#and im not saying this because i dislike them im just saying because ive known them for years and ive studied their behavior
lovsome · 2 years
#im exhausted#im so tired of everything i just cried my eyes out and i want to throw up#i am so tired of meaning nothing to no one i feel like im just here to be kind and show people theyre loved and appreciated and get#treated like thats just what i am and what i do#like . none of my friends from different friend groups apparently give a shit about me#i feel like im always putting my feelings and my whole being aside to make sure everyone feels valued and appreciated but no one does that#for me#i have been feeling like SHIT for forever and lately more than usual but i say nothing because i dont wanna burden people with the weight#of me and my issues… but i subtly let them know and i know they know#and still people come to me only for support theyre like ‘hey how areu u’ and when i //jokingly// say i feel like shit (because i dont#bother lying anymore) they just dismiss it and proceed to say how they’re having issues and whatever and being the stupid caring idiot i am#i ask them if they wanna talk about it and all of that and i try to support them but i never ever get that back and it fucking sucks !!!!!!!#IT SUCKS ASS I WANNA SCREAM#i feel so lonely#i was talking about this with some people how i always try to make everyone fee comfortable even if it means making myself feel#uncomfortable and i always put myself aside and let others shine and#stupid example but listen: i went to gardaland with my friends last night. there were 3 of us. i was always ALWAYS behind them#third wheeling#why? because theyre much more confident and generally speaking self absorbed and they feel that they have to be at the front at all times#and im not saying this because i dislike them im just saying because ive known them for years and ive studied their behavior#and i let them stay in front butbi spent the whole night walking behind them and waiting in line behind them and they just left me there#but how come im always the only one who tries to fucking care for everyone ????? is anyone ever gonna care for me?? ever????#i feel so lonely and worthless i just want to cry
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acti-veg · 1 month
i think u made a lot of good points re:islam but also, im an ex-muslim. ive known MANY different types of muslims. i don't hate them, but i do hate the religion itself. i think its a little weird to say if you hate the quran, thats what u hate, not islam. considering that the book is the basis for islam (along with hadiths, but ppl are more likely to disregard those), even if different people can find different interpretations.
i recognize its a difficult issue because in the west its a minority religion and people are discriminated against for being muslim, but its also really hard to be an ex-muslim and be in a certain way stifled from talking about that and your religious trauma/experience/etc in the way that ex-christians get to do.
no religion is above criticism or dislike. i just think sometimes minority religions get a pass because of being discriminated against.
lmk if any of this didn't make sense or u want me to elaborate more etc
- 🐙
2) btw i don't think islam is uniquely bad or anything. ive met many ex-religious ppl of various kinds that i relate to a lot + we have similar experiences. its just incredibly frustrating that ppl who left christianity can be like "fuck christianity" n such and i have to be the perfect person making excuses and disclaimers and downplaying my religious trauma etc to not be labeled a bigot.
I think that disliking a religion on the basis of your direct lived experiences with that faith and that community is a world away from hating Islam on the basis of a few out of context Quran quotes and media representations. I was responding to someone who was, by their own admission, ignorant about Islam and my response was tailored to that.
Most what I’ve said in this ask just doesn’t apply to you and your situation. Had you asked me about religious trauma and your own fear of being labelled Islamophobic based on you recounting your own experiences, my answer would have been very different. You’re allowed to draw conclusions and have negative feelings based on the experiences you have had, that is the opposite of prejudice, which is really what I was trying to oppose in the previous response.
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aromanticgarbage · 3 months
h3h3 said that joji ghosted him after he got famous, ian says they don't talk anymore too. I wonder if max was the only one he was really close with or maybe they just recently reconnected.
Ok that's a tricky topic of conversation. Read more because as always i cannot shut up.
H3h3 and iddubz don't really mean anything to me outside of their old filthy frank collabs. I actually actively dislike them. Yeah you read that right. Thats why ive tried to make the fact that i am NOT running a cancer crew blog here clear. I just hate iddubz's old solo content. Seeing him beat himself up online nowadays isn't great either but by god his old stuff is so so bad (to me). Internet drama and borderline hate speech is a recipe for disaster and if he was smarter he would have seen this coming. I understand that some people like his older stuff out of nostalgia but i am not affected by this. I was not into YouTube back then. Im still not into YouTube. I only know of him and h3h3 because im obsessed with their old homie. My perspective is different, these people barely mean anything to me.
Ok now, disclaimers aside. Ethan said that joji told him not to call him filthy frank when he was talking about his music and he personally interpreted that as him being embarrassed of his past. Personally its just clear to me that what joji was asking for when he was taking his first steps as a full time music artist was space. Being known as an ex youtuber can kill someones career and considering the sort of content he was making as ff it just doesn't seem weird to me that he wanted to separate the two lol. He gave countless interviews where he mentioned his old content and that he understood why people found it so hard to move on from such an iconic character but that he didn't like conflating the two. And even then, a few years later he was encouraging fans at his concerts to chant filthy frank so i cant help but feel like Ethan's assumption that he is embarrassed and trying to forget it ever happened is baseless and biased. And after that....well. Its pretty clear to me that h3h3 used to be enjoyed by people but its had a pretty obvious dowfall since then. Idc about Ethan's drama (or the man himself for that matter) but to be completely honest i wouldn't keep in contact with him either. Idk if you are one of those people who still enjoy his podcast but to me and to many others it just seems bad. Real bad. A lot of drama and too little substance.
