#and if you think there is thats just sick and awful and in that case please don’t interact
astralsys · 3 months
hi again been a bit... uhhh why'd I wanna make this again? oh right talking about random shit. I do wanna get back into some things I left off with some friends of mine, but due to being me and it being a very hard existence things didnt go as planned and I kinda dropped it and lost interest.... which really sucks cause I have so many ideas for where I wanted to take my story ( working on a kirby au of sorts havent sorted out through the entire thing cause my brain doesnt wanna work with me :/ ) that I wanted to actually bring into existence instead of it all just being in my head or a rough draft. maybe I can push myself into gaining interest again by actually working on it again. what I had orginally thought up is no longer what I wanna go with so new things are hard to come up with. off topic from that I have so many fucking games I need to get back to and the game list keeps getting bigger and bigger its gonna drown me at some point :( whyyyyy do I keep doing this to myself.... doom I'm dooming myself this is what I'm doing. and cause I'm me I'm def gonna be forgetting that I made this post in the first place! dont you love being this mess of a person? isnt this FUN?!
#astralsys.tx#fronting astral: k#check dni /srs#the answer is no#I hate this so much#every time I think about how my life is goddamn awful I'm just fucking thinking about all the fakers ik in my life#if they fucking saw me and lived this life they would kts#clearly dont understand how this disorder works LOL#you all just think its “mpd” and all fun and dandy dontcha#even the personal fakers ik dont understand how this disorder works either I just wanted to fucking scream at them#and tell them their “case” is not real and they're being fictitious that this is imitative d.i.d. you're doing this on purpose#no you are not a minor discovered “d.i.d. system” who is “fictive heavy” with an obsurd number of “alters / headmates” actually stfu die#I just wanna slap them with sources of researchers of actual fakers and show them make them look in the fucking mirror#THIS IS YOU DO YOU NOT SEE YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR ARE YOU NOT LOOKING AT YOURSELF CLEARLY?!#even if I did that they STILL wouldnt back down and claim to my fucking face that they “suffer” from “d.i.d.”#yeah sure you fucking do with your 73pk+ which most of them are “introject fictives” from either your “HF / SPIN” or new media#and you act like youre rp'ing as them whenever they're brought up in convo and self dx'es with “osdd-1b” 1st and said you've done “research#clearly not good research if you didnt figure out that “osdd1b / osdd1a” are “community terms” and not actual dx'es also claimed self dx'ed#asd adhd anxiety depression & ofc “d.i.d.”. the other 2 are even worse all 3 of them “discovered they were systems” when they were minors#12pk rn but that number kept changing said 51 now 39 30 -> 42 -> 13 -> 12 yeah no way this is fucking real are you fucking kidding me?#all of them but ONE was a non “introject alter” yeah get fucking real buddy not even in active med help and your “member” count went down?#fuck off and then the last one's number keeps rising and rising this is like the worst one thats actually just screaming fake to my face#wow omfg 100pk now it was not like that a couple days ago you have got to be actually kidding me are you seeing yourself like actually rn#and ofc all of them are “introjects” from fucking somewhere and from very recent media too cause ofc it is cant even pretend right can you?#I cant with these fucking people man do you really think you can bullshit me like this to my fucking face with this shit do you honestly#think ANYONE ACTUALLY BELIEVES YOU#ALL THREE OF YOU ARE THE WORST PEOPLE YOU ARE ALL FUCKING DEAD TO ME#ok thats enough ranting out of me I'm just fucking sick of you people#get off the fucking internet#| ✨💫
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ccalxx · 10 months
Dating Wriothesley Headcanons
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What is it like dating the duke of the Meropide Fortress?
Wriothesley is very sharp and observant, even the faintest difference in your actions, he will know if something is wrong. He may be busy but he won't waste any time in asking you what's wrong or he would be comforting you if you need comfort.
Given that he is the Duke of the Meropide Fortress, a similar title to the Iudex of the Court of Fontaine, do expect that he'd really be busy. But not busy enough to prevent him from visiting or contacting you.
If you're the type of person that would make him cute bento boxes hoping to embarrass him (prank), well think again, because he actually doesn't care! He might chuckle a second or so, but he really thinks that your bento boxes are cute and something (despite being consumable) to cherish. He appreciates the thought and designs you put into.
He likes eating meat because of protein, just how he likes eating yo-, so you mostly make meat dishes in your bento. Tonkatsu that looks like a shark? Cute! Teriyaki chicken that resembles a wolf? Looks good! Pasta with shark shaped sausages? Thats nice!
On the outward appearance, you'd think he's scary or someone who has anger issues but he's not. He's really soft, caring, and cheeky too!
Do expect that he'd melt into your touch once he gets home from work. He may also fall asleep on times you didn't expect him to.
"[Nameeeeee] I'm home!" Wrio said as he wrapped his hands behind you and kisses your cheeks. You both went and sat on the couch, Wrio still clinging to you, as you ask him about his day, you noticed he isn't responding. He fell asleep while clinging to you, looks like you're not gonna feel your arm later.
He may have prevented you in going to Fortress of Meropide many times.
"Y/N, No. You might be in danger." "But Wrioooo" "No.".
But that didn't stop you from going and having lunch/snacks/dinner (he sometimes stay in the office even at night to finish paperworks). Instead he taught you some self defense moves in case you needed. "Okay Y/N if someone grabs your arm what should you do?" "Break their neck?" "Ye- what no!"
He likes tea, but you know what he likes more? You brewing him tea. You somehow learned different brew mixes just for him and he appreciates, no, he loves it so much! Because he doesn't really have the time to mix tea with lemon or whatever, because he's busy.
He isn't really a fan of PDA since he respects your personal space but in certain occasions he will assert that he's your man.
For example, someone in the overworld was harassing with you while you were selecting meat for his next meal. "*Whistles* Looking good pretty/handsome, just like that piece of meat you're holding" You were contemplating to slap the slab of meat on his face but you suddenly felt familiar hands around your waist. "My, my, that's not how to talk to a lady/gentleman is it not? It looks like you need to learn some manners, don't you think so Madamoiselle/Monseiur?" He looks at you with a warm smile and he looks straight up to the eyes of the guy. "Scram if you don't want me to report you to Monseiur Neuvillette for harassment". "Why are you here sweetie?" "Please don't tease me but... I kind of missed you... So I was looking for you at home but you weren't there..." "Aw, Wrio!" He looks around then he buries his head on the crook of your neck.
