#and lovely timing of the trailer dropping a few days after to give that spark of inspo
k-evans-reads · 2 years
In Living Color
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Chapter 3
Summary: When Natalie Marton, lead character designer for Buzz Lightyear, meets the voice of Buzz, Chris Evans, the sparks are undeniable. But when their work pushes them away from each other, both physically and emotionally, will the sheer differences between their worlds be enough to force them apart?
Pairing: Chris Evans x Pixar Animator OFC Natalie Marton
Word Count: 5,390
By: @k-evans-writes and @ourfinest-hour
We do NOT give permission for our works to be reuploaded, translated, or reposted on any other site. Our work is our own.
Warnings: Discussions about cancer and death.
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Previous | Main Masterlist | In Living Color Masterlist
March 2021
A few small pops echoed in Chris’ body as he stretched out his shoulders after stepping into his trailer. It had been a long day of filming – long few weeks, really, after starting filming two weeks ago – and he could feel it in his muscles, especially now at the end of the work day. He knew he desperately needed a shower but he just had to sit down on the small couch in the trailer for a moment and have a moment to decompress from the long day. 
Absentmindedly he grabbed his phone that had been left on the arm of the couch, clicking it on to see a long list of unopened texts, but a certain name caught his eye almost immediately. He quickly clicked on it and smiled widely as he read the message that asked, ‘Got time in your busy movie star schedule for a game night tonight?’
Immediately Chris clicked the call button, putting it on speaker and leaning back against the couch, not even letting Nat say hello before he asked, “Have I missed the cutoff for reserving a spot at game night?” 
She chuckled, the low sound making him smirk as it carried through to his end of the call. “I guess for a famous person like you I better squeeze you in or it’ll be bad publicity,” she drawled playfully.
He laughed, his nose scrunching as he smiled and replied, “Oh I’d cause a scene if the bouncer turned me away.” 
“I bet you would,” she hummed, trailing off into a pause. “Are you being serious about coming though?” 
“Should I not be?” 
“Well I just figured you’d be too busy doing movie star things like getting photographed by the paparazzi or schmoozing a million different women.” 
“There’s still plenty of time for that later,” he sarcastically agreed, knowing there was no actual intent behind her words. “But seriously Nat, I’d love to come. It sounds like fun.” 
“It’s just going to be a small thing, just Jamie and his wife and then Mark,” she explained, muffled sounds on the other end of the line as he heard her car door shut. “Things get pretty serious though around here so I hope you’re competitive.” 
“Nat, I have three siblings, what do you think?” He laughed, smirking as she joined him. “I just finished up on set. I was going to take a shower and then I'll head over, is that okay?” 
���Yeah, just drop in anytime. I’ll text you my address.” 
He stayed on the phone with her a minute more to confirm the address that she texted him came through before they said their goodbyes and hung up. Chris could feel a smile on his lips while he hurried into the shower, suddenly feeling so much more energy inside him than when he had trudged into the trailer just a few minutes earlier. 
Chris knew it’d only been a short month and a half since he first met Nat, but he was just as struck by her as he was the very first day, when she came barreling into that conference room. He was drawn to her, craving her jokes, stress-free demeanor, and lighthearted passion like he craved the sun on his skin. She just made him happy, made him feel whole and relaxed in a way no one had ever before. 
Now that he had finished with working on Lightyear until re-recording, he had jumped right into The Gray Man filming but he found himself missing that curly headed ray of sunshine in his life every single morning. They had basically had a running text thread but it wasn’t nearly enough for him and having the promise of being with her as soon as he made it through LA traffic made a warmth settled inside of him. 
He navigated the San Fernando neighborhood until he pulled up to the apartment building that the address led him to, parking his car and taking the stairs two at a time up to the second floor with a case of beer in hand, walking down the open-air hallway until he reached unit number seven. After knocking on the door loudly, he heard a familiar voice yelling, “Come in! It’s open!” 
He pushed the wooden front door and stepped into the hallway. He could see the open doorway at the end of the hall to Nat’s room, and next to that was the open living area. While he couldn’t outright see anyone, he could certainly hear the chaos inside, complete with Nat evidently yelling “Stop stealing my tacos, asshole.” He rounded the corner, stepping out of the hallway and into the living room to find Nat, Jamie, Mark, and Jamie’s wife standing around a round table, passing food to each other out of take-out boxes, with an empty spot reserved for Chris. With a furtive glance to the rest of the space, he saw a decent-sized, especially for the apartment, kitchen across the room from the table, against the wall with Nat’s bedroom, and then the rest of the space was a living room with large windows. 
Jamie’s wife – Lauren, he reminded himself – gave him a kind smile just before the rest of the group looked up with grins, but quickly Nat’s face turned into a scowl as she loudly asked, “Hold on, what the hell is that?” 
His brows furrowed, shifting the beer between his hands just as he asked her, “What?” 
“That thing on your face!” 
Jamie snorted, sharing a smirk with Lauren before Mark drawled, “For someone good looking, I’m not sure why you’d ruin your face with that.” 
“I mean, it works for porn stars, I figured I’d give it a try,” Chris shrugged nonchalantly, reaching up to touch his new mustache, hiding a smirk as he moved to put the beer on the counter and began putting a few in the fridge for later, the smirk appearing just as he heard Jamie snort again.
Nat’s face was still nearly pained as she watched him, Chris laughing as he turned and saw the look. “Please tell me that’s for a role and not just a mid-life crisis thing,” she nearly begged, but the twitch of her lips showed how amusing she found this. 
“It is so you all can calm down,” he placated, taking the already cold beer that was waiting for him in the fridge and opening it.  
“I don’t think we can because we’re still the ones who have to look at it,” Nat muttered, smirking when he met her eyes. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll forget about it once I’m kicking your ass at scrabble.” 
“I’d love to see you try.” 
“Well you’ll see it very shortly.” 
She rolled her eyes, waving a hand as she shot back, “Okay bigmouth, have a taco and then put your money where your mouth is.” 
Taking the taco that she handed him, he found a spot at the table and crunched on the dinner while the loud conversation filled in around him, making him feel right at home. It had been so long since he’d been able to do things like this with anyone other than his family and at first he thought that the reason he was having such a good time was because of having been without it for so long, but he knew that was only partly true. He knew the other reason he was enjoying himself so much was because of the feisty artist across the table from him arguing with Mark over if her most recent scrabble play was really a word or made up, then shooting him smirks just before making her next move, only aided by the phone she “definitely wasn’t looking up words on, Christopher,” that was laying in her lap.
“How in the world do you guys play with this cheater?” 
“I’m not cheating!” 
“Really? Because that phone you have out says otherwise,” he loudly retorted, hands flying before he pointed at Nat. 
“Oh look, I have the perfect letters for you,” Nat smiled while holding up the tile with the letter F and then showed him the U next, making the whole table burst into laughter. 
“When I was invited to game night, I didn’t think I’d be getting this kind of abuse.” 
“What did you think it would be? There are no friends on game night,” she murmured with a laugh, her foot gently kicking his shin from across the way underneath the table. 
“That’s why Nat’s single. Once someone comes to game night, they run screaming,” Jamie explained with a laugh, Chris joining in.
But Mark quickly shook his head, pointing a finger as he, a bit excitedly, insisted, “Evans calls her out though, he can hang.” 
“Well if you guys knew what game night with my family was like, this would look like the girl scouts,” Chris trailed off, smiling to himself as he took a sip of his beer. 
With Nat’s playful eyeroll, Jamie settled into the rattan chair, tilting his head at Chris as he asked, “So how do we get you to stick around?” 
But before he could respond, Lauren spoke up, quiet as she laughed, “I need you to stick around too because usually I can’t even keep up with these three so you can take my place and I’ll stay home.” 
“I think it’s going to be more the other way around. Once you guys see how competitive I am, I think this will be the first and last game night Nat will invite me too,” he grinned, shooting Nat a look as he smirked at her.  
But he barely heard Mark’s soft chuckle and strained his ears, just in time to hear the older man murmur, “Yeah, I doubt that.” 
At his words, Chris couldn’t help but glance across the table to see Nat’s reaction, watching the way she just ignored what was said and moved around the scrabble tiles on her board. The game carried on until they shifted to a gigantic puzzle, one that Nat had bought when she “was going stir crazy during quarantine for a stupidly jacked-up price on Amazon,” until Lauren and James had to go relieve their babysitter. Mark dipped out as well with a yawn, the trio saying goodbye to Chris before they headed to the door with Nat. 
He had just begun rinsing dishes to load her dishwasher when Nat returned from walking Jamie, Lauren, and Mark to the front door, a loud sigh filling the room as she quietly instructed him, “Chris, please don’t clean anything up.”
Chris scoffed as he turned to look at her from over his shoulder, the dishwasher blocking her from reaching him as he insisted, “Well I’m certainly not going to just leave this mess.” 
“You’ve been filming all day, I’m sure you’re tired. Seriously, I’ve got this, it won’t take me long,” she shook her head, stepping around the dishwasher carefully to get to him, her hand on his arm as she turned the sink off with her other hand. 
“It’ll go even faster if I help you,” he tried, all too aware of the hand still on his arm, resting on his bare skin below the short sleeve of his tee shirt.“Besides I’m pretty sure my Ma would fly out here from Boston and beat my ass if she knew I didn’t stay to help.” 
She was quiet for several moments, her jaw set stubbornly. “Well that’s a pretty long flight so let’s not put her through that. You want to put the game away?” She relented, nodding her head over to the table, messy with pieces from Scrabble and covered in puzzle pieces from the gigantic, five-hundred piece puzzle they’d started about an hour and a half before James and Lauren had to go relieve their babysitter, Mark leaving as well. Chris was careful as he began picking up the Scrabble pieces, not wanting to mess with the puzzle too much as Natalie took his place loading the dishwasher. “So does just your mom live in Boston or do any of your siblings live there too?” 
His back was to her as he squatted down, finding some tiles on her area rug and putting them in the bag. “My older sister Carly and her husband and kids live there,” he informed her. 
She hummed as she fumbled a dish, the rattle of it hitting the sink echoing through the space. Nat froze as Chris turned, the pair laughing together. Once they calmed down and he’d gotten back to rifling for more game tiles to put away, she asked him, “She’s the teacher, right?” 
“Yeah and she’s the only one with kids yet,” he supplied, sneaking a glance over his shoulder at her from behind, forcing himself to stop watching her as he continued, “Then my little sister lives there too and so does her fiance.” 
“Scott lives in California though,” she said, almost as if to remind herself as she turned to look at him from over her shoulder with a furrowed brow. He was facing her now, standing in between the table and the back wall, and when he met her eyes he nodded encouragingly. 
“Yep, down in West Hollywood with his boyfriend, which is nice that when I’m out here I get to see him,” Chris reminded her, they’d spoken about Scott during one of their countless lunches at Disney’s Burbank Studios between the end of February and the beginning of filming The Gray Man. He couldn’t remember when – or how – Scott had come up in conversation, likely when Chris was complaining about something, or what they’d spoken about, but that tended to be the theme with Nat. He could barely remember a single thing he’d say, only zeroing in on what she’d said, how she’d laughed, and how she made him feel – confident and assured. It also served as a pleasant distraction, as he’d absentmindedly eat the bland healthy shit he needed to without realizing it, but it also was a curse, as Nat found ways to wheedle him into splitting a side of fries or an ice cream cone with her. “He’s coming with me to Europe for The Gray Man though and I’m really excited about that. He stayed with me in Boston during the pandemic, I think I mentioned that, and we just had the best fuckin’ time being together that much and now I miss him like crazy.” 
“I understand that,” Nat nodded, a sympathetic smile on her lips before she turned the water off, placing the last dish in the dishwasher before she kicked it close with a grin. “I really have been missing my family so much.” 
“Didn’t you say your dad was coming to visit? Did that already happen?” He remembered suddenly, tilting his head as he jammed the Scrabble board back into the worn box, slotting it onto the corner shelf he’d seen Nat get the puzzle from earlier. She had just finished wiping down the counters quickly when he’d turned back around, heading towards the fridge to get them one last beer before she joined him at the table in front of the puzzle. 
She shook her head, handing him his beer as she explained, “Not yet, he’s coming in a couple weeks and I can’t wait. It feels like forever since I’ve seen him.” 
He nodded, turning his head and finding the framed picture on the wall across from them he’d noticed early on in the night, three tiny curly-haired, nearly identical looking girls grinning at the camera. He could tell instantly that the smallest one was Nat, complete with the scraped knobby knees covered in various bandages, but his eyes lingered on the man and woman in the picture. He knew instantly who they were, but he was quiet as he asked, “Is this him?” 
“Yeah, those are my parents,” she nodded, taking a deep breath. “And that’s me and my sisters there.” 
He hummed, a small smile on his lips as he looked at the younger version of Nat, her short curly hair falling in rings around her chubby cheeks. “I love old photos like this with the whole family together,” he told her, turning back to look at her and asking, “They all live in Seattle still, right?” 
“Yeah, my dad’s a ferry boat captain and has been our whole lives so he still does that,” she explained, oddly quiet for once. She paused to take a sip of her beer before adding, “And my sisters and their families live nearby too.” 
Chris nodded, eyes moving back to the picture and to the woman holding toddler Nat in her lap. Her eyes were the same as Nat’s, blue and striking. “What about your mom?”
She hesitated and took a deep breath, staying quiet long enough for Chris to look at her confusedly until she quietly explained, “My mom passed away,” 
He felt like an absolute idiot, knowing now that she’d deliberately avoided any outright mention of her mother until he all but demanded an explanation. For nearly two months now, the only family she spoke of was her father, sisters, and her nieces and nephew. “Oh Nat, I’m so sorry,” he apologized, mentally beating himself up for forcing her to discuss something that clearly was hard for her to do. 
“It’s alright,” she placated, but her words did little to quell him. It wasn’t until she gave him a smile that his heart rate began to lessen. She began to assemble a few puzzle pieces in front of her, slotting them into the empty spaces from earlier as she explained, “My mom died when I was almost two and this picture is the one of the few pictures we have of the whole family together, so that’s why it’s kind of special to me.” 
He was quiet, following her lead and resuming the puzzle. Once he’d snapped a few pieces of his own in, he apologized again, “Nat, I really am so sorry. I didn’t know about your mom.” 
“It’s okay, it’s not something that really comes up in conversation very often,” she shrugged, biting her lower lip as she analyzed the puzzle to determine where her piece would fit, occasionally glancing at the box next to her. “I was so young when she died that I don’t remember her.” 
“Do either of your sisters remember her?” He asked quietly, treading carefully before he rushed to add, “If you don’t mind me asking, it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to pry.” 
“Sometimes it’s actually kind of nice to talk about her. It makes her feel a little bit more real,” she admitted, relaxing a bit before she sat up straight, a grin on her face as she placed her piece into the correct spot. “My oldest sister, Heather, remembers her a lot and my middle sister, Alex, has some memories, but my dad always talked about her and told us so many stories about her.” 
“I’m sure it was hard for him so that’s really incredible that he kept talking about her.” 
“My dad adored her and as painful as it was, I think he likes sharing her with us. Even now he talks about her all the time and says things like ‘Shelly would think that’s so funny,’ or ‘Mom would have loved that about you, Nattie,’ and that’s kind of helped keep her alive for us.” 
He smiled, chin in his hand as he listened to her. He watched her work effortlessly on the puzzle, unable to sit still for long, as she told him the stories from her life. “Your dad sounds like a wonderful person,” he told her with not an ounce of doubt in his mind. 
“He is,” Nat told him, handing a pile of pieces to Chris for him to sort through. “He raised three girls with all the love in the world. Even though we only had one parent, it never felt like we missed anything.” 
He nodded as he rifled through pieces, sorting them into piles depending on the color of the piece. “I know you’ve mentioned before that your sisters are a lot different than you… who’s more like your dad?” 
She all but snorted, loosened up again as the topic approached more comfortable subjects. “Oh for sure, me. He’s kind of quirky and is probably the biggest dreamer I know. He had to give up a lot to support us as a single dad, but he always pushed us to follow our heart… especially me. He’s the one who insisted I go to art classes,” she explained, shrugging a bit as she took another sip of her beer. 
And he knew without a doubt that Nat – despite her obvious talents – wouldn’t be where she was without the support of her father, something she likely felt as well given the look in her eyes. “He obviously saw something special in you,” he pointed out. 
“He sees something special in everyone,” she added, but paused, looking at the puzzle in front of them. “But I think there’s a part of him that really wanted me to get to do what I dreamed of. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m the youngest, or because he didn’t get the chance to chase after his dreams fully. I think he also feels a little guilty about me not having my mom… she had cancer when they got pregnant with me and my dad has told me that he feels guilty about choosing to have me knowing that I most likely wasn’t going to have a mother growing up.” 
“Your dad is obviously a really tender person,” he told her quietly. “He does sound a lot like you.”
“I’d like to be half the person he is.” 
“Well I don’t know him but I think you are, and a lot more,” he shrugged, a genuine smile on his lips when she met his eyes. 
“Thanks Chris,” she genuinely told him, her voice small. “Sorry for just spilling all of that out, I didn’t mean to just dump all of that on you.” 
“I’m honored that you did,” he admitted, shrugging. “I love people being honest about their emotions and willing to share them, I think it’s such a beautiful thing.” 
He watched as Nat tipped her head back, curls shaking with her laughter before her twinkling eyes gave away her amusement, “Well I’m an artist so I have like every emotion known to man, usually all at once.” 
“I know that feeling,” Chris muttered, knowing what a deeply emotional person that he had always been and still was. “I especially was feeling a lot of them when you hit me in the forehead with that scrabble tile earlier.” 
“...You deserved it,” she simply replied, making his heart beat a little quicker from the look on her face. 
“Says who?” 
“Says me.” 
“Sounds like a pretty weak reasoning to me,” Chris couldn’t help but send a smirk in her direction before his blue eyes glanced over to the clock hanging on her wall, internally groaning before telling her, “I hate to say it but I probably should head out. I have an early call tomorrow morning.” 
A wry smirk spread across her lips and she huffed out a laugh as she pushed her chair back. “Yeah you movie stars need your beauty sleep.” 
He laughed along with her, shaking his head as they both rose from their seats and made their way down her front hall to the apartment door. “Thanks for inviting me tonight Nat, it was really nice,” he told her quietly. 
“I had a great time too,” she told him, making Chris’ stomach tighten a little by the look on her face before she tucked some of her curls behind her ear, “This is kind of our Tuesday night thing so you’re always welcome if you’re not too busy fending off the paparazzi.” 
“Well I’d love to come again but it’ll just depend on how much you cheat,” he smirked, dodging a light shove from Nat at his words. 
She rolled her eyes playfully, muttering, “Sounds like I invited you back a little too preemptively.” 
“Too late now,” he shot a look in her direction while slipping his feet into the sneakers he had left by the door. “So I’ll see you next Tuesday?”
“Next Tuesday,” She nodded, coming over to the door where he was finishing getting his shoes on. “Night Chris.”
He turned, shooting a genuine smile just before she moved, slipping her arms around his broad frame and squeezing him before she pulled away, just as he murmured, “Goodnight Nat.” 
With one last smile shared between them, he stepped out of her apartment into the night, heading down to his car as he smiled to himself. As he stepped out of the covered stairwell and towards the parking lot, he quickly found his car, getting in and turning it on, just as he finally pulled out his phone for the first time since he got to the apartment complex several hours earlier. 
He wasn’t surprised to see a multitude of missed notifications, including an email with tomorrow’s call times, a reminder of where he was to go to get a COVID test before he would be allowed on set, a few texts – one from his mom, his sister, and several from Scott – along with two missed calls from him. 
Deciding to just call Scott back, he began driving as the call connected to his car’s Bluetooth. It only rang one or two times before his brother’s dry voice answered, “I was starting to think you were dead.” 
“Sorry, I was over at Nat’s house tonight and-”
“Yeah Natalie, she’s the Pixar animator I’ve been working with a little on Lightyear,” he reminded him, looking out his car windows at traffic before he turned onto the street and began the thirty minute drive home. 
“No, I remember who she is… I mean, how could I forget with how much you talk about her,” Scott trailed off, his voice surprised. 
“Well she just had a few of her co-workers over that she’s close with for a game night and I went,” Chris explained, frowning slightly before he turned his attention back to the road. “Was there something you were wanting to talk about or were you just calling to say hi?” 
Scott chuckled lowly, a few muffled sounds on the other end of the call as he moved around. “I was calling to tell you a funny story but now I’m a little more interested in what’s going on with you,” he admitted. 
“What do you mean?” 
“About Nat,” Scott shot back, Chris able to practically see his younger brother roll his eyes. “Are you into her?” 
“I mean, I really enjoy her… and she’s very attractive, but I don’t know yet,” he sighed, shifting uncomfortably at the change in conversation. He’d definitely thought about it, it was only natural after spending so much time with Nat in the past month and a half, but he was scared to ruin something with someone he had to work so closely with, especially someone whose role was solely to work on his character for the next year. 
“You don’t know yet? Are you joking me?” Scott scoffed.  “What happened to the Chris who met a girl, talked her up and got her number in less than two minutes?” 
He rolled his eyes, murmuring, “Trust me, that Chris is long gone.” 
“Why do you say that? Are you not wanting to jump into anything because you’re going to be so busy coming up?” 
“No, it’s not really that…I don’t know, I think, it’s kind of what I talked through with you a few times last year. The pandemic really made me look at things differently,” he admitted, narrowing his eyes as he merged onto the highway. The downtime during quarantine definitely was much-appreciated, but he’d also found himself longing for a chance to have a partner, have someone to share his life with, and to have the chance to create something together. “I thought back a lot to my relationship with Jenny and I feel like I tried to make that happen.” 
“Because you did,” Scott’s voice was plain as he affirmed Chris’ thought.
“I know,” Chris agreed, sighing. “I think I wanted to get married and have a family so badly that then when I was so surprised by how much I liked Jenny, I just figured that must be it and I tried to force the pieces together… but I don’t want to do that again.” 
“You don’t need a repeat of that mess.” 
“That’s for damn sure,” he replied, then shrugged to himself as he stared out the windshield of his car. “I just want to let what happens, happen. If it’s right, it’ll work out.” 
Scott was quiet for several moments, taking in Chris’ words as Chris drove on the highway towards Laurel Canyon. Finally, his younger brother quietly said, “Quarantine really did change you, man.” 
“Hopefully for the better,” Chris said, smirking at Scott’s outburst of laughter. 
“Still waiting on the verdict on that one,” his brother told him, Chris smirking at the cheap shot. 
“That may be true,” he admitted, leaning back against his seat as he slowed to a stop in traffic. 
“Seriously though, I’m proud of you bro. You’ve come a long way in the relationship department,” Scott surprised him, his voice nothing but complimentary. 
Chris smiled to himself, knowing he’d felt the same whenever his thoughts returned to this place over the past year. “I’m ready to just let things happen naturally,” he admitted, pausing a bit before he added, “But I really hope it does with Nat, that’s something about her that’s just… really special.” 
He could practically hear Scott smiling from the other end of the phone but then got distracted by the lengthy and comical story that Scott launched into, keeping him laughing until he was pulling into the garage of his home. Chris said goodnight to his brother before climbing out of his car and stepped inside the house where his happy dog was bouncing around his feet almost instantly. 
Chris took his time greeting Dodger with his own excitement while he scratched his chin and planted a kiss on top of his head, asking him, “You ready to go outside? Do you want to go run around? C’mon bubba.” 
