#and it was for the sole purpose of putting the ex boyfriend's picture in it!
thebirdandhersong · 1 year
Sometimes I'm like naw symbolic foreshadowing in MY life? Not a thing. Doesn't happen. And then I remember the locket incident and I have to stop myself and go no go back actually that was near cinematic the way you scrabbled around for it and then gave up and then everything hit the fan
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soranihimawari · 1 year
Good as Hell
A drabble of sorts inspired by this list:
Sunflowers by Van Gogh
SingleParent!Kita x reader
Supporting cast: Kita Hae (6years old); Miya twins
Word count: 1.7K
Rating: KSF (kita shinsuke fluff)
Warnings? Read the disclaimer below ⬇️
Disclaimer/Brief backstory:Kita’s unnamed ex has been out of the picture for about four years, abandoning the farm and leaving behind a two year old Hae on the screen porch along with papers to surrender mother/parental rights thus leaving Kita the sole guardian of his child; Miya twins agree to help their former captain out by becoming godfathers and it is also fair to imply that the rest of the notable players from Inarizaki are Hae’s precious, formed uncle squad.
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It’s not everyday that the farmer’s market near the Mori-Kita farmlands would host a night market, but alas, there comes a time for firsts like this summer night. On the eve of the summer solstice, all former students of the Inarizaki sports team had been contacted especially to help one former captain put on an excellent stand for said night market. One half of the Mori-Kita farm owners, Kita Shinsuke, had an easy time setting up the night market stand after receiving a few critiques on the product being sold via his financier, Mori-kun. Regardless, the former captain enlisted the help of all his underclassmen as much as he could to have the stand market-ready by the end of July.
The prep time had been scheduled about a month before the date of the local night market, yet you happened to be off from your inner-city job in the downtown area this particular weekend. A few coworkers from the motorcycle dealership had decided to take a few days off together for team building purposes and attend the summer solstice festivities in the country-side. You had received an invitation as the newest staff member in the mechanic division, suffice to say the men and women whom you work with were using this time to not only get to you know a little better, but to also ask those personal, yet kind of awkward family questions (ex. You have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Where did you learn to ride and fix motorcycles or dirt bikes? etc.). Your calm and nonchalant demeanor caused a few rumors to spread outside of the garage. To be fair, you do your job as best as the rest of them, but when you mentioned you had lived alone for an x-amount of years, your shop buddy, Kunei-senpai, had seemed to thwart any other awkward questions. He was able to shoo away those pesky up sellers from the showfloor out of the garage when they had been very clearly harassing you for dates and the like.
Thankfully, by the end of the first two work weeks, you had been included in very many lunch breaks and even had been invited to a bar by the shop owners to gain familiarity with everyone you work with. A few nights before the night market, you receive a call from Kunei, mentioning to meet up around 6:30p.m. by the old YMCA pool center:
“Apparently, that’s where the motorcycle parking will be, see you tomorrow YLN-san!”
Flash forward after busy work week, the night of the official night market arrives. You meet up with the others at the appointed time in the parking lot where Kunei-san had mentioned. You’re walking by the official banner entrance and you all eventually branch out. You’re at the warmed yams stand when you spot a lost kid who in their heightened panic runs straight to you, panic crying no less. You pay the stand owner and you ask for a sliced version of what you ordered, attempting to soothe and calm the kid. You kneel down after paying for the second portion as you introduce yourself:
“Hello, I’m yn-san. Can you tell me your name?”
The kid sniffles and bops their head.
“I’m Hae. Kita, Hae,” they straighten up and try to formerly shake your hard.
“Say, I have some extra sliced steamed yams here, are you allergic?”
Little Hae shakes their head and you notice how fair their platinum blonde hair is along with their bronzed fox-Iike eyes. It’s like they hit the generic lottery and that kid would break a lot of hearts when they’re older. Regardless, when Hae says they aren’t allergic, you hand them the little to-go boat with a disposable fork in the steamed vegetable. You’re eating yours as you suggest that you two stick together until Hae finds their way back to their parent’s stand.
“Daddy’s got a stand here tonight,” Hae says after taking a sip of the water you provided at a soda stand.
“And how did you get lost?” You wonder.
“My goddofāzās, ´Samu & ‘Tsumu, went to help my daddy bring stuff from the truck and I saw a cat plushie I wanted, so I walked to find it,” Hae looked dejected and embarrassed when they said that.
You try not to laugh, this was serious matter after all, but you’re sure whoever Hae calls ‘daddy’ is busy scolding his friends who were left in charge of watching the kid. Honestly, on the defense of the godfathers, Hae seemed really put together for a six year old. Sure, a little shaken up, but now with a stomach filled with a vegetable snack and water, you’re sure the kid is more determined to help you help find their parent.
Along the way, a few of your coworkers saw you being friendly with little Hae. They sort of send out a text chain saying that the kid looks like the spitting image of the owner of the sponsored booth for the night market. Luckily, your phone goes off and though Hae holds your hand, you use your free hand to read and catch up with the text chain. The ambient sounds of the night market around you calms you as you observe and let Hae lead you down a row of booths they think seems familiar. You give your thanks to your coworkers as they helped narrow down the booths and probable solo guardian of your one new pint-sized friend.
Elsewhere, a set of twins are getting an earful from a worried and angry father:
“Hae’s the most precious person t’me and you both lost ‘em?!”
“We sent out the Bat-Signal to the team, kita,” one of the godfathers says.
“Don’t worry, Hae’ll come running back here in no time,” the other says.
“For both your sakes, I pray my kid comes back in one piece…” Kita grumbles a string of curses as he reluctantly goes back to his stand to man the register.
It takes another fifteen minutes for Hae to start recognizing some familiar booths and although they complain about how much their feet hurt, you notice how the kid’s feet had already outgrown the shoes…
“Say, Hae,” your voice calms down their excited heartbeat.
You step in front of Hae and ask if it’s ok with them for you to pick them up and the serendipitous moment Hae says yes, you’re literally almost tackled to the ground by two men who wear the same face—so you scream and push Hae’s head into your shoulder as you make a run for it and those two fools slam into each other chest first. Hae’s laughing the entire time and now your brain is hitting overdrive as you let the adrenaline sink into your bloodstream until you hear a deeper voice call out to Hae. Judging by how much Hae squirms in your arms, you presume this was their father’s voice you hear.
Slowing to a stop, you see the kanji in large font as the cashier jogs to meet you.
“Daddy!” Hae excitedly exclaims as their father who by the way, seems to have been original in terms of strong inherited genes. You put the kid down and you watch Hae run off to their father’s waiting arms. The two gentlemen from before come back defeated and after a few minutes of scolding alongside a heart to heart with not following strangers, you clear your throat.
“Technically not a stranger, “ you point to yourself. “New friend, right Hae-Chan?”
Hae nods much to their father’s dismay, although when he looks at you in your black jeans, smudged crimson striped shirt, dirty under the fingernails from motor oil from the latest tune-up in the shop, and sensible boots, he can’t help but soften the scowl on his face.
“Hae, promise me you’d stay with your godfathers this time, ok?” Hae’s father says he lets them go into the other men’s care.
It’s only apparent to you now that the gentlemen from earlier are not only the godfathers, but also twin siblings who can be heard making small bets with Hae when they depart the stand for a few minutes.
“So,” Hae’s father begins. He sheepishly gives you a small smile while stuffing his hands into his jeans pocket.
“Umm…YLN, YN,” you extend a hand for him to shake.
He shakes your hand while apologizing for his child’s behavior—
“It’s alright, really,” you chuckle. “I liked their company…”
“I think I might like yours too,” he says.
You blush a bit, nodding along while he sort of chortles over speaking his mind.
“Over coffee sometime?…would that be ok?”
He pulls a business card from the register: it has a star and small cornucopia of seasonal vegetables on it: KITA FARMS INC.
He takes a pen and scribbles down his phone number for you on the back and hands it to you.
“I’ll call you sometime,” you say, squinting at his precise penmanship. “Kita Shinsuke.”
His eyes are a softer bronze tone when you say his name for the first time. It’s like you’re a bit unsure for a moment before he says your name back to you and it seems delightfully whole; the confidence in both of you rise and you make a very bold choice.
“If it’s not too much to ask, mind if I buy a few of those blueberries? I muddle them with some soda water and ginger beer at home…”
Kita smiled warmly at this and you hand him some spare yen notes.
“Keep the change,” you say as the register opens. “The first round of coffee is on you. Oyasumi, Shinsuke.”
A light breeze follows you as you disappear into the night crowd, Hae and her godfathers return with some ice cream and other souvenirs, and all three of them have this smug and impish look on their face.
“Daddy, did you ask YN-san to marry you?”
Kita denies it defending that he’d only do it after you had coffee with him.
Yet, his friends, his faithful kouhai since high school, the twin godfathers of this sharply witted child, burst into laughter when Hae goes to call their father out: “Your face is all red…”
“…they had a sunflower tattoo,” Kita says this to himself proud he finally felt the universe deliver a much needed ´win’ especially since it’s been four years since the mother of Hae had wanted nothing to do with either of them.
And for the first time in the four years since he came home to an empty place and an abandoned two year old inside the screened porch during the early spring, Kita felt this calming wave of genuine goodness the second he saw you with Hae, running through to get to his stand. He sees you now, a few yards away, and you lock eyes with him as you make your purchase of a blown glass sunflower pendant. His phone vibrates in his pocket and he reads the text from you:
I’m free day after tomorrow, does coffee sound great then? —Hae’s new friend✌🏼
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psychicexpertlover · 29 days
I just. Have to talk about this somewhere so I might as well make that tumblr. CW for physical violence, suicide ideation, disordered eating, pictures showing blood and injuries.
On the 7th of May 2023, my ex-boyfriend (N) physically assaulted me.
He had broken up with me on April 9th, but he continued to say he loved me, kissed me, and we were even physically intimate twice leading up to May 7th. He had called me "my love" as late as May 2nd, so we were for all intents and purposes on good, if confusing, terms.
May 7th was prom. We had gotten tickets several months prior, and our entire group of mutual friends was going, so we decided to both attend. I was at the time struggling with an eating disorder, and had lost an unhealthy amount of weight in very little time (around 9kgs in a little less than a month - I went from 62.8 to 54.4). On the day of I'd only had a coffee for breakfast, and at the prom dinner itself had a single slice of skagen toast.
Prom was awkward and uncomfortable and I wanted to leave almost as soon as I'd set foot there. There was free alcohol, and I drank five glasses of wine. I'm a lightweight, who can barely handle two on a good day. At around 22.00, N made to leave the function. He was upset about something, which he hadn't been earlier (we had sat at the same table) and I to this day don't know what.
He made it clear I shouldn't follow him, that I should "stay and have fun". I didn't listen. I ran after him, and as he'd gotten a head start I took off my heels to try to catch up. I ran, barefoot, crying, over gravel and at some point broken glass. These were not rational actions. They were fueled by emotion and alcohol. I regret them every damn day.
At some point, I called him, begging him to wait for me, and he grew angry at me and hung up. I called a second time, telling him that I was lost and scared and sorry, that it was dark and cold and that my feet hurt. He was getting increasingly irate, and eventually came to find me. I'd wandered onto the road, which was thankfully devoid of cars, and collapsed, on the verge of either fainting or throwing up, or both.
N picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, which almost made me vomit, and carried me to something nearby where I could sit. It wasn't a bench, I think it was stone steps. He picked the glass and gravel from my feet. I noticed at this point that the blood from my soles had splattered all the way up to my knees. After having somewhat patched up my feet, we realized I was missing a shoe.
It was here that he began shouting at me. I don't remember what he said, only that he was furious that I'd "put myself in this situation". I was crying, hyperventilating, and feeling equal parts shame and guilt. I will genuinely never understand why he did not call either an Uber or honestly an ambulance here. It is worth noting that he was sober, and considerably larger and stronger than me - 196cm tall, ate properly and worked out regularly.
Either way we walked to the nearest tram station together. Here, he told me that he did not love me anymore, that my actions that night had crossed a line and that he'd stopped loving me after the second time I'd called. This made me more distraught. We argued, and continued to argue on the tram. At one point, he "snapped", grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me so roughly a passerby intervened to tell him off.
We reached the station we were supposed to change trains at, and I do not know why we went on the same one, towards his place. A lot of the night is honestly blurry to me, I remember the general chronology of events and some specific occurences, but there is a lot that's unclear to me and I'll probably never really know.
On this tram, he was very spiteful, but did not harm my physically. He said he despised me for putting him in this situation, and when I started sobbing at that he told me to stop causing a scene. He also heavily insinuated I'd be better off dead, or at least that's how I understood his words, and that was really triggering. Either way, at this point I had sort of shut down, I was really hurt. This was someone I used to call my best friend, the person I thought I was going to marry. I felt betrayed, but more than anything I blamed myself for the situation.
