#and it's eddy with a y though only my brother calls me that
ashwhowrites · 4 months
Hi, love your work.
I was thinking a maybe a break up and make up fic with:
Angst Prompt 31. “You broke me! You ruined everything we had and- for what?”
Fluff prompt 7. “You’re the only person I want to spend my life with”
With Eddie Munson/Y/N Henderson or Y/N Wheeler. A sister from one of the main party.
Eddie and Y/N have been together before season 1. Season 1 happens, Y/N was there. Resulting in her getting closer to Steve or Jonathan, to which Eddie thinks Y/N is cheating on him. Even catches Steve/Jonathan comforting Y/N and gets the wrong idea. They break up. The younger brother of Y/N tells Eddie off and makes him rethink things. Leading to them getting back together.
Thank you so much! I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Friends? Or something else?
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Y/N Wheeler was quite different from her sister, Nancy. Nancy liked the boy next door vibe, and Y/N liked the rebel bad boy. Y/N didn't see what Nancy ever saw in Steve in the beginning. But he turned out to be a sweet guy when Nancy stomped on his heart.
She felt bad for Steve, but Y/N wanted to spend her free time with Eddie. It was no shock that the two fell for each other. Eddie was exactly her type, the leather, the attitude, and the nasty mouth he kissed her with.
Anyone could see she was smitten with the boy. She kissed the ground he walked on. She would do anything he asked, and do it happily.
It was a shame all he did was doubt her love for him
Eddie and Steve didn't really get along. Back when Nancy and Steve were together, the sisters loved double dates.
As Y/N fed Eddie fries and shared chocolate milkshakes, Nancy and Steve would argue across from them. Half of their double dates ended with Eddie and Y/N sneaking off.
Eddie didn't like the way Steve carried himself. He thought he was so superior compared to the rest of them and that didn't sit well with Eddie. And Y/N thought the same. She hated the way he treated Eddie.
Y/N just couldn't get along with Steve.
Until Nancy broke up with him and he finally showed his true self.
She couldn't lie. She felt bad for Steve. He showed up to their house with flowers but Nancy was already out with friends. Y/N couldn't leave him outside and alone. She let him in and before she knew it she was comforting him.
He cried into her arms as he talked about how Nancy was all he had left.
"I'll be here for you, I promise."
And she meant it. Whenever Steve called, she listened to what he had to say. Nancy was a little bothered at first. She found it weird her ex-boyfriend was using her little sister as a shoulder. But then Steve began to change, in a way Nancy thought wasn't possible.
The friendship helped Steve and Nancy accept that. It even helped get them back on normal speaking terms.
Eddie hated it, though. He hated having Y/N in his lap, rocking her hips against his. His tongue battled hers as the music played through his shitty speakers.
"Wheeler, call for Wheeler."
Steve's voice cut through the moment like a knife. The static voice worked its way through the talkie and Y/N pulled back.
"One second," she whispered.
Eddie felt his stomach turn as she grabbed the talkie and went outside. He wanted to trust her, he so badly did. But it was so hard when she'd always leave the room to talk to him. Why can't she talk to him in front of her boyfriend? It meant she was hiding something.
She had to be cheating on him.
And the thought of it broke his heart.
The one time he was in love, she found someone else.
What Eddie didn't know was that Steve and Y/N found themselves thrown into some type of supernatural portal. Something called the upside down? She wasn't quite sure what it all meant yet, but all she knew was that she and Steve fought hand in hand for months on end.
The world seemed to be back to normal and they wanted to keep it that way. She didn't want Eddie to get dragged into all of it. She'd never forgive herself if something happened to him. So she demanded every single one in the gang keep what happened a secret.
It was sworn that Eddie never found out what happened a few months back.
As a result of being at war with Steve, meant their friendship grew so strong that they truly became best friends. They leaned on each other when they needed it the most.
Eddie didn't understand how one minute she hated Steve and the next, she ran the second he called. He knew something happened between them. He tried to piece together a timeline, but he drew blanks.
She bounced back into the trailer with an apologetic smile on her face.
"Steve needs to talk some stuff out. He got in a fight with his dad. Can we raincheck the movie?" she asked
Eddie fought the urge to roll his eyes. He wasn't surprised.
"Sure thing," Eddie smiled. He was good at pretending that nothing was wrong. So well that she had no idea she was ruining their relationship the more she picked Steve.
"Do you think you'll come to the hideout tonight?" Eddie asked as he wrapped his arms around Y/N. Her back to his chest as she crammed books in her locker.
His lips kissed her neck as he swayed them back and forth.
"Ew, get a room." Nancy gagged, but a smile on her face. Nancy loved seeing her sister in love. She was the main reason Nancy ended things with Steve.
Nancy wanted what Y/N and Eddie had, and she didn't feel like she did with Steve.
"Um, I'm sorry but I don't think I can." Y/N cringed as Eddie's touch was gone in a second.
Nancy sensed the air change and quickly left them alone. Nancy knew tonight was a meeting with the gang, they were worried the upside down was opening again. But Eddie couldn't know.
"Don't even tell me it's because you'll be with Steve." Eddie snapped.
Y/N felt nervous to turn around. She gulped as she turned around, that same apologetic look in her eyes.
"Why now? Can he just go to fucking therapy and stop using my girlfriend?"
"Eds, be nice," she tried, but she could tell by the look on his face that he was strongly irritated.
"What's wrong?" she asked, she reached to wrap her arms around his neck. She didn't hide the pain she felt when he backed away.
"What's wrong? What's wrong is that my girlfriend doesn't seem to give a shit that I exist." Eddie spat, he wanted to keep his anger in check but he couldn't help but sound pissed.
"Of course I do! Tonight I just had prior plans."
"Cancel and come with me," Eddie said, his voice soft as he grabbed her hand. He turned his puppy eyes to her as he begged.
"I can't cancel, Eds." She sighed sadly
The anger washed up as quickly as it washed away.
He dropped her hand like it burned. Her hand was dead against her side as it dangled.
"Why not?" he challenged
"They all need me, baby," she said softly
Eddie shook his head and chuckled darkly.
"They do or Steve does?"
"Eddie, you know it's not like that, right?" She said, her heart broke as she watched the insecurity flash across his face. Had he been upset about Steve all this time? Was she a horrible girlfriend for not noticing?
"Just sometimes I need my girlfriend too," he said sadly, then walked off.
"Eddie, no wait," she said, she grabbed his hand. She felt her throat close up as he sniffled.
"Forget it. I'll tell you about the show whenever I see you."
"Eddie, please. I'm sorry." she tried, she wanted to tell him the truth but she couldn't.
"I know, I'll see you later," he said, his mouth in a tight line as he walked away.
Y/N couldn't focus during the meeting. Her brain focused on the little fight with Eddie. Had she been neglecting him? She would never intentionally hurt him and she hated that she still did.
Steve was listening to Dustin when he heard sniffles. He looked beside him and watched as Y/N silently cried. Her head down as she used her shirt to catch the tears.
"You okay?" Steve whispered in her ear
"Course," she said, putting on a fake smile as she looked at him
But looking at Steve made her think of Eddie. And thinking of Eddie caused a loud sob to escape.
The gang all looked in her direction. Nancy and Mike watched with concern as she stood up.
"Sorry, need a minute." she apologized, she raced up the stairs and closed the basement door behind her.
She dropped her body on the front step and let the sobs take over her body. She cried into her hands as the afternoon played through her head on an endless loop.
Steve followed behind her, he sat next to her and he wrapped his arms around her. She turned her body into his and sobbed. Her wet tears soaked his shirt as she sobbed.
"What is going on?" he whispered, he gently rubbed her back as she tried to get ahold of herself.
She told him everything that happened, Steve felt a puddle of guilt in his stomach. He pulled her away, it was his fault Eddie was upset.
They were lost in their own world, no idea that as Steve placed a comforting kiss on her forehead Eddie was in the driveway.
Eddie's heavy feet stomped towards them. They jumped apart hearing his boots crunch the sticks below.
Steve stood up and held his hands in defense
"Munson, I swear it-" but he didn't get to finish his sentence.
Eddie went at him, a huge right punch connected straight against Steve's eye. Steve crumbled to the grass instantly as he held his eye.
"EDDIE!" Y/N gasped, she quickly jumped in front of Steve as Eddie went to charge forward.
"Not like that right?" Eddie spat, his voice filled with venom as he shot her words right back at her.
"Eddie," Steve groaned as he stood up. He looked at Eddie with one eye, holding the bruising one. "It's not what you think, I swear."
"I don't give a single fuck about what you have to say" Eddie hissed as he pointed at Steve over Y/N's shoulder.
"Steve, can you give us a second?" Y/N asked, but her eyes never left Eddie.
Once she heard the front door shut, she took a deep breath.
"How could you do this to me?" Eddie asked, his voice cracked as the first round of tears fell down his face. "We were so in love. You used to love me so much. You used to never leave my side and now? Now I can barely remember the last time we even had sex."
"Oh Eddie," she whimpered as she stepped forward and held his face in her hands. She cried seeing him cry. "We are in love! I still love you. I love you more and more every day. I'm sorry I've gotten so caught up with Steve but I promise you it is not because I have feelings for him. I didn't know you were missing me so much."
"How could you know? You won't see me for more than ten minutes." he snapped, he grabbed her hands and shoved them off of his face. She tried to ignore the drop of her heart.
"You're right. I am so sorry. Talk to me, let's talk it out."
"I don't think I even want to anymore," he confessed. YN shook her head as she panicked.
"No, baby, You can do it, just tell me what you are feeling, please," she begged, she fought hard not to touch him. All she wanted was to wrap her arms around him but she couldn't tell if he wanted her to touch him.
"You broke me! You ruined everything we had and- for what?" Eddie said, he lashed out as his tears turned into anger. His voice rose. "For Steve? I mean how could you even do this to Nancy?"
"She doesn't care because she knows we are just friends!" Y/N argued. "Like I've told you! There is nothing between him and I."
"YOU AND I USED TO BE FRIENDS, SHIT CHANGES Y/N!" he screamed, no doubt letting the neighbors know a fight was breaking out
"That's different." she cried, tears falling down her face.
"HOW?" he screamed as he stepped closer. Right in her face as he demanded his answer.
"Then why has it only been Steve, lately?" Eddie asked, breaking down as the words left his tongue. More tears fell as he looked into her eyes. He used to see through her, but something happened and her eyes never told him the truth anymore.
"I can't tell you because it would kill me if you got hurt because of me." She watched as he nodded and choked back his tears. His red eyes looked into hers.
"You've been hurting me for months, and you are still breathing," her heart shattered as he began to step back, "Steve or not, it's clear you don't have the time for me. Take me off that full plate you have."
"Eddie, please don't" she sobbed as he kept stepping back. With each step he took, she made that step forward.
"If you ever truly loved me, you'll let me heal from you. I don't deserve to feel second best by my own girlfriend."
With those words, she stopped. She planted her feet in the grass as he turned around. She covered her mouth as he got in his van. Before he closed the door, she yelled his name.
He looked over at her
"I need you to know that I'm doing what you asked. I'll leave you alone and give you the space you need because it'll prove that I love you. Even if it kills me to never be with you again."
She watched as he didn't say a word, just closing his door and taking off down the road.
Mike had seen both his sisters experience breakups, but nothing as bad as Y/N.
It's been a week since the breakup, and Y/N barely leaves her room. She came out to use the bathroom, sometimes she'd sit in the kitchen and stare at the phone. She'd pray that he would call, but she knew he wouldn't. After a few hours, she'd go right back up to her room.
"Poor girl. I've never seen her so heartbroken." Karen said as she sat down at the dinner table. "Has she done any of the schoolwork she missed?"
"Barely, I've turned in a few of her assignments." Nancy said, "She won't even talk to me about it."
"Shame on that boy for hurting her," Karen said as she shook her head, "I wish I could smack some sense into him."
His mom's words gave Mike an idea.
The next morning Mike biked to Eddie's trailer. It was a Saturday morning so he knew Eddie would be rotting in bed.
He was done seeing his sister lose herself
and he was done with Eddie's cranky ass during Hellfire.
He threw his bike into the dirt as he raced up to Eddie's trailer. He pounded on the door.
"Wheeler?" Eddie said confused, his eyes half open as he yawned.
"We need to talk," Mike snapped, letting himself in the trailer and sitting on the couch.
"Great, another fight with a wheeler," Eddie mumbled to himself.
"What can I help you with?" Eddie asked as he stood.
"Why does it look like you are sleeping on the couch?" Mike asked with sass as he pushed the bundle of blankets out of his way. "Bedroom reeks of all the random girls you've been sleeping with?" he hissed.
"Woah, little Wheeler. What I do in my bedroom is none of your business. What makes you think I'm sleeping with random girls? Is that how your sister is dealing with the breakup?" Eddie asked, he couldn't help but get mad at his own words.
"Oh shut your mouth," Mike snapped, "my sister isn't this whore you claim her to be."
"I know, that was uncalled for," Eddie said, "how...how is she?" he couldn't help but ask. It had been eating him up all week. He hadn't seen her once, hadn't heard her voice, and it killed him. He had no idea if she was breaking apart or completely fine with Eddie gone.
"Answer my question first," Mike demanded, he got off the couch and walked to Eddie's room. If there was a girl in there, Mike swore he'd kill Eddie before the upside-down had the chance.
"WHEELER!" Eddie yelled but Mike carried on. He flew Eddie's door open. And it was empty. The bed set is perfectly made, with a flower on the pillow with a note attached.
"And what slut is this for? Moving on already?" Mike snapped. He reached forward and grabbed the note.
"Give me that!" Eddie snapped back, snatching the note from his hands. "I'm not sleeping with anyone, okay? I haven't been in here since the breakup. She made my bed that morning and wrote me a note, and this was the first flower someone had given me. I just wanted to leave everything the way she touched it." Eddie explained. The room held too many memories, and it smelled of her.
"Can we talk in the living room?"
Mike nodded, knowing not to push Eddie further.
They walked back into the living room as Eddie closed his bedroom door. Eddie took a seat next to Mike.
"She's heartbroken," Mike said, Eddie looked over at him. "She doesn't eat, barely sleeps, and stares at the phone the second school ends until she knows you are asleep. She's miserable and it's all your fault!" Mike said, pissed at Eddie for hurting his sister. Mike stood up so he could tower over Eddie, by a little.
"You broke her and you better fix it!"
"I didn't do anything, Mike. You are too young to understand, but our relationship wasn't the same." Eddie sighed. He did feel awful hearing about how bad she was doing. Guilt in his bones as he pictured her staring at the phone.
There were so many times he wanted to call. At one point he didn't care if she ever had feelings for Steve, he wanted to be with her anyway. He'd watch her kiss Steve a thousand times if she still picked Eddie to come home to.
"I might be young, but I'm not an idiot. Steve never liked her, he is still hung up on Nancy. And Y/N never liked Steve more than a friend. Hell, she barely understood what Nancy saw in him because he wasn't you. She is so in love with you that you are literally the only guy she sees worthy. I don't blame you for wanting to protect yourself. But she has been killing herself to protect you."
"But I don't understand why she can't tell me! We've been in a relationship for over a year, and she still has these secrets!" Eddie argued.
"It's not her secret to tell! It's mine, okay?" Mike said, Eddie looked at him confused. "What I'm about to tell you is going to sound insane. But you have to believe me. It'll explain why Y/N thought it would protect you to keep you out of it."
Eddie sat and listened as Mike explained what happened over the past year. The upside down and the battles. How Y/N and Steve got thrown together and they could only turn to each other because of it. But it all made sense. She kept promising she couldn't tell because if he got hurt, it would kill her. Because if Eddie got hurt, he wouldn't survive.
Eddie waited a day before he picked up the phone. He felt nervous as he dialed the number he knew by heart.
It rang for a second before a voice appeared on the other end
"Hello, Y/N speaking,"
Eddie closed his eyes at the sadness in her voice.
"Hey, darling. It's, uh me, Eddie." He stuttered out
"I knew it was you by the first word," she laughed sadly. She hated how hard it seemed to talk to him. Like she didn't know what to say.
"Right," he chuckled, "I was hoping we could talk? Maybe better in person?" He drummed his hands against the wall as he heard her breathing heavily through the phone.
"Yeah, um when and where?" Her voice cracked as she blinked back her tears. This was the final moment, he wanted to break it off officially. She gave him his space and he was ready for it to be forever.
"Please don't cry, sweetheart." He begged, choking up himself as he listened to her.
"I'm fine!" She lied, "Just tell me when and where."
"My place and the sooner the better."
He clenched his eyes in pain as she whimpered and let out a soft okay before the phone went dead.
She drove over to his trailer, unable to keep the tears back.
She was scared to see him again. She barely kept it together hearing his voice again. She didn't want to cry when she saw him, but it was all she had been doing for the past week.
Eddie was against his trailer smoking a cigarette when she pulled up. She took another deep breath as she turned off the car. Even having that small glimpse sent her head into a spiral.
Eddie smashed his cigarette as she walked up to him. She wore one of his old hoodies, and a pair of sweats she stole after their first movie date. Her eyes were majority swollen and red. Her nose was red as she rubbed it with his sleeve.
"Hi, sweets" Eddie cooed, as he opened his arms. Within seconds her body crashed into his as she wrapped her arms around him. He wrapped his arms around her. He rested his chin on her head, inhaling her scent. He kissed her head, and every painful feeling in his body melted away.
She sobbed as she inhaled his clothes. All she wanted was to be with him again, and she was. She kept squeezing him tighter, hoping he'd feel closer.
"Don't cry, my love," he said into her hair, rubbing her back.
"I missed you so much," she sobbed, "it was so hard to give you the space you wanted."
"I missed you too, baby girl. I'm so sorry I made you give me space. I'm so sorry for the mess I made since I didn't communicate when I should have. Let's go inside." He let go of her body but laced his hand with hers as they walked into the trailer. Eddie led her to his room, he opened the door and closed it behind him. She refused to let go of his hand, but he didn't ask her to.
She wasn't sure how long she'd have before he wanted space again. He sat beside her as she looked around his room. She noticed it was the same as a week ago, but she didn't say anything.
instead of sitting next to her, he dropped to his knees and rested his head on her lap. She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair, she scratched his head in the way he loves.
"I'm sorry for fucking this up. I should have trusted you, I'm sorry I didn't. I thought I needed space, but all it did was make me miss you." He melted into her touch as her fingers continued to run through his hair. "I'm so in love with you. I wasn't used to sharing you and I felt like I was losing you." His puppy eyes looked up at her as he sat up on his knees.
He laced his hands with hers and rested them on her lap
"I'm sorry for not realizing how much I was hurting you. You are the only boy I'd ever want. I love you and that won't ever change." She said she unlaced their hands so she could cup his face. Her thumbs rubbed his wet cheeks as she leaned in and placed her lips on his.
Eddie wrapped his arms around her waist, his palms resting on her back as he kissed her back. Eddie straightened himself as he deepened the kiss. He kept his lips on hers as he pushed her back and stood up. Her back was against his mattress as he climbed on top of her. The kiss grew more intense and hungry as her hands moved to his stomach. His right hand rested on her cheek, he moaned as he slipped his tongue inside her mouth.
The kiss sent goosebumps rising on her skin. The feelings she felt when she kissed Eddie never went away, it was always butterflies and needing more.
Eddie pulled away for air, his eyes soaking her in. She was slow to open her eyes but when she did she was staring into Eddie's.
“You’re the only person I want to spend my life with” she whispered
"Just like the note said." he smiled
"Just like the note said," she laughed. Already missing his lips, she placed her hand on the back of his neck and brought his lips to hers. She frowned when Eddie pulled back a little, not letting their lips meet.
"Before I get carried away with you," Eddie winked, she blushed and bit her lip. "Will you be my girl again?"
"I never stopped,"
Eddie smiled and smashed his lips back on hers. They hungrily touched each other, showing how much they missed it and never wanted space again.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt
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munsonsmixtapes · 2 months
hiii im wondering if i could put in a request?? 💕
something like you’re dustin’s older sister and you’ve always despised eddie no matter how hot you thought he was and you two were always bickering at eachother and you guys are like enemies right, one night at a party there’s like this crazyyyy sexual tension between the two of you and you guys can’t help but look at each others lips while arguing with eachother like normal and you guys crash lips and it’s like angry sex and soooo hot!!!
Eddie Munson x Henderson!fem!reader
cw: MDNI (18+) smut (p in v) both Eddie and reader are very degrading towards each other, grinding, Eddie receives a hickey, spanking, anal
You had hated Eddie the moment you laid eyes on him. And he didn’t like you either, telling you as much with absolutely no shame. Too bad you could also dish it out. For once, someone was actually putting Eddie Munson in his place and he just couldn't stand that. Because he was the dungeon master for every campaign, everyone just let him say and do what he wanted because without him, there wouldn't have even been a game. Not you, though.
You were always able to get him right where it hurt and he just couldn't stand it, because for once, you were someone who was hating him for exactly who he was and not who everyone thought him to be. You knew he wasn't some evil devil worshiper who was running a cult and that got under his skin, that you were calling it just like you saw it.
Things between the two of you had gotten really bad when you had started a rival DnD club. The other players wouldn't let you back in because all you did was argue with him and ruin the campaign for them, so what else were you supposed to do, not start your own group?
And when Eddie caught wind that you were trying to convince Dustin to join your club? Well, you might as well have stabbed him in the back because that would have hurt a lot less. Dustin might as well have been his younger brother and now you were stealing him away? Sure, you and Dustin were actually related by blood, but that didn't make it hurt any less.
"I'm not doing it, y/n," Dustin told you as he got into your car as you picked him up for school. You didn't even have to speak for your brother to know exactly what you were going to ask. You had been asking for weeks and every time it was the same answer. You weren't really that upset and you understood that it was because he had a special bond with Eddie, but you were his sister, didn't that count for something?
"Making me choose between one of my best friend and my sister is really unfair, you know that?" He asked, throwing his backpack into the floorboard.
"No one's making you choose, Dustin," you shook your head as you put the car in drive. "You have a special bond with Eddie and he made his club first so I guess I can let it slide."
"So you'll stop with your stupid feud?" You didn't think it was that serious, but maybe you weren't seeing the big picture like Dustin. You were only seeing it from your point of view and it seemed like Eddie was the one who was always instigating your arguments.
"Yeah, Dustin," you looked over at him for a brief second before tuning back to the road. "We'll stop."
You hadn't lied when you said those words, but the second you spotted him across the room at a party that Robin had invited you to, your blood was boiling. You didn't think he even knew Steve like that, so you had no idea why he would have been there. Probably the free booze. Definitely the free booze.
You wanted to say something to him, but you weren't sure what. You had promised Dustin, but he wasn't there, so you could say whatever you wanted to Eddie and your little brother never would have known.
"Please don't," Robin whined as she saw what you were about to do. She grabbed onto your arm and tried to hold you back, but your mind was already made up.
You downed the rest of your drink and slammed the cup down onto the coffee table before making a beeline for the metalhead. God, you hated him. And how could you not with his stupid perfect hair and he stupid pretty brown eyes and his stupid pink lips that you wanted to kiss?
You wiped the thought out of your head and continued to walk towards him. It was as if everything had happened in slow motion. In the time you had gotten to the party and gotten your drink, one of your shoes had come untied and you had stepped on it, causing you to fall right onto the floor in front of everyone.
Eddie didn't know what he was doing, but he was quick to help you to your feet. You didn’t know why you were wearing heels when you knew that you’d be drinking, but the damage was already done.
“I don’t need your help,” you told him, trying to push him off of you, but he wouldn’t let you go as your legs were giving out once again.
“Yeah, I can tell,” he rolled his eyes and you hated how you could feel the heat of his hands through your shirt and how his warm brown eyes were filled with concern. “Falling for me, hm?”
“Not even close.”
“Right,” he nodded. “You just can’t hold your liquor.”
“Right on the money, Munson. Guess you’re not as dumb as you look.”
“Can we move this little conversation somewhere else?” Robin asked, appearing by your side. “It’s a little disruptive.”
“The conversation is over,” you grumbled, finally getting Eddie to let go of you. He was about to walk away, but Robin grabbed him by the arm, preventing him from getting too far.
“But it’s not,” she said, also grabbing hold of your wrist. “I think I speak for everyone when I say that you need to talk whatever this is out.” She rested a hand on each of your shoulders and led you up the stairs to the nearest room which just so happened to be a guest room.
“Robin, what are you-” you both said in unison, but she shoved you into the room and both she and Steve stood against the door so neither of you could open it.
You tried to opened it but it wouldn’t budge. You then let Eddie try, but he couldn’t get it either, the effort being no use. You were now stuck until they let you out and you knew that you would have to stay there until you worked things out.
You couldn’t believe you hadn’t seen it sooner. You fell right into your friends’ trap and now you were going to have to stay with the metalhead who you despised.
You sat down on the bed with a sigh then collapsed onto your back, accepting defeat. If you couldn’t get out without reconciling, there was no use in fighting. The bed was actually kind of comfortable so you could have stayed there for quite a while if Eddie didn’t start yapping.
He stood by the door, sipping on the beer that was in his hand and you found yourself letting your eyes take over his body. He was dressed in a cropped band t-shirt and pair of short shorts. He looked good and you almost wanted to tell him as much, but you didn’t want to feed his ego.
He turned to you, setting his beer on the dresser before making his way towards you. He stood in front of you, giving you a view of his great legs and you he to tear your eyes away from him.
“Like what you see?” He asked, his tone becoming very flirty. His pink lips twisted into a smirk and you almost wanted to kiss him. Almost.
“Not in the slightest,” you grimaced. But you did like what you saw. Maybe a little too much.
“Oh sorry, here. Let me give you a better view,” he turned around and purposefully dropped his keys, slowly bending down to pick them up, wiggling his ass as he did so. And damn did he have a great one. Why did you want to look and why did you kind of want to give it a slap? It was right there. All you had to do was reach over and-
“I caught you looking, l/n. You can touch it if you want. I won’t tell anyone,” he winked as he set his keys next to his beer. He then crossed the room and planted himself right next to you so that your thighs were touching. "I bet you've even thought about me naked," he teased his face a little too close to yours for your liking. You could see his brown eyes perfectly and could count every single eyelash if he had stayed there long enough.
And the thing was, you had thought about him naked. Even though you never would have admitted it. Sometimes when you couldn't sleep, you'd use your fingers to entertain you and maybe sometimes your mind would wander to Eddie. Maybe he was hot. But only maybe. There was no way in hell you were going to tell him as much. He didn't deserve to know how much you thought about him.
"It's okay if you have," he assured you. "Because I've thought about you naked. And believe me, in my dreams, you look hot as fuck."
"You're disgusting," you grimaced, but really, it was kind of turning you on. You felt your cheeks getting hot and you turned away from him. "I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last man on earth."
"Woah, sweetheart," he put his hands up in defense. "No one said anything about us sleeping together. I was just talking about fantasies."
"And that's all it's going to be, because in case you forgot, Munson, I don't like you." You stood from the bed and stepped away from him, knowing that you only needed one more push and your lips would be on his.
"I don't like you either sweetheart, but I'm just trying to get along with you because of Dustin, because unfortunately, you're related to him."
"What do you have against me? What did I do?"
"Nothing, actually," he replied, leaning back on his hands, crossing one leg over the other. He was looking hotter by the second and you needed to turn away before you did something stupid. "I just like pushing your buttons. But you clearly seem to hate me. Wanna share with the class?"
"You're arrogant," you said, crossing your arms over your chest. "You think your hot shit because you play DnD, but guess what, Munson? So do a lot of other people. I think you're just mad because I'm a better DM than you." That seemed to unleash something in Eddie because before you knew it, he was standing from the bed and making a beeline for you.
"Hey, no one is a better DM than me," he jabbed his finger into your face. You kind of liked when he got angry. There was something about it that made you want him even more.
"Oh, I beg to differ," you chuckled, stepping closer so that you were toe to toe with him. "Even Dustin says I'm better than you."
"No he didn't." You could see his gaze moving down to your lips and you mimicked his actions, trying your best to be more subtle than he was.
"No, he didn't," you shook your head. "But you believed it for a second, didn't you? God, you're so easy to rile up, you're so-"
Before you could finish your sentence, Eddie grabbed you by the neck, pressing his lips to yours in a messy kiss. You gasped into his mouth, but quickly responded by moving your lips with his. Your hands quickly wound into his hair as his went to your waist, wrapping around it tightly as he tried to remove any space between the two of you.
Just as his tongue swiped along your bottom lip, you pulled away, not wanting things to get too heated. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and Eddie desperately wanted to nibble on it. Now that he had gotten a taste, he felt like he could kiss you for the rest of his life and never get bored.
"We can't do this," you said, stepping away from him, but he just followed you, backing you up until your back hit the dresser. You wanted him to kiss you again, even wanted to let him go all the way, but there was something about it that felt wrong. Mainly because you were Dustin's sister. Not that either of you would have told him.
"Why not?" He asked, licking his lips and he didn't miss the way you were looking at them, like they were a glass of water and you were absolutely parched.
"Be-because of Dustin."
"He doesn't have to know, but if you don't want to kiss me, then that's fine," he turned towards the door. "We can just go downstairs and tell Steve and Rob that we made up-"
But before Eddie could get to the door or finish his sentence, you turned him around to face you, throwing yourself into his arms before pressing your lips to his in a messy kiss. He was quick to respond, moving his lips with yours, his hands slowly moving up to your waist again.
He licked into your mouth and you moaned as his tongue swirled around yours, backing him up to the bed. He collapsed onto it, taking you with him and you were quick to straddle his waist. You kicked off your shoes then pulled away before pressing a kiss to his cheek, moving his hair out of the way before leaning down, your lips hovering over the shell of his ear.
"I'm gonna show you who the real master is," you whispered and Eddie could feel his dick hardening at your words.
You then pressed a kiss to his neck, peppering the spot with them before adding in your tongue. You could feel his heart racing against your lips and almost wanted to laugh. Good. You had him right where you wanted him. 
You began to suck on the skin, wanting everyone to see exactly what you had done to him. He laid there, pliant to your touch as you marked him up, wanting to let you do whatever you wanted to him. The woman he had been fantasizing for months was on top of him, giving him a hickey so who was he to deny you? This was just a wet dream come to life. 
His hands moved up the back of your shirt, his fingers digging into your back as you continued to work, a moan escaping his lips as he did so. Your teeth grazed the skin and his heart rate skyrocketed, another moan falling from his lips, his fingers digging even further into your back.
Once you felt like your work was done, you pulled away, smiling down at his neck that was now shining with your spit and the hickey that was forming. You had given multiple in your lifetime, but thinking about the fact that Eddie Munson was now going to be walking around sporting the mark that you gave him suddenly made you feel very wet.
He pulled you in for another kiss and you were the one to dip your tongue into his mouth, slowly grinding against him as you did so. You could hear a whimper in the back of his throat and let it die on his lips as you continued to kiss him, still grinding against his cock that was getting even more hard by the second. 
You pulled off your shirt and Eddie stared at your chest, his eyes filling with lust. You stared down at him and continued to grind on him, knowing that he needed just a little push to get the little whimper to pass through his lips. 
“l/n, please, can’t take all the teasing.” His whining was so hot and making you even more wt as you thought about him actually needing you that bad. 
“Gonna need a bit more, Munson.” You were grinding even harder now and Eddie swore that he was going to lose his goddamn mind. “C’mon, beg me.” 
“Please,” he whined again, more passion in his words. “I mean, do you need to see my cock to see how desperate I am?” You knew he was exaggerating, but you actually did want to see his cock, wondering if it looked anything like you thought it did. 
“I do, actually,” you nodded and his hands moved to his shorts and seeing how his dick was tenting in his pants, you could already see what a mess you had made of him. You got off of him and let him get the shorts off, followed by his underwear and you couldn’t help but stare at him, lying there with his cock in full display, the thing much bigger than you had anticipated. 
You followed his lead and stripped your underwear before your skirt and you could see Eddie’s mouth fall open as he stared at you, lust clouding his eyes even more. You then pushed him onto the bed before retrieving a condom from his pocket, opening the packet then rolling the thing onto his cock.
“Don’t think this is because I like you or anything,” you told him as you straddled his waist again, slowly placing yourself onto his cock. “This is just because you’re here and you’re hot.” Eddie had no problem with that. Why you were fucking him was none of his business. He was perfectly happy with you using him for his body. 
“I don’t care,” he shook his head. “Use me.”