Understanding his direction, Dodger ran to the back door where he pressed the nose against the glass until Chris let him out. He watched as he took off like a rocket, running around to get some of his energy out but his thoughts, while focused on Dodger, were also lingering in the emotions surrounding Nat, leading him to slip his phone out of his pocket and open his texts, sending, ‘You better not cheat on me by finishing that puzzle without me.’
His eyes found Dodger again, keeping a careful eye on the dog as he moved about the yard, sniffing the grass. It kept his focus just until his phone vibrated in his hand, his eyes flying to the device to read Nat’s reply. 
‘Are we sure that’s cheating? We’re not puzzle partners, are we?’ 
He let out a sharp laugh, pausing as Dodger’s ears perked up at the sound and he came trotting over. Leading Dodger to the sliding glass doors and inside the house, he typed back, ‘We are now.’ 
‘I don’t know… this seems like a big step in our relationship.’ 
He smirked, enjoying the banter and tension as he sent, ‘I’m ready for the commitment if you are.’ 
‘Alright, puzzle partners it is.’ 
Chris couldn’t help but smile as he looked at his phone, feeling that same excited feeling inside his stomach that he did everytime he interacted with Nat. He didn’t want to rush into something, ruining a relationship by diving in head first or making something happen that wasn’t there, but at the same time he knew there was something about Nat that he wasn’t going to let slip through his fingers so easily. And although it’d be worth it in the end to let things happen naturally, he knew without a doubt that the wait would test every ounce of him. 
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virtie333 · 1 year
One Year Ago
I almost didn't post this. I wrote it for catharsis, but a friend said I should post it as it may help others. I can count on one hand the number of people who know about this. I don't know, maybe I'll delete it....
One year ago today, while cleaning Chester’s paddock, I made plans.
A few days earlier, I had received an email from my brother-in-law that involved some very hurtful and offensive accusations. My sister responded a few days after that, but not with an apology. She defended him, and added her own opinions.
When someone you have loved and trusted your whole life essentially says you are worthless, then it must be true.
So, the next day, I made plans.
I would have to complete my will, first. I would have to make sure Chester went to a local rescue. He wasn’t ridable and though I know a friend might take him as a ‘pasture pet,’ if push comes to shove and they ran short on money, he would be the first to go. The rescue would care for him, and I would make sure that if ever they could no longer do so, they would euthanize him.
My brother would get the other animals and all my belongings. He could sell my truck, trailer, etc. and use the funds to care for my dog Jackson, my cat Rodney, and Stache, the barn cat I had just brought home from work a month earlier. He would take care and love them.
It would have to look like an accident so my life insurance would pay out. God forbid my sister would have to pay for my funeral! I am an avid hiker, and there are trails very close that follow the canyon rim, with a 60 to 100 foot drop straight down. I usually hike with Jackson, but I could say I was leaving him home because he was sore. It would be very easy to slip while checking out the view. It’s happened before up there.
Could I actually do it? Was I brave enough? It was the only way. And I needed to do it soon.
That was my plan.
But wait. I can’t do it right away. Moon Knight just started, and I waited so long for this show and it’s even better than I had hoped and only two episodes have aired so far. I really want to see the rest. It takes my mind off the pain. I’ll wait.
Then I started posting a new story I had written. I didn’t think it would be very popular, as it was very different from my last, popular one, but I have loyal readers. I can’t just leave it unfinished, and have them wondering what happened to me. And I can’t post it all at once, because that will give away the fact that it was planned. So, I’ll wait.
An acquaintance that hated Moon Knight complained and criticized it over and over and I finally broke. I said things. I don’t regret them, because they were the truth, but I immediately became the villain to the rest of the group. Once more, I was reminded that I was unimportant, that my thoughts and feelings were inconsequential. How could I tell them? How could I explain this show literally kept me alive?
So, I waited.
A spark of hope. My brother and I worked toward a future we could both live with. I prayed, and found that I began to believe again for the first time in a long time. The story I was posting, the one I thought would not do well, became my greatest hit. Not only did its success thrill me, but once again, I had something to thank for keeping me alive.
Though low on funds, I made a trip west, to California, to meet up with my best friends in the world. They were the only people I told about my plans. They made sure to let me know how grateful they were I hadn’t followed through. I loved every minute of Galaxy’s Edge and I continued to hope for a better future. And I waited.
The hope was realized just before Christmas. My future wasn’t as dark and scary as it had been. Unfortunately, the loss of Rodney just before New Years kept me down. I was still depressed and full of non-stop anxiety, and on the anniversary of my mother’s death, I once more started falling into that darkness. I left a group I cared a great deal about because I realized a lot of my anxiety was coming from there; it’s hard caring more about people than they do about you. I bawled my eyes out while I clicked that ‘leave’ button, but I don’t regret it. It’s been over two months and only two people have even noticed I left. That says something right there.
Now, for the first time since Tariq got very sick in November 2020, I actually have the desire to do things. I’m not working and writing just to keep sane. I’m reading again. I’m playing with Chester. I’m taking Jackson on walks. I’m going back to mass, not because I have to but because I want to. I still resent my brother-in-law, and I’m still waiting for an apology from my sister, but I’m not holding my breath. I’m still alone. I’m still uncertain of my worth. But I have my animals, including two new cats, and my home. I have plans. New plans. Better plans.
One year ago today, while cleaning Chester’s paddock, I made plans.
But today I’m alive. And I’m happy. All because I waited.
Don’t give up. Things WILL get better.
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theveryfires · 2 years
separate ways | eddie munson x reader
summary: we can't choose who we love, and we never mean to hurt those that love us when stars don't align.
an: this is really a eddie x chrissy fic with some very painful moments for the reader. i had alot of fun writing this so i hope you guys like it!
“You love her, don’t you?” Y/n had noticed months ago, the first spark obviously being the talent show. She had sat front and centre for her best friends band, whilst the rest of the school had looked on with horror, y/n had been singing along. But he had barely looked at her, his focus on a perfectly pinned ponytail and gentle smile. Chrissy was sat at the back, pretending to care about whatever Jason was talking about but she was staring at him, a light blush tinging her cheeks that Jason thought he had caused. Chrissy was always the nicer one of the popular bunch, but she still went against everything the Hellfire club believed in. He had always emphasised how important being yourself was, how he didn’t care about the status quo losers and yet here he was falling in love with the head cheerleader. 
Eddie knew it was wrong, everything in him fighting against it whilst his heart tumbled out towards her every time she glanced his way. They had one or two classes together, Chrissy was never sat anywhere near him of course but every now and then they were paired up to complete a project together. Eddie had done his usual act, that he didn’t care about school or nothing but she had seen right through him. Chrissy knew he cared, knew he could be gentle and kind, that he wasn’t some big scary satanist like the rest of the town wanted her to believe. Of course she had been scared at first, but he had a way of getting under her skin without even knowing what he was doing. 
It all really started to spiral out of control a few weeks ago. It had been raining one afternoon and Jason had completely forgotten about her, probably drunk with his friends in that run down burger stop instead of picking up the so called love of his life after cheer practice. Eddie had just got out of detention, already in his van when he drove past the now drenched cheerleader. He didn’t know what made him do it, he owed her nothing but part of him couldn’t leave her out there in the cold. Chrissy had stepped back a few paces when he pulled up and it made his heart sink, she was scared of him just like everyone else. He got out the van, hoping it would make him appear less scary than if he just wound his window down. “Hi…i uhm, well your place is on my way home if you want me to give you a ride?” His hair was sticking to his face, rain running down his arms as he held his hand out towards her. Chrissy opened her mouth, trying to point out that she lived on the complete other side of town then the trailer park but Eddie beat her to it. “I can drop you off around the corner? So your parents don’t see you with the town freak, if that helps?” It was Chrissy’s turn for her stomach to drop, her chest aching as she smiled softly up at the metalhead. “I don’t think you’re a freak, Eddie Munson.” Something in him snapped that day, maybe it was all the hatred that he had for the cliques of Hawkins, all the hell they had put him through suddenly melted away in that one moment of kindness. Thats what made him love Chrissy Cunningham, she was kind, even to freaks like him. Once they were both in his van, Eddie became aware of how gross it was. Chrissy was sitting next to him but she didn’t look real, sort of out of place surrounded by beer cans and year old cigarette butts. “Sorry about the uh..mess. Pretty girls aren’t exactly my usual ride share.” Eddie had said it before he could stop himself, heart once again in his throat as he froze. But Chrissy didn’t shove him away, she didn’t act disgusted or even ignore him, she smiled. The wide grin and giggle that came with it woking like a balm over Eddie’s various high school wounds. “You think I’m pretty?” 
Chrissy had never felt so comfortable with someone. Eddie made her laugh, something no one had managed in months. His radio was on low as they drove through Hawkins, Led Zeppelin barely above a whisper. He was driving slowly, well slower then he usually did, partly so he didn’t scare her but also because he couldnt keep his eyes on the road. She was talking, asking him questions about Hellfire, what he wanted todo after school, if he was going to try get a record label with his band. “Do you really think a label would take us?” She had never seen him like this, the cocky facade forgotten as insecurity seeped into his usually confident voice. Chrissy had rolled her eyes playfully “Are you kidding?! Corroded Coffin are going to be huge, i can already see you now. Record deals, sold out stadiums, the whole rockstar works.” She was animated, moving her hands as she spoke with wide eyes, her voice growing from the usual whisper he was used to hearing. Eddie couldnt help but smile, running a hand through his hair before glancing over at the cheerleader in the passenger seat. “And what about you Chrissy Cunningham? What do you want after your rule at Hawkins High comes to its fairy tale end.” She hesitated at that, her eyes turning to the grey outside world around them. “I don’t know, I always wanted to be a writer growing up, maybe i will do that.” Eddie had sensed the sadness that so quickly had shut her off from him again. Slowly, hesitating and then thinking fuck it, Eddie reached for her hand, squeezing it gently. “Hey, you’re gonna do something great. The best selling author in New York, all writers live in New York.” Chrissy had laughed at that, but it was quieter than before. All too soon Eddie had pulled up around the corner from her home, but neither let go of each others hands. “Maybe I could visit you, in New York, yknow when Corroded Coffin sell out the garden.” Eddie got giddy at that, their future selves staring back through the windshield. “It’s a date, Chrissy.” 
Eddie had jumped out his van once more, running to open the passenger door and helping her down. For a second the two hesitated walking away, sensing that they had started something neither would be able to control. Chrissy felt overwhelmed, here she was in the rain, just like in those silly rom-com movies with Eddie Munson. Quickly, before she could talk herself out it, she leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Time might of stopped, the world, the whole damn universe came to a halt in that one moment. Eddie’s face turned bright red, feeling like he was 12 all over again. Chrissy had smiled up at him “Thanks for the ride.” Her words were whispered, and his hands were aching to hold her but she had ran off towards her home before he had the chance. Eddie couldnt believe it, that for the first time in his life someone had made him speechless, and worst of all it was the head cheerleader. “Anytime, Chrissy.” 
That brought him back to now, back in the rain but now outside his friends house. Y/n and Eddie had been friends since Elementary, they had done everything together, practically fought through high school side by side. She was everything to him, but they were like brother and sister, at least thats what he had always thought. Now he wasn’t so sure, the pain in her voice still echoing around him as he watched her watch him through the downpour. Y/n was shivering, but she wouldn’t go near him despite his pleading. “What are you talking about?” Eddie knew what she was talking about, he knew she was about to shatter everything. He had known this was coming when she spotted him picking up Chrissy on the corner near her house when she had been on her way to get Dustin from the Wheelers. Their lovesick smiles, it had felt like a knife to the chest, to the heart. “Don’t do that Eddie, dont act like you don’t know what I’m fucking talking about. You and the head cheerleader, sneaking around, you fucking love her dont you!” Y/n couldn’t help the the anger in her voice, couldnt still the heaving of her chest as she glared up at Eddie. They had been through so much together, bullied by the same people that Chrissy considered friends, and here he was, in love with her just like everyone else in Hawkins. She knew she was jealous, she knew this wasn’t fair, but she couldnt help it. “So what if I love her Y/n! So what! Okay yeah i love her alright, she makes me happy okay! Is that what you want to hear? When I’m with her I dont feel like so much of a freak!” Those words settled under y/n's skin, tearing up her insides, burning everything she thought she knew. She was crying, tears mixing with rain, knees weak. Eddie was red in the face, his own words hitting him in the gut as he realised what he had said. But as he reached out for her, y/n stumbled away, shaking her head vehemently. “So what I’m hearing Munson, is with me your a freak and with her your what? Normal? The very thing we have fucking despised since we were kids?” Eddie shook his head, puppy dog eyes wide and shaking with frustration. “Yeah y/n, she makes me feel fucking normal is that a crime ?” A odd calm settled over y/n, like the calm before the storm. There was nothing in her eyes but betrayal, the green eyed monster glaring through her hazel eyes. “I loved you because you were a freak, not despite it. Remember that when she pretends you don’t exist in the hallways at school.” Y/n pushed past Eddie, trying to make her way back inside her home when his hand gripped her arm almost painfully. “For the record y/n, Chrissy never thought i was a freak in the first place.” Eddie let go of her arm, the formally inseparable pair going their separate ways. 
Both their bones ached, the feeling of not being friends so alien. Y/n buried herself under her blankets, tears stinging her face as she tried to get a grip. Eddie hit the dashboard of his van, yelling ‘Fuck’ as his hand stung. A polaroid fell down from his mirror. It was him and y/n the day of the talent show, she had made a Corroded Coffin shirt and worn it proudly every day that week to school. Eddie was smiling next to her, arm wrapped around her shoulders and squashing their faces together. In the background Chrissy stood on stage, the talent show trophy in her hands as she grinned to the crowd. Eddie rubbed his face, turning on the radio in an attempt to drown out the entire afternoon. But for once, Journey only made things worse as ‘Seperate Ways’ began to play. 
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eddiedoll · 2 years
Can I request a fic for eddie?
I have constant chronic pain. It is literally everywhere that has joints or muscle but it is the worst in the lower back, neck, shoulders and hands.
Sometimes it gets so bad I can't move without wanting to scream. And Sometimes my joints lock or my muscles seize and I literally can't move at at.
Rubbing or heating it helps, but I have never been able to get full relief. Partially to my inability to get close to people
I was wondering if you could write for a reader with something like this? (Or just normal chronic pain)
Maybe he didnt know about it (I tend to not share as it makes people pity me) till the reader has a bad day or locks up in front of them (sometimes my knees just buckle and I drop) (and then can't move for like thirty minutes).
Or just anything really, I'm having a bad day and would love the comfort
Loved your vamp Eddie BTW. Would love to see a part two if you want to write it :)
(So sorry this took me a few days to get around to writing! I hope you’re not in much pain atm :( I’m not well versed on chronic pain but I did a lil research so I hope its at least a lil factual! Thank you for the love on vamp!eddie <3333 a part 2 is on the way ~)
It doesn’t matter how much time passes, every now and then a new pain crops up in a muscle or joint you didn’t even know you had. Leaving you tender and slightly cranky at times.
No one apart from your parents knew about your condition, not wanting to see the looks of pity on people’s faces when they discover the constant acute pain you’re in. You hadn’t even told your boyfriend, Eddie. He was the epitome of a bleeding heart, and you knew as soon as you told him, he would flit around you constantly. He’d already stopped you from coming to his gigs for a while after a stray fist pump caught you in the temple. God knows how he would react to knowing how accustomed to that pain you already were.
You swear you’re good at hiding the ache deep set in your muscles but today was truly the worst flare-up you’d had in years. Every small movement left your joints screaming in agony and all you wanted to do was lay in bed, motionless, and wait for it to pass. For the roaring flames licking at your every limb to dull down to the usual small sparks. But you had promised Eddie that the two of you would go out for a picnic, since the weather was just cool enough to avoid the normal sticky-hot heat of Indiana summer.
Even lifting the empty picnic basket left you nearly in tears, gulping down the lump forming in your throat as you step out the door. The trailer park was usually a brisk 10 minute walk but, with every agonising step, it took you over half an hour before you were slightly limping down the stone path to his trailer.
He was sitting on his porch, wild hair contained in a low bun, a lit cigarette hanging from his lips. He was effervescent, even in his usual attire of a Judas Priest t-shirt and ragged black, ripped jeans. The second he spotted you, those doe eyes sparkled and he began to bound down the road to meet you. Forcing yourself to walk as normal as possible, you brace for the impact of his hug.
Long arms wrap tightly around your shoulders, further igniting the intense flames blazing inside you. The searing pain is only dampened by his hand rubbing softly along the backs of your shoulders, appeasing the burning phoenix nestled there.
“Hi, sweetheart. You ready to go? I got all the stuff ready on the table inside.”
Not trusting yourself to speak, you nod and allow him to guide you into his trailer. Each step feels like sharp needles being jabbed into the soles of your feet and you regret ever agreeing to this date.
“You ok, sweets? You’re looking a lil pale?”
You love Eddie, but at this moment, you hate just how perceptive he is. You look back from the table and try to give him a smile, but it comes out more like a grimace. “I’m ok, my love, just feeling a little under the weather today. Don’t worry about me, we have a picnic to get to!”
Hoping the mention of the picnic will distract him, you return to packing the picnic basket. Fingers cramping around the small cucumber sandwiches he’d obviously spent a while making, you sense his presence as he leans his head on top of yours.
“You sure? We can just chill here if you’re not feeling too good. I still have that copy of Ghostbusters that I convinced Steve to sneak out from Family Video.”
You love him, he is kind and sweet and just wants to make sure you’re ok.
You repeat these thoughts over and over in your mind, trying to extinguish the anger simmering low in your stomach. He did nothing to deserve your temper, but you were just in so much pain.
“C’mon darling, talk to me. Do you have a headache? Bad tummy? Do you have to poop?”
He lowers his voice at the end, jokingly as he pokes you in the side. The sting that emanates from the pressure is the final straw.
“Jesus, Eddie! Do you not want to go to the picnic or something? Can’t you just say that instead of trying to annoy me into not wanting to go? I said I’m fine, why can you not just drop it!”
Obviously not expecting your reaction, he recoils slightly, hands frozen as they hover over your sides. You feel awful for yelling at him but the way you tensed your whole body makes you feel like every nerve is igniting all at once. You go to turn to face him, leg twisting awkwardly, and before you can warn him, you drop to the floor, knees buckling under the intense pain.
You hit the ground, both knees slamming down painfully. Wincing, you know you won’t be able to move anytime soon so you resign yourself to slowly manoeuvring into a more comfortable position. Eddie finally snaps back into action, crouching down to match your line of sight.
“Sweetheart?! You ok? What happened? Do you need to go to the hospital? I can take you in the van, it’s not too far -”
Before he can work himself up into more of a panic, you reach out and grab his hand, silencing him. “No no, it’s fine. Honestly. This happens sometimes. I’m sorry for yelling, I’m just in a little bit of pain that’s all.”
“Little bit of pain? You’re shaking.”
You hadn’t even realised the hand wrapped around his is trembling slightly, too focused on the pain overtaking your body.
“I’m used to it, Eds. Just give me a few minutes.”
He huffs at this, moving to sit down across from you. His eyebrows are drawn tensely and you can already tell you’re about to receive one of his famous lectures.
“You’re not ok. You’re sweating and shaking and obviously in pain. You don’t need to hide it from me. I’m your boyfriend, I’m supposed to look after you if you’re not feeling well, the same way you look after me. Now what do you mean you’re used to it? Tell me what’s happening, I just wanna help you, darling.”
Despite the pain in your fingers, you entangle them around his, using them to ground yourself. Squeezing them periodically to stop them from fully seizing, you look into his worried eyes.
“Don’t go all mother hen on me, ok? I suffer from chronic pain. And I mean suffer. This shit sucks. Normally I can handle it, but I’m in the middle of a flare up so it feels like every single part of my body is on fire. All at the same time. I’ve had it for a while and it’s never been this bad.”
There it is. The pity in his eyes. You hate it.
“Don’t you dare pity me, Eddie Munson. I can deal with it. It’s just sometimes my legs lock up or my knees buckle and it takes me a while to be able to get up and walk. I’ll be fine in like 30 minutes or so, and then we’re going on that damn picnic.”
The pity dissipates from his eyes, left with only mirth. He leans forward, pressing a small kiss to the furrow of your brow. “Ok, sweets. Damn, I don’t know how you do it. I get a cold and I’m out for a whole week. You’re, like, metal as fuck, you know that, right?”
You smile back, feeling your muscles slacken at his compliments, the flames rearing back a bit but still licking harshly at your muscles. Squeezing his hand once more, you smirk at him. “So that means I’m more metal than you?”
“Oh, definitely. Can’t believe I landed the most metal babe around. Damn, I’m lucky.”
“And don’t you forget it, Munson.”
You both sit for a moment, enjoying the comfortable silence surrounding you. Eddie moves, and you can almost see the lightbulb form over his head as he shoots up from the ground.
“Is there anything I can get you that will help? Wayne’s got a hot water bottle here somewhere for when his back plays up. Or we have frozen peas? We might have a tube of Deep Heat around here somewhere.”
You lie back slowly, wincing with every movement. “A hot water bottle would be great, thanks.”
He moves to find it somewhere in the mess of Wayne’s room. At least you knew where Eddie got it from. Eyes closing, you allow yourself to relax into the carpet, willing the ache in your muscles to slowly ebb away. You listen as he sets the kettle on the stove, the sound of the gas sparking to light.
A few minutes pass, and you hear the shuffle of his sock-bound feet moving towards you. Eyes opening, you smile weakly up at him as he hands you the full hot water bottle. You rest it on your chest, not wanting to risk popping the seal if you placed it under you, hoping the warmth will soak through to the back of your aching shoulders.
“Anything else I can do for you, my liege?” He dips his head in a clumsy bow, pulling a small giggle from you.
“No, I should be fine. Just gotta let it do its thing.”
He hums in response, coming to sit back down beside you. His hand rests on your knee, rubbing soothing circles into it. You can’t help the sigh of relief at the feeling of his fingers pressing through the tender joint. His hand freezes at the sound.
“I’m sorry, did that hurt? I did it without thinking, I’m sorry.” He goes to withdraw his hand but stops as a whine escapes you at the loss of warmth.
“No, it feels good. Sometimes massaging it helps with the achiness.”
He continues to rub your knee, pressing in a little deeper as he gauges your reaction. Attentive as always, he switches between deep presses and light squeezes, depending on whether you relax or tense at his actions.
“Then consider me your personal masseuse.”
The cucumber sandwiches still get eaten, your body resting against Eddie’s as the two of you slowly work your way through the feast. He insists on feeding you, not wanting your fingers to hurt anymore than they already do.
You never got to the picnic site, but you couldn’t think of a better way to get through your flare up than lying here on the scratchy trailer carpet floor with a boyfriend who alternates between massaging your knees and shoulders, and a cosy hot water bottle.
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ptergwen · 4 years
play the game
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w/c: 2.2k
summary: an interview question catches you off guard
a/n: this is kinda random but i wanted to write something just fun n cute with actress!reader so this is what we got enjoy everyoneee
“ooh, these are always fun,” tom murmurs to you. he pushes a bucket of questions to the middle of the table. you turn it towards yourself with a furrowed eyebrow.
you’re at buzzfeed promoting the next spider-man. it’s just you and tom for this one. zendaya and jacob are doing their own interview in the room next to yours. you’re usually paired with the two of them, but tom joins your group sometimes. you find yourself much more intimidated by him than the camera whenever he does. not because he scares you. you’ve actually become close friends over filming.
it’s because you never know what he’s going to say. tom is a flirty guy by nature, and he’ll play it up even more if he has an audience. he loves to give them a good laugh. spark a few rumors maybe, only to get people talking about the movie. the idea itself isn’t half bad. the effect it has on you is what you worry about.
you’ve had a pretty big crush on him that started the same time your friendship did. in your defense, how could you get to know him and not fall? he’s one of the most genuine people on earth, he calls you cute british pet names, he makes you laugh on set during a stressful take. he’s just so charming. he charmed you, after all.
so much as a wink at you and your cheeks would be burning. the last thing you need is for the whole world to see that. it’s bad enough he would, too. you’re hoping he keeps the playfulness at minimum for your interview. with you being the only person he has to bounce off of this time, you’re not sure he will.
