#and if that’s not peak sibling behaviour idk what is
amor-immortalem · 2 years
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Azalea’s new haircut
Do you really have siblings if you’re not taking the time to tease them with things they don’t wanna hear?
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there's something about the aquarium mayoi chuuya card that is so endearing to me. compared to all of his other cards, it's probably the least flashiest- but there's something about seeing chuuya in casual clothes like that brown jacket and dolphin necklace is so...wholesome? to me? we rarely ever get to see him in actual, non working clothes (he's not even wearing his hat in this one!!) and while i know that technically the aquarium cards has other pm members aswell, I'd like to think that this is what chuuya looks like in his off days. maybe he does like to go to aquariums and look at the fishes on his own, or go to a cafe and indulge himself in some sweets. idk. i just really like that card 🥲
Anon this is my favourite Chuuya mayoi card. I love him so much. And yeah it’s a good outfit I think! Look at him!
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I wonder, do you know about the short story that goes with it? Idk who wrote it for the game but it’s here if you want to check it out. Basically Elise and Mori are going to the aquarium so Chuuya is there to cover them. The Akutagawa siblings are also there but in a separate part of the building (there’s another story that focuses on them too!). It kind of hurts me in a way, because Chuuya is unable to relax. He’s on threat mode close to the entire time, even hanging back so it doesn’t look like he’s associated so he can better watch over them from a distance, before Elise grabs him and kind of forces him to enjoy himself. He spots some people moving boxes in the shadows and becomes immediately suspicious of illegal activities (he’s… right actually, as Mori later reveals - another point for intelligent Chuuya as he figured it out in a few seconds of observing) but he really is looking constantly for anyone who might want to hurt Mori and Elise to the point where he’s even a little jumpy and it’s just… :(
And then there’s this dialogue in the middle of it. Whoever wrote this, I just want to talk. —
Nakahara Chuuya: (As long as they're in here, they get fed every day, and they don't have any natural enemies. Must be peaceful.)
Nakahara Chuuya: (...)
Nakahara Chuuya: (But... A water tank has its limits, it can't compete with the real thing.)
Nakahara Chuuya: (These fish don't know the freedom of swimming far off into the ocean.)
Nakahara Chuuya: (I wonder which one makes them happier.)
Nakahara Chuuya: (...)
Nakahara Chuuya: (... Whatever, no use getting sentimental over a bunch of fish.)
How dare they. Truthfully though, in my mind this is peak Chuuya behaviour, to think deeply about something that is not at all analogous to him and his situation in any way and then shut that down real fast because he has “other things to think about”. Sigh.
This got away from me. Anyways anon I love this card too. It’d be nice to think of him doing something casual for once. Maybe one day he will be able to enjoy things like that a little more. I hope so. :)
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 year
wait for CBMTHY why do i kinda want eris and reader to have a lucien & feyre type relationship.... like an enemies to friends dynamic, they always bicker with each other and are mean to each other but maybe when eris sees azriel going off on reader again (bc he's unreasonably jealous) he gets pissed at az even tho he was also being a bitch to reader like 2 seconds ago 😭😭
it really fits eris to have that annoyingly indignant older sibling attitude of like, 'excuse me, i'm the only one who can bully her' lol. idk the way eris was completely unfazed after letting reader fall into the pond and making fun of her when she's crying from being scared shitless of swans is so 💀 peak older sibling behaviour
i just think it would be so hypocritical and hilarious and weirdly wholesome if he grows protective of reader when she's crying about azriel or something... like bro u made her cry about swans the first day u met her but ur also ready to murder azriel for being mean to her.
sorry this was such an unhinged commentary about what could potentially happen with the eris & reader dynamic 😭 i just couldn't help but notice that eris in CBMTHY part 4 reminded me so much of the older brother/cousins in my life.
jokes aside tho, i'm really curious how eris will react to seeing az being an asshole to reader and reader not really knowing how to defend herself against him (something alike to the convo the two had when az was flying reader... the girl really is fully vulnerable when it comes to him. she hands her heart to him on a silver platter and az proves time and time that he is not bothering to be careful with it). will eris get oddly protective of reader? will he just mock her for being such a doormat?? both outcomes seem equally possible in his depiction in the fic so far 🤷‍♀️
I’m a big fan of that dynamic, I have to admit 😭 the whole being mean to one another, and at first it was completely genuine and sincere but at some point the line blurs and it gets progressively more and more difficult to keep up the insults🫣🥰 >>>>
I’d quite like to explore that older-brother-Eris side at some point (maybe not in this, I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew). I feel like we get to see a small sliver of it in acosf in that scene where Cass goes down to the human lands and Eris lets slip that he’s feeling out Vassa and Jurian but doesn’t mention Lucien, as if he already trusts him. Then obviously we also have the whole conflict of what happened between Lu and Jesminda (pretty sure when Tam is telling Feyre of Lu’s backstory he says Lu’s oldest brother held him down or something to that degree—while Eris claims he wasn’t there and it’s the only time he’s disobeyed his father)
ANYWAY, I’d love to explore that in more depth because he’s such an interesting character :)
Don’t apologise for your unhinged commentary—I love reading your thoughts 🧡💛
I still haven’t decided if Eris and Az are actually going to clash in such an outright way? Part of me would like it so it’s the Reader who manages to stand up for herself instead of having to watch someone else do it for her?