We got off at his station. I was having trouble standing upright and walking because of the injuries on my feet plus still being very intoxicated. Here, only now, N booked an Uber for me. After having done so, he looked me up and down and said, "I am going to go home and try to forget that this version of you ever existed." and BOOPED MY NOSE.
This action sent me into downright hysterics. I wobbled forward, grabbing the lapels of his tuxedo in part to steady myself and in part because, well, what the fuck. I just remember asking over and over, "Why would you do that?", my voice breaking. He grabbed my wrists, wrenching my hands away, and told me to not touch him. His fingers left bruises.
The Uber he'd ordered cancelled, and his phone had died by this point, so he decided the best course of action was that we'd go to his place, so he could charge his phone and get a new ride for me. We reached his house, and he let himself in via the basement door. He told me to wait outside. I stood there shaking, no jacket, feet bleeding, shivering and crying in my prom dress, and begged him to let me in. Obviously not to stay the night, just so that I wouldn't be alone outside in the cold, in the dark, in an area I was completely unfamiliar with.
N refused and made to close the door, and I grabbed it (maybe by the handle?), weeping and begging, again not thinking, just, desperate to not be left there. He pushed me off it with such force that I went flying backwards and cracked my head on the pavement. He slammed the door, I just lay there dazed, flickering in and out of consciousness.
Eventually, a car pulled up and N opened the door, picked me up and scooped me into it. I somehow made it back home. The following day, I woke up to find myself blocked by him on everything. I attempted suicide, failed, and ended up seeking help. Following my head injury, I had symptoms of what I believe to be a concussion, but I did not consult a medical professional because I didn't want N to get in trouble. I also did not tell our mutual friends, who ended up "choosing" him because they'd known him longer.
Here are some pictures of my injuries
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The blood splatters on my legs from running barefoot
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The bruises from when he grabbed my wrist
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My eyes following the head injury, why I suspected a concussion
I don't really know why I'm making this post. I guess I just want to say what happened wasn't fair. And that healing is really fucking hard. I still have nightmares about what happened. I wake up every morning in a puddle of my own sweat, shaking, heart beating frenetically, and I want it to stop. I'm so fucking tired. He is not the first person I cared about to physically hurt me, and he knows all about that too, but at least my mom apologizes. I hate this.
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p-redux · 3 years
Gloating about being an insider during a time of sadness is DISGUSTING
I'm not gloating, I'm posting INFO and FACTS like I always do...and showing restraint and discretion in not posting it sooner, and not posting the details, which I haven’t and won’t.
But you know what IS disgusting? Here’s a LONG list, and by no means, a comprehensive one, of what Extreme Shippers, Former Extreme Shippers, and Assorted Haters have done that is VERY DISGUSTING. I’ll write it stream of consciousness-like and not in order. Put your feet up and grab a tall drink. Here we go...
Click on Keep Reading
Extreme Shippers found Cait’s condo when she used to live in Los Angeles and sat outside for hours waiting to see if they saw her with Sam. ES blackmailed and coerced a minor, a 14 year old girl who was a super fan of Abbie’s sister, Charlotte Salt, into giving them info regarding Abbie and Sam. The girl was following Abbie’s locked Instagram account and could see the Sam related stuff Abbie was posting. ES won her trust, she gave them info about Abbie and Sam, they then told her if she didn’t screencap and give them the Sam related pics on Abbie’s IG account, they would tell Abbie and Charlotte that she had been giving them info. Sick doesn’t begin to describe it. ES tried to dox and did dox anyone and everyone who got in the way of their SamCait ship. Doxed, as in PUBLICLY posted, the names, addresses, pictures of their houses, professions, husbands’ and children’s names, employer names of ANYONE and EVERYONE who posted something to contradict the ship. They even posted pictures of their children. Again, messing with minors is a big no no, and usually a crime. ES created fake Ashley Madison accounts (that’s the website for married people who want to meet people to cheat on their spouses with) and pretended to be non-shippers’ husbands to try to make it seem like the husband was cheating. It got so bad, that in some cases, non-shippers had to get restraining orders, cease and desist orders, get the police, lawyers, and in TWO cases, the F B I involved. Yes, the F B I has come a knocking on a couple of Extreme Shipper’s doors because of their ILLEGAL actions. ES lured some of Sam’s girlfriends into believing they had their best interest at heart, gained their trust, and they PUBLICLY posted their PRIVATE messages. Luckily, in the case of one Sam’s ex, Abbie Salt, she later did confirm she and Sam dated, which totally negated everything that shipper had said Abbie told her.  ES directly BULLIED and HARASSED fans, Outlander cast, crew, journalists, reporters, family and friends of Sam and Cait. ES contacted people’s employers to try to get them fired...literally messed with people’s livelihoods. They tried to get the Outlander drivers fired because they started posting stuff against shippers AFTER shippers turned on them. ES waited outside Sam and Cait’s residences in whatever location they were in to try to “catch them together.” Taking pics at someone’s private residence is very different than getting pics or video in PUBLIC places. For years, ES have manipulated pictures, gifs, video to sell the SamCait LIE to their gullible shipper friends. They’ve made money off selling these lies. ES have ostracized and banished any shipper friends who acknowledged the ship wasn’t real. They sent their best friend to Tony’s bar in London to try to prove he and Cait weren’t together, and when she unwittingly found out they were, they then bullied her and kicked her out of shipperville. ES created multiple hate sock accounts for the SOLE purpose of CYBERBULLYING Sam’s girlfriends and dates. Any time Sam dates a woman, ES follow the same pattern. They contact the women’s employers, parents, siblings, other family members, friends, ex-boyfriends trying to malign the women. Some examples: They pretended to have gone to high school with Mackenzie Mauzy and spread lies that she had a bad reputation in high school. They spread lies that Gia was a paid escort. ES contacted social media outlets to spread LIES about Sam and Cait and their significant others. Contacted anyone associated with Cait and Tony’s wedding trying to intimidate them into saying there was no wedding. They posted the picture of a waiter at one of the Outlander premieres and tried to pass him off as Tony to prove Tony didn’t go with Cait. ES have continuously posted pics of Cait with her naturally poochy belly trying to prove that she’s been pregnant with Sam’s children for the last 7 years. ES publicly questioned her if she was pregnant. Sam haters and disgruntled ex-shippers have spread rumors that Sam is gay. Nothing wrong with being gay, but what is wrong is spreading LIES. ES have badmouthed Cait’s HUSBAND, Tony McGill saying he was: her assistant, gay, her gay assistant, a loser, broke, boring, ugly, her purse holder, etc. And trust me, what I’ve posted above is the SHORT list.
And that’s not even mentioning what they’ve done to ME. Ever since I committed the unforgivable sin of posting source info CONFIRMING Sam and Cait were never a couple, and Cait was dating Tony, way back in 2014, this is what SamCait Extreme Shippers have done to me. Tagged me endlessly when I had my Twitter account telling me things like “Die, b*tch,” “Die, c*nt,” “You should be gang rap*d,” “Drop a house on her,” “You’re worse than AIDS,” and those are the “nice” comments. They literally BULLIED me every day, all day for YEARS. They also created hate accounts on Twitter and Instagram to mock me, parody me, and post lies about me. They were convinced they’d found my real identity (based on circumstantial evidence, which I’ve countered and can counter with the actual truth), and proceeded to post THAT woman’s FULL NAME, city where she lived, profession, reported her to her licensing board, and created a fake Twitter account pretending to be her. She got a lawyer and was able to get everything taken down, but they basically tried to ruin her life. They’ve spread LIES about me being the one harassing THEM and managed to convince over 60 dopes with disposable incomes to give them money for a GoFundMe campaign where they hired a Private Investigator to try to find me. They started a witchhunt letter writing campaign, hashtagged it on Twitter, #takebackourfandom, or some such bullsh*t, tagged everyone in Outlander cast and crew “telling” on me and even sent letters and e-mails to Starz and Sony executives trying to...I don’t know what. Hahahaha. It’s so ridiculous, my brain is scrambling as I write this. They told their followers not to believe anything I say and that I’m evil personified. ALL of that and more because they couldn’t face the FACT that their SamCait ship NEVER EXISTED and I was the one that confirmed it. When I think about it, I can’t believe I lived through all that. But I stayed because I knew I had the TRUTH on my side and that eventually it would all come out, which of course it did. And because I’m a bad bitch who doesn’t scare easily.  EVERYTHING I’m referring to here is well DOCUMENTED with screencap proof. Or just ask anyone who’s been in the fandom long enough, they’ll attest that what I’m saying did actually happen, and that Extreme Shippers, Former Shippers, and Haters did do all of that.
So, Anon, when you come at me with “disgusting” things in this fandom, please refer to the above before you start pointing fingers at me. 
PS. “Anon,” I’ve got your Los Angeles/Anaheim Samsung Galaxy S10e IP address tagged. So, send me another hate Ask and you’ll get blocked. And don’t bother using a VPN...once the tag is on, it follows the user no matter what IP they use. Now you know. 
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etaleah · 4 years
Just finished rewatching The Great Mouse Detective as part of my Spanish practice and I CANNOT with how extra Ratigan is. I know we all like to think of Hades as the gayest of gay Disney villains, but...Ratigan may seriously have him beat.
Because it wasn’t enough for him to just set up a trap and be done with it. Oh no. That would have been far too simple. This drama queen of a rat recorded himself singing a goodbye song in the pettiest voice you can imagine, made sure that Basil would have to hear the entire thing before being killed in every way possible, rigged a camera to take a picture of the whole thing so Ratigan could preserve the memory, AND he set up a welcome party for the sole purpose of making sure Basil was extra humiliated when he arrived.
Any other villain would have just trapped him, killed him off, and been done with it, but not Ratigan. He put effort into getting revenge on his ex and made sure to trap his new boyfriend too just for good measure.
Truly he is the gayest and villainest of the gay villains.
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mariinara · 4 years
HC where sam is your best friends brother?
I actually thought about making your best friend just Nathan? But, for the sake of routine and creativity, let's shake it up a bit and create another sibling– a middle Drake sister? 👀👀
-First of all, being best friends with a Drake means that you have to be wild and absolutely unhinged to keep up.
-Your best friend– who happens to be the middle sister of two impossible brothers – rarely ever experienced a dull moment.
-Since you were the same, you had no problem whatsoever with tagging along with her, wherever she might go.
-However, she was just as much of an adrenalin junkie as her two brothers, which means she very often traveled around and was usually up to her usual treasure-hunting, museum-looting, lost-city-plundering shenanigans with either her two brothers, just one of them, Sullivan, or Chloe Frazer.
-And as a woman who only had a couple of odd jobs with her, Nathan, Elena, and Sullivan for the sole purpose of being "the tech gal in the chair", you didn't tag along in most of those.
-In fact, you had a pretty stable job in a computer shop as an I.T. manager and technician.
-Sounds boring, but is quite lucrative at times.
-And, sure, you'd met Nathan. You thought he was an absolute sweetheart and a joy to be around. Sometimes, though, when he didn't listen to your advice that would prevent him from getting his neck wrung, he was positively infuriating.
-Sam, though..
-You'd heard of the infamous older brother. You saw some of his pictures with his younger sister and brother, too, but they were about sixteen-year-old photographs, taken way before he was thrown in Panama and got locked up for thirteen years..
-Sometimes, you heard your best friend talking to him on the phone, but it'd be very brief and happened once every blue moon.
-Her explanation behind the very superficial relationship was that Sam didn't really share such a strong bond with her. They almost always fought and never once did they go a day without flipping each other off at least a thousand times.
-It was because their sister was a bit more reasonable when it came to life or death. She might've been wild at parties and great at rock-climbing or swinging off a cliff, but when odds were against her, she knew when to turn back and call it quits.
-A trait that – obviously – Sam did not have.
-She loved him, though, and she would do anything for him and so would he. Anytime. No questions asked.
-In fact, whenever she asked him to send her something from Boston to New Orleans, he'd do it without hesitation and would even leave a small note saying how he'd missed her and would like to catch up soon.
-So you had a pretty basic idea of who Sam Drake was, but you hadn't actually had the privilege of seeing him in person.
-One day, however, your best friend called and invited you over to her place that evening because she was holding a huge family gathering.
-"Everyone's gonna be there!", she'd told you.
-You were always up for a good backyard barbecue party with people you haven't seen in years. You knew for a fact that when she said 'everyone', she literally meant everyone.
-Nate, Elena, Cassie, Chloe, Sullivan, Charlie, and Nadine were all going to attend and the only missing person was you– the life of the party and the most theatrical comedian in the bunch.
-So not only did your friend want you there, but everyone said that they'd come only if you did and you couldn't disappoint them.
-And there you were, standing at the head of the table in the large pergola of your friend's yard, a glass of wine in your hand as you entertained and told a story of something stupid that'd happened to you with a celebrity customer that almost cost you your career. The table shook as all your buddies roared in laughter, some struggling to breathe and others not bothering to try and sound respectable– snorting away to their hearts' content and slamming the table or sinking into their chairs.