“i feel like the fans always ask better questions than interviewers,” tom jokes and takes a slip of paper out of the bucket. he reads it to himself with a snort. “what does it say?” you peek over his shoulder. he folds it again before you can see. a smirk pulls at his lips. “you’ll find out.” “you’re not even supposed to look at them yet,” you huff, reaching to grab the paper. tom drops it back into the bucket.
looking off to the side, he breathes a laugh out of his nose. he’s so annoying about keeping secrets. you push at his shoulder with a smug smile. “can you ever just, like, behave?” “around you? no, i can’t,” tom teases, the hint of a smirk still on his face. this is exactly what you were dreading. what’s worse is you haven’t even started the interview. thank god the cameraman gets your attention.
“all ready. you two start whenever you want.” he gives you a thumbs up from behind the camera. tom scoots closer to you in his chair. his knee is touching yours. it’s such a childish thing to care about, but your heart speeds up. “thanks, man. i think we’re good.” he glances at you to make sure. “yeah?” “yeah, we can start.” your voice is higher than usual, which only happens when you’re nervous. you clear your throat.
the little light on the camera turns red. that means you’re recording. tom beams into it, sounding cheery as ever when he introduces himself. “hey everyone, i’m tom holland.” he holds out a hand to present you. you can’t help but smile at his antics. “i’m y/n y/l/n. we’re gonna be answering some questions you guys sent in.”
“there are a few prompts in here, too,” tom adds, eyes meeting yours for a second. “we have to act them out. let’s get into it.” you raise your eyebrows at the camera. spinning the bucket in his hands, he holds it out to you. “ladies first.” “when he has manners,” you deadpan, getting a giggle out of tom. his stupid adorable laugh that gives you butterflies. holding back a smile, you pull out a paper slip.
“tell us about gwen stacy and peter’s relationship in the movie,” you read off and push the paper to the other end of the table. “i mean, it’s not a relationship. it’s a new friendship,” you explain. tom nods in agreement. “yeah. peter is still after mj in this film.” squinting into the camera, you try to think of a description that won’t spoil you being spider-gwen.
tom digs into the bucket for the next question, but keeps his eyes on you. you hold up a finger when you get it. “my gwen is with spider-man more than peter. that’s all i’m gonna say.” “nice. very smooth,” he teases and unfolds the paper. “how hard was it to do all your stunts?” you shoot him a knowing look. there were a few the two of you had to do together.
they weren’t anything major because you’re not trained like tom is. a lot of the time, you only watched him do insane flips and leaps before simply entering the scene. he’d come back to your trailer after and complain about how sore he was while laying his head on your shoulder or some other part of your body. stunt days were exhausting.
“you know, i’ll be honest. they were awful.” tom shakes his head with wide eyes. you let out a quiet laugh. “not because they were bad or anything. the stunts look amazing. but, they really hurt.” he tosses the piece of paper at the one you just answered to create a pile. “the amount of ice you had to put on your body,” you giggle to him, tom joining in your laughter. he sighs. “i raided the freezer in your trailer every day.”
grinning at the memories, you reach into the bucket for your next question. you’re still smiling when you read it. “this one’s a prompt. it says to do an impression of each other.” tom eagerly sits up in his chair. his leg brushes yours again in the process. you catch your lip between your teeth. “easy. i’ll go first.” he hasn’t started, but you roll your eyes.
“we’ll all be watching a movie and she’s like,” he switches to his american girl accent before continuing. “isn’t that guy so hot? he’s literally so hot, guys. how do you not see it?” your mouth dropped open, you bump his knee under the table. “oh my god, what?” “and it’s always the most basic looking person, too,” he goes on, pressing his lips together in shame for you. you make the same face.
“someone sounds a little jealous.” “it’s not me,” tom scoffs, still playfully making fun of you. you narrow your eyes at him. “ok, my turn.” he’s biting back a smile while you get yourself ready. “ello, love,” you start in an exaggerated british accent. he closes his eyes in defeat. “i love golf. i’m like an old man, innit? i fu-“ you put a hand over your mouth in the same way he does. “i forgot i can’t swear.” tom claps slowly for you.
“bravo, y/n. you didn’t miss a thing, love.” he emphasizes the last word. there goes one of his infamous pet names. he’s just repeating what you said, but it still makes your heart clench. your favorite is when he calls you darling. it sounds so perfect falling from his lips. that being said, you wouldn’t have been able to control your reaction if he called you it right now.
you shrug your shoulder and give him a cheesy grin. “i know i didn’t.” “right, next question.” tom grabs the bucket back from you with a pretend glare. he gasps before reading it out loud. “who’s your favorite cast mate? that’s wicked!” you move your head forward dramatically. “that’s not fair!”
tom drums his fingers on the table. “jeez, you guys are ruthless. i’ll say y/n because she’s right next to me.” you don’t miss a beat. “um, i’m saying zendaya.” you nod at the camera, tom pouting. “love you, z.” “i should change my answer to jacob, then,” he mutters childishly. exhaling, you pull out the next question. there are only two left after this.
“or maybe marisa,” tom keeps throwing names out. “are you done yet?” you ask like you’re his mom. he is acting like a kid, to be fair. “no.” “will you be done if i say you’re my favorite?” he perks up. “yes.” looking him in the eyes, you put your free hand on his arm. “tom, you’re my favorite cast mate.” “thank you.” his sarcastic tone matches yours. he tilts your chin up with the tips of his fingers. “my love.”
you’re quick to turn your head before you let yourself lean into his touch. you’d never recover. for one thing, you’ll think about it too much. another, it would give tom something to tease you about.
pretending to be disgusted, you unfold the paper. your expression relaxes when you look over the question. it’s kind of sweet. “what was your favorite scene to film together?” “all of them,” tom answers right away. “that’s a cheat answer,” you laugh out. he shrugs and looks down at the question. “i’m being serious. i really loved working with you.” his eyes meet yours. “every second of it.”
he’s being genuine. it’s probably to make up for tormenting you this entire interview. all you know is, the fans will definitely start talking. you find it nice either way. “aw, tom,” you coo, him nodding his head. “what was yours?” you’ve never thought about it. you shared so many special memories while making the movie. but, there is one that sticks out to you.
“our last scene. it was a really, like, emotional day because we were wrapping.” tom already knows what you’re going to say next. his lips curl into a smile. “i cried before we started shooting it, so he kept hugging me and said i’d ruin my makeup.” you rest your head on his shoulder for a few seconds, returning the smile. his arm slings around your waist.
“yeah, i felt so bad. your crying face just breaks my heart,” tom tells you with a head shake. you lift yourself off of him and wiggle your eyebrows. “that’s what every actor wants to hear.” “you’re ridiculous. do the last question.” he taps the bucket twice. he’s still holding your waist. “isn’t it your turn?” “it’s the one i read earlier. you read it now.” eyebrows knitted together, you pick out the slip. it’s a prompt.
this has to be a joke. no one in their right mind would have you do this on camera. what kind of interview would this be? blinking a few times, you hold it closer to your face. “it... it says to kiss each other.” you crumple the piece of paper up, face still scrunched in confusion. buzzfeed probably decided to mess with you two. “are we actually supposed to?”
“yep. a fan sent it in,” the cameraman interjects. you look at tom in a panic. he was all smiley about this earlier. now, he’s taking it seriously. “why would we...” you’re too flustered to finish your sentence. tom squeezes your waist. “it’s what the people want. i want it, too.” you can feel your stomach drop. “would’ve said something if i didn’t. do you?”
of course you do. for the past year or so, you’ve been craving to taste that mint chapstick he’s constantly applying. you can’t believe it’s finally going to happen in front of millions of people. technically eight people right now, but the whole world eventually. you’re afraid he’s only going through with it for the movie promotion. for a good thumbnail.
“are you only doing this for promo?” you whisper so the camera doesn’t pick it up. you need his real answer. “never. the promo just gives me an excuse.” his eyes dart from yours to your lips. he inches his face closer. you gulp. “can i kiss you?” he asks lowly. “mhm,” you hum, eyes fluttering shut.
his lips brush yours before he closes his eyes. he kisses you softly, his other arm wrapping around you. your hands go to his shoulders when you kiss back. it’s everything you’ve been needing, been dreaming of for so long now. he tastes even better than you expected. tom breaks the kiss first. a grin instantly spreads across his face. “we’ll continue this later,” he says only to you.
your lips and whole body feel tingly. you give him a goofy smile in return, looking at the camera over your shoulder. “thanks to whoever sent that one in. thank you so much.” you laugh in disbelief. tom turns and faces forward. “i think this is a good place to wrap things up,” he chuckles. “thanks for watching! we hope you enjoyed!” you wave. tom points at the camera. “see us again in theaters next week, if you did.”
the camera clicks off, and everyone else in the room starts chatting. you can’t imagine the headlines that are going to come out about you two. at the same time, you don’t care. you’re too happy. you move your arms up to wind around his neck. tom sighs in content. “i like you, too. in case you couldn’t tell.” he never stops finding ways to shock you. “how did you know i like you?” you groan.
“from one actor to another, you’re not good at hiding it.”
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fa-headhoncho · 3 years
Untitled TFATWS Fic: Part 2
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt/Background: After turning yourself in to the government following the events of CA:TWS, they lock you up for the crimes you committed during your time at Hydra. Spending years there until Captain America got you on parole during the blip to help fight Thanos. Now, after doing community service acts and helping the broken society, when they give the new Captain America the shield, you’re thrown back into a life you didn’t want.
Word Count: 1719
Reader: Female
Warning: parole officers? canon level violence, john walker
Author’s Note: uh, hi. i'm shit at fighting scenes so... Also, slow burn, I'm sorry. I'm a whore for slow burn fics. GIVE ME IDEAS FOR A TITLE PLEASE
Masterlist Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
“So, how’d you end up here?” Walker screams over the loud roaring of the helicopter, trying to make conversation as the pilots drive you where you were going. You roll your eyes at him, did he really not do any research before recruiting you on this mission?
“You’re the one who cut my parole.” You scoff, not looking up to speak to him. You were too busy fiddling with the tactical gloves they gave you. The velcro sticking to the material of the ridiculous suit frustrated you, it was too tight. It matched Battlestar’s, red and blue but yours didn’t have a star on the side and his wasn’t as fitted. “Why did you, exactly? I haven’t been on a real mission since my Hydra days and you bring me into what? Taking down a terrorist organization that we have little to no information on?”
The Captain shakes his head, a small smile slipping onto his face. “You’re a good asset, a great addition to the team I’m building.” He simply answers before looking out of the open door of the copter.
You roll your eyes once again, if he thinks you’ll be a part of his team then he’s really in for it. This was just one favor you were going to do for him before you would be released out into the public again. You owed him this but you weren’t about to become a team with this imposter.
Deciding it would be better to not respond, you just vaguely nod your head. You weren’t about to tell him off in fear that he’d just snap his fingers and have you back into jail for not complying with him.
“They’re right there.” He suddenly gets up and holds onto the tether above for stability. The helicopter carefully lowers as he exits, throwing his shield before hopping down onto the truck.
Standing up, you lean over to get a better look to see who else was fighting. Anger bubbles up as you see Sam being pinned down and Bucky being restrained by masked figures. “You guys didn’t tell me those two were going to be here!” You turn to shout at Battlestar.
The dark-skinned man just shrugs, a sly grin on his face, “You wouldn’t have come.” He merely offers before jumping out and swinging in to help his friend. Letting out a frustrated groan, you follow him.
Using the rope to drop down, you land on the other semi where Sam is. Two of the masked people have him pinned down. They were too distracted with the two landing and throwing the shield around to notice you sneaking up behind one of them.
You swiftly kick right under the back of their knee causing them to fold back slightly. You take the advantage and spin, the roundhouse kick sending them off the side of the trailer. Sam looks up at you from below, a pained expression on his face.
“Oh no, not you too.” He sighs out in which you return with a sad smile. He lets out a groan before turning to deal with the other enemy holding his right arm down. You help him stand up just as Battlestar lands right beside Walker.
“Sam. John Walker, Captain America.” Walker decides this was a good time for introductions and sends the Avenger a salute.
“Lamar Hoskins.” His sidekick steps in after they do their little forearm bang. The two look at you, waiting for you to introduce yourself but you just glare at them.
“And that’s (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” He points to you.
“Yea, we know.” Bucky spits out, side-eyeing you. You don’t even need to look at him to know he was pissed off. The guilt starts to wash over you but you push it down. It wasn’t the time now to talk to him, you needed to focus on taking down these abnormally strong people.
“Looks like you guys can use some help.” The Captain continues before turning and hitting the redhead with his shield. The rest of the Flag Smashers pounce as well. The four that were on your side try to come at you causing Sam to try to fly away. Noticing that they were all targeting Sam, you unhook the bolas from the side of your suits.
Using the rope to swing the balls at the end around, you throw it to wrap around one of the guy’s bodies. It tightens around him and you give it a hard tug, sending him to the floor. They still manage to pull him back down and attack him.
The guy you were fighting grabs the rope and pulls you towards him, you let out a surprised squeal at his strength. You release your grip on the rope before he could tug you down to his level but the person you thought you knocked off wraps his arms around your shoulders.
You struggle against the man, his fingers digging into your shoulders would definitely leave bruises but you didn’t care. It’s been a long time since you’ve been out in the field like this and you were trying to think back to your Hydra training to figure out an escape.
The man you pulled down finally gets up and drags his feet over to you. Behind him you see Bucky jump over and help Sam with the two other Flag Smashers. The man gets close enough and you use the leverage the other has on your upper half to lift your legs and swing them around his neck and jerk your body to the side.
The movement causes the guy to release his hold on you, letting you and his partner fall off the side. You luckily catch the side of the metal, watching the guy roll onto the grass on the side of the road. You turn back to see the other guy hovering above, his foot coming up to step onto your fingers that were gripping on for dear life.
Just as he was about the step on them, you see Sam’s wings hit him off. Letting out a sigh of relief, you pull yourself back onto the roof of the trailer. Sam was still fighting off two of the Flag Smashers but Bucky was nowhere in sight.
Then you hear grunting from below so you peak your head over to see Bucky hanging on by the bottom of the truck with a guy trying to stomp his arm off. Sam seemed to be handling the one person on him so you decide to help the super-soldier first.
“Bucky! Hang on!” You call out to him, looking around to figure out a way to get him safely off the bar.
“That’s what I’m doing!” He yells back while tightening his grip inside of the torn metal.
You watch the new Captain America and Battlestar struggle slightly to keep the soldiers off of them but you weren’t too concern about them, Bucky was your main priority now. Taking out your knives, you throw one at the woman attacking Sam. It slightly stuns her before she rips it out and throws it aside. “Sam! Go get Bucky, I got this.” You demand and he just nods.
The woman turns to you as Sam flies off right before the woman plows through the road sign. She lets out a roar before charging at you. She swings her arm to hit you in the face but you dodge it. It didn’t take a scientist to realize that these people were super-soldiers so you knew that the last thing you wanted to do was take a blow from them.
The years of training with the former Winter Soldier have taught you well for this standoff. She tries to recover from the miss but you elbow her in the ribs making her go off balance for a few seconds. Taking the opportunity, you kick her chest to send her lying on her back.
You walk over the woman, scowling down at her before leaning down and sending a hard punch to her head, knocking her out. You peak over at the other two just as the gunshot goes off. The person behind Battlestar retracts but doesn’t loosen his grip on him. The other takes advantage of Walker being distracted and throws him off the back of the trailer.
The man jumps over to you and tries to wind up a punch but you barely dodge it, tripping over the woman you just knocked out. “Fuck,” You whisper out, eyes flicking from the man in front of you over to Battlestar getting tossed off like a ragdoll. The rest of the group turns to you, seeing you as the last person standing.
They get distracted as the Captain appears again, a sense of hope washes over you but he just gets shit on. They were easily attracted to him since he was the star of the show so they let the one guy handle you. You look straight past him as he takes his time to stalk over to you. These people were cocky and you couldn’t blame them. They just took out four well-known figures, well-known fighters, and were left with you.
It wasn’t an ideal situation and you needed to find a way out. You couldn’t even keep count of the super-soldiers since they kept popping up and you weren’t enhanced enough to take them all on nor were you about to get captured. Seeing the road sign approaching from behind the man sparks an idea in your head.
Making eye contact with the Flag Smasher, you throw your last tool past him. He watches it zoom past his head and looks at the sign approaching. He braces himself for the impact, busting through the metal before whipping back around to look at you. But you weren’t there.
You used your last bola to wrap around the metal bracing and use a steel grip to hold onto your end. Letting out a grunt at the rough pull as the rope drags you off the trailer to hang from the sign. You let out a sigh, watching until the soldiers and trucks are out of view before jumping down onto the ground.
This was a lot more complicated than Walker said it was going to be.
taglist: @crowleysqueenofhell @mischiefmanaged71 @thewinterrbucky @lizajane3 @ahahafudge @spookycereal-s @a-girl-who-loves-disney @kittengirl998
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
rainy days
Prompts: Storm
Word Count: 10,561 (i KNOW i'm sorry)
Characters: Jay, Nya, and Lloyd
Timeline: Snapshots throughout the series
Trigger Warnings: Brief mentions of nightmares, brief PTSD, Grief/Mourning
Summary: There are many reasons why people may dislike storms. Maybe, like Kai, they find few things worse than being cold and wet. Or maybe, they dislike the eerie sounds of the whistling wind and booming thunder, like Cole. Or maybe, like Zane, they are concerned about the safety hazards. But for the other three members of the ninja team, storms offer a much more pleasant experience.
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Jay should have been sleeping.
He didn’t know what time it was, but it was late. The rest of his team had gone to sleep hours ago. He could tell by the sounds of their breath- Zane’s clear and even, Kai’s with a rougher edge that came from years of breathing in smoke at the forge, and Cole’s deep with a light snore to it.
The sounds brought him comfort, and Jay felt the tension in his shoulders from hunting down Serpentine all day ease up. It was funny, how, less than a year ago, he had slept in a trailer home in the middle of the desert, no one but his parents for miles around, and even then he had slept in his own room. But now, he was crammed in a small bedroom on the Destiny’s Bounty with three other teenage boys, and he couldn’t imagine life any other way.
Although, that life also included waking up early every morning and spending the better part of the day training and hunting Serpentine, meaning one ought to get a full night’s rest.
It wasn’t that Jay didn’t want to sleep. It had been a long day, and he was tired.
But he couldn’t. It was one of those nights where the wind whistled in the trees and the rain pattered against the windows. There was a dull ache in his left shoulder, the one that usually alluded to-
A flash of light illuminated the room, casting long shadows across the wall for an instant before it grew dark again.
Jay smiled. Lightning storm. Never failed.
Now he was even more awake though, the hair along his arm standing up. He sighed, pushing himself into a sitting position and dangling his feet over the edge of the bed. Groaning, he rolled his shoulders, and they popped. Making his way over to the ladder, he climbed down and tiptoed across the room, easing the door of their room shut behind him.
Thunder rumbled from outside, and as Jay reached a window, lightning lit up the dark ship again. He smiled, feeling excitement bubble in his chest. Storms had always given him an odd elation- although he guessed it wasn’t so weird now, knowing he was the Master of Lightning.
Not that he had succeeded in summoning any lightning without the Golden Nunchucks yet, but the point still stood. This was his element. This was where he was meant to be.
Peering out the window, he saw the rain looked to be fairly light, and decided to go outside. I’m already awake, why not?
As he walked down the hallway towards the doors leading out to the deck, he paused as voices filtered towards him. Curiously, he stepped forward, and froze at the sight of two figures.
Nya had a bath towel in her hands, wrapping it around Lloyd as she tried to dry him off. The kid was scowling, attempting to pull away from her and grumbling something about buzzkills.
“What are you guys doing up so late?”
“Jay!” Nya jumped, dropping the towel and giving Lloyd the opportunity to slip out of her grasp. “You scared me.”
“Sorry. I couldn’t sleep, ‘cause of the…” he waved his hand at the window, “‘cause of the storm.”
She smiled. “Me neither. And apparently,” she added with a grimace, “not this little guy either. Found him standing out in the rain looking like a drowned rat.”
“I did not look like a rat!” Lloyd insisted, stomping his foot.
“Oh, so the drowned part was right then?” Jay snickered. Lloyd shot him a hot glare, and Jay held up his hands. “Geez kid, I’m just joking.”
Lloyd huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “I just wanted to be out in the storm. I like watching them.”
“I get that,” Jay told him. “I love watching the storms too. Especially when there’s some killer lightning bolts. I’ve got some great lightning pictures I’ll have to show you sometime.”
Lloyd’s eyes lit up. “Really?”
“He can show you tomorrow,” Nya insisted. “It’s two am, and it’s way past your bedtime.”
Jay winced. Geez, he really was going to be tired tomorrow morning, wasn’t he?
“But I didn’t even get to see the storm!” Lloyd whined. Turning to Jay, he added, “You’ll let me watch it with you, won’t you?”
Jay laughed nervously. Great, now the kid was trying to rope him into this to gain an advantage on Nya. No thanks.
…He did have a point, though. From the sounds of it, this was a big storm, and Jay wasn’t going to be able to fall asleep until it passed.
Nya must’ve guessed what he was thinking, because she sighed loudly. “I’ll let you stay up for half an hour more if you watch it from inside.”
“It’s not the same!” Jay and Lloyd burst out at the same time, then froze, glancing at each other. Jay broke into laughter at the look on the kid’s face, and, after a moment, Lloyd tentatively joined in too.
“C’mon, Nya, I’ll be with him. The Bounty is mostly sheltered, anyway. We’re not even flying! Let him out for a little while.”
Nya glared at him. “I don’t know how you talk me into these things.”
“Alright!” Jay whooped, high-fiving Lloyd.
“If he comes down with a cold, I am never forgiving you,” Nya muttered, reaching for her rain poncho. She handed Lloyd a spare one of theirs. “At least wear this.”
Lloyd wrinkled his nose at her, and she crossed her arms over her chest. “Wear it, or don’t go at all.”
Lloyd sighed, slipping it on, and Jay had to bite back a laugh. The poncho was much too big on him, coming down to his ankles like some sort of strange dress. Lloyd didn’t look very happy about it though, so Jay refrained from the teasing.
As the three of them trekked out onto the deck, gentle rainfall pattered across their ponchos, and Jay immediately felt himself relax, the stiffness in his shoulders easing. Lloyd perked up too, skipping over to the railing to peer over the side, trying to spot lightning in the distance. Even Nya began to smile, tilting her face up towards the rain.
“See?” Jay teased, elbowing her. “You like it too!”
“I like the rain,” she told him. “It doesn’t mean I have the sense to stand out in the middle of a thunderstorm.”
“I told you, we’ll be fine! It’s perfectly safe here! Stop being such a grouch and come on!” Hooking her by the elbow, he pulled her over to where Lloyd was standing at the railing.
“See any cool bolts, Lloydster?” Jay asked, leaning his elbows on the railing next to him.
Lloyd narrowed his eyes. “Not yet.”
“Well, keep looking. It’s when you’re not watching carefully that you miss all the cool ones.”