Now Ian...Ian is definitely less clear to me as an outside observer. I may not like ~the old iddubz~ but joji obviously didn't have a problem with him. They always seemed to get along pretty well on all the behind the scenes and going through the cake trilogy together probably means that they developed something similar to a warriors bond. He was fun on their collabs. But alas, sometimes people who used to be close just stop keeping in touch. A lot of Joji's old college friends (pookie/david, the shaman/lewys, wheelz/tyrell) are no longer in contact with him and yet they all speak of him very highly. People online like to act like he somehow ""betrays his roots"" by not keeping up with people he collaborated with on youtube back in the day but youtube isn't his roots lmao. His high school and middle school japan friends have always clearly been very important to him and he never fell out off touch with them. He is often touring alongside Rei Brown and he has mentioned in interviews that he relies on these friendships on his day to day life (admittedly the interview im talking about was from 2018 but there's no reason to assume that he has suddenly stopped talking to people that he has been friends with since he was like 12 years old). At the end of the day he doesn't owe people online to keep in contact with anyone. People grow up and change and not all relationships survive the test of time. And thats okay. Stuff happens, people move on. For what its worth tho, i feel like iddubz's drama driven channel (because lets be fair the content cops were his biggest thing and they were youtube drama no matter how self righteous or fair they seemed at the time) didn't help. The thing about joji is that he had always avoided internet drama like it was the plague, which is once again one of those things that i appreciate deeply about him. I hate internet drama. But even my kinda biased opinion aside, the reality of the situation is probably very simple. They are both grown adults who live very different lives. They hanged out together during a few summers a lot of years ago. They followed different paths in life. It happens. Joji has been very offline for years now and i get the impression that he tends to isolate himself when his health acts up so its probably not that hard to fall out of touch with him.
And last but not least....Max. I won't lie, out of the cancer crew the only other person i actually like besides my man Joji is Max. Maybe he really was closer with Max, i certainly find him more likable. Around 2018 both Joji on twitter and Max on that one cold ones podcast episode said that they still keep in touch. Max was replying to a lot of Joji's tweets up untill the nectar era but once again, at the end of the day they live in different countries. I obviously have no way of knowing if they were still as close as they used to in the following years. Maybe they grew more distant for a while, maybe they reconnected around 2023 when joji took chad and max backstage at his concert, and then of course the wedding !! Its all very sweet, the gimme love Max and Chad video from the concert lowkey made me tear up.
But once again, at the end of the day they are all living their own lives, doing their own thing. And people who act like they owe it to them to be each others everything forever and ever because they met online a decade ago and collaborated on some extremely iconic videos make me laugh.
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hypogryffin · 10 months
Genuine curiosity as well as making sure I can express myself properly in the future. You mentioned dislike for the term "Abrahamic" when referring to Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths as a singular classification. And I totally get that a TON of people saying Abrahamic really just mean Christian.
So, what term would you use if you wanted to refer to the shared origins of these religious groups? Like, what would be the good religious term that is similar to linguistic terms like Germanic or Romantic? Or would you say there really isn't or shouldn't be one term that can refer to all of them?
fyi im a uni dropout in buttfuck nowhere manitoba so my opinion is highly uninformed and furthermore as my credentials are "stranger on the internet who draws good" im crazy underqualified to give you a new term to use.
"abrahamic" is probably the most alright term i know of, since its supposed to be the blanket terms for "[monotheistic] religions that have abraham as a "patriarch" ". this is a fine category of religions that is not exclusive to judaism, christianity, and islam, though those are the 3 most prominent. its distinctive, its not crazy niche or crazy unspecific, and it works. my problem with the term is that people Use It Wrong to the point it kinda ruins my "relationship" (for lack of a better term) with the word. its not that the term belies classification i dislike, its that i hear people Use It Wrong so often that i associate it with people or arguments that i disagree with, think are in bad faith, or are entirely too uninformed on the matter.
if we "needed" a new term, i guess the only things i could "reasonably" suggest would be something to the effect of "monotheistic" (but that widens the category, im just not sure How Much as im, again, not informed on many world religions past my own and the ones i experience) or maybe "western religions" (which is a bit of a disingenuous name for a lot of reasons but first and foremost because all of "the big three" and as far as i can remember at least some of the smaller, less known abrahamic religions were formed in "the middle east").
i cant say there shouldnt be one term to describe the group of religions were talking about or what a better one is, first and foremost because whatever the broad category is called, im literally not using it? i think this post and the one where i first talked abt my dislike of the word are the only times ive used that word outside of middle&high school social studies classes. i think abrahamic is a fine descriptor, because i dont need to describe what its defined as in my day to day life. i just *personally* take issue with the way ive heard people use it.
