#and i’m going to be visiting family and supposedly do all these fun things
hvertz · 9 months
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undeadcannibal · 1 year
Could you do headcannon of the Taskforce 141 boys having a civilian fem!spouse? I’m not a soldier so I am curious to see what they are like and how they meet said spouse. ❤️
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Summary: Headcanons for how Price, Soap, Ghost, and Gaz meet their civilian SO
Genre: Headcanons, request(s) Characters featured: Price, Soap, Ghost, and Gaz!
Warnings: none!
A/N: Hopefully you enjoy these! I had fun coming up with different ways they’d meet ‘em. ( Gif credit: xxx )
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He’d be in the middle of a discussion with some of his friends when one of them casually mentions the name of a dating app that’s supposedly hot right now.
At first, he doesn’t care. Reassures himself he’s too old and busy to waste his time with such a thing... until he has a rough night during his downtime. Loneliness weighing heavily on him to the point he finds himself downloading the damn app during a moment of weakness.
At first, he doesn’t use it much. His profile is simple: he’ll post a few photos of himself, vaguely mention what he does for a living, what he’s looking for. And that’s that for a few months. Whenever he had the time, he’d swipe through a couple profiles here and there, but nothing serious had ever come from it.
Until 6 months later, when he finds himself humoring that deep ache in his heart, browsing through profile after profile until he lands on yours.
He knows better than to be fooled by looks, but he’d also be a liar if he said that he wasn’t smitten with you the moment he’d laid eyes on your photo. With a swipe, he silently hopes that the two of you will match, and when you eventually do, he’s over the moon but plays it as cool as he possibly can.
When he takes you out after talking for a while, he properly wines and dines you, doesn’t even kiss you after the first date either. Instead, he’d taken your hand in his and kissed it before asking if he can take you out again.
It takes a few years, but when he proposes, he goes all out in every way possible but makes sure to keep it all private. He can’t stand public proposals.
He was home for the holiday season when he’d met you in a super market. You’d looked as lost as ever when browsing the food, so he couldn’t help but ask if you were okay. You mentioned that you were shopping for a relative but weren’t local so you had no idea where to even begin.
He’d helped you grab everything you needed before he felt a rush of anxiety hit him like a train. He’ll never understand what drove him to feel as if he couldn’t let you go without at least asking for your number, but he was thankful for it for the rest of his life.
You’d talk to one another over the phone throughout your entire stay and long afterwards too... By the time the holidays are rolling around again, the two of you had been long-distance for quite sometime, but it’d be the first time seeing you in person after so long. After spending the holiday together between both of your homes, Johnny can’t help but want to keep you in his life for as long as you’ll allow it.
2 years down the line, the two of you are visiting his family again when he decided to propose to you, and when you accepted, best believe both him and his family were excited and quick to initiate a group hug in celebration.
When Simon is off duty, he doesn’t know what to do with himself. He struggles with finding things to keep himself occupied while he’s home. Stress and other emotions make even the simplest of tasks difficult for him. So, over time, he’d developed a habit of heading down to a local park to try and relax. Sometimes he’d take a book, other times he simply sat at a bench and allowed himself to get lost in his own mind. Mostly, he’d sit in silence and just enjoy watching the world pass him by.
One day when he’s walking over to his usual bench, he sees you there with a book in one hand and a drink in another. Captivated by the words on the page to the point that you don’t even notice him when he sits down on the opposite end of it, not saying a word or even glancing at you afterward. Instead, he simply watches you out of his peripheral vision. Wondering what you’re reading that has you so engaged.
He didn’t speak to you then. Instead, he’d allowed it to happen a few more times until you finally broke the silence between you two. Glancing up at him from behind your book with a shy smile as you introduced yourself to him. Behind a dark disposable mask, Ghost’s lips quirk upwards into the smallest of grins, thankful that you’d taken initiative. After you greet him, you do your best to make the occasional small-talk before you’ve to leave.
The same thing happens a few more times before he finds himself purchasing a burner phone just so he can give you a number to reach him at.
From there, the two of you would get to know one another better, sharing park dates together before you began to suggest other types of dates. Next thing Simon knew, the two of you were officially together and he was absolutely mad about you, thinking about you every second of his days. Despite the fact, he’s a complicated man with a lot of baggage, so he takes his time with your relationship.
4 years later, he’s the one to beat you to the punch and proposing to you in the very same park you met at after he takes you on a picnic.
IMO, Gaz seems like the type to frequent a coffee shop/cafe he enjoys to the point he’s basically a regular. Has his own favorite table, order, and everything. That is, until one day he arrives a bit later than usual and he sees you sitting there.
Normally, he would have just let you have the table but before he could even turn away to find another one, you were asking him if everything was alright. He couldn’t find it in himself to say yes and turn away. Instead, he somehow manages to not only ask if you two can share the table, but give you a dazzling smile after he does so as well. Taking special notice in how you had blushed afterward.
He wouldn’t ask you out right away. Instead, he’d build up to it. Gives you his number that first day so you two can get to know one another better while he’s off duty. He has to head back for another mission soon, but rest assured whenever he has any time off and it’s safe to do so, he’s spending all of his free time messaging and calling you. Getting to know you better.
Eventually, after the two of you have spent a few unofficial coffee dates together, he works up the courage to ask you out on a proper date. He’s upfront - but vague - about what he does and how it can affect his free time, but thankfully, you never cared. Instead, you’re just happy he finally asked you out after months of beating around the bush.
After your first date together, it’s all downhill from there. He’d fallen head-over-heels for you to the point even his fellow Task Force members noticed and teased him about it. Even more so after he’d gush about how he swears “you’re the one”
Little did they know by the end of the next year, the two of you would be engaged~
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bellysoupset · 5 months
I’d love a story with sick Angie (it doesn’t matter what it is) with the emphasis on Jonah as her caretaker. And I’d love it if you could write about what Jon said in that vertigo fic, were Luke was the only caretaker, about feeling like he doesn’t know Angie.
Hi there! I had a lot of fun typing this up, it's a bit more tender than my usual stuff, since Jonah's is slightly off his element!
There were things Jonah knew how to do: read Leo like a book, feel Wendy’s annoyance from across a room, suture a wound with an eye closed. And then there were things that he didn’t… 
Currently the issue was understanding what was going through his little sister’s mind. 
It hurt to say out loud, but Angie was half family, half stranger. She had been only ten when Jonah left for college, however during five of those ten years they supposedly shared, he had been away in boarding school, coming home only three times a year. In sum, he had truly known Angie only for five of her seventeen years. 
It had been a pleasant surprise to learn she didn’t think of him as some stranger, but as her brother, and that she wanted them to be close. Or, as Leo had put, “Jon, she worships you.”
Since Christmas last year, they had been chatting much more frequently and she had come over to Welton at the end of January, staying over at Jonah and Leo’s place for three days. 
This time around she was supposed to stay all week, which Jon was equally nervous and excited about. 
“I’m the one who should be nervous,” Leo had joked as they drove to pick Angie up at the airport, “not you.” 
However Jonah was nervous, because despite never wanting to say this out loud — and not needing to, Leo knew it already — he was terribly invested into making this new relationship work out. 
Normally Angelina was a bubbly, chatty teenager, never quite managing to contain her excitement. During her last visit, she had pestered JD so much that the cat had all but vanished during her last day over, hiding in Leo’s side of the closet. 
Tonight she was sullen and Jonah was nearly crawling up the wall trying to figure out what had changed. 
After picking her up at the airport, they had opted for having dinner in Portland instead of doing the full one hour and a half drive back to Welton without eating. Dinner had gone smoothly, Angie was a little quieter than usual, but Jonah had jolted this as her giving Leo time to gush about the proposal, something she seemed very interested in. Her whole face had lit up as she saw the engagement ring and she had pushed her chair closer in order to inspect it, pulling Leo into a hug that had the blonde’s face turning beet red, much to Jon’s amusement. 
The drive back had been even more quiet. 
“Why don’t you connect your phone with the radio, Angie?” Leo asked, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. He was mortified of getting carsick in front of his future sister-in-law, so he had insisted on driving both ways, “pick some music for the ride.”
“No, it’s fine…” Angelina answered, curling up on the backseat, “I think I’m just gonna nap, if you don’t mind…” 
“No, that’s alright,” Jonah turned on the passenger seat, “there must be a neck pillow stuffed behind my seat, is it there?”
“Yeah,” she retrieved it and kicked off her sneakers, spreading out in the back, “thanks, Jon.” 
He turned back to face the road. Something was off and he wasn’t sure what. 
“Relax,” Leo poked his side, a couple minutes later, whispering, “chill.”
“I am chill,” Jonah lied, not putting any effort behind it and once again looking over his shoulder, to where his sister had curled up in the backseat. 
They got home without a hitch, Leo had put on one of his ultra romantic songs and was drumming along with Michael Bolton’s Missing You Now, much to Jonah’s eternal amusement. His fiance couldn’t keep up with the beat if they paid him. 
“Baby I just can't wait! Till I see your face,” Leo leaned in to sing to him, as they parked, a cheeky smile on his face, “chase awaaay this loneliness insideee!” 
Jonah snorted, shutting him up with a kiss, “oh God, shut up, Leo,” his cheeks heated up as the song ended and the initial lyrics of the When A Man Loves a Woman started playing, Leo getting ready to serenade him, pointing at Jon’s chest as he said, “When a man loves a woman. Can't keep his mind on nothin'else-”
“Leeeeo,” Jonah groaned, pushing his door open, but not getting out. Instead he turned on his seat to shake Angelina awake. He half expected her to be awake and giggling at the whisper concert Leo was making, but no, she was still sleeping soundly, “Angie. Angie, we’re here.” 
It took him shaking her once more, before she woke up, looking completely lost for a minute.
“Let’s go inside so you can sleep in a proper bed,” Jonah circled the car, helping her out and raised his eyebrows, letting out a surprised noise when Angie collapsed against him and made no movement to pull away. He hesitantly lowered his arms around her in a makeshift hug, unsure of what to do. 
Leo grinned at him, getting out of the car as well and going to retrieve Angie’s bags. 
She barely let go of him, putting only enough distance that they were able to walk to the elevator, but snuggled back once they were inside. Jonah felt like his face was tingling and he couldn’t bring himself to meet Leo’s eyes, extremely embarrassed. 
This time around, Angelina paid no mind to JD. The cat came running to greet them at the door, only to stop once she saw the girl and sniffling her suspiciously, serpentining between Angie’s legs and settling for meowing at Leo’s feet as if asking who this was. 
Jonah fully expected his sister to grab JD like she had done last time, but instead she only yawned and waited patiently as he guided her to the guest room. 
“You know where’s everything, right?” Jonah hung awkwardly at the door, once Leo put the bag inside and Angie sat down on the bed. She yawned again, nodding. 
“There’s extra towels in the bathroom if you feel like taking a shower,” Jonah grimaced at his inability to sound as warm as he was supposed to, “and you don’t have to ask to go through the fridge…”
“I’m fine, Jon, thank you,” Angelina dismissed him easily, “I think I’m just gonna sleep, though.”
“Okay…” he glanced at the television, “there’s Netflix and Prime and Max-”
“Jon,” Leo grabbed his elbow, chuckling, “let the girl sleep. Goodnight Ange.”
“Goodnight,” Angie smiled at them, clearly agreeing with Leo and Jonah sighed, relenting and allowing the blonde to pull him out of the guest bedroom. 
“It’s only nine o’clock,” Jonah complained as they entered their own bedroom, Leo already ahead of him in the bathroom, stripping for a shower. They were both still in work clothes, “what type of teenager falls asleep at nine?”
“Your sister’s type,” Leo shrugged, getting under the shower stream, “relax Jon, she’s probably just tired after the flight.”
Jonah didn’t quite believe that. 
They ended up going to bed around eleven, so Jon was surprised when he woke up at only 6 AM, an hour before his alarm. He wasn’t sure why he was up. It was a Thursday, which meant Leo had court and would start working later, but would also be held up until whatever hour. The blonde was passed out next to him, head buried in the pillow. 
Jon’s shift only started at 9… 
He yawned, rubbing a hand over his face and getting up to pee. He was getting back in bed, when a noise down the hall caught his attention. Something falling?
It wasn’t JD, because the cat was happily asleep on Leo’s side. 
Jonah got out of the bed to investigate and wasn’t surprised when he found the guest bedroom door open, or the guest bathroom door closed. He knocked on it softly, “Angie, you alright? I heard something falling…”
“Urgh…” was the pitiful answer he got, “Jon…”
Well, shit. 
“Can I come in?” he asked nervously, biting the skin of his thumb, “Angie?” 
Jonah didn’t wait for an answer and pushed the door open. 
Angelina was really skinny with long limbs, like a model, and currently she was folded like an origami project in front of the toilet. Her rich, dark skin looked damn near ashen, and she had a trembling hand on the porcelain, the other pressing to her lips.
“Don’t… I don’t feel good…” 
“Oh darling,” Jonah sighed, feeling a selfish wave of relief wash over him at finally being able to pinpoint what was wrong and that it wasn’t him. He crouched down, “have you been sick yet?”
Angie shook her head, gulping down, “soon…” she leaned in, squeezing her eyes shut, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- To-” she got interrupted by a hiccup and Jonah scoffed, scooting closer so he could rub her back. 
“Don’t apologize, it’s all right,” he cringed as he realized her really long, curly hair was getting near her mouth. They didn’t have a single scrunchie in their place. 
At Bella’s advice, or rather, order, they had stocked the guest bathroom with pads, just in case — that had been an interesting little grocery trip, given neither of them had any idea of what they were doing and Leo looked positively mortified —, but the ginger hadn’t said anything about hair ties.
“Jon-” Angie whined, oblivious to his thoughts and leaning further over the toilet. Another sick hiccup shook her entire frame, this one turning into a gag at the end and Jonah cringed as he saw clear saliva hit the water. 
“You’re okay,” he carefully pulled his sister’s hair back with one hand, the other staying firmly on her back, “just get it up, don’t fight it-”
She retched once more, before getting up to her knees, and burying her head in the bowl as vomit gushed out. The movement was so sudden that Jonah had to move as well, so he wouldn’t pull on her hair. 
He gagged as he heard the horrible noise of his sister bringing up last night’s dinner, his stomach souring considerably as she pulled back, clumsily trying to flush, with vomit clinging to her bottom lip still.
“God-” Jonah pulled back the hand that was on her back, slapping it over his lips and biting down a retch of his own. Angelina let out a little hurt noise, much like JD did when they accidentally tripped on her.
“I’m sorry-” his voice came out husky, “shit, Angie, I’m sorry-”
“You’re sick too?” she managed to flush and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, causing Jonah to gag once more. He shook his head, gulping convulsively to keep his stomach in check.
He was so used to Leo, that someone else puking around him was news to his body. The routine was different, the noises too. Worse.
“No, I just-” Jonah cleared his throat, “I get sympathy sick.”
“Oh,” Angie’s big chocolate eyes were dazed and he suspected she was burning up a fever, “I’m sor-”
“Are you done?” 
“I dunno,” she rubbed her stomach, uneasily, “don’t wanna risk going to bed and- And getting sick…” 
“We can sit on the couch and watch TV,” Jonah offered, getting up to grab her a glass of water and Angie took it with her hands shaking. Jon took advantage of the fact her hands were busy, in order to feel his sister’s forehead. 
Surprisingly, she didn’t flinch or pull back at the sudden touch, leaning completely on it. She was really warm.
“Not a high fever, but a fever,” he pulled back after a second, as Angie gulped down the water and hung over the toilet once more, letting out a sickly burp, “you’ll be okay on your own for a second?”
“Uh-hu,” she nodded, gagging but not bringing up anything. Jonah rushed out before his stomach decided to join the party as well. 
He put together a little nest in the living room, grabbing her a set of blankets and a pillow, a bowl, meds, water and thermometer. After a couple minutes he heard the bathroom flush and the tap running, Angelina brushing her teeth, then she stumbled in the living room. 
“Come lie down,” he pulled her to the couch, unsure of what she liked when sick. To be left alone or dotted on? So far the dotting was proving successful, but Jon was scared at any minute she’d snap at him. Or worse, cry. 
Instead of doing either, Angelina curled up on the little nest he had created for her, tugging on his arm so he’d sit alongside her and then scooting up, resting her pillow half on his leg, “I feel horrible, Jon…”
“I’m sorry, darling,” the nickname slipped out, as he stroked her hair back and Jonah froze for a second, but Angie didn’t seem bothered in the least. In fact, she cuddled up even more, turning on her side and shivering, “I need to take your temperature,” he said, leaning to grab the thermometer and passing it to her. 
He was genuinely surprised by how easy of a patient Angie was, after dealing with Leo and their friends for years now. They were a crew of stubborn people, while his baby sister seemed to be the most docile person ever.
She took the thermometer without complaining and didn’t whine when he fed her medicine, barely paid any attention to the television, seeming content just cuddling and shivering like hell, no matter how many blankets she had. 
“Jon,” Leo woke him up, pressing a kiss to his temple, and Jonah realized he had drifted back to sleep with Angie’s head resting on his lap. It was hard not to feel sleepy when she was a little furnace, “you okay?”
“Uhm?” he rubbed his eyes and frowned. Leo was almost finished dressing for the day, which meant it was nearly 9 already. His tie wasn’t done and Leo was holding a coffee mug. 
