#and later on hes trying to mend things with the fam so it would be counter productive to bring that out (in his own eyes.
stillness138 · 5 months
where are characters from the first Hades game now, and some other character-centric theories:
inspired by this post by @thebuttsmcgee
so from the technical test gameplay stream we learned that Chronos straight up took over the underworld and kidnapped not only Hades, but Zagreus and Persephone too. out of the underworlders from the first game, Charon is still doing his thing in secret, Skelly returns in a new coat, the Wretched Broker is back too, and Hypnos is the only other guy from the House who's hiding at Hecate's hub, but he's also fast asleep...
personally, i think Hypnos might be cursed or something like that. Chronos using Hypnos's schtick against him? lose time by sleeping through it all? or maybe he just wakes up a bit later. hell, maybe he's always asleep during the test but not the final game because he would've dropped a spoiler or something.
so what about the rest?
assuming they're not all imprisoned somehow,
-Nyx and Thanatos: they could've fled to Chaos. a narrator's note at the Crossroads says that it houses 'those still loyal to lord Hades', but doesn't necessarily say 'all of them'. Nyx visits Chaos in the first game once their relationship is mended, and like the post i linked said, Than would've probably tried to protect the family and the House for as long as he could. but in the face of no other option, i think Chaos would be a viable place to flee to for the two of them, out of Chronos's reach similarly to the Crossroads. Than also visits the surface though, so maybe he'll show up at the Crossroads at some point? maybe in a plot point, trying to help Mel free Zag and the fam? both of them are important enough to warrant an appearance.
-the Furies: my idea is that all three of them were forced to serve Chronos. they're a very important part of security and upkeep down there, i think he would've wanted the realm's employees on his side. i don't however think they're going to be the bossfight between Asphodel and Tartarus. they, or Meg alone, should have some presence however.
-Sisiphus: it would be kinda cute if the furies went behind Chronos's back and helped to tuck Sisiphus away somewhere safe, given that he is loyal to Zag/the family and maybe that'd mean they were ordered to torture him again. depends on what Chronos's rule over the underworld looks like for the different shades there, but Melinoë speaks to the few that hang around at Crossroads in an almost comforting manner, so i imagine Chronos is trying to rule by fear and get shades on his side that way. Bouldy's gonna be sad, but fine. i hope. but at least a mention would be nice.
-Achilles and Patroclus (and Theseus&Asterius): ...they're probably separated again, aren't they... brainstorming now, i like (pain and) the idea that they're both in Elysium, just not together. because i think Elysium would've risen up as an army of sorts trying to oppose Chronos, given it's all warriors and heroes. separated by war. Nemesis having Stygius with her makes me believe Achilles could be wielding Varatha. additionally, Theseus being forced to step up and put his vanity aside, delicious idea i think. also, Mel arriving to this supposed paradise only to find it in a desolate state. all of them, i think, should be at the very least mentioned too.
-Orpheus and Euridice: they could be both hiding or imprisoned or forced to serve, but. what if this time it's Euridice who's looking for Orpheus. he's at the house and at Chronos's whim, while she makes it to the Crossroads and asks Mel for help. it'd be a shame if they were never heard from again.
-Cerberus: probably locked up with the fam :( orrr he's running wild all around the realm and Chronos is literally incapable of taming him. that would've been fun. Cerberus bossfight tho... nah. no way he wouldn't see something familiar in Mel. but it could be fun too if done right. he definitely has to reappear.
-Dusa: wild theory time but she's hiding in the rafters, spying on Chronos. :D. if the situation is much more dire, she's either also forced to serve, or even banished into Asphodel to be with the other gorgon heads. either way i think she'll pop up again in some capacity.
-House Contractor, Head Chef, Resource Director: probably unwillingly continuing their jobs under Chronos's rule. although the chef might've lost his job, depends if Chronos like, eats normal food. well mostly onions and fish but still. alternatively, the chef will also show up at Crossroads like the Wretched Broker does.
-THE GOOD SHADE from Elysium: okay war hero good shade arc when? i'm sorry, but i love them.
some other ideas, theories and wishes:
-the obvious one is Hera, like many others i also hope she will appear as a major boon giver.
-i have a feeling, however, that Hermes might not. it seems a bit that Artemis and Selene are filling up his role as the little bit specific boon giver, but maybe i'm wrong. Artemis provides crit boons just like in the first game and Selene has a bit more of a Chaos vibe to her. let's see.
-i do think, or would like it if, Chaos shows up, but not as a boon giver. but i believe they would definitely have something to say about Chronos's actions.
-back to Hermes though... there's that sealed staircase that leads upwards from the Crossroads. people have already been theorizing this, but there might seriously be a section of the game taking place on Olympus, or at the very least somewhere under it. still, i don't think Hermes would be a boon giver either if he does appear. i would however like to see him interact with Charon.
-the Fates will, i think, remain obscure, even if Moros has more of a connection to them. maybe they'll be mentioned and explored a bit more, but i wouldn't count on them appearing by themselves.
-i would however like to see at least one more of Nyx's kids. originally, i also hoped Erebus himself ever shows up personified, but i like what they've done with it as a place.
Eris is i'd say the biggest contender, given that she's namedropped in the first game through a weapon aspect and a purchasable item. maybe she's even boss material (again, if Nemesis has the sword, Eris may wield the rail).
-same thinking can be applied to Ariadne (she lives with Dionysus on Olympus, does she not?), Talos (giant robot made by Hephaestus, how cool is that), and Lamia (snake lady with personal history with Zeus and Hera, would even make for a cool boss too i think, although i always viewed her as a more melancholic figure. but i'm just spitballing here). there are also Atlas, Prometheus and other names on Charon's many items, those are less likely to make an appearance imo.
-Talos also obviously has a weapon aspect in the first one, and then there's Chiron. in myth, he is the son of Chronos. the juiciness of that situation, given he has a relationship with Achilles and Patty as well... perhaps he'll be Elysium's miniboss in the spirit of Asterius? or straight up a main boss? or actually a friendly? i really hope they did something with him, the potential is so very there.
-i think Daedalus will remain present just in name and spirit.
-now that i'm on the weapons though, for all we know there might not be such a thing as weapon aspects (at least not tied to specific figures) in Hades 2, but if there are, including hidden aspects, i'd like to see nods to more of other world mythologies/histories/cultures, like Egyptian, Japanese, pre-columbian American or Slavic.
-this brings me to keepsakes and companion plushies, if they're in the game at all and if so, who gives them out.
keepsake-wise, beside the olympians, Hecate is obvious, as well as Odysseus, and Nemesis and Moros are too. Arachne and Skelly also. Charon seems likely, so does Dora. maybe Hypnos if/when he wakes up. Selene, probably.
i'd say, if companions are a thing, it's also up to Nemesis and Moros, Odysseus, maybe Hecate, likely Arachne, and if there's 6 of them like last time, the final one will be from either Dora or someone we haven't seen yet. or Hecate doesn't give one (she's pretty op for a summon) but Skelly does.
-this also ties into romance! it's been deduced a long time ago, right when the trailer came out, that Nemesis and Moros are very likely romanceable. i also see the appeal and potential of romancing Dora, and from the technical test, i like Melinoë's friendship with Artemis. Hypnos's presence at the Crossroads is interesting from this point too, but i wouldn't guess he'll be romanceable if/when he wakes up.
there are more details to speculate about, especially in gameplay and resources (boss room rewards! the equivalent of nectar/ambrosia to give characters!) but i wanted to keep this mainly about the npcs.
honestly curious what other people are saying!
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
"It takes Shadowpeach literal years of living and raising a child together before they realise that they've fallen back in love" of course. Could you give more details? Like what was the time it takes between that happening and them realizing? Who fell first? How long after that until they actually do something about it or do they still avoid the subject to canon time
Basically, at the start of the story the Shadowpeach is on a bit of a hiatus cus of the whole... Macaque being killed thing.
Macaque is understandably very upset with Wukong. Like, if Wukong hadnt shown up with MK's egg, Macaque could have darn near killed him. But he's able to put his anger aside for the sake of the unborn Stone Monkey.
Wukong this whole time has had deep festering love for Macaque, but resigned himself to grief in the centuries following his death. The joy he feels upon his resurrection is clouded by the fear of losing him again. So much so he fears reigniting their flame.
Cue them coming across Pigsy. The pig demon assumes from the shabby clothes, the arguing, and the bump under Macaque's clothes (actually MK's egg in a harness); that the two are young, soon-to-be parents needing shelter. Wukong hams the misunderstanding up, and Macaque is too furious with him to clear the air.
Basically they move into the apartment pretending to be a couple. And soon after a while, the pretending starts getting harder and harder to differentiate from the real domestic love they shared back on Flower Fruit Mountain.
Its around the time of MK's first birthday when they begin to suspect the other of falling back in love. It almost takes another birthday for Macaque to accept that Wukong is geniunely trying to mend things between them, but scars run deep.
When MK turns 3, a random demon gets a drop on the fam - I'm leaning towards a variatn of the annoying Demon of Confusion from the very beginning of Wukong's tale. The demon assumes MK and Macaque are just really powerful monkey spirits and whisks them away to be his servants. Cue the whole noodle fam, especially Wukong going ballistic. In the ensuing rescue, Macaque is... conflicted.
Here's a rough draft:
Macaque: "You didn't have to save me, you know?" SW: "Why wouldn't I? I couldn't just leave you with that jerk." Macaque: "Because I had your living vanity trophy on my back?" Toddler!MK, in a sling: *babbling* SW: "I... I know that you could have escaped. Fought your way out on your own without breaking a sweat... But when I learned that Demon *took* you away, I just... I just..." Macaque: "Just what?" SW: "I just... thought of how many of MK's birthday's you'd miss. How many dinners at Pigsy's uneaten. How many nights alone in bed... I lasted over 500 years. But now... I don't think I could have survived another day without you." Macaque, realizing: "Oh..." Pigsy, Tang & Sandy: *wondering if they should leave the lovebirds alone*
After that incident, they slowly build back up their relationship. Baby steps, just to confirm the bonds hold firm.
It would take them a few months to spit out an "I love you". The first one to break being Wukong - watching Macaque doing a shadow puppet show for MK with a goofy look on his face. He says it without warning, thinking it was just in his head until Macaque froze. It took Macaque a week to respond with "The feeling is mutual I suppose" while lying in bed.
They do hit snags later down the line. Notably SW briefly regressing back to a "find means of immortality for mate and baby"-phase the first time MK got seriously injured. And in turn Macaque hiding how much he was hurt by his death, and hiding who resurrected him + the price he has to pay for it. This also not including Sun Wukong disobeying his order from the Celestial Realm to "scramble" MK.
Until the events of "A Hero Is Born", Monkey King is pretty much assumed perma-retired after the New Stone Egg incident, while the Six Eared Macaque is presumed dead. Then the Demon Bull Family indirectly drag them back into the spotlight.
They are both emotionally constipated, your honor. I sentence them to 18 years of hard parenting and couple's counseling.
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scorchedhearth · 2 years
i actually dont think jason would openly talk about the batarang scar like you see in fics because that's a sign of failure and you know he hides those. failure of his plan, he didn't get what he wanted and didn't plan well enough but also -mainly- failure of his relationship with bruce and he's really private, he wouldn't air that out in front of just anyone. i don't know about you but i wouldnt freely give details of how my father maimed me (and killed me) because his morals go above his personal feelings and relationships and i tried to push those. i don't even think the rest of the batfam knows what really happened at the end of UTRH and both bruce and jason like to keep it this way, secretive as they are
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llendrinall · 4 years
So i got another fic idea in my head The dates are very important. 1 (May 1998) Percy was a Ministry spy and he worked closely with Albus. He saved a lot of lives no matter their blood or if they were creatures. And at the battle of Hogwarts he saves Freds life but hes in crit condition George is a total ass (He's angry and takes it out on Percy) going off at him saying nasty things along the lines of that Percy isn't welcome at the Weasley home anymore.
2 When he tries to go to the House to talk to them he's not treated very well ("Dont wanna hear excuses Percy"). He just give up, packs his things in his flat, & the next morning he goes, gives his mission reports that date from the start of his Ministry career along with his resignation letter on Shacklebot's desk. Then he's off to America to start over he snuck into Freds hospital room & used Snapes healing charms as a way to 'set things right' before leaving.
3. Percy is now in New York, gets a job, and then spends the next 6 months working diligently and whatnot. Then he meets Audrey Smith, they end up going on a few dates and she introduces Percy to her local gym and they become gym buddies and soon start dating. (Aug 2000) After 2 years together (They're married) Percy and Audrey find out they're expecting. And then the twins are born on the 2nd of May 2001. Percy laughs a bit as Audrey pats him the shoulder and says "They sure chose the date"
4. Sep 11 2001) Audrey dies in the 9/11 attack (she was a muggle) & Percy is left a widow with 2 daughters to look after. (June 2002) He bumps into Oliver who's on a quidditch training exchange. They catch up. (Oliver doesn't bring up the fact that Percy's fam has been looking for him for years and that he's saved so many lives) As December rolls around Oliver spends it at Percy's, meeting the kids and hearing Percy tell him everything (His wife, his family and the war)
(I think this is part 5? Idk its 2am here) (Jan - May) They spend a lot of time together after Xmas and slowly Percy begins to heal a bit more after Audrey's death. Oliver ends up going back to the UK and Percy misses him. (July) Oliver comes back with news that he's transferred to an NY team "They might not be big on Quidditch here but they're extremely good, Perce" (Its not because Oliver has been inlove with Percy since Hogwarts. Neither is it because he loves Molly & Lucy to death either)
6 (Feb 2004) The UK Papers get a picture of Oliver, Percy the twins out and it BLOWS UP. Charlie (The only one who even heard Percy out back after the war ended, He knows the others did wrong by him) floos in and then warns Percy about everyone knowing he's here and that they're gonna be coming in 2 days. So He ends up having Charlie take the girls. He ends up meeting with his fam and it takes a long long time for them to heal and fix things.
7. His Fam only get to meet Molly and Lucy when they're 6. When they're 7 he and Oliver gets married. Idk why but i seem to only send you these fic ideas when im hella tired and at 2am. T_T Why am i like this? So Audrey named Molly and Perce named Lucy (After each others moms)
 Honestly, What can I say at this point? You have the whole story thought out. Go for it and write it!
It’s not the kind of story I write, though. But since you dropped the materials here, I can share how I would assemble it.
I would avoid New York. Big cities have a character. They are characters and you have to treat them as such. In Life skills, London is a character, complex and big and hard and beautiful. In Secret language of plants, even though Draco and Harry end up in London, I had them stay in the house because London was too big of a character for that stage of the story.
So, no New York. If I had to use a well-known city I would go with Boston, I think. Otherwise, a small one with a nice name.
Audrey doesn’t die on 9/11. Well, she dies on that day, but not on the attack. It’s something as simple and dull as a traffic accident. Percy wasn’t with her, not that it would have mattered. Yes, wizards have potions to mend bones instantly and protective charms and spells to stop the momentum, but Audrey died instantly, and no one could have seen the car until it was on her.
The driver was an old man, fumbling with that new invention, a mobile phone, trying to call his daughter who worked in New York.
Magic Law on the States is a bit… over the place. It would be extremely simple to put a curse or a hex that man. If Percy was clever about it, it wouldn’t be too illegal. But he doesn’t. Percy realizes it wouldn’t make him feel better.
 Percy doesn’t particularly like the States. The tea is terrible, the coffee is weak, the spelling is painful and people are entirely too talkative. But it’s sunnier than England and the orange juice is good, so he stays.