When there are times that you needed comfort, he will try his best to be there (ex. documents finished early) . If not, as a promise or a substitute he will leave his fur coat draped on you. He'll make up to you by bringing you food though (or flowers/things if you don't like food as much).
If you feel sick, he'd take a leave to work, he'd care for you until you are healthy.
Wriothesley is really sweet and caring, despite of how sharp or scary he looks. He'd do everything to make you happy and comfortable, and it's not an exaggeration that he'd risk himself for you. He loves so much and he never felt so drunk in love before, but now he's drunk in love with you.
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icarusredwings · 1 month
Rewatched Deadpool 1. Took notes.
WARNING: Discussion of mental illness topics, ending yourself, trauma, violence, etc.
Civil debate/ conversation welcomed. Sorry its super long. I think a lot.
You know what? We see Wade coloring a lot. What's our status on just giving him cartoons snacks and coloring books? He needs it.
I think we all forget how actually impressive this man is. I just watched this cancer having fucker do like 50 flips.
Whatta man is so Logan Howlett coded.
"Bad deadpool" "good deadpool!"
Deadpool has been helping kids for a while. He terrified a little creep while he himself was a huge creep.
Missed up his words and Vanessa smiled at him. With that "aw hes cute" kinda thing.
When talking about their childhood (whether he's lying or not, hes not about the uncle) and he outdos her so much that she giggles.
The first date he takes her ducking skiiballing instead of yk prostitute stuff
Hes so romantic oh my god.
Theyre giggling and joking like all the time. Personally thanksgiving is my favorite scene before he proposes with a fucking ring pop.
I shouldn't laugh but the way he said "wtf" when passing out
Vanessa instantly jumping to "what can we do? There has to be something" makes me instantly respect her as a chronically ill person myself. Partners who medically defend each other make me so happy because a lot of people divorce their partners when they get "too sick" let alone dont show up to specialist appointments.
Him accepting death so quickly is a sign of mental illness, and you can see him be confused on why shes so upset. Shes crying and hes sitting here like "why do you care if I die or not?" He physically feels so unloved that he just doesn't get it.
"I dont know. Might further the plot. " Oh, so you know about wades little mental tv show he puts on in his head as a coping mechanism?
Also... Weasel.. YOU KNOW WHO ELSE IS A WEASEL!? Shit sorry wrong movie.
Its not until now that hes crying because he realizes if he does then no more vanessa. We already know hes very co dependent and many people only care about themselves BECAUSE of other people. Which is also considered a sign of wanting to ☠️ self.
The whole "superheros are all lame ass teachers pets" thing is so funny if you think about how much beef he has with the xmen when in reality I have a feeling Wade would love charles in a "Ugh im in trouble with Daddy wheel chair again." COUGH "old bald heavens gate looking mother fucker" COUGH
"Thats not nice" No. But wade is genuienly not nice either.
"This is embarrassing. Please stop, " Colosus said what we all were thinking.
Bro literally cut/broke off his own hand and didn't whine a single time. If you ever. EVER hear this man express pain it is 99.9% his own choice to let you know that it hurts.
During his changing process, Francis says "the only thing that doesn't survive is a sense of humor" wade says "we'll see about that" and smirks.
What also makes sense to me is that he did NOT break easily. They did test after test after test and this man still wasn't breaking. His spirit is incredibly strong and as much as we enjoy joking about how stupid he is, Wade is extremely resourceful.
Its like he has created an alter ego of humor and kindess in order to keep up with the fact he DOES understand how fucked up this world is and whats happening/happened around him but refuses to acknowledge it until he has too. Ussually for survival.
Ive seen theories that he has DID or a type of Scizophreania and the voices in the comics are obviously in his head. I have mixed feelings about it because even his thoughts have thoughts of their own in some cases. Talking to no one is often a sign of abadonment, esspecially in children who are school age and get lonely when taken from their families to attend school. Its almost as if wade never lost his and hes subconsiously talking to himself to keep himself calm/ from panicking in high stress situations.
"But then how does he know hes in a movie" thats the thing. He doesn't. Hes pretending to cope. Main charaters cant die and until he dies he has this mental show/movie going on to keep himself from realizing all of this is true. That this is reality.
Cunningham mentions breakfast for his kids and suddenly, wade wakes up. Hes not joking anymore. This is a "oh shit... I wanna make breaktsst for my kids too... with my wife vanessa" moment.
"So whats wrong with him?"
Diiiiiddd we all forget about scout master kevin? Uncle? Dad? That fact that the oxygen was physically taken from his brain and was given Co2 poisoning over and over? For multiple days? This is the same man who blew himself up just to escape because they told him he wasnt going to see vanessa again.
And then he fought a guy naked, survived the entire building burning down, and now is so insecure about his looks that he thinks he made the baby cry in the street.
Theres people staring at him, flinching away, called names, people see him and cross the street. (So when he tells Logan that he knows his pain when it comes to public settings, hes not lying)
Blind Al is literally the reason deadpools suit is what it is. Why the idiot thought white was gonna be a good idea- See above. Unlike Al, who could smell the blood/ bleach.
I really love al. She's like the adult Toph.
"I hear everything in this duplex." OH, you poor thing.
"The guy that turned me into this freak-"
Al: *bitch im blind face*
As far as she's aware, he looks normal. Which is beautiful when you think about it, but it's funny when you think about the fact that he's so insecure about his face that he purposly found a blind room mate that couldn't judge him.
And they cuddle while he gets dating advice from grammie 🥹❤️
I really like how the entirety of Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Children (HellHouse in the comics) stood up for Weasel. They're murderers. But they're family.
What they did to vanessa was straight fucked. Her fiance up and leaves without notice, youre just trying to work and live your life, you get kidnapped.
Negasonic is so cool. I love them.
Dopinder (The cab guy) is so cool too. I love him too. Kill that guy in your trunk. "Mr. Pool" reminds me of Tom holland spiderman.
"It is not boy band >:(" Suurreee it isn't.
"Wheres your duffle bag?" You mean his dollar general store tree hello kitty book bag filled with guns?
"Cue the music" *no one even gives a fuck at this point when he talks to the imaginary cams*
Negasonic mid battle: Hold on- "Hey Yukio, yeah I just gotta fuck shit up real quick, ttyl?"
"Sure thing! <3 You go baby!"
I dont know anything about negasonic but she reminds me of Gambit with her energy powers.
