#and it made me panic because of it
frosted-plasma · 1 month
what’s your thoughts on the Futurama revival
Anon I'm so sorry you're going to be victim to the longest post you will ever see. I hate it I hate it I hate it
HUGE /neg rant incoming (this show is my special interest and has been for YEARS. This will all be rambling)
THEY FUCKING COMPLETELY DISREGARDED "MEANWHILE." It directly contradicts it. "I offered to reset time to the moment before time stopped!" Okay, but you didn't though. The entire tragedy of the ending was that they'd be doomed to relive their lives from the moment they met (s1 e1) on loop. "Want to go around again?" Okay so that line doesn't make sense anymore!!! I had theories upon theories before the season came out and I was beyond disappointed. This show has shown it can do deep thought-out themes, I was fully hoping for them to show them reliving the past again, maybe its their 1,000th time reliving it, maybe Fry or Leela notices for once that something is familiar about it. Hell maybe there's a 1 in a million chance that they DON'T break the button! Free will and all, maybe things aren't 100% the same each run and they get lucky once. This also could have been used to recap old seasons for people who didn't rewatch them
They don't know how much time has passed?? I understand that was an excuse to make it the year 3023, but why would you do that? What's the point??
Things such as the Scary Door reboot don't make sense, not to mention the overuse of "haha it's a reboot!! Get it?? It's a reboot!! We got cancelled!!!" jokes but I'll get to that later. Timeline things just don't make sense anymore because of the time freeze. It's an awful awful awful writing choice. They unfroze time right where it paused, canonically, they show them unfreezing exactly there, it makes zero sense. How is there new technology and new TV shows when no time has passed. I'm ignoring that it's "10 years later" because it isn't, you can't just say that without showing it, it literally isn't
Even the smaller jokes feel very dragged out? Like Bender laughing at Fry setting a goal in episode one. He laughs and Leela smacks him, his head spins around and it's funny, then his body does an extra spin for no reason other than to emphasize that it's a joke? I guess? And then not even a minute later she slaps his hand again and it dramatically flies back and hits Zoidberg. Do you get what I'm saying? It's just too much focus on every single bit
I do like the updated intro! The added details to the city in the background is super super cool!! I love the thought they put into it (Bender hanging out of the ship on the magnet is a bit much considering all of the other references they included, but I'll let it slide. Just doesn't feel necessary to me in the intro)
The animation is rigged now:/ it's bound to happen nowadays, it just feels sad to look at for me (in general, not just with this show) the characters (ESPECIALLY Fry) feel very off model sometimes:(
Fry's hardly in the first episode. Odd writing choice considering he's the main character
Oh my GOD. The Hulu/reboot references. It's EXHAUSTING to watch. The amount of 2023 references they crammed into this season is physically painful, they drag them out for SO LONG
(in the first ep) the non-binary robots joke was funny and the scenes with Calculon and the Robot Devil were the only scenes that felt like old Futurama! Their voice acting was great and it was funny! The rest of the voice acting feels very lackluster and most of the other jokes just didn't get me
Calculon and the Robot Devil were the funniest characters, that's how dumbed down they made Bender, he's not my favorite that season
The plots are just. Bad. I hate to say it I really do. Shut up with the reboot jokes, the covid19 jokes, the only decent one was the bit mining episode because it actually used the idea as a real jumping off point and that episode still wasn't revolutionary. The other half of the episodes are pure callbacks. The one with Amy and Kifs kids was cute because it had a reason to exist! It wasn't a very funny episode but it was cute!! The other ones like the worm parasites in nibblers litter box (OR GOD FORBID THE ONE WHERE THE TIME MACHINE SHOWS UP OUT OF NOWHERE AGAIN WITH NO DRIVER??) make me MAD with how lazy of an excuse they are to cram in a reference without matching the rest of the lore
I'm fully assuming the reboot came from a place of love from the writers and the VAs but personally I didn't think the new season was very funny nor did it add anything new to the series, and it felt very very bland and dumbed down and I didn't even pay attention to the last few episodes because of it (that is saying something coming from me)
I rewatched the first episode for this so this is mainly talking about that one. Tell me if you want me to talk about the others I have so many thoughts this is me summarizing like all hell I hate the plots so much and this is my all time favorite show I'm still going to watch the next season and I still have high hopes for it
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krembruleed · 7 months
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my three girlfriends.