He goes to Romania every summer to visit Charlie. The girls love it there and it was always easy to talk to Charlie. Charlie who had such a promising career in Quidditch and rejected the fame and fortune for a thankless career working with dragons. Not even training dragons for bank security, which is a cool and profitable career, but fighting that very same use.
Charlie only goes back home for a week during Christmas, so he gets it. They don’t have to talk about it, never mention that weird state of loving your family and not wanting to be with them, to fight, to have to explain and justify your very existence and your life decisions.
He meets Oliver in Romania. Supposedly Oliver is there to see the sights and rest his left shoulder, that was injured at the end of the league. But he is not the first Quidditch player who has a crisis of faith and comes to Charlie with questions. So far, none of them had taken up dragon-protection, but one became a broomstick racer and another is the head coach of an Italian team.
Charlie only thinks about dragons. Oliver only thinks about Quidditch and is in the middle of an existential crisis. So it’s perfectible understandable that the topic of Percy, his war heroics and his semi mythical status is never brought up. To be fair, Charlie doesn’t know much about it because he doesn’t read English newspapers and his family never talks about Percy when he is around. Oliver just thinks that Percy is the first Competent Adult he has ever met and is much more interested about this Figuring Life Out than any hero status.
So it’s fair to say that the headlines come as a surprise.
Someone snapped a picture of Oliver and Percy sitting very close together in a park, with twin stupid loving smiles. It was all perfectly innocent. Molly was doing something cute out of frame and they never kept any physical distance between themselves, not even in Hogwarts. But it doesn’t matter. The picture is sold as proof of the mysterious war hero and the dashing sport star carrying a secret love affair. It’s a beautiful story, powerful. Percy is the tragic handsome hero and Oliver the right person to bring love back in his life after years nursing the wounds of war. Or perhaps Oliver is the sweet and honest good boy, the boyfriend every mother wants for her daughter, seduced by the man living a life of exotic and daring adventures.
Whatever it is, the world wants to believe in it. So much so that bloody Draco Malfoy pops up to warn them that there is a dozen of rabid, ruthless, paparazzies coming their way. He knows because Malfoy owns the most read magazine in England and has put a bounty on a photo of the two of them kissing.
Paparazzies don’t have a concept of trespassing, but breaking and entering into a dragon reserve has certain difficulties that can’t be bypassed with an alohomora and a lack of morals. Percy and Oliver spend the rest of the month in the reserve, not daring to go out. Twenty-two days in each other’s company, hiking in the mountains and playing with the girls. Molly and Lucy have decided that Oliver is similar to Charlie in all the right ways, so they like him.
On day nineteen, they kiss. Someone gets a picture of it, but, in his excitement, the photographer wanders into a nest of young dragon carps. He is recued three hours later sans pants or shoes. The photo of their first kiss is lost.
Oliver says he is almost done with his existential crisis but now Percy has one of his own.
You see, there is something Oliver hasn’t said. Something he didn’t mention at all. And Percy doesn’t know if Oliver just hasn’t noticed (it took him two years to realize all the Weasleys were siblings) or if he noticed but… doesn’t care?
There is more than one reason why only Charlie has met the girls.
Even now that Percy has received letters from every family member (including Freaking Aunt Muriel) and even a surprise visit from them (he has a life debt with Charlie for the heads-up) and they have begun the unpleasant work of fixing their relationship; even now, they haven’t met Molly and Lucy.
It’s because of the Weasley cousin they never talk about. The accountant.
Percy knows that it’s perfectly normal. Many wizarding children don’t exhibit any magic until they are at least seven. But he also knows that every single person in his family was levitating toys (Bill, Ron and Ginny) or stopping spilled milk in mid-air (him) or shooting sparks (Charlie and the twins) by the time they were three.
Molly and Lucy had done nothing magical so far. Nothing at all. And Percy knows, in his heart of hearts, that if anyone makes them feel inferior, if anyone dares to say anything against them, he will go the Dark Lord route and kill every single person prejudiced against squibs. He might kill every single wizard and witch and eradicate all magic, so his girls won’t feel inferior to anyone. He found in himself the strength to forgive the man than took Audrey’s life, but he won’t do the same for the person who speaks against his children. He can’t.
 On Christmas Percy reluctantly agrees to go to England with the girls because Charlie promises he will be there too. It is not easy. It is, in fact, very, very difficult and tense. He is forever grateful at Lee Jordan, who is glued to Fred’s hip cracking jokes and defusing tension. Also, Angelina Johnson takes George and Ginny to the kitchen and informs them they are the biggest idiots she has ever had the misfortune of meeting and that helps to avoid anyone saying something unforgivable they will regret their whole life. On Christmas’ Eve Harry Potter takes everyone’s wands because he is Harry Potter “and I do what I want” which means no one hexes anyone and they can overindulge the punch.
Oh, why bother? The whole thing is terrible and awkward and it hurts. But it is a necessary painful step, either to fix things with time or to say that he tried, actually tried, and never look back at this moment with regret.  
Also, he gets to meet with Oliver. It turns out that Oliver hadn’t noticed the girls’ lack of magic, but he also doesn’t care. Why would he care? Are you- are you supposed to care? Is this another thing Oliver missed because he only thinks about Quidditch? What’s wrong with not having magic in any case? Oliver’s mother is muggle and it is agreed that she is wonderful.  
(Even Potter says so. Percy has no idea of when Harry Potter met Oliver’s mum, but he speaks of her in the highest terms).
 You can read about what happened next on issues of 32, 33 & 34 of Alakazam as well as special issues 17, 21, 22 and 25. Draco Malfoy earns 1.5 million galleons with issue 33, setting a record for most successful print in wizarding history. Then he obliterates that record with a single stolen picture of Percy and Oliver’s wedding. He committed around a dozen crimes to get that picture, got drunk on champagne and victory and asked Harry Potter to marry him.
(He also donated all the money to a newly created society for the support and trade education of squibs, but only two people in the world know that).
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soranihimawari · 4 years
Tell me you love me
Tell me You love Me
taglist: @kaidasen, ⛅️anon ( @tkags’ anon fam), @oikawalovely
Notes: The last part of the 3-part fic with Oikawa and Seiun. There are some minor spoilers in the brief epilogue. This is my first time for writing for any of the Seijoh squad, so I apologize if Oikawa is written in a different light. He’s a dude in like (?) with someone. He’s bound to be a little more soft. A little. Iwazumi returns and we meet Michiru, Seiun’s bff.
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About another 3 weeks of physical therapy had gone by. I did go out on a total of four “proper” dates with Oikawa (all of which were fun adventures on both his side of town and mine), so it seemed like things between us were going great. He, of course, finished his therapy within the next month or so (his knee was well enough the doctors cleared him to play again, leaving me behind to finish my exercises for an additional 4 month period).
On his last day in the office, we were paired again prompting  him to ask me to come visit one of his team practices over the weekend. I agreed and since that practice I sat in on, I realized how truly gifted he was as a player. Of course, me visiting his campus did not stop his fans from constantly surrounding Oikawa with praises. His fellow teammates, Iwazumi and Mattsukawa joined me on the second row of bleachers.
“He really is popular, holy crap,” I said in a nonchalant manner. “Are your practices always this crowded?”
“Yeah, but it’s mostly because of Shittykawa’s fans,” Iwazumi replied. Mattsukawa bopped his head in agreement. 
“I’ve been meaning to ask, why the nickname?” I said.
“Have you seen how his ego inflates after every cookie bag has been gifted to him?” Iwazumi answered when another underclassman presented Oikawa with home made ones. Oikawa accepted the treats with a cute smile when the student asked for a photo with him holding it.
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right, Iwazumi-kun,” I said, my lips pressed into a neutral look of amusement. “What about you, Mattsukawa? Any other stories I should know about your star setter over there?”
“Hmm,” Mattsukawa and Iwazumi had similar heights, but their thinking faces were different. “His last girlfriend broke up with him around the same time his injury occurred for being too focused on volleyball.”
“Now that,” I began as I stood up on my own (I left my crutches behind since my doctor and physical therapist noticed how much I had improved with walking with my brace). “I could see. She is a fool though.”
“Huh?” their eyes were wide with surprise. Iwazumi’s voice was perplexed by my statement.
“Oikawa is dedicated to the sport he loves, she should have at least respected someone who chases their dreams.” 
“That might be the smartest thing you said about him,” Iwazumi said, he had this soft shine to him from the gym lights while we both watched as Mattsukawa rejoined the others who were still trying to shoo away Oikawa’s fans. 
“Don’t tell him I said that, Iwa,” I whispered to him. “It might prompt him to ask me to be his girlfriend, haha.”
“I thought you were already his girlfriend? Besides, your secret dies with me, Seiun-chan.”
Oikawa jogged toward us after the last of his fans slipped through the gym doors. Iwazumi patted my shoulder before returning to his side of the court. The boys exchanged a glance and a nod after Iwazumi said something to OIkawa soft enough that I couldn’t quite catch it.
“Hey there,” I greeted with a small wave. “You weren’t kidding when you said you were popular. Oh wow! Are those chocolate chip cookies?”
“Mmhm. One of those girls made them for me as a get well soon gift,” OIkawa said handing me one. 
“Thanks.” I accepted the cookie and sat back down on the bleacher. I began to munch on the sweet.
“You can hold the bag if you get hungry. We got one more set to play against each other, then I’ll walk you home, ok?”
“Alright. Go get ‘em tiger.” 
On the walk home, Oikawa mentioned about spending some time at the boardwalk in a neighboring town. Apparently, he was given the weekend off from practice since his coaches and team thought it be best for him not to over work himself again. We arrived at our mutual fork in the road: the medical arts building came into sight not too long after we had left his campus grounds.
“Are you asking me to be your date this weekend because it’s your birthday or if you want me to be your girlfriend?” I mused.
“You wound me Juni-chan. I thought I was your boyfriend this entire time?” he said in an equal tone, causing me to stop in my tracks. His statement made my cheeks feel all warm. 
“I thought I was your boyfriend the entire time..?”
Oikawa reached out to me and pulled me into a hug, His body was still warm from practice, his heart beat nervously steady for someone who just admitted how he viewed himself toward me. He rested his chin atop my head when I hugged him back.
“I’d like to think after our first date at the park, I knew I wanted to keep seeing you,” he told me. I felt him kiss the crown of my head. “I didn’t care if we went to different schools and had different focuses. You were there with me in physical therapy for an hour and a half and you didn’t make fun of me once.”
Does he always speak like this, I wondered. I didn’t know he felt that way at all, I mean, sure, Oikawa was many things to the outside world: talented setter, brilliant strategist, a pro in the making, role-model, etc., but to me, he’s still on the mend.
“Must be nice to know we view each other the same, hon,” I said shuffling out of his hug. “Take out your phone, OIkawa. You might need physical proof for your fans that you’re taken.” 
The boy raised an eyebrow at me before changing his phone’s camera to self-cam mode. I grabbed his unzipped jacket by the collar and pulled him toward me. With my eyes closed, I pursed my lips and when I felt his lips crash into mine, I heard the snapshot being taken. Although this kiss was chaste and short-lived, the look of shock OIkawa wore was the most adorable thing I witnessed. I let go of his jacket and smoothed it out for him.
“Let me see how we look,” I said, taking his phone away from his hand. The photo was cute, albeit a tad blurry, but anyone of his mutual followers on social media could tell there was another girlfriend on the horizon. “We look great enough to share this on your social media page. What do you think Oikawa?” 
Instead of answering me, Oikawa wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into another kiss. His lips tasted slightly of chocolate chip cookies, but I raised my arms around his neck. I still had his phone, but I don’t think he cared. This kiss was a promise of realness, of accepting each other as we are. When we broke apart this time, I slipped his phone back into his track jacket pocket. It looked as though he didn’t want to go yet, so I nodded over his shoulder because the street lamps started to flicker on.
“I don’t want to leave yet,” he whispered against my lips. His hand cupped my face, his calloused thumb rubbed my higher cheekbone. I leaned into his touch to glance up at him. 
“Good night, Tooru. I’ll see you at the Sendai City train terminal on Saturday.” 
Since the day Oikawa posted the photo of our first kiss, every one of his social media followers were curious about the photos he shared with me in them. My best friend, Michiru, confronted me about it. I told her his social media accounts were run by him and he has the right to alert his fans that he was happily taken. As he gained praises for snagging a lucky girl like me, I also noticed that my followers were on the rise on Instagram. A few of our date photos wound up on my story where as his were snapshots of me and him having fun. Some of his captions were inside jokes, but mine were clever: there was a photo of me and him at my arts festival on my campus I shared with the caption “Love is simply like a kiss: one can’t do this alone. Seriously though, he’s gorgeous. Why are you so handsome??? #boyfie #dates #hokuhighschool #festivalofarts2kxx” 
On the other hand, Oikawa was careful with the ones we took at the pier this weekend. I held his hand and he snapped a photo when I led him down the food tents of the night market there. Although my back faced the camera, my hair cascaded down my back, but my leggings, dark knee length skirt, and loose fitting sweater were not enough to identify me (until one of his teammates outed me via tagging my @ in the comments). My knee brace outline was still seen poking through the bottom half of the snapshot. Regardless, his caption was smooth as hell:  “Wherever she leads me, I will follow. She makes my heart do the doki-doki thing with her enthusiam for the night life. Happy birthday to me. I love you. #girlfriend #datenight #boardwalkdates #bestbirthdayever”
By the time midterms came around, I had gone to several of Aoba Johsai’s games, including their rematch with Karasuno. I was supportive as ever considering this loss would be the last game they can play together. I received a text from Iwazumi mentioning that his friend might need me to walk home with them later. When I met the guys at their home gym, I watched as each of them burst into tears. The sight made me feel a bit bitter as well, but I remained quiet when Oikawa yelled, “Thank you for the last three years!” to which I applauded with a grin. His teammates looked at me, especially the second years who had come around to calling me “Jun-senpai.”
“Jun-senpai!” they greeted in between sniffles. They group hugged me as I showered them with praises of them playing well. The boys let go of me when they saw their captain walk up to me, causing them to disperse.  
“You guys too,” I nodded toward the other third years still cleaning up the gym. “I’m still proud to cheer for your side any time.” I smiled at him when I reached up to brush his tears away.
“I’m proud of you too Tooru,” I said, kissing his cheek. “Go clean up. I’ll buy you dinner this time on the way to your place. We’re still on for watching Ancient Aliens, ok?”
“God, I love you,” he said aloud. His teammates made mocking kissing noises to annoy him since the time for tears has passed. I chuckled. 
“I love you too, go on Oikawa. The faster you wrap up, the sooner we can have our sleepover.”
Later on that evening, Oikawa’s tv played nothing else but background noise. He raised the volume just a little bit while pressing open kisses all over my face and neck. I gasped the first time he hoisted me up in a extended liplocked embrace once he closed the door to his room. My knee brace was placed on the side of his bed near his computer. His kisses gained momentum as each one garnered a soft moan to escape my body. His lips packed a punch every time he gently bit a piece of my exposed flesh.
“S-slow down,” I whispered with a taunting smile when he placed me in a straddling position at the edge of his bed. I had emerged from a bubble bath with him where he gave me another powerful insight to the kind of physical lover he really was. “We just cleaned up. You want to go another round so soon Tooru?” I was wearing one of his old alien screen print cotton t-shirts with my bra and underwear on underneath.
