#and it's always been great but today i was really !!!! at alex literally letting his mom have a full night sleep before the party
lesbianlotties · 2 years
on one hand, rewatching odaat did literally heal me. on the other hand, I just finished s1 and the quinces episode has me crying at 10am 😭😭🤧🤧
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bugboysgf · 1 year
Hate + Love
Chapter 2
series masterlist
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Previous chapter
Summary: There is a thin line between love and hate but what if it's way thinner than you thought?
“Hi, im suppose to be tutoring somebody.” you told the lady at the front desk. The last 2 weeks had been stressful but out of extreme luck you managed to get all A’s but that also meant you had to tutor the people that were not doing so well in school.
“Oh yes, you must be Y/n.”
“I am.” you confirmed.
“Min Ho.” The lady calls his name and he jumps out of his seat.
“You gotta be kidding me.” you look at Min ho and he seems just as surprised as you are. “There has to be some sort of mistake, I can't tutor him.” the lady looks at her computer for a second and looks back at you.
“Sorry but there is a specific note from the teacher saying you can't switch.”
“What? Who wrote that.” you asked.
“It was your math teacher. Take a seat and get started.”
“I can't believe this.” you said sitting down.
“Do you think I want to do this? I have no choice.” Min ho rolled his eyes.
“Whatever can we just get started.”
After two hours tutoring you were done but to you i feel like 5 hours because every 10 minutes you and Min ho were arguing about something different.
“Thank you.” Min Ho says. You look at him in shock, you were never expecting those words to come out of his mouth.
“You have manners, I see. Can I get an apology too?” you asked hopefully.
“It happened almost 3 weeks ago, get over it.”
“God you're such a bitch.”
“Takes one to know one.”
“We have Alex next.” Kitty said. “Oh my god we still have to walk up the stairs.” you said, you were tired already and it was only your 2 period.
“Do you want to go to a ramen place after the 5th period?” Kitty asked.
“Im Pretty sure I don't have to tutor today, so yes.”
“How is it? By the way, you are still not getting along.”
“Nope now i have to sit with him in alex class, because he wont let me change seats.” you rolled your eyes.
“Dude you have 4 months left until winter break, at least try to stop hating each other.”
“He's the problem, not me, he won't apologize. He said thank you yesterday when i tutored him but that's it.” you explained to Kitty. You honestly don't think that you and Minho would get along every chance he gets to make fun of you. He's gonna take it and you're tired of it.
“The problem is that you are both stubborn.” Kitty grabs the handle of the door and lets you into the class, she gives you a ‘be nice look’ and takes a seat.
You walked over to your seat and to your surprise Min Ho was already sitting down, he was always late. You take a seat and don't say a word to him.
“No greeting?” he asked
“What do you want?” you say in a cold tone.
“Woah, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.” he smirks.
“I just don't have time for your bullshit today.”
Lucky Alex didn't have you guys do anything with your partner work today you didnt think you could handle it anyways.
You grabbed your things and stuffed them into your backpack.
“y/n?” you stopped in your tracks and looked at the guy that called your name. Minho also stopped and looks at him.
“Yes?” you look at him confused. You've never seen this guy in your life and you had no idea why he was talking to you.
“I'm Derek, I was just trying to see if i can get your number.” you look around to see if anybody was watching and behind him were his friends waiting to see your next move. You didn't want to seem stuck up or anything, so you just smiled and typed your number into his phone.
“Great, I'll text you.”
“Cool” you watch him walk away and turn to Min ho. “And why did you stay?”
“What does he want with you?” “What do you mean?”you asked, confused.
“His dad is literally a millionaire.”
“I honestly dont give two fuck about that.” you said.
“It had to be a dare.” Min ho shook his head.
“Oh really? Just because an attractive guy asked for my number that means it has to be a dare?” you said offended. Min ho knew he messed up, he always jokes around but he knew that what he said really affected you.
“That's not-”
“Save it.” you walked away.
For the next few weeks you continue talking to Derek, you thought he would be a jerk but turns out he wasn't. He was really nice and listened.
“Where are you going?” Min ho asked Q. “Oh the nature club is having a hike today.” Q said, putting on his shoes.
“Great i'll come” Min ho got up from the couch. “You can't.” Q said.
“Why?” “Club members only.” “Dude i went last time.” Q stayed silent and didn't say anything. “Unless you don't want me to go for some reason?” “It's not that I don't want you to go, it's just that y/n and Derek are going to be there and I don't want you messing it up for her. She told me what you said when he asked for her number.” Q confessed.
“That's not what I meant, I tried to tell her that.”
“You should have said it in the first place, are you jealous or something?” Q asked.
“What no… no”
“Yup that sounds so convincing.”
“I don't like her, I hate her.”
“You know, you can hate and love somebody at the same time.” Q said shutting the door.
Min ho stood there thinking there's no way that he loves y/n? He hates her too much.
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onthewaytosomewhere · 4 months
Literally idk why but this jumped out at me and I wanna see what you do with it 😍
oh ash! thanks for this one! i got a bit distracted this morning but this was kinda fun to explore and did not turn out to be what i thought it was gonna lolz
Alex watches Henry as he pours the grenadine into the glass before adding the Coke; he is sure by now the glass will be more grenadine than Coke, but it is hard to tell with all that ice. “Whatcha doin’?” he asks, going for nonchalant. Henry looks up and has that deer-in-the-headlights look he sometimes gets when he is so into what he is doing, he doesn’t even realize Alex is there. “Um … making a cherry cola. I had a craving today and wanted to make it as my dad always used to when we were young and would have movie nights.” Alex chuckles and says, “Hate to break it to ya, but what you’re really making there is a Roy Rogers heavy on the ice. There is no cherry in grenadine; it’s usually pomegranate, sugar, and lemon juice, but that Rose’s you got there is really mostly high fructose corn syrup and food coloring. It makes a great drink, but it’s not a cherry cola. Actually my Gram, on Ma’s side, would make June and me Roy Rogers and Shirley Temples for us all the time when we’d visit. Apparently, she used to manage a bar back when Ma was young, and she used to correct June and me when we’d call it a cherry coke. Once we started making them ourselves, she used to tell us if we actually wanted a cherry Coke to use the juice in with the maraschino cherries, and of course, we bugged her until she explained the difference. I guess it stuck, which, came in handy when I wanted to impress people with my ‘bartender skills’ in high school, well, before Ma decided to run for president, then I just used them to make drinks for Nora and June when we’d sneak alcohol.” “Oh,” Henry says, staring at what he has on the counter. Alex notices the downturn of his lips and wants to fix it immediately. Alex moves around the counter and wraps his arms around Henry, “Hey, don’t let my info-dumping ruin, your good memory. It’s the memory that makes this a cherry cola, and that’s what’s important. I’m sorry, sometimes I forget that just because I have information doesn’t mean everyone needs to know it.” He moves between Henry and the counter and buries his head in Henry’s chest, “I didn’t mean to fuck up your memory. Will you please make me one too? Then we can put on a movie like you used to.” Henry pulls away and, with his finger under Alex’s chin, tilts his head up to look into his eyes. “Alex, love, I will always want to hear your memories of things as well. Nothing has been wrecked; we’ve both learned some things about each other that we didn’t know. Things that we can now share, and maybe combine and create new memories.” Alex chuckles against Henry’s chest, “I’m gonna start by teaching you the proper ice ratio. No one not working in a fast food restaurant puts that much ice in a drink.” Looking back up, he continues, “I hate to break it to you, baby, but the only reason your dad was putting that much ice in was because he wanted it to melt so y’all weren’t so hopped up on caffeine.” Henry chuckles, and Alex laughs along with him, turning around to the counter. “All right, give me another glass. There is enough ice and grenadine in the glass for two. Oh, and grab the maraschino cherries out of the fridge, too, please. I’m gonna teach you a trick June and I used to do when we first started making our own.” Alex takes over Henry’s assembly, eventually just dumping the glass and starting over when he can’t get the grenadine and ice to cooperate with his pouring attempts. He makes their drinks adding a bit of grenadine and a bit of the cherry juice, and of course less ice, and tops them with a few maraschino cherries. They take their drinks and a few snacks to the living room, and if Alex puts on an Arthur Fox James Bond movie to make it all feel a little bit more like the old days for Henry, he’s going to keep that a secret.
ficlet friday!!! i'm always taking more prompts
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sk8termikey · 5 months
Chapter 12 of 21 Questions
better interface on wattpad
Lily was comfortably sitting next to a tired Alex on their couch while Bernard, their cat, had claimed a spot between them and was contentedly purring as he lazily stretched out. 
As she was looking at recent pictures she took , Lily's phone buzzed with a message from Matt.
If you’re free to play right now i am
“Who is texting you at such a late hour?” Alex asked, sleepily.
“Matt, so I can play Fortnite with him”.
“This late? Aren’t you tired after today?” Although Alex was concerned for her friend, she couldn’t help the small smile as she thought about how Matt seemed to often be the subject of discussion lately.
“I guess I am,” Lily sighed. “But if I don't play tonight, we’ll have to reschedule since we are both always busy. And I really wanna play with him.”
“I understand. If you really want to, go play but don't sleep too late. You haven’t been sleeping a lot recently.”
“Yeah don't worry,” Lily reassured her friend. “In any case, I know I cannot really last more than an hour so I’ll sleep soon enough.”
“Okayy, then enjoy your game and good night”.
“Good night as well, love you”, Lily replied as she quickly held Alex’s hand to emphasise the last part of her sentence.
“Love you too”.
The two girls both made their way back to the comfort of their rooms. Excitement bubbled within Lily as she eagerly headed towards her laptop that was on the bed, anticipating a thrilling session of Fortnite with Matt. 
If you’re free to play right now I am
Yup i am :) 
Just warning you that i'm a bit tired so I won't be able to play too long sorry
We can always postpone you know
It doesn't bother me
No dw, I want to
So what's your user?
Just added you
That’s me
Can we use vocal chat to communicate?
I think it would be more practical than typing and playing at the same time
Only if you’re comfortable with it ofc, if not we can always type in the chat
What if you know me?💀 
If you recognise my voice, no you don't 
Yeah sure it's not a problem 
Okay gonna active the mic
“Yeah I do hear you”, Matt said as Lily had just asked if her mic was good.
“Great, just send a request so I can join your group.” 
“Done,” Matt briefly notified her, not wanting to talk too much.
“Yep, I see it. Where do you wanna drop?” Lily questioned while she was looking at the map.
“Dunno, depends on how you play. Are we confronting the enemy or playing a chill game?”
“I'm going to be honest with you Matt, I’m all for directly attacking people but I also like to just mind my business like– for example when there’s no one around, I’m literally just building houses,” Lily explained the type of player she was.
“M’kay, so somewhere calm I guess?”
“Sounds good”, Lily agreed.
“How about Shattered Slabs? Not very crowded, I’d say,” Matt suggested.
“Okay okay, solid choice. Let's jump now.”
They both landed in Shattered Slabs and started looting buildings to look for weapons before finding a plan of action.
“Found a green pump shotgun. You need a weapon?” Lily offered.
“Yeah, I'm rocking a grey SMG but I'll take it.”
“Here you go. Now let's push towards the circle.”
As they did so, they unfortunately encountered an enemy duo.
“Matt! Matt! Watch out! Right in front of us, two guys.” Lily warned the boy on the other side of the screen.
“Got it, don't worry. I take left. You focus on the right.”
Lily was glad that Matt was careful of his surroundings and able to act in semi stressful situations. Even though she realised he wasn’t much of a talker when playing, she liked that he would still reply to her. Lily was someone who could get really excited regarding video games but she didn’t mind that Matt was more on the calm and reserved side.
They thus engaged in a brief firefight and successfully managed to eliminate the enemies. After that, they decided to continue moving towards the centre of the map, which led them to encountering more opponents along the way.
“Incoming, I'll flank from the right. Cover me!” Matt exclaimed as he was being surprised by an enemy.
“Go for it. I'll keep them distracted.”
Due to their quick and efficient teamwork, they successfully eliminated the threat. As they approached the final circles, the tension was building up.
“Only two squads left. Stay sharp.”
“Damn I've never done a victory royale with someone or with Alex. She sucks a bit and my random teammates always sucked too.” Lily was getting impatient about finally winning a game, thanks to her new teammate and friend.
“First time for everything,” Matt shrugged as he was used to achieving a victory royale either alone or in teams.
The final battle unfolded and after a fierce fight, they eventually emerged victorious.
“We did it! Victory Royale! Yaaay!”
“Good game. Let’s do another one,” Matt suggested as he was getting more into playing with Lily.
A matching smile appeared on both of their faces at the thought of coordinating strategies and sharing victorious moments together. The familiar sound of gunfire could be heard in their headphones while the virtual landscapes kept moving before them, thus creating a digital realm where teamwork and skill merged seamlessly.
After a couple of games, Matt and Lily were unknowingly sharing things about their personal lives as they were more easily winning each game and therefore didn’t have to focus as much as before on the other players.
“No, yeah and like– we couldn’t not go see them on tour you know?” Lily mindlessly asked as she was shooting someone from afar.
“Sounds fun honestly,” Matt replied. “I hope you guys have a good time.”
“Yep, thanks. And thanks for saving my ass just now.”
Lily, as she was telling Matt about how she was going to a 5 Seconds of Summer concert for the US leg of their tour, was getting easily distracted. She couldn’t be blamed though because in her opinion, Matt was someone you could trust very quickly. She found peace in talking to him as he was a pretty good listener who would occasionally share a thing or two about his own life.
As the duo managed their fourth victory of the night – Lily had absolutely lied when she told Alex she would go to bed after an hour, the girl let her eyes wander to her window whose curtains weren’t closed yet and were letting some faint light enter her room: the city lights from afar were almost looking like distant glowing stars.
“Wait, be right back. Give me two minutes before starting a new game.”
“Ok,” Matt simply replied as he didn’t mind a small break.
Lily had realised that the sky was the complete opposite of cloudy and that she could see the moon. Grabbing her phone from her nightstand as she knew her camera had no battery left, she shot a dozen of pictures before coming back to her bed.
“Sorry for that, sky looked so pretty I couldn’t resist.” Lily explained to her teammate.
“No problem. Send me a picture, will you? Must be prettier than the sky I have right now.”
“Of course bro, I gotcha.” Lily was looking through her gallery to find the best picture she could send to Matt. “Erm, you know what? I’ll give you my Instagram and you’ll have to wait to see it on there because I think I’ll have to edit a bit. They would’ve looked more accurate with my camera but with my phone the photos are missing something for now.”
“Oh, hmm… yeah, ok. Fine by me”, Matt agreed with the proposition as he took his phone to open the application mentioned by the girl.
Lily then texted Matt with the Instagram user of her photography account, which was mostly filled with pictures of the sun and moon. Unbeknownst to Lily, Matt was quickly changing from his main public account to a second one he had – he didn’t post any picture of his or his brothers’ face on it so he was safe from getting recognised as the account had barely a couple of landscapes pictures, simply acting as a decoy to thrive incognito on social media.
Now following Lily on Instagram, Matt skimmed through her account and realised that she really was the female version of his brother Nick. Indeed, as Lily rambled about editing, Matt carefully listened and noted how passionate she was about photography.
If only one of them knew at the moment that this small interaction would be a turning point in their lives, leading to events none of them could ever imagine happening.
“Hey,” Matt broke the comfortable silence between Lily and him after a few minutes.
“Yeah?” she softly replied.
“My brother just texted me that we have something to do tomorrow morning so I think I’ll go to sleep soon”, Matt explained with an unexpected frown on his face – he realised that he was actually enjoying conversing with Lily and wanted to keep talking to her.
“No worries babe,” Lily let her favourite pet name unconsciously roll off her tongue. “I should too honestly. Even if I don’t have a shift tomorrow, I don’t want to fuck up my sleep schedule.”
“Yeah…” Matt awkwardly replied, not knowing how to feel about ending the conversation.
“Yep…” Lily was definitely experiencing the same thing as she wished she could keep talking to him. “Tonight was fun. I hope we can play together again soon.”
“Me too,” he agreed with her as a smile made its way on his lips before continuing. “We make a pretty good team.”
“Totally. Well then, good night Matt.”
“Good night Lily.”
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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livia-dovehallow · 2 years
Hiii today is father’s day!! Can I ask for some hc you have on the first father’s day for gabriel once Alex was born? As I think it would be special as they went back to having a baby in the house
hi! i did see that it's father's day in some other countries!! Italy is one of them, right? forgive me I'm American so ours is in June.
The first thing that comes to mind is that I definitely think Cecily woke Gabriel up that morning by literally plopping lil baby Alex on his chest and letting Alex's slobbery kisses wake him up.
Given that it's been 12ish years since they last had a baby in the house, I really love to think that Gabriel is really happy to wake up like that again. Meanwhile, the other two hooligans are downstairs on mum's orders to make breakfast (except Kit isn't allowed to use the stove or oven lol).
Truthfully, I do think the day turns into a typical chaotic day in the Lightwood-Herondale household. Kit lights something on fire, Alex poops up his clothes, Anna is laughing at both of her brothers' antics, Cecily is yelling in Welsh. But Gabriel is happy with it because it's his family and his kids being exactly themselves.
The main little Father's Day gift, though, I think, is that Anna and Kit volunteer to watch Alex for a couple of hours to let their parents just go on a walk together in peace. Cecily's turn to spend time with the man of the day :D
Cecily is good with words so I like to think that on their walk, she just hugs his arm and tells him (as she does all the time and always on Father's Day, too) that she is thankful that he is her children's father. Goes on and on about how he's a great dad and their kids love him very much and she does, too. And reiterates that even though neither of them expected to be parents again at 40, he's doing a wonderful job at going with it.
Not that he was ever not going to step up to it--we all know that!
I also think Gabriel wanted to put Alex to bed that night, because it's Father's Day and he's a father and he wanted to spend time with his new baby because now he knows just how fast they all grow up and he gets another chance to relive it all.
And little Alex poops up his clothes again.
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lucy90712 · 3 years
Wearing his clothes/merch (hc)
George had just got some of his new merch in the mail so naturally you decided to steal it and wear it before he can plus its super comfy so why not. Since you put it on you hadn't seen George because he had been busy but when he was done doing whatever it was that he was doing he came into the living room to see you working away on your laptop.
He was kind of tired but as soon as he looked at you a huge smile formed on his face, he loves when you wear his merch or his clothes in general because you just look so cute in his things especially when they are too big for you. His absolute favourite thing is when the sleeves of hoodies are too long and your fingers just barely poke out the end he just finds it so adorable when you are constantly pulling the sleeves up to grab things.
Your laptop is shut when George walks over sitting next to you and pressing multiple kisses all over your face. He did open your laptop back up mainly so you didn't get annoyed with him but you put it down anyway relishing in the attention he was giving you because you often have widely different schedules.
"You look so cute in my merch" he says
"You aren't mad that I took it then" you say
"Not at all it looks better on you anyway" he says
You may have had a little too much fun with him taking pictures of you in his merch as if you were modelling but those pictures would never be used for anything just for him to look back at and possibly tease the merch on stream.
Some days it's just so hot that you have to steal one of Clay's t-shirts because it's big on you so it doesn't stick to you in any way. Clay loves those days because he loves seeing you in his shirts because they look better on you than him anyway. Today was even better because you were wearing one of his merch shirts which he wore a few days ago so it smelled like him which is why you were wearing it.
He has had his hands on you all day because he just loves to have you close to him even though it's like 40 degrees outside (this is in Celsius because I don't understand Fahrenheit). The both of you sit outside in the sun taking in its vitamins and with Clay playing with your hair as you lie on his chest, the whole time his eyes are on you just looking at you lying there wearing his shirt being as beautiful as ever without making any effort whatsoever.
Clay for sure takes pictures of you in all of his merch and even posts some of them if he has told the viewers about you because they love you and it means he can gush about you while promoting his merch. Some of his favourite pictures of you are in his merch when you both had an impromptu photo shoot when the new merch arrived, it was such a fun day because he kept telling you to stand in different ways and in different places.
You often spend the day with sapnap and then more often that not you stay the night but every time you never bring anything to sleep in but sapnap is more than happy with that because then he can give you his clothes to wear. Seeing you in his hoodie or t-shirt makes him so happy because it shows that your his and he's very protective so anything to show that your his is great.
One night you did bring things to sleep in but you didn't wear them because Sapnap wouldn't let you wear them because some of his favourite times with you are cuddled up in bed when you are wearing his clothes so there was no way he was going to miss out on that just because you remembered to bring clothes with you.
He gives you one of his shirts and a pair of his sweatpants which are way too big on you but they are comfy and he says they look cute so that's why you wear them. As you walk round with them on he will come over and put his hands in the pockets of the sweatpants or in the pouch of the hoodie and just have his arms around you taking in the fact that you're all his.
When you two actually go to bed he will lie half on top of you making sure you are fully protect form whatever he thinks will happen during the night. It can be kind of uncomfortable but its nice having him there to cuddle with and keep you warm during the winter because that man is like a heater at all times.
When he's not streaming his beanies are yours and there is no argument about it, you often hate the way your hair looks and his beanies are the best thing to cover it. Sometimes you two argue about who is going to wear his beanie because he usually wears one incase he gets recognised but you always win the argument because ultimately he likes looking at you in his beanie so you get to wear it while he wears a hat.