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sshireens · 6 months
2, 6, 8, 12 👉👈?
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
this requires me to narrow down my favs, which is so much more difficult than i ever could have expected. yin if i don’t answer the ask quickly this was why. catelyn tully would never top because ned lays pipe and she’s a freak like that. saw a ss of a reddit post that was like ‘my wife likes to get blitzed and then come home and have me fuck her brains out’ and thats her. brienne is never bottoming and jaime is never topping because jaime has some kind of reversed gender thing going on that makes him want to be a girl but not to another man. and brienne lives to serve. she literally is a sword. and thats a penis metaphor as we all know. margaery is never topping men because despite being the first ally in westeros she thinks thats weird. these are compelling arguments to me! daenerys stormborn is NEVER. NEVER NEVER NEVER. never bottoming because A). thats the prince that was promised B). jon likes to get dicked down C). i personally believe that being sold and traded will lees her to discover (amidst her several trysts with irri jhiqui and doreah (bc u cant tell me otherwise. irri is canon first of all)) that she, as the breaker of chains and mother of dragons and khaleesi of the great grass sea, is not inclined to experience things at the whim of others but rather the opposite. is that appropriate to say.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
oh god. SORRY PLEASE DONT SHOOT ME EVERYONE! daemyra (this might be biased bc i just dont like daemyra) some sansan ppl really get under my skin…. LUCEMOND JESUS CHRIST. almost forgot about them (was almost free). wow sorry lucemond shippers first place for annoying. its not that im an omegaverse toxic incest yaoi anti its just. Its the people it truly is i cannot even enter that circle. there is a blog on here though i can’t remember the url of that makes cute sfw art that doesnt frighten me and ive been known to browse, even hit like once or twice. lucemond still stay away from me please
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
daenerys is not going to be queen of the seven kingdoms NOR SHOULD SHE BE. if daenerys takes the iron throne the whole series is pointless
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
what qualifies as unpopular. also what do we consider like. because i consider like as in ‘this is a fun character to see interact with the world’ and NOT!!!!!!!!! ‘i support this guy’. just to clarify for any other viewers at home. a character ive seen a lot of people Dislike but i think deserves to be heard out is criston because he’s funny and thats it thats why everyone should like him. but i dont consider him unpopular? hmm tough tough …… will i get flayed if i say larys like i mean he’s just sick i love wondering what is going on in that head. in regards to characters i think are not given enough attention: jaehaera targaryen. ‘she’s a little girl shes a non-character’ SHUT UP. she’s a little girl exactly. she didn’t get the chance to be her own person she is alicent’s pain helaena’s pain and her own. GOD MY BABY GIRL….. she names her dragon death…… AUGH DONT EVEN TALK TO ME DOONNTTT EVEN. um also rhaella, daughter of rhaena the lesbian AND! mother of daenerys. bc first of all rhaella and aerea switches thats true. so like. rhaella septa rhaella wondering if that was meant to be her. wondering if maybe it would have never happened if she hadn’t traded places. is it kinder to force her twin into the faith or to let her die? Augh. also daenerys’ mommy just… why dont we know about her i need more people on here like me willing to band together to make up canon. i guess thats not really a reason why people should like them. ALSO SHIREEN BARATHEON I DONT KNOW IF YOU CAN TELL BUT IM THE BIGGEST SHOOTER FOR SHIREEN THATS BABY THATS MOTHER THATS THE PRINCESS THATS MY DAUGHTER THATS ME I LOVE HER SO BAD OH NY GOD SHIREEN PEASE COME HOME THE PEOPLE MISS YOU. and i know everyone dgaf about baby boy bowl cut brown boba eyed broken bran. but i gave birth to him. and thats why you should like him.
i don’t consider myself a targ girlie and then it comes to questions abt asoiaf and i can only answer in reference to them 😔 tried to be diverse 🤞
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your-mom-friend · 3 months
It has come to my attention that people find me intimidating.
I mean anyone that knows me in any capacity knows that 🎀 🎶 Im just a girl 🎶 🎀 but I’m going over certain life events and am realising that people are somehow intimidated by me
When I was younger I would always “scare” my classmates when I was just giving them a blank look. Like I was just trying to process what they were saying or at most try for a “seriously dude?” And they always just apologised like they’d greatly upset or inconvenienced me.
On the first day of college, the people I’m now friends with all thought I was some kind of stuck up bitch because I was coming from a different country and because of my demeanour which was apparently uninviting and they had to muster up courage to talk to me only to realise that I’m a fucking dork that wants to gush about podcasts and crochet and mental health.
