#and im pretty sure most of them are straight also so theres that
veeaziel · 1 year
any tips for a closeted queer person going to their first pride with a group of people they met two weeks ago at work who they have no reason to believe are queer??? asking for a friend
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nastyburger · 1 year
Please say more about the awful Asian designs in Danny Phantom. I'm not Asian but I'd love to have a rundown on the elements that make them offensive so I can avoid and critique those elements in other works. And also you deserve to speak your mind about it
im gonna mostly talk about southeast asian designs since thats what i am and the most familiar with and also what i feel are the show's worst transgression with their casual depictions. tw for racist imagery im gonna link pictures.
there's not much to say about the designs aside from, you know, everything but things to note are the unnatural yellow tone for the skin and closed slanted eyes. veggie burger (fan name for the bg character in the middle) also suffers from the huge nose that sometimes shows up in racist depictions. the straight edge/cut hair as well is somewhat stereotypical. this one isn't as bad but in conjunction with everything else its not ideal. i will give the smallest molecule of credit that at the very least dp never gave any of these bg characters buck teeth.
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some depictions are better than others, but theres still missteps happening in one aspect or another. kwan's eyes in a lot of shots/episodes can be too skinny and even too slanted, the girl in the middle is almost perfect but her skin is too yellow (she looks kinda okay on my computer screen but i remember when watching dp on my tv she looked real brightly yellow), and principle ishiyama (who was weirdly forgotten about pretty early on in the show and was replaced by lancer doing most of the school stuff despite not being principle?? which is a whole other issue with how dp treats its poc characters) the same usual notes about the slanted eyes but also the upturned nose is pretty reminiscent of racist japanese art during ww2. again it is not the worst way to draw a nose but combined with everything else in this show's depiction of asian characters its not great, they are on thin ice man.
not to mention, principle ishiyama is the only character here with brown eyes. this is a problem that extends to all poc characters in dp and to my knowledge i think ishiyama might be the only one with them tbh. this is, again, a whole other issue though.
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i think the thing that bothers me most about these designs though is that dp is very clearly aware that these depictions are bad. the only difference between the first set of characters and the second is one singular thing: they have a clear speaking role.
suddenly when theyre not stock background characters, dp knows how to act when drawing them. i cannot for the life of me find the image of it, but the last jock guy in the first set gets a speaking role in reign storm (he's cosplaying phantom) and he is drawn with proper open eyes! (theyre also blue but whatever) it just makes me sad that this was a clear choice they made.
the show also went in a different direction in the final product, but early development stuff was really drawing from a lot of japanese/asian influences like danny was originally gonna have a motorcycle (pulling from ghost in the shell) and was even referenced in the show via the akira motorcycle reference (which i once again, for the life of me, cannot find. danny took johnny 13's motorcycle and did the classic akira slide i think it was in million dollar ghost?? idk whichever one where the giw are trying to blow up the ghost zone). danny's name was originally gonna be jackie, named after jackie chan, this i assume was given to jack fenton afterwards. and i think the show having a more martial arts direction with the action was also gonna be a thing? that one could be wrong dont quote me on that, there was an episode where danny and vlad have like a weird ninja fight though im pretty sure.
either way my point here is that they wanted to pull from all these influences and it was prominent enough during development that they sprinkle references to it throughout the show and yet their portrayal and treatment of asian characters in the show is so abysmal it just feels Bad™, you know? i cant really put it more eloquently than that, like its very take and no give with it.
it overall just puts a bad taste in my mouth, and its sad that it still affects people years later. like i mentioned in the tags of the post that started this discussion with that whole old trend of putting yourself into the bg of dp screenshots, i felt alienated by that. and its not the people who participated's fault obviously but most of the people i saw participating were white fans (going off of how they drew themselves) and it made me a bit mad that they were able to enjoy the style of the show in a more carefree manner than i ever could. i didnt want to ruin anyone's fun obviously, but a small part of me wanted to bring to light how i wasnt on equal ground with them in that situation.
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mysterious-ocarina · 1 year
amazing work! consider this… gn reader is chuuyas coworker who’s emotionless and keeps their distance from him and their colleagues… chuuya starts to like them but doesn’t know how to bridge the gap…. and on a mission with chuuya, (there was only one bed!!) an asphrodiac gets put in their drink… so they come to him begging him to help them because they don’t know what to do… and fluff and smut ensues!!
Because You Want Me To (NSFW)
Chuuya Nakahara x fem!reader
A/N Im so sorry, i really meant to keep it gn but then i just got caught up with the feminism idea cuz i mean come on, theres no way chuuya isnt a woman respecter. I also was not sure how to write gn smut. If you dont like it, i can totally write it again but definitely gn and less feminism involved. Pls lmk also pls tell me what termonology to use for. . . certain body parts cuz lately everything just sounds wrong
please give me recommendations for books to use as abilities or just abilities in general for bsd content
Main Masterlist BSD Masterlist Requests AO3
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(4.0k words)
Sitting hunched over your desk filling out paperwork was getting real old, really quick. You sighed as you leaned back in your chair. Some may call you a workaholic but you were simply strong-willed and determined. Growing up the way you did, you learned to be very independent and how to make your own spot in the world. You joined the Port Mafia at the age of sixteen and have worked the hardest you could to be the strongest.
Your ability did not give you a fighting advantage but you did have a clairvoyant advantage. You were able to speak to animals and your pet raven was your second pair of eyes and ears. It was a normal occurrence for people to see you walking around the halls with Ace clinging to your shoulders. More often than not, he was your partner on missions considering you preferred to work alone.
Becoming an Executive to the Port Mafia was hard work but there wasn’t anything that you would allow to stand in your way. You were very feared and very respected, which is exactly how you like it. You only conversed with your coworkers when it was needed. You were here to do your job, not make pointless relations with coworkers. It was pretty easy for you to avoid interactions with most people in the Port Mafia. The only exceptions were the boss and the other executives, one in particular.
Chuuya Nakahara was. . . different. You weren’t really sure what it was (you do but you’re in denial) but there is something about him that makes him more bearable than anyone else in the mafia that you’ve met. Whenever you were paired together for missions, which was pretty often, he always pulled his weight. There were times when you were paired with people who just wouldn’t do the job they were assigned to do because of egos or whatever. It bothered you to no end when you had to pick up their slack. Chuuya was a great mafioso and incredibly strong which was something you greatly respected.
You still did your best to avoid him, outside of missions. There was no reason why someone, let alone a man, should distract you from your job.
Ace squawked next to you, breaking you from your thoughts. Is something the matter?
You chuckled, thinking about how your best friend was a raven and that he knew you well enough. You brushed him off, “Nothing’s the matter.”
Ace left the perch by the window and landed on your armrest. He nipped your arm with his beak before squawking again. I bet I know exactly what you're thinking about.
Stupid bird, you thought as you glared at him. “Shut your beak.”
Ace climbed to your shoulder as a knock was heard on your office door. You muttered "come in" before Chuuya made an appearance. He walked in, fashionable as ever, and closed the door behind him. He looked a bit fidgety and you had to stop yourself from asking him if he was okay. It was none of your concern.
“I’ve got good and bad news,” Chuuya said as a greeting, straight to the point, something that gave him a point in your head, not that you were keeping track of stuff he did that you liked.
You raised your eyebrow at him, motioning for him to continue. He sat down and placed his hat in his lap. Pulling a small bag from his jacket pocket, he dumped an assortment of nuts in a bowl on your desk for Ace. You tried really hard to stop a smile from covering your face but your lips slightly curled up. A point for him.
Ace hopped from your shoulder, squawking. I like him.
Your smile faded at his smug tone, snapping, “Well, no one asked for your opinion.”
Chuuya gazed at the both of you, “Does he not like them?”
“That’s not it. You had news?” you questioned, changing the subject.
Immediately Chuuya got serious and professional. Another point. “Yes. The good news is that we have a mission together. Just simple intel gathering.”
You were glad it was only intel and not a fight because you weren’t in the mood to fight anyone. That doesn’t mean it would go smoothly. If you weren’t careful, intel gathering could turn nasty incredibly quick. You stared back at Chuuya, “What’s the bad news?”
Chuuya looked at you, apologetically, “We’ll need to stay overnight and I know you hate overnight missions. The event we are going to is hours away and by the time it’s over, it will be too late at night to get back. Mori already booked us a hotel room.”
You sighed and ignored the fact that he knew you wouldn’t be happy. Rubbing your temples, you asked, “When are we leaving? I’ll read the files in the car.”
That’s how you found yourself, riding passenger in one of the mafia’s cars. The back window was open for Ace to come and go as he pleased, something Chuuya did before you had to even ask. Another point. You spent the entire drive reading over the files for subjects and information you were supposed to be looking for tonight. You could tell that Chuuya wanted to talk to you as a way to pass the time but you kept your head in the files, refusing to let him distract you.
You joined the mafia around the same time as him but you never interacted with him, or anyone for that matter. It wasn’t until you were both executives when you would be paired for missions and forced to get to know each other. You didn’t hate getting to know him but you kept the talk about yourself to a minimum.
When you first became an executive, there were rumors going around that you had slept with the boss to make it to where you were. You know, the typical rumors that follow a powerful woman. The rumors didn’t outwardly bother you, “let dickbags believe whatever they want” you would always say if someone asked you about it. But when you found out that the only people who didn’t believe the rumors were Kouyou and Chuuya, you felt a sense of security in your position. Kouyou understood the difficulty of being a woman in power and Chuuya. . . well you weren’t too sure why he didn’t believe the rumors.