And yes, they smoke weed.
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yeeterthek33per · 10 months
You'll Bounce Back (Caitlin Foord x Steph Catley x Reader)
*In the spirit of the world cup and because I felt like it, this immediately came to mind*
Slight adulty warning*
Despite your best efforts, watching your team crumple against Nigeria wasn't the easiest thing to do. Considering you were currently on the sidelines watching on as Caitlin so desperately tried to push for every last chance to score, you knew she wouldn't take it well. She played her best out there, and all you could do in the moment the final whistle blew, when the celebrations of the Nigerians started, was resist the urge to hang your head in disappointment.
You knew the moment you went down during the Ireland v Australia game, that this was it for your journey through the group stages, the trainers having informed you that you would need a minimum of 2 weeks or more to recover.
So, sitting on that bench beside your best friend, who no doubt was taking it just as hard (being one of the many faces of this tournament), and despite not being on the field, you stood tall and walked (hobbled) out onto the pitch, to pick up each and every one of those girls.
Steph, you knew, like Caitlin, would take it hard, but she tends to bottle the loss more, and being impromptu captain only pushed it further into the bottleneck.
So when you spotted her standing, hands on hips, head tilted downwards, you knew she needed to let it out. Both of your girls looked defeated, and you felt helpless, knowing that if you hadn't gone for that tackle, you might've been on that pitch tonight. You should've been able to make a difference.
You should've been out there.
The thought has been burned into the back of your brain since the start of warm-ups. And yet, you push it back and begin to walk to Katrina, who was making her rounds. The older woman having become something of a mentor to you and the younger girls. She hugs you, only for a second as you pat her on the back, "You did great Min', I'm so proud of you."
Mini nods at you, despite not quite being able to meet your gaze, feeling she herself had failed you. You place a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "C'mon, we've still got a chance at this. You've got this. Play it for Harps." You give her a goofy smile to pair with your words, and you see her give a little, her own lips tugging upwards. "Thanks, Rocket."
You chuckle and proceed to go around the pitch as everyone slowly returns to the change rooms, though keeping an eye on your defender and striker, watching as they interact with some family and a couple of the fans.
Steph and Caitlin eventually make their way into the corridor and down the stairs, finding you waiting for them, leant against the wall, your crutches beside you.
They both hug you, although it's brief and there's no words exchanged and you know they won't be talking for at least a couple hours, they know they did what they could, played their best game, or at least best as they could given the current team status.
It just wouldn't settle that way in their own minds.
Caitlin leans into you for a moment, pausing to allow just a moment of your warmth to envelope her and pulls away to go shower. Steph keeps hers briefer, leaving a peck to your temple as she pulls away to do the same, and you sigh softly.
You follow, and Sam's already began her post game speech, knowing all of the girls would need that leadership and guidance to begin to help them pick themselves back up.
"C'mon girls, you've done so much today. You all pushed yourselves so hard, and you all made me proud tonight, we've got one more go, Canada doesn't know what's gonna hit them, we're gonna come back, hard and strong, like we always do. You've all played your hearts out, and I'm so grateful to call you guys my mates and my family."
Sam claps her hands and gestures to the door, "Now let's get showered and get out of here, get recovered and rested, and get ready to push harder than we've ever pushed, because I will need every single one of you here, we all will."
"Yeah, Sammy!" A couple cheers come from within the group of Australians, one from Mackenzie in the back, another from yourself standing next to the door to the changeroom.
Your teammates and yourself load up onto the bus and begin the journey back to the motel. Caitlin and Steph have sat themselves in a seat towards the back, Caitlin leaning into the defender, head on her shoulder, as she contemplates her night, a frown deepset on her face.
You find yourself watching over them as you joke with some of the younger girls, despite the dead silence that would normally come with a loss, they're up and energetic, even after a long 90 minutes. Even going so far as to let out a "C'mon hops, get off the bus, everyone wants to be in bed soon!" Coming from who you found out to be Charlotte, and vowed to give her the biggest noogie of her life when you got off the crutches.
