#and if you're trying to protect or help her followers who may be affected by her outburts?
greens-spilled-tea · 11 months
Don't fucking send anon hate it's really that simple.
And if you find yourself in the situation where you got anon hate or a hurtful anon (even if it wasn't necessarily anon hate), I'm sorry that happened to you.
Honestly, things may not have been worded the best and wishing harm on someone else is not okay, but also yall are really taking things that someone said in a moment of intense emotion way too personally.
I'm not saying it's okay to wish harm on someone. Isolation and ostracization are so incredibly traumatic experiences for anyone to go through. I've been there.
But also, it kind of looks like yall are literally trying to find things to be mad at now. Instead of acknowledging that someone said something in the heat of being upset or triggered, you... what? Further demonize them? Show how awful they are for having an emotional response to a death threat?
It's a very emotionally charged situation. People were and are hurt on all sides of this.
Can we at least put those differences aside to try to help each other for once instead of constantly tearing each other down?
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alicerosejensen · 1 year
Heyyyy hope you’re doing well!!
Please can you imagine Leon (re6) loosing his shit because they kidnapped his girlfriend and he’s like trying everything to get her back? Imagine him crying as soon as he gets to hug her again!😭
I'm fine as long as I have a laptop connected to the internet and food)
In fact, this is one of my favorite plot tropes, when someone is kidnapped, and the main character is ready to burn the whole world to the ground, but to find an expensive person.
Leon, despite his moral principles, I think he could have made many sacrifices. In particular, he would definitely lose his temper if he grabbed onto any thread to find his beloved. At least he didn't stand on ceremony with Patrizio.
Thus, there will be little left of the scoundrel who kidnapped his girlfriend.
Something constantly happens to the poor girl of Leon (either she runs away from him, or she is stolen from him). Sorry, I just love their relationship and Leon, who is ready to kill for his loved ones :D
I still know shit English, but enjoy it if you're interested.
Please read with extreme caution! There are mentions of physical violence, kidnapping and a maniac!Yandere
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Leon is a little paranoid when it comes to protecting his loved ones, so most likely he will insert some tracking device into your phone or earrings to be sure that his beloved is safe.
He tries not to violate personal boundaries, but understands that his beloved is in potential danger in relation to him. Therefore, you are under additional invisible protection.
All you need to know is that Leon is not abusing his position as a federal agent. There is no surveillance on you, it's just that if something happens, he wants to have time to prevent it before the irreparable happens (or he goes on a binge again).
His heart sinks at the thought that he may lose you for some reason. Any encroachment into your personal space by outsiders who create discomfort for you make Leon enter the defender mode (aggressive if necessary). You should be safe.
Since Leon is known to a minimum of people about Leon's love interest, the risk is minimal that you will be harmed. At least Leon considered the threat from various corporations and bioterrorists. He didn't even think about the fact that there is some bastard stealing your things.
It was some little things: pencils, hair bands, a pocket mirror, lip gloss. Yes, you said something to him about it, but maybe you just dropped them out of your backpack?
He was calm exactly until you became too nervous. It seemed that you were afraid of something and called him a couple of times with a request to meet on the way home. Leon is not one of those who will refuse, but your behavior worries him.
And when you were walking home, Leon felt your painful grip on his arm.
His main priority is your well-being. "So tell me, pretty girl, what's going on with you?" Don't think I haven't noticed this nervousness.
He will be wary when he hears that someone is following you and dragging your things. Of course you could have lost them yourself, but the chiffon scarf that Leon gave you was the last straw. In addition, you showed him the abnormal love notes that someone constantly threw into your purse.
Outwardly, it did not affect him in any way, but the stingy "I'll deal with it" means a lot. The anxiety level has increased and Leon is worried that some kind of psycho might hurt you.
He often calls and asks if everything is in order and when you need to be picked up from college. However, when you don't answer the phone, everything dies inside him.
The moment he realizes that you have been taken away, a monster wakes up in him, which can bring down hell on your abductor.
His emotional state constantly fluctuates from constant fear for your lives bordering on panic to Ustanak whose task is to find you and finish off the son of a bitch who dared to take you away from him.
"No god will help this son of a bitch when I find him."
It's sad that you lost your phone on the day of the abduction and did not put on earrings. But a nice little bracelet will save you.
are a fucking goddess.
When you wake up, of course, you will be scared. However, you will try to intimidate the criminal by saying that he is so obsessed with you in vain. "Seriously, my boyfriend will come after me and gut you" You don't think Leon will kill anyone at all, so maybe your words don't sound too confident when the kidnapper's hand is stroking your head.
Do you panic when a fucking psycho says it's some kind of date? No one here hears your screams, you can't run away because you're handcuffed. You can't even go to the toilet on your own only under his control, and this causes you a deep psychological trauma. He brings you a fucking lilac, weaving thin twigs into your hair.
"Why me?" - This is the only question that is spinning in your head when you are hysterically pulling out purple flowers, throwing them away from you. - "Am I going to die here?"
You literally go crazy from the smell of dampness and lilac. Constantly shout Leon's name as if he can hear you and immediately breaking into a loud cry, banging on the walls and the locked door.
You're clearly getting claustrophobic.
While you're suffering, Leon is trying to track the fucking signal on one of your trinkets, but he's afraid that you left that day without any jewelry at all.
Claire is definitely one of those people who can talk some sense into Leon while he's looking for you. Considering that the bug gives a bad signal (or maybe your bracelet was damaged due to the fact that you constantly pull it from nerves) from the basement and your location is difficult to track, Leon has already yelled at Chris
You feel like a frog in formalin or even some kind of toy when your abductor brings you clean clothes, which you throw back to him. It's risky to make him angry like that and you really regret it when brute force is used to force you to change clothes.
Yes, then they "take care" of you, but you are already a cornered mouse. The purple marks on your skin and the marks from the handcuffs are now a reminder of who is in charge here.
And you hate that bastard more and more. Unfortunately, you have absolutely nothing to even hit him with. The food that he brings you in plastic dishes, as well as cutlery. You try not to eat, fearing that he might have mixed something in there, but you are forced by force.
It's been three days, and Leon hasn't found you. You feel like you're starting to go crazy until you hear a muffled noise from somewhere above.
All your belongings (including the bracelet) were seized and probably thrown away, leaving you in one long T-shirt, the smell that causes you to have a gag reflex. You literally have nothing on but this rag and underpants
All your belongings (including the bracelet) were seized and probably thrown away, leaving you in one long T-shirt, the smell that causes you to have a gag reflex. You literally have nothing on but this rag and underpants
Has anyone ever told you that you are not the luckiest person?
You tried to attack from behind when they stopped stroking you. It was risky and you failed because the kidnapper reacted before you swung to strike.
You were very painfully punished, left lying on the damp floor in a terrible state, all in tears and without an evening meal.
It's been four terrible days in your life. All because you fiddled with your bracelet too much, which turned out to be thrown away quite far from the place where you were, forcing Leon to go on a false trail.
You felt terrible. It didn't take long to break you. You no longer hoped to see daylight or your loved ones, so you crawled into the farthest corner curled up in a ball and cried.
Having lost track of time due to another fit of hysteria, you did not want to pay attention to the opening door and hurried steps in your direction.
Preferring not to pay attention to your enemy, you became even more hysterical when he tried to turn you around to face him, affectionately calling you "angel".
That's what infuriated you. But when you opened your eyes in another attempt to attack, you froze in disbelief at your own eyes. Have you already gone crazy in this place? So fast, or was Leon really in front of you?
His light blue eyes were dark. Not as bright as usual, but maybe it's because of the lighting… Strong hands carefully examined your body for the number of bruises.
You looked away in the direction of the open door - your freedom, but you felt Leon's fingers gently tracing over your split lips.
You've never seen such quiet hatred before. You were shivering from the cold, feeling that tears were still flowing down your cheeks, and tried to snuggle up to Leon in search of protection and warmth.
But Leon himself pressed you to him, slightly lifting up his T-shirt, checking for underwear. You flinched, and then you heard a single question when you grabbed his back with both hands, pressing your head against his chest.
"That son of a bitch…" - Leon gritted his teeth, still looking at your stolen things on the floor. - "I'll kill him"
The fuse clicked.
Leon took off his jacket, putting it on you (with great difficulty, because you did not want to interrupt close contact with him), and then easily picked up in his arms, like a small child, carrying out of this basement. You closed your eyes just to not see anything else. Leon's scent worked better than any strong sedative, and you wanted him not to let you go anymore.
So small. Defenseless. Bruised all over. He will kiss you on the temple, looking at the sprawled bastard with such a look that it will be clear how it will end. Leon will hand you over to Claire, despite your growing hysteria over the loss of hugs, and do what he has planned.
It's going to be pretty bloody. He expressed some regret about Patricio, but Leon will never forgive someone who hurt you, leaving a scar on your soul. So he'll empty the whole clip on him.
Because of this, he will have some problems, but you are the priority. You will undergo a full examination at the hospital, where Leon will be reassured (partially) that your violence ended with beatings. In general, there are no physical injuries, but both Leon and Claire understand what condition you will be in.
He will take care of you. Try to do everything so that you don't remember that four-day nightmare. He will find a good therapist, but if your brain decided to erase these memories on its own, a kind of protective reaction to stress, then it will even calm him down.
