#and i was like bitch no that's a commodore
eonars · 6 months
saw an instagram reel where a woman was asking her coworkers their "hear me out" crush and they were saying shit like jack black and pete davidson and CILLIAN MURPHY and like okay clearly no one here is ready for a real hear me out scenario you ladies haven't seen an artist at work
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vaarians · 5 months
List of Terms: Chiss Ascendency Edition
(If I missed anything, please add in reblogs; I feel like I've forgotten stuff. Some of these are just assumptions based on the context around them.)
For all your Chiss Ascendency writing/roleplaying needs:
General Terms
Cheunh - Chiss Language
Minnisiat - Trade Language
Tybroic - Ancient language of the Stybla
Chaos - Name for the Unknown Regions by a native
Lesser Space - Main part of the Star Wars Galaxy
Syndicure - main governing body
Nine Ruling Families - head ruling body
Comm - Phone
Questis - Tablet
Data Cylinder - Storage Device
Univers - Universal Currency in the Chaos
Credit Chit - Money
Tube Car - Type of rail transport
Tube Car station - Rail Station
Skycar - Car
Skytruck - Truck
Dayroom - Sitting Room
Yapel - Waffles
Striped Fruit Squares - Poptarts
Nutpaste - a Nut Butter or Spread
Caccoleaf - coffee
Galara tealeaf - tea
Grillig-Juice packet - Capri Sun
Cooker - Oven/Stove
Nyix - Thicker metal used mainly in war ship building
Star Day - Birthday
Lurestick - electronic catch pole
Communication Triad - Three Poled device used to transmit communications across the Chaos. The bigger the Triad, the longer range the communication.
Yubals - Cows
Packbulls - a different breed of Cow? Donkey? Horse?
Whisperbird - hummingbird
Stingfly - Bee?
Whiskercub - Domesticated Cat
Groundlion - Big Cat
Growzer - Domesticated Dog
Firewolf - Type of Wild Dog
Blinkbirds - Hawk or Predator Bird
Nighthunter - Large constrictor serpent-like creature
Military Terms
Breacher - Missile with acid inside of it
Plasma Sphere - glop of fluid used to disable ships
Spectrum Lasers - Turbolasers tuned to a ship's electrostatic barrier frequency
Crippler Nets - electronic nets used to cripple ships electronics systems
Electrostatic Barrier - Type of ship shield
Gunboat - Starfighter
Missile boat - Starfighter
Heavy Cruiser - Destroyer type warship
Light Cruiser - Smaller warship
Patrol Cruiser - Smaller warship
Nightdragon Man of War - Largest Ship in the Fleet
Defense Fleet - Stays inside the Ascendency Border
Expansionary Defense Fleet - Protects the Ascendency from outside the limits of the Ascendency
Family Fleet - Fleets supplied by one of the Nine Ruling families
Military Ranks
Enlisted Ranks
Senior Cadet
Junior Warrior
Senior Warrior
Junior Commander
Senior Commander
Junior Captain
Senior Captain
Flag Ranks
Senior General
Fleet Admiral
Supreme General
Supreme Admiral
Political Ranks
Patriarch - head of family
Speaker - head of family in the Syndicure
Syndic Prime - head syndic
Syndic - member of the Syndicure
Patriel - handles family business on the planetary scale
Councilor - handles family business on the local level
Aristocra - mid-level member of the Nine Ruling families
Family Ranks
Merit Adoptive
Ranking Distant
Ruling Families
Forty Great Families
"Son of a growzer," - Son of a bitch
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t0ast-ghost · 6 months
OOOOHHH SOMEONES IN TROUBLE… Episode 21 (Court Martial):
- what… what is a commodore? What does this role mean?
- guys guys guys. Listen. He just got a little too silly
- McCoy doesn’t want Jim getting in ANOTHER bar fight
- Damn only Bones is on Kirk’s side here (and Spock obviously)
- The lawyer has a weirdly similar name to my own and it’s throwing me off
- Spock believing in Kirk so absolutely… goddamn
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- I like that they finally brought to notice how awkward all the certificate and award readings are
- IT WAS FLASHING RED LIGHTS FOR THE PAST COUPLE MINUTES OF THE VIDEO. You can see it CLEARLY reflected in hair! The emergency WAS engaged
- forgot I needed subtitles again :(
- Literally just mention chess. They’ll know what to do once you mention chess.
- Classic Bones and Spock fight… just kiss or smt
- Mr lawyer sir, just say that the computer is faulty… lead with that
- “white noise device” that is a microphone
- “Mr Spock eliminate his heartbeat” WHAT
- “beaten and sobbing” Kirk what did you do to him???
- “she’s a very good lawyer” McCoy and Spock just look away.
Episode 22 (The Return Of The Archons):
- Those first couple of lines seem like bad ADR
- WAIT wait wait SULU NO- damn he’s mind controlled …
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- Kirk waking up his boyfriends
- “Landru will know, they will come” https://youtu.be/GM1nBnksCoU?si=3D1hdDik9upaU088
- “THIS IS MY BOOM STICK” basically the- the sticks that the- yeah.. EVIL DEAD REFERENCE
- I can’t remember if I’m remembering this right but is Landru an evil computer?
- nap time! They’re just a bit sleepy
-so another being that wants to assimilate.. I sense a theme in these shows…
- “Evidently a maximum security establishment” the walls are rocks, the floors are rocks, there’s space to move around, and torches.. maximum security top ‘o the shelf
- McCoy’s southern accent coming out (maybe I just do not notice it?)