Sometimes you go out both wearing beanies and even matching ones being the cute couple that you really aren't if anything you two are a bit more chaotic but that is about the only moment you two are cute. The viewers love your vibes together because there is literally no difference as to how you act on stream or in real life when people meet you.
You two stream together quite a bit even before you told the viewers because you act the exact same as a couple as you did as friends but when you do stream together you both wear a beanie, each stream comes with about a million clips and screenshots of the both of you matching. It never occurs to you or Alex that people like when you match because it happens a lot just in everyday life so you think nothing of it but you are always reminded when you don't have a beanie on and people are shocked.
All of his clothes are yours too, he loves seeing you wear his clothes just on an everyday basis. Sometimes you will wear one of his t-shirts or his button ups over something to make an outfit and he just loves that because you always look so good and sometimes even better. On occasion you two will wear similar outfits and then Karl has to bring you out so that people can appreciate how amazing you look. He would just have to post pictures either on Instagram or on his second twitter of you both just being amazing because who wouldn't.
Of all the times you wear his clothes chill days where you have on one of his hoodies are his favourites. He always thinks you look so cute and comfortable in his hoodie which may be too big but who can complain when you have the hood up and it over your hands and you look so snug. He likes to cuddle with you because even if he isn't wearing comfy clothes he feels so much more comfortable just laying with you and snuggling his head into your chest.
He practically gives you his clothes if he wants you to wear them but he does it subtly by leaving them in a place that's convenient for you or quite literally putting them in your wardrobe. He has been known to carry a hoodie around with him just incase you get cold so he can give it to you. You always laugh to yourself when you notice these things because you find it sweet that he would do all of this to get you to wear his clothes and of course you do it because you got to reward his efforts.
When you do wear his clothes he gets all shy and blushy even though he is the one that instigated it but it also makes him super happy that you will go out in his things without a care in the world. It’s even better when he gets to be with you because then its even more obvious that you have his clothes on and he likes that although people give you looks they know they don’t have a chance because you’re his.
In the winter you both share his beanies as well because why buy your own when he has so many. Beanies is the one thing he will tease you about wearing and will move them around on your head even pulling them down over your eyes just for fun but he really does it because he can’t handle the cuteness of you wearing his beanie all the time.  
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Part Ten. Faces
warnings: swearing, hate comments word count: 4.1k (not including pics)
behind the screen (irl dream x f!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
A/N: sorry its late!!!! this feels rushed but i was just too excited to get to some parts!!! also i have had some parts written out for SO long that they dont even feel cute to me anymore so im literally praying to every deity rn that you guys think its cute lmao anyway enjoy!!!!
It had been about a week since Karl's slip up but everything was already more normal than Y/n had expected it to be. Of course, George, Sapnap and Quackity were all very understanding and gave her space while simultaneously reassuring her that she was safe with them. She fully believed it too, she knew she was safe with them and they weren't going to tell anyone her name.
The one unusual thing was now she had a heavy guilt, like someone dropped another sandbag in her stomach, every time Dream texted her. If the others knew, it was only fair that she tell him her name too, right? I mean, it's Dream. Dream! The boy who had quickly slipped his way into her life and, though she wouldn't admit it to Karl or Naomi, her heart.
But how? Does she just come right out and say it or wait until it gets brought up? She hadn't practiced telling anyone her name because she wasn't planning on doing it any time soon. Though, maybe she should have been seeing as she was going to see them all in person in a little over a month.
Regardless of the guilt, Y/n had other things to worry about today; Quackity was coming to visit. Karl had picked him up from the airport and the two of them spent all day catching up and doing who knows what but Y/n still hadn't met him. She was scared. She wasn't scared of Quackity, but scared because it was the first time one of her online friends would be able to put a face to her name and voice.
Y/n shuffled across her living room rug and reached for her phone on the coffee table, looking for some sort of distraction while she waited for them to arrive.
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Y/n rolled her eyes but smiled, shaking her head as she threw her phone on the couch. Okay, he's right. It's gonna be fine. It's gonna be great. It's just Quackity. If he said anything rude or annoying or anything she could literally just step on him like a bug.
A sharp knock on the front door of her apartment snapped her back into reality. She shook her limbs of nervousness as she made her way to the door, two familiar voices begging to be acknowledged from the other side.
"Let us iiinnn!! Y/nnn!!!!" Karl whined.
After countless times asking the same question, she finally convinced Karl that she was okay with him using her real name in front of Quackity. He clearly still felt guilty about telling the boys her name, asking her multiple times in different ways whether he should call her Y/n or Bugsy in front of the guest. She finally got it through his head that she didn't mind either way.
"Hold on!" she yelled back. She unlocked the door and swung it open to see Karl and Quackity. "So impatient."
"Holy shit, you are tall! Goddammit, I thought that was a joke!"
Y/n laughed shyly at the greeting, looking at Quackity like he was crazy. "Hello to you too. Tried to warn you, dude."
"Yeah but, damn! You're tall and attractive, what the hell?"
"Dude," she said with a warning in her voice. She thought the flirting on Twitter was funny, but in real life she got embarrassed easier and wasn't a fan. "I'm about to kick you out of my house before I even let you in."
This was weird, meeting Quackity before meeting some of her other friends. She loved Quackity, but she had known George much longer and Sapnap even before that. There was no problem with meeting Quackity, she just had no idea how to act since she felt like she hardly knew him.
"Am I allowed to tell people that you're hot?" he asked as he fell on her couch, Karl following right after.
"Quackity!" Y/n yelled, her face heating up at a compliment. "Seriously?"
Karl cackled and shoved Quackity. "Shut up, Alex! No, you're not allowed!"
"Sorry, is that compliment reserved for Dream?" He cackled at his own joke and Y/n's face heated up even more.
"I seriously will kick you out of my house."
"You wanna be flirty on main but not in real life?" Quackity scoffed.
"I'm not flirty on main, you are!" she laughed. "Seriously, don't."
"Okay, sorry, I'll stop," Quackity promised with a laugh in his words.
The three of them fell into easy conversation, mostly because Karl and Quackity were already comfortable around each other at this point. They eventually decided to go to the mall, just to mess around and do something.
*reminder: covid doesn't exist in this fic bc we only want happy things so ignore their masks :P*
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Y/n frowned as she unlocked her front door, staring at her phone. She had been so happy with all the fans freaking out about the meetup so she looked at the trending list, expecting to see a flood of keyboard smashes and happiness, but that's not all she ended up seeing. BUGKARLITY was trending, so she scrolled through the tweets and was upset to see not all of them were positive. In fact, when she typed her name in the search bar, lots of the tweets using her name were rather mean.
A few that stuck in her head called her an attention whore and said that her friends only flirted with her because she paid them too. Who on earth would even do that? Some hurt way more than others but she tried to push them aside. It wasn't like this was the first time she had seen comments like this, but they had only gotten worse since her Minecraft date with Dream. She was worried it was cause more hate for her friends and the last thing she wanted was to be the cause of their own hate.
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She typed several different messages to Dream, deleting them all after she reread them. She felt like she had to request the same thing from him in a different way. Maybe because she felt like his words meant more, even if he really was just joking like the rest of them. She decided to call him instead of texting.
"Hi!" he chirped happily from the other end.
"Hi, Dream," she said as her chest filled with something warm at the sound of his voice. "How are you doing?"
"Good," he dragged out the word. "How are you?"
"Just okay? What's up?"
"Um," she started, immediately forgetting the words she decided she'd use. "I just... would you mind, uh, not flirting with me so much on, like, Twitter and streams and stuff like that?"
There was a silence before Dream's frantically apologetic words came through. "Yes, of course, oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. If I had known I was making you uncomfortable, I wouldn't have—"
"Wait, no," she interrupted but he must not have heard.
"—said things like... oh gosh. Bug, I'm really sorry—"
"Dream!" she raised her voice, getting him to stop ranting. "You don't make me uncomfortable."
"Oh. Really?"
"Of course not. I actually think it's really..." Cute? Adorable? Endearing? "funny," she decided.
"Oh. Then why...?"
She sighed heavily and explained what she told the others. "So, yeah. I just don't want you guys getting hate because of me so I figure if you stop then... you know."
"Bug..." he said gently. "I'm really sorry. I promise you that I don't—none of us think those things about you."
"I know."
"No, seriously," he said, clearly not believing her. "You need to understand that I..." he paused. "I mean what I say. Always."
Always? she thought. There's a few things he's said that certainly he didn't really mean... like calling her cute?
"I don't joke around like that unless I want to. I wouldn't say things like I say to you unless I really, really, genuinely considered you a close friend and felt comfortable around you. And I do."
Her heart swelled. "Thanks, Dream. I just... maybe don't do it so much for right now? Online, at least," she clarified, not wanting to deprive herself completely of Dream's flirting.
"Yeah, if that's what you want, of course."
"Well, I don't want you to stop flirting with me but, yeah."
He chuckled. "Oh, you do like when I flirt with you?"
She hummed and changed the subject. "Did I interrupt you doing anything?"
"No," his teasing voice dropped and was back to his regular self. "I'm just editing the video we filmed the other day."
"Oh, the 'Minecraft, but you can't touch the floor'?" she asked.
"Oh," she said, not meaning to sound disappointed. "I'll let you get back to it—"
"No. I mean, you can stay on the phone. Unless you're busy."
She smiled and put her phone on speaker and set it next to her foot on the floor. "I was just gonna paint. So I can stay."
Before she knew it, almost two hours had passed of them sitting in comfortable silence, occasionally speaking to share something with the other before going back to their tasks. It was comforting knowing she didn’t need to speak constantly and could just hang out with Dream.
Y/n's phone rested on the floor next to her, Dream on speakerphone on the other end, only the sounds of his keyboard clicking letting her know he hadn't fallen asleep or hung up. She wasn't sure when they started doing this, staying on the phone even when they had nothing to talk about, but they had done it a few times before. They had talked on the phone and Discord many times but it was usually always with purpose, not usually this silently-enjoying-each-others-presence nonsense. Who was she kidding calling it nonsense, she enjoyed it an embarrassingly insane amount.
She repositioned so she was laying on her stomach as she finished sketching an image that was in her mind.
"Hey, you still there?" Dream asked softly.
"Yeah. Sorry, am I taking away from your sitting in silence time with George?" she joked.
Dream chuckled lightly. "Nah, you're more fun. I was just seeing if you ditched me for Karl yet."
"Nah, you're more fun," she mimed truthfully. "But I'm very focused on this drawing."
"Can I see it when you're done?"
"Don't expect too much. It looks bad."
"If you don't tell me what it is, I can't know how accurate or inaccurate it is."
"Very true..." she trailed off, holding the canvas further away to examine it all at once. She wanted the sketch to be perfect before she made permanent choices with paint. She enjoyed the serenity they maintained even when talking, voices low and delicate like they were keeping secrets but not quite whispering. "Are you almost done editing your video from the other day?"
"Sorta. I'm at the part where you and Sapnap almost died laughing because a ghast knocked George into lava and then Sapnap laughed so hard he fell into lava."
She chuckled, remembering the situation vividly. "That was so funny. The way George screams is so funny."
"Let Naomi know that," he mumbled, causing Y/n to gasp.
"Dream!" she laughed loudly and he joined.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry. It's true though."
A distant voice sounded on the other end and she assumed it was Sapnap. "What do you want for dinner?"
Dream responded with a soft, "Nothing, I'm good."
"Are you talking to Bugsy?"
He must have responded physically because the next sound was Sapnap's very clear, much more lively voice speaking directly into the phone. "Hi, Bugsy!"
"Hi, Sapnap!"
"Can you tell Dream to eat some damn food? This man literally hasn't eaten a single thing all goddamn day."
"Dream," Y/n scolded slowly. "Please eat."
"I'm not hungry."
"I'm not showing you my painting until you eat."
A door closed on the other end and she took that as a sign that Sapnap had left.
"I don't wanna see it anyway. It's probably trash."
"Take that back!" she gasped lightly. She looked at the canvas as she grabbed the first paint color and laughed. It was only a sketch and it was already trash. "Fine, then I won't go on the trip if you don't eat in the next ten minutes."
"That's punishing yourself too though."
"Who says I want to see you?" she asked.
"I never said anything about not seeing me being the punishment."
She had been caught. "It was implied."
"Sure it was."
"It's true though. Who says I wanna see your stupid face?"
He didn't say anything, but an incoming FaceTime call lit up Y/n's phone. A FaceTime call from him.
Her smile dropped. "Clay?"
"Answer it," his voice was lower and her heart started beating faster. Was he really about to show her his face to prove a point? Reveal his biggest secret that only a few close friends knew? To her of all people? She made sure she couldn't be seen in the small window and pressed accept, the voice call ending and the FaceTime call starting.
To her surprise, what came into view wasn't his face, but the logo of the hoodie he was wearing, the simple smile of his merch taunting her. She laughed, the anxiety slowly fading away as it was replaced with a heavy feeling in her stomach. Was she disappointed? Maybe a little, but he teased her into believing she would see him.
"Oh, wow! Dream face reveal! He looks just like his icon, no way!!!"
His chest moved up and down as he laughed, not moving the camera away. "You heard it here first, guys! You've known my face all along, the logo is actually my face!"
She laughed and returned to painting, not paying any more attention to her phone since he was now also showing his ceiling, a small corner of his monitor in frame but nothing else. "I mean it though, if you don't eat, I'm going to be so mad I won't even want to be friends anymore. Or you'll die from malnourishment before we get the chance to meet."
"I doubt it. I'm just not hungry."
"Oh, hey, so you met Quackity today. How was it?"
"Very scary."
"Yeah?" he asked sympathetically, urging her to explain if she wanted.
"Yeah. But it turned out okay! He didn't act any different so it was fine. It was mostly just awkward. He's also so freaking loud. You would not believe how much louder he and Karl get when they're together."
"I can imagine. Aren't they doing a stream right now or something?"
"Yeah, I think so. I don't wanna watch though, I've had enough of them for the month."
Dream laughed. "How will you deal with them together for New Years'? It'll be for like two weeks."
"Who knows if I'll actually go?"
"Wait, what?" he asked abruptly, not even bothering to hide the disappointment in his voice. His keyboard stopped clicking and she could picture him staring at his phone as if looking at her. "Of course you're going."
"Not if you don't eat food! You have, like, 3 minutes to eat something until I officially am busy doing other things whenever the trip is."
Dream groaned and clicked a few things on his computer before the image on the screen became blurry as he walked through the house, still pointing it at the ceiling. She looked away again and kept painting.
"Quackity's really funny though," she continued. "It was super awkward at first but it was fun to have someone else to help me make fun of Karl."
"Wait, Bug," Dream called out over the sound of wrappers crinkling.
"Hm?" She hummed, continuing to paint.
"Bug," his voice was much softer and he sounded nervous.
She looked at her screen and dropped the paintbrush as she focused on what she saw, grabbing her phone and holding it closer to her face so she could see, still making sure she wasn't in view. All the anxiety from the beginning of the FaceTime suddenly came back and hit her like a truck. Sitting on her screen, waiting to be seen, was Dream. His hood was up, tufts of blonde hair sticking out, and he was standing with his back towards a dark room, the dim light from his pantry making his face just visible.
He held up a cookie in front of his actual, real face. "Are you watching?"
"Y-yea... I... Yeah. I'm watching. Is that really you?"
He nodded once before shoving the cookie in his mouth. "There, I consumed food," he announced, his voice muffled by the cookie. "Now you're legally obligated to come."
"I—What? CLAY! WHAT?"
"What?" he asked innocently as he chewed, walking back to his room and still holding the phone up to show his face. His room light was on, making his face much more visible. If Y/n thought he was attractive in the harsh pantry light, he must have looked like a god in his room lighting, even as pixelated as he was due to the quality of FaceTime. He fell on his bed and Y/n could only gape at his features. He slumped against his headboard, surrounded by roughly a thousand pillows, sporting a small, shy smile as he stared at the screen. "Bug, what?"
She opened her mouth but no words came out. Needless to say, he was unbelievably handsome. Part of the speechlessness was from the shock that he showed his face out of the blue, but obviously, the majority of it was that he was pretty much the most attractive person she'd ever seen. It should be illegal for someone to look that good in a hoodie, especially when pixelated.
"Hmm," he hummed thoughtfully. "Wanna take back what you said earlier?" He bit into another cookie.
"W-what did I say earlier?" Why was she stuttering???
"You said you don't wanna see me and that I'm ugly," he teased.
She paused for too many seconds too long before finally muttering, "you arrogant son of a bitch." He laughed loudly at that.
His eyes crinkled and he threw his head back. So that's what he looks like when he wheezes, she thought to herself, pretty.
Dream shuffled his position on his bed and rested his head on one of his hands. He looked so comfy. "Why are you so quiet, weirdo?" he mumbled.
She set her phone back down and touched her cheeks with her hands and looked away for a moment, grounding herself to the real world for a second. She couldn't process her thoughts when she was staring at a man as gorgeous as Clay. "I don't know, maybe because you gave me no warning before showing me your face? Or because you failed to mention that you're incredibly hot?"
She was so glad she had looked back at her phone or else she would have missed the glorious sight of his cheeks turning bright red before he turned the camera back to his ceiling. "Oh my gosh."
"Aw cute, I made you blush."
"Shut up," he mumbled. "You threatened to not come if I didn't eat something!"
"You didn't have to—you showed me your freaking face just to prove you ate a cookie!! DREAM! I would have believed you if you just said you ate something!" she laughed breathlessly, staring at the phone now for a chance to see him again. "I was joking anyway!"
"Sure you were."
"I was."
"Well, oh well. You deserved to see me anyway."
"Oh, I deserve to see you?" She laughed. "How big is your ego?"
"You know what I meant," he groaned. "You got doxxed by Karl and you met Quackity in person. And you've clearly had a bad day because of all the hate and stuff. You've done a lot of stressful things recently and you deserved to be let in on a secret too."
He was so sweet. Like, tooth-rotting, Halloween candy stash hidden under a kid's bed, upset tummy sweet. She also couldn't get over the fact that he was a million times cuter when he was shy like he was being now, his voice soft and unsure. It contrasted vastly with the confident, loud-mouthed Dream everyone usually saw, though she liked that Dream too. She wished he could show his face for just one more second to see what he looked like shy. Probably sickeningly adorable.
This was it, wasn't it? The chance she had been waiting for to tell him her name? He just let her in on his biggest secret, now he was the one deserving to be let in.
"Y/n," she said with a confident, but soft voice.
There was a long pause. "W-what?"
He understood the second time immediately. "Y/n..." he tested, the smile in his voice clear as day. "I like it."
"Yeah, well, I guess you deserved to know the secret too."
"I would have been content never knowing."
"Really?" She didn't believe him. He seemed like the type to never be satisfied, always looking for something better. Not in a greedy way, but in a motivational, goal-oriented big achiever way.
"Really," he hummed. "I already feel like you're too good to be true so I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't a real person."
It was silent as she tried to collect her thoughts.
"Bug? You okay?"
"Yeah, I... it's just a lot."
"No, it's not you. Well... I don't know. I just don't know what I'm supposed to say when you say things like that," she admitted.
He paused. "I think you always have the perfect responses when I say things like that."
"What do I usually say?" She smiled shyly, pulling her hoodie up to her lips.
"You usually call me a nerd or say you can't stand me. 'Oh my gosh I cannot stand you'," he mimicked before laughing.
"What? How is that the perfect response to you saying you can't believe I'm real?"
He hummed and she could practically hear him shrugging. "Because it's a classic Bug response. It's a hundred perfect you. So yeah, it's perfect."
She was silent, trying to compose herself before she exploded.
"By the way, check Twitter."
"Why, are you bragging about me calling you hot?" she teased, hoping to make him blush like she had earlier. It worked.
"Oh my gosh, no. Just look."
She clicked her home button and navigated to the app, her feed instantly flooding with the same similar messages.
"Oh, my gosh," she muttered, her fingers flying away as she typed out her own tweet in response to the love.
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Dream chuckled from the other end and when she asked him why, he vaguely said that George texted him but didn't explain further.
"Um, I have to go," she said mournfully. "Karl and Quackity are coming over again."
"Booooo," he pouted.
"Sorry, you aren't the only man in my life," she teased before instantly regretting her choice of words. Too flirty, Y/n, she thought to herself.
"Hm, shame. Am I at least at the top of the list?"
She bit her lips, wanting desperately to repeat what she had told him on their Minecraft date. In the end, she gave in. "I always mean what I say too," she started. "You're my main bitch, baby."
Dream made some sort of sound, a mix of a scoff and a whine but Y/n didn't comment on it, just glowing with heat in her cheeks.
"Leave before I don't let you," he said softly and the heat only grew.
"Goodnight, Dream," she pressed, the tone in her voice letting him know he was being a tease. "Thanks for... thanks for your tweet. And for everything you said earlier."
"Of course. Sorry that you have to see those kinds of things a lot."
"It's okay when I have people like you."
"People like me? What does that mean?"
"Just.... people like you." Cute, sweet, kind, genuine people who make her heart flutter.