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore it when someone who’s normally so nonchalant gets pissed over the maltreatment of someone they care about. I just think for this one it needs to be reader to make that first step forward, even if she stumbles a few times :)
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kohakhearts · 1 month
Zelos 22, Kohaku 18&19!
thanks yume!!^^
22: if you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? something you don't like?
you know, i feel like zelos is one of those characters i’ve never actually seen an interpretation of in a fic that didn’t feel in-character. like he so would fucking say that! i think this is because of how deeply his Problems are tied into his annoying behaviours - you really can’t take away one without disrupting the other. so people who hate him because he’s an obnoxious womanizer still have to acknowledge his trauma and people who love him because he’s so Deep and Complex still have to acknowledge that he’s a problematic jerk.
that being said, i really like seeing people explore his womanizing behaviours in fics in more depth. i read this fic probably not long after its post date, so like…9 years ago? and it’s stuck with me all this time as like, peak zelos. i think the idea of him using women for non-sexual intimacy was something i hadn’t really thought of before but made so much sense when i read this fic and i love seeing that explored in other ways by other people too!
as for dislike, again i can’t think of much…i guess it’d be erasing his womanizing completely, but i really haven’t seen that very much (if at all?) lol.
18: how about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
i’m a sucker for sibling duos and kohaku and hisui have such a fun dynamic! the overprotective older brother archetype is often annoying for its inherent sexism lol and i can’t say that’s not happening here too (especially in hearts r, if memory serves), but i mean…of course hisui is overprotective, just look at everything they’ve been through! something i really like about hearts is how in the early parts of the game kohaku is a passive actor but still dominates the narrative - hisui’s concern for her creates such interesting dynamics between him and the other characters (namely shing lol) because it’s clear how unbalanced he feels by the position she’s in, and i think it also sets a strong tone for how those dynamics play out later on when she does regain her spirunes and she actively encourages him to be less grumpy lol. i just think it’s neat how much it shows how much he actually relies on her, even though his whole schtick is being the dependable older brother that SHE can rely on. idk if this makes sense but yeah. them <3
my runner-up here is her relationship with richea. it’s SO interesting, and also a little ??? because wow, what a weird situation. there’s so much potential there to explore imo and i think the game kind of drops the ball with it in favour of developing the dynamic between richea and hisui, which…fair enough, but also kohaku is so intertwined in richea’s whole. everything. i just would’ve loved to see that expanded on more than it was.
19: how about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
this is kind of a random pick but chalcedony tbh. i feel like in vanilla hearts the other characters often became kinda secondary to shing when chalcedony was around and i’m not sure hearts r really fixed that by adding him to the party? idk maybe this is selective memory on my part but i just would’ve liked to see a more fleshed out dynamic between him and any of the other characters but especially kohaku, who is obviously pretty implicated in the initial antagonism between him and the party/shing. like it was definitely touched on but clearly not in a way that stuck out for me because i can’t remember any interactions they actually had lol. to be fair i didn’t get to the point of him joining the party in hearts r so it’s possible there are interactions i never saw that would sway my opinion here but yeah. it’s been many years since i played hearts so my memory is pretty fuzzy…maybe i should continue the replay i started a couple years ago haha
character ask game
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xsoulxsilencex · 3 months
So yeah, we're done with arc 9 and well... you can count me as one of the "wtf was that arc final" people.
I'm gonna talk about Yuamu, the Darkmen but also how I feel about this arc as a whole but first of all:
If anyone sides with Yuamu/thinks she's valid for her actions? Fine? But I really hope that I don't have to see anyone throwing a "you just hate on Yuamu because she's a girl, you would let it slide if a guy did the same" at me because put Yuhi in her place instead and you can bet that way more people would be ready to call him a traitor and a-hole than Yuamu. (and yes, I would call out Yuhi too since that behaviour is shit imo and it doesn't matter that I like him) Like honestly, playing the misogynist/sexist card in this case is silly.
But with that said, I can start with the actual post.
Most people might have already seen my posts about ep 115 so my general thoughts on Yuamu/her reason to become the main antag should be clear. But seriously, Idk why GR does that with Yuamu. Is this some weird "make up" for doing barely anything with her in season 2 besides making her get possessed by darkness twice? Turning her into the new main antag to give her some relevance? Yuamu as a villain could've worked but I really can't with the execution we got. She says she wants to be the new Otes and save Yuga and his future and I just can't buy it. Also: What would Yuga think of her actions? I doubt he'd be proud of her becoming Otes in his place. Heck, imagine Yuamu at her "villain peak" just for Yuga showing up to tell her to stop and she eventually does? Like we all know Yuga isn't gone from GR for good. He's coming back and at worst, he's gonna bring his Sevens friends. And as a Sevens fan I say to this: This better not happen at all. Also is it just me or I don't get the feeling that Yuamu truly cares for the Darkmen besides Kuyamuya? So if they died to revive the Velgearians, I doubt she would cry for them.
