#and it's just very interesting the feeling of trying to grab these colors from memory. is this the right green. the right blue.
thedevotionaltour · 7 months
do u ever feel like a little insane seeing yourself trying to make something from memory knowing it's something you can't really see again and don't have a picture of so it just feels very. hm. heart wrenching perhaps.
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ikeromantic · 6 months
Ikesen Boys React to Tattooed MC pt 1
This was an ask from @otomedad that I just had to write. I did some reading up on the history of tattooing in Japan and there was so much that I found super interesting. So! Here goes, starting with Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Masamune! Approx. 1500 words.
“What’s this, fireball?”
You feel Nobunaga’s breath tickle your shoulder blade, his lips so close they almost brush your skin. For a moment, you don’t know what he means. It’s hard to think when parts of you are being ‘claimed’, afterall. But you smile as the memory comes back to you. Sitting on a stool, arms braced on the counter in front of you, with the buzz of the tattoo gun in your ear. “You like my koi?”
His fingers brush the inked design, tracing the outline of the leaping fish. “It is very well done.” He does not sound pleased, though he’s trying to hide it.
“You don’t.” A slight pout draws your lips out and down. 
Nobunaga stills behind you, so motionless that you don’t even feel him breathing. Just as you are about to break the silence, he wraps his arms around you, pulling your back against his chest. “It is part of you, so it is beautiful.” His chin rests on your shoulder, just above the tattoo in question. “Why did you receive this mark?”
There is an unexpected tension in his voice, and you laugh to ease it before explaining. “I got it after I graduated from design. It represents my struggles, and my determination.” You turn your head to kiss his cheek. 
He regards you with a serious expression, tense despite your affection. 
“Do you really hate it?” You can’t help how vulnerable you feel as you meet his carnelian gaze.
“I told you. It is beautiful, as you are. But . . .” He pauses, a slight grimace crossing his expression. “I do not like that someone marked you. Someone else claimed this -” He leans back to spread his hand over the koi. “Every part of you is mine.”
“Are you jealous of my tattoo artist?” You grin, unable to hold back. “You know I picked the design and the colors and everything, right? He was just some guy with a good flash book . . .”
Nobunaga’s frown does not ease, though you know that he’s aware this is ridiculous. 
You snuggle back against him. “Alright, alright. I understand. If you could do tattoos, I’d get one from you, ok?”
Something mischievous flickers in his gaze and a slight smile turns up the corners of his mouth. “Yes. This is acceptable.”
You aren’t sure what he’s accepting. Nobunaga can’t do tattoos, right? Right? Whatever questions you have disappear as his lips find that sensitive spot at the back of your neck. 
You roll up your sleeves to start working on the kitchen’s herb garden. The day is warm and sunny, promising a hot afternoon. It’s a good thing you’re starting early. 
About an hour into the weeding, Hideyoshi stops by with a tray of cool water and a wide straw hat. He kneels beside you. “You know it’s bad for your skin to be exposed to sunlight for so long. Even in the morning, you can’t -” He stops midword, his mouth hanging open.
“Hm?” You look up, dusting your hands off. Before you can ask anything else, Hideyoshi grabs your elbow.
“What is this?” 
You realize he’s pointing at the serpent tattoo on your forearm. The snake curls over itself in a complex circle, with the head pointing at your wrist and the tale toward your elbow. “Oh! Erm,” you give an embarrassed laugh. “That.”
“I knew you couldn’t be trusted.” Hideyoshi holds your arm up, inspecting it. “A thief. I should have guessed. What prefecture is this? Where are you really from?” The questions come lightning fast, his usual gentle lecturing tone replaced with a hard, brittleness that does not suit him at all.
“A thief? Are you serious right now?” You try to yank your arm back, going from bewildered to angry. 
Hideyoshi pulls you up to standing. “If you won’t answer my questions, maybe you’ll answer Mitsuhide’s.” He glares at you. “I can’t believe I - I called you my sister!” 
You take a breath, trying to hold in the tears suddenly threatening at the corners of your eyes. Sister. Why was this man so infuriating? First putting you in the sis-zone, and now accusing you. As if you hadn’t shared so many sweet moments. Almost-kisses. Holding hands. “Why are you freaking out about my tattoo?”
“It marks you as a criminal.” He sighs, looking away. “If you’ll come clean with me, maybe we can -”
“Come clean? Hideyoshi, I told you I’m not from here. In my ah, my village, people get tattoos because they like the way they look.” You wiggle your arm in his grasp. “This one means the cycle of life. Birth and death. Look at it!”
Hideyoshi slowly turns back to examine the mark on your arm. “It is . . . very finely done for a - a punishment.” He purses his lips. “And I do not know of a prefecture that uses a snake . . .”
You nod emphatically. “Exactly. And you know me. Hideyoshi?” Your tone brings his gaze to your face. 
He studies you for a moment. Then his grip loosens on your arm, the pad of his thumb stroking your inked flesh. “I may have, um, jumped to conclusions. My apologies.” A breath, then, “Sis.”
“Thanks.” You take your arm back, feelings still hurt. 
For a long moment, neither of you says anything. Then he drapes an arm over your shoulder, pulling you to his side. “Let me apologize properly, after work tonight. Stop by after your bath and I’ll rub some oil on your arms and legs.” Hideyoshi’s cheeks hold a faint heat. “A brother should care for his sister when she’s working so hard.”
You know he knows there’s nothing brotherly in the touches you share, but you nod in acquiescence. Then you pull away. “The garden won’t weed itself,” you say.
He grins. “I suppose not.” Hideyoshi’s hand takes yours before you can take a step. “It’s nice. Your tattoo. Once I really looked at it.”
“Thanks,” you smile back, feeling a little better. “I’m looking forward to my massage tonight.” You give him a cheeky wink. 
You splash to the river’s surface, sputtering from the water in your mouth and nose. Masamune laughs beside you, his strong arm holding you up above the roiling surface of the water as the current pushes you both downstream.
“Maybe next time we should look for a bridge,” you shout to be heard over the river.
“Nah. Where’s the fun in that?” Masamune’s blue eye gleams with unfettered joy as he pulls you toward the opposite shore. 
Once you hit the bank and crawl out, you flop back onto the grassy hillside. “Fun? Not drowning is fun. And now I’m soaked.” You glance over to see Masamune already stripping down, laying his clothes out to dry. 
He grins when he sees your expression. “What’s the matter, kitten? Tiger got your tongue?”
“Pffft.” You sit up, ignoring the way your face heats. You shrug out of your kimono, very aware of how thin your linen underclothes are. Especially now that they are wet and clinging to your skin. 
Masamune’s appreciative look does not help. He grins unapologetically. “I should come out this way more often. Great view.”
You throw a clump of grass at him and jump up to run. He chases you, laughing, and catches you pretty quickly. 
His laughter stops with a sharp inhale. “Are you hurt?”
You realize that he’s noticed the ink on your side, a tiger in the midst of peonies. The red, pink, and orange probably look like a wound beneath the opaque cloth. “No, nothing like that.” You carefully tug the linen up to show him your tattoo. 
“Wow.” His eye is wide as he takes in the art piece. “Gorgeous.” His calloused finger brushes the skin on your side, sending a shiver across your belly and up your ribcage. “It’s like a painting.”
“Thanks.” You feel more than a little self conscious, but also gratified by his reaction. “It’s supposed to be, like, fragility and strength? Together?” You find yourself a little tongue tied, too focused on his warm hand touching you. 
Masamune finally looks up, catching your gaze. “It fits you, kitten. Strong and fragile.” His expression is more serious than you’re used to. A deeper emotion moves in the depths of his blue eye. 
The urge to kiss him is strong, but you resist. You tug the cloth back down and step away, heart beating frantically. Masamune likes to flirt, you think, that’s all. You wrack your brain for a witty comment and come up empty. 
He smiles, drops his hands. “Our clothes should dry out soon, and then we can continue on.”
“The temple better be awesome. You’ve talked it up too much to take anything less than.” Your destination is safer ground, you think, jumping right into the new topic.
Masamune laughs. “There’s not another like it anywhere.” Something about the way he says it makes you wonder if he means the temple you’re traveling to or something else. 
“Worth the trip then?”
He catches a bit of your damp hair and twirls it around a finger. “I’d say this trip is already worth it.”
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diaryofanidiot · 2 years
The Neverland Curse
Summary: MC is on the receiving end of a strong curse. They've been reverted back to a child until they can earn a meaningful memory from each of those they care about. It's up to the Demon Brothers & co. to care for them until then.
Cw: de-aging, demon bros being demons, MC being a Chaotic child lol
Chapter List: Prologue 1 <2> 3 4 5
Taglist: @avatarofstars @letsblazewolf @your-next-daydream
Not proofread, feel free to lmk of any mistakes
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Diavolo was, in fact, not scary. Just... reeaally loud. I covered my ears as his laugh boomed for the 100th time since he arrived. Lucifer was trying to explain everything despite Diavolo's intrigue at my "current state"... whatever that was.
After a few more minutes of this going on, his face finally got serious.
"As amusing as this is, cursed books are meant to be in a separate room in the library. Very few have a key. I'll have to figure out who's negligence caused this..." He patted Lucifer's shoulder and smiled. "I'll trust they will remain safe in your care?"
"My Lord," Barbatos, who I was introduced to earlier, cut in. "Is it wise to let them continue attending RAD in this state? A grown human is one thing, but a child is another. Not even mentioning the subject matter is well above their mental capacity right now."
Diavolo stopped in thought. The brothers seemed to wait anxiously for his verdict. I looked around in confusion, hoping anyone would would give an explanation. It quickly became clear this conversation was 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘦 rather than 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦.
I played with the tassels on my clothes while Diavolo motioned Levi over. Quietly listening but not fully interested in the adult conversation.
"Leviathan, there are days you take online classes rather than attend, correct? Is there anyway we could set that up with the elementary level classes as well?"
Levi nodded and glanced over to me. "I mean, that's simple. Will their grades still affect them though? I mean, with the curse in effect we won't know how they'll do."
Diavolo pondered this. "Slack will definitely be alloted for their mental age right now but I read that structure is essential in human children. More so than Demon Younglings."
With that, Lucifer began assigning tasks to each of his brothers. I felt myself lifted into the air and looked behind me to see who it was.
"Bee!" I grinned and hugged him tight, kicking my feet lightly. His twin moved behind him and tapped my nose.
"Looks like we got babysitting duty, Beel." Beelzebub nodded at his brother's words.
I heard Asmo shriek for them to wait as the duo carried me up the stairs.
"I need their measurements. Lucifer's sending me shopping for clothes. You can't possibly expect them to stay in that uniform the whole time. " he scoffed, holding my arm out next to some measuring tape.
"Already? I mean, we'll likely break the curse soon. Is a shopping spree really necessary?" Belphie rolled an eye, receiving a glare from the queen of fashion himself.
Besides the dirty look, Asmo ignored him and began fussing over me. Beel stubbornly refused to put me down, making the whole process ten times harder. It was all too much.
Asmo finally finished his task after a few agonizing moments of being measured and quizzed on my favorite colors. I squirmed in Beel's hold to be let down.
"Bee, down please..." I asked, finally being released. Once we got to the top of the stairs, I took off as fast as my legs can carry me. Finally I could explore!
"No ya don't." Belphie grabbed my arm, keeping me next to the two.
"No faiiiir," I whined. He flicked the back of my head playfully, causing me to give him the biggest meanie look I could muster.
"This place is big. You could get lost."
Beel nodded in agreement and knelt down to my level. "We can give you a tour, but you gotta at least stay in the same room as us. No running off until you get a feel for this place."
I grinned and wiggled my way out of Belphie's grasp. "I won't! I promise!"
The tour was fun, but the twins had a way of hovering over me that soured my mood. My every step was directed as if I'd get hurt if their eyes were off of me for a single second.