She could hear his smile in his words and she figured he knew the unspoken words in her thoughts, the ones she was saying without saying. "Okay. Goodnight, Y/n."
taglist: OPEN (at the time)
@hydrate-tion @loraleiix @tinaswagbd @charsdummb @smileyyuta @1ghoste1 @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge @queestionmark @carnations-red @letsloveimagines @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @boiled-onionrings @a-cryptic @fee-btheweeb @erwinss @just-a-stan @axths @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad @sometimeseverythingsucks @powerpuffyn @itshaileyn @millavalntyne @automaticcomputerpaper @nikkineeky @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @sprucekot @bellomi-clarke @possiblyanxioushuman @crybabyjabby @mae-musicbitch @hungoverhellhound @dreamyteam​ @kuroo-icedtea @stuffforreferences @menacingaesthetic @sapphic-soot​ @fangeekkk​ @haseulreturns​ @queenwastaken​ @peteysgf​ @losingvienna​ @bi-narystars​ @zero-nightshade​ @erinitoburrito @sparklykeylime​ @youhyakuya​ @danny-devitowo​ @clubfairy​ @loser-keiji​ @oi-itsemily​ @alm334​ @the-katastrophe​ @wreny24​ @applecakeradio @unicornblood4ever @brendalopez99​ @spacecluster​ @justonemoreepisode​ @strawbrinkofdeath​ @aikochan4859​ @chaotic-tieflings​ @dreamsofficialwife​ @where-thesundoesntshine​ @jamiealenaa​ @unstableye​ @kageyamama-hinatatata​ @officiallyunofficialperson​ @secretly-a-weeb​ @localsimp​ @loxbbg​ @rhymeorreason1​ @flubblubbb​ @kiritokunuwu​ @sylumarts​ @raining13lemonade​ @aiyncel @ghostfacefricker6969​ @avengemepercy​ @modyoonie​ @sapnapsupremaci​ @donttellaweirdweakling​ @writinginnit​ @mosstea-png @mayempress @theboywhocriedlupin​
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nojey · 4 years
quackity / alex x streamer!reader
genre: fluff -> angst pronouns: they / them word count: 2.1k warning(s): cursing, suggestive jokes
synopsis: you had known alex since you started streaming but none of your viewers knew. you started getting closer and eventually you started streaming together but your viewers didn’t like that.
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“(y/n)!” alex screamed into his phone after you answered the facetime call.  “yes, my love?!” you screamed back. alex giggled and asked, “do you want to stream sometime soon? i mean like, we’ve known each other for a few months and we haven’t streamed together, i know you’re a fairly new streamer but i even asked dream if you could come onto the smp, and i have something planned- well karl and sapnap helped me plan it- but that’s not the point, the point is-” he rambled.  “alex? are you asking me on a minecraft date?” you asked. “no! well, maybe, okay yeah. i’m asking you on a minecraft date.” he confirmed.  “i’d love to go on a minecraft date with you, alex.” you said, blushing a bit. 
truth is, you’ve had a crush on alex for a few months. when he first slid into your dms you didn’t really expect it, but it turned out to start a beautiful friendship. you always flirted with alex in hopes that he’d notice, but it never seemed like he did. he never retaliated back but little did you know, he was just too shy to.
“uh- okay great! tomorrow, at 3pm your time, stream it. we’re going to have a lot of fun. wear pajamas, or you know- just be comfortable okay?” he rushed. you laughed a bit and said, “yes alex, of course. bye now,” then smiled and hung up. 
you immediately went tot twitter and started a thread: @(y/s/n): this weeks stream schedule (times are pst): @(y/s/n): tomorrow @ 3pm: minecraft date w/ someone i haven’t streamed with yet  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ↳ @ quackity: i wonder who this might be hmMmMMmm @(y/s/n): tuesday @ 1pm: i somehow got invited to an among us lobby w/ corpse, sykkuno, valkyrae, disguised toast, quarterjade, masayoshi, peterparktv, jacksepticeye, and ludwig  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @(y/s/n): wednesday @ 1pm: if things don’t go well w/ person on monday- looking for a mc boyfriend! ↳ @ quackity: WELL THAT’S RUDE TO ASSUME THAT THINGS WONT GO WELL (Y/N) @(y/s/n): thursday @ 3pm: chitchat w/ nihachu !! @(y/s/n): friday @ 2pm: pummel party w/ ??
as soon as you tweeted all them out, you looked at replies and saw that quackity had replied to both monday and wednesday schedules. giggling to yourself, you replied back to him.
@(y/s/n): @ quackity way to make it obvious alex, if you wanna date me just say it (¬_¬) @(y/s/n): @ quackity how can you assume that it will go well alex (Ő-Ő) ↳ @ quackity: i just know (y/n)!!! truST ME!!!!
laughing once more, you plugged your phone into the charger and went to bed, excited for what alex had planned for you two tomorrow. 
getting ready for the minecraft date was very nerve wracking. the only thing you could think about was whether alex considered this a real date or not. deep inside you hoped that this was a real one. 
the ringing from your phone disrupted your thought. looking down on the screen you saw that the one person you were thinking of was calling you. 
“hello?” you answered. “hi, (y/n), are you ready?” alex asked. “uh, yeah, i just- i just need to start my stream and introduce what we’re doing.” “okay, um- i’m going to send you a link to the dream smp discord server. join it and join vc 4.” he replied.  “for sure, see you then.” you smiled. “see you.” he said and hung up.
“fuck,” you said and wiped your hands onto your pants. you definitely weren’t ready but still, joined the discord server and joined vc 4 then deafened. you set up your stream and hit go live.
“hey everyone! as you may know, if you follow my twitter, today i’m going on a minecraft date! uh no, no one knows who it is yet, but i have a feeling a LOT of you already know who it is.” you said, reading chat and wiggling your eyebrows.
“okay, i’m going to join the server and then share my screen when he’s standing in front of me.” you started playing some music so your viewers didn’t get bored while they waited for you to start. 
once you were logged into the smp you privately messaged alex and asked him where he was. before he could answer you turned around to look at the walls you were surrounded by and screamed out after seeing quackity’s naked body behind you. 
“chat, i’m okay, just got scared. um anyways, yeah.”  you said and showed your screen, revealing the man himself. “quackity!” you screamed into your mic. “jesus christ, (y/n) we can save screaming my name for later.” he said in a suggestive voice. you then started punching him and after each punch you said, “stop. saying. suggestive. comments. we haven’t even started the date yet!”  “okay, okay, okay! i’m literally going to die, (y/n) stop!!” he yelled out. you kept hitting him to see if he was lying but after the second punch quackity was slain by (y/mc/n) showed up in the chat. 
ranboo: i see that the date is going well
you started laughing uncontrollably while alex was silent. “(y/n),” he said in a more serious voice. you hummed as he continued his sentence. “why did you kill me?” “i wanted to know if you were lying. was that a canon life? i think that should be a canon life.” you laughed. “no it wasn’t a fucking canon life. (y/n) you’re not even an official member of the smp!” he said. “i could be,” you said wiggling your eyebrows and crouching up and down. “anyways. follow me, i’m bringing you to where we’re having our date.” so you followed him and when you reached your destination you were at party park with karl and sapnap standing in front of you. 
“hello boys. what are you doing here on our date. is this an amusement park date, quackity? i didn’t take you for that type of guy. it’s kind of cheesy.” you rambled. “no! this isn’t where our date is happening. jeez, have a little more faith in me (y/n).” he said, moving his minecraft character to look at you slowly and creepily. “well there wasn’t much to begin with,” you said, chuckling a bit. you heard karl and sapnap giggling to what you had said.  “hey! take that back!” quackity said, punching your minecraft character. you audibly gasped and turned to look at karl and sapnap again. “you guys saw that right? he just hit me.” you said, faking shock. they both quickly nodded their heads. “i can’t believe you would hit me on our first date.” you said, turning to look at him this time. “you literally killed me!” he yelled out.
so this went on for about 30 more minutes till quackity explained to you that your date would pretty much be a minecraft manhunt with quackity, sapnap, and karl hunting you but you had to find something instead of defeating the enderdragon. if they killed you and they won, you owed alex a real date. no stream, just them. 
“you’re going to hunt me for our first date?” you asked in disbelief. quackity then nodded his head up and down in a very fast motion. “mm cool,” you said as you punched him and ran away in a different direction.
it had been about 45 minutes and you killed karl and sapnap twice, but quackity had not been seen the whole time. but as you were running away from sapnap, quackity appeared in front of you and you faked trying to kill him, letting him just kill you because you wanted to go on that second date with him. 
(y/mc/n) was slain by quackity ranboo: date still going really well, looks like you guys are really hitting it off!
“awe man, looks like i have to go on another date with quackity!” you said. sarcastically faking the disappointment. reading your chat for the first time this stream, it wasn’t your usual happy messages. instead they were filled with negativity.
i don’t see why quackity wants to go on a date with them why did dream let them on the smp?? there are so many other content creators who deserve to be on the smp way more than they do they’re so fucking annoying begging for attention much?
so you grew quiet and just listened to quackity end off his stream while you ended yours without saying anything. but once he finished saying goodbye to his stream, you immediately said bye to him.
“i’m gonna go now alex, thank you for the minecraft date. text me the details for the next. bye.” you rushed.
alex found it really weird that you had just left like that, you guys almost always stayed on call after he finished streaming for at least 3 hours just talking. but he let it slide, hoping it wasn’t something he had done.
you went onto twitter to update about your streaming schedule. @(y/s/n): looks like my stream schedule may be moving around because i’m going on a second date with @ quackity!
alex quickly went to go reply to it but gazed over the replies to your tweet and wasn’t very happy with them. you don’t deserve to go on another date with him you’re literally just using him for clout what an attention whore leave him alone already!
knowing that you barely ever got hate, he quickly called you instead. thinking very hard about what he was about to do. looking at your phone you saw that alex was facetiming you, you wiped your face from the tears that had fallen and sniffled, hoping you didn’t sound too congested.
“hello?” you said. “hey um, i have to tell you something.” he replied. the serious tone of his voice got you very nervous. was he about to confirm everything your chat had told you or even the tweets you just read? “i really like you, (y/n).” he said. you looked at your phone in surprise and he continued. “and i really don’t know if you feel the same way about me but i read the replies to your tweet and i know that you’re a pretty new streamer and i just don’t want you to already be getting hate because of me, you don’t deserve that. you’re an amazing person and i just, i don’t want to be the reason you’re getting hate. so i think it’d be best if we just laid off talking to each other for now.” “i like you too, alex.” you whispered. “but i respect your decision. goodbye for now?” you said, offering a smile to the screen he was displayed on. it looked like he was just as shocked as you when he told you how he felt. “uh, yeah. goodbye for now. don’t be a stranger (y/n).” you smiled once more and hung up.
as soon as you hung up you started crying again. you really liked alex, but maybe you didn’t show that well enough, because if you did, maybe you guys would’ve been together at this point.
the next day, you streamed normally with a faked high energy that nobody seemed to notice, this time not paying attention to your chat. deep inside you really just wanted to curl into a ball and sleep all your stresses away. it really sucked to find out the guy you’ve had a crush on liked you back but he decided to end whatever you guys had going on.
but your chat couldn’t know so you kept a fake facade on, hoping no one asked about him.
though to alex, it looked like you were so unbothered by him pretty much ending your friendship. he started slightly believing the tweets that mentioned how you were just using him for clout. but after really thinking about it, he realized, why would you have been friends with him months before, without any of your fans knowing if you really were just using him. so he scolded himself and went about his day.
you were ending your stream with a big smile, as soon as you hit that end streaming button that smile was gone. you changed into a hoodie and curled into your bed. you just looked up at your ceiling and started crying, you pretty much lost the guy you really liked. your feelings being unnoticed by the public eye.
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Now I sooo have to ask about your hcs on Maria di Angelo's parentss! If you want, ofc <3
Okay, first of all, I will literally never shut up about how Maria's mom is Venus.
Now, Maria's father Salvatore already had a wife when he and Venus got together (think of this as an Alex Fierro situation) but he strayed. No one ever really found out, or else Sal's career would have been over.
Salvatore's wife was named Lucia Isabella Baresi before they got married, they were an arranged marriage of sorts (high-profile families seeking political gain) but happy together nonetheless. Lucia was kind, motherly enough, and well meaning, but she just wasn't close to Maria. She didn't feel very connected to her for some reason.
Maria is a middle child imo, I should probably mention that! She gives me youngest sibling vibes but she's a middle child because her dad felt guilty for cheating and felt like the only way to make up for his sin (even though Lucia never found out about his cheating) was to have another child. The first daughter was Angelina. She's the favorite, the golden child, the perfect daughter who came before everything went wrong (to Salvatore. Lucia loved all three of "her"daughters the same). Then there's Maria, the troublemaker, the sin herself, the hellraiser. Salvatore always has one eye on her, always making sure she's in line. Half of the time, she never was. And thirdly, there's Isabella Giana. She goes by either Isabella or Gia, and both names come from Lucia's mother and sister respectfully, the women Lucia was closest to. She was always attached to Salvatore's hip, as if he had to prove her legitimacy after the Venus and Maria incident. He paraded her around and took every opportunity to show her off in public, but at home he just wanted to be free of the reminders of what he'd done, the sins he'd committed. This was similar to how he treated Maria, wanting her at every function and formal event to prove he had nothing to hide. Angelina was the only daughter he truly loved.
Salvatore was constantly anxious. He didn't know Venus was a goddess, but he was in confessional nevertheless immediately after they had sex. He had cheated on his wife. He had gotten another woman pregnant. Venus had warned him this would happen. He repented, he prayed, but he was never at ease. His god held him accountable and he'd be sent to hell to burn in the afterlife. He was always looking over his shoulder, always worried someone would see that Maria was much more beautiful than Lucia or her sisters. He kept his distance from his daughters and was careful to discipline them when they weren't ladylike, prim and proper. He was all about keeping his image and reputation intact. It put a strain on his relationships with all three daughters and his wife, but he didn't mind all too much.
Salvatore and Lucia were loaded. They had a huge mansion and many servants and maids. They had chickens. There wasn't much need for him to be a dutiful, loving, attentive father anyway.
As I'm sure you can tell, Salvatore was a very religious man. I've talked about him exorcising Maria and Nico before. He had an ordained priest in the house at all times when Maria and the kids would visit. Said priest was often written to anytime Salvatore couldn't go to confessional or service. There are many frantic letters from Sal to the priest that are probably very funny. Stuff like "Thought of a boob today and liked it. Please Father don't let me burn for eternity".
Venus is interesting because she never had a presence in Maria's life. Like at all. But she "blessed" Maria with great beauty and charmspeak. She told Maria she was her mother when Maria was a toddler. She appeared next to her crib like "Hey. I'm a goddess, don't freak out, and I'm also your real mother. Your dad knows but Lucia can't. I don't care if you tell her, but she'll think you're crazy and your father might throw you into a river, and I don't particularly want one of my daughters to drown." and then left and never showed up again. Maria never said a word but read as many books on Roman mythology and her mother as possible. It freaked Salvatore out, and he burned the books each time he found them and paid the library fines.
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Ayo do you write for poly relationships?
If that's so, could you do a cc!Karlnapity x male reader? Quackity is hella stressed because of law school and is very tired so the others just
Do little things for him, like acts of service and just, being supportive---
Feel free to say no if it makes you uncomfortable :>
Yep. I myself am poly but not in a relationship yet. So I am perfectly comfortable with it.
We believe in you.
Summary: quackity needs some tlc. With the stress of law school higher then ever you, karl, and sapnap decide to take care of him while he studies.
Pronouns: he him his
Quackity. The hyper happy streamer. Was in his office/streaming room studying for finals.
The stress he was under was immense and all you and your two other boyfriends wanted to do was comfort him and help him through this intense time.
You were monitoring how much he has eaten or drank today. That counter was at zero. The amount of times for a stressful break was monitored by karl. And the bathroom breaks by sapnap. With all of the counters at zero you guys went to work.
You were the only one that could cook in this house. The others would burn it down. So you were always on dinner duty. Or lunch. Even breakfast.
Whipping up some tomato soup and grilled cheese you were quick to plate it. These we're quick simple and the best thing for them to consume.
While sapnap and karl were harassing him to get up you were setting up the living room for a mental break for him. Setting it up for two episodes of the show you guys were watching you yelled up to them. "guys I'm done. And if you have to drag him."
You were making him take this break. Whether he liked it or not. Cramming can be useful yes. But not all the time. Not for hours on end with no food or water. Watching your two boyfriends literally dragging your third one down you smirked.
"So. You thought that you could get away with not eating, drinking, or even bathroom breaks. You thought wrong." Quackity stared at you. That look. He's seen it before.
"No. No! If I don't study I can't pass!" He was desperate to get out of their arms. Walking up to him you squished his cheeks. "Hun. It's gonna be an hour at max. You need to eat. Get some water. We're worried. You haven came out of that room for over 6 hours. Meaning you haven't eaten, haven't filled your water bottle, haven't used the bathroom. It's not healthy. And your brain needs fuel. Not energy drinks." He looked at you for a moment.
What you said was true. Every human needs it. But he just wanted to finish his notes. The ones that he said would be done in less then three hours. The ones that he could study for the final exam with.
But all three of your guys puppy dog eyes won him over.
"Fine. But no longer then an hour." He fully gave in. Letting go of his face you smiled. "Great! I made grilled cheese and tomato soup." Quackity looked over with stars in his eyes.
"You could of just said that Mi Amor. You know I would die for you soup." Rolling you eyes to him as he quickly picked up his plate and bowl.
This man.
He was scarfing it down like he was a starving man.
I mean waking up, studying, and not eating at all does that to you.
As the show played quackity seemed to relax a bit more. That was all you wanted. Him to sit back, relax, give himself a break.
Sadly the two episodes were over faster then they began. Leaving quackity to go back upstairs. Laving his three worried boyfriends.
"Okay guys." They looked at you confused for a sec.
"Every hour we bring him something. Water, a snack, blanket, hot drinks, cuddles. What ever you want. Just make sure he's taking care of himself alright?" They nodded.
"Good. Who's on first hour duty?" Karl was quick. He was nearly springing out of his seat as he raised his hand.
You were fine with it because your took at least two hours.
You were making cookies.
You knew the boys couldn't resist any of the baked goods you made. After all you were a cooking and baking youtuber.
So as the hours passed by the guys kept reminding quackity to take breaks. Telling him to go to the bathroom, stretch his legs a little, have a hug.
So when you finished the last batch it was your turn up there. Bringing a plate full of cookies and milk with you, you knocked gently.
"I swear to God sapnap if you're there again I'm going to ki-." He opened the door and looked directly at you. "Not sapnap this time I brought cookies though!" He greedily grabbed the cookies and milk, letting you in as he did so.
"So studying been going well?" He shrugged. "Could be better could be worse." Laughing lightly you sat in one of the chairs there.
"But way better now that you brought me cookies." Shaking your head you stretched. "Honestly if I didn't decide to learn. I would of never met you guys. But boy am I happy for that. Now I'm with my three handsome boyfriends. One of them ever so cuddly. The other quite the amazing voice. And lastly my extremely smart boy who is going to help so many people when he passes his finals." He tilted his head at you.
Standing up you kissed his forehead. "I belive in you alex. Just remember that your mental health is just as important as this exam." Your voice was soft on his forehead.
"Yeah! You are one of the smartest j have met! Don't you dare give up. But don't you dare mentally strain yourself!" Sapnap was loud.
Rolling your eyes you looked at the two in the door way.
"Yeah! We're here for you alex. If you need a small break we'll always be right here for you! Be it a hug, kiss, cookie, a tv break. Even just an hour of us laying in bed doing nothing except talking. We're here for you!" Karl was quick to add on. God you loved them yet they always tend to get way to cheesy.
"God you guys. I have no clue what I'm going to do with you three. I can't thank you enough." Quackity was about ready to break down in tears. With the ruffle of the hair you smiled brightly.
"No need. You are going through something that you need to work hard on. We aren't going to let you not take care of yourself." You opened your arms. On arm around quackity already.
You were inviting the other two over to join the hug.
Rushing over their arms over layed quackity and you. Squeezing the life out of you both.
God. Don't let this dream come to an end.
At the end of the day. All you, sapnap, and karl knew was the day coming to an end. This wasn't going to end with out quackity.
"Hey. Alex. How close are you to being done?" He turned to you. You hadn't really interuped him the whole time only every once in a while to bring up a snack. He looked up and down your pajama clad body.
He shook his head lightly. "You get comfortable with karl and sapnap. I'll be there in about 15-20 minutes." Nodding lightly you walked up the stairs. Leading to the massive room. This was the room you all shared. While also having your own room for when you wanted to sleep separately.
Karl and sapnap laid awake in their respective spots. "He's not coming to bed?" Sapnap asked. You shook your head.
"He said 15-20 minutes." Crawling between the taller ones you left space for quackity to crawl in.
He was a little off from the 15-20 minutes. He took 30 instead. But you weren't complaining one of your main sources of heat for the night was now in the bed, curled up, head on your chest, hands lightly intertwined with the other two.
Leaving your hands open to lightly comb his hair back and massage his scalp and back. This man was studying for at least 12 hours. And he deserved it.
There was no complaints from anyone. Not even quackity which was quite unusual. Except for the fact he had passed out almost as soon as your fingers started at his scalp.
