#and if you've played a certain game and looked at that name and thought 'wow what a coincidence' or are feeling suspicious
y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
Hello, I have two questions for you: first, may I borrow your idea that the Undercity is a crashed Netherese city for a fic, and second, how would you like the idea credited if it's okay to use?
Sure, and I have no preferences. Probably an unhelpful answer, sorry.
Although if you plan on using the nation/city I mentioned in that headcanon it's worth noting that I need to correct something I got slightly wrong: Rdiuz is the state the city would've belonged to, so the Undercity itself would not have been called Rdiuz.
I don't know how many Enclaves (as the flying cities are called) there are, though there were probably at least seven seeing as in order to become an archmage in Netheril you had to have created a mythallar and an Enclave, and Rdiuz had seven Crown-Sorcerers. Meigg is the only named one.
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countlessrealities · 3 months
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@evilmcg - Continued from HERE
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Wow that threw her for a loop. When it came to mortimer she just kind of assumed they'd remain having a casual relationship forever, but it sounded like he wanted things to get serious.
"Alright I'll bite. We have been having fun, but there are certain things I want from you, but first you gotta tell me something. What exactly do you want from a relationship with me? This game you're playing with me, what's the end goal? What do you really want, Mortimer?"
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Morty's lips curled in the smallest frown at Meg's reply, but the hint of annoyance was as quick to go as it had come, and it was almost instantly replaced by a blank mask.
Instead of answering right away, he took the time to retrieve a bottle of scotch and two glasses, pouring a thumb in each before sliding one towards the girl. She didn't have to drink, if she didn't want to. He, on the other hand, was going to have at least a few.
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"When I first learnt of your existence and your ties with other me, I just wanted to mess with you and send you running...hopefully into the Blender Dimension, but I wasn't too picky," he started after taking a sip of liquor. His tone was flat and unreadable, not unlike the one his Rick used most of the time. "I wasn't expecting to have this much fun with it. So, after a while, the 'sending you running' part stopped being important."
The real turning point in their relationship might have been that one afternoon they had spent together while he was under the effect of a drug, but the truth was that his despise for Meg had mellowed before then already.
"I never had friends. I don't know how relationships are supposed to work. Platonic, familiar, romantic. I never had the chance to learn about them." He had a family, once, but it was such in name only. "The only relationship I understand is the one Rick and I share and...It can't be applied to anything else."
He wouldn't go into details, he had no wish to. He never talked about his past, never bothered to explain what exactly went on between himself and his second-in-command. It was no one's business but theirs.
"Let me make things absolutely clear." He joined his hands before him, staring at the girl dead in the eye. "I don't see you as an equal and I never will. In my eyes, you will always be beneath me. I won't go out of my way to meet your expectations because I don't care enough to do it. I don't love you and I'll never be in love with you."
She could take or leave it, he didn't care. As long as she was aware that, whatever her decision would be, he wouldn't stop what he had started.
"That said...I suppose that I've started to...like you, in a way. Our little outings are something I've come to look for. You've proved yourself to be less insufferable than I initially thought. I enjoy your company, when I feel like entertaining it."
He was speaking smoothly, but the truth was that being this honest on personal matters was anything but easy for him.
"What I'm saying is that I'd like to keep doing what we've been doing so far and put a label on it. As long as you are aware of what it entails and fine with the limitations I've put on it. I don't let people close, ever. Rick, other me and you are exceptions to that rule. So, I'd like for this...thing between us to be official. You earned that much."
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medea10 · 9 months
Medea Played Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, The DLC's (Part I)
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Previously on Shit-post Theater
This. That. Also This. That too.
Yeah, it's been a minute. I've been holding off on doing one of these since the first DLC that dropped back in December really didn't wow me as much as I thought it would. So I waited until the second one dropped. Only to learn that an epilogue was coming soon thereafter. That was awfully kind of them. Okay, sit back.
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Maybe throw away that sandwich you've been holding onto since November of 2022.
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At the start, Jacq-strap tells you about an opportunity to go on a school trip to Kitakami. A region that was just pulled out of thin air...
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And here we are!
You're in Kitakami with three randos from the academy, being chaperoned by Ms. Briar, who is an instructor at Blueberry Academy in Unova. And if that doesn't sound familiar to you, it will soon enough.
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Soon after, you are accosted and insulted by one of Blueberry Academy's finest asses, Carmine.
The little one behind Carmine is her little brother Kieran. Now that I finished that interruption. I gotta do something really important.
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There we go. I am complete. I can finally get a Clefable in these games.
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A girl and her Clefable. Is there anything more perfect in this world?
I suppose I should look around this small region.
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There's only one Pokemon Center. And it's an outdoor facility just like Paldea.
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Gender neutral bathrooms along with boy/girl ones? Uh-oh, don't tell the right-wing weirdos on X.
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More pokemon to catch as well. Even Jacq-strap gives you a special egg. I hope it's something...
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Sigh. Gible, use Draco Meteor.
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And then we meet these two oddballs. O'Nare and...the other one. I don't remember the other one. Biff or Billy or Monty Q Moneybags. Shit, I don't care. They're part of the Pokemon version of the Illuminati. And you'll find them in weird places throughout Kitakami and Paldea. Even on the jagged tippy-tops of the Great Crater. Follow them enough times and O'Nare will battle you a couple of times and you can get a few goodies like nuggets, big nuggets, and a phone case.
There's also a rumor that these two are really Nemona's parents. There's no proof of that and as of this date of posting, we don't know Nemona's parents. I have theories that she's the product of Goku and one of the compulsive gamblers on Kakegurui.
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The point of this school trip is to go all over Kitakami and take selfies in front of certain landmarks. Each place tells you parts of a story involving a man, an ogre pokemon, and three "savior" pokemon. Through it all, you're with Kieran. That shy little cinnamon roll.
And then it's time for this mask festival. And you meet Kieran's grandpar...
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I could be wrong, but did Jessie and James wear disguises like this long ago? Nope? Sorry, my imagination! Okay, moving on.
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At this festival, you can play this Ogre-busting game where you have to place mochis up before certain hungry pokemon eat em' up.
You can keep playing this game for a chance at winning a shiny Munchlax.
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During the festival, you and Carmine come across that ogre pokemon mentioned prior and a teal mask. Hence, the name of the first DLC.
From this point on, you're going to learn more about Ogerpon. How he's not a bad pokemon and that the tale is fabricated.
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And all of this is destroying the cinnamon roll. Kieran always loved the ogre from the stories and feels a little betrayed when you and Carmine hide the new revelations from him.
He is now a stale cinnamon roll.
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It's not long before the three "savior" pokemon from the story crash the DLC and run amok all over Kitakami. Eating everything, stealing Ogerpon's precious masks, and turning into titan-sized pokemon.
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So, let's get all of these masks back for Ogerpon and defeat those giant, toxic nightmares.
Ogerpon gets a happy ending where the villagers apologize for how it was treated by their ancestors.
Kieran will fight you again for Ogerpon, which ends something like this.
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Oh, get up off the floor you drama queen. Shinji Ikari has more dignity than you right now.
And then you fight Ogerpon in a battle.
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It's going to be tough since it has four masks, he's tera during the whole battle, and each mask changes his second type. But once defeated, you can catch it with 100% rate.
That's actually it. I was surprised when I finished it so fast. I was worried about taking too long playing it because I had a birthday trip around the same time of release. Speaking of...
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I still find this cute.
After the Teal Mask main story, there were a few things we could do.
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Like donating your hard-earned moolah to the caretaker in Kitakami. I know he ain't worth it like Honey in Sword/Shield, but...
Nah, I've got nothing.
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You can finish off your Kitakami pokedex. There should be 200 entries. And if you fill 150 entries, you can help Perrin.
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First of all, we were all wrong about who Adaman was ancestor to. I still want to believe that Adaman is somehow connected to Mikey from Tokyo Revengers. It's not possible, but I'd like to. Good on the creators for giving us Perrin in this game.
The game takes a small turn into Pokemon Snap! territory for a second as you have to take snapshots of pokemon in the wild.
And then you battle the special Hisuian pokemon.
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This little fella is different from Legends Arceus. This is known as the Bloodmoon Ursaluna. And no, you can't evolve your Ursarring in this game. After you finish this mini game, Perrin will reward you with Hisuian Growlithe.
Fast forward three months later when you get that call from Clavell and has an old friend of his who wants to meet you.
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Let's checkmark another gay couple to the Scarlet/Violet game I approve of.
Cyrano here is the director of Blueberry Academy and wants you to be an exchange student. Remember, this is the school that Kieran and Carmine go to and that Briar teaches at.
And that's it from me. Okay, go on and get out of here. Feed your Koraidon a sandwich.
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To be continued.
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
What is the oldest sonic hack that you feel stands up to the level design standards of the present sonic fangaming/hacking community
I specifically avoided most Sonic rom hacks for a long long time. Actually, scratch that: I avoided most rom hacks period.
This is going to be an extremely controversial statement but a lot of rom hacks don't have very good level design. Or they didn't, at any rate. There is a point where things changed, for sure.
But back in the day, having enough skill and talent to make a rom hack was like, the complete opposite brain required to make a fun and balanced game. It's kind of an art vs. technical thing. People who made hacks were coming at it from a more mechanical perspective. This is sort of why the term "Kaizo" came to represent a certain type of ultra-difficult rom hack.
When you love a game SO MUCH that you're willing to reverse-engineer it and build your own expansion for it, generally you're the type of person who has mastered the game several times over. This skews your basic level understanding of what "normal" difficulty is, and in a lot of cases, these people aren't even making something representative of "normal" difficulty.
