#and it made me realize i can’t really even name a female actress on their level of iconic
hurtcomforted · 3 months
Men are characters, women are archetypes.
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i hate my step dad ~ eminem
word count: 1797
request?: yes!
“Hello :) great writer, the requests are open, so I wanted to ask for Eminem x reader, Eminem is dating a famous actress who got divorced a while ago because her ex-husband cheated on her and the press had fun with this and well she has a teenage son and let's say he doesn't like Marshall very much because of his bad reputation, his songs and that he doesn't want his mother to end up hurt, at first it's a disaster but it ends well ...Thanks!! I know you can do this better.”
description: in which he has a hard time trying to get his new step son to like him
pairing: eminem x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of cheating, mentions of harassment (from the media)
masterlist (one, two)
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Marshall knew what it was like to have a step-father that you can’t stand. Except for him it was more like a revolving door of his mother’s boyfriends who acted like they were going to end up being his step-dad, only for them to break up and his mom to move on to the next one.
Going into his relationship with (Y/N), Marshall knew he was going to have to work hard to gain the trust and respect from her teenage son, Marcus. And he was more than willing to put in that work for it. He loved (Y/N) and he wanted Marcus to like him so that (Y/N) wasn’t in an awkward position.
However, it seemed like it was going to be a lot more work than Marshall had anticipated.
(Y/N) got along with Marshall’s kids almost instantly. The moment he introduced her to Hailie, Alaina, and Stevie, it was like she had been a part of their lives for years. All three of them welcomed her with open arms and they spent loads of time together.
Marcus was another story.
(Y/N) introduced him to Marshall early on into their relationship and Marcus wasn’t exactly secretive over his feelings towards Marshall even back then. He would steer clear of the living room whenever Marshall was over and would often try to skip dinner if Marshall was there. Any time Marshall tried to talk to him or get along with him, he’d be met with silence or with sarcastic responses. He didn’t want to give up on the kid, but trying to get through to him felt like trying to pull teeth sometimes.
Over a year into their relationship, Marshall was at (Y/N)’s house while she was working. She was supposed to be off relatively early this day - unusual for an actress but none of them were complaining - and the three of them were supposed to go to Marcus’ softball practice together. It was another of (Y/N)’s attempts to get the three of them to bond, although Marshall wasn’t all too hopeful about it.
Marshall’s phone rang around the time (Y/N) was meant to be home. When her name and contact photo popped up on his screen, he had an idea of what was to come.
“Hey,” she said when he answered. “I’m so sorry. The director keeps wanting to reshoot the final scene we’re doing because he says it’s not what he wants. I don’t know what time I’m gonna get out of here. Do you mind taking Marcus to the practice and I’ll meet with the two of you there?”
“Do you really think he’ll be down for that?” Marshall asked.
(Y/N) sighed. “I know he’s going to have issues with it, but he’ll have to deal with it. Eventually he has to realize I don’t have any intentions of getting rid of you, unless you’re planning to get rid of me.”
“I’d be fucking crazy to let a woman like you go.”
(Y/N) laughed. “Well then that’s settled. I’m sorry if it’s...unpleasant or awkward.”
“Don’t be sorry, I’m sure it’ll be fine.” But even Marshall could hear the uncertainty in his voice.
After his phone call with (Y/N), Marshall sighed and made his way to the teen boy’s bedroom. The door was closed, as it usual was when Marshall was over. He hesitated a moment before knocking.
“What do you want?” came Marcus’ voice. He knew it wasn’t his mother because he knew she wouldn’t knock.
“Your mom got held late at work. She said for the two of us to go on to your practice without her and she’ll meet us there,” Marshall responded.
There was a moment of silence before Marcus responded, “No thanks, I’m not going.”
“Marcus, come on. I know you don’t want to be alone in a car with me but your coach will be pissed if you don’t show up, and so will your mom and we both know which of those two will be the worse to deal with.”
He heard shuffling in the room and a few moments later, the door opened. Marcus, who had his softball uniform on and a bag thrown over his shoulder, glared up at Marshall. “Let’s just get this over with.”
To say the drive was tense would be an understatement. It was completely silent besides the music that Marcus decided to put on. The teen spent the entire drive staring at his phone, although every time Marshall looked over at him it didn’t seem like there was anything happening on the screen for him to be focusing on.
Finally, Marshall broke the silence and decided to ask the big question: “Why do you hate me so much?”
Marcus didn’t respond, which wasn’t exactly shocking, so he continued to talk. “I mean I get it. My mom had boyfriends coming in and out of our house all the time. Some of them were dickheads. And even though my dad was also a deadbeat, I also hated to see mom with another guy that wasn’t him. But I’ve been with your mom for over a year now. I don’t plan on going anywhere, and I know I’m a dickhead but I didn’t think I was that bad of one that you would just hate me for this long.”
“You don’t think I should hate the man who made whole songs about wanting to kill his ex-wife?” Marcus countered.
Marshall’s eyebrows furrowed together. “I don’t understand what that has to do with my relationship with your mom.”
Marcus scoffed. “No, of course you don’t. Because it’s just music to you, but releasing some shit like that about her would mean so much more than just being just another song.”
“Why would I write a song like that about your mom? I just told you I love her and I don’t plan on leaving her.”
“I’m sure you didn’t plan on leaving your ex-wife either, but shit happens. And I don’t want you and mom to break up and suddenly you’re lashing out at her in your music and dragging her name through the mud.”
As they came to another stoplight, Marshall looked over at Marcus. He was now looking out the window, his hands balled into fists on his lap.
“Marcus, you realize I was heavy into drugs when I made those songs about Kim, right?” he asked. Marcus didn’t respond and opted to just keep looking out the window. “I was fucked up beyond belief. I regret ever creating them. Same goes for the songs I wrote about my mom, in case you were going to bring those ones up, too. It was a mixture of a toxic relationship and me being fucked up on drugs. I’m not like that anymore.”
When Marcus didn’t respond, Marshall decided to drop the topic. He had gotten the answer he wanted and he had said his piece. He knew this wasn’t going to instantly make Marcus like him, but at least he found out why the boy disliked him so much.
They were pulling up to the field when Marcus spoke again, “You know my dad cheated on my mom.”
It wasn’t a question, but Marshall still answered. “Yeah, she told me when we first got together.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t read about it in the news or something. The media went after mom in the worse possible way. She was already heartbroken, but then she had paparazzi following her all the time asking about my dad and his other woman. There was always something being written about the two of them and it put mom through the wringer. I don’t want that to happen again.”
“I’m not going to cheat on your mom, Marcus,” Marshall assured him.
“I don’t want her dealing with any kind of media scrutiny,” Marcus said. “Doesn’t matter what it’s about, I don’t want her to be harassed anymore. It’s not fair to her. And her being with you, no matter how the relationship ends or if it never ends or whatever, she’s definitely going to be followed and harassed. She doesn’t deserve that.” He sat back in his seat and crossed his arms. “She deserves to be with some normal guy that no one knows so that she doesn’t have to deal with it anymore.”
“Listen, Marcus, I understand where you’re coming from. I know all about the shit your mom dealt with after your dad, and I understand that you don’t want her to have to deal with that anymore. But the truth of the matter is your mom is an adult. She can make those decisions for herself on who she decides to date and whether or not they’re a celebrity. I know shit changes and I can’t necessarily promise anything, but I can tell you confidently in this moment that I won’t hurt her and I’m definitely not going to cheat on her or write songs about her. I don’t plan on going anywhere, which is why I try so hard to get along with you.”
Marshall parked the car by the field and shut off the engine. Marcus was back to looking down at his lap, trying not to acknowledge him.
“You don’t have to like me,” Marshall told him. “But I love your mom, and I want you to know that.”
The two got out of the car and started towards the field. Most of Marcus’ team was there already preparing for practice to start. He went off to join them, but paused and turned back to Marshall.
“I can’t promise I’ll like you,” he said, “but I do appreciate that you’re trying. And you make mom happy.”
Marshall smiled a little. “She makes me happy, too, man.”
Marcus nodded and ended their conversation by turning to run to the field.
Marshall found a spot on the bleachers and sat while he waited for (Y/N) to arrive. It wasn’t long until she climbed up onto the bleachers next to him.
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” she said. “How was the ride over?”
“Enlightening,” Marshall responded.
(Y/N) looked at him in confusion. He chuckled and put an arm around her. “I’ll explain later.”
“Okay,” she said, drawing out the “A” sound. “Should I be concerned?”
“Not at all. Marcus and I just had a big conversation on the way over. I think we may kind of understand one another a little better now.”
She smiled at him. “Well, that’s great! I’m glad.”
Marshall pulled her in for a kiss, taking her by surprise with his sudden public display of affection. “What was that for?”
“I love you.”
Her face softened as she leaned into his embrace. “I love you, too.”
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
The Most Perfect Woman
Part I: The Meet Cute
Florence Pugh x Female Reader
When you are late for your first day on set as a coordinator for Marvel, you accidentally run into Florence Pugh. Literally.
You woke up today with lots of excited but anxious energy running through you. Today is the day you start working on a new set with Marvel. Your first with the company. It has always been your dream as a set coordinator to work on a big Marvel movie, so your nerves are running high. You are always afraid of how the other crew may see you or how, God forbid if they even perceive you, the actors do. You will be working with some of the most famous actors in the world this time around. It’s nothing to be nervous about though, right?
And now somehow you are already running late. You are practically running through the parking lot and into the front doors of the studio with your set notes in hand and your head down. You were up all night organizing them for today’s work, not wanting to mess up your big shot. Suddenly, you collide with another person.
“Oh, darling! I am so sorry! Let me help you!” a woman’s voice says to you, “I wasn’t watching where I was going. Sorry, sorry, sorry,” she keeps repeating to you. You guess she is waiting for you to accept her apology, but you cannot seem to conjure any words at the moment as you are so flustered at your notes falling all over the lobby of the studio.
You look up to meet her eyes. And holy shit it is Florence Pugh. The Florence Pugh. By every standard, this woman is attractive. You knew this already but seeing her in person is a different experience entirely. Her blonde hair flows with the tiniest wave, and you get a strange, but pleasant feeling in your gut. Her beautiful eyes hold contact with yours for what feels like an eternity before she speaks again.
“I really am sorry. Here’s your papers,” she says with a delightful English accent and hands you your notes you didn’t even realize she had gathered. You didn’t think you could ever be attracted to someone so instantly like this, but you can’t seem to take your eyes off of her.
“Thanks, and it’s okay. I wasn’t being entirely vigilant in my walking either,” you say feeling strangely comfortable around her. And she laughs. Oh, what a glorious laugh she has. “Sorry I have to go. I am already late for my first day on set,” you say.
“No problem. Wait, set?” she asks, and you give her a nod. “Are you an actress?”
You can’t help but let out a soft scoff of disbelief at that. She thinks you’re an actress? Very anxious, sometimes awkward, definitely introverted, you?
“Oh no, I am a set coordinator for the new Marvel movie,” you reply. And she touches your forearm excitedly and flashes you a wonderfully large smile. Your heart beats faster at the contact.
“No way!” she says. “I can’t wait to work with you.”
“It will be a pleasure to work with you-” you pause waiting for her to tell you her name even though you most certainly knew it.
“Florence,” she finishes for you. And her name sounds so beautiful with her accent that you almost forget to tell her your name.
“Y/n,” you reply.
“Y/n, what a lovely name,” she says, and you feel that rush in your gut again. Your name sounds like a symphony coming from her mouth. No one has ever made you feel this way, and although you have a feeling she makes everyone feel this comfortable with her immediately, something just feels cosmically special about the way you feel around her.
“Next time we see each other I hope it’s under better circumstances than my clumsiness,” you say finally mucking up the courage to continue the conversation.
“Yes, I am sure it will be. See you around,” she says flashing you a smile as she walks away. Probably off to do hair and makeup and other actor stuff. Not that you ever understood that side of movie making. You watch her walk away and then remember that you were already late and your conversation with Florence has made you even later. But you cannot bring yourself to worry about it anymore, after all you did just meet the coolest woman in the world. This job is already shaping up to be quite the experience.
Note: I hope you enjoyed reading this. I have five more parts of this already written that I plan on posting by the end of next week.
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The Stars Were Bright Above | Peter Parker
✦ pairing — Peter Parker x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 12k
✦ fake dating AU
✦ summary — in an attempt to make your best friend Harry jealous, you accept to fake date Peter who needs to cover up his big secret.
✦ request — I just read your Harry series and I was wondering if you could do something similar where reader is in love with Harry and she fake dates Peter and falls for him?
✦ warnings — angst, family issues, mentions of food and alcohol, language, reader and Peter are in college, brief depictions of anxiety, sexually suggestive content, drama between friends, fluff.
✦ author's note — whew, this one was supposed to be a quick one shot that’d help me get back into writing after days with a horrible migraine and then I completely lost control of it. I managed to find a compromise in 12k words after an excruciating editing process. Hope it’s coherent and that you like it!
“I would love to stop and chat,” you told Peter as you looked for your keys, “but I’m in a hurry.”
“I’ll walk you to your car.”
If only you could find the stupid keys first! Oh, well, you’d check your backpack once you were in the parking lot.
Peter could have used the time it took you to cross campus to tell you whatever it was he wanted to say. Instead, he fiddled with the straps of his backpack and walked beside you in complete silence.
“I need a favor,” he finally said when you stopped in front of your car. As though it hadn’t been obvious.
“Peter,” you sighed, trying to hold your open backpack against your knee. A horrible idea, really. “My mom will kill me if I’m late for lunch.”
He took your backpack in his hands and held it for you. “I... it’s embarrassing.”
“We can talk about it tomorrow.”
“It can’t wait!”
His tone made you lift your head. “Are you alright? Is your aunt sick or something?”
He shook his head. “It’s about May in a way... oh, that rhymed.”
“Right, right. Uhmmm she thought I was hiding something from her—“
You interrupted, “Were you?”
“Kind of,” he admitted. “So I told her I have a girlfriend.”
“I didn’t know you were dating anybody.”
“I’m not.”
“So why did you—“ You groaned. “Oh my God, you’re an idiot.”
“I deserve that one.”
“You want me to convince Gwen?”
“Gwen? Why would—“ He shook his head. Avoiding your eyes, he said, “I told her it was you.”
“And she believed you?”
“I’m as shocked as you are!”
“So you want me to lie to your aunt and tell her I’m dating you.” You closed your backpack, having had no luck finding your keys.
“More or less.” Peter continued holding your backpack, patiently waiting for you to retrieve it. “I was thinking more along the lines of lying to everybody and tell them we’re dating.”
You brought a hand to your hair, lightly gripping it for a moment. “I’m not a good actress.”
“I think your keys are in your hoodie.”
You palmed the front pocket where the sound of metal against metal let you know he was right. Introducing your hand, you withdrew the keys. “How did you know?”
“I heard them.”
“You have amazing hearing.” You reached over to take your backpack.
He handed it to you. “It’s a blessing and a curse.”
You unlocked the car and opened the back door on the driver’s side. Leaving your backpack onto the backseat, you heard Peter ask, “So... are you helping me?”
Standing straight, you turned to peer at him. You had to squint as the sun hit your face. “Can we talk later or tomorrow?”
He nodded. “Text me. Please.”
Peter had always been considerate with you and this time was no different. He patted your back before walking away on the opposite direction.
You bit your bottom lip. “Hey.”
Peter turned around. “Mmh?”
“Want me to drop you off?”
It was nice to have some company in the car after a pretty lonely day. Gwen was nowhere to be seen and you didn’t share classes with Mary Jane. You had other friends, but they didn’t make you feel complete like Gwen, Mary Jane, Flash, Peter, and Harry did.
You couldn’t stop yourself from asking, “Did you tell Harry?”
He didn’t sound surprised. “I was waiting for your answer. I told May she was the first person to know.”
You hummed. “What would I have to do?”
“She’ll want to confirm it’s true so you’d have dinner with us and then we would act like a couple in front of everybody.”
“Like a couple?”
“Just holding hands and hugging,” he clarified. “Maybe the occasional kiss on the cheek to throw people off their rhythm. Oh, and pet names!”
“You’ve got everything planned, huh.”
“My life depends on this,” he said dramatically.
“Do I get to know your secret if I say yes?”
He considered your question for a moment. “Eventually.”
You couldn’t believe you were doing this. “When should I come over for dinner?”
Peter’s eyes lit up. “Probably this weekend. I’ll ask May and text you.”
“Cool. I’ll talk to you later, then.”
He nodded. “Be safe.”
“You too.”
You pulled over a few blocks from your family home to put on some makeup, that way you would avoid the chastising that came every time your mom saw the bags under your eyes.
Wondering if Peter could tell the reason behind your helpfulness, you got rid of your hoodie and slipped a sweater on.
Doing this every time you visited after school was tiring, but it was better than putting up with meaningless fights.
Your mom was losing her patience when you arrived, you could see it on her face. She glared at you as you approached her to kiss her cheek. This and the fact that you couldn’t stand pretending so many aspects of your personality, were what lead you to choose to live on your own.
She hadn’t been too happy about it, but she was busy with the family business, her social life, and your sister to complain. Your dad always did what any of you wanted, mostly to make you three shut up.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry! Peter needed help with something.”
You sat down next to your sister who lifted an eyebrow.
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with him lately,” your mom suspiciously pointed out.
Oh, so she was keeping tabs on what you did on your free time...
The truth was there had never been anything between you and Peter.
You met him on his first day of college. He was the new kid everybody was intrigued by. Harry hated him at first and although you didn’t, you didn’t speak to him until Harry decided to stop being an asshole.
Now Harry was too busy with Liz, his gorgeous girlfriend, to care about you, his best friend.
It hurt, it really did. You befriended Harry when you were kids and had been inseparable up until now. Of course you had to put up with his weird flings, but he had never cast you aside for them.
You had harbored hope that he was secretly into you, but the less he spoke to you the more you realized he hadn’t found the one until he met Liz. That hurt even more — you were supposed to be the one.
Everything had played out in your mind from the moment you realized you had a crush on him. You would start dating in high school or college, get married, have kids, be a happy family...
But ever since he left you by yourself at a party when he was supposed to be your ride, you realized he hadn’t cared as much as you did.
Peter walked you to your apartment that night and made sure you drank plenty of water. He didn’t have to do it, Gwen and Mary Jane had already offered to do it themselves, but for some reason he felt like it.
You took a sip of water, realizing your mom and your sister were waiting for an answer. “He’s nice,” you opted for saying.
“Nice, eh,” you sister teased you.
“Yeah, nice. Is there a problem with that?”
You knew that attitude would only make them believe they were right in their assumptions. It was what Peter needed from you either way.
Truthfully, Peter wasn’t always nice, but you knew he tried.
“Are we waiting for dad?” you asked.
Your mom nodded. “He’ll be home any moment now.”
Your mom never complained when your dad was late, or when he was too busy to come home for lunch. You were used to it, she was biased in his favor — she had been since you were a child.
You checked your phone to keep yourself entertained. The Notification Center showed multiple badges, but the messages one caught your eye immediately.
Gwen💛: Missed you today.
You unlocked your phone to reply that you had missed her too when another text came in.
Pete: May said it would be cool if the three of us had dinner on Saturday.
You answered Peter first.
Sounds good to me. Just tell me what should I bring.
Your presence is more than enough, you’re our guest.
You huffed a laugh as you typed. Look at you trying to be cute.
I’ll have you know I’m extremely cute all the time.
Yeah, yeah. Should I bring dessert?
You don’t have to bring anything if you don’t want to.
I will strangle you the moment I see you, Peter.
Just say yes or no.
I hate you.
That’s not the proper way to treat your boyfriend :(
You could picture the glint in his eyes as he tried not to laugh.
You went along with it. I’m sorry, babe :(
I forgive you because I’m a nice boyfriend.
Won’t happen again. <3
Now let’s hope we can talk like that in person.
Are you daring me to sweet talk you in person?
Your mom called your name. “Your dad asked you a question.”
You lifted your head. “Mmh?”
“No, no, continue texting,” he said sarcastically, “I have all day.”
You quickly typed TTYL and locked your phone. “Sorry.”
Your dad shook his head. “You and Harry always do this.”
“I wasn’t texting Harry,” you felt the need to explain. Harry didn’t deserve credit for this. “What did you want to ask?”
“I asked,” he remarked the word. “If you would be busy this weekend. Your sister won’t be.”
“I— uhmmm... I’m having dinner with Peter and his aunt on Saturday.” You saw your sister purse her lips beside you. “Did you need anything?”
“To spend time with my family.”
“I guess I can come over on Sunday or Saturday morning.”
“I was thinking about going out of town for the weekend,” he clarified.
“The three of you can go if you don’t want to wait another week,” you assured them. “I already told Peter I would have dinner with him and his aunt so I can’t cancel. I also have projects to do.”
You rested your head on Gwen’s shoulder as both of you waited for Mary Jane in the cafeteria. They never made you feel like a third wheel even though they were dating so you never avoided spending time with them.
Mary Jane arrived accompanied by Peter. He looked extremely serious but he didn’t say anything as he stood across the table, staring at you like a child scared of saying what they had been up to. She elbowed him on the side before sitting down.
Peter got closer to you. “Can we talk?” he asked. “It’s important.”
You nodded, lifting your head off Gwen’s shoulder. As you stood up, you felt her hand squeeze yours which prompted you to turn and look at her.
She gave you a playful look that made you realize she wanted to know every detail once you were done. As your eyes crossed Mary Jane’s, you saw a similar sentiment in them.
“I’ll be right back,” you told them to pacify them.
He guided you to an empty area which wasn’t such an easy task. You ended up resting your shoulder against the wall, facing Peter while he looked around.
His eyes landed on you as he spoke in a hushed voice. “Can we start today?”
You mirrored his tone. “Fake dating?”
“You don’t sound too sure.”
“Well, you’re changing the plan,” you explained. You hated changing plans, even more so when you weren’t sure you were the right person to execute them.
“I know. Just a day earlier, though.” He unashamedly pouted.
“Okay,” you said, this time sure. “Any particular reason?”
“There’s this freshman who thinks I flirt with her just because I’m nice to her and she’s creeping me out. I feel like she follows me around.”
You sighed. “She just has a crush on you, don’t be a baby.”
“I already said yes, you baby.”
“You kinda like calling me baby, don’t you?”
You playfully shoved him “You’re so annoying.” However, before he could leave to do whatever it was he did in his free periods, you grabbed him by the wrist. “Does Mary Jane know about your plan?”
“No. Why?”
“You arrived together.”
“Ah. No.” He shook his head. “I was looking for you and asked her if she had seen you.”
“Makes sense.”
You shifted on your feet. “So what now?”
“Do you have class next period?”
He chuckled. “I’ll walk you to class.”
“Wanna hang out with us for a little bit?”
“I gotta talk to Flash.”
You wiggled your eyebrows. “Gonna ask him out too?”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m never telling you who I find attractive ever again.”
“Good. Don’t wanna make your girlfriend jealous — do you, babe?”
Peter leaned over. His breath fanned on your face as he said, “Don’t worry, baby, I only have eyes for you.” He then kissed your cheek. “I’ll be right back. Wait for me with Gwen and Mary Jane.”
You nodded, hoping you didn’t look as stunted as you felt.
Both your friends stared at you, desperate to hear an explanation. You understood why, but you were still trying to come up with an excuse as to why you were so flustered over a kiss on the cheek.
You checked your phone, but there was nothing worthy of your attention.
Mary Jane spoke first, “What did Peter need?”
“We are a thing now.”
Gwen hummed. “But what did he need?”
“Permission to make it public.”
Mary Jane scratched her cheek. “Are you sure it’s a good idea?”
“You think he’d be a bad boyfriend?”
“I think you shouldn’t use him to make Harry notice you.”
That was harsh. Perhaps you deserved the reminder that Harry couldn’t care less about you, and perhaps you also deserved to feel bad for trying to use Peter against him — you would’ve preferred if the reminder didn’t come from your best friend.
“I’m not,” you partially lied. “I genuinely like Peter.”
True to his word, Peter walked you to class. You didn’t hold hands, it didn’t feel right, but he sweetly told you that he’d be waiting for you after your last class.
You saw Harry across the hallway, talking to Liz and one of her friends. For a second you thought he would walk towards you, the way he held your gaze had been almost cruel.
But he didn’t, he just gave you a nod and walked in the opposite direction, hand in hand with Liz.
You had better things to worry about. Your classes, your family’s expectations, helping Peter — reciprocal things to an extent. So why couldn’t you just get over the fact that Harry didn’t care about you?
Somebody poked you on the arm with their finger. Turning to the side, you found Flash who shot you a smile.
“What’s up?” you greeted him.
“We have a project to finish.”
You cursed under your breath. “Are you free on Sunday?”
He tilted his head. “Yeah. I’ll drop by your place.”
“At what time?”
“Like 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Don’t wanna wake you up by mistake again.”
Peter laughed behind you, having caught that last part.
You ignored Peter. “I have something to do after 5. Why don’t you come over early? I promise I’ll be awake.”
Flash shared a look with Peter and then patted your shoulder. “Cool. See you tomorrow, sleeping beauty.”
Peter snickered, standing beside you now.
“Stop laughing.”
“I just can’t believe you’re that grumpy in the mornings.” He started walking towards the exit.
You walked beside him. “You don’t know the whole story.”
He opened the door for you and then followed your steps. “You can tell it tomorrow at dinner.”
Craning your neck go look at him, you asked, “You want your aunt to laugh at me?”
“I’ll defend you.”
You suddenly remembered that you didn’t know what you were supposed to do or say in front of his aunt. You had met her before, but that fact made this situation even more bizarre.
You tried to start with an easy question, “Should I wear a dress for tomorrow?”
“You can wear whatever you want,” he assured you.
Well, that wasn’t helpful at all.
You checked the time on your phone and realized you had a message from Flash. He was on his way.
Looking around your bedroom, your eyes fell on the bed where a pile of clothes laid. The sight stressed you out, and even more the fact that you didn’t seem to be able to set your mind on an outfit.
You anxiously waited for Flash at the door, pulling it open the moment you were aware of his presence on the other side.
He lifted both eyebrows. You usually took your sweet time to answer the door.
“We sh—“
You interrupted him. “I need your help with something else first.”
Flash softly dropped the materials he had been carrying onto the couch as he gave you a skeptic look. “I’m not disposing of a body for you.”
You took him by the wrist, dragging him to your bedroom. It wasn’t an abnormal occurrence by any means, he honestly should have had expected it.
“God, not again.” He sighed as his eyes fell on the pairs of shoes scattered around the room.
“Come on, just tell me if I should wear that skirt.” You pointed at the black skirt on top of the mountain of clothing. “Or jeans.”
He opened his arms, unsure as to what to tell you as his hands stayed in an awkward angle.
“What would you want me to wear if I were meeting your family?” you encouraged him to help you.
He cocked his head, looking at you through his lashes. “A straight jacket.”
“Please take this seriously.”
Inhaling deeply, he set his eyes on the pile of clothes. “Is the skirt more comfortable than the jeans?”
“I’m not thinking about comfort.”
“Well, you should. You know May will make you squirm with her questions.”
“No skirt, then.”
“It’s just dinner,” Flash reminded you, “wear something casual.”
”Yeah,” you sighed, “just dinner.”
What an easy thing to say. You knew so few details that you might as well make a fool of yourself in front of May.
Flash ignored your semblance even though you knew he took note of it. He reached his hand into one of the bags he had been carrying then handed you a paper bag. “I brought breakfast.”
“Why didn’t you say so when you arrived?”
He glared at you. “Why don’t you get us something to drink instead?”
You ate breakfast sat on the living room floor while discussing your project. Flash wasn’t the most responsible person ever, but he was by far the best partner you ever had for a project.
However, his comment from earlier made you wonder something. Unable to hold it anymore, you asked, “How did you even know about the dinner?”
“Peter told me,” he answered simply.
“He did?”
“Why are you so shocked?”
You shrugged. “I thought we would wait a little bit longer.”
“Yeah, but it was bound to happen.”
“Don’t,” you warned him.
“Why not? I told you you’d end up having a crush on him.”
You hated to prove him right and although this was different, you wouldn’t lie and say Peter wasn’t attractive or crush material.
“Peter’s cool.”
“You don’t have to convince me, I’m already dating him.”
“I’m just pointing out that he’s an upgrade.”
There it was.
Flash took a dislike towards Harry when Harry started dating Liz which was normal because she was his ex, but it turned into vitriol really quickly.
Both Flash and Harry put Peter in an awkward situation the first few months. Now you didn’t know much about it — Harry complained about it with you at first, but he stopped.
“It’s different.”
“That’s the point, isn’t it?”
You frowned, looking into your half-empty cup of coffee.
“I can see through you.”
“Mary Jane told you her theory, didn’t she?”
“She thinks the same?” You nodded. He pensively hummed. “She didn’t tell me, to be honest. I’m only trying to look out for you and Peter.”
“I like him, I don’t know why you think I don’t.”
Flash didn’t spare you as he reminded you, “Because you said the same about your ex.”
“Yeah and look how that went!”
“Stop comparing guys you like to Harry and I promise you things will go well.”
He really could see right through you.
“I’ll stop. I promise.” Not knowing why, you added, “It’s not even that hard, Peter is... Peter. You know what I mean? Like how can you compare him to other people or other people to him?”
“Yeah, I get it.”
Oh no. “Do you like him?” you blurted.
Flash laughed softly. “Not in that way, no.”
“You sure? I don’t want things to be weird.”
“Peter might be handsome and cool,” he admitted, “but we wouldn’t work as a couple.”
“You think Peter and I would?” you incredulously asked.
“You will, yeah.”
You were truly nervous now. Not because of May’s potential questions or because you would have to lie — actually, you didn’t know where the nerves were coming from.
You just knew that Flash’s words resonated with you. He went from hating Peter to being his close friend which in your eyes meant he knew Peter better than anyone.
Did Flash know what Peter was hiding? Perhaps that was what he was alluding to when he assured you Peter and you would work as a couple.
The day went by extremely quickly. You weren’t mentally ready when Flash left or when you were on your way to Peter’s for that matter.
Peter was waiting for you in the lobby with hands in his pockets and shifty eyes.
“Is she like mad or something?” you asked instead of greeting him. You were ten minutes early so tardiness couldn’t be the issue.