His little snores brought a smile to your face while little giggles came from karl. While a chuckel came from sapnap. It's unusual for quackity to fall asleep first. But you wouldn't change it.
Not for the world.
*Ahem* I am now one year on testosterone! God it's been a weird journey but I do feel happier about myself.
Also I loved this fluffy tooth rotting oneshot. It made me happy to shower quackity, karl, and sapnap in love. They deserve it!
Anyways I hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night/morning/evening.
Eli out.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Baby Mix → Baby Holland
The sequel to Baby Mix
Pairing: Little Mix member!reader x Tom Holland
Summary: The youngest member of Little Mix has something to reveal after not seeing the girls for months.
A/n: Set in Corona times, I know London lifted their lockdown restrictions for a while then initiated them again after. But anyway, this is set around that time when lockdown rules were lifted. I had so much fun writing this! I hope you all enjoy it🥰
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You felt a rush of excitement and nervousness through your veins as you walked around your home, making sure every corner was clean. You entered the dining room and double checked each plate, checking to see if they all had the essential utensils, a napkin, and a wine glass. You trusted Tom to set up the table, but today was a big day and you wanted to make sure everything was perfect.
“Darling, you don’t need to triple check everything in the house. Nothing’s moved since the last you’ve looked at it.” Tom teases you as he enters the dining room from the kitchen. He wore a tight black shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, with dark blue jeans. During the time in lockdown, his hair has grown out and he’s been working on his facial hair. You smiled at the 5 o’clock shadow that graced his face; it’s been known that he took forever to grow out facial hair, so to see that there was some light stubble on his face made him really happy. He was very proud of it.
“You look extremely hot right now.” You comment, meeting him in the middle of the room. His hands instantly place themselves at your waist, before one hand moves to rest on your growing stomach and the other on the small of your back.
“Is that the hormones talking?” He squints his eyes playfully at you. You gently shove him, only for him to pull you back closer into his chest. “No? I mean you always look good in whatever you wear. But it could possibly be the hormones?” You ramble.
Tom chuckles, his eyes gazing at you like you’re the only woman in the world. Well technically, you are the only woman in his world; besides his mum and grandma of course. But you were it for him, he wanted nobody else but you. Sure, you guys weren’t married, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t committed to you. The baby might’ve came before the wedding, but he will marry you one day.
“How are you feeling?” He asks you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Ever since the two of you have discovered you were pregnant, the morning sicknesses have gotten worse and worse. You were really hoping you’d be one of those lucky mothers who wouldn’t experience morning sickness, but with your luck it never happened. This morning you stumbled out the bed and into the toilet; today’s puke was probably the most horrible one this week, as gross as that sounds. Tom was behind you in an instant, tying your hair into a ponytail and rubbing soothing circles onto your back. It pained him to see you like this, he couldn’t do anything but hold your hair back, help you get your puke out, and whisper comforting things into your ear. He considered on canceling today’s event after you cleaned yourself up in the bathroom and snuggled back into the sheets, eyes red and puffy. Though when he mentioned on canceling, you declined immediately. You had both been anticipating today and you weren’t going to let some morning sickness postpone such a special event.
He looked at you concerned, scanning your face for any discomfort. Your lips quirk up to a fond smile as you kiss the worry away from him, “I’m doing much better than this morning, we’re both doing good.”
“That’s great, that’s all that matters to me right now.” He responds, pulling you into a hug. One thing you’ve noticed about Tom and your pregnancy was that he was very touchy and protective. Though he was already like that, it seemed like the pregnancy intensified his protectiveness, or just him in general. He was very alert of his surroundings, making sure everything was clean, that you were always comfortable, and that you weren’t experiencing any pain from the pregnancy. He was dedicated to making sure you were treated like a princess, you and your baby.
“You’ve got everything handled just in case they all come early right? I’m gonna head up and get dressed.” You pull away to look at him.
He nods at you, ensuring that he had everything under control, “Yeah, I’ve got it.” He pecks your lips before you pull away and head for the stairs. He watches your figure go up the stairs, just in case you trip or something, he would be there to catch you. When he sees you round the corner safely he yells, “Just give me a shout when you need something!”
He hears a faint “I know!” from upstairs and the sound of a door closing. He took that as his sign to get back in the kitchen and continue cooking. With the help from Sam, over FaceTime, Tom was able to get around the kitchen and make some proper food for your guests
You take one last look at yourself in the mirror. You wore leggings and an oversized knitted sweater that hid your small bump. You had light make up on, not bothering to put much since it was just the girls and you were all just having a casual lunch. You could already hear the commotion downstairs, Jesy’s contagious laughter, hints of Perrie and Jade’s voices, and Leigh-Anne gushing over some decorative piece in your house. You take a deep breath, preparing yourself to give them all the good news. In fact, they’re one of the first ones that will get to know about your and Tom’s secret. Your family and Tom’s being the first to find out the moment you both left the doctor’s office. The girls deserved to be part of the group who found out first, they were like your older sisters and have always been there for you since you’ve known them. They’re basically family.
You giddily head down the stairs with delight as the girls finally come onto view. Perrie screams, throwing herself off the couch and pulling you into a hug. You were stunned by the sudden force, though you tightly wrapped your arms around her, careful to not press your stomach against her.
“Oh! I’ve missed you so so much! It’s been so long, I hate being away from you all for months.” Perrie cried, pressing kisses onto your face. You laughed trying to dodger her.
“Let me smother you with love, I haven’t seen you in so long!” Perrie objected, hugging you one more time. “I miss you too, Pez.” You giggled kissing her cheek.
Jesy comes from behind Perrie and detaches her from you, “Babe, you look beautiful! You’re glowing, look at you!” Jesy cupped your cheeks then wrapped her arms around you.
“Oh my goodness, let me tell you, I didn’t even realize that was Tom.” She said when you both broke the hug. You burst out laughing, placing a hand on her arm.
“No seriously! I didn’t even know he can grow facial hair? I was expecting to see a boy answer the door not a man!” Jesy admits making you laugh even more at her genuinely shocked face.
“Are you still on about Tom and his beard?” Jade asks as she approaches you, Leigh-Anne right behind her.
“Isn’t it a shocker? I live with a man now.” You joke, wrapping your arms around Jade. She squeals, swaying the two of you side to side.
“Babe, your house is stunning!” Leigh-Anne compliments, hugging you and kissing your cheek. You wave her off, “You literally have a whole mansion. I still don’t understand how we have the same paycheck.”
You all settle in the living room for now, waiting for Tom to call for lunch. You could smell the delicious aroma of whatever Tom was cooking in the kitchen and your stomach couldn’t help but growl. Jesy eyes your stomach, “What’ve you got in your stomach? That sounded like an animal.” For a moment you were caught off guard at the mention of your stomach. You eyes widen for a second as you glance down at where your sweater was bunched up.
“Uh—I’m just really hungry.” You brush off her comment, face getting flustered. Jade playfully shakes her head glancing at the kitchen, “Has Thomas not been feeding you right?”
“No—he’s been absolutely amazing! Spending lockdown with him was a dream.” You answer chuckling. Perrie crosses her arms, “Lucky, I had lockdown with a football player. Do you know how difficult it is to live with one?”
“It couldn’t have been that bad?” Leigh-Anne chimed in, sipping on a glass of wine. Perrie huffs leaning forward in her seat, “I felt like a bloody housewife the whole time. I had to keep restocking my fridge every week because he eats everything—like seriously, our food never lasted till the weekend. Alex kept on eating my snacks that I had to start hiding them from him.”
“Are we not going to talk about how Jade found love during a worldwide pandemic?” Jesy mentions pointing at Jade, who has a teasing smile on her face.
She waves her finger at Jesy, “Nuh uh, we aren’t talking about that yet.” You gasp, “And why not?”
“We’re still getting to know each other, I don’t want to rush into things, ya know?” Jade’s face contorts in thought. “Like we’ve done a virtual date on Zoom and have been texting each other back and forth, we’ll see where it goes.”
“You’ll be fine and you’re taking things slow, you should be familiar with each other first before fully committing.” Leigh-Anne assured her. All eyes fell on Leigh-Anne then down to her left hand.
“HOLD ON—LET ME SEE THE RING IN PERSON!” You yell jumping off the couch to where Leigh-Anne was sitting. You sit beside her and take her left hand admiring the giant diamond on her ring finger.
“I can’t believe you’re engaged, I’m so happy for you Lee.” You gush pulling her into a side hug. She nudges your shoulder, gesturing to Tom, “You might be next.” She winked.
“You know, I think Perrie’s gonna be the next one actually.” You smirk at the blonde who rolls her eyes. “Like what Jade said, we’ll see.” She hums shrugging. Your stomach growls again making Leigh-Anne glance at your stomach.
“Oh my goodness” she laughs, moving to look for Tom. “Tom, is lunch ready yet? Your girlfriend’s stomach keeps growling!” You hear something clang in the kitchen before Tom pops his head out, “Lunch’s ready, I was just waiting for you ladies to wrap up the chit chat.”
You all move to the dining room where Tom had laid out the food. He’s made pasta, with some steak, Caprese salad, and garlic bread. Jesy makes a content sound as she scans the food on the table before taking a seat.
“I must say Tom, I’m quite impressed with the food.” Jesy compliments Tom. A proud smile forms on Tom’s face, his eyes switching between you and Jesy. “You heard that darling? Jesy just complimented me.”
“I know, I heard her Tom.” You laugh patting his chest. He pulls your seat out for you, then sits in the chair on your right side while Jesy was on your left. Across from you three were Perrie, Jade, and Leigh-Anne.
“We could eat now right?” Jade asks while reaching out for the pasta’s serving fork.
“Yeah, yeah, go ahead.” Tom nods his head at the food. You hear a whine behind you distracting you from the delicious food Tom made. Behind your chair was Tessa who tried to nuzzle herself between your and Tom’s chairs. Not only had Tom grown even more protective of you, but so has Tessa. The sweetheart trailed after you everywhere you go, she stayed in the same room you were in and would lay beside your feet. Though Tom was her rightful owner, she would bark at him whenever he got a little too close to you or your stomach. Tom wasn’t going to lie, he did feel upset and envious that his precious princess barely paid him any mind anymore. But to know that she was only doing it to protect you and her future sibling warmed his heart, so he got over it in an instant.
“Tess, no.” Tom softly scolded the dog trying to shoo her away from the table. She only let out more whines making your heart break. You placed a hand on Tom’s, “Just let her stay, she won’t bother anyone.” Tom nods and pats Tessa’s head.
Lunch goes by splendidly, it was full of laughs and catching up with each other’s lives. It was nice to finally be surrounded by your favorite people in the world after months being apart. Everyone enjoyed the food, complimenting Tom on his excellent work and not burning the kitchen down. Wine and drinks were passed around except for you, who stuck with a water and a small amount of soda. Usually you would also be drinking, clinking glasses with Jade as you down your drinks, but thankfully no one had caught on yet.
“Sorry, we’ve all been rambling about our experiences during the lockdown, what about you two? (Y/n)? Tom? You’ve both been quiet about your experience together.” Leigh-Anne apologized shifting the conversation to you and Tom.
“You could leave the shagging parts out, we already know what went down in this poor house.” Jade poked at you, sending an over exaggerated wink your way. You shake your head and turn back to Tom. The two of you share a look, the look, and make a silent agreement that it was time to announce the big news.
“Well we’ve been busy. You know, we’ve both been doing lots of promo. I’ve been promoting my new film and (y/n)‘s promoting the album with you guys.” Tom started, making normal conversation.
“Most of the time was spent resting, we took advantage of the free time before we have to go on tour and he has to go away for filming.” You continue. The girls nod understanding the situation.
“What did you guys do on the daily though?”
“Lots of puzzles!” Tom answers. “We had the typical move nights and shit.”
“We did lots of baking too!” You add glancing at Tom, who nods along with you. “We’ve actually got a bun in the oven right now!” You say, emphasizing your words. Leigh-Anne and Jesy share a look instantly catching on. Jade’s mouth gapes, her hand holding the wine glass going limp.
“After all this time! Thomas, it’s probably burning by now, shouldn’t you go and check on it?” Perrie scolds, turning back to the kitchen to catch a peek at the oven. She looks excitedly at you two, “What kind of bun have you guys made?”
Jesy’s eyes pan over to Perrie in disbelief, it was like the salad in the box situation all over again. Leigh-Anne holds her palm up to her mouth as the news sinks in. Jade swats Perrie’s arm, “A human one!”
Perrie’s eyes widen in fear, “A human bun? Like cannibalism?” Tom made a sound of confusion, his brows furrowing at her. You stifle a laugh behind your hand as you wait for Perrie to realize.
“They’re having a baby, Pez!” Jesy yelled making Perrie’s eyes grow in shock. The gears move in her head, “OH! Bun in the oven—BUN IN THE OVEN? You’re pregnant?” She screams shooting out of her chair.
You laugh hiding behind your hands. Jesy grabs onto your wrist, pulling it down, and holding your hand. “Wait, are you actually pregnant? You’re not tricking us?”
You shake you head, a giant smile gracing your lips, eyes getting glossy. “I wouldn’t lie to you guys, you guys are gonna be aunts.” You confirm squeezing Jesy’s hand. She gasps pulling you into a hug. Behind you she reaches a hand and playfully shoves Tom, “As if turning her into you wasn’t enough, you just had to insert yourself into her and make another one of you?”
Tom shrugs, though a smile was also on his face, “Hey, to be fair, you might like this one more than me.” Jesy gets up from her seat and approaches Tom.
“Give me a hug, you div.” She ruffles his hair like an older sister would and wraps her arms around him. Tom chuckles hugging her back.
“I know I give you a lot of shit, but I’m so happy that she ended up with you and not some dickhead. Congrats Tom.” She mutters into his ear, before pulling away from the hug and patting his back. Tom looks at her teary eyed, “Thank you Jes.”
“Wait—no! You’re our baby, you can’t have a baby yet. Stop growing!” Perrie cries coming around the table to engulf you in her arms. This time she was actually crying, tears of joy streaming down her face.
“But Pez, I’m already growing.” You giggle, pulling away from her to lift you knitted sweater up to reveal your small baby bump. The girls gasp, while you and Tom stare proudly at your stomach. Jade and Leigh-Anne join Perrie to hover over your stomach. Jesy looks from over your shoulder, staring at the top of your stomach.
“Can we please touch it?” Leigh-Anne asks quietly, looking up at you and Tom for permission.
“Go ahead.” You assure them. Jesy squeezes your arms, resting her chin on your shoulder. Leigh-Anne, Perrie, and Jade’s hands delicately come into contact with your stretched skin, fascinated by your little bump. Jade pouts as she strokes your belly with her thumb, “Oh, you’re so precious.” She coos.
Perrie rests her palm against your belly, “How far along are you?” You look at Tom over your shoulder, who’s been watching the special moment unfold between you and the girls.
“Four months.” Tom answers, the grin on his face feeling permanent as he talked about his little bean.
“Four months?” Jesy shrieked whipping her head to look at you and Tom.
“Yup, we wanted to tell you guys as soon as we found out but we decided to keep it a little secret for as long as we can.” You explain. “But then my stomach began growing and it’d be obvious, so we decided to tell you guys now since it’s still early.”
“Does anyone else know?” Leigh-Anne asks, hand still resting on your belly.
“Our families know, along with his best mates. But you guys are part of the first few people who know about it.” You reply. Perrie hums softly, cupping your cheek and pressing a kiss onto it.
“You’re the first people I’ve told who aren’t my immediate family.” You laugh. The girls began tearing up again.
“I can’t believe you guys told us.” Jade wipes her eye with the pads of her fingers.
“Why wouldn’t I? You guys are important to me and I love you all so much! You all deserve to know about it before everyone else.” The girls “aww” at you and pull you into a group hug, one of their hands still resting on you belly.
“I can’t believe you’re pregnant, oh my god.” Leigh-Anne expressed, her hand still on your bump.
“It’s hilarious how we were saying you were gonna be the first one to start a family. All of a sudden little missy over here gets knocked up.” Jesy points at Leigh-Anne before giving Tom the stink eye.
“Did they not teach you how to use protection in school?” She playfully teases Tom, back to her usual picking on him. “Or is your pull out game just that weak?” Perrie gasps, covering your belly with both her hands, “Jes! There’s a baby!”
Tom’s mouth drops, his face feigning shock, “You know, I really thought we were having a great moment here, Jes.”
Jesy scoffs, “Moment’s over—have you never heard of ‘Don’t be silly, protect your Willie’?” Everyone pauses before bursting out laughing at Jesy’s comment.
The night ended with the girls making plans of who would be the fun aunt and who would spoil Baby Holland the most. Jesy and Jade debated over being the fun aunt while Perrie and Leigh-Anne tried to outdo each other on who would spoil the baby with the most toys and clothes. Your belly was the main star of the night; the girls occasionally stroking your belly or pressing light little kisses onto it. As you both listened to the girls argue about who would be the baby’s favorite, you and Tom knew that your little baby would be in good hands with four amazing aunts to watch over them.
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loveelle · 4 years
Win a Date
Alive!Luke Patterson x Reader AU
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Request from Anon: AHHHH!! Carrie (y/n’s step-sister) decides to enter her into a “win a date contest” as a joke for rockstar Luke Patterson (who she can’t stand) and she ends up wining and has to go on a date with. Bonus points if Carrie is a die hard Luke Patterson fan. Ohh also! He kind of starts to peruse her (in like cute/“hey if everyone likes me, you will too” kind of way/shows up at her school/hang out/writes songs with her... etc) and get her to see that he isn’t just another stuck up celebrity?
A/N: Heh, the way this is 7K words of nonsense lolol please someone send help cause it’s 5 am and I can’t stop writing in the middle of the night (RIP to Reggie and Alex who I literally don’t think I mentioned once) PLEASE EXCUSE THE SHITTY SONG LYRICS PLS IM NOT A SONG WRITER I TRIED
WC: 6969 (I’m not kidding. It was exact. DOUBLE NICE)
You sat in front of your mirror, narrowing your eyes at your reflection. 2 hours of sleep didn’t look good on you but you didn’t care. The door to your room swung open and Carrie stepped inside, her nose buried in her phone as you stared at her. “Can I help you?”
She held up a finger at you making you raise your brows and turn in your seat to face her. “We’re going to be late so you have to-“ her words cut off as she glanced up at you giving you a good look, “What happened to you?”
You laughed, glancing over to your bed where all your books laid about from staying up all night studying. “Don’t even ask.” You muttered and stood up slowly, stretching your back while you were at it and grabbing your bag. “Okay, let’s go.” You ushered her to the door but she just blinked at you.
“You’re not going to run a brush through that?” She gestured to your hair.
You huffed, running a hand through your hair a few times before smiling at her. “Better?”
She rolled her eyes but smiled at you. “Come on, we’re going to be late.” You locked arms with her and you left your room, skipping down the stairs to see your step-dad in the kitchen pouring his smoothie into a glass. “Bye, dad.” Carrie called out, getting his attention.
“Bye, Trevor.” You grabbed your keys before hearing Trevor call back to you both. Carrie and you jumped in your car, she was still texting away as you rolled your eyes. “How’s Dirty Candy? You guys ready for the assembly today?”
She hummed, but she didn’t look up from her phone. “It’s gonna be great. Probably the best performance we’ve ever done.”
You clicked your tongue. “I don’t know, your last one was pretty amazing.”
She finally looked up, offering you a smile. “You know, there’s always a spot for you. It’s yours if you’ll take it.” You stopped at a light, sharing a glance with your sister but she just sighed. “I know, I know. Dirty Candy doesn’t really fit your image.”
“Car, it’s not that-“
“Y/N, It’s okay. Besides, it’s better this way.” You furrowed your brows as she shrugged. “You have two left feet.” Your jaw dropped at her playful jab as she turned back to her phone.
Carrie snuck a smirk at you and you focused on driving again until a Twitter notification chimed through her phone telling her that Luke Patterson, her all-time favorite singer, had posted something. She squealed catching your attention as she frantically opened the app.
She expected a funny comment, a picture of him and his friends, or a new song when she opened the post, but she was greeted with something far better.
It was a link to a website and the top of the site said: “Win a Date”. Carrie swore her eyes popped out of her head and her jaw would’ve hit the floor had it not been attached to her face.
I’m so entering, she told herself as she began to fill out an entry, well aware this was the only day you could enter.
“What are you doing?” You questioned as you pulled into the school parking lot and got out of the car, seeing Carrie stay seated.
“Luke Patterson is hosting a win a date contest and I’m entering.” She told you mindlessly as you scrunched your nose.
“Luke Patterson? That stupid musician you’re obsessed with?”
Her head snapped your way. “I’m not obsessed with him!”
Smirking, you leaned into your car and whispered at her. “Tell that to his poster hanging above your bed which, by the way, I still suggest you burn.”
“Just because you don’t have good taste in music, doesn’t mean I don’t.” You had to hold yourself from scoffing. Luke Patterson? Good music? As if.
Leaving her with a wink, Carrie watched you walk away and an idea popped into her head. An idea that mainly served as a joke on you but still doubled her chances at meeting Luke. Turning back to her phone, she finished her entry before reloading the page and starting again, only this time she was entering your name.
Carrie hadn’t stopped thinking about the contest all day, since the moment she signed you both up. She knew she had very slim odds, but someone had to win. Why couldn’t that person be her? Or even you? Only to see your reaction, Carrie secretly hoped for the latter.