"There's a lot of stairs here? Think you can make it?" Beel asked, offering to carry me. I leaned over and looked up the winding staircase before pointing up.
"Where we going?"
"Up there's the attic. It's where we... er, Beel and I usually hang out." Belphie chimed in. "Last stop on the tour, then we'll show you your room."
I nodded and reached up to be carried by Beel. Stairs are hard.
The attic looked like the coziest room ever. My eyes flicked around the room before landing on the massive-
"PILLOW FORT!" I shrieked, kicking my legs til Bee put me down. I sprinted towards it and flopped down onto the pillow fort bed. I feel a weight on the mattress and look up, grinning at the twins.
"You like it?"
"Mhm!" I nodded eagerly. Belphie rested his hand on top of my head, holding the other behind his back.
I peered around him curiously before leaning back due to a soft object placed over my face. My expression made the two laugh as it took me a moment to realize what happened.
In Belphie's hand was a fluffy stuffed bear, with purple fur and galaxy ears.
"You wanna borrow this?"
I nodded eagerly and reached out for it. Belphie gave a shit eating grin and held it above my head.
"Hmmm..." He contemplated in mock thought. "Still not sure if you should."
Frustrated at the object of my desire being held up too high, my eyes began to well up, and I gave the biggest pleading look I could muster. While Belphie wasn't as easily swayed from his teasing attitude, Beel certainly was.
He reached up and took it from his twin. "Just let them have it. No need to taunt them."
Belphie rolled his eyes and flopped back onto a pile of pillows with a yawn. "Alright, Beel. Ya softie."
I hugged the plush tightly, happy with the first toy I've seen in this big house. Beel smiled at me after looking away from his brother.
"You know, I got that for Belphie but I don't think he ever gave it a name..."
Belphie, with his eyes closed, let out a "nope" popping the "p".
"So do you want do name it?"
I looked at the bear in deep thought. This was a very important job of the highest honor.
Taking a deep breath, I made my proclamation. "His name is Bloo!"
I heard a snort from Belphie but couldn't tell if it was an asleep or awake noise. Beel seemed to approve, though, much to my happiness.
"It's fitting." He leaned over to shake Belphie, who was now letting out quiet snores. "We should probably go show them their room."
Belphie huffed and turned over in a stubborn manner. I scooted closer and poked his cheek.
"Wake uuuppp! It's not bedtime!" I said before glancing at the window. Just then, did I realize how dark it was outside. "Wait, is it?"
Beel took a moment to sort through why I was confused. He seemed to have realized as he took my hand and guided me to the window. "Nope. It's not night yet. It's just always dark here."
I blinked in confusion. Always dark? Sounds scary.
"It gets darker, though later on."
"Darker? But it's already nighttime!" I struggled to wrap my head around what he was saying. How is there a place with no daytime? It sounded silly.
He cracked a smile and scratched his head, seemingly wondering about something.
"Don't laugh!" I huffed. Now he was just being a meanie by teasing me.
"...He's not lying." A new voice sounded behind me. I turned around to see Lucifer in the doorway. "I figured you two would bring them here."
"Don't make fun of me toooo" I whined, upset he was joining in on the joke.
"I'm not." he assured, kneeling next to me. "I guess it'll be harder to walk you through it this way."
He pinched the bridge of his nose in concentration. "The place we live in doesn't have a sun. I guess only remembering the human wor-"
He stopped himself short and scanned my face with his eyes. "I mean, where you come from has a sun and moon cycle. This place doesn't."
Instead of trying to understand, I focused on his fumble. "Human world?" I giggled. "You mean earth, silly. I thought grown-ups were smart."
Lucifer looked up at Beel before sighing. "I'll explain later. Have they shown you to your room?"
I shook my head. "Bee said we can go there last."
Beel reached under my arms and lifted me to his hip. He always seemed to want to carry me. Not that I minded... until he took forever to let me down again.
Lucifer looked at the sleeping Belphie in the pile of pillows and rolled his eyes. "Figured that might happen."
He sounded irritated, but his expression betrayed him, showing he wasn't really all that bothered. We started down the stairs and down a long hallway. This place seemed like a maze to me. It's no wonder the twins didn't want me running off alone yet.
"This room is yours. If you forget, you can ask anyone here, " He said, opening the door. "Hell knows it's become the new common room since your arrival"
He muttered the second part under his breath and I didn't catch much of it, not that I cared once I saw my room.
I took a deep breath and shrieked. "THERE'S A TREE IN MY ROOM!"
Beel winced at my volume, considering I was right next to his ear. I wiggled out of his grasp for the umpteenth time and ran up to it, touching it to see if it was real. My jaw dropped once I realized it was. I bet nobody else in the whole world got to have a real tree in the middle of their room.
I heard Lucifer huff a tiny laugh at my reaction while Beel smiled and sat on the plush bed.
"It was actually put in here specifically for you. You're used to more oxygen." Lucifer explained, "We weren't sure how you would adapt to here. Plus, it's native where you're from, so we figured it'd be a reminder of home."
His big words only confused me more, so I tuned them out and cradled Bloo to my chest with one arm while the other picked a leaf off the tree. This was the coolest room ever.
"Hungry." Beel mumbled, glancing up at Lucifer. The latter dismissed him.
"Asmodeus should be home soon. Do you have any more questions?" Lucifer asked, walking up behind me and placing a hand on my shoulder.
I racked my brain. I had a lot of questions, but there were too many to choose from. Where was my family? How did I get lost in the library? And why did I now have a room here?
Lucifer's gaze was too analytical of my expression for me to feel okay with asking all of them. My thumb prodded at my mouth while I shook my head.
"Nu uh."
The door swung open once the words left my mouth.
"Oh (MC)!" Asmo flitted into the room, multiple bags on his arms. He placed the bags down on the floor and reached in, holding up a shirt my size. "Ready for your fashion show?"
Uh oh...
I'm officially in for it.
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sassycheesecake · 5 months
Can you do a Tendou Satori x reader? I beg you🙏🙏🙏 can it be about him discovering you play an instrument? If possible piano, if not just anything fluff so I can kick my feet and squeal
If you're busy or requests aren't open anymore and I never noticed, feel free to ignore!
Love your work ❤
Omg thank you so much for your kind words, of course I will give my best shot at writing something for you! I apologize in advance, I don’t know much about playing instruments 😂 Hope you still enjoy I chose pre-timeskip!Tendō!💕
Tendō Satori, also known as the guess monster of Shiratorizawa, has just left the meeting of the Shiratorizawa volleyball club, when his stomach started growling.
Practice has been extended due to the loss against Karasuno, so none of the players have gotten the chance to eat or drink anything yet.
Before Satori returns to his dorm room, he will make his way to the snack vending machine for a very late, but much needed skip-dinner-snack.
As he bids his teammates goodbye, he walks along the dimly-lit hallway, seeing the bright light of the vending machines from afar.
Walking down the hall, the redhead hums a happy tune, his hands resting on his neck as he bends his arms in a stretch.
Along his humming though, Satori hears the soft sound of piano keys playing.
The Middle Blocker stops his humming and is curious to find out where the beautiful music is coming from.
The melody sounds very sad and Satori can’t help but frown at the sorrowful sound.
As he walks closer towards the tune, he notices that it’s the music room, where some of the instruments lay for storage for concerts, band practice, etc.
The dark brown wooden door is slightly ajar and Satori tries to get a peek at the unknown pianist who is playing such a beautiful melody.
The music room is moderately dark, the only light source coming from the half-moon shining through the large windows high on the wall.
Yet, the young man with ruby-colored eyes sees a girl sitting with her back facing him.
She doesn’t have a music note sheet in front of her, nor a phone showing her how to play the song.
She’s playing it from memory.
Flawless, to be more precise.
The tunes keep coming softly and with expertise.
Satori finally recognizes the song.
'Behind Blue Eyes' by Limp Bizkit.
It’s like she’s trying to express her feelings and thoughts into the music she is playing.
Even if Satori can only see her backside, he is highly interested in what the mysterious girl looks like from the front.
Her beautiful hair almost glows in the moonlight, the sweatshirt of the Shiratorizawa Academy fits her figure perfectly.
Before Satori can get a better look at her, the tunes come to an end and the volleyball player tries to hide a bit better, yet he really wants to know who this girl is.
As she turns around and gets up, Satori finally sees her.
It’s you.
You sit in the back, by the windows in your shared English class.
You’re very quiet, barely talk to others.
Before tonight, the Middle Blocker never would have guessed that you play the piano. And with such skilled hands as well, like you’ve been playing it for years.
As you get up, you begin to grab your things and as quickly and quietly as he can, Satori hides behind a pillar and sees you poking your head out, looking left and right before heading out completely.
Once you close the door to the music room, you’re unaware of scarlet eyes following your steps.
Every day after volleyball practice, Satori tries to see if he can hear the melody of you playing again. But ever since that night, you stopped. You’re still at school, you attend classes but the bewitching tones at night, like a lullaby luring him into a dream that he never wants to wake up from, disappear.
To be honest, you playing that instrument has almost been like Satori’s therapy. It calms him after practice and gives him the feeling like he’s sitting next to you on the bench while you are playing.
Seeking you out on a Friday during lunch, he makes his way over to you with careful steps.
"Hey… (Y/N), right?" The red-haired Middle Blocker approaches you during your lunch break while you’re listening to your Spotify playlist.
You look up, unsure why he approached you. One of the best players of the Shiratorizawa Volleyball Club. Sure, he might not be as popular as Ushijima but you have to admit, he’s got a charm of his own. He’s quirky, has an affectionate smile and a cheery personality.
You blush at his curious face, taking the headphones out of your ears to respond.
"That’s me. You’re… Tendō right? From the volleyball team?"
"Satori is just fine. So… I don’t want you to think I am crazy or anything… but about two weeks ago, on a late night after my practice was over, I heard this heavenly song of a piano playing. I was curious to see who would play this late and I saw that it was you. Oh! I didn’t tell anyone, don’t worry!" He sees that your eyes begin to widen in shock, he quickly apologizes, reassuring you that you have nothing to fear about being told on.
"Yeah, I couldn’t sleep. Playing the piano always calms me down and when I play it, it’s like the instrument has a mind on its own. Like it’s playing me instead of the other way around." You chuckle slightly and the volleyball player’s face brightens at the sound of your laugh, even if it’s quiet.
It’s like music to his ears.
"Your smile is beautiful. But your laugh makes you shine so much. You should laugh more, it suits you." Satori starts to get nervous, scratching the back of his neck.
Satori feels his knees getting wobbly, not the usual kind of wobbly after an intense practice, but rather by being in your present. You’re not weirded out by him, nor disgusted nor scared. You look… happy to be talking to him.
This is a completely new feeling for the young Middle Blocker and he never wants this feeling to go away.
"So. Is there a chance you could play again for me?" Satori sits down on the chair, leaning his head on his hands as he stares at you like you hung the stars and moons just for him.
You smile and blush in response, nodding shyly as you watch as his complete body lights up at your response, feeling butterflies in your stomach as you like the fact that famous Middle Blocker Satori Tendõ enjoys listening to you play.
It’s like music to your ears.
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tired-hq · 1 year
𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.
spencer reid x fem!reader
‼swearing, lots of kissing, blushy, daddy issues mentioned briefly, nervous because of reid (aren't we all)‼
" i just feel safe with you, like nothing bad can happen" reid fell asleep at your apartment last night, now you have to try and compose yourself in front of him and his morning appearance
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The Sunday morning sun peers through your curtains. And as you rub your eyes, your brain floods with the memories of last night. You invited Spencer over to have a movie night with you, he even agreed to watch a horror movie with me. You ended up picking one of your all time favorites. But...you don’t remember Spencer ever leaving...
