#and it is so cool and hilarious what solutions and work arounds they come up with
planesplanesplanes · 2 years
Today I got to see my favorite plane: the SR-71, otherwise known as the Blackbird.
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She is lovely and so cool and leaks fuel like a fucking sieve.
The SR-71 has what is called ‘wet wings.’ This is a spy plane, it sits in the upper atmosphere (83,000 ft, commercial aircraft go up to 37,000 at the most) and it needs a lot of fuel to 1) stay up for long times and 2) fuel the really cool jet engines so they can go to super-sonic speeds. (She’s designed for Air-to-Air refueling, where you refuel the plane while still in the air. It’s metal as hell.)
So, the wings are completely full of fuel, there are no tanks, the outer skin of the wings is the tanks!
The reason she leaks is the panels of the plane itself. They are fitted a couple centimeters smaller than tight, since she flys at super-sonic speed the panels get hot and the metal panels expands while you are flying at those speeds, so they make them smaller to give them room to expand. As a result, she fucking leaks while on the ground.
When she first comes out of production she doesn’t leak, mind you. She is sealed properly in-between panels with a sealant, but as she flys the sealant breaks down. She needs resealed every how many hours and there is an actual chart put out about the Acceptable Fuel Leakage Amount per Hour. It is fucking hilarious to me. You’ve got this high tec super cool plane that’s badass as hell and its designed to leak like a fucking sieve. Like the cones in the engines? They move in and out depending on the speed of the aircraft to maximize engine output and it’s super cool, but this plane is a hot mess and it’s one of the best spy planes. Like these things are still used.
I love my Blackbirds I love them so much. My heart goes to fucked up planes. I love planes. Planes are super fucked up and I love them.
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This is at the National Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio. If you ever drive through Ohio, for whatever reason, I’d recommend setting aside a couple hours to go visit.
Edit: couple things.
1) these are not still used, they cost too much to fly, which means they cost a lot cause it’s the US military and if they think it’s too much, then it’s a whole fuckin lot.
2) these things use a special fuel that has a higher flash point as to not combust in the wings while in flight due to the extreme heat. As a result, it’s real difficult to get it to catch fire by itself. So they got shots of a fuel with a lower flash point on board that they use to get the special fuel combusting.
That special fuel is why it cost so much to fly these things and what increases the price so drastically. That, on top of the whole ‘other countries can detect these planes and really don’t appreciate the US spying on them so overtly’ thing is why we don’t use em anymore.
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howtofightwrite · 10 months
What do you think of the squishy wizard trope? Shouldn’t people that travel around and go “adventuring” have some baseline of athleticism?
So, we're back to a game design discussion, again.
The short version is, if it doesn't make sense to you, don't use it.
Squishy wizards are almost more of a gameplay consideration. If you have a game, and you're balancing ranged damage against melee damage, if your ranged damage units do enough damage, you can create a situation where melee damage straight up doesn't work. It's not viable. The 40k meme about the Tau comes to mind: “Sure, they suck in melee; too bad you'll never get there.”
If you tone down ranged unit's damage, that can easily create a situation where they become the ones who are irrelevant. Such was the experience of every level 1 Wizard in AD&D. Once in awhile, you can get into the perfect situation to end an encounter, but most of the time you're just biding your time until you get to level 5 and can learn to accidentally fireball your party's front line, but that is a long time from now.
If ranged units can do a lot of damage, they need to be fragile enough that you can remove them from the board. And the Tau comparison comes back to mind once again.
All of this combines to create a board environment, where melee fighters need to be tanky enough to get into combat and stay there. Ranged units need to be fragile enough that they can remove each other, deal enough damage to harass the melee units, without doing so much damage as to render them completely irrelevant to the board.
And, while you can build a story around that structure, you don't need to.
Gandalf isn't a fragile wizard. He's not some “book nerd,” who spent high school getting shoved into lockers. When the time comes, he goes toe to toe with a Balrog (or, the Balrog, whichever), and doesn't immediately die. He clearly manages to hold his own, in melee combat, with a massive monster. (In fairness, he's also not human. I mean, none of Tolkien's, “the race of men,” are conventionally human, but Middle Earth's Wizards are an entirely different race of beings.)
In a lot of games, solution is to give the frontline fighters a ridiculous amount of health. Now, I'm going to trash on D&D for a second, but consider that a 10th level Fighter should have somewhere around 94 - 114hp. Remember that critical hits represent some kind of significant injury. These are not just blows that connect with your armor and will leave a bruise, this is someone ran you through. Someone could crit on your fighter, with a long sword, and stab them in vital places at least 4, and probably 5 times, before it actually kills them. That's a comical amount of damage someone to suffer. (Now, granted, a 10th level character in D&D is basically a superhero. If you're thinking of Boromir's death in Jackson's Fellowship of the Rings, that is what it takes to put down a relatively high level fighter in D&D. Which is to say, hilarious amounts of abuse.)
If you signed up for that, cool. I'm not going to stop you. I'm not even going to tell you it's wrong. If you want to tear down a super-humanly powerful character through prolonged combat sequences, or due to attrition of multiple fights in quick succession, that works. I mean, hell, that's how DC killed Batman in the 90s.
If your wizard power fantasy is that a wispy intellectual gains cosmic power through hard academic study, cool. Again, that's entirely valid, and as I mentioned, it even fits into a power fantasy. If you were bullied as a teenager for your atypical interests, and habit of reading, here's a character that studies strange and esoteric subjects, and has real power as a result.
At the same time, it's entirely reasonable to have an averagely healthy mage, whether they study magic academically, or have some ingrained talent that they've honed, plop them down next to a veteran swordmaster who's fought in wars on nine continents with the scars to prove it, and while they may look a bit anemic in comparison to their buddy, is still in better shape than the average villager they interact with on a daily basis.
That's where I tend to land in all of this.
When you're creating characters for your writing, it can be helpful to assign them attributes. Now, I don't mean this in the literal RPG stat blocks. (I've tried that a few times, it doesn't really work for me.) But, just a few text descriptors (which, does sound like Fudge, come to think of it.) You might describe your mage as Smart, or Intellectual, Wise (or Absent Minded), Willful. You know, “wizard stuff.” If you describe your warrior as, Strong, Tough, Tenacious, and Cunning, you're not making the wizard squishy, you're making another character less squishy. A lot of the time, we set the base line by what other people are doing. It's reasonable to say your mage is less durable than your soldier. (Unless your mage has a reason to be that tough. Maybe they're from some frozen wasteland, and are just absolutely jacked from surviving in a hostile environment.) But, that comparison doesn't mean that your mage is deficient.
Now, on the other hand, frail characters can be interesting. You're taking out their ability to fight conventionally, so when they do start decisively ending situations, whether that's through their own creativity and guile, or sheer magical power, it can be very gratifying. And, to be clear, I am very fond of flawed characters, especially when they have to work within the framework of their flaws to find solutions, rather than just overcoming them through the power of love, friendship and mescaline.
When handled well, flaws are about creating limitations for how your characters can solve problems. These can also make your story more interesting. If you say, my character can't fight, (and you don't back down from that and just let them cheat so they can fight, because they're so goddamn special), they're going to need to find other solutions. That can result in a better, more interesting, and less predictable story.
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
More Reading Thoughts: A Long-Expected Party
There’s something so incredibly endearing about the slow, meandering beginning of LotR.
Even today—in a day and age when every author tries to grab you by the eyeballs in the first five words—Tolkien’s writing still has that gentle, irresistible draw that takes you by the hand and leads you slowly but surely into adventure. Something about a “birthday party of special magnificence” just appeals to all our inner children, I think; and the tiny mysteries, and the joy of a world of fantastical creatures living in peace and comfort, just adds to that. You want to go to Middle Earth, and you want to get lost in it. It’s like a lazy river at a water park; you wade in, get settled, and relax, and the next thing you know you’re far away from where you started.
All of that to say, Tolkien’s writing is goals and I aspire to be even a fraction of what this man was someday.
Anyway. To the bullet points!
Isn’t it hilarious how quick people are to begrudge one another their good fortune?? If Bilbo had been poor and died in a timely manner his neighbors would probably have liked him just fine, but he gets a lot of wealth and lives a long time and all the hobbits go >:-(
They’re not wrong to be suspicious, of course, but it’s still a biting social commentary. And very funny!
“As Mr. Baggins was generous with his money, most people were willing to forgive him his oddities and his good fortune.” 🤣
“You should come live with me so we can celebrate our birthday parties more comfortably together” belongs in the same category as C. S. Lewis’ “and they got so used to arguing that they married each other to keep doing it more conveniently”
“And suddenly, all the old people found that everyone actually WANTED to hear their rambling stories!”
Hobbits are all so terribly prejudiced. What endearing morons.
Ooh, confirmation that Bilbo and Frodo look similar!
“There never was much to tell of him! … Till he was drownded.” “DROWNDED??”
I love that the only things we know about Drogo Baggins are that he was unremarkable and fat and married a strange woman
The Gaffer: “Thank goodness Mr. Bilbo saved young Mr. Frodo from those strange, dastardly Bucklanders…”
Meanwhile, Merry feels his eye Twitch and doesn’t know why 🤣
The spelling of jewels as “jools” is adorable for reasons I can’t describe
Tiny Gaffer Gamgee saw Bilbo come home from his Adventure!!
The Gaffer’s words are strangely prophetic. Sam did indeed land in trouble that was bigger than him—and thank goodness he did.
The Gaffer basically says here “if generosity is being strange, we could do with a lot more strangeness!” and honestly that’s a motto I want to live by
I love that Sam is most likely the one who started the rumor about the fireworks X-D
I wish we’d gotten to see the Dwarves visiting Bag End in the movies. It’s a shame they were cut. Imagine what cool costumes they could have had!
“G for grand!” and Gandalf’s smile. Ugh, my heart 🥹
Pity that September 22nd fell on a Friday this year. We were so close to it being a Thursday, like in the book! Oh well. Try again another year, I guess X-D
Are small business owners grumbling about your purchases from foreign parts?? Here’s an easy solution! Just BUY OUT THE STOCK OF EVERYONE FOR MILES AROUND IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARDS
Also the fact that the post offices are absolutely flooded 🤣 Bilbo, you madlad
“Old Gaffer Gamgee stopped even pretending to work on his garden” LOL
The brief paragraph of NOOO BAD WEATHER THE DAY BEFORE THE PARTY is honestly spectacular. It’s so nerve-wracking for just a second there—which is hilarious in light of the war and death and GIANT SPIDERS we’re going to read about. I think it has a flavor of Tolkien’s beliefs on eucatastrophe hidden in there—it’s not out of Bilbo’s own effort that the weather cleared up just in time for his party, it was just happy providence—but I’m too tired to write an essay about it right now.
“Half the Shire’s been invited…and the rest of them are turning up anyway!”
The hobbits who came through the gate again to get a second present 🤣🤣🤣
“The hobbit-children were so excited that for a while they almost forgot about eating.” That’s impressive!!
I love that some of the toys are dwarven-made. That’s such a cool detail that makes the world seem both fantastical (because dwarves!) and real (because you can Amazon order toys from them!) at the same time.
The names of the fireworks!! Especially the ones that are onomatopoeia, like “backarappers”! It just makes brain go ✨✨✨
Pfffft, yellow rain
There’s the express train reference!
Notable difference here: in the movies, the big dragon firework was set off ahead of schedule by Merry and Pippin, and all the hobbits freak out. In the book, the big dragon firework is set off right on time to signal supper, and all the hobbits freak out (but are immediately pacified by food).
Small detail I’d like to see in more fanfics: “Bilbo had been specializing in food for many years, and his table had a high reputation.” Yes, the idea of Bilbo and Frodo eating like the bachelors they are is hilarious, BUT! We have textual evidence to the contrary! I don’t know if this line means that Bilbo was a magnificent cook himself or simply hired magnificent cooks, but either way, it’s canon that the Bag End bachelors ate like kings!
“The feast was so incredible that everyone was incredibly full and took home leftovers and no one bought any new groceries for weeks. The good news is that Bilbo had bought out all the grocery stores anyway, so it was fine.”
Why is the detail about the golden buttons on Bilbo’s waistcoat so enchanting to me?? I really think this chapter just activates the Inner Child Mode in my brain, and suddenly even something as simple as shiny buttons becomes beautiful and magical. Also it’s just a lovely way to paint a vivid picture in my mind.
I’m so glad they kept so many of the jokes in Bilbo’s speech for the movies 🤣 “PROUDFEET!!”
And now here we see Tolkien, author of the fantasy epic that has defined the genre for a century and counting, unironically using caps lock. Folks, you can’t make this crap up.
The sneaky way Tolkien says Bilbo vanished before he mentions the flash of light is Very Good and hints at the fact that there’s something else at work here
Rory Brandybuck is the G.O.A.T.
“But at the same time he felt deeply troubled: he realized suddenly that he loved the old hobbit dearly.” Aww, Frodo…
Incredible that the debate between Bilbo and Gandalf over the Ring takes up almost four pages, but it doesn’t feel like it. Excellent suspense.
I wonder where Gandalf is going “to bed”. It doesn’t look like he’s staying in Bag End, so did he get a room at an inn somewhere? Is he sleeping in his cart??
Also it’s implied later in the book that Gandalf the White doesn’t sleep. Inconsistency?? A slight untruth?? Secret powerup to Gandalf the White that we’ve overlooked??
“The sun rose. The hobbits rose rather later.” Pffft
The SHADE in all the presents oh my WORD
Except for the ones for the poorer hobbits. Bilbo’s gift for the Gaffer is so simple in its contents, and yet so generous and thoughtful 🥹
MY FAVORITE HOBBIT (don’t tell the others)
How old would Merry have been here?? Like nineteen?? Incredible that he was already such a logistics guy that Frodo trusted him to keep an eye on the house while all the chaos is happening.
“Do you hear that, Merry? That was an insult, if you like.” “It was a compliment, and so, of course, not true.” HAHAHAHA DRAG HIM MERRY
Frodo: “I’m so sorry, I thought you were Lobelia!” Gandalf: “Understandable, have a nice day”
“I would give them Bag End and everything else, if I could get Bilbo back and go off tramping in the country with him.” N’aww, Frodoooo 😭
“Look out for me, especially at unlikely times!” Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.…
“Frodo did not see him again for a long time.” Ooh, ominous.
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
tim for the ask game? :-)
Headcanon A:  realistic
part of the reason he keeps his hair longer later is that he has a pretty significant burn scar on the back of his neck after the explosion he's caught in late in robin '93. he's not too self-conscious about it or anything, but he hates when people stare or ask about it.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
when he was going through his dad's stuff after his death, he found a box of his own baby teeth that his parents apparently just... kept. which he had feelings about for sure, but also like... he didn't really want to keep a little box of his own teeth. that feels weird. but also throwing them away when they clearly had significant value to his parents feels BAD.
solution: he makes sure the box is clearly labeled (there's a tiny paper that says "tim's baby teeth <3" in his mom's handwriting in the lid; he goes over it with sharpie because it's kind of faded) and then just leaves it in a drawer in dick's apartment. dick you want these right? for emotional attachment or whatever? yeah cool.
dick finds them like two weeks after tim just places them there and goes hm. considers calling tim like hey why is there a box of your teeth in the drawer under my tv? but then he's like eh you know what, my life is weird enough. this may as well happen. so he just leaves them there and forgets about them again. tim considers this a job well done.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
he has a boatload of internalized homophobia to work through before he can even admit to himself that he's bi, thanks in large part to jack drake. he's also trans, and jack's acceptance of that hinged on tim being able to play the part of the classic ~all-star american boy~ so well. as a result, after jack is dead, tim has a lot of issues allowing himself to stray from what he knows his dad would've wanted him to be. it's not a simple easy said-and-done journey. it takes him years; he's the last one of core four to come out.
he also doesn't just like. tell people. his sexuality and his relationships are on a need-to-know basis. he's a very private person he's not going like oh i'm queer? i need to inform everyone i know. it's like... partly because he is just a private person, but also because it takes him a looong time to work through the shame around his sexuality that his dad left behind.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
he and zoanne are still friends. or they reconnect when tim eventually goes to college to get an engineering degree. specifically i think he just goes "well i'm great at tinkering and shit so how hard can this be?" and then once again has to struggle with juggling vigilanteism and having a normal life and doing homework. and zoanne is there going jeez your eyebags!!! are you good?? and tim's like no i want to sleep for a week :( why did charaxes show up last night when i have an 8:30 am lecture on tues/thurs >:( except he can't say that because secret identities. the point being tim gets to continue exploring his Themes and Issues re: identities and ALSO zoanne wilkins is there.
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hukkelberg · 1 year
polin fic idea 💡
i was shopping around the dark recesses of my mind trying to come up with any ideas for a second anthony fic to work on whilst on break and I came up with a delightful idea for a polin fic
so you've seen that book going around with the girl writing a scottish lord pretending he's her fiancée but she's invented him and when the war's over he comes find her turns out he's real and wants to marry her? precisely that, but polin.
say Colin's been traveling the world for like five years (maybe he IS a soldier, it's odd no one is) and he's relatively unknown on the London social scene, perhaps he's never even been introduced! not even Penelope knows him, even if she knows of him, so when one day Cressida and her cronies are harassing her about never getting married and Eloise snaps and blurts out "actually, Penelope here is engaged to my brother", Penelope's so dumbfounded she can't find it in herself to refute it and oh, my, the news have spread like wildfire
"what," she hisses, growing increasingly hysterical, "are we going to do when the news reach your mother? my mother? your BROTHER?"
"dw about it," says Eloise, who runs on 30% confidence 70% winging it energy, "he's chill"
and when they somehow manage to keep up the charade (you can choose to include the letters to Colin or not, maybe pen starts corresponding with him to assuage her mama—not that Colin answers), Penelope's like cool this will be a problem for future me.
Colin currently stepping off a ship: 😌😘 finally back home babey #blessed
he finds it all hilarious and perhaps a little sad, and is entirely willing to participate in their scheme until they find a solution, mainly for his own amusement and also because Penelope is a little ball of nerves and sarcasm and spite, and he finds that endearing and also hot. she is hot what are the people in London on? and obviously Colin is hot himself, and also incredibly charming, so Penelope's fielding potential homewreckers left and right, but also other men start talking to her and so on and so forth and hm. maybe Colin does not mind getting married actually did you know you were talking to his future wife? hands off, bitch.
and then they live happily ever after.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 1 year
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Fandom: 911 Lone Star Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes, Iris Blake, Nancy Gillian, Tommy Vega, Judd Ryder, Marjan Marwani, Paul Strickland, Mateo Chavez Summary: When the crew of the super yacht Firebug finds themselves in need of a new chef, stew Iris Blake is quick to provide them with a solution: her ex, Carlos Reyes. Second stew T.K. Strand is prepared to share his cabin with their new chef, but he is not prepared for how quickly Carlos Reyes heats things up in the galley. Will their boatmance set sail? Or will it sink to the bottom of the Caribbean Sea? A/N: I have loved Below Deck in all its iterations since the day it first aired, so as I was thinking about a fun summer fic, a yachting au came to mind. This is my first (technically, sort of, mostly *cough cough*) au, and it was a HUGE challenge. I'm not sure I've gotten every detail of yachting life correct, but hopefully it's close enough for a good time! Read on AO3
Chapter 1: On Top
“T.K., T.K. Nancy. What is your location?”
“Busted,” Mateo says from where he’s laid out, one arm thrown up over his eyes to block out the sun.