Later that night, you laid in your pajamas sprawled out across your bed. You had an English essay you were in the middle of, several hours spent writing and deleting until finally, you decided it was enough. Walking out of your room, you passed by Carrie’s hearing the muffled sound of one of Luke Patterson’s songs with his old band, Sunset Curve. You could hear Carrie singing right along with it and you paused grimacing at the fact your sister still listened to him.
Trevor was sitting on the couch as you came out, watching TV and flipping around on the channels. “You’re still up?” he asked and you hummed a yes.
“It’s barely midnight. Besides, how I could sleep with Carrie next door listening to her boyfriend’s songs.” You rolled your eyes at your step-sister. Trevor chuckled, pushing himself up to join you in the kitchen.
He leaned over the counter, watching as you got some water. “So, Carrie was telling me about that competition with that singer.” He began as you laughed under your breath.
“Yeah, that win a date contest.” You snickered again. It sounded like such a cheesy idea. Just another way for some celebrity to get people talking about them. The competition was probably rigged anyways. Some cute surface level girl would win and fawn over Luke Patterson all night, much like he probably wanted. You’ve seen interviews of him- well, Carrie forced you to watch interviews of him- and he seemed exactly how you predicted, some cocky boy-band-turned-solo-act singer who thinks he’s the best. That’s where your dislike for him sprouted. “Carrie almost screamed in the car today when she found out. I swear, only Patterson makes her act that way.”
Trevor huffed another laugh as he pushed himself up, turning back to the kitchen and you heard his footsteps pad away as you poured yourself some water from the fridge. “I gotta say, I was surprised that you let her sign you up for it. Didn’t think you were into him.”
The water spilled briefly as you took Trevor’s words in shock. Carrie signed you up? Carrie signed you up. Of course, she did! She probably thought it would increase her chances. Or maybe she did it to mess with you. God, you wouldn’t put it past her.
You didn’t say another word as you retreated to your room and passed Trevor with a smile on your way. You passed Carrie’s room with a glare and jumped on your bed, burying your face in your pillow as you groaned. You had plenty of things on your mind already, you didn’t need to think about some contest with an artist you couldn’t stand.
“Why Carrie? Why?!” you shouted, removing the pillow and staring at the ceiling. You were furious, but you tried to keep yourself calm. There wasn’t a chance you would actually win, was there? Surely hundreds, if not thousands, of people entered for a date.
Opening your laptop back up, you searched Luke’s twitter up and clicked on the link he posted. The webpage took way too long for your nerves to load until finally, you saw his picture pop onto your screen, followed by all the information to enter. You started reading through the information the contest provided.
Lottery Winner
Ages 16-18
Public Date
Enter before midnight
You glanced at your clock, seeing 11:58 staring you back as you took a deep breath. 2 more minutes until the contest was over.
1 more minute.
You refreshed the page and the contest was over, no longer allowing anyone else to enter. You didn’t know why you sat there, staring at the illuminated screen for so long; it wasn’t like the winner was going to be announced right then. You weren’t safe yet. You closed your laptop rather harshly, tossing it onto a chair near your bed as you crawled under the blanket. With a final grunt, your light was off and you were trying to sleep, ignoring the buzzing in the back of your brain with the constant knowledge that your name was entered in a competition to go on a date with Luke Patterson, of all people.
Curse you, Carrie.
The night seemed to pass in a blink of an eye as your alarm went off, followed by a slap of your hand to your phone to make it stop. “Oh god.” You mumbled, rubbing your hands over your face as you remembered what Carrie had done. You got ready for school in record time, already planning on avoiding and not talking to anyone as you laced up your shoes and walked out the front door.
“Wait for me!” Carrie yelled out the front door but you kept walking, barely turning your head to speak back to her.
“Catch a ride with Kayla.”
“What? Why?” You finally stopped, looking back to see her standing in the doorway in her pajamas.
“Oh, I don’t know? Payback for entering me in that Win-A-Date contest, maybe?” Carrie’s face fell as you smirked. “Better call Kayla!” you laughed and jumped in your car, driving out of the driveway before Carrie could protest again.
You knew you had an hour to kill as you pulled up to the school, so you did what any normal kid would do and camped out in the music room, hiding behind the instruments. You pulled out your favorite book and started reading to waste time.
“Boo!” your head snapped up as you jumped, seeing Julie Molina laughing at you.
“That’s not funny.” You grumbled at your friend, sticking a hand out for her to help you up.
“It’s a little.” She nudged your shoulder with hers as you mocked her, not able to hide a smile, and your plan to avoid people went right in the trash. You couldn’t ignore Julie.
“How’d you find me?” you asked as Julie stuck your book into your bag for you.
“It’s pretty easy when this is the only place you hide.”
You shot her a look, rolling your eyes as Flynn appeared by your side. “Hiding in the music room again?” She asked as you threw your hands in the air.
“I don’t always hide in the music room!” you exclaimed despite knowing they were correct. The two girls shared a look before locking arms with you and leading you out of the room. As soon as you were out, you could hear a commotion coming from outside, several kids going to investigate it and the three of you did as well.
It wasn’t often Los Feliz High school had someone famous pull up right outside, but today wasn’t just any other day. Luke trusted his manager, Caleb, completely, but when he brought up the idea of a “Win-A-Date with Luke Patterson”, he began to worry that his manager was losing it. Of course, Caleb assured him that it was a joke and the boy was not expected to do such a thing and of course, it only made Luke want to do the thing. Now, Luke couldn’t keep his leg from bouncing as his car pulled up to the high school the winner attended. He didn’t know much about her, only a picture of what she looked like and her name.
Y/N Y/L/N.
The car stopped and he took a deep breath, putting on a smile as he stepped outside. “Hey everybody!” he said to the already cheering crowd, which only made them cheer louder. His smile turned real at the welcome of his fans who always made him feel loved.
Caleb started doing the talking to people, telling them why they were here as Luke scanned the crowd. He knew you were here, Caleb called ahead to your house and they spoke to your stepfather who told them you already arrived at school. Now it was just a matter of finding you. As soon as you stepped outside with Julie and Flynn on your arms, Luke’s eyes found you. Your brows were furrowed as you most likely were trying to understand why the commotion.
He knew he should’ve waited for Caleb, but he couldn’t help himself. He started forwards and the crowd separated for him because of Luke’s gaze that was cast past them.
“Oh my god, he’s coming this way!” Julie cheered through her teeth as you looked at her, still confused as to what was happening.
“Who is? What’s-“
Your speech was cut off by Luke stopping right in front of you, Julie and Flynn’s grip on your arms dropping as they stepped behind you, cheering with each other as you looked from them to the boy in front of you with the smile that could melt hearts. Just not yours.
“Hey. I’m Luke.” He began as you stared at him, your face stoic as you looked down to his outstretched hand.
“Uh, yeah. I know.” You replied, not caring how disinterested you sounded. In that second as you looked past him, seeing all the dirty looks thrown your way from girls and boys alike did you realize what was happening. “Oh my god, please tell me I didn’t win the date with you.” you blurted out before thinking.
Luke’s smile never faltered as he nodded and hummed a yes. “Congratulations Y/N.” He said and you had to hold back an eye roll. Congratulations? To be allowed to date him? How arrogant.
You could’ve said something, anything really, but instead, your feet acted on impulse and you pushed back through the crowd until you were safe in your spot in the music room once again.
You should’ve known with your luck that you would win. Why, out of everyone who actually liked that Rockstar, did you have to win? If Carrie wasn’t in for it already for putting your name in, she was about to get hell.
“I take it you weren’t overwhelmed with surprise and ran off?” You heard the last person you wanted to hear right now speak out from the empty room as you groaned, falling flat on the floor.
“Why?” you asked no one in particular, “Why me?” Luke moved closer, thanking the fact your two friends told him exactly where to find you. He saw you laying on the ground, letting a chuckle slip past his lips. You shot him a glare and pushed yourself up, moving out of your hiding place to stand in front of him. “Look, there has been a big mistake.”
“A mistake?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I wasn’t supposed to win this competition. This is all just some big misunderstanding and I think it’s best you go back to your manager or whoever and tell them to pick another sucker to force you to date.” Luke had an amused look on his face as he listened to you.
“You didn’t want to win?” he clarified.
“I didn’t even want to sign up.” You fell into the chair next to you, not wanting to look at Luke anymore.
Luke took the seat next to you. “Then how was your name drawn?”
Your head fell to the side as you looked into his brown eyes for a few seconds before looking away. “My stepsister signed me up and I’m pretty sure it was a joke or so she would get the chance to meet you. She’s like your biggest fan.” You mumbled the last part, irritated with Carrie beyond disbelief.
Luke quirked a brow. “You’re not my biggest fan?” he asked, playfully mocking the thousands of people who claim to be just that.
You let out a snort and Luke’s face fell at the involuntary action. “Dude, I’m not even your fan.” A silence came across you and Luke as you stared at the mob of people just outside the door, wanting a look at you and Luke.
“Why not?”
His question caught you off guard as you looked at him again. He looked almost disappointed. Of course, he was disappointed, he cared about his image and right now, you weren’t doing anything to up it. You opened your mouth, trying to find the answer before closing it and shaking your head. “I’m just not and I’m not going on a date with you. Sorry but find someone else. I have better things to do than spend my night with some haughty celebrity. ” You started to stand up, moving to grab your things as Luke grabbed your hand, getting you to turn and come face to face with him.
You inhaled sharply, not prepared to have been so close with him. Luke looked down at your conjoined hands briefly before dropping them and taking a step backward to give you more room. “How about a deal?”
You quirked your brow, unable to admit you were intrigued by the aspect of a deal. “Go on.”
“We hang out, doesn’t have to be a date, wherever you’d like.”
You waited for Luke to say more, not believing that this was it. “What’s in it for you?”
He shrugged, sticking his hands in his pockets and your eyes flickered shamefully to his sleeveless arms for a second. “I get to spend the night with you and your amazing personality.” You let out another snort, only this one brought a small smile to Luke’s face.
“Hey, at least I’m not the one striving for attention from teenage fans across the country.”
He licked his lips, hiding a laugh and nodding. “Okay, you got me there.” You smiled smugly to yourself. “Do we have a deal, Y/N?”
He stretched out his hand to you for the second time today and this time you took. Luke ignored the way your hand felt against his, perfectly molding together. “I guess we have a deal, Patterson.”
Your date with Luke was scheduled to take place that night and you couldn’t wait for it to be over. All-day at school you were getting looks from people you didn’t even talk to; some looks of adoration and others looks of envy. You had to admit, the looks from the people adoring you scared you more.
After Luke said you could pick where the date was held, you knew just the place. He was supposed to pick you up, after much protesting from you that you could just meet him there. In his words, “it isn’t a date if I don’t pick you up.”
On the outside, you groaned at him, but on the inside, you couldn’t help the quick flip of your stomach. None of your previous relationships have ever picked you up at your house. Most of them were terrified of your stepdad, but none of them offered.
You avoided Carrie all afternoon, too mad at her for getting you into this whole debacle in the first place. Carrie didn’t even know what to think when she heard the news that you won. She did put your name in as a joke, but she never thought you’d have a shot to go on an actual date with Luke Patterson. She felt a small pang of jealousy before she realized it was her fault in the first place and next time maybe she should think twice about doing something like that.
Luke’s car pulled up outside as she glanced out her window, almost squealing and dashing out her room right on time to see you walk out yours. Her face fell at your outfit. “What are you wearing?” she gasped out.
You glanced down at your jeans and crop top sweater. “Uh, clothes?” you asked, trying to move past her.
Carrie finally let you go. “You’re going to wear that on a date with Luke Patterson?”
“Yup!” you knew that where you were going, fancy clothes weren’t the go-to choice. You bounced down the stairs and to the door, opening it right in time to see Luke about to knock. His smile spread as soon as he saw you.
“Well, don’t you look comfy.” He leaned on your doorframe as you raised a brow at him.
“Yeah, I am actually, thanks.” You gave him a once over, seeing the sweatshirt and T-shirt he had on earlier had been changed in for a nice and relaxing looking dress shirt and black jeans. You let out a fake gasp. “You own sleeves?”
“Disappointed?” Luke joked and gave you a fond smirk before his attention was pulled behind you to where Carrie came slowly down the stairs. You turned your head, glaring at your sister before gesturing for her to come down.
“That’s my sister, Carrie, your biggest fan.” Luke’s eyes met yours momentarily before he focused on Carrie.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Luke.”
“I-I know!” Carrie was starstruck as Luke reached his hand out to shake hers. Immediately he noticed how out of place Carrie’s hand felt compared to yours, but he didn’t let it show on his face. “I love your music.”
You could tell Carrie was struggling to figure out what to say as your eyes widened and you forced your lips into a line. “Alright, well Luke and I should probably get going before it gets dark out.” You said, silently hinting to Luke to let go of Carrie’s hand. His eyes went back and forth between you and the hands and you realized it wasn’t Luke. “Car, you gotta let him go.” You whispered t your sister, seeing her stare mesmerized at him. “Carrie?”
“In a minute.” She mumbled with a smile.
“Now or you won’t get his autograph afterward.” Carrie’s hand dropped immediately.
Luke led you to the car and you gave the address to the driver before climbing into the back with Luke. It was a mostly silent ride as you opted for people watching out the window. Luke, however, couldn’t take his eyes off you. “So,” he interrupted the silence, “Is there a reason you don’t like me?”
You were taken back by his abruptness, wanting to get straight to the point as you moved to face him. “Why do you wanna know?”
“Why does anyone want to know why they’re hated for no reason?”
You pursed your lips. He had a point. With a sigh and avoiding eye contact, you spoke. “My sister loves you. People at my school love you and I have no idea why. I’ve seen your interviews and to me, you just seem like a-“you cut yourself off, unsure if you should be so blatantly honest with him.
Luke needed to know though. He knew it sounded ridiculous, but he needed to know why you hated him without even meeting him. “Like what?”
Your fingers twisted in your lap. “Like a stuck-up celebrity.” You mumbled, not telling Luke your full thought. However, it seemed to make him sad.
“You thought that?”
“Am I wrong?”
He fell silent again. Luke sure hoped you were wrong. Sure, there were moments he found himself caught up in the glory of being a Rockstar, but he never took himself for being stuck-up or haughty, as you called him earlier. He was going to prove you wrong. No matter how long it took him.
“We’re here.” You looked out the window and Luke did too, seeing the car pull down an alley.
“Uh, you know if you kill me people will know it was you.” he joked, getting you to crack a smile unwillingly as you opened the door.
Luke finally saw where you chose. A street dog “restaurant”- that was more a car and a grill- not far from where Luke played one of the first gigs of his career that launched him into fame. “Welcome to my LA.” You told him as you walked to the hotdog seller. Luke followed after you, standing back as you ordered the two of your hotdogs, as well as one for Luke’s driver who remained in the car. Taking a seat on a beat-up couch, you grinned at him, watching him sit slowly next to you. “It’s fine to sit on, they clean for bugs at least once a year.” Luke laughed at your joke as he settled down, looking at the hotdog in front of him.
You held yours up, toasting with his before taking a bite out of it. Luke paused before sighing in delight and you giggled through your food. “It’s been so long since I had a street dog.” He admitted, going in for another bite. “My buddies and I used to get them before a show. One time three of us came down with a sick case of food poisoning.” Luke rambled in between bites.
“Dang, what happened to the show?”
“Had to cancel! Hard to play when you’re in the hospital throwing up everything you ate that week.”
You laughed, letting your eyes close briefly out of disgust. “Thanks for that visual.”
“Oh, of course.” Luke joined you in laughing before you stopped, realizing you shouldn’t be laughing with him. You couldn’t stand him. He noticed your change in demeanor as he tried to change the topic. “So, how’d you find this place?”
A smile crept on your face once more and you couldn’t stop it. “My dad.” You admitted sadly. “He used to be a musician, played at the Orpheum and whenever I came to see him, we’d always celebrate with street dogs afterward. It was our tradition.” It didn’t take a genius to know you lost your father from the way you spoke about him.
“I’m sorry.” Luke reached over and grabbed your hand. You don’t know what came over you for a few seconds, but you let him hold your hand as goosebumps traveled up your skin, making your breath hitch as you pulled your hand away.
Luke stayed quiet for a while as the two of you ate your hotdogs, happy that food poisoning wasn’t something you’d experience that night. You leaned back on the couch, pulling a leg up to face Luke and narrow your eyes. He shifted under your gaze, unsure what to make of it before he finished his dog and turned to match your position. “So, why a date?”
He grew confused at your question. “What do you mean?”
You rolled your eyes and licked your lips, which caught Luke’s attention briefly enough he wasn’t caught. “Was this some publicity stunt or something you actually wanted to do?”
Luke cleared his throat. “My manager brought it up, but I did it because I wanted to. If I didn’t want to, then it wouldn’t happen.”
“Why did you want to, then?”
“I don’t know. But you can’t admit that this isn’t fun.”
“You’re having fun?” your lips quirked up at him, making him smile as well.
“Oh yeah! I mean, comfy clothes? Street dogs? With a girl who isn’t fawning over the fact I’m famous? This is the most fun I’ve had in a long time.” For some reason, you didn’t doubt him, which made you nervous. Maybe- had you jumped willingly to the conclusion that he was stuck-up? Was he like you expected him to be?
You shook your head, hiding the smile on your face. “I don’t know, man. This just sounds like a normal night to me.”
“Well, then I’d love to spend more normal nights with you.” Luke meant what he was saying. He was enjoying himself tonight, more than he thought he would with someone who seemed to hate him before you even met.
You inhaled sharply, something Luke missed as you looked anywhere but him. “That sounded like flirting.” You mumbled to him, taking glances quickly to him to see his eyes widened.
“No, I just meant- We should hang out. As friends.”
“Friends?” He nodded. “I still don’t like you, Patterson.”
“Oh, come on!” he chuckled. “Everyone likes me, I promise you will too!”
“Then, I guess I’m not everyone.”
His lips pulled into a thin line as your eyes met, neither of you saying anything as Luke’s driver honked, getting your attention saying it was time to leave.
Luke pushed himself off the couch, stretching his hand out to help you up, but you didn’t take it. He watched you with amused eyes as you moved past him, throwing a smile over your shoulder at him before climbing into the car. Luke chuckled under his breath and ran after you.
In his head, he was putting a plan in motion. A way to get you to like him like he knew you would, and a way that allowed him to hang out with you more, the first person in a while that allowed him to feel like just another teenage boy again.
You managed to avoid all the questions thrown at you the next day from everyone at the school with some help from Julie and Flynn, despite knowing that once the day was over, they were going to ask you everything.
Walking into the lunchroom, however, was not something you were looking forward to. Eyes fell on you immediately as you walked in, already feeling your stomach dropping. Flynn waved you down, making you relax slightly as you made a B-line for your table and practically fell into your seat.
“Okay, we’ve held off all day. You’ve got to tell us everything!” Flynn cried out quietly, keeping her voice down so others at close tables couldn’t hear.
You gave her a look of laughter. “It’s been 3 hours?”
“Yeah and?” she questioned, nodding along with Julie who was just as eager as her.
“We didn’t do much! I took him to get street dogs.”
“Street dogs?!” they cried out much louder than you or they wanted. You forced smiles to the students around you, hoping none of them cared to listen in.
“Yes, Street dogs. I didn’t want to make it date-like.” They nodded as they rolled their eyes. You sighed, playing with the sandwich in front of you that you honestly didn’t feel like eating. “I guess-“ you started but stopped yourself, thinking back on the entirety of the night. Flynn and Julie urged you to continue. “I guess he wasn’t as bad as I thought he was.”
As soon as your sentence had finished, someone slid in the seat next to you. You glanced over quite confused as that spot was usually empty. The only person who sat with you all was Nick on the occasion, but he sat next to Julie since they were dating. This person, whose hood was pulled over their downcast head, was not Nick.
“Can we help you?” Julie asked and before you could scoot away, his head picked up. “Oh my god.”
“Luke?” you whispered, glancing around worriedly for anyone who caught sight of the Rockstar. “What are you doing here?!”
“I came to visit you.” He smiled and reached over to take a bite of your sandwich as you watched on in wonder.
“Why on earth would you do that?”
Luke shrugged but never lost his smile as he met your eyes. “Had some time to kill and I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
Despite the hatred you thought you possessed for the boy, you felt your cheeks heat up and the underlying desire to smile hurt to fight. “T-This is a school. You can’t be here.” You argued, trying to ignore the happy look Luke was giving you.
“I’m a kid. I blend right in.”
“He blends right in.” Flynn repeated, sending you a glare for trying to get him to leave, to which you rolled your eyes at.
“Alright fine,” you agreed and started packing up your bags for them. “But if he’s going to be here, we go somewhere where there aren’t students.”
Luke smirked, remembering exactly where your friends said you always hide.
The music room was luckily empty when the four of you arrived, and you let out a shaky breath, thankful you weren’t going to be caught with Luke. When you spun around to look at him, you let out a laugh when you saw that Luke has shed his hoodie to reveal his sleeveless tank top.
When Luke and your eyes met, you forced yourself to look away, unsure what to do.
