#which is the just dont be depressed type of answer
hofudlaus · 2 years
Does anyone have any good resources for dealing with anxiety and perfectionism regarding art(and life in general)??
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determinate-negation · 9 months
ridiculous how many people are just taking it as just "secret new york jew tunnels" when the reality is so much funnier. the messiah is alive and 122 years old but he pretended to die 30 years ago, we need to dig a tunnel to fuck with the 99% of fake fans who claim to support him but believe slanders like "he died from natural causes at age 92" and "if he's still around why has nobody heard from him since 1994"
yeah people are like “hmm what are the secret jew tunnels for 🤔 why does no one know” but we do know and the answer is more mundane and also crazier than captures the average american because its like the internal religious politics of chabad and the really weird messianic movement associated with them. its soo funny but its starting to just get depressing seeing like protocols of the elders of zion type shit promoted constantly on twitter about the tunnels (truly completely gone to shit as a website) because people seeing it passively just dont understand anything about how the hasidim are in nyc or how this city is. like the guys who dug the tunnels, which u may see referred to as bocherim (young unmarried men who are in religious studies) are like bachelors or frat guys who deeply believe in an esoteric messianic sect its not talmudic ritual child trafficking tunnels that all the world leaders meet at. chabad is probably downplaying how significant this sect is at least in nyc but again this isnt a conspiracy everyone whos been here knows this
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sadclowncentral · 7 months
Sorry if this is a weird question, and if that's the case you can absolutely not answer, but how do you cope with having multiple full-time jobs and still having energy outside of work? Feels a bit like I'm dying of exhaustion every day over here lol
I've been ruminating for a few days on this ask because truly I struggle with this more than I want to admit. My jobs rarely leave me with energy outside of work, and I have gone through times in the last two years where working and sleeping were the only possibilities, and it sucks, and it is kind of embarrassing, but I have also found some ways to mitigate it even slightly which I am more than happy to share:
1. Schedule fun times (yikes)
It was a harrowing realization that I need to schedule hang outs and self care just like every meeting - weeks in advance, colour coded in both the calendar and the to do list - but since I started doing it, my success rate has skyrocketed. You either die a type b or live long enough to become a type a i guess
2. Bring your fun to work day
I will suggest anything that's fun to me as a work activity. I like drawing so you KNOW the ministry is littered with illustrations. My PowerPoints create envy across departments. I scout the world of my office for ways to have fun and I am not embarrassed to say so. I'm funmaxxing the grind. So what
3. Everyone is depressed bitch
Acknowledge that everyone your age is looking at their fifty-year olds in their work life with white-hot envy (WHEN THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE TIME TO GARDEN) and that the loss of agency that comes with starting your career is normal and sad, but also means that...
4. Let's get some fruit
...you gotta stop thinking in old time frames of friendship expectations. people you haven't talked to for eight months will not be mad about your absence as they are stressed and hobbyless as well and will instead REJOICE at a scheduled hangout. I have friends I see once a year we love each other. no one is mad and everyone is stressed tf out LET'S HANG
5. Win the war not the fight
hey. listen to me. this isn't easy. it sucks coming home and feeling like having no agency left. and it's hard to break that cycle of exhaustion, and I fail all the time, when is the last time i saw the sun, oh god oh no my twenties. and if you feel like that is necessary in the time you are in, that is respectable. don't be mean to yourself for being stuck in a system that tries to squeeze all the energy out of you like a grape of some sort. you just gotta make sure you don't FORGET that you are a fully formed person with hobbies in another life. buy that plane model kit. bookmark that recipe. join that knitting group. i know you dont have time and energy. but your future self will thank you for paving the way.
I hope these are helpful. don't forget to have fun and be yourself. godspeed
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lifes-line · 5 days
So one of my favorite taz aus is what I call "the replacement au" or the "Lup Au" which is basically what if it was Taako who died or went missing and it was Magnus, Merle, and Lup working for the BOB
In which case that poses a lot of questions for each arc so lemme tell you my theories on how it would've gone
Here they be gerblins:
Lup has always had a horrible ache in her heart. She wouldn't call it depression but no matters how hard she tries to move on and forget. She has always felt something painful and missing in her heart. Like someone ripped out a huge half of it and left her with the rest. She's had this feeling all her lonely life as a single child and no matter what magic she used on herself or how many people she surrounded herself with... she couldn't escape that feeling... Magnus and Merle somehow helped though. Being the absolute dumbasses they are.
Lup finds herself flirting with barry blue jeans and disappointed he wont be joining them later-
Lup sees Taako's skeleton/corpse and takes the wizard hat and his glave(or whatever his magical weapon he made during their year of artificing was)
She feels drawn to the phoenix fire gauntlet and she teases about putting it on alot(before phandalin goes to shit), she also gives it a high five but she isnt dumb enough to put it on and understands how dangerous it is and how devestating the events that follow are
Lunar interlude one
Lucretia is baffled to see lup having taako's things on but thats not important
im gonna say Lup gets pretty similar things to taako since they are the same class(just different schools of magic)
She doesn't fuck with leon as much as taako does but she still does of course
Murder on the rock port limited:
They get on the train without charm person but of course theyre still "not who they appear to be" as merle keeps loudly insisting they kill the ticket guy
Lup respects angus but they dont get close as he does with Taako so instead Angus gets closer with Magnus though Lup does offer to teach angus some magic lessons
Smokes that crab
Pretty much all of the taako things except she might be a lil less dramatic about the drink cart
Petals to the metal
Lup and hurley are bffs dont even trip
Lup defo found Sloane attractive but backed off when she found out she was taken
also found captain captain bane attractive
a quip of "My type are hardcore nerds with those obnoxious spectacles and sexy science facts"
Lup either picks a mongoose mask or goes with a phoenix I imagine
She would threaten the guards to get into the hammerhead base at first but then switch up to help out Merle's plan - or she'd just straight up kill the last guy and hit em with the "I forgot about that"
Since theres no way to absorb the arcane core she makes it explode and it works just as well
You can assume she has taakos position in the car ride, but most likely she cannot summon Garyl and instead klaarg comes in and saves merle and later her
Red robe shows up and shes the only one who fucking remembers the director telling them about them and she is the only one to insist they dont listen to him
but they do anyway and she gets majorly suspicious
Small lunar interlude:
Fuck Lucas but not fuck him but yknow
Oh yeah the red robe? "I want to let you know I am the only one who actually remembered we should've bounced"
Crystal Kingdom
Oooh transmutation relic not her thing
She cooks tho
Lucretia? "That's such a cute ass name, I'm gonna start calling you Lucy"
can i also have a red suit
that pink thing looks like salt
Also in consensus Lucas in fact a huge asshole.
Actually answers buddy bots question/riddles within the first two minutes
Yeah ill go into the elevator world? Oh no cockroaches? Yeah Lup makes fun of merle for liking cockroaches and then kills the one he missed.
They meet N03ll3 which is great and all but what do you mean you keep picking up lich activity
Go into Lucas's room cause Lup disguises self
Ok I dont know what a lich is why do you keep harassing me
Merle loses an arm oh fuck
Also gonna kill Lucas
fine lets learn some science
oh its that red bitch again - Lup is only not running because her boys wanna hear this too and also this lich is like weirdly flirting with her
"It's... Lup, where did you get that hat?" "Oh this? I took it off of some skeleton on our first adventure." "... oh my god.. you.. you found him... you..."
Weird I just made this lich who was flirting with me upset about my dope ass hat
skipping a bit woah oil can time
woah the crystal guy is back and instead of merle being the most dangerous its Luuuuuup? Whyyyyy????
"Wait haven't I seen you before?" He asks Lup and she tilts her head. The crystal shakes his head. "Nevermind. one second-"
Guys hes calling me a lich or possessed by one what do I do
Kick ass, Not tentacling dick ew, lucas there you are - woah magnus
Oh its the grim reaper, No we are not being shipped together-
"And you, Lup. Are still dead." "... Sorry what-" "You're dead?" "Nah I still got my hit points, I mean I'm bruised and bloody but I'm still alive." "Yeah is this maybe another Lup... or...?" "No. She's a lich. She is an undead entity that must be locked away in the eternal stockade." "How about fuck that (tries to kick his ass)"
More lore
Oh hi kravitz, can you look pass this posession if I promise to have someone free me? And if this lich leaves me so im not a vessel anymore you can come get it, trust "... I.. I cannot let a lich get out of my sight." "Bro I cannot fight you anymore." "Well, it would be more dangerous if you died but you refuse to come peacefully." "I dont think Im a lich I just think im posessed - we've done a lot of crazy shit in our adventures-" bla bla bla fine its settled
We'll debrief in a sec ig here lemme uhh. i dont have transmutation its so over , just shape the damn stone and idk someone else can do magic right?