You crutch slowly up into the elevator and make your way into your room, which you shared with Katrina, the woman already having put Harper to bed now that she was staying in the team hotel.
You let out an exhausted sigh and plop onto the matress with a small thud, rubbing at your face. You hear footsteps pad over to your side of the room and sit next to you on the bed, a warm hand rubbing gently at your back.
"Thanks Min'."
Mini hums in response,
"You wanna know something Rocky'?"
You peak out up at her and give a small nod, rubbing harshly at the threatening to spill tears.
"I'm so glad you came out there today, I really needed that, I think all of the girls did. You've given them something to think about, and no doubt Sammy has as well."
You nod softly, tilting your head back to fight off crying. She pulls you into her immediately, her holding you tight as she rubs your back.
"There's nothing you could've done, darl', all you should've been doing is resting, and you're doing that."
You shake your head slightly, "I should've been out there out there with them, Mins', I should've never made that damn slide. At least then I would be out there."
"Hey Rocky', shit happens, you do what you gotta do, you throw yourself into the game, you give it your all, sometimes that means we get knocked around a little, that doesn't mean you failed us. It means you gave it your all and helped us secure a win."
Honestly, she was right, but getting that niggling feeling in the back of your head to go away was a momumental task in itself, so despite your best efforts, you only nod and pull away.
Katrina gives you a look, like she knows you don't quite believe her, but she let's it go for now. She instead nudges you and urges you to go see Caitlin and Steph, citing that they probably need to see their girl after a night like that. You perk up a little, your lips tugging up at the sides as you stand and hop over to your crutches to exit your shared and go and find Caitlin and Steph in their room.
Rapping on the door quietly, knowing the others have probably knocked out by now, you wait until you hear quiet pads on the other side.
It's Steph who opens the door, being the late sleeper of the two.
"Hey puddin'." It comes out as a soft sigh, if anything, exhaustion clear on her face, but knowing her, she was probably struggling for sleep anyways.
You shuffle into the room and pull her down into you, arms wrapped tight around her neck as she buries her face into yours.
"Hi gorgeous. I'm so proud of you for tonight. You both played so well." Steph squeezes you a little tighter at that, and you shift your arms so your hands settle on her shoulder blades to rub at her back gently as you look up at her.
You can tell she's trying to meet your eye, but it's not quite working. You knew she'd struggle to be able to let today go.
"Look at me." Your hand on her jawline tilts her head towards you, "You did everything you could, baby. You fought so hard today. You gave everything you could."
"And it still wasn't enough." Steph's head is turned to the side as she fights her own tears. "There were so many challenges that I missed that I would've gotten any other day of the week. I missed so many tack-."
You interrupt her, "Hey now, you know damn well that you couldn’t have stopped that, sometimes you don't meet tackles where you need to and that's not on you, sometimes, stuff happens, and you aren't quick enough to meet it there."
There's a soft grumble behind the two of you, the striker stirring slightly as you both turn to watch her. Steph's expression softens slightly.
"I mean, even Cait missed some stuff, doesn't mean she could do anything else about it."
She lets out a light huff, sniffles lightly as she turns back to look at you finally. Your thumb caresses her cheek and you give her soft cheeky smile. She looks down but her cheeks crease as she grins all the same, knowing she couldn’t deny you a smile if she tried. The look in her eyes has you swooning, and she leans down to take your lips with hers.
You hum softly, hand coming up to grip her neck and keep her pressed against you. Her hands find their way to your hips, gripping them and pulling you as close as possible.
You gasp into the brunette when she reaches to pull you up into her arms by the thighs, your legs wrapping around her waist, careful not to jostle your ankle too much. Steph's hand comes to settle under your shirt, her hips pressing up into yours, holding you in place.
The way she kisses away from your lips and down to your collarbone has you whining, although her hand is quick to silence you, not wanting to wake your other girlfriend who most definitely needs to sleep. She nips at the skin, grinning as you shudder softly. Her lips are hot on your collarbone, your skin radiating its own heat, and your insides buzz when she reaches to push your shirt over your head.