You shot straight up in bed, throwing off the covers and pulling on a pair of sweatpants. You stumble into the kitchen of your apartment to find a messy haired Spencer Reid bent over your coffee pot.
“Morning” You greet.
“Good morning!” He turns around with a smile on his face.
Once he turned around you could take in his entire appearance, his hair was messily displayed on top of his head as a few curls stuck on and covered his forehead. He was in a white t-shirt that was nicely loose on his torso.
Quickly, you look away as you start to feel drool build up in your mouth. 
“So, how long have you been up?” I ask the attractive man in front of me.
He yawns, “Not long, you”
“Just woke up”
“Would you like some coffee?” Spencer pointed to the coffee pot.
“I’d like that” I smile, a pink colored hue rises to my face.
For a first few seconds it’s quiet...
Reid's Pov
After I asked y/n if she wanted a cup of coffee I watched as her face heated up. That’s when i remembered the “lessons” Morgan gave me about women. He said that when a women has an interest in you, her face would turn a pink or red color. So I took my chance and shot my shot.
“You know...it’s cute when you blush” I stir the sugar into our coffees and in the corner of my eye I see her whip her head around to stare at the side of my head with her eyes bulging out of her head.
“I-I-” She stutters and quickly left hiding her face in her hands.
Y/n's Pov
You rush into the living room trying to hold back your squeals. Spencer slowly walks into the living room trying not to spill hot coffee on himself or the floor. You gently take your coffee from him as he sits down.
“I’m sorry I didn’t take you home before you fell asleep” You apologize, sipping on your hot coffee.
“It’s okay, I kinda fell asleep on purpose” Spencer gingerly rubs the back of his neck.
You look at him completely confused, “Why?”
“I just feel safe with you, like nothing bad can happen” He shrugs with a red-ish tint on his cheeks.
“...Really?” You ask, softly.
“Yeah...and while I’m confessing things, I like you, really like you...the kind of like where I think about you when doing things. Like when I click a pen, I tend to click it five times cause I know that you always click your pen five times” He rants on and you can’t help but stare at his lips.
“Oh my god...can I kiss you...”I whisper.
“Yeah, yes, please do” He huffs out.
Within seconds I grab his face and let any tension fly away as your lips knead together. You pull apart and press your foreheads together. You lick the little bit of saliva that was on your lips.
“...You’re an amazing kisser” He informs me.
“I could say the same for you Doctor Reid” You poke his chest with a giggle.
“Doctor Reid, huh?” He pulls me away from him with a questionable look on his face.
“What, you don’t like it when I call you that?”
“No, just no one really calls me that” He chuckles.
“Well...I think it’s kind of hot” You admit to him.
Spencer looks surprised, “How so?”
“Fun fact, I and many other women, find smart men VERY attractive”
“Say that to the girls who made fun of me in high school”
“First off, you were like 12 in high school and plus high school girls don’t really have the best taste in men, most of them fall for guys who end up treating them like shit anyways” You rant.
“Have you dated someone like that” Spencer looked over at you.
You sipped the rest of your coffee, “More like someones and unfortunately, yes”
“Do you know what caused you to?”
“'Cause they loved me, or at least I thought they did...having daddy issues didn’t help, my father despised me. He even told me how much he hated me frequently” I utter as i play with my finger nails.
“i’m sorry..” Spencer whispered.
“Don’t be, I’m here with you...kissing you, it’s pretty much all I’ve ever wanted” You kiss his cheek, but as you're pulling away he pulls you back towards his lips.
He continues to passionately kiss your lips as if he’s trying to show how much he cares about you through kisses.
Once, he pulled away you gripped onto his shoulders as your head went dizzy from the lack of oxygen. He hugged you warmly and you swear for a second it felt like it was just you two in the entire world.
-𝙧𝙤𝙧𝙮 ☆!
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papermint-airplane · 2 months
I just wanted to quickly write about a childhood experience I had so I can get rid of it because it's been on my mind a lot recently. You're welcome to read it if you feel like you want to but I warn you, it's not a happy memory and will contain descriptions of child abuse. Read at your own risk.
When I was 8, my parents bought me a bike for my birthday. This was a whole ass surprise for numerous reasons not the least of which being that we were very, very poor. I had never asked for a bike or expressed interest in learning to ride a bike, but they got me one for whatever reason. I still don't know why or how they afforded it.
Well, maybe I do sort of know why. My mom always expressed to me her regret at never learning how to ride a bike in her life, either in childhood or adulthood. I suspect she didn't want that for me so I was going to learn how to ride a bike regardless of how I felt about it. She did a lot of things like that.
Nevertheless, I was pretty excited to learn. It was the cutest little pink and purple Huffy bike with white handles. My mom put streamers in the handles, put those little colorful bead things on the wheel spokes, put a basket on it, put a bell on it...I mean that bike was pimped tf out and I loved it. It took me a while to build up the courage to even sit on it, though. I was very small for my age and bikes were scary. Even though it had training wheels, it was still a lot faster and more intimidating than my thrift store Barbie skates. Eventually, I gained the confidence I needed to ride it and I was doing pretty well with it.
Then my dad decided I didn't need training wheels anymore. I was not ready to take the training wheels off and I said as much repeatedly, but my dad didn't listen to me. He is, after all, the man who, to this very day, thinks that children should not have rights, so my opinion didn't matter in the slightest to him. He just informed me that the training wheels were going away and I had to live with that.
He started trying to teach me to ride my bike in the front yard, on the grass, where there was more traction and less chance of me getting hurt than on the sidewalk. Less chance. Not zero.
Anyway, he was doing that thing dads do where he was running alongside me on my bike, holding onto it, and telling me what to do. Mind you, I knew how to pedal already, but doing it while balancing was new and very scary to me. I was already shaking from fear and feeling very out of control when my dad let go. I didn't realize he had let go at first until he told me.
If you're picturing a cute Hallmark moment of a cute little girl taking off confidently on her bike while her proud father watches on with tears in his eyes, stop. That's not what happened. Predictably, I panicked because I felt unsafe and I didn't know how to stop. I panicked and jerked the handlebars around, which resulted in my front tire hitting a divot in the grass and launching me headfirst into the front porch.
Something of note: our porch was basically a large concrete slab with heavy iron railings. Very sturdy, very strong, very solid. I hit the porch at max force, hitting my side on the iron railing while scraping my knee on the concrete. I think I might have hit my head, too, but fortunately I was wearing a helmet. Needless to say, I was terrified out of my mind, shaken up, bleeding, bruised, and in pain. I did what all little girls do in that situation. I screamed. I cried.
What do you think my dad did? Did he comfort me? Apologize for pushing me to do something I wasn't ready to do? No. He clenched his jaw, grabbed me by the arm, and wrenched me to my feet.
"Get in the damn house," he growled. He picked up my bike and violently threw it into the shed. He was angry. My father's rage was -- is -- something that terrorized our family to no end. I have always likened living with him to living on a minefield. You never knew which step was going to result in a catastrophic explosion that could very well end your life. He was unpredictable and violent. If the batteries died in the remote, he might sigh and replace them. Or he might hurl the remote across the room while screaming curse words at the top of his lungs and then grab my sister by the throat while yelling in her face to get him the G.D. batteries right now or he'd kill her. You never knew which it was going to be.
And this time, I didn't get "sigh and move on" dad. I got angry dad. He hauled me into the house and proceeded to spank me as hard as he could until my butt was numb and I couldn't breathe because I was crying so hard. Then he pushed me out of the kitchen and told me he didn't want to see me again for the rest of the day.
I was homeschooled and this bike excursion was my physical education class for the day, so I had to return to my mom to continue doing my schoolwork while still sobbing and bleeding. I don't know why I expected her to comfort me. She so rarely did. She always took his side unless it benefitted her to do otherwise. "You shouldn't have screamed," she said. "You made a scene in public and embarrassed your father. You got what you deserved." Then she went on teaching me my Bible lesson for the day, the story of Sampson and Delilah.
I moved past that incident because I had to. Nobody took my side. Not my mother, not my siblings who were both older than me and had learned long ago that anything that brings negative attention to our father is worse than a war crime. I pushed my feelings of anger and injustice down like always and just went about life. But I never forgot. It's been 30 years and I still remember every second of that event like it happened yesterday. It wasn't the first time something like that had happened to me nor was it the worst, but it is etched into my memory so deeply, I can still smell the grass and feel my teeth rattling from the impact with the porch. I still feel the fear, first from the loss of control and then from my father's wrath. I still hear my mother's voice telling me I brought this on myself because I had the sheer audacity to scream when I was hurt. I still hear the way my father said "get in the damn house" like he was barely containing his anger. I still feel the hatred burning in my stomach because my father ruined something I had been so happy about. He tainted what should have been a rite of passage for me. And it wasn't even the worst thing he'd done to me by that point in my life.
I will never stop hating that man. Never.
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lostindarkclouds · 1 year
🩸Alastor x Reader Fanfiction 🩸
If you haven't read Part 1, you can find it on my account.
Today should have been a normal day when Alastor went to visit his dear friend.
Obviously Alastor has been observing you for a few days. (She's not overly attracted to you yet. She goes about her life normally. The radio station, Rosie's shop, and hazbin Hotel are his most frequent destinations.)
He is currently sitting on a wooden chair. His wand is against the wall. He is holding his coffee and watching the whole mess.
Rosie carefully shuffles the outfits and asks you to try on the outfits she's sewn.You are very satisfied with Rosie. He's a good boss. She does her job with great care and pays her salary on time.You like working here, but this guy...
You are so bothered by him.
The man is always smiling, his every move is full of grace. His gait, tone of voice, and looks always carry meaning and are flawless. He's a little arrogant... No, he's very arrogant. He speaks kindly, but he can be harsh whenever he wants, you know that.You've never had a long conversation with him, but you seem to know him.
It must be because you're both observing each other...Bright red eyes meet bright blue eyes. It's all just a glance.
This man is giving goosebumps.
Rosie hands a black outfit and quickly pushes you into the booths.
After you enter the cabin, Alastor looks at Rosie for the first time for a long time. Rosie approaches Alastor with an ear-to-ear grin.
"I see you more often these days. Not that I'm complaining. It's good to see you, Alastor."
"Oh what can I say Rosie! I love seeing good company!"
Alastor dramatically puts his hand on his forehead.
Rosie looks at Alastor with expressive eyes.Rosie is a smart woman and she knows what's going on.He knew from the first moment that Alastor was interested in this man.Rosie and Alastor have been friends for a long time. This indicates that they have been observing each other for a long time.(Alastor and Rosie's friendship is different from the normal friendship we know. They had no emotional exchanges. Sometimes they shared memories of better times.But neither of them know much about each other.I mean, because their mindsets match, friends.)
When you entered the cabin, you didn't have much thought about the outfit. As you slowly started to wear the outfit, you realized what kind of outfit it was.
First of all, it was like a long dress. It had a large neckline and was made of black lace. Its design was like a frilly shirt.Rosie always likes to sew weird clothes.You like his clothes too.After all, they are of good quality and fit the demon in many different bodies.But this time the outfit was a little different from the ones she had tried before. That's a little sexy.
(basically the dress is a see-through black lace dress resembling a nightgown.)
"Uhm Miss Rosie?" You called out to Rosie as you slowly opened the cabin door.
Rosie quickly opened the cabin door and grabbed your arm and led you outside.
"Oh dear you are an Angel! This beauty! I can't imagine this outfit would look good on anyone but you!"
Rosie quickly turned around. "What do you think, Alastor?"
While Rosie looks at Alastor, you look at Alastor curiously through the mirror's reflection. Alastor is leaning slightly forward, holding his wand in his hand. (Where's the coffee cup?🙄)
"The clothes you sew have always been number one in the Pride Ring, Rosie!"
Alastor looks at you with a strange look. Eye color appears to be darker. His eyes still glow with a red light. His voice is deep.
