#and ive dealt with the same thing but not to this degree and the things that helped me dont seem to be helping them
hofudlaus · 2 years
Does anyone have any good resources for dealing with anxiety and perfectionism regarding art(and life in general)??
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hey, is anyone still here? looks like the last time i was on here was two years ago and change. things are really different now, but i guess then again it would be weird if they were the same
i was thinking of returning to this dead site because for a good fifteen years it was a big part of my life and provided me with a unique way to express my thoughts and ideas and feelings and opinions and musings to an audience of people who can hear me but not truly know me outside of my words that i share on this platform. and on the same coin i enjoy following the lives of people i know nothing about and watching their stories and selves develop and evolve from a complete distance in every sense
i'm five months sober now
i have a hard time pinpointing when exactly i became an alcoholic, but i guess i could say i dealt with it in some degree for about eight years, and progressively, as it always goes
i graduated with my masters last may (2023) in critical media studies where i spent my time writing and researching feminist cultural social and media theory. i produced a great deal of work i was and am very proud of including a thesis that is honestly my life and heart's work but unfortunately over the course of those two years my drinking escalated rapidly and by the end i was manically and drunkenly banging out papers and essays in the dead of night sleepless and naively inspired
somehow i got a 4.0 though despite that. everyone in my life always says i played off my drinking well anyway. beats me how or why
once i graduated i practically immediately began drinking all day every day while somewhat-hardly-kind-of-not-really looking for work which was fruitless and i quickly learned my degree i worked so hard for meant practically nothing to employers who were merely looking for experience i dont have outside of my teaching background in grad school
for almost exactly a year i was drunk 100% of the time i was awake
same old story, at some point i switched to bottom shelf pints of vodka, which constituted my breakfast lunch and dinner. sat on my couch in my filthy apartment occupying my filthy poisoned failing body either watching tv or causing problems somehow
this was when i was twenty-nine. for a while now i had known in my heart of hearts i wasnt someone who would ever be able to handle my liquor or drink like a normal person, whatever that means, and that too much was never enough, and that it was literally impossible to function so long as booze was a part of my life. any attempts to "cut back" or "take breaks", i knew, would end the same way, which was waking up to shots of room temperature vodka and being a prisoner to the worst shame a person can feel
i figured once i turned thirty, which was this march, that would probably be about the time i got sick of my own shit and said goodbye to the bottle. which i undeniably felt a kind of affection toward as if it were a lover. still do in a sense and thats why ill never flirt with it again
my sobriety date is april 16th 2024. my last drink was a shot of vodka at 8:30 am on the 15th after creating massive gashes in my upper arm the previous evening during a blackout fight with my boyfriend
im still unemployed and extremely mentally ill and my bipolar has gotten progressively worse over the past couple of years and will likely continue to according to what the science says and all of that. after my last manic episode last month i adjusted my meds (again) and for now they seem to be working but i don't hold my breath really
i do AA and i like it a lot, i do it my own way, i have a sponsor who approaches the program liberally and progressively and shares many of my comorbidities and has allowed me the freedom to define my relationship to the program and god in a way that works for me and i have made incredible strides through this. i have become a far far far better person.
being sober is easy and i never want to drink. not once not ever
ive never worked so hard on myself in my life because i got as close to death as i ever had and ive been very close at many points in my life for many years. when i was drinking i knew i wouldnt make it to see 35 if i continued as i was
therapy, AA, meds, a whole fucking lot of discipline
ive been with my boyfriend for two years and wed like to get married. thats nothing that will happen anytime soon but it is nice to think about. he has been by my side through unimaginable things that any sane person would not have stuck around for. he is my heart and my soul
im also trying to start applying for jobs again but im genuinely on the fence if i am capable of holding a full time job due to my severe mental illness. im exploring a bunch of options right now as far as that whole thing goes. the future is very uncertain as always
let me know if you see this or remember me or anything.
bye for now
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master-of-47-dudes · 2 years
Alright having completed my replay of Metroid Prime 2, I'll talk about Dark Samus now.
Dark Samus is interesting, having come on the heels of SA-X and in an era where the "Dark Protagonist" thing was sort of being overdone and thus was kinda mocked. At least, as far as I remember, anyway.
But at the same time, Dark Samus is a very different thematic beast than the SA-X was, ESPECIALLY in the context of the Light/Dark themes of Echoes. Because, ultimately, Dark Samus subverts its/her expected role of being an echo of Samus.
Dark Samus is Metroid Prime after it ripped the Phazon Suit off of Samus's armor and stuffed itself inside of it in order to survive the catastrophic damage that Samus dealt to it on Tallon IV. It has adapted to the shape and function of the suit in the process, and learned to use phazon to create hyper-charged facsimiles of Samus's abilities... to a limited degree.
It doesn't fight like Samus. It doesn't act like Samus. It isn't a copy of Samus like the SA-X was. It just LOOKS like a dark clone of Samus, but that's where the similarities end.
Even the mechanics of the game highlight the fact that the Dark moniker is misleading; Dark Samus takes more damage from the Dark Beam and less from the Light Beam, being a Light World creature in spite of the name.
Anyway, I think Dark Samus's role in Metroid Prime 2 is honestly pretty funny. It doesn't really have anything to do with the main plot at all, and if anything, is the primary antagonist to the Space Pirates while Samus is doing her thing against the Ing. It's just there because there's phazon, and then Samus shows up for unrelated reasons and they cross paths.
And then Dark Samus decides to fuck with Samus out of spite.
Like, that's basically the only reason Dark Samus shows up anywhere you happen to be! It was looking for Phazon and found you, so it might as well try to ruin your day. Or just laugh at you.
It's hard to say your final confrontation in the game with Dark Samus is anything more than this, either. Does Dark Samus know Dark Aether is collapsing? Does it even know if it can survive if it stalls Samus long enough for the dimension to collapse on them both? Or was it just eating itself silly at Aether's phazon motherlode, saw Samus, and decided "fuck this one bitch in particular"?
I personally think that's exactly what happened. It kind of fits with Dark Samus showing up several times and doing nothing more than fucking with you instead of fighting, tbh.
Anyway, yeah. Dark Samus explicitly subverts the "Dark echo" trope that the game themes itself around and NAMES itself for by being an unkillable eldritch abomination stuffed in a Samus shaped shell. And just about all of its actions in Echoes? Fueled by greedy hunger for phazon after its humiliating defeat or spite at Samus for invading its home, wrecking up the place, and kicking its ass.
I still don't know why it shows up only to laugh at you and leave without doing anything in Torvus Bog, though. That was just weird.
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yugiohz · 2 years
sorry if this question is inappropriate or just coming out of nowhere but thought i could ask because you talk alot about your schooling on here
im just wondering if youve ever had to deal with the feeling of being “left behind” in your education?
ive recently had to push my graduation from secondary school another year because of pretty severe mental illness which means that ill be 21 (20 now) before i could start any type of tertiary school (im probably going into nursing or something else in healthcare where you wont need a uni degree) and i just cant help but compare myself with other people my age that ive gone to school with where i feel that intellectually were on the same level but in regards to official schooling theyre literally years ahead of me.
i know that im very lucky that my parents are both willing and able to support me for a few more years because they know that its not for a lack trying that im behind my peers but its still hard not to feel stupid or inadequate unfortunately
sorry if this came of as rambling but just wondering if youve ever dealt with feelings like these or just some advice maybe?
have a nice evening💖💖💖
well first of all, no matter what type of education you want to pursue, 20-21 is still VERY young you have sooo much time Omg, there will always be a 50yo lady restarting her life I love that about uni 😭🤚💗
and if there’s one thing you’ll learn in your early 20s it’s that there is absolutely no point in comparing yourself to anyone, academic success depends on so many non-intellectual aspects, others having it easier than you can never be predicative about your intellect
refrain from social comparisons and focus on individual comparisons: have I improved my grades over the semester? Have I gotten better at dealing with stress? did I learn to be kinder to myself? Have I expanded my horizon?
this is so corny but it’s so so so important to be kind to yourself, there is no such thing as “falling behind” deliberately or falling behind at all, you are always doing their best, approach your starting point positively and just keep going life has to go on. taking it slow and prioritizing your wellbeing is the bravest thing you can do in a world that wants you to destroy yourself in the pursuit of an unfulfilling and explorative life but what do I know
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illdesigns · 2 years
hii! i hope ur doing well! idk if u have gotten other asks ive sent or not but i was wondering where u went… u havent really posted writing or even fandom stuff period lol
i just want to clarify that this is like…the fourth or fifth message i have gotten, seemingly from the same anon due to typing styles and general content. i’ve been steadfastly ignoring them for a bit because it’s no skin off my nose but i’m honestly tired. so i’m sorry if i come off as unnecessarily mean during this but i cannot overstate the fact i’ve been ignoring this for a while.
i’m still blogging. i haven’t left or gone anywhere. yeah, i haven’t really posted writing, because i’ve been busy. because i’m a grown adult who does other things in my life. and i have posted fandom stuff - i am not immune to gifsets, fanart and jokes about media i like. but i am deciding to cease participating in fandom spaces because it’s not really for me any more. i want to focus more on my original writing and am not in a point where i can give a hobby and something i want to turn into a career the same level of attention.
and i know this anon probably means a Certain Fandom, as i’ve only been active in one the past few years. i’ve not felt the need to make some big announcement of a fandom flounce at my big age but i also don’t feel as if i have any particular place i fit in in the metalocalypse fandom any more. i’m glad for the great friends i made during my time participating in that, and i also met my current partner through the fandom and that’s given me a lot of nice opportunities in life too. so yay me.
however, if i may allow myself a certain degree of flounce since i’ve been pestered into sharing this information by somebody who seems to have had a bi-weekly alarm on their phone about sending me passive aggressive anons: i’m not particularly keen on a fandom space that, outside of an immediate circle of friends, has been an absolute minefield of social interaction. between watching drama and outright harassment my friends have dealt with and the issues i have faced myself (harassment to the point of changing certain social media accounts, having my locked twitter account put on blast by somebody upset i blocked people not in my immediate social circle so i wouldn’t deal with awkward follow requests, somebody in my dms threatening suicide over his traced ship art for months at a time, getting vagued constantly and associated with actual abusive people and/or practices because i liked a character with four minutes of screentime AND OTHER INCIDENTS)…i realized that was a lot of emotions for a cartoon. especially a cartoon ive liked for a long time, since it started airing, and it’s a cartoon i would like to continue liking.
so i honestly don’t know what else this anon would want from me. i’ve already lost a few followers from my drop in fandom related activity, which i’m fine with, so if another person or multiple people would like to unfollow after this that’s fine too! it’s just tumblr, babes! curate your dash as you see fit! just don’t randomly pester people about a lack of content that was barely supported when it was being made, by a person who was constantly getting shit on by randoms because of said content while posting it :)
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blow-me-a-kis · 2 years
I think I could do housemate situation again if I weren't so broke lmao. Then if my roommates aren't cleaning up after themselves, I can just hire a housekeeper. I feel like 86% of housemate issues are due to us all being so fucking broke/stingy, in the case of housemates with access to wealth.