Debriefing oh yeah the red robe was there, yeah i lowkey dont really trust you, ok fine i can settle
They dont talk about the deaths to lucy in canon but after the debriefing Lup gathers the boys up and talks to them "Hey so you know how he called me an undead evil lich. so like... lets not tell the director and merle can you like perform an exorcism or something just to see if its true?" "Uh I have detective good and evil?" "Dope." And NOTHING HAPPENS BECAUSE LUP ISNT EVIL- but merle does detect some necromantic energy radiating off her whole being but he doesnt have like a spell to fix her so theyre like lets not worry about it rn
Lunar interlude
Alright angus this is magic, cooking? Why the fuck would i teach you how to cook
Ok you got me i grew up by myself in a lonesome life as a vendor but i didnt cook or anything I just spent my whole life doing side jobs and saving people. yeah fire is my speciality but like i wouldnt recommend it for you cause its literally fire. and youre a kid.
Whered I get the glave? A skeleton from a cave. He was wearing a red robe so lowkey maybe im possessed by his spirit but like... doubt.
Eleventh hour
I believe in you ango
woah we're here
alright lets get this bread - bye avi - hello clay perosn. roswell? ok Wow that statue sure is red what the fuck
"This is bad.. this is a bad thing i did." Yeah I kept it.
Hi Cassidy im sure we can be besties
woah earthquake
Lets go in the inn, oh hello pretty elf lady, ok she doesnt care about me wdym you know magnus - guys wait dont make me talk to her alone
"Why do you live in a bubble?" "Lup." "WHAT?"
I wanna meet paloma fuck you guys
I will go to town on these scones, you need gold can I trade you anything else
I can hardly remember these goddamn loops so lets assume that lup and taako do alot of the same shit except she doesnt steal any of this shit -
Put him in a bubble... ok-
Hi Istus, What's this? Not a bag of holding? "This item... has the ability to bring back anyone from the dead, as long as they have been deceased for at least over a decade." "Oh this could be useful for all the guys you killed!" "Yeah!" "Well... you could save it too but... yes I suppose so?" "But only for over a decade." "Why the fuck is that so specific?" "STOP SWEARING IN FRONT OF CHRISTMAS" "ITS ISTUS"
Ok get that cup
Fuck you issak
WOAH ITS THE CUP BACKSTORY TIME; Besides the long periods of static and weirdly fuzzy childhood, Lup's biggest regret in her life? Well she didn't have anything really. She didn't put any of her skills to good use.. except once. She was performing her evocation magic for money and it got out of hand. She seriously injured an innocent person that resulted in their death. "Lup... that is your biggest regret. But it hasn't happened yet. If you claim me, we can go back and save that life. They would have never died. We can go back and save them."
thats the best i can do
Lup probably takes the longest to think this over because she cant handle the fact she murdered an innocent but Magnus's speak of "Tell me what happens if we dont do this" convinces her to stay
Oh fuck its that red robe again - no we dont fucking trust you
"You don't... You don't trust me...?" He looks to Lup, and floats down to her level. Despite his occasional flattery and softness when he speaks to her, lowering himself and looking her in the eye pulls at something invisible in her heart. Something she hasn't felt in forever. "Lup...? You don't trust me?" "I don't even know you." The red robe whispers some more things and electricity flies off of him as he vanishes.
Hi Paloma oh a vision? "In your hour of greatest need, you will receive help from the forgotten one."
Ok back home - oh fuck IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER?
Lets fight? OK!
Lunar interlude
Date at the chug n squeeze? Wrong. Battle of the century. Almost.
Lup v Kravitz the two face off with Kravitz just trying to knock Lup out so he can safely transfer her into the astral plane without her dying
Lup, who doesnt think shes a lich, is just trying not to die.
They dont do this on the moon, they do this in neverwinter
As he saves you. As you're down you feel something phase through you as a red robe walks through your body and presents itself in front of Kravitz. He emits that same electricity off of his body and Kravitz looks baffled but only rifts a hole into the astral plane. "You're coming with me." As the battle is only beginning the red robe whispers to you, Lup; "Run."
Suffering game
Hey lucy, oh youre not fifty? Oh thats lowkey kind of fucked "Luckily as an elf i dont think i have to worry about that... sorry-"
Maggy where the fuck are you going
I feel like Lup would either follow magnus or magnus would defo ask Lup to help break out robi, so she does.
Oh fuck get me out of here fighting these monsters
Lord artemis sterling and his bodyguards... cool.. ok
nvm lydia is hot
Ok this sucks
Lup gets the same sacrifices as Taako, so she takes the bad luck, shes fine with losing some life, hands? No Im not giving you my hand, fuck. MY APPEARENCE...? Yeah i dont care.
Chooses trust instead of forsake.
"Why should this person chose you?" "Uhh... Cause I'm hot as fuck." *applauds*
SAVES MAGNUS OFC - Oh is that the grim reaper? So Lup actually does try to save Kravitz cause lowkey she wants to be on good terms with him
Is that the red robe-
her ghost looks ... weird.
Its nearly impossible to kill Edward, except when he's a lich. So. That's actually when Lup gets an idea. And she dies. Like full on explodes herself.
As soon as Lup is free from her body, her very very death and actually burning corpse. Everything hits her very slowly and soon all at once. So instead of killing edward immediately Lup instantly panics and starts to lose her cool... until "Lup?" She hears Barry's voice. It's not her anchor but it's enough to remind her of the situation at hand.
Lup destroys edward, so lydia destroys magnus's body
As Magnus sees Lup's liches form he isn't surprised, because he remembers when Lup sat down and told them all(?) about her and ... somebody's decision to become a lich... WAIT WHAT
Lup demands more answers from Barry and Magnus does the same, Barry is more sweet about it to Lup than Magnus
Merle is looking at Lup and Barry with upmost confusion and WHAT IS GOING ON????
To Barry's cave! Hey why is there two pods here
"So... I'm really glad actually, Lup, that you're here. And you're back... and as much as i wanna stop the end of the world to kiss you... We gotta move. We both saved what we could from our corporeal forms - mine is a bit more fresh but yours is back from the [starblaster]... so ... I actually don't know what you'll remember but youre gonna need it if we wanna get back on that moon base and confront Lucretia."
Merle can't hear anything and he is so confused, Magnus can understand this all and contiens demanding answers- before they both enter the tank, Magnus gets Lup's outfit while Merle pulls out deniem blue jeans AND WAIT BARRY AS IN BARRY BLUE JEANS?? beFORE THEY DO THIS
Lup looks to Barry and asks where Taako is. The name sounds familiar to Magnus, but his head is splitting in two before he can remember such a person. Barry can't bring himself to reply so he simply tells Lup he isn't sure but he doesn't have high hopes.
As they both go into their own tanks, Barry doesnt know anybody or anything. Lup steps out and she throws on her outfit and demands answers from magnus and merle of what happened after she died. "Am I a lich? Am I posessed? IS THAT BARRY?" And why is barry still so goddamn attractive?
Barry looks at Lup like shes the love of his life and actually starts being timid and nervous around her
Magnus tries explaining but once its all static the idea of another void fish comes to mind... PLANNING
heres the relic, magnus is dead, fuck you.
Oh hi angus, the truth? uhhhh i guess we can tell you oh is that zone of truth. dammit barry-
Oh my god........ my brother is dead. Taako is dead.
Hi Lucy, "I'm gonna fucking kill you now." But Barry holds Lup back as her fire wall is pathetic against her shield.
"I'm so sorry Lup but.. the pain was too unbearable. Taako.. Taako is gone. And he's not coming back."
Story and Song
As all hope seems lost after Lup remembers the other half of her heart, Barry and Lup are refusing to die because they cant be liches forever. They dont have anything to go back to-
She remembers Paloma's prophecy, and Istus's gift. It's a simple ritual - a simple spell and only thinking of her brother she casts it. And Lup almost loses it again when nothing happens.
It takes too much but Lucretia is the one who channels a spell to crush these beats in their own shield before she vanishes. ANd now we gotta do other shit yay
Lup and Barry and sent to find the ship but she can't bring herself to do so... "I... I know we're supposed to save the world and everything Barry but... but what's the point... without Taako here with us?"
Barry does what he can to comfort his fiance before he notices the sphere of black glass. "Listen.. do you remember in lucas's lab when we was going over everything?" "Ye.. yeah?" Barry takes a breath to elaborate but Lup cuts him off. "Barry you know transumtation isn't my school of magic." "I know but..." He points to the glave she's holding. "It's his."
And with that they feather fall down and give it a try.
While Barry begins to fight for his life - with the help of Lucas who joins them, Lup continuously tries and fails to open this portal. She slams her head against her own creation and curses Taako for not being here. How is she supposed to go on when Taako is gone? And she didn't even get to grieve? Or say goodbye? And why did Istus lie to her?
And then a rift in space opens. And there he is. Taako appears in his red robe without his hat or his weapon. Lup feels a hand on her shoulder suddenly as she hears her brother's voice say "Don't worry Lulu, I have magical powers." And when he touches his weapon to the sphere it's like an explosion goes off.
