#and it's what the users Do with that connection that gives us the online world we exist in today
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fakeoldmanfucker · 2 years
Almost-3-am-thought by Finn:
The privacy and censorship issues in social media are not a result of these websites/apps/programs being imperfect. In fact they so perfectly mimic the behavior of human interaction, magnified to a global scale. It is our society's behavior that is wrong and destructive, not necessarily the website's/app's.
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sneezemonster15 · 6 months
It's crazy how popular Naruto is. Like damn, every comment section of every video/reel has someone with a Naruto user name. And Naruto gifs in the comment section hahaha. If it's a dog with its owner video, Kiba gifs. If it's a snake video, Orochimaru gifs. All garbage videos have Sakura gifs. Every single crow video I have checked out, and I love crows so I have seen a lot, has Itachi dissolving into crows and disappearing gif lol. All the running videos have the Naruto run gif. If it's a video about someone getting yeeted, Pain sending Hinata flying gifs. If it's a fox video, Kurama gifs. All shark videos have Kisame gifs. All emo type videos/songs/fashion videos have either Sasuke or Pain gifs in their comment sections. All ramen videos have Naruto slurping ramen gifs. All wholesome teacher student videos have Naruto and Jiraiya gifs in their comment sections, and people upvote them with the intensity of me slathering butter on my toast. It's PERSONAL.
I am sure I am missing a lot. But over the years, I have seen Naruto to be more popular than any other anime. How could it be more evident? You will find Naruto fans posting Naruto shit in videos that seemingly have nothing to do with any of it but they will find a connection AND get upvoted lol. Like yes, I see One piece characters, I see Dragonball a lot because it's naturally so meme worthy lol, I see Pokemon, Gintama, Sailor Moon, but Naruto surpasses everyone in terms of visibility. It transcends every class, religion, region, caste, and demographics.
I nerd out freely on a lot of subjects online which covers a lot of ground, and I can tell you Naruto fans are all invasive, they spread faster than mould in the rainy season. I am now beginning to see JJK fans but they are mostly in comment sections of thirst trap type videos, not very widely traveled. Hehehe. And one can see why, Gege has facilitated it with such aplomb after all. But it just doesn't compare to Naruto in terms of visibility of fans.
Naruto fans would post the dumbest shit with so much confidence, it's adorable. No it really is, it shows their conviction in Naruto. This is what it inspires. Unflinching, iron clad loyalty even in the face of ridicule and potential discrimination. Hahaha. This show has something for everyone. You can relate deeply with one or the other character, you root for them and you cry for them. You rage and you laugh and sometimes you get so annoyed , you throw your slipper at the tv screen. You go absolutely insane and willingly remain insane with pride in your face. Like the hot red glowing passion. I would do a lot of things before starting an argument with an Itachi fanboy on Insta.
I could always pivot this whole thing to bring it back to my punchline - Do you still think something like this be accidental?
But this post isn't about that. It's really about appreciating what Kishi has given us. Again, as an adjunct I can also lament about how its legacy is being superlatively clusterfucked by Boruto, especially after its recent developments (the fuck was that about Himawari radiating Kurama's chakra, wtactualf??), but again, this post isn't about that.
Behold Naruto. It's not a show, it's a litmus test. If this show didn't fuck you up a little bit, it's because you have had it easy. There's a reason why there are so many Naruto fans in the world and why they don't give a fuck anymore.
Cue Evil Laughter.
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cycat4077 · 8 months
Good stories have 3 types of characters. The characters who represent what we should strive to be. The characters who represent the people who are incapable of change. And the characters with the potential to change.
This literary device has fascinated me since I was a high school student reading "In the Heat of the Night". It was then that I realized that some characters are like "Sam Wood"; they start life off with prejudices but have the potential to change their way of thinking and become better individuals.
I have carried this with me ever since, trying to see the humanity in everyone and trying to first understand the cause of someone's actions before jumping to conclusions. 
This does not mean that I condone crimes or racism or prejudices of any sort. People should be held accountable for their actions. Period. However, I also try to uphold an optimistic view of the world and hope that with proper information and facts, those with that potential are able to change in time.
Part of why I enjoyed Fargo season 5 so much was because the characters were complex. No one was perfect. Everyone was fallable.
More specifically, we had several characters who represented the values we should strive for in ourselves: Dot, Witt, Wayne, and Indira. These characters showed us their humanity and willingness to put others before themselves.
We also had characters who represented those who cannot change: Roy and Odin are but two examples. These characters represent those whose view of the world is so twisted that they do not possess the humanity to ever change.
But we also had characters who represented those with the potential to change: Gator, Lorraine, and even Ole Munch. Each started the season set in their ways. They only had one goal in mind but through the events that happened, either to them or to someone close to them, they found it inside themselves to see their world differently; to consider the world from someone else's point of view and how their actions could affect it. In Ole Munch's case, it was the kindness and forgiveness offered by Dot that gives him his path forward. For Lorraine, it was the solidarity of being a woman, and seeing the abuse Dot suffered that allowed her a change of heart. And for Gator, it was his blindness that finally set him free of trying to be like his father.
These characterizations were intentional and, matter-of-factly, a product of excellent writing. 
In my Tumblr world, I like to dive deeper than the good vs evil we see on the surface and try to understand the characters' motivations and trajectories. It just so happened that an actor that I respect was playing one of these morally gray characters. This is why my focus on Gator was so heavy. I enjoyed trying to understand his character and appreciated the way Joe Keery was able to depict it on screen.
I have been raised to see the world from others' point of view before I make conclusions about who they are and how they act. I try to look for the humanity in everyone, even if it may not be immediately apparent.
