said, looking over at her brother.
"I'm sorry, ok! I've sent hundreds of messages to Ash apologizing and she hasn't responded once!"
"I can't blame her!"
Aiden stands up, hating to hear the fighting any longer.
"Tyler," he says. "You are stupid. Really stupid. But you may have helped me out."
"Huh-?" But before Tyler could say anything, Aiden was sprinting out of the cafeteria in search of Ashlyn. Ben tried to reach out and grab him to stop him, but just missed.
Aiden zoomed through the halls, looking in every possible place she could be, narrowly avoiding teachers who would scold him and waist his time.
He ran up the stairs, looking in all the empty classrooms, clubs rooms, anywhere. He ran past the dance studio, where he heard music.
He stopped in his tracks and looked at the door. He very slowly approached it before peaking in. There he saw a figure.
She was moving fast, her body angry and thrashing while still keeping its elegant form, landing each jump and pirouette with rageful grace. Her hair was like a blazing fire, spinning around her form like the flames wanted to eat her alive.
Aiden opened the door, the creaking of it immediately made her stop and she whipped her head around to face him. Immediately, she looked like a cornered wild animal, ready to pounce to escape.
"Ashlyn. Can we please talk?"
She doesn't say anything as she looks around for any sort of escape.
"Please. I think I have the right to know what's going on?"
"Shut up," she spits out. This is the first time he's heard her speak in days. It was like music to his ears.
"Please, cmon. Yknow I never get this serious."
She clenched her fists, shaking angrily as she turns away. "What do you want?"
"I just.. wanna make sure you're ok."
"I'm fine!" she yells. "Happy?"
He laughs and tilts his head to observe her. "You don't look it."
"I.. ugh! I.. am fine. I'm fine! I'm in complete control and I'm not on the verge of punching someone in the face or on the verge of crying or anything like that! I AM FINE!"
He takes a step forward, trying to remain slow. He pulls his hoodie over his head and tightly pulls the string, the hoodie overtaking his face.
"I don't see anything," he says.
Such a goofy, Aiden way to show that he cares. Damnit..
She sucks in a breath and lets out a scream of frustration. She might be crying. That was weird. She never does. Why now?
"Damnit, damnit! I've never felt like this and I don't know how to handle it. All my nerves are in fight or flight. Everything is exciting but scary and I hate it!" she yells, kicking the wall.
He nods along to her words, keeping his eyes blinded with his hoodie as not to embarass her.
"And for some reason.. Some reason.. I like you. I think. Ugh! You won't get out of my head. I want you to comfort me and I want to squeeze you so tight that you suffocate. And in a good way!"
Aiden goes completely quiet now. She said it. She actually said it. And so matter-of-factly. Wow.. But he had to keep his cool, for her sake.
Aiden stays silent as she takes in deep, slow breaths before saying, "Can I look now?"
She pauses before answering with, "No."
"Why not?"
"Because-!" she stops herself. Because she's so embarrassed and if she were to see his stupid, stupid face right now, she might just crumble. She might just melt. She might just completely fall in love.
He takes a step forward, a small one since he can't see where he's going. "Ash." His voice is muffled through the fabric.
"Stop it.." she says, covering her ears in defiance.
"I like you," he says.
"Shut up."
She grabs his hoodie and pulls it down. He sees her face. Her eyes are down and her face is redder than her hair. She looks almost ashamed.
"I don't know what I'm doing," she says, frowning deeply.
"I don't either!" he says with a wide smile.
He takes her hand, and she lets him. She doesn't know why.
"I like you," he says again.
"I heard you the first time."
"Can you say it again, then?"
He laughs, his shoulders shaking from his own nervousness, but also his joy. "That's ok. Take your time."
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quinloki · 2 months
Okay so building off of the previous ask
Yan wbp with marine reader
What if the party/celebration last multiple days and you use that time to get to know them? Everyone is under strict rules not to attack others and there are people overlooking the whole thing so nothing shady happens.
