#and isn't in prison
captainjonnitkessler · 10 months
Sometimes I wish we would start calling out the performative radicalism on this site for the poser bullshit it is. "Remember, it's always morally correct to kill a cop!" "Don't forget to firebomb your local government office!" "Wow, it sure would be a shame if these instructions on how to make a molotov cocktail got spread around!"
Okay. But you're not killing cops or firebombing government offices. You are posting on a dying microblogging website to a carefully-curated echo chamber that has radicalized itself into thinking that taking the absolute most extreme position on any subject is praxis but that anyone discussing the most practical way to effect actual change is your sworn enemy. You do not have the street cred OR the activist cred to be talking about killing cops, babe.
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stump-not-found · 3 days
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just pretend i remembered to draw the cracks on bill consistantly
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so rhaenyra starts s3 with a god complex, believing herself to be the prince that was promised from aegon the conqueror's dream... but hugh and ulf will betray her, mysaria will misunderstand her, coryls will undermine her, bartimos will underestimate her, daemon will abandon her, her people will turn against her and burn her castle and kill her dragon. and when everyone who accepted rhaenyra as queen rejects her, the only person left to love rhaenyra will be alicent, who never loved rhaenyra as queen but rhaenyra as a person ("she was the vision that sustained him [...] it was his love for her that kept him resolute in his choice of heir."). alicent, who abandoned her gods and duty to go to rhaenyra on dragonstone and appeal to the person beneath the crown ("i cast myself on the mercy of a friend who once loved me."). alicent, who's made a god of rhaenyra, not as queen, but as the girl she read with beneath the godswood ("come with me.").
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sparklingsora · 28 days
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silly thing that got me out of artblock
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bet-on-me-13 · 7 months
Ghost Zone Breakout Au
So! Danny is missing. Maybe it's a Vivisection AU and he ran away, maybe he got trapped by one of his Rogues, either way, Danny is gone and his Rogues are free to spread across the planet.
Walker in particular has an interesting adventure.
After Danny trashed his Prison and broke Wulf out, people realized that it wasn't as impenetrable as he made it out to be. And what's an army of Immortal Criminals to do when given all the time in the world? They test each and every method they can to break in or to escape.
Danny's actions caused a Domino Effect that lead to Walkers Prison being torn apart from both the inside and the outside. He lost his Territory, his Power, and most of his Guards. So he decided to start again in the Mortal Realm.
And he found the perfect New Haunt.
He's never seen such a sorry Prison in his AfterLife (It's an asylum). Criminals breaking in and out every other week, no prisoner staying for longer than a month at most, and nobody is doing anything to fix it.
He needs to remedy this.
So one night, he and his Army of Ghostly Guards attack the Prison. They Overshadow whatever guards are on Duty, take control of the Prison Systems, and Initiate a Total Lockdown.
Walker then sends out a Message.
"People of the Mortal Realm. I an Warden Walker, the new Head of this here little Prison. We have seen how terrible this sorry excuse for a prison is, and decided to take it upon ourselves to fix it. From now on, we will be the Guards of this Arkham. Send your prisoners here, and they will stay here. Try to break in, and you will never leave. Try to force us out, and you will join our undead Ranks. This is not a Negotiation, this is not a Request, this is an Announcement. If you have a problem with this, then I will be happy for personally meet you. I am in need of new employees after all."
After this message, many tried to stop him, but none were successful. He didn't seem to understand that a Prison is meant to hold Prisoners for a determined amount of Time, not forever. Or that it wasn't a Prison in the first place, it was an Asylum to treat the mentally ill.
The Bats could do anything either. Any time they tried to take back the prison, they were beaten back by the Possessed Guards and Ghostly Guards patrolling the grounds. And they didn't want to hurt the Hostages.
They needed a solution, so they got to digging.
Apparently they weren't the only ones who were dealing with Ghost Related Issues. All across the world, powerful Ghosts were claiming large areas of land as their new Haunts, weaker Ghosts were running Rampant in the spaces in between, and JLD was being run ragged as they tried to help wherever they could.