“You’re,” a kiss landed on my temple, “so,” another one down my jawline, “fucking,” one more under my chin, “gorgeous.” the last one was behind my ear. I threw my head back in glee, my hands toussled his dark hair. The dark room was illuminated by the light coming off his sepia toned monitor. When I began my return assault of kisses toward him, I let my hands traverse under his shirt. I needed more of whatever this was; I liked it when Oikawa was possessive over me. I liked the way I pulled incoherent praises from him. I began to raise his shirt until he was annoyed with the damn thing and he tossed it to the ground. He bit my lip to challenge me in doing the same actions he gave me not to long ago. A kiss for every word? I thought. You’re on.
“Tooru,” I whispered as I kissed his lips softly, “you,” my lips peppered his jawline, “are,” I scratched his chest which caused him to whimper, “thoroughly,” I landed another opened mouthed kiss on his mid neckline, “fucked.” With the last word being said, Oikawa firmly gripped my lovehandles and pulled me down along with him on his bed. I landed on top of him as he continued to deepen our fun. His reply though had me laughing into our second round of sex that night:
“Not yet starlight,” he said as his hands pulled one of his shirts I was wearing over my head exposing me to him a second time. “I’m going to leave you satisfied every chance I get from now on.”
“Make me a believer then,” I said before he rolled me over and I pulled the blanket over us one more time allowing our carnal desires to be fulfilled as much as they can be.
The sound of the alarm clock the following morning was not amusing to either of us. I silenced mine when I realized I fell asleep with just my bra and underpants back on while my hair strewn was over Oikawa’s chest. He was sound asleep, looking as peaceful as ever, but our hands were still linked under the duvet. I played the events from the night before over my head. Thinking about how many times he surpassed my expectations saying my name over and over again in nothing but sweet fever caused me to realize how greedy his kind of love is. It’s just as relentless as he is.
“Too~ru...” I said softly. His pout formed on his face in such a childish manner I found it funny. I caressed his left side of his face with my nose. “Come on, we have to wake up or else you’re going to make me walk all the way home alone.”
“Mmmkay,” he replied groggily. “Morning pretty girl.” He raised my hand he held to his lips. Soon thereafter, he and I slowly began getting dressed, trying to hide all the lovebites left behind, but we didn’t care who saw. We were young adults who also learned that sex didn’t really change much in our budding relationship because we knew that we clicked both in and out of a shared bed. 
I texted Michiru who asked how sleeping with Oikawa went. She and I were not really prudes due to our various dating habits, so I was perplexed by her question: 
How may rounds and how many times did he hear you? 
4 rounds; 5 times.
Holy shit woman. Oikawa’s a baddie & I been knew. Jesus Christ. O.O 
Eventually, time moved on, so winter break began. Our friends (only the third year groups from my side and his) respectfully have met on several occasions and one night, after a kareoke group date in mid town, the volleyball players prompted their captain to stay behind while they took my friends out to eat some ramen down the street.
“An artist who likes heavy metal, who knew?” Oikawa teased. I arched a brow at him. I turned away from him for a moment to get the name of the ramen restaurant our friends were going to.
“It’s a great stress reliever, babe,” I said with a shrug. Oikawa wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. He bent down and pressed a kiss to my temple.
“I know,” he released me from his arms, only to grab my hand to hold it instead. “C’mon, let’s go me--” 
I squeezed his hand once as a warning before I firmly placed my lips on his. To say he was caught off guard (you’d think he’d get used to it by now, haha) was an understatement. I felt his free hand caress my cheek before he settled on grasping at a fist full of my hair. His lips pressed back on to mine with an acknowledging smirk. The kiss had been one of hundreds between us, but I thought I should make it a point to express how grateful I am we had these few minutes alone. He dropped his hand that was in my hair to my shoulder. His zip up hoodie with an alien print on it was draped over my outfit because I got cold earlier in the kareoke room we shared with our mutual friends. His turtleneck and slacks made for a sleek, sophisticated look compared to mine (white wide legged pants and swoop neck ruby blouse with a blazer). Suffice to say now everyone who supported our relationship really liked how well we were photographed together. Michiru was surprised when she began reading all the comments on my Instagram pages saying he was lucky to have such a gorgeous lady by his side. 
“What was that for?” Oikawa asked in a dreamlike haze. There was some mischievous wonder in his eyes. I let go of his hand and took a step back. Oh shit. What if he’s going to tell me he’s going to leave the country after graduation? Of course I’d follow him. This love we share has to be stronger than distance, right? Why does he always look so vulnerable after I kiss him? Oh crap red alert! Red alert! My thoughts were running a mile a minute. 
“Do I really need a reason to kiss you other than the fact I like your company?” 
“Not really,” he responded. How was this young man overtly confident on the court, but somewhat coy around me?  This time he tilted my face upward to study my face in the neon light. His breath tickled against my lips as it often does after we shared a tender moment. “I like you too. Close your eyes. I’m going to kiss you again, ok?” 
I nodded in compliance. The feather like brush of Oikawa’s lips against mine were careful, but lacked patience. Each one applied more pressure, igniting a hunger he wanted to satisfy after that; the third one was just as delicate, but long enough for me to inhale his cologne, the mint of the candy served at the kareoke club, and the soft lavender scent of his laundry detergent. I moved my hands to cup his face to deepen our kiss. He bit my bottom lip playfully and when I opened my mouth, I traced every crevice with my tongue. Every now and again, I tilted my head whichever way he nudged my hair. The only time we paused was when we needed some air. It was then Oikawa pulled away to rest his head against mine.
“Tell me you want this to continue after graduation as much as I do,” I asked keeping my eyes closed. As I opened them slowly, I noticed a few of his bangs tickled my face, so I brushed the stray strands away from his face. 
“You know I do,” he said in a soft tone. “You’re all I want. I’m going to love you the way a strong girl deserves to be loved,” He kissed my forehead before mentioning we ought to meet at the ramen shop before our friends wondered where we disappeared off to. 
As we arrived, Oikawa gave a nod toward our friends. He draped his arm around my waist away from my friends’ curious eyes at the table after we placed our order which caused me to break away from the conversation for a little bit.
“So, Oikawa-san. When did you start falling for our Juni-chan?”Michiru asked taking a sip of her tea. Oikawa coughed, yet quickly regained composure while switching to clear his throat. He squeezed my side gently when I raised my cup of tea causing me to shoot him a teasing glare. I looked back at Michiru and our other two friends, Chihiro and Kosmus (named after a cosmic flower) who were eager to hear his answer.
“It had to have been the day he first saw her struggling with her new brace,” Iwazumi answered pushing his best friend a glass of water toward our side of the table. “That’s what he told me at practice the next day. Called her a chaotic beauty who has the mouth of a sailor.”
My friends busted out laughing because of course they knew I learned how to curse from watching a lot of Western films. The day I cursed my new brace was a few days prior to seeing that I wasn’t alone in the physical therapy office. 
“It hurt to stand, bend properly, and I fell down so many times, so of course I was going to curse up a storm. Seriously Oikawa?” I elbowed him playfuly. “That was the day you started to like me?”
“What can I say? You made the time go by faster,” Oikawa said. This caused his friends to laugh as well. I rolled my eyes. My scar had healed and my leg, although a bit sore from time to time, was back to almost 100%. I had reduced my follow up therapy sessions to once (or twice) every month, but all appointments were cancelled when the last two weeks of the year rolled around.
After we ate and bid the restaurant owners good night, we decided it was time to call it a night. Oikawa offered to walk me home. Mentioning something about if I get abducted by aliens, he’d have proof to break into area-51 to rescue me. He made me believe in other life outside of this planet, although I knew it would be several life times from our own before contact would be made. I never once made fun of his hobby even after we held a watch party for the X-Files when he had invitationals at the local universities. 
Before we knew it, we were outside of my grandmother’s house. I took off his hoodie, attempting to hand it to him, but he simply refused.
“I think my girlfriend should keep it,” his voice was sincere. “C’mon, get inside before you catch a cold.” 
Oikawa kissed my cheek before whispering something in my ear which caused my brain to burn my cheeks with a rose tint. I buried my face in his jacket and walked inside my granny’s house. 
“Your boyfriend can come inside y’know Jun-chan,” she mentioned as she saw me untie my boots. 
“I know, but right now, I have to go pack my backpack in my room. Good night grandma.”
I stood in front of my mirror hanging behind my door and slipped his hoodie on again. I took a selfie with the hood covering my eyes, making a hand gesture I learned from a sign interpreter: “this is how westerners sign ‘i love you.’” 
I sent the image to Oikawa who’s only reply was, “You’re perfect. G’night starlight. Peace, love, and aliens?”
I received a call a month after graduation from OIkawa asking me to meet him outside my grandmother’s house. I had told him I had been accepted into a university with a strong focus on photography and fine arts in Tokyo. To say he was proud of me was an understatement. He splurged on a bouquet and card for me whereas I got him a balloon and one of his favorite photos of us framed. We exchanged gifts on our respective last days of school, but that was last week. 
I walked outside the front door and stood on the last step of my grandmother’s porch area. Oikawa’s brows furrowed in worry. 
“You wanted to talk? Is everything ok?” I asked, folding my arms over my chest.
“I-I’m moving,” he told me. He couldn’t look me in the eye when I let out a gasp in surprise. “I want to grow with the sport I love, but I don’t want to leave you behind either.”
“I see,” I said. I stepped down toward the sidewalk to reach up to cup his face to force him to meet my eyes. “Tooru, look at me, C’mon. Meet me halfway. There you go.”
His lips were quivering like a guilty child who was about to be scolded for eating the last cookies right before dinnertime. 
“I’ll meet you every time I have a long break from university, ok? You can facetime or video chat with me every day you miss me, just don’t look this defeated. You’re going places. I said I’d be there to support you no matter what, so don’t leave here without thinking breaking up with me is a good idea because it’s not.”
I gave him a peck on the bridge of his nose. My hands dropped to my side afterward.
“Where do think of going?” I inquired.
“Argentina,” he answered. His voice seemed to gain more confidence knowing that I had presented a plan to him he could deal with. “I heard that sand on the courts there were really soft there.”
I let out a low whistle. “I wondered where you heard that from. So, Argentina, huh? Alright then. It’s settled.” 
“What is?”
“I’ll meet you there during the first spring break I have, Oikawa.”
Oikawa picked me up into a hug and spun me around. I laughed as he spun me around a second time, but before he put me back on the ground, he mentioned he’d do his best to visit me too.
The next six weeks fluttered by. I was already settled in my dorm, but I chose to skip class the day Oikawa was flying out. He and Iwazumi were on the same connecting flight after making landfall in the U.S. Iwazumi left first, hugging the two of us.
“I’m going to miss your shit eating grin,” I said, punching his arm gently. “And mainly our monster movie marathons. I needed a break from all those alien docu-series, haha.”
“I’m going to not miss telling Trashykawa to take better care of you,” Iwazumi replied. “Y’know I told him to quit screwing around and ask you to be his girlfriend during our third year, so really you should be thanking my sweet advice, Juni.”
Iwazumi bent down to hug me, when I gave him a shocked expression.
“Eh?!” I exclaimed. “Seriously?” I looked at Oikawa who merely shrugged as a reply.
“Yeah, yeah, she knows, dumbass,” Oikawa said shaking his head. “I’ll see you in LAX. Go on, Iwa-chan. Chase your dream.”
“You too. See you in a couple of hours.” 
With that final good bye a fist bump later, Iwazumi had disappeared out of our line of sight. I led Oikawa to sit down by a large window. I imagined he replayed memories in his head we made over the course of our relationship. Sure, we had a few minor arguments, but mostly it was because I wasn’t truly believing half of what his experts were saying on tv about aliens and the same goes for him not believing in urban monster myths. Those fights were petty, but entertaining. Even if he did forget about date, which happened only twice, he made up for it by blowing those outings out of the water: a blanket fort picnic when I had a cold & another date to the planetarium when they had an exhibit on Saturn (my favorite planet in our side of the galaxy). Currently, I was humming the song that played on the radio while Oikawa held my hand up until his flight number was called over the intercom. 
“I don’t want to leave yet,” he whined as he buried his head against the side of my neck. His breath tickled my neck before he pressed a kiss there.
“But if you don’t, you won’t be able to evolve into the best player you can be,” I whispered back as I ran my hands through his pillow soft hair. “Tooru, I’ll still cheer for you thousands of miles away, you know. Just don’t aggravate your injury Mr. Hit It Until It Breaks. Come on.”
The nickname I bestowed upon him caused him to straighten his back up; a smirk was drawn across his face when we stood up. His glasses were hanging off his collar. He picked up my other hand and pressed both of them against his lips. I felt the tears glazing over my eyes. Sure, I was saying good bye to my boyfriend for the last year and a half, but he didn’t need to see me cry right now. Crying was for later, I reminded myself. When we see each other again over the following breaks I had coming up in my (university’s) academic curriculum. 
“Here,” Oikawa said handing me a small box with a note attached to it from his carry-on luggage. “Read this when you get home. I’m sorry I’m leaving several months before we can celebrate our second anniversary, so this is for you. I’ll call you when I land.” With that, he kissed my cheek one more time before disappearing past the sea of other travelers that final day of spring. I giggled, telling him it was alright. I texted him shortly thereafter: More than likely, I’ll be there in Argentina to celebrate the holidays with you, so you can make up missing the two year mark to me. With love and luck, Juni
An hour later, on the train ride home, I opened the envelope he gave me in the common area of the airport before he boarded his flight. His handwriting was so much more legible than mine (although I am left handed, my kanji still smudged every time I chose the wrong pen to use in class).
To my starlight: thank you for sharing the last year and a half with me. We’ve come a long way from coke floats and milk bread. Thank you for supporting me as much as I have supported you. You make me feel invincible every time I heard you cheer for me; I’m going to miss you, you know. You showered me with nothing but enduring love and respect for my love of the game. You have no idea how much your encouragement means to me and for that I am grateful. Oh! You must be wondering about the box, right? I wanted you to wear this because it’s a tangible reminder that you own this heart of mine (also to remind you to come visit me, I’m kidding! Please don’t sass me about it because you said you would!) I look forward to your first month free from university. xo-Tooru
I propped open the box which made a gentle click. I saw the stacking sterling silver rings with an arrow in the middle. I slid the rings over my fingers with a gentle smile. 
“Damn his endearing gesture,” I said in a low tone. I took a self-cam photo of my hand over my mouth with my eyes closed when I arrived back to my dorm and posted it on my page, captioning it as follows: You’re one of a kind. Be safe out there in Argentina. Por favor, mi amor, come una bola de fraile por mi. I’ll see you in a few months. #hesakeeper #oikawasgf #gpoy #tangiblepromise #arrowrings
The tensions were high in the stadium. Cheers for both teams filled the arena I currently found myself in. The score was deuce in the final set. Oikawa asked me multiple times since my last visit to move permanently with him back to my home country. Argetina was always as beautiful as ever with enough talent to match the blossoming professional careers of his volleyball peers. This often led me to catch Oikawa up to speed with the latest news of the whereabouts of his disciple, Kageyama, as well as what career paths his fellow alumni chose while I was finishing my last accelerated course in Photography-fine arts degree. In return Oikawa told me of the many times Iwazumi called him lucky to have someone who loved him as much as he did playing a sport you knew would take up a majority of his life. 
Over the last phone calls I had with Iwazumi, he also reminded me of how whipped I am for his friend up to the point he was helping me choose winter outfits for the southern hemisphere. Although it was summer here in the northern side of the globe, the winter chill had come to South America a little early. My tablet sat on my bed when I opened my closet. At this time, I had moved in to an apartment off campus with the money I earned from taking up a paid internship at a local fashion house not too far from the photo lab I use at my school.