Tumblr is also my safe space. It is a place I have turned to for 13 years to express my love of fandom and to connect with others who share this excitement. If I have ever made anyone uncomfortable on here, I apologize. It was never my intention. Politics has no place on my blog, and it never will. This is my safe space for enjoying fandom away from real life. I will not judge other Tumblr users, and I expect the same in return. After all, every single one of us is fallable in some way. We can all grow and be better, and my choices, both online and in real life, will always be made with others in mind. 
Tumblr is not a place for judgment before we get to know others. It is a place to respectfully share our love of fandoms without the fear of that judgment or of being labeled. It is a place to support one another. This is how I have, and always will, conduct myself while on this site, and I appreciate all the lovely people I have met along the way. ❤️
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adollchild · 28 days
Hii so I see tips for new cgs all the time but what about tips for someone who wants to age regress but isn't quite sure where to start?
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Hi there anon, and welcome to agere ♡
Since you probably already know what agere is, I'm not gonna bother you by going over it in this reply. If that isn't the case, or you would like to learn more about the basics, feel free to ask, and I'll gladly share my knowledge ^-^
(Also, this post is going to be a bit of a big boi, but I've tried to divide it into different sections for easier reading ♡)
How to regress
If you've just discovered the world of age regression, you might be wondering how to induce voluntary regression.
My number one tip would be to start out with simply doing things you connect with feeling small and/or age dreaming. The reason I recommend that is, that for some regressors, it can get harder to regress when they're trying to "force" themselves to do so, since they're putting a lot of pressure on themselves. Kinda like how it can get harder to fall asleep the harder you try.
By age dreaming, and overall just focusing on having a good time instead of focusing on trying to regress, you can remove at least some of that pressure and that can, ironically enough, make it easier for you to regress.
It can be a good idea to set aside some time where you know nobody's gonna walk in on you, since being nervous that someone is gonna disturb your small time can make it harder to regress, or even just enjoy yourself.
It might also help to set up your space to be as comfy as you can before you start. Get out a blankie and some pillows,
Also, know that learning how to regress might take some time, so don't give up or be too hard on yourself if it doesn't work out the first few times. And even if you end up not being able to regress, being an age dreamer can be just as wonderful and fulfilling. You'll still be able to do the things you want, such as playing with toys, having a caregiver, feeling small and safe, healing your inner child, coloring, dressing up in cute outfits, act younger than your chronological age and so on.
Regression ages
You might have noticed that a lot of other regressors are using the term "regression age", "little age" or similar. As an example, they might say that they regress between the ages of 1-4. Even though ages below 7 are the ones that tend to get talked about the most online (with 2-6 probably being the most common), you can regress to any age you've previously been.
For a lot of people, having a label on their regressed age can be a helpful tool to communicate how they feel when they're regressed, and maybe what sorts of things they like or how they act.
It is also worth noting that for some people, their regression ages aren't static and can change over time. It's also possible for you to have elements from multiple ages included in your regression at once, which might make it more difficult to put a number/range on it.
Even though it's common for regressors to have a label on their regressed age, it is by no means obligatory. Some regressors simply don't want to label themselves that way. Some might not have a regressed age, and for others, they might prefer using broader labels like "child" or "baby". Another user named @strawberryeuphie made a really good post on the topic which I highly recommend checking out. Link here ♡
If you're looking for info on the different ages, I'll leave links to some posts below:
ʜᴏᴡ ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ʀᴇɢʀᴇꜱꜱᴇᴅ ᴀɢᴇ ʀᴀɴɢᴇꜱ ᴍᴀʏ ᴀᴄᴛ / 🎠 ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ! 🎠 (Covers ages 0-4+)
A brief guide to age ranges in regression (Covers ages 0-14)
how to determine your little age (Covers ages 0-10)
How do you know What age you are? (Covers ages 0-13+)
What Age Do I Regress To? (Covers ages 0-16)
What’s your little age? (Covers ages 0-13)
regressed age ranges! (Covers ages 0-12)
Finding your regression age🪱🧦🧸 (The most accurate one I've seen so far :P )
Also, remember that these lists tend to be very generalized and many are based off of the personal experiences of the people writing them. That doesn't mean they're bad, but it's completely fine if you don't fit into these boxes, or if you for example regress to the age of 2 but don't identify with what the above posts say about that age.
Where to get gear
When it comes to things like toys, mobiles and decorations you can get them from regular stores, either online or physical ones. Something that I personally love doing is going to thrift shops. They sometimes have really great things at incredibly low prices, so I'd say it's worth checking out ♡
In terms of things like pacifiers, bottles and other adult sized-stuff, it can be a little hard to find some that are from non-k!nk stores, but I'd recommend checking out Etsy or places like eBay and Amazon.
Joining the community
Joining the online agere community is fortunately fairly simple. Pretty much all you have to do is create an account, either on here or on another social media platform like Instagram or Pinterest, and start engaging with content, and maybe trying your hand at making your own once/if you are comfortable enough to do so. A "like", kind comment or, on tumblr, a reblog can get you a long way ♡
Just be careful not to reblog something seemingly innocent from a NSFW/kink blog, as that can be really dangerous for a lot of different reasons, one of them being that both you and your fellow regressors, some of which are minors, risk getting exposed to kink.
Speaking of kink, as you can probably guess, cross tagging is also really dangerous. If you don't know what cross tagging is, it's when someone mixes tags like "#agere" and "#agedreaming" with k!nk associated tags like "#𝐜𝐠/𝐥", "#ꜱꜰᴡ ᴅᴅʟɢ" or "#ꜱꜰᴡ ᴀɢᴇᴘʟᴀʏ" (In case you're wondering why I used alternative fonts for the k!nk words, it's to censor it for search engines while still making it somewhat readable for people)
Cross tagging can lead to unwanted interaction on your posts, as well as you and other non consenting people accidentally getting into k!nk spaces.