Speaking of the Darkmen: Oh boy, where do I start? They had potential being an interesting group but from the current point, they're just existing besides Fukamura who stayed behind instead of joining Yuamu? Sabyuas went from sadist for "pretty weird reasons" to Zwijo simp, Bruyea is just a walking mama kink and Zeyet shouts "osu" here and now. Oh, and they all lost their duels. The only "Darkmen" winning were Yuamu and Zwijo - who aren't og Darkmen. Heck, even the Goha Siblings felt more threatening as the Darkmen and also showed a more interesting dynamic despite having to share their debut arc with Lukeman who ended up as the "main antag" of said arc. Can I expect anything from Sabyuas, Bruyea and Zeyet for arc 10? I don't know. Also disappointed how there was no good dynamics between Team Yudias vs Team Darkmen. Sabyuas vs Yuhi? Well, nothing besides Sabyuas enjoying the sight of Yuhi needing to piss. Bruyea vs Nyandestar? Bruyea was all about making Nyandestar his new mama even when he lost but when he sees her again, there's zero interest? Fukamura vs Manabu? I still think Fukamura vs Epoch would've made more sense due to them both having shut-in experience and while Manabu respected Fukamura as an opponent, Fukamura didn't show much interest in Manabu. Zeyet vs Yudias was like the only duel where there was hope for friendship but she doesn't really care for Yudias later so...
And besides Yuamu and the Darkmen: This arc was so boring imo? I thought this could be interesting with the search for Yuamu, trying to find a way to revive the Velgearians, Manabu being back as a proper part of the main squad (him being clowned less is like the one big positive point I can say about arc 9)... but instead I get what? CPT who was annoying af and turned out to work for Yuamu from the start? The huge focus on curry bread? Almost half the arc spent on Pawtner for no good reason? Epoch finally leaving her box just to become more like Tiger (looks and breath power) than she initially was? Yudias and co. not reaching Velgear and visiting the Go Rush Yu since all the dead Velgearians are somehow in the Dark Matter Zone to play shield?
Kuaidul being back is also something I'm not sure of. I mean I expected him to return but like *that*?
Now Yuamu is heading towards Earth with most of the Darkmen, Zwijo and Yuhi (to get Monster Reborn?) while we dont know what Yudias, Manabu, Nyandestar and Epoch will do. Likely follow the others but since Yuamu took Valvelgear with her, the only way I can see them leave the Dark Matter Zone is either by making a new space ship out of dark matter or fixing Zaidavelgear.
Since Asaka also seems to prepare Mutsuba Town for a battle, we should get more old characters getting involved again. Man, feeling bad for the UTS 8 when they're gonna see Yuamu acting as a villain but also for Manya (as Yuamu's childhood friend) and Sky (who had so much respect for her). And we can't forget about Yuna since I really believe in her scheming something on her own since Yudias and co. left Earth and it's gonna be Yuga-related. Who knows, she might either bring Yuga back or managed to stay in touch with him somehow.
I know this post is mostly negative thoughts than positive and honestly, I wished I could be more positive about GR - but that show's writing really makes it hard for me.
If anyone still loves Go Rush then cool? But I do hope that even those who love the show can at least admit that it has some flaws. Idk why I have seen people who still want to act like GR is an almost masterpiece.
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My personal favourite parts of Thor Ragnarok because I've just rewatched it and apparently the new one sucks (I haven't seen it and don't plan to):
The play at the beginning depicting Loki's death - it's just so dramatic idk it cracks me up
Des and Troy - "when you put them together, they destroy 😏" so stupid I love it
Dr Strange making Loki fall for 30 minutes - Loki gets thrown around a lot in this film and I feel like that says a lot about how people see him
The look on Loki's face when Thor and Hulk are fighting - the way the characters react and interact (poetry) in this movie are one of my fav things about it
"Another day, another Doug" - something I quote all the time but no one ever knows what I'm talking about
When Thor tells the snake story and the camera pans over to show Loki smiling to himself - literally one of my fav scenes I think about it all the time
Get help - self explanatory, peak sibling behaviour
The little birthday song that the Grand Master's orgy plane plays - I wanna find out who's idea that was because WHAT like genuinely who thought of that it's so random
Banner jumping out the plane with the intention of turn into hulk, but instead he just flops onto the bridge - the way he flops tickles my funny bone
When Valkyrie finds out Banner is Hulk - the looks on her face is priceless I love them
"what are you? Thor: god of hammers?" - Odin roasting his own son will never not be funny. Also the idea of there being an actual god of hammers amuses me
The Grand Master's funky little song that plays throughout the movie and in the credits - it brings me joy but I have no explanation as to why
Basically I just like all the silly bits
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heycollage · 1 year
6, 8, and 12 for the catboyyy
6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
grimm considers laws to be.... suggestions. intended for the betterment of society. he used to be more concerned about rocking the boat when he was younger and seeking his place in the world. but especially having travelled so much and broken so many societal and idk reality load-bearing rules he's much less keen to follow the laws set out by any one given political entity. also recognizes that there's not Really a governing body that can entirely hold him or the scions to any ideals and therefore actions other than their own at this point. culturally respectful, always. but most of his closest friends and allies have been or still are rough elements to say the least
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
wandering. or biting things lmao. peak cat behaviours. he's always been a contemplative sort, and feels most in touch with himself and his surroundings in nature. prone to losing track of time and people if there's the opportunity to take a walk where there's big trees. also he like chewing things. blades of grass, twigs, his thumb nail, the back end of his dip pen. contemplative and apt to gnaw. he's learned to temper both those habits but they sure do resurface when he's feeling uneasy or disquieted. not too much time to indulge in them for the sake of enjoyment these days
12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
LOL this can actively be considered a tell for when he's really comfortable with someone, cuz if it's just like. in the middle of his back and he can't quite get it or he's holding something at the time and it's driving him nuts- he'll ask then to scratch it. comes from growing up in a clowder of siblings who will just as willingly pull each other's hair and bite each other during scraps as they are to literally scratch each other's backs. if it's bc he's holding something and it's like nose or an ear itch? a very seriously furrowed brow and head shaking/violent ear twitches
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humanoidtyphoons · 10 months
lmao, but the way lucia ditches kirsi, and "listens" to kirsi's complaints about reimund not talking to her about their ~wedding~, so lucia "helpfully" going up to reimund and says directly "my lady wishes to have a word with you", before kirsi realizes what she's done, so kirsi has to mouth you are so dead!!! and lucia cheekily waves goodbye, her job here is done!!