"I must admit that with a beautiful model her outfits are more striking."
The wand hits the ground rhythmically and the man suddenly stands up.
You feel cold.
The man says goodbye to Rosie and you and then leaves.
Rosie sighs...
This guy is giving Rosie a lot of trouble and scaring our Y/N. 🤧
Part 3 is coming soon.
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lordgrimwing · 5 months
[for Glorfindel Week, hosted by @glorfindelweek, Day 4, part of the Silm ABO series]
Glorfindel listened to the strange noises around him. Eyes shut and breath kept carefully even, he tried to get a sense of what was happening without alerting anyone to his wakefulness. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been unconscious this time, but the pain in his stomach was less distracting now. 
Last time, he woke up suddenly, yanked back to consciousness by a deep, aching pain splitting his belly open as though the mýrennedí still had her teeth in him. He had a hazy memory of someone trying to speak with him, followed by an unsuccessful attempt to escape out the mouth of the bizarre cave they were in. Whoever these people were, they were not pleased by his disappearance. 
The cave opening sat on the side of a sheer cliff dotted with many other openings of identical size and shape. The pain made climbing hard, and he had to slip inside one of the other caves to rest. Fearing he’d fall if he tried climbing the rest of the way down, he tested his luck in the rabbit warren-like caves instead, hoping they were all connected and he could reach the ground. 
He bumped into many strangely dressed elves as he went. They either stared at him in surprise or squawked like vibrantly colored, unintelligible birds. A few tried to stop him, but he avoided them easily and kept running.
The elf from the first cavern caught up to him at about the same time he realized he’d started bleeding from the healing gashes in his stomach. He wasn’t steady on his feet by that point, stumbling down the passage with more than running, and the elf easily grabbed him. Everything was very confused after that, but they must have gotten back to where he started somehow. 
That brought him back to the present: still unable to make sense of what was going on but feeling less like he was crawling toward the flaming chasm of death—so that was good.
“You are awake?” Someone asked from near his head.
Well, pretending to sleep wasn’t working. It was time to figure out where he was and what happened. He opened his eyes.
The elf from earlier was gone, replaced by one of the strangers the mýrennedí tried eating. He recognized this one from the days he spent watching their camp before the attack, assessing if they were a threat to his people or just part of a strange tribe passing through. Quenhó, he’d named this one, because his odd appearance was reminiscent of images conjured up by the angoldos’ tales of lost spirits. He had been interesting to watch: he appeared to be some kind of healer, like an angoldo, as others in the group came to him when they were hurt.
Quenhó repeated the question, words spoken with the tone of someone who was trying to speak clearly after eating many fermented mesquite bean pods. “You are awake?”
Glorfindel blinked. “Yes.” His mouth felt dry.
“You are safe,” Quenhó said in very simple words, tongue stumbling.
Was he just learning to speak? Perhaps he actually was a lost spirit.
“Do not run again. You are hurt.” Quenhó pointed at his own stomach, hidden under layers of enough stifling fabric to make a sizable traveling tent, then down at Glorfindel’s while making a pained expression with his odd face.
Glorfindel agreed with the limited explanation. “Yes,” he said. “That is usually what happens to people who are caught by a mýrennedí. I’m lucky she didn’t kill me.” 
The more he thought about it, the more certain he became that he should have died. The fight took place far away from his people (though he’d watched the strangers long enough to know that they knew where his people lived, that they were specifically watching his people). Even if he had survived the journey back to be cared for by an angoldo, he’d seen though wounds like this to know a burning fire should have grown within him by the third day and finished what the large cat started.
Quenhó looked at him, his face twisted into an indecipherable mask. “You are hurt,” he repeated. “I am helping you.”
Glorfindel tilted his head against the thick, soft mat he was laying on. “Where am I?” He asked. “I’ve never seen caves like this. Do your people make caves like hares dig tunnels?”
“You are hurt.” This time, a hint of pleading entered the words.
Quenhó, whoever and whatever he was, had no idea what Glorfindel was saying.
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vaseoflilies · 4 months
Elysian Fields Chapter 2: Forget It
warning: nothing too intense a/n: this is cross posted on AO3 if you're interested!!
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
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This time, you awoke screaming.  
Your leg felt like it was on fire, and while your mind was clearer, your body ached. The sight of your pale, tear-stained face in the large mirror in front of you scared you. Where were you? What happened? Why did everything hurt? Should you try to leave? No, you needed to leave.
Nothing in the room stood out except for the expensive-looking shoji doors and the IV stand, from which two bags of saline were hanging. The floor appeared to be hardwood, but there were a few red stains near the entrance. As you looked around, the doors slid open. You haphazardly grabbed your thigh in pain, making whimpering noises so pathetic that you couldn’t believe they were coming from you.
You felt a wave of fear when a person walked in - a diminutive woman wearing a familiar blue kimono. “I’m not going to hurt you,” she muttered, her voice as soft as a whisper. She gently closed the doors behind her and approached your side. “You’re safe. Everything is okay. Do you remember what happened?”
Her words brought a slight calm over you. However, your leg didn’t share the sentiment. “Fuck,” you groaned, clawing at the blanket with your newly manicured nails. When did that happen? “Why is it burning so badly?”
Her eyebrows rose, and she quickly moved to remove the blanket covering your leg. “My apologies,” she said, bowing slightly as she began to readjust your bandages. “The doctor tied them quite tight when she changed them earlier. How does it feel now?”
The pain decreased dramatically. “Thank you,” you managed to cough out, prompting her to bring a glass of water from the bedside to your lips. “Who are you? Where am I?”
She gave you a soft smile and gently brushed the wisps of hair from your face. Oddly enough, you let her. “You’re safe,” she reassured you. She helped you sit up slightly and took the braid out of your hair. You eyed her carefully in the mirror. “You have been rescued and are now in the hospital. I am your nurse, Jun.”
Rescued? Surprisingly, you couldn’t recall much about how you ended up here in the first place. “What happened?” Your brow furrowed as you contemplated the situation and examined your leg. “I was injured, wasn’t I?”
You only had a vague sense of your identity. 
You could still remember your family, your childhood village, and your name. A few familiar faces caught your eye, but you couldn’t associate them with their names. You remembered the sensation of mud in the rain and a burning rage. There was a flash of memory of you waking up for the first time and slapping Jun’s hand away. Beyond that, you were lost.
“Yes,” she slowly nodded, finishing the braid. “You’re very lucky to be alive right now.”
Taking a sharp breath, you said, “Just give it to me straight.” You crossed your hands on your lap, bracing yourself for the worst. “Tell me what happened.”
She moved to the corner of the room, where a large brass bell sat. “That’s not my place,” she said, picking up the bell and ringing it. You winced at the loud sound. “I’m just your nurse.”
Shortly after, an elderly woman with flecks of gray hair appeared. She was dressed in a considerably lighter kimono that bordered on being almost greenish-blue. Her obi was exquisite, featuring floral stitches and cream-colored silk. Despite her beautiful clothing, the woman entered the room with a sour expression, as if she had just eaten something rotten.
“This better be important,” she said to Jun, who bowed and apologized for the interruption. “Ah.”
Her eyes met yours, and she offered a small smile. However, the way her lips moved suggested that it wasn’t genuine, which made you wonder what was wrong. “You’re not planning to remove your IV and dash down the halls, are you?”
Her words helped you piece together some details from the first time you woke up. Nothing hurt except for the itch from the IV, but you remembered feeling almost paralyzed with fear. What had terrified you? Talking to Jun had helped alleviate your fear because she was gentle and seemed trustworthy. But remembering how you felt and not being able to recall why made the fear creep back up like a vine.
“No,” you sighed, lost in thought. “I felt like I was dreaming; I was so out of it. Yet, there was this piercing fear that told me to run.”
With pity in her eyes, Jun took your hand in hers. The woman, who you assumed to be the doctor, pursed her lips and wore a skeptical expression. “Fear, huh?” She adjusted your IV stand and moved over to your wounded thigh. “You may call me Dr. Isha. Now, tell me, what do you remember?”
You winced as she began unwrapping your bandages. You shared your name, your age, and basic details of your life before pausing. “I had to go somewhere, I think. Somewhere important. Somewhere that took me a long time by foot.”
You gasped slightly upon seeing your bandages undone, revealing a large gash running from your knee to your inner thigh. Stitches were woven between the cuts, molding the flesh together. A good part of it had already healed, but a section on the inner thigh looked fresher. “During your fun rendezvous, you broke the stitches,” she grumbled as she took out a thick gel and applied it to the wounds. “You’ve certainly been an interesting patient.”
Jun gave your hand a tighter squeeze at her words. For whatever reason, you liked Jun. Her presence was comforting. Though, in the back of your mind, you felt bad about swatting her hand away in the cafeteria. You made a mental note to apologize later. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” she said as she got out a bandage and began rewrapping your leg. “It’s my fault for not having someone watch you around the clock.”
“Is everything okay, sensei?” Jun asked, choosing her words carefully. “I’ve been practicing in the clinic. If you need me to, I can take it from here.”
“Nonsense,” Dr. Isha began, her tone tense. “My personal feelings will not interfere with my work, understand?”
“Yes, sensei.”
The room was unusually quiet as she worked, except for your winces and slight moans of pain as she tightened the bandages. Why was Dr. Isha so tense with you? What else had you done that made her dislike you? “Did Jun make you aware of your injuries?”
You shook your head as she tied the last bandage.
“You cut your femoral artery and struck your head,” she stated rather bluntly. “You were attacked by a bear in the forest. No wonder you were scared.”
You were not expecting that.
Attacked by a bear? That explains the debilitating fear. But why does it linger? Does it have to do with the injury? Jun gave the doctor a stern look before handing you another glass of water. “What she means to say is that you are very lucky to be alive and we are glad you are here with us today.”
Dr. Isha raised her eyebrows mockingly. “To be blunt, you have been in a coma for several months.” Jun patted you on the back as you choked on the water. “We do not have all of the technology in this hospital, so your case was difficult to manage. You awoke occasionally, if only for a few minutes, aggressive and unable to understand what others were saying.”
You remained silent. What could you even say to that? Jun seemed to understand and rubbed your back soothingly. Just how much have you let yourself go through?
“Where is this hospital anyway?” You attempted to sit more upright, your leg aching. “What area are we in?”
Dr. Isha moved to the IV stand again and began taking your vitals as Jun spoke. “You’re in Paradise now,” she said, giving you a big, dimpled smile. “I think you will be happy here.”
Paradise? You didn’t remember if that was on a map or not. “Is that near Okinawa?”
Dr. Isha laughed loudly as she removed the IV from your arm and applied a bandage. You let out a slight hiss. “We are in the mountains, but do not worry; Paradise can be found even in the harshest climate.”
She smiled sincerely this time, which you found unsettling. “What do you mean?” As she finished checking your vitals and removing your IV, you gently stretched your arms. You felt better, if not hungry. “Are we in…”
“No, we are in Aokigahara.”
“The forest region?” You questioned, your eyebrows raised. That was a rather dangerous forest, if memory serves.
“Yes, Lord Douma experiences the strongest spiritual connection in this region,” she said, her voice higher-pitched than usual and her features softening. Was she blushing? “Since Lord Douma personally saved you, you have been accepted as a new member; normally, we do not accept new members during the summer.”
Jun helped you sit completely upright, to which she praised you for your strength even though you’d been comatose. “I’m sorry but I need to go.” Dr. Isha’s face fell at your words. “I feel like there is something crucial waiting for me at home…” You trailed off.
You couldn’t remember what it was. 
What was so important that it had you traveling? What did you forget? “I understand, but you are still recovering,” Dr. Isha began, as she wrapped up the trash and discarded it in the bin underneath your bedside table. “Our founder will be arriving shortly. Jun, I expect this place to be tidy and the guest to be dressed before our arrival. Take care.”