He made a face, jerking his head as he gazed at you. He looked confused. “She’s just worried.”
What if she got angry at you when you hadn’t done anything? Peter told you to act normal, but normal you wasn’t madly in love with him.
As you approached the apartment, you found yourself thinking you were either going to ruin this or find out you deserved an academy award.
Peter opened the door and allowed you to come in first. May smiled at you before giving you a side hug in greeting.
“I brought dessert,” you told her as you parted from her.
“Oh, honey, you didn’t have to.”
Okay. Not angry yet.
She placed the dessert onto the table and motioned for you and Peter to sit.
Peter and you grabbed the chair at the same time. He opened his eyes wide, making you withdraw your hands immediately. He took the chair out for you.
Peter could be polite when he wanted, but you were getting worried. Since when did he treat the people he dated like this?
Nonetheless, you sat down.
May didn’t waste time and touched the subject pretty quickly. The moment she served dinner, she said, “I thought Peter was messing with me at first.”
“I wouldn’t do that,” he defended himself.
“Sure you wouldn’t,” she said sardonically.
“I thought he was messing with me when he asked me out, so I get it.”
Peter looked at you in shock and you unconsciously smiled at him.
May cooed. “I don’t understand why you two hid your relationship for months when you’re so cute together.”
“I didn’t want it to be awkward with our friends,” you quickly lied. “What if it didn’t work out or something?”
Your answer would have made sense if your relationship with Peter was real and that would be your strategy from now on. He couldn’t have a secret that would need you to lie that often.
May was so happy with your answers that the conversation deviated from you and Peter to everything but your love life.
You felt a little silly now, having expected the worst when Peter had already told you she was just worried.
He walked you to your car at the end of the night, something you guessed would become a common occurrence.
Things had gone well with May so you had no reason to think things wouldn’t go well with your friends.
You gnawed on the inside of your bottom lip. “Are things going to be awkward now?”
“Between us?”
You nodded. “I mean... saying shit is one thing, but you know...” God, you felt awkward already.
Peter frowned for a moment. “Give me your hand.”
Shifting on your feet, you asked, “You want your hand to be under mine or on top?”
“I don’t mind. You choose.”
You slid your arm under his, opening your palm but not touching him yet. He took the initiative and pressed his hand against yours.
“Is this okay?” he softly asked.
He intertwined his fingers with yours, squeezing a little bit. You huffed a laugh.
“This too?”
You nodded.
“Well, that’s the only thing that’ll change between us. We already hug pretty often.”
Oh, Peter gave the best hugs. Although Gwen was a close second, you preferred his because he was always warm. He also smelled good, but you had to give it to Gwen and admit she did too.
“I’ll see you on Monday, then, boyfriend.”
“Drive safe, girlfriend.” Before you could say anything, he added, “Text me when you get home.” Yet he didn’t let go of your hand immediately.
Harry didn’t take the news of your relationship with Peter that well. The moment he saw you holding hands, he made his way towards you.
Peter squeezed your hand, easing your nerves. He was there, nothing could go wrong with Peter there.
“Shouldn’t you be in class?” Harry drily asked you.
“In twenty minutes or so,” you softly answered.
“Well, can I talk to you?”
You turned to Peter, hoping he’d save you from an awkward conversation. Sure, you wanted a reaction from Harry, but not an angry one!
“It’s okay, baby.” Peter kissed your hair as he let go of your hand. “I’ll see you later.”
With a shaky sigh, you motioned Harry to lead the way.
He immediately asked, “Why Peter?”
You stuttered. “I... things just happened.”
“Did they have to happen with my other best friend?”
In a twisted way, they had to. But you couldn’t possibly tell him that. “You didn’t care when Gwen had a crush on him, why is this any different?”
His eyes sharpened. “It just is.”
Many things just were. That didn’t mean anything. You wished you had the courage to reply.
As always, you gave him the upper hand and allowed him to make another question. “It’s not serious, right?”
What were you supposed to say? The thing that’d make him angry or the thing that’d pacify him? How selfish of you to be thinking about making Harry jealous when Peter needed this to be believable.
“It’s too soon to know.”
Harry hummed, softly nodding. “I’ll walk you to your class.”
You frowned. He had never done something like that.
“You’re coming to my birthday party, right?”
You almost tripped as you answered, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“Cool. I’ll see you there.”
Thirteen-year-old you was right when she thought boys were confusing, but Harry surely took the cake. You assumed he’d ask you to hang out more often given his reaction, but there he was telling you —on a Monday— that he’d see you on Saturday.
Harry’s attitude soured your entire morning. If classes were already unbearable, he made you want to skip each one of them. Your friends noticed, but nobody said anything.
What a horrible morning and what a horrible week it would be until his stupid birthday party rolled around and you’d have to see him show his girlfriend off.
Your friends decided to go to the coffee shop near campus after class and although you weren’t in the mood for socializing, you would rather suck it up than be by yourself.
Besides, coffee shops were always a good place to do homework and you had quite a few projects accumulated.
Peter rested his head on your shoulder in the same way you always rested yours on Gwen’s. You threw your arm around his shoulders as you rested your eyes.
“Are you getting sleepy?” you whispered in case he was.
“No,” he mumbled. “But I don’t wanna move.”
“I have to pick up my sister from the mall in a couple of hours so you’ll have to.”
He whined.
“Who would’ve thought Peter would be a clingy boyfriend,” Gwen teased.
“Literally anybody who has ever seen him drunk,” Flash continued teasing him.
Peter was red. He shifted, trying to hide his face on your shoulder.
In all honesty, you didn’t mind if he was clingy or not. You had been told you were a little too effusive when it came to affection so you had a soft spot for people who were similar in any way.
You withdrew your arm from his shoulders in order to continue typing on your computer.
Peter went back to his previous position, facing your computer too. “You made a typo,” he told you. “Third line on the second paragraph.”
Mary Jane arrived late and she seemed to be in a bad mood so Gwen made up an excuse in front of your friend group as though she knew something you didn’t —she probably did— and took her home.
Looking at the time, you realized it was time for you to get going too so you started to put your things away.
‘I’m leaving with Flash,” Peter reminded you. “Text me or call me if you need me. I might not answer quickly because we’ll be playing video games but just try for a second time, okay?”
He kissed your forehead. ”Drive carefully.”
You hummed. “Have fun, Pete.”
“You too, baby.”
Your mom didn’t give you many details when she asked you to pick your sister up. You didn’t even know with which friends she was hanging out with or why they were at the mall on a Monday and not somewhere more fun.
There you were, judging her like you hadn’t followed Harry like a puppy when you were her age.
She texted you that she was on her way to the entrance you were waiting at, telling you she had been all the way across.
It was probably a lie, but you’d let it slide.
Your sister tugged the door open and got into the car in silence, putting her cellphone away as she got comfortable.
“Did you have fun?”
She nodded and smiled at you.
You snickered and poked her cheek. “You have dried lipgloss all over your mouth.”
Your sister bashfully looked down.
You handed her a tissue. “Hey, it’s okay. There’s nothing to be ashamed about.”
She stayed silent for a small moment before worriedly asking, “Are you telling mom and dad?”
“No. But I’d like to know who it was.”
She whined. “Do I really have to tell you?”
You tried to put yourself in her shoes. You didn’t know how embarrassing it would have been for you to talk about your first kiss —or kisses— with a family member because nobody really cared when you started dating classmates.
But it didn’t sound fun so instead, you asked, “Are they your age?”
“Yup ”
“You promise?”
Realizing the question was serious, she nodded for emphasis. “Yes.”
“Cool. That’s all that matters.”
Your dad was home so you were forced to stay for dinner which again, was better than being on your own.
You couldn’t wait to either get together with Harry or over him. As things were going, you could only admit it would be the latter.
“Did your friend have a good birthday?”
Your sister looked at you before answering. “Yeah, we saw a movie.”
“What was the movie about?”
Your dad really tried to get along with both of you, you had to give him that. He was bad at it most of the time, but he tried.
Your phone started ringing. As you stared at the screen, you frowned. Unknown numbers rarely called you.
Hesitant, you answered, “Hello?”
“Hi, (Name),” May tried to speak sweetly. The moment you heard her voice, you stood up from your seat on the couch and left the living room. “Peter isn’t answering his phone, can you put him on the line for me?”
You walked into the adjacent studio, weirded out by her request. “He told you he’d be with me?”
“Isn’t he?”
“He is,” you said hurriedly, “I was just curious.”
“Can I talk to him now?” May laughed nervously.
“He went out to buy food and left his phone here. I’ll tell him to call you as soon as he’s back.”
“Thank you.”
You texted him multiple times as soon as May hung up.
May called. Where are you?
She sounded worried.
I had to lie and say you had gone out to buy food and forgot your phone in case she asks.
Dude, you’re scaring me.
Come on
Istg I will lose my shit if you’re messing with me
It’s not funny
You made your way towards the bathroom, needing to splash some water onto your face or something. Anything.
He couldn’t be so immersed in a video game as to not answer multiple calls or texts.
Why would Peter tell May he was with you when he could easily tell her he was with Flash? Was he not at Flash’s anymore?
Perhaps Flash would reply!
You texted him and called him dozens of times before giving up. You didn’t want to think the worst, maybe they were out buying something, but they could be in danger too.
Your hands started shaking pretty quickly when the idea of something happening to him overpowered your thoughts.
You needed to get out of that bathroom and back to the living room where a distraction could meet your anxiety before you went crazy.
So you splashed your face and bolted.
Back in the living room, you caught pieces of your dad’s conversation with your sister. He was boring her with business talk.
You had been in her place many times, and although his tone was more lighthearted with her because the expectations to follow in his footsteps were on you, it was clear he was trying to get her interested in things she didn’t even understand.
Your phone dinged. You immediately looked down.
Pete❤️: I’m okay
What the fuck, Peter?
Where were you?
Busy, sorry.
Did you call May?
You didn’t know what else to say. ‘I had a shitty day and you almost gave me a panic attack’ didn’t sound appropriate. It would be truthful, but you couldn’t do that to him.
Where are you?
At my parents’.
He didn’t reply anymore so you locked the device and rested your head on the arm of the couch.
What a fucking day. If your week would be half as exhausting, you were ready to give up on the entire month in advance.
Remembering you were meant to ask if Mary Jane was okay, you unlocked your cellphone again.
As you finished typing your message to Gwen, one from Peter came through.
Can you come out for a few minutes?
Yeah. Give me a moment.
You took a deep breath, fixing your outfit as you slipped your phone into your pocket. You rounded the couch as you attempted to take the path towards the front door.
“Where are you going?” your sister asked.
“Outside. I need to give something to Peter.”
“Don’t take too long,” your dad told you.
You said a meek yes as if you were going to listen to him when you needed to inspect Peter from head to toe just to make sure he was truly okay.
You couldn’t bring yourself to speak as Peter slowly approached you. To his credit, he looked fine so he hadn’t lied.
He spoke first, as he should have, “Please don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not mad,” you mumbled.
He gave you a look.
Clearing your throat, you opened your arms only to slap your hands against your thighs in defeat. “You had me worried sick.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
“Are you going to tell me where were you?”
“I can’t.”
You scoffed. “So I have to cover for you without even knowing what the hell I’m covering?”
He whispered your name, placing his hand on your cheek as he tried to make you look at him.
You closed your eyes. “I don’t mind lying for you,” you softly said, meaning it like you had never meant anything else in your entire life. “But don’t I deserve to know why I’m lying?”
He brought you onto his chest, holding you tight against him. “You do deserve to know,” he admitted. “And I’ll tell you everything, but not tonight.”
You were scared to ask why.
Peter draped his arm over your shoulder, holding you close to him as the two of you stood with your group of friends.
You hadn’t been in that place in a long time but still remembered where every room was. You also knew in which one Harry would fuck Liz at the end of the night.
You took a sip of alcohol. It didn’t taste like much — a bad sign.
Your eyes fell on the beer pong table. A guy you didn’t recognize and Harry were playing against Mary Jane and Flash. That was a bad sign too.
“I’m gonna refill my cup,” you whispered in Peter’s ear, “do you want me to refill yours?”
He shook his head. “I’ve still got plenty.”
It took you a moment to move and he didn’t make a sign to having found it weird.
The kitchen was quieter, not by much but the change was nice. Something you had always disliked about Harry was his taste in music.
You crashed against a thin body.
Liz took you by the waist and you awkwardly placed your hand on her hip, each of you steadying the other. “Sorry,” both of you apologized at the same time.
“I was distracted,” you insisted.
She took her hands off you and you did the same. Liz extended her hand so she could refill your cup for you.
“I’m glad you’re here,” she said as she refilled your cup. “Harry thought you wouldn’t come.”
She shrugged. “You know how he is.”
You didn’t. Not anymore. You took your cup from her, thanking her before bringing it to your lips.
“Well, we’re all here,” you said in pretended optimism. “And we’re all having fun.”
She smiled, looking as pretty as ever. “Damn right we are!”
You went back to Peter while Liz took off to talk to some of her friends. Once again, he threw his arm over your shoulders, hand almost brushing your chest as it dangled.
Mary Jane was back, bored of playing. Flash asked Peter to team up with him. Peter removed his arm from you, telling you he’d be back.
You focused on Peter as he rolled his sleeves on his way to the table.
Feeling something move in your pocket, you took your cellphone out. Your dad was calling.
“I need to take this call,” you told your friends.
The air was cold in comparison to the inside of the house. You let your dad call again and answered the phone, already expecting some kind of bad news.
To his credit, he sounded disappointed while telling you the plans the family had made for the next day were cancelled. He said your mom was upset.
As a child you often heard excuses for his absence. He was busy, his success depended on sacrifices, he tried his best so you and your sister could have everything you wanted.
Harry always told you to be grateful that you had loving parents. You weren’t sure you had the same definition of love.
You still assured your dad you weren’t angry and promised to spend the day with your mom and sister. His silence as an answer to your offer was a reminder that he didn’t believe you were capable of fixing meaningful problems.
You didn’t show how much it hurt you, there was no point. He meant well, your mom and sister did too.
Leaving the party sounded appealing, but your friends didn’t deserve it. You sucked it up and went back to the house.
Peter and Flash were bumping fists when you approached the area. They had won the game.
You went directly to the couch, not in the mood for dancing. Peter walked towards you, fixing his hair.
Sitting down, he twisted his upper body. “Is everything okay?”
“My dad just cancelled tomorrow’s family plans and said mom’s kinda upset.”
“I’m not surprised.”
“Neither am I.” You changed the subject, “I’m surprised you won that game, though.”
“You don’t have faith in me?”
You swiped your tongue across your bottom lip. “I never said that. But you have to admit you’ve never been one for taking part in games. Last time I saw you play something, you got your ass handed to you by Flash.” Twisting your mouth, you tilted your head. He looked down. “You’ve never played sports, right?”
He didn’t answer.
You insisted, “Right?”
He hummed, nodding at the same time as though it made any sense.
“Were you even listening?”
“No,” he quickly admitted. “Can I kiss you?”
Oh. He had been looking down at your mouth.
He caught you off guard. You couldn’t say no, though, you didn’t want to say no. “Yes,” you answered him.
He started slow and sweet, with his hand on your cheek as the other rested on his lap. You didn’t know what to do with your hands, so you just closed your eyes and kissed him back, following his rhythm.
He slowly build the kiss up, sucking your bottom lip between his. Gripping the front of his sweatshirt, you boldly bit down his bottom lip in return.
Peter wrapped his free arm around you then he brought you closer, flush against him. His tongue tried to pry your mouth open in the exact moment you were about to do the same. Your tongues clashed together and instead of turning it all awkward, it only prompted you to grab him by the hair.
Peter hummed on your mouth and continued kissing you. Now he had both hands on your body, holding you tightly by the waist.
Maybe you could take him to another room, maybe you could feel his hands on you without the burden of your clothes.
His vice grip on you made you feel like floating and you suddenly wondered why you hadn’t made out with Peter before. It didn’t have to be anything serious, it didn’t have to go past messing around.
He was attractive, so were you. Why hadn’t you seen it before? Why had you denied yourself this when he was so good at kissing and his touch was so rough you were sure he would leave marks? And you wanted him to do it, you wanted him to let himself loose on you.
Fuck, you were getting horny over your fake boyfriend.
And as if he knew exactly what was going on inside your hazy mind, he attached his lips to your neck. It was over, you were done — it would be a failure if you didn’t manage to take him to a private room or back to your apartment.
Resting a hand on his thigh as you pushed yourself over, you felt the vibration of his throat as he whimpered while you kissed him.
Something buzzed under your hand, prompting both of you to part. Panting, you stared at each other for a moment. His hair was a mess and he had never looked prettier.
He withdrew a hand from your body to take his cellphone out. You knew the mood had completely been killed when he sighed and locked the device.
“I need to do something,” he announced as he stood up. “I’ll be back.”
What? You didn’t have a chance to react, he just left you there, hot and bothered.
You padded your way toward the kitchen for the second time since you had gone to bed. Sleep wasn’t necessarily elusive that night, but you found yourself waking up every hour.
Turning the lights on, you looked at the time. Almost 4:00 am. You filled a glass with water and slowly drank it.
You knew the tough day you had with your family was still doing a number on you even though you had left early, you also knew you should have been used to it by now.
Tapping against glass took you out of your mind, bringing you goosebumps. As the sound continued, you realized it was coming from the living room.
You considered going back to your room and locking yourself up which sounded safer, but curiosity overpowered logic.
A figure loomed over the windowpane. You wondered if your mind was tricking you — you lived in the fifth floor.
The figure became clearer as you got closer to the window. You let out a relieved sigh. Spider-Man waved. You tilted your head — why would Spider-Man want to visit you?
Maybe he was hurt and needed help.
You opened the window. “Can I help you?”
He nodded upward, letting you know he needed to come in. You let him, moving to the side.
He took the liberty to close the window once he was inside. You stood before him, assuming he would verbally tell you what he needed.
He wasn’t hurt from what you could see. He walked just fine, his breath wasn’t ragged... You were more confused now.
Reaching to the back of his head, Spider-Man took the mask off. Brown eyes bore into yours.
“You wanted to know what I was hiding...” Peter trailed off.
“You’re joking.”
He stepped closer to you. “I’m not.”
He had to. His sense of humor wouldn’t match a joke like this, but he had to.
The suit didn’t look like a cheap costume, but there had to be another explanation. Yes, it made sense — every time he disappeared out of nowhere and worried you sick, those days he sported black eyes or cuts on his face... but you didn’t want this to be the truth.
You dragged your finger down his arm to feel the texture of the suit.
Peter took a deep breath.
“Sorry,” you mumbled.
“It’s okay, baby,” he huskily said. When he got no answer, Peter added, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to call you baby.”
You inhaled deeply. “I get it, you’re getting used to it.”
He hummed, eyes on you as he sighed.
You placed your hand on his bicep. “Are you okay, Pete? I’m not going to tell anybody if that’s what worries you.”
His hands found their place on your waist. You leaned closer, seeking his warmth. Peter opened his mouth to say something, then decided against it.
He leaned in and kissed you, tentative as he gave you time to push him off you. But you didn’t, why would you?
You ran your hand through his hair as you kissed him back, already familiar with the shape of his lips and the warmth of his mouth.
He pushed you onto the wall as he shoved his tongue inside your mouth. His kiss became sloppy while his hands started wandering down.
He gripped your thighs, bringing your legs up so you’d wrap them around his waist. Both of you ground against the other, sloppily kissing. You could hear the sound your mouths were making and feel his hot breath on your face.
He was driving you crazy.
Peter didn’t stop there. Giving you room to breathe, he lowered his mouth to your neck where he took his time to find your sweet spot.
You felt his fingers up your thigh, where he played with the edge of your sleeping shorts.
He kissed, sucked, and licked his way up to your ear. “Is this okay?”
You hummed against his mouth before kissing him again pawing at his suit, desperate to feel his skin under your fingertips. Frustrated, you broke the kiss. “How do you even take this thing off?”
He chuckled and gave you another kiss. “I’ll teach you.”
“Are you gonna strip for me?” you joked. Why were you making jokes right now?
Peter tilted his head. “Is that what you want?”
The idea wasn’t bad at all, yet you answered truthfully, “I just want to touch you.”
He didn’t deny you anything that morning. You couldn’t remember the last time you enjoyed yourself that much with a sexual partner.
You didn’t leave an inch of his body untouched, relishing in his reactions. He wasn’t ashamed to tell you if he liked something, or to ask you to touch him firmly.
Peter didn’t hold back either. All he wanted was you and you weren’t complaining. He gripped you tightly and sucked on your skin as much as he was able to.
There would be bruises on you by the next day, and there would be scratches on him if his powers didn’t heal him quickly.
You liked this side of him, the side that fucked you into the mattress and groaned above you. He wasn’t scared of breaking you or hurting you — for a moment you wondered how it would feel if he did it.
He came on your belly then cleaned you up afterwards which was more than appreciated. You weren’t even sure you could speak properly when he asked if you needed water.
He brought you a glass either way, of course he did.
The sun was up when you were done, too tired to move and too spent to complain. Peter was back on the bed, warm body pressed against yours.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“No,” you tiredly answered. “I’m good.”
He held you tighter, laying his head on your chest.
You lazily dragged your fingers down his spine. “Is everything okay?”
“It was a long night,” he told you in a low voice.
You chose to believe he had visited because he thought you could provide him comfort, and you also decided that you always could — that you were okay with doing so. Even if most things about your relationship were fake, this one didn’t have to be.
Peter and you never talked about it, and although you would have liked to hear the reasons behind his actions that night, you didn’t need to because it continued happening.
Having sex made pretending easier. He always had an arm around you or a hand on your body around your friends and by now you not only were used to his touch but sought it.
You often woke up next to him, sometimes clothed and sometimes naked. He always woke up before you, but he never left immediately. You wanted to know why.
Flash had been right to assume you’d develop a crush on Peter and now you had a sinking feeling that it wasn’t just a crush anymore.
You worried about him and wanted to be around him every second of every day, you liked hearing him tell you about his classes and his day — you liked that he always asked about yours, that he was willing to drop things for you because you would drop everything to be there for him.
Covering for him became a reflex. You had an inkling that May knew you were lying sometimes, but she never said anything according to Peter.
Your friends were happy with the development of your relationship which would have been lovely if this was real. But now you worried that the supposed breakup would disrupt your friend group.
It was hard not to think about it. The day would surely come and you’d be by yourself most of the time again. As if that was the only problem.
And problems continued rolling onto you. The last person you expected to see was at your door.
Harry gave you a smoldering look as you stood speechless. “Are you letting me in?”
You did.
He sat down on the couch, making himself at home even though he had barely visited your apartment.
“I thought you were sick,” he said in reference to the fact that you cancelled plans with your friends the day before.
“I was busy.”
Disgust contorted his face as his eyes fell on your neck. “Busy fucking my best friend?”
You flinched at his tone.
“I should’ve known you were only spending time with him because you wanted to get him into your bed.”
He said it as though you were the type of person to fuck anybody you met, as though you hadn’t rejected people because they weren’t him specifically.
“Believe it or not,” you coldly lied, “I started dating him months and not days before your birthday. You would’ve known about it if you talked to me.”
“Rubbing it on my face, aren’t you? Do you know how embarrassing it was to hear you were making out with him at my house after I told my friends multiple times that you were off limits?” He was seething, expelling droplets of saliva as he reproached you.
“Why would you do that in the first place? You knew I’d end up dating somebody who goes to the same school as us.”
“Why would you go for my best friend specifically? Don’t you care about my relationship with him?”
“Is this what our friendship has come to be? A reproaching fest?”
“You’re the one who crossed the line.”
“Harry, you didn’t have a problem when half our friend group drooled over him!”
“Because that’s different. I know Peter, he’s not right for you.”
You incredulously scoffed. “Funny how you’re the only one who says that.”
“I’ve never been wrong about the guys you’ve dated.”
Well, you couldn’t argue against that. But Flash was right, those guys hadn’t been the problem — the fact that you compared them to Harry was.
“Let time prove either of us right.”
“I don’t think I can.”
“You promised nobody would ever be more important than me.”
You both promised a lot of things as kids... that you would never bring dates to an event you could attend together, that you would attend the same college, that you would be part of the same friend group your entire lives, that you would tell each other everything...
“I’m not saying Pete is more important than you, I’m j—“
“Break up with him, then.”
“You’re making it sound like I have to choose between you and him.”
“Because you have to.” When he didn’t get an answer, he added. “I’ll give you time to think it through.”
You wanted to do anything but think. You wanted to have your best friend back — you didn’t care if he was jealous anymore, you never should have. You weren’t Liz, it was okay, he liked her and you liked somebody else.
“Harry, come on...”
But Harry walked himself out and forced your words to die in your throat.
You never thought he would be as angry as you wanted him to be. You got your anger and your jealousy and your dilemma. He had it all clear, you were the idiot who had to get into this mess.
A shower and a portion of your comfort food later, you decided that you couldn’t be inside your head right now and left your apartment.
It was drizzling. Such a perfect weather to be inside doing everything or nothing alike.
You loved being by yourself at your place. The plan for the day had been just that. But as always, Harry made you change them.
Chastising yourself for forgetting your phone at home, you knocked on the door in front of you.
The door opened and you were greeted with a smile.
You wished you could’ve smiled back. “Hi, May, is Peter home?”
She motioned for you to come in. “He’s in his room. Do you want something to drink?”
“Not now, thank you.”
You knocked on his door, hoping he would answer before May could tell something was wrong with you.
Peter yelled for you to come in. You were an idiot, he probably had heard you talking to his aunt.
Pushing the door open, you stuck your head in. “It’s me,” you softly said just to make sure you had his permission to come in.
“Come in, baby.”
God, not that pet name. Not now.
You closed the door behind you before facing him. He was sat at his desk, writing something down on a notebook as he looked at the computer screen.
Approaching him, you leaned in to see what he was doing. You didn’t understand much of it, science was his thing.
He rotated the chair to face you. “What’s up? You didn’t text me...”
“Forgot my phone at home.”
Peter frowned and dropped his pen on top of the notebook before standing up to move towards his bed. “Are you alright?”
Did you look that bad? You weren’t wearing makeup, but he had seen your bare face plenty of times to be weirded out.
“Can I have a hug?”
Now sat on the bed, Peter opened his arms and legs so you’d make yourself at home between them.
And you did. You hugged yourself to him as tightly as you could, afraid he would let go at any moment.
He didn’t let go, you should have known he wouldn’t — your mind was playing tricks with you, that was it.
“What happened? Why are you upset?”
You didn’t have the heart to tell him. Not yet, not when you were scared he would cut you off from his life just because Harry thought it was for the best.
“Had a long day yesterday and didn’t want to be alone today,” you mumbled.
“Why don’t we watch a movie?” he offered. “I’ll let you pick which one we watch while I go get some snacks.”
You whined. “I don’t wanna move.”
“It’s just like ten minutes. We’ll cuddle the entire runtime.”
“You promise?”
He kissed your forehead. “I promise.”
It amazed you how easy it was to trust him, to like him, to want to be with him no matter the moment or the activity.
It took you longer to pick a movie than it took him to come back. You didn’t want any snacks, but you still took them because you didn’t want him to worry too much.
You would worry on your own later.
Peter hugged you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. His hands rested on your belly as he watched the movie, giving you butterflies every time he laughed against your skin.
How were you supposed to give this up when it felt so good?
Mary Jane sat across from you, playing with the glass between her hands. She was listening to you, but by the way she was tapping her fingers against the glass, she was dying to interrupt.
You went on and on because you still couldn’t believe Harry would make you choose between him and somebody else. It didn’t even make sense when he had thrown you and Peter to the side when he started dating Liz.
When her time came, Mary Jane spoke, “You shouldn’t care about what Harry says.”
“I care more about the fact that I ran to Peter like a fucking idiot.”
“He’s your boyfriend.”
You knew she was trying to be the voice of reason, but no, he wasn’t. That made it worse. “But doesn’t it make it look like I already chose?”
“Kinda,” she conceded. “But that’s not a bad thing necessarily.”
“Harry and I grew up together.”
“And Peter fucks you stupid. They have different roles in your life.”
You remained silent. Your cup was already empty and you didn’t need more caffeine. In fact, a soothing tea would have been a better choice — you needed to drive after this once your sister was done with her friends.
“Do you still like Harry or something? I will kill you if you say yes.”
You got that from her tone, she didn’t have to tell you. “I don’t know.”
“But you like Peter more... Right?”
“Yeah, I do.” Maybe liking was selling it short at this point.
Peter didn’t make you choose, and if anything between you were real he wouldn’t make you choose either. You were so sure that you would’ve bet your own life on it.
That fact was a problem. Why couldn’t Harry be like Peter?
“Maybe I need another opinion,” you mused out loud.
“Gwen will tell you the same.”
“What about Flash? Maybe if he had all the details...”
“Flash will try to convince you to kill Harry in his sleep.”
“You think so?” Of course he would, but you were desperate.
“He’s team Peter all the way. Honestly, I would think they have something going on if Peter wasn’t so into you.”
You avoided looking at her. “What should I do?”
“What do you want?”
“Just... I don’t know. About what? From what?”
“Do you want to choose?”
“You could choose neither of them.”
“But—“ You shook your head.
“No, say it.”
“I can’t.”
Mary Jane wouldn’t pressure you to talk, she wasn’t that kind of person.
“At least tell Peter about it before Harry does,” she advised.
“I’ll tell him once I’m done here.”
It was late when your sister met you at your table. Mary Jane had left two hours earlier and you had even entertained yourself looking around a few stores and come back.
You drove in silence, allowing her to talk if she wanted to. Maybe asking something would’ve been better, but you didn’t have the energy to find out who your sister was dating or why she had decided to hide it.
Enough was already on your plate, and you needed to trust her, unlike your parents.
Stopping the car, you waited for her to get inside. Your mom hurried outside the moment she opened the door and walked towards your car.
She made you a sign with her hand, asking you to roll the window down.
With a sigh, you indulged her.
“Dinner tomorrow,” she drily told you. “You should bring Peter, I think it’s time your dad meets him.”
“Mom, I’m not marrying him or something like that.”
“I don’t care. Bring him.”