“What happened…?” Leo gestured to their current situation and Jonah darted out a hand, so his fiance could help him slip from under Angie without waking her up. The young girl only stirred, grimacing and curling up even more. 
“Woke up with her throwing up at 6 AM,” Jonah whispered, following Leo to the kitchen and sitting by the counter, while the blonde got the coffee maker working, “I’m gonna have to call in sick at work.”
He wasn’t happy about that, Jon was on a quest to not miss any more work days, since he’d take the month off for honeymoon, probably at the end of the year or as soon as they stopped to settle on a bloody date. 
“I’ll do it for you,” Leo planted a mug of coffee in front of him, squeezing Jonah’s shoulder, “should I worry?”
“No,” Jonah yawned, leaning to rest his head on Leo’s shoulder, “she’s alright, it’s just a 24 hour bug.”
“I don’t like this,” Leo sighed, “I’m going to be offline all day, I have no way of knowing-”
“I’m the doctor,” Jonah said smugly, grabbing the blonde’s chin, “I can handle one sick teenager. Relax.”
“Look who’s talking,” Leo smiled at him, rolling his eyes, “text me updates anyway, alright?”
“Yes, sir,” Jon’s tone was sassy, but he meant it. He yawned in his fist, pulling Leo closer by his tie and starting to do the knot for him, “you’re gonna be back for dinner?”
“I’ll try to,” Leo wrinkled his nose, “but I doubt. You think she’d like balloons? Popsicles?” 
“She’s seventeen, not five,” Jonah snorted, lifting himself up on his seat enough to kiss him, “bring us something yummy for dessert.”
Once Leo had left, promising he’d not forget to call the hospital to let them know of Jonah's absence, Jon had nothing but time to dedicate to his sister. It was so weird.
He took a shower to get ready for the day and fixed her up with some soup — well, ordered some soup —, then crouched down in front of the couch, pushing a curl away from her forehead, “Angie. Ange,” he shook her gently, “Angelina.”
“Uhhm?” She still had a fever, he could tell. The previous round of meds had lowered it, but not eradicated it, “what time is it?”
“Almost eleven,” he helped her sit up, “how’s your tum- stomach?” he was going to kill Leo.
Angie frowned, yawning, “sore. Kinda queasy,” she blushed, “did you say tummy?”
“No,” Jonah scoffed, sitting on the foot of the couch, “I got you some soup, think you can handle it?”
She hesitated, before nodding. Jonah eagerly shot up, he hadn’t been expecting a positive answer, and put everything on a tray, the soup, bread, some water and juice because he didn’t know what she preferred…
“I’m sorry, I don’t know your favorite flavor, so I just ordered mine,” Jon grimaced, settling the tray down on Angie’s lap. 
She squinted at it, “is it pumpkin?” 
“Yeah, and some chia seeds,” Jonah looked away, “Leo hates it, so we have plain tomato soup if you do too-”
“No,” Angelina shook her head, “I like it. My favorite is onion cream, just so you know,” she curled up her feet, in an invitation for him to sit closer and stirred the warm meal, “but I don’t think I could handle it right now.”
“I don’t think so either,” Jonah mentally stashed the information in his growing file of facts about his sister. So far he knew she really loved anything artsy, that she was attracted to Wendy’s colorful clothes and style like a butterfly to a flower, that she adored cats and that she got quiet and withdrawn when sick, “uh- Do you like popsicles…?”
Angie giggled, rolling her eyes, “doesn’t everyone?”
Well shit, he’d have to apologize to Leo.
“I don’t,” Jon shrugged and she frowned, starting to eat very slowly. 
“Are you a robot?” Angelina inspected him up and down, “no type of popsicles?”
“I’m partial to gelato,” Jon shrugged, “or frozen yogurt.”
She shook her head in a tired manner, reaching for the juice instead of the water, “you’re so very weird, Jon…” then she frowned, blinking slowly as if trying to process some information, “don’t you have work today?”
Originally, Angie had planned to visit the museums and the university, that was the guise behind her visit. At least to Jonah it was, he was pretty sure she had openly told Leo she just wanted to visit them. 
“I called in sick,” Jon pointed at her bowl, “staying down?”
“Yeah,” she yawned, “but it’s a lot.”
“You don’t have to eat all of it. Get as much as you want, then we can watch something or you can go back to sleep-”
“Can we go out to the park? With JD?”
He paused, “aren’t you sick?”
“I’m not dying,” Angie pouted, “and I already won’t be able to do everything I had planned so…”
“Yeah, uh- Sure. I don’t know where Leo keeps her leash, he’s the one who walks her, I just- I have to look…” He felt so incredibly out of place, “yeah, lemme go look-”
JD let out an indignant meow at being trapped in her leash and swatted at his hand with all little kitty force, trying to draw blood. Jonah sighed, scratching the kitten behind her ears, “I’m sorry, but you’re gonna take one for the team and be a good kitty.”
The cat didn't feel like being nice and once they got outside, walking to one of the benches since Angie got breathless not even five minutes after they left, JD simply crawled up Jon’s lap and tried to hide in his coat. 
“She’s not outdoorsy at all, is she?” Angie grinned, leaning on his shoulder and trying to pet the animal, JD pointedly ignoring her. Jonah shrugged, leaning back and enjoying the fresh air. 
“She’s a bit of a prick just like me,” he answered truthfully, hissing as he felt JD’s claws sink through his sweater, “she’ll get used to you.”
“I hope so,” Angie sighed, leaning against his side and resting her face on his shoulder, uninvited. She was so… Tactile. Clingy, even. Jonah pressed his cheek to the top of her head, “I hope she’ll grow to love having me around.”
He had the distinct feeling she was no longer talking about the cat. Jonah rolled his eyes, kissing the top of Angie’s head, “I’m certain she will, darling.”
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peace-coast-island · 2 years
Diary of a Junebug
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If only there’s a spell to ward off all your troubles away for good
Spooky season doesn’t officially start until Jack comes in with all the new decor to set the mood. By chance, Shara and her friends were in the area so they decided to drop by for a couple days to chill out before heading home. I’m glad they finally got to meet Jack before he left so it was fun seeing them all together being enthusiastic about spells and such.
Shara’s been going through a lot so I’m glad that being at the camp has put her at ease. Accompanying her are Francesca and Alessia, both who I haven’t hung out with in person in a long time. I know Francesca visited the camp a couple years ago, but I can’t recall if Alessia ever did - she’s not too sure herself. The three of them spent a couple weeks in Fairridden Heights doing an investigation and while that went way better than anticipated, it was frustrating, to say the least.
For obvious reasons Francesca can’t go into too much detail about the nature of the investigation but part of it involved an infamous dragon who basically ruined a promising warlock’s life. She described him as the kind who’s all talk but no substance, so you have to take everything he says with a grain of salt. Though the details of what happened has grown muddled over the centuries, the general story was that he served as a guardian to a young warlock who was supposedly part of a prophecy to bring prosperity to a kingdom. It was through his misguidance that the warlock failed and the kingdom fell, resulting in the warlock pretty much shunning himself from the world while the dragon tried desperately to save face by digging himself into a deeper hole.
Shara, Francesca, and Alessia say they all feel for the warlock as they have their own share of trust issues, though thankfully not as extreme as his. It was by luck that Alessia found him - he had happened to hear that they were trying to make contact with the dragon and initially tried to discourage them for good reason. As it turns out, it was a good thing he reached out because he gave them an adequate warning on what to brace for when talking to that dragon.
From the snippets of the conversation with the dragon they shared, the warlock did them a huge favor. That dragon really is all talk and half his rambling makes no sense - it’s honestly a miracle that Francesca was able to pick anything substantial out of it. And with everything else they investigated resulted in a dead end, this was the best lead they were able to get.
As for Shara, the whole thing about resentment, refusing to own up to your mistakes, and constantly bringing up the past to make someone look bad really struck a nerve with her. But at the same time since she’s in a much better mental space so while that messed with her mood, it kinda helped her put into perspective on why some behave like that. I think it’s obvious who she’s comparing the dragon to.
In light of some family drama going on, Shara has completely distanced herself from them. There’s the Tanner situation in which her relationship with him has deteriorated to the point that he’s on the same level as her other siblings - estranged. I know she’s spent the past year trying to work things out with him but the more she stood up for herself, he responded by knocking her down and tearing her apart. It’s a shame because Tanner was the one who cared about her the most but the second Shara wanted to assert herself opposite of what he thinks is best for her, he flips out. And not only that but he’s tried to make others turn against her, which is kinda fucked up when you think about it, especially since he has a history of doing that to other people.
Overall, it seems like Shara’s family is the type who throws temper tantrums and guilt trips when they don’t get what they want. They pretty much don’t give a fuck unless it benefits them while harming those they consider to be inferior. If I were to describe them in one word, I think arrogant is the most accurate. Right now her second oldest brother, who she barely knows, is in the middle of a custody battle except he doesn’t really give a damn about the kid - he’s just doing it to exert control and make his ex mad. She doesn’t know all the details about that other than she hopes her ex-in-law gets full custody as she seems like a decent person who doesn’t deserve to be caught up in all that drama.
Shara says being a healthy distance away from her family has helped her see things more clearly regarding how badly they treat her and other people. She has admitted that she’s no saint and resorted to the same tricks they have, but unlike them she doesn’t seem to enjoy holding that kind of power over people. I think it’s because Shara actually feels remorse and guilt when she’s being manipulative so that’s what makes her different from them. She has her flaws - as we all do - but at least she has the awareness not only to take accountability but to also take the effort to unlearn that toxic mindset imposed on her.
Healing is a tough process and its progress is far from linear. It wasn’t easy for Shara to confront her problems but she took the plunge and despite what her family says about her, she knows that it’s for the best. Some may find her overly pessimistic or blunt at times but I find her straightforward. While she believes in choosing to be kind, she knows that it takes effort and no matter what your intentions are, you are still capable of fucking up. Sometimes you try your hardest and things just don’t work out so instead of lashing out, you just gotta accept it. I think that’s one of the biggest things that sets Shara apart from her family.
Francesca, similar to Aymn and Saffiya, strongly believe in the idea of doing no harm as they all know too well what it means to hold power over people. They’ve seen too many authority figures abuse their power, and were even indirectly complicit to some degree, so they fight to break that cycle. Francesca knows all too well how far some people will go to exploit and step on others just because they can, which was why she broke ties with her master. She’s still regarded as an enemy by certain mages because of that but no matter how much they threaten her, she refuses to do their bidding.
She’s come a long way since freeing herself from her master’s shackles, going from someone niche but relatively unknown to a potential threat against those who follow her master. Being adept at illusions and witchcraft has definitely put her at an advantage as it’s rare to find someone knowledgable in both fields. According to her, witchcraft is often looked down upon despite having some overlap, and that has more to do with personal history behind certain mages and witches. Truth be told, she says she could care less about all that - what matters to her is the freedom to pursue whatever she wants without causing harm to those around her.
Alessia also has her convictions for pursuing witchcraft, though it’s not because of personal interest or innate abilities. When she was 19, her parents were sacrificed by her estranged grandfather in a ritual gone wrong, which set off a chain of events that turned the town upside down. Alessia initially didn’t want to get involved at first as her main concern was protecting her younger brother. Then when she found out that her grandfather was the mastermind, she had to take matters in her own hands in order to prevent more incidents. It was her strong sense of justice that drove her to dismantle his cult and get revenge for the victims.
While Alessia is a certified expert when it comes to witchcraft and supernatural matters, unlike Shara and Francesca, she isn’t too invested in the world of magic. That’s not to say she’s a cynic or anything, it’s just she has a life outside of that and she prefers to keep it that way. In other words, she considers herself just a lawyer who happens to know a lot about witchcraft, so most witches and mages consult her for legal information, not so much magic related. While she does find witchcraft and magic fascinating, it’s simply just something she’s curious about, nothing more.
From what I gather, a lot of witches and mages have what you consider to be niche skills, knowledge, abilities…etc, so that’s why it’s valuable to find someone who is good at more than one thing. According to Francesca, communities were a lot more divided back then so it wasn’t until the past decade or so when they started branching out. Shara is unusual as she’s considered the jack of all trades, which is pretty much unseen or heard of in most circles. With Francesca she’s from a highly specialized group and yet she chooses to pursue a field that’s more generalized and looked down upon where she’s from. And there’s Alessia, who is neither witch nor mage but dabbles in that world while providing others with valuable information that I think most would overlook.
I’m always fascinated by hearing what motivates someone to become the person they are today, especially when they are guided by strong convictions. To think that Shara, Francesca, and Alessia would have never crossed paths if they hadn’t experienced life changing events that made them take the unconventional route. Especially for Shara and Alessia, their past selves never would’ve imagined how their future would turn out considering their lives pretty much took a 180. Life can be so unpredictable in that way.
After getting over the hurdle of a frustrating assignment, it’s only natural to want to unwind. Shara, of course, played around with making potions and spells. She’s working on creating potions to ease the mind and temporarily soothe anxiety. Though magic is capable of making the impossible probable, warding off all of one’s troubles away for good is a pipe dream. As much as Shara wishes she could make such a potion, you unfortunately can’t magic your problems away, so the best she can do is find a way to lessen the burden, even if only temporary.
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daandyli0n · 2 years
Trampled Dandelions Random Facts
@hopalongfairywren enjoy some interesting fun facts!
most of these are just my regular dsmp hcs, but some of them are TD specific
(this is about the characters)
-sam once said to tubbo “I can’t believe that you’re the only cis member of your family!” and then tubbo just had to sit there awkwardly and say “Um...about that-”
-c!beeduo actually had a wedding in this au. it happened sometime like maybe a week after c!wilbur came back
-after getting killed in prison, sam didn’t just feel sympathy for tommy, he felt empathy for him
-tommy, tubbo, wilbur, and fundy are widely known on the server as the L’man Fam.
-tubbo actually really likes singing and playing the guitar and piano (he’s also pretty good at it), but it’s one of those situations where he feels insecure about it. tommy, ranboo, quackity, wilbur, and michael enjoy it though :]
-quackity is a therapist. and nonbinary.
-quackity has also been clingyduo’s therapist since the aftermath of nov. 16th
-speaking of the 16th, that actually goes quite a bit differently in TD! basically, to put it one way, instead of completely blowing up l’manberg (although there was still damage cause wil didn’t like. insulate the walls well enough), wilbur made the decision to instead use the tnt to...blow himself up. ho16 style. phil still stabs him, and that’s actually what makes wil step off the pressure plate, and causes the explosion
-wilbur becomes a zombie piglin after he’s revived
-one of the biggest what ifs for this au is like. what if fundy became president of new l’manberg and niki became vp (in-universe explanation is because the server members are actually smart enough to not make a 16 year old a president. like, after the 16th they could’ve just. Picked An Actual Adult to do it)
-because phil didn’t view tommy and tubbo as his kids, responsibility of the kids was passed onto fundy cause he was closest adult family member those two had
-fundy signed those two up for therapy immediately post-16th
-so, fun fact! while dream would very reluctantly tell people they could visit tommy (stuff along the lines of what’s in canon like “Oh, Tommy doesn’t want visitors right now, but you can go if you want to”), quackity is the only person that he’d outright say wasn’t allowed to visit tommy.
hmmm...surely it can’t be because they’re tommy’s therapist
-tubbo really got into f**king around with redstone and science during the exile arc of this au (definitely not because he was struggling through some serious mental health issues and also dealing with the fact his brother was exiled and, you know, had supposedly jumped to his death, and he was desperately trying to cope in any way he could...nope, definitely not that)
-tubbo and fundy were the ones to discover logstedshire after tommy left. while fundy freaked out, tubbo just stood there, staring at the pillar in disbelief, while he just quietly whispered, mostly to himself, “Surely not.”
-benchtrio were vibing together in the mansion after tommy got out of prison
-quackity in this au looks great in some simple gothic makeup. also in those sparkly kinds of makeup too. and red and gold. y’know what, i’m sure they could look fabulous in anything-
-quackity and eret have both, at different times in this au, assisted ranboo with things like makeup and style. ranboo appreciates it. they still help out whenever ranboo needs it
-ranboo was one of the few people besides quackity and fundy who checked in on tubbo regularly during the exile arc of this au. especially after tommy “died”/went missing
that’s all for now! i think y’all can tell which arc i’m obsessing over in this au-
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yandere--stuck · 3 years
The god of sleep has no dreams of his own. When Hypnos sleeps, it grants him the opportunity of visiting those of others, drifting along as on a gentle river. It’s comforting. Shards and glimpses of lives that aren’t his own, of people and places that won’t ever mean the same to him, the visions indirectly threaded by his fingers. There are far too many dreams for him to make, which is why most aren’t. He brings them to sleep, and their bodies do most of the work.
Regardless, it is his domain. Every mortal needs to sleep, whether they like it or not, which makes him an inevitable part of their life. A third of every human’s day rests in his hands. As payment, all he wants to do is observe, to be in their company. (Hypnos likes humans. They don’t notice him in sleep, or worship him in their days, but he doesn’t mind. It’s easier to handle being ignored when it’s not their choice, when it’s impossible for them to notice him, rather than his mom’s cold eyes passing through him like he’s a sliver of mist.