"Taako! Where'd you open that portal to?!" "The Astral Plane."
When Lup sees Kravitz (and he looks fucking awful.) behind him she suddenly flips out; "ARE YOU DATING THE GRIM REAPER?" "SHUT UP"
But it doesn't last long before Lup embraces Taako tightly.
OK SHIP TIME WE GET TOGETHER EVERYONE IS PISSED AT LUCRETIA BUT as theyre discussing the science behind it she suddenly offers, looking at the tres horny boys briefly that there is a third option. Thanks Paloma.
Taako stays on the plane to fight while Lup, sure she wont lose him again, kicks the hungers ass.
Epilogue, everything is pretty much the same because lup doesnt wanna run a school for magic and now that taako was apparently routing for lup in the astral plane the whole time shes off the hook
Why does Taako die? Why does he care?
Well, Taako knew he couldn't just rely on a dance to cheer up Lup - so Taako decided he was going to do something good and destroy his sister's relic. Obviously he can resist the temptation but Cyrus Rockseeker does not. Taako blasts him with his glave(or clave or whatever) into the safe but ultimately dies.
We then we Taako wake up in the astral plane, behind the bars of the eternal stockade where a skeleton stands before him checking off a list. He says something in a cockney accent along the lines of "Finally, I've been lookin' for you."
"Crazy accent you go there Ghostrider, where am I?" "You're in the Astral Plane, Taako. Finally. You wouldn't happen to know where your others friends are? They're supposed to be locked up in here with you."
"... What-"
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mazzystar24 · 9 days
Okay, everyone is excited, it's very nice and all... Although I find it weird that Buck of all people will have no time for Eddie especially at times like this when Chris is ghosting his father?😅
I'm glad I'm almost falling asleep or else I'd get really depressed (sorry, I'm not a fan of jealousy plots (though, I believe that just spiralling about it in my head is much worse that it's actually gonna be playing out on screen😅)), but yay I'm happy everyone's happy😂
Omg I’m killing myself I typed this all up three times and none of them saved
Back to the answer
Hey babe!
Okay so I get what you mean but i do think tims wording was just him trying not to give too much away
like if the storyline WAS buck not trying to prioritise his friends/family it would go against the very fundamentals of who he is as a character to such a polar extreme that its not something the writers would entertain even for the sake of drama because you never wanna subvert what makes a beloved character beloved
also the way tim was like ' well not out in the cold so much but buck has less time' (im paraphrasing i think) again is just not giving buck not msking time for eddie blissfully
i think its most likely either:
a- eddie is self isolating but this time by pretending he has a handle on things because he doesnt wanna interfere with bucks life or happiness after he already views himself as having failed with his son's happinness
b- buck is trying to balance everything and it causes problems with bt
crack option- that one trope where the asshole bf tells the bestie to leave them alone but no one tells the love interest of the bf/ bestie of the bestie
(not the smallest man who ever lived coming on as i typed that- its fate whenever talking about tommy i fear)
like i dont feel there is any scenario where buck is like i know youre legit on the verge of a breakdown and your relationship with your kid is in shambles and this family unit ive been so deeply ingrained in for the past - one sec gotta do maths- 6 years is currently in shambles but i have a boyfriend now so sorry but sayonara i got date night🥰
also back to serious for a sec like we gotta consider the context this was bought up in- it wasnt about whether eddie and buck's dynamic is changing or if bt is having an effect on them or like if there are any issues there etc the question was about tommy and buck's relationship which bringing this eddie topic up in makes me think its indicative of it being a n arc relating more so to them if that makes any sense.
also back to jokes- jealous eddie serves so much cunt tho i fear i enjoy it immensely like jealous buck serves kicked puppy so i hate it but jealous eddie is a petty bitch and i love it
my favourite analogy for this is eddie gives 'i pictured you with other girls in love and threw up on the street' meanwhile buck gives ' i was good just wasnt good enough'
yes that was a taylor swift reference followed with a maisie peters reference straight away - im just a girl🫶
love ya and sorry for the late reply
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n0vabug · 1 year
I never meant for this to happen
So basically this story is about the reader and Sam fighting because Sam wants to leave NY, and then she says something that makes the reader really upset and the reader tells Sam to leave, then Sam feels bad and tries to call the reader but the reader doesn't answer and Sam goes back, turns out the reader was attacked by ghostface and then there is more that I don't want to spoil 👍👍
This Contains: Fights scenes, blood, gore, angst, fluff, mentions of depression and mental illnesses, and more, if any of these make you uncomfortable, I recommend that you do NOT read this!! Also if I write in bold in the story, that means ghostface is talking. Words: 1573
Y/N'S POV "PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE SAM, WE JUST MOVED HERE AND BECAME FRIENDS WITH ANIKA AND ETHAN AND QUINN, PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE ME SAM, BY LEAVING NEW YORK, YOURE LEAVING ME, TARA, CHAD, MINDY, AND EVERYONE ELSE." Tears were forming in my eyes as I spoke, I was upset, I knew that I shouldn't have yelled but I did anyways. She was trying to leave again, but this time, I didn't want to leave, I wasn't going to leave and I told her that, she promised no matter what happened, we wouldn't leave again, I can't believe her.
"I HAVE TO YOU DONT GET IT, I DONT WANT TO DEAL WITH THIS ALL OVER AGAIN, I JUST CANT Y/N, YOU COULD COME WITH ME." Sam said, I honestly felt bad for her but why couldn't she just ignore it, I honestly was mad, but sad?? Idk I just wasn't happy about this, I also hate yelling and fighting, which made me feel even worse.
"HOW DO WE EVEN KNOW THIS HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH US, WE HAVE NO IDEA, ITS HALLOWEEN, PEOPLE ARE GONNA DRESS UP AS GHOSTFACE, ESPECIALLY SERIAL KILLERS, PLEASE DONT LEAVE SAM, I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU." Warm tears were streaming down my face as I spoke, my voice broke mid sentence and I was trying so hard not to just completely break down.
"Y/N, YOU DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND THAT WE COULD DIE BECAUSE OF THIS, YOURE TOO BUSY BEING DEPRESSED ZONING OUT ALL THE TIME TO EVEN NOT....ice, shit i'm so sorry I swear I didn't mean it." She paused when saying notice, she realized she messed up by saying that. But did she just bring up my fucking mental illnesses, wtf. The warm tears stopped as I looked at her with betrayal and sadness in my eyes, why would she fucking bring that up. I think she quickly noticed what she said too because she looked at me with pure regret and sadness.
"Get out sam." I didn't even hesitate to say that, I truly loved her and didn't want her to leave NY, but I needed her to leave my apartment, I couldn't be around her at the moment. "No, wait, I'm sor-" "GET THE FUCK OUT SAM." I know it was wrong of me to yell, again, but it worked because she walked out as quickly as she could. The second she slammed the door, warms tears were pouring out of my eyes again and I couldn't breath, I love my girlfriend so much, but why would she say that, I know she didn't mean it, but still. I walked out of the living room, and walked into my room, trying to calm myself down.
After 5 minutes, I get a call from an unknown number, I quickly try to calm myself so I sound like I wasn't just crying, so I pick up. "Hello?" I said "Hello Y/n" The voice is a bit familiar, too familiar, and not the good type. "Who is this?" I quickly asked. "Are you a little upset Y/n, poor sam, she was only trying to protect herself from getting killed, she didn't want to deal with this a second time, but you took it the wrong way. Shut her out. Didn't even give her a chance to apologize, now poor sam, she's out on her own, what if she gets butchered all because of you, y/n." Shit. Shit. Shit.
Next thing I know I'm running out of my room, towards the door. I can't let Sam die, she's one of the few people who stayed after finding out about my past and my problems. I had to get to her.
Next thing I know, a cold metal blade was pressed into my thigh, with a guy in a black costume and white mask. I screamed as blood dripped down my thigh and bled through my jeans. I then felt the metal enter my stomach 3 times, then get twisted, I screamed as loud as I could, hoping someone would hear me. "Any last words, Y/n" "Is sam ok?" I struggled to speak but managed to get those words out, I truly needed to know if Sam was okay. I needed her to be okay. The guy in the mask then stabbed me in the shoulder one last time. My eyes felt heavy and fluttered close until all I saw was darkness...
SAM'S POV I left the apartment, tears streaming down my face. I didn't mean it. I love her more than anything, and I did not mean what I said. She is the greatest person I know, even if she did have some problems, but so did I, and we were overcoming our problems together, she didn't leave me even after she found out about Billy, I didn't even think about leaving her after finding out about her mental illnesses, so after we moved to NY, I could tell she was happier and getting better, and I know me leaving, broke her heart, I could see the sadness in her eyes and the tears streaming down her face during the argument. I had to go back.