There are games, drinks, food, music, even a lake so everyone can swim, anything you can think of
You could know them outside of the event and finally get to talk while not in battle or you could just want to see the legends in the flesh but you meet them either way. Sparking up conversation with ace is pretty easy considering there’s a high chance you’ve fought him before and talking about the food and making some bets with him is a no brainer.
Around the second to third day Izou ends up walking over and offering some drinks with some of the calmer commanders and you get to chatting, it’s also easy conversation. Asking about how they’ve been and that you’re totally going to beat them the next time you meet as well as telling them about your promotion soon.Pops is listening in and making note to keep an eye on you along with some others.
Getting asked to join the crew and acting surprised and dramatically turning it down “be a pirate?!? Never!!” And turning the question asking if they’d become a marine.
Playing volleyball with some of your stronger crew against them and losing terribly
Winning the bet with ace and him having to do whatever you say(within reason)
Trying thatch’s cooking for the first time
All that just to crumble when the clock hit 12:01 and battles start erupting and in all the chaos they come at you, izou flanking you from behind, Marco taking the front and thatch and ace covering your sides. You’re trapped. No way out.
The betrayal makes everything hurt less, too focused on your emotions and you make one two many mistakes.
To be fair you were holding up very nicely, you could’ve gotten away from them with some help but let’s not worry about that now.
The bag comes over your head and as your kicking and screaming all the way back to the moby dick where you’ll be a nice new addition to the crew.
I have no clue if it’s just the ocean devil fruit users can’t swim in but I’m gonna pretend it is 👍
OG ask
I like it - the extra details - and as for if Lake Swimming is possible it's hard to say actually. There's been some inconsistency with the lore of DF users and Sea Stone, but that's to be expected with 25+ years and counting.
Based on how I understand it, Lake Swimming would be out of the question, but swimming pools might not be bad if the water's filtered enough (the idea being that natural water has minerals and the minerals are the issue more than the water itself.) Since Baths and Springs don't have the minerals filtered out, this is why Luffy is seen being weakened in these situations.
But Lake swimming doesn't make or break the idea and the setup - and I like it.
I love the idea of a willful, strong, and fiery marine-darling spending weeks - if not months - as a tiny whirlwind of rage as these big power pirates try to break her without breaking her. It's a very delicate and fine line, and she's not exactly letting them handle her with finesse.
I imagine it becomes a sort of 100 fights thing like Ace had with Whitebeard. They let her fight all she wants, but the ship is their home turf. She's on her own and they aren't.
I can see plenty of questionable and tense moments. Tempers flare and why should they continue to be nice to her, hm? They're just vile pirates, since that's what she thinks and isn't changing her mind no matter how they accommodate her, then why hold back?
Why not take what they want? There's four of them, and one of her, and even if no one else in the crew gets involved, she's not going to be able to stop them. If she won't accept things rationally, then they'll just make her feel so good she won't be able to think enough to resist.
Endless pleasure wears one down just as much as endless pain, but this way they'll enjoy the process along with her. She just has to endure several times more pleasure than any of them and if they fold before her, then she's free to go.
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Halloween party 🎃👻 (part Colby x y/n)
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AUTHORS NOTE 📝 : so you guys voted for me to write this one I’m here it is. It’s a bit longer than the others I write but I’m still pretty proud of it. Let me know your ideas please. I’m kinda running out of ideas 💡. Anyways I worked hard so please like. 👍
CONTENTS: fluff, party, drinking, creepy guys (they don’t do anything though) smut (but not a lot bc I cut away)
To celebrate Halloween and the end of a successful hellweek. Sam and Colby are a having a Halloween party. Of course I came I use any excuse I have to hang out with my boyfriend Colby. And I absolutely love Halloween. Just because I didn’t have a costume doesn’t mean that I couldn’t dress festive.
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When I get there it’s crazy packed. I see Sam and Colby in the crowd however and meet him.
“y/n I’m glad you came. Happy Halloween” Sam says
“you look really hot” Colby tells me after sam walks away to talk to someone
“you do too” I smirk as we join the party. We mingled and dance for a bit. I kept thinking about how Colby looks so hot in his shirt. They had some sort of alcoholic punch. The party was getting really wild. People we’re making out in the hallway and getting very drunk. I heard a breaking of glass from another corner of the house where a fight broke out. People we pushing each other into the pool. And outside there was a keg stand. There were so many people there it was massive. The punch was really good but I have no idea what was in it. “Colbs can you please get me another drink?”