-A huge grin played on your lips before you brought your glass up to take a sip of wine, waiting for your friends to calm down, and then, your best friend suddenly perked up, her eyes as wide as the growing smile on her face.
-"Is that..?"
-Your brows pull in confusion and you look in the direction that everyone was looking towards and you saw a tall, broad man, a duffel in one hand while the other remained in the pocket of his deep blue jeans.
-Your wine remained in your mouth a little and as he stepped closer, a sheepish smile on his face, you swallowed thickly, your eyes widening.
-"Sam!", his sister yelled, jumping from her chair to break a sprint towards him and collide against his chest, making him stumble back a little, a chuckle escaping him as he rubbed her back.
-Everyone rushed to him, giving hugs and serenading him with 'It's so good to see you's. He even picked up his twelve-year-old niece, spun her around, and attacked her cheek with kisses, telling her how much he's missed her and that he had a small gift for her in his bag that he brought back from his most recent travel.
-And then, your best friend and his sister dragged you from your frozen position, putting you in front of him.
-"This is (y/n)!", she excitedly introduced you, "Remember? I told you all about her."
-Sam paused for a second and you did your best to look confident but something about him was so alluring and knee-buckling that it was so hard not to see flustered, especially that he gave you what seemed to be a ghost of a smirk.
-"M'yeah.", he replied, shaking your hand gently, "She wouldn't shut up about you." He pointed out, making his sister pout and gently nudge his arm.
-And, then, out of nowhere, your confident demeanor was back, "I must be greater than I thought, then.", you quickly quipped, having literally no clue where that came from.
-Sam raised an interested brow, "I'll bet." He replied, his voice dropping an octave and his eyes boring into yours.
-Maybe it was the wine, but you wanted nothing more but to jump him at that very moment.
-You two broke the staring game when Nathan cleared his throat and clapped his hands, rubbing them together, "So who's up for some barbecue, huh?"
-Everyone murmured in agreement and they quickly went back to their designated seats.
-You hadn't even noticed that your hand was still in Sam's until everyone was gone from around you and you quickly pulled it away, unable to make eye contact with the incredibly handsome man before you, just sticking to looking down at the small portion of wine left in your glass.
-"C'mon and sit next to me.", Sam suddenly said, making your eyes snap up at him in surprise, "I wanna get to know you better.", he clarified, sending you a sly smirk before brushing past you, making sure that his shoulder gently nudged yours.
-You looked at him as he confidently sauntered away, your mouth agape but an amused smile still present.
-"I warn you..", you whipped your head to see your best friend grinning at you, bemused by the whole scene that'd unfolded before her eyes. She walked towards you, "He'll break your heart.", she shook her head, taking a sip out of her beer.
-A snort left you and you shook your head, "He's.. not my type..", you mutter, downing the last drops of red wine afterwards as if to wash down the blatant lie that you'd just told.
-"Mm-hmm..", she gave you a sassy look and you rolled your eyes, gently kicking her along, telling her to shut up and get a move on.
-When you made it to the table, Sam looked up at you and smiled cordially, patting the chair next to him.
-You sat down next to him, and immediately, the chattering around the table began, and you were back to being your funny, confident self, captivating everyone with your brilliant story-telling and impeccable impressions that left everyone keeling over and laughing.
-Sam was a funny guy as well. He'd throw a few comments here and there that made your stories even funnier.
-You laughed together a few times and most of the time, his eyes were on you. He'd laugh and grin and nod along while sipping on his beer sometimes, but other than that, he was fully enamored with you.
-Not only were you attractive and witty, but also funny and really passionate, which was a dangerous mix that had Sam immediately sold.
-Everyone went to get their grilling on and were shoving their faces with hotdogs. Charlie and Nathan had an eating contest while Cassie filmed it with her camera, giggling all the while.
-So everyone was gathered in different areas, sometimes joining in on others' conversations or just sticking to their own, intimate ones.
-Your best friend was immersed in a conversation with Charlie, who'd won the hotdog eating contest and wasn't as whoozy as Nathan was. Charlie also happened to be her ex-boyfriend, but they were on great terms, even after they'd broken it off.
-And there you were with Sam, on the garden swing, keeping a good, friendly distance between each other, but somehow, the looks you shared suggested otherwise.
-You told him stories he needed to hear to have an idea about who you were as a person. You told him how you met Nate and his sister and he pretended not to know any of the information you spilt. He only listened to you intently because the way you pieced your stories was so interesting and your voice was captivating and so were your over-the-top hand gestures.
-He just loved listening to you.
-And the two of you didn't notice the hours go by, only absentmindedly bidding farewell to the friends who left.
-And soon, it was only the two of you, chatting away, laughing and sighing wistfully at memories.
-"You two are so indiscreet.", you and Sam look up at his sister, who had her hands in the pockets of her hoodie, a smirk on her face, "Everyone noticed."
-"Noticed?", Sam asked, raising a brow and narrowing his eyes.
-She scoffed, "Uh, yeah. You two lovebirds are so obvious."
-"A-ha. M'kay. Good talk.", Sam gave her a wry smile, further confirming his sister's suspicion.
-"He likes you but he's too pussy to admit it.", She told you, making you chuckle, the heat creeping up your neck again to make you look down in hopes of concealing your embarrassment.
-"Shut up or else.", Sam warned, leaning forward on the swing, as if he was preparing to pounce on his sister.
-But she ignored him and kept her eyes on you, "Remember what I told you..~", she taunted before stretching and looking at Sam, "You stayin' here?"
-Sam glared, "Do I have any other choice?" He asked in a "duh" tone.
-She yawned and nodded, scratching the back of her neck and stretching tiredly, "Okay, well..", a deep sigh left her as she moved her arms around to stretch her muscles, "I'm turnin' over."
-You cleared your throat and gently smacked your thighs before getting up, "I, uhh.. better get goin', too.", you sent Sam a warm smile, "It's gettin' kinda late."
-He looked up at you with his starry, puppy eyes before standing to tower over you, wiping his hands against the sides of his thighs, "Yeah, uhh..", he paused for a second, "Want me to walk you?"
-Yeah, you did. And you almost approved before you closed your mouth again and closed your eyes, breathing out a soft chuckle at your own ridiculousness, "No, I.. came over here in my car.", you told him and he nodded, his lips pursing to a thin smile.
-"Ugh, get it over with!", his sister complained, looking back and forth between the two of you, irked by the palpable tension in the air.
-Sam quickly sent her a death glare, "Do you mind?", he warned behind clenched teeth.
-She rolled her eyes and backtracked, "As if me leaving's gonna grow you any balls..", she mumbled, but Sam completely heard her and shook his head in dismay as you chuckled at their antics, watching her walk towards her front door and slip inside.
-When you looked back at Sam, his eyes were already on you and you smiled at him while he reciprocated it with a slightly awkward one, "Guess this is the part where I ask you out, huh..?", he spoke lowly, scratching his cheek and averting his gaze from yours for a second.
-You tilted your head, "Guess so..", you pushed your hand in your pocket and pulled out a pen, "Gimme your hand."
-Sam raised a brow but did so anyway and you grabbed his hand, turning it so you could see the back of it and scribbled down with the ink on his skin.
-"There." You let go and he looked at his hand, smiling when he found that you wrote your phone number, "Call me."
-He chuckled as he looked back up at you, "Will do."
-You paused for a second and, just to make up for the time you weren't going to be together in, you stood on your toes and pulled him in, planting a gently, chaste kiss on his cheek before pulling away, smiling at him warmly when you saw his fingers gently ghosting the area where your lips pressed against his skin.
-"See you 'round.", you winked at him and backed away, turning around to leave.
-Sam watched you, almost bewitched by the way you made him feel. His eyes followed you intently and took note of everything: the sway of your hips and your curves and legs and everything.
-But, suddenly, he called out for you when he remembered something, stopping you in your tracks. You looked back at him, raising a curious brow, "What'd she tell you about me earlier?"
-You paused for a few seconds, a smirk playing on your lips as you realized what he was referring to, "Nothing.", you waved him off, "Just don't break my heart!", you jut a finger at him, playfully warning him with a glare that caused him to chuckle.
-"No promises."
-But he'd be lying if he didn't admit that anyone who'd break your heart would be a complete and utter ungrateful idiot.
Tags: @missdictatorme , @the-drakeboys , @the-winchesterboys , @samdrakeftw , @easy-and-steady @s4mdrake , @writer-jamie , @hrgnm , @purplezebra68 , @elledrake , @misslongcep
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veganthranduil · 4 years
for the drabble requests; 23. “I immediately regret this decision.” -pianodoesterror
Thank you for this request! It became quite different from what I originally imagined. Cw for jealousy, if that’s not your thing. 
“So it’s ten-thirty on a Wednesday night, I’ve had one gin, and my Google drive just spat the chatlog between me and my ex back at me. I think well, James, what can go wrong?” James pauses for dramatic effect. “I immediately regret this decision.”
Dundy nearly chokes on his drink, which Francis thinks is a bit of an exaggeration, though he can’t help but smile fondly. James does have a gift for comedic timing, even if Francis feels the beginnings of a scowl come on at the mention of—well, it’s not like he’s a jealous man, per se. People have exes, that’s the way of things. What does it matter who James has dated before, when he’s here now, reaching for Francis’s hand under the table distractedly, like he’s not even aware that he’s doing it?
The problem is, of course, that Francis has a lot of hang-ups—he knows what he looks like, for God’s sake, knows how old he is and that James has probably dated more adventurous people in his lifetime, or at least people who don’t take adventure to mean a literal research trip to Antarctica.
“The problem wasn’t the nostalgia. God no. I was stunned at how blatantly unhappy I sounded. Have you ever wanted to invent time travel for the sole purpose of going back in time and gently shaking some sense into yourself? It was maddening!”
Edward expresses his sympathy. Normally, Francis wouldn’t care for the conversation as much as the company—he values their dinners, it’s rare enough to get even half of their friends into the same room at the same time, and yet he cannot help but be shaken by a very base urge: to excuse himself from the room, drag James to their bed and settle quite firmly, once and for all, whose boyfriend James is.
He will not do that, because he has some self-respect left. Nevertheless, he’s relieved when Edward inquires after Tom Blanky’s kids, and Thomas breaks out the baby pictures. If his hand rests a little high on James’s thigh, no one’s the wiser—except James, who raises his eyebrows inquiringly and says nothing.
The dishes have been washed and stashed away, the kitchen restored to some semblance of order, and James is in the bedroom changing into his pyjamas. Francis should let this go. He’s an adult man. It’s unbecoming.
“I can hear you thinking, you know.” James has taken to put his hair into a little braid before bed, because Francis has complained it tickles his nose when they spoon. “It’s noise pollution, that’s what it is. Noise pollution of the bedroom.”
Francis steps up behind him and wraps a possessive arm around his midsection. “Just thinking about how much I love you.”
“Liar.” Francis can hear James grinning. It sits in how he can accuse Francis of being a liar without any malice. “Is this because of my story earlier?”
Francis almost disentangles himself, but James grabs his arm and pulls Francis in. James knows well how he can keep Francis from withdrawing into himself.
“I won’t talk about it anymore. I’m sorry; it was inappropriate.” Francis places a considering kiss to James’s neck, hums. James continues. “You know how I am. If it’s a story, I’m over it.”
James twists in Francis’s arms, places a kiss to the top of Francis’s head. “But you’re more important to me than my stories.”
What Francis feels is different from anger. He’s not upset at James. He’s never met the person he wants to challenge, and he wouldn’t rightly know what to challenge them for.
“You’re mine, Fitzjames,” he says. In a stroke of inspiration, he punctuates this with a squeeze of James’s ass to underline his point. James’s eyebrows climb to his hairline. “Is that so?”
Francis grins, wide, showing off the gap in his teeth and he couldn’t care less. “I’ll show you, if you want to.”
James’s answering grin is bright and delighted. “Oh please, Francis.” He leans in close so that Francis can feel James’s breath ghosting over his ear. “Ravish me.”
Drabble request link!
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Hello everyone! Let's talk about something that doesn't really get talked about, not that I can tell at least. So just a few short months ago I have birth to a very handsome 7 lbs. 10 oz, 20 1/2 inch long boy. Yay! Congratulations to me, I am super in love with my boy! He is my first born. So some people think,"Awwww being a fort time mom is the best!". If you are one of those people I am going to stop you there, not in a mean way of course, how would you know ,that before I gave birth to my handsome boy, I became a mom 4 years ago to my FIRST baby! I did not give birth to her, but I did accept her into my heart and life like she was my own. The love I have for her is just as strong as the love I have for my son! Let me tell you a little about how this happened (short version):
Back in 2016 I was just a normal 20 year old still living with her mom and twin sister and younger brother. In the apartment above her grandfather and older sister. I worked at McDonald's, making minimum wage, still figuring out what I wanted in life, like what I wanted to be, what I wanted in a man, figuring out who I was and praying I wasn't going to stay at McDonald's forever. Also hoping I wasn't going to be like my mom l and be alone at 45 years old!