Im at home for summer break and we’ve had so many dinner parties and all the younger kids that I’ve known for years, well they don’t actively avoid me but they act like I’m going to incinerate them with a judgemental eyebrow and hateful glare, which is new. My own older sister came up to me and told me to not openly be so dismissive and rude to our mutually disliked cousin, which confused me because I genuinely thought I was being very polite and including her in conversations and stuff I didn’t think I was being rude.
Growing up my older sister was always the intimidating one. Now that she’s grown out of it it appears Ive inherited the title and it’s encompassing abilities and appearances against my will. I inherited Resting Bitch Face.
Also is this a common experience for siblings. That when your older sibling grows out of something you inherit that thing. I know it happens with clothes and such but I’m getting hand me down ABILITIES. I couldn’t draw for shit until my sister left for college. I’d rarely been considered intimidating until she stopped being it.
I find it slightly unfair and mildly entertaining because like
Me, externally: *resting bitch face, looking like I’ll break the next person to even look at me*
Me, internally: oh my god I cannot wait to go collect some more cool rocks
Bonus: you wanna see some cool rocks! Yes you do you’re on tumblr. here’s some cool rocks I collected on a recent trip. Some of them are just shiny and the others are neat looking.
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izmaddieyt · 23 days
hey so
First of all, if I’m on anon, it’s for a reason, mainly my own protection.
Because not only is flowey just uncomfortable to me but has hurt my friends in the past, has been ableist and threatening. I would appreciate if you took down the posts with me mentioned in it and you block me as well and we can move on from this.
Your response to my question came off as hostile and scares me a little
I get that, its just the ammount of those who do abuse anon is worrying enough, i didnt mean for it to seem that hostile or hostile at all, but moreso a question as i was slightly confused and confused on who it whould be, i have and had no intention on it being agressive or to be agressive, im not the best at answering those kinds of asks as they are concearning to say the least. I dont mind takeing the posts down at all if thats what you wish, but i am happy you got the confirmation i wanted you to have!
I get the uncomfortableness, and to answer the previous question, i really am unsure if the friend thing, never truely messaged them about it or anything and either have they, and mostly @ them due to being a mutual i find it fun or easy to get along with, ive interacted with them before any of the drama around such things had started and i just didnt want any of it on my blog.
Im not one and never will be, i do find it weird and such but im just not one for drama and misunderstandings so ive never said anything about it just to not be put into the drama it holds and held, as i personaly dislike the dangerousness of the drama and those who took things quite far as to go doxxing others and sending them death threats to even there direct homes and as far as going TO there homes, and much more that i rather stay away from, since those who were doing that sort of thing were either being supported for it or asked to stop, i assume you had seen those posts about it at the time the drama started with the whole thing and it is scary for many, so theres much concearn when getting asks that are potentialy related to it and not knowing who its from can also hide those who dont have good intentions.
I hadnt ment to scare at all, that i do apologize for haveing it seem. I was not known of them being threatening to anybody, but its nice to get confirmstion sorted.
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spamtonromantic · 4 months
FNAF fan game recommendation post
alllright, im a big fan of scrolling the fnaf tag on gamejolt, so i thought, hey! why not recommend some of the games ive played from there? maybe someone else will enjoy them!
before i start, i will preface with i have no idea if any of these are popular or well known, im simply sharing them because i enjoyed them
Entry 1 : Tealerland
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Tealerland is, by far, one of my favorite FNAF fan games. while it isnt close to typical fnaf fan games at all - i enjoy that fact about it a lot. this was my first FNAF fan game, and it was definitely refreshing. the game itself takes place in a run down carnival, which was the first thing to catch my eye. it doesnt take place in any sort of diner at all! its characters are all appropriately carnival themed as well, along with an exclusion of any "too humanoid" animatronics (ie blank (fnac), something i dislike in fnaf fan games.) the gameplay is as well both new at still familiar. while you do use a computer and sit in an office, you have two other areas you can roam to-but only two, retaining that classic FNAF feel of being a sitting duck.
the mechanics are also quite easy to understand and digest, alongside a very handy guidebook detailing the animatronics mechanics being something you can read when you arent in game. this guidebook, as well as the bonus content (models, and old versions of the game) was what really made me love this game. it showed that the creator cared about it a lot, and its super well polished. not to mention -- if you find the game too easy, theres optional hard versions of every hour (or night). this gives the game quite a bit of replayability in my eyes! id say out of everything here, if youre new to FNAF fan games, this one is a great pick. not too hard, not too easy (if you choose so), and a fresh experience.
Entry 2 : The Return To Bloody Nights
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The Return To Bloody Nights is a very faithful-to-the-older-games FNAF (prequel) fangame. It all takes place in an office in Fredbears Diner, but has plentiful quality of life and animations to breath some life into the game. If I had to praise only one thing about this game? Id say its the animations. Animatronics are animated while in the camera, they jump onto the screen if you flash them in the doorway, and so many more tiny details that i adore. The audio is also immaculate -- Red herrings left and right just like FNAF 1 and 2, unsettling stings when an animatronic appears, and even voicelines from one of the animatronics to make you nervous. It definitely isn't as easy as Tealerland, but, thats its charm. Its like FNAF proper! I cant even get past the fourth night in FNAF 1, its only fitting im stuck on the same level with TRTBN. But even though Im stuck, I adore this game to bits.
