#and it fits with canon guys trust pls
kisskiss--fallinlove · 8 months
⋆ Taken Care Of ⋆
Sickfic, you know the drill. Kyoya wakes up feeling on the verge of death (he has a minor illness), Tamaki insists on taking care of him. Set in the future when they’re both adults with jobs, no specific age, marital status or job clarification so go crazy with your headcanons I guess.
WARNINGS: The illness is unspecified but similar to the flu I guess, if you require specifics. I don’t think an emeto warning is necessary, there’s no vomit but possible slight reference to it?? Pretty easy to miss if that kind of thing doesn’t bother you, but I thought I should still mention it just in case. Pretty vague about sickness overall to be honest.
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Kyoya felt awful.
From the second he awoke he was hit with a searing pain in his forehead, which, as he discovered when bringing up a hand to grasp it in a futile attempt to calm the aching, was drenched with sweat. He nestled down into his blankets for a second, allowing himself a moment's relief before he got up to face the day. As terrible as he felt, and as much as he detested waking up this early, he simply couldn't be late for work. The very thought of leaving his bed was daunting — he was already far from being an early riser, but the condition he was in wasn't helping with that in the slightest. Still, he mused with a soft groan, if he didn't get up now he wasn't sure he ever would.
Reluctantly, Kyoya swung his legs out of bed and stood up — only to immediately stumble back onto the bed, vision blurred and stomach lurching. This movement seemed to wake up Tamaki, who stirred beside him with a confused "mrph?"
"Go back to sleep, Tamaki, you don't have to be up yet," Kyoya attempted to assure him, surprised at the raspy voice in which his words were spoken. He didn’t understand. He'd been fine last night, if a little more drowsy than usual, but now the very act of speaking felt akin to swallowing sandpaper.
Tamaki, ever-compassionate and caring for his partner's wellbeing, very annoyingly ignored him. "Kyo, are you okay?" He sat up, rubbing his eyes before looking worriedly at his partner. "You don't sound too well."
"I'll be fine," Kyoya insisted weakly. He tried once more to stand up, but every fibre of his body seemed intent on pulling him back down. "Just ... give me a second."
"You look terrible," Tamaki continued, lifting a hand to press against Kyoya's face. Kyoya couldn’t resist leaning in to the touch. "You feel terrible. You're boiling!"
"It's fine. I don't even feel too warm," Kyoya said, thinking it best to leave out the perhaps more concerning detail that he was, in fact, shivering.
Tamaki removed his hand to instead wrap his arms around Kyoya’s waist, gently yet firmly tugging him further into the bed. "Please come back to bed, mon amour. You can't go to work in this state!"
Kyoya considered it. It wouldn't be right to infect anyone else, he supposed — and he really did just want to crawl back into bed for all eternity (or, until he felt a little bit better at the very least).
"Maybe I should," he finally admitted with a sigh. He climbed back under the covers, practically melting into the comfort of his still-warm pillow as the mattress — Kyoya still had no idea as to how Tamaki had acquired one quite so soft — caressed his aching limbs.
"Good, because I'm not letting you leave this house — no, this bed — until you're better."
"Is that so?" Kyoya responded dryly. He rolled his tired eyes at Tamaki's dramatic declaration, before allowing them to flutter shut once more.
He'd surprised himself, giving in so easily like that. He ought to go back on his decision and find a way to get his work done regardless. He'd worked through illnesses before; it was just what he'd been raised to do, he supposed. But things had been different since Tamaki entered his life — Tamaki would practically force Kyoya to take breaks ever since they were younger, even when he wasn't ill. He didn't quite understand that, and wrote it off as some overprotective nature Tamaki had developed from his own upbringing while caring for his sick mother — but it did help him. Kyoya would feel better after spending time with Tamaki even when he hadn't realised he’d previously been feeling badly at all. On a similar note, Tamaki had filled a gap in Kyoya's life he hadn't known had been there to begin with, so he supposed that was just the effect Tamaki had. Now, he vaguely felt the man in question press a soft kiss to his forehead, the rest of his surroundings an incomprehensible haze as he drifted (quite without meaning to) into slumber.
Kyoya hadn't the slightest idea of how long he'd been asleep, but when he awoke he felt the most well-rested he'd been for perhaps as long as he could remember.
The door creaked open, startling Kyoya. Shouldn't Tamaki be at work by now? What time was it, even?
"I’m sorry, I didn't mean to wake you!" Tamaki whisper-yelled, as though the act of lowering his voice would magically send Kyoya right back to sleep.
"It's fine, I was already —" Kyoya began, then, remembering why he's been so startled in the first place, deflected with, "forget that. What are you doing here?"
"Hm? I live here, silly." Tamaki walked further into the room, revealing to Kyoya a tray he was balancing in his hands. Kyoya was now propped up onto his elbows, looking inquisitively at his partner.
"You're meant to be at work." Shit. Work. He'd completely forgotten in his exhaustion to inform them of his absence.
"I already told them I'm not coming in today," said Tamaki. He must have noticed Kyoya's panicked expression, because he added, "I did the same for you too."
Kyoya frowned. Tamaki seemed fine, particularly given the lack of the dramatics that usually accompanied any illness Tamaki subtracted. "You're not sick as well, are you?"
"No! I just want to take care of you."
That was what Kyoya had feared. "I can take care of myself," he told him with an exasperated sigh. "There's no reason for us both to miss work. I didn't even want to in the first place."
Tamaki let out a fond laugh. "You don't have to be so independent, mon cheri. I'm sure you can take care of yourself, but I want to be here to help. It won't hurt to let yourself be taken care of for once!" He sat beside Kyoya; gingerly, so as not to send the contents of the tray flying. "Now, are you hungry? I thought it best not to bring anything else unless you wanted it, I know how funny you get with food when you're unwell, but I'll make you anything you want. Drinks included — but have some water first, okay?"
As Tamaki continued his ramblings, Kyoya looked properly at the tray for the first time. It was one of the nicer ones they owned; lilac and white china, emblazoned with a beautiful rose pattern. It may well have been Kyoya's favourite, if he were to choose one. Set upon it was a jug of water beside a tall, ice-filled glass, as well as a miniature vase which proudly displayed a singular violet rose. Kyoya smiled despite himself. Trust Tamaki to go all out, even for something so simple as preparing a glass of water.
"You'll have to go back to work tomorrow," Kyoya said, pouring himself some water as instructed. It wasn't as though either of them desperately needed to be in work — they quite obviously had more than enough money to get by — it was the principle of missing work that unnerved Kyoya so.
"It's almost like you don't want me here," Tamaki chuckled.
Kyoya raised an eyebrow, not indulging Tamaki's joke, though he couldn’t help but to inwardly remark on just how untrue it was. "I just don't want you skipping work for no good reason.”
"You're a good reason," Tamaki said, his voice earnest as he handed Kyoya the now-full glass. "I want to be here for you whenever you need me."
Kyoya didn't know how to respond to that (Tamaki could find a way to make anything a grand declaration of love, and though Kyoya loved the fool right back all the more for it, those moments never failed to catch him off guard), so he took the glass in one hand, and Tamaki's free hand in the other.
Tamaki was most certainly going to be in work tomorrow, even if Kyoya had to drag him there himself. But for now he was too tired to argue, so he decided, for once, to let himself be taken care of.
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exvelovly · 3 months
for the character ask game:
councillor bronte!
aw freak yeah
-sexuality ummmm ace. lowkey. and maybe this is just me being unable to imagine him having sexy thoughts…. but not aro he gets crushes like a schoolgirl (but not often)
-gender he’s in denial don’t ask me anything
-ships ough i keep thinking abt those drawings with fintan by crescentpaws pls stoppppp it chronic fintanposter
-brotps secret dad society with grady and edaline also he’s beefing with actual teenagers he is so funny
-notp councilor alina whenever i think of bronte and shipping the only no i can think of on the spot is with her and maybe that’s a me thing idk
-hc: i want him to have like 7 cats or something which isnt a head canon but its a need
-general opinion i don’t think about him very often and he pissed me off at first but i’ve warmed up to him
-i think he’s a flaming homo pun intended but like closeted (either voluntarily or forced)
-bro i think he just goes with the vibes i can’t imagine him caring abt gender shit when he has pyrokinesjs and manic flower tangents to worry abt
-ships do not ask me abt ships with this freak therapy first u cannot fix him (but i can trust) i think he’s the type to have lowkey one sided obsessions with certain unnamed councilors and chooses to bother them whenever possible. there will inevitable be sexual tension
-brotps his future therapist
-notps for him are just anyone who wants to stay relatively sane idk (jk)
-hc: listen i’m very conflicted bc there are two ways u can go with fintan and they’re opposite directions. ex: the ass debacle, the long vs short hair, etc. i think he’s greasy personally but crescentpaws’ art is fr converting me i have to stay strong… im convinced he’s chaotic neutral and just does what he wants for the fuck of it.
-general opinion he is fan service for gay people bc they knew we’d be into whatever is going on with him
-sexuality girlkisser
-gender cis girl tbhh but also i don’t think she cares that much. like she’d go guy mode to get some gossip and doesn’t mind being misgendered at all. probably comfy being perceived as both but she’s fine w how she is so she doesn’t think too hard abt it (might be projecting a tiny bit)
-ships marellinh awooga but she’s good with sophie and biana too
-brotps marella and keefe combo ahhhh, but i also love her with sophie and dex and biana idk pretty much everyone
-notps i don’t think too much abt notps just bc it doesn’t come up ummm maybe her and keefe just bc them being platonic shittalkers is so important to meee
-hc: probably smokes/vapes sorryyy it just fits when i think of people i’ve met with her personality like she’s so teenage girl. anyway fav vaper lmaoao potentially switched to smoking weed, i don’t think she’d do any other drugs tho she’s just a girl. i have lots of thoughts abt her can u tell. also she’s probably smoked with linh at some point to help her chill with her water idk i think elementals would be more tempted to smoke and stuff just bc of how their powers work.
-general opinion love her omg she is soososoo
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jamies-rambles · 4 months
Finding Noel
Noel, canon divergence, trans Noel, angst, dysphoria, mentions of suicidal thoughts, Jamie, flowershop, Tobi
1800 words
Author’s note: Noel pls don’t have an identity crisis. I just started writing this as a joke but then I was projecting a tiny little bit.
It was a warm summer night on Coastle, the gay bar was bustling with life. Noel, drunk and silly, had climbed on the stage, everyone looking at him with annoyance. “Women are stupid!” he yelled. “And fat people are gross!” Everyone groaned, used to his antics and wishing he would shut up. Tobi sprung into action, his tail fluttering behind him as he got up on the stage and snatched the mic from Noel’s hand. “Thank you Noel, now get the fuck off my stage. Next up are the Mushy Boys with Cool Like That!”