“Oh, I intend to.” You leaned down and pressed a hot kiss to his lips before you began to ride him, bucking your hips against his in a slow motion to get used to it before picking up the pace. Your hands found his shoulders and they dug into his skin as his moved to your waist, the same treatment given to your hips.  
You watched him as you continued to ride him, seeing the way he was already coming undone doing something to you. Your movements got harder and faster and clearly that was what Eddie was wanting considering that he was more responsive to you, moans and whimpers falling from his lips. 
“Knew you’d look hot underneath me,” you said, your breathing getting labored, but Eddie only thought that made you even more attractive. “I mean, look at you, I’ve barely even done anything and you’re already fucked out.” Eddie almost wanted to see what he looked like to know if you were telling the truth or messing with him because he thought that he had been pretty nonchalant up until then, Okay, maybe except for the begging. 
“Gonna need for you to beg for me again,” you said and you were getting too cocky for Eddie’s liking. You were so confident that you were driving him crazy, and you were, but he didn’t want you to know just how desperate he was for a fuck. 
In one swift move, he sat up and pushed you onto your back so that he was on top. It was about time he taught you a lesson, making you moan so loudly that the rest of his house could see just how well he fucked you. 
“I’m the master now,” he said, pinning your arms to the bed. Your mouth was wide open and for once, you didn’t have anything to say. You were shocked by the sudden movement that you needed to catch your breath, but Eddie pounding into you made your brain short circuit. 
He was going so fast and hard and all you could do was moan, loving the way he wasn’t being gentle. He was whispering the most filthy things into your ear and you felt so overstimulated, but didn’t want it to stop. This was easily the best you ever had even though you never would have admitted it. Eddie’s ego didn’t need to be fed anymore. 
“Now you’re the one who’s going to have to beg,” he said, stopping his movements completely. He just stared down at you with his big brown eyes, a hint of mischief behind them just like always. He leaned down, pressing his lips to yours, his moving slowly against, giving you just a taste, but not the full thing. He didn’t want to spoil you, after all. 
“C’mon,” he urged against your lips. You needed him, but there was no way you were going to beg. You didn’t beg. If it came down to it, you’d just finish the job yourself and make Eddie watch, punishing him for what he had done.
“Not a chance,” you replied. “I can stay here all night.” Eddie didn’t like that response. In retaliation, he sunk deeper into you, fitting all of himself into your cunt and he had to hold back a laugh as he watched you gasp. You just needed a little push and you’d be whining his name in no time.
You couldn’t hold on any longer, very close to giving in, the feeling of his entire cock inside of you getting to you. You thought you could take it, but you really couldn’t. It was more painful than you would have thought and it was driving you crazy that he was trying to make you seem like you wanted him more than you did. You both were just fucking each other because you were there. And maybe you were attracted to him a little bit, but that was beside the point.
“Eddie, please,” you begged, your voice much more whiny than he would have expected. “Eddie, please fuck me.” This was exactly what he was wanting and it really wasn’t that hard to get you to submit. 
“That wasn’t so hard, was it sweetheart? All you had to do was beg daddy.” 
“You’re disgusting.” 
“Oh, don’t start that or else I’m going to have to punish you.” He pounded into you once more which elicited another delicious moan from your lips. Your grip on him was becoming more rough and he wanted you to hurt him, wanting to be able to see your marks when he looked in the mirror. 
“You say that like this wasn’t already a punishment.” You were giving it back to Eddie and every response almost made him short circuit since the women he usually slept with submitted so easily, obeying his every command, just wanting to impress him. But you, you were different and he liked that. He liked how bratty you were behaving and was going to have fun punishing you. 
“Turn over,” he commanded, his eyes growing dark. 
“Eddie, what-” you were trying to ask him what he was meaning, but he just cut off. 
“I’m not speaking fucking gibberish, y/n, I said. Turn. Over.” He pulled out and you flipped over onto your stomach, a gasp leaving your mouth as his hand made contact with your ass with a loud smack. He did one more, harder this time and you were becoming concerned about how much you were enjoying it. 
You moaned as the smacks continued and before you could even process what was happening, the spanking had stopped. You tried to turn around to see what he was doing, but he pushed your face into the mattress and pounded his cock into your ass, his movements fast and hard. You turned your head to the side so you could breathe and your fingers dug into the comforter as he continued, another moan slipping from your lips. 
You knew that Eddie was a freak in the bedroom, but not this much of one. And did it make you a freak that you were enjoying what he was doing? Definitely. And now you weren’t sure how you were going to go on knowing that this was what you could have had all along if you had stopped your stupid feud. 
“See what happens when you talk back?” He asked, giving one more push and now you were coming undone, an orgasm ripping through you as he removed his hand from your face. You screamed his name and he chuckled to himself as he had you exactly where he wanted you. He then pulled out and disposed of the condom before helping you to your feet. 
You both got dressed, the tension having died down and now you couldn’t look each other in the eye after what you had just done. You cleaned yourself up then put on your clothes, turning your back to Eddie as you did so, suddenly feeling exposed. This was definitely a one time thing and now you were going to have to masturbate for the rest of your life since none of your other hookups would ever compare, Eddie always on your mind as you got yourself off.
Once you were dressed, you turned around to see him grabbing his keys and shoving them into his pocket before reaching for his beer. He stepped closer and tilted the bottle towards you as if he was offering you some. You took a sip, grimacing at how warm it had gotten then handed it back to him. 
Eddie then grabbed hold of your waist and pulled you to him before pressing a kiss to your lips, this one soft and gentle. Just as you were getting into it, he pulled away, pecking you then turning to the door. He rested his hand on the handle then turned to you for a brief moment.
“Don’t be a stranger,” he winked then fled the room, leaving the door wide open. You quickly followed him, stopping in the doorway just in time to see him bound down the stairs to join the party where everyone was hopefully oblivious to what you had just done. 
You waited a few seconds and followed, heading down the stairs just in time to see Robin handing Steve a twenty dollar bill who pocketed it. They both caught your gaze and waved you over, both wrapping an arm around you.
“So how was he?” Steve asked and you tried your best to hide your smile. 
“Oh, we didn’t do anything,” you shook your head, hoping that they would buy your terrible lie. 
“Oh please,” Robin knocked her hip against yours. “We could hear the two of you fucking like bunnies up there. Now come on, let’s get you some water, looks like you need it.” She led you to the kitchen to get you the water and you turned your head in just the right direction to catch Eddie staring at you. He raised his bottle to you and you nodded in response. 
“Same time tomorrow?” he mouthed and you nodded enthusiastically, fully prepared to give him your number after you got your water. Maybe you didn’t hate each other as much as you thought. Maybe all of your attraction to each other was hidden by your supposed hatred. Well, now you supposed you were enemies with benefits and you had absolutely no problem with that.
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
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Single Dad!Eddie x Fem!ReaderSeries
1 | 2
Summary: You're determined to figure out why Eddie hates you, and he's more determined to avoid you at any cost. But confrontations with Jeff and Wayne may have him reconsidering all of his choices--including the one to become a father. How long can he run from his demons before they catch up to him?
Warnings: angst, Eddie is really mean to Reader, mentions of drug dealing, mentions of Eddie's dad, Reader's grandma has Alzheimer's, slowburn, strangers to enemies to lovers, angst, Eddie is 30, Reader is 28, no use of y/n
WC: 5.9k
Chapter 2/20
Scruffy!Eddie edit credit to @eddiemunsons-missingnipple Divider credit to @saradika
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“He called you what?” Jess screeches, and you have to pull the receiver from your ear to avoid losing your hearing. “Oh, he’s a dead man.”
You place the phone back between your shoulder and cheek so you can stir the pot of marinara sauce while talking to your friend. She’d called to ask about your first day of work, and of course you’d mentioned Eddie’s frigid bitch comment. “I shouldn’t have expected anything less from a grown man who promises to call and then basically drops off the face of the Earth,” you say, trying to keep your anger at bay. There’s murmuring in the background coming from a voice deeper than Jess’s. “Do you have company? Because we can talk later–”
“Nah, I’m just at Viv and Jeff’s place.” Before you can tell her not to say anything, you hear her spreading the news to her sister and future brother-in-law. The girl’s a sweetheart, but she spreads news faster than the New York Times. 
There’s the sound of shuffling and the phone being exchanged between parties, followed by Jeff saying, “Please tell me that you’re joking.”
“About being called a frigid bitch? I’m afraid not,” you confirm with a terse chuckle, draining a pot of spaghetti into the colander. “But, honestly, it’s really not a big deal. I’ve been called worse.”
Jeff’s quiet for a moment before he replies. “He’s such an asshole. Christ.” You detect a note of sadness in his tone, almost grief, like he’s mourning someone he thought he knew.
“Look, I shouldn’t have called him out on that stupid Cat and Mouse thing,” you say. “I should’ve just let it go, put a smile on my face, and acted civilly. I only said it to piss him off, and it worked.”
“No, this is more than you,” Jeff protests, letting out an exasperated sigh. “He never used to be like this. He used to actually be a great guy.” It sounds like he has more to say, but he just blurts out, “I gotta go,” and quickly hands the phone back to Jess.
The two of you talk for a few more minutes until the sauce on the stove starts to bubble, indicating that dinner’s ready.
“Grandma,” you call out, “it’s dinnertime!”
Your grandma pads out of her bedroom, hair disheveled even though you’d just combed through it this morning, and wrinkles her nose. “Not hungry,” she mutters, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Well, you gotta eat so you can take your medicine,” you tell her, keeping your tone even and patient, “otherwise, you’ll feel sick. C’mon, you love pasta.”
“I don’t have to take any goddamn medicine,” she snaps, scowling at the three pills at her table setting. “These aren’t even mine.”
Well, then, whose are they? Do you think I robbed a Rite Aid? You want to snap, but you bite back the retort. “Yes, Grandma, they are. This one,” you point to a small, white pill, “is for your blood pressure. And this one,” you point to a larger yellow one, “is your multivitamin, and this little yellow one is for, um…” you hesitate, “for Alzheimer's.”
“I don’t have Alzheimer’s!” Grandma shouts, swiping the pills to the ground. They fall with a clatter, bouncing underneath the table. “And I’m not eating shit.” She storms off to her room, muttering a slew of swear words under her breath.
You take a deep breath, feeling the oxygen fill your lungs. This isn’t the first time she’s had an outburst like this, and you know to just leave dinner on the stove, and she’ll come and eat in a few minutes when she forgets that she’s “not hungry.” In the meantime, you pick up the fallen medication and place them back on her napkin before digging into your own bowl of spaghetti.
Sure enough, she joins you about fifteen minutes later, exclaiming that “something smells good,” and eating her dinner happily. She only asks you twice where you’re from and when you’re leaving, but your heart still sinks with each question. The grandma who never missed a birthday and brought your favorite candy when she visited had all but been erased by a vicious disease. All you can do now is keep her safe and enjoy the brief moments when she’s smiling.
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There’s only silence when Eddie shows up at Gareth’s house after dropping Harris at Wayne’s trailer. He’s usually greeted by the sound of everyone warming up and tuning their instruments. For a second, he thinks that he has the wrong night, or he forgot that they canceled practice, but he finds the guys sitting in Gareth’s garage. They all look up guiltily when they hear him walk in.
“Who died?” Eddie asks with a nervous laugh, shoving his hands in his pockets and shifting his weight from one foot to the other. “Seriously, guys, what’s going on?”
Gareth bites his lip, wordlessly turning to Jeff. Eddie stiffens a bit at the silent shift to Jeff’s newfound leadership. Since when does Gareth look to Jeff to speak up? 
“Ed, we need to talk with you,” Jeff says, sitting up a bit taller. “We, uh, we think Corroded Coffin needs a bit of hiatus.”
Eddie crosses his arms over his chest and gives a disbelieving snort. “Oookay,” he says sardonically. “And why are you telling me that we should break up the band I founded?” He walks closer to his bandmates, challenging them with the fury behind his eyes.
“It’s not fun for us anymore, man,” Danny admits. “This is supposed to be something we do to relax, blow off some steam and get a break from the real world. But lately, it’s been more of a chore.”
“A chore?” Eddie echoes, scoffing loudly. “What the hell does that even mean?”
Jeff stands up, ready to bulldoze through whatever counterattack Eddie concocts. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re a miserable person to be around. When you first moved back, when Harris was a newborn, we figured it was just a lack of sleep. But your kid’s four now, Munson,” Jeff says pointedly, “and you’re still a dick.”
“You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding me,” Eddie mutters with an incredulous laugh. “Let me get this straight: I have a couple of bad days, and you shut shit down? Without even talking to me about it first?”
This ignites a spark in Jeff, and he puffs out his chest and takes another step towards Eddie. “You wanna talk about it? Fine; we’ll talk. What should we start with, hm? The way you can never be happy for any of us unless it benefits you? The way you act like an immature teenager, selling drugs instead of getting a real job? The way you treat women like they’re disposable?” He looks Eddie dead in the eyes and says curtly, “I heard about your little ‘frigid bitch’ comment. And at her job, too. Real nice.”
“Why do you care whether or not I still sell? Or how I treat women?” Eddie shoots back. “Did I get you in trouble with your old lady or something?”
“That’s the other thing,” There’s no mistaking the bitterness seeping from Jeff’s pores. “I tell you–one of my oldest, closest friends–that I’m getting married and having a baby with the love of my life, and you couldn’t be bothered to give a shit.”
Eddie feels his mouth dry up, knowing that everything Jeff’s said is true; he clears his throat and tries to play it off. “You cool with this, Gareth?” he asks the drummer, hoping no one caught the waver in his voice. 
Gareth can’t even let his gaze meet Eddie’s as he mumbles, “I used to look up to you, man. You were my honest-to-God hero. But now, I…I don’t want to be like you anymore.”
The confession is a total knockout; Eddie stumbles back as though he’s actually been punched in the gut. “Whatever. You can all choke for all I care.” He slings his guitar case back over his shoulder and starts towards his car.
“Let us know when you decide to grow up,” Jeff calls out. Eddie just flips him off, slamming the car door and speeding down the road. 
Fuck them, he thinks, barreling through a stop sign without even noticing. Who the fuck do they think they are; breaking up the band because they don’t like my attitude? They didn’t mind my attitude when it protected them from all the assholes at school, or when it got them into clubs when they were underage. But now they’re complaining about it? Fucking pricks.
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As he turns into the trailer park entrance, a thought occurs to him: how the hell did Jeff know that I called her a “frigid bitch” at work? What did she do, call him up and snitch on me? Trying to ruin my life all because I didn’t call her? He grips the steering wheel even tighter, throwing the car in park and stomping out to Wayne’s trailer. He knocks impatiently, as though he’s been kept waiting.
“What are you doing back so soon?” Wayne asks, concern written all over his face. “And why do you look like you’re about to punch a wall–Jesus, Ed, take a breather.”
“They kicked me out of the band,” he mutters through gritted teeth, walking over to where Harris is eating a bowl of macaroni and cheese in front of the TV and sitting down next to him, pressing a kiss to his curly hair. “Gave me some BS about taking a break, how I make all of them miserable, blah blah blah.”
“What’s ‘BS’?” Harris pipes up with a mouthful of cheesy pasta, but Eddie just mumbles, “don’t worry about it,” under his breath, and the boy goes back to watching a rerun of The Flintstones.
Wayne sighs, scratching at the scruff of his beard. “They said that you make them miserable?” he asks, wincing slightly. He knew that his nephew’s demeanor had changed considerably over the years; what was once teenage cynicism had slowly morphed into a constant state of anger and unhappiness. Wayne thought maybe it was just in his head, or just around him, but if Eddie’s best friends noticed it, too, it was more serious than he’d initially thought.
“More or less,” Eddie chuckles tersely. “And then they threw something in there about my–my job, about how I, um, pursue lots of different women, how I don’t support their choices when we all know it’ll take away from the band.”
“Support their choices?” Wayne echoes.
“Jeff’s girl is having a baby, and he wants to marry her,” Eddie explains, biting his thumbnail as he shakes his head incredulously. “So he’s gonna have less time for Corroded Coffin. How are we supposed to make something of ourselves if he’s gonna flake?”
“I don’t know if that’s flaking–”
“I mean, let me get this straight,” Eddie interrupts, standing up to pace. “Jeff’s a goddamn superhero for knocking someone up and taking time away from the band, but I’m the one who’s ruining it for everyone? Because I actually act like a rockstar?”
“Well, Rockstar,” Wayne crosses his arms over his chest angrily, “have you ever stopped to consider that maybe they’re right? Stopped to think about how your actions impact them? How would you feel if Jeff berated you for wanting to start a life with someone you care about?” He pauses for a moment, glancing at his grandson. “I’m not saying you have to get married or settle down, but if you aren’t gonna have a maternal figure in your boy’s life, you should at least show him how to respect women.”
Eddie snorts, grabbing his keys from his pocket and walking towards the door. “Like how women respected me? How all the girls at school called me a ‘freak’ or a ‘loser’?”
“You’re not in high school anymore!” Wayne shouts, snapping Harris from his Fred Flintstone-induced daze. “You’re a grown-ass man! With a kid! And if you spend the rest of your life jumping from girl to girl because of how you were treated fifteen years ago, you’re gonna continue to be one miserable son-of-a-b–gun.”
Ignoring his uncle’s rebuttal, Eddie waves Harris over. “C’mon, Har-Bear. We gotta get home. Say good-bye to Grampa Wayne”
“Ed, you don’t have to–”, 
“I’m really not interested in what you, or anyone else, has to say about my life,” he snaps, taking Harris’s empty bowl and tossing it in the sink with a clatter. “I’m doing the best I can; my kid is fed and clothed, and the lights and water are on in my place. Harris, I said, let’s go.” He takes his son’s hand and walks him to the car. 
“Daddy!” Harris whines as Eddie buckles him into his carseat. “I didn’t get to say goodbye to Grampa Wayne!”
Eddie lets out an exasperated sigh. “It’s okay, bud. We just gotta get home. Grampa understands.”
Harris bursts into tears, screaming and wailing at the top of his lungs. “I! WANT! GRAMPA!” he shrieks, kicking the back of Eddie’s seat over and over. “I don’t like you anymore, Daddy! You’re mean!”
Eddie tries to ignore the sting of Harris’s insult, reminding himself that he’s just a kid, but the words are like a thorn in his side. “I’m mean?”
“Mhm,” Harris says with another heaving sob. He tries to catch his breath between his words. “You…m-made…Grampa Wayne…yell. A-And th-then you…didn’t let me…say…goodbye!”
A dull ache thumps behind Eddie’s frontal lobe. “I’m sorry, Har. I should’ve let you say goodbye. We can call him when we get home, and you can say goodbye then.”
This seems to quell Harris’s tantrum, and his soft hiccups slowly fade out as he drifts off to sleep. Eddie gingerly unbuckles his seatbelt and lifts him. There will be a day where he won’t be able to lift him anymore, but he can’t bear the idea right now. 
He carries his son up the three flights of stairs and places him in his tiny race car bed. Eddie’s frameless mattress is right next to it, and he lays down and watches Harris’s chest expand and contract with each little breath. His bow-shaped lips are slightly pursed, and there’s a smudge of dried mucus under his nose, a remnant from when he was crying earlier. Eddie makes a mental note to wash off his face before he goes to school tomorrow. 
School—the thought of seeing you, really—had his stomach twisting in knots. Everything was fine until you waltzed into town, getting so bent out of shape over a one-night stand that you ratted him out to his bandmate. And now he looks like the asshole. 
He’ll sort it out tomorrow. He’ll march into the school and ask for—no, demand—that Harris is transferred to another classroom. And then he’ll never have to deal with you again. 
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“I’m sorry, but all of the classes are full.”
Eddie raps his fingertips on the school secretary’s desk impatiently. “They’re…full?” He sputters, unable to believe his shitty luck. “Nah, there’s gotta be space for him somewhere. Can you check again?”
The secretary peers up at him over her coke-bottle glasses and rolls her eyes. “Mr. Munson, in order to remain in compliance with Indiana state standards, we are allowed a maximum of ten students per class. All of our classes already have ten students.”
“For fuck’s sake,” he hisses, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. “Can’t we just swap him with a kid from another class? He can have their teacher and they can have his.”
“If a student from a different classroom moves or requests a transfer, we can discuss allowing Harris to switch. For now, we can just make a note of it in his file and let you know if that opportunity arises.”
Harris looks at his dad with a puzzled expression. “But, Daddy, I like my teacher! She’s really nice and she doesn’t get mad at me if I forget the rules.”
Heat creeps into Eddie’s face as he feels the secretary’s glare–a mixture of bewilderment and irritation that he’s wasting her time with his asinine request. He gives a resigned sigh and takes Harris’s hand as he walks him towards the classroom.
“Have a great day, Har-Bear!” he says, feigning enthusiasm as they reach the door. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
Harris frowns. “You’re not gonna walk me inside like tomorrow?”
Eddie pauses for a second, brows pinching together in confusion before he realizes what Harris means. “You mean yesterday?” Eddie corrects him, the corners of his lips tugging into a small smile at his son’s error. “I, uh, I think it’s better if I just stay out here.”
He waits for the impending tantrum, but to his surprise, Harris just shrugs and says, “Okay, bye!” and swings the door open, backpack bouncing as he speedruns into the room excitedly. Eddie can hear your voice, calm and patient, saying, “Harris, we use our walking feet in the classroom,” and his son replying with a chipper, “Oh, yeah! Sorry!”
He’s halfway down the hallway when you call out, “Mr. Munson?”
“Ya?” He stops walking, but doesn’t bother to turn around and face you. He stares at a bulletin board that reads Welcome Back to School in glittery red cut-out letters. Framing the message are little cardboard apples, each with a student’s name written on them in permanent marker. He spots the one that says Harris in the top left corner, and an unfamiliar twinge of pride sets in his chest. 
“I need you to sign Harris in,” you say, trying to keep your tone as even as you do with your students. “It’s school policy.”
“Christ on a cracker,” Eddie grumbles under his breath, spinning back on his heels to head back to the room. So much for avoiding you. You’re standing outside the door, and he immediately notices the way your maroon pants hug your curves in all the right places. If only her personality was as pleasant as her ass, he thinks bitterly, dragging his gaze to the clipboard in your hand. “I didn’t have to do this yesterday.”
“It was the first day of school. I forgot,” you admit. You’re not exactly sure why you’re giving him so much ammunition; perhaps it was the way he just conspicuously drank in the sight of you. “Kinda crazy around here.” You will yourself to shut up, practically clamping your lips together so you’ll stop talking.
Eddie scoffs, yanking the clipboard from your grasp. “Well, aren’t you Teacher of the Year,” he sneers, clicking the pen and scribbling his signature next to Harris’s name before jabbing the sheet back at you. 
Ignoring his insult, you force yourself to make eye contact as you inform him, “You’ll need to come back in later to sign him out.” 
He bites back an irritated laugh, shoving his hands in the pockets of his torn black jeans. He’s equipped with another comment ready to launch at you, one related to your rendezvous a week earlier, but he stops when he sees Harris tugging on the hem of your shirt with urgency.
“What if I’m with my new teacher?” he asks innocently, eyes wide with concern.
“What new teacher, honey?” you ask, crouching down to his level. “You mean Mr. Will?”
Harris shakes his head fervently. “Daddy asked the lady at the desk if I could have a new teacher instead of you.”
You expect Eddie to be embarrassed by his son’s candidness, but he doesn’t even appear to be fazed.  “It was your idea, Sweetheart,” he says with a sly grin. “I’m only making good on my word.”
“Well, look at you, keeping your promises,” you bite back instinctively, silently cursing yourself for snapping at him when you’re on the clock. He might be a total asshole, but he’s Harris’s dad first. At least while you’re at work. You turn your attention back to the little boy. “I’m sorry if we confused you, Harris. I’m your teacher, okay?”
Harris nods slowly, indicating that he doesn’t quite understand what’s happening, but he doesn’t press the issue further. His gaze flits between you and his father. “Why’d you call her ‘Sweetheart’?” he questions Eddie. “Are you boyfriend and girlfriend?”
Eddie nearly chokes on his own tongue. “Absolutely not,” he insists at the same time that you chime in with a firm, “no.”
“Then why–”
“It’s a nickname,” Eddie interrupts before Harris can say anything else. “Like how I call you ‘Har-Bear,’ or how I call Grampa Wayne ‘Old Man.’”
“Oh.” Harris chews on the answer before seemingly accepting it, giggling when he thinks of the way his grandpa grimaces at the name ‘Old Man.’. He smiles up at you. “Can I call you Sweetheart, too?”
You smile back at him, ruffling his curly hair. “That’s Ms. Sweetheart to you,” you tease, but as a four-year-old, he doesn’t pick up on your sarcasm.
“Okay, Ms. Sweetheart!” he laughs, and he mimics your movements and ruffles your hair right back before you stand up. How is this kid so precious when his dad is a complete and utter douchebag?
“Well,” Eddie says finally, crossing his arms over his chest, “I won’t forget about signing him out when I pick him up.”
“Try to get here on time today,” you retort, guiding Harris over to where Will is playing with the other students. “Really makes my job easier when the parents do what they’re supposed to do.”
He walks away with a haughty laugh. “Bold of you to assume I’d want to make anything easier for you.”
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The rest of Eddie’s morning proceeds as normal. He picks up the product from Rick’s place and gives him his cut of what he made yesterday. Carefully separating it into small baggies, he delivers to his usuals: the guys who work down on the loading dock, the supergenius stoner who allegedly works as some top government official, the young teacher at Hawkins High who, more than once, has paid for her share with decent head behind the football field. Of course, Eddie keeps a bit hidden away for himself. Whoever coined the phrase don’t get high on your own supply never had a seemingly never-ending stash of weed.
He arrives back at his apartment just before noon, ready to crash on the couch and watch some mind-numbing TV. Opening the door, he kicks off his muddy sneakers to find his uncle sitting on the couch, twiddling his thumbs anxiously.
“Jesus, Wayne!” Eddie shouts, putting a hand to his chest. Giving him a key to the place suddenly didn’t seem like such a great idea. “Scared the shit outta me. What’re you doing here? Don’t you have work?” 
“Took the day off,” Wayne explains, reaching for the manila envelope that he’s placed on the cushion next to him. “Had, uh, an appointment.”
Based on the serious look on his face, Eddie assumes he’s talking about a doctor, and the blood drains from his face at the thought of Wayne battling a terminal illness. “Shit, you okay? Are you sick?”
“Sit down, Eddie.” He hands him the envelope without another word. Eddie does what he says, flipping up the edges of the silver fastener and taking out a small stack of stapled papers. He scans the documents, expecting to see some kind of medical test results. Instead, his eyes widen as he reads the opening lines:
I, EDWARD JOHN MUNSON, the custodial parent of the following child(ren): HARRIS WAYNE MUNSON, do hereby give custody to WAYNE ALBERT MUNSON.
“What the hell is this?” Eddie snarls, clenching his fists and crumpling the papers. “Are you trying to take my kid away from me? Is this some kind of sick revenge because of our fight yesterday?”
Wayne shakes his head. “Ed, this has nothing to do with what happened yesterday. I’ve had this meeting with the lawyer for a while now.” He lets out a long, tired sigh. “When you got arrested a couple months ago, it made me realize how much I was turnin’ a blind eye to your…business.”
“You mean when Hopper let me off with a warning?” Eddie reminds him. He rolls his eyes impatiently, but his bouncing leg gives away how nervous he is to have this conversation. “The Chief isn’t gonna let anyone lock me up just for selling pot. I won’t sell the hard shit anymore, and Rick knows that.”
But the older man presses on, ignoring his nephew’s rebuttal. “When your dad got arrested, I was lucky that the state gave you to me instead of sticking you in foster care. But we were both twenty-odd years younger; I don’t know they’d be so willing to let an old man take care of a four-year-old without it in writing.” 
The mention of his father has Eddie seeing red. “I’m not my dad.” he spits. “My dad didn’t fucking take me to school. Couldn’t even be bothered to make sure I had everything I needed. Food, water, shelter? That piece of shit didn’t give a rat’s ass.”
“But he did sell drugs. And that’s how he got busted,” Wayne points out, voice rising a bit. “And Hopper’s nearly as old as I am. He’s gonna be retiring soon; we can’t keep countin’ on him to cover for you.” His eyes are misty with tears as he says, “all I want is for Harris to have the same kind of protection that you had. Just until you get a job that doesn’t put you at odds with the law. It’s all temporary, see?” He motions to the first bolded word at the top of the document.
But Eddie’s too enraged to care, tearing up the papers and letting them fall to the floor like legal confetti. “I’ve gotta go,” he hisses, grabbing his keys so quickly that they clatter among the sea of document scraps. “You should go, too.”
“I could get you some work at the plant,” Wayne offers meekly. It’s not the first time he’s extended the opportunity, but he figures it’s worth a shot. “Just somethin’ while you look for what you really wanna–”
“I said, leave!” Eddie shouts. “I don’t need you poking your nose in my life anymore. My life works for me, and it works for Harris, and there’s no reason to turn everything upside down.”
“You think his dad gettin’ thrown in prison won’t turn his life upside down?!” Wayne snaps, finally unloading everything onto Eddie. “You think being torn away from the people he loves won’t hurt him? I’d do anything to keep that boy safe, just like I did for you, you ungrateful sonofabitch.”
Eddie’s response flies off of his tongue before he can bite it back. “And look how that turned out for me.”
A pained expression crosses Wayne’s face, but he recovers quickly. “I’ll always love you, Ed. No matter what.” He pauses. “But I don’t like who you are anymore. Ever since you moved back here, all you’ve done is push away the people who care about you.” He starts towards the door before briefly turning back. “When you’re ready to let people in, to be happy again, you let me know.”
Eddie scoops up his keys and flings open the door, letting it slam behind him. His fingers tremble as he fumbles for the pack of cigarettes in his back pocket. It takes a few tries before he can steady his hands enough to light one, and he inhales deeply to try and calm his nerves. How could Wayne possibly think that Harris wasn’t safe with him? After everything Eddie had sacrificed for his son; the dreams he gave up, the life he let go of…
Did anyone actually believe that he still wanted to be here, in Hawkins, the town bursting with haunting memories? Every time he drove near the high school, he could practically hear the echoing taunts of freak and loser emanating from its hallowed halls. No; he was only here because he couldn’t raise a kid alone. Apparently, Wayne thought he was incapable altogether.
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He goes through another three cigarettes on the ride to the preschool, snuffing out the last one with the toe of his scuffed Vans outside the entrance. 
“I need to sign out my son, Harris Munson,” he tells the secretary, who gives him a bemused glare. “Family emergency.” 
The secretary nods, picking up the phone without taking her eyes off of Eddie, as though she’s concerned that he’ll bolt if she lets him out of her sight. He hears her relaying the message that Harris’s dad is here to pick him up early, but he’s too busy pacing back and forth to eavesdrop for a response.
All he can think about is how it would feel to sign those papers, basically admitting defeat. Admitting that he couldn’t handle fatherhood. Just because he stepped up when Harris’s mom wasn’t able to be a parent didn’t mean he was a good dad. It just meant he stuck around.
Maybe his presence in Harris’s life was doing more harm than good.
“Mr. Munson?” Your voice draws him out of his rumination. You’re holding a now-empty Tupperware that once contained a salad; dressing smeared on the inside, and your eyes hold nothing but concern. Nothing in your body language demonstrates any sort of contempt, and Eddie has to wonder how bad he looks for you to not hate him, even briefly. “Is everything okay?”
It’s then that he realizes that his lip is bleeding from biting it so hard, and his cheeks are wet with tears.
“Don’t you have a classroom of kids to watch?” he sneers, watching as you wince. “Really vying for that Teacher of the Year spot, aren’t ya?”
“It’s my lunch break…” you start before realizing that you have no need to defend yourself to him. “Why are you so mean to me?” You keep your tone as hushed as possible, not wanting to attract any unwanted listeners. “Seriously, what did I do to you?”
“Besides ruin my life?”
You scoff incredulously, annoyance creeping back into your posture. For some reason, this bothers Eddie less than seeing you worried about him. “What are you talking about?”
“Your little gossip session with Jeff?” he spits back. “The one where you told him I called you a frigid bitch? Or maybe the one where you painted me to be some asswipe womanizer all because I didn’t call you?” He rakes his fingers through his long brown curls. “I have no one now; are you happy? Christ, you’ve lived in this goddamn town for two minutes and you’ve managed to turn my best friends against me.”
“I didn’t do shit,” you fume, whispering the last word in case children are passing by. “I told Jess, and I didn’t know she was at her sister’s place. And the only reason Jeff even knew about our night together was because I needed a ride after you basically kicked me out of your apartment.”