I started walking back towards her apartment and as I did, I picked up my phone trying to call her, even after arguments that we had, she always answered my calls, she was really quick at answering because she always had her phone on her at all times, but this time, she didn't pick up. So I called again. no answer. I was starting to worry, maybe she was just really mad and still wanted to answer, but I was still worried. I started walking quicker until it turned into me running. I had the key to my girlfriend's apartment since she had a spare, and since I practically lived there. I unlocked the door. "Y/n?" I look around until I see something that I wish was a dream. Her lifeless body. In a pool of red liquid. "Y/n?" Tears formed in my eyes. "Y/N PLEASE WAKE UP!" I called 911, as I talked on the phone, I broke down, tears streaming down my face. This is all my fault.
I tried putting pressure on her wounds, but the bleeding didn't stop and the paramedics were taking to long. I picked her up, her cold lifeless body in my arms, her apartment was on the fifth floor, I had to run down the stairs with her, as I ran down the stairs I yelled for help. "HELP" "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!" I kept saying, until I reached the ground floor, where I met with the paramedics.
They put her onto a stretcher, bandaged her wounds as much as possible, and then put her into the ambulance. I got in the ambulance with her, and held her cold but soft hand the whole way there. I felt terrible, I never meant for any of this to happen.
We arrived at the hospital and they took her in to get stitches since her wounds were deep, so I had to sit in the waiting room until they called my name. After about 45 minutes I got called to the back, "Samantha Carpenter, Y/n L/n is out of surgery, she isn't awake but if you want, you can go wait in her room until she is." "Thank you, I'll go wait with her, what's her room number." I'm glad she was alive, I still feel terrible, all I felt was guilt, if I didn't argue with her and if I just chose to stay in NY, maybe none of this would have happened. "314." Said the lady at the front desk, I walked to room 314, my footsteps grew quicker within each step I took.
I finally reached her room, I opened the door, and pulled a chair next to her bed. She was still asleep, I hated seeing her like this, I just can't help but think this is all my fault. I sat beside her bed, with my head down and one hand on the bed. After a few minutes, I felt a warm and soft touch on top of my hand, I look up, her beautiful y/e/c (your eye color), eyes were looking directly at me, while she was smiling.
"Omg, Y/n, thank god you're okay, I was so worried, I thought you weren't gonna make it, listen I'm so sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen, this is all my fault, I never wanted to leave NY, and especially leave you, I don't think I will leave NY now because I need to keep you safe, but I shouldn't have argued or even yelled, and I feel especially terrible for bringing up the mental health thing, I didn't mean it I swear, I promise you that I never meant to hurt you, I'm so sorry, ple-" I was ranting until I felt her soft lips press against mine, we kissed until we both ran out of breath. "I forgive you sam, I know you didn't mean it, I love you so much" She pulled me into a kiss again, this time a quicker one. "I love you more, I'm never leaving you again." I said, before I hugged her, I hugged her tighter than I ever have before, but also tried avoiding her injuries while hugging her, I love her to the stars and beyond.
A/N I wrote this whole thing while being half a sleep, and really distracted because my bsf was over while I wrote this and I kept pausing in the middle so we could talk to each other. I can't really tell if I like this or not, I don't 100% love the little fight scene at the beginning but idk, there are things that I could fix with both of them. Idk but let me know if you want anymore, also thank you to whoever reads these because I think these are shitty a lot of time and seeing that people actually read this makes me happy so thank you so much!! <3
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lucid-daydreaming-art · 5 months
intro post whoopee!!!
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hi guys im lucid :D you can also call me daylin i don’t really care but i may be like woah how do you know my name (i will forget about making this post 2 seconds after posting it) also I AM AN ADULT im 22 and i do not use pronouns just use my name pleaseeeeeee if you have a disability that makes words hard to process i understand if that’s difficult you can just use they/them instead
first off just getting this out there if youre proship, zoo, pedo, incest supporter, endo system supporter, any kind of discriminatory against protected minority groups, and anti-otherkin, shoo. dont want you here youre not welcome. bye bye my content isnt for you.
immmmm an infp-t 4w5 sanguine-melancholic existential-intrapersonal-visual learner seer of heart prospit dreamer true neutral rogue shifter airbender and dragon type trainer for all you personality label freaks
i like to DRAW!!!!! this is an art blog!!!! i will only post art here, all of my reblogs will be on @trickstergemini save for the posts my close friends make that i want to support here. sometimes i will post just text but thats only if i really need to let you guys known something or im answering a question
my commissions are OPEN!!!!!!!! dm me for commission info im too lazy and busy to make a sheet
if my requests are closed that means theyre closed dont ask me to draw shit please and thank you
im AUTISTIC i am on that mf spectrum been diagnosed since i was three. for me this means im not naturally fluent in social norms or what’s expected from an interaction or how to read others very well. i also have heavy special interests and find it really hard to turn the conversation away from something im fixating on or specially interested in. i also have extremeeeee sensory issues and a hard time being completely flexible when im comfortable in a routine so just be patient with me man adjustments are hard for me. my empathy is also extremely low and im a really really high masking person so if i come off as well versed or allistic just know that i either took a million years to format the right way to say things or i am entirely going off a predetermined script and will fumble if caught off guard. other important stuff ive got adhd bpd cptsd and major depressive disorder which all those combined makes me really flaky when it comes to responding or follow through. i may not reply to you for like 500 years or maybe i will be gods speediest most motivated soldier. just don’t expect me to be a readily available fully capable robot ok?? ok.
i am one half of @ask-kas-n-lamp the other half is some guy i don’t know he just hacked himself into the account and now i have to deal with him. the blog is no longer running though i apologize. we got burnt out from the shitty fans
in all seriousness mod dum, aka @unoriginal-and-dumb or unodum or unoriginal or whatever u know him by, thats my qpp thats my platonic soulmate my bestest friend my number one crate my brain cyst the doctor has to surgically remove from me my parasocial relationship my stalker my servant i keep locked up in my basement and i feed him cement and staples for every meal and for dessert maybe he gets rust shavings. he will be featured in my art like a lot or in my comments and reblogs and i will also be present in his stuff sometimes. if have drawn kasper it is his design, that design is not made by me its made by him sooo you should check him out and support him if you like that style or how about instead we get a mass unfollowing going there and you all come to my page and i exclusively will draw his design of kasper and get all the credit lets do that instead
uuueeehhhmmm my special interests are pokemon, homestuck, geography, taxonomy, my ocs, and personality psychology. i guess i also am specially interested in dragons because i like and think about them more than all of the above and have to incorporate them into everything but its less of an ill infodump to you interest and more of an i want to be surrounded by this thing because it brings me extreme comfort because it feels like me.
i am otherkin im a dragon and i look like this:
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i will also represent myself like this if im feeling it:
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yes i know i am not actually a physical dragon and im not a spiritual kinner i kin for identity purposes and the fact that i feel some pretty intense crippling species dysphoria idk ive been like this since i was 5 i don’t really have memories of my life where i wasnt experiencing animalistic behaviors and instincts
my favorite music artists are s3rl twenty øne piløts onerepublic imagine dragons of monsters and men thefatrat glass animals ajr queen nine inch nails and muse my favorite medias are httyd movies pokemon homestuck regretevator invader zim our flag means death infinity train gravity falls rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead doctor who my little pony fim dont starve and the mcelroy brothers content
heres some more characters i represent myself as:
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ok BYE
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mshroom1e · 2 years
Hello! It's my first time requesting but I loved ur azul fic omg. Can I please have azul x gn! Reader where azul maybe comforts the reader because they can see they're really tired and always sleeping in and just not feeling all that great mentally. (Depression episode I suppose) if you dont want to write something depressing that's alr! Then maybe just like headcanons of napping with azul u can make it crack if u want I dont mind. Whatever ur comfortable with! If u like neither feel free to not do this request that's alr. Thank you :) have a good day and week ♡
Hello, thank you so much for the request!! I'm sorry it took so long for me to answer but I hope you enjoy it. I really liked writing the hcs stuff and can't wait to do more of them in the future. Finally, I hope I did well portraying how Yuu feels throughout this.
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type: fanfic/hcs
Summary: Yuu hasn't been feeling the best and Azul tries his best to help with feeling better. Comfort, followed by some headcanons.
1.3k words
tags: reader receiving comfort, fluff
Warning(s): Depressive Episode
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Life at NRC was rough. Everything went as swimmingly as a house on fire and you were completely drained. Exhausted.
Getting out of bed was much more of a hassle than it should've been. You were constantly exhausted, already having had enough of the day despite it just being started. No matter how much you tried, your body wouldn't cooperate and just flop back onto the bed. You were late to class on most mornings, and on the days you did manage to make it on time, you were in a vicious battle with sleep and always seemed to lose. The persistent tiredness and overall low mood made you feel, to put it plainly, like absolute shit.
On one particular morning, you couldn't find it in yourself to get out of bed. Virtually, you had given up. All that was left of your little remaining willpower diminished. Dissipated.