So you get levels that are super unbalanced, where it's easy to get lost, and maybe they require you to do advanced tricks that the average player has never even thought about. For them, the one who made the hack, it's second nature. They dance through their own levels, totally untouched, because they know where all the enemies are, where all the health is, and so on. They built the lock and the key.
I've had plenty of arguments with people over the years, hack developers specifically, about this topic. I've argued until I was blue in the face, but it doesn't matter, because there will always be that one person who thinks they know better. "It's fine, I learned how to do it, they just have to learn how to do it, too."
And it's just never that simple. Never, ever, ever.
Because you are a unique person. Nobody is exactly like you. The way you learned to do a thing represents less than 1% of people who will ever play your game. Maybe you learned your tricks by watching Youtube videos, or live streams, or reading guides. Not everybody is going to be that dedicated or have that much time and energy.
"You must train for 600 hours before you're ready to try my hack" is not a badge of honor worthy of anything in and of itself. The journey and the destination you've created after the journey is complete are separate ideas.
Go look up achievement statistics to see just how few people even make it past the first boss of most games, let alone halfway, or even to the credits. You very quickly start hitting figures like "only 30% of players did this super easy thing." For a big name, big budget, massively popular, professionally balanced retail game.
And that in itself is only for a fraction of the types of people who make rom hacks. Some just have more to learn and aren't very good at level or game design yet. And there are plenty of hacks out there that suffer from the opposite problem as "Kaizo", where they're just bland and forgettable. It's a difficult balancing act to get right.
These are truths in Doom wads, Mario Maker levels, Sonic rom hacks, the works. So the number of rom hacks I've played that get it right can probably be counted on one hand.
Some of that is because so few hacks get it right, and some of that is because I keep my distance from the hacking scene for that very reason. So if you're like, "wow, I can't believe BlazeHedgehog dunked on that really good hack like that" -- maybe I haven't played it! I used to throw myself to the wolves on all kinds of things where the balance and polish is more frustrating than anything, and it's made me gun shy.
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The first Sonic romhack I remember feeling good about was something called "Sonic 1 Pixel Perfect." I really liked its pastel colors and smart reuse of Ristar objects. You might look at the above screenshot with skepticism because it looks too normal, but that's sort of why I like it. It made smart, subtle changes (like the fact time of day slowly changes from dawn, noon, dusk, and night as you play through the zone) and the level design was very digestible. It's just a shame it never got very far.
I seem to recall some of the people who worked on Pixel Perfect went on to make Sonic 2 Retro Remix, which I... think I played? And I might have even liked? But it's been a very, very, very long time.
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funkyphonophorae · 7 months
Tell me about the cubes.
assuming you mean geometry dash, unfortunately there is no angsty gd cube lore for you to hear of, but i can tell you about some of my favourite levels in no particular order!!!! (decoration and vibes-wise, i am not about to actually beat these anytime soon unfortunately)
xo by krmal
xo is a very controversial level because many think it is "lazy" as it uses extremely basic blocks with no decorations on them whatsoever. the most complicated it gets decoration-wise are the effects which are cool but not particularly flashy. this is why people don't like it and don't think it is worthy to be officially uploaded onto the servers.
however, i really like xo!!! it has genuinely incredible music sync, surprisingly well thought-out design and extremely interesting structure for the limitations the creator was putting on himself!!! levels like xo are great because of how original they are. in times like these ones for the community, where most extreme demons are generic glow with tight wave spam and straightfly as the only reason they are difficult, xo isn't afraid to completely challenge the oversaturated market of extreme demons by prioritising making an interesting level over making one that exists only for it to get attention for being on the demonlist (top 150 hardest levels in the game).
i'll put the rest under a cut because WOW i didnt expect to rant that much about xo...
2. LIMBO by mindcap + more
limbo is very hard to describe because, as cheesy as it sounds, its less of a level and more of a visual experience. even just watching a run of this level (which almost every player will have to do since it is very difficult) is surreal. there is so much creativity poured into every section of limbo that sets it apart from other levels. it is also incredibly consistent for a megacollab (a level where lots of people made small parts of it) but each part still feels distinct enough to be memorable while keeping to a central theme.
3. killbot by boldstep
killbot has one of the coolest concepts for an extreme demon out there. the supposed "story" behind the level is that the player has downloaded a corrupted computer program that is out to kill them (hence the name, killbot), and throughout the level textboxes appear showing the system attempting to delete the killbot virus. the level starts out green and as it progresses, turns into red and black as the virus corrupts more and more parts, until finally at the end the virus is said to have been forcefully deleted.
the level kinda hurts to look at because of all the flashing and general air decoration but still maintains a very cool atmosphere. it does not look fun to play though.
4. decode by rek3dge
finally a level within my skill range! decode is a simple level, but very effective. it has a great song, a certain iconic wave section, and it technically isn't anything special, but who cares. i've never seen anyone hate decode. it's a universally loved level, which is incredibly rare for the gd community, and even rarer considering its rated demon (albiet only easy demon).
fun fact: spaceuk, the perpetrator of one of the game's most shocking and destructive hacking scandals, beat decode as his first ever demon level.
5. emerald realm by castrix + more
this level is based on ori and the blind forest/ori and the will of the wisps, which are great games so that already makes this level super cool. but i think i speak for everyone who's ever seen this level when i say that emerald realm has some of the most beautiful decoration in any gd level. you can appreciate emerald realm as a piece of art regardless of whether you've played the ori games or not. (yes, culuc's part is obviously the best one, all hail culuc, etc).
6. jigsaw
nothing extraordinary about this one...but it's a saw-themed gd level that looks super cool. so of course it's one of my favourites, even if it's not had a huge impact on the community.
7. congregation by presta
(insert funny congregation jumpscare meme). congregation is controversial, similar to xo, because it has less than 40,000 objects, which doesn't sound like much to someone unfamiliar with the game - but the current hardest level has over 200,000 objects. so naturally some people were irritated when congregation was rated - another case of a level being seen as "lazy" by a large number of the community.
but...congregation is so cool! it has a technological atmosphere emphasised with a fitting song that creates a feeling of mystery, unease, and the incredibly long build up to the drop of the level as more and more things begin to appear that makes it surprisingly suspenseful. the second section of the level does bring it down for me but this is still a great example of an extreme demon that stands out from the rest.
also, it has no wave or ship, the gamemodes that extremes usually rely on to create difficult segments, which makes it even more original!
8. b by motleyorc and scorchv2
b is a medium demon set in a beehive. you must navigate the beehive while avoiding some scarily large bees with ._. faces. simple but effective level that pretty much everyone loves.
oops it is now 11:21pm i should probably sleep now. yay
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Exploring Con O'Neill's Filmography Day #?- Murder City S01.EP4- Mr. Right (2004)
Murder City S01.EP4- Mr. Right
Warnings: Depiction of a murder, gunshots/gun violence, stalking, obsession over an adult woman(the fucking victim) from both a police officer and multiple victims, minor of the time period transphobic comments. This is Copoganda. It's not even hiding it.
This is one of Con's one-off performances for a TV show. It's a cop procedural and it runs at just about an hour. Watch his scenes, you don't really need to care about the plot. He's a side character that barely matters once the mystery is all tied together. If you're craving a cop show, just watch the Pie in the Sky episode he's in. You will have a better time.
Due to the weird pacing of this episode and scene changes, unless you've seen it you probably won't get what's going on. I've edited to add context the best I can, but you can skip to the end to see my overall thoughts.
As always, I love chatting in the comments. If you've already seen this, don't be afraid to rant!
What the fuck is this intro? Why does it feel like a HGTV show.
Okay, lets play the game of, is Con the victim or the murderer?
I'm calling it now, three-way. Guy was let in, and shot him.
I'm guessing right now Con killed them, jealous of the guy for getting the girl. Or Con's character was jealous of the woman.
Definitely Man hands holding that gun, is it Con? If so, #6 of Con's character improperly using guns. (Spoilers, supprisingly, I don't think Con's character touches a gun)
'Spencer Grieves. A catholic, a family man. A vicious bastard.' HELL YEAH! HANG ON. He's a vicious flower wholesale person, and if you don't buy from him, he fucking attacks you?!??!!? Flower better be code for drugs, or I fucking swear.
God, I love criminal/competent Con characters, he's having so much fun.
They wouldn't need literally every person in her family to come in and identify the body, this just seems cruel.
This whole purity angle for the victim is just gross. She's a fully grown adult, why the fuck are they so shocked she's fucking people.
This is why you don't let yourself be defined by a certain animal. She's stuck with ducks, and I'll forever be stuck with owls. I wonder if owls will be relevant to my murder.
(Going to the all mens prision to interogate a suspect, our female detective goes in basically alone, with the prisoners walking around their residential area) They would have put everyone in lockdown for her to come on. What the fuck?
CON. That hat is fun. From now on, he's Spencer.
WHY THE FUCK IS HE TALKING ABOUT LOVE SO MUCH IN HIS FIRST SCENE? I know for the 20 years post Blood Brothers he was cast in these types of roles. Sad and wrecked people wanting acceptance. Look at any of his work from the 90s/00s. BUT GOD. Someone needs to rip all of these 'I'm a sad, lonely, blank looking for love, etc. ' speeches into a Izzy edit.
HE'S GAY(OR BI!!!!! Depending on if he loves his wife, yet to be seen. But given she hasn't visited him...eh)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HE'S FUCKING IN LOVE WITH SCOVI (the male victim)! I love the 'wow I didn't think this guy was gay' subversion always being Con's thing. He inadvertently makes the subversion a typecast for himself. Funny as shit.
Oh wow. A Queer Con character who devoted his life to someone, only for his lover to suddenly make a total life change, and leave him behind for a blonde. Shocker.
