#and i’ve been holding out ?? ig ?? for this person to just magically come along
What are your most unpopular opinions on Descendants as a whole?
Idk how popular/unpopular a lot of my opinions are, but here are a few that I think are unpopular haha:
1) I like Mal. Yes even when she’s making bad choices, which she certainly does. I like that she’s a messy protagonist & even tho I prefer a lot of things about her book characterization I also lowkey still like the movie version of her. I know people say Dove was phoning it in especially in D3 but I think she did a really good job in D1 & D2; at the beginning of D2 she did a believable enough portrayal of a stress-based mental breakdown that I’m convinced Dove was drawing from personal experience. When you can see her zoning out every time no one’s talking to her directly bc she’s mentally working through a checklist of everything she needs to do—I’ve been there. Mal was sleep deprived & living on sheer willpower & fear of failure and Dove crushed it in terms of portraying that experience.
I’ll admit that I’m biased bc I am not immune to Dove Cameron in purple hair & studded jackets, I relate to Ben bc I too would abuse my position of power just to make Mal happy oop
2) I like beast!Ben okay I did not like the makeup job but I did like the character design & I think if they were gonna have him do stupid shit like roaring in D2 when overwhelmed/stressed about the fight with Uma or physically shake water off of himself like a dog then we could’ve gotten more than him being beasted by a spell for 2 minutes (even tho the FX makeup did Not hold up well on camera). Also they were cowards for using the magic lake super soaker to mostly break the spell, every single version of Beauty and the Beast that refuses to show a human/beast kiss on screen is made by cowards. This was the only spell in D3 that was broken in this way & they did that specifically bc they were cowards. Mal should’ve broken the spell by kissing him in the first place I don’t care if it’s weird
Given the slightest inclination I would’ve made a beast!Ben au anyway but I only initially started writing down any of it out of spite
3) I don’t love that Mal spelled Ben but I still ship Bal. I support & enjoy other ships with both of the characters (Malvie, Bevie, core four all together, etc) but I am a Bal shipper at heart. And I think Ben proposing with a callback to Did I Mention was really cute okay, yes that’s salt in the wound for Audrey but just on its own it was a really cute & romantic way to propose & I love it
4) Ig the really unpopular thing, going off of the prev one, is this: I don’t think Audrey & Ben were ever actually in love. I think they were friends & them dating was something that Audrey was encouraged to do & Ben went along with, & I think as much as Audrey absolutely was unfairly humiliated in front of her peers she was more upset at losing the crown than Ben. Ben still owed her an apology & an explanation once he broke Mal’s spell; it wasn’t his fault that he embarrassed Audrey while under the influence of a spell but it was pretty cowardly & lame of him not to own up to it right away & instead just use the spell as an easy out from the relationship. But I still don’t think Audrey & Ben were ever in love. As a Bal shipper, I am definitely biased about this.
Also, I’m not opposed to anyone shipping Audrey with Ben! I think it’s cool that all of us can see this same franchise & come away with so many different ideas & opinions
So those are my hot takes lol. Overall I just enjoy Descendants as the beautiful garbage fire it is & I don’t have super strong opinions about ships or anything, I just like playing in the sandbox :)
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shinwhoohoo · 3 years
hello lovely person, i come to your inbox seeking solace and the permission to rant about the eternally frustrating mess that is bana twitter. i'm so infuriated by delulu ot5 stans spamming a3 asking for reunion pics w j and b and demanding that they include those 2 in the official anniversary celebrations bc j&b ""deserve" it like??? where do they get their sense of entitlement from lmao i don't get it. and really, why should a3 bear the onus of asking them to join the celebrations when the other 2 have given no indication that they wish to do so in the first place like they literally left the group and no longer associate themselves with it (and no ig bios don't count people) what's not clicking?
it honestly makes me more pissed at the 2 who left (jy in particular) bc they refuse to make a clean break. wm also had a part to play in it ofc bc they didn't release an unequivocal statement about their departure from the group (altho they did say b1a4 will only be promoting as 3 going forward so idk how anyone misinterpret it) but what irks me is that jy never really acknowledged the fact that he left (at least baro wrote a nice letter thanking bana and a3). he keeps stringing his fans along by making empty promises about future reunions and!!!i hate that he won't change his ig bio or twitter header and whatever else it is that convinces people that "his heart lies w b1a4". i hate that he does all this but a3 still have to bear the brunt of the criticism from their fandom even tho they've been working their asses off to give us quality music (jinthoven who, producer cnu owns my heart now) and wholesome content (how precious was b1a4 arcade) to make up for their perceived sins against bana.
sorry this spiralled out of control, haven't used my tumblr in ages but i feel like migrating back bc bana twt is bad for my blood pressure. hope you have a nice day!
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Two things real quick:
1. You always have permission to rant here to please do so whenever you feel like it~!! 😁 2. PLEASE COME BACK TO TUMBLR WE NEED YOU BACK IT’S SO MUCH NICER AS A BANA PLEASE 🙏
Ok now that that’s out of the way lol, wow 10/10, 💯, like god I really have nothing else to even add? Perfect rant, perfect points, all completely 100% factual points, that some people just don’t seem to like to address or acknowledge in their ‘OT5′ comments. But the thing is, all of this is true!!
What bothers me the most about the whole OT3/OT5 argument basically comes down to two points:
1. Those spewing OT5 Forever on their personal accounts is one thing. I’ve always said everyone is entitled to their own feelings about this, and I can respect we have our differences. However, going to A3′s accounts, to their VLive, and commenting and spamming posts about Baro and Jinyoung and ‘Oh, What does THIS MEAN that Jinyoung posted to the B1A4 VLIVE?? What DOES IT MEAN that Baro posted a pic holding a BANA CUP?!!? I MISS B1A4 AS FIVE’ and it’s like... let’s actually take a breath. Jinyoung’s incident was obviously a mistake, one that he hasn’t even addressed. Baro admittedly has liked a few B1A4 posts here and there, with this most recent insta upload the most ‘vocal’ he’s been regarding B1A4. But does it mean they are going to magically appear for the 10th anniversary? Not at all. There is absolutely no connection between these events. And to try and make such a connection is clearly going out of your way to try and create something that isn’t there because you want it to happen. Not because you are looking at the facts and the comments that the members who are actually, actively in B1A4 have made, but because you are overlooking what they have said, and what WM Ent has said, to fit your agenda. And to go and post these wishes and hopes on their official accounts, or even worse, Shindeulchan’s personal social media accounts, especially given how THEY expressed how they felt about the split, well damn. I think that’s cruel tbh. But yet we’re the nasty ones for not acknowledging bayoung...
2. ... which brings me to the other main point that irks me. Just because I am not currently an ‘OT5′ fanatic, again, given what we KNOW TO BE TRUE!!! (Basically most of which you’ve already listed-- WM’s statement of B1A4 continuing AS THREE, Sandeul and CNU’s comments and feelings they have made on guest show appearances, their fanmeet, the B1A4 Documentary+, etc., not to mention Baro’s statement, and even Jinyoung’s, which mentions about looking forward into the future if they should all come back again, in addition to the dead silence Jinyoung has been about bipo since then) but just because some of us aren’t ‘OT5′ given all that, DOESN’T MEAN WE’RE AGAINST BARO OR JINYOUNG!! like that pisses me off so much, this ‘divide’ that is being made... It’s like no, I just respect the feelings of the members who are actually here more so than wishing for something to happen that isn’t going to any time soon, like sorry that upsets you. And guess what, I still will always adore Baro and Jinyoung. I still wish the best for them. And if/when the time comes that they want to come back, and A3 accepts them back (because again, it’s up to THEM, not the ‘OT5′ fans!!) I will 100% be happy and grateful to see B1A4 as five. But until then, I will support Baro and Jinyoung in their solo efforts, and B1A4 as three, for all that they do and have done to make the transition from 5 to 3 easier for us.
lmao I love how I’m like ‘oh your ask was great I have nothing to say’ then go and write an essay. Well, I am nothing if not on brand with my word vomit.
Thanks for this anon, as you can tell it lit a fire under my ass lol. I don’t think I’ve been this vocal about it all in a while~
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nerdingz-obsessed · 4 years
An Analysis of Castlevania (Netflix)
In response to mean words from a fren.
My dearest Castlevania simps, it is time to rise up.
My friend (who I will be attacking :)) was dissing Castlevania (szns 1-3) after my recent Trevor Badass Belmont post, so now I must indulge myself with a rant on how much I absolutely love this series. This is a five four part thing, sorta long (Sorry? but if you read then you’ll understand why I love it my friend is wrong) it has minor spoilers throughout, but it's been out for a while so, proceed with caution ig.
TL:DR at the bottom folks.
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One: The Nostalgia
When I was a (small) kid, my uncle was a senior in high school. (I think, I don’t exactly remember.) He loved video games and he’s part of the reason I love them today. Mostly I only ever watched him play things like Halo, but one day he was playing this 2-D, fight game, killing monsters and kicking butt. (as he described it.) And later he let me take a turn, and I couldn’t exactly tell you I knew what I was doing, but I remember how awesome I felt as some 7 year old kicking vampire arse. Now, I get to see those characters again as a young adult and it brings me back, especially the kicking monster butt parts, which brings me to...
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Two: The Fight Scenes
(Light Spoilers) HOLY MOTHER OF GOODNESS, if you would have told 7 year old me, “this is going to be a badass anime one day and you’re going to squeal with excitement,” I would have laughed in your face. But I’m not laughing now. If you’ve watched it then you just know. From Sypha and MAGIC (I stan so hard lemme tell you) And Trevor WITH THE WHIPSSS (Szn 3 Episode 9 THAT SCENE Ashshishgishguhsi) And Alucard WITH MAGIC AND MAGIC SWORD (YES) And just Isaac (Whom we love to hate and hate to love) And all of the Vamps and their kool little fighting quirks. I just love love love how amazing, fast paced, and epic the fight scenes are. And it never felt incorrect. i.e. yeah Cypher uses magic and she always seems to never never run out of stamina, but to me it made sense, she’s trained for her whole life, always on the road and there are times when she does look appropriately winded. @ my friend Or Isaac, he’s powerful yes absolutely, but we still see his human weakness. @ my friend(I think this goes for all humans when compared to the Vamps and Monsters tho...)
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Three: The Animation
Can I just say that this is one of the most aesthetically beautiful anime I’ve seen in a while. Like the fight scenes, for instance, when fire engulfs a lot of the screen it looks beautiful. Okay that wasn’t very specific, here, in fight scenes, the lines change. If you look, you’ll notice in intense fight scenes the lines getting harder, intenser I suppose, it therefore adds that intensity. (Especially by season 3.{Szn 3 episode 9, dual whips got me drippin fam XD}) But it was also so smooth and elegant (Hi I really love the fight scenes in this show. :)) On small details: the details in Dracula's castle and Alucard's hold under Gre- that city whose name I cannot spell. Not only that, but the scenery, my particular favorite: When Isaac is ‘forging’ his first set of monsters when he’s out on his own. I’m a sucker for the way from a distance those red flames (flames?) shot up into the sky, it was just *chef’s kiss* in the scenery department, just ahhhh :
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Oh, speaking of Isaac, it’s time to get on to important, meatier things...
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Four: Characters
First off, the villains/antagonists are not just evil to be evil. (Unless you’re Carmilla... :| ... I mean ig she thinks she’s justified bc hello, she’s fighting for her peoples... and I mean, she’s badass, but I sorta have to side with humans? idk) Big Daddy Baddy Drac isn’t just “I vant to suck your blood,” his pain is real. I mean, losing the only person you ever truly loved? Heartbreak. Isaac and Hector both have totally a plausible and low-key understandable reasons for their actions. Okay it’s not an excuse for their bad behavior, but the way they respond to Drac. And, back to Carmilla, can we just stan the four Queens that rule. The four ruler thing they have going is Genius! It’s brilliant, they share their acquired and unique skills and there’s no mans to ruin plans. @ my friend
Edit: Yo I didn't even touch on our two sibling bastards from szn 3. Lol. They are great manipulators, you can feel the betrayal hurt just as bad. They're the jerks that you LoVE to HATE >:(
And The side characters and minor antagonist give the story life. They aren't just blown off characters who don't promote the plot @ my friend. They add depth, perspective, atmosphere and life into the story. Some may not be particularly necessary, or may not need all the character building they were given, but none of it felt forced. It made sense with the story and the interactions they had with other characters flowed and was natural. Yeah, that was brief, but ya get the point.
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And importantly, our protagonists. 
Trevor Belmont, technically the main protagonist and center for the for the entire story. His character instantly pops of the page as a reluctant hero, but one that is so damn good at his job. His emotions are believable, it's fairly easy to sympathize with him and he is a vibrant character that you can easily follow along with. See the badass Belmont post ✨ here ✨
Sypha Belnades has easily become one of my most favorite heroines. Her personality, physicality and entire character are so vivid and colorful. She is a believably strong character who does not deserve the resentment she gets from @ my friend. I admire the steps that her character has gotten to take in the story and I am so excited for more Sypha. Also ✨ M a g i c ✨
Lastly, Alucard, our troubled, half vampire son who deserves the world and a hug. He is introduced as the badass immortal that we love to see, but seeing how he has to deal with well, everything, is why I so love the writers. They gave us a dynamic in which we get to see someone, who at first didn't care or need for interaction with others slowly realize how much he needed it. And you can see the stages of his development through each episode. It's lovely. He also doesn't deserve the hate my friend gives him. Also, ✨ Tiddies ✨ (I'm so sorry omg)
And Extra ! Extra ! they are all attractive, like have you even seen an unattractive face in any of the characters with surplus screen time? Sure they may not be your type (@ my friend) but they each have their good looking qualities.
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Five(ish): Dynamics/Relationships
I'm lazy and can't write another paragraph lol, but point is. Everything in the amazing show flows together so well. Nothing feels awkward or forced, and more importantly everything has a cause and effect factor for other things. Maybe not directly, but it's there. And everything will come crashing together soon, can't ya feel it? As for relationships b/t characters, well, what can I say, they work so well, are unakward, and have me begging for more.
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This show is beautiful and amazing, both in animation and writing quality. Characters pop of the screen as do the scenes. Fight scenes = Epic. Villains = Important + Badass. Characters = Relatable. Writing = Good. Scenes = Pretty. Hotel = Trivago.
And I didn't even get into the details. Smh.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, I hope you had a good time @ my friend
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power-of-plot · 4 years
Armin Arlet x Fem! Reader. Oneshot. -Strong-
The first paragraph is purely a small introduction, just in case you wanna go straight to the fic :)
First of all, thanks for reading this! So! i often considered posting but i'm insecure, today i somehow got the confidence and courage to post -definitely not due to watching anime motivational speeches-. I wanted my first post to be something special so i dived deep down into my thoughts for a couple hours, i'm pretty happy with my choice so hope you enjoy it! My apologies if this sucks.
WARNINGS: Some sadness ig? -Armin being a pure soul. Fluff
Summary: Armin suddenly gets an injury during ODM gear training. After Reiner and his protective nature lend a helping hand, you see beyond the walls of his stoicism, people around him made his lack of strenght clear as day and he seemed to accept it but you never wondered if that caused him any pain at all. He needs to know everything has more than one meaning including what is called strenght, you gladly stay by his side to remind him different doesn't mean wrong.
Year 848 three years after the Colossal titan's misterious appearance, in Paradis Island Keith Shadis trained and yelled his lungs out at what soon would be the 104th Cadet Corps. Like any other day, the young cadets rutinarily trained to master the ODM gear, it all would have been the same as other sessions if it wasn't for Armin Arlet, your close and femenine looking friend who in a reckless (and failed-) attempt of proving himself strong to his group discretly tried performing a complex manouver resulting in him crashing into a tree. The few people ahead of him who stopped momentantarily to admire the manouever slowly resumed their way to the target they've had been assigned, just after a couple minutes of trying to walk bearing the pain the silhouette of someone along with the sound of gas and wires pulling something was getting closer by the second at the injured male. "Who's t-.. oh no.." Being around that person for so long made his oceanic eyes know who that brawny body and short blond hair belonged to inmediately, his deep voice shouting erased all the doubt. "Armin!" Reiner said rushing towards him as soon as his feet touched the the grass. As he looked for injuries, finding a twisted ankle, scrapes and bruises; Armin confirmed his suspicions: Reiner had dropped on what he was doing again just to help a single person. Right when he thought the guilt couldn't turn bigger he heard another familiar voice, this one belonged to a female. "Reiner! I saw you going back, what happened? Wait- Armin?!" Your voice turned alarmed after your (e/c) eyes catched a glimpse of your friend's characteristic golden hair, as if that would magically heal his injuries you rocketed towards your comrades at full speed. The crash- landing was rather ungraceful but it was merely trivial compared to an injured friend "(Y/N) are you-" Reiner held out his arms as he walked towards you but you ran past him leaving him standing alone with his arms opened like a rejected boy "Armin!!" You crouched down to him as it seemed he couldn't stand up, worrying you even more "...Hey (Y/N)... what are you..." His glance went lower as the guilt and shame's hand pushed his head down "What do you mean what am i doing? I noticed Reiner was going back from the front and i couldn't find you!- Hey what's wrong?" You asked after noticing a hint of sadness in his eyes, tilting your head and resting your forearms on your knees "Nothing, i must have hit my head that's all.." -because i dared prove something even myself knew full well- He replied blunty, making an adition mentally. His analytic mind was acting as a double ended weapon, either overnalyzing each and every one of his flaws or making the weight his frail shoulders were already carrying heavier. "Armin get on" Reiner said kneeling down turning his back to Armin so he could get on "Hm? It's not necessary, i-i'll just take my time to- ah!" Without further asking the muscular soldier turned around scooping your friend up from the ground into his arms bridal style, his eyes fixed on the grass and his lips released a soft sigh as embarrasment was displayed on his face. In other situation you'd have joked about how he looked cute being held like a baby but a hunch plus his face kept you completely from doing so. "You want to recover fast, don't you?" Reiner asked preparing his equipment to propulse himself again "Y-yeah but why.." "You'll only worsen your condition if you try walking, bear with it just for a while. Besides, what kind of soldier would i be if i left a friend behind knowing i can help him?" His hazel eyes noticed you were about to say something so he remained still to let you get close "It's okay don't be so hard on yourself i just crashed on the ground a moment ago, how did you call it the other day..? You didn't make a mistake, it was a happy accident! (Armin is Bob Ross.) How did you even find out about that manouever anyway?" "I've been analyzing the instructor's movements for a while now..." You deduced Reiner would take him to the infirmary wich he confirmed with a nod after you asked and so, it didn't take a single second for you to decide you'd go with them. The three of you flew and swung across the forest though it seemed like it only was you and Reiner, Armin was so quiet for a moment you even thought he was asleep.