So it was the year of 2016 like alot of young adults around my age, I may or may not have had a dating app called POF, and for you dating app virgins out there, Plenty Of Fish was the full name of the app. Just like many other apps, POF had a swipe left for no, swipe right for yes.(If my memory serves me right) I swiped many rights and even more lefts, because just like other women I have a type lol. I came across a picture, of a handsome man, holding what I assumed was his infant child. He had a smile that would knock any person off their feet, beautiful eyes, muscular, nice hair, etc. So me being the daring person I am, took a chance and swiped right, thinking to myself that someone who looked like me(5'4'' and on the chunky side). Just a few short days later I get a message from this daring swipe to the right, and we hit it off. He was a single man, who was having a tough time in the world as an adult, and because I'm a sorry for them type, we talked for awhile and decided to meet up, in the presence of a close friend of mine, because you never know now a days. We hung out, watched TV, he was very gentleman like. He didn't know his boundaries, so I had to make the first move, and it's not what you think, it was just holding hands lol. The time came for our meet up to end, so he hugged me goodbye, and said he would talk to me later. The best part about that night I remember, was his first compliment towards me was my eyes, then get this my hands lol. Never have I been complimented on my hands before. But anyways we hung out every day after that. I do have to admit I felt bad for him, he was homeless, and unfortunately he had a drug addiction that was getting the best of him. So my soft heart took him in, I was nervous at first because I didn't want to be used for just a place to live and food to eat. When it came to his daughter, that I assumed was in the picture with him, she lived an hour away with a family friend of the birth mom. The birth mom refused to let him see her for the longest time, despite many attempts. When he found out she was not in her care, he started taking her on the weekends only while he got his addiction under control. After seeing her on the weekends, every weekend for a couple months, the birth mom, also a drug addict, threatened to take the baby away to live near the border of Canada. After that something clicked in this new found boyfriend of mine saying enough is enough, he got clean and when he felt confident enough, he picked her up on a weekend and never brought her back. Now let me say, they were married at the time and there was no custody settled in court so he legally could do this. He was living with me and my family, and I felt something about this man where I felt nothing but pure joy to help this man realize his full potential as a father, a CLEAN father. From that moment on, he was the best boyfriend and dad I have ever seen. He stayed clean, worked, and provided for his child.
I never started introducing myself as mom to this infant, I was always known as my first name. I didn't want to label myself as mom to this innocent soul, because we both didn't know if our relationship would last, because it was still new. I watched her while he worked, and every day I watched her grow, and learn, I was falling in love with this child, just like I was with her father. I knew I couldn't have one without the other. From that moment on my life changed. Our relationship became more serious, we fell in love, I met his family, he met mine. We knew there was something between us. After a year of fighting his ex for custody, he got full custody, with him being the sole legal guardian. It took so long because she never showed up, she was in a downward spiral, and showed no interest in getting better for herself. We tried to work with her, get her help, make her apart of her child's life safely, but she wasn't working with us, so it got to a point where we decided that there was nothing we could do to help her if she wasn't willing to help herself.
Within that year, we got our own apartment,full time jobs, the baby was turning into a toddler and was in day care the days we were working. She was thriving, happy, healthy, and a beautiful little girl. At this point I was being referred to as mom, because hers was not there, not for a new court date, not for one visit to spend time with her child. I was the only one she knew. I taught her how to walk, talk, I fed her, bathed her, put clothes on her back. I am, for all intents and purposes, her mom.
No back to current times lol. After almost 3 years of having full custody, the birth mom has only seen her a handful of times. Our now 4 year old only knows her by her first name. Her father and I are now engaged, we still fully support ourselves, he works full time at a better paying job, and I work part time as a teacher's aide, and we are both killing it as full time parents to now 2 beautiful children.
Sorry I went off a little off topic here lol, it's my first time blogging and I'm working on it. My beautiful 4 year old, has taught me everything I have ever dreamed about being a mom. Not only have I taught her how to be the kind, caring, smart little girl she is, she has taught me how to be the best mom I can be. Honestly I am still learning every day and so is she. She is the best big sister to her new little brother, and I can't be so proud. To this day her birth mom, still tells my fiance, that I will never be her mom because I didn't give birth to her. Which is true, I did not give birth to her, but I am more of a mom to her then she has ever experienced from her birth mom. My point is I became mom a long time ago, and my circumstances may not be like everyone else's, but it doesn't take blood to be a parent, it takes how you take care of a child. Nurture a child, show them the meaning of life, help them grow, learn, and take care of them. That's what it takes to be a parent! My journey to parenthood, is far from over, but with both of our children it feels like I have a new journey waiting for me every day.
I know I said short but believe me this is just the tip of the iceberg, and I know no one has all the time in the world to read the whole story. So here is the short version. I hope you enjoy the read and let me know your opinions!
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hes-writer · 6 years
y/n deserves to know
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The one thing I've wondered a out A Cheat is who was sending her the texts. Could you do a blurb about that? @harryspirate @kettxo
Cheating is fun for some people, sadistic little shits that get off on other people's pain, or maybe they're so used to making mistakes that they never think twice about what they do. Other times they get so insecure that they doubt the people who love them. But, being cheated on is the worst. Finding out that your significant other would rather be off being with someone that isn’t you is painful. It hurts.
His ex-girlfriend was disloyal to him, manipulated him into thinking that somehow it was his fault as to why this was happening. Made him believe that he wasn't good enough, and that he will never be wanted by anyone except her. It was a toxic relationship that he wanted to get out of for a long time, but the courage he's collected overtime wasn't enough. Knowing that she was out there purposely making herself desirable for the sole reason that she knew it would hurt him, that was the last straw.
It wasn't because he saw the marks on her neck, the purple bruises painting over what once was his. It wasn't because her aroma has drastically changed from her scent to another man's cologne. Even when she showed up an hour late to their date with sex hair and a woozy look in her eyes, he didn't tell her to leave. Instead, he suck it up because that's what he was expected of.
Irene. That was her name; hurt him deeply and shattered his heart to bits and pieces. He knew she was disloyal, yet he continued on with their relationship like nothing was wrong because even if he was hurting, his heart managed to tape itself together–somehow–for her. He came to his senses when he saw the whole thing with his own two eyes.
They both worked at the studio, well, she worked at the studio, he was just an intern; working countless hours for 'experience' but never getting paid for his efforts. That's one of the many things she constantly put him down for. They met when she was starting out her career, humble and kind but was poisoned by what could be and tapered off to nothing but rudeness and selfishness. The more opportunities she received, the more she stepped on him to get to the top. And soon, it wasn't just him. She started flirting with her bosses for 5% raises, started taking advantage of lonely men for whatever reason. Single men, at that. He knew because she was blatant about it, never really hid it from him, never even tried to.
But then came Harry. World-renowned pop star; you'd have to be living under a rock to not know that Mr. Styles himself was in a loving, long-term relationship with Y/N. Irene knew that, he knew that, but she pounced on him nonetheless. Walking in the hallways of the building, sometimes he’d be able to hear her moans and his groans if he listened closely. How Harry praised his girlfriend and not Y/N, how Irene's voice wavered saying, "you’re so much better than my boyfriend.” It hurt him and he was willing to put it aside–that's just the type of person he is, but his subconscious couldn't help but feel guilty because someone else besides him was now being affected by Irene's actions. Y/N.
You could say he decided to stop being selfish because he kept the pain all to himself at first, but he thinks that Y/N doesn't deserve it. Doesn't deserve to be so clueless to Harry cheating on her. So he did what he could. Got her number from one of the band members, it wasn't too hard since they were all pretty fond of him and nice too. They actually respected him. Treat people with kindness and all that.
He sent the picture, warning her about it but never got a reply. She probably thought that it was some seriously good photoshop. But when he saw Harry and Y/N walk through those doors, still hand in hand and seeming like the perfect couple (they were pretending for the sake of paparazzi), he didn't know that of course, his conscience couldn't take it. He wasn't attracted to her or anything, but he was a good person. He sent the second text, asking if she was wondering where they were. And wondered, she did.
He could hear them fighting in the bathroom, his heart mourning for Y/N's lost love. It still affects him to know that she was a victim as was he. He was leaning against the wall a leg kicked back to support his weight, then he saw Y/N storm out from the bathroom, tears dripping one by one. He pushed himself off.
"Hey, hey. Are you okay?"
Y/N sniffles before looking up at the strange face, "I'm fine. Thank you," she starts walking away towards the elevator wanting to go home, pack her stuff and leave Harry's life. Obviously not.
"He wasn't worth it, you know? Harry, I mean. You deserve someone better,"
Something clicks in Y/N's mind, the text messages. "W-were you the one?" He nods, smart girl.
She smiles at him gratefully, "Thank you for doing that."
"It's no problem, you deserved to know."
Y/N proceeds to the elevator, just as the doors close, Harry walks out of the washroom. Hands in his pockets while looking down, fully-dressed, he bumps into him.
"Sorry mate"
"You're a piece of shit, you know that? How are you going around, preaching others to 'treat people with kindness' when you can't even do that to your own girlfriend,"
"Fucking asshole," he mutters underneath his breath, walking away. He can’t believe he just said that to his boss.
psa; cheating is n e v e r okay!
shoot me a message or drop smth in my inbox if you like it! ❤️😄
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I-J’s Top 20 Bookmarks of 2018
I’M A BIT LATE WITH THIS, but I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile. I want to start reccing more fics that people haven’t asked for, and thought this was a good way to start that :P
After I made my Top 30 Read-Again Fics (March 2019) fic list, I thought hmm, why not just make a list of my fave fics I bookmarked in 2018? Because why not? 
So here we are; it was a RIDICULOUSLY hard selection process (it was supposed to be only 10!), since everything I bookmark are amazing stories. I kept the criteria to fics I’ve only read for the very first time in 2018 and then proceeded to bookmark, so these aren’t necessarily fics that were released in 2018, just stuff I’ve read and bookmarked.
ANYWAY, without further ado, in word count order:
I-J’s TOP 20 BOOKMARKS of 2018
See also: 
Top 20 Fave 40K+ w. Fics (April 2017 ) 
I-J’s Last 50 Bookmarked Fics (June 2017) 
Last 17 Bookmarked Fics July 2017
Last 30 Bookmarked Fics November 2017 
Ten Fave Short Johnlock Fics (Easy Reads April 2018) 
25 Fave Johnlock One Shots (April 2018) 
Top 10 Fave Fics (September 2018) 
Novel Length Fics: 50 to 100K (Nov. 2018)
Last 86 Bookmarked Fics (Jan 2019) || [MOBILE] 
Top 30 Read-Again Fics (March 2019)
A Study in Lace by KarlyAnne (E, 2,320 w. || Est. Rel., Crafty Sherlock, Tiny Lace Panties / Lingerie, Domestics, Experiments, Oral, Masturbation) – “Why do you suppose he was doing that?” “Why do I suppose who was doing what?” “The room. The lace. The secrecy. He was playing with fire in everything he did, and didn’t care one bit. But he had a secret chamber, carefully concealed, solely for the purpose of making lace lingerie. Obviously for personal use. Why?" Part 1 of The Unintentional Crafts of Sherlock Holmes
Lingerie by Sexxica (E, 4,135 w. || Valentine’s Day, Lingerie / Women’s Underwear, Mildly Public Masturbation, Picture Texting / Sexting, Bottomlock, Body Worship, Anal Sex / Fingering, Rimming, Orgasm Delay / Denial, Est. Rel.) – It's Valentines Day and Sherlock is taking John to Angelo's for dinner. Sherlock also happens to be wearing a garter belt, stockings and a rather small pair of women's underwear under his clothes. There's no dessert at Angelo's because John needs to get Sherlock home just as quickly as he can before they both lose their minds entirely.
If He Knows by shamelessmash (M, 4,513 w. || TSo3 Fic, Pining Sherlock, Bed Sharing, Angst, Sherlock POV, Texting, Internal Monologue, Blanket Forts) – I imagine mornings: John handing me a cup of tea, hair sticking out at odd angles. How he would bend down to kiss me, smiling fondly as he pulls away. The way his skin crinkles at the corner of his eyes, the way his skin looks in the morning light. The soft sigh as he sits in his chair with the morning paper, the way his toes curl in the carpet, the way he rolls his shoulders before sinking deeper into his seat. I watch him, how he is when he is content, as it should be. As he deserves. Happy. With me.
When to Let Go by KendylGirl (M, 22,109 w. || Friends to Lovers, Reverse Reichenbach, Sacrifice, Forgiveness, Angst, Love, Implied Drug Use) – What if it were John who had to die to thwart Moriarty's plans? John's supposed death shatters Sherlock, and when he returns, it will challenge the pair to forge a path of forgiveness, to peace, and to find a way back to each other. Part 1 of When to Let Go
Another Auld Lang Syne by DiscordantWords (M, 30,234 w. || Post S4, Mutual Pining, Alternating POV, Introspection, Parentlock, Christmas, New Year’s, First Kiss, Past Drug Use, Angst with Happy Ending, Drinking, Sherlock Whump) – There had been years of missed chances.