Leon understands the reason for your detached behavior. He is glad that you are not afraid to let him near you, thereby subconsciously making him your shield. he's ready to be one before you start trusting people again.
No one heard it, but Leon was really crying quietly when it was over. You were sleeping after taking a sedative dose, and he was sitting in the bathtub thinking only that he could not save you faster.
He won't touch you once again for fear of triggering some kind of trigger, but in your head it is Leon the hero savior. Therefore, if you are looking for protection in him, then it's even good, because this is how he hopes to redeem himself before you.
In the end, you are faced with dissociative amnesia. You realize that something terrible has happened, but you have a lapse in memory. Leon will be the one who will start distracting you from your memories by persuading you not to remember. He really considers it a gift of fate and will go out of his way so that you don't touch this moment of life at all, leaving him behind a black curtain.
And yet one day he burst into tears clutching to his chest. While you sleep next to him feeling completely safe, Leon will need to hug you tightly and come up with better ways to protect you. He feels guilty that he did not save you and this feeling of guilt will gnaw at him for a long time.
"I'm sorry… sweetheart, I'm so sorry… - what you hear in your sleep. - "Never again…no one will hurt you. Never."You don't remember a damn thing, but you're scared because Leon is crying kissing the top of your head.
He won't let anyone else take you away.
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
I'm so glad you're writing for Smilling Critters! Bobby Bearhug is my favorite and now I can finally have some good yandere content for her. Her voice lines already show us how clingy she is and how being alone would leave her devastated. Now, we can see these feelings in one of your concepts. Does she has a monster form like DogDay and CatNap?
Panther trying not to write murderous bears challenge (It's impossible).
🌹Yandere! Bobby Bearhug Concept ❤
(🐻My Version🐻)
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Stalking, Possessive behavior, Manipulation, Fear of abandonment, Isolation/Kidnapping, Delusional behavior, Blood, Forced companionship.
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Bobby is certainly the embodiment of love.
Her character is meant to be kind and caring.
She loves everything unconditionally.
That affection would definitely be directed towards her obsession.
She'd be overwhelming towards you, too.
Bobby is warm and giving to those around her.
Even when such a quality is easily used and abused.
Another thing to note is Bobby hates being abandoned.
So... I can see her getting attached to someone who reentered the abandoned Playcare.
Just like my other takes on the Smiling Critters, she has a "plush" and "monster" form.
Her plush form is about the size of the others, seeming like the size of a toddler or young child in plush form.
She gives off the smell of roses and often likes to cling to her obsession.
She's probably the most affectionate and clingy of the Smiling Critters.
If not the most obsessive.
Her monster form no doubt leans into her bear characteristics.
She's large, on all fours, and looks ferocious.
Despite her monstrous form, she still focuses on smothering her obsession in affection... the smell of roses still faintly in her fur.
Actually... That's a good way to describe Bobby.
Bobby seems like she'd ignore set boundaries if it meant she could be close to you.
She doesn't want her obsession, her friend, to abandon her like all the rest.
What better way to prevent that than clinging to you tightly?
Perhaps even to the point of claws digging into your flesh.
For this concept, I can see you coming back to Playcare after having worked there.
For years Bobby has been alone.
Many of the other Smiling Critters died off except for DogDay and CatNap... Far as she knows.
She's survived this long by hiding in her smaller form and only using her monster form to hunt whatever she can find.
She's baffled to see a human again in this place.
But as you roam Playcare, looking for answers and escape, Bobby can't help but follow.
She doesn't want to be left alone again...
For all she knows, you're her only chance at companionship.
Which leads you to encountering the small bear... and befriending her.
She plays herself off as a guide, even though she'd really say anything to make you stay.
You can notice Bobby's clingy behavior easily.
She's never away from your side.
In fact, when you do leave her alone, she panics.
Bobby might go into a full blown mental breakdown if you leave her alone.
She sobs, screams, and panics until you come back to scoop her into your arms.
Nothing will take you away from her.
Bobby borders between protective and possessive.
She'd do downright anything just for her obsession to stay with her.
You want to escape? Take her with you!
She has to stay here...?
Then you will too.
In a way I feel she's one of the worst Smiling Critters to be obsessed with you.
She has no limits, no boundaries, and will stop at nothing to keep you with her.
You are the first friend she's had in a long time.
Honestly, the isolation has gotten to her head.
She's delusional, insane...
She's so scared to lose you.
You're protected from most if not all harm, due to Bobby using her monster form to tear apart anything that causes an issue.
Like those Mini Critters that roam around?
Yeah, she's tearing those apart like chew toys.
Bloody chew toys.
Bobby may also guilt you into keeping her with you.
She's lonely, she's scared...
Just like you.
Don't leave her alone!
She loves you!
If you tried to leave her behind due to her clingy behavior so you could escape, she tries guilting you.
If that doesn't work... she's clinging to your leg.
If that doesn't work...?
She turns on you... becoming her monster form and dragging you deep into the facility.
You can only out run her for so long.
She'll find you... and she'll keep you all to herself...
Even if it means biting into you until you bleed.
Bobby is... desperate for companionship since being abandoned.
Do you really think she's going to sit back and let you run?
You think she'll let you leave?
Bobby would follow and hunt you down, making you think you can leave.
Then she ambushes you... dragging you away as her strong jaw locks onto your flesh.
Bobby would drag you deep into Playcare... right into the den she calls home.
You may want her in her plush form... but she doesn't trust you.
She stays in her large bear form, curled around you with low growls.
Blood coats her mouth, from you and previous prey.
Despite everything... the smell of roses is still there...
It's overwhelming... just like she is.
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fluff-n-cookies · 4 months
I saw your post for more platonic Dabi and I was wondering how you think Dabi would comfort a reader who had a panic attack and or is extremely socially anxious and always seeks him out for comfort. Whenever reader is anxious in public they hold onto the corner of his shirt or sleeve and tend to follow him or stick close to his side. If reader didn’t have the best home life then they’re probably constantly afraid Dabi is going to hate them or leave them. Reader is the kind of person who will let people talk down to them, mistreat them but heaven forbid anyone so much as looks at Dabi in distain/disgust. Reader will defend him with their life and is constantly defending him from other people’s opinions. Basically just reader and Dabi being each other’s found family
Okay, for starters I would like to apologize from the deepest depths of my heart. I am not right the head (obviously.) and I would like to give you the right to owning my soul, for I have been putting off your kind request for so long, and I genuinely am so sorry for the delay.
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Now I actually think that this is very interesting especially form an analytical stand point.
Because Dabi does not like weak people. both physically and mentally. It's primarily rooted form his turbulent relationship with his father where he constantly tried to get stronger and better through training and pushing himself to be a strong as possible to please his father. his idol.
from that I think he would despise those weaker than him, not because he actually hates them, but more so because he needs to put other people down to rise himself up. it's more so "it's not that I should succeed, others should fail." it makes him feel better about himself, gives him that feeling of accomplishment that he would normally get from his father saying "good job." but eh rather gets it from bullying.
You'd have to do something truly spectacular to catch his eye for him to not put you down like he does everyone else.
I don't think it could be kindness, since when Rei persuades him to stop training an pushing himself so hard, he instead takes it as her trying to stop him. I'm not saying that that exact senario would play out as in
reader : Dabi! I got you flowers.
I'm saying he has a hard time accepting kindness, I'm saying he might not know what is someone trying to help him and what is someone trying to hurt him. like Rei does. this might actually draw him away.
I think what might actually work is the relationship he had with Fuyumi and Natsuo. because all three were heavily affected by their father's neglect and violence and I think that this may be evidence of sympathy or a ledge to protect them one day as a hero.
(of course, he doesn't become a hero, rather going partially insane as I would say and focusing on getting revenge on Enji, most likely to avenge himself and his brother and sister.)
what may lead him to you is the shared sympathy the both of you have when it comes to bad origins. it's the same sympathy he had with this siblings (minus Shoto) I'm thinking he walks in at the wrong time while you're in the middle of crying your heart out I do that way to often and while he doesn't interfere right at that moment, he will talk to you as best as his unsocial ass can. things like "sorry that happened to you." "you're not alone, that happened to me too." undercover of sarcastic remarks like "you're such a crybaby."
or something easier where the both of you reveal more and about your pasts forming a close relationship. details like "my dad would be pissed about that." or "ugh! that's something mom would say!" after a cruel insult. it would be an unspoken bond but a bond nonetheless.
this gives him an undying sympathy for you that he can't properly express. trust me he has so many things to say.
"I love you."
"thank you for being there for me."
"I would give you the world if asked."
"you're the reason I get up in the morning."
but for a child of an abusive and unloving relationship, the words are just not there. no seriously. there's only this feeling of warmth with you and nothing else. no words, only a flurry of pinkish love.
He'll let you come to him like the little ball of fear and sadness you are at times, he'll let you cuddle up you him as much as you want. he'll push you off when calm down a bit though, he'll leave with a grumble about how needy you can be.
note though, that he would probably never push you off immediately. it's not that he hates you, he thinks you're disgusting and the worst thing to ever exist.
it's just that he doesn't know how to respond. and I don't blame him.
it takes a while to get used to, get used to being loved and having something to love. but once he does you are SO in for it.