- Kirk and Spock look so sad when Spock concludes he’s become like how they saw Sulu
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- Kirk’s little worried outburst and Spock sitting down with McCoy…
- I’d like to submit this image to the press
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- Spock’s smug little smirk when he’s pretending to be mind controlled wtf
- “Be wary of Doctor McCoy” McCoy proceeds to stand up behind them and peek over their shoulders
- goddamn McCoy’s eyes can look scary. ‘Specially when he’s pointing and yelling at you
- Spock is so fine in the suit with no jacket… what who said that
- Are they gonna paradox kill him? Yeah they’re gonna paradox kill him
- okay great they killed him… where’s McCoy
- “and Mr Sulu is back to normal” then Sulu does a little double arm shrug and it’s amazing
Okay guess we’re leaving that one without any other updates on McCoy… I live in perpetual sorrow
Master post
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columboscreens · 1 year
Columbo without his cigar wouldn’t be able to concentrate as well as he does.
columbo's cigar is an unsung character of the show. it is his right-hand man, his confidante, and unequivocally his chew toy. the man's got a serious oral fixation and it's one of the reasons i'm convinced he's on that big ol beautiful spectrum. there are lots of scenes where his reliance becomes apparent; i'll give you a sampling.
in exercise in fatality, he's forced to snuff his beloved leaf and sit through like five minutes of information getting printed out dot by agonizing matrix dot. i'm lukewarm on this scene (it's overlong; the bulk of it wasn't even filmed with columbo and the tricon lady in the same room) but i do appreciate that it shows us just how fidgety he is when empty-handed. it's a neat peek into how columbo operates.
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lieutenant can i offer you some ritalin
it reaches the point at which especially observant adversaries like nelson brenner in identity crisis can tell it's his little fidget spinner
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he's so used to the dopamine fix that he lights up by sheer muscle memory whenever he feels a case start to heat up, seen here in a stitch in crime.
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especially since he...doesn't actually want it
so really, saying he'd be unable to concentrate without a cigar is an understatement; it's pivotal to getting him firing on all cylinders and keeping the Neuronal Divergences at bay. it's like asking a twelve year old to watch ben hur without sped-up gameplay of subway surfers happening underneath it.
the one episode where columbo really tries to drop cigars cold turkey is last salute to the commodore--and we all know how lucid he was in that.
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even when this lil bitch tries to quit he's still stimming and sorting
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dougielombax · 10 months
Too many people seem to think we (we meaning people in general, but especially autistic folk like me) can only process one small issue at a time and not focus on multiple things.
Ah yes. Because we’re all a bunch of computers from the 1980s.
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Beep boop, bitch! (Yes that is a Commodore 64. I think…)
Fuck off with that bogbrained neurotypical shite!
Fucking morons!
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imaginepirates · 2 years
Every norribeth au ever is either "they lived happily ever after" or "she crushed his heart and soul", and that's good and all, but I propose a different route:
They're in Port Royal. They get married, like they're expected to. They're good friends. The marriage is just a cover, though, because they're both seeing other people (Lizzie with Will, James with Jack) and they cover for each other constantly because oh! The social taboos! The Governor's daughter and a blacksmith? Preposterous! The commodore and a goddamn pirate? Unthinkable!
They're a sassy pair of bitches and can act completely in love when the situation calls for it, but at the end of the day, they're having the last laugh and a fist-bump because they've damn well fooled society into thinking they're the perfect married couple.
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Slumber Party: Part Two
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Warnings: canon angst and violence
Summary: Dorothy and the Wicked Witch of the West making an appearance, Charlie coming to visit, and Castiel getting used to being human, oh my! Ding Dong, the witch is dead!
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.
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It's not long until Charlie shows up, and she walks inside the Bunker with a wide smile on her face. Maryann has been put down for a nap, and Joanna is content with playing with Zeus in her room.
"Hey, I'm having a birthday party for Joanna tonight. You're coming, right?"
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," she beams.
"Thank you for coming," Sam says.
"Not a problem, especially since I got fired last week."
"What happened?"
"It turns out the company I work for was outsourcing to child labor, so I took a big Wikileak all over that. It's cool, though. It's given me more time to focus on my hobbies like LARPing, macrame, and hunting."
"Excuse me?" Sam and Dean say at the same time.
"You didn't know? I thought Y/N would have told you."
"You knew about this?" Dean asks you.
"I might have," you wince. "I knew how you'd react, but she's been really good about it. She's being safe."
"Yeah. Plus, it was just a couple of little cases. I took down a teenage vampire and a ghost, which sounds like a Y.A. novel if you say it out loud."
"How did it go?" Sam asks, still concerned.
"It was... intense. I wish hunting was more magical, you know?" Sam and Dean look confused, and she moves on. "Never mind. So, where is this Commodore 64 of yours?"
Sam escorts her back to the command center with the big computer, and she gasps in amazement. She rushes over to the computer and begins messing with it to see if she can try and figure it out.
"Sweet Ada Lovelace. This thing belongs in a museum. I mean, it's got encryption software. It seems to be powered by something magical. It's kind of an alarm system. Maybe for global badness? This computer is what locked this place down."
"Can we use it to track angels?"
"Let me see what I can do." Charlie is a master at technology, so she hooks up all kinds of wires and switches that are hooked up to her laptop. "Alright. It took some doing, but now we can download it. This beast has all the Men of Letters files."
"It's a start. Thank you, Charlie. This is great."
Sam and Dean look at each other, and it's clear they want to ask her something.
"So, you've been hunting... alone?"
"I know," she sighs. "Not a good idea, according to the 'Supernatural' books."
"You really can't delete those from the Internet?" Sam asks, annoyed.
"Not even I can do that."
"Where do you even find them?"
"A top-secret place I call Amazon," she says with a cheeky grin. "Someone uploaded all the unpublished works. I thought it was fanfic at first, but it was clearly Edlund's work."
"Who uploaded it?"
"I don't know. Their screen name was beckywinchester176. Ring a bell?"