“You weren’t supposed to sleep over,” he murmurs so softly, you can barely hear him. 
“Why not? What would’ve been so bad about that?”
He doesn’t have the chance to answer–or come up with a half-hearted excuse–before Harris is flinging himself into his legs, wrapping his arms around his waist in a tight hug. “Daddy! Mr. Will said I’m going home, but none of my friends are going home.”
Eddie scoops up his son, resting him on his hip. “That’s because you and I are having a super-special, super-secret Daddy-Son Day at the zoo!” he whispers in his ear, and Harris beams in response. Eddie’s own father never took him out of school and brought him on fun outings. The only time he got out early was when they were on the run from the cops or evading an eviction notice over unpaid rent. Zoo trips? Unheard of. So there, Wayne.
“Have fun!” you chirp, swallowing your anger for Harris’s sake, and for your own. “I can’t wait to hear all about it, Harris.” You rub his back gently and walk back to your classroom. Like most of your encounters with Eddie Munson, you leave with more questions than answers.
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“Daddy, look at that!” Harris shouts happily, pointing to a flamingo stretching and flapping its pink wings. “Look how fluffy it is!”
Eddie squints in the sun to get a better view. “Yeah,” he agrees with a laugh, squeezing Harris’s hand. “Fluffy like a teddy bear.”
Harris frowns, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “No, Daddy. That’s a bird, not a bear.”
“You’re right,” Eddie says, trying to hold back his laughter. “You’re really learnin’ a lot in school, huh?”
“Mhm,” Harris says, leading his dad to the next exhibit. A hippo pops its head out of the water and glances around curiously before lowering back down. “Ms. Sweetheart is the bestest teacher ever! She sings songs, an’ reads to us, an’ she’s even helping me write my name!”
At the mention of your inadvertent nickname, Eddie’s jaw clenches. It’s my own stupid fault for bringing up school, he thinks bitterly, but brushes past it. “Are you having fun on our Daddy-Son Day?”
“Most fun ever!” Harris jumps up and down with each syllable. “Did you and Grampa Wayne do Daddy-Son days?”
Eddie shakes his head. “Har, remember? Grampa Wayne is actually my uncle, not my dad.”
“Oh, yeah,” Harris says, slowing his pace slightly. “But he was kinda like your dad, right? He took care of you like he’s your dad?”
“Y-Yeah,” Eddie nods. “Yeah, he took care of me like a dad.”
“Where is your dad? Why didn’t he take care of you?”
“He, um, he couldn’t,” Eddie offers lamely. “He didn’t know how to be a dad. So Grampa Wayne decided to raise me.” As he says the words, he feels sick. He’s tried so hard not to be like his old man–his biological one–and yet he’d basically become a carbon copy. Just a guy in way over his head, failing to be the man his son needed him to be. “You know I love you, right?”
“I know,” Harris chirps happily. “Daddy?”
“Can we go see the penguins now?”
“Sure thing, bud.”
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On the way back from the zoo, with Harris nodding off in the backseat after the self-proclaimed “best day of his life,” Eddie pulls into the record store parking lot. It’s changed quite a bit since his younger years, but the music selection is still the best this town has to offer. He peruses their metal section, a snoozing Harris resting his cheek against his chest. Plucking a few cassettes from the bin, he places them on the counter and digs into his back pocket for his wallet. A handwritten HELP WANTED sign catches his eye.
“You guys hiring?” he asks the bored teenager behind the register.
“Yup,” comes the monotone reply, not making eye contact as he rings up the tapes.
Eddie waits a beat before continuing. “Is there an application or something?” The cashier pulls a sheet of paper from behind the sign and hands it to him. “Cool. I’ll drop it off tomorrow.” Eddie takes the bag of cassettes and shuffles back towards the car.
The application feels like it’s staring at him from where he’s set it on the passenger seat. The idea of being a minimum wage employee makes him cringe; it’ll probably take him weeks to earn what he makes in a day for Rick. He glances in the rearview mirror at his peacefully sleeping son.
“Only for you, Har-Bear.”
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bbrissonn · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐰 - 𝐥𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬
in which luke realizes he's fallen for his brother's best friend's little sister
warnings: not proofread
disclaimer: english is not my first language so excuse any mistakes. also, this is a work of fictions, this doesn't reflect how these boys act in real life :)
pairing: luke hughes x zegras!reader
wc: 2.06k
previous masterlist next
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Luke let out a soft grunt as his body hit his mattress, his energy drained from their two games on Friday and Saturday night, which they had both won. So, the seniors had decided a party was to take place on Sunday, from sun up to sun down, something the Hughes boys hated. 
He wasn’t a big partyer, sure he liked going out every once in a while, drink a little here and there, but big scene with a bunch of strangers, drunk strangers wasn’t somethign he enjoyed. He tried to find some positive to the day he just had, but he couldn’t find any. He hadn’t even drank half a beer, having to make sure his friends didn’t do anything that would get them in trouble. 
He was more than ready to call it a day and end to bed, he had successfully put all of his roommates to sleep, meaning there was nothing stopping him from falling asleep. He quickly changed into something more comfortable before hiding under his blanket, checking his phone one last time. Just as he was about to put his phone down, a notification came in. 
He groaned a bit before checking it, hoping it wasn’t one of the freshman asking him to come help them back to their dorms, or anything important really. Instead, he was meet with a text from you, a short and simple one. 
hey lulu, you seemed a bit stressed tonight and i didn’t want to bother you, hope duker wasn’t too much of a hassle to put to bed. just wanted to say you played amazing this weekend :) 
sleep well, you deserve it <3
The youngest Hughes couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face as his fingers moved across his phone screen, his index hovering over the send button, wondering if this was a good idea or not. 
hi y/n/n, surprisingly duker was the easiest to put to bed, can’t say the same for eddy though… thank you, and i will especially after today. i know you have an early class tomorrow, but maybe we could get lunch after? on me
The boy didn’t understand why he felt nervous when he sent the text, the two of you get lunch together pretty much every single week, this wouldn’t be any different. So why was he feeling the way he was? 
i’d love to! only if i get to pick the place though
when have i not let you pick the place? 
never because you’re a smart man :D
exactly, night y/n/n
night lulu, see you tomorrow xx
And there it was again, that weird little feeling in the pit of his stomach, one he had been feeling way too many times in past week whenever he’d talk to you. Luke truly didn’t understand what that feeling was, or why it appeared every time you were around or when you would text or call him, but he loved it. He was addicted to it. 
The same feeling came back the next morning as he saw you walking towards his car, talking with one of your friends that was in your class. A smile creeped it’s way onto his face as you bid your goodbyes to your friend before joining Luke in his car, sending him a wide smile. 
“Hey, Lu.” You said as you buckled up, the boy’s eyes never leaving your figure until your eyes met his. 
“Hi.” He whispered with a smile before snapping back to his normal self, turning the car on and driving off towards your favourite place to eat lunch in the area. It was a small little cafe, one you wouldn’t even know existed if it wasn’t for one of your friends working there. Said friend had brought back a leftover chicken wrap she had as dinner one night, and you grew obsessed with them. 
“You know me so well, Hughes.” You mumbled with a wide grin as he pulled into a parking spot, chuckling a bit at your expression. 
“It’s not like you pretty much force me to eat here every week.” The boy answered, his tone light and teasing making you roll your eyes with a smile. 
“Shut up.” You told him before getting out of the car and making your way into the place, Luke following closely behind you. 
A couple of minutes later, your food arrived, it wasn’t noon yet, meaning there was barely anyone inside, something you loved because it meant your food would arrive quicker. You then started telling Luke about what had happened in your life during the weekend, barely ever letting the boy speak, but he didn’t mind. The sound of your voice was something he loved, the way you would invest into your storytelling leaving him in awn. 
Once again, that feeling in the pit of his stomach came back as your laugh echoed in his ears, your beautiful smile staring at him as all your attention was focused on him, and him only. You were quite the talkative person, always finding a group of people at a party to talk the night away, much like your older brother, and Luke was total opposite, choosing to stay with his teammates at every party. So, whenever your full attention was on him, it made him feel so special. 
He was the only that mattered to you in this moment, your whole mind and spirit were only thinking about him. Just like you had his whole attention, you always did. Whenever the two of you were in the same room, you were all Luke could think about, always letting his eyes drift towards you, finding you easily even in a crowded room. 
“Luke? Luke, are you listening?” He heard your voice ask making him blink a couple of times. Your eyes were looking into his with such worry, he loved it. 
“Yeah, yeah, ‘m listening.” He answered, his voice low as he scratched the back of his neck, clearing his throat slightly. Thankfully, you didn’t ask anymore questions, instead continuing your story, Luke letting out a quick sigh when you did. He relaxed in his seat, paying full attention to what you were saying, realization settling into him. 
He was in deep shit. 
“What’s up with you?” Ethan asked later that night as all the sophomores were sitting in the couches in their living room, Luke quiet than he usually was. The question made the other three boys look over at the youngest one in the room, a slight red colour appearing on Luke’s cheeks. 
“Nothing.” He answered, trying his best to ignore the looks his best friends were giving him. 
“Bullshit.” Dylan called out, pausing the hockey game that was currently playing on their TV, none of them paying attention to it anymore. Luke bit his lips for a moment, debating wether he should tell them about his new found feelings for you, or stay quiet. Knowing his best friends, especially Duker, Trevor would find out in probably less than a week, so option two it was. 
“I don’t wanna talk ‘bout it.” He mumbled, Mackie rolling his eyes at his answer. 
“Boo hoo, whore. Tell us.” The boy said, making the other three chuckle slightly, but nodding their heads at the same time. 
“If I tell you, you can’t tell anyone.” Luke started, his friends laughing between them, only making the youngest one angry. “I am serious! You can’t tell another soul about this, or I will murder all of you.” 
“We won’t, chill.” Mark said, the others nodding along with him. Luke took a large sip of his beer, his roommates all watching him until he spoke again. 
“I think I am in love with Y/N/N.” The boy admitted out loud for the first time, and gosh did it feel weird. He was in love with his brother’s best friend’s little sister. He knew Jack probably wouldn’t have a problem with them dating, but Trevor, yeah that would be another story. 
“You just realized?” The other New Jersey pick laughed, the others boys doing the same. A tint of red grew on Luke’s cheeks again, this one darker and more noticeable than before. 
“I think you’re the last one to realize that, buddy.” 
“You just realized?” 
“It’s like the more obvious thing, Hughesy.” They all teased, not making the boy in question feel any better than he already did. He just put himself in the worst position possible, the memory of Trevor introducing you to him, clearly stating that you were off limits to the boy and to never get any ideas. Of course back then, Luke just shrugged it off, after all he was fourteen, the last thing he was thinking about was a relationship, but now, now it was totally different. 
He wanted you, needed you, to be his. He’d do anything for you, if it meant you could be his forever, something he had never felt before. He’s had a couple of girlfriends and flings in the past, but this was a new feeling, stronger than he’s ever felt before. But he could never tell you about this, never, it would ruin your friendship, Trevor would hate him, then Jack and Trevor’s friendship would be all messed up because of it, and it’d all be because of his. He couldn’t. 
“So, when are you gonna tell her?” Dylan asked from besides him, bring the boy out of his thought. Luke furred his brow slightly before answering the Duke boy. 
“Never. It’d ruin everything.” He explained, scoffs being heard in the living room. 
“Trust me, Lukey, if you were to call her right now and ask her on a date, she’d say yes. The girl’s like head over heels for you, it’s so obvious it hurts.” Mackie said, everyone else agreeing with him. 
“Z would kill me, than Jack’s gonna get pissed at me, too risky.” 
“God, you’re the biggest idiot out there.” Dylan mumbled before pressing play on the remote, the sound of the commentators being the only noise in the room. 
Luke didn’t pay attention to the rest of the game, his whole mind being focused on you. What were you doing at this moment? Were you thinking about him like he was thinking about you? Would you go on a date with him? Did you love him the same way he loved you? Or were you in the arms of another boy? Having a girls night with your friends, him being the last thing on his mind? He needed to know. 
The Hughes boy left the living right before the third period started, his finger hovering over your contact. He shouldn’t. But he did it anyways, the sound of the phone ringing soon echoing in his ear as he bit his nails nervously. Only for him to be met with the sound of your voicemail, crushing his spirit a little. He tried his best not to let it bother him, instead deciding to watch a show, when he received a text only a minute later. 
hi lulu, it’s sibling night, i’ll call you when we’re done facetiming :)) 
A sigh of relief left his mouth, monday nights were always siblings night, how he could he forget that. They started back when Trevor left for the NTDP, at first it would be you, Griffin and Ava all together, and then eventually you were all in different places over the country. You had made it very clear to Luke that no plans could ever be made on Monday nights because of it. 
The boy felt a lot more at ease now, relaxing in his bed as his show played. And the moment he heard his ringtone and your contact popping up on his phone, a wide smile grew on his face. He sat up in his bed, clearing his throat slightly before answering the call. 
“Hi, you. What’s up?” You asked, the sound of your voice only making the boy smile even more. 
“I just, uh… Do you wanna go on a date with me?” He asked starighforeward, bitting his lips after, scared of your answer. You stayed quiet for a while, making the boy even more nervous than he already was. 
“I’d love to, Lu.”
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bingwriterxo · 1 year
the shakespeare exhibit - part 6
pairing: tara carpenter x reader
summary: in which you invite tara over for dinner
warnings: smut, 18+ (minors DNI), fingering, cunnilingus
word count: 3600+
author's note: one of the longest pieces i've ever posted...
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Chad (4:10pm): wtm tn bois
Mindy (4:11pm): movie night @ t's place?
Anika (4:11pm): down
Ethan (4:12pm): sounds good! i'll bring snacks! :D
Tara (4:12pm): yea just invite urselves over why dont u
Tara looked up from her phone, glaring at Mindy from across the living room. "Who says I'm free tonight?"
Mindy scoffed. "Please. We all know Y/N has been visiting her parents this weekend because you won't stop whining about how much you miss her, and who else do you hang out with?"
"I do not whine!" Right? Tara thought. Right. "And I have other friends!"
"Oh yeah?" Mindy raised an eyebrow. "Who? Name them right now."
"Uh..." Tara furrowed her eyebrows. Does Sam count? "Oh! Quinn, obviously."
"She doesn't count! She's friends with all of us!" Mindy chuckled, shaking her head. "Face it, T--you've got us and you've got Y/N, and with Y/N gone, we all know you're not doing jack shit tonight."
Tara huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "I fucking hate you."
"Don't hate the player," Mindy said, holding her hands up in surrender. "Hate the game."
"Oh, I'll hate the player, because the player's a pain in my ass--" The rapid vibrating of her phone cut her off and she glanced down, eyes widening at your contact name showing on her screen. She scrambled to pick it up, nearly declining the call as she held it to her ear. "Hey, baby!"
Mindy pretended to gag herself with her finger at Tara's words, and the brunette flipped her off.
"Hi, Tar," you said, and Tara could hear your smile. "What're you up to?"
"Just hanging out with the biggest pain in my ass."
You giggled. Tara grinned at the sound. "Say 'hi' to Mindy for me, then."
"Definitely won't do that."
There was some shuffling before you asked, "What're you doing tonight?"
Tara hummed. "Tonight? Oh, nothing important." She stuck her tongue out at Mindy, who gave her middle fingers with both of her hands. "Why?"
"I'm back early from my parents' house. Nate and Eddie were way too much for me to handle this weekend." You chuckled. "Nate's got the lead role in the school play, and you'll never guess what they're doing."
"Some sort of Shakespeare?" she asked, knowing of your younger brother's own love for the playwright.
"Yup! They're making it PG-rated, obviously, but he's running around only talking in Early Modern English and I just couldn't take it anymore." God help me on the day that I meet this kid, Tara thought. "And then Eddie, well, he's going fucking insane from it, so he was off the walls, and--" You sighed. "That's not what I was calling for."
She laughed. "What's up, then?"
"Do you want to come over tonight? I can cook your favorite!" Tara was barely given the chance to respond when you added, "And I miss you."
This fucking girl. She blushed, turning her face so that Mindy couldn't see."I miss you, too, babe. And yeah, I'll come over tonight."
Mindy whipped her head toward her. "What about movie night?"
Tara waved her off, but you had overheard the other girl. "Oh, if you're busy tonight, then--"
"No!" Tara exclaimed. Stupid Mindy. Trying to ruin my plans. "No, it's fine. There will be other movie nights."
"We could just have dinner tomorrow night, baby," you said. "I don't want to pull you away from your friends."
She shook her head even though you couldn't see it. "They'll be okay without me for one night. When should I come?"
There was a pause. Tara guessed that you were looking at the time. "Is seven o'clock good? I just need to run and grab some things first, and shower, because I'm kind of greasy." There was a little shuffling. "I don't know what it is about those boys, but every time I come back from my parents' place, I'm always, like, gross."
Tara giggled. "Seven's perfect. I'll see you then."
"Okay, cool! Bye, Tar."
"Bye, babe." I love you, she thought, but she didn't dare say it. I can't. It's too soon.
Her phone clicked as you hung up, and she pulled it away from her ear, turning to Mindy. "I won't be here tonight."
Mindy stared at her like she was stupid. "Yeah. I got that. Can we still use your apartment for movie night, though? I don't even want to try fitting everyone on my bed again."
Tara rolled her eyes. "Sure. I think Sam's staying at Danny's tonight, so just don't wreck the place."
Mindy hummed. "Hey, have you guys said 'I love you' yet?"
Tara blushed, warmth rising from her collarbones to her ears. "No."
"Do you want to?"
So badly, Tara wanted to say. "What's with all the questions?" she asked instead.
Mindy shrugged. "I'm just wondering. I mean, you told her about what happened last year, right?" Tara nodded. "And she responded well, right?" Another nod. "Why haven't you said it yet?"
"Have you ever thought about the fact that I might not love her yet?" Lie. Lie. Lie!
Mindy scoffed. "Don't lie to me. Everyone sees how you act around her, and how you look at her, and we all hear how you talk about her, and--"
"Shut up."
"So, why haven't you said it?"
Tara sighed. "We've barely been dating a month, Minds." Though it's already felt like a lifetime.
"Okay, and...?" Mindy cocked her head. "Anika and I were dating for, like, two weeks when we said it." She stood from the armchair and moved onto the couch, laying Tara's feet over her lap. "Y/N already knows everything about you--or, at least, you know, the stuff that might scare someone away--and she's still here. Don't you think that means she probably loves you back?"
"You're not who I want to be having this conversation with," Tara grumbled.
"First of all, rude. Secondly, would you rather Chad? Or maybe Sam, or Quinn, or--"
Tara threw her arms out. "Okay! I get it. You're the most plausible one to talk to about this." She covered her face with her hands, groaning. "I just--I don't want to freak her out." She looked at Mindy. "I mean, she's dated people, but she's never really been in a serious relationship like this, and I don't want to rush her."
Mindy furrowed her eyebrows. "She got you for her first girlfriend? Poor sucker."
I hate her. I really do. "This is why I don't want to talk to you about this!"
"Sorry, sorry," Mindy rushed out, patting Tara's ankles. "I'll be nice. Do you think there's any other reason you might not be ready to tell her?"
"Like what?"
Tara clenched her jaw and shook her head. No, she thought. No, definitely not. "Mindy--"
"I'm just saying." Mindy shrugged. "Amber was your best friend, and she's the first girl you ever fell in love with. She may have been a psychopathic murderer, but that's not someone who's easy to get over. Could you...still love her?"
"No." Tara shut her eyes, hard. "No, I don't still love Amber." Her voice was shaking; she could feel the tears behind her eyelids just from talking about the girl. "I miss her, sometimes, and then I remember that she literally tried to kill me." Her eyes shot open and she gestured to Mindy. "She tried to kill you, too."
"I know, T, but--"
Tara shook her head. "There are no 'buts'. I don't love Amber anymore." I only love Y/N. Her heart fluttered at the mere thought of you.
Mindy narrowed her eyes. "So, it really is just the time?"
"Yeah," Tara said. "I'm gonna wait until I know she's ready."
"You're so whipped, dude." Mindy grinned.
"You're the worst."
* * *
"Hey, Carmine," Tara greeted as she walked up to your doorman. She had become friendly with the man over the past few weeks, since, more often than not, the two of you hung out at your place rather than hers.
"Miss Carpenter," he said, nodding. "Miss Y/L/N ran through here about an hour ago looking a bit...disheveled."
Tara chuckled. "Yeah, well, you know our girl."
He hummed and gestured toward the door. "After you."
"I'll see you on my way out," she said, lamely saluting him. Why the fuck did I just do that? she thought. However, he quelled her anxieties quickly as he saluted back to her before turning away, his attention focused on some random man walking up to the door. Okay, Carmine. You're officially cool.
Tara made her way into the building and up to your apartment, knocking on your front door when she finally arrived. She patted down her hair and straightened out her clothes, making sure she looked perfectly presentable, and beamed up at you when the door opened.
Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open as she looked at you. You were wearing a sheer, white button down, your black bralette visible beneath it, and your pants were...well, they hugged you nicely. Girlfriend looks hot. Might explode. "I didn't realize we were dressing nice," she said, gulping.
You glanced down at yourself with a blush before looking back at her with a shy smile. "Just thought it might be fun," you mumbled.
She nodded. "You look..." Pretty. Say pretty. "Hot." Damn it, Tara. You're too gay for this bullshit.
"Thanks." You opened the door wider. Tara stepped inside, giving you a quick kiss. "You're not too bad yourself," you said, grinning.
Tara, for as much as she wanted to say she knew you, had not been expecting what you had set up inside your apartment. The lights were dimmed, there were rose petals on the floor, and the table was set with a candelabra in the middle (which she knew you had never used before because it was centuries old).
She turned to look at you. "I--You--What?"
"I originally wanted to take you out to a nice restaurant tonight, but I couldn't get a reservation anywhere." You shrugged and gestured to the room. "So, I had to make do."
"It's not an important date, is it?" No, not our one month. It's November, so it's not Valentine's day.
You shook your head. "No. I just wanted to do something a little more special tonight." You bit your lip. "Is it okay? I mean, I could turn on the lights and vacuum up the petals, and we could just order pizza or something if you wan--"
"It's perfect." She's perfect, Tara thought. Absolutely perfect in every way, and I love her.
You sighed with relief. "Oh, good, because the rose petals were kind of expensive." You placed your hand on the small of her back and led her to the table, pulling out her seat for her. "Sit. I'll get the food."
Is this real life? Did she actually set up a romantic dinner and is now bringing me food? This is--I'm dreaming, aren't I? Tara blinked as though to wake herself up, but she was still in your kitchen when she opened her eyes. Nope, not a dream. How did I get someone so perfect?
You returned with two plates of food in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. You placed a plate down in front of Tara and one in front of your own seat before waving the bottle at her.
"My parents sent me two bottles of that '61 Merlot I gave Sam, so I thought we could have it tonight," you said, pouring her a glass. You stopped suddenly, freezing. "Wait, do you like wine? I have, uh, water, too, if that's better?"
Tara chuckled. "Wine's fine. Thank you, baby."You nodded and continued to pour before giving yourself a glass as well. You set the wine down next to the candelabra and then sat, smiling at her.
"I hope you like it," you said, pointing at the food. "I'm not the best cook. We grew up with private chefs, so neither of my parents taught me to cook, either, but I tried my best, and--"
Tara ate a mouthful of the pasta you had set in front of her, and her taste buds exploded. Her eyes widened as she moaned at the taste, and you gulped, watching her. "This is amazing!" she said, her voice somewhat muffled from the food. "Holy shit, Y/N." She can cook! Thank god, 'cause I'm horrible at it.
"Really? Oh, perfect. I was nervous I'd actually have to end up just ordering us a pizza," you said, starting to eat.
Tara hummed and reached for her glass. "You need to teach me how you did this one day."
You nodded. "Sure! Any time. It was pretty easy, actually."
She took a sip of the wine, smiling at the taste of it. Jesus, I can tell this was expensive. "This is also amazing. Thank your parents for me, would you?"
"Sure, Tar." You grinned. "They asked about you, actually."
What. "Oh?" No fucking way.
"They wanted to know if you were also into literature like I am, to which I said no, of course, and I think my mom was actually a bit happy to hear it." You chuckled. "The literature comes from my dad's side, mainly. She's...not stoked about it."
"I think your mom and I are going to get along great, then," Tara giggled.
"They wanted to know when they could meet you, actually," you said, glancing up at her sheepishly. Her eyes widened. "I know we haven't been dating long, but they want to meet the woman that has their daughter 'so captivated', as my dad put it."
"Captivated, huh? I'm sure they meant they want to meet whoever turned their daughter into such a simp," she teased.
You glanced down, blushing. "We're not starting this tonight."
"If you would just admit you're a simp for me, then I'd never bring it up again." Her voice was soft as she stared at you. She looks so pretty in the candlelight.
"I'll never admit that, since it's just not true," you said, looking up. "But I will admit that...I'm in love with you."
A shiver ran through Tara at your words, butterflies stirring in her stomach. She loves me, she thought. She loves me back. "I--"
"You don't have to say it back," you started. "I know it's kind of soon, but I just...I wanted to say it." You inhaled deeply. "I love you, Tara."
Say it, you idiot. Say it. "Y/N," she breathed out. She stood and crossed the length of the table, pulling your seat out from beneath it so that she could stand in front of you. She grinned down at you. "I love you, too."
Tara leaned down and kissed you with as much passion as she could. She tried to pour every ounce of what she felt for you into the kiss, and she smiled against your lips when you stood up, never breaking contact once. You wrapped your arms around her waist, pulling her into you.
"You love me," you said when you pulled back just enough to speak, your breath brushing over her lips.
"I do." I really do. More than you know. Her hands found the back of your neck as she leaned up to kiss you again, her tongue swiping over your bottom lip. Your hold on her tightened. She never wanted you to let go.
You whispered, "Is this...I mean, should we--"
"Bedroom?" Tara asked. You nodded slowly. "Yes, please."
You giggled as you took Tara's hand, leading her to your bedroom. There was nothing fancy happening there--no rose petals or candles or dimmed lights--but she didn't care. She liked knowing that you hadn't planned to sleep with her, that you were doing all of this simply because you loved her.
She shut the door behind her as you sat on your bed, waiting patiently. Perfect. Painstakingly perfect. She climbed onto your lap, straddling your legs, and kissed you again. This time, it was less slow and calculated; it was filled with more want, with more lust.
You nipped at her bottom lip, and she whimpered, her hips rising a little and brushing against you. You grinned, hands slipping beneath her shirt and holding her by the waist, your thumbs rubbing over her bare skin.
She shivered, pulling away. "You're--This all okay, right?" she asked. You nodded, and she leaned in to kiss you again before pausing, her eyes catching on something across the room. You furrowed your eyebrows at her, turning around to see what she was looking at. "Sorry. I need to..."
Tara stood and crossed the room, turning the statue bust of Shakespeare around so that he was facing the corner. Much better, she thought. I don't need Mr. Shakespeare watching me have sex.
"Oh," you said, laughing. "I didn't realize he'd bother you."
She frowned as she walked back to you, settling in your lap again, your hands retaking the position they had. "I didn't want him watching."
"I'm sure Shakespeare has seen worse things."
"Oh, shush. You're making me feel silly now."
You leaned up and kissed her. "It's a little silly."
"Whatever." She pressed her lips against yours again, silencing your teasing. Her tongue ran over your bottom lip and you gasped, allowing her the entry she so desperately desired.
You kissed for a moment more before she was dipping down, her lips dancing across your jawline, up to the little spot below your ear, and then down your neck. Her mouth was hot and warm against your skin, leaving you whining beneath her. I can do better than whines, she thought as she nipped at your pulse point. You moaned, your hand flying to her scalp when she sucked against the skin, sure to leave a pretty mark.
Her hands busied themselves with the buttons of your shirt, fingers fumbling in her haste. Stupid buttons. I hate buttons. Why do buttons even exist-- Your shirt fell open and she pulled back, gulping at the sight of you.
You were breathing heavily, your hair was mussed, the hickey on your neck was a magnificent red, and you were staring at her with half-lidded eyes.
"Jesus, you're beautiful," Tara mumbled. You turned pink at her words, looking away shyly. She cupped your jaw and softly pushed your head back to look at her. "Really, Y/N. You are."
"Thank you, baby," you said.
How can she be so cute yet so hot at the same time? Tara took your shirt off, leaving you in just your bralette, and pushed at your chest lightly. You laid back, your head on your pillows as you looked up at her, watching, waiting.
She leaned down, pressing open-mouthed kisses to the skin of your chest, and giggled when she felt your hips buck up. "Impatient," she muttered.
"Leave me alone," you grumbled above her.
She climbed off you, fingers working at the button of your pants. "Next time we do this, can you just wear a t-shirt and sweats? It'll make things a lot easier for me," she joked.
You raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Next time?"
Tara huffed, the button finally coming undone, and she helped you out of your pants, pulling your underwear down with them. "Yes. Next time." She threw your pants somewhere behind her and hovered over you. "Unless you find me to be...unsatisfactory," she whispered, voice low.
You gulped. "M'sure that won't be the case."
She kissed you again before moving downward, planting kisses along your skin and creating marks on the plane of your stomach, until she settled between your legs. "You're dripping," she breathed out, and you whimpered at the air against you.
"Please, Tar," you whined, hips bucking ever so slightly. "Need you, baby."
She nodded, dipping down and licking a stripe through your folds, groaning at your taste. You moaned, the sound raw as it left your mouth, and Tara grinned. Beautiful, she thought as her tongue continued to explore you. Sounds so pretty.
She wrapped her lips around your clit, and she swore that the noise you made was the closest to heaven she'd ever get. She sucked lightly, then a little harder when your hand gripped her hair, pushing her against you.
"Fuck, Tar," you groaned. "Feels so good, baby."
She brought her hand up, slipped a finger into you, and hummed at the feel of your walls tight around her. Her tongue kept circling your clit, lips sucking at it, as she thrusted into you gently.
It didn't take long until you were writhing beneath her, the only sounds coming out of your mouth being broken moans and whines of her name.
"M'gonna cum," you whimpered.
Fuck yeah. She sucked harder, and you fell over the edge, crying out her name as your walls squeezed her. Your back arched, Tara following the curve with her eyes, before you lamely pushed at her shoulders. She pulled away and climbed up your body, grinning at the sight of your flushed face and closed eyes before kissing you softly.
"How was that?" she asked.
"Embarrassingly quick," you said, opening your eyes to look at her.
She giggled. "I'm good at what I do."
You hummed, hands finding her waist and flipping the two of you over. "Now let me show you that I'm good at what I do."
It was a whirlwind of color as you undressed her, and Tara barely got a word out before your lips were around her nipple, sucking at the hardened bud. She gasped, your mouth wet on her, and felt your fingers at her entrance.
"You thought I was dripping?" you teased.
"Shut up--" She moaned as you slipped a finger into her. Fuck, she thought. Long fingers.
You kissed her, lips pushed against her hard, before dipping down to her neck, sucking and kissing and licking while your finger worked at her, your thumb circling her clit.
Her mind was hazy and focused only on the way your finger curled against her just right. You slipped another one in, and she swore she saw stars.
Jesus, already? she thought briefly at the feeling of a pleasant knot tightening in her stomach. You mumbled something against her neck, but she wasn't paying any attention.
It only took one, two, three more thrusts before she was unraveling beneath you, a shuddering breath pushing past her lips as she came. You worked her through her orgasm, slipping out when she came down, and she pulled you into her, kissing you gently.
"I love you," you whispered.
She grinned. "I love you, too."
A moment passed before you asked, "Do you think I could turn my Shakespeare back around now?"
She's dead serious, isn't she? Tara rolled her eyes lightly and kissed you between your eyebrows. "Let me put my clothes back on."
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sunflowergirl522 · 1 year
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: you’re in Hawkins for the summer and you bite to show affection.
Word Count: 6109
Eddie Masterlist
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You and Eddie have been dating for a while now. You went to a gig his band had and the two of you hit it off immediately. But living a few towns over from Hawkins and being in college you never got much of a chance to see him. So your relationship was mainly through the phone and letters. He’d drive over to your place every once in a while staying for a night or for the weekend but everytime you brought up going to see him he turned the thought down immediately. He was always quick to clarify that it wasn’t because he was seeing other girls or anything he just didn’t want it distracting you from your studies. You knew that though, when he was with you he’d make sure you studied even if you didn’t have a test and that you did your assignments awarding each section you did with a kiss, oftentimes more. But now it’s summer break and you’re on your way to spend a whole week in the Munson trailer.
