#and i’ll come home to the us and i’ll get a full time real person job and hopefully it will still be overpaid 🙏 but whatever
scholarhect · 1 year
so. i might actually move to london
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(Continued from this snippet! Content notes: police interrogation, homophobia)
“You don’t look gay.” The detective gives Steve a very obvious once-over. Steve tries to look gayer as subtly as he can. 
“Sorry,” he says. “Guess I’ll have to let my boyfriend know you don’t think I look gay enough to fuck him.”
The detective’s face twists slightly, like he’s smelled something bad. “No need to be like that. I’m just saying, I bet a good-looking guy like you could get a girlfriend pretty easy.”
“You’re not my type,” says Steve. He smiles with his teeth, even though his heart is going fast and he can feel his palms starting to sweat. 
The detective’s hands tense, and Steve wonders if he’s about to get hit, but they relax again and the detective sits back.
“Just doing my job,” says the detective. “Because, funny enough, we asked around with all your little friends, and it seems like you used to be a bit of a ladies’ man.”
“Things change,” says Steve. 
“In fact…seems like none of your friends ever even saw you talk to Munson before. Moved in different circles and everything. I remember what high school was like.”
The detective leans close. 
“So why would the captain of the swim team, a nice normal boy from a good family with a string of pretty girlfriends, ever—ever—stick his neck out like this for some murdering scum like Munson? That’s what I’m trying to figure out, here.”
“Don’t fucking talk about him like that,” says Steve. His mouth is dry. His pulse is thundering in his ears. “He didn’t kill anyone. He was with me the whole time. He’s—he didn’t kill anyone.”
“Hm,” says the detective. 
It takes a while for them to stop interrogating him. They keep asking him the same questions over and over, trying to trip him up. He asks for water and doesn’t get it. In the back of his mind, a hysterical little voice is shrieking Scoops Ahoy! I work for Scoops Ahoy!, but he manages to keep it locked down. Doesn’t let himself get baited, just keeps repeating that Eddie was with him the whole time and neither of them know anything. 
It takes a while, but it’s over eventually.
When he leaves the station, Eddie’s standing outside with Hopper and Joyce Byers, wearing a shirt and jeans that definitely belonged to Jonathan at some point. Eddie’s got his hands tucked into his armpits, looking antsy and tense, but he’s free and standing on his own two feet. It’s a pretty big upgrade from when Steve last saw him about a week or two ago. 
It’s almost too easy to go straight over to him, wrapping him up in a tight hug like they’ve had their arms around each other a million times. 
“Oof. Easy there, tiger,” laughs Eddie. “I’m, uh, still a little fragile.”
“Sorry,” says Steve, and loosens his hold. He doesn’t let go all the way.
“Come on, boys,” says Joyce. “I’m taking you two home. Steve, Eddie’s been staying with us, but we’re a little short on spare beds and it’s not great for his recovery. We’re moving him to your place until we can figure out something better, okay?” 
Joyce drops them off and helps carry in a few garbage bags full of Eddie’s stuff. There’s not that much.
And then the door closes behind her, and Steve’s alone with Eddie for the first time since—actually, maybe ever. 
“So,” says Eddie. “What…the fuck, Harrington.”
“Is that an actual question?” Steve says. He rolls his shoulders, trying to get some of the stiffness out. “I mean, didn’t Hopper and Mrs. Byers explain everything to you?”
“Kind of? I mean, I still think this is probably the worst idea of all time, but they told me—anyway, what I meant just now was a much more personalized and individual what the fuck. As in, why the fuck would you agree to any of this? You know you’re never gonna get another girl in this town to look at you now.”
“Dumping me already? Ice cold, man.”
Eddie groans and actually throws his hands in the air in frustration. Steve hadn’t known people did that in real life. 
“Jesus christ.” Eddie wheels around and grabs two of the garbage bags. “I can’t do this right now, I need to take a fucking nap. We will be discussing this later.”
“Still don’t know what there is to discuss,” says Steve, but he picks up the last garbage bag and leads the way to the spare room. 
Eddie pitches forwards onto the bed, arms outstretched and face mashed into the pillow. “Fuck yes, I am going to marry this goddamn mattress. Hit the lights when you leave,” he says, slightly muffled. 
For a second, Steve finds himself stepping forward with a hand outstretched to—do something. He’s not sure what. Touch Eddie’s hair, or something dumb like that. His face warms. He’s really glad Eddie isn’t looking at him and doesn’t see how he’s kind of just standing there with a hand out for no reason. 
He turns around, flicking the light switch on his way out, and doesn’t look back.
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lunajay33 · 2 months
Finding You🩵
Summary: The group has been split up since the prison feel and you’ve been all alone with Judith until you come across a terrible group of men
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x f!reader
Warning: This story might have some uncomfortable parts for some readers, nothing fully happens just some harassment
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Things were going good, we had our crops and the community was coming together with the people who came from Woodbury but then….the sickness spread through the prison taking out a lot of people thankfully Daryl was smart to keep me away from anyone with signs and then to top it of the governor came back, he came back and killed Hershel right in front of us which broke out into a full battle field
I lost track of where Daryl was, I ran out of the prison with a quick to go bag finding Judith still in her bed, taking some more food for her and I ran out through the opening in the back of the prison
That’s how I got here, wandering the woods hoping just praying to come across anyone from the prison, Maggie Beth Rick anyone, if I ever found Daryl again I’d be the luckiest person on earth but it’s been what feels like two weeks, along the way I found a house got a blanket and tied it around myself making a makeshift baby holder for Judith so she wasn’t as difficult to carry
I was sat on these train tracks feeding Judith a can of peaches when suddenly I was surrounded by a group of dirty men, I held her close to my body scared of what might happen but I’ll be damned if I won’t fight tooth and nail to protect her
“Well well well, look what we got here, sweet lil thing like ya, might have some fun” this one guy with longer dark hair said as he ran his hand across my cheek but I flinched away
“Don’t touch me” I said trying to find away out of this circle
“You’re with us now darlin ya ain’t going anywhere” the older man said and now I was at the back of the group walking along the tracks just waiting to find a moment to escape
We eventually ventured off the tracks onto a road where we saw a man sitting in the middle of the road and my heart skipped a beat, I ran up ahead of the group careful not to upset Judith
The closer I got the clearer that winged vest became, the one person I needed to find the most and here he was
“Daryl” I said kneeling in front of him, he looked dirty and exhausted and……..broken
But when he looked at me I saw that hope in his eyes like when we first found the prison
“Are ya real?” He asked squeezing my arm
“I’m here D, I’m real”
He pulled me into a tight hug until Judith gave out a little whine
“Ya got lil asskicker?”
“Yeah, I lost track of you during the fight I saw Judith and I had to get out…..I’m sorry”
“Ya got out that’s what matters and ya found me”
“There’s something else I need to tell you”
I was cut off before I got to finish
“He yours? Ya claiming him?” Joe asked as the surrounded us
“Yes he’s mine” I looked back at Daryl and he looked defense and for good reason these people were dangerous
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“Okay we’ll stop here for the night” Joe said as people started picking cars to sleep in
“Guess we can take the floor” I said sitting down farther from the others as Daryl tried to make himself comfortable laying on his garbage bag
I looked down at him my heart swelled with so much love and appreciation that I was able to find him again
“What’re ya lookin at” he asked with a slight smile
“I really thought I’d never see you again, thought I’d be alone out here just me and Judith forever and this ba…….but then I saw you again” I still haven’t gotten to tell him the news I found out that I was meant to tell him the day the governor destroyed our home
“What were ya meaning to tell me earlier” he asked as he leaned up on his arm
I sighed looking down at little Judith fast asleep in my arms
“I meant to tell you but then you know……..the governor came………I’m pregnant” he was silent for a long time he just looked down to my stomach where a little bulge was showing, it was early so it was only noticeable if you knew about it
“How’d this happen” he asked his eyebrows furrowing
“Are you mad?” I asked feeling my heart pump harder, I know this isn’t ideal but it’s done now and there’s nothing I can do
“Nah just……scared, for you, I can’t lose ya like Lori”
“Lori had a c-section with Carl, that’s why she died, I’m sure I’ll be fine D”
He motioned for me to lay on his chest, holding me close
“I love ya” he whispered
“I love you too Daryl”
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Should I do a part 2?
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steddieasitgoes · 7 months
written for @steddiemas Day 1: Deck the Halls read on ao3 | ao3 collection
Steve’s annoyed.
More than annoyed, really.
He’s supposed to be at the Munson’s, sitting between Wayne and Eddie, watching the Hoosiers play. Well, trying to watch the game, at least. Eddie has a habit of dozing off before the first quarter ends, head thunking against Steve’s shoulder so he can’t move for the rest of the game.
But no.
His mom just had to call and demand he set up their stupid Christmas tree before she and his dad get home tonight because the annual Harrington Holiday House party is this weekend, and she doesn’t have time to do it herself. Honestly, he’s surprised she’s trusting him enough to decorate the thing. He can count on one hand how many times he was allowed to hang an ornament on the statement piece in their living room.
He can’t even celebrate the decorating victory, though, because he’s still trying to assemble the goddamn thing. Nine-foot trees really aren’t meant to be set up by one person. At least, that’s what Steve’s learning as he tries to balance the next segment of the tree over his shoulder as he climbs up the ladder.
Focused on not falling, Steve doesn’t hear the front door open or the stomps of boots coming into the room. It isn’t until Eddie tuts does Steve startles, nearly toppling over.
“Woah, there big boy,” Eddie teases, reaching out to steady the ladder. “Don’t fall.”
“Don’t scare me then,” Steve snaps. It takes a moment, but he manages to get the next piece into the slot before carefully climbing down the ladder.
“Christ, someone’s feisty today,” Eddie says, hands up in surrender. “I guess it’s a good thing you bailed on me and Wayne to uh…” He glances at the half-assembled tree in the middle of the room. “What are you doing exactly?”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Building a stupid Christmas tree.”
“I’m sorry, you what?” Eddie asks, shaking his head. “You can’t build trees. You grow trees.”
Steve snorts. “It’s an artificial tree, Eds. My mom called as I was headed out to your place. Said I needed to get the stupid thing up and fluffed before she got home tonight because she needs a full three days to decorate the damn thing for the annual Harrington Holiday House party.”
“This thing is blasphemous!” Eddie says, circling it like a predator stalking its prey. “I thought rich people love Christmas trees. Don’t you like custom order the biggest one to show off your wealth?”
“Uh, no? My mom says real trees make too much of a mess.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Eddie says, abandoning the tree as he stalks towards Steve. “You mean to tell me you’ve never had a real tree before? Is that what you’re telling me?”
“You’re being weird,” Steve says, shaking Eddie’s hands off his shoulder.
“I am not being weird. You’re being weird. You’ve never had a Christmas tree! Do you even know what they smell like? Steve, you haven’t lived until you’ve smelt a freshly cut down Christmas tree!”
“Jesus, I didn’t know you were so passionate about this,” Steve snorts.
“You think this is bad. Wait until I tell Wayne. He’s going to flip out!”
“Wayne has never flipped out in his life.”
“Yeah, well, there’s a first for everything.” Eddie crosses his arms and then immediately uncrosses them, clapping his hands instead. “That’s it. You’re coming with us this year. Don’t make plans for next Friday! I’m stealing your Christmas tree virginity.”
“Don’t say it like that,” Steve groans, wrinkling his nose. “But fine, I’ll go with you. If you help me with this thing.”
“I don’t think that’s a fair trade-off, Stevie.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t really give a shit,” Steve says, bending down for the next segment of the tree. “Now grab an end.”
Steve yelps when he feels a firm hand squeeze his ass. All it takes is one deathly glare over his shoulder for Eddie to stop cackling and get serious.
🎄 🎄 🎄
“I’m going to sue your family,” Eddie whines, collapsing on the couch a few hours later.
“Don’t be a baby,” Steve scolds before dashing off into the living room to grab a couple of beers.
“Excuse me! That thing attacked me! Multiple times! Look at the evidence,” Eddie shouts, yanking up the sleeves of his Hellfire shirt to examine a dozen or so scratch marks up and down his forearms. “And don’t even get me started on my hands! How am I supposed to play guitar, Steven!”
“I told you to wear gloves,” Steve shrugs, returning to the room. He passes Eddie the cold can of beer before sinking into the couch beside him.
“I shouldn’t need gloves because you shouldn’t need to fluff a tree! They already come fluffed because they’re not rotting away in a box all year.”
“You poor thing,” Steve playfully tuts. “Guess I can’t hold your hand now since they’re so beaten up.”
“I never said that,” Eddie squawks as he yanks Steve’s hand into his own.
They sit in silence after that. Nursing their beers as the Christmas tree stands in its makeshift glory in front of them. Steve can tell which side he fluffed and which side Eddie did. The giant gap between the top two layers is obvious, and he knows he’s going to have to climb the ladder and fix it before his mom gets home, but that’s a problem for future Steve. Right now, he wants to sit here with his boyfriend even if his boyfriend is gearing up for another faux Christmas tree rant.
“Don’t tell me your mom is one of those people who only puts those stupid decorative ball things on the tree, too.”
“What do you think?” Steve says, hiding his smile behind the can of beer.
“Jesus H. Christ!”
🎄 🎄 🎄
It takes a bit of convincing and a formal invite from Wayne, but Steve keeps up his end of their deal, joining the Munsons on their quest for the perfect Christmas tree for the trailer.
Eddie has a habit of embellishing when he tells stories, but Merrill’s farm lives up to all the hype. As done, the process of selecting and chopping down the perfect tree. Steve gets stuck being the tie-breaking vote when Wayne and Eddie end up arguing over which tree to bring home. Naturally, Eddie throws a minor fit when Steve sides with Wayne, whining that he likes him better than his own boyfriend, which has Wayne rolling his eyes.
Steve gets to make the first chop but passes the ax off quickly. He doesn’t want to impede on their tradition any more than he has. Besides, axes have never been his thing. He prefers to swing bats instead.
“See, isn’t this much better than building a tree?” Eddie asks, slinging an arm over Steve’s shoulder as they stand off the side while Wayne pays.
“It definitely smells better.” Steve inhales deeply, scents of pine and hints of peppermint flooding his senses. Someone should bottle this stuff up and sell it as a cologne, he thinks. He’d definitely wear it.
“It’s easier, too.”
Steve scoffs. “Speak for yourself! You’re not the one who helped Wayne drag it all the way up here.”
Eddie laughs, eyes sparking mischievously. “Wait until you have to help him load it into the truck. That’s always the worst part.”
Steve eyes his boyfriend through squinted eyes. He ducks out of Eddie’s grasp and settles his hands on his hips. “You set me up! You just brought me here so you wouldn’t have to do manual work!”
“You wound me, Harrington,” Eddie gasps, clutching a hand over his heart as he staggers backward. “How can you think so lowly of me.”
“Because I know you, Munson,” Steve teases.
“Alright, alright, fine,” Eddie says, slinking over to Steve. “Maybe I had ulterior motives, but it's only fair after what I suffered helping you with that abomination you call a tree. At least now you’ve experienced a true Christmas tree experience.”
Steve can’t help but laugh, shaking his head as Eddie beams proudly at him.
“Ready to go, boys?” Wayne asks, rejoining them. They both nod, watching as Wayne makes his way over to the heavier side of the tree.
“You don’t have to carry it, Wayne,” Steve says, mischievous flooding his own veins. “Eddie and I will carry it to the car.”
“You bastard!”
“Hey,” Wayne scolds, swatting Eddie’s shoulder. “No swearin’ ‘round kids. I ain’t raise you like that.”
Steve bites the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing as he watches Eddie sigh dramatically before carefully shoving Wayne away from the tree. He waits for Eddie to follow his lead, squatting down before he counts them off. On three, they hoist the tree over their shoulders and start heading back out to the car.
🎄 🎄 🎄
“So, what do you think?” Eddie asks later, passing Steve a mug full of Wayne’s signature hot chocolate. “Is it better than your tree?”
Steve knows the answer immediately, but he takes a moment. Wants to make Eddie squirm as he admires the tree in front of him. It’s not perfect. It’s a little crooked, and there are hundreds of pine needles littering the floor. The lights are bright, though, and the branches are full of homemade and sentimental ornaments that span decades. A homemade star sits on top in lieu of the traditional angel. A star, Eddie tells him, he and his mom made by themselves the year before she got sick.
It’s perfectly imperfect.
His own traditional, straight out of the pages of a Home and Garden magazine doesn’t stand a chance against this one.
“Yeah, Eds. It’s better than my tree.”
“Victory!” Eddie shouts, nearly spilling his hot chocolate all over himself.
🎄 🎄 🎄
A month later, Steve’s belly is full of the Munson Christmas feast, but instead of lazily lounging on the couch enjoying his food baby, he’s carefully taking ornaments off of the dead Christmas tree that nearly caught fire twice since he’s been here.
“I take it back,” Steve says, carefully taking an ornament off of the dead tree. “Artificial trees are better.”
“They are not!” Eddie whines, wrapping the ornaments Steve hands him in tissue paper.
“I don’t know, Eds. I’ve never had to take down a tree on Christmas before!” he grumbles, reaching for another ornament. “This sucks.”
“It’s all your fault. If you chose my tree, it would have lived for another week! I just know it.”
“Sure it would have,” Steve snorts.
“Look on the bright side, at least we have firewood for the New Year's Eve bond fire now. We can’t do that with your stupid tree.”
“Nope, because I get to use my tree again next year, and you have to buy a new one. Think that’s another point for fake trees.”
Eddie screeches, wrapping his arms around Steve’s middle and tugging him off the ladder and onto the couch. Despite their full stomachs and tired eyes, they wrestle and laugh as Wayne shakes his head from the doorway, a light cigarette perched between his lips.
“Cut it out, you too,” he scolds when things get more heated between them. “Need it out before it really goes up in flames.”
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look-at-the-soul · 3 months
Endless love
(Modern) Tommy Shelby x reader
✨ I wrote this for @justrainandcoffee Alfieversary! My dearest Flor who knew fanfiction and Peaky Blinders would cross our paths! Thank you for always being so kind and generous-and talented!-, becoming mutuals here for a short time and somehow it feels as if we knew each other in person. Cheers to many, many more Alfieversaries!
Summary: Y/N is “forced” to leave her husband and baby for the weekend, so join Tommy to sort parenthood by himself for a couple of days. How will he deal with everything? Including a fussy baby.
Word count: 2.5K
A/N: we know I try to make moodboards right? 🤭
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“Okay, erm so there’s milk storage enough.” Y/N mumbled, taking one more look around the bedroom. “Emma’s nappies are in the first drawer, keep her bunny close to-“
“Her face, I know.” Tommy produced a small chuckle, trying hard not to roll his eyes as he had already heard his wife’s instructions for almost a week. “Love, just leave that there, take a deep breath and have a margarita for me, we’ll be fine.”
Looking down at his six-month old he found her big beautiful eyes staring at him.
Y/N blinked nervously, this was the first trip away from Emma, it’s was a natural thing to be nervous.
“I can’t drink a margarita, remember?” She pointed at her breasts for a clearer message. Although she really wanted one.
This was actually her first real going out in a long time, somehow her life had been turned upside down full of baby trips to the doctor’s appointments, quick trips to get the groceries, restless nights of feedings. Thats why when Tommy insisted she should make the trip with Rose and the girls, she thought it would be a good idea to have a little time to herself.
But suddenly, her phone started ringing and loads of messages arrived simultaneously.
“Are you su-“
Tommy cut his wife’s words. “Yes, now go before Rose comes up to take you.”
Y/N gave Tommy a worried look, she couldn’t help it.
“Say goodbye to mama,” he waved Emma’s little hand. “Buh-bye mam!” He imitated a childish voice.
Y/N felt her heart clenching inside her chest when she kissed her daughter’s chubby cheeks.
“If you need anything just call and I’ll be back.” She rushed to say before kissing Tommy’s lips. Stepping out of their home, she blew them a kiss.
Tommy finally felt confident enough to release the air he had been holding. He was beyond nervous for not having his wife around whilst taking care of their baby, he was actually panicking to do anything wrong.
As Tommy closed the door he saw Emma’s lip quiver and a second later, she let out a big cry.
“Oh no, no darling don’t cry.” Tommy tried to soothe her. Small legs kicking with such force that made him think of a small tornado. “It’s alright, mama will be back in a couple of days…” he mumbled tried to get his daughter to settle.
His phone started buzzing in his pocket, he tried to rock Emma, but her cries became louder. Pressing the green button so fast that he didn’t look at the name on the screen.
“Is Emma alright? I heard her crying.”
Tommy gasped. “Yes, of course, it’s the television… there’s a baby crying.” He lied.
He noticed Y/N’s hesitation so he rushed to assure her everything was fine and encouraged her to have a great time with her friends. Then, Tommy searched the channel with calm music Y/N used to rock Emma to sleep, in an attempt to settle his baby.
“How can a little thing like you cry so loud?” Tommy sighed defeated. He was one step from giving up. “I don’t know how your mama does it.”
He had tried everything, absolutely everything. And nothing seemed to work.
Was his baby sick? Hurting?
“What is it baby girl?” He wiped away the tears from her eyes, long lashes wet, chubby cheeks red from the intensity of her cries.
A sudden flashback appeared on his mind and with long strides, he walked into their bedroom hoping to find Emma’s bunny in its place. It had been a birth gift by Rose, and his daughter didn’t seem to like anything else.
“Look… here’s your bunny.” He tried tickling her cheeks. “And let’s take Mummy’s blanket alright?”
Tommy felt on the brick of desperation, was he really a useless father? One who couldn’t make his daughter stop crying?
His heart was aching.
Tommy wondered how would they survive for the entire weekend without Y/N. He started seriously doubting his parental skills in that moment.
Wrapping his baby in Y/N’s blanket seemed to bring some comfort for his baby. Groaning he covered his face with one of the thin cloths they used to go outside, it was small piece that only covered his features partially but then he heard a small giggle and a raspberry from Emma.
Startled, he removed the sheet from his face and looked down at what was making her giggle.
“You liked your silly daddy?” He asked mimicking a ridiculous voice.
He tried the trick once more.
And to his surprise, Emma giggled again, there was a bit of droll on her chin, big blue eyes sparkling just for him.
“You like Mr. Napkin?!” He asked in disbelief. “Yes you do!”
Getting up, he got a larger napkin from the kitchen and after covering his face again, but he added his glasses.
“Mr. Napkin needs help to see.” He repeated what it seemed like the best acting performance ever. “Oh! I see a beautiful happy little girl.” He turned to face his baby laying in one of his arms.
Emma laughed uncontrollably and kicked her legs happily.
“You know what? Mr. Napkin needs a smoke.” He announced, producing a cigarette from its case. But once he added it to his performance, he noticed a small pout. “Oh no, no… that’s a bad habit, don’t do it.”
Once he got his little girl to settle again, he sighed relieved when he saw the big yawn she offered.
“Mr. Napkin would like a nap too.”
But before he could close his eyes, his phone started ringing and the sound woke his daughter up.
“Shit. Alfie what do you want?”
“Just making sure you’re in one piece still… heard the Misus are having the time of their lives.” Alfie announced.
“I know you’re miserable when Rose is away, but I’m busy here mate.”
“That’s exactly why I was calling, to offer some child support.”
Tommy snorted. “Alfie the last thing I want is you taking care of my daughter.”
Alfie didn’t took that personally, he knew as a matter of fact that he had the opposite effect in Tommy’s daughter. “When will you finally admit your daughter likes me?”
“She likes pulling at you beard and your dog.”
“Look we both know you’re going to make the girls come back earlier from their trip and the least thing I need is having Rosie mad at me at your fault, so meet me and Cyril at the beach.”
“That sounds like an awful idea.”
“See ya.”
The actual plan worked like wonders, Emma was thrilled to spend time with Cyril, because being honest, he got all protective over Emma, and despite his size he acted like a cotton ball, bringing her sticks. But Tommy wasn’t going to admit that out loud.
Of course Alfie teased him endlessly for acting over protective towards the baby just because he made sure his daughter wouldn’t suffer damage from the sun. Or any kind of damage for that matter.
“What are cha gonna do when your little pumpkin starts messing around with boys and-“
Tommy gave him a death stare.
“Wha? You can’t keep her locked mate…” Alfie pointed out as the girl grabbed some sand in her small fist.
“That’s not going to happen.” Tommy answered with a clenched jaw.
Just the mere thought of it, made his insides twist.
And to Alfie, to have the chance to tease Tommy it was like the cherry on top, it was something he wasn’t going to let it pass.
By the time they went back to their apartment, Emma was sound asleep in the back seat.
After changing his baby girl into a pajama set, Tommy walked around the place to set the alarm and taking the remote, he turned off the lights.
To his surprise, he got a message from his wife.
Missing you both like crazy! xx
We missed you too, Emma was thrilled to take a little trip to the beach xx - he replied.
Almost immediately, his phone started ringing and the photo of his wife holding their baby appeared on the screen.
“I know I said I wasn’t going to disturb you, but…” her sweet voice made him smile.
“‘S alright, I was just getting ready to sleep.”
“But it’s still early.” Y/N pointed out turning around to look the hour.
“I am exhausted.” He dragged the words.
Turning the call into video, Y/N noticed the bags under his eyes. The dim light cascading over his cheekbones.
“Looks like someone’s having the time of her life.” He complimented.
“We had a massage and I ordered a virgin cocktail.”
Tommy shook his head. “No booze? What’s the fun in that?”
“Stop temping me.” Y/N pouted. “I’ll let you’ve some rest, tomorrow it’s going to be a long day.”
Tommy yawned and wished his wife a good night.
A babbling sound make him open his eyes asTommy tried to fix his blurred vision.
Groaning, he got up. “Morning, sunshine.” He kissed the top of her head as he pulled her against his chest and went back to bed.
Instinctively, Emma started nibbling his nipple.