The week before I flew out to Argentina again, Iwazumi Facetimed me from UCLA. Oikawa and I have been on good terms since the day he left Japan. The conversations on the phone were brief, but the text chains we exchanged were long. Michiru from time to time called me during her own apprenticeship in Hokkaido (the restaurant business was what she wanted to focus on after high school ended for us). Going back to Oikawa, we agreed early on that whenever we had enough money set aside for travel, we’d take turns visiting each other. This visit though, was my turn. I was in the middle of packing my suitcase when I received Iwa’s call:
“I don’t understand why you persist on surprising him this time. The last time you did, he wouldn’t shut up to me about it for a fucking week. Please tell me you’ve at least slept with him that time.”
“Are you that desperate for attention you need to hear about me and your best friend’s sex lives?” I teased, laughing as soon as he realized he made that comment aloud. “And the answer is yes, obviously. The first time was a few days after you guys lost to Karasuno. But that’s neither here or there, if you want details of this latest naughty adventure, don’t ask me. That’s on you and your best friend to discuss when I’m not talking to him. I’m not one to fuck and tell, Hajime.”
“Yeah, I know,” i felt his eye roll coming while I zipped up my suit case. 
“Juni, you need to take care of him when you get there. Remind him not to over do it.”
“I’ll take care of your best friend the best way I know how,” I continued, turning to face my tablet. “You know I always do.” I stuck out my hand adorned with the rings Oikawa gifted me on the day he flew out. Iwazumi let it slip that he was the one who planted the idea in Oikawa’s head during a late night 2a.m. text where Oikawa mentioned he wanted to gift me something before he left to which Iwazumi replied with the concept of a promise ring. Who knew this practical friend was such a big softie who supported his best friend’s choice in women (me. I’m talking about me, Juni).
“You think surprising him in Argentina this time would be a good idea?”
My leg had healed back less than a month ago, leaving a cool scar on the inside of my calf down to my ankle. The first time Oikawa saw me without my brace, I freaked him out by sitting on a wheelchair and when he bent down to hug me, I stood up and walked toward him normally. He freaked out in the best way. (There were a lot of cheers, mostly from the hospital staff because only the docs who took care of me knew how much I had progressed) 
“Of course it is. I e-mailed his coach I would be coming to visit after today’s game. They’re in a time out now, so I gotta go. We’ll see you in California for the new year. Later, Iwa-chan.”
I pushed my way to the front of the railings to view the court where his team was playing. The time in the sand courts really did alleviate his mended knee. It also made his plays a bit more tighter in terms of touch to set ratio reaction time. Choosing now during a time out to make my presence known, I raised my hands to my mouth and shouted: 
“Oikawa Tooru!” 
At the sound of his name being called, he spotted me with wide eyes. His toothy grin still looked as lovely as ever. “I flew half way across the world to see you play again! Don’t mess it up!”
“That’s your girlfriend, right?” his team mate asked, smiling up at me with a wave. “You better not let her down.” Oikawa nodded in excitement. He felt the electricity in the stadium come to a halt when every strategy was working in his favor; even his counters had improved. I guess the last time where we played a condensed version of “king of the court” (one on one) at the sand court near the shoreline really assisted in his ability to bring out the best of his teammates.
After the match (which his team had won after the last match), I ran down to the first floor to see him surrounded by reporters and photographers. He walked away mid-sentence to hug me, his lips always finding mine first before I could even process what was happening.
“You’re really here,” he whispered in my ear when he squeezed me into a tight embrace. The sound of the media pass holders taking his photos with me surrounded us. I nodded. 
“I came to surprise my favorite superstar,” I teased. “Now, tell the world you love me.” My arms gripped his shoulders as if to challenge him.
Oikawa did not have to be told twice before he reached behind my neck and kissed me again before he answered any more questions. 
The newscasters moved on to other members of his team, but the photographers stayed behind for a little bit. Long enough for one of them to snap more photos of us. 
Special thanks to ⛅️ anon for tracking this work of mine, @tkags & to @vbcshenaningansnwritings for proof reading this on my behalf. Love ya
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hoewedeshummels · 5 years
also you knew i was gonna ask this but max n lando :3cc
i did not but here we go fam 🤘🥺🤘
1) who is the most affectionate?
i’m gonna say the both of them are pretty affectionate with each other, they both have moods where they get super over-affectionate but in general it’s lando. he’s usually the one always reaching for max, saying the softest shit and wanting to cuddle.
2) big spoon/little spoon
they alternate - sometimes it depends on the night or the mood but in general max loves being the little spoon ok. there’s something in being held by lando that he craves.
3) most common argument?
trivial things? like laundry, tidying up, doing the dishes - they usually take turns but always forget whose turn it is and they argue over it. also is it cliché if i say racing causes frustration? not argumentative levels but it definitely adds friction.
4) favourite non-sexual activity?
playing video games together, streaming together, anything along those lines.
5) who is mostly likely to carry the other?
oh! max carries lando hands down, usually lando gets piggybacks from max but there is the very, very odd occasion when lando falls asleep on the couch and max carries him to bed.
6) what is their favourite feature of their partner’s?
max loves lando’s hair, he’s constantly reaching for it - tangling his fingers in his hair, twirling his fingers around the longer curls. even if when lando sleeps his hair usually tickles max’s face when he sleeps - he loves it. lando loves max’s hands, he’s always reaching to hold his hand when they’re together, if they’re watching tv or even eating, if there’s a way for lando to hold max’s hand - he finds it.
7) what’s the first thing that changes when they realise they have feelings for the other?
i want to say not a lot? i feel like it’s almost such a smooth transition that it’s a case of “how didn’t we see this coming?” and they both find it pretty funny, teasing the other about their feelings but also they try and savour the feelings in their chests and their stomachs because past all the fun, light fun they have - they really like each other.
8) nicknames? and if so, how did they originate?
I feel like they’re very unoriginal with nicknames once they start dating - neither of them hate being called babe so it sticks.
9) who worries the most?
max. neither of them tend to overthink a lot and are very much “what happened happened” and they pretty much move on after that but out of the both of them... max would be the more worrisome.
10) who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
max because lando always orders the same thing. it’s not that hard.
11) who tops?
max. moving on!
12) who initiates kisses?
lando. again with how affectionate he is, he always craves kissing max, wants to pull him towards him and share a kiss or seven.
13) who reaches for the other’s hand first?
lando because of how much he loves max’s hands.
14) who kisses the hardest?
max! idk, he’s very into trying to convey all of his feelings through actions over trying to coherently put them into words.
15) who wakes up first?
lando. he can survive on less sleep even if there’s only a couple years between them, he can go to bed later but still wake up earlier.
16) who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
max, always. if he doesn’t have to be somewhere he’s the type to wrap himself up in the blankets more and savour lazy mornings (he still tries to get away with it even if he has to go somewhere).
17) who says I love you first?
lando! but i feel as though it’s a happy accident, he’s probably rambling about something mindless and next thing he’s just saying “i love you” before moving on, and then he stops and realises and it’s a moment of quiet before the sentiment is returned. it’s not a huge deal, they both know their feelings.
18) who leaves little notes in the other’s lunch? (bonus: what do it usually say?)
max because it’s an excuse to leave notes with really stupid or really dirty jokes that he knows are going to end up with lando nearly crying/laughing when he reads them.
19) who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
lando! solely because all of his family are going to be a lot more accepting immediately so it’s not said as a huge deal moreso “this is my boyfriend, we’re dating and happy.”
20) what do their family/friends think of their relationship?
it’s all positive! they see pretty quickly how happy they make each other by just a few interactions and everybody seems to be in the agreement that they’re really good for the other.
21) who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
lando... i mean, come on. he would easily try and distract max by flailing his limbs around trying to make him laugh. i can’t see either of them doing it seriously but definitely more of a distraction technique idk.
22) who cooks more/who is the better at cooking?
it’s close but max! if they do actually cook then max does it. lando tries but i’m almost certain there’s been a kitchen disaster or twelve.
23) who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
both! both of them! i accept no criticism, they sometimes just have moments where they try and make the other laugh with pick up lines, they use them in texts and just love trying to outdo each other.
24) who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
max 100%. lando has the worst poker face and will start turning red or start laughing and max takes complete advantage.
25) who needs more assurance?
i’m going to say max. some days are just bad and max looks to lando for something, a couple of words or even just a look... sometimes it can be small and he doesn’t particularly like to ask for it but he gets it either way.
26) what would be their theme song?
super max... no i’m kidding. but honestly thanks for answering this question - take on me, a-ha.
27) who would sing their child back to sleep?
max, he probably sings lullabies in dutch to the lil kiddo
28) what do they do when they’re away from each other?
talk to each other whenever they can. texting, calling, whenever they think they’re going to get a spare five minutes they try and talk to the other. they probably send each other messages (or memes, shush) for the other to come back to. they’re just always thinking about the other and it soothes them being away from each other.
29) one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart?
max has a fuck tonne of internalised homophobia and it makes some days super hard in their relationship, even though he’s happy and their relationship is strong - growing up with something like this can impact you strongly and it makes for tough days when they’re both negatively emotionally impacted.
30) one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
they’re the most fun-loving couple, they never take each other too seriously unless they have to and they’re the epitome of dating your best friend.
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thecloserkin · 4 years
book review: C.J. Hauser, Family of Origin (2019)
Genre: the most literary of fiction
Is it the main pairing: yes
Is it canon: yes
Is it explicit: kinda
Is it endgame: no
Is it shippable: if you’re into unhealthy ships
Bottom line: i hate literary fiction. ok i don’t hate fiction obviously i just hate when it tries to be too literary?? u feel me fam
Two estranged half-siblings spend a week tying up loose ends on the remote island where their father died (it is unclear if he committed suicide). The “loose ends” are that they had sex once, as teenagers, and now it’s weird. The island is populated by cultists and nut jobs who are convinced it’s the end of days and evolution is going in reverse. I have… many equivocal feelings about this book. On the one hand there are so many lines that just peel me like an orange, lines like “There was nothing more humiliating to Elsa than her own desires” or “Elsa was never surprised when someone killed himself. She was only surprised by her own animal perseverance day after day.” Plus I think this book really gets the dynamic where they’re constantly needling each other and every interaction is doused in fifteen gallons of repressed attraction. I think this is a novel that accomplished everything it set out to do with assurance and aplomb; I’m just fundamentally uninterested in what it’s trying to do. It’s about damaged people who learn to heal but the problem is the healing is much less engaging than the hurting.
Here’s the difference between speculative fiction and literary fiction: SF/F presumes zombies are literal zombies. Instead of assuming the zombies metaphorically represent something abstract, you just take them at face value ok? You spot a time machine or a vampire, you take it at face value and you add additional layers of meaning later. Which puts me in a pickle because Family of Origin is decidedly not a genre book, so what am I supposed to think about Famous Bigshot Biologist Ian, Elsa and Nolan’s dad, and his reasons for relocating to this island? There’s no cell phone service; it is quite literally removed from civilization. When I said nut jobs I mean it’s populated by secessionists, survivalists, doomsday preppers, anti-establishment types of all stripes. And they have some kooky theories about ducks. Which Ian apparently subscribed to. If this was SF/F I would just go along with it because maybe Elsa and Nolan, having arrived on the island, will finish Ian’s life’s work and find this elusive duck and prove Charles Darwin wrong haha??? But it’s fucking literary fiction which means I have to look for SYMBOLISM gahhh kill me now.
C.J. Hauser knows what she’s doing. Her bio says she’s a creative writing instructor and you can see why. It sucks that “what she’s doing” only glancingly aligns with “what I want her to do,” but c’est la vie. I was immediately taken with her choice of island setting (remote islands breed intimacy!) and the familiar configuration of type-A older sister paired with a younger brother who begs for a scrap of notice or attention. From the get-go Elsa’s priority is control. Nolan’s is acceptance. This quote sums it up pretty handily:
The problem was that Nolan wanted answers, and Elsa wasn’t sure what she would do with answers if she found them.
Like, I personally identify more with Nolan than with Elsa, because there’s this sense of learned futility that I find kind of charming in him but everyone finds annoying af in me:
Nolan wished he could return to a time before anyone had any expectations for him.
Elsa, otoh. Here is Elsa thinking about her ex, a relationship she clung to well past the expiration date merely because he loved her more than she loved him back, and she wasn’t willing to give up that bargaining position:
As long as his side of their love had more ballast to it, she felt in control and like he would not leave. Everyone left Elsa, so she had to be sure.
Nolan and Elsa are certified disasters. They’re both so burnt-out, and twisted up inside with shame and guilt and impossible desires, and the island is the ideal backdrop for them to resolve their issues:
There was so much that was not allowed that the island seemed willing to permit. Things underwater. Things offshore.
That night, they made no pretenses about the sleeping bag and slept cupped like shells in their father’s bed.
Jesus Joseph and Mary this woman can write. I’ve even seen lines from this novel quoted in those tumblr compilation poetry posts.
Anyway Elsa and Nolan’s dynamic is they do not get along and they’ve never gotten along. It starts with Elsa’s resentment at being displaced by a new sibling, which was compounded by Elsa’s mom being divorced and replaced by Nolan’s mom. These kids have spent all their lives probing at each other’s weaknesses and I am reminded of a very apt line from a book that has absolutely jack shit to do with incest: “When siblings spar, the true cause is proximity.” This seems to apply to Elsa and Nolan’s situation more potently than most.
Will you just LOOK at this god-tier sparring though:
Nolan touched a drop of rain that hung by her ear, letting it spill onto his fingers. Elsa smacked his hand.
Don’t— Elsa began, but Nolan, dirty water dripping from his fingers, grabbed Elsa around the ankles and shook her, groaning, Graaghh! like some B-movie Swamp Thing from the deep, ready to pull Elsa into the pool. Elsa considered Nolan’s hands around her ankles.
It’s one part goofing off, one part competitive banter, and one part violent sexual tension . Elsa takes meticulous mental inventory of every instance of skin-to-skin contact and I’m like—girl you know it only means something if you let it? Who the hell pays that much attention every time their brother accidentally brushes shoulders with them?!
There was a knot between Elsa’s shoulders that twisted taut when she saw him.
Nolan is shiftless and aimless, doesn’t even have the balls to break up with his girlfriend, his internal monologue is a constant refrain of “Nolan wished there was some more-adult adult whose job this could be.” Child you are TWENTY-EIGHT years old and need to start owning your choices. I think this hypothesis that’s sorta floated in an early Elsa POV is pretty conclusively disproved in the course of the novel:
But people didn’t change. They just ran away from everyone who knew them too well so they could start over and do a better job of obscuring the worst parts of themselves.
Because they do change, both of them change and mend their ways and they become a family again and ok here’s where I have a problem with C.J. Hauser: Her idea is that you have to choose—Nolan is either Elsa’s brother or her lover:
And he understood then that he could have kept Elsa as a sister or slept with her. It was a choice, and what he’d just done was to have given her up.
It seems her whole motivation for seducing him was as a big fuck-you to their father. I’m not saying she was not attracted to him I’m saying her field of vision is dominated by Ian:
Everyone here is insane, Elsa said.
They have their reasons, said Nolan.
They have stories, not reasons.
What if you’re my story? What if the story of why I’m on this island is you?
What’s my story?
Your story is Dad.
Go to sleep.
Tell me a story.
Which is really sweet and I am a fiend for these callbacks that deliberately echo the older sibling interacting with the younger one as a baby, but Ian’s stature is such that he takes over everything?? We find out that he wasn’t that great of a scientist. That he wasn’t a great dad was clear from the start.
So the really interesting thing from a craft perspective is the climax of this book occurs in the middle of it instead of at the end. The only other novel I can think of that does this is Cloud Atlas but that has a very unique structure. The film The Talented Mr. Ripley also kind of does this?