Okay. SPENCER IS SO MUCH FUN. He's bringing Cliff(BBC Uncle)/Angel(3 Steps to Heaven) energy here, and I'm kind of loving it.
"And my wife? She wouldn't approve." OHHH. God, he's funny as shit. Awful and morally dubious, but fun as shit.
Why would you have code names to hide the identities of the men you'd want to fuck in a personal diary.
Also, I don't like that the blonde detective seems like he'd want to fuck the dead woman.
Spencer's wife seems fun. The cop calling Spencer 'A small Alpha of a man who protects his family' is rude. I am one inch taller than he is.
Okay, obviously ACAB. Don't trust cops. But if Spencer's work is endangering her children then, yeah, probably best to gtfo.
They're all kinda sexist as shit to the blonde detective lady.
God I hate this blonde guy detective. He's such a confident idiot. In an American show, he would have been shot and learned not to be an idiot like this. Going in somewhere alone with a suspect of a murder case? Dumbass.
Also, if he got any evidence from that conversation how would he even use it in court?
EY Back at the prison. Nice. Smiling Con is the best Con.
Why would Spencer not hide contraband well?
HAHAHA I am routing for Spencer, this plan the cops had was stupid as fuck.
If I was as paranoid as this character likely is, I'd just throw out my phone.
Idiots. He clearly knows you snooped.
The editing in this is a choice.
This love triangle/circle/fucking hexagon feels like high school gossip.
Transphobic joke is not needed, and neither is the sexist comment jackasses.
I am pretty sure this isn't how phones work?
Good for him, knowing not to say shit regardless if he thinks something could be tracked. Also, Bi-con.
NVM, let's just admit guilt and a few other crimes over the phone.
Why are these innocent people just talking to cops? Giving them free information as they stalk you out of your workplace. I hate this blonde jackass.
Yeah, it's a fucking diary jackass. It's going to be biased as fuck, why are you taking at as gospel. Does he have a Sherlock Holmes thing going on here? Seeing how things 'really' happened.
DON'T THEY NEED A FUCKING WARRANT TO SEE CCTV! "Enhance it" It's a fucking bald guy. You have one bald suspect. Also, enhancing things doesn't work like that.
Well, now you've probably endangered Spencer's entire family.
We are 40 minutes into this, can you fucks not argue about who gets credit for the case.
God I hate cop shows. Stop being smug bastards, someone's been killed.
YEY! Back to the prison!
Also, as a person who has done tours in my local prison (US) for our government class, it's weird to see how this prison is semi-accurate.
WHY ARE YOU GIVING A PEP TALK TO GROSS BLONDE DETECTIVE ABOUT DATING SURROUNDED BY FELONS. Spencer was a violent offender, all the people surrounding him likely have similar sentences. But no, lets openly chat about how his standards are too high? He's a fucking unlikeable worm of a man.
Just let him be single. Jesus Christ.
DID SPENCER GET A GUN TO KILL THE GUY WHO SOLD HIM OUT! (Or used bought loyalty to get the guy killed)If so, badass. And he got away with it cause he had help. Perfect.
How about we just assume anyone who was involved will be killed.
God, Spencer shouldn't be hot...What am I kidding myself, of course he's hot.
Spencer is also cheating on her. If he's catholic enough to care, he already thinks he's going to hell. Both for cheating and fucking men.
Also, cops are paid to lie to you. We as the audience know the cop is just lying, but Spencer should have assumed. How he doesn't know this as an experienced felon is bullshit.
ALSO WHY WASN'T SPENCER TIED DOWN OR HANDCUFFED! I swear to god, does having a violent record mean nothing in England? WHAT DID YOU EXPECT! The cop was riling him up.
Oh, finally someone guilty has a lawyer
That blood looked like paint. Nice red apple. How the fuck is there 20 minutes left.
Yeah, maybe if you think Spencer is guilty wait until he's out. Set something up to watch him after he leaves prison, and wait. Jesus Christ.
Why the fuck does an older blonde woman care about the younger blonde detective's sex life? This is the third scene that's like this. Like, it's sweet that she cares about work-life balance, but being a cop is one of those jobs where that shit goes out the window.
Nope. I hate this. When Sherlock does it, it works cause Sherlock isn't trying to picture sad desperate women looking for love. He treats them with respect. This jackass is just lonely and pictures victims being his friend. Weird as shit.
(He tries to kiss his imaginary ghost victim) WHAT THE FUCK. Is this supposed to be charming?
CON! THANK GOD! Rescue me, please. Look at that summer drip. I think I own that shirt. At least he's being nice about handing the phone over for evidence.
A shrine? Weird. Also, I know this person is obsessed, but seriously? Who decorates like that.
Eh, that pun was awful.
Yeah, having both men be obsessed with her just points out how gross the detective guy is.
So a gross man thinking he knew what was right for a woman, wow, shocker.
Yeah, bullets go through people. Idiot.
So what was Spencer whole deal, just gay and knew a guy at the wrong place at the wrong time?
HOT CON ALERT. Shirt half unbuttoned, chest hair exposed, sunglasses on. This is the mental wash I need after remembering how god-awful and scary it can be to date.
Why is he talking to the cop? I thought he hated him.
Is he going to get shot? Well, now he's left with a dead lover, no wife, and no kids. Likely no place to work. He'll probably go right back into crime.
I DON'T CARE ABOUT THIS BLOND DETECTIVE. Oh, he can see her? It's a ghost thing? Ah well. If this was actually her consciousness, it doesn't make his obsession with her any less creepy.
Story: 4/10. Spencer's thing was the only part I enjoyed.
The entire cop crew pissed me off, I didn't like a single character. The victim was guilty of being young and pretty. A bunch of men felt like they were owed her attention, and she gets accidentally killed out of possessive jealousy. So what do the writers do? Make our main protagonist fall for her. Dumb and gross. Even in death, she's just eye candy. Not a person. Her parents knew her as innocent, which is the first thing that interests the detective. Just gross. The other detectives were either just assholes, or uninteresting.
Con: Loved it. Honestly, I love when Con gets to play competent people. He felt lived in, and like what Angel should have been in 3 Steps to Heaven. All of this comes from Con's performance as a cautious criminal, not through the writing. More about his character and the way he holds himself. Gender and confidence envy.
Spencer Grieves: The sarcastic maybe Bisexual Catholic with a history of violence. He wasn't even directly tied into the main murder, he just fucked the wrong guy. Love destroys you, indeed. Again, the mother probably made the best choice getting the kids out of there. But I felt like Spencer genuinely cared, and loved his family. So in all likely hood, after all this good behavior and growth, he's probably going right back to jail.
It kind of feels like the writers threw in his queerness as a 'look at how awful of a parent/spouse he is'. Or maybe in a 'wow, a gay 'immoral' criminal, no one is shocked' copoganda way.
Which isn't great, but of the time period. Spencer is a fun and compelling character that doesn't deserve to be in this copaganda bullshit. Speaking of copaganda.
Bias that almost made me skip scene by scene through this: It's fucking propaganda. We're supposed to be sympathizing with the wisecracking asshole cops. Be happy when they lie, or mislead, or abuse their power. But no. Everything they said made me hate them, and want the criminals to get away with fucking murder. In Pie in the Sky, yeah they were cops, but they were still people. Solving stupid no stakes crimes, the assholes in the show were other cops and we as the audience were supposed to hate them. This show felt like every bad part of CSI, but British. No fault to Con here.
Overall: If anyone has clipped Con's scenes, then that's the best way to watch it. Even without context, Con's performance is fun. The way thay handled the victims part just felt gross. She was never a person, just an item, to everyone in her life. A victim who was taken advantage of by their want to love and be loved. Kind of like Spencer when you think about it, passionate about his family, and how he freaked out about his wife cheating on him. His world fell apart because he loved the male victim and his wife. Now both are left with nothing...No, im not giving the writers that much credit here.
Just rewatch Pie in The Sky. This is weird for me, cause Con plays a confirmed queer character here but it feels more hateful.
B-tier for Con's performance/character. The show around him ties him down sadly, fucking D for the story. I don't know how I'd scale this on a /10 scale. Just know, not high. While his other stuff was fun to watch, as soon as Con was off-screen I was uncomfortable.
As always, love to @ivegotnonameidea for the suggestions ;)
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RG filmography movie suggestions 6/18
The Ides of March post-viewing commentary (recommended 2 times)
"Because that's what this comes down to, integrity. Who we are. Because how we project ourselves to the world matters. Dignity matters. Integrity matters. Our future depends on it."
I'll be honest, I knew very little about this movie, save for it had a really cool poster and it was about politics. And I honestly dreaded this one at first because I hate politics.
I mean I. Hate. Politics.
Don't get me wrong, I do my research and exercise my right and responsibility when it's time to hit the polls, but ugh. Outside of that time, politics do not exist in my world. Hence why I dreaded this one.
However...oh boy. Wow.
Sex, scandal, lies, and the decomposition of life and integrity for the sake of saving face and winning. For the sake of a career not going down the drain prematurely. Suspense and some really solid acting here. I was pleasantly surprised.
George Clooney directed, produced, and co-wrote the screenplay for this movie, and let's be real. There isn't anything I've seen George Clooney put his touch to that's been bad, and this fit into the mold. Throw a talent like Ryan in as your leading guy, and wow, you've got something.
And this was something.
Honestly, the ending really hit me the hardest.
Throughout the movie, I sympathized with Stephen Meyers (RG’s character) because while he did sign up to go into politics, he didn’t necessarily sign up for everything he ran into in all of this. But the ending was when I actually started to mourn for Stephen and how this whole thing played out.