“Why’re you so distracted today?” Max brings Eddie’s attention away from his trailer back to her as she bounces a soccer ball on her feet in front of him.
“I’m not distracted.” He rests his elbows on his knees as he leans forward.
“Then what was I saying?”
“Uh, something about Lucas’s latest fuck up.” He knows he’s wrong with his guess when she bursts into laughter.
“Dude what’s going on with you today? That wasn’t even close to being right.” She sits on the picnic table next to him. 
“Y/n’s coming to stay for the week.” Max is really the only one out of the group that he talks to about you. They all know about you of course but he likes to keep you to himself so he doesn’t bring you up that much and he’s vague when they ask about you. But since Max is like the little sister he never knew he wanted he couldn’t ever seem to shut up about you when the two of them were together.
“Oh shit that’s this week?” She’s excited to meet you but at the news that you’ll be here today her stomach twists into knots. She’d never admit it to anyone, ever, but she’s anxious about if you’ll like her or not. And she desperately wants you to because Eddie’s the big brother she always wished she could’ve had in Billy and he’s always going on about how he’s gonna marry you someday. Max would love to have you fill in the older sister she never in a million years would’ve thought she could have.
“Yeah.” The smile on Eddie’s face calms her nerves a bit, happy to see him so happy. “I don’t know when she’s gonna get here though we didn’t talk about that last night.”
“It’s still early.” She offers up with a shrug but just as she finishes talking a car with muffled music blasting pulls in next to Eddie’s van in front of the trailer. The door opens and Eddie’s face lights up like the fourth of July as you step out, closing the door with a quick shove before looking up and locking eyes with him.
“Eddie!” He’s up and catching you in his arms before Max even realizes you’re running over. You’re in his arms for all of two minutes before you turn your head to bite into his bicep causing him to laugh.
“I can’t believe you’re here, Bats.” 
“Me either, I almost got lost on my way.” You huff at the nickname before speaking. You were fine with it, thought it was cute even, until he told you about how he got the scars littering his body. ‘I can’t help it if you’re my vampire bat’ is his response when you bring up him not calling you it anymore. “I can’t wait to finally meet Wayne and everyone else.” Eddie talked about his friends a decent amount during calls and when he visited you and you’ve talked to Wayne on the phone a few times when he picked up instead of Eddie.
“Speaking of meeting everyone.” He steps back and over to reveal Max, his hand going to hold your own. “This is-”
“You must be Max!” You interrupt him knowing exactly who’s sitting in front of you. You’re all smiles and excitement that it completely erases her nerves for now and she couldn’t stop herself from matching your vibe if she wanted to.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you. He goes on and on about you so often that I feel like I know everything about you!” She gets up to stand in front of you and her words somehow make your smile bigger. You squeeze his hand needing a way to let out all of the love that’s boiling over inside of you.
“Well Eddie absolutely raves about you! Talks about you the most out of everyone so much so that’s it’s crazy to think the two of you aren’t actually related.” You had even thought she was his sister for the longest time before asking him one day when he mentioned going to her place. Something that he had stumbled over his answer because no not really but also yes because that’s exactly how he sees her.
“He does, does he?” She doesn’t let it show just how much that means to her as she looks over at him with a smirk on her face.
“Now Red don’t go blabbing that to everyone, Dustin will never let it go.” He steps forward and brings you into his side wanting more contact with you, still not completely believing that you’re here in Hawkins with him. “Do you have a lot to unpack baby?”
“No, I just have my duffel and backpack.”
“Wanna get all situated and comfortable in the trailer then?”
“But I’ve barely met Max.”
“Max can come with us if she wants, I’ll make some lunch and we can watch a movie or something. You hungry?” You only start to nod before he starts to pull you back to the trailer. “C’mon Red, the lady requests your presence.”
“I really like Max.” You say to Eddie later that night when you’re cuddling into his chest in bed. You absolutely adore her just like you knew you would.
“Good.” He kisses the top of your head before smiling up at the ceiling. He was beyond ecstatic to have you in his arms again.
“I get to meet Wayne tomorrow right?” He was working a late shift tonight but Eddie insisted that you’d be able to see him then instead of staying up all night for it.
“Yeah, he’s off tomorrow so don’t worry about missing him.”
“Okay.” You prop yourself up on your arm then body hoving above his own. “What about everyone else? When do I get to meet them?”
“Well normally I’d be going to movie night tomorrow but I think I’m gonna keep you all to myself a little bit longer.” He pulls you back down on top of him as he speaks causing you to let out a squeal and some giggles.
“No, let’s go to movie night, it'll be fun. You get to have me all to yourself the day after when you show me around.” 
“You really want to go meet everyone that badly?” Eddie’s eyes are shining as he makes eye contact with you as you place your forehead on his.
“More than anything.”
“Then I guess we can go.” He sighs out like it’s going to be the most painful thing in the world for him. You nip the tip of his nose, getting the urge to out of nowhere and his already playful eyes get a new glint in them. “Oh so that’s how it’s gonna be Bats?” He’s quick to flip you over, straddling your hips. “I give in to your begging and you bite me. How is that fair?” His hands are working into your sides before he finishes talking earning him screeching laughter in return.
“Eddie! Stop!” You gasp out the words and he pauses his ministrations just long enough for you to catch your breath and for him to slide his hands up your, his, shirt.
“What do I get if I stop?” His tone is both playful and menacing at the same time in a way that lets you know if whatever you say isn’t good enough he’ll keep going.
“I’ll give you a kiss.” He hums mock thinking about your offer, his hands roaming up and down your waist bathing in the feel of your skin on his.
“Nope, not good enough.”
“What?” You frantically try to back up to escape his hands just for him to drag you back down the bed.
“Give me a kiss and tell me you’ll love me forever.” He keeps his hands firmly on your sides and leans his face over yours.
“Of course I’ll love you forever Eddie bear.” Your voice goes soft and your arms wrap around his neck as you nuzzle his nose with your own. “Now how about that kiss?”
Eddie wakes up first the next morning with a smile on his face at having you in his arms and in his bed. The thought of getting up and leaving you crushing his soul but the thought of waking you up with breakfast in bed and being able to see you light up in gratitude urging him to do exactly that. So he pulls you closer for a minute before kissing your head and sliding out of his warm bed getting dressed and heading to the kitchen where he finds Wayne making coffee.
You don’t wake up much later than he does, the bed is still a little warm where he was sleeping when you do. You lay there for a few minutes beaming up at the ceiling that you’re actually here with him. It’s hard for you to normally be so far apart from him with your love languages being quality time and physical touch. The two of you always made up for the time apart when he would come visit but it was still rough. Which is why you’ve decided that after you graduate you’d move to Hawkins to be with him all the time. You’d been saving up long before even meeting Eddie to be able to get your own place after school so as long as he wants you here you’d do it. 
You throw on one of his shirts and a pair of pajama pants before making your way out of the room excited to finally meet Uncle Wayne. You find both him and Eddie in the kitchen with Eddie making eggs and Wayne pouring his coffee. 
“Is this the famous Y/n Y/l/n I’ve heard so much about?” Wayne smiles your way and Eddie whips around to look at you.
“Sure is!” You gnaw on your lip and shift your weight from one foot to the other wanting to go hug him like you would your own family member but hold yourself back knowing he’s not much of a physical touch kind of person.
“Bring it in kid.” He opens his arms for you and you let out a small happy laugh as you rush into them and accept the hug he offers. Something he doesn’t normally do but he doesn’t know what other way to thank you for loving his boy so much. Eddie can’t help the smile that overtakes his face as he watches it happen knowing how much it’s going to mean to you.
“What’re you doing up darlin’?” Eddie asks as he brings you into his arms after you part from Wayne. “I was gonna wake you up with breakfast.” He pouts resting his forehead on yours.
“Sorry baby, I tried waiting for you to come back but I got bored and I really wanted to meet Wayne.” You peck his still pouty lips forcing them into a smile before pulling away. “So what do you guys do around here?”
You end up spending most of the day binging The Waltons with the Munsons and doing a puzzle Wayne had lying around on the small table in the living room. By the time Eddie’s standing up and telling you it’s about time to get going for movie night you and Wayne have gotten to know each other well enough that you can tell he’s going to be fast family to you.
“Have I told you yet how pretty you look today?” Eddie asks as he holds your door open and watches you step out. You’re a sight in your jean shorts and one of Eddie’s Metallica shirts standing in Steve’s driveway in front of him. “Cause you’re pretty as a picture Bats.” He takes your hand in his own and leads the way to the door.
“I’ve told you before to stop calling me that.” You drop your lips into a fake pout as he knocks on the door.
“Why should I? I’ve got the marks from last night to prove you’re my own vampire bat.” He pulls the collar of his shirt out of the way to show off the hickeys and bite marks you left on his collarbones and shoulder a proud smile on his face as he does so.
“Woah, you burn yourself with a curling iron there Munson?” Steve teases as he opens the door, your eyes go wide and you can feel heat rising up your neck. Eddie’s unphased though, letting go of his shirt and turning to smirk at Steve.
“Can’t help it if my girl wants to latch onto me any chance she gets.” He pulls you into him and you pinch his side for his words.
“Oh, I didn’t realize we were meeting your girlfriend tonight.”
“Hi, I’m Y/n.” All you do is wave and smile as you wrap an arm around Eddie’s waist and hug yourself to him wanting to be as close to him as possible.
“I’m Steve, it’s nice to finally meet the reason for Eddie disappearing most weekends.”
“Are Eddie and y/n here?” Max appears behind Steve and you rush in to hug her.
“I didn’t think you guys were gonna make it.” She melts into your arms feeling deeply comforted by your bear hug. 
“Eddie didn’t want to but I convinced him to come.” The two of you break apart and Eddie comes in to stand next to you and take your hand in his. 
“Come on, now that we’re here Dustin will kill me if I don’t introduce you to him next.”
“Oh hey Eddie! Who’s this?” Robin asks him as she starts to come out of the kitchen as the two of you pass into the living room.
“Sorry Robin, can’t talk.” He keeps pulling you with him passing her by you’d stop him so you could just introduce yourself if you didn’t find the whole thing so amusing. “Dustin, I’ve got someone for you to meet.” He announces his presence getting the heads of the group already settled on the couches to turn to look at the two of you.
“No fucking way, what’s she doing here?” He excitedly gets up and makes his way over to the two of you.
“She’s here for a whole week. Y/n, Dustin, Dustin, Y/n.” His hand motions between the two of you as he does the introduction. 
“Eddie talks about you all the time.” You look away from Dustin and up at Eddie who flushes pink at yet another one of his close friends admitting that to you.
“Yeah so much so I was starting to think you were a myth!” Eddie strides over to the couch to whack Mike in the back of the head leaving you in the entranceway of the living room. You look back over to Dustin after rolling your eyes at your boyfriend's actions.
“He talks about you a lot too. I heard all about that concert in that other realm or whatever the words Eddie used were.” Your face scrunches up as you try to recall what Eddie called that place as you step into the room Dustin leading the way back over to the couch. 
“He told you about the upside down?” Dustin's eyes are wide as you nod. “And you believed him?”
“Why wouldn’t I? He’s got the scars and PTSD to prove it.” When you and Eddie first started dating and he’d spend nights at your place he often had nightmares about it. You’d wake him up and assure him where he was before staying up almost the rest of the night with him trying to distract him from it. 
“I think you’re all super brave for going through it. Especially because you were what twelve when you first had to deal with all of that? I was still scared of the boogeyman at that age.” You still felt uncomfortable being completely in the dark. “Bravest group of kids I’ll ever have the pleasure of meeting and knowing.” Your voice is soft and your attention isn’t on Dustin anymore and rather on Eddie laughing with the other kids but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t stop at the way you say the words, with a sense of pride and admiration for a group of kids you don’t even know.
Before he can figure what to say in response Eddie’s looking over at you with a big smile on his face and holds his hand out. Your own smile gets bigger and you rush forward taking it in your own and letting him pull you close to his side as he introduces you to the rest of the kids. The excitement is evident in the air around you as you greet everyone.
“She’s nice right?” Max stops next to Dustin just a few steps from the entrance. “I can definitely see why Eddie fell for her so fast.”
“Yeah. You met her then?”
“Yep, I hung out with them all day yesterday when she got to town.” She smirks at Dustin before heading over to the group. The two of them constantly compete with each other over who’s Eddie’s favorite. So this is going to come across as a big win for her.
“Oh. Wait what? Eddie!”
Movie night was fun and you absolutely loved meeting Eddie’s little community of friends, his family. Which isn’t something he’s used to describe them in the past but seeing them all interact with each other you know that’s what they are. You and Robin even planned a day for her to steal you away from Eddie for an hour or two to hangout.
It warmed Eddie’s heart to see you get along so well with everyone. He can’t even start to describe the feeling in his chest as he sees you leaning against his van with Max her head thrown back laughing at something you said as the two of you wait for him to finish saying bye.
“I gotta ask, what’s up with the biting?” Steve asks from his spot next to Eddie in the doorway. You had bitten him a total of only twice during the movie so he hadn’t really expected anyone to notice it much. 
Once was shortly after everyone got seated and the movie was starting. Eddie had kissed the top of your head causing you to recline it back from your spot on the floor between his legs so you could look up at him in his spot on the couch. He gave you a quick peck, gaining a smile and a squeeze of his calf before you turned your attention back to the tv only shortly after turning your head to gently bite right above his knee.
The second time was near the end of the movie. Eddie had been tracing your face lightly with the tips of his fingers and when you began to feel like you were going to burst of all your adoration with how soft he was being with you in front of his friends, something no one had ever done for you, you bit his finger the next time it traced over your lips.
“It’s just the way she shows her love.” Eddie shrugs in response. “She either bites or squeezes, it’s like second nature to her, I don’t even think she realizes she does it sometimes.” Sometimes he thought it was like breathing or blinking to you. “It’s cute.”
You look over then and catch his eyes with your own and blow a kiss to him. Eddie’s smile widens as he makes a show of catching it and Steve and Robin share a look with each other. Neither of them had ever seen him smile that big before.
“Love drunk is a good look on you Eds!” She laughs as she speaks. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so full of life and that’s really saying something. You’re naturally extravagant. Get out of here and join your girl.”
“Yeah, we’ll see you around Eddie.”
“Bye guys.” He barely glances back at them, waving over his head, not wanting to take his eyes off of you still deep in conversation with Max. Really he should tell them how he’s glad they liked you and all but all he can think to do is go pull you into his arms and relish in the feeling of having you close until you inevitably have to go back home at the end of the week. 
Eddie fell for you harder and faster than he ever thought would’ve been possible. It wasn’t love at first sight but when he spotted you in the bar in your goddamn homemade Prancing Pony shirt he should’ve known that you were going to be it for him. Instead he just made it his mission to find you after their set to ask you about it which only led to the two of you talking so late into the night that your friend went home and his bandmates all piled into Jeff's car rather than wait for Eddie to be done. It wasn’t until your third date, which was only three weeks after meeting each other, because Eddie could listen to you talk forever and never wanted to stop talking to you so he came up every weekend to take you out, that he realized you were the one for him and he doubted anyone would ever live up to you. Luckily enough for him your mind was on that same track.
“You ready to go Sweetheart?” Eddie kisses the side of your head as he sidles up next to you wrapping his hand around yours.
“Yep, just waiting on you baby.” You squeeze his hand once, twice, three times before pushing off the van. “C’mon Max, I’ll open the back door for you.”
The next day instead of Eddie giving you a tour of Hawkins the two of you end up just curled around each other in bed just enjoying each other's company only getting up to eat. You told him about how you passed all your finals, to which he told you how proud he was of his smart girl and how he knew you could do it, and caught him up on all the gossip in your small college friend group with him hanging onto your every word. Eddie told you about how the bands doing and how you’ll be able to sit through practice this week if you wanted to, to which you sat up in excitement because A that meant you got to see the guys again and B you got to see them all perform again, and he told you stories from when he was growing up in the trailer park.
The day after that Eddie gives you the tour he promised you complete with his favorite places like the picnic table in the woods around the school where he spent a lot of his high school years, the library where he’s planned countless campaigns, and the movie theater where he ends up going all the time with the gang. He took you to lunch at the diner that’s officially replaced Benny’s and then dropped you off at Robin’s telling you he’ll pick you up on his way to Gareth’s.
In the hour and a half that you were over you got to know Robin, the two of you deciding that you’ll be great friends, and you got to meet Nancy. She had shown up about forty minutes after you did. Robin had just greeted her casually while shuffling the cards for the next round of five hundred forgetting that the two of you hadn’t met yet. It was silent for a minute as Nancy looked between you and Robin before she seemed to remember and quickly introduced the two of you. By the time Eddie showed up to take you with him to practice the three of you were in stitches after sharing stories and telling jokes to each other.
“I’m so excited to see the boys again.” You say to Eddie as the two of you walk to the van. You’ve only seen them twice, the first time being the night you met Eddie and the second time being around two months ago because Gareth was craving the wings at the bar they had played at and Eddie had shown up at your door that night to bring you with them, but they were cool and you enjoyed their company.
“I’m sure they’re excited to see you too.” They’ve asked about you a few times since the last time they saw you, about how you’re doing and if he’s gonna let you come visit him anytime soon. Eddie hasn’t said anything about you coming to practice this week so he’s sure they’ll be at least surprised to see you. “Did you enjoy hanging out with Robin?” He places his hand on your knee as he drives away from her house.
“Yeah, I got to meet Nancy. She’s nice.”
“Huh, I thought she was in school for another week. She must’ve just gotten back.”
“I think she said something about getting back yesterday. And something about Jonathan, that’s Will’s brother right?”
“Yeah, they’ve been dating for a while now. I think they’ve been going through a rough patch since she started college though.”
“That sucks.” He pulls up to Gareth's house and stops in front of it then. The garage is open and you can see the guys standing around and talking. They look up as they hear Eddie’s door shut.
“Hey man! Didn’t realize you were here without your music blasting.”
“Yeah well I have a special guest with me this time.”
“Hey guys!” You wave as you round the van and walk up to the garage with Eddie. The group breaks into cheers at the sight of you asking how you’ve been and playfully bullying Eddie for not telling them you were in town.  It took them an extra half an hour to start practice so they could catch up with you beforehand.
“What’re we doing for my last day tomorrow?” You ask later that night head rested on his chest. You didn’t even want to think about it being your last full day with your lovely loving boyfriend but you know that you have to face it sooner than later.
“I don’t know. Probably tie you up or lock you in a cage so you can’t leave and I get to keep you forever.” He shrugs and gives you a teasing smile as he repositions himself to be propped up on his elbow.
“C’mon Eddie be serious.” You poke his side amused with his taunts.
“I could call Max, have her come over for a movie day. Because as much as I want to keep you to myself she’d want to see you too.” He could tell after that first day how attached she was already getting to you. 
“That sounds nice. Maybe we could get that takeout you always rave about since you still haven’t had me try it?”
“That sounds perfect.” He brings you closer to his chest just wanting to feel your skin on his even more. You nip at his shoulder making his smile widen. “I can pick it up and then get your favorite movies on the way back.”
“Perfect.” You yawn through the word and cuddle closer to him.
“G’night Bats.”
“Night Eddie.”
The next morning you wake up to Eddie peppering kisses over your face and shoulders immediately bringing a soft sleepy smile to your face. It’s almost noon by the time the two of you made it out of bed and you went straight to making breakfast while Eddie called Max the girl showing up within minutes after hanging up.
“Smells good in here for once.” She chimes as she crosses through the door.
“That’s because I don’t leave the stove on too high while I cook so the food doesn’t burn. Unlike some people.” You shoot a pointed look towards Eddie who had almost completely burned breakfast the other day before Wayne had shooed him away to take over. 
“What’re you making?” Max makes her way into the kitchen and you give her the task of helping cook the sausage while Eddie gets plates down. 
The three of you sit down and eat, falling into a comfortable silence at times where none of you can think of anything to say. You ask Max about soccer to which she lights up with excitement while she speaks and Eddie tells her about how you grew up playing sports with your cousins on the weekends in your backyard and how you could probably help her practice better than he does since you know more about the game than him. That led to Max asking you questions aimed specifically at figuring out how much you know while Eddie watches and listens in with a smile on his face at how his girls light up as the two of you talk.
The two of you are left there talking about the different sports you watched your cousins play when he leaves to get the take out and stop at Family Video. And when he gets home with food and three of your favorite movies you’ve both migrated to the kitchen to do dishes where Max is telling you animatedly about the time she had a particularly nasty fall while skateboarding recently.
“Red came crying to me to clean her boo boos.” Eddie announces his presence with his joking tone placing the movies and food on the coffee table before joining the two of you in the kitchen.
“I did not!” Max scoffs rolling her eyes while you chuckle at the two of them bickering.
“You totally did, you were bawling like you were a baby again.” 
“You’re such a liar! You were the one who started panicking and making me sit down so you can take care of me.” You smile just knowing that that’s actually what happened while Eddie wraps his arms around you from behind.
“You could’ve gotten an infection.” He defends himself before resting his head on the side of your neck, kissing it softly. “Hey baby. You know you don’t have to do the dishes right? I can take care of them tomorrow.”
“Too late, they’re already done.” You put the last plate over to the side to dry before turning to wipe your wet hands on his shirt.
“You did not just do that.”
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t.” You shrug and try to move away before he grabs you. 
“God get a room you two.” Max says before the two of you can start fighting.
“You should change your shirt Eddie baby. I’ll set up the take out and we’ll pick one of the movies.” You peck his lips before moving away and joining the girl in the living room. “Alright Max, Muppets Take Manhattan, The Thing, or Spaceballs to start with?”
“I’ve never seen Spaceballs.”
“Never seen Spaceballs?! That’s first then. Eddie! Why haven’t you ever shown her one of the funniest movies we’ve ever seen?” 
“Woah!” His hands go up in surrender at your small glare. “Calm down, it only came out last year so I haven’t had the time to.”
“Besides, aren't you glad you get to be the one to show it to her?” He adds after taking the movie from you while dropping a kiss to the top of your head.
“Okay, yeah you’re right.” You go to the take out bags to place the food on the table while Max sits next to you on the couch.
Max is asleep by the time the third movie is over, having dozed off somewhere in the middle. And even though it’s only a little after nine you can feel yourself succumbing to sleep as you lean further into Eddie’s chest. You’re stirred slightly out of it when he leans forward for the remote to eject the tape from the VCR, even more so when your source of comforting warmth gets up to take the tape out.
“Let’s get you to bed Sweetheart.” He speaks to you after placing it on the table.
“What about Max?” You yawn, standing up and taking his hand letting him pull you in the direction of his room.
“She’s fine there. Fallen asleep here enough times that Wayne won’t be surprised to find her on the couch when he gets home. I’ll ring her place to let her mom know she’s here after I get you in bed.”
“And then you’ll come join me?”
“Wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else.”
You fight with sleep the whole five minutes he’s gone from the room not wanting to waste time sleeping when you leave in the morning. You still fight it after he joins you in bed and wraps his arms around you. 
“Hey Eds?” You turn to face him after a couple beats of silence.
“Hm?” He hums in response, clearly starting to fall asleep himself. He’d never normally fall asleep this early but when it comes to falling asleep with you he can’t help it.
“What if I came to Hawkins after my next semester?” 
“That’d be great. Though hopefully you’ll be coming to visit again before then.”
“What if it wasn’t a visit? What if I came here permanently?” That wakes him up and his eyes shoot open and his mouth drops as he tries to figure out what to say. “I’ll be done with my degree then and besides my parents and the couple of friends I’ll be leaving school with there’s nothing tethering me there. But here there’s you and Wayne and there’s Max. And I think Robin and I could become really good friends. I’ve been saving up for a while, longer than I’ve known you, for my own place so I figure why not just get my own place here. It would be great if you could say something to stop my rambling so I don’t start thinking you’re against the idea or that you might not want me here.”
“Of course I want you here!” He’s snapped out of his daze quicker than you’ve ever seen him snap out of anything ever. “It’s just insane to think that you want to come stay here. I’ve spent most of my life wanting to leave and hating this town just for you to want to live here.”
“Well I didn’t want to ask you about coming to me. You have a whole family here despite how little you seem to realize that. And Hawkins isn’t that bad, it’s really a nicer town than some of the places near me. And if I move here no one will ever give you shit again because then they’ll have to deal with me and I’ll bite their ears off.”
“Of course you will Bats. Put that biting of yours to good use.” He laughs before holding you tighter to him. “If you really wanna do that, move here after you graduate, Hawkins would be a better place for it.”
The next morning after you pack your things into your car and say bye to Max who demanded you call her and write her letters to keep in touch while you’re gone you hug Eddie goodbye with a smile on your face despite how much you already miss him. 
“I’ll come back near the end of next month alright? We can start looking at trailers or apartments then.”
“I’ll be counting down the days Bats.”
Eddie Taglist (29/40):@sadbitchfangirl​ @notbeforelong​​​​ @navs-bhat​ @emotionaldreamer​ ​​​​​ @fangirling-4-ever​  @gaysludge​​​ ​@eddiethesexy​ @mazerunnerrose​ @midnightsgetawaycar   @mushroomelephant @saramelaniemoon @nojamsonmytoast @vintagehellfire @esoltis280 @spikedhe4rt @siriuslysmoking @toobsessedsstuff @alana4610 @gretavanfleas @sparkletash @aactuaaltraash @spookyemorockbabe @jesssssmaybankk @tlclick73 @eddiemunsonslittlemetalhead @bl4ckt00thgr1n @eli-flower @canyonmooncreations
Everything Taglist: @matchamunson​ @bubsonnobx​ @practicalghost​ @katsukis1wife @crustyowos @yourfavdummy @protecteddiemunson4vr @kennedy-brooke @m00nkn1ghts @rory-cakes
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half-bakedboy · 5 months
please write established (maybe married) buddie on a call and oblivious buck getting hit on, jealous eddie "excuse me, he is married. to me"
loooove your fics
read on ao3
Eddie's barely paying attention to the patients he and Hen are caring for. They're both fine, really, and were sitting on the sidewalk when the 118 got there so Hen and Eddie went to work while Buck and Chimney dealt with the fire. He's too busy watching Buck fight each car flame with expert efficiency. He's laughing with Chimney, head thrown back as they spray the chemicals with the precision of two firefighters who had a bond like brothers-in-law.
It's times like these where Eddie remembers exactly why he fell in love with Buck. He finds joy in any situation, good or bad, whether it directly impacts him or not. Even the two patients seem amused by his carefree joy, and who is Eddie to blame them? Buck won him over that way.
"Since I'm all checked out, can I go take a closer look at the damage?" his patient asks. She's only got a small laceration on her arm, presumably from a piece of shattered glass, but is otherwise unscathed. She's fine to walk, but he's a little confused about what she thinks might be left.
"Yeah, sure. Buck!" he shouts. Buck turns around immediately, the smile widening on his lips. "She--"
"Beverly," his patient interrupts with her own shout.
"Beverly wants to take a look. You good?"
Buck nods his head and puts the fire extinguisher down onto the pavement. Eddie should notice the way Beverly practically rushes over, somewhere between a skip and a saunter, but he's hyper-aware of how close the end of their shift is.
He's got Abuela cooking dinner at home and three off-days in a row to spend with Buck, their first since they got married a few months ago.
(Eddie wanted to take a honeymoon but Buck wanted to take a page out of Bobby and Athena's book and wait a little while. Eddie had to nix the cruise idea almost immediately, even though he can't believe Buck even asked.)
He just wants to clean up, restock the ambulance for the next crew, then spend the next three days with his family.
But of course, nothing is ever easy for Eddie. Not with a husband like Buck.
"Ugh, this is just my luck. My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday and my friend was just trying to cheer me up with a drive." Eddie can practically hear a pout of her lips and makes eye contact with Hen who rolls her eyes playfully in return. "I can't believe I'm single and carless, now."
"I'm sorry, that really sucks," Buck says. He sounds so authentic, Eddie's heart clenches.
"You might be able to help me with one of those problems," she shamelessly says.
Buck, the beautiful man he is, barely notices the flirtation. "We have a phone in the ambulance you can use to call someone to pick you up!" He's like a puppy in his response, and Beverly deflates instead of praising him like he clearly deserves.
"I can find a way home." She pauses like she's trying to think of how to get him back on track. Eddie snorts because he's been trying to figure out how to do that for almost a decade now. "So, do you live around here? There's a lot of really cool restaurants I can recommend for when you're done with your shift."
Eddie has to give her credit for some really solid attempts.
"Our station is actually on the other side of town and I live in the opposite direction, but I'll keep that in mind if I ever find my way out here!"
Beverly sighs and glances at her friend for assistance, who is next to no help since she's still in shock, like Beverly really should be.
"So, you're at station 118 then?" he hears Beverly ask. Her voice is so obviously flirtatious that Buck has to have noticed.
"Uh, y-yeah. 118, that's us," Buck mutters, tone laced with nerves.
Eddie glances over at the stutter and sees Beverly much closer than even Eddie would be to him on a call. His eyes narrow but he stays put. Buck can take care of himself.
"I bet you can lift that much, too, huh?" Beverly makes a dire mistake, and that's to reach out toward Buck. "I'm only 115, so it'd be pretty easy for you to... you know, lift me, right?"
Hen mutters, "Uh oh." It's loud enough for her patient to ask what's going on, but Eddie doesn't wait for her answer. He does hear Chimney's practically diabolical laughter, and Buck's awkward throat clear.
"I just weighed in at 190 and most nights he lifts me with ease, isn't that right, Buck?"
Eddie almost wishes he'd been recording. Beverly's mouth drops comedically open before her hand slaps it back up, Chimney and Hen break into maniacal laughter that seems to break the other patient from her shock, and Buck blushes a deep red that disappears under his turnout and as far down as Eddie's sure Beverly was trying to get.
Just because he can, Eddie adds, “Though, I’m sure after we take our honeymoon, you’ll gain a lot of muscle during our… workouts.” 
“Jesus–” Buck breathes out. “It was great to meet you, Beverly. You said something about having a way to get home?” 
“Yeah, I’ve got a ride…” She turns to Eddie, a delightful smirk on her face. “Though, it’s not nearly as pretty as yours.” 
Buck’s a mess as Eddie bursts out in laughter, and he’s positive his team’s about to file a complaint to HR, but something about being able to stake his claim over Buck so openly now makes him giddy inside. 
Yeah, it's times just like these where Eddie remembers exactly why he fell in love with Buck. 
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crispystarfishhottub · 2 months
Tumblr media
A Crush Huh?
A visit to your bother ends up with a happy ending
"Ugh" I groaned as my alarm sounded. Jet lag was a bitch sometimes and it was kicking my ass today. "Good morning!" My brother Narrator shouted as he swang open my door "gods Grant let me rest" I say pulling my pillow over my face "I just want to sleep" I pulled my cover over me again ready to fall back to sleep "No no no today all the boys are coming! You have to help me sort the house before they arrive!" He said laughing as he pulled my cover off. I reluctantly got out of bed and pulled on my hoodie "fine but im doing it all in my pajamas until they actually get here. How bad can it be to clean?"
Turns out, cleaning is a lot harder when jet lagged. It took hours "oh shit they're here!" Grant said running to the door. I blinked before bolting up the stairs to put on a pair of jeans. When I rejoined him downstairs I saw the familiar faces of his friends "hey guys" I said giving a small wave "good to see you all again" a chorus of "hellos" sounded back as I took my place on the couch next to Eddie "hey how've you been kid?" He asked bumping my shoulder "im not that much younger then you Eddie im not a kid" I laugh "and I've been good! A little tired from the flight over but otherwise im ok"
Out of the corner of my eye I saw juicy looking at me. He sent a wink my way and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Oh?" I hear as Josh moves onto the arm of the couch "what's this im seeing?" He said in a teasing tone "nunya" I reply getting back up "I think someone's got a crush~" Mully sung causing the room to laugh "oh shut up Mulls" I laughed before yawning heading up stairs "im taking a nap im still jetlagged. Later nerds"
I flop onto my bed and sigh. Was my crush on him that obvious? The only one aware so far was Grant and thats because he caught me twirling my hair once at Juicys joke. I hear a knock at my door causing me to sit up "come in!" I call watching as the door opened. Juicy stepped in "hey" he smiled closing the door behind me "hey Gaege. Wanna join me on the bed?" I ask patting the spot next to me "how forward of you (Y/n)" my face must of burned like a thousand suns "oh just sit down" I mumbled covering my face in embarrassment. A comfortable silence fell around us before I felt his hands gently take mine. "Let me see that beautiful face"
I slowly took my hands away from my face. "There you are" he said softly his face inches away from mine "so you have a crush on me huh?" He asked "who blabbed" I whispered softly "Narrator did. I don't blame him though. I've been trying to give you signals" he admitted "maybe this one will be more clear". I felt his hand gently cup my cheek as he leaned in, eyes half closed. I met him half way as our lips touched in a hesitant kiss, my hands moving to rest on his shoulders. His free hand pulled me by my hip into his waist as we kissed. The kiss growing more passionate with each passing minute. When we pulled away I kept my eyes closed "ok wow" I smiled "does that make it more clear?" I felt him chuckle softly "yes it does" I confirmed opening my eyes to meet his "safe to say we both have a crush on the other" he nodded and gently stroked my cheek "so how about we give us a go?" I blushed and grinned
"I would like that"
From outside I heard a loud cheer "FINALLY!" Grants voice was heard saying making us both laugh.