Chaperones by MissDavis (T, 34,114 w. || 11 Years Post-S4, Fake Relationship, Parentlock, Disney World, Bed / Room Sharing, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, First Kiss, Obsessive Sherlock, Insecure John) – Right. Of course. Everyone assumed they were a couple and no one would question it. John put his elbows up on the table so he could rest his head in his hands. "You want to pretend to be a couple so we can chaperone a trip to Disney World with Rosie's class and you won't have to share a room with a stranger?" "Exactly." Sherlock beamed at him. "Don't worry about the cost. The Birmingham case last month paid more than enough to cover expenses for all three of us."
Nothing to Make a Song About by emmagrant01 (E, 36,833 w. || Post-TRF, First Time, Reunion, Jealous John, Pining Sherlock, Romance, Angst with Happy Ending, Sherlock Has a Boyfriend) – When Sherlock returned from his faked death, John could not forgive him for the deception and broke off their friendship. Ten years later, John returns to London in search of yet another new beginning. Sherlock, not surprisingly, is waiting.
The Unfinished Letters by SilentAuror (E, 37,391 w. || Post S3 / S3 / HLV Fix it, Angst with Happy Ending, Romance, Infidelity, Depression, Case Fic, POV Third Person Sherlock, Love Confessions, Pining Sherlock, Letters) – A fire at Baker Street leads John to read something he was never intended to see: a notebook of half-written, unfinished letters Sherlock wrote during his time away...
Set in Stone by SilentAuror (E, 39,309 w. || Romance, Wedding, Therapy, Fluff and Angst) – Sherlock and John are back from Ravine Valley and planning their wedding. However, as they move past the trial of the human traffickers, Sherlock can't help but wonder if he's imagining that John is becoming a little distant. Surely he isn't getting cold feet about the wedding... Part 2 of The Ravine Valley series
In the Still of the Night by SilentAuror (E, 42,234 w. || S4 Fix It / Post-S4, Sherlock POV, Angst, Drama, Romance, Virgin Sherlock, Awkwardness, Misunderstandings / Miscommunications, Case Fic, Travelling, Pining) – As locals on the Northeastern coast begin to report UFO sightings, life at Baker Street becomes significantly awkward as John brings up his desire for more than friendship and Sherlock refuses him. They embark on the investigation from the confines of the tiny cottage Mycroft has rented for them, attempting to navigate both the clues of the case as well as their own inability to communicate...
Bloody But Unbowed by BeautifulFiction (E, 43,211 w. || Abduction, John Whump, Mild Torture, Background Case Fic, Friends to Lovers, Post-TRF / S3 Rewrite, Hurt/Comfort) – When a familiar argument threatens to destroy the last remnants of John and Sherlock's failing friendship, both men are left questioning their worth to one another. Before either of them has the chance to make amends, circumstance intervenes. John is left at the mercy of his abductors, and this time, he's not sure Sherlock will bother coming to his rescue.
floating through a dark blue sky by Lediona (M, 58,966 w. || Notting Hilll AU || POV John, Celebrity Sherlock, First Date / Time / Kiss, Past Drug Addiction, Angst with a Happy Ending) – Of course, I’d seen his films and always thought he was, well, brilliant -- but, you know, a million miles from the world I live in. Or, when John is the owner of a travel book shop and the famous Sherlock Holmes stops in one day.
The Book of Silence by SilentAuror (E, 60,056 w. || S4 Fix It / Post S4, Virgin Sherlock, Rosie / Parentlock, Domesticity, Fluff, Praise Kink, Sex Toys, First Person POV) – As spring blooms in London, John and Sherlock begin to take new cases and cautiously negotiate this new phase of life with John living at Baker Street again. Despite how well it's all going, John struggles to forgive himself for the way he treated Sherlock following Mary’s death as well as trying to figure out how to finally put his long-time feelings for Sherlock into words. Part 1 of The Book of Silence/Rosa Felicia
Summit Fever by J_Baillier (M, 78,802 w. || Mountain Climber AU || POV John, Angst, Tragedy, Suicidal Ideation, The Himalayas, Mountain Guide / Doctor John, Mount Climber Sherlock, Loneliness, Drama, Suspense, Slow Burn, Injured Sherlock / Sherlock Whump, Pining John) – After graduating from medical school, John Watson followed his heart to the Himalayas. Ten years later, he's a haunted cynic working for his ex-lover's trekking and mountaineering company. Will leading an expedition to Annapurna I—the most lethal of all the world's highest mountains—shake John out of his reverie, and who is the mystery client added to the group at the last minute?
Uphill by scullyseviltwin (E, 84,945 w. || Olympics AU || Sherlock POV, Skier!Sherlock / Medic!John, Rivalry, 2014 Olympics, Happy Ending) – Sherlock Holmes is striving for gold in this, his fourth and final Olympics as a downhill Alpine racer.
A Study in Winning by Jupiter_Ash (E, 106,658 w. || Tennis AU || John POV, Dirty Talk, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Happy Ending, Sherlock Speaks French, Switchlock, Wimbledon) – John and Sherlock are professional tennis players and it’s Wimbledon. One is a broken almost was at the end of his career, the other an arrogant rising star tipped for greatness. It should have been a straightforward tournament. It really should have been. How were they to know that a chance encounter would change everything? Part 1 of Tennis
Eyes Up, Heels Down by CodenameMeretricious (E, 107,845 w. || Sports Equestrian AU || Fluff, Angst, Humour, Rider!Sherlock, Groomer!John, Show Jumping, Slow Burn, Happy Ending) – Sherlock is a top eventing rider currently training at Baker Farms. John is the new groom who's been told to steer clear of the surly rider and his horses. Part 1 of Baker Farms
The Burning Heart by May_Shepard (M, 119,150 w. || Canon Divergence, Post-TRF, John’s Sexuality, S3 Rewrite, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV John Watson, John’s Gay) – When Sherlock dies, John Watson feels like his life is over too. He’s completely shut down, until Mark Morstan, a new nurse at John’s medical clinic, catches his attention, and helps him uncover the long buried truth of his attraction to men. Although he’s certain he’ll never get over Sherlock, John plans to move on, and build a new life with Mark, unaware that Sherlock is not quite as dead as he appears, and that Mark is hiding secrets of his own.
The Horse and his Doctor by khorazir (T, 129,003 w. || Horse / Vet AU || Magical Realism, Horses, Vet John, Horse Sherlock, Implied Alcoholism) – Invalided after a run in with a poacher in Siberia, veterinary surgeon John Watson finds it difficult to acclimatise to the mundanity of London life. Things change when a friend invites him along to a local animal shelter and he meets their latest acquisition, a trouble-making Frisian with the strangest eyes and even stranger quirks John has ever encountered in a horse.
Gimme Shelter by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (E, 159,368 w. || 70′s Surfer AU || Period Typical Homophobia, Hawaii, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Professional Surfers, Gay John / Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, John was a Sailor, Misunderstandings) – All John Watson wants is the feeling of a freshly waxed surfboard under his feet and the hot California sun baking down onto his back. To finally go pro in the newly formed world of professional surfing and leave the dark memories of his past behind him as he rips across the face of a towering blue barrel. To lounge beside the beach bonfire every evening with an ice cold beer tucked into the cool sand beside him and listen to Pink Floyd and the Doors while the saltwater dries in his sun bleached hair. That's all he wants, that is, until the hot young phenom taking Oahu and the Hawaiian shores by storm steps up next to him in the sand in the second round of the 1976 International Surf Competition.
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honeylevesque-blog · 6 years
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HEH ,, hey guys!! i decided to make an entirely different muse and ditched dahlia. yipes, i’m sorry if we had plots w / her .. things just weren’t working. but here’s my brand spankin new little wallflower, honey levesque! they’re a bit pretentious but ultimately very sweet nd shy shfksk .. OKAY. this is their STATS, nd i’ll put some more info / wanted connections under the cut!! :-)
extends themselves into academics HEAVILY. some people consider them pretentious, other’s see it as ambition. they just have a very persistent need for knowledge. it’s rare to find them outside of the library when they’re not listening intently to the lecturer in classes. though they are very persistent in their education, they do not have any consistency within their goals. they find it hard to pin themselves down to one thing.
they are a bit of a poet, a bit of a writer, a bit of an artist, a bit of a mathlete, a bit of a baker. they know a lot of things, but they don’t know enough to be a master at any of them. a bit of a jack of all trades ig?? they prefer creative mediums, but are highly intelligent in other areas. they want to be the best at all they do but they sometimes get a little too caught up!!!! they like studying with other people, and it’s one of the few things they find genuine comfort in. 
they have expensive tastes, but don’t have the money to do anything about it. they LOVE thrift shopping, and often find some beautiful things that others looked over. they may seem like they’re on the top of the food chain by the way they tend to present themselves, but their cold exterior isn’t purposeful. they’re just shy.
they hadn’t always been that way - but their life changed a lot after middle school. their entire world was thrown on it’s axis when a little high school party turned into a crime scene. nobody has ever been certain of the details, but the host and six other students turned up dead that night. honey KNOWS who hurt them, but was always too fearful to speak up. now their voice is quiet, and honey is constantly looking over their shoulder.
their paranoia has seeped into her college life now that tatiana’s turned up dead. still, they have far too much trust in others. naivety has only ever lead them astray, but their feelings are easy to manipulate. they are very emotional, and very empathetic!! just a ball of mush. an absolute mess.
gets a new crush every week but doesn’t talk to them EVER. will leave them notes, or poems from time to time in hopes of catching their attention but they know it’s fruitless when they leave no clues of their identity. one day they want to fall in love for real, but right now they are heavily focused on passing their classes and crushes are small and forgettable as time passes. 
their sister is a grad student with a background in biological sciences. their relationship isn’t much to write home about, but honey looks up to them. tatiana and honey’s sister dated for a short while before they had a falling out, and the entire time - honey honestly thought that tatiana’s jaws wound unhinge and they’d be swallowed whole. they never expected for the earth to swallow tatiana - always found her terrifying, and loathsome but ultimately respected her. they don’t blame themselves, but they do feel guilt for being a part in someone else’s twisted game. 
they play piano, and have written a few of their own songs. none of them are particularly good. 
they have a collection of old antique dolls hung up on a shelf in their room. they love them, but most people may consider them an unsettling addition to someone’s living space. 
they didn’t realize that they were gay until getting to college and experiencing everything first hand. there was some odd moments of realization, but ultimately honey’s glad for it. 
loves driving, was a mathlete, hosts a bookclub, hates getting their picture taken, has a fat cat named ginger snap, is an old soul, LOVES romance.
they take after their father and are a bit of a wizard in the kitchen, and they love giving their treats to other people. it’s a subtle joy, but a lot of people enjoy their desserts. 
they’ve been kissed a total of five times, but are otherwise a virgin. they’ve never had a completely successful relationship and they DO blame themselves for that. 
is a huge book geek.
when they first got to college, they tried to impress people and get into the party scene. has puked on a pair of designer boots because they downed way too much alcohol in one-go. it was an embarrassing moment. it wasn’t their last though. they’ve had a few moments where they felt pressured to join the fun and absolutely fell on their face in the process. 
would die for the people they care about HONESTLEA. one of the sweetest people alive if you manage to actually get to know them. first impressions don’t do honey any justice.
an ex-boyfriend - ONE guy that they were super into but realized quickly that their attraction just wasn’t there. was probably their first kiss, and helped them realize they were definitely not into dudes!!
ex-girlfriends? - short-lived relationships that they tried. they really wanted things to work out but they weren’t open enough and the relationship fell apart. is probably a little awkward about it, but is still friends with them!
close friends - people that they are fully themselves with?? probably creative souls. platonic cuddles, gives them lots of gifts. very soft!!! there could even be something more creeping beneath the surface but neither acknowledge it. or if a guy, is completely unrequited. 
study buddies / tutor - someone that is solely their friend through academia. they go to them for help with their homework or if they need to proofread their essay. little things like that!! probably a lot of time spent in the back of the library. their relationship is comfortable, but not extremely close. they talk about surface-level interests and are maybe book geeks together skfkl
a crush - honestly like? someone that honey is super into!! they probably seem pretty obvious with it, but they haven’t said anything that alludes to it. it’s a lot to do with their body language. could go along with any of the other connections tbh?? honey leaves them notes and poems about their admiration for them kdfgjk. maybe even someone that has a crush on honey?? i don’t know if anybody would, but they’re a very sweet person and have a whole lotta heart tbh
someone that they wanted to impress and went a little overboard trying to be somebody else. humilating moments, embarrassing crushes. all that good stuff.
people they don’t get along with. maybe a person that doesn’t care enough to break through to them and therefore thinks they’re snobbish and rude?? maybe someone that finds them to be weak / pathetic. i don’t know man, i’m down.
they fell in love with one of their sisters exes and kissed them. used to be super close, but is super not close with them anymore. makes for awkward situations constantly. probably a few years older than them. 
uhhh someone that goes thrifting with them, fellow poets, people that are maybe in a book club with them, ex-bullies, other exes of their sister .. u know ones they didn’t kiss, just friends!! sleepover buddies!! someone that tries to like push them out of their shell and make them explore the world .. rebellious types ya know? someone that drags them out to parties and teaches them about the fun college life tm. i’m really down for whatever!!!! someone that tried to get in their pants at a party, an old crush, someone from their childhood maybe?? 