“Oh sweetie, you won’t find anything there.” Tommy explained with a chuckle.
But Emma wasn’t in the mood and a round of loud cries started right away.
“I get it, the milk provider is moving right away, give me a sec.” He got up and carried his baby towards the kitchen, to prepare the bottle for her. A few minutes later, Emma was sucking happily.
“Such a drama queen eh?” He stared at her soft features. Wondering what life had in store for her. “What do you wanna do today? We can go to the park, or the pub bet your uncles would love to see you.” He proposed as his baby was focused on her milk. That way he could get some help because everyone in his family adored his daughter.
Despite his wealth, Y/N refused hiring a nanny. She was adamant to be in charge of everything related to their daughter. And being completely honest with himself, he was grateful for being able to spend quality time with his first born, Y/N deserved all the credit for that, she helped him feel comfortable by giving his daughter a warm bath and helping as much as he could, being a present father.
She had already threatened him to include a hairstyle masterclass so he could learn to do braids and pigtails.
After a quick bath for him and another one for his daughter. He felt proud of managing to put an asthetic outfit for Emma, he actually went safe with clear colors God forbid that one time he changed her into a set that didn’t match, Y/N scolded and teased him endlessly. As Tommy was looking in one of the drawers for a clean sheet so he could place his baby on the floor, he found a small box where Y/N kept a bunch of things she said that were useless but you might need some day. The thought made him chuckle, but a sharp movement opened the lid and its content fell to the floor.
That’s when he saw something that caught his attention.
A playful smile spread on his lips and he rushed to the living room to set everything.
It took him a while to carry on with his idea, but once he was finished, he stood there proudly to admire his creation, the smile on his daughter’s face told him he did a good job. Oh, the things he’d do for that little Miss Sunshine. She had him wrapped around her little finger.
Snapping a photo, he pressed a few buttons to send it to his wife.
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“What is that?!” Y/N asked raising her voice, excitement was evident.
Tommy’s chest expanded proudly as he looked at his mini-me in awe. “She’s being giggling nonstop.”
“This is the best idea ever!” Y/N sounded surprised, so he was still able to be one step ahead.
“Cheapest trick to keep her busy.” Tommy added, sending the photo to the Shelby’s chat group.
“I can’t wait to go back home.” He knew being away wasn’t easy for her, specially because she was so attached to Emma.
“The day will fly by and you’ll be back before you know it.” He tried to cheer her up. His eyes darting back to his daughter, still amazed by the balloons.
“Look at you, I leave you for a couple of days and you win the award parent of the year.”
“That’s what you get for abandoning us.” He joked.
“Hey!” Tommy heard Rose’s voice in the background. “Only emergencies! Is Tommy missing an arm?” He heard some weird noise and then she spoke clearly. “I hope you’re taking good care of Emma.”
“Of course.” He wasn’t sure if he should be more scared of his wife or Rose.
“Good, then were stealing your wife for another day and we’re already planning the next trip.” She warned, and this time around, it was Y/N turn in the background saying that she didn’t want to be away from her daughter again.
“Have a fabulous day, I gotta change a stinky nappy.”
Ending the call, he decided to order some food, the last thing on his mind at the moment was to prepare something. At least he got a great deal by keeping his daughter busy with the balloons and that granted him a few minutes to stand outside in the balcony to smoke a cigarette while keeping an eye on his baby.
And the rest of his day went just like that between naps, babbling and the little sounds his daughter made. Later he’d pick a book to read to her.
Sunday finally arrived and after driving for a couple of hours, the girls left her by the apartment lobby first, so she made the trip to her floor quietly and since she didn’t tell Tommy what time they were coming back, she took the chance to surprise him.
He didn’t know, but she had been watching him in the baby monitor app on her phone. As a matter of fact her heart felt full last night when she realized her baby wouldn’t settle and after a couple of minutes, she saw Tommy getting up from the bed and climbing the crib -big enough to fit him-, to sleep with his baby.
She knew he was the best father their daughter could have.
And another proof was that moment while he was feeding Emma and he started singing a Romani song and ever so gently he explained their baby he came from gypsies and she too, had gypsy blood running in her veins. Y/N wanted to bottle the two of them along with those moments that made her confirm her deep love for that man.
But Y/N was the surprised one when she stepped into her apartment and found Tommy sleeping on the couch with Emma lying on his chest fast asleep, his arm wrapped around her back protectively. Her small hand closed in a tight fist over her bunny’s ear.
The image was instantly tattooed in her heart as a lifetime memory.
And she knew, her heart was full and that this was an endless love.
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Master list
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this, remember your feedback is always the way to a writer’s heart ♥️✨
Oh! I almost forgot.. Mr Napkin inspiration 👇🏻👇🏻
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Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @onlydeadcells @gretelshelby @garrison-girl-08 @lespendy @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @elk96 @blondie-22 @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @kmc1989 @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @lauren-raines-x @everythingelseisextra @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @lau219 @red-riding-wood
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bubblergoespop · 3 months
My Top Geordi Quotes
geordi come home i swear i’ll treat you better
“Oh. Cute. Hot. There’s a difference. There is a difference, but they’re both. How are they both? That’s not fair, you can’t be both!”
“It’s our bedroom, it’s our bed.”
“Smiling. Pretty smile. Don’t smile at me, that’s not fair.”
“My cutie.”
“It’s not a nickname it’s my full name, yes, it’s from Star Trek, yes, my parents were total nerds hahaha I like the show too, yes, I’m also a total nerd.”
“Nervous? Ya think? That’s a bit of an understatement, hot stranger. “
“Their face goes all soft when they smile.”
“Is this flirting? This feels like mental warfare. It’s kinda hot though.”
“That’s cool. That’s great. That feels good. I like this and I’m having a good time and uhhhh they want my number—”
“Just focus. Just run. Running’s fun, right? Run back to your car. Fast. Very fast. So I can have a panic attack in the comfort of my own home.”
“Have a good day, what am I, a drive thru employee?!”
“I don’t wanna hook up. Well… I mean—“
“Thanks. Oh my god, they kiss me and I say thanks?“
“Fuck they look cute. I love when you look at me like that. That little half smile. Like you can see right through me.”
“I don’t actually know how to play poker. But I sure know how to strip—“
“I’m not normal people. I’m a panicking mess.”
“You give good kisses. Except for that time where you sneezed in the middle of one.”
“I’m dating a crazy person. Oh my god they’re like those people who think they’re really vampires.”
“How did I not know they believe shit like this? They seem so normal!”
“Say… fucking… uh… ‘you asked for it, a whole video devoted to the Rainbow Sponge’!”
“I mean the two of us? Cuddling? Keeping each other warm? It’s scandalous! What’ll the neighbours think? I mean I’m pretty sure I saw your knees the other day, I mean we’re already gonna bring shame to our families at this rate. Oh and fucking on the couch yesterday probably isn’t helping our case either.”
“They come out as a Telepath and my fucking rat brain says ‘oh we don’t get to play video games?’”
“Shut up—! Call me out on it.”
“What are words? Don’t know them never met them. What am I saying? “
“This is a bad idea— This is a really good idea.”
“I don’t have a chance to refine my thoughts into beautiful prose, you just get monkey-brain going—‘You? Me? We fuck now?’”
“We’re gonna fuck— Yes thank you hindbrain. The evolved parts are trying to be at least vaguely romantic— [moan] Nevermind.”
“Why does that song always get stuck in my head?! God, it’s like a soundtrack to my insanity.”
“But it’s more than that. It’s you. It’s you in here with me. Sharing everything. No walls. I don’t have to have walls with you. I’m safe with you. Finally safe.”
“I love you. I’m glad your smile is back.”
“Hell is real and it’s here in this brain.”
“You make this all feel safe. And honest. I didn’t know it could feel like that again. Until I met you.”
“I can’t fix this, but I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. I got you. And I’ll hold you as long as you need.”
“Don’t smirk at me like that! But do, cause it’s cute. Rude. But cute.”
“Yeah, I’m all weeetttttt unnhhhh”
“Oh my god. You are a nightmare. My favorite nightmare. “
“Why haven’t we done this before—? Do not encourage them!”
“It’s really fucking hot. It’s also really fucking dangerous! Which is kinda hot… Oh my god why do I like this. “
“Touch me. I don’t care where we are, just touch me, fuck, please.”
“I see how much you struggle with this, and I want you to have peace from all that.”
“I want you to heal.”
“I love you. I loved you then and I love you now. You are worth work and effort.”
“Drinking this really bad bad coffee. [his laugh here brings tears to my eyes] That felt good.”
182 notes · View notes
honeybeedrabble · 5 months
Dangerous Desires (ix) - Home Coming
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CW: spanking/brat taming, hair pulling, biting, licking, breast play, marking, unprotected piv (dont be stupid), rough sex, slight fingering, degradation, choking, cream-pie (DONT BE STUPID), probs some shit editing, LMK what i missed !!
word count: 10K 💀💀
18+ MDNI !!!!!
You stood in front of the hokage, heart beating out of your chest. You were nervous, that much was obvious. However you couldn’t wrap your head around why you were summoned. Lady Tsunade finished writing her last few words into her notes, stapling them together and setting them aside to address you.
“You must be wondering why I’ve sent for you,” she started, sitting up in her seat. Her face was somber.
“I can’t say you’re wrong.”
“What I’m about to tell you is something only a very select few know about.” Tsunade started, hands clasped together on the desk. “We’re about to go to war.”
You were shocked- was Kakashi really telling the truth?! Was he right all along?! Your emotions were everywhere and it was evident on your face.
“I know, I know it’s a lot to take in. I myself am not sure if I’ve taken it in yet.” She seemed stressed, you could see the worry behind her soft brown eyes.
“Lady Tsunade… who are we at war with?”
“My dear who aren’t we at war with?” She sadly laughed to herself. “Truth be told we’re fighting against a greater force than we know. I hate to say this but we’re looking at a fourth great ninja war.“ Your eyes widened, body filled with anxiety.
“A fourth great war? Are you serious?”
“I’m as serious as death. In fact, there’s going to be a five kage summit soon and I’ll need to attend to talk about said war.”
“So… The war isn’t with the other nations? I mean… if there’s going to be a summit with all five nations, doesn’t that mean neither is the threat?” You asked, still confused.
“Then who’s the threat?”
“I can’t discuss that with you.”
“Then why have I been summoned Lady Tsunade? If you can’t tell me who the enemy is tell me what I’m here for.” You were starting to get angry, worried for what you’d been told previously.
“You need to fight in this war.” Tsunade said plainly. “With medical jutsu like yours we would be idiots not to use you. I’m telling you now that we’re not asking you to enlist, but rather we are drafting.” Kakashi was right.
You couldn’t believe him, it was impossible to. How could this be happening? It wasn’t long since you’ve been here and already you’re being drafted in the war. It was exactly how Kakashi had told you, no denying it. This is your job, what you were sent to do, the only thing you know how to do, so damn right you’re going to use your blessing to help all you can.
“I’m well aware of my capabilities my lady, and in fact I find it a great honor to be drafted by you personally.”
“You’re taking this a lot better than I thought you would, I must thank you for that.” She sighed a relieved breath, hand clutching her chest.
“I have no other choice but to. This is what I signed up for when moving to Konoha. I decided the day I learned my first medical justu I would help the world become a better place. If you hadn’t drafted me I would’ve signed up myself. It’s my duty, this is my home.” Your words moved Tsunade, she smiled softly at you. Her face dropped suddenly.
“I’m glad you believe that, and I’m glad to have someone like you be so ready for whatever is to come, really I am. But because you’re going to be in the war I need to to preserve your chakra. Because of this, I forbid you from working at the hospital.” She looked away from you, knowing she didn’t want to see the determination wash away from your face in real time.
“Are you… are you firing me?”
“I’m afraid so. I cant have you waste any of your precious chakra on a few sick patients when we are going to have armies full of injured shinobi on the front lines. We have enough medical personnel at the hospital already, so with you being as high ranked as you are we must save you for the battlefield. You understand don’t you?”
“Lady Tsunade what more do I have other than my job? How long will it be until we are in war? I-I can’t be out of work that long.”
“I’m sorry but my hands are tied.” Her voice was almost as sad as yours, she worriedly watched as your eyes started to well with tears.
“Please my lady. Don’t do this to me.” She got up from her desk and walked over to you, hugging you tightly against her.
“It’s going to be alright, I promise. I just need you to rest up. We’ll be destroyed without you, please just trust me.” You hugged eachother until you could calm down, you wiped any tears that fell and stepped aside.
“Lady Tsunade I have a request to make.”
“What is it dear?”
“I want to go home. Back to my village and see my parents one last time before I go to war. I think it’s only reasonable to see them one last time, as me coming home alive and well is uncertain.” Tsunade stepped back and looked at you, a hand draped softly on your shoulder.
“I accept the request. How long will you be gone?”
“Probably under a week.”
“Then so be it. You’re dismissed.”
You walked out of the office and back home with an intense sadness inside of you. You gave up on Kakashi because you loved your job. Now your job has been stolen from you and it was all for nothing. Everything that had given you value- that had given you purpose- is now gone. You wondered if you should even return home or not.
You decided it would be a good idea if you told your friends Machi and Gale you’d be gone for the next few days, back at home until you decided you needed to come back. They understood and wished you well on your journey.
Kakashi was a mess, thinking about how poorly he treated you during your sexcapade, saying he hated you and fucking you so roughly he wasn’t sure if he had hurt you or not. Who care if he did? You hurt him worse. You hurt him in a way nobody else has. How could you treat him like he was somebody only to leave him like he was nothing? At least, that’s how he saw it.
Business at The Poison Sandwich was slow today, maybe the sadness was in the air. Kakashi ate his BLT, thoughts of you racing through his head. Even up until he heard your name uttered by the two girls you held dearly as friends.
“So she went back home.” Gale said to the cook behind the counter.
“I’ve been thinking about visiting a few of the sandwich shops in her village for a while now actually.” Percy smiled from behind the counter.
“Wait… she went back?” Kakashi interrupted, unsure if he heard right.
“Yeah, yesterday. Said she’s be back in a few days.” Machi said, looking over at Percy. “He said he was going to go the her village pretty soon to try out the food there.”
“Is this true Percy?” Kakashi asked his friend, who nodded as he discarded his white apron.
“Yeah. Why?”
“Can I come?” Kakashi asked, cursing himself. What was he thinking?
“Well as long as you don’t have any other plans for the rest of the day, I see no problem. I’m heading off now, so get ready.” Percy said, untying his apron and tossing it on a nearby countertop. “Ladies, you don’t mind closing shop for me, do you?”
And of course, as enamored with the man as they were, had zero issue and took care of business as he and Kakashi took off.
Kakashi was shocked to see the strange motorized bike that Percy had built, looking it up and down in shock and awe at the mechanism.
“What is this, if I may ask?”
“Well I’m not a shinobi like you so getting around to long distances isn’t easy for me. I built this myself as a way to make the trips easier.” Percy said, tossing Kakashi a black helmet. Kakashi caught it and reluctantly adorned it, his silver hair peeking out from underneath.
As Percy started the machine Kakashi sat in the back behind him, pondering why he had felt the need for such an impromptu visit to your hometown. He didn’t know why he felt this way, especially after the way you had treated him. Once again he felt alone, abandoned by your heartlessness and eager mindset to go fight off in a war that he felt would mame and kill you the second you had your back turned to the enemy.
“Kakashi… what’s been going on with you?” Percy asked, snapping Kakashi out of the trance he found himself in.
“I’m sorry?” He asked, puzzled at his friends sudden questioning.
“Listen... Gale, Machi, and I all know about your secret affair. And we don’t care- we support it honestly. But ever since you two have had a falling out… we’ve noticed a change.” Percy’s voice was somber as he drove throughout the thick forest, focused on the destination while his heart was stuck in the conversation. Kakashi was silent a moment, his mind was racing. Was it safe to tell his friend the truth? To let the secrets of his beloved lay out in front of someone who was only watching from the outside?
“I’m not sure I understand,” he replied monotoned. His outside demeanor was cool, but anyone who really knew what was going on inside his mind could tell the intricacies of his tone, picking up the way his voice would lilt anxiously as he declared this inquiry.
“Well I’m sure you do, so don’t play dumb with me Hatake,” Percy snapped, he wasn’t playing games- Kakashi was sure of this now.
“Well what do you want me to tell you? Sometimes people don’t work out the way they meant to, we don’t have control over these things. All you need to know is that me and her are… we’re complicated.”
“Bullshit.” Kakashi was taken aback.
“What are you talking about?” The wind was blowing through his hair, headband threatening to blow off his eye. He held it tight, looking at his thighs for avoidance.
“I’m talking about your seriously psychotic desire for control. You’ve wanted her from the moment you met her, haven’t you?” Percy asked, revving the engine of his bike.
“More than anything…” Kakashi admitted, vision still remained on his thighs.
“And ever since then, what have you done?”
Kakashi thought about it for a moment. What had he done? He had fucked you on his desk, broken into your home and stolen your underwear, touched you while you slept, fucked you at work, fucked you on missions- gods... the list could only go on.
“I’ve done all I could.” He clutched his fists, hating how horribly his stomach churned. “And yet it still wasn’t enough.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that my love for her has consumed me, my body, brain, and soul. She’s all I think about- ever. She’s everything, and everywhere. No matter what time of day or night, I can feel her down to the very air I breathe. I’ve tried for what has felt like forever to have her all to myself.”
“Why all to yourself?”
“Because the thought of her with anyone else makes me violent,” Kakashi said, regretting his words the very moment they spilled past his lips.
Percy remained quiet, Kakashi wasn’t sure if it was so he could talk more or not. He stayed silent for a while too. He wondered wether Percy was judging him, then again he didn’t care too much, it wasn’t him who was worried about public appearances.
“Sometimes I can feel my blood boil when I see another man talking to her. She makes me feel at peace, not just in my mind but in my soul. I love that woman down to the marrow in my bones and to think that some other man could see her and only see her for her beauty, only see her for something to use makes me sick. I can practically feel the bile in my throat just thinking about it.”
“So she makes you feel calm?” Percy didn’t seem to be turned off by the way Kakashi spoke of you, it was as if they were having a conversation so casual it was comparable to one about the weather.
“It’s beyond that,” Kakashi felt his heart flutter as he thought of you, his mind running with excitement just at the opportunity to talk about you.
“Sometimes I think about my past and all the people who have left me. Some of them chose to, some of them didn’t. Regardless, whenever I’d get attached to someone they’d leave, I didn’t have any control over it. Maybe it was because I was weak, or too young to have any real say in the matter. But now it’s different. I’m stronger and I’m older, no matter how you look at it I’m ten times the person I was all those years ago.” Percy remained silent, listening intently to his friend. Something he wouldn’t do to much of as Kakashi wasn’t the type to open up easily.
“When I met her, I knew instantly I loved her. It was a fact just as true as the sky is blue. I don’t think about all the horrible things from my youth whenever she’s around, not when all I can think about is the possibility of my old age spent with this wonderful woman. And the only way to have a future with her is if she doesn’t leave. I’ve grown beyond a simple lust for her, I've realized I can’t escape these feelings. I learned about her past, her favorite flowers and I’ve showered her in as much affection I can show without being too much. I’m sure I’ve crossed that boundary already but I can’t help it, I have too much inside to not let go of.”
“So you want something serious with her?”
“Why call it quits now? After everything you’ve gone through, why give up?”
“Because she’s going to leave me,” He ran a hand through his silver hair, holding back a tear that was heard through the slight crack in his voice.
“She told you she doesn’t want to be together anymore?” Percy asked, wondering if what his girlfriends told him about you was true or not. He remembered hearing how you liked Kakashi too, but was afraid of ridicule, yet still craved his love beneath it all.
“She wants to fight in a possible deadly battle. I cant disclose much but that’s all I can say.”
“But she’s strong isn’t she? Plus she’s a medic, so wouldn’t she be able to heal herself if anything happened?” Percy asked, unsure about the severity of this “battle”.
“You don’t get it,” Kakashi sighed, leaning his forehead against Percy’s back. “I can keep her through affection and intimacy, that’s one thing we both know we have for each other, it’s apparent. But I can’t keep her from getting herself killed. Death is around every corner for people like me and her.”
“Shinobi, you mean?”
“Exactly. I don’t want to be in love with someone and yearn for them every second we aren’t together just for them to leave and die. It’s not fair to torture myself like that. I’d rather call it quits early before I’m doomed to live a life of suffering. I couldn’t deal with it.”
“Kakashi, you already are.” Percy didn’t care to tiptoe around the fact, he was tired of all the beating around the bush. Kakashi sat there a moment, his head still resting against his friends back.
He closed his eyes, occasionally catching himself to hold onto the bike better as they jostled over small rocks and bumps along their path. Kakashi didn’t have much to say about that, but it did prompt a lot of thinking, not that he could do much with Percy being such a chatterbox.
“You need to hear me out with this, okay? Love is like a sandwich-“
“Good gods, spare me the metaphors…”
“I’m going somewhere with this trust me!!” Percy yelled defensively, his volume mostly washed out by the breeze blowing by. “You can have all the amazing fillings you want: intimacy, shared experiences, passion, romance, all that is great but without the bread that keeps it together it’s just a bunch of things slopped together. What makes a sandwich a sandwich is the bread that keeps it together- a solid foundation, trust. And sure, it’s going to be messy at times, but that just comes with that delicious journey we all sign up for.”
“Is there a point to this analogy?”
“Obviously, dumbass. You have all the makings for a great relationship except for the bread… the trust. The bread you’ve got is thin- real thin. Meaning it’s not able to keep all that great stuff inside. The only way that meals gonna end is with everything falling out. Do you know why your bread is thin?” Percy asked, dodging a large rock in the middle of the path.
“Because of my insecurities…” Kakashi admitted, his face heating up.
He sat with this realization, mostly because he was metaphorically eaten up alive by one of his best friends. That aside, he looked at the bigger picture. Was he really that insecure about his trust in you? He knew you were strong, but was he actually just insecure you would rather die than be with him?! Was he really that codependent on you? That wasn’t possible, not with war being such a great threat. Percy didn’t know that though, so that’s another thing to factor in. Regardless, there still was valid food for thought presented to him.
“Well how far away are we now?” Kakashi asked, looking around at the new environment.
“Wont take longer than a few minutes, bud. Relax, we’ll be there in no time.”
Percy was right of course, only a few minutes later and the two were parked outside the large wooden gates. Sounds of children’s laughter and music could be heard just beyond, as well as the smell of amazing food clouding their senses. Kakashi and Percy walked in, delighted by all the new sights and sounds, it seemed like a festival was taking place, although they had zero clue what it was for.
While it did seem magical at first glance, Kakashi knew the truth behind this villages facade. When he truly looked around beyond the vibrant colors and fun attractions, he saw very sick people lurking around the streets, some even begging for spare money. He sighed to himself, judging all the men who walked by with their expensive robes who were laughing at the sick and elderly.
“Kakashi! Over here!” Percy called to him from beyond the crowd.
Kakashi looked over to where his friend was and saw a small shop next to some sort of brothel-esque building. He tilted his head in curiosity at him, raising both arms in a shrugging position.
“No- come over here! This is the place I came here for!” Percy called louder, holding open the shops door to signal he was about to enter.
Kakashi jogged over there, still overwhelmed by all the excitement going around. When he caught up with Percy, he suddenly felt something very familiar. It was that calmness in his soul he had described to Percy earlier. He spun around, trying to see what it was and if he could follow it.
“Something the matter?” Percy asked, shutting the door.
Kakashi turned his head and saw a small staircase on the outside of the establishment that led to a second story door. He furrowed his brow looking at the door, feeling a strange calling towards whatever was just beyond it.
“No… I guess it’s nothing.” He said, turning towards Percy as he opened the door and walked inside.
It was a small restaurant, a few tables here and there as well as a large island that a middle aged man stood at.
“Hi, welcome in fellas! Take a seat anywhere you want, I’ll get you both a few menus to look at!” He said cheerily, ducking behind the island to grab two menus.
Percy sat at the island in front of the man, Kakashi followed and took the seat next to him. The older man gave them their menus and went in the back to give them some time.
“Are you hungry at all?” Percy asked, skimming the drinks side.
“I could eat,” Kakahi responded, suddenly craving a sandwich more than anything.
There were quite a few options to choose from. Some vegan options, some vegetarian, and some sort of dessert types with various different fruits, custards, and cream fillings. Kakashi was in the mood for something more traditional and hearty, deciding he would ask for a grilled chicken sandwich.
The man reappeared with a small notepad and pen, leaning against the countertop.
“You two ready to order?” He asked, looking at Kakashi first.
“Yeah, may I please have the grilled chicken sandwich?” He asked, pointing to the menu. The man wrote it down and then asked for Percy’s order.
“I’ll have this breakfast sandwich,” Percy said.
“A little late don’t you think?” The man laughed, taking both menus.
“Well you know… breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Why not have it anytime of day?” Percy laughed. The man furrowed a brow and Percy grimaced, embarrassed by his joke falling flat.
Kakashi couldn’t help but feel that comforting aura getting stronger around him. He looked around, maybe it was the environment? Just then it became much stronger, as if all this muscles had relaxed in just that moment. It felt less like an aura and more like a chakra. He quickly looked behind the man and towards the curtains that led to the back. What he saw he couldn’t believe.
You emerged from beyond the curtains, holding two cups of water in your hands. When you looked up you immediately locked eyes with him. You must’ve felt the same muscle relaxation as Kakashi, you suddenly dropped both cups catching the eyes of the room.
You had arrived to this hometown of yours not too long after you left Konoha. You watched as children ran around happily through the village with their prizes from games going on throughout the streets. You sighed, walking down the paths of the place you once called home, knowing the happiest of people were just tourists in this living hell your family and community was trapped in.