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louloulemons-posts · 10 months
can you do a eddie fic where gets cursed by vecna or whatever and eddie is the only one with reader if you already havent? its alright if not though
Eddie X Reader
Word Count : 0.6k
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Warnings : Not proofread, 4am writing (she’s back 👹) vecna, billy, reader feels guilt, fluffy ending, like minor angst, petnames.
A/N : i’m so sorry this took so long! I’ve had the worst writers block, but hopefully i’m back now with many fics to come. Enjoy!
- Lou 🫶🏻
1K Celebration Found Here
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
It couldn't end like this, you refused to let it end like this. Your head had been pounding for days, your nose running regularly, the inability to sleep had become a regular. It was just like Chrissy.
Vecna had targeted you, taking you back to the horrific things you'd experienced because of the upside down before. The demogorgons, demodogs, the night at the mall you so wished you could forget.
Your vision has gone fuzzy. Where were you?
The mall?
No that wasn't possible.
"Hello?" you called out.
There was no answer, nothing at all.
Jumping and turning quickly you saw, well you could only assume it was Vecna. The monster walked towards you.
"Please," you said softly.
"It's time. I can take it all away. How you left Max without a brother, the guilt you feel for him pushing you out of the way. Poor poor Billy," he taunted, his voice deep and vile.
Your skin was full of goosebumps, as you stepped back and hit something. Turning, you saw a familiar face.
His big blue eyes were glossy, his skin covered in sickly black veins, covered in a thick layer of sweat.
“Billy I-“
“You did this,” he said, voice angry but face so numb of emotion.
“I didn’t mean to, I’m so sorry,” your eyes filled with tears, you didn’t want him to die for you.
“You just wanted Max for yourself, you’d always wanted a sister. So why not take mine right!” he shouted, pushing you back towards Vecna.
“No! No I didn’t mean for any of this to happen!” you cried.
“Liar!” he shoved you down on to the floor, the skinless beast grinned from above you.
“It’s time.”
His long fingers came towards you, grabbing hold of your face. “No!” you screamed kicking your legs to get away.
He was too strong. “No please! Please! Someone help!” you sobbed.
“Nobody can save you now Y/N, nobody but me. You let out a cry, this was how it was going to end. This was it.
You didn’t even get to say goodbye. To your friends. Your family. Eddie. Oh Eddie. Your sweet boy.
“Goodbye Y/N.”
Oh thinkin’ about all our younger years
There was only you and me
We were young and wild and free
What was that?
You began to struggle again, wriggling your wrists against the vines that had appeared around them.
Vecnas eyes had rolled to the back of his head, meaning he didn’t notice when yours came swinging forward, headbutting him away.
The shock knocked him back, giving you time to wiggle out of the vines. Ripping them off you, you were up and sprinting towards an opening.
It looked like Eddies trailer. “Eddie!” You called out, seeing the familiar brown curls.
Baby your all that I want now
When you’re lyin’ here in my arms
I’m finding it hard to believe
We’re in heaven
You ran and ran, feeling the ground shake beneath you and heard a violent scream from the monster behind.
Large rocks began falling in your path and the ground began to crumble beneath your feet.
You had to make it, had to get back to him.
Now are dreams are comin’ true
Through the good times and the bad
Yeah I’ll be standin’ there by you, oh!
A large rock lifted behind you and before you’d even thought about it you were launching yourself over it and through to the trailer. To the boy you loved.
With a loud gasp of breath your body fell into Eddies arms. His huge frame wrapping around you, holding you to his chest.
“Thank god you’re okay,” he spoke into your hair, leaving a kiss there. He pulled back holding your face in his hands.
“I know I spoke badly about Bryan Adams, but he’s now my favourite artist ever.”
“Even more than Metallica?”
He let out a laugh, “Baby he saved your life.”
“No, Edward Munson, you did.” Standing on your tip toes you pressed a gentle kiss to his mouth.
“I love you.”
“I love you too Baby.”
You’re all that I want
You’re all that I need
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you so much for reading!
Please leave any requests 🤍
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stormyelliotwritez · 2 months
Hii, could I request a trans male reader, who’s Dustin’s older brother x steve Harrington?
So basically Dustin makes Steve and Y/N both be subs for one of his DND games with Eddie and Steve is like, “wait Dustin wtf who’s ur sister she’s hot” and Dustin just told him to fuck off and he’s not a chick, well he explained it a lil better
And Y/N only agreed because it was his little brother, and he kinda knew how to play DND, enough to understand, and Steve didn’t get much of a choice, Dustin dragged him there, since he’d previously taught him how to play
Something like that if that’s ok? Also sorry it’s kinda long 😔 but please and tyy! Luv u smm tyy!
Hiiiiii, this is absolutely okay! I'm hoping this fits what you wanted! Please comment or reblog and tell me if you want something made more obvious or something. This was so much fun to write. Also fun fact about me, I'm a shifter (who hasn't shifted :( and also don't be an ass, peeps) and this is like my whole thing like I'm Dustins older trans brother and Steve doesn't know tho I meet him in class but we're getting off topic so here is your little one-shot. Send in another ask if you want a pt 2 or something!
Steve was sitting at his kitchen table when he heard the phone ring. He stood up and walked over to it. He picked up the phone with a raised eyebrow.
“This is the Harrington residence-”
“Oh, shut up, Steve,” Dustin interrupted.
Steve’s eyes went wide as he heard his little brothe-friend talking.
“Dustin? Is something wrong? You never call me,” He stuttered out.
“No, idiot. I’m calling because I don’t need a ride anymore. Y/N is taking me,” he said quickly.
“Y/N? Your-” But before Steve could finish his sentence, he was cut off by the phone hanging up. Steve stood there for a moment, gobsmacked. He then shook his head and started to get ready for Eddie’s DnD game.
Later that day, Steve pulled into the Hawkin High parking lot. He looked around at the cars. He recognized most of them. There was Eddie’s van and some of his friends cars because not all of them graduated but he didn’t recognize one car. It was a beautiful car and he gasped when he saw it, especially when he saw that Dustin’s hat was on the dashboard. He stared at it for a moment before looking down at his watch and realizing he was almost late.
He rushed inside and ran down the staircase into the basement. He threw open the door which got a laugh from Eddie and rushed over to sit next to Dustin. He threw his jacket over the back of the chair and sat down. Dustin leaned over and rolled his eyes.
“I told you to be on time. Even Y/N drives faster than you,” Dustin said as he leaned back again.
Steve nodded before looking up at the top of the table where a… hot chick sat next to Eddie. Steve visibly gasped and nudged Dustin.
“Who’s the hot chick? Wait, is that Y/N? You have a hot sister?” Steve started before getting interrupted by Dustin.
“Ew, fuck off,” Dustin said annoyed as he stood up and pushed his chair away. He pulled Steve up and mouthed to Eddie that they were going outside. He dragged Steve outside and shoved him lightly.
“Did I say something wrong, Dustin?” Steve asked cautiously.
Dustin paced back and forth for a moment before running his hand through his curly hair. He shook his head but then nodded and then shook his head again.
“No, it’s not your fault. We live in Hawkins,” Dustin started.
Steve raised an eyebrow at what that implied.
“Y/N isn’t my sister. He’s my brother. He was my sister but now he’s not. He went away to stay with my dad when he was my sister and when he came back, he wasn’t my sister anymore. He hasn’t wanted to cut his hair though, so I get why you thought he was a girl,” Dustin said quickly as he kept pacing.
“Oh. Oh,” Steve said as the cogs in his head visibly turned.
Dustin’s eyes went wide as he watched him. “You’re not gonna hate him or me now, right? This doesn’t change anything, yeah?” He said nervously.
The last thing Steve was going to do was hate the hottest gir-guy he’d ever seen. And no, this didn’t change anything except for probably his status as a straight guy.
“What, no!” Steve put his hand on Dustin’s shoulder reassuringly, “This doesn’t change anything. But has he met Robin? They kind of run in the same circles, right?”
Dustin shook his head and sighed in relief. “Okay, good. Um, no, he hasn’t, I don’t think. I’ll introduce them at some point.”
Steve nodded. “I can if you’d like.”
Dustin nodded and then they walked back inside the DnD room. They sat down and the session started. It went on for a couple of hours. Monsters were fought and damsels saved. Banter was had and so were arguments. Eventually the session ended, and everyone started to stand up to leave. Steve made his way over to the other side of the table and leaned against the wall. Y/N and Eddie were having an animated discussion but soon they finished, and Y/N turned around.
“Hi,” Steve said awkwardly.
“Hi. You’re the Harrington guy, right? Dustin’s… older friend?” Y/N said back as he gathered up his things.
“Yeah,” Steve smiled, “I was wondering if we could talk.”
He held up a cigarette and Y/N nodded.
“Yeah, yeah, we can talk.”
They went to leave the room and Y/N shouted at Dustin that he was just gonna be a few minutes. Dustin nodded and smiled. Steve then showed Y/N out to the oval. He leaned against the wall and lit the cigarette. He handed it to Y/N and smiled. Y/N took it and took a huff. He breathed it out.
“So, I think you’re hot,” Steve said bluntly as he held his hand out for the cig.
“Do you now?” Y/N replied as he handed it back.
Steve nodded before taking a huff. He then breathed it out and sighed.
“And Dustin told me about…” He bit his lip, “You being a girl.”
Y/N gasped softly before glancing at him. “And you still…”
“I still think you’re hot,” Steve said with a smile before handing Y/N the cigarette again.
The two of them smoked in silence for a few minutes, wordlessly handing the cig back and forth. Y/N then swung his bag over his shoulder and smiled.
“I’d like to do this again,” Steve said quietly.
“Me too,” Y/N started to walk off, “Meet me at the diner at two tomorrow, yeah?”
Steve smiled giddily and nodded.
“Yeah, sounds good,” he said.
Y/N then ran off and left Steve to deal with his intense bi-awakening.
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andvys · 2 years
Love will tear us apart // part seven 
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Warnings: angst, violence, physical abuse, mental abuse, alcohol consumption, mentions of drugs and addictions, reader gets hit.., sexual harassment, Jason and his friends are dicks...
Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!reader // slight Steve Harrington x fem!reader
series masterlist 
“What the hell is going on?” 
Your heart drops to your stomach, all the warmth, all the butterflies in your stomach fade to nothing as your eyes move past your uncle who looks anything but fazed by the position he found you and Eddie in- your brother, though, stares at you and Eddie with an angry look in his eyes. His eyes colder than usual. Fear rushes through you as you stare at him with parted lips.
You don’t even hear your uncle as he speaks to you and Eddie, his voice sounds far away as you keep staring at your brother in fear who hasn't said or done anything, yet. 
You don't even hear Eddie’s voice, speaking your name softly as he places his palm on the small of your back. 
You don't even feel him pull you up either, only as you stand on your shaky legs do you feel the ground beneath your feet. Eddie removes his hand from your waist but before he can step away from you, you slip your into his, holding it in a tight grip- surprising Eddie by doing so. 
“Kiddo, I told you the door is broken.” Dean says, no hint of anger or frustration in his voice, just worry as he eyes you slowly “she okay?” he asks, looking towards Eddie.
Eddie furrows his brows as he looks away from your uncle, ignoring your brother completely. Even with the tight grip you have on his hand, he can feel your hand shaking, your body is almost trembling, you are afraid. He knows for a fact that you aren't afraid of your uncle, your eyes are locked on the person behind him. 
He tugs on your hand slightly “y/n.” he whispers, eyeing the side of your face in worry. You turn towards him, eyes meeting his and he knows. He knows exactly what's going on, he recognizes that look of terror, the panic and the fear in your eyes. 
Suddenly your brother lungs forward and you stumble back into Eddie, standing in front of him, in a protective manner. 
“Get the fuck away from my sister, Munson.” he spat, reaching his hand out to grab your wrist but he misses you by an inch as you stumble further into Eddie’s chest, who immediately moves his arm around protectively. 
“Calm down, Seth!” your uncle grumbled as he pushed him back, holding out his hand as a warning. 
“You left her with this freak?” he exclaims, looking at Eddie with nothing but anger and disgust in his eyes. 
His words don't reach Eddie’s feelings anymore, he’s been called worse, he isn't scared of him or the anger in his eyes but Eddie is scared for you. He has never seen you so scared before, so vulnerable- not even during your panic attack, did you look so vulnerable and small. You can't hide it, even if you tried.
Eddie just wants to pull you into his chest, hug you and tell you that everything will be okay. 
He slips his fingers through yours, intertwining them, he squeezes your hand softly. You squeeze his hand in response, his touch providing you the comfort that you need right now.
“Calm down, boy, or so help me-” 
“Get the fuck off of me, Dean.” your brother almost yells as he pushes your uncles hands off “and  you get your hands off my sister!” he points at Eddie, who pulls you back in response. 
To your uncle, Seth may look like a protective older brother who isn't fond of the person she surrounds herself with but to Eddie, your brother just looks like a controlling and abusive asshole. 
Eddie isn't scared of him or anyone else who behaves this way. He is not afraid, not anymore but he is angry because he knows that you are scared of someone who uses your fear to make himself feel strong.
For someone who usually bites back in any situation, you are awfully quiet and Eddie knows exactly why but he wishes he wouldn't. 
Last week, when Eddie had dropped you off at your house, he has seen your interaction with your brother, the way you cowered away from him, when he got all close and talked to you in a way a brother shouldn't talk to his sister- after he had grabbed you. Eddie hoped that it was just a stupid fight between two siblings but seeing you now, seeing the state you were in, the fear in your eyes, your trembling body- he knew, that was anything but a normal banter or a normal relationship between a brother and a sister, he was abusing you, that was clear. 
“Why? So you can get your hands on her and hurt her some more?” Eddie accused him, dark eyes flashing with anger as he looks at his former bully. 
You jerked your head towards him, looking at him with shock in your eyes. For a moment, Eddie regrets his words, there is this voice lingering in the back of his head, that is telling him that he is making it worse right now, worse for you. 
“What did you say?” your uncle asks, turning around slowly to look at you and Eddie. 
“Shut the fuck up, asshole.” Seth grumbles at Eddie, clenching his jaw, he lifts his hand, pointing his finger at you “you, come here right now, we are going home.” he says through gritted teeth. 
You obey almost immediately, stepping forward only to be pulled back by Eddie “you are not going anywhere right now, sweetheart.” he whispers, holding your hand even tighter than before, afraid that you might slip through his fingers. 
“What did he say? You are hurting her?” your uncle asks.
“He’s full of shit.” Seth scoffs, glaring at you and Eddie. 
Eddie scoffs as well, shaking his head “you are full of shit.” Eddie bites back “I've seen the way you grabbed her before.” 
You gulp as you look away, the angry gaze in your brother’s eyes was enough to make you cower back in fear. You felt ridiculous, being afraid of a simple person after everything else you have been through. 
“Is that true, y/n?” your uncle asks, as he turns back to look at you with concern in his eyes. 
You don't look at him, instead you you keep your eyes trained on the ground, not knowing what to say. All eyes are on you as they wait for an answer.
“He-” you start but before you can even finish what you were going to say, your brother beats you to it “you shut your lying mouth, y/n!” he grumbles in anger “get your fucking hands off of me.” your brother repeats, pushing Dean away with force causing him to stumble back slightly. 
“Okay, that’s enough!” your uncle yells at him.
Seth tries to push past him again so he can get to you or Eddie but your uncle pushes him back once again, placing his hand on his shoulder, he huffs in anger “what’s gotten into you, kid?” he asks, pushing him further away from you and Eddie “we are going for a walk, you gotta calm down, acting like a goddamn maniac, Seth.” 
In all your eighteen years, you have never heard your uncle this angry before. The tone in his voice send shivers down your spine. Dean was always nice and kind to you, even after he had a fallout with his brother- your father, he took more care of you than your father ever did, he and your mother were never around in the first place, maybe this is what pushed your brother to become the monster that he is or maybe he was just born one. He was just like those monsters that you so desperately tried to escape but it seemed as though there was no way to outrun them, they followed you everywhere. Whether, you were stuck in another dimension or stuck in this one, you could never run from them. 
They even sneaked their way inside your head. 
“Hey.” Eddie whispers, letting go of your hand, he cups your face gently “you okay, y/n?” 
You just nod, not looking up just yet. You close your eyes for just a moment, allowing yourself to enjoy the feeling of his hands on your skin, the warmth that his touch and his comfort are providing right this second may be the last time- if there is one thing that you learned in the past two years, then it was, to enjoy every second of a good moment like this, because it could be over in the blink of an eye. 
“Y-You don't have to go home with him, you know?” Eddie whispers, rubbing his thumb along your cheek. 
“Uh- I have to.” you say as you open your eyes, you try to keep your voice steady, not wanting him to hear how afraid you are. 
“It's okay, he’s just- angry.” you mumble as you step away from Eddie. You won't tell him the truth, you won’t tell him how your brother uses every opportunity to make you feel worthless and weak. 
You rush out of the room quickly without giving him the chance to say or ask anything else. By the look on his face, you know, that Eddie knows everything without even having to hear the full story but there's a part of you that hopes that he is just as clueless as everyone else around you.
You grab your jacket, quickly putting it on, you just want to escape this situation right now. You don't want him or anyone else for that matter to see you so weak and vulnerable. 
“Y/n.” Eddie starts as he follows you out, he eyes you in worry as he grabs his own jacket, putting it on as well “do you really think I’ll let you go home right now?” 
“I’ll be fine, Eddie! Seth and I got into a fight before I left, he’s just, pissed, nothing bad is gonna happen.” lies “besides, where else am I supposed to go?” you mumble. 
‘To me, come home to me.’ Eddie thinks to himself. 
You still don't look up at him, your heart is beating so loudly in your chest, you wouldn't be surprised if he heard it as well. You turn off the lights and grab your keys before you walk towards the entrance, trying to move past Eddie who stops you by gently grabbing your arm, he steps in front of you so you can't walk off again, he speaks your name softly. 
You exhale, still looking at the ground, the room is dark now but you can still see enough as you raise your head, your eyes meet his. The worry is visible in his eyes. 
“Let me go, Eddie.” you whisper “please, I-I just want to go home.” 
Eddie sighs, he looks conflicted. He doesn't want to take you to a place where where you’ll get hurt even more, this isn't a home. A home is supposed to be a safe place but yours isn't, it never was and he knows it. 
“I’m okay, I promise.” you whisper, looking deeply into his eyes. 
“Your brother-”
“He won't hurt me, I got it, I promise.” more lies. 
“Let me take you home at least.” Eddie says, moving his hand down your arm until he’s holding your hand once again, surprising you with his gentleness. 
“You don't have to, I can-”
“I want to, y/n.” he whispers, squeezing your hand. 
He smiles softly, intertwining his fingers with yours “okay, let’s go.” he whispers. There’s more he wants to say, there’s more he wants to ask but for now, he keeps quiet, not wanting to make you uncomfortable or even more nervous, you look anxious enough. 
You hear the faint voices from your brother and your uncle talking outside the bar. A heavy feeling settles in your chest at the thought of going out there and having to face both your brother.
You open the door, hand tightening around Eddie’s as you step outside. Both men go quiet as they turn towards you and Eddie. 
Fearing that your brother will lung at Eddie again, you keep your body in front of his but Eddie has the same idea, wanting to pull you behind him to protect you from your brother but to your surprise, Seth steps back with a clenched jaw. 
“You ready to go?” he asks through gritted teeth. 
Eddie scoffs, tugging you closer to him. He doesn't want to let you go, with him. 
Your heartbeat picks up as you stare at him. 
“Are you okay, y/n?” your uncle asks, looking at you in worry, a guilty look lingering in his eyes. You don't have to ask to know that your uncle ringed the landline to make sure you had gotten home safe, he always does when you stay late at the bar. Your brother was only here because he called him. 
Seth glares at you with a warning look in his eyes before he looks at Eddie, rage and hatred blazing in his eyes and for the first time, you are not scared of what he will do to you, you are scared of what he will do to Eddie the next time he sees him. 
“Y-Yeah, I’m good.” you say, not wanting argue with your brother right now. You don’t want to pull anyone into this situation either. As stupid as it is, you turn towards your brother “can we go home now?” you ask him, maybe if you play nice, he will leave Eddie alone. 
“Y/n.” Eddie starts with disbelief in his voice, glancing at your uncle for help who looks a little conflicted. Whatever your brother told him, must've been convincing enough for him to believe that he is not the bad guy as Eddie painted him to be. 
Seth raises his brows in surprise, a smirk tugging at his lips as he looks at Eddie “sure let’s go, sis.” 
You step towards him but Eddie pulls you back, you turn to look at him, his eyes are pleading, begging you not to go “you don't have to go with him.” he whispers. 
“Seth.” your uncle speaks up with a warning “we’ll talk more tomorrow.” 
“I’ll be okay, Eddie.” you whisper, you don't want to go, you don't want to let go of his hand, step out of the comfort of his presence but you give him a small smile and step away from him “I'll see you around.” you say as you let go of his hand.
He let’s go of you with hesitance, wanting to take a step forward and pull you back into his arms but instead he watches you walk away with your brother after saying your goodbyes. 
Seth looks back at Eddie one more time, waving mockingly before he gets in his car. 
Eddie feels sick as he stares at your brothers car, he let you go, he let you walk right into the lions den and there is nothing he can do but watch. 
You stare at Eddie through the rearview mirror, dread fills your chest the longer you look at him, even as his silhouette becomes smaller and smaller, you want nothing more than to jump out of the car and run back to him. 
“What did I tell you?” your brother starts. 
You clench your hands into fists as you turn to look at him. 
“What did I tell you, y/n?” he repeats, voice getting angrier. 
You shrug, as terrifying as he was, you were also pissed off.
“I told you to stay away from that freak, didn't I? But you don't listen, you never fucking do, always hanging around with some fucking lowlifes, first Byers and now him, what's it with you and freaks huh?” he rants, gripping the steering wheel tighter “are you whoring yourself out to them?” 
Anger sparks in you, it always does when he talks to you this way but usually your fear is bigger than your anger and you cower back before you let yourself say something you will regret later on. 
“What do you get in return? Can’t be money.” he snorts.
You scoff “I’m working for my money, if you can't tell.”  
While Seth has always relied on your parents money and bathed in the luxuries they were providing. You have always tried to make some money on your own, you didn't want to rely on your parents, least of all on your dad, he wasn't a good man. You have learned that very early on. 
Not only, did he abandon you and your brother all the time, he also never loved or cared for you the way a dad should, you could see it in his eyes whenever he looked at either of you. Conversations with him were never about your interests about your personal life, or hobbies. 
He also never taught you one useful thing in life, he had the worst morals and values. To you, your dad was an unpleasant person. 
There was one thing he always told you, something that stuck with you; If you see someone drowning, let them, it’s not worth the risk and the effort. 
Your father has taught you that you never want to end up like him. 
You would rather drown trying to save someone.
“What was that?” 
“I said; I’m working for my money, I don’t need dad’s money the way you do, Seth.” you mumble, heartbeat picking up in your chest. You rarely talk back to him but you are sick of him and his cruel words. 
He laughs loudly “right, right, cause working at our uncle’s shitty bar, will get you somewhere in life. Remember when you ran away from home for two fucking weeks? That’s how long you could make it without dad’s money.” he snorts. 
You say nothing, you lean back in your seat and turn away from him. He stays quiet for a while, focusing on the road, tapping his finger on the steering wheel. You know his silence is not a good sign, given how angry he is but for most of the drive back to your house, he doesn't speaks up once until he’s pulling up into the driveway. 
“You know- Eddie could get arrested for the shit he does, selling drugs, corrupting teenagers into all that satanic bullshit.”
You tense up at his words as you slowly turn to look at him with disbelief in your eyes. He turns towards you for a moment, chuckling “don’t look at me like that, sis. You know who he is, I mean, given his dad’s history you must know that it’s just a matter of time before Eddie ends up in jail just like him.” 
This time anger overpowered your fear. 
Talking shit about you was one thing but talking shit about Eddie was another. 
“You’re a piece of shit, Seth. The only one who will end up like his loser of a father, is you, you are just as pathetic as he is, flaunting with his fucking money because he knows it’s the only thing that keeps him relevant.” you speak angrily before jumping out of the car once it’s parked, you slam the door shut.
You have never been this angry before, all this rage has quickened your blood. 
“What did you just say to me?” he asks as he stomps after you, gripping your arm tightly, he pulls you back. Pain shoots through you as his grip tightens.
“Let me go.” 
“Repeat what you just said to me.” he mutters in anger, staring down at you with rage in his eyes. 
As scared as you are, you are also angry “I said you’re a piece of shit, loser.” you spit “a-and if anything happens to Eddie, if you even try to hurt him and do him harm in some way, then I will tell dad everything, everything you do when him and mom are gone- along with your fucking drug addiction, he won't support you any longer after he finds out about it.” 
You should have seen it coming, you knew it was coming and yet it still didn't stop you. Seth chuckles coldly, letting go of your arm, he draws his arm back and before you can step back or do anything to protect yourself, he slaps you across your face with the back of his hand, something sharp piercing through your skin. 
You winced at the pain, stumbling back slightly, you almost fall to the ground, barely able to catch yourself. You raise your hand, cupping your cheek, you stand there, frozen in place. Warm blood trickles down your cheek, you furrow your brows as you touch the injured spot on your face, feeling a little cut in your skin. You raise your head and look at your brother’s hand. The ring he wears- a stupid family ring managed to cut your cheek.
“Stupid bitch.” he grumbles. 
Your heart is racing, your breathing gets heavier as you raise your head to look at him. Tears prickle in your eyes from the pain. 
No ounce of regret is in his eyes as he steps closer to you “you speak like that to me again, I will do worse.” he threatens before walking past you “you better behave when you walk inside right now.” 
You narrow your eyes at him, just now registering the loud music coming from the inside of your house. 
Wiping away a fallen tear, you huff angrily, you wish you hadn't gone back home with him but where else where you supposed to go? You know you could've gone home with your uncle but you didn't want to be a burden and you also didn't want him to find out about your situation at home. 
A raindrop falls on you, running down your face along with the blood that is dripping out of the new wound on your cheek. Wind whistles through the trees, the rustling in the forest close to your house makes the night feel more eery. 
You stand there for a moment just staring blankly into nothingness, you dread going inside. You are aware that your brother is throwing some shitty party with his friends. Your uncle must've disturbed him when he called asking for you, perhaps this is why he was even angrier than usual. 
Suddenly you hear your name through the wind blows, barely above a whisper. For a moment, you think it’s just a part of your imagination but then you hear it again and again until it’s accompanied by another sound. A clock. You hear the ticking of a clock, again. Like a moth drawn to a flame, you step closer to where it’s coming from, the forest. 
This time it’s not just the ticking of a clock, this time there’s also a chime, one chime. Almost as though you are hypnotized by the sound, you step closer and closer, the sound lulls you in and you can do nothing but follow it, until, a voice snaps you out of it. 
You turn around with a frown on your face only to find Jason standing in front of you. Great. Of course he was here too, your brother had the worst friends. 
“I called you like five times.” 
“What do you want.” you mumble as you go to walk past him after looking back at the forest one more time. The ticking, the chime, all gone, again. 
Jason steps in front of you “whoa, what happened?” he asks, pointing to the blood on your cheek. 
You push past him, not wanting to talk to another asshole this night. But he stays persistent, following you into the kitchen as you walk past your brother and his friends in the living room, who glance at you in interest. 
Your brothers loud music is blaring through the house, the smell of weed and alcohol makes you sick to your stomach right now. 
You open the fridge and grab yourself a bottle of water before closing it. Leaning against the counter, you ignore Jason’s presence as you open the bottle, taking a sip. 
“What happened to you, y/n?” he asks, fake concern in his voice. By the look in his eyes, you already know that he is up to no good. 
Rolling your eyes, you turn towards him “I fell.” you mumble, ignoring the way he sizes you up with hunger in his eyes. 
“Heard she’s been hanging out with the freak.” another voice speaks. 
You turn around, finding one of Jason’s stupid followers standing in the doorway. 
“What?” Jason asks, eying you suspiciously. 
“Yeah, Seth said he caught them.” Andy chuckles as he steps closer to you. You never felt comfortable around your brother’s friends, Jason and Andy especially. You had never interacted with them in school but they did everything to make you feel uncomfortable whenever they came around to hang out with your loser of a brother. 
“Caught them? Did he do this to you?” he asks, touching your cheek. 
You slap his hand away and take a step back, you were angry already, now you had to deal with both Jason and Andy “don’t fucking touch me and stop calling him freak.” you mutter angrily.
Jason raises his brows at you, glancing at his friend, he chuckles “aw, so protective over a freak, how cute.” he laughs “did he caught them fucking or something? Is the freak into some kinky shit?” he taunts you, pointing to the cut on your cheek “did he cut you up while he fucked you? Or was it some ritual shit?” Jason taunts you, taking a step forward. 
“Shut the fuck up, Jason.” 
Andy laughs at your words as he walks around the kitchen island, you eye him slowly. Heart pounding in your chest, your chest rises up and down heavily. 
You clench your jaw in anger, balling your hands into fists, you exhale sharply before going to walk past him but he steps in front of you, pushing you back, into his Andy’s chest who immediately grabs your arms. 
“Don’t touch me!” you exclaim angrily, pushing yourself away from him as panic settles in your chest. You should have stayed with Eddie, you shouldn't have come home. 
“Calm down, no one’s touching you.” Jason laughs raising his hands in surrender, his blue eyes glaring at you. His friend steps closer to you, “but,” he pauses, “since you care about Munson so much- maybe, we’ll leave him and his friends alone if you let us, have a little fun with you.” Andy says, stepping closer to you, he touches the hem of your skirt, pupils dilation with lust and hunger. 
Jason chuckles at his friend’s words. 
You feel sick the longer you stare at him, the longer you are in his presence.
There was one thing that you had learned after surviving hell in the upside down. You didn't get scared easily and you were never as weak as you always thought you were. Your brother, had abused you mentally and physically for years, he left you feeling weak and fragile but you were nothing of those things. 
You fought a monster twice his size and you did so without hesitation when it came to protecting yourself and the people that you love and while there is a part of you that will always fear your brother- you are certain, that you are not afraid of Jason or his friends. 
You blink, tilting your head to the side, you stare at him with disgust in your eyes. You have had enough. 
“Does your girlfriend know what a disgusting piece of shit you are, Carver?” you ask, which only makes him chuckle in amusement, you turn to face Andy, “get your hands off of me, asshole, before I cut them off and shove them up your ass.” 
His eyes widen before he bursts out laughing, fueling your anger even more. You push him away and this time they let you walk away. You rush out of the kitchen and out into the hallway, instead of walking upstairs into your room, you make the decision to leave the house altogether, walking past the living room again, you storm out of the house, despite your brothers loud protests. There is no way that you will spend another second longer in this house tonight. 
You hear your brother storming out of the house as well as you run down the driveway, he calls out to you, yelling at you to get back in the house. Without looking back, you raise your hand and flip him off. 
There’s just one place that you’d love to go to, there's just one person you'd love to be with right now but the uncertainty and the insecurities that he might turn you away were gnawing at you. 
After everything that happened tonight, you weren't ready to face reality again and have him turn you away after sobering up. Whilst you wanted to believe that he was genuine about his apology and about wanting to make things right, there was still a part of you that was hurt and unsure of his actions and his words. 
What if he changed his mind again? What if he will make a sudden turn again and take everything back that he said? What if he will hurt you some more? 