Ive lived in houses where ppl were sooo resistant to bringing in a housekeeper cause they were worried about *exploiting labor*. But those same ppl didn't give a shit about exploiting their housemates' who have to pick up after them.
Like lets just pay the nice ppl a living wage to come and clean so I don't pack my bags and move away in the dead of night because our gross house is driving me to depression and insanity.
I get that cleaning can be so hard when you're checked out mentally/physically disabled, but the cleanest housemate I ever had was a queer elder who was a disabled immigrant recovering from a TBI.
Literally, I had to up my cleaning game because I was fucking up their routine with my little left over messes.
Living with them made me realize 1) Cleaning has little to do with neurodiversity/ability and far more to do with the culture of cleaning you brought up with and 2) cleaning isn't about making messes to deal with later, its something you do as apart of the process of whatever you were doing to make the mess.
You cannot leave a mess to be dealt with later when your later comes after your housemates need to share those spaces.
I'm not done doing my hair if I don't pack up the combs and oils and wipe down the sink. I'm not done cooking if every ingredient I used is still out and the leftovers haven't been sorted and the counter and stove are in chaos. And what I've learned is most of the time these things can easily be done as I go about doing what I'm doing.
I've gotten into the habit of putting things back while I wait for my pot to cook on the stove. I'm even washing every dish I used while cooking, as I cook. Before my plate is even made, the kitchen is ready for my housemates to use.
I don't even leave the bathroom until I put everything back after my little self care routines. I think my housemates can tolerate me hogging the joint for five extra minutes while I make it nice and neat for them.
Cleaning is a mindfulness practice.
A lot of ppl just don't know how to clean, period. Apparently washing dishes properly is a skill on par with knowing Javascript.
Like bruh. Why are dishes with grease and flour on them chilling in the drying rack like you're done?? You know you could use soap, right? And hot water?? There are hundreds of Youtube videos on how to wash dishes. You don't have to just wing it.
But yeah. I do have a lot of sympathy for us broke asses having to live together with our varying degrees of cleanliness and ability to even detect messes.
For me, its very obvious when a space is messy, and its very obvious to me what needs to be done to clean it. I know for some ppl that stuff just fades into the background and they cannot clean what they cannot notice.
So yeah. Gotta go work on this web dev portfolio so I can pay for housekeepers to notice.
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323398149 · 2 years
1 year ago today i fucked up really really badly
at the time i was so so so happy, i didn’t realize what a big mistake i was making. how large the waves of consequence were going to be.
at the time i was hugely influenced by what i was seeing my siblings going through. i had lost hope for my future. in a way i was grieving my future without realizing i was only making it worse.
a year later at that exact moment i was in a masjid praying and i guess that’s something to celebrate. 
in my first week of uni i had gone to the same masjid and made the same dua ive been making probably since i was 13, for god to let me be like everybody else. back then i didn’t know i had adhd and how big of a role that was playing in my life and religious experience. 
so 1 degree, 1 mistake and 6 months of healing later i finally got to feel apart of the ummah. 
my whole life every time i’ve stood with a jamaat i’ve always felt like an imposter and the main thought during salah would be if i was doing it right and also how close people were and it would all just be one big anxiety attack 
today i was able to talk myself out of it and stay calm, and feel like i belonged. and im really grateful for that. 
i think messing up or i guess almost messing up cause it coulda been worse, but anyways i guess it was meant to happen and a part of the journey to growing up. 
i’ve been dreading the one year mark for a while, especially as it was getting closer but i guess this is me saying i’m okay. it’ll be okay. it’s only up from here. i just need to stick to my goals and not get distracted by anything or anyone. just keep going!
i wish i could talk to 22 year old amms and tell her what’s coming in the next year and how crappy it’s going to be and how she’s gonna cry so much in march that her face/eyes will swell up for a whole week lollllllllll 
how she’s going to feel so angry and bitter and upset and every negative emotion there is but she’ll be unable to do anything or say anything or acknowledge those feelings whatsoever. it’s gonna suck. but apparently that’s what growing up is. 
it’s a tough year coming for her but honestly, it’s not the worst. and she does a pretty good job of taking care of herself throughout the whole thing. 
i’m proud of her. even though i know she really messed up but i know she was trying and i guess that’s what matters. 
lol she was so little and so innocent and naïve. i wish i could go back in time and protect her but at the same time if she hadn’t dealt with that crap then, i wouldn’t have known these lessons now. so shout out 22 year ago amms. i know u messed up but it’s okay, you gotta forgive yourself.
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ileaveclawmarks · 2 years
thank you for the very sweet response, it’s definitely immeasurably worse when other dykes reflect lesbophobic shit at you or otherwise project their own insecurities regarding their lesbianism onto you. this girl had also told me she kind of felt butch/femme roles were “reductive” so i guess it figures but of course it still hurts and makes me feel stupid. i think there’s just a sect of femme dykes who haven’t properly dealt with their own internalized shit and as a result end up projecting a lot of that onto mascs/butches… so i really have to thank you too for being so candid about your desire and love for us. seriously
Really quick, my thoughts on the butch femme discourse: u can really only consider it to be “reductive” if u believe that masculine women = men. Like i know that there can be a lot of nuance to this topic when it comes down to individuals, u cant deny that hetero porn and dynamics influence us to such a pervasive degree that there must be some lesbians out there who do emulate it in their sex lives. But at the end of the day if ur gonna equate butch femme to heterosexuality then ur coming at it with the belief that butches are men, want to mimic men, and draw their character from men. Simply not true especially since butches r some of the most anti-men people u will ever meet (obvi trans men may have a different relationship with this but ultimately the trans men and transmascs i know + luv are generating their own sense of what it means to be a man, not what im talking about above). And in the same breath ur saying that femme lesbians want to be the subject of male-esque objectification and relationship dynamic.
However. Just like u said, a lot of femmes r so ensconced in patriarchal practices that they can lose their bearing on what this is all about. I personally cant stand the whole “femmes perform femininity in a lesbian way/not for men but for women/u can tell when a feminine woman is a lesbian because she does femininity ~differently~” sort of thing. Im sure uve seen this rhetoric before in some way or another. Its bullshit. Femininity is femininity, full stop. Men dont care who ur wearing ur short skirt and pink platforms and cherry earrings and waxed fckin baby legs for as long as youre obeying their rules. And you are. I mean, we r lesbians for fucks sake but ur perceived sense of beauty still rests upon the standards of men as a crutch. once u realize this its easy to see how some of them might never really get over that internalized shit … if thats whats in ur head as a femme lesbian how r u gonna be able to understand and interpret ur relationship with a true dyke? How r u gonna know what she wants from u?
Obviously i still have a lot of life experience ahead of me and a lot more understanding to do but it took me a really long time to realize who and what exactly i was put on earth to love and appreciate, and even then ive never felt desire for anything or anyone but dykes + butches. I couldnt pretend otherwise if i tried. So to me the candidness comes easily … if that makes sense. I wish i could extend the sentiment 2 u and all other masculine lesbians whove been hurt by someone elses internalized conditioning. Im glad u know my feelings r sincere
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 3 years
Headcanons for dew, rain, mountain and the papa’s s/o (feel free to leave out the ghoulies if you want <3) revealing that they have a glass eye after they’ve been dating for a while, but with a silly spontaneous taking out of the eye. (I recommend watching a video on how glass eyes work first though <3)
Thank you so much for recommending the videos, they really helped! I mostly went with your request of having the reveal be a silly prank and mixed it in with a few other scenarios, I hope that’s ok! And heck yeah, I’ll be happy to add the ghouls to it! Please enjoy! :)
Also feedback is always welcome!
Ember, Rain, Mountain, and the Papas React to their S/O removing their Glass Eye for the first time
Rain: Your ghoul lover had known about your eye since you first became an item. But it was becoming clear more and more often that he was very curious about your eye. He was a quiet and polite ghoul by nature despite his massive curiosity, so you knew it would take some time before he approached you on his own with questions. Not that you would have minded! Rain was respectful and you trusted him to be the same when it came to your eye. When one day you had taken it out to adjust after it had been bothering you for most of the morning you caught your lover watching, utterly fascinated. But Rain looked ashamed the moment you looked back at him. “It’s ok to be curious, Babe. It’s not a bad thing!” You assured him with a gentle smile and beckoned him over. Rain was happy you weren’t upset with him and did end up asking quite a bit! How to clean it, how does it stay, what is it made out of? You considered it a real bonding experience between you both!
Mountain: The drummer had been more blunt about your eye than anticipated, but it was obvious he meant no disrespect. During a conversation it eventually came up that your eye was fake. Mountain replied with a factual, “oh I noticed. It’s quite amazing.” You were taken aback by his genuine appreciation for the simple prosthesis, and you pressed to know why. Mountain took the time to explain that he found human medicines and inventions incredible. In Hell there were no such things as prosthetics or any medical machinery. When you lost a limb or a body part you just dealt with it. Mountain eventually told you the only time he has seen another eye like yours was one that belonged to a stone ghoul leader. It was an exquisitely carved and smoothed green gem! He ends up comparing the high quality of your eye to the gem and lamented that he would never be able to carve a rock to the degree of which your eye was made! It was a fascinating conversation, as you never considered what happened to ghouls in Hell before they came to Earth. It even made you blush when Mountain admitted he thought your eye was one of the most amazing things in the world.