peak sibling behaviour!!!
also the note about kirsi's father reading both kirsi and lucia fairytales, were they roommates? or was this like. an evening activity, before they went into separate rooms? like i vaguely remember kirsi/lucia mentioning kirsi sneaking out for midnight snacks, so i think they prolly grew up in the same room, but idk... then again, the first chapter, lucia is already wide awake and about to visit the slumbering kirsi, but... when they were younger maybe...
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vanserraseris · 3 years
END OF PART IV - This is just some more Lucien and Eris. Eris is pretty ooc, idk, I just imagine that Lucien and Eris got along at some point. I hope you enjoy it :)
yesssss im so here for lucien and eris being brothers <3 
Prince of Ashes. Part IV.
Eris had read the same business proposal three times. With a small, useless snarl, he threw the sheets of paper onto his desk and frustratedly rubbed at his eyes with the heels of his palms. He took a deep breath. His father had been demanding more from him, a strange thing Eris couldn’t understand considering how quickly his father had shoved him out of The Forest House after the War.
Eris had also managed to get into another fight with Cato, which, while a very common occurrence, still managed to leave him in a terrible mood. Blowing at a strand of blood-red hair that had fallen into his face, Eris lifted the proposal once more, hoping that this time the words would make some semblance of sense. When he became High Lord, Eris decided he was going to make his brothers answer all of his correspondence so that he wouldn’t have to.
Eris almost growled when the heavy oak door to his study slowly creaked open, but he opted to ignore whoever thought it would be a good idea to interrupt him. Perhaps they would just leave, Eris hoped, eyes scanning the document in front of him. With a scowl, Eris raised his head to snap at what was most likely a new servant, but when he saw no one at the door, Eris paused. He carefully placed the proposal off to the side, the fireplace on the other side of the small room flaring.
Just when Eris was about to stand, a small face peaked up at him from the opposite end of his desk. Eris frowned, “Lucien?” He asked it in a soft tone, one that he reserved for only three people in his life. Mother, Rufus, Lucien. Eris didn’t know what it was about them that put to sleep the dark thing inside him, but for whatever reason, he felt at peace in their presence.
“I knew you had come,” his youngest brother must have been on the tips of his toes to look over the desk at Eris. He didn’t look too pleased. 
The frown did not leave Eris’s face, “I am not to stay long, but I have much to do.” 
“You couldn’t be bothered to come say hello?” Lucien lifted his chin, the loose curls of his short hair shifting with the movement. Eris had not realised how upset Lucien was, his little face red in the cheeks with what Eris supposed was anger.
“Our father has given me a task, I can’t be spending the day with you,” too harsh for a child that had yet to reach half a decade, but Eris always had a hard time with softness. 
Lucien didn’t back down, with a small shake of his head he spoke, “You could have said hello.” 
“Go pester Rufus, Lucien,” Eris mumbled, lifting the paper and taking his eyes away from the sad gaze of his brother. Eris waved his other hand in the door’s direction, “Or go back to the lessons I know you should be in.”
Eris heard Lucien’s frustrated sigh and his small steps as he scrambled out of the room. While Eris knew that Beron paid very little attention to the whereabouts of Lucien, Eris had gotten plenty of beatings for missing a lesson. Noticing that Lucien had not closed the door but feeling much too lazy to do it himself, Eris settled once more into his cushioned chair. Grabbing a pen, Eris began to write out a lengthy response to the proposal.
He almost snorted when he got to the bottom of the page and signed it with his father’s name. As if Beron had such lovely writing, Eris thought rather arrogantly. His father hadn’t learned to do anything other than fight for the crown of the Autumn Court. He’d slaughtered five brothers for it. It was not hard to imagine how ruthless Beron must have been in his youth, but Eris also couldn’t believe how his father had killed his own brothers and slept at night.
Eris had always been thankful for having been firstborn. If being the eldest was good for nothing else, Eris was glad he wouldn’t be the one killing any siblings for a centuries old scrap of metal. 