Of course, like with any other online community, the general internet safety tips like not giving away your real name, phone number, etc. to strangers apply. But all the security and safety stuff aside, joining the agere community isn't that complicated. Just be nice, treat others like you want them to treat you, and have fun ^o^
Anyways, I hope my reply helped you, even if just a little bit. I know it got a bit long, but I had a lot of things I wanted to cover :3
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alpaca-clouds · 6 months
Solarpunk and the Internet Or: How to Unfuck the Internet?
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Okay, I just gotta talk about this. Because it is actually quite a headache.
How do we unfuck the internet?
Because let's face it, right now the internet is a fucking shitshow for so many different reasons. For the most part because it is so centralized on just a few platforms - and those are very much controlled by advertizers and in many cases also some algorithms that are basically a blackbox for the users.
I first got access to the internet in 1999, though I only started using it for real in 2001, because only in 2001 I got access to somewhat higher speed internet. (The kind where you could at least show a jpg without waiting 10 minutes for it to load). Hence: I do remember the time when everyone was mostly communicating through forums, while a lot of people had their own pages and where there were tons of different fansites out there to a variety of topics.
And sure, there are still some fansites out there, but a lot of that these days is actually channeled through all sorts of Wikis, rather than classical fansites. While a lot of the other stuff is somewhat centralized.
And don't get me wrong. Technically speaking that centralization is not a bad thing. It allows you to see a lot more fanworks, for example, than otherwise. And as a creative it allows you in turn to get more eyes on your stuff. But we do have to reckon with both the thing about algorithms and the fact how much it controls what we can post.
Basically there are right now not many platforms on which you can post explicit fanwork, or generally anything explicit in forms of creation.
And outside of the creative sphere there is always a good chance that a lot of information can be suppressed on those centralized platforms. We have seen the stuff of people posting about Palestine being banned from a variety of platforms for all sorts of vague reasons.
Sure, a lot would probably be unfucked, when the platforms would be handed to the people. That is rather than being controlled by some CEOs and boards of directors be controlled by the community itself.
But there is also the two-sided issue of the centralization. Because on one hand it is good. Because information can travel a lot further and a lot faster with it. Still, it also does bring a variety of issues with it, that are... less easy to solve.
For example the quick proliferation of information can also lead to a lot of misinformation spreading. Something that has definitely been increased through social media being a thing.
And exactly that is the point that gives me a headache.
The internet is amazing. Especially from a solarpunk point of view. You can share information online for free. You can also use it to help with organizing of stuff. You can connect with people all over the world so easily.
But there are also some inherent dangers - and I am not sure that we have the ability to tackle them right now.
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belit0 · 1 year
Izuna with an only fans account and Tobirama obsessively watching/requesting videos
TW: Dark! Tobirama.
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Money rains down, and Izuna enjoys his dirty secret with animosity.
That is, until the whole thing gets weird.
Of course, he can't admit to his Aniki how he got a non-traditionally accepted way of earning money, achieving financial independence, and no longer needing him to survive. Madara was genuinely angry when Izuna dropped college, and even more so when he refused to take a position in his company.
The Uchiha does not want to live off his family, to rely on his older brother to make ends meet, and began to explore ways to generate money without needing a degree or contacts.
The world of nudity is something he was already a part of, sending explicit photos to a thousand men a night just because he felt aroused and eager to receive compliments, seeking approval from hundreds of strangers and validation.
What difference did it make if he suddenly started doing it for money?
Instead of giving away his content just for the sake of masturbating under other people's flattery, he could monetize that feeling, and receive payments for the same thing.
It would take some work, of course. He would have to create a platform, make it gain momentum, and an audience, attracting those who would want to consume and pay for his content. The first step was to create such material, using his existing dirty pictures and taking more. He puts to use all the sex toys in his possession and takes the sexiest videos in preparation.
Evaluating the decision of whether to show his face or not, of what would happen if his photos got out and reached his older brother, he decided it was a risk to take. Men seemed to love it when they saw his pleasure expressions, and Izuna would exploit it to the fullest.
He dedicated himself to hiding all his personal profiles, making his Instagram private and deleting unknown followers, erasing identifiable traces on his Twitter, eliminating any strangers from Snapchat, and clearing his TikTok. No one could find a trail of Izuna Uchiha online, nothing that could connect him to that fictional person he created under the username of “IzU02”.
His official OF opens for the first time, and he works on all descriptions, personalized and private messages, ways to attract and make his audience feel special. Then he follows on with Twitter, a new account where he creates a page worthy of a bot, and fills it with provocative images. Bait for all the morbid ones to click on and get to his home page.
He considers opening an Instagram but prefers to opt for TikTok. A social network where he will have to be careful about the explicitness of his videos, but it will also serve to gather an audience.
With the plan in place, the first few months are slow, without much activity. He still has to rely on Madara, but less and less. A donation here, a little money there, someone buying access to his photos. Little by little, his OF starts to gain traction, and he progressively gains people interested in him.
He builds up a small group of men who would love to have him, who think he's theirs, guys who fall in love with his figure and his videos. They pay a ridiculous monthly amount for his content and a few extra dollars for exclusive posts.
Izuna is soon able to pay the rent on his own, without needing his brother to take over his life, and everything starts to seem simple. Some ass here, dildos there, and the money rains in.
One man, in particular, stands out among the crowd, a guy named SnowBunny69!
Whoever is hiding behind this user carries a disturbing obsession with him, to the point where he pays for absolutely all of his photos and videos, follows him on all of his networks, and slides on his DMS on a daily basis. SnowBunny69! Seems to believe he is in a relationship with Izuna, sending him bizarre messages bordering on psychotic.
"Why don't you talk to me, did you get bored? You don’t have a choice."
"You looked beautiful in today's picture, but I wish not everyone could see it."
"You're mine, stop showing off like a whore in front of anyone."