You approached your families restaurant, smiling at the nostalgic feeling it filled you with. You grabbed the handle and walked in, your father standing just behind the island. He called you name excitedly, rushing over to you to hold you in a tight hug.
“You’ve come home! What are you doing here? You didn’t get kicked out, did you?” He teased, letting you go to get a good look at you. You nervously laughed.
“No, it’s not that.” You said, rubbing the back of your neck.
“Well whatever the reason is, it’s nice seeing you again.”
“Um… can I talk to you upstairs for a moment? There’s something I need to tell you… it has to do with me being here actually.”
He nodded and held the curtain for you to walk through. Beyond the kitchen in the back was a small door that led to a staircase, that staircase led to the small flat you and your family grew up in. When you both had settled down in the living room, you had assumed your mother would be there, however she was not. Puzzled, you two sat on a nearby couch and you faced him to ask.
“Did mom go out somewhere? I mean… I didn’t see her in the restaurant or kitchen and it’s a little late to still be in bed…” Your fathers face fell, looking at the carpeting.
“Your mother is uh… well there’s no easy way to say this. Your mothers in the hospital.” You felt your heart drop.
“What’s wrong with her? Why didn’t you send a message?! I could’ve come home to help her- what’s going on dad?!” you asked, voice shaking.
He sighed deeply, rubbing his temples with one hand anxiously.
“We aren’t sure what was wrong with her but… we knew that with the big move and that new job of yours you’d have some real stress. We couldn’t put that on you, so we made the decision to send her to a nearby hospital to get her checked out.”
“Fuck…” you sighed, holding your head in your hands. “You need to take me to her, I can heal her… or fix her or… something- anything! Gods dad, what the hell?! Why wouldn’t you tell me?”
“Sweetie it’s fine, your mothers going to be okay-“
“Dad that’s a lot of money! For crying out loud, how are you going to afford the hospital bills?”
“We’ll be fine! as long as you’re okay we’ll be just fine.”
“Here, let me see if I have any extra money on me,” you reached into your pockets for your wallet. Your father quickly nudged your arm away.
“Please don’t, you have enough on your plate already. Why don’t you tell me what you needed to say earlier, okay?” He asked, putting on a small smile.
You frowned.
“Well, since we’re getting everything out in the open…” You took in a deep breath, letting it out with a shaky breath. “I’m going to war.”
You felt your heart shatter the way you watched your fathers face drop again. It was as if he was being told his only child was about to be killed right in front of him.
“Dad, I know how it’s sounds but I don’t have any other choice. There are people who need me, I signed up for this- this is my job.“
“I understand.” He said softly. You frowned, pulling him into a hug.
“I wanted to see you and mom one last time before I left… I know it’s a worst case scenario but… if anything were to happen, I wanted to tell you both goodbye.” You heard your father sob in your ear, holding you tightly. You couldn’t help yourself from crying either and wept with him on the sofa.
“I know you’re strong, and I know you’re valuable, but I’m still so worried,” he sputtered, you patted his back to comfort him but it did next to nothing.
“I know, but I promise you I’m not going down without a fight. I swear to you and mom I’m not going to let myself be weak.” You said sternly, almost as if you weren’t choking back a rivers worth of tears.
After a few more minutes and you and your father had calmed down, you sat there and discussed the situation of war. What it meant for you and your family. You said that with the money you had, it’ll all go to them if you died and they’d be able to move far away, to a better village and have a good financial place for themselves. Your father wasn’t pleased to hear about this and almost cried again. To get his mind off of it, you told him about your job and all the people you met at Konoha.
“Machi and Gale, huh? They sound quite nice! You even have your own students, sounds like you’ve adapted pretty well,” you dad smiled, tears drying on his cheeks.
“I have,” you smiled back, a blush forming in your face when you remembered Kakashi was one of the first you grew close with, even if it started out so riske.
“What’s that look for, hmm?” Your father asked, teasing you for the small blush across your face.
“It’s nothing,” you replied, putting a hand to your cheek and feeling the warmth on your skin.
“Don’t lie to me, I know that look pretty well. You must’ve met someone who isn’t just a friend or a student to you, so tell me!” He laughed, playfully swatting you on your arm.
“I mean, yeah there is someone,” you smirk, shortly after your face fell.
“Um… is everything alright?”
“Yeah, It’s just… things are complicated right now.”
“Oh,” you father said sadly, crossing his arms.
“But he’s a really great guy!” you perked up.
“He?” Your father asked. You nodded. “Does he have a name?”
“He might.”
“He might? What might it be?”
“It might be Kakashi.” Just the your fathers arms uncrossed, his eyes widening.
“As in Kakashi Hatake?”
“Oh great,” you sighed, hating this conversation immediately. “Yeah, why?”
“Because that’s the famous copy ninja! I’ve got to say I’m impressed.” You groaned, holding your knees to your chest now.
“Please stop embarrassing me.”
“I’m not trying to, I’m just suprised that a man like that can be in a relationship with you.” Immediately you grew defensive.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Your brows furrowed.
“Woah, I didnt mean it like that! It’s just… he’s known for being such a hardened shinobi. Who knew there was a heart beneath the mask?” He nervously laughed.
“I knew.” You added. Your father frowned, nervously fidgeting in his seat.
“I’m sorry, " you sighed. "I didn’t mean to be so snappy. It’s just that we’ve spent a lot of time together and he means a lot to me. I’ve seen a lot of his sides and even though he drives me crazy I can’t help but love him regardless. He makes me feel seen, and appreciated. No matter how bitchy I am he keeps trying, nobody else has ever been this patient with me. And what makes things even crazier, is that I feel so drawn to him. It’s like my whole life has led up to the moment we’d meet. Oh, what am I saying? This is starting to get weird, I’ll stop while I’m ahead,” your face felt extremely hot, you avoiding looking at your dad.
“No it’s fine, I get it.” He said, patting you on the back.
“Yeah, thanks.” Silence.
“So what makes things so complicated?”
“‘What isn’t complicated’ is a better question,” although you knew that answer was something entirely too inappropriate to say.
“It’s that bad?”
“Yes and no. It’s a long story, I couldn’t get into it.”
“Well whatever the case may be, you sound like you really love him. In fact, I caught onto you saying that,” he smirked.
“Please stop.”
“Fine.” he raised his hands defensively, then stood up from his seat at the couch. “Now we can sit here moping all day or we can spend time together like we used to. What do you say?”
“Moping sounds good but we can’t afford that right now so let’s work the restaurant like we used to.” You smiled, following him down that stairs.
So that’s what it was, it was you all along. He should have known better. Kakashi stood up, uttering your name back to you. You weren’t sure what to do. Truth be told you didn’t forgive him for putting you out on the spot like that, but you also knew there was no real reason for him to forgive you either.
“I’m sorry but would you excuse us for a minute?” Kakashi asked Percy as he motioned to speak to you outside.
“No.” Percy said, fidgeting with his napkin. Your father shot you a concerned look, finally putting two and two together. You patted him on the back reassuringly.
“It shouldn’t take long, we’ll just have a chat upstairs.” You reached into your pocket for a set of keys, walking out the front door of the establishment, Kakashi on your tail.
You two walked out in silence and he followed you up the outside stairs, staying quiet as you unlocked the door and stepped inside. He looked around and it appeared to be your old bedroom, posters and ribbons hanging on the walls. It felt homey to him, more so when he noticed preserved flowers laying on your desk, jasmine to be exact.
“So did you follow me here or did you-“ he cut you off with his lips against yours. Your eyes grew wide in shock. But the moment he put his hand on the small of your back you felt entirely different. Your eyes closed softly and your hands tangled in his hair. You felt a familiar fire burn in your chest, your heart fluttering as his beat in tandem with yours.
“Kakashi,” you sighed, his grip on you becoming tighter. He pushed you against the door, keeping his grasp on you impossibly firm. “Now’s not a good-“
“Stop talking, damnit.” he huffed, his breath hot against your skin. Immediately you shut your mouth, only opening it again to allow his tongue to brush up against yours.
You locked the door while you were still up against it, then resumed pulling on his hair. You also pushed your body against his firm chest, feeling your loins flutter as his breathing became heavier and his kisses more desperate. Kakashis tongue prodded into your mouth, caressing your own as if it lost it, rejoicing in the feeling of finding it again. His body language spoke the same dialect, his arms tense while they wrapped around you, legs locked in place as they cornered you against the wooden door.
You grabbed onto his vest, yanking it off of him and it was only for a moment when his arms left your body. His vest sliding off of him and landing on the floor, he swiftly kicked it away and then resumed his primal grip against your body. He pulled you into him, a breath of air escaping your lungs the moment he ripped your body off the floor. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, head falling to your shoulder while his teeth sunk into your neck, you let out a small grunt from the pain that you couldn’t welcome enough.
“Kashi?” you whispered heavily. He cut you off with another sloppy kiss, the rough smack of his lips against yours had you digging your nails into his back through his body con long sleeve. “What are you doing-“ another kiss “here?”
“What does it look like?” He huffed, hands sneaking past your shirt as he caressed your back with his long fingers. Your breath hitched at the feeling of him touching your bare skin, hair on the back of your neck raising while the tickling sensation of his calloused fingertips roamed your skin.
“I know what you’re doing, but why?”
“I needed you,” he rasped, fingers digging into your skin, his own nails now dragging down your skin. You shuddered in his grasp, thighs clamping down tight around his abdomen. “Must I need any other reason?”
“No…” you knew this was rhetorical, but the gratification you gained from answering him regardless heightened your arousal, giving into him just like you always did. “Needed me for what?” you asked, your chest rising and falling as you struggled to gain your composure.
“I just needed to see you,” Kakashi muttered licking the slight teeth marks that curved along your neck. “I missed this… the way things were before. Y’know I thought about inviting you over the other night?”
“To your apartment?” You were suddenly curious. He nodded, his hands now rubbing down your back, causing you to shiver once again. “What would we do?”
“I don’t even know. I was just so empty without you, even you being in my presence would be enough for me. However, I’m sure we’d find ways to entertain ourselves,” He leaned in closely to your ear “Wanna know how exactly?”
When he said this he thrusted himself into you, his hard package pressing right up against your clothed cunt. You moaned, grinding down on the new stimulation the moment you could, completely void of embarrassment or shame.
“Y-yeah,” your heart was practically in your throat now, however you felt the heartbeats much, much lower.
“Well, I had something in mind,” he hummed, his hands now on your asscheeks, gripping them harshly.
“Ngh- Like what?”
“I was thinking about how bad you’ve been lately,” his breath was almost burning the skin of your neck, you wanted him to so badly rip your clothes off of you and take you to bed. His hair smelled so good, you kept digging your fingers inside of the fluffy mass, gently pulling at it while it tangled between your fingers. He grunted slightly.
“Just like how you are right now,” it came out a purr, vibrations coming up from deep inside his chest. “You’ve been a bad girl. Sometimes I can barely recognize you.”
You didn’t know why you felt so ashamed about his words, a wave of regret crashing hard against you.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, unsure why the apology came so easy.
“So you admit you’ve been a bad girl?” he asked with amusement in his tone, his voice hoarse as he spoke deep into your neck.
“I’m as bad as they come,” you admitted, legs wrapping around even tighter. He chuckles softly.
“Oh? Well then I think we both know what that means,” his cock twitched underneath his pants, you had to sink your nails into your palms to avoid getting handsy. “I think you need to be punished severely.”
The hair on the back of your neck stood up, goosebumps rising on your skin immediately. He carried you over to your bed, tossing you down on it. You crashed against it, a loud squeak echoing through the room. You blushed, hoping to whatever god there was that nobody downstairs could hear.
“What are you going to do with me?” You asked, your hands rubbing where he bit you on your neck.
“You want to know your punishment?” An amused smile spread across his face. You nodded. “Well that’s for me to know and you to find out.”
You felt frustrated, already wanting him to lash out on you, it felt like torture the way he stood over you, patently keeping his hands to himself.
“Please?” you whispered, one of your hands moving south of your body, he watched as your sunk your hands under your waistband, eyes blowing wide when your mouth fell open.
He grabbed your wrist and yanked it back out, pinning it down and above your head.
“I think you need another spanking.” You bit your lip, trying to hide your excitement, your panties already wet when he increased the pressure of his hand.
He sat down next to you, letting go of your wrist and instead using his hand to grab your hair into a tight pony tail, causing you to sit up.
“Should I bend over your lap?” it came out as a mewl, your desperation evident on your face.
“How funny that you just want to jump straight into it,” he smiled in your face, shiny teeth gleaming back at your from beyond his perfect lips. “Sweet girl, maybe you do know how to behave,” he kissed you softly, then had you bend over his lap.
With one hand still firm in your hair, the other pulled down your pants, your panties coming down with it. You clenched around nothing as the cool air hit your wet cunt, a shiver was sent up your back.
“Such a slut, excited for her spanking.” He caressed your soft globes, you hummed excitedly, almost moaning at the delicate touch. “If I hadn’t done this previously I would’ve assumed you didn’t know what this was. Is that true? Are you a stupid girl who doesn’t know what a spanking is?” he cooed, his hand grabbing you hip harshly, fingers digging into your skin.
You grunted, knowing with this much pressure he would leave bruises along you skin for days, weeks even.
“It’s not pleasant, at least not the way I do it, remember? It’s gonna hurt, way more than a few soft taps.”
“I’m hoping for it,” you replied back, surprised by your own response and enthusiasm.
“Oh yeah?” he also seemed surprised, pleasantly surprised. A wicked smile was plastered on his face, searching your eyes with his own. “How long have you been wanting this for? I mean, you’re so obedient. I cant help but assume you’ve fantasized about this ever since last time,” his grip of your hair tightened, you smiled up at him devilishly.
“I’ve been wanting this since I last saw you.”
“Good answer,” he smirked. “Are you ready?”
You nodded quickly, arching your back as the tension builds up in your body.
“An even better answer." his fingertips glided againsty the curve of your back. "I don’t care if you scream or cry, in fact it would make this more enjoyable,” he hummed, pulling on your hair. “Now sit still.”
Kakashis hand came down hard on your backside, a loud slap echoed in your ears. You let out a depraved moan, biting your lip as the stinging starting to settle on your asscheek. He took a moment to take in the look on your face, ogling the flush of color across your cheeks. Quicker, and much harder this time, he struck you again with his ever-so-firm hand.
You whined, squirming in his lap until he spanked you again. After his next, you dug your nails into the mattress beneath you, huffing deep breaths in and out. Kakashi laughs softly, watching your soft ass turn a bright pink as he punished you.
“How many can you handle? You want me to get creative?” he asked happily, softly rubbing circles on your abused skin.
“Y-yesss…” your voice was trembling.
“If you say so. But it makes me wonder… how much pain can this pretty little ass take?”
“I deserve it, we both know I’ve been bad,” you mutter, nails coming out of the mattress as you slowly began to get less tense with each rub of Kakashis hand.
“Yes you have,” Kakashi exclaimed amused. “Do you know how bad? Answer me.” He smacked you again, and all you could muster was a string of whimpers and groans, no real words coming to your mind.
“Answer me properly. I don’t want to hear your little moans. I want a real answer. Tell me what you’ve done.”
“I… I’ve kept you a secret…” you whispered, your hand stroking his knee. “And the worst part is I’ve been fantasizing about you this whole time.”
“Interesting. For how long, give me a number.” He pulls your hair, tilting your face upwards so your eyes are locked.
“8 weeks,” you confess, looking away to avoid his strong gaze.
“8 weeks? How filthy have you been? What’s the most inappropriate thing you’ve fantasized about me doing?” He pulled your hair tighter, forcing you to look back at him.
“I’ve thought about you defiling me.” Kakashi raised an eyebrow.
“That’s all? I’m not going to lie, I expected more from you.” His hand move from your ass to your hip, once again squeezing it tightly. You winced.
“I-I’ve thought about you waking me up just so you can use me to get yourself off,” you blurted out. Kakashi perked up, much more interested.
“Anything else? You’ve had 8 weeks,” clearly he was having fun toying with you. It felt like torture dumping your fantasies onto him, but you couldn’t help spilling your guts.
“I’ve thought about pleasuring you.”
“Go on.” His grip became looser, yet still firm.
“I’d use my mouth.” He smirked.
“Is that all?” You wanted to melt into his lap, escape his massive presence.
“And my hands…”
“Well, don’t you have a plethora of talents,” he teased, bringing his hand back and quickly down his to your ass. You flinched, but before he could make contact he stopped himself, laughing softly. Your face burned hot.
“Anything else? I mean, 8 whole weeks is a looong time,” he raised his eyebrow again, looking directly in your eyes.
“Spit it out, don’t be a tease. I know you can say more.” His words made your skin tingle.
“I’ve thought about how mad you were at me, ignoring me all the time at the office. So I thought about trying to rile you up, get you even angrier. Just so maybe you’d snap and use me without holding back.” He loosened his grip on you.
“You really want that? For me to take my frustration out on you?”
“Yes.” You gripped his knee tighter.
“You really are a bad girl, aren’t you?” He smirked, grip getting firmer in your hair again.
“I am.”
“Do you have no shame? Ass in the air, panties off, pussy soaking wet, and looking me in my eye while you tell me about all the filth you’ve imagined about me. Sweet girl, you’re more perverted than I thought.” He pulled your hair back further, his mouth connected with your more a quick kiss.
“I bet you’ll say anything at this point if it’ll make me happy, huh? You’ve completely given yourself to me, isn’t that right?” With lidded eyes you nodded looking up at him.
“Are you mine to use?” Amused curiousity lingering in his voice.
“Yes.” Right after you confirmed this, another rough smack was right up against your ass. You yelped, once again digging your finger into the mattress.
“You like that, don’t you? You like getting hit by me.” You nod. Another rough smack. “Say it.” he practically barked.
“I- I like it! I like getting hit by you!” You wanted to curl up in embarrassment, once again hoping nobody could hear you. Kakashi had a wicked look on his face.
“I wonder how many times can I hit this ass of yours before you cry? Are you a tough girl?” He asked condescendingly.
“Yes…” He hit you harder, producing a loud moan out of you. He laughed.
“Are you tough or what? You seem to be enjoying this more than I expected,” this time he struck you lower, so that his palm was right up against the back of your thigh. You desperately squirm again, breathing shakily. He hits you there again, smiling to himself.
“Oh? Am I hitting a sensitive spot?” You almost shrieked when he smacked it again. “So I did find a sensitive spot,” he leaned down closely so that that he was almost in your ear.
“I’m going to keep smacking you, riiight here until your crying and begging me to stop.” And that’s what he did. Over and over again, watching as you rubbed your legs together, slick coating the feverish in-between of your legs.
“How many more spanks can you get before you cry? 10? 20? I know you can take it,” he kept spanking you, each one lighting you up until your ass was red. As he spanked you, he enjoyed watching your eyes roll back, your whimpers echo softly in your room, and your body spasm after each moment of contact.
“You must nearly be at the edge, huh?” Your eyes rolled back to normal, welling with tears. “Awww, is that it? Is that all you can take?”
He delivered the final blow, you moaned loudly, tears flowing down your cheeks. You felt lightheaded, pain and pleasure circulating inside of you. The erotic sensation making it's way up your spine, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up.
“Aww… did I do that? Did I make the tough, pretty girl cry?” You nod, unable to verbalize a single thought. “Such a good girl, taking it like a champ. I have to say, I admire how well you kept your composure… well at least most of it.”
He pulled your hair back, your head coming closer to him and he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. You shut your eyes and bit your lip, your heart melting at his sudden tender affection.
While still having a good grasp of your pony tail, Kakashi slung you over to the side, trapping you against him and the bed. He had you pinned, your wrists above your head. When he towered his large form over you his lips brushed against yours, his scent was everywhere. You closed your eyes again, and felt how his eyelashes fluttered against your cheek as he bent down lower and licked up your neck.
You smirked, a sudden tickle causing you to slightly spasm, Kakashi laughed softly when he saw it. He instead turned to biting you, the feeling of his teeth in your neck filled you with the most euphoric nostalgia. You sighed, legs bending so your knees could squeeze his waist. He rutted his hips into your core, and you shuddered as the wet juices pooled in your cunt and trickled down your legs.
Kakashi looked up at you, lips curled into a cocky smile, pressing softly against your own. You parted your lips, his soft tongue dragging along your plump lip, before his teeth gently trapped it and he bit into it possessively. You never started the day thinking he'd be showing up at your old home, about to fuck you senseless into the mattress you've spent countless nights on. It seemed to you like Kakashi's fate was to always appear, and so was your passionate desire for him.
Kakashi's kiss could make your loins ache like a wildfire, yet it could also make your breaths slow and your heart melt. Maybe it was fate?
I am safe here. His arms are open, his tongue is tender, and I don't need to struggle anymore.
Its all you could think about, really.
Two fingers circled your drenched clit, Kakashi watched your hole clench around nothing. He licked his lips watching your pretty cunt swallow his didgets shortly after, curling up as he pumped in and out.
“She’s so pretty…” he hummed, his knuckles now shiny with your arousal.
Your toes curled the more he pumped you, his fingers working fast. You roughly grabbed his wrist, stopping his movement. He looked up at you, a single brow cocked.
“Something wrong?” his voice was smooth, eyes soft as they watched you with adoration.
“T-that’s not what I need…” You murmured, breathing in and out as if you’d pass out.
“Tell me, what do you-“
“Cock. Yours.” You demanded. Kakashis eyes grew wide, a sinister grin plastered in his face. He retracted his fingers from your cunt, a silent moan escaped your lips when he moved.
“I never thought I’d have you so needy, sweet girl.” Kakashis hand traveled to his waistbands and pulled them down, hard cock slapped against his body con shirt, precum making his tip glisten.
“I can’t help it.” You admitted, your eyes breaking away from his to stare at his erection. Your legs spread wide, and you wriggled excitedly.
Kakashi ducked down to kiss you, cupping your cheeks as he rutted against you, his length rubbing up and down against your clit. You moaned into the kiss, a smile on your face as your pleasure spread. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, getting even closer as you two enjoyed eachothers embrace.
Kakashis tongue made its appearance in your mouth again, the soft tip of his tongue swirling with yours, just to retreat and wetten your lower lip.
“Don’t tease me…” you whispered, breaking the kiss only to resume it quickly. He laughed gently, his hand moving south to grab the base of his cock and align it with your entrance.
“Well, aren’t you one to talk?” With one swift motion he went balls deep inside of you again, a shiver running up his back as he bottomed out, his public bone flush with your clit.
You both grunted, then began to lock lips as his hips drilled into you. You both knew you didn’t want to waste any time, each time he bottomed out you grounded down on him further, feeling his warm precum coat your walls as your own arousal spilled out and onto the sheets.
“Always wet for me…” he smiled, kissing down your jaw.
His cock was heavy, stretching you perfectly and throbbing each time it hit that tender spot inside of you that made you digs crescents into his back with your nails. He loved watching your lashes flutter when your eyes rolled back, and he devoured your lips whenever they opened to produce a guttural moan.
“I love you…” Kakashi cooed, a finger of his now playing with your clit.
“Love you- haaah- too…” you replied with a whine between words.
Kakashi pulls your shirt off of you, then quickly grabs both your wrists in one hand. He pins you down, and you’re unable to move. He retracts his hand from your clit and presses his forearm under your tits, pushing them up and drooling at how pretty they sit. He ducks down and sucks a nipple, his soft tongue spreading hot spit over your sensitive tits. He moans, cock throbbing as you pulse around him.
He looks up at you, your face red and forehead slightly sweaty. Fuck, you look so sexy. He groans your name, biting your tit, sucking a hickey into the soft flesh in his mouth. You’re seeing stars, vision blurry as your orgasm comes washing over you. You’re whimpering his name, shaking and yet unable to move under his massive presence. He lets go of your tit in his mouth and watched over you. You were his own personal porn star, cumming for him- cumming on him. Whimpering his name as you choke his girthy cock and take him while he resizes your cunt.
“Filthy… you’re making such a mess.” His pace was quicker now, your cries of pleasure louder as he beats your pussy into the mattress. “Bad girl…” he hums low, almost a growl.
You can’t fight back the violent euphoria, your poor cunt wants more of him, regardless as to whether or not you can take it.
“S’ good…” you mewl, erotic and soft squelches filling your ears as he continues to stuff you with his member, his own orgasm on its precipice.
“You really are a slut of this cock, huh?” he teased, thrusting hard, keeping his dick stuffed deep inside you as he pressed his pelvis against your clit. His nails dig into your wrists, your fingers try to grab onto him but you just can’t reach.
“No more playing games,” he grunts, a hand letting go of your wrists to wrap around your throat firmly. You gasp, your air running thin. “You want me?” His hips retreat, then slam harsh inside of you. You wince, eyes snapping shut when you moan.
“Tsk tsk, look at me.” you follow his order, your brows knitted tightly together, looking up at him through your lashes. His teeth glimmer as he grins mischievously, his grip on your neck tightening. “Nah, you need me.”
You feel like you’re about to pass out again, legs shaking viciously and you felt light headed.
“My body always misses this pussy… fucking made for me.” He nips at your jaw, railing you at the one pace he knows you and he both like it. “Mine.”
He wants to mark you up, leave you purple for everyone to see. So when he notices how hard it is for you to breathe he lets go, and takes delight in how you choke for air. He sucks deeply at your neck, throbbing inside you when he imagines how it’ll look after.
“M’gonna cum again…” you almost plead, hips tilting up to meet his own, welcoming his gorgeous cock back inside of you where you knew it belonged.
“I bet you want me to cum inside you,” he mutters, letting go on your sensitive skin before he sucks another purple bruise into your neck.
“Please.” Is all you manage, your slick now running down your ass.
“Always a slut for my cum…” He bites your shoulder, his tongue licking at the red skin underneath. “Can’t fuck you once without you begging for a creampie.”