Eris almost fell out of his seat when he heard the loud clang of the plate that landed on the desk, knocking him out of his miserable thoughts. Eris peered over the top of his desk, scowling. Red hair that was the same as his own was all he could see.
“Old Sae says you haven’t eaten,” Lucien made his way to Eris’s side, a small sneer on his face. Eris thought Lucien had never looked more like a Vanserra, like one of them — stubborn and determined, his chin tilted up and his nose lifted in a snobbish sort of way. 
“Lucien,” Eris began, but stopped to help his younger brother as he climbed onto the arm of the chair. “Fox, what in the hells are you doing?”
Lucien didn’t bother answering him — something that he did quite often — as he settled onto Eris’s lap, curling his small body up against his oldest brother. 
“Lucien,” Eris sighed, “I’m busy.” 
“I know,” Lucien said, looking up at Eris, russet eyes pleading, his mouth set in a pout, “I swear it, Eris, I swear that I won’t ask you to read to me or give me riddles or play chess with me, I swear.”
It was true that Lucien was always looking to Eris for attention, but he found it strangely calming to sit around with Lucien and do such ordinary things. Eris had thought about what he would do if he’d been born ordinary — if hadn’t been the Autumn Court’s heir — much more than he’d like to admit. 
Eris shook his head, but he was finding it very hard to say no. So much for not getting attached to the little runt, “I’m busy,” he repeated.
Lucien frowned, settling against Eris’s side and facing the desk, “So you be busy, and I’ll stay here and watch.” 
Eris felt something spark in his usually hollow chest. He sighed, leaning his chin onto the top of his brother’s head, hoping that Lucien understood how much Eris appreciated him in that moment. Lucien was a creature that gave love so freely, Eris prayed to the Mother that he would always be this way. “Alright,” Eris scooted the chair closer to the desk, “But I have a lot to do.”
Lucien hummed, knowing very well that he’d managed to do something great. Lucien had gotten very good at getting Rufus and their mother to do whatever he wanted, Eris was a bit more of a challenge. Small fingers lifting an apple slice from the plate he’d dropped onto the desk, Lucien handed it to Eris before he took a slice for himself and bit into it. Eris ruffled Lucien’s red locks, biting into his own apple slice with a small smile.
And so that was how Eris would spend the rest of his day. With Lucien sat quietly on his lap as he did the brunt of his father’s paperwork. Lucien had stayed true to his word and hadn’t asked Eris for anything. The sun had set by the time Eris was on the last letter, some marriage request for a young female in the aristocracy. The lord was hoping for a beneficial union between his daughter and one of the Vanserras.
Eris guessed that no harm would come from throwing that particular letter in the fire. It would be just his luck that Beron would choose another potential bride for him, assuming the old bastard had forgotten what a disaster it’d been the last time he had tried to marry Eris off to the first available female. With a knock on the door to his study, Eris wrapped an arm around little Lucien, who’d fallen asleep against his side. The door was thrown open, Priam walking inside with silent steps.
“Father knows Lucien missed his lessons and wants to speak with you,” he sounded calm and unbothered, but the embers flaring in his russett eyes gave away the fact that some emotion was brewing behind that cold façade. 
Brilliant, Eris thought, handing the sleeping Lucien to Priam, “Find Rufus,” Eris said, trying to keep his frustration at bay. He often had to remind himself that none of his brothers were at fault for whatever Beron was about to do, but he often got angry at them instead.
Priam didn’t give Eris a response, and as soon as Lucien was settled in Priam’s arms, they winnowed away, hopefully to Rufus. Rufus loved being around children, Eris wasn’t surprised. Rufus had always been the kindest of them, the most understanding and most loving. Eris had kept Rufus far away from their father, and while their mother had mostly ignored little Rufus, he didn’t seem to hold it against her. Eris supposed he should ask Rufus how he did it the next time he had a chance.
Only moments after Priam and Lucien had left, Eris felt the heavy, choking presence of his father’s magic, the smoking scent of it. He could only wait for whatever punishment his father had in store. Eris didn’t bother standing as his father walked into the study, his short brown hair brushed back and away from his face, his crown nowhere to be seen.
The High Lord of the Autumn Court slowly walked to Eris’s desk, his hand absently picked up a book that Eris had lying there. Eris wondered if Beron would throw it at him. 
Beron’s beringed fingers flipped through the pages of the book, his eyes scanning the words as he spoke. “I don’t pay those tutors for nothing, boy.” 
Eris swallowed, licked his lips, “I wasn't aware they were being paid.” Eris watched as his father huffed a humourless laugh.
“I don’t think I have to tell you that your behaviour has been unacceptable as of late.” Beron elegantly set the heavy book down, his voice calm. 
He’d been told countless times by his father to stop spoiling Lucien. Eris found that even without a vow to protect Lucien, he would have done it just to keep the smile on his youngest brother’s face. Mother above, Eris was a real idiot for thinking he could love someone in this court and not have it be a weakness.
Eris set his jaw, opting to act like a fool, “What behaviour?” 
The back-handed blow to the face he’d earned for that would surely bruise. Quick as an adder so that he hadn’t seen the hit coming, but Eris knew he wouldn’t have moved out of the way even if he had. 