“What?” he muttered. You must have been staring at him for too long because he was looking at you with a red face, embarrassed maybe.
“When I first became an executive, why didn’t you believe the rumors that I slept my way there,” you asked, blunt and intrigued.
He seemed very surprised by your question, stammerings, “I-I don’t know. Why would. . .”
He paused for a bit, seeming unsure what to say. You just stared at him, an impassive expression on your face.
He sighed, keeping his focus on the road instead of you, “Do you really think I’m that immature to believe rumors like that?”
You sensed a little insecurity in his voice but ignored it. You replied, “It’s not like I gave you any reason to believe I wouldn’t. You didn’t know me.”
“You didn’t give me a reason to believe that you would either.”
You paused, unsure of how to respond. Being a woman in a male dominant field was difficult and it seemed that Chuuya understood how baseless those kinds of rumors could be. Another point.
Facing the window, you spoke up, “I didn’t. Just so you know.”
“I know,” he replied without hesitation.
You didn’t fight the smile that formed on your face this time. You just hoped Chuuya couldn’t see it because you were facing the other way.
He did and he will cherish the image forever.
By the time you got to the hotel, you were significantly less unhappy about the assignment you had been given, not that you outwardly showed it. Something about your conversation with Chuuya in the car sparked something within you. Your denial of how much you cared for the red head next to you was melting away. Usually this would bother you but you had a feeling that Chuuya or the feelings you hold for him will not get in your way of your job, which brought you great comfort and security. It looked like Chuuya respected you and your work ethic.
Chuuya grabbed your guy’s bags as you made your way into the hotel and to the front desk to check in.
Politely, you greeted, “Hello, there should be a room reserved for me.”
The pretty receptionist gave you a kind smile and when Chuuya came up beside you, she gave him a sweeter one. She kept staring at Chuuya, making him blush, “What name will it be under?”
Haughtily, you replied, “Ougai Mori. It’s for my partner and I.”
Calling Chuuya your partner wasn’t wrong, he was your partner for this mission. But you knew that the receptionist would take it the wrong way, which brought you a little bit of satisfaction.
She looked at you with a forced smile. She handed you your key cards before dismissing you, “Room 115, it’s at the end of the hall on the left.”
You gave her a smug smile, “Thank you.”
You walked through the hall in search of your room, Chuuya trailing behind you. He walked beside you, giving you a look, “What was that?”
You kept walking, face empty, “What was what?”
“Back there, with the receptionist. You guys were being passive aggressive with each other. Is there some kind of woman thing I'm not understanding?” Chuuya asked, confused.
You briefly glanced at him and shrugged, only replying, “Sure.”
He sighed next to you but decided against asking about it anymore, knowing you wouldn’t answer him how he wanted.
Unlocking the room door, the both of you made your way into.
“Shit,” you explained. The room that the two of you would be staying in tonight only had a single bed.
Chuuya sighed next to you and asked, “Want me to go to the front desk?”
Not wanting him to interact with the receptionist, you shook your head, “No, we can figure it out later. I’m going to shower and get ready for the event.”
Chuuya placed both your bags on the bed and rifled through his, “I’ll get the garment bags from the car with our outfits in them.”
You were already in the bathroom in the shower when you heard Chuuya come back into the room. You also heard a little kawing so you assumed he let Ace into the room. A point.
You spent a lot of time in the bathroom after you finished your shower. In the shower, images of Chuuya were flooding your mind. You had to keep reminding yourself that he was just in the other room and you shouldn’t do anything unprofessional. Even if your cunt prickled with neediness.
Eventually realizing that Chuuya will want to shower too, you calmed your body down and left the bathroom. You had dried your hair and done all of your makeup but didn’t have the dress you were wearing. Covered in only a towel, you walked over to the garment bag on the bed.
While looking at his phone, Chuuya said to you, “That bag is yours. I talked to Mori and it looks like it was an error in the hotel system. He advised that we just keep the room as is.”
Chuuya ran  a hand through his hair, annoyed, and looked up at you. He blushed when he noticed that you were only in a towel and averted his gaze. He muttered, “I can sleep on the floor.”
You glared at the back of his head, “I won’t make you sleep on the dirty floor. We can figure out the sleeping arrangements when we get back. Now go get dressed, I do not want to attract unwanted attention for being late.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Chuuya replied with a smirk. You sighed in faux annoyance with a blush on your face as he silently made his way to the bathroom with his garment bag.
You slipped into the dress. It was tight fitting but not uncomfortable with a slit up your thigh. It was also an alluring shade of red which made you immediately think of Chuuya. For a second, you were curious how he would react seeing you in this dress but you shook the thoughts from your head.
You sat at the desk and mirror set up in the room to do your hair and makeup for the night, taking note that Chuuya seemed to be taking an awfully long time in the shower. You put your brush down and went to the bathroom door to ask if Chuuya was okay. But right before you were going to ask, you heard a sound that had you shutting up and blushing. It sounded like Chuuya was groaning and saying your name.
You backed up until the back of your legs hit the bed and sat down. Was Chuuya. . . masturbating in the shower? Thinking about you, no less? You were thankful that Ace wasn’t in the room to squawk and add to your embarrassment.
You were extremely flustered but flattered that Chuuya thought of you that way. It offered you comfort to know that you weren’t alone in thinking unprofessionally of your partner. Maybe after the mission was over, you would have the chance to talk to Chuuya about the possibility of expanding your relationship. But for now, you need to get your head out of the gutter and focus on your job.
When Chuuya finally came out of the bathroom, he was looking especially handsome in his suit. He stopped in his tracks as he looked at you. When he saw your crossed legs and the slit of the dress exposing your thigh, he thought he might faint. Red in the face he coughed, “You look beautiful.”
You thought it was really endearing that he wouldn’t look you in the eye. “Thank you. You clean up pretty nicely as well.”
You did your best to not stare at him but you could feel the tension between you guys building. You grabbed the necklace you were going to wear and placed it into Chuuya’s hand. “Could you put this on for me?”
You turned around, not waiting for an answer. Chuuya, ever so slowly, wrapped the small chain around your neck and clasped it. He pulled your hair out from under it and set it back in place cascading down your back. His hand lightly grazed your neck and you failed to contain the shivers that went through your body.
You quickly turned back around and ignored the butterflies in your stomach. You stared at Chuuya’s face, finding adoration covering it.
“Let’s go, handsome,” you announced, now nervous of your distracting partner.
“Yes ma’am,” Chuuya repeated, a smile painted on his face. You turned and walked out the door not bothering to hide the small smile that appeared on your face.
This had to be the hardest mission you’ve ever been on. Now it wasn’t really intellectually hard, intel gathering was as simple as knowing how to charm others into talking about whatever you wanted. But at some point you couldn’t focus on any conversations you were a part of, Chuuya having to pick up your slack, something that would have bothered you to no end if you didn’t feel the way you did right now.
With his arm around your waist, Chuuya pulled you to one of the tables and chairs scattered about the event. He sat you down and grabbed the champagne glass from your hands, “I wouldn’t pin you as a lightweight.”
Your face was flush and your entire body felt like it was on fire, “I’m not drunk, Chuuya. Something is wrong.”
Chuuya stared at you worriedly but you couldn’t stand to look at him. You could barely stand to have his arm around you and standing so close to you. Anywhere his skin touched yours sent shivers down your spine and the smell of him was driving you crazy. Vanilla and Sandalwood. You clenched your thighs, hoping to relieve the tension that was forming in your bottom half.
“Shit,” you exclaimed when you figured out what happened. Your breathing was extremely labored as you explained, “I-I need you to take me to the hotel. . . and lock me in the room for the night. Some. . . one must have drugged me, I’ll explain more later. Did you get all the information we needed?”
“Yes, we should have everything we need. What’s going on?” Chuuya asked, voice a bit tense.
He put his arm around your waist to help you up and it took everything in you to not moan at the feeling of his touch. You couldn’t muster up the strength to speak as he brought you outside and to the car. He started driving back to the hotel, looking at you every few seconds to see if you were alright. The way he was worried about you was making your head spin with adoration and your thighs clench with lust.
Panting, you replied, “I think someone knew we were there and drugged me as a distraction. I think I’ve been given an aphrodisiac.”
Chuuya stared at your panting and sweaty body, beyond confused, “What kind of drug is that? You better not be dying on me?”
At the hotel, Chuuya brought you back to the room and laid you on the bed. He seemed antsy and a bit annoyed that you weren’t answering him.
You put him out of his misery by explaining, “An aphrodisiac is a drug that. . . in simple terms makes the victim like an animal in heat.”
You writhed in the bed, sweat dripping off of you. You so badly wished that Chuuya would just shut up and take care of your neediest spots but it looks like you won’t get what you want just yet.
Staring at you, a blushing mess, Chuuya questioned, “How do you know that’s what you’ve been given?”
You groaned, annoyed with having to deal with this. Inappropriate thoughts of your partner were flooding your mind and making it almost impossible for you to pay attention to his line of questioning. “Because. . . Chuuya. I can’t get the thought of you and that pretty face of yours out of my head. All I want to do right now is push you down on this bed and ride you until I pass out.”