As Dr. Isha’s words echoed in the room, you were left alone with Jun. Her comforting presence was a stark contrast to the cold, clinical demeanor of the doctor. However, you weren’t upset with the doctor. A part of you empathized with her. After all, if you were a doctor, you wouldn’t even know the first thing to do about someone ripping out their IV and wandering through the hall. Still, you couldn’t help but wonder, what else had made her seem angry with you?
“Jun?” you began, watching the petite woman busily organizing medical equipment. “Why doesn’t Dr. Isha seem to like me very much?”
She stood up, made eye contact, and continued her work before responding. “Dr. Isha has been here the longest out of everyone,” she explained, grabbing some glass cleaner and beginning to clean the already spotless mirror. “She was Lord Douma’s advisor for many years until your arrival. She was demoted a few days after you caused that scene in the cafeteria.” Her words hung in the air, adding a new layer of complexity to your situation.
Wow. Another thing you did not expect. You’d always been known for being a bit difficult to care for, but thinking back, who was it that told you that in the first place? A voice hidden in the mist of your mind spoke, “Even when injured, you and your brother are still as difficult as always.” The voice echoed in your mind—a ghost from the past. It was familiar, yet distant. You racked your brain, trying to place the voice, but it was like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands.
You perked up. Whose voice was that? What memory was that from? You saw fields of sunflowers and hyottoko masks and smelled the familiar scent of something burning. What was this? 
“Jun,” you began, your voice barely above a whisper as you placed your head in your hands. “What’s wrong with my head? Small fragments of memories come back to me, but I can’t piece them all together.”
Having finished with the cleaning, Jun moved closer. “Memory is a tricky, funny thing,” she said softly. “You were injured; please remember that. I wish we knew everything we possibly could, but Dr. Isha believes your memories will return with time. Won’t you stay so we can help?”
She had a point. 
Logically, you knew wandering about in the middle of the forest, especially in your current condition, was not the wisest decision. You were certain you were familiar with forests, but you didn’t know if you’d ever been to Aokigahara. Being lost while wounded sounded far worse than being cared for, hydrated, clothed, and fed.
“Alright,” you finally conceded, sinking back into the bed. “I’ll stay… for now. But you do need to explain what being a member means.” Jun’s face lit up at your words, and for the first time since you woke up, you felt a small sense of relief for making a decision.
This was the right one. Right?
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Cookies - Tyler Joseph x Reader
Relationship: Tyler Joseph x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 1065
Summary: Reader teaches Tyler how to bake her signature cookies
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Tyler Joseph loved eating cookies. And I loved making them. I’d made my brown butter chocolate cookies for him and Josh every week since we met. Except this time was different, because this was the first time Tyler and I were living together in our own house. And this time I was teaching Tyler how to make them himself. 
“Shouldn’t we be using a recipe?” He asked, grabbing out the ingredients as I called them out. I’d made these cookies more than 10 times, I knew the recipe by memory. 
“I’ve got it Ty, it should be fine,” I said, grabbing out measuring cups, bowls, and a pot to brown the butter. I measured out the butter before placing it on the stovetop to brown. 
“And what’s this supposed to do?” Tyler asked, standing behind me and looking over my shoulder. I could feel his breath on my neck and I smiled to myself, happy he was actually interested. 
“Browning butter makes it have this nutty flavor that makes the cookies taste so good. It’s hard to not burn it though so that’s why I’m doing it for you.” I continued to stir the butter until it foamed up, started to smell nutty, and was a golden brown color. Tyler’s eyes widened as I moved the hot pot off the stove to let the butter cool. “Can you measure out the sugars please? I wrote down the measurements for you,” I asked. He nodded and started pouring white and brown sugar into the bowl. 
“Hey Siri, play y/n’s (insert favorite non tøp band)‘s playlist,” he called out to our smart speaker. I grabbed out the eggs and cracked them into a bowl along with some vanilla extract which Tyler called ‘spicy’ when he dipped a pinky into the bottle. Once the butter had cooled enough I poured it into the sugar bowl and had Tyler stir it. I danced and sang along to the music playing in the background, waiting for him to finish mixing. I added in the eggs and vanilla, he continued mixing. I added the flour, salt, and baking powder. It always got harder to mix once the flour was added and I struggled to watch Tyler be so slow at something I’d done for weeks. 
“God could you stir any slower?” I laughed, snatching the bowl from him and folding the flour in. 
“Well, is there anything else I can do?” He laughed, leaning against the counter. 
“Uh yeah actually. Can you preheat the oven and line the baking trays?” I nodded towards our oven as I grabbed the block of baking chocolate and started to cut it into little chunks. Tyler looked entirely clueless but he was trying and it was cute. He ran a hand through his hair and squinted at the oven dial. “Shit!” I swore, feeling the blade of the knife nick me like a paper cut. 
“I swear y/n if you just cut off your finger with that knife,” Tyler turned around and grabbed my hand to inspect it. He squinted extra hard at the cut till he saw a couple drops of blood and ran to grab the first aid kit. 
“I’m fine, Ty. It happens all the time in the kitchen,” I say, slapping on a bandage and reaching for the knife again. 
“Ah ah, I’m not letting you hold a knife ever again babe. It’s not happening,” he stole it from my grip and started chopping the chocolate exactly how I had been. We finished mixing everything in and put the cookies into the oven. 
“Did you wash those?” I asked, pointing to the pile of dishes we’d been using. 
“Of course I did,” he smiled, pulling me into his chest. “Now we just wait for y/n’s amazing cookies to be done and we can send half off to Josh.” We sat on the floor in front of the oven, me in between Tyler’s legs and his arms wrapped around my waist. I could feel the rising and falling of his chest with every breath. 
“How’s the songwriting stuff coming along?” I asked. He’d been spending a lot of time in the home studio lately. Normally I wouldn’t ask, knowing that his process was very personal and that he’d mention it when he was ready but it felt right to ask. 
“Not too bad. I think you’ll like the new album if that’s what you’re wondering,” he responded. I’d missed spending time with him like this. The last time we properly got to spend time together was when we were on tour and the boys had a lot of spare time waiting around. I was grateful he’d taken the time off, the warmth of his presence filling my heart. 
“I love you,” I rested my head on his chest as he caressed and curled my hair in between his fingers. 
“You’re my everything y/n. I love everything about you,” he pressed his lips softly to my neck, a fluttery feeling running across my skin. “I don’t know where I’d be without your cookies,” he stopped, desperately trying to hold in his laugh and knowing full well that I was about to destroy him. 
“Oh fuck off,” I grinned, jumping up to check the oven, each cookie a perfect flat golden brown treasure. “They’re done if you want to call Josh and Debby to come over,” I placed them on the cooling rack and wrapped one in a napkin for Tyler to eat fresh out of the oven. He responded with a keen hum before taking a bite. 
“Ugh this is why I love you. Because you make the BEST cookies I’ve ever eaten in my entire life,” he groaned with satisfaction.
“Well now you can make them for yourself,” I felt my lips tug up in a smirk, knowing there was no way he’d ever make them for himself. He would just complain they didn’t taste as good if he made them.
“Or… you can just keep making them every week instead of paying rent.”
“I already don’t pay rent, we own the house,” I said, watching him take another bite. 
“Well if you don’t make these then I’ll start charging you, good enough?” He clearly hadn’t thought through the rent joke before attempting to crack it. 
I nodded, chuckling under my breath, “yeah good enough Mr Joseph.”
Please submit any requests y'all have! I love to write so let me know if you've got any!
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silent-dragon · 10 months
TWST Student OC Profile - Lumi Crystalfrost
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Personal Info
Name: Lumi Crystalfrost
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: If need accepts He/They
Age: 19
Species: Snowperson Humanoid
Orientation: Doesn't Know
Birthday: December 21
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Height: 170cm
Eye Color: Icy Blue
Hair Color: Snowy White
Homeland: Nordale
Family: Elizabeth Crystalfrost - Maker/Mother
Twist of Marshmallow from Disney's Frozen
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College Info
School: Night Ravens College
Dorm: Octavinelle
School Year: 3rd/Junior
Occupation: Amateur Ice Skater
Club: Mountain Lover Club
Best Subject: Art
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Other Info
Dominant Hand: Left
Favorite Food: Strawberry Snow Cones
Least Favorite Food: Hot Foods
Dislikes: P.E. Class,Fire,Deserts
Hobby: Observing Others,Ice sculpting,Freeform Dance,Trying to make friends, Snow Angels
Talents: Ice skating,Ice magic resistance,Making others smile,Playing with children
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Unique Magic: Called "Frosted Memory", Lumi can read water like a book and extract certain memories that the water has seen,heard,or felt from it then freeze it into visual forms of detailed sculptures. This enables him to see things so clearly in a place he has never been before or see what happened in a place of interest.
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OC’s Lore Summary: Happy Snowboy from an icy mountainous land. Was created to bring a smile to his maker's face and love in her heart. Nowadays he brings this to everyone and wanted to try going to places with people his age so college seemed fun. Has little expressions and a hard time understanding things but he strives to get through it and make friends.
Personality: Very soft yet cautious with a super chill friendly vibe
Fun Facts: Lumi tends to sit a bit away from everyone as he is always cold. He's gotten good at talking from afar.
He works at the lounge sometimes serving ice cream and snow cones.
Lumi does not feel heat whatsoever; everything is cold to him including food.
He loves to ice skate and wishes to one day have a friend to skate with.
He is a professional ice sculptor and can carve just about anything out of ice.
His dorm room is specially made out of freezer like material inside and a door that keeps the cold in but the heat outside. Going inside is said to be a winter wonderland.
Lumi can always be seen holding/reading books about human emotions as he lacks a lot of them and is trying to learn how to do them at the right times.
He uses makeup to give himself more natural human skin features. Like how his skin doesn't flush red so he puts blush on spots where pale skin normally does show some red and adds pink to.
He wears gloves that suppress his cold aura so he doesn't freeze anything he grabs or holds.
His scarf is the key to the magic his maker gave him to become human-like. Without it he will slowly revert back to a snowman but can not melt. It's pretty obvious he isn't human when like this and so long as water in any form is near he can regenerate missing snow.
Hot foods are tasteless to him. They must be cold or frozen for him to taste anything. His maker did this so that any food he eats turns into snow which fuels him.
His maker has been adding on to him each year to make him grow up like a normal human, even giving him a birthday party to make Lumi feel real.
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skloomdumpster · 1 year
Youtuber voice: make a gifset with me :)
alright folks, welcome to another episode of Jo talking to the void. Gonna try and do a "follow my process" thing.
It's very- VERY long and image heavy. Under the cut and feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions/want me to elaborate on anything.
Part 1: Grab at any idea that sparks joy. Anything. Today mine is the word "horror", so we'll try and do a horror set.
Part 2: Scene analysis and reference hunting. I'll open a new folder on my pc named "Horror gifset" and dump there all the FTWS scenes I already have and that I think could be fun. Open pinterest and behance and type "horror", see if anything sparks an idea.
This takes me roughly 20 mins, here's what I have:
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I try to take a step back and see what is it about these designs that attracted me. Clearly the red & black contrast, Bloom and I actually just like the "police line" because of the amount of storytelling it brings by doing basically nothing. (Don't be fooled, I saved many many pics before narrowing it down)
Part 3: To me this is the hardest one. I want to have a small storyline in my gifset, so time to think of it. I open a notes document and just start typing whatever comes to mind, trying to keep the mood of the previous images.
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Here's what I landed on. It's not much, but I can now start the fun part of structuring the gifset.
Part 4: I've really been into layout lately, so now's the time to do math.
The first panel I knew I wanted to have the text centered in the middle and surrounded by the mini-gifs. Here are the two layouts I thought of. I decided to go with the second one because it's more interesting, but I already knew I'd tweak a lot, to resemble an actual police line, etc.