At least when he’s among the dreams of the living, he’s less alone. There’s no judgement, but no praise either.) With how many mortals and dreams there are to go around, it’s rare for him to visit more than once. Though it’s much rarer for anyone to take note of him. Most people aren’t aware they’re dreaming while doing so, being swept along by their dreams instead of having control, but you’re not one of those. You’re blessed with lucidity, morphing bits and pieces of the experience as you go. Most importantly...
You see him. You laugh. “Well, I didn’t think I was lonely enough to make up some guy to keep me company… Guess you learn something new every day!”
In one motion, you pinch his chin between your fingers and pull his face towards yours. He lets out a surprised noise, at the fact you can touch him in the first place, and the movement itself. And it’s a high and squeaky sound, one that makes him want to curl up in his blanket and slip from this dream to the next. You make no comment on it, only smiling wider.
“Ooooh, your eyes are golden! So pretty… Glad my subconsciousness has good taste, at least.” You add the last part to yourself, laughing again.
You don’t think he’s real, just some made up character of your dream. It’s no surprise you aren’t aware that you can’t dream about someone you’ve never seen before. For now, he’s glad to have you believe that. It’d be more humiliating if you knew a god was making such a fool out of himself, heat rising to his face. His tongue is limp in his mouth. When was the last time someone called him pretty? Had anyone ever called him that, and touched him so carelessly? You save him from the burden of speaking up first.
“What’s your name? Do you have one?”
He hesitates. If you knew who he was, you wouldn’t treat him the same anymore. “I don’t! But, um-!“
Hypnos knows and accepts what others think of him, knows that he’s no good at his job or much else, but if there’s one thing he would excel in, it would be here. He straightens his back a bit from its usual slouch, the tips of his feet grazing the ground as he floats. “I’m here to make sure you’re going to have a grand old time, you know? I know aaaall about having fun in dreams! Why, you could call me an expert! At your service.”
He does this stupid little bow, and immediately regrets it. You laugh, but not at him, and people don’t usually find him this entertaining, he thinks, and if you keep this up, it will become one of his favourite sounds.
“Alright, mister dream expert,” You say with a grin. “What did you have in mind?”
He helps you float like he does, and assists you at conjuring up whatever idea pops into your brain. Hypnos expected you , but that’s not all you do. You try to ask him questions about himself, even if you supposedly don’t think he’s real, and you actually listen. And when you tell him about yourself in return, he does the same. It’s fun, he’s having a good time, and he’s disappointed when he’s jolted awake because of someone walking too close past him. He’ll have to apologise for suddenly disappearing next time. (Next time? Does he want there to be a next time?)
Hypnos makes a habit out of visiting you. You’re not always aware you’re asleep, sometimes your dreams are the same as any other human’s. He savours those days too, at the insights into your life it offers him. However, it’s most enjoyable when you look at him with bright eyes and talk to him, and laugh at things he says and joke around at this side. There’s a warm tightness in his chest around you, he’s happy, he is, but also impossibly nervous to mess up and have your smile turn into a sneer. It’s surprising you even still want to be around him, if past experience is anything to go by, he isn’t any good at not annoying people. But you’re different. You haven’t insulted him at any point, either! You must really be some blessing.
Hypnos thinks he likes you. A lot. He’s never thought of it before, whether this is allowed or not. Never considered the possibility of forming a close bond through dreams. Hypnos decides that it is, and who would he even ask, isn’t he the deity of sleep? He’ll make his own rules, number one being that it’s totally a-okay to have dream friends! That you visit and think about all the time and spend all your time thinking up new fun ideas for! And sometimes you scratch their name into the margins of your lists while zoning out! He’s getting off track. (And, well, this all seems more like a problem exclusive to him…) What he wants most is to have you down here with him, to touch you and feel something, to have you around while you’re awake and asleep.
But to do that... It would be an offense to all sacred rules to meddle directly with the path the Fates had set out for you. Perhaps they’ll have some mercy on him for being family. Either way, he’s going to falsify your cause of death in the records. He's tired of being a bystander in your life. Hypnos doubts whether you can even remember him when you wake up. He isn’t exhausted in his normal way however, it’s no tugging at his eyelids or yawns hidden behind an open palm. This hurts. It’s an ache, an empty hole beyond his ribs. Your warmth needs to fill it, he’s sure. He wouldn’t be able to stand and watch as your life blossomed, how you would inevitably love someone else, be happy and forget about him all together. (It’s unfair. He's never had anyone that wanted be anything of his. Not a friend, not family, not a lover. And now you’re here, the first to not see him as a disgrace, and now he should let himself be stopped by some old rules?) Because compared to what someone right there with you could give, what did he have to offer? If he believed everyone else, he had nothing of worth to give anyone. All he had was this love, what he thinks is love. But you laugh with him, you seem happy, and what he knows of human life is suffering. So many terrible deaths, so many unresolved emotions, so many wishes that never came to be.
Hypnos could save you from it all. You would never have to worry about anything again. But he knows how much humans fear death: It’s reflected so often in their worst nightmares, after all. The last thing he wants to do is scare you.. How surprised you’ll be at suddenly finding out he’s real, not just a figment of imagination!
He’s giddy. The two of you could have be together forever! (And if you didn’t love him back, why would you smile at him like that? Why did you always say you were happy to see him return? He has neither experience in friendships or relationships, but he shares those sentiments, so you must love him too. Otherwise… He doesn’t want to think about it .)
So he visits you. Hypnos floats above your bed, watching down upon you. He caresses your face as you rest, watching you through lidded eyes. You called him it first, but you’re pretty too. He doesn’t care about your hair being a mess, or the dried drool on your chin, or how you lay in a weird position, legs and blanket all tangled up. Your soft breaths are adorable, and he wants to coo at you, to make your face turn warm instead of his.
The thought of his brother seeing you and taking your soul makes him uncomfortable, he wants this vision of you to be only his.
Your eyes crack open with a little groan and before you have the chance to struggle or cry out, he presses a kiss against your forehead, forcing some of his raw power into your frail, mortal body.
It shouldn’t hurt. He asked. Your form was never meant to take godly powers, it’s too overwhelming, destroying you from within, and you go limp within a second. It’s like you fell asleep. A sleep so deep you will never awaken again. (i know hypnos doesn’t govern dreams his sons do but i had an Idea,, hope u enjoyed!!)
(THIS IS ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE OH MY GOSH!!!!! You're so talented, this is written so beautifully, it's amazing!!!!
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO POST!!! I've had a busy past few days ^^; I also hope it's okay that I had to edit it, or it'd be a big block of text, hehe. Thank you so much again!!!! 💚💚💚)
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liusaidh-writing · 3 years
North Carolina + Outlander
A lifelong North Carolina native’s quick, thoroughly amateur tour of pieces of NC that are in the books and/or show! YAAY! (OR NOT?) I’m including what I can, though I’m sure there’s tons more I could add. Enjoy!
The Fraser Family home and the surrounding area are obviously fictional places, but they’re said to be ‘located’ in or around Blowing Rock, North Carolina. This is a beautiful mountain town with plenty of hiking and family activities to keep you busy. You can visit Blowing Rock (below), take in the views, and supposedly, if you hold a piece of paper and try to let it drop over the edge of the rocky cliff, it’ll blow back up (hence the name Blowing Rock.) I am no geologist or scientist or whatever, so please, do not ask me to explain this phenomenon.  Drive up the Blue Ridge Parkway and try to imagine Jamie, Claire, and family on horseback up in the hills! 
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Grandfather Mountain
This is where Roger and Bree go to the Highland Games. Pictured below is the Mile High swinging bridge (it does swing, and it’s especially great when the fog has settled in!)  They do hold Highland Games up here from time to time, though I can’t say I’ve ever been. (I don’t know exactly WHERE - it’s obviously not held on this bridge :p). It’s a nerve-wracking drive up the mountain, but oh-so-pretty. (Side note: the Gathering at the beginning of The Fiery Cross took place in TN on Roan Mountain, but I always felt it would’ve been more fitting had it been on Grandfather Mountain, considering Roger and Bree visit in the future... but I suppose DG had some historical information I do not that caused her to put the Gathering in TN.)
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Salem (now known as Winston-Salem, NC)
Old Salem is a living history museum. (Much like Colonial Williamsburg up in Virginia.) In the books, from time to time, Salem is mentioned, so I thought I’d include it because it’s a fun place to visit! 
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Alamance Battleground 
This battleground is in Alamance County in central North Carolina, and there’s a visitor center and they sometimes do historic reenactments here! There’s....also a good outlet mall nearby if you’re more into that sort of thing. (LOL)
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Tryon Palace (The Governor's Palace)
New Bern, NC is one of my favorite places to visit. The downtown area is wonderful (Pepsi, anyone?) and you can tour Tryon Palace and a number of other Colonial area homes and locations! It’s so interesting, and gorgeous along the waterfront. If you recall, when Claire was arrested and wound up the Governor’s scribe of sorts, this is where she is held.  Jamie and Claire have at least one dinner with Governor Tryon here, too. This palace, as far as I am aware, was abandoned as the Revolution started up, and the current Governor fled to New York (this is all from memory as I have a child crawling on top of me and I haven’t the time to Google this shit.) They also have had OUTLANDER events here in the past. 
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Wilmington, NC
Hey, this is where Jamie is taking a piss and he meets his daughter for the first time!! Wilmington is a fun city to visit, though the traffic is absolutely horrible so...be prepared. There are nearby beaches and things, but I’d take a look at historic Downtown first. There’s a great riverwalk overlooking the Cape Fear River (yeah, that one that Jamie and Claire take a boat down to reach Cross Creek, and in the process lose everything they own...poor things. Also fuck Stephen Bonnet.) There’s lots of shops and restaurants, and, thankfully, a nice breeze because JHRC, North Carolina is fucking HOT in the summer.
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Ocracoke Island, NC
This tiny island is featured in at least one of the books - though DG never mentions how actually difficult it is to get to, unless there was a land bridge back then??) It is part of the Outer Banks, accessible only by boat or ferry (1-800-Ferry - you fellow NC people know what I’m talking about!) Check out the wild Ponies, corralled on the island, rent a bike and go to the beach, stay at Blackbeard’s Lodge, visit the lighthouse. It’s small, but it’s amazing. If you do anything on this list, go here. It’d be my first pick, anyway! (Shameless self-promotion: go read my fic Among the Wild Ponies to see JC frolick around the island!)
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So, that concludes this Outlander-ish tour of NC. Hope you enjoyed yourself! 
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nirikeehan · 2 years
❛ i’m trying to fix your hair, so hold still. ❜ for Thalia and Pravin for DADWC this Friday????
Hi Blue!! Thank you so much for this prompt. This is the first thing I've ever written for Thalia and Pravin. Pravin belongs to @monocytogenes, who I am trying to lure to DWC by borrowing her OC. 👀 Pravin is a bard, recruited to the Inquisition as an additional advisor. And, unbeknownst to anyone else, he is Thalia's long lost cousin. What could possibly go wrong?
Anyway, here is his debut on @dadrunkwriting.
WC: 1136
“I’m trying to fix your hair, so hold still.”
“I am holding still,” Thalia retorted, wincing as Pravin tugged too hard on her scalp. “I can do my own hair, you know. I did it for over a decade at the Circle.” 
The two stood in an antechamber off the main hall of Haven’s Chantry, in what had recently been transformed into a wardrobe for the so-called Herald of Andraste. An upcoming soiree with Orlesian elite had requested her attendance, and Thalia’s advisors had descended en masse to ready her for the outing. Josephine had ordered a floofy gown in a deep green (meant to accentuate her red hair, supposedly); Leliana had given Thalia a rundown of the Orlesian nobles who would be present and what family secrets could be exploited for the Inquisition’s benefit; Cullen had cleared his throat and complimented her dress. 
And Pravin disapproved of it all. 
“I am not critiquing your skill,” he said, voice muffled by the hair pin he had put in his mouth. “But first impressions can make or break people in Orlais. A more culturally appropriate hairstyle would go a long way, as I’ve been told you’re refusing to wear a mask.” 
“They’re creepy.” In the full-length mirror, Thalia squirmed and tugged at the loose sleeve that had fallen off her shoulder. She could see Pravin behind her, frowning. He’d once seemed so tall to her, but time had evened out the difference to a few inches. “And Josephine said if I’m not Orlesian, they won’t be expecting me to wear one anyhow.” 
“Doing exactly what’s expected of you could be death in an Orlesian court.” He sighed wearily. “What happened to you? You had more spirit when you were twelve.” 
“And you were more fun when I was twelve.” She had clear memories of cousin Pravin and the Antivan side of the family coming to visit. Pravin, ten or so years her senior, usually caused a scandal by acting wildly inappropriate at parties. Once, she remembered, he’d brought an entourage of drunkards and women of the night, causing her uncle to turn purple with rage. Pravin had had a rebellious streak she envied, though dared not emulate. Now he was dour and soft-spoken with her when they were in private, and she’d begun to suspect that the persona he put on for the rest of the Inquisition was just a mutation of the show for their family those years ago. “I’m not sure I even really know you anymore.”
Pravin grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her to face him. His eyes, a striking green, bore into hers. He wore his dark hair longer than she recalled; it brushed the collar of his tunic, and his beard had gone from a carelessly fashionable scruff to a full growth obscuring his jaw. He looked different, acted different, went by a different name. Even the look in his gaze was not the playful one it once was, but intense and foreboding. 
 “I’m trying to keep you alive, Thalia. It’s about time someone did. You’ve fallen into a pit of vipers with this Breach business. The rest of them, they may view you as a symbol, but their interests lie with their newfound institution, not your personal wellbeing.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Thalia shot back. “What do you suppose I’ve been doing for the last ten years? Convalescing? I was in the Circle, Pravin. You want to know what happened to me? Your spirit is the first thing they break there.” She huffed, pulling from his grasp. Part of her wanted to run, but being seen flouncing from the Chantry in this absurd dress, her hair half done, would only make things worse. She turned her back to him and struggled to regain her composure. 
In the mirror, Pravin stood frozen, hands still in mid-air. His expression reminded her of one watching a wounded animal, or a templar watching a mage about fail her Harrowing. 
“I’m sorry,” he said. “You’re not a child anymore. I shouldn’t presume to treat you like one.” 
“You’re right. You shouldn’t.” Thalia took a deep breath. 
“But I do still worry about you,” Pravin continued, bowing his head in a chastised manner. “You’re family, and it certainly seems like your parents and siblings have been falling down on the job.”
Thalia snorted, and wiped at an eye that seemed to be leaking. “Yeah, well. I haven’t heard from them since they sent me away. I don’t expect them to pop back in just because some weirdos in the Frostbacks are calling me a prophet.” 
Pravin smirked. “Now there’s a bit of the girl I remember.” He slid in behind her, tilted her head gently, and went back to work on her hair. “That’s rather shite of them, by the way. I would have expected more of the Trevelyans, but given that my metric is the Talavera side, anyone would seem like a step up.” 
Thalia snorted. “‘Modest in temper; bold in deed.’ I’ve learned what that really means is they’ll do anything to cover up the skeletons in their closet. Did you know when I came into my magic, Micah said to me: ‘Six generations of Trevelyans, and not one mage. Not one.’ Like it was my fault somehow, that I’d tarnished the record.” 
“Your brother always did love sucking his own cock. Second only to when someone else offered to do it for him.” 
Thalia let out an uproarious giggle, then clamped a hand over her mouth. 
“Oh, don’t do that,” Pravin said drily. “The others will start to get suspicious if they think we’re having too much fun in here.” 
Sobering, Thalia glanced at him in the mirror. Perhaps he wasn’t the stranger she feared, but there was still so much left unsaid. “I don’t like lying to them. Cullen, Josephine, Leliana… even Cassandra. We might not always see eye-to-eye, but they’re good people. They want to see this thing through.” 
“I can see that, yes,” Pravin said, all monotone again, scraping a final pin against her scalp and standing back. “There. Now you’re presentable.” 
Thalia looked at herself, at the elaborate twist he’d manipulated her hair into. It did look nice, she had to admit. She turned to face him. “I’m just saying… I’m keeping this secret for you. They think you’re Fidencio Frye, and I haven’t done anything to dissuade them. Will you at least tell me why it’s so important that they don’t know?” 
He looked at her with a strange mix of melancholy and fondness. “One day, little Thalia. I promise I’ll tell you one day. Just not yet.” 
“Why not?” Thalia protested. 
“Oh, because.” He flashed her a brilliant, yet tired, smile. “As with all things Orlesian, the truth is complicated… and extremely dangerous.” 
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I decided to watch the Walker pilot so you don’t have to. #1
I don’t know why I’m doing this, but I’m doing this and the more I put it off the less I’ll want to do this. So. Let’s start.
The fist thing we see is Jared Padalecki, em Walker, driving. He’s vaguely smiling and there’s the sun behind him. He seems happy. He’s driving a truck, for some reason my mind goes to Twilight. I’d rather watch that. At least there are vampires (not dressed like clowns) there. Anyway. Walker is meeting someone. He’s meeting his wife! “Look at you!” she says. The camera makes us look at him. He looks like this
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I am unsure whether we’re supposed to see this as sexy or cool. It looks frankly ridiculous. I don’t know if I’m just not American enough to appreciate the aesthetic of this. But I didn’t go through 15 seasons of Americana-in-British-Columbia for nothing. If a character appeared like this on Supernatural, it wouldn’t be presented seriously. It would be played for a chuckle or in a light-hearted way at least. Not even Dean Winchester would find this hot.