"..Thank you very much Reiner" The blond thanked him now lying on his bunk, his ankle was bandaged up and his minor injuries were treateed "No problem, don't do anything until you're sure it won't hurt you got it?" "Don't worry Reiner i'll keep an eye on him 'till he's good as new!" You said cheerfuly with a smile as you sat by Armin's side, not caring a bit you were of the few girls in there. Once Reiner walked to his own bunk with Bertholdt you turned to Armin with a curious look "So what're you thinking about, you've been very quiet so it must be serious. Any new interesting thing about the outside world?" "Not really." His response was blunt again, something was definitely on his mind otherwise you couldn't explain why he wasn't as talkative as always. As he quietly stared at the matress above him you tried figuring out what could be bothering the boy since it was a lost cause trying to make him say it, you learnt this after countless tries, thankfully you could always ask for some help with Mikasa; her skills at everything including reading people were so good it was almost frightening. She wasn't there at the time and you couldn't rely on the others forever, a small leap of faith wouldn't do any harm, would it? There was only one thing you could think of. "Armin you are not weak." Your (e/c) eyes looked straight into his blue ones, silence reigned between you two before he hummed softly as if trying to deny "Why so?" It was as you suspected, he was blaming himself for making a simple mistake (-rolling girl vibes- sorry xd). You sighed resting your back on the headboard as your hand gently grabbed his forearm "You know it's not a bad thing to make mistakes, it's an everyday thing" "If we do become actual soldiers we'll risk our and the other's lifes everyday. This training is hard to make us strong, to make sure we don't make a single mistake that could lead to a tragedy" "You are not weak Armin." Your voice reasured in a firmer but gentle tone, he believed in what he had proof of, you would give him the proof he needed. Before he had the chance to turn on his side your hand grabbed his shoulder, making you two lock glances again, for your surprise small tears were forming on the corner of his eyes "I'm sorry.." "D-don't apologize it's okay! Come on let me help you what are you..?" He sat up shaking his head refusing to let a word out even when the tears slipped down his cheeks, it was painful to see Armin weep yet not ask for help, you've had been told he was like this since his childhood but it still was hard to believe and who knows if his overthinking made dealing with things on his own easier, he wouldn't try comforting himself. You sighed placing your hand on his shoulder and moving your thumb caressing the skin beneath his clothes, small muffled sobs could be heard coming from him "After that day on Shinganshina.. hundreds of people were sent there as if they were able to fight the titans, they didn't care if they were kids or elders- my grandfather went in my place, i know it wouldn't have made much of a difference but" He made a pause to try making his breathing go back to normal and hold back his tears, leaving just a small trace under his eyes "But he raised me, he gave me a name.. and i simply let him go straight to his death- i didn't make any effort to tell him i would go because i was scared.." You had to lean closer to listen clearly to what he was saying since he didn't want to drag anyone's attention besides yours "Sometimes i wonder what kind of things must have he felt when he realised he'd die alone..? I want to become a soldier to keep that from happening again, even though i'm just one it'd make a difference if only i.. wasn't such a weak coward" As he spoke you could almost feel the weight of his guilt resting on your shoulders for a moment, had he always been hiding in a shell? Ever since he was a child? A tear sprouted from the corner of your eye imagining how many times he suffered silently. You put your finger to your lower lip as you analyzed what your next move should be, after all it was Armin you were talking about, not all words would have effect on him "Strenght... physical strenght is not the only important thing, YES it is important in a soldier but the mind also matters! I can't lie, you get scared easily but so do i!. What about the snake from the other day? Someone had to remove it from your leg after you paralyzed but you were brave enough to not kick or scream in panic" Let's accept it you sucked at motivational speeches, your attempts usuallly ended up making him chuckle but it was some progress taking in mind you had no idea how to comfort him at the beggining. This time was no exception, he grew a tender smile but it faded away in matter of seconds "Come on Armin, you may be a little slim but what you don't have here-" Your hands abruptly dropped on his arms specifying you refered to muscles, then, your middle finger poked his forehead making him flinch "You have it here" "..What was that f-" He was cut off by your finger presisng against his lips "Shush- you are smart, incredibly smart you just have to see it! We all fall on our butts and feel scared of small things sometimes but that is what makes us humans, if we didn't feel fear or anything at all we'd be just like the titans!" You felt impressed of your own words, the look on his face made it clear he echoed the feeling. You wathed him move with his hands towards you before pulling you into one of the warmest hugs you've ever experienced; he held you so close and tightly you could feel his heart beating against you. "Thank you." His head rested on the crook of your neck, the gold strings of his beatiful hair falling over his face and tickling your nape slightly. You corresponded the gesture by eveloping him into your arms, slowly moving your palm up and down on his back "No problem....... Christa-"
Oof! That was long, congratulations if you read the whole thing!
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whenihaveyouromione · 4 years
When I Have You - Chapter 7
Read on Fanfiction.net or ao3 if you’d prefer!
Follow ‘whenihaveyou.romione’ on IG for extra stuff. 
Chapter 7
Hermione set the tiny bag down on Ron's bed, then looked up at him and smiled. He had once been used to seeing that bag every day, but it had been some time since she'd gotten it out again. But now was the perfect time. 
"All packed," she said quietly. "I can't believe it…"
"Neither can I, really," Ron said, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a hug. 
"In two days, I'll hopefully be… with them again." Her voice cracked at the end and Ron hugged her tighter. He knew what she was thinking — she had expressed it to him over and over again since finding out the Ministry knew of her parents’ location. She was scared. What would it be like seeing them when they didn't know who she was? What would happen if she couldn't reverse the memory charm she'd placed on them? So many thoughts had run through her mind, came out in bouts of worry that she had unloaded onto Ron countless times over the past two weeks.
His assurances that she could do it, that he had complete faith in her, seemed to last only for short periods of time before her worry started all over again. 
But now, as they stood in his room, that blasted beaded bag between them, filled with a month's worth of belongings, it seemed that what little resolve she had, had completely abandoned her. 
Pulling away, she stared up at him with blank eyes. 
"You will be with them again," he said. "Even if it takes you some time to figure it out, you'll still be able to see them, be with them…" He hesitated, and her eyes widened, completely misreading his expression. 
"What?" she asked. "What are you thinking about?"
"Nothing," he said, shaking his head. "Completely irrelevant in these circumstances." He gripped her tightly, smiling.
"Ron… if there's something you think I've missed, please, tell me. I… need to know."
Ron shook his head again, unable to contain the small smile that had formed. It seemed so stupid to be thinking about it.
 "It's not that. I was just thinking… when you fix their memories — yes, you will fix them," he said when she opened her mouth to protest, "what will they think of me? I mean, I know they know me as your friend, but will they think…"
It hadn't been his intention, but his concern over what seemed a trivial matter in the circumstances appeared to amuse her and take her mind — at least briefly — off the bigger matters. 
She laughed. "They'll love you, I'm sure of it," she said. "Anyway, I don't think that's going to be the first thing I tell them… if that's alright."
"Well, I know that, Hermione," Ron said. "They'll obviously want to know how they're suddenly in another country and with no memory of being there. But I do want them to like me."
Hermione laughed again, reaching up to kiss him. "They will," she promised him. 
Ron was about to kiss her again when Harry appeared at the door, clutching three envelopes. They turned to him, Ron feeling momentarily put out that they'd been interrupted. But then he saw that Harry was holding the letters out for them.
"For us," he said, looking slightly concerned, and he came into the room. 
They were addressed to each of them with the official Ministry seal on the front. 
All three of them sharing a look, they tore into the letters and began reading. Ron felt himself pale.
Dear Mr Ronald Weasley,
The Minister for Magic requests your presence in his office at one o'clock on the twenty-first of June to discuss with you your future plans. He will be expecting you.
Loretta Fieldwake,
Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic
Ron read the letter again, then a third time, before he looked up at Harry and Hermione. By the look on their faces, they'd received the exact same thing.
"What do you think it's about?" he asked.
Harry shook his head.
"I'm not sure, but it has to be good, right?" Hermione said. "I mean…" She looked down at the letter again. "It's Kingsley. And your dad and Percy work at the Ministry still, so I’m sure they would have heard something if it was bad.”
"Yeah, I suppose," Ron said. Hermione was right. It had to be something good. Bad things were always dealt with quicker than good things. 
"That's tomorrow," Hermione then said. "A day before we leave."
Ron could see the sudden concern in her eyes and shook his head. "Don't worry about that," he said. "It'll be nothing."
Ron wasn't sure how, but it seemed that word that the Minister for Magic had requested to see Ron, Harry, and Hermione got out around the house without any of them saying anything (Ron could only assume his dad had said something), and for the next few hours, there was much discussion over what it was about.
"You'll of course be getting rewarded in some way," Molly said with a definitive nod. "I can imagine Kingsley being very pleased with the three of you." An expression of pride crossed her face. 
"A reward?" Ron said, turning to Hermione and Harry. "What kind of reward. Gold?" He could do with a few Galleons, really.
But they shrugged. 
"Hm," Arthur said, "I suppose a reward would be in order, but perhaps he simply wants to chat. What did the letter say again?"
"That he wants to discuss our future plans," Hermione said. Her eyes widened, and Ron recognised it as an idea suddenly popping into her head. "Maybe he wants to offer us jobs at the Ministry?"
"Jobs?" Ron and Harry said together.
Hermione nodded, then shrugged. "I mean, he could…"
"I doubt it," Ron said. "What good are we going to be? We've only completed six years of schooling. I don't fancy a job of carrying coffee around to everyone. Can you imagine Percy's demands, or the embarrassment…"
There was much more discussion on the topic for the remainder of the day, much more speculation over what Kingsley would want to discuss with them. Ron genuinely had no idea, but the idea of money seemed highly appealing to him. He hated to think what state the Weasley Gringotts vault was in since the war. Worse than ever, he could imagine. 
One good thing this news had brought them was a calmer Molly who wasn’t passive aggressively worrying over Australia. She was so pleased that the Minister wished to personally talk to her son (even though it was Kingsley) that the idea of him going off to Australia in less than two days seemed insignificant now. For the first time in two weeks, Ron wasn't asked a single question about it.
The rest of the day went by slowly, with Ron pondering over what Kingsley wanted. That, along with his nerves regarding going to Australia, he didn't sleep well at all. He tossed, he turned, and despite the fact that Hermione sleeping beside him had brought him nothing but comfort since the first day she slept there, he just couldn't get comfortable. 
"Ron," Hermione said when the clock ticked over to two o'clock in the morning. "Are you alright?"
"...yeah," Ron said after a moment. "It's just everything going on. I can't stop thinking about it."
Hermione reached out, her arm sliding across his middle. "It'll be okay," she said softly. She fell back asleep a moment later, her arm still around him.
Despite still not being able to fall asleep, Ron laid where he was, eyes wide and staring up at the ceiling. Just what exactly did the Minister for Magic want to see them for? Logically he knew it wasn't going to be anything bad, but for some reason, he couldn't shake the feeling that the news wasn't going to be as welcome as everyone might have hoped.
The following morning ticked by very slowly. Molly managed to corner them in the early hours and had them completing chores, and when they tried to escape the Burrow for the nearby fields, Arthur wished to have an in depth discussion with Harry and Hermione about particular Muggle artefacts Ron couldn’t remember the name of. 
By the time they were done explaining it to him, it was almost time to leave for the Ministry. 
���Er…” Ron said, “how are we planning on getting there?”
The three of them looked at one another. It was a thought that had crossed none of their minds between receiving the letter and that moment. Hermione disappeared, returning moments later with the letter in her hand. She scanned it, shaking her head. “It doesn’t say.”
“Maybe Dad might know,” Ron suggested. 
“We should probably use the visitor’s entrance,” Harry said. 
It seemed a bit odd to Ron that they’d be invited to attend a meeting with the Minister, but not given any instructions on how to actually enter the Ministry. A horrible feeling hit him then — what if this was some kind of joke Percy had been pulling, and they weren’t actually being invited at all? But then he remembered Percy lacked a sense of humour and felt slightly better. 
“What about the fireplace?” Hermione said. She looked at Ron. “It’s connected, and your dad and Percy use it to get to work…”
“Is that intruding?” Harry asked. 
“I’ll go and ask Dad,” Ron said. He found his dad in the back shed engrossed in whatever it was he’d been asking Harry and Hermione to explain. Ron personally hated this place — almost as much as his mother did. He really didn’t see the usefulness of most of it and was constantly amazed that both Harry and Hermione had spent their first eleven years of life, plus their summers, surrounded by and using all of this stuff. Honestly, it still baffled him even today how resourceful Muggles were considering they didn’t have magic.
“Er, Dad?” he said, staring at what he did know was a doormat. 
Arthur jumped, startled by Ron’s sudden appearance. “Oh, Ron,” he said, “what are you doing here?”
“We have that meeting with Kingsley in a moment,” Ron said, “and we’ve realised we have no idea how he’s expecting us to arrive. Is the, um, fireplace acceptable?”
“Of course!” Arthur said, his attention already back on the object that had captured his attention. “Go right ahead. You can even Floo straight into his office.”
Arthur looked up, frowning. “Were you not informed? Yes, Kingsley is expecting you to come directly to his office. Our fireplace is connected directly to the Minister for Magic’s private office. He’s expecting you.”
Had he not been so surprised by that information, Ron might have felt honoured. He went back to tell Harry and Hermione (who were equally as surprised) and then they were on their way. 
Even more of a surprise, was finding Neville on the other side already sitting in a large armchair, a cup of tea in hand. 
Seeing them, he stood up and set his tea on a table in front of him and hugged them each in turn. “I didn’t know you were coming, too!” he said brightly. “Kingsley did say there were others but he never specified…” He indicated three other armchairs. “I suppose I should have guessed.”
“Do you know what this is about, Neville?” Ron asked, taking the armchair beside him. Hermione sat on his other side, and Harry on the end.
Neville shook his head. “No idea, but Kingsley looked delighted when he saw me. Said he was glad to see that I’d come…” A smile fell across him. “The Minister… requesting to see me!”
“Well, if anyone deserves that, Neville, it’s you,” Ron said, and Neville’s smile grew just as the door to the Minister’s office opened. In stepped Kingsley Shacklebolt. 
“Ah, fantastic!” he said, “you’re here.” And he conjured a fifth chair and sat opposite them. Another wave of his wand and three more cups of tea appeared. 
Everyone stared, waiting for him to continue. Kingsley beamed. 
“I have a very exciting offer to make all four of you,” he said. “I’ve been talking with a lot of people, and after what has happened over the past years, it’s become very obvious that our Auror department is very much small in numbers compared to what we need.”
No one said anything, but continued to stare at Kingsley, waiting. 
“Now, under usual circumstances, the requirements for becoming an Auror include Outstanding NEWT results in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Charms and Transfiguration, all of which none of you have achieved.”
Ron felt his heart sink. For a moment, he’d thought that maybe —
“However,” Kingsley continued. He had such a wide smile now it was almost pathetic. “However, I am a firm believer in practical experience being the best experience. And the four of you have shown absolute outstanding results in that area. Not only that, but wonderful leadership skills, an ability to perform in high-stress situations, not to mention you are each highly skilled witches and wizards that the Auror office desperately needs. So… as a reward for the role each of you played in the war, I am offering you all immediate entry into the Auror training program, if you so choose to accept.”
A stunned silence filled the office. Ron gaped at Kingsley, unsure how to even respond. An Auror? He was being offered a place in a program that was near impossible to get into, all because of what he’d done?