Great. Another fucking problem you had to deal with now. Your dad had always been clear on the type of person he wanted for you and Peter was not it. A shame, really.
“I’ll ask if he isn’t busy,” you compromised.
She looked happy with that. Your mom wished you a good night and turned around. You watched her get inside the house, wondering if she truly wanted you there the next day or not. You never knew with her.
You didn’t get to talk to Peter that night. Instead of telling him you wanted to see him so you could talk in person, you told him your parents wanted to have dinner with him.
Peter said yes immediately and asked about the dress code. God, you didn’t even want to think about clothes.
And with good reason — it wasn’t fair that everything suited him. There was no color or style Peter couldn’t pull off.
But it was probably for the best, he’d make a good impression that way.
You wanted your dad to like him and your sister to trust him and your mom to laugh at his lame jokes. You wanted them to see the person you desperately wanted to be in your life until your last day alive.
Truthfully, you didn’t care if he had feelings for you like you did for him. You enjoyed being around him, his friendship was enough.
The surprise the two of you got when Norman and Harry stood up to greet you was extremely hard to hide.
Norman gave you and Peter a warm smile. “I told Harry to bring his girlfriend, but he didn’t listen to me.”
You shifted on your feet, using Peter as leverage to ground yourself by squeezing his fingers between yours.
Your mom smiled tightly. “Next time it will be.”
Much like Flash did with you, Norman talked wonders about Peter to your parents.
You avoided looking at Harry with the pretense of being polite by gazing at whoever was speaking. Such gesture didn’t sit well with him and he showed it by standing up and walking towards you.
Harry inhaled deeply. “Can we talk in private?”
Unconsciously, you turned to look at Peter. He patted your thigh in encouragement.
“Sure,” you feigned enthusiasm.
You walked across the house in silence, wishing he would tell you to forget about what he said before.
Harry stared at you as you looked around the backyard. Not only were you avoiding speaking first, but you were confused as to when the lighting fixtures had been changed.
The spot you were awkwardly standing at had witnessed many secrets being exchanged between you. Perhaps it would be witness and accomplice of your fallout too.
“So you’ve made your choice.”
His furious eyes bored into yours. “Why the fuck did you bring him?”
“I wanted to,” you confessed. “Mom told me I should and I agreed.”
“We never bring dates tho dinners like these. We promised,” he reminded you.
“He’s not just a date, this is different.”
“I didn’t invite Liz because I keep my promises.”
“You didn’t invite Liz because you didn’t want to.” You hated that he couldn’t own up to his mistakes with her when he loved her so much. “Stop holding a stupid promise I made when I was six against me.”
“You wouldn’t have liked it if I brought her here while you were single.”
“You stopped talking to me the moment you started dating her. I would’ve expected it.”
“So you went and tricked my best friend into a relationship.”
Was that he thought about you? That you manipulated or forced people to be around you?
“Your best friend? You barely talk to him anymore, Harry. And don’t you dare tell me it’s Liz’s fault.”
He ignored your first comment. “Now I will get in trouble with her for not taking her here if she sees pictures.”
“Call her and tell her the truth. Or blame me, I don’t care.”
“It is your fault,” he bitingly said, “you brought him to something special for us.”
“I didn’t even know you’d be here! And honestly, you should be happy for me.”
“I would be if he wasn’t my best friend.”
“Again with that...” You sighed, hoping you could find the right words. “I don’t want to choose, Harry, and it fucking hurts that you from all people are putting me in this situation God knows why.”
“I’ve told you before, it’s because Peter is—“
You interrupted him, “Peter being your best friend doesn’t matter, he’s not going to drop you like you dropped us.”
“I know I dropped you for a while, but Liz needed my attention.”
You didn’t blame him for focusing more on her, or for wanting to spend most of his time with her, but you knew for a fact that Liz made time for her friends; Harry could’ve done the same.
You started tearing up There was the problem, Harry couldn’t make time for you or Peter or Gwen even when he was free.
Harry stammered, but not a single word came out of his mouth after that. It only made you cry harder. Did he not care even a little bit?
“I’ll give you a moment alone,” he finally mumbled.
You walked further down the backyard, cursing yourself for crying and for wearing uncomfortable shoes. You were supposed to look pretty and taller, not to ruin your makeup and walk around furniture and plants.
You sat on the couch before deciding to lay down on your side. You used to do that when you were a kid too. You’d wait for the pool to be ready in that position and you would lay on your back when you wanted your mom to ask if something was wrong.
Right now, you weren’t sure what you wanted. You definitely didn’t want to talk to whoever the approaching steps belonged to.
You still looked up as a figure stood before you.
Peter crouched down and reached over to wipe your tears. The gesture made more tears come out.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, placing a hand on your waist and slipping his other hand to your back to make you sit up. He sat down beside you. “Come here.”
Peter brought you closer, making you rest your head on his shoulder.
“I don’t understand why he’s making me choose between you and him,” you lamented.
“He is?”
Fuck. You had assumed Harry had told him and that was why he was there. “I didn’t know how to tell you...”
Humming, he rubbed your arm up and down. “You can tell him the truth if you want.”
You lifted your head off his shoulder, searching for his eyes. He didn’t seem to mean it in a bad way. You shook your head.
“Are you sure? I can tell him if you want.”
“It would be pointless.”
“I don’t like seeing you cry.”
“We should change the subject then.”
“I didn’t mean it that way. I just...” Peter pursed his lips, second-guessing his next words. “It pains me to see you upset.”
“Peter,” you pleaded, “don’t do this to me.”
“Don’t do what?”
“You’re making everything more difficult than it already was.”
He slanted his head, taken aback. “Because I care about you?”
“Because I think I’m in love with you.”
Peter blinked rapidly before his eyes started dancing all over your face as though he was waiting for you to say something else.
But you didn’t have much to say anymore. All your cards were on the table. Although you had to admit his lack of response would drive you insane if he continued looking at you like that.
“You don’t have to say anything,” you lied. “I’m okay with being just friends. I just thought you should know.”
“No, no, no.” He shook his head, taking himself out of his self-absorption. “I feel the same, I promise! But... I don’t want to ruin your friendship with Harry.”
“So you’re making me choose too?”
“No. I just don’t want you to regret being in a real relationship with me because you lost your best friend.”
“It wouldn’t be your fault.”
“Yeah, you’re right...” Peter looked up at the sky and huffed a laugh.
You mirrored his movement. The sky was clear, allowing you the privilege to gaze at the stars.
“Remember that night I walked you to your place and we stopped in the middle of the street to look at the stars?”
You giggled. You had been on the verge of crying that night after Harry ditched you for Liz if it hadn’t been because Gwen distracted you. “Yeah, I remember.”
“Should I have kissed you that night?”
You weren’t sure, it was hard to know if you would’ve kissed back or not. You wanted to believe you wouldn’t have, but who knew. “Does it matter?”
“No.” Peter twisted his body and cupped your cheek so you’d look at him. You softly smiled at him and he gave you a small kiss. “Not anymore.”
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
good little omega
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— He was an alpha, you were an omega. Can I make it anymore obvious? He was a crime boss and you were a movie star. What more can I say? Oh, he wanted you, really wanted you, but you swore you would never, ever need an alpha.
pairing: alpha!shigaraki tomura x omega fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, abo/omegaverse, chad alpha!shiggy, virgin celeb!reader, kidnapping, drugging, sex slave auction, biting/marking, belly bulge, knotting, sex toys, heat, implied murder (lol rip shigsters last omegas), mind break, breeding, degradation, finger fucking, fucking in front of a crowd, modern world!au
word count: 6,174
a/n: this goes out to my shiggy stans. I never understood you until recently and now I blush like a schoolgirl when I see him. mondays are so busy, are they not? ive been home for 6 hours today wtf????
kinktober day 12 main kink: abo/omegaverse | kinktober masterlist
You sat before the mirror, your eyes intently staring at your reflection. The people around you running around, chaotically bringing brushes and pencils to your face, the smell of chemicals in the air, tickling your overly sensitive nose. 
“Are we ready?! Is Y/n ready?! I don’t think she’s ready?! We need to be out of here in five minutes, people, let’s hurry it up!”
Breaking your gaze from your reflection onto your agent in the background, you sighed softly at the growing sour and distressed omega pheromones. Oh, you realized suddenly, your nose unable to keep from scrunching at the mildewy detergent scent, they were really stressed out.
Today was the night of the biggest award show one could attend as a movie star celebrity in Japan. The Motion Picture Awards gave only the most prestigious and prodigious actors and actresses their due. A night of fashion, alcohol, and nervous pheromone pumping alphas and betas in a single room to reveal who was the best this year. Working in an industry such as your own, you had become quite the living legend already at the mere age of twenty-two.
As an omega, you grew up in a society that banned you from enlisting or attempting to join the ranks of the best in just about every field of focus or study. So that even included the area of acting. Casting Directors had always said the same thing each and every time you were forced to present your secondary gender to them all when being called back for auditions.
‘Omegas can’t be movie stars, your heats are too often and too long, they cause rifts in filming schedules this project cannot afford.’
‘We have too many prime alphas on set. Our film's projected main character is an alpha, we wouldn’t want to be caught up in a lawsuit should she find you to be too… fertile.’
‘Omegas can only be good, suitable nurtures and well, mothers. This movie just seems a bit too intense for a little omega like you!’
Omegas can’t do this, omegas can’t do that. Alphas, the pride of society, couldn’t be made to hold themselves back to your alluring scent and occasional heats. Betas, the majority of the population, didn’t feel a challenge when working alongside omegas. Omegas? Well, if there were any that actually existed within the film industry, they were for sure never heard from, or seen of.
At the age of eighteen, you had nearly given up on your long aspiring desire to become the first omega actor or actress to ever grace the scene. But just as you were ready to tell your agent that you were tired of all of the same, repetitive bullshit, a gentle alpha had approached you with an exciting role in mind for you.
Movies and cinematic films had always showcased omegas as sweet, nurturing individuals. For the most part, you agreed that that’s how you omegas were. You enjoyed hugging your close friends, scenting them softly as means of a small pack you had created as none of you were mated this young, yet didn’t ever wish to be bothered by self-righteous alphas or betas. Through many, many biology courses revolving around your secondary gender, you knew that the hormones that made you an omega also affected the brain to accept and view things in a… softer light. But unlike what they taught in school, and unlike what the alphas in society knew about omegas as they could never honestly watch an omega in heat while alone, was that omegas weren’t always the most nurturing or kind.
The week before your heat, the week of, and the week following your heat, you were always irritable, angry, almost cold. You’d flash your small fangs at anyone who dared to approach you with a scent you hated, your heat room never once escaping with everything torn to shreds, and you definitely did not wish to seek any fiber of soft love.
So when the alpha male sat in front of you, a single fang poking out of his lip as he exposed his neck in a motion of vulnerability and conceding to you — the omega — you knew he was serious.
He explained to you his plan on creating a more realistic movie surrounding the brutal truths of what being a single omega was like. Films had, after all, had always depicted omegas as being mated the moment they presented and going as far as saying that there were others means to be coupled to other alphas without actually being marked. It was atrociously wrong of the omega lifestyle, and it always made your stomach curl to see that it was an alpha or a beta actor putting on the role.
But he wanted to focus on the realities. The anger, sadness, and horrors you could face as a single, unmated omega. The director raved that you were the face for that movie and had a soul that made him come seek you out. And without so much as consultation from your agent, you agreed on the spot.
The title of the film had been an ironic one. Good Little Omega was what it was called in the end.
All in all, the movie had done poorly in the eyes of the critics. Many individuals — namely alphas and betas — claimed that the depiction of omegas within the film had been horribly wrong. Omegas were never sad, never homeless, never abandoned by society! That’s what they had all cried the moment the trailer flashed with bright letters:
Still, the movie made billions as many went to watch it because they ‘needed to see how horrible the movie was.’ They wanted proof that omegas weren’t cut as movie stars because how could someone who was out of commission for a week every two months be proactive on set. But all they got was a cinematic masterpiece.
You had taken a claim in the industry, one while small, that hadn’t hurt that much because you were much more focused on the fact that you now were a household name. Well, that is until you were nominated for the awards ceremony you were currently about to attend, only that it was the one from four years ago.
You were the first omega actress and now the first omega nominee. You hadn’t won, but that had solidified the step you had in the door. After that, the interests to hire you in omega roles came pouring through the door.
But you were brought back to reality when the setting spray splashed against your face, your eyes fluttering when they covered your scent glands with the flesh-colored band-aids they got for you. Alphas could never complain about you being a distraction if you smelled the same as betas. 
Rising to your feet, you smiled graciously to your makeup and styling team, thanking them profusely as your agent placed her hand at the small of your back and began pushing you towards the exit.
“Thank you!”
Shigaraki glared down the table of averted eyes, and his hands brought up under his chin twitched at his annoyance.
“Are you going to say anything, or are we going to remain silent?” he asked, his voice quiet yet heavy in all of their ears as they flinched. “Don’t think you’re going to get away without giving me an answer.”
The sour smell of fearful alphas should have corroded Shigaraki’s nose. It should have done something to unsettle the way that the young head sat on his black leather seat. But as a matter of fact, the young alpha had to resist the way he wanted to bare his teeth in a bloodied smile, his red eyes slit in his cruel lust for fear.
“O-Of course not, a-alpha!” croaked one of the smaller alphas down the table. Shigaraki snapped his eyes towards the yellow-haired croony, his neck exposed for the alpha, eyes refusing to look at his leader. “I-It’s just that, um, I — I mean, we don't know w-what happened to your mate!”
“I thought I gave clear and distinct instructions that you were supposed to have found them by this meeting,” Shigaraki stated, his voice somehow growing colder, meaner yet never once changing as his hands dropped from his chin to rest on the arms of his chair. He tilted his head, watching the pathetic alphas quiver like some scared, stupid omega. “Useless. Get out of here before I change my mind on killing you all where you sit.”
The crowd of alphas left quicker than Shigaraki could blink, leaving behind the reeking smell of scared alpha pheromones. 
“Tomura-kun, you killed your mate,” came the singsong giggle from behind him, and Shigaraki didn’t bother turning around, his nose and ears sharp enough to pick up exactly it was behind him. 
“They’re all a bunch of pissy lackeys,” Shigaraki simply stated, his eyes rolling as he slowly fell to the back of his chair, red eyes meeting golden ones that shone with mirth and joy. “What do you want, Toga?”
Toga leaned against the leather armrest, uncaring that Shigaraki hated his personal space invaded. The young female was an alpha, much like most of the people within this gang group, but unlike the others, she had a distinct, almost terrifying way to change the way she smelled. She could smell like anyone or any secondary gender. She often preferred to smell like an omega too. 
“We have a guest visiting us today!” Toga chirped, her fingers clasping together. “I wanted to introduce him!”
“Bring Giran in,” Shigaraki snapped, his eyes narrowing with no real malice for the alpha next to him who simply pouted at the surprise — not a surprise — being ruined. Giran reeked of cigarettes and cheap body sprays that, when wafted with his distinct omega pheromones, made Shigaraki want to throw up. “Hurry up.”
Shigaraki’s mouth was set in a firm line, his eyes watching as one of his most trusted allies walked to the table, and taking a seat in the abandoned chairs as Toga purred in happiness, sitting on the armchair of Giran’s chair, arms enveloping him. 
“Shigaraki, how are you doing?” Giran smiled, the cigarette that seemed to take a permanent residence in his teeth moving with his words. “I came bearing some great news.”
“What do you have for me?” Shigaraki simply states, his eyes focusing on the letter that is unpocketed from Giran’s pockets and placed onto the table. “Don’t tell me you’re trying to sell me your omega niece again.”
Giran chuckled, looking at Toga, who was smirking softly, “I guess he still hates that joke, huh?”
“Absolutely livid!” Toga laughed.
Shigaraki growled, his mind and his inner alpha snarling at the lack of respect to the command of his question. He outranked them, outpowered them; they needed to respect his orders. 
Giran took a deep inhale of his cigarette, sliding the card over to Shigaraki, his eyes averted, but his stance still firm. “I know you go through omegas faster than a teenage boy goes through a pack of tissues, but I think this can answer the pleas you have at night.”
Observing the card in his hand, Shigaraki scowls, unsure of how to feel about the print on the invitation. 
“Say the word, and I’ll get you a seat,” Giran whispers, like a sinister god begging a mere mortal to sign over their life for something completely worthless. But Shigaraki knows his worth, and more importantly, he knows in this game he outranks Giran, who would never betray him. In the slightest. He huffs, his back hunched, and his eyes looking with subdued excitement. 
“Who else is showing up?”
Giran knows the seat will be wanted that instant.
“No one who could hold a candle to you, alpha.”
“Don’t make me regret this.”
“Of course not, my liege.”
The award sitting in your hand feels almost fake as if the entire night was nothing more than a heat-driven fever dream. You had won, had actually won the most significant award of the night that an actress could win!
“Oh my gods, okay, okay,” your agent muttered beside you. Her eyes glued to the shiny gold statue between your legs. “Well, I know your heat starts tomorrow, and I’ll leave you alone for a week. But I swear, y/n, as soon as your mind isn’t a full-blown lusty heat brained bimbo, we’ll reconvene, and we will make sure you are nothing but the greatest!”
“Yeah,” you breathlessly state, eyes transfixed on the prize that felt like it could melt away any second right now. “That sounds wonderful.”
The car you were in pulled up to your front door, and you felt meek excited the car in nothing but a silk robe and slippers. The dress you had worn that night had already been put back into a plastic bag to be returned to the stylist who had offered to style you for the night. You waved with an almost transfixed look in your eyes as you closed your front door behind you, your heart hammering as adrenaline still coursed through your veins as if you had just been declared the victor of the category yet again.
Placing the trophy onto the table, you sighed in a wondrous, dreamy way.
You had done it.
You had won.
Fuck all those directors who had ever said anything different.
Still deep in your thoughts, you almost missed the knock on your door, and you figured that you must have left something in the car. Walking back over to the front door, your nose curled at the lack of scent, was it a beta?
Opening the door, you don’t remember seeing faces or even a scent of a pheromone. A single cloth wrapped over your head, and before you could send out your painful, fearful moments-from-heat omega pheromones, you were knocked out.
Cold and lifeless, you sunk against their arms, bile rising up to your throat as you know exactly what was going on. You were being kidnapped. 
No… please not… not after all of this had happened.
You wake up to the sound of moving feet, sneering laughter, the feeling of coarse, hot, hands on your ass and wet, simmering tongues on your lubricated cunt. The sense is vivid. You can feel the very littlest touch on your body, the layer of scented pheromones on your glands, and slick from alphas — you know it's alphas imprinting themselves on you as a mark of a claim.
You knew about this from high school; it was an extremely outdated and frowned upon version of mating and claiming as it simply turned away any sort of pursuer who wasn’t the thick pheromone individual. You also knew it was frowned upon because if multiple individuals sought mateship with the typical omega individual, it would result in a massive, unsolvable death match. But these alphas, even with layering their scent on you so thick you thought you were turning crazy, didn’t attack. No, they took languid stripes of your fresh, intoxicating slick and growled to you, maybe, how that was how slick was supposed to be. 
You wanted to move, to kick the stupid, demeaning alphas in the snout before running away, but in a twist of horrible realization, you soon figured out that despite your alert mind, you couldn’t move your body. Couldn’t shift it even the smallest of bits. 
“I hope all you wonderful clients have been able to taste and smell your potential mates out here!” A loud, commanding introduction voice echoed from somewhere where you couldn’t see, his voice vibrating into the straps of your legs, but you couldn’t make a sound or even open your eyes. “As you know, we have such an arrangement for you all, the best of the best, really! We don’t wish to rush, but as always, all of these events are incredibly time-sensitive, so if you would, please alphas, please come and sit down, and we’ll begin bidding on our first of seven beautiful, fertile omegas tonight!” 
The words sounded foreign in your ears yet at the same time, something so familiar because this was something you omegas were always warned about. This had to be some sort of omega mate auction, and by the stench of alphas who smelled like they owned millions and killed millions, you were in no doubt somehow caught up in one of the worst ones imagined. 
Two long, completely hardened fingers suddenly entered your cunt, and as if for a single millisecond, your mind and your body were able to work in tangent, your hips bucked at the sweet feelings. Oh, your eyes tried to flutter, enjoying the way the two fingers circled the walls of your long lonely cunt.
“Please, alpha, please refrain from touching the merchandise for now, please join us so that we may begin!”
The two fingers buried within your cunt as if it was their right, slowly withdrew out of your pulsing walls, and you heard the sound of sneakers against the hardwood floor and felt relaxed and sickened at how you sort of liked it.
Heat brain, you reminded yourself. Just your stupid, horny heat brain.
You were a celebrity, you mantra, a dignified star who didn’t need a beta or an alpha unless you saw it fit. Right now, as you had repeated many times to the countless amounts of reporters who had asked, you had no interest in someone to share your heat with.
“Alright, and to start off our night in a rolling go! Please, everyone put your hands together for the fertile and beautiful thirteenth in-line the Princess of Cabodia: Dayanara!”
This auction was insane, all six omegas before you all sold from a price that ranged from 198 hundred million to the one right before you who sold for one billion dollars. You were a prideful omega, and you saw worth to your abilities, smell, and looks, but were you even worth anywhere in that range?
The entire time you had been set up in who knows what, the small, overwhelming pound of your heat sinking into the depths and pores of your body was becoming heavy. You couldn’t move a single muscle still, your body still refusing to respond to the call of your body, but the seep of your slick running down the innards of your thighs, undoubtedly beginning to pool on the ground, must be embarrassing of you. 
Suddenly someone spread the skin below your ass out, and you couldn’t react as something sharp and prick stabbed into your flesh. You howled in the surprising pain, and you were fast to find that whatever they had injected you with had allowed systematic movement within your body. Your eyes fluttered open as two, impossibly huge alphas grabbed you by your forearm and hoisted you to your feet. 
Your neck was far too weak to carry the weight of your head, so your eyes were transfixed on the white silk of the slutty dress they dressed you in. It showed off your cleavage with no regret, and by the feel and look of it, it barely passed the bottom of your ass. Your vision swam, the alphas all over the room distorted and melting within one another as you stepped onto a stage, the spotlight on you feeling deliriously hot and melting your skin.
Your hormones, already going crazy with your heat, seemed to intensify at the small of so many capable, potent, possessive alpha pheromones that suffocated the room. Handcuffs slapped onto your wrists, and you moaned pathetically at the sting of cold metal on your skin, and you obediently followed the command of one alpha to go on your knees. 
A nail slammed between the metal links of the handcuffs, practically stapling you to the wooden floor, and you whimpered at the feeling of a stuffed pillow mount being placed beneath your lower stomach. You were in a forced and easily accessible mating position with your slick and cunt exposed for all the alphas to re-smell and see. 
Moaning, you shifted against the mount, your body not able to have the full movement you needed to ward off that building, insufferable heat in your core, but nothing you could do seemed to satisfy it.
“And for our biggest prize of the night, we have the one, the only, the beautiful sensation Y/l/n Y/n!” the auctioneer roared. His voice echoing in your ear as he walked over to you, exposing your dripping cunt to the crowd of alphas who had all gotten a sweet taste of your essence already. His hand came down to slap your ass with a chuckle. “Where do we start the bidding on this one, alphas? She needs no introduction, and none of you better be pussies because we know this bitch of an omega won’t take any tiny cocks as her alpha! She needs to be broken in, fucked to submission. No one likes a trailblazer… someone needs to remind of what fucking trail she’s supposed to be on. Besides, the bitch is in fucking heat, and if you don’t claim her, I just might do it myself!”
“75 million!” someone started the bidding.
You stiffened.
“75 to the man in the back!”
“90 million!” someone challenged.
“We’re up to 90!”
“125 million!”
“Do I hear another offer?”
“250 million!”
“250 million!”
The number climbed and climbed, the same voices coming to challenge each other until finally, they rounded out to a quantity that sounded bizarre even to you. 
“950 million!”
If it had been possible for your knees to give out, you would have been collapsed onto the floor, the pool of slick that continued to lubricate your cunt without a doubt drowning you as you craved the need to be fucked by someone with undoubted alpha pheromones and cock in this room. 
“950 million?” the auctioneer repeated, his voice for sure carrying a shark-like grin. “Going once, going twice—”
“Five billion.”
The gasp in the crowd was undeniable, and the omega in you crooned, knowing that this alpha valued you and your omega to be the price of five billion US dollars. 
“Fuck!” screamed the man who had presented the 950 million deal. 
“Wowee, five billion dollars, everyone! Anyone think they can beat that?! Going once! Going twice!” The crowd remained in silence, and you shook against your restraint, the heat emitting from your cunt almost demanding to be seen and fucked through this heat week. “SOLD! The virgin celebrity, Y/l/n Y/n sold to our own Shigaraki Tomura!”
The cheers of amaze weren’t nearly as loud as the smell of reeking petty alpha.
“Come and pay up, alpha, and then you can show us… a demonstration of how you’re going to break this omega.”
“Shut up.” Shigaraku growled, his footsteps heavy in your ear as you feel him climb up the stage, and you weakly tilted your head to look at the white-haired alpha boss hand over a simple credit card before walking over to you, his eyes unreadable as he looked you dead in the eye.
He reached out a finger that raised your chin up for him to study your face, moving and tilting your head as he pleased as a small, sinister smile pressed to his lips as he dropped your head. A sharp, uncomfortable pain fell on your chin as it crashed to the floor, and you shivered at the feeling of his calloused and rough fingers running down your exposed back.
“You’re such a small omega, still stupidly tiny. I bet you’ve never thought your first knot would come from someone like me,” Shigaraki laughed, his fingers and voice ice cold. His words were soft, spoken in a way that had your omega stupidly cooing for having secret conversations with your alpha who promised to fuck you till you were carrying a litter of pups. “I hope you realize that this is real life, that I will break you, and no hero in this world will be able to fucking save you.”
“Fuck the omega!” someone from the crowd screamed, and Shigaraki glared upwards. Still, you shivered in the thought of this alpha who spent five billion dollars to make you his claiming you, fucking your stupid heat brain into mush in front of these smaller, irrelevant alphas. 
“I’ll do what I fucking please,” Shigaraki snapped, but the fingers you remembered to have been the last ones to enter your slicked crazy walls seemed to be his. They moved deep within you, curling and spreading your tight, sopping wet cavern apart, letting your pathetic, chirping cries echo powerfully in the room as lusting, near rutting alpha pheromones filled the room. “For fucks sake, omega, your pussy’s fucking tight as shit! Don’t you have any real knotted toys?”
You couldn’t respond back, your body on the road to a complete shut down at the feeling of something other than silicone deep within your body, fingering and dragging against your pheromone soaked walls.
“Alpha, y-your fingers feel so good!” you gasp, your hips thrusting backward, enjoying the way his fingernails press onto your warm velvet walls. “So good, you make me feel so good already.”
“I’ve seen you all over the news,” Shigaraki growled low into your ear. “Talking about how you didn’t want an alpha, how you never needed to feel the tightness that a fat knot could bring you, and look at you now. I’ve barely touched you, barely begun to make you mine, and yet you’re already begging for me, omega.”
Your arms tug at the handcuffs, pathetically wanting them off. Exasperatedly seeking more friction from your newly bought alpha. You can’t think straight, can’t come up with a single response except the stupid apologetic, “I’m so sorry alpha, I didn’t know i-it would be y-you!”
“Don’t be shy on her, Shigaraki! Fuck the slutty omega already! Fucking knot and claim her in front of us, I want to hear the omega whore scream. It’s always hotter when it’s the first claim ever!”
“You better learn how to shut the fuck up, or I’ll kill you for interrupting my fucking session here,” Shigaraki seethed, his red, smoldering eyes ripping from yours and glaring at some loser alpha behind you. You couldn’t care. You only wanted what looked like the growing cock in Shigaraki’s pants; you wanted to feel the cock fill up your cunt, and his knot to lock you both in place.
You drooled at the thought, your loud, whimpering cries unable to keep from pouring out as the slick from your core seemed to pour endlessly from your pussy, demanding attention and a knot. “Breed me, fill me with your pups,” you begged fingers taking in his dirty fingers in your mouth, tongue wildly and uncontrollably flicking across his fingers in hopes it would be a sinking prayer of your promise to be good. “I want your knot, alpha, I want these stupid alphas to know you’re so much better than them~!”
Shigaraki’s once snarl fell when he looked at you, a slowly growing smirk falling on his face as his lips spread into a cruel smirk, one that had you moaning around his fingers as he pinched the pink muscle in your mouth before disappearing before you.
“I smelled your distress when I put my fingers up your sloppy little cunt right before the auction happened; I could tell even with your growing heat that you hated the feeling of my fingers up your pretty pussy. But look at you now, I haven’t even set you on my goddamn knot, haven’t stretched that tiny cunt to its max. You’re smelling better than a bitch in heat,” Shigaraki growled in your ear. His clothed chest pressing deliriously into your exposed back, the huge cock outline in his pants grinding incessantly into your wet core, undoubtedly leaving a damp patch where his cock ground into you. “You’re an actress, aren’t you, little omega? I bet you just needed this audience cheering your name to break your mind over this. How. Pathetic.”
And the pressure on your tongue is gone, the drool and saliva sticky and cold on your chin as you whimper for your alpha. You promised that it wasn’t right, it was just that you had been scared before, but your alpha was so strong, his pheromones so scary and mean, he could protect you and fill you up with so many pups you couldn’t help but to be excited now.
The smell of Shigaraki seemed to brighten, and you moaned when his hands pressed the white dress up, allowing for your naked ass to be seen by him and everyone who stayed to watch. Shigaraki squeezed your asscheeks away, chuckling at the way your small asshole clenched in your embarrassment and pain at how your hormone-driven heat demanded that he fuck you and knot you now.
“So fucking wet,” Shigaraki observed, his fingertips tracing the slick on your folds before a small pop told you that he licked you clean from his fingers. “Such sweet slick too, you really are a prime omega, little one.”
You whimpered, ass shaking for him to continue to touch you, to continue to fuck you more. 
“I don’t think you’re ready for my knot, precious omega,” Shigaraki taunted, and his words were a sealing deal in your lusting mind. Your hips knocking backward in some sort of desperation for more.
“She won’t,” commented the auctioneer.