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I separated all of the scenes from 2x06. Both when Bloom is arrested and when she's released, considering I could use them in reverse.
When making layouts the only things to keep in mind is that the dashboard optimal width is 540 px and that the space in between every piece of "frame" you put within a gif is 2px. So let's say I was going with the square layout 1. It's 540 px width, BUT I can't just divide 540/3 and make that the size of my layout, because I need to account for the space in between the squares too. So the math is actually 540 - 4 (because I have three columns - two gaps)/3 = 178 px. All the squares in that image are 178 x 178.
On Scene grabbing: I do everything I can to use footage that's high quality. This is the easiest way for your gifs to come out pretty, avoid anything lower than 1080. Especially if you're grabbing a scene that'll need loads of adjustments like a night scene or a period piece with too much yellow, grab even higher quality than 1080.
When I work with Redeeming Love's footage, I work with 4k quality, because I know I'm about to destroy the quality by adjusting it.
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I mean look at the amount of yellow.
I t*rrent all my scenes in MKV, then use Avidmux to chop the entire movie/show into smaller sized scenes and convert it into mp4.
Part 5: Back to the set. Once I have the basic layout, I pull in my scenes and check if they make sense. One big tip is to stop thinking of scenes as what you watched, but as what you're seeing.
Scenes meaning are very easily altered by whatever context they're put in. Look for scenes in unexpected places (the romantic scene can absolutely be horror footage) and reverse the order or add in effects to alter their meaning.
Each one of these gifs had it's own peculiarities. So to break it down:
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Gif 1: I colored it to bring out the black and added the blue because I knew I wanted to use overwhelming red later and this would pop-out. Shaded the white streaks so they'd appear more like police lines and colored them using a gradient just so it'd be more interesting. I didn't like how Bloom's upper part lined up with the cuffs, so I inverted it and brought out the red
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Gif 2: First off, I scavenged my memory to try and find a scene where a character appears with white eyes like Bloom's. This poor fella is from The Covenant (2005). I color matched both Bloom's and his scenes so the green was neutralized and we had more blue and red. Then finally I added the phone where the actual storyline I wrote back up starts to unfold.
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Gif 3.1: First off, this gif is 540 width, but not 540 px tall. It's actually 400 px tall, which is a good tip: You don't have to stick to one format when giffing. Sometimes a layout or scene simply won't work in a tall format and that's fine.
For this first part all I did was color Bloom, slap the all red color map and the text. Then I realized I didn't like her swimsuit under blending, so I went back and specifically desaturated the red in the starting layer and made it dark, so it'd show up black. The "20 years" are subtle, but in my head it'd be what the characters are hearing in their nightmare, so it's just a faint whisper in the corner.
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Gif 3.2: I colored all scenes to match each other. Sky's was the darkest one, so I knew I'd try and match to his because then I wouldn't have to destroy the quality of his footage to match the others. Musa's scenes was tricky because in the actual scene she's waking up slowly and happy. I chose to speed it up and start the gif already in her movement, so you don't realize she's actually very relaxed in the scene.
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Gif 4: I started by coloring Bloom and Riven's footage, reducing the yellow and bringing out the blue and red in both. As you can see there's still a candle behind Riven, that makes it hard to see his face, so what I did was add a black shape under (or you could paint a layer in PS) with black and just blur the edges, so his footage would actually show. Finally there was that big empty spot in the upper left, so I added a note and used it to wrap up the story of the set.
There are two layers of text, both set to multiply: one is the actual text, the second one is in a brighter red and blurred in one direction, so it looks like the text got smeared in a rush. Added the blood and ta-da! We're done.
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If you're exporting from After Effects, I've found exporting in MOV works better than trying to export in mp4, since it doesn't compress the file. You'll notice I'm using the format "apple ProRes 444", that's simply because this format keeps the alpha channel (transparent). While I didn't need it in this set, it's an habit.
Once I export from after effects, we're importing in Photoshop.
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I import by going File > Import > Video Frame to Layers. Then you select your file and you should have this:
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Hit OK.
If you don't have the timeline here, simply go in "Window > Timeline"
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You'll end up with something like this. Now here's the most boring part of giffing, but don't give up now!
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Go on the 3 lines on the bottom right of the timeline (=) and click on "select all frames". Once they're all selected, click the little down arrow under the little thumbnails to change the timing. I change mine from 0.04 to 0.05
Then I select all my LAYERS (not frames), put them inside a group. And click:
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On this little piled up icon to transform into the video timeline. This is so we can sharpen our gifs.
Right Click on top of the group on the layers panel and select "convert to smart object". Then in the upper bar, click Filter > Sharpen> Smart Sharpen and use these settings:
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This is what makes gifs look clear and crispy.
FINALLY we're saving. You can do it manually, like a peasant, by going on file > export > save for web (legacy). Or you can play keyboard piano and hit alt+shift+ctrl+s.
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These are my export settings.
Things to keep in mind:
"Diffusion" is just one of the types of exporting you can do. TWEAK THIS for every gif. Sometimes very detailed gifs will look better with Pattern. Very colorful ones with Diffusion. It varies a lot.
"Adaptive" is just another way the pixels are laid out. I don't actually see much difference here, but I always tweak on all settings, just to make sure I'm getting the best quality by the smaller size.
On the bottom left you'll see your size. Mine is currently 6.82M. All you have to know is that Tumblr won't allow any gif bigger than 9.8M.
Looping Options: make sure it's in forever, otherwise your gifs won't play.
And then... finally, hit save.
Now rinse repeat and do this for 200 other gifsets, because it's a totally fun hobby to have!
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beartrap11 · 2 months
Kenny x reader
Author note: I have found almost no Kenny x reader fics and I have way too many scenarios in my head so fuck it I’m making a series because yes 😀🖕
Note this is my first every series I am writing so this is most likely gonna be god awful so u have been warned
This series will also be following the story in the game, with a few things that I might add just to make the reader seem more interesting
Rating: There will be definitely be some smut further into the story and this story shall be a slow burn also probably very bad writing.
Because your girl loves a good love chase
The character has a name because writing y/n is gonna drive me crazy and some characters will have colors and other weird things so that you know who is who.
But um anyways enjoy nuggets.
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The World Around Us
Stranger to Friends to Lovers to Memories
July 19th 2003
I believe I was just about to turn 28, and I was home taking care of my sister who was around 8 when the virus spread.
My parents were out of town in Savanah, so I invited my friend Sandra over to hangout with my sister and I.
I remember my sister wanting to go outside to play so me and Sandra sat on the porch and talked while keeping an eye on my baby sister. I guess I looked away for too long because I heard a scream I turn around and some women was attacking my sister, me and Sandra bolted up and ran to protect her.
Sandra beat me too her and pushed the women off her while I grabbed my sister and wrapped her in a bear hug.
Are you alright? I check her for scraps, I..I think so? she says burying her face in my neck.
After double checking if she was okay I turn to Sandra to see her still struggling. Telling my sister to stay there I run to Sandra to help her by shoving that bitch to the ground. I grab Sandra and my sister and run back inside my house.
Once inside I put her down and turn to Sandra checking if she was also alright from that scofflaw.
Oh my god your bleeding, I practically yell, there on her arm was a bite mark it was deep and was definitely gonna cause infection if not treated fast.
I run to my phone to call 911…
Just for it to go straight into voicemail
…. To be honest I didn’t even know 911 could even leave you on fucking voicemail.
I keep calling back and trying to get someone anyone but nothing.
I start to panic. The only option we had left was to run to the hospital which would be a 40 minute walk from home.
While I’m about to tell Sandra we had to walk there we heard banging at the door, i slowly walk towards the door and look threw the peephole, to see that that women isn’t just there but 3 other people were there now and they were banging at the door trying to get in.
And they didn’t look like they were here to talk about god.
So with 911 down and people trying to get into our house to attack us. We were stuck, and my only option was to treat her bite as best as I could until we could get to the hospital.
Timeskip (because I’m lazy) 5 hours later
Me Sandra and my sister are sitting on the couch watching the news.
It looked like our town was in war.
People with no sense walking around biting and or killing people no one knows how or why this is happing and we are all scared
I see my sister hugging the walkie talkie my mom gave her as a birthday present.
I pull her into my side giving her a side hug
Hey they are gonna be okay.
I hope so, she says snuggling into my side. I’m scared.
Me too Clem, me too.
I look over to Sandra and see she looks pale. That’s not good. I let go of Clem and stand up to try and take Sandra to the bathroom.
Grabbing her she feels cold like to the touch which is odd but I don’t say anything about it not wanting to add to the situation.
I sit her on the toilet in my bathroom and run some water to splash in her face
Hey can you leave for a few minutes I think I have to throw up and I don’t want u in here for that
Hesitantly I I turn off the sink water and leave to let her do her business.
Going back into the living room I is Clem went into the backyard sitting on the tire swing
Sighing, I catch the house phone beeping showing we had 3 missed messages that we didn’t hear from having the tv volume up so loud.
I press the the button to the listen to the missed messages
It was from mom
Hey sweetie, we’re still in Savannah your father had a little incident near the hotel so we had to get em back to the ER and have him checked out.
Anyway he’s not feeling well enough to drive back tonight so we’re staying a extra day
Thank you so much for looking after your sister hun, and I promise we’ll be back home before spring break is over
Message over
I check the next message
6 hours later
Oh my god, finally! I don’t know if you’ve been trying to reach us all the calls are getting dropped.
They’re not letting us leave
And aren’t telling us anything about Atlanta
Please, please just leave the city and take Clementine with you back to Marietta
I’ve gotta get back to the hospital
Please let me know that you both are safe
I play the last message
Baby, if you can hear this call the police
We love you both so much
We love you
We love y-
Salty water drops on the phone
Coming back to reality I realize I’m crying and try to pull myself back together.
Are they alive? Are they okay? Are they…Dea-
Before I can finish my thought I hear a loud thud come from the bathroom that Sandra’s in.
I call out to her. Silence.
I slowly walk back to the bathroom and open the door. There on the floor is Sandra.
I dive on the floor and try to shake her awake.
Sandra, SANDRA!!
She isn’t breathing! Shit Shit,SHIT, Please don’t be dead. I get up from off the floor and try to call someone anyone for help .Nothing.
All the lines are dead, Before I could go to full panic mode… I see her standing in the hallway Looking down at the floor.
Sandra ? I walk slowly towards her.
Sandra ?
I slowly reach my hand out to her, and she grabs it with a death grip.
She was just lying dead on my bathroom floor and now she’s standing in my hallway groaning and pulling me towards her with her mouth ready to bite me! I try to make as much distance between us as possible.
I look in her lifeless eyes, it’s as if her soul got sucked right out of her. This wasn’t Sandra anymore.
Scared, I yank my hand out of her firm grip, struggling I managed to get myself free from her and make a run for the backyard
She slowly tries to walk after me making grabby hands at me, walking with a limp.
I make it out the door and slow it shut before she could reach me by her walking too slow.
Her face pressed against the glass she keeps trying to get me. It’s as if she had no sense at all
Scattered I turn my head and stop see that Clem was gone
About 5 minutes of me looking I see her hop back over the fence that leads to the woods. I run towards her hugging her
Don’t scare me like that! You can’t be going out there alone something could’ve happened to you.
I’m sorry, she says out of breath
But something crash in the woods so I went to go see what happened, and there was a man there he was next to a crash car, he saw me so I ran away.
A man ?
Not even a beat later I hear more of those things inching closer to the backyard fence so I rush Clemtine to get into the tree house we made a few years ago
Once Clem was inside I rush to also get inside, and I just make it before we hear something got into our yard.
We stay silent.
A voice. A man’s voice.
It’s a guy ,Clem whispers, maybe he could help us.