Azul noticed the lack of your presence instantly. He usually passed by you in hallways before class, always smiling at you or greeting you as you crossed paths. It was unusual to never see you at all during the day. He realised your worsening mental and physical conditions a few days before you didn't show up at school, but thought it was just him seeing it as no one else he asked seemed to notice at all. He was extremely worried, but for the life of him, he couldn't think of what to do to help you in any good way.
Concern for you became full-fledged worry as you were nowhere to be seen at the Mostro Lounge. About a week prior, you promised Azul that you would meet up with him at the lounge to spend some time together once it closed as you were both too busy to see each other during the day. At first, he thought it was just a simple case of being stood up on a date, but something inside him told him it was something more than that. Something he needed to help with.
So that's why Azul found himself in front of the rickety Ramshacke dorm, a bag of bits and bobs in tow, all gathered to make you feel better. The outside door was unlocked, which made sense as it was still during the day. He let himself into the dorm's entrance, greeting the air as he entered.
"Pardon the intrusion..." Azul gently pushed your bedroom door with his foot, arms full of all the items he brought in the hopes of making you feel better.
He carried mostly snacks, medicine, in case you were sick, blankets, a few oversized clothes since he knew how much you loved wearing them, and other things he thought you might need.
The human-sized lump under the covers of your bed was enough to tell Azul where you had been the whole day. His shoulders slumped as he set down the bags and carefully approached you.
You lay on your side, face almost completely covered by your blanket. You weren't even able to muster the strength to greet Azul when he walked into the room as you stared straight ahead, eyes glazed over and staring at nothing.
"Yuu?" He called out your name and placed himself on a spot next to you on the medium sized bed, the mattress slowly dipping under the new mass on top of it.
If Azul was being completely honest with himself, he had no idea what to do. He was so used to only relating with the majority of his peers due to his deals and other shady business that he gained such little emotional intelligence.
When you didn't reply, he settled for placing a hand on where he assumed your shoulder was, as if to let his prescence be known by you and for you to know that you weren't alone anymore.
Azul sat with you for a few minutes before you reached out of the blanket bundle and softly wrapped your hands around his torso, pulling him towards you in some sort of awkward hug. His eyes widened a fraction before he relaxed and allowed you to hold him.
There was a little more awkward shuffling before you ended up with your head on his shoulder and hands clutching onto the back of his uniform tightly. He leaned back onto the headboard and let your body weight rest on himself. He figured he would just wait until you were happy enough to start talking, so he slowly rubbed circles on your back as he felt his shoulder become damp.
Your silent tears became sniffles and sobs as you could finally release all the emotional constipation you felt. As you cried, you practically latched onto Azul like a koala, hugging him as you imagined Floyd would "squeeze" people.
His body was more cool than warm. Frequent hugs and touches with Azul taught you that his body didn't regulate its own heat at all, meaning he was always cold to the touch and today was no exception. Despite the chilling cold, he was still comfortable to lean against. His lack of warmth was made up by your own.
After your sobs and sniffles reduced, you pulled away from Azul, your face a few inches away from his and your eyes looking to the side.
"I'm sorry..." you started, "about all this."
Azul's eyes softened. He felt something inside him sting at the state you were in. To him, you were a beacon of light. Your presence was enough to give him a reason to keep going. Always managing to shine brightly despite whatever life threw at you. But no pillar lasts forever. Even the most formidable were due to crumble sooner or later. However, it can remain standing and in good condition when taken care of and supported in the correct way. And that was exactly what Azul was going to do.
He may not have the best way with words outside his deals and shady transactions, but he knew he could support you by listening and doing his best to take care of you until you were able to pick yourself back up and continue being as brilliant as you always were.
Azul would be so awkward but try his best when comforting someone.
Awkward back pats all the way
I imagine that he wouldn't say much, but his comforting actions are enough to make his s/o feel a lot better.
Definitely cancells whatever he's doing to make time to spend with you.
He'd have a list somewhere of all the things you like. From your favourite snacks to what takes your mind off things the most.
He wouldn't blatantly ask about your likes though, he'd probably watch the way you interact with things for a while and then ask you if you like those certain things.
Speaking of his list, he has a cute notebook dedicated to you since studying is what he does best.
He would use his cooking skills to make your favourite comfort dish.
Would smile genuinely when you compliment his cooking but would try to hide it behind smirking while adjusting his glasses, like he usually does.
Once you're done eating, you would play board games together and watch your eyes light up with a huge dopey smile on his face.
He'd maybe lose on purpose just to see you cheer up after gaining a victory. He might do that once in a while but don't expect him to always go easy on you, especially when you notice him letting you win or if you love competition.
Sucks at acting so you can definitely tell when he's pretending to lose
Is pretty good at hugs
His body feels cold to the touch, because octopus, but its a comforting kind of cold he radiates.
If you're shorter, he places his head on top of yours when you lean against him and if you're taller, you rest your head on his shoulder or he rests his head on yours.
"You have absolutely nothing to apogise for. You deserve so much for all that you've done and I wish that whatever appreciation that others don't show you, you should be the one to show yourself."
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Hihi! Questions! Doing you first, so correct me if i use wrong terms. :3
Wanna say this is specifically for alterhuman/therians/nonhumans, not fiction kins!! I want to do a general information gather on alterhuman / therians / nonhumans :3
Since im trying to gather general information, please keep answers general to its easier to plot a pie chart or something
Dont feel pressured to answer all of these! Pick and choose! Gonna try to keep this pretty smal so i dont have to sort through hundreds of peoples answers. I should probably make this a form lmao...
What are/is your type(s?)
If you experience phantom sensations, which do you feel like most?
What part do you enjoy the most and hate the most of being an alterhuman/nonhuman/therian?
When did you first realize the term applied to you?
Why do you think you are an alterhuman/therian/nonhumans?
This one is optional, but do you have any mental health issues (like depression), are you autistic, and what age are you / were you when you realized you are a alterhuman/therian/nonhumans. (Again this is optional! Just want to see if certain groups of people are more likely to be an alterhuman/therian/nonhumans)
Also evil i have it set up like this so i can copy paste 😼❤
idfk how to make tjis go away so plz ignore😼😼
1. I am a snow bengal cat, blue jay, fluffy calico cat, eldritch kin, border collie, and a fiction kin of two characters but yk who they are already :3
2. Wings all the time UGH I hat and love them. Also ears and tails. Also eyes. Many eyes. They are annoying :( only shift I don’t like
3. Dysphoria is 👎👎👎 100% the worst part. Shifts can also be pretty annoying especially because I can’t manage to control most of them so 80% of the time I am creechur which can be pretty annoying especially in public places. There’s also a lot of misinfo and hate spread in the community. Like stop policing my identity bruh I am a creechur now shush
4. When I first found it 3 years ago :) January 31st will make it 4 years of knowing I was Alterhuman!! Although I did not dig deep and actually accept the fact I was truly not human and actually dig deep until last year
5. Past life but when regular humans ask I just say I’m a creechur just because I am and I see myself as not human in most ways. I am being perceived as human but I’m,,, not? I don’t know it’s confusing even to me-
6. Depression, anxiety, adhd, and possibly autism. I most likely am according to my autistic friends 😎
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hufflepuffimagines · 1 year
⋆。°✩ Navegation ✩°。⋆
⋆ About Me  ⋆
I’m Bells, I’m 20 yo and I’m brazilian, I write since I was 11, I can’t say that I do it perfectly but I try. I’m obssessed with 80s rockstar, specially Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee. I’m a swifitie and I’m going to the Eras Tour in november. I love writing fluffy stories, mostly because it makes me imagine what I’d like my life to be, with that in mind, I can say that I’m trying to shift to my Selection DR, but never made it. I love Barbie, Monster High and these things, I love pink and I can honestly say that I’m a Barbie that is obssessed with rockstars. I don’t have much friends and I’d love to get to know you if you want to talk :)
⋆ You can find my prompt list here (I’ll be adding more to it during the week);
⋆ If you want to be part of my taglist, answer this form;
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(that’s me everyday, not my gif)
⋆ Character List ⋆
Conrad Fisher (The Summer I Turned Pretty);
Sky of Eraklyon (Fate: The Winx Saga);
Marcus Baker (Ginny and Georgia);
Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue/The Dirt);
Tommy Lee (Motley Crue/The Dirt);
Edward Cullen (Twilight);
Maxon Schreave (The Selection);
Troy Bolton (High School Musical);
Paul Stanley (KISS);
Nate Archibald (Gossip Girl);
Slash (Guns N Roses);
Ricky Bowen (HSMTMTS);
Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter);
80s Rockstars (You can specify which one in your request);
Jeremiah Fisher (The Summer I Turned Pretty) (ONLY BY REQUEST).
⋆ How to Request ⋆
In order to request from a prompt list, you need to specify the sentence number;
You can choose up to three sentences from this list;
Remember to include the character’s full name/fandom for clarification!
You can also request another sentence that is not in this list and headcanons!
• Optional: You can add ‘angst’, ‘fluff’, etc… since some can work different ways.