“Soooo…” Flynn said as she rocked on her heels, not looking away from Luke, just like Julie wasn’t. You snickered at them, crossing your arms as Luke laughed as well. Flynn and Julie shared a look briefly before they started slowly to the door. “Well, Julie and I should be going. Gotta get to class, you know? Yeah, you know.”
You furrowed your brows at them. “We still have 5 minutes of lun-“
“Y/N’s got a free period.” Julie rushed out before they were gone, leaving you and Luke alone in the music room.
“You know, I should’ve figured they’d do that.” You said and dropped your bag on the ground before falling into a chair. “You don’t actually need to stay because of them you know. Besides, you saw me and you’ve probably got a life of guitar and press conferences to get back to.”
“Well, you’ve got a free period and I’ve got-“ Luke paused, trying to figure out what to say to finish that sentence as he adjusted the beanie that was apparently sat under his hood. You raised your brows, gesturing for him to finish his sentence. “I’ve got nothing.” He admitted and took the seat next to you. You laughed at him, making Luke’s heart flip at the sound just like you always managed to do. “So, do you actually play music or just like hiding out in the room?”
You smirked at him, saying nothing as you pulled out your songbook and headed to the piano. Luke didn’t expect you to start playing right then and there for him, but the moment you pressed the first key on the piano, followed a few notes later by your voice ringing out in the room, he was hooked. He watched you, seeing the joy you had for your music written beautifully across your face and Luke couldn’t look away. Not even after you finished and asked him what he thought.
“Luke?” you called out, waving your hand in the air as he stared at you. You had no idea what was going through his head and it scared you. You didn’t know where that confidence came from. The only people who had heard you sing was Flynn, Julie, and Carrie, which is why she’s constantly pressuring you into joining her group. Your stepdad didn’t even know if you knew what a piano was. “Was it that bad?” you chuckled nervously.
Luke’s head shook quickly as he jumped out of his chair, surprising you by his sudden appearance right beside you. “Where had that been hiding?” he whispered out.
You couldn’t look away from him as he came close to you, making your heart race and you couldn’t stop it. “I don’t know. It’s just always been here, I guess.” Your voice matched his, although shakier.
Luke slowly reached for your songbook, waiting for you to stop him. You hesitated, but you didn’t stop him, watching on embarrassed as he flipped through the scribbled upon pages. “You wrote all these?” He said after catching sight of your millionth- or so it seemed- song. You nodded but remained silent. “Y/N, these are amazing.”
“Thank you.” your voice was soft, not believing he really liked them and Luke picked up on it.
“I’m serious.” He assured you, nudging his shoulder with yours. You turned your head, meeting his dark hazel eyes once more. “You’re really talented.” This time you didn’t doubt it.
Your eyes flickered to his lips before you could stop them and Luke’s did the same. He licked his lips and slowly leaned in and without much thinking, you had done the same. Your brain was fuzzy, the only thoughts were his lips when your eyes started fluttering closed. But before your lips could meet, the lunch bell rang out in the room.
You and Luke didn’t jump apart, however, the moment between you was gone and it was obvious by both of you not being able to look at one another. Luke cleared his throat, gently tossing your book back on the piano before he stood up. “Um, so free period?” He asked, putting on a smile as you hummed a yes. “What do you want to do?”
You finally brought yourself to look at him, raising a brow. “Who says I want to spend it with you?” Luke’s face almost fell before he realized you were just messing with him and the smile on your face was one he matched.
“Haha.” He mocked you and leaned over the piano. “Seriously, what do you normally do during your free periods?”
“Stay here usually.” You shrugged. “There’s no class after lunch, so Ms. Harrison usually doesn’t mind me hanging out in here and writing music.”
“Writing?” Luke had mischief behind his eyes as you narrowed yours.
“Yeah? Why? What’s that look for?”
“Nothing.” He said quickly, but you didn’t believe him. “I was just thinking. If you write music, and I write music…” His sentence trailed off as he hoped you caught on, but by the cute and confused look you were giving him, it was obvious you weren’t getting it. “Maybe we could write something together.”
His words were rushed out and quite filled with nerves, but you heard him. “You want to write music with me?”
“Well, yeah. You’re amazing Y/N. People should hear your music.” You looked on with a warm smile at him as you sighed heavily.
“What the hell, could be fun.” Luke cheered as you agreed and you shushed him, knowing nobody could here into the room, but you didn’t want to take your chances. “How do you want to do this?”
Luke reached into his pocket, pulling out some lyrics he scribbled down last night after dinner with you. He hesitated but slid it across the piano to you. “Maybe we can start with this?”
You grabbed the paper, letting your eyes scan it briefly and Luke let out a sigh when you didn’t seem to make the connection the lyrics were about you.
A dozen words are flying through my head
A dozen sounds I’d love to listen to
Like your laugh that’s playing out on repeat
And I see your smile, it’s whole and beautiful
Was it wrong that your heart hurt thinking of Luke thinking about someone else like this? Of course, it was wrong. You and Luke weren’t anything. “It’s different than your normal stuff, isn’t it?”
Luke looked impressed. “You listened to my stuff?”
“No.” you said quickly, looking at the paper again. “Carrie does and walls are thin.” He put his hands up as you handed him the paper. “Sing it?” Luke did so, only glancing up at you once he sang the last note.
“It’s a work in progress.” He admitted, knowing at the time that he just needed to get it out on paper.
“But it’s a good progress.” You told him, offering a smile. Luke’s heart fluttered as he saw it. Whole and Beautiful, just like he wrote. You patted the spot next to you and Luke happily took it, sitting much closer than he was earlier. You didn’t say anything though, not really minding the closeness. “What’s the story behind you and,” you cleared your throat “whoever this is?”
“I’m not sure yet. We just met.”
That threw you hard. Did he write the song about you? You looked down at the piano, feeling Luke’s eyes on the side of your face as you played a note, followed by another and another after a few moments before you came up with a few chords for Luke’s lyrics. You played it again, singing the lyrics softly over it before finishing and looking to Luke. “How does that sound?”
“Perfect.” He whispered out, once again amazed by you. You weren’t at all what he was expecting when he decided on the win-a-date idea, but in no way was Luke complaining because, at that moment when he leaned over and pressed his lips to yours, you didn’t pull away. You weren’t expecting to be kissed right then, but it felt right. With him, it felt right and you couldn’t explain it. Your hand came up to hold the back of his neck, bringing him closer into you as his hand cupped your cheek and the other encircled your waist to hold you.
His tongue dragged across your lip as the kiss deepened and you could only last a few seconds before you and Luke had to pull away. Your breathing was heavy as you locked eyes, letting out a soft giggle at you both. Luke’s thumb ghosted over your lips briefly before dropping.
“Now that was perfect.” You told him and Luke nodded eagerly, biting his lower lip as he looked down to your lips again. Your eyes grew and you grabbed the paper and a pencil, scribbling down some lyrics, but before you could finish, Luke put a hand on your chin and pulled it so you faced him. Your eyes shined as they met and you knew that Luke and you weren’t going to make much progress on the song during your free period.
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You & I
Requested by anon: “Could I get a Luke Patterson x reader where the reader is able to see Luke, Reggie, nd Alex. The only difference from julie is that she can make contact w/them.”
A/N: I rewrote this a bunch of times actually because it never really worked out but here is this xD just some Luke fluff
Pairing: Luke Patterson x female!reader
WC: 1.6k
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“Luke!” You spun around with your hand on your chest begging your racing heart to calm down. Luke had scared you by just appearing behind you. “What the fuck?! You can’t scare me like that, it’s bad for my health!” you complained, turning back to your locker. There were already people looking at you because of your outcry and you didn’t want to raise more attention.
“I just came to see you. Is it really that bad that I missed my amazing, beautiful girlfriend who I haven’t seen in way too long?” He leaned against the locker next to yours dramatically, his gaze never leaving you. He gently reached out to your wrist playing with the guitar charm on your bracelet. It had been a gift from him. Well, he asked Julie for help since he couldn’t purchase anything given the fact that he was a ghost, but he was the one who chose what to get you and Julie bought it for him. Now, you never took it off.
You chuckled at his theatrics. “We just saw each other yesterday,” you reminded him. You had been over at Julie’s to help her with some homework which resulted in the two of you spending time in the garage with the boys and not getting a lot of stuff done. Instead, you had talked, played some music and joked around. A good alternative to studying in your eyes.
“That doesn’t count!” He pouted. “You were there for Julie, not for me. When was the last time we spend time together, just the two of us?” The question caught you off-guard. It had indeed been a little while ago. Way too long, you thought. Somehow someone was always around, whether it be Alex and Reggie, Julie, Flynn or even your parents. Although your parents were oblivious to Luke’s presence, it was like they knew when he was in your room, so they would barge in to interrupt. Or they would call when you were out, needing you to come home immediately or do something for them right away. Whenever you tried to do something together, someone always seemed to intervene.
“You’re right.” You sighed, looking over at him, but you turned right back towards your locker when you realized there was another person at their locker right behind to Luke. You wouldn’t want them to think you were talking to them. Luckily, they didn’t pay you much attention. You tried to look busy by reorganizing your books. When you spoke again it was in a quiet voice. “I hate that we weren’t able to be together without anyone else around. It feels like the universe is trying to keep us apart or something.” You laughed, playing your statement off as a joke, but it was a thought that had occurred to you many times before. Being in a relationship with a ghost was… It was great, actually. You loved Luke and he loved you and there wasn’t a human alive on Earth that you had a similar connection with than you had with Luke, but there was always Flynn’s nagging voice in your head reminding you that he was a literal ghost. He was not alive. And how could this ever be something real, if you were alive and he was not?
But it didn’t feel like that to you. You were able to see Luke, to touch him. He was just like any other boy to you in those regards. Sometimes when you were alone with him you even forgot that he was a ghost. You’d be harshly reminded of it again when someone would walk through him or he would walk through something or when he would teleport out of wherever you’d be. Your logical brain, backed up by Flynn, would tell you that it wasn’t natural, it wasn’t right to be in a relationship with a ghost, but your heart? Your heart told you that you loved Luke. It didn’t care about what the future would hold. It cared about the here and now, the moments you shared.
Luke could read the troubling thoughts that were on your mind from your face, your furrowed brows and pursed lips a dead giveaway. He leaned towards you. Determination written across his face. “Let’s get out of here!” He grabbed your hand and pulled you away, closing your locker in the process. You tried to keep up with him, so it wouldn’t look like you were being pulled by thin air. The idea of skipping class and spending time with Luke instead actually sounded great. You’d rather do almost anything with him right now than stay in that building and fight your way through three more classes. And the chance was slim that you’d get interrupted since Julie and Flynn were still at school, your parents at work and what Reggie and Alex were up to you didn’t know.
“Studio or my house?” you asked to check where you’d be going.
“Reggie might be hanging out at the studio, so let’s go to your house,” he answered. His hand still firmly held onto yours. “What’s on your mind?” he followed up when he noticed your focus on your intertwined hands.
“I’m just grateful, I guess, that I get to see you and touch you.” You gently squeezed his hand. You did that a lot, especially with your friends around. It was a subtle way to show your affection or to reassure each other of your presence. “I don’t know how it came to be that it is this way, but I’m really glad.” You smiled at him.
When you arrived at your house Luke immediately went to your living room couch and made himself comfortable while you put your bag away in your room. “Do you want to watch a movie?” You asked when you joined him. Without waiting for a reply, you grabbed the remote to pull up a movie on Netflix as you sat down next to him, but that wasn’t good enough for Luke. He always held back around the others because he knew it might make them uncomfortable, but he loved holding you, touching you, having you close, so he pulled you in to lie against his side, an arm securely wrapped around your waist. You rested your head on his shoulder still looking for something to watch. “What kind of movie are you in the mood for?”
“Just put on something you like. I probably won’t know it anyway.” That wasn’t a big help, but after a bit more contemplation decided on one. It was a movie you already knew by heart and thought Luke might like as well. But what movie was playing wasn’t of much importance anyways. The way Luke was holding you close, pressing kisses onto the top of your head from time to time, that was what mattered. His thumb kept caressing your side. With the noises from the movie playing in the background your eyelids grew heavy and it wasn’t long until you fell asleep.
Luke noticed it immediately when you fell asleep. You were leaning further into him and your hand had fallen from where it was lying on top of his. He carefully moved to lie down on the couch so as to not wake you up. When he was done your eyes were still closed and your breaths even, still, you seemed to cuddle into him even more in your sleep. Luke couldn’t help but fall even more in love with you at the sight. He was aware that you thought it was creepy when he watched you sleep but he liked doing it. There was nothing to disturb him from taking in all your features, to memorize every little thing about you.
He let you sleep for an hour before he decided it was time to wake you by pressing kisses all over your face. You scrunched up your face at the sensation, your sleep-induced mind barely registering what was happening. When you finally opened your eyes, Luke was smiling at you. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” he whispered before he bent down again to connect your lips.
“What time is it?”, you asked him, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you slowly sat up.
“Almost 2pm,” he answered after checking your phone.
“Already?!” you exclaimed, now awake. “Why did you let me sleep? You gotta go to practice soon! I thought we wanted to do stuff together today.���
“I do. And I let you sleep because it looked like you needed it. Anyways, technically we did spend time together.”
You eyed him suspiciously. “Did you watch me sleep again?”
He already moved away from you, bringing some distance between the two of you in case you would resort to chugging a pillow at him at his answer. A cheeky smile appeared on his face as he pulled his shoulders up. “Maybe.”
You sighed frustratedly. “Please, don’t do that. It feels so weird to know you watch me sleep. Like, what if I drool?”
“You do,” he laughed, moving closer again. He leaned over the back of the couch to gently grab your chin and wipe over it with his thumb. “But it’s cute.” The grin never left his face while you swatted his hand away, pouting.
You groan. “You’re the worst.”
“But you love me,” he continued with a cocky grin which had you roll your eyes.
“I do. Even though I do wonder why sometimes.” You pulled him back towards you to kiss him again, smiling into the kiss. “And now come cuddle with me until you have to go to band practice.” You opened your arms. Luke happily accepted the invitation, jumped over the back of the couch and lay down beside you. With his head resting on your chest and your fingers carding through his hair he let out a sigh and relaxed into your embrace.
“I love you, too,” he mumbled lazily.
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scribblingfangirl · 4 years
WITH LOVE, THE GHOSTS | Julie and The Phantoms - Part Two
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not my gif!
Author’s Note: Somebody on Wattpad asked if they could get ‘a part two where she like meets them and they still do kind stuff?’ I really liked that idea, so this little part is a filler (their meeting) so that I can fullfill the request in a third and final part. Enjoy! :D
word count: ~ 1.4k
summary: You finally meet the boys. Obviously, chaos ensues.
warnings:  // (english is not my first language, not beta-read)
| Part One | Part Three |
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
You knew that Julie wouldn’t judge you, not after the year she had. But honestly, after hearing that Flynn was almost going to egg her house after finding out about the Swedish hologram boys you were very inclined to just shake your head and forget about it all. Even if the note from Reggie, Alex and Thing Three had been burning a hole into your pocket.
Needless to say that it had been a very weird winter break. But you were still kind of disappointed when nothing happened on New Year.
Nevertheless, you closed your locker and turned around to look at Julie and Flynn while they approached you. “Does a flying pen called Reggie and a computer that suddenly decides to cheer me up called Alex and a third something, temporarily called Chicken Scratch, do as well?” you asked and took the note out of your pocket, hoping it would come out as comedically rather than insane.
At first, nothing happened and Julie and Flynn just stared at you. Then Julie ripped the little paper out of your hand and quickly unfolded it.
Almost afraid you smiled at them nervously when they looked back up at you, expecting everything and yet nothing at the same time. Which is why you weren’t quite sure what to make from Julie and Flynn’s reaction. Sighing they both looked at each other and whisper-shouted: “Reggie!”
“Reggie… as in the pen? You’re calling my pen?” Bewildered, you looked at your two best friends. Okay so maybe they did think you’ve lost it. ‘Retreat, retreat! Make a final joke about it and let it slide!’ “ I think you kind of forgot the magic word ‘Accio’ beforehand. Accio Reggie, you know? And don’t forget to swish and flick it guys or else it might blow up in your face,” you giggled nervously. ‘Nope, that wasn’t it.’
But instead of going into it, Julie suddenly seemed busy staring angrily at a locker just to their right and making weird eyebrow movements towards it, while Flynn just swung an arm around your shoulder and pulled you with her.
“I think it’s time that we, or rather Julie, told you something. But, first things first, you know that egging your best friends house isn’t the solution, right?”
Correction: They lost it. Not you, they! Ghosts. Forking 90s ghosts they said.
Because apparently Reggie, Alex and Luke (not Who or Thing Three - just a ghost with a very terrible handwriting, Flynn couldn’t stop giggling and said something about the Fat Ones?) were exactly that - forking 90s ghosts. You almost snorted into your cereal and inhaled the milk when Julie told you that after arriving home from school.
“Sure. Ghosts are wishing me a Merry Christmas. What’s next? Did I miss Michael Jackson wishing me a Happy New Year and will Elvis Presley be serenading me on Valentine’s Day?”
“Wait... Michael Jackson died?! When? Ah damn... I barely had time to listen to his 9nth album before we died!”
“Dude... First Star Wars, now this? What exactly are you doing when we aren’t rehearsing?”
“Not screaming in a museum, but I did say dibs on the shower… the rubber duckies are just too cute to ignore!”
“You use them in a bath Reggie, not the shower!”
Obviously, you couldn’t hear them but you did see the eye-roll Julie gave the thin air before turning back to you. “Sorry to disappoint but no. Michael and Elvis are dead.”
Silence fell upon you three six.
Ending the silence by eating your (crunchy) cereal, you swallowed and said, “Yeah fun fact, the adjective dead literally appears in the definition of ghosts. That’s kind of what makes them ghosts. Being dead. So… what makes your buddies so special?”
Silence. Again. (Well, for you. Julie was listening to two ghosts chasing each other around the kitchen ‘STOP IT REGINALD!’ while the third one was sitting by your side, face in his hands, eyeing your cereal wistfully and sighing.)
Taking a deep breath Julie pushed her hands away from her body. “We don’t know. But we would like to show you. So... Boys, Garage. Now! Girls, Garage. Please,” she said, waving her hand to the backdoor.
Opening the garage door a few moments later and gesturing at the couch and chairs Julie said, “Please sit down. The band will be with us shortly.”
“Uh!”, you said excited, clapping your hands. Might as well go along with it. Worst case scenario? All three of you will go visit Dr. Turner. Best case scenario? Well… best case scenario the boys ghosts are real and you will be sleeping with one eye open from now on. But honestly, how bad can that be? They have a good taste in Christmas music after all. “What are we going to hear? Panic! At the Disco? Taylor Swift?”
“No no no. They only do originals. Now come on, Mama needs her eye candy. Oh, and watch it. Reggie needs space to rock out,” Flynn told you as she guided you to the couch.
“Look at that! She listens and learns!” Julie giggled and sat behind the keyboard. “Let’s do it the old fashioned way. Y/N, this is Flying Solo.”
Well, they were real. Or as real as ghosts can be.
“Yeah… quick question. Why am I always the one who gets probed?” the dark-haired bassist asked after your hand passed through his shoulder.
“Oh, I’m sorry! I should have asked first.”
“Ah don’t worry. It was nice actually. Now I know that you have a kind heart.”
The shaggy-haired guitarist snorted, accidentally strumming his guitar a little too hard. “And an endless black pit as a stomach.”
“And you know that why?” Julie asked with her hands crossed in front of her chest.
“He watches her eat the sandwiches he makes for her. He finds it cute when she giggles at the Nutella faces he paints onto them," the bassist answered for the guitarist.
“You make her sandwiches… with Nutella faces?! Why don’t I get those?!” "You watch me while I eat?!" Julie and you screamed out at the same time.
“Chill out you both! You," Flynn said pointing at you, "get free food! But watch it, they did die by eating poisoned hot dogs, so don't trust them entirely. And you!" She moved over to Julie, "You get eye candy 24/7! I should be the one to complain! I don’t get anything and I am your manager!”
Blushing the brown-haired boy averted his eyes and muttered, “I don’t remember agreeing to that." (Because of course that would be the point he would focus on.) "You booked us a school dance after all!” Feeling and then seeing their indignant looks he quickly retreated. “Which we are still very, very sorry for missing out on! A… and and the band name you came up with is really great Flynn!”
Throwing her hair back and squinting her eyes, Flynn gave him a joking glare. “You pass. Barely. I’m still watching you.”
“Okaaaay so, judging by your looks and your attitude I’d say… you're Chicken Scratch, right?”
“HEY!” And then more quietly, “My name’s Luke.”
You nodded. “You deserve it. So, Luke, I guess it's nice to meet you.”
“So today is ‘Make fun of Luke’-day?”
“Oh… that’s only today? Sorry, I must’ve missed that memo. I thought that was every day.”
You giggled and turned to the drummer who had just spoken. “Alex, right?”
The blond guy nodded smirking while continuing to quietly drum.
“Then you must be Reggie!” you smiled at the bassist again. “I heard Kayla talk about you to Carrie on a few occasions.”
As he dropped his bass the last thing you saw or heard from Reggie was an excited, “Girls talk about me? Take that Alex!” Then he puffed out of existence.