A whimper coming from Caitlin as she stirs makes you both pause, and you have to hold in a laugh when Steph groans and her head drops to your shoulder. You run your hands through her hair, which is let down for the night, and rub at her shoulder before she gently sets you down. You kiss her softly, getting ready to slip back out of the room.
"I'll let you sleep, sweetheart."
Steph is quick to protest, though, grabbing your hand to pull you back towards the bed. You giggle as clings to you the moment you're both settled.
Another body lands on the bed behind you and startles you slightly. Caitlin, now having fully woken to the noise, wraps herself around you sulkily. "Hey puddin'."
It comes out as more of a grunt than anything, the words pressed into the back of your neck as she leaves soft kisses on the skin there. "Hi bubs, sorry we woke you, go back to sleep." Your hand grips hers softly. She grumbles slightly, "You should've woken me sooner."
You chuckle and shift in their arms to face the striker, kissing her as soon as she's in reach. She sighs softly into your mouth, fingers tangling with Steph's as their hands rest against your side. Caitlin pulls away, and she curls her leg over yours to rest on stephs ankle, gently rubbing it.
You loved seeing them so affectionate with each other. They were best friends before they approached you when you got together, but they'd never been touchy. So seeing them that way now meant more than anything, knowing they were just as in love with each other as they were with you. It only made you smile more.
"God, I love you both so much."
"We love you too, pretty girl." Steph mumbles the words into your hair. Caitlin hums her agreement as she kisses you again.
"Now you both better sleep. We've got recovery time to make tomorrow."
They both whine at you, finally having you in their arms, and you want them to sleep. You laugh, "C'mon, now you two, you have a game to prep for, and sleep deprivation does not make that better, you guys will do better, you'll bounce back, you always do."
You were right. They always found a way to bounce back. All they had to do was play their best game.
Canada wouldn't know what hit them.
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pushing500 · 13 days
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Look, she's paralysed and won't really get in the way of Mechi's work around the colony. Mechi gets a psylink neuroformer, and Angst gets to spend nineteen days facing a bleak white wall in the corner of the laboratory. Win-win!
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A distress signal? How curious. Archotechnology is always tempting...
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Mechi went to investigate with Chief of Security Ratchet and Deputy Rocket, only to discover the place was crawling with gross flesh. They left with zero archotechnology and a renewed disgust for all things biological.
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Finally, everyone meet Hummel, the newest wild man on the map. He looks like the world's most irate, washed-up foxboy. I love him.
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ineffablecollision · 7 months
having seen the post earlier about stede's rings post-coitus i wondered when he took them off and if they're still there when he closes the curtains.
so of course, in my very sane ways, i made a gif!
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now, enhance!
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looks to me like the ring on his right hand is off already.
considering he wore his rings when he grabs ed...
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means stede took his rings off before he closed the curtains!
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Fred leaned forward and placed his hand on top of Angelina’s, forming a strange stack. “You make my brother happier than I’ve ever seen him.” A sob worked its way out of her throat. Merlin, she was a mess. “Not anymore,” Hermione said. “You’re wrong,” Fred said. “Blimey, Hermione, don’t you see the way he lights up the second you walk in the door?” “He does that for everyone,” Hermione said, wiping her tears away with her free hand. “That’s just George. He’s always been like that, even when we weren’t—” A thought hit her. A sobering, real thought. “It’s because he’s always happy,” she tried again, but she knew it wasn’t the truth. No one could always be that happy. But she wasn’t ready to face it. Not yet. She pushed the thought away. “It’s like she’s never seen him in a room without her in it,” Fred said, turning to Angelina.
--Lumos: "Eggshell"
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reverieaudios · 14 days
If this question is too personal you are welcome to ignore it but, what was it like figuring out your identity and telling friends and family? I'm always interested in other's stories about that kind of thing
Nah it's fine, it was kind of a... journey? Which is pretty typical I think lol. As far as figuring out my identity, I realized I wasn't straight way before I realized the whole nonbinary thing, and I repressed the sexuality realization so well (and multiple times lol) that I actually forgot about it. Like I procrastinated my own "gay panic" moment until it was totally undeniable lmao
So yeah if you ignore the time I accidentally came out to my dad when I was like 8 I came out to my oldest sister first (and she totally already knew because I was not subtle and she had kept bringing up her friends who weren't straight like "yeah my good friend from college and his husband. With whom he is in a very loving and happy gay marriage) and then one by one I came out to my immediate family members. I got pretty lucky because they're all pretty laid back so they were pretty indifferent to it. Good indifferent though, like "cool, do you wanna play Mario kart?"