Exemple: Conrad Fisher, prompt 7, fluff
⋆ Rules for Request ⋆
Send requests any time, i just dont guarantee that i’ll be writing it as soon as it arrives
Send the request on the ask box;
Don’t send vague requests, be specific. I like to work with a lot of details, it makes the story more realistic;
I have the ability to deny and delete any requests I don't want to write;
When I post your request, I will tag you.
✔  I write   ✔
Reader insert (character x reader); Fluff, angst, crossovers, songfics, AUs; Some sensitive subjects (depression, anxiety…); Male x male, female x female or any sort of pairing. love is love, you know; Any disabilities, body types, etc. when specified.
❌  I don’t write ❌  
Smut, cheating, polyship; Anything that goes against representation; Romantic stuff with adult/teen characters;   Character x character* and other people’s OCs; NSFW themes; RPF (real people fiction); Any form of incest.
If you have any questions, DM me, I would be happy to talk to you!
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
I was wondering if you could do an analysis on the difference between Mike’s and prowler miles (I’m hoping that makes sense)??
I wasn’t sure which one you wanted so I went over their differences in characterization and their differences physically and in their different universes!
how they’d act emotionally (mainly headcanons):
Love language is definitely quality time
He spends as much time as he can with his family
To the point where his parents get concerned if he goes a couple hours without talking to them
Very emotionally intelligent
definitely an empath
he can feel how other people feel and understands how to cheer them up
kind of like how he could tell something was up with Gwen when she visited
Lots of self-control - not impulsive at all
Flexible to change and can adapt to new circumstances really easily
Finds motivation easily
Gets stressed easily because he tends to put a lot on his plate
definitely went through a period of depression
love language is probably words of affirmation
cuz he doesn't have a father figure anymore (except for Aaron but he doesn't really count)
so hes probably always looking for praise and would do anything if it meant someone would tell him they were proud of him
definitely lashes out
very impulsive, can't control his words sometimes
can lead to him being very harsh or condescending without realizing it
he's a genius so he probably has a high IQ
and high IQ often means having lower emotional intelligence
so I dont think he'd be as much of an empath as 1610-miles
probably has anxiety attacks
nightmares and sleep paralysis are common for him
not energetic at all but can find motivation easily
the differences in looks:
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So you can't tell it this much in this picture, but Miles-42 has much sharper lines across his face than Miles-1610
His face is also slightly more narrow, and more "adult-like"
He has more forehead wrinkles and his eyes aren't as wide as Miles-1610's, which I believe signifies how Miles-1610 is a much more "innocent" guy, with a more "child-like" look onto the world while Miles-42 would have gone through a lot more and wouldn't have the same outlook.
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In this picture especially, you can tell that he looks a lot more tired, with a more angular face and much sharper wrinkles than Miles-1610.
I believe its a result of stress and anxiety, probably even depression, and that impacts the way he looks compared to Miles-1610 who, although he's experienced anxiety, wouldn't have felt it on the same level as Miles-42.
It could also be that since Rio-42 and Miles-42 are canonically struggling with money, he doesn't eat as much, and is therefore skinnier.
the differences in universes
so this is a lot more obvious
but earth-42 is literally on fire
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you can see it in the background in this scene
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You can also see the names of the Sinister-Six villains in the background
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So earth-42 is run by villains, because there's no Spider-man to protect them. Since the Prowler is canonically a vigilante in Earth-42, we can assume that Miles-42 fights against the Sinister Six in order to protect New York.
But they do control most of it, and are probably all some type of businessmen or own a large part of the city, considering the fact that that their names are written on billboards and building in the background.
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Also, the color schemes of the universes' are very different.
Earth-1610 tends to be red, blue, pink and yellow, all very vibrant colors. The red and blue are Spider-man colors as well. It makes the universe pop out, and the sketchbook animation style makes it seem even more lively.
Earth-42 is green, purple and black, all Prowler colors. They signify how dark it is compared to Earth-1610 and just how problematic it is for a universe to not have a Spider-man.
Hopefully this answered your ask properly, if not pls let me know anon! <3
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lee-hakhyun · 1 month
Hiii i will answer in an ask since using tags would be quite cumbersome.
I want to firstly say that im sorry for assuming your identity. I shouldn't have done that. I'm a little bit sensitive when it comes to this matter since i saw a lot of....pretty mean stuff that people said about otherkinity since i entered the community even when it wasn't necessary bad intentioned, so that why's i immediately jumped to the assuming that you were the same. That's the reason, but not a excuse so I'm sorry. I didn't meant to hurt you or anything like that.
Also, i def wont block you or any mutual over this, especially when yall are very respectful and understanding and especially when in this case it's just more a matter of view towards a recognized issue (man why does this sound so formal.....i hate english). And i hope you didn't took my tags as an attack or anything of sorts, i just wanted to raise an issue that worries me a lot, especially when the majority doesn't even know what otherkinity is or when they do, they mostly brush off/ignore it.
Also, before knowing what otherkin was or the kff movement, i used the term kinning in that way too (especially when it came to kdj). Even nowadays, when i try to regulate my usage of the word "kin", i still think to myself "man im too much of a kdj kinnie blergh" because it's too integrated in my brain from all the jokes/memes. So like. I think it would hypocritical to not clarify that. + you tags were far from incoherent, quite the opposite! I think my tags was messier lol
Thing is i do agree somewhat with your views/opnion and i do agree that 90% of the people use it as way to express their love or understanding or empathy with a character and i think that's amazing. But i also, it doesn't erase the fact that it do help erase and block the voices from community and does nothing to raise awareness, and still perpetuate the harm done to the otherkinity. Especially! Towards fictionkin. Although I'm not fictionkin and i dont speak over their issues, from what i seen in some posts the fact that "kinning" became so popular esp in the context of "kinning" a fictional character, it make it harder to talk about their experiences and only intensify the pre-judgment and steorytyping.
Just because "kinnig" is popular now, it doesn't mean that it has/will be that way forever. Over the years, there were many harmful words that were popular in usage but were dropped off and substituted by other non-harmful words later on and "kinning" can be one of those too. I like to discuss the understanding or empathy one have towards characters and i like how this type of discussion became more popular due to "kinning" and precisely because of that, that i find important for us (as in, people on the internet) to popularize alternative terms, akin to how "generative media" is becoming more used than "AI" in some spaces.
It's true that there is no other popular term, and that precisely why it's even more necessary to use alt terms to describe this understanding one have towards a character.
But like you said, its more a matter of opnion/views more than anything. But again, i think it would be at least the minimum if people outside of the community raised more awareness and gave more voice to otherkin ppl, which i dont see happening. I just came to know what otherkinity is because i remembered the term "voidpunk" from the aro community and when i went to search it on tumblr i saw it being tagged in otherkin posts, rather than a directly seeing the term in a post from the dash or anything like that.
So if people outside of the community use kinning, then at least i hope they also care about the community itself and our opinions, experiences and issues. I hope one day, otherkinity would be more known and accepted rather than remain with the popular knowledge of "identity made up by cringe mentally ill tumblr teenagers, who are northern american/european" (at least for me, as an Brazilian, the last part is really depressing) (I hate being seen as USAian or european. Like. Ewww)
I kinda fear that all this discussion about otherkin language and kff will just be brushed as "silly tumblr discourse made by chronically online ppl" rather than something serious to think and talk about, especially in outside circles. so like. Im sorry if im getting too emotional or anything about that, in this aspect, its less about you or my mutuals as individuals and more about "many, many, many people and society in general are pretty ableist, mean and ignorant when it comes to subcultures like this and i want to more people understand that and try to find an alternative way to describe a pretty positive and funny experience without harming other people".
I guess that as long as it harms people, even in indirect ways, i will still be uncomfortable with the term kinning and i dont think i would be ever or so soon be comfortable in using it the way i used before, but that's on me. At the end of the day, people are free to do what they want, and i respect that freedom, especially when they're understanding/respectful/well-intentionated.