A few minutes after Colby left two men came up to me. Neither were very attractive and one of them was clearly drunk.
“hey baby” one of them said “how you doing?”
“fine” I answered flatly
“come on, come upstairs with us” the other man said slurring his words a bit.
“I have a boyfriend!” I angrily replied
he grabbed my hand “well I don’t see him” I started to pull my hand away but he held on tighter.
“He right here” Colby said in a low angry tone. he was seething.
“woah there pal, we haven’t done anything”
“Colby, let’s go” I say pulling him away to his room where we can talk quietly. He sat on his bed and I sat next to him.
“Are you mad at me? You know I don’t like him. I told him I had a boyfriend.
“No it’s just.” He sighes “I love you y/n and it’s hard for me to see people look at you like your an object”
my heart swelled with love “oh colbs” I wrapped my hands around his neck. And I kissed him. He responded my deepening the kiss and running his fingers through my hair. I grabbed his shirt collar and kissed him roughly. He then started to attack my neck with hickeys. They felt so good. It was amazing. I get on get lap and take off his shirt. I run my fingers down his chest. He eagerly takes my shirt off and rips my bra not able to wait another moment. He then crashes his lips into mine in a very heated kiss.
(listen to this when you read the chapter idk how to get it so it’s not just a preview but listen to it from beginning)
When I wake up my legs are so incredibly sore. I get up and steal some of Colby’s pjs. His flannel pants and t-shirt. I inhale the smell of the t-shirt. It smells like him. It was comforting. He got out of the shower
“Oh your awake. How do you feel?”
“after last night? Incredibly sore. I can barely walk”
He laughed ”should we go assess the damage?
There was absolute carnage. Majority of the poeple made it home safely. But there was still a lot of drunk people passed out in the hallways. There was glitter everywhere, and don’t ask me why I don’t even know. The beer cans and bottles were scattered everywhere.
“all right all right everyone out!” I said as I woke them up from their trance. I had to bust some people out of closets where they had hooked up. As everyone was waking up I went and looked in the mirror.
“aw fuck” I whispered as I looked at the massive amount of hickeys Colby had given me. But I still don’t regret it. Once everyone was Finally out we and Colby wiggled up to each other to watch a movie. It was a scary movie to celebrate Halloween. But I didn’t feel scared at all. Not with Colby’s arms around me. With him I feel safe and protected. He kisses me warm and tender. It’s sweet and I don’t want this moment to end. And for a very long time it doesn’t. For the rest of the day we sit together watching movies. Content in each other’s company.
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jazzical1914 · 8 months
A little self-indulgent possibility that could play out with Phil's lore when the server is back up. I'm absolutely terrible at actually writing fics out, but the idea grabbed hold of me pretty much fully formed and wouldn't go away until I wrote it down lol, so enjoy 👍
(If anyone wants to take this and make it a proper fic, please please do so and tell me so I can read your version of it 😄)
[ ] Phil, Pomme & Richarlyson rescue Baghera and Cellbit from Egg Island by outsmarting the Watcher and escaping on a boat
[ ] While they are celebrating the Watcher speaks to them and, angry at Phil, says there's someone he's been stopping from getting at Phil as he wanted the pleasure of destroying him himself, but he's revoking the 'protection' he'd been giving by not letting them find Phil
[ ] Everyone else is confused, but Phil gets what he means immediately and is terrified, suddenly realising how far away from Rose's protection he is
[ ] Almost immediately a black and purple void appears under/around Phil and starts to suck him in. The others try to save him, but they pass straight through the void without being affected by it or able to affect it and they can't pull Phil out
[ ] Phil is terrified and half begging them to get him out, half already resigned to the fact the Ender King has him. Eventually, the void swallows him completely, leaving Pomme, Richarlyson, Cellbit and Baghera safe and heading home, but having lost Phil
[ ] They get back to Quesadilla Island and people are thrilled to see them, but word spreads about Phil and people are devastated, since I'm pretty sure no one's character actually even dislikes Phil, they're all neutral at worst (even qQuackity was happy enough being cellmates with Phil) (other than Sunny, but I mean players)
[ ] After discussing with everyone about the void etc. everyone concludes it must be something to do with the End. Fit, Chayanne and Tallulah tell everyone about the visions and what he'd said about the Ender King and how scared Phil was at the idea of being taken by him
[ ] Etoiles says he's got everything he needs already to travel to the End, assuming nothing is blocking the way through to the dimension. At that point roses spawn and a chest appears covered in vines with a book in it.