It was a worldwide issue, and they needed to find the Cause.
After a lengthy investigation, they found that all the Ghosts originally came from one Place. A small town in Illinois where they had been trying to break into the Mortal Realm for years, but they had been stopped by another. A Ghost who protected the Mortal Realm from the powerful Spirits of the Dead.
If they had any hope of containing this threat, they needed his help. They needed to find Phantom.
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bbbartblog · 2 months
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Chibi Prisoner~
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"Sacrifice the Yourself" (title pending), the hip new slay the princess swap AU, in which you and the girlies must decide if you're gonna let a giant bird stab you (and maybe.... find love?!)
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loudlittleecho · 4 months
Danny Phantom Prompt: Too Late to Save Them
Ok! There are similar concepts floating either around here or AO3 (or both), but I haven’t been able to find this particular angst path. (Though I’m sure it’s around)
Canon Divergence After TUE (The Ultimate Enemy)
Danny fought his evil self, but was too late to save his family. Clockwork didn’t reverse time to save them— they were always meant to die. It was their “time.”
Danny was flown backward from the explosion, his body hurtling along with the rubble. 
The rubble. 
When the dust settled he heard sirens in the distance. Saw. . . a torn red beret beside his foot.
His. . . 
Distraught, confused, exhausted, Danny notices a woman crouched down beside him. She’s speaking to him, but he can’t hear her; there’s a dull buzz all around him, and the world seems more. . . narrow. It’s hard for him to focus on what he’s seeing. 
And then she. . . freezes. 
The world freezes in time. 
The ghost, Clockwork, is floating behind her. He has his hand out, waiting for something. His expression unreadable, but Danny understands. 
His fingers lightly grasp the thermos holding his future self. As though in a trance, he lifts it up to Clockwork. Gives him the thermos. 
Clockwork accepts it, continues looking at him impassively. 
Resumes time. 
. . . 
The days go by. He is released from the hospital in the care of a caseworker. She is talking to him gently, but he doesn’t hear what she’s saying. 
He's had many people talk to him, so many people gazing at him with pity. He can't be bothered to care.
He is led to a car, someone buckles him in. The car begins driving, and soon is parked in front of Fenton Works.
His home. 
The caseworker is saying something. . . Something about his aunt Alicia. He ignores her, walking into the house. 
Into the lab. 
He hears her scurrying after him.
Ignoring her cries of alarm, he goes into the portal. 
He floats in the ghost zone. A few ghosts attempt to banter with him, push him around; but noticing his non reaction, leave him be. 
He can’t go home. Can’t go to Vlad. He has to keep his humanity to prevent becoming a monster. 
But how can he keep what he can’t feel?
He’s lost them all.
But he can keep his promise. 
“Don't worry. I won't turn into that. Ever. I promise.”
He floats further and further into the ghost zone. 
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vi-is-badass · 3 months
Arcane Season 2 - The Base Violence Necessary for Change
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I think this shot is the most interesting part of the trailer. We see a shot of Jinx as a painting on a wall. A symbol. A leader. Her actions stand for revolution in Zaun and I think this could be an interesting expansion of Arcane’s exploration of violence and the idea that there is a base violence necessary for change.
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Silco is framed as an antagonist in season 1 because of his actions against the undercity people specifically.
In act 3 he’s not the revolutionary he positioned himself as and is instead hurting the people of Zaun through his leadership. He’s doing as much to hurt topside as Vander was in act 1 (meaning nothing at all). He’s even got the sheriff working with him just like Vander, but, unlike Vander, Silco is hurting his own people to facilitate power and he’s not even fighting for that freedom he claimed to want so much.
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We see the damage his actions have wrought. We see the shimmer addicts, forgotten and exploited. We see that he's created a hierarchy rather than a community.
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And it’s contrasted with the firelights. People considered terrorists to Piltover, who do use violence to fight back against Silco and topside, and yet offer the biggest glimmer of hope. They aren’t villainized. The act of fighting back isn’t villainized and it shouldn’t be.