You basically moaned at the flustered look Chuuya was giving you. After a few labored breaths you spoke up again, “Now. I heard you in the shower so I know you want me.”
Unable to bear it any longer, you stripped off your dress. Now fully naked in front of Chuuya. He coughed again but looked away, “I would only want to have sex with you if it was because you wanted me to and not some drug making you. That’s not fair to you.”
Chuuya turned around and just before he was about to walk away, you grabbed the sleeve of his suit jacket, “Trust me. This is not how I would have wanted this to go but-” you paused, finding the words stuck in your mouth. You moaned again when Chuuya’s fingers slipped into yours, unable to contain yourself, “I really do want you Chuuya. And I know you have enough respect for me to not ruin our relationship or my relationship with my work.”
Chuuya stared at you, flustered and undeniably hard but unsure of what to do. You took the final step by pulling his arm, forcing him to fall on top of you. You grabbed the back of his head to pull him closer to you. He didn’t resist as you slotted your lips into his.
It was a ferocious kiss that was filled with lust, passion, and neediness. You ran your hands through Chuuya’s hair and down his front making him groan into your mouth. You tried to pull the belt from his pants but your hands were too shaky. You whined when he pulled your hands away from him and brought them to rest above you. He used one hand to hold yours in place and the other to undo his pants.
Chuuya chuckled, “If you need me that bad, how come you can’t even get my pants off of me?”
“Stop teasing, please Chuuya,” you begged, moaning when he brought his mouth back down to yours.
Chuuya got off of you and stood in front of you and the bed. He sighed, content, “I’ve been waiting for this forever. I don’t know if it’s obliviousness or stubbornness that kept you away from me.”
You couldn’t help but stare at the man in front of you as he stripped, breathlessly you replied, “A bit of both. . . But no more.”
Chuuya gave you a dazzling smile, climbing back on top of you. He laid kisses down your stomach as he spoke, “No more.”
You whined as he laid kiss after kiss on your body, wanting more. He finally took his hands and soothingly rubbed your thighs, “Do you want me to touch you?”
“Yes, Chuuya. Please just do what you want to me. I’ll take anything,” you begged, desperate to be touched by him.
Instead of teasing you further like you thought he would, Chuuya gets to work pleasuring you. Moving his hands from your thighs, Chuuya brings them to your dripping cunt. Slowly but surely, he presses two fingers into you while rubbing his thumb on your clit.
You writhed on the bed, holding back your moans. Chuuya wouldn’t have that.
“Now, now, princess. I’d like to hear who’s making you feel so good,” Chuuya chided, fingering you faster and harder.
“Chuuya, I’m going to-” you moaned, overwhelmed with pleasure.
He brought his mouth up to your breasts, licking and biting as he went, “It’s okay. You can come.”
His mouth on your body and his permission was the last thing holding you back. You came with a loud scream, convulsing around his fingers.
When you had calmed down and Chuuya pulled his fingers out of you, you grabbed the back of his head to bring his lips to yours. You made out for what felt like ages before Chuuya  chose to break the kiss to speak, “How do you feel now, princess?”
“I feel like, I need you to fuck me. Please, Chuuya,” you begged, pulling his body as close to you as you could. His erection was pressed into your thighs, making you whine in want.
Chuuya groaned and marked around your neck. He whispered, “As you wish.”
Before long, Chuuya was hovering over you and rubbing his cock through your folds. The both of you moaned at the contact before he slipped into you with ease.
He kept still, letting you adjust, until you wiggled your hips to encourage him to move. Any self control he had up to this point all but vanished. Chuuya pounded into you ferociously, coaxing you into a moaning and whining mess.
You were too distracted with pleasure to do anything but moan Chuuya’s name. One hand on your waist to keep you where he wanted, he used his other hand to bring your hands back up over your head.
He brought his lips down to yours to give you a lustful kiss. You struggled to keep up with his pace, too busy moaning, but he didn’t care. With how feral he was being right now, you would have thought that he was the one who was drugged.
Eventually his hips started to stutter, notifying you of both his and your approaching orgasm. Chuuya brought his hand down to your clit, rubbing in time with his thrusts. You blacked out as you came, screaming and overloaded with pleasure. When you finally came to, Chuuya was slowing down his thrusts, still prolonging the pleasure.
When he finally stopped moving and pulled out of you, you could feel his juices seeping out of you. You laid on the bed, too dazed to move, and watched as Chuuya grabbed a wet cloth from the bathroom and cleaned you up.
“I think that was a successful mission. We got what we needed and we finally slept together,” Chuuya joked. You cracked a small smile and chuckled at him. How could you ever think that being with Chuuya wouldn’t go well?
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kingcunny · 2 days
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(reply via @neurodivergentguy )
the ageism/ beauty obsession* is what it *probably is*, but that deeply depresses me so im gonna let the delusions speak and explore other ideas.
also just… pointing out. matthew needham is only 11 years younger than paddy… they were born in different generations but 10 years is not a generation gap? that doesnt seem like enough of an age gap for ageism to apply to one but not the other but… well what do i know. (and pleace and love, i think hes cute, but matthews far from the most handsome man in hotd) also. exception that prooves the rule? rhys ifans is 6 years Older than paddy (and ottos the one who set alicent up to be brutalized by every man around her until she dies, it were going by hotd canon!) and sure, otto Might be the second most hated in the fandom, but not anywhere Near how vis is. but rhys is also incredibly handsome. so that Obviously gives the character he plays a free pass to do whatever.
* (is there a word for that? (other than. eugenics lol. cause like thats the idea Behind it but not quite to the extreme that im talking about? i mean more peoples attraction towards ‘beauty’ vs a repulsion towards ‘ugliness’) cause i need one for how often i talk about it)
if it was just about actions then theyve both done terrible things. and theyve both hurt everyones favorite beautiful doe eyed pretty brown eyed beauty beautiful pretty girl. but larys doesnt get near the amount of vitriol for it. people analyze what larys did. people ship Them. (same thing more or less applies to what i said above about otto)
and if youll allow me to straddle my armchair for a moment, then theres my thought that viserys is the bad dad we get the most time with. and NOBODY has a good relationship with their father. most people cant do anything about that, so instead they seek catharsis through fiction. smacking the representation of your father cause you cant smack your real father. see also- succession fandoms treatment of logan roy
while i do think its ultimately just about playing favorites, ageism, beauty obsession**, i think theres also an element of ableism. and hear me out, cause i know ur thinking ‘arent they both disabled?’
larys disability is very visible and apparent, the limitations of that disability as well. his leg is twisted, he wears that metal boot over his foot, he walks with a cane, he has a limp. he cant run, cant fight, cant hunt, i can tell you from personal experience stairs are a struggle. he can probably ride a horse but its sure not comfortable. its more understandable. more or less, what you see is what it is. and, importantly, its not… unpleasant** to look at. his face is fine. the rest of his body is fine. just his leg.
viserys disability spawns from an illness. and even though hotd changed viserys illness to be more visual, the nature of illness is you cant see the cause, only the effects. and most of those effects are only things the person experiencing the illness can feel.
i had a conversation with my mom about this awhile ago after she pulled a tendon? in her leg and was in near constant pain while it healed, couple weeks. she told me she had no idea how i handled this, day in/day out, week after week, for Years. she was miserable and at the end of her rope after just a week of it. my moms a runner and runs something like 50 miles a week, obviously she couldnt do this while it healed and was very depressed about it. i could only kinda laugh. i couldnt tell her how i handle it, cause i cant. i just told her i think if you dont have chronic pain or a chronic illness, you just straight up do not and Will not understand what its like. she just had a little taste of it.
i think that also might be why theres not as much (good) discussion around viserys disability. because people just, do not understand it. dont understand what its doing to him.
they dont get how chronic illness eats away at you (in vis case, literally!) taking piece by piece until theyres nothing left. until youre just a shell of the person you used to be. they dont feel how chronic pain grinds away at you until youre nothing but a raw exposed bundle of nerves. because those arent things you can see. only feel. experience first hand.
the show tries to make up for this lack by making viserys illness have a very striking visable aspect to it. to show the progression of his illness and the effect its having on him. but illness is gross**. its not pretty. its not pleasant to look at, to *think* about. it ravages his face, his body, his teeth rot and his hair falls put. his arm has to be amputated, his eye is removed, half his face rots away. peoples stomachs turn to look at it and their animal instincts that this is Bad kick in.
if im being kind, most people dont want to talk about things that are unpleasant. that make them sick, that upset and scare them.