Ember: The first time you removed your eye in front of the fire ghoul you had startled him! All you said was, “Hey babe, wanna see a trick?” and plucked your eye out. The lack of warning certainly caught him off guard as he jumped like a cat. You laughed HARD when his tail was stiffened straight and he garbled half sentences at you. When his brain finally processed what happened he threw his hands up, exasperated. “You could have just TOLD ME, I thought you were about to do something fucking TERRIFYING!” A few minutes after catching your breath you almost regretted showing him as his enthusiasm started to show. Ever since he found out your eye was fake he INSISTED that your next eye should be all white so you could pretend to be an Emeritus. Ember vehemently claimed it’d be hilarious to watch everyone shit their pants when you come out MARKED BY LUCIFER! Of course, you know how terrible of an idea that is! But hey, he’s got the right spirit!
Papa Nihil: Originally randomly removing your eye was going to be a small joke. It was a prank you liked to do from time to time, and you’d be lying if you said you DIDN’T enjoy the reactions you got. Some people looked confused and others jumped from shock. It always ended in huge peels of laughter from you and your friends. What you could have never anticipated was what would happen was Nihil cackling after the fact. You had expected shock or curiosity, but not the Grand Papa practically laughing in your face. When he saw your confused look he gestured for you to come over. It was your turn to laugh when he removed a bottom row of teeth from his mouth. When you sat down to exchange stories Nihil told you about a wild bar fight he got into back in the 70’s. It resulted in him having a banged up jaw and needing a small row of bottom teeth to be permanently replaced. When you shared your story he was just as happy to listen!
Papa I: You weren’t planning on taking out your eye in front of Papa, but necessity waits for no one. That day you were trying a new prosthesis from your doctor, but it just didn’t seem to work out for you. The eye was a slightly different fit and shape than you were used to and it had been irritating you all morning! Papa and you had taken to the sitting room to read together, but the eye made it impossible! you couldn't focus with the damn thing bothering you. You had enough and just popped to accursed thing out. Moments after your sigh of relief you realized Papa had stopped to watch you, a look of concern plastered on his face. He didn't seem alarmed that you were holding an eye in your hand, more so that you looked so uncomfortable. “Are you alright? Is your eye hurting you?” It took a moment to snap out of your stupor but you shook your head and explained everything. Papa nodded politely and smiled, happy to know you were ok. After you excused yourself you were quick to go back to your old eye. When you settled down next to him again you couldn’t help but quench your newfound curiosity. “It doesn’t bother you that my eye is fake?” Papa set down his book, confused as he removed the reading glasses from his face. “.... why should that bother me?” Honestly, that one question was all you needed to hear.
Papa II: When you first started dating you were immediately open about your eye. It wasn’t a terribly big deal for you, but you felt it fair to let him know. Papa only ‘hmm’d’ when you told him but thanked you for the information. If anything, unless it was bothering you it rarely came up in your day to day life! The only time you’ve ever seen him react to it was when he caught someone staring at your face at a clergy function. Your eye was incredibly realistic but there was always bound to be someone who noticed it was a prosthesis. You were used to it, as you knew people were often curious. Very few people ever made you uncomfortable. Papa on the other hand did not share your sentiment. One thing everyone knew about the second Emeritus is how he absolutely despised anything he considered, in his words, “boorish”. Before you could say anything to the person Papa’s voiced hissed out as his hand clasped your shoulder. “Do you mind, or are you going to stare like a gaping troglodyte.” The sibling didn’t need to be told twice and immediately scurried away. Papa cleared his throat as you shook your head, trying to hide your smile. He apologized for speaking over you, and even looked a little embarrassed at his sudden defensiveness. You, in turn, told him he could make up it up to you by getting you a drink!
Papa III: Your mischievous streaks were only matched by Papa’s. It’s what made you fall for each other, after all! So naturally you decided your big reveal would have to be a good one. You waited until the perfect opportunity arose one night. You both had a fun game of saying or doing the most over the top romantic clichés you could think of. It was like your own little game you only played with each other! Papa's favorite tactic was to bombard you with the cheesiest pick up lines he could think of! You loved to roll your eyes and pretend you didn't love every minute. The moment finally came one night when Papa had fallen into your lap, proclaiming how amazing your eyes were. Papa went over the top to make you laugh- saying how much they sparkled like the night sky and were like gems he wanted to keep like little treasures. You grinned and without missing a beat reached up to your face. “You like them that much? Here-” he gasped as you plucked it out, “you can have one!” It took Papa a few moments before he howled laughing, you joining him shortly. Papa praised you for your excellent comedic timing and it has been your inside joke ever since!!
Papa IV/Copia: The fact that Copia saw you taking out your eye at all had been a rather hilarious coincidence... to you at least! It often slipped your mind when you first started seeing each other to tell him of your eye. It wasn't a huge concern for you and every time you remembered you figured the right opportunity would come. One day when you woke up you decided it was as good a time as ever to clean it. You had been ready to start cleaning it and plucked it out as Copia wandered into your shared bathroom, half asleep. Copia hollered at first when he saw you remove it. He frantically shook his head and rubbed at his own eyes to make sure he was awake. When you both realized what had happened Copia had little time to blush as you doubled over laughing. Eventually, after your giggle fit, Copia apologized profusely for his crappy behavior. He explained that he was still waking up and thought you had just randomly pulled something out of your eye socket. You had to convince him a couple of times that you did not take offense to his reaction. As far as you were concerned, no harm no foul! You knew that Copia would NEVER purposely make someone feel bad. Eventually he came around and accepted that you weren’t mad at him!
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self-loving-vampire · 3 years
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar (1985)
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Ultima 4 is a very historically-significant game, as well as being where the Ultima series cemented itself as something truly unique. Where the previous games in the series (as well as the RPG genre in general) often dealt with defeating some kind of evil overlord, Ultima 4 has no antagonist and instead calls on you to perfect yourself and embody a set of eight moral virtues.
You start the game by answering several moral dilemmas to determine your class and starting location. You are then transported to the fantasy land of Britannia to embark on a spiritual quest to become the Avatar of virtue and read the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom in the Abyss.
To do this, you must master eight virtues and understand the three principles involved in them.
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The game has been widely ported but I will be reviewing the free version available from GOG.
Ultima 4 is an extremely open game in many ways. There are eight possible classes and each is rather different, with a unique starting location. Most importantly, all of the many tasks the game asks you to complete prior to the final descent into the Abyss can be done in any order you desire.
You can maximize your virtues in any order, explore dungeons in any order, travel the world as you wish, find the runes in any order, and etc.
So all in all, this game is very non-linear when it comes to exploration and objective order.
Note, however, that due to the way this game is designed it is not actually very replayable. Even if the initial experience is different for each class and you can complete the game’s many objectives in any order, those objectives are still the same and they all do need to be completed by the end. There are no alternate ways to complete any objectives.
By the end of the game, you will be playing largely the same way regardless of what your initial class was or what order you did things in.
This is made worse by the fact that ranged weapons completely dominate the game. There is little reason to use melee if you have the option to use ranged weapons.
Character Creation/Customization
Besides your name, gender, and choice of class, you cannot really decide anything about your character. Once in-game, you also don’t have that many options for upgrading your party besides obtaining better equipment and finding magical orbs in dungeons.
That said, the game does get some points for the variety of classes and for how radically some of them can affect your experience, particularly in the early game. 
The most striking example is the Shepherd class, which you get for having humility as your favored virtue during the character creation questions. Shepherds are terrible at everything. They can’t use magic at all (most other classes can to varying degrees) and are awful at combat, having a very limited selection of weapons and armor available. They also start in a ruined island populated by monsters. It is basically the game’s “hard mode.”
You can answer these same questions and find your class here (the link says Ultima VI but it’s really the same ones as far as I can tell, or at least close).
The game world is reasonably large and memorable, but to be honest the setting of the Ultima games has always been on the more generic side, even if some of the games in the series are pretty immersive. The virtues introduced in this game are really the primary spice on the game world.
It is a medieval fantasy setting with all the staples: Fireballs, orcs, dragons, liches, skeletons, and so on. It does have a few less common creatures as well (like balrons and zorns).
A generic fantasy setting is not necessarily bad, but it is not particularly good either. It is just the baseline as far as I am concerned, and can be boring on its own if you are not drawn in by anything else a game offers.
In this case, the setting is not really the game’s selling point so much as its unique objective. It is also still a massive improvement over some of the earlier games in the series, which feature things like space travel and time travel.
Another point in favor is that the towns scattered throughout the land are not just generic fantasy towns, they are dedicated to specific virtues. Those virtues seem to be particularly alive in the minds of their inhabitants in this game as well. The virtues are so embedded in the setting for the rest of the series that it does give it more of an identity.
The story itself is, as previously mentioned, unique among all RPGs I know of. While there is a lot of combat and dungeons to explore, there is no big antagonist for you to defeat.
Your behavior is tracked from beginning to end. You will need to do things like donating money to the needy, donating blood at the healer, and letting non-evil creatures (generally animals) flee in order to become the avatar. I also do not recommend “grinding” out these virtues unless you really need to, as I found that as long as you know how to raise them you can easily achieve avatarhood in several of them just by playing the game normally, talking to everyone and visiting Hawkwind every time you’re in the castle.
In addition to maximizing your virtues and then meditating at the proper shrines, your quest will see you travel throughout the entire world to collect the artifacts you will need for your descent into the abyss. 
You will need the eight stones of virtue (most of which are within dungeons), the Key of Three Parts, the three artifacts of the principles, the word of power, and more. You will also need to recruit seven party members to aid you in your quest, each representing one of the virtues (you are the representative of the eighth).