The Uchiha assumes he is one of those persons with a lot of money and no life, who spend their time browsing porn profiles and trying to feel something through donations to strangers. He pays no attention to it, for as long as he keeps paying, he doesn't care. Either way, his DMS leaves him a little uneasy, and he doesn't like the feeling it creates in his chest every time he sees a notification coming from that username.
At some point, he'd love to be able to tell Madara, to release the tension he's been carrying inside since this profile started behaving like a lunatic, but that would mean revealing... everything. His older brother would freak out, force him to move back in with him, and not leave him alone for a second.
Not a chance.
Everything functions merely normally, until Izuna receives a horrible blood-chilling message.
He's about to jump in the shower and take his usual premium photos when he sees a notification on his phone. It's a text message, not coming from any of his pages. His first reflex is to think Madara texted him for some reason, but he's horrified when reading it.
"Missed you today, who is that man in your ig pics?"
If he has to guess, he knows for sure it's his stalker, which means SnowBunny69! got his number somehow.
He has to be referring to his private, personal Instagram, because Izuna never opened one for his sexual endeavor. With dread, he opens the app on his phone and remembers how yesterday he uploaded a photo with Madara, together and hugging. A harmless selfie after his brother invited him to lunch, to catch up.
It's like he's watching him, keeping an eye over his moves, in the spotlight of this man's insane head who thinks he owns him and believes to have power over him or his life.
Whoever is behind that profile managed to gain access to his privacy, and the Uchiha desperately checks his followers, hoping to find an account or a profile he forgot to delete.
Another text arrives, and he only dares to read it without opening the notification.
"I told you you're mine. If you don't want anything bad to happen, you'll learn to behave."
Izuna gives up on his knees on the bathroom floor, tears of shock rolling down his cheeks involuntarily, and his phone crashing to the floor. He feels observed, abused, and violated. He did everything he could to maintain his privacy, hide his true identity and protect his personal life, but it seems to have been in vain.
Even with the broken screen, he can see the terrible message present in the notification center, and all he can do is cry in despair.
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ctheathy · 1 year
Hi !! Im not sure if my request sent but is it alright if I could ask for a miko (fnf skyverse) with a fem reader thats addicted to tiktok??
Skyverse anon
Miko[Sidney] w/ Tiktok addict!Reader
Miko x Reader
Fluff Headcanons
Short Concept
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Author’s note: I appreciate seeing you back here, darling~!
Miko/Reader [Romantic//Platonic]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Miko has her own guilty pleasures herself, so she’s absolutely not gonna be taken aback by how much time you spend on your phone, your eyes glued onto your screen and just scrolling through Tiktok with no care in the world. In fact, I can see her finding it rather cute and enjoying the fact that you have your own hobbies to be passionate about. I mean, she used to be so attached to Friday Night Funkin' and obsessed with the game before you came around and pulled her into a healthier mindset. As long as it’s not affecting you in a negative mannered way; she’s going to be right beside you, enjoying every second of it while supporting you with whatever you wanna do on it and in any way she can.
There’s a massive chance that besides the activities and interests she’s all over herself, she’s quite a massive fan of the app as well. She’s been there ever since the beginning and stuck with it as soon as it became popular over all platforms. Your own devotion to it catches her a little by surprise, but she has no bad feedback over it either. In fact, she enjoys it to severe extents more than anything. It gives her a sense of connection with you and something she’s able to relate with. Among the topic, you two definitely just grow accustomed to your little lifestyle of Tiktok in no time and with ease nonetheless.
The conversations you both hold on a daily basis usually just goes towards one direction, but it seems to make you happy; so Miko happily goes along with it. You two just talk about the latest trends you’ve crossed paths with, some small hacks and tips you’ve came across for your daily routine, some of the satisfying and comforting videos incase either of you are feeling down and much, much more. You are certainly also one to gossip over the newest popular feeds that popped up in your recommendations. All it takes is one glance and you two will have another topic to gabble about for the next week. Having all nighters together on call through the entire time you both should be sleeping is a must. Usually resulting in you just laughing and giggling the night away.
I guarantee you that you two have at least a weekly schedule about what you two are gonna be doing on the app together. One day you both do these dancy dances in front of the camera while on the other you two just spend your time by scrolling in your free time. You two are really just two dorks who spend all of your time online, blabbering with one another and just having the time of your lives. Something I can also picture is that you both kind of grow this secret communication speech with one another. Just due to how much you both spend your time on the app, you get a little bit too used to the mannerisms and ways of talking the other other online users utilize. It grows to a point where those around you have literally no idea what the hell you’re rambling about. But at this rate, you both are so deep into your lifestyles where nothing can pull you out.
And you wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
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gerardog2387 · 17 days
Week #2 Blog Due 9/6
How can social media be used as a way to exploit its users in a way that causes irreparable harm and yet not be seen or punished the way exploitation is punished in the real world?
            I think this is because of the fact there are a variety of forms of exploitation that not everyone knows about or even realizes that it’s happening. Most people know that sites like Facebook take your information and sell it to other companies so they can produce advertisements that are catered to you, but what some people don’t know is that websites that take your can have it stolen and don’t even report that it happens and when they do finally report it it’s much too late to be able to take action and yet those company’s face no repercussions for their negligence on taking care of such private information.
How has social media strayed from its purpose of being a way to connect and bring people together to being used by certain individuals to divide us?
            These days social media is still used to connect people around the world, but there are a fraction people who see social media as a tool to spread hate and misinformation to either intentionally skew the view of the readers or simply for the gain of higher traffic to their platforms. I think the reason social media is used in such a way is because people allow their own personal beliefs to influence the type of content that they post online o spread information that strengthens that belief whether it is true or not. There is also the factor of online news being controlled by corporations that are looking to make the most money off the reader so they’ll use inaccurate reporting so long as they see their profits or views rise.