He guided Noel off the stage into a backroom, where Jamie was doing some writing. They preferred the relative quiet over the suffocating loudness of the bar, and it was the perfect spot to work on their next story. He sighed when Noel and Tobi came in. “You’re here to annoy me now, Noel?” he scoffed. Noel ignored them and plunged himself down in a cozy chair in the corner. “Why are you always so hateful?” Jamie asked. “Am not!” Noel protested childishly. “You’re always so mean to everyone though. Why can’t you be nicer?” Tobi nodded in agreement. “You even made Synker destroy my cat room! Where are my cats meant to live now?” “Yeah!” Jamie continued. “Do you have hatred in your heart, Noel? Where is that coming from? Maybe you need to do some soul searching!”
Noel thought on this for a second. Maybe he was acting out of insecurity. Did he really know who he was? “I’m sorry, guys,” he said. “I know I’m horrible. I should just go.” Jamie, too kind for their own good, couldn’t help but feel empathatic towards the sad drunk boy in the corner. “It’s okay, Noel, it’s not too late to change. If you need someone to talk to I’m here for you.” Noel smiled, thankful that he had such a good friend. “Thanks. I just feel like I’m wrong in some way, like there’s a piece of me that doesn’t fit. Maybe that’s why I lash out so much.” Jamie nodded understandigly. Tobi rolled his eyes, muttered about not wanting to hear this cheesy shit and made his way back to the bar. Jamie was generally more patient and deciced to hear Noel out.
“Do you ever feel you don’t know who you really are?” Noel asked. Jamie chuckled. “Do I? That’s been my entire life.” “No, I mean, when you feel like people don’t see you for who you really are but you couldn’t describe what that would be anyway,” Noel continued, sounding frustrated. “I just feel so unsure about everything, I can’t trust any thought I have. Maybe that’s why I like making strong statements, it gives some amount of clarity.”
Jamie sighs. “Identity can be complicated,” he says. “It’s perfectly normal to feel unsure. I can’t give you any magical answers, other than trying to figure out what seems right for you and going from there.” After a moment of contemplative silence, they continued: “I went through a similar thing a few years ago. I’m not saying you’re the same, I don’t know how you feel, but I can certainly understand the pain that comes with constant doubt. I wanted to die every day. But if you can embrace the doubt and are open to the possibilities, you might just find a whole new side of yourself.”
Noel stared into the night sky, thinking about Jamie’s words. How was he supposed to embrace the thing that was causing him so much pain? It felt much safer to stay where he was. Being completely open meant abandoning everything he thought was true about himself, and he wasn’t sure he could handle that. “I’m just tired,” he mumbled. “I want to stop thinking forever.”
Jamie nodded, seeing the exhaustion on Noel’s face. “Come, I’ll take you home.” Noel made a dissaproving sound, but got up anyway. Jamie guided the dazed Noel through the gay bar, out the door and back to their tree house in the South. “Forgot I owned this place,” Noel mumbled. It was true Noel hadn’t spent even one night in his house since Jamie built it for him. He even had a bed here, which was unusual for him. Jamie wished him goodnight, leaving Noel alone with his thoughts.
After an hour of tossing and turning he finally managed to fall asleep. It was not a restful sleep, his subconscious mind still trying to process his conflicting thoughts. He dreamt he was on a train, watching the rain flow down the windows. The conductor asked to see is trainpass, adressing him as a woman. Wait, was she? Noel showed her pass, after which she returned to staring out the window. It was dark outside, and she could clearly see her reflection when she focused on it. Soft features stared back at her, and she felt a sense of peace and clarity. She was a woman, of course, how had she ever doubted it.
Noel woke up with a strange sensation, the remnants of the dream lingering in his mind like a dark cloud. He sat up in bed, his breath coming in shallow, ragged gasps as he tried to shake off the unsettling feeling that had settled over him. He reached his trembling hand up to his face, which was still as it had always been. He felt a pang of disappointment, followed by immediate guilt for entertaining the idea. He was a boy, a man, and the thought of him being anything else was completely ridiculous. There was a pit in his stomach that seemed to be getting worse. Tears welled in his eyes as he found himself wishing he could just be normal. He’d had these kind of dreams before, and he was able to shake them off at first, but the more they occurred the more real they felt. He didn’t want to feel this way, he wanted it to just stop.
Noel spent many weeks trying as hard as he could to distract himself from thinking about it again. He found people to talk to, play games with and even when he was alone he made sure that his mind was always occupied, just so he didn’t have to endure the doubt again. But his efforts were futile. Late at night in bed they would return, and the pit in his stomach never went away. He knew he couldn’t go on like this. Remembering his conversation with Jamie weeks ago, he decided with much resistance that it might be worth being more open to the possibilities. Was he supposed to just become a woman now? Would that solve all his problems?
Frustrated and tired, he decided to explore the option. Standing in front of the mirror, he stared at his face, trying to find some sort of hint of what he was supposed to be. Did he really see himself as a man? Was that how he truly felt or was he just so used to it because it was expected of him? Could he see himself as a woman? Looking at their face with different eyes, Noel felt a sense of recognition. They remembered times as a kid when they had dressed up in their sister’s clothes, going out to play with other kids hoping to be seen as a girl. They also remembered the disappointment they felt upon being gendered as a boy by his peers. It was a long time ago, and they hadn’t really thought of it again until now. Did it mean something? Was it a sign all along, or were they just overthinking it?
They needed to talk to someone, figuring this out on their own seemed impossible. Tobi was a good friend, but he surely wasn’t very good with advice. Binero would just call him crazy. Jamie was the obvious choice, but what if he thought they were just faking it? Maybe they shouldn’t tell anyone until they were absolutely sure, otherwise people would surely think they were crazy or just following a trend. Oh no, were they? Did someone push them into feeling this way? Noel felt like they were going crazy. They needed to talk to someone before they went truly mad.
Jamie was hard at work in the flower shop when Noel walked in. “Hello Noel, how can I help you?” he asked with a friendly smile. “I need advice,” Noel said. “Hold that thought. What flowers can I get you? Some nice sunflowers?” Jamie walked to the back. “Actually,” Noel started, “I need to talk to you about… gender?” Jamie raised an eyebrow, putting back the sunflowers. “Maybe some lilies then? You know, they are often associated with femininity.” Noel looked around nervously, making sure nobody had heard what they just said. Luckily there was nobody around. They knew that Binero would never let them hear the end of it.
“I think I might be a woman,” they blurted out. Jamie paused, his expression softening with understanding as he turned back to face Noel. “Sit down, let’s talk,” they said, gently guiding Noel to a table in the back of the shop. Noel sank into the chair, their nerves buzzing with a mixture of anxiety and relief at finally voicing their thoughts aloud. "I don't know what's happening to me," they admitted, their voice barely above a whisper. "I've been having these... thoughts, these feelings, and I don't know what to do."
Jamie took a seat opposite Noel, his eyes filled with empathy as he listened intently. "It's okay, Noel," he reassured him. "You're not alone in this. Gender is a complex and deeply personal journey, and it's perfectly normal to feel confused or uncertain." Noel nodded, a tear slipping down their cheek as they struggled to put their feelings into words. "I just... I've spent my whole life trying to fit into this... this box of masculinity," they admitted, their voice thick with emotion. "But lately, I've been feeling like maybe that's not who I am."
Jamie nodded in understanding, his gaze filled with warmth and acceptance. "It's okay to explore different aspects of your identity," he said softly. "You don't need to have all the answers right now, or ever really. Just take things one step at a time. Discover what feels right to you.” Noel nodded, feeling reassured by Jamie’s words.
Noel felt much lighter, and without the pressure of trying to find the answer, a sudden clarity befell her. “I am a woman,” she mumbled to herself, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. And then louder she proclaimed: “Ik ben een vrouw.” And for the first time in a long while, she felt truly whole herself, embracing every facet of her being.
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glitchinginthegarden · 2 months
I'm slowly starting to compile tidbits of lore for Vince. He's been around since Vaye came into being, but I never took as much time to flesh him out as I have for her.
Rambles under the cut.
His backstory is still the same.
His parents were Nomads and close friends with Vaye's parents. (If you didn't know they aren't blood siblings, now you do.) The kids grew up together even before his folks and her mom died. So adopting Vince was a no-brainer for her dad.
Vince is 31 at the start of Vaye's canon 2077 timeline.
He's always been the quiet one. The observer. The guy everyone thinks is well adjusted and just vibing but really it's that he's good at hiding his issues.
Vince took a shine to the medical field young and never wavered from it. I consider him the group's field medic to a degree. He may not be carrying around an emergency kit but his apartment is as close to a clinic as you can get without having all the fancy equipment. He's training under Viktor to be a ripperdoc one day (and he eventually does take over Vik's clinic when the old man retires - no, we aren't looking at PL endings here). He considered Trauma Team for a while but ultimately decided he didn't want to be bound to helping only the upper echelon with their fancy trauma cards. Why should he dedicate his life to helping the people who shit on his?
On that note: he's staunchly anti-corp just like Vaye.
He comes off as prickly and detached at first; often considered cold, blunt, and a stick in the mud. It's all armor. He keeps himself guarded. It allows him to keep a distance between his work and his feelings, and he also just does not care what people think of him. He's very much an actions over words kinda of guy. Don't talk about it if you aren't going to back it up.
Outside of ripper training, he earns income via street fights and the occasional smash and grab gig.
Fighting is both income and "free therapy" for him. In the same vein as Gil, Vince likes the adrenaline rush. And it doesn't hurt that it helps him stay fit.
When it comes to merc work, he tends to avoid hit jobs. He would rather help sabotage someone or steal valuables. It's not that he has qualms about taking lives, he doesn't, it's that he's of the mindset that doing so rarely pushes anything toward a resolution. Kill one roach, one more will take it's place mentality. That said, if someone gets in his way during a gig and poses a risk to the operation, he won't hesitate to remove the problem. He's very good at boiling things down to equations. Turning people and situations into a game of odds allows him that detachment he so prefers.
Beneath the crunchy outside, though, he's all heart.
He cares deeply. Maybe too much sometimes. And getting him to show that can be like pulling teeth.
Vince does not open up easily. He's like a shelter dog.
You have to earn his trust over time before he'll show his vulnerable parts and if you break that trust, especially early on, it's incredibly difficult to get it back. He is not a three strikes you're out man, he's a two if you're lucky.
Combat style:
Brute force. Vince thrives up close and personal with his enemies.
He can manage a modicum of stealth, but he's not out there using throwing knives or silenced anything.
He likes shotguns and revolvers. Power weapons > Tech weapons > Smart weapons.
He can't netrun but he does have a nugget of techie know-how and can hack his way past most locks. That's where it ends though.
He has a reputation with fixers for being ruthless. Ironic for someone they also enlist to patch up their solos from time to time.