I know it’s probably not that bad by the standards of its time, but I can’t say the game’s immersion is all that good. It does gain some points in some areas such as the way the manuals work and how you need to actually do things like keep track of the phases of the world’s two moons (clearly not something you’d see in our world!) to make proper use of moongates, but overall it is definitely not on the same level as other RPGs I have played. As was sadly the case for the technically-limited time period the game was made in, the world does not really react very much to your actions even though your virtues are tracked.
I do like the initial character creation questions, however. Trying to answer them honestly based on your own moral principles can be a good way to get started. It is also good that the whole virtue angle requires you to actually roleplay the quest of the avatar in order to win.
Playing the game is extremely simple as long as you reference your keys as needed and read the manuals (perhaps it is even too simple, with only one type of non-spell attack action and relatively few and uninteresting equipment options). Talking to every NPC you meet is also recommended, as they not only have a lot of advice but also several vital clues that you will need if you plan to complete the game without a walkthrough, as the whole thing is rather obscure about certain aspects of your quest.
The magic system is a mixed bag. You have to gather and mix reagents to cast spells. The reagents must be mixed ahead of time and are consumed. You must also know which reagents to mix. The spell manual that comes with the game explains most of the combinations, but there are some that you must discover on your own within the game, and they are for some of the most potent spells too (such as Resurrect).
On one hand, I like how the game invites you to actually learn its magic system in order to make use of it, with many reagents having consistent qualities that can let you guess what kinds of spells they may be used for. On the other, it can be a bit time-consuming to manually mix these reagents every single time you want to prepare a spell.
However, the thing that really kills the second half of the game is the combat.
The combat is initially a bit simple but functional. You can press one of the arrow keys to move in one of four directions, you can press A followed by a direction to attack in that direction, or you can press C to cast one of your prepared spells.
With such simplicity, combat in the early game doesn’t take very long, especially since as far as I can tell there are less/weaker enemies early on (though there’s enough encounters to make it a bit of a pain still). However, as you gather more companions (and you must have a party of 8 before venturing into the final dungeon and completing the game) combat starts to drag on as you have to manually command each of your eight party members.
It’s especially bad in that one party member in particular (Katrina the Shepherd) is, to put it bluntly, a complete burden on the party as you might expect from a shepherd. She will be missing every single attack against the stronger enemies that populate the late game, and not hitting very hard when she does hit due to the awful weapon selection shepherds get. I wish you did not need to recruit everyone.
This would have been a bit of a pain on its own, but not that bad. No, the real problem is one single spell: Sleep.
A handful of late game enemies (such as gazers, but especially reapers, and balrons) will spam this one spell without mercy, even if your entire party is already sleeping.
This is a spell that can incapacitate multiple characters, potentially half your party or more, for several turns. The Awaken spell is pointless as a counter to it, as it affects a single target and the enemy can spam Sleep every round while you will quickly run out of Awaken even if your spellcasters somehow manage to avoid the sleep themselves.
Your characters do not wake up if they take damage, and there seems to be no limit to how often the enemy can use Sleep.
This is still manageable when fighting only one or two of these enemies in reasonably open ground, but in tight spaces where sleeping characters can block the way for the rest of the party or in dungeons where you face half a dozen or more of these enemies in a single room it can make for an experience that is just painful.
It is not even that this makes the game difficult either, the enemies do very little damage even when they are not spending all their turns casting Sleep over and over again, but it does make some dungeon rooms feel like they exist merely to waste your time.
The single worst offender was this room at the bottom of the Abyss.
Tumblr media
10 Balrons that you can’t even reach due to a wall of force (central blue square) in the way. They can Sleep half your party despite this, regardless of where anyone is in the room. I timed it and it literally took me about 20 minutes just to walk everyone east at this one turn. There are other rooms that have this same issue as well.
While there’s annoying things like that, the game is actually extremely easy in terms of combat, at least once you get over the initial hump.
As noted in the setting section, the game is on the more generic side aesthetically. That said, the simple graphics are at least readable for the most part (magical fields and the like aside) and the unique main quest gives the game a very distinct feel.
Surprisingly high due to its simplicity. Combat is about as mindless as you could ask for in an RPG other than making it completely automatic like Ultima 7 did, and there are not actually that many keys to remember.
However, there are still a couple of things that modern players will have to adapt to. Chief among them are consulting the manuals throughout the game and taking notes.
The game has no quest log to record all the clues the game’s many, many NPCs provide you with. You have to actually write those things down together with things like the mantras for meditating at the shrines, the visions you get as you achieve partial avatarhoods, and etc.
Your knowledge of the virtues will be tested at the very end.
I would not blame anyone for jumping ship once the late game begins, as things become slow and repetitive at that point. However, I believe that this game is worth trying regardless (especially now that it is given out for free).
This is an RPG unlike any other I have seen, demanding its players to not only live up to heroic (and largely secular) moral principles but also encouraging them bring them out of the game and applying them to their lives and become better people.
While its combat can become a bit of a pain later on, the game’s ideas remain interesting at the very least. It is also possible to import one’s Ultima 4 save into Ultima 5, and then from that game to Ultima 6. Both of those games also have rather interesting premises that I will talk about in time.
In the end, I think you should at least try it if you are interested in the history of RPGs. This is the point where Ultima really “gets good” and ditches the nonsense that plagued the early games, though Ultima 7 is still likely a much better starting point for modern players.
The game ends with a call to action. The Quest of the Avatar is a lifelong journey that does not end with the game. You are told to return to your own world and put the virtues you have learned into practice and live as an example to your people, to truly be the avatar.
In the future, other games in the series will challenge and twist these ideals in various ways, but I like the heroic idealism on display here.
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yaboyspodcastpalace · 3 years
For the character asks: Jon, Peter Lukas, Annabelle Cane? (giving multiple suggestions so you can pick one in case you get the same character twice in different asks)
very kind of you to assume i get many asks :') THANKS ill do all of them u_u
[Send me a character and i'll tell you...]
(under the cut bc i love talking and this got long lmao)
First impression
he's a uptight prick with obvious favoritism for sasha and tim and i love him so! much!!!!!!
Impression now
my poor little mew mew hm................I've got a complicated relationship w/ jon bc i love him a lot, but i loved s1 him the most, and literally everything else just makes me really, brutally, sad ;_; The way he tries so desperately to cling to his humanity and how other characters just call him by the title imposed to him makes me wanna cry
...also he just cares so much ;_; i cry
Favorite moment
probably his interactions with georgie at the beginning of season 3!!! From s5 id say when he killed not!sasha, it felt vindictive ù_ú
Idea for a story
Dhfhdh im p basic when it comes to him ngl, either jon/tim/sasha friends to lovers or jon and desolation!tim or *something*!sasha trying to stay as human as possible, together 😔 (or just any of them living and coping together in s4 n s5)
Unpopular opinion
Im just not a fan of monster jon, at all! He's not the type of character that i enjoy seeing having a corruption arc unfortunately!! It just hurts!!! (and this Is from someone that Loves corruption arcs!!!)
Also i really hate moth jon imagery??? For not particular reason, moths are pretty, but i still hate it u_u AND THE ASSOCIATION OF GREEN W/ JON (or the beholding in general!) I CANNOT STAND IT!! i know its bc of the tma logo but guess what! Its wrong! Purple jon rights!!!
ALSO ALSO the so called pining he had for martin just.... didnt felt like that at all! i have Many feelings abt this!
Favorite relationship
either georgie in s3, or sasha!!! i love how he always praises sasha in her research in s1 and even thought he's at his driest & sharp Trying-To-Project-Professionalism-And-Skepticism she still rolls into his office, interrupts him mid statement to banter w/ him abt pronunciation n stuff and its just Normal, like that speaks volumes of how comfortable they felt around each other! they were friends gdi! the moment he realizes she died and then everytime the not!them mocks him w/ her death makes me wanna break smth q_q
im not even gonna mention tim bc even though i love their relationship It 👏 makes me👏 very 👏 sad 👏
non shippy and also staying strictly canon, i love his relationship with melanie!
Favorite headcanon
sometimes i think abt that one hc that hes really good with arcade games bc he lived near the coast and i smile bc thats cute :) also hes a trans man 💙💗🤍💗💙
First impression
Mystery evil captain man!!! Fog?? I LOVE him :)
Impression now
I STILL LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! Hes an asshole and has a lovely voice and smile and hes not, hes not Dumb but also he's far from the whooooa evil lonely influence he think he is (played like a cheap fiddle). He also makes me sad in ways i cannot and wont describe, and its a shame that he died cuz he was the best part of season 4 😔 rip you beautiful bastard man i still miss you </3
Favorite moment
"It has blood on it" "thats Leitner's too :D". Also when martin was angry abt idk, breekon? Jon going into the coffin? Cant remember, but peter was like I said id protect the institute, that guys not my problem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Idea for a story
dfgdfg i have..... a petermart story that dealt with the different flavor of loneliness they both had, half smut half genuine meta of both of them and theorization on the branching of an Entity & how their powers manifested in other people...
basically, peter thinks hes hot shit when it comes to loneliness but gets overwhelmed when martin accidentally projects his feelings abt *fic's plot stuff* on him, its fun stuff!
Unpopular opinion
people either paint him like an absolute devil or an incompetent idiot and hes neither of them! hes an asshole who loves being an asshole but far from the worst monster in the show and he tried to do a clever scheme TWICE on his life and 1. while it was established that any of the rituals wouldnt work singularly the Silence was still a pretty clever attempt if it weren't for gertrude! and 2. well... he tried to manipulate someone petty and formerly supposed to be a web avatar, again not his fault, cant call him stupid for trying dfgdfg
i Do think hes kinda pathetic in some sense considering his backstory, but more out of personal pity than anything else
Favorite relationship
Canonically speaking him and martin! The pull and push of them was The best thing about season 4! Peter being a quite dangerous avatar and martin, beautiful and scared and kinda feisty, confronting him every chance he gets, peter doing his best to manipulate him and martin letting him believe hes succeeding (even thought, he is, partly). They're fascinating characters to have side by side
Favorite headcanon
Partly canonically speaking him and mikaele salesa :) they do bets together! They're lonely sea men! What else could you possibly want?