if im not being kind, the eugenics minded decide that this means *viserys* is bad. that this is a punishment for or straight up a moral failing of his. outer beauty reflects inner beauty so ugly=evil pretty=good. and all that bullshit. if youre coming at it from this pov you CANT think deeper about viserys disability/illness/character beyond it being a punishment or joke, because then you must confront your belief that illness is a punishment reserved for the Bad. and that is a thought that is just incompatible with life
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evansbby · 1 month
imma be the purple heart anon because i dont want my stories to get lost and also i know imma be mad active in your asks pooks😼😼 omg and yeah the rings been on my finger for over two years now, it fits perfectly, i was destined to find it
it was just getting so long i didnt want you to have to read a whole essay of him fucking me brain dead- but some deets about it, like okay, making out, hes got some typa way for my hips, and i made a joke about how its his primal instincts to go for birthing hips because HES GOT A BREEDING KINK and he straight up went “its primal instincts for YOUR hips” but this was like two sex seshs later
so we start making out, and lemme tell ya, his hands ROAM, he did NOT leave skin untouched, he was FEELING ME. so making put, i move over to drivers side on his lap, and he like grabbed my ass and moved me closer to him on his lap, and i grabbed his shoulders to stable myself, he just kinda was roaming my sides and my ass and thighs and kissing me and he was a GOOD kisser, so then he slips his hand under my work shirt, and i had on leggings, so hes touxhing my skin and he starts kissing my neck, theres like no space between us for jesus, and like okay, imma be a little tmi, im a wee bit reactice and sensitive, and he grabs my hips and grinds me down on him and im ngl i let out the most EMBARRASSING moan, i was 😟😟 after, i was in shock, and i felt him like smile against my neck and he pulled a “you like when i do that?” LIKE YES. YEA I FUCKING DO. and i obviously didnt say that i just kinda laughed and nodded my head, and he was like “yeah baby? should i do it again?” and his VOICE bro, it was right in my ear. dawg. i was two seconds away from gaggin on it right then and there, but lolz, so i just kinda nodded, and he did it again and i was gone, he went back to kissing me and like was moaning in my mouth and i was so far gone, his moans are 😫😫 they get me WEAK thinking ab them, and he like grabs my hand, and pulls it down to his pants, and he pulls away and is like “is this okay” and im like brain gone, thinking with my pussy, and im like “yes” and imma be fr with you, i added a please, i was begging, and so im like rubbing him through his pants, and he starts going to MY pants, and he rubbing and im moanin moanin at this point, and he stops, and is like “baby, can i take these leggings off of you?” and i just nodded, i got so fucking brain dumb, its just him, his voice, his SMELL, he smells so man, and im just in awe, im gone, AND THEN.
“wanna lift yourself up for daddy so i can take these off?”
KAGEJSHSHEHSJSJ HELLO??? i was fully gone then. i was no longer me, i was possessed by his dick and voice, and he took them off, bro was in my panties so quixk as soon as they were past my calfs, they were around my ankles and my knees were on eiether side of him, imma be fr, the position was awks, but it was so yummy so i didnt care, and then his ling fingers deep, kissing me, and im moaning, and i could feel him like one handedly yankiing off his oants so i fumble my hands down there and try to help (i really dont) but he pulls his pants down a bit with some finaggling and like its his boxers mainly, and bro, through his boxas? dicks THERE. and hes like “glove compartmeny baby, daddy needs to fill you up, i wanna be inside this pretty pussy baby” and i SCURRY to grab a condom, and like, anything for daddy🙏🙏 whatever you say daddy😫😫 but i was RIDIN him like a mfer, im ngl, last time i had sex before this was a year prior with my ex. so im ngl, him fittin it, lowks kinda was uncomfy, but it was soooo gooooodddd, ugh and bro he was so keen on making sure i was comfortable and feeling good, i was dead and gone, and i was beggin this man for more, so all that continues, and we finish, and his MOANS BROOO, i cant, hes so fine, hes so yummy, but hes like genuinely so kind and sweet, and we finish and he cleans me up with some napkins he has in his car, and he kissed me so sweetly and put my leggings back on and he like cleaned himself up and he ddint pull his pants up but bulled his boxers back up and we just kinda sat like me on his lap and him still like grabbing my hips and ass, and he gave me some water and drank some too, hes so mmmm hes just so sweet and he LOVES my hips and ass and i just YUM
we still got tacos after and he paid, and he was just so sweet and we go on dates quite often and have en established every other sat movie night but nothings official, but he’s fully admitted feelings for me, but we’re keeping it casual and exclusive and hes just so UGHHHl
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OKAY FIRSTLY. The him putting his hands on your hips and grinding you down on top of him and you moaning??? GURL THAT IS THE MOST RELATABLE THING IN THE WORLD OMFGGGG I DONT EVEN BLAME YOU FOR MOANING OUT LOUD I WOULDVE DONE THE SAMEEE 🥵🥵🥵
But the way he kept calling you “baby” so casually would’ve made me spontaneously combust if I was in your place 😭😭 like you made him sound all casual and smooth and in control UGHHHHH what the FUCK
AND I THINK MY SOUL LEFT MY BODY TOO WHEN YOU SAID HE REFERRED TO HIMSLEF AS DADDY 🥵🥵😭😭😭 like fr i am living vicariously through you bc WHAT THE FUCKKKK. That’s so fucking hot you are soooo y/n bestie you are THAT GIRL ugh wtf!!!! I’m so jealous!!!
Also the way you said he smells like MAN? And that was turning you on??? BESTIE. IGET THAT OMFGG AHHHHH I CANNOT WITH THIS!!! Got me giggling and squealing like this happened to ME or smth bahahaha congrats bestie on your dilf experience!!! And the fact it’s ongoing ahhhhhh good luck!!
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shinigami88 · 5 months
Order of the clock tower
With the decay of angels arc slowly reaching its end everyone's expecting order of the clock tower as the upcoming arc.
Order of the clock tower has the potential to be in my opinion one of the best arcs we came across so far even better than the decay of angels arc.
Before anything the only things we know so far about them is their leader , some of the ability wepons they poses , and a little bit on what they are capable of .
First i would like to predict some of the upcoming characters of this organization before talking about the leader Agatha christie in a different post since there's a lot to say about her.
NOW onto some characters predicted to be in the arc :
Now that the leader is agatha christie i expect even more mystery authors to be in the arc : so that leads to the first character im sure would be pretty interesting to be here is
1- Arthur canon doyle : Well known because of his genius detective none other than Sherlock holmss definitely an amazing character to have in bsd , but.. We already have ranpo who is also based on Sherlock and assuming order of the clock tower being a villain Arthur wouldn't be good even if he presents himself as , So that leaves the question who would Arthur be based on? id say Moriarty but ! A mixture of all of his characters as well , First ,Moriarty since we need someone going against ranpo , but then again i would find it interesting for him to not be like Moriarty straight up and as the plot continues we continue to see through Agatha and Arthur's facades and they develop more into the famous villains both of the real authors wrote , while that would leave us with the question what would arthurs ability be ? Id say
Hounds of the Baskerville : Hear me out , its might seem hard but id say its the best ability for him to have, its easy to stick it to the great War , its not an ability to be figured out fast , can be absolutely powerful, because assagiri could give it a hallucination and a real part. Everyone hallucinating a giant Dark hound with red eyes hunting everyone and a mysterious mist turning dogs and other animals horrifying Perfect to annoy dazai and any other character arthur comes across , Id expect him to be based on John watson as well , having some medical knowledge since we could say he worked as a doctor in the great war so to make it short since i can continue even more about him which i will , it would be like this
Detective ( before war and a good character based on Sherlock )
Doctor ( when war broke out , based on watson got his ability got injured wasnt seen after )
Moriarity ( joined clock tower is now a villain yet he still is like Sherlock as well )
If he joined the agency' under cover it would be fantastic , with his perfect deduction skills he'd make ranpo competitive , and he sees a sherlock and kinda watson in yosano and ranpo ?
UP next theres Carroll yes
Lewis Carroll : everyone is expecting him so i thought about it and yes
He would be powerful and i like it
I hope his a Cat ... Almost all the time... But a powerful cat . yes, I want him to be like the Cheshire cat floating in the air and having the wide grin when he finds someone alone, yet his able to talk as cat , and have a mixture of all the powers in alice in the wonder land and his ability would be named Wonderland . yes
Oscar wilde : another awaited charcter i see..
Sorta based on dorian gray , hold one .. Blond hair, rosy cheeks pale skin blue eyes eternally young younger than everyone in the organization(but his older than that) yep fits order of the clock tower perfectly
He'd be a charmer, charming and fooling everyone until later we get to see more of him. He would be one of the most well liked members of the order of the clock tower , a smile bright like the sun. Eyes that are so beautiful for anyone who looks at them. Great taste in fashion. Yet his not fully like dorian since it would make him atleast to me a bit unlikable. Maybe mixture of his works? Or from some quotes i saw from oscar wilde he'd be humble and a bit wise not totally crazy like dorian. Okay so now we have the ability part. Maybe Picture of oscar wilde ? Or just The picture? Second one is nicer id say . with his ability he could make different painting of people and maybe gift it to them as time passes everyone see their crimes on the picture and would go insane . and if he dosent gift it he'd be able to know everyone crimes by looking at their pictures , maybe if he stabs the picture he'd do some damage . and could say if someone is alive or dead by looking at the picture( him and arthur also met )
Mary Shelly : hold on before anything i was a bit confused after storm bringer was ahem spoilers sorry , that Mary actually mary ?
If yes then its great ! Adam again i hope . but not good news this time and she could have even more necromancy powers and im up for it . builds the prophetic arm everyone is predicting fyodor to have yet she dosent know who she made it for and dosent share the incident with the other members. The job she was offered ( the prosthetic arm ) was requested by and unkown person ( sigma, id expect him to wake up know everything about fyodor and is now on fyodors side, its fyodors turn to have amnesia and sigma, welp dazai left him there idk i expect it not even nikolai came so now him and fyodor are a team? ) maybe its too much? But i find it fun
I have another one but ill make another post
JRR Tolkien : ( ability Lord of the rings ) he'd have all the rings.