Experiencing certain aspects of your worldview crumble before your very eyes and having to choose one bad choice over another bad choice just to keep your head above water sucks. And while on the outside it seems like he's ahead of the game at the end, when he hears someone he once admired speak so boldly about integrity after he and Stephen both pulled some unethical strings to stay ahead, you can see on Stephen's face how much he's lost.
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While he’s contemplating all of this, how much he's actually lost, he's asked a question.
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And we're left wondering what he said.
We know the story. We know what was planned to be said. But that sad look on his face just makes me wonder. I'm an optimist, and I'd know what I'd like to think. But I'm also a realist, and I heavily suspect I'd be wrong.
When you play politics, your hands get dirty and if you come clean, you have to pay for the washing.
Overall, this was a good movie. I was more engaged than I expected. It has a lot of great names in it too, and I thought this was written pretty well. Ryan, of course, knocked it out of the park. I was impressed.
I'll never watch this one again lol just because it's not my cup of tea. But if political drama is your thing, then go for it.
It's rated R for a reason, so if there are things that trigger you, I'd definitely recommend googling what topics it deals with because there's some tough stuff that could bother someone. Nothing gory or showing detail, but still. Take care of yourself and check first.
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telltalebatman · 1 year
hey so that ask game about your OC describing their LI, what if the LI described the OC? for frankie and charlie, obvs
oh HELL yeah
oz about charlie:
"Thank you for agreeing to do the interview, mister Cobblepot. Gotta say, I'm honored to be the first journalist interviewing you one-on-one." "Oh, it's nothing, really. Gotham Times is my darling's newspaper of choice. I'd be in the doghouse if I turned this offer down." "I see. Well, let's start with the obvious one. While a great deal is known about your backstory, not much is known about your personal life. So... What is it like?" "Well, as you're probably aware, I am in a situationship with one Charlie Schiller-Aberdeen. It's public knowledge at this point, but it is pivotal to my life outside of this office. We are... Devoted to one another, and to call her light of my life would be to say nothing. She is the best bloody thing to have happened to me in years. And it is my greatest joy in life to have someone like her devour everything I make. Her stomach is as bottomless as are my feelings for her. Waking up next to her in the morning feels like being born anew. And looking at her - really, truly looking at her - kills my need for fine art." "Wow, that's... Surprisingly touching." "Why would I hold back? I do love her. The curls of her hair, the glimmering of her eyes, her freckles - that only I get to see - and her... Akhem... Finer details." "...yeah, I can understand that. So... What do the two of you do to relax, for example?" "Oh, many things. Now I will not get into too much detail, since most of what we do is just between us and our bed... But she is a delight to be around in any case. Sweet like wine, and as irresistible. But sometimes we simply go out for walks. Play board games. Watch movies. I like to take her out to see live performances at the opera, which, admittedly, she likes a lot less... Or so she says. She is not a good liar. But she is clever, way more clever than she gives herself credit. But not clever enough to not run her pretty mouth to her friends about certain things. Yes, darling, I know you're reading this interview. I know what you've talked about behind my back. This is a message to you, my darling: the night will be long, and you best practice your puppy eyes. Because we will sit through the entire performance of Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg." "Uhm... Why does it feel like it's not just about the opera?" "Oh, don't worry about it too much, miss Vale. Charlie will know what I mean."
mac about frankie:
"Hmph. You think you know someone." "Fucking christ. What is it about this time?" "Don't act dumber than you are, Gargan. It's about your wife." "And? I'd watch my mouth if I were you, Rhino. Think about your words carefully." "Gargan, please, I can beat you with my eyes closed. But I thought I know you, Gargan. When did you marry?" "None of your fucking business." "No it is my business. The Six sticks together. You know Oksana. But I don't know... What's her name?" "...Frankie." "Frankie. Beautiful name. It means... Free. Truthful. French." "She is two out of those three. Now she is free. Now she can live her truth." "And what is her truth?" "Her truth is that she was meant for greatness. It's in her blood." "She seems nice." "Well, she is - once you get to really know her. She is nice, and caring, and made it worth for me to force the suit off. But I can't do it anymore. The suit is me, and I am it. Mac Gargan is no more. There is only Scorpion." "Mmmm. You're stupid, Gargan. Oksana - for Oksana, I keep Aleksey alive, even as the world only sees the Rhino. And your Frankie - did she marry the Scorpion? Or did she marry Gargan?" "The man she married is dead. She deserves better anyway. After what her so-called family put her through, she deserves the world. Not just money, not just power - she deserves peace. And I cannot give it to her. So I hope she finds someone else. Someone who will give her what she deserves. Someone who will love her even as she flips them off." "...she sounds nice." "She had every right to kill me after what I've dragged her through. But she didn't. Instead, she fell in love with me, and she accepted that I've been in love with her for months. She accepted I've been in love with her even as she told me to die, even as she treated me like scum. I loved her then. Now I want for her to be loved by someone who won't hurt her." "But you didn't hurt her, Gargan." "Oh, I did. And for that, I need to vanish. I'm sure there will be another. Maybe she'll grow her hair out for them. Maybe she'll bake for them. Maybe she'll do those things she hates for them, things I don't deserve for her to do for me. And if I want to see her eyes again... I can just look at the moon. She has eyes silver like the pale moonlight, you know." "Gargan..." "Don't say another word, Rhino. I'm warning you. Don't bring her up again. I need to keep the real her and my memory of her separate. I need to let the real her go. Because as long as I have even the tiniest bit of sanity left, I can return to her in my memories. To her laughter, to her eyes, to all the nights we've spent together. And looking at you is making me lose my fucking sanity." "...fine. Have it your way, Gargan." "And stop calling me Gargan." "Ugh. Fine, Skorpion."
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faulty-writes · 2 years
Hi Faulty-san!! So.. Could I have Mirio vs Tenya x Mute!reader? I may have started to simp Mirio now because the way you write him... 😤 💕 (Tenya is still my no. 1)
Reader is mute but use face expressions and (any of your choice) elemental quirk to use as speech bubbles, to communicate. I would also like the reader to have social anxiety.
I think Tenya would be protective of reader and tries to help out reader because "as class president!". 👋👋👋
Mirio... Idk, finds readers interesting and find their face expression cute, maybe try to help out too like he helps Amajiki??
Now, I'll leave everything to you, oh-so great writer Faulty-san. 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
[ You simp for my Mirio? That's kind of funny considering last year there was a small running gag about how yandere I make him. But this sounds mighty interesting...let's do it! I decided to use darkness as an element which is inspired by a comic I read called Castle Swimmer there is actually a character who happens to be a witch who is also mute but they use their little dark powers to communicate and make symbols. Anywho, I hope you enjoy! ]
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Being born a mute, you often kept to yourself. But, Tenya aka Class A's president often attempted to go out of his way to speak for you, especially if he believed someone was bothering you, "Excuse me I do not believe Y/n though without the proper ability to speak communicated the unjust indications you are falsely accusing them of!" you thought his added presence to the situation was enough until you met a certain third-year student by the name of Mirio Togata.
You tended to communicate through your quirk or facial expressions and Mirio would attempt to guess what you were trying to say which often had him playing a game of charades with you. "Oh! You're hungry? You have to use the bathroom, no wait! I can get this sunshine!" Tenya would take a more serious approach to the dilemma. "I do not believe you will properly determine what Y/n needs acting in such a childish manner," most of the time Mirio would brush off his words.
When it came to your attempts to just use your facial expressions, Mirio seemed to get some kick out of it and often laughed. "Your facial expressions are pretty cute sunshine! Not that I want you to look unhappy or anything, hey I bet I could make you smile!" the fact that he would make silly faces back at you was a low comical standpoint and angered Tenya. "Pardon! But making facial expressions, especially ones directed at dear Y/n, is a rather childish tactic to make a humorous spectacle out of. As class president and student representative of Yuuei I must order you to stop at once!" you'd think he'd get tired of chopping his hand through the air.
Mirio was the first to notice your antisocial behavior and considering he was friends with someone who already suffered from anxiety, he took it upon himself to address these issues, "Hi sunshine! You've been looking kind of down, I totally get it! Being surrounded by a crowd is kind of scary isn't it?" Tenya, on the other hand, wanted to get to the core of the presented problem. "Is there an issue between your behavior and our classmates, did they perhaps offend you in some way, shape, or form?" you didn't offer the boys an answer.
Mirio seemed less alarmed than Tenya by your quirk which happened to be controlling the element of darkness to make certain shapes or symbols to help you communicate with others. "Wow! That's pretty cool! I bet you can do all sorts of things with that quirk, hey can you use it on me?" he seemed rather encouraging unlike Tenya. "I do hope you do not plan to otherwise use that quirk in an attempt to hide away," you assumed he was speaking in relation to your antisocial tendencies.
They both seemed adamant to help you in any way they could, Tenya frequently offered to walk you to class, while Mirio offered to carry your books and you to class. When they happened to catch you at the same time, it was an almost humorous interaction. "I do not believe carrying them alongside their books or whatever extracurricular items they may have is wise. You are likely to drop them and cause injury!" Mirio seemed to laugh these words off. "Aw come on Iida, I would never drop my sunshine!" the fact he referred to you as 'his sunshine' caused Tenya to ramble off about inappropriate names to refer to one as.
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partywithgyu · 4 years
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S/O being insecure about her body / looks.
Warning: Suggestive stuff for Choi line. Mention of bad eating habits.
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Choi Yeonjun.
The heated make out session was bound to lead to things, you knew. Yeonjun had his arms around your waist as he kissed you, greedily. You were greedy too. You wanted more, he could tell. Pulling away, he asked, "Do you want to go ahead?" You looked at the man before you. This was the first time you two were going to do this act, so a little nervousness was bound to get you. Not letting ir get in the way, you decided that you wanted to do it. "Yes, please," you said.