Regarding his cyberware (bear with me this is all loose and not following canon anything really):
In game, he's got the mantis blades but that's really just for aesthetics. His forearms/wrists/hands are actually chipped with hydraulics. Think impact wrenches in his arms (ugga dugga).
To compensate for that, his rotator cuffs/shoulder sockets are reinforced with synth tendons and buffers.
EMP threading on the right side of his face feeds into his Kiroshis for more in-depth scans. He used to have threading on both sides, but the implant on the left was damaged in a nasty scuffle while on a job in his younger years and he opted to just have it removed.
He has synth-lungs specifically meant to filter not only NC's nasty air, but also a slew of aerosolized chemicals such as anesthetic agents and toxins (like gas grenades).
His other basic chrome includes: reinforced joints, a biomonitor, standard holo and interface ports, synthetic intercostal webbing (the muscles between your ribs), and an inner-ear gyroscope because he got tired of having motion sickness in cars or on the metro (yes, baby boy gets upset tummy).
Okay... that's all I have for now. I think. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. I'm sure I'll have more to dump later... he's brewing.
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spamgyu · 9 months
This is the first time I’m in someone’s ask, and let me tell you, i was just FUMINg when i read the first version of backburner ending. Like wtf is WRONGggg with everyone 😭 i nearly yeeted my phone fr but then i saw your deep dive and i got even madder because even though that ending was effed up, you made it make sense why it had to end up that way so now I’m just hating on imaginary characters lol
And i know the second ending is coming up (which you promised will be sunshine and rainbows and i trust you pls don’t break my heart) and ofc i’ve been team mingyu from the beginning so im looking forward to it but also highkey nervous as to how you’ll pull it off since the first one frustratingly just fits the story with how you circled back to the backburner theme and the seungcheol-sunhee oc-mingyu parallels and ahhhh it’s frustratingly flawless (and flawlessly frustrating hahah) so im scared the second won’t feel like canon 😩
I’ve only recently discovered your writings, and just- thank you for writing! Despite my anger at that first ending and all the feels it gave me, i find your ask replies to be too amusing for me to not stay on 😂😂 like you’re relishing in the chaos you’ve created (are you actually gose yoon jeonghan?) and as a fellow scorpio honestly i have no choice but to stan. Look forward to new things you’ll be putting out! 💕
"so now I’m just hating on imaginary characters" lsdkfjlsdf help no but please i was having such a hard time writing that last part bc i was getting annoyed of oc too – but i had to tap into all my red flag days and make her the way she was lol.
"im scared the second won’t feel like canon" ahhhh dw i got a second set of eyes to look through version 2 so that it can make sense. ngl though this one is a tougher write for me bc i had a set path i wanted the plot to take and by part 3 based on everyone's reaction i started to kind of draft this version already..... i just....... damn i made oc into a villain it's so hard to redeem her rn...... LOL
AND LASTLY OH MYGOD THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU for both enjoying my stories and the way i just....... choose to reply to people in a very chaotic and stupid way lmfaooooo (this is a safe space guys feel free to bully me and share all sorts of opinions in my inbox i love it all lol)
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i have a few more painful shit up my sleeve but will try to sprinkle some fluff in between to keep you guys sane 🤞😔
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
LORE: Seek, Seekblings and Seeklings
Seek (It/Its)
Sort of imposed ‘leader/manager’ figure of the hotel. It keeps lists and assigns chores to the hotel’s denizens.
Also has..more..private tasks that it itself oversees to completion.
When not doing any of its multitude of things it assigns itself. It is either stuck somewhere on Figure’s body or chilling in a nearby wall and reading a book (or taking care of its children.)
DRAMA QUEEN with the WIne and ThE SkUlLs and ThE stuFF
Loves its suits and can sometimes be seen wearing them.
Born with chronic anxiety that it keeps all bottled in like the rest of its problems. Besides, it needs to help out its siblings!!
Not much can be said about it other then the fact that all it’s eyes are different colors from how many it snatches so heterochromia seek!!!
Has explosive fits of pure and unadulterated passionate anger in private. Doesn’t do this often though.
Also ✨traumatized✨ but at a really young age so it’s had time to simmer.
Loves wine like it’s sibling eyes and will often take Figure out for wine sipping dates.
Figure has all the brain cells. Seek needs its Figure lol.
Jeff’s child..not a happy relationship.
Twins with Hide, very close :)
Eyes is it’s older sib.
Had another parent.
Married to Figure <3
Parent of Snare, Screech and Mystery entity. Seek really just said “just three pls.” And they are YEARS in between each other.
That and having Snare nearly killed Figure so-
Unlike Rushbush who can’t keep their goddamn hands off eachother for five minutes.
Ehhh I’ll let you guys ask for the rest.
Hide (It/Its)
Shy creature. Spread across the hotel like Seek, just more sneaky with the placement of its eyes.
Likes food. (A lot.)
Like looks Seek, but blue tinted like Jeff.
Has horrible panic attacks during and after hunts that takes hours or even days to recover from. The chronic anxiety is ramped up to 100.
Stutters a lot.
Has a HUUUUUUGE crush on glitch. Yes, it’s siblings, Glitch, literally everyone in the hotel are very much aware of this.
Wouldn’t mind adopting an asked if it was small enough and could confirm it’s actually a child.
Just gonna take awhile and there’s a whole bunch of stuff involved.
It likes wings and worked out a deal where if Rueben (who can leave the hotel) catches some birds he’ll trade with it.
Arguably scarier then Seek when angry.
It likes wings.
Good friends w/Timothy. Likes to learn its secrets.
Keeps the closets nice and clean :)
Has a little music box. Doesn’t remember where it got it but very it’s precious to it. It’s one of the few things that can calm down its more anxiety attacks.
Actually really good at chores and Seek trusts it with more delicate stuff.
Only one of Jeff’s children to still speak to him.
Seek’s twin!! Really close with it.
Younger sibling of Eyes. Occasionally they hang out.
I’m gonna develop this one through asks :)
Eyes (They/them)
Whirrs and beeps like a little geiger counter when happy!
Talks in multiple voices but is a singular being.
Not much to say about design wise just looks like
Then proceeds to do the weird whispery stuff they do in canon.
Used more as a scout or an alarm (rather then an actual intruder catcher) but is sometimes caught off guard. Updates other entities through whispers where an intruder currently is positioned.
Can teleport, but still has yet to perfect the art.
Actually has a really refined taste in wine and literature. Likes nuttier wines. bUt nObODy ASkS AbOUt iT. (They are annoying about it.)
Horrible anxiety worse then Seek’s but not as extreme as Hide’s.
More so anxiety attacks then panic attacks. (Yes, There is a difference.)
Has a casual thing with Jack that might grow serious with time.
Actually really mature despite being a little parrot like thing.
Has secrets
Older sibling of both Seek and Hide.
Plays the violin
Actually pretty good friends w/Halt.
Has terrible allergies hence why ^
Screech (It/Its)
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(Art not by me btw I just thought it was funny. ^ )
Middle child + iPad kid energy
Loud as fuck
Rueben regrets giving it an iPad for Christmas because you can hear its primal screeches at three am.
Can also teleport (learned from its nibling Eyes)
Still learning how to hunt and mostly just takes big bites outa people or animals for sustenance.
Likes to occasionally prank its older sibling
Good friends w/Dupe and Sally
Cannot do chores for the life of it.
Might have ADHD or Autism??? Maybe even both??? Still deciding I’m more pointing towards ADHD honestly.
Has a more bipedal form it uses sometimes
Got all its looks from Jeff lol.
Likes to cuddle w/Snare and play on the iPad with it. Occasionally takes it on little adventures.
Actually really careful around books thanks to Figure but would absolutely tear stuff apart.
Has managed to sneak out of the hotel through grandpa’s backpack. GL has never noticed LMAO.
Will play w/the askers just ask nicely.
Is unaware of the crush Dupe has on it.
Siblings w/mystery entity and Snare :)
Ask to figure out more <3
Snare (It/Its)
Built like Figure but can melt into a bunch of vines plant-like vines like seek.
Has one eye like Seek
sharp teeth like figure.
If you decide to draw it think..figure but with a bunch of predatory plants on its back.
Little baby. The youngest out of all the siblings and is a super young child/toddler
Has a few predatory plants scattered around like pitchers and sundews that it shares nitrogen with.
Still learning to respect non-predatory plants within its boundaries. It’s a little guy it keeps eating them or choking them out.
Has sundew-like whiskers and little pitchers it’s it likes it’s bugs
Originally it assisted Rush in hunts incidentally. It doesn’t like people stepping on it’s surface lung system (that’s what those holes are for) so it’s developed sharp ends.
Then after it managed to help Rush get someone, it started to encourage it and that’s how their partnership began.
When people started stepping on it, it developed keratin to counteract it and prevent damage.
Friendship/mentorship with Rush! Views it almost like a third parent.
The hotel’s nickname for it is “Sne Sne” “little sundew” “pokey”.ect (bonus points if you can guess which nicknames are from who)
Little spoiled vicious baby.
Mystery entity (It/It’s?)
Lol you know the purple one? The one El-Goblino mentioned?
That’s a Seekgure kid, the eldest.
Doesn’t have a name yet and won’t till floor two is made.
You don’t see it a lot. Mostly spends its time on the second floor or occasionally visiting the rooms gang.
Older teen/ Young adult, around the rooms gang’s age.
 I dunno maybe it’ll end up with A-60 or somethin I’m leaving them deliberately vague because “purple” and “creepy” is all we get from Gobby’s dialogue.
Big sib at college vibes.
Boom! Done! Up next is the intro, then rooms gang!!
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mochidreambubble · 1 year
Scarlet Hollow ask game
Tagged by @cymatile AND @georgiedoesntfloat 🖤TYSM for always including me in these haha
I'll offer up two variants for some of the answers, using my main OC file (Ashe my beloved) and my 2nd one that I use to mess around (Atlas who I have mentioned like... Once-)
Your "canon" trait combination? Ashe: Mystical/Hot. I will take any chance I get to use my attractive OC son- (2nd best to go option tho via) Atlas (maybe I just like 'A' names lol): Mystical/Street Smarts. Let me break all the rules and lie my way thru everything pls- (basically, I like it if it can help me socially and Street Smarts has its perks there too haha)
What third trait would you add for hardcore mode? For Ashe I'm tied between Talk to Animals and Street Smart. Animals to go down the full something is definitely up with him kind of vibe vs the one he'll actually likely have due to his personality/bad boy roots lmao. Atlas gets Book Smart, to be deceptively like the type where he doesn't look it.