(As we got older my two closest brothers decided that we're only a trio of dudes (semi-gender neutral) though, so my younger brother has declared that if I bring a guy home he needs to fight us to the death and take the place of the loser and he seems intent on it being me who loses lmao)
Then when I figured out I wasn't cis I pretty much just repeated the process, but it came much easier because I'd already done it once. Is it bad that the music video for Tous les mêmes by Stromae was the thing that made me go "uh-oh I'm discovering things again" lol
I... don't think I've ever actually officially/formally come out to any friends? It's more like I just don't hide it and let things come up in conversation, and most of the people I'm friends with are in the lgbtq+ community anyway so they can smell it on me lol
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 3 months
personal headcanon that the early iterations of prism's robots found it very difficult to pronounce certain vowels in certain contexts. one of the first reasons why she built that vocal test machine was to fiddle with their pronunciation software.
during this time period, pronouncing the 'i' in 'prism' was next to impossible. they'd just end up defaulting to 'puh-rye-sum', which would make their creator noticeably dejected, which in turn made them feel pretty upset.
so, instead, they begun defaulting to calling her 'dr. p', as they were perfectly capable of pronouncing it that way. inevitably prism sorted out the vowel issue, but by then the robots had adopted it as a habit, and any newly created robot picked it up pretty quickly from the others. they'll swap back to 'prism' when stressed, or in situations of grave importance, but calling her 'dr. p' is akin to a term of endearment to them
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mokutone · 11 months
your art makes me wanna start testosterone
i can't read tone well, so this is either an incredibly touching ask, or an extremely funny one, and in the absence of confirmation: both!
i'm in a chatty mood, so i'll share some thoughts about testosterone and my art.
i liked being on testosterone a lot. i had an IM injection every two weeks (on tuesdays!) and because that's a sizeable dose every 14 days that slowly disperses, it can cause some mood fluctuations (every other friday i would have a crisis about not feeling like the world had a place for me in it) but even those were far more manageable than the ones that would come with my previous and current monthly hormone cycle (every month i spend a solid week thinking the world will never have a place for me in it)
It gave me a patchy little bit of scruff on my chin and a whispy mustache under my nose that still struggles on, despite adversity!
It redistributed my fat a little bit, but that's long since gone back to pre-T shape.
it lowered my voice! that hasn't changed :^)! even if i never go back on t, that won't change. it was the thing i most wanted, and its the one i'm most grateful for. Pre-T, I didn't speak much. I'm getting better and better at talking and getting more and more comfortable communicating with people because of it.
having been off t now for 3 years, i don't pass anymore—not as a cis man, or a cis woman, certainly not as anything approximating straight. if people look at me and see anything, i'd hazard a guess that they see me as A Queer (the noun—for all it's complicated connotations).
i'm not surprised that my art might make somebody want to start testosterone! a lot of my art was made out of the aching grief that came with being kicked off of testosterone, and how neatly that loss of autonomy over my own body knits in with yamato's loss of autonomy over his own.
how my body started doing things i disliked, how i didn't have the support necessary to access the healthcare i needed—how my inability to give myself what i needed made me feel as though i were trapped inside of myself and abandoned (by both myself and the world at large)
when i write comics about yamato as a trans man, i don't take away his testosterone, because that hits a little too close to home for me. for Ninja War Town Reasons, he has plenty of access to all the HRT he could ever need and nobody questions his need for it—instead, i project my own horrors onto the way Danzō defined his identity for him as a child, the way that Kabuto and Obito dehumanize him as an adult in their war efforts, and reduce him to the thing his body holds (the Mokuton). I give him a kneejerk compulsion to dehumanize himself (out of a feeling that he has a duty to his community to do so) and I give him a slow-growing resistance to that impulse (which comes out of a feeling that the people he loves would frown upon seeing him reduce himself like that)
it's dysphoria! it's not gender dysphoria, but it's a loss of self, and a need to reclaim it. it's a war between the hollow shell of a thing he thinks he has to be, and the vibrant and messy person beneath it that he is. it's a desperate need to say "this is who i am—only i can say it"
I enjoyed HRT a lot. it was a really useful tool in helping me feel like my body was my own, that i didn't have to fight it, that we were the same entity. It's not the only tool, but it was a really good one, and one day I hope to use it again.