“I will!” you scream, eyes filled with painful tears that could only be resolved with your alphas knot and claim. “I can take your knot, alpha!”
Shigaraki makes a small noise, and you choke at the feeling of something huge, nearly monstrous, shift into your cunt. You were a virgin, but even you knew that it was merely the head of his alpha thick cock, not enough for you to be satisfied, not far enough in you to breed or fuck you properly. All the moans in your throat were slightly painful, and the tears in your eyes continued to fall as you rocked your hips backward, trying to sink yourself further on his cock, wanting him deep in your womb.
You craved him.
“Ah, good, you can take more,” came the airy, almost insane driven coo of Shigaraki, the lack of humor making your cunt flutter against his thick, long cock. “Cry for your alpha, little omega.”
With that, Shigaraki slammed into you with no mercy, his cock bottoming out into you with a powerful, edging thrust. You screamed in pain, tears leaking from your eyes, and even with the pool of lubricating slick, his cock was far too big, incredibly thick that you felt your inner walls splitting in two as he fucked you as if you weren’t in delirious pain.
Drool and tears covered your arms, your painted fingers digging into the floorboards with crazy strength that you clawed scars on the floor as Shigaraki rutted deep within you.
Shigaraki commanded you with every thrust he gave, and soon the omega in you was cooing, howling for more, the pain of having your virginity ripped from right under you having become bubbling, glowing pleasure. You screamed in pleasure, Shigaraki grabbing onto your rolling hips to slam you back onto his cock, allowing for his thick cock to hit deep within you over and over again. The angle and power he possessed with every thrust were almost inhumane, nothing your lonely heat filled nights could ever dream of recreating ever. Shrill moans and pleas drowned out the annoying commentary of your onlookers, Shigaraki’s chest still flushed against your back, his hips landing heavily on your ass that was at this point raised because of the mount beneath you. 
“My alpha,” you babble, eyes unfocused, hazy, and incredibly heavy as you stared at some point on the wall, overwhelmed with the feeling of Shigaraki’s hot cock pounding in you. “My alpha, such a good alpha. His cock is making my tummy feel funny, making my pussy feel so tight. Please fill me with your children, I’ll be a good omega to you and them, I promise! I promise — I — oh myyy goddd — I promise, alpha!!!”
Shigaraki puffs up with the praise, but he continued to fuck into you roughly, mercilessly, as if you were nothing more than the breeding whore omega that he had purchased you for. The wet slaps and satisfying squelches rang in the blazing heat room, the smell of the pleasured and heat insane omega saturating deeply within his nose, and in the other's nose, the prideful smell of a satisfied alpha.
Your spongy walls clenched and spasmed against his penetrating, pounding cock, sometimes even forcibly because, by god, it was hot when his cock would twitch within your womb, especially against your cervix.
“Fuck, you’re so damn annoying,” Shigaraki snarled into your ear, his teeth biting and scraping along your neck, and you wailed when his teeth dragged over the sweet scent gland on your neck. The one and only place for mating bites to go. His hand gripped your hair, tugging your head back so that you could feel his rough facial skin rub up against yours. “If you want me to fill you with my pups, you better be the best fucking omega on this goddamn planet.”
“I can be the best! I’ll be the best!” you cried, your ass shifting backward to meet his drilling hips. 
The delirious sensation of his cock rocking against your cervix slowly begins to inflate the knot on his cock, restricting his still barbaric thrusting as he made to move faster. He wanted you to cum before he knotted entirely within you. 
The pressure in your stomach is scorching and impossibly tight, and he takes another long stripe at your scent gland. You tremble with need, your fingers tearing into the wooden floors. You can feel the knot on his cock swelling up, catching onto the opening of your cunt with every successive cunt, and you begin to cry, shake, and tremble as the knot becomes too big.
Your eyes cross, your tongue falling out of your mouth as you babble his name. Your walls clamp around his knotted cock with the ferocity of a vice, and your body jerks violently as you cum hard around his cock. The slick essence of your orgasm slipping out of the few lasting places open before Shigaraki’s knot fills you out entirely. Despite his cock unable to move, the swollenness of his knot preventing him from moving out of you, Shigaraki still shoves his weight into his hips, the inflated knot stretching your cock out so widely, your vision went white, and you came yet a second time.
A small pop was heard, and suddenly with a rush of thick, hot, and heavy white cum exploded within your womb, his teeth sink around your scent gland, marking you — mating you. He filled you, filled you, and filled you. His cum wouldn’t stop until your belly was swollen with his hot cum, and he eventually fell off of you with a shaky, shallow breath.
You still remained on the mount, your eyes unfocused, breaths mumbling to your alpha, a promise to carry out every single pup he gave you and would give you. You were his omega, his good little omega, and you would never disappoint your alpha. Not now, not ever.
The next week, you opened your door with a broad smile, your usual clothes replaced with a dress Shigaraki had picked for you and a frilly white apron on as your agent was standing outside of your house, eyes wide, mouth gaped at the still bleeding mate wound on your shoulder.
“Ah, how funny!” you laughed, waving your hand as you sighed dreamily, your eyes fluttering at the thought of your alpha who was on a business call right now. “I’m actually going to be quitting! My alpha and I have many plans right now, I gotta produce as many litters as I can, being an actress would never give me this sort of meaning in life!”
“B-But, you’re doing so much?! You have so much to do! You can’t give up?!”
“Oh, my love, we both know that I look much cuter with a pregnant belly! Don’t worry,” you smile, taking your agent's hand, brightly smiling at her one last time. “I’m sure all omegas will eventually find their alpha so they won’t be so depressed and angry like I was!”
Your agent doesn’t get another word in.
You slam the door in her face, your hands already resting on your belly that you knew was already growing the life of your first litter of pups. It had been known the second Shigaraki filled you up anymore.
You were a good little omega, and your alpha needed you!
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
Permanent Chaos (4/?)
Pairing: MGK x Female!Reader
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: mild swearing
Part Summary: While Y/N is out shopping with Cara, news breaks that ties her with MGK. 
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Two days later...
Cara and I go out shopping and have lunch for a girl’s day. I have yet to talk about the other night with Sam. Cara hasn’t mentioned it and I have no plans to either. Cameras have followed us up and down Rodeo Drive. By this point, Cara and I are both used to it. Carrying my bags however, I doubt I look graceful for these videos their taking. Oh well, they have fifteen thousand more of me.
Cara ignores the paparazzi and points out a dress in the window at Dolce and Gabbana. I request to go inside to try it on. I’m not sure where I’d wear it to, but that doesn’t really matter.
“Welcome ladies!” A woman in a black dress approaches. “Can I help you find anything in particular?”
I point over to the dress in the window, “could I see that in a size six please?”
She leaves us to go find the dress for me and we roam around a small section while she does. My phone rings and I see Nicole’s name pop up. My heart immediately begins to race. She doesn’t call me unless absolutely necessary, usually we text. I step away toward the corner to be discreet.
I answer the call hesitantly. “Nicole? What’s up?”
“I got a call from Stephanie,” she sounds agitated on the other end.
Stephanie is my publicist, she handles everything that Nicole can’t basically. They bicker a lot since they’re both so headstrong and constantly need control. It’s the classic good cop/bad cop scenario, yet I don’t know who’s who. These two cover every aspect of my career, God bless them.
“Oh no, sounds bad,” I grumble anxiously.
“Depends how you look at it,” she lightens her tone.
“What is it?” I press.
“Well…” she hesitates.
“Nicole!” I drag out her name.
“It’s all over social media, magazines and it will be on TMZ tonight,” she stammers. “I’m surprised you haven’t already heard if I’m being honest-”
“Nicole! What?” I rush her.
“An article about you and Colson Baker just dropped on some gossip sight,” she explains. “It says that you and Colson Baker are dating. Stephanie and I figured no one would believe it but it’s everywhere! They have videos and photos of you two leaving The Ivy plus talking by Sam’s car. If I didn’t know you, I would be convinced.”
My head hangs low as I rub my forehead, letting out a deep sigh. “Oh dear God.”
“We can handle it, don’t worry!” Nicole assures. “This story will be gone soon!”
“I need to go, talk to you later!” I hang up on Nicole right when the woman shows me the dress.
“I’ll take it” I attempt to hurry up the process.
Cara comes up next to me “don’t you think you should try it on first?”
“I’ll explain later but we need to go” I whisper to her and just like that, she’s hurry the woman along at the register.
I have the dress and exit the store in a rush. I must act cool, the paparazzi will take notice of my mood change.
“What’s going on?” Cara asks concerned.
“I’ll explain once we’re somewhere private,” I whisper so the cameras don’t pick up on it.
We speed walk to the car and I offer to drive since I made us cut the day short. Once we’re on the highway towards home Cara asks what the heck is going on.
“Why did they keep asking about Colson?”
I turn on the radio and Elvis Duran, along with his team, are discussing no other than me and Colson.
Danielle summarizes the article for the listeners. “The article says they’ve been dating for the past few months. They’re very happy but the relationship is still new. The pair has not yet met each other’s families but Colson is going on tour soon so maybe Y/N will join him and eventually meet the family. Throughout, there are tons of photos of the cute young couple leaving The Ivy Wednesday night. There’s even a link to a video showing them, what appears to be, having a deep conversation by Sam Merka’s car. If you watch the video, the two are clearly looking at each other very lovingly. I mean, he’s looking at her the way I look at a fresh pizza!”
The rest of the cast laughs and I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Actually, scratch that, I can believe it. I’m just pissed.
“If MGK and Y/N are officially an item, why did she leave with Sam Merka?” Elvis questions.
“I’m glad you asked! According to sources, they’ve been very close friends since the start of TSL. In fact, the duo have taken many vacations together along with their co-star Penelope Glass.”
Cara turns down the volume and looks to me with a steady expression. “Is it true?”
I narrow my gaze at her in bewilderment. “What? No! There’s no way in hell!”
“Okay, just checking,” she lets out a sigh of relief.
“Never ever!” I add and change the station.
Colson Baker is everything I despise in a person. I’ve never hated someone so fast as I’ve hated him. Us together as a couple is impossible. It’s completely irrational.
Later in the afternoon, Stephanie sets up a meeting for us to meet with Colson and his publicist. I had to drag myself to her office. My Fridays aren’t well spent in an office building with enemies. In fact, my whole day could be tarnished by this incident. The meeting room we’re all ushered into is freezing and I’m still in my sundress from earlier. Cara and I were never able to get lunch so I’m starving on top of being cold. The photos of us play in a slideshow on the meeting room’s tv. An endless cycle of false advertisement is how I see the photos. The media is selling us as something completely far from the truth. On top of everything, I’m in a meeting with the one guy in all of Los Angeles I can’t stand. Death would be less painful than the current situation. I tune out the debate between Stephanie and Colson’s publicist. He told me his name but my brain is so numb from the temperature in here I can’t recall it.
“Y/N!” Stephanie calls my name and I search for her around the room until I find her in the doorway with Colson’s publicist.
“We’re going to go make a few phone calls. You two will stay here while we handle the press.” I nod “sounds good.”
I send her a weak smile to charm her out of an apology for zoning out. She huffs and escorts Colson’s guy to her office so they can talk on speaker privately. I stand up from my office chair and stroll over to the windows overlooking the courtyard. I watch the cars zoom by on the street and businessmen and women shuffle in and out of the Starbucks below.
“If it means anything, I’m sorry,” Colson says quietly behind me.
I nearly miss it, he speaks so quietly. I lean against the wall, crossing my arms as I face him.
“You’re sorry?” I shrug, not really seeing his blame. “Why? It’s not your doing.”
I return my gaze to the chaos below us. I watch as people with office jobs travel about. I wonder if they’ve heard of me? I wonder if they like me or think I’m a stuck up actress? I shouldn’t care what people think, but it’s easier said than done. When millions watch TSL every week, it’s hard to ignore the wondering.
“If I hadn’t walked you to the car none of this would be happening,” Colson reasons guiltily.
I shake my head, finding humor in the situation now. The paparazzi can make nothing into a months long romance. A brief conversation outside a restaurant and suddenly we’re meeting each other’s families.
“We were only walking to a car. How could either of us have predicted the amount of attention that would come of us walking?” I justify, not to ease his mind, but my own.
My flicker over to the tv, I examine the slideshow of us. Examining the photos I realize it wasn’t all in my head, the way in which Colson was gazing at me is a tad bit gawk-like. Images of us walking to the car while I’m answering the paparazzi’s questions depict Colson glancing at me with what seems to be such admiration. A picture of when Cara calls for Colson comes up and I’m stunned by how we look. Even I appear to be in awe of him in return. It’s evident Cara is speaking yet neither of us react. We were so caught up within on another.
“I have one question!” I blurt out suddenly with my arms crossed I walk back over to the table. Just one and then I wish to put all of today’s events to rest.” Colson perks up and hums for me to continue. I point over to the photos on the screen “why did you look at me the way you did?”
Turning his head, he reviews the photos blankly and I wait anxiously for some sort of reason. “I’m not looking at you in any particular way,” he disregards my accusations.
I chuckle, amused by his horrible way of lying. “Lies!”
He’s thrown off by my reaction and I storm over to the TV screen to point it out to him.
“It’s clear as day to the press, the public and now me included. You’re clearly lost in some kind of thought! You were there, so was I and our friends! Say all the lies you want but you’ll never convince anyone.”
His jaw clenches and he avoids my gaze. He leans back in his chair, staring out the windows. “Colson,” I sigh, slowly approaching the table. “Maybe the truth could help the lies disappear! If we’re honest then maybe the press will leave us alone!”
He shakes his head low, letting out a brief laugh. “I highly doubt that.”
I have a thousand questions but I’m aware none will go answered. He’s a lost cause. I’m in this alone I guess. Turning my back to him I return to my position by the window. Observing the worker bees swarming around the spaces below. The sound of Colson’s chair rolling back comes from behind me but I don’t even shift. Out of the corner of my eye, I see his figure in the reflection of the window beside me. My attention remains outside. He won’t give me the time of day so why should I treat him any better?
“You wanna know why I looked at you the way I did?” His presence hovers of me and he feels like a wall surrounding me.
“Please,” I mutter a subtle beg.
 “I... I had this imagine of you in my head, pre-judgements. You’re supposed to be America’s Sweetheart, Little Miss Perfect! You told me you had been working for this for years, had drive and trails.” He confesses. “You’re not what I expected... It caught me by surprise is all.” 
My eyebrows furrow close, “So you thought I was just some pretty face, goody-two-shoes, ditz? If it’s because my image, my past, you said so yourself it doesn’t matter!” 
“No, no, that’s not it!” he runs his hand through his hair nervously.
Narrowing my eyes, I press further. “Why then?”
The door swings open and I straighten up before forcing a warm smile to my face. I step back from Colson before the person ever appears in the doorframe. One of Stephanie employees informs us that we’re free to go. Steph doesn’t want to keep me here all day and since I’m allowed to go Colson’s publicist is releasing him. I clasp my hand together, walking over to fetch my purse.
“Thank you so much!” I gush. “Have a good day and please tell Stephanie “thank you!””
The young intern eats up my pleasant expressions. “You too Miss Voss! Will do!”
The young woman shuts the door behind her and I return to the state I was in. Expressionless, I gather my belongings and Colson does the same. Checking my phone for any missed emails or calls I can tell he’s staring me down.
“Does it ever get tiring?” His tone is light, but I can hear the ounce of mockery beneath the surface.
My attention is locked on my phone as text after text pops up from Penelope. She’s more likely than not has seen all the articles and Twitter posts. I should call her and explain.
“Y/N!” Colson shout pulls my from my thoughts.
“Huh? Does it ever get tiring?” I restate his question back to him. “What exactly are we talking about?”
I slide my purse over my shoulder while stepping over to the door, leaving Colson behind. That is until he follows me.
“Your whole act.” He forces a fake smile and tosses imaginary hair over his shoulder. “The “happy go-lucky goody goody All-American girl?””
I scoff, eyeing him up and down. “You’re ridiculous. It’s not an act.”
I swing open the meeting room door, eager to leave here. My heels clink against the white shiny tiles on my walk to the elevators. After hitting the down button, I call up Blake now that I have some time to kill. She’s my oldest friend, I’m sure she sees right through all of the tabloids and is only checking in.
“Calling your boyfriend?” Colson mutters over my shoulder and I quickly move away.
“Don’t have one,” I answer plainly, waiting for Penelope to pick up.
He smirks and props himself up against the wall beside the elevator doors. I side eye him, all he does is smile all the time and he calls me out for acting so happy all the time.
“Can’t you find anyone else to annoy?”
He grins proudly, “sure I could. None would as entertaining as you though.”
“Geez,” I mumble under my breath.
I pace outside the elevators as I wait for one to arrive and for Penelope to answer. Classic of her to text me non-stop but not to answer when I call her back. The elevator doors open and I step inside, ready to get out of here. I hit the ground floor and Colson strolls in lazily not rushed at all. He checks the button and doesn’t add any. The doors shut then silence sits flat in the small space with us. My phone buzzes continuously, I check the name at the top of the screen.
“Frickin’ frackin’!” I clench my teeth together in a growl.
Colson’s eyes widen at my sudden explosion. Closing my eyes, I exhale to calm myself then bring the phone up to my ear. Smiling helps to fake enjoyment when talking to someone on the phone. Sometimes I can fool myself into thinking I’m not miserable during discussions.
“Finn!” I greet. “What’s new?”
My southern accent surfaces. I flip the switch whenever I speak to my family or friends back in South Carolina. I can’t have them thinking I’m not the same Y/N from Charleston. Colson eyes me with his eyebrows raised, surprised by my sudden transition. He makes fun of me in a whisper for my fake enthusiastic voice. I wack him on the arm and it only encourages him more.
“Hi ya Y/N, uh so ya prolly already know butcha face is everywhere along with this MGK fella...” Finn’s voice falters at the end.
I sigh and press my forehead to the wall. Finn asks me if any of what he has read is true and I instantly deny.
My tone goes timid, “who all knows?”
“Just us, Odelle, Greyson and Myself,” he assures.
A sense of relief rushes over me. I turn back around and Colson sends me a sympathetic look, it shocks me. Going from mockery to sympathy from him has my entire mood shifting.
“What ‘bout Momma or Daddy?” I ask, keeping eye contact with Colson.
“Nah, at least I don’t think they do,” Finn guesses. “I’m not entirely sure. Greyson is sayin’ they don’t. He’s the only one that’s home at the moment.”
“Heavens to Betsy,” I exhale deeply, looking up to the heavens. “Let’s hope to the high heavens they don’t. Thank you Finn.”
I go to hang up but he says one last thing. Bringing my phone back up to my ear I reply. “Sorry, missed that.”
My brother becomes stern on the other side, “do you and this guy spend tons of time together?”
I shift uncomfortably, preparing myself for the older brother advice I already see coming. “From time to time but I promise, we’re just friends.”
There’s a pause on his end, an unbearable pause. “I trust you Y/N,” Finn finally speaks. “It’s him I don’t trust. He’s not the best sort of guy. Ya’ll aint right for one another.”
I hope Colson can’t hear any of what Finn is saying. To keep him from becoming suspicious, I keep my replies indifferent. “Sure thing. Uh, talk ya later Finn.”
“Bye, talk to you soon.”
We hang up and I slip my phone into my purse.
Colson leans back onto the railing next to me. “Who was that?”
“My older brother, kinda overbearing,” I laugh nervously then bite my lip. My accent begins to subside again.
“I didn’t know you had a brother,” Colson remarks.
A faint smile appears across my lips thinking of my brothers. “I have two actually and an older sister. The order is Finn, Odelle, me then Greyson.”
Colson returns a kind and gentle smile. “That must’ve been nice to grow up with so many siblings.”
“It was.” I nod as memories flash across my mind. “Finn and Odelle were grouped together and so was me and Greyson since our age gaps are less.”
As we pass each level on the elevator there is a “ding.” Facing toward the doors again, I absentmindedly watch the numbers go down as we pass the levels. My mind wanders to the many memories I’ve made with my brothers and sister.
“Finn is about Sam’s age, so he likes to believe he’s almost a co-parent for me and Grey,” I describe with a pleased expression. “He’s the total opposite of Odelle.”
Colson genuinely shows interest, “how is she?”
“She’s a total wild card! We all joke that it’s every other kid. Finn and I are the rule followers. He was student body president, quarterback of the football team and still managed to graduate with honors. I’m nowhere near him on the perfect child spectrum but I’m supposed to be “America’s Sweetheart.” My parents eat that up. Then there’s Odelle, she’s the total opposite of Finn. My parents had to beg her to improve her grades so she could graduate. I remember being twelve, it was the middle of the night when I got up to get a drink. I went downstairs and saw her sneaking out of the backdoor. She made me promise not to tell our parents. I haven’t talked about it until today. There were days she’d fake being sick just to ditch school with her friends. By her senior year nothing had changed. She ended up graduating but my parents forced her to go to a college close to home so they could keep an eye on her. Her antics continued the entire time I was in high school. College for her was a playground. For some reason, I envied her. I still do. I suppose it’s because no one expects anything from her. She messes up, well, that’s Odelle for you. She causes trouble, just another day. For me, my parents have me up on a peddle stool. By the time I turned sixteen people out here started taking notice of me. When I reached seventeen the title of “America’s Sweetheart” popped up and from then on, I was longer a teenager. I had a role to play and an image to uphold. I could never make mistakes like Odelle. I have to be “perfect” constantly. Sometimes I feel like a doll, plastic. None of it is real.”
The bell rings for the floor. I comprehend the words escaping my mouth and snap back to reality. I revealed so much about myself while I was in that daze, private facts about myself that I’ve never spoken of before.
Straightening up and adjust my dress, I apologize. “I’m so sorry. I have no idea what came over me.” The doors slide open and I step out. “Good to see you Colson,” I rush out a farewell before speed walking towards the exit.
I mentally slap myself for all I confessed. If only Nicole found out, my head would be on a stick. My life, my background, every aspect of my being is supposed to be flawless. An All-American girl from South Carolina with a wholesome up brining is who I’m supposed to be. If word gets out that I’m not so perfect then… then I would be finished. My hand digs for my keys in my purse.
“Y/N! Wait up!” Colson jogs up next to me then steps in front of me, blocking my path.
“Colson, please....” I practically plead in a mutter, stepping around him.
He wraps his hand around my wrist, stopping me. “Let me buy you a drink!” 
Workers around us walk around in multiple directions like zombies. I wonder if they’re taking notice. Hesitant, I narrow my gaze at me. The reason we’re in this mess is because we were seen with one another.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” I admit and release myself from his grip.
I only make it a few feet before he’s in front of me again.
“Fine, no to a drink! How about we go get some coffee? Or tea? If you prefer tea!”
His chest rises and falls rapidly, his desperation is evident. The reason behind is desperation is still unknown to me, along with the reason he looked at me the way he did last night. Who is this mysterious man who stands before me? So many questions I wish to ask but I can’t get passed his eyes. Puddles of crystal blue settle on a white canvas. Confused beyond belief, for a reason unbeknownst to me, I accept. Could be my curiosity is getting the best of me.
“Coffee it is,” I give in to his request.
He grins ear to ear and steps to the side so we can leave side by side. “Unless of course you prefer we get tea!” he suggests, sounding a tad nervous.
Honestly I like both drinks but I prefer coffee. He holds the door for me and the bright sunlight of California weather strikes me.
“Nah, I normally drink a cold brew with a shot of espresso,” I describe.
He winces and pretends to gag. “Ew! That sounds horrible!”
“It gives you a boost in the morning! Nice and strong!” I laugh.
“You’re nasty!” He waves his hands in disgust.
“Eh, you’ve called me worse,” I laugh, unfazed by his insult.
He chuckles, “you’re not wrong.”
Our laughing dies down a little as we stroll over to the Starbucks. I peer up at him with a side eye. When our eyes meet we begin laughing again uncontrollably.
Tags:  @canyoubuymetoast @bri-3530 @asil1652 @andstilltryingtofindmyself @nadia2021 @olafsidehoe @mgkobsessed @fairywriting101 @ferrell-cat @naylanae-0308 @tonystarkswife10 @alexsa56 @brocksbabyyy @stormrider505 @magnificenthumancopangel @sarcasticfangirlus @lilramencup95beech @missyviolet123 @skeleton-gxrl @glitterybearllamaflap @margaritaville20 @amoresixx @Thysagclub @hockeybabe87​ 
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anythingforspence · 3 years
the capstone - chapter one
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Summary: Reader is a semester away from getting her masters in Psychology and duringher last semester she has to complete her capstone, or passion project if you will. This year, the professors decided that each student will be personally mentored by a psycologyst in distinct fields. When Y/N meets hers, she can’t decide whether she is lucky or if it will be a long 5 months.
Pairing: Female reader x Spencer Reid
Word Count: 1.8 k
Chapter warning: harsh language, sexy talk, no smut yet
A/N: omg tysm for all of the love on the teaser post. i hope i dont dissapoint.
Although I’m wide awake, I let my alarm clock keep beeping and beeping and beeping as I stare up at the white ceiling of my cheap studio apartment. My neighbor woke me up bright and early this morning by doing what sounded like lugging a dead body throughout his apartment. I lifted my head slightly just to slam it back against my bed, whining about being awake at 5:30 am. I’m probably just nervous. I have to complete this passion project for my psychology class by being mentored by a famous psychologist and write a paper about their career and their wisdom I guess. I have a meeting with my mentor today and I don’t know what to expect. My professor kept the identity of our mentors a secret. For the “excitement” and whatnot.
With a sigh, I swing my legs over the side of my bed and bend over to switch off the alarm. Resting my elbows on my knees, I run my hands down my face, basically prepping myself for the fact that I have to stand up soon. The moment I stand, I stretch all throughout my body, ending with my hands high above my head, stretching into the ceiling. My mouth getting ready to yawn when a bang was heard next door, like a book being chucked against the wall ajoined with my neighbors apartment causing me to yelp. I’m pretty sure I heard a chuckle in response to my scream. I glared at the wall, thinking of all the ways I could storm in there and punch my neighbor. I had two choices. I could storm in there and do all the things I wish I could do, or I could mind my business and get ready for the day.
Rolling my eyes I decided to just get ready. I still wanted payback, however, I blasted Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now by The Smiths as I head into the showe. I grab brown trousers, a white button up, and a sage green set of lace undergarments. Not that anyone would see them, unfortunately there has been a drought of sorts in my pants. I just wear them for the aesthetic. Getting undressed, I put on my favorite playlist with all of the songs that make me feel like I’m the main character in an indie film. I heard a light tapping at my door, like some wanted my attention but at the same time wished I never paid attention to them. I decided to ignore it and step under the stream of water in my shower.
Once I was all finished with my shower, I stepped out into my foggy bathroom. Singing along to Bug Collector by Haley Heynderickx, I start drying off and slip on my outfit for the day. I keep my hair in a towel to help it dry some so I don’t have to use any heat on my hair. For my makeup I decided to go for a red lip, neutral blush, mascara, and brows today. Something simple and professional. I let my hair out of the towel and brush it out, not doing too much to it. Blowing myself a kiss in the mirror, I grab my purse and wrap my student ID around my neck, letting it fall next to the golden flower chained to my neck.When I open the door, I laugh in shock at the note my neighbor left for me.“nice taste in music”
I felt something against my leg and knew exactly who it was. “Hi, Payton,” I sweetly spoke to the Sphynx cat at my feet. I named her Payton even though she’s not technically mine and just wanders through the apartment complex. I bend down to give her scratches at her neck. “How’s my cutie patootie. Did you see the asshole who left this not?” She just tilted her head more into my hand, telling me to keep on scratching. “Guess not.” I stand back up and check the time on my watch, “Shit”. I had five minutes to get there.
A bell rang as I entered the coffee shop I was supposed to meet my mentor at, of course with my favorite mask on. My eyes scan the place a little before I walk up to the counter to order my favorite drink. “Hi can I just get a 16 ounce Earl Grey, please?” The barista said something along the lines of yes of course and how my total was 2.16. “Alrighty, thank you.” It didn’t take too long for it to be done. They weren’t very busy and it’s just a tea bag and hot water.
“Excuse me, are you Y/F/N Y/L/N?” 
Woah. His voice sent a tingle down my spine. Probably just because I haven’t had much human contact or the fact that I haven’t been laid in a while but, my god, what I would give for him to say my name again. But that was nothing compared to what I saw when I turned around. I’m just glad I was wearing a mask so he didn’t the way my lips parted when my eyes met his. He had curly brown hair and he dressed like an old man, doesn’t sound like much but for me, that’s everything. Oh my gosh, and he had nerdy little cute glasses? When I realized I was staring I averted my eyes and started blushing.
“Um, yes, hi, that’s my name. I’m so sorry, but what’s your name?” The tremor in my voice made me want to just drop dead. I’m a woman of science but if the Earth knew how to open up and swallow people, now would be the time to prove it.
“Oh hi. I’m Doctor Spencer Reid. I’m your psychology mentor. Did your professor not tell you?” He seemed so confused, oh my god he’s so cute.
“Oh. Oh my God I’m so sorry! My professor didn’t let us know who was mentoring us, just in case we did prior research or something. I’m sorry. But yes um I’m Y/N. It’s very nice to meet you, sir,” I kept on rambling, looking anywhere but his eyes. Unfortunately, it made me look like I was checking him out. Oh fuck.
Chuckling a bit, he goes, “Oh no your fine. No need to apalogize. It’s a pleasure to meet you miss Y/N.” Not going to lie, the way he said my name sent tingles to my pussy. Oh my god what is wrong with me! I can’t be thinking these things about the person who is going to mentor me! Stop being so horny.
I started to blush and I cleared my throat and gestured towards the window. “Um, should we go sit out there?”
“Oh yes of course. Please after you,” he said, his hand finding the small of my back, hitching my breath and making me nervously mess with the rings on my fingers. We sat at the iron tables outside of the coffee shop, he pulled my chair open for me, finally his hands off of me. I felt like I could breathe again but at the same time I felt sad, empty. He took off his mask to take a sip of what he was drinking and holy shit. He had some scruff and his lips just looked so inviting. I wanted to distract from the silence that was biting at me. “So, uh, what do you do?” My voice trailing off, making everything so much heavier with awkwardness and the sexual tension that was just coming from me.