Lloyd’s eyebrows furrowed as he squinted at the sky, almost as if he was commanding it to do something. Jay laughed. “You have to be patient, Lloyd.”
“Lloyd doesn’t know what that is,” Nya snorted.
Lloyd bristled at that. “Hey!” he snapped as Jay burst into laughter. He elbowed Nya, hard, and she flinched back with a whine.
“Ow! Kid, that hurt!”
“Hey, don’t think just because I’m smaller than you, I’m not strong!”
“Duly noted,” Nya muttered, rubbing her side.
Lightning crackled down not too far off, leaping across the sky in spindly strands, the flash blazing across the sky. Lloyd’s eyes widened, but he didn’t flinch, not even as thunder boomed loudly, practically shaking the Bounty.
“Never seen a big storm like this, bud?” he asked, grinning up in awe at the light blazing in the sky.
“We weren’t allowed to go out without permission at Darkley’s. And the teachers never let us go at night. Some of the older boys snuck out anyway, but they never let me come with them.” Lloyd sighed, resting his chin on his hands. “I missed all the best storms.”
“Well, you’re in luck, bud, because I come out here to watch storms all the time! And you can join me anytime!” Nya shot him a look, and he quickly amended, “Well, before a reasonable hour, at least. This is a special occasion.”
Lloyd had an odd look on his face, but he smiled tentatively. “Thanks, Jay.”
“You’re pretty brave, out here in the storm like this. When I was your age, I remember always running to Kai’s room every time there was a storm.” She smiled, but her eyes were sad as she gazed off into the distance.
Lloyd shrugged. “I dunno, some of the other young kids at Darkley’s were scared of storms and tried to hide it… but I don’t think that’s me. I’ve never been afraid of them. I can’t really explain it, I just feel a connection.”
Something odd tingled in Jay’s chest, and he sensed a spark coming from the boy, a warm glow, like a soft, green-
Jay blinked, and the sensation passed. He must’ve just been imagining things again. Maybe it was his supposed “elemental powers” reacting to the storm. Jay didn’t understand what the point of feeling them was if he still couldn’t use them without his Golden Weapon.
“It’s dumb,” Lloyd muttered, kicking the ground sullenly.
“Hey, it’s not! I feel some sort of pull to the storm too!” Jay assured him.
“But you’re the Elemental Master of Lightning! That makes sense for you.”
“What about Nya?”
Lloyd turned to look at her, gaze questioning. “You feel it too?”
Nya closed her eyes. “The rain- it calms me. It patters across my skin, wiping all my thoughts and worries away, leaving just me and the storm, the gentle rumbles of thunder filling my mind.”
Lloyd smiled shyly at her. “You do get it.”
“I never thought it was an elemental thing, anyway,” Jay told him. “I’ve always felt this way- long before I found out I was an elemental master. Granted, we didn’t get many thunderstorms in the middle of the desert, more dust storms than anything… but when we did, it always felt special. Every time it stormed, I would always run to sit on the steps of our trailer- my mom wouldn’t let me go any further- and watch the lightning. I had a notebook, where I would sketch it, and once I got a little older my mom got me a camera and I started taking pictures. By the time I was seven, I could name pretty much every type of lightning formation and storm there was.”
Nya smiled. “I remember being pretty intrigued as well. Like I said, when I was young I was scared, but after a little while I realized that the things I feared were the things I didn’t understand. I checked out like, pretty much every book from the library on storms. And I made those little raincatcher things to measure rainfall, and placed them all over the place whenever we travelled to the city. Kai got annoyed whenever I dragged him all the way down there again the next day to check them all. He never understood my “experiments.” I mean, technically it was more of an analytical study, but… tell that to him.”
Lloyd looked out at the storm again as another lightning bolt flashed. “I wish someone had taken me out to see the storms when I was little.”
Nya elbowed him lightly. “You’re still little, silly.”
Lloyd puffed out his chest. “Am not! I’m getting taller and taller every day, and-”
“Okay, okay,” Nya laughed. “Cool it, big shot.”
Shortstack, Jay mouthed above his head, but apparently Lloyd still caught it, he realized quickly, as he was delivered a kick to the shin.
“Ow,” Jay whined. “Will you stop doing that? It’s a good thing you’re not a ninja, sheesh, or you’d be pummeling all our enemies before we could even get them to speak.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, I’d be a great ninja!”
“Let’s not put that idea into his head,” Nya said hastily. “What I was trying to say was, your childhood isn’t over yet, Lloyd. We can take you out to see storms now.”
“Really?” He perked. “Like, all the time?”
“Well…” Nya hesitated. “A good night’s sleep is important. But it’s okay to stay up late once in a while.”
“Aww, I’m gonna get to watch so many cool storms from here! It’s a way better view than my tiny window back at Darkley’s. Or trapped in the Serpentine tombs, I couldn’t even see the sky then. Or when I was alone in the city streets-”
Nya and Jay exchanged a glance of horror. Jay swallowed. “Hey, um, Lloyd, maybe now isn’t the best time to discuss, uh… childhood trauma?”
Nya facepalmed, and Jay shot her a glare. Like you can do better. Sure, he knew he had all the tact of Kai high on Venomari venom, but what else was he supposed to say? ‘Sorry your childhood sucked so bad?’ Somehow, he didn’t think Lloyd would appreciate that.
Lloyd didn’t seem to be listening to them anyway, still babbling on even after Jay and Nya finished their intense glaring match. “D’you think Kai would like to watch the storm with us?”
Jay snorted. “Hard no, bud.”
Nya grinned. “He hates getting wet, Lloyd. You couldn’t lure him out here with the green ninja gi itself.” She paused. “Well, maybe you could with that. But not with anything else! He wouldn’t like it. And he would complain about it until you wanted to chop your ears off.”
“The others aren’t too big on storms,” Jay told him. “Kai’s a hydrophobe, Zane would just spend all his time harping about ‘safety’ and ‘taking proper shelter’ during a storm, and Cole complains that they’re too loud and throw off his focus, although- and you didn’t hear this from me- I think he’s just a big ‘fraidy cat.”
“In short, they think we’re weirdos. It’s their loss though, they’re missing all the cool views from out here.” She waved her hand at the sky as a barrage of lightning bolts showered down across the horizon, paling the sky as Lloyd gasped in amazement.
“Oh, that’s a sweet one!” Jay whooped, raising his phone and snapping a picture with it.
Nya eyed him. “Jay, if you keep that out in the rain, you’re going to end up wrecking it.”
“If I put it in my pocket I might miss all the cool pictures!”
Nya rolled her eyes. “Okay, but I’m not buying you a new one.”
“Can you show me all your lightning pictures when we go back inside, Jay?” Lloyd asked, dangling his arms over the edge of the railing.
“Can I? Oh man, I’ve got hundreds in there to show you-”
Nya cleared her throat, and Jay glanced down at the time on his phone. 3:12? Had they really been out here for over an hour already? He grinned sheepishly at Lloyd. “Maybe just a couple photos tonight. We can look at more tomorrow.”
“Alright, but you hafta promise to show me all the good-” Lloyd broke off in a big yawn, revealing his small, gleaming fangs, and Nya smiled softly at him.
“Think that’s our signal for bed, kid.”
“No! No, I’m not tired at all-” Lloyd slapped his hand over his mouth before he could yawn again.
“Hey, we let you stay up way past your bedtime, mister. You don’t get to complain now.”
“But I’m gonna miss the storm,” Lloyd whined, although he let Nya drag him back towards the doors by the arm.
“The storm’s beginning to pass now, anyway,” Jay assured, stretching a hand out as the raindrops began to lighten. “It’ll be back though, eventually.”
Lloyd grinned at him. “And we’ll be ready to watch it?”
“That we will, bud.” Jay reached forward, ruffling Lloyd’s hair. “That we will.”
After long days of stifling, dry heat, the evening rain came as a relief to everyone. Lloyd sat on the roof of the Brookstone residence, watching and feeling the rain pour down. He hoped Mr. Brookstone wouldn’t mind him sitting up here, he had been kind enough to let them stay with him until the repairs to the Destiny’s Bounty were complete, and Lloyd didn’t want to overstep his boundaries.
Lloyd felt like this cool summer storm was just what the city needed, not only because of the dryness, but because of the darkness that had scoured the streets here only nights before. The Overlord was gone- he had made sure of it- but he couldn’t shake the feeling of grime left in the city, and hoped the rain would be enough to cleanse it.
“We thought we’d find you up here.”
Lloyd glanced behind him to see Jay and Nya gingerly picking their way across the rooftop behind him, before plopping down into a sitting position beside him.
“See any cool lightning?” Jay asked.
“Not yet. All I’ve heard is a little thunder. It seems to be mostly rain.”
“Good,” Nya sighed, turning her face up to the sky as rivulets streamed down her face. “We need it.”
“How you doing, bud?”
It took Lloyd a moment to process that Jay was talking to him, and he turned to him, blinking. “What?”
Jay grinned. “Y’know, great and mighty ‘Master of Gold’ and all that- or have you already gotten over that? Too insignificant for you?”
“It’s ‘Golden Ninja,’ not ‘Master of Gold,’” Lloyd grumbled.
“Yeah, whatever. How you doin’? You just fought like, the biggest battle of your life a few days ago. You can’t tell me you’re not at least a little tired.”
“Speaking of which,” Nya frowned, tapping lightly at his bandaged leg, “You’re still supposed to be resting that for another two weeks. You shouldn’t be climbing up here. Or letting the cast sit out in the rain.”
“Here.” Jay pulled off his jacket, tossing it over Lloyd’s cast to keep it dry. “That’ll help. That way, you can stay out here for a little longer.”
Lloyd shot him a weak smile. “Thanks, Jay.”
Jay didn’t return it, watching him carefully. “You sure you’re okay?”
Lloyd lowered his head. “I’m fine. It’s just a lot to take in.”
“Sure is,” Jay whistled, rubbing at the gold silk of Lloyd’s gi. “It seems like just yesterday you were a little bratty, messy haired kid we were dragging, kicking and screaming, onto our ship.”
Lloyd rested his chin in his hands. “Feels both like yesterday, and a million years ago. So much has changed since then. I feel like a completely different Lloyd, now.”
“One thing hasn’t though.”
He looked up at Nya. “What’s that?”
“You’re still our heart-of-gold little brother.” She slung an arm around his shoulder. “Nothing, not some prophecy, not the tea, not the Overlord, not even your special, shiny new powers are going to change that. Ever.”
“I know,” he whispered, leaning into her. He felt Jay wrap a hand around his other side, and, for a moment, just let himself be held.
“We’re proud of you,” Nya murmured after a moment. “I know it hasn’t been easy getting this far, but now, thanks to you, all of Ninjago is safe.”
He leaned back slightly, elbowing both of them. “Yeah, well I couldn’t have done any of it without you guys.”
“You big sap,” Jay laughed, ruffling his hair.
Lloyd felt a grin split his face, shoving Jay’s hand off. “Well, it’s true! If it weren’t for you guys, I’d probably be in Pythor’s stomach right now.”
Nya choked a laugh. “Thanks for that grim reminder.”
“What, you forgot about Pythor?” Jay teased.
Nya shrugged. “I didn’t forget, just… compared to the Overlord, Pythor seems much less intimidating, now.”
“That could partially be due to the fact that he’s probably half-digested inside the gut of a giant, dead snake.”
“Ewww!” Nya jabbed him, hard. “Lloyd, that’s disgusting. Ugh, now I’m not going to be able to get that image out of my head all night.”
“Hey, better him there than here,” Jay said, leaning back to lay on the roof, letting raindrops sprinkle his face. “After all the training and fighting we’ve done over the last few months, I just want a break from villains.”
Lloyd shot him a glare. “We’ve done? Last time I checked, it was me doing most of the training.”
Jay sat up again, sputtering. “Hey! The rest of us weren’t exactly sitting on our bums, were we? Back when you were just a little sprout, we were the ones busy saving Ninjago! And who taught you everything you know, hmmm? You weren’t an easy student, you know that, right?”
Lloyd laughed. “Okay, buddy.”
“Don’t you ‘okay, buddy’ me! If it weren’t for me, you’d still be shattering all our lightbulbs! Remember who taught you to control the lightning!”
Lloyd blinked at him, pretending to look thoughtful. “I thought that was Nya.”
“Nya?! I’m the Elemental Master of lightning!”
Nya laughed, knocking her leg gently against his. “Stop messing with him, dude. Let him have this one.”
Lloyd mockingly rolled his eyes. “Yeah, alright.”
Silence fell between them, but it was a comfortable one. Lloyd closed his eyes, cherishing the feeling of rain dripping through his hair and the warmth of his friends at his side.
It was funny how something so horrible had brought him to these people, this moment- something he would never give up for the world.
“Do you think the Overlord’s really gone?”
That remark earned him two very shocked glances.
“Where did that come from?” Nya spluttered.
“Why wouldn’t he be?” Jay agreed. “You defeated him. We all saw it.”
Lloyd shook his head. “Yeah, I know, it’s just… if the Overlord’s dead… my father is cleansed of the venom… and the Serpentine are good now… where does that leave us?”
Jay and Nya exchanged a glance. “What do you mean?”
“Things are so different, now. I’m not even the green ninja anymore. I’m wearing-” he tugged at his golden gi, “this. Being a ninja is the one place I’ve felt like I really belong, but if the world is at peace now, where are a bunch of ninja and a Samurai supposed to fit into it? It’s crazy, how we’ve spent the last months- the rest of you guys, over a year- training for this one big moment. And now it’s over. What happens next? What happens to us?”
“There’s no way to tell the future, Lloyd,” Jay murmured. “We won’t know until it’s here. The world is going to change around us- people will change, circumstances will change, our lives will change. But do you know what won’t change? Us. We might look different in the future. Act different, live different, I don’t know. But this group- this family- is never going to change. This-” he gestured at the sky above them, “is never going to change. Do you remember how, before your green ninja training got so intense and demanding, we would always go out to watch storms together? And yet, even after all those months, your first instinct was to come back to it again. Those kinds of things don’t just go away.”
“Jay’s right,” Nya agreed. “This is always going to be our special thing. Just like we are your special people. Time can’t erode memories. It can’t erode love.”
Lloyd smiled, as lightning cracked across the sky in the distance. “You’re right. The future is open to us. No matter what happens next, nothing can change who we are.”
Nya flopped over on the armchair, sighing.
It had been a long night.
After a villain had been defeated, Nya always looked forward to coming home, back to the Bounty, and just sleeping for about fourteen hours straight.
That hadn’t happened this time.
Even just coming home to the Bounty hadn’t been as warm and welcoming as it usually was. The hallways had felt empty, desolate, the rooms lifeless, and their bedroom bare except for the few things her and Lloyd had left behind- the rest of the guys’ beds made unnaturally neat and spotless, as if no one had slept in them for months.
Which, they hadn’t.
As the guys had filed in, she had tried to focus on the fact that they were here now, not the emptiness they had left behind in those months after Zane had died. Even Lloyd, who had been the only one to stay with her, had felt distant and standoffish in those days, hardly speaking to her or anyone else.
Ushering everyone off to bed had been a whole other fiasco. All the guys that had left had taken a moment to adjust back into the Bounty again, but Zane had been the worst. He had spent a long time just walking around the ship, staring at things and saying nothing. Poor Lloyd had been shaken about losing his father- after a while, Cole had insisted on sitting with him instead so that she could go check on Kai- who had still been trembling from Chen’s staff. It had taken her hours to get him to drift off.
She knew that she better head to her bed soon- if she didn’t sleep herself, Cole would come to chew her out- but she wanted to make sure everyone was staying asleep before she did. It would be just like them to get out of bed as soon as she was asleep.
She must have drifted off at some point though, because when she blinked open her eyes again, the gentle patter of rain sounded against the side of the Bounty. Lightning illuminated the room, and she stretched, getting out of the chair and walking over to the window.
As she reached out to close the curtains, though, she noticed the deck lights of the Bounty were on. Frowning, she pulled open the doors and walked outside.
Jay and Lloyd were leaning on the railing, staring at the sky. Neither of them spoke, but their elbows bumped together comfortingly. Nya felt a flash of frustration that Lloyd had managed to sneak out of bed already.
“Hey, I can’t believe you guys came out here without me,” she teased, walking over to stand on the other side of Lloyd. “This is our thing.”
Lloyd shrugged. “Sorry. You were sleeping.”
Nya narrowed her eyes. “You were supposed to be, too.”
“I was-” he yelped at the glare Nya shot him. “I swear! I was! But the storm woke me up.”
She sighed, letting it drop. For now.
“What are you guys thinking about?”
Lloyd shifted on his feet. “My dad-”
“Griffin Turner,” Jay said at the same time.
Nya and Lloyd looked at him. “...What?”
Jay blushed slightly. “The Elemental Master of Speed? From the Tournament?”
Lloyd snorted, and Nya rolled her eyes. “We know who he is, Jay. Why are you thinking about him?”
“Speed is a dumb element. Y’know, I wouldn’t even really consider it an element. Like- he can run fast. So what? The elements are supposed to help you create stuff. Speed isn’t a tangible thing you can make.”
Lloyd laughed. “You’re still upset about that, Jay?”
“What? It doesn’t make any sense! Like, speed isn’t an element, it’s an ability. Like, you know how Cole’s the Elemental Master of Earth and has super strength, right? Makes sense. So, shouldn’t, say, an Elemental Master of Lightning, be super fast?”
“Oh, I see what this is about,” Nya grinned, leaning over to poke Jay in the arm as Lloyd dissolved into giggles. “Someone’s jealous.”
“I am not jealous! I just think that it makes a lot more sense that an elemental master who possesses the power of lightning, which is made of light, literally the fastest thing in the universe, should be the fast one, not some random dude who claims his element is ‘speed.’ Like, that’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard! He’s not a true elemental master if you ask me.”
“Someone’s still upset about my father saying he wasn’t special,” Lloyd whispered loudly into Nya’s ear, and she slapped a hand over her mouth, trying to contain her laughter, as Jay kicked Lloyd’s ankle.
“It is interesting, though,” she admitted after they had all calmed down a little bit. “That there are others like you. I thought you five were the only ones in the world with powers like this… but elemental masters of Shadow? Metal? Nature? It’s crazy to think how many people there were that were just like you guys living in Ninjago with us, and we never even noticed.”
“Well, not just like us,” Jay muttered. “We are the four elements of creation… and Lloyd’s the Elemental Master of Energy, so we’re hardly comparable to their sub-par elements…”
Lloyd elbowed Jay in the ribs, and he yelped. “Yeah, it is kind of crazy… and it makes me wonder. Did every elemental master in existence decide to come to the tournament? What if there were more, ones that saw through Chen’s tricks and didn’t attend?”
Jay’s eyes widened. “Oh, I’m sure there aren’t more-”
Nya grinned, winking at Lloyd. “Oh yeah, wouldn’t that be awesome? What do you think they could be? Maybe Master of Space? Wood?”
“Maybe Silver! Or Plasma! Water?” He paused, frowning. “Actually, I’m surprised there wasn’t a Master of-”
“Let’s not get outrageous, here,” Jay insisted. “What do you need those for? Lightning is plasma, and frankly those others just sound useless-”
Nya snapped her fingers. “What about a Master of Crystal? Or, I know, a Master of Thunder!”
“Okaaaay, people, now we’re just laying it on me!” Jay snapped. “Thunder is stupid! Storms are my thing!”
“I dunno, Jay, I think it could be cool. What do you think, Lloyd?”
“Oh yeah, that would be awesome-”
He was interrupted by a loud bang of thunder, and Lloyd and Nya burst into laughter.
“Looks like the universe agrees with us, Jay!”
“Are you kidding? If anything, that was showing that it disagrees with you!”
Lloyd smiled, slinging an arm around his shoulders. “Relax, big shot, we’re kidding. No one could ever replace you.”
“Hey, you don’t get to call me that! Only we can call you big shot.”
Lloyd looked at Nya, and she nodded. “He’s right. You’re the only big shot around here.”
Lloyd whined. “You guys keep saying that like it’s a good thing but I feel like it’s supposed to be offensive.”
Nya laughed, and Jay ruffled his hair. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, big shot.”
Lloyd narrowed his eyes at him. “Stop that.”
“Make me.”
Nya pushed the two apart as they broke into a scuffle, rolling her eyes. “Guys, stoppit, you’re going to miss the lighting.”
They stopped at that, turning their gazes up to the sky as a bolt shot across the night, fizzling out at the end. Smiling, the three of them leaned forward on the railing, watching as the light show commenced.
Nya loved the rain.
The rain was carefree, playful- it took away a need for words, for thoughts, for worries. The rain didn’t bother with such frivolous things. It just was.
She hadn’t understood the tingle under her skin, however, every time rain was about to come, the slight ache in her bones leading up to every storm. These things had finally been made clear when she had found out that she was the next Elemental Master of Water- but everything else had become foggier.
Now she didn’t know who she was, what she was meant to be, what was supposed to become of Samurai X, if she would ever be able to truly fit in with the ninja group-
And most of all, she didn’t know how she was going to get her little brother back.
Right now, she hated the rain.
It was cold and heavy and grim- it only served as a reminder that she had failed. Her element was the one thing that could get Lloyd back, and she couldn’t even control it.
“Hey. I’ve been looking for you.”
Nya jumped nearly a foot in the air at Jay’s voice, and he put a hand on her shoulder, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” The smile quickly faded as he got a better look at her. “Geez, Nya, you’re trembling.”
“Am I?” She hadn’t even noticed.
“Here.” Slipping off his jacket, he wrapped it tightly around her, before pulling her into a hug. For a moment, Nya let herself relax against him, the steady beat of his heart soothing her.
“How’s Cole doing?” she asked after a moment. She had hoped her talk with him earlier had helped- although the Earth Ninja had still seemed to be upset about his new, ghostly form. Not that she blamed him.
Jay was quiet for a moment. “He’s hanging in there.”
Nya squeezed her eyes shut. Wasn’t one teammate to worry about more than enough? Why did destiny seem to throw everything on them all at once?
“Hey, you’re wearing your gi.”
“Huh?” Nya blinked her eyes open, glancing down at the maroon and blue garment she was wearing. “Oh. Yeah. Sensei said I should wear it now.”
Jay grinned. “I take it your training is going well, then?”
Nya shrugged, looking away.
“Hey.” Jay took her hand. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s going okay, I guess. I’m a lot better than I was. But I’m still nowhere near the level of you guys.”
“Are you kidding? We wouldn’t expect you to be! Nya, it’s only been a few weeks since you started training. Me and the guys have been at it for years, and were training for several months before we even got a decent handle on our powers. You’re doing great so far.”
“Yeah, but, it’s not enough. And we don’t have months. I need to be a good Master of Water now.”
Jay’s expression softened. “Nya… we’ll find a way to save him. With or without your powers.”
“I just…” she stopped, gulping back a sob. “I just wish I could be more useful.”
“Me too.”
Lightning spit the sky overhead, followed by a mighty rumble of thunder. They watched it, but there was no joy in it this time around.
It wasn’t the same without Lloyd.
She wasn’t sure how much time had passed when Jay wrapped an arm around her, murmuring, “Nya, you’re freezing. Let’s get you inside.”
She went without any protest. After all, the storm had nothing to offer her, anymore.
The storm that night was gentle, which Lloyd was grateful for.
Nya and Jay had assured that they’d be perfectly fine not going out- in fact, they didn’t want to- a lie, they just didn’t want Lloyd to feel left out.