And thats it. Sorry for the long ask ajsbsisjsisj also i struggle with tone so sorry if i seemed too rude or too formal (?). English also doesn't helps lol
oh it's okay i mostly keep this blog to fandom/games i get why you would assume things, especially about this! i don't mind other people having differing opinions/feelings, just that i personally don't mind kinnies (as long as they're respectful ofc) + indulge in the kinnie stuff myself. and you're completely in the right to be uncomfortable with it yourself, i wasn't looking to change your opinion but just express mine ^^ i get that it's a touchy topic for a lot of otherkin, i felt that i had to bring up the otherkin/kinnie distinction in that ask because ignoring to just reply with the kinnie definition would leave people ignorant. better to educate people to the best of my ability than to leave people in the dark.
if i start seeing a big push for new language i'd totally be on board to swap to it.. but unfortunately a lot of the alternatives i see are just never used compared to kinnie/kinning. i believe what's most likely to happen to replace kinnie is not a term created specifically to replace it, but a popular new word that just happens to have the same meaning. maybe some good might finally come from tiktok's easy virality🤷
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hiiiiii, coming in here asking if you got any tips for possibly writing ford getting drunk and just generally how to write such a thing? I really want to have him do that in my next Forduary fic that I'm writing but I don't know where to start since I've never had a lick of alcohol and idk what my headcanons for him about this will lie, ie. whether he'd be a lightweight, whether he'd have drunk alcohol before this fic or how he acts under the influence (he'd be buzzed to tipsy most of the fic besides the end end, if that helps). for context, I was thinking he was going mad trying not to think of Stan on his 30th birthday and eventually caves in to drink some cheap whiskey from the convenience store while doing errands to forget. if you have tips or fics where that happens I can reference or even just headcanons about Ford and alcohol, I'd gladly take it, but it's alright if you don't. feel free to take this to discord but also answer this ask privately if you would.
man im gonna be honest with u i havent drunk a lick of alcohol either 😔 i just bullshit it most of the time and have gotten oddly good at it lately. i can, however, give you tips n tricks to make it seem like you do. and headcanons too--those go first ;)
(also please take this with a grain of salt as i too haven't drunk alcohol regularlu to know my shit. this all just research and thoughts on this specific situation. thoughts below the cut ! please dont come at me)
first off u gotta figure out the basics: adding the character + alcohol together; what would it do? i see ford as a "drinks to forget the outside world" type of drunkard. he's blissfully ignorant but still has the wired anguish within him, resulting into... a lot of feelings. he tasted it young, but didnt get Into It until the paranoia stint when taste didnt matter anymore and al he wanted was a decent depressant. however he can hold liquor very well, which is a problem considering the purpose, and has to drink a lotttt to achieve what he wants to the point he could get addicted. those are things you can make up yourself and therefore pretty easy: but actual facts? those are harder. here's some i've learned:
- there's a hugeeee difference between hard alcohol and a drink that happens to be laced in alcohol. for one, hard alcohol is served in small glasses/shot glasses while other drinks can be served on pretty much anything (but still small). an easier to understand real world example would be this: someone could, say, have seven shirley temples (an alcoholic beverage) without being incapacitated, but seven shots of vodka will at minimum knock you unconsious. five glasses of wine could do shit to you but five shots of whiskey will GET you. you gotta know what your character's drinking. pick a type you know and research if you must.
- hard alcohol has no taste. again, big diffence between these types. if anything it burns because, well, have you felt alcohol placed on ur skin while getting a shot or placed in a wound? that shit burns and it wont be any different down ur throat. if there js a taste you're barely gonna notice. alcoholics dont drink for taste--they've got more sinister shit goin' on.
- you gotta know what your character has. is it a regular small glass you'd see in a movie or a shot glass he takes from over and over? is he drinking from the bottle directly? how often is he taking a drink? is it bourbon? whiskey? vodka? rum? they alllll do different shit. you gotta KNOW (sorry if im repeating, but this is crucial)
- there are different types of addicts. there are binge drinkers, alcohol abusers, alcohol dependant (theres a difference), and u gotta.research which one u wanna portray. i say ford's an abuser: he has a somewhat consious level of what he drinks, but still doesnt stop because--well, its either being drunk off your rocker or having to succumb to Reality, which in this case, is genuinely dangerous (Bill.)
- there are also a lot of different symptoms, depending on the dosage. here's some ive screenshotted from a post a while ago:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
so that's something. also, here's some sites thatcould help:
how to write drunk speech
a page in the CDC about alcohol and beer
a page on the national institution of health about alcohol (really nice, gives you a lotof the basics)
and the australian alcohol and drug association
also i will say that if it werent for bill, ford's relationship with alcohol would likely be very different and probably healthier tbh--again, it differs on why your character drinks, related to trauma or not. sometimes, they just do, and there's nothing you can do about it--but there's usually a reason when it comes 2 fiction. the point: know ur shit even if ur gonna be vague, and if u can help it, name names when it matters. dont say "he drank a shot of alcohol" say he "took a shot of whiskey" and such-like. look up what kind of hard alcohols there are and understand what would be on hand if ford were to get his hands on some of this stuff. i hope this helped, and good luck on forduary! <3
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tillman · 2 years
Embarrassed asking this bc I've been following for a hot minute now and still don't know anything haha--where would I start if I were to look into reading abt Lancelot and Galehaut?
NO ITS OK LOL medieval lit is fucking insane especially getting into it with no background here is my brief spiel: <- said before i ended up typing 800 words. sorry.
medieval lit is complex and extremely hard to approach. let alone that most translations work under the assumption the only people to ever read them would be academics with a background in medieval lit, getting into and reading it is a challenge. if u have an interest and dont want to have to brave one of the longest and most complex stories written in medieval french and translated by many many people into english, im happy to say the story of galehaut and lancelot has enough influence to have a pretty decent modern english retelling of the main beats in Lancelot and the Lord of the Distant Isles. (my pdf here, tho copies are really easy to find in bookstores and stuff this is only from 2007). It takes the main story of the vulgate and condenses it down to focus on just the love story of galehaut and lancelot. its pretty fun. the liberties it takes are slight and work for telling a coherent story.
Now, if you have read it, or want the real Galehaut experience, heres whats up, medieval texts and modern poems undercut:
Galehaut is in 5. i think maybe 6 medieval stories total. youre in for a treat as this is maybe the shortest "i want to get into arthuriana and i like this character where do i start?!" list possible besides like. drian the gay. or some other fucking nobody.
The main one, again, is the Vulgate Cycle. This is the main old french tale that inspired a looot of other arthurian works all over Europe. Its huge. Im not done scanning it BUT, i am done scanning the section Galehaut appears in, the beginning, because i got depressed after that lol. (Heres my scan of part 1, part 2 is on my website im too lazy to get both links).
From there, you got the most detailed explanation of the story of Galehaut, and can read the more fun shit and whacky shit with him and Lancelot in it YAY. Heres what i got pdfed on me rn:
Biggest one to note is he has a side role in Thomas Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur. Nothing huge, and they do mix him up with Galahad at one point? but hes there. No one should read the original text its such a slog so heres Keith Baines awesome rendition
In other bad middle english texts, Lancelot of the Laik Book 3 has Galehaut, but its unfinished and also. only in middle english. fun footnote, dont read it. one day ill post my translation of book 3 alone LOL.
Short and sweet Galehaut is in The Old Knight, the greek text we have. he tries to fight for palamides and lancelot and tristan then try to fight for him. its cute. the old knight is an odd little thing just had to bring it up LOL (had to download a pdf for this one the site i read the article on before doesnt seem to be up.... just scroll to the bottom!) <- thisll be up on my website soon i forgot it i guess
Now for the funniest reveal: Galehaut plays more of a role in Tristania than Arthuriana most of the time (well. the arthurian branch of tristania im not getting into this rn). Why is Galehaut and Lancelots relationship expanded upon only here? only god can answer that.
Here is the Tavola Ritonda. Its one of the oddest texts i know of. Medieval italian. Very Very brutal. BUT. has some really interesting Galehaut takes and moments hidden in the . whatever is happening in this fucking text. its long as hell but mentioning for fun. (pdfff)
aand more interestingly. Here is the Belarussian translation of that. Which is even fucking weirder. mostly different plot, still has lots of really cute galehaut moments including the bit he asks tristan to join his and lancelots marriage. oh well i love the povest. (and heres that pdf)
Now. this is the wild card round. Heres the weird shit and the Hovey.
If you can brave French. modern french not old dont worry, Pierre Sala has Tristan et Lancelot. an exceptionally fucking weird story. Galehaut does make a slight appearance but mostly, keyley, funnierly, his evil german cousin is a recurring villain for a few chapters. its weird. its fun. its french. (pdf)
and finally. this one is on its own level, here is my dedication to Richard Hovey. one of the greatest poets of 1885 or whenever he wrote his arthurian stuff. He was gay. he famously called himself the american oscar wilde (and maybe met him at a party? one time we found a source saying they made out at a party.). and he wrote one of the only poems featuring galehaut i know.
well ok its a collection of dramas. and galehaut is not the focus. but he is a main character and he is insane. I recommend reading literally all his works hes a fucking amazing poet, you can even find his other poetry online easily. but heres his list of works on the camelot project. oh my god read richard hovey. please . hes my favorite poet.
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pompadourpink · 3 months
Bonjour! Do you have any advice on preventing work burnout? It's only my second day at a new job and there is so much to learn and I want to keep up but I dont want to seem needy. People say that I can ask for help if I need it, but I think they just say that and dont actually mean it to seem polite. I dont think anyone has time or patience to hold my hand rn and want to do their jobs without interruptions. I'm overthinking everything I do and overanalysing my performance and I'm so tired already
Hey darl (I wrote too much again),
First I recommend you take a look at this post and then this one; I believe they are the most important ones I've written.
Work burnout is a symptom of insecurity. It tells me that you see your value in obedience, in productivity, in discipline. That you were probably a tortured student. That you spent entire nights rewriting conversations because you didn't like your performance.