“What do you mean what do I do?” Fuck. I looked so stupid of course he does something in pschology. That’s the whole reason you’re here.
“W-well, um, like what specific area do you work in?”
“I do criminal profiling with the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI.” My eyebrows bunch together in confusion. What does that have to do with psychology? Almost as if he’s reading my mind he continues, “We psycho analyze crime scenes, victims, bodies to understand why a criminal would do what they did, which helps us to understand the type of person they are, their background, and it leads us to the criminal, or unsub.”
“Wow that’s actually really cool. But, like, how does that all work?”
“Tell me, Y/N, when was the last time you had sex?” I didn’t say anything. I was so shocked. First off, how inappropriate, but also how did he know? “When I first walked in, you kept on looking me up and down as if you’ve never seen a man before. You keep fidgeting with your rings. Usually new jewelry makes people fidget but the stains on your fingers suggest you wear rings frequently which means you're nervous. Also ever since I’ve taken my mask offyou haven’t stopped staring at my lips. So, sweet girl, tell me when was the last time you were satisfied?”
I just sat there, gapping at him like a fish out of water. What was I supposed to say? Why thank you for asking, although the last time I’ve had sex was a year ago but the last time I’ve orgasmed has been longer? Before I could come up with an answer he got a phone call. Someone named Morgan needed him or something. Whatever it was, it seemed urgent.“Sorry our meeting got cut short, Y/N. Very important FBI business came up. Here is my card, has my name, email and phone number. I recommend calling me because I don’t usually check my emails or my texts. Your professor already gave me your contact information so I know how to find you. I am very excited for the upcoming months.”
“Oh- uh, thank you,” I whispered, still shocked. He grabs my hand so that he can hand me my card since I haven’t moved a muscle. 
“Oh and Y/N?” My head wips up at him and I let out a “hmm?” that could be mistaken for a moan. “Green is a nice color on you.” Confused, I looked down to see my button up shirt had popped open, letting my green covered tits be seen by the world. Eyes blown open, I immediately cover myself and say a thank you that sounded so embarrassing because my voice cracked. He just chucked and told me he would contact me soon. Before he left, I could’ve sworn he looked at me as if I was a sexy hollywood actress or something. But I brushed it off. Maybe he was concerned for me. After all, I had my tits out and made it obvious that I was desperately horny. God these five months will be awful if I keep thinking about Dr. Reid as a sex partner than a mentor. Then again the concept of having sex with your mentor can be hot. Nope. No. I should stop there.
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dangermousie · 3 years
2020 End of Year Post - cdrama edition
This is only going to cover cdramas that aired in 2020; if I had to make a post about all the cdramas I watched this year, I would still be doing it in three months...
Overall it’s been a fairly decent cdrama year (certainly better than the very lacklustre kdrama year.) It’s no miracle that 2019 was (so many excellent dramas!) but overall pretty solid.
(In order of liking from least to most as opposed to pure quality; I am including if I’ve seen enough to make up my mind; yes I realize that’s inaccurate, but that’s my list)
44 The Legend of Jing Yan - the worst cdrama I have seen this year, and possibly the worst drama of 2020, period. The hero and heroine were both uncharismatic, incapable of acting and saddled with such shrilly moronic characters, the only suspense was how they haven’t both perished long since from forgetting to breathe. Nor was anyone in the rest of the cast much better; the screenplay was written by a lower mammal and the cinematography was the best a third-rate wedding cinematographer could offer. Stay the HELL away from this one.
43 Unicorn Girl - the only unicorn about this bland yet irritating piece of pap was the fact that I was supposed to believe the leads are hockey players.
42 Autumn Cicada - I like spy stories, Allen Ren, and Republican Era settings. I can tune out Communist propaganda with the best of them. Yet, the propaganda ate the story to such a degree that there was nothing left; pre magic change Pinocchio was less wooden then this narrative.
41 You Complete Me - no you do not.
40 Skate into Love - the only positive thing I can say about this is that at least it’s better than Unicorn Girl, if for no other reason that only one of them is supposed to be a hockey player.
39 Irreplaceable Love - how do you make a story about fake siblings with a mad mother falling for each other boring? I don’t know, ask the makers of this.
38 Eternal Love Rain - I hate to rain on their parade, but these two actors cannot act, have about as much chemistry as a piece of bread, and are trapped in a story perfect for entertaining the mental abilities of the leads of Jin Yan.
37 For Married Doctoress - ummmm, you could do worse I guess. It only made me break out in mild hives. The sadistic ending did make me laugh though.
36 Dance of the Sky Empire - why you get Xu Kai and waste him in this insipid mess of a story is beyond me.
35 Love Designer - it’s inoffensive except to my sense of entertainment. There is nothing wrong with it but oh God is it bland.
34 Love a Lifetime - It felt like a lifetime watching this, but I didn’t love it. The story is incoherent, the actors have no chemistry and it’s all an epic waste of time.
33 Love is Sweet - so sweet it gave me diabetes. I like Luo Yunxi and Bai Lu, but there is literally no plot. I don’t need to sink into a plotless morass to watch pretty people engage in PG-rated make-outs. I am an adult with access to stronger stuff if I am thus inclined, though to be fair they could get x-rated and I still wouldn’t be able to sit through so many episodes of plotlessness for that.
32 Fake Princess - I love Zhao Yi Qin, but the guy needs to pick better projects. The female lead in this one has the voice and personality that can strip paint but the story is also doing nobody any favors.
31 The Changan Youth - I lost my brain checking this out. I had to go and read a dense treatise on medieval coinage or Mayan farming to try to recover it.
30 My Dear Destiny - kinda cheesy fun. It honestly shouldn’t be as low except it really feels like community theater.
29 Handsome Siblings - why is the Nic Tse version so good and this one so bad? True mystery for the ages. Chen Zhe Yuan is the sole reason this isn’t lower, because that kid tries SO HARD to make this drama bearable and almost succeeds. I can’t wait to see him in Sha Po Lang which actually will give him something to do.
28 In a Class of Her Own - see my comment on The Changan Youth. But at least Song Weilong is gorgeous to look at.
27 General’s Lady - inoffensive, pretty and so utterly pointless.
26 The Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion - those two leading actors are a no go to me but at least they considerately acted with each other instead of ruining two dramas for me. It’s very pretty though.
25 Jiu Liu Overlord - it’s a mess and I bailed, but I placed it this high merely due to the fact that Lai Yi finally gets a leading role and he’s sexy as fuck and I am shallow. Whoever styled Bai Lu should never work again except at a circus, however.
24 Cross Fire - not my genre and Luhan will always look too much like my cousin for comfort, but it’s a surprisingly gripping and dark drama. I liked it!
23 God of Lost Fantasy - if you want to watch a mediocre wuxia/xianxia, this is not a bad choice. Probably better than Legend of Fei actually, because at least it doesn’t have an A-list cast to waste and gives us Sheng Yilun himbo and shirtless.
22 Renascence - the insane cuts (it went from 70 eps to 36!!!) made a fairly cheesy story into a total mess. But I had a good time until I finally bailed mainly because of the male lead (Chen Zhe Yuan yet again carrying a not-good 2020 drama on his shoulders; the guy should be nicknamed Atlas) and the insane but in a fun way story. The female lead (both the character and the actress) were not up to par but oh well.
21 Legend of Fei - only this high because objectively there is nothing I disliked it. But there is nothing I liked either. The most uninspired drama on the list. If you could eat cardboard, this is what it would taste like.
20 Ever Night 2 - compared to EN1, it’s a waste of film. On its own merits, it’s not very good (the cast replacements are uniformly inferior and Dylan Wang is so wrong for Ning Que I cannot even put it into words; the script is useless.) But it had some parts I loved so very VERY much (all the shippy stuff was perfection) so I don’t feel too bitter.
19 Castle in the Sky 2 - a lovely if not too complex fairy tale. It is inferior to its prequel because it doesn’t have Zhang Ruo Yun who elevated it, but it’s still a solid bit of fun.
18 The Great Ruler - it’s very high fantasy, very pretty, and surprisingly involving.
17 (tie) Legend of Two Sisters in the Chaos - the secondary couple steals the show but the rest is not too bad if not too involving.
17 Legend of Awakening - a solid bit of fun with a seriously BDSM streak (theme this year apparently - but come on, the lead’s powers only activate when he’s in extreme pain!) It’s a bit generic and the costuming is done by a blind person, not to mention the OTP is a NOTP, but the rest of relationships (romantic and platonic) are wonderful (I live for the found siblings story in this one) and I like most of the characters.
16 Consummation - a rare modern cdrama I liked; a sweet coming of age story (and love story) even if wrapped in a pretty weird virtual reality concept.
15 Oops the King is in Love - this is how you do a low budget, sweet, silly piece of fluff. Our heroine pretends to be a eunuch and crosses paths with a powerless young king and they are adorable, even more so than the drama.
14 Song of Glory - pretty solid, though draggy and I didn’t love the toothpaste filter. But A+ cast, excellent leading couple chemistry, Li Qin being a BAMF and a leading man (Qin Hao) who is actually an adult.
13 And the Winner is love - objectively kind of a mess (and the heroine has the brainpower of a gnat), but the OTP chemistry is excellent and Luo Yunxi fighting and flirting with a fan as finally a leading man is worth the price of admission.
12 Miss S - snazzy and snappy and stylish and whatever else starts with S.
11 Eternal Love of Dream - I don’t know if it would work for you as well if you weren’t a hardcore shipper for this OTP in Three Lives but I was and this was such a darling, wonderful, shippy delight; plus I love this type of high fantasy.
10 (tie) Maiden Holmes - solid and sweet and a wonderful OTP. Proves that functional doesn’t have to mean boring. If you watch one cross-dressing drama this year make it this one.
10 Qin Dynasty Epic - srs bsns history epic. I am not far into it but it’s so good and smart and visually stunning (if you love battles, this one is for you.)
9 Love Lasts Two Minds - I adored this so much more than I should objectively have, but it’s so beautiful (and no I am not just referring to Alan Yu’s face) and the OTP has wonderful chemistry and the story is solid, and the whole trope of her memory being wiped but falling for him all over again while he’s constantly and utterly devoted is a fave; plus he’s in pain and semi-dyng for most of it so sluuuurp (happy ending, don’t worry)
8 To Love - yes, a modern drama is this high! But it involves intensity, tragedy, genuine adults and sexiness that is Lin Gengxin. And there is an actual plot and darkness OMG!
7 Legend of Xiao Chuo - so beautiful, so fun, so full of gorgeousness of Shawn Dou. Plus, Liao is a rare setting for a cdrama and there are a lot of characters and stories I liked a LOT. Less ship content than I wanted but more than I expected.
6 The Romance of Tiger and Rose - so so delightful. I was literally laughing out loud. I have no idea if it will work as well if one isn’t a seasoned watcher of period cdrama/reader of web novels, with bonus for watching/reading Goodbye My Princess, but it was a complete delight for me (and yes, I shipped for real, as well. Best of both worlds.)
5 Twisted Fate of Love - Jin Han gets a leading period drama role! And he’s enjoying it to the hilt, excellent as a smart, twisty bastard who is also charming and so madly in love with heroine. Sun Yi is beautiful and tough and her chemistry with JH is on fire, the story never drags, and it’s so twisty and fun and just awesome.
4 Love In Between - the most underrated drama on this list. It has no big names or big budget, but it’s wuxia that’s clever, driven, tragic, hopeful and so beautifully shot. Three separate (amazing) OTPs, a leading man who is so not typical (a doctor who cannot fight and who never acquires this ability) and who is intense and smart and damaged, a heroine who puts her quest ahead of her emotions, an unhealthy degree of involvement by yours truly. This is a drama Fei should have been.
3 Love and Redemption - such a lovely, addictive, utterly romantic fairy tale. I was obsessed with it for a reason. All the tropes you love and some you didn’t know you did, a star-crossed OTP to the nth power (and a secondary OTP I hardcore love), a twisty yet coherent plot, some insane chemistry and so much whump and hurt/comfort they must have bought blood packets in bulk.
2 Go Ahead - yes, I can’t believe it either. A contemporary slice of life cdrama made it this high on my list. But the way it feels so real, the found family perfection, the characters I love and loathe, the perfect cherry of a wonderful OTP that hits my narrative kinks on top, and just a perfect storm of loveliness all around with this one.
1 The Wolf - is that any surprise to anyone who’s checked out this tumblr for the last couple of months? Tragic, intense and gorgeous; so romantic and angsty and passionate it made me lose my mind (though some of it was gone the moment the camera panned to Darren Wang) - all my favorite tropes and then some; this is a drama that may not be perfect but it is 100% and then beyond perfect for ME.
The Wolf - I have seen objectively better cdramas; even this year. But it has been literal years since I have been this hardcore obsessed, this utterly pleased, this emotionally catered to and devastated at once. A beautiful dark fairy tale that manages to own me despite the storytelling gaps due to censorship, it took me for one of the biggest emotional roller coaster rides of my drama watching career. Visually gorgeous, poetic, intense, and so romantic it took my breath away, this is not just my favorite cdrama of 2020, it’s my favorite drama this year period, and the one cdrama this year to make it into my permanent Top 10 cdramas list.
Legend of Jin Yan - see my write up for it for why as I refuse to waste more time on this stupid mess.
Wolfie, The Wolf - he is such a haunted, tormented, complex, dark mess; loving and violent, severely damaged and with a hidden yearning softness, longing and aloof. And the amount of charisma and sheer masculine sex appeal Darren Wang brings to the role is insane and not something I see much of in a cdrama. Plus, that character arc with its rapid fall and slow painful redemption is A++++
Runner Up:  Sifeng, Love and Redemption - has a male lead ever loved more utterly and selflessly, suffered more thoroughly and beautifully, and managed to have such chemistry with both his leading lady and his leading man (that his leading lady temporarily turned into) at once? The answer is no.
Almost made the cut - Feng Xi, Twisted Fate of Love, Han Shuo, The Romance of Tiger and Rose, Qing Ci, Love in Between.
Xiao Qian, The Romance of Tiger and Rose - so funny, so much the reason this drama was such a delight. I adore her beyond words.
Murder Daddy, The Wolf - I am sad the censors robbed us of seeing him die on screen. He was fully human but nonetheless managed to be the worst monster in a drama full of literal ones.
Ling Xiao’s Mom, Go Ahead - I hate her so much I don’t want to look up her name. She abused the kid, the disappeared and came back to abuse him some more. I mean she literally gave her child mental health issues. She is the WORST.
Xing’er x Wolfie, The Wolf - are you kidding me? Who else could it ever be for me? They destroyed each other and saved each other, sworn enemies and childhood lovers, soulmates and epic messes, they couldn’t live with or without each other. The longing, the passion, the intensity, the angst, the epicness. LIKE THERE ARE NO WORDS!!!!
Si Yuan, Shen Manqing, Love in Between - I loved them as much and often more than the main OTP. So much angst and passion and a happy ending! She is a seeming sect darling (except the sect is horrible and also sexist so her only worth is as a marriage candidate) and he’s an information broker who is actually one of the members of a destroyed sect that’s blamed for the massacre of her family. That chemistry and yearning is insane. The scene where she touches his face when he’s unconscious was in serious running for my favorite scene of 2020.
Legend of Awakening - I have never seen a couple that didn’t just have no chemistry but exhibited actual revulsion towards each other before watching Chen Feiyu and Cheng Xiao try to act as lovers in this one. It was almost entertaining to be honest.
It’s a tie and both are from The Wolf. One is a sequence where Wolfie marches to the walls alone, seeking death at Xing’er’s hands and the whole sequence with the battle and rescue follows. The other is the intercut between Xing’er going to her wedding and Wolfie going to his execution, and the auto-da-fe being intercut with her wedding.
Wolfie, The Wolf - Ummm have you seen this tumblr lately, it’s basically a drool shrine to the man.
Yelü Yansage, The Legend of Xiao Chuo - I have loved this actor since The Myth and he continued to competently steal every scene he was in.
To Love - come out of the coma, dammit!!!!!!!
The Wolf - duh. It started out as 59 eps and got cut to 49. I reaiize some stuff is never gonna get put in due to censorship, but some of the stuff that got cut got for time reasons because they were deluded and hoping to get a TV broadcast so ep count had to be under 50. I mean I doubt the censors would care if they kept scenes of Wolfie building her a swing or whatever. I really really want a director’s cut the way Goodbye My Princess did even if like with GMP it’s only three extra eps. Hell, I will take extra three minutes, as long as those three minutes are Darren Wang shirtless or with a sword. Ahem.
The Song of Glory - it’s a fairly solid drama but honestly it didn’t need to be as long as it was and kind of got draggy and I got lost interest. (I could have gotten snarky and said all the dramas I didn’t like needed scissors taken to them in their entirety but decided to play nice.)
There are a number of dramas I could complain about with regard to this (hi there, darling The Wolf!) but this award goes to Renascence - poor Renascence was never going to be a masterpiece, but it had the potential to be a bit of good cheesy fun until it had its run time cut by more than half and became an incoherent piece of insanity.
Dumb shrill innocent heroine who can’t tie her shoes - see basically all the cdramas I didn’t like this year.
Male lead torture - I mean it’s always open season on that in cdramas, but between Love and Redemption, The Wolf, Love Lasts Two Minds, Love in Between and so on, it was a banner year!
Legend of Fei - what a waste of that cast; what a waste of our finite time on this Earth. What a waste of my intelligence to hope for something better and stick with it for a dozen eps. I have had stale wonderbread that had more personality than this drama.There is absolutely nothing that stands out about this drama in any way,  from half-dimensional characters, to actors who are sleepwalking, to a plot that moves at the speed of an arthritic snail, to uninspired cinematography and direction, to lack of any chemistry between anyone in the cast. If paint-by-numbers was done by a group of particularly linear robots, it might come across the same way as this drama.
The Wolf - honestly, I did not expect it to come out AT ALL EVER let alone to become my favorite drama of 2020. I was not familiar with the leading man (hahah), I liked Li Qin but wasn’t yet obsessed with her, and Xiao Zhan was excellent in The Untamed but I was hardly going to follow him from drama to drama (and I don’t do SLS any way.) And the trailer was enjoyable but unlike seemingly everyone, I didn’t think it was going to be some epic masterpiece. And then it came out and while it wasn’t objectively an epic masterpiece, it pulled out all the favorite tropes, shippy and narrative kinks from the deepest darkest recesses of my id. And I fell harder than I have in years. 
None. Covid Year gave me PLENTY of time
Novoland Eagle Flag and Joy of Life - they are in my Top 10 dramas from anywhere now. They are quite different except being smart and giving me protagonists to obsess over.
ETA: Also The Untamed because @idlewilds3 pointed out I actually watched it in 2020 even though I didn’t think so because this hellyear has lasted about three decades.
I am gonna limit it to dozen and leaving out ones that aren’t necesarily supposed to air next year (Joy of Life 2, Love in Flames of War, Novoland Princess from Plateau.)
Monarch Industry, Novoland Pearl Eclipse, Silk Washing Stream, Dream of Changan, Sword Snow Stride, Wu Xing Shi Jia, Ancient Love Poetry, Immortality, The Long Ballad, Mirror Twin Cities, The Imperial Age, Fall In Love
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lol-q · 3 years
There’s so many things I love about the show that I haven’t seen people give enough credit for and I want to go on a little ramble because people are focusing so much on what they don’t like vs. what they do. So here’s my list. Sorry for the grammatical errors 😬
I love that the lesbian main character is this sweet, innocent, big hearted young woman and not portrayed as a overly sexual fuckboi that hits on every woman. I love that Fatou is soft and gentle. More lesbian rep like that please
I love the soundtrack. It’s exactly the type of stuff I imagine Fatou would listen to and it’s not just the top 100 hit songs.
I love that they use the soundtrack as a way to connect to the plot line, like the lyrics to the song Fatou was listening to when she was on the rooftop said “And I hate to leave you feeling all alone.But your story cannot start until you've grown. You can find how to be OK on your own. I just can't be the one that makes you feel at home” which was a hint as to where the plot was going
^^ also the song playing during Kieu My and Fatou’s museum date
I love the little mannerisms Nhungi chooses to show as Kieu My. The happy little bounce she did in ep 1 when she called out Fatou’s name and when she subtly checked Fatou out by looking her up and down.
I love how their rooms show their individual personality so well. Like Fatou’s room in the beginning of the season was normal and then it became increasingly messy as the episodes moved forward, showing her stress and chaos in her life
I love the height difference between Fatou and her brother lol
I love when her brother and her were thinking of what to get their parents so they split the bill on a gift - a very subtle way of showing siblings interacting
I love when Fatou and Ismail interact cuz it’s so funny
I love the physics teachers speaking voice, he sounds like kermit the frog
I love fatou’s eyebrows. Idk it’s just so perfect. Give me tips plz
I love that the characters rewear clothing. And it’s not a show where every episode is a new outfit with new clothes. Very realistic and it always bothered me when teens on highschool on tv have new clothes every episode
I love that Fatou’s original bio on tinder was “wanna cuddle?”. I feel like that girl would rather cuddle with someone than win the lottery. She’s so soft (also why did it say she was 24 in ep 2 when she was on tinder lol)
I love that the show showed the struggles of coming from a bilingual family and being the only one that struggles to speak it. When fatou was talking to her grandparents with her brother and her brother had to translate for her and it was awkward af, I felt that. I’m the youngest in my family and I struggle to speak Tagalog so people have to translate for me sometimes and it sucks.
^^ I relate to fatou so much in that scene cuz the dynamic in my family is the same as Fatou’s. My parents lay off and let me and my brother do our thing unless there’s an indication we need their help. The only time I ever spoke about school with my family was when report cards would come and they would see my grades weren’t that good. I remember my mom seeing I had a D in middle school and automatically jumping to conclusiosn without letting me speak. My brother is academically successful and he would also try and get me to do more school stuff when I was younger. Like he would make me do math problems to help with my grades. So it’s all very relatable for me
I love when Fatou sings, her voice is so soft and smooth.
I love whenever Kieu My and fatou are flirting both so blatantly and yet so subtly. Like the tension is there but it’s still awkward despite how smooth they both try to be it’s so adorable
I love how Fatou and Kieu My are so confident flirting and talking to eachother through texting but when it’s irl it’s still awkward and new. It shows the reality of an actual relationship in the making. It’s not just a full head dive into “I love you”.
I love when they were at the table tennis bar place and Fatou was hyping up Ava when there were dudes looking at them and Ava did a fancy ass turn and smile. She’s so pretty
I love that Fatou’s problems were shown in subtle ways in the beginning with money. Counting money at her job and when she wa trying to pay for the drink at the bar. It was a small interaction but in real life it would cause a lot of stress and anxiety if money counting problems kept happening over and over again
I love Yara and Josh’s friendship. More platonic friendship between a male and a female please. Also more Yara in general please.
I love that Zoe owned up to her actions last year to the entire group (minus Ismail Constantine and Kieu my) on New Years. I see her owning up to the role as Nora’s big sister.
I love when Josh was drinking a lot during New Years and Fatou was trying to get him to slow down. It shows how big her heart is for her friends. Also I think Josh and Fatou could be great friends
I love that Kieu My looks at Fatou like she hung the stars. When Fatou mentioned she knew Kieu My was a Scorpio, it’s the first time I’ve ever seen that girl smiled so big (before episode 5 of course)
I love that whenever they kiss Kieu my is smiling.
I love Sira’s side profile. There I said it. Girl has the jawline of a Greek goddess.
I love that they change Fatou’s hair. She looks good in every hair style but it’s always nice to see her in different styles.
I love that they showed the struggles of being a passive and gentle person. Because we’re not assertive in regular everyday life we are easily looked over. And it’s hard for us to muster the gusto to be assertive and take what we need because we prefer shying away from conflict and just letting things flow. I relate to fatou’s character so much in that sense. I lowkey think this is the universe’s way of telling me to stop being so passive about life and to take charge idk.
I love that the topic of white savior and performative activism was touched on. And I love that it was between two friends because it’s very realistic to how dynamics work between young people these days. The way they handle it differs in opinion but the fact that they even spoke about it was great.
I love that moment when Kieu My wrapped the vietnamese pancake in the lettuce snd handed it to Fatou. Its so sweet. If I was Fatou I would have forgiven her right then and there lol
Episode 6. Just all of it. Even the angsty part. I want more of that. Episode 6 yes. I’ll marry episode 6
Kieu My wearing Fatou’s cardigan. 💕💕💕💕💕💕✨✨✨✨✨😫😫💕✨✨🥺
^^ but also as a person that tried bangs before, you can’t tell me that girl woke up with her bangs perfectly in place lol. This girl probably bought a mini straightener or something too
Fatou telling Kieu My it doesn’t matter if she wears make up or not rather than going off on how she looks prettier without it. She’s just like “it doesn’t matter. You’re pretty no matter what, my little space nerd”
Pissed off fatou is a hot fatou. Js
I love Sira’s acting in general. But the way she shows Fatou’s sadness is great. It’s not just tears and that’s it. When she got fired it was a build up of tears but she wasn’t sobbing, same thing with the cashqueens argument. But she broke when her and Kieu My got in a fight.
Finn being socially awkward. It’s so funny cuz Zoe is this bubbly party girl and her boyfriend is so awkward. Nice balance.
^^also his hair makes me laugh idk why
Ismail opening up to Fatou shows how so many people feel at ease with her. Girl has a calming presence for everybody, she doesn’t even realize how much she’s helped others.
I love that Constantine wears the same jacket over and over again. Idk it seems to fit his character.
^^also kudos to the actor who plays him, he’s doing an amazing job
Love Fatou. Love her dimples and her soft voice. She gets all high pitched when she’s normally speaking but when she was fighting with Kieu My her voice became lower. Just love the way Sira’s voice sounds. Also Nhungi’s speaking voice.
Love the shaky camera movements. The fast pans and the slow motion dance scenes.
Love the aesthetic of Kieu My smoking but PLEASE DONT SMOKE, CHILDREN. ITS BAD FOR YOU.
Love the different aesthetics of the cashqueens
Love maike. Great actress. Give this turtle an Oscar.
Love Kieu My climbing the roof to help her Fatou. Softie to her girlfriend but an ice queen to the world lol.
Love the actors. Love the characters. It just makes me so happy.
This is so well written, i might actually cry no but really it was really nice to read your positive and cuteee facts after the tag check :/ and it really helped because i get mad and sad when i see bad takes. Everything you said was so true and i think im fangirling over this essay. And it made me emotional 👉👈.  Represantation does really matter.
This season is so important for so many people and i don’t think some people realize that when they’re ‘’criticizing’’ some things. Not only we have a lesbian main, we have a black lesbian main who is the softest person in the world and she has LD and/or ADHD. I sometimes can’t believe we got to the point of skamverse where we get rep instead of hurtful,problematic seasons and plots, some might interpret that as shade but it really isn’t, careless storylines really does hurt ppl and why would you want to hurt people when you can give 8 min of sapphic museum date instead 👭🌌 :)
i love this season, i love this gen and i love this essay
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xlovelyyoongix · 4 years
something new | myg
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Summary: yoongi wants to try a new position but the insecurities you have about your weight has you questioning if you should even try. (nsfw 18+)
Pairing: yoongi x curvy f. reader
Genre: fluff, smut, and a bit of angst 
Word Count: 2,974 (one-shot)
Warnings: weight insecurities, french kissing, fingering, face riding (female receiving.), yoongi being the sweetest, loving, supportive boyfriend ever, and cheesy jokes.  
Date Posted: 6/24/2020 est
A/N: special thanks to my friend @fuckyeahkpopandanime​ ! Her fic, Sit On My Face,  inspired me to write this! 
"I wanna try that." 
The moment Yoongi's words slice through the awkward air of the living room, your lashes fluster in shock, heat pooling the rounds of your cheeks and mouth hanging ajar as you arch an appalled brow. Your head turns, slowly gazing in your boyfriend's direction, hoping to discover any signs of humor behind his words. However, astonished by your findings, Yoongi wasn't the least bit joking.
His jet eyes fixated on the pornographic scene display across the flatscreen. His thick brow cocked temptingly, as his tongue drags lecherously across the smirk of his lip. You had witnessed that lustrous expression on Yoongi before. A face that only meant he was to fulfill the sexual desires spewing within his mind. 
 Still silent and slightly embarrassed by the adult content displayed before you, somehow, your eyes couldn't move away. You watch as the female lead, moans out her lover's name in a needy whimper, her fingers toying with her hardened nipples, creamy thighs saddling her lover's face as she rode out her pleasure on his tongue. "D-don't stop." She whines, promptly bouncing on the man's mouth as though her life depended on it.  
Your mind riddles, undecided. Wondering if it was best to simply pretend you didn't hear a word, Yoongi said or indulge into his tempting curiosity. Nevertheless, the longer the erotic scene played, the more your body sizzled like an animal in heat. Now curious in wonder what it would feel like to have your boyfriend's soft lips latch onto the hood of your clit, face to ride his plush mouth. 
Realizing you were allowing your hormones to get the better of you, you hastily clap your thighs closed, hoping it would ease the desperate tension dancing within your core. Anxious, you swallow down the dryness of your throat, nervous fingers fiddling with your sundress's fabric. Your ears burn at the lewd sounds of moist pussy and needy moans rippling throughout the room. You want to speak up and admit to your boyfriend that you'd like to try the obscene sex position as well; however, something was halting you in your tracks.    
The actress's perfectly crafted body held no match to your own. Her creamy mounds flawlessly perked, toned abdomen molded into an impeccable hourglass, and a set of slender ivory thighs. Looking as though she weighed next to nothing compared to your curvy physique.  
True, you were slightly considered to be overweight. With a pair of thick thighs attached to your abdomen and an ass you had to wiggle to squeeze into your favorite jeans, you were far from the ideal shape of the woman on screen. Even though you wanted to try, you would hate for your weight to put Yoongi in a predicament where your curvaceousness would suffocate him to death. You can imagine the headlines now, 'Cause of man's death due to his girlfriend's oversized thighs.' You grossly shiver at the tragic image playing throughout your mind. 
"Y/N..." Yoongi drags out the rhythm of your name curiously as his fingers trace up the skin of your thigh, leaving behind a trail of heat and goosebumps. "Did you hear what I said?" The tone of your boyfriend's husk voice, curious with a hint of fervor. 