What trait are you least drawn to? Powerful Build. Strong? My vain bb Ashe who would never chip a nail? I promise you if he looks like he has muscle it's purely for show lol. And Atlas is a stick. Aside from achievement hunting, I'm also just not down to throwing hands/go for physical strength to solve my problems haha. Nice if you want your MC to lean more to himbo if you pair w/ hot, but if not for that then nah :p
Coolest trait? Mystical. I know I'm not alone on this haha. Aside from enjoying lore and slapping it on almost all my runs for my OC army, I feel like it fits best for SH's setting.
Who are you romancing? Reese for Ashe and Wayne for Atlas (me slapping the two Monster Lover achievements like DO YOU SEE THESE)
What romance are you least interested in? Dr Kelly. I do not hate her per say, I am just emotionally reactive to the *motions to the whole revelations of Episode 4*
Who would you romance if every single character was eligible? Isaacs or Harrison, likely? Like, I know Bo is a popular choice and I do like him, but considering it's 50/50 if he loses his dad, I wanna give the poor guys space to grieve first cause he's a sweet fellow.
What character would hurt you the most if something bad happened to them? Not including Reese who I am deeply hoping is ok on the endings where he's still breathing, I gotta say Kaneeka and Tabitha. For Tabby, I'd put my MC thru hell if I have to (and I legit yelled when she choose to take on those years the first time I played Episode 3 like Tabby NO I'LL DO IT PLS); for Kaneeka, god her whole situation is just shitty I just want the best from her and someplace that she can go very far from her mom p l s I will cry if something happens to her-
Would you stay in Scarlet Hollow when the week is over? It's too early to say. Very likely no because SH rn doesn't strike me like it will let you burn the root of whatever looms and haunts over the holler. If anything, I wanna drag people OUT of Scarlet Hollow by week's end.
Who would you vote for dog mayor? Scraps. I trust Gretchen and I just think Scraps is cool.
Tagging: no one, my SH Tumblr circle is so small anyone I would have thought of tagging has already been tagged on another person's post 😂
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m1ckeyb3rry · 18 days
SHSGSHS OK IM GLAD!!! Your rizz is actually scary…all these incidents within the span of like, a month?? During your travels and now this omg you need a defense force…STAY SAFE but ouuu I feel that…hopefully you guys can arrange more chill hangouts that don’t involve getting shit faced LOL maybe go cafe hopping or something if you guys are into that
LMAO they fr need to MOVE honestly their personalities and backstories Lowk could fit into bsd from what ik of it…
STOP WAIT the girl only going out with aiku out of courtesy for snuffy >>>> like this girl has no interest in aiku at first you’re cooking a little too much…and then aiku calling literally anyone he’s ever been on the field with being like “guys why do I feel funny around her”and also Barou and sae both being done with him (if you do write this I’d like to petition to have Barou’s “you fucking donkey you like her” in there) wait this would actually be a perfect wrap up to the series…like idrc for aiku either but the story premise has giggling the oaeu potential>>>>
LMAO TY I usually also pull up urban dictionary for anything I don’t know it really does come in handy sometimes…but I’m
crying hiori and rin being clueless losers and coming up with the craziest plans to confess etc is so funny
NO FR I need them to release a second egoist bible like…..chigiri got 0 but we know he canonically has game and then nagi is kinda a loner freak but actually deemed cute….the series also always describes Karasu hair as cool but I can’t tell if that’s also just hioris perspective on his hair wax or the general consensus of people in the bllkverse either…also wait i did not even bother to read raichis HE GOT 10??? There’s no fucking way…..HIM??? Sorry but I feel like his yelling would scare everyone away
LMAOO FR just came to spout some shit about cops and robbers and some sus lines and dipped….ok but the idea of the oaeu in the miraverse actually goes so hard….
You backtracking on the peregrine idea after getting inspo LMAOO I was gonna say hey I mean if inspo hits…then go ahead while the ideas fresh LOLL but honestly I feel like just going with whatever you have the motivation/inspo for first is fine because we all know you cook when you’ve got the inspo soooo
GAGAMARU FIC OUT??? Time to read omg would be funny if I got converted
- Karasu anon
born to only ever fall in love/be with one man forced to constantly pull and reject randoms because of my crazy aura ⁉️ LMAOO no because whenever people make fun of me for never having a bf i’m like okay it’s not because of a lack of people being interested i just genuinely have never wanted any of the guys who’ve tried to get w me 😭 no because atp i think i need to date someone just so i can be like “i have a bf” because truly some guys will only respect another man 😒 HAHA dw my friends and i have plenty of sober hangouts as well!! going out isn’t actually that common for us because when we do it’s always insane and lore building 😰
NO THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYINGGG like oaeu would be sooo funny the way he would get more and more desperate for advice so he starts off w like barou and sae who are probably going to give him good advice but they both are like “ya you’re down bad” and he CANNOT accept that so he goes through all of the bllkers and they all say the same thing…even NAGI and NIKO do that’s how yk it’s bad 😭 and yesss like maybe snuffy helped her out of a bad situation kinda like w lorenzo?? so she really trusts his judgement and is like “ok i’ll hear you out” even though she genuinely does not want to…pls oaeu is my new brand omg i’m so excited for this and agreed it would be such a perfect ending to the series!! like aiku helped everyone else get girls now it’s finally time for him to get one of his own 🥹
LMAOAAO hiori and rin were the ones who needed aiku’s advice the most but he was too busy whoring around to help them out 😭 nah because yk aiku would’ve fixed their problems so quick but neither of them would ever go to him for advice sooo it truly is a case of the blind leading the blind there
maybe chigiri got 0 because he was in his emo leg injury era?? iirc he became a loser after he couldn’t play soccer anymore 😭 and yeahhh nagi is supposed to be rlly good looking just kinda odd which honestly i’d lowkey find him to be more of a baddie for that but those hakuho kids HATED him…my man was just napping and playing video games and they were like “😱 he is CURSED 😠 the child of the DEVIL 😩” like hello ⁉️ LMAOO no i forgot hiori does say karasu’s hair is cool omg we always make fun of it but i guess maybe it is cool in the bllkverse?? i mean bro did pull his first crush (marisa) so he can’t be too weird looking…LDJDKSN i was so taken aback that raichi got that many but tbf he’s lowkey fine when he’s not yelling and maybe when he’s not in his soccer freak era he doesn’t yell so he manages to pull?? still crazy that he got more than nagi isagi chigiri and bachira combined (since those four have a grand total of zero altogether 😕)
OMG okay i literally sat down and started writing the next chapter for peregrine and then i took a tik tok break and a nagi + isagi edit to “do i wanna know” came on my fyp (which is one of my fav duos plus nagi 🤤) and i was like yo this is fire omg nagi i love you so much i’m so excited to be writing for you again…but then somehow the audio inspired KIYORA thoughts 🤔⁉️ which then combined with my recent experiences (you will find elements of the opening scene to be familiar LMAOO) and all of a sudden i was like hold on i know exactly what i want to do here…came up w a vague summary and a strong desire to write in present tense again and all of a sudden i was off and already wrote almost 2k words for it in an hour 😭 sooo expect that to be out soon i think?? HAHA classic miraverse moment bro as soon as i announce smth i end up diverting completely
LMAO i fear the gagamaru fic is not conversion worthy it was mostly just me trying to get it out because i knew i could do it quickly!! it’s definitely not top top tier by mira standards but i think it’s cutesy fun and abides by the request so it’s out 🤩 the one you should fear is this kiyora fic…idk if it’ll necessarily be conversion worthy but i’m sensing smth w similar vibes to the instrument brewing down to the lowkey…interesting…relationship dynamics LMAOAOA i mean this is the summary as of right now: “The first time you see him, Jin Kiyora spits blood at your feet. That is when you are sure you will love him.” like you already KNOW this reader is slightly Not Normal 😭
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Headcanon Time!
Yeeeeaaaaahhhhhh I’m writing for Naruto again!
Kisame Headcanons
NSFW under the cut so Imma need the minors to not go under there. Thnks. 
Very polite, mhm. 
This is kind of canonical, but I just wanna emphasize how polite Mr. Hoshigaki is. He will kick your ass in training and then tell you to have a good day and genuinely mean it. 
He’s also just not very judgmental, which is probably due to how he was raised. 
I headcanon that Kisame had a very country, almost hilly-billy like family. In canon, there are no Hoshigaki names on memorials in his village; they’ve been expunged. I don’t know why but that’s some Hatfield-McCoy type shit. The Hoshigakis were menaces to society for no particular reason, and Kisame just had to go with the family.
After seeing what he’s seen, yeah Kisame is not judging you at all. 
Talks to Samehada and knows its responses like the back of his hand.
I think the bond to Samehada and its user works similarly to Venom and Eddie Brock. 
That shit is a symbiote and you cannot change my mind. 
A FULLY SENTIENT SWORD?? THAT HAS FOOD TASTE PREFERENCES??? yeaaaaahhh your honor, that’s a symbiote. 
Sometimes, who Kisame trains with is dependent on what chakra Samehada has a taste for that day. Kisame definitely soils her. Talks to her like a dog when no one is looking. 
Itachi has seen it. He says nothing, but he think it’s cute. 
Because of the bond between him and Samehada, I think Kisame can kind of taste chakra, too. He’s been bonded to the sword so many times that he has some of its powers even when not formally bonded together.
Kisame can swim, but he can’t fish.
 It makes no sense, but Kisame is terrible at fishing. He isn’t all that patient, and sedentary activities like that don’t strike his fancy all that much. 
Itachi is convinced that sometimes Kisame scares the fish away on purpose. 
As for swimming, Kisame, of course, is a strong swimmer, but did you know that wasn’t always the case? 
Kisame couldn’t swim all that well until he hit the ninja academy. I definitely think his family just chucked him into the water, and poor baby was pretty sure he was drowning until he remembered his gills. 
I think the “fussy, nervous kid growing up into a laid-back adult” trope is just funny, and it fits Kisame in my mind. 
Again, pretty canonical, but one of Kisame’s favorite hobbies is starting shit. 
The rest of the Akatsuki is sooooo used to hearing him pipe up,” You just gonna take that?” during an argument. 
Itachi tries to get him to stop with one of his patented “Uchiha glares” but pouring fuel on a fire is too good for Kisame sometimes. 
Besides, he doesn’t do it often. More of just messing around. The Akatsuki is really the first place Kisame has been more comfortable of being himself and not just a weapon or tool, so his personality really has a tendency to chime through when he finds something funny amongst the members. 
In addition to this, Kisame also is very physical in a big-brother way. Very much will give Deidara a noogie. Is also the king of the shoulder-bump thing guys do when they pass you. Kisame is your annoying frat-brother confirmed. 
To go with the above, Kisame has not had many friends.
He didn’t allow himself to have friends. Thought they were liabilities. 
As such, even though Kisame will consider you a friend in his mind, he will be very independent. 