You can't help but let out a loud cackle. Sam gives you the biggest bitch face, but you can't help but continue to laugh.
"Remember when you got married to her?" you giggle.
"Keep it up, Y/N," Sam nods in annoyance.
Charlie types on her laptop only to huff out in frustration
"Ugh, these files are encrypted. This is gonna take a while. So, takeout, sleepover, and braid each other's hair?"
"I have an idea," Sam smiles.
Since Dean got Game of Thrones for Sam, Dean thought it would be best to watch some of that with Charlie since she is an avid watcher. Sam grabs some books and files regarding what might be on that computer and sits next to the bed to read while Dean and Charlie watch their show. You're sitting at the head of the bed on your own laptop, looking at decorations for Joanna's birthday party. You need to grab stuff with same-day shipping so it'll be here before the end of the day.
Dean and Charlie watch three episodes before deciding that it's a good time for a break.
"Wow. That Joffrey's a dick," Dean scoffs.
"Oh, you have no idea. Wait until he--"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Sam stutters. "Spoilers! I haven't read all the books yet."
"You're reading the books?"
"Yes, Dean, I like to read books. You know, the one without pictures?"
Dean rolls his eyes, and Charlie shifts on the bed a few times to get a feel of the mattress.
"Man, this bed is about as comfortable as a brick. Any plans on moving in anytime soon?"
"I am moved in. This is just my style."
"Yeah, this is his style," Dean rolls his eyes.
"I'm sorry I haven't hung up the 'Hang in there, kitty' poster yet, Dean. Feel free to redecorate."
"So, what, our home's not good enough for the 'Hang in there, kitty' poster?"
"This isn't our home. This is where we work."
"You bet your ass this is our home," you snap at him. "This is the place where we're going to raise our kids. There is nowhere I'd rather be, so you better get used to living here. This is your home because we're going to make it our home. Am I making myself clear?"
"Okay," Charlie clears her throat and stands up. "We should all take a breather."
"I'm gonna go get us some more beers. How about that?" Dean says and leaves the room immediately.
"So, Charlie, what was that about how hunting isn't magical?" Sam asks.
"Saving people, hunting things, the family business, right? I am down, but I was raised on Tolkien, man. I mean, where is all this?" She holds up the Game of Thrones disc. "Where are my White Walkers and my volcano and magic ring to throw in the damn thing? Where's my quest?"
"Magic quests suck. Trust me," Sam sighs.
"I'm pretty magical myself," you say. "I can give you magical quests if you want."
"The download should be done by now."
You three meet Dean in the kitchen, and the four of you head down to the command center to check on the computer. As soon as you enter, you notice the shelving units have moved, and no one was down here to do that.
"What the hell?" you say.
You walk close and see some sort of gray stuff on the wall behind the shelving units. Sam and Dean move them out of the way to reveal two gray pods on the wall. Sam pulls his gun out while Dean pulls out his knife. He cuts part of the way through one pod, and an arm falls out. Charlie yelps out and you put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Dean cuts the rest of the way, and a woman falls out of it and onto the ground.
You're not sure what to make of this. Who the hell is this woman? She's only out for ten minutes, and when she comes to, everything starts to make sense. Her name is Dorothy, like from The Wizard of Oz. Sam found her file pretty easily, and as he was reading it, Dorothy started to explain why she was there and what was going on.
The Wicked Witch of the West was destroying Oz so badly that she was sent to your world as punishment. In turn, that also sent Dorothy here to kill her, but they both ended up being stuck in "cryosleep", which is what those gray pods are. The other pod is sliced open, so the witch is somewhere in the Bunker looking for whatever she needs to return home.
You conjure up a big ball of magic and shoot it out of the room knowing it will be sent to your kids' rooms. Their rooms will be spelled so that the witch won't be able to get in and harm them. When Dorothy sees you using magic, she becomes very afraid of you.
"Whoa, calm down. I'm not a bad witch," you quickly say. "Think of me as Glinda, the good witch."
That seems to ease her fear.
"Holy shit!" Charlie gasps as she reads her file. "The first case investigated in this bunker involved Dorothy. She and the witch came into this room, and they never came out. This will never stop blowing my mind!"
"Okay, pace yourself, Toto," Dean rolls his eyes.
"Oz is real. It's part of the fairy world," Dorothy says. "We have to find her."
"No, we have to talk before anyone does anything, okay?"
"Talk? Typical Men of Letters, standing around, and having a nice, little chat with your noses buried in your books while your little secretary takes notes," she scoffs and stands up.
"We're hunters."
"Who are you calling a secretary?" Charlie scoffs.
"You're not a secretary? You're a Woman of Letters? How long have I been out?"
"That's why we need to talk. You've been 'out' for over seventy-five years. Now, according to our files, you came here to kill the wicked witch and then disappeared. What happened?"
"We couldn't find a way to kill her, so I did the only thing that I could. A binding spell that came at a price--her soul with mine. I've been frozen with the witch all this time. She can't be killed, and if I'm awake, then so is she."
"Wait, if she's here, why didn't she kill you?" Sam wonders.
"She can't."
"You're protected by the Witch of the North's kiss. It's from the books," Charlie says.
"Forget the books," Dorothy rolls her eyes. "They're not important. I'm protected. You four aren't, and neither are the kids you're trying to protect. Now, the witch came here looking for something. I have no idea what it is, but we have to find her before she finds it."
"Don't worry about my kids. Let me worry about them," you say and cross your arms.
You're not worried about your kids getting hurt because you've spelled the room. Not even the strongest magic can penetrate because you will it so. The only thing that can overpower it is you, and that's a fact.
"Alright," Dean raises his hands, "Charlie, dig into the files. See if you can find anything that puts a dent in a witch. Sam, Y/N, and I will have a look-see."