Kingsley continued. “However, there is just one requirement: I’ll need an answer by tomorrow evening of your decision. We need Aurors now and so getting you all into training immediately — next week — is ideal.” His eyes drifted to Hermione. “Of course, I am aware that you will be travelling as of tomorrow, so special consideration has been made. For the rest of you, though, I really will need an answer as soon as possible. It’s a once-off offer.”
This time, Ron’s heart really did plummet. All the way down into his stomach. Next week he’d be in Australia with Hermione. 
There was more silence, and then Hermione spoke. “Kingsley,” she said, “thank you for the offer, but… I don’t think I can accept. Even once I return.”
All eyes turned to her, and she blushed. “My plans, once returning from Australia, are to complete my seventh year at Hogwarts. It’s all but repaired now, and Professor McGonagall told me that she has full intention of opening the school in September again.”
Ron stared at her, completely taken aback. She’d not mentioned that intention to him once. In all the times they’d talked, she had not even made a hint that that was her plan. He shouldn’t have been surprised, but he was a little hurt that she’d not bothered to tell him. 
He looked away. 
Kingsley nodded. “I completely understand, Hermione.”
“I’d love to,” Harry said quickly. Like Ron, it had always been his desire to become an Auror. Unlike Ron, he hadn’t made a single promise to anyone to travel overseas with them. 
“Me too!” Neville said, looking dumbstruck that Kingsley seemed to think him worthy of even being considered for such an honour. 
Everyone looked at Ron. He looked back at Hermione, who suddenly appeared very guilty. He turned to Kingsley, feeling nothing but disappointment. He probably would have made a rubbish Auror anyway. “I… sorry, but I—”
“He’ll have to think about it and get back to you tomorrow!” Hermione said quickly. 
Ron closed his mouth, but didn’t look at Hermione again.
Kingsley nodded once more and smiled. “Wonderful. Well, Harry and Neville, you’ll receive owls within three days detailing what you’ll need to do. Hermione, I wish you luck regarding your parents and your return to Hogwarts. And Ron, I hope to see you here, too. We could very much use someone like you working for us.”
Ron winced. Why couldn’t Kingsley have offered them this after they got back? 
They all went home through the fireplace again, Ron going first. He couldn’t stand being in the same room as Harry and Neville, who were already discussing things with Kingsley. And he didn’t wait for Hermione. He couldn’t blame her, of course, but he knew exactly why she had prevented him from telling Kingsley no, and he wasn’t going to do it. He’d made a promise to her, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to break it. 
Landing back at the Burrow, he emerged from the fireplace and marched straight past his expectant mother and to the stairs. A moment later he heard Hermione arrive. 
“What happened, dear?” Molly asked her. 
“Kingsley… he… sorry, Molly,” she said. “I’ve got to go and talk to Ron before he makes a really stupid decision.”
Ron was sitting on his bed when Hermione caught him. He looked up at her, and said immediately, “You’re more important.”
“Don’t be stupid, Ron,” Hermione said, sitting beside him. “This is your dream job.”
Ron shook his head. “I made a promise to you. I said I’d go with you, and I am. I don’t care… I can find another job one day. Maybe I’ll help George with his shop.”
“Ron…” Hermione began. “Ron, I saw your face when you realised. You were gutted. I know this is what you’ve always hoped for. What you’ve always wanted. Don’t worry about me. I… I can do this by myself.”
Ron shook his head again. 
She moved closer to him, taking his hands. “I can’t go away with you knowing that one day you’ll end up resenting me for it.”
“I won’t resent you,” Ron said. “I could never…”
“You need to accept the offer,” Hermione said, her voice gentle, but firm. “And you know you do. You’ll forever regret it if you don’t.”
Ron swallowed, turning his face towards hers. “Like how you’ll regret it if you don’t go back to Hogwarts?”
Hermione flushed. “I… I was going to tell you, Ron. Once we got back…”
He wrenched his hands away from hers and she looked at him, hurt. “It’s a pretty big decision to make. I thought we were in this together?”
Ron buried his face in his hands. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I just wasn’t expecting this at all.”
“No one was,” Hermione said. “But things have changed now, and this is the opportunity of a lifetime for you. I can’t and won’t stand in your way. Not when I can see how much you really want it.”
“But I love you, Hermione!”
She grabbed his hands again. “And you can continue to love me even while we’re apart. This isn’t going to change the way we feel about each other. I’ve got to do what I need to, and so do you. I would love to have you there with me, but it seems it’s not meant to be.”
Ron said nothing. He knew she was right. He would end up resenting her, or the whole situation, down the track. She knew it, he knew it… but the thought of abandoning her…
He looked up at her again, and she smiled. “Accept it,” she said. “And when I get back, I want to hear all about how wonderful training as an Auror is.”
There was a long pause, where neither of them spoke. They just sat there, hand in hand, knowing what needed to be done.
Eventually, Ron looked at her and sighed. “I’m going to miss you,” he said. “I’m going to miss you so much.”
Hermione threw her arms around him. “I’m going to miss you, too,” she said, and he heard her voice crack ever so slightly. She pulled away, and Ron knew that he had to tell her. If he wasn’t going to see her for a month or more, then she could at least leave knowing just how much he loved her, no matter how ridiculous it might sound.
“Hermione,” he said, “I’m still trying to work out how the hell I feel about you.”
She pulled away, worried, and he realised immediately how that must have sounded to her. 
He shook his head. “By that, I mean I don’t understand how it’s possible for me to love you as much as I do after such a short amount of time. But I understand enough to know that that is how I feel. I once thought I might have fancied you, then I knew I did. Then I realised I loved you. But I sure as hell didn’t know this was how I could feel. It’s the best feeling in the world.”
Hermione kissed him. When she pulled away, she was smiling. “Sometimes,” she said, “you speak as if you think you’re the only one to feel these things.”
Ron opened his mouth to argue that he never expected her to feel so deeply about him, but she silenced him by another kiss. 
“I’m capable of those feelings too, Ron, and I feel them for you. I love you a lot. You know that, don’t you?”
Ron said nothing. He couldn’t. Why was she so incredible? 
“I’ve felt this way for a long time, I just never knew how to tell you. How to ask you.” She paused, thoughtful. “Maybe I do need to ask you.”
“Ask me what?” Ron asked. 
“We haven’t even been on a proper date,” she said. 
“No… I guess we haven’t…”
She beamed. “If tonight is our last night together for a while, let’s make the most of it. Let’s go out, just the two of us. On a date.”
Ron stared at her for a moment, and then smiled. 
“I think you’ll like the cinema,” she said.
“The what?”
“A cinema. A theatre. Where people go to watch films.” Hermione nodded, as if the decision had been made. “Leave it to me; I’ll organise it. A date tonight?”
Ron could only nod. He kissed her hard on the mouth. “Merlin, I love you, Hermione,” he said after a moment. “Yes, a date. Our first date.”
And they both laughed, because it almost seemed like they had done a lot of things backwards if tonight was going to be their first date. 
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empyreal-insights · 3 years
Border Jumping: In It, Not Of It
{Border Jumping, part 1}  .  Esthero, one of my favorite singer/songwriters, posted a song on IG, “Great Version of Me”:  
They say I’ve got “spark”  They say I’ve got “magic” They say I’ve got all the things that I need, and if I want it, I have it
They say I’ve got heart And a light that surrounds it, but I’m lost in the dark Did you happen to notice? 
I need something good to happen to me ‘Cause I can’t stop drowning When will I feel like all the things they see?  When will I be this “great” version of me? 
I’ve tried so hard, tried to live it and own it Kept staring ahead, pretended how great things have been going
But I’ll let you in on my intimate moments:  I feel alone Mostly, I feel forgotten I need something good to happen to me ‘Cause I can’t stop drowning When will I feel like all the things they see? When will I be this “great” version of me?
‘Cause I can’t go back And I’m scared to move When will I feel like all the things they see in me? When will I live so gracefully?  When will I have what’s coming to me? 
I need something great to happen I wanna meet this great version of me. 
Wanna meet her so bad Great version of me
I spent a lot of time fighting against myself because of this feeling. Here’s some of what I learned when I was dancing between breaking down and breaking through.  
Find Your (Higher) Power I’ve tried so hard, tried to live it and own it Kept staring ahead, pretended how great things have been going But I’ll let you in on my intimate moments: I feel alone Mostly, I feel forgotten
I know folks have issues with God. But if you’re resonating with this message, understand that you’ll require a relationship with Source / a Higher Power / Creative Force (1). 
If you can’t wrap your head around having faith in the concept of a God-Force, the next best thing is to master some form of energetic literacy through mindfulness, tai chi, meditation, martial arts, pranic healing, reiki, or a similar methodology. 
Do not intellectualize this. You can start with a book or two, but eventually you need to choose something, then find someone that can teach you how to do it. You must learn to see Energy as barometer, master key, and mother tongue.
Why? Because your lessons, blessings, and karmic resolution are meant to play out between you and Source, with a thin veil between you and some of the "typical” human experiences (2). Energetic literacy gives you the language to stay in communion with Source, and this relationship will sustain you when people will not or cannot. 
Go With Your Flow  When will I feel like all the things they see in me?  When will I live so gracefully?  When will I have what’s coming to me?
You can’t move like everyone else. You’re on a whole other timetable - one that more closely mirrors the spiritual world. I realize that in some western spiritualities this can translate to a commitment to austerity or asceticism, which I clearly reject.  
While in this process, it helps to be able to soothe and comfort yourself on demand, in the healthiest ways you can manage. There’s enough to figure out without adding deprivation to the list. 
Also, don’t feel like you have to be happy all the time. Create space to cry, wail, grieve, and lament. The song that inspired this is a perfect example. I write. You might make art. Just make sure the pain passes through. Don’t dwell in it - that’s how you start to feel stuck.  
Chironically wounded shadow workers - those of us that long to fit in and experience the belonging others take for granted - often never asked to be set apart, but we keep finding ourselves in that position (3). Acceptance eases some of the loneliness and gives us the patience to wait our turn.      
The good news: you are exquisitely protected. Respect that. Don’t chase people who leave; don’t force yourself into incompatible spaces; don’t beg to be understood. 
This is why your relationship with Source is nonnegotiable - you need to know exactly who and what is working in your life, where They're guiding you, what to avoid, and how to call upon and respect that Power when necessary. Acting in accordance with this understanding will help your life move more effortlessly.  
Be Grateful  I need something good to happen to me ‘Cause I can’t stop drowning When will I feel like all the things they see? When will I be this “great” version of me?
You know how the spiritual folks talk about being thankful for every little thing? Do that. 
When you're hollowed out from that weeping and wailing? Take a breath (or a nap), then give thanks.
To live long enough to get all the good things waiting for you - ‘cause some of us blossom well after 35 (4) - you must learn to cling to gratitude as if you’re dangling off a cliff and help is at least 30 seconds away. 
The good things are happening, will continue to happen. You may not have everything you want, but do you have most of what you need? Thank what sustains you: food (say grace), pets, friends, plants...whatever you have. You must learn to see the joy along the way because our despair can be fatal.  
Again, it’s natural to feel anger, frustration, jealousy, and whatever else. Observe it, resolve it, and keep it moving. Be as human as you need to be in any given moment, but always, always, always return to gratitude. 
Welcome Your Awakening They say I’ve got “spark”  They say I’ve got “magic”  They say I’ve got all the things that I need, and if I want it, I have it
They say I’ve got heart And a light that surrounds it, but I’m lost in the dark Did you happen to notice?
Yes, I noticed. You’re not crazy or arrogant for realizing that you’re different. Your energy's legit, that's why people react to it so definitively. 
Accept that reactivity is often the limit of human capacity. They’ll be fascinated, dazzled, but fall short of being able to hold you, love you, or define you. 
But soon - after some dark days and some unbelievably beautiful ones - it won’t hurt so much. You’ll know where to receive comfort, love, and understanding. You’ll discover your work, your people, your place, and that great version of you. 
(1) Source is becoming a preferred term when sharing these thoughts because (a) the name Osun, one of my primary deities, derives from a Yoruba word meaning, “the source,” (b) I have a deep relationship with water, which is considered a/the source of life - perhaps the most important after air itself, and ( c ) it feels less loaded and/or culturally specific than “God.” Your parents - most especially your mother - can be considered your Source. Food, clothing, shelter... sources of survival. That, in my opinion, is the kind of emotional connection and relationship that allows us to interact and commune with the Divine in the most intimate, healing, healthy, and hopeful ways. 
(2) Certain aspects of Hindu and Buddhist philosophy have an intricate way of explaining why some are meant to perpetuate the needs and desires of daily / cyclical human life, while others are meant to work and live more closely with Source. I use these as examples because certain texts and concepts within these traditions have been translated and interpreted for a western audience over the last 40-50 years, and may be more immediately accessible than other ideologies. If you go for the ancient texts first, just know you’ll need to filter through what I call the “human shit” (sexism, politics of the era) to get to the underlying truths that can help you deepen your spiritual practices. (sidebar: I think this is what those “caste” systems were SUPPOSED to be about - interpreting the flow of human life and integrating our unique, personal destinies into an overarching social construct, not oppression and domination. But, humans love a hierarchy.)
(3) In contrast to the “fuck the world” cynics, loners, or folks with outsized egos willful enough to claim places they didn’t earn. And, hell, that energy has its place. They seem to have it easier, right? But we’re all prone to thinking the grass is greener where we don’t have to water it. 
(4) Why do you think elder-ship is revered in so many pre-colonial / indigenous cultures? Youth has its advantages, but most of us have to grow into ourselves, and that takes time. Even when you’re blessed with precocious emotional intelligence, there are some things you only learn through living. Allow yourself the grace to move through life at your divine pace.
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ts-unsolved · 5 years
Final Wrap-up for Chapter One
((since chapter one will be coming to a close shortly and there is still an assortment of questions left over, here is a masterpost of responses to queries that couldn’t be addressed during the story! 
[reminder: the ask box will be left open, however the characters are not available. please keep in mind that non-plot related questions will not be answered by the characters after this post.]
Anonymous said: ((Just wanted to tell you your drawings are so pretty and I love ur blog. That is all I have no braincells to ask questions))
Thank you! Sorry I didn’t always get around to answering asks like this, but for every one that was sent in, I appreciated it with all my heart. You guys are angels 💖
Anonymous said: What is one haunted location you guys would really like to visit someday?
Poveglia is definitely the highest on the list for the notoriety alone, although they would likely never get the permission to go (the history in general is almost excessively horrible and tragic, so nothing good would come out of doing an episode there. Maybe it’d be good as a final-chapter type location? 🤔).
@anxious-fander-bean​ said: Hey Logan, have you ever tried swing dancing? It's really fun and good excersize! There's also a lot of bouncing and upbeat music, so Patton might enjoy it as well! ((I'm doing it. I need the qpp boys to be happy and have fun, bc they deserve it.))
(LOGAN: I’ll...consider it.)
You did it, you got them to go on some good ol’ platonic dates! B)
Anonymous said: I feel bad that I don't have any deep question or something along those lines, but what's your favorite thing to bake, Pat? - 💐
That’s alright! Questions don’t have to be deep to be fun/interesting. 
(PATTON: Cupcakes! You can make so many different flavors, and there are tons of fun ways to decorate them!)
@why-should-i-tell-youu2 said: Why cant anyone else see the seal?
You need to have The Sight to be able to see demon sigils. Patton has this ability naturally, and Dee has it because Elliott taught it to him. Otherwise, Virgil and Roman would be the closest in terms of gaining this ability, but a scared/skeptical part of them is holding them back. 
Anonymous said: My good dorks, is there a way to, I don’t know, get a better/more effective charm for your office? One that costs more than $10? -🍁
Anonymous said: Hey, Logan, potential naturalistic explanation for ya: depending on what the charm was made of, shifts in ambient room temperature could have caused minuscule expansions and contractions in the material that would eventually crack the charm. Do I believe my own explanation? Absolutely not. Am I grasping at straws for a non-supernatural explanation? Absolutely. And ambient room temperature doesn’t even begin to explain the red symbol around the charm
(LOGAN: Our budgeting is already a mess as it is, the last thing we need is to waste more funds on decorations. And that theory seems much more reasonable than the contrary explanation.)
Anonymous said: Is the demon that Pavreen summoned the same demon that possessed Elliott?
Anonymous said: Welp Virge SUMMONED A DEMON- (Why do I have a feeling Remy was the demon that possessed Elliot-)
Nope, they’re all different demons! The demon that Parveen summoned is notoriously difficult to contact, so a bunch of teenagers wouldn’t have been able to do it. Likewise for Remy; you can only summon him once you have his True Name, and he’s already destroyed most references to that (sorry Patton).
Anonymous said: omg omg omg what part of mythology is remy part of???
He’s not from any particular mythology, but he is partly based off of Alps from German folklore and the general mythology around sleep paralysis!
Anonymous said: Can Patton see supernatural beings like ghosts and demons and stuff? I just think it would be interesting if his scars make him able to see them :3c
Anonymous said: If both Dee and Patton can see the sigil, and Dee can see ghosts, does that mean Pat can see ghosts too? With the whole red glowing thing (forgot what its called) it seems to be connected.
Yes he can see ghosts/demons, and you’re right that the scars (or rather the deal with the demon which gave him his powers and scars) are what lead to him being able to do it. The red is just a general indicator of something supernatural/not of our Realm.