The Padaleckis tell something to each other. Apparently he needs to go home with the kids and his parents because it’s game night. My mind immediately goes to Game Night the episode and I am sad now. But Walker lifts my mood in its own weird way.  He doesn’t know the rules because every time she tells him the rules, he blacks out. I would make a fun quip about this, but the truth is that I relate to him a lot right now because I blacked out during the entire scene. I’m not sure what they said other than the game thing because I wrote it here. I already forgot the rest.
Anyway. What we’re supposed to get from this scene that they’re Very In Love (see that soft warm light?), and that he’s anxious because he’s not great at being a father because he’s shit at games apparently, but his wife is like ~don’t worry so much~ because she’s a kind, understanding wife. He tells her to be safe, because the Texan countryside is dangerous or something. She needs to stay on a route he approved for some reason. Is she traveling with supersoldier serum in her car? Is Hydra going to murder her? [cue the Marvel snipers shooting me to death because they don’t want Marvel to be associated to this]
Later, everyone is having fun playing fake monopoly, but Walker (whose mannerism is just Jared, he’s not even trying) is apparently too stupid to understand a game for kids. Plot twist, this is anti-cop propaganda because it says cops are dumb.
“Et tu Brute” Jared says when the kids point out he broke a rule so they get an extra turn. I thought I was safe from hearing Jared speak Latin! I thought I was safe! I am never safe!
Emily (Gen) suddenly texts him “SOS. Answer” which is OMINOUS! Oh my god! Aren’t you feeling the tension. The rest of the family keeps playing fake monopoly. Someone throws dice. Are we supposed to go “oh! The dice are ~symbolic because someone’s playing dice with her life” or have I been watching too much good tv.
She is running somewhere in the countryside, wearing a white shirt (is this the cowboy lady equivalent of the Wife Nightgown?). She says something is not right. He’s worried. Then he hears gunshot and her scream. He does the Alarmed Jared face, presses lips together and does a Upset Jared face.
Then he goes out, tries to call her again, and again, does a Jared Upset Sniff--
Oh! We actually see her! She’s alive, but she’s been shot in the stomach. Her white shirt is definitely the cowboy lady equivalent of the Wife Nightgown! Ah the blood coming from the stomach! How terrible! Her phone is ringing but she cannot reach it. She is definitely alive right now, though. She’s breathing heavily because of the wound, which is breathing, which is the opposite of being dead.
He decides that she’s dead, and lets out the already infamous manly scream of anguish.
It would be sad if it wasn’t that literally one second ago we saw her wounded but alive. Her turning out alive in the season finale or so will shock everyone. Nobody will have seen it coming. Who wrote this? They should have just shown the ringing phone and her bloody hand/side, making the audience assume she was dead, instead of showing her breathing. Now the audience is gonna assume she didn��t actually die, and wonder “why didn’t he call someone or went looking for her” but apparently Jared’s characters have forgotten that, like, ambulances are a thing. Jared’s manly screams of anguish are more important than common sense.
I’m not going to say anything about the manly scream of anguish. I’m not going to say anything about the manly scream of anguish. I’m n
We’re just 4 minutes in, guys. Why am I doing this?
Eleven months later, says the screen.
It’s night, outside a house. The son is waiting for him. The daughter doesn’t think he’s coming. On the porch there are two men, one is his brother and one is apparently his former partner, now new boss. He’s dressed like you’d expect a normal person to be dressed in a casual Texan night, hat and tie and all. If you are law enforcement in Texas and don’t wear a cowboy hat at any moment, you will be executed. That’s what the death penalty in Texas is for.
Somebody arrives, but to the kids’ disappointment is some dude whose function is to tell us the men’s names. The brother is Liam, the cop dude I forgot.
Walker is being sad on the back of his truck and drinking alcohol, which is the only way television can express a man having trauma. Holy shit - he reminisces of his wife like this is some emotional Lord of the Rings scene in a place where Elves live except this is not the Lord of the Rings and is just ridiculous, look
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She’s seen running towards the gazebo, then she turns
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This is exactly shot like the scene where Arwen has a vision of her son. Flowy hair and all. I cannot take this seriously.
He smiles sadly. Then a cop car arrives.
Mexican Lady Cop(TM), whose function in the story is to be a Mexican Lady Cop(TM) asks for his licence since he’s drinking alcohol in a public place.
“You ask so nicely” drunk Walker says. Ew. “Yeah, they train the girls special” Oh! Can you see? She is the Feminist Icon who Takes No Shit from the Dude! I’m so excited. I am slowly losing the will to live.
She drives him home on the police car. His legs don’t fit. At least this is realistic.
He does exposition in the car, including “I needed to visit a ghost instead”. There-there was no need to say it. What’s the demographic they’re aiming for? Five year olds? Do they have to spell everything out loud?
“It’s been a while since I had an actual conversation” he says, which supposedly explains why he’s making awkward exposition, but it’s just bad writing. At least they acknowledge it’s bad writing.
She figures he’s law enforcement coming back from an undercover mission from some drunken ramble he makes. This is worse than the Sherlock phone cable port thing.
She says she just got promoted from state trooper, ehe she will work with him wink wink nudge nudge. Is she going to be a cop-buddy-character slash love interest except when they’re almost about to realize they’re into each other, his wife comes back and draa~ama? I can already see it.
He goes home, makes some Jared grunts, and falls asleep on the couch.
Next morning, he goes out and jogs to where he left the truck. He puts on a cowboy hat which is supposed to be an artistic shot.
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I’m slowly dying. He makes some Jared Deep Breaths, at least this made me laugh.
Wait, he’s now wearing a black hat. He’s in mourning, see? What.
He drives to his father’s ranch. His father is Super Not Impressed. It’s awkward. They took about horses. Mitch Pileggi is thinking that at least the other show was more exciting and there was Jensen Ackles in it.
He gets into his parents’ house and the dogs run to him, he does the Jared Dog Chuckle. He hugs his mom. He hugs his son - “August, my boy!” he says, like a normal person his age says.
He hugs his brother and they joke-wrestle and he says “I’m still the big brother” and did I mention I’m dying inside. I just can tell this is SUPPOSED to be reminiscent of Dean and Sam’s first meeting at Stanford in the pilot except Jared is the big brother now. Ew.
We learn that the brother is a DA and gay. All pilots suffer from Forced Exposition Syndrome but it’s like this isn’t even trying.
He goes to work and hugs (very manly hug of course) his friend-now-boss, who is called James. James asks him if he’s good and he’s like yeah I’m good, which our I’m Fine Lie Moment #1. Some things never change.
Enter the case of the week - a cop offered roadside assistance but he was assaulted. We’re already starting with a “Oh No Poor Cop :( Someone Doesn’t Like Cops And Gets Violent” plot. Yay.
Ta-da! Mexican Lady Cop appears, cowboy hat and all. James says she’s Walker’s new partner. My heart cries while Walker says “figured you’d be a guy” and she replies “so did my mom”. The feminism is so strong :’) She’s such a strong female character :’) I’m so happy :’)
Then Walker makes such a quintessential Jared thing with his mouth that I need to stop this here and take a break.
It’s been 13 minutes. So much still to go. I’m bored. Why am I doing this.
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Helloooo! How are you? I really like your fics! <3 Can i request some headcanons for young!Sirius? Or maybe kid!Sirius? How do you think he was like? What if he and Y/n were best friends? Would he go to her for comfort when his parents are nasty with him? Sorry for my horrible English🤡 still struggling with it.. (maybe that's why i read so many fics😂) Best wishes!
“I'm starting to think that we deserve each other”
Summary: Headcanons of Sirius and eventually confessing feelings
Pairing: Sirius x Muggleborn!reader (it’s literally mentioned like one time)
Warnings: swearing, angst, parent/family issues (?)
A/N: Ahh hi anon! Thanks so much for sending this in, I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it :)))) Ahhh but this was also a little different style of writing than I usually do so let me know how you guys feel about it! I’m also just like, obviously in love with Sirius Black so um, they get into a little bit at the end and confess some things :=) Ooo, as always, send me an ask if you’d like to be added to my taglist! I also should let you know that I wrote this very late at night so the logistics and grammar might be shit
Word Count: 2054
Masterlist + Characters and ships I write for
Requests are always open <3
I have more time since it’s now summer so please send them in!! :)
Reminder that I do not support jkr. Do not interact if you do.
It was well known throughout your first years at Hogwarts that you and Sirius did not get along. He honestly annoyed the shit out of you everyday. He came from a rich pureblood family and you were a muggleborn, so anyone could see how the two of you clashed there.
All of the professors were completely done with you and Sirius’s antics. It started off with Sirius somehow managing to turn your hair green during the first flying lesson that the Gryffindors had. “Hey y/n, your hair is amazing! Didn’t think you could pull off the green!” a peer had spoken to you just before mounting your broom.
Sirius broke out into a nearly uncontrollable laughter and got a detention for it. But of course, none of that stopped you from getting back at him. Even just the simplest of pranks had gotten the job done.
There was one prank at the start of second year that earned you and Sirius a month’s worth of detention with Slughorn. He basically had the two of you as his personal assistants. It was honestly torture. But there were moments when he would step away from his classroom to talk to another professor, or slip away into his office to plan the next day’s lesson, and it would leave you and Sirius alone.
The two of you gave in and finally had a conversation with each other. It wasn’t much and it was very awkward, but seeing as this was your first day out of a month’s long sentence of detention, someone to talk with didn’t sound too bad.
And that was what blossomed a very chaotic friendship between the two of you. Having to suffer together was what drew the connection. You two eventually planned your own little pranks against other people.
Despite everything in your younger years of being at Hogwarts, Sirius was your closest friend. You could maybe go as far as to call him your best friend, but you’d never say that to his face, it’d add to his already huge ego.
You ate nearly every meal with him. You’d practically drag him into the library to study. He mentioned something about doing well in school for his parents, so that’s what you’d help him with.
Though the two of you quickly learned that it’s very hard to focus in each other’s presence.
You taught him how to braid hair. He practiced using yours. “Would you stay still, y/n?”
“I’m trying! You’re the one yanking me back and forth, Sirius.”
From that point after, you’d sit in between his legs on the floor as he sat on the couch.
He got you sucked into quidditch and nearly got you to try out for the team. “I think it’d be fun having you on the team!”
“I think that’s your way of saying you want to spend more time with me.”
“Of course,” SIrius shook his head no.
One day he saw someone in the hall walk by with eyeliner and he demanded that the two of you try putting it on yourselves.
This ultimately got you in trouble for staying up way too late, laughing at how silly you both looked in the prefect bathrooms. Lily would allow you in saying “This is going to get my badge taken from me, I swear.”
You two eventually got back to studying after Sirius received some notes from his parents.
You caught on quickly that he didn’t have the best relationship regarding his family.
It was actually a little difficult being friends with Sirius at first. It was very hard for him to just be vulnerable and talk, but by fourth year, you understood where he came from and didn’t push for anything. You listened to him the very few times when he would make small little notes of his family, or talked about his brother while passing him in the hall.
Your conversations were more so filled with random things that only really made sense to the two of you. Any outsider would’ve thought you two were completely crazy.
By fifth year, you were looking at Sirius in a whole different light and you hated it. You wanted to be way more than friends and didn’t know what to do with yourself. You started to avoid him. This was the worst and best decision ever. It’s still debatable.
While the rest of your friends were taking a little day to Hogsmeade, and while you were still on a streak of pretty much avoiding Sirius, you slipped off from the courtyard, taking a less used corridor towards the library.
Here, you found Sirius with his shoulders shaking, head in his hands, and your heart shattered. If you were feeling this, you couldn’t even begin to imagine what he must feel like. He didn’t pay any mind to his surroundings until you slid down the wall next to him, placing your hand on his shoulder.
He didn’t even have to look to know that it was you. He leaned into your shoulder while you brought your arm around him, quiet sobs escaping from his body.
He always kept parts of him, especially these emotions so closed off, that it honestly was a little surprising to see him like this. “Sere, tell me what’s wrong,” you whispered.
“I- um, it’s nothing. I just got a letter from home and it’s-” he broke down again.
At this point you let your legs stretch in front of you. He was still under your arms until he just let himself go. He let himself feel. And relax. And he understood that it’s okay to cry. And be vulnerable. And that you were safe to talk to about anything. He hugged you full on. He clung on tight as he cried. And man, you were fucked. This wasn’t helping any sort of feelings you were trying to suppress by being here in his presence. It honestly nearly broke you. You wanted to cry for him. Scream for him. Go off on his parents for him. You wanted to protect him from all that could ever hurt him this way.
He talked about everything that has happened up until the letter and stammered off his explanation with one final point. “A-and I’ve missed spending time with you. It’s like you’ve been avoiding me,” he mumbled into the thick air. He was laying down against you with your fingers in his hair. “It’s like I- I’m missing a part of me. Like we’re so close I couldn’t possibly imagine my life without you.”
You stumbled over your words, trying to find out what to say. ‘If only he knew’ you wanted to groan out into the air. “I’m sorry,” was all you could say, tears stinging your eyes while you blinked them back, hugging him tightly.
From that moment, the two of you had bought bracelets at Hogsmeade and spelled them to change a certain color for when the other wanted to talk, or simply just needed to be with the other. They were simple fabric ones, something you both liked and wore everyday.
Most of the time Sirius came to talk to you about his parents. Which was new considering he was a little closed off before.
You were there if he needed to cry. You would hold him if he needed a hug. You would laugh with him when he didn’t want to be the only one. You were there for him for everything.
There was one night that was really bad. His parents basically sent a letter saying not to come home in the future. You were supposed to meet him in the library yet he wasn’t there.
After asking around, you found him in the Gryffindor common room when it was far too late for you to even be out. His face was tear stained and his eyes were an irritated pink. Though he didn’t seek you in the first place, he didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you, burying himself in your comfort.
By sixth year it was supposedly “Painfully obvious you two were basically in love with each other” Remus would say every time you gave up a library visit to be with Sirius. Or James would very blatantly leave you both to carry out specific parts of a prank together. Lily would just leave you and Sirius alone together whenever she got the chance, really.
One particular Gryffindor win for Sirius was crashed by some Slytherins who came without any good intentions. It was soon discovered that there was veritaserum in the drinks that, of course, you and your friends had already enjoyed.
All of this prompted you to leave the party. You left with a big group of people, Remus, James, Peter, Lily, Mary, Marlene, all off to the grounds, trying to avoid any trouble. You stayed back with Remus and Sirius while the rest walked ahead, talking about the most random of things, like how Remus wants to ride a unicorn. He eventually sped up with the rest of the group, claiming he was going to ride a unicorn, properly drunk. “Mhm, yeah. You go have fun with that Remus,” Sirius called to him as he stumbled ahead.
You and Sirius couldn’t go as far as to say you were drunk, but definitely tispy. You walked over to a small tree and sat yourself under it, laying back against it. Sirius did the same thing except he leaned his head on your shoulder and you leaned yours on top of his. It was a sweet moment as he mindlessly played with a thread hanging from your robes.
The veritaserum didn’t bother the two of you much, you were honest with each other most of the time anyways. Well, it didn’t bother you much until Regulus and a few of his friends stood over you, making fun of how close you and Sirius were. You kept your mouths shut for as long as you could. “What it’s not like you like each other. Do you, Sirius?” Regulus pushed.
“I actually like y/n a lot. She’s always there for me and—” Sirius slapped his hand over his mouth, eyes wide.
“Hmm, and I don't suppose you feel the same way, y/n?”“
“I have feelings for Sirius,” you blurted out right as Regulus and his friends walked away.
Sirius looked over to you, smiling like an idiot. You leaned your head back against the tree, covering your face with your hands just before he pulled them away. He squeezed them in a comforting manner and asked why you hadn’t said anything before. “Because you’re such a great person, like you deserve the world and I don’t think I’d be enough a-and I hate that people keep asking questions because I’m on this stupid veritaserum that’s making me look like an idiot
He cut you off with a kiss, effectively shutting you up. The kiss was rushed at first before turning into something exploding with passion that you didn’t even know you needed until now.
“Well, you’re a beautiful idiot. Because, as said before,” he mumbled the last part, returning to his normal tone of voice. “I like you too. A-and I guess that you could tell me that I’m an idiot because—”
“Why didn’t you tell me you liked me, Sirius?”
“My entire life is a mess and I have too many problems and you’re always there for me to begin with, I’d take up too much of your time if we actually ended up dating. And you’re perfect and I look like absolute shit all the time. Just as you said you deserve the world but as I’m saying all this, I’m starting to think,” he trailed off searching your eyes for words. “I'm starting to think that we deserve each other,” he finished in a soft voice.
“I think we deserve each other too,” you grabbed his face gently, kissing him.
That night is now the day you and Sirius started dating, one of the most memorable days of your lives.
You never left breakfast in the Great Hall without stealing a kiss.
Or a piece of bacon from his plate.
There’d be some nights where you could sneak away and fall asleep with him peacefully and everything seemed alright.