You gulp, you don't even realize that there's tears streaming down your face. Dried blood painting your skin. You don't feel anything at the moment, you just feel numb after the anger has rushed out of your system. 
You take a deep breath, closing your eyes for a moment, the walk to his house was way too short and you know he is going to ask questions after seeing the state you are in but you had already come up with a lie, another lie. You were an awful liar unless it came to the bruises and wounds on your body. 
You knock on the door and wait for a moment. You look through the little window in the front door, looking for a light but it’s all dark. You knock again and wait for a moment. 
Closing your eyes, you lean against the door frame. You are tired, exhausted and the throbbing headache has returned once again, you raise your hand towards your face, wiping away all tears so he doesn't have to see you this way. 
You sigh, just as you’re about to turn around and leave, he opens the door, looking annoyed and grumpy for the rude interruption, about to tell you off- but the expression on his face softens when he sees you standing on his porch. 
Warm brown eyes meet your glassy ones, he scans your face worriedly, eyes settling on the blood and the cut on your cheek “y/n.” he whispers “what the hell happened to you?”
You bite back your tears and muster up a small smile “I..I- can I stay with you tonight?” you whisper, blinking to keep yourself from crying. 
“Of course, come here.” he whispers, he grabs your hand and gently pulls you into his house. He grabs your face gently after closing the door. 
“Jesus, what happened?” he asks, eying the wound in your cheek “a-are you drunk? I can smell the whiskey from a mile away.”
You shake your head as you stare at him, his hair was a mess and he looked sleepy “did I wake you? I’m sorry-”
“No, hey, don't apologize, now tell me what happened.” 
You hesitate as you look into his eyes “I-I fell.” 
He raises his brows at you, clearly not believing your story “I was drunk, I was at the hideout a-and me and Eddie got locked up in the storage room so we drank.” 
“E-Eddie?” Steve asks “wait did he do this-”
“What? No! Steve, he- Eddie would never do this.” you say with wide eyes, shaking your head “I walked home and I kinda tripped and fell and I-I didn't want to go home cause Seth is throwing a party. Jason Carver is there- I just don't want to be at home right now.” you rant. 
“Okay..” he mumbles. 
You can tell that he is not very fond of you hanging out with Eddie, for some reason he has never liked him but lately it’s been worse. After Eddie had walked into Family Video a few days ago, he went on a rant about how much he dislikes the metalhead- which you clearly don't understand given how little he knows about him. 
“Come on.” he grabs your hand and guides you upstairs into his bathroom. 
“Wait- are your parents home?” you whisper. 
“No, you know they never are.” Steve chuckles. 
One of the things you and Steve could relate on was the fact that your parents were never there, you had no one but yourselves in those stupid big houses. At least Steve didn't have an abusive brother. 
Only as you walk into the bathroom and turn on the lights, do you finally see the state you are in. You hair disheveled, mascara smudged and the very obvious cut on your face, along with all the dried blood on your face leave you looking like a mess. 
Suddenly you feel dirty, Jason and his friends didn't get the chance to touch the way they wanted to but their small touches were still enough to leave you feeling uncomfortable and dirty in your own skin. 
You wish you could go to sleep with the memory of Eddie’s touch but instead you were forced to think of them and your brothers hands on you. 
You turn around and pull yourself up on the counter as Steve grabs a small towel, he holds it under cold water for a moment before stepping closer to you. He gently grabs your face and begins to wipe the blood off, eying the wound in suspicion. 
You stare at him, trying to read his eyes, you know he doesn't believe your story about falling down. 
You wince as he touches the cut “I'm sorry, I’m sorry babe.” he whispers as he steps closer to you. 
You ignore the pet name, feeling guilty all of the sudden. Robin was subtle about it but she did tell you that Steve likes you, in some way. 
Steve is nice, he is sweet to you, he is good to you, he never mistreated you, he has never said anything mean to you. Steve has never hurt you and a part of you has always been fond of him. But, Steve is not Eddie.
“So, how come you and Munson got locked in a storage room?” he asks, biting back his distaste as he mentions Eddie. 
“Uh- well, he offered to help me clean up and I forgot that the door was broken so..” you trail off.
“D-Did something happen?” he asks. 
“What do you mean?” you ask, wincing again as he cleans around your wound.
“Sorry.” he whispers “I mean with you and him.”
Your eyes widen and you start blushing. Something definitely happened. You felt a part of Eddie you never thought you would feel, he was on top of you, his lips just inches away from you, you heard him moan. Yeah, something happened. 
You shake your head “n-no.” you lie. 
“So, you just sat there in silence?” he scoffs, rolling his eyes. The look on your face tells him everything, he knows, something happened. 
“Uh- well, we played never have I ever.” you shrug. 
“Never have I ever.” he nods with a clenched jaw. His eyes return to yours and he holds your gaze for a moment and by the look in his eyes, you know he wants to ask you something. 
He let’s go of your face, lowering his hand, he places it next to your thigh on the counter. 
He sighs, running his finger through his hair “d-do you like him- wait no, don't answer, I don't want to know.” he mumbles, stepping away from you “the wound doesn't need stitches but I'll look for a bandaid.” 
He is about to walk away but you grab his hand, keeping him from doing so “w-what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing.” he sighs, meeting your eyes, you can see the annoyance, the pain and the sadness in his eyes but you know he won't talk about it “j-just take a shower, you smell like alcohol and like him.” he grumbles before turning away “I'll give you some of my stuff to wear.” 
You watch him leave, his shoulder slumped as he walks away from you. Sighing, you close the door before looking at your reflection in the mirror. Putting your hands on the counter, you lean against it for a moment, and close your eyes for a second.
This day was too much, too long, too irritating. 
Taking a deep breath, you open your eyes again, not looking into the mirror just yet. You feel it before you see it, the presence behind you, it’s tall, towering over you. For a moment you think, it’s the monster that dragged you into another world years ago but as you raise your head slowly, and look into the mirror with a racing heart, you realize that it’s not that monster, it’s another one. His pale eyes are staring right at you as he tilts his head. 
He isn't real. This isn't real. 
“Why are you resisting, y/n? Let me in.” he speaks “it’s time.” reaching out his hand to touch you but you turn around abruptly. 
And he is gone. 
You look around the bathroom. Pressing your palm against your chest, you can feel your heart pounding against your hand as fear settles back inside you. 
A knock on the bathroom door, startles you again and you jump back slightly.
“Y/n, I got you some of my clothes to wear, I'll leave them outside.” 
“O-Okay, thank you.” 
Eddie couldn’t fall asleep that night, his mind kept replaying all the events from that night. 
He wished that he could fall asleep with just the memory of your skin against his, your eyes staring back at him clouded with longing and lust, the way his name fell from your lips in a needy tone- but the bad things that happened after this moment, overshadowed the little moment the two of you shared. 
He knows, you tried to act brave and tough in front of him but he knows that you were terrified. The look in your eyes and your trembling body as you gripped his hand so tightly, was enough for him to know what was going on. 
Letting you go with your brother felt like the worst thing he could do. He just let you walk back right into the trap and now he felt guilty and horrible for not pulling you back, for letting you go. 
He considered, getting up and driving over to your house but decided against it. 
He sat up in his bed and looked around his room, eyes settling on your notebook that he hasn't touched ever since that day he read a small bit- he has read some of it already, so he could read the rest too, right? 
Eddie huffs, as he keep staring at it. Bouncing his leg up and down, he finally decides to grab it. Reaching for the scrunchie- your scrunchie, he pulls his hair up in a bun before opening your notebook, this time he doesn't open a random page, he opens the first one and takes a deep breath before reading the first sentence. 
I never thought that the reason to write down my feelings would be, you. I always thought that if I ever were to write into this notebook that I have kept around for ages, then it would be about something like; the upside down and all the monsters and trauma that come with it but no, after all the horrible things that I have gone through, after all the trauma and the pain, you are still the one thing that controls all my emotions, my thoughts, my feelings. 
I always thought that falling in love would be beautiful, light and just perfect. I thought that I would feel butterflies in my stomach, I thought that I would feel my heart fluttering in my chest every time I’d see that person, I thought that my eyes would light up, the moment he’d step into the room but instead it felt like I was breaking, more and more, every time. 
I fell in love with you and I ask myself why, you keep breaking my heart a little every time you look at me with those hateful eyes of yours. 
You keep breaking my heart every time you say the cruelest most vile things to me. 
My eyes never light up when you step into a room and my heart never flutters in my chest- instead I feel all this sadness consuming me because I know, I’ll never have you and you'll never love me because you can't even seem to look at me without this burning hatred in your eyes. 
I can go through all this pain in the world and beyond. I’ll fight monsters and things that shouldn’t even be real, I’ll endure all this pain my brother puts me through every single day and yet, none of it hurts as much as a single glance filled with hatred and disgust from you. 
You will always hate me and I will always love you. 
Maybe, falling in love with you was beautiful. 
After all, you were the one that kept me going when I needed saving the most. Your voice, your faint voice that I could hear on the other side gave me hope and strength. The song you always played on your guitar, has probably saved my life and even if it breaks my heart to this day, I still listen to it daily and imagine that it was you singing and playing it, instead. 
A new day dawned and the forest was truly filled with laughter because we did stand long enough and we made it out alive, even without a stairway. 
So yeah, falling in love with you was beautiful and...unfortunately you will never know how much I really love you. You will never know that you have saved me. You will never know how much you mean to me, how I would give my life to save yours if needed. 
We can never be, because you hate me. 
And yet, I’d still choose you over and over again. 
Eddie kept pacing around on the school parking lot as he waited for you to show up. He wanted to see, he needed to see you. Reading your notebook last night, was perhaps the worst idea that Eddie had ever gotten. 
He thought that he might find some closure, some answers about what happened to you, about what’s going on with your brother but instead he felt even more confused than before. 
You wrote about another world, about monsters, powers, another dimension. For a second, he felt as though he was reading a little book about dungeons and dragons. After all, you did use some terms that were only used in DnD and as far as he knows, you are anything but a DnD nerd. 
You talked about the upside down, a place like Hawkins but, different. The picture you drew in your notebook now made sense to him. 
Another thing that kept him up all night was the person you have wrote about, the person you fell in love with. 
Deep down he knew who you were writing about, you were writing about him. Eddie isn't stupid but he also doesn’t want to get his hopes up. 
Maybe, maybe, Steve Harrington learned how to play guitar and sing. No, that’s ridiculous. Steve wants you but you don't want Steve... right?
So, why are you getting out of Steve’s car, wearing his clothes..
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hippiegoth97 · 4 months
Into the Fire: An Eddie Munson x Reader Story Pt. 10
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Collage by me :)
Master List
Part 9
Tag List: @rafescurtainbangz @voyeurmunson @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @mediocredreams
@slowandsteddie @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@rattkween86 @violetpixiedust @bimbobaggins69 @purplehazed-h @morning-rituals
@eddie-van-munson @msgexymunson @munsoneightysixx @impmunson @mysticalstar30
@jenniquinn @oneforthemunny @succubusmunson @ddeadly-succubus @prettyboyeddiemunson
@sanctumdemunson @stalactitekilla @s6raphic @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne
@ohmeg @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever @ahoyyharrington @micheledawn1975
@costellation-hunter @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @yourdailymemedelivery @spacedoutdaydreamer
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI:  swearing, smut, teasing, alcohol use, oral sex, fingering, praise/degradation, squirting, role swapping
Word Count: 7.3k
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Divider by @strangergraphics
Pt.10: Centerfold
Friday, April 7th, 1989
You wake up the next morning to Mom knocking on your door. You groan as you roll over, the bedroom light blinding your eyes. "Sugarpuff? I've got to leave for work, but I hope your dinner with Eddie goes well. I love ya, kiddo." She says, muffled behind the wood barrier thankfully keeping her out. You don't even want to look at her right now, last night was so awful. You peer over at the clock, 10am. You get up to go pee, just barely beating Dustin to the bathroom. He notices your smudged makeup from yesterday, becoming a little concerned.
"You okay, Y/N?" He asks. He'd spent the night at Mike's house since Jane, Will, and Jonathan don't fly back to Lenora until tomorrow.
"I'm fine, Dusty. I just slept too late. I've got a date with Eddie tonight, so I gotta get moving." You answer groggily as you close the bathroom door behind you.
"But it's only ten in the morning!" He shouts from the other side of the door. You open it again, poking your head out.
"Yes, but I have to eat, shower, pick out an outfit, do my hair and makeup, and get my purse ready. Girls have a lot to do in preparation for a date. Not that you'd know anything about that. At this rate, I'm already behind schedule." You're laying the attitude on thick today, genuinely giving zero fucks about anything besides plans with your boyfriend. "So, if you don't mind, I need to piss." You slam the door shut again, leaving Dustin alone in the hall.
"I hope you get a little less bitchy by the time Eddie shows up!" He shouts, going into his own room to wait for you to be finished. Dustin can't help feeling a little worried about you. Your mood is more angry than he's used to. Sure, you've always been a little prickly, but nothing like this. He sighs, reassuring himself that you'll cool off if he just lets you be.
You finish up in the bathroom, and Dustin quickly runs inside as you leave. You rustle up some breakfast, just some toast with jam and butter. You're not particularly hungry right now, you're not really anything right now. You're irritated, that's for sure. And it's numbing down everything else. You can only hope you’ll feel better soon. You don't want to be in a bad mood when you're supposed to be celebrating, it wouldn't be fair to Eddie. You force the toast down your gullet, and it sits like a brick in your belly. Your brother opens the fridge wordlessly, avoiding your gaze. You sigh, realizing that you've hurt his feelings. "Dustin, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that. Mom was snooping around in my business again last night, and I've been in a sour mood after that."
He nods, understanding what it's like to be on the business end of Mom giving in to her urge to eavesdrop. "It's alright, Y/N. I figured there'd be a good reason for you to be like that. Sorry for calling you bitchy, though. That wasn't very kind, either." He says sympathetically, bowing his head in shame.
"I was being a bitch, so it's alright. Come on, bring it in." You reel him into your arms for a hug, and he slowly melts into it. You plant a kiss on the top of his curly head, which makes him gag.
"Eww. It's bad enough when Mom does that." He protests, squirming away.
"Oh please, you know you love it." You ruffle his hair, smiling wide.
"Quit it! I'm serious!" He laughs, running around the counter to dodge you. You chase after him, cackling as you try to grab his arms.
"Never! I will be victorious!" You manage to snag Dustin's wrist, quickly overpowering him to wrestle him to the floor. "Time for a noogie!" You exclaim, pinning him with your elbow and you roughly rub your fist into his scalp.
"Okay, you win! Just get off, please!" He yields. You sit back on your knees, letting him up. You're both out of breath, red in the face from laughing so hard. You stand up, extending a hand to Dustin. He takes it, and you help him off the tile floor.
"Alright, I'm gonna go shower. This little game has been fun, but I have a date to get ready for." You jog to the bathroom again, rapidly undressing as you set the water to your preferred temperature. You're rushing, and Eddie would be telling you to calm down right about now. But, you can't help it, you're excited to the point of bursting. You speed through your shower, quickly hopping out to go find the perfect outfit. You dig through your closet, looking for a cute dress to wear. You haven't worn one around him yet, and it’ll be very easy to take off later.
You dig out a dress you haven't worn in years. A gift from an old friend, though you forget who. The second your eyes fall onto it, you know it's the one. It's a simple, crushed-velvet black dress. It has spaghetti straps to show off your shoulders, and the hem sits at your lower thighs to just barely cover the garterbelt you'll be wearing underneath. You set it on your bed, heading back to the bathroom to blowdry your hair.
When it's almost time for Eddie to pick you up, you're still working on your makeup. You've got the lingerie, the dress, and the heels on. The presents are waiting right next to you, but you're still trying to get your eyeliner right. You almost scratch your eyeball when you hear the doorbell ring. "Jesus, fuck." You mutter as you get startled, setting the pencil down. You take one last look at yourself, adjusting your breasts in your dress, inspecting your updo for any stray hairs. "Knock 'em dead, Y/N." You say to yourself, nodding in agreement with your reflection. You sling your purse over your shoulder, and snatch the presents into your arms.
"Eddie's here, Y/N!" Dustin shouts to you as he lets Eddie inside. You leave your room to meet him by the door, strolling confidently down the hallway. "Whoa." He gasps when you enter the room. He's never seen you so dressed up like that since the prom. He can't help cracking a smile, and you mouth a polite 'thank you' at him.
"Took the words right outta my mouth, Henderson." Eddie replies, unable to stop staring at you. You meet his gaze, immediately blushing at how intensely he's looking you over. It's here that you take in his own appearance. He's wearing surprisingly not-ripped black jeans, and his signature Reeboks. But he's also got on a black button-up shirt, with a couple buttons left open and the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. His hair is tied back in a thick ponytail, like how he wears it for work. He's holding a bouquet of sunflowers in his hands, struggling to form another sentence as you've thrown him off his game. "I uh....got these for you." Eddie holds out the flowers awkwardly, clearing his throat to compose himself. "I figured roses are a bit cliché, and these reminded me of you." His cheeks turn a dark crimson, growing shy in your radiant presence.
You set the gifts down for a moment and make your way over to him, taking your time as a means to tease him. You grin as you reach him, placing your hands on his chest before leaning in for a kiss. Eddie's breath shudders into your face, and he closes his eyes in preparation for you to lay one on him. But just before your lips can meet, you pull away. He stumbles forward slightly, opening his eyes in disbelief. He scoffs at your antics, surprised you're so calm after seeing him all dressed up. "Sorry, baby. I had to get you back for a month ago." You explain, giving him a quick peck as an apology, graciously accepting the beautiful bouquet. His hands instinctively go to your waist once you've taken it. "Thank you, darling. These are gorgeous! Let me put them in some water." You leave his grasp, swaying your hips as you practically strut to the kitchen to find a vase.
Dustin cringes at your flirting, wanting to escape this situation immediately. If there's one thing he doesn't want to see, it's his sister trying to seduce one of his best friends with her butt. "Okaaaay, I can see I'm not needed here. Have a good time, lovebirds." He says as he runs from the room, retreating from your displays of affection.
"Later, Dustin." Eddie calls to him, his eyes refusing to leave your body. You pull a simple vase from one of the cupboards, filling it with cold water and sticking the bunch of flowers into it. You set the vase onto the kitchen island, prominently displaying the golden flowers. "You really like them?" He asks, always unsure if he's given you the right thing.
"I love them, Eddie." You go back over to pick up your gifts, rejoining him at the front door. "You ready to go?" You ask, entwining your free hand with his. He doesn't answer you, he can't stop ogling your chest. "My love, are you alright?" You play innocent, batting your eyelashes at him. It's very flattering that he's so attracted to you like this. You're really gonna rock his world when he sees what's underneath your dress.
His eyes finally meet yours again, his cheeks flushing dark red. He clears his throat, trying to keep himself together. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine. You just look really beautiful tonight." He rubs his neck anxiously, a forced laugh leaving his lips.
"You clean up pretty good yourself, handsome." You give him a kiss on the neck, leaving a perfect mark of lipstick on his heated flesh. He whimpers at the contact, fighting off an oncoming erection.
"Jesus." He mutters, shaking his head to calm his increasingly dirty thoughts. He smiles at you, leading you out the front door to his van. You climb into your side, leaning into the back to set down the presents. Eddie notices your ass pointed in the air as he gets in, eyes bugging out of his head. He can see the straps of your garter belt, and once again he's found himself thinking about sports to calm down. You face forward to sit in your seat, smoothing down the skirt of your dress. You notice him staring again, looking over with a large grin.
"Whatcha lookin' at, sexy?" You catch his gaze, winking at him. Eddie swallows hard, mouth agape, like he's trying to speak but the words have been stolen from him. "You sure you're okay? I've never seen you so spazzy before." You put a hand on his knee to comfort him.
"Yeah, sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me. Well, you, I guess." He chuckles nervously, sighing afterwards to let it all go. "Alright, I'm focused. We've got a picnic to get to!" He smiles at you, back to his old self. He puts the van into gear, pulling away from your house to take you on your first real date.
"You look really good by the way, Eds." You tell him after a couple minutes of silence, as if the nervous energy has been transferred from Eddie into you. Your knee won't stop bobbing up and down, your heel tapping on the floor of the van. You hope he'll like his gifts, and that he'll like how you look in the lingerie. You know he will, but there's always that little seed of doubt trying to plant itself in your mind. You notice his large hand reach over to still you, stroking your stocking-clad flesh lovingly.
"Thank you. And relax, angel. Let's just have fun tonight, 'kay?" You just nod, his hand on you sends your stomach into a free fall. You're not really sure why both of you are so amped up. Could it be the fact that you've been together a month already? Or that this is your first official date? Something else? You roll your eyes at the swirling questions inside your head, annoyed at them forming a tiny tornado within your skull. You've always been an overthinker, which Eddie is kind enough to call you out for on many occasions. But it appears he might be having an internal struggle of his own, you suppose there's a decent amount of pressure riding on this.
"So, what's on the menu this evening?" You ask, keeping up light conversation to break the tension.
"Well, I thought I'd keep it simple, since we're dressed up so nice. It's just sandwiches, but I also got a bottle of wine. Beer isn't exactly romantic, and the guy at the liquor store helped me find something." Eddie says.
"Are you trying to get me drunk, darling?" You joke, getting a small chuckle out of him.
"I wouldn't dream of it, baby. That wouldn't be very gentlemanly of me now, would it?" He smirks, glancing at you for a moment. You're settling back into your usual groove, clearing some of the tension between you. Eddie puts the van in park, having reached your final destination. "So, I realized Hawkins doesn't exactly have anything in the way of an actual park. But I hope this spot is just as good." You gasp as you look through the windshield to see a long stretch of field, covered in colorful wildflowers. The grass is a bit tall, but you don't mind at all. It's absolutely beautiful, peaceful and secluded, surrounded by thick trees, with no houses or buildings nearby. Eddie jumps out of his side, jogging around the front to open your door for you.
"It's wonderful, Eddie. I love it." He smiles at your amazement, congratulating himself on picking the perfect place for your special night.
"I'm glad you like it, sweetheart." He takes hold of your hand, kissing it gently. "C’mon." He instructs quietly, helping you hop out of the van. He goes to the back, opening the doors to pull out a wicker basket and a neatly folded blanket. You grab his gifts again, walking with him through the ankle-height grass to find an even spot of ground to sit on. It's difficult for you to walk on in your heels, but you manage to not fall flat on your face. Eddie lays the plaid blanket down for you, setting the basket in the middle before helping you get comfortable. You sit on your knees, keeping your legs together. It's awkward for you, you're usually a pants kind of girl. "I hope you like ham and cheese." Eddie says, flipping one of the flaps of the basket open. He pulls out the sandwiches, which he's wrapped in some wax paper. He also takes out the bottle of wine and a couple of mugs you recognize from Wayne's collection. "We didn't have any wine glasses." He explains sheepishly as he places one with the Grand Canyon on it beside you, though you don't feel he needs to.
"It's alright, baby. It's better this way, less chance of a spill." You assure him, and he relaxes again. He twists the cap off the bottle, pouring some wine into your cup and then his own. "Thank you, love." You hold the cool ceramic with both hands, your ring and middle fingers sliding under the handle. You wait for Eddie to put the bottle back into the basket, and he takes hold of his own cup. He leans back on his free hand, his legs laying straight out and crossed over one another.
Without thinking about it, you bring the wine to your lips and down the whole thing. It's very sweet, splashing down your throat smoothly. "Jesus, Y/N. Pace yourself, we've got all night." Eddie chuckles, watching as you painstakingly wipe the drop of wine from your face without smudging your makeup. You set the mug down on the plush blanket, moving the basket into the grass so you can scoot closer to him. He's taking a sip from his own mug as you do, so he doesn't notice until he feels your hand on his shoulder. He almost chokes, swallowing hard before looking at you. "Hey, there." He says through a small cough. You don't say anything in response, your eyes flicking down to his lips. There's a tiny droplet of wine on them, and you just can't resist leaning in to lick it off. Eddie watches helplessly as you grip his shoulder and drag your warm tongue across his mouth.
"Mm, you picked a good one, darling." You speak lowly, breath fanning in his face as you haven't backed off just yet. Your hearts pound inside your chests, the tension palpable in this moment. If he didn't know any better, he'd take you right now. But you're just toying with him, riling him up for later. You gaze into his blown out eyes, reaching behind you effortlessly to place a sandwich into his lap. "Eat up, Eds. Wouldn't want you to spoil your dinner by rushing into dessert." You pat his shoulder, letting him go for the time being. You grab your own sandwich, unwrapping it slowly.
Eddie just scoffs, unable to move or speak. He has no idea how you manage to drive him to such a state, usually this goes the other way around. Or better yet, you're both a nervous wreck. But something is different with you, he just can't figure out what as of yet. Little does he know, wearing the sexy underwear you bought to please him has made you feel so fucking good that almost nothing can stop you. That, and the wine is currently tossing your inhibitions from earlier out the window. No more nervous Y/N tonight, that bitch is dead. Neither of you say anything else, Eddie's utterly speechless, and anything out of your mouth will only serve to turn him on further. And you may like to tease, but you're far from cruel. You eat your food quietly, eyes exploring the lush scenery. 
Eddie finishes before you, reaching over to pick a purple flower from the colorful sea that surrounds you. You feel his cold rings brush against your ear, looking to see him trying to tuck the stem into your hair. "A pretty flower, for an even prettier girl." He smiles again, pulling out some of his own charms to pay you back. You blush at his words, giggling a bit more than you'd like. "Are you ready for your presents, baby?" He asks once you've polished off your sandwich. 
You nod as you're still chewing the last bite. After you swallow, you pick up the blue bundle and red envelope, putting them on his lap. He grunts at the weight of the books, and you give him an apologetic look. "Sorry, they're a little heavier than I expected." He just nods with a subdued grimace, reaching into the basket once more to pull out two small black boxes tied with ribbon. He hands them to you, and you gingerly take hold of them.
"You first, baby. Start with that one." He pokes one box with his finger, and you set the other in your lap before pulling the ribbon loose. You open the lid, finding two perfectly rolled joints inside. "I figure we can use those later, if you like." He speaks into your ear, biting the top of it to send a chill through your body. You sit with it a moment, taking one of the blunts in your hand to look it over. You've only smoked weed once before, you can't quite remember when though. "Do you not like it? I guess I never even asked if you've smoked before." There he goes again, doubting his present. Your heart aches at the disappointed tone in his voice, and you turn your head to look deep into his eyes. You cup his cheek, smiling in appreciation.
"I like it, Eds, I do. I've only done it once, a long time ago. I don't remember if I liked it, but I'd happily try it again with you." You give him another kiss, slightly painting his own lips red. You put the joint back with its twin, carefully closing the box up for later. You look for permission to open your other gift, and he nods approvingly at you. He's absolutely beaming, ready for you to see what lies within that second little box. What you find makes your jaw drop. "Oh my god, Eddie!" You shriek in excitement as you stare at the beautiful diamond stud earrings inside the box. They sparkle in the sunlight, absolutely gorgeous.
"I knew you'd like those, princess." He smirks as you clumsily take off your gold hoops to put in the studs, placing your old earrings in the box for safe keeping. You turn your head to show him how they look on you. "You’re gorgeous, babydoll. Although, it doesn't take jewelry to achieve that."
"I love them, Eds. They're beautiful." Another peck is exchanged between you. "Your turn!" You clap your hands together excitedly, you can't wait for the look on Eddie's face when he sees what you’ve got for him. He's about to open the envelope, when you abruptly stop him. "Oh, open the blue one first." He chuckles at your anxious expression, and sets the envelope aside to tear open the dark blue wrapping paper. Eddie undresses the books, and he smiles. He flips through the pages, admiring the color photos inside. Nobody's ever thought to give him a cookbook before, he absolutely loves to make meals for people. And you've given him something to expand his 2-recipe rolodex.
"Y/N! This is so sweet!" He turns to you in disbelief, pulling you in for a suffocating hug. "I'm gonna make every recipe in these for you, I promise. It's so thoughtful, angel. Thank you." He presses a kiss onto your head before releasing you.
"I'm glad you like them, love. And I can't wait to taste every amazing thing you'll make." He sets the books off to the side, returning his attention to that mysterious little envelope you insisted he open last. "Now I know you're gonna love this." You waggle your eyebrows goofily, making him laugh. You love the way he laughs, it's so warm and joyful. And he doesn't shy away from sounding obnoxious, though you would never find it annoying.
"Is that so? What makes you so sure?" He teases, stroking the thin paper in his fingers as he's intrigued to find out what's inside. You bite your lip while he flirts with the idea of ripping the seal, anticipation rapidly building inside you. "It must be somethin' really special, if watching me open it has you so worked up." He stops drawing it out, tearing the top open and slowly pulling out the photographs. It takes him a second to fully realize what he's looking at, holding the stack gingerly in his hand. But once his eyes translate that it's you wearing sexy black lace underwear in these pictures, his breath catches in his throat. "Jesus." He mutters, amazed that you're bold enough to do such a thing for him. He works his way through the photos, examining every detail before bringing the next one forward.
"Just wait until you see the last one." You purr into his ear, making him shudder. It's so hot to watch him look at these pictures of you, your senses have heightened significantly the second he broke that seal. You lean on one hand, bringing the other to his chest. You slowly pop open a couple buttons on his shirt, diving under the dark material to feel him up as he gawks at your gift. His heart pounds against your fingertips, and his chest rises and falls unevenly. Eddie audibly groans repeatedly as he flips through each picture, and from you touching him. You pull your hand out of his shirt, snaking your way down to the bulge forming in his jeans. You palm him as lightly as possible through his pants, wanting to egg him on just the slightest bit.
"Fuck, princess." He moans loudly, savoring your hold on him. And then he sees it, the final image. You're on your knees, head fallen to the side in absolute ecstasy. It looks like you're moaning, he can hear the sound of it in his head. Your hand is between your legs, stroking the most intimate part of yourself. And your eyes are staring right at him, showing him you're all his. This has gotta be the dirtiest thing he's ever seen, and it's so fucking beautiful.
"What do you think, baby?" You ask before you lick the length of Eddie's neck, groping his hard-on more firmly now. He moans again, unable to handle how sexy you're acting right now. He grabs his mug of wine and chugs it, gulping heavily as some drips down his chin. He puts the photos back in the envelope and into the basket so they don't blow away.
He gazes at you with pure, unadulterated hunger in his eyes. "I love them, sweetheart. You look fuckin' gorgeous like that, and I want you so badly right now. Please tell me you're wearing that underneath your dress." His eyes flick to your body, remembering the garterbelt he observed earlier when you got in the van. It's the same one from the photos, and that realization makes him lose it. "If I believed in such a place, I'd think I died and went to heaven." His voice breaks, he's more revved up than he's ever been now.
"I'm most definitely wearing it underneath. It'd be a waste to only take pictures in it, don't you think?" You're still so cool and collected, despite the arousal spreading quickly between your legs. You're in full control here, with Eddie at your mercy. The power you hold over him right now is intoxicating. "And there's something else. Do you wanna know what it is?" You tempt him with your words, reeling him in even farther than you already have if that's even possible. He nods, unable to say anything else. You bring yourself as close to him as you can, maintaining eye contact as your lips are close enough to ghost over his own. You speak barely above a whisper, making sure he knows just how important what you have to say is. "The panties are crotchless, so you get to fuck me in it." You gently squeeze Eddie's aching cock, drawing more helpless noises from his throat.
"O-okay. It's official, I'm a dead man." He jokes, attempting to regain some semblance of control.
"I'd certainly hope not. I have my reservations about fucking a corpse." You quip back, ceasing your groping. You lead Eddie to lay down on the blanket, the skirt of your dress riding up as you straddle him. His hands grip your waist, waiting for you to make the next move. You peer down at his awestruck face, drinking in how fucked he is for you. You rock your hips against him, gasping as you finally get some of the friction you've been desperately craving all day. You lay your torso over his, placing your hands on his chest. "Happy anniversary, love." You say seductively, pressing your lips against his.
Eddie moans into the kiss, running his hands over your ass. He massages the flesh roughly, leading you to continue grinding on him. Your lips travel down his face, his jaw, landing on his neck. You paint his pale flesh with your cherry red lipstick, smudging it everywhere with reckless abandon. You kinda hope it'll stain him, letting everyone know he belongs to you. Your teeth worry his skin teasingly, and he can't stop letting out the most delicious, pitiful sounds. "Happy anniversary, sweetheart. I love you so much, and, fuck, you're unbelievable tonight." He sighs lustfully, enjoying every little move you make on him.