Your teeth sink into the flesh of your lip because, in fact, you most certainly heard his coveted request. With his veiny palm tempting so dangerously up your inner thigh, it was getting harder to convince your body to pretend as if nothing were the matter. You cough awkwardly, clearing the drought from your throat. "I-I ah...I heard you." Your stiff body, not daring to look into the direction of your boyfriend.  
"So then..." Yoongi slips his body closer to yours on the couch. His lips finding a place on your jaw, placing small kisses along the line. "I want you...". His digits craftly slip under the fabric of your dress, mint breath casting over the sensitive spot of your ear as his husk voice whispers, "to sit on my face while I eat you for dinner, love."
Yoongi's carnal words cause your breath to catch in your throat, along with throbbing walls of erotic muscle to clenching around nothing. Holy hell, your boyfriend had a way with words that always seemed to rev you up like a Japanese sports car. With a lustrous shiver racing up your spine, you knew you couldn't hide your desires much longer.  
His finger reaches the area of his truest desire, index sliding up the moist cloth of your panties, applying minor pressure to the areas he knew you'd want most. "You can't play hard to get when your sweet pussy is already wet for me, y/n" Yoongi pulls your panties to the side, carefully slipping a finger between your wet folds. 
Your body betrays you, lashes fluttering, irises rolling, and head, knocking back as Yoongi slowly worked between your flesh, sending an electric wave of heat throughout your body. "I-...I'm just scared, is all." With your voice shaky and in a whimper, you're surprised you were even able to confess your emotion. 
Yoongi's greedy actions between your thighs come to an abrupt stop the second you voice a concern. He's quick to remove his finger from inside you, fearful of proceeding in an action you wanted no part in. "W-what are you scared of?" Yoongi rakes his fingers through his raven-hair anxiously, shaking his head in disbelief of himself. "Did I do something wrong to you? D..did I make you uncomfortable?... Fuck!" He slaps his palm across his forehead, disgusted with his perverted actions. "I shouldn't have touched you, I..." 
"No, no, no!" Hushing Yoongi's apology, you aid your distressed boyfriend by placing soft hands over his. "Yoongi, it's not that." You correct. "It's just..." Sighing heavily, your lashes flutter shut, preparing yourself for the wave of embarrassment that would soon be endured. "It's just... I'm too heavy!" You blurt out, hoping the faster you speak, the quicker the conversation would end. 
Yoongi bats his eyes in disbelief, arching a baffled brow as the corner of his mouth tilts oddly. "What...?" He questions, however, the man indeed comprehended what you had said. Merely a matter of him unbelieving, you would exclaim such a thing. "You don't want to sit on my face because you think you're too heavy?" His hooded, jet eyes piercing puzzledly into yours. 
Your lips clamp tightly into a line, head held low in shame of yourself. "I don't think." You mutter matter-factly. "I know that I'm too heavy." Gazing down, you stair at the blobs of flesh you call thighs, observing how they expand in size every time you partake in a seat. You hate to admit it, but you've seen the girls Yoongi dated in the past in which none of them shaped like you. Still baffled at how the handsome, Min Yoongi even found you attractive enough to date. 
Yoongi rolls his eyes, releasing a disappointed sigh. "First of all," He starts, grabbing your soft hands to hold. "You're not as heavy as you think." He says, placing a kiss on the back of your wrist. "Secondly, how dare you assume I'm not strong enough to support my woman." He jokes cutely with his signature pout. "I have you know, I can bench 250." He takes a moment to humorously boast. 
Even with your mind clustered with insecurities, you can't help but giggle at Yoongi's comedic, prideful words. "Yeah, but..." 
"No, buts!" He exclaims with a playful attitude, silencing your uncertainties. "I love you and every single thing about you." Yoongi leans in, puckering a kiss atop of your forehead. "I love your soft skin." A kiss was placed on your cheek. "I love your lips." Another on your lips only to maneuver his knees to the ground, body parked between your legs with adoring eyes. "Your stomach." Yoongi leans in slow, pressing his plush lips against the fabric of your torso. "Every single curve." He settles his hands on the waves of your hourglass, tracing down the trail of dips leading out to your hips. "Especially your thighs." His warm palms sway up the plush of your thighs, giving them a soft squeeze before settling a kiss across the skin. 
Your heart tugs as a warmth of tenderness blossoms throughout your body. The man kneeling before you was made up of the purest perfection. With lips that kissed away all of your insecurities, hands that showed you what it means to be loved, and large twinkling eyes of infatuation. You wonder what good deed you could have possibly done in your past life to deserve a man like Min Yoongi. "I love you too, Yoongi." A joyous tear swelling at the corner of your eye but never daring to fall. 
"I understand if this is something you don't want to try." His soft hands take hold of yours once again, gazing with affectionate understanding. "I just wanted to try a new way of pleasuring you, and it's perfectly fine that you don't want to t-"  
"Yoongi." You say his name, halting the rest of his apology. For a moment, his lost eyes stutter with confusion; however, you smile, tightening your hold on his hands in assurance. "I would love to try that position with you." You bashfully announce. 
Stunned, Yoongi's brows arch, ears burning, and eyes shining like a child on Christmas morning. "Really?" He questions, unbelievingly.  
You nod with a giggle, dimples piercing through your cheeks. "Yes." 
"Oh, fuck yeah!" Still settled between your legs, Yoongi stiffens up, latching his plush lips onto yours for a passionate kiss. 
Your lashes flutter as your boyfriend his magic across your lips, fingers threading through the backs of his undercut hair. "Yoongi," You whine, reminding yourself that you were fully aroused with no need for pre-game. "Just take off my dress." You word in a hush.   
Yoongi groans at your response, breaking for a breath. "Shit. Okay." Needy hands grasping the hem of your dress, yanking the fabric over your head just as he had done many times before. "Your ass looks fuckin' great in that sundress, by the way. Whoever said Covid ruined sundress season was a fuckin' lie." His breathy tone confessing out. 
Your mouth blurts out a laugh. Yoongi always seemed to be quite the comedic before intercourse. "Shuddup, and take off my bra." You humorously badger. 
Yoongi sinks his teeth into his lips with a smirk. "Don't have to tell me twice." Voice, playful with a hint of desire as he snakes his fingers to the strap of your bra, unsnapping the troublesome piece of fabric. 
Your breast bounce free, perked nipples hardened by the exposure of the cool air of the living room. Yoongi had witnessed your bare chest what felt like a million times by now, though somehow, he still managed to fixate upon them as if your breast were God's greatest gift known to man. Well, to Yoongi, they most certainly were. "S-so..." Even with your boyfriend’s hungry eyes feasting your naked view, you felt nervous at the idea of venturing into unchartered territory. "Ah. How do we do this?" 
Your shaken question snaps Yoongi from his daze. "Oh, um." Slightly flustered himself, Yoongi gestures your attention back to the television. "I guess like that." The actress is displayed across the screen. Her panting moans echoing through the speakers, pink lips dropped in the shape of an -o-, bouncing on her partner's face.  
A red burn of embarrassment bursts across your face, quickly grabbing the remote, turning off the movie. You inhale a heavy breath before slowly releasing it, reminding yourself that there was no need for worries or insecurities as long as you were with Yoongi. "Alright, let's do this." 
Eager to get things started, Yoongi drops himself in a lying position across the couch, a gummy grin plastered across his cheeks. "Come to daddy." He demands in a joking manner though somehow, you felt he was serious.   
"I'm coming, gosh." You stand from the couch, stepping out of your panties, feeling the coldness of being fully nude. "Let me know if I hurt you, or if you can't breathe." 
Yoongi's eyes roll because, how many times were you going to be concerned about him when today was supposed to be about you. "I'll be fine." Dragging out the sentence in an exhausted huff. "Now, come sit on my face so I can give you this tongue technology." 
You chuckle at your boyfriend's play on words. No one ever believes that the stoic, passive, Min Yoongi is this talkative behind closed doors. "Alright, I'm coming. Gosh." You say, waddle your knees across the couch, hovering your pussy above Yoongi's face. You watch as your boyfriend eyes down your glistening core with a wicked smirk. "S-so do I just sit down, or..." 
“Just come here already.” Inpatient, Yoongi takes a handful of your thighs, snatching your frame down on his eager face. 
The nervous system in your body awakes from a pulse of electric pleasure. Yoongi's talented tongue, working slowly between the folds of your sensitive flesh, getting you used to the newly found position. "S-shit." Your hands grip onto the couch, nails digging into the fabric for support. "F-feels good~." 
You could feel the vibration of Yoongi groaning into your wet pussy. His wet tongue slapping across unchartered territory he wasn't able to venture before, taking advantage of the opportunity to please his girlfriend. 
“Fuck, Yoongi~...” A wave of heat zipped throughout your body, causing your head to knock back in pleasure. “How the fuck are you so good at this?” His crafty skills being unmatched to any other man in your past.“Shit~” 
Yoongi latches his lips to the hood of your clitoris, harshly sucking the sensitive flesh, sending your spirit into a blissful overdrive. “Mhmmm, so good~” Without your knowledge, your hips start to rock, hands slip up your torso to the rounds of your hardened nipples, teasing, and playing with the flesh to increase stimulation. 
If you didn’t know any better, Yoongi was smirking between your pussy lips. Always so cocky when it came to fucking or pleasing you. “Y-you’re enjoying this, too, huh?” You glance down at his jet eyes laced with lust. 
You could feel Yoongi nod joyously, in reply. 
Using what breath you had left, you manage a chuckle. “W-well then, keep it up, I’m about to.....” Catching you mid-sentence, your abdomen's muscles begin to tighten, throbbing walls clenching around nothing as your thighs start to tremble. "Cum." You finish your sentence with a throaty breath, bouncing on Yoongi's tongue, hoping to soon reach your euphoric goal. 
Taking notice of your approaching orgasm, Yoongi's strong palms capture you in place, tongue slurping at devilish speeds to proceed with your delightful pleasure. 
"A-almost!" You can feel the familiar tingle slip up your spine as your back arches, lips prying open as you whimper Yoongi's name, sweat trickling across the skin of your hairline and thick arouses glisten down your thighs. "Yoongi, Fuck!" With one final cry escaping your voice, your climax released into your lover's mouth. Bursts of color fog your sight as your vibrating body snatches you for a trip to utopia. "mmm." You hum in an exhausting delight, tired body collapsing on the couch. "That was fun." 
"I agree." Yoongi nods, pulling himself up while wiping your dripping arousal from his lips and chin. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."  
Gazing up at the ceiling, you take a moment to maintain your breathing. "I'm glad we tried it." Your cum streaming down your thighs, but your weary body, too fatigued to move. 
Before you could notice your boyfriend had left, Yoongi walks back into the room, damp washcloth in hand. He takes a seat between your parted legs, onyx eyes tender as he diligently tended to the mess between your thighs. 
You raise on your elbows, examining the attentive man before you, chest exploding with warmth. "Thank you, Yoongi." Your gratitude, as soft as a cloud. 
Your words rip Yoongi from his concentration, jet eyes blinking curiously. “You don’t have to thank me, y/n, I always take care of you after sex.” His lips curve in his signature pout. 
You shake your head. “No, not that.” You pull yourself up, crossing your legs as you prompted directly in front of Yoongi. “Thank you for loving me. All of me.” 
The corners of Yoongi’s eyes crinkle as his lips pull into a gummy smile. He shakes his head because there wasn’t even a need for you to thank him. “No, thank you for loving me.” His arms pull your naked frame into his embrace. Your head resting on his shoulder as he places a kiss on the top of your head. “Now, as much as I love having you naked. Let’s get you showered and dressed.”
As you attempt to move from Yoongi’s lap, your sensitive core brushes against the hard erection, protruding from your boyfriend's sweatpants. So wrapped up in your own desires, you forgot to tend to your boyfriend's needs. "Or..." You temptingly drag your finger across the outline of his length. "I can take care of you instead." Tongue dancing seductively across your lip, digit circling around the tip of his fathead.    
Yoongi swallows hard. "Fuck~" His head knocking back, a shiver of temptation slithering up his spin from your touch. Yoongi was perfectly fine with keeping things about you tonight: however, if you were offering, he was never one to deny you. "I think I like that idea." He murmurs, eyes in a hypnotizing daze. 
A twinkle of dominance sparkles within your eyes as your fingers untie the strings of his gray sweatpants. “Good, because I’d love to eat you for dinner too.”
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Main Story Chapter 2-15: 时间针脚 The Patchwork of Time Translation
“Come on then, Miss Direction Blind. I'll be the one to give you the directions now.”
*Light and Night Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Main story tag will be #For Light and Night
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After a week of working at Warson, I’d technically adapted to how things went about here. Zheng Lin had also arranged my first solo gig.
Zheng Lin: The design hub has a mentor system set in place.
Zheng Lin: So, all Assistants and Junior Designers will have a mentor assigned to them.
Zheng Lin: Of course, it is not up to you to choose, but your future mentor.
Zheng Lin: Every Senior Designer, including Director Qi, will participate in this program as a mentor.
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MC: Director Qi too?
Zheng Lin: Correct. The selection criteria will be the results of your first independent work.
Zheng Lin: It might be solo work, but you can always approach me if you run into something you don't understand.
Zheng Lin: And also, I'll get Brother Mao to help you out, considering how you've only just arrived here and have yet to familiarize yourself with this place.
Zheng Lin: Of course, his aid doesn't include helping you out with your design.
Zheng Lin: In any case, just make sure to do this job well because the results of this will determine who your future mentor will be. Understand?
I understood what she was getting at. Mentors would greatly influence and affect the growth of a rookie. One will be able to learn much more when paired with an experienced mentor who shares the same aesthetic sense.
Although the deadline is still a long time from now, I want to become the best mentee choice to ever face Sariel.
The job this time was to create a dress for Lin Yao, the new up and coming actress, for her award ceremony.
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She was a child actress who'd recently risen to fame when the popularity of the young idol teen drama she starred in half a year ago exploded. Due to her cold countenance, she was dubbed by the media as the "Nation's Fairy Nymph" 
This time, the local crime movie she'd starred as the lead for had received a double harvest at the word-of-mouth box office. It has also been nominated as one of the most popular movies and the movie with the best female lead among many others.
This movie was about a talented dancing genius who secretly plotted the murder of her abusive stepmother for many, many years. This caused the creation of a second personality within her; the murder happened then. At the end of the film, she danced in the pure white snow beside the dead body of her stepmother. Something that she'd only ever dreamt about. And there, etched upon her face, was the first smile of her life.
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MC: Her performance is way too good! I can't even tell that it's an act...
After watching some of her award-winning works interviews, I finally managed to get some semblance of understanding about Lin Yao.
She was someone of few words, a polite and obedient kid who never once had a single bad article to her name. She was forever smiling in front of the cameras. She was hardworking and responsible when it came to her work, and has had a smooth journey ever since her debut. It was the very epitome of what a perfect life was; one that everybody admired.
MC: A traditional fairy dress would be too conservative. Although that'd be very in line with her image, it'll merely be the same thing all over again. That wouldn't make her stand out on the red carpet.
MC: I can't help but feel like she's not all as inwardly peaceful as she appears on the outside. Perhaps she's fiercer or more sensitive deep down...
I didn't know how I could express this mismatch in her persona.
Perhaps it was those eyes of hatred of hers that shot daggers in the movie, or maybe that one sliver of vulnerability that she let slip in her interviews every once in a while. Those factors made it hard for me to decide just what kind of style I should go with her dress.
MC: And I also feel like digging deeper to uncover the other more charming side of her that no one knows...
The genius young maiden of the nation. A turbulent era of change. Self-redemption and self-destruction. All of these factors were only impactful when combined together with the era it was set in. It was only then, that everything felt fated to be.
MC: What if I added these elements to the dress?
I closed my eyes and imagined it in my head. A black feather dress inspired by the nation slowly formed in my mind's eye.
MC: I know!
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Brother Mao: Heavens! You gave me a scare right there!
That was when I realized that I'd quite literally leapt out of my seat in my excitement. I gave an embarrassed laugh.
MC: Brother Mao, I'm going to go out and do some fieldwork to get some inspiration!
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If I were to find things related to the nation, then the museum would be the most appropriate choice.
Back when I was little, I'd always be left in the care of my mother's ex-partner when neither she nor my grandmother had the time to take care of me. He was responsible for managing this museum that could be called my second home of sorts.
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MC: But, why does it look different from how I remember…?
The place had been renovated during the long period of time I hadn't been to it. All the exhibition halls had changed locations.
I followed the signs towards the hall where all the local things were displayed, only for my attention to be caught by a familiar figure.
Dressed entirely in black, said person had his arm behind his back as he stood motionless in front of the collections before him.
His straight posture made him look like a tall, yet silent, statue from afar. Under the lights of the spotlight, a faint silvery-white halo surrounded him. I could even see the small particles of dust floating in the air amidst the light. It made him look stand-offish and sharp.
I couldn't stop myself from raising my camera and snapping a shot. 
The man noticed; immediately whipping his head around.
MC: ...Osborn!?
Surprised, I retreated a step; only to realize that my hands were now empty. Osborn had snatched my camera from me.
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Osborn: Watcha hiding?
He cocked his head to look at the camera, the corners of his mouth upturning into an arc.
Osborn: You're sneakily taking shots of me? Let's see how they turned out.
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MC: Return it back to me first!
Osborn purposely lifted the camera higher out of my reach.
Osborn: Why are you so frantic? It's not like I mind or anything.
MC: I still have things to do! Hurry and give it back already!
Osborn: What did you come here for?
MC: Photos. I came here looking for inspiration.
Osborn nodded, turning and walking away with my camera in hand.
Osborn: Weren't you here for pictures? Come on, let's go.
Does he want to accompany me?
I hurriedly chased after him and held out the guidebook for him to take. However, he'd only waved his hand in dismissal and signalled for me to follow behind him.
He led me around the museum as if he knew the place like the back of his hand. All I had to do was to name the exhibit and he'd be able to find it immediately.
His sense of direction is incredible. What is he? A human-sized GPS?
MC: Do you come here often, Osborn?
Osborn: It's my first time here.
MC: …..
Osborn let out two short laughs as he crooked his head and contemplated me.
Osborn: And how many times have you been here?
MC: I've come here a couple of times in the past, I guess. I'm not very familiar with this place. Ahem...
??: (Y/n)! Is it really you? You've come back to the country?
The curator uncle that I'd not seen in a long time suddenly comes round from a corner. He looked astonished to see me here.
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Mr. Curator: You've grown into a splendid young woman in the years I've not seen you. It's great to see you back! Come by my place for dinner when you're free!
Mr. Curator: Oh, yes. Should I get you a guide? I remember that you got lost here once.
MC: No need! My friend here has a superb sense of direction!
My face heated up as I hurriedly pointed to Osborn. He didn't say anything more, only laughing as he nodded to Osborn before leaving.
Brilliant. I originally intended to keep the fact that I was directionally challenged under wraps when around Osborn, but now… He's gonna make fun of me again.
MC: Right, but I'm still pretty good at reading maps…
In the end, Osborn couldn't hold back his laughter and ended up laughing till his shoulders were shaking. He took hold of my arm in one swift motion and started walking forward.
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Osborn: Come on then, Miss Direction Blind.
Osborn: I'll be the one to give you the directions now.
Somehow, I vaguely felt my heart skip a beat at that.
MC: I want to go to the national exhibit…
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The national exhibit had now been renovated and refurbished retro-style. All the new collections exhibited here now turned out to be clothing and accessories. 
Looks like I made the right choice in coming here.
Osborn: Want do you wanna snap?
MC: That one. The brown layered cheongsam patterned through burn-out printing.
MC: The blueish-grey female damask lined jacket!
MC: And that short-sleeved georgette velvet cheongsam that's also patterned through burn-out printing!
I'd virtually snapped a picture of every outfit on display here. The tentative image I originally had in mind seemed to become clearer now.
MC: Okay, that's all.
Osborn kept the camera and glanced at the time.
Osborn: Let's go then.
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Dusk had already fallen by the time we walked out of the museum. The smell of sundown envelopes us in its serenity, as the breeze carries the fragrance of hyacinths.
Osborn walks up to a black motorcycle and leans on its back seat.
MC: Thank you for today. I didn’t cause you any trouble by hogging you and making you take pictures for me, did I?
Osborn: Sure you did.
MC: …Ah. What are you going to do about it?
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Osborn: Then, how about you do a little something to repay me? The bracelet I was looking at earlier; have you seen anything like it before?
The image of Osborn staring seriously at the white-coloured jade cong earlier flashed through my mind.
MC: That’s not a bracelet. It’s a jade cong. They’re used as ritual artefacts in ancient witchcraft or religious sacrifices.
MC: The one you saw earlier was a typical one belonging to the Liangzhu Culture. It’s speculated that it’s used to communicate with gods or the souls trapped in this realm.
Osborn: You know quite a lot.
MC: I used to come here a lot as a kid, and I’d just tail the big sister, the guide, back then when I had nothing better to do. That’s why I remember so many things.
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Osborn: Hu? You don't look like an expert at all.
MC: I’m still learning, but they do say that the better your memory, the smoother the sail of your learning curve.
Osborn: Let’s see… Wasn’t there an expert earlier who couldn’t even tell left from right?
MC: I was born with a poor sense of direction! I told you that my map reading skills were still passable!
Osborn: Okay, okay. What’s with the glare? I’m only poking fun at you.
Osborn: My sense of direction is brilliant, so just follow me next time.
MC: ……
MC: Right, but that jade cong earlier was a little odd.
Osborn: Man, the way you change topics needs a little working on.
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MC: Do you want to listen, or not?
Osborn: Spill.
MC: I’ve never seen a jade cong from the Liangzhu Culture with the double-headed snake motif carved onto it before.
MC: There exists a sacred double-headed snake motif in Sumerian Culture. It represents Ningishzida, the Lord of the Good Woods.
MC: And in the mythology Ningishzida hails from, the gods used clay to create humans and make the beginnings of the first civilization.
MC: Just like the Fuxi Nuwa from our ancient mythology.
MC: Funny thing is that, coincidentally, the Sumernarian two-headed snake is also very similar to the Fuxi Nuwa.
Osborn unknowingly furrows his brow whilst muttering about something under his breath. However, he quickly returns to his usual playful self.
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Osborn: Okay. I've got it.
MC: Why are you interested in something like this?
MC: I remember that the bracelet you showed me up on the roof that day had the same motif.
Osborn: Ever heard of this saying?
Osborn made a come hither motion, signalling for me to get closer to him.
Osborn: The more secrets you know, the more you'll be...
He did a cutthroat gesture whilst smirking at me.
MC: Do I look like I care?
Osborn: It has something to do with someone I'm looking for. I'll tell you next time if I get the chance.
MC: Hmm…
Osborn: But, no telling anyone about what happened today.
MC: Okay. Now gimme the camera.
Osborn: I helped you and yet not even a single "thank you" from you?
Osborn leaned further backwards, purposefully dodging my hand that went straight for the camera, a devilish look on his face.
MC: Thank you!
Osborn: Now stick your hand out.
A small lemon candy was placed into my outstretched palm alongside the camera.
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Osborn: Where are you headed? I'll send you.
He flipped himself onto his bike, surveying the congested road up ahead.
MC: I can't possibly bother you like that...
I waved my hand and turned his offer down out of habit, yet inwardly, I was silently pondering about just how I was to get onto that tall bike of his.
However, just as I was about to step onto it and swing myself onto the seat, the engine gave a resounding roar as said motorbike speeded away from me.
Only a single line hung in the air in his wake: "Bye!"
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MC: Hey! I was just being nice! It wouldn't hurt to have asked me again...
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Night⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Chapter 2-13) | Next Part: (Chapter 2-18)
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flowervolcano · 3 years
It’s finally time I sat down and just wrote this whole thing so I can get it off my chest and maybe help flesh things out for the majority of the fanbase.
Black Widow Spoilers are upcoming, scroll past if ya don’t wanna be spoiled.
Let’s start with “Hello, I am a Tony Masters fan, I adore him and his personality and generally everything about him, of course I am going to be upset that his character suffered such poor writing and adaptation, because it was insulting and gut punching to see a character you love be poorly executed.“
continue reading please because I’m trying to be reasonable here and share what a majority felt when viewing Black Widow (it may differ from yours but I hope it enlightens a few who may be confused or whatnot about this topic, generally it’s how I feel the fanbase as a whole had been handling it poorly)
quick side note, no one wants to feel their opinion doesn‘t matter, so be mindful the next time you fight someone just because you disagree, I love debating and talking so you can come at me if you disagree, I like educating myself on these things too in case someone can bring up actual arguments that prove their side and reasoning, on the other hand if I hear one more “it’s because she’s a girl huh?” I might very well scream.
Is it bad because he turned out to be a woman? Why is this the first thing that gets debated??
Let me explain just how annoying it is that this is the debate whenever it cuts down to it.
The answer is yes and no, I will explain why, because I don’t believe the gender should always matter to a character.
Although everything great about Tony was stripped from him, all of it, only the title “Taskmaster“ and I guess the color scheme if you will, stayed the same, it would’ve been the same trash written character even if he wasn’t a girl, because they had no personality no resemblance of the beloved character in the first place, which is why it is a bad idea to have changed him into a woman, why you may ask?
it’s the image, it creates an idea that women cannot be as great as men, that a female version of Taskmaster would just suck, be terrible and useless, it paints Antonia to be bland plot device character to show Black Widow‘s pain and suffering. The character herself has no substantial personality or drive, nothing, she’s just a victim. And yeah it is a tragic story I won’t say it isn‘t but it didn‘t work for me, and for a lot of fans as I’ve witnessed.
It would’ve been more effective to had foreshadowed the possibility of her being alive only to find that she had died and Natasha would then have to live with the fact that she murdered her for ”nothing” but no instead we decided that she would survive, only she was brainwashed, so there’s no real vendetta or motive as to why she tried to kill Natasha, it would’ve been more impactful if Antonia was angry with her attempt to kill her, wanting to show she could best her in every well possible. Like trying to tarnish her Avenger status.
There were variables on how to make Taskmaster a better written character, there is potential but I personally would like the Mandarin effect (which I love the comic Mandarin I was so mad in IM3 so I can’t believe they did it x2)
On top of it the fact that the plot twist you could see coming a mile away also felt like the biggest after thought in the whole movie, it felt like they had a different direction they were originally going to go, but they took the easy bait of “we need a big twist” which Marvel has suffered for years on, always with some twist and it’s getting sickening to see it happen every movie.
Besides the point, it doesn’t go over well a lot of the fanbase is conflicted, angry and there are actual debates, which it happens we have differing opinions, its hard to find a thing we all agree on… and yet the only defense I’m seeing is “it’s because she’s a girl now?“ “you just hate women.” I’m tired of being told it’s sexism when it’s not, this version of Taskmaster was already doomed, they didn’t wanna go a comic accurate to begin with, you can tell by how ugly the suit was. (no cape?? not even the mask was cool)
I had already suspected from the beginning of the first trailer that was NOT Tony Masters, something about it just felt like Blindstrike from Stretch Armstrong to me (they kept making it seem like a dude only to reveal it was a woman, although they executed that perfectly please give it a watch)
I had already called it, we barely even met Taskmaster yet I knew it from the trailer, I didn’t enjoy the movie it played out exactly how I expected (which my expectations were low)
I found it insulting for a few reasons, it made it seem like Black Widow is either too good or not good enough to fight a man, it felt like they wanted to push how powerful women are, which I’m all for, women are very powerful I would know because I am one.
But it rubbed me the wrong way that she can’t have an enemy go toe to toe with her unless it’s a woman?? It didn’t sit right with me, is this meaning she can’t have a rival that’s a man because men or stronger or weaker… that’s where my head went, the gender shouldn’t matter to her ever, we know Natasha can take out anyone, so why the sudden change of a character whose always been a male?
I understand the MCU wants to be diverse, but there are more female characters than a lot of the fanbase realize, the MCU has barely scratched the surface, instead of changing other characters drastically in the name of “diversity” they should just pull actual diverse characters, or create some, this version of Taskmaster doesn’t feel anything like Tony Masters, they lacked all flair, the fact that it’s just Winter Soldier and Ghost from AMATW 2.0 is just lacking.
it’s something we have seen before, and this wasn’t needed to “full circle” Natasha‘s story.
It’s not because Taskmaster is a girl that is the problem it’s the general writing that felt like they didn’t really care about the character and changing it to be a girl was like leading a lamb to the slaughter, so many fans were going to be enraged because they ruined everything about the character, so you should be mad they put the actress in this position, they chose to do that to the character and it feels like it was done on purpose, just for the reaction.
The character was already bad making it a girl just made it worse because it just felt bad. It gave me the impression that a female version of Anthony Masters is just boring, that is not what we should think but so many are, and yes a lot of people are mad just because it’s a woman because they might get the idea that the character would’ve been better if he was written to be a male, but what we all really want is just a good adaption of the character, that’s all, he very well could’ve been a woman and everyone might’ve been alright (some might be iffy or mad you cannot avoid this) but I know with good writing I would’ve been fine if it was Toni Masters, not this Antonia Dreykov.
And that is what I really could not tolerate and handle with what they did to Taskmaster.
It didn’t feel like they had plans to flesh the character out they were just marking boxes on “what comic character can we use for Black Widow” checklist.
I freaking love Tony Masters and he (and she) deserved better writing all around than what the MCU gave them (and us)
There was more I was going to add on but in my frustration I began to forget where I was going with this and didn’t get to properly express my feelings.
Now next time you see someone complaining over Taskmaster don’t just assume they are sexist, there’s so much more depth to the character which is why we’re so angry over this iteration, and the fact that people defend the character just because it’s a girl doesn’t go well for me, that’s a poor excuse for people who had more pressing reasons why the character was a failure, not because they’re a woman but because it feels like we can’t dislike them because they’re a woman.
Imagine if your favorite suffered the poor writing just for a different characters development, it is a terrible feeling and having people tell you not to be upset or say you’re sexist for being upset is so invalidating.
Not to mention that the MCU continues to erase many traits and personalities of characters and on top of that, their sexualities (where is that diversity??) is already frustrating but it’s starting to feel like the writers don’t even value the characters they have.