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finestfenwick · 6 years
Now or Never--Undercover
He’s awoken by clanging coming from the other room. Benjy rolls over, instinctively feeling for Cleona. Maybe she’s the one making the noise, but if she isn’t...
Benjy’s eyes open and take a few seconds to register the unfamiliar ceiling above him. The mission. The nifflers. Cleona wasn’t there for a reason-but she was safe. Benjy lets out a small breath and rolls out of bed almost noiselessly, the only sound a small creak of one of the floorboards as he stalks towards the kitchen, wand raised. 
He’s not as familiar with the cover apartment as he should be-a dumpy, cramped two room number above a long ago foreclosed exotic animals shop in Knockturn Alley. Benjy makes a mental note to do that if he doesn’t get his brains blasted out of him. As he turns the corner towards the icebox, he recognizes the back of the head and relaxes slightly, but keeps creeping forward, speaking only when the tip of his wand is digging into the other man’s spine. Benjy smiles slightly when a cry of surprise rings out, but he makes his voice a bit sleepier, drunker, when he speaks.
“Ya know, Glenn, if you wanted a bite, all ya had to do was ask.”
“Fucking Hell.” 
The leader of the Nifflers turns around to glare at Benjy, who backs up with his hands raised, indicating he didn’t want a fight.
“Don’t call me Glenn, it makes me sound like a pussy.”
Benjy makes a show of yawning. “Alright, mate. What are-”
“Are you naked?” O’Donnell cuts him off, his expression balking in the dim light of the room as he studies Benjy. Benjy chuckles and summons a pair of his robes with a wave of his wand.
“How the hell else am I supposed to sleep? Want a cuppa?”` Benjy feels O’Donnell’s eyes on him as he moves around the kitchen-no doubt he’d glimpsed the scars marring the majority of his left side. He didn’t think O’Donnell or anyone on the Nifflers recognized his name or his previous Quidditch fame-but then again, had Sawyer even told them his last name? He sets the kettle ablaze with a wave of his wand, trying not to talk to rapidly, trying not to make his lies obvious.
“Auror training gets a bit er...brutal. They don’t-they make you feel less than human-hardens us, you know. Makes us better at killing. “ The look on O’Donnell’s face is almost laughable. He’s buying it. Benjy picks up an apple on the counter and bites into it, buying himself some time to think.
“Sorry for sneaking up on you like that. That’s old hat too-Moody, the fucker, used to break into our places and torture us-he said it was a good lesson in setting protection spells-we’d never forget after that, and I haven’t-mission accomplished, I suppose.” 
That wasn’t entirely a lie. Moody had broken into his place when he was a trainee, though instead of torturing him, Benjy had simply woken up to the sight of his new boss staring him down, laying beside him in bed. “VIGILANCE, FENWICK!” He’d roared, falling off into laughter as Benjy leaped out of bed screaming and throwing every curse word he knew at him. They’d had their lesson in protection spells after that (and after Benjy had put some clothes on-a key part of the lesson he’d forgotten).
“You forgot tonight.”
Shit. He couldn’t exactly tell O’Donnell he’d been instructed not to set the charms for the sole purpose of their current exchange possibly happening. Vigilance, Fenwick. Benjy grins in what he hopes is a malicious way. 
“I’m waiting for the bastard to break in again-I reckon once they find out where I moved I’ve got a few weeks ‘til I come by an ‘accident’ of some kind.”
O’Donnell’s eyebrows raise as Benjy takes another bite of the apple. It’s mealy. 
“They can do that?”
“It’s the government, mate. They can do whatever the hell they want.” He summons two mugs over as well as a bottle of cheap whiskey. He pours a generous amount into both and adds the tea just as the kettle starts to whistle, sending one over to O’Donnell without waiting to see if he wants it. “So I say, let him come-the bastard has no idea what I’m capable of.” Benjy glances at the clock on the wall-it was nearly 4 am. 
“But anyway, mate-what can I help you with?”
O’Donnell studies him with an expression that might be intimidating if his face wasn’t so beady. 
“Just wanted to make sure you’re the real deal.”
Benjy laughs to himself, taking a generous sip of his mug. “I respect a man with suspicions- and you have every right to have them. I wouldn’t trust me either. But I wanna take those fuckers down-more than I’ve ever wanted anything.”  Another long drink-the whiskey burning his throat makes the lies easier. 
“And I’m grateful you lot are allowing me to help you do that.”
It might be laying it on a bit thick, but Benjy sees O’Donnell stand a little taller. His arrogance would be laughable if Benjy didn’t know first hand how dangerous it could be.
“It should be easy enough if Scamander holds up his end of the deal this time. Though it seems like he’s come to his senses-if you ever wonder what happens when you double cross us, just ask your mate. ” O’Donnell says with a chuckle-Benjy stays silent, all but holding his breath. That was basically a confession.
“Er, alright-”
“Do you know where he is? Scamander?” O’Donnell whips out a cigarette and starts to smoke, the tip pre-lit when it touches his lips. “He wasn’t in when I popped in-I’m hoping for both of your sakes that he’s not done something idiotic like run off.”
Benjy swallows hard, letting that statement physically affect him more than it actually does.
“I can go check on him tomorrow-”
“No. The less you two see of each other, the better. You’ll know what I need you to know, Fenwick. This is the real shit-this ain’t no pussy auror squad full of bitches. You listen to me, you do what I say-you don’t fucking question it-understand?”
A wand is poking the center of his chest, O’Donnell had drawn it so fast Benjy hadn’t even noticed. There was no need to feign fear this time.
“Yes sir.”
O’Donnell smiles in a way that strangely reminds Benjy of his ex boyfriend, Graham.
“Good. I’ll ask again. Do you know where Scamander might be?” 
Benjy clears his throat.
“Er, he mentioned some bird he knew from America being in town or getting out of prison...or going to prison. Something. He’s probably with her. And knowing Sawyer...he’ll probably be back at his in the morning.”
O’Donnell nods.
“You seem capable, Fenwick. I can see you sticking around for a while as long as you don’t fuck it up.”
Benjy meets the other man’s eye again and bites back a strange urge to laugh. If only O’Donnell knew-and how like Benjy to be thrilled at the thought of anyone underestimating him. 
“Cheers.” Is all he says, raising his mug as O’Donnell nods, spinning on the spot to leave.
Game on, motherfucker.
There had been no point in going back to bed. Benjy had brewed a proper pot of tea-sans whiskey-and set to work pouring over everything he had on Sawyer. Intel from the man himself and from the rather thick file the aurory had on him. Benjy breaks out the pensive he has hidden under the bed and drops in on his and Scamander’s interactions from the past-mimicking how Sawyer moves and speaks right along with the memory. After a few hours, when it’s close to 8, Benjy pours one of the vials of polyjuice with Sawyer’s hair into it into his mug of tea. Amelia, who was on guard at his place had gotten the All Clear from Frank, positioned at Sawyer’s-no Nifflers about. The gang was small enough that after a bit of digging, the squad knew for certain who most of it’s members were-there were always the unknowns, but that was the gamble Benjy had to take. He squinches his nose as he downs the cup of tea, dreading what was to come. 
Benjy wasn’t sure if the transformation process was this painful for everyone, or if the curse scars on him made it worse. He’d forgotten to set his mug down, and when it fell from his shifting hand, it shattered at feet that were no longer his. He’s shorter now-which is funny, Benjy isn’t that tall to start-but stockier. Thicker, he guesses. His hands aren’t as quick and his vision is a bit fuzzy. Benjy squints and things focus-Scamander needed glasses. His left side doesn’t throb any longer-its not ever something Benjy notices anymore unless he’s someone else-shifting back meant he’s going to notice it again for a few days. He absentmindedly goes to run his hands through his hair but he stops himself-Sawyer didn’t do that-his hair was always tangled and close to ratty-Benjy couldn’t be himself any longer. He crosses to the small loo and squints at himself in the mirror. It was always surreal, no matter how many times he did this-but at least Scamander wasn’t as ugly as the last person he morphed into. Carefully, Benjy presses his wand to his own neck, saying the spell and wincing as life like hickeys start to form. Another wave of his wand crumples the simple t-shirt and boxers he was wearing. He’d throw on one of Scamander’s dressing gowns when he got to the apartment. As a final step, Benjy dumps a bottle of whiskey over his head. It’s cold and awful-but he flicks the wetness away with a final wave of his wand-he was dry now, but he reeked. Satisfied that he looked like a proper version of Walk Of Shame Sawyer, Benjy grips the sides of the sink and takes a breath. 
All he had to do was convince a dangerous criminal that he was someone he wasn’t-if he failed, all that would happen is putting a major very expensive mission in jeopardy and the possible loss of his life.
He pictures Cleona, in low light, telling him about dying at one hundred and fifty three. Benjy smiles, shakes himself, and turns on the spot.
It was now or never.
“I’m coming, I’m coming.”
‘Sawyer’ opens the door and feigns surprise at seeing Glenn.
“What’s up, mate?”
“Fun night, last night?” O’Donnell jeers, pushing past Benjy as Sawyer into the living room. He’s different here. More relaxed. Smarmier. 
“Oh you know it-birds from the states are fucking mad women.” Sawyer’s voice was hard to mimic, his accent a blend of American and British. Benjy clears his throat. “Bit of a cold-probably got it off her, Merlin knows how many blokes she’s been shagging on her vacation. What can I do you for?” He adds, watching O’Donnell run his hand over the back of an armchair.
“Where’s Ruse?” O’Donnell asks instead of answering, looking around the apartment with surprising softness. The Niffler wanting the niffler. Benjy as Sawyer chuckles softly, lighting up one of the cigarettes he’d found in Sawyer’s bedside table-they certainly weren’t tobacco and the taste of weed instantly relaxes Benjy. He offers a joint to O’Donnell who shakes his head.
“I don’t want your hippie shit.”
“Your loss, then. Ruse is out on an errand for me. Need a bit more funding before I can start your project. You’ve got expensive taste, Glenn.” 
The smell from Benjy’s joint starts intruding on the space between them and he sees O’Donnell wrinkle his nose. He doesn’t tell Sawyer not to call him Glenn-he trusted him more than he let on. 
“Just get it done-I don’t care what it costs you.”
O’Donnell, of course. was employing Sawyer to make a variety of dangerous and damaging potions and poisons for the Nifflers to use against their enemies and to sell. The ask at their initial meet up alone was enough to arrest O’Donnell, but Benjy didn’t just want the leader-he wanted the whole damn group-especially if they were supplying any for Deatheaters. Benjy as Sawyer smiles easily. “Did I say that I cared?”
O’Donnell doesn’t respond, he just looks around the apartment, uneasy.
“You alright, mate?”
“That fucking auror of yours is something else.”
Benjy inhales again on the joint, raising the cup full of tea and polyjuice to his lips just after, not grimacing at the taste despite how badly he wants to. “He’s not my auror, for fucks sake. He’s just a bloke I know.”
“I don’t know if we should trust him.” O’Donnell says, watching his own fingers trace the back of the chair still. “Seems dodgy.”
“Right, and Nim and the rest of the lot are upstanding citizens, so I see where you’re coming from.”
O’Donnell meets his eyes with a glare and BenjSawyer laughs.
“I’m just saying, mate. Listen, you don’t have to worry about Fenwick. He’s not...well, he’s a bit of a wank, but he’s not nearly as important as he thinks he is. The whole mess with him getting fired did go down as he says, but I bet he didn’t tell you about the shit they found his locker.”
O’Donnell’s eyebrows raise up his forehead. “He didn’t.”
Benjy as Sawyer laughs. “Bastard’s an addict-pretty much anything you can think of, he’s on it. And yeah, that makes him a bit unstable-but that also makes him vulnerable. And when you’re vulnerable, you’re easy to use.” He lets out a puff of smoke, eyeing O’Donnell carefully. “Anything you tell him to do, he’ll do. I’m the only one that’ll sell to him-Avery and the lot of others don’t fuck with him because of the ministry ties. He’s desperate, Glenn. And eager to please. It’s a great combination.”
O’Donnell lets out a little laugh. “I had no idea you were that fucking cold, Scamander.”
“This shit hasn’t hit yet.” Benjy raises the joint. “Soon as it does I’ll be back to your regular scheduled programming.”
O’Donnell laughs and Benjy sucks harder on the joint.