They thought he didn’t want to go out. They thought he was forcing himself to go just because he wanted them to go and he wanted to go with them. But that wasn’t the case. Lloyd really did want to go outside. Morro had stolen so much from him- his family, his mind, his control, his own body- he wasn’t about to allow him to take his love for the storms, too.
So what if storms were filled with the same howling winds that reminded Lloyd of him, the sensation of the breeze reminding him of the chill across his spine as the ghost slipped into his body?
Lloyd wanted to do this. He really did.
He was just… scared.
“You sure you wanna do this, green machine?” Nya’s voice, a hand on his shoulder.
Lloyd nodded stiffly. “If I don’t step out of these doors now, I never will.” Without giving himself any time to change his mind, he leaned forward and pulled open the doors.
Immediately, he was sprinkled with rain, and stepped further out, letting the droplets wash over him.
Then a breeze hit him, and he clenched his teeth, curling his fists into balls.
It’s okay. You’re in the rain. The rain will protect you from ghosts. Jay and Nya are here, too. They will protect you from ghosts.
As if to solidify his point, Nya slipped her hand into his, and he squeezed it back, forcing himself to take long, slow breaths- in and out, in and out, in and out.
“Bud?” Jay put a hand on his back. “You good? You don’t have to do this. We can go inside. Try another time.”
Lloyd shook his head. Breathing out slowly, he took a shaky step forward- then another, and another. Winds tickled past him as he walked, but he ignored them, every step his confidence building until he stopped in front of the railing of the Bounty.
He watched the dark sky, holding his breath, waiting.
Nothing came.
He bit his lip. He needed this. He needed to know that the spark was still there, that Morro hadn’t taken it away-
Suddenly, a blazing warmth glowed in his chest, and Lloyd smiled- just as a mighty burst of lightning shattered the night sky.
He still had it.
A warm weight pressed in on either side of him as Jay and Nya joined him at the railing, the lightning illuminating their faces so that they almost seemed to glow.
They were here now. They would keep him safe.
Things weren’t okay, not yet. Far from it. But he had taken a step today. And he would continue to take steps until things were okay again, and his family was going to be beside him every step of the way.
Morro was gone now. It was about time Lloyd stopped letting him win.
Lightning flashed.
Nya, in his arms, limp and weak, the light fading in her eyes. The green venom splashed across her dress.
Thunder boomed.
Nadakhan, standing over him, laughing as he waved the Djinn Blade at him- the one that had trapped all his friends, the one that had left him all alone. He was the last one left.
No, he reminded himself firmly, squeezing Nya’s hand tighter. I’m not alone. Nya’s not dead. She’s right here next to me. All the others are safely sleeping inside the Bounty. I stopped him. He’s gone now.
Nya glanced at him. “You okay?”
He sniffed, wiping at his nose with the hand that wasn’t firmly gripping Nya’s. “Honestly? Not really.”
Nya looked up at the sky. “Me neither.”
“I’d thought I’d lost you.”
She turned back, letting her fingers skirt his jawline. “I know. I’m sorry. But you didn’t. I’m here now. It’s all over.”
Jay breathed out, leaning his head on her shoulder. For a long time, they just stood there, staring out at the storm, saying nothing.
“Beautiful night for a stargaze, isn’t it?”
He turned to see Lloyd walking towards them, grinning as he gestured at the stormy skies above them.
Nya rolled her eyes at him, and Lloyd tossed his head in her direction, his sopping wet hair spattering her with water. Not that it made a difference in all the rain.
“Normally I’m the one who has insomnia-inducing nightmares and doesn’t sleep,” he teased, pushing his way between them to lean on the railing.
Jay caught Nya muttering something about “joking about childhood trauma” and “we should all go see a therapist,” and the alarmingly cheerful grin Lloyd shot her made Jay think she might have a point.
“Who told you we had nightmares?” Jay asked.
“Jay, most people don’t come outside in the pouring rain, in the middle of a thunderstorm no less, at three am in the morning just for the fun of it.”
Jay grinned. “Yeah, well we’re not ‘most people.’”
Lloyd shook his head, smiling. “It’s okay, you don’t have to talk about it. I just thought I would join you.”
“What about you,” Nya probed. “Why are you up this late?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” he said simply, his lips popping on the p. When they stared at him, he blinked. “What? It’s because of the storm!”
Nya rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah.”
“Hey, If you don’t have to talk about it, I don’t either. Besides, that wasn’t a complete lie. Look.” Lloyd held out his arm for them both to see. It looked like a perfectly normal arm to Jay, but Lloyd was looking at them expectantly. “Feel it.”
Nya raised an eyebrow at him.
“Just do it,” he insisted.
Jay reached forward, pressing his fingers against Lloyd’s forearm-
And promptly jerked back as it vibrated beneath his touch.
Seeing the look on his face, Nya quickly reached forward, her eyes widening as she pulled back. “What is that? Why are you buzzing?”
“I think it’s the storm,” Lloyd said. “My powers must be reacting to it. Sensing the lightning.”
“Does it hurt?” Jay asked.
He shook his head. “No, just tingles a little bit.”
“I didn’t even know you could do that,” Nya whispered, running her fingers along his arm again.
“I couldn’t. Not up until recently. This only just started happening.”
“Woah. Like a built-in storm sensor. Now you’re like us! I can feel a bit of a tingle when there’s a lightning storm on the way, and I know Nya can feel the rain coming. Ours aren’t quite as obvious as yours, though.” He gestured to Lloyd’s arm.
Lloyd examined his arm. “That’s awesome.”
Nya snorts. “Not so awesome when it wakes you up every time there’s a thunderstorm.”
Lloyd gave her a gentle shove. “Stop trying to blame it on that. I know you were already awake anyway.”
Nya snorted, looking away.
Lloyd frowned. “You guys sure you’re okay?”
Jay nudged him. “We’ll be fine, green bean. We always are.”
Jay watched him, wondering if he would probe further. But he simply nodded. “Okay. I trust you.”
Jay smiled. That was one of the things he liked best about Lloyd.
Sometimes, silence said more than words.
Rain pattered against the glass doors. Lloyd glanced up from where he was sitting on the too-large bed.
The royal family’s hospitality was greatly appreciated, but the room was so big. Lloyd wasn’t used to having so much space, or such fancy things- he wasn’t even used to having his own room. The six of them crowded into the little cabin on the Destiny’s Bounty was the only thing he had known for a long time.
He wanted to get out.
Walking over to the balcony doors, Lloyd pushed them open, quickly pulling them closed again behind him, so as not to let the rain in.
Walking over to the railing, he hopped up, sitting on it and letting his feet dangle over the edge. The bedroom might not have been his taste, but the view of the city from here was absolutely breathtaking. Lights were scattered throughout the dark landscape like reflections of the stars above, and the rain created a light, pooling mist that shrouded the city in an air of mystery and wonder.
He couldn’t have been sitting there for more than half an hour when Jay and Nya suddenly dropped in next to him from seemingly out of nowhere. Lloyd jumped, gripping the railing below him tightly as he narrowly avoided falling the very long drop to the city streets below.
“Geez, guys, don’t sneak up on me like that. How did you even get here?”
Nya winked at him. “It’s a ninja’s secret.”
Lloyd felt his nose wrinkle. That doesn’t make any sense. “I’m a ninja, too. Doesn’t that mean I should get to know the secret, too?”
Nya shook her head. “Sorry, green machine, that’s not how it works.”
Lloyd sputtered at her. “What do you mean that’s not how it works? How else would it work?”
“That part’s a secret.”
He threw up his hands. “You’re impossible.” “Nya Smith,” she grinned, shouldering him playfully. “Tormenting brothers since the day I was born.”
“I’ll say.”
“Hey, you weren’t even there for most of it! Kai had it way worse than you.”
“Trust me, you’ve more than made up for it.”
“Oh, come on, I know I’m actually your favorite sister.”
“You’re my only sister.”
“Ouch. Hit it where it hurts, why don’t ya?”
“You walked right into that one, and you know it.”
The three of them burst into laughter, and even as the sounds faded, they still sat with massive grins on their faces, swinging their legs back and forth gently, occasionally kicking at someone else if their feet accidentally knocked against each other. Jay got a little too aggressive in one of his attempts and nearly knocked Lloyd off the balcony for the second time that night. Lloyd shot him a glare, and Jay at least had the sense to look sheepish.
“It’s been a long time since we’ve done this,” Jay murmured after a while. “Just the three of us, standing out in the rain, watching the storm.”
Lloyd sighed. “Yeah, well, it’s been a long couple of years.”
“You can say that again,” Nya agreed.
They fell silent again, and Lloyd felt bad for pitching the air into a grim mood. He was struggling to think of something more lighthearted to say, when Jay suddenly spoke up.
“So… about the princess…”
Lloyd immediately changed his mind. The grim mood was fine.
“What about her,” he mumbled, even as he felt his face turn cherry red.
“Oh, he totally likes her,” Jay gushed, reaching a hand behind his back to give Nya a gentle shove in the shoulder. “I told you!”
Nya snorted. “Have you even talked to her yet?”
“A bit,” he insisted, indignantly. Then, realizing he had answered too defensively, he quickly amended, “But it’s not like that.”
“Suuure,” Jay laughed. “That’s what they all say at the beginning.”
“She’s the princess! Even if I did have feelings for her, it’s not like something could ever work between us.”
“Yeah,” Nya agreed. “The stuffy, rich type? Not a fan. She’s probably not good enough for you. You can do better.”
“What?” Lloyd sputtered. “No, that’s not what I meant- not like that! I mean, she’s not like that!”
Jay snickered at how flustered he was getting, and Lloyd elbowed him in the ribs.
“How do you know? You’ve known her for like, what, a day?”
“Ooh, she got you there, green machine.”
Jay’s remark earned him another jab in the ribs, and he yelped. “Would you stop doing that?”
Lloyd ignored him. “It’s not like you’ve known her any longer than I have. You have no more idea what she’s like than I do.”
Nya shrugged. “All I’m saying is that she’d have to be one hell of a girl to even come close to being worthy of you.”
“Nya!” Lloyd cried, ducking his head as both of his friends went for a hair ruffle. “Stop it, you guys! I’m not a little kid anymore!”
“You’re right, you’re not,” Nya sighed. “I could hardly believe my eyes when I got back from searching for Master Wu. You were a good two inches taller than the last time I saw you, at least, and your hair was longer, done differently-” “Don’t forget his deep, manly voice,” Jay chimed in. “I’m so upset I missed the voice cracking phase!”
“I’m not,” Lloyd muttered.
“Jay, look at this boy,” Nya gushed, grabbing Lloyd’s face between her hands. “Can you believe this is the nine-year-old we snatched up off the street all those years ago?” “Never in a million years,” Jay laughed. “Look how handsome he’s gotten.”
“Guys!” Lloyd cried, pulling away from them. “Stop being embarrassing!”
“Lloyd, you’re our baby brother,” Jay teased. “It’s our job to embarrass you.”
Both of his friends leaned against him, laughing- only to jerk back a moment later with a yelp.
“Lloyd!” Jay shrieked. “What was that?”
Lloyd blinked at him. “What was what?”
“Didn’t you feel that?” Nya stared at him with wide eyes. “It was like we were shocked or something!”
“Oh.” Lloyd lifted his hands up from where they were resting on the railing, holding them up for Jay and Nya to see- revealing the small zaps of green energy sparking from them, occasionally arcing between his fingers. “I guess that was me. Sorry.”
Jay blinked owlishly at his hands. “What the… you’re not doing that on purpose, are you?”
Lloyd shook his head. “It’s happened before, while you guys were gone. I think it has to do with the storm.”
“Your powers really are getting stronger,” Jay murmured, taking one of Lloyd’s hands- prepared for the small shock this time- and examining it.
“And your eyes,” Nya breathed.
They both looked at her. “What about them?” Lloyd asked.
“They’re flickering.”
“Lemme see.” Lloyd turned his head to look at Jay, and the blue ninja sucked in his breath. “They are.”
Lloyd frowned. “That is new.”
“It’s cool,” Jay gushed. “I wish I could do that.”
Lloyd shrugged. “I’m not sure it’s really that great. Now I can accidentally shock all my friends, hooray.”
“But think of using it on enemies! You’d be like, a human taser!”
“Jay, you’re our human taser.”
He grinned. “Oh. Right.”
“It does look pretty cool,” Nya admitted. “Kind of like those glow-in-the-dark star things you would stick on your ceiling as a kid.”
“I had some of those!” Jay yelped. “They were awesome.”
“Of course you did.” Nya rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. “I wanted some, but we never really had a budget for it, so I checked out some star atlases from the library instead.”
“When did your eyes turn green, by the way,” Jay asked. “I had gotten so used to them being red.”
Lloyd shrugged. “I dunno, sometime while you were gone, I guess. I wasn’t really keeping track of the days.”
“How convenient for you.” Jay poked a finger near his eye. “Are you sure these aren’t just colored contacts? Is someone trying to bluff about his powers?”
“Jay!” Lloyd suddenly tried to lurch towards him, but he felt something grab him from behind.
“Run, Jay! I can’t hold him back forever!” “No one’s holding me back!” he muttered at her, but Jay was already vanishing over the roof’s peak, nothing but a blur of blue on the dark night sky.
“This isn’t over, Jay! No one calls me a fraud and gets away with it!”
“Settle down, Killer,” Nya giggled. “You know when you’ve been bested.”
“But I’m the green ninja,” Lloyd pouted.
“Yes, and you’re also the baby.”
“Am not!”
“Are so! Now, get to bed. It’s late, and you don’t want to be too tired to guard the princess tomorrow.”
Lloyd narrowed his eyes at her. “I’m too old for bedtimes. You can’t tell me what to do.”
“Maybe not, but you’re going to listen to me anyway.” Darting forward, she snuck in a quick hair ruffle before darting up onto the roof.
“That’s only because I care about the princess’s safety!” he called after her.
“Sure, keep telling yourself that.”
Before Lloyd could reply, the thunder boomed loudly, drowning him out, and by the time it passed, she was gone.
“Traitor storm,” Lloyd muttered, and the sky rumbled cheerily back at him.
The rain was heavy that night, so much so that Nya was soaked within seconds, her long, black strands of hair sopping wet, the dampness causing the ends to curl. Her dirty, worn, battle-stained gi was plastered to her skin, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.
After all, how could such a small discomfort even hold a candle to the scalding pain in her chest?
How could any of this had happened? How could she just have gotten Lloyd back from the icy grips of death, only to lose everyone else to those same, prying hands?
She hadn’t wanted to believe it. When Lloyd had come back, soaking wet and shivering from the rain, the most defeated look on his face Nya had ever seen in her life-
She had been angry with him, at first. How could he tell her something like that? How could he send her whole world crashing down with a single sentence? How could he have watched as everything had gone so wrong? She had known that it wasn’t his fault, not at all. But she hadn’t known what she was feeling or how she had been supposed to handle it.
And as quickly as it had come, the anger had vanished, giving in to horrible, nauseating despair. They were gone. They were really gone.
She had hugged Lloyd tight, crying into him until Misako and Pixal had dragged them away, bringing them to a small, abandoned warehouse where they had spent the night. And the next night. And the next.
Not that time really felt to be passing anymore. It was so quiet, with only her, Lloyd, Pixal, Misako, and Dareth- and Pixal and Lloyd had hardly spoken a word, to her or anyone, since that night.
She knew they were grieving too- but maybe the thing they all needed most right now was someone to talk to.
She tilted her face up slightly, letting the raindrops slip down her face and mingle with her tears, washing them away.
“You shouldn’t be up here.”
Nya glanced over her shoulder, letting out her breath. “Lloyd.”
“We’re trying to stay hidden, remember? We can’t risk standing up here and being spotted by the Colossus or the Sons of Garmadon. You should come inside.”
“I will in a minute.”
They stood there in silence for a moment, nothing but the sound of rain splashing against the concrete and the distant rumble of thunder between them.
“Come here,” Nya waved at the empty space beside her. “Watch the storm with me.”
Lloyd hugged his arms over his chest. “Nya, we really shouldn’t be up here.”
“Just do it for a minute. Then we’ll go inside, I promise.”
Lloyd sighed, before reluctantly walking over to join her, resting his elbows on the railing of the rooftop terrace. The view of the storm wasn’t anything special from here- in fact, it was rather poor, with several tall buildings blotting out the view of the sky- but they weren’t really in a situation to be picky.
She liked this better, anyway- looking directly at the storm would be too painful.
“How can you do it?”
Lloyd’s voice startled her- based on the way the last couple days had been going, she hadn’t expected him to speak to her unless absolutely necessary.
Lloyd grimaced, as if he was anxious to elaborate. “Why do you still want to be out here? Why do you still want to watch the storm?” He dropped his gaze, carefully avoiding her as his voice faded to a soft whisper. “Everything just reminds me of them.”
Nya turned her gaze back towards the city. “Exactly, it reminds me of him.” Softer, she added, “It’s all I have left.”
Lloyd was quiet for a long time after that, and when she finally turned her gaze back to him, his eyes were hard. Pushing back from the railing and blinking back tears, he snapped, “Jay’s gone. Forever. They all are.”
Before she could respond, he was darting back inside, and Nya put her head down, sighing.
Jay, I wish you were here. You would know how to make him feel better.
But he wasn’t. Lloyd was right, they were gone. All he had right now was Nya, and, standing there, drenched and shivering and pathetic, she wasn’t sure how much help she could really be to anyone.
Thunder rumbled overhead, and Nya glanced up. She hoped, if he wouldn’t listen to anyone else, he would at least listen to the storm.
Three pairs of footsteps drummed against the deck of the Destiny’s Bounty. Jay leaned his head over, letting the wind blow his wet curls, as he whooped happily, his cry echoing in the night air.
“Aww, girl, it’s so good to have you back,” he sighed dreamily, brushing the side of the ship with his hand.
Lloyd grinned at him, rolling his eyes. “Alright, Jay, we’re as happy as you are to have the Bounty back, but don’t make this weird.”
“He’s just anxious for the next repair,” Nya laughed. “He’s been driving me crazy trying to fix random things around the Monastery. The training bots, the mechs, even the toaster. And nothing’s even broken! He’s just making it worse.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault there’s nothing for me to do! I’m not just going to sit around and do nothing.”
“Well, hopefully, she won’t need any fixing for a long, long time,” Lloyd said. “The Bounty’s been damaged enough to last a lifetime. After the Colossus, I thought she was gone for good.”
“I know,” Nya agreed. “I’m so impressed that the city was able to rebuild it exactly the same!”
“Well, I’m sure it’s not exactly the same,” Jay argued. “There’s gotta be some issue somewhere, right? Something I can fix?” Nya waved a hand at him, laughing. “Don’t worry, Jay. We’ll find something for you to do.”
“Well, it will have to wait until later,” Lloyd announced, pointing towards the clouds in the distance that were sparking with lightning. “We’ve almost arrived at the storm!”
As they got closer, Nya locked in the steering, and the three of them headed towards the front of the ship as the Bounty sailed deeper into the storm.
Quickly, the rain began falling harder, and thunder echoed in their ears.
“Now this is how you stormgaze right!” Jay cried, laughing as rain fell on his face and lightning illuminated his bright blue eyes, his powers sparking between his fingers.
Glancing back at Lloyd and Nya, he saw both were sporting large grins. Lloyd was also sparking, his green eyes glowing, and as Nya reached her arms out, raindrops swirled around her.
After a bit of the adrenaline had worn off, Lloyd leaned against the railing of the Bounty, throwing his head back to toss the strands of wet hair out of his face.
“The others are not going to be happy about us taking the Bounty for a joyride right through a storm when they’re trying to sleep,” he laughed.
“It’ll be the last time they sleep in the Bounty for a while,” Nya agreed. “I bet they’re wishing they decided to stay back at the much more peaceful Monastery right about now.”
Jay put a hand over his mouth, sniggering. “I bet we only have like five minutes before Kai comes storming out here, demanding that we turn the ship around this instant.”
Lloyd shot him a sharp grin. “No, he’d never want to come out here and get all wet.”
Nya giggled. “Yeah, he’ll just stare at us through the windows, giving us death glares.”
Lloyd choked so violently that he doubled over, grabbing onto Nya’s shoulder for support. The water ninja tried to help him, but she was laughing hard herself. Jay grinned at them, struggling to breathe in between laughs.
“Can… you… imagine… the look on his face?” he wheezed, wiping tears from his eyes.
The hair standing up on the back of his neck was the only warning Jay had before a lightning bolt whizzed down less than ten feet away from him.
Shrieks sounded from the others as they leapt back, just as the edge of the Bounty burst into flames. Nya quickly directed two jets of water at the fire as Lloyd and Jay scrambled out of her way. When the last spark was gone, she stopped, breathing heavy, staring at the burnt area in shock.
Suddenly, she whipped around, glaring at him. “What the heck, Jay? You were supposed to be warding off the lightning!”
“It’s not my fault!” he shrieked. “You’re the one who distracted me!”
While the two of them shot each other smoldering glares, Lloyd walked over to one of the storage crates being kept on the deck, and pushed it over to the burned area, trying to cover up the charred floor the lightning had left.
“If one of us gets struck by lightning,” Nya warned, “Zane will never let us outside again.”
Jay waved her off. “It’s fine. I’m probably like, immune to lightning or something, and I’m willing to bet Lloyd is too, since he’s shown connections to my powers and the storms in the past. So long as you don’t get struck, we’re probably fine.”
Nya rolled her eyes. “Well, that’s reassuring.”
“Yeah, Jay,” Lloyd agreed, scratching the back of his neck. “There’s a few too many ‘probablys’ in that statement for my liking.”
“Oh, come on,” he grinned. “I’ve already got Zane and Cole on my back about everything 24/7. You guys are supposed to be the fun ones!”
“Hey,” Nya said, “I’m not making you do anything. You’re a young man. You can do what you want. Just don’t blame me if you end up comatose in the medbay because your brain got fried by lightning.”
“That would be ironic,” Lloyd snorted, and Jay elbowed him.
“You’d at least visit me, right?”
Nya shrugged. “Maybe. If you were stupid enough to get struck by lightning, I don’t know if you’d deserve that.”
Lloyd laughed. “Better luck next time, buddy.”
“You shut up. You could jump off the side of the ship right now, and she’d spend a week crying over you.”
Nya bit back a smile. “Maybe. But don’t,” she added quickly, pointing a finger at Lloyd.
He stared at her incredulously. “How dumb do you think I am?”
“Mmm… depends on the day.”
Jay burst into laughter, and Lloyd shot him a glare. “Thanks, Nya. That was a rhetorical question, by the way.”
“If you didn’t want an answer, you shouldn’t have asked the question.”
Lloyd stuck his tongue out at her, and Nya stuck hers back. Jay laughed, elbowing her. “Real mature. I’d expect that kind of thing from Lloyd-”
“But you?”
“Like you’re any better yourself, sparky. Don’t you still sleep with that weird zebra thing-”
“His name is Mister Cuddlywomp, and he’s a bear-”
“What, Lloyd?” Jay snapped, turning towards him. “Can’t you see- woah.”
Lloyd was pointing towards the horizon. Dark clouds formed in swirling shapes, gently disturbed by the winds of the storm. Arcs of lightning flashed between them in an almost rhythmic fashion, casting a gentle light on the clouds that made them appear to glow. It was like something out of a fantasy.
“Holy crap,” Nya breathed. “It’s beautiful. How lucky is it that we get to see this?”
“It’s because we’re willing to come out so late,” Lloyd smiled, bumping against her shoulder lightly. “The others may be warm, dry, and cozy in their beds, but they’re missing out on this natural beauty.”
“Their loss,” Jay said. “It’s the most breathtaking thing I’ve ever seen. And we’ve been all around Ninjago- even in different realms- so that’s saying a lot.”