“Don’t play the idiot with me, Eris, I have no patience for it,” Beron growled, his hand snapping up to hold Eris’s face in a tight, uncomfortable grip. Beron leaned over the desk, “I don’t think I need to teach you another lesson?”
Eris shook his head, his father’s grip on his chin still too tight, “No, High Lord,” he ground out. Eris had been beaten bloody less than a fortnight ago for taking Lucien and Rufus to the city for a day trip, but Beron’s lessons had always taught Eris absolutely nothing, and that one had been no different. Not only that, but Eris found he was very good at repeating his long list of stupid mistakes that managed to make his father absolutely livid.
Beron practically threw Eris’s face to the side, “Be careful, boy, I have six other sons to take my place. I have no use for an heir who can hardly obey a simple order.” 
The sudden urge for Eris to bark that Beron only had five was overwhelming, but he settled for glaring at his father’s back as he stalked out of the study. Eris would gladly give one of his brother’s the throne, he’d never fucking wanted it anyway.
Eris slumped back in his seat as his father left the room, the control on his own magic slipping so that golden flames flickered in his eyes. Eris wanted to flip the desk in his anger, but he hated making a mess of things, so he took a deep breath instead, cooling the fire in his veins. Eris raised a pale hand, wiping some blood from his split lip with the pad of his thumb. It would heal by morning, Eris thought, and all would be as if it had never happened.
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jate-kara · 4 years
In no prisoners rex and ahsoka are on a mission together and the admiral insults ahsoka tube top saying she isn’t on a ocean cruiser. Rex argues that she’s just a teenager and kindly asks her to just do as he says so they get on the mission- and immediately bursts out laughing when she leaves. If this isn’t peak sibling behaviour idk what is
dragging your sister is absolutely peak sibling behavior
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by pinkchocolate
Have you done any of the same things as me this year? (2020 edition)
Planned a shopping spree with a friend?
Visited a shopping centre/mall? Malls are extremely commonplace here and honestly they already serve as the main tourist attractions if you find yourself in Manila, which is why Manila has never been a popular tourist destination itself (foreign tourists usually head to neighboring provinces, which is smart on their end). I’ve been to malls at least 20-30 times this year, but that’s only because of the pandemic. I probably go close to 50-70 times in a normal year.
Had lunch with a friend? Yeah I caught lunch with Angela a couple times at the start of the year. I had a one-photo-a-day gimmick on Instagram, and I’m pretty sure I have a photo of her in there during one of our lunch dates.
Ordered pizza at a restaurant? Again, at the start of the year. Gab and I loved Italian restaurants so we definitely ordered pizza several times.
Been in a department store? I needed to briefly enter one a couple of weeks ago to look for gift wrappers.
Bought pretty new lingerie?
Had coffee with a friend? Yeah Gab and I had study dates at coffee shops every single week. Now, obviously, I just take myself.
Bought DVDs?
Had a cold?
Bought toiletries as a gift for someone else?
Had dinner in a restaurant with your family? Yeah I’m fairly certain we did this at least a couple of times between January and early March. The last time I dined in anywhere was a month ago, but I was only with my parents and my siblings didn’t come along.
Had one of your kitchen appliances break? Our plumbing is a little fucked in general and sometimes we’ll have minor leaks on the floor. My dad’s knives have also gotten a bit dull, so I got him a new knife set for Christmas. But no damage to appliances.
Watched a movie at the cinema?
Struggled for food when the panic buying began? We struggled in that it was a bitch to enter the groceries at first. My dad did the grocieries for us during that time and that was back when they strictly enforced the number of people allowed in the supermarket at one time; and no matter how early he queued, there was always already a line that got there before him. He’d wait around three hours and once he was finally let in, a bunch of alleys or sections in the grocery would already be empty or at least close to becoming empty. We never went hungry or had to skip meals or anything like that, but I do remember having to make do with lesser-known brands we never used before because sometimes those would be the only options left at the grocery.
Wanted to hug a friend, but didn't because you had to social distance? I hugged Angela when I saw her a couple of days ago, and I also hugged Gab when we were still together. 
Felt afraid of Covid? My fears over it have tamed over the year, to be honest; but I’m still wary, of course. I hate it when people stand near me and I follow the safety protocols everywhere I go.
Felt afraid to leave the house? Only during the peak of the virus, from March to around May or June. Nowadays I kinda have to go out every now and then for the sake of my sanity.
Deliberately avoided watching the news because it made you feel upset? I mean I took up journ lol so I always watch the news, no matter how upsetting it can get. The one and only time I remember asking my sister to switch the channel was when there was a report on animal abuse.
Had to cancel plans for your birthday? I didn’t have plans for it in the first place, or at least I didn’t have the chance to make them yet, so I’m glad there was nothing to cancel.
Spent your birthday at home? This was the only choice I had. My birthday fell on the most serious and strictest phase of the quarantine, and this was back when nothing was open yet.
Collected a parcel from your doorstep? Online shopping is a norm for me now, lol. I used to not trust it, but now I probably buy at least one item a week.
Eaten an entire box of chocolates in one day? I don’t even like chocolate that much. That sounds so uncomfortably sweet.