Anonymous said: Wait so if Patton and his family all have that mark could that mean Patton is not completely human 👀 -🌈
I supposed you could say that Patton’s not entirely human because he’s a witch who was born without a soul, but he’d find that pretty offensive tbh.
Anonymous said: Are Elliott and Patton maybe related, even distantly? Also, roman needs to suck it up and have Feelings for the Snake Man
There’s no relation between Elliott and Patton. Elliott is the child of a seer and a psychic, Patton is the son of witches. They’re similar, but different. (Also you’re assuming that Roman hasn’t liked the Snake Man since high school, but considered him off-limits because he’s his brother’s best friend).
Anonymous said: Does Patton know that Dee can see spirits and does Dee know that Patton is protecting them all?
Anonymous said: Dee, pat, do you know that each other can see the sigil? 
Anonymous said: is ... is patton a witch and dee a dee-mon and that's why they don't like each other.....?
Anonymous said: Pat what do you think about making deals with demons?
They’re both aware of each other’s secrets! Technically they’re both doing their best to protect everyone, but that doesn’t mean they agree with each other’s methods or bond over the shared responsibility. 
Patton is indeed a witch, and Dee is a regular human who happened to summon a demon one time. Patton thinks Dee is the occult equivalent of a satanist, which he disagrees with because dark magic is unnatural/dangerous in his eyes (making deals with demons only leads to trouble!), and would prefer Dee not endanger his friends. Dee doesn’t like Patton because of his perceived moral superiority, and finds the way he can be so secretive and two-faced creepy 
Regardless, they’re both sitting in glass houses and have more in common than they think.
Anonymous said: Patton Should Hug Dee *
Maybe. But he won’t. 8′D
Anonymous said: Since Dee has been able to see ghosts for a long time, was he an open believer in ghosts before Elliot died? Since it was mentioned that the reason he lies about his belief is because he knows that they're dangerous, he wouldn't have had a reason to hide it in the past. And if he did are any of the others aware of the belief change? Well, besides Remus. I'm guessing that one is pretty obvious.
He may have been more involved as a believer in the past, though that doesn’t mean he was ever super open about it. He was aware of how it would look like to outsiders (being genuinely skeptical at one point himself), so he wasn’t going to paint a target on his back by talking about ghosts and demons and things most people can’t see.
Of course, that didn’t stop people from stereotyping and making those sorts of assumptions about their friend group anyway, but no one besides them really knew about their secret-- not even Virgil.
Anonymous asked: What would happen if one time, the gang ended up getting something supernatural on camera?
The result of that would depend on the being. Ghosts can kinda appear on camera, although it’s very rare for them to appear as a full bodied apparition, which is why they usually only manifest in spirit orbs or light/shadows. Poltergeists are better since they’re able to interact with objects, but likewise since they can’t manifest into a physical form they can easily be brushed off. Demons and other miscellaneous creatures will straight up not appear if captured directly on film; you’ll simply get video glitches and distortions.  
So essentially, they may technically have found something already, but capturing evidence that’s also compelling is a lot more difficult than you’d think. I imagine there’s a good chance that anything legitimate wouldn’t get taken too seriously because of how easy it is to fake evidence nowadays.
Anonymous said: Okay so a little bit of a rant but not really ig but imagine the ladylike and unsolved crossover for this AU like I can see it as like Thomas' friends dressing up Roman and Dee in style and seeing a blushing mess and maybe flirting going on because of how good the clothing complements each other but this is kinda a weak idea lol
It’s not a weak idea at it, it’s really cute! (though I may just have a soft spot for the Ladylike cast and crossovers). 
The only thing to note is that I’ve chosen not to include Thomas’ friends in this AU because I personally weird about writing fiction about real people? (I was on the fence about including character!Thomas for a while too, tbh). So, apologies to anyone who’s sent similar asks or wanted to see any of Thomas’ friends; they wont be around!
Anonymous said: Did Dee and Remus ever have that talk Dee said he would try to have a while back????
They might have gotten the opportunity to chat back when Remus came back to help shoot the Room 1046 video. It wouldn’t have been a complete reconciliation by any means (dealing with years of baggage in one sitting is Hard), but now Remus is aware that Dee is open to discuss things again at some point in the future, so progress!
Anonymous said: wait wHAT?! When did he (Emile Picani) die?? Give us the deets oh wise one
Anonymous said: emile is... dead? what happened?
I see y’all, but unfortunately you’re not getting any answers from me just yet! You’ll have to wait until the next chapter~.
Anonymous said: Shit is about to go down and I am worried about the next ghost "adventure"
:) Don’t Worry About It.))
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sionnachoir · 4 years
FT Request: Chapter 516 from the POV of Wendy/Wendy's heartbeat
(i rewrote this like 4 times fhjgfbdj i hope u like it tho! i kinda followed the anime more. also cliffhanger ig? It got p long n i was lime yall r gonna end up catching some z’s if i go on anymore)
Warnings: Mentions of violence, blood
Words:  1,870
“Give me my life back!” The redhead called out angrily. “I don’t want this wretched body!” Erza used her sword to stop herself from flying back any further, her eyes full of determination as she gazed at her mother. 
“Then I’ll free you from your misery!” Her voice was strong and steady, Wendy had always admired how strong she was. “Wendy!” Wendy nodded, already knowing what needed to be done without having to hear it. “Right! All physical abilities up! Deus Eques!” The now pink haired dragon slayer called up, energy forming around her as she cast the enchant. 
Erza prepared to attack, Irene grinned smugly. “Clever. Separation enchant. Deus Zero!” Wendy frowned. “I cancel your Deus Zero with my own Deus Zero!” Irenes eyes widened. “She can cast such high-level enchanter spells?” Worry briefly slipping into her before she shook it off, grinning as Erza readied her sword. 
“This is the end.” The younger redhead called out, preparing to strike down her mother. She made contact, her sword hitting her in the head. Instead of falling down like she had expected she again spoke in an almost casual tone. “I finally see it, Erza.” She grinned. “I finally understand the truth behind enchanter magic.” Without giving either the time to respond she continued. “Was it because you were a baby?” She questioned to herself.
“Was it because you were family that it failed? Or because enchanting a personality onto a human is impossible to begin with? The answer is no.” Blood dripped from her face slowly, the dark red substance a contrast to her pale skin. “Now i see that compatibility was the key all along.” Ezra felt fear fill her, eyes widening. 
“But now, standing before me, is one who is both a dragon slayer and an enchanter, with a young body that’s also safe from the dragon transformation.” A wicked grin took over her features, fists clenching.  Wendy’s eye’s widened before she felt pulses run through her body. Fear began to fill her mind, was this woman really going to take her from her body?
Wendy’s mind went blank before another thought could even begin to cross. Erza spun around, looking at her with horror and worry. “You don’t mean-” She cut herself off, noticing a dark energy beginning to cover the young dragon slayers body. “Ahh, how long I’ve waited for this.” Erza’s eyes widened, she still sounded like Wendy. “Her magic will be weaker but that’s fine.” Erza felt sick, she couldn’t hurt her.
“Wendy!” She called out, her voice filled with desperation. “A new body. A new life. Irene is reborn.” She grinned, it looked out of place on Wendy’s sweet features. “With this new body of mine.” Erza shook her head. “No, this can’t be.”  Irene began to list off the injury's Wendy’s body had sustained. “Look at this body, how adorable.” Erza looked at her in anger before a choking noise caught her attention, she looked over to Irene’s old body, watching as it collapsed. 
Wendy chucked. “That’s nothing but a pile of flesh now.” Erza spun around. “Where is Wendy?” She questioned, wondering what had happened to her. Irene’s reply felt as though someone had poured ice into her veins. “She’s nowhere anymore. Or... You could say she is me.” Erza clenched her teeth. “Enough of this! Get out of Wendy right now!” She demanded, anger fuelling her as she charged towards Irene.
Wendy laughed, the cruel sound sounded foreign coming from the young woman. “You dimwitted child.” Her voice was mocking. “This isn’t a form of possession!” She raised her leg before swinging it around to kick Erza in the stomach once she had gotten close enough. 
“I have become this girl, literary! Sorry, but mom made herself young again without you. Her voice was teasing and it angered Erza more, Erza flew back from the impact of the kick. “You’re despicable!” She spat out, eyes widening as Irene aimed another attack. 
All Erza could see was blue. “Hmm, my magic power hasn’t decreased as much as i thought. I guess this girl had that much potential to begin with.” Irene spoke to herself before addressing Erza. “Now, then. Playtime’s over.”
“It wouldn’t be right for this cute little girl to be a mother. So, as you can see, my new life cant begin..” She trailed off, preparing another attack to launch on her kin. Unleashing her power. “Until I’ve erased your existence!” Erza flew back with the force, her body hurting. Irene smirked to herself. “Sky dragon slayer magic.. Is this how it works?” She livitated into the air, hitting Erza with another attack.
She let out a pained groan. “Wendy! Push her out!” She shouted, hoping to get through to the young girl. Irene shook her head. “It’s no use. Her “Self” Is dead. As of today, I am Wendy. Wendy Belserion!” Erza wanted to cry, she couldn’t bare the thought of never seeing the little dragon slayer again.  
Erza shook her head. “I wont..” She launched herself up, rocketing towards Wendy. “Let you take Wendy!” She was determined to bring her back, she wouldn’t leave her behind. Erza refused to.
She appeared a sword, ready to hit her target before her voice stopped her train of thought. “You really think you can cut this body?” Irene questioned, already knowing she couldn’t. Erza paused, a memory flashing before her eyes.
“Parting with a loved one always brings pain..” Erza’s voice was soothing as she rubbed Wendy’s back. “But your friends will sooth it.” Wendy turned to her, tears filling her eyes. “Come with us. To fairy Tail!” Erza offered, a kind, gentle smile gracing her features.
She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t bring herself to hurt Wendy, so many memories flashed through her head. All the times they had spent together, the battles they had had. They all came rushing through her mind. 
“This time, I’ll protect you.” The ghost of the words Wendy had muttered in the bath house flew past her, her hands shook as she held her blade. Irene struck her against the face, Erza let go of her sword. Her voice coming out in a choked, pained gasp.
“Your so soft.” The words sounded bitter. “Armour enchant, explode!” Erza cried out in pain. “Only minor wounds?” Erza’s voice was confused, Wendy was strong and so was Irene, It should’ve done more damage. Irene’s eyes widened in horror as she watched her old body begin to stand. “All attributes and resistances up... Deus Corona.” Wendy stood to her feet, struggling. “Since were both enchanters I thought I could do the same trick too. It took a little while.. but its me! its Wendy Mrs Erza!. Erza and Irene’s eyes were trained on her. 
Wendy let out a breath, hand coming up to cup her breast. “This chest... is so hefty...” She trailed off. “This is not possible!” Irene shouted, anger etched onto her face. “This little girl performed a full personality enchantment?” She couldn’t believe what was happening in front of her.
Wendy grinned, the blood caking her forehead cracking. “Your magic power is incredible. Choosing to enter my body was a big mistake.” She began casting a spell, a fiery ball appearing between her hands which she launched at her body, telling Erza to duck. Irene tried to fight back using Wendy’s magic but was failing. “Separation enchant!” Wendy called out, she was getting her body back.
“You intend to drag me out of this body?” Irene called out, fear filling her voice. “Yes, your magic power is stronger, remember.” Wendy felt victorious watching Irene get dragged out of her body. “Just.. Who are you?” Irene called out, terrified at how this young girl could be so powerful. 
“I’m taking my body back!” I’d love to have your large chest but I've lived my entire life in that small body!” Wendy spoke, her voice strong. “Curse you!” Irene shrieked, beginning to damage her own body. Erza’s eye’s widened in  shock. “Let’s see you take it back now! it took so long to get this body! I wont give it back! I refuse.” Her voice was almost hysterical as she screeched. 
Wendy frowned. “The scars on that body are symbols of the life I’ve lived. They're medals of honour i gained while fighting for fairy tail!.” She meant every word, every scar that covered that body was proof of what she had been through. Proof of how far she would go for the people she loved, she wasn't letting that get away. “I don’t care how much more scarred it gets! That body carries all the memories of the people it holds dear!.” 
Erza had to shield herself from the force of their magic, she called out Wendy’s name. She felt moved by the young womans words, she could see how much she had grown in such a short time. She held nothing but adoration for her. She was incredible, she was strong. 
“Damn you!” Irene called as she and Wendy were returned to the right bodies. Wendy stumbled, calling out Erza’s name before falling to her feet. Erza panicked. “Wendy, are you back?” She was desperate for an answer. “Yes.. Can I.. Leave the rest.. To You?” Erza smiled and nodded, of course she could. “I’ll put an end to this.” 
“You wretched little girls.” A dark look filled the woman's face, Erza ignored her. “I’ll finish this quickly, Wendy.” Now she didn’t have to hold back, she would get revenge for her friend. “Quickly you say? Don’t make me laugh.” She sent out a blast, Erza dodging it quickly. “You’re dealing with 400 years of magic power!” Irene called out, sending off some red bubbles as Erza swiftly dodged them. Wendy watched anxiously, all she could do right now was lie there and watch as they fought.
The bubbles seemed to shoot out, trying to hit her yet she expertly dodged each one that chased her. “For 400 long years I’ve protected you. Yet you turned out completely useless when you were born! And now your denying me my happiness?”  Rage filled Irene as she continued her attacks.
Erza ignored her words. “I understand the misery you’ve been through. But.. i cannot afford to loose!” She wouldn’t loose, for Wendy. Irene cursed her out. “What could you possibly know of my misery?” She was borderline hysterical. “After you abandoned me in that village a cult kidnapped me. For years they treated me as their proper.” Although Wendy had already know her heart still broke with Erza’s words. 
“Sure its not much compared to your 400 years. But.. I became who I am now because of who I was then.” Her voice was steady and strong as she dove into the air, readying her sword. “I even met people I hold dear! And I overcame other painful events because my friends were there for me!” Wendy’s eyes teared up, she was incredible. 
She landed the attack on Irene. “I despise your entire existence!” The older woman called out, anger fuelling her. I never should’ve had you! Die! Die! Die! Disappear forever!” Irene began to transform, scales covering her body as she clashed with Erza.
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raganandhersurveys · 4 years
3/1/21~5000 question survey 1-100 {CXV}
I started this about 2 years ago and never finished so I’m going to restart and see how far I can get. I’d love to get it done before the end of the year but I am definitely not holding myself to that statement haha. Here we go pt. 2 
(also shoutout to @lovemesomesurveys for doing this so i could get the questions from one source. Thanks girl! <3!!
1. Who are you?
~my name is ragan
2. What are the 3 most important things everyone should know about you?
1. I am very outgoing and fun loving 
2. I have a big heart but am not afraid to speak my mind
3. I hope I can one day pursue a career in fashion
3. When you aren't filling out 5,000 question surveys like this one what are you doing? 
~hanging out with my friends, doing hw, eating, or talking to my bf haha
4. List your classes in school from the ones you like the most to the ones you like the least (or if you are out of school, think of the classes you did like and didn't like at the time). 
~choir, drama appreciation, geology, american gov. 
5. What is your biggest goal for this year? 
~to begin to plan out “big girl things” in my life. i’ll be a freshman in college in the fall and i really wanna feel confident about my future(if that’s possible) so saving money, getting a real job, looking into new opportunities, etc. (if you have any advice, plz send my way haha:))
6. Where do you want to be in 5 years? 
~to feel a little secure in my job or career pathway, or at least have a plan
7. What stage of life are you in right now? 
~the ending of my teenage years :(
8. Are you more child-like or childish? 
~neither honestly 
9. What is the last thing you said out loud? 
~i was singing along to a song haha
10. What song comes closest to how you feel about your life right now? 
~8teen by khalid haha
11. Have you ever taken martial arts classes? 
12. Does your life tend to get better or worse or does it just stay the same? 
~it’s honestly one big rollercoaster. i have my good days and bad days but i try to keep a positive mindset:)
13. Does time really heal all wounds? 
~it doesn’t necessarily heal it but it does help it some
14. How do you handle a rainy day? 
~usually stay inside or take a nap. if it rains for a long period of time i tend to get a headache so i usually take a nap haha
15. Which is worse...losing your luggage or having to sort out tangled holiday lights?
~losing luggage for sure 
16. How is your relationship with your parents? 
~pretty good. my dad and i are super close. my mom and i have our moments but i love her
Will you miss them when they are gone? 
~are you kidding?!?! i don’t know how i’ll recover from losing them tbh
17. Do you tend to be aware of what is going on around you? 
~for the most part yes; i’m pretty good at reading the room
18. What is the truest thing that you know? 
19. What did you want to be when you grew up? 
~gosh so many different things; teacher, pharmacist, reporter, author, family therapist, actress 
20. Have you ever been given a second chance? 
21. Are you more of a giver or a taker? 
~both tbh
22. Do you make your decisions with an open heart/mind?
23. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you? 