I want him to be based on gandalf id be so happy
He'd be wise and a guide. Is like a parent figure to Agatha and Arthur is willing to help the agency but would attack if attacked . the main ring he uses is narya . agatha said they are sending an ability user to burn Yokohama down. Rings a bell? Some characters who have incineration abilities in literature are gandalf and smug . so that ability user was i hope tolkien. On his way to burn Yokohama down.
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brella-boi · 2 months
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Building Dango: Part 2
I actually finished this step a couple weeks ago but was too busy to post with con prep, so here it is now!
In this edition were getting the EVA foam together. I got a big ole cutting board before starting for about 7 quid so its easier to cut out the large shapes.
But first! Tracing.
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We got ourselves the paper pattern to trace and slightly edit. Drop that sucker on the foam. And start cutting.
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For the eyes I am planning to have them domed. Which means I got these googly eyes im going to deface to steal the plastic dome from.
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Cutting the circle was honestly the most nerve-wracking part of this, and I did it in 4 segments just to be as careful as possible.
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I wouldng exactly call cutting the EVA foam easy tbh. I was using mainly 10mm super high density foam as the base structure. That is to make sure that the base head is strong and isnt going to warp during movement. My exacto knife wasnt entirely... long enough to cut through it in one go, and I wouldnt say I was strong enough to do that even if it could lol. My arm and hand hurt afterwards, and theres some parts that came out a little crooked.
A lot of EVA sculptors cut their edges at an angle, and honestly, i was too scared to do that and mess up the angle with how *rough* cutting this already was. So I opted for just simple straight edges. I probably shouldve added some extra space here or there and thought about the fact this foam is 10mm thick. But oh well.
Whats important is its cut and we can move onto gluing.
Now we could use hot glue, or super glue. But the recommendation from Pros is Contact Cement. So thats what were gonna use.
Honestly this was pretty easy. You mark one side and swipe it down evenly with a scrap piece, you leave it to dry for like a minute or two, do the second piece where the first is gonna connect. Let that dry. Then put the two pieces together. Revolutionary shit im telling you. The bond is so damn strong too im shook.
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Theres several parts I wasnt too happy about though. The top and longest piece wasnt long enough and ill need to compensate for it later. And some cuttings werent identical like I wanted. The biggest issue was the fact I didnt take into account the thickness of the foam overlapping at the jaw. So its. Well it doesnt exactly fit right now. But that will be fixed with sanding. A lot of sanding.
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Youre probably looking and pointing at the black pieces of foam too. Thats 4mm low density foam. I wanted it for building details.
For the horn I ran into the problem of it possibly being heavy. And with its placement, it needs to be *light*. Initially I was going to use three pieces of 10mm high density foam. But that sucker weighed about 70 grams together. Thats. A lot. To be put on the tip of the mask.
You may be quick to suggest to carve out two pieces of low density foam as the horn, bend it, and make it hollow. And to that I say: im not experienced enough with eva foam to do that and also i dont want it to get crushed inside a luggage into a deflated Thing.
So i tried to weigh up the difference between the low and high density. And it turns out i can just use 2 pieces of low density foam that equal the size of the high density one, but it weights *half as much*. So instead i used high density as the core of the horn, surrounded by 4 pieces of low density. Which reduced the horn to about 40 grams! Yippe!!
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And with it all put together... it is super blocky. And i am dreading figuring out how to sand it, and actually make it wearable.
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
Ok bestie, anon who followed up on Amoore reporting back as requested ha. I should say we are on a similar page, her & Kitley are very tough to get a read on. And a lot of the online chatter agrees its hard to judge and goes back and forth on whether theres something more going on. For those interested, I suggest watching their youtube ch series for a general sense of them interacting. Entertaining and light vids, not overly long. Really just little things between them here & there that add up. And of course a person can review their socials..
Now onto the tea I came across online. Imperfectly summarized the best I can below. (Allow me to stipulate that I have no way of verifying any of this, so please understand Im not at all sharing any of this to be presented as true or false. Take it as simply passing along the posting of others for conversations sake here in a safe space. Comments/feedback/corrections welcome)
Its described as on/off thing, first beginning summer 2020. A VT insider says people are aware that Amoore hasnt been committed, to put it delicately/nicely. Leading most recently to a break of sorts last Dec-mid Jan. (Added pretty sure they are together rn though. And another person did point out if Liz was getting cheated on why would Georgia seem to maintain a good relationship with the Kitley family, which is a fair Q to pose). But notably, a strangely long break in their podcast took place over that period and for the first time in 3 years they didn’t spend XMas together or hang around each other over the holiday and when podcast recording returned they just said “we had Xmas” and didn’t talk about it. It was also pointed out that sometime in winter, Liz had tickets to see an NHL game and went w Cayla King despite her and Georgia talking about how they wanted to go together before. Only sus bc it happened to coincide w the time where Georgia was speculated to have gotten close to Kate Martin. Then suddenly they K & G werent interacting anymore and L & G seem back to being “besties”.
Liz’s "2020 love playlist"… apparently someone has screenshots that it used to be titled Georgia. Includes some fav bands/songs of Amoores. And a tune called Australia Street lol. Lots of love songs predictably, but some breakup songs were added to it at one point (the comment seems to insinuate during the time they were going through issues)
They're friends with a married lesbian couple (Youtubers/influencers? The Bellaires) who they once visited alone.
Also, fyi, Kate Martin is apparently recently back w her last ex, whoever that is - per talk re social media activity
You're my new favorite person omg because this is my kinda tea fr! Can y'all tell I love some good gossip?
I'm ngl, I was never the most invested in V-Tech or the girls on the team, so I don't really follow them. And I was pretty convinced Liz was straight so I just assumed her and Georgia really were just really close besties.
But this checks out with what I've heard/read too, that they were in that "undefined" kinda place, mainly because of Georgia and eventually Liz got tired of it. I definitely didn't know about the Christmas or the NHL stuff but that makes sense. Also from what I heard, they were probably done for good now with Liz going to the draft? But still being together also makes sense. I'm so invested in this now omg.
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dykeyote · 6 months
ok my dndads queer hc post randomly gets notes but i disagree w many of the takes now so im updating it . spoiler warning theres a WHOLE lot of lezzies . just doing the dads kiddads and teens HOWEVER i will say that mark likely is for sure a lezzer
darryl: bisexual and probably the most cisgender one here but he's actually SO cis that it becomes almost gnc . he/him
ron: transhet guy but he thinks his transition is like very unique to him and everyone else is doing it the exact same as each other so he doesnt really get that hes Transgender bc he thinks everyone else is doing it in a really different way than him all together . not in an angsty way hes perfectly okay w that . he/him
henry: trans bi guy we know this to be true . he/him but if you called him they/them prns he would be like well yknow ive never thought about that before but you know what go right ahead (: he doesnt exactly enjoy it but he appreciates just how gosh-darn nonbinary positive you are that he'd still encourage it
glenn: bisexual and like .... hes cis he doesnt really care abt gender much but when nick came out as trans he definitely said something about like . "dude if i was trans? id totally use they/them pronouns thats sick as fuck" and then moved on and this sort of haunted nick for a while . he/him but again he doesnt really care
jodie: cis and bisexual but in such a boring way that he might as well be straight
sparrow: tgirl lesbian who was out at one point but is not now for Normalcy Reasons . she/her in theory
lark: transneu nonbinary and aroace . not out about either of these things but not really as a like Actively Closeted thing they just dont really think abt it . they/he in theory
terry jr: tgirl lesbian also but this time out AND butch . she/he
grant: gay of course . and like .... he is cis and this wont change but he'd be a good deal happier if he was more gnc i think
nick: tguy butch lesbian . he mostly but he doesnt really care that much
link: kinda-stealth tboy (not really intentionally or anything he just doesnt really see it as relevant that often so most people dk) and gay . he/him but he doesnt really care that much
taylor: honestly idk what i think is going on w his gender but i DO know hes aro and bi . give me some time to think on that ok
scary: out nonbinary tfem lesbian!!!!! we know this!!!!!! she/it and when she writes her pronouns down she always writes the it in VERY BIG AGGRESSIVE HANDWRITING to make it clear that its SUBVERSIVE AND WEIRD
normal: bisexual tgirl . currently in a like . Questioning Phase in s2 i feel like ..... her turmoil abt being a Normal Son is tied to that . any pronouns but she primarily
hermie: bigender (girl + boy) gaybian :3 was an open bisexual tguy originally but around the poison ivy era had some Gender Complexity . he/she but certain Method Personas have diff pronoun leans whereas normal herm is pretty 50/50
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razzmothazz · 4 months
oc sekai description but im not very good at describing stuff
an abandoned train station surrounded by woods, its been overgrown by a variety of flowers and plants in general. the station itself has very beautiful architecture, if you didnt know any better you mightve assumed it was a church at some point. the entrance somewhat resembles a stage, with its wide opening and a lot of room behind the wide steps that lead to it. The building looks pretty run down from the outside, but the inside is in decent condition and is completely safe to explore.
there is a roofing supported by strong, beautifully decorated pillars that stretches out from the entrance, and shelters the train closest to the building.
the tracks dont exactly make sense, with them leading straight from the stairs of the entrance and stretching out straight seemingly forever.