[ ] Etoiles tries to read it, but it just looks like a lot of glitched text. They're a bit confused until Chayanne puts down a sign saying Missa should read it, since he already has Rose's protection from being able to access the Sanctuary
[ ] Missa can read it and it is from Rose apologising that she wasn't able to protect Phil and confirming he is now completely out of her range, so he is almost certainly in the Ender King's realm. The little power she and the others invested in Philza can bring together will be enough to be able to force the entrance to the End open for a short while, letting the Islanders in to rescue Phil if they will attempt it
[ ] Multiple people are immediately on board, with others agreeing shortly after. It's concluded that it's probably not a good idea for the eggs to go to the end to fight the dragon since it's so dangerous, but Chayanne, Tallulah, Richarlyson, Pomme, Dapper and Ramon riot at the idea of not going and eventually it's decided that everyone will go so that they all stick together
[ ] Etoiles leads them all to a stronghold that he's already made a base at, in preparation for when the End opens, because of course he has. They all make last minute preparations and head in to fight the dragon
[ ] There's lots of very subtle ways that the Ender King is trying to mess with them during the fight with the dragon. It takes longer to spawn into the End initially, the obsidian platform is ludicrously far away from the end Island (and it takes some quick block placing and quick thinking to get everyone to link arms to stop people falling into the void immediately) etc
[ ] Etoiles, Fit, Bad etc. have all done this before so it doesn't take a huge amount of time before the dragon is defeated, at which point the teleport appears like normal but with some blue and light blue glass panes around it, looking a bit like rain
[ ] Fit volunteers to go first so that if it's a trap they still have Etoiles to lead the fight and before anyone can object he throws a pearl through the portal and disappears (he might have time to steal a proper kiss from his boyfriend for good luck though 😉)
[ ] Fit messages that it's safe to come through and he's put down a sharestone. Bad puts one down on their side as well and people start to teleport through. On the other side is Endlantis.
[ ] As people all gather and are in awe of the scenery, there's a disturbance in the middle of the water and then suddenly Phil appears, flying up above them then floating in front of them by lazily flapping his wings. A few people call out to him, happy to have found him and amazed that his wings have healed, but Chayanne and Tallulah both almost immediately put signs down saying that's not their dad.
[ ] Phil laughs and it becomes very clear immediately that it's really not Phil as his voice doesn't sound anything like normal, being warbly like an Enderman and piercing. His eyes also glow purple and purple/black sparks travel along his arms and wings
[ ] Possessed Phil welcomes them all to his realm and invites them to stay forever as he will not allow them to leave. He does some powerful things like teleporting things around and completely no-selling an attack to show how scary he is and why Phil was right to be terrified of him
[ ] The islanders are adamant that they are leaving and that they will be taking Phil with them. Possessed Phil laughs and invites them to try, then goes in for an attack on Fit, starting a massive fight
[ ] Pretty much everyone gets involved in the fight, with people shooting arrows where they have them and people who have lassos or grappling squocks trying to use them to get Phil out of the air but he's dodging everything. At some point someone says something about the Ender King powering up Phil's flying ability but Fit is just 'no, he's always like this' as he's fought Phil before while he could fly
[ ] While the fighting has been going on the eggs have been told to stay back and they have been as while all of them want to help, none of them actually want to try to hurt Phil. Tallulah and Chayanne desperately want to help somehow but don't know what to do until Tallulah pulls out her flute and starts playing it. Possessed Phil falters, finally taking a hit, then turns and snarls at the direction of the eggs
[ ] Everyone takes this as a sign that Phil is still in there and they need to keep trying to get through to him. Tallulah keeps playing and Pomme joins in, with Chayanne and Dapper taking point in protecting them and the other eggs and islanders around them. Possessed Phil is getting angrier and attacking more harshly but also more predictably, making it easier for people land hits as well as just blocking him. They're still taking a lot of damage, though, and eventually he hits people aside so that he gets through to where Tallulah and Chayanne are. He says something about getting rid of the nuisances and goes to attack Chayanne with no one close enough to stop him. Chayanne goes to block, but instead of stopping the attack he goes straight past and stabs Possessed Phil as Phil managed to stop his attack himself. He smiles bloodily at Chayanne, congratulating him on a job well done, then falls over like a puppet with its strings cut as the Ender King stops possessing him.