The edges of his lips curved a little, as his fingers held the end of your t shirt. He lifted it, taking it off. Maybe it was the fact that he himself was a very beautiful person, that made you feel rather conscious about your body. You found yourself wondering if he had formed an opinion on it.
Now that he had access to more of your skin, he started kissing you neck. The kisses trailed down to your collar, his hand softly pressed your still clothed thighs. The insecurity took your attention away from the kisses. When you seemed to move a little far from him, Yeonjun stopped. He looked at you clueless.
"Are you fine? You don't have to do this," he started to say. You shook your head feeling a little bad about how you must've made him feel as you stepped back. "I want to do it. It's just that," you started to say. To admit your insecurities was a tough thing to do. So your gaze wandered around. "I am worried that you won't find me very beautiful," you added.
Yeonjun's eyebrows furrowed. "You're beautiful. I find you very very beautiful," he confessed. "Not like that. I was talking about my body," you let him know. You couldn't look him in the eyes so you stared down at the floor. "I just don't want to be less beautiful than you'd expect." Yeonjun felt bad for not noticing this earlier. "Look at me, please," he said softly. You did that only because of how comforting his voice was. "Don't feel like that. All bodies are beautiful because they all hold their uniqueness. You don't have to look a certain way to be beautiful to me, I swear."
"Really?," you asked. "Really," he assured making you feel a lot better. He raised an eyebrow. "If you want me to, I could always prove how much I meant that."
Choi Soobin.
Soobin had noticed how you had been avoiding situations that would lead to things. He was observant like that. It made him worry a little. He was afraid that he had done something wrong the last time you two had sex. It was a thought that stayed in his head for a long time. There was a reason you did this. The change in you weight made you feel bad about your body. You didn't want him to notice it too. You believed, if you yourself didn't like the way your body was looking , he wouldn't like it either.
On this very night when you two were watching a movie, he noticed how you didn't sit as close to him as you usually did. You yourself were worried about him noticing it. He paused the movie. You looked over at him. His expression was a little serious. "Babe, is everything fine?," he asked you. You faked a smile. "Yes. Does something seem wrong?," you asked nervously.
He could tell you were hiding something. He knew you well. "I think you have been acting a little weird," he said to you. All you could do was act clueless. The man on the other end of the couch wouldn't buy it but you could try. "What do you mean?" Soobins didn't want to force you into confessing the truth. So, he decided to talk you in a softer tone. "Listen. If there's anything wrong that I did, you can tell me," he went on. "You've not done anything wrong," you said immediately. You knew there was a possibility that your actions could lead to him thinking that about himself. So, you decided to tell him.
"It's just my weight." You could not leave tell him just that so you went on. "I have a hard time maintaining the same weight. Whenever I look in the mirror now a days, I feel really ugly." Your tone only became sadder as you went on. His heart sunk on hearing that. He felt bad for not noticing it before. "Ugly? You aren't ugly. How can you even think that?," he said to you as he moved closer. He cupped your face. "You can lose or gain a lot of weight and I won't find you ugly. Gaining or losing weight doesn't make someone ugly. Don't think so much about it, okay?" You just looked at him in silence because you were a little surprised at the confidence behind his words. "Okay?," he asked again. "Okay."
Choi Beomgyu.
Beomgyu and you were shopping online for some lingerie. It was an idea you had come up with a while ago. He sure would like to pick the lingerie you would wear for him. However, things weren't going as well as you expected them to. As the two of you scrolled through the images, you found yourself wondering if the lingerie would look as good on you as it did on the models.
The thought of Beomgyu thinking that you looked underwhelming in them, now that he had seen them on the models, scared you. "Look. This red one will look nice on you," said the man excitedly. You gave him a small awkward smile. "What if it doesn't?" You immediately regretted asking him that. You didn't mean to share to him about your insecurities. "Red looks good on you. Why? You like something else?," he asked not really getting the hint. You sighed. "Not what I meant. Add it to the cart though," you said as you turned your attention to the screen.
"What did you mean?" Beomgyu could be stubborn about such stuff you knew. There was no way he was going to let go of the topic. So you found yourself telling him the truth. "I meant that, will anything look good on me? I have to have a good body for anything to look nice on me," you said to him. He spoke against that immediately. "You have a great body."
You sighed. "You're saying that to make me feel nice." He clicked his tongue. "Wow. How can you be so clueless? You really don't know how hot you are?," he asked you. You still didn't seem to believe him but he wasn't going to shut up until you believed him. He wouldn't be able to go by his day knowing that you are insecure about yourself. The fact that to believe that about yourself, made him feel bad. Like he had done a bad job of not hyping you up.
"Come here," he said to you. Holding onto your hand, he lead you to a mirror. In front of the mirror, you two stood. "Look at that! That's one hot person!" His animated tone made you chuckle. It was cute to watch him try his best to cheer you up like that. "And you are there too," he added making you low key cringe. You didn't hide it. Your expression said it all. Beomgyu just gave you a big apologetic smile for the lame joke. "Okay. I was joking. Look at you! You are so hot!" "Yeah. Yeah." "Say it."
You looking at yourself in the mirror you said what he expected you to, "I am hot." "Louder." "I am hot." He chuckled. "One more time," he said to you. "What's your name?," he added. "Y/N." "What are you?" "Hot."
From that day on he would randomly ask you those questions often. Many times a day, you would have to call yourself hot.
Kang Taehyun.
When he had asked you to come to the gym regularly with him, he just wanted your company. You found yourself wondering if you had gained enough weight for him to say that. He was being subtle about it, you thought. You jumped to a conclusion and found yourself being dedicated to your goal of losing weight.
You'd be measuring your weight more than once a day. Often Taehyun would find you wrapping a measuring tape around your body. The measurements you'd take, would be noted in a book by you. Soon, you found yourself questioning if even fruits were worth eating. They would just add to the calorie you believed. Skipping a meal or two wasn't a big deal to you.
Taehyun felt bad when he noticed how strict you were being with your meals. The portions were small. You wouldn't even binge on snacks during movie night. He had lost your company for midnight snacking too. Instead you would sit by yourself in the room, reading a book or playing a mobile game. He didn't like it.
He decided to talk to you about it, so he sat you down one day. In front of you, he placed a plate of chocolate chip cookies you liked. You looked at the plate and then at him. Your lips curved into a small apologetic smile. "You love these," he said to you. "I know. It's just that I am trying to lose weight," you said to him. "By skipping meals?," he asked. You couldn't exactly agree with him. You were aware you weren't doing the nicest thing. Yet, you found yourself doing it.
"You need to take care of your health. Now will you get any nutrition if you skips meals," he started to say as he picked up a cookie. He started eating it. "Honestly, I know skipping meals isn't the best thing to do. But I find myself doing it. The thought of losing weight makes me do it. I have started counting calories and it's making me too paranoid," you confessed to him. You needed his help to break this bad habit. Taehyun could help you, you believed.
"Your metabolism will be a mess," he said to you. "I know." He sighed softly. "Being healthy isn't being skinny. It's about staying active, eating a good amount of food and having a good mental health," he continued explaining. It was sad how you knew all this. You felt like a fool for forgetting it. "You go too hard on yourself," he added. "I am just like you, aren't I?"
He rolled his eyes at your comment, smiling a little. "I know it's difficult to be confident. Please try though," he said genuinely. "I wish you'd see yourself the way I do. You're beautiful, just in case you don't know," he added. "Oh. I know."
Huening Kai.
It was a beautiful day. On a day like this it made sense to put on cute outfits and head to a café and then a park. It was when you guys were at the café, you pulled out your phone to take a picture of beautiful boy. Showering him with compliments as you clicked the pictures. He returned the favor of course. He took your pictures only to notice a small frown on your face as you saw it. You didn't seem to like it. Perhaps, it didn't turn out that well, he thought and took down a mental note to do a better job next time.
In the park you refused to get your photos taken. "It's alright. I'll take your pictures instead," you said to him. You clicked a lot of beautiful pictures of him. As you two went through them, you spoke about how pretty the scenery looked. You loved the flowers too. "Are you sure you don't want to take pictures in this beautiful place?," he asked you. You shrugged. "What's the point? I don't look good in any of them anyway," you said to him.
"I'll do a better job than I did at the café," he said to you making you chuckle. "I didn't mean that, you dummy. I meant my face. We need more than good lightings and angles for it," you said in a casual tone. It was surprising to him how you seemed to have accepted the false idea as the truth. He didn't want to turn the mood all serious. So, he decided to handle the situation in a light and casual way. "It was my bad skills I swear. You have the most beautiful face. I will do a better job. Go pose."
You did end up posing for photos. Huening Kai was dedicated to taking really good pictures of you to prove a point. After clicking a few, you headed to him. You stood beside the tall boy, ready to face disappointment again. He wasn't going to let you feel bad about the photos no matter what. "Wow. I did such a good job here! You look so good!" Bright compliments left his mouth as you two went through the photos. "Wow. I can't even tell who's the flower!" You laughed at his comments. He only kept going. "How can someone be so beautiful?!"
a/n: Hey! I wanted to take a moment to say idealization of impractical beauty standards can leave us all feeling bad about ourselves. Let's remember that our bodies are more than props for insta pictures and be easy on ourselves. ♡
To head to my masterlist click here.
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azuls-octobussy · 3 years
For the Reverse Shipping Game!
4th Place) Azul Ashengrotto
I believe he would be fascinated by you and your uniqueness. He'd like your laid back attitude and hobbies. He'd probably be very curious about your writings and ask to read some of them. He'd also see if he can convince you to try playing board games with him since you like video games, just to share his hobbies as well.