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stories2you · 3 years
Mother’s Day
**Reposted from: @mayuarts​
So, @myubunziii​  and I decided to write this long fic for mother’s day. Which obviously came out waaaaaaay later than expected. 
Do note, in this AU, Kiro and Youran (MC) are siblings.
Note: mentions of attempts on suicide, illegitimate child, depression, PTSD. 
(A/N) - Actor’s Name (V/A) - Veteran Actress  *I can’t think of any names :’)  ** This has not been proofread, so I apologize for any grammatical and spelling errors. ***Song used: SNSD - Dear Mom.
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Kiro was getting his hair styled in the waiting room. Not long after, a knock was heard on his door. His agent opened the door, revealing Gavin and the two teens. The girls smiled happily and rushed to him.
“Good morning, Uncle Chips~!” The sisters greeted. Kiro grinned and greeted them back as he ruffled their hair,
“Good morning, mini Chips!” The girls giggled at that old nickname that their uncle had given them during their childhood. Kiro didn’t waste any more time and shooed his nieces to the stylists waiting for them.
As the girls left, the blond turned to his brother-in-law, “Youran doesn’t know that you’re here, right?” Gavin nodded. He then shrugged, “She rushed out this morning before I finished breakfast.”
Kiro chuckled at those words. It’s to be expected of his twin sister. She was always on the run and rushing everywhere to attend to her duties. Much more after the sisters had enrolled into high school.
~ time skip ~
They only had light make up applied and their hair styled. Their hair was styled similarly, just that Alina only let her hair down whereas her sister had her hair tied up into a braid. Their outfits complemented the occasion and their hidden elegance.
When they went out of the dressing room, they caught the attention of their father and maternal uncle. Kiro’s jaw dropped as he saw how beautiful his nieces are. He smiled warmly as he noticed their natural beauty that they had inherited from their mother.
Gavin, on the other hand, became speechless. Not only their outfit shows their hidden elegance but their maturity as well. He realized how much his dear daughters had grown. 
The sisters blushed at the attention they got from them. Before they could speak, the door suddenly opened, revealing a panting Shaw. After he closed the door, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened, 
“Wow… You’re so beautiful. Just like your mother.” He said with his usual cheeky smile on his face.
 He placed the bag of presents under the dressing table and sat on the couch beside his brother. Gavin could only stare at him, “What happened?” 
Shaw’s smile suddenly became crooked, “She almost spotted me.”
“You idiot…” Gavin sighed. He then stood up and went to where his daughters were standing. He reached out and brushed their bangs gently, “You heard your uncle, you both are so beautiful.”
Alina and Aiyana giggled. Then Gavin pulled out two designed boxes. He opened both of them, revealing a shining golden gingko hairpin. Similar to the ones he presented to them when they were younger. The man pinned the hairpins onto the girls’ hair.
“Dad, did you input another tracker?” Aiyana asked with a cheeky smile on her face.
Gavin smirked and shrugged, “Well, keep it on if you wanna know.”
Just then, Kiki peeked into the waiting room, “Kiro, get ready, we’re starting in five.” Before she left, she waved to the sisters.
Kiro gave a thumbs up to the girls and quickly left to the set, leaving the girls and the Bai brothers. Not long after, Savin turns on the television connecting to the screen. Showing the starting of the talk show. The set was dimly lit, with only a shadowed figure standing at the center.
Suddenly a light shined onto Kiro’s figure. He showed his signature grin and started to perform one of his biggest hits. About five minutes later, he introduced himself,
“Hello everyone! It’s Kiro! It’s been quite a while, isn’t it? As for today, I’m the guest emcee for today’s talk show! Without further ado, let us invite our mother-child guests!”
All three pairs of mother-child celebrities came into the set, waving to the audience with bright smiles on their faces. They all took their places while Kiro stood at the side. Kiro then ushers them to introduce themselves. The first pair introduced themselves,
“Hello everyone, I am (A/N), the only child of veteran actress, (V/A). Thank you for inviting us and let us have a great time together!” The young man smiled and gave a short fanservice which made the fangirls swoon.
His mother smiled and nudged him playfully. Then the second pair introduced themselves as a pair of voice acting duo. The second mother-son said short lines from their recent anime which their roles are mother and son as well.
Lastly, the third pair of mother and daughter introduced themselves. The female rookie idol and the veteran sang a short duet.
After the introduction of the guests, Kiro started the segment of the day, Mother’s Day,
“As you have known, today’s talk is about appreciating our mothers. Are there any stories for the young celebrities to share about your mothers?” Kiro asked to the guests.
The first guest, (A/N), smiled and decided to share bits of his childhood, “My mother never forces anything on me. When I told her that I wanted to become an actor, she straight up sent me to an acting school. One of the downfalls I had was the pressure of memorizing the lines and acting it out. But my mother, she would continue to encourage me and help me fill the spots I missed while acting. That’s why… No matter how hard the roles I was given, I’m willing to act it out the best I can with my mother’s guidance.” The man then turned to look at his mother, he took a box underneath the table, presenting it to her, 
“Mom, I can never thank you enough for brining me into this world. Your love, care and guidance is what brings me here. I love you mom.” The (V/A) smiled and hugged her son tightly in her arms.
Sobs can be heard from the audience. Kiro smiled at the sight and decided to move on to the next guest, “How ‘bout you? Is there anything you would like to share to your fans?”
The male idol smiled sadly, “This may be triggering but I would like to share this anyway. To show how much one’s life really means to your mother. The strong woman who bore her children for 9 months.”
He paused for a moment and took a breath, “I was a suicidal individual. I was always harassed and bullied for being a bastard child. To clarify this, I am not a bastard child. I lost my father at a very young age. People not only call me a child out of wedlock, they also spread false rumors about my mother. When I was scouted, almost all trainees recognized me for being the son of a veteran voice actress. They started bullying me both physically and verbally. 
At one point, I couldn’t handle the pain and resorted to cutting and consume sleeping pills.” He sighed and cooled himself again, “One day, my mother saw all the pills and scars on my arms. She stopped me and showered all her love to me. She even begged me not to take away my own life. After that day, she brought me to a professional psychiatrist and always reminded me that I am loved. That I don’t need to satisfy others but myself.” 
The voice actor looked to the audience with bravery, “In life, there’s ups and downs. There’s no need to satisfy others. One does not need support from others. The main supporter of your life is your beloved ones, including your mother.” He looked towards his mother and took out a bouquet of flowers from the side of his seat, “Mom, I’m sorry. I worried you from my rash decisions. I promise that I’ll be a better son and thank you. Thank you for your endless love.”
The voice actress shed tears and took the bouquet from his hands, “Dear son, love yourself like how you love your fans and I.” 
More sobs and tears were shed. Youran, who had been standing beside Anna, shed tears at the story. She recently had nightmares of her youngest child taking her own life. She had always wanted to comfort her, but Aiyana would only smile and say she was okay. More worries filled in her heart and tears were suddenly released from her eyes. She watched the last guests telling her story of being a sick child,
“I spent most of my childhood in the hospital. I had complications on my heart, making me go through so many procedures. My mother was the sole breadwinner of my family. My father was falsely accused but was sent to the prison. Luckily, he was released from his charges a few days after I was discharged from the hospital. But I can never show my appreciation enough to my mother. She worked extra hard on producing her own songs and performing them on every music shows. She even took the task of producing songs for idol groups.”
 The young rookie took out a box of chocolates and handed it to her mother, “Mom, thank you for your hard work. Thank you for making your fans and I happy. You produce beautiful music and you gave me a chance to live from your music. I would’ve not survived without your love.” 
Her mother took the box of chocolates, and the rookie continued, “That box of chocolates are the ones you’ve always wanted to try. I hope you love it~” 
The soloist opened the box and ate a piece. She felt touched, knowing that the chocolates were not bought but were handmade by her own daughter. She then pulled her young daughter into a tight hug. She then said into her daughter’s ear, “I would trade anything for your life. As long as you are here, I’m happy.”
Kiro had a warm smile on his face as he listened to the stories. But a small part of him felt sad as he recalled the day his dear sister cried for her little one,
“Kiro… What should I do? No matter how much I try to comfort Aiyana, she would only smile and said that she’s okay. But I know she isn’t… Am I a bad mother? Am I always neglecting my children?”
The blond was heartbroken when he heard those words. He even talked to Gavin about this. The cop himself had the same questions in his mind,
“Am I not a good father? Have I gone away for too long?”
He mentally hyped up himself and gave a bright smile, “Now that everyone has shared their stories, let us continue appreciating our mothers and loving ourselves more. Now moving on to the last and surprise segment of the day, let us invite our special guest up on stage! Give a round of applause to our main producer, Youran!!”
The producer’s eyes widened and she tilted her head to the side in confusion. She looked to Anna beside her. The older lady only gave her a smile, “Go on. We’ll handle things here.”
She then takes Youran’s files from her hands. Before Youran could move forward, a familiar large hand was placed on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Gavin smiling down at her, “Come on, Kiro’s waiting.”
He guided her up to the set. The audience and the guests awed at the sight of the couple. Kiro walked to the center and held his hand out to his sister. She took his hand and her husband walked out of the set.
“Kiro… What is this? This isn’t in the production plan!” She whispered to her brother.
Kiro only gave her his trademark smile, “You’ll see~”
He then faced the audience, “Now, now. That’s not the only surprise.” Suddenly the lights dimmed and a familiar song started playing. Kiro bend down slightly to his sister’s height, “Don’t turn around until the song ends.”
He slowly left his sister’s side. When he stood at his usual spot, he spotted Gavin bringing his daughters on the stage and the audience cheered for the girls’ appearance. Youran looked even more confused. But then her confusion faded away when she heard her daughters’ voices;
(Ai) For some reason, today feels difficult and exhausting (Al) For some reason it feels empty today The suddenly ringing phone surprises me I hear your voice, asking me if I ate today (Ai) Those words that annoyed me, feel different today And I remember all the forgotten promises I’ve made
I will become a warm hearted person I will become a person that puts others first I will fulfill the wishes of your love The person I share my dreams with The one who used to comb my hair I think of my mom
Youran could feel her tears weld up again in her eyes. She smiled at the lyrics as all the memories of her daughters replayed in her mind. They’d call for her every five minutes, wanting to come with her to her office, asking her to do their hair and more. She felt her heart tighten when she listened to the next verse.
(Al) Sometimes I hurt you because of my wrong decisions But you quietly watched over me from afar (Ai) Although I’m still a young and clumsy child, I think That now I understand the meaning of your silent prayers (Al) What should I do? My heart is still so small (Ai) If I let go of your hand, I’m not sure if I can make it I don’t think I’m ready yet, I’m scared
The mother could hear her daughters’ voice starting to quiver. She could feel their fear and guilt. How much they still needed her by their side.
I will become a wise daughter (Al: Give me courage) I will be a daughter you can be proud of (Ai: You’ve been there for me) I will fulfill the wishes of your love With all the love that you have shown me I will have a warm heart
She then felt two pairs of arms wrapping around her and her tears finally fell.
I was too shy to express it… Mom, I truly love you…
The sisters released their mother from their embrace. Youran turned around and saw her daughters smiling at her. Alina spoke up before she could, “Mom, I’m sorry for not answering your calls when I’m away for college. I promise to be a better daughter and I’ll do my best to follow your steps to become a good artist and producer!”
Aiyana wrapped her arms around her mother’s neck, “Mom… I’m sorry for keeping my feelings to myself. I’m sorry for making you worry. I promise that I’ll let out my thoughts. Thank you for being there for me.”
Youran smiled with her tears still flowing. She brought her daughters into her embrace, “Thank you for this surprise, my dears. Mom loves you more than anything. I’ll never let go of your hands whenever and wherever you both will be.”
Gavin smiled at the scene right in front of him. He realized how much both he and his wife had come this far of raising these two troublemakers. He himself didn’t know that both Kiro and Shaw had planned this secretly with Minor and the rest behind both of his and Youran’s back.
When Kiro finally wrapped up the show, everyone left the set happily and the girls even get to take pictures with the guests. The two were even offered to collab with the rookie idol. Though the two of them can only smile and just gave the idol a neutral answer.
~ Time skip ~
After the show, the sisters quickly changed into their casual clothes. They went out to the exit of the studio and saw their parents talking. They decided to eavesdrop for a moment,
“Gavin, thank you. You and the girls surprised me more than enough.” Youran smiled as she looked up to her husband.
Gavin wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him, “You should thank the girls and your brother for this. I only helped in the sidelines.”
The sisters looked at each other and grinned. They ran and gave a surprise back hug to their parents. “We’re happy to sing more songs for you, mom!” Aiyana smiled happily. Gavin had a playful pout on his face,
“Only for mom? What about dad?”
“We’ll record it for you to listen when you’re away~” Alina giggled. “Of course, we’ll never leave our hero out!”
The family of four had a wonderful ride back home. The girls shared stories of their school life and whatever their uncles are up to whenever they stayed over. The couple smiled and laughed along with them. Meanwhile in Youran’s mind, she couldn’t thank God for this wonderful and blessed day.
At home, they crashed on the couch together. Alina and Aiyana in between their parents. Gavin took out his phone and decided to order some take out. While he was on it, Alina stood up and took the paper bag that she received from Shaw earlier that day. She brought it over and handed it to her mother,
“Mom, open it.”
Youran opened the blue rectangular box. Her brown eyes shined as she saw the customized necklace which had her birthstone locket. She opened the pendant and saw the photo of her and her daughters at one side, the other had a photo of her and Gavin with the girls as an infant.
Alina put on the locket around her mother’s neck. Youran gave her a warm smile and opened up the purple box. Aiyana prepared her newly released novel. She had a tint of red on her cheeks, making her resemble her father. Youran picked up the book and read the summary, it was about a young teen who was struggling with PTSD since her childhood. She had ups and downs. The one who always held her hand, guiding her towards happiness, was her mother.
Youran had a bitter smile, knowing that this was based on their life story. Her smile brightens when she read the summary of the last volume, the girl found her happiness by achieving her dreams. It wasn’t a cliché story.
‘I’ll make this into a drama,’ Youran thought.
She then pulled her daughters into a tight hug, “Thank you dearies, I love it. Aiyana, I’ll read your novel and give you my opinions, okay? I’ll even make this into a drama!”
Aiyana blushed and giggled, “Alright~ It hasn’t been officially released yet… so you got the first batch.” Her mother had a bright smiled and caressed her hair, “I’m honored to be able to read this before others.”
She placed the novel set on the table and shooed her daughters away, “Now go and shower. The food will arrive soon.”
After they rushed off, Gavin already had a wrapped gift placed on his lap. Youran tilted her head and pointed at the gift, “And what would that be, dear?”
The officer shrugged and handed the gift to his wife, “See it for yourself.”
She unwrapped the gift and was greeted with the beautiful journal album. She opened the said album and the first page had a handwritten letter by her husband. She almost teared up when she read the words, “Thank you for being the mother of my children.”
The photos inside the album were placed like a timeline. Starting from Alina and Aiyana’s childhood days until their high school graduation. Youran had a nostalgic smile as she flipped through the album. She then placed the album on the table and pulled her husband into her arms.
They stayed like that for a moment. Youran pulled away and kissed him passionately. Her endless love conveyed in the kiss. Gavin pulled her tighter in his arms.
Unbeknownst to them, two mischievous girls had taken a video and a photo of them smooching. Usual sibling things.
 Thank you, mom.
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We went overboard with this. I had to edit out some parts and plan a suitable scene. :’) 
I hope you enjoy. Requests are open, and I’ll do my best to post it as soon as possible!
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spicyspencerreid · 4 years
Just Friends|Part 5
A Timothée Chalamet Imagine: Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
THIS TOOK ME SO LONG FOR NO REASON. Okay well lots of reasons. Distance learning is destroying me. Anyway I hope you enjoy!!!!
Female!Reader, Dancer/Actress!Reader, CoStar!Reader, FrenchSpeaking!Reader// 4,656 Words
Summary of part one, two, three, and four// Reader and Timothée are best friends. They are going to be costars on a new movie where Y/n plays a dancer and has a small, but still important, role, and Timothée’s a lead. There’s a storm and Y/n’s hotel is having issues, so she has to stay in Timothée’s apartment. She stays with him really realizes she likes him, then he starts dating Lily, asks to go out to dinner so everyone can meet her. Then they break up, boom Timothée and Y/n kiss. Now Y/n has been asked to go on Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts with James Corden, but their relationship is still secret.
Warnings// Grammar/spelling and lack of proofreading. FLUFFFFFFF!!!
Key: French writing (english translation), Y/n/n-Your nickname, Y/f/n-Your first name, Y/l/n-Your last name
(Added July 2020) Note: this whole series was written before Ansel Elgort’s allegations arose, and honestly, in the most disrespectful way possible: I hope he rots in hell. I ALWAYS stand with the victim, and if that’s going to be a problem, find another series to read. If the mention of his name is triggering to you, PLEASE do not read. If you or anyone you know has been sexually assaulted or abused, do not be afraid to speak up, but if that’s not the route you personally want to take: you can call 1-800-656-4673, available 24 hours every day and 100% confidential.
Not my gif (but isn’t it absolutely adorable): enjoy!!!!
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It was 2:00 AM and you were pacing around the kitchen, but what you were really doing, was overreacting. And while you were overreacting, you definitely weren’t being irrational. This was a problem. You’d just gotten off the phone with Kelsey, you’re publicist who was in Rome with your assistant, Kelly, and she was beyond happy to inform you she’d already talked to Zendaya’s publicist and the both of you would be joining James Corden next week on his show. This would be completely fine if it was just a normal interview, you’d done many TV interviews, but no, Kelsey didn’t just sign you up for a normal interview, she signed you up for spill your guts or fill your guts.
It’d been almost a week and a half since Timothée had pushed you up against a wall and finally did what the both of you had been aching for almost a full year. You were going to tell Kelsey, not like you had any choice anyway: you guys were practically sisters, except it was also her job to know everything happening in your life. 
Why you hadn’t told her about it though, that was for two reasons. One being, you didn’t know how combined with the fact that she was in Rome and there was a six hour time difference. Not to mention you were barely able to tell Z and Ansel, who probably would’ve been able to figure out just by looking at you. The other reason being that you were just stubborn. You were annoyed everyone was right, especially Kelsey. You would never forget it if you picked up the phone, dialed her number, and spoke, “Oh hey Kels, yeah that interview you signed me up for, can’t do that. Why you ask? Well, it turns out you, my mom, all of my friends, our fans, and the whole word was very, very right. Timmy and I? Yeah, we sucked face the other day. You and I both know I have the world’s weakest stomach, so if I get forced to choose between downing a shot of blended salmon or answering a question about Timothée, we’re going to need to figure out how we wanna address everything. Because while I would hate to lie on national television, I would rather perjure myself in front of the supreme court than bite into an animal dick.” As for you and Timothée, it had only been ten days, five of which you spent together. To be completely honest, you were absolutely terrified the night after he kissed you. 
“YOU WHAT?” You backed your phone away from your ear as Zendaya screamed into it from the other line, “I’m coming over.” She hung up before you could say anything else. About ten minutes later your door opened. You were laying face up on your hardwood floor, staring at the ceiling, contemplating your existence. Ansel laid down on the right side of you, Z taking your left.
“So...where is he,” Ansel asked, Z. They were both giddy, and you were laying there like an idiot, unable to get the smile off of your face. 
“He has a photoshoot,” you sighed out, “he’s very pretty, needs to be photographed for the world to see.” 
“So what happens now?” Z asked the question that a voice in the back in your head had been screaming as she poked into your side; you instantly started laughing at the poke in your weak spot. That was your one worry, what did happen now? The kiss was quick, but you both knew it meant something, and you were beyond happy, but that didn’t stop your worrying. Worrying about the same reason that stopped you from making a move earlier. You wish you didn’t worry, but you did, the public had been shipping you guys together almost since before you met, but what about your friendship? It seemed easy, it really did, you were already practically dating, just without the kissing, the sex, and the formal dates or announcement, but what was going to happen when things got complicated?
Soon, your worries started to simmer down. The next day, you and Timothée went out to breakfast, as usual, trying to keep to your hands to yourselves as much as possible. Lily already released a short twitter statement, saying that the relationship just didn’t work out, but swearing that they were both on great terms and planning to stay in touch throughout their careers. She said she’d be disgusted by any comments coming after how fast or slow her and Timothée moved on from their relationship, considering the fact they weren’t even officially in a relationship or anything, and considering all the hate she’d received while being involved with him. You’d called her shortly after, checking up to make sure she was alright, already feeling pretty guilty even though you knew their breakup technically wasn’t your fault. She’d told you she was alright, excited to start her new modeling campaign, even telling you not to tell anyone but she was starting a clothing line. She also lightly hinted towards you and Timothée, acknowledging the way he looked at you, her little way of giving you both her blessing. A couple had speculated this was your doing, earning you some lovely little DMs on Instagram calling you a home-wrecker. You and Timmy talked, for a while, and you were just happy it wasn’t awkward. After that you walked for a little bit, deciding you would take your day off as a shopping day. He kept his arm on your back as he usually did when you walked around the streets of New York, even though all you wanted to do was hold his hand. You knew what you both wanted. It was a tiny jump, barely existent, the jump from friends to more for you guys. It was obvious how close you were, and dating wouldn't change much, but really all you wanted was one thing. Time. Not away from Timothée, or your friends, or any of that, but just time to be happy together before you guys told the public. A week and three days was simply not enough time. 
You had to have only been pacing for a couple of minutes when Timothée made his way over to you. You went over to his apartment a little bit after lunch. You were beyond tired after a physically and mentally draining Giselle practice, so the first thing you did was shower and put on the comfiest clothes of his you could find. He turned on a movie, and you fell asleep super fast, snuggled in his arms under a pile of blankets on his couch. But of course, you were both awoken by your phone ringing, and with a groggy voice, you excused yourself into the kitchen to answer Kelsey’s call. 
Timothée’s hands scared you, causing you to shiver at his cold touch. He placed them on your shoulders, stoping your pacing, “What’s up?”
“Nothing’s up. I’m just thinking,” you put on your best fake smile, but your best wasn’t good enough. 
“You’re pacing in circles. When you’re in deep thought, you pace in straight lines, but when something’s bothering you, you pace in circles,” he lightly rubbed your tense shoulders, calming you down, before lightly kissing your lower neck. You sighed, pissed off he knew you as well as he did. 
“Z and I have to go on James Corden,” he backed away from you, and his face burst into a bright smile. He instantly knew what was going on.
“Kelsey? Elle ne le ferait pas...(she wouldn’t...)” he was full-on laughing at this point.
“Oh, she did,” you covered your face with your hands, trying to hide a laugh. 
“Spill your guts or fill your guts? There’s no fucking way...” if anyone knew how weak your stomach was, it was Timothée. About three weeks after meeting him, you, Z, Ansel, and he all had drinks at Ansel’s apartment. You usually didn’t drink more than one glass, because of your weak stomach, but Z had just been nominated for an award. So, you had three, maybe four, and then threw up all over Timmy’s shoes. You were mortified, the event has happened in the early stages of your friendship, where you still had that little celebrity crush, but he just laughed really, really hard. 
“Stop, I already feel nauseated just thinking about it. What am I supposed to say about us?”
“You don’t even know if they’re gonna ask...”
“We both know something about you is going to be asked.”
“You’re right, but people want us to date, and Lily’s in Italy right now, I’m almost positive she has an Italian boyfriend there, so we don’t have anything to worry about,” he wrapped his arm around your waist, and your head found its way to his chest. You both stayed there for a while, thinking before he reached in your back pocket for your phone, he opened the phone app and handed it to you.
“I just...je voulais du temps,” (I wanted time).
“Moi aussi,” (Me too) he sighed, “here, you should call Kelsey back,” you backed away to meet his eyes, sighing as you typed in her number in from memory. He didn’t move from his position, keeping his arms around your waist and hands resting on your exposed back.
“Hey Kels,” you were hesitating, and she could tell.
“Y/n...what did you do?”
“Um, am I on speaker?” It wouldn’t have been the first time 
“Kelly’s with me, what’s going on?” Kelly was gonna love this. 
“Timothée and I...um,” dead silence on the other side of the phone, you knew she knew where you were going with this, she just wanted to here you struggle to spit it out, “we’re...together,” you heard a little yelp come from Kelly, she might be your assistant, but just like Kelsey, she’s only a year apart in age difference, which means she was also like another friend to you.
“Oh my- Y/n?! How long?” Kelsey must’ve been pacing now, you could hear the sound of her heels click-clacking back and forth. 
“Only a little over a week, I swear, I was waiting to tell you, and I thought I had time, but then that interview, and...yeah,” the sound of her heels stopped, and you heard her trying to stifle a laugh, “Okay, let’s hear it,”
“Y/n Chalamet, Y/f/n Y/m/n Chalamet,” Kelsey could barely get it out, and you could hear Kelly’s wheezing laughter in the background. 
“Kelsey!” You looked up to see Timothée smiling, you reached up to cover his mouth with your hand.
“No, no wait, she’s definitely a hyphen kinda girl,” Kelly grabbed the phone out of Kelsey’s hand and spoke, you were blushing hard now, “Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n-Chalamet, I like the way that sounds,”
“That’s enough-” your voice was interrupted by Timothée’s laugh, your hand wasn’t enough to stop him. You were never gonna hear the end of this.
“Oh my god is he there?” Kelsey yelled into the phone. You removed your hand from his mouth. 
“Hey Kelsey,” you glared at Timothée, hating how he was just egging them on. 
“He’s in your apartment?!” Oh god. This is probably the best day of Kelsey’s life. 
“Um no, I’m in his apartment,” not like that was any better.
“Is he...naked?” Kelly whispered through a giggle, earning another laugh from Timothée.
“No, oh my god. Focus, we have a real issue here.” You spoke through laugher.
“Okay, okay, we’re flying in tomorrow. Once we’re all settled and well-rested we’ll come over and draft a statement or something, and we’ll do some interview prep.”
“Great, I’ll see you then, bye,” a weight had been lifted off of your shoulder.
“Bye, oh yeah and...bye Timothée,” you hung up as fast as you possibly could. 
“What are we gonna say? The media will eat this up, twist it, and then spit it back out, and we’ve only had like a week to ourselves, and everyone’s gonna think you and Lily broke up because of me, no matter what Lily says, she can’t stop that response, and-” you were rambling again. 
“Y/n/n, it’s gonna be fine, I swear. We’re gonna figure out what to say if anything gets leaked. If anyone can handle this, it’s you and Kelsey.” He lifted you up by your waist and spun you around, making you laugh as he spoke, “Everyone thinks we’re dating anyway, so we’ll just explain that we were in denial, which we definitely were by the way, and then it’ll be fine, we’ll be happy, and the whole world will be sunshine and rainbows.” He was laughing with you now, as he continued to spin you in his arms. 
“Timothée.” you giggled and he put you back down, “Je suis serieux.” (I’m serious.)
“Je sais, je sais,” (I know, I know) his smile faded and he stared at you for a second before pulling you in for a hug and muttering in your ear, “mais tu es fou si tu pense que j'attends une autre année pour être avec tu,” (but you’re crazy if you think I’m waiting another year to be with you) You smiled and playfully rolled your eyes at his corniness, knowing the Y/n from a year ago would be going crazy if she saw this. 
“Can you still walk me home?” Growing up in the city still didn’t change the fact that walking home alone at 2:00AM would be terrifying.
“Mhmm,” he snuggled his head into your neck, “do you have rehearsal tomorrow?” 
“Nope,” you shook your head, trying to ignore the fact that he completely dodged your question, “les entraînements de fin de semaine sont annulés pour ce mois.” (weekend practices are cancelled for this month.)
“Then...you can stay here tonight and I’ll walk you home in the morning,” he presented the idea with a few nerves in his voice, you’d spent the night at his place before, but never without Z or Ansel, and definitely not in his bed.
“Vraiment?” (Really?) You were quick to answer, maybe too quick. He almost thought you were joking for a second.
“Well if I knew it’d be that easy to get you into bed I would’ve done it a long time ago,” you laughed and slapped his arm, pretending to be angry, “oh that’s how it’s gonna be?” He lifted you up and ran into his room, laughing as he playfully slammed you into his very comfortable bed. He climbed over you, pinning you down by the shoulders and attacking you with his lips, leaving wet kisses all over your face. One he finished his kiss assault on your face, his lips met yours for a moment, stopping your giggling at it source.
“If you snore, I’ll suffocate you with a pillow,” you pulled away for a second, threatening him against his lips.
“Considering you’re a dancer, I thought you mind find a more creative way to take me out.”
“Very funny,” you said it sarcastically, kissing him once again. You both naturally pulled away, fatigue kicking into your system. You fell asleep with your head against his bare chest, the sound of his heartbeat lulling you to sleep. When you woke up Timothée walked you back to your apartment. A day passed and Kelsey called you once again, saying she and Kelly were coming over to your apartment for interview prep. You decided not to release a statement or anything, which was not exactly what you wanted. You weren’t exactly the most go with the flow kind of person, you wanted a plan, and you didn’t exactly get one. To be fair, there wasn’t exactly a way for you to just say “no comment” on national television without being obvious about what was going on. 
When the night of the show came you were doing it again, pacing, but this time in your dressing room. You were extremely nervous, and Z was beyond tired of it.
“The sound of your heels is giving me a headache,” you stopped for maybe three seconds to glare at her before continuing, “it’s going to be fine, how much damage can you do in a ten-minute interview?”
“We’ve all seen people destroy their careers in less than thirty seconds,”
“Yeah, but you’re not an idiot, do you wanna call Timothée?” Her request was genuine.
“Hell no, that’ll make me ten times more nervous,” talking to Timothée now would only drive you more insane, he might know how to calm you down, but hearing his voice right before speaking in front of millions would be a dangerous game to play. 
“Whatever happens we know how to go into damage control mode, we’re prepared for this kind of thing,” Kelly spoke from across the room, “...not that that’ll be necessary.” For an expert in public speaking, her eloquence was largely lacking today. 
“Ladies, we need to take you over to the stage entrance.” Kelly fixed your hair, gave you a quick hug, and sent you and Z on your way. You heard your names being presented and felt your knees go weak. Z linked arms with you as you walked across, you put on the best smile you could and made your way to the table. James gave you a quick hug as you greeted him. You sat down and took a deep breath.