Like I said. Hes smart when its a serious situation because he immediately threw his katana into the glass so vanessa could breathe, only to immediately turn sappy and childish again when he sees her stab francis with it. Heart hands, is hallucinating because theres a knife in his brain (literally), sex joke. Etc.
Colossus shut the fuck up. Let this man kill him. He's hurt Soooooo many people. A bullet costs less then a dollar. His amount of therapy alone is going to be like *checks calculations* 80 billion.
"Not the nethers" Wade can and often does show proof of hurting but hed rather cut off his hand then let vanessa punch him in the balls. "Ow- owie 5000"
Hello Hugh Jackman.
After not seeing each other for so longer they instantly go back to the fibbing. "I live in the house with 12"
"You live in a house??" Funny guys get the girls. I should know. My wife says im super funny (yes im in therapy)
Pinky promises really matter to him.
Hes such a silly billy he brought out the phone with their song on it. God what a romantic idiot.
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cordyceph · 1 month
one big thing about iwtv i like is that Every character has flaws. even characters we're meant to unapologetically sympathize with in other medias
paul, for example, is a very clearly sick man whos sickness weighs on his family. in any other media, hed'd be virtually untouched by any flaw other than being tragically sick. in iwtv, the first time we see him he's harassing louis' prostitutes (and we Know its harrasment because she tells louis he wont leave and paul isnt listening when she tells him she isnt interested.) we also see paul detest levi- who he views as having taken away his sister- and then act borderline hostile to lestat- some weird white man who's come to take his last sibling away, by attacking something he Knows he can win (religion, implying that lestat is either a blasphemer or gay) (either way, living in sin)
i think the only character who is like not an asshole without reason to be is grace? because shes generally kind and understanding until louis endangers her kids, literally disappears for months, years, until their mother dies, until she has to 'kill' him in her mind. sure, she was aggressive and insulting at their mother's funeral, but like... i would be too. if my brother fucked off for who knows how long, comes back Wrong and more of an asshole than before, literally breaks a door down, threatens me? id be way more upset than she was. like shes kind of a saint compared to literally everyone else. armand? armand. need i say more. louis? half the show is 'look at louis be unnecessarily cruel to those around him' (claudia, daniel, armand, lestat) lestat. oh my god lestat. i want to study his brain and be like brother how do you have every disease.
claudia is kind of a special case because for as much as she acts grown shes permanently stuck in that fourteen year old era. i know i, when i was an unsupported mentally ill teenager, said horrible things i deeply regretted later on. claudia goes through that too, just by like... a hundred or so years more. its not until madeline really treats her like another adult woman that she acts more like. well. an adult. louis didn't treat her like an adult ever (as much as lestat did wrong by her specifically, i do think he treated her like an adult, but never a child. but thats for another ramble) anyway, claudia says awful things and does awful things because shes fourteen and being treated like a child, but shes an adult, but no one treats her like one. like babydoll from batman animated
daniel . daniellllllll. olllllld man. i lost my steam thinking about that old man im gonna be real. hes just really funny and pretty and smart and cool okay im gonna jackhammer that guys pelvis
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frankingsteinery · 1 year
been sitting on this for awhile because its a bit controversial, but its one of the main reasons i was pushed into the frankenstein fandom space so i figured it was high time to talk about it
ive noticed that theres this general opinion, both among scholars and present in more fandom-y spaces, that victor is somehow effeminate for what are ultimately symptoms of disability (fainting spells, being bedridden, hysteria, etc) as if being physically or mentally ill is something that is inherently feminine. i have read articles published by academics that victor’s sickness is proof of his “femininity,” which is why he wants to take on the traditional part of a woman, that is, childbirth (via creature)
even in general, and not on an academic level, it emerges in jokes or memes all over the place — people poking at victor for being weak, or sick, or a gay little UWU bean sub, because aw hes fainting all the time XD and he’s sooo dramatic! as if these things were somehow both his choice, and somehow innately feminine
so, not only is there this weird link people are attempting to draw between disability and femininity, but also queerness (particularly, ive noticed, being a “bottom” or “sub” — but thats a whole separate can of worms) and femininity. as if being either of these things is inherently girly or cutesy and thus worthy of being made fun of
there comes a point (particularly when these interpretations leak into broader understandings of something via pop culture), where, for lack of a better word, it comes off as fetishizing or romanticizing queerness and/or queer relationships
and while this may seem relatively harmless on the surface and comes off as just thoughtless jokes made in bad taste, it IS serious. not just within the context of frankenstein, but the general premise of the severity that even subconscious reinforcement of detrimental and stereotypical ideas should be treated with. its a slippery slope from jokes to notions that affect you and how you see the world
this is obviously part of a broader problem with the way disability, gender, identity and etc is thought about and taught, which results in people harboring all sorts of these types of underlying prejudices. its just that victor happens to be a particularly good example, wherein he is a feminized man that is ascribed as “weak,” and the attribute “weak” is ascribed to someone who has been historically analyzed as both disabled and queer. this has been reinforced for decades, and i feel like this treatment of his character in this way is so blatantly obvious and runs rampant while it goes nearly entirely unchecked — and also in the case of frankenstein discourse, its often a quadruple whammy (ableism, misogyny, transphobia, homophobia)
and the worst part is that it is so often completely unintentional, and the bulk of this sort of content are well-meaning jokes. i genuinely don’t think people do this in bad faith or out of malice, but spreading these concepts even in formats that appear to be harmless (jokes, memes) just contribute to and continue to spread these ideas and stereotypes. its frustrating because its hard to point out and bring attention to without coming off as nitpicky or overly sensitive because this sort of thing is just so SUBTLE, and these beliefs are so gradually learned and then reinforced on a subconscious level
i could go on but for risk of sounding redundant ill digress, however to be clear this is not me saying you cant view victor as transfem, or disabled, or queer (i do!), or to view him as feminine, or etc, but that you should look at the reasons for WHY you think so, and how you or others treat the subject when talking about it.
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Stomach Struggles Pt.2
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 1.2K
Summary: R struggles while her girls are away, chronic stomach aches are no fun and r just wants her girls
TW: anxiety, past trauma (mentioned), stomach ache, crying, vulnerability, vomiting, fever, embarrassment
|| Part 1 || A/n hehe i had already written part 2 before I posted part 1 lol
Its fair to say the pepto did absolutely nothing for your stomach it was about a half hour later when you shot up out of Wanda’s grip, effectively startling her and nat who was dozing beside Wanda and you.