“That’s okay,” Lloyd murmured. “I like doing this, just the three of us.” He glanced at them. “It’s our thing, y’know?”
“Aww, Lloyd,” Nya smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder. “Yeah. It’s our thing.”
“It’s special, in a way the others wouldn’t understand.” Jay beamed at him, throwing an arm around his shoulder. “I wouldn’t trade these moments for the world.”
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viking-raider · 5 years
Wing-Dog *Fic Request*
Summary: You’ve heard of a Wing-Man? Well, Kal Cavill is a Wing-Dog! You’re hired to watch Kal, while Henry films the second season of The Witcher, and in true Wing-Dog fashion, Kal has plans for you and Henry.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 2,443
Rating: G for Fluff, Kal Fluff, Doggo cuteness 
Inspiration: Request by @romyr4​
Author’s Note: Romyr messaged me this request and it’s been on my mind ever since! Kal is such a special part in Henry’s life, that if Kal took to someone so much, Henry probably would too.
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart, @peakygroupie, @jessevans​ @MITZWINCHESTER @rosie-loves-things​, @ohjules​, @mary-ann84​, @omgkatinka​, @hm-fck​, @the-freak-cassie-131​, @heelsamizayn​, @agniavateira, @cap-barnes, @romyr4​, @michelehansel, @katiebriggs004-blog​
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“Henry, this is y/n.” The producer introduced the pair of you on the set of the new season of the Witcher. “She's the one your agent asked us to hire, to watch Kal while you're filming.” She explained, smiling between the pair of you. “Y/n, this is Henry.”
“Obviously.” You chuckled, extending your hand to the actor. “It's a pleasure to meet you.”
“You as well.” Henry nodded, shaking your hand. “Do you have experience with large breed dogs, like Kal?” He asked, sounding like the protective dog dad he came off as.
“I know a lot about them.” You assured him, nodding back. “I've had large breed dogs all my life, and I am the one that takes care of them at the veterinary and doggy daycare business, I work for.”
“So, you're a Vet as well?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Vet tech,” You corrected him, carefully. “I'm still going to school to become a full blown Vet.” You explained to him. “I have another year of school.” You added, knowing that was probably going to be the next question out of his mouth.
“You are a little dinky, for Kal.” Henry replied, crossing his arms over his chest, but the smile and spark in his eyes told you he was teasing you, making you blush.
“If I can throw down with a fully grown, two hundred pound, male Great Dane, I'm sure I can survive Kal's buck thirty.” You countered, giving Henry a mischievous smirk.
Henry nodded his head, impressed. “We'll see.” He told you, turning. “I'll go get him.”
“How did you throw down with a Great Dane?” the Producer asked, looking at you, surprised.
“I rode it like a horse.” You joked, making them laugh. “No, it's just about knowing how to stop them.” You told her, pulling a treat out of you pocket. “Works, every time.”
“We'll see, cause here comes the Bear.” The producer said, seeing Kal running at the pair of you, full sprint.
“Aww, he's beautiful.” You commented, changing your stance and then held up the treat in your hand, making Kal slide to a halt and sit inches in front of you. “You're an incredibly good sitter too.” You added to him, giving him the treat and a pat on the head. “Good enough for you?” You asked, looking up at Henry, who stood several feet away, shock on his face.
“That's all I need to know.” Henry nodded, closing his mouth. “I do have conditions,” He told you, coming to stand behind Kal. “I want a photo of him every couple of hours, just to make sure he's all right, and a text, if you take him anywhere off the lot.”
“That's fair and very doable.” You nodded, meeting his eyes.
“Great.” Henry felt good leaving Kal with you, while he worked. “This is my phone number.” He swapped numbers with you, and handed you Kal's leash. “I'll text you, when I'm finished working.”
“Aye aye, Witcher.” You giggled as Henry walked away to hair and make-up. “So, Kal, what do you wanna do?” You asked, smiling down at the black and white Bear.
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“Kal!” Henry yelled as the Akita took off around his trailer.
“Bear!” You yelled back, as Kal jumped up on you, excitedly.
“I swear, sometimes it seems he's more excited to see you, than he is to see me.” Henry commented, coming around the trailer to greet you.
“He knows who has all the treats.” You laughed, as Kal sniffed at the zipped up treat pouch on your hip. “Good morning, Henry.” You said, finally greeting the Brit.
“Good morning, y/n.” He greeted you back, smiling softly. “I'll let you two do whatever it is, the two of you do all day.” He said, patting Kal on the head and walking off.
“I got something for you.” You said to Kal, after Henry had gone.
You lead Kal over to your trailer, disappearing inside for a moment and came back out with a ball. You'd been taking care of Kal for just over two months, and in that time, he'd destroyed nearly every ball he'd gotten his jaws on. But, after talking to one of the other Vet Techs, you'd found this ball, that was meant to be indestructible. But, you'd find out if it really was, in the next couple of days that Kal had it.
“You ready?” You asked him, grinning to see his eye glued to the solid, red rubber ball, and bark. “See what you got?” You said, and took off running, making him chase after you.
You laid down in the grass panting as your two hour alarm went off. It was you, that was supposed to be getting Kal exercise and tired out, but it was completely the other way around. He nudged at your head with his cold wet nose, drooling on you as his tongue hung out the side of his gaping mouth. You patted the ground next to you, and Kal obediently laid down beside you, rolling onto his back for dramatic affect.
“You're just mocking me now.” You teased him, digging into your pocket for your phone and turning the camera on. “Say Treats for Daddy!” You said, tilting your head towards Kal's and snapped the photo Henry wanted every two hours.
Henry's phone vibrated on his set chair, and he picked it up between takes. Opening his messages, he grinned at the photo you'd just sent him, you looking totally beat, and Kal looking like he was have a blast, and could go a few miles more.
“Who's babysitting who?” Henry texted you back.
“If I'm still alive, when you get off work, then you'll know.” You texted back, and made Henry laugh even more.
Henry had finished filming for the day, and made his way to your trailer, which is normally where he'd find you and Kal at the end of the day.
“I'm sorry, I won't do it again!” Henry heard you yell, from the over side of your trailer, as he raised his hand to knock, then heard you yelp and the thump of you falling down. “Y/n?” He called, moving around to the other side.
“I promised not to do it again!” You laughed, hands holding on to the thick fur of Kal's neck.
Henry stood by the side of your trailer, seeing Kal standing over you and licking at your face as you melted into hysterical laughter. You grunted as Kal dropped his heavy body on top of you, but kept laughing and playfully struggling against the big Bear.
“Mercy!” You howled in laughter. “Just tell me what the ransom is!” You told Kal, letting your arms fall to the sides as he kept licking at your face and drooling all over you. “I'll give you all the treats!” You tried bargaining with him. “I swear! All the treats and no more fake throws!”
Biting into his lip to keep from laughing himself, Henry looked around and saw the small treat bag you usually carried around sitting on the ground, and stooped to pick it up. “Kal.” He called, chuckling as you continued to beg for mercy.
“Oh, thank god, a Witcher!” You laughed even harder, turning your face towards Henry, who was still in costume and wig. “Please, Witcher! Pay this beast, it's ransom!”
“What do I get out of it?” Henry asked, turning on his Geralt voice. “I doubt there's any treats in here, I'd like.” He bounced the bag in his hand. “There's definitely no coin.”
“I'll be at your mercy!” You giggled, moving your head out of the way of another attack by Kal. “Name your price, Witcher!” You stopped struggling with Kal and laid limp beneath him, out of breath from running with Kal, and laughing.
“You let me repay you, for taking care of Kal so well.” Henry told you, using his normal voice again. “Come to dinner with me, tonight.”
“Well,” You panted and motioned to Kal, who just laid on top of you now. “I don't have much of an option, do I?” You said, looking over him over.
“No, you don't.” Henry grinned, taking out his phone and snapping a pic of the two of you.
“You're just living for this, now.” You laughed, smiling at him.
“I really am.” Henry nodded, opening the treat pouch. “Kal, treat?” He called to him, holding out a palm full of them.
Kal perked up at the word treat and his head swung around to him, his nose sniffing at the air between him and Henry. Henry made a noise and Kal shot up and ran for him, colliding into Henry's legs and devoured the treats he had for him. You gasped, filling your burning and deflated lungs with the cool afternoon air, and took the hand Henry extended to you, letting him pull you up onto your feet. You dusted yourself off and looked up at Henry, seeing the smirk still lingering on his lips as he looked down at you.
“Pick you up in an hour?” He asked, lifting a brow at you.
“I'll be ready.” You blushed.
The three of you parted ways and you took a quick shower and pulled on some decent clothing for a dinner. You opened your trailer door at Henry's knock and smiled at him, relieved he was just as decently dressed as you were, his hair still wet from the shower he'd apparently also took. You followed him to his car and buckled your seat belt as he slid into the driver's seat beside you.
“What was that ball you got Kal?” He asked, looking at you as he started the car. “He's had that thing for a while now, and it's still, more or less, in one piece.”
“One of my fellow Vet Techs suggested it to me, after she asked me why I kept picking up new ones.” You chuckled, brushing your still wet hair behind your ear.
“I'll have to grab some more from you, before filming is done.” Henry smiled, glancing at you. “But, we've got several more months of that.” He added.
“We got the time.” You agreed, looking back at him.
You and Henry had dinner that night, and several more times in the following weeks. Being that you were dog-sitting Kal, and Kal nearly always went with Henry, you got to follow Henry around to the various filming locations for the Witcher; London, Budapest, Austria and the Canary Islands in Spain. It was fun to travel, even better to spend that traveling with Kal and Henry. You and Henry had become close, very close thanks to Kal, he was like the Wing-dog equivalent to a Wing-man. But, you were still paid to take care of Kal, and give Henry updates on the Akita while he was on set working. Henry hadn't heard from you in several hours, and he was an hour's drive from where you and Kal were, at your flat in London. You weren't answering his texts or his phone calls, which made Henry's already cranky day, even crankier. So, when he got off work, he rushed as quickly back to you two as the law would allow.
“Y/n?” He called, opening the door with the key you'd given him, but he received no answer, not from you or Kal. Huffing, he mounted the stairs, taking them two at a time and pushed open your bedroom door, his shoulders relaxed as Kal's head came up and quietly woofed at him.
Kal was on the bed with you, partially covered up with your blankets, you were worried he'd get cold while you took a nap, and with your arm slung over his his body, head resting on his big paw as you slept, curled up against him. Henry's heart melted, all the stress and crankiness he had throughout the day, going with it as he watched you sleep. Kal woofed at Henry a bit louder this time, making you stir, rubbing you cheek against his paw and patting his side to calm him.
“Sorry.” You heard Henry whisper to Kal, getting the hint that he didn't want Henry bothering you, and opened your eyes.
“Henry?” You whispered, sleepily rolling onto your back, as Henry moved out of your room. “What time is it?” You asked his back.
“Just past seven, at night.” Henry replied, turning back towards you.
“Fuck!” You snapped, sitting up. “I never heard my alarm go off, I only wanted to take an nap for an hour.” You said, swiping your phone off the bed stand and seeing the endless string of texts, phone calls and voicemails Henry had left you throughout the afternoon. “I'm so sorry, Henry.” You told him, looking at him, shocked and worried.
“It's all right, y/n.” He assured you, smiling softly. “Both Kal and I have been running you rabid the last several months, and I trust you enough with him.” He told you, looking between you and Kal, tilting his head to the side. “I just got a little anxious is all, it's been one of those days.”
“Well,” You shifted over in bed, and patted the open space beside you. “We can fix that.” You smiled at him, and Kal barked in agreement with you.
“I thought you were my dog?” Henry commented, sitting on bed beside you. Kal woofed, walking over you to lay down on your and Henry's legs.
“He's your Wing-dog.” You chuckled, leaning in to kiss Henry on the cheek.
“Best Wing-dog a man could have.” Henry agreed, turning his head to capture your lips with his. “and you're the best woman, I could have. You take such great care of Kal and me, while still managing to go to school.”
“Well, someone has to take care of you two silly boys.” You teased, grinning at him.
“I've got to take you on vacation after you graduate, and I've finished filming the Witcher.” Henry told you, brushing his knuckles against your cheek. “You've more than earned it.” He said, laying down with you, Kal curling up at your feet.
“All three of us have earned a vacation.” You answered, humming as Henry wrapped his arms around you, burrowing you both into the blankets and mattress.
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shinjaeha · 4 years
itsay ep 5 (thoughts + spoilers)
i feel like i’m on a high that i’ll never come down from :))) the itsay effect. this show is truly a cultural reset.
first up, i just want to say that i have never been more worried about a final ep before IN MY LIFE. for the past couple eps, i’ve tried to watch them live raw, but for this one, i was afraid of spoilers (and wanted to understand everything from the first watch), so i waited for the vimeo ep to drop and let me tell you...that was both the longest and shortest wait ever...the excitement and the dread i’ve been feeling this whole week has been unreal.
as usual, this is not an analysis. tbh there’s prob going to be even less analysing in this one bc most of the time i was either crying or yelling at my screen (and i feel like this ep in general didn’t have as many scenes to analyse?). but god, i’m SO GLAD that they gave us a happy ending bc it would have broken me into pieces if i had to rewatch and recap this knowing everything had fallen apart for them (ecstatic that wasn’t the case, and my feelings from last ep on how things might go in this one actually panned out!!). after what went down in ep 4, i always thought that that was going to be the peak of the climax/conflict, and that this one was going to be much more of a healing ep...the ep that would bring more closure to each of the characters and their relationships, as well as wrap things up as a final ep should.
so the way this ep starts is actually kind of anti-climactic. esp after the intense emotions of what happened at the end of ep 4. which is understandable? like they were being petty teenagers angry at one another, but now it’s a few days later, and all those heated emotions have tempered down. they’re in that awkward stage where neither of them even know how to start approaching one another after the loaded feelings of the last ep (basically this is what happened to them when they were children. no one reached out, and they both drifted apart...only now they’re aware of what might happen if no one reaches out and it’s a question of whether they let history repeat itself).
oh-aew using the cue cards that teh gave him and being worried ;;; doing that thing that teh told him about writing something over and over again when he can’t say it out loud...teh deleting his line chat history ;;; i was torn with this one bc on one hand noooooo, but on the other, it could be representing them starting anew again?? ALSO, they always know how to make the most of the ost in this show (i think it’s the can’t translate/lost in translation instrumental?). i was literally shaking the first time i watched this.
i was actually very worried about how his mum was going to treat him after last ep...i thought she would be angry/ignore him, and i was feeling so anxious about it...maybe bc i personally know what that’s like. that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you’re scared of how they’ll react to you after a fight. teh wanting to make his mum proud is hugely important to him, so when she handed him the plate, i actually let out a sigh of relief. i’m glad that his mum understood and backed him when he needed it most (she may not be fully all the way there yet, but feelings are raw and it takes time). and i already knew hoon would, so i wasn’t too worried on that front.
tarn is so good for teh, and i really see why they were drawn to each other. but i like how she’s prioritising what’s right for her, and also telling him like it is. they need to focus on their studies now and figure out the other stuff later.
teh loitering outside the tutoring classroom before entering sort of reminds me of ep 1 when teh and oh-aew met up for the first time after their first fight...just this time it’s less straight up antagonism between the two of them and more hurt feelings as they avoid each other instead. i also appreciate the gang during this. they’re so normal and encouraging about the whole situation. they know something went down between teh and oh-aew, but they don’t really press too much about it. just let teh know that they’re here if he needs someone to talk to.
the ep 5 trailer played us!!!!!!! i was WONDERING why oh-aew would suddenly say all that nice stuff about bas (not that bas doesn’t deserve the nice stuff, he’s an ANGEL) in front of class, but their teacher was the one that put them up to it. the horror i felt as i watched teh look straight at oh-aew but turn to bless phillip instead and then start on that whole spiel about how phillip “never sees the good intentions of friends as worthless. never says ‘no’ to what friends give you” and how he’ll never leave him because of that. ALL RIGHT IN FRONT OF OH-AEW’S SALAD...STOP TEH. PLEASE. he’s digging himself into this hole himself with the passive aggressiveness again. THEN BAS COMING IN TO STEAL THIS WHOLE SCENE. i don’t think any of us were expecting him to be as forward as he was but omg. he laid it all out on the line in the way that teh couldn’t (at this point in time). i’m really, really glad that oh-aew got to hear what bas thought of him though, and that bas got to tell oh-aew all his feelings. nothing is misconstrued. he’s so brave and the utter respect i have for him increased by tenfold...what a fantastic character. just so sure and convinced in how he feels, and so uncaring of what anyone else thinks. it’s so damn refreshing. and for oh-aew to know that there’s nothing wrong with him at all. that he’s desirable and wanted and loved (it calls back to ep 4 when oh-aew’s sobbing and desperately asking teh “what did i do wrong??” again and again). it must have meant so much to him. the conflict i felt in my heart watching that and knowing that bas would be SUCH a good guy for oh-aew, but also knowing that sometimes that’s just not enough.
DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON TEH’S REACTION TO ALL THIS. he’s truly facing the consequences of his actions in this one. but just imagine being in this position, being too scared to own up to your own heart, and then watching this other boy do it like it’s the easiest thing in the world?? like it’s just another regular day?? like it’s nothing?? all to the boy that you’re in love with. to the boy that wanted this exact thing from you, but you couldn’t give. it’s like teh’s watching oh-aew slip through his very fingers, but knowing that it’s bc he never had oh-aew in the first place (and the reason for that is himself). i also really love how no one in class (including their teacher) makes a big deal out of this? they’re all just applauding bc it’s a sweet confession. it would be so jarring for teh to see this acceptance when the fear of society not accepting his feelings for oh-aew is one of the reasons he can’t accept them himself.
anyway, i had like one thought in this next scene and it was just DRINK THE COCONUT TEH. DRINK IT!!!!!!! so nice to see how his fam loves and believes in him.
teh watching on as bas and oh-aew take the first step with their left foot :(((
LOVE how they use the firecrackers going off to represent anytime there’s some sort of shift in teh and oh-aew’s relationship (when they first met, when they had their first fight, and now again when they talk for the first time after the fight and oh-aew tells him teh that he and bas are dating now). it’s such a great way to symbolise the spark and passion of their relationship. anyway, this meeting mostly consists of the both of them trying not to cry as they act civil with one another and skirt around what happened. teh asking about what the deal is with oh-aew and bas is like a parallel with what happened last ep when oh-aew asked about teh and tarn...only this time oh-aew and bas are actually dating...man, this is really not the kind of news you want to hear right when you’re about to sit one of your most important exams ever :/// teh holding himself together until the moment oh-aew leaves and then just having a fucking meltdown over the news :((( as always, it just hurts to see teh torture himself in this way. but esp when he’s supposed to be sitting his exam and he just can’t stop crying in the exam room (been in that position and have almost done the same thing before). when he hadn’t finished his exam and they were like “time’s up, pencils down” the sheer panic i felt at this...ugh. i hate it.
the elation on bas’ face when oh-aew asks him out for chinese new year. he’s the cutest. THE ABSOLUTE CUTEST. and then when he holds oh-aew’s hand????? the boldness of it. he. just. does. not. care. i wish i had that sort of confidence!! oh-aew’s shock at this too. his realisation that it’s okay. that this is okay. and then bas being all “why would i be?” after oh-aew asks if he’s embarrassed. bas is literally giving oh-aew everything that he wanted from teh and more (compare this to that scene in ep 3 where teh and oh-aew grazes hands but don’t hold each other’s hands). he’s proud to be with him and to show the world. and, you know what?? i would do anything in the world for bas to be happy.
AND HERE WE HAVE IT. MY LONG AWAITED HOON/TEH HEART TO HEART. i wanted teh to tell hoon soooooooo badly, so to hear the words come out of his mouth...that his brother was the first person he told. i felt so relieved bc i knew that hoon would support him no matter what. the struggle in teh’s face and words...he fought so long and hard against ever admitting these feelings to someone else out loud that it would have felt so incredibly terrifying, yet also like a weight being lifted off his chest, to finally get them out there. to have someone else know his secret. and to know that his brother loves him unconditionally regardless. “if you like him, you go after him” THE WAY I SOBBED DURING THIS. i really loved what hoon said to teh. he didn’t sugarcoat things and say that everything was going to be fine if teh liked boys too. not every single person you meet is going to be okay with who you are, that’s just a fact, but i loved that he emphasised to teh that HE was okay with it. it’s just what teh needed to hear. and that it might take their mum some time to accept it too, but all she truly wants is for teh to be happy. just the feeling of hearing his brother, someone that he very clearly looks up to and respects, tell him that he can like whoever he wants to like?? that it’s all up to him and he’ll still be there for him whoever he wants to be with?? teh sorely needed that and i’m glad he got it. hoon encouraging him to go fight for his love!!!!!!! i was cry laughing at how teh just starts bawling his eyes out at hoon telling him to go after oh-aew, but then teh telling him that it’s too late for him bc he likes someone else. like from hoon’s perspective, he’s prob just like ‘this is so needlessly dramatic’ and the sibling energy during that whole part is too real. i love them.
watching bas/oh-aew with the rest of the gang and their respective girlfriends really makes you realise how open and accepting they all are. like teh was terrified in the scene just before about how his friends might not accept him and oh-aew, but then you see them here with bas/oh-aew and no one even cares (which i expected bc they’ve been supportive since day one, but it’s just nice to see in practice too). oh-aew teasing them all ahhh. cute. phillip being the relatable only single guy there (me at every gathering i go to with my relatives omg).
THE PIANIST PLAYING SKYLINE. they really wanted us all to be SAD sad huh, and they succeeded. how it pans to oh-aew and this song is yet ANOTHER reminder of teh...you know he’s thinking about cape scene where they were singing and translating to one another. on the day they made their promise to each other :( and teh being there too??????? all alone with his bowl of oh-aew on the table. feeling the exact same heartbreak that oh-aew’s feeling too :( it’s the way that so much of their relationship is beyond words for me. but they’re also both hurting so much that i just want to push them together and make them talk so they can clear everything up.
hoon talking in cute japanese to nozomi on the phone while teh goes through oh-aew’s old worksheets and cries I HATE IT HERE. i love the different ways in which teh has smelt oh-aew’s coconut scent since ep 2. how it evolves from curiosity to desire to him heartbrokenly reminiscing, every feeling changing with the shifts in their relationship.
can i just say that oh-aew’s parents are ADORABLE. but also, finding out exam results is the worst kind of anxiety. was so happy that oh-aew got in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he worked his ass off for this :’))) teh not getting his first pick wasn’t altogether surprising bc it did feel like they were leading up to this. but when he apologised to his mum about it ;;; noooo, she’s so proud of you. as someone who’s been through this process before (and didn’t get my first pick either), it always feels like it’s end of the world when you don’t get the uni pick that you want, but it really isn’t. still, it sucks when you’re in the moment there’s no denying that. but i get that it’s also particularly sad for teh since he’d already basically gotten his first pick before he gave it up for oh-aew. but again, it’s all part of the learning process, and the consequences for his actions. 