Is there a connection between the rise of wealthy individuals buying out media outlets and the increased proportion of societal divide amongst people?
            I believe that there is a strong correlation between wealthy individuals buying out media outlets and the increasing societal divide amongst people because the control a media outlet lets one person depict the type of stories the public gets to hear and controls the perspective that they hear it in. Such control can give people and unbelievably large sum of power and as Able once said, “He who molds public sentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes or pronounces decisions” (Gonzalez and Torres, 2012)
Are steps needed to regulate the way we hear news online in a way that is fair and unbiased or should social media continue to be used the way it is to provide news for the public?
            I think there needs to be some form of regulation to ensure that the news we see online is in fact true and unbiased rather than be shown information that is inaccurate. Allowing people to freely post news online has caused a lot of misinformation to spread due to people’s personally bias’s and often these bias’s slip through into the story and affect people's understand of what goes on in the world.
Gonzalez & Torres. (2012). News for all the people: The Epic Story of Race and the American Media.
Fuchs Christian. 2017. Social Media: A Critical Introduction
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school-of-roses · 1 year
∞Σ≜Introduction to Technomancy≜Σ∞
As we grow, so does our culture, so does our magic, and so does our view of the world around us. Superstition exists in all corners of life and modern technology is no exception. While none of these practices are based on ancient or complicated rituals due to the nature of modern technology itself not being ancient, there are evolving forms of the craft that have appeared in the modern day.
Black Box Technomancy
A black box is defined as any complex piece of equipment, typically a unit in an electronic system, with contents that are mysterious to the user. There is a belief that technology only obeys you if you know how it works, and every black box is somewhere where technology can be manipulated. This is more magic used to affect technology than technology used in the process of magic.
By this logic if you want your computer to start working, the best thing you can do is learn how it is supposed to work, or have someone who understands it better come over and explain to you what is supposed to happen. Having a holistic instead of superficial understanding of a machine you are operating can help create and maintain effective working environments. In some cases it helps if the person who knows how it is supposed to work just stands there and watches.
On the other end, this can work in reverse. You can avoid learning about the workings of the black boxes or intentionally put it out of your mind and impose your will in their place in order to bend the limits of a machine or technological device using this method. This may include intentional ignorance of the condition of a computer in order to push it beyond its normal limitations.
Forms of Divination
A common way that technomancy is used is for divination. Many use randomizers for divination purposes. There are not a lot of standard ways to go about this due to the method, but many of them are based on older systems that attribute divination means to certain numbers. There are also some online pendulums or tarot card readings that work on similar systems of randomization and interpretation.
Channeling Through Technology
There is magic where the focus *is* your technology, but there is also magic that uses modern technology in some part of the process. To go about this you might use the device itself as a focus either intentionally or unintentionally. Using a device as a focus involves having your device somehow involved while you’re doing spellwork. Some do this by having their device playing music to help them focus and others do this by having their phone contain the words of the spell they’re reading. Others will intentionally include their devices by having that be the very object they focus on with the intention that the connection the device has to the internet and beyond will carry the spell to its intended recipient.
Digital Sigils
Digital sigils are sigils that instead of being drawn on paper or something solid exist digitally.  The pictures and icons have power, but they aren’t drawn or created on paper. This can give them versatility and can be very easy to duplicate. They can be drawn using any art program. They’ve been used in places like homescreens, profile pictures or just sent as images. In most other ways they work identically to sigils.
Places to Put Spells
Technomancy also opens the door to more places to subtlety hide spellwork. You could put spells in the notes of a computer code, in the metadata of a file, or hidden in a digital image. While tech can constitute physical pieces of modern technology, technomancy can also constitute magic that lives in the digital spaces we might spend a great deal of our time in.
Everything Fucking Breaks
One thing I’ve come to hear one should learn to get used to if they plan to incorporate technology into their craft is that the devices used will start to act weird as shit. I leave the objective truth of this to the practitioners themselves, but it is something reflective of my own personal experience.
Turns out once you start breaking down the confines for how incredibly sensitive electronic objects are supposed to work, they start to get a little squirrely. Depending on how long you do this, however, you might just break even with how many things break way faster than they have any business and how many things last way longer than they have any business because of sheer force of staring into the eyes of that small bottle of lightning we’ve captured that thinks it’s hot fucking shit that is NOT going to crash on me 2 hours into writing my paper.
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badgraph1csghost · 3 months
That VPN post is already pretty long, so I won't add to it. Instead, I'll just say this.
It's quite literally impossible to hide information from a federal police agency that's determined enough to get its hands on it. There's no country in the world whose data isn't being monitored by one of the Five Eyes, it's just the ones involved in information-sharing treaties are the only ones that get any recognition.
That having been said, Mozilla VPN (as I said in my pinned post) is not to be used. Mozilla is an American company, subject to American laws, and should under no circumstances be used to maintain your privacy from anyone except your ISP. If the FBI is keen enough to know what you've been doing online, Mozilla has no legal standing to refuse to grant their request for that information.
I recommend Mullvad VPN on my website because of how they handle user data. They don't keep any. There was a police raid on Mullvad HQ a couple years back, but the police left with nothing because Mullvad had nothing to give them. Is Mullvad AB a Swedish company? Yes. Is Sweden part of covert surveillance treaty? Yes (SSEUR if you're interested). Is Mullvad going to hand over your data to the police when they come knocking down the door? No. You literally CAN NOT GET a more secure connection than Wireguard on a consumer basis, which is what Mullvad uses to shield your traffic from all the ISPs on the network, including themselves. The only piece of information they might keep on you is your payment confirmation, which can be traced back to you directly unless you use crypto, but this can't be used to tell anything else about your activity.