I whisper back, idk Clem that’s risky, we don’t know who this guy is he could be dangerous.
We stay silent
Where is Sandra ?
I hesitate in my response, she… you know the women that attack you and bite her. The bit did something to her. Sandra isn’t Sandra anymore. She turned into those things we saw on tv.
I say deciding to tell her the truth.
So she’s gone. I nod tearing up a little.
I go to comfort her but then stop once we hear the guy again.
oh shit
I don’t want to risk it, but I don’t want the guy to get hurt too so I look to Clem and ask for her walkie talkie
Hello can you hear me in there?
I repeat saying that until the stranger finds the other walkie talkie
Hello did she get you?
I was about to give up thinking she got him until ..
Hello sorry, I’m here.
Good . What’s your name. I’m Peaches your in my house.
Peaches he repeats as if by saying it out loud he will remember it more.
I’m Lee
How old are you ?
Are you alone?
No I’m with my baby sister Clementine.
How old are you ?
I’m uh 37.
Do you have family?
Yes, they took a trip to Savannah so I stayed to look after my sister.
Are you guys safe?
Yes we’re outside in our tree house, so that no one can get in
That’s smart .
I poke my head out the tree house door
Can you see me, I can see you through the window.
He sees me and waves
I look behind him and gasp.
Though the window I see Lee struggling with “Sandra” and he doesn’t look like he’s winning, I look around the tree house to find something anything to help him and I set my eyes on a hammer.
Come on Clem.
We climb down the tree house and see that Lee is next to the sliding glass door Sandra at his legs. I run up next to him and give him the hammer. He snatches the hammer from my hand and smashes it on her head killing her. We stand there silently for a while.
Did you kill it, Clem asks Lee
It’s okay, I think she turned into a monster
I think so too ?
Lee looks at me
You guys have been all by yourselves through this?
Clem jumps in
I want mom and dad to come home now, she says looking at me.
I look from Lee to Clem
I think it might be a while, I say guilt all on my face
Look, I don’t know what happened, but I’ll protect you both until then
I nod as a thank you
What are we gonna do now, asking Lee
We need to find help before it get dark.
Yeah it’s not safe at night.
Let’s go.
We had gotten a ride from some nice guys Shawn and his friend Chet , they where heading to there fathers barn, Lee and I helped them get there truck unstuck by moving the crashed car in front of us.
Time-skip (at the barn)
We met a sort of nice old man which happened to be Shawn’s father Hershel, Chet had left to check up on his mother. Hershel had allowed me Lee and my sister to stay in his barn for the night with another family who was resting in there as well.
Me and my sister share and matt while Lee has his own right next to us.
It smells like
Me and Lee say at the same time, I give him a sort of glare for cussing in front of Clem.
I’m sorry I shouldn’t talk like that.
That’s was a swear.
I miss mom and dad peach.
I know Clem I do too
I still haven’t told Clem about the messages that mom left, I don’t think I have the heart to tell her.
How far is Savannah ?
Pretty far.
Oh ok.
Clem falls asleep after that. I pull her closer to me trying my best not to break down. Everything that happened today is starting to get to me.
Idk what exactly is gonna happen from here on out, but you and your sister are safe with me, I won’t let anything happen to either of you.
I promise you.
Thank you Lee.
And with that I fell asleep, with Clem wrapped up in my arms. And our new friend next to us.
(The next morning)
Hey get up.
Not the best sleep ever but not the worst either, a new guy had woken me and Lee up, a white male with mustache, a hat on with baggy ruffed up pants and a white shit with a necklace tattoo around his neck.
Ugh I’m itchy.
Well you slept in a barn little lady, lucky you don’t have spiders in your hair.
Clem gasps
But I bet you daddy and mommy scared em all away huh.
I’m uh not her dad, names Lee.
I’m Kenny.
Before I could say anything a new voice popped in, a little boy with a pattern button up and blue jeans, dark hair and paleish skin.
Dad! Where gonna build a fence! There’s a tractor and everything!
Better get going or we won’t hear the end of it.
We all walk out the barn, it was a nice day out today, it was peaceful kinda makes you forget that the world is going to shit.
That’s my boy Ken junior, we call him duck tho.
Dodging of quacking?
I finally speak up, Kenny chuckles.
We stop next to his son and what seems to be Kenny’s wife. Kenny turns back to Lee.
The word is you were on your way to Macon.
My family’s from there.
Well Macon’s on the way and personally, I’d appreciate the company of a guy that can knock a couple peoples heads together if he have too.
He asks me and Lee.
I’ll see what the girls would like.
Ah gotta consult the missus, I understand.
He turns to his family to introduce us.
Honey, Duck, this is Lee and uh what are y’all’s names.
He turns back at me and Clem.
This is my baby sister Clementine and I’m Peaches.
Clementine and Peaches those are very pretty names.
Thank you
We say in unison.
Can I ask why your parents named you Peaches?
Kenny asks me curiously
Uhhh it’s really embarrassing.
Can I tell them?
Clementine says with excitement I’m her tone.
I’m also curious.
Uhhhh, can we talk about something else now please.
I say with my face turning slightly red with embarrassment. They all laugh at me. Luckily they drop it Once shawn appeared ( will get to why it’s so embarrassing in a very very later chapter)
Well we should get to work, we’ve all seen what those things can do out there so the faster we get this fence up the better.
I wanna build a fence
Yeah? Well I need a good foreman. You can sit on tractor and yell at me whenever I take a water break.
On a tractor cool!
Duck and I will hop to it .
Duck and Shawn walk off to work on the fence, Kenny’s wife turns to me.
I can keep an eye on your little sister here on the porch. We can visit.
Thank you.
We all split up and do our own different things, Lee goes to talk more to everyone else. I didn’t want to let Clem out of my sight so I decided to chat with Kenny.
Hey um it’s Kenny right?
Yes ma’am.
Do you need any help with repairing your car?
Nah I think I got it. Do you need any help?
What do u mean?
I mean In taking care of Clementine. Do you know what you’re doing? Do u got kids of your own?
If I’m being honest, I have no idea what I’m doing, I’m just her sister not our mom.
He chuckles softly
Well at least you’re honest. Shit, better than I was when duck showed up, you’ll figure it out.
How is duck doing?
Good I think, Katjaa’s got a sister up in Memphis, we were coming back from visiting. We were in a gas station and some guy grabbed my boy. I thought he was kidnapping him, I was on the fucker in about two seconds and … Christ. Just lucky I was there. We saw a lot of bodies before we stumbled upon Hershel’s. But we’re a tough family Peach, ain’t nothing gonna faze us.
Huh you’re a good man Kenny.
Eh I try .
So what’s your family’s plan?
Get back on down to Lauderdale and let this mess get sorted out. Government will start handing out shots and the national guard will do its thing. On the odd chance things got too bad, we could hop on my boat, I guess.
You’ve got a boat?
I’m a commercial fisherman, catching mackerel dolphin, whatever’s biting and paying. Katjaa wouldn’t be wild about it, but the boats not that bad.
Huh that’s not too bad of an idea.
At this point Kenny starts asking me questions about me Clem and Lee. And I decide to answer truthfully.
So how did y’all get here?
Me and my sister were hiding in our tree house because my friend had a bite on her arm and turned into those things, when Lee came stumbling into our yard hurt and looking for help. He killed her and took us under his wing. That’s when we met Shawn and his friend Chet and they offered us a ride here.
I see, hasn’t been easy for y’all either then.
Nope not at all.
So what about your parents where are they?
I hesitate in my answer, but before I could respond. We hear a scream not to far from us. Saving that conversation for later we ran to where we heard screaming. There the dead was trying to get Duck and Shawn. Shawn was stuck under the tractor. And duck was being grabbed by the dead. Kenny ran up to him and tried to pull him away but was struggling.
So I had to make a choice.
Save Shawn or save Duck?
I make my choice and run to help Duck. I’m sorry Shawn.
I run toward Kenny and Duck and I punch the dead right in the face making it loose its grip on Duck. Kenny saw the opportunity and took it, he pulled as hard as he could and soon enough the thing let go of Duck.
Kenny picks up Duck and runs further into the farm to safety.
I run to Shawn thinking I had enough time to save him as well. But I was too slow, the fence broke and fell right on him. Eating him alive, Hershel and Lee come running over to help. Hershel shoots all the dead in the head crouching down to his now dead son.
Everyone is now standing on the side looking in horror.
Hershel’s now looking at us.
I’m sorry.
SORRY, your son is alive. YOU DONT GET TO BE SORRY.
He turns to me.
AND YOU! you didn’t even try to help my boy!
I look down in shame
I…I thought I could save them both.
Look at him. You thought wrong. And now… please just go. GET OUT! AND NEVER COME BACK!
He turns back to his son.
Tears in my eyes I turn to everyone else. Kenny’s eyes are on me.
I look up, tears falling down my face.
Y’all got that ride to Macon if you want it.
Giving me one last glance he walks back to his car his family in tow. Lee grabs my shoulder reassuringly. I look over to him.
It’s okay, let’s go, I’ve got you.
Clem runs to my side giving me a side hug sticking to me like glue and we stay that way walking to Kenny’s truck. We get in .And Kenny drove away.
I never saw Hershel again after that day.
(Kenny will remember you saved Duck)
Authors note: annnnnd done with the first chapter holy fart this took a long time, I can tell this is gonna be a very long story to buckle up. Again this is my first ever time writing so if any of you write and would like to give me some tips so the next chapters and be better please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Anyways later nuggets 🫵😀🖕
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Madara Uchiha (Naruto) Chapter 5
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Entering school the next day feels like a task. Madara would be teaching until the end of the month. So for the next two weeks, there was no way to avoid him. To pretend that his words hadn’t rocked your world. 
You’d prayed so long for his image of you to be different. Now that you know the truth, it feels unreal. Just the thought of him has your heart racing. You grip the front of your shirt, taking a seat to calm down. 
Students shuffle in. Choji takes a seat right next to you. So does Shikamaru.
“You okay?” Shikamaru asks.
You don’t internalize what he says. Not until the very person walks through the door. Your eyes lift and it’s like he’s moving in slow motion. There’s a bright aura behind him, you can almost see sparkles. Your face erupts in color when he adjusts the glasses on his nose, placing his papers down.
“Take your seats.”
Blood erupts from your nose and everyone panics.
The start of an interesting day.
“She just needs some rest.”
The nurse nods to Madara as she steps outside. When the door closes, your accusing gaze turns to him.
“If you weren’t feeling well why didn’t you stay at home.”
“This is your fault!!” you yell.
He’s confused.
“How is this my fault!!”
“Why were you sparkling!!!”
“Are you crazy!!”
The both of you are huffing from all your yelling, folding your arms as you turn your heads in opposite directions. Looking down, you grip at the sheets on your lap.
“I was fine having a one sided love. That’s what I told myself. I-I thought that you…only saw me as a sister. Then you tell me that you return those feelings, but there is nothing either of us can do about it. What am I supposed to do with that..”
You were miserable. Madara sighs.
“I never meant to cause a problem in your life. It was naive to think that I could watch over you and get rid of how I feel. I thought if I saw you with someone else it would make it real. I wanted you to find someone and be happy. That way I would have been forced to move on. But it didn’t work. Being here just made me more protective of you.” 
He sounds disappointed in himself.
“I guess in a way I was put in my own hell. I was secretly happy every time I saw that look you wore when you saw me. Especially when I first showed up here.” Your trembling eyes look up, and he wears a soft smile.
“Sort of like the way you’re looking at me right now.”
You avert your eyes quickly when you catch on. You really thought you’d been doing a good job at hiding it.
Madara straightens.
“Tobirama-san will be here soon to pick you up. Please get some rest.” He moves to walk out, but you grab at his sleeve. He jolts back when you tug.