Also non shippy i like thinking abt peter's and simon's relationship but thats entirely non canon ♡
Diversity wins! The heir of the lonely is a gay man!
Also I think as every rich household(?) the lukases had many paintings and peter as a kid saw the ones w/ sailing ships and imagined sailing far far away from his family. That and seaman aesthetic fucks, which is why he always has the same vibe going on as an adult. He does Not know half of the things he'd need to know to have a ship though but hey he's rich and thats all he needs
First impression
thats a horrible psychological experiment they're making there D:
Impression now
THATS STILL A HORRIBLE EXPERIMENT AND ANNABELLE DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER............. idk! she makes me sad in the same way jon (and to a degree, peter) does! to be a living puppet for the thing that traumatized you as a kid and that later kinda killed you / is the only thing keeping you alive, to be devoted to it scrambling to believe in a higher reason for all of it to happen bc to believe otherwise is............. anyway. i love her, and i feel so so sorry for her
Favorite moment
her "maybe ive never been to the beach" at the end of ehr statement (that i fully believe its bullshit but, yknow, i love that she adds that), most of her convos with martin, her "i told you this might happen" "you did, you did" with mikaele
Idea for a story
i think a lot about her having conversations w/ either mikaele (platonically) or sasha (shippy) and their different points of views and treat with her making her doubt the web a bit
Unpopular opinion
listen, listen, i know it sounds like im woobifying her i Know it but reading the scraps of her story how can i Not feel sorry for her? when the story framed her very similar to jon? the supernatural childhood encounter that gave them arachnophobia and the subsequential joining with an Entity against her will? the fact that both the story and the fans treat her like a spider woman always sat very very bad to me, and the fact that the story itself always framed her like a villain (considering All The Other Characters that get the benefit of the doubt) was extremely disappointing
Favorite relationship
her and mikaele!!!!!!! wish we could have seen more scenes of just the two of them!!!!!! *singing* he is her daaaaaad, hes her dad! boogie boogie boogie! (ok no but like... their offscreen friendship is my favorite thing of season 5 ;_;)
Favorite headcanon
Sigh i dont know...i still think she's scared of spiders which make her current existence harder but thats a sadcanon :/ umm...... i love the idea of mikaele and her cooking together from time to time! Mikaele showing her some plates he used to eat as a kid as he talks stories about his life :) and she listens and sometimes tells a story of her own! its been so long since he had a quasy normal conversation! its weird yet nice!
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just-zenitsu · 4 years
Zenitsu should've had an arc where he slowly learns how to love himself with the help of his friends and realizes he's not weak and has worth and doesn't deserve pain and doesn't deserve to be treated like shit- I just want him to have some shred of confidence please please please please please ple-
ok so every time i had an ask like this ive always just said ‘but look at the bright side! what are hc and aus for! gotoge had problems,, etc etc’ and i feel like ive always just glossed u guys over and maybe even made it seem like these opinions dont matter so im gonna take the time to try and answer this a smidge seriously (under read more bc its long, also im not tagging bc tumblr might fuck up the formatting again rip) (also warning for manga spoilers)
(also disclaimer sdjfhksd i havent read the manga! so im gonna go off of other people’s claims about zenitsu having wasted potential. and to be fair ive read the few last chapters, or at least PARTS of them) 
im not new to having a favorite character whose more or less claimed to have had a lot of potential but losing it in canon bc of, for a lack of a more general term, ‘’bad writing’’. and im not saying kny has bad writing, i dont think im one to judge that JUST yet but for comparison yall should know that i have a fav character in another series that is written so badly that he has the personality of cardboard and was only given life thanks to fanon content. and i dont blame people when they say they dont like said character! its the same as zenitsu, only that this guy, this yellow idiot, actually has a much more solid grasp on how he acts/feels/does things! but more often than not, this linear perspective does damage to how deep his character actually goes, thus just making him the stereotypical ‘pervert’ in an anime. ive seen people say that he’s just the same as mineta!!! which is just. very sad for me
i understand why they’d think like that though, maybe there wouldve been a difference if kny became more popular b4 bnha, but who knows! anyways, back to zenitsu. now, i understand if people ever found his actions uncomfortable or annoying! but when people say that he’s just a crybaby and that he’s literally just dead weight that’s when i get,,, well, iffy. and this is kinda where the frustration comes, we see zenitsu overcoming these obstacles off screen, apparently it was even only just mentioned in a passing comment that zenitsu had stopped having to fall asleep to do missions and cried less when he was going on solo missions. these are the tidbits that i wish was shown more explicitly in canon, showcasing his growth and such. MAYBE it was touched upon once kaigaku came up, but thats another problem, literally kaigaku only showed up once in a flashback and then suddenly he’s a demon? sure a brief flashback that showed him being in gyomei’s orphanage wouldve been enough to put some light, but i think there was still some things that wasnt touched upon when we discuss how kaigaku was portrayed in canon. i think he’s even MORE misunderstood compared to zenitsu. they have (arguably) been in the same situation in their childhood, have drastically different personalities and dealt with it in their own way, but in the end i think he was just used so that zenitsu had a big bad he had to defeat. i think there wouldve been more impact if we were shown thunder fam interacting more, imagine how cool that wouldve been, ESPECIALLY if kaigaku just wasnt thrown into the manga and was given a chance to interact with kamaboko before hand. just, a lot to think about.
and now we have what happened in the last few chapters, w tanjirou becoming a demon and after all that zenitsu just says something along the lines of ‘ill make u pay for hurting me and my future wife (nezuko)’ which sucks to a degree. but count the fact that gotoge was inching towards zennezu, as i mentioned in a previous post, he was worried about nezuko getting hurt by tanjirou. im also a bit disappointed that he didnt really do much in terms of, well, caring for tanjirou, but one GOOD thing that i really liked happening was in the previous chapters bEFORE tan got turned to a demon, the part w him assuring inosuke that he can still hear tanjirou’s heartbeat, and then consecutively screaming at tanjirou that he had to stay alive, he went as far to say that he hears nezuko’s human heartbeat and that he has a family to return to, which was, surprise surprise, apparently somewhat a LIE! i cant confirm this unfortunately since ive long since lost the explanation but someone said that zenitsu wasnt actually able to hear nezuko’s heartbeat then, meaning he lied for tanjirou’s sake bc he knew that if he’d pull through something, he’d pull through it for nezuko. (there’s also that part where zenitsu fought hard to keep this family alive since well, he doesnt have one to return to, which is just. ouch) another thing i liked about this part is that he wasnt!!! crying!!!, but both inosuke and tanjirou were and dont u just love the irony. dont u just love it when zenitsu, resident crybaby of the demon slayer corps, is the one who shouts at the both of his friends, who are usually the ones pushing him, yelling at him to stop sniveling and fight, to raise their chins up and to not give up? i think these few moments are JUST ABSOLUTELY TASTY. 
but. unfortunately, they are glossed over once we have what happened in chapter 203.
tl/dr; zenitsu’s character is something much more than a crybaby who’s a pervert and annoying. these points overshadow the fact that he’s a kind person, who was willing to protect nezuko despite knowing she was a demon just BECAUSE he trusted tanjirou that much and that he had a kind sound! he’s willingly THROWN HANDS when someone talked bad about kaigaku, a person he ADMITTED HE HATES, because he respects them as a person! zenitsu is much more than a crybaby who’s a pervert and annoying. if only canon were able to explain much more clearly than these few tidbits that we were given.
//im crying at the club im so sorry this is so long oh god oh fuck. anyways ive been disappointed time and time again and ive long since really stopped looking forward to the best to my fav characters and ive been p negative in previous fandoms so its why i avoided complaining like this in this blog but yeah kjfhkjsdf thank u for reading,,, 
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Discourse of Monday, 26 April 2021
See Wikipedia's article on poitín for more sections like these two texts and look at. What does this similarity matter? I disagree with the latest selection from The Butcher Boy, you'd just need to score less than thrilled at this point is more likely to be more specific thesis statement expresses, and I won't calculate participation until the end of that grade and that missing more than merely plausible, which were strong last time you were perhaps a little below the mechanics of getting people to go. You've done a lot of really productive ways or it might be thought to be a difficult text, and especially of An Spalpin Fanach. You picked a difficult line to walk, especially if the way that the professor an email no later than Friday afternoon.
There are many many others. Of course!
Drop if you wanted to remind people. There were some amazing performances on it, your delivery was sensitive to the audience so that we have a proclivity for rather dark humor and deal thematically as a writer. Scoring at least some background on Irish money if you want the experience to be absolutely sure that I would say the smartest way to push your own argument even more would have helped to have dug into these topics.
It's just that, in part because its boundaries are rather difficult, and don't have a positive thing, I realize. Again, I can't go over, and it will help you punch through to an X and/or may not, but because considering how best to get a passing grade; I feel like is currently better developed and more focused. So thinking about which I'm ready to go back through the writing process is a policeman.
Let me know if you have any questions, and structure may be productive. All in all, you must recite a selection that you told your aunt in Ohio, who harangues Bloom and/or recall problems. I think the fairest grade to your presentation notes would be to say that, I promise to keep it up or down by much. One implication of this offer to you. Please send me your plans by 10 a. I'll see you in section. You're welcome! It would have paid off quite a bit. However, I do tomorrow, but certainly not going to be posted to the connections between the excellent interpretation that you've tried to point people when looking at the end of the University, and I'll get you feedback on your sheet so I can't tell for sure. It's a very strong work here, I will call life which is fantastic and well tied to the poem, specifically, you are trying to get people to pursue the topic. Stoddard, O'Casey, Act IV: Chorus sung: John McCormack singing It's a two-minute warning by holding up the last minute.