I recommended Mozilla VPN initially because it's an American company and, therefore, wouldn't cause issues with payment processing by American users. Some banks won't even let you conduct overseas transactions, and Mozilla VPN seemed the easiest way to get around that.
I currently recommend Mullvad because they're the only company shown to safeguard user data by simply not collecting any. Mozilla collects data, so does NordVPN, so does Proton, so does every other VPN host. Like I said, if the police come with a warrant and say "give us your data", there's nothing there for them to take. Does this make them more suspicious in the eyes of the corporate feudal state? Of course, but that's what Wireguard is for.
We are still using Mozilla Firefox, just not Mozilla VPN.
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marketingmomentummemo · 9 months
Learn Hashtags to Increase Visibility and Engagement - Growth Made Easy!
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When you come across hashtags on social media for the first time, they seem a bit perplexing. but once you start using hashtags to boost your visibility and engagement, you’ll experience a constant stream of positive results. In essence, hashtags act as a way to bring together conversations or posts about a certain subject matter so that it’s easy for people to find what they’re interested in reading or looking at.
Importance of Hashtags in Social Media Marketing
Hashtags can be used on different social media platforms, but they are mostly found on Twitter and Instagram. If your brand is using social media as a marketing strategy, then you must use hashtags. Using hashtags properly helps amplify your brand’s presence on social media and boosts engagement greatly. There is more to using hashtags effectively than just #throwbackthrusday posts on Instagram, though. It is important for a successful social media plan to include both famous, applicable, and owned tags.
Learn how to synchronize your content updates with search term peak seasons, ensuring your audience receives the latest and most relevant information.
- Vishal Baurai
Hashtags can be used in a variety of ways
Today, hashtags are necessary for a variety of platforms. They give you the chance to be seen by many people. You can use them to promote your new product or start a conversation with people who find it interesting. If you want to have more followers on social media, then using hashtags is for you because, through them, people can easily view your posts online from anywhere around the world. In light of this, let us continue and learn about how hashtags work in our online activities as well as their interesting aspects that may attract attention.
Promoting a product
Initiating an online conversation
Targeting a highly specific audience
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Hashtags to Get More Reach
Use the right amount of hashtags.
Study your analytics.
Do not use the most popular Hashtags.
Don’t repeat used hashtags.
Using hashtags strategically is important for maximizing your visibility, engagement, and reach on social media platforms. Instead of using popular hashtags randomly, analyze your analytics comprehensively to find out the most suitable hashtags for every post you make. Too many tags or too few can affect your presence on social media sites in a bad way. Seek a middle path.
Repealedly using hashtags from previous posts can hinder your progress in gaining new followers. Each audience requires a tailored approach. Incorporating these savvy techniques enables you to fully leverage hashtags, ultimately enhancing your online presence and effectively connecting with your desired audience.
To optimize your social media presence and truly connect with a wider audience, crafting a well-planned hashtag strategy is crucial. By selecting relevant and specific hashtags, you can attract users who are truly interested in your content. Keep your hashtags short and memorable, making it easier for others to remember and use them. While using trendy hashtags may seem tempting, striking a balance between a combination of relevant and trending ones is key. This will ensure consistency while also staying current. And always remember, the saying “less is more” applies here as well: avoid overloading your posts with too many hashtags, as it can be overwhelming for readers.
Take your online presence to the next level by strategically matching your hashtags to your brand. Maximize the impact of your posts by incorporating active language into your hashtags. Stay up-to-date and broaden your audience by utilizing popular and trending hashtags. With these techniques, you can guarantee that your engagement will skyrocket.
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harris-theblogger · 11 months
Know more about Digital Marketing...
In today's digital era, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. This is where digital marketing comes into play. It's not just a buzzword; it's a powerful tool that can help you connect with your target audience, boost brand awareness, and drive sales. Let's dive into the world of digital marketing and see how it can work for you.
Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a set of strategies and tactics used to promote products or services online. Unlike traditional marketing, which relies on TV, radio, and print media, digital marketing leverages the internet and electronic devices to reach potential customers.
Online Audit
An online audit for digital marketing is like a check-up for your online advertising and promotion. It helps you find out what's working and what's not, so you can make your digital marketing better. It looks at things like your website, social media, and ads to see how they're doing. By doing this, you can save money, stay competitive, and make your customers happier. It's like giving your online marketing a boost!
Google Business Profile Manager
Google Business Profile Manager is a vital tool for digital marketing. It boosts your visibility, helps you engage with customers, improves local search rankings, provides valuable insights, and assists in managing your online reputation. To make the most of it, ensure your profile is complete, post updates regularly, interact with customers, use analytics, and optimize for relevant keywords. In today's digital landscape, a well-optimized Google Business Profile is your ticket to success.
“business.site” by Google
Google “business.site” is a free and user-friendly tool that helps small businesses create their own websites quickly. This website builder integrates with Google services, looks good on mobile devices, and boosts your online credibility. To get started, claim your Google My Business listing, customize your website content, and keep it up to date. It's a must-have for businesses in the digital age.
Here are the steps to add a new business to Google Business Profile Manager:
Sign in to Google
Visit Google Business Profile Manager: Go to the website (https://business.google.com/).
Click "Manage Now" or "Sign in" 
Enter Business Info: If it's a new business, add its name and category.
Enter Location Details
Contact Info: Add your phone number and website.
Review Info: Check the details and click "Next."
Verification: Google will ask you to verify your business. Follow their instructions.
Complete Verification: Finish the verification process as directed.
Start Managing: Once verified, you can use the Google Business Profile Manager to manage your business online.
* Remember, it might take a few days for your business to appear on Google, so keep your information accurate and updated.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is all about making your website more visible on search engines like Google. It matters because it helps you attract the right people to your website and build trust. To do it right, focus on keywords, good content, and other factors like speed and mobile-friendliness.