“As soon as Ruse is back, I’ll get started on what you need, mate. One problem though-no one has Doxie powder. Like, no one. I even asked that weird bitch Avery shacks up with, and she hasn’t had a taste of it in months. I think there’s been some bullshit crackdown from the ministry.”
“Ah you don’t need to worry about that, mate. I’ll bring you some on the 25th-little Christmas present for you. Shipment’s coming in on Christmas Eve-Doxie powder and lots of other shit. The ministry closes on the 23rd-before those idiots even know what’s hit em we’ll have so much of it already out on the streets.”
O’Donnell lights another one of his cigarettes.
“Sounds good, just keep me posted.”
“Sure-I told Fenwick to stay away from you-he’s got to prove himself proper or he’s gone-I hope you’re not too attached.”
Benjy feels a little piece of his stomach drop as he watches O’Donnell’s face change back to the complete coldness he’d shown him in the apartment. He’d under estimated him a bit-while still incredibly dumb, he was far from harmless. Benjy as Sawyer clears his throat and shurgs, taking another hit of the joint to buy him time.
“Fenwick? Nah, mate, I’m not attached.” Another inhale, exhale-the smoke floats towards the cold expression on Glenn O’Donnell’s face. Benjy ignores the tick up in the speed of his heart rate. Emotions, valid or not, are not helpful now. He’s not going to lose this-there’s no way the idiot standing in front of him, scary or not, will ever best him. With newfound resolve, Benjy speaks, an almost perfect imitation of Sawyer’s accent, spoken lazily, as if discussing the weather.
"If he has to die? Just collateral damage.”
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holdenmgrudges · 6 years
Chapter 15 - Effectsies
Whoops. I forgot to post this here when I posted it on AO3. In this chapter,  Crutchie and David try to help Jack out, Spot has a sleepover at Jojo's, and Sarah has a conversation with the Delanceys.
Or read on AO3 if you prefer.
The vandalism caused a big commotion, in the principal’s office, that was led by Jack, Katherine, and Race. Miss Medda joined in as soon as she saw. Crutchie was angry, but he knew it was better if he let the others try to handle it. Crutchie felt like his voice didn’t matter, or that he’d be pitied.
He sat outside the office, waiting to hear what was happening, and he stared at his crutch, thinking how no matter what he did, he wouldn’t ever feel normal again. Even if he got some kind of new mechanical leg. But he knew that a crutch was better than a wheelchair. It was way more uncomfortable, but at least he could walk.
When the three teens and Medda came out of the office with the principal, they all still looked angry, but a little more calm. Jack told Crutchie that the principal was going to search lockers for any kind of spray cans. Crutchie thought that was a dumb idea. The graffiti may have been discovered that morning, but the culprit essentially had all weekend to do it and he figured they wouldn’t be stupid enough to leave the evidence in their locker. But at least it was something to do. Meanwhile, a custodian would paint over the graffiti.
As he walked to class, Crutchie couldn’t help but look at every single person he passed in the halls, wondering if any one of them could have done the damage. He tried to distract himself with his actual classwork, but it wasn’t long until he got a text that would keep him preoccupied.
When the bell rang, he knew what he had to do. He walked as quickly as he could to the principal’s office, ready to make some noise. He didn’t care how much trouble he got in. Jack needed him and he was going to be there for him.
When he got there, however, a tired-looking Jack was leaving with Miss Medda at his side. “Jack, I was just gonna tell Pulitzer--”
Miss Medda held up a finger. “Crutchie, don’t say anything else. It’s all been taken care of. Go to your next class.”
“I’ll see you at lunch,” Jack was able to mutter.
When lunch came along, Crutchie hurried to Miss Medda’s room. The door was open, as the paint was still drying. Miss Medda was in there making a call, but Jack wasn’t there yet. He sat down and a minute later, David came in.
“Hey, Crutchie. What’s going on? I got a text from Specs earlier that said Jack was in trouble. That they’d found spray cans in his locker.”
“Yeah, he sent me that text too. I went down to Pulitzer’s office to tell them the cans were mine but...Miss Medda said it was taken care of.”
Miss Medda had finished her call and had apparently heard them talking because she went up to them and cheerfully said, “Hey, boys, can you come help me in the costume room?” The two of them followed her into what was essentially a walk in closet full of costumes. She made sure none of the other students in the classroom had followed or were close enough to listen.
“Okay, here’s what happened,” she said. “Yes, they found spray cans in Jack’s locker. So the principal called him to his office. Luckily he didn’t say anything until I got there. I told Pulitzer that Jack had the spray cans because he was helping me paint a set for the next school play and I forgot that I’d given them to him. Pulitzer was suspicious, but he had no reason to doubt me. Just as I have no reason to doubt Jack.
“I know he didn’t put up the graffiti, and that’s the only reason I said what I said. But those cans weren’t mine and they weren’t his so...Someone is trying to frame him. I think right now he’s trying to find out who, but...I think he just needs his friends. And I’m sure you need him too.”
The boys nodded and then they proceeded to go try to find Jack. But when they did, he was too far into his investigation. He was angry and he was making it his sole purpose to find out who was trying to frame him. For the next few days, he kept obsessing over it to the point where Crutchie and David needed a break. He’d even brought it up in the LGBTQ+ Club meeting.
The next week, Crutchie texted David and they met in Miss Medda’s room for lunch. He knew Jack wouldn’t mind going at his investigation alone. He probably preferred it that way. But Crutchie was tired. The graffiti could’ve been done by anyone.
“We need him to stop,” David said as they settled down into their desks.
“But how?” Crutchie had tried everything shy of physically snapping Jack out of it. He even tried reasoning that the damage wasn’t bad enough to be so focused on it, although he didn’t believe that himself. People at school were still talking about the incident, as they probably would be for the next few weeks. Even as he went into the little theatre, he’d seen people staring at the door, wondering if the vandalizer would strike again.
“I’ve been thinking,” David said slowly and quietly. “I mean, I’m not sure it would work, but...It would probably distract him…” Crutchie waited. “But I don’t know if it’s a good idea.”
“What is it, Davey?”
“Okay, so ever since the graffiti thing happened, I’ve just been wanting to do something. Something big. Something to make us feel stronger. To...give a big middle finger to the man. And to whoever put up that...hateful word.”
“Just spit it out. Your idea.”
“Okay, well, what if we hold some kind of pride pep rally? I know at the very least everyone in the club would participate. We could hand out stickers and stuff. Get a few others to join in. Maybe have new people join the club.”
“Jack could make a speech.”
“Katherine could write it.”
“Davey, I could kiss you!” David blushed a little, though it went unnoticed by Crutchie. “That’s a great idea! It would definitely distract Jack, and it would also help us out. We should definitely pitch it at the next meeting. You...you’re a genius.”
“I wouldn’t say genius…”
“Godsend then. An angel. A saint. Deus ex machina.”
At the next meeting, Davey, with Crutchie’s help, pitched the idea to the club, and everyone was on board. They all put effort in and by the next Friday, they were holding their rally. Jack was successfully distracted and everything had gone according to plan. Stickers were handed out, some other clubs joined in for the pep part of the rally, there were even some possible new club recruits, and Katherine had written a speech for Jack.
Jack was at the end of the speech when he suddenly stopped. Crutchie could tell that he’d just gotten one of his crazy Jack ideas. Ideas that could go either way.
“You know,” Jack said into the microphone. “I’d like to thank you all for showing your support for the our community and for your classmates. But most of all, I’d like to thank one person in particular, for who we owe this rally to. David Jacobs, could you please come up here?”
David looked at Crutchie, wondering what he should do, but Crutchie was just as confused and he shrugged. David looked back up at Jack and upon seeing his inviting smile, went up to the stage nervously.
Jack took David’s hand and looked back out to the audience. “This guy right here has done more for the LGBTQ+ Club than I’ve done since I started it. He’s made it a real safe space. He has all the best ideas. He’s...he’s amazing.” He turned back to David, who was fully red. “I have a question for you, Davey. Will you…” Jack swallowed before finishing the question. “Will you be my boyfriend?”
There were some gasps from the audience. Crutchie knew at that moment that this was probably one of Jack’s more worse ideas, but he didn’t know if he thought that because it was true, or out of jealousy. David looked right at him as Jack waited for a response. But again, all Crutchie could do was shrug.
“Yes,” David said as he turned back to Jack.
Jack smiled and he pulled in David for a kiss. In front of the whole school. Cheers came, mostly from the front where members of the LGBTQ+ club were standing. Some groans were heard from the back. Crutchie then figured it out. He wasn’t jealous. He wouldn’t have traded places with David if he could. All of this, it wasn’t personal. It was a stunt. Crutchie felt sad, not because Jack and David were officially a couple, but because he felt that Jack had just started on a path to ruin another relationship.
Spot couldn’t exactly react to the vandalism. He had to pretend he didn’t notice it or that it didn’t affect him. Except it did affect him. He was much quieter in the weeks after it happened. He was focused on wrestling more than anything. He usually gave the team inspirational speeches before every meet, but now he was letting Jojo give them. Spot was just trying not to break down and cry.
The Friday after the graffiti was found, the school paper had released a front page article about it. For some reason, Spot’s mother had gotten a copy of it and someone had sent her a picture of the graffiti in question. “Serves them faggots right, huh son?” she’d asked him straight to his face. He agreed with her and then went to his room, crying as quietly as he possibly could.
But he could deal with that. He was strong. It wasn’t until the pride pep rally that he’d finally had enough. He was standing towards the back, trying to pay attention to Jack’s speech, but the Delancey brothers were standing nearby talking loudly. He wanted to yell at them to shut up, but he didn’t want to draw any attention to himself.
Then Jack called David to the stage and they kissed. He’d seen it before, in front of Sarah’s house. He’d felt awkward about it at first, but he had tried not to think much of it. Now that it was in public for everyone to see, Spot felt like he was the one on blast even though it wasn’t him on stage. “That’s fucking gross,” he heard one of the Delanceys say. He wanted to punch them both in the face. Instead, he subtly walked away to the nearest bathroom.
He’d locked himself in a stall when he heard the footsteps of someone coming in. He hoped to god it wasn’t Race. He didn’t want to deal with him and his radical ideas. He hoped it was just some random guy that needed to pee and would leave right after. Of course, whoever it was knocked at his stall. “Spot?”
Luckily, it wasn’t Race’s voice that he heard. It was Jojo’s. And he couldn’t have been happier to hear it. He got up and exited the stall, giving Jojo probably the biggest hug he’d ever given him. Probably the biggest hug he’d ever given anyone. Without saying anything, Jojo hugged him back. “Hey, Jo? Can I stay with you this weekend?”
Spot told his mom he was staying at a wrestling buddy’s place for the weekend to study for their end of year tests. It wasn’t exactly a lie, although he didn’t think they’d do a lot of studying. He got to Jojo’s house and was a bit irked to see Race open the door. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see him. He just would have rather it be only him and Jojo. Race was an emotional overload for him. Around him, he felt happy, sad, horny, angry, and peaceful all in the span of one glance.
Race looked just as pleased to see him, a bit reserved at first, but then all smiles. He took Spot’s hand and pulled him into the kitchen where Jojo was pouring them drinks. A screwdriver for Race and two orange juices for Spot and himself. Race continued holding his hand.
“God, you guys are making me look like an alcoholic,” Race said before downing his entire drink happily. Jojo and Spot laughed.
They spent the rest of the night playing games and watching tv. After midnight, Spot could tell Jojo was tired, as he kept yawning. He figured Jojo liked the company and didn’t want to be the first to bow out. Spot wasn’t sleepy, but he felt obligated to let his friend rest. “Hey Jo? I’m getting kinda tired.”
“Oh? Yeah, man, it’s pretty late, huh?” he replied. Race groaned a little as they all got up to go upstairs. He seemed to still be up for a party. “Do you want to sleep in my room or take a guest room?”
“Guest room’s cool,” Spot said. He didn’t want to bother Jojo as he slept, and he knew if he was in the room, Race would be too. He felt like being alone with his thoughts.
After brushing his teeth, Jojo led him to one of the guest rooms and said, “Race, my room,” when he saw Race tiptoeing towards the bed. Spot smiled at Race but pushed him out before saying good night and closing the door.
He lay awake in bed, with the bedside lamp on, thinking about the way he’d let his mother dictate how to live his life. He loved her, and as a kid, he thought she could do no wrong. The older he grew, the more wrong he realized she was doing.
He’d always blamed the alcohol for everything. He’d always thought she relied too much on it. He’d thought it was the reason she had hit him when he was younger. She’d stopped when she realized he could do more damage to her than she could to him. She never realized that he would never hurt her. But he was starting to realize the alcohol wasn’t the issue. She was.
He got up and went downstairs. He took a glass and poured some vodka in it. At first, he stared at it. Then, he took a sip. It burned and he wondered why people liked the stuff. Maybe he needed more. He took a gulp this time. He hated it. Or maybe he hated himself enough to drink more. Was this how it started? With one gulp of self-hatred?.
“I thought you didn’t drink.”