Entry 3 : Chica's Party World : REBAKED
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The style of Chicas Party World is what caught my attention fast. Low poly PS1-esque graphics? Sign me the fuck up. And then, upon downloading, realizing it has amazing voice acting and a great environment? Hell yes. You dont even play as a security guard, youre a security droid! I havent gotten too far in this game yet, but it has captivated me. I also enjoy that the animatronics arent just "(x) freddy" or "(y) bonnie", they have actual names that really help separate them from just "freddy to the left".
Honorary mention! A Bite At Freddys - I havent played this one personally, only seen playthroughs, but I enjoy ABAF a lot. Its challenge oriented, which is why I havent played it yet, but hey, if you like challenges, itd be right up your alley!
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haruhar-u · 10 months
omg i forgot again 😭
so that ex friend of mine, ive known since 4th grade and...i think it was nov 4th 2021 when she asked to stop being friends. i accepted despite how much it hurt because i had honestly felt it coming. i wasnt exactly the best and had a problem with being too sarcastic or joking in too mean of a manner
so yk i was ready to just accept it
UNTILL SHE TOLD ALL OF OUR MUTUAL FRIENDS THATWE WERENT FRIENDS ANYMORE WHICH LED TO EVERYONE ASKING ME WHAT HAPPENED suffice to say, that pushed me over the edge and i started like sobbing my eyes out that whole day because what the fuck who does that
then she literally shit talked me TO OUR MUTUAL FRIENDS??? more specifically my best friend which was just...stupid? he had to tell her "im still friends with them, stop talking about them to me" for her to stop. and all the shit she would talk about was like when i was 11 or some shit lmao
anyway idrc anymore lol. shes the one who takes pride on being seen as a "bitch" or "toxic" even when she was trying to say i was the toxic one?
and apparently she even talked bad about me to her ex (im friends with him now so sucks to be her) which i find crazy since they broke up in like 2020 so either she disliked be for a long while or she still spoke to him after breaking up which i highly doubt because she also shit talked HIM when they broke off
again idrc anymore tho its just a funny story atp lmao
She sucks wtf why would she even do that bro
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emerald-cloud23 · 5 months
ive been wanting to watch ninjago for a while but like. Where tf do i start. Like where can i find a list of the series in chronological order
hii sorry anon i wouldve replied sooner but i got hit with 4 different things that make me feel like pure trash over the weekend that im trying to deal with,,
anyways, here's the chronological timeline of seasons, shorts, mini movies and books that are considered canon to the show in the order the events happen. can be a bit confusing to understand with some stuff happening during/alongside certain episodes but you can always just wait until you're done with that ep and then watch/read whatever happens at the same time. the movie, by the way, does not take place in the same universe as the show. don't expect it to have everything and everyone from the show in it because that's how seemingly most people went into it and then they were disappointed that it wasn't like the show and that's why they hate the movie. i personally like the movie for what it is :]
here's a link to everything ninjago, basically. it's sorted into folders for each season, in those folders there's sometimes multiple sub-folders to separate the actual ep's and shorts/mini movies that go along to that season. also there's the books in the 'other media' folder... hmmm, yeah, idk what else to say! i'm not the person that goes "skip this season because [insert reason(s) someone doesn't like it]" because i feel like everyone should form their own opinions on a show (as well as the movie for this show that exists) they wanna get into. i want people to go into this with an open mind and not with my opinions in the back of their mind, potentially causing them to dislike a certain season simply because they might think that since i've known this franchise longer my opinion on something must be "right" (wrong, there is no "right" or "wrong" opinions on liking/disliking a season because opinions are objective and everyone has different criteria in their mind for what makes a season good or bad in their mind).
uhhh, yeah, that's all!! i hope you have fun and if there's any remaining questions my asks and dms are open :3 might be a bit slow with responding because i don't feel all that well these days and am just hoping everything solves itself without me needing to go to the doctor,, but i definitely will respond eventually! might take a bit tho, also because of timezones
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caluski · 5 months
happy 1 year anniversary to one of the best summer albums out there that ive ever known. thank you temples for creating exotico
to properly celebrate such a joyful occasion, i have decided to rank songs of the album from my least to most favorite with a tiny bit of absolutely useless commentary. lets get to it
16. Meet Your Maker.
i dont get this song. sorry!!! no fucking idea where they were going with the instrumental... its super strange. the ONLY skip on the album for me.
15. Giallo
it's okay honestly. well its fine, but nothing more than that for me. I dont exactly dislike it, chorus is just kind of strange. but in general it's not bad! just not something i feel anything in particular for.
14. Time is a Light
they tried something else with this one, but i am not sure w h a t were they going for exactly. chorus feels like an echo of gamma rays, but the rest is... well. but i do really like gamma rays so its not that bad. feels a little too long tho. what's up with the last minute feeling so... um, can this be over already?