"I'll stay with Charlie. She might need some help," you offer, and Dean nods.
"I'm helping you," Dorothy demands.
"I don't doubt it. For right now, why don't you rest up and help the smartest person in the room?" Sam says and points to Charlie.
The brothers leave you three alone, and Charlie looks at Dorothy with a shy smile.
"So... big fan. Ozma of Oz--"
"Is a total ass," Dorothy cuts her off.
"You were much nicer in the books," Charlie pouts.
"Those books are the ravings of a sad, old man who is also my father."
"Wait, your dad was L. Frank Baum?" you ask in interest.
"A Man of Letters. Another glorified librarian if you ask me."
"Hey, these guys may have been sexist, but like all librarians, they were wicked smart, too. The dude who was here when you first came in, Haggerty, kept your case file open and worked it every day until he retired. Obviously, he never found you, but if you took five seconds to read, he did find a way to fight the Wicked Witch. Do you remember the poppy fields in the first book?"
"That's not actually how it happened. It was much bloodier."
"Stop ruining my childhood," Charlie groans. "Do you remember the poppies?" Dorothy nods twice. "Haggerty made a deal with a fairy and got some poppy extract. I'm gonna get some bullets from the gun range and make some poppy bullets. So, are you coming or what?"
Charlie leaves without waiting for an answer, and you and Dorothy follow her to the gun range. When you get there, you three work hard in making the bullets. Charlie finishes with one gun and hands it to you, but you push her hand away with a chuckle.
"Sweetheart, I am the gun. You need it more than me."
"Right," she chuckles.
There are four guns with poppy bullets made, and three bullets for each gun since there weren't a lot of poppies, to begin with. Once you have all four guns, you set out to find the brothers.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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jbk405 · 2 years
I started watching Boardwalk Empire last week, and I just finished the first season.  It’s a fascinating look at the growth of organized crime during Prohibition, especially when so many of the recognized-greatest crime movies and TV shows only feature the world After.  They often talk about how they got started during Prohibition, but it’s so rarely the main focus except for the various Al Capone-focused stories.
It’s impossible to not make comparisons to The Sopranos, with so many shared cast and crew.  I’ll say that I think The Sopranos had a stronger first season, but that Boardwalk Empire still made a promising start.
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Nucky Thompson presents a different image than Tony Soprano.  I won’t say that Nucky is smarter than Tony, but so far he’s got more self-control so he doesn’t cause extra problems for himself where none existed.  When he burned down his childhood home out of spite against his abusive father, he handed the fireman who was going to move into it a wad of cash to buy himself a better house.  It was still a childish outburst, but at least he didn’t cause a rift in the fire department that would give his enemies political support.  Tony would have just smiled at him and said “tough shit”, or maybe told a realtor to give him a good deal, and then at the end of the season he’d act all surprised and insulted when that guy turned on him.
I enjoy the interweaving of so much true history into the story.  References to real-life politics (Both local New Jersey politics, and national) and the real life criminals that emerged in the era.  Arnold Rothstein, Charles “Lucky” Luciano, and Meyer Lansky are prominent representatives of New York City.  Johnny Torrio runs Chicago, with the help of up-and-comer Al Capone, after the death of Jim Colosimo.
As soon as a friend of Nucky Thompson mentioned investing in International Reply Coupons I knew he was caught in the original Ponzi scheme, and it was confirmed in a later episode.
The biggest weakness I’ll say is the lack of proper interweaving of the storylines, leaving the overall story looking unfocused.  “The Commodore” features in a half-dozen episodes before anybody says who he is or what relationship he has with anybody, and I had half-guessed that he was Jimmy’s father, but there was nothing to gained by slow-playing it.  Officer Nelson Van Alden is frikkin’ weird with his bizarre obsession with Margaret Schroeder, becoming fanatically fixated on her after a single meeting where she didn’t say or do anything to cause his religious fervor to fixate on her.  And if we just dismiss him as being crazy, that makes the show look lazy.
I am also fed up with Jimmy Darmody.  In fact, I was fed up with him in the second episode.  He forced his way into the criminal life while Nucky did everything he could to keep him out of the dirty business, then he has the gall to whine and moan and bitch about the difficulties of his life and the lack of respect he gets and the immorality of the people they do business with.  He keeps getting angry and making stupid decisions that cause more and more problems for the people trying to look out for him.  He’s like Christopher Moltisanti all over again, and he doesn’t even have Chris’s excuse that he was groomed for this life, since Jimmy had a road paved to Princeton University that he could get back on any time he wanted.  When Eli Thompson turns on Nucky I at least sympathize with him because Nucky treated him poorly, and in fact I predicted this earlier in the season when I saw how dissatisfied Eli was.  But Jimmy is just a little shit.