BAS BEING BEST BOY EVER YET AGAIN. how he knows exactly how oh-aew feels bc he feels it too, but he never imposes those feelings on oh-aew. he knows that oh-aew’s heart isn’t with him, can’t be when it’s with someone else, and bc he cares that much about oh-aew, he guides him in teh’s direction. it’s never a good idea to date someone who’s hung up on someone else, but i’m glad that they tried at the very least. the both of them did what they could, and oh-aew needed to experience it to know. i’m really glad that bas was there to make oh-aew realise how worth it he is too...and bas deserves someone that loves him back just as much as he loves them. seeing bas cry is the worst experience ever. 0/5. never want this ever again thank u. their hug scene was just devastating, and worse still bc it’s not anyone’s fault...you just can’t help how you feel, and that’s just the way it is sometimes.
idk why but for me, the scene with tarn was possibly the hardest scene for me to watch in this ep. it’s interesting how he’s wearing the shirt that oh-aew was wearing in ep 3 in this scene (with the bold ‘sunset’ lettering). i guess it symbolises him being ready to open up about his feelings on where their relationship is heading? either way, she’s a great friend. she’s so encouraging, and understands him and his ambitions to a tee. the both of them are always filled with such fierce determination. they just know what they want and go for it. but that’s also why these past couple eps have been all the more confusing for teh since he’s always been so sure of himself before. how she tells him that no one can take away his identity and that no one can take his dream away from him?? all these characters just knowing exactly what teh needs at the right time. she’s so incredible. no wonder teh is so scared of losing her as a friend. it’s great that he apologised for how he treated her last ep bc it’s def the least that she deserves. that being said, watching her heart get broken as teh tells her that his feelings for her have changed and asking if they can still be friends...like damn, that fucking hurts. there’s something in tarn’s face in this scene that stays with me every time i watch it, and it’s that heavy feeling of knowing that the opportunity is missed. they had the potential to have been something, but it’s slipped by now, and now they can’t go back to those initial feelings anymore. too much has changed. but it’s also that she, like bas, values teh’s happiness too much. values their friendship so much that even if she’s heartbroken, she can still overcome those feelings of heartbreak bc she cares for teh so deeply and wants to see him happy. despite the pain she’s feeling, she still encourages him to make the first move and talk with oh-aew bc she knows that oh-aew is who makes him happy. anyway, we already established this in my last rant text post for ep 4, but i love tarn with my whole heart and only ever want her happiness too. the purple hibiscus in her drawing for teh was like a final stab to the heart :(((
what i love about bas and tarn is that neither of them are the bad guys in this situation. this drama has no outright antagonist, and a lot of the time in BLs (even in standard dramas in general) that’s what the secondary love interests are used as...a hindrance for the main couple to get over. but the both of them are written (and acted) with such respect and care. it’s really hard not to fall in love with them too. the real conflict and antagonism mostly comes from within teh himself, so this series is his own journey to overcome that. a true coming of age story.
oh-aew in his uni uniform!!!!!!!!!!! cue me constantly chanting “come through, teh” over and over as oh-aew passed the restaurant hoping to see him. and I KNEW HE WOULD. not me bursting into tears as soon as they show him following oh-aew on the motorbike ;;;;;;; he loves oh-aew too much, and this was too important, he was never going to back out on this promise. i mean, he gave up his uni spot for oh-aew so he could keep this promise. technically, if you think about it, it worked in a roundabout way bc teh giving up his place was what made oh-aew decide to do the admission exam again...and better still bc he got into his first place uni all on his own accord. he proved to teh that he could do it like he always wanted to.
love that teh pushes the good luck coconuts onto oh-aew too, like his mum and brother always do for him. it’s cute. when they go to the temple again, and the significance of it being open this time so they don’t have to sneak in anymore????? my heart is FULL. another thing i love is how teh’s kind of behaving like how oh-aew did in ep 3?? being flirty?? almost toying with him?? like that part when they’re drinking the coconuts together, and he sort of slides backwards drinking the coconut, eyes not leaving oh-aew before bouncing away. that’s an oh-aew move okay. and, as always, teh encouraging oh-aew when he’s down bc the sun isn’t out. rival and inspiration. i love them more than words could ever describe.
skyline instrumental is legit the perfect song bc sometimes when you listen to it, it can make you feel like you’ll never be happy again, but then other times (like when they’re walking to the tip of the cape), it’s like a shot of pure hope to your chest. that shot of them going through the trees and right into the open space of the tip of the cape with the sun shining all around them was BEAUTIFUL. the freedom of it all, of no longer being constrained. seriously, these shots of the two of them standing in front of the golden glow of the sun are just *chef’s kiss* so stunning. cinematography on point (but when did this show ever fail me on that front).
“when i gave it, i really gave it to you” I’M NEVER GONNA STOP CRYING. i literally cannot watch this part without getting choked up and/or screaming. they’ve missed each other so much, and it’s piecing the broken bits of my heart after the last 4 eps back together again. THEY’RE FINALLY TALKING.
okay i really have to talk about this scene when oh-aew asks teh “how about you and i?” bc of the war flashbacks i’m having back to the last time this question was asked and how disastrous that turned out. it’s in how oh-aew asks it and reads teh’s hesitancy as teh thinking the same as he did last time...oh-aew’s fake smile (the same smile he put on when he asked teh how things were between him and tarn and teh told him they were pretty much the same) when he thinks that teh still isn’t willing to acknowledge he likes him back. it’s how oh-aew is willing to accept ANYTHING from teh...whether he wants to be friend or a rival...whether teh likes or hates him...as long as teh stays in his life. he’s willing to accept whatever teh wants to define them as bc he’s just missed teh so much and can’t stand to be away from him. and it’s like this is what finally clicks in for teh. that restricting himself this way is only ever going to constantly hurt the both of them. teh finally saw past himself, and realised what this meant to oh-aew. it’s like he’s finally looking at oh-aew and seeing what oh-aew needs most (has always needed most), and that in turn helps him gain the courage to say it out loud bc the love he feels for oh-aew (and for himself) is ultimately stronger than any fear he has about society not accepting them. it’s such a beautiful scene. after pushing back at himself and his feelings time and time again, he can’t deny himself anymore. his character arc has come full circle ;;; everything teh’s done in previous eps for oh-aew has shown how much he really loves and cares for him, so it just makes me happy that he released his breath and let himself be happy. it’s all i ever wanted for him.
the amount of tears i shed at teh asking oh-aew to be his boyfriend...i knew teh was very likely going to give in to his feelings for oh-aew at this point, but this was even more than i expected. that was so SMOOTH. oh-aew bursting into tears after that...SAME. then the hug in the sunset WITH the new ost song. and that last shot of teh’s handwritten full pages of ‘love’...they did the MOST with this and i’ll never ever ever be over it.
then the part 2 announcement!!!!!!!!!!!!! after so much angst, i can barely believe we’ve been given so much in such a short space of time omg. i love how teh’s tie is red and oh-aew’s tie is blue for their respective uni uniforms. ADORABLE
i know everyone was afraid (myself included) that this was going to end sad from the get go. from the trailer to the ost, we were all TERRIFIED bc realistic shows like this often end in heartbreak. we’re so used to it. but i saw someone describe itsay as a love letter to the lgbtq+ community, and i totally agree. it could very well have ended tragic/sad, but instead they subverted our expectations of the traditional ‘bury your gays’/sad gay ending we’re so used to and gave us a story that showed us that there’s realism in happiness too. there are so many struggles and hardships that lgbtq+ people have to go through bc of the world that we live in, but they CAN be happy too. this post that nadao tweeted of teh crossing out the lyrics of skyline and writing “let me set my own destiny“ instead is SO powerful, and shows the immense character growth he’s gone through over the course of the series. it made every single tear that i have shed for this show completely and utterly worth it.
i’ve mentioned this multiple times before, but i’m so grateful to nadao for giving us this drama. literally one of the best dramas that i have ever watched in my entire life. i’ve never felt so passionately about a show before, or been so attached to the characters and their relationships. everything about it...the directing, the writing, the cinematography, the acting, the soundtrack, EVERYTHING has been set to such an impeccable standard i really don’t know how, or if, i’ll ever get over it (prob not). i know i’m not the only one that thinks so, but it’s truly a masterpiece. i hope it sweeps all the awards bc it’s the least that it deserves. moreover, i’m so happy that their story isn’t over bc this cast of characters are some of my fave characters ever and i genuinely cannot wait to see more of them in march next year :’)
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Michelangelo x Reader Fanfiction 2014/2016- Oneshot
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"We're not monsters."
New York City was home to a lot of strange things. But never in your life did you imagine that you would actually see mutant ninja turtles. It was crazy. You were a rookie officer. Your world revolves around law and logic. Someone got murdered, there was always a reason. A disgruntled spouse, angered stranger. Or even a pissed off sibling. No matter what, in all your cases there was always some reasonable explanation. Not this time. Not with this.
As you stood with your gun pointed that day, all you could think was not everything in the world could be explained. As you stared at the mutated beings before you, your stomach dropped. Not because the impossible was standing right in front of you. You were thankful there were other officers present to witness this, even Lieutenant Vincent. But what struck you was the look. The look on the orange clad turtle's face. He looked hurt...broken and the words being spat at him.
Monster, freak.
Despite all your training in the academy against lowering your weapon in the face of danger, you couldn't bring yourself to keep your gun up. For a split second his blue eyes caught the movement. And you were positive some of your colleagues were questioning your actions. But you didn't care. No one deserved to be treated like that, human or not.
"Are you kidding me! I want a rematch." you grinned. "Not a chance Mikey I have to get to work. Unlike you my job actually requires that I be there during the day. " You spent the majority of your morning absolutely slaughtering Mikey in Call of Duty. And like most guys, he found it hard accepting defeat. You stood up, fixing your belt, and grabbing your hat. "I'll catch you guys later. Lieutenant Vincent told me you're helping out on the sting operation. I've got to say meeting you guys was the best thing to happen. If we keep it up crime will be almost non-existent in New York." Leo offered a smile.
"We do what we can to help." Ever the humble one.
"Yeah, plus I'd never pass up a chance to kick some butt!" Ah and Raph, ever the brute.
"Of course Raph." you laughed making your way out of the lair.
"Hey Mikey don't forget it's movie night. I'm picking the movie this time!"
"Sure thing!" he called back.
It took a while to get used to everything. After they helped take down an actual alien invasion, it was sort of expected that you joined forces. You supposed your boss realized they were way out of their comfort zone, aliens weren't a norm in the police department. The turtles were then awarded keys to the city, and they continued to protect the city from the shadows, offering assistance whenever necessary. When you got to know them, you realized just how amazing they really were.
Their intelligence, strength, loyalty, humor. It was incredible. Like April, you got pretty close to the turtles. You were shocked at the development yourself, because in the beginning you were a little more scared than anything. But, you were also sympathetic. No matter what you did, that look was forever engraved in you. You guessed that's why you were so close to Mikey. You felt like you needed to protect him from the world. Which was ridiculous since he could pretty much handle himself. That didn't mean he was bulletproof. Maybe that's why he shone the brightest. Always cheerful and smiling. That added with his general adorableness, it caught you. Hook line and sinker.
~Movie Night~
As you walked into the lair already changed in a pair of sweatpants and a loose hoodie, you searched the area for the turtles. You tilted your head when you only saw Mikey setting up popcorn and drinks. "Where is everyone else?" you questioned. He perked up when he saw you.
"April invited them to another basketball game." Your eyes grew a little wide. Mikey was never one to pass up a game, especially if April was the one attending it. "Y-You could have gone if you wanted to. We could always have another movie night."
"It's fine, I promised you. And a ninja always keeps his promises. " He placed his hands together bowing and you grinned, jumping unto the couch. "Alright then, let's get started. "
"Shell yeah! " he dropped down right next to you, giving a mini presentation on the snacks he gathered. "So on the right we have nachos with a little cream, if you're feeling a little peckish. On the left, a fresh box of pizza with the ultimate assortment of cheese! And of course, an all time classic, buttery popcorn for your nightly cravings." You were smiling the entire time. The world didn't deserve someone so pure.
"What movie are we watching, please have action, please have action." he was doing a little prayer. You grabbed the remote, clicking through netflix. You stopped on the Legend of Tarzan.
"I watched the trailer, this is supposed to be awesomely epic." you spoke. Mikey peeked an eye open, and you could see the interest spark as he quickly read through the description.
"What are you waiting for, play it!" His excitement was akin to a child, and you stifled your laughter as you clicked the movie.
To say he loved the movie was probably an understatement. Mikey's eyes never left the screen the entire time. You weren't sure he even really moved when he got some of the snacks. There were so many points where you thought Tarzan was dead. Every part proved to be just a tease. When it was nearing the end you could tell. Jane was standing looking out at the rubble, clearly devastated that Tarzan might have died in the explosion.
You could almost feel Mikey holding his breath, hoping that Tarzan wasn't actually dead. You smiled when he released it softly the minute John walked up behind her. They kissed, and you fought a blush, looking away a bit nervously. This wasn't the first scene between them that left you flustered. The short love scene in the middle had you more than a little bothered. You thought Mikey would make some joke about it, but he was quiet through the whole thing. As the credits started, and the music of Hozier's better love filled the room, you found your eyes drifting back to Mikey. The longing reflected in his hopeful sapphire eyes. "Mikey?" he turned to you, and you swore you saw tears in his eyes.
He wiped it quickly, laughing. "That was an awesome movie brah! It did not disappoint." His usual enthusiasm wasn't there, you could tell. It sounded almost forced.
You took his arm before he could move out of reach.
"I'm sorry Mikey." he was now confused.
"Why are you apologizing?"
In all honesty, you should have done it sooner. That day when they called the turtles monsters. You never apologized. And even though you weren't the one who said the words, for a split second you thought the same. Your ignorance could have cost you the best friends you'd ever had.
"That day with the police, what they said to you, it was horrible. We were all in the wrong. I never told you guys how sorry I was, how sorry they probably all were for judging you guys. It wasn't fair. "
His eyes shifted. He knew exactly what you were talking about.
"It's fine. I guess I sort of expect it. Sensei always told us it wouldn't be easy for people to understand what we are. I guess that's why Raph and I wanted so bad to be human. Deep down I..I still want that. Certain things I won't ever be able to experience, not with the way I am." He must have been referring to the movie. You thought you imagined it, but he seemed extra attentive whenever the couple showed up in scenes.
"You mean love.."
He didn't need to answer, his eyes said it all. "Mikey, I don't think you need to worry about that. You don't have to be human to find love. If someone truly cares for you, they won't care. " you leaned closer, hand reaching out to touch his cheek. You could feel him tense, eyes never leaving you.
"I don't care..." Mustering up all your courage, you raised unto your knees on the couch, matching his height. Deciding that it was now or never, you closed the gap, kissing him softly. The feel of his lips, they were heavenly. Far different from what you imagined. And you'd imagined it a lot. At first he didn't move, you weren't even sure he was breathing properly. And you expected it. After a few brief seconds you pulled back, gauging his reaction. You blinked a few times, licking your lips. Mikey still looked awe struck. He opened and closed his mouth a couple times, trying to search for the right words. Finally he settled on a sentence.
"Did you just...kiss me?"
"I did." you flushed. You hoped It was welcomed, because it was what you'd been longing for shortly after knowing him. Now it sort of made sense. This whole time you thought it was because you wanted to protect him from getting hurt, but the truth was, you cared for him, more than you initially realized.
"I don't get it, you're..you're human (Y/N). Why would you-" you raised a finger, pressing it softly to his lips. "It doesn't matter. I'd like to think if our roles were switched you'd feel the same about me. Do you...feel the same?" You were marking his lips, and Mikey gulped. All the movies, video games and comic books, he thought he would be more ready for such a confession. Yet here he was, completely speechless.
"I....I..." Why couldn't he find the words. He knew how much he felt for you. But as it stood he never even tried pursuing anything for obvious reasons. Now hearing you say you didn't care about all of that, and even kissing him. What else could he possibly hope for. He just wishes he could put that into words.
It was cute, they way he stumbled for the words. Your need to feel his lips again returned, and your other hand came up going around his neck as you slipped into his lap. His hands moved to the couch clearly not expecting the bold move. You snickered, leaning next to his ear.
"You know I used to think you were a player with all your smooth words, but are you secretly shy, Michelangelo." you cooed softly. When you pressed a kiss at the side of his neck, he let out a shaky breath. Your fingers trailed down his chest, so firm, strong. Muscular. You were still littering soft kisses along his neck.
"If I kiss you again, I'd prefer it if you kissed back." Before he could fully prepare you leaned in, sighing in content. Kissing him was everything. When he started to get over the shock of the whole situation, his hands came up hesitantly. You hummed when you felt his hand on your back, and the other slipped into your hair. You were pressed firmly to his body, and the minute his lips slanted over your own, you were sure you went to heaven. How could something so simple feel so good.
Mikey's hands on your body was just what you needed. As time passed, he seemed to be more sure of himself. He opened his mouth, and the moment your tongues touched you moaned. Mikey let out a soft groan, trying to match the intensity that you were pushing. Your hands were wandering over his body, and you should have probably shown some restraint, because even though his brothers weren't in here, they could come back at any minute. Not to mention Splinter was still somewhere in the lair, hopefully sleeping. The sound of bodies filing in alerted you of exactly that. They were back.
Mikey pulled away hurriedly at the sound, and now all three turtles were standing there gaping at the scene.
"I-It's not what it looks like!" Mikey defended.
It was exactly what it looked like.
"Guys seriously, on the couch. " Leo sounded unimpressed.
"No wonder you stayed back. Mikey you sly dog." Raph walked over smacking his younger brother behind the head.
"Come on Raph!" you just stayed planted there, smiling. You liked the little moment, but you really wanted to get back to kissing. When you saw the way they seem to settle around the area to tease Mikey you frowned. Guess there was only one way to get rid of them. You grabbed both sides of his cheeks, smashing your lips to his in a searing kiss. Almost immediately you could hear the groans of disgust.
"Mission success." They didn't stick around after that. And once they were all gone you grinned down at him.
"So...does this mean that you're my girlfriend?" Did he even have to ask. You rolled your eyes, reconnecting your lips.
It was a definite yes.
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crimsoncounties · 4 years
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Word Count: 1,691
Tags: softness, bliss, fluff, flirting, autumn vibes, first meet, sasquatch!clyde.
Tag list: @direnightshade , @heisnameless
It’s nearing fall when he first sees you, exploring the forest he calls his home. Rain is gently beginning to fall, the one thing about this time of year that he hates, the rain making him smell like a wet dog, the mud caused by the rain caking at the fur on his feet and his legs, making his stance wider than he’d like it to be.
The one thing he hates, seems to be something you love. He’s watching you from just beyond your sight, hiding behind a couple of trees, blending in thanks to his fur. He’s watching how you spread your arms, the arms so clean of fur, his head lowering under a branch to try and get a better view of you. He’s tilting his head as he watches you spin slowly, your head turning up to relish in the rain as it falls, your feet tangling with a tuft of grass on the ground beneath you, making you stumble a little before falling with a gasp onto the ground.
He hears you laugh as you press your hands and fingers into the grass, reveling in the way the wet grass feels between your fingers, his lungs releasing a puff of air he hadn’t known he’d been holding in, and as he goes to step, wanting to disappear before you can be scared of him like all the others had been before, a branch snaps under his foot and he’s letting his face tilt down as a pout presses itself into his features, looking back up a second later in your direction, seeing you look at him through the branches of the trees.
He fears what happens next, knows it’s because of what he is, how he looks, the one hand missing from an accident he didn’t like remembering. He hates the screams of men and women who’ve seen him before who had turned and ran. But as he looks at you, he sees your eyes widen in curiosity, your head tilt as you lean to get a closer look, or as close a look as you can get from your spot in the middle of the field.
He doesn’t hear a scream, feels a small sense of relief at your curiosity instead of fear, and he’s watching as you get up, hands wiping at the knees of your pants before you straighten, your eyes still on him from a distance as you walk closer, and by the small bit of fear in his body still making him crouch a little as you get closer, his instincts screaming at him to disappear, run until you can’t see him, until you wouldn’t be able to find him, but something about the way your face looks, how slowly you’re approaching with curiosity instead of fear makes him want to stay, his jaw working as he keeps pouting, his head tilting a little as he watches as you enter the trees, the branches now covering you from most of the clouds given rain.
He watches as you get closer, until you’re close enough he’s sure you can smell how horrible he smells, how matted he looks thanks to the past two days full of rain and mud, his body staying crouched as he watches you get close enough to look up at him, his height still well over yours even in his crouch.
He lets out a soft grunt, his eyes searching yours and your face as his lower lip wobbles a little as you reach a hand up to caress his cheek, your fingers being the softest thing he’d felt in years, possibly ever. His head instinctively tilts into your touch, his eyes closing as he lets down his guard for just a second before his eyes open again, looking down at you and how you look up at him in wonder.
He grunts again, his mind racing as he looks down at you, his hand shaking slightly as it comes up to your own cheek, his fingers exploring the gentle give of your skin as he tries his best to be gentle with you, his eyes searching yours as he looks down at you, his heart racing as he takes his hand back, not sure if you’d had wanted him to touch you.
You frown a little, at the way he looks when he takes his hand away from your cheek, as if he was terrified that you’d freak out, as if you hadn’t had plenty of time to already freak out if you were going to. You take your own hand off of his cheek, looking up at him still as your own heart and mind race, your wonderment on if he’d even been real having been quelled the moment your fingers met actual flesh instead of a mirage like you’d thought.
Your mind shorts, and for a second you forget how to speak until you hear her another grunt, seeing him rise to his full height with a pout still on his features, and that sight alone sparks you to speak, “Hi, I didn’t think you were real, or that you even existed.”
His brain tries as it might to follow along, only catching some of the words he’d already heard from past humans and how they’d spoken of him after seeing him, trying to find him again even if they knew they wouldn’t. He lets out a soft grunt, his brows furrowing as he tilts his head, lifting a hand to press against his chest, wondering just how you humans told each other it was safe, and that he wouldn’t hurt you. His voice is low, just the hints of a southern drawl as he speaks one word, one word he’d grown to know as his name, given to him by his mother in his first few years of life, “Clyde.”
You smile up at him, giving him your own name in return before you hear a rustling of the trees leaves as the wind shifts, causing you to shiver and scold yourself inside your head at only being smart enough to wear a long sleeve shirt and pants with your hiking boots. And at the wind shift you frown, knowing the sun was setting behind the gorgeous clouds carrying the rain, knowing that you could see the sun setting just between the leaves at the tops of the trees you’d become surrounded in on your way to him, to Clyde.
You frown again as you look up, meeting his soft eyes as you speak again, “I have to go, I have to but I can be back tomorrow, if you’ll..” You pause, not sure if he understands then with the way his head tilts, brows furrowed as he tries to understand the words coming from you, and then you get an idea, a spark as you lift your hand to cover his, “Tomorrow. Meet here, Clyde. Right here.” You point at the ground then, and he understands that, the words tomorrow and here clicking in his own mind as he nods then, jaw working as he pouts, knowing he still has a trek back to his own cave, knowing he’ll still smell tomorrow, that he’ll still be dirty tomorrow.
He looks down at the sight of your fingers brushing through his fur, and before he can stop it a gentle purr rumbles through his chest, and his eyes light up as he looks back up at you, his voice stuttered and low as he sounds out the words, “T-tomorrow, h-here.”
When you hear him speak again, understanding your words you lean up a little onto your toes, hoping to not scare him away as you press a gentle kiss to his cheek, smiling as you look up at him as you rest back down on your feet. “Be safe Clyde.”
He grunts softly, fingers lifting to brush against your own cheek again before he nods, his hand dropping back to his side as he watches you back away, “Safe.” His frown is prominent then, watching as you turn to make your way back into the clearing, and then across it before disappearing into the trees on the other side, and it’s only when he can’t hear your feet rustling on the ground full of leaves anymore that he turns to make his way back to his cave, his mind full of you and how you’d been gentle, how you’d touched him, how you’d spoken to him even if he couldn’t understand some words.