“Nervous?” James smiled at you, way too happy about this.
“A little...um...I have a pretty weak stomach,” you spoke through clenched teeth. Zendaya tried to hold back a laugh as you spoke.
“Weak stomach is an understatement...,” you gave her an angry look as the audience laughed along with James.
“I’m just admiring what I got myself in to,” you locked eyes with the fish eyes across the table right in front of you, “Is it okay if I...” you slowly turned the table over a little bit so the bird saliva was right in front of you instead, still not appetizing, but better than eyes. James and Z laughed at you and you laughed along before James went along with the introduction.
“So here’s how this game works, even though I’m sure Y/n watches lots of this in her free time,” he turned to you and laughed as you shook your head and sucked on your lower lip, a nervous habit of yours, “we have platters of lovely food here,” he turned the table and presented all of them, Z jabbing you with her elbow when he presented the salmon smoothie, “we are each gonna ask each other questions. We’ll choose the food, then ask. I will ask to Y/n, Y/n to Zendaya, and Zendaya to me. If you don’t answer, then you eat. If you don’t want to eat, you just answer the question. It couldn’t be simpler.”
“Okay Y/n, I am going to give you...”
“What’re you going to torture me with James?”
“I can practically feel how nervous you are, so I’m going to be nice and give you the shot of hot sauce, how’s that?” You winced a little bit, knowing it wasn’t the worst, but knowing you’d take any chance to get out of it, “You like spicy food?”
“About as much as I like stubbing my toe, James,” you laughed a little, earning laughs from the audience and Zendaya as well.
“So the question is...” he let out a little giggle as he read, pausing for dramatic effect, “You are very close to Ansel Elgort,” you smiled and nodded, knowing he was crying laughing at his television with Timothée right now, “which is your least favorite movie of his?” The audience let out a little oooh. You stared at the drink in front of you. You started to reach for it and James let out a laugh.
“Really?” Zendaya said, .
“Your hand is shaking, look at her hand shaking,” he motioned to the audience, really soaking this up. You picked up the glass before sitting it back down.
“You know, I’ve never been the biggest fan of Paper Towns,”
“That’s such a cop-out, that’s one of his smallest roles!” James poked fun at you. 
“What can I say? I love his movies. Cara’s lovely in Paper Towns, and it wasn’t a bad movie or anything, I just wanted them to end up together, not that that makes a bad movie, I was just disappointed with the ending...” you were rambling at this point and Zendaya was giggling at you try to justify yourself and not get a text from Cara Delavinge later, “I’m just a hopeless romantic okay?”
“That’s for sure.” Z was taunting you at this point, enjoying this way too much. 
“Okay then Z, let’s see..., what should I give you?” You had a mischievous smile on your face.
“Oh no...” Z could’ve begged, but she knew the damage was already gone. 
“I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking bull penis?” You rotated the table, feeling less nervous as you knew you were only a couple questions away from ending the show, “and you’re question is...ah!” You let out a laugh.
“Spit it out, Y/n,” she playfully glared at you.  
“If you had to choose one cast member of the Greatest Showman to recast, who would you recast, and who would that be wi-” You didn’t finish as she picked up one of the bull penis and dropped it in her mouth. An uproar of applause came from the audience.
“Damn Z,” “Okay James, what should I give you?” She smiled at you before turning the table to James, hitting him with the scorpion. The next couple of questions were quick, you were only asked decently easy questions and were able to curve most of them, only having to drink a hot Cheeto smoothie, which wasn’t that bad. 
“Okay Y/n, you will be the last question of the night, and since you haven’t had to eat anything but that hot Cheeto smoothie, I think,” he turned the table, his eyes on the fish smoothie.
“No, James, I am begging you,” the pink drink sat in front of you. 
“Relax, you don’t even know what the question is and you look like you’re going to faint.” Zendaya squeezed your shoulder as James spoke through a laugh.
“She absolutely hates seafood. I tried to get her to eat shrimp the first night I met her and she was too sweet to say no, so she swallowed the whole thing and to this day I still have never seen anyone else regurgitate a whole shrimp, and I never want to, ever again.” You remembered that day, it was a rough, and embarrassing, night.
“It was so veiny and...shrimpy,” you nudged the smoothie away from you, earning some laughs from the audience.
“Okay Y/n, just answer the question and it’ll be fine,” he picked up the card, read it, and instantly burst into laughter.
“Oh no...”
“Y/n, you have been faced with dating rumors involving you and Timothée Chalamet for a very long time, and you have denied all of them,” you gulped as a pit formed in your stomach, “Lily-Rose and Timothée have concluded their relationship of maybe three weeks, so now that they are broken up, were you lying about your relationship with Timothée beforehand, and did it have anything to do with the break up of Lily and Timothée?” You sighed, maybe this question was easier than you thought.
“Wow, saving the longest one for last, huh? Well, Lily and I still talk and as far as I know, their break up was solely based on the fact that Lily was offered an exceptional job, and they just didn’t connect well, but really you should ask them about that, it’s barely my business,” you smiled, happy you were able to successfully answer the second half of the question, “and, as for the rumors: no, no I wasn’t lying. Every time I denied it, it was true.” 
“Was?” You gasped, not even realizing you’d made that mistake.
“Oh god, Y/n,” Zendaya sighed out through a laugh. She genuinely couldn’t believe you’d made it this far and then slipped up like that. You were asked a question about your past exes, only having a couple while in the public eye, and you still managed to curve it, so she had no idea how you possibly messed this one up.
“Oh shit,” you clapped your hand over your mouth after you realized what you said, and the audience up-roared into applause and gasps. Then, you remembered you cursed, and even though you cursed online, you weren’t supposed to curse on live television, and you were usually so good about it, “I am so sorry, I just cost the network money didn’t I?”
“Just a little bit,” this wouldn’t have been the first time a celebrity had cursed on his show, “don’t try to change the subject here,” his face was red from laughing.
“I’m not, I swear, I just don’t like being interrogated James,” you were laughing, but your heart was beating at a mile a minute. 
“So you and Timothée Chalamet are finally together?”
“Woah! Slow down James, I don’t remember saying that-”
“You didn’t deny it did you?”
“Wow, you should be a detective,” you giggled as you tried to figure out what to say here, “I...um...”
“You have such a way with words, Miss Valedictorian,” Z interrupted you and laughed, giving you a couple seconds to think. 
“I guess you could say...we’re...um...testing the...waters?” You were mortified. 
“Oh Y/n, come on, this is the most we’ve ever gotten out of this segment, you’ve gotta give me something here. I don’t even know what that means.” His face was red from laughing at this point.
“To be honest, I don’t either. I think I’ve already said wayyy too much. All I know is I don’t have to drink that disgusting cup of blended fish guts, and that is all that matters to me,” you sighed in comfort, even though your whole world was crashing down right in front of you, making the audience laugh.
“You got lucky with that one,” Zendaya was enjoying this too much. 
“You’re calling what just happened lucky?” The audience loved you laughing at yourself.
“And on that note, we are out of time for today. Zendaya and Y/n everyone!” The audience clapped and you quickly hugged James before getting off the stage as fast as you could. The second you made it back to the dressing room you plopped down on the couch and covered your face with your hands. Z was still laughing at you.
“How? How did you do that?” she was crying laughing at this point.
“It wasn’t that bad, right? Right?” 
“Y/n, it was hilarious, people are going to eat that shit up, Y/n”
“It’s all okay, Kelsey’s on the phone for you?” Kelly entered the room.
“Okay Kels, you’re on speaker. Give it to me straight, how bad?” 
“Bad? Oh Y/n, honey, people are in love with you and Timothée. Absolutely. In. Love.”
“There’s a video on twitter of you stuttering over your words and laughing and people are absolutely in love with it, over three million views already and it was just posted by someone a couple of minutes ago,” you could practically hear her beaming, “and then there’s another video of your eyes widening when James says Timothée, two million views. I already talked to Celine, she said Timothée’s going to release a statement on twitter tomorrow,” you sighed out of relief, “I told you Y/n: you’re loveable, Timothée’s loveable. No matter what you think, people want to see you two together. Now call him.”
“I will, thanks Kels,” you handed Kelly her phone back and picked up your own, dialing Timothée’s number in, he answered immediately, “Heyyyy Timmy,” you giggled into the phone.
“Hey Y/n/n, so much for time huh?”
“Yeah, so much for time.”
I thought this was adorable, and i am SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS TOOK. I think this is going to be the last chapter, unless you guys have suggestions for anything else I think this is a good conclusion. Seriously though, thank you all so much for the love on this, I can’t wait to write more, leave me some requests :)
Taglist: (THANK YOU ALL) @sspidermanss @fandom-food-fire​ @gigi-maria-argu @meaganl124 @danidomm​ @ewistel @booklover240​ @daygiowvibe​ @spiderdudetom​ @tom-hollond​ @ilsolee​ @iidontgiveafuckuniverse​ @plsdontfindthisblogpeople @antoouu​ @xahnah @ethevenly​ @doobdabdib @ahoyparkwr​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @bilesxbilinskixlahey​ @babybloomer​ @bluemoonsnail​ @kenny-0909​ @mysticalinsomniac​ 
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calpalirwin · 3 years
Birds of a Feather
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Request: Heey. I don't know if you're into MBTI but I really think ashton is an ENFJ and I know that I'm an ENFP and I would be incredibly happy if you could write something with that 💕
Word count: 2.8k
And away, and away we go!
I blew into my hands before rubbing them fiercely together as we walked along the crowded city sidewalk, my breath visible in the frigid air. I gave them a quick shake, flexing the numbness out of my fingers before shoving them in my jacket pockets and taking a few longer strides to keep up with my friends. Britt’s laugh was ringing off the buildings as she clung on to Luke’s arm, his own arm steady around her waist. A pace behind them was Michael and Crystal, their gloved pinkies interlocked as they walked. And bringing up the rear was Calum, and, of course, me. “So how long is this play?” Calum piped up loud enough for Britt to hear him.
“Uh… Y/N said it was like 2 hours I think? Plus the intermission. Why?” she asked, turning to look over her shoulder at the man.
“Just curious,” Calum grinned. When Britt turned back around, he glanced over at me and rolled his eyes. “Two fuckin’ hours? Seriously? Our one night off? In New fuckin’ York. And we’re spending it watching a play? Fuck…”
If he was looking for sympathy about basically being a fifth wheel on group date night, Calum had another thing coming. “It’s a musical, not a play, Cal,” I said, nudging his shoulder with mine.
“There’s a difference?”
“Yeah. Musicals have singing. That’s why they’re called musicals.”
Calum rolled his eyes again, letting out a small snort of laughter. “Genius, mate. MuSiCaLs HaVe SiNgInG,” he mocked.
I laughed with him. “Aw, c’mon Cal. It’s fuckin’ Broadway! Can’t go to New York, and not see a show.”
“Uh… yes we can. We do it all the time.”
“You fuckers gonna hurry up before or after I freeze to death?” Michael asked. Crystal was huddled into his side. Beside them, Britt and Luke were hugging each other with Britt’s arms looped through Luke’s jacket as he sheltered her from the cold.
I swallowed the pang of envy I felt at my friends’ relationships, and flashed a smile. “Yeah, let’s do this.”
“Wake me up at intermission,” Calum said, feigning a yawn and stretching his arms up over his head. 
Luke punched him.
“Ow!” Calum winced, hitting Luke back. “The fuck was that for?”
Luke shot a glance over at Britt who had turned to get our tickets from will call, her shoulders slightly hunched. “Britt hasn’t seen Y/N in months, and she’s really excited about this. I guess it’s like a really big deal for her friend, plus she misses her. Don’t fuckin’ ruin this for me just cause you’d rather be at some club.”
“Plus, this musical is supposed to be really good,” Crystal put in.
“They made it a movie, yeah?” Michael asked.
“I think so,” I answered. “With… what’s her name…” I snapped my fingers and my mind fumbled for the name. “Anna Kendrick! That’s it. It’s a movie with Anna Kendrick in it.”
“That’s who Y/N’s playing!” Britt’s voice piped up as she started to hand us our tickets.
“She’s playing Anna Kendrick?” Calum asked stupidly.
“No, she’s playing Anna Kendrick’s character. Which happens to be the lead,” Britt explained, her pride in her old friend evident in how bright her voice was growing. “She’s so amazing, you guys are gonna love her. And the show!”
We all murmured in answer as we made our way inside the theater. Calum thumbed through the playbill ushers were handing out. “You said she’s the lead?” he asked.
“Hmm… interesting,” he muttered under his breath, still looking at the page. 
I thumbed through the little booklet myself, figuring out what was just so interesting about this to Calum. “There’s only 2 roles…” I murmured back.
“How great of an actress can Britt’s friend be to get a lead where it’s literally the only option?” Calum continued to whisper so only I heard him, still hopeful I’d take his side of being bitter about tonight’s activity, but I still wasn’t accepting his pity party invitation. 
“Probably really fuckin’ good to get the only female role,” I whispered back with a grin.
The brown eyes rolled as he plopped down in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “Sometimes you’re too optimistic for your own good, you know that? Happy about playing fifth wheel…”
“We’re the fifth and sixth wheel regardless of what we do, Cal,” I told him, taking the seat next to him.
“Yeah, but at least at a club, I can get me a seventh wheel, if you know what I mean.”
“We go to clubs all the time, Cal. One night isn’t gonna kill us. Plus we’re being supportive of Britt’s friend, isn’t that right, guys?”
“Right!” they all chorused, Luke shooting Calum another sharp look.
Calum raised his hands in surrender. “Alright, alright. Hey, Mike, wanna hit the concession stand with me?”
Michael rocketed up from his seat. “Snacks?”
Whatever bitterness had taken over Calum was diminishing by intermission and was completely erased by the end of the show. “Damn, Britt, ya girl’s got some pipes.”
“See?!” Britt gloated, sticking her tongue out at him. “I told ya she’s amazing!”
“Yeah, she is,” I marveled in what I thought was just in my head. But based on how all my friends’ heads swiveled towards me with raised eyebrows had me thinking I’d actually said it out loud. “What?”
“Ooooo! Does someone have a little crush?” Michael teased, making kissy faces for dramatic effect.
“Damn, Ash. I knew you were a romantic type but I didn’t realize you fell that quick,” Calum snickered.
“Aw! Look at how red his cheeks are!” Crystal pointed out.
“I-“ I stammered, every part of my face warm, even the tips of my ears. “I was just agreeing with Britt and Cal. Y/N is uh… very talented. You know with the acting and the singing… she really draws in her audience. It’s uh… yeah…” Call it a sixth sense, but I had a good feeling about the girl. And she was Britt’s friend, and Britt and I got along fine. Who’s to say I couldn’t get along with her friend? Her stunning friend with the captivating voice that I was sure would find its way into my dreams? Okay… so I was a bit of an impulsive romantic. But so what? What was the point of having a good instinct if I didn’t listen to it?
“Well, c’mon!” Britt encouraged hurrying out of our row of seats. “She told me something about a stage door. Oh, she’ll probably want to go get food. Are you guys okay with that? If we go find a diner or something?” Her eyebrows pulled together and her teeth worried at her bottom lip as she looked up at Luke with big hopeful eyes. I smiled as Luke nodded at her before turning to us with a similar expression. They were like golden retriever puppies, the two of them. The same childlike glee with a dash of shyness that sometimes came out of nowhere. That was the thing I had noticed about my friends and their relationships. Both Luke and Michael had found someone like them. Someone who matched their energy. And maybe that was my problem. Maybe I just needed someone that matched mine rather than someone who counteracted it like I’d previously thought. Maybe opposites actually didn’t attract, and it was a lot more birds of a feather flock together sort of thing. Or maybe I was overthinking love dynamics way too much for my own good.
“I’m always down for food,” Michael shrugged.
“Of course you are,” we answered with eye rolls and friendly laughter.
By the time we got to the stage door, there was a small but decent sized crowd milling about. “Feels weird being on this side of things, huh?” Calum questioned as he drew up his hood, and I wondered if it had more to do with how cold it was outside, or out of years of instinct. Whatever it ended up being, the rest of us also pulled up our hoods to hide our faces, both from the people and the wind.
I was about to entertain Calum’s comment with a chuckle about how it was definitely a little weird to be the ones lying in wait rather than the ones about to be ambushed, but the door opened and everyone started clapping and whopping. A few girls even screamed that ear splitting scream as the male lead raised a hand in greeting, flashing a million dollar smile. But he was of little interest to me. My focus zeroed straight in on the woman of the hour who came out just behind her co-star. Eyeliner smudged in the corners of soft, bright eyes like she’d taken off her stage make up in a hurry, and she looked very comfortable in a hoodie, leggings, and a beanie pulled snugly down over her ears. A stark contrast from the costumes she donned on stage only moments again, but breathtaking all the same. Her eyes crinkled in the corners as she smiled and her mouth moved with words of gratitude and greeting. 
Britt was practically jumping in place with her excitement to see her friend, but we waited for the crowd to thin before Britt let out a loud and excited “Y/N!” Then, she ran the short distance to crash into her friend.
“Britt! Oh my god! I didn’t know you were coming!” Y/N matched her friend’s excitement as she hugged Britt tight to her.
“I told you I would come!” Britt beamed.
“I know, but I didn’t think you meant like tonight. And you brought company!” Y/N’s attention turned to Luke first. “You must be Luke. Heard a lot about you. I’m a hugger, is that okay?”
“Nice to meet ya, darling,” Luke smiled, offering her a hug. “The show was amazing.”
“Aw, thanks! And let’s see…” She brought a finger to her lips as she studied us all. “You two,” the finger pointed at Michael and Crystal, “have to be Michael and Crystal, right? Michael, I hear you give amazing hugs.”
“That would be us,” Michael laughed before giving her a tight bear hug like they were long lost friends.
“Oh damn!” Y/N laughed, her face flushed. “Now that’s a fuckin’ hug! Crystal, you are one lucky lady.”
“Don’t I know it,” Crystal nodded, hugging the other woman. “So wonderful to meet you.”
“Oh, same! It’s amazing to put faces to the names Britt tells me about. I mean, not that it’s hard to put faces to your names cuz… well… it’s just really nice to actually meet you all finally. Which brings me to Ashton and Calum, yes?” she asked, her attention now fully on Calum and me.
“That would be us. I’m Cal,” Cal went first, giving her a quick hug in greeting like everyone else had.
“So that means you have to be Ashton,” she said.
“Yep,” I managed to get out before her arms were wrapping around my shoulders. My arms snaked around her back, reveling in the feeling of holding her against me.
“Don’t tell the others, but you’re the one I’ve been most excited to meet,” her voice whispered in my ear for only me to hear before she let go, and I let her step out of my grasp. I swear she even shot me a covert wink before clapping her hands together. “Oh this is great! I’m so glad y’all could come see the show. I’d love to continue to hang out with y’all, but I am starving. So if you guys had other plans you wanted to do to-“
“Food sounds great,” I interrupted. “Right, guys?”
“I could eat,” Michael agreed while Britt and Luke shot me a grateful look.
“Okay, awesome! There’s this great diner a couple blocks up. Walking distance really. Just um… let me run back inside real quick and grab the rest of my things. Oh, I’m so glad you’re here!” She gave Britt another quick squeeze before dashing back inside the theater.
The man she’d come out with snapped out of his own haze to realize that it was just him and us standing around. “Thanks for coming to the show,” he smiled politely as he took a few slow steps towards the door, giving us ample time to stop him and ask for autographs or pictures, but we didn’t stop him. No offense to him, but we weren’t here for him. But we gave a polite wave and muttered a congratulatory “great show,” as he walked inside.
A few minutes later, the door pushed open and out popped Y/N, laughing loudly as Mr. Broadway laughed with her just a step behind, his hand above hers on the door to help push it open. “I’ll see ya tomorrow, you goof,” she kept laughing, giving him a swift hug.
“Aw c’mon!” he flirted. “The club’s just a short walk down that way. I know the bouncer. Bound to be a good time.”
“I can’t,” she smiled, holding up her hands in apology. “I’m starving for 1, and look! My friends are in town.” One of her arms slung its way across my shoulders, the other across Britt’s. I tried not to smirk. 
The man gave a small laugh as he nodded. “Alright. Well if you guys change your mind after you grab that bite to eat, you know how to reach me.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Later, Dean.”
“Later, girlie.”
She blew out her breath as the man walked in the opposite direction from us. “That guy’s a character… C’mon! To food!”
I’m not sure how it happened, but one minute we were all in a diner, swapping stories with Y/N like we were all old friends catching up instead of just meeting for the first time, and the next it was just her and I walking through Central Park. I was too busy being captivated by the way her eyes sparkled, and her hands flew as she talked animatedly, a smear of ketchup in the corner of her mouth to listen to what my friends' excuses for leaving were, or even if they had tried to get me to follow. All I cared about was being in her presence. “You know, you’re really great, Ash,” she said as she stopped and leaned against the stone wall of the bridge we were crossing, a street lamp casting her in a soft glow. “Can I call you Ash? I heard them all calling you that, so I figured it was okay. But if it’s one of those ‘only my closest friends get to call me that’ then obviously I won’t.”
“Ash is fine,” I giggled. “You’re pretty great yourself. Which makes this next part a little narcissistic, but you kinda remind me of myself a bit.”
“I don’t think that makes you narcissistic. And yes, I’m a hundred percent saying that because I see it too, and don’t want to be a narcissist myself. We have very similar souls, I think.”
“I think we do too,” I told her as I rested my arms on the ledge of the bridge, looking out at the water. “So, um… What's the deal with that co-star of yours? Dean?” I tried to ask slyly.
“Great actor. Bright career. But actually a narcissist.” She gave a small chuckle before sighing. “I’m single. These actor types… well they know how to lay on the charm, let’s put it that way. I don’t want to date someone as a publicity stunt, ya know? I want it to be real. So I’m pretty selective about who I date.”
“Mmm, so that would be a no to coffee in the morning?”
“I didn’t say that.” She spun around so her back was no longer resting along the wall of the bridge. She propped her left elbow on the ledge, cupping her chin in her palm, and her right hand came to rest lightly on top of mine. “I really like you, Ashton. Britt… She tells me stories about you guys all the time. And I get how weird it is to only hear stories about a person and think you’d get on with them. And I also get that there’s only so much you can learn about someone in a few hours through even more stories. But-- and I could be wrong, but I don’t think I am-- I get the feeling that you really like me too. That we have a connection that somehow transcends needing to know more about each other for us to be certain about how we feel about each other. That…” She paused for a moment, looking for how to explain the unexplainable.
“That if I don’t kiss you, I might die,” I supplied, hopeful she meant something along those lines.
“Something like that,” she breathed before we both leaned in, our lips meeting in the middle.
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mst3kproject · 3 years
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Mars Needs Women
This is one of the B-movies that a lot of people have heard of, although I’m not sure how many have actually seen it.  It was written, produced, and directed by Larry “They Just Didn’t Care” Buchanan and stars Tommy Kirk from Catalina Caper and Village of the Giants.  Happy belated birthday to Mr. Kirk, who just turned seventy-nine in December of 2020.  That’s not a bad score for a guy who’s done as many drugs as he has.
The planet Mars is suffering from a genetic problem – their chromosomes are so degraded that one hundred males are born for every one female!  Clearly this is not conducive to the survival of the species, so a group of Martians have come to Earth seeking another solution: they want five female volunteers to return to Mars with them and find out if our genes are compatible!  The army brass (all male, obviously) dismiss the idea out of hand, but the Martians cannot afford to fail.  They will have their way with the Earth Women, with or without the Earth Men’s permission.
We all know that Larry Buchanan couldn’t come up with an idea of his own, so naturally this is a remake of sorts.  Mars Needs Women was inspired by Tommy Kirk’s previous movie Pajama Party, which doesn’t sound like an alien invasion flick, but is.  In it, Kirk plays a Martian named Gogo (yes, really), who comes to Earth as an invasion scout but decides not to take over the planet because he falls in love with Annette Funicello.  Mars Needs Women dispenses with the teen hijinks angle in an attempt to be a straight-up sci-fi thriller, and fails miserably.
We get the normal Larry Buchanan types of suck, such as crummy lighting, appallingly awful day-for-night, a washed-out, colourless print, and copious stock footage.  There’s a long bit where the air force tries to attack the Martian ship and fails, which is entirely stock footage intercut with men in uniforms staring at something next to the camera.  We don’t see the flying saucer itself even once during this sequence, although they do have a model of it that shows up elsewhere and is almost definitely the best effect in the whole movie.  Not a high bar, of course, but seeing as they actually appear to have spent money on this miniature, you’d think it’d get more screen time.
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The Martians themselves dress like a sort of noir version of the Chicken Men of Krankor.  Their costumes are black wetsuits decorated with duct tape and silver paint, with stupid antennae on the sides of their heads.  It amuses me that the first thing they do after acquiring some ‘Earth apparel’ is complain about how dumb neckties are.  There’s a mention about how they’ve been trained in ‘Earth slang’, which seems to have happened just so the movie would have no possible sources of humour.  When I think about Attack of the The Eye Creatures, I’m kind of grateful that Mars Needs Women never tries to be funny, but it leaves the whole film relentlessly monotone.
The acting is pretty crummy, even from the main characters.  Yvonne Craig (Batgirl – no, not one of them, the actual Batgirl) does her best with the material but the lines she’s given are such technobabble bullshit there are very few people who could deliver them with any conviction.  Almost everybody else is bland at best.  The women scream and faint, and the military guys tense their jaws and glare.  The only decent acting moment actually goes to Tommy Kirk as he describes the conditions on Mars, the dying planet.  His tone barely changes, and yet you can sense his nostalgia and regret.
Do I even need to ask if this movie objectifies women?  Well, yes, actually, I do, and you’ll see why in a minute.  The answer is a resounding yes and a good bit of run time is spent doing exactly that.  Before the opening credits we see three blondes abducted in broad daylight, dematerialized by the simple means of stopping the camera, removing the actress, and starting it up again. One of these hapless victims is taken from the shower.  We later learn that the beam-ups failed somehow, which I assume means the women died, but that’s apparently not worth more than a throwaway line.
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Once the five Martians arrive on Earth, they disperse to go hunting for suitable subjects.  The first one goes directly to a strip bar, perhaps on the assumption that the employees will not be married (he’d be amazed).  We then watch the stripper dance at great length, cutting back to it repeatedly in between other threads of the storyline, which suggests that the Martian sat there for hours staring at her before making his move.  He seems to have been the least choosy of the five, simply taking the first woman he gets a boner for.  The others are a bit more discerning.
None more so than the leader, Fellow One (the Martians are Fellows One through Five, which did save the writers from having to come up with ‘alien names’ that sound like synthetic fabrics).  He decides on Craig’s character, Dr. Marjorie Bolen, an expert in ‘space medicine’ and ‘space genetics’ (this may be 60’s for astrobiology).  Her skills seem to be just what the Martians need.  This character is treated terribly by the movie and almost everybody in it. A news reporter commenting on Dr. Bolen’s arrival describes her as a stunning brunette who found it hard to hide her charm behind her horn-rimmed spectacles, and only then moves on to her qualifications.  She gives a news conference titled Sex and Outer Space, and the reporters who are supposed to be interviewing her have a laugh about the good time the kidnapped women will supposedly be having on Mars.  The prop department can’t even bother to spell her name right – it’s written as ‘Majorie’ on a sign even though the r is clearly audible when people say it out loud.
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In contrast to this, Fellow One treats her with some degree of respect.  Their conversations about science are mostly nonsense, but you can tell what the script is going for.  They go on a couple of quick dates, one to a planetarium and one to a museum exhibit on human reproduction (yes, this is weird and icky), and while it is rushed, their little love story is actually important to the plot in ways besides Fellow One deciding to abandon the mission so he can bone her.  The movie considers Dr. Bolen a sex object, but from the beginning Fellow One sees her as more than that.
This brings us, in a sideways kind of way, to the thing I find weirdly fascinating about Mars Needs Women: the alien invaders are curiously considerate.  They steal a car, but they take one from airport parking on the assumption that the owner won’t need it for a while.  They request unattached women, not wanting to break up any happy partnerships. And most of all, they ask for volunteers for abduction!  This makes me wonder what would have happened if they’d broadcast their message to the entire world instead of one group of soldiers.  Humans being the way we are, I’m sure there’re lots of people out there who’d fuck a couple of aliens if it meant a free trip to Mars (or move to Mars if it meant they got to fuck some aliens).
The female characters even seem designed to want a trip to space.  Dr. Bolen might well have helped them willingly in exchange for this unparalleled chance to expand her research, and she does find it very sexy that Fellow One speaks to her as an equal.  Yet somehow, the idea never even comes up.  At the last minute, she becomes the helpless princess who must be saved from peril, and Fellow One simply tells her he loves her and asks her to flee.  Why not invite her along as a guest instead of a captive? It’s got to be worth a try.
The others can be made to fit this pattern, too. The stripper?  Maybe she’s sick of being gawked at like meat and would welcome the chance to be among people who will treat her like a queen.  The flight attendant?  She might feel like she’s been everywhere and seen everything – on Earth, at least.  The artist? A whole new planet to inspire her! The homecoming queen?  She’s a journalism major.  What a scoop if she can report back to Earth about the culture and history of Mars!  I want to see a remake of this movie in which the ladies really are volunteers, who must help the Martians outwit the military so they can start their new lives on another planet.
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Sadly, this is not that movie, and its exploitative aspects stand rather awkwardly alongside the embryonic feminism embodied in Dr. Bolen, overwhelming it more often than not.  I do want to give it maybe half a kudo, though, for at least acknowledging that women can have interests and ambitions.  I guess the point of the ending is that Fellow One has realized they need to be allowed to pursue those instead of being forced to breed.
Mars Needs Women is probably Larry Buchanan’s best movie, which is a statement on the same level as saying that The Beast of Yucca Flats is Coleman Francis’ – by any reasonable standard it still really sucks.  While it has many problems, I would say that the one that kills any entertainment value is how the narrative totally lacks the urgency the title implies.  The ending should be a race to stop the Martians taking off with their prisoners, but no, it saunters instead.  If there were only some tension in the film, it could have been the guilty pleasure you’d want from a movie called Mars Needs Women.
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