Because it’s not the violence in and of itself that’s the issue. It’s what that violence is used for.
The series hammers this idea home through Vander. 
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Vander’s staunch stance against violence is flawed as well. It comes from a good place. A desire to protect what he loves rather than destroy what he hates and it did create a time free of the death revolution brings, but it’s made it so no ground could be made to free Zaun and create a better world for the people in it. It created stagnation. 
The people of the undercity are still stuck in a cycle of crushing poverty, growing up without parents, dying young due to pollution or violence wrought by desperate people or oppressive enforcers.
It didn’t move the needle because Piltover and the system in place wasn’t going to change just because the people of the undercity were playing nice.
The unrest and anger felt towards Vander for his ideal was understandable. His views on the cyclical nature of violence and the fact that if you fight you will lose people (“What are you willing to lose”) is correct, but that doesn’t make this option the ideal one.
Which brings me back to that shot in the trailer of that painting of Jinx.
Season 2 looks like it’s going to be a season of opposites and rediscovery where it flips what we expect of Jinx and Vi on its head and further explores these ideas of violence, oppression, and revolution.
And I think this season might possibly do that by reversing how Vi and Jinx reflect Vander and Silco.
In the first season the siblings were direct reflections of their respective father figures, but now they’re inversions. Jinx can become the good to be found in Silco’s ideals and Vi the pitfalls of Vander’s.
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Jinx’s actions in season 1 weren’t those of a revolutionary. Her actions weren’t meant to free the people of the undercity or improve their lives. She didn’t steal the hexcrystal to bring hextech to the undercity and improve their lives and she didn’t kill the enforcers on the bridge to get rid of dirty cops. She didn’t kidnap Caitlyn for a greater cause.
But we know that Jinx isn’t only the violence she enacted. That she is “the monster they (the system and people around her) created”. Her actions weren’t heroic in the first season, but they were driven by the life that was forced upon her. Her hurt and anger are justified.
Now that she’s away from Silco, no longer a part of his machine and actively participating in his actions that were hurting the undercity, her actions and anger can take on a new light. She can rediscover herself away from his manipulations (this isn’t to say he didn’t love her but what he did and said isolated her and allowed her issues to fester) and become that symbol we see on the wall.
Jinx could be in a way what Silco could have been if he didn’t let his own self interest get in the way of his ideals. Not quite as forward thinking as Ekko or as idealistic, but still a symbol for resistance that fights for Zaun.
Whereas Vi is sort of on a path to becoming a darker reflection of Vander’s ideals.
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Vi becomes a part of the system she used to rage against.
 Based on the season 2 teaser that was released in 2021– 
“Nobody else needs to get hurt.”
–I think it’s likely that Vi believes she can prevent more death or can stop Piltover’s violence against the undercity if she takes Jinx in.
Vi sees herself as a protector who has failed at every turn to protect those she cares about. She lost her parents, Powder, Vander, Mylo, Claggor, etc. and she is constantly desperate to try and save what she loves and that will likely drive her decision to become an enforcer.
Vi, like Vander, wants to save what she loves and as a result isn’t going to fight back against topside. This is a much more extreme version of Vander’s ideals. Where she “compromises” in an attempt to prevent bloodshed but as a result enables (or in her case helps) the system in place.
This decision will have negative consequences (and deservedly so!) because no matter what thoughts or feelings are the driving factor in it she is still siding with her oppressors and ultimately helping the system that is the root cause of that loss and pain in the first place. 
Based on the clip released at Annecy and what people have said the writers explained about Vi’s arc in season 2 it seems like Vi will be ostracized for this decision and deservedly so. She won’t belong anywhere. To the undercity she’s a traitor and to Piltover she’s nothing more than an undercity rat.
She will have lost everything. She will have no one to protect. And who is Vi if she’s not a protector?
Vi will be forced to re-evaluate who she is and what she wants. Just like Jinx, Vi will have to redefine herself when she loses everything.
I can’t wait for season 2 and what the team at Fortiche has in store for us. The way the show tackles complex themes and ideas is incredible and Vi and Jinx are some of the most compelling and complicated characters I’ve seen on tv. I’m looking forward to November.