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itsokaydean · 1 year
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Right, right. Now, you promise me you'll write it down. [ exhales, and sharply cuts off the dismissal with the tone of a grade-school teacher. ] Ed? Write it down. [ cupping his forehead, pinching middle-aged wrinkles in a last ditch effort to hold it together through shuffling murmurs. by all measures, ed zeddmore oughtta be rotting in shreds, felled by that initial hunt, forgotten and unrevenged. but fate, she was and remains a bitch. two years after sam's final job - austin, werewolveshumanbydayfreakanimalkillingmachinebymoonlightwerewolvesarebadassstopitsam - the ex-ghostfacer tracked found him, or his number anyway. pled for help on a hunt, the absolute moron, no amount of argument enough to dissuade him and the begging was . . . not dignified to say the least. sam --okay, he caved. a moment of weakness or callous disregard? either way, it was the beginning of a new chapter. networking hunters tipped off by guess-who wrought havoc on his phone and solitude, a new generation familiar enough with the ~winchester epic~ to seek guidance and not take 'no' for an answer. same as any hunter worth their salt. anyway, harry never did forgive ed. that, perhaps, is the sole reason sam tolerates the headache that is mentoring a man six years his senior in this ugly, dead-end career. or maybe it's to fill the silence. connect with people, remember. against his ankle, miracle yawns plaintively and rolls onto his side to blink sleepily at his owner, tail flickering when sam un-grinches slightly. just a tiny smile. -- nah, he's fine without. ] Gotta go. Read it back to me, I don't have all night. [ nod, nod. ] Good. I won't pick up again this week, so don't bother. Try not to die. [ ends call instantly. he has plans for a quiet evening away from the tug-'o-war hassles of a world to which he's no longer indebted. he's given enough. endured enough. taking one final swig of his beer and tossing the phone to bookmark his current read. ] Hey, boy, long day? … yeah, me too. Wanna check out the stars? [ aging knees creak when he heaves himself upright, only to crash back into his seat wide-eyed and darting a glance to the fuzzy blur or miracle, already running for the hills. the silence is loud. slowly unpeeling from the chair to stand again, senses heightened. red! white! flashing, red, white, red. books careen to the floor. sam slams gut-first into the table. every bottle sent shattering to the ground. drowned beneath the furious alarms. earthquake or…? he stumbles toward the commodore 64 just as the mayhem lifts like a curtain, lights reverting to normal, screeching ceasing in a pattering echo. his eardrums ring in the silence. a distant bark zeroes his attention. deftly, sam side-steps to collect his knife - a relic now - and think, think, where he'd left his retired firearm. shuffling as silently as a man his age can, he follows the whines and heavy panting down the hall to . . . light pouring from one of the rooms, one room he knows shouldn't be lit. back skirting the wall in a rush to peek and his grip on the hilt goes numb. Dean. It's like looking at a ghost. Miracle, at its feet, sets his jaw. rushing forth, he shouts for the dog to "go!!" as he slams the hilt of the blade into the intruder's nape, followed be a swift heel to the soft of his knee. shoving the guy to his knees and drawing the knife up high against its throat. ]
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maddie-grove · 1 year
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Speaking of my Fisher Price Little People, I still have nearly all of them. These are the adults of the Bluemonts, the wealthiest family in town. From left to right:
“Captain” Joseph Bluemont: kind of a Commodore Vanderbilt type. Essentially good-natured and tolerant.
Evelyn Bluemont: I didn’t actually acquire her until adulthood, so she played no role in my childhood games, but she looks affectionate yet nervous around these people. I think she’s married to the captain but refuses to live on his boat.
“Farmer” Fred Bluemont: Joseph and Evelyn’s son. Not actually a farmer. He owns a zoo but spends most of his working hours as a lifeguard. Constantly cheating on his wife. A fairly good father.
Caroline Bluemont: Fred’s wife, a banker. Very smart. Constantly cheating on her husband. A little pushy but otherwise a good mother.
Nell Bluemont: Fred’s sister. A lesbian and a train conductor. Madcap.
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And these are Fred and Caroline’s children, from left to right:
Robbie: the most popular boy in school, but he’s too cool to care about that kind of thing. He wants to travel the world, and he works at the zoo part time. My brother’s favorite.
Nicole: a raucous party girl who doesn’t give a fuck what anyone thinks! She drives the school bus. We unfortunately called her Bitch Hat.
Tony: a hopeless romantic with middle-child syndrome.
Sandy: the “smart” triplet. Wants to go into finance.
Candy: the “fun” triplet. A party girl like Nicole, but less rebellious.
Mandy: the “sweet” triplet. Actually deeply interested in farming.
Timmy: the baby of the family. Also very sweet. Gay and in love with the troubled kid who always got locked in the grain silo.
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t0ast-ghost · 5 months
S2 episode 12 (The Deadly Years) what's going to put them through the wringer this time?
- POOR CHEKOV! He's so frightened by the old dead body
- I like how they made it realistic and Kirk had to raise his voice at the old people
- I would NOT bring them aboard the ship. Like what if this is contagious, you can't beat old age (somehow I feel like this statement will be disproven by the end of these 50 minutes)
- Spock cock blocking Kirk is the best thing of this century (edit: I don’t know what this is about but I believe it)
- They're all gonna get thrown in the old people makeup like David Tennant in Doctor Who, aren’t they?
- Kirk is shirtless and decides to call Spock (the camera is tits level)
- McCoy with a bit of grey *twirling my hair*
- Scotty! oh wait no he just tried to bleach his hair and eyebrows (don’t dye your eyebrows Scotty! You can be blinded!)
- OH NO! GIVE THIS MAN A HAIRCUT (they gave McCoy the worst haircut)
- McCoy getting more of a southern dialect <3
- "Oh yes I'll live... but I won't enjoy it." CHEKOV IS THE BEST. Also Hii Sulu Hiii
- Okay I like this commodore, but he really has too much of a hang up about starbase 10
- Spock with grey in his hair <3
- "I'm not a magician, Spock. I'm just an old country Doctor." "Yes... As I always suspected." Spock basically smiles as he says this and it's said with so much love
- "This isn't going to hurt a bit." "That's what you said the last time." "Did it hurt?" "Yes!" Chekov is never going to medbay again
- Stop putting Sulu on the spot. Other people saw these interactions, this is a stupid ass court
- Kirk was not winning this. Rightfully.
- The audacity of this bitch. To even THINK that Spock would be after command. HE IS BREAKING SPOCK'S HEART
- Spock spending what could be their last moments trying to help McCoy after getting rejected by Kirk
- yay Kirk is saved and is able to save the enterprise. But why is Spock there? Let the poor man rest or at least get the serum
- One last note. I love Sulu.
Twas an okay episode, short on thoughts for it though.