The nausea was peaking fast as Wanda scrambled to find a sick bag for you. Your stomach had other ideas as you proceeded to throw up in your lap and on the bedsheets. Tears pricked your eyes from both embarrassment and pain. You held your stomach as the stabbing pains returned.
When your brain began to process things again you heard Wanda talking to you.
“Shh shh baby its ok it happens. Got it all up bubs its alright we can always wash the sheets.” She said rubbing your back. You gagged and tried to hold it back not wanting to make the mess any worse than it already was.
“No no baby none of that.” She said feeling your body tense under her hands as you fought it back. “Let it out love its ok. We’ll fix the mess my sweet, just get it all up love.” She said still running her hand up and down your spine. You choked on a sob and finally gave in. Throwing up again and starting to cry all over again. Hiccuping sobs shook you as you laid your back against Wanda’s front. You were still between her legs and felt awful about making a mess. Wanda frowned as her eyebrows pinched together and her lips thinned looking at the mess and you felt guilty only crying harder. Wanda realised she had upset you and held you closer.
“No no baby im not mad. Shh shhh. Im just concerned baby you only brought up bile sweets. How long has it been since you have eaten love?” She waved her hand and the magic removed the puke from the bedsheets and you sighed feeling less guilty.
“Not since yesterday.” You said quietly and Wanda clicked her tongue.
“Baby I’m gonna text natty to bring you back some food.” You whined half from realising nat wasn’t with you and half from the idea of eating anything you knew you would throw up again. “Ill make sure its something light for your stomach my love how does that sound?” She said rubbing her hand over your stomach as they glowed softly as her magic created a soft heat that soothed the muscles. You moaned quietly.
“Ok.” You whispered
“Good girl baby I’m so proud of you.” She said and texted nat with one hand.
“Why did natty leave?” You asked as tears gathered in your eyes at the thought of your girlfriend leaving because you were gross. Your thoughts were loud and Wanda looked down at you shocked.
“No baby natty doesn’t think your gross. Never. Never ever. Who told you that?” Her eyes flashed red slightly and you hung your head. “Who.” She said stern but soft and you knew she wanted a name.
“One of my toxic friends from high school”
“Oh baby well their wrong and I’m glad you recognise they were toxic my sweet.” She wrapped you in her arms. “Come cuddle with me until natty gets back with some food.”
You whined softly at the idea of food. “Hush bubs and I’ll tell you where natty went.” You went quiet and Wanda chuckled softly. “Natty went to get some things for you. She is more of an active comforter than a soft comforter baby, thats my job. She try’s to find solutions. She went to get some more supplies. Sick bags, a thermometer just in case, a flavour of pepto that wont make you gag and so on.” Wanda rambled and you had begun to fall asleep when you felt a hand stroking your cheek. Carefully you cracked open an eye.
“There she is. Hello sweetheart do you think you can eat something for me and wands baby girl?” Nat asked leaning down in look into your eyes. You nodded softly and noticed a tray with all the things Wanda had listed and more. A pack of saltines, a steaming mug of tea and the heat pack that was shaped like a smily face. You grinned softly remembering when nat bought it for you the first time you had gotten sick around her. The first time in year someone cared for you. With shaky hands you began to eat some of the soup nat placed in your lap. Wanda took note of your shaking hands and took the spoon from you gently. You didn’t have the energy to protest as she began to feed you. Nat sat by one side taking not of your slightly flushed cheeks and the glossy look taking over your eyes. Nat put her hand on Wanda’s arm as she lifted the spoon to your open mouth again stopping her.
“Baby that should be enough for now. We don’t want to make her sick again.” Wanda nodded and placed the food on the bedside for later.
“You did so good my love.” She said rubbing you arm as your eyes fluttered shut.
“Can you open one more time?” Nat asked and you did as you felt the thermometer you hated so much enter your mouth, you tried to spit it out but Wanda closed your mouth around it by tapping the bottom of your jaw with her finger. You frowned at her and pouted leaning further into her front. Nat cooed and Wanda smiled down at your sleepy form. After a minute you were almost asleep when it beeped and you groaned. Nat took it swiftly from your mouth and you turned into Wanda more to snuggle up.
“What does it say nat?” Wanda asked seeing nat frown.
“Shes got a decent fever love.” Nat said. “Here have her take these.” The next second you felt Wanda pressing a pill to your lips you took them and then swallowed the water from the glass that was pressed to your lips next as your eyes were still shut. Carefully Wanda lay back down and pulled the sheets over the two of you as you slept on top of her. Nat pressed into Wanda’s side as the three of you cuddled. Wanda ignored the warmth radiating from you knowing the meds would help.
The three of you slept into the afternoon as your fever broke while you slept and the next time you woke the pain was less. Wanda pressed a kiss to your forehead as you sleepily came to.
“Afternoon baby girl how are we feeling now?” She asked her voice slightly deeper from sleep.
“Better.” You mumbled “need more sleep.” You said snuggling into her and relishing in the way her chest vibrated against you face as she laughed.
“No baby you need some lunch. Natty went to get food for us.” You whined. “Come on baby I’ll even carry you.” You snuggled into her neck as your front was pressed into hers as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and placed a hand on your butt to stabilise you as you wrapped your legs around her waist. Your face still pressed into her neck smelling her perfume. You felt safe and loved. Knowing they would always be there for you. Knowing they would drop everything to make sure your were ok was something that made you want to cry from joy. Knowing how much they loved you.
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sweetbottletops · 3 months
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I wish mental health days were more accepted even a few years ago. Mitsuki’s perma-eyebags were exceptional this chapter. She’s really starting to look more like those future glimpse sketches.
Ch. 92
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Mitsuki went with the western breakfast. (cc: Cafe Collaboration.)
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I feel like Agu enjoys drawing his arms. There was so much arm. MA-18 for arm.
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She was waving off Aya’s concerns yesterday but now that her song writing high burned off overnight she’s got a case of the nerves. Stage fright isn’t so bad when it’s the stage you picked for yourself, but she really doesn’t like eyes on her at school specifically.
(Is AC sickness like sleeping-with-wet-hair or forgetting umbrella as specific Japanese causes for getting sick?)
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This is extra funny when you remember the CD shop is connected to their home.
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Joe doesn’t seem to take mental health days himself. He’s been tightly wound for probably six years running. Mitsuki doesn’t seem familiar at all with him just closing up shop because he’s in the mood.