When he reaches his cave he settles down onto the ground of it, not wanting to mess up his own little sleep space that he uses when he’s clean, his eyes open and staring up at the glistening cracks in the caves ceiling, you devouring his every thought as he slips into a sleep, a sleep filled with you, with what he hopes you’d be like with him tomorrow, how you’d be in the future if you decide he’s worth seeing.
You make it safe and sound back to your own place, having hiked there from a small trailer at the edges of the forest, your thoughts filled with him and how gentle he’d been despite being so much taller, so much bigger. As you strip out of the now wet clothes, sinking into a hot bath to relax your muscles and get the chill out of your bones, you think of him, hoping he’s safe and sound wherever he ended up for the night, hoping he’s settled in somewhere to be dry for the night as you listen to the rain hitting the top of the trailer.
Once you get out of the tub, you dry off as best as you can, forgoing a dinner mostly to help tomorrow come sooner, getting dressed in your soft sleep shorts, a gentle T-shirt adorning your top before you settle into the mattress, looking out the window at the rain still falling before you wish a goodnight to Clyde as you let your eyes close with a soft sigh.
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mari-vargas · 3 years
Ok so I’m sitting waiting for my car to get an oil change (yes…the alert popped up Monday afternoon…just a day after my whole tire adventure), and since I just told this story yet again recently (to my tow truck driver on Sunday) I figured I’d share one of my “when it rains it pours” stories about my car. This is the story I mentioned in the teaser/reminder post, about my car transmission.
So I was headed home from university for winter break one year, and I had my two cats and a friend from high school that wound up eventually following me to university. Wow I just realized how much I’d love to tell the story about this friend of mine, but it’s a whole thing in and of itself so I’ll get into that another time…maybe soon so I’ll make a bit more sense…idk it’ll be fine I’m sure.
Anyways, we lived about an eight and a half hour drive away from our university. We were about an hour and a half to two hours in to our drive, in an area looking just like any other on the main stretch of the journey and I had no clue where precisely I was. All of a sudden, my car started making a weird noise. I’m not even sure I can describe it, but I absolutely will still recognize it to this day and am terrified of hearing it. When my tire was about to blow out it started making a similar noise and it’s only because it was missing the next few things to happen that I didn’t freak out as bad as the first time my battery died. ANYWAYS after it started making a sort of…clunking sound, it started revving (which I will be perfectly honest, happens sometimes with my car especially going at higher speeds with resistance like air or a slight incline or a slight decline), but the next two things were especially weird. The needle on my rpm meter started hard swinging back and forth like a pendulum on a grandfather clock even though I was keeping a steady pressure on my accelerator…and then my acceleration started rapidly declining.
I was in the far left lane of a three lane section of the freeway, and I was rapidly decelerating without any idea why or any ability to get myself to go faster. Also couldn’t find my hazard lights because it wasn’t in the same place as the car I had learned in. Anyways…somehow, miraculously, and with an awful lot of anger on other drivers parts (mostly towards the end because I was freaking out and didn’t just stop) I managed to get all the way over before the next exit, exited, waited at a light to turn left like an absolute dummy, and very very slowly made it into the parking lot of some sort of mall or shopping center thing. Where I then parked, and proceeded to freak the heck out. My friend was freaking out too and honestly I think I had more knowledge about what to do than he did, which considering the near white out panic I was in for at least a moment there is kinda saying something. I didn’t know what was wrong with my car. I tried to compare it to things I’d seen happen and just…didn’t know. My gas was full, the battery seemed to be working, tires all fine of course (don’t even remember if I’d even thought about tires at the time). All I knew was that my car had stopped accelerating at all. Maybe there was something wrong with my accelerator? I just didn’t know. It was out of my depth for what I knew how to deal with.
I started messaging everyone—texting because autocorrect could carry me through the worst of my hands shaking, fingers slipping, and eyes blurring which were all getting in the way of my ability to call anybody. I remember talking a lot with my sister, and a bit with my dad, probably even my mom at some point (who would’ve had a significantly leveler head and some more info than my dad). My sister meanwhile was talking and relaying information back and forth with my niece’s dad who was a mechanic at several points before and during the time we knew him (honestly don’t know if he currently was or wasn’t at that exact time but knowledge and skill like his doesn’t just go away). But whatever I’m amongst all that my sister was also the first to remind me about the AAA our grandma has gotten for all of her grandkids as soon as they start driving (yes, same grandma I travel with all the time. Makes sense, no? Always glad she’s able to do that for the five us).
So I call AAA and my friend is on the phone talking with his mom. My dad, knowing I could get a tow up to 100mi, sends me the address for a steak house exactly 100mi from the shopping center I was in (and had a decent sized parking lot for trucks). Tow truck pulls up, finds out I actually really am aiming for the full 100mi, calls his boss to get clearance for the long distance tow rather than the in town tow he was told he was cleared for because he didn’t want to pass us off to someone else since I guess he was sorta attached to making sure we got through this after hearing probably a full blown spiel from me, gets the OK and loads up my little red spark which I had cracked the windows of for my cats. We all hop into the cab of the truck and he goes and gasses up and as we’re pulling out of the truck gas station, I realize where I am. My car had died just past the exit I usually would stop for coffee at. Needless to say I was a bit superstitious after that and always stopped at that coffee shop either direction after that, whether I needed coffee or not.
So he tows us to the steak house a hundred miles away and it’s dark and the tow truck driver is concerned about leaving us in the middle of nowhere but I reassured him that I have someone with a car trailer on their way already. In case you’re wondering, that would be my sister’s coparent (here on referred to as B) with mechanic experience who would also fix up friends’ cars on the side and even had a couple of project cars.
So yeah we’re waiting there my cats are fine, frustrated over not being done with being in a car yet but seemingly understanding something unusual and out of my control had happened. It’s dark and around late dinner time. There’s a chain restaurant of some kind across the way, so my friend and I walk over there to get some dinner. Before that though, we had a talk because well…we’re wandering around in the dark. Now my friend, he’s tall like super tall and has a face that would at least warn away casual glances. However. He cannot throw a punch or literally defend himself in just about any way whatsoever. Me on the other hand, I unfortunately look like easy pickings. But I can throw a punch and otherwise escape an attacker and potentially help others get away too. So we had an agreement. He’d be there looking big and tough and warning away people, but if anything actually happened I’d be the one throwing fists and feet and getting us out.
I mean, we were fine. Got our food, got back to the car, no problem. But fact remains we had to have that conversation. Anyways it was another 2-4 hours before B showed up with the trailer. But show up eventually he did and he got us loaded up and into his truck (with my cats WITH me this time) and we hit the road, dropping my friend off with his mom at around 0100 and I finally made it home about half an hour after. He left my car on his trailer to get in the morning to take to the dealership.
So the dealership takes a look at it and says “well the transmission is completely dead, good news it’s still covered under the factory warranty.” It took a good while to be replaced but it was and again it was all on warranty.
Now I said “when it rains it pours”.
I could’ve just meant it was something major, out of nowhere right? But no…unfortunately, no. This was the winter break I’d been volunteering at that museum (have I mentioned this before? Eh….) and since I didn’t have my car I borrowed my mom’s. When I finally got my car back, we decided to keep having me use my mom’s car because I’d had to register it with security so they’d know not to charge me for parking. So my car sat in the driveway for the next…let’s say two weeks before I had to head back to university (again with my friend and cats in tow).
So it’s now I think the day before I leave and my dad takes my car to the grocery store and to gas it up for me while I’m working. Only…it doesn’t start. Or gives him problems or something I don’t even know the specifics. B can’t look at it before I have to leave, so we decide to just have my mom and I swap until spring. B came over maybe halfway through my drive and found a rodent nest in the engine compartment (rabbit or rat, we’re not entirely sure). Abandoned, but it looked like they’d chewed through some wires and other connectors to make room for their home. B got it taped together just enough for it to be taken back to the dealership to be properly fixed. It was.
BUT THEN (oh you thought it was over? Haha eh… almost)
It’s not quite spring break yet so my mom and I still have each other’s cars. My mom went to turn the key (on or off I honestly don’t know) and it broke. It was apparently a bit of an adventure for her involving at least three different shops but she got it replaced.
My little red car was running beautifully by the time I got it back 🤣
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sabrinamichele · 3 years
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Dear you,
I’ve meant to write you, so many times…and yet it hasn’t felt right, until now. I want to write to you, before I meet you, as I feel there’s so much I want you to know. About the girl before, the girl that was, before the woman you will one day meet. Tonight finally feels like a good time to at least start. Because tonight I just learned my last living grandparent, my grandma Mae, passed away today. My heart breaks tonight, not just because she is gone, but because you will never meet her, nor any of the amazing people who were a part of that generation, who helped raise me, helped make me who I am today. My heart aches with all that loss. The love, the life, the laughter…a familiarity so comfortable that there is almost a physical ache in the knowledge that it is forever gone. I hope one day to tell you about each of them, to hopefully give you an idea of who they were, at least to me, even if I know I will never do it fully justice. I think that’s why I want to start writing you now. Full well knowing how it must sound, and how it will look, I’m doing this for you, and I’m doing this for me.
I’ve known for just a little over a week now that my grandma had just about a week left. It wasn’t even that surprising; I have known deep down that this was probably coming— resolved myself to it, told myself all of the rational things, “this happens,” “she’s older,” etc., etc. But even still, hearing it out loud, it hit me…harder than I expected it to. And I knew that I needed to see her. I knew this was important. More than work, or the mundane day-to-day things that seem to matter so much—until they don’t. So I went, and I saw her. Even though her body didn’t seem to be hers anymore, and her mind was no longer serving her as it should, it was still her, and she knew who I was, and that was all that I could ask for. To see her, to say I loved her—and to hear her say it back—it was everything. My heart still aches for my parent and aunt and uncle who have been with her non-stop since this started, and the grief I know that they must be feeling too. Grandma Mae had just turned ninety years old. A small woman, but she had a spark. So much spunk and personality there. They lived humbly, my grandpa Vance and her—but you’d never hear her ever in a negative spirit. She always seemed to have a positive thing to say; usually it was some funny story she would be hearing about this, that or the other. “About whichmajigger” was a pretty common saying, because the name of the person would escape her. Mae and Vance lived on a farm about an hour north of the small town I grew up in, in Oregon, in an even tinier town named Halsey. There were many summers when my younger brother and I would get shipped off to our grandparents for a month (or at least it felt like a month). So many memories: That little ramshackle house, the barn, the feral cats that lived under the house—there were always kittens, which I was always chasing in the hopes of catching one to just love on it, to be inevitably scratched up mercilessly by it, drop it, and the cycle would start all over again. The old white, deep clawfoot bathtub that scratched our bottoms raw from the roughness of the tub. Hundreds of VHS tapes meticulously organized and labeled, three moves to a tape, which we spent hours watching in front of their tv in their living room. The dozens of old clocks, that you would hear in their varying chiming, dings, cuckoos, and even bird calls (yes, bird calls) at the top of every hour. I can remember being very young one night, sleeping in the living room at their farmhouse, waking up and just hearing all of those clocks—their ticking so loud in the dead of night that I just sat there and listened. I remember the stories. Oh the stories they would tell us of us “hoodlum children.” Ha! I don’t actually remember this personally, I must have been too young, but I loved hearing my grandma tell it. Both my grandparents had previous marriages, so there were often times I would come to visit that my grandpa Vance’s other grandchildren would be visiting them as well. I think there must have been four of us, all boys, save for me. My grandparents would often take us to the coast in their trailer, all of us kids sleeping on one small kitchen table, converted into a bed come night. Apparently the boys were “little terrors,” the entire time—or so the story goes, according to Grandma Mae—but, even so, they treated me like, “a little lady.” It still shocks me, thinking about it now (especially knowing how incredibly cold the ocean is off the Oregon Coast), but apparently whenever they would take us to the beach, we wouldn’t be there but five minutes before we were all of us, all four boys and Sabrina, tearing our clothes off and running pell-mell for the ocean to get in. *laughs* I think about that now, and I can’t help but laugh. We must have come out of that water completely sopping wet, sandy, and shivering from the cold—probably a complete mess and utter handful—but all Grandma Mae did was laugh when she told the story. I love thinking about her laughing. I will always remember her that way—happy, and just so easy to be around. And I remember she used to sing. I
wish my memory was better, but I think I remember she used to sing to me at night before I fell asleep. I’ve always thought it was my grandma Mae that got me singing when I was a child. Something that so many people didn’t know I could do for years, because I was so terrified of getting up on a stage in front of people and singing. And even now, it seems to be a secret I have kept, yet again—one that breaks my heart. Oh how I secretly long and wish to sing again. I hope to find a way to do so again. My heart feels so big and full when I do. I hope one day to share it with you.
There are so many memories, and so many more I could share. Thank you for listening to these ones. More than anything, though…I have to admit, I hate that you’re not here. I hate it. Six years—for six years I have been navigating being single and dating, and it’s been gut wrenching. I know it’s weird—talking about it, even just acknowledging it—but I make no apologies for it. I only wish I hadn’t had to experience so much heartbreak. I wish I had already met you. I have been looking for you, this entire time—every time hoping it would be you. I do not know why I wasn’t meant to meet you yet, nor why I still haven’t met you, but I find a small measure of comfort knowing I may not have been ready to (yet). But I am now. I am so ready. With that said, I am sorry you will not ever know the girl I was, before. The strong-willed, headstrong, stubborn, full of life girl that I was. She’s still there, I promise. She still has her moments. Haha! I’m sorry you will not meet a girl with the naïveté of youth, or wanting a romantic, “fairy-tale” wedding. I’m afraid I have already been there, done that, and come out the other end. While I may have lost some of that, the girl who wants to be treated special, like she’s the most important, most beautiful woman in the room—she’s still in there. I still have a romantic heart, that still beats, even after having been broken a few times. I just don’t know how much more I can take, to be perfectly honest. I want to find you, I want it more than I can even say…but I also have to protect this heart of mine. She’s so incredibly tired—of being stomped on, of being passed by, of not being taken care of—that I don’t think I can take it another time. So, I’ve stopped looking. And especially here—Sacramento is the worst, or at least it has been for me. That’s not to say I’ve entirely given up…at least not on the idea of you. The hope of you. That somehow you exist—as hard as that is to imagine, well-meaning people continue to tell me that you do. Here’s the thing: I will not settle. I have not settled. I’m here, living my best life, waiting for you to join me in it. I hope that you will. But even if you don’t? I will just keep on living my dreams out—with every adventure, every trip…I just sometimes wish I could have you in my life to share all of them with you. I want that so bad. I hope that one day we can share all of the stories, all of the adventures in life that led to us finally meeting. I also hope that you don’t let the strong woman you meet one day intimidate you too much; at least not enough to not approach me. I hope that you do. I hope you make the first move. I hope you aren’t afraid to ask me on a date, and the next date, and the next. I hope that, no matter when you meet me, you pursue me. And I hope you don’t ever let me go.
Until that day, I know I am going to keep loving the hell out of me, wishing you were here, but continuing on—the strong, resilient, independent woman that I am. I have so much more that I could say, but I think that’s probably enough for tonight.
So with that I will say goodnight.
Love, me.
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moonlightreal · 4 years
Fate Episode Two
Last time on Fate: Silva was surprisingly interesting, Stella was surprisingly pitiable, and Terra was surprisingly badass.  What surprises await in episode two?
In which we have a magic class.
Promising start, Silva and Dowling walking in beautiful Irish landscape, talkin’ worldbuilding!  The “Blackwoods massacre.”  Silva killed thirteen, or at least helped kill thirteen.  
They’re going to check on the Burned One they have doped to the gills and locked up in a shed.  Dowling is going to read its mind and hopes to find it’s the only one around.  Dowling crouches down by the Burned One and her eyes glow silver.  So she’s a Mind Fairy like Musa, I guess.   She gets flashes of the Burned One killing the shepherd and chasing Bloom.
But WE know Beatrix came and woke this Burned One up, so we weren’t surprised when it leaps for the grownups!
Opening sequence!  Still good music.
Bloom waking up.  Aisha’s already been up for hours.  Aisha suggests, “get up!  Be excited!  Today you get to learn to use your magic!”
Waking up montage!  Musa and Terra being friendly.  Terra asks Musa if she can detect lies or “social niceties” heh.  A sensible question, Terra!  But Mua’s not a lie detector, just emotions.  But it seems like she can feel every single emotion Terra feels in realtime, which… how would you LIVE?  How far is her range, if it’s just the closest person the school should’ve giver her her own room, if it’s all the girls how has she not gone completely barmy by now?
And of course Musa isn’t a walking lie detector, this show is going to have a “but who summoned the Burned Ones” plot and lie detection would mean no Plot!
Terra’s changind in the bathroom and Aisha comes in and sits down on the toilet just right in front of her and then strips and hits the shower also right in front of her.  O_o  Terra flusters and looks away, clearly full of shame about her own body compared to Aisha’s.  Poor Terra.  Aisha seems oblivious, she just asks if anyone’s seen Stella.
Cut to Stella walk of shame coming in.  
Musa: ‘That outfit looks similar to yesterday’s.  Same designer?”
Buuuurn! Ok, that’s mean but after Stella’s “they expect me to care about how I look” last episode Musa is kinda delivering karma here.
Bloom hears them talking and comes out of her room to say the Burned One took the portal ring.  Stella’s upset.  Musa: “Calm down, princess.”
Yep, Stella’s a princess!  “My mom is the queen and the ring you lost is one of the crown jewels of Solaria.  That might not mean much to a First Worlder so feel free to ask your suitemate how much of a screwup that is!”
Aisha brings the logic: “Almost as big as giving it to her in the first place.’
They say Dowling has the Burned One locked up, if it was loose in the First World even for a little while that’d be a disaster.  Stella dribbles the idiot ball saying nobody should tell dowling about the ring, she’ll figure out what to do after class.  “and can someone make sure Terra knows that?  She can never keep her mouth shut.” and Stella opens the door and there’s happy Terra squirming into a vest that looks like it doesn’t fit but sunny as a daisy.
Cut to Beatrix with her hair down walking up some stairs.  She’s going to Dowling’s office again, to “see if she needs an escort” down to the stone circle where the first-year class is being held.  But obviously she really came hoping nobody would be there so she could snoop.  Also, beatrix has an interesting pendant that might be magic or not.  I don’t think they had a big prop budget in this show; the portal ring wasn’t much.
Outside Iiiiiireland!  Green!  Waterfall!  And here’s the stone circle! it’s not very big, the stones are low and the dolmens are actally seats.  The first year class is less than twenty people, though we do see a few of fate’s minor fairies in the shot.  Dowling has “the vessel’ a big silver dish, maybe two foot wide.  Beatrix could’ve been trying to get her hands on that too.
Dowling teaches: “Magic lives in the very fabric of nature.  And here in our circle of stone it’s magnified.  The vessel tests your ability to channel that magic.  Further down the line you may learn to connect with other elements but your first year is all about the element you were born with...”
And here the girls show off their powers as in the trailer.  
“Earth. Soil, sand, rock, and all manner of plant life.”  terra looks so happy as she coaxes ivy vines up.
“Water. The lakes and oceans of the world, or the molecules that exist in all organisms around us.’  So could Aisha do bloodbending?  Or pull water out of a person ‘til they drop from dehydration?  How dark is this show gonna go?
“The mind.  Thoughts, memories, dreams.”  Poor Musa just holds a bubble of ripply air and her eyes glow purple.  They could at least have given her some glowy lines around her eyes like Psyloche or Jean Grey in her pre-fiery incarnations.  And yeah, “mind” instead of ‘spirit’ for the sixth element it does WORK it just...
“I know! Let’s base magic on the traditional magical elements! That’ll be a fresh new take!” Said every fantasy showrunner ever. Smh.  One of the cool things in Winx was that it opened way more possibilities.  Telekinetic-flute Musa would’ve been more fun than this Musa whose power so far just makes her and Terra’s roommate life difficult.  I hope there’s good plot reason for it all later.
“Air. Speed, temperature, sound, its power.  And electrical properties.” Beatrix stretches lightning between her hands and smirks and sideeyes like the villainess she thinks she is.  So is Beatrix The Flash?  Can she create phantom sounds, maybe mimic voices?  Freeze people?  Be nice if she could freeze people, give her one of Icy’s tricks.  And if she can throw lightning… uh, that’s a lot of powers for one person.  Who is a baddie.
“Whatever your element, the emotions underlying it are the same for all fairies.”
Bloom gets up to take her turn.  Her eyes flame up but she’s not getting much more than sparks.  The other students look at each other and snicker.  Dowling says, ‘focus on clear, positive feelings.”  and Aisha like a bonehead says, ‘What about your parents?  Focus on how much you love them?”  Aisha, not ten minutes ago in this episode Bloom told you she was trying not to have feelings about this changeling thing.  You’re an idiot.
Bloom says it’s not working.  Dowling says feel don’t think, and Musa singsongs something to Aisha that I couldn’t catch after rewinding 3 times.  Finally Bloom just says, ‘It’s not happening, can we please move on?” and we cut to class being over and they’re all leaving.
Bloom says to Dowling, ‘I’m either on the verge of killing everyone or I can barely light a match.”  Dowling says she just needs a clear mind, “Distraction can cause magic to be erratic.”
And then Dowling says, “So we have exercise classes, meditation classes, and I’ve signed you up to talk with a specialist fairy councilor to help you figure out your relationship with your parents...” oh wait, no she doesn’t.  She turns away.  
Bloom bursts out, ‘Am I a changeling?” and says how Aisha told her. Dowling’s face confirms it.  ‘i didn’t want to burden you with too much too quickly.
Bloom: “So instead you let me learn from teenagers, the most gentle and reliable sources of information.’  Ahahahaha!  Love it!  So self aware.  
Dowling admits that was not ideal, then snaps at Bloom when she says, ‘Ya think?”  Bloom deflates.  She asks who her real parents are but Dowling doesn’t know.  Just, ‘Come to class every day, you focus, you learn, you grow.  Eventually the answers will come.”  She turns away.
Bloom: “Cryptic and vague just like everything else in this place.” Iknowright?  I’m starting to feel less like Dowling is sus and more like Dowling is just a bad teacher.  Why was there no, “And I will help you find out.’ Dowling suspects Bloom is a very important changeling and knows her magic can be very destructive, why isn’t she working harder to get Bloom what she needs to become an emotionally put-together nondangerous fairy?
We go from here to the Specialists doing martial arts!  Sky and Riven are watching Dane and a girl face off.  Apparently last year Riven was kind of a hopeless case until sky befriended him.
Sky goes off to see Stella, who’s coming over, and Riven gets up to creepy-flirt with Dane.  Apparently Dane accidentally putting a like on one of Riven’s sexy pics is something that could ruin him before the whole school?  I guess it could out him.  There is something sexual in Riven’s menacing, he’s sitting right next to Dane with their faces close together.
And then Riven un-creeps completely and starts giving Dane advice about “chose your friends wisely, focus.  Being a good specialist is about strategy not how big and strong you are.”  then he calls a big specialist named Mikey over for a bout and takes him down handily.  He turns to Dane with a big wholesome grin, “You see?”
Uh. I guess Riven is your standard perv; when he’s not being creepy he’s very likeable.  Makes you want him to not be the kind of guy he so clearly is.
Over with Sky, Stella’s asking him where they might keep the Burned One. Sky says he’ll break out the maps, and suggests they tell Dowling. But Dowling took an oath to the queen, and if the queen found out Stella lost the ring… Stella looks teary-scared.  What of, exactly? She hugs Sky and maybe it’s just my pity for this poor washed-out Stella but I do get the vibe that she’s not being a queen bee, she’s scared and Sky is helping her and it’s not about romance. Then silva comes