However, darling girl, you are not a puppy at a show dog and no one is asking you to be that. Well, for you to be like that now, maybe your parents did when you were younger. They should not have.
Your manager didn't hire you to carry the whole company on your shoulders. No one is asking you to be Atlas or Sisyphus and to sleep at the office and to tattoo their logo on your forehead. Your colleagues know that beginnings are hard and deciding that you know their "true" intentions is only going to make your life more difficult.
Before doing this, I worked at two big companies and hated my time there. The second one was objectively terrible, but the first one could have been a better memory if I hadn't been stuck in a type-A/eldest daughter mindset that drove me to take on too much and make promises I couldn't keep, which led to exhaustion and a mediocre to bad relationship with most colleagues as they felt judged and threatened by my attitude.
So, short-term answers:
Find a couple of people you like and get in touch once you have several questions. If it's an option, skype them asking if they have five minutes and either drop by their office or call them. Be pleasant and eager, not apologetic (I found that acting like you have a broken paw makes people aggressive because you have no reason to be afraid of them and are still acting like you're expecting the worst from them).
Do what you are asked, ask for feedback, be on time, present well, have a courteous but professional relationship with your supervisors and closest colleagues, go home. No extra unpaid work, no parties, no social media (and don't explain yourself). Protect yourself. Don't give ammo to the angry.
Breathing exercises and yoga. Have lunch alone, outside, in silence. Listen to the birds. Prioritise socialising and the things that make you happy.
Long-term answers:
Have a friend come over during the weekend and do three things: declutter the whole house, spring clean, meal prep dinners + freeze them. I remember very well how exhausted I was back in 2018: I'd go home, slump on the couch, put on some Golden Girls in the background and rot the entire evening. I wasted a lot of money on takeout. Make your routine as effortless as possible and rot away if that is what you need. And you do.
Therapy. Easy answer but remember what I said: this is not a personality trait, it's a symptom. You need to revisit the way you see yourself, your definition of happiness (if you have one at all), your goals, your relationship with work and duty, the weight of your education on your current lifestyle.
Self-love. I don't know how long you've been a reader but I beat depression in 2020 after battling it since I was a teen; although cutting ties or therapy helped, the real key was found in love. Get some pictures of yourself when you were a kid and talk to that little girl. Tell her how you feel about her. Tell her the amazing things that happened since the pic was taken. Tell her about your dreams. Give her the compliments she's been wanting to hear this whole time. Apologise for treating her like crap, starving her, calling her ugly, neglecting her needs, whatever it is. Put those pictures up in your flat, keep one in your wallet, make one your phone's background. And every time you feel like being mean to yourself, look at her and ask yourself if she deserves it. And every time you make eye contact with a pic, tell her "I love you". Out loud. Treat yourself how you would treat her if you had custody. Hug her when she's sad, put her to bed when she's tired, get her snacks and a show when she's sick, surround her exclusively with people who understand how special she is. Because she really is the best little girl.
Good luck, darling. It's a long way but it's worth the hassle.
Much love,
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crowholtz · 9 months
hii! i absolutely adore helene crow!! you can answer as many/little as you want but here you go (and ty for the ask too)! 🧡🧡
✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?
💍 RING — does your oc have any piercings? do they want any (more) piercings?
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
🐶 DOG FACE — does your oc have any pets?
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside?
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS — what is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink?
😖 CONFOUNDED FACE — is your oc an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert? do they let people in easily, or are they more reserved?
🧐 FACE WITH MONOCLE — is your oc more logical or emotional?
😓 DOWNCAST FACE WITH SWEAT — is your oc open-minded or stubborn? are they inquisitive or do they prefer to keep to their bubble of knowledge?
oh my GODS these are so many questions you're too kind. I'm going to answer them all because Helene is my babygirl
putting this on a read more bc it got long hehe
✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?
Helene hasn't traveled much in her life. She grew up in partially in a tiny fishing village on the Sword Coast, and then in the orphanage at the Citadel of Strategic Militancy not too far from Baldur's Gate. She'd visit the city every so often. The furthest she traveled was for the mission her church sent her on to kill some werewolves... where she ended up being sucked into Barovia lmao. Helene does not have much worldly experience. I'd say, while Helene does like flying through the skies, she doesn't like going far from home, wherever that may be. She likes to remain close to those she loves.
💍 RING — does your oc have any piercings? do they want any (more) piercings?
Just standard earlobe piercings! Much to my chagrin, Helene isn't one for body mods like tattoos or piercings.
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
Yes! Harpsichord (virtuoso), piano (virtuoso), cello (advanced). Helene's mother saved up for a harpsichord for Helene to start practicing at a very young age, because she had aspirations for her daughter to be in the upper echelons of society one day. Helene learned the cello during her time in the church, and I also associate the cello as her instrument theme.
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
So I love translating some of my own and other real-life disabilities to my OCs, because I feel like they need to be represented and explored more in fictional narratives. Helene's unique physiology (which is a whole can of worms in and of itself that I could talk about) translates, basically, into her having Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, as well as Fibromyalgia. As far mental disorders, Helene has ADHD, Autism, Depression, PTSD, BPD, and **(OTHER PLAYERS IN MY CAMPAIGN DONT READ THIS)** Schizophrenia. The last one has actually been one I've been doing a lot of research on and talking to people about since I don't personally have it, but it's actually something that's recently triggered for her from the stresses and horrors of Barovia, having already run in her family. She's having a hard time figuring out if it's just Barovia being Barovia or her own head, which adds an extra layer to it all.
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
She adores music! She's a goth, melancholic, macabre kinda girl, so she loves anything Strahd plays on his organ :p She's also fond of the battle hymns her Church taught her. She loves singing.
🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
You will very often see Helene with a glass of wine in her hand. She has a tendency to indulge to make herself feel better or forget the horrors. Usually in wine and true vampire blood (which has narcotic-life effects).
🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
cis female (she/her), demisexual!
🐶 DOG FACE — does your oc have any pets?
Milivoj, Viktor, Deyja... Not in the traditional, well-adjusted sense. She has an animated Strahd puppet she keeps as a pet. She also has her familiar, a celestial that usually takes the form of a Barovian Duskrat. Then she has her pegasus, Bluebell, but she doesn't know if she considers her a pet... Helene's always wanted a dog, though. She loves dogs.
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
Hmm... questionable or neutral? I'm not sure how to answer this. Let's say...
Control freak. Feeling out of control is a no-go for Helene. She has to know things, she has to be directing things the way she wants them to go.
Politeness and social etiquette are very important to her, which is funny considering her dislike of politics. She was raised with a very heavy hand of etiquette. She is somehow both blunt and polite. To an extent.
Abhors politics. She's not great at talking to people or influencing people, and she's a terrible liar. She prefers when people are upfront and honest with her so she doesn't have to play guessing games with them.
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
Strahd Strahd Strahd Strahd Strahd Strahd. Love in general is the most important thing to Helene. Getting love, giving love. She has a number of paramours, all so special to her in their own ways. She's possessive and deeply loving with all of them. But Strahd/Vasili feel like her soulmates.
💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside?
Inside. Calmer inside. Cozier. Darker. Less overwhelming. The only exception is when she's flying in the skies, then that's where she feels most at home.
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
well... that's where you're getting into the reason Helene turned into a fallen aasimar. to make a long story SUPER short - Helene's village was burned and eradicated by raiders when she was 11. After spending two years at an orphanage, Helene decided she wanted to take revenge, a strong desire for 'justice' in her mind. She snuck out from the orphanage, found the group of raiders and where they called 'home', and killed all of them one by one. Problem was, she wanted eye for an eye. When they killed her village, they left no one standing. So Helene slaughtered their non-combatant women and children too. Real Anakin moment, babe. Anyway she was so distraught and hated herself so much for it, she self-actualized her divinity away! Woo!
🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS — what is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink?
Red wine. She's taken a liking to Red Dragon Crush, but some of the best wine she's ever had was a very sweet and fruity red Strahd had procured specially for her.
😖 CONFOUNDED FACE — is your oc an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert? do they let people in easily, or are they more reserved?
Introvert. Helene loves getting praise and attention, but she doesn't let people in easily at all. Trust is hard. Trust is giving up control.
Also she thinks most people are stupid. She's a snob like that.
🧐 FACE WITH MONOCLE — is your oc more logical or emotional?
That's a fun one for her! She fluctuates between extremes, which includes very logical or very emotional. She's sort of ruled by her emotions, but the tries to act and think with logic.
😓 DOWNCAST FACE WITH SWEAT — is your oc open-minded or stubborn? are they inquisitive or do they prefer to keep to their bubble of knowledge?
She's actually pretty open-minded for most things. She does get stubborn about some of her own personal issues and flaws, but she's actually extremely curious. She wants to learn EVERYTHING. She soaks up things like a sponge. She likes talking to monsters and evil people cordially to get a view into their minds and motivations (as well as strengths and weaknesses)
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