I'm talking flowers from the grocery store, free stolen popsicles, the right to murder anybody and have him help you clean it all up.
because he genuinely loves you, he really does, and when he understands after a couple years of knowing each other how to receiprocate your love, it suddenly all become to easy to be human, to be alive, to be happy.
he also does doesn't like you being talked down to. it comes from the depths of his childhood dream of being a hero and protecting people. especially loved ones like he does for Fuyumi and Natsuo. this also transforms into a need to provide for his loved ones, this can take form in helping you put together furniture, helping you with groceries, and talking to you when you're lonely. things you would do with your dad, which he basically is at this point.
on the same boat, he doesn't like you to fight for him. in his mind, it's HIS job to protect you not vice versa. he's seen you cry, talked you through your panic attacks, been there through those nights. you've already fought so much with yourself, you should not be fighting for him.
it's beautiful really. how much this one thing can change Dabi. it's just that you'll have to stick with him through the sarcasm and the insults and the roasts. but in the end.
he loves you. he'll protect you. maybe not Japan as a hero, but this one little thing. this one little perfect thing, he'll die for.
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sotwk · 6 months
hi! in the spirit of showing oc love, I was wondering if there's a particular oc you're looking forward to introducing to people in upcoming projects?
I'm tripping over myself to answer this Ask! (Thank you thank you thank you, Ace!)
May I please introduce two?
I've been shy about sharing these because they're not only Silmarillion OCs (I'm still intimidated by the Silm fandom, even though I have many lovely Mutuals from there, you included), they're OC WIVES of Silm Canons. Two of the most popular Silm canons. I'm pretty sure OC creators have been flogged for that.
But since you asked... onward with SotWK AU reveals and spoilers! The stories are tragic because that's the First Age for you!
Velcálë Vanandur
Wife of Maglor and grandmother of Elvenqueen Maereth (wife of Thranduil)
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SotWK Fancast: Zendaya Coleman as Velcálë
Her name means "flame doer" in Quenya.
Velcálë had one child with Maglor, a daughter named Laurinwen, who was born and grew up in Tirion.
She was a Noldorin apprentice who served directly under Vána, and was thus given the prestigious epithet "Vanandur" (Servant of Vána).
She was a great tender of gardens, and her songs could cause plants to immediately flower or bear fruit.
Only out of love and devotion to Maglor did she decide to follow the Fëanorians in Exile, taking their daughter with them.
Velcálë was greatly affected by the violence of her kin and constantly homesick for Valinor. A lover of light and warmth, she suffered in the harsh lands where her family dwelt.
The toll of her heartbreak muted the strength and power she possessed in Valimar to nearly nothing, although she did her best to help sustain their people by cultivating the lands for limited-scale food production.
Because she tried to hold Maglor back from "necessary" violence and constantly made him question his commitment to the Oath, she was disliked by all of her brothers-in-law, except for Maedhros.
Velcálë was eventually slain in the battle of Dagor Bragollach when Himlad fell, leading to a permanent estrangement between Maglor and his daughter, Laurinwen.
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Wife of Glorfindel and twin sister of Elenwë (wife of Turgon) 
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SotWK Fancast: Vanessa Kirby as Elemírë
Elemírë had a fierce warrior’s spirit, but violence of any kind was considered unbecoming by her family.
She joined the Exile because she did not want to be separated from her sister Elenwë, a gentle spirit whom she always sought to protect.
She was loved by her childhood friend, Glorfindel. Although she reciprocated his feelings, he was the more passionate and demonstrative one. Elemírë factored in Glorfindel's own decision to (reluctantly) join the Exile.
Elemírë nearly died trying to dive under the Grinding Ice to save her sister, but she was held back by Glorfindel. This embittered her heart towards him. Instead of following Turgon to Vinyamar (and eventually Gondolin), she decided to join Fingon’s people. 
Over the course of the decades, she grew into a skilled cavalry rider, and was accepted into the ranks of Fingon. She became devoted to Fingon for personally mentoring and training her. 
During the Long Peace, Glorfindel (who had missed and yearned for Elemírë all those years), sought permission from Turgon to leave Gondolin so he could seek her out.
He came to Hithlum reaffirming his love for her and seeking her hand in marriage. Elemírë would not say yes, but could not bring herself to refuse him either. Glorfindel committed to staying for as long as needed to convince her, and this courtship lasted for nearly half a century.
Eventually, Fingon himself encouraged Elemírë to realize and follow her true desires for peace and love. She betrothed herself to Glorfindel and returned to Gondolin with him.
The couple married and bore one child, a son named Ingwil.
As the Lady of the House of the Golden Flower, Elemírë was also one of its fiercest warriors. She fought alongside her husband for the first time in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
Elemírë died during the Fall of Gondolin, rescuing her son from an attacking fire drake, which she successfully slayed before perishing.
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Thank you again for the ask @hobbitwrangler, and for encouraging my foray into the Silm fandom. I hope you (and anyone reading this) enjoy learning about these OC ladies! Maybe with the right amount of courage, time, and motivation, I may someday even write some actual one-shots including them!
For more SotWK AU headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
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Elves HC Tag List: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @acornsandoaktrees @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @auttumnsayshi @blueberryrock @conversacomsmaug @elan-ho-detto-elan-15 @entishramblings @glassgulls @heilith @heranintomyknife23times @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @lathalea @quickslvxrr @spacecluster @stormchaser819 @talkdifferently6 @tamryniel @tamurilofrivendell
Special Moots who might be interested tag: @emmanuellececchi @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @scyllas-revenge @g-m-kaye @quillofspirit
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Introduction to SotWK
Fanfiction Masterlist
Fanfiction Request Guidelines
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hcs-no-only-pain · 1 year
Scaramouche as a partner (platonic/romantic)
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Caption says it all—just my hcs on how Scaramouche (not Wanderer or Kabukimono) behaves as a partner, in both a platonic and romantic dynamic.
This is my first real post on here, so please forgive me if any of my formatting is incorrect or uninteresting.
Scaramouche doesn't do "relationships" simply for the sake of them. Relationships are, at best, a trade between two individuals for the sake of mutual benefit.
As such, Scaramouche sees little point in keeping you emotionally close to himself. He keeps you around because you are useful to him, he has no need to connect with you on a deeper level.
Should the deal you've made with him involve that he treats you as a friend/partner, you're lucky to get the bare minimum unless you explicitly request more.
If you're willing to allow him to do the same, then naturally he'll comply.
Ask him for his past and he'll tell you little more than, "You mortals have already found yourselves in bad standing with me."
Scaramouche who, during his deification, would tell you to meet him at the Joururi Workshop and always plan it for times when he would be in the Shouki no Kami mech.
He enjoys lifting you up with one of his many large hands in this form, bringing you close to his face specifically to tease you about how small you, and everyone else, are by comparison.
It's in these times that you see a certain, genuine joy from him. You know this is what he's been craving for years. You don't know the details, but it makes you happy to see him happy.
At least, you think you're happy. Perhaps, deep down, there's a concern that you've buried for the sake of being a good friend.
Scaramouche would tell you of his connection with a young scholar, Haypasia ,with an emotion that you think is excitement. He would happily tell you about how he wishes to keep her safe, as his newfound follower.
It makes you think. How are excitement and joy such rare expressions to see him experience? Is this unease you feel in your chest because you feel bad for him, or is it something else?
Scaramouche doesn't breathe. Over the years, he's learned to imitate breathing, but never does he need to take in or let out a breath. 
You once asked him for a kiss. When he said he was too busy, you asked again. You weren't trying to be pushy, you truly weren't, but he was clearly agitated by your behaviour. Soon enough, you found yourself gasping for air, your lungs burning as he finally let you pull away.
Just as your relationship as friends began, your romance is built upon mutual benefit. He feeds into what you desire, as long as you can help him achieve his own goals.
You want his affection? You'll most certainly be sent off to earn it.
Scaramouche may be careless of human life, but you love him. You give him the admiration and praise that he craves. He will protect you, just as he would a follower.
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hey i was wondering how would the main 6 react/deal with an mc who can be a half dragon form like this one https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/34480753384518754/
(p.s ever since you popped in my "for you" I've been following your blog and your head canons are very good :) )
The Arcana HCs: M6 with a half dragon MC
~ thanks for the love anon, and here are your headcanons! I'm sorry if it took a while, I work through requests in the order they come in and I'm still figuring out how to do that without getting overwhelmed lol
Enjoy! - brainrot ~
The picture in question:
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The first time he sees you take this form is after you've had a few drinks with him and the wrong person ticks you off
Three different parts of his brain are having three very different responses all at once and he doesn't know which one to listen to
Julian.exe has stopped responding
The drunk part of him doesn't even know what's real anymore, is that actually you?
The doctor part of him is fascinated, how does that work? Why is it coming out now? Why didn't it come out some other time? Is it voluntary?
The third part of his brain, the one that's flustered by you 24/7, is very confused. He knows he's attracted to this, but he has no idea why and he's not sure he's ready to reflect on what that says about him
He will very respectfully request that you do this again, when he is sober, and he can have all his questions answered
They have a snake familiar, this just confirms your status as Faust's other best friend
His biggest weakness (after you) is new and unconventional things, and it shows
Can you use your wing as a bellows? How much more strength do you gain with that talon arm? Is it strong enough to open the jar of kool-aid pickled garlic they bought the other day and still can't get open?
Very excited to see what magic he can teach you/you can develop using it
If you cast a spell with your wing can you aim it at an object farther away?