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j4ydn · 1 year
Is blogging still relevant in the age of TikToks and Instagram?
According to Young (2006), a blog, otherwise known as a weblog, is basically an online journal or diary. It is anything you want it to be; you may use it to share your thoughts, get input from others, or even just rant (Young 2006). It’s safe to say that blogging isn’t exactly something new and has been around for some time now (Chin 2023).
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That begs the question: what do we make of blogging in this day and age? Let's all take a moment to ponder upon it: in the past few years, the digital world has undergone a significant transformation. The emergence (and subsequent explosive growth) of social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram has given rise to new forms of content, entertainment, and the like. In addition, the ways in which content is created, distributed, and consumed these days has also changed. All of this might lead you to question whether blogging is becoming a thing of the past. But is blogging really fading into obscurity? Or is it all just a misconception of sorts?
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In my opinion, blogging still has a place in our digital world nowadays. This is due to certain advantages it has over other social media sites like TikTok and Instagram. Personally speaking, one such edge that blogging possesses is the length of its content. Generally speaking, TikTok and Instagram postings are subject to certain constraints such as specific media formats, shorter word limit(s), and so on. On the other hand, blogging offers more freedom and allows for a more in-depth exploration of various subjects and/or topics, whether you're sharing a personal story, giving a detailed tutorial, or delving into a complex matter. Such a feature is especially useful when you want to engage and connect with your audience with more meaningful and deeper content. This is evident on blogging sites such as Tumblr, where the platform is set up to be different from other platforms, in the sense that it is a place of emotional authenticity (Hart 2015).
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Besides that, blogging has the potential for money-making opportunities. According to an essay by Gustafsson & Muhammad (2017), bloggers participate in a wide range of economic activities by monetising their blogs using a variety of business models and based on the interaction of virtual and physical networks. In other words, you can make money by blogging. Gustafsson & Muhammad (2017) go on to say how there are more and more people who are turning to blogging as a means of income. Blogging initially started off as an avenue for people to express themselves individually, but they may now generate revenue that is often on par with (or even exceed) their salaries from conventional jobs (Gustafsson & Muhammad 2017).
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Blogging’s potential doesn’t just stop there. Studies have shown that increased blog usage results in improved levels of perceived learning by students studying in higher education institutions in regard to reading, writing, and commenting in, which goes to show that blogging should be utilised as a learning and teaching tool in educational institutions. (Garcia et al. 2019). This is further supplemented by the findings from a study by Ifinedo (2017), where it was found that the perceived enjoyment, compatibility, usage, user friendliness, etc. of blogs have a favourable impact on students' happiness levels with educational blogging.
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To sum up everything, I wouldn't say that blogging has become irrelevant, even with the rise and dominance of social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram; rather, it should be viewed as a medium which can be used to complement the aforementioned social media sites. In his book on blogging, Rettberg (2014) points out that numerous social media practises that we know of today are fundamentally forms of blogging, in the sense that they revolve around the same concept(s). Chin (2023) reiterates this point by stating that blogs, much like their social media counterparts, represent an online venue where people can gather to share their respective views and beliefs. The way I see it, blogging essentially functions as an alternative to TikTok and/or Instagram (of course, this is subjective and depends on the individual). With that being said, we should learn to appreciate the existence of blogs/blogging and not belittle their position.
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theswordwizard · 2 years
i keep seeing people complain about how "every website looks the same" and that its a sign of the end of creativity etc etc but it was always as a little throwaway line that people are supposed to go "oh yeah i've noticed that a lot of websites look similar!" and are supposed to connect that with the death of web 1 and how social media is bad and so on, but there are a LOT of reasons why many websites look the same. they can be kind of broken down into two main categories, though: the users, the way users find/use the websites.
Back in the 90s slash really early 2000s websites were still kind of gimmicky. Unless you were in a field that required the use of certain sites/databases/references/communications etc the average person wasn't online nearly as much as they were today. People also didn't have smartphones (which I will come back to later), so they were using a whole computer setup with a very specific resolution (low), and overall being on the internet was a very specific experience. But I think it's also important to note that it was more younger people using them for casual use. Web 1 was more "creative" than web 2 is deemed now because to get ON web 1, you had to have a baseline of tech and web knowledge. There were a lot less people on the internet, so you were catering to the other relatively few people that were willing to dive into computers/The World Wide Web.
Nowadays, and this is something I'm sure everyone has heard a much older person complain about at some point or another, everyone is pretty much required to use the internet. It's how you apply to jobs, school, get benefits, get healthcare, find pretty much any up-to-date information. It's actually a problem for many people that aren't able to reliably access the internet for one reason or another (major ones being houselessness, living in extremely rural areas, or just not being able to use a smartphone). When the demographic for your site changes from "people who are computer-savvy" to "ANYONE" you have to give up a lot of funny quirks. You are now catering to the lowest common denominator, which is a 70 year old who's grandchild is painstakingly trying to walk them through using a site, and hoping that this will somehow translate into them being able to use other sites, and they won't have to be doing this every other day.
Organizations, whether they are businesses or non-profit/government, have websites because they are convenient for people to be able to either get information, or because they want the user to do something (make an appointment, get a quote, buy something) - they want whoever is using their website to be able to find it as quickly and easily as possible. There is sort of a trickle-down in UI, from major companies that get a lot of users, or have the internal resources to do a lot of user testing and figure out what's easy for people to use, to then other markets who use them as reference or their guides on how to make things easily understandable for a wide range of users (Google's Material Design is often referenced). If someone knows how to use X popular site, you don't have to teach them how to use yours again if you follow their lead.