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Confession time. I had to clear my schedule and watch School of Rock* for the first time tonight. I looked at the date it came out and I must have been busy. Yes, for the whole year.
It was free on Paramount+ and I got back into Stardew Valley this week (I will romance you, Haley. Stop struggling.) which is a perfect game for multitasking.
*I have seen High Fidelity, Almost Famous, Empire Records…I’m not completely uncultured.
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Joe turns into a school boy when it comes to Kanna. “…you think she’ll come too?” Aw shucks, Joe. She’s waiting for you to ask anything at this point. It’s cute he immediately thought to include her. I wonder if that was their family movie.
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The family head patting pecking order is:
Kanna > Joe > Mitsuki
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Kanna having a serious job thats prematurely aging her vs the Kogas. See, this is what they bring to the relationship.
Meanwhile not in the group chat…Aya is going to be so worried when Koga doesn’t show up at school after the talk they had. She’s gotten used to being relied upon since around the sprained ankle situation, but Mitsuki has to reach back as well.
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roe-and-memory · 6 months
i think WAY too much about the hc of lightning having rosacea. its at the forefront of my mind ALWAYS.
his cheeks are perpetually flush, thats a given. it goes hand in hand with his sight issues (light sensitivity - also an autistic trait; goes hand in hand with sensory processing disorder which i Also believe he has), and it flares up with emotional stress.
lightning isn’t a big stresser, not during the day at least. he really doesnt worry about anything unless he has a Reason to be worried about it, like something hes been warned about. however, his nightmares are a WHOLE different story - he doesnt realize it, but they cause such an immense amount of stress for him at night. the only thing he ever really stresses ABOUT is going to sleep, he hates it with every fiber of his being, because he knows what’ll come to him in the middle of the night and he knows he cant do a thing about them. he himself wouldnt label it as stress though, only sally and doc and literally everyone around him who’s been a witness to this sheer discomfort whenever it comes time to rest.
so, in the middle of the night, he’ll have these nightmares, and he’ll Stress in his sleep. it’s why he listens to music so often while he sleeps, that walkman helps keep him some type of calm if its not too bad, but when it IS bad? oh. god.
he’ll wake up in the morning with a face so burning hot it could be mistaken for a fever, and sometimes possibly some vision impairment (blurry - this goes away over the course of a couple hours; worsened light sensitivity - this one lasts the entirety of his flare ups), his cheeks and nose are red and underneath the freckles that litter his face you can see little purple blood vessels in his skin becoming more prominent. it drives him NUTS. it also doesnt help his case that these flare ups just make him More exhausted, therefore more subconsciously stressed about falling asleep. its like one big Loop of sheer Hell
sally and doc have both mistaken it for him being sick, but when it Kept happening (and lightning expressed its happened his whole life, just awful flare ups that made his face hurt like hell) doc actually looked into it and figured out what it was. theres no cure for it, but the discovery led to a Lot of attempts at solving the core issue - his nightmares. nothing really worked, and that kind of sucked, but it was better safe than sorry to see if they could dampen the amount of times it DID flare up.
sometimes it looks kinda like he spent an hour standing over a fire pit, letting the flames and smoke billow up into his face - its been mistaken for burns on multiple occasions - and its a pain to race with because his helmet sometimes rubs against it and makes the rash feel 100x more irritated ..
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noellashes · 1 year
hiiiiiiii! feel free to ignore this ask but what do you like about noelashe? :0 I really like them too but I don't exactly know why myself... the parallels perhaps? the care? the potential? either way, I'm asking you how you feel about them! And I hope you have a wonderful day! :)
so so sorry for the late response but
anon you don't understand how long ive been waiting for someone to ask me this exact question
this may be extremely long depending on how much i feel like talking about so i apologize
spoilers inbound after this point!!
there are many, many reasons ive fallen in love with them and their dynamic, but ill try to condense them into a more readable format
the sections will be as follows:
 their parallels and how they compliment each other
their kindness and affection towards each other
how they treat the other differently to the others in the mansion
more surface level dynamic things i like
the things that got me attached to them in the first place
i feel like every noelashe fan understands their parallels somewhat but im insane so im gonna go in depth
they match and contrast each other in so so many different ways, down to even design (i actually made a post about that before it shouldnt be too hard to find)
their personalities are one thing, energetic and tired, extroverted and introverted, loud and shy, cruel and kind, fake and genuine, manipulative and naïve, i could go on but thatd be WAY too long so i'll just mention these
but thats just on the surface, they actually match each other a LOT more than you think
how ashe is more introverted than what meets the eye, not liking people out of distrust, and noel being tons more talkative and social, adoring people and barely being able to hate anyone
noel being smarter than he appears, willing to lie and manipulate for what he wants, and ashe being really easy to fool sometimes, immediately believing anything he thinks can bring back his family
and of course the obvious, their wishes
the same wish, the same pain, they go through such similar trauma with different ways of dealing with it
or so you think, their coping is very similar and this is acknowledged in sirius's conclusion, the only real difference being if theyre violent or not. noel, has sworn off harming people but he's still not above using backhanded methods for his goals. ashe, despite doing awful things for his wants, still has noble(ish) reasons for why he does these things
neither are entirely innocent, but neither are completely guilty
they both just want the people they care for to live peacefully, alive
but both do some pretty fucked up things for this wish, noel lies to sirius and uses dorothy as a ploy, ashe well- i think we all know. ashe commits multiple varied crimes that range from theft to murder and noel's own negligence can be considered a crime in some cases.