The stove salamander adores you
Will ask you to volunteer to try something to double check if it's safe for Faust
"MC, there you are. I made something to help Faust shed her skin but I need you to see if I made it too strong."
This has gone horribly wrong once or twice
Oh my
She's not sure exactly what this is, but she's into it
First things first though, what unique circumstances lead to this and how best may she love you with that in mind?
Is it inherited or developed? Did you steal it from a mighty beast after defeating it in battle? What other secrets are you hiding?
Does the skin need any special products? Would you like anything added to your diet?
She's already got a mental sketchbook pulled up in her mind's eye to plan an outfit that would not only accommodate the physical shift but accentuate your striking appearance
She commissions a piece of jewelry to wear on your horn that matches her hair pieces
She will ask if she can kiss the affected side of your face, because she's curious about what it feels like
She would also like to know if you can fly in that form, and if so, if you can take her flying with you and Chandra
He's not that shocked, he lives in the woods, he's seen weirder
But having observed wildlife for so long, he is now very intent on observing you too
Your form is dragonlike, do you have reptilian traits? Does it affect your body language? Are you able to speed up and slow down your metabolism and experience of time at will by adjusting your temperature?
He will begin acting on the conclusions he draws. Dragons hoard treasure, so he starts bringing you little gifts to see what you do with them
You received them from him, so you're not going to throw them out
Now there's a growing pile of pretty rocks and leaves and carvings in the hut
But he never sees you act protective of the collection, he knows you smile when you look at it, but aren't you supposed to sleep curled around the thing you consider your treasure?
You don't sleep with your things, you sleep snuggled up to him - oh. Oh.
She first sees this form come out on an ambassador trip, when an extremist group in the country you're visiting makes an assassination attempt
It's a pitiful attempt, really, she could've easily beaten them without any help at all
But there was an archer involved who let an arrow loose just before they were tackled by a pile of guards, and hey, that's the woman you love
Next thing she knows she's being held firmly against your human side, the armored dragon half on full display between her and her attacker as the arrows bounce harmlessly off
She is both intimidated and impressed
Now whenever you're in that form next to her she'll be walking around with her cheeks puffed out in pride
Because yeah, that's MC, that super badass dragon person is all hers, that's her best friend, that's her bullet proof sweetheart
He doesn't want to admit it, but he's kind of jealous
He thought he was the coolest with his clawed golden gauntlet, and here you are with half your body covered in scaly armor
He really, really wants to spar with you in that form now
Initially it's because he needs to prove to himself that he'll be able to win against you and maintain his status as the strength to your brains
But once he gets you to agree all he can do is admire you
As a natural-born fighter himself, he's drawn to anything that shares that nature with him, and yours is on full display like this
The way you're able to use your wing both offensively and defensively, the way your talons act as extra blades, the way the horned side of your face glares back at him
He's in love, he's so in love
He keeps getting distracted and messing up, so you let him call it a tie since you didn't really want to fight him in the first place
He can and will bring it up in every conversation he has, regardless of who it's with and what the context is
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librarycomic · 6 months
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Nothing Special Volume One: Through the Elder Woods by Katie Cook. Ten Speed Graphic, 2024. 9781984862839. 416pp. including a look inside Radish's notebook at the end. http://www.powells.com/book/-9781984862839?partnerid=34778&p_bt
Callie's dad is a daemon, and he runs an antique store. He never talks about her mother, and he seems overly protective of Callie.
She goes to a high school in the human world, and it's there she runs into Declan, who can also see sprites. (These are little spirits, mostly of plants, that follow Callie everywhere.) It's a nice meet-cute even though they've been in class together since Kindergarten. She helps him learn to communicate with the large sprite outside his house that's freaking him out. He's there when she finds her house trashed and her father missing. Then they set out together to find him, through the door to her father's shop which opens into a magical market.
The magical forest where they go next is a bit intimidating, but in Cook's hands it's delightful, a bright place full of humor, cuteness, and pop culture references. Soon Radish joins the quest -- he's the bossiest sprite around, and more than a little protective of Callie (though that may just be jealousy). And soon Decklan has a rival for Callie's affections, too, though it's clear Declan has nothing to worry about. They figure out why Declan can see sprites and discover who Callie's mom is, too, in the process of rescuing her dad (who really needs help).
Great book. Put it in your YA section where middle school kids can find it, too.
If you're trying to decide if this is right for your library, youo can still read Nothing Special in its original format on Webtoons at https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/nothing-special/chapter-1/viewer?title_no=1188&episode_no=1
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niuniente · 2 months
I was unsure of how to word things and ended up saying nothing. I realize I was too vague. I'll try to explain better. Here on my country we have a number of beliefs and religions that has mediumship as part of practice. Most of these religions are of african origin. Mind, that most of what I know is second hand knowledge and/or because of how it is somewhat integrated in our culture in certain ways. They have the Orixas that are divine beings and entities that are mundane spirits (we as people would come back as such spirits to help guide and protect the living), during practice the person lends their body to those spirits so they interact and pass guidance to those around and it's usually those spirits that do readings, healing, purification and even spiritual interference on the outcome of things you want. Those religions recognize the vastness of the world and other beliefs and other gods and spirits, The Orixas and entities, when you work to develop your relationship with them are also there to protect you from outside influences especially ill intended ones, but it's not unheard of them being possessive and keeping away other spiritual beings even when might have good intentions. Not everyone can incorporate, but as someone that's is part of those religions you do have them with you and usually messages from them come either from deep instinctive feelings or someone who does incorporate them will pass those message on to you. The older the spirit and the more people they helped the stronger they are. These spirits have, (i'm missing the exact word here) like archetypes(?) that often talk about who they were in life and the type of power and influences they have. (imagine something like a zodiac where each person have their astrology chart, each person has a spirit that has stronger influence on you and usually head the others influences over you, and the others that may affect or protect you in different ways in life.) It's also not unheard of if you established contact and a relationship with them and you come neglect this that they will complain and interfere more negatively in your life. What i meant about interaction between religions and beliefs was if you even felt some sort of interference in your readings that perhaps may have come from the fact that the person might be of a different religion or belief practice. About my colleague she was from one of those religions, she herself wasn't a medium but was somewhat sensitive herself. More than one person we met together that was also sensitive and or practiced the same religion said to have noticed this little girl spirit following her around. The way she talked about it was like, she was aware of the girl, she never did or tried anything bad to her, the girl was not a part of her "zodiac" but grew attached to her, and when other mediums tried to either give her a reading or try to interact with her more spiritually this little girl would run interference. perhaps it's not exactly blocking but everyone that had tried to do something similar wasn't able to get something clear. Oh, man, that's a lot of text. I've been to some houses after cleansing and guidance before, since many are open to outside visitors, but I'm not a practitioner. But I also have close friends that do, or grew up in families that do. My relationship with religion is rather broad but I confess that I'm much more comfortable there than in a church usually. I hope i was able to make sense of it this time 😂
Okay so it was a different religious environment as I was originally thinking. When it comes to religions itself, I live in a country that is considered atheistic or agnostic. Yes, we have churches, the main religion here is Lutheran (Evangelic-Christian and Evangelic-Lutheran also apply), we have our own Bible Belt of Pentecostals on the west coast but otherwise religion has no place here. If you belief in God or any sorts of religious beliefs you're considered having a few screws lose from your head because no sane person believes in anything else but science and hard facts. This, by the way, includes believing in the original Finnish faith system with its pantheon. I, as a spiritual person, am also considered delusional by the main view. Churches generally struggle with finding audience as it's nothing unusual that there are 1-5 people in a sermon each week.
So, there's no discord the way you described here and no belief system of any spirits here. I was once asked if Finland has any places where people are told not to go because it's cursed or known otherwise to have bad energy or bad entities. The answer is no. This nation does not believe in those things. The main consensus here is that spirits, curses, mediums, spirit world etc. do not exist.
When it comes to me as a reader and my client's belief systems, it doesn't matter. The source which gives the answers to me knows this client and is able to deliver a message to them. Sometimes a certain deity might appear in the reading but this has typically meant that the client in question has already felt their presence and the deity comes to give them a message of "Yes, you felt right, it's me".
What can cause discord is that if the client has a very strict belief system they might not be able to accept my message or hear it without a bias (and we all have our own biases) but that is not my problem and will not affect the reading.
Maybe the best example would be this; a client with a belief system that French food is the best out there and the cooking has to be done in a certain way comes to me and ask for a dinner from my menu. Does it affect my ability to cook? No. Might the person with a certain taste have problems with the final dish they get from me? Possibly.
In short, there is never any outside source influence which would hinder me from doing a reading, as I'm only a messenger. I don't control the spirits or fall into a trance inviting them into my body. I only ask a question from the source of love and light and deliver the answer to the client. I don't ask from any messages from any certain being, unless client wishes so or I want to consult myself a certain entity like a spirit guide, my belated grandmother, an ascended master, a deity or a saint.
I think that in your ex-colleague's case her belief system and those around her gave this girl spirit a permission to intervene. Subconsciously they believed that it is the case and that can happen, so the spirit got thus a permission that it can do so. Then there's a possibility that your ex-colleague was not allowed to have the answers she was looking for - or was not that interested in hearing them the first place - so the girl spirit acted as a spirit guide, stopping people.