It’s revealed that Elsa isn’t Ian’s biological child. Her mom had an affair and when Ian found out he divorced her and married Nolan’s mom. When Elsa learnt the truth, she took the radical step of sleeping with Nolan to prove a point, I guess? To wit: If she wasn’t Ian’s daughter then it wasn’t actually incest. If Ian was troubled then it must be because she was his daughter:
But you are this kid, her mother said. You’re so totally his kid that you think biology is the only way you can be his kid.
I’ll admit that the “they’re not related” reveal does in this instance actually serve a purpose, unlike in some other books (yup this is a Wasteland callout post). And it ties into the theme of biology, and the stupid elusive ducks that supposedly inhabit this godforsaken island:
”We’re no longer good at adapting to things in the natural world because it’s too hard to tell which parts are real anymore so we don’t know what to adapt to.”
So there you have it. Family of Origin is not a book that spoke to my soul but it is a devastatingly exquisite book, and it has a number of really shippable scenes even if the relationship taken as a whole is not one I was rooting for. Here’s Nolan trying to get laid at college:
He didn’t know what to do because there had only ever been Elsa that one time before and Elsa had known what to do.
And then he has a breakdown so bad that he calls Elsa??? For emotional support??? Even though she’s at least 50% of the reason he’s so broken. When Elsa shows up she says ”I drove over two goddamn hours so you could yell at me in person” lolololol every single line of dialogue is so on-point. Oh oh and Elsa biting his ribs and his neck while they’re lying half-naked in bed is another pearl of a scene.
I saved so many quotes from this book and half of them have nothing to do with incest but they’re SENSATIONAL so I’m going to end this review with an assortment of quotes:
that she was afraid to ask for small things like this because the need in them did not seem big enough to draw attention. That she was afraid her small needs would go unnoticed, and so she made plays at bigger ones instead.
Whatever inner thing guided normal people in their choices … Elsa’s was broken. Nolan had been her first wrong choice, years ago, and as much as she’d have liked to pretend she was different now, that it had been a stupid teenage mistake, there was too much other wrongness that came after. Dozens of dubious choices that all seemed to bloom outward from that first moment.
But no, there was a difference between realizing how wrongly he’d been made and the moment the wrongness actually happened.
Because it wasn’t perfect. Because she couldn’t tell the difference between unconditional and infallible.
Maybe the sooner Elsa stopped trying to hunt down some class of people who had all the answers—adults, scientists, Mars missions, Ian—the sooner she could stop the cycle of trying to win. Could look around and decide what kind of game might actually be worth playing.
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redbirdv2 · 5 years
How do I know that someone that I had to let go was because they weren't good for me and not the other way round? How do I know that I wasn't the toxic person or someone not on their level and Allah protected them by saving them from someone like me who didn't deserve them? I was getting to know someone and then I prayed istikhara and literally everything went downhill since and later, I realized that he was a narcissist. He tore my self confidence down and I am absolutely crushed rn. (1/2)
I really thought he could be the one & it was the first guy that I felt would be perfect for me. I have a hard time convincing myself that it was the right decision despite how much I suffered at his hands. He seems better off w/o me and I'm here suffering. He humiliated me, told me a lot of hurtful things but I still feel so lost and hurt somedays & don't know how to believe that Allah was protecting me and not him because he seemed to be on a level far greater than me. (2/2)
I pray you’re feeling better anon. I feel like you’re being hard on yourself. If this person hurt you and you went your own separate way, how could you question your decision? Narcissism is unloveable fam.
I think that due to the nature of our world and systems that exist, we look at things like this as a competition too often. Maybe Allah loves you both and is protecting you both by keeping you away from one another? There doesn’t have to be a winner or a loser of a breakup or with anything in life really. I hope this makes sense. There doesn’t have to exist this duality of right and wrong and win and lose all the time. Sometimes it just is what it is and no amount of thinking about it will mend it. Cause life’s events can be absolutely outside of our scope of understanding.
The time you have to yourself is a blessing. If he’s better off, then great. You will be too. I know it’s a tough ask, but try not to concern yourself with him as it’ll only cloud your mind with thoughts and emotions that are most likely false. Our emotions create mirages and that comes from overthinking. I pray you enjoy and love the time you’ll have to yourself. Prayers are with you anon.
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thecorteztwins · 5 years
Lorna Dane and either Gabby Kinney or Daken!
LORNA DANEEvo Lorna is the full sister of Pietro and Wanda in this version. Ever notice how the twins don’t seem to have a mom around in Evo? Like I don’t think we ever see or hear from her. Well, here’s what happened! Magda Maximoff (that’s her surname in this version, hence why Wanda and Pietro would still have it in Evo despite them not having been adopted by the Maximoffs like in 616) was originally married to Magneto, but came to fear him as he increasingly became more and more anti-human. After all, she was a human herself. But she stayed because of the twins. When it became clear what a horrible father he was, she tried to escape with them, but failed. After several such attempts, he told her she was free to go, that he had no use for her in the world that was coming (pls remember that Evo Magneto is MASSIVELY MORE DICKISH than 616 Magneto) but that it was the twins, who were now manifesting their powers, who were important to him. Magda chose to stay so that she could try to protect Wanda and Pietro as best she could......at least, until she realized she was pregnant again. She made the difficult choice---one that has tortured her ever since---of abandoning her two children in order to save the one that was coming. She felt that there was nothing she could do anymore to stop her husband from using them as tools and weapons when they got older, but she could at least save this one so long as he never knew it existed. Having no good way to explain this to the twins, she left mysteriously and suddenly, with no goodbyes. The twins have thus always thought their father was responsible, that he kicked her out or took her away, since they remember Magda as a loving mother (which she was!) and can’t imagine she would abandon them. It’s why they took on her last name, instead of their father’s.Magda successfully escaped and had a baby girl, Lorna, and changed her own name to Suzzana Gurzsky, just in case Magneto ever changed his mind and came looking for her. When Lorna was still very young, she found love again with a normal human man, and they married, so Lorna got his last name, Dane. She grew up unaware that she had any other father.After Lorna’s powers manifest and she joins the current batch of New Mutant recruits, of course it’s NOTICED that she has powers identical to those of Magneto. But no one thinks it means she’s his kid. After all, Wanda and Pietro don’t have his powers, nor does Kurt have Mystique’s powers, there’s no reason to think it’s a hereditary thing. But sooner or later it gets discovered, so of course there’s a whole lot of drama there, not just for Lorna and Magneto but also for Pietro and Wanda, who have to now come to terms with the idea that their mother abandoned them for the sake of this other child, something that devastates them, while also watching Magneto (who has started reforming at this point) begin building a relationship with Lorna that is far more positive than anything they ever got with him. And because of this they end up being like, really hostile to Lorna, even though she wants to reach out to them.I’m also a sucker for the “Zala Dane is Lorna Dane’s sister!” theory in the comics, so I’d make that canon in Evo, like either she’s Lorna’s twin or a half-sister that Arnold and “Suzanna” had later, or maybe she’s just Arnold’s daughter from a previous relationship (since I see her as older than Lorna) BUT IN ANY CASE, she’s related to Lorna in SOME way by blood or marriage, possibly also to Magneto and the twins depending which option we go with, but she’s TOTALLY human. She’s human, and she’s REALLY angry about it when it turns out that Lorna has these amazing powers. When it turns out Lorna comes from a whole family of people who have amazing powers, the boiling point hits and Zala gets involved in some kind of supervillainy out of jealousy, possibly to give herself powers, possibly just to attack Lorna and the Mag-fam. But in any case, the Mag-family has to work together to defeat her, and it brings them together. There might not ever be any real mending between Evo Magneto and the twins (and like...lbr, I don’t think he deserves it) but the twins and Lorna can still have a good relationship. Which could also serve as a bridge to reconnecting with their mother.So basically this would combine several parts of the comics, but in different ways. We’ve got a pregnant Magda running from Magneto, just in this version she’s pregnant with a different kid. We’ve got Magneto possibly having a human child, just in this version it’s Zala instead of Anya, and her “fuck you, I want powers!” references both the comics where Zala tried to steal the powers of Lorna and Magneto as well as this one “What-If?” issue where Anya survived and ended up being evil out of resentment over not being “special” like her younger siblings. And Magda/Suzzana’s short-lived “Gurzsky” fake surname as a little shout-out to the XMCU.GABBY KINNEYAfter X-23′s successfully faking her death to fool HYDRA (who are the ones that created her in Evo) they give up trying to recover her, as was the plan. Unfortunately, they still have all of Dr. Deborah Risman’s work (she’s the Evo version of Sarah Kinney, basically) and are able to duplicate the process, resulting in Gabby (and possibly her “sisters” as well if you want them) Of course, she’s not called Gabby. She’s probably got a number or something. Anyway, for years this goes unknown, until the X-Men, whom the now-grown X-23 is now a part of, receive intelligence of surveillance videos that show some very small HYDRA agents using claws just like X-23/Talon has.Speaking of Talon, X-23 never got the name “Laura Kinney” in Evo, where she first appeared. It was given to her when she was put into the comics after. And since it was given to her by Sarah Kinney, who doesn’t EXIST in the comics...she wouldn’t have it in Evo. So at this point, I would say she still hasn’t chosen a “civilian” name but has started going by “Talon” as a codename instead of X-23 because she doesn’t want to use the name that HYDRA gave her. So she’d be like Rogue at this point, codename-only.Anyway, obviously there’s a whole adventure with recovering the new clone (or clones) and it ends with Talon essentially adopting her mini-me. The mini-me wants “a regular name like a regular” girl, so they pick out “Gabrielle” together, and then the newly-dubbed Gabrielle decides Talon needs a “real name” too and decides on “Laura” for her. They select “Logan” as their surname. Also, as a note----since Evo Laura had brown skin and brown hair, not pale skin and black hair like in the comics, that’s how Evo Gabby would look too. She just literally looks exactly like X-23 when she first showed up, except that she smiles.
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ofrcdhoods · 5 years
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Have you ever noticed that ( JASON TODD ) from the ( DC UNIVERSE ) looks a lot like ( MATTHEW DADDARIO )? But ( HE ) also go/goes by ( RED HOOD ). Having the ability to/of ( MASTER MARTIAL ARTIST, ENHANCEMENT STRENGTH, MARKSMANSHIP ) sure makes them a force to be reckoned with. They’re known to be ( EFFICIENT ) but also ( STUBBORN ) and they’re ( TWENTY FIVE ) years old.
Hello, fam! I’m Moon and I bring you my son, Jason Todd. He’s my absolute favorite and though it’s been a while since I’ve written him or anything in the RP community, I’m very excited to be back.
With that said, if you want to plot something with him, please just message me and I’ll be glad to work something up. It doesn’t matter if it’s canon or out of nowhere, I’m always happy to add any kind of relationship to his life so don’t be scared to reach out!
Name: Jason Peter Todd Age: 25 Place of Birth: Crime City, Gotham Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Height: 6′1 Weight: 240 bs (104kg)
Jason was born in Crime City, the worst place in Gotham. His mom was a drug addict and his father was a drug dealer that was never home, therefore, he practically raised himself and learned how to act on the streets in order to be able to survive.
After trying to steal the tires of the batmobile (he’s ambitious, okay), Bruce Wayne himself took him in and some months later, he was the proud kid that donned the Robin costume after Dick Grayson.
Some differences made a big gap between him and Bruce and it all drove him to take poor decisions and between them: falling in a Joker trap. He was beaten and blown up while trying to save his biological mother but then brought back to life in one of those dimensional events no one really understands.
Talia Al Ghul took him to the Lazarus Pit after finding him walking around the Gotham’s streets as a literal zombie and the pit gave him the abilities and appearance he now has. All of this in order for him to learn about his death not being avenged and the clown living his best life like nothing happened.
He was full of anger for almost a year, coming up with a whole plan to take down not only the Joker but also Batman with him. He created a lot of chaos in Gotham in a short period of time but eventually calmed down and decided to do his own thing, with his own rules and away from the city he so hated.
After spending time away from the city with two different teams of Outlaws and mending his relationships with his family, Jason found out that his biological father is alive and the whole truth about his past job. Running away from that and not wanting to be found, he moved to New York and is now laying low while things slow down.
Red Hood’s suit is the new Rebirth one. I’m never sure how I feel about RHATO, but I do know that I love that new gear so it’s the one he uses here.
He has everything the fandom came up with after the Lazarus Pit (AKA what should have been freaking done): white streak, autopsy scar, shiny green eyes.
Tattoos. Tattoos everywhere and they all have meanings. Just don’t ask him the meanings because then his sentimental side would be exposed and that’s something he doesn’t do. He was raised by Bruce Wayne, sorry peeps.
MOB boss Jason is peak Jason. He doesn’t go out as Red Hood that much anymore, but keeps tabs on what his gang is doing against the drug traffickers in both cities; Gotham and New York.
His relationship with his family is not the best, but he tries to be someone they can rely on and trust whenever they need it.
Jason is one of the biggest nerds out there. Loves history and his head is full of interesting facts of different topics.
He would do anything for his friends and family, even when he plays it hard.
I swear my boy is nice and has a heart of gold, he just doesn’t know how to put down those walls he built for years.
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starryskylullaby · 5 years
it’s Real Angst Hours™ on discord so i’m bringing it here too because i can do that
so for anybody thirsting for some dramatic Sad stuff and any of you curious about esther’s backstory here you go fam, slide under this cut and you got it
i think i’ve said it before, but esther is not originally from vesuvia, or anywhere near it. she’s from a place across the ocean, a place she’s only recently beginning to remember.
regardless of her origins, she came to vesuvia the same way plenty of people would, i image. migrating from one place to the next; for at least a few years she was something of a field nurse, traveling around with a medicine woman who had taken her in around...oh, 13 years old. she arrived in vesuvia when she was nearing 17, and by then she knew medical basics--her mentor died of the plague, and esther apprenticed herself to doctor devorak, joining him in his dungeon studies when those came about.
julian was....very enveloped in his work, regardless of what personal time he did manage to devote to anything else. esther became more a general nurse than an apprentice, and she did regular rounds with patients while he was working on research himself. she’d sing to people--she knew basic medicine, sure, but that wasn’t doing much for the plague and she could at least offer these dying people some peace in their final moments even if she could do nothing more for them. it was a matter of time when you caught the sickness, everyone knew. much as it pained her, esther knew it just as well, and she told herself at least she could do SOMETHING, even if it wasn’t scientific or medicinal--the sick and the dying looked forward to her visits, they wanted to hear her sing, and that was enough for her. it had to be.
asra tried to get her to leave. he’d met her before she’d begun working at the clinic and before she’d moved to working in the dungeons. asra was kind, and sweet, but when he tried to convince her to run and escape the plague with him she didn’t think twice about staying. how can i run away from this? she asked him, how can you run away from this? this city is suffering, asra, these people are dying--i have magic; even if all i can do is sing someone to sleep, i’ll do what i can. you’re just staying for him, she would remember asra’s bitter voice on a night long after he was gone, and she would know then just as she knew now that he was right. you’re just staying because of him. he can’t stop the plague, esther, no one can--he can’t keep you safe! you’re risking your life on someone who barely notices you! she’ll remember hot tears stinging her eyes, embarrassed and angry and sad all at once. he--he needs my help. he doesn’t deserve to be alone! neither do you! asra pleads with her, and if you stay here you will be! if i run away with you, i’m turning my back on these people. no, he says stonily, you can’t mask this with ‘these people’. you don’t want to turn your back on ilya. on a man who doesn’t love you! and you only want me to because you’d rather i felt this way about you instead! she regrets the words the moment they leave her mouth, but she cannot take them back. asra looks as hurt as she’s ever seen him, and then turns away from her.