on said tracks rests the previously mentioned train, although from the outside its completely overgrown with only the doors and some windows uncovered, its cozy on the inside with modern furniture. the carriages all have separate room designs, ranging from a room in all white and beige, filled by classy furniture with a beautiful chandelier, to a messy, angsty room filled with potted plants, although theyre all rotten.
some of the tracks branching from the main one also have trains on them, although significantly smaller and not as full on the inside, some even completely empty. one of them has a garden, but most of the plants arent alive or are currently dying, as if no one was taking care of them.
if you follow the main track long enough, you will find a derailed train that seems completely rusted, broken, and overgrown, even on the inside. its halfway in a dark tunnel that also functions as an overpass bridge (?) of sorts for people walking through the woods, so they can walk over the tracks. all of the flora directly around and under the train itself is dried up and withered.
theres another structure visible in the distance behind the derailed train after the tunnel, but since its blocking the way and the woods around it are very overgrown, making it difficult to walk through them, nobody is sure what exactly the building is supposed to be. it appears way more worn down than anything else in the sekai however.
random pictures under cut that fit the aesthetic of the sekai to give you a better idea of the vibes
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sassykinzonline · 1 month
lmk if im annoying you with my questions. 🫣
the will of fire had been originally about how love would bring peace but within the series it seems to have been twisted into a nationalist idea — maybe im wrong so i want another pov as im working on this essay rn (bc im an adhd mess who cant focus on one thing at a time).
seen with shikamaru’s arc and how he is obviously very pro-konoha. how exacrly do yoi think this idea got twisted so badly? i assume its due to tobirama and danzo tbh. but im not sure. (maybe im not explaining well)..
and also, what are your opinions on every in konoha 11 and how they treated naruto. i think theres a weird conditional acceptance they give him in shippuden but doesnt seem like true friendship. yk)
sorry for the long ask!
i'll just keep telling you i love your questions, someday you'll believe it.
ok so the will of fire: in my opinion its inception is kind of what got fucked up. if we're to believe that the sage and the myth about his kids happened in the land of fire, then thats where that starts. the sage's original mistake was the idea that because one brother had a different perspective, he could be excluded from cooperation. its objectively true that to build civilization you need to have a sense of community, but that doesnt implicitly mean that that sense of community needs to manifest in the same way. indra had that, it just wasnt necessarily his priority. they basically punished him for being an introvert (INTJ specifically) ☠️.
so basically the issue with the will of fire is that from the start it was self-defeating. if we need to "pass on" the will of fire because its about building love and community, then we should be finding ways to include everyone regardless of who they are. if theres some arbitrary point where someone is no longer "part of the group", then youre not building love and community.
thats why you end up with the warring states period, where clans are fighting for no real reason, then the founders era where ultimately hashirama doesnt do a very good job of respecting madara or the uchiha, then like you said things absolutely snowball with tobirama because hes essentially just repeating the mistake the sage made on a systemic scale rather than a personal scale like hashirama did.
i would also say that in making "the will of fire", a fairly jingoistic concept in practice, the founding principle of konoha, hashirama is to blame for the naturally occurring state of fascism konoha descended into. so thematically speaking it IS appropriate that naruto becomes hokage in boruto to "end fascism" (or whatever kishimoto thinks fascism is) because he includes EVERYONE even if theyre villains or war criminals or what have you. hes the embodiment of radical empathy. people might not like that but thats pretty much the only way to have a restorative and progressive society particularly to avoid a boomerang back into fascism to begin with.
generally speaking too, pretty much everyone in a position of power is linked to hashirama in some way because of the way succession works in konoha, so its pretty easy to spread propaganda fast and have it take its foothold across generations. your example of shikamaru being -> asuma -> hiruzen -> tobirama -> hashirama.
konoha 11: i might have a different take on this since i know these people so im gonna try to be a bit open-ended
kiba - i actually think kiba has a somewhat fair interpretation of naruto which is that hes annoying, but just another kid, but also they have the same dream so theyre "rivals". especially since they have the same personality (kinda), i think its easy to see why theres friction between them but theyre also both pretty tenderhearted people. in my opinion they have the kind of relationship most people (usually straight guys) think me and naruto have; that rough and tumble Boys Being Boys crap. in shippuden i think hes in the middle of the pack when it comes to being kind to naruto, from what i remember he seemed to be struggling more with the idea of where his allegiances should lie. the fact that he was questioning it to begin with is more than you can say for a lot of them.
hinata - mouse. wants something from naruto but at least its fairly unconditional, and based on his actual spirit. completely useless to being a straight up liability to him though. but in shippuden at a certain point she seems to be aware of that and doesnt force herself to get in his way and stuff the way sakura does.
shino - irrelevant.
ino - her relationship with naruto is pretty funny. this may be controversial but if i think theres someone who's the biggest victim of misogyny in fandom its her. shes smart, shes a good fighter, shes brave, shes kind, she has a lot of accomplishments to her name, shes talented, i could go on and on, but people think shes "unrealized" because she likes hot guys. but it isnt even like she lets that get in the way of her work like others? she just has high self-esteem? shes another person where i think she was indeed kind of mean to naruto when he was a little shit, but also was nice to him when he was nice. as in she treated him more fairly than others when she didnt have too much of a reason to. i do think though that in shippuden it becomes more clear that at the end of it all though she still subscribes to the "hero of konoha" narrative (her sudden thirst for him 😒), but she still treats naruto the same as always so its less conditional.
shikamaru - hes a bit of a user isnt he? im under the impression his father knew of naruto's lineage and THATS the reason why he encourages his son to try and get closer to him. their family are known to be smart and kind of manipulative so....theyre definitely playing chess in that regard. i think, at least, that hes pretty open about his sentiments towards naruto being largely professional, so naruto doesnt have any misconceptions about where they stand.
choji - follower but also a nice guy so hes kinda in the kiba boat of "probably wants to be genuine with naruto but struggling with how much hes allowed to do that".
sakura - shes a down low hater, an opp and a bootlicker. she exemplifies naruto's conditional acceptance. pass.
sai - hes slightly closer than kiba and choji on the "struggle" bus, where he ends up being closer to being genuine with and siding with naruto. im sure his experiences with root are what influence this. i also dont necessarily think his allegiances are to "konoha", i just think he doesnt really get whats going on so hes kind of just reacting to whats happening and deciding how it feels in that moment. hes like a telltale games character with a compass guiding the decisions he makes as he goes along.
lee - openminded, doesnt seem to have a strong creed and is focused more on being of service whoever is doing the most work. if thats naruto then hes helping naruto. if thats konoha then hes helping konoha. he has good mentorship from guy in that sense.
neji - pro naruto from jump. not even a question.
tenten - she doesnt really have anything to say does she? shes not really a political person, she likes blending in, doing her job, and collecting her weapons.
so overall i would say that theres a good amount of people at least trying to question the system and not stand in opposition of naruto, but the people beholden to the system would pose a decent threat.
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Hey sorry to bother but which other blogs do you run? Ik you run gangle's and kaufmo's but idk abt any others but I wanna follow them
[using this ask to do a mod Q&A cause my inbox is flooded w/ stuff directed towards me (soup/stew)]
[A: all the blogs I run will be on the masterlist! some won't be included here (as they arent fully set up yet) but i run this blog, @helper-central (multi-run comic blog . spreading comic propaganda), @theclownkaufmo (obviously!!), and @putting-sun-and-moon-in-places (also multi-run)]
[theres three more blogs but as i said, they're a work in progress! you will learn about them soon]
[more questions answered below the cut. your question may be answered here, feel free to check!!!!!]
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[A: i do use mspaint! i use a lot of art programs actually. ibispaint, procreate, art set, and magma (the website)] [i usually switch between different apps so expect different styles every now and then] [also ty for the compliment :3]
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[A: ghsjkdf ... this makes me really happy to see- im glad you like my blog so much, i love this blog with my soul and i love interacting with the different characters. i consider all my anons important- and i love seeing them around. tysm for this ask!!..]
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[A: is that the guy who played micheal in the fnaf movie. are you kidding m-]
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[also (disappointed sigh) bing is kinger x "blur" (what we named the abstraction we straight up can't design because theres no clear images of what the heck it is)]
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[A: chaos.]
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[A: can someone make a gif of an image of gangle slowly turning into flintheart glomgold. please and ty] [man do i love my character gnalge]
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[i think i have an idea of what it is? i don't think it has any meaning, its just another part of their body. most likely there for aesthetic reasons]
[i'm pretty sure that the badge is just an accessory they wear!]