“What do you mean busted? My shit is cleaned and polished and ready for charter,” T.K. says, kicking him in the leg. “You’re the one who’s slacking off.”
He reaches for his radio without getting up from his reclined position in his lounger. “Nancy, Nancy, T.K. I’m on the sundeck.”
“Copy that. On my way.”
“You’d better leave before she gets here,” T.K. tells him. “She’ll rat you out to Judd.”
“Nah,” Mateo says, wiggling a little bit so he’s more comfortable. “I think she likes me.”
T.K. wrinkles his nose. “Doesn’t she have a girlfriend at home?”
“Maybe.” Mateo shrugs. “But the heart wants what it wants. And what happens on charter stays on charter.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works,” T.K. tells him. “Please don’t go having a boatmance with my chief stew. That’s going to make things all kinds of awkward when she dumps your ass.”
“Ain’t nobody gonna be dumping my ass,” Mateo says, clearly offended. “She’s gonna get one taste of the Chavez and—“
“I would’t finish that sentence if I were you,” Nancy says as she strides onto the sundeck, clipboard in hand.
“Hey Nance,” Mateo says, trying to cover up how flustered he is.
“I just passed by Judd. He mentioned you had a jet ski to clean,” she says pointedly.
“Oh um, yeah, yes. I’ll just go do that…right now,” Mateo says, scrambling to his feet and heading back to work as T.K. chuckles.
The new deckhand likes to talk big and it’s pretty hilarious. He’s as green as they come, but he’s a quick learner and T.K. knows Judd has been pleased with his progress. 
“I vacuumed the main salon, did the beds and the bath in the master, and cleaned and restocked the bar,” T.K. says. “Iris is finishing up in laundry and then she’ll be done.”
“What did I do to deserve having the most perfect co-second stews in the world?” Nancy says, feigning tears as she plops down into the chair Mateo’s just vacated. “I didn’t come to ask about that though. Are you cool if the new chef bunks with you?”
“Oh we got someone?” T.K. asks. That last he’d heard Captain Tommy had still been calling around.
“Yeah Iris’ friend that she mentioned during our tip meeting,” Nancy says. 
Right. The tip meeting.
He’d been sandwiched between Judd and Nancy on the sofa in the main salon, a glass of sparkling cider in his hand as they all toasted the massive tip their previous charter had left for them. It was their biggest so far of the season and for good reason. They’d worked their asses off.
“Okay so as you know, unfortunately Chef Pearce is no longer able to finish the charter season with us,” Tommy had said as she passed out fat envelopes of cash to each of them.
“And good riddance,” Nancy mumbled under her breath.
Pearce had made all their lives a living hell with his fastidiousness and inability to be flexible with their charter guests’ whims. When Nancy had brought back a steak that their primary guest had deemed too rare it had been the last straw for him and he’d immediately packed all his things and left the next morning without a goodbye to anyone.
“So,” Tommy said, giving Nancy a look that said she agreed with her but wasn’t going to badmouth any former staff, “we are currently looking. It’s a pretty big vacancy to fill and we need someone asap.”
“I have a friend who could probably do it,” Iris had immediately piped up. “Well, technically he’s my ex, but he’s also a friend. I’ve known him since elementary school. One time in third grade, I punched Jimmy Echolls in the face and he—“
“Iris,” Tommy said gently, guiding her back to the moment at hand.
“Right, sorry. His name is Carlos and he’s a chef. A really good one.”
“Give me his contact information and I’ll reach out,” Tommy said. 
That had been two days ago and the last T.K. had heard about it. Thank god they’d had an extra day in between groups so they hadn’t had to explain to any guests that their dinner choices were boxed mac and cheese or Chinese take-out. The crew had been taking it in turns to make dinner for themselves so they wouldn’t starve, but nobody had the skills necessary to serve five star meals to guests shelling out over a hundred thousand dollars for a vacation.
“Seriously, you’re going to make me bunk with another temperamental chef?” T.K. sighs. “Pearce made me clean the grout in our bathroom with a toothbrush.”
“Judd and Mateo are bunked together,” Nancy says. “I don’t want to move them because Judd’s a good influence on the greenie. Marjan and Paul refuse to be separated from what they have started referring to as their “bestie cave.” And I’m certainly not giving up Iris. She doesn’t snore or leave the toilet seat up. So that leaves you.”
“This is really unfair,” T.K. grumbles. “I feel like you’re taking advantage of my easy going nature.”
“Oh I for sure am.” She gives him a pat on the leg as she gets up. “Gotta go. Next guests want an 80’s themed dance party so I gotta call the provisioner. Get ready for some glow in the dark body paint. New chef’ll be here in like an hour so if you have any weird sex stuff lying around go take care of it now.”
“I want a new chief stew!” T.K. yells as she heads back inside.
She turns around and flips him the bird before the sliding doors close behind her.
He’d known he’d end up being the one sharing and he doesn’t really begrudge Nancy’s decision. It doesn’t make sense to move everyone around when they’re already comfortably settled in their rooms. Plus it’s not like he’s going to force Iris to shack up with her ex. It’s just been nice to have the room to himself after dealing with Pearce for a month.
He groans and hoists himself up from the chair, grabbing his towel to carefully wipe away the ring of condensation his sparkling water has left on the side table. Judd is a pretty kind and understanding bosun, but he’ll rip you a new one if he catches you dirtying up the boat after the deck crew has already cleaned things off for a new charter. 
He takes the stairs carefully down to the galley and swings by laundry on his way to his cabin. Iris is in there with her headphones on, bopping away to something he can’t hear as she irons one of Tommy’s white shirts. He taps her on the shoulder and instinctively ducks out of the way as she whips around, arms flailing defensively. “You scared the shit out of me!” she says loudly as she rips out one ear bud.
“Sorry. I came to see if you need any help.”
“Nah, just finishing up Captain’s stuff and then I’m done,” she tells him. 
“I heard your ex is going to be my new roommate,” T.K. says. “Anything I should know?”
“About Carlos?” Iris shrugs. “He’s a guy. He’s nice. Good chef.”
T.K. waits but Iris doesn’t say more. “That’s it?” he says.
She looks at him with her big, wide eyes. “What more do you want? He’ll be good at the job. Oh and he likes his room really clean. So maybe like, pick up your towels and stuff.”
She gives him a smile and then sticks the earbud back in, a clear dismissal.
T.K. rolls his eyes and trudges to his cabin saying hello to their lead deck hand, Paul, as he passes by.
He spends some time making sure the place looks decent. He’d switched to the bottom bunk and started using the top as extra storage the minute Pearce walked out, so he takes all the clean clothes he left up there and shoves them into drawers or under his bed, and then checks to make sure he hasn’t left out anything sensitive in the bathroom.
His phone buzzes with a text from his dad, and he sits down for a few minutes to answer it. Yes, he’s doing fine. Yes, Tommy’s a great captain. No, he doesn’t need a meeting right now. Yes, he’ll be around if his dad flies in to see him for a weekend next month. It’s standard father/son stuff, but it’s a little suffocating, and not for the first time T.K. feels glad that he’s finally out from under his dad’s shadow a little bit. 
Owen Strand had been the captain of the FireBug until about six months ago, when he’d been offered the chance to captain a much bigger boat out in the Mediterranean. He’d wanted T.K. to come with him, had basically assumed it was happening until T.K. had informed him that he wasn’t ready to leave the Bahamas or the FireBug or the family he’d made onboard. Crews like this one don’t come along every day. Judd is a competent and kind bosun. Paul, Marjan, and Mateo are hard working deckies, and fun to be around. Nancy is the chillest chief stew he’s ever worked with. Iris is a sweetheart, if a little blunt, and Tommy has turned out to be a skilled captain, rounding out the team in a way that just seems to work. 
T.K. loves it here. He feels free. Safe. Loved. Which is a pretty big change from how his life used to be. 
Another glance at his phone shows him the time. He needs to get back to work, there’s only an hour or so until the guests arrive. He takes a few minutes to change out of his sweat stained red t-shirt, the Firebug’s name emblazoned in white on the chest and the sleeve along with a distinctive curl of flame, into his more fancy looking white shirt and black shorts, before heading to the main salon to check it over one more time. Heaven only knows somebody has probably tracked something across the carpet by now.
He’s walking past the galley when he hears a softly startled, “Oh fuck,” and then a loud crash. 
Figuring Paul has gotten into another fight with the juicer, he stops and enters the galley doorway, a sassy bit of teasing ready on his tongue. Only he doesn’t find Paul or anyone else from onboard the boat.
Instead he comes face to face with the most gorgeous ass he’s ever seen in his entire life. Literally, this ass is a thing of beauty. It looks like it’s been sculpted out of marble by a master craftsman. This ass is life changing.
And then the rest of the human it’s connected to stands up and T.K. feels like he’s been hit by a rogue wave. If he thought the ass was life-changing, he doesn’t even have words for the full man who stands before him.
Eyes, dark and soft, and hair so curly that T.K.’s fingers immediately itch to run through it. Even through the man’s dark blue button down and chinos T.K. can tell that he’s got a great body. The kind of body that has, in the past, caused T.K. to make some very stupid, but very fun, decisions. 
His gaydar is practically screaming at him and it takes him too long to realize that he’s staring and that this strange god of a man is talking to him. “Hey.”
“Hey,” T.K. says quickly.
“Sorry about that,” the man says. “I didn’t realize the shelf was loose.”
“Yeah. Yeah that one’s a little faulty. Judd keeps fixing it and it just keeps coming out again,” T.K. says automatically. “Are you…you must be the new chef?”
“Yes, hi, sorry, Carlos. Carlos Reyes,” the man says, holding out a hand.
T.K. shakes it and feels like his knees might give out. Holy hell he can’t remember the last time he felt this instantly attracted to someone. “I’m T.K. Strand,” he manages. “Second stew. Well, co-second stew. Iris is the other one. Which, you already know because you and Iris are…well you…”
He is blowing this so freaking bad right now. He spots a large rolling suitcase in front of the fridge and clears his throat to try again. “Did you come straight here before unpacking your stuff?”
“Yeah I went up and met the captain and I was on my way to the cabin, but I saw the galley and got distracted,” Carlos says sheepishly.
Kind of like how T.K. had been on his way to the main salon and now can’t find a single reason to care about whether or not the throw pillows have been karate chopped into perfection. “I get that. Professional hazard.”
“Yeah something like that,” Carlos says, flashing him a smile that threatens to bowl him over. 
He’s Iris’ ex, he’s Iris’ ex, he’s Iris’ ex. T.K repeats it to himself sternly. That makes him off limits. Completely. Nothing more than a fantasy for T.K. to have when he’s alone. 
And he will be having that fantasy. 
Probably a lot.
He realizes he’s gone awkwardly silent again and searches for something to say that won’t sound weird or horny. “We’re sharing a cabin. I can show you.”
“Oh yeah, thanks, that would be great,” Carlos says, grabbing his suitcase and following T.K. down the hall.
The cabin is tiny. Just two bunks, a teeny wardrobe and a couple drawers each, and their bathroom with an awkwardly small shower. T.K. takes a quick glance at Carlos and wonders how such a large man is going to fit, and then quickly shoves it away. He can’t be thinking about his new roommate naked, soapy, water sluicing down his body…
“I left you the top bunk. Is that okay?” T.K. asks, hoping to god his voice sounds normal.
If it was anybody else he wouldn’t even ask, he’d just pull the longevity card because like hell is he undoing his whole bed, but something about this man has grabbed hold of him and he finds he would literally go dive into the ocean if it would make Carlos happy.
“That’s fine,” Carlos says. “I like it on top.”
T.K.’s knees go weak and he immediately breaks out in a sweat even though the A/C is on full blast. Thank god Carlos has turned around is starting to pull things out of his suitcase, so he doesn’t see T.K.’s complete loss of motor function.
“When you’re ready I can introduce you to everyone else,” T.K. says when he finally recovers.
“Yeah give me like ten minutes, I just need to change,” Carlos says.
T.K. makes a hasty exit and goes down the hall to sit at the table in the crew mess while he waits. The last thing he needs is to see Carlos naked. His brain is already on overdrive, if he gets any more input he’s going to need an extremely cold shower, and there’s no time for that.
Carlos emerges almost exactly ten minutes later, now dressed in his chef’s coat. Somehow it makes him look even hotter, all professional and buttoned up and T.K. nearly swallows his own tongue trying not to say something stupid. They head up the stairs and through the main salon to the aft deck where Paul, Marjan, Mateo, and Judd are doing some last minute polishing of the railings so they gleam beneath the Caribbean sunlight. 
“Well, well, well, look who’s finally back. Grab a bucket and start scrubbing,” Paul teases as they walk out through the automatic doors.
“You think I want a cushy job like this? Please. Interior is where the fun is. Vomit. People’s dirty underwear. It’s like an unending hazardous situation,” T.K. teases right back.
He sees the look of curiosity on Carlos’ face and fills him in. “I used to be a deckie,” he says. “Made the change to interior about a year ago. It’s a better fit.”
“What he means is that it’s easier for him to charm all the guests,” Marjan says, wiping a hand across her forehead. Her makeup is impeccable and she looks like a movie star even in the deck crew’s bright red shirts.
“I didn’t see you complaining when our tips were almost double last charter,” T.K. tells her. 
“Pretty sure that was because of the good time I showed them on the water toys,” Mateo says.
“Mateo you couldn’t even get the jet ski started this morning,” Judd says with a roll of his eyes. “I don’t think you were the reason we got a good tip.”
“Anyway,” T.K. says, breaking up the teasing, “This is Carlos. The new chef.”
“Hey Carlos. I’m Judd. Bosun,” Judd says, sticking out a massive hand to shake Carlos’.
The rest of the team chimes in and shakes hands as well. “Nice to meet you all,” Carlos says. “I’m excited to be here.”
“We’re glad to have you,” Paul says. “These people have been making me pull double duty on the deck and in the kitchen so we don’t starve.”
“You made one meal,” Marjan says, smacking at him with her towel.
“I made chili!” Paul says. “That’s so much work it’s basically three meals!”
“Wow, thanks for rolling out the red carpet and making a good first impression guys,” T.K. says, glancing at Carlos to gauge his reaction to the team shenanigans.
Carlos chuckles. “Chili is a lot of work, and I’m sure it was delicious.” He looks down at his watch. “I’m really sorry to cut it short, but I think I’ve got my work cut out for me in the galley.”
“Yeah yeah, don’t let us keep you,” Judd says, waving them off. 
“They seem nice,” Carlos observes once they’re back in the cool air conditioning of the interior.
“This team is solid,” T.K. tells him, feeling himself puff up with pride. “Judd has been with the boat since day one. The rest of us have been here at least a couple years. It’s family.”
He’s about to open his mouth to ask Carlos a little more about himself when there’s a yelp and a body comes hurtling toward them at light speed. Iris throws herself at Carlos, wrapping him up in an aggressive hug that almost takes them both to the floor. “You’re here!” she yells, glee evident in every line of her body.
Despite his initial shock Carlos immediately softens, his face going tender and warm. His hand cradles the back of Iris’ head and he practically cuddles her right there in the salon, making T.K. feel like he’s awkwardly intruded on a private moment. “Hey chica,” Carlos says, his voice full of something so tender that it sends a jolt of jealousy through T.K. Whatever happened between him and Iris, it doesn’t seem like Carlos is over it.
He pulls back after a minute, cupping Iris’ face in his hands as he studies it closely. “How are you? You’re good?”
“Oh my god, you’re such a worrier. Yes. I’m good,” she says with a laugh. 
“And Michelle?”
T.K.’s memory vaguely supplies that Michelle is Iris’ older sister. “Yeah she’s good too. Chief stew on a boat in Italy right now,” Iris says. She sends a glance at T.K., her eyes sparkling. “I see you met T.K. already. He’s your roommate you know.”
Something odd flashes across Carlos’ face. “Yeah I know,” he says, looking almost embarrassed.
T.K. desperately wants to know what’s going on. He feels like he’s missed out on a private joke, but at that moment Nancy strides into the salon. “Okay enough chatting people we have guests coming onboard in—” she checks her watch, “—less than half an hour.” She stops when she sees Carlos. “Oh hi. You the new chef?”
He shakes her hand. “Yeah, Carlos.”
“Thank god. Nancy. Chief stew. We should talk.”
“Yes,” Carlos says. “I didn’t see the preference sheets for the guests in the galley. Do you have them?”
She holds up a stack of papers. “On my way to post them now. Want to come with and we’ll figure out what kind of fancy ass food these people want?”
“Definitely,” Carlos says.
“And you two can start making drinks and getting cold towels ready,” Nancy calls over her shoulder.
“Already done!” T.K. and Iris chime together.
Nancy turns and walks the last few steps to the doorway backward, pointing at them and then clasping her hands over her heart. “And that’s why you two are my favorites.”
“So?” Iris says as she and T.K. step behind the bar to finish setting up the cocktails. “He’s hot right? I told you.”
“Actually you didn’t,” T.K. says mildly. She could not have said less about it in fact. 
“I didn’t?” She scrunches up her nose and thinks for a second, then shrugs like it doesn’t matter. “Whatever. He is though, right? Very hot?”
“I’m going to be honest here and say I think it’s kind of weird that you talk about your ex like this,” T.K. says, pouring champagne carefully into glasses.
“What does him being my ex have to do with it?” she scoffs. “He’s objectively hot. You have to see it.”
T.K. is going to admit to no such thing. And he knows if stalls long enough Iris will move on. Her attention span tends to be on the short side.
“God, why do they make these fucking skorts so short?” she asks seconds later, yanking at the black fabric covering her thighs. “It’s sexist. And misogynistic.”
“Aren’t those kind of the same thing?”
She glares at him. “You can mansplain sexism to me when you have a skirt the size of a postage stamp riding up your ass. Okay? Okay.”
She grabs the tray of champagne glasses from him and whisks them away without another word. He huffs out a laugh and opens the fridge to take out the towels and stack them up on a second tray as Tommy’s voice comes over the radio announcing that the guests will be arriving in less than five minutes and to please get to the aft deck.
Everyone looks fresh and ready in their whites and Tommy gives him a nod as he joins the line-up, tucking in at the end next to Iris. Seconds later another body slides into the open space on his left and he looks up to find Carlos. The other man gives him a quick smile, a trace of nerves hiding behind it. T.K. feels the overwhelming urge to reach over and squeeze his hand in reassurance. Thank god he’s occupied with holding the towel tray because he’s not sure he could stop himself otherwise. 
And then he’d have to throw himself overboard, swim to a deserted island, and start a new life with nothing but a volleyball for company.
“There they are,” Judd says half a second later, nodding toward the dock where a group of impeccably dressed men and women are walking toward the Firebug.
“They look rich,” Mateo says.
“They always look rich,” Marjan tells him with a roll of her eyes. “Only rich people can afford chartered yacht vacations.”
“Yeah but there’s a difference between looking rich and being rich,” Mateo says.
T.K. has to agree with him. People who are rich tend to have high expectations, but are usually pretty nice and leave big tips. People who look rich…that’s a crapshoot. And they usually end up being assholes.
T.K. hopes it’s the former this time.
There are greetings and handshakes all around and then Nancy takes them off to tour the boat as T.K. and Iris wash the champagne glasses and throw the towels in the laundry before heading down to help put away the luggage the deck crew has hauled onboard.