“Reggie, you do realize that my ‘they can’t tip what they can’t see’ statement still applies here, right?” Alex said sighing and mouthed, “I’m sorry” in your direction, before flinching and puffing out of existence as well.
“They don’t have to tip me, Alex, they just have to like me!” Luke imitated Reggie sarcastically, shaking his head and raising his eyebrows while eyeing the thin air.
“Wow! Watch it!”
But Julie’s warning came too late. With a ‘whooosh’ and followed by a dull pain one of Alex’s drumsticks flew through the air and hit your head. “Ow!”
“Oi boys! Stop it!” And with that Luke vanished as well.
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
All Over Again - Chapter 4
Summary: What was lost can be found. 
Warning: 18+ Smut, Language, Violence. 
I was in the holiday spirit so I wrote this chapter. Kind of just filler stuff and LOTS of fluff. Enjoy!
Ch. 3
* * * * * *
“Awe, look at you in your fall colors.” You tease.
Wanda laughs, eyes on something ahead of her before she focuses on you,“ Laura gave me the scarf. I didn’t realize how cold it’d be today.”
You find your eyes looking at the window of your hotel,“ is it snowing there?”
Instead of answering, she flips the camera and you see the mix of leaves and snowflakes falling.
As beautiful as National City is, you admit you miss the weather in New York. The snow and leaves falling added to the holiday spirit. The white and shades of red screamed Thanksgiving. 
“You could always come back, at least for the day.” Your friend says, the camera turning back.
With a shake of your head, you tell her,“ I’d never make it back in time. Besides, Lena insisted I spend the day with her.” 
The brunette wiggles her eyebrows playfully. Only for her jaw to drop at the expression on your face.“ Oh my god you like her!”
“What? No.” You try to play it off with a laugh.
Good ole Wanda though, she can read you like a book(without the powers).“ That’s why you were so eager to go back to NC. You have a crush!”
“No I-” do you?
The idea isn’t far fetched. Lena’s an incredibly attractive woman. Intelligent, caring, ambitious, funny, genuine. But you have far too much going on with your emotions to even consider liking someone. Right? 
Were you not just telling Natasha how much it sucks to see her with Bruce? How could you go from hating to see that to suddenly liking someone? Is that really how your emotions are choosing to work?
Escaping the onslaught of thoughts, you find Wanda smirking at you.“ You like her.” She says with a nod and smile. 
“Doesn’t matter whether I do or not. There’s too much going on for me to be exploring something like that.”
She scoffs,“ yeah right. As we speak you’re on vacation. There’s no greater time to explore. And if you like her, you deserve to pursue it. If anyone should get a chance at happiness, it’s you.”
Damn. Could you have asked for a better best friend?
“Have I told you that you’re one of the few things I’m thankful for Wan?”
Blushing a little, she tells you,“ you hadn’t but I knew already. I’m thankful for you too, I-” a sudden swirl of emotions race through her eyes, red magic flickering with it,“ I don’t know what I would’ve done without you these last few years.”
“You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for, but I’m glad I could be there for you.”
It’s quiet on her end for a moment before she can pull a smile,“ love you Y/n, Happy Thanksgiving.”
“Love you too Wan and Happy Thanksgiving.”
With an over exaggerated kiss blown to the screen, Wanda hangs up, the lingering picture of her smiling face on your screen before it goes back to the generic wallpapered home screen.
You take a second to yourself, eyes trained on the city outside. 
There may not be any snow, but NC definitely has its own way of showing the holiday spirit. In that, a lot of the skyscrapers have large light displays on them. And where there are trees, the orange, red, and yellow leaves fell from them. 
Eventually, you get up to get ready. Taking a shower and putting on an outfit that reflects the season and holiday. 
Having everything you need, you call a car, waiting for it in the lobby with a cup of coffee. Once in the car, you let Lena know you’re on your way. 
It leaves you a little unnerved when she doesn’t reply as fast as usual. In fact she doesn’t reply at all but her doorman let’s you up so you know she’s home. 
When she pulls her door open and you take in her slightly frazzled state you frown.
“Should I have waited to come by? Is everything okay?” 
Lena’s heart melts at the worried expression on your face, a smile forming,“ no it’s fine I just, I forgot most restaurants are closed on Thanksgiving.”
A gasp leaves your lips,“ Miss Luthor,” you press a hand to your chest,“ take out is not a proper Thanksgiving meal.” 
Her mouth opens to reply but seeing your expression has her keeping it to herself. 
The few nights you’d spent here, you know Lena doesn’t keep her fridge and cupboards stocked.“ Come on, we’re going shopping.”
Lena will admit, she had a bit of a slow moment, wondering what shopping would do to solve the food issue. Arriving at the store though, she realizes you meant grocery shopping. 
Walking around the store with you pushing the cart is probably the most domestic thing Lena’s done in a long time. She finds herself falling in deeper with you as she sees how, almost childlike you are: riding on the cart every so often, throwing completely unnecessary snacks inside, and doing small little celebratory fist pumps when you find exactly what you need.
“Okay,” Lena breaks the quiet,“ are you secretly a chef outside of being an Avenger?” 
Currently the two of you stand in her kitchen, smooth jazz playing through the room’s speakers, Lena’s usual glass of wine on the counter mere inches from your glass of bourbon, as you prepare dinner. Admittedly Lena isn’t all that good at cooking, so she’s slightly fascinated with how easily you move about. 
You raise an eyebrow, fingers sprinkling seasoning over the Cornish Hens,“ what’d you mean?” 
“I just- you seem to be really good at this.” She gestures to you and the spread of food in front of you. 
Shrugging, you tell her,“ I just learned from my dad. He literally taught me everything I know.”
There goes that tone again. Your voice sounding far off. You reminiscing.
You slide the pan into the oven, setting a timer, and looking back with a smile, nodding for Lena to come over. 
She stands at your side, arms brushing with every move as you raise the lid off the skillet, steam rising from it,“ now don’t go sharing this recipe with anyone Miss Luthor.”
The CEO chuckles,“ well if it’s good I’ll have to capitalize on it.”
You laugh, eyes shutting with the action. So you miss the look Lena gives you, pride at being the reason you’re laughing and a longing to make that smile last.
From there you tell and show her the way you’d been taught to make yams: nutmeg, brown sugar, vanilla flavor, and butter. Then turning them over so the seasonings reach all the vegetables.
Grabbing a smaller spoon, you scoop some of it up, and hold it out to her. A hum of approval leaves Lena’s lips at the taste of it.
“That’s incredible.”
You watch the way her tongue runs over her lips, catching the remnants of the food, and resisting the urge to reach out and run your thumb across the pink muscle.
Opting to nod and jokingly say,” oh I know.”
She laughs with a shake of her head. 
It goes like that as you continue to cook. Once a dish is done, you give Lena a taste and she tells you how great it is. Until you’re setting it all out on the table in front of where Lena set out the plates and silverware. 
You both fix your plates and refill your drinks before sitting down.
“I’ll admit, this is a million times better than take out.”
While you hadn’t mentioned it before, you have to now,“ please tell me this isn’t the first time you’ve had a home cooked meal for Thanksgiving.”
The CEO shrugs, a sad smile covering her lips as she says,“ well I’ve spent the last two in my office.”
You raise your eyebrows,“ and before then?”
“Meals were made by the chefs. And holidays with my family were usually, well awkward. With the tension between myself and my mother and Lex’s silence. . .”
Reaching over, you cover her hand with yours,“ family can be tough. But from what I’ve seen it seems you have a decent one.”
The brunette looks at you quizzically. Did you not hear what she just said?
“Not the Luthors,” you clarify,“ I mean your chosen family. Kara, Alex, everyone else. They care a lot about you and you love them too.”
Lena smiles fondly at that. It’s true.“ And here I’ve yet to see your family, related and chosen.”
“As far as my given family goes, it’s just me and a few distant cousins. My mom was never around much and my dad passed years ago. Right after I’d graduated college actually.”
There’s the confirmation of her thoughts. Though she wishes it’d come at a different time. 
She tries to lighten the mood,“ chosen?”
“Also complicated,” you chuckle,“ there’s all kinds of dynamics going around with them but we have each other’s backs in the end. I’d give my life for everyone one of them.”
“Anyone in particular?” She finds herself having to ask.
Praying silently that there isn’t. At least not in the way she’s referring to.
You nod with a smile,“ Wanda. She’s my best friend. A sister really. We’ve been close since she joined the team.”
She smiles for two reasons. One: you’re single. Two: it’s cute that you have someone like that. 
Throughout dinner you both joke and talk about lighter topics. Despite the numerous looks you give each other, neither of you catch it. 
When dinner is over(and leftovers are put away) you tackle the dishes and then move to the living room with your dessert. 
“Okay, apple cheesecake. Never knew I needed it.” She says with a chuckle.
Your eyes widen in agreement,“ I know right. Apart from strawberry and classic New York, it’s my favorite.” 
“I’m going to need you to make both of those for me, for research purposes.” She adds the last bit with a wink.
Laughing makes you lean just a little closer and Lena loves it. A quiet buzzing grabs yours and Lena’s attention. 
The woman pulling her phone out.“ Speaking of desserts, my chosen family has an abundance of it and has invited us over.” 
“Ooo, yes, I love desserts.” 
She smiles at you in amusement and together you both get ready to leave, Lena insisting that you bring your cheesecake. 
Unsurprisingly, christmas music is all over the radio on the drive over. You can’t say you expect anything less. 
With Lena at your side, you knock on Kara’s door. The blonde pulling it open in seconds. 
“Lena, Y/n, hi.” She hugs the both of you excitedly. 
“Thank you for inviting us.” Lena tells her friend. 
Stepping into the apartment, without a thought, you’re helping Lena take her coat off as she’s holding your dessert in one hand. With a blush, she thanks you, and you miss the wiggle of Kara’s eyebrows in her direction. 
Mon-El throws a hi your way and everyone else does the same.“ Do I see more desserts?” He leaps up, happily making his way over.
You accept the quick handshake he gives before looking over your shoulder to the pan in Lena’s hands.“ Yeah, Lena says my cheesecake is to die for and it’d be a crime not to share it.” 
The CEO’s jaw drops,“ I did not-” her elbow nudges your arm with a laugh,“ I didn’t say all that.” 
Placing a hand on her shoulder you smile,“ but I could tell that’s what you really meant.”
“So cute.”
Your eyebrows pinch together at Kara’s mumbled words. You and Lena? Could she see your crush on the woman as clearly as Wanda had? Is it that obvious?
Figuring she didn’t intend for anyone to hear that, you refrain from commenting. Instead walking with Mon-El to the kitchen island. 
“I never asked but what is it that you do?” Mon-El asks, head tilting in a way you’d seen Kara do a number of times. 
You accept the glass of water he passes you,“ I’m a weapons specialist for the Avengers, occasionally moonlighting as a hero.”
“Me too.” His eyes widen as does yours. 
“You’re a superhero?” 
The man’s eyes widen, uncertainty flickering through his eyes as they search yours. Then he chuckles and nods,“ yeah. Super being Alien. I’m from Daxam.”
“Daxam.” You’d heard of plenty of planets, never that one.“ Where is Daxam? I’ve been to a few galaxies and planets, I’ve never heard of Daxam.”
He thinks for a moment,“ I’m not sure what galaxy it would be in but it orbited Rao.”
“Rao? Is that like another planet or a sun?” 
Suddenly Kara appears at Mon-El’s side,“ what’re we talking about?” 
You send a glance to Mon-El, wondering if Kara already knows. His nod and pursed lips tells you she does.“ Mon-El was just telling me about Daxam and the-”
“The star it orbits.” 
It’s hard to place the expression on Kara’s face. Mainly because it’s a mix of a few emotions.“ Are you not surprised?”
You shrug,“ I am, just, well I’ve dealt with a number of aliens. Not many of them were good guys.”
Mon-El smiles widely, a matching one on Kara’s face. Little did you know, hearing that from you makes the blonde consider telling you about her heroic alter-ego.
Before she can mention it though, Winn comes sliding over, arms wrapping around you. Looking at him, you see the silverware hanging from his mouth. 
Patting his shoulder, you pull back a little,“ hey buddy, what’s goin on?” 
“This cheesecake is amazing.” His words come out with a little lisp due to the object in his mouth but you laugh nonetheless.
“I’m glad you liked it.” Finally he steps back and nods.“ How bout you show me where the rest of these desserts are.”
Together the two of you step over to the dining table where there’s a decent amount of desserts. You just have to put some of each on your plate.
When you plop down beside Lena she’s already wearing an expression of amusement. Looking at her, you smile softly,“ want some?” Her look of uncertainty makes you chuckle. Scooping a piece of pie up, you hold it towards her. 
Hesitantly she leans in and eats the sweet. Your eyes once again drawn to the way she licks her lips then back to her green orbs. 
“That’s really good.” 
You quickly eat a bite,“ oh wow, it is.”
“So!” All eyes snap to Kara as she walks over with the guys,“ we did this earlier but a few of us weren’t here so we’re going to do it again.” The woman sits on the arm of Mon-El’s chair.“ What are you thankful for?” 
Starting with herself, it goes around the room, until it gets to you.“ I am thankful for old friends and new,” you smile at the already smiling people around you,“ I haven’t known you guys long but you all mean a lot to me and I’m incredibly grateful to have met you all.”
Not being able to help herself, Kara throws her arms around you. Which incites Winn to hug the both of you and that just ends in a big group hug that dissolves in laughter.
* * * * *
Taglist: @username23345 @depressed-bi-bitch @fayhar @trikruismybitch @marvel-wlw @aznblossom @chicken-wang09 @bitchtits15
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Terrible to Meet You - A Harry Styles One Shot - Act 4, And love blooms in hearts not fields
Harry wants to get out of the house. Alex wants to get home.
Alex meets Harry at at crossroads. Harry meets Alex on a one way street.
A coffee shop OU fic feat. lattes, lamingtons & that Great Unfathomable Feeling.
Story Page Here Terrible to Meet You Playlists My Masterlist Here
7 Minutes 'It doesn't seem like long, but my whole world has changed'
Harry's insides were shaking.
He could feel it vibrating up and down his spine, circling his ribcage and then settling uncomfortably at the back of his throat. The nerves and anxiety sped around his body the closer to the Heathrow they got.
Tears threatened to pierce his eyes each time he looked over at Alex beside him. She was staring out the window saying silent goodbyes to London as they drove. 
Harry really didn't understand how this moment came so quickly. He knew that Alex's feelings were as mixed as his. Harry wanted her to go home, she'd been trying all year. Heartsick and homesick, she'd pushed through living on the other side of the world to her family as the world suffered through something horrifying.
After getting the email, her last week in London was bittersweet. It was spent packing up her room and saying goodbyes for the second, third times. Harry helped her organise herself, and then put himself in isolation with Alex for her final 48 hours. She needed to present a negative COVID test to Australian officials before she could fly. Getting tested and locking themselves away together for two days was a special kind of magic, really. They didn't have to share each other.
After Harry, Alex was saddest to say goodbye to The Daily Dose. 
She was going to miss Paul. Despite his eccentricities, he somehow managed to always keep the tone light and playful with her, and generally, the days passed quickly. Alex left Sydney for London after a gruelling university course left her feeling unmoored and unsure of herself, her time working for Paul had been an enormous time of discovery and healing for her. 
He'd been a source of comfort and support for her, especially in the last year, and he was the shoulder she'd cried on far too often. Alex loved making coffee despite how most people saw the job. There was a satisfaction in the process, even in the daily grind—the cleaning, the busyness, the dead patches—and Alex liked leaving the cafe in the afternoon with the smell of coffee seeping out of her but a clean shop locked up ready for the next day. 
She was going to miss that. But at the same time, Alex felt ready to go on and do more with her time now. The university degree hanging in her parent's study didn't feel like a straight-jacket anymore, and she was looking forward to finding work in her field. 
 London had been home for four years, though. She had many great memories here, not the least of which it was the city she flew the coup and found herself in. And the magic she thought was lost seemed to have redeemed itself in the final months of her being there.
She found herself, and then, she'd found Harry.
Saying goodbye to Harry was the hardest thing Alex had ever done. 
They'd both cried the night before, but when it was time to part at the airport Harry was steadfast in his encouragement of her leaving. (Despite himself) He'd never once said he (seriously) didn't want her to leave, or that she shouldn't. He'd never implied it would spell doom for their relationship. Harry was 100% sure that Alex going back home to Australia was just the next line in their story, and certainly not the last one. 
"You get home safely, okay?" Harry told her sternly, holding her face between his hands at the drop-off line. Both their masks were down around their chins, and Harry hated the tears he couldn't stop Alex from shedding, "This is a good thing, Al, you need to be home right now."
"I know," she nodded bravely, frowning as her chin wobbled, "But I don't want to leave—
"Shh, no," Harry shook his head and leaned closer, "You're not leaving me, you're going home.”
"When am I going to see you again though," she cried out, finally giving in to the (slightly) hysterical emotions that were bubbling just below the surface. 
Harry's heart rattled watching the wave of doubt hit her. He pressed his lips into her hairline and held her for another long moment.
"You'll see me in Dubai on your stopover," he'd said, rocking her against his chest, his words hurried against the material of her shirt, “You'll land, use the bathrooms, and then FaceTime me. That's when you'll see me next. And then, you'll see me when you get to Sydney and call me again. Okay?
"Okay," Alex parroted quietly.
"Okay … You really have to go now," Harry looked behind her to where the doors to the terminal were.
She nodded and reached up onto her tippy toes, letting Harry press his warm lips against hers once last time. Alex squeezed her eyes shut, trying to hold in tears but also the feel of him. His smell, where his body began and ended, how it measured up next to hers. 
Their hearts reached out, trying to feel the other pressing through their chests from the other side. You're mine, you're mine, they said to each other.
"I love you," Harry told her, not for the first time.
Seeing the red wetness around Harry's eyes, Alex threaded her hands through his hair, "I love you, too."
He pressed a quick kiss to her lips again, "Go."
Harry's belief that they were going to be okay was unwavering. 
If 2020 taught him anything, the whole world could change in a matter of weeks, so why not the entire outlook of his life as well? Why couldn't his meeting Alex change the course of both their lives moving forward? Something about meeting her felt like a one-time event, like something worth risking everything for. And he would, Harry told her numerous times that last week.
And as she walked away from him and into Heathrow, and Alex believed him.
Alex cried as her flight landed at Sydney International Airport. 
She'd watched the harbour out her window as the plane circled the city, that perfect Sydney turquoise blue gleaming back up at her and it made her chest ache with relief. 
Sydney airport was a stark change from the Heathrow she left behind. Their flight was met by police, abundance and army officers. It wasn't frightening though, Alex found herself swallowing back tears this time because she was so soothed by the fact she was back in Australia. Everyone was friendly and helpful, getting the flight of returning citizens through the airport and onto buses to the quarantine hotels. Alex's drove straight into the city centre and as soon as they started going by familiar places and landmarks she wasn't the only one teary in their seat. 
"Well, here it is," Alex said to the phone screen not long after, tilting it around to show off the hotel room around her, "Home for the next fourteen days."
"Snazzy," Harry whistled as she pulled back the sheer curtains to reveal a staggering blue sky and then bright green treetops. He was sitting at his kitchen table with a cup of tea and a drizzly London morning just beginning, "And a view! Is that a balcony? Or a window?"
"A balcony but it's locked. I did get to smell the salty, beautiful harbour in the two-second walk from the bus into the hotel though." Alex settled on the bed in the middle of the room, the bedding crisp and clean underneath her, "I am literally inside this room for two weeks. No outside time. But I can see people outside walking around and having picnics in Hyde Park without masks on, so it'll be worth it."
"That seems unreal."
"It's like another world here," Alex agreed, yawning and finally feeling her body start to relax. "Anyway, how was your day yesterday? Wait, no, today?"
Harry laughed, "You've lost two days, I think. But it was good. I went and saw Paul, we had a cry together."
"Don't," she warned him, feeling the combination of over-tiredness and emotion simmering in her throat, "I've just travelled thirty-six hours, and I fucking miss you already, I'm not beyond completely losing it right now."
He smiled gently, "Have a shower and get into bed. I'm so glad you're there. Does it feel good to be home?"
"So good," Alex admitted, almost feeling like it was a dirty thing to be admitting to Harry, "Jess is going to come and wave at me from the park tomorrow with Noah. My mum's already sent a bunch of food to my room."
"You're exactly where you need to be," Harry told her. 
Alex couldn't hold back her tears any longer, the guilt she felt—the pain of leaving Harry—wasn't any match to finally being where she'd wanted to be all year, "Yeah, I am."
Figure 8 'Lovers hold on to everything'
Four days into her quarantine, Alex started training herself to do headstands.
"It's harder than it looks! But I'm getting there now," She laughed, propping her phone up against the leg of the bed and crawling to the wall opposite. She was now on Day 11, and Harry had been getting an update daily.
"Please don't injure yourself," Harry moaned, getting a great view of her bum as she crouched down facing the wall and then rose up, kicking her legs up with her palms flat on the floor.
"See?" The blood all rushed to her head, and Alex's hair fell down over her face at the same time her t-shirt moved, revelling her belly and bra to Harry. 
"Much better than yesterday," he told her, "Maybe tomorrow we could lose the bra?"