~i had to go to the hospital one time because my stomach was hurting so bad I thought i was gonna die. i don’t think anything except child birth could beat that
24. What is the most emotionally painful thing that has ever happened to you? 
~some things my mom has said to me
25. Who have you hugged today? 
~honestly no one :(
26. Who has done something today to show they care about you? 
~i can’t think of anything but i’m sure there was something 
27. Do you have a lot to learn? 
~for sure. i don’t think we should ever stop
28. If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by working what would they be?
~how to start my own clothing brand, how to make straight a’s, and to cook perfectly
 29. Which do you remember the longest: what other people say, what other people do or how other people make you feel? 
~how they make me feel fo sure 
30. What are the key ingredients to having a good relationship? 
~communication, loyalty, passion, 
31. What 3 things do you want to do before you die? 
~have a successful job, find the love of my life, and travel the world 
 32. What three things would you want to die to avoid doing? 
~having to get divorced, letting down my future children, and emotionally traumatizing someone 
33. Is there a cause you believe in more than any other cause? 
~not a cause, but i’m a christain and that’s the truest thing in my life 
34. What does each decade make you think of:
The 19.. 
 20's: flapper dancers and the roaring 20s
 30's: the great depression and poverty
 40's: world war II and classic movies
50's: sock hops and diners
 60's: iconic fashion and audrey hepburn
 70's: my dad and classic rock
 80's: the breakfast club and how much i wished i grew up then ahahah
 90's: rnb and friends
 2000 (so far): brittany spears and my early childhood
 2010's: middle school and social media 
 35. Which decade do you feel the most special connection to and why?
~the 80s because i’ve always felt like that was the decade for me. that’s when my mom grew up and i envy her so much for growing up then. but also the 2000s because that was my early childhood and its crazy to think i’ll never get those days back 
36. What is your favorite oldie/classic rock song? 
~stairway to heaven: led zeppelin
37. What country do you live in and who is the leader of that country? 
~the usa and president biden 
If you could say any sentence to the current leader of your country what would it be?
~you good homie?
38. What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night? 
~i rarely watch live tv
39. What Disney villain are you the most like and why? 
~bahah probs ursula because if i knew ariel could sing like that, i’d steal her voice too
40. Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout? 
41. If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat? 
~neither but a boat in the middle of the ocean during a storm would be terrifying 
42. Why is the sky blue during the day and black at night? 
~the sun?
43. What does your name mean? 
~i just looked it up and apparently it means noble LMFAO
44. Would you rather explore the deeps of the ocean or outer space? 
~neither. both of those sound like a bad idea 
45. Word association What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the word:
Air: traffic
Meat: steak
Different: breed
Pink: drink
Deserve: freedom
White: elephant 
Elvis: graceland
Magic: treehouse
Heart: pump
Clash: boom
Pulp: fiction
46. If you could meet any person in the world who is dead who would you want it to be? 
~audrey hepburn 100%
47. What if you could meet anyone who is alive? 
~jimmy garoppolo ;))
48. Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it everyday?
~not everyday but i’m always down for a lotr/hobbit marathon
49. You are going to be stuck alone in an elevator for a week. What do you bring to do? 
~a phone with some kind of wifi box so i can gtfo lmao
 50. Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved?
~uhhhh not that i can think of 
51. Make up a definition for the following silly words... 
 Fruitgoogle: a website you can search up fruits with
 Ambytime: free time
 Asscactus: an annoying person
 52. What was the last thing you made with your own hands?
~this little gift bag for my mom’s students 
53. What was your favorite toy as a child? 
~american girl dolls omfg 
54. How many TV’s are in your house? 
55. What is your favorite thing to do outside? 
~swimming or just being at the beach
56. How do you feel when you see a rainbow? 
57. Have you ever dreamt a dream that came true? 
~i have dreamed about people and then met them which is a super weird experience 
58. Have you ever been to a psychic/tarot reader? 
59. What is your idea of paradise?
~i think it would be a couple of different places or themes because i love to see the beauty in a lot of different ideas
60. Do you believe in god and if so what is he/she/it like? 
~absolutely. He’s just and loving 
61. Do you believe in Hell? 
62. What one thing have you done that most people haven't? 
~i honestly cannot think of anything 
63. What is the kindest thing you have ever done?
~i’ve done some volunteer stuff for other people so ig something like that 
64. Are you a patient person? 
~i try to be 
65. What holiday should exist but doesn't? 
~free shopping day where only i can shop for free :))))))
66. What holiday shouldn't exist but does?
~i love all the holidays 
67. What's the best joke you ever heard? 
~apparently none because i can’t think of one
68. Where is the most fun place you have EVER been? 
~southpoint mall in charlotte. it was shopper’s heaven 
69. Is your hair natural or dyed? 
~all natural .
70. Do you have any deep dark secrets or are you pretty much up front? 
~none that are interesting 
71. What is under your bed right now? 
~dust and stuff from my childhood
72. If you were in the Land of Oz would you want to live there or go home? 
~gtfo bahaha
73. If you drive do you frequently speed? 
74. What is the world's best song to dance to? 
~depends on what kind of dancing. any 2000s club song is an absolute banger 
75. What song was on the last time you danced with someone?
~some tik tok sound. just a gen z kid here :)
76. Do you prefer Disney or Warner Brothers? 
~probs disney 
77. What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo? 
~otters or tigers 
78. Would you consider yourself to be romantic?
~if i’m crazy about you, absolutely. .
79. If the earth stopped rotating would we all fly off? 
~ig lol
80. What is the one thing that you love to do so much that you would make sacrifices to be able to do it? 
~travel all over 
81. If you (and everyone) had to lose one right or freedom, but you could pick which one everyone had to lose, what would you pick? 
~i’m sorry that’s too stressful lol
82. If you had to choose would you live on the equator or at the North Pole? ~equator. i hate the cold 
83. Would you rather give up listening to music or watching television?
~tv. i can’t live w/o music
84. What do you think makes someone a hero? 
~being selfless 
85. What cartoon would you like to be a character in? 
~powderpuff girls 100%
86. Name one thing that turns your stomach:
87. What was the last thing you paid for? 
~clothes from shein
88. Are you a coupon clipper?
89. Get anything good in the mail recently? 
~not super recently 
90. Which would you rather take as a gym class...dancing, sailing, karate, or bowling? 
91. In Star Trek people 'beam' back and forth between different places. What this means is they stand in a little tube and their molecules are deconstructed and sent to another tube somewhere else where they are reassembled. Only problem is when the molecules are deconstructed the person is dead. When they are put back together it is only a clone that has all the dead person's memories. So... Is the person who gets beamed the same person on both ends? 
~no because the real person died, so it’s a clone but not the original
92. What insects are you afraid of? 
~roaches and wasps
93. If you could print any phrase on a T-shirt, what would it say? 
~”she stressin’ over her wardrobe” 
94. What's the most eccentric thing you have ever worn? 
~i have these huuuuge tiger earrings that are freaking extra. i wore them with green corduroy flair pants and a brown stripped shirt and literally looked like the 70s threw up on me hahah
95. If you could pick one food that you could eat all you wanted but it would have no effect on how much you weigh, what food would it be? 
~chick fil a
96. What are your parents interested in? 
~my mom loves 70s tv shows and christmas lol and my dad likes classic rock and anything to do with christianity
97. Have you ever caught an insect and kept it as a pet?
~we used to catch lightning bugs in a jar when i was little and put them in a jar.
98. What is more helpful to you, wishes or plans?
~uhhh plans....lol
99. When do you feel your life energy the strongest? 
~when i’m hanging out with friends or at a high energy place like an amusement park or concert
100. You are spending the night alone in the woods and may bring only 3 items with you. What do you bring?
~water, a flashlight, and something for protection like a gun
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars XXVI (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: Okay so I have a sort of “fancast” for how I imagine Erick to be, and I’ll gladly show you who I see when I write him, BUT you can still imagine him differently if you want, so be ready to see his lovely face one of this days
Words: 2,849
Warnings: Some nasty slugs, uh hints of bad family relationships ig??
Series’ Masterlist
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Chapter Eight: Ron Eats Slugs.
"You can't miss the defense against the dark arts lessons-"
"You can't tell me what to do."
"You have to respect him! He's a teacher!" Hermione whispered angrily.
Ron sat down in front of them and said Harry was at Quidditch practice.
"Maybe we can still catch him," Ron offered, "once I'm done with breakfast..."
While she waited, she finally decided to open her mother's letter.
She'd been way too nervous the whole week to open it, afraid of what might be inside.
'Mel Dumbledore.
I can't even imagine why would you do such a thing on your very first day. I'm speechless. Mr. Weasley’s car? I don't understand why you thought that was a good idea.
Maybe you were just following Ron and Harry's lead, which I must say, is a little disappointing.'
Mel didn't want to keep reading, but she figured it was better to get it over with.
'-You should never base your actions on what other people expect you to do, Mel. Not even if that person is one of your closest friends. How do you expect to become your own whole witch if you keep following other people's tails?
I'm not angry, I'm sad that you didn't trust your own instinct -let's be honest, I know for sure that whole adventure wasn't your idea- please, next time you're in trouble, take a deep breath and do what's best for you, and not what others would prefer you to do.
Be good. I'll wait for your reply,
"I'm a failure," Mel pouted.
"How come?" Hermione looked up.
"My mum says she's disappointed because I went along with Ron's idea instead if insisting on staying."
"How does she know it wasn't your idea?" Ron frowned.
"She's my mum," Mel replied sternly, "besides, I suppose Dumbledore explained the whole thing to her."
"At least you learned the lesson and you weren't expelled," Hermione shrugged, "but see, this is what I mean, you can't just abandon your studies, Mel. You have a second chance."
"I really think you're wrong," Mel sighed, "but I don't dare to hurt my mum more than I already did..."
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The toasts were cold by the time Harry went out to the field, he saw them on the bench and approached with a weary expression.
"Aren't you finished yet?" asked Ron.
"Haven't even started," said Harry, his eyes flicked to the toasts Hermione and Ron were eating, "Wood's been teaching us new moves."
"Take one," Mel said lovingly, offering the toasts, "you can't play with an empty stomach, remember?"
Harry blushed, lightly mumbling a 'thank you', and devouring it.
As he mounted on his broom and flew around with Fred and George, Colin Creevey started to take pictures.
"Look this way, Harry! This way!"
"You know, say what you want about Ginny," Mel mentioned as she watched the younger boy, "but at least she doesn't follow Harry around with a camera..."
"I still don't understand why she's so shy around him," Ron frowned, "it's so weird"
"She likes him," Mel shrugged, "people act oddly around the person they like, right?"
"I wouldn't know," He raised his eyebrows, "never liked anybody"
"Yeah," Mel sighed, her attention back on Harry, "Me neither..."
"Look, it's the Slytherin team," Hermione pointed to the large group of people nearing the field.
"Holy Snitch," Mel leaned over, squinting, "is that- it is! Malfoy- and they- they have new brooms!"
"All of them!"
"This can't be good," Ron stood up, "let's go."
The girls followed their friend down to the field.
"What's happening?" Ron asked Harry. "Why aren't you playing? And what's he doing here?"
"I'm the new Slytherin Seeker, Weasley," said Malfoy, "Everyone's just been admiring the brooms my father's bought our team. Good, aren't they? But perhaps the Gryffindor team will be able to raise some gold and get new brooms, too. You could raffle off those Cleansweep Fives; I expect a museum would bid for them."
The Slytherin team laughed.
"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in," said Hermione. "They got in on pure talent."
Mel couldn't have said it better.
"No one asked your opinion, you fiIthy little Mudblood."
"How dare you!" Alicia Spinnet gasped.
Ron pulled out his wand.
"You'll pay for that one, Malfoy!"
Mel didn't know what was going on and got even more confused once Ron fell back as if something had hit him.
"Ron! Ron! Are you all right?" Hermione kneeled next to him.
Ron was throwing up slugs. One after the other, it was gross.
"That wand..." Mel shook her head, trying to help him stand.
"We'd better get him to Hagrid's, it's nearest," said Harry and help her get Ron on his feet.
"What happened, Harry? What happened? Is he ill? But you can cure him, can't you?" Colin was now on the field, eagerly jumping around them like a puppy.
Ron puked a particularly huge slug.
"Oooh," said Colin, "Can you hold him still, Harry?"
"Get out of the way, Colin!" Harry demanded.
They walked as fast as possible, trying to avoid stepping on the hideous slugs Ron kept throwing up.
"Nearly there, Ron," said Hermione when they were a few meters away from Hagrid's hut, "You'll be all right in a minute - almost there -"
Suddenly, Gilderoy Lockhart emerged from the cabin.
"Quick, behind here," Harry hissed, and they took Ron behind a bush.
"It's a simple matter if you know what you're doing!" Lockhart was saying aloud. "If you need help, you know where I am! I'll let you have a copy of my book. I'm surprised you haven't already got one - I'll sign one tonight and send it over. Well, good-bye!"
They waited a few seconds, Ron still having not the greatest time. Hermione knocked on the door. Hagrid appeared quickly, for a second he looked like he was about to yell at them, but it soon changed into a smile.
"Bin wonderin' when you'd come ter see me - come in, come in - thought you mighta bin Professor Lockhart back again -"
Hagrid was not surprised by Ron's issue, he let Harry explained as Ron sat there, shaking uncontrollably.
"Better out than in," he said cheerfully, handing Ron a big bucket, "Get 'em all up, Ron."
"I don't think there's anything to do except wait for it to stop," said Hermione, "That's a difficult curse to work at the best of times, but with a broken wand-"
"What did Lockhart want with you, Hagrid?" Harry asked, scratching Fang's ears.
"Givin' me advice on gettin' kelpies out of a well," growled Hagrid, "Like I don' know. An' bangin' on about some banshee he banished. If one word of it was true, I'll eat my kettle."
"I think you're being a bit unfair. Professor Dumbledore obviously thought he was the best man for the job -" Hermione was quick to correct, but Hagrid interrupted.
"He was the on' man for the job," said Hagrid, "An' I mean the on' one. Gettin' very difficult ter find anyone fer the Dark Arts job. People aren't too keen ter take it on, see. They're startin' ter think it's jinxed. No one's lasted long fer a while now. So tell me," said Hagrid, looking at Ron. "Who was he tryin' ter curse?"
"We were on the Quidditch team and the Slytherin team walked up to them, Malfoy is the new seeker, apparently he bought his way in..."
"Malfoy called Hermione something -it must've been really bad, because everyone went wild"
"It was bad," said Ron finally able to speak, "Malfoy called her 'Mudblood,' Hagrid -"
That was all he could say before throwing up another bunch of slugs.
"He didn'!" Hagrid gasped.
"He did," she said, "But I don't know what it means. I could tell it was really rude, of course -"
"It's about the most insulting thing he could think of," gasped Ron, coming back up. "Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who is Muggleborn - you know, non-magic parents. There are some wizards -like Malfoy's family- who think they're better than everyone else because they're what people call pure-blood." He gave a small burp, and a single slug fell into his outstretched hand. He threw it into the basin and continued, "I mean, the rest of us know it doesn't make any difference at all. Look at Neville Longbottom -he's pure-blood and he can hardly stand a cauldron the right way up."
"An' they haven't invented a spell our Hermione can' do," said Hagrid proudly, making Hermione go a brilliant shade of magenta.
"It's a disgusting thing to call someone," said Ron, wiping his sweaty brow with a shaking hand. "Dirty blood, see. Common blood. It's ridiculous. Most wizards these days are half-blood anyway. If we hadn't married Muggles we'd've died out."
He retched and ducked out of sight again.
"Well, I don' blame yeh fer tryin' ter curse him, Ron," said Hagrid loudly over the thuds of more slugs hitting the basin. "Bu' maybe it was a good thing yer wand backfired. 'Spect Lucius Malfoy would've come marchin' up ter school if yeh'd cursed his son. Least yer not in trouble."
"His father is just as awful and annoying," Mel huffed, "one of this days, I don't know which one of us, but I'm sure we'll end up giving Malfoy the beating of his life"
"It won't be you, of course," Harry said sarcastically, "you hate getting into fights"
"Shut up, Glasses."
"Harry," said Hagrid abruptly, "Gotta bone ter pick with yeh. I've heard you've bin givin' out signed photos. How come I haven't got one?"
Mel snorted, taking a treacle fudge that Hagrid had kindly put on the table for them. Harry looked completely offended.
"I have not been giving out signed photos," he said, "If Lockhart's still spreading that around-"
"I'm on'y jokin'," He laughed, patting Harry so hard on the back he almost hit the table face-first, "I knew yeh hadn't really. I told Lockhart yeh didn' need teh. Yer more famous than him without tryin'."
"Bet he didn't like that," said Harry.
"Don' think he did," Hagrid grinned. "An' then I told him I'd never read one o' his books an' he decided ter go. Treacle fudge, Ron?"
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"Can I be your maid of honor, Glasses?" Mel teased as they walked back inside the castle, Hagrid mentioned that he'd found Ginny walking around his house trying to run into Harry, "If you and Ginny want to, of course, I'll be more than happy-"
"Stop," Harry snapped, "I don't tease you about Fred and George, so don't tease me"
"I just think it's so romantic!" She grinned.
"Of course you do, Mellow," He replied.
Mel gasped.
"I told you not to tell him about that stupid nickname!" Mel turned to look at Ron, who had shrunken in his place.
"Sorry! I didn't do it on purpose, we were talking the other day and it slipped!"