This is because he still struggles with the “shinobi have no friends” mentality, and because he doesn’t want his friends to think he can’t handle himself. 
To Kisame, if he isn’t firing at 500%, he isn’t good enough and other people will think that as well. 
Pls tell him he’s good. 
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 NSFW Kisame Headcanons
Get into it, yuh
Firm believer in “attitude adjustments”. 
Like, if there’s something seriously wrong, of course he’s not gonna be one of those guys that just pop it out unprompted. However. 
You feeling bad, babe? Shooot, let your man fix it. Hidan pissed you off? Yeah, let him make it all better. That movie made you sad? Sit on his lap and tell him alllll about it.
Let. Him. Pin. You. Down.
Kisame has such a huge thing for immobilizing his partner. Not even in a bondage way, but definitely with his body. Gets him hot for sure. 
It also makes him feel all mushy that you trust him enough to let him have that control. Think about it. You trust him, a missing-nin, a mercenary, and whatever else people call him. Despite everything he’s done and everything he’s been through, you still trust him and love him. Makes Kisame love you more each time.
Adventurous in bed. 
The Kama Sutra is a checklist for Kisame. No, I will not accept criticism, and no, I will not take it back. 
Every time, it’s kind of interesting to see what positions Kisame will think of next. 
He can’t help it! He loves every part of you, so of course he wants to see and touch and taste everything. One minute, you’re face to face and the next minute, he’s slinging you into a different  position. Just how it is babes. 
He will look out to not stress or stretch your body in any ways you can’t take, especially if you’re not a shinobi. 
Kisame has a thing for being used by his partner.
Now let me explain. To put it lightly, sit on his face. Use him as a dildo every once in a while. Take what you want from him, pls. 
Kisame just wants you to be completely satisfied by him. Using his body to get off like that is just *static noises*. Please just top him once in a while, I promise he will love it. 
So sweet after.
Kisame is not stupid. He knows his stamina is crazy, and he knows he’s rough.
Gives the best massages! Let him work out those knots he’s put into your back.
Likes to cuddle. He’s touch-starved and the first time you curled up to him, it freaked him the hell out. After that though? If you don’t cuddle up to him post-coitus, he’s going to assume something’s wrong unless you tell him otherwise.  
He also likes little forehead kisses and kisses on his shoulders. Don’t tell the guys, he has a reputation to keep.
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myladyofmercy · 3 years
young royals rewatch
episode 6
i love this opening montage so much
right until the credits come up over wille screaming
wish we got that scream scene without the credits for edits tho
the little girl looks at simon as if she personally has seen the video
it must be so weird to see your face on a magazine cover. i wonder what the article says
he's wearing purple (in solidarity with simon)
you have nothing to apologize for wille baby
did simon go to the police tho?
love the little detail of clothes we seen on the show already laying folded up on the washing machine
is the floor of the library so clean that they can lie and sit on it? aren't there any chairs?
august just listening to the theories like the little bitch he is
I'm calling the cops if you don't leave
i love stellas clothing style so much
sara putting 1 and 2 together
rosh and ayub are back!!!
i have not seen kim ks sex tape and i don't intend to watch it
I really hope simon doesn't change schools in s2. I'm with rosh on that one
why is the sky so yellow? light pollution?
willes pajama pants from ep 2 are back
august you little shit stop spitting live lessons and spill the truth
fish scene flashback
the looney tunes shirt is back
first kiss fit
yellow tshirt, yellow shirt, yellow backpack. i know you're the center of willes universe but do you really have to look like the sun?
wille matches the blue background but simon sticks out like a sore thumb
this scene is so poweful even without a kiss
oh no i know what's coming
sara pls don't do this
she's wearing purple (in solidarity with simon)
wilhelm doesn't have everything he has nothing you piece of shit
and he will lose simon because of you too
oh doobidoo i wanna be like you u u
why does sara look kinda sad when august kisses her neck tho?
as someone who rarely sits at the dining table for dinner and watches tv during 99% of meals i relate to simon and his mom
how does felice dress fit sara so well tho?
simon you are not her father
linda you are her mother. pls act like that more often or i will have to rewoke your best mom card
the star behind simons head looks very pretty
simon saying annan and dum in this conversation makes me think of certain songs by a certain artist
sara and wilhelm both called simon fin
why do felice and maddie have their own bathroom and wille the crown prince has to share with the other guys on his floor?
the mirror shot of them on the floor
i don't think simon really believes wille will tell the truth
it's their last kiss and it breaks my heart
the sad scarf is back
why do the subtitles say how do you do??? simon says good day. that is way more formal than how do you do! simon isn't joey from friends
this car conversation is so frustratingly sad
love how many words i understand bc they sound so similar to the german word in this conversation
let wille and simon have sex in his royal bed in s2 petition
willes tie looks very yellow (simon anyone?)
why is rosh never included in eriksson family time?
poor simon
(love his sweater tho)
who put the name joakim for willes second bodyguard out there? is it canon?
i hate this scene so much
simon did the right thing even though it breaks his (and willes AND MY) heart
love how we see simon leaving blurry in the background
felice being the best detective
also she calls the guy she asks where willes room is edvin
why isn't there a bodyguard in front of willes room?
willes little flinch when he sees simon on the screen
yes the confrontation scene!!!
august is working out again. of course.
why didn't wille mention erik in this scene tho? something like erik told me i could trust you
edvins acting is so good in this scene. rising star award winner indeed.
this phone call hurts so much
love how him hanging up stops the background music and we are left with silence until the match strikes and the choir begins singing
wille and simon are wearing so much more hair product than they did during the whole rest of the season
god jul
the sad scarf is back again
is simon talking with sime choir kids?
we are falling now
jag älskar dig
hoppas du fan en fin jul
tack simon
running with a crown on your head
he wants to run bad so badly
city's on fire but it's beautiful
chills literal chills
i hope they continue with the 4th wall breaks in s2
i love this show
i hate this show
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sambucksteven · 3 years
Bucky & the Shield
Let’s explore Bucky and understand his obsession with the shield.
Note: I wrote this before ep 5... so I’m not going to change some of the wording even though it’s now canon.
Okay. THERE IS A LOT TO UNPACK so lets start with a quick summary:
As we all know... Bucky has been fighting for a long time as a young soldier in the 40s and as the Winter Soldier for +70 years. Thanks to Steve it finally comes to an end in the Winter Soldier...
Unfortunately, Bucky’s freedom is short-lived and just two years later it takes a sharp turn when he’s framed by Zemo. Now he has to fight again.
*inhales deeply* He gets his arm shot off by Tony... and T’Challa (rip chadwick. we miss you.) takes him in and helps him in Wakanda. Bro chills out in a freezer for a couple months and comes out feeling… “good.” He lives in Wakanda for 2 years.
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A month before Thanos showed up with his annoying purple ass, Bucky finally got his mind back (ty shuri and ayo) which we see in ep 4.
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Then after the battle with Thanos which to him is just one day, his mf best friend leaves him with a small heads up. Bucky puts on his brave face, that pained smile he always does throughout the mcu, and lets his friend go.
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This is where things get thrown off for Bucky...
Steve was the man who saved his life, maybe even more that Wakanda if you think about it.
The guy who believed in all the goodness buried inside Bucky, despite him being a Hydra assassin that murdered Tony’s parents and a sitting US president, is now gone. Steve was all Bucky had left in the world (idk the current status of Rebecca, Bucky’s sister, but we will ignore this for now).
Absolutely NO ONE trusted or believed in Bucky like Steve did. In CW, Bucky says just once:
“I wasn’t in Vienna I don’t do that anymore.”
...and Steve is straight up like: ‘okay bestie! let’s get you outta here!’
Even though there is literally ‘photograph evidence’ of Bucky in Vienna that may prove otherwise. Steve took his word for it without a second thought. Like Steve believed in Bucky so damn much.
And Bucky is consistently like ‘plz stop. im the worst. don’t believe in me’:
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Steve: “You pulled me from the river. Why?”
Bucky: “I don’t know.”
Bucky damn well knows why but how can he live up to the idealistic view that Steve holds for him? He’s been the WS longer than he has been Bucky. So he doesn’t really know who he is or this guy Steve thinks he is. He pushes Steve away because he doesn’t want to disappoint him.
Regardless, Bucky strives for it... to be the man Steve believes him to be. Steve is his moral compass. He is/was his guide in re-discovering who he is and once was. Steve was really great at reminding Bucky that he is not the WS and that he was controlled:
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Bucky: “I don’t know if I’m worth all this, Steve.”
Steve: “What you did all those years... it wasn’t you. You didn’t have a choice.”
Bucky: “I know... but I did it.”
(This is why I don’t like the therapist because why does he have to make amends when it wasn’t his fault.)
Now that Steve is gone... what does he do now?
He doesn’t know who he is anymore. He’s trying to fit the puzzle piece that is his past trauma into who he is.
Another option is accepting it and become someone new. But that someone new might be different from the person Steve hoped he would be. Regardless of the path, it’s easier said than done. Without Steve, his anchor, he struggles, conflicted between idealism and evolution.
Obviously we go the least painful route, which of course isn’t acceptance. So, he starts to become Steve. Maybe if he does he can become... someone that isn’t... himself. (*ugly cries* Get him a new mf therapist pls). He channels Steve and gets Steve’s haircut from WS, uses his notebook, and listens to his music...
But there is something Zemo said in ep 4 that is important to note:
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Zemo: “There has never been another Steve Rogers, has there?.”
I think this is so vital to TFATWS. Not only is it about race and trauma, its also about identity. When you’re thrown into a new chaotic situation, you are forced to make decisions that will change who you are.
Like Sam giving up the shield... He doesn’t want to be Steve so he gives it up while Bucky who was stripped of his identity as the WS wants the shield back so that he can protect Steve’s idealism and the idealistic view Steve had of him. Bucky takes it upon himself to protect the shield because if there is any way for him to show his gratitude for Steve saving his life, its to protect his legacy.
Bucky is guilt-ridden, sad, and trying to move on. However moving forward proves difficult being a man out of time and you know… killing people as an assassin. The one person that believed in him when no one else did is gone. Now he is pushing away Sam... until the shield was given to Walker. He has no ties to anyone or anything which is why I believe he is so reckless.
Now what concerns me is that Bucky is probably going to do whatever it takes to rip it from Walker. He wants to beat Walker’s ass and take the shield.
Bucky is desperate, trying to grasp onto some semblance of himself. He lost Steve, his final attachment to his former self. So, seeing Walker with Sam’s shield and the rise of super soldiers has him acting way out of line. Sam points this out in ep 3 when Bucky wants to break Zemo out of prison.
But that’s how desperate he is. That’s how much the ‘Shield’ means to him. Steve saved his life just as much as Wakanda did, if not more. He wants to protect and preserve Steve’s legacy now. That’s his sole purpose. However, now he faces the consequences of his actions.