(as for the being off of it—it's unpleasant, but i'm enduring! being somebody who now doesn't really pass as anything has put me in a weird and interesting position, where I'm constantly having to declare myself to people, because nobody knows what to make of me on any front. they don't know if i'm a man, a woman, nonbinary, nor even what age i am (Augh!!!!) it forces me to be brave and vulnerable more than I'm comfortable with—if I tell somebody I'm a man, there's no way that they will believe I'm cis, but I'm not about to recloset myself—and I don't think I could at this point anyway.)
(there's something fascinating about the position i find myself in, and while i'd leap back on t the moment that an opportunity presented itself to do so, i do feel like i'm experiencing something interesting and important in this weird zone i find myself in)
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24-guy · 1 month
Richie and Max cuddles... maybe Max is afraid of thunderstorms
You have. No idea how much I loved drawing this. Also. [Projects onto Max. Ill explain in the tags.]
If I could be bothered, I would make a flashing lightning version. But I don’t have that energy. :)
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Edit: oh god the crunch. Click it for better viewing...
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autistic-britta-perry · 7 months
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mothmothwoth · 2 months
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lover-of-mine · 9 months
seven(ish) sentence sunday!
I was tagged by @cowboy-buck @alyxmastershipper @wildlife4life @disasterbuckdiaz @giddyupbuck @wikiangela @watchyourbuck thank you!!!!!
Imma be honest I didn't do a lot of writing this weekend oskasokaoskas but here's more of the wayf fic because I love this fic so much and I'm always thinking about it. prev snippet here.
Eddie was touchy. That was not new information. Not exactly at least. Buck was used to a squeeze on his shoulder, a hand on his back, a thigh pressed into his, their shoulders brushing when they walked too close to each other, knees bumping together. But this was more than what he knew what to do with. He wasn't sure Eddie actually stopped touching him since they left the room. His hand was around his wrist, their fingers were laced together, his arm was around his waist or draped over his shoulders, he would hook their ankles under the table, he would wrap their pinkies together.  Not that Buck minded. He was getting a bit drunk on it though.
imma tag @bucks118 and @housewifebuck because it feels weird not to tag them by now oskaoskasokaosk
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aropride · 7 months
if you imagine that guy from saw and he's sawing his own leg off in the bathroom but it's just like, a normal bathroom and he's not chained to the wall or anything and he really didn't have to saw off his leg at all but he imagined a situation in which he would have to do that so he decided to get it over with as soon as possible. well that's how i approach all my interpersonal relationships
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rosenfey · 8 months
honestly I think the one good thing to take away from this is the realisation that I don't need to prove my love for a thing™ for it to be real. I don't need to post abt a character that I love for it to seem like my enjoyment of them is valid and I don't need to post abt my ships in order to seem like I am committed to them. my love for things is simply there and there is no competition, for the love I feel is mine and the way I tackle character dynamics is also truly unique because I am also the only me the world has. basically I don't need to seek validation for liking things by actively posting abt them and making content for them because something like that can't be measured by the amount of posts. when you truly love something it's something that comes from your heart and not the online presence you create, that's just separate. I am no less of a fan because I don't engage with ppl or don't post actively. the love is in there and I don't need to prove myself to anyone for it to be real and meaningful
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thisbibliomaniac · 3 months
Stop saying capitalism when you mean consumerism.
Stop saying capitalism when you mean corporatism.
Stop saying capitalism when what you're experiencing is actually much closer to socialism.
.... So, I saw this post and I just had to reach out and say hi. THIS is what everyone needs to be talking about
Misuse of the word capitalism is a huge pet peeve of mine lol. I saw today someone say that the contestants on the current season of the bachelor are more cookie cutter hot than on the first season because of capitalism 😂
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