"I love you too, darling." You say between bites. Your left hand slides to the buttons of his shirt again, undoing every one that remains until the fabric falls open to expose his chest. "And I'm gonna take my time with you." You shift yourself onto your knees, still looming over him. You plant wet kisses on his torso, slinking your way down to his stomach. Your tongue dips into his belly button, and he laughs at the sensation.
"That tickles." He says simply, his head lifted slightly to watch you work. You take the end of his belt between your teeth, pulling the leather to the side to undo it. You unbutton his jeans, unzipping them at an agonizing pace. Eddie's panting as he anticipates your actions, wanting you to take him any way you desire. Your arms stretch upwards, only to drag your nails down his chest. He groans at the pleasant sting. You reach a hand inside his pants, slipping under his boxers to feel his stiff cock. "Fuck." He breathes.
You tease him with your strokes, looking in his eyes. "Do I turn you on, baby?" You ask, clearly knowing the answer. But you want to hear him say it.
"Yes, sooooo much. Everything you do feels so good." You smirk at the confession you've drawn from his lips. It's fun to switch roles, to have him beg you to touch him, kiss him, fuck him.
"What do you want me to do to you, hm? Use your words like a good boy." You kiss his stomach, still jerking his length in your palm.
"I want you to blow me, I love the way you suck my dick." He shudders as he speaks, finding your dominance over him extremely addictive.
"Your wish is my command, Eds." You pull his pants and boxers down to his knees, letting his length spring free. It slaps against his abdomen, leaving a glistening streak of precum behind. You lick your lips, anxious to take him in your mouth. Your eyes flick to his again, noticing he's waiting to ask for something else. "What is it, love?"
"Can you sit on my face while you do that? I wanna taste you, please?" Eddie can't be bothered to even attempt to hide the neediness in his voice. He has to touch you, any way he can.
"Very well, you dirty boy. Do you want the dress on or off?" You ask, as if it's of no consequence to you. You know he wants to see the sexy lingerie in the flesh, but once again, he needs to beg.
"Off, please! I have to see how beautiful you look." He pleads. You chuckle darkly at his broken voice, falling further into your role. Nodding, you stand off to the side to make a show of taking off your dress. You playfully pull the straps from your shoulders, letting them hang loosely at your elbows. You hold the top of the dress, letting Eddie's eyes widen as he waits for you to let it fall to your feet. "Go ahead, Y/N. Show me how sexy you are." He says, almost attempting to take control away from you. You scowl at him, slipping the straps back in place.
"I'm the one in charge here, Eddie. If you can't play by the rules, then we won't play at all. Got it?" You aggressively put your foot on his chest, the heel making a deep indentation into his skin.
He groans, somehow even more aroused by you getting so rough with him. "I'm sorry, I'll be a good boy. I promise." His eyes beg you to continue, he's past the point of no return.
"Good. Now, do you want to see what I've got hidden under here?" You bat your eyes at him, speaking in an unassuming voice.
"Yes. God, yes." He bites his lip, trying his best to lie still and let you take the reins. With that, you give in to his request and let the velvet garment slip down your form to your feet. You step out of it, keeping your heels on. You stand with your hand on your hip, letting him take you in. His eyes scan greedily over the dark lace, tracing how perfectly the set fits your body. From head to toe, he commits your image to memory. "You're perfect, angel." Eddie says breathlessly, you truly are a vision.
You blush at his words and gaze, his admiration for you sends your heart soaring every time. "Thank you, baby." You kneel down, turning your back to him so you can give him what he wants. "You ready?" You ask, speaking between your legs as you position yourself over Eddie's face.
"Always." He replies, noting the wetness gathered on your folds for him. Besides the cunning grin on your face, it's the only real indication that you're enjoying this just as much as he is. You lower your cunt onto his mouth, letting him begin his work on you before taking his dick down your throat. He licks your clit immediately, sending a shot of pleasure through your body.
"Fuck, Eddie." You moan, mouth falling open as his arms wrap around your thighs and his hands grip your hips to keep you in place. You take a moment to enjoy his warm tongue before fulfilling your end of the bargain, he's a total master at giving head. He paints long stripes from your clit to your weeping hole, drinking up your juices as they form. "You're such a filthy boy. Eating me out like this, fucking me with your tongue. It feels so good, baby." Your words make his hands grip your flesh tighter, his rings digging into you which will surely leave bruises. You can't wait to find them when you look in the mirror tomorrow.
Pleasure slowly builds inside you, and you realize Eddie's cock has been helplessly leaking precum this whole time. You lay over his stomach, taking hold of him once again. He twitches at the contact, moaning against your pussy. The vibrations draw more noises from you, and you drown them out by sinking your mouth onto his length in one go. You gag as he hits deep in your throat, and you get to work sucking him just the way he likes. Your head bobs up and down, tongue swirling around his dick with every stroke. Tears prick your eyes from how hard you're going, but you carry on to drive him insane. In return, Eddie lets go of one of your thighs to shove two fingers into you, curling and pumping them expertly. He brushes against your g spot over and over, rapidly flicking his tongue in tandem. "Fuck." He mutters when he takes a second to breathe, your mouth is so hot and wet around him it's almost too much.
To offset the boiling lust in his belly, Eddie picks up the pace. He loves making you cum, it's practically a hobby for him. He's doing everything he can to set you off, and the pleasure is almost too much to bear. You pull yourself off of his length for a moment, unable to focus when your insides are twisting up in strangled knots. You stroke him in your hand to keep him going, but your head rests on his thigh while you feel your orgasm quickly approaching. "You're doing so well, darling. Keep going, I'm getting close." You whine at him, unable to keep your cool any longer. You're still in the driver's seat in his eyes, but at the moment all you care about is feeling that familiar bliss washing over you.
"Mmm." He hums against you, pushing you further. You sense he's toying with you now, and you can't let him get away with it. You push your cunt against him a little harder, and immediately shove your head down onto his cock again. You want him to come undone with you, pulling out all the stops. You're both moaning desperately on each other, competing to send one another over the edge. You're so unbelievably hot in the lacey set, sweat beads across your flesh and the fabric sticks to you like papier-mâché. Tonight is unusually warm, the chill of early spring has morphed into a more temperate climate in preparation for summer. But you keep going, gagging yourself over and over to bring Eddie to his knees, so to speak. The vulgar harmony of wet noises and needy moans fills the still air. Luckily, there's absolutely no one around to see or hear you.
Eddie's stomach tenses beneath you, signaling his oncoming release. He groans so loud against your pussy, the buzz of which sends you flying into your own spiral. Thick ropes shoot down your throat as you scream, while your legs shake uncontrollably and clamp around his head. A thousand tiny explosions erupt through your bodies, shattering the world around you. His hips buck upwards a few times, choking you as his high runs its course. When he's calmed down, you let him slip wetly from your swollen lips. You're still going, Eddie hasn't stopped licking and fingering you. Your juices drip down his face and neck, and he drinks up every last drop he can. Your pussy is sparking from overstimulation, but he can't seem to let up. "Eddie, baby. If you keep going like that, you're gonna make me cum again." You mean it as a warning, but he just takes it as a personal challenge. He goes even faster, hammering his digits into your soaked hole and sucking harshly on your clit. Your nails dig into his thighs, he's sure you've drawn blood. "Oh, fuck!" You scream, quickly taken over by another orgasm. He grunts as you grip his skull between your thighs even tighter than before, and a flood of arousal gushes violently from you. He stills his movements, holding his breath until you release him so he doesn't drown.
You finally let him breathe as you collapse, legs falling to either side of Eddie's face while you're gasping for air. You just lay here, seeing stars in your vision as you try to calm your pounding heart. "You alright, angel?" He asks, lovingly stroking your thighs to ground you. You can't muster a response, your brain scrambles all the possible words into jibberish. "Y/N?" He asks, a little worried that you're not saying anything. He feels your slicked body moving as you struggle to catch your breath, but no words leave your lips to let him know you're okay. He sits up, looking you over. He can't deny it's a rather pretty picture, how obscenely you're spread for him and the satisfied glaze over your eyes. He carefully slips out from under you, letting you recuperate on the blanket. He's not sure how much more you can take, so he pulls up his pants for the time being.
You manage to string a sentence together, blinking hard to clear your sight. "I'm alright, Eds. That was...intense, to say the least." An exhausted chuckle escapes your lips, and you feel his hand stroke your damp hair. "You mind helping me out here? I'm a boneless pile of Jell-O at this point." You ask, turning your head to glance at him. He's smiling down at you, nodding before helping you move. He pulls you into his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist to keep you upright. You rest your head on his shoulder, letting out a satisfied sigh. "Did you like that, darling? You were such a good boy for me." You notice his cheeks turning red when you call him that, it's so cute to catch him off guard.
"I loved it, babydoll. And judging by how soaked my face got, so did you." He chuckles, kissing your cheek. "Do you want more? Or are you too tired?" He asks, not really bothered by the idea of taking a break or picking this up another time. Tonight has taken a lot out of you both, it would be nice to just relax and spend time together for the rest of the evening.
"Maybe in a bit, I'm still feeling the aftershocks at the moment." You'd love to ride him in your little ensemble, but you're not so sure you have it in you. "I am feeling a bit thirsty, though." You reach over to open the picnic basket, pulling the bottle of wine out of it. You bring it to your lips, taking a decent-sized swig.
"Jesus, Y/N. Keep up like that and we'll have to sleep it off in the van." He takes the bottle from you, drinking some as well. "Ah, to hell with it. We were probably gonna do that anyway." The two of you pass the wine back and forth, having light conversation as the sun sets on the horizon. You're both feeling the effects by the time you finish the bottle, slightly slurring your words and giggling at every little thing. "I think we might be drunk, baby." He says, laughing at his own words.
"You don't say?" You reply, clumsily pulling his mouth to yours to exchange a sloppy kiss. If you weren't so intoxicated (and honestly just dead tired), you'd be trying to strip him down and hop onto his cock. "Can weeee go lay down in the van, Eddie? I'm soooo fuckin' tired, and I don't wanna get eaten up by mosquitoes." You ask, your tone coming off a tad whiny.
"Suuure, sweetheart. Standin’ up might prove to be a challenge, though." The two of you struggle to get off the ground, with Eddie stepping sideways until he falls over. You burst out laughing, falling to your hands and knees. "Fuck, wheeeen did the ground start slanting like that?" He asks dumbly, panting as he makes a second attempt. You manage to bundle everything up in the blanket, carrying it carelessly to plop into the back of the van. You'll sort everything out in the morning. You climb inside, and Eddie yanks the doors shut. "There we are. Nice and warm and safe from alllll the buggies." He laughs again, almost wheezing as he crawls over to you.
You notice he's still got his shirt wide open, his beautiful chest exposed to you. "You wanna take that shirt off, darling? I figure you'll sleep better without it. And maybe your pants too?" You ask slyly through a hiccup, you may or may not want to gawk at him in his underwear before you go to sleep.
"Youuuuuu just wanna see me naked, you dirty 'lil slut." Eddie slurs at you, smiling like an idiot. "But, I guess I can't blame you. I am unreasonably sexy." He tries to remove his clothes, and you can't help finding him a bit silly in his struggle. You don't want him to rip them, so you assist as best you can. "Thank you, princess. C'mere and cuddle me." He groans, suddenly very needy for your embrace. You've never seen Eddie drunk before, but his begging to hold you close is endearing.
He makes grabby hands at you, and you happily oblige. You turn over to let him spoon you, snuggling against the loose blankets on the floor. "You warm enough, Eds?" You ask, and he just hums in response. "Okay, good. Happy anniversary, baby. I love you." You speak quietly, your eyelids suddenly feel very heavy.
"IIII love you too, sweetheart. Happy anniversary." He replies, squeezing you in his grasp. Tonight has been absolute magic, better than you ever could have imagined. It doesn't take long before you're both knocked out cold, snoring loudly. Visions of your future with Eddie swirl in your mind as you slumber, and you hope someday you'll get to make these vivid fantasies a reality.
To be continued...
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munsons-hellfire · 1 year
Chapter 2: Damsel In Distress
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SUMMARY: You've settled down into your apartment now its time for you to find a teaching job, and Eddie wants to take you out to get to know you better and more about your past. All while your dad and brother set up a little welcome home party as well as a meet the crew party, but things seem to take a sideways turn and not in a good way.
PAIRINGS: Biker!Eddie Munson x Teacher!Fem!Reader
CONTENT WARNINGS: MFW (can still be read at work), a little angsty towards the end, Part 2, Biker!Eddie Munson, Teacher!Reader, no use of y/n (though bug is used), implied pet names, she/her pronouns (but barley used), Reader is 24 (turning 25 soon), Eddie is 26, post-upside down, vecna is defeated (will be mentioned in later parts), language, angst, mentions of drugs, mentions of murder, rival biker gang
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Here is part 2, I hope you enjoyed it and are enjoying this series so far. I hope you enjoy this part, I apologize for it being so long, I thought about splitting it up but my gut was just telling me to keep going and end on a slight cliff hanger. It’ll be picked up in part 3 though so fear not. The ending that I had was not the intended direction I was heading for but I like how it ended so it's sticking, I just really got into writing this part which is why it's so long. Plus I’m a sucker for angst, so I had to have something in this part. As we progress through this series it will start to get more mature and will eventually be for readers over 18+ with eventual smut as well. I just haven't decided when it’ll get more mature and when the eventual smut will happen. I did make a playlist for this series, the link to the playlist can be found in the series masterlist under "word count". And if you’d like to be added to the permanent tags let me know in the comments or send me a message. And please feel free to send some asks if you wanna know more about Eddie and Reader’s relationship or other characters in the series. I would love that a lot, it makes me excited and happy about my series.
WORD COUNT: 6.2K Words
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The birds were chirping outside, you could hear them through the open window in your apartment. It was a warm night in the middle of August, which you thought was odd considering August seemed to have some hot days already. You turned on your air mattress and reached out for your phone that rested on the floor and had been connected to the charger. You watched the screen pop up so you could look at the time.
There was a text message from your brother and one from your dad. Luckily there was no text message from your ex. You had blocked the number she had used last night to contact you, but you wouldn't put it past her to get another number and start texting and calling you again. If that were the case you knew you would be turning your phone off a lot until you could get a new one.
After looking at the messages left from your dad and brother you decided to get ready so you could head out and look for a new teaching position. Your old school would be sending over whatever paperwork that would be needed for your hire. You had your resumé and portfolio ready. After getting ready for the day you grabbed everything you needed and headed towards your front door.
You opened the door and went to walk out only to see Eddie standing at your door ready to knock. A sudden gasp left your lips as Eddie stared down at you. You looked pretty today, Eddie couldn't deny that. The way you had dressed caused the man to smile and try and hide the blush that was creeping up his neck. You held onto your bag tightly. Your phone was in your pocket and your keys were in your left hand.
"What are you doing here?" You questioned, eyes scanning Eddie for any trace of a lie he might throw out.
"I came to see you, Bug." Eddie said, smirking after watching the roll of her eyes. So she likes to be a brat? He thought to himself as he continued to stare at you.
"Please don't call me Bug, that name is only reserved for Sam and my dad." You were stern when you told Eddie how you felt about the nickname.
"Okay, so what can I call you?" Eddie clearly wanted to know your name and you were definitely hesitant to tell him. Without a second thought crossing your mind your name dropped from your lips. Eddie smiled triumphantly. He repeated your name like he had been saying it all his life, and if you were being honest with yourself you really like how your name rolled off his tongue.
Then you wondered what he'd be like in the sheets, what he would be like with his tongue on you. Before you could get any further into the little thoughts you were having your phone started to ring. You forgot you had turned the sound back on. You answered the phone without checking who was calling you.
"Hello." You called out, Eddie was waiting for the phone call to end so he ended up leaning against the wall while you turned around and closed your door to look up.
"You are some bitch, you know that. You really think you can skip town on me and leave me behind."
You sighed and turned away from Eddie. He would still be able to hear everything but you didn't want him to see your face. You didn't want to see him the way she was making you feel.
"Jules, look, we broke up, I moved on, and you need to do the same." You tried to keep your voice calm and collected with Eddie right behind you but he could hear the break in your voice, he was sure Jules could hear it too.
"I'm not moving on, not until I have you back in my arms." Her tone of voice made you flinch slightly, something Eddie has also seen.
"That's never going to happen."
"You better believe it will. I'll-"
You ended the call before Jules could say another word to you. Your phone was quickly turned to silent and you shoved it back into your back pocket. Jules would definitely be calling you again, which meant you had to get a new phone now. Gathering yourself together you exhaled and turned around to look back at Eddie. He was still leaning against the wall.
His arms were crossed over his chest and a tattoo was peaking through slightly, not to mention you could get a better look at the few tattoos that rested on his fingers. It made him look super sexier, and it really helped that he was a biker.
"Sorry about that." You paused, while Eddie adjusted himself slightly. "It was my ex, she won't leave me alone. Jules, she thinks we're meant to be with each other, soulmates and all that bullshit."
"And you don't?" Eddie asked, he knew that maybe this was his way to get to know more about Sam's little sister.
"Well, my first ex before Jules, Mikey, he believed in all that crap and I did too. Thought he was the one I was supposed to be with but then the shit hit the window and things got bad so we broke up. Now he's in Cali fucking whoever and doing all the drugs, at least that's what I heard. Then I met Jules not even a few weeks after Mikey and I ended things and I thought she was perfect, but she was too perfect. Anyway, one thing after another happened and now here I am."
The two of you started walking down the steps. Eddie was right on your trail as he digested the new information you had given him. You still weren't going into much detail with the break-up between you and Jules but it was clear how much it was taking a toll on you. Then you stopped on the steps remembering that neither your dad nor Sam knew. Eddie stopped on the step above her, he was looking down at you and honestly it was kinda sexy.
"Please don't tell my dad, or Sam. I don't want them knowing that's the real reason I'm back in Hawkins. As far as they knew I had to leave my mom and step-father behind." You had only known this man less than a day and already you were making him keep a secret from his boss.
"You got it, princess." Though Eddie was certain that Allen and Sam would know before the week was out. It would either come out of his mouth, or you would slip, it was going to happen one way or another.
The two of you continued down the stairs of your apartment building until you finally made it to the sidewalk that led you to your car. Eddie had managed to park his bike next to your car. This allowed you to get a better look at it. His bike was a Harley Davidson, that much was clear. It also contained a design on it, most of the bike had been covered in webbing.
A large spider was in the center of the bike, standing still on the web that it seemed to have created. You looked closer at it and noticed that the spider must've been a Black Widow, because you could see the hourglass peeking through. Not to mention there were a few other hourglasses on his bike, but most were small and barely noticeable. The bike really seemed to suit Eddie, and honestly you kind of liked the way it looked.
"So where are you off to today?" Eddie questioned, as he leaned up against his bike at the same time you leaned against the hood of your car.
"I have to go to Hawkins Middle School to make sure they have all the paperwork for my transfer and I have to give them my resumé and portfolio." You paused for a minute. "They just wanted to make sure everything is good before I start working at the end of August."
You watched Eddie smile at the way you had yourself prepared for your job and you still had a few weeks to get ready. The only thing that really seemed to be crossing Eddie's mind was that he wanted to spend the day with you. It's why he had shown up at your door, hand ready to send a knock on the door at full throttle.
"Mind if I tag along with ya, princess?" Just the way his question rolled off his tongue had you a hot mess on the inside. Never in your life had someone made you feel this way. You didn't feel it with any one night stands and you definitely didn't feel it with Mikey or Jules. It was different with Eddie. You felt safe with him.
"I don't see why not." You looked at your car and then Eddie's bike. If you were being honest with yourself you wanted to ride on his bike. "Whose vehicle are we taking?" You had questioned, all while hoping he would just say his.
"We can take my bike." Eddie said softly, with a smile jumping to his lips as he stared at you.
"I guess it's a good thing I decided to go for a book bag today." You mumbled.
Eddie snickered at you. Meanwhile, you took your phone out of your pocket and placed it in your book bag with your keys. Before you dropped your keys into the bag you popped open the trunk. Walking to the back you grabbed the helmet that Sam had gifted you as an early birthday present. He gave it to you last night after Eddie and Steve had left and you felt that it would be safe and sound in the trunk of your car rather than your apartment.
When you closed your trunk and placed the helmet over your head, Eddie seemed shocked that you had come prepared. He stared at it, seeing their signature logo on the front of the helmet. Which prompted even more confusion. While you weren't a biker, you had ties to the club because your dead lead it and your brother was the second in command with Eddie and Steve right below him.
"Sam got it for me. An early birthday gift, I guess. Or maybe a welcome home gift." You smiled at Eddie as he turned on his bike and you climbed onto the back.
"When's your birthday?" Eddie adjusted himself slightly as you wrapped your arms around his waist tightly.
"At the end of August. August 31st to be exact."
"I'm glad I get to be here when you celebrate it."
"I'm turning 25, there's not much to celebrate. I'm just another year older that's all."
"I get that." Eddie paused as he backed up his bike out of the parking spot. "Better hold on tight, princess, don't want you fallin' off." You smiled, tightening your grip just a little more. Once Eddie knew you were secure around his waist he drove off heading for Hawkins Middle School.
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Eddie pulled up to the middle school and turned off his bike. You climbed off and took the helmet off, setting it where you had just been sitting. You looked at Eddie as he placed his brown eyes on you.
"I'll be waiting here when you're done. And when you're done I'm taking you into town, my treat." Eddie said, sternly.
"Eddie, you don't have to do that." You didn't want to turn him down but you also didn't want him to go out of his way to make plans with you. "Besides I'm sure Sam and my dad probably need your help with whatever they normally do." In that sense you were honestly completely clueless to what they actually did.
You knew that the club was big and that they often went out of their way to take care of things that Chief Hopper might not be able to take care of. You also knew that sometimes your dad and brother would go home with a bloody face or bloody knuckles, you knew not to ask questions when you saw it if you were on FaceTime. Basically you knew not to ask questions about work.
If they wanted to tell you they would. And you honestly didn't have a problem with that. You didn't want to really know about the horrors that they might be facing, or that they might be putting their lives on the line for the job. But at the end of the day you knew that they knew how to protect themselves. Eddie started to shake his head at you.
"Nonsense, if Allen or Sam need me they'll call me. If I'm needed for a job they know how to get in touch. But until that happens I'll be waiting here for you when you get out." There was that smile that Eddie already loved, he watched as it brightened your face. You found yourself sucking your bottom lip in-between your teeth to hide the smile on your lips.
"Okay, I shouldn't be too long. I'll be back in a little while." With those words you turned around and walked towards the front door of Hawkins Middle school. Back in New York you had spent the last two years teaching 8th grade. It was the grade that you wanted to teach and had been approved to teach in Hawkins.
As you walked into the school you headed towards the front looking for the office where you met with the principal and the assistant principal. It had been so long since you had stepped foot in the middle school, it was honestly strange to be back here as a teacher this time rather than a student. As you turned the corner you walked right into someone whom you assumed was another teacher.
"I'm sorry." You said, leaning down to help pick the papers from the ground.
"It's all right." She lifted from the ground as you did too. The woman in front of you had blond hair, it was a short length just above her shoulders. She was wearing a floral dress, and had nude heels on. "I'm Amy Willow, I teach 8th Science." She said introducing herself, then holding her hand out in front of you.
You took her hand in yours and shook it while telling her your name. "I will most likely be teaching 8th grade English. That's actually why I'm here, to get everything sorted out. I have a meeting with the principal and assistant principal." You explained.
"Oh, I can take you there. And then afterwards I can take you to your room. It's only a few doors down from mine."
"You know about me?" You were confused, but then again you wouldn't be surprised if they had already made a statement about how you would be joining them for the school year.
"Oh yeah, you're the gossip around here. Something new, we haven't had something new since the Earthquake a few years ago. Not to mention the Biker club around town. Though that one biker is kinda cute." You looked at her as you walked next to her.
"Which biker are you talking about?" You were hoping that she wasn't talking about Eddie, because you wanted nothing more than to have him to yourself. Though that thought would never see the day of light.
"He's probably a little taller than you, I think his dad runs the Wolves and he's like his second in command." You had the biggest shit eating grin on your face and Amy definitely picked up on it. "What?" She asked, with a chuckle falling out of her mouth after the chuckle.
"That is Sam, and he's my older brother."
"Oh, my god. That's embarrassing. I am so sorry."
"No, god, please don't be. Sam needs someone in his life other than my dad, and me, and the Wolves. I'd be happy to put in a good word for you." You looked at Amy, watching as her smile got bigger.
"You would do that?" The shock that dripped from her voice surprised you.
"Yes, I think you and Sam would be great together. Plus I am in dire need of some friends."
"I need some friends too. Most of the teachers don't like me. Guess cause I'm either too young or I'm too weird for them."
"How could you be too young? And honestly who cares if you're weird. Everyone's weird in their own way."
Amy gave a shrug, the two of you eventually coming to a stop outside the office. "I'm in my 20's, I went to school here a few years ago so it's weird for the teachers that know me. But anyway, here is the office. And this is my number. Feel free to text or call, or FaceTime, whatever your comfortable with and definitely give it to your brother."
"I will make sure your number makes its way into his phone. Thank you for showing me the way."
"You're welcome. I'll be just down the hall making some copies, please come get me when you're done and I'll show you to your room."
"Sounds like a plan." You took the piece of paper that had her number on it and shoved it in your pocket. Then after saying your goodbye to Amy you headed into the office to sit down and talk with the principal's. All went well and they gave you keys to get into the school and to get into your room. Afterwards you met up with Amy and she walked you to your room.
It was a little bigger than the room you had in New York. You couldn't wait to decorate and make the room yours. On the desk that rested at the front of the classroom had your work laptop as well as the curriculum for what you would be teaching this year. As you glanced over it you noticed that it was a little different from the curriculum that you had been teaching in New York.
This was the fresh start you desperately needed. And now that you had your classroom and your work computer, everything was falling into place. A smile tugged at the corner of your lips as you turned around in the classroom. While you had a lot of setting up to do for the classroom you knew it would be worth it in the long run. There was a knock at your door and you looked to see Amy.
"I'm heading out for the day, just wanted to say goodbye." Amy said.
"I'll walk with you, just give me a sec." Amy gave a nod of her head. You turned towards your desk and unzipped your book bag putting your laptop and the papers into it. Once it was zipped you walked out of the classroom walking with Amy.
"So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Amy questioned.
"Oh, I'm going to see the town, I don't really have a choice in the matter. And then my dad wants me to stop by later for something." You explained as the two of you walked out of the school. Your eyes found Eddie who was still leaning against his bike. "Do you wanna meet someone?" You asked, placing your eyes on Amy.
"Sure." She saw Eddie and seemed to be hesitant but followed behind her. Eddie picked himself up from his bike.
"Eddie, this is Amy Willow. We'll be working together in the next few weeks. Amy, this is Eddie Munson."
"Oh, you work with her brother Sam right?" Amy was in all smiles as she asked the question. Eddie was staring at her with a blank look, it seemed that he was studying her to determine if she would be safe enough around you.
"I do. He's one of my best friends." Eddie answered, causing you to look at him with a serious but playful look. Something of which Eddie took note of. You knew now that if you wanted to do something with Eddie you might just have to sneak around, it got you hot and bothered just thinking about it.
"Oooh that's so exciting. Well I should get going. I'll see you around." Amy turned to look at you. "If you need help setting up your room, just call down to my room or shoot me a text. And if you want to hang out over a glass of wine please let me know." Your laughter filled Eddie's ears as your smiled brightly at her. He couldn't help the little small smile that appeared on his lips.
"I will let you know. Thank you for being a huge help today. And I promise I'll put in a good word with Sam. I'll make sure you two have a date by the end of the week."
Shock ran across Amy's face, as Eddie exchanged a glance with you. You felt that this had been the most happy you had been since leaving New York. You were with a guy that you definitely felt growing feelings towards, and you had made your first friend.
"You really don't have to do that." Amy was insistent on it.
"Nonsense, I think it's the least I can do for someone whom I know will be my best friend, and maybe one day my sister-in-law." You and Eddie both saw the blush that crept on her face as she looked between you two. Amy gave a nod and eventually walked away. You moved over to Eddie and he looked at you.
"Give me one minute." Eddie said, he left you on his bike confused as he called out Amy's name. From a distance you watched the two make a brief interaction with each other. You watched her give Eddie a nod before they both turned away from each other. Amy was heading to her car again and Eddie was heading back to you.
"What was that all about?" You asked curiously, staring at the biker with soft eyes.
He gave a tight lipped smile, "just wanted to ask her something, that's all. You ready for the town tour?" Eddie questioned, trying to change the subject quickly. 
"You know that I lived in Hawkins when I was younger, right?"
"I know, but I'm sure it's changed since you were last here."
You gave a slight nod with a shrug of your shoulders. Eddie climbed on his bike and turned it on. You placed your helmet over your hair and climbed onto the back of the bike, eventually wrapping your arms around Eddie's slim waist tightly. He smirked to himself, taking off heading down the road towards town.
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Your travels into the town had been short lived. Though what you had seen, you could tell just how much the town of Hawkins had changed since you had last visited it. You and Eddie were now heading to your dad's house as requested. Though you were still clueless as to why you were even going there. You had a small smile on your lips when Eddie pulled up to your dad's house.
"Here we are, princess." Eddie said, kicking the stand out and turning his bike off. You pulled your arms from Eddie's waist, and turned to look at the house you hadn't seen in so long.
"Home sweet home." You said, pulling your helmet off and holding onto the straps after you clipped them back together.
"How longs it been since you were here?" Eddie questioned as he placed his brown eyes on you.
Your eyes found his, "uh, I think about 10 maybe more than that, maybe less. I came for a few summers but then my mother didn't want me seeing my dad or brother anymore so I didn't see them for a long time, or this house. The only time I really saw my brother and dad was when I could FaceTime with them when I got a phone."
"Are you excited to be back home?" You walked towards the front door with Eddie following right behind you.
"Of course I am. I hated living in New York. Teaching up there was okay, but I hated everything the city had to offer. So yes, I am very happy to be back home with this quiet life."
"Hopefully it won't be such a quiet life." Eddie smirked at you. You looked back at him playfully.
"I don't think I will, not if you're planning to stay around."
"Well, I don't plan on going anywhere princess."
The door opens and you turn back around to see your older brother standing at the front door with a bright smile on his face.
"Why are you smiling like that, Sam?" You asked quizzically.
Sam looked at you and then at Eddie, but then his eyes fell back on you. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Bug." Sam grabbed your arm and pulled you into the house.
Eddie followed behind the two of you watching the sibling interaction. The lights turned on and everyone jumped out yelling surprise. The sudden noise caused you to panic slightly, you backed up into Eddie. The biker took notice of the way you suddenly changed at the voices that ran through your ears. But you calmed down when you felt Eddie slid his fingers into yours for just a brief moment.
You were quick to replace your panicked look with a happy one. Sam didn't take notice of the way you had reacted but like Eddie your dad had seen it too. He would make sure to pull you aside later and have a talk with you about it. Deep down it brought you back to the times where you and Jules would constantly argue with each other, not to mention the amount of times that your step-father would raise his voice to you.
Sam pulled you around to everyone, your fingers disconnected from Eddie's as you were pulled away. You were introduced to Chief Hopper and his wife Joyce. After you had meant them you had met the kids that Steve used to babysit before he became a part of the Wolves. Though they were in college now, you met all of them. Dustin Henderson was the first you had met followed by Mike Wheeler who was Nancy Wheeler's younger brother.
You met Will and El who were step-siblings, and their older brother Jonathan who was dating Nancy. Then you finally met Lucas and Erica Sinclair who had been standing with Max Mayfield. Eventually you noticed all the kids were hanging out with each other and talking about a game while they ate some food. Steve introduced you to his girlfriend, Becca Reynolds.
She was nice and you like her a lot. After you had met her, you finally met Robin and you knew almost instantly that you two would be best friends. The last person you least expected to be there had been one you already knew.
"Amy?" You asked, as she stuffed her face with a burger. She turned away from your father and looked at you and Sam. Eddie was elsewhere, most likely talking to Steve and Becca. She dropped her burger onto her plate and placed it on the counter. Your dad turned around and looked at you and your brother. "What are you doing here?" You questioned as the two of you hugged each other.
Sure you had just met earlier in the morning, but she was already your first real friend here in Hawkins. Like Eddie, and your dad and brother she was making Hawkins feel like a home again.
"Uh, Eddie, he invited me this morning. He thought you might like having someone you know here at the party." Amy answered, when she pulled back from the hug. You had a bubbly smile on your lips, your eyes found Eddie. He had been watching the entire interaction.