asra leaves vesuvia that night. esther watches his scarf disappear into the darkness from a window of the shop, and wonders if she’ll ever see him again. angry as she is, she prays silently for him to be safe, sings the softest charm into the night air to help him travel safely. she returns to her work the next morning. and the morning after that. and many to follow.
she thinks about that argument many, many days ahead. the days julian talks to her. the days they sit together, stroll the market together. the days she has hope that asra was wrong. the days she sits near his desk, mixing herbs and keeping their masks clean, mending aprons and tidying his office as best she can, singing softly as she works. the days she knows he does not even notice she is there. and then through the days when her body begins to ache. when she feels her lungs constricting in her chest, spitting blood up into her mouth when she coughs. through the days when she wakes and catches red, red, red in her reflection when she tries to pass it by, hides her eyes with her mask. the days when her limbs start to grow too weak for her to even clean anymore--but still she presses on. she says nothing to anyone. she sings to the patients. she sings to herself--until the day comes that she cannot sing anymore.
the masquerade is coming. the dungeons are empty, save for esther, who cannot muster the strength to stand. she promised she would clean the masks that night, knows julian probably did not even hear her say the words. hears asra’s words in her head as her vision swims and she feels sweat sticking her hair to her skin. the damp stone floor rises to meet her and she cannot stop the tears in her eyes--not from the pain of the fall, not from the blood she tastes in her mouth, nor the ache in her chest, her belly, her back, her head. you don’t want to turn your back on ilya. on a man who doesn’t love you! she thinks, what a fool i am, and she cries, knowing soon enough she won’t have even the tears for this any longer. esther thinks of death, thinks of her sister, wherever she might be. she thinks of julian, and she cries.
she’s shivering, unnatural cold claiming her, blood all she can smell or taste and in a hazy, vague thought, she thinks thank the gods, i could no longer tolerate the smell of this place. she barely registers when shaking hands lift her from the ground. she hardly notices when stone floor becomes wooden table. she’s barely hanging onto consciousness but she still clings, knowing the moment she lets go she will never regain it. she’s afraid; esther knows she is dying. for days she struggled to hide the signs, struggled to ignore them in herself. magic wouldn’t let her die this way, would it? there had to be more time for her, didn’t there? but she lays on this filthy wooden table and knows that just like so many before her, she will die here. her eyes are barely open. her vision swims, but she can hear her name, as if echoing from somewhere far away. by some miracle, by some magic, she can just make out a face over hers, can feel something hot, wet, dappling her face. oh, she thinks, and it feels so serene suddenly. oh. julian.
he’s hunched over her on the examining table. panic fills his eyes, makes his chest heave, stutters his words and shrills his voice, fills the tears falling so quickly he hasn’t even noticed them himself yet. his hands shake, his gaze darts. where does he look, where does he start? stop the blood from her nose--no, no, stop it from streaming from her lips--no, no, no! stop her chest from jolting--no--no--no-- she’s coughing and convulsing and she’s nearly vomiting blood and he’s sobbing because god help him he’s dealt with patients but why--how--hers is not the face he wanted to see this way, hers are not the eyes he wanted to ever see turned red, her blood is not the blood he’s ever wanted on his hands and yet it stains his shirt and coats his gloves and it’s so red, so bright, vivid red, and he’s crying for her and trying to think of something, anything, to do for her how could he have not known? how could he have not realized until now--oh what has he done--what has he not done--oh esther.... she’s trying to speak, sputtering and breathing ragged and there is so much blood but he hears her, the words thin and weak. it’s all right. it’s...it’s all right julian. it’s all right, doctor...you’ve done enough.
he’s lifted her half into his arms and she’s so frail, she’s so light, he can hardly believe it, even as she jerks and thrashes with the coughs wracking her body. esther please, he begs her, please don’t-- he doesn’t know what to ask for. please don’t go. stay here with me, i’ll figure something out, i’ll make this better, i--i’ll help you, i’ll make you better, i-- he promises her anything, everything. you’ll never come back to this dungeon, his chest is so tight it threatens to burst as he holds her small, fragile body in his arms and sees her eyes start to close. you’ll never come back here--i’ll take you to see nevivon when this is over with. you’ll soak in one of the springs and you’ll feel better than you’ve ever felt in your life, esther, and his voice is cracking and straining but he can’t stop the words, words he should have said before, things he should have told her before now, when they hold so little meaning anymore. and i’ll sing to you every night. just--just like you’ve done for me. i won’t....i won’t sound half as good as you, but...but... the lump welling in his throat is so large he can hardly breathe. he can’t admit she’s gone limp in his arms, can’t admit her chest has stopped rising and falling. but i’ll sing you love songs. as many as i know. more than that. i’ll learn new ones, and i’ll...i’ll teach them all to you. esther...
esther doesn’t hear him sobbing against her hair. she won’t remember it, even years later when julian does. he’ll remember. he’ll remember the smell of blood and herbs and magic, long after she’s been taken from his arms. he’ll remember the taste of salt and her name on his tongue, the words ‘i love you’ so much more anguished and bitter than he’s ever thought they could be.
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alitoowell · 6 years
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One year—365 days—and still I cannot find the words to do justice to the magnitude of gratitude that I feel, and will forever feel, for the magic that was October 22, 2017.  It’s funny because meeting Taylor was always in my mind as a possibility.  In that people DO meet her, so it’s possible.  But I always viewed it as possible, yet unachievable.  People would meet her, but they wouldn’t be ME.  Simply because the odds were too great of being noticed or picked from a crowd.  So I never planned out how it would go, or where, or what I would say, which left me even more absolutely floored when it happened.  Even a year later my brain cannot quite wrap around the fact that the woman who I’ve looked up to since I was 15, who’s music has been the soundtrack to my life for an entire decade, had me over at her house?  I got to hug her?  Dance with her?  And listen to her entire unreleased album and the stories behind it?  That seems unbelievable.  And it will always seem unbelievable because people. don’t. do. that.  But Taylor does.  My friends have been encouraging me for a whole year straight to type everything out, and I never quite got there.  The task seemed too great, I didn’t know where to start, or what words to choose to capture those memories adequately.  In one of those moments of frustration I realized I actually already had written nearly everything—in the no less than 63 messages I sent to my best friend Shaina less than 24 hours later on October 23, 2017.  Though it’s jumbled and not perfect in any way and contains the misspellings and keyboard smashes and all, here’s my Taylor story, a year later, as told the day after it happened—in message form.
photo of wristband
photo of merch
Shaina: You’re lying
Shaina: Ok. Spill. I’m shook.
Okay okay so I’m literally about ready to pass out I haven’t slept well since finding out last week and legit got two hours of afterwards last night, well this morning ahhh
And about to board my flight but I’ll try to type quick
So basically her team DMed me last Tuesday saying they’ve noticed what an amazing fan I am and asked for my information
And people have been making fake TN accounts and sending fake messages to be awful, and I thought it was fake because I never expected to ever be contacted
So I’m like in the gym parking lot thank god I didn’t see it while I was still at work
And I realize it has a blue verified check and that it’s legitimate and the last questions was have you ever met Taylor and I LOSE MY SHIT IM IN HYSTERICS IN THE CAR AND CALL MY MOM AND SHE THINKS I GOT IN AN ACCIDENT
So basically I’m a freaking ass mess because I’m 99% it’s for a secret session since at that point one had happened and we all assumed that there would be more cities, and I was almost positive they would NOT send that message to someone and not follow through and call and tell them SOMETHING
So I can’t sleep I leave my phone on cuz I don’t want to miss a call
It of course doesn’t come til the next day while I’m AT WORK
And they freaking ass knew my twitter and tumblr and asked for all my socials and I now know the people I talked to weren’t asked that so that’s weirddddd
Anyway so sure as hell it’s a ‘very special event’ and it’s all too secret and I can’t tell anyone except a parent for safety
And once I confirm I can get myself to LA she gives some instructions and said final details will be emailed  
And so that was Wednesday and I’m crying at work and their dinner was late lol
And I called my mom and was like this weekend Sunday book flights nowwwww
And then the quick version is for the next two days I was practically puking every day so nervous and the email wasn’t coming and I was like shitttttt
So finally on Friday I straight up call Taylor Nation back and get straight through and say my name and she’s like what’s up?! And she says they’re coming out later that day
And so I flew down Saturday and I rented my very first car and took my first legit solo trip in the name of Taylor freaking swift honestly I’m not surprised
And bless Briana’s fam’s heart they were out of town but let me stay in their guest apartment while they were away with no explanation so that was very nice and less stress for me
And then I had to sit from 3:30 Saturday until 5:15 Sunday in LA by myself unable to tell anyone and it was wilddddddd
Like I was like sweeeeeet I can get caught up in my journal!!!  Noooo I deadass sat there and felt like I was dying and about threw up hourly like how the freaking hell do you just casually chill when you know your damn outlandish never thought it would occur dream is about to happen and not only that but like on a times 100 scale?!?!
So basically I went to her damn house and we hung out by the pool and ate food and the weirdest part is I’ve been unable to eat and have been panicking all week but the second I got to the first check point and to her house even more I was just like chillllll like ayeeeee this is gonna be fun omg I’m so hungry and let’s eat all this food
And so basically it’s a listening session for the new album and we obviously can’t say anything about it or what she said about it besides like probs that it’s AWESOME OUTSTANDING IS GONNA SLAY THE WORLD AND SHES SO LROUD OF IT AND MY BABY DID THAT AND IM REAL PROUD
Okay okay but she like explained each song in-depth and was the cutest cupcake singing along fully jamming to everything and like looking at everyone the entire time and locking eyes as she’s singing ya feel
My flight is about to leave but I will continue later!!!!!
Shaina: This is insane I can’t believe it I’m beyond stoked for you safe travels and talk soon
Okay we not leaving quite yet sooooo I’m missing parts. So we are told we’re gonna go inside and sit down and I book it fast to get a spot on the ground like only two people sitting in front of me and there’s a red plush chair not even 10 feet away that she’ll obviously be sitting in and we’re all like sjedjekkdir
And I was wondering who all I would know there right!?? And was bummed there’s one girl I talk to frequently who loves Shawn Mendes and we know each other cuz she saw my Shawn poster on twitter and she’s from LA but I hadn’t seen her
Shaina: This just keeps getting better and better. How did you keep this a secret?!?!?!?
Shaina: How many people were there
Okay lololol shoot I just woke up and didn’t realize the rest of this story was notttt in constant caps like I’ve been using all day my bad my bad
And so she’s playing the songs in order off the album and I think it’s okay to say that her and jack are losing their minds because they’ve never gotten to experience our reaction to new stuff they’ve worked on when they’re together, and definitely not together and in person, so she kept being like this is so cool for us you have no idea and he’s in the back confirming lololol
And so anyway she gets to Look What You Made me Do and she’s like soooo how do we want to do this??? Do we want to keep sitting do we want to dance…??? And we’re all like DANCEEEEEE SHDHIEOKRKR and shes like okayyyy we’re dancing and Shaina this is deadass like straight out of a dream.  Actually wait no I couldn’t have imagined this, but she starts and I was anticipating part of this but not the whole thing…
So she obviously doesn’t just have us bopping along and staying and dancing on her own up front… she starts making her way into our basically tiny crowd and we’re so packed together that she’s grabbing people’s hands so she doesn’t fall as she goes. And she’s stopping and dancing with people and stops and stays dancing like staring at one guy and he’s going for it and not afraid and singing the lyrics dramatically right back to her….
And then she makes her way towards and wait for it
And then Vanessa (my Shawn buddy) at this point has scooted up to me cuz everyone’s shifted and the people around me are like dude holy shit SHE DANCED WITH YOUUUUU
Okay okay so after the whole album was played she gave us like the lowdown on the meet and greet portion and she passed out the target exclusive magazines for us to see while we waited and talked a bit about the making of them and why and things and she’s really pumped about them and they worked really hard to have them be affordable as possible and cut down the pages and things
And meanwhile like the whole night she’s so close that people would make comments and she’d hear and respond and it was so cute and amazing
Also I don’t think I’ve mentioned her outfit yet???  She’s been looking bomb at all of the other sessions and holy helllll she looked bomb like damnnnnnnnn she had on a black crop top and these high waisted and slightly folded down camouflage pants and these black boots and her hairrrrrrr this era is like natural curls and soooo damn cute
Okay okay so anyway we thought it was a greattttt idea to wait towards the end so we could stay longer and not go first and be done and sent home… yeah well it ended up being a not great idea because we ended up waiting two hours but I’m obviously not complaining one freaking bit
And she’s doing pictures in the other room so we can’t really see much for most of it but every so often we can see people talking to her and taking photos and it’s so cute it’d melt your hearttttttt
And so those of us that have bonded together at this point are like um shoooooot what pose and what the hell do I say to her??????? Like all week to my parents I was like ummmmm soooooo I’ve imagined this happening but like never thought it’d actually happen so unlike some people I had nottttt planned like a monologue of what I’d want her to know if I ever met her???? Like with Vance I was lost too but with my posters it was easier and I’ve seen him recently and yada yada but this is TAYLOR FREAKING SWIFT WHO IVE LOVED WITH MY WHOLE DAMN HEART SINCE I WAS FIFTEEN AND SHIT IM TEARING UP ON THE PLANE WHAT THE HELL DO YOU SAY TO HER WHAT DO YOU WANT HER TO KNOW YOU’VE GOT LIKE TWO MINUTES WITH HER GOOOOO
And so we were all really curious if she’d somehow recognize us because people have been saying that they walk in and she shouted their name! And I’m like idk if that’s gonna happen but might as well see if not just ask if she’s seen anything idk idk???
So okay buckle up for like the greatest time of my entire damn life
So I walk in and hug herrrrrrrrrrrrr
And I wish to god I can remember everything she said but I was focusing so hard on keeping it together and saying my bit that I know for sure what I said and can put together mostly something the general sentiment of what she said if not it exactly. So we’re huggingggg and I say I think hiiiii it’s so nice to finally meet you thank you for having me I’m so excited to be here or something and she’s like awww thank you for coming!! And I’m like I have to know how did we all get picked, was it by you or your team or how did it happen?? And I don’t know what the first part of her answer was but she says so the people from LA have been picked for about a year, and the people from elsewhere (I’m guessing with exceptions) have been picked more recently like within the past few months so like now I know it has nothingggg to do with whatever we’ve been doing online recently…. It’s from at least when she first came back if not before and they realized we were active while she was away….
And so I’m like okay ali say something else so I’m like so I really like making concert posters and the first ones I ever made were for you and shes like aw thank you!! And I’m like I realized other people were making posters and I’d been a RA and I was like hey I can make some really bomb posters tooooo. And so I’m like the fist ones said ‘Taylor someday we’ll meet you even if it’s just in our wildest dreams’ and she grabs me and is like AND NOW WE’RE MAKING IT HAPPEN!!! And so I say after I got the phone call I was in my car listening to Ready For It and started bawling when she sings ‘in my dreams, I know I’m gonna be with you’ cuz I knew it was actually happening and shes like awwwwwww or something you get the idea
And so then I straight up start talking about my dad???