He'd be flustered by your dirty mind but don't worry he's into it, and might open up about any... perverse thoughts he has. And while he tries to keep a strong business persona on, your care when he's down and willingness to hug him better is much appreciated.
3rd Place) Rook Hunt
This Huntsman saw you and he greatly admired your special type of beauty! The blue hair, your fashion sense, piercings and tattoos. They all are magnifique! Which led to him being around you more and coming to love your fun and chill personality too.
What a wild ride you'd be on, Rook has a sharp eye, he'd know exactly what you're into from the passing comments you make and what you enjoy writing about. He's all for pampering his lover best he can~ And appreciating each time you look after him. You two would have a very fun and happy relationships. Emphasize on the fun. 😉
2nd Place) Idia Shroud
There is a deep connection for two otakus stuck in a mist of normies. Please, talk weeb with him. Friend him in his games. You two can dive into the gaming/anime world as a dynamic power couple! He'd be impressed by you writing your fics, might secretly read them online if you post them. All and all, Idia feels a deep kinship with you. He feels comfortable enough to let loose around you and be himself. See how sharp his tongue is while he insults game mechanics and rants about certain characters to you. Feel free to return the favor!
This repressed pervert is LIVING with your dirty mind. Once he gets over his embarrassment, you'll see how wide he grins when you two talk kinks. And maybe when he- Ahem.
And please hug this boy. He was in public for a day, people spoke to him. He's tired, he needs his game companion to recharge him. Hold him tight till he's alive again.
1st Place) Lilia Vanrouge
Why, what an interesting fun child you are! Lilia is delighted by your existence and loves how you express yourself. It started with you just catching his eye when you passed by his eyesight. He might've pranked you by popping out next to you to catch your name. Yet, things really blossomed when he found out your into video games. As a fellow gamer, he'll see if you would like to play a game or two... or ten with him.
You like music? Great! As a member of the Light Music Club, he'll happily play you a song! (Hope you like death metal!) And he would love to hear what stories you've made with your mind while he shares stories of his many life experiences.
Dirty mind, you say? Do tell him more, adorable child. Let's see if you can surprise him with what you think of. If you're feeling bold, Lilia doesn't mind showing you things he's learned over the years but... Are you brave enough to let him play with you? He promises he'll give you a good time~
And he adores your sweet side, there to cheer him up and hold him. He's a very emotionally strong individual but he wouldn't mind the doting. He be sure to return the gesture tenfold. Would you like him to make you a home cook meal in return? Why are you turning pale and backing away, dear child?
Oh wow, Nonnie-Chan, you certainly put so thought into this!! Thank you so much!!
Azul: You guys got wanting to know more about him now!! I’d love to play board games with him, too!
Rook: I can totally see Rook loving the beauty and artistry of tattoos, which I would love to talk to him about!
Idia: We would be the ultimate weeb couple! I would love to talk games and anime, and snuggle in bed with him after a long day!
Lilia: Foxy Grandpa for the win!! I’m not afraid to at least give his cooking a shot, I like some weird food combinations myself. And I would love to have some fun with him ;)
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 9: Proposal
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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The League Club had been the main social club of the Cantral Gwangju-Busan Coast area for some years. Membership was cheap, and not even necessary to gain entrance. Visitors and tourists were welcome to enjoy the many facilities and entertainment the club had to offer.
There were poker machines galore, bingo nights, dance clubs, variety shows, bars, lounges, snooker tables and even a TAB betting branch. The large bistro section provided inexpensive meals, with three other restaurants catering for patrons who wanted more extensive menu and silver service.
It was understandable, then, that the club car park was almost full by seven fifteen on thag saturday night. Hoseok finally found a spot on the top level, his face showing irritation by the time he and Hyeonji made their way ober by the lifts. When a black Jag sped around the corner from the level below and almost collected them, Hoseok could no longer contain his temper.
He swore, shaking his fist at the unseen driver. The Jag screeched to a halt. The tinted window purred down and Jeon Jungkook's distinctive dark brown hair and face leant out.
"Hoseok!" He exclaimed. "I thought it was you I nearly killed. Pretty stupid of me since I gather you're presenting me with my award tonight. I was voted Young Businessman of the Year, would you believe?"
Jungkook's deeply set doe eyes suddenly shifted over to Hyeonji, his black brows shooting upwards. "Good God, is that our little Hyeonji you've got with you? Wow, girl, you're looking even better than you did the other night. Hold the lift for me, you two, will you? It won't take me a second to park this old chariot."
Hoseok's grip on her arm tightened as he steered her over the lift. "Our little Hyeonji?" He grated out. "What did he mean by that? And where in God's name did he see you the other night?"
Hyeonji thought all her Christmases had come out at once. She could not have orchestrated things better for herself. Fate had, for once, been on her side.
"Jungkook drove by as I was walking home from the hair dresser Friday week ago," she said truthfully. "He stopped and gave me a lift home." Hoseok reached out with his free hand and jabbed the 'down' button before glowering down at her "And?" Hyeonji had no trouble adopting an innocent expression, she was innocent "And what?"
"And he told you, you looked fantastic, didn't he?"
Hyeonji stiffened. Suddenly, she could see which way Hoseok's mind was working and it wasn't what she wanted at all. Damn that infernal Mr X!
"He did say something complimentary," she hedged. "I can't really remember his exact words "
"Don't play games with me Hyeonji. You're not like to have forgotten the exact words your precious Mr X said to you. Jeon Jungkook IS your Mr X, isn't he? You lied to me about that. And you lied to me knowing that he'd be here tonight." As Hoseok's hold tightens on Hyeonji's arm.
"Don't be silly, Hobi." She shrugged out of his bruising hold. "Jungkook is not my Mr X and I had no idea he would be here tonight. But now that he is I can't say I'm sorry. I've always liked Jungkook. He's good fun."
The lift doors slid open and they walked in, Hyeonji and not Hoseok reaching for the 'hold' button.
"You do realize he'll try to hit on you," Hoseok pointed out scathingly. "Will he? Well, why should that worry you?" Hoseok snapped "Your even saying that shows naivety, I wouldn't trust him with an eighty-year-old grandmother!"
"I don't think Jungkook is that bad as everyone makes him out to be," she defended hotly, her face burning over Hoseok's calling her naive and silly. "I wouldn't advise your putting that notion to the test." He ground out.
An awkward silence fell between then, broken only when Jungkook strode into the lift. He was wearing a dinner suit similar ilk to Hoseok's, but somehow Hyeonji though Hoseok's looked more elegant. In Hyeonji's opinion people would say the clothes maketh the man. In Hoseok's case it was the other way around.
"Thanks babe," Jungkook said, pressing the ground floor button while ipenly ogling Hyeonji. "So how come you two are out together tonight? Last time I saw you Hoseok you had a blonde bombshell on your arm."
"Hobi and I are just good friends," Hyeonji piped up before Hoseok could say a word. "His girlfriend couldn't make it so I'm here in her place."
Jungkook looked pleased at this news. "So you're not on a real date?"
Hyeonji laughed. "Good heavens, no!"
"So what are you doing after dinner?" He persisted. Hyeonji had to give Jungkook his due. He didn't believe in wasting time.
"I'm taking her home," Hoseok pronounced firmly.
"Come now, don't be a spoilsport," Jungkook said jokingly. "If you're not interested in this little lady, then I surely am."
"Then I suggest you ask her out some other time," Hoseok said politely, even though his eyes would have set low-calorie jelly in ten seconds flat. "Contrary to Hyeonji's opinion, I DO consider this a real date. When I take a girl out for the night, I see her safely home."
The subtle emphasis on the word 'safely' did not escape Hyeonji. Or Jungkook, who rolled his eyes and snorted.
"I didn't realize you were so old fashioned." Jungkook retorted. "I don't consider myself old fashioned. But I do have certain standards."
Jungkook guffawed. "Yeah, I've seen some of them. And I must congratulate you on your standards. When you've finished with Blondie, you can give me her phone number."
The lift doors opened, and Hoseok took Hyeonji's arm. "Find your own girlfriends," he advised brusquely. "And leave Hyeonji alone."
Jungkook grinned. "Damn, fighting words Hoseok."
Hyeonji was astonished by the look Hoseok sent Jungkook. She'd always thought of Hoseok as a pacifist. Violence would never be his way. But there was violence in his eyes when he glared at his former classmate.
"Anytime Jungkook," he said in a voice reminiscent of Clint Eastwood at his tough-guy best. "Anywhere."
Doubt filled Jungkook's face. He glanced from Hoseok to Hyeonji to Hoseok again. In the end he shrugged and stalked off. Hyeonji couldn't make up her mind if she liked Hoseok's proprietorial manner or resented it. Whatever, her blood was up and was her temper.
"I don't understand your dog-in-the-manger attitude," she hissed on their walk from the lift to the club entrance. "You don't want me, but you don't want other man to want me."
"Who says I don't want you?" He hissed back.
Hyeonji ground to a halt, her crystal earrings in pendulum mode as she gaped up at the man she loved. But his returning glance was rueful and not full of the out-of-control, smoldering passion she was hoping for.
"Any red-blooded man would have to be dead not to want you, the way you're looking tonight," he ground out. "You must have got some inkling of the effect you had on me when I kissed you earlier. I had to exercise considerable self-control to stop when I did."
"No kidding," Hyeonji muttered. Ans she knew how he'd found that self-control. He'd only had to think of Tinashe tomorrow, she thought with savage despair. Why waste all that pent-up male sexuality on silly, naive, innocent Hyeonji when you have a blonde sex-bomb just waiting in the wings?
Her hazel brown eyes flashed as they raked over his handsome face. "Congratulations on your self-control," she said caustically. "But what good is that to me? I told you I wanted to move on Hobi."
"Meaning what?"