You cum for a second time, begging for his hot cum to fill you up and pour out. Kakashi complies, a few more rough thrusts and he’s pumping you full of his burning seed, you feel impossibly full as you throw your head back. Kakashi moans heavily, still pumping you with his cock, loving the way you squirt on him with your own spend.
“You can play with yourself thinking about this tonight,” he says low, kissing you hard while he continues to shoot ropes into you. You twitch, legs spasming as your orgasm refuses to subside.
“N-no. I wanna be with you tonight! I wanna do it again!” You beg, wrapping your legs even tighter around him. His eyes widen and he licks your neck playfully.
“My sweet girl, if I bring you home with me tonight I won’t stop until the sun comes up.”
“I’m prepared to lose a few hours of sleep if it means I can spend them being your whore.” You respond shamelessly. He lets go of your wrist and you grab the back of his head, fully making out with him as you play with his silver mess. “I love you. I don’t care anymore.”
Kakashi hums in delight, pulling out of you, your shared cum sticking to his own thighs now.
“You mean you’re all mine?” He knew the answer.
“Mmhmm… And I’m sorry about the way I was acting before…” You admitted, hands running in his hair.
Kakashi rested his face against your tits, his arms wrapped around your waist.
“What do you mean? I should be sorry. I shouldn’t have been such a scummy person to make you choose me or your career, especially when I knew how much you love it.” His voice was soft and somber, you kissed the crown on his head.
“We both messed up, yeah?” You slightly giggled.
“Yeah,” he laughed back. “If you’re sure about going into this war with me I want you to know something.” He picked his head up, towering over you again. His palm rested against your cheek as his eyes looked deep into yours.
“I don’t care who we’re facing or what we’re up against. I don’t care who’s getting hurt but I do know one thing,” His brows furrowed. “I’m not leaving your side once. I’ll cover you, I’ll fight for you, I swear I’ll kill for you- I already have and I will again if I have to.”
He softly kissed the tip of your nose.
“That goes for me too,” you sighed, one of your hands caressed his shoulder. He grabbed that hand and kissed the back of it, then pulled you off the bed.
You two got dressed, although you chose to change into a turtle neck, and went downstairs. The restaurant was more packed and there was chatter all around, the nerves you may have been heard upstairs disappearing completely.
Percy turned around when Kakashi approached the seat next to him and reclaimed his seat. You walked around the counter and began to wipe it down. Your father came out from behind the curtain that led to the kitchen.
“Here’s that sandwich,” Your dad said, handing your boyfriend the plated food. “Enjoy, son.”
“Son?” Kakashi asked, taking a look around to see if people were watching him. When the coast was clear he quickly lowered his mask for a bite, then put it back on.
Nobody could see the smile underneath he had while he chewed, but you noticed the crinkle underneath his eyes.
“Not bad,” Percy said, polishing off his meal. “What’d you think, Kakashi?”
“Yeah,” he looked up from his plate, watching as you walked around the restaurant, taking orders and handing out drinks. “It was good.” It tasted like home.
A/N: after a much needed break/hiatus i’m finally back RAAAAHHHHH !!!!!!! for everyone asking if i plan on continuing the mafia AU yes i do but i feel like it’ll be a small mini series.
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cookie-crumblr · 6 months
Red Lily Down
GN! Reader x Bunny Hybrid Harem
Part 2~
Their Info: 💐🐰✨
Part: 1 2 3
CW: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, GN! Reader, No pronouns used for reader, no genitalia descriptions mentioned for reader, bunny hybrid reader/mostly all of the harem is an animal hybrid of some kind, NSFW: sexual themes all throughout, every named character wants you, non con touching, smut, no sex yet! Reader gets called beautiful and pretty(u r), real furs, non con stripping, non con pet play, imprisonment, dark spooky forest,
Disclaimer: This harem’s theme is based off of a mix of Roots of Pacha and Watership Down. Not intended to represent any real or specific person/time/place/ or culture!
You aren’t just gonna lie down and let Aster win.
Definitely not!
You decide to go scout possible foraging locations. It’s starting to become dusky, however. You forget how fast night actually falls, once the sun starts going down.
The moon and billions of stars light your way, bouncing off of the shining leaves of the canopy above you. Thankfully, you aren’t lost, but you’re a little bit more scared than you’d like to admit.
You see the flickering light of a small fire ahead of you a ways, but it’s the opposite direction of the warren.
Eventually you step out of the brush into a small clearing where you find, August’s wagon!
“Why hello there,” a voice carried on a little breeze made just for you, graces your ear. You spin to face a fancy looking bunny guy with two toned hair.
“Hiya, August!”
“I brought you something really special tonight…” He goes to rummage around in a trunk on the back of the wagon. He’s always bringing you such elaborate treasures. You try and peer over his shoulder, but he blocks you just like always.
“Everything you bring me is special!” you roll on the balls of your feet, deciding to face away from him and respect the surprise. Not too soon later you feel warm arms wrapping around you. “Wha—”
His hands gently encase you, and his head rests on your shoulder.
“Let me take you away from here… I can show you life away from the warrens.” His voice is soothing, but is that something you want? “Here, it’s too late tonight, I’ll take you back home.”
“No way, August! It’s not that far.” You laugh.
“Only if you’re sure, Y/n, I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you.” He slowly let’s you go and pats you on the head.
You’re in your own little world when it happens.
Thinking to yourself about your options…
It appears you have a lot.
All of a sudden, a burlap bag comes over your head, it scratches your ear, and you yelp out with more than just surprise!
You hear mumbled chatting but can’t make out any full sentences, when…
“Mmmf… My head…” You’re dizzy and your head is pounding. It feels as though your skull is in the jaws of a tiger.
“Ahh, you’re awake, good.” A ginormous white rabbit hybrid man sits beside you on a massive bed. He’s intimidating to say the least, and you audibly gulp, mouth dry. “Here, you need fluid.” He holds a clay cup to your lips and has you drink.
Your headache is already subsiding, “Thanks…” Your voice is quiet. “Where… Um…”
“You’re home. I am Hellebore. You are my mate and you will rule over this warren with me.” He speaks as though his words are law.
“Wha—” You notice the bed is covered in soft… Furs… Your eyes widen in horror. Your warren doesn’t kill anything so you aren’t accustomed to it. His loincloth is leather too. And now you’re looking at his crotch… His length isn’t even hard and you can still see the sheer size of it.
“Good. You’re understanding your situation, my little mate.” He brushes your hair from your face and runs his fingers down the side of your jaw, then under your chin. “You are so beautiful,” His ear flicks, and he sighs, “I have to go for now, I will see you again soon.”
You’re left to cool off on your own… Gods, today has been so long! You think about resting your eyes… But you’re way too nervous for when Hellebore will return.
You shoot up. “Who’s there!?”
“S-sorry! M-my names Dandelion! I’m h-here to help y-you escape” She squeaks it all out hurriedly.
“Why?” You narrow your eyes, she’s standing in the doorway looking around frantically, she doesn’t seem like she’s lying, but why’s she helping you?
“Y-you’re r-really c-cute!” She blushes.
“Aww!” she’s so adorable! your own face is warm, you bound over to her, immediately forgetting the world just to hold her hand.
You do, you take her soft hand in yours and kiss it, “My hero, let’s go!”
Her face is a blaze of red, smoke would probably be flying out of this poor bunny girl’s lopped ears! You have to take mercy on her for now. She looks like she can only handle so much at a time.
She pulls you along through a pathway in the trees when that feeling of being watched hits you again, this time however, it’s too late to be any help.
Your ankle snags in something, it hurts but not too badly. It’s some type of snare you think, but it’s too dark to see.
“There’s that pretty bunny I’ve been hunting”
“AHHH!!!” Dandelion screams “I’ll get help! I promise!!” She runs, her fluffy lil tail flailing up and down. You trust her.
This human man completely either didn’t hear her, or is just disregarding her. Either way, you already feel frozen and small, and like talking to him would be pointless.
“No bitin’ now, I’m only getting this off,”
“Why would I bite you?” You think he might be deaf, he doesn’t seem to have heard you. “Woah!” Your equilibrium shifts as he hoists you up into his huge arms. He sets you on one arm as if it’s a chair made just for you. You feel a little bashful, but, “Where are you taking me?”
Still he ignores you.
You decide to shift and get more comfortable for the ride rather than waste anymore breath.
“We’re here,” He pulls back a branch, revealing a beautiful clearing filled with white moonlight. There’s even a waterfall behind his cabin! You kinda want to jump in, but it looks a little scary too. “Now, what to call you,”
“You can call me, Y/n.” You fold your arms, there’s no way he’s deaf. He’s pretending he can’t hear you!
“How about I just call you, Bunny, for now…” It’s not a question. You end up with a straight face, already fed up with this human man and his weird shenanigans.
“I’m a hybrid. I’m not a full bunny, ya know,” You say.
“You make such cute little sounds, Bunny.” After he hangs up his thick brown fur coat, he approaches you, looking into your eyes fully.
You feel scared suddenly, like he’s finally actually seeing you. But you’re completely exposed.
“I’ll be right back,” He puts his hand under your chin and tilts your face up to look at him.
When he returns he picks you back up, you hold onto his arm, it’s so thick, you wonder for a second what the rest of him is like…
“Bath time, little Bunny,” He pulls at your top, you try to hold it down and end up huddled in the cold dirt.
“D-don’t!” He pays your plea no mind.
Huge calloused hands squeeze your thighs, and pull down fabric from your skin. Some of it tickles madly, some of it feels too rough to bare.
Soon your stripped completely naked, and covering yourself with your hands and legs. For a second you think you can see red adorning his cheeks. You willingly climb in the fire heated bath.
He takes a sponge, and washes your body, thankfully not spending too much time in any one place.
He puts you in a cotton shirt that’s baggy and soft, before carrying you once again. This time he drops you off in a hutch. Possibly the most cruel and inhumane thing you could ever think to be put into.
“No way. You can stop now!” You grab onto the bars and try to pull on them.
He ignores you and goes back inside.
“LET ME OUT!!” You keep screaming until you hear something in the brush on the edge of the clearing. “Hello…?” You peep.
“Hello…” Possibly the deepest voice you’ve ever heard echos you…
“Um… I’m uh… Stuck… C-could you… h-help?” Your heart pounds in your long, fuzzy ears. You swallow painfully while you wait for seconds of absolute silence for the man to do anything at all.
Footsteps crunch through the pine needles.
You behold him as he steps into the moonlight, a gorgeously rugged wolf man. More rough around the edges than even Winter. You watch him wide eyed, as he unlocks the hutch.
He grabs hold of your waist and hoists you out.
“You should follow me. ‘s not safe.” He doesn’t talk much you can already safely assume. Instinct takes over and you grab his hand. He doesn’t pull away, but he doesn’t hold your hand back.
You almost want to thank him, it’s so late now that you know predators are just lurking around every dark corner… Predators like big dark wolf men in the middle of the dark forests, but you don’t think of that, do you?
He takes you into a lively and bustling wolf pack. They’re dancing around a big bonfire in the middle of the tribe.
“Safe. Sleep.” He says, and lays down on a fur covered slab of rock with his back to you.
It’s not as comfy as what you’re used to at all… but you manage to sleep for a little while at least.
“I’m here for them.” a deep woman’s voice rings out like a beautiful and slow song.
You open your eyes and it’s even darker out now.
It’s Gloria! The chief of your sister warren. She’s gorgeous, as tall as Hellebore, too! You practically drool as you imagine her stepping on you. You jump up and excitedly rush over to her.
She smiles when she sees you. “Ah, it’s wonderful that you’re alright, darling. Now, come.”
You follow her all the way to your home. She takes your face in her hands once inside your canvas walls.
“I… Was worried. I’m going to discuss treaties with the woods tomorrow. You’ll be able to go where you wish.” She kisses your cheek and runs her finger down your jaw. A sigh leaves her plump lips, “You’ll thank me next time. I unfortunately have to go for now my sweet little darling.” You hug goodbye.
Your body burns.
You’re beyond exhausted as you trudge your way through the warren. It’s so quiet and creepy, but the gentle snoring wafting out of the open windows all around comforts you. It was really a very short walk.
“Y/n?” Azure yawns…
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neonghostlights · 1 year
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Chapter One: A Breakup, a Missing Person, and a Business Trip
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Eddie Munson left you behind to chase his dreams before suddenly disappearing. When he shows up 5 years later, will he be able to work his way back into your heart?
Warnings: Breakups, Betrayal, Arguments, Eddie is immature, Missing person, Mention of cops, Annoying flirty coworker, Reader is wearing a dress and heels, Brief mention of anaphylactic shock (doesn't really happen it's just mentioned), Brief mention of a heart attack (doesn't really happen it's just mentioned) Food/Eating, Alcohol, Reader and Eddie are in early 20s in ‘86, are in mid 20’s in ‘91. This series is 18+, Minors DNI
Word Count: 3.8k
Series Masterlist
July 1986
When you were finally able to form a sentence again you took the chance to ask the question at the forefront of your mind.
“How long?”
“Hm?” He hummed like he hadn’t heard you at all. 
Suddenly, shoving clothes into a trashbag was the most interesting thing in the world to him. You knew he was avoiding you; avoiding the damage he was doing. 
“How long have you known you were leaving?” You bit out. Any patience you had for him was long gone. 
“Uh, well, a couple of weeks,” he said, still refusing to make eye contact. 
“When you say ‘a couple of weeks’ you mean-”
“A month. I’ve known for a month.” Finally, he lifted his head to look at you. He stepped away from the half full trash bag and ran a hand through his hair, bangs sticking to his forehead from the exertion of his speed packing. 
It had been a month since Eddie had met a woman at The Hideout who claimed to be a big shot music producer. She had made big promises for him and the band, telling them that if they follow her out to California then she can make their wildest dreams come true. Of course, this had happened on the one Tuesday you weren’t there. 
Of course Eddie would choose her and her promises over you. 
“You’ve known you were leaving for a month and you just didn’t say anything to me? Did the last three years mean nothing to you?” You yelled, rage taking over any ounce of control that you had. 
You had never yelled at Eddie before. You can’t even remember a time when you two had ever argued in the past three years you had been together. 
Patience had always been your virtue. You were patient when he took three years to graduate. You were patient when he would sell drugs for Rick instead of getting a real job. You were patient when he would be late for dates because Hellfire or band practice ran over. You were patient all of the times you dragged him home drunk and belligerent from The Hideout.
You were patient with all things that were Eddie Munson. All you had done for the past three years was give and give during your relationship and he never considered doing the same for you. And maybe that was your own mistake for allowing it. 
Eddie winced at your raised voice, something he had never heard before.
“This isn’t how this was supposed to go,” he muttered, mostly to himself. 
“Oh really? Then what was your grand plan? You dump me and run off into the sunset and just expect me to be okay with it?” You didn’t yell this time, but your voice was still harsh. 
“You’re not listening. I am not just dumping you. This is a great opportunity for the band, for us.” He took a step towards you, you took a step back. He looked at the distance between the two of you and let out a deep sigh. “When I make it big and start bringing some money in then I’ll come back for you. We just need to be apart for a little bit but I promise I’ll come back for you. Go to that big fancy college and just wait for me. I promise it will be worth it.” 
You couldn’t even process the stupidity of what he was saying to you. 
Sometimes it amazed you how both you and Eddie were twenty years old, but the maturity levels differed greatly between the two of you. Eddie was a dreamer, you were more practical.
There was nothing wrong with him dreaming but where it went wrong was how he jumped head first into things without thinking. 
You and Eddie had started dating during your only senior year, his first, and after you graduated you stayed in Hawkins to go to community college. Now that you had your associate's degree, you were going to a nicer university to receive your bachelors. 
The university wasn’t far. Initially the plan was for Eddie to get a real job and move with you while you finished school. It wasn’t your idea but his, and he had seemed excited. So what changed? 
You were so angry. All of the love you two had shared over the past three years was for nothing. All of the times he would tell you how much he loved you and how he planned to marry you one day when he got himself together had been a big fat lie.
You had never felt so betrayed. 
“Grow up, Eddie. You expect me to sit around and wait for you while you live the rockstar lifestyle for a few years and get it out of your system.” You snapped.
“That’s not true,” he denied. “I’ll call you, depending on how busy I am with the tour. We don’t have to be strangers. I’m just asking you to wait for me.”
You stared at him blankly for a moment, taking him in for what was probably going to be the last time. 
A horn honked outside, breaking you from your trance. 
“Don’t bother calling me. I don’t want to see or hear from you ever again,” you said as you stepped around him and headed for his bedroom door. 
“You don’t mean that. I thought out of everyone you would be the most understanding.” He called out behind you with a hint of bitterness in his voice. 
He didn’t chase after you or take it all back as you walked out of the trailer. Part of you still expected for him to laugh and say it was all a joke. But, of course, that never happened. 
Garrett, Jeff, and Grant sat on the porch and eyed you warily as you walked past. The looks on their faces told you that they already knew what had just went down. 
They were Eddie’s friends first, so it doesn’t surprise you that they had chosen him over you. 
But, damn, did it still hurt. 
You didn’t let them see you cry as you pulled away from the trailer. You saved your tears for when you got home and threw yourself into a bedroom that was covered in memories of you and Eddie’s time together. 
You promised yourself as you sobbed into your pillow that night, that you would never ever let someone break you again. 
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 December 1986
Your socked feet danced over the shaggy rug that laid beside your twin side bed. 
You didn’t plan on living in a dorm room for the remaining two years of your degree, especially since you had transferred from a community college and were so used to the freedom that came with that. 
You picked up another piece of clothing from the pile beside you and folded it messily before shoving it into the open duffel bag at your feet. 
The idea of going back to Hawkins, even for a few weeks, was not exciting to you. Your parents had practically begged you on the phone to come home. Your father was even daring enough to threaten a possible heart attack if you didn’t come home to visit. 
It wasn’t their fault you didn’t want to return. Hawkins was an unhealed wound in your heart, the edges tender and throbbing. You feared that just crossing over the town lines would cause the edges to rip apart and bleed ferociously into your chest. 
You didn’t think you’d be able to handle that, but for the sake of the holidays, you had no choice. 
College had been great so far and a good distraction from your troubles. The parties that your roommate, Lissa, dragged you out to during the weekends helped to numb the pain. Lissa had taken you under her wing once you moved in and after a night with a bottle of wine, she got the pleasure of hearing the whole story of why your heart was so broken. 
Ever since then, she had been on a one woman mission to cheer you up. 
You tossed another piece of clothing into the duffel bag, happy that Lissa had already left to go home so she couldn’t get onto you for moping. 
The door to the room was left open. Something about the heating system in this place made the rooms stuffy during the winter. You could hear the happy chatter of people walking past the entrance as they left to go home for the break, relieved that finals were over. 
A ring from one of the phones outside of the room caught your attention for a second. That was another thing that you missed from living at home, having your own phone. Here they had the community phones in the hallway outside the rooms that everyone had to share. 
The ringing cut off quickly, most likely from the person who was waiting for the call. 
You balled up a pair of socks and tossed them into the bag. At this rate, you’d be finished packing by the time winter break was over. You threw your body back with a groan so your upper half laid flat on the bed and your legs hung off at an odd angle. 
You heard a throat clear awkwardly from the doorway. Your head snapped up in surprise to see one of the girls a few doors down standing there. 
“Uh, there’s someone on the phone for you,” she said.
You couldn’t even be embarrassed that she witnessed your little meltdown over packing. 
“Oh? Did they say who it was?” You asked. You didn’t expect your mom and dad to call you since you were already supposed to be on the road by now. Lissa wouldn’t have a reason to call either. 
“Some guy. I think he said his name was Munson.”
You sat up with a jolt. “Munson?” You asked but she had already left the doorway. 
You scrambled off the bed and hurried out into the hallway to see the phone sitting off the hook and waiting for you to answer. 
Eddie had never called you after he left for California. The memory of telling him not to call was still fresh. But part of you hoped he wouldn’t have listened and that he would have called anyway, even if it was just to tell you how amazing his life was now. 
The petty part of you wished he regretted it and that he was coming home to make things right. 
You cleared your throat and wiped your sweaty hands against your sweatshirt before you picked up the phone, praying that he hadn’t hung up yet. 
“Hello?” Your voice came out breathy and weak. You wished you  had pulled  yourself together some more so you would sound stronger and more sure of yourself. Prove to him that college had made you forget about him. 
“Hey, uh, it’s Wayne.” You pulled the phone away from your ear to look down at it for a second, hoping that it would somehow explain to you why Wayne Munson was calling you. 
You and Wayne had been close when you and Eddie were together. But the last time you saw him was before the break up. You had no hard feelings for Wayne. If anything, the break up made you miss him too. 
“Oh. Hey, Wayne,” you said, trying to keep the disappointment and confusion from your voice. 
“I’m sorry to bother you. I know you’re probably busy studying and stuff,” he started off. You fought the urge to tell him you were not busy studying at all. Wayne had been so happy for you when you told him you got accepted into this university. He was even excited for you just for starting out at a community college. “But have you heard from Eddie at all?”
The world screeched to a halt. 
“Eddie? No? Why?” This time, there was no hiding the confusion. 
“He didn’t come home. I don’t know if you heard that the rest of the boys in that band came home a couple of months ago with their tails between their legs. They said something about a scam and things not working out. But Eddie didn’t come back with them like he was supposed to. He ran off instead of going with them and no one has heard from him. He told me when he left he would call but he hasn’t. It’s getting close to the holidays and he has never missed Christmas and it’s making me worried.”
Wayne never was one to show much emotion, but the worry was palpable through the phone. He had every reason to be worried.. 
Eddie leaving you behind made sense, but Eddie leaving Wayne and not bothering to check on him was absurd. He wouldn’t just do that, right? 
“Have you called the cops?” You asked immediately. 
Wayne let out a humorless laugh. “Yep. Called them before I thought to check with you. Hawkins police never cared much for Eddie, as you already know. They said they can’t do anything since he didn’t go missing here. I called the police in the town he was last in and they told me that he’s an adult and he has the right to not call.”
You thought for a second, every horrible possibility racing through your mind. What if he was kidnapped or was in some sort of awful accident? What if he was out there somewhere and needed your help?
“Do you think he’s okay? Should I go out there and look for him?” 
“No. Don’t do that. The last thing we need is you going out there and ending up missing yourself,” he said with a stern tone. You knew it came from a place of concern and not anger. 
As much as you hated it, you knew Wayne was right. You didn’t know much about California. Wayne knew where he was last seen but odds were he wasn’t there anymore. 
You leaned your head against the wall in front of you in defeat. 
“What can I do, Wayne?” You begged. You and Eddie had been broken up for months but it didn’t feel right to just hang up and pretend this conversation never happened. 
“Just wait and see if he calls. That’s all either of us can do for now. I’m sure he’ll come around.”
You sighed in response, not sure what else to say. 
“I tried to talk him out of leaving, you know?” Wayne said after a few beats of silence. “Told him he was dumb to leave you behind. But that boy doesn’t listen when he gets an idea in his head-”
“I have to go,” you announced quickly, cutting Wayne off from whatever else he was about to say. 
You couldn’t listen to it. Didn’t want to relive the heartbreak. 
“Oh, right. Sorry. Take care of yourself, kid. Will you just give me a call if you hear from him?”
“Sure,” you said before another thought crossed your mind. The image of Wayne Munson spending Christmas alone in that cold trailer caused you to speak without thinking about it. “I’m actually coming back to Hawkins tonight for winter break. Did you want to meet up for lunch sometime or maybe even meet up for Christmas if he doesn’t call?” 
“Sure, kid. I’d love that.”
Even though making sure Wayne was taken care of would help relieve some of your guilt, you couldn’t help but think back to when you told Eddie you didn’t want to see or hear from him ever again. 
Seems like you would get your wish. 
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August 1991
August in California was blistering hot. 
From the second you stepped off of the airplane, you were ready to get right back on and head home to Indiana to lock yourself into your air conditioned apartment in Indianapolis. At least there you would have your cat, Junie. Plus, if you went home now, Lissa wouldn’t have to feed and take care of Junie for you even though she was allergic. Honestly, you could make the excuse to get out of this trip by saying you had to save your friend from anaphylactic shock. 
But if you did that then your boss would have your head. 
And in order to get this promotion you really needed your head. 
You had started working for this publishing company straight after college three years ago. You adored working in the business of books and were honestly lucky to get the position that you already had. 
But if sucking up to your boss and attending this stupid business trip in sweltering California would help you climb the metaphorical ladder, then you would do it. 
You fanned yourself as you waited in the hotel lobby for the rest of your group. The crisp white furniture and marble floors made you feel out of place. Never in a million years would you stay in a place like this on your own dime. You wondered how much it would cost for them to mop you off the floor once you melted right out of your heels. 
 You were immediately regretting the black wrap dress you had chosen as you felt a bead of sweat roll down the back of your neck. You wished they would have given you just one night to relax before the day full of meetings and seminars the next day.
Fancy hotels like this were supposed to have top notch A/C, right? The constant turning of the revolving door from sharp dressed business men probably canceled the promise of cool air out. 
You fanned yourself again with another wave of your hand. Was it the heat getting to you or was it the blazing reminder of the last person you knew that came to this state just to never be seen again? 
You shook your head, pushing the thought away from you. If you went too deep down that rabbit hole then you would never find your way back out. Unfortunately, you knew that from experience. 
Even just standing in this hotel lobby made you uneasy. Although he didn’t disappear from this area, you were still on constant alert. 
“You look hot.”
Vance’s voice called out as he approached. The double meaning didn’t go over your head as you continuously fanned yourself with your hand. 
“Yeah, well. It’s hot in here,” you said to Vance as he approached. 
Vance looked as prim and proper as he usually did with his slicked back blonde hair, collared shirt, and shiny shoes. He had started at the publishing company around the same time as you and was quickly determined to be around you at all times since you were both the newest hires. 
Most of the time you didn’t mind it. He was harmless, a little annoying sometimes like a mosquito, but mostly harmless. 