Then it’s a whirlwind of drinks and snacks and cleaning (there’s always something to be cleaned) as they set sail away from the dock, the white prow of the Firebug gleaming as it cuts through the cerulean blue of the ocean. 
T.K. doesn’t get more than a glimpse of Carlos again until dinner. When Nancy calls him over the radio to come for service he walks into the galley and stops dead in his tracks. The guests asked for a sushi spread but what he sees is…unbelievable. It should have been physically impossible for Carlos to produce this much food at this level of quality in the few hours he’s been on board. 
“Holy shit. This is gorgeous.” The words are out of T.K.’s mouth before he means them to be.
“Thanks,” Carlos says, slightly flushed from the heat of his work. He’s pouring heavy cream into a bowl, probably working on dessert already. 
“No seriously this is…how did you do all of this so fast?” T.K. asks.
He’s worked on boats for years. He’s seen impressive food before. Michelin star worthy meals. But this tops all of it. 
Carlos shrugs and starts whisking, the muscles of his upper arm flexing back forth in an impressive display. “It’s my job,” he says simply. “I put the crew dinner out too. Make sure you get some.”
Nancy and Iris still haven’t arrived, so T.K. sneaks over to the crew mess and finds Paul devouring an equally impressive spread of sushi. “Save some for the rest of us,” T.K. says, snagging a California roll and shoving it whole into his mouth. 
“It’s so good though,” Paul groans. “I thought Pearce was good, even if he was a son of a bitch, but damn. This new guy….”
T.K. agrees. The California roll is the best he’s ever had in his life and he stands there at the table devouring a few more mouthfuls before Nancy and Iris sweep in and force him back to work. 
Dinner service goes shockingly smoothly. No one yells. No one sulks in passive aggressive silence. Carlos and Nancy communicate perfectly, food goes out on time, the wine flows, the guests are thrilled, it’s literally the best night they’ve had on the boat in weeks. 
Tommy comes down halfway through, a soft smile on her face when she sees how easily Carlos has slipped into the role of chef. He smiles and laughs as he cooks, chatting away easily with the captain as if they’re old friends. There’s a sense of relief flooding through the boat. Carlos is a good fit. Thank god.
T.K. and Iris run down in between courses to turndown the cabins (thank god these guests seem pretty neat and tidy) and then Iris heads to bed as soon as dinner service is done so she can get up early to run breakfast. The meal has created about a thousand dishes and Nancy starts to help, but T.K. shoos her away. He’s on lates tonight, staying up to make sure the guests have any late night drinks or snacks they need, but she should get some sleep.
Carlos is wiping down counters. His chef’s coat is partially unbuttoned, the sleeves rolled up to expose his incredibly muscular forearms. The second T.K. sees them he repeats his mantra from earlier: He’s Iris’ ex, He’s Iris ex, He’s Iris’ ex…
Maybe if T.K. keeps reminding himself of that, his stupid heart will stop trying to leap out of his chest at the sight of this beautiful man.
“Oh thanks,” Carlos says, relief on his face when he sees T.K. roll up his own sleeves and start scrubbing away at the rest of the dishes. “I thought I was going to be here all night.”
“Happy to help,” T.K. says lightly.
“So how long have you been on the Firebug?” Carlos asks.
“Like, three years now?” T.K. says as he carefully sets some glassware to the side. “My dad used to be captain.”
“Oh cool,” Carlos replies. “Where is he now?”
“Boat in the Mediterranean. It’s a bigger vessel. They have good wine over there.”
“Sounds nice.”
“Yeah.” T.K. hesitates and then asks because he has to know. “So you’re from Austin? You and Iris grew up together?”
“Yeah the Blakes lived down the street,” Carlos says. “My sisters and I were always over at their house. They had a dog and a trampoline. We did not.”
“I see the appeal.”
“So three years here, where before that?”
T.K.’s stomach lurches. Before is hard to talk about. Before was full of pills and booze and shame and it’s something the crew all knows about, but it’s not a story that everyone can accept. The thought of this perfect looking man getting weird over it forces T.K. to hold back. “New York,” he says softly. “Manhattan. I lived there with my mom when I was a kid.”
“I’ve always wanted to go to New York.” Carlos sets a pan back into its place. “I have to know. Are the bagels actually that good? I mean…they’re really just regular bagels, right? Bagels aren’t even that great to begin with.”
“I’ll have you know that New York bagels are legendary,” T.K. tells him immediately. “There will be no bagel slander on this boat.”
“Okay, okay, sorry,” Carlos says with a laugh, holding up his hands. “I take it back.”
“You’d better,” T.K. says, also laughing. This guy is fun. Why the hell did Iris break up with him?
Carlos finishes what he’s doing and comes to dry the dishes T.K. has washed, but T.K. waves him off. “Head to bed,” he advises. “I know how much travel days suck and you’ve got to be up early for breakfast.”
“Thanks,” Carlos says, fatigue creeping in at the edges of him. “See you in the morning.”
T.K. puts away the last of the dishes and then heads up to check on the guests. He’s shocked to find Mateo hosing down the teak and not another person in sight. “They went to bed like ten minutes ago,” he says with a shrug. “Easiest night ever right?”
“Yeah seriously,” T.K. says. “You on anchor watch?”
“Yep,” Mateo pops the “p.” “All night long baby.”
“Don’t let us blow into a rock.”
“Ha ha.”
T.K. bids him goodnight and then heads toward his cabin. Maybe it’s exhaustion. Maybe it’s that Carlos brought up New York and now T.K.’s memories of that time are swirling around in his head. Maybe he’s distracted by the fact that these are the easiest guests he’s ever had in his entire life. Whatever the reason is, he forgets that Chef Carlos Reyes is his new roommate until he opens the door and sees him standing there.
In nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs.
It’s just a reality of boat life that you see people naked or nearly naked on a regular basis. Quarters are tight and honestly, after so much time together, it literally doesn’t even matter. T.K.’s seen pretty much everyone’s butts and boobs and dicks onboard at this point and it doesn’t even phase him anymore.
But the sight of Carlos, hair still wet, the entire room damp from the steam of his shower and smelling like sandalwood and pine, feels so intimate that it nearly sends T.K. to his knees. 
And he’s pretty sure he would do just about anything Carlos wanted once he was down there.
T.K. was right. The man has muscles. So. Many. Muscles. He’s an Adonis. A god. He can’t possibly be real.
He’s like T.K.’s dream guy wrapped up in neon yellow caution tape that screams OFF LIMITS.
Oh god. 
He’s not going to make it through this charter season.
He’s not going to make it through tonight.
“Sorry, am I in your way?” Carlos asks as he continues threading his chef’s coat onto a hanger.
Something flashes across his face. If T.K. didn’t know better he’d almost think it was something smug. Like he’s seen T.K. ogling him and possibly, maybe, is standing in their room mostly naked on purpose.
“No,” T.K. says quickly, squeezing in and shutting the door behind him.
Bad idea. Oh god. This space is so small. He’s practically chest to naked chest with Carlos and he can’t breathe or think and if he doesn’t do something right now he’s not going to be able to stop himself from reaching out and touching those washboard abs…
“Are you done in the bathroom?” he manages to squeak out.
“Yes,” Carlos says, that smug-ish look still on his face. “All yours.”
T.K. practically runs inside and locks the door behind him, collapsing onto the toilet lid. 
Shit. Shit. Shit.
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Y'alls I'm reposting my work here because why not (please don't do so yourself though 🫶)
Link to the series I started: here
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"Leonardo Da Hamato!" I shouted from the living room. A clang sounded from the kitchen, followed by a fearful, "Yea?"
"Oo, Leo's in trouble." Mikey teased him as he emerged warily.
"What's up, Y/N?" Leo tilted his head as he walked closer to the couch I was on. "Come here."
He walked closer, suspicious. I made grabby hands at him and Leo held up his arms, now standing in front of me. "I haven't gotten a Leo hug in too long," I said simply, rising to my feet and grabbing his arms in a hug.
Leo paused before wrapping his hands around my back. "Geez, Y/N, you gave me a heart attack hollering like that." I chuckled into his plastron. "'s funny."
A few moments passed in silence, before- "Better than Raph's?"
I scoffed, before replying, "Different. Definitely number four on the list of things you're amazing at." I felt Leo's breath stutter in his chest at that before continuing. "Yea, you're great at hugs, but you're also hilarious, and charming, and a fucking badass in battles."
I pulled away long enough to glance at his face, which was gloriously flushed. "I could keep going?"
"No- no- no, um, I- uh, I already knew that," he stuttered, burying his face in my shoulder.
Should I be evil? Yes, obviously, me, duh. "I don't think you do, Blue," I began, slowly drumming my fingers on his shell. I smiled as he audibly gulped. He didn't need to know that I looked up red-eared slider facts, and learned that sliders flutter their fingers on other sliders as a sign of affection.
"Anyway, yea, you know, you're a crazy BAMF, and your jokes really light up the lair, and your sense of style is ON FLEEK," I intoned, getting a slightly wet chuckle in response.
"Plus, your leadership skills are getting really good. You know, I don't remember when I noticed it, but you've always been pretty good at analyzing situations and coming up with solutions that end favorably for us. It's really impressive to witness. That part might tie with the badassery," I continued. Leo's legs seemed to be shaking slightly, so I sat down slowly, letting go of the turtle to get comfortable. Leo turned, grabbing a pillow to hide his face in, practically a ball on the couch.
I smirked at him. "Shall I continue?"
He looked up slightly, glaring at me with the ferocity of a kitten. "Screw you," he mumbled, pillow muffling the words a bit.
"I'll take that as a yes-"
Leo whined loudly from the pillow, curling up even more around the pillow.
"Yea, you're just really cool, and when you wield your ōdachi you just look so surreal. It's amazing-" I was cut off with a pillow thrown at my face. I tossed it back laughing, but Leo dodged, pouting from the pillow he was hiding behind.
"Shame on you. Where'd all this confidence come from?"
"Oh darling, you don't understand. I have very little shame to begin with," I put on a posh English accent. It worked, Leo's eyes crinkling, though the smile was still hidden behind the pillow. I snapped my fingers. "Confidence! Confidence looks amazing on you as well!"
Leo groaned and dove back into the pillow. I could see the blush spreading past his cheeks. Mission success. As much as I enjoyed it, Mikey was probably finishing up with dinner.
Leo looked up again. "Y/N, why-"
"Because, Blue. You deserve the world. You all do, equally. Especially you, Leo. And I love you guys. I wanna make sure you know that, Leo. I-" I dropped my voice, locking eyes with him. "I know you have nightmares. You've been through a lot, and you've decided to and been forced to shoulder a lot. So if you even need to be reminded, you just have to ask."
Leo's eyes had widened, and were now searching mine for any, any signs of deception. I knew he would find none, and I smiled gently. His bottom lip trembled before tears began streaming down his face. The turtle looked down quickly, unable to maintain eye contact, but I didn't mind.
"Come 'ere, Baby Blue," I murmured softly, scooting closer. The sobs grew louder at the name as he clung to my shirt. I held him until they quieted with his grip softening.
"'s ok, Leo. It's ok to be vulnerable. I'm honored to be entrusted with that right now. I'd be honored to be someone, if not the one, you come to to get something off your chest. If not, that's fine. Emotions should never be a burden for one, Blue," I said softly, fluttering my fingers on the edge of his shell again as though it would drill it in. A few more minutes of silence passed as the shakiness in each of Leo's breaths disappeared. The turtle shifted and looked up at me again. "There's the Baby Blue," I cooed, cupping his face and fluttering my fingers. The blush dusting his face darkened again, and Leo looked away. "'m too tired for another breakdown," he yawned, pulling away to sit up. I chuckled.
"Mikey's probably close to being done with dinner," I said, standing. Leo followed slowly, but I stopped him. "I can and will keep reminding you. You deserve the world, champ," I added softly, poking him between the eyes. He looked down, embarrassed, and I grabbed his hand to lead him to the kitchen.
He paused at the entrance, and Mikey and I looked up at him. "I gotta- go to the bathroom!" he said loudly, before quickly walking off. "Don't fall in!" I hollered with a grin.
"Wouldn't dream of it!"
Mikey looked between the empty entrance and the spot I'd taken up. "SO... what was that?"
I shook my head slightly, smiling. "Just reminding Leo of his worth."
79 notes · View notes
volturialice · 2 years
ok I wasn't gonna do this twilight advent thing because y'all know I'm Not Great at consistent participation but if it's Jasper's Hobbies Day I obviously have to weigh in so here goes
listen. the important thing to keep in mind about jasper is that he's boring. he's soooooooo boring. he has all the tastes and proclivities of a middle-aged dad. just utterly bland dadcore taste in everything. I have this little remix snippet of one of @goldeneyedgirl's human alice/vampire jasper stories where even in human!teen!alice's wildest, horniest fantasies she can't imagine him as a peer or cool fellow teen and instead casts him as a 45-year-old nerdy professor.
which is what makes SUCH a hilarious contrast with his anything-but-boring background of violence and drama. he's kind of a jon snow-esque character in that his skills do not at all line up with his desires. by age 25 or so his only real want is to be Left Alone and yet life will not stop putting him in Situations. even when he manages to escape the cycle of violence, he ends up brother to the Main Character and husband to the World's #1 Meddler And Architect of Situations. even if alice were not an irrepressibly active person who loves nothing more than Doing Things, she's so overpowered that she creates international political incidents just by existing. jasper will never truly know a moment's peace and that's so funny and delightful.
but when he does get a moment's peace, here's what he'd like to do with it:
I agree with the canon/fanon that he's into scholarly pursuits like philosophy and history. I think history-wise he often overlaps rosalie's interest in technological history, because he blinked and missed the entire industrial revolution. I mean, he went from being human during a time without indoor plumbing to rejoining society around the time of stuff like the Space Race and the development of nuclear weapons! that's bound to pique anybody's interest. the rate of technological development is so much faster now! I can see him spending long hours talking with rose about robotics and space exploration and the future of green energy. I think he likes the logistics side of engineering because of the emphasis on efficiency and elegant solutions.
he's also happy to take all the Crime hobbies from carlisle. a whole new area of strategy where he gets to pull out all the stops and use his intimidation skills but doesn't even have to kill anyone!! what a rollicking good time.
I also agree with the fanon that as a human, jasper was a total Horse Girl who liked animals. as a vampire I can see that manifesting as an interest in conservation and biodiversity, or sustainable agriculture.
also as a human, he's very into athletic pursuits. his natural talent is for team sports and even coaching, but his interests lie more in the direction of stuff like swimming and climbing and martial arts—anything with a big emphasis on self-discipline and improvement.
in terms of the cullen family dynamic, his extreme patience means he's also voted #1 Most Likely To End Up Helping Other People With Their Hobbies. esme needs a hand with construction or renovation? he's there. rosalie needs someone to stand around and act as a car jack for hours? that's a jasper task (emmett would be her first choice except that he always gets bored and ends up trying to distract and seduce her, which inevitably works.)
the only people who can ever really coax jasper out of the dadcore mold are alice and especially emmett. emmett is a veritable genius for tapping into jasper's secret petty side. he can transform that jaded ex-war criminal nerd into a stupid goofy teenage oaf in 3.5 seconds, usually by goading him into some kind of competition. whenever they invent new games like Emmett And Jasper Ultimate MegaChess together, jasper tries to focus on developing a complex system of rules and emmett provokes him to smash right through them and play. ditto when it comes to things like pranking edward (pranks involve a lot of strategy and skill ok. they're totally a mature grown-up activity!!)
I think when he and alice first joined the cullens, jasper had lowkey forgotten how to have hobbies and considered them frivolous. until he saw how much joy and fulfillment alice got out of her hobbies and realized he'd better find some of his own or he was gonna feel lost and clingy. luckily for him these megarich vampires who never sleep have nothing but time and resources on their hands, and were happy to help him find some!
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Your thoughts on this video essay?
I couldn't agree more with OP.
I really like his quote here: "Creativity at the end of the day is really problem-solving. Generally the more difficult the challenge, the more that forces you to stretch your imagination to think up solutions."
That's the main thing lacking in MoM. The lack of creativity is insane considering the movie was supposed to be focused on magic and the multiverse. They come up with crazy powers because they look cool and they don't care to explore them, explain them, or give them any meaning besides "it looks cool on screen."
Wanda's powers add absolutely nothing to the story or her character. She all of a sudden knows what to do and how to do it, and those powers only show up once, the implications of the things she can do are irrelevant.
That's another thing, the flaws are far more interesting than the powers themselves. They made Wanda so hilariously OP that she has no limitations to her magic, she has no weaknesses at all - which in turn makes her character completely forgettable: we don't see her descend into the Darkhold's corruption and she has no weaknesses either. Her only role in MoM is to be the villain, she has no arc.
To quote OP, the more a character struggles the more compelling their journey is. But the characters in the movie have no limitations: Wanda can use her magic as she pleases, America doesn't get tired of travelling through universes, Stephen uses a bunch of spells but he seems to be well at all times...
And don't get me started on the spells. We see a bunch of them that look great on screen but we don't know anything about them, we don't know the names, we don't know what it takes to cast them, nothing. At least DS1 gave us a few things but MoM? Nothing.
It's funny the OP mentions the sling rings though because Mordo literally says in the first movie that they can be used to travel the multiverse:
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But they retconned that because it didn't line up with their new narrative. They could have worked around it but.... it's easier to ignore it, apparently.
I gotta say though, it's slightly annoying that the video is so focused on Wanda. I swear a lot of people think MoM was her movie but uh... it was supposed to be Stephen's. Exploring her powers could have been cool but what about Stephen's skills and abilities? We saw him training in the first one, we should have been on a journey with him to see how much he has learned, how much the fight with Dormammu taught him, the stuff he found out while checking those 14,000,605 different futures in Titan.... but we got none of that.
I will say that OP's idea to make Wanda's power only work on the living so Stephen possessing the corpse of Defender Strange in the end actively negating her power? Yep, that sounds pretty cool.
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fountainpenguin · 10 months
This is a Box
[Current Ask game]
130 Prompts #124 - This Is a Box - Read on AO3
3/4: What's your favorite line of narration? [+ dialogue]
For a piece that's 5.5 years old, I think most of the story holds up nicely. I think I did a good job setting the scene and playing into the canon cartoon quirkiness. I can't pick just one, so here's a few moments I like. I think I nailed the cartoon vibes here:
"Not so fast, Timmy Turner!" crowed a young British voice. This was followed by the horrifying stomp of a very large animal's heavy feet. Chloe set down the clock. In slow motion, she and Timmy turned towards the other end of the aisle. Then they grabbed each other's arms and screamed. "Ahhhhh!" Poof's eyes bulged. "How and when did you get that inside?" "Yes! Yes!" Cackling like a madder man than he probably actually was, Foop flew above the shelves, heels kicked up behind him and fists thrust in the air. "Bow down to me, you pathetic human idiots! Or else I shall be forced to crush you under the heels of my mighty persimmon amphibious wrecking ball of chaotic doom! Ahahahaha!" Chloe threw Timmy a jagged look. "You just couldn't resist the giant hippo wish, could you?" He crossed his arms. "Hey, you didn't argue then. Did you have a better way to block the portal door without destroying it and upsetting Poof?" "Fingerprint scanners! Always go for the fingerprint scanners!" "But that's so overplayed."
I think the visuals work well in this scene and don't bog it down. Plus, I love Foop... It's nice. It also balances that "Timmy likes to have fun and Chloe tends to be more practical" vibe without painting Timmy as dumb. Timmy and Chloe are both smart, but Chloe would probably go for a "more effective" solution here while Timmy went for a creative one- which is, of course, a huge part of his character.