"It slipped -don't give me that look, Harry. The fact that you found a better nickname doesn't mean I'll stop calling you Glasses."
"I wasn't counting on it," He smirked.
"There you are," Professor McGonagall walked up to them, "You will do your detentions this evening."
"What're we doing, Professor?" said Ron, nervously suppressing a burp.
"You will be polishing the silver in the trophy room with Mr. Filch," said Professor McGonagall. "And no magic, Weasley - elbow grease."
"Miss Dumbledore will help Hagrid, and Potter will be helping Professor Lockhart answer his fan mail," said Professor McGonagall.
"Oh no - Professor, can't I go and do the trophy room, too?" said Harry, "Or help Hagrid?"
"Certainly not," said Professor McGonagall, "Professor Lockhart requested you particularly. Eight o'clock sharp, the three of you."
"Filch'll have me there all night," said Ron as they sat on the Gryffindor table, "No magic! There must be about a hundred cups in that room. I'm no good at Muggle cleaning."
"I'd swap anytime," said Harry, "I've had loads of practice with the Dursleys. Answering Lockhart's fan mail... he'll be a nightmare..."
Both of them looked at Mel with the same frown.
"You got the best deal," Ron complained, "helping Hagrid? He'll probably let you sit and watch"
"No, he'll probably make me work hard," Mel replied, "but I can't say I won't enjoy it, as long as it's not inside the forbidden forest..."
She made her way out of the castle alone after dinner, less upset than expected with her detention, humming absentmindedly to the dim afternoon light.
"Good evening," Said someone behind her.
Mel turned to see Erick, catching up to her.
"Mind if I join you, Miss?"
"I'm heading to detention," Mel informed him.
"I just want to tell you something," He said shortly.
"Well..." She eyed the boy curiously, "go ahead?"
"I didn't know about Malfoy- about him being the new seeker- I didn't know."
"Oh," Mel stopped walking, taken by surprise. "I wasn't expecting you to know."
"Good," He nodded, a soft frown upon his features, "I heard my brother making fun of the Weasley boy, is he alright?"
"He's better," Mel tilted her head, "Why does it bother you?"
"I'm not-" He said, then immediately he corrected, "I am- Not for him if I'm honest- I was worried about you, thinking I knew about Malfoy and decided not to tell you. I always knew my brother is an idiot but it never occurred to me that he'd be stupid enough to sell a position to someone that isn't even that good. We're surely gonna lose the cup again- not that I mind, I've never been a Quidditch fan myself, but you know... the house cup is a high stake to lose"
Mel observed him with a pensive expression, Erick raised a brow.
"The Weasleys are such a lovely family... they tease, and most of the time they're arguing, but they love each other," She shrugged, "it's just weird to me that you speak so poorly about your own brother, he's your family, you know... I thought purebloods were loyal to their own kind"
It seemed like she'd touched a sensitive subject. Erick's eyes shifted to an angry glare and he said, very coldly:
"Not everyone can have a pretty family, Miss. Not all purebloods are as likable as the Weasleys."
The girl tried to fix it, but it was too late.
"I didn't mean-"
"Good luck with detention," He turned around.
"You could come and meet Hagrid if you want?" She offered loudly, Erick was already half-way.
"I'll pass," The boy replied, climbing up the stairs and back to the castle.
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She was right about Hagrid, he made her work a lot but it was bearable and in the end, he let her go earlier than expected. At eleven she was already seated in the common room, finishing her History of Magic essay and softly stroking Grey's tiny head.
Once she was done, she wrote a letter to her mother, apologizing and promising she'd stay out of trouble for real this time. Then also wrote one for her uncle, he probably knew all the story by now, but Mel figured it was time to write to him anyway.
While looking for more ink, Erick's note fell from one of her books. Her stomach sank at the thought of their chat a few hours prior. Why did she always end up upsetting him? She wondered if being friends with him was actually a good idea.
Harry appeared around midnight.
"Oh," She jumped in her place, remembering she wasn't the only one who had detention, "how was it?"
"I... I'm not sure," He sat down next to her, the girl messily put her things away, "something odd happened while I was with Lockhart..."
"I heard a voice," Harry shook his head with incertitude, "it sounded like it was in the room with us but when I told Lockhart he said he hadn't heard a thing"
"What kind of things did it say?"
Harry shivered.
"Not happy things for sure"
She nodded, a bit confused by his statement. She figured he was just confused, but believed him. Harry had no reason to be lying about something like that.
"Maybe Malfoy found out where you were and decided to do that, you should ask Ron if he had some strange occurrence like yours once he's back"
Harry looked up.
"He's not here yet?"
"I don't think so, Hagrid let me go earlier and Hermione told me none of you had arrived yet"
His eyes landed on the fireplace, deep in thought.
"I don't feel like it was just a joke..."
"Cheer up," Mel searched for his hand and gave it a little squeeze, "at least our detention it's over!"
"Yeah, yes..." He looked back at her, trying to smile, "I'll go to bed, you should too"
"I will," She nodded and watched as Harry got up and left.
The girl picked up her things. She felt her skin tingle where Harry's hand had touched.
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Next Chapter —>
@tiphareth2018 @vampiregirl1797 @siriuslysirius1107 @celestialhayi @mikariell95 @thesuitelifeofafangirl @omiwashere​
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maouzenigame · 4 years
>but that isn’t what you asked about so I won’t do that. // hey, i won't say no, and i've been following your work for going on seven years now so i do place credit in your taste
Alright then, going with the ones I’ve actually played...
Phantasia is where it all started, and got several upgrades from its original Super Famicom version.  The one I played was the Full Voice version for the PSP, which did a decent enough job of updating it for more modern sensibilities.
Characters are great, villain is awesome, etc etc.  Definitely worth playing so long as you stay away from the GBA port.
Dhaos was right.
Destiny was my introduction to the series.  I found a copy at Gamestop way back when, and skipped like a full week of school just to play through it because I loved it just THAT much.
Great characters, and Lion is Best Boy who deserved better than he got.
Eternia is weird in that there’s nothing in particular that I absolutely love about it (aside from the special INDIGNATION cutin) yet it still completely sucks me in whenever I start playing it.  So I guess I do kind of love the game as a whole?
Battle system for this one saw a huge upgrade from the previous two entries, and is the earliest one that 100% holds up to this day gameplay-wise with no alterations to it whatsoever.
All hail Secondos.
Destiny 2 is a direct sequel to the original Destiny, and was the point at which the teams developing the series were split into two. 
Characters are nice, but the battle system can get really frustrating if you don’t know how to time the gauges and all that.
Though hiougi were already a series staple, this is the first one to really go ham with the intricacy and number of ones you could do.  My personal favorites were Zankuutenshouken(called the attack name out loud it along with Kyle every time I used it in the game) and SHINTENREKKUUZANKOUSENPUUMESSAISHINBATSUKASSATSUGEKI.
Judas best.
Symphonia serves as a prequel to Phantasia, and is the other branch of the dev team split.
It was the first game to ever get me to even come close to Chrono Trigger’s place as my Favorite Game Ever, and I completely broke its battle system by my third playthrough.
The OP for its Gamecube version held the title of best-directed of the entire series for years, and I think I’ll go watch it now that I’m thinking about it again.
My only real complaint is that its magic and moves in general are pretty bland, especially after the glory of SPECIAL VOICED CUTIN HIOUGI INDIGNATION in Eternia.
Regal best.
Abyss was the second game from Team Symphonia, and was sadly rushed for release in order to make it in time for anniversary.  Still pretty good though, and holds the honor of being the first game in the entire series to make every single character feasibly playable.
you could technically do so in all the previous games, but CHRIST playing as collet is the opposite of fun
Loved the huge twist midgame, though the story kind of lulls later on.
Rebirth was the second game from Team Destiny, and serves as the first departure from the traditional TP system that every game in the series had up until that point.
Presentation was good, but the story honestly never really pulled me in and I still have yet to finish it.
I did get my copy signed by Hiyama, though!
Legendia was a total departure from everything else at the time.  Charadesigns weren’t by Fujishima or Inomata, music wasn’t from Sakuraba, the dev team was completely different, all the animations were mocap, etc.
Despite my misgivings though, the series had never let me down so I preordered it at full price from Himeya (RIP) and WOW THIS GAME IS TRASH DO NOT PLAY IT.
Seriously.  It’s garbage.  Disappointment and regret.
Tales of Destiny 2 Remake.  Like the name says, it’s a remake of the original Destiny, in full PS2 sprite graphical glory.  With its battle system updated to a fully-realized version of Rebirth’s CC system.  And it is GLORIOUS.
Team Destiny went all-out with this one, and it freaking shows.  They took a game that I already liked, gave it the absolute best battle system that the series had to offer at the time, beautiful visuals, and glorious flashy awesome aerial combo glory.
The game really makes you feel like a Swordian Master.
And then if that wasn’t enough, a year later they put out a Director’s Cut with an entire separate scenario from Lion’s perspective and Jesus Christ this game is a masterpiece.
Innocence is the second handheld game that was meant to really be its own standalone thing, and it’s pretty good for what it was.
Then a few years later, they came out with a full remake for the PSP that really makes it worth playing.
Battle system is fairly simple but still good, and the story really got to me at points.
Ricardo best boy.
Inanna is TRASH.
Asras did nothing wrong.
Vesperia started out as an Xbox 360 exclusive, but then got a PS3 version that added another character and made Flynn fully playable and THEN it got a Switch port that’s also the latest release for the series as a whole.
It’s the last game by Team Symphonia, and is pretty much the culmination of everything they learned over the years as far as gameplay goes.
The characters are also great, and the story genuinely shocked me by how hard it went at points.  But with that said, it definitely drops off near the end.
Yuri is easily the coolest mainchara of the entire franchise.
Graces is the game that finally dethroned Symphonia as my second-favorite game ever.  Because it’s great.
It’s the last game by Team Destiny, and is once again the culmination of literally everything the series has shown up to that point.  Characters, battle system, visuals, it’s all up there in quality.
And yeah, I love it.  Because it’s great.
It’s also the last game to use Production IG for its anime cutscenes, after this point they switched over to Ufotable.
0 notes
rowdy-revenant · 7 years
The Beauty of a Beast - part 6
Characters: Y/N Singer, Castiel, Jack, Crowley (mentioned), Balthazar, Chuck, Charlie, Gabriel - future pairing of Gabriel x reader
Words: 1300+
Beta-reader: @nobodys-baby-now​
Chapter summary: After dinner you decide to break the number one rule; don’t go into the west wing.
A/N: I cut part of this out and added it to chapter 7. Also this is an au where Jack, Lucifer, and Castiel have a healthy familial relationship
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
[General masterlist] [Gabriel masterlist]
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Part 6 - Be Our Guest
You sat yourself down at a long and elegant dining room table. Castiel had ushered you here after some tea, Jack trailing closely behind, his positive attitude brightening up your strange and unpleasant evening.
Crowley had suggested, or rather insisted on a clothing change, claiming that you could use a better outfit. The tailor did have good taste. The clothes you wore were warm and much cleaner than what you previously had on.
Before you on the table was a meal you would only have on a holiday, though Castiel had told you it wasn’t much. A bowl of stew was in the middle, steam rising from it surrounding you with scents of fresh vegetables and herbs. Next to that was a plate of bread, a dish of butter and a knife next to it. In the front was a glass of water and one of wine.
“Our guest of honour!” Balthazar smiled. He walked down the length of the table towards you. “I see you’ve met Cas and Jack.”
You nodded. “So is Jack… his son?”
“Nephew.” A grand piano in the corner corrected. “Castiel is my brother.”
“That’s Lucifer.” Chuck explained.
“I can’t exactly visit my son in the kitchen. As you can see, I’ve grown quite a bit and can’t fit through the door.” Lucifer laughed. “But those two come see me. Cas cares for Jack when I can’t. I mean his mother…”
“Hasn’t been with us for a while.” Jack finished for his father.
Lucifer made a sound like he was clearing his throat, though it was more like a few low keys being played. “Yep.”
You picked up your spoon and started on the stew. It tasted as good as it smelled. When you’d finished a bit, you asked “How long have you been here?”
Chuck thought it over. “To be honest, we’ve lost track of time. The weather doesn’t change. We don’t seem to age, nor does the master. I guess the only way to be certain is to count the fallen p-”
“-pages of a calendar!” Balthazar cut in with an over enthusiastic voice. “Shame we don’t have one. Point is it’s been a long time. Too long.”
“Right…” You muttered, eyeing the candelabra before returning your focus to your meal. “Do you guys eat at all?”
Balthazar shook his head. “No. The master still does though. Some of us sleep, though we don’t need it. There just isn’t a lot else to do here.”
“So you were all human once. Even the beast?” You asked. “How did this happen?”
Nobody answered for a while. Everyone shared glances and unspoken words.
“Sometimes some questions are best left unanswered.” Castiel finally said.
When you’d finished your meal, everyone agreed it was time for you to go to bed. You offered to help clean up, but Chuck assured you it wasn’t necessary.
“Get some sleep,” Castiel instructed. “We can clean up here.”
You sighed. “Okay, okay. Thank you all again. You’re all too kind to me.”
“A little kindness goes a long way.” Charlie chirped, smiling.
Her smile was contagious. You could feel the corners of your mouth turn up.
So you left the dining room. The sun had long since set,  and the lamps along the wall lit your way. You headed up the stairs and to the-
You instinctively reached for the right hand banister, yet you couldn’t help but stop and turn towards the left staircase. Nothing was really stopping you from exploring the west wing. The servants were busy. The beast was nowhere to be seen. Just what was in there that you couldn’t know about? What secrets did this castle hide?
Against the instructions of the enchanted servants, you walked up the stairs to the west wing.
By comparison, the rest of the castle was in perfect condition. With every step you took up the stairs, dust rained down from the ceiling. The hall at the top hall was dark, yet you could still see the faded, peeling wallpaper. The west wing was a mirror image of the east. There were two large doors that were similar to those of the room you were staying in.
Your hand reached up and pulled open one of the doors. The creaking noise reverberated throughout the empty hall. Quickly and quietly, you slipped inside. Only after you entered, it hit you; this was the Beast’s room.
The room was massive, easily the biggest bedroom in the entire castle, illuminated by many candles. Against one wall was an unmade four poster bed. One of its curtains had fallen to the ground and laid in a pool of fabric. Golden and copper feathers were scattered around the floor.
Above the fireplace was an oil painting, destroyed by claw marks. Large scratches covered the face of a man. Carefully, you raised your hand and moved some of the torn canvas back into place.
He appeared to be around your age, and very, very handsome. The man’s face was more curved than angular. His nose was prominent and sharp, the tip of it ended with a faint little divot. His lips were well defined, the top one sticking a little further out in an overbite. Chin length hair that seemed to be a caramel between blonde and brown was slicked back, curls forming at the nape of his neck.
And his eyes… those eyes were familiar. A rare shade of amber. Deep, captivating, and beautiful. But cold and heartless. They seemed identical to that of… the Beast?
“No way…” You couldn’t help but murmur.
As you turned away you could see this room seemed to branch off into another one. This second area was more elevated, surrounded by panes of glass instead of walls and a ceiling. Some was broken, letting snowflakes float down to the ground. An open door lead to a large balcony that overlooked an unkempt garden.
In the middle of this room was a table. On the centre of it was a glass cloche, its surface intricately carved, containing a single rose. Somehow, it stood with nothing to hold it up. A soft light seemed to originate from the red petals. A few of those red petals had fallen and collected at the base, where they had shrivelled up. You could easily count the number that still remained on the stem.
You walked up the couple of steps to see the rose closer. It was magic, no doubt about it. Was a rose worth hiding? Was it worth this much secrecy? You reached your hand out to touch the glass cloche when a thud shook the ground.
The Beast had landed on the balcony, a snarl forming on his face. His wings were spread wide, casting a terrifying shadow. “What are you doing?! You shouldn’t be in here!” He growled as he stormed inside.
Quickly, you stepped away from the rose. The Beast seemed furious, even more sore than when you had refused dinner. Yet his voice wavered with the slightest hint of fear.
“No no no no! What did you do to it?!” The creature demanded, putting his paws on the glass and inspecting the flower.
“N- nothing!” You stammered. “I-”
“Get out.” The Beast growled. He turned you you, those amber eyes filled with anger. “GET OUT!”
You sure as hell didn’t have to be told twice. You ran as fast as your feet could carry you, out the room, down the hall, down the stairs.
Charlie flew by you as you approached the main staircase. “Wait, weren’t you going to-”
Ignoring her, you pressed on. The rest of the staff were exiting the dining hall and saw you attempting an escape.
“Wait!” Balthazar pleaded. “Please!”
“He said get out, so I’m getting the fuck out!” You yelled back.
“B-b-but it’s dangerous!” Chuck stuttered.
“Not as dangerous as the beast in here.”