You wrap your hand around his torso, hugging his waist, and Madara lifts his hands in surprise.
Madara’s hands lower slowly.
His disapproving tone just makes you hold on tighter. How does he expect you to forget all he’d said at his apartment? All he’d done. He hadn’t even truly touched you, but the moment wouldn’t leave your memory.
“You’re being unreasonable.” He scolds.
“I don’t care. Y-You’ve always known how I felt about you. This whole time you knew and you made me feel like it didn’t matter. You’re cruel, Sensei. "
You look up.
“Maybe it’s all a lie. You’re just trying to seduce me. You must do this with all the cute girls in school. “ He grits his teeth, pushing you to the bed.
“Do you really believe that!”
He looks enraged.
It’s stupid to play him like this. In a lot of ways you expect the reaction. But you were done being the one who chased. For once, he deserved to be the one in disarray over feelings beyond control.
“I don’t know what to believe. Sensei is young and attractive. You must really like playing games.” Your tone is blank. You’re poking the bear. This could go bad in a lot of ways.
“I bet there’s a million girls just waiting for you. Sensei probably says sweet words to all of them. You don’t care about me."
The door to your right slides open, and when your brother steps in, you can feel the color drain from your face. Tobirama’s eyes usually lack emotion, but this time is different.
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tuesday again 1/31/23
month started on a sunday, ended on a tuesday, very satisfying
Toxic Las Vegas (Jamieson Shaw Remix). this has been on my "silly little walk for my silly little mental health" playlist for three weeks so it's time for its place in the tuesdaypost. part of the appeal is that it's two songs i already like but this remix does something where i go "whoa is that the james bond chord" every time even though it is NOT.
Bullet Train, a black humor thriller set on a train full of asssassins by Kōtarō Isaka. i have been having... mmmmmmmm. a time. let us say. and i have been clinging to things that i have lost my mind about (mostly cowboys) in order to get through the agonies. so it is weird, now that i am branching out a bit more bc things are on a slightly different tack, to be like "yeah i liked this a normal amount and i agree with the 3.8 goodreads average. i will not remember this in three months." npr said basically: fun little genre piece with no real depth! i don't completely agree with this, bc the book is not action-scene focused! the very few fights are short, blunt, quick affairs. there's a lot of focus on personal ethics and legacies, and a great deal of terror derived from random chance. but yeah it's not really a literary novel.
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this was a fast, fun read. a rare example where i liked the adaptation (the recent movie which is a VERY loose adaptation) much more than the original work.
i try not to be picky about sentence structure or work choice in a translated work, bc translation is a tricky business at best, but there were some funky choices here and there that did throw me out of my groove. it's written in present tense, which is fine, but i cannot remember the last time i read a professionally published non-romance book written in present tense. i described the movies as "really wants you to know it took AP English", and the book is similar in an interesting way-- book!tangerine is constantly quoting English literary-canon novels.
the book (and movie) have a very dry sense of humor that clicked with me. "it's not clear why the man is naming fruits". at LEAST two sensible chuckles.
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the biggest book/movie divergence is with the character of the Prince: a fourteen-year-old serial killer, who we spend a great deal of the book with, who asks nearly every grownup on this train "why is it bad to kill people?". a rare book in which i actively wanted a child to die. i think this character is much improved in the movie, since the character is both aged up (a young teen boy in the book, an older teen girl in the movie), and given clearer ties to the rest of the cast. however, this adaptational choice does lose almost all of the terror of the random chance the book makes you sit with. in the movie, the prince has a motive. in the book, that kid just ain't right.
had a fun time but not enough of a fun time that i will be seeking out the other novels in the series on purpose. perhaps if i come across physical copies cheap it will ping my memory and i'll grab them, which is how i acquire a lot of my physical books. this feels like im damning with faint phrase, but i did have a fun time reading this! it's just that my brain is a sieve and lately anything that doesn't completely possess me is immediately forgotten.
fallow week bc i have been #gaming. i need to literally put on my to-do list "rewatch The Big Sleep for febslash feb research" maybe that'll get me to actually do it. im going to take this opportunity to complain about how much fucking work it is to write smut. not even the technical stuff bc i do like to write smut that's threesomes where everyone is the same gender and has the same color hair. the hard part is going "okay what's sexy" and then like storyboarding out the sequence of events to make sure everyone's having fun and it CONSISTENTLY stays sexy the whole time. i have never had irl sex with a narrative throughline. difficult difficult lemon difficult
still running around in wolfenstein: the new order making this big beefy boy do jumps and slides. went to the moon. came back from the moon. hit a very fun bug as i try to fight my way out of the london nautica where i crash landed, bc i died, the level spat me out at the last checkpoint, and there were no health or ammo or armor pickups anywhere. just what i could scavenge off the fallen. very unpleasant to fight through a room with 20 health but i did do one whole room before realizing this was a bug. i would not like to play the entire game like this. very stressful. the big boss at the end of the level was also extremely stressful.
but let's talk about the moon, the moon in the fucking sky. how was the moon? was the moon fun? no it was full of nazis. it was also jammed full of sixties computer banks tho. many instruments and dials as well.
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as i write this on sunday night i am going to attempt Again to finish the second to last chapter in this game. i am So Close to finishing this game in under 20 hours [ed note, monday night: lmao still have not finished this game]. look at some more computer banks there aren't enough pictures to break up this post.
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not sure if this is a side effect of the next-location action movie disease, but wolfenstein is very interested in how areas link together. lots of temporary facilities that have grown ad-hoc roots, lots of trains planes and automobiles. we drive a lot of trucks. we’re in helicopters and subs and moon rockets. we blow up a bridge and scramble through several trains, blowing one of them up. we fuck on a train also can't forget that cutscene. we live in the sewers. we scuttle around in vents. we are in some very far-flung locations but they all look the fucking same bc they are encased in brutalist concrete. i'm sure this is bc it's fun to have a gun battle on a train and on the fucking moon and bc like u only have so many guys actually modelling things for your levels.
this is a very half-baked observation bc i think i am beginning to get a migraine (as i finish writng this on monday night) but let's get this out of the way first: all buildings are political. something something things invented and built for war never actually go away, something something transportation infrastructure to ease conquest continues to keep the colonies within easy reach of the imperial core, wartime infrastructure like highways and bridges as a tool of empire, fascism is a constant state of war which in this game is partly represented by constant shooting and also constant building. something something the unsustainability of not only constant building things but constant growth. something something long linked history of fascist architects who love brutalism. this video game has great visual design and visual shorthands is what im trying to get at. i think.
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the london nautica museum/labs/spaceport is a big gun. this is not a subtle game.
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here's a peek behind the curtain: i talk about cooking when i don't have anything else to report on. but i genuinely did not have anything else going on this weekend bc this took all my fucking literal and metaphorical spoons. this represents like three weeks worth of soup lunch (the red lentil previously discussed on this series) plus two quiches.
why so many quiches lately? i bought two dozen eggs before christmas and thought i would do more baking than i did, which was zero. tried this dal palak recipe, majorly fucked up the proportions of the spinach bc i cannot read the back of a package, and by the time i corrected my mistake i had a fuck of a lot of the spinach/onion/spices. unfortunately i fucking hate the texture of rice plus lentils plus this mixture all together, but felt bad about wasting so much food, so the lentils went into the soup (which i needed to make more of anyway) the spinach mixture went into some quiche (bc i needed to use up those eggs anyway) and uhhh idk what will happen with the rice yet. maybe fried rice to finish off the last three eggs in the carton. this entire debacle used all my spoons for the weekend.
there's also a pork shoulder defrosting (and after that marinating[from last summer's Father's Day Meat Sale i also wish i was making this up]) but that's not very photogenic. i desperately need freezer space and it's been a fucking minute since i had some meat.
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tvccreator · 2 years
Playing Devil’s Advocate for Garten of Banban
Okay... before you kill me for this, please know I haven’t played the game personally yet. I have Chapter One and am going to attempt playing it later to get a feel for how the game runs, but until then, I’m going off of the gameplay videos I’ve watched, specifically SuperHorrorBro, Jacksepticeye, and 8-Bit Ryan. 
Long post ahead; you know the drill. TL;DR - the gameplay isn’t great but I feel like, with some TLC and time put into going back and smoothing out the gameplay and character movements, the game could be really good and not just a Poppy Playtime knockoff/mascot horror cash grab.
Now, from what I’ve seen, the game is... clunky. The drone controls seem to be finicky, the puzzles are confusing with very little explanation (poor Jack ran around trying every combination for the color-coded desk puzzle when the combination was on the wall), and the designs for the characters are a bit bizarre. It definitely feels like a cash-grab mascot horror game.
However... there is potential for the game.
For one, I can’t think of any mascot horror game that has taken on a kindergarten. Middle school/high school, sure (Baldi’s Basics & Doki Doki Literature Club are two off the top of my head,) but not a kindergarten. It’s a bit scarier thinking that there are five-year-old children who have fallen into the abyss that is the ball pit’s underbelly where there is something that probably hasn’t even interacted with children before. The premise is really unique and gives the game an interesting identity.
Secondly, the voice acting isn’t bad. It’s a little goofy, but then again, there are other video games where the voice actors feel like they’re not even trying. These voice actors sound like they’re trying, and I have a lot of respect for that, especially since I want to do voice acting work someday, too. Banbaleena’s voice actress is doing a really good job - my friend Cotton said that she sounds kinda like a child trying to play a teacher, and that definitely fits for what we’ve seen her personality to be. Banban’s voice and inflections are funny, but I like that his tone kinda implies he’s tired of being seen as a “bad guy” and is a bit socially awkward. Slow Seline’s voice is actually pretty scary and pretty much exactly what I’d expect her voice to sound like. I’m really excited to see if Stinger Flynn will talk or be a silent antagonist like Opila Bird and Jumbo Josh.
Thirdly... well, this is going to sound slightly mean, but the puzzles in Garten of Banban 2 - to me, at least - appear easier than in Poppy Playtime Chapter 2. I have horrible memory (thanks ADHD/depression combo) and I am incredibly bad at reflex puzzles that Whack-A-Wuggy poses. The puzzles in Garten of Banban aren’t necessarily testing reflexes and memory, but instead feel more like logic puzzles. Banbaleena’s entire class section is more logic-based. For example, her very first question with the long string of numbers makes you look at your options: Smart Kid, Really Smart Kid, Dramatic Kid, and Weird Kid. Sure, it’s not like it’s extremely hard to figure out that “Really Smart Kid” is your best bet to avoid death, but it’s more focused on logic/reasoning instead of being memory or reflex-based. Poppy Playtime Chapter 2 can get overwhelming fast, especially when I was merely watching people play through it. Flashing lights and rapid movement make me slightly sick, so being able to do puzzles that emphasize thinking instead of speed and memory are going to be a bit more favorable in my eyes. Not to mention old-school parkour is fun if you can land the jumps. (*looks at me failing at parkour in Minecraft*)
So, what do I think? Well, since I haven’t personally played Garten of Banban yet, I can’t tell if my critiques/compliments are warranted or are too nice/harsh. However, I feel like, if given more time, the creators can make a really good game. People seem to forget that Ink Bendy from Bendy and the Ink Machine was originally just a blob with a smile and vaguely horn-shaped objects on his head back in its early days. If the creators go back to the previous chapters and fix up the gameplay and designs like how theMeatly did during Bendy and the Ink Machine, I feel like this game could be a very interesting game in and of itself. It’s like my personal thoughts on Balan Wonderworld. The gameplay and the costume mechanic aren’t good in the slightest, but everything else made me enjoy the game nonetheless. Garten of Banban feels like it will be similar to my opinions of Balan Wonderworld when I play it. Is it a cash grab? ...I don’t know. Most likely? But I feel as though, behind the cash-grabby feel and the janky gameplay, there’s a good game just waiting to come out.
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