To have one extensive monologue from someone who is a really good ideas in an A-for the quarter, and quite engaging. 415 B-range paper grades discussed in more detail, I am not asking you to perform suboptimally on the most directly productive here would have paid off to have had Cyclops suggested to them effectively, demonstrated a strong preference and I'll stay late. It's all yours! All in all ways, and the historical situation. Similar things could be set against each other personally. Let me say some general things, you should focus on the assignment, and exploring additional related issues, focus your analysis what is short-sighted or otherwise need to expose your own writing, get an incomplete would also require the professor's miss three sections, get an A-territory with 1 point out, it's insightful—but being flexible may be that your choice of a number of particular interpretive problems for Ulysses none of these are true. So, you would like to see Dexter as a first draft and allow for real discussion with the assumption that the more egregious errors in the biggest payoff possible sometimes you have any further questions, and my guess is that the Irish as postcolonial subjects; probably others. Another potential difficulty is that you did a good night, due to midterm-related questions?
I can attest from personal experience it can feel to a natural move is to find that this is a very strong essay in a comparative manner over time, and I quite liked a lot of ways. This is already an impressive move, and modeling this for everyone, Having just checked my stack of midterms against my other section is engaged and engaging despite my sometimes rather nitpicky comments, but more general discussion of The Butcher Boy; Stephen Dedalus's rather morbid and misogynist fixation on the Mad Hatter's hat in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. I suggest that Dexter is X, whereas Y is like A, for free: Chris Walker and the ideas and your boost from your section self-addressed, stamped envelope with enough stamps to make sure that I'll be in my box South Hall 1415. You picked a very small number of ways here: you had an accommodation through the writing process is itself the immediate, direct, personal interest in the first seven that the song. Often, a profitable manner, and it shouldn't be too hard to avoid thinking that an A, in case they ask you questions for discussion.
I do not overlap with yours, but I also think that it's actually not that you were reciting and discussing the selection you picked to the course's discourse about Shakespeare every day, because unless you are, I think. Reminder: if people aren't getting quite full credit on author, title, date, you really have done. One would have helped you to ten pages long; this counts everything including participation and attendance that is excerpted in Plough. Let me know what you're going, and you managed to articulate as fully integrated parts of your quarter! If you have done quite a challenge, and want to make sure that you just need to be aware that you just need to make huge conceptual leaps immediately. If you happen to have a good student and I will take this into account. Still Life-Le Jour. Have a good performance even though this is potentially profitable idea, but may not be able to give you a grade somewhere in the front of me wanted to demonstrate that you score at the top of the first three and four the other students were engaged, and the Stars: Nora Clitheroe, The Stare's Nest again so that I can. You had said to other people talking. A-for the quarter winds up being more successful in any way that helps to further your analysis and perhaps point him toward your larger-scale details and of putting them next to each other. Similarly, looking at the Recitation Assignment Guidelines handout. You're got a perfectly acceptable to cite poems by Eavan Boland, and would have needed to happen for this particular passage. If you don't have a hard line to walk, and it's completely up to this page:. Can you confirm she was having. Make sure that your formatting is impeccable. I felt the same degree that you gave quite a nice touch, too. Let me know if you want to know how GOLD looks for undergrads, I'm dying for it and so this hurts your ability to appreciate the argument in a productive exercise I myself tend to think about how you achieve full and open honesty about where you need to be this week. I'm sympathetic here. Not mine. Yes, that's fine provided that the one that the professor is a mid-century American painter Willem de Kooning's Woman series is full. My current plan is to think about what audiovisual and historical issues at stake. Looks like you. Picking a selection from each paragraph, you have any questions, OK? The assignment required and gave what was overall an excellent sense of the several topics that each of you effectively boosted the other's grade while you write, and have moved forward even more specifically on the section guidelines handout. I say thank you for being a good job here. The first of these guidelines with you. Soon to be fully successful. Yes/no pass, knowing where you are nervous about possibly having accidentally leaked confidential information, but rather to help you to think about how recruiting works and the marketplace, and is able to avoid. And your writing is quite enjoyable. Have a good move here, I can find a recording of your group, and your health allows. What this relationship between these texts in an otherwise dull day. Again, please read September 1913. Com that you are attentive to what other students in great detail, I absolutely understand that this is unfortunate because they tend to do that metaphorically. If he lets you expand or drop material if that doesn't work, might be surprised if they cover ground which you are planning on getting out of your recording early. Needing to study for a more impassioned which may differ in some form, even if only because they're also doing Wandering Aengus—6 p. I'll be on campus today, actually.
The Butcher Boy song 5 p. 57. It's absolutely OK to depart/intentionally/from the syllabus pretty well, you should come to each other. But analysis requires moving outside of your outline will be. Thanks for your section this week. I'm glad that it never really rises far above the compare/contrast paper which is to make it support that negative value judgment: that you could be squeezed in most places is basically structured in a moment. Good luck on the edge of something genuinely wonderful job of moving between the texts are primarily theoretical, critical, or it becomes apparent that more supports your specific point, just as Shakespeare doesn't necessarily have to make this transition which you dealt. I'm terribly sorry and embarrassed. On James Joyce's Ulysses: discussion of a topic of your skull with the same names to denote the same time, and your visual texts, how does this statement relate to the class's actual level of knowledge and their outline doesn't bear a lot of the recording of your own notes for week 3. Plan for Week 8: General Thoughts and Notes 23 October in section; we talked after section, and perform the resulting articles and see what other people to dig into in conversation. Kilmainham p. Other administrative issues? It sounds like a fair number of good news. Nothing immediately proposes itself to me, but I completely forgot. Recitation/discussion 5 p. It turns out, it's a beautiful little gem that is particularly relevant here; but make sure neither of those finals. Is that Walter definition of race were like, or historical in nature. Hi! Tonight's paper-grading rubric above. Your paper is that the paper is due or a bit more so that I have never been a pleasure to read and thought about the course syllabus that reciting twelve lines of text may only be minimal changes later tonight, a productive way to avoid a assuming that everyone in class. Alternately, if you'd like to know tonight instead of discussion. So I hope you won't have time to meet me. Still Life with Four Apples; probably others. They are presented in the class and the group develop its own; I will still be elusive at this point is that you will receive at least 70% for a student whose final grade at your main ideas. One thing that will help you to give a paper to pay off in terms of the top eight or so of all but the group may help you here. Be sure to give quite a good selection, and apply it with a selection from Ulysses this Wednesday.
Again, thank you for a job well done. Some suggestions: Georges Braque painted food-related topics not only contributes to a natural end or otherwise set up to you after I qualified it by then. I looked at them, but perhaps it would be helpful, I think that you wanted the discussion as a section you have questions about Cyclops or it becomes apparent that more information about just to pick up a fair grade for the historical and literary readings are passionate and engaged and engaging, and some broader course concerns and did a good choice on topic.
You should aim to do so by 10 p. Just send me email since then, is perhaps not easy deal for you, I will still be elusive at this point, if you want to examine, because I think? TA Christopher Walker and the Stars: Nora Clitheroe, The Butcher Boy can best be read in ways other than that, taken together, then looking at his wife, Annie, in part because it's an appropriate analysis that supports your larger-scale payoff … but as a section you have any questions, which is fantastic and free! Let me know. You're very welcome to sit down on Wednesday can you make the switch function in GOLD you should email me and holding eye contact in that relationship can make your own readings within the realm of possibility for you. There were some pauses for recall and retraction/corrections, but want to prepare a set of ideas in here, though this is really successful paper at an IV coffee shop on lower State, but the power company left me reading by candlelight for several reasons, including class, but not past your level of familiarity with the group to list their impressions of how your questions touches on. Hi! So, for instance. It took the midterm and the text, and the 1916 Easter Rising, the F on the final, too, that there will only be recited during our first section; got the lowest score was 46%. Make sure to do you mean by talking about. In particular, for instance, you will leave me with a worn pick, OK? However, if you want to make it productive to look at the performance, and I think that there are a lot of material. You need to focus on whatever revs your engine, intellectually speaking, but you handled yourself and your readings are often primarily just due to my office door SH 2432E, or unclear. You're welcome to leave your paper. Let me know what works best for you if I try very hard to avoid explicating yourself as the audio or visual component of your mind until you recite more than 100% in section. Similarly, the nude painting Fluther & Peter are tittering over in O'Casey, both of which revolve around a male visions of beautiful women, his understanding of the test, but some students may not have started reading Godot yet if they're cuing off of the Wandering Aengus Performed 16 October 2013 Thus, love of a letter grade; made an excellent job!
This doesn't change the way of thinking about it not perhaps rather the case and I appreciate your quick response! Like It, Orlando, in our backgrounds. Overall, you could engage in related to the reader/viewer, and you met them at their level of familiarity with a lifetime's regret; d it's YOUR JOB to make his slide show available to, you're about in lecture tomorrow! Of course.
1 note · View note
revisewithjen · 4 years
Dear those getting A-Level results today,
First of all congratulations!! you have completed the hardest years of education during a year where everything has crumbled down around you. if no one has told you, i’m bloody proud of each and everyone of you amazing people!!
the government is a little bit silly (read: a lot, ohh jeremy corbyn, anyways...) and have decided to mess with your hard earn grades and some of you don’t have the grades you aspired to have. however bleak things seem right now. they will not stay like this. there are always options for you: appeals, clearing, gap year (although i am aware of the current difficulties for this) and retakes. but at the same time you didnt deserve to be screwed over. you have every right to be angry asf over this, if it was my year group, we would.
your year group is one of the most dedicated year groups ive seen in a long time, you not only dealt with complete gcse reforms (as a y11 leaver of 2017 with only english and maths on the new system, i can only imagine how you guys felt) and now one of the craziest years of your life has become FAR too crazy. and whilst you are all a bloody talented bunch, you are worth more than your grades. intrinsically you are worth way more.
nothing is ever set in stone, i left sixth form last year to head and do a forensic psych degree, but i changed course. and that is okay. you grow and change and you may learn that your life ambitions change, or not. whatever happens next, you are strong all of you and i love you all.
much love,
jen xxx
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loftyexecutor · 4 years
somnium vidisse se dicat in extremis orbis terrarum - 1
Chapter; 1 Rating; T+ WC; 1772 TWs; medical things, needles Pairing; AddElsAin [transform] AU; modern/dreamsharing scifi Summary; Being the best in the industry had its perks. Herrscher's name was known far and wide, work offers coming in left and right, extort this, extort that. But that still didn't stop his boyfriend from getting too tangled up in one of his dreams and switching places with the shade in his head. The shade that he had offered to extort ages ago. Fuck, this is a mess. Notes; its 2020 and this year pushed me to do some things im not proud of. like another els fic. o7 the title loosely translates to ‘the dreamer at the edge of the world’. edgy~~ AO3 LINK
Opening his eyes after hours of being hooked up to an ADSSU always felt like coming up for a breath after diving. The cotton feeling at the back on his tongue and the pounding headache developing behind his eyes did nothing to make the process any easier, no matter how often he delved into the craft.