Of course, I don't know how the spirits are expected to behave in that said belief system to their fullest but our expectations and experiences mold our interactions a lot. I expect to get answers without giving a spirit a permission to take over me for a channeled message, so it happens. Someone living in a culture where the best way to get a message is to go to a medium who gets into a trance and delivers the message expects this to happen, and so it is then.
Valuing one's own spiritual practices and views is very important, as long as it is remembered that your views and ways are yours only. Other people might and will have different ways.
TL:DR; My client's belief system will not affect my readings or my work. In my case it can only affect the client in a way that they can't accept the given message or parts of it, and in those cases I always encourage them to indeed ditch the message.
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jacksgreysays · 6 months
Bleak!primadonna AU brainrot continues (2024-04-04)
… I think I’m just becoming the blog of hyper-niche DoS future fic because… my brain… still rotting… from bleak!primadonna AU. At this point, I think there is no NOT!bleak primadonna AU, so maybe the bleakness doesn’t have to be specified anymore. The primadonna ‘verse, as it were….
ANYWAY, JUST BEEN THINKING ABOUT HOW EXTERNAL WOMB STUFF (as originated by loveelemental and further developed by damnsmartblueboxes) AND HOW THE POLITICS OF THAT WOULD OR WOULDN’T AFFECT SOME THINGS.
Because, like, I try to adopt as much of DoS fanon as I can from other writers and I realized one that I have internalized but didn’t think to apply to the primadonna ‘verse is the idea that Hana Inuzuka is the next Inuzuka clan head and also she’s a lesbian and engaged to her partner (as per JohnBurtonLee’s I Got You which I, at this point, pretty much consider DoS beta canon in that it’s basically canon until very specifically said otherwise by Word of God)
Anyway, all that being said: whether or not the Inuzuka are matrilineal (as I headcanon for the Aburame) or they follow primogeniture regardless of the firstborn child’s gender, it would still fall to Hana to have an heir of her own. Which, you know, get a donor, etc etc. BUT, if they want the child to be as genetically close to a biological child from both of them as possible, either Kiba is the donor with Hana’s partner being the carrier—I’m going to call her Kaori for now—or if Kaori has male relatives (a brother, ideally) then Hana is the carrier.
But, what if Kaori’s family SUCKS? What if they’re ABSOLUTE ASSES? What if they’re homophobic bigots who don’t approve of the relationship, much less them having a child together? Hana and Kaori wouldn’t going to want their DNA anyway. (Sorry to give you a shit family Kaori, but you're marrying into a pretty cool one so... congrats?)
But then it’s also like… uh… Kiba is your annoying little brother who really didn’t believe we were engaged. Not out of bigotry or ill-intent, but it’s still annoying. And also, like, don’t really want to think about your little brother’s sperm.
What’s a wlw couple to do?
Because it’s not just about the gestation and carrying the baby to term, but the incompatibility of egg-egg or sperm-sperm conception.
But wait! Introducing the new HaruNara external conception and gestation machine(/seal?)! For the low low price of (I don’t know, the first generation may be free since it’s all prototype and experimental?) you and your partner(s) can have the biological child you’ve always wanted! No mess, no stress, no risk that an undercover agent from an enemy clan/village will steal your bloodlimit and/or extremely politically important heir! Highly trained and accredited experts of medicine and sealing will oversee the HaruNara process and your genetic material/future child will be fully protected by an elite team of Konoha’s powerful shinobi! We’ll help you make the family of your dreams! SIGN UP TODAY!
… if you didn’t read all of that in an infomercial voice, I messed up.
What I’m saying is, Hana and Kaori’s first child—who I am now calling Manako which means eyeball—was of the first generation of HaruNara babies (a process which I assume EXTREMELY involved Sakura, hence the name).
Keen-eyed readers may remember that I wanted Mimi Inuzuka to be a year above Shikadai, and that is still true. I’m just giving Mimi Inuzuka and older sister, because I want the sort of… bookend of Manako is of the first generation of HaruNara babies and Mimi is from the last generation of HaruNara babies (outside of the ANY clan alliance)
Because the HaruNara requires a sealing master (from the Nara Sealing Research Group) AND a medic specifically trained under Sakura. Although there are ANY medics trained under Sakura, there aren’t any non-ANY sealing masters—except maybe TenTen—who are trained in the use of the seals and equipment, of which those would be proprietary Nara technology anyway.
… and even if TenTen COULD, I don’t think she necessarily WOULD because she is indebted/grateful to the Nara for even putting her name on the NaraTen seals (still industry leader, decades later) and giving her those royalties as opposed to just, like, a one time “consultant/independent contractor” fee and then goodbye forever. I think, even if she isn’t officially part of the Nara Sealing Research Group, she does get invited a lot or consults enough (with appropriate/fair payment or additional royalties) that she wouldn’t necessarily turn her back against them. And, like, look. Even if it was decades ago, she did love Shikamaru and they were friends even when they broke up, so she also grieves for him too. I don’t know her stance on, you know, straight up murder the councilors who ordered his assassination. But I can’t imagine she’d so fully turn against Shikako—who, again, was even more her friend than Shikamaru, and so ACTIVELY contributed to TenTen’s career success—that she would scab against the Nara clan and run half of the HaruNara technique on behalf of Konoha unless they SPECIFICALLY ORDERED HER TO.
BUT EVEN THEN, I have to imagine the number of times she must have had “don’t interfere with clan affairs” thrown in her face regarding the Hyuuga Caged Bird seal and now she can throw it back in Konoha’s face. But, like, in a plausible deniability sort of way.
All that being said: the ANY alliance may very well be keeping this technique to themselves and either separately contracting (with all profits going to ANY alliance only, rather than it being split with Konoha) or charging an EXORBITANT FEE to those who are trying to hire them via Konoha official paths.
Because, like. You can’t tell me the Kantokusha clan of Hidden Grass don’t have the village under their thumb. That’s why they were so desperate to get rid of Shikako, someone who had seemingly defeated their ultimate technique.
And while Konoha has other methods of income, older and more established than the HaruNara seals, you can’t tell me the ANY alliance wouldn’t be extremely pedantic and petty about proprietary clan techniques. Again, just pointing at the Hyuuga’s Caged Bird Seal.
Of course, the ANY alliance isn’t trying to make more enemies—if anything, they are trying to do the opposite, and woo other clans to their theoretical secession—so they’re not being extortionate about it. But they are making it clear that this is a clan/alliance technique, not a village technique.
To be clear, this switch from it being a Konoha service to an ANY clan specific service is because of The Incident—hence why Mimi is part of the last generation of Konoha serviced HaruNara babies--so it’s not as if the ANY alliance have been denying or overcharging the Inuzuka use of the HaruNara process. And also, it may very well be that Hana and Kaori have reached the number of children they want (unsure if it’s just her and Manako or if I want them to have a/multiple siblings in between) and it’s just coincidence that they bookend the window of time where the HaruNara process was a village service and not an ANY alliance service. BUT I just thought that would be an interesting way to frame the Inuzuka’s involvement/opinion on the Incident, especially since I am REALLY thinking about writing another Primadonna ‘verse segment and it involves Team Chiyako which has Mimi Inuzuka and the Branch Hyuuga teen that Shikadai has a crush on.
Anyways, how do you look at all of your beautiful, rambunctious children and not be extremely grateful to the person who literally made it possible for them to exist. And, you know, wouldn't any Inuzuka member also want to tear to pieces the people who try to harm their family? Considering I imagine if the Inuzuka clan had a motto it would be something like Honesty, Loyalty, Integrity, I can’t imagine those Hana's personal opinion would be would be too different from her Inuzuka clan's opinion (unlike Chiyako and Tsunade’s, lol)
The Inuzuka are not official allies with the Akimichi, Nara, Yamanaka. They are also not official allies with the Aburame and the Hyuuga even though members of their clans get put on the same teams often due to synergistic abilities. I don’t know who they are official allies with, but we do know that they joined Konoha at roughly the same time as the other clans and have since been a pillar member of the village.
So the question then becomes: does the fact that their current clan heiress (Manako) and her sibling(s) exist because of Shikako Nara outweigh the generations of loyalty to Konoha?
Here’s where I thread this needle: I don’t think they would secede… but I do think they would gladly support a different Hokage and are fully in favor of Naruto stepping down. I think, if they have clan vows the same way the ANY alliance does, that Hana (with approval from Tsume and whatever elders or equivalent thereof that the Inuzuka clan has) changed them before Manako and her sibling(s) became genin and would have to say them.
I think Manako might not even be on a jounin led tead. I think Manako probably went from the Academy, then straight back to specialized Inuzuka clan training, both because she is heiress and also so that she wouldn’t necessarily have to swear oaths of loyalty to the village over her clan or to the current Hokage in particular.
Which makes Mimi’s placement on Team Chiyako interesting if she is the only one of her siblings(? Although, it could just be her and Manako) who didn’t get recalled back to clan training after the Academy. What oaths did she make? Are the Inuzuka very deliberate in their wording of loyalty to the village (but not the Hokage?) in protecting the people, but not the administration.
I think, if the Inuzuka can’t make Shikako Hokage (and if this WERE closer in time to the Incident, they probably would have voted a no-confidence in Naruto, had that been a route available to them) then they are part of the group who either want Kakashi back in power (even though he very much DOES NOT WANT) or are of the belief that if they can’t have a Hokage they can be loyal to, they will either FIND or MAKE a Hokage they can be loyal to.