they have an understanding no one else does and it creates a lot of interest towards them and develops them as individuals too
they care so much for each other its insane
noel has trouble seeing ashe as anything but kind and ashe cant help but feel attached to noel even if he doesnt want to, which makes them get close each time and it makes them feel for each other a LOT more than they need to
the times where noel is sick and ashe takes care of him, ashe saying he lied so noel wont feel bad, noel letting ashe confide in him and ashe even trusting him enough to say his worries in the first place, the list goes on
they just have an instant bond bc they want someone to care and help them (even if both have trouble admitting it) and they want to help each other, which just makes them care more
it always ends in kindness between the two and it's one of the ways we get a happy ending
special treatment
i could put this in the kindness section but i think it deserves its own section bc its so damn cute
it does have a little less to go over tho as it doesn't happen much
im also gonna start adding screenshots and such
noel seems to really admire ashe and his abilities so much more than anyone else its adorable
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hes so amazed by him literally just cooking and he doesnt comment on anything to do with precise stuff that isnt smth ashe does, i may be wrong but i dont think ive ever seen him comment on smth like sirius drawing talismans which is highly specific but will ALWAYS think about how impressed he is with ashe
he also just
treats ashe in a similar way to claire, like he just casually says ashe saved him which is such a strong word to him with no thought and he LITERALLY SAYS HE TRUSTS HIM UNCONSCIOUSLY BC HE REMINDS HIM OF CLAIRE if that doesnt say smth i dont know what does
and ashe always opens up to noel so much more than anyone else like noel has gotten ashe to talk about himself unlike anyone else, the only other character he talked to about things was claire (technically sirius too but he was drunk off his ass so im not counting it) and that was like once he doesnt even say anything that isnt surface level
ashe also just refuses to harm noel and i dont think anyone has noticed this before
it makes sense if his killings are during the day bc noel literally just isnt there but some other times he has no excuse
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surface level things
as much as i love the incredible lengths of their relationship, i also like more simple things that im just gonna put into a little list
theyre so sun and moon guys
their color palettes look nice together
babygirl and wet cat
loves to cook and fucking awful at cooking
smartass x dumbass
mutual healing
their symbols being hearts and stars those look so cute together
"i care about you!!" "why??", mutually
little bitch and sweetheart
both are affectionate but neither can handle it
emotionally repressed x the one who wants them to grow again
bfs who rant about their interests
same trauma
very strange guy x doesnt care
"im a disgusting monster" "HOW?"
the black and white good evil thing is very aesthetically pleasing for them
angel and devil (kinda)
why i fell in love with them
theres a lot of reasons why i love them but theres a few very specific things that got me attached
most obvious is that theyre both my favorites, im extremely attached to ashe and i loved him from the start, i didnt start liking noel until a tiny bit later but he very quickly gained my love
i also relate to them both heavily so seeing them care so much for each other gave me comfort
its a huge pattern that most of my ships are of the character i got immediately attached to and relate to and other character i relate to who cares about the first character
the fate line. its just so gay i was like "thats kinda gay" and while i didnt always think of it like it was super important it always stuck in my head like "yeah i could ship them"
but the real thing that started this all was the wine scene
its when i realized how much they cared for each other and then the floodgates opened, and here we are now!!
its still by far my favorite scene of the two it just makes me so happy its so adorable
i have an extreme love for noelashe and just seeing them can make my entire mood better
i dont think many people have analyzed them as much as me so its sad to see how much stuff with them goes unnoticed
theyre genuinely so great for each other, platonic, romantic or anything in between, they deserve to be happy with each other
im so sorry for this being so long and maybe really hard to understand but i adore them so much
if you read this all thank you so much!! have a great day
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fruitbasket-gossip · 1 month
It is Drayton, just a taste of his own medicine. He showed the same consideration to Kieran.
god youre so fucking awful it makes me sick. thats not a fucking excuse. those two arent even close to being equivalent do you hear yourself. you yhink youre doing this out of some twisted sense of justice and revenge for something that kieran has already expressed is in the past now and DOESNT want you fucks witchunting him for. and dont think i've forgotten about how yall fucking FLOCKED to fuck with kieran and atlas during the whole transfer student shit. you dont actually give a shit about kieran, you just take pleasure in psychologically tormenting others and drayton happens to be the perfect target right now.
fuck you. fuck off. get the fuck off of drayton's case.
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tobyig · 8 hours
The the savior complex in Atton is more present than ever in a dark side route (at least as a fem character).
When you do dark side aligned things (force persuasion (sometimes), lying/stealing (specifically in this case (what caused this post) taking Ahrnell's kinrath gland and letting him die) you get dark side points, and some people in your party will also get them (thats a whole other post).
I'm currently super close to True Sith, and my face is. awful (in a really really sick and cool way), and so is Atton's. When you talk to him, he goes
Atton: I don't know what that witch [Kreia] did to you, but she's dragging you down into whatever hole she came out of. I'm only saying this because there's still a chance for you to stop this before whatever darkness she brought on you eats you alive."
Exile: "I am stronger than I have ever been."
Atton: "Thats what you think, but it's going to rot you - the signs are already in your face."
like oh BROTHER
i dont know if this is supposed to be implied, but to me it heavily feels like (esp. with the "[...] there's still a chance for you to stop [...]") that he's definitely only saying this because he longs to be the savior and protector. we see this on Peragus, we see this on Telos, we see it on Malachor V, we see it basically everywhere (when he's in the party, ofc.)
This combined with what happens when you kill the Czerka Worker on Telos (I couldn't find my video of it and cant find the dialogue online, so it wont be verbatim but instead what i remember until i can find it (i looked for a long 30 minutes) (i might have to start a new play through for it)
Atton: "What just happened? One minute we were just talking, then the next..."
Exile: "Are you okay?"
Atton: "Yeah. Don't surprise me like that. Next time you're out to kill somebody, let me know first."
Like. idk abt yall, but if this super hot girl came into my life and started murdering people who were "in her way" (he wanted a way off the station and to safety and kindly asked to be shown the way out) i'd be a little more mad (plus iirc asking if he's okay actually adds to his influence which is honestly so relatable)
Atton is just a man with a dream (a dream to protect the woman jedi and either kill Sion or die in her arms confessing his love for her (which is also real))
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n7punk · 2 years
We’re stl here! She ra fans are still here!! YOUR fans are still here and not going anywhere! I think a lot of fans are just horny and give more engagement for rated E stuff lol. Also I (personally) try not to bombard my fav writers when I can tell they have shit going on irl- and I know you have dealt with a lot of sickness/pain lately so I dont want to be annoying! Could be the case for others. But we are here :)
aw i do appreciate it <3 ive been having such issues this year it has shaped.... literally everything, from irl stuff to slowing down my writing and also making interacting hard not just with yall but with my friends and family. sometimes messages stress me because i know i cant answer them (especially when i really want to), but i also like talking to you guys a lot its just very difficult at times. ive been having an extended episode for like three weeks now so thats. fun and easy. but! honestly its good to hear that and it is very kind of you <3 rn im on the border where im a little incomprehensible but feeling good enough to kinda ramble.