~ Murdoch’s tag list - want to be added or removed? Send me an ask! ~
All fics: @a-r-c-h-a-n-g-e-l @ashiewesker @ashtheironbat @authoressskr @baritonechick @blessedbebucky @crowleysprincess159 @cynda-kiwi @d4rzill4 @fayepummeluff @feelmyroarrrr @gabriels-depressed-angel @hunters-hiraeth @impatient-witch @kristaparadowski @lenawiinchester @like-gabriel-and-castiel @madelineannmolder @negansgrimes @oldpaperfan @sdavid09 @shrimpdrake @sumara62 @tangle-of-ivy @team-barry @thehowling1234 @thewhiterabbit42 @treitike @tenderlybeautifulbarbarian @tyrex15 @unsink-the-titanic
All Supernatural: @gabriels-trix​
Gabriel: @elven-leaf​ @hiddles-and-skittles​ @hp-hogwartsexpress​ @im-gabriels-bitch​ @jannalionheart​ @elenawrit​ @trollhunter94​
The Beauty of a Beast: @a-michellerae-things @a-vast-african-plain​ @clockworkmorningglory @red-bandana-girl@icharleecongrevemultifandomsblog @person-born-winchester 
39 notes · View notes
1997 [8]
Previous parts
Characters: Dean Winchester, twin sister!reader, Sam Winchester, characters from 4x13, OC characters.
Words: 1100+
Warnings: None that I can come up with right now.
A/N: Last part! This one is just to kind of round things off, to get closure, like I mentioned in the last part. Also, I’m sorry this took some time to get out, but I’ve just had a lot to do lately. Please excuse any grammar errors/spelling mistakes, I literally just finished writing this haha
Also, if you want something to listen to, try Video Games - Lana del Rey. It’s what I listened to while writing this and I just like the feel of the song ♡
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You closed your locker for the last time, letting your hand run over the smooth, cold metal. There were now no signs that you had ever owned it, it just looked like one out of the bunch, insignificant and plain.
You let your hand drop to your side and placed your backpack over one shoulder as you let your gaze scan the corridor. It was empty just like the night before, but this time with students behind the closed classroom doors. You could feel the presence of them. The corridor was light too, golden sunlight flooding in from the windows. It had an airy feel to it as well, as opposed to every other time you’d walked through it, especially last night.
Speaking of which, it felt like more time had passed since the hunt than just hours. It almost felt like a dream, like it never really happened. Although you had your sprained ankle as proof. But still, even that felt much better, kudos to an icepack at the motel and then an ibuprofen.
You heard footsteps coming your way and looked over your shoulder to see none other than Dean walking up to you. He had his backpack flung over his leather clad back as well, and wore a relieved look he couldn’t wipe off his face. He hadn’t stated it out loud, but you knew he was happy to leave this place. Apparently he’d had a ’fight’ with Amanda — meaning that she humiliated him — and he just wanted to get out of this school, and town, seeing as he really hadn’t bonded with anyone else, not like you had.
You, on the other hand, were a bit sad to leave to be honest. You had grown quite fond of the town and a certain person that came with it, and besides, you would have loved to have a chat with Amanda about her public speech to your twin that made him feel this embarrassed.
”Ready to leave?” Dean asked, his eyebrows rising slightly on his forehead in a questionable manner. Both of you knew that your dad wouldn’t be too happy if you kept him waiting.
This is how it always had been, and how it always will be. Your father and his job dragging you from town to town, and just when you had adapted, you were ripped away once again.
”Yeah,” you responded, although you didn’t really want to. 
What was it to do about it anyway?
Jeremy was in the middle of chemistry class when something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. He didn’t even know why, there was merely one movement when he was surrounded by some ten others. Jeremy simply just followed his intuition, and the sight he saw made him furrow his eyebrows until his brain reregistered a sight which made his stomach twist.
Because there were you and Dean, walking quietly down the empty, still corridor, when you should’ve had a lesson at this very moment.
Before Jeremy noticed the words leaving his mouth, he’d asked the unknowing chemistry teacher Mr. Glover to be excused. And then he bolted outside of the classroom into the corridor just in time to see the door of the school closing, an echo following behind.
With rapid steps, he jogged towards it, and once he reached it, he flung it open, eyes squinting against the brightness.
You swung around at his voice, shielding your eyes against the sunlight with a hand, gazing up at Jeremy from the foot of the short stairs outside of the entrance. Once you saw who it was, you walked back up said stairs, and came to stand in front of him with a smile decorating your face.
Dean, who also had turned around at his twin sister’s name, then continued his way towards the curb where another younger boy — that Jeremy recognized as Sam — stood waiting, ruffling his hair as he stopped besides the kid.
”Hey, Jer.”
“You leaving?” Jeremy asked, and he couldn’t keep all of the disappointment out of his eyes, some still seeped through.
”Yeah, my dad’s back.” You nodded as you put your hands in the back pockets of your jeans.
Jeremy nodded too, and for a moment he didn’t know what to say. Behind you, a sleek, black car pulled up and parked next to Sam and Dean, who got inside.
”How are you feeling?” You then questioned as your eyes ran over his face and head, looking for any injuries.
”Better. Slept it off,” Jeremy responded. ”What exactly happened last night?”
”Well, it’s a long story, but we ran into each other at school. I guess we just thought there was somebody else there — you know with everything that’s been happening — and you tripped and hit your head as we left. And then Dean and I just kinda led you home, you know?”
Jeremy nodded at the vague explanation, but you both knew — deep down — that it was a lie. Jeremy saw in your enigmatic eyes that it wasn’t the whole truth, and you saw the doubt in his. But neither of you acknowledged it, and smiled shyly at each other, before you looking down at your feet broke your stare.
A car honking put an end to Jeremy’s train of thoughts about whether what he remembered from last night was true or not, and brought him back to the moment.
”Well, I should go…” you began. ”It’s been really nice knowing you, Jer.”
”Yeah, you too…” Jeremy’s voice trailed off, as this sinking feeling overtook his chest.
You nodded, and then turned around to leave, but you didn’t get too far.
Because Jeremy took his chance, and grabbed a hold of your hand, and as you turned to him, he planted a kiss on your lips. It wasn't too romantic, and it was hectic since you really had to go, but at least he had done it. You knew how he felt. If this was his only chance, he wanted you to know that.
At first you looked shocked and then you smiled. It wasn’t a happy smile, but even though your eyes were full of sadness, it was still beautiful. You squeezed his hand, and let it go.
Then (Y/N) Winchester joined her twin brother Dean, little brother Sam and her — to Jeremy — still faceless father in the Impala, dark as the night. Jeremy Adams looked on, amber eyes following the girl with the worn denim jacket.
Inside the car, Sam took (Y/N)’s hand sympathetically, while Dean sent her an understanding, yet sad, look that said more than a hundred words. At least the three of them had each other.
Jeremy didn’t know if he’d ever see her again, and the thought made his stomach twist. At least he knew if she ever returned, he would be here. He would like to anyway, he thought to himself as he watched the Impala slowly and graciously roll away with a loud purr. 
Jeremy opened his hand, and saw the crumbled piece of paper. Flattening it out, he read the handwritten phone number. He shook his head as he knowingly smiled to himself.
The year was 1997, before everything really got bad.
I know that kiss and all was super cheesy but I was in the mood. This is also a pure example of why I don’t write romantic pairings along with a few other reasons. 
Also, you might be wondering why I decided to write the last part in third POV, but that was just cause I kind of wanted to tie it together with part one of the series, that was written in 3rd POV :)
Also, tell me what you thought of this series! I would love to hear about it.
SPN (Sisfic) Taglist: @daughters-and-winsisters @evyiione​ @samanddeanshotsis @darkestgrungeuniverse @fabulouslycassie @delessapeace-blog@mariairwin666 @1amluke@saveprettydays @cookee50 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @infamati–et–obliterati @stillcooli0​ @sammysbeanie @ocean-calls-me @deepbreathssammy @extreme-supernatural-lover​ @mogaruke @winchestersmut @i-kdog-posts @steve-rogcrs @wordshowers @27bmm @jjsoccer11 @ivebeenraisedfromperdition @bluecookiesandbooks @disappointeddinosaur​ @nicolevanderstar @frayedphan @jared-jensen-misha-are-lovelyy​ @straightestgay-voice @legend-o-zelda @holysheeppanda @mynameisdesolation @to-stars-and-back @forevershadeddark @stonergirl4life95 @wxnchestervevo @captainemwinchester @rosie-winchester @violinmyhead @magical-cas @quackerstheduck663057​ @falloutofmymemez @messy-buns-and-shotguns @assbutt-still-in-hell @phonegalhelp @lemonadegazeelle @stilesneedsprotection @mcallmestiles @wishedworld@catstielanddeanthedog @foe-throughthetrees @phire23 @winchesterhound @hi-my-name-is-riley @th3things-in-mymind @lillyofthefandom @pearlender @iamafishandigosplish @prasygold @super100012 
1997 Taglist: @daehguj @lena-lightwood @arie-tfw @skeletoresinthebasement @to-stars-and-back  @lxrrystylinsonfucking69 @zeusmyster @lovelouisbabe @ocean-calls-me @graceb200371 @awesomestperson22 @hugwinchester @kelcpaul96 @deangirl-samcurious-0124-0502 @supernatural-imagine @do-you-wanna-be-awinchester @pearlender
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faierius · 7 years
In His Shoes (4. My Body Won’t Change My Heart)
Chapter One (Can’t We All Just Get Along?)
Chapter Two (Out Of Body Experience)
Chapter Three (We Don’t Talk About That)
(Click on Cactii in the fic to read the hilarious cracksmut fic by @rsasai that inspired that little exchange.)
               “You have to sit in the back.”
               “I don’t like sitting in the back! I get car sick.”
               “Since when?”
               “Since always! That’s why I sit in front!”
               “You don’t have car sickness, you just like to have an unimpeded view of the road.”
               “No, I’m telling you if I don’t sit in front, I get queasy.”
               “Look Prompto, that was my body for twenty-three years. I’m tellin’ ya, sick or not, you have to sit in the back.”
               “Big guy knows best, bud.” Noct whacked Prompto on the back, his hand lingering between the man’s shoulder blades. The Prompto Pout settled on Gladio’s rough features was cute. Too cute for Gladio, actually. Something flip-flopped in Noct’s belly.
               “Fine,” Prompto whined. “But if I bard down the back of your neck, don’t blame me,” he added, walking toward the Regalia. He didn’t notice Noctis’ wide, panicked eyes as he snapped his hand away.
               “Just go to sleep if you feel nauseous,” Gladio told him, following him to the car.
               Prompto glanced over his shoulder. “Unlike you, I can’t sleep sitting up.”
               “Bullshit!” laughed Gladio, pulling open the passenger side door of the car. “I’ve seen you sleep like the dead up here.”
               “Quite true. Though you do snore more when you’re sleeping upright,” Ignis added, getting in behind the wheel of the car.
               A dark blush colored Prompto’s cheeks. “I don’t snore! Noct!”
               “You snore, Prom.” Chuckling, Noct resisted ruffling Prompto’s hair. He was suddenly aware of how much he touched Prompto, and how this new body reacted to Prompto’s new body when he did.
               “And here I thought you’d be on my side,” Prompto sighed, flopping into the back with Noct.
               “Sorry, dude.”
               Prompto narrowed his eyes. “No, you aren’t.”
               “Hey, if you need to lay down to sleep, Iggy’s thighs are surprisingly cushy,” teased Gladio, nudging the man as he adjusted his seat.
               “Gladio!” Ignis scowled at the man, blushing deeply. “Ignoring such a ridiculous comment, I believe we should refrain from touching one another unless it’s absolutely necessary.” Finally getting his seat in the right spot for Noct’s height, Ignis started the car.
               “Okay, I get not messing around, but why touching in general?” Gladio asked, stretching his legs out and crossing his arms.
               Ignis hesitated. Clearly, Gladio had yet to notice the way his current form reacted to Noctis’ body as opposed to Ignis’. “Safety precautions. You know as well as I do innocent touches do not always remain as such.”
               “Yeah, okay. Makes sense. So, where should we hit up first? Lestallum or Meldacio?”
               “We’re more likely to learn something out at Meldacio. Loads of weird stories about daemons come out of there,” Noct replied, fixing the position of his glasses for what felt like the thousandth time.
               “And they have plenty of space for us to practice our new skills and weapons,” Ignis added.
               “Someone should give Dave a call, let him know what’s up. Maybe he can get a head start on research for us,” Gladio suggested. He fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat, scowled, and reached underneath him. He pulled out Prompto’s camera.
               “Oh! I’ll take that!” Snatching the device from the man, he leaned back in his seat and turned it over in his hands. Content his camera was intact, he stashed it in one of Gladio’s pockets.
               “Noct, would you call him, please?” Ignis requested.
               “Gonna be fun explaining why I sound like you,” Noct laughed dryly, pulling out his phone.
               “Yes, well, that is the reason for our visit in the first place.”
               “Yeah, I know.” Wrinkling his nose, he stared at the phone for a moment. Setting it on the seat beside him, he leaned forward and reached around the driver’s seat. Without announcing his intentions, he awkwardly shoved his hand into the pocket where he normally kept his phone.
               Ignis let out a yelp, pulling the car into the opposite lane in his surprise. “You could have just asked for your own phone, Highness!” he stated, voice cracking as he got the car back under control.
               Gladio snorted. “Is being in Iggy’s body making you bolder than usual?”
               “Hey, he’s in my body,” Noct answered, returning his attention to his task now that he had his own phone.
               “Hey, big guy?” Prompto asked, leaning forward.
               “If you need anything out of your pockets, how ‘bout asking first?” he told the man, grinning.
               “You got it.”
               Noctis rolled his eyes while Ignis blushed profusely.
               “I’m glad you two seem to be enjoying yourselves,” Ignis grumbled through clenched teeth.
               “Relax, Ig’. Yeah, this sucks, but at the moment there’s nothing we can do.”
               “You seem to have changed your stance awfully quickly.” Ignis glanced over at Gladio, eyes narrow.
               Twitching his shoulders in a shrug, Gladio relaxed in his seat. “Now that I’m a bit more used to it, it’s not so bad being small for a little while. It’s a…It’s a learning opportunity.”
               Ignis raised a brow.
               “What? I’m trying to make the best of a bad situation.” A frown settled on his face.
               “How mature of you, Gladio.”
               “Hey, I can be mature.”
               Catching himself before he could lean over and pat the man’s leg, Ignis gave him a fond smile instead.
               Slouching in his seat, Prompto watching the exchange. On one hand, he felt like he was watching himself and Noct, but on the other, he swore he could see Iggy and Gladio just because their actions were different. Either way, he could see the love in their eyes as they gazed at one another. It was cute.
               Prompto’s brows slid into a frown. Other than the weirdness of it all, what was wrong with general touching, or even kissing? Technically it wouldn’t be cheating because their bodies would still be with the right person, as would their minds. Though now that he thought about it, even if he kissed Noct, he wouldn’t be comfortable knowing he, fundamentally, was Prompto putting his lips on Ignis’. It was a messy concept that made his head hurt. Now that he couldn’t, he really wanted nothing more than to cuddle Noct and trade soft, gentle kisses.
               “Dave said he’d see what he could dig up before we arrive this evening.”
               “Has he encountered anything like this before?” Ignis asked, slowing the car to allow a pack of beasts to cross the road.
               “I’m guessing by the long pause after I explained it to him, no. Probably not.”
               “I’m not surprised,” said Gladio. “I’ve never seen anything like that daemon, either.”
               “We’ve fought all sorts of weird things, but that was a first,” Prompto replied, glad for the distraction.
               “What was it’s face even doing?”
               “Although I was busy trying to keep myself and Noct alive, I also noticed how bizarre the creature was. Almost like two separate beings residing in a single body. Its features were continually twisting and shifting. Very strange.” Sighing, Ignis relaxed in his seat, draping one arm over the door and dropping his other hand to the bottom of the steering wheel.
               “Wonder if this magic, whatever it is, will wear off naturally like any of the other weird conditions we’ve gotten,” Noctis said, twisting his mouth to one side as he propped his chin in his hand.
               “You mean like the time Prompto got toaded and we didn’t have any Maiden’s Kiss?” chuckled Gladio.
               “Or the time you got petrified and the three of us literally could not move you, so we all had to wait around until you turned back,” Prompto countered.
               Gladio grinned. “Oh, and we can’t forget about the time a slactuar stuck you with a needle that made you see Noct as a very friendly little cactuar.”
               Prompto’s jaw dropped as he twisted to face Noctis. “You told them about that?”
               Noct smirked. “Sometimes you still call me Cactii in your sleep.”
               All color drained from Prompto’s face before flooding back into his cheeks. “What?” he squeaked in Gladio’s gruff voice.
               From the front seat, Ignis’ shoulders shook with silent laughter.
               “Cactii? Not very creative, Prompto,” Gladio teased.
               Prompto’s jaw dropped. “I was drugged and hallucinating!”
               The smirk transformed into a grin. “Even though it was weird. Like, really weird, it was also kinda cute.”
               “How ‘bout we never talk about that again?”
               Seeing the embarrassed distress on Prompto’s face made Noct want to hug him. Wrap his arms around that big frame and cuddle him until he was convinced Noct was sorry for teasing him.
               Big frame? Why was that thought so natural? Like it was what he always did, holding a man so much bigger than himself. That’s something Ignis did, not him. Prompto was small, easy to put his arms around. Prompto was cute, affectionate and cuddly, not huge, power oozing from every pore, possessive…sexy.