[final notes: any asks with images i'll probably save for later cause i can't fit them here. and dear xeya. POST YOUR TRAGEDY PROPAGANDA ON YOUR OWN BLOG!! STOP SPREADING KAUFMO X GANGLE AHHHHH-]
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the-kipsabian · 9 months
god this got so much longer than i intended im so sorry oof
i am admittedly very fascinated by kips gear design (so much so in fact that i straight up asked him if we could ever hear process or design notes about it lmao), so i had some of my own thoughts honestly
im gonna make this in chronological order cause its easier to explain the reasoning that way, so i hope it makes sense but
so we have to go back to the last of the superbad designs first
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i cannot for the life of me find a photo of the backside of the gear, but i literally rewatched arcade anarchy for research for this as thats one match i can name from the top of my head where he wears this, and it holds no relevancy (apart from the 'superbad' text on the ass) to what im gonna talk about later, so
but yeah.. i have no explanation for this design choice tbh lol. im pretty sure most of this was just "because he liked the colors and it looked cool", its mostly an aesthetic choice afaik. which, admittedly, it is. its really fucking pretty. the only thing i can say from the top of my head is the drip effect on the top of the tights, as that was in some previous superbad shorts, so thats a recycled thing (and will continue to be, so its good to point out here). likewise the non-matching kneepads, tho interestingly enough the side of the one with images changes as we move on, which. i'll talk about a bit later
i just wanted to point this one out cause it has some elements that keep on appearing later, and also cause its pretty. longboy supremacy 💜
moving onto the return/boxman gear
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the boxman gear holds up some of the old design choices - the different kneepads, the drip effect, at this point he also had mismatching kickpads which i found extremely interesting (especially after realizing this was a repeat design choice. like if you look at them, the right one has a light pattern on it but the left one doesnt. and then compare those to the superbad kickpads. same thing). and yeah the superbad text still remains on the ass, which i find kinda funky considering he literally right up to the reveal of this new look went around ripping into his old self so. hmm. tho this is a point im gonna bring up in the collective thoughts later, so put a pin on it
but. theres a few things i wanna focus on here. mainly the clearly toned down color scheme - the more wine red, black and white is clearly toned down from whatever that aesthetic mess was before. but it works, especially later with the colored hair. i dont know the significance of it apart from him just really liking those colors so he wanted to use them (which i believe he has mentioned off-hand before so im just pulling this from my memory idk), but im mentioning them now to talk about it later a bit more when we get to the current design
also the big head on the side. this is more relevant later, again, with how it changes from design to design, but its interesting to see that despite moving on from his "previous self", hes still carrying that image with him. sure its a bit more updated, but the base for the superbad is there and used for it. like i get it that its a logo thing, but still. it sure is a choice
and thennnnn the kneepads. cause this is where i feel like the interesting shit starts (before we move on to current look which is what really prompted this whole thought process). see, there used to be a kip head there. now its a question mark. which has been imagery he used a lot during the boxman era both before and after his return, even to the point where there was a question mark on the back of the box (with the word 'back', yes, but the question mark was still very much there. omnipresent, if you will, as was the boxman himself). it feels like a nod about forgetting, abandoning to your old self and searching for something new, searching for yourself again. to me this looks like a sign of 'who am i/who was i' type of deal, like its such a deliberate choice of where its put - and yes i know the knees change between this and the previous design, but i feel like the point still stands. even more so with the swapped knee tbh, being so lost trying to find yourself you make mistakes. i know this is a reach but bear with me lmao
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look at this. look at it. so i mentioned before that the different patterning on the kickpads, right? well its only on the right side. which is also the only side with the drip effect on it. and look at the kickpad. the pattern shows better in the ddt photo lighting, but what does that look like? its kinda like a blood splatter. and knowing at this point in time, for this character, kip was doing character studies and consuming media etc. about characters that were most often serial killers or otherwise similarly deranged... yeah baby this is a nod to that you cant tell me otherwise!!
and then some choices i just wanna mention cause i think they're interesting but i have no fucking idea what they mean or why they are there lmao. apart from the 'time changes us all' text on the right side, thats pretty obvious (and plays to everything else ive pointed out so far actually) as well as the fact that instead of a few selected fingers, he started taping almost all of them (wedding band my beloved). that one i know he has mentioned was an aesthetic choice cause he liked it (also it might have something to do with him previously having dislocated a finger mid match sssooooo)
but anyways
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i just really wanna talk about the lacing of the kickpad. yeah, just the one. cause i really dont know why, but im completely in love with the asymmetry of this design choice, its very similar to the one patterned kneepad. its also made into a more obvious one as time goes on i think, cause its barely visible in the return match at all in zero hour, but just few months down the line its fully visible and you can even see it in the promo pictures, the bow end of it just dangling about. i just honestly think its really cute, but also relevant to, again, the current design so im gonna talk about it more later
..and then i just offhand wanted to mention. this. cause i dont know what the fuck this is or why its a choice in this design but. it is. so here you go have fun lmao
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(like in speculation i had a quick thought that MAYBE its trying to match pennys new gears garter belt style, as its just about the same spot, and since they did kinda matching styled gear? but thats literally all i got. i got so distracted by this fucking thing and i have no idea what it is. i hate it now, thats all i know lmao) anyways, moving on! current design yay!!
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so what i find the most interesting here, compared to the two others, is lack of color. honestly i think the grayscale works wonderfully with the rest of the design choices as well as his current look, but seeing him go from the previously colored design to this just sparked a thought in me.. tho idk how much of that actually plays into this design choice, considering this was done before he started the transition more away from what the boxman had become with the 'underrated and over it' gimmick and hes moving towards a much more confident version of himself again (sex idol, anyone?), but hes trying to prove something here. less flash in design, more flash in character, if that makes sense. also, classic villain look, black and white and cheesy blond 80s hair. i love him
the drips are also to the minimum now for some reason, and the splat pattern on the kickpad is gone. which is sad cause i really loved that detail, but again, minimalism, more classical and clean look. it still works, but i miss it. i also just like it how all the text is easier to look now, while that font just has the creep vibes. this whole set up feels like a homage to old black and white horror movies tbh, now that i think about it which i absolutely would not put past him
whichhhhh leads us to the first big point i wanted to make with this one - the mask on the side that now entirely replaces the previous kip heads. he very briefly brought it up as part of the two episode stint they did in ddt in february this year with penny, and there was like a single photoshoot in aew with it
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and then it was never brought up again. which i believe is cause kip said once that he was waiting for a good opportunity and a longer storyline to bring it out for its full potential. which, sadly never happened as i believe he has now plans to move on from it (and possibly return to the box? we shall see, but thats what he said he wanted to do, so), but i find it interesting that its chosen as the new logo to replace the original kip head on the tights, but yet the box logo design remains on both the front and the back of the jacket (which i didnt bring up here as while i love the design, it holds no relevancy in these cases im talking about here, apart from this one) and the actual mask is never seen on screen
the second thing i wanna talk about is the text on the back. previous two designs have said 'superbad', this one says 'the gallery' - for uninformed, this was(/is?) the unofficial team name of kip, butcher, blade, bunny and penelope. although i believe they are more or less now coining the name 'deadly alliance', but since neither is official... anyways, i just wanna point it out that hes moving on from singling and acknowledging himself only, and moving more into team territory here, which is an interesting touch. especially for someone who can often be viewed as a mastermind behind the things he makes his little henchmen do. hmmm (i could talk about this alliance forever but im gonna spare you, let it just be known that i dont think they are on as equal standings within this group as they might let you believe or think themselves lmao. like kip is obviously leading this bunch of killers but thats a whole another tangent. its just an interesting thought in the relation to him now having a team name on the gear [especially when in the meantime both butcher and blade i believe just have their names SO])
and finally! the actual thing that made me wanna write this whole four fucking hours long operation!! the color splash details!!!
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these. the lacing. its the only colorful thing in these pants and it has sparkled so many thoughts in me god. like i obviously see how these were easy to recycle from the previous design (although they are different laces so. theres also that. which makes this an even more deliberate choice), and keeping the colors consistent by making the two similar pieces the same color. this also can be tied together to the horror movie theme still, as while we lack blood splatters overall, we do have these here. in red. which i feel like is an important detail
i do want to, however, talk about why i thought this was so important and what it sparked in me. now, this might be the part where im fucking reaching and reading too much into this, but.. in this transition towards something new and something else, few former pieces remain, although they change along the way. the kneepads are still similar, the pants are still pinstriped, the red laces are there, the kickpads are similar, minor changes to some of the designs, etc.. the basics are the same, but it swaps to new things over time, as we move on
whats the saying thats hes using as a catchphrase and a hashtag everywhere again?
embrace the change
so you see. hes embracing it. hes moving on. hes changing. little by little, things are different, but hes making the active role in accepting it and making them happen. hes still the same old underneath, just the perception to outside and how its viewed is different. the patterns change. the colors change. the names, the phrases, the looks. they all change, hes embracing it, but it all comes down to the same old, because thats the thing; even if youre moving on, you cant forget your roots. cause whats the other, a bit lesser known saying?
time doesnt heal; it changes you
thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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loaffofbred · 10 months
Hmm.. interesting (qsmp rambles)
Note: All roleplay/characters
So much has happened lately in one day! Apparently Bad has to do a survey for the fed, Cellbit has done the final code/enigma, Forever's plan to leave the island, Pac&Mike's plan against Foolish, and Roier found a book that Foolish possibly wrote with a gun in the grandma room of Cellbit's castle.
I find all of them interesting, but since im massively biased, i wanna focus on Foolish's and Bad's since im super curious with what's been happening to them. The questions seem like they plan to do something to change themselves, maybe they'll make actual changes? It'll be interesting if they actually listen to the suggestions and answers of the different members. Bad used the reward in order to ask the possible entities the federation has created, which is pretty smart since itll answer several of the questions we have, including the code, the eggs, and the island overall. It's interesting that the federation is rewarding or making transactions with this, I guess its self aware of everyone's distrust. If they ever do answer the question honestly, i feel like they'll be just as vague, but at least they're giving answers unlike the past months lmao
About Foolish's book and gun in Cellbit's castle, the thing is, theres at least 2 possibilities:
Richas was the one that put it, including the gun! Since he has a gun himself and may know some spanish, and is there to simply hide it for fun or for others to also possibly get it.