By which I mean: if I’m already playing the next generation parallel game, not only is Mimi Inuzuka the kunoichi on a team one year older than Shikadai, she also, like TenTen, wants to be like Tsunade. But, unlike TenTen, its not because of healing, it’s because she’s a female Hokage and Mimi is going to be the next one if she has any say over it.
I do think the most “healing” of the candidates is Shikadai, given it is a rift between Konoha and the Nara specifically, but hell… at this point, anyone else might be enough to get the ANY alliance to stay. Sarada who, even if she is still genetically a Sakura-Sasuke child, would have been raised by Sakura-Ino-Sai is arguably part of the ANY alliance… maybe?
Because. Almost all of those Uchiha repopulation program kids I made are of age or younger than Shikadai. (Sakako doesn’t exist in primadonna ‘verse, sorry. Add another check in the bleakness column.) So either, they ARE using the HaruNara machine(/seal?) as an officially allied clan of the ANY clans (ANUY alliance? Hm… I don’t like that) OR it is one of the only Konoha official usage of it post The Incident—by which I mean, Konoha is subsidizing some/most of the exorbitant costs so that the Uchiha DON’T officially join the ANY alliance—OR… they aren’t using it and they’re just going old fashioned surrogacy (as it was originally written) but you HAVE to imagine that absolutely frustrates whoever is in charge of the program (probably Sakura, let’s be real) because there is this method to make the program so much more efficient if it weren’t for FUCKING POLITICS and it HAS HER NAME ON IT.
Oof. Yikes.
Anyway, sorry I went on a tangent. Many people are gunning for that Hokage spot, Mimi Inuzuka included. I think she was deliberately put on a jounin led team because Hana or Manako could smell/see the way the winds were blowing in Konoha. The Aburame heiress/future head as well as a Branch Hyuuga representative being on the same team—those two (and maybe the Uchiha, gotta figure that out) being the most likely to join the ANY alliance in secession—would need a stronger tether back to Konoha. And while the Inuzuka may have self-isolated a bit due to lack of faith in the Hokage, they are still loyal to the village as a whole. And then their third teammate is a Kurama because I’m already playing the next generation parallel game, so I needed a genjutsu user. BUT I have also made their abilities synergize, so this team does make sense functionally as well as, uh, metaphorically? Politically :D
FINAL TANGENT before I let this brainrot go, 1) Kareru Uzumaki definitely exists in this ‘verse because 2) the first generation of HaruNara babies are younger than him because the techniques didn’t fully gel together UNTIL Shikako discovered the seal he was in so 3) AT MOST there is eight years difference between the oldest of the HaruNara babies and Shikadai’s year, and I don’t even think that much but I can’t be bothered to do math right now.
Hopefully this rambling around will lead to an actual legible ficlet. If you made it this far, sorry for this disaster of a post.
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autisticallyasexual · 2 months
Brotherly Bonding with a side of giggles
fully edited
a/n: this was way easier to type on the computer! And I think it’s longer than the ones I’ve written on my phone. Of course, it was a process to be able to do it discreetly, but I did it nonetheless. Enjoy!
this takes place after the maze video, before the Mario one.
summary: Judah is feeling more sad and more down since the whole fiasco in the maze. So Elijah, being the big brother he is, makes it his personal mission to cheer up his little bro.
Spoiler warning! Slight Angst!
Since they got out of the maze, Judah had been acting... off. None of his goofy antics, no more being blatantly himself. It had been affecting not only the siblings, but also the rest of the team. Michelle, Cole, Bella, Jessica... Even though they rarely saw Bella or Jessica anymore, they had still missed being able to laugh at Judah's ridiculousness. But out of all the people who missed it, Elijah was at the top of the list. He was currently in front of a white board, setting up multiple plans to help his little brother.
Of course, he should probably be helping to set up the plan for their next mission, but... they couldn't do it without Judah, and Judah wouldn't come if he was still so down. So, away he wrote. His brain was getting mushy, and he needed to actually put plans into place. Not just stay there and write with no end. But he was stuck in a frenzy of anything that could possibly work, and this had to work.
"Elijah?" came the unmistakable voice of Shiloh
"Yeeeeah??" He replied, not sure of her tone.
"Why are you writing so quickly?"
"Forget it. I don't care, just--" she held up her hands in annoyance and turned around to leave, "It's your turn to try 'n cheer up Judah, by the way. None of us can do it."
Then, without another word, she walked out of the kitchen. Elijah hastily took a picture of the whiteboard and went to knock on Judah's door. Plan A: try to talk to him about what's wrong. he paused for a moment before gently colliding his fist with the door, making a hollow noise on the bedroom door.
"Yeah?" came the voice from in.
"It's Elijah. C-can I come in?" He asked hopefully.
"Yeah." The carrot boi sighed.
Eli opened the door and sat on the orange bed. It was... actually made?
"Judah, what's going on?"
"What? can't a guy make his bed in peace?"
"Judah, come on... you know what I mean."
"Pshawww... nothing's wrong! See? Smile!" Judah puts on a fake smile.
It was hard to decipher, but Elijah's known him since he was born. He may not be the best at spotting imposters right away, but he can tell this is one of them. There's no joy in his eyes, and Elijah sputtered and stumbled over words. He kept opening his mouth just to close it again, before checking the photo of his plans for help. As he got out his phone, he accidentally elbowed his fellow crewmate in the side. Judah, for good or for bad, was not wearing his puffer vest right now, and his thin carrot colored shirt didn't provide much protection.
Judah flinched, and realized what he wanted. But for some strange reason, this time, he couldn't bring himself to ask. What was wrong with him? He really was changing, why couldn't he do anything right? These thoughts followed by more and more obsessive, negative, self deprecating thoughts swirled in his mind like a tornado of dread and anxiety. He sighed and brought his head into his hands.
"Judah? A-are you alright?" Elijah had noticed the flinch, of course, and knew why it happened. However, that was not his main concern right now.
"What's wrong with me?" The sad comedian spoke, "Sorry. That was a bit... whiny."
"You hanging out with those jerk friends of yours again?" Elijah asked, raising a concerned eyebrow.
"What? No, why?"
"Good. They just... Always put these lies in your head. Ones like that you're whining when you're sad. Or that something's wrong with you."
"What's wrong? I'm here, Judah, just talk to me. Please." His eyes were practically begging the younger.
"I'm sorry, Eli... I don't think there's any bouncing back this time. I just--ever since Mom's been gone..." he trailed off.
There was more to it of course, but... he didn't want to talk about it. all he wanted to do was shove his feelings down and never feel anything ever again. But he couldn't, they kept coming back. That was a good thing, of course, but he didn't want them to be there. He just wanted them to stop.
"I know how to cheer you up." Eli spoke quietly, with a fond smile as he looks at a video on his phone, "But you gotta tell me what's wrong first."
"Are you sure it'll work?"
"Hasn't failed me yet." he says, looking up at his brother with hopeful eyes. "Please. let me help. you don't have to go through this alone, Judah. Everybody's here for you."
"Well, it's just that... Everything! Everything's bad right now. I mean, Mom's gone, and we can't find her. The zombie's keep popping up out of nowhere, we can't figure that out, and the fate of entire raloes are at stake. You keep getting kidnapped by chess kings, which, by the way, I still have to check on. How am I a king? I'm just a little orange boy trying to get through life! And that's all been fine until we learn that Shiloh has been the one doing dangerous stuff that could kill us all! And we almost died in that Maze! It's just too much, man!"
Elijah looked at him blankly, a little shocked. He suddenly reaches out and hugs Judah. "I'm sorry, Judah. We should have made sure you were okay long before it got too much, we'll try better. I promise."
"Thanks Eli." He melted into the warm embrace for a few seconds before he jolted as he felt fingers squeezing his sides.
"Can't forget about cheering you up though, can we?" he smirked into his brother's shoulder.
"Elihihihihijah!" Judah laughed and yelled in surprise as his bandana-loving brother pinned Judah's hands with his knees and straddled him, still digging into judah's sides.
"Aww, your laugh is still so cute and innocent!" he grinned, both in mischievousness and in joy.
the carrot man threw his head back and cackled as Elijah made a claw with his hand and vibrated it into his stomach gently, meanwhile his other hand was busy squeezing his little bro's kneecap.
Judah did love being tickled, and didn't protest. He just laughed, enjoying being forced to forget all his worries and troubles for an amount of time. Being able to enjoy a playful moment with his siblings. Just focusing on what happening right there and then. However, Elijah could tell Judah couldn't take much more by his breathing patterns.
"Ready for the grand finale?" he smirked at Judah's flustered face, before bringing his own face down to blow raspberries on his belly.
Judah's cackles dissolved into silent laughter, and Elijah knew that was his cue to stop.
"You alright?" he asked as he pulled Judah up to lean on his shoulder.
"yeheah. I forget how ruthless you can be."
"Ah, c'mon, we both know you liked it."
"Yeah. It was nice." the younger boy giggled.
Needless to say, Judah was alright after that. And all his siblings, plus Michelle after Daniel and Micah... 'persuaded' her, made an effort to check up on the goofy boy more often.
(I can make a fic about Michelle being persuaded by you know how if y’all want!)
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0x1addictsong · 2 years
What Love can cause♡
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Note : The story is based on imagination and is a pure fiction. Kind of yandere.