This got cut and changed in the final episode, but in the original script for "Fairy, Fairy, Quite Contrary," Remy didn't have cell service in Fairy World and started freaking out because he couldn't come up with anything creative on the spot and he'd never had to be without signal before. Timmy won the duel with his creativity (the most amazing animal ever).
In the final episode, this was changed so that Timmy blurted out the first thing he thought of (a crab with two heads) while Remy did have cell service. We got closure to the Cosmo vs. Juandissimo drama that had been building by having Cosmo taunt Juan until he snapped and lashed out instead of helping Remy.
Anyway, I just think that original script had some cool stuff in it. It's not the only episode to cite Timmy's creativity. Off the top of my head, we also get "The Big Bash," where Cupid specifically tells Timmy that he was invited to a huge Fairy World party because Cupid values his imagination. There are so many things going on with Timmy's character throughout the series, but his imagination is consistently what gets him both into and out of trouble. That is one of the core parts of Timmy's character, and when you strip away his imagination, you lose what makes Timmy "Timmy."
We know that in Season 10, a lot of Chloe's wishes go wrong because she doesn't think before she speaks or she just straight-up makes terrible choices (like wishing that "everyone in Dimmsdale would share everything" which led to absolute anarchy). Chloe has her skills and logic, but Timmy has his experience and imagination.
Like. Timmy has so much experience with wishing that he literally spends the first two episodes mentally face-palming at Chloe's terrible choices, which I still think is hilarious and underrated. He heard Chloe's wording and said, "Oh, that can't end well" even before he'd seen the chaos outside his window. His wishing experience is so underrated - and Chloe straight-up just tells him that he's being rude, even while the city is in chaos around her - and I would have loved to see more of him taking her under his wing. Season 10's got its faults, but the core step-sibling drama is so good...
Since the tail end of the show is especially rough on Timmy's character, I think it's really important in my writing to show how Chloe and Timmy can complement each other without one of them necessarily being "better" than the other.
Yeah, Chloe gets stereotyped as "the perfect kid," and she does have some skills. But you know what she'll sacrifice for that "perfect" image she values? She'll out Mark as an alien and almost get him dissected just so she can get extra credit.
Yes, she's supposedly this certified super sitter who gets along well with little kids, but she struggles to have appropriate expectations for her peers to the point that (with no warning) she ripped away Timmy's ability to talk and screamed that he was the worst friend in the entire universe, "including black holes," because he wasn't walking to school fast enough and was going to make her late.
Yes, she's incredibly patient with "Angel" when Foop is trying to ruin her life, but she's also a pathological liar who will straight-up lie to adults for no reason beyond earning their trust and praise.
Like. That's such a fascinating part of her character and I wish we'd actually talked about how problematic that is for her, but she is literally on-screen lying regularly and there's no getting around that. I know you didn't complete your babysitting certificate within the 2 seconds it took for you to do a front flip, Chloe. I know you didn't bike to Fiji this morning. Mr. Crocker might humor you, but I know.
Chloe means well, but she'll make choices she believes are "objectively good" regardless of the pain it causes others in the process. She'll shut down and deny when things go wrong, while Timmy has a better understanding of consequences and how to work through emotional pain. He's the guy who will go to space to rescue his cruel babysitter from aliens. He'll travel the galaxy to help a rival fight invaders on his home planet. Honestly, his relationship with Mark is so good and pure, and he spent so much of his free time helping Mark get settled on Earth and even helped him celebrate his alien traditions.
Timmy's made his share of mistakes, but the contrast between "Timmy spends 10 seasons keeping Mark's existence secret, to the point that he yells to Cosmo and Wanda to freeze time even though Crocker is literally standing right there and could see him, just to keep Mark safe, and meanwhile Chloe outs him the day after she meets him and almost gets him killed" is SO good... I hate the execution of "Marked Man" with a passion, but Chloe's characterization in it is /chef's kiss. Yes queen, you go face the consequences of your actions. Get freakin' wrecked.
Anyway, I really like this one scene because I think it embodies the characterizations of Timmy and Chloe really well. They're not the same character, and it's important to give them both scenes where they can fail as well as thrive.
[Cnt'd under the cut]
-- Here are some more scenes:
Timmy's reaction here I think was pretty spot-on, and I like Chloe's reminder that they're both abused children and get jealous and hurt easily:
"Ohh yeah." Timmy patted his flashlight against his hand and rolled his eyes. "We used to only have to deal with them on Black Friday, but ever since they started going digital, we have to deal with them on Cyber Monday too. And Gray Tuesday, which is basically the same thing as Black Friday, but for magical creatures all over the universe." "Why on a Tuesday?" "Don't know, don't care. But we have to go to Pixie World tonight. We're running out of time. Do you know whose name I have for the Fairy Reunion gift exchange this year? Jorgen von Strangle's!" Timmy upturned his hands to claws. "If I don't get him an impressive gift, he might grab my throat and crush me into oblivion. Or take my fairies! Or crush me and then take my fairies!" He began to hyperventilate at the thought, twitching his hands and neck about. "Hang on. There's a Fairy Reunion gift exchange? And I wasn't invited?" "Not the part of that sentence I need you to focus on right now, Chloe." "Well, yeah," she muttered, "but I didn't get invited."
The scene where Timmy shines a flashlight in Chloe's eyes is one of my favorite for a quick snippet; I feel like it's a totally realistic thing for a cartoon 11-year-old to do to his friend.
A lone hand snaked out from behind the mattress and jerked her underneath. "Hey!" Before she knew it, Chloe found herself squinting directly into the beam of a stuttering flashlight. Behind it, she could make out two over-sized buck teeth, a battered pink hat, and scruffy brown bangs that fell over a pair of grim blue eyes. Was that striped shirt part of his pajamas? He wore his hat even with his pajamas? "Timmy? Where are Cosmo and Wanda?" As Poof crawled beneath the mattress to join them, she lifted her hand to shield her face. "Hey, can you cut it out? My future self really will need an eye patch at this rate." Timmy switched the flashlight off. "You've got pupils. You're real. I guess I can tell you."
Also... Crockermichael fluff, my beloved...
Chloe looked at her own dance partner, sashaying still. "I hate to do this to you, Kevin." "No, no, please. I would hate to interrupt." His face fell into total deadpan, brows drawn down. If his feet were skittering about any faster, he'd probably have set them on fire. "Really, I understand. It's the Crocker way. Just get it over with." Chloe swept her leg behind his and flipped him over onto his back. Kevin crashed to the floor with a grunt, curling his legs like a squashed beetle ready to die.
Kevin is so dead inside, but I love him.
Overall, I really do like how I wrote Chloe in this story. I think I struck the right balance of Chloe feeling lonely, Chloe being a nice person, and Chloe being skilled at many things. The scene where she kicks H.P. in the jaw "on total instinct" and then it causes a chain reaction of problems is just great.
Also one of my favorite dialogue moments would be the introduction to H.P. (after he's calmed down):
"Look at us." Once the anti-fairy landed, H.P. threw his other arm around his shoulders and pulled him in. "We're all together, celebrating the holidays for another year. Does it get any better than this?" He withdrew then, sniffling and flapping his mittened hands at his eyes. "I won't cry. I told myself I wouldn't cry." Poof floated behind Chloe's shoulder with a repulsed look twisting up his pudgy face. "Whoa. What's up with him?" "Jolly spirits," the anti-fairy grumbled as H.P. caught him in another group hug. This one knocked his monocle out of place. It bobbed on its cord. The anti-fairy rolled his eyes as H.P. mashed their cheeks together. The microphone of H.P.'s headset scraped and stuttered. "He's always like this on Gray Tuesday. One of these years, I shall succeed in reeling him in." The young fairy tapped his cheek. "I will make a note of that for my fanfics and purposely use this information totally out of context just for a laugh at your expense."
H.P. jacked up on Christmas magic to the point that he's giddy and useless for most the story is good fun.
Poof writing fanfics had actually been part of my canon for ages before I wrote this piece... I have an unfinished one-shot I've been sitting on for like 6 years that's about Foop getting obsessed with all the Ninja Cowboy fanfics Poof wrote and then gave up on because they're opposites, and Foop can't bring it up with him without outing himself. It makes me laugh and this line makes me think about that story and I think it's funny.
My favorite one-liner in this piece is probably Timmy shushing Chloe by telling her "not to tell Cosmo and Wanda." I love when the fairy step-siblings act like siblings...
5: What part was hardest to write?
Definitely the scene where the gang is searching for Finley and Finley gets magical overload. I've never liked it and I fought with it so long before I gave up. It's... fine? I'm not even sure how I would make it better now, so it certainly is a thing that happened.
I do love that Timmy and Chloe carry the exploded paper-mâché and glittery goop remains of a pixie while they shop, because that's really funny and again ties into the wacky magical back-up canon. Plus, exploding a character when that IS part of their canon and the audience knows (I presume) that he'll be fine is great.
Although I probably should have made him explode into paperwork... Ah, well.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Yes, I shared the alt ending in a post about Longwood a few years ago. It's number 16.
It got cut for several reasons, like Cosmo and Wanda not being around. It would've been an acceptable ending, but it wasn't as fun or dramatic or as "relieving" as dropping into bed at home after a wild evening of being unsupervised kids.
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
Mostly just some thoughts on my characterization of Chloe and Timmy, as depicted above. Also the brotherly relationship between Timmy and Poof. I genuinely love my take on Poof's personality and I love how he plays off Timmy. He's kind of an instigator and kind of a yes man and he's goofy and inexperienced and I like him.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
Probably not to include songs in my stories... I think it's kinda cute, but in a sort of affectionately cringey way that can tip a little far. There's another 130 Prompt I've been working on for a few years which was about a song at a high school dance that Foop takes offense to, but writing lyrics and wondering how they come across is more nerve-wracking than it needs to be.
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nimata-beroya · 1 year
Right now, I have the mighty need to pay Jon Favreau a visit. One which would be not beneficial for his overall health. I heard vague rumors that this episode was going to be a rough one to watch, but I avoided catching any details. I don't know if knowing what was going to happen would've made it easier to bear, but dang! It hit me hard.
Loosing yet another of my beloved characters in a short time has me reeling. How dare you, Favreau? HOW.DARE.YOU?! It started very funny, but that ending destroyed me.
This is going to be a long one (testament to how great the episode was). So read at your risk.
Hmm, this imperial chick again. What are you up to now? who are you meeting with? I don't think Gideon is bold enough to be on Coruscant, but… Oh, a probe droid! ok, through a holo, yeah that makes sense. And there he is! Ugh! Poodoo is going to hit the fan now.
Woah! where are you hiding, Gideon? This is cool and terrifying.
A meeting! Do I know anyone there?
Oof! Imperial using the same tactic that the rebellion used at the beginning of appearing nothing more than an unorganized group of remnants is like YIKES! 😬😬 Dare I say whose idea that was? Perhaps from a blue grand admiral well-known for studying his enemy and using their tactics against them?
LOL Shadow Council? Couldn't you find something more original. Just sayin'
Of course, Gideon is trying to take power from Thrawn while he's not around. Gideon, let me tell you right now that you'll lose, my friend, and you won't know what hit you once Thrawn put you in your place. You think you're a step ahead of everyone, but he's 10 steps ahead of you!
Ok, here we go! will Mandos behave?
Nicely done, Armorer. Big mama reminding younglings to be in their best behavior 😆
From Coruscant? How did you get that Karga, hmm? (Side note: this seemed sus to me since the first time I was watching the episode, but even more after I was done)
Oh, poor Grogu 🙁 he got scared as soon as saw the droid. Not that I blame him because of how things went last time.
IG-12? lol A mecha, nice solution.
Now, Grogu is happy!
🤣🤣🤣 bad baby! no squeezie! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Greef Karga is grandpa ™ spoiling Grogu rotten and Din can already see that this will bring more chaos to his life. He can feel it! 😂
OMG!!! Grogu can communicate now. His first word!! Sorta… and it's so appropriate that it's "No". Grogu officially entered the terrible twos! Din is doomed now 🤣🤣🤣 This is so hilarious!!
🤣🤣 Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Din makes the example, of course! and he volunteers Grogu too?! Are you insane? Actively taking your son into dangerous situations is not good parenting, Din. JFYTK! But I love that Grogu stands immediately.
Koska and Axe, too. I guess that was obvious. YES!! Good for you, Paz! (Side note: After watching the episode, I no longer think it was a good decision, Paz. You should've stayed 😭😭)
Ooh! The armorer is going too? With the vague rumors I heard that this episode will end not in the happiest terms, I have the feeling she might die 😩 I don't want that! (SN: yeah, my spidey senses weren't that off, after all. Somebody died 😭😭😭)
Ooh! the heartbreak of everyone watching Mandalore's surface from the Gauntlet 😖
What's that? Oh! More Mandalorians? On the planet? Why do I think this is sus? I mean, they could be working with Gideon to lead them to a trap (UGH! sometimes I hate being right! or maybe not, but it's really sus that these guys appeared and let the party just to where Gideon's base is? like 👀)
OH!!! Bo-Katan is telling what happened finally!!! (I've admitted before that I was never her biggest fan, but I feel for her. Obviously, Gideon didn't give her much of a choice and took advantage of that. And she has changed a lot since then and even before that. Her wise words come from painful experiences)
I like that Bo is admitting her mistakes out loud. Not spelled them out entirely, but enough for me to be appeased. One of my criticisms about her arc is the vague mention of her past mistakes. I don't mean it as to forever punish her for them, but to show how far she's come all these years. Because casual fans who haven't watched TCW or Rebels don't know she was Death Watch. And to me, that's an important thing.
And I ADORED Din's speech!!! And it's the confirmation of what I thought Bo's arc was about. It's about showing others and herself that what has value in a leader is not the blood or ancestry, nor possessing a magic weapon, but who you are as a person. Like Din says: honor, loyalty, character. And his vow brought tears to my eyes 🥹
So the Armorer is not going? 🤔 So maybe she doesn't die, but if she doesn't, who will? 😣
and these guys know exactly what they're going 🤨 Yeah, definitely sus. Something is going to happen and I'll hate it!
🤣 Paz and Axe playing together? Danger! Danger stranger! This is going to end badly… see what I mean! I'm not even surprised that Paz is the one issuing the challenge. And of course, Axe won't back down.
it should be embarrassing for both Paz and Axe that a child has to intervene and stop them. But I'm wheezing! it's so funny.
What do you mean, Din?! You've taught him that too!! from the top of my head, I can remember not less than 6 times that you've tried (at least) to deescalate, if not stop altogether, a fight. I mean, you just were going to do exactly that!!!
Oh my gaaaaawwwddddd! Din and Grogu nodding to each other!!! OMG that's so cuuuuuuute!!! 🥺🥺🥰🥰
Ok, I'm getting nervous, because I know something big is going to happen and I don't know what!
Wait! What the hell is that?!! Is that the Mythosaur?! (On the second viewing, I paused it to check carefully, and no, it's not the mythosaur. I don't see the tusks, so it has to be another nameless monster)
awww uncle Paz and Axe saving Grogu together 🥰
🥰🥰 Din "the galaxy's best dad" Djarin checking on his kid (But my dear, this is exactly why you shouldn't have brought him!)
Oh, dank ferrik! Imperial commandos?! Ugh! Stormtroopers, lots of them 😖
oh fuck! no no no no!!! That looks too imperial!!! There's a post there!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I knew it!!! It's a trap!
Nooooo!!! stop it!!! Turn around!!!! TURN AROUND!!!!
I KNEW IT!!!!! I've been saying since episode 2 that dark troopers were made of beskar alloy!! Somebody listened to me? probably not many.
Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck!!! No, DIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!
yeah, that would've been nice, Bo. Problems for many people would've gone poof if Gideon were dead!
yeah, like that trick would work twice! Pfft! Please Gideon, come up with something better
omg omg omg!!!! nooooooo Paz!!!!! NOOOO!!!!!! NO that's NOT the way!!! noooooooo!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I'm devastated because Paz is my second favorite mandalorian after Din, and I can believe that I've lost 2 characters very dear to me in as many weeks! Why they want to ruin my comfort shows with this level of angst?!! Gosh, it hurts!! All I can think about is in the poor Ragnar that's now fatherless 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔 (Does he have a mom, or he just turned into a foundling for a second time in his short life?)
There's something else that was left without a clear answer. Who the spies are? Because, yeah, Elia Kane is A spy, but the title is in plural, so who is or are the other(s)? I have several suspects.
The first ones, of course, are the "survivors" in Mandalore. They seemed to be in the right place and right time and knew exactly how to go where the others needed to go. Suspiciously convenient, too convenient.
But maybe, they're not the spies, if Jon Favreau chose to be a little less obvious. If not them, then it could be the armorer. I mean, everyone is suspecting her. She has always been pretty sketchy and super mysterious and manipulative, and this season she has had all of us going back and forth with her inconsistencies. And the fact that she went back to the ship in orbit instead of going to the main forge, a place she spoke with such a fondness just before they were led to a trap? Sus, very sus!
However, after thinking all day, there's one thing that makes a case in her favor. If she is the other spy and is working with Gideon, why was he so surprised, like genuinely shocked, that the children of the watch and the nite owls were teaming up? Why she didn't tell him? It could be that she's playing both sides; it's a big possibility, but maybe she's not the spy. She's just the distraction from the real thing.
(Also, there's like a sort of plot armor with her, I think. Someone really big badass needs to be in the fleet when the bombers attack to lead the counterattack, since everyone else (known BAMFs, I mean, not extras) is on the planet's surface, Jon F gave her the job. Maybe?)
My third suspect, and I can't believe I'm going to say this, but what if Greef Karga is the spy? I know he has changed a lot since season 1, and he's a good friend to Din and a sorta grandpa to Grogu, but that thing with the bottle from Coruscant raised all my red flags instantly. At first, I didn't know why, but once I watched the whole episode, it went from a silly thing to a big red flag! I hope I'm dead wrong and this is just my hyperactive imagination playing tricks on me. But now under this light, even the gesture of welcoming all the Mandalorians on Nevarro could take a new nefarious meaning.
If you think my list of suspects is done, you're mistaken. I have 2 more. Axe Woves and Koska Reeves. Him, because his ego might be still wounded that Bo kicked his ass last week. I mean, it's a lame excuse, but he wouldn't be the first to do something like this for that reason. And she because there's nothing suspicious about her. It's crazy, I know, but the best traitor/spy/etc. in any story is who no one expects to be. Even if she had a nice moment with Bo sharing a silent conversation before Bo said how she surrendered to Gideon, and Koska was the first of the nite owls to volunteer to go to Mandalore, she still could be the spy. And it'd hurt Bo greatly that either of them betrays her to Gideon.
In conclusion, I suspect of everyone except for Din, Grogu, Paz (RIP), and Bo. Everybody else is a person of interest in my book. And there's a whole week of waiting to know the answer to this and to the fate of Din! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! How will I stay sane till then?
I warned you that this one would be long, and I think I've spoken enough, so I'll shut up now. See you next week!