Episode written by David P. Harmon
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leopoldainter · 19 days
For a while people thought I was giving away penises.
It wasn't too bad because it was just the thoughts they had
So see динартоы надо сайте Ольга найти ad work bench for MOLDS AND MOLLY'S ittriedTOkillthe .pane
W,輪を広げましょうwhat will it take the stem this leia!
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As we're given in taille there were only the sewing hours not astraif.bэто был динар wasn't the volition or primary material. It isn't while is sittingjan there being used by Santa, for filmα30 plammo.g.SMILLR uggh.U это был динарU.β
βιδρα with pink slime and sesame bun$$
Curtain flashing back stage dashing hey baby, whatvhu posting B,OATNT they called themselves laphuewghi?ehm
$sheisse these and ysbwe can ballcony *phone swing* ^gunfinher'^'
Chicken soup the offhand spate note books take off loading feelings about people facing outer gfoup intimidation
Or the growing we received the goods that became the ingredients we offer. And coffee, coffee and solvent.
&these Shoes suck Yes zto the floor.
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She did that so hard. They had to out a note out on entomorph At a telepad
please find and return foe magical orchid
Hmmm, tell me more of this tightwad Y .
Το αφεντικό του διακομιστή ρομπότ είναι εδώ για να σας πει ότι χρειάζεστε νέα σοκ
Is this because I wasn't at Carleton Y but Carelton U.
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Renison further bull can conference the GTA with Ryerson college but, they're probably your age so can work out weird or through tell a service and do spulina Fibre Hull Shoot. Wadya got. Its pt promiscuously legal in soccer. He lenses though I have a phobia and Spray pitman hen cellulose... eng bad day for jeopardy, see we were wrong and
got away with the business cot district on thirtieth.
My apologies google is just full of lies that just don't fly for me
Utt of the few who have composite bow. Or access too, I'd jnow DSMFor ama Ay Em Aye, they don't want you to know what's going on with the en ea es these days. Its all Android or iPhone or, if your pay as you go an android but it's discomfort max because it's trying to not tell people your stabbing them. It's not the truth that serves a career in the media.
RIM duo would love alterations to fit more like the device wants to as much as you (utiloes) there's some networking but nothing that you will need what
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Hi hello. This is
Alan Rickman
Disco Lies
By Moby oo aa
How do I reconnect
And another
This time with
STRIDE stick.pop
Pop oo aa
How do I reconnect
And so as
I Alan am
Alan Rickman
I raise your spokane
Whsiujhp antelope
The Pimpvokatrice
Of the negaverse
.and on legal paper
Good luck finding
My Dungeone bitches
!that was, gentlema.n
He had 3 pots and collects trilium...service Ontario alphabit POSTcereal. ELBOREB.nvm
No bathrooms on Wednesday because of the BBQ.
HaunfffT 5ed.6grammaticale. Tour7dehors7SETH δηνάριο ήταν & commodore TNT
The dylatov pass incident from studionstati to canon
員Dwayne bwn jinbdWayne all.parties.to.parish
戸dododoplain ben 99 forward its canadian beer
度 o sh o sh detachable penis gretzkty?Dtchbl eh?
Callie got a dick to prove this to mark. It just proved that they are getting worried about how ham water, with burgers stripped. Grey stuff dishes, the chef has taste vaults it's chandakle tekit from a driver
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Hi Roger Smith,
Uncle, survivor of ancient drayaads that just yes no need yes the Griffins, Quagmire Bonny and Jo jo?Joe!.PU.&pjeesjoe?AlexandriaSXgoose yes lota Murphy.terwilergeller and pile of jacket swostank Columbia Folloria Glasea/!in tini gtBoo!
Als9 then they killed everyone who saw it, theaters were way sktechier without Elvis Presslys son from the shrink ray Wonka Scene so it could have....Also you can tell there was like an entirely choir multi staged wisardy Settlement of Cèlia Von DeBardo.rosa American nor Dewey Hence
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Esq! Prestinn. wat chop are the red Furte Rocs
Cruise:*air calculator* I. Am. Too horny. For this audience. Gilligan when did they come up with the reverse coffee.
But it was actually one of the staff members left by one of these: does that dumpster there looked closed or there does that one look like mine.
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揺りかご 素屋根今朝 得ろんグ 揺籃!
Bingo 2. A second call. Brinx
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Poly Juice Poisoning is not a who if when not why matter, unless you have the absinthe yes the absinthe with the yes spoon yes smidgen of mysterious dark grün wood by the place Angela Merkel is most right now
Donr let 旧夢 ドリュアス 落ちる.
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isaacathom · 3 months
ive been lot deep in the sauce of my oc and my friend and gm reminded me that i had a short character summary of naielle's family members on her little profile, so i went to go check it and while most of them are still baaaasically true, the way i described her sister is. Fascinating in comparison to how she's ultimately been characterised.
or, rather, its not the character thats wrong. the assumed personality from the excerpt is about right. its the little details. 'had little interest in the education offered by the university', 'contrary to expectation, excelled in her [feywalker] training', 'hardly noticed naielle's departure'. none of those are true. or, well. its complicated. NAIELLE thought all those things are true. NAIELLE thought Mariela was uninterested in academia, that her success in feywalking was a triumph considering her easily-distracted nature, that she was so dedicated in her duty that she wouldn't have noticed that Naielle had left but as a footnote.
she's wrong! Naielle was simply incorrect! Mariela was interested in academia, but didn't excel early, and not in the fields of her parent's interests (history and mathematics, respectively). Meanwhile Naielle quickly found a passion for history and did well in it. Mariela was compared to her older sister, found wanting, and instead of pursuing whatever she was actually interested in, she had to split off to do something else.
she became a feywalker because its something Naielle could never do - which is unfortunate, considering what Naielle currently is (a celestial warlock, the crews resident planar expert, the major teleportation and navigation bitch - things that have significant overlap with feywalking but for some particularities). Naielle doesn't know if their parents had low expectations for Mariela in that field, so that bits still in the air.