Lissa had heard your stories about Vances flirting and insisted you at least went on one date with him just to try it out. You didn’t think it was the best idea, especially since you worked together. 
You also didn’t do serious relationships and didn’t want to give him false hope. 
You could see the swarm of your coworkers and your boss cross the lobby towards you. 
“Should we go ahead in there?” Vance asked, holding out his elbow for you to hold. 
You rolled your eyes, before grabbing onto his arm and walking into the hotel restaurant together. 
Vance and you grabbed the seats right beside each other at the very end of the table. 
You had immediately breathed a sigh of relief when the crisp, cool air of the restaurant greeted you, cooling your fevered skin. 
The restaurant, just like the hotel it resided in, was very fancy with pristine white table cloths and flawless place settings that had too many forks than you could name. 
You learned over the years at your job that the best thing to do was to pretend you knew what you were doing and usually no one asked any questions. Or, at the very least, follow Vance’s lead because he came from a household that had fancy meals on the regular. 
Everyone seemed mostly relaxed as they sat at the table and started to chat. No one would be able to fully let loose with their boss at the end of the table, watching like a hawk. 
Red wine was ordered and tables glasses were filled as you all looked over the very intricate menu. Half of  these words you wouldn’t be able to pronounce. 
Vance tapped your shoulder to get your attention. 
“Do you think I should get the caviar as a starter?” He asked so seriously that you didn’t even question if he was kidding or not. 
“Do you really want to eat fish eggs?” You questioned him with a raised brow as you skimmed over the menu. “Why doesn’t this place have mozzarella sticks?”
“Because it’s supposed to be fine dining and not your local pizza joint,” he jabbed back. He pointed to an item on the menu. “Get the bruschetta. It has cheese on it.”
“Thank you,” you hummed as you looked over the menu again. 
You fought back eye roll as Vance placed his hand on your arm instead of responding. You resisted the urge to push him off. 
During you and Vance’s talking about the menu, you didn’t see  your waiter approach or hear him introduce himself. 
You were in your own little world until you actually heard him speak to you. He had the voice you had only heard in your dreams and old home videos that Wayne would pull out when he was feeling sentimental during the holidays. 
“Are you ready to order?” 
Your head turned slowly to face him, scared that you would be disappointed by what you were about to see. When his wide eyes mimicked yours in surprise you couldn’t stop yourself from speaking. 
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formulaforza · 1 year
miss americana & the heartbreak prince masterlist
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charles leclerc x female oc —what's the point of it all if you're not going to fall madly in into love?
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—00. prologue
playlist social media au teaser orange show speedway
—01. all american girl
"“Because.” He doesn’t really know why he can’t land on a message, why everything he types sounds entirely too casual or formal or nothing at all like what he would say to another human being. This isn’t a problem that he’s used to having. It’s the in-person flirting that fucks him up, not the texts and DMs and comments. She was just… he doesn’t know what she was. She was just. End of sentence."
—01.5 hey google, who is christyn elliott?
—02. over the ocean call
"Chris has one student, Quinn, whose family can’t afford reduced lunch prices but also won’t request for Quinn to qualify for the free lunch. She thinks it’s an ego thing, that Quinn’s mom just isn’t able to accept that the family needs help. It’s a single parent household and the mom works two full-time jobs to try and make ends meet. After a newsletter was sent home in need of parent signatures at the beginning of the year and returned with Mama written in sloppy green crayon, Chris learned that Quinn was living a relatively self-sufficient life. As self-sufficient as a five-year-old can be." 
—02.5 like real people do
—03. i think i fell in love today
"If there wasn’t something weird in the air before, there certainly is now. A new weird. A good weird. An implication of something in the air, weird. It’s out there now, just hanging above them. I want to kiss you. You can kiss me. Now all that’s left is for one of them to make the move."
—03.5 do the girls back home touch you like i do?
—04. every finger, every sigh
"She can feel eyes on her. Charles, she hopes. Charles, she can’t find in the chaos. When she does spot him, half-dead sparkler still in his hand, head drunkenly bobbing along to the beat, he’s looking right at her, grins a stupid grin and winks."
—05. monte carlo ave
"He shakes his head. “You don’t understand.” She can’t possibly understand it because he doesn’t even properly understand it, the way he feels about her. The fear he feels about losing all the indecipherable feelings. It’s just good, everything about her, about being near her. It’s all so sweet and nice and good and he really, really doesn’t want to screw it up."
—05.5 still so much I have yet to know
—06. quarter of the way
"As soon as they reach the cover of the trees, Chris is telling Hannah everything. Everything. She tells her about Austin, about how she met a guy who was just too charming to not get her number. About every nervous text and hours long FaceTime call and every picture and every conversation. She tells her about how crazy she feels, how insane she felt agreeing to fly across the world— “Wait,” Hannah questions. “You flew across the world?”"
—06.5 you're invited! welcome to dawsonville!
—07. homegrown
"It’s a twenty-three minute drive to Pig’n’Chik Barbeque in Northern Atlanta. Charles is visibly apprehensive of the little red building and the parking lot filled with the aroma of southern barbeque, but he keeps his commentary to himself. Chris knows it’s probably a little overkill, the hole-in-the wall joint being even a little too gimmicky for her taste, but that’s the whole point."
—08. it's so sweet
“I’ll be right back,” she says hurriedly, over her shoulder, letting the little girl pull her away. Charles nods and flashes her a quick wink before she’s properly whisked away, leaving him with nothing better to do than shove his hands deep in his pockets and analyze the artwork of primary school students. 
—09. sweet nothing
coming soon
—10. i saw the end
coming soon
—11. the bees envy me
coming soon
—12. if i tremble
coming soon
—13. see the world
coming soon
—14. yours to keep
coming soon
—15. yours to lose
coming soon
—16. the view between villages
coming soon
—17. heaven in your eyes
coming soon
—epilogue. for the worms to eat
coming soon
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amuseoffyre · 1 year
Just thinking about the importance of names in the show and the fact that Stede always refers to Ed as Blackbeard in front of the crew, even though he always calls him Ed to his face.
The only people that I can recall him speaking about Blackbeard with and calling him Ed are Mary and Calico Jack. With CJ, it only happens because he mistakes CJ for Ed when he’s relieving himself and continues to use it to make a point.
Historically, using first names was a privilege reserved for your peers in Stede’s social class, which is a whole tasty nomnomnom of Stede’s acceptance of Ed as his equal from the word go.
However, what I really want to look at are the rare occasions when Stede full-named Ed, mostly to his face but once... not so much.
“Edward! Everything all right?” - coming to find him after the incident with the French captain and realising the French captain got under his skin.
“Edward! Put that away! I’m serious - stand. down. You’re in over your head. These are my people. I’ll deal with it.” - again, when Edward is clearly upset and preparing to go full Blackbeard on the party ship
“Edward! You all right?” - after the fuckery sends Ed into a panic attack, then once again when he breaks through the door and immediately switches back to a softer “Ed” when he takes in Ed’s distress.
“How was your day... Edward?” - when he’s alone and miserable in his family home
The three times he address Ed directly as Edward, it’s moments when Ed is upset to the point that Stede can recognise it. Let’s be real - Stede is Not Good at reading emotions and it’s only when Ed’s reactions are actually expressed aloud and physically - the rage at the French captain, pulling the gun at the party, the sobbing reaction to the fuckery - that he can recognise something is severely amiss.
In those moments, instead of using the shortened name, the friendly buddy name, Stede using the full name feels like an acknowledgement that something serious is happening.
Each time he uses it, he’s realised Edward is upset and is stepping in to offer some kind of emotional support, whether that means explaining that yes, posh people are passive aggressive bastards or promising to deal with the people that have upset him.
I do find it interesting that in the bathtub scene, he uses Edward from outside the door, then again when he gets into the room and then, when he sees exactly how distressed Ed is, he sinks down beside him and softens his voice and reverts to the more personal and intimate “Ed”, his voice soft and concerned. This isn’t like the times before when Ed was angry, he seems to have realised. This is something else, something where Ed needs less of a grown-up-to-grown-up address and more of his friend being there for him.
And of course, we have the scene with the orange when Stede is back in Barbados.
Hello, I shall be over here sobbing that while Stede and Ed would be knocking elbows on the ship, Stede in Bridgetown sits at the far end of his table, exactly as he does with Mary, and refers to Ed by his full name, stiffly polite and formal. Because that’s how things are done here. That is how he will do them.
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changingplumbob · 2 months
Pancakes Household: Chapter 9, Part 4
This is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
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Bob: Costume time! Okay friends and fans, it’s time for our Halloween special, who wants to make a pumpkin pie with me?
From beside Bob the droid chirps to indicate that people are tuning in.
Bob: As you can see I have chosen to be a rebel pilot today. I’ll be keeping this on for the bake and my bake sale but something tells me the boss would not approve of me turning up to work in it. Okay let’s run through all our ingredients
The drone chirps while Bob begins preparations. Eliza’s suggestion to get the drone may have stemmed from a place of wanting the flashiest one but Bob appreciated having a set of eyes he could look at when he talked.
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Bob: Ugh, kneading, not my favourite part after I’ve already done a workout but hey, that’s on me
He continues to narrate his baking, even getting the drone to read out a question or two that viewers have sent in about the recipe. In the end he pulls one excellent pumpkin pie out of the oven, a perfect Halloween treat.
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Bob: Come one, come all to Bob’s Bars! We don’t just have our classic beloved lemon bars today, we have cake and cookies for the sweetness you want on Halloween. If you’re having all that sugar, may as well get full eating it!
The first few customers seem unimpressed with Bob’s selling today but when some new sims walk up to purchase suddenly decide maybe the baking isn’t so bad.
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Fergus: Hey Onyx could you- woah! What are you
Onyx: A knight obviously. I see you’re going with the classic skeleton
Fergus: No point fixing what isn’t broke. But could you please help me with my bike? Dad’s busy with the sale and I don’t want to interrupt mother when she’s practicing her speech
Onyx: Sure, I can try. Hop on and I’ll try explain, remember I only just learnt how to ride before my birthday
Fergus: Oh yeah, that’s right
So Fergus wobbles his way around the yard with Onyx doing their best to provide guidance.
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Bob: Alright folks, my shift will be starting soon. Who’s going to be customer of the day and buy the last lemon bar?
Harvey: Hello. Do you have bake sales often
Bob: Why yes I do sir
Harvey: How convenient! And do you get positive reviews
Bob: Indeed I do
Harvey: Well then person I’ve never met I would like to buy the last lemon bar
After Bob makes the sale Harvey tells everyone around him how good it is while Bob packs up. It’s good to have friends.
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Eliza greets the first trick or treater and offers them some candy. The kid leaves happy and Ginger comes out of the house very confused.
Ginger: *whines* What’s going on
Eliza: Ginger sweetie it’s just me, it’s just mother. Here let me give you a brush
Ginger: *barks* you may not look like mother but you definitely smell the same
Then it’s dinner time for the Pancakes left at home.
Fergus: Dad left us roast! Awesome
Eliza: Onyx will you be able to eat in that helmet
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Onyx: I could ask you the same question. But I won’t, because I’m a good kid who deserves a horse
Fergus: *laughs*
The trio chat and eat while Ginger looks on. Sure she has biscuits in her bowl but that looks like real meat on the table. Why won’t they feed her that?
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Onyx takes care of the dishes and Fergus decides it’s time for Ginger to learn another trick, playing dead. Mustering his drama skills he does his best to show her what to do, but she remains skeptical of the exercise. Fergus keeps trying though and eventually Ginger catches on, rolling to the floor.
Fergus: You did it! Well done Ginger, we’re stars
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*doorbell rings*
Eliza: Onyx could you get that one
Onyx: Sure mother
They open the door to the deck candy all prepared and are greeted by a teen girl dressed as a maid.
Zhafira: Trick or treat
Onyx: Uhh… what
Zhafira: *laughs* I mean for me
Onyx: Oh, right. Have some candy?
Zhafira: Why thank you
Onyx has just decided they should ask what high school the stranger attends when she turns and skips off down the drive.
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Carson pops over to visit and become best friends with Onyx!
Onyx: Where’s your costume
Carson: I’m dressed as someone who doesn’t care about Halloween
Onyx: Your loss. Hey, have you seen a girl at school?
Carson: There are many girls at school
Onyx: I mean a specific one, she’s a brunette with a bob cut
Carson: You don’t know a name
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Onyx: She left pretty quickly, but she was cute and I wondered why I hadn't noticed her before
Carson: People keep aging Onyx, so more teens. But sorry I don’t really find many people cute at our school so haven't noticed
Onyx: You said that last year. But if you know you’re bi you must have been attracted to someone once right
Carson: I mean, it’s going to sound stupid...
Onyx: You’re my best friend, sound as stupid as you like
Carson: I mean I’ll find a guy or girl pretty but my daydreams are usually romance filled instead of woohoo filled
Onyx: Huh. So are you like, anti-kissing
Carson: I don't know, growing up is confusing
Onyx: You’re telling me
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snakebites-and-ink · 1 month
Hero Villain Amnesia Whump CYOA thingy idk
Do I have other WIPs I should be working on? YES. Would it be better to space out CYOAs instead of running two at the same time? ALSO YES. But I think I was experiencing some form of partial writers block, and this was the only thing over 100 words I could get my brain to really work on. So…*gestures widely* enjoy I guess.
Disclaimer/heads up before you get invested: Unlike my other WIPs, this was created with zero premeditation and instead was conceived and hammered out in a single hyper-focused sitting. I will write at least a second part at some point, but because it is entirely the product of my changeable whims, I make no promises about the timeline of this, or how many parts there might be, updating schedules, or even whether it will remain a cyoa. I also might decide to write the next part before the poll actually officially finishes so uhh might wanna get your votes in during the first couple days it runs. This is very much my “indulge those momentary impulses” project lol. Which is also why it doesn't have a real title yet adsfalkfjsd (titles r hard)
CW: Explosions (just in the background), multiple people trying to manipulate you, amnesia that was almost certainly inflicted deliberately, building falling apart around you idk
You wake up with no memory of where you are. 
As a matter of fact, you have no memory of…anything.
You take stock of your surroundings. Currently you’re in a room by yourself, with cuffs that look like they’re built to be a lot more effective than they are currently. The lights are dim and there’s some kind of alarm going off.
You get up and leave the room, wandering aimlessly, until you bump into someone moving with a lot more urgency.
“What are you doing here?”
You stare at them blankly. You don’t know any more than they do; probably less, actually.
“Whatever. I’ll get you out of here. Come on.” They hold out a hand, and having no better ideas, you take it.
They pull you through twisting halls in various states of damage. Some look untouched, some have floors full of rubble and air full of dust.
An explosion sounds some distance off, sending vibrations through the building. That probably explains the damage.
The stranger leading you rounds a corner and bumps into another person. Both of them practically bristle like a couple of furious cats upon seeing each other.
“Villain! Where are you going with them!?”
“Anywhere but here,” the person dragging you along—Villain?—grumbles, trying to go around them.
The newcomer steps to the side to block them. “Now hold on—”
“This is not the time, Hero! I know foiling me is your usual MO, but right now Superhero is absolutely off their rocker. Go deal with them and let us go.”
“If you think I’m just going to let you steal my sidekick—!”
“Your sidekick? They’re Superhero’s sidekick—and we just established Superhero’s gone crazy, so I’m taking Sidekick away from them if you don’t mind.” They try to step around Hero again, and Hero gets in their way again.
“I do mind, if it means you’re taking them back to your villain lair to join all of your villain cronies.” Hero catches your free arm, and they are admittedly gentler with you than Villain is. “I’ll keep you safe from Superhero. Please come home with me. You remember me, right?” They fix you with concerned, pleading eyes.
You don’t remember anything, but before you can explain that to them, a new voice cuts through the dust in a singsong tone. “My ears were burning~!” 
Villain swears, softly but emphatically, and runs toward the nearest door. They pause there and turn back to you, but look ready to bolt the rest of the way out at a moment’s notice. Hero lowers their arms almost as if afraid of getting in trouble, so both the hands that were on you are suddenly gone.
The new speaker steps into view and their eyes alight on you with a pleased smile. “There you are. Let’s get you back where you belong, hmm?”
“Superhero, you really need to dial it back—”
“Not now, Hero. I’d be happy to talk once I’ve dealt with this little breakout.”
So this is Superhero? You unconsciously take a step back; despite the discrepancies in their stories, both Hero and Villain talked like Superhero was someone to be concerned about, at least with the way they were right now.
Still, you can’t very well run until you know who to run from and who to run with. Out of control or not, maybe Superhero can set the story straight. You swallow, and ask, “Whose sidekick am I really?”
“‘Sidekick’? Is that what they told you? Cute, but we can’t give you a new identity until you’ve finished the program. Come with me and I’ll set you up. Quickly, if you don’t mind, I’ve got several more escaped villains to catch.”
“What?” you say.
“You’re a villain, love,” they coo, “which is why you need to come with me so we can get you through the remainder of the reformation program. Everything will be better then. Come on.” They turn to Villain and add, “you too.”
Now you have three stories that don’t match.
The stalemate doesn’t last long before Superhero’s head snaps to the side as if in response to a sound only they could hear. “I’ll be back to collect you soon. Don’t run too far now!” They leave in a new direction, moving quickly like they’re in pursuit of fresh prey.
“Let’s go,” Villain hisses, ducking out of the door and heading in the opposite direction of Superhero. Hero pushes you out of the room before you can sort through all the new information.
You’re back in the labyrinthine halls, which seem to be falling apart even more now. You have no idea how to get anywhere, so you follow Hero since they seem to have some idea of what’s going on and everyone else ran off in different directions while they were holding onto you.
You get increasingly turned around as they navigate the way through the ruined building, one hall after another.
“Wrong way!” Villain runs past you in the opposite direction. Moments later, it becomes clear why as you come into view of a gaping hole in the side of the building, most of the opening taken up by a large flying machine.
Hero pulls you back, immediately reversing directions, but before you can leave the way you came, someone appears in the doorway. Villain’s path was likewise blocked, and they’re nervously backing up to the center of the room with you.
A doorway of some sort opens on the machine in the wall. A figure appears in it, and you can just tell they’re the one in charge of all these new arrivals.
“You!” You didn’t even see Superhero come in but suddenly they’re tackling the other to the ground at a furious speed.
The two tangle before simultaneously withdrawing with no clear winner, both looking a little worse for wear but just as ready and able to keep fighting one another at the drop of a hat.
Superhero glances at you. “Told you I’d be back! I caught about half of the others, but someone—” they glared at their foe—“kept me from the rest. Let’s get you all reformed and you can leave this whole disaster behind you.”
The newcomer looks at you as well. “Come on, let’s go,” they order.
“Um…who are you?”
“I’m Supervillain, your boss. They messed with your head so you’d forget that.”
“That’s a lie!” Hero cries out, “They’re my sidekick!”
“Superhero’s sidekick,” Villain mutters.
“Oh, of course. They all offered you stories full of grandeur. A villain offered a second chance, or a heroic sidekick working with one of the best. Things you’d want to be real. I’m afraid the truth is far less glamorous. You were just a low level goon, until you showed unexpected levels of power, and they all decided they wanted a piece of the action. But I’m a generous boss. Come back to me, and you can rule by my side when we take over.” Supervillain gestures towards the entrance to their flying machine in invitation.
“Let’s get out of here,” Hero whispers in your ear. They’ve been eyeing one of the henchmen blocking the doors, and seem to like their odds.
“You don’t want to leave the reformation program half-done. I’ll fix you.” Superhero holds out their hand, a small smile playing at their lips.
“Psst!” Villain beckons you from a hole on the side of the building. They look like they’re itching to go.
You don’t know who to trust. If only you had your memory.
Follow-up poll
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morallyinept · 6 months
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A full transcribe of AGENT WHISKEY'S dialogue/lines from the film KINGSMAN: THE GOLDEN CIRCLE.
Includes full dialogue, and dialogue from any deleted/additional scenes available.
I've created this as a point of reference when writing for Pedro's characters, and I hope you find it useful. Even if you just want to read the dialogue. 🖤
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☝🏻Dialogue has been fully transcribed by myself using reference to original scripts (if available), audio subtitles and using my own two ears. Therefore, mistakes can be made, however I have tried to be as fully accurate as I can. If you spot an obvious mistake, please kindly let me know. Where audio is not clear, I have marked with *inaudible* Scenes are separated for ease of reference.
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Kid, looks like we’re hookin’ up with a chick at a rock concert. My favourite kind of mission.
I’m sending my jet to pick you up. 
Well, that's the easy part, kid. Take a look in the glove box. 
Goes on your finger. The surveillance tracker is in the tip. Apply light pressure for three seconds to release it. 
I say we both make an approach. Whoever gets on best goes for it. 
The hand is not a mucus membrane, Eggsy. Neither is the back. They teach you anything at Kingsman? 
Our trackers are designed to enter in through the bloodstream, they circulate harmlessly providing full audio and GPS.
No, Eggsy, it ain’t.
Alright I’ll take first crack, watch and learn, buddy.  
Miss, I beg your pardon. I don’t wanna pester you, but I just have to know. What time are you playing? 
Oh damn it, now I feel like a fool. I just assumed a woman with your… charisma, well, she just had to be somebody. 
No, it’s okay. I know you didn’t mean to make me feel like a dumbass, so I’ll let you make it up to me by letting me buy you a drink. 
What are we doin’?
Tinder, what? 
Be good, be cool. 
Now, is that any way to welcome a visitor from out of town, Moonshine? 
Well, pick him up.
Now, that is not what I call a Kentucky welcome. 
Manners. Maketh. Man. Let me translate that for ya. 
Hoo. I feel like a tornado in a trailer park. 
You can’t make this personal, sir. 
Poppy’s stock piles really could be anywhere. 
You two need to fix this code name thing. And with all due respect, sir. I don’t think Galahad Senior is ready to return to work. 
It’s a lasso. 
Yes, sir. 
Hold up, we need ya down here, Galahad. Secure the control room. 
I’ll cover. 
Galahad we’re coming! All clear at the bottom? Galahad, come in! 
Let me have a look? 
Get down! 
Fuck you! I just saved your life! 
Alright. They're going for cover and reloadin’. I’ll fix their wagons. Cover me, boys! 
Thank fuckin’ Christ I didn’t need any back up! 
I’m out of ammo. Troop carrier coming in. What d’ya got? 
What is this? Looks like you packed for a fuckin’ slumber party, not a mission. 
Hey! Butterfly guy! It don’t look like Ginger fixed you right. 
I said I’m empty. Gimme yours! 
Hello gorgeous! I’m Jack, what’s your name? How would you like to ride home on a real cowboy? I got a six pack of cold ones on ice and my roomie's out all night, so you can scream my name as loud as you need to, sugar! 
Who’s this pretty lady? 
Ginger. Goddamn Butterfly guy shot me in the fuckin’ head! 
Well I’m guessin’ you didn’t fix him right! Where the hell is he? 
Eggsy’s gonna need back up. 
Get the Silver Pony on the runway and ready to take off! 
So. Don’t move, kid. You try anything funny and I turn this thing electric. 
Now, give up your guns, fellas. Slide ‘em over. 
Nope. My brain’s all good, kid. And you know what? I reckon the same is true for your friend Harry over here. Real fine instincts, I’ll give him that. But you stay still or I’ll dice him up so small you can take him home in a bucket and still have room for what's left of your buddy Merlin. 
That ashole? Hahaha. Hell no. It’s a matter of personal principle, agent. No more drug users and the Statesman share price rockets.  
Do you wanna know who was innocent? My highschool sweetheart. Love of my life. Pregnant with my little boy. He’d be about your age now. If his momma hadn’t got caught in the crossfire when two meth head freaks decided to rob a fuckin’ convinience store. A world without those people in it? Sure smells like peace to me. 
You break the law. You pay the price. Good riddance. To all of them. 
That’s why I gotta destroy that case. Now slide it over, Agent Galahad. 
Thank you. 
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Pub Crawl {2}
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Oneshot Summary; The handsome stranger isn’t much of a stranger anymore as you get to know him. John Price, is his name, Captain John Price. In fact, the gentleman of a soldier makes you much less calm than what their night out was attempted to be and as the night goes on you realise that maybe the feeling is mutual.
Pairing: John Price x reader
Rating: Mature
Word; 15k
Warnings; nothing major, implied age-gap
Author; @the-goddess-of-mischief-writing​
A/N: *Dropping my 15k flirting Price fic and runs*
Pair. Three of a kind. Full house. They played often, you understood. Cards dealt, a flick of the corner, bets placed.
Johnny seemingly sobered up his ecstatic personality once the games began. No less favouring running his mouth, but less expressive. Eyebrows, for the time being, are set as if carved into stone. A new glint -a competitive one- gleamed like well-polished medals in his eyes. But those sparks also spawned his tell-tale cues.
Ghost had an unfair advantage in your eyes. Those sole expressions previously visible through his eyes swept away as if he put another coverage over his face. An invisible but nonetheless detectable one. But what you evidently lacked in piecing his character together -those blank niches yet to be fleshed out- the other men around the table knew, taking advantage of it as well. Hence, you commenced eyeing the others rather than Ghost to catch his tells.
Kyle kept a constant easy smile in the corner of his lip. His previous persona not having changed much since he brought out the deck of cards. But with contrasts so slight, what you guessed would be signs of... not anxiety, but whatever emotion worked itself through his body in other high-attentive situations wormed itself into his game as well. Attention honed in on the deck, sharp eyes following the card being pulled, flipped and placed amongst the rest. A quick dart of eyes up and down the row. An additional check of his cards.
John... John was good. You noted it quickly. He was expressive but not revealing. A quick pull in the corner of his eyebrow gave you the impression he'd gotten an intriguing set on his hands. With the bet set, no 7am drills for a week, along with the seemingly amused cock of his head when Johnny countered, I'll be washin' for double the time, another card flipped to the community and his action of upping his stake to three weeks, you'd been sure he'd gotten himself a winner. He had won. But not impressively, at least not when he flipped his two cards. A pair of fours, no match amongst the community cards. You'd watched him play closely after that.