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tonkimemphis · 2 years
Does walmart sell glow in the dark balloons
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Sure, we might have made a fun sand table with our kids years ago that they use all the time, but this one was still extra exciting for them because this time… the sand glows! They felt like they were getting a whole new experience. This glowing sand table idea from Growing a Jeweled Rose is the perfect example of what we mean. When we started making glow in the dark themed crafts with our kids, the part we found perhaps the most amazing was how many craft ideas we’d already done could be re-done and still amuse our kids to the max. Have you ever seen a craft that glows so well it could almost light up the night? Well, we hadn’t either until we came across this fun glowing lantern idea by Kiwi Crate! Okay, so we know you won’t actually be able to light your way very well with a jar of paint, but this funny idea is made with a quality glow paint recipe that gives enough of an aura to amuse your kids and make them feel like they’re headed on an adventure. Estefi Machado guides you through the process of making both the glowing solution and the funny little characters to go with it. Perhaps you very much enjoyed the glow jar concept but you know your kids prefer little novelty things the most? Then combine that idea with making these hilarious little monster characters that sit on top of the little glowing jar. Neon glitter and paint black light artĭid you like the idea of working with glow paint and glitter but you think your kids would like to get a little more hands-on and messy than just pouring these things into a jar and shaking them around? Well, we certainly don’t blame them! Instead, check out how Babble Dabble Do mixed glitter and glow paint and let their kids get a little bit Picasso on some canvas before turning the lights off and getting their glow on. Even we were impressed! Bubble soap might not be something that you use with very small kids, but as long as your children are old enough to learn not to suck backwards through the straw and ingest the soap, this idea will be a big hit! 5. Growing a Jeweled Rose guides you through the awesomely fun process of creating bubbles that literally glow in the dark when you blow them. In our house, the more glitter, the better! With that in mind, we’re sure you can picture how excited our kids were when we combined glitter with glow paint! Check out how these sparkly spotted glowing jars are made on The Connection We Share. When it comes to crafting, our policy is that glitter is always welcome and our kids completely agree.
Working with glow sticks is always fun, but what if you had your heart set on something a little more crafty in terms of the creative skills it takes to make it? Then help your kids’ glow crafts be actual crafting time by making these awesome glowing jellyfish with them! Craftiments shows you how to make these from paper plates, yarn, ribbons, and glow paint. Glow stick lanternsĭid you know that you can make an awesomely coloured glowing lantern with just two things? We didn’t either, so imagine how excited we were when we discovered this mason jar glow lantern! Lil Blue Boo guides you through the simply steps of coating the entire jar with the glowing mixture and making sure it’s closed properly so things don’t get too messy. We’ve discovered the joy of glow in the dark crafts!Ĭheck out these amazingly awesome glowing kids’ crafts that will have your kids squealing with creative glee and feeling like they’re doing science all at once. Our latest awesome crafting trend to try with our kids is so cool even we can’t get enough of it. Few things are more rewarding than spending a fun afternoon with your little ones and seeing how their faces light up when you come up with something new and exciting for them to do. We often make complicated things that have taken us years to perfect the techniques for, but sometimes our very favourite projects are the silly ones we do with our kids.
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Puppy Love
☆ Pairing: Loki x Reader
☆ Synopsis: For the most part, dating Loki is a lot easier than anyone could imagine. But Loki’s clinginess often manifests in possessiveness and jealousy. So, when you adopt a new puppy, Loki has a hard time learning to share your attention.
☆ Word Count: 2,811
☆ Notes: Cheer up tickles, established relationship. Invited guest: my baby girl Bella, the Cocker Spaniel puppy who is 7 months old. How busy am I? This was meant to come out when she turned 6 months old (Nov 29th). It was supposed to be done very quickly but... here we are... Jan 8th finally posting this...
☆ Warnings: Kinda short, Loki not being too fond of dogs originally.
That's not Loki nor a Cocker Spaniel but... It's the best thing I could do.
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One would think dating the God of Mischief —the same god that once tried to take over Earth— would be a bad idea. But on his own Loki had improved onto proving not only his brother and the Avengers but the world, that he had become a better person. You had just been a great boost of improvement for him, and ever since the two of you started dating Loki’s mood had become bright and untroubled.
Loki absolutely adored you, having you around was the light of his day, and it showed. The days when you visited him or you went on dates Loki was just beaming and delightful to have around, and his pranks would reduce to zero. The Avengers were even considering asking you to the facilities just to have Loki tamed every day.
The relationship you and Loki shared was great because the two of you worked hard to make it like that. Of course, there were disagreements, like anyone would have, but you would always do your best to discuss them with a cool mind and come up with solutions for the problems. And always making clear of your needs and limits, like Loki’s need for time and attention or your disdain for his more… aggressive pranks on others, and a mutual agreement for closeness. It was close to perfect.
Until that thing came.
On one of your dates in the park, you walked into an event to adopt animals, and you found her. A little 2-and-a-half-months cocker spaniel dog. It was love at first sight and adoption on the spot. And since that day she was named Bella and became your pet and Loki’s nightmare.
But Loki wouldn’t bring himself to bring it up. One, because even if he was heartless enough to try talking you into getting rid of the dog —which he wasn’t— he knew it’d be futile since the attachment the dog seemed to have for you was not only mutual but strong as any other. But also, because the fact that he was jealous of a dog was ridiculous.
But it was starting to show.
“Come here, baby girl” you cooed in a baby voice, swinging a little bone-shaped cookie treat. “You want one, honey?”
Loki just rolled his eyes as he saw the pup wag its tail excitedly and jump in circles around you as you kneeled in front of her.
“Sit!” you commanded, as the dog obeyed, “Shake…!”
The dog just tilted her head in confusion before jumping on your knee to try reaching the cookie.
“Alright, alright” you smiled having her the cookie, “You win this time, but you will have to learn how to shake your paw sooner or later.”
“Never if you keep spoiling her.”
“Oh, now the literal prince is gonna lecture me about being spoiled?” you responded absentmindedly as you reached on your kitchen’s top shelf to put away the treat jar.
“Hilarious” he chuckled humorlessly.
“Hey, I’m kidding…”
“I know” he replied dryly.
“Then what’s with all the bitching?” you joked, “Do you want to take my place as Bella’s mommy?”
“I want nothing to do with that mutt, thank you.”
And he stomped out of the kitchen, barely missing the puppy who was jumping around the room after her treat, completely unaware of the scene that unfolded around her. Loki just and dropped on your couch, in the living room because truth to be told, he didn’t want to leave you, he adored visiting you, he just didn’t like the dog being around.
It wasn’t that Loki had something against animals, but this dog had become the center of your world. Bella was a bright puppy, always full of energy or need to nap on you, but regardless of what it did your eyes were always full of adoration. And like any good infant regardless of the species demanded a lot of time and attention, which meant that rather than just cuddling or reading books together on your own, the dog would be there two, not to mention a lot of dinners and visits to the library were replaced by walks on the park just so the mutt could exercise. Also, Loki was more of a cat person.
“Loki… can we talk?” you said softly as you walked to him.
You were carrying your puppy in your arms but at the defeated look on the prince’s face, you put her down so she could run off to play around the apartment. You cupped his face to make him look at you.
“We’ve always been able to talk things through.” You spoke gently, “Could you try again, honey? Did something happen at the Compound? Did they say something to you?”
“No, love.” He smiled gently, endeared by your concern, “Everything is fine at home.”
“Then… was it something I do?”
“It’s nothing…” he mumbled.
The sole idea of telling him that his whole problem was that he missed your whole attention made him feel small. He was a thousand-year-old god former villain and hero, jealous of a less than a year-old happy-go-lucky dog. The situation was laughable.
“My sweet prince, no problem is too small if it troubles you” you breathed out softly.
“I just… ah… I…”
It wasn’t anything new that Loki wasn’t particularly well versed at sharing his feelings. Loki was smooth when it came to speaking, he could charm anyone with purely his words and charisma. He was simply one of those persons with the gift of knowing exactly how and what to say to get people on his side. But the silver-tongued prince just had a lot of trouble looking at you in the eye to express what troubled him. So, by now, he would just lean on your shoulder to not have to look at you as he arranged his thoughts.
“I’m tired of your life being centered around that dog” he whispered against your neck.
Your response was… a bit brighter than he expected.
“Hehehe, s-sorry!”
“What?” he asked as he straightened up to look at you.
He straightened up looking at you disheartened, thinking you were laughing at him. But you rubbed the side of your neck with a nervous smile. “I-I’m sorry, your breath tickled.”
He chuckled a little as a little idea popped in his head.
“Did it, love?”
“Ohoho, no! Don’t even think about it!” you laughed in anticipation.
“Too late…” he grinned wiggling his fingers towards you.
In the few months of the relationship had, the playful fun wasn’t new. Tickle fights between the two of you were rather common, and they went from soft and relaxing, to loud and chaotic. And the wicked smile on Loki’s face told you that he was going to lean onto the latter.
“I think this is a great idea to make you pay some attention to me” he grinned.
And without further ado Loki had you pinned on the couch, sneaking his fingers under the hem of your shirt and your hoodie, drumming his fingertips lightly against the bare skin of your tummy, causing you to shiver and smile nervously.
“Ah… this is much better…” he smirked, “I love how you react to my touch.”
Rather than his touch, that comment seemed to be the one to make you burst. Throwing your head back as you laughed heartedly.
“Ihi’m sohohorry!” you giggled, “You make it sound so dirty.”
“Oh, I’ll show you dirty!” he chuckled as he clawed the spot on of your stomach right below your ribs making you squeal immediately followed by a stream of full-on laughter.
The tickle fights in your apartment were the most memorable. Being home alone meant no one was there to judge you or him so laughter flowed rather carefreely. And laugh you did, Loki made sure of it.
“Ahahahaha, Lohohoki!” you laughed as his fingers crawled all over your tummy. “Oh, my gohohahahad, noho!”
“Ahehehe nohoho, Loki-IIII stohohop it!” you squeaked as he gave soft pinches to your stomach.
“I don't feel like stopping, beautiful” he chuckled, “Your laugh is most endearing.”
“Shuhuhuhut up” you protested as your giggles became more frantic
“Ah, I often forget that pointing out how cute your laugh is makes it worse for you” he smirked at how flustered you got.
“Nohoho you dohOHON'T!!!”
“No, I don't” he chuckled deviously.
He continued the almost gentle attack to your stomach causing gentle breathy giggles to pour out between squeaks and hiccups. Although that was adorable, Loki soon grew bored of it and decided to step up his game to make your laugh raise in volume.
He knew exactly how to do that, which was climbing up and down your ribs like a ladder changing direction so you wouldn't get used to a certain spot or pattern.
“LOHOHOHOKI, WAHAHAHAIT!” you screamed when his fingers found a particular spot between your upper ribs, “NOHOHOHOT THAHAHAT!”
“Your wish is my command” he hummed as his fingers crawled over to land right below your armpits.
“SNNNNNNRK!” you snorted right before your laughter rose an octave, “N-NOHOHO LOKI!
He slowed down his touch making you squirm violently in a feeble attempt to escape before he could do what you knew he wanted to do.
“I’m not sure I should be so generous given the little attention you’ve given me these past weeks,” he said innocently. “Maybe this will help you know what happens when you ignore the God of Mischief.”
And he crawled to scratch around your underarms, causing you to burst into loud laughter.
His next move was too low, even for the God of Mischief.
“Ah, so rude…” he laughed softly. “I should teach you manners.”
He got a hold of your wrist and pinned both wrists over your head as he ran his wriggling fingers all over your unprotected torso making you squeal as your laugh got gradually more and more hoarse.
"I'm not sure I want to"
Your laughter was cut off by coughing, meaning you had long ago crossed your limit. Loki chuckled nervously as he withdrew his hands to give you a well-deserved break.
“Hehe sorry, darling.”
You allowed yourself to collapse on the couch as panted and gasped for air.
“Would you look at that? I feel like owning a dog has really been draining you” he teased you.
“You’re a rohoyal pain in the ass” you chuckled.
“As much as I'd love that... Ihit’s been enough for today” you giggled.
“So rude love. Perhaps I should tickle you some more…?” he grinned deviously as he kneaded your sides playfully to make you squeak.
Your arm was dangling from the couch which your puppy took the chance to rush towards you for some caresses while Loki looked at you with a renewed sadness remembering the source of the absurd playfulness and sighed.
“Wait, go play over there baby girl,” you said softly pushing her butt towards the other end of the room.
Almost understandingly, the little dog happily scampered to the other side of the room where she had a box of toys to entertain herself. When you returned your attention to the God of Mischief, he was already avoiding your gaze, looking more defeated than angry.
“Do you still feel jealous, honey?” you asked touching his chin to guide his glance towards you once again.
“A little” Loki admitted, “I’m so sorry, darling… I can’t help it.”
“I know” you smiled, as you let go of his hands to caress his. “Thank you.”
“What for?”
He couldn’t help a soft breath of a laugh escaping through his nose.
“Telling me the truth”, you replied gently, “I know it’s not easy. Trusting other people about this kind of stuff.”
Even though he was very much new when it came to serious relationships (especially modern Midgardian relationships) Loki couldn’t think of something more bare-minimum than trusting your significant other with your concerns. But Loki had trouble with that, way before all the scarring events in his life.
And you knew that from the start. You knew exactly how difficult it would and he could be. But you didn’t push him away. Quite the opposite, gently guiding him and correcting his wrongdoings without making him feel guilty about them. Answering his questions and making sure he knew that all conversations were worth having so you could also correct attitudes that would bother him.
None of you was perfect of course, having your tempers getting the worst of you sometimes and arguments getting heated up. But none of you ever let it escalate into something other than playful banter (the tickle fights only being a brief example), or in more serious cases asking for time-outs, or space when deemed necessary.
You also acted like everything Loki did was a miracle and any little thing he said was important. You were patient with him without being condescending, you laughed at all his jokes and pranks… unless he really stepped out of line, and even then, you were never aggressive, you simply explained what he did was wrong and why without making him feel like a monster.
You weren’t “other people”. You were his everything... But it was still difficult having important conversations. Gods bless the day you were gifted with such patience to walk that road at his pace.
“I promise you that I’ll balance my time better from now on.”
“Thank you, my love” he sighed.
You sneaked behind him and began planting kisses over his neck and he relaxed at the contact of your lips on his skin. Too relaxed to notice your hands crawling around his torso to wrap him into a bear hug… not until it was too late.
“Ahehehe! D-darling! Nohohoho!” he giggled.
“You wanted attention, didn’t you, baby?” you grinned as you scribbled your fingers over his ribs still planting tickly kisses now behind his ear.
He tried to stop you but fortunately and unfortunately for him, you were smart and a quick thinker, the angle you had positioned yourself and the tickling had his arms clamped to his sides so fighting back was not exactly something he could do. …Not that he really wanted to.
“Lohohove, plehehehease.”
“Please? Please what?” you teased him, “Please more tickles? Yessir.”
Loki was particularly ticklish. Maybe more ticklish than the average human (the downside to the super-human qualities, you guessed). And you had learned thanks to Thor taking of that fact, which… apparently was quite common, unfortunately for Loki. At first, you had imagined Loki didn't quite like it... But when it was you, Loki wasn’t one to fight back, barely even squirmed, he didn’t even bother concealing his laughter and squeaks.
Loki let out a whine through his laughter when you moved your hands past the hem of his shirt to tickle the bare skin of his tummy and collapsed against your chest prey of your playful attack.
It was adorable, really. He never admitted it, but his actions spoke louder than words. He liked this. You even had your suspicion that his disdain for tickling when it came to his brother was nothing but a tough guy facade. Only making his current state more adorable.
“Alright, I’m not trying to kill you” you smiled as you stopped —maybe too soon for Loki’s liking— trying not to overwhelm him.
Loki chuckled as he grabbed your wrist pulling you from behind him to make you sit on his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“You’re a dangerous one, rendering a god helpless like that” he smiled pressing his forehead against yours.
“I have to keep up with you, honey” you grinned before quickly smooching his nose. “Feeling better?”
He smiled gently at you. “Yes, better.”
Just at that moment a familiar face popped from the corner of the couch, and having Loki’s face within her reach, your little Bella reached over to lick him. Loki scoffed and picked her up in his arms.
You couldn’t help but feel anxious and embarrassed for your puppy’s hyperactive behavior like those times she climbed to people’s legs hoping they’d pet her. Now, she wasn’t only being pet, but she was sitting in Loki’s legs, she seemed ecstatic by this fact and continued to cover his face with slobber, only this time, Loki didn’t seem to mind.
“You’re just like your mom, aren’t you?” Loki smiled gently as he turned to you. “Both of you love to annoy me.”
You smiled as you scooted to sit closer to Loki.
“Oohhh, you’re asking for trouble, love” he smirked, shortening the distance between your face and his.
“It’s just too much fun” you patted Bella’s head while holding Loki’s gaze with a teasing smile that could only be a match to his own.
And who were you to deny a kiss to your boyfriend?
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arbitrarycategories · 3 years
Has no one said deku and his dad toshinori for the ask game yet 😞
Midoriya Izuku
favorite thing about them: his sheer fucking drive, man. this boy decides what he wants to accomplish and just accomplishes it. that’s fucking insane. thinking about Dagobah beach blows my mind every time.
least favorite thing about them: holy FUCK dude please learn how to care for your own mental health. there is more to health than physical. PLEASE learn this buddy.
favorite line: “Up till now, I’ve come across all types. They’ve refused to back down... so fighting was the only way to stop them. But... I never understood what made them turn out that way. If I had, maybe things would’ve worked out differently. Or, who knows? Maybe I still would’ve had to fight them anyway. Shigaraki killed so many people. He’s hurt people near and dear to me. And yet!! One For All is a power meant for saving, not killing. All Might taught me that.” from chapter 305.
brOTP: Midoriya & Uraraka
OTP: Midoriya/Bakugou, which if you follow me you already knew <3
nOTP: Midoriya/Chisaki. saw some overdeku art on pinterest today. why. what the fuck.
random headcanon: he was the ER kid as a tiny baby as well... breaking his bones in high school is just the upgraded version of needing stitches because he crashed his bike at age six. and needing stitches because he fell out of a tree at age eight. and needing a boot because he sprained his ankle trying to hop a fence “like a cool hero, mom!” at age ten. Problem Child <3
unpopular opinion: All Might telling him he couldn’t be a hero would NOT have made him turn to the villain’s side. I reread that scene before I started writing my fic, and not only does All Might outline all his reasons for saying “no” before he actually says no, but the horror on Izuku’s face says that he got the message. once he’s down from the building we even get a scene with introspection where Izuku resolves himself to living a normal life, and we all know how strong the boy’s resolve is! He deadass probably would have wound up as CEO of some company.
song i associate with them: Zero by Imagine Dragons
favorite picture of them:
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Yagi Toshinori (All Might)
favorite thing about them: he said "hey the world needs someone to provide hope" and then just went and BECAME that someone. not only is this an INCREDIBLE feat, it's just really admirable that he looked at the shit circumstances around him, and instead of (just) getting depressed about it, he decided he could fix it. he came up with an impossible, fairytale solution, and then just... made it come true. that's fucking ridiculous.
least favorite thing about them: Toshi I am begging you. please learn some self care. please I'm begging. Toshi. Toshi. this isn't what ur mom would have wanted.
favorite line: “So even now, I’m fighting to live! You changed my outlook!! I’m still alive! I’ll use this very hand... to shape my own fate!!” from chapter 131.
brOTP: Yagi & Aizawa. I think their friendship is nice and also Horikoshi's commentary on it is fucking hilarious.