Spot turned around and saw Race standing at the doorway, watching him. “I thought you didn’t want to look like an alcoholic.”
Race walked toward him and took the glass from his hand. He drank the rest of the vodka and put the glass down. “I’d rather be an alcoholic than turn you into one.”
“Thanks. I hated it.”
Race smiled at him and took his hand like he had earlier. “Bedtime.” Spot wanted to just melt. This whole thing with Race was too complicated for him to handle, but it was easier when he didn’t think about it. Maybe that’s why he tried drinking. He was tired of continuous thinking.
They went upstairs to the guest room, where Race closed and locked the door. He led him to the bed and they immediately began making out. But as much as he didn’t want to think, Spot knew that they couldn’t just keep doing that and not expect there to be consequences. Cheating on Sarah was one thing, but he was getting too comfortable. He was heading towards a point where he wouldn’t be able to go back.
When Race took a condom out of his pocket, Spot didn’t know that would be the deciding point. He was overcome with lust and the shot he took was starting to affect him. He couldn’t control his impulses. Race guided him through everything, from stripping down, to loosening him up. It was an experience he would never forget. There were some awkward moments, but when they finished, he felt he’d been successful.
He woke up needing to pee. Race was on the other side of the bed, having stolen all the blankets. Spot put his shirt and underwear on and went to the bathroom. He figured he might as well shower and brush his teeth. When he’d done that, he still didn’t want to go back to the room. He didn’t know why. It would be so easy to go back to bed and watch Race sleep until he couldn’t take it anymore, waking him up with kisses and cuddles. Easy, but wrong.
Instead, he went to Jojo’s room. The door was open and he could see the guy was still sleeping. The floor creaked as he turned to walk away, and he heard the movement of sheets. “Spot?”
Spot turned back around and smiled at his friend. “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s fine. I was already awake. Just being lazy. Come in.” Jojo sat up as Spot went to sit down next to him. “I assume the ghost of Racetrack present paid you a visit last night?” Spot smiled and nodded. Jojo sighed. “He told me he was going to break it off. Guess he can’t quit you.”
Spot got up and closed the door before heading back. “I guess I can’t quit him either. But...it sucks, Jo. Because...I can never be with him.”
“What makes you say that?”
“I’m not...out. I have a girlfriend. I’m captain of the wrestling team. The only pride my mom has is in having a hetero, masculine, little man who loves her. I...I can never be with Race.”
“Never is such a bullshit word. You don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. Never could turn into someday. And someday could turn into...now.”
Spot shook his head. “I can’t, Jojo. I’d lose everything. Everyone. Sarah, my team, my friends...my mom.”
“You wouldn’t lose me. Or rather, you haven’t lost me and you won’t. Do you know why I joined the wrestling team? Because I saw you and your leadership skills and I thought, I want to be that guy. He’s cool, and he’s fierce, and he makes it look so easy. Whether you’re with a girl or with a guy, you’re still you, Spot. And if people can’t see that, they will. You’ll show them.”
“Even so, it’s not like I could ask Race to deal with all my shit.”
“He likes you. He really likes you. He doesn’t want to admit it, but he does. The last guy that Race really liked...He’s still not over it. But I think you can help. I think you can make him happy. And he can make you happy. You just have to be brave. At your own pace. Remember, not never, but someday. Until it becomes now.”
Spot nodded, thinking about it. Thinking of all the hurt he would have to cause in order to make himself happy. Thinking of how much happier he would be once he was able to kiss Race just as publicly as Jack kissed David, without feeling all the guilt and shame that he felt now. He wished he could just skip to the end.
Sarah was sure the writing on the door wasn’t directed at her. It was a blanket term for the community. But she didn’t know how to not take it personally. She’d been called that before by people she’d grown up with. She’d been called that by strangers who felt they thought they knew who she was. She hated the word.
But while a lot of her fellow club members were angry, she retreated into sadness. If this was the kind of treatment they got with her not even being out to anyone, what would it be like when she did? Even if what Jack had said was true, that the club was a safe space, once she told everyone in there, the rest of the school would probably find out. And once she left that safe space, she wouldn’t feel safe anymore.
Sarah had managed to convince Tommy Boy and Hot Shot to attend a club meeting, though she thought they were just being nice. Her own boyfriend wouldn’t attend, saying Jack Kelly would probably have him kicked out. She’d tried to tell him he wouldn’t, but Spot had made up his mind. She understood, though it didn’t put her at ease.
The week after the rally, Sarah was sitting on a bench outside the gym waiting for Spot to get out of practice. She had finished her homework and had started reading a new sci fi romance novel, her favorite genre. She’d even enjoyed the Twilight series at its peak, though she’d moved on to better written books.
The gym doors opened and she looked up, hoping to see Spot, but instead was met with the Delancey brothers. They hadn’t bothered her or Katherine since the award ceremony, but now they were headed straight to her. Without putting her book down, she stared them down. “Oscar, Morris, come for another beating?”
The brothers looked at each other and smiled before looking back at her. She didn’t like that. “Actually, we came with a proposition,” said Oscar.
“Sorry boys, even if you could afford me, it’d still be a no.”
“You haven’t heard us out,” Morris whined.
Sarah closed her book.
“You know, at the beginning of the year,” Oscar spoke, “we had a free period so we both chose to use it to be aides in the main office. It was something to do at the time.”
“Our dad said it would give us valuable experience.”
“We just thought it’d be boring office stuff. Putting staples in the staplers, sending memos to teachers, making copies on the copy machine.”
“They don’t even let us use the copy machine.”
“Is there a point to this?” Sarah asked impatiently.
“We didn’t think of the possibilities,” Oscar continued, a mischievous smile forming on his face. “We didn’t think that we’d be able to go through files without anyone finding out. Student files. With personal information.”
Sarah went pale. She remained silent as she waited for the ball to drop.
“We know you’re a dude,” Morris confirmed.
It was a terrible feeling to be called that to her face. The graffitied word would have been more welcome. She wanted to kick their asses again, but she waited, because she suspected there was more.
“You probably want to bust our skulls in, don’t you?” Oscar asked, rhetorically. “Thing is, you could do that. But then you’d force us to tell the whole school that we didn’t get our asses handed to us by a girl. Because she’s actually not a girl. She...is a he.” The brothers laughed as Sarah clenched her fist tighter and tighter.
“We own you,” came out of Morris’ smug lips. “You have to do whatever we want, whenever we want. Or else we tell everyone we can that you’re...whatever you are.”
“And the first thing we want you to do…” The two brothers smiled at each other again. “We want you to go into the principal’s office and tell him that you spray painted the graffiti on the little theatre.”
“It was you,” Sarah finally said. The Delanceys smiled at each other once more and shrugged. There it was. She was sure there wasn’t anything possibly worse than that. She should’ve known they were behind the tagging. The fact that they had access to student files meant they had access to student lockers. “You tried framing Jack.”
“My idea,” Morris said proudly.
“Even if that had worked,” Oscar suggested, rolling his eyes, “this is a much better plan. It’s win-win. We don’t get in trouble for the graffiti, and your secret doesn’t come out. We’ll uh...give you ‘til Friday, pal.”
With that, the Delancey brothers went back into the gym, leaving Sarah there with her thoughts. It may have been win-win for the Delanceys, but for her it was lose-lose. She could either take the blame for the graffiti, or she could risk the entire school finding out that she was trans. As much as she thought of it, she wasn’t ready to come out to anyone. She unclenched her fist, cursing herself as she saw the marks she’d left on her palm with her nails. She picked up her book, wishing she was a character in it. She couldn’t get it out of her mind that maybe the graffiti had been directed at her after all. Sarah only saw one solution.
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behindsonglyrics · 7 years
Niall Horan; “On The Loose” - Masterpost [WHO IS IT ABOUT?]
So... I’ve decided to finally breakdown this song after it was requested a few times on my side blog. Hilariously though.. I actually broke down this song way before the song was even released just never posted it. The moment I saw the lyrics I already knew who it was about (this song links up to another song on the Flicker album very easily, by the way.) Anyways.. I’m not confirming anything here, as I’m not Niall Horan himself, this is solely a theory. If you have an opinion on who it's about that is completely different than mine, that is OK. A theory is a theory.
So anyways! Let’s crack our knuckles dive in & break the lyrical codes!
[SHORT SUMMARY]: On the Loose is about a women Niall has been 'enchanted' by and has fallen real hard for. Niall explains in the song that the girl he is in-love with is a real hard “catch” and explains why, which is because anyone who falls for her, will never have her. Even Niall couldn’t have her, despite what happened between the two. As soon as you get this girl, she’s gone and you are replaced with someone else just like that. The girl is different then much others as well, solely because Niall mentions in the song that she loves to have fun (basically a free-spirit type.) But, at the same time, she LOVES the attention she gets while doing what she does. He also mentions that her eyes could “burn down a room” which is what tells us Niall is pretty enchanted by her.
So... Who is this girl who everyone LOVES watching? ... 
Easy! Selena Gomez.
So now that we know who it’s about, let’s breakdown some of the key lyrics & attach them to their real life scenarios which Niall sings about.
"She'll jump on that flight & meet you that night and make you tear up the room" - This entire lyric is actually a full on key lyric, and the most telling lyric in this song. So.. How is it about Selena? Well, in 2014 Selena Gomez took a flight right away to meet Niall in London. Not only has she done this flight thing once, but she’s done it for Niall a few times, actually. Maybe twice? Or maybe more. I forget. She also left a day or two right away after meeting him which connects to the; “Make you tear up the room” lyric. This was Niall referring to their partying spree.
Don’t believe this? Well, here’s the literal headlines that came out when Selena was caught catching a flight to the UK, just to see Niall. Which connects to the; “She’ll jump on that flight & meet you that night” lyric.
Also “jump on that flight” points to someone who has enough money to get on a flight any moment of a day, or time, just to meet someone thousands & miles away. So it’s not just a regular GF of Niall’s it’s someone up there who is successful. Which... Is Gomez..
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Here’s the headline pic! 
Let’s also not forget the pictures of Selena catching that flight to get to Niall!: 
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Oh, and here’s the one of her leaving London after 1-2 days of partying:
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Here’s their meetup photo.
Here’s also some articles on it (SOURCE 1): http://www.justjaredjr.com/2014/02/18/selena-gomez-jet-sets-out-of-london-after-hanging-with-niall-horan-samantha-droke/
(SOURCE 2:) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2560993/Selena-Gomez-enjoys-night-London-One-Direction-heartthrob-Niall-Horan.html
“She loves when everybody’s watching” - This is another key lyric pointing to Gomez. A man once said; “A picture is worth a thousands of words” So.. I’ma just throw this picture here. 
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If you pay attention to this photo, you will see Gomez smiling to the paparazzi while literally running freely on concrete barefoot and living and loving life, while doing it with a smile. The fact that she is smiling to the paps, shows she LOVES when the world watches. This lyric is very self-explanatory. There are many celebrities who cannot deal with fame, or hate their privacy being traded off, and the world watching - but, Gomez is one of the more mellow ones and enjoys it.
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Even this one she’s literally running happily with birds around her with her heels in her hand care free.. Like come on! (She’s the best!) 
“She’ll make you tear up the room” - I already explained this lyric above, but it’s a real big key lyric, so I’ll include it again. Here is Selena partying with Niall, every time she sees Niall, she parties with him, which showcases to us this lyric is about Gomez & her love for partying (which is well known.) 
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“Then trade you in for something new. I know what it’s like, I fell for it twice, and now I’m just warning you”  - This is probably the second biggest key lyric in this song, and probably the saddest. People don’t know, but Selena after having her fling with Niall “traded” him for Samuel two weeks after. This lyric is referring to being traded for Samuel & another guy. As this happened twice to Niall. (Selena has done it with her other ex-boyfriend’s as well, not just Niall.) 
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Source 1: https://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/news/a38455/samuel-krost-on-dating-selena-gomez/
Selena was also backstage with Niall’s sister on December 16th of 2016. Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/_PxTu9OjMy/?utm_source=ig_embed 
So she ended up trading Niall for Samuel afterwards.
“She loves the way they all crawl back and she says she loves nobody else but you” 
Like I said earlier.. A picture is worth a thousand words. Here’s Justin reuniting with Selena (yes, yes, I know unrelated to Niall!) 
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Keep in mind, Justin even serenaded her that night. Niall is right! 
Oh, and here is Selena putting her hand on Niall’s chest a year after their fling:
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* The music video girl is a literal lookalike to Gomez. That isn’t a coincidence, it’s on purpose. 
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* The girl in the music video is dressed exactly to fit Gomez’s signature style... We all know how much Sel loves those jean jackets 
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* Selena also loves to wear her jackets hanging off her arms like in the music video. She’s even doing it when she went to go meet Niall..
* Oh, and we all know how much Selena loves those silk dresses like in the MV:
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End of this masterpost... ;) Pretty obvious who it’s about.
* In most of the Flicker album, Niall refers to Gomez’s eyes a few times, on the song TIDE, he references her BROWN eyes again. 
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