               Noctis’ eyes shot wide. No. That was not his thought. That was not him, never him.
               “Uh, Noct? You okay, buddy? You’re kinda green.”
               “No. I’m not okay. At all.”
               Gladio turned in his seat. “What’s wrong?”
               “Ignis, your body is affecting my thoughts.”
               The driver sighed. “I noticed this as well.”
               Prompto and Gladio frowned. “What’s that mean?” Gladio asked, gaze flicking between the men.
               Swallowing hard, Ignis inhaled and exhaled deeply. “Gladio, since this morning, have you found yourself thinking it may be okay to kiss me in this body, or perhaps my actions have been more endearing than you may have thought?”
               “I mean, yeah? But I just figured my perspective is a little skewed because it’s you in there.”
               “Perhaps that is the cause, or perhaps your attraction is being affected by your body’s attraction,” Ignis replied.
               “I don’t get it,” Prompto said, eyes darting from Noctis to Ignis.
               Heat flushed Ignis’ cheeks. “I had no reaction to your gaze—normally Gladio’s gaze—earlier, but seeing Gladio do things in your body makes my heart flutter,” he admitted.
               Prompto slumped. “Oh.”
               “This isn’t good, guys.”
               “No shit,” Gladio growled. The anger wasn’t quite as apparent in Prompto’s higher voice.
               Prompto’s stomach dropped and he leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “You guys know I don’t swear like this often, but if any situation calls for it, it’s this one. If we don’t fix this soon, we’re fucked.”
               Noctis couldn’t have said it better.
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Title: Terms of Endearment Characters: Rowena, Sam, Dean, Castiel, reader Relationships: Rowena/reader Genres: Romance Warnings: /
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It had become a custom for the Winchesters to call Rowena when they needed help with something extremely nasty they couldn't deal with on their own.
You weren't all that fond of her constant exposure to danger, but she always assured you you had nothing to worry about. She was a witch, almost four centuries old and one of the most powerful ones alive. There weren't that many things that could cause her permanent harm, especially now that she had that Resurrection Seal on her thigh.
She could get hurt, yes, but if someone wanted her dead, they would have to try a little harder.
As her student, you always tagged along, observing her as she worked, and sometimes even lending a hand with a spell or a ritual if she required so. You weren't all that confident in your abilities; you could do simple spells quite decently, and throwing hex bags and uttering single words was an easy task, but anything that required power you still didn't have and talent you were still developing was a huge no.
Unless you asked Rowena, of course. According to her, you were learning fast and the power you held was immense – you just had to learn how to properly harness it. You weren't all that convinced of that, but you were willing to take her word for it. After all, she was the one with centuries' worth of experience. If there was anyone that knew best, it was her.
She had never lied to you before, and you had no reason to believe she'd lie about something as important as this.
The monster the Winchesters needed help was a nasty one. That was supported by the fact that, alongside you and Rowena, they'd also summoned Castiel and Crowley. The more, the merrier. And more powerful.
You noticed Dean subtly eyeing you while Rowena was explaining her spell, and you kept your eyes firmly on your girl, not daring to meet his glance.
You used to be a hunter. That was how you met and eventually befriended the brothers. With time you decided to leave that life behind you, instead dedicating your life to studying witchcraft. After years of being an unhappy hunter and suppressing your natural gifts of magic, you realized being a witch was your true calling.
And honestly, going after supernatural creatures while being one yourself was blatantly hypocritical, and if there was one thing you weren't, it was a hypocrite.
It was Rowena who convinced you to embrace your natural talents instead of suppressing them, who helped you realize your full potential and encouraged you to follow your nature instead of nurture.
Ignoring the Winchesters' warnings about her being dangerous and untrustworthy, you befriended her. You didn't let her being a monster, as hunters considered all those that weren't quite human, stop you from making her your friend. You knew better than to judge a book by its cover, and you weren't going to let prejudice stop you from getting to know someone who turned out to be not quite as bad as they presented themselves as.
Instead of being mean, you treated Rowena with respect. Listened to her problems. Offered a word of advice. Asked her for advice of her own. Soon enough you were friends, and as you got to know her softer side, the one she kept hidden from the world for she'd been hurt too many times to be openly vulnerable, you found yourself growing rather fond of her. Too fond for it to be just mere friendship.
It took Lucifer killing her and Amara frightening her for her to realize her place was with you, just as yours was with her. It turned out she knew what you felt for her, and she felt the very same; she just wasn't sure how to properly express it, for that signature pride of hers made sure to keep her quiet until she could no longer take it.
Sam and Dean disapproved of your friendship from the very start. When you told them you decided to embrace your magical heritage, they were far from happy. They trusted you to do good, as you had all this time, but they weren't huge fans of magic and they made no effort to hide how they really felt.
Sam had eventually come around to you being Rowena's apprentice, but Dean was still less than thrilled. He warmed up to her with time, especially after she helped him regain his memories, but still, she was a witch, a dangerous one at that, and he didn't like the idea of you learning the craft from her, of all people. He tolerated it, but he didn't like it.
It was for that very reason that you insisted on keeping your relationship a secret. Rowena objected, wanting to show the world how great her girlfriend was. Her words, not yours. You promised you'd tell the brothers soon enough, but something always got in the way.
It wasn't that you were scared. Not at all. Rowena was in no danger from them, not now that they've become sort of frenemies. It was just that you weren't in the mood for lectures, judging looks, and snide comments.
"I'll stun him from behind, then ye lads can make yer move," Rowena explained. She made sure to send each of them a stern, decisive glare. "Don't miss."
"We won't," Sam told her. "We got this."
"Ye better," she warned.
"I don't like this," you commented, prompting everyone to look at you.
"It'll be fine, dear," Rowena assured you, sending you a sweet smile.
It's not that you didn't trust her. You did, with your life, but the monster you were hunting was a nasty one. You have never seen something like that before and, quite frankly, the thought of her being in the same room as that thing, all alone, even for just a minute, scared the hell out of you.
You remembered Lucifer, remembered her lying dead on the cold ground, remembered the fear in her eyes after she opened them and frantically looked around in search of him as you held her, happy to see her alive and well, and told her over and over again that he was gone and would never hurt her again for you would rather die than let him near her after what he'd done. You remembered her cries and nightmares that haunted her dreams. Remembered all the promises you made that nothing like that would ever happen to her again.
You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you were to break those promises.
"Are you sure, baby girl?" you inquired. "You could get hurt."
She nodded confidently. "I'm sure."
"What the hell was that?" Dean said, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.
You frowned. "What?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"You just called her baby girl."
Damn it!
You swallowed, doing your best to remain calm and composed. It wasn't supposed to come out like that. You'd intended to tell them over a dinner, or maybe over a text message so you wouldn't have to look at their disapproving faces.
Any other way but this.
Taking in a deep, steady breath, you decided to do what you always did in situations like this: deny it. If your father had taught you anything, it's that when someone confronts you with something you did, you should vehemently deny it and pretend nothing happened. If it worked for your asshole dad, it should work for you.
"No, I didn't."
"Yes, you did," Dean insisted.
You weren't your asshole dad, it seemed. Strange, for all your life you'd been hearing about how you're just like him.
"Did not."
"Did, too!"
"You did," Sam cut in.
"See? Even Sam heard you," Dean said with a proud grin.
"I've also heard you say it," Castiel added.
"Whose side are you on?" you said, causing him to awkwardly shrug and turn his head away to avoid your deadly glare.
"Wish I didn't," Crowley deadpanned, the look on his face that of pure and utter disgust.
"Oh, shut it, Fergus," Rowena snapped.
Dean looked back and forth between you and your witch. "So, what, you two a thing now?"
"Yeah. We are!" you exclaimed.
You were sick of hiding, sick of sneaking around and pretending to be just friends. Rowena deserved better than that. She was willing to swallow her pride to allow herself to love you and care for you like no one ever had. You knew how difficult it was for her to, after centuries of betrayal and solitude, let someone see her for who she really was: sweet and gentle, just like everyone else, a person with feelings and strengths and faults she'd been keeping locked away for the majority of her life.
And how did you repay her? By hiding her like a shameful, dirty secret. It wasn't fair; not to you, and certainly not to Rowena. If your friends had any issues with your relationship, that was their problem, not yours.
"So what?"
"Since when?" Dean asked.
"Since none of yer business, wiener boy," Rowena told him.
He shot her a look. "That better not mean what I think it means."
"Oh, it does," she purred like a vicious kitten.
"Since sometime before we confronted Amara," you explained, interrupting their banter.
"That explains the change in Rowena's behavior," Castiel noted.
Rowena shot him a glare. "Hey!"
He frowned. "It's true. You've been… kinder than usual. It was odd."
She rolled her eyes at his comment, but the corner of her lips curled into a subtle smile. She'd never say it out loud, but you knew she was happy with her change. She genuinely wanted to do better, be better, and now, with you by her side, holding her hand as she walked through the dark, she could do just that.
Castiel turned to you. "Now I understand why you were so mad at Crowley when he left her with Lucifer."
"Mad?" Crowley growled. "She bloody punched me in the face!"
"You deserved it!" you told him. "He could've killed her!"
"Okay," Dean said, taking in slow, steady breaths before swallowing the lump that formed in his throat. "This is… wow."
"Why do you even care?" you asked. "We're friends. I love you guys very much. All of you."
You looked at Crowley, prompting him to roll his eyes. What could you say? The guy was a bastard, but you were fond of him. Not to mention, he was your girlfriend's son. Son she both detested and loved, but still, he was her son, and even if you despised him, you would have had to find a way to at least tolerate him.
"But what and who I do is, frankly, none of your business. This is exactly why I kept it a secret all this time. I knew you'd look at me like that, Dean. I knew it. But I don't care anymore. If you really are my friends, you'll accept this."
Rowena reached for your hand, giving it a loving squeeze, her own, silent way of saying: "I'm proud of you."
Castiel send you a friendly smile. You wouldn't have expected anything less from him. He may not have been Rowena's biggest fan, but if there was anyone who knew anything about second chances, it was him. "I'm very happy for you," he said.
You pulled on a smile of your own. "Thank you."
He threw his arms around you, pulling you into a tight, awkward hug. "Always use protection when you fornicate. I find angel blades to be incredibly useful."
"Thank you, Castiel. Tha-that's real good advice."
He pulled back, proudly grinning from ear to ear. "I'm glad to be of assistance."
"I'm sorry if we've ever given the impression we'd be against your relationship," Sam said humbly.
"Yeah," Dean added. "I mean, I'm not exactly ecstatic about this, but you're right. It's your life, your decision. I may not be Rowena's biggest fan, but she's, um, not that bad. I guess."
"Aww, ye love me, don't ye, squirrel boy?" Rowena teased, a playful smile flickering on her lips.
Dean raised his forefinger. "Don't push it. I'll admit, I may have judged you unfairly. You helped us, and Y/N is our friend, and if she's happy, who am I to rain on her parade?" He giggled at his own pun. "Parade."
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help smiling. If you'd known they'd be this supportive, you would've told them sooner. "So you're cool with it?"
"We're cool," he said.
"Yeah," Sam confirmed.
"You guys…" You pulled them into a quick hug, giving each a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you so much. You have no idea how happy this makes me."
Crowley cleared his throat. "I have a question," he said. You mentally prepared yourself, because of fucking course he did. "Out of everyone on this bloody planet, why'd you have to go for her?"
"Because she's not everyone," you said simply, not willing to go into detail. If you started rambling, it would take days to convey your thoughts into all the appropriate words
There were many things you loved about Rowena, many things you admired and cherished, but the one that stood out above all others was the fact that she was her own person. There was no one out there quite like her, so dark and light at the same time, a perfect balance of destructive and caring. She was a force to be reckoned with and a cuddly kitten all at once, and it was that very fact that made her so irresistible.
Crowley scoffed at your reply, but allowed his lips to form a small smile. "I better not see any mushy stuff."
He had a funny way of expressing his support for your relationship, but you smiled nonetheless.
"Don't look, then," Rowena said, and, in a flash, her lips were on yours, locked in a hungry kiss.
And, suddenly, everything was right in the world.
Huge thanks to my awesome, incredible, crazy talented friend @apritelleorai​ for helping me edit this piece. Love you so much, girl! ♥
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epchapman89 · 7 years
Coffee On Instagram: Brian W. Jones Of DCILY
As the specialty coffee world has grown and expanded, so has the design around it, from cafe interiors to coffee making tools. These days, coffee and design seem to go hand in hand, stimulation coming as much from the visual aspects related to coffee and its consumption as from the caffeine intake.
One blog that has been following that evolution is Dear Coffee I Love You, run by Brian W. Jones. A designer by trade, Jones is well-respected in the specialty coffee industry, melding his love of coffee and design into a path that includes everything from coffee branding to co-founding AKA Coffee to writing the book Brew: Better Coffee at Home, with the occasional contribution to Sprudge along the way. Based on the west coast of Sweden, he’s well tapped into the buzz of the Nordic coffee scene, but work also has him spending a lot of time in the coffee-centric San Francisco area. Bridging the two continents, and traveling everywhere in between, leads to a lot of visual inspiration, which you can follow on his popular Instagram feed @DCILY.
We caught up with Jones to learn more about his process and what keeps him inspired.
How would friends of yours finish this statement “Brian is….”?
Always drinking wine.
How did DCILY the website get started? How has it evolved since then?
The website began as a way for me to feed my growing curiosity around coffee and to share my discoveries with family and friends. After having that first “aha moment” with good coffee, I wanted to know everything there was to know about it. The site was also an outlet for me as a designer to focus on a specific subject that I found steeped in creativity explore the trends and patterns that I saw happening at the time. As I learned more about coffee, it became a way for me to encourage better appreciation for coffee and inspire people to drink better coffee.
How does your Instagram feed fit into that evolution?
Instagram wasn’t around when DCILY first launched, so it actually took me a while to separate my personal Instagram account and create one dedicated to just coffee. I had a few friends who complained about seeing too many cups of coffee (and now complain about all the glasses of wine), so I separated the two accounts. My personal account almost never shows coffee any longer. But IG has been a way to continue sharing things with people that don’t necessarily require an entire article written about them. I’ve noticed the attention span of many readers has decreased a lot (including my own). Instagram plays into this trend and allows people to engage with visual content, new cafes, packaging, products, without needing to read a lot about them. People can discover things easily and discuss in the comments if they want. It creates a much more interactive forum for certain types of content.
Why do you think that Instagram has become such a popular platform for the community?
I think it’s an easily digestible format, whether for inspiration or just keeping up to date with what others are doing, drinking, brewing with, etc. From a business side, it’s a very easy way to project your brand and share your newest products with customers.
What are some of your favorite images that you have done in the last few months?
I posted an image just last week while I was having coffee at home in Sweden. The morning light was just perfect and I captured the feel of the coffee with such clarity. It’s such a simple image but makes me crave another cup. The images I capture while traveling to new places are usually my favorites. I was recently in Tokyo, and several of those pictures really sum up the magic of Japan, the people there and why I love it. Then there are those really well-composed overhead shots that are incredibly cliché, but still look great. I kicked off my trip to the SCA Expo in Seattle with one of those.
Can you tell us a little bit more about your creative process?
I don’t really have a creative process for my Instagram photos. All of the content I post is mine and captured mostly with an iPhone. I do some light editing with a photo app called Afterlight, but it is still very raw compared to some of the coffee accounts out there. I don’t repost other content and it is very much a visual diary (this is what coffee I’m drinking today, this is the cafe I visited recently). The primary purpose is to simply inspire more coffee lovers and occasionally promote/cover an event or share products that I’m honestly enjoying and excited about. I was hesitant at first, but I’ve grown to love IG stories and the ability to share more fleeting moments with them. I find boomerangs incredibly hypnotic, so I prefer them to videos.
What are some of your sources of inspiration?
I love cabin porn and architecture photography. Also a lot of tattoos and sneakers. Drone photography also really makes me happy and I’ve been trying to justify getting one myself, but so far I’ve talked myself out of it. Generally, I try to look entirely outside the realm of whatever I’m working with for inspiration.
What coffee are you drinking right now?
All this week I’ve been brewing some Catuai from Finca Takesi in Bolivia that The Coffee Collective roasted in Denmark. It’s one of those coffees that has such a unique flavor profile that it makes me really question what I love about coffee. It’s very different than the Geisha variety that Intelligentsia offered from Finca Takesi, but it is still wonderful and I’m always excited when I can get a hold of coffee from this farm.
Favorite coffee shop?
Koppi in Helsingborg, Sweden. I would live there if Anne and Charles ever let me to set up a bedroom in the basement.
If you could drink coffee with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
This is ridiculously hard to answer. I would probably want to keep it casual, so definitely a comedian. I know Jerry Seinfeld beat me to it, but I would love to have coffee with Aziz Ansari. Also, both Grace Parra and Samantha Bee would be great coffee companions for talking politics, while still laughing about it.
Anna Brones (@annabrones) is a Sprudge.com staff writer based in the American Pacific Northwest, the founder of Foodie Underground, and the co-author of Fika: The Art Of The Swedish Coffee Break. Read more Anna Brones on Sprudge.
The post Coffee On Instagram: Brian W. Jones Of DCILY appeared first on Sprudge.
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