But Mariela definitely fucking noticed Naielle's departure. She fucking noticed. Naielle can't really know how, in an emotional way, but she did. She noticed Naielle's departure, and it didn't make the comparisons any easier. She stole Naielle's research notes to make something of so she could excel over her, for fucks sake. she noticed her departure keenly.
I intend to keep the description because i think its a genuinely fun point of comparison because all those little descriptions are mostly in line with what Naielle thinks is happening, and some things she knows. She knows, for example, that Yivien (her younger brother) is delighting in her departure, because letters between people have mentioned his good mood and praised his architectural designs. And she even knows on some level that this wasn't happening before, because the person recieving the letter mentions not having seen any of his designs prior to that point. Naielle had seen them, of course she had. but her mother had never praised them in letters like that. that's new. Naielle knows this.
idk. its neat! the description of her fiancee (now wife) describes her only as a merchant of middling success, and notes that "Though she was well within her rights to do so, she did not annul her engagement after Naielle was exiled.", which is certainly what naielle would think.
now the descriptions arent entirely naielle's thoughts, because Xistina's does say "she sought a Letter of Marque without Naielle's knowledge", and this was written before naielle had actually learnt this information. It's a bit loosey goosey. It's like, close 3rd person omniscient, where sometimes the narrator goes 'she doesn't know this, BUT'. idk!! i enjoy it as a little relic.
oh god theres also descriptions of (some) party members here and this is some very funny stuff for me.
Vandervest - "Naielle does not contradict his orders," HAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HOOOOOOO BOY. BUDDY. OOOOOOOH MAN. HONEY YOU'VE GOT A BIG STORM COMIN. You can tell this is old because it refers to him as Captain rather than Commodore, and that its from before the Gunpowder Heist, because Naielle did... well okay she did not strictly contradict a given order, because she was not explicitly ordered to do anything, but i think the spirit of the order that was levied was definitely violated. this statement is a categoric falsehood. but she was just a lil guy back then, so,
Marius - "For various reasons, Naielle feels very indebted to him." haha! there are more now, bitch! when I wrote this i think it was only the first instance, in the Astral Sea, because that's from before the fight that got Vandervest promoted. the SECOND instance is from after that. and then the third is after that again, because Marius at this point has done enough Things for Naielle (both as a duty to his fellow crewmember and as a friend) that he could probably levy some fucking heavy loyalty off her. the fact he is now in charge makes this useful i think cause naielle is far less likely to directly disobey him. but again, she didn't directly disobey Vandervest either, so... sorry Marius!!
The Rthnathea - "A psionic warforged with foggy memories and a traumatic past" oh buddy you dont know the half of it. naielle actually doesn't and frankly neither do i but at the time i wrote this i knew like. 0. i now know Much More. its rough in there. it has siblings though so thats cool.
gah. old content, yknow. this shits from MARCH 2021????? ough. ooooough. a year in.... wait when i first wrote this we hadnt even ENTERED NINGBO????? No,,, oh my god i wrote the original article during the intermission between module 1 and 2. then i came back during module 2 and added in some stuff, mostly to add a few characters in the character list (rthnathea, saphielle, the specific detail about marius, sidika,). guh. i think the old version of the article before i rewrote it was LAST edited around... december 2021? maybe jan 2022? barely at the end of module 2. and i could have updated vandervest's title at the time, but didn't even think to do so. gagh
i never actually finished the rewritten campaign summary but its so fucking hard to summarise this shit and i got lost part way through it. also i have homework i need to start doing lest i fall the Fuck behind. augh.
#story blogging#naielle odelia#nothing interesting is going on in here. at some point i am aghast at the passage of time. yknow how it is#the first bits neat enough but mostly for me because its so FUN thinking about how Naielle was flat out wrong#not maliciously or anything. she just couldnt possibly have the full picture. she had no reason to think she was wrong#she thought mariela only hated her because of what she did HERE and NOW. with the kidnapping and what not#and she was wrong! Mariela has had it out for her for years!#when naielle captured her she said 'i hoped you had died' and naielle was just very sad#and said 'i hoped so too for a time' and walked off#and in the moment i think naielle thought mariela was just acting out. that she was so pissed about the kidnapping#that she was saying something fucking awful that maybe she didn't entirely mean. nope! mariela meant every word!#and naielle did too to be fair. naielle responded sincerely to the barb. she just hoped it wasnt sincere in kind#and it was! mariela had that in her long before naielle came back#she'd spent those two decades hoping naielle was dead so that she'd never be compared against her again#or at least some of that time. itd be much easier right? never worry about the matter again#with your smart sister removed you can just Be You. and are you happy? the answer is Not really#and then it all comes back to the last session and the two of them just laughing at how fucking absurd this all is#and her so sincerely going 'i dont want you to go' THATS FUCKING *GROWTH* BABY. LOVE THAT FOR HER#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FUCK#ayway i gotta go to bed but i just lost my mind a second time. whoo!
0 notes
xtrablak674 · 1 year
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Wow so much happened in one day.
We got back from our morning yoga, a nice way to break up the walking from the week that was low impact but still good exercise. It was a flurry of make-up brushes, fabric, shoes and jewelry being tossed about as we got ready to take downtown Brooklyn by storm. It was one young ladies coming out in a very public way, and seeing if a certain mature dog had any new tricks. Would our dynamic duo impress a very thick-skinned and opinionated Black Brooklyn crowd or what they be ignored into obscurity?