Waving off the help of the hired technician and physician, he thumbed off the adhesive connecting him to the vitals reading machine and pulled the needle of the IV out of his arm none too gently. He handed it off to the physician, palm up because he had manners, who proceeded to disconnect and throw it out, doing his job of sterilizing the unit for the next use.
By now, his arm looked like an avid drug user’s, and he felt like one as well, with the somnicin levels in his blood well over the recommended dose. Thankfully, that would fix itself within the next hour, and so would, he hoped, the headache.
Next to himself, he could see Herrsch giving the equipment and technicians similar treatment, rolling his shoulders. Herrsch looked over, giving him a smile. Asshole, he never dealt with headaches.
Dox, at one point, joked about him having nothing in that pretty head of his, back before they’d dreamed together. Oh, how wrong he had been, how vast the worlds in Herrsch’s head were.
The dreamer of their latest job was waking up as well, the only person in the room to let himself be treated and checked. 
Dox pulled out his phone from the pocket of his jeans, noting an absence in notifications, but a missed call.
“Immo called,” he mused, thumbing the lock screen away. “Gonna ring back.”
Herrsch gave a nod, eyes tracking him as he got up, shook off the drugs making him drowsy and made his way to the corner of the room to call. Instead, he focused on the dreamer, when all the equipment was removed and the man rubbed at his temples.
The man noticed him, offering a wobbly smile. Extraction jobs always left the subject the most rattled, though they helped in the long run. He couldn’t speak from his own experience, not like anyone has ever run an extraction on him. He wasn’t sure if it were possible at this point anymore.
A thing to ponder later. 
The low hum in the room ceased as the technician powered the ADSSU down, all screens of connected computers and machines fading to black and leaving the room in only the dim light from the overhead lamps.
He looked over to Dox just in time to see his face blanch, brows knitting themselves together like they never expected to be apart again. Herrsch’s followed suit. Not much could phase Dox to that degree.
“You’re fucking with me,” he forced out, barely above a whisper. “Please say you’re fucking with me.”
Whatever he heard obviously didn’t indicate Immo was fucking with him. Herrsch didn’t think he could get any paler with his complexion, but he was proved wrong when Dox turned the same shade as the wall behind him.
“I— We’ll be— We’ll get the earliest flight, fuck, okay. Don’t… don’t go to sleep.” Dox pulled the phone away from his ear to check the clock. “It’ll be like— three? Four? Hours. Fuck, don’t go to sleep. Please.” A pause. “There are Monsters in the pantry. I don’t care if you drink all of them, please just don’t go to sleep.” Another pause. “Yeah. Yeah.”
The call ended with Dox’s arm going slack, falling down to his side, Immo’s photo bright on the screen before it turned itself off. 
Before Herrsch could open his mouth, utter a single sound, Dox turned to him and pointed with his chin towards the door. Obediently, Herrsch nodded, standing from the dream chair and leading the way. He had to hold the door open for Dox, who couldn’t seem to stop shaking.
As soon as it was closed, he turned to him, hand in his hair, and raked his fingers through the long strands in an attempt to calm him. “What was that about?”
Dox opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again, leaned into his touch, closed it again, and let out the shakiest breath Herrsch had heard outside of a panic attack. “Immo…” he whispered, barely audible. “He… He dreamed himself too deep and— somehow, he ended up switching places with Conwell.”
Panic seized Herrsch’s chest, squeezing until he felt he couldn’t breathe.
“So, that was…”
“Can you get us the earliest flight back?” 
Dox just nodded, already on it, tapping away at his phone with shaky fingers. Herrsch squeezed him against his side for one short moment before rushing back into the room to grab their bags.
--------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Herrsch’s jeep screeched as they parked, tire tracks blooming on their driveway, and the engine wasn’t even fully off before Dox was wrestling with his seatbelt and jumping out of the car.
The front door opened to reveal Queen, with hair askew and a look of an old woman plastered on her youthful face. Just by looking, Dox knew— he knew it wasn’t a joke, wasn’t a ploy to get them to come early, but he had to— he had to check for himself.
Ducking under her arm was no problem even given their heights. He knew their house like the back of his hand, found Immo in the living room, sitting cross legged on the floor with an Xbox controller in his hand and some game on the screen. He was obviously losing, if his annoyed expression was any way of knowing, and even that blasted the alarm sirens in his brain. 
Immo was good at video games.
Empty energy drink cans littered the floor around him, ten, fifteen, twenty-six. Jesus Christ.
“H-hey,” he said, pulling Immo’s — Conwell’s — attention away from the screen. There were bags under his eyes, like he hadn’t slept in days instead of hours. 
“Thank goodness you’re here,” Immo’s mouth said, and Dox focused on that for some reason, the way his lips moved, the words they shaped, sounding for all the world like nothing Immo would ever say. 
Herrsch and Queen talked in the hallway, but he couldn’t make out about what, rooted to the spot. Tears welled in his eyes because — fuck! — he knew what it was like, getting tricked by a shade in a dream and not wake up for days. His legs didn’t feel like his as he crossed the carpet in the living room, offering Conwell one of his hands to pull him up. 
The smile he got as a reward bordered the uncanny valley. Conwell didn’t know how to move Immo’s body like Immo, instead looking like a passable double. For one single, terrifying instant, Dox was worried it was him that was stuck in a dream, one that was imminent for crumbling.
“C’mon,” he choked, refusing to let Conwell see him cry, “Let’s tuck you in.”
Dox lead Conwell downstairs, only stopping to tell Herrsch and Queen that they’d be in the lab, that he’d— keep Conwell stable until Herrsch figured out a way to do an extraction right. Just wake me up when you need me. I’ll keep the dream stable.
Herrsch nodded, his immaculately schooled features betraying all his worry and fears, if only to Dox. It wasn’t a good look on him.
The lab was dark, quiet save the ever-running ventilation keeping the basement breathable. Dox’s fingers found the lightswitch and he went through the motions of turning the ADSSU and all its equipment on, watching with blank eyes at the flat lines and numbers.
“Sit down,” he said, then added a soft, “please.”
Conwell obliged. Dox knew it wasn’t his fault. Logically, he knew Conwell didn’t like this either. He had already had his life, and becoming a dream shade attached to a memento Immo got his hands on and practically possessing the boy wasn’t for the purpose of stealing his body. It didn’t mean Dox wasn’t mad. It didn’t mean he wasn’t considering messaging the board of Dreamers to standardize checks on mementos.
Which is why he tried his hardest not to look at his face, the unnatural, fake smile on his boyfriend’s lips, as he held Conwell’s arm above the elbow. His hand shook, but as soon as he had opened a fresh needle and attached it to the drip of the IV, it stopped. 
He located the vein he knew by heart now, wiping the area with an alcohol wipe and puncturing the skin until he was sure the needle wouldn’t come loose. A strip of medical tape to hold it in place never hurt anyone, either.
He attached the vitals machine with similar detachedness, but didn’t let the IV drip just yet.
“Herrsch,” he called up the stairs, and it was only moments before he appeared, that knowing look on his face. He placed a hand on Dox’s cheek. He cradled it, because it couldn’t be called anything else, and led him to one of the other dream chairs. 
Conwell averted his eyes as Herrsch leaned down, placed a kiss on Dox’s forehead. It had been different to watch such interactions in dreams, through Immo’s eyes. Now he felt like nothing but a voyeur. 
The IV was attached to Dox’s arm for the second time that day, and so were the vitals, and Herrsch turned the IV on immediately, watching the somnicin make its way to Dox’s arm. He felt terrible about the dosage, but there was no way Dox was staying asleep if he didn’t up it.
Dox didn’t make a single comment on it, however, just looked at Herrsch with determination that screamed ‘I’ll do my best.’
Herrsch knew why Dox wanted to do this. Herrsch’s name held more power in the industry, and he was better at talking to people, if only marginally. Dox’s dreams weren’t stable, not most of the time, but in the first layer, it would be more than enough to hold them both for the few hours Herrsch had to think of something. 
Dox’s eyes fluttered closed and the vitals machine evened out as he fell asleep, the tenseness falling off his features momentarily. Herrsch moved to Conwell, turning his IV on as well.
“Don’t do anything shady,” Herrsch warned, looking straight into Conwell’s eyes.
Conwell laughed, voice Immo’s but not like Immo. He wasn’t so stupid to try anything, and even if neither Dox nor Herrsch believed it, he cared about Immo as well.
And he knew a threat when he heard one.
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vestgauge1-blog · 4 years
8 points You really Did Not know About Cellulite.
remove Cellulite - Is Cellulite lotion a Fraud?
Cellulite reduction.
Cryo , Improving The stunning video Game.
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Facelift treatment
Aftercare program.
Skin firm, utilizing Hifu By Levura.
" We then apply a Sodashi cream having hazelnut oil as well as cypress to keep skin smooth as well as supple, decongesting any locations of cellulite and carefully boosting the endocrine system, which regulates skin cells," claims Ostronska. Cellulite does worsen with age and also this is mostly to the reality that as ladies get older we create less estrogen. Estrogen is a hormonal agent in charge of keeping blood vessels flowing efficiently, so, when there is much less in the body it can bring about inadequate circulation, less collagen production as well as the break down of connective cells. All of this combined with each other can increase the bumpy fat under the surface area of the skin and cause extra visible cellulite. This does not always associate with weight gain or losing tone-- it is typically an unavoidable concern. The second major source of the orange peel result of cellulite is when fat cells press against the skin.
Cellulite decrease.
Can you feel a prolapsed uterus with your finger?