But Bucky still will do anything to be someone both Sam and Steve would be proud of. Like even though he shouldn’t have interfered with the Dora as Ayo warned in ep 4, he does because Sam said they should do something:
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*John getting ass handed to him*
Sam: “We should do something.”
Bucky: “Looking strong, John.”
Sam in a disappointed tone: “Bucky…”
So Bucky intervenes.
Now that we have episode 5. It just proves my point further — the striving to meet Steve’s idealistic expectations.
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Bucky: “So when you retired it. It made me feel like I had nothing left. Made me question everything. You, Steve, me. You know I got his uh… I’ve got his book. And uh… I just figured if it worked for him then it’s work for me.”
Sam: “I understand man. But Steve is gone. And this might be a surprise, but it doesn’t matter what Steve thought. You gotta stop looking to other people to tell you who you are.”
That is what Bucky needs to hear. He needs to accept who he is and stop trying to become what everyone else wants/expects him to be. This allows him to finally break free and finally become a hero in episode 6.
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Thanks for reading! As always, would love some feedback!
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Aight, so while you type that up, Imma do the Douglas ask.
When he was younger, his parents always favored Donald. They blatantly preferred him in everything. He always tried to do better and make them proud, but they didn't care, they only really cared about whatever Donald did. Anything that he did was overlooked and anything that the two of them did together they only praised Donald for. (Albeit Donald was held to incredibly high standards to the point where any little thing could get him in trouble, so he didn't have it that good either.) Donald never really stood up for him, though, when he was getting in trouble despite him always doing so for Donald, so while, yes, Donald did definitely care about Douglas immensely, he still left a bad impression on him. (He was really cool in school, though. A troublemaker, yes, but he was freakin' cool. All the kids loved him. Donald wasn't so lucky, sadly.)
His parents were also really traditional and strict about religion, so he was raised with a shit ton of internalized homophobia. He realized he was bisexual after a couple of kids in middle school were making fun of one of the janitors for being gay. Obviously, he had no fucking clue what the meant. So he asked, and after it was explained to him, he really just went Oh. Him and the janitor became good friends after that. He was the only adult he 100% trusted and I'd like to believe Douglas was one of the speakers at his funeral. He has a few relationships with people of both genders, but all of his same-sex relationships usually ended pretty quickly because of his internalized homophobia. He came out to Donald when they were in high school, although that was a complete accident. (He caught him in bed with someone while their parents were away.) It went well, albeit very awkward and embarrassing. Donald is many things but homophobic ain't one of 'em.
After Douglas and Donald kind of separate from their parents a bit, he starts to come into his own person and get over some of his fears. Davenport Industries really takes off, and he actually gets a fair share of spotlight. But the praise kind of gets to him, which sets him on the bad path he went down. After some conversations with Donald, though, he decides that what he was doing was too much, and figures that android would have been a better idea. Donald catches him and doesn't give him a chance to explain anything or defend himself, though, so he's kicked out. He fakes his death thinking that its for the best, but manages to grab Daniel in time and takes him with him. Realizing that he can't exactly provide for Daniel, he puts him up for adoption, and works on his plan for revenge.
He figures that he should follow up on that android idea, hence Marcus' creation a little down the line. Without a lot of funds though, he tries to break into some rich guy's place and rob him. Enter Krane. Unlike Donald, though, he gave him a chance to explain himself before giving up to the authorities. And, Krane, being the fucking crazy person he is, decides that they should work together. Douglas gives him bionics, he gives Douglas funding for his experiments, its a win-win situation! This also leads to a relationship spawning between them, which turns out really well!! Except for the fact that it doesn't. Krane is very obviously not a good person and was really abusive towards Douglas. In all ways. I'd like to think that the dad Marcus was talking about would hurt him for ruining his guitar wasn't Douglas, but Krane, because, let's face it, Marcus would be fucking scared.
Fast forward to the current canon, not much is different in my mind. Douglas and Tasha definitely have wine nights, and his relationships with Donald are slowly but surely mending. He has tons of stuff that he does with Adam, Bree, Chase, Daniel, and now Oliver, Kaz, Skylar, and AJ. Things are going pretty good for him.
Y'know, until he got shot with a death orb and the series got cancelled without telling us what fucking happened. No I am not still salty.
bestie,,,,this is so good oh my god you just fed me so much content. I'm irrationally attatched to these two shows and find so little content for it, this is so good.
Man totally grew up with so much internalized hemophobia its ridiculous. Also, they definetly gave off the vibe of donald being the favored sibling by their parents, so excellent point there.
also yeah lbr krane and douglas had a relationship but it was def one sided, krane was def using him :(
also i love him being responsible enough to realize that hes not fit to raise a kid rn and puts him up for adoption, i know this is canon, but I love how he's like "yeah lil too focused on the revenge plan to raise a kid, ill give him to someone who can"
also i got distracted and im thinking about lgbt lab rats, correct me if im wrong, but when that lead actor dude(who was the robot giselle made) wasn't like everyone swooning over him? guys and girls? like it wasnt subtle right? im p sure both adam and bree found him hot, and chase def would have if he wasn't so suspicious of him (douglas too, but he was too busy going 😍 ex pls notice me 🥺(but again correct me if im wrong, its been a while)
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tales-of-sweets · 2 years
Lloyd pls or Raine for 002
Hi hi! I can just answer both ^^
How I feel about this character: My idiot... I want to be him and I also would kill or die for him. One of my many comfort characters
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Mostly just Zelos (especially/mostly post-canon during their lifelong exsphere collecting journey! Lots of adventures and healing time and bickering and such) but I'm not opposed to Colette either (or ot3 with these two or even ot4 with Sheena in the mix is kinda nice!)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Lloyd and Genis. I have said it before but I constantly forget they are not biological brothers, their bond is so close. Nothing hit me harder than Genis's sacrifice towards the end. Like I knew it would be okay but I was sobbing (the question didn't ask all that, I just love them lol)
My unpopular opinion about this character: I see a lot of people praise him for his unwavering kindness and optimism but I think it's to a fault. There are many points in the game where his trusting and optimistic nature hurts him and those around him and I don't neccessisarily think it's a wholly good trait even if things turn out okay in the end. In this essay I will...
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish he could have gotten to travel around in a boat with Kratos like he wanted to. Or at the very least I wish Kratos could have stayed there with him so they could have their little family together and he could learn more about his mother :(
my OTP: As stated above, I pretty much only ship him with Zelos
my cross over ship: Uhh, hmm... I don't have any rn but if I had to make one up then perhaps I'd make a little polycule with Sorey and Mikleo. He has the right vibes to fit in with them, I think! ^^ (Why am I legitimately considering this pairing now?? Send help.)
a headcanon fact: This is less of a headcanon and more just a wrong interpretation that I'm doubling down on but the two loose locks of hair on the back of his head look like pigtails to me sometimes. I'd like to think he just wears these little rat tail pigtails because he thinks it looks good but no one has the heart to tell him how awful it is because he's a nice guy.
How I feel about this character: She grew on me! She isn't my favorite character but I love her just like all the rest
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Primarily Kratos. I had so many feelings about the beginning of the game (two tired parents and their three idiot kids) and I love all the angst that can come about after his betrayal. Especially with the hints throughout the game that she may have been in one or several very bad relationships in the past.
I also ship her with Regal but mostly because he is kinda like the diet version of Kratos. I ship her with Zelos sometimes but mostly for various angst related AUs and scenarios that I'm too lazy to explain rn. I am not opposed to Raine/Sheena and a lot of the art is cute but I don't really think about them on my own.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Well of course it would have to be her with Genis, Lloyd, and Colette! ^^ Those are her three little idiots, I love how she's always there for them whether it's to provide tough love or just to give them much needed comfort and advice.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Can't say I have one
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I'm not really sure. I didn't actually complete her sidequests yet so maybe that will bring something up eventually.
my OTP: Raine/Kratos my beloveds
my cross over ship: Sometimes I think about her with Judith just for vibes. And if you subscribe to the theory that Judith is Rita's sibling then Raine and Genis end up with a sister in law who is also a genius and a researcher.
a headcanon fact: I think Raine has depression and makes a lot of depression meals. She's so used to eating thrown together stuff that is easy that her tastebuds have adjusted. Now the horrendous foods she is used to are like poison to others. (Slight projecting, whoops slkflk)
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scatterpatter · 3 years
Corren - 1 through 100 - You did this to yourself.
1. What do they smell like?
Bad. Do you think their party is able to regularly take showers? I thinketh the fuck not. ... Pine and old books when he can self care tho.
2. What is their voice like?
Listen I know Corren, being taller, would be more likely to have a deeper register but you'll tear "tenor Corren" out of my cold dead hands
3. What is their biggest motivator?
4. What is their most embarrassing memory?
When he first met his BFF Alondra, he was so antisocial and good at ignoring people that she actually got the impression he might have been hard of hearing. She never let him live that down. (one day I'll finish this fic i promise)
5. How do they deal with/react to pain?
"I will keep all of my pain in here, and one day I'll die." ... Okay but listen he's squishy so he takes like one hit and is bloodied up. Someone get him a healer. Pls.
6. What do they like to wear?
He likes his cloak. Its weighty and soft(well. WAS soft. got a bit of wear and tear these days.) and like. Who doesnt love cloaks.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
Ohhhhh fuuuccck this one's tough. I might have to go with Torvid honestly. While the entire party has had a positive impact on him(and trust me I was this close to picking Alistair), Torvid's been more of the one to call him out on his bullshit and to, oh I don't know, talk about your emotions? Ever??? Yknow BEFORE they become too much to handle and he absolutely breaks down???
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
Alistair's cooking.
9. Describe the way that they sleep.
Good luck finding him NOT cuddled up with at least one dog. Tbh he just enjoys cuddles in general.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food?
11. What do they feel most insecure about?
As tempted as I am to say "His cooking", it's actually his singing.
12. How do they like to dress?
"Comfort over flashiness tbh. I gotta go ADVENTURING in whatever I wear after all."
"... Also don't you DARE perceive me as cishet."
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt?
Call him a genie because he will BOTTLE THAT SHIT UP.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal?
Denial :D
15. What is their greatest achievement?
Shrike: Killing his dad
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
Somehow more of a dick than usual. Snappy and cranky and just. Mrehhh.
17. What are they like when they’re drunk?
Doesn't get drunk often, but when he does I imagine he's actually giggly and a little clingy. It's cute :)
18. What kind of music do they enjoy?
*Opens my Corren playlist* Oh yeah. It's either full edgy alt rock or indie alt "depressed millenial" tracks.
19. Are they right or left handed?
FFFuuhhhhck uhhhh well
Looking over my old art I can't seem to pick a dominant hand(I've even drawn him handling his sniper with either hand???????????) so like oops guess he's ambidextrous.