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royalarchivist · 4 months
Pac: Take care of Ramon, take care of Richas, ok? See you on the other side, big boy.
Fit: You can’t just say “big boy” and then just expect me to NOT drag you outta here. [Fit tries to lasso Pac] You’re coming with me. You are not dying today! You are NOT dying today!
Pac: I need to leave, Fit! I’m sorry, I’m SORRY!
Ironmouse: Are you guys like, having sexy time?
Fit: There’s homosexual activity going on Mouse, don’t worry about us, ok?
Ironmouse: You guys, we don’t have time to be gay right now. 🙄
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[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
[ Longer clip ]
Pac: I’m just here to say goodbye to you, Fit.
Fit: Goodbye? We’re not– we’re gonna be fine, we’re going to get out of here, don’t worry.
Aypierre: Yeah, don’t worry!
Pac: I know, but like– I will sleep until the end, you know? I will pass through this moment sleeping, man. I won’t be able to be awake for the moment.
Fit: [Laughs] You know, it's– I mean, if that’s how you wanna go, but– I mean, that- I mean, isn’t that bed kind of like…. I don’t know, it's–
Pac: No no, I will be staying on the sofa, you know, I will be staying on the sofa.
Fit: Oh the sofa. Ok, that’s a nice sofa! Yeah, that is a pretty nice sofa.
Pac: Yeah, it’s a nice sofa right? No, yeah– I’m going to stay on the sofa, you know? So, since I will be going Fit… [Pac starts tossing Fit all his items]
Aypierre: [Not paying attention to their conversation] Is that bigger cell? I don’t think it’s a bigger- biggest one.
Fit: Oh… Thank you Pac, thank you.
Pac: Everything you need to survive, ok?
Fit: Wow.
Aypierre: Wow.
Pac: And if you need this one also, maybe, who knows? [Throws him more items]
Fit: Ohhh, well hey– just take this to remember me by, ok? [Tosses him a photo of himself – the same one Aypierre was carrying all day yesterday]
Pac: [Laughs] Ok, I will sleep holding the picture you know, like this. You know, I will dream about you, Fit. And I hope this is gonna be good dreams. I see you in the other side. Good luck, my friend.
Fit: The other side… Yeah, you know, yeah, we– we– you know? It’s been an honor, Pac. It’s been an honor, you know?
Pac: Yeah, for me too, you know? Take care of Ramon, take care of Richas, ok?
Fit: Ok.
Pac: See you on the other side, big boy.
Fit: I will sing your praise– Oh yeah, hey– [Laughs] Take it easy, big boy. Take it easy, big boy. Actually, nononono– You can’t just say “big boy” and then just expect me to not drag you outta here. You’re coming with me.
Pac: No, I need to leave!
Fit: You’re coming with me. You are not dying today! You are not dying today!
Pac: I need to leave, Fit! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!
Fit: Sorry, there's–
Pac: I’m sorry!
Ironmouse: Are you guys like, having sexy time?
Fit: There’s homosexual activity going on Mouse, don’t worry about us, ok?
Ironmouse: You guys, you guys– we don’t have time to be gay right now, come on. There’s no time.
Pac: No, there’s no time! Oh, goodbye Fit…
Fit: Ok, c'mon, no no no, come on, we got this we got this!
Pac: Goodbye Fit, I’m sorry!
Fit: [Laughs] Oh no…
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mikaikaika · 8 months
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bistaxx · 8 months
The break has just been me agonizing over lore related to the past/what happened before the 2023 experiment, like I'm just staring at all these puzzle pieces trying to make sense of it all- okay we've got:
Abueloier and the forgotten ghost were around 40 years ago, they did something to end up in prison and the forgotten ghost had a son and it's unknown if abueloier had any kids at that point
20 years ago is when the "welcome to quesadilla island" commercial was launched
Cellbit and Bagi moved to the island at some point in their childhood and lived there with their parents
Cellbit was kept and monitored by the feds for an unknown amount of time after he went 'missing' and then at some point escaped
Their parents worked with the feds but we don't know for how long or what they helped with specifically- did they ever get IDs?