I had chosen our accessories very carefully anticipating a potentially sunny situation, this gamble paid off majorly. I had also got my niece warmed up for what kind of attention to expect once we got to the festival. As one of Brooklyn's royalty I knew exactly how to make her coming out a success. Setting the tone that bad bitches don't hurry, we took a very leisurely stroll down Washington to Park Avenue on our way towards Commodore Barry Park. The gasps, smiles, open comments and stares let me knew we had selected exactly the right looks for this years AfroPunk festival. I knew we would be the belles of the ball!
We were working the vendor booths and I had stopped to get some re-twisting oil for my locs. I completed the transaction and turned around to find Anisha gone, tragedy had occurred when my back was turned! In the sea of coloured hair, flowing silks, taffetas and wax prints I had a challenge ahead of me. But then I remembered that we were like the only attendees with our special accessory and I looked for that and found her!
It is with great sympathy I report that my nephew Henry Allen Gentle had passed that morning after some restlessness we had known about from the previous day... Master Henry was borne on September 7, 2016 and in his brief life had bought great joy to his parents.
But I didn't know this at the time, I had a glamorous and very distressed niece on the phone and she kept shouting "Don't go!" over and over again, I had no idea WTF had happened. Now low key I was hoping her trashy boyfriend had dumped her so she could finally get an upgrade to a nice young lady or a medium brown complected brother, I was going to prepare my face to look suitable sad and disappointed albeit we know in my heart I felt a whole 'nother way. But sadly that wasn't the case her pet rabbit of six years had passed in his sleep and she wanted to make sure her boyfriend properly disposed of the body...
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But we are big girls, so the make up was checked touched up and we went back to our adoring public, and of course we went in hard on the vendors. We got make-up, multiple sunglasses, kimonos, pants that would make Ms. Celie proud, of course jewelry, scarves, free tote bags and loads of warm welcomes. We had special blessings to bestow amongst the various vendors bringing some of them to tears, but all in all we spread love, the Brooklyn way!
The only rocky point of a day was a run-in with a photographer named Ms. Dubois, I know her name because she gave me her card after doing an impromptu photoshoot. This was a trend the same photographers approaching us again, I lost count of how many videos and photos we had taken by the end of the day, but I think we both had a greater respect for professional models. We were approached by Ms. Dubois who albeit my short interaction I trusted, so when she said she would take Anisha's bag while she shot her we trusted that she would return it, she didn't. This wasn't her purse, it was a bag of booty we had acquired at the festival.
I told Anisha to stay calm and allow all that positive energy we had put out to come back to us, we slowly and methodically searched the park and finally came across Ms. Dubois who had no blue gift bag over her shoulder and seemed a little confused why we were looking for her she broke into very defensive speeches about how she tells people to watch their belongings and I reminded her that she literally took the bag off of my nieces shoulder and uttered no such warning, more importantly she subsequently wandered off with the same bag.
Let's be clear I don't think her actions were out of maliciousness as much as forgetfulness. We were all heading back to the original spot where we did the shoot and about 30 feet away abandoned but intact Anisha spotted the bag and we hurried over to it, she was upset because she had left her phone in it. I was calm but disturbed at Ms. Dubois reticence to apologize for the accidental theft. She seemed to be unrepentant about her actions and I told my niece that if she can't take responsibility for her actions we had nothing else to say to her and directed her to leave with me immediately. Ms. Dubois was feeling a little repentant trying to focus on, but the bag was found, yes only by the grace of Goddess I said not because of your irresponsibility with other people's things. We tried to breathe the incident on and went to the VIP tent to collect ourselves.
After listening to a couple of acts we took up a quest to find the wellness area we had kept hearing about on the main-stage, we finally found it, and the set up with Black Girls Sew, Anisha was a bit excited too because she had also heard about this organization all the way down in Orlando. We partook of the booths, bookmarked some purchases for the next day and sat down to a peach and ginger infused drink before deciding to call it a day and head back to the Heights.
All in all it was a very fulfilling and affirming day filled with so much Black love and #BlackGirlMagic, my niece saw people just like her with bodies just like hers looking beautiful, confident and well accepted by the wider community, I did low-key say, they weren't going to know what to do with her when she got back to Orlando because she was going to hopefully be Feelin' Herself for a long time! #✌🏿
[Photo by Brown Estate]
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maiden-of-gondor · 5 years
So I’m re-watching the PotC movies and...
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fairyzar · 2 years
i couldn’t place my finger on it but i realized this dude is like the typical pretentious man who knows nothing abt art and acts like he does
#z escribe#i sit next to two jocks in a jpn art hist course and i will say smthn abt the reading or my analysis of the works we looked at#and the amnt of times this bitch will say ''yeah u said exactly what i was going to say'' like NO u r dumb as fuck and never contribute#anything that is relevant to what we are discussing.. we were talking abt commodore perry and a painting done by western artists#it was like... actually lemme pull up the title#Carrying the ‘Gospel of God’ to the Heathen... and like.. i said that you could see how the concept of manifest destiny was strong to#americans still and when they went to forcefully open the jpn ports w gunboat diplomacy.. they were bringing christianity as well as a way#to make jpn ppl conform to western culture and assimilate#and also like.. the white savior complex ofc (altho im not sure when that concept was theorized) anyways he responds with how americans were#bringing freedom to jpn ppl.. and i'm like..............................................#the other jock doesn't say shit and is rly nice but i hate football players oh my goddddd#like get OUT of this course. everyone else is so chill and i just picked to sit in the back bcos i'm shy and this prof was intimidating#also like.. i would not b a hater if he acted new to this field but he acts like he knows everything and spews bullshit. like it's only been#a little over a week of classes w my prof and each time after class she talks to me like ''azaria you know you really have the heart and#mind of an art historian'' like that is such a HUGE compliment but then i'm seated next to two fools#long post#okay this huge rant was all to procrastinate doing my readings and writings
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