20. Fears?
The dark, the ocean, dying alone and forgotten, his friends losing their trust of him
21. Favorite kind of weather?
Rain!!!! Especially cool rain like what people often get in fall months.
22. Favorite color?
23. Do they collect anything?
Books :3
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more?
Cold weather by far.
25. What is their eye color?
Electric blue!
26. What is their race/ethnicity?
Well his race is a homebrew race known as Marelienth. Uhhh ethnicity? Idk he's from a mountain town way up north *shrugs*
In human aus I imagine him as half-Mongolian half-Norwegian so ayee
27. Hair color?
28. Are they happy where they are currently?
No :D He loves adventuring with his party don't get me wrong but he still has a lot of trauma to unpack. ... Also he was just possibly broken up with soooo. :/
29. Are they a morning person?
30. Sunrise or sunset?
*motions to above question* Sunset.
31. Are they more messy or more organized?
More organized, actually!
32. Pet peeves?
*unravels a list. It's all shit the party has done. Mostly Alistair.*
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
His amethyst pendant used to belong to his brother, Julian, and he gave it to Corren right before they were separated so you BET it's sentimental as shit and he wears it daily.
34. Least favorite food?
Mecha's usually a great cook but one time trolled him with some absurdly spicy curry he couldn't handle and he's never forgiven them.
35. Least favorite color?
Hmmm. Maybe... yellow?
36. Least favorite smell?
He spent a year with his party in a damp cave and no showers, so uh. I'll give you a guess.
37. When was the last time they cried?
Literally last night in our game's timeline :D Full breakdown and everything!
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried?
Torvid :D He was there to comfort
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured?
One time they were in combat and Corren took a few hits and was down to about 2hp or so. He had a temporary level thanks to Kieran, which boosted his HP a little bit. When he teleported them to a safe town, though, well... Torvid was waiting for them so that's cool. But uh. Yeah that temporary level wore off then and there, dropping Corn Cob to exactly 0hp and he just- flopped down face first in the snow and started dying then and there KJNDKLFNSLKN
40. Do they have any scars?
Do you want to talk about the scar over his eye from a fight he got in with his dad or like. The scars on his limbs from the time he was literally experimented on.
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues?
Undiagnosed+Untreated Anxiety, Depression, DPDR, PTSD, just to name a few
42. Do they have any bad habits?
Running away from his problems, definitely.
43. Why might someone dislike them?
He's a pretentious nerd. He can be a dick if he doesn't care about you.
44. Why might someone love them?
He's an adorable nerd! He's a hopeless romantic and oddly enough an optimist. He's passionate and driven too!
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
Well ghosts are like- a canon proven thing in his world sooo. Yeah.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?
His party. Well- most in his party.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?
Nethyl :)
48. Are they dating/married to anyone?
He's dating Nethyl and they're in a happy and healthy relationship :) *politely ignores canon*
49. Do they like surprises?
NO >:(
50. When is their birthday?
Heroya 5th! I think. I don't wanna check, assume it's this.
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
"You guys celebrate your watchdays?"
Jokes aside, he mainly just treats himself to a nice dinner and a new book or something :)
52. Do they have any family?
Two older siblings: Julian and Mila. His parents are Andreas and Fanya!
53. Are they close to their family?
... *Coughs*. He was close with his siblings, but Mila died and he hasn't seen Julian in 30 years. Was close with his dad but last time they saw each other, they fought and Corren might have killed him so. ... Yeah. :/
54. What is their MBTI type?
FUCK uh. I... N... T... J? INTJ. Sure.
55. What is their zodiac sign?
In Sekrezia: The eagle
In our world: Uhhh. Idk. Capricorn????
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in?
Uhhh. Ravenclaw??? I know almost nothing about HP :/
57. What D&D alignment are they?
THIS ONE'S EASY- lawful neutral!
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about?
Used to have typical nightmares, nothing special. Nowadays though he often dreams of being underwater. Not drowning, though. It's... weird. He doesn't like those.
59. What are their views on death?
He's a necromancer lol.
Death is inevitable, though. It's a necessary part of life. Death is not an entire loss, though. One lives on in the memories others carry of them, in the love they hold in their hearts. Death is complicated, but that's okay.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
Alistair :)
61. When bored, how do they pass time?
Dog time :)
62. Do they enjoy being outside?
... Ehhhhhh?
63. Do they have an accent?
Technically??? It's an accent from where he's from but like. I just barely tweak my own voice when I rp him so? Damn Corren I'm sorry you've been cursed with east coast dialect.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
"Damn who's the rich bastard here?" (cake is kinda a delicacy in their world- not like elites only but not NEARLY as common as it is here)
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say?
Reassurance mode to whomever he's with. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm okay. Remember what I told you, death is a natural part of life, yeah? I don't have any regrets, I'm okay... Just. Thanks. For giving me a chance. Thank you. Thank you."
66. How do they feel about sex?
I SWEAR he's allosexual. I'm just bad at writing allosexuals.
67. What is their sexuality?
He doesn't really know how to pin it down, so he just calls himself "queer". Definitely not straight, that's all he knows.
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood?
AHAHA no. He's hella desensitized
69. Is there anything that they find really gross?
Skulking cyst. Look it up at your own volition. It's. NO.
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them?
It's 12:21 in the morning and I'm NOT about to scroll through a bunch of tv tropes just. just. NERD stereotype.
71. Do they enjoy helping people?
Yyyyes? Only really if it's the people he cares about.
72. Are they allergic to anything?
73. Do they have a pet?
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper?
Oh yeah he's all bark and no bite. He usually just throws a little fit and/or yells.
75. How patient are they?
More than he should be :/
76. Are they good at cooking?
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often?
Oh yes he insults the others all the time. No particular favorite, he likes so spice it up.
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy?
Stim. Stim. Stim. His eyes get all sparkly and he. He.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears?
He will do everything in his power to assure they won't ever have to deal with their fears alone- You afraid of spiders? It's his job to get the spiders from now on so you won't have to deal with them.
80. Are they trustworthy?
Oh yeah. He's like Rapunzel- doesn't break promises.
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it?
Oh yes he tries to hide it. And yes, he's awful at it.
82. Do they exercise regularly?
Yes and no? No like- exercise regimen, but the amount of travelling and fighting they do is just- a workout in and of itself
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look?
Yeah! He's cute and he knows it baybie!!!
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people?
He,,, he likes someone who's physically stong,,, Muscles are,,, aaaaa >///>
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive?
Someone he can nerd out with :)
86. Do they like sweet foods?
Impartial to it. He won't turn sweets away but he's not crazy about them either.
87. What is their age?
43, the equivalent of- I think someone in their mid 30s?
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between?
He's 6'8" :) Which is actually normal for his race
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts?
Sometimes! I like to think he has reading glasses or something like that.
90. Do they consider themselves attractive?
91. What is their sense of humor like?
Julian tainted his sense of humor and now he finds the most dumb shit hilarious. Think very millenial/GenZ humor like "I wish I was Jared, 19"
92. What mood are they most often in?
"I don't get paid enough for this" or Fear.jpg
93. What kinds of things anger them?
People who don't keep their FUCKING WORD. Oh and like. Yknow. Half the shit his party does.
94. Outlook on life?
Again he's??? Oddly an optimist? In the "Things will get better and that is a fucking THREAT" way, but still optimist!
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed?
Talk about his family :) Or the fact that his boyfriend might want him dead :)
96. What is their greatest weakness?
He's squishy as fuck. He goes down easy.
97. What is their greatest strength?
He's extremely intelligent and great with magic and his sniper!
98. Something that they regret?
Not doing more to stop his brother when he tried to resurrect their sister
99. Biggest accomplishment?
Either convincing an entire town his name is Torren or accidentally convincing some very OP people that he's secretly a dragon.
100. Create your own!
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webswingers · 3 years
welcome to avengers campus, isn’t it nice to be back, PETER PARKER ?  it’s been so long since i’ve seen you being a typical TWENTY-TWO year old INTERN AT OSCORP, the image of TOM HOLLAND against the retroreflective panels of headquarter buildings.  feels like forever since i’ve seen you hanging around PIZZA PLANET. i don’t blame you, though;  it fits your vibes perfectly given everyone associates you with BATTERED CONVERSE, INK SMUDGES, HALF EATEN TAKE-OUT.
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death mention tw
...... hey, have you seen the news reports lately …?  i heard you’ve been getting visions from MARVEL beginning to return, waking up from dreams of J. JONAH JAMESON REVEALING HIS SECRET IDENTITY.  must be something in the water …  say, did you always have A LEGO ANAKIN SKYWALKER on hand ?  i’ve never seen you leave home without it.
birth name: peter benjamin parker
alias: friendly neighbourhood spiderman, pete, kid, queens, etc.
species: mutate: superhuman abilities/powers stemming from a bite from a radioactive spider
date of birth: august 10
sexuality: bisexual 
gender and pronouns: cismale, he/him
occupation: intern at oscorp industries 
“canon” timeline wise, peter’s taken from the mcu so everything on this wiki are the specifics if you wanted to know in depth, but long story short:
super secret superhero living with his aunt in queens (until the Reveal), only the four people closest to him know about this; Ned, May, MJ, and Happy
lived a relatively normal ‘teenage’ life when he wasn’t a vigilante: a little bit of a loser, friend-group of one (his guy in the chair) for the majority, had crushes, got good grades, just tried his best to make his aunt and tony stark proud after the death of his mother, father, and uncle.
joined the avengers to help iron man, got a little bit out of his depth but stark helped him become a better supe, he’s a lot better but he’s still learning.
the death of his mentor and third father figure heavily influenced his behaviours and added to his constant need to keep the people he loves safe, but somehow never manages to do so and it keeps him up at night.
trusts men too easily still for some reason??
everything that has occurred in peter’s arc in the mcu timeline to this point is all canon for him, he obviously is just slowly remembering it.
EARTH 200000:
for peter’s alternative timeline, i wanted to incorporate more of who he is in some of his comic arcs, in some of the cartoon tv shows, too, but primarily his personality/some relationships are inspired by the ps4 spiderman game.  i realise this can get a little confusing given all the different characters and plot lines, so if you’re confused at all please feel free to message me and we can talk about it ! i wanted to incorporate his canon relationships with people outside of what they’ve introduced in the mcu for peter, but this will be something that needs to be plotted out, so pls lmk if you wanna do so ! here are the basics:
still a super secret superhero living a few floors above aunt may, so he can still see her whenever but he has some adult privacy.
slightly older than the spidey on screen currently, is an intern at oscorp industries and admires what they do there (this is not his first internship rodeo, but he gets paid a lot better at oscorp)
still has a relatively small friendship group, peter will never be mr popular but he’s absolutely okay with that.
wants to help people constantly; other than his spidey work, he volunteers with his aunt at F.E.A.S.T and works with the people staying there so he can learn how to help the people who don’t get helped.
big believer in justice, probably rants a lot to his friends and co-workers when he’s in That Kinda Mood, but ultimately keeps to himself and stays in his lane (unless he feels he needs to intervene)
he is a lot more confident as spidey than he is as peter, so his personality shifts slightly depending on what he’s wearing
has been known to sell some of his photography when he’s a little low on rent 
just a big nerd who luvs his aunt < 3 
inspirations for earth 200000:
ultimate spider-man (tv), spider-man (2017, tv), spidermen (comic), mcu spidey, the spiderman ps4 game-- these are just inspirations for his personality and interests, but if there are particular plots you’d want to write out from these i’m more than happy to plot that out !