Marissa, understandingly more acquainted with their group than you, play against them well. Betting with free drinks and whatnot, occasionally winning thanks to her familiarity with watching them, you suppose. Nor does she react when new names start slipping into the air. Shut it, Soap. Come on, L.T. You can do better than that, Gaz. Nicknames, military ones, they nearly favour using more, you realise. That's why they sound so natural coming from their tongues but never leave Marissa's.
You started suspecting that getting introduced to their real names, apart from Ghost's, was merely first-encounter manners.
It would probably have remained that way if you stayed a stranger.
"Already, Cap'n?" You're brought back from your thoughts as Johnny utters the question, not in the slightest accompanied by the dissatisfaction as a complaint should, but rather the glee of unbelieving bafflement.
Eyes landing on the table, you notice what had caused the Scot's outburst. John had thrown his cards into the discarded pile, signalling he was out. One of the rare occurrences seeing it was only the first round.
But the man at your side only shrugged, and those around the table didn't press too hard on the fact. Bigger chance of them taking home the round when he wasn't in the contest.
However, what you hadn't expected as your eyes continued to follow those still playing, was John shifting closer, clearly showing he redirects his attention to you as he leans on the armrest just beside your own, slouching back somewhat in his seat to not invade your space all too much.
"Ain't too rowdy of a crowd for you, are we?" Your head is pulled towards him first, eyes following a moment after as you watch the second community card be flipped. King of Spades.
Just as your eyes lock, Johnny, with perfect timing, exclaims something triumphantly in incomprehensible Scottish. Your smile brought on by the action is directed towards John, a similar one reflected on his face, along with the tip of his head, expressing a silent 'as I said'.
"Don't underestimate my time spent in companies like these", you reply. The corner of your lip tugs upwards as you lean backwards, the skin over your shoulder blades moulding to the imprint of the backrest until you can feel its slight poke into the bone.
He quirks his brows, head tilting as he dips his head closer. "Do tell?" Curiosity laces John's low-spoken voice, the same interest shining in his blue eyes.
"I-", you start, hesitating to continue. Glancing at the others to see how invested they were in your conversation versus their game. When finding Johnny in an argument with Ghost, and none of the others even batting an eye in your direction to miss their altercation, you turned fully to John, shifting in the seat until feeling the subtle poke of the armrest into your ribcage instead of back. "I've done a few basic military courses through the private sector. Ain't much, but I've done the basic".
"Few basics, eh?" He shifts his foot to lean on the table's leg. The thigh closest to you falls outwards slightly, widening his seated position, accidentally brushing against yours. He moves it away to still have his body directed towards you but not touch it. "Have a feeling there's some advanced there too?"
Your eyes widen, lips parting, a question of how he could've known -because despite being worded as a question, it was a statement- on the tip of your tongue. But before you can ask, John continues, seemingly knowing where your train of thought went.
"In this line of work, you know a fair share about the private as much as the public sector. Those workin’ in private industry are probably familiar faces". You can't help but smile at that. Indeed, your instructors had mentioned their time of enlistment more than once.
Tipping his head, John encourages you to tell him more about what he'd mentioned.
Without hesitating, you did. "Had an instructor who'd worked in intelligence, interrogations more specifically, so I approached him about it. Besides curiosity, I don't know what he saw. But he offered to give me lessons, said he had some connections still in service, contacted them, and some were gracious enough to teach me some things".
"Fuckin' hell", he huffs in surprise, arms crossing over his chest. "Thought I recognised it". It sounded more like he said it to himself, but his eyes never left yours.
"Recognised what?"
"Those eyes, all of you interrogators share them". He leaned closer to you as he said it, one of his hands sneaking from his crossed arms to amusedly gesture towards you, yet the look in his eyes was soft.
"We do not!" You didn't realise you spoke louder. Nor that the round had ended. Therefore, the groups' attention fell on you at your protest.
"What the two of ya talkin' about then?"
Your eyes briefly found Johnny's before skating back to John, who, this time, seemed to be in no hurry at all to answer the Scot. Instead, the amusedly raised brows along the tug in his lips were directed at you as he remained in his position.
Realising he left it all for you to tell them, you sighed. No need to fight it. With the intrigued look reflected in Johnny's eyes, you instinctively knew it wouldn't be possible to brush it off. "Just told John about some training I've done-"
"Come one, love, seemingly ain't no secret if you told me". You sent him a look, annoyed he'd caught how you'd attempted to, not even smoothen over but exclude what kind of training.
You weren't ashamed of it, far from it, in fact. However, you felt yourself shrink into your chair somewhat at the thought of telling the men watching you with intrigued eyes at John's words. They were soldiers. Working, breathing soldiers, for goodness sake. Even if you didn't believe they would laugh in your face when telling them, it felt so... petty compared to whatever they must do, not something that should earn this much attention from them, out of all people.
And yet, it was John's soft nod, one you don't know whether it was even consciously done, that calmed your mind. He hadn't laughed, perhaps in surprise but not to mock you. He'd seemed slightly... impressed.
"Alright", you directed at him, to which he cocked his head, easy smile still slightly hidden by his moustache, then turned towards the rest of the company. "I just mentioned how I've dabbled in the military".
As suspected, they reacted. But not in the way concern had made it play out in your head.
Ever the expressionist, Johnny's lips parted, his complexion drawing together in reflection as if wondering if he'd heard right. At the momentarily distant look entering his eyes, brows knitting together forming harsh lines on his forehead, you assumed he recalled your sentence. But once the Scot realised he didn't imagine the statement, the morph was swift as his complexion settled in astonishment, mouth opening and closing.
Even Ghost revealed more than what you'd gotten used to during the evening, enough for you to paint a picture in your mind of his reaction. It was impossible to catch the whole expression behind his balaclava. Still, despite the blank facade that those hidden features formed for you, the slight widening of his eyes suggested his eyebrows rose and remained pinned higher than their natural place on his browbone intended they should. The tick of his head, just a twitch to the side as his eyes skated over you, assessing, before settling on your features with a narrow, suggesting he verged between not believing and awe of, perhaps, fooling him.
However, Kyle was the sole one whose immediate reaction was to voice his surprise. "Pardon?" His question worked wonders to finally set off the perplexed Scot and make him spit out the words he'd chewed for since you told them.
"Ya mean, what in the steamin' hell did ya just tell us?"
"As unbelievable as me having worked behind the counter?" You offered the wide-eyed man in a chuckle, finding amusement rather than timidness growing in your chest at his actions, to which he jerked his head as if asked the stupidest question.
"More so!"
You exchanged a look with Marissa, who sat relaxed in her chair, knowing very well of this fact. 
It had emerged during one of your late shifts, you'd mentioned it in passing, and she'd physically stopped when she heard it. She'd more or less forced you out on a relaxing night, 'of course, it will include drinks', as she'd probed for every last detail with wide and amazed eyes. Never would've believed that of you, she'd laughed in near disbelief, ‘at least I know you'll be able to hold your own behind the counter’.
Johnny picked up your silent exchange, a look from you conveying that this was as bad as when she'd gotten to know and the slight tip of her head 'sue them' in reply, and turned to her. "Ya knew about this?"
"As much as I know about you lot", she flashed him a grin. "If not more, to be honest, yapped about it for weeks", she snickered.
"Oh shush", you feigned ignorance -sure, you'd talked to her about the further training you'd done in intelligence, but only because she'd asked- yet, the blue eyes of the Scotsman jumped back to you.
"Ain't none of that, bonnie, didn't know ya were one of us!"
"Nor am I". You pointed out, underlining it with a finger directed Johnny's way. "Learned a few things through the private sector, never listed. So I never did the official stuff, simply something attempting to emulate it".
"Why?" Ghost's low voice questioned. His dark eyes steadfastly focused on you. You found yourself opening and closing your mouth. Why indeed? You hadn't known what fucking else to do with your life.
"Was curious about the paths I could take", you shrugged. "Realised it wasn't really for me in the long run, but learned an interesting thing or two".
Ghost let out a breath, not a scoff nor a laugh, just a drawn-out gust of air. "Good choice". His words caused your brows to raise, but you didn't press. If anyone knew what they were talking about it, it would be the men around you.
"So what ya learned then?" Johnny leaned forwards on the table, earning your attention.
"Well, I had a standard boot camp, learning the basics of physical training, firearm and close combat".
"Not bad", Kyle nodded, lips pursed. "Didn't think you would've been thought firearms here though, over in the State's maybe...". He trailed off with a shrug as his brows rose and fell.
"As the Captain said-", you nodded towards John, not catching the way his head turned to you as he straightened in his seat somewhat while the others raised their eyebrows or cocked their heads. "-most, if not every instructor, was past military members. So special licenses for firearm exercise wasn't too difficult to get, I suppose".
There was a slight pause as they watched you until Ghost spoke up. "How strict were they?"
"If you mean wheater I had to withstand them screaming at me with no care for personal space and calling them by rank or else, I'll run till my face was in the mud, then strict is the answer to both".
"Explains it", John mumbled under his breath. You spared him a glance, and he tipped his head as he unwinded his arms, letting each rest on their corresponding armrest. His fingers tapped the wood, and when it was apparent that you didn't understand his comment, he offered you a gentle smile as he explained. "Not usual for civilians to call us by rank".
"Oh", god, you felt stupid. "Sorry, sometimes it just happens, I guess". You cringed, frowning, disturbed by having fallen into old habits while delving into the subject. And yet, it hadn't felt unnatural calling John by his rank. It fit him. "Even though I don't meet many army affiliates anymore".
Compared to the first time his rank had fallen from your lips, he didn't regard you with that veiled expression. This time, it was something else, mirth intertwined in the lighter specks of blue in his eyes, whereas something... darker infected the aegean shadowing of his hues.
You don't know whether John got reminded of what branch you'd explored as your eyes remained locked with his, attempting to decipher whatever you couldn't in his gaze. But, as if remembering you hadn't indulged the rest with the fact, he spoke. "You haven't told them about the most interestin’ part".  
This time you didn't fight him on indulging the rest. Instead, you turned back to face the rest. "Right, I specialised in intelligence at the end as well".
"Ha, yer the same as the big guy!" Johnny turned to Ghost before his eyes shifted back to you. "Ain't no way I would've guessed that one".
"Infiltration, Johnny, not intelligence", the man corrected him. "I use what they give me". Ghost nodded towards you. You didn't feel like correcting him, more so you knew you didn't need to.
"I 'now ya prick", the Scotsman scoffed with a roll of his eyes. "But ya bloody work with information collection as well, if I'm not wron', standin' there as a feckin' reaper durin' inquests".
You chuckled. "Can't say I got that advantage". Those dark eyes shifted to you, and Ghost didn't need to say anything for you to understand what he thought, the entertained expression in his eyes stating a firm but amused ‘no, you don't’.
"Well, let's see how much you learned, then", Kyle smiled, expertly shuffling the cards before he started dealing them, a card landing before you even before you'd managed to answer the question. "Ain't no backing out now", he smirked, continuing to deal out the cards to everyone around the table.
You played well, though you thought it was more so because of you being used to the game than being able to read them. Your collection of their tells during the initial rounds helped, yet it wasn't the sole reason you managed to beat them. Luck played a big part. But that, you wouldn't tell, not when noticing the rile you got on one person in the group.
"Come on then, Johnny, what's your move". You hummed, leaning forwards so your elbows and crossed forearms rest on the table, observing the Scot across from you. His eyes intensely honed in on the fourth community card that just had been pulled.
When his eyes switched to watch you, you promptly saw it. Not the card he'd hoped for. Cocking a brow, you offered him a smile.
"Feck", Johnny grumbled. Sore looser. He grabbed his cards and threw them into the discarded pile, mindful not to let them accidentally flip. "I fold". Joining Marissa and Kyle.
Your eyes flickered to Ghost, awaiting his action. Without delay, he delivered it. "Call".
"Call", John's voice sounded in succession, your own falling suit, causing Marissa to flip the fifth and final community card.
Ten of hearts.
Not a bad card, but since the initial two community cards had been revealed, you'd been set for this round. You rapped your finger against your elbow. Compared to Ghost, who thumbed the edge of his card, you recited your hand in your head. Aces, red and black, heart and spade.
Your eyes were set on the tall man, observing the glimpse down at his cards, the move a quick flick of his eyes before his index and middle fingertips pressed the edges flat against the table as his gaze rose.
Ghost's auburn eyes locked with yours, dead straight, staring back. He'd felt your attention on him, no doubt, yet you didn't retaliate once you had his in return. Instead, you cocked your head just the right amount to not let it rest against your shoulder, practised smile stretching your lips.
"It's your turn, Ghost, in case you forgot". You know he hadn't. But, you also knew that he weighed his options at the moment, cost and benefit, what play was synonymous with what. Ghost's considerations depended on you, what your game was, deceit or honesty. And he knew, much like John had pointed out, how you, those interrogators, worked; it was never either or but a balance of both. The question is what direction the scale tipped towards the most.
"You're good", was all he said, throwing his cards into the growing pile of discarded cards, signalling his fold. Your smile could've grown, showing your satisfaction in how your mask had been better than the faceless man's. But, instead, you kept the same expression as you turned to glance over your shoulder, elbows still planted on the tabletop.
"John?" His attention was already on you. No need to call for it. And yet, you like to see him work, strip your utterance of his name and the redirect of attention on him bare. Attempting to spread the layers until he could read between the lines, much like Ghost. 
Unlike his working comrade, however, he doesn't move. Instead, he remains lounging, two fingers resting on the table edge, his left hand on his thigh. And yet, when John doesn't shy from your eyes, you find the opposite of his stoicism.
His eyes seem alive, an entity on their own apart from his being. And yet, you can't discern the story they're showing you.
"Call. Your move". It's like a breeze over your back, like a phantom finger trailing your spine. You pray the shiver doesn't leave goosebumps in its wake.
You take a moment, a last one, to observe him and what dances in those eyes.
Around the blackened void charrs a blue flame seemingly devouring the air, sucking it from deep in your lungs. It doesn't leave you breathless, but it damn well delays your contemplated words, your final play. Instead of rolling from your tongue, they get stuck on repeat in your mind, a manuscript yet to be followed but halted at the knot forming in your larynx.
"Call". The word isn't clipped nor abrupt. Yet, at the perimeters of your spoken choice of play are frayed edges, the consequences of those fires dancing over your features, those you decided not to avoid despite their blaze.
John flashes a smile, probably satisfied with your choice of not folding and letting the game reach its rightful end. "Show me 'em cards".
You do as told, nails catching the edge of your cards and, with a flick of your wrist and right arm settling on the armrest, you open up your upper body by turning it towards him, confident in your four-of-a-kind. Aces, nonetheless.
When those blues flicker down, inspecting your hand placed face-up on the table and having earned several impressed hums and whistles, you dare cock your brows in conviction. Beckoning John to mimic your move and show his lesser hand. However, you witness a swift, minimal quirk of his eyebrows. And, when his eyes seek yours, features morphing to copy your facial expression, you know.
You don't need to look at his cards when he leans forward to flip them, just shy of propping his arms and upper-body weight on the table in contrast to the actual move of a forward shift in his seat. Regardless of the amused flash in his eyes, the quirk in the corner of his lips telling you he’d won, you follow the curses uttered by those around the table as their eyes find the hand his cards, paired with the community ones, created.
A flush, hearts, one that would've been royal if the ace wasn't in your possession.
"Next time, love". John pats your clothed knee as his hand slips down the table top while leaning back again.
"Battle of wits, indeed".
"I'll go prepare the drinks then".
Johnny's voice, subsequently Marissa's, is distant. Your eyes are stuck on the cards flashing red and white, but you don't mourn your loss, all attention on the warmth that seeps through your skirt at his touch.
John's hand momentarily settles at the last tap before he retracts it and drops it on his thigh once more, his fingers tapping a joyful celebration against the muscle.
And yet, the phantom touch, the memory of his heavy and warm paw engulfing your kneecap without needing to try, remains. It unfurls an ecstatic quiver in your chest.
"I'll go see if Marissa needs help". You flash a quick smile, trying not to rush like your heart does in your chest when moving out of your chair.
As soon as your back is turned to the group, feet moving you forward on their own command, you momentarily close your eyes, taking a deep breath. This feeling wasn't new. But hell, it had been long enough since you felt it that you hadn't noticed it since the start. The way your gaze wanted to travel to John. How he kept your attention and his presence in your immediacy never felt odd despite meeting him less than an hour ago. Fucking hell, women, calm yourself...
Your eyelids fluttered open, gaze settling on Marissa a few paces ahead. The breath you held -which hadn't done much to lessen your rapid heartbeat- was released in a last attempt to shake off, or at least tame, the feeling John had awoken. Without success.
As though your eyes now glued to her back worked as a call of her name, your friend's brown eyes flickered over her shoulder with the slight turn of her head. Perhaps she'd thought it was a particular Scot rather than you because her brows raised. Nonetheless, she let you catch up with her as she slowed a fraction.
"Don't", you warn Marissa when her lips part, possibly to ask about why you were here and not at the table. Knowing very well you could always pay later in the evening for the drinks you'd bet and lost.
At your clipped word, she instantly smirked. Yet, she didn't say anything, at least not until you'd put some distance to the men still seated at the table as you rounded the bar. You know something's coming when she leans on it, cocking her hip and not reaching for anything needed for the drinks instantly.
"So, how are you finding them?" The questions seem innocent enough that you can't help but smile and chuckle. A minimal shake of your head accompanied the released breath of nerves mimicking the feeling of jumper cables hooked to a car, a stream of high voltage sent straight through your nervous system.
"Pleasent, quite the characters but nonetheless pleasant". Marissa hums in agreement at your answer.
"Despite their habit of arriving at times when not many others are here, they're hard not to notice". You quirk a brow as she moves to bring a liquor bottle from the wall. Standing still when part of her still was in working mode was never her strong suit.
"Don't think you complain, though", you mused. The nerves in your body slowly reduced at the lack of John's immediate presence and attention on you. Marissa's eyes find yours over her shoulder, and you cock your head, attempting to smoothen down your amused smile as you continue. "Starting to believe Johnny ain't the headache you'd made him out to be".
"Oh, a headache he is", she retorted. But, your grin turned victorious as she turned away again, not succeeding in hiding her smile before it was visible to you nor continuing her sentence before you pointed it out.
"I saw that". With your muted laugh, a finger was waved in Marissa's general direction.
"Pushing it in my face, ain't you?" She faced you as you stepped closer to help her carry some of the bottles needed for the Scot's mixture, a quirk between her brows present. You sent her a mocking kiss, one she rolled her eyes at, yet couldn't help the tug in the corner of her mouth at your antics as she turned with the bottle she'd fetched.
Following suit, you brought the ones you'd grabbed before joining her at the metal countertop, where she'd put forth a glass for Johnny's drink.
At the thought of his name, you glanced towards the company at the table. 
The deck of cards was put away, and they sat talking, laughing. Instinctively your eyes sought John, you couldn't hear his sound of amusement, but you could see it. Whatever Kyle had said made him shake his head before tipping it forward, his shoulders jumping. Something warmed in you at the scene, a softer glowing sensation, different from when he'd sat so close to you.
"You and a certain someone seem to get along, though".
"Hm?" Your eyes travelled from John back to Marissa, whose eyes had made the same journey as yours, though her's seemingly only had been a quick shift back and forth. Nonetheless, one with enough time for an inquisitory look to bleed into them. "Uh yeah, I guess he's nice", you shrugged, attempting to bat away the feelings returning in your chest at the swift glance and redirection of the conversation towards John.
Marissa, however, only rolled her eyes. "Oh, for the love of- missy, that's not what I meant", she said, grabbing the tequila bottle and pointing the muzzle at you before beginning to pour the amounts needed for the drink. "I see the way you both don't and do look at him, don't believe that boy you met got even half as much of your attention when he practically was begging for it while dear John simply has to be present".
"Oh no, don't deny it". Your friend put down the bottle, grabbing the first mixture you'd brought with you. "I know a bloody skittish escape when I see one, probably threw my name in as an excuse as well", she referred to when you'd left their company previously and joined her instead.
You jerked a hand upwards, mindful to not make the action too big for the men to catch. "Yeah, because when you'd left me alone with them previously, it's gone just wonderful". Despite being nothing more than a memory now -initial awkward instances of getting to know new people brushed to the past- you couldn't deny as soon as Marissa left your hypothetical side, things hadn't... not gone awful, but not as good as you could've hoped.
"You're getting along just fine with them. It's a certain someone you seemingly worry being around by yourself".
"Stop waffling", you huffed at the last part of her sentence.
"What? You seem to get along more than fine with John, you two in your little bubble".
"We don't have no bubble", you scoffed. "And he certainly doesn't feel like I bloody do".
"And what is that?"
"Fine, I'll admit, he looks good".
She doesn't stop blending the drink more than to throw you a quick glance, a smirk adorning her lips. "Oh, I know your taste in men, and so, I know he looks more than just good". You quickly move your elbow, jabbing her in the side. Sadly, the action only brought a huffed chuckle from her as she managed to not spill a drop of liquid. Lucky she'd put down the bottle and reached for the next. "But that's not what I wanted to know".
"Jesus, okay, what do you want me to say so you'll focus on pouring the drink?" You feel jittery at the subject, so in an attempt to occupy your fingers rapping against the not-so-cold anymore metal counter beneath your hand, you move to fetch a pint glass to start pouring Kyle's beer.
"That you admit you don't only think he's nice on the eye, but you're attracted to him". You swallow, your throat dry.
"I-I... yeah". The confession isn't grand, nor does it come with a feeling of lessening the sensation in your chest. "Is that what you wanted to hear?" You mumbled under your breath, eyes flickering towards Marissa. She's put down the bottle she previously kept elevated, both hands now resting on the counter, head turned towards you, eyes fixated on how you rotate the glass in your hand before flickering up to meet your gaze.
"I never think I've seen you this flustered about someone, missy", she comments. "What about the man got you acting like this?"
"Fuck, how would I know?" You can't help the laugh of disbelief. Marissa was right. You didn't usually act like this. Like you'd said to Johnny, working behind a bar had steeled your nerves from copious things, especially when befriending the dark-haired woman standing beside you on top of it. "I don't know how to even begin describing it", you sighed, frustration polluting the exhale.
A pinch of her brows, brief as though not meant to move her eyebrows before she cocked her head. "Try".
Concerning you'd given up on trying to evade the topic at this point, you did as she said without much fuss. "I just kinda... it feels like I'm drawn to him. It doesn't feel like anything special in that regard, but it ain't just a normal feeling, you know?"
"You're overthinking it". Marissa turned her body to you, hip against the counter, arms crossed. "Yes, you're a problem solver. You like to analyse things. Ain't for nothing you find a bloody military course in interrogation fascinating, barely any mans that do. But that puts you at risk of overanalysing, which you're doing right now. This-" she motioned to you and with a nod that passed over anyone's head aside yours that caught her eyes travelling to who you only guessed could be John. "-isn't something that needs to be solved. So go with it, see where it ends up".
"I hate when you offer solid advice, you know?"
"You mean when I've solved the problem before you know how to solve it yourself". Your eyes drop, finding your barely visible reflection in the beer glass, huffing at Marissa's reply.
"Yeah, especially fucking then".
"That's what friends are for", she hummed, and you heard her finish the drink she'd spent remarkably more time on than necessary. "So, what are you going to do about it?"
"About what?" Your head tilted in her direction.
"About the glass you've been holding like a fool for the past minutes", she deadpanned. Although knowing she wasn't serious, you stopped fiddling with it, instead stepping towards the drafting station. "About Price, of course".
"For all I know, he can just behave like a gentleman compared to most". She rolled her eyes at that.
"Can't believe you're sticking with believing that. He's more than a decent man, I agree, but so is the rest of the lot, and they ain't acting the way he does".
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"He's bloody interested in you, probably feels the same attraction you do".
Your head turned to her, eyes wide as if it would emphasise your slow-spoken words. "He doesn't".
"For someone as bright as you, it certainly is fucking unbelievable how blind you can be", she muttered, causing your bows to furrow.
"What now?"
"I've seen the little bubble the two of you enter when you talk, the guys probably have noticed too, though Johnny is the one whose mentioned it", she hummed. "Pointed it out whilst the two of you chatted during the game, even referring to some conversation of yours' from before that". She sent you a look, continuing by poorly mimicking the Scot's voice. "Never seen Price like that. He's so... easy with her, sure as shiet ain't as close-lipped as Ghost, but he doesn't partake leisurely in and especially doesn't initiate conversations with someone new. Normally likes to keep to himself. Starting to believe the old fecker got heart-eyes".
You hoped how you accidentally set down the glass you had just been about to raise a bit too harshly was enough cover for the shrill-sounding noise escaping your throat. 
You don't look at Marissa instantly. Instead, you keep your head bowed slightly, wide eyes staring at the wet remnants of froth from previously poured drinks in the drain beneath the draft. Attempting to steady your heart that had made an unhealthy leap at the words allegedly expressed by Johnny and passed on by your friend.
Loosening the grip on the pint glass, you force down your shoulders as you raise it and your free hand to the lever, slowly tapping the beer.
You send her a quick glance at the instance you do. "Keep your voice down".
"It's already low", she smirks at you.
"Well, then keep quiet altogether".
"Why for?" The smugness in her voice made your molars grind together, eyes flitting to the steady flow before you.
"To not attract attention from the ridiculously handsome man sitting not far away", you noted how she shifted in your peripheral.
"You mean the ridiculously handsome man who hasn't been able to stop throwing looks towards you for the past, like, five minutes? Yeah, you don't need me for that attention".