13. Oval Stones
we're getting to the good ones!!!!! oval stones is really pleasant. i like how chill it is compared to most of the album.
12. Slow Days
again the chill one. actually i find it weird that its not the closer of the album. it would be a perfect closer! listening to it really slows you down (not in a bad way) so its strange to have oval stones + slow days followed by crystal hall. im not crazy about albums doing that, kind of throwing you off the rhythm... my perfect album order would be sorted in the way that wakes you up, and then calms you down by the end.
11. Head in the Clouds
okay, i do understand why it's after crystal hall - obvious interpolation going on there, down to the very same lyrics ("can you feel it coming down?") and i do LOVE preludes, interludes, whatever, transition tracks in albums, that is GREAT. but my issue is once again with the slow, slow, fast, slow pace again. if not slow days, i think that would also be the perfect closer.
10. Inner Space
i don't really have anything to say about this one. its good! i like it a lot! but for some reason, despite being like, in a bit of a calmer tempo, it makes me a little bit anxious. not in a bad way exactly, its just a good song for when im troubled about something.
9. Movements of Time
THIS SHOULDVE BEEN THE OPENING TRACK!!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!! its literally the PERFECT opening track for this album. its SETS UP the mood. HOW IS IT A CLOSER???? and i love the ... organ sound that they have going on in this one?? its really cool.
8. Crystal Hall
oh ohhhhh this is where it starts getting really hard to rank them.... Crystal hall is really good but also really short!!! why is it so short? under 3 minutes???
7. Gamma Rays
yeah i understand why this is the most popular. i mean i dont think its the best, but yeahhhhh.... its so good. literally perfect for "soaking up the rays"!!!!
6. Cicada
a big fan of so much reverb in this one. it especially makes the album so... summer specific, reverb is so summery! maybe because of how it makes everything sound like a song played on an open air music festival.
5. Liquid Air
if it couldn't be movements of time, i understand why liquid air made it as the opener. theres the anxious vibe going on again - which i do really like, in general im enjoying the theme of this album although im not really the lyrics kind of guy. and this one, its strange because its almost 6 minutes long, but it doesnt feel too long. or repetitive.
4. Fading Actor
ouuughhhhh this one is one of my absolute faves. it actually grew on me SO much, because at first i didnt pay any attention to it. but once i got it, it hit me sooooo hard, it remained on repeat for like MONTHS after summer ended.
3/2. Exotico + Sultry Air
i cannot i CANNOT judge them separately. in my heart they come together as one. and yet, they are two different tracks, which makes me love them even more. im really obsessed with the way it is composed, just absolutely amazing. the BRIDGE is especially the reason why i adore it so much. its SO good. and then theres sultry air!!!!! its the PERFECT postlude, like literally i think my favorite postlude in any album ever. like end credits to a movie. no notes!!!!!!
1. Afterlife
yeahhhhhhhhhh the only reason i even gave the album i listen in the first place. love at first sight!!!!!!!!! absolutely stunning. love the tension building up followed by the amazing bass... and okay i do have issues with the order of this album, but i do get why they put it by the end - its a truly perfect payoff even for the weaker parts of the album. best listened to on full volume... once had the joy of listening to it on a real good quality professional speaker set and my god. its like its MEANT to be blasted from the roof of a building. god i hate the fact that its produced by sean ono lennon. it had no right to be this fucking good.
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penguin--person · 6 months
EAT for the fanfic ask meme
ty for the ask!! ask game !! my answers are under the cut bc i dont wanna flood peoples dashes with my swagful words
E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well? i feel like dmitry pafl and my fic cardiomyocytes and connective tissue is an obligatory answer !! though its not as much a dima fic as it is a 'me' fic .. i hold that fic close to me :) i talk about it more here !! i wrote the fic when i was Really getting out of my big depression, like, big time !! when i was happy to be alive, for the first time in ages !! feeling joys never before known 💥and im proud of this fic too :) i think i did well writing it .. another, less obligatory answer, would be buddy from buddy sim 1984 !! theyre just like me frrrr !!! i havent written any fic That Big on them though, ive only written three.. well, 'only', those 3 fics are 12% of all buddy sim fics on ao3 lol i cant act like 3 fics is nothing!!!