OTP: NONE, jokes on you! I believe in AROMANTIC ALL MIGHT!!!
nOTP: Yagi/Aizawa. I've seen some cute art but. HOOO BOY the AGE GAP no THANK you SIRS.
random headcanon: he was ALWAYS the tallest kid in class. he drank lots of milk but the Tall was always just genetics. his grade school friends were jealous.
unpopular opinion: he may not be the best teacher but he is trying his best! the man literally is depressed and also has never taught before. he has no model to go off of other than Gran Torino who’s teaching method starts and ends at violence! in comparison to that All Might is actually very good!
song i associate with them: Get Along by Kenny Chesney
favorite picture of them:
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peak Dork Dad energy like, sir.
this ask was SO HARD to pic ONE fav line and pic for each of them! I just love them too much! But these are what I settled on for now <3
Thank you for submitting these characters!
Ask game: send me a character!
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Words: 10.822
Warnings: some cursing, fluff, mentioning of cheating
A/N: So.... this idea started as a quick idea for a one shot.... I guess, it got a little bit out of hand... but who cares... have fun... it's worth to read it
Summary: Your ex marries your cousin and because it's family, you have to attend there with a date. No matter how hard it would be for you. You talk with Crowe about it and she comes up with an idea: a fake date with one of her friends, Nyx Ulric. Nyx agrees reluctantly and even if he had sworn to himself to avoid meeting new people or rather to let them get too close … little did he know that you could change this plan without even knowing it…
"Crowe, it's horrible! I really tried to talk with my mother but she won't accept the fact that I don't want to come to this wedding. She said: 'We become a family. You're mature enough to work past all this'. Argh! I would love to scream.", you cried out, raking violently through your hair with your fingers.
"Yeah... Right... It's about maturity that you have to watch how your cousin marries your ex-boyfriend who had left you. For your cousin. This marriage is crazy. Since when do they even know each other?"
"For seven months.", you muffled into your hands.
"Wait! What? You met this idiot what? Ten months ago!"
"Yup. And then, we had a family meeting where he met my cousin. They got along pretty well. Maybe I should have sensed something there already. But I didn't.", you said heartbroken.
"So, he met your cousin behind your back, he cheated on you and your mother still wants you to join the wedding? Are really all of your family so stupid, sorry for that, to accept the fact that he’s a lying and cheating bastard?"
"Yes, they are!", you cried out, burying your face into your hands once again, "Just because he's some high-paid, upper class doctor. And you know what the worst is? I have to bring someone with me. A date. You know for the 'aesthetic'. It’s my mother’s twisted ‘perfect world’ thingy. But I don't have someone. I'm still hurt because of what he had done to me. I don't wanna meet someone new.", you breathed devastated.
Crowe nodded slowly, understanding your point because she was there as she had picked up the shattered pieces that had been your former self. Then, an idea popped up in her mind even if it was a tricky one, "YN, I might have a solution for your problem."
Slowly, you looked up, "Yeah... I already considered running away but I can't. My mother would find me everywhere."
Crowe chuckled, "No. Not that. Maybe we keep this running away idea as a back-up. No, I might have a solution for your date misery."
The next day, Crowe searched for Libertus and Nyx in the training area of the Kingsglaive headquarters. Finding them warping around, she watched them for a while before both men closed up to her for a small break.
"I will never really get used to this warping shit. My stomach makes somersaults all the time.", Libertus complained and rubbed over his stomach and chest to calm down the heartburn.
"Well, not every person is made for flying.", Crowe said teasingly what caused Nyx to chuckle and Libertus to roll with his eyes.
"So, what's up? It's a bit too early for you.", Nyx said, leaning against a pillar with crossed arms.
"Actually, I wanted to talk with you, Nyx. I... I need your help.", Crowe said carefully.
Nyx frowned as he saw the wariness in his friend's eyes, "And for what?"
"The thing is... I don't really need your help. It's rather a friend of mine.", Crowe said and saw how Nyx pressed his jaws together.
"Crowe? Is this another try to set me up with someone?", he asked serious.
Crowe gnawed on her lower lip, "No... Well... Not really?"
"Crowe! Come on. We already had that!", Nyx said serious, drawing his brows together.
Crowe raised her hands, "I know, I know. You made this clear the last time. But this is different. YN really needs help. Listen, their ex marries and they have to attend there-"
"Why? Why do they have to attend their ex' wedding?", Libertus asked confused.
Crowe grimaced, "Well, he's marrying their cousin."
"What?", Nyx and Libertus called out at the same time.
Crowe pinched the bridge of her nose, "It's a pretty shitty situation. This asshole cheated on YN with their cousin a few months after they started to date. But because he's such a great doctor, with much prestige and money, everyone seems to be cool with this wedding no matter how YN feels about this."
"Holy six...", Libertus whispered, shaking his head at how complicated this situation seemed to be.
"And why do you need me? What role shall I play in all this?", Nyx asked even if he already had an idea what would come next.
"Well... Not enough that YN shall be part of the wedding, they also shall bring a date along. Something about aesthetics or stuff. I dunno. Don't ask me. And that's the point where I need your help, Nyx.", Crowe said and looked at her friend with a pleading expression and a hopeful smile while Nyx stayed silent.
"Why don't you ask me for help?", Libertus asked, pointing at himself.
Crowe looked apologetically at the taller man, "Well, sorry, but I think Nyx is more of their type-"
"More of their type? Crowe!", Nyx called out, getting slightly agitated.
Crowe raised her hands in surrender, "Calm down. I don't wanna set you up with them. But YN shall bring a date to this already crazy and hilarious wedding. The idiot cheated on them for several months, left them and now, YN’s still very hurt. After the breakup and the announced engagement, they were a mess. I needed some time to collect all the pieces that were left from them. They're not able to date someone or to find someone new. So, I thought about a fake date. It's not a real date. You just have to act like it. Please, Nyx. You don't have to do much. Just accompany them to this wedding. Keep them company and distract them a little. Just have some fun."
Nyx considered the idea. He wasn't really in the mood for dates or weddings but he knew Crowe well enough. If she thought about this as a good idea, he really might be helpful. Nyx’ strong helper syndrome was now also kicking in once again, "So, just if I say yes, and I say if, what shall I do?"
On Crowe's lips grew a smile because she knew Nyx would say yes if he was already this far with his considerations, "Nothing much. You meet them. I guess they will pick you up or something. You attend the wedding in the church and the party afterwards together. That's it. You don't have any responsibilities except to be by YN's side as their date. Maybe support them a little bit during this whole carnival."
"And when shall this trickery be?", Nyx asked warily.
Crowe's face changed into a grimace once again, "That's the stupid part... It's this weekend."
"Crowe!", Nyx called out. It was already Wednesday.
"Hey! It's not my fault. YN also told me about it yesterday. Obviously, they tried to discuss this whole thing about the presence with their mother but she was very persistent with this point. Nyx, it's urgent. Next to you two, they're my best friend. I hate to see them suffer. It’s not fair because they’re a jewel of a person. That their ex shall get a happy ending after everything he had done is already the biggest joke. But now, he will become part of their family, as well. I really need your help.", Crowe begged.
Nyx took a deep breath and released the air slowly, "Alright, alright. I will do it. But", he said and raised his hand as Crowe already started to get excited, "I guess I need a tuxedo or something like this-"
"I will take care of that! You don't have to do anything like I said. I promise."
"Then, just one more thing. Maybe it would be better if we met before the wedding? You know, to check if we get along and if the chemistry is working."
"He did say yes?"
"You really had doubts?", Crowe asked with a smirk. Your reaction had been gold as she had told you that she had found a date for you: Nyx Ulric - one of her friends and colleagues.
In fact, you had heard a few things about him. That he was from Galahd, had lost his family and had a tendency to be a little bit gruff in front of others but with that he was just hiding his soft side, as Crowe had told you. To meet him and Libertus was long overdue, "Well... A little bit to be honest. I mean, he doesn't know me. I know we will just be acting but still it's like a blind date. What if we don't get along? It's all about chemistry and stuff..."
Crowe blinked and stared at you, "Well, I'm sure you two will like each other. In fact, Nyx mentioned the exact same doubts with the exact same words."
"Really? Well... it's maybe just coincidence.", you said, turning around to get something to drink from the kitchen.
But no matter how quickly you had been, Crowe had seen your blushing cheeks and grinned about it. It had been a long time since she had seen you like this: filled with life and pleasant anticipation.
"So, Nyx is okay with this whole fake date thingy?", you asked, while gnawing on your lower lip. You felt nervous to meet him even if he was a friend of Crowe.
Crowe smiled, "Don't worry, he is. You said you could get a tuxedo?"
"Yes! Of course. Just give me his size and I will take care of it. It's easy for me. Tomorrow, it can be here."
"Great. So, could I bring him here tomorrow? You two can meet and he can try on the tuxedo."
"Perfect idea. And I will cook something for us.", you said with sparkling eyes. You had no idea why but suddenly, you were even looking forward to meeting Nyx, your unexpected lifesaver.
"You said, I don't have to do anything.", Nyx complained as he made his way through the city the next day with Crowe by his side.
Crowe rolled with her eyes, "Yes and you really don't have to do anything except to try on one or two tuxedos, alright? It's not that I would drag you to a shopping trip. We meet YN at their place where you can try on the clothes. So, we will kill two birds with one stone."
Nyx had laid awake last night while thinking about this fake date idea. Sure, he wanted to help Crowe and her friend but that didn’t change the fact that there was a reason behind his reluctance to date new people. So, once again, Nyx asked himself if he really was doing the right thing…
As you heard the first knock at your door, you jumped by surprise. It was friday evening, the day before the wedding and it was arranged that Crowe and Nyx would visit you after they were done with their shift. But still, as your friend was there, you felt excited. You were even sick with nervousness to meet Nyx. He was the first guy you would meet after the horrible break-up and even if it was just a fake date, your hands became sweaty and your heart began to race.
The second knock brought you back to reality and you hurried to open the door, "Hey, guys. Come in-", you stopped as Crowe passed you and your eyes fell on Nyx who smiled at you warm and softly. Never in your life had you seen such a handsome, good looking man. Even your ex wasn't able to keep up with Nyx’ undeniable, rough sexiness. His eyes were the bluest and his lips the fullest. The stubble he sported and his greyish hair with the braids suited him perfectly. You noticed something wild in his appearance which got underlined by the tattoos on his face and ears. For the first time, you understood what Crowe had meant as she said that it was visible that Nyx was from Galahd. He wasn't hiding his roots and as it was for you, there was no reason for him to do this at all.
"YN?", Crowe asked as she saw you gaping at Nyx. Internally, she was pleased with herself. To see you like this told her that she had been right: Nyx was your type of guy.
Crowe's voice brought you back from your daydreaming, "Yeah... Sorry, I was just... Uhm...", you stammered.
Crowe grinned but stepped in to help you, "YN meet Nyx. Nyx this YN, my emotional support when I have to deal with too much of your bullshit."
You smiled thankfully, "Yeah... The support might be questionable nowadays.", you said shyly.
"That's okay. It will change again. I'm sure.", Crowe said.
"It's nice to meet you finally, YN. I heard a lot of great things about you.", Nyx said politely as you invited him in. As he and Crowe had gone to your place, Nyx was intimidated because of your fancy apartment complex. You were from Insomnia but because you were refugee friendly and even tried to help to improve the underground district your friendship with Crowe had been possible which calmed Nyx a little. But as you had opened the door, nervousness and excitement spread through his emotionally cold veins. Crowe had described you as nice, sweet and beautiful. But in Nyx' eyes, these words were far away from being suitable. Your eyes were clear and bright as you looked right into his soul. Your lips had such a rich color that they already looked delicious. Nyx knew he had to keep his composure together and actually he wasn't really interested in meeting new people as he always said like a mantra but you and your sweet appearance made it extremely difficult to stick to his plan.
"I'm sure Crowe made up a few things to let me look better.", you said chuckling.
As Nyx heard you laughing, his heart made a little jump and suddenly, he asked himself how it was even possible for someone to hurt you at all.
Pleased with Nyx' reaction about her friend, Crowe grinned, "No, I was always honest and I just told everyone how amazing you are."
"Liar. But that's okay. So, I... The tuxedos already arrived and the dinner is almost done. What about you try on the clothes, Nyx, and then, we eat?", you suggested.
"Sounds great.", Crowe said and went into the kitchen to check the oven for what you had prepared.
"Come on, I will show you the way.", you said to Nyx and guided him through your apartment into your bedroom, "So, Crowe gave me your sizes from your uniform. I got an anthracite and a black tuxedo. The only two colors my mother allows tomorrow. Just try them.", you said and shot the man next to a shy smile. Somehow, his scent was able to fill your small room so quickly that you knew it would be stuck there for a few days and you already were looking forward to it.
"Thanks.", Nyx said and cursed himself because he wanted to say more but he couldn't. Somehow, his tongue was tied up into a knot. Obviously, he had been out of training for human interactions a bit too long.
You were about to leave him alone before you stopped at the door once again, "I have to thank you, Nyx. I... If you wouldn't do that I'm sure I would die because of so many things tomorrow. I owe you really big. So, thank you really much.", you said with a shy smile and reddening cheeks. And before Nyx could say anything, you left the room and closed the door.
Nyx stared at the spot where you had stood. It was one thing to do Crowe a favor in helping you. But to see all these raw emotions mirrored in your eyes did something to him. Your voice had been filled with sadness even if you had tried to hide it. And somehow, deep empathy for you flooded his veins and anger towards your ex entered his muscles. He should accompany you? He swore to himself to do this and to watch out for you the whole evening. Because like Crowe, he already hated it to see you suffer.
"So, you like him, huh?", Crowe asked as you joined her in the kitchen.
You stared at your friend with shocked filled eyes, "I- I don't know what you mean.", you said defensive even if it wasn't really working.
Crowe grinned, "Come on, YN. I know you. And I saw how you were staring at Nyx. Therefore, you like him."
You felt your cheeks blushing and you even pretended to look after your cooking pots so you could avoid Crowe's smug smirk, "He's nice, yeah. I mean, I owe him a lot that he does this for me. I'm grateful for that."
"Yeah... Right. Grateful. Grateful with big, sparkling and hungry eyes-", Crowe said teasingly but got stopped by your elbow and in the next moment Nyx entered your kitchen to present himself. Crowe whistled, "Wow, look at this. I had no idea there could be a real gentleman underneath this gruff surface.", she said, which earned her an annoyed eye roll from the Glaive.
You smiled appreciatively, "Crowe has a point, tho. You look really great in this tuxedo.", you admitted. Indeed, Nyx had tried on the black tuxedo first and it was already a match. Because of the white suit shirt, his blue eyes seem to glow even more. His longer strands gave the tuxedo a nice, foreign touch you already liked, "If you ask me, you're done with testing. Is it comfortable?", you asked, checking the fit on his back.
"Yes, it's extremely comfortable. I had no idea it would fit so well.", Nyx admitted while the soft touch of your hands on his back gave him slight goosebumps.
"I'm not surprised. These are high-class tuxedos. They're very expensive. Don't worry, it's borrowed.", you explained as you saw Nyx' concerned expression, "No one should buy such things just for one evening. So, great. That was it. You're done. You can change again and then, dinner is ready. At least a little try to make it up to you and your time."
As Nyx disappeared in your bedroom once again, Crowe closed up on you with a smirk, "It's so good that I was right with my assumption that you two would fit together perfectly. And now, you will even have some eye candy to look at the whole evening. I'm the best friend you could ask for."
Instead of answering, you just rolled with your eyes even if she was right. But you wouldn't admit it out loud. Never.
"God, this was delicious, YN.", Crowe sighed satisfied as she leant back in her seat.
"I just can say the same. This was great. But if I may ask, what was it? I mean, I know the stuff you used but somehow the taste was … I never tasted like this before.", Nyx asked curiously. Whatever you had done, it was delicious but he never had found something similar in Insomnia before.
You chuckled, "Actually, it isn't something fancy. Vegetables, meat and rice. But the spices make the difference. You don't find these here in Insomnia. I got them from Lestallum. There's a huge market full of stands with spices and ingredients you won't find anywhere else. I like exotic stuff so this market is like a treasure."
While you had answered his question, Nyx was fascinated by the way your eyes started to glow in a new way. You were happy to talk about what you liked. Your happiness was contagious and made his heart jump. Nyx caught himself by the thought that this fake-date thingy wouldn't be as bad as he had thought in the beginning.
Crowe watched you and Nyx. She already saw the connection between you two and even if she respected your decision to be alone for a while after everything you had experienced, she saw that both of you were interested in each other. So, for her, it was the time to give you some space, "Oh, look. How late it got already. I have an early meeting tomorrow.", she said and jumped up from her seat, grabbing her jacket, "Thank you very much for this delicious meal and I wish you two a lot of fun tomorrow.", she said before she hurried out of your apartment.
Slightly speechless, you and Nyx looked after her. As Nyx met your eyes again, both of you were laughing. You looked at your clock on the wall, "Late my ass. We just have eight.", you pointed out while still laughing.
"You know what she's trying right?", Nyx asked with a grin.
"Of course. She's trying to set us up with each other."
Nyx shook his head with a grin, disbelieving that Crowe had pulled this trick, "And that although she knows that I don't want to date anyone.", he just said but regretted it immediately as he saw your face. It was a mixture of surprise and disappointment. Quickly, you tried to hide it behind a smile and that sight hurt Nyx even more than he thought, "Oh uhm... I- I didn't mean you... O-or this.. I.. I'm sorry, I...", he stumbled over his own words and cursed himself for speaking so mindlessly.
You waved with your hand to brush it aside with a weak smile, ignoring the disappointment, "Calm down. I know what you mean, Nyx. After what my ex had done, I'm also not much interested in dates. Don't forget that this will be just a fake date.", you said softly to reassure him before you collected a bunch of plates to be able to turn away from him.
But Nyx had seen the sparkling in your eyes that extremely resembled unshed tears. Once again, he cursed himself. Here he was, Nyx had promised to himself to protect you from everything that would happen at the wedding but was able to make you sad in his own way.
Quickly, he stood up, collecting the cutlery to go to your side, "Hey", Nyx said softly to get your attention, he smiled as you looked at him, "I'm sorry, YN. I didn't mean you at all. It's just...Crowe tried many times to matchmake me. It never ended well. I guess, it's because of my job as a Glaive. I try my best but... it's my work. I owe King Regis a lot for saving me. And I see myself forced to pay it back in protecting this city and its people."
"Don't apologize, Nyx. What you and the other Glaives are doing is honorable. Not everyone is able to cope with what you do all day for this city. If someone has a problem with that...well... it's just not the fitting person, I guess. The fitting person would always support you to make your life easier instead of making it more difficult.", you said and smiled.
Nyx was speechless about your caring words and your warm smile, "Thank you. You... I can see why Crowe cares so much about you. You're very sweet. And you know what? I'm looking forward to spending the day with you tomorrow."
You sniffled back a sob, "Thanks, Nyx. I'm sure it will be horrible tomorrow. Just the thought of seeing him makes me anxious right now. But to know you will be with me calms me already.", you admitted softly.
Nyx smiled but also wanted to change the heavy topic to something lighter, "So, about tomorrow. How shall we do it? Already have any plans?"
"Yeah, my idea was to pick you up but maybe it would be easier for you to come here so you don't have to carry the tuxedo around. I mean, if this would be okay for you?", you said while bringing Nyx to the front door.
"Sounds good. Oh, one thing. Shall I do something with my hair? It's not typical for Insomnian citizen-"
"No, please, don't!", you hurried but you looked away as you felt your cheeks blushing again.