Hyeonji's laugh was dry. "And you called me silly and naive. Do I have to spell it out for you? I'm sick and tired of waiting for the man I love to love me back. And I'm sick and tired of being a virgin. Everyone keeps telling me to move on, even you! Well, I've decided to just that tonight in a way where there's no turning back! Since you won't oblige me, Hoseok, then I'll find someone who will."
"You don't mean that Hyeonji," he said in truly shocked tones. "I do mean it."
"Not Jungkook for pity's sake!"
"Why not Jungkook? I'm not expecting him to love me. Just to make love to me! I hear he's pretty good at that." Says Hyeonji. Hoseok groaned at the idea. "I can't bare to think of it."
"Well, you know what to do in that case," she threw at him in one desperate, last ditch attempt. "Do the honors yourself. If you were really my best friend you would."
He stared at her as though she were mad. She whirled and began to stride on ahead her skirt swishing angrily around her legs. She was mad all right, mad with herself. If she had any real guts she'd take Jungkook up on hid offer. Who knew? May she would before the night was up.
Hoseok caught up with her just as she approached the floor-to-ceiling glass doors which led into the club's brightly lit foyer. His arm linked forcibly with hers slowing her step before turning her to face him.
His brown eyes burned down at her with a darkly angry frustration "All right," he bit out. "I'll do it. But be it on your head, Hyeonji. God knows I suddenly lost mine!" And, with that, he swing her around and swept her into the club.
Chapter 10
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delta-roseblr · 5 years
Hi Delta! It's that tattoo anon. I was wondering if after you've finished the absolutely insane amount of prompts you have right now, you could maybe write one about Felix getting his tattoo and Dean thinking it looks really hot on him and his reaction to it? Maybe a smut request, maybe just a "omigod-my-boyfriend-is-so-hot-and-he-somehow-just-managed-to-get-even-hotter-WTF" fic idk haha :) I'm looking forward to all these amazing projects you have coming in 2019 & wishing you a Happy New Year!
Hi, Anon-
So, I finally finished this prompt and I came to post it and that is when I realized this has been in my inbox for a year! 
Like, fuck! I’m sorry this has taken me so long! I hope you still enjoy it!
Even though the weather was finallystarting to warm, Dean wasn’t particularly happy about the parking spot hefound around the corner from Felix’s dorm. Yes, California winter barelycounted as winter at all, and the walk really wasn’t far. Still, it added tothe time it would take to see Felix, which was unacceptable. With midterms,Dean and Felix hadn’t gotten to see each other nearly as much as Dean wouldhave liked. That was going to change starting that day. Midterms wereofficially over, and Felix was going to be spending the weekend at Berkeley.There was an LGBT association event that night that Dean had gotten roped intohelping with, but after that, it was just the two of them.
Dean couldn’t wait.
He was at least thankful for the girl fromFelix’s floor that was exiting the building as he and Benny jogged up to theentrance. She noticed them, smiled, and greeted, “Hi, Dean.”
She held the door for them, and Deanreally wished he remembered her name. He was pretty sure it started with an S,but beyond that, he was completely blank. He caught the door with one hand andnodded graciously as he passed her on the way into the building.
Benny followed him inside and up thestairs. They passed a few other people Dean recognized, or at least theyrecognized Dean if their greetings were any indication. They passed the fourthor fifth person on their way up to the sixth floor when Dean heard Bennychuckle. “It’s like you go here,” he commented with such obvious amusement.“Are you going to transfer?” he questioned teasingly.
“Shut up, dude,” Dean retorted as hecontinued to climb the stairs.
It was such a Benny comment Dean was morethan a little surprised he hadn’t made it before. And, in all fairness,everyone in Felix’s dorm seemed to be recognizing Dean that day. Also, Deanwasn’t completely proud of it, but he had considered transferring. Maybe notseriously, but still.
It wasn’t that he hadn’t been excited whenFelix had gotten accepted to Stanford and decided to attend college there. Itwas pretty close to Berkeley, so they could see each other more than four timesover the school year. Still, there was just such an appeal to them both beingat the same university. Ultimately, he hadn’t pursued it for a variety ofreasons like his scholarship, but he had considered it.
“Felix’s dad would love that,” Dean addedmore under his breath. Dean and Leonard had actually got to a good point, or atleast Dean thought they had but then Felix decided on Stanford and Leonard wasless than pleased. He didn’t even attempt to hide that that was because Felixand Dean would be so close. Dean was pretty sure if he transferred to Stanford,Leonard would lose his mind.
“Also, you would be abandoning me,” Bennyreminded with clear disapproval, “Which would be unacceptable.”
Dean stopped to grin back at the otherguy. “You’d visit,” Dean commented with absolute certainty. “I couldn’t get ridof you that easily,” he added before turning and once again starting back upthe stairs.
“You are probably right,” Benny admittedas he once again followed Dean up the stairs. They reached Felix’s floor andstarted down the east wing of the building heading toward where Felix’s roomwas nestled in a corner on the far side of the building.
Dean would freely admit he didn’t have themost acute hearing. He grew up with a musician, and he had definitely picked uphis dad’s affinity for listening to music at absurdly loud volumes at a veryyoung age. So, the fact that he even heard the crowd of people from halfwaydown the hall was rather impressive.
When they reached Felix’s room the doorwas open. That was pretty typical for Felix and his roommates, but the crowd ofpeople that seemed to fill the room wasn’t. A corner dorm and a triple, Felix’sdorm was a little bit bigger than what was probably standard, but even itlooked especially small with at least a dozen people crammed inside it. Themajority of people were sitting, some on one of the beds, others in chairs, butthe majority were scattered around on the floor. A few people were standing orleaning up against furniture. Everyone’s attention was focused on thetelevision. A 52-inch flat screen balanced precociously on top of severalgaming systems, all stacked on top of a mini-fridge.
Even in the crowd with his back to thedoor, Dean had no trouble finding Felix. He was sitting on the floor staring upat the TV just like everyone else. The tension visible in his shoulders and theoccasional twitch served as a telltale sign that he was playing something.
Dean stopped in the doorway for a secondto take it all in and figure out what exactly he should do next. “Look at allthe nerds,” Benny whispered into Dean’s ear, and Dean could hear the smirk inhis voice.
The term wasn’t exactly inaccurate, butDean wouldn’t ever have used it in earshot of Felix. It was selfish, but Deanenjoyed sex, especially with Felix, and he wasn’t going to do anything to getin the way of that. Calling Felix a nerd would have had him going sexless for awhile, of that Dean was positive.
“They’re called gamers,” Dean whispered inreply. He felt a bit like he was the narrator of a nature documentary talkingabout some wild and elusive creatures found only in the deepest most secludedwildlands. With Dean’s heavy southern accent, he doubted he would be narratingany documentaries anytime soon, but Felix could certainly act like a wildcreature in some settings.
Despite their talking, almost no one inthe room seemed aware of their presence. No one even dared to look away fromthe television. The only acknowledgement they got was from a guy who wassitting on one of the beds. He waved a hand in their general directions withoutlooking at them as he stated distractedly, “There is money on the desk. You canleave the pizza.”
Dean heard Benny let out a muffled laughas he exclaimed, “Wow!”
He couldn’t disagree with that sentiment.Felix lived in a building specifically for freshmen in majors related tocomputer science and engineering, so a certain level of nerd type behavior wasjust par for the course. Video game marathons that lasted for multiple days,gathering in the common area to watch E3, and the guys down the hall from Felixthat had built a beer dispensing robot had all become part of the charm forDean. And it really did make his visits interesting. This, however, might havebeen taking things to a whole new level. Dean was pretty sure he and Bennycould have started pulling things off the desks and walked out with whatever withoutanyone questioning it.
He might have chuckled a little too loud becausethe whole thing really was ridiculous, and apparently, that was enough to catchsomeone’s attention. Not Felix’s, who was still focused on the television withhis cute tense shoulders and his perfect hair. But one of the guys on the bedturned and looked in their direction. Dean recognized him as one of the guysfrom Felix’s floor, but his name was a mystery. Felix’s room was like thesocial hub of the damn building, so Dean had met so many people it was hard tokeep track of who was who.
He saw Dean standing in the doorway andclearly recognized him. “Oh, hey man,” he greeted with a little surpriseturning back to the apparent focal point of the room, “Felix, your boyfriend ishere.”
Dean was never going to get sick of beingcalled Felix’s boyfriend. It might have been his favorite thing.
“Hey babe, I just need to finish this realquick,” Felix called to him without taking his eyes off the television as hecontinued to play, “Come in.”
Dean spent so much time at Felix’s dormsometimes he felt like he practically lived there, but he still tried to keepsome level of boundaries. Felix had made a big deal about proving hisindependence and doing his own thing when picking colleges. He had gottenaccepted to Berkeley but refused to really consider it because he didn’t wantto just follow Dean to school. Dean wouldn’t have thought of it that waybecause Berkeley really did have a great computer program from what he couldtell, but Felix saw it differently. In the end, Dean was just happy Felixdidn’t choose to go to MIT and tried to respect Felix’s space. He usuallyknocked when he visited and waited for an invite.
He took a few steps into the room and tooka quick look around before asking, “What is this exactly?”
“Felix is fucking killing the latestDestiny Raid,” One of the girls declared with such condescension it was clearthat she thought it was the most obvious thing. That should have been annoying,but it was pretty much tradition for Dean to get a response like that tosomething he said. Felix had been so sweet to share the Skype installationstory during one of his visits, and Dean was pretty sure Felix’s roommate Samlaughed for five minutes straight. It really wasn’t that funny, and Dean wassure he wasn’t the first person to have a hard time figuring out how to installSkype.
Benny leaned over Dean’s shoulder and questioned,“What does that mean?”