There he was, standing near the pole staring straight in her brown eyes, looking at her every moves, melting everytime she smiles, holding the urge to not cross the line, to not run to her and fall in her arms. It's the way she makes him fall for her everytime, he just can't deny the fact that he's already in love, and the love's becoming deeper and deeper everytime he looks at her. She made him realise what love can cause, what affect love can have on him, what her voice can do to him. For him she was what heaven looks like.
He had this view point of Love that she changed eventually, she changed it by just smiling at him. He thought of love as a choice, that you can't get attached to a person until you want, you can only fall for a person if you're willing to. It's all planned. It's a choice not a coincidence. But what happened to him was something out of control. He couldn't help but fall for her. And even if it's a choice which he used to believe then he loves what he chose.
The sight infront of him is making him eager to hold her, even if it's meant for one time, he wants her close. He wants to embrace her and hide her from the world, cuz he thinks that the people out there may hurt her, they may bring danger to her. And just the thought of her in a trouble sends shiver down his body.
He was reckless in the people's eyes and maybe his too. But she made him felt like a lover. A lover who can protect her, a lover who can take care of her. A lover who can make her feel butterflies in her stomach just like she did. The cold breeze in the mid October made her shiver, causing her to rub her arms by her palms. The wind caressing her red flushed cheeks and her squinting her eyes with a pure form of beauty. And all he could do was stand there admiring her from afar. But who knew that his love will slowly become his addiction without even him realising it.
"I'll make you mine soon, dear."
The moment she felt eyes on her, she looked behind her, finding no one there she starts sketching again. From some days the comfort this place used to give her seemed lost, she always felt a pair of eyes looking at her, she felt unsafe. Somehow she shrugged it off thinking it's just her overthinking self. She looked in front of her sighing heavily, the river looked so peaceful, the view alone made her forget about her worries, it relieved her stress. But again she felt uncomfortable, and this time she decided not to ignore it. Standing up from the bench she took all of her belongings and started to walk towards her house.
Walking down the street, she felt as if someone was following her, it made her shiver a little. She turned around still finding no one. Her worry started increasing with every step she took. Her heart started racing and she started to jog a little by feeling a shadow from behind. She could feel it, she could feel someone too close to her, she even started to feel a hot breath on her neck. Just as she thought about it, her whole life was rewinding in front of her teary eyes, she didn't want to die like this without even achieving her dreams.
Before she could fasten up her speed anymore, she felt a cloth pressing on her lower face. She tried to get out of the "still unknown person's" grip but she was already feeling drained by running too much. Tears running out of her eyes non stop, she started wiggling her legs but all in vain. Before the darkness appeared in front of her eyes, she saw his face too close to her trying to say something in her ears. She felt his words pierced through her skin before the chloroform rendered her unconscious.
"I'm gonna protect you from this dangerous world."
Tags : @gyucupid @shieunviya @m4rsluv @mini0o @loviefm @sweetsoogyu @whendidmythoughtsgocrazy @blovedhobi @mcadiary @tricssi @facepalmmylifeu @rainbowhyunnie @thelastyoungblood @talitinha05 @soobslvr @eachothersmoon @soqmiau
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tordenvejr · 1 year
How does one deal/ handle with the death of a friendship? I've just recently lost a close dear friend of almost seven years by pushing her away to the point of her blowing up on me one day, and me taking that in personally/ her words. I allow things to affect me pretty quickly, and deeply. I'm missing her like mad, yet I don't know if she will ever forgive me for blocking her/ ignoring her on everything. She has not however tried to get in contact with me. With this being an online friendship, I should have said to you already. Sorry if this triggers yourself, or anyone else/ or bothers you. It's just, should I try to get her back into my life? She is over the age of 50, and has many health issues. I miss her, please, any advice would help from you/ your own followers. Thankyou for taking the time to read this. Have a nice day, and take care of yourself today.
that's a big question that depends on the nature of the relationship and the ending! i want to get into the other details of your ask first.
what were the reasons as to why you were pushing her away? you aren't responsible for someone else's reactions. her response is her choice, she didn't need to blow up, she could have expressed her feelings in a calm manner, distanced herself, etc. i especially want to say that a 50 year old adult conducting themselves this way is extremely questionable.
if you have the capacity to feel things deeply then that is how you experience things, disallowing yourself from feeling things to the extent that you're able would be to repress your sensitivity. there's nothing wrong with your sensitivity.
are you missing her and who she is or are you feeling the compulsion to close the gap between you because it's uncomfortable to be uncertain how she feels about you/be at peace while she might be mad at you?
why did you block and ignore her? what did she do? i feel like that's a pretty substantial part of this.
again do you want her to forgive you because you want to cultivate/and feel capable and realistic in the idea of cultivating a healthy relation with this person, or because it's uncomfortable to not be forgiven?
you don't need to worry and take responsibility for how i may receive this, trust that if i don't feel comfortable with something i won't engage with it.
it sounds to me like this was a very tumultuous, drama-filled and painful relationship. if i'm right the question is do you want that type of relationship in your life? does it fulfill and nourish you?
you mention that she's over the age of 50, and i want to note that this degree of drama with a middle aged person isn't showcasing her as a very stable or safe individual. i'm curious too, how old are you? if there's a significant age gap then that makes me even more inclined to call her unsafe.
you also mention her health issues, why? it makes me feel as if there might be a sense of protectiveness/care/obligation from your side, and if that's the case i want to emphasize that it is not your responsibility to neglect your own emotional needs to be there for someone else. at all. and not only is it not your responsibility, but it can be outright harmful to yourself.
for your question on handling the death of a friendship, particularly of this nature: if it has died, let it be dead. don't try to revive it, to breathe life into something that is rotten. let it be done. allow yourself to grieve, but know that, especially for toxic relationships, the grief does not indicate that you've made a mistake or that you need this person back, simply that something has changed in a major way. it is okay to grieve and to be sad and to miss someone; and also work towards being okay without them 🪞🕊️
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dimitrscu · 1 year
You're right about Gideon. His dialogue on Miquella is 90% about him being missing. What's your take on Miquella btw?
Don't quote me on this, but apparently Millicent in JP says, "The caution she abandoned to match R*dahn." Maybe this means Malenia bloomed deliberately. Or maybe it means her choosing to focus on fighting him instead of resisting the rot. Thus, risking a bloom. Assuming the trailer plays out in real-time, the Aeonia forms so quickly it might've caught Malenia off guard. Honestly, there's so much to discuss. But like you said, it's difficult to do that. People would rather bend over backwards to invent copium takes than admit the Big Warrior Dude couldn't/didn't defeat the gangly sickly lady. I've seen someone say he actually won because she didn't kill him.
Other than the points you've made, the funny thing about being mad at Malenia for attacking us is uh.. we're not framed as the good guys here. The Tarnished obtains the medallions via the Albinaurics, listens to Albus lament how they can't journey to the sanctuary, and then commits murder at said sanctuary anyway. Then when we kill Loretta, a mandatory boss before Malenia, the game tells us that she's here as she thinks the Haligtree is a safe haven. Basically in our journey to kill Malenia, we betray the trust of the needy and trample on what they think is their hope.
I genuinely love Miquella and hope we get to learn more about him in the DLC. He’s a character that I definitely feel has more going on than people may realise. I don’t subscribe to these theories of him being secretly evil though and I honestly can’t stand all these takes of him being a Griffith knock off. Seriously these guys see ‘Guy In Egg’ and go “Holy shit just like the hit manga Berserk!!” Like I get that’s where Miyazaki gets some of his inspiration from but that doesn’t mean every damn thing needs to be a Berserk reference lmao
Anyway, to me Miquella comes across as someone who genuinely has good intentions. A lot of this is plain to see and I think trying to look for the worst in him is such a reach at times. I don’t imagine Miquella to be this perfect saint by any means, but trying to make out that he’s potentially worse than any of the others is something I just can’t get behind. It’s like people are waiting for it to turn out like “Haha! He was actually the secret villain all along!” Folks love going on about how there’s no outright good and bad in this world and they love throwing around words like morally grey, but for some reason with Miquella they want him to be the worst shit in the lands between. We know he rejected the Golden Order primarily because they couldn’t (or wouldn’t?) help Malenia, but at the same time he goes on to build this sanctuary for those turned away by the Erdtree. He was essentially offered everything on a silver platter and still turned them down because to him they weren’t doing enough. For Malenia and for others who are considered ‘different’ by the order’s standards. They may be demigods but considering so are the omen twins and look at how they are treated, it’s obvious anyone who doesn’t fit into this Perfect Order is either considered not worth protecting or is wiped out. Miquella on the other hand obviously cares enough to want to change things. The idea some people have that he brainwashes his followers, again doesn’t quite sit right with me. We still don’t fully know what Miquella’s plans are and to me at least he doesn’t seem like he’s hell bent on conquering. Why would he need to brainwash and manipulate his followers though realistically? Unless it turns out that their affection and worship is how he gains his strength (which to me sounds stupid), why would he need to force people to follow him? But then again people say the same thing about Malenia with the cleanrot knights in that she infects them with rot and they are nothing more than braindead zombies who follow her. Even though it says they vowed to fight alongside her despite the inevitable putrefaction of their flesh, and that they accepted their fate. But going back to Miquella, I’ve seen this argument that because the Haligtree is hard to find that must mean he didn’t want people to find it.