Don't look. And yet, you couldn't help how your eyes, as if drawn to John like magnets, sought him out. And, of course, your gazes lock the second you find him.
Although half a room away, his gaze felt heavy. The spotlights in the roof made light dance across his features, causing parts of his hair and beard to verge on golden bronze while others dimmed into a brown saber. Handsome, incredibly so, in an old-fashioned sense.
You didn't notice how your tongue peaked out to wet your lips, the act as unconscious as the reason for it, yet you became aware of it when John's eyes dropped from yours. You couldn't physically see where his eyes fell nor feel them in whatever place he looked. Not as when you could feel how your gazes lock despite the distance separating you. But, it made your thoughts rewind, bringing forth what you'd done to the front of your cognisance.
A flush spread through your body, and you didn't wait for his eyes to find yours before dropping your gaze. 
Despite redirecting your attention to the glass in your hand and setting down a satisfyingly filled pint, in the upper corner of your vision, you noted how a conversation immediately swept over the table. Whoever initiated the exchange earned John's attention as you felt his eyes leave you altogether.
"You're a menace, you know", you mumbled beneath your breath as you glanced at Marissa, knowing you would regret it the moment you did but unable to anyway. Flashed a grin, one as victorious as yours during the initial phase of your conversation, you were proven right. "Glad I quit this job", you huffed, setting down the beer you'd drafted beside the drink she'd mixed for Johnny.
"Don't say things like that", she returned, her attention flickering away from you. "Especially not when it seems you're gonna have to battle your fears and put those skills I taught you to use, someone apparently having spoken some sense into the old man". The last part of her sentence was mumbled under her breath, yet you caught it, brows knitting together. "He's coming this way", she clarified once her eyes landed on you. This time, you didn't give her the thought of doubt.
"Don't you leave", you warned, but she'd already stepped out of your reach, sending a wink as she brought the guy's pick of poison with her, one in each hand. "Traitor", your hiss was barely audible under your breath, instinctively silenced as you had no choice but to turn towards John as Marissa left the two of you to your own with a nod in his direction, one he answered with a slight smile.
You follow John as he steps up to the barstool, registering the height you'd suspected kept his broad frame -one that narrowed nearer to his hips- upright as he moved with a slight sway to his body from his strides. You realised that he carries himself with tactical ease, one he must have learnt to get comfortable with on the field so much that it stuck to every other situation.
As he settled atop the stool, finding a comfortable position with a slight lean forward of his body whilst his arm rested atop the wooden countertop, your eyes stopped jumping over him to settle on his face.
"So, what can I get for you, patron?" You put on a charade, brushing up precisely those skills Marissa had taught you. Still, you're unable to stare into those pretty blues that this close shine like the curaçao bottle at the second level of the liquid shelf for too long, fearing your tongue would turn to lead and your heart pound out of your chest.
And yet, you can't help how those butterflies in your stomach taste freedom, yearning, to have him within your close vicinity once more. So, to cage them, you lean forwards to mimic his way of resting his forearms atop the wooden desk separating you. A heavier bend in your waist concerning the metal bar pressed into your hips.
"Drivin’, remember?" He returned, but you found yourself shrugging rather than taken aback and stunted at what to say next. Seemingly easier than you'd thought to fall back into old times when standing on this side of the counter.
"You're sitting at a bar if you remember", you shot back. John's lip twitched upwards. With the subtle action, you felt encouraged enough to continue a conversation you'd had many times but not with someone you cared to maintain the chatter with. "What's your usual under non-driving circumstances?"
The irony. You hummed, in both amusement from your thought and John's answer, continuing with a nod. "Scotch?"
"Yes". Something sparked in John's eyes as you turned, still partly facing him whilst also able to look at the liquor wall. While one arm stays on the wooden counter, the other accommodates your new stance by being propped against your waist.
Letting your eyes glide over the assortment, they finally settle on one of the finer bottles. "Ardbeg, 19-year-old, something of your taste?" His eyebrows raise in what you could gauge was surprise, to which you only flashed him a smile. "Had a feeling concerning the chasews".
"You're good". John's praise of your knowledge about the correlation between his earlier choice of heavily roasted nuts to the smokey scotch you'd asked him about softened your prideful smile, shifting to bashful rather than the obligatory ones you'd offered in the past to brush away the compliment.
"Have to be when working behind a bar". Your head rolled to rest on your shoulder when you switched to look at him, thanking him for the compliment with the smile he'd brought forth but raised an inquisitory brow shortly after. "So?"
He looked at you for a second before he hummed. "Those bottles often get opened after certain missions, but yes".
You gave him a final nod before pushing away from the counter, gathering the sparse ingredients you needed to piece together the drink you had in mind. Feeling his eyes on you for every step you took.
As you returned to where he sat, your gaze met John's. But, the eye contact was brief, this time his gaze flickering away. Even though it was down to the bottle you held out for inspection, together with an explanation of what would replace the alcoholic liquor of his drink.
"A distillery toying with the idea of percentage-free liquor inspired by scotch, dare to try?" His eyes scanned the label plastered on the bottle in your hands before his eyes found yours, slight creases entering the corner of his eyes, smile prominent on his features despite a lack of bow by his lips.
"Why not", he shrugged. Flashing him a delighted smile, you put down the bottle and began making the drink before him.
You felt his eyes on you -attention that faded to no longer inducing a nervous excitement, instead an avid one, seeking to keep it on you as you busied yourself with something you were skilled on- as you picked up a rocks glass.
Not needing the measurement cup to know how much amaretto versus visionary scotch to fill it with, you grabbed the mixing liquor, free-pouring to the desired amount before switching to the virgin scotch and doing the same.
Considering the simplicity of the beverage -the sparse ingredients coupled with only a square ice cube and a swirled orange peel to be added- there wasn't really any need to taste it. But old habits die hard, and before you even noted your move whilst reaching for the ice, you swirled the liquids around with a straw, tasting it with practised ease as you retracted it. Of course, the absence of smokey scotch and its burn could never be neglected, but it was a good drink nonetheless.
"There, a non-alcoholic Godfather". You put the now-finished drink before him with your free hand as you threw the straw in the trash.
John tipped his head in gratitude, eyes falling on the drink presented to him. It was your moment to observe him as his fingers gripped the chilled glass, swirling the drink -something you imagined was out of custom- before he raised it.
As his lips meet the rim, his eyes seek yours. Despite presenting an opportunity -without limitation- to observe his opinion of the drink he sipped, something seeped into those blues that already was your weakness. You couldn't figure out what it was, but it felt intimate, a bubble -to use Marissa's words- closing around the two of you. Those nerves slowly began to buzz again when you didn't have anything to occupy yourself with.
A hum preceded his opinion as he lowered the drink. "It's good". He tipped the glass back and forth before leaning slightly forward, pointer gesturing towards you to the extent it could regarding his grip on the glass. "Better than Marissa's".
"Oh, be careful of saying that beneath her roof". You hid the warmth in your body at John's low-spoken compliment, a rough whisper, with the tease. "She won't accept that the student has become the master".
He chuckles at your banter. "I'll keep it our secret, then".
The smile forming by his comment is instantaneous, a soft stretch of your lips as his words registers. Despite the previous teasing smirk accompanying John's comment, it dissolves into one mirroring your own behind the rim of his glass once more raised closer to his mouth. You can't help but duck your head, the same intensity in his gaze bleeding into your chest.
This man, the thought is followed by a slight shake of your head. You look up through your lashes, not brave enough to reveal your attention, in spite of wanting to or not, tracks back to him by fully tilting your head and facing him. You catch John's eyes flitter over you before he notes your gaze has returned to him, causing his blues to connect with yours.
His head tilts as he lowers his glass, dwarfing it between his hands once it sits on the counter. The quirk in both his brow and the corner of his lips shifts the tension in the air to something airy and lighter. And, like linked to him, your lip quirks.
You sway on the pads of your feet, forwards until your weight is placed on your toes, heels lift from the floor, and then back to reverse the action. The itch in your body makes a restlessness nest, the feeling of standing in the same place for too long joining the sensation John's attention settles in your body. And finally, it makes you break away from his presence, grabbing the bottles and returning to the shelf to place them in their proper place.
A sound akin to the roll of a glass' bottom rim against wood fills the air behind your back, whilst the slight ting of glass-connecting-with-metal sounds in front of you as you set down the bottles you'd brought.
To use Johnny's words, at least allegedly concerning the information originated from Marissa, your conversation with John had been easy. But so most were, even when you'd sat amongst the others. However, this time, something about the silent interaction afterwards felt different.
You don't know what about it settled those butterflies in your stomach, their cage dissolving along their colourful selves, metamorphosed into an intangible pleasantness as you felt his eyes on you.
Perhaps it could be that you didn't worry about paying too much attention to the weather-worn Captain now when it solely was the two of you compared to then when the rest of the company you got introduced to sat around the same table, just an arm-length away. Nonetheless, the previous nervousness accompanying John's presence, his attention on you, now felt comfortable, as if it belonged, and you didn't want it any other way.
That was when he didn't aim to give you a bloody heart attack.
"So, how did a girl like you end up behind a bar like this?" You thanked the heavens that your back was turned and that you just had placed the bottles back on their corresponding shelves once those smooth words left him. Because you wouldn't have been able to stop your brows from shooting up and lips from parting as your stomach lurched upwards once you dropped down from standing on your toes. Well, that wasn't hard to interpret.
"Was that a pick-up line I heard?" You turned, brows now quirked in intrigue as your lips pressed together to smoothen down a grin at the giddiness flowing through your body after the initial surprise.
John tipped his head side to side, eyes flittering down to watch the liquid in his glass before clearing his throat and giving you a shrug. "An attempt at one".
You giggled, the sound foreign to your ears in this setting, yet it brought his eyes back to you as his shoulders dropped somewhat.
"Not the worst one I've gotten", you said, not an unwelcomed one either. You shift your weight onto one leg while crossing one ankle over the other. It naturally makes your body fall against the counter at your lower back, and you bring your hands to rest on the edge for additional support.
"No?" A quick tick of his head along a swift rise and fall of his brows accompanies the question.
You hum, shaking your head. "You wouldn't believe half the stuff we hear behind this desk".
He did something you hadn't anticipated then. John patted the stool beside him as he straightened and leant back a notch. "Let's swap some war stories then because I can think of a few things from only what we soldiers endure".
Go with it. See where it ends up. Marissa's words rang clear in your head and made your legs guide you to reach the offered seat.
As you sit down, John angles his chest towards you, letting his hand bring his glass more to his right rather than straight as when you'd stood on the other side of the bar. It only remains there for a few seconds, though, seeing how he raised it and tipped it towards you as he spoke.
"So, love, tell me how you came to tolerate every man on the spectrum of inebriated".
A chuckle leaves you, hands coming to clutch your elbows already resting on the bar top, head tilting towards John. "Without pulling forth my whole record for scrutinisation-". The man beside you huffed lightly, to which you flashed a swift smile before continuing. "-I can tell you it took some time getting used to and knowing how to respond to men when their tongues get too loose for anyone's good".
"Though I don't dispute the fact-".
"Talking from experience, John?" You cut his sentence off, a ribbing smile accompanying your tease.
His glass stilled where he'd spun it in the air, snicker -something more delicate than his other sounds of amusement- escaping John as his head dipped in a shake. "Can't escape the fact that everyone's been young". His blue eyes find yours again, mirth swirling in them, originating from perhaps a not-so-fond but nonetheless prevailing memory. "Though life's had its way with me like most others".
"Can tell you it's been kind on you. Ain't everyone who turns into a gentleman compared to daft wankers".
John stilled, lips pressing thin as his brows pulled together. 
The expression was new on him, causing you to cock your head, awaiting what seemed to be a response when he rolled his shoulders and straightened. Yet the reply on his tongue was seemingly quelled when he decided to sip his drink. His reaction felt... odd. But you didn't get to ask if he could indulge you in what fleetingly occupied his mind as he picked up the conversation again, seemingly preferring to talk about something else.
"So how come the break-in-time, 'cause you don't look like a newbie?" You caught on quickly that John backtracked to where his previous sentence probably would've ventured if you hadn't interrupted him.
"Had never worked in this kind of setting previously".
His brows quirked. "No? You look like a natural".
"That I have to thank Marissa for, didn't know a thing before moving here and getting the job".
"Ain't from around?"
"Mm, no, neither born nor bred".
"Why did you choose to settle in these ends?"
"Honest?" You straightened your arms, clasping your hands together. "Don't really know, just felt I needed to get a move on, didn't feel like I fit the picture at 'home' anymore, ended up staying longer than I thought". You gave a half-hearted chuckle, eyes locked on your thumbs. Right on top, switch, left on top.
"Care to explain?" You turned to look at John. He'd turned more towards you, his head tilted.
"Not much to explain, frankly. It felt like a search for something, but I don't know what", you shrugged one shoulder.
"Know the feelin', still grapple with it occasionally". Your head cocked, a silent expression of surprise at someone who felt so calm and naturally secure in himself that you hadn't imagined much else applying to other aspects of his life.
You pushed slightly against the bar, swivel chair turning more of your body towards him to physically show the same interest in his words that he'd done yours, and it urged him to continue.
"Our line of work attracts people without sense of direction in life like flies. Couldn't tell how much better judgement I have to knock into some of 'em recruits daily".
"Would've been one of them", you quipped, recalling how his words aligned with your reason for dipping a toe in their element without the compulsory enlistment. John shot you a look, the sharpness of a chide not as present as entertainment.
"But you didn't need it to realise you were meant for somethin' better". John's continuation was swift enough the meaning buried beneath his sentence was swept over in seconds. But, regardless, you caught it. "Despite my years in the field, doubt still trickles through, wondering if any of the sense you enlisted along with still exist".
"Don't think the one promoting you to Captain did it for your lack of sense". Your reply was soft-spoken, genuine, despite the opportunity for jest. And you knew John heard it, saw it when his eyes flickered over your face, a smile reaching his eyes and highlighting the crow's feet in the corners of them. That alluring depth entered his eyes, and something unravelled in your chest, equally as profound and warm.
As though hovering too close to an edge you weren't ready to jump from, one corner of your lip ticked upwards, a small gesture but enough to shift the energy in the air. "Trust me, you could say I'm a good judge of character".
"Are you know?" John mused, raising both brows in a mocking gesture.
"Oh, piss off", you chuckled, the back of your hand lightly swatting his upper arm. 
His smile turned into a grin, not as chaotic and thrilled-puppy as Johnny, more a gradual glow lightening all his features. It was something soothingly warm about the look on him despite the harsh contrast when sparkling eyes peeked from dark lashes and pearly teeth flashed amidst the umber bristles obscuring his lower face.
"If you wanna prove your skill, read 'em". John motions backwards with a nod of his head. For the first time since Marissa left you and the Captain alone, your eyes travel over your shoulder to the company still seated at the table.
Johnny was turned towards Marissa, one arm hooked on the back of her chair, talking animatedly with his other hand. Your friend sat with crossed arms but equally shifted towards the Scot to give him the same attention. By the looks of it, they argued about something. Albeit heatedly, you noted the grin pinning Johnny's lip upwards, and even if mostly seeing your friend's back, you caught how she slouched backwards in her chair, shoulders not pulled high towards her ears.
Though not surprised by the two, what did catch you off-guard was Ghost. Or more so, his smirk. You don't know when it had happened, not more than after you'd left the table, but the baklava was rolled up enough that his neck along lower face was visible, showcasing the stretch of his lips.
It hadn't hit you that Ghost's drink had remained untouched since he took it from the tray. Not until you saw him raise the glass and sip what must've been a drink Marissa know to exclude ice from or else it would taste like watered-down tea.
Before he caught you looking -because there must be a reason he'd decided to show just the slightest part of himself despite wearing a mask in public- you turned to face John again.
"I was taught interrogation techniques, not mind reading", you joked, attempting to deflect what he wanted you to do, but you only received a look from him.
"Can't trust you if you don't show what you go for". John leaned closer as he kept your gaze. "So go on then". For a second time, he jerked his head towards the others.
"Fine". You caught the upward tick of John's lip and intrigued quirk of his brows before you turned in the chair, back resting against the wooden counter.
Despite your attention now being fixed on the ones at the table, you noted how John mimicked your motion to swivel the chair and face the company the two of you previously accompanied.
At first, your gaze merely flickered over them in turn. Johnny. Ghost. Kyle. 
The most challenging task is always reading without intent. Your former instructors' voice echoes in your mind as you grapple with where to start.
"What's my goal?" You looked at John, awaiting his guidance. He rolled his head towards you, blue eyes meeting yours.
"Whatever you can get".
"So descriptive". You rolled your eyes and earned a chuckle. But you did as he said, attempting to present how far you'd gotten on the puzzle their personalities posed as since you first entered.
"Ghost", you declared to steer John's attention to who your intention was set on.
"Starting with the toughest", he mumbled.
You disregarded his comment, knowing that although it was true personality-wise, you had more solid facts about him than the others.
"Johnny has called him L.T., presumably a Lieutenant then", you began. Then, with your gaze flitting over his stature, you observed the man as he engaged, or more so listened, to the conversation Kyle maintained. "A man of few but well-chosen words, rough around the edges, has a sharp tongue, expressive eyes, though I doubt that makes him cover his face." In your peripheral, you noted John tilting his head towards you, making you tear your eyes from Ghost.
"How so?"
You gave him a half-shouldered shrug, meeting those blues. "You boys see shit that no one should, that we civilians agree on despite not knowing what that shit is all the time. So it wouldn't be weird if you wanted to separate yourself from it. For some, it could be on the field. Others, of it." Your eyes trailed back to the tall man, yet to add anything to his conversation aside from an occasional nod. "Though I don't know his reason, I would call it a coping mechanism. One that's hard turning off entirely, and he probably views as an equally big part of himself as whoever is beneath the mask." 
You glanced at John, whose eyes were still set upon Ghost, but he gave an almost absentminded nod. The confirming hum accompanying the action made you think you hit the mark to a certain degree.
"Kyle?" John directed you to Ghost's conversation partner, and your eyes were set forward again, a slight furrow entering the space between your brows as they narrowed.
"Nickname Gaz", you declared the information you'd retrieved from the rounds of poker. "Not as reserved as Ghost, but thanks to Johnny, his knack for social settings appear bleaker". That earned you an amused huff from John. "He's kind and got humour, caught a few of his quips. But, he's also calm-mannered, poised, much like you".
"Hm, good kid, we work a fair share together". You looked at John, his eyes meeting yours a second later with a tilt of his head. "Any guess on rank?" You drew in air through your teeth, making a repeated sound with your tongue, and weighed your head from side to side.
"Could be a Lieutenant, but... he feels younger than Ghost, so I would opt for Seargent without too much knowledge of your ranking systems' correlation to age or serving time". You awaited his confirmation or denial.
"You're correct." He gave you a definitive nod, a smile grazing his lips as he continued. "Gimme MacTavish now".
Encouraged by his validation, you glanced at Johnny, still conversing with Marissa. "Easiest personality-wise, charismatic and easy-going, don't think I've seen him without some kind of smile this evening. Although he's more complex as a soldier, I don't have anything on him regarding that. Maybe that's why he's called Soap." You looked to John for help with raised brows, curious to see how close to the truth you were with the guess.
"He's a good soldier; his nickname comes from that", he smiled at you.
"Like my version better", you chuckled, and his smile grew, causing the bristles on his upper lip to curve, accommodating the move.
"Final thin’ then, what rank?"
At that, you actually let out a short laugh. "Would've guessed a Corporal if it weren't for you saluting his talents".
"Give up?" John's question was followed by a quirk of his brow and a sip of his drink.
"Do tell because I have no idea".
"He's a Seargent".
Your brows raised. "Yeah, no, don't believe that ", you shook your head with a laugh. "From what I've seen of him tonight, it doesn't fit his picture".
"A difficult soldier to spot outside base indeed", John referred back to your initial assessment of Johnny.
"Did I still pass the test then?" He lowered the glass he'd kept close to his chest this whole time, bending his left elbow to let it rest against the bar.
"Yes", thanks to his newly acquired position, his slight lean towards you was a mere shift. "Knew you would".
"How could you've been so sure?" You challenged him. "I could've choked under pressure".
John's brows quickly moved up and down as he raised his chin, remaining silent for a few seconds as he observed you. "No, you wouldn't have because it's your second nature. Noticed it when you came in here earlier." He gestured to the pub entrance with the tip of his glass.
As if able to get the outer-body perspective John had of you as you arrived, your eyes trailed the direction he motioned.
"How so?" Your gaze was back at him, yet his eyes remained stuck at the doorway.
"You were alert; those eyes of yours were sharp, observant to a degree I recognised ...", John's sentence trailed off when he turned back to face you, his eyes flickering over you before meeting your gaze. "Not gonna lie, the dress had me questionin’ longer than usual if you were one of us".
"What settled your mind?" He grinned, head tilting side to side.
"It's my job to notice people like you that ain't as sweet looking".
You wished you'd had a drink to cool yourself with as heat spread through your body at John's comment. To say it had taken you off-guard was an understatement. It was so unlike his earlier, not forced but definitely not innate, pick-up line; this was a taste of that same effortlessness he'd displayed during your game of cards.
Flustered, searching for your wits, you find yourself tongue-tied. And it didn't get better when you spotted John's smile behind the rim of his glass as he sipped his drink, eyes still on you.
Thankfully, he broke the mere second-long silence that had felt eternal when he swallowed the beverage.
"Maybe we should call you if we need a new face for interrogation". It was a joke. An offered out of your own flustered state.
"I bet Ghost is enough". John chuckled, yet the sound quietened when you swivelled your chair to fully angle your body towards him. "But, I still bet I could attribute with something".
"What you suggestin'?" His eyes jumped over you, a slight quirk in his brows.
"Can give you pointers on how an outside eye asses you".
"Now, can you, eh?" One of his already intriguingly raised brows arches. Your pulse increases, a slight tapping emerging at the base of your throat when John sets down his drink, turning his chair to face you. Instinctively you press your legs together, giving John enough room to not touch you with his knees as they slot on either side of you. "What would you say others see then?"
You justify the trail over his frame as required to answer his question. But, you know it's futile, knowing very well the roam of your gaze was to take in his broad body, still accentuated despite his arms crossed over his chest and the slight haunch in his back to lean slightly closer to you.
"A tight-knitted group", you say, eyes locking with his as you continue. "Yet, what the Captain says goes".
A slow side-ways tip of his head accompanies his amused huff. "That's the whole military".
You hold up a finger and raise your brows. "Ah, I'm not done". John raises his hand at your smile-accompanied accusation. "This group of yours, they look up to you, respect you, that's why they follow you. They put their trust in their Captain because he's earned it." Something softens the amused upward-turns of his features at your words, his arms settling on his thighs.
"Playin’ at an old man's pride?"
You chuckle softly. "Ain't playing anything; already said you must've earned your rank".
"You're startin’ to sound subjective, love".
"Oh, sue me", you roll your eyes, a slight smile spreading on John's features as his knee knocks against yours in jest before falling outwards again. "Fine then, if you want objective, I'll give it to you. If anyone wants to aim at your group, they'll aim for the heart". You nod towards him, inclining what you didn't spell out.
With a shift of one foot to rest on the floor to not have him fall out of his seat, John moves closer by a slight bend in the waist and forwards tip of his head. "If that's your best take on bein’ objective, I can't imagine your subjectiveness".
An all too cheerful-sounding scoff is directed at him as your knee falls out to mimic the bump he'd done against your knee previously. A grin breaks his lips apart. 
"I'll tell you, it works wonderfully for persuasions". Your teeth dig into your lower lip as you feel the smile you want to suppress spread anyways. John's eyes flicker down, returning to your gaze when teeth flash as your smile turns into a grin.
"Not doubtin’ that". John could've said something else entirely. You didn't need too much imagination to convince yourself he had. The cadence of his voice, the smooth churning of something purely described as deep, rich, mingling with the accent already coating his words in almost a droning hum, a pleasant one for your ear to experience.
You swallow, the intensity in those blues causing a quiver in your fingers. You attempt to shield it by putting your right arm on the countertop and tapping the wooden counter with your fingers.
A loud noise makes you jump, fingers curling into the wood, eyes falling from John's and seeking the source of the sound.
"Keep your heads on your shoulders. You need to be sober enough to get to the base at the latest 01:00 for drills at 07:00. I'm not puttin’ in a word against office duty if you don't". You switched to look at John -or more so his profile concerning he'd twisted his neck to watch the men seated at the tables- as he's seemingly unphased by the sudden disturbance.
"Does that apply to you too, Captain?" Your eyes widened, gaze snapping from John's profile. In the corner of your eye, you catch how he cocks his head and swivels his chair until he is sitting in a similar position as previously.
You hadn't anticipated the comment from Kyle. Johnny, maybe, but not the brown-eyed man now watching his superior with a grin as his eyes remain solely on the man at your side. Connecting it quickly to what Marissa forwarded from the Scot -something you gradually started to believe- you knew it was a jab at John and not necessarily you. Still, the attempted silent snickers from the others urged a rush of heat through your body, head ducking instinctively.
"You seem to forget I'm already on office duty and won't partake in the drills tomorrow, Sergeant". John replies without a hitch in his breath, an assertiveness in his tone you hadn't anticipated. It's enough for you to raise your gaze and focus on him.
As your eyes flitted over him, you realised his whole demeanour changed. It's the same shift you'd seen earlier the night, now clocking it's a switch between John and his role as Captain. However, unlike earlier, it doesn't make you uncomfortable. Instead, the opposite, an appreciative smile spreading when the arched brow daring Kyle, or anyone else, to make a further comment is met with silence.
As John turns towards you again, not entirely but showing his focus tracks back to you with the shift, you catch him mumbling beneath his breath. 'These lot...'
He sighs, shaking his head. "You mind?" Your gaze locks with his before flickering down to the metal case he fishes from his back pocket, opening it expertly with his thumb to show the cigars inside. He doesn't reach for one until you shake your head.