Nyx chuckled, shooting you a smile as you looked back at him, "Don't worry. I won't change anything if you don't want to. I just want to make sure that you will have a nice day tomorrow."
The next day, Nyx knocked at your door as agreed. Once again he was excited to meet you. This time because he was looking forward to seeing you again. Usually, if Nyx was dreaming during the night, he had nightmares but the last night was filled with dreams about you. This morning, he was more rested and relaxed than ever before.
So, as you opened the door, Nyx was already smiling and happy but as he saw you, his smile faltered and his expression changed into staring, "Whoa, you look amazing.", he breathed.
Your small smile grew into something bigger that reached each of your ears, "Thank you. Come in.", you said excitedly and stepped aside to let Nyx into your apartment.
Ten minutes later, Nyx joined you in the kitchen, dressed in the tuxedo and ready. You prepared some coffee before the car would be there to pick you up, "So, what's scheduled for today?", he asked and closed the buttons on his cuffs. At least, he tried it.
You watched him fumbling for a few moments until you joined him for help, "In fact, everything's pretty timed. We will drive to the church were the wedding will be held. And after that we will drive further to the Caelum Via where the dinner and party will be. I just hope we can escape during the party when the official thing is over. So, it's done.", you said softly. Your fingers were brushing along Nyx' warm skin. You lingered a few seconds longer before you realized what you were doing.
Nyx felt the connection between you and him as well. Your touch was small, soft and warm and everything he wanted to feel again and again. As he saw your caught expression, he smiled at you to show you that it was okay and he saw that you understood.
Coffee, smalltalk and just being with each other let the time run too fast and as your doorbell rang for the arriving car you felt annoyed because this, with Nyx, was pure fun.
Nyx noticed the change in you and placed his hand on yours, "I will be with you all the time. Or, I will be close to you. You're not alone in this, okay?"
You nodded reluctantly but forced yourself to smile. And with Nyx by your side, you left your apartment for the worst day ever in your life.
But Nyx stuck to his word and was with you. The car brought you to the church and he was about to leave the limousine as he noticed that you weren't moving at all. Ignoring the driver's glance, he leant over to you, avoiding touching you in fear to scare you, "YN?"
You stared out of the side window. There was the church, the church you wanted to marry in one day. Not exactly your ex but generally. Flowers were decorated everywhere and between the different colorful plants stood your family. Your mother, your dad, both of your aunts and uncles and Matt...your ex.
Nyx followed your gaze and saw the group of people. Even without asking he knew it had to be your family, considering the fact how you were looking at them. Nyx noticed the younger guy in the festive attire and knew instinctively that it had to be the groom. The guy was tall, slim fit and looked like a lot of money. But the way he moved and talked was easy to dislike because he looked snobbish. Nyx saw your distress and felt sorry. He could just imagine what you were feeling right now, "Listen, we can go if you want.", Nyx suggested softly.
You shook your head, "I can't. We're family. My mother would kill me."
Nyx sighed low, "I know family is important but... you're also important. And if you think you can't handle this under these circumstances then it's okay. You don’t have to."
Slowly, you looked at him, already thankful to have him by your side, "I can do that. I have to."
Nyx nodded, accepting your determination before he left the car. The driver opened your door and as you left the car as well, Nyx was already waiting for you, offering you his arm to link your own with it.
As you two closed up on the group of your family members, your mother was the first to spot you. Suddenly, Nyx noticed a slight change in your behavior. You straightened yourself, you held your head high but the grip on Nyx' arm also became stronger.
"Darling! You look great.", your mother said, grabbing your shoulders to kiss you left and right of your face without touching your skin.
As she leant back, you saw the huge, happy smile on her lips that only money could produce, "Mother, you look lovely. The whole decoration is breathtaking.", you said with a huge smile.
It was fake. Nyx could already spot the difference because the smile didn't reach your bright eyes. Then, your mother's attention shifted over to Nyx and he swallowed thickly by the sight of her mustering glance at his appearance.
You noticed her glance as well and stepped in, "Oh, right. Mother, this is Nyx. Nyx, this is my beloved mother."
"It is a pleasure to meet you, ma'am.", Nyx said politely and even bowed a little.
Internally, you grinned about her surprised expression because she never had expected such good manners with a guy who had Nyx' looks. You knew her well enough to know what she thought.
"It's a pleasure for me. Where have you two met if I may ask?", your mother asked.
You knew it was a test and you knew how to play this game, "Through a friend. Nyx is working for King Regis."
"For the King? That's amazing."
You saw the sparkling in your mother's eyes but before she could say anything else, you took Nyx' arm to guide him away, "Excuse us, we will go inside. Searching for our seats.", you said and without waiting, you passed the group to go into the church.
As you two were out of earshot from your family, Nyx leant to you, "That was smooth."
You grinned, "Have you seen her eyes as I mentioned the King? That was pure greed. It doesn't matter if it is money or prestige. She loves it. I'm sure she thinks you're a member of the royal family. And that's the reason why it's okay for everyone that my cousin marries Matt. He's a doctor. A high-paid surgeon. Money and prestige.", you explained.
As you and Nyx sat down, a thought struck his mind. He was just not sure if he should ask or not-
"You wanna know how I could land him?", you said as you saw Nyx' glance.
"No, not how you could land him. Rather...what you saw in him. I don't know you for long but...such a guy? I'm not sure if he suits you well…"
You nodded, "Yeah...trust me, now? I know that, too. But as we met, he was…", you stopped as you remembered the early time with Matt, "We met accidentally in a bookstore. Somehow, we ended in the same row of bookshelves and he bumped into me. Obviously, he liked me so he invited me for coffee. I agreed because he can be extremely charming. But if I think about it now, we never had something in common. I was imagining things and was blinded by his looks. Although ...well…recently, I've met a guy who is more handsome than Matt will ever be."
Nyx knew you meant him. In the way you had said it and how you looked at him told him whom you meant. Nyx' heart skipped a beat by the thought of how you saw him. In his eyes, it wasn't fair. Here he was, sitting next to you, starting to like you. He was attracted to you and still, he didn't want to have any love interest. It always ended badly and that was the last thing he wanted for you. Nyx wanted to say something, to lower your interest in him, but the wedding started and cut him off.
The ceremony was beautiful and romantic. You had to admit that even if you hated it. Your cousin looked wonderful and as they both brought up their vows in a solemn way, you had to suppress a tear because it was sweet and lovely what they swore to each other. Just the point 'I will never love someone else next to you' from Matt caused you to roll with your eyes. It was pathetic.
Most of the time, Nyx tried to stay focused on the wedding but it wasn't easy. His brain was busy with different things. On the one hand, he searched for a way to keep you on distance but whenever he had an idea, Nyx asked himself 'why?'. Why should he stay away from you when you were interested in him? He was interested in you, too. You were attractive, sweet and nice but also hurt. The last thing Nyx wanted was to take advantage of your sore emotions or to be the reason to get hurt even more.
Your voice brought him back to reality and he realized that the church emptied slowly, "Sorry, I was thinking about something."
"Totally get it. This wedding was...I don't know. Maybe it was the sweetest thing I have ever seen or the most hypocritical. But no matter what it was, it's over now."
"Then, if I may?", Nyx asked and offered you his arm once again.
Smiling, you took his arm and walked down the aisle with Nyx to leave the church.
As you reached the festive decorated ballroom of the Caelum Via, Nyx wasn't surprised anymore. You had told him that your family and even Matt's had a lot of money and they loved to show it. But even if you were dressed in something expensive and even if you knew how to act properly amongst all the other high society people, Nyx noticed that it wasn't really your world. You had been forced into it by blood and family relations.
You introduced Nyx to everyone you met on your way to your table. And not for one second, Nyx felt misplaced by you. You even gave him the feeling as if you were proud to have him by your side.
"Holy six, we have made it.", you sighed as you slumped down on a seat of the table you were aiming for, "Once again, I have to thank you."
Nyx smiled softly, "But I've done nothing."
"You're here. You're by my side. And you're not running away after meeting my family. You keep me sane. I would say you do enough."
Nyx watched you but he was sure he was right with his assumption, "You don't have the best bond with your family, do you?"
You chuckled dryly, "No, not really. It's better now but...I haven't become a lawyer like everyone else, tho. I mean, even my mother had been a secretary in a law office. There, she met my dad, who’s a lawyer. Like my uncles."
"So, you're kinda the black sheep?", Nyx asked amused and saw himself as confirmed: this world was not yours.
"Oh, yeah. You have no idea. That I dated Matt had raised my prestige in their eyes but…", you stopped as Matt and your cousin entered the ballroom under loud cheering, "I have no idea what I was for him. Time distraction? Toy? I mean, we had fun and I feel so stupid for not seeing anything coming."
Nyx had no idea what he should say to comfort you. Maybe there was even no way to comfort you at all. Things like this needed time to heal. But somehow Nyx got the impression that you were stronger than you seemed to be right now.
You wanted to say something but your mother and dad joined your table and gone was the calmness you had felt during the last few moments.
"Darling, have you congratulated Matt and your cousin?", your mother said, placing one hand on your shoulder and one on Nyx'.
That touch looked more possessive than you liked to see, "Of course, I did.", you said with a charming smile.
"Wonderful! Wasn't the wedding a dream? And the vows! I really had to suppress a tear."
"Yes, mother, it was wonderful.", you agreed.
"And you, Nyx? Everything's-", but your mother got called over by your aunts and excused himself again. Even your dad excused himself again.
Nyx waited till she was out of earshot before he turned over to you, "You haven't congratulated them, have you?"
"Of course not.", you said with a huge grin that made Nyx chuckling. You liked the way he smiled. You already liked his presence. He was calm and quiet but knew how to tell his stories to entertain you.
Quickly, the dinner got served and was done and the last part of this circus started: the party. You knew you couldn't leave right away. Even if you wanted to run away as far as you could, it wouldn't look too good. So, you stayed until you would find a good moment to escape.
"Hey, you wanna get some fresh air?", Nyx asked as he saw how you were watching Matt dancing with his partner closely to a slow, romantic song.
Like awakening from a trance, you blinked with your eyes and nodded as you looked at Nyx and his warm, encouraging smile. As you stepped out, you breathed in the fresh breeze with closed eyes.
Once again, Nyx caught himself staring at you in a fascinated way. While you walked across the balcony to the handrail, Nyx followed you slowly and thanked Crowe silently that he had met you, "How do you feel? You're still okay?", he asked carefully.
You turned over to him, "Yes. Yes, I'm feeling good. As I watched them dance, I noticed the way Matt looked at my cousin. He never looked at me this way and I'm… I'm getting okay with it. If they're happy then I don't care. Maybe this wedding was the right cure."
Nyx was impressed how strong you really were. He was sure that you were still hurt but it looked as if you were on the right way.
"Can I ask you something?", you asked, gnawing on your lower lip.
"Of course. I'm at your service no matter what it is. So, what do you desire to know about me?", Nyx said solemnly and smirked as he heard you chuckling.
"I know Crowe can use the King's magic. So, I guess, all Glaives are able to do that?"
"Yes. That's why we're members of the Kingsglaive. Not everyone is able to use these powers so, just the 'best' or talented of the refugees get picked out.", Nyx explained.
You nodded slowly, "It's too bad that refugees get used to fighting battles to secure this city instead of the citizens who actually live here.", you said while letting your eyes roam over the skyline of Insomnia.
"I'm okay with that. I mean, Niflheim attacked my home, Magiteks killed my family. If I can fight against them, I know I do the right thing. Taking revenge. At least as good as I can.", Nyx said low and also watched the scene in front of him.
"I'm sorry for your loss. Crowe told me about it once. Nothing much, just a few things. Is… Is this also the reason why you try to keep people away from you? In fear you could lose them as well?", you asked carefully. Maybe you were too bold but you felt a connection to Nyx that gave you the courage to ask these things.
With a sad expression, Nyx nodded. He was surprised that you had figured him out this quickly but maybe he wasn't such a riddle or you were really attentive when it came to him, "Yeah... you're not so wrong. I know how it feels to lose loved ones so I don't wanna put someone else through this as well. And as a Glaive things can turn bad really quickly.", he said and watched your reaction.
"I guess you're right."
Nyx nodded and felt an unknown pain stinging his heart that you thought like this as well.
"But", you started again, looking straight into Nyx eyes, "I got to know you a little bit today. Trust me, I understand your point but as I said yesterday, the right person wouldn't see a problem with that. I mean… you shouldn't be alone Nyx. No one should. And if you think life is so short for you, you should stop being alone and start to make the best out of the time you still have.", you whispered.
Without noticing, Nyx had closed up on you forced by your words. Unknowingly, you had hit a point: he was alone...rather he was lonely. He felt lonely when he was done with the training and went back to his empty home. He felt lonely when he came back after an exhausting fight on the battlefield. When he felt lonely, the flashbacks and nightmares became worse and darker. These were the times where he wished to have someone by his side who would be there for him. Who would drag him out of the darkness because their light was so much brighter than every shadow would ever be. Bright like your glowing eyes and your charming smile.
Slowly, Nyx leant forward and raised his hand without thinking about it. He just wanted to feel your skin under his touch. Softly, he placed his hand on your cheek and saw your surprise but you stayed where you were as if you wanted him to continue. Driven by your alluring scent, he closed the gap slowly and-
The cry of a bird that flew above your heads let both of you jump away from each other. You and Nyx were breathing heavily while you two recovered from the shock. You smoothed down your clothes to distract yourself while Nyx ran a hand through his hair to do the same.
The situation became awkward but Nyx wanted to show you that everything was alright. At the same time, he wanted to show himself that everything was still alright between you and him, "Hey...uhm… You wanna see some magic?", he asked softly, almost shy.
You smiled, thankfully that Nyx had sensed the awkward tension, "I would love to.", you said while still recovering from the surprise that Nyx wanted to kiss you. Not that you would have stopped him…
Nyx grinned and raised his right hand. He showed you the bare palm and in the next moment, sizzling flames were dancing over his skin as if they were following a rhythm no one could hear. Nyx checked your reaction and was pleased as he saw your sparkling eyes, illuminated by the flames, and the growing smile.
Fascinated, you watched the flames. You felt the urge to touch them but as you closed up on the flames with your forefinger, you already felt the warmth so, you retreated your hand again, "It's hot! I don't know why I'm surprised but… Don't they hurt you?", you asked concerned.
Nyx chuckled, "No, not at all. If you can use elementary magic, you're safe. It's just painful for your enemy.", he said with a grin and was happy to see you smile again.
"Can you just produce fire? Or is there more?", you asked excitedly, totally hooked about the fact how cool this skill was.
"Two more. Lightning", Nyx said and killed the flames by closing his hand before his fist got enveloped by small, twitching bolts that ran across his hand like busy worms. But they became a bit too fast and 'overexcited' and Nyx casted them away before something could get hit by them, "And then, there's ice.", he said and changed the bolts into a subtle fog.
You leant forward to look closer but even in the dim light from the candles and the light coming from the ballroom, you noticed small, sparkling ice particles which were swirling through the fog. Whenever light hit them, they were glittering in every possible color like a prism, "I- I… that's so beautiful. I mean, it sparkles like millions of diamonds."
Nyx chuckled, he never had seen the magic he used on a daily basis as what it actually was: magic. It was something not many people could control. It was indeed something special, usually just reserved for the royal family and yet, he was also able to produce ice and let your smile grow even bigger than before as you had seen the fire, “I don’t know but I guess to see the world through your eyes must be wonderful. You seem to be delighted by the smallest things.”, Nyx said low but smiled as you looked up with a now shy smile on your lips.
“Life is more than just money and prestige. We are surrounded by wonders barely someone sees anymore. I mean, for example in Lestallum, the city uses the energy of a meteor that lies there for centuries. You should see the magical view by night. The golden and blue light dancing into the sky. I swear you never had seen something like this before.”, you said excitedly and once again, you noticed how Nyx was staring at you. It wasn’t unpleasant. Rather quite the opposite. It was a silly thought but somehow you had the feeling that Nyx could see more in you than just a little flirt and a nice kiss at some wedding.
It was crazy. As Crowe told you Nyx would be your type of man, you had laughed about it. After everything Matt had done you needed a break from dates and men and love and all these things. You didn’t want to quit it forever just a little longer but obviously your friend saw it differently and silently, you already thanked her.
Once again, Nyx was mesmerized by you. The way you saw things. How you looked at the world. How you looked at him. He was sure you weren’t flawless - no one was. But no matter what kind of flaws you would have, he wouldn’t care about it. He would deal with everything as long as he could keep you in his life. Giving him the magic he had lost somewhere in his life. Maybe you could be friends or … maybe even something more.
Nyx killed the ice and once again, he leant in for another attempt to kiss you. The moment was perfect again. The way you looked into his eyes and how your lips slightly parted told him what he needed to know - you wanted the same. So, he stepped closer, cupping your face with both hands softly as if you were made out of glass and while you leant forward to meet him on the half way, Nyx leant forward to kiss you-
"Hey, YN, can we talk for a moment- Oh! I’m sorry. Did I interrupt something?", Matt asked and grinned amused as he saw you and Nyx jumping away from each other like caught teenagers.
You cursed internally because it was the second interrupted kiss and you had no idea how many times Nyx would try his luck considering the fact that he even was willing to go this step at all.
Nyx saw that you were annoyed. And he felt the same. He had noticed that you wanted the kiss as well so it was clear for him to try it again but maybe all the interruptions were just signs for him to let it slip? Maybe he shouldn’t try his luck because he was still the Glaive who could die during the next battle. He looked from you at Matt who closed up slowly no matter if his timing had been good or not. And suddenly, Nyx saw that the guy had done this on purpose. He saw it in Matt’s gleaming eyes and in his smirk that he was amused about the fact to humiliate you once again. But as you had said before, he was part of your family now and maybe Matt just wanted to apologize or something. So, Nyx did the only logical thing that came to his mind, "Is it okay for you? I will get something to drink for us then.", he asked carefully, watching your reaction.
You weren’t amused about the idea to be alone with Matt but you nodded. You understood that Nyx might need a break. You waited till Nyx was gone before you crossed your arms over your chest, “You wanted to talk?”
"Yeah, this guy… Tell me, what did you have to pay him so that he would accompany you to this wedding as your date? I’m sure he’s a stripper or something like this. Poor soul-", the loud slap into his face let Matt stop in his sentence. While holding his stinging cheek, he looked back at you, surprised that you were even able to have such a power.
With raging eyes, you stared at him, standing your ground in front of him for the first time. All the anger and sadness you had felt had laid in this one single slap and even if you were no fan of violence, you noticed how relieving this had felt. It had been long overdue, "Don't you ever dare to talk like that about him ever again. He's a Glaive! Protecting you and everyone else in this city with his life."
"Oh, interesting! So, he's just a refugee? He’s not from here? Fascinating with what kind of people you spent your time with. Your mother will be pleased to know that.", Matt said with a smirk, turning around to go back into the ballroom to find your mother.
You called Matt back and he stopped, looking expecting at you with one raised brow. You saw the surprise about your courage in his eyes but the thing was your strength was never gone you just had forgotten to use it. You just needed a trigger to get back to your old self and Matt had found this point without knowing it. So, you stepped forward, keeping eye contact until you stood right under Matt’s nose. With a low but serious voice and a lopsided smirk on your lips you said: "You know, it doesn't matter what he is or not. It doesn’t matter what you or anyone else will think. He’s a soldier and it’s honorable. It doesn’t matter where Nyx comes from. And besides, Galahd was a beautiful, magical and unique place before Niflheim decided to destroy this jewel. No matter what you will do or say to whomever, Nyx will always be more of a man than you will ever be in your entire life, you little, lying cheater.", you said and ended your little speech with a sweet grin as you saw Matt’s shocked and surprised expression.