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yukidragon · 3 years
Our Life Snippet - Clingy
As I mentioned in my asks today where I was gushing about Our Life: Beginnings & Always by @gb-patch, it’s about time for another clip of my fanfic novelization of this lovely game!
It’s been a while since I showed a clip of Step 3, so here is a slice from Errands! Thank you to @gb-patch​ and everyone else who enjoy seeing me gush and write about Cove and Jamie! You all make me so happy I cannot even!
Oh, and since this is Step 3 content, spoiler warning for those who haven’t played this far in the game yet.
Liz folded her arms over her chest and let out an amused chuckle. “We couldn’t have picked a more perfect trip. It’s been too long since we’ve had a true family outing.” She then gave a pointed look to her little sister and the baby boyfriend for emphasis.
The three parents laughed approvingly at the familiar joke. Jamie rolled her eyes at their mirth and the teasing note to her older sister’s tone even as she fought to keep from smiling herself. Her favorite next door neighbors had joined the Leimomis on this outing, which was what made it a ‘true family outing’ as Liz put it.
Cove offered Jamie a sympathetic smile when their eyes met. Some things never changed and some jokes never died, especially when it came to teasing them about their relationship. It was something they had both long since accepted. The fact that they had been holding hands since they left the cars behind naturally didn’t help lessen such teasing, but neither of them felt inclined to let go of each other.
Jamie finally allowed herself to smile as she squeezed his hand a little, her smile only widening when Cove returned the gesture. Teasing aside, she was bubbling with anticipation to explore the market and see what sort of hidden gems they might uncover. Sure, that meant wading through a sea of people to find them, but she wasn’t alone, so she didn’t pay them any mind.
The idea of spending a day traversing through such a dense crowd of strangers was not something Cove looked forward to, but at least he wouldn’t have to deal with them by himself. He could tune them out as long as he had Jamie by his side. Seeing her so animated with excitement as she looked around raised his spirits, and when she smiled at him, it was like the world around them no longer mattered anymore.
Cliff turned to the group as he clapped his hands together, the sound catching everyone’s attention. “Well, I’m ready to get started. I’ve got plenty of dishes in mind I could use ingredients for.”
It was easy to see that everyone held the same sentiment. Noelani and Pamla were especially excited as they shared a conspiratorial smile with one another.
“Yes, that’s a very good idea, Cliff,” Noelani said cheerfully as she turned back to the others. “This place is much larger than it seems. It’s difficult to visit each part in a single day.”
Such a challenge did nothing to diminish Cliff’s enthusiasm. “I’m sure we can make a decent dent together at least.”
“Actually…,” Noelani said as she let her gaze wander to the rest of the group. “Since there are so many of us this time, we could take different sides of the market.”
For a second, Jamie swore she saw a hint of mischief in Pamela’s eyes before her mom turned away to look at the stalls.
“Divide and conquer, eh?” Pamela said. “That sounds brilliant.”
The suggestion took the rest of the group by surprise. No one else had considered splitting up to be an option.
Pamela flashed the group a dazzling smile to banish any misgivings there were towards the idea. “Though, it’s a little unfair that there are four Leimomi family members and only two Holdens here, so I’ll go with you boys to even out the odds.”
“That’s fine with me,” Noelani said cheerfully.
Despite the upbeat attitude and smiles Noelani and Pamela showed the group, it was clear that they were the only ones excited for the idea. Liz pursed her lips in a frown, her brow furrowing, but she kept her mouth shut. By contrast, Jamie’s mouth hung open in a small ‘o’ of surprise. Cliff awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and his gaze wandered aimlessly, as he found himself at a loss for where to look or what to say. Neither was a problem his son had.
Cove tightened his hold on Jamie’s hand reflexively, drawing her attention to his frowning face. The grip wasn’t anywhere near painful, but it made his thoughts on them being separated crystal clear even before he spoke up. “I don’t like that idea.”
Noelani was nonplussed by the resistance, smiling at Cove despite his obvious disapproval. “Don’t worry, we’ll be apart for only a few hours, and then we’ll have something to talk about at the end of it.”
Cove wasn’t especially convinced. He had never been comfortable with plans being changed without notice, especially when he wasn’t even consulted about the change. Unfortunately, he could already tell that this was a battle that he wasn’t going to win. He could be stubborn with his own parents or peers, but when it came to the Leimomi matrons, he couldn’t dig in his heels with only the argument that he didn’t want to be separated from Jamie. His shoulders slumped in defeat, and he let out a sigh. Reluctantly, he nodded and released his girlfriend’s hand.
Liz let out a thoughtful hum and shrugged off her confusion. “Alright,” she said, her frown melting away into an easy smile. “I don’t get the point, but I also don’t mind spending the first part of the trip with Jamie and Ma.
Delighted, Noelani clapped her hands together in a brief show of cheer. “Wonderful. Are the teams ready to go?”
Like her sister, Jamie didn’t understand why their moms thought splitting up was a good idea. The entire point of both of their families going to the farmers’ market together was to enjoy each other’s company, wasn’t it? Splitting the group in half felt like splitting the fun in half too.
Actually, it would be even less than that if they expected Jamie and Cove to spend the day apart when they could be together.
If this was going to happen regardless of any of their opinions on the matter, Jamie knew that she had to at least suggest a compromise. “Can I be the one who goes with the Holdens instead?”
Jamie clasped her hands together as she looked between her moms hopefully. They would understand why she wanted to spend the day with Cove, right? He just got back from Nevada, and after he had been gone a long time to boot. It felt almost cruel to spend a day apart from one another when they didn’t have to.
Cove immediately perked up at the suggestion, his defeated frown turning into a hopeful smile of his own.
Unfortunately, the expressions Noelani and Pamela wore were not promising. Noelani pouted at their youngest daughter while Pamela merely shook her head with a grin.
“Sorry,” Pamela said. “No can do this time, kiddo.”
Jamie saw not even a flicker of reluctance between her parents, and the disappointment on Noelani’s face, however played up to keep the mood light, made her feel a twinge of guilt for suggesting she leave her ma’s group. Her shoulders sagged in surrender as a quiet sigh escaped her. “We won’t be split up too long, right?” she asked weakly.
A cheerful smile returned to Noelani’s face as she moved to her youngest’s side and wrapped an arm around Jamie in a little side hug. Her comforting gesture was rewarded with a lopsided smile from her daughter. “Yes, thank you, Jamie.”
With things finally settled, Pamela walked over towards Cove and Cliff, grinning in spite of the confused looks they still sent their way. “Come on, boys, we’re heading out.”
“Sure,” Cliff said.
“Okay,” Cove said with far less enthusiasm than Pamela. This trip had suddenly become a lot more of a chore than it started off as.
His gaze then turned to Jamie, and he offered her a soft smile when her eyes met his. He was drawn towards his girlfriend, stopping just short in front of her. The smile he wore wavered as he hesitated to leave. “Bye,” he said quietly, unable to hide the note of regret from his voice.
Jamie was no more thrilled to separate than Cove was, but she managed to offer him a small smile in return anyway. “Bye.”
Cove took his girlfriend’s hand in his once more and gave it a gentle squeeze, which Jamie returned. Her smile grew just a little stronger at his attempt to reassure her, which raised his spirits as well. He then dipped his face towards her for a parting kiss, his cheeks warming as his eyes drifted closed.
Jamie started to close her eyes as well in anticipation of the kiss, only to notice Cove suddenly jerk to a halt stiffly a few inches away from her.
The reason why became immediately clear as Cove twisted his head around to stare back at Pamela with wide eyes. She had seized the hem of his shirt and physically held him back. She gave another firm tug, urging him upright before letting go.
“No, no, no,” Pamela chided with a wide grin on her face as she wagged a finger at Cove. “Time’s a wastin’, Cove, and I’ve known you long enough to be aware that you’re one to linger. If I don’t stop you now, you’ll only drag your feet on parting ways more.” Her smile then turned mischievous as she shifted her gaze from him to Jamie and back again. “The two of you can snuggle and make out as much as you want later. We have important shopping to do now.”
Jamie felt her face grow hot from being called out so publicly by her mom. Cove outright gasped at Pamela, completely taken aback by what felt like a truly obscene thing for her to say.
Once Cove overcame the initial shock, he forced himself to ignore how fiercely his cheeks burned as he made an unimpressed show of rolling his eyes. “You don’t need to literally pull me away from Jamie. I’m not that clingy.”
Pamela made no effort to hide her snickering as she shook her head wryly.
The reaction wasn’t one Cove expected. He raised his eyebrows at her before he looked over at Noelani. However, the other Mrs. Leimomi refused to look him in the eye as she whistled in a supposedly ‘innocent’ manner.
Cove noticed the look Liz sent his way, particularly the sly smirk she wore that stretched from ear to ear. He whipped his head around towards his dad next. Cliff met his gaze, but could only offer a lopsided smile and an apologetic shrug.
It was only then when it dawned on Cove - everyone really thought he was that needy.
Finally, Cove dared turn to face Jamie, his eyes wide and pleading with the desperate hope that at least she didn’t agree as well.
To his relief, the look Jamie gave him was a sympathetic one. She then leveled a stern gaze to the rest of the group, folding her arms across her chest. “Cove is totally capable of being independent when he wants to be,” she said in a very matter of fact tone.
After all, Cove had recently traveled to Nevada by himself for weeks. Willingly separating from her for that long was the exact opposite of clingy. In fact, that was all the more reason for them to enjoy each other’s company as much as possible now. There was no reason for them to poke fun at her boyfriend for wanting to show her affection. How they expressed their feelings for one another was no one else’s business but theirs.
Unfortunately, it seemed that no one else saw it that way, and her attempt at chastising them for their teasing was met with a few snickers from her family. Unlike them, Jamie was not amused.
Cove, on the other hand, beamed at having his girlfriend’s support. Without thinking, he took a step towards Jamie, feeling drawn to her once more. Also, once more, Pamela snatched the back of his shirt, freezing him in his tracks.
Pamela attempted to suppress the urge to laugh, but a few chuckles escaped her anyway. “Actions speak louder than words.”
Caught newly embarrassed all over again, Cove struggled to come up with something to say in his defense. His mouth twisted and his cheeks reddened as he looked sideways at their families, who were having way too much amusement at his expense. “Yeah, well…” After a few moments of struggling, he finally had to look away with a frustrated huff. “So what?”
That admission had their parents and Liz bursting into laughter, much to Cove’s mortification.
Jamie felt her irritation grow when everyone started laughing at Cove. “Yeah, so what?” she said in a challenging tone. Before anyone could make what she was certain would be another teasing retort, she closed the distance between herself and her boyfriend. She cupped his cheek to turn his face back towards her and stole a kiss from his lips before her mom could stop them a third time.
Cove barely had a moment to register the kiss before it ended. It was so brief that he hadn’t had the chance to really enjoy it, much to his regret. He could only stare wide-eyed at Jamie as she moved back from him, though involuntarily, as this time it was Noelani pulling her back by the shirt.
“I believe you were saying something about being independent?” Noelani said, though her chiding didn’t come across as particularly authoritative since she was chuckling as she said it.
Jamie was unrepentant for her act of defiance, her grin wide and proud, though she did step back at her ma’s prompting, if only to spare her shirt from further punishment. “Cove is, but I didn’t say anything about myself,” she said wryly. That comment along with her little display set off another round of laughter from the group, but it was worth it.
 Pamela shook her head with a wide grin. “I don’t know about that, but I think we both better keep the kids on a short leash if we want a chance of getting any shopping done before nightfall, ‘Lani.” She gave a little tug on Cove’s shirt for emphasis, much to his chagrin.
“I think you’re right,” Noelani giggled as she kept her grip on Jamie’s shirt firm.
Cove didn’t have any further defense for himself or Jamie, not with the way everyone was having way too much fun at their expense. Grimacing, he strode several feet from the group, his face red all the way to his ears. He wanted to move on from this teasing, even if it meant physically moving on and away from her. At least Pamela let him go despite her idle threat to keep him on a leash.
Seeing Cove start to leave washed the taste of victory from Jamie’s mouth, but she just had to accept it. “I’ll see you soon,” she called after him. When he glanced back at her, she smiled softly at him and gave him a little wave.
Despite how Cove still burned with embarrassment, the reminder that he had Jamie’s support helped him relax a bit. He nodded at her ever so slightly as he pulled his mouth into a bent smile.
“See you in a few hours!” Pamela said as she gave her wife and daughters a cheery wave.
“Take care of yourselves,” Cliff said with a nod of his head.
With that, the groups were divided. Pamela picked a direction and set a course for destinations unknown, leading the Holden men who followed not far behind her.
Noelani gave the departing group a grin and waved enthusiastically with her whole arm. By contrast, Liz gave a much more dainty wave of her own.
Jamie continued to wave goodbye as she watched Cove disappear with his dad and her mom into the dense crowd. Because of his height, she could still spot glimpses of his pale green hair for a little while, but all too quickly even that small sign of him was lost from view.
As her arm fell limply to her side, Jamie tried to banish all the negative feelings she had towards this turn of events. Sure, this wasn’t what she wanted, but that didn’t mean the trip couldn’t still be fun. Sure, it sucked that she wasn’t going to explore the market with her boyfriend, and that was the thing she was looking most forward to and now, poof, that wasn’t happening… but she would see him in a few hours. It was silly to feel sad or let down that they wouldn’t all be traveling together.
It wasn’t as though she was actually clingy like she joked.
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izzyinarchive · 4 years
discussing the final season of carmen sandiego
*spoilers* umm....so yeah, i finished watching carmen sandiego, and i’m left in a state of perpetual sadness and despair. i feel like the ending of the show wrapped up wayyy too fast, and kind of left off on a bit of an unsatisfactory note for some of the characters. although i love the large and diverse cast of carmen sandiego, one of the drawbacks of having all those characters and arcs and storylines makes it harder to cram in a satisfying conclusion for everyone in a twenty-minute episode. so here’s what i would do if there was more time. 
let’s start off with the threads that i think were tied off pretty well: 
julia & chase devineaux: i wasn’t really a shipper of julia and devineaux but i actually really enjoyed their relationship throughout season 4. we see a lot of character growth from devineaux in the way that he interacts with julia and the world. julia pushes devineaux to become a better person, to see things with a broader perspective and from other people’s points of view. and he does really change a lot into an understanding person instead of the overconfident, arrogant detective we first saw him as in season 1. in addition, he also grows to respect julia as a person and partner, and it’s completely adorable how he looks at her while zari tells julia that they’ll follow her lead. also i love how he keeps wearing his lucky cat jacket from san francisco in season 4.  
el topo & le chevre: okay, i was pretty much shipping these two the minute they showed up on the screen together. you can tell how much they care about each other throughout the series. whenever one of them gets hurt, you can really see how they prioritize each other over whatever thing vile is planning. when things are good, they’re so sweet and they have so much fun together. and they take dumb cute selfies. they’re so, so adorable, and this season definitely brings the shipping fodder. and they end the season moving on from vile and running a food truck together. the only thing i’m mad about is that we definitely needed more screen time from them. 
shadowsan: i didn’t like shadowsan in season 1 but over the course of the series he really went through a lot of major character development and i love how he’s now basically a grumpy dad figure to carmen. the season ends with him finally reuniting for good with his brother in japan, and it’s a satisfying conclusion for his arc. i also love how he was the one to help carmen in the finale when she’s struggling with the brainwashing thing. which is way better than the brainwashing being resolved by some bs like true love’s kiss. (also carmen and gray are way too hurt and they’re super not ready for a relationship.)  carmen sandiego is a show that emphasizes the importance of family with this father-daughter duo, and i think that’s something really valuable. also i’m interpreting that shadowsan isn’t permanently moving to japan, but rather just visiting his brother. he’s still definitely going to be there for carmen going forward when she needs him. 
player & carmen’s friendship: i love this show for having a male/female friendship with absolutely no romantic feelings going on. it’s a solid friendship, and depicts a wholesome, supportive relationship. absolutely no qualms here.
and here’s all the stuff that needs expanding/fixing: 
tigress: i actually really love tigress as a character, and i personally think that there should have been more of her in the series. i would have liked to see more depth and motivation to her, since she has a lot of character potential. i don’t really know how i would rewrite tigress’s arc, because it’s virtually nonexistent and there’s not too much to go off of. i don’t think she needs a redemption arc, but i would give her more of a spotlight. (also low key fictional-crushing on her.) i would like to include sort of a tigress-centric episode, which can also generally be more expansion on the inner workings of vile.
cleo & saira: villain couple. villain couple. they need to be a villain couple, enough said. i would rewrite season 4 to have include an emotional downbeat moment in which saira struggles with being able to fit in with society and humans and being completely awkward at it while cleo, in all her regal and ettiquite-esque manners, tries to help. this wouldn’t really help with the main plot, but it would be humanizing and provide character depth. i feel like this could be the b-plot in the tigress episode somehow. 
coach brunt: you don’t betray family. at this point, coach brunt has lost the daughter she raised, who, in her mind, has basically backstabbed her entirely. coach brunt was also betrayed by shadowsan and left for the police to find, and in season 4, malestrom basically abandons her to drown. and it’s highly likely that somewhere in her backstory she’s been betrayed many times, likely by her own blood family, which would provide context for why she’s such a loyal person to vile, who she thinks of as her found family. in rewriting season four, i’m adding one extra episode that’s solely on the backstory of coach brunt. in this episode, we would explore brunt’s upbringing and the first time she is betrayed by someone she considers family. in my opinion, coach brunt was likely pushed to fall by another influence, but she also makes the conscious choice to choose revenge over moving on. potentially, we could also explore brunt’s budding friendship with the mechanic, who we never see again after that one episode, as well as a reflection upon this from her adult self. 