Dean was so glad he had brought Bennyalong because he was probably the one person on the planet that knew less aboutcomputers and gaming than Dean. He grinned and replied, “No idea.”
Their little conversation was clearlyoverheard because everyone, but Felix turned and looked at them with cleardisgust. Felix kept his eyes on the television and continued to play as hechuckled. “Ignore him,” Felix called to the others with clear amusement, “He’snot tech-savvy.”
“And you’re dating him?” One of the girlsquestioned before popping a couple of pieces of popcorn in her mouth. Dean recognizedher as well. He was pretty sure she lived on the second floor of Felix’sbuilding, but she hung out in Felix’s room so much it felt like she practicallylived there. Dean really hadn’t known how to feel about that for like the firstmonth or so until Felix told him she was obviously into his roommate, Siris.Once he knew that, he could see all the signs, and he found he liked her a lotmore. Of course, that comment didn’t really endear the girl to him any.
Dean watched Felix’s shoulders move upwardbriefly in the obvious sign of a shrug. “He makes up for it with other skills,”Felix answered matter-of-factly.
Siris made a little amused noise beforejumping in, “Let me translate that from Dude-speak for you,” he declaredclearly very pleased with himself, “That means he is good in bed.”
“Pretty much,” Felix was quick to agree.Dean could hear the grin on his face in his voice.
“Thanks, babe,” Dean called out trying tosound sarcastic and dry even though he could feel his face burning. Deanwouldn’t have described himself as modest, and he could definitely brag abouthis sex life. Why shouldn’t he? It was pretty fucking incredible. Even thoughboth he and Felix had been pretty busy with school they managed to see eachother plenty and seeing each other typically meant some sex. And sex with Felixwas always beyond amazing. Still, there was something inherently differentabout bragging to friends about your sex life and having details broadcasted tostrangers.
“I only speak the truth,” Felix retorted.He was still focused on the screen in front of him so Dean couldn’t see hisface, but the wicked grin he was wearing was more than evident from his voice.
Dean’s cheeks burned even more, andBenny’s snickering didn’t really help with that any. Neither did the look oneof the girls sitting nearby gave him either. Complaining would just assureFelix would do that shit more so he just grumbled, “Love you.”
“Love you too,” Felix called back brightly.
Benny would have definitely had somethingto say about that because he just loved to tease Dean about how lovey he andFelix could get. Dean normally didn’t care and would take the opportunity toremind Benny as someone who struggled to maintain a relationship for more thana few months he should really keep his opinion to himself. Benny didn’t get achance to say anything because almost immediately after Felix spoke somethinghappened on the screen, and everyone in the room gasped in absolute horror.
“Dude!” Sam practically shouted withdisapproval at Felix, “Speak less, focus more!!”
Felix made an amused and dismissive soundas he continued to play obviously unaffected by whatever happened. “Chill, Igot this,” he assured confidently.
The room fell into an almost tense silenceas everyone watched Felix play. It was ridiculous, but Dean didn’t dareinterrupt it. It made time move more slowly and then something happened on thescreen, and the entire room lost their damned minds. At first, Dean didn’t knowif it was a good thing or a bad thing, but when people started congratulatingFelix, he figured Felix had won.
Dean felt Benny clasp a hand on hisshoulder before leaning in and questioning, “How does it feel to be dating theking of the nerds?”
Dean smirked at that because he wouldn’tsay it out loud, but Felix was this super sexy computer geek, and his passionfor those things really turned Dean on. Also, it was nice just to hear peopletalk about how he and Felix were dating.
“I fucking heard that,” Felix declared ashe hopped off his spot on the floor and tossed his controller aside. He walkedover more or less ignoring the people that were continuing to freak out abouthis apparent victory. When he reached Dean’s side, he pushed up on his toesjust long enough to place a quick kiss on Dean’s cheek, and it really waseverything Dean could do not to literally melt. “I’m fucking starving, so webetter be getting food,” he commented instead of a more traditional greeting.
“Yeah, we can,” Dean agreed. They had sometime until they needed to get to be back at Berkeley, and at that point, theysort of had a tradition of getting food at a little restaurant near campusevery time Dean picked Felix. Since Benny was with them it wouldn’t quite bethe intimate little meal it was most of the time, but it would still be fun.
Out of reflex Dean reached over andwrapped his hand around Felix’s, and that was when he noticed that somethingwas off. He felt the graze of something rough on Felix’s wrist. When he lookeddown, he saw that Felix had a white gauzy bandage wrapped around his wrist.
Dean hated seeing Felix hurt even if itwas something small. Having seen Felix almost get killed by a monster probablyhad something to do with that. It took some serious effort not to immediatelyfreak out at the sight of the injury, so the fact that his voice only came outa little high pitched was pretty impressive. “What happened? Soldering ironmishap?” he questioned nervously.
“Nay,” Felix shrugged after a quick glancedown at his own hand and then looking back up, “I got a tattoo.”
Dean blinked. He had not expected that,and the surprise of it was enough to leave him confused. “What?” he questioned.
“You didn’t tell the boyfriend you weregetting inked?” one of the guys in the crowd commented with a mix ofdisapproval and surprise, “My girlfriend would murder my ass.”
Felix rolled his eyes hard before lookingover his shoulder and calling to the guy. “Glad I’m not dating your girlfriend!”
Dean wasn’t Will. He wasn’t going to freakout because Felix got a tattoo, or at least he wanted to say that. It was hardto swallow down his initial desire to go into overprotective boyfriend mode. Hewas also a little surprised. Felix had made some off-handed comment about kindof wanting a tattoo the last time they had met up with Will and Nico but beyondthat he hadn’t expressed much of an interest. Also, he and Felix talked dailyso why he wouldn’t have at least mentioned he had an appointment, Dean didn’tunderstand.
“A call would have been appreciated,” Deancommented and immediately regretted it when he heard how whiny he sounded.
“It was sort of a last-minute decision,”Felix replied with a shrug, “And you had office hours.”
Dean hated Felix’s casualness, and hereally wanted to remind him that office hours typically consisted of Deansitting around grading extremely poorly written essays and counting the secondsuntil it was over. He could have taken a phone call or read a text message.Thing was, Felix would have given him endless shit for getting so bent out ofshape about it, so he let it go. “Can I see it?” Dean questioned. He reachedout to grab ahold of Felix’s bandaged wrist but stopped himself last minute. Hedidn’t know where the tattoo actually was, and he didn’t want to accidentallyhurt him.
“Sure,” Felix replied as he began rollingthe bandage off his wrist, “I only had it covered so I could play.”
With a few swift movements, the whitegauze was gone from Felix’s wrist, and the fresh tattoo underneath wasrevealed. It was a series of lines radiating out from around the slightlyprotruding bone on the side of his wrist in a pattern that was clearly modeledafter electronic circuitry. It wasn’t very large, but it was incrediblydetailed. Dean couldn’t imagine how long it had taken to be completed. Felix’swrist, the skin around the tattoo, looked a little red and slightly swollen butnot in a worrying sort of way.
“Hot,” Benny commented dryly remindingDean that he was there.
Dean turned and smacked Benny’s chestdisapprovingly even though he knew he didn’t look at Felix like that. Hissnickering was just more evidence that he was teasing. He then turned back toFelix and commented, “It’s cool.” It really was, and it was very Felix, but itwas just that it looked red. “Is it supposed to look kind of red?”
“It is pretty much a decorative open-woundat this point, so yeah, pretty much,” Felix answered casually, and he took hishand back.
That made total sense, and Dean absolutelyhated it. “Did it hurt?” he asked knowing it was a stupid question but notbeing able to stop himself. Maybe secretly on some level, he was hoping Felixwould say it didn’t just so Dean wouldn’t have to imagine his sweet boyfriendin pain.
“Fuck yes,” Felix dismissed like it wasnothing, “It was literally needles being jammed into my skin over and overagain.”
“Does it still hurt?”
“It’s a little tender,” Felix admitted ashe looked down at his wrist for a second. He poked the slightly swollen flesh acouple of times in an experimental way before adding, “It’s not that bad.”
Dean hadn’t noticed that Felix’s wrist wasswollen until he watched Felix poke at it, but now he could see that it wasmost definitely swollen. Felix might have described it as a decorative openwound and some irritation would make sense but swelling seemed like it could bebad. Felix could have an infection. Ignoring that could be seriously dangerous.Dean went for his phone without even really thinking about it as he offered, “Icould probably call Will, and he could meet us.”
“Oh my god, Dean, chill,” Felix insistedwith a good-natured laugh as he reached out and patted Dean’s cheek. “I alreadycalled Nico for tattoo care tips,” he assured. “I’ve got to keep it clean andput on this ointment-” Felix produced a bottle of ointment from his back pocketand held it out for Dean to see before returning it to his back pocket. “Itisn’t that fucking hard”
That was all totally reasonable, and ifanyone knew how to care for a new tattoo it was Nico, but Dean still didn’tlike it. He stopped actively grabbing his phone from his pocket, but he stillhad his hand wrapped around it. “I still think-”
“Nico is covered in tattoos and hasn’tdied,” Felix pointed out insistently, “I’m going to be fine.”
Dean still didn’t like it, but if hecontinued to argue it was going to get really fucking annoying. Also, he andFelix were going to be spending the entire weekend together so he could keep aneye on Felix. If it seemed to be getting worse Dean could just call Will. Hesighed as a sign of surrender, “Fine.”
With Felix it was always so easy to forgetother people were around, and that moment wasn’t any different. It wasn’t untilBenny perched his chin on Dean’s shoulder that Dean remembered they had a bitof an audience. “What’s it liked to be pussy whipped by the king of nerds?”Benny questioned teasingly.
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