Elena has been working long enough to be an s-rank but prior to that she had a partner who died
Walter Bob had a partner and a child- they lived together on the island
The unnamed worker who dislikes the way the main Cucurcho runs things and wants the fed to back to the way things were in the 'old' days
Baghera was there as child as well alongside other hybrid experiments before she escaped
Jaiden is said to have been working with the feds at some point in her past- she is respected enough to be trusted with the Cucurchos
Kameto has been working with the feds for an unknown amount of time and intentionally crashed the plane onto the isand ( I don't remember if this one was 100% confirmed or general fan consensus)
The existence of old run down buildings- including an old broken down nether portal discovered months later
Assuming the theory that the prison event was suppose to end with the players all being locked away in ice is true this further implies that's what happened to the 10 people in the prison crew at some point of time in the past for some reason
This is particularly interesting regarding Pol who also worked with the feds in the past
At some point a Cucurucho went rouge going against order in favor of chaos
The existence of the "Hope" egg in the past
Books left behind by what is assumed to be a former fed worker that talks about digging and a "grave error"
In the books left behind by one of Zeno's owners (unconfirmed if this was Bagi specifically) a big looming wall is mentioned- possibly the same one destroyed on day 1 meaning. It's unknown when or why it was built.
Madagio at some point lost "connection" to several islands including quesadilla
The existence of Boo a formless ghost who lingers on the island
The mysterious pasts of Sunny, Em, and Pepito- who were found already named on egg island
Whenever this happened:
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(feel free to correct any info I got wrong here or add any other points)
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patriamrealm · 8 months
WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY TOOK TWO WARDENS AS PRISONERS?!? And what happened afterwards?!?
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Kamado saw them as an imediate threat. Ingo and Iscan arrived looking to check on the people of Jubilife and Akari (having not seen either leader as they were both busy doing damage control with the other wardens who are in no condition to be doing much of anything)
Kamado has more or less seen the wardens as a threat since before they first landed in Hisui and has been making contingencies ever since. When they confronted him upon hearing about what had happened he put those contingencies into action upon them.
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The cuffs put upon them having a mix of different types of symbols meant to seel away ghosts. Symbols both Hisuian and other (it seems these sorts of things canonically work in the pokemon world at least to some degree) This leaves Ingo and Iscan unable to just phase out of their shackles, and unable to break them as they are welded shut not just locked.
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Even then Iscan is more on his own in any attempts to escape. Ingo being more ghost than he should be he is more negatively impacted by the shackles than Iscan. He's rendered practically paralyzed.
Kamado has no intention of keeping them forever or killing them, his only goal is to neutralize the perceived threat they pose to his people.
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iris-drawing-stuff · 3 months
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Happy Pride Month everyone!
Lets all ponder the gay ass apple with Kazui.
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dnalt-d2 · 9 months
I'm still not over just how many different levels of insane today's lore was
We've got 2/3rds of morning crew, with Pac asking Ramon for his blessing to start dating Fit, plus the new info about the Code Attack the other day
Then we jump to Phil, who was just trying to make an orchard with his kid, when suddenly he's face-to-face with this little Eye Guy who escaped a government facility where he was being tortured for information. Then two big Eye Guys show up and tell Phil that if he doesn't hand the little guy over in two days time, they're going to harm his child. After dealing with that as much as he can, the government comes back and recaptures the little guy, presumably to torture him again. All the time, with the looming presence of an almost all-knowing Creation Deity who's trying to help him heal his damaged mental state, as well as resist the temptation of a greedy undead Monarch from another world.
And then Roier's evil twin brother conspired to switch Roier's brain with a rat and now we have Ratoier
Just saying, today was a D A Y
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felucians · 1 month
it is my biggest complaint that the mcu didn't just get Cap to call Magneto during the events of Civil War because Wanda is literally his daughter and Magneto vs Iron Man is a fight I personally deserved to witness
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