gray & the freaking mind control thing & his moral struggles: *sighs* i can see what the show is going for, but i really just don’t see it in the execution. the way that gray struggles with morality is like it’s an on and off switch. he’s either graham, basic civilian, or crackle, basically evil. in that one episode, he flip flops between being overly heroic, even taking out time from his day to specifically track down a random kid to return his wallet instead of just dropping it off at the police station or leaving it where he found it. and then the flip side is like he’s just robotically relapsing into stealing mode, where he just suddenly has to impluse to steal literally anything. i feel like this flip flop wasn’t really a good portrayal of his struggle and didn’t really demonstrate many active choices made by him. and the way that he’s just like “i’m actually just evil” when he confronts carmen at the lab is just super one-dimensional. i just don’t buy it that he flips to vile so quickly in the span of a few episodes. i feel like there should have been more active reflecting and the decision should have been dragged out longer. 
also it’s revealed in the finale that gray also changed his crackle rod to not go beyond a stun, and i think this was a nice touch, because it demonstrates his aversion to murder, which calls back to the first caper, in which he’s confronted with killing the archeologist at the excavation site. but he doesn’t end up having to make that choice, because carmen stops him. but this time, it’s his own choice to take that step away from vile ideals. i don’t think gray is ever going to be a “hero” of the traditional sense or have a complete redemption arc, because it just doesn’t fit him. to be honest, i don’t know what the future will hold for gray, but i definitely think of he will fall somewhere along the lines of red x (teen titans) or catwoman’s (in certain comic runs) gray morality. (and i think the way gray returns to vile kind of screws this up.) he’s still going to steal stuff sometimes probably, but he’s not going to straight up murder people. he would probably be the type to work for himself alone mostly, but be okay teaming up with the good guys sometimes. definitely no joining evil organizations tho. 
gray & carmen & the “i know you’re in there somewhere fight:” i definitely ship these two, but i think they’ve got a long way to go before they’re really ready to admit their feelings for each other. i’m happy that the “i know you’re in there somewhere fight” didn’t culminate in a kiss scene being the thing that snapped carmen out of the trance. because that is just so cliche and not the message of the show. instead, it’s shadowsan who does. and that makes sense going along with the themes of family. i think the issue with this i dislike how there is no more elaboration after carmen supposedly kills gray. this is her best friend. i would imagine that the reaction would be greater, since he was also her friend and teammate during the months they were both working under vile. and then when carmen’s brainwashing wears off, she agonizes that she killed her best friend. but that’s it. the “i know you’re in there somewhere fight” is the last screen appearance of both of them together. then it’s directly cutting to taking down vile. there should have been a hospital scene where carmen rides with him in the ambulance and talks to him as he’s unconscious, and leaves behind a note for him to read when he’s awake. 
i just really think there should be a “heart to heart” scene somewhere in this finale where they confront their feelings (not romantic stuff, but more about like shared trauma at the hands of vile and their broken apart friendship). this could happen at that sydney cafe. both times carmen and gray go on a “date” she leaves him sitting there alone, bewlildered. i think the finale should include a scene of them leaving the cafe together and then walking away and waving to each other. this shows development in their relationship, and that they are now closer, but it also visually shows that they still have differences as they walk away with a sort of two toned kind of environment angle that shows the different paths they have chosen. (and carmen calls him gray. and he doesn’t correct her.) it’s more of a see you later, than a goodbye though. we’re also getting rid of that part of when gray says he doesn’t want to complicate carmen’s life in the hospital scene. instead, he’s going to ask for a sheet of paper on which he will write an indiscernible letter to carmen. (the same letter will be seen in at the carmen brand outerwear hq a few scenes later for continuity, but unopened at the time, as if carmen’s not yet ready to read it. i feel like both of them need to heal a bit on their own before they’re ready to reconnect. gray knows he has hurt carmen in the past but he also knows it will hurt her if he disappears without a trace, so he’s leaving her with the choice if she wants to see him again instead of making the choice for her.)
ivy & zach & found family: carmen leaves a note behind for ivy and zach and leaves to find her mother. i feel like this did not handle team red’s found family very well. basically, the whole show is setting up this importance of family, especially found family not blood family kind of narrative. vile blood runs in carmen’s veins but she chooses to do good and find her own family. ivy and zach both choose carmen, their found family, over their racing career. i think that they should have stuck together, and when carmen goes to find her mom, they would have been totally onboard dropping her off at the airport and saying a “see you soon” or actually driving her to carlotta valdez’s house in lydia (the car). i just don’t think that splitting them up via a note is really a satisfying conclusion to the whole found family aspect. and in that time skip carmen really should have stopped by to say hi to the zach and ivy and the acme squad instead of maintaining the air of mystery. that would have definitely pushed the family feel, instead of the mysterious loner archetype. 
that time skip thing: yeah, no. this part was completely not needed and unhelpful. instead, we’re going to have carmen hug her mother at the airport, and go to visit all of her friends and found family, especially shadowsan in japan and ivy and zach in presumably boston. and the time skip will be a few onths not two effing years. i think it’s natural for them to grow apart a bit and pursue their own personal goals in life after vile’s gone, but they’ll definitely be staying in touch and reconnecting and seeing each other pretty often. and lastly of all, carmen will meet gray at the cafe in sydney.
basically, this is how i would redo the episodes for season 4. 
episode 1: the beijing bullion caper. (this episode remains as is for the most part, i would like more expansion on lady doksu and shadowsan's past since it seems like their pasts are more tied together than is revealed)
episode 2: the big bad ivy caper. (this episode remains as is for the most part.)
episode 3: the robo caper. (the scenes in which carmen first meets the robot and ivy runs it over with a truck can stay the same. where we start to deviate is with gray’s story with a revised, more complex, and in depth view of his moral struggles. instead of being unaware largely as gray flops between graham/crackle, he’s going to be a lot more aware. he’s still going to rob the house, but instead it’s because he feels hopeless that since he was previously a criminal, that’s all he’s ever going to be. gray doesn’t want to be a civilian, and feels like the only thing that he can do instead is be a part of vile. however, when he sees carmen again, he’s going to realize that if she got out of vile, then that means he has a chance to get out of it too. gray comes to a crossroads of deciding between carmen and vile, good and evil. 
episode 4: this will be the episode that concentrates on tigress, with a cleo/saira b-plot. most of this episode will take place within vile, and give more insights on the workings of the organization. 
episode 5: the himalayan rescue caper. (this episode is going to get a real makeover. with the insertion of episode 4, this creates more actual space between the last time we see gray grappling with his big choices, which makes it feel like more time has passed. so it actually feels like he had more time to think. carmen’s still going to try to rescue gray, and the part with player can stay the same. as gray is manipulated by malestrom, i think this episode should further emphasize how vile manipulates their recruits and amp up the shittiness of how malestrom is acting. i think malestrom should say something along the lines indicating that vile is gray’s only family left, this is what he was born to do, he belongs with them, and make up a bunch of bullshit lies about carmen. malestrom will portray this stuff as the “truth” and then say something like “we told you to the full truth, while carmen was hiding your past from you. didn’t you say you wanted to piece together more of your past?” (which gray did express interest in a previous episode.) since more time has passed, malestrom will play the “if carmen wanted to rescue you, she would have done so already. she abandoned you.” card. of course, it’s not easy to get into a super advanced vile facility, so instead carmen’s going to be having more struggles with getting in, which is the real reason she’s taking a while.) i want to keep the scene where he says that his name is crackle, not gray and not graham. i think this scene is particularly painful because graham/crackle is kind representative of the two sides of good and evil that gray thinks he has to choose between. gray will accuse carmen of abandoning him, both in the present but demonstrating that he’s still hurt by the time when she first left vile, and all those times when she kept secrets from him and disappearing in sydney. carmen asks him to leave with her, but instead of him being like “i’m bad, and i was always a villain,” he’s just going to be hurt and feel manipulated and be so conflicted. i feel like gray would choose vile, but not because it’s where he belongs but because he’s afraid of being brainwashed again if he doesn’t agree and because he just wants to know the truth, which vile happened to tell him first (and carmen had been hiding it from him for a while). why would it make sense for gray to willingly side with vile because he’s “throughly bad?” actions speak louder than words, and it’s clear that he’s definitely not evil enough for vile. 
episode 6: the vile history caper. (we’re just going to keep this episode as is for the most part. but like more el topo and le chevre moments.) 
episode 7: this will be the coach brunt backstory episode, piggybacking off of her hurt feelings about maelstrom’s intended betrayal. 
episode 8: the egyptian decryption caper. (this one is just going to be as is for the most part. the cleaners kidnap carmen, but we’re going insert one more painstaking scene of gray learning of vile’s plan to kidnap carmen. he’s not going to know they are planning to brainwash her. he’s going to feel conflicted and try to protest, but then realizes that now that he’s stuck with vile, if he goes against them he’s probably going to get brainwashed himself. and the brainwashing was really traumatizing, so it’s understandable he’s really afraid of it happening to him again.)
episode 9: the viennese waltz caper. (mostly just keeping this episode as is, but more worrying gray scenes. i feel like he should have had a bigger reaction to seeing carmen so unlike her personality. carmen’s lack of empathy should have pushed himself to question if vile is really a healthy place for anyone if they’re so willing to brainwash his best friend in a greater capacity. i think gray should recognize how bad the situation is but he still won’t act upon it since he’s trapped in the nostalgia of their old squad and since he’s been abandoned by carmen before, he’s too afraid that reversing the brainwashing will result in a repeat of her leaving him again. and he’s still afraid of the brainwashing.) 
episode 10 + 11 + 12. the dark red caper. (yeah, this episode is kind of just way too quickly wrapped up. i’m going to expand this into a three parter so we have more time to focus on everyone. basically, we’re going to expand this for the angst. and because this is the last season and i need more content. i feel like we can follow the general plot trajectory but with more nuance and include the improvements i wrote above about the finale. absolutely pushing the found family trope to its limits, and less vagueness since there’s not going to be another season. oh yeah, and the scene when carmen fights shadowsan, i feel like they could have amped up the emotional stuff and make it as much as about him being her dad figure as the doll because #foundfamily. and also the extra time gives more space for all of that other stuff like endings for all the characters, and more team red found family, and a bit about the non-jailed vile operatives, and the acme team, and also maybe a little infrastructure rebuilding montage, and also that carmen and gray moment.)  
basically i just want a satisfying ending for gray, and i love him, and he can’t just stare out of the hospital bedroom and agree to stay out of her life while melancholy music plays. 
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spacegoatart · 3 years
i haven’t officially posted my own treasure planet headcanons, so that's what this is! some of this might be ooc but i don't really care because they are fun to think about, so yeah, enjoy!
this is gonna be long so i’m gonna put it under a keep reading
it makes me so sad that they supposedly don’t keep in touch at the end of the movie, so that's where headcanons come in. Jim and Silver went thru WAY too much to not keep in touch, Silver couldn’t leave Morph without being able to see him again either (Silver literally refers to himself as Morphs ‘dad’ in one scene!!) they at least send letters or have some sort of burner phone, with Silver being a wanted criminal and all. for a while they probably just sent letters, Jim talking about the academy and Silver sending little gifts from his escapades such as a lava rock or an especially interesting coin. Jim keeps all the gifts in a box, along with the letters but if he feels especially attached to a gift, he’ll set it on his window sill of on the rim of his mirror. as much as I like the idea of Jim getting Silver a jitterbug/ladybug, realistically Silver would be the one to set the idea into motion. Jim gets a larger gift and its a little phone, made of parts that Silver could scrap together (or on he found in a shop on a traders planet), he immediately sets it up and texts Silver. it was really nice for them to talk in real time and were probably already discussing the idea, even though Silver could get caught, so Jim was really excited about it. Jim now keeps Silver updated on life events and Silver calls every now and then to tell Jim about his travels. Silver hasn’t quite figured out how to send photos but once he does, he starts sending some everyday (including some hilarious selfies, akin to what a dad would post on Facebook).
Silver absolutely visits, for a while it was very, very scarce because he was still wanted but was sneaky enough to come and see Jim every few months. he comes and hangs out at the inn for a few days while his crew is out at bars or stocking up on items for their next adventure, as well as they know better than to fight their captain on his decisions. during these visits, Silver tells Jim (and anyone brave enough to sit near them) stories about what he had seen, creatures he had encountered and wonders they had discovered. Jim tells Silver about his time at the academy, new friends he’s made and what he’s learning, including some complicated stuff. sometimes Jim even get so into it, he brings out a textbook to express his point. while Silver is pretty smart, he has no idea what Jim is talking about (because its usually math and obscure facts) and usually just smiles and nods as Jim rambles. (lol this may be me projecting my ADHD onto Jim but i have the feeling he info dumps to people hes comfortable with)
speaking of the academy, i think despite all the combat training and captaining that Jim is learning, i think Jim would be really interested in math. like a surprising amount. it would probably be difficult to start off but once he did, hoo boy he could not stop. there were some hurdles he had to face but eventually he landed in a pretty advanced math course (not the highest but still pretty up there, maybe like calculus or applied mathematics). knowing some math was important as a captain, having to deal with probability on a ship in the Etherium, but Jim was fascinated by numbers and the way they made up the world. i think he would be really interested in physics or theoretical stuff, which is difficult but i think he could do it. he probably uses his previous experiences in space to help him visualize the math, which helps a lot.
the first time Silver came to the inn, Jim practically tackled him. which was no big deal since he’s almost double Jim’s size, Silver was more worried about Sarah and what she thought of him being a pirate and all. Jim assured him that everything was ok and he asked her but Silver still felt a bit nervous. he felt like he was intruding on her territory. but while Jim had run upstairs for something and Silver stood sheepishly in the doorway, Sarah came over with a smile on her face and shook his hand. he wasn’t expecting that at all, he was more ready for a glare from the kitchen or even a talk about ground rules. Sarah talked to him about how excited Jim was (she was also kind of excited, she had met plenty of pirates and was almost as fascinated as Jim was) and how she was grateful for Silver staying in her sons life. Silver felt much more comfortable after that and they started talking too, (not sure if it would be romantic or not, it would be cute but i love them just being friends as well) they became pretty good friends. Jim loved it, even if they weren’t married or Silver wasn’t biologically related to him, he felt like he had a full family again. when Jim was busy or sleeping, Sarah and Silver would chat over coffee or in the kitchen while Sarah cooked, Silver helping. Sarah would probably rope Silver into helping her at the inn once she learns he can cook and he kind of falls into a routine. come see Jim, hang out, when Jim is busy/out, go put on an apron.
(this one is 100% projecting lol) this is a pretty loose hc, especially since it started as a joke but now i really like it. i think Jim, as well as Silver, is transgender. Jim wasn’t really expecting Silver to be trans, as are most (he passes super well lmao). i mean, many pirates were gay, why can’t space faring ones be trans? hell, Silvers crew probably has a slew of queer folk among them, if not all of them being some sort of LGBT. body modification looks like a regular thing in their world, so i think Silver has already had top surgery, whether he was planning to or not. by that i mean that i think Silver could have been injured, woke up and found that something was missing. worried he may have become more cyborg, he checked, winced and found that bandages had been bound around his chest. ‘well that's out of the way’. despite not wanting to be vulnerable around his crew, most of them if not all of them know he’s trans since most of them didn’t see it as some sort of weakness, it was just who you were. (if ya’ll are interested, i have some crew hcs like gender and sexuality but this post is mainly about Jim, Silver and Sarah)
(continuation of the trans hc) when Jim came out to Silver, there’s a moment of silence between them. in Jim’s head it was awkward, but in Silver’s, things started clicking. Jim was worried Silver didn’t understand and quickly explain but Silver comforted him, and explained that he understood. Jim was the confused one now and Silver quickly cleared that up, explaining that he too was trans. Jim was relieved, confused and surprised. he hadn’t expected that outcome but that wasn’t bad, if anything he thought it was cool. he had more in common with his adoptee-dad than he had thought. Silver now makes sure to emphasis his compliments when Jim is working, hoping to boost Jim’s ego and make him feel better. it works and Jim feels even more comfortable in his own skin. (i have another part about Silver taking Jim to get top surgery but they would need Sarah’s permission first, not that she’d say no but Silver doesn’t want to encounter her wrath xD)
i’d like to think that Silver takes Jim up on his ship, not for plundering but just to sail around. the new crew had already seen Silver in action and decided nobody wanted to question him about Jim, especially since he was causing any trouble. eventually Jim couldn’t really visit Silvers ship anymore, being a Navy officer and all but that was ok, Silver still came to the inn and Jim had his own ship/s.