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why? this is a hard question.. ive seen some writers say they hate rereading their works, and that Is the case for some fics of mine, but not most.. the most natural answer is i wish i never met you, but i might just be saying that because its my most recent fic. i Am very happy with it!!! i dare say its my best writing yet .. another answer could be your destiny - its my first fic ever written and published. though i dont like my writing there, i do hold a fondness for it:) without it, i wouldnt have written anything else !! i can't really pick a favourite fic.. but i guess, in no particular order, my faves would be: cardiomyocytse and vonnective tissue, i wish i never met you, divergence (i think i executed the concept rlly well), and the witch at ichor mountain (this is still my longest oneshot! i wrote it with the intention of stepping out of my comfort zone, and im happy i did!! like with your destiny, i dont like my writing there all that much, but i dont dislike it either. i like it) :)
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand? i cant bring myself to hate 💔my heart only knows kindness.. usually i'd say hanahaki, but one patho fic, my heart in your hands, executes it REALLY well and swagfully!!! i still reread it sometimes.. another one would be soulmates, because i just dont like that concept, but its not that i cant stand it ! its just not for me .. it depends on the execution for me, i guess? though i might be forgetting something that i really do dislike... mm .. i guess i'm not the biggest fan of fix-its, but even then, like, its not that i cant stand it, its just that i like reading angsty fics !!!!! I guess my heart is just too full of Love ❤️For me to be a hater ❤️
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i dont have a fousek pic on hand so you get saff 💥you get fousek info tho! when i woke up this morning, he was laying on my chest, making throw-up sounds at my face!!!! luckily he didn't vomit then or later, even, because hes a strong man 💪
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terraliensvent · 5 months
Since i know you said this was the end of the xiao talk, i’ll keep this pretty breif
people tend to stay away from Xiao because they are very closed off and only speak to their friends, but it’s not that hard to get to know him and appreciate things. Yes, he’s made some mistakes, but he’s being blamed for a lot right now, which i don’t think is really fair. Plus the heavy lack of proof on things lol.
as for where you said you might apply for mod, that would be interesting. You’d continue to run the blog i’m sure, but I feel like you’d might run into a few troubles trying to handle both. If you do however, i’d be excited to see where that heads. your judgment is good on a lot of the topics that come up here, it would be nice to see your stance on things.
sorry i’m aware this isn’t really a vent. just thought i’d state my mind !
post related
yeah i can understand people not liking someone just out of not liking them, but its a different beast when people come in my inbox saying that they were WHOLLY responsible for the Reckoning. like i feel like thats just factually incorrect. you dont need a moral reason to dislike someone, sometimes you can just say someone annoys you.
as for the mod stuff, i would love to apply for mod when/if applications open. with bug and coy in charge it felt very cagey and honestly kind of imposing, but im very inclined to apply now just from the fact that tycho went out of his way to reach out and talk directly about critique (yk, the stuff that actually holds weight, not us just going “coy sux lol.” its fun to make the jokes but someones gotta sit here and sort out the real critique from the shitposting lol), it really gave me a good feeling and i have a lot of hope knowing he has executive control now.
youre right about the troubles with handling both. i honestly dont know if i could hand the blog off to someone else since ive kind of made it circle around my own voice but i think that i wanna implement new rules on here just to make it more palatable (mainly the namedropping stuff)
i think if i did get on the mod team i would keep the blog running but maybe make some changes to things here, just stuff to maybe curb back the way that topics got pretty aggressive. i think it could be interesting to have a direct line of contact from anons to the mod team, and with the fact that theyre probably never gonna bring back anonymous suggestions, i think i could be able to sort out the stuff that holds no weight from the stuff that actually makes good points and pass them along.
and im unsure if i would even make it known whether or not i became a mod because a. privacy concerns, and b. i wouldnt want to make any other members uncomfortable because i know that vent blogs like this are really polarizing.
i have some stuff to think about with this, and keep in mind the whole thing IS a big “if.” in the event i apply and dont get accepted then we can have anon funtimes as usual
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sanderchu · 2 years
I got bored and thought it was time for this so have this introduction of me to know me better :)
About Me: Sand Edition
name: Sander/sand (im known that on the internet, some online friends call me sander so i just put it there too. when i saw some i mean many)
Age: n/a but i am a minor
birthday: sept. 7th
pronouns: any (but i mainly prefer they/them)
sexuality: Pansexual :)
gender: gender void :,) (gendervoid is a gender identity based on feeling nothing where a gender should be)
i was scared to say my gender :,) still am lol
fav color: changes everyday (rn its yellow)
fav food: sea food
likes/hobbies: drawing, writing, playing guitar, making music, playing card games, strawberries, candy, cats, questions
dislikes: math :/, bugs, loud places, toxic antis, not being productive
[top five songs atm for me]
shinunoga e-wa
i wasnt made to fall in love
romantic homicide
golden hour
little facts
ive actually made this acc out of boredom and didnt expect to go this far
before this ive been writing for 2-3 years i always loved it
i wanna be a streamer when im older or musician
bc of writing when i started to post at first i actually started failing school because of it (im not now istg)
if i really like a writing i make a playlist based off of it! (i kinda wanna start sharing the playlist i make here and even make some for ppl but idk)
i love getting request bc its like answering a question
i hate odd numbers despite my birthday being odd
im lactose
im actually in more fandoms instead of only the dsmp! (genshin, omori, and a few more)
any questions to know me better or in general ask away :) i love questions
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megabuild · 1 year
cherry blossom and broken heart about pix ^_^ or fwhip. your empires guys
🌸 my favorite headcanon
pix: tattoossss he has so many tattoos. near full sleeves and chest and back like newt geiszler pacific rim. i've seen a couple people do this before usually with it being linked to pixandrian religion and once he moves there that definitely is part of it (he also gets some unwilling scars/brands as part of the whole lightning shrine thing which sorta blend in) but he also had a lot before he moved just because he likes em! he still covers a lot of them up though out of force of habit
fwhip: iwas going to type out my actual fave ones but then i realised i sounded like an utter psychopath because theyre like. the most fucked up parts of his arc SORRY i do like to think of him as very restless though. constantly moving and tapping his fingers and feet and crossing and uncrossing his legs and he can't sit normally in a chair he has to lounge across it or sit upside down or flip it around and sit backwards. this is one of those things he would never dare do as a kid cause he had a pretty strict upbringing but now he's unstoppable. they haven't invented adderall yet
💔 what I don’t like about a character
pix: im going to heal the hater within me and not talk about this from a meta standpoint because ive said enough already about both characters wasted potential/unfinished storylines. SO i think he has a serious victim complex. especially in his relationship with fwhip but also just in general he takes things soooo hard and feels so responsible for everything but then it sort of turns round into an endless cycle of him beating himself up and its like Can you focus on the fucking matter at hand. It's difficult to say if this is something i Dislike because it's just a trait he has at the end of the day and a very essential one to his arc i would argue that his fate hinges on his inability to let things go so it's not like i would ever want to get rid of it but he makes me Angry.