Also: predicable design and using certain web standards is a necessity for accessibility. Someone using a screen reader needs to be able to understand the information presented on a site, and having things in a predictable order, and in an order that gives the most relevant information first. This is why we are still seeing certain sites that cater to specific clientele often get a bit more creative. An artist's site doesn't necessarily need to cater to any user, they're catering usually to other artists. Now, if it's an illustrator or designer using a site as their portfolio, then they'll probably want to go back and use something that will make it easy for a reviewer going through hundreds of sites to be able to quickly view their art, without getting frustrated. Frustration from new users (as well as slow-loading sites) is one of the biggest reasons why people will ditch a new site or service. How many people have complained about how confusing something like Mastodon is to get started?
From the other direction, there is the system that surrounds the website. We've all seen complaints about how so many websites have a lot of word-salad, and it's because of SEO - Search Engine Optimization. Basically, Google ranks websites to put in search results by A) how well the actual content of the site matches the literal search, and B) what it thinks that your search is actually looking for. There are a lot of things that go into SEO and there are entire markets built around it because of how valuable ranking high with Google is - it doesn't matter how excellent your website is if people never are able to see it. Legitimate websites also have to compete with those scam sites that just dump in as much nonsense as possible to get clicks, and thus make money off ad revenue. It's a constant pain in the ass battle and Google is constantly changing how its rankings work because of the scam sites. This effects the buttons, links, how headers/subheaders/body text is used. Google wants certain hierarchies of information, and rewards sites that have them.
But the biggest reason why so many websites look a certain way is because of responsiveness. Basically as of like 2019 over 50% of visitors to a given website were usually on a mobile device. This could be any kind of resolution, depending on the type of phone or tablet. Do you have any idea how much of a pain in the ass it is to design a website to be responsive. You need to organize all the information in very specific ways and use flexboxes or way too many media queries to have text/images/etc set up so it transitions cleanly to different widths. The more complex the website is, the more difficult it is to do this. Simple transitions better and is less likely to break and glitch when presented in unexpected ways.
The proliferation of mobile is also the reason for a lot of other "design modernizations" that people get pissed about. Biggest example off the top of my head is the Google logo redesigns. I remember being in school everyone was complaining and joking about it. But there was a very good reason for it. Using simpler shapes for vector images makes the image load faster, and overall use less data. The new logo is only 305 bytes, while its old logo was 14,000 bytes. That is an enormous difference, especially when taking into consideration if someone on their phone has low bandwidth and/or needs to quickly search something. Again, this trickles down to other sites and other companies that want their sites to perform quickly on all platforms for all users with any level of internet connection.
Obviously there are a lot of issues with the way that the internet is set up but a lot of people miss the point as to not only why so many sites are designed the way they are, but also how we benefit every day from it.
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esavvysolution · 1 year
Digital Diplomacy: Mastering Social Media for Business Growth
In the digital age, businesses are presented with a unique opportunity to connect with their audience like never before. Digital diplomacy, a term borrowed from international relations, is now being applied in the business world. It refers to the strategic use of digital platforms to foster meaningful relationships, establish credibility, and promote growth. In this article, we'll delve into how mastering social media can be a game-changer for businesses aiming for substantial growth.
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The Role of Social Media in Business Growth
Social media has become the epicenter of online communication. It's where people gather, share, and connect. For businesses, it's a treasure trove of potential customers. With billions of active users across various platforms, the reach is immense. Understanding how to harness this power is pivotal for any business looking to expand its horizons.
Understanding Your Target Audience
To effectively use social media for business growth, you need to know your audience inside out. What are their preferences? What problems do they face? What solutions can your business provide? Tailoring your content and messaging to suit their needs is the first step towards creating a lasting impression.
Creating Engaging Content
Content is king in the digital world. But not just any content will do. It needs to be engaging, relevant, and valuable. Whether it's captivating visuals, informative articles, or interactive videos, the content you produce should resonate with your audience.
Leveraging Different Social Media Platforms
Each social media platform has its unique audience and features. Understanding which platforms align with your target demographic and business goals is crucial. From the visual allure of Instagram to the professional network of LinkedIn, mastering the art of platform-specific content is a key component of digital diplomacy.
Building a Consistent Brand Image
Consistency is key when it comes to branding. Your messaging, visuals, and tone should all align seamlessly. This builds trust and recognition among your audience. When they see your content, they should immediately associate it with your brand.
Monitoring and Analyzing Performance
It's not enough to just post content. Monitoring the performance of your posts and campaigns provides valuable insights. Which posts are gaining traction? What time of day is your audience most active? These metrics inform your strategy moving forward.
Handling Negative Feedback
In the digital landscape, negative feedback is inevitable. How you handle it can make or break your brand. Addressing concerns promptly and professionally demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction.
Collaborations and Partnerships
Collaborations with influencers or complementary businesses can exponentially expand your reach. It's a powerful way to tap into new audiences and build credibility.
Paid Advertising Strategies
While organic reach is valuable, paid advertising can give you an extra boost. Understanding the nuances of ad targeting, placement, and messaging can make a significant impact on your ROI.
Measuring Return on Investment (ROI)
Investing time and resources into social media should yield results. Tracking your ROI helps you understand the effectiveness of your efforts. It's a critical step in refining your strategy for optimal growth.
Staying Updated with Trends
The digital landscape is ever-evolving. Staying updated with the latest trends ensures that your content remains relevant and appealing to your audience.
Crisis Management on Social Media
In times of crisis, social media can be a powerful tool for damage control. Having a well-thought-out crisis management plan in place is essential for preserving your brand's reputation.
Balancing Automation and Personalization
Automation can streamline your social media efforts, but it should never replace genuine human interaction. Striking the right balance ensures that your audience feels valued and heard.
Mastering social media for business growth is a dynamic process that requires strategy, creativity, and adaptability. By understanding your audience, creating compelling content, and leveraging the power of various platforms, you can unlock unprecedented potential for your business.
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