Silver knows all the drama around town, mostly because Sarah hears it fro customers and then gossips to Silver about it. Silver will come in, say hello and she’ll start, he’ll probably respond with something like ‘no way, they did that?’ and then he’d listen as she worked.
when talking to Jim, Silver refers to Sarah as ‘ma’ and Sarah starts referring to Silver as ‘dad’ since they have become Jim’s collective parents, and it doesn’t bother either of them.
after Jim lets Silver get away at the end of the movie, Silver stays on his own for a while, though no one knew that. he got a larger boat, just big enough for him and he wandered planets, drifted through space, just thinking. he wasn’t sure what to do next, he was a wanted man but he also had no crew. the thought of settling down passed in his mind but he couldn’t bring himself to do it, he was comfortable in the Etherium, he would get cabin fever after a week. so he continued being a pirate, it was rough work but he loved being among the stars, exploring the galaxy. Jim knew this and didn’t want to push Silver to stay at the inn for a long amount of time but they still made it work.
Silver has little experience with children, having none of his own until Jim (i’ve seen people give Silver children as his backstory but he doesn’t strike me as that kind of guy, not that he wouldn’t want kids but he’d have to choose between family life or pirates life. that's too much for him.) the most experience Silver had was with helping people at port and with his crew, anyone young enough to need guidance and smart enough to listen.
Silver loves music but really only know sea shanties, drinking songs and some old folk music, but he can still be found singing with his crew and humming while he’s working. Jim on the other hand listens to a lot of music, especially after treasure planet. (this is assuming they have all the music we have xD) he listened to brooding teenage music before, like Teenage Dirtbag or bands likes Greenday, but now he has a few shanties on his list as well, plus some classical music for when he’s studying or relaxing. he also listens to ABBA, either because he just likes them or because his mom plays them in the inn.
Jim, Sarah and Silver have way more pictures of each other now. the inn now has multiple family photos with Silver included, Jim has a framed image of the three of them and Silver has a little scrapbook. it’s the only thing he’s ok with having on his ship, still worried about being seen as ‘soft’ (even if he is a big softie and everyone knows it).
Silver usually wears a pretty simple working outfit with his nice coat and hat but when he does want to look nice, holy shit does he do it well. sometimes when he’s dressed up he wonders why he doesn’t do it more often just for fun but then he thinks of the countless times he’s had to throw out shirts stained with blood. he would never let that happen to his nice clothes.
i really like the idea that if things had been different, Sarah Hawkins would have been a pirate, and a damn good one at that. maybe she wasn’t in this life but that doesn’t stop the occasional daydream and questions to Silver about his lifestyle. he offers to take her on his boat when he takes Jim and she hesitates but says yes in the end. Jim definitely didn’t get his wanderlust spirit from Leland. (this is a little ooc for Silver but not for Sarah, i 100% believe she would be a pirate) maybe after Jim joins the Navy, he buys a small boat, big enough for him and his mom and they go on trips where they just enjoy the Etherium.
you cannot tell me that the second Silver was out of earshot on the long boat that he didn’t cry his eyes out. motherfucker may know how to hide his feelings but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have them, he’s a sucker and he knows it. when he gets more comfortable around Jim and Sarah, he finds himself getting way more tearful from touchy feely stuff. Morph being cute? sobbing. Jim called him dad? waterworks. literally anything that tugs on his heartstrings? has to go to his cabin to cry his eyes out. the first time Jim and Silver met up again, they both just started sobbing.
Silver, Jim too probably, has PTSD (sorry if i get anything wrong, i’m not sure what else to call it) to an extent. it isn’t intense to the point that he gets overwhelmed with emotions and has flashbacks (unless it has to do with his missing limbs) but he does have some nightmares and prepares for the worst in most scenarios. Jim has to remind him that the bang at the door wasn’t pirates, it was just a unruly customer and that the silhouette he saw outside was just a passing ship, not canon fire. Silver apologizes every time, despite not doing anything but switch to his sword and brace but he can’t help but feel bad for worrying them. i can’t imagine the kind of terrors he has about loosing his limbs.
Silver, when he detaches his arm, will forget he only has one hand. sort of like that video with the astronaut back on Earth, but instead of gravity, he keeps handing stuff to his cyborg hand, dropping the item and they being confused when he can’t find whatever he had. he’s just so used to it by now, he’ll even gesture with his missing hand and not realize he can’t convey what he’s doing. Jim has been asked to hand his stuff, Silver will try to grab it without look and ask Jim why he didn’t hand it to him. Jim has to remind him that he doesn’t have his cyborg arm, leaving Silver apologizing. its always lighthearted between them and they joke about it but Jim knows Silver is still bothered by it a little.
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jerbric · 3 years
I’m saying it now just to get it out there but imagine, a goldric and lumity combined AU. Anastasia and Tangled AUs, respectively.
BUT Edric and Emira and Luz all work together as conmen/scammers for the fun of it, but also have their own reasons. Edric and Emira are looking for deals, money, anything that could convince Odalia to take Amity out of that godforsaken tower. She trapped Amity in there ages ago without any real reason, and the twins are set on helping free her. Luz wants to help out her family, it’s her, Camila and Vee, and they can only make ends meet for so long. So she goes into scamming, learned from Eda and King. Then she turned 18, and went off on her own for bigger things, where she met Edric and Emira and decided to stick with them. They don’t really ask each other about their personal reasons, so Luz doesn’t know about Amity.
Anastasia Verse Goldric is basically: Emperor Below’ castle got attacked years ago, but he was able to escape with his nephew, Hunter. Unfortunately, Hunter had fallen behind and gotten lost, cue Anastasia backstory. Now, thirteen years later, Belos is offering a big reward for anyone who brings him his supposedly alive nephew. Upon hearing this, Edric and Emira decide to take on the challenge, believing that maybe this money will convince their mom somewhat. So, they split up with Luz, who’s like not chill about it, kind of upset actually, but that’s okay. Because evil moments, she steals an amulet from them with the intention of selling it and getting as much as she possibly could. The twins don’t notice this, yet, too caught up in their GG scam.
Edric and Emira hold auditions to fake a Sir William, someone to pass as the lost prince. Eventually, they come in contact with Hunter, an orphan with amnesia that is trying to find a way home, who’s only memory of home comes from a key that’s his only possession. Ed and Em convince Hunter that he’s the lost prince, and they take him to the Emperor. (A lot happens during their journey but I won’t go into detail.) when they get to the castle, Belos immediately recognizes Hunter, and he orders the scouts to give the twins their money, and pushes them out the door. He begins to reconnect with Hunter, talks about the “good old days” and “oh how I’ve missed you William” and eventually, it’s revealed that the original attack years ago, was set up by Belos and Kikimora. An attempt to kill the rest of the family and Hunter, an attempt to get a hold of the key. (The key that was given to him by his actual father, and not Belos. Belos wants it because it’s supposed to open a portal to another world and Belos is still mad with power.)
Tangled Verse Lumity: after stealing the moon pendant from the twins, Luz runs away as far as she can do the twins won’t be able to catch up once they realize it’s gone. She finds herself into a woodland area, then in a clearing with this forty foot tower. Trying to hide, Luz climbs the tower, deciding to rest there for a while until she comes up with a proper plan. But things don’t always go to plan, and she gets attacked by a mysterious girl that lives in the tower. When she wakes up, she’s confronted by Amity, a girl locked away because she’s got immeasurable power and her mother told her that she had to be protected. It was for her safety.
Amity doesn’t quite remember her life before the tower, but she remembers her siblings and her dad (not personally, but she remembers him being a family member). She lives alone now, in the tower, with occasional visits from her mother and very rare visits from her siblings. Her dad never visits. She wears a purple amulet now, one that allows her mother to contact her, control her. She doesn’t like it but her mother says that it’s for her safety. Anyway, for years, she’s been trying to prove to her mother that she can handle herself in the world and now that she has an intruder held hostage, she knows that this is the year. Especially with her eighteenth birthday in two days.
But Odalia doesn’t listen, simply retells Amity of all the horrors of the world and that she’s not ready, can’t handle it. So Amity stays, and her mother promises to visit in two days, for her birthday. But Amity doesn’t want it, simply smiles and waves goodbye. When Odalia leaves, Amity strikes a deal with Luz. Luz takes her out into the world, shows her some of the sights, a tour, really. And when they safely return home, Amity will return Luz’s pendant. With no choice, Luz agrees. She takes Amity out, blah blah, they fall in love and Amity decides that she never wants to go back to the tower. She thought that maybe just one day would be enough for her, pacify her yearning, but it’s only made it grow. She wants to stay outside, wants to find her siblings and such.
Eventually, she gets confronted by her mother, who tries to get her back to the tower, but Amity argues, fights back, and in the end, when she wins, Odalia practically disowns her. But Amity could care less when she’s got Luz, and her siblings, and people like Eda and King and eventually Raine and Lilith. Anyway, after that, she and Luz soon run into Ed and Em, who all celebrate Amity’s freedom. The twins confront Luz about the pendant, but they don’t really care anymore because Amity has it, and it’s hers, and they’re just happy that she’s not locked in the tower anymore.
But something about Edric is off. He’s distanced and such. When Emira asks him about it, he admits that he can’t stop thinking about Hunter. Hates how they were forced out without a goodbye. Emira convinced him to go back, that if he’s so sure of it, then he should pursue Hunter. So Edric does. He and the girls go back to the castle, when they find out that Belos was in the wrong and Hunter’s trapped. Then there’s this whole thing where they rescue Hunter, and he’s the one that takes Belos out and ummmmm I lost my train of thought actually so the post ends here. But they all get their happy ending. In the end.
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moderndaybard · 3 years
CRInktober 10/1: Friends/Loved Ones/Family (Part 2/2—Mighty Nein)
Luc Brenatto to a moment to size up the newcomer from his hidden perch before revealing himself. The human boy was supposedly here for the summer adventurer camp that Mom and Uncle Caleb ran, but they were both paying him just a bit too much attention for that be the whole story. He was a couple years younger than Luc, but already his height, if not a little taller (unfair), and he was just standing there, looking around the seemingly-empty cabin like he didn’t know what to do with himself now that the adults had left so he could ‘settle in’.
(As no one else was due to arrive until tomorrow, this was the perfect time to ‘introduce himself’ with a dart from his toy crossbow...unless the other boy was prone to crying or tattling.... Hm, perhaps a different approach was best—just to avoid getting into trouble before the camp even technically got started.)
Finally, the boy sat down on one of the bottom bunks—and Luc thanked his lucky stars that it just happened to be the one beneath the one he was hidden on top of. Poking his head down over the side, just in front of the other boy’s face, he gave his biggest upside-down grin. “Hi! I’m Luc. What’s your name?”
To his credit, while the human startled at the halfling’s sudden appearance, he didn’t scream or even look that upset as he answered:
“I’m TJ.”
TJ still wasn’t exactly sure how his big sister had gotten his parents to agree to let him go all the way to Nicodranas for the whole summer—or even why, besides her off-handed ‘gotta get you out of Kamordah for at least a little bit before it’s too late’—but he wasn’t about to object! This camp was certainly going to be far more interesting than anything back at home, and Beau had also promised that, on the days he didn’t have any activities, she and her wife, Yasha, would pick him up and take him around to their favorite places in town to have fun and hang out.
(He didn’t actually know either of them all that well yet, but he could already tell that they were two of the coolest people he’d ever met, and he figured that he could get up to all sorts of interesting adventures this summer without having to worry about getting into trouble basically at all. Awesome!)
“We can learn magic here—right?” he asked Luc after the two had talked for a little bit and he’d found out that the lady running the camp was the other boy’s mom—now he had an inside scoop!
Luc just wrinkled his nose and shrugged a little. “Not if its your first year. Mom and Uncle Caleb focus on safety and survival kind of stuff first, and they make people wait a bit before getting into the really dangerous stuff.”
TJ deflated a bit—he’d heard that one of the people running the camp was a wizard who’d traveled with his sister, and he’d been hoping that this would be his chance to finally learn some magic instead of just ‘things you’ll need to know when running a business’.
“But, if you can keep a secret, I can give you a sneak peek—Uncle Caleb gave me a magic book to learn from, and a notebook for when I start learning spells of my own. Wanna see?”
Yeah, this was going to be his best summer ever!
In the end, it was hard to say if it truly was the best, but it was the first of many great ones, as TJ got to come every summer and attend camp, hang out with his best friend, Luc, and spend time with Beau and Yasha.
(And, yes: he did start to learn magic, eventually, to Caleb’s delight that he had such an eager young protégé and Beau’s mock-despair that her little brother had ended up ‘that kind’ of nerd. Still, she’d always tell him that he was doing a great job and that his spells were cool, and to let her know the instant that Dad started to give him any trouble about not wanting to take over Lionett Wines. Even all these years later, TJ wasn’t sure how his sister had gotten leverage on their dad, or what it was, by the had come to realize just how fortunate he was that she had already blazed her own trail away from Kamordah and was standing ready to help him do the same.)
Luc took a little longer to find his own, eventual path, as he found that he was equally drawn to magic with Uncle Caleb, chemistry with Dad, and fighting and sneaking with Mom. Still, he had time, he knew, and he made the most of each and every day (he’d learned early on not to take anything for granted and to enjoy each day while it lasted, whether at home, at camp, or even visiting TJ or some of Mom’s friends).
Eventually, he came into his own by finding his own niche rather than another’s, and combining his interests in potions, magic, adventure, and tinkering into one. (A skilled artificer in his own right, the sheer unpredictable force that could be unleashed when he collaborated with TJ had all the Mighty Nein exchanging glances and chuckling about ‘Chaos Crew 2’.)
By the time the two of them set out together in search of adventure of their own (and a party of their own as well, eventually), they were equipped, not just with skills taught and advice imparted, but also with the knowledge that they had a whole family behind them, just a sending spell away (not that Aunt Jester had gotten any better at keeping track of 25 words, over the years...)
(Also on AO3)
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sh1tbird-shantytown · 3 years
original post/idea came from @memes-saved-me
and thank you for encouraging me to write it! i had lots of fun <3
Steve Harrington’s parents weren’t around often. People knew that, they were aware. Now, they weren’t home much, yes, but they weren’t not home enough for it to be a worrying case of neglect. They still called in, had the neighbor keep tabs, and came home at least three times a month.
When you asked Steve about his family he’d simply shrug his shoulders and tell you that his father had a firm in the city. When someone asked Mr. and Mrs. Harrington about their son they’d wave a hand and mention how ‘he’s just on his way to graduating’ and then change the subject. Was Steve Harrington the perfect son? Maybe not. Were the senior Harrington’s good parents to begin with? Debatable. But they had something close to functional. They digress.
And so, as children who didn’t have prominent leaders in their life usually turn out, Steve was a lost cause when it came to actually living on his own. He had the money for food and his parents kept up with the bills. But he was horrendous when it came to actually keeping the house up to shape.
Until he had to figure it out to save his own ass.
The first instance was messy.
His first party had been wild. Junior year. Half his grade and then some had shown up. He’d gone all out. The long, fancy dining table had been loaded with foods all fatty and desirable. Kegs had been placed outside for peoples free flow. The expensive stereo which had been installed that spring blasted music from a collection of mixtapes. And by the end of the night, the party had been raging. Raging as in fights broke out, people got reckless, everyone started getting destructive.
That was when Steve regretted not having a plan, he was too sober to just let it go and deal with it in the morning. He knew that wasn’t a good idea. Multiple things happened all at once. Someone dragged a keg in from the backyard, too drunk to find the strength to carry it. And apparently too deaf to hear it scratch up the maple wood floorboards. Then, two seniors bashed their heads into the wall. Successfully denting two very noticeable holes in the drywall. But, oh, that wasn’t all the destruction. Some junior (Steve vaguely registered his name as Jake) was thrown into the wall, actively also breaking a shelf there too.
He had turned off the music and then clanged pots together to get them all out. It worked. A little surprisingly.
And then he’d been left with a damaged house to deal with.
He picked up all the litter both indoors and outdoors, put the little leftover food into the fridge, vacuumed, and then went to bed in exhaustion.
The next day he’d then been overwhelmed with many worries over the destruction caused to his home. He was just thankful it had been Saturday. He had the weekend to figure this shit out. He went around the house and made a list of everything that needed repair.
1.) The floor
2.) The holes in the walls
3.) That shelf (REPLACEMENT)
4.) The table
Oh yes, the table. His family’s long, fancy table had an abundant number of scratches engraved into it. Something no amount of waxing could fix.
His first thought was to look for all the tools his prestigious father had to offer. So, he looked everywhere. The basement, the attic, the closets, the offices, the shed. And he did find some. A hammer, two screwdrivers with different points, a tape measure, a wrench, a measuring level, and exactly 28 screws. But even that wasn’t enough and he knew. Next stop was the local hardware store.
Mr. Jimmy was the local handyman and he was nice enough to everyone. But not so much to the Harrington’s.
“What’re you doing here, boy? You know, son,” Jimmy’s neglected beard rustled when he spoke and his shop smelled of anchovies and cheese doodles. “I used to know yer Mama. Back in the day. She was a purdy thing, that woman.” He sighed something fond, “I miss that there woman. She’s not the same. Barely see her nowadays.” Steve was used to Mr. Jimmy’s delays, wasn’t subsided too much.
“Hey, Mr. Jimmy,” he stepped through the threshold of the old shop. “I’m looking for some tools today. Think you could help me?”
Mr. Jimmy regarded him with squinted eyes, “You using yer Daddy’s money?”
Steve blinked, “Yeah?” Mr. Jimmy folded his arms impassively. He had obvious tan lines that peaked out through his sleeveless shirt. Skin red over age.