i feel like i keep mentioning the fandom "shrinking" but honestly i usually bring it up because i know it discourages new people who want to start making art or w/e for catradora and feel like "they missed their chance" but like yeah, youre exactly right, we're still here! if you're interested in catradora, you WILL find other people who still are and we're glad to have you (two cakes, etc).
i don't think the catradora fandom is small by any means, or even shrinking fast, it is just a fact that we used to be very high on the list of top ships, and now we're number 38 - still a big number despite the difference (ive never been in a fandom that ranked before im sure). which is why i brought it up for locked fics now seeing more "engagement" loss than before and part of my motivation to keep working on my stories comes from you guys! because im adhd and struggle with motivation/staying on task lol, so if i cant do something quickly (which hasnt been possible for like a year, you might noticed some of my "long fics" this year are shorter than years previous, though thats also story differences. look at SaD, which i thought would be short, and, well....), hearing other people be invested in it helps to stir up my own investment and keep me going so that was the reason it was a con i had to weigh despite generally focusing on what i like to write/read (side adhd tangent, i love how i started in my fics being like "well i could write adora as adhd or autistic but i worry about my outside perspective" and even worrying about how i do autistic representation to now knowing full well im both and gaining a deeper understanding of my life from it /end). i do think the lock will be very temporary (most likely because the damage is done, but hopefully because of some improvement/we find something new)
i did not mean to harp more on that and i think this will be the last time i mention it im just very rambling right now. anyway this message was sweet and i appreciate you <3
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videostak · 1 year
so sick of having my entire life being dictated by having to accommodate for other ppl who then go to shit on my life even more. like having to watch the doors anytime my dad is in the house having my mom keep every1 up thru out the night and acting oblivious to how someones sleep schedule is affected by the sounds of food being made in a microwave at 12 am or hearing 2hour long drunken phone calls from her room to the hallway to the bathroom to the kitchen etc and having in general let ppl know beforehand what i have planned for a day just so they can reveal that they were never even listening to what i told them or just straight up did not care and do their own random impuse thing that i then have to build my schedule around . like fuuuuuck you. only word on the tip of my tongue atm. genuinely no reason to try to be cooperative or understanding if they dont even ATTEMPT to do the same. i mean atleast i get to sleep in but thats only after they come back at like 1 or 2am. and forget abt me my sister literally works at 10 2mrw and has to get up early to get ready and my mom just shat on that despite my sister telling her immediately she brought up the idea of going somewhere for drinks. i feel so sorry for my cousin who like tries her hardest to be nice or like a inbetween ground just to have my mom creepily vent to her and overall make her feel extremely uncomfortable telling her rly in depth stories and secrets abt ppl who told my mom personal stuff in confidence not thinking my mom would immediately tell absolutely any1 the moment she felt the need to have a conversation. am p sure shes drunk rn cause she sounded very drunk and is just being v loud rn so like im sure she got drunk and then wanted to go to a bar to drink more and not have to worry abt getting caught. :| i mean idk if shell take my sister to work tomorrow but if she is too fucked up too then i guess ill just have to take her. but rly just insanely annoying shit. she refuses to go to therapy or somewhere where u address being dependent on alcohol so i think the only real tangible solution atm is to just give my all to cleaning out her room and then just monitor her like a hospital patient constantly. for the foreseeable future. its hard cause she spends all her time in her room and gets mad when i try to clean it and then my dad gets mad at me when i dont clean it and then when i do clean it my dad gets mad that we dont have any space for half the shit in her room or if we do idk where it goes cause im not even a very good cleaner its just 99% of the stuff falls on me cause no one else does it consistently. so like i just go back and forth at them both giving me shit so fuck everything huh. not in an awful bleak mood but regardless things on both fronts are v bleak. guess im not in an awful mood cause worst case scenario tomorrow i drive my sister to work which gives me more chance to drive and im rly rly looking forward to practicing in my actual manual car... cause its so pretty. so like im not at the end of my rope quite yet and dont think things will get super bleak. worst thing is me losing my job but dont think thats gonna happen quite about yet. and if it does ill atleast have the ability to drive places. so i cant say i didnt grow in some way
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wanderrghost · 2 years
I have really bad emetophobia! Can I ask you what therapy was like for you? I've gone to like…regular talk therapy not for emetophobia but I'm interested to hear what this was like.
Of course!! First off, I'm sorry you're dealing with this too - I know first hand how awful it is to have to deal with. I hope you're able to find some peace and healing soon!
This is kinda long, so I'll put it beneath a cut.
I went through a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and talk therapy. My therapist was incredible and very kind and understanding while still being firm on telling me when my thought patterns were unhelpful or harmful to me.
Basically, we started by doing some of what I would call emergency bandaid-ing of the situation. Something to get me to where I could at least be outside the house without panicking about getting sick and so I could at least ease my constant sense of "I'm sick just I know it".
One technique that really resonated with me personally (and one I still use), is the 3-step method. I feel safer when I have a plan for certain outcomes should they come to pass, so this helped a lot. I'll outline it for you below in case you'd like to try it:
What is the worst case scenario? I'm talking absolutely worst case. In my case, this was usually "I'll get sick and won't stop".
How likely is this to occur objectively? I know this can be hard to think about when you're panicking, but do your absolute best to come up with a general thought. Unlikely? 10%? The whole "can't stop getting sick" thing is pretty rare, so I usually gave it around 5% or "most likely won't happen but WHAT IF"
What will you do if it does happen? This is one my therapist honed on. In my case, if I didn't get better in an arbitrary amount of time (say, I was still getting sick after 48 hours), I'd go to the hospital or doctor, they'd give me an anti-emetic, and I'd be okay.
Now, you can continue on with the next worse-case if you want (I usually did at the beginning) and repeat as much as you want until you get to stuff thats more likely to happen. But the main thing that I was meant to get from this is that I wouldn't die, and that my worst fears were, if I really thought about it, rather unlikely to happen. It'd suck for a while, but I'd be okay.
Once I was able to at least leave the house, we dug a little deeper into the root cause of the phobia, which for me turned out to be another very deeply suppressed issue manifesting as emetophobia. So we worked on that while still working on the emeto.
Over time it got easier to cope whenever I didn't feel well, I stopped constantly checking my body to see if it felt off, and these days I don't think about it much to begin with.