"Thank you." You whispered to him. Eddie only gave a nod and smiled back at you.
"So who is this? She seems to be the only one that we don't know." Sam said, pulling your attention back to the already ongoing conversation.
"This is Amy Willow, we'll be working together soon." You answered.
"It's nice to meet you Amy, I'm Sam. Bug's older brother." Sam said introducing himself to her. It seemed like you didn't need to do anything else because Sam was already so interested in Amy. You dad took that as a perfect opportunity to talk to you in his office. He excused himself as well as you and grabbed a hold of your hand pulling him with you.
"Dad, what are you doing?" You questioned, completely confused as to what was happening.
"We need to talk in my office." His words cut through your ears and you suddenly feared what he wanted to talk about. When you two were in his office and the door was closed and locked he sat down at the edge of his desk looking at you. "Tell me why you're really here, Bug." Allen said.
Your eyes found your father and took in the frame of his stance, he had locked the door so you knew neither of you would be leaving until you came out with the truth. You hadn't even been here for a week and he had already picked up on something. Though to be fair your dad could read you like a book. When you were involved you couldn't hide your emotions from him like you could with others.
Though you weren't doing a good job hiding it from Eddie because you had already spilled the news to Eddie. A deep sigh rippled through your chest, you walked over to one of the chairs in front of his desk and sat down. You tried to keep yourself calm but you found that didn't help much when you started bouncing your leg.
"Would you be okay if Eddie were in here?" You questioned, not looking up from your hands.
You dad didn't say anything, he stood up and walked towards the door and walked out leaving you alone with your thoughts. Allen knew that the second you came here that Eddie would be interested in you, because you were everything he wanted. And he knew it would be the same for you and by the look of it you two were already tugging at something.
"Munson!" Allen called out, Sam looked at Allen with a serious look on his face as he stopped the conversation between him and Amy.
"Everything okay, dad?" Sam questioned.
"Yeah, everything's fine. Make sure the guests are well fed, or get them in the pool." Allen ordered as Eddie walked up to him.
"Everything okay, sir?" Eddie inquired when he stopped in front of Allen.
"Come with me." Allen turned back around and walked down the hallway with Eddie following behind him. Sam did as told and got their guest and the rest of the Wolves outside where the pool was. Most of them had gone outside anyway but the rest were still inside. You looked up when your dad walked back into his office with Eddie on his trail.
"What's happening?" Eddie asked another question as the door was shut and locked.
Allen looked at Eddie and then at you. "I know what trouble looks like when I see it. So tell me, Bug, what did Jules do to you that made you run back home?" Allen questioned you.
"How do you know about Jules?" You were now utterly confused. You had only told your brother about Jules, you didn't want either of your parents to know. You knew both would be a pain because you were jumping into another relationship rather than taking a pause. "Sam told you, didn't he?"
"He did, and when I found out I had Hopper find everything he could find on her. Turns out Jules isn't her real name and she doesn't have a pretty past." Eddie looked at your dad with wide eyes, you having the same look on your face as well.
"What does that mean?" The question left Eddie's lips before he could stop it.
"It means that you're going to stay with my daughter and protect her until we can locate Jules and have her arrested for some kind of charge. You're the only boy I trust enough to protect my baby. I knew what was happening the second you told Sam you were coming back to Hawkins." Your dad explained.
"What did she do?" You asked, fearful of what you might learn about Jules.
"For starters her name isn't Jules, it's Jessica. She kept the same last name but changed her first name. If someone wants to go into hiding the way she did she should've changed her entire name. Secondly, Jessica Hartley killed her mother and father, and pleaded guilty to insanity. Before the trail was finished she escaped. She had the help of her ex-girlfriend before you, and well she didn't live to see another day because she's dead too. Now Jessica won't stop until you're dead and I'm not going to let her hurt you."
So much for a fresh start. You thought that to yourself, your dad and Eddie were talking to each other but you couldn't hear their voices. The only thing you could actually hear was a ringing in your ears that wouldn't seem to go away. Not only had she lied to you about who she was but now she might just be on her way to kill you. The panic was starting to settle in the pit of your stomach. You took a deep breath in and exhaled.
"Where is Jessica now? Is she still in New York?" You heard Eddie ask your father.
"I have some of the boys up in New York checking out her apartment. I'm hoping that she's still there and we don't have to prepare for any kind of war that she might want to start."
You stood up from your chair, keeping your eyes on your father. Eddie and Allen were staring at you. "Why would you have to prepare for a war?"
"Because Jessica Hartley is the actual daughter of one of our largest and painfully annoying rival groups. They are mostly located in California, but they have some in New York too. They're the reason Jessica killed her parents, her ex was a part of the group but her dad had her kill her. And well now he wants you dead because he can't get anywhere near me or Sam."
"Fuck." You breathed out, now you really wished you had seen the red flags. You lifted your hand to your throat and started rubbing it.
"Honey, you're gonna be okay. Eddie's gonna stay with you and watch out for you. Not to mention Amy will be watching you while you're at work, and Robin will be there too. Eddie can make as many stops to the school as he needs to if that's something you want."
"What? Are you saying Amy fucking works for you?" Allen could see that what he had said wasn't helping you.
"She does and doesn't. Her dad was a ranger out in Texas before he moved out here. I trusted her father and I trust her, she knows how to use a gun and how to fight. She's still a teacher but she will protect you if needed."
"No." You said sternly, eyeing your father.
"If Jules is coming after me then you're going to use me as bait. You're going to train me how to protect myself and I expect to be a part of this after it's over."
"No, I'm not letting you get in on this, I barely wanted your brother with me. You have a good life as a teacher."
"I can barely afford the apartment I'm living in. And yes I love teaching the kids and for the remainder of this year I'll still teach, but I want in dad. I'm not going to be some damsel in distress. I'm not gonna sit on the sidelines while Eddie, Amy, and Robin try to protect me from my psycho ex girlfriend who I wished I had seen the red flags before I got involved with her. I am doing this."
Eddie and Allen exchanged a look with each other. "What do you think, Munson?" Allen questioned, hoping he would side with him.
"I think your daughter is tough, and I think this plan would work. Maybe Bug here is the key to taking down the Stingers. Maybe this is how we get on top of them. I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with princess over there." Eddie said, having your back.
Allen released an angry sigh as he looked at the two. This is not what he had in mind at all. But he knew deep down that this plan might just allow them to put a stop to the Stingers before any more damage could be done.
"Okay, fine. But your training starts tomorrow. Eddie is still staying with you. And we have to wait for the call to decide where we go from there." Allen explained.
"What call?"
"We're waiting to see if Hartley is still in New York."
"And if she's not?"
"Then you're gonna have to be a damsel in distress."
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TAGS: @funsonmunson-again @inhumanssxx @lma1986 @corrodedcoffincumslut @squidscottjeans
193 notes · View notes
whoisshel · 1 year
One Month Later
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(i made this gif! pretty proud of it tbh, never made one from a tv show before)
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
word count: 2002
tw: swearing
previous part
It’s been a month since the battle against the Demogorgon (you have learned that’s what the boy’s call the monster) and you still wake up from nightmares a few times a week. You can still see the Demogorgon with its face wide open, showing off its layers of sharp teeth, running at you. In some dreams you kill it, but in others it gets to you first, and in the worst ones it kills all your family and friends. You try to hide it, but sometimes it’s your mom or Eddie that have to wake you up.  
Your mom has been a big help for the past month; you’re happy to finally have the mom you've always wanted. Your dad still chooses to do work over anything else though. Eddie’s been a big help too, but you can tell that, even though he doesn’t push you, he'd like it if you would talk about what happened. He knows you too well to know it wasn’t just a car accident that wakes you up screaming; especially since you woke up the same way the day before the accident. 
It’s Christmas day now, and you were just finishing up eating with your mom while your dad took phone calls in his office. 
“Hey mom, after we finish up eating, I’m going to head over to Nancy’s to drop the gifts off then go to Eddie’s; that okay with you?” You asked, cutting up a piece of turkey and taking a bite.
Pam took a sip of wine to help wash down her bite before replying, “Yeah, just be careful and make sure to call me once you make it to Eddie’s.”
You thanked your mom enthusiastically, you then picked up your plate that now only had scraps on it and placed it in the kitchen sink. You quickly walked over to the door, grabbed the bag of gifts, and yelled goodbye over your shoulder. You walked across your yard into the Wheelers’, taking notice of Jonathan’s car parked out front. As soon as you walked up to the front door, Jonathan and Will walked out.
“Hey, guys.” You said excitedly, with a big smile. “Glad I got here before you two left.”
“Hey Y/N.” The two brothers said in unison.
Digging around in your bag, you found the present that was for Will and handed it to him. “This one is for you, and this one's for you.” You pulled out another present setting it on the present that was already in Jonathan’s hands.
“Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you to stop giving us gifts?” Jonathan tried to sound stern, but the appreciative smile on his face gave him away.
You waved your hand nonchalantly, giving a humorous scoff, “You know I like to buy presents, so of course I’m getting you guys something. It’s Christmas for god’s sake.”
“Actually it’s for Jesus.” Will chimed in, earning a fist bump from you at his joke.
Jonathan rolled his eyes at their ridiculousness, “Fine, but nothing for my birthday.”
“We’ll see about that.”
“I’ll always accept gifts.” Will beamed up at you
Jonathan gave his brother a light shove on the shoulder, “Get in the car.” 
“Bye, Will!” You called to Will as he ran to Jonathan’s car, Will yelled bye in return. You turned back to Jonathan, pulling him into a hug. “Bye Jonathan, I’ll see you later.”
“See ya, Y/N.” Jonathan pulled away from the hug, walking to his car.
You walked into the house and made your way to the living room where Nancy and Steve sat on the couch and Mr. Wheeler sat in his chair asleep. 
“Hey, Nance.” You said, giving Nancy a smile. You then looked over to Steve, dropping the smile. “Sup, airhead.”
Steve dramatically threw his arms up. “After everything that happened, when are you going to stop hating me.”
“Um, how many years did you let Tommy and Carol bully me.”
“That's fair.” Steve nodded his hand in understanding.
“Well as fun as this has been, I just came here to drop off some gifts.” You said, taking out the gifts for Eddie and Wayne before handing the bag over to Nancy. “There’s one each for you two, and could you give the kid’s theirs.”
“Yeah, of course.” Nancy replied, knowing that she was who you were talking to, and not Steve who you wouldn’t trust to handle the task.
Steve looked up at you with big eyes and his eyebrows raised, a smile slowly gracing his face, “You got me a present?”
“Don’t get all mushy about it.” You rolled your eyes. “I’m leaving now.”
You walked over to Nancy giving her hug as they both said goodbye to each other. Steve said bye to you, but you just kept walking out the door and over to your car.
You pulled up to Eddie’s trailer, parking the car, you grabbed the presents and walked straight into the trailer.
“Knock knock.” You said, closing the door behind you. As soon as the door was shut, you could hear something falling to the ground and then the sound of someone running getting closer to you. 
Before you could fully turn around, you felt yourself being lifted off the ground causing the presents to fall out of your hands. After a few spins, Eddie set you back down and reached over to give you an overdramatic kiss on the cheek. Eddie loosened his grip on your waist so you could turn around to face him, putting your arms around his shoulders. Reaching up on your toes, you gave your boyfriend a proper kiss on the lips.
Pulling back to look in your eyes, Eddie gave a soft, “Hi, how’s my favorite girl?”
“She’s good.” You said in the same soft tone, “She has to call her mother to let her know she made it, before your phone starts ringing off the hook.”
“Alright you go and do that, and I’ll make you some hot chocolate.”
Giving him another kiss, you then stepped back to go over to their phone. “Sounds delicious.”
Eddie slowly walked backwards to give you a wink, before turning back around towards the kitchen. You picked up the presents and  went over to the phone and called your mom, going through all the same questions about how you made it safely, and you’ll drive safely back home tomorrow. Once you were done on the phone you walked over to the living room where Eddie and Wayne were sitting. You sat next to Eddie on the couch, setting the presents on the cushion next to you as Eddie handed you a mug of hot chocolate. After taking a couple sips, you set the mug on the table in front of the couch then handed Wayne his gift.
“I should’ve known you were going to get me something.” Wayne said, setting the gift on his lap so he could look over at you. “You didn’t have to.”
You just shrugged, becoming jittery in your seat and waving your hands at him. “Now open it.”
Wayne unwrapped the box and opened it to find a simple looking black watch with a gold rim; it was the first ever Hublot watch to be exact. Eddie leaned over you to get a better look at the watch then turned to face you with an impressed look.
“I noticed your watch was broke, so I thought this would be a good gift.” You explained, “I thought this one would be good cause all the other watches had so much unnecessary stuff going on.”
“It’s perfect, Y/N, thank you.” Wayne said as he put the watch on, setting it to the correct time.
“Yea!” You clapped your hands a couple times before pointing at the TV. “Now let’s watch the movie.”
“What about my gift?” Eddie whined.
“Shush, after the movie.”
“Fine.” Eddie grumbled, getting up to put the movie in. Since Eddie and you started dating last year, you both decided Black Christmas was the best Christmas movie. Wayne didn’t understand why the two wanted to watch a scary movie for Christmas, but he just went along with it.
Once the movie was finished, Eddie and you settled in Eddie’s room on his bed with your backs leaning against the wall behind it. Eddie had his arm across your shoulder and you were leaning into his side. Feeling like you made him wait long enough, you handed over Eddie’s gift which made him let out an exaggerated gasp as he quickly grabbed it like you would take it away any second. Eddie tore the wrapping paper like a toddler revealing a jean vest with a drawing of the band Dio on the back.
“Holy shit, this is awesome.” Eddie gasped, this time with a genuinely shocked gasp.
At Eddie’s reaction, you had a big smile on your face. “You like it?”
“Oh, I don’t just like it, I loooove it.” Eddie said, stretching out love to show how much he appreciated it. Before you could say anything else, Eddie rolled out of bed landing ungracefully on the ground with a thud. You leaned over to where he fell wondering what the hell he was doing. You then jumped back, startled, when Eddie suddenly jumped up and ran over to his closet. Eddie started throwing clothes out of the closet as he dug at the bottom looking for something. Eddie then pulled out a weirdly shaped, messily wrapped gift. 
Walking back over to the bed, he sat down next to you and handed the box over. Once you were able to unwrap the many layers of wrapping paper, you saw two different gifts. On top was a small black box, opening it you saw a red and black marbled guitar pick with a hole poked in the top and a chain going through it.
“Did you make this?” You asked in awe of how sweet the gift is.
 “Yeah, now my two favorite girls will always be together.” Pulling the necklace out of the box, he helped put it on you as you pulled your hair up. Once the necklace was on, he pulled out the second part of the gift which was a mixtape that had their names at the top connected by a plus sign. “And this has songs that remind me of us.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet and so very cheesy of you.”
Rolling his eyes, Eddie wrapped his arm back around your shoulders. “Don’t ruin the moment.” 
“Thank you for the gifts, I love them.” You reached up to give him a kiss.
After settling down, the two sat together in silence for a moment just staring in front of you enjoying the peace together. 
Eddie turned his head to look down at you, deciding to break the silence, “You know how last month I said something and you didn’t hear it, and I said it wasn’t important.”
“Yeah.” You said, confused at what he was getting at. You pulled your head back from its spot on his shoulder, so you could look over at him.
“Well, okay here I go.” Eddie said more to himself trying to compose himself. He looked directly into your eyes. “I love you.”
It took a few seconds, but it finally hit you what he just said and in retaliation you hit him across the chest. In shock, Eddie put his hand where you just hit him. “Ow, what hell was that for? If you didn’t want me to say I love you, you could’ve just told me you didn’t need to hit me.”
“No you doofus, you said it wasn’t important.” You scolded Eddie. Relaxing your face, you went from upset to sweet. “I love you too.”
“You do?” Eddie asked, a mix of shock and joy
“Of course, I love you.”
“I love you too.” You laid your head back on Eddie’s shoulder feeling the happiest and safest you had in awhile. 
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laheymaze · 2 years
he is my worst enemy
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✨eddie munson✨ x fem!henderson!reader
requested by: nightshadered
summary: you and eddie do not get along whatsoever and one day when he comes over to your house to hang out with dustin, you realize you have a lot more in common than you thought <3
prompt included: "he is my worst enemy. my nemesis" "didn't you just meet him like five minutes ago?" "yes"
warnings: some language but that's it :)
**this is from my wattpad, simplytbs, from months ago! check out my wattpad for more stories!*
When you walked Dustin to the first day of his new D&D club, you were instantly alarmed when you saw that Eddie Munson was the leader. The 'amazing' guy who has taken Dustin under his wing. You pulled Dustin aside and asked why he would ever join a group with Eddie, and Dustin simply defended him.
"Hey, Henderson!" Eddie paused and looked at you cautiously. "Why are you here?" He questioned.
"This is my sister," Dustin told him. Horror crossed Eddie's face.
"Oh." Was all Eddie said before walking away.
"He is my worst enemy. My nemesis." You said scornfully.
"Didn't you just meet him like five minutes ago?" Dustin questioned.
"Yes. Well, no. We've crossed paths before."
"Listen, Mike and Lucas are here too. If anything happens I will call you."
"Yeah unless he kills all three of you."
Ever since this day, you and Eddie constantly fight, bicker, and insult each other. You think he is an awful influence on Dustin, and you wish your little brother would just leave the group. You kept warning him that if Eddie turns out to be some psycho killer, not to go crying to you since you were right.
On today's episode of 'Eddie and Y/N fights 101,' you walked over to the Hellfire lunch table, giving Dustin the book that he needed for his class after lunch.
"To what do I owe this pleasure, your majesty," Eddie said, bowing to you.
"Just giving Dustin his book, asshat." You responded harshly.
"Can you two just be nice to each other for once?" Dustin asked.
"No." You and Eddie responded at the same time, giving each other a dirty look.
"See, you can already read each other's minds." Dustin pointed out.
"You're right Dusty-bun, we can. Eddie is thinking about how he wishes he could get a girlfriend and how badly he wishes he could destroy me. Probably how he can kill all of us with his satanic cult. Oh, and can't forget the whole not being able to graduate thing." You said, probably crossing a dangerous line.
"And Y/N is thinking about how to be a nice person. Oh wait, she isn't capable of that since she a cold-blooded reptile that can make an appearance of a human, or, somewhat of one." You stood there and crossed your arms aggressively. Eddie smirked because he knew he got you there.
"Enough! Just shut up!" Dustin shouted. You walked away and sat back down with your friends. Them asking you why you keep talking to Eddie 'the freak' Munson. Your head was somewhere else while they were questioning you, though. Did he really think you were a cold-blooded reptile? This remark bothered you more than any of the ones he has ever thrown at you. It stayed on your mind the entire day.
You were crawled up in your bed when you heard a knock on the door. Maybe Dustin forgot his key. You got up and opened the door, only to see Eddie standing there.
"Oh, hey, sorry. Dustin and I are supposed to hang out. I'm early." Eddie told you.
"He's not here." You said coldly, a sad look on your face.
"What's wrong?"
"Do you even care?"
"You seem sad," Eddie said. You left the door open and walked back to your room. Eddie closed the door behind him and followed you. "What's wrong, Y/N?" Eddie looked around your room and saw the rock music posters hanging, along with the guitar pick art you had on your wall and tapes and vinyl's lined up on your shelves.
"Nothing." You told him.
"I didn't know you were a metal head like me? I thought we had nothing in common." Eddie said, amazed.
"You're not a cold-blooded reptile, so we don't have anything in common." You said, throwing yourself down on your bed, curling up with a pillow. Eddie gave you a sad expression.
"That's what's bothering you? I once called you a whiny bitch, and that had no effect. Y/N, I do not think you are cold-blooded or a reptile." A tear ran down your face, and Eddie panicked. He had no clue what to do. "No no no no, don't cry! I'm sorry!" Eddie rushed over and sat next to you, wrapping an arm around you lightly, too scared to get too close.
"I can't believe I'm letting you see me cry right now." You said, laughing.
"See, you are fully human." Eddie said, trying to make you feel better. You laughed some more and buried your face in your pillow.
"Rock music is my favorite and I actually like D&D. I just never said anything because I didn't want you to think we had something in common." You said, muffled, pillow still in your face. Eddie laughed and pulled the pillow away. He lightly hit you with it, making you giggle.
"What else don't I know about you?" Eddie asked, facing you.
"I have a tattoo." You said, sheepishly. "If my mom knew, she'd become even more mental than she already is."
"Y/N Henderson has a tattoo? How did you even get one since you're not eighteen?"
"Steve took me." You answered.
"I'm sorry, Steve as in Steve 'the hair' Harrington?" Eddie was taken back, jealousy present.
"Yeah, we've been through a lot so him and I are close. We aren't a thing if that's what you are freaking out about." You told him.
"Why would that freak me out? I don't care." Eddie got nervous and started playing with his rings.
"Mhm." You smiled at Eddie. "I guess we do have things in common besides my brother." You said. "Don't tell him about this either, because he will never leave us alone."
"Trust me, I won't. He'll make my life miserable with a bunch of questions."
"Who will?" Dustin's body appeared in your room, confused as to why you and Eddie were somewhat snuggled on your bed together. You both looked at him, Eddie jumping out of your bed right away.
"You will if I left without even though you took forever to get here." Eddie joked, throwing his arm around Dustin's shoulder. The pair were leaving your room as Eddie turned around to smile at you. "See you around, Y/N."
"Since when do you two get along?" Dustin asked Eddie.
"Since forever, where have you been?"
part two will be a good one! sorry if there are any mistakes in here, i am exhausted and was trying to get this done 
make sure to like and reblog :)
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tbrooke1230 · 1 year
Yard Games
Prompt: It's Summer, your parents are hosting a backyard BBQ, and a friendly yard game rivalry brings you and Steve closer together.
Warnings: none, fluff
Word Count: 2,376
My one shots just keep getting longer and longer. My dms are always open for ideas. Enjoy :)
Summers in Hawkins, Indiana meant families took turns opening their backyards up to the neighborhood to host a BBQ every weekend. This weekend, it was your family’s turn to host and the guests were already arriving.
Your mother and father greeted the families at the back gate, ushering them inside and towards the cooler full of drinks. As the neighborhood pooled in, you stayed back, leaning against the far fence waiting for your friends to arrive. 
You watched each family as they entered. Each mother carrying some sort of dish that she didn’t need to bring, but she felt was necessary. Each father beelining towards the cooler to grab a beer and take their designated spot around the grill.  Each child running towards the open grass where a game of tag would eventually break out. And then each teen walking in looking like they would rather be anywhere else but here. 
You recognized most of them from school. Jenny from math. Nancy from the school paper. Jonathan from English. Someone you weren’t expecting to see though was Steve Harrington. 
You had never really talked to Steve when you were both students at Hawkins High. Not that you had anything against him, you just never really crossed paths. But here he was, in your backyard, hands deep in his jeans pockets as he surveyed the scene in front of him. 
You pushed yourself off of the fence to go talk to Nancy and Jonathan. Both of their younger brothers had already run off, joining the rest of their younger friend group. You three were catching up on each of your summers when you were interrupted.
“Hey, we need one more person to play, any of you want to join?” All three of you looked over to see Robin waiting for a response. Behind her were two corn hole boards, a sheepish looking Steve, and another boy that you thought you recognized. 
“Sure, I’ll play.” You were always up for a little friendly competition and corn hole was right up your alley. You gave a slight wave to Nancy and Jonathan and joined the others at the boards.
“Yes! Thank you, Y/N.” Robin cheered. “I definitely call her to be on my team.”
“Robin! We were supposed to be a team!” Steve actually looked a little devastated. 
“Guess you’re with me then Harrington.” The other boy winked at Steve. “I’m Eddie by the way. I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure of meeting.” He stuck out a hand to you.
“Oh right! I think I’ve seen your band play a couple times. I’m Y/N.” You smiled, shaking his hand. 
“And that just made you ten times cooler in my book.” 
“Alright, alright. Let’s just get this game started.” Steve said from his spot next to one of the boards, hands on his hips. 
“Team mates have to be on opposite sides.” Eddie stated, gathering his team’s bags and making his way next to Robin. That left you at the other board next to Steve. 
“Rock, paper, scissors to see who throws first. Harrington, you and Y/N do it.” Eddie flicked his head in Steve’s direction. You turned your body to face Steve, fist in your other hand ready to play. 
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.” You both said the words. Steve’s fist remained a fist, but your hand went flat. You covered his “rock” with your “paper”, and his skin felt hot underneath your touch. 
“Damn it.” 
“Oh, c’mon Harrington.” 
“Oh yeah! Girls go first!” Robin wasted no time in tossing her bag towards the board between you and Steve. 
Once Robin and Eddie had both thrown all of their bags, it was you and Steve’s turn. Robin had secured the lead with her tossing, but only by two points. You tossed your first bag and it landed with a thud on the board.
“Yes!” Robin threw her hands in the air and a satisfied smirk pulled at your lips. 
Steve glanced over at you before throwing his bag. His also landed on the board, but also pushed yours off. You turned to glare at him and saw that a smirk was tugging at his lips now. Oh, it was on.
Even after a few rounds, the score remained annoyingly close. Steve was much better at this game than you would have thought, but at the same time, it didn’t surprise you all that much. 
“C’mon Y/N, we only need 3 more points to beat these dinguses.” Robin was crouched next to the board, as if being closer to the board would will the bags to land on it. 
Eddie was on the other side of the board, bent over and giving Steve his own pep talk.“Harrington, don’t let them get inside your head.You can do this, I believe in you.” 
“Yeah, alright, let’s take it down a notch. It’s not that serious.” Steve replied, bag in hand. 
You both took turns throwing your bags, glancing over at each other between throws. On Steve’s last throw, he sunk his bag into the hole, earning him and Eddie three points, and winning them the game.
Robin crumpled to the grass while Eddie jumped up and ran to Steve giving him a hug. 
“You did it, Harrington!”
“Get off of me!”
You walked over to Robin, offering her a hand up which she took.
“This isn’t over!” She called over to the boys. Eddie was still trying to celebrate with Steve, but Steve wasn’t having it.
“Rematch later?” Steve asked, eyebrows raised. And even though he was looking in both you and Robin’s direction, it felt like he was making eye contact with you. 
“You’re on.” You replied. 
The four of you dispersed, grabbing drinks and food. The sun was starting to set and the warmth was fading with the light. You grabbed a plate of food and made your way over to the brick wall by the patio. You watched as everyone else chatted in small circles of people, sipping drinks and snacking on food. Your people watching was interrupted when Steve joined you, hopping up on the wall. 
“You know, you’re not so bad at corn hole.” He said, taking a sip of his drink.
“What, you thought I was going to be bad?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at him. 
“No, no, of course not, but does anyone ever look at someone and say ‘man, I bet they’re good at corn hole’?” You giggled a bit at his response and a small smile tugged at his lips. 
“No, I guess not.” You made eye contact with him, but quickly looked down at your lap, the gaze felt a little too intense. “I wasn’t surprised that you were good though.”
He laughed a little. “Well, I mean I hate to brag, but I am pretty good at putting things in holes.” Your eyes shot up from your lap to him and the stupid grin he had on his face.
“Steve!” You laughed, slapping him on the arm. 
“Oh don’t go there. I was obviously talking about corn hole. You’re the one with the dirty mind.” You were both laughing at this point and a slight blush had tinged your cheeks. 
“Whatever.” Your eyes went back to the yard of people. You noticed a couple families, especially those with younger children, had started to head home for the night. The ones who stayed were still gathered in groups, just many more of them were sitting at this point. 
“So, you still up for a rematch?” Steve asked. You looked over at him again and the eye contact made your stomach flip. “Or are you scared to lose again?” 
“You’re on.” 
“Ok, that’s cheating.”
“You’re cheating.”
“No, I’m not.”
You and Steve stood across from each other, each next to a board. You were doing your best to try to keep score, but Steve had a new rule every five seconds. 
“How am I cheating? I’m just standing here.” 
“You’re trying to distract me.” He replied, bag still in hand that he had been trying to throw for what felt like ages. 
“No, I’m not.” You crossed your arms over your chest. “I’m literally not doing anything.”
“You’re being distracting.” Steve straightened up from where he had been leaned forward.
“Ok, should I turn around then?” You asked and turned your back to him.
“No, that’s even worse.” You laughed a bit at his remark.
“Steve, just throw the damn bag.” You turned back around and watched as he slightly bent over again and tossed the bag. It landed just short of the board in the grass. 
“See! I told you, you were trying to distract me. And it worked.” You rolled your eyes at him, picking up the bags and getting ready for your turn. Just about everyone else had left at this point, even Steve’s family, but he told them he was going to stay. Your parents had even gone inside, instructing you to turn off the outdoor lights and lock the doors when you came in. 
“I think you’re just coming up with excuses because you’re losing.” You said as you tossed your bag. It landed on the board and slid til it fell in the hole. 
“That’s it.” Steve said and then came running at you.
“Steve!” Your eyes widened with fear and your heart jumped as he came barreling towards you. 
You took off across the yard, not really sure why you were running or why Steve was chasing you, but you were laughing hysterically. Of course, he was much faster than you and caught up to you with ease. His arms reached out, attempting to wrap around your waist, but one of his feet knocked against yours causing you to trip and take him down with you.
You landed on the grass with a hard thud and braced yourself for Steve to fall on top of you, but thankfully he caught himself with his hands, his body stopping right above yours. Another fit of laughter escaped you as you looked up at Steve. His eyes switched from concern to amusement as he began to chuckle along with you. 
“Sorry, that’s not how I expected that to go.” He said, breaking eye contact and letting his hair fall in front of his face. 
“It’s ok.” You laughed, grabbing his arm in reassurance. His eyes darted to where your hand was and then back to you. You quickly removed your hand. “But can you maybe get off of me now?”
A blush dusted his cheeks. “Oh, yeah, sorry.” He rolled over so he was laying next to you, you both looking up at the starry sky.
You both stayed quiet for a minute, but you were still very aware of how close Steve was to you. Although he wasn’t touching you, you could feel the heat radiating from his arm that was inches from yours. You turned your head slightly to look at him and your breath caught in your lungs a bit when you saw his eyes were already on you. 
“How did you expect it to go?” You asked.
“What?” His brow furrowed a bit.
“You said that falling on me isn’t how you expected chasing me to go. So how did you expect it to go?” Your eyes remained on his. 
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it  just wouldn’t have ended with me tripping you.” You let out a soft laugh at his words and his lips turned upward in reply. 
“I can’t even imagine what you must have had in mind.” You said and brough yourself up onto your elbows. Steve mimicked your movements, both of you looking up at the night sky. 
“Well, I did have something else in mind.” He said a bit sheepishly. You looked over at him but his eyes remained on the stars above. 
“Are you going to tell me? Or do I have to win another game of corn hole to earn it?” You asked mockingly. His gaze whipped over at you and you couldn’t stop the smile pulling at the corners of your mouth. 
“Yeah, like you would win another game anyways.” He said, rolling his eyes. You smacked his arm.
“I was just taking it easy on you earlier. Wanted to be a good host and let the guests win.” He shook his head, but you could see him fighting a smile. 
A comfortable silence settled between you. You diverted your gaze from his once again to look up at the sky, but you could still feel his eyes on you. You felt him lean in closer to you, close enough where your arms were flesh against each other. 
“Look at that.” Steve said and you followed his arm to see he was pointing at a shooting star. 
“That’s so cool.” You commented, trying to ease the way your heart was beating a bit quicker at the close proximity. He was so close and the cool night air was suddenly hot around you. His arm dropped from where it was pointing and he brought his hand to your chin. Gently caressing your face and turning you to him.
“Is this ok?” He asked, voice barely above a whisper. Your faces were inches from each
other. So close that you could feel his breath fan across your lips. 
“Yes.” You didn’t mean to sound so breathless. Who knew Steve Harrington would have this effect on you. 
He closed the gap between you both. Hand still lightly touching the side of your face as your lips touched. The kiss was feather light, almost to the point of where you weren’t sure if it was actually happening, but you knew it was. Your body was lighting up like the starry night sky.
Steve pulled back, much too soon for your liking, but his hand remained on your face. His thumb slowly stroking back and forth across your cheek. 
“That’s what I was expecting.” He said, voice still a bit quiet.
“What?” You weren’t sure if your brain was working correctly. All you could think about was Steve’s lips on yours.
“That’s how I was expecting chasing you to end, but I think it went much better this way.” 
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