[ ] There's just enough time for Missa and others to gather around Phil and see that he's alive, if hurt, before the Ender King's voice rings out saying that his pet explorer has failed him for the last time and Phil starts screaming until he disappears, teleported away
[ ] The group panic for a second before realising that since Phil came out of the middle of the water, it's very likely that that's where the Ender King is. The group all go together since anywhere flat and not covered in water (even including the glass) is starting to get covered in Endermen. Everyone is being very careful to not look directly at any of them, but it's looking like they'll be safer in the water, even if it's closer to the big bad guy
[ ] They go to the centre and swim down a staircase under a giant dragon skull until it comes back up to a throne room that is out of the water. Phil is restrained up on the wall, unconscious, with his wings spread out like an insect on display. On the throne is the Ender King, entirely bones with glowing purple eyes.
[ ] The fight resumes as they want to rescue Phil, but they can't really do anything to damage him, while he is throwing people around and pulling endermen and shulkers from elsewhere in the End.
[ ] Bagi, Cellbit, Tubbo, AyPierre and Ramon had disappeared at one point but Bagi comes running back into the throne room yelling for everyone to get near the walls and to get Phil down. Cracks start to appear in the ceiling and the high pressure of the weight of the water above sends spray through the room
[ ] The Ender King starts trying to summon blocks to reinforce the ceiling and Fit, Pac and Mike take the opportunity while he's distracted to climb up and start getting Phil down off the wall
[ ] By the time they've got him off the wall the ceiling is gushing water and they can see drill heads starting to poke through. Cellbit and Tubbo run in saying how the Create machine they built (when they realised water would be key to getting themselves out and away from the Ender King) is now running on it's own in the last stages and everyone needs to get out
[ ] The Ender King is basically possessing his bones, but he can't actually move them so he's stuck. Phil has been fully unconscious until now, but the Ender King possesses him again to try and get away, but on the ground and submerged in water, Fit, Etoiles etc. are enough to keep him from doing anything. Possessed Phil snarls and threatens them, but they herd him up the stairs, away from the Ender King's body
[ ] The ceiling fully breaks through and water pours in, fully submerging the room. As the Ender King's bones are fully covered in water, Phil gasps awake as himself, with the Ender King retreating due to not being able to get at Phil while submerged
[ ] The islanders waste no time getting out of there, although a few people, including Phil, need some help getting back to the sharestone. Etoiles grumbles about finally being in a different dimension and not getting chance to actually gather any new materials
[ ] Once they are back at spawn there is general rejoicing and roses and vines spawn all over the area, a sign that Rose is very happy Phil is back. Chayanne and Tallulah both pick roses and give them to Phil. Phil thanks everyone for rescuing him and it's a happy ending 😊
[ ] Omake 1, Cucurucho/Federation workers appear and intend to arrest people for unauthorised dimension travel. However, vines keep tripping them or dragging them backwards so every time they try to approach they get pulled further away. Phil laughs himself silly
[ ] Omake 2, Etoiles heads back to the base he has at the stronghold and gathers up his expedition gear. He refills the eyes of ender on the portal that were used up in Rose etc's attempt to keep the portal open for the whole group to get through and jumps in... and ends up right back at spawn, with the End realm being blocked off again. Cue dramatic NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo...........😆
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