Yeah, potential enemies.
You can’t just position a sanctuary like the Haligtree in the middle of the continent with big neon lights pointing at it saying “Come here if you’re being oppressed by that ugly ass tree over there.” And expect everyone to be fine with it. The place is already quite vulnerable as it is. It’s small and it’s situated below a cliff. If anyone were to attack it from the land I doubt they would last long. Keeping the Haligtree location secret is important if they wish to keep it, and it’s inhabitants, from harm. This is why I like to believe there were people, like Loretta, who knew of the location and would set out to help guide those in need.
About the bloom in Caelid though, I personally do think she did bloom intentionally. I think she made the conscious decision, however hard it may have been, to do something to break the tie. The fact she was the one to take the initiative doesn’t mean she was losing. It just means she had the conviction to actually do something. I do think however that the rot god could have possibly used this whole situation to it’s advantage and spread the rot throughout Caelid. Sensing that Malenia was weakened from the fight and her will to hold back the rot being at a low point, it may well have seized the opportunity to act through her. I don’t necessarily think Malenia intended to destroy the region, only that she wanted to isolate it to her enemy. With all that we’ve learnt about her and how she hates the rot and wants rid of it, I can’t imagine she would take pleasure in spreading it around the world. But of course all this was still a great risk and she couldn’t have know exactly how bad the outcome would be.
I agree with what you said about the tarnished. When you look at it we really aren’t framed as a good person throughout our journey. Whatever peoples personal headcanons are for their own character, the player character is kind of an asshole. We’re not even supposed to be from these lands and yet when we’re told by some random person to go kill everything just so we can become king of the ashes we gladly do it. There are some bosses in the game that I don’t even know why we fight. Malenia being one of them. It’s not even like we need her rune as we only need two to enter the capital and then they are never mentioned again. If Malenia were someone important in our quest you could understand going through all the hassle to get to her, but in the end we kill her for what? Her sword and her outfit? I know people go and fight her for the challenge and all that, it’s just lore wise there’s never really any need to go to the Haligtree.
Again thank you anon for allowing me to rant, and once again I’m sorry I take so long to reply!
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a-libra-writes · 2 years
Hiiii! 💕💕 if you want could you do something like “imagine being in love with both Brienne and Jaime” 🥺
This was such an interesting ask! A shame I took so long to answer haha.
Knowing Brienne first would mean following her through much of her journey, at least when Catlyn tasked her with taking the Kingslayer to King's Landing. If you're a lady, she's exceptionally protective. It helps if you're also a fighter, so she doesn't have to defend you as much, but she won't complain. She swore to protect you as well, and she always will. She won't fault you for not being as strong or capable as her; rather, she appreciates your loyalty and company immensely.
Jaime would be the one who was always teasing you. He's got a mess of a relationship with Cersei, so the idea that he actually liked someone else may get him defensive. He'll tease you like boys do, even when you're both grown - especially if you can fight. You know how he constantly mocks Brienne, yet respects her, and he's so bone-headed about that admiration? Yup.
And of course, you're most likely to end up around both of them during the Roadtrip From Hell. Brienne is even more protective of you because of Jaime, and Jaime is actually jealous of your supposed closeness to her. There starts to be several situations where they each expect you to take a side, especially since they're on literal opposite sides of the war.
(Note if you never knew Jaime but know Brienne, Jaime can't believe he's stuck with two stubborn, annoying women. If you knew Jaime but not Brienne, she tries to reason with you and often scolds Jaime for not looking after you well enough).
And just like Jaime and Brienne are pretty damn oblivious to their feelings for each other, they're oblivious to how they feel about you... except.
Brienne absolutely giving Jaime a talking to about being "proper" with you (regardless if you're a lady or not), watching his tongue around you, getting flustered and angry when he talks about your looks or virtue ...
and Jaime constantly bugging Brienne to let you have fun for once, always trying to annoy you and get your attention, being surprisingly gentle with you (only to do something asshole-y an hour later), lowkey making sure you're eating and sleeping enough...
Yes, they're both hopeless. This is even more ridiculous if they like each other in addition to you. You might actually have the only braincell in this trio.
Brienne would be the one to realize you and Jaime's feelings first, and she'd be willing to "step aside", even if it hurts. She doesn't believe for a second that you or Jaime would pick her. On the other hand, Jaime selfishly wants you both for himself (ha) but he's certainly in denial about it. Whenever you and Brienne are being sweet and affectionate to each other, he gets both a powerful yearning and jealousy.
(Seriously, you will have to be the braincell until everyone is on the same page).
You'd likely be the glue who helps them realize that they're a good team and they care for each other, and they have more ideals in common than they think!
They're both also very protective - again, it doesn't matter if you're a capable fighter. Does not matter. If you're upset or threatened, you have two incredibly talented knights right at your side, glaring the person down and daring them to say something (yes, even after Jaime loses his hand. He don't care). You also bring out different sides of them. You get to see Jaime's more vulnerable and softer side, and you get all of Brienne's affection and love she's always wanted to give but no one wanted to have. You're absolutely spoiled and cared for!
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Silvio Ricci.
Chapter 15
Flashback: Rio confesses his love for MC.  And he's been in love with her since the day she saved him. From the day he "knew kindness".
Rio saw everything. But even if his older brother and MC didn't kiss, he still felt bad.
That's where "the coal-black beast who was good at capturing people's hearts and fighting" caught up with him.
Gilbert: How are you feeling?
Rio: Fine. Thank you for your concern...
Gilbert: But you still look like you're dying, don't you?
Rio sits in the living room drinking water. Gilbert happily plays with his cane.
Gilbert: Don't be shy. I told you I'm on your side, didn't I? "Prince Valerio."
Of course, Gilbert knew everything.
The prince believes that the former butler has a block in his memories, as with severe stress.
This is common among Obsidian soldiers.
Gilbert: Some memories are better remembered, some are better forgotten forever.
Gilbert thinks Rio has the latter.
Rio is no fool and realizes that messing with the "trampling beast" is not worth it. And he wants out. But Gilbert grabs hold of his arm.
Rio didn't expect a man with such "sweet and gentle" features to be so strong.
Gilbert: Oh man. My favours...
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Gilbert: You either accept it or you're made to accept it. There are only two options.
It got colder. There was no longer an "atmosphere of benevolence," it was like a "beast hunted".
Rio: Well, I'm out of luck... Lord Gilbert caught me...
The prince asks Rio not to get upset about it, in case there's something in the guy's memory that will help protect his precious "little Bunny."
Gilbert: Hmmm... I'll ask you again. What do you want?
An ordinary day, but the heroine did not yet know that "the seeds of evil have already been sown".
Leon and Yves go to the province. Rio gave Sariel the idea of having a girl accompany them.
MC realizes that she hasn't seen Silvio for days and that she misses him very much.
Rio notices this, but keeps quiet.
Drunken conversations #1.
Night. Gazebo [A place with a couch].
Keith and Silvio.
Silvio is already drinking his fifth bottle of wine.
Keith tries to stop him. But if Silvio wants to get drunk, he'll get drunk.
This has been going on for five days now.
Silvio: The host hasn't entertained us for five days in a row.
Silvio: She's back already.
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Silvio: Still no sign of her coming to entertain us.
Perhaps the girl is busy, Keith suggested. But there is no more important job in society than to entertain a guest from another country, replies the prince from Benitoite.
Silvio: Well, at least the damn dog doesn't bother me.
Keith: MC's butler is really excellent.
Silvio: .... What?
Keith:... I'm really sorry.
Silvio: Haven't I told you something? The dog hates it when I bother her.
Silvio: It's worth every bit of trouble to keep her around to harass that dog.
Keith says it looks like Silvio is in love with MC.
Meanwhile... MC's room.
The heroine's schedule is full; she has no time to entertain her guest.
MC: You've been trying to prevent me from meeting Lord Silvio lately, haven't you?
After all, Chevalier also asked her to follow Silvio along with Rio.
Rio tells her that she should not gather too much with his brother. It would hurt the girl. The brother is not a bad man.
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Rio: But in "some respects" he is a ruthless scoundrel.
But if Silvio is not entertained, he may refuse to cooperate with Rhodolite.
But Rio realizes that no matter how hard the heroine tries, it won't affect Silvio.
Rio is silent about his past. But he is not proud of it.
Rio asks the heroine if she likes Silvio.
Drunken conversations #2.
Night. Still the same gazebo.
Keith and Silvio.
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Silvio: Hey. Who's going to fall in love with this damn sassy and cute woman?
Keith remarks that his friend's behavior is due to the fact that he hasn't seen MC in a long time.
Silvio: ... Hmm. Women are such creepy creatures, all of them.
Silvio: They flatter those who have power, carelessly leap over others, laugh at those who have fallen.
Silvio: I throw a tantrum when things don't go their way...
Silvio: On the contrary, if they get their way, they'll make an almost nauseating purring sound.
Silvio: ...I get goosebumps.
The words that came out of his mouth were filled with incomprehensible hatred.
Keith says that Silvio just hasn't had any luck with women.
Silvio agrees with that, but also says that women are all the same.
Keith: ... And Miss MC?
Silvio: ...Аh. I am sure that sooner or later she will show her nature.
Carlo, Silvio's squire, arrived and delivered a message.
Silvio: That old bastard.
Silvio's Masterlist
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