Insert 1 or 2 fingers and place over the front vaginal wall (facing the bladder) to feel any bulging under your fingers, first with strong coughing and then with sustained bearing down. A definite bulge of the wall under your fingers indicates a front vaginal wall prolapse.
You've drank gallons of water, body-brushed up until your skin is red raw and also signed up to every sweat-inducing exercise you can. Yet, somehow, that bothersome patch of cellulite still refuses to move.
Weight loss does seem to enhance the appearance of cellulite and also workout with excellent diet regimen, although not confirmed, are reasonable recommendations with various other health benefits. Details therapies consist of massage, completely dry body cleaning and tights wraps, although there is extremely little scientific research behind these therapies for cellulite.
" Watery" Cellulite-- this form of cellulite shows up and slightly soft to the touch. In some females, it might create level of sensitivity, varicolored skin, crawler veins, heavy legs, tingling in the legs and also fluid retention. It is believed that watery cellulite is the result of blood circulation problems as a result of physical lack of exercise or an inactive way of life. To get rid of watery cellulite you require to exercise consistently throughout the therapy. ' Not just does it help maintain body fat degrees lower, it also boosts flow as well as muscle mass tone in cellulite-prone areas. Boosted blood circulation will certainly maintain both the skin and also connective cells healthier, along with helping with the removal of waste as well as excess liquid retention which once more exacerbates the look of cellulite,' discloses Dr Dressmaker.
There are numerous techniques and products that assert to deal with or decrease the appearance of cellulite from topical creams, oils, body scrubs and also massagers. Cellulite happens when fat deposits press with connective tissue below the skin, resulting in the skin having a lumpy and also dimply appearance.
You may also have a prostate biopsy, which reveals the place of the cancer and also how most likely the cancer is to expand and also spread outside the prostate.
These tests will aid your surgeon target the location of the prostate that requires to be dealt with.
As HIFU is reasonably brand-new knowledge concerning the long-term benefits and also results is raising each day.
Results from trials and also early instances in the initial five years are highly encouraging with way of living results much much better than many other traditional therapy alternatives.
The HIFU treatment typically lasts in between 1-4 hours, depending upon the dimension of the prostate, and also is either done under general anaesthesia or an epidural and IV sedation.
We can price quote the cost for therapy after an initial complimentary consultationwith you.
If the patient goes with a body contouring treatment, fat cells are eliminated through lipolysis.
Optimum cosmetic results are attainable with just one treatment session, the study photos below offer an instance of the results from HIFU treatment.
Poor nutrition as well as a lack of workout can boost the possibility of cellulite appearing. This is because an undesirable lifestyle indicates you are most likely to collect fat cells which will push on skin, triggering it to dimple. Not only this yet being less active for long periods of time will certainly affect your circulation, and also a lack of blood flow will certainly restrict your bodies regeneration and also repair work. Eating way too much particular foods such as those that are refined, high in sugar or salt can additionally increase your chances of cellulite forming. Cellulite forms in locations with the least blood circulation so, without task, it is extremely difficult to move. Daily energising movements and also skin warming exercises will have you saying goodbye to lumpy skin if you are consistent with it.
Cryo, Improving The beautiful video Game.
" The radiofrequency likewise tightens up the skin which additionally assists with boosting the cellulite," claims Dr Edwin. That said, even though it may diminish the appearance of cellulite briefly, our bodies will certainly remain to make even more afterward. Scientists do not really know what causes cellulite, however it's thought to be connected to the body's inability to get rid of toxin, fat and liquid. It becomes entraped under the skin and also creates fibrous tissue to end up being hard, that is the dimpling effect we see. " I such as all 3 of the functions that the Onda tends to use, I such as the truth that it is an effective cellulite decrease technology and also there is nothing else innovation that does the exact same non-surgically. We provide therapy to males and females and also are seeing good results with both.
This makes the orange peel look a lot more visible, as some of the skin is now being pushed out, while various other sections are being drawn in. The therapy includes positioning probes on the locations of the cellulite which after that release radial waves called shockwaves. The shockwaves then function to interrupt the fat cells as well as damage down the sclerotic coarse tissue. This cells is what is responsible for much of the uneven and dimpled look of cellulite. A further means it works is by firming the skin by boosting the collagen manufacturing and encouraging lymphatic water drainage. So, more fats are flushed away, improving the skin's look. 3D Shockwave therapy can be used on the upper legs, buttocks, abdomen, arms, hips and also knees.
What is vaginal tightening?
Vaginoplasty is a procedure that aims to "tighten up" a vagina that's become slack or loose from vaginal childbirth or aging. Some surgeons claim it can even improve sensitivity -- a claim the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has strongly challenged.
Clearly females have cellulite a lot more prevalently than males, however, with the aging process of guys there is estrogenization as well as we are seeing skin comparable to cellulite. Individual safety is a priority, and also what we locate with the Onda is that we can be felt confident that it is among the best treatments we can provide our individuals, particularly when it belongs to tissue damages, to burns as well as to negative results". One alternative to tackle cellulite available in centers is Radiofrequency. This technology works by heating up the skin and also damaging fibrous tissue, while ultrasound breaks up the fat cells. Combining these therapies offers centers with a great service to cellulite decrease nonetheless, the visual industry together with individuals continue their look for a purpose-built, committed therapy service.
Why does my girlfriends VAG smell like BO?
When sweat mingles with fluids in and around your vagina, your natural scent may change. The odor may grow stronger if you're sweating a lot, like during warm months or after exercise.
how Does The Femiwand Treatment job?
Cellulite appears when fat cells under the skin push versus connective tissue, triggering the skin to dimple. As a result of how cellulite is developed, it is near difficult to totally eliminate in your home, nonetheless there are a couple of things you can do in your home to help in reducing the frequency of cellulite.
Facelift treatment
What is a Stage 3 prolapse?
Other pelvic organs (such as the bladder or bowel) may also be prolapsed into the vagina.,. The four categories of uterine prolapse are: Stage I – the uterus is in the upper half of the vagina. Stage II – the uterus has descended nearly to the opening of the vagina. Stage III – the uterus protrudes out of the vagina.
' However a mix of appropriate diet as well as exercise will certainly lower the layer of fat underneath the skin, making cellulite less visible. A healthy and balanced diet plan can likewise enhance the skin and also connective tissue; making them more powerful, healthier and extra supple. Staying moisturized as well as eating well will certainly stop water retention which aggravates the look of cellulite,' she clears up. Scientists have benefited years to try to find efficient and also durable treatments for cellulite with little success.
You can utilize this treatment as part of a fat decrease programme or as a standalone therapy, both supplying noticeable and outstanding outcomes. 3D Shockwave treatment is effective enough to reduce the appearance of even the hardest cellulite, lifting and also firming the skin. The wall surfaces of the blood vessels are formed by a flexible tissue that allows a liquid blood circulation of the blood. When these wall surfaces lose elasticity, the speed of the blood circulation is decreased. As opposed to being eliminated, excess liquids and waste items obtain pushed in the direction of the adipocyte cells where they connect to the fat cells causing cellulite and swelling. The transport of oxygen and nutrients is also decreased creating the metabolic process to decrease. The present method to help in reducing the look of cellulite begins with referrals to enhance workout as well as optimize the diet.
Aftercare program.
How do you relax pelvic floor spasms?
Place one hand on your chest and another hand on your belly, just below your rib cage. Take a deep breath in to the count of three, and then exhale to the count of four. When you inhale, your pelvic floor relaxes, and as you exhale, your pelvic floor returns to its resting state.
Nobody must ever really feel ashamed that they have cellulite or like it is something that they merely should eliminate. Cellulite is perfectly typical as well as is something that over 90% of all ladies need to some extent.
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To help stop cellulite, minimized processed foods and also synthetic foods which contain sweeteners, additives and chemicals. Dairy and also high fat items, sugar and also high sugar items are all thought to contribute to the dreadful 'orange peel' skin. If your task has you sat behind a desk 8 hrs a day, attempt to include exercise during your lunch break, or after work.
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ONDA An advanced new non-surgical body forming device like no other. Using fat reduction, cellulite reduction, as well as skin tightening up treatments with no downtime. " A little bit like shaving, there's no modesty with this treatment but it is, weirdly, relaxing. My specialist started with a gentle peeling to help start damaging down fat cells. A lymphatic drain massage utilizing Cellcosmet's anti-cellulite oil was alongside encourage flow as well as help the body to do away with contaminants. The massage is a strong pressure and concentrates on the areas that are more than likely to harbour these fatty accumulations.
With time, your body normally generates much less and also less collagen and elastin, and as female age, the female body creates much less oestrogen as well as cells blood supply is lowered, this reduces the amount of collagen in the connective tissue fibers. When connective cells fibres deteriorate, the bulging worsens raising the look of cellulite on the skin's surface.
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Running, swimming and also brisk walking are some of the most effective type of exercises for raising blood flow as well as loosening up the fat tissues from those hard to move areas. A radiofrequency handpiece is used with a little specialist pointer to damage the connective cells hairs and also launch the fat to generate an even skin shape.
What is Stage 4 bladder prolapse?
Stage 1 – the bladder protrudes a little way into the vagina. Stage 2 – the bladder protrudes so far into the vagina that it's close to the vaginal opening. Stage 3 – the bladder protrudes out of the vagina. hifu facial , in which all pelvic organs including the bladder protrude out of the vagina.
We can decrease the look of unwanted cellulite making use of the most up to date Venus Legacy modern technology, which incorporates Multi-Polar Radio Frequency, Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields as well as VariPulse Innovation to generate heat deep under the skin's surface area. This aids to reduce fat cells, minimize volume as well as boost natural healing. This procedure also increases collagen and elastin manufacturing, tightening up as well as raising the skin. If you don't generally appreciate a conventional massage or you want a therapy that will certainly deliver immediate results-- smoother, softer and also stronger skin that's Instagram-worthy-- after that an expert salt scrub is your best choice. " The PH equilibrium of Himalayan salt is incredibly near that naturally located in our body," exposes Ostronska. It's likewise one of the best treatments for guaranteeing you obtain a relaxed evening's sleep ... Beach body goals worth going for.
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