“I don’t want no money from that bastard’s account!”
“I’ll have none of it,” the bulky man stepped forward and Steve’s back hit the cold glass door.
“But, Mr. Jimmy, you’d be taking from him. Wouldn’t that be better than just letting him keep all that money for himself?” Steve reasoned. Adding the suggestive and innocent lilt to his tone, worked his bystander charm.
The scornful eyes grew with joy, “Why—“ he laughed suddenly, loud and invasive just as he was. “You’re a rotten little junior, aren’t yeh!�� he galloped over to his counter with the same joyous lilt. Steve stood still in case the man swerved into another decision. He watched as Mr. Jimmy himself walked around his shelves, searching. “What kinda stuff you lookin for anyways?”
Steve struggled to find his voice, “Er- Uhm- Hah. W—Well I have to replace some wood flooring, fix a scratched table, replace a shelf, and patch up some holes in the wall?” He received a raised eyebrow before the man started hurriedly piling supplies throughout the shop into the counter by the cash register. Steve didn’t even want to think about how much it would cost. Although, if he thought about it, replacing everything and then paying someone else to do it all was probably more of a hole. Sure, the emergency cash that had added up over time would be gone, but at least he wouldn’t be disowned for the ruined furniture.
“That’ll be $78.75,” Mr. Jimmy pressed some buttons and Steve startled a little when the loud clang of it opening echoed. He pulled out his wallet anyway and dug around for the cash. He handed over four twenties only a smidge reluctantly.
Mr. Jimmy was giddy at least, “This here money will do me some good,” he nodded to himself as he stored the greens away and started packing the supplies in tightly within big paper bags.
“I’m sure my father will miss it,” Steve fibbed, “Keep the change.” And carried the three hefty loads up and out the door.
He had Queen playing the speakers and a crow bar in hand. What he was supposed to do now that he supposedly had all of the materials was a toss up to him. But he had to try.
He got down on all fours and began prying between the first ruined board and one of the unscarred ones. It lifted with a creak and he watched it carefully as he moved the bar up and down repeatedly. At one point it didn’t peel off any more and so he went side to side with it. Still nothing. He tried to push forward but there was too much resistance.
“What the hell? Come on you pathetic piece of wood!” he muttered exasperatedly. He pulled back a little and then slammed the bar back under the board. There was a sharp snapping sound that made him freeze. But the board was unstuck. And, oh would you look at that. He was unceremoniously proud. The floor board popped off. He saw that there was some dried up white lines underneath. He decided that it looked like that stuff in the bottle labeled ‘liquid nail’ and placed the board to the side.
He spent the rest of the late morning tearing up floorboards. By the time a late lunch break was approaching, he had accomplished removing all the damaged floor. He went into the kitchen to wash his hands quick before calling for a pizza when he realized the water accumulation in the sink. And it wouldn’t go down.
“Okay!” he cried in frustration, “What the actual hell now?” He got down again and opened the cupboard doors to the pipes coming down from the sink. There were steel pipes that started from the sink and curved around down into the bottom of the cabinet. There were rings that Steve assumed connected them. So to see what was backing up the sink he’d have to unscrew a couple. Right? He got up and dusted his pants off (a lost cause by this point) and went over to the pile of tools by the front door.
He grabbed a wrench, or at least what looked like one the plumber had used when he’d visited once or twice when Steve was a kid. It took him a minute but he finally loosened the mouth of it and fitted the groves over the ring of the pipe. He twisted and some water started dropping down. It started making a puddle so he hurried and grabbed a pot, placing it right underneath. He twisted again and again and again.
He sputtered as some sprayed into his face, “Awe hell! Disgusting!” but he kept twisting anyway.
Eventually it came off. But the water was quickly overflowing. Not to mention rancid. He yelped in shock and ran all around the kitchen trying to find more bowls. He found one, a china bowl that was his mother’s great aunt’s. He yelled out as he saw the grey water streaming down onto the kitchen floor at that point. He ran back and held the fancy ceramic serving bowl up to the open pipe. He sighed in relief as it worked and when it stopped, finally, just barely brimming the bowl, he saw tons of little pieces of orange.
“Who the hell put orange peels in my sink?” he muttered as he carefully waddled out to the back yard. It was cold out and he didn’t have shoes nor socks on. He jogged on his toes all the way back to the tree line and tossed the gross contents into the bushes there. He ran back shivering with a tight hold onto the rim of the china bowl. When inside he set it on the counter and fluttered about gathering towels. He mopped up the rest of the water mess and went to turn on the sink to check his work.
“Wait!” he jumped down in panic just as he turned the water on and off in the same second. The water inevitably dripped down through the open pipe but it was only a little. He leaned his head tiredly against the open cupboard door, face sweaty and hairline damp. He took the wrench and attached the rings back on snugly. Then, he turned the water on with a quick flick at the knob. He laughed happily as nothing leaked and the water trickled down without blockage. He leaned back against the counter and panted as the slight adrenaline rush flowed away.
Some time later he figured that he should probably work on the holes in the wall. He had some sort of paper roll made of one thick strip and a big bucket of smooth and pale mud textured stuff. He took the wide spatula thing that Mr. Jimmy had instructed of him to use and stared at the two dents in the white accent wall.
“Ummm,” Steve looked from his full hands, roll of paper stuff around his wrist and mud bucket in one and the spatula in the other. “Well what the hell do I do now?” he asked himself. He could really use Mr. Jimmy’s insight right now. Or Tommy. Tommy knew this stuff his uncle was one of the local handymen. But Tommy had also been the one to drag the keg in so maybe not him. He stepped up to the biggest of the damages and pulled off a piece of the thick paper. He held it up to the wall and blocked off the hole.
“Oh!” he realized excitedly, “I see,” Steve nodded to himself proudly and crouched to set the bucket on the floor. He stuck the spatula in and took some up with it. “Like paste,” he mumbled to himself and started smoothing the mud stuff on one side of the tape strip he’d measured out. He grinned and stuck it to the wall over the hole so that the top and bottom connected to the uncracked wall. He did that same thing until the whole hole was patched up. He looked at the pale ‘paste’ and looked back at the wall thoughtfully.
He started, then, to slather more joint compound (he’d finally read the bucket) on top of the tape (he had also then remembered the rushed instructions Mr. Jimmy had thrown out). He smoothed it out tediously and left it be to repeat on the other hole. When he’d finished with that task he found his arms and pants speckled with clumps of dried and crumbly spackle. Steve didn’t think it would be this messy. He picked it off his arms as he walked back to the upturned floor. He winced as the dried beads pulled at his arm hair.
Now, to get the new flooring in, Steve grabbed the hammer and the cylinder with the glue stuff. He really had no clue what it was supposed to be. But he did have an idea of what he had to do. So, he laid out all the new flooring, which he was happy to note was just about a perfect match to the old floor, and started patching the right lengths in place. When he had the puzzle figured out he stared at the tube thoughtfully. He scratched at the tip to see if it would give and when it didn’t he went to the kitchen for scissors.
He snipped off the cap and held it upright as he ran back to his station. Steve turned over one of the boards and pushed in the bottom to get the contents out. Which proved more difficult than he’d hoped. A spurt squirted out but then it stopped.
“Okay,” he sighed defeatedly, “What the fuck?” he set it down and went back to his pile of hardware supplies. There was an odd contraption that did have a base with the same diameter of the cylinder canister. He shrugged a grabbed it, “Worth a try.” He fitted it in and adjusted it so it looked somewhat how he assumed it should. He set the point on the board plank and pulled the trigger a few slow times until the glue came out. He laughed a loud ‘AH-HA’ and swirled it around. He flipped it over after setting down the canister and contraption and fitted and locked it in as best he could with the hammer. Sure, there was about two dents because he hit it a little bit too hard. But it was in and he only had five more boards to fit in. He felt happy enough.
Throughout the rest of the installment he had managed to not get the ‘liquid nail’ on his hands and there weren’t any too obvious dents in the floor, nor anymore scratches. He went back to his list to cross things out and check his progress.
1.) The floor
2.) The holes in the walls
3.) That shelf (REPLACEMENT)
4.) The table
He knew he had to use that block thing to sand down the dried compound. and then he had to repaint the wall white. But that would be simple. The shelf though, that was something else. He had seven wood planks that Mr. Jimmy had cut down for him already. He just had to screw them together and sand them down. Mr. Jimmy had said something about stain or wax but Steve waved it off, the only thing that went on the old shelf was little boxes that held his great great great grandmother’s spoon collection (something he had stored away before his party).
He went outside to the patio with the small hand drill, the 3x4’s, and the thin screws that he’d bought from the store. He sat criss-cross on the concrete and set up the little shelf. It took fifty six minutes and a couple minor slivers and scrapes, but he had the shelf put together with the screws just barely noticeable. He inspected the wood and decided that it was fine as it was. A close enough replica. He went back inside with it, not bothering to sand all the little nooks, and placed it against the wall experimentally. If he put it down a little the holes from before would be concealed just fine.
He drew two little lines with a pencil down the line where the original screws had been. He knew he needed a post to screw into, that the drywall wouldn’t hold. See? He was learning. He lined up the backing plank and placed the level on top, shifting the shelf just so the bubble was in the middle of the lines. He then drilled a screw through it and into the wall. Before he let it go he drilled in the second with some struggle since the he kept loosing balance. But eventually, it was in the wall. His arms were sore and he felt a headache coming on but he had the new shelf up and if his mother was kind enough to not go inspecting it, it would pass just fine. He laughed victoriously and skipped a little around joyously. He was almost done.
“Just a few more things, just a couple,” he consoled his aching limbs. Drills were hefty little things and reminded him of those wild horses in movies that always tried to buck the cowboys off. He groaned a little as he spotted the mess of a table on his way to grab a snack.
He turned his nose to the visual reminder, “I’ll be back to deal with you,” he grumbled. “I need a damn Jell-O cup.”
It was actually the next day that he finally got to it. His parents would be back home Monday and he still had a few things left to do. So much for an easygoing weekend. Tommy had called that morning and asked him to go with him to a neighborhood baseball scrimmage, but he’d said he was busy and hung up. He had been mid-sanding down the dining table. And after three hours of perfecting and perfecting it all again. After so much time getting sore and sweaty and coughing from dust. The table was finally flat and there was no more sign of scratches. He got the cloth that Mr. Jimmy had thrown at his face the day before and opened the strong chemically smelling can. He gagged but dipped it in and started applying the wood stain carefully, following the lines of the wood on pure instinct. It made sense too even if he wasn’t totally sure if it was actually right. But, either way, within that hour he had the table back to its original color and left it to dry completely.
He stared at the bumpy wall of compound. He knew this would be bad. If the wood dust was bad, this mud stuff was going to be worse. He wasn’t that naive.
And he was right. By the time it was smooth he was coughing and in dire need of a glass of water. He was never having a damn party at his own house again. Tammy and Sara could continue to host them, people didn’t react well to the spaciousness in the Harrington house apparently. In a rush and loss of interest in his work, Steve quickly painted over the patches with white and left it to dry. He got the can of wax and rubbed it on around the table in his final task.
He was tired as hell and he still had to go to school tomorrow. And he really needed to speak with the person who put orange peels down the damn sink.
On Monday morning, at approximately 5:48 AM, Steve Harrington sat in the living room watching I Love Lucy while eating toast as his parents bustled inside.
“Hello!” he heard his mother chirp tiredly as she entered through the foyer. She hurried over and he gave her as welcoming of an embrace as he could. “How are you, dear? Foods in good supply?” she pulled away to inspect him with her hazel eyes, “Heating system still working alright?”
Steve nodded and smiled, “Everything’s just fine. But I have to go and meet Tommy before school, that alright?” he stepped to the side and towards the stairs.
“Of cour—“ his mother was cut off by the monotone cords of his father.
“Stephano, what is up with this mess!” In that moment, Steve Harrington didn’t think he’d ever felt as much fear as he had in that moment. He bolted to the kitchen.
“What mess?”
His father pointed to the wrench, screw driver, and tape measure on the island counter, “Away with this mess, Steve. Clutter is nothing to approve of. It accumulates and it’s unprofessional.” If he only knew.
Years later, when he was in everlasting love with Billy Hargrove and they had their shared, small and cozy Chicago apartment, his handyman skills came back to great use.
“Steve! Steve!” Billy shouted in a panic.
Steve rushed from the bedroom to the kitchen, socks skidding on the floors, “What is it? What happened?” he flocked around his boyfriend and checked for any injuries.
Billy pointed rigidly to the sink, “Somethings up with the pipes or something.”
Steve rose his brows in bewilderment, “You don’t know how to unclog pipes?”
Billy furrowed his, “You do?” Steve nodded and opened the cupboard, kneeling to check the pipes.
“Okay so there’s PVC pipes here, I don’t even need a wrench!” he peaked back up at Billy’s wide eyes. “Can you get me that bucket I usually give you when you get hungover?” Billy nodded and jogged out of the room. Steve got a hand towel and placed it down, “What did you put down the drain anyway?” Billy almost hit him in the face with the bucket when he turned back. He froze and took it from the nervous man.
“Uhm. Potato peels,” he answered.
Steve scoffed, “It’s always peels isn’t it?”
Billy stepped back when Steve started turning the rings, “What?”
“Nothin’.” He twisted it quick and managed to not get sprayed in the face while the murky water and loads of potato peel flowed out into the large bucket. When the flow stopped he reattached the pipes together and hefted the bucket out to Billy. “Put that down the toilet, Tiger.” He turned back and heard the sloshing in the bucket and the grunts from Billy as he went through the hallway. Steve chuckled to himself and wiped up the small water spillage.
When Billy returned he had opinions.
“First of all, that shit was gross as hell,” he left the bucket by the front door before returning into the kitchen. “Second of all,” he boxed Steve in with a smirk in his face, “I didn’t know you were so good at pluming.”
Steve rolled his eyes, “Finish making the calzones, Bill, and maybe I’ll show you how to fix that hole in the wall behind Max’s photo hanging in the living room. It’s suspiciously shaped like that baseball I told you not to throw around.”
Billy fumbled for his words.
Steve shook his head, “Don’t think you can hide that shit from me, Tiger, I’m the one that dusts.”
The next time was when Max and Lucas visited.
“William, do not throw that!” Steve scolded as he held a pan with tomato sauce in it. Lucas dropped his hands that had been ready to try and catch the ball and Max turned a page of her book from where she was on the sofa boredly.
Billy grinned and threw the football anyway, of course. Steve sighed and then grew furious as the same football smashed instantly into the rickety bookshelf and the sad, old thing crumbled on impact. It fell over from Billy’s uncalculated, rebellious force and the shelves snapped apart from the sides. Books strewn out in a messy wave. Steve stomped over and only lowered his near growl of scolding when Billy showed himself already terrified. Max grinned and set her book in her lap to watch.
“What did I say?” Steve demanded while whacking Billy’s shoulder with the oven mitt. The other flapped his hands back to stop the assault.
“I’m sorry!” he yelped, “I’m sorry! We’ll just buy another one!” Steve glared and whacked his head, lighter than before, but still with vigor.
“We don’t have the money, William! We bought the last one at Goodwill for $14!” He bustled back to the kitchen and put the pan into the oven to cook the sauce the rest of the way. “I’ll just have to go down and ask Jeffery to use his wood scraps and nail gun. He’s always kind enough.”
Billy, who had followed him in, looked skeptical, “Jeffery Jeffery or creepy Jeffery?”
Steve rolled his eyes, “Old man Jeffery. And Jeff isn’t creepy, he’s just anti-social.”
Billy went unswayed, “I want to go with you. Let’s go,” he went to the coat closet and Steve sighed, unsurprised.
Steve took his coat and boots from Billy and called to the kids, “Lucas, Max, the sauce will be done in a couple hours. If we’re not back by then just take it out and let it cool please!”
“Sorry, Steve!” he heard Lucas say sincerely.
“Got it, Boss!” Max answered with another flutter of a page in her book.
While Steve attached the air hose to the nail gun Billy watched with creases in his forehead.
“What are you ogling, Tiger?” Steve asked as he applied wood glue to a piece.
Billy stooped forward, “Can I help?” he was almost eager sounding.
Steve grinned, “I was hoping you’d ask.” He lifted his own hands from holding the planks together, “Hold that as I nail it together would ya?” Billy nodded a bit unsurely but placed his hands and pushed just as Steve had. Steve lined up the gun, pushed down, and pulled the trigger. Billy flinched at the loud noise and Steve set the gun down and stood up from his focused crouch.
“Are you alright,” he cupped Billy’s cheeks, thumbs gently smoothed the corner eye crinkles.
The other nodded and pecked Steve’s forehead before shrugging it off, “Was just surprised is all.” Steve nodded back and smiled kindly before returning as he was before and finished the line of nails.
Not too long later, the book shelf was put together and Steve handed Billy a piece of sand paper. He showed Billy how to use it and he got complaints in return due to the uncomfortable noise it made.
But they did return home with a lovely new bookshelf. And they’d made it together so it was all that extra bit of special.
Maybe Steve didn’t disapprove of that party all those years ago after all. Look what he got out of it?
The smile Billy got whenever he looked at that shelf filled with Steve’s mystery romance and his own horror thrillers, that fond and euphoric smile was enough for Steve Harrington in the long run.
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