Foolish hid it, changed the contents of the book ( since the book wasn't with codes nor written in spanish before ) because he wanted to give a gun for fun! This is indicated further based on Foolish's (supposed to be qsmp) recent stream with the emoji as Grandma and his statements about his guns to Forever, saying he already has possible plans behind it. This means he did this offstream ;)
It's definitely leaning more towards Foolish, especially the overall mannerisms of the book, with the middle finger at the end of the page and random codes. But i wonder why he would do it in general, most likely for fun since its not like many ppl have any ammo for the gun. Yet I cant help but feel like its such a weird move, especially now that many people suspect him to be working for the federation! But this does establish that he would never be fully with the feds, which are definitely against spreading around guns lmaoo
I'm not super informed about Pac&Mike's possible plan, but from what I know they may use Rey(Phoenix) as a hostage, possibly do something to Foolish's dragon (Keep in mind they will be avoiding hurting Leo here), or kill him after an interrogation;
Killing him off wont be too incriminating, maybe except the badge but thats it really it
Interrogating him may be useful as long as they don't go in circles like the previous interrogations, its best to listen but also dont expect a direct answer from him. Imo its best to keep it casual, but if they don't have the patience, then go off
Rey as a hostage - Maybe possibly can work since he can be very attached to animals, i.e Mr. Mustard, but it depends highly if he feels actually threatened.
Destruction of Foolish's Dragon - Easier but more riskier to execute, probably should be the last resort!
If theres one thing i would recommend when it comes to trying to get through to Foolish, Bad probably knows more tactics since he knows Foolish very well. I know the trap/revenge will be done tomorrow but I feel like they could've benefited from taking advice from Bad at some point. Not sure if this is confirmed but if Foolish does stream tomorrow I wonder how he'll react to Pac&Mike's experiences. Since his moral compass is nowhere near similar to theres, I think they may misunderstand his intentions based solely off of his not so straight morals. If Mike ever does do revenge, from what I know of Foolish, he would never clap back at Mike (unless if it involves Leo and his family). Foolish is pretty chill and tries not to maintain any grudges, so if he was killed off, I think he would understand. In the end though, I do hope they come to an understanding! Foolish definitely still has to lie just because of his job lmao buttt, I think they can still come to an understanding without all the info he has.
anyways thats all folks, carry on!
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spearxwind · 11 months
been thinking a lot about my different oc worlds recently. ive said before ive got four, but technically it's five if you count extinction.
im gonna put all my thoughts under a readmore bc once again this got insanely long jkllkjjkf. i be rambling
most of my attention has definitely been going into challenger deep the past year (and will likely continue), recently i refurbished hollowridge as well and have had a lot of fun with it (even if i havent drawn much to show for it...)
the other two of the set of four i originally posted about are my agony drive and broken horizon settings. Broken horizon is more of a personal headworld where ive set my dragon ocs, but I have not really been successful with it in terms of like. worldbuilding and crafting a story for it, mostly because there are very few characters in it currently and i struggle with it. But it's the world where cercerion and my sona dima (as an oc) exist. i would love to actually do a better job with it sometime but it currently isnt a huge priority because ive been focused on the other two main ones (but again since its just a personal headworld it literally is just some place i like to mentally hang out and fly around in, im not super bothered by it being undeveloped.)
However we have the two troublemaker worlds now
the agony drive setting has been driving me more than a little nuts because of its whole situation with it. i absolutely adore the characters i have in it, but i have no idea what to do with the world itself. it used to be a joint project so i was extremely limited in the way i could develop it bc i depended on the other individual enjoying the ideas and i did my best to keep it afloat almost being the sole contributor to it, so now that its liberated i just didnt know what to do with it. i do like a bunch of the lore bits i came up with but some part of me is like 'idk if i enjoy this as a world' bc it still feels limited in some way? Another issue is that while hollowridge (previously my horror and slapstick gore setting with demons/angels/magic vibes) was dead in the water, i channeled that violence slapstick demon/magic vibe through TAD, but getting a focus back on hollowridge has kinda just. straight up deleted a bunch of TAD's reason to exist? i dont know if that makes sense
HR isnt really that much slapstick violence because death is final, and TAD is more cartoony in that sense bc death ISNT final which is its main reason to exist (unlimited violent major character death for the funnies), but theres a weird overlap that is keeping me from focusing correctly because it makes my brain go 'you are doing the same thing twice'
I would really really love to actually turn it into something fun and unique (separate from my other worlds) but i really havent been sure how to go about it because of that overlap. i genuinely think its just a problem of 'you have to actually develop the setting to have fun in it' and i just havent been able to do that yet bc i cant decide what i want it to BE. TAD has also never really had a lot of story to begin with so it makes things harder bc the story is the vehicle to explore the world with. its pretty frustrating bc midas set and david are some of my fav ocs ive made and i miss them but god dammit if it isnt hard to actually work with the whole thing....
and last but not least... the fifth one. extinction. a lot of you probably know this one from my comic. if youve been here since like... 2014-2015 (which would be insane) you might remember me beginning to develop that story until it eventually became the comic that is currently sitting unfinished and feels like a huge weight on my shoulders just out of sheer shame
the issue with extinction is that it was a lot of characters that i deeply loved (and still i still deeply love!!) all with fun plotlines, backstories, and a lot of fun tidbits to em that i ended up bending and breaking dozens of times just for the purpose of fitting them into a relatively short story that i could draw out and finish. and more importantly into something i hoped would be handleable instead of spiralling out of control like it had happened before
but what i didnt realize is that by doing so, i "locked" their lore in place into these very small boxes that would fit into a story, and thus i would remove what i had loved about those characters and their interactions that i had come up with years and years ago and a lot of my very very cool ideas for them simply went out the window in favor of .... well i dont. know. but off it went
i live in complete shame for not being able to finish the comic. it genuinely is a huge and extremely heavy weight on my shoulders and this whole thing has prevented me from even thinking of said ocs for years now even though they are some of my oldest and most beloved. saying all of this is not something i take lightly in the least as well
so recently I have been thinking about bringing them back as well... maybe (to the extent that i can... i have a lot of ocs and you guys know i have a lot of bias when drawing faves. so i cant guarantee content but at least i would be able to think about them again).
essentially the same way that i rewrote and got back my old concepts for hollowridge that slapped hard i want to get back my original ideas for extinction that i thought were really cool and just wasnt able to fit into a comic narrative
obviously this would come with a lot of retconning and i know a lot of people will probably not like it if i do it and i think thats something i have to face and learn to live with
but yeah anyways. TLDR is i really want to actually do something proper for TAD but have been having a lot of trouble with it unfortunately, but im working on it. and ive also been feeling rly nostalgic about extinction so you might see the characters again, albeit different in terms of story from what you probably know
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No don't apologize for the Stucky stuff! I only watched Endgame once in the cinema because it pissed me off so much.
And I just did it again expecting to maybe be a little more forgiving. But NO I am still pissed off mainly because of this part...
same for me! watched endgame once and it pissed me off sooo much. im not sure whether i watched it ever again but im sure that in the future i definitely wont! and y'know for me its not even about shipping them (tho i do somewhat in the sense of i love their dynamic and want to see more of it no matter whether platonic, queerplatonic (or romantic)). but in the movies it is shown that there is no one more important to steve than bucky (man didnt want to fight against him although he was brainwashed and ready to kill him) and bucky literally broke 70 years of mind control for steve (and you dont just establish such a beautiful line as 'til the end of the line' in one movie and then betray that sentiment). they literally love each other! but for some reason people cant fathom platonic love (which it is in canon) greater than romantic love so they think if given the choice steve would go back to peggy. which is the direct opposite of what the three captain america movies showed us! he moves on! he learns she had a happy life, he goes to her funeral for fs sake! he kisses her niece (also dumb ass move of the directors guess they thought it would make people stop shipping stucky or whatever, hate that they basically just included sharon for love interest reasons). and in endgame hes been in the present for about 11 years! thats double the time he knew peggy in the 40s. and he. moves. on. (sorry it annoys me that they just ignored the whole character development). also the same goes for peggy. while she still was pretty one-dimensional love interest like in the movies, the series about her finally did something with her besides being the woman captain america likes. and she also. moved. on! and then they just erased all that, booted the series out of canon and just made her a cardboard-cut love interest again! ugh. also someone please tell me how it makes sense that Steve Rogers, the man that searched 2 years for Bucky without knowing whether hed find him and who fought out a civil war (at least partially) for him, would just sit around in the 50s while knowing that bucky was being tortured by hydra right now. he just wouldnt. thats so completely out of character i wanna scream! oh god this is long. anyway once again:
and yes im aware that even with steve staying in the present, steve and bucky's relationship would still have been sidelined in favour of a romantic, straight (its marvel what are we expecting) one. i guess thats what i mean when i say im shipping them. they are made for each other ('its difficult to find someone with shared life experience' -> bucky shows up, god i love this) and their relationship is one of the most important in their lifes (if not the most) and relationships with other people (romantic, platonic, queerplatonic or other) would not change anything about that. but marvel (and lets be real the people watching) dont see this. so i have something to rant about for days :)
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