fwhip: honestly he is just sort of an annoying cunt i can't be nice about that part cfwhip is known to be a bit of a dick. he's not even that malicious i just think he's very childish in the way he deals with shit? which isn't really his fault in some ways but. WAIT GOD THE ENTIRE ARC WITH JIMMY okay i take that all back sorry i was trying to think of an example of him being a weird dick for no reason and thats exactly it he gets sooo petty and cruel over the slightest of things. i also dont know if hes capable of genuine remorse without having to at least make a joke about it but . this is one that i genuinely do dislike again not in a way i'd try to ignore it or whatever because he's a fucked up kind of guy but the disc wars will always be the worst to me some of those streams genuinely fucked with me a bit when i watched them the first time. blows him up with a grenade launcher
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underfellz · 1 year
whichever 3 questions u wanna answer for maude, AND 28, 17, and 11 for whoever u want
for miss maude absence:
12. how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
maude theresa absence (concept) has been around for two slutty slutty years. her actual age is like 35 though. her bday is june 12th but i think she was like. Conceptualized around december?? i honestly don’t remember at all LOL! she’s relatively impartial to celebrating her own (like she wouldn’t get mad if a party was thrown but she doesn’t run around going ^-^ im the birthday girl) but she LOVES celebrating others birthdays. it’s mostly because she likes giving other people gifts
15. how big or small is their family? who did they live with growing up? do they live with anyone now?
she was an only child growing up & lived with her mom and dad but her mom was out of the house half the time because she was a #partyanimal. her and her dad were kind of close but was busy w work a lot of the time so she was left to fend for herself as a kid. as an adult she used 2 live w her husband before he died because she killed him so now she lives alone
20. if applicable, can they drive? if they have their own, what color is their vehicle? is the inside neat and tidy, or a mess?
i imagine that she technically could like has a drivers license and everything but is a very shit driver. also i think she just prefers to walk places if/when she leaves the house at all. her car would be like. grey but with a purple tint? if that makes sense? and it would b clean on the inside w a little air freshener and a rosary hanging from the rear view mirror etc etc
ok im gonna do these ones for my boy fritz bc ive been thinking about him lately and he is a near and dear friend to me
11. what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them?
HMMM to be honest hes like a vague concept of who i aim to be in like 30 years (butch icon steady job married with a kid and all that). hes definitely more like. level headed than i am in terms of personality. he likes to take the lead, delegate tasks etc and i cant really say the same ab myself i kind of just go w the flow. in terms of getting along i think we totally would! hes like my cool uncle who gives me life changing advice when i see him every 8 years at a family function
17. how did they spend their summers/free time as a child?
as a kid he lived in this big palace (because space prince) and would keep to himself a lot of the time. he never actively caused a ruckus so his parents just kind of let him do fuckall but he would usually be in the library, or garden during the summer, and read about the ocean/fish for hours on end. he would also listen to music on a walkman and just wander around the palace and make up like. scavenger hunts and shit
28. how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
if he cares about you You Will Know he does not keep it a secret. he will protect you, defend you, give you words of advice + gifts etc etc hes very constructive about care but he wants people to know when hes in their corner so he’ll try to make it as obvious as possible w his actions
as for disliking someone he gets very fucking passive aggressive and irritable. again he will make it known but hes kind of subtle about it because he has to keep his composure + uphold his self image of like. Calm Cool Collected leader. very “as per my last email” energies. he isnt afraid to confront people though he just prefers to do so in private so both members of the argument get to keep their dignity LOL
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