"Only if it smells like a cigarette". As John reaches for one of the dark auburn rolls, balancing it between his fingers whilst pocketing the case, he scoffs as if honestly offended.
"Then you wouldn't be the only one", he muttered, reaching for something over the bar.
You can't help how your eyes travel down to the small strip of skin he reveals when his shirt inch upwards. Before he notices, you promptly avert your eyes to see he's recovered a similar tray serving to collect ashes as he'd sported over at the table in the absence of a proper ashtray. 
As he placed it on his right side, away from you, he fished out the same sleek metal lighter he'd used to light the cigar earlier the evening.
"Hate when Ghost pulls those out". A flame flickered to life as he popped the cap with his thumb, the orange-yellowy flare brought to the butt of the roll now resting between his lips.
Your eyes skate over to Ghost, then back to John, eyeing him as he puffed at the end until dropping the pocket lighter with a satisfied hum when a subtle curl of smoke rises from the glowing tail.
"Didn't know he was a smoker", you say.
John glances at you, dropping the cigar enough to flash you a smirk. "We all have our copin’ mechanism. Some of us just have more tasteful ones". You chuckle with a shake of your head, following the cigar as he raises it to his lips.
He inhales a mouthful, not a lungful, John’s chest not expanding more than marginally. With his eyes closing, his hand drops to the side until his elbow rest against the counter and the cigar rests over the ashtray. When he releases the cloudy vapour, he turns slightly to the side.
As he faces you again, his eyelids flutter open, the corner of his mouth ticking upwards instantly when he discovers your eyes never left him. "You're starin’, love". You frown despite his teasing tone, nabbing the first thing that comes to mind.
"If you continue at this pace, those will kill you". You nod to the cigar in John's hand. Yet, you only get a chuckle and an amused look in return.
"If nothin’ on the field has done it yet, I take the risk". You let out a light exhale. From how John doesn't even wince but savours the taste before pointedly turning away from you and blowing out the smoke, you know you won't be able to change his habits.
You watch as he puffs the cigar, his blues not leaving yours longer than it takes to empty release his breath. The scent of smoke slowly tints the air, but there are hints of something else in those blue whisps.
"What's that?" You ask, and his brows raise as to what you're referring to. "The scent?"
John hums. "Maduro; carries a distinct coffee and dark-chocolate aroma".
"Don't know about that". You muse. Sure, it doesn't smell like acrid cigarettes, but neither would you've guessed coffee and chocolate. John smiles with a shrug before taking another puff. "You know your cigars".
"Like you know your liquor". You unabashedly shrug as John reaches for the glass he's let sit on the counter for a bit. He pauses mid-way to his lips, eyes flickering down to its contents. Or rather, the lack thereof.
"I can make another one". You say, not until now, realising all that's left is the half-melted ice cube. 
Without even waiting for John's answer, you prepare to stand. However, with a shake of his head and shifting his chair towards you, he stops you mid-action.
"Sit. I enjoy your company more than a drink". When John sets the glass on the counter, those blue eyes don't fall from yours. A sincerity is laced within his gaze, and the smile he's so prone to bring forth stretches your lips again.
As you sink into your seat again, one leg crosses the other, the slip of your dress accommodating by baring your thigh. Your legs fall closer to John with your move, and your exposed knee grazes against his thigh. When he further angles his body towards you, it rests against his leg. As neither of you breaks the point of contact, you feel the warmth he emits even through his jeans.
"Never got to know how you find your way to this pub?" The air is comfortable, and you rest your elbow on the counter, head falling against your hand as you watch John.
"Kyle got a whiff of the place through some mates; it just so happened that it lived up to its reputation". Not surprised. You hummed at his answer.
"What made you regulars?"
"Because I can have a drag of this without lookin’ like a kicked puppy on the streetside", he jokes with a motion to his cigar, and you huff out a laugh, still reprimanding him with a slight nudge to his leg with yours. "Happened to be that most took a likin’ to something after our first visit". Your brows cock, eyes instinctively fleeting sideways, briefly catching Johnny gazing at Marissa as she entertains a conversation with Kyle.
When they return to John, you find him watching you as he inhales a drag of smoke. "I can guess someone's reason-". You refer to what your attention strayed towards. "-but what's yours?"
"Hm, the ambience, like the conventional setting Marissa got goin’ despite innovated. Not a fan of many of the brand new places". You nod, noticing how John works his jaw, lips subsequently pursing, before he speaks up. "How come we haven't seen you around before?"
"Why, would I've added to the ambience?" You can't help the quirk of your lips at how his brows raise, feeling as if it was finally your turn to be put on the spot but the other way around.
Before he answers, a low chuckle escapes him as he ducks his head before rolling it to the side to look at you. "Maybe I would've added you as a reason".
You bite your lip, barely able to contain the giddiness his comment elicits. Only managing when actually answering his question. "It was some time ago I worked full-time. Nowadays, I only jump in occasionally when Marissa asks". 
He nodded. "What do you fill your time with otherwise?"
"Free-lancing", you explain. "Nothing all too fancy, but I get to do things I like with the freedom I want-". You clip the end of your sentence, stopping yourself before formulating your the intended question that would’ve followed. Naturally, you want to know more about his work in return, but you hesitate, not desiring to destroy the mood if he rejects explaining.
"I can hear you thinkin’". John nudges your knee with a slight move of his thigh, bringing you out of your thoughts. "Go on", he urges you. And, like so many other times during the evening, something about his encouragement makes you fold.
"Well, concerning Marissa has mentioned you, I can't lie and say I haven't been curious about you lot since arriving. But I didn't want to pry, know you're off-duty if you're here". He keeps looking at you as your head stops resting on your fist, instead moving your hand when you explain yourself, patiently waiting for the question you build up to with a barely visible smile. "I-I just wondered what you do? You guys aren't really rookies, and it was hard not to notice a certain reluctance to initially mention you were in the military...", you trail off.
John remains silent for a few beats, head tilting as he watches you, and you fear you overstepped even though he urged you to ask the question. "We ain't directly military".
"No?" Your brows furrow.
"Special forces". Your lips part, hand dropping until your forearm rest against the wooden counter. Oh.
"What branch, if I may ask?"
"SAS". Really fucking oh.
"And you made me think my training was even the slightest set apart from absolutely fucking petty compared to yours", you huff in disbelief. Your comments bring out a deep laugh from John, a grin pinning his lips upwards.
"It ain't all too bad".
"Not all too bad- the fucking SAS, John". You lean slightly closer to emphasise what you said as if he didn't realise his occupancy. "You're a Captain in the SAS out of everything on this spinning globe".
He shrugs, disturbing his slowly diminishing cigar's linear ringle of smoke. "Ain't too shabby, I guess".
"Fucking hell", your hand jerks upwards, shaking your head in disbelief as you straighten up again, an unbelieving smile etched onto your lips. That earns you another laugh from him as his hand, having rested on his leg, pats the middle of your bared thigh. 
"I'm takin' the piss".
You accusingly raise your brows at him. "You better be". His hand stills and gently squeeze the spot where he touches you, an offered 'my bad' as his gaze locks with yours. It takes mere seconds before your smiles reflect one another.
"Well, gentlemen, I think it's time to shoo you out. I don't want to be responsible for your absence on any important matters in the morning." At her voice, your eyes are drawn to Marissa. She rises from her seat despite some protest from a certain Scot, to which she only offers a smile and a 'sorry, Johnny-boy'. As she turns her neck towards you, her brown eyes flicker down to see John's hand resting atop your thigh. Although her smile remains the same, you note the twinkle entering them when noting your proximity to the older man. "Ain't that right, Price?"
"Always good to know you look after them", he returns, hand slipping from you to brace against his kneecap as he straightens somewhat.
"Your boys ain't the biggest group of troublemakers, but always good to have someone look out for them", Marissa shoots back. But, with a quick shift of her gaze to meet yours, you know the comment isn't as innocent as it appears. Having spent enough time with her, you can hear the unspoken continuation. While your attention is on someone else.
As your friend turned and began collecting what littered the table, Johnny followed suit to help her while Ghost and Kyle rose from their seats, gathering their belongings.
The shift in the edge of your vision brought your eyes back to the man at your side.
You watched as John stubbed out the unsmoked bit of his cigar. His opposite hand rose to run across his beard, and until then, you hadn't registered the fine specs of ash coating parts of his facial hair.
"Ready?" You ask when the action slows, unable to hide your amusement. John's gaze jumps to you, creases entering the edges of his eyes as he notes you'd followed his movement.
"The only downside", he chuckled as he rose from his seat.
One of your brows cocked. "Only one?"
"Hush now". His reply makes the laugh you repressed escape anyways, but it fades when he stretches out his hand for you.
Your brows raise momentarily, eyes flickering down to his hand and up to his eyes, not even debating before accepting his upturned palm.
John's hold is gentle as he helps you keep your balance whilst stepping down from the bar stool. "Thank you". He smiles in return and drops your hand, and you instantly miss his touch.
John turns and moves toward the only occupied table during the evening, and you watch how Ghost throws him his jacket that he expertly captures and supposedly was to retrieve. Your attention is pulled from them when Marissa passes you.
"Do you need any help?" You follow your friend as she rounds the bar.
Her head raised as she set down what she'd carried from the table. "No need. I'll fix this tomorrow morning". She gestured to the dishes before her.
"You sure? I can help so you can sleep in tomorrow?"
"We can help". Compared to the first time the Scottish accent appeared by your side, you don't startle when Johnny rounds you, placing the rest of the dishes beside what Marissa already brought.
"I have a few deliveries that I need to be here for tomorrow anyway, so I'm just gonna lock up for the night. Head on out with the rest". She waved the two of you off, and you simply shrugged.
"Fine, we'll wait for you outside", Marissa sent you an appreciative smile as your reply stopped the Scot from possibly debating with her.
"Alright, Riss", he simply settled on. "Come on then, lass", Johnny slung an arm over your shoulder.
"Am I your human crutch now?" You poked the dark-haired man's side.
"Haven't had that much", Johnny defended himself. "I remained on good behaviour today", he puffed out his chest as you caught a laugh from your friend just as she ducked into the back.
"Hard to believe when coming from the man daring me to a drinking game", you teased, knowing he wasn't any further inebriated than barely tipsy, concerning he wasn't stumbling over his words or burdened you with his weight when he turned the two of you with a chuckle.
Facing the exit, your and Johnny's eyes fall on the others moving towards it. 
You instinctively pay more attention to John as he steps away from their table. But, with his jacket already clutched in one hand since previously, your brows furrow. To your attention, he hadn't brought anything else. And that's when you see the accessory not fitting his general appearance. In John's other hand is your purse.
While something warm worms into your chest, you feel the body beside you move, silent amusement causing Johnny's chest to vibrate. You twist your head towards him, being met with a wide grin as his eyes drop to you, returning from having caught the same sight you'd done.
"You've really put ya charms on the old man, now 'ave ya?" His bright eyes are creased in the corners as his hand squeezes your shoulder.
Your mouth drops open. "I-I...uh", you stumbled over your words, suddenly bashful at having someone beside Marissa point it out. Even though he's already mentioned it to her, you remind yourself.
Your wide-eyed look earns a not-so-suppressed laugh from Johnny this time around. "No need explainin'". His smile softens somewhat, yet the glint in his eye is still there as he leans in slightly. "Only hope the old fecker doesn't fuck it up with a bonnie like ya". You duck your head to hide a laugh, nerves dissipating at the Scot's comment.  
"He's got his charms". You look up, gaze locking with John's briefly before facing the man at your side. He gives you a wink before letting you go, leaving you to take the lead when nearing the others.
Your focus shifts to the exit. 
Ghost pulls the door open, its never-fixed natural chime filling the air. Kyle follows him shortly, pushing the door slightly wider for John to catch with the same hand he holds his jacket. However, instead of exiting, he waits for you to come close enough to wordlessly hand you your purse and motion for you to head out before him. You smile as thanks for both actions.
The air is lukewarm. Not cold by any means. Still, a shiver prickles your skin when a warm gust blows past.
"You can't possibly be cold". You turn to look at John as he follows you onto the sidewalk. To give space to Johnny trailing after him, you take a few steps to the side before angling your body towards him as he steps up to you.
"Says the man who brought a jacket". You nod towards the material in his grip.
"Fair". John chuckles as he stops close to you, his free hand hooking into his pocket, his thumb sticking out.
As the door closes, you look away from those blues you'd stared into for the better part of the evening, focusing on what was beyond the pub window. You see Marissa with her bag slung over her shoulder, meaning she must've finished the closing procedure in the back.
Next, your eyes are drawn to the only one moving in the company. Ghost's dark frame melts into the building's facade more so than the still-bright evening as he moves towards one of the cars parked a few steps away. The late setting sun reflected in the windshield, and the cloud-free sky lightened the night considerably regarding the time.
The slight shift in your peripheral finally draws your eyes back to John. As your attention land upon him, you note he followed your previous line of sight of watching Ghost leisurely come to lean against the rear-view mirror as he waits. Soon though, his blue eyes settle on you.
"How'd you get here?" It's a simple and innocent question depending on how you interpret it. But you can't help but do anything but.
"I was already out and about, so I walked". John nods, looking away for a second as you notice his jaw works from the muscles in his temple. When his eyes return, he tips his head somewhat downwards and slightly raises his brows. "I could drive you home if you want?"
You immediately press your jaws together to not break out in a lunatic smile. Those butterflies are back, wild and whipping in your stomach, not because of nervousness but excitement. As you watch John, gaze into his blues, you breathe in.
Mingling together is the noticeable but hard-to-place smell of warmth in the air still present from when you arrived and the scent of John you'd grown accustomed to during the evening.
"My mother warned me of jumping into strangers' cars". You attempt to play down your immediate reaction to his offer.
It earns you a chuckle. "Can't say I pose as the friendliest either". John looked over his shoulder to the big black rover parked further down the street than Ghost had. You can barely shield your amusement despite attempting to when he turns back. "What?"
"Could think you worked for the Mafia rather than the military".
His brows teasingly narrowed at you. "That so?"
You nod with a light hum. "At the least thought it was more Ghost's style than yours", you'd lowered your voice to not let the man you referred to catch your sentence.
"Can't blame you", he chuckles with a slight head shake as your eyes fall back to the black rover ahead.
"Oh, jump in the car". Both you and John followed the voice to find Marissa. You hadn't heard her exit the pub and lock the door, but evidently, she must have done it slightly before butting into your conversation concerning how Johnny and Kyle joined Ghost by their car.
"I'm going the other direction anyways, and I know Price won't kidnap you". You knew she could've and would've given you a ride. She'd done it frequently when you worked together. You cocked a brow at her, one she disregarded when she redirected her eyes to John. "And, if you do so happen to take such a liking to my friend that you decide to abduct her, I know where you live".
"You don't know where I live", he huffed out a laugh.
Marissa only smiles in return. "Maybe so, but I do know where that base of yours is and that some of your boys will be there". She put a hand on her hip, and at that, he put his hands up in mock surrender, eliciting a chuckle from your friend as she turns back to you.
"Hear from you in the morning to know wheater you end up home or in a basement?" She said, but the look in her eyes said something else entirely.
You couldn't help but shake your head, knowing she had said it because she wanted all the details. "Sure". She brought you in for a hug before stepping away and heading in the same direction as the boys had, her car parked in front of theirs.
"Thanks for coming by tonight", she called as she stopped by the vehicle.
"You know I can't say no to you", you returned with a smile.
"Nice to meet ya, lass", Johnny called out as he opened the passenger seat, a grin present as his eyes shifted. "See ya, Cap'n". John gave him a nod in return as you waved to the Scotsman. Like his goodbye, your action responds to Ghost's nod and Kyles's wave.
"Seems like I'm taking you up on that offer", you said when finally turning back to face John.
"Come on then, love", he gave you a side-ways nod as he directed you to his car.
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restinslices · 7 months
Liar Pt2
Me finally writing the part 2?! Wow! So this part is honestly filler. It's Matthias being in his own head and meeting Nina, who will become an ally. Imma be real, nothing happens BUT LISTEN- it's setting shit up. Have faith. Enjoy his mental crisis. Druskelle!Matthias Helvar x Heartrender!Wife!Reader (she does not make an apperance-) Word Count: 2059 Summary: Ever since you've left, Matthias has had conflicting thoughts about your relationship and it's driving him insane, but an unlikely friend makes him realize not all hope is lost. Y/N - Your Name D/N - Daughter Name Link to part 1
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(Lowkey should've used this gif for part 1 and part1's for this, but rip)
“Dear my love and life,
I don’t know what to say. Maybe I should say sorry again for the whatever thousandth time. I never know how to start these, so I always say I’m sorry. I wish Djel gave me the power to go back in time and fix the mistakes I’ve made. I wish I could go back and hug you when you told me about you being Grisha, instead of pushing you away. I wish I would’ve held you and told you I’d forever love you instead of calling you a witch. I wish when I woke up, I had my wife beside me and my daughter in the room next to ours. I have lots of wishes, and since I can’t change the past, I have a wish that’s selfish and cruel.
I wish you both were dead. I wish that the Druskelle had found and killed you two, or all of you instead of just Elise and Erik. 
I know I sound terrible, but not knowing where you are or how you are hurts more than you two being dead. I wish that one day, I’m sitting at home and someone comes in to say they found and killed you both.
Am I a bad person for thinking this? I’ve heard rumors about other countries. I’ve heard Ravka trains their children for war. I’ve heard Shu Han does terrible experiments on Grisha. I’ve heard in The Wandering Isle that the Kaelish kill Grisha so they can drink their blood. I’ve heard in Kerch, Grisha are put under contracts and basically become slaves. I’d rather you be dead than go through any of that. 
My love, you remember the day I proposed to you. I know you do. What you don’t know is that the night before I did so, I sat outside for hours. I couldn’t possibly sleep when I was terrified about what I was gonna do. I saw a star that shined brighter than the others, and for some reason, I thought it could be Djel watching over me. I prayed and begged Djel to convince you to say yes, and you did. 
Maybe that’s what I’m doing wrong. Maybe I’m too busy wishing, instead of praying, but I haven’t felt like praying in so long. Maybe if I find that star again, he’ll hear me better like he did the first time. Maybe I’ll get another chance and we’ll all run away. Maybe-”
“Anything going on up there?” the Grisha woman asked.
Matthias found himself writing a lot since you left. Not in some diary though. He’d write letters to you and his daughter, then throw them in the fireplace and watch it be engulfed in flames. 
At first the letters were angry and full of betrayal. You lied to him for years. You used him. That’s what he thought at first.
It had been days and you hadn’t been caught. He happened to have paper and ink around him, so he wrote this letter filled with insults, profanities and accusations, then he threw it in the fireplace. Although he wrote all this down, about how you were a liar and a witch, he didn’t go with the druskelle to try and capture you. Others assumed that your “witchcraft” made him still feel sick, but in reality, Matthias knew deep down that if he saw you he wouldn’t be able to take the shot. He would’ve been expected to either kill or capture his ex wife and child and he knew he couldn't. You were his love, and once your daughter was born, you both promised each other to make her number one in your lives. You’d raise her with love and guidance and make sure she never knew a lonely day. You even promised each other that if one was to die, the other had to keep going everyday even if they didn’t want to. You both promised to make her your whole life. Now he was expected to forget all about that. He wanted to forget all about you, but he couldn’t.
His letters went from angry to pleading. Sometimes his letters would be destroyed by his own tears before it even reached the fire. This especially happened whenever an important date passed, like your daughter’s birthday. It hit him hard then. The loneliness became more apparent. Matthias had quit being a Druskelle, telling Brum some bullshit about how his head still didn’t feel right and he didn’t want to mess something up. In reality, being a Druskelle didn’t feel right anymore. His brothers gave him sympathy, saying you were evil and he was strong for realizing this and breaking out of your spell, but it didn’t make sense. When people look back at their memories with a manipulator or abuser, they notice signs. They see things they didn’t see before. And while Matthias did indeed notice signs that you were Grisha, he didn’t see any signs of evil. 
Matthias knew you even before his family was killed, and you stood by him as he mourned. You stayed even when he was sure you’d leave. How could you possibly be evil? It didn’t make sense. 
Matthias doesn’t know why he accepted Brum’s offer to go on another exploration. Maybe it was loneliness. He had practically isolated himself for two years. No more you. No more D/N. No more brotherhood.
Or maybe he was hoping somehow they’d find you and he’d be able to escape with you.
Either way, he accepted. A mistake.
The boat ended up sinking and Matthias was sure he’d die, until he suddenly felt his heart speeding up in his chest. When he came to, he realized one of the Grisha, a heartrender with brown hair and a smart mouth, had saved him. Granted, it was just so he could push them to shore, but at least he was breathing.
They found a hut, slept by each other, and that’s when he realized two things.
Number one, your wedding ring, which he always kept in his pocket, was gone.
Number two, when the woman sped his heart up so he stayed warm, it felt familiar. It was how he felt when he laid next to you. He always assumed that maybe his heart beat so fast because being near you was the greatest honor and he hadn’t gotten used to it. He’d still say that was true, but the reality was that you used your power to keep him warm every single night. If he hadn’t been around someone, he might’ve cried.
He heard fingers snapping next to his ear. “Druskelle? Anyone up there?”.
Matthias blinked hard to snap himself out of his thoughts, then cleared his throat. His eyes had been on the fire in front of him the whole time, as if he could burn his letter like he usually did. He looked to the side as the woman sat next to him. He couldn’t even remember what they were talking about.
It was as if she read his mind since next she said, “you were telling me all about Fjerdan woman then you stopped. Hoping one appears?”.
“Yes” he answered without thinking.
Matthias refused to answer any of her questions. In all honesty, she was annoying him. She was incredibly nosey and kept insisting they were lost, but they couldn’t have been lost because Druskelle didn’t get lost! All trees look the same! Rocks look the same! A certain patch of snow looked the same as other patches of snow!
They were lost. Dammit.
Matthias sat on a big rock with a flat top in defeat. What good was being alive if they were just gonna freeze to death?
The woman sat next to him, “I’m gonna ask a few questions if you don’t mind”.
“I do mind”.
“What’s your name? I like ‘Dumb Druskelle’ but surely you were born with something else. Todd? A Kevin maybe? James?”. Matthias hated she gave the same comfort a friend would. It was strange. He didn’t know her, but he had been so lonely that he enjoyed having someone else near. And if he was gonna die, he wouldn’t mind dying with someone else. 
Although Matthias was silent, she kept going. “Who’s back home for you?”.
“No one” he thought.
The woman pulled something out of one of her pockets and presented it to him. It was your wedding ring, the one he thought probably sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Before he could speak she said “I grabbed it before it sunk too far. Figured I could use it as leverage to make you get us to shore, but you agreed before I could”. Matthias took it and since no one he knew was around, he put it back on.
Some people prefer the feeling of a weight lifting off of them, but he preferred the weight the ring added to his finger even if it wasn’t that huge of a change. The woman was still looking at him then he had an idea. If she was Ravkan and you ran there, maybe she knew you! He asked her if he knew a woman fitting your description with a child that had recently came to Ravka. When she said she was usually in and out of the palace, but had gotten a letter from a friend who mentioned a new Grisha with a child he felt conflicted. On one hand, this could’ve been you and this meant you were safe. On the other hand, this meant his daughter was probably being trained to become a soldier for whatever other war Ravka would join. 
She made a sarcastic remark, asking if he had been hunting this woman also and she happened to get away. He spilled his guts then. He told her everything. How you met, how you were always there for him, how you fell in love, your marriage, your child, the incident, him turning on you. All of it. It felt amazing to say out loud to someone else.
“You had an incredible wife but chased her and your child away? Remember when I said there was a brain inside all that muscle? I lied”. He didn’t argue. What was the point? “What would you do if you managed to see her or your child again?”.
He thought about this every night and he still didn’t know. He’d apologize but what then? Let you go? Beg for another chance? What if you had met someone else by now? “I don’t know” he answered honestly “but I’d beg for as long as she wanted me to”.
“You do realize that you were gonna kill more Grisha on that boat right?”
“You would go on trial”
“Your trials are a sham, we’ve been over this. The loneliness won’t end by becoming a Druskelle again. You and I both know it”. Matthias went quiet again as he thought. He hated she was nosey, he hated that everything that came out her mouth was sarcastic or said with an attitude, but more importantly 
He hated she was right.
“I have known one way my entire life. I don’t know how to be anything else. I… I don’t know if I can be better”.
“It’s possible” she said. She stood and moved so she was in his view. “Get on your feet-”. It all happened so quick then. She backed up, then all Matthias heard was the ground crumbling and her screams. He dived down, catching her hands. 
She pleaded for Matthias to pull her up and for a split second, he thought he’d let her fall. 
He refused to turn his back on anyone else though.
He pulled her up and let her catch her breath on the ground. After a few seconds, he stood with his hand outstretched, “Matthias… Helvar”.
She took his hand and let him help her to her feet. “Nina Zenik. Nice to make your acquaintance”. Matthias draped one of the fur coverings he was wearing on her shoulders then they started walking again.
“You saved my life”
“I put you in chains. It was the least I could do”.
“That’s all very true, but I was going to say something before I fell”. Nina grabbed his arm, making him stop and look at her. 
“I’m going to help you find your family”.
A/N: I need to stop deciding to write at 11pm-. Anyway, did anything really happen this part? No. Lowkey this should say part 1.5 but that looks ugly so here we are. I will not procrastinate for another two months, I promise. Also I remembered that Matthias is 18 and ya'll kid is 10, so uhhh let's say the kid is 6 and ya'll are mid twenties. Imma edit the last part too, don't even worry. I think part 3 will be the last part unless I decide it's too long and split it. Taglist: @luvrrish @katie-the-bookworm @favouritefeverdream (Idk if you wanted to be tagged, but you commented so imma do it anyway)
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