Drank fruit flavoured cider?
Eaten birthday cake? Sure, we had cake for my mom’s, my aunt’s, and my cousin’s/godson’s birthdays.
Had a grandparent move into long-term care? My remaining grandparents are all fortunately still very healthy.
Kept a journal of your thoughts and feelings during lockdown? This is technically it, whether’s there’s a lockdown or not. I tried starting a journal after my breakup, but I couldn’t keep it up because my wrist strains easily from handwriting now, hahaha. I find that doing surveys suffice.
Had distressing dreams/nightmares related to the pandemic? No, but about other pressing events in my life.
Felt concerned about your financial situation? Not mine but my family’s.
Returned to a social platform that you took a break from? I left Facebook for a few months after the breakup. I’m back on it again because I had missed the memes, but I also want to permanently delete that account for good, open a new one, and just add the people I want to keep having in my circle. Like I love Gabie’s family to death but I don’t see the point in being Facebook friends with them still, and it actually feels kinda awkward now still seeing them on my list. Idk. We’ll see. I might keep my account or start a new one altogether.
Missed a past hobby or interest? I mean I missed going to malls and bars and going out with my friends, if that counts as an interest. I had to do much less of that this year.
Started a new hobby? I started doing embroidery about a month ago, and a few days ago I started working out. My body is as sore as all fuck, but at least it makes me feel good about myself. For the new year, I also plan on starting a skincare routine after 22 years of not doing anything with my face lol and maybeeee start experimenting with coffee and buy different kinds of beans just because?? Idk, I have a lot of cute hobbies planned out for next year haha I’m excited to see how it goes.
Joined some new Facebook groups? Both for work and personal purposes, yep.
Made some new friends online? I definitely like that I’ve become closer and more familiar with the survey community here. I feel like I barely interacted with anyone pre-Covid, when real life was still a bit more hectic and when it was more difficult to find time to relax and sit down and read everyone’s answers. I also became friends with Justine, Angel, and Bianca when I started as an intern at my workplace.
Felt annoyed because you saw someone without a mask? Everyone wears a mask in public, and there are always people assigned to monitor and lightly scold those stubborn enough to take their masks off. So this isn’t the case, but what I do find annoying is when people stand or walk too close to you. Just last week at the grocery this lady was close enough to be breathing down my neck when I was lining up at the cashier; being non-confrontational for the most part, it felt like being in the deepest pit of hell.
Felt like people were staring at you when you wore a mask? I feel like people are more likely to stare at people who DON’T have a mask. 
Bought new stationery? My sister has tons of stationery in her room for whatever reason; when I need one to write short notes or letters, I just ask for some from her. 
Video-called your extended family and friends? For sure. We did this a lot especially during the earlier parts of the year.
Written a letter to someone you missed?
Disagreed with the behaviour of a friend?
Felt surprised when someone wanted to be your friend? No one directly said it to me; but as an intern on my first day of the job, it was a really pleasant surprise to find that the co-interns I was going to be with weren’t boring, unemotional cogs who just aimed to do work. They were HILARIOUS from the get-go, was confused as fuck about work, and I could see they just wanted to make our tiny intern family a close-knit and happy group, to which I gladly agreed and went along with.
Bought a new pair of shoes? I got new shoes meant for my first job interview, but I haven’t gotten any brand new sneakers in a while :(
Replaced some toiletries that you ran out of during lockdown? I guess? Toiletries are necessities, so.
Bought some new books? I read new ones, but I didn’t buy them. Some I saw copies of on the internet; one was given as a gift to me.
Bought new cosmetics? I don’t use those.
Received a belated birthday present?
Received a present from a friend overseas?
Discovered a new author that you liked?
Felt like you were drifting away from people you were once close to? *A person. Yeah, well.
Found out that someone you knew had contracted Covid?  She’s a mutual friend from my high school days. We aren’t close but we’ve kept in touch by still following each other on social media. She wrote about her experience with Covid on a blog entry.
Realised you had formed a deep connection with someone? I got a lot closer with Andi both because we had to work together for our thesis and because they were there for me, unconditionally and untiringly, when I was coping with my breakup and was in rough shape.
Worried about the financial situation of someone close to you? Of my family, like I said, yes. We had to sell the Vitara because the money that pours into the household monthly isn’t enough to keep paying for it. To be fair, that car was a very big impulse buy by my dad, so we didn’t and don’t feel too bad about losing it hahaha. 
Let your guard down to someone? I don’t think so. I was on red alert this year since Gab increasingly broke my trust.
Had an issue with something on social media? Yeah, but I don’t want to get into it. That was such a long time ago and is so irrelevant now.
Felt disconnected from others? I deliberately did so three months ago, so much so that I had acquaintances I barely talked to since graduating talk to Andi and ask where I’ve been.
Changed your internet provider? We’ve had the same one for like 8-9 years now. It works pretty okay for five people who stream videos all day, so we haven’t felt the need to switch.
Felt fortunate/thankful? I mean I’m here, scar-less, and happy with myself on December 31, 2020, right?
Tried some new foods that you enjoyed? Baked sushi is so fucking good.
Re-read a book that you loved? Crazy Is My Superpower by AJ Mendez (aka my favorite girl wrestler, AJ Lee) is always a good read to come back to.