Alex laughed, her arms shaking as she came crashing to the ground. She was still working on the landing. 
Just as she was about to reply, she heard a knock on the door, "Oh!" 
"Dinner?" Harry guessed, watching her leap to her feet and disappear from view. A moment later, her legs walked across the screen, and Harry rolled over in bed to try to rid his phone screen of the glare coming from his windows open to the new London morning. "Oi!"
"Calm your farm," Alex tutted, retrieving her phone and grinning at Harry, "You'll never guess what I've got today."
"Hmm," Harry hummed in mock thought, "Let me guess, chicken and rice. A cookie and a ridiculous allotment of fruit?"
"Two bananas, an apple and four apricots."
"S'practically a fruit basket!"
"Tomorrow I get a glass of wine," Alex was already chewing, "Friday night drinks!"
"Friday date night?" Harry suggested, his fingers twitching with the want to be feeling her body between his sheets again, "You're fun when you're a little tipsy."
"Excuse me, I'm always fun!"
Harry laughed, "I can't believe you're so upbeat still. I'd been expecting a dip at some point. I would think a lot of people don't do so well in isolation for two weeks."
"I've got Australian daytime TV and a boyfriend who sends fun gifts,” she eyed the collection of books and puzzles Harry had organised, “I am looking forward to Sunday though."
Harry couldn't imagine how much Alex was looking forward to getting to see her family and friends when her time in quarantine ended, "Did you get tested today?"
"Yes," Alex screwed up her face, the memory of the swab up her nose still fresh, "Fucking hurt."
"Last one," he encouraged. "What's the first thing you're going to do with your brother when he picks you up?"
She halted before putting the next mouthful of warm, lacklustre dinner in her mouth, "It's supposed to be sunny and warm on Sunday, but I don't get released until the evening. So I think we'll just go to mum and dads for tea. Jess and Matt are going to be there."
"A large gathering in the home!" Harry looked scandalised, but he was smiling. 
"I know, it's all very 2019," Alex joked. 
Harry let out a long sigh from his chest, "I'm so happy you're there, but I miss you."
"You too," she said quietly.
"Hey," Harry called out, not having meant to dampen the mood, "Three sleeps until you get to meet Noah."
The mention of her nephew made Alex smile, "I'm gonna squeeze him so hard."
"Will you FaceTime me there?"
"O'course," her mouth was full, but she nodded emphatically. "My mum asked if we were going to have live music at all family events now."
Harry's laugh exploded out of him, he liked Alex's family very much already, "Happy to oblige."
"Because of you she's also back on Nathan about giving up the trombone in Year 8." Alex told him, "He was previously the musical hope for the family, but he stopped when the girl he liked at fourteen said she would only date a rugby player … Consequently, that girl is also responsible for how Nathan broke his nose."
Harry could sympathise with Alex's older brother, "We do crazy things for love."
"Could you say that again?"
"Were you not listening?"
"No I was, I just like hearing it in your accent."
"Harry," Alex complained, "I'm already shit at this."
"You're not!" He insisted, trying desperately to keep the grin at bay. 
Alex frowned at him and pulled the hotel duvet up to her chin, crossing her legs and slipping her free arm across her chest. Harry's heart was racing, hearing her talk about how his words were making her feel was incredible. Almost as good as physically having her. Almost.
"Al," Harry stilled at the defeated look on her face. His smile disappeared, "Sorry, I wasn't teasing."
"I'm no good a phone sex, it feels weird."
"I know it does at first," he tentatively reassured her, hoping not to draw attention to the fact that over the years Harry had become sort of good at phone sex. By virtue of necessity, such was his regular travel schedule. "I promise it can be great, and we can only get better at it. You're not no good. On the contrary, I'm enjoying myself very much."
She was finding it difficult. And even more so, trying to learn Harry and what he liked—how his body responded—without actually having his body physically there felt impossible. Phone sex was awkward and difficult, and Alex was more self-conscious then she'd ever been, trying to navigate intimacy with Harry through a phone screen. There was a divide there. He was right though, the undercurrent to what he said was that they'd have to get better, there was no other choice. It was all they had.
"Show me what you were doing," Harry beckoned gently, sensing Alex relaxing back into the moment. "And just imagine I'm there, don't apologise for angles or lighting. I don't care."
It was her last day in the hotel, and Alex had woken up with an ache between her thighs. Harry Facetimed her the instant he got the photo of her lying in the sheets, her torso exposed and wishing for his touch. He'd been sitting at home on his Saturday night, watching the first five minutes of half a dozen things on Netflix yet not finding his mind was able to focus on any. 
Alex he could focus on though. 
Her five seconds of bravery felt far away now, but Alex slowly pushed down the bedding again, "I was thinking about you going down on me."
Harry smiled, "Go on."
Nineteen 'I felt you in my life before I ever thought to'
Three months passed. 
The dreaded milestone ticked over which meant Harry and Alex had been separated the same amount of time they'd spent together in London.
It hadn't ever felt like this for Harry before.
He'd never known what this kind of missing someone was. Previously, he'd missed people, but not with a yearning or a longing that made his chest ache. Not with the kind of force that had him lying in bed at night unable to switch off the channel tuned to Alex.
What time was it in Sydney? Had he already sent her that link? Did she say she was spending the day with her dad? What could he say to get her back in that bikini from the day before? 
Missing Alex felt like having an itch inside his mind he couldn't scratch.
But in a sense, how much he wanted to be with her only made his consequent decisions easier. 
"You're hopeless!" His manager laughed him from LA, the whole team on the weekly check-in Zoom call. Generally there wasn't a lot to report between them, projects were on hold or cancelled. Harry had decided not to go back to the States to work on a few smaller things—a fashion shoot, a TV guest appearance and a small role in a film—giving his legal team some work in getting him out of contracts, but that was mostly sorted now. 
If he was going anywhere, it sure as hell wasn't across the Atlantic. 
"Not hopeless," Harry replied diplomatically, "It's something else … But it's not hopeless. It almost feels like having the answer and being the little kid jumping up and down on the spot, dying for the teacher to hurry up and ask the question."
A series of blank looks came back at him. Harry sighed. He'd never been bad at explaining his personal life before. It was always so rational, the relationships made sense or happened in a usual way. He just couldn’t shake the notion that all along, people had been right. 
When you know you know. 
He'd found Alex. 
That was as simple as it was to him. But it didn't settle everyone else the way it settled Harry. 
Did the name not tick a checkbox in their heads too? 
"So, you're going to Australia?"
"I just want to know what it could look like," Harry amended the assumption, but yes, he was going to end up wherever Alex did, and if that was Australia then that was that. 
"Who's in Australia?" 
The question wasn't to Harry, it wasn't about who he was going to Australia for., they all knew who Alex was. The question was about the industry—about Harry's career. It was who was in Australia for him to work with? Frankly, he didn’t see why the same people he worked with now couldn’t also be the people he continued working with either remotely, or with short trips abroad when travel allowed. 
"Obviously, it's not like everything can be done there," Harry offered diplomatically, "But at least for the foreseeable future, with the world how it is … Music as the primary focus, I want to write the next album there. Spend some time seeing the country too, I've always wanted to."
He got a collection of nods, and a few spoken agreements, assurances that it could work.
"This isn't a temporary thing," he said of Alex, looking at the faces who helped him run his life, "We're going to be navigating this for the rest of my career. So everyone's going to need to add Sydney time to their Clock app."
When he met Alex, Harry knew. 
When he landed in Sydney, Harry knew again. 
It was the right choice, it was the right place for him to be. All he wanted was to be moving in her direction; in the same direction as her. 
It was warm despite the late hour, the air was fragrant with it, in stark contrast to the London he left behind. 
He tried to think back to the last time he’d been in Australia, to what it felt like back then. 
If only he’d know then …
Harry opted not to apply for any special considerations or circumstances. He didn't want anything to jeopardise him being able to enter what was likely the world's most difficult country to get into now—especially seeing as Harry wasn't a resident, much less a citizen. Harry didn't want to hit the news. And despite evidence of people he knew in the industry being able to dictate where they quarantined on arrival, Harry requested nothing. He just wanted to fly in, go to whatever hotel they told him to, do his two weeks quarantine and then be with her. 
"Have you landed?" Alex's voice was urgent and tinged with excitement. 
Harry laughed, "Yes, how do you think I'm calling."
She squeaked, "You're here!"
"I'm here," he smiled under his mask, following the flow of fellow travellers walking through the empty airport, "Who ever heard of an International Airport having a curfew though? The pilot made the joke that if we were projected to land even a minute after 11pm, he'd have to turn around and go back to London. Which was like, a joke, but also not funny?"
Alex chortled, "You'll have to get used to the sense of humour here."
"Hang on," Harry saw a checkpoint of sorts ahead of him, "I have to go. I'll call you back."
"Call me from the hotel," she said, "I love you."
"I love you, too."
"Go to the window."
“Hi. What?" Harry could barely move his head off the pillow as his eyes struggled to open.
"Go to your window," Alex repeated, "Were you asleep?"
He sat up, heart thrumming quickly at the possibility of what he was going to see. A second before his mind had only barely been able to scramble together the cognitive function to swipe to answer the call. 
When he got to the window, Harry pulled back the curtains—he'd ended up at the same hotel Alex had been in too—his room looked out over Sydney's Hyde Park, the fountain and cathedral framing his window. Although his top floor room with a (locked) balcony was a little bigger than hers had been he still felt as if he was living in their FaceTime calls. He was sure he'd become more acquainted with the trees and greenery out his window as the days passed. 
"What am I looking for?" He asked, but Harry knew.
"I'm down here, can you see me? Blue jeans shorts … Yellow top? I've got a sign!"
Harry's eyes scanned the footpath opposite the hotel, there was a main road between him and the park. He'd been in the room less than 12 hours though, so he wasn't familiar with the foot traffic. 
"I can't… Wait, I see you," his mouth opened in a huge smile, "Hi!"
Harry waved and pressed his hand to the window as his heart waved down at Alex's. He felt like his insides were being swapped around inside him as he took his first look at her in the flesh in nearly thirteen weeks. She had sunglasses sitting up on top of her head and a The New Yorker tote bag over her shoulder. He bit his lip at all the exposed skin he was looking at, feeling it a cruel injustice in the fact he would be touching his girlfriend for a fortnight.
Alex was squinting up at the hotel, one hand to her forehead, blocking the sun while the other held her phone to her ear, "How high up at you?"
"Next to the yellow and red flag," he said, looking for a distinguishing feature. He'd fallen asleep to the sound of the rope flapping against the building.
Alex's voice took a teasing tone, "Oh, who's that sexy man with his shirt off in the hotel window?" 
"I can't read your sign."
"I only had a Biro," she lamented, shoving the makeshift sign under her arm, "It just says Hi."
"Hi," Harry leant his forehead into the window, "You look beautiful."
"So do you."
"You going to stand out there for the next two weeks?"
"Would you like me to?"
"Yes, please."
Harry watched her take a step back and lean against the wall to the park behind her, "I'd better get comfy then."
There was a couple in the room next door to Harry.
"I'm telling you, it's relentless," he implored Alex with his eyes, pausing for a second to listen to the sound of their bed hitting the wall, "They're at it constantly."
"Embrace it, some people are into that," Alex giggled from her parent's kitchen. She was making dinner for the whole family, with her AirPods in and Harry chatting to her as she chopped vegetables. "Let it get you in the mood, Harry. Is that voyeurism, or exhibitionism? I can never—"
"—Okay," He rolled his eyes, "Thank you, Comedian."
"You're just jealous you're not getting any."
"I really am," Harry said seriously, "If I have to wait, so should they."
Alex's laugh filled his ears, "It's alright, less than a week to go now."
"I cannot wait to be holding you," he said, longing in his voice. 
Harry had mixed feelings leaving London. He didn't know when he'd be back, but at the very least he was going to miss his first Christmas with his family. With England in lockdown, it was unlikely that even if he had stayed, he would be able to spend it with them anyway, but Harry would miss them. He already missed them. 
It wasn't like he missed Alex, though. And in all the conversations he'd had with his mum, or his sister, or anyone else, they'd all told him to go for her. They saw it in his eyes and heard it in his voice when he spoke about her. Or maybe their hearts knew as well, as though Harry meeting Alex had been locked away in them all and now the light to that room was switched on. 
So there he was, in Australia. To be with his love.
Ten Days 'Time has changed nothing at all, you're still the only one that feels like home'
Harry asked the nurse who took his last COVID swab to help him.
He hadn't requested anything up until that point, but he knew, even behind her protective gear, she was a friendly face. And he also knew that there were rumblings online that he was in Sydney. (All those spare and jet lag hours, he'd tried to stay off the internet, he really had) 
The good news was it was just rumblings, because why on earth would Harry Styles be in Sydney.
All it would take was one photo to confirm it though, which in a sense, was fine, he didn't care.
But Harry didn't want that photo to be of any of his first moments back with Alex.
Let someone snap a picture in a couple of weeks, on a random beach or coming out of a cafe somewhere. Just not his first day. Not when he hadn't seen her since the beginning of September almost three months ago.
He asked if the nurse could help him arrange Alex for access to the hotel car park because the discharge information pack he'd received directed him to organise pick up on the street. 
The next two days went slowly, those final 48 hours, waiting for a negative result and trying like anything to bat away fears that it wouldn't be the same. That somehow Harry and Alex would've lost the something that lit the spark in London. 
He hated that feeling—the doubt—and when he confessed it to his sister, she batted it away as nerves. She said life was always full of uncertainty and risks, the idea was to choose the ones you thought were worth taking. 
Alex stared at her legs as she sat, waiting for Harry in her dad's car.
It hadn't taken long to get the colour back to them, although mostly she was fixated on how she should have dressed a little nicer for the first time seeing Harry in months. She didn't even have proper shoes on, just the thongs that she'd kicked off the night before after coming back from the park with the dogs. 
Harry hadn't seen this side of her. This casual, probably more Australian sounding Alex. The one with bare feet and sunglasses holding her hair back. He'd met her family over video calls, but what would Harry think when he was in a room full of them? They were loud and could have distasteful senses of humour. There were family jokes that Alex had never thought twice about before but now worried Harry wouldn't appreciate. 
She'd slipped back into the comforting hum of life in Sydney so easily. Her friends, her family, her city. When she left Sydney hadn't felt like home, but as soon as she stepped back into it something in Alex let out a sigh of return. It was strange, leaving London just at the end of the summer months and falling straight into the beginning of a new summer here. 
In front of her, Alex sensed movement. The door she'd been instructed to park in front of opened, and a very tall man in an army uniform stepped into the underground car park, propping open the door with his foot. He pointed to Alex in the front seat and said something to Harry, who was the next person to appear, followed by a nurse in full PPE.
Alex felt an explosion in her chest, an electric shock or a bolt of lightning. Two hearts jumping up and down in excitement. 
She cracked the car door open and heard Harry thanking the two people escorting him, his hands moved as though they were itching to add a handshake to the gesture.
As soon as Alex was in his eyesight though Harry didn't think about anyone else. 
She emerged and hovered by the front of the car, waiting for Harry to approach her, as if unsure what she was allowed to do. The sight of her in an oversized hoodie and small athletic shorts warmed him instantly. She looked perfect, with a tan that evaded her in London and a brightness behind her eyes Harry was addicted to already. He liked the thought that he was an errand, that picking up her boyfriend was on a list of things for her to do that day. The word 'normal' flashed in Harry's mind, and any worry he'd had about her or him or them together being different from how he remembered it disappeared.
"Hi," he smiled wide as he tugged down the mask covering his face and stepped right into her personal space, his bag and suitcase abandoned behind him. 
Speechless, Alex breathed Harry in deeply through tears as she was tightly wrapped up in his arms. She couldn't bring any words to the surface, and so they just stood in silence, holding each other. 
After a moment Harry turned his face into her neck and pressed a slow, warm kiss below her ear, "Hello, hello, hello," he said between kisses. 
It only made Alex's crying increase, and she squeezed him tighter while leveraging herself higher up his body, not yet willing or able to step away. 
"Alex," Harry said her name gently, "Let me see you, please."
She leant back but covered her cheeks with her sleeves, peering over at Harry through blurry eyes, "Wait a sec."
He smiled and pulled her hands away by her wrists, "Give me a kiss."
"You're such a tourist," Alex laughed as she drove, watching Harry lean forward in the passenger seat and try to take a photo through the windscreen of the Sydney Harbour Bridge above them. 
"You know bridges are my passion," he said dryly. 
She smiled as he sat back and slipped his hand back into hers. 
"I quite like you driving," Harry said, eyeing her in the drivers' seat, "Look at you knowing your way around."
Alex grinned under her sunglasses, "We're in my city now, baby."
Harry's mouth hovered hotly over the skin below Alex's breasts. 
"Harry," she ran her fingers through his hair, hating the anticipation. 
His lips upturned at the impatience behind her saying his name. He pressed a kiss to the skin there, then another half an inch further down her tummy, "M'not in a hurry."
"I am," Alex urged.
"Oh?" Harry stopped and looked up at her, his elbows on either side of her hips as he held himself over her, "You are?"
"Going somewhere after this?"
She whined, whined, "No, Harry."
Alex hadn't taken him home to her family. Not yet. 
She drove an hour out of the city to a beach suburb with what Alex had deemed the nicest Airbnb. It was private, and without Sydney's usual cohort of international tourists, the area was deserted except for locals. They could hear the ocean from the bedroom and see if from the kitchen. She'd booked them two nights; two nights to reconnect and just live in the presence of each other without her family stepping in and inevitably stealing Harry's heart.
(Except, of course, it was Alex's heart who has his, all this time)
"Look at you, fuck," Harry said, tilting back up to take her lips in his, pressing his torso, his thighs, his stomach, his hardened crotch into her. "Fucking gorgeous."
"We can do slow later," she all but begged, her fingers digging into his exposed back, "Please. Just … Just please, Harry."
Alex felt his hand brush over her thigh, deliciously trailing over the sensitive skin just below her hip bone and down between them. His eyes dipped down between them only briefly before Alex was feeling the tip of him pressing into her exactly where she needed it. 
"Yes," her body relaxed into the feeling, remembering the London nights, the mornings and that first time in his living room. 
"Alex," Harry said her name like he could hardly believe it, and at the same time as wanting to savour the moment he was thinking of their first, hurried time as well. His hips snapped forward, remembering that time the rush came from wanting to taste, to experience something new and to have Alex's body for his own the first time. 
The urgency behind Harry's movements this time were for want of something had and sorely missed, something already claimed but given up for a time.
Alex's head was stretched back onto the pillow underneath him while she felt her body shift and squeeze around him. She wrapped her arms around his chest to feel him closer, wanting to hold onto him as he pumped in and out, sighing against her neck, trying to regulate himself.
"God, Al."
Four nights later, tucked into the spare room at her parent's house, Harry rolled over and took her hand. 
"I think we should get a place here."
"A what?"
"A flat, a house, we should rent something in Sydney." 
"Sydney?" Alex's tone elevated, almost touching the spinning ceiling fan above them.
"Yes, Sydney," Harry repeated, "You mentioned a job you liked the look of a few weeks ago, did you apply for it? "
"But what about London? That's where you live, God, what about your work, Harry."
"I want to be here, I'm not in any hurry to go back to what normal was. Normal didn't have you," Harry said, throwing out the script he'd built in his head the last month. His heart was doing the talking, extempore, "I've watched you this week, Alex, it's like you're a whole different person here. You're so happy and settled and joyful, which, by the way, I already thought you were but here … Do you really want to go again? Could you leave your family again?"
Alex felt her chest going into overdrive like everything was whirring around too quickly. She felt had to be honest, though, despite the way it made the fear climb further up her throat, "No. I don't want to leave."
Harry brought her knuckles up to kiss, "I don't want you to leave, either. So, what if we stayed? For as long as it's where you need to be?"
"But your family—
"—Doing this means one of us is always going to be away from someone," Harry told her, "I can handle missing my family, Al, I can't handle missing you. You're it."
"It just seems like too much to ask you to do, Harry."
"You're not asking," he insisted. "I can figure out how to work from here. London was my home base, I spent a lot of the year away anyway. And it's not that much further to LA for stuff, I … I'm saying I can make it work here, Alex. I want to make it work with you."
Alex's heart did a cartwheel, "You want to stay in Sydney?"
Harry's somersaulted, "I want to stay with you, yes."
The End.  &&&
Thanks for reading, everyone! x Kate
Tag list: @afterhoursharry​ @beautifuleclipses​ @bumbershots​ @coffee-doodle-doo​ @decadentdonkeyflowerzonk​ @elemayox​ @ficsthatmakemeswoon @finelinesupremacy @greatestview​ @hatnightin2008 @ifiwereaboy2323 @ihearthemcallingforyou​ @just-damn-bored​ @kakaym​ @kara-246​ @lifeandsomethingelse​ @luminescencefics​ @micurq27​ @miorni​ @monpetitchouchou16​ @morethanamelodyy​ @piawhat @rubytersteege @staceystoleyourheart​ @stepping-into-the-light​ @steppingonoranges​ @stylesfics-xx​ @stylishmuser​ @toalltheboyswhowastedmytime​ @tpwkhoney​ @ursamajor603​ @veryplatoniccircunstances @wanderlustiing​​ @whatevarandomlygoes
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