I’m like so my dad loves you and she’s like omg and I’m like no he adoresss youuu and is so sad he couldn’t come and she’s like awww tell him hi!!! And I’m like he loves your Out of the Woods piano Grammy performance and I say how I’d found him listening to it repeatedly and he wanted it on his phone. And she’s like he sounds amazing! And I’m like he is he’s awesome lol and I’m like actually and so him and I went and saw you at F1 last year and of course I’m like and I made signs for there too and so I describe them IN DETAIL like what they said, I realized later I told her I was from Oregon, because I said they were the states and the dotted line and the paper airplane and I think she really liked that??? And as if that all isn’t already insane enough at some point in there I mentioned how this month has been insane and how I’d met Vance Joy and it was my birthday and now this and she said something excitedly about that like ahhh so much excitement or idk something about it. And so she’s like so what pose would you like to do? And I’m like I’ve really been going back and forth between just hugging or doing something sort of funny (low key said that hoping she’d be like girl let’s do both but lololol it’s okay) so she’s like it’s completely up to you!! And I’m like um um okay let’s just hug so she grabs me and we take the freaking photo and ahhhhhhhh
And so Vanessa and I had it planned out and she had me go first and at this point I was like would it be okay if my friend and I got a photo with you together and she’s like of course!! So V comes in and hugs her and we take one photo together and she squeezes us together tight and then I hug her one last time and thank her and say I love you so much (lol I had to throw it in other people forgot it and have been upset) and then I walk out and they hand me my merch bag and are directing me to the bus but I’m like can I wait for my friend and they’re like sure. So she comes out and she’s like SHE KNEW MY NAME SHSJEKOFN and she’s like yelling and I’m like shut up and I grab her and I’m like shhh shhhhh hahahaha and so we walk to the bus and it’s the funniest thing cuz they’re just waiting for it to be full so anytime someone new walks on everyone’s like SPILLLLLLLLL
And then once it was full we went back got our things, exchanged details with people on that bus and took photos and whatnot and turned our phones on to the madness anddddddd so well thats the story of the best damn day of my life
Taylor, thank you thank you thank for giving me such incredible memories that I’ve blown up the phones of every person I know, and have talked every person’s ears off that I’ve met during these past 365 days, about how special they are to me.  Thank you for making it happen, thank you for holding my gaze so intently and being so genuine every second I was talking to you, thank you for bringing me some of the best friends I’ve ever had, thank you for being so prominent in the highlights of not only this past year, but this past decade.  I love you forever, babe.  Long, long live October 22, 2017.
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sybariticnomad · 6 years
BNHA Prompts I want to read/write
>Ghibli AUs- literally any of them would be great but especially Princess Mononoke rn
>Rival School Gang AU- Bakusquad gang vs Dekusquad gang. Don't fuck with Uraraka bc she’ll wreck you w a smile. also Deku totally is one of those people who angry cries. Drama ensue when canon villains are really just out of town school gang that tries to take over their town and squads gotta unite whether they like it or nah. Featuring all might, Aizawa, and co as concerned teachers, detectives and whatnot that just wanna see these kids safe and sound
>Uraraka grew up on wrong side of the tracks AU- doesn’t necessarily have to be completely au, just that Uraraka growing up poor incorporating some of the less glamorous parts of being poor so she’s seen shit and done shit and wants to do good for the world now so no one else has to go through what she went through. I just want this to be a part of her character background so bad. Just scenes with her encountering villains or smalltime gangs and being like “dude we were neighbors I went through the same shit you did fam. Don't do this.”
>Uraraka using her anti-gravity quirk to do what hulk did to Loki in the first avengers movie and everyone being fuckin SHOOK. (can you tell who one of my main faves is yet? lol)
>A fic about ua kids literally being that, Kids. Shenanigans, Movie nights to binge the Rocky series only to end up too pumped to sleep so they all start training like crazy(Bakubro included), youtube channels, Todoroki secretly being messy af and joining the Tea Party where the ladies plus Todoroki spill tea and throw shade EVERYWHERE (all the best news comes from there), Bakugo growing and awkwardly trying to show his appreciation for his classmates and also awkwardly trying to mend his relationship with Deku (teen angst at it’s best and Deku is unsure of how to handle it but Uraraka and Kirishima help the dumbasses), Mina and Uraraka explore their sexuality together bc fuck you if they aint bisexual queens at the very least, Uraraka being one of the few willing to back talk Bakugo so she passive aggressively gives him nicknames like he gives her until he starts calling people by their names(like sweetie bc his sweat smells like burnt caramel, he calls her peaches sometimes bc of her country accent and a couple of other things if ya know what I mean) and eventually the whole class gets in on the nicknaming stuff and Bakugo is Sick Of People Stealing His Shit, Urarakas twang and Todoroki’s education in modern slang because explaining to him what being messy means and spilling tea is funny af (he starts using it all the time in a super awkward way “I believe that this situation calls for some messy retaliation” with long deadpan stares), how many of these kids can't wink and just give you long awkward blinks, teacher appreciation day gifts that get all the way out of hand (Aizawa gets the benign noise cancelling headphones and death wish coffee and then someone sends him a bottle of tequila and he wants to know which fucking child got a hold of alcohol to both admonish and thank them. Poor all might gets all the medicine, who’s idea was it to give present mic a loud mic and youtube channel why he’s already too loud please make it stop), someone gives Bakugo spicy chocolate cookies for valentines day and he doesn't want the sentiment but hot damn those cookies are fucking delicious, the kids get into American music because present mic recommends it to help with learning English and that's all fine and dandy until the kids start hosting death matches with Denzel curry’s Ultimate as the match song and wow how many of these songs have so much profanity please stop (just because you’re swearing in English kids doesn't mean some people still won’t know you’re swearing), Sex Ed Class for the kids (wow what trauma, what drama, Aizawa you are not giving the sex ed seminar they will get too scared. you will monitor Midnight as she gives the lesson. All might go have a cup of tea and try not to think of the kids having sex because golly they’re all still wee babes), Teachers shipping students and other staff lounge gossip, Spin the bottle truth or dare where the dare is always make out with the people you want to fight, Momo is cleaning out her closet and giving away clothes so please let the mad fight over who can get more clothes from her giveaway ensue(Uraraka is poor and on a mission, who know when she’ll be able to get clothes as nice as these again? she might enlist the help of some of her guy friends and she might also float all the clothes she wants to the ceiling out of reach of anyone else), BNHA girls using snapchat and momo’s closet to recreate Beyonce music videos and killing it (I really just want to see 7/11, the suck on my balls shtick, and Sorry because it’s a whole lotta friends hangin out and being sassy), WHO LET THESE KIDS WATCH South Park.  y’know. Shit like that. Wow this bullet point got way out of hand.
>Night Vale AU 1- Fuck you it’s Tododeku. Todoroki is obviously Carlos with his perfect hair and perfect teeth. Uraraka is totally dana, Deku is of course Cecil, Aizawa might be station management? Might be old man Jenkins. Whatever it is I'm here for it. 
>Night Vale AU 2-Alternatively its the cast of bnha just in the wtnv universe and their day to day lives dealing with night vales weirdness. do as you please.
>Underground Fighting/Fight Club AU- What It Says On The Tin. BNHA kids doing illegal underground fighting stuff and do with it what you will. 
>Oresama Teacher AU- I know I keep being super aggresive but still fuck you I think mafuyu and Uraraka would be able to flip flop each other or alternatively, mafuyu is urarakas grandmother and she taught Uraraka all the ways of badassery minus the fighting stuff bc she old
>Fantasy AU where for once Uraraka actually is the badass witch and not just the confused amnesiac- also What It Says On the Tin. Bitch can kick some ass.
>Adventure Time AU- For shits and giggles bc I said so I suppose. I think the bnha characters in that universe would be funny af with just the right dash of angst/drama.
>Assassination classroom au- what it says on the tin. 
>The Myth Of Hades and Persephone AU- featuring your chosen bnha ship. Imma leave mine out of it because the one I would prefer to put in would probably yield a lot of hate and I don't want my preferred ship to get in the way of anyone ignoring these prompts and not writing them? idk imma leave mine out but y'all get it.
More to be added at a later date bye lmao
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chrissyrants · 7 years
However, It’s disgusting how Camila’s fans and other people/fandoms that don’t like 5H or favor Camila to them (if they are fans) just latch on to anything negative that is said about them. 
Currently, it’s Dan Wootton saying that they are divas (for avoiding personal questions and questions about Camila nearly 9 MONTHS LATER), they were shady, and how he understands why Camila (insert his compliments here) left the group. As if she hasn’t said one million times that it was because she wanted to make her own music. Why would he ask Lauren questions about a possession detainment, her sexuality, her personal life, or a specific letter where she decided to make her sexuality public? It doesn’t matter if it was asked politely or not, it’s got nothing to do with their music. If you want to ask her political opinion, fine. But you don’t need to specify one piece of it because you can transition to something very personal then cry about it online when you don't get your answers. Her sexuality isn’t news. Who she does or doesn’t sleep with or go home to at night IS NOT NEWS. Using her political views to transition back to those very personal things is NOT NEWS. And something that happened many months ago that was very insignificant, is not news.
And Camila’s fans flocked to it believing and latching on to every word he said only and specifically because it was painting 5H in a negative light. That’s the only reason that they cared. If it had said that 5H was donating 1 million dollars to charity they wouldn’t have cared about it. But since it was negative, they did. They can’t win with her fans or people that like Camila over them.  They just can’t. If they respond to a question about Camila, they’re shady and using her for press. If they avoid them or ignore them completely, they’re shady and hiding something that the rest of the world supposedly already knew. They’ll never win.
And it’s mostly on twitter. And because of that people associate 5H and pissed off Harmonizers with tons of negativity simply because they don’t want the girls to be bullied and the girls don’t want to answer questions that are irrelevant to the stage that they’re at now. And ironically, it’s former 5H fans (who clearly can not be trusted to be loyal since they just abandoned one for the other) who started talking all kinds of shit about 5H the moment they latched onto something they thought would work to discredit 5H and their success. They maintain that every ounce of success that 5H currently has is because of Camila. But it isn’t. Cause if it was, she would’ve been a solo artist from the moment she stepped on that X-Factor stage. It was a collective effort and for people to say that she was the sole reason for their success is diminishing to not only their talent but Camila’s as well.
You could tweet or post “5H ain’t shit” in one post, then follow it up with “but the nicest people on the planet” under a read more or a different follow up tweet, and people will only latch on to the first part because they believe someone actually feels that way about them and they too feel that way but are too cowardly to say it themselves. But the fact that they’re constantly latching to every rumor or comparing everything Camila does to what 5H is or isn’t doing, is sad. They bitch and moan regularly about how often Camila’s name is in the mouths and on twitter pages of people who dislike her. Yet they also go out of their way to watch 5H videos and read interviews and search pages of relatives and friends to talk shit about them and talk about how “Camila would never”. 
They obsess over the people who they believe are obsessing over Camila. They are obsessing over 5H and what they are or aren’t doing no matter how much they claim to hate them. These are the same people who still follow them and their families on twitter and instagram. The same people who have follows from them, their team, or their family members and want them to see them talking shit. They love being blocked by the girls and posting about it. It’s like an achievement from them. So rather than beat them to the punch and block them/unfollow them, so that they don’t have to see their posts, they keep them so they know what’s going on with them. So they know what events they’re going to be at or which ones they’re going to be doing.
They are watching their sales and charting so they can compare it to Camila’s. They’re watching performances to compare them to Camila’s. They’re watching and carefully calculating expressions and faces of the girls that they believe are petty. Especially when it comes to times where Camila or anyone she’s ever interacted with. They really think 5H cares that much about who Camila has ever interacted with or who she’s friends with that they’d just be assholes if they’re mentioned. They’re listening to their music so that they can compare it to Camila’s. It’s obsession at this point. And it isn’t all of her fans. But it is a lot of them. It’s become truly an obsession with the girls and their fans that some of these people have and it’s pathetic. And it’s not to say that some Harmonizers behave the same way and it’s pathetic for them too. But why would you talk and learn so much about people who you claim to hate? It makes no sense.
What makes it worse though, is these people, these fans of Camila, really believe that 5H’s families care that much about Camila and what she’s doing. They really believe that Lauren’s mom would risk her job just to be a dick to a girl who is a fan of Camila. As if when her class starts, who that girl listens to in her spare time, will matter to Clara. As if that will affect her ability to complete homework and take tests. Why would anyone just fail a girl because they aren’t a fan of their daughters music? Why would she plague her classroom with conversations of who is a fan of who? And more so, why would you, as someone who will be a student in her class, ever put yourself in a position to be removed from a classroom because you may choose to disrupt a classroom with your love and hatred of a groups current and former members music? The music you like has no place in a classroom unless it is a music class or a discussion. No teacher is going to fail you or give you detention or any form of suspension just because you don’t like their kids music. Who tf cares.
But the fact that they will latch on to any rumor and obsess that much over 5H and their families, is sad. I hope we get to a place where people like Dan Wootton will stop hiding behind the title of ‘journalist’ and statements like ‘people want to know’ (cause really nobody cares at this point), to push the rumor mill and further an agenda that will tear down someones reputation. And I hope we get to a place where Camilizers (still a God awful fandom name) will just get over it and ignore 5H’s music and existence if they don’t like them, and Harmonizers will do the same with Camila. And for Christ sake, I hope that they’ll stop trying to bring other fandoms into drama that shouldn’t be in the first place. Mixers, Directioners, 5SOS fam, Mendes Army, Swifties, Selenators,  Ariana Grande fans (idk what they're called), or any other fandom has no place in any issues having to do with Camila’s fans or Harmonizers. It’s stupid. And it’s not high school, no matter how many of each side is still there.