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
Can you do a weeding head canon for Satan pls? Please please please. Thank you so much for you time
Wedding Headcanons for Satan/Reader
wow four pages just like his birthright lol
*:゚*。⋆ฺ(*´◡`) I love thinking about weddings!! hope you like it! 🌺 kept it gender neutral as usual
EDIT: ltskjdlafskj tumblr didn’t save my FORMATTING (cries) hhhhh but hope it looks okay now!
where they get married
England, probably, if you chose a human place to get married at, but not in the city
i can imagine a cozy little cottage near a lake, set up a veranda and tables and chairs and there you have it; definitely outdoors 
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. )
Early spring, late morning
very peaceful time of the year
If we want to get specific, most likely March when the breeze is cool and gentle and the foliage is lush and green
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. )
It probably sprinkles a little bit the morning of the wedding-- which is good luck, Satan reassures you
Throwing rice at the newlyweds over confetti-- mainly because it’s biodegradable and the wedding is outdoors 
(had to search this up but) Satan, devious as he is, asks to do the garter toss
Basically, you wear a garter (that can match your wedding night lingerie wink wink) and he takes it off using his teeth or hands
Satan uses his hands-- but that doesn’t mean he can’t make it as intimate and alluring as he possibly can, making sure you’re aware of where his hands are on your leg as he shoots a coy look up at you just to see you blush
if you’re uncomfortable being that intimate in front of your family, no problem-- he can always just take it off later when you’re alone together
definitely hands or tosses the garter smugly at his brothers next time he sees them just to watch them scream
what their wedding cake looks like
small, four tiered cake decorated with pink peonies and light pink roses, accented by green leaves and gold
matches the bouquet!
….who smashes cake into whose face
you think and even plan it the moment the two of you decide to get married that it would be you
Satan surprises you by getting the jump and smushing cake onto yours first
gracefully lets you smash cake into his face too, a wide smile on his face the entire time
who proposed to who first
you think the cake is revenge for the fact you beat him to the punch and asked him to marry you first (after he says yes)
Satan was slightly miffed because he planned a whole getaway and everything to ask you 
tells you as much with a pout as you laugh 
gives you the ring he bought you and gifts you with something else during the getaway instead of the ring
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither )
Satan refuses to be walked down the aisle by Lucifer, so he stubbornly stays at the altar (with Asmo as his best man and probably Lucifer as one of his groomsmen)-- which honestly, works for him
the flutter in his chest and the way you look incandescently beautiful as you walk down the aisle takes his breath away
loves the traditional wedding, Satan is a sucker for romantic cliches considering his proclivities for novels-- he's undoubtedly has thought of you in this very moment before a real proposal was ever on his mind the sap
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
one thing is for certain: Satan does not get to dress himself
And honestly neither should I but here it goes
Asmo and Lucifer help him choose the tuxedo to go with the color theme (green) 
Grey, three-piece suit with an accented forest-green signature bowtie
White button-up shirt inside
Accented with a very, very pale pink rose pinned on the lapel of his suit
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have
Pastel and forest green with gold accents
Very nature-esque considering the outdoor location 
Considering this happens on a grassy area, the walkway is scattered with flowers, the arch is decorated with peonies and roses 
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? )
Pink Peonies - represents honor, romance, beauty, and bashfulness
Pink roses - playful innocence/sensitivity
White daisies - true love, new beginning
Satan would have loved to thrown in an orange lily somewhere, but considering his color is GREEN, Asmo fought against it heavily -- but it would have symbolized a passion for life
Throw in some green in there too to match the theme and balance out the bouquet 
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
It's not that Satan can't be original, but it's more like he believes the traditional vows are still true and romantic to this day; definitely customizes it to fit him more 
“With this ring, I give you my heart. I promise from this day forward, you shall not walk alone, may my heart be your shelter, and my arms be your home.”
He definitely does add the bits of poetry he's written about you-- highlighting the ways he has fallen for you and how you make him feel at home with you
Levi calls him a sap but he dries his tears with a tissue during the proceedings so his comment is invalid-- this scene is too perfectly anime to not love 
he's an intellectual and a man of books: he's definitely got a way with words and spent weeks forming the best vow that encompasses everything he would ever want to say to you
if there was a day he’d say all the tender feelings he had for you, today was the day (out of the many days from thence on)
is surprised when you cry and secretly pleased-- makes (more) vows to tell you how much you mean to him more
if anyone’s late to the wedding
bye jk
wedding would be pretty small so doubtful there would be late comers (unless you have a large family and would like to invite them)
wouldn't roast anyone on your side for coming late; very understanding about it
if any of his side comes late, he'll say something to playfully tell them off or be exasperated but not surprised 
but honestly it doesn't really matter to him because at the end of the day, he loves his family and he couldn't be happier to know they're there for him on his special day
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other
Lucifer -- and not just by default; Satan asked him specifically to be a part of his groomsmen
Lucifer was very soft about it, not that either of them will acknowledge it
tbh kind of hard not to just assume all the bros wouldn't be the groomsmen but if we had to choose a typical three, the other two would be Asmo (best man) and Mammon
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? )
Lucifer was the one to bear witness to another side of Satan when he made a pact with you, so undoubtedly he would talk about that just to embarrass Satan
Satan would never say it, but he’s warm thinking that Lucifer would remember something like that
I actually think his speech would be very emotional, considering the rocky relationship those had had and how much they each have grown and mended their bond
Satan tears up and squeezes your hand, though he is embarrassed when you smile at him knowingly
his other brothers probably sneak in speeches of their own about Satan's angstier days-- hoping to squeeze as many funny stories they’ve collected over the thousands of years living together as brothers
they're lucky Satan is in a good mood the entire day so he won't throttle them lmao
who catches the bouquet( s )
Solomon, the crafty bastard
Satan wishes he was more surprised
Asmo doesn't stop whining to Solomon the entire night
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
Satan is a photographer-- of course he's going to go all out and memorialize the event
probably has been keeping a scrapbook of your relationship ever since you both went steady and tbh he might have to start a completely new photobook just for the journey from engagement to wedding
the wedding photos of you in your wedding outfit are personally taken by him-- there is no one else that can capture the way your eyes crinkle with joy or the soft glow of your smile at dusk
if beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then you would be the most beautifully wedded person the world has ever seen in the photos Satan has taken of you
literally cannot get enough of you in your outfit that you have to tell him to stop so you can actually have photos of him and with him
trusts Asmo to make sure that they look on point and that the photographer takes good pictures of everything during the reception and wedding itself
just as much tender moments as there are silly moments; Satan loves them all
what sort of food they have at the reception
if they have their wedding in the human realm, then Satan would let you handle the food considering he knows more devildom food (food which may alarm normal people)
agrees to most of your choices, taking into consideration any allergies
what can I say? he's a reasonable guy
also he knows Beel would finish everything if anything
Definitely chooses the tea to be served during desserts though 
who cries first during the ceremony
in comparison with Satan, you probably cry first, but Satan is definitely not far off from joining you after
it's one of the happiest days of both of your lives after all
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )
I stand by the fact Satan has pretty low tolerance for alcohol and you bet Asmo (and Mammon) helped plan everything and bought a TON of alcohol 
Satan gets drunk quick and is extremely sappy with you the entire night cannot stop saying how happy he is that you chose him of all people, that he promises to make you as happy as he can, and that he loves you
bless Lucifer for keeping his brothers in check during the wedding; god knows what would happen otherwise 
what their rings are like
Satan likes a simple gold band on his ring finger, though he wouldn't mind an engraving inside
if you do get something engraved, he'll get melty if it's a message for him or something that commemorates your relationship (he probably likes thay it's like the engraving on the One Ring in Lord of the Ring)
he gets you a diamond ring on a gold band 
simple can go a long way!
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalized candy etc. )
I actually don’t think you have any party favors; I imagined it to be a quaint, small wedding
Guests can take home the centerpieces and decorations though-- and the rice, if they didn’t throw it all at you lol 
where they go for their honeymoon
somewhere with a lot of history and lots of things to see and do the man is an explorer and the next chapter of his life is with you
type to keep the romance alive by whisking you away into experiencing something new
idk why but I'm getting Belgium or Germany vibes for the honeymoon 
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. )
asides from the typical House of Lamentation excitement (ie. Asmo flirting with everyone, Beel eating out every table, Mammon trying to steal the silverware, Belphie sleeping underneath every table at some point)
they run out of alcohol pretty quickly so Beel (almost completely sober) and Mammon (drunk) go out to get more while being supervised by (an admittedly tipsy) Lucifer-- and come back with a boatload of more alcohol and McDonalds froes two hours later 
(i mean, combine a voracious appetite, a big spender, and a man who doesn’t make the best decisions when drunk is basically ASKING for something memorable to happen)
dear lord guys its almost 12am who do you think is gonna drink all of this wine and beer
also asmo definitely steals the wedding bouquet from solomon 
who officiates the ceremony
definitely not a priest (haha) 
I have an odd feeling it would be Barbatos
I think people would think he’s a priest anyways, asides from the teal highlight in his hair 
what song their first dance is to
Everything - Michael Buble + Choreo gotta love youtube
Playful, happier dance
Lots of swaying motions and looking at each other’s faces and just laughing 
(im so soft aaaaa)
A celebratory dance to start off the rest of your life together
sidenote: My friend was kind to note that the guy in the video’s outfit matches Satan’s butler where there’s a funky tie tucked into the vest too alskdfjsldkjf
Asmo couldn’t convince Satan otherwise to not wear the vest but it’s okay because all the two of you can focus on is each other anyways
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
Satan doesn’t walk down the aisle, but Asmo (as best man), Lucifer, and Mammon stand beside him
Lucifer thinks it's endearing how much Satan fidgets until he sees you, then he's too enamored to remember to be nervous
Asmo thinks everything is picture-perfect; all according to plan
Mammon keeps crying into his sleeves
Satan watches you walk down the aisle, sees you beam at him, and it takes his breath away
nothing can take his gaze off you now 
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