As you watched satisfied how Matt disappeared back into the ballroom and into the world he belonged to, your eyes landed on Nyx who stood there in the door frame with two drinks in his hands and staring right at you with big eyes.
With a soft, warm smile you walked over to Nyx, taking one of the drinks from his hands, “So, you heard what I said, I guess?”
“Y-yeah, actually every single word.”, he whispered, still not believing what you had said about him, “You had defended me in front of him. I- I mean, I have no idea what he did so you would react like this but … it was impressive to watch and … flattering.”, Nyx said honestly.
You nodded before you gulped down the stiff drink in one go to calm your nerves, “You know, to talk back to this asshole was long overdue. And … as long as he was attacking me it was okay but you … You don’t deserve this. Never. From no one. And mostly not from one person in this room.”, you said and somehow Nyx’ eyes were sparkling even more. Emotions were staring back at you which seemed to be buried away for a very long time.
Nyx, who was still flashed by you, closed the small gap, cupped your face and leant down to kiss you and this time, it worked. As he felt your warm, soft lips, he couldn’t believe it. An emotionally lightning shot though his body and electrified him within seconds as if he had been dead before for years. Your lips tasted as sweet as he had imagined and that you moved along with him gave him goosebumps.
Your heart skipped a beat as Nyx kissed you. It was perfect. It was the only way you could describe this whole scene: as perfect. Nyx’ full lips were warm and demanding in a sensual way. He kissed you not to say something he couldn’t find words rather because he just wanted you. To pull him closer, you grabbed into his suit shirt and jacket what caused Nyx to chuckle about your eagerness but you didn’t care. Like a thirsty plant for water, you were thirsty to taste more of Nyx.
Slowly, the kiss increased as both of you opened your mouths to taste each other's tongues, exploring each other. Nyx still tasted the stiff alcohol on you and breathed in your breath while deepening the kiss. He moved his hand from your face down to your back to pull you closer-
“YN! That’s not appropriate behavior for a wedding!”, your mother called out.
Slowly, you left Nyx’ lips, not seeing any reason to hurry at all. With a stupid grin you looked into the most perfect blue eyes you had ever seen which were sparkling with so much fire and joy as if their light had been rekindled after a very long sleep.
Nyx matched your grin and was still holding you in his arm, snaked firmly around your waist, not ready to let you go just now. Gently, he nudged your nose with his own, “What do you want to do now, YN? Any plans?”, he asked.
“We will leave this place. Together. Come on, Glaive.”, you said, taking his hand in yours to leave the balcony. As you passed your mother, who stared at you in shock, you said: “Goodnight mother, we will leave. Usually, I would say ‘it was a nice evening’ but that would be a lie.”, you said and stepped forward before you stopped once again, “Oh, and I didn’t congratulate the bridal couple because, well, for reasons. But I’m sure they will be happy together. Something tells me they deserve each other.”, and with that said, you left the wedding with Nyx.
Your mother was calling after you but you ignored her. But if you would have turned around one last time, you would have seen how your dad was grinning and cheering for you because in his eyes, you had done the best move possible.
While the driver of the limousine drove the two of you back to your place, none of you said something. You were just cuddling. As Nyx had entered the car, you had scooted over to him immediately, leaning your head against his chest while he laid his arm around your shoulders. You had intertwined your fingers with his and with your thumb you drew small patterns on his skin while you were smiling stupidly.
Nyx followed his own thoughts while burying his nose into your hair to breathe in your scent. But none of his thoughts were dark anymore. Rather, he asked himself why he had withdrawn himself the whole time and thought he would do the right thing? The only one he was punishing was himself and with you, he realized that he had done it far too long. The first kiss had been enough to spark the dying flame of all his hopes and dreams again. But the flame wasn’t just some smoldering. It was a roaring fire that filled his chest with all the emotions he had sealed somewhere deep all these times before. Just one kiss with you had been able to break this firm seal.
There was no turning back and Nyx would fight like on the battlefield to let this fire burn till he would die…
Still cuddled to Nyx’ side, he brought you to your floor and to the apartment door. You were about to open the door which would mean the end of the night as you turned around, flinging your both arms around Nyx’ neck to kiss him longingly.
Nyx didn’t need to get asked twice. He pressed you against the door, letting his hands roam over the fabric of your clothes to get a first feeling of your curves while he noticed how your fingers found their way into his hair. You played with the longer strands, tracing down the braids and stopping at the beads you found. Alone this touch was enough to make Nyx hungry for more.
You were surprised how soft his greyish hair really was. The whole evening you had asked yourself how Nyx’ hair would feel between your fingers but reality was so much better than what you had thought. Unfortunately, your lungs demanded oxygen and so, just very reluctantly, you left Nyx’ lips. He rested his forehead against your and was as breathless as you were but he was also grinning. Still playing with his hair, you pushed yourself to ask the question you wanted to ask, “You… Would you like to come in?”, you asked hopefully that he would say yes. For you, the night was still not over.
Nyx leant back, looked into your eyes and chuckled before he smirked about your confusion, “Of course, I want to come in. My clothes are still in your apartment. Remember?”, he teased.
“Oh, right… your clothes.”, you said, grinning from ear to ear, “How inconvenient this coincidence is.”, you teased back.
“Just open the door and I’m sure your clothes will join mine pretty soon.”
Two months later…
You stood in your kitchen, preparing the morning coffee as you did every day. The rising morning sun was illuminating your apartment in a magical, golden light. It was this kind of light and the smell of the brewing hot liquid that made it easy for you to lose track of your thoughts. Just two strong arms around your middle brought you back to reality and conjured a lovestruck smile on your lips.
You turned around in the arms to face Nyx who was matching your smile even if it was a tired one. Even his hair was tousled and so, you smoothed down the long, stubborn strands before you pressed a gentle kiss on his lips, “Good morning, handsome.”, you whispered.
“Morning, babe. I missed you in bed. I wanted to cuddle.”, he said, pouting.
You chuckled softly, feeling sorry to disappoint him, “I know but I have this important call in an hour and have to do a few things before- hey! Let me down! Nyx!”, you shrieked, laughing by surprise. Nyx had grabbed you to throw you over his shoulder. With you hanging upside down, he carried you back to the bedroom. You bounced slightly as Nyx let you carefully down on the mattress, “Nyx, come on. I don’t have time.”, you chuckled while he was crawling on top of you, kissing along all the bare skin of yours he could find.
“You said one hour. That gives me still forty minutes to have some fun with you. And then, you will still have some time to prepare whatever you want.”, Nyx said between a bunch of hot kisses along your collarbone before he continued over your neck, your weak spot he had figured out really quick.
You sighed, obeying him and his lips as you always did when he was in this kind of mood. It were two months you dated Nyx and it was still thrilling like in the beginning, “But this call is important. It’s with my dad. You know, because of the contracts I need for the refugee foundation.”, you moaned while Nyx bit into your neck. It was already difficult for you to keep your thoughts straight.
Nyx leant back, looking at you with a smirk, “With your dad, huh? He will understand it if you need some extra time. Don’t forget that he likes me. A lot. So, stop trying to resist me. It’s not even working. Just obey me and my lips.”, he breathed, leaning down, “I know you want me.”, Nyx whispered and kissed you passionately that you melted underneath him. Like you always did.
And Nyx was right. You were delayed and you apologized a hundred times to your dad but as you mentioned Nyx, your dad was understanding and brushed it off with a smile and a bunch of questions about Nyx and how he would be doing. In fact, since the wedding two months ago, your whole life had taken a complete turn.
After the wedding, Nyx stayed the night. And the next night. And the night after that. Quickly, the two of you had developed a deep, loving and strong relationship and three weeks later, you followed your heart: you had asked Nyx to move in with you. You didn't need much persuasion because Nyx was looking forward to being able to spend more time with you.
Your mother had called you after the wedding, scolding you for your behavior and how you could dare to bring a refugee as a date. But quickly, you gave her a talk about how bigoted she was and that she had to be more open minded if she wanted to keep you in her life. Very slowly, she realized that you meant what you said and gave in. She needed a bit more time but after a while she started to like Nyx, too.
It was helpful that your dad liked Nyx from the start. After the wedding, your dad had called you to congratulate you for your impressive act in front of your mother before you had left. In fact, he also had heard your little speech you had given Matt as you had defended Nyx and was proud about this as well. You had been speechless because til this day, you never had thought your dad would be proud about anything you ever did. And because the ice was broken between you and him, you talked about everything.
So, three weeks after the wedding, as you, Nyx, Pelna, Libertus and Crowe sat at Yamachang’s, you came up with an idea. You loved spending time with Nyx, Crowe and the others. You loved being in the underground of Insomnia where the refugees were living. You loved the different foods and the music, the atmosphere was unique and exotic but the circumstances the refugees had to live in were questionable. So, you had the idea to do something against it. You were already a big fan of the different cultures and you were convinced Insomnia would benefit as a city if it would use this unknown knowledge.
And with the help and support of your dad, who was hooked by your idea immediately, you started and planned a foundation to help the refugees. The infrastructure of the underground had to be changed and some things had to get modernised while the heart and the soul of everything had to be preserved.
You never congratulated Matt on his wedding and if he was at family meetings, you just refused to come as well. Your mother was raging. Your dad had your back with the most creative excuses. But now and then, when you were awake at night, and while you were watching Nyx sleeping next to you peacefully, you thanked Matt for cheating on you. Otherwise, you would never have found this treasure of a man who had turned your world upside down.
You never thanked Crowe for setting you up with Nyx and you didn’t have to because you knew she was already proud of her matchmaking skills. To see two of her best friends finding happiness and love in each other was enough regard for her.
Because in the end, she had done nothing more than finding a fake date for you, a friend in need…
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savagetrickster · 4 years
Crushing on You (HCs) | BNHA
Request: First of All, i love your navigation its really unique :) Then mhhh what i wanted to request are just some headcanons about shoto (and other characters u like) in which they get really soft zu their crush or s/o, just some fluffy things that come to your mind when u think about it uwu !and dont stress yourself with anseering this request, take ur time! 
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anime  |  character(s):   bnha |  todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki
word count: 1.9k+
a/n: thank you anon, it took me a really long time to make my current navigation; glad you liked it! sorry for the delay, i’ve been trying to squeeze in writing time between my work schedules and finally managed to complete this as well. Whew! i expanded a little more on your requests while trying not to go off-track hahah! also, i really want to add more characters but time could allow me to write for these two. hope you like my take on how they would behave regarding their crushes! i kinda rushed through this piece so the sentences may not string well together hahah and there may be some errors; it’s not beta-ed.
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How did he find out about his crush on you?
Shouto is as smart as a pile of bricks when it comes to anything that isn’t…well, hero stuff? So when he harbored special feelings for you at the start, he wasn’t aware of that. Completely oblivious and hilariously dense about it.
The first few times his heart raced and his cheeks grew warm in your presence, he didn’t make the connection between these and you. He went to see the doctor thinking there was something wrong with his heart and was the reason why his face would feel warm. Nights before his appointment at the hospital, he couldn’t sleep.
It turned out that everything was fine; his heart is perfectly healthy. So the next thing he thought, making a connection to you - is he allergic to you? Or did you have some sort of secondary quirk you kept secret?
Often, he found his eyes gravitating to you, like you were some kind of magnet. You were the first thought he wakes up to and the last before he went to sleep. There were times he felt oddly possessive of you when you talked with the guys.
Despite all these, none of these made him realize his feelings for you. He passed them off as curiosity since you were the only one who made him feel strange.
He only found out why when he shared his suspicion about you  - is he allergic to you? Or did you have some sort of secondary quirk you kept secret? - with Midoriya, particularly the latter. 
How does Shouto behave around you after his realization? All the years growing up the way he did, having a crush on someone was foreign and bizarre to him. Knowing only quirk-related and hero whatnots with limited social interactions in his maturation years, he was…afraid. Afraid of his own feelings for you. He has no idea what to do and couldn’t face you without accidentally coming off as ‘curt and cold’ to you. He avoided you like you were the plague; he couldn’t help it - he felt like he could combust into flames (lol) from how much you made him blush.
You had always enjoyed Shouto’s company and admired his talents as a hero, sharing an amicable connection with him despite not being in his circle with Midoriya and the rest. You liked him. Liked him too much. 
So when he was suddenly blunt and cold to you + very obviously avoiding you, your heart broke. 
The day you confronted him out of frustration and with a broken heart, he realized how wrong he was to act like this.
>> a short fic based on the paragraphs above is coming soon!
He didn’t want to hurt you because of his own fears. He apologized to you but decided to keep his feelings for you a secret from you - the last thing you two needed a distraction like this when you should be focusing on forging your paths as heroes.
As he promised, he suppressed his feelings and maintained (struggled to) the way he was with you; simply friends.
But he definitely has a soft spot for you. 
He has developed an overprotective streak for you; his eyes were always on you. 
   he’s always the first to react if you were in danger. And if there were any stimulation exercises with the class, he would be adamant about staying near you, asking whoever who is on your team to switch with him (of course, without you knowing)
He is very attentive about what you liked or disliked. Taking notes in his head like it was his duty. 
   there was a time when he overheard a discussion between the girls and you, gushing about the types of clothes you girls like to see on a guy. Taking interest in what you like, he eavesdropped and heard you like pullovers on guys. And on the very next day, he bought himself a few, of course using his Endeavor’s credit card, and wore them as soon as they were ready to worn.
He takes very good care of you and is always concern. Too concerned for a mere friend. He is always there to catch you in case you fall.
menstrual cramps?    one day, he walked into the lounge of Class 1-A dormitory and found you clutching onto your stomach, obviously in discomfort and pain despite already taken a pain killer for your cramps. You desperately needed a heat pad to help ease the shit your uterus had to put you through every month.
at first he had thought about using his fire quirk to help you but quickly scratch that idea because he knew he didn’t have that kind of control to not hurt you by accident. The only solution is to get you a water bottle of warm water which loses its temperature pretty quickly. from then, he made it his goal to obtain superb control over his fire quirk, even to the extent of asking Endeavor for help in refining his control just for you. So that the next month when you had to go through the same pain, he was ready to use his fire quirk to relieve your discomfort.
fever?    shouto caught onto news that you caught a bad cold and were down with a high fever. You laid in the darkness of your room, feeling feverish and your body was burning up. that day, he spent the whole night in your room, tending to you the best he could. Pressed his hand to your burning forehead, ice quirk activated; cool enough to make you sigh but not too cold to freeze you by accident - having only used his ice side growing up, his control is excellent. somehow he ended up holding you, cuddling your feverish head to his body on your bed, regularly activating his ice side to keep his body cool. 
When he thinks about his future after graduation, he always include you. In fact, you are part of a much, much bigger picture in the future he envisioned.
it is in his plan to confess to you after graduation. he already knew enough about you, having paid attention and staying near you throughout after he found out that you were special to him. over time, his crush on you wasn’t as simple anymore. Something stronger and more permanent was beginning to bloom in his heart as he continued to safeguard you and watch over you like a silent guardian.
Get ready to adopt he name ‘Todoroki’ in the future ‘cause he’s pretty determined to take things further with you. First, his girlfriend and of course his wife and the mother of his children. 
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How did he find out about his crush on you?
I would like start Bakugou’s part right off the bat by saying that the expression you see in the heading^ made for him is exactly how he would react once he realized he has a crush on you. 
Bakugou here looks like he is in disbelief (as if having such feelings was absurd), bewildered and irked.  Yes, damn right he will be irked. He finds harboring such feelings for you or in fact, anyone unnecessary, ridiculous and stupid. He didn’t have time for such a thing.
Bakugou isn’t as dense as Shouto about this sort of things; if he did find his heart pounding around you, he’s sharp enough to know that you had an effect on him and suspect that he has feelings for you, but this doesn’t mean he is going to acknowledge it. He would dismiss it quickly and move on to more important stuff like his goals.  One day, he grew really jealous and extremely irritated when he saw two seniors hitting on you while he was on his way to class after lunch with Kirishima and Denki. Surprisingly, he handled the situation pretty calmly despite how irritated he is. He walked forward, speeding up ahead of Kirishima and Denki and smoothly tugged you away from the persistent upperclassmen with a firm but gentle grip around your bicep. 
From that incident,  Kirishima and (sorry Kirishima is probably pretty dense about this sort of things but of course no one could beat Shouto in this area lol)  Denki being a rather perceptive guy when it came to matters of the heart, was quick to pick up on Bakugou’s crush on you. Bakugou kind of grudgingly acknowledge his feelings for you that day. Was it because his friends being pushy, constantly teasing him about it? Or was it witnessing that upsetting scene you were in? 
Maybe both? But that did not mean he was going to act on it. He is still pretty stubborn about remaining unbothered about this “useless, pointless sentiment”, quoted Bakugou pretty often to his friends. How does Bakugou behave around you? Bakugou Katsuki is a freaking kuudere - i.e.  a character who is often cold, blunt, and cynical. They may seem very emotionless on the outside, but on the inside they’re very caring — at least when it comes to the ones they love.  Though he deems his feelings for you a “useless, pointless sentiment”, it has become a second nature to him to worry about you regardless of how adamant he is about “not giving a fuck about you” as he had gruffly said to shut his friends up. 
He becomes subtlysoft!Bakugou around you. 
  he is rather toned-down and mature when it comes to you. his explosive (haha) temperament is milder and he exhibits bits of gentlemen traits around you.
  his brash, rough voice softens when he talks to you without him realizing. He is more patient and calmer around you than the rest of his classmates or even his closest friends like Kirishima. he rarely yells at you and addresses you by your name, and not insults he typically used on others e.g. extras, nerd, idiot. 
He is protective.
  he is always quick on his feet in getting you out of sticky situations most of the time. tied to being subtlysoft!Bakugou in my previous point (duh), he demonstrated his ability to be cool-headed and efficient when he got you out of the situation with the two upperclassmen. 
  sometimes if he could in stimulation exercises, he would be try to get you to come along whenever he went on his own way with Kirishima and Denki.
“stay close.” he would mutter in a grudging gruff tone as he bashfully tug you along, away from the rest of the class as we all know he always do in the canon.
He is rather thoughtful and considerate when it’s you.
  once you didn’t turn up for school and he kept glancing over at your empty desk, concerned. he found out that you were down with a bad cold and was being taken care of by Recovery Girl in the infantry. Exams were just two weeks away so he secretly took down notes for you.
When you recovered, he made fun of Kirishima’s “shitty grades” and somehow managed to get Kirishima to start a study session with you included; his main motive was so he could help you catch up without you learning about his true intentions. (kuudere much, Bakugou  -__-)
you are a priority, and eventually a goal as well.
  as bakugou matures alongside you and Class 1A through the years, he will gradually accept that life isn’t only about hero stuff, being number one or putting that stupid nerd Izuku in his fucking place.  (i love midoriya okay, this is just bakugou being bakugou hahah) Or at least he didn’t want his life to be merely about all that. You were also his goal, in fact, one of his biggest goals. He isn’t exactly a big fan of screeching little spawns of the devils but he could live with it if they were part of a future with you.
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