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hellonpluto · 1 month
Spider-Man (2002) during-the-movie-notes below the cut (super funny shit incoming)
-intro thing is super cool. A bunch of webs n blsck backgrounf n cgi spiderman
-"who am i??? Sure u wanna know?" Girl yes why do u think im here
-he's not like other guys
-"that girl. The girl next door. The woman i loved even before i like girls." (so he's now a bisexual)
-ohhhhh he's cringy nerd boy
-grown man playing a teenager
-mary jane's relationship seems quite predatory
-mary jane's face irks me(good)
-who the fuck is HARRY???
-"pete." "Hiya harry!" (Almost holds hands. Homo stopped by old man)
-norman osborn 🤨
-rlly hoping peter looks better un-nerded
-32,000 species of SPIDER????
-mart jane relationship is DEF nonconsensual
-phobo ... ogroahy ...
-wawawa WIG
-peter's glasses are sooooo fake
-peter so cringe
-OSIDEE !!!!!!
-thats actually a real fucked up lookin spider. What the hell
-obsessed with the spiderbite shot
-like i drew it already
-big bump on jand ....
-get spider'd loser
-another man is half naked. What
-"hng.. its cold" DOUBLE WHAT
-get green goop'd bitch
-get that insane man a shirt
-and get peter a shirt
-omg he dont need glasses no mo
-peter's buff???
-peter?? You alright??
-"yeah, uhh..." *checks selfcout* "im fine .."
-school bags dont exist. Cool.
-nvm where'd those come from
-sticky hands??? Pause.
-ive seen that lunchroom
-SPIDEY SENSE!!!!!!!!!!
-blue eyes white dragon
-ayo??? String??
-"i dont wanna fight you flash." "I dont wanna fight me either" proceeds to square uo with his whole face visible n very ounchable
-Sick flip!!!
-bro is sticking it out on the wall
-was just gonna say hes a wall climber but they gave a full on ass shot
-mj wanna be an actress. Hooplah!!!
-i feel funny. I think im sick
-"for you? Youre gonna light up broadway."
-cooking scene (suit design)
-"the human spider.." "damn that name sucks."
-the other dude is caked up too. What
-nonconsensual relationsjip OVERRRR
-ur friendly neighborhood spiderman :]
-guy with eight hands. Sounds hot
-daily bugle 💪💪💪
-autistic man struggles in neurotypical society
-the spider made his autism more powerful
-Spidey sense againnnn
-gink gokbliin ...
-sick Flippppp
-peter can not sit like a normal person(positive)
-i lowkey feel bad for osborn
-holy shit so much just happened
-green goblin does NOT condone litter. Including cigars
-love how the newspaper guy doesnt out peter as the photographer.
-the newspaper guy sounds like omni-man. Like alot liek him
-"hey kiddo. Let mom n dad talk for a minute, will ya?"
-green goblin n spider-man bridal carry
-why his knees so bendy
-*slaps head* "here's the truth."
-"i could squash you like a bug right now...." most romantic quote in this movie
-bro almost kisses that boy. Almost catches a case
-peter so downbad
-"aw this man is soooo boyfail"
-get mj a proper shirt. Please.
-ermm.... what the flip nvm
-i thought it was a cute oeck on the lips. Ew.
-and mj just cheated on her bf
-with spider-man. But still
-"I have a father. His name was Ben Parker."
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julia-edits · 4 months
“i know i shouldn’t be saying this, but i’m glad uncle murphy is gone, his stare was void of soul. he never said much, but the way he peered sent a shiver down my spine. i knew what he was thinking, what he was feeling. i guess i can’t blame him for doing what he did, i would do it too.
my daddy works a lot and mama’s a drunk - daddy says we can’t leave her alone - dad says him and maria will work it out one day, then it’ll be just me caring for mama. not like he cares about her much already. maria is fine. mama drinks so much cause of her, cause of maria. that’s at least what aunt hildy says
aunt hildy is kind of crazy, she hates mama. nobody truly hates mama, besides aunt hildy. speaking of mama, conner and patricia were asking about her this morning. said mama was “making a lot of noise”.
it was 1:08 am. i was sitting on the twin’s bed, or the couch. both work in our situation. bailey and texas were with friends, tommy with papa [pap-aw]. mama comes home slurring, yelling. i come responding, waving my hands, shushing. conner might wake up and then he definitely won’t make it to his soccer game.
my siblings. truly love.
tommy doesn’t know we have it bad though. he thinks his weekend visits with papa are a fun treat. lord knows how’d he’d respond if he ever found out. i i’m glad he doesn’t know. although soon i might got to tell him. he’s gonna have to start helping soon once maria’s baby comes along. daddy says it ain’t his, but we all know from his twitchin’ and mulling that fetus is his.
im truly alone in this. much like uncle murphy. i’d be where he is too if i didn’t have my people. mama, tommy, patricia, conner, toby, and the twins. soon enough ill have maria’s baby running around and i’ll be full over time.
mama won’t notice when maria’s baby gets here. she’ll be too drunk to get off the couch. not like she gets off the couch for her own kids anyways. she doesn’t notice us. i hardly thinks she knows our names.
we don’t blame her, mama is sick. thats atleast what i tell patricia when mama is yelling for her next case. we’re too poor for any good kind, she just does it so she doesn’t have to be a mother.
in case you were wondering, i’m the oldest. 13 years old. my birthday ain’t til september, but gran says im close to my permit.
after me comes tommy, tommy’s 8. he likes lightning bugs and the color purple. he likes tomato soup and shaved carrots. most of all, he likes mama. i wish he didn’t.
after tommy is patricia. patricia is 4 and she speaks primarily romanian. it’s the only thing she can gather from her cartoons. mama got a knock off tv from uncle murphy after he left, and daddy’s too cheap for american cable. patricia likes barbie’s and tiaras. her teacher lets her take home toys that have been around too long. i think it’s more for me than patricia at this point.
she sees my walking up to school, the twins and conner strapped into the wheeler, toby attached to my hip. she always smiles and tells me what a delight patricia is to have in class. i can tell she’s bluffing. i think i make it worse when i go to parent teacher conferences. daddy said he would but we both know it was a lie. maria first, then work, then kids.
the only barbie’s we have in our house is ones we make. taking some of mamas old marlboro boxes, sniffing in the stench now burning into the box. we would draw faces, sometimes add yarn for hair.
conner and toby are too young for that. conner is 2 and toby only 6 months. i do homeschool so i can take care of them real easy. i don’t have many friends, but i have my headphones. and buddy. buddy’s a stray who sticks by. he and i are similar.
we are both homeless.”
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