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muchmoremarsh · 5 years
tw abuse, trauma, mothers, all that shit
it’s real Trauma Processing Hours dude, lemme wrote down a load of stuff that my mum has continuously done before doing something manipulative, emotionally abusive or getting physical because if i don’t it’s going to plague me like an infection that’s been growing this past week since camhs never bothered to actually, yknow, do their job
she will start to cry in this way which can be described as like a descent into madness, it’s not like sad crying more like hysterical toddler crying
she does like a fake scream ‘aaaaa’ like whisper, usually maybe after putting her hands on her face just after crying
she will either stare you down in silence with this really condescending face and shake her head and say ‘no’ or something and the. proceed to start ranting at you
she thinks other people’s- COMPLETELY normal behaviour, by the way- is somehow “very strange” “straaange” “odd/weird” and feels the need to comment on other people’s actions as if they directly affect her wellbeing in some manner when they...don’t? for example, she “sells” stuff online and when someone decides to cancel for an item she says “they are very strange”
washing dishes. i don’t even want to elaborate on this but every time i see anyone, especially her, washing dishes i just want to run to the hills
she will accuse you of being a “liar” in this very specific tone of voice.
i remember when i watched “goodnight mr tom” for the first time and when i watched the scene with the mother in it i started crying excessively like, from completley fine to just BROKEN from the way the mother acted because it was almost EXACTLY how my own mother acts and i can’t even type this without tearing up hooo boy
she says like “ooookayyyy, fineee” in a high pitched, annoyed voice when something goes even the slightest not her own way. also another thing is that she infantilises everyone wound her, and talks in CONTINUOUS baby talk, i haven’t known a fucking day where she won’t revert to the speech patterns of a toddler, CONSCIOUSLY may i add, and it annoys me to my CORE. sometimes i catch myself saying something in a tone of voice or mis-matching words like she would it makes me physically SICK.
she will criticise basiclly anything to you to her as if it is a personal attack, and even the slightest address of anything bad she may have done will be met with swearing or some kind of stated above action.
she just...expects everything to come to her and blames other people for her own mistakes and gets violent when her demands aren’t met
when she gets into fits of rage you can’t do anything because you really don’t know WHAT she is going to do. will she just continue crying? go out for a cigarette? start beating the shit out of me with her bare hands? threaten someone? start kicking? bitch i don’t know! you can’t do anything :)
she used to threaten to just throw all out stuff away and like...threaten to send me and my sis back to my dads but then make out she was the better parent while obviously being COMPLETELY the opposite of a better parent. she made us stay up like 3 hours having an argument over a CLOTHING TAG before. if you’re siblings you will argue a lot, and we did, mostly NOT helped by mother’s obviously amazing examples, but one day we were just like playing in our room together and we may have gotten a bit loud but she storms through the door and we scream in fear but she just stands in the doorway like “why are screaming????” oh sorry MOTHER DEAREST i thought you were going to pick one of us up by the leg and start beating us like a fucking rug or something, idk!
idk!!! i just don’t think it’s normal to needlessly YELL and antagonise your children for getting bored at the supermarket, threaten them and make them sit on the edge of your sofa with our hands on our heads all fucking evening until you thrust food in front of our faces (which you made us feel guilty bc oh you SLAVED away making that obviously VERY difficult to make tesco takeaway curry or bullshit sausage and beans or some fuckshit casserole made in the hot pot) and then making us continue sitting there with our hands on our head until we were sent to bed
or how about let’s continue making the most stupidest financial mistakes like randomly buying CRAP online and never selling it bc it is just crap like baby clothes and baby toys and random “bundles” of stuff that NOBODY wants, why all the baby stuff? she can’t let go that we’re not CHILDREN anymore, God help my younger brother, i want to see him so much more than i currently do, it’s really not healthy for him to be in the environment much longer.
she just hoards and hoards and you cant TELL her that she’s hoarding because she will snap and do all of the above things and get violent. she criticised others for being stuck in a state of poverty when the money spent on buying these “products” could be used to afford a better place to live, getting rid off stuff means a cleaner, healthier space but NO, full every possible piece of floor space with random clothes we found on ebay!
yes buying all this stuff, we have always been relatively poor, i know this, but it’s not like it can’t be improved? things did start to peak when she first moved but it just got progressively worse...and worse...and that leads to financial burdens so LETS BUY OUT A SHOP TO TRY AND SELL THE CRAP, but it’s still crap so nobody will buy it and let’s never make a profit!!! so we lose even more money so let’s steal money off your oldest child! i am DESPERATELY praying that my mother has no acsess to the money my grandma has left me.
anyway i started ranting but tldr my mother is a worst person and like despite how much she tries to manipulate me into loving her bc she is my mother, she has done nothing but confuse and abuse me and my siblings our entire life, she is unstable and makes me anxious, im glad i moved in with my dad, i have deep rooted and challenging psychological problems because of her behaviour which impacts my relationship with my stepmum, father as well as peers and ESPECIALLY authority figures on top of the fact i am autistic as well, so thanks mum. you giving your children the bare minimum is not interchangeable with a loving family home. you are abusive, fuck you.
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