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cloudcreates · 8 years
i saw only a few draws of yanya but i want to know more about him :
kicks the door in WELL my friend ur in LUCK bc i have a LOT of shit abt yanya to talk abt
let’s kick it off with his backstory SHALL WE
so ! yanyas a lil kitsune boi raised in a little village in the outskirts of karnosea on famia, we dont have a name for it yet its not important w/e ANYWAY
he was BORN in a bigger town in central karnosea which i also dont have a name for but its also not important, what IS important is that he was a happy lil gremlin for most of his little babby years until he hit about elementary school where all the other kids’ parents started teaching them to be racist towards orcs and kitsunes and lizardfolk n shit! so they started being little shits towards him. which made him not like being in fox shape around them anymore. or in general.
so when his mums, shiranuit, a kitsune barbarian, and resnerina, a half-orc witch, were like “fuck that shit,” they moved away to that much smaller settlement, made up almost Entirely of rarer races like catfolk and wyvaran, and also orcs and ogres and stuff yea
and things were p alright! yanyas mums love him Very Much ok i love them and i love him and they all love each other. shiranuit works as a weaponsmith, and resnerina works as a luthier. so when u mashed their work together, u got yanya, a skald, or Basically a rage bard, who makes all his weapons and instruments, bc he makes his weapons into instruments, and vice versa.
his first weapon in game was a heavy mace that doubled as a guitar! it was crafted from metal ofc but its body was in the shape of a cow skull bc that shit’s metal. on one side was the guitar all strung up, and on the other he’d flip it around and it’s just Covered in spikes for him to beat the shit out of whatever 8)c
he uses his music to express himself. even with cure and mending magic, destroying things and lashing out and being aggressive all the time doesn’t make him feel good, so he’ll usually just turn to screaming out some sick tunes instead. his music’s very important to him.
moving back to early life however! he moved on through school pretty easy. i mean. not Entirely too easily bc the boy’s dumb as a brick so w/e he just. he didnt flunk out at the very least ok Cs get degrees anyway
and when he was abt.. 16, 17, he met ash!  his first..and Only girly friend who’s also a kitsune, and a gunslinger! between the two of them, she’s kind of.. the ‘brains’ but. even then she’s not like, super smart. it’s just.. not hard to be smarter than yanya w/ that sweet 7 WIS and 10 INT score lmfao. she’s plenty clever tho!
around this time yanya and ash didn’t go to school, they travelled around their local part of karnosea causing a little trouble here and there bc well. they’re of chaotic alignment. however! chaotic good alignment, so they really only gave hell to..racists 8) .. bc fuck em
the thing is though, while yanya had two mums that loved him a lot, ash didn’t. she had one mum that sucked a bunch and constantly berated her, and yanya knew, it was partially why they spent so much time just carting around wildly, having fun, bc yanya knew she deserved better!
as a side note, karnosea is neighboring artorias, which is the Big Capital of famia, where Queen Azaroa has opened a bard college! probably the best and most chattered abt all over the world tbh. you can bet yanya’s heard of it by now, being as musically inclined as he is, and has always sort of dreamed of going there.. but shit, he and his fam ain’t making that kind of money, lmfao
but! it just so happens, as rumors say, there’s a new scholarship surfacing, offered specifically to members of more. rare races, such as kitsunes! yanya can’t lie about his interest being piqued..
but the thing was, from 16 going on 18, he was sort of perfectly happy and content just travelling around like a rascal with ash, because they were best friends!! and having fun!! and without yanya, he thought ash would be all alone with her fuckin mean ass mum!! he didn’t want that, and also that bard college is probably overrated anyway, whatever..
ash’s mum isn’t having any of it, wtf ash is happy??  
the second ash and yanya get back home from whatever little bout of travel they were on, ash’s mum goes on a tirade at ash about how she’s dragging yanya down and holding him back, how she’s not good enough for him, etc.. so ash panics, because she knows he isn’t going to leave her unless she makes him never wanna see her again.
so! that same day, ash tells yanya about. how she’s been cheating on him the whole time. laughs in his face. tells him he should’ve expected it, kitsunes are known for being tricksters, liars after all!
he’s heartbroken.. so he leaves for artorias in a shocked daze probably not a full 12 hr later 
and he gets accepted to the college!
ofc being kinda poor and rough around the edges, it’s not without it’s fair share of. snooty ass rich kids being assholes, which is whatever. turns out tho, some of those rich kids are from karnosea! so because yanyas as subtle as an airhorn, rumors about him not being human spread. guess who gets to deal with racist school peers all over again! yaaaay
it’s not totally bleak, though. at college yanya met jonavahn, neyla, pazzoch, and a bunch of the other rare-race scholarship kids and they all form their own little nestled group of friends :’>
soo because yanya’s fuckin shit at like, learning, he like, does kind of piss poor in all the actual study-centric classes lmfao. but! he’s fantastic at the physical side of things–he excels with playing instruments and melee fighting, because it’s less read-a-book-and-study and more muscle memory and physical training and practice, ofc. he just barely graduated bc getting half amazing grades and half shitty grades only balances out to so much, but dAMMIT HE DID IT
so when he graduates, he goes back home for a little bit. im sure while he was at college, he managed to visit his mums back at karnosea for a little bit on breaks, but. just the idea of going back to karnosea, just knowing that. it’s where ash was. it made it a lot harder in practice than it was in theory for him lmfao.
but being back home, getting to see him mums again! it makes him really happy! because his mums love him a lot !!! and love and support him a shit ton!! they’re so proud! look at their son that graduated from the artorian queen’s bard college! holy shit!!
yanya realizes sometimes that he takes his mums for granted.. they’ve always been there to makes him feel like everything’s ok. and they do a damn good job of it! 
 a fun fact! lershe, my old incompetence quest 1 character, is a half-orc monk–by the end of iq1, he became a lycanthrope (this was in dnd 3.5, so monks could still get infected by lycanthropy), and also a lvl 30 minor deity lmfao
lershe was separated from his dad, who was raising him on his own, at a v young age. at the end of iq1, lershe sought him out, found him again, and found out that he’d started a new family with a new wife! and tbh lershe met his mum in iq1 he could not be happier for his dad lmfao. but they have a daughter! so lershe has a little half-sister! and that little half-sister is resnerina!
because lycanthropes and kitsunes share a sort of similar ability in changing shape ya kno yeah, when yanya was a little kid, lershe was still “alive” as a mortal half-orc (lershe put off accepting that he was an immortal deity for a long time) and. was a big inspiration for yanya, naturally. these kids and people were giving him shit for being able to change shape into something that resembled an animal, but his uncle lershe can do it to, and HE’S a god!! so whatever!!
anyway so iq2 started off by all the characters running into each other in a little town in karnosea and some shit abt a cave off the outskirts of town getting ransacked by mercenaries or smth, idr
a little before then our DM said txeru and yanya were going to enter town together, and aria and karrina were going to enter town together, and we could come up w/ whatever reason why they’d end up together so txeru and yanya met first actually, just outside on town in a little tavern where they. probably got into a little scuffle just bc bar fights are fun. who cares. its fine. 
its ironic bc right now, in game, txeru and yanya are fucking pissed at each other! and its great. the drama is clearing my skin. my crops are prospering. 
basically txeru is a kasatha, an alien race not native to famia, and he’s come to famia trying to hide from two .. sort of alien police that’re after him for all the petty crimes he’s done. thing is, these two Very Specific alien cops are after him because. he kinda. was romantically involved with Both of them, one being his partner in crime and the other being of kasathan royalty–when he was backed into a corner and about to get caught he kind of ditched his partner and left the noble out high and dry so they’re both PISSED at him
they recently made their way to famia and found txeru, and after we TURNED TAIL AND RAN THE FUCK OFF from them, txeru explained his story
having his heart fucking shattered by ash, yanya kinda wasn’t super happy to find out txeru was a heart-shattering asshole himself! 
so he DECKED HIM IN THE FACE and hadn’t spoken a kind word to him in like, a week
NOW they’re talking, it’s just. every word they say to each other is some variant of “fuck you” and atm we’re waiting for a boiling point to hit to see if they’ll kiss and make up or if they’re just gonna have to hate each other! 8) im so excited
meanwhile this entire time, we’re level 10 right now. so half way to the capstone level 20. 
yanya still hasn’t formally revealed that he’s a kitsune to anyone in the group. but! as i said. the boy’s subtle as a brick thrown through a window. he’s slipped up enough times in his human disguise for just about everyone in the party to catch just a little something being off about him, but since most of the party is from artorias, away from the rarer races of karnosea, not everyone knows what a kitsune is
BUT we HAVE met a kitsune in game! madame fouxy (blame my dm for that name), but even then she only shifted from an actual fox shape to anthro fox shape, not to human shape. so they’re still unaware that kitsunes can even do that atm, meaning yanya’s ruse is hanging on by a thread lmfao
he’d just come out and say it bc he’s well aware everyone’s probably seen through him by now, but. it’s suppose to be a secret. knowing that everyone knows doesn’t make him wanna tell it, it makes him wanna convince everyone they’re wrong, even though they’re right, and he doesn’t like lying ,and if everyone’s already figured it out already, then he’s not doing a good job at keeping his own damn secrets, which freaks him out, and… etc
yanya’s favorite colors are red and blue, his favorite food is smoked rabbit, he’s 6′2″ flat on his heels in human shape, but he’s wearing stilettos bc he’s use to toe walking in fox-shape, which usually puts him up to about 6′4″, 6′5″..
he’s got a shit ton of muscle, and he eats a lot to keep up his energy! so he has his fair share of fat w a soft belly. he weighs probably anywhere from 250-300 bc im not good w weights lmfao
he has a total of.. 14 piercings, four on each ear, one on each eyebrow, two on his lips, one on his nose, and one on his tongue, almost all of which he got at the bard college lmfaoo
atm at level 10, he has 5 tails! only one spell-like ability from them, however, which is disguise self. 
he knows how to sew!
he has a fear of mirrors and heights.
it’s less a ‘fear’ and more. he doesn’t like looking at himself in the mirror, practically can’t stand it when he’s in human shape. seeing his human face all he can think is “liar, liar, liar” because that’s not his ‘real’ face. seeing his fox face he’s only reminded how much fewer people would rather see him this way. if he has to, he’ll much prefer looking at his fox face, however.
AND I THINK..THAT MAY JUST COVER IT..if it’s not everything it’s Pretty close, and if i come up w anything new ur probably gonna see me draw it at some point LMFAO
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Who is the most affectionate? ....yes. OK I CAN’T REALLY ANSWER THIS QUESTION - They are both lost puppies in need of constant love and attention and can’t really find anything better than one another’s arms.  Sometimes Gabe, sometimes Cae. Most times... I’d say Gabe... Sometimes Cae is just too into his work.
Big spoon/Little spoon? Big: Cae Little: Gabe
Most common argument? HMM... I can’t think of one except either drunk misconceptions or... just, with one another before Cae is out of the closet?
Favorite non-sexual activity? CUDDLES FOR DAYSSSS - and playing with one anothers hair BUT CUDDLES
Who is most likely to carry the other? Cae will never deny to carry Gabe when alone or with family
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? Cae can’t get enough of Gabriel’s smile, just that moment of happiness which leaves the mans face glowing - the way his teeth gleam against his darker skin whilst he laughs... he’s.. beautiful.. For Gabriel, I think his favourite features are any place piercings linger - but especially his nose. Tiny lingering kisses which make it scrunch up, the way he turns his septum piercing out and snorts like a bull when he catches him at work when the children are out to play and they play tag... it’s.. cute.
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? ..... Cae becomes scared, shaking, adrenaline filled, Nervous, broken, denial filled... Happy.. relieved, at peace.. He doesn’t know what to do but he’s... happy.. for the first time in awhile. Like a weight has been lifted! That he can walk with a little less weight on his shoulders!.. he just has to figure out how to admit it. (cue months and months later)
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? V:DA - Mi Amor - Antivan.. can’t really explain any other way! V:Modern - Amado.. Often something he heard his parents call one another frequently. He always wanted to be able to call somebody that. V: HP - estrella brillante, or estrella, because werewolf? moon.. stars.. shining star.. yeah nvm V: Destiny - Novio or Lucecita, what I kinda have as a term of endearment for Destiny V: Prison(?) - Ángel guardian.. Because well, Gabe is a guard.. guardian to assure he ISN’T slaughtered and Angel because, well, duh. V:SH - Príncipe Encantador. No reason, but he’s beautiful af and Caecilius sees him as royalty 
Who worries the most? hmm... I think Caecilius? merely just because Gabriel is EVERYWHERE and always active whilst he is slightly more tame?
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? I guess it would be Gabriel? Because Cae is always the kind of person to just, not pay attention always to those sort of things and prefers to think primarily on Gabe rather than what he consumes - unless it comes to celebrations.. then he’ll pay attention in a way to give him a hint to where he should take him for holidays/birthdays or cook said meal at home.
Who tops? ..... Caecilius - Though thinking of Gabe topping gives me a faint smile, just the worry and skittishness, jokes after/before it has started etc.
Who initiates kisses? I think often it can be a cat and mouse game of Gabriel trying to get high enough and Cae standing on his tiptoes before breaking into laughter/getting tickled until he falls down - but usually, I’d like to think Caecilius?
Who reaches for the other’s hand first? ...yes. I can’t answer that? like... Caecilius when alone/with fam on outings, but Gabriel on other days when in public etc?
Who kisses the hardest? ..... (caeciliusandhecan’tevenapologiseforit.)
Who wakes up first? Caecilius. Teachers have to be up bright and early.. like.. dang
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? GABRIEL. CONSTANTLY. EVERY DAY.
Who says I love you first? .... I think, besides what went on.. Caecilius? he just messes up in his panic and claims that he loves him in a fit of laughter.. before instantly denying whatever he just said.
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) Gabriel I think, knowing how easily the taller can get flustered he just leaves notes in fine detail of what they may get up to the following night.
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? I guess Gabriel tells his family first, not parents, but siblings! whilst Cae may wait... months and months
What do their family/friends think of their relationship? “.... WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WEREN’T DATING BEFORE?!” “yeah no. we set you up... idiots.”
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? Caecilius - he just really really likes swing jazz (andbellydancingbutweleavethattoanothertime)
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? Cae just really likes to cook, but I don’t really know about Gabriel - I think they’d have fun together?
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? Gabriel, constantly - he has no boundaries!
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? Gabriel... I feel like he has definitely hung around in parent teacher conferences when there are no parents present at the time and just.. yeah.
Who needs more assurance? Gabriel, I’d guess.  But Caecilius can’t leave the house without a kiss
What would be their theme song? Dream a little Dream of me 
Who would sing to their child back to sleep? Caecilius - But I like to think Gabriel stands back and watches with the biggest and goofiest smile on his face
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Gabe - doodle, just stupid little comics about the two, sketch out little figured reenacting their moments together Cae - Writes out text messages and never hits send, just deletes them. Strums dream a little dream of me on his guitar or hums it, whatever is convenient.
one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart Caecilius can’t bare the thought of coming to terms with his sexuality and what his family my think of him for such - he grew up listening to his family preach about how such is wrong in the name of God/the maker..  So when it strikes him that he loves Gabriel, the man looses his mind and runs away, just, as far away from the other as he possibly can; maybe back home if he can afford it! no explanation why!  He tries to find any attraction to women he possibly can to try and prove himself that it isn’t right, that he isn’t gay but.. it goes horrendously and the more he fails at finding such an attraction, the more mad at himself he gets. Finally, he just has to accept it, right?.. right?.... it’s inevitable! He adores his family to pieces but accepting himself means he has no rights into their arms just for the sheer fact.. returning home means death. It means very quick and possible abandonment for their own safety, and Cae can’t fight against that because it’s acceptable, their life is much more.. important.. than his own... There is it, that tendancy kicks of real quick as he sits in his shower, hands tight in his hair as he closes his eyes and tries to think on how to remedy his feelings - but the darkness just brings up those thoughts! Gabriel’s hair which shifts as he laughs, how his hands nervously rubs the back of his neck or shifts through his hair.  The way his nose scrunches when he accidentally snorts, teeth peek past his lips as he giggles. The way his muscles tense and tongue sticks out slightly as he concentrates in working on art pieces of people - the way he tunes out everything but his skills or pieces. The way glowing faint wings spread out from his back as he offers guidance - wait.. they weren’t real. The more he closed his eyes, his images get more vivdid and bright and he can’t think and it hurts all over and he can’t breath, he needs to see the man in person... but... he can’t... He abandoned them! what must they think!? what has he done?! text messages fill his phone but he can’t open them and he’s... lost. he’s breached his phobia and Caecilius Avaant is a working corpse by the end of the week.
one headcanon about this OTP that mends it Glancing into his eyes, they sparkle just as equally as the clear orbs do, both reflect such flamboyant feelings yet they can’t roll of the tongue - the club music may be intense, loud, the bass can be felt through their shoes but... it’s mute to them. Until something sounds scratchy. A man, clearly homosexual, they lean up on the bar and boy do their eyes sparkle with intentions to the smaller man. A grin, a smirk which can easily challenge his own (in his mind.) His hair flourishes as their head flicks to the side to show off the perfectly clean shaven face. Their clothes define their yearly wage and their job and they are.... such a grater human being than the taller could ever wish to be. And still, even though not a word of their crushes have been spoken about. He’s jealous.  he tries to tune out what they say to one another, their own conversation being played in his head... and it sounds like it would be going well; even if in reality it’s full of denial to the strangers intentions and... Their conversation ends short. Because the stranger finds himself on the floor. Their nose seems bloody and Cae hastily finds himself being forcibly removed - he doesn’t even seem to recall what just happened but!-.... Gabriel is smiling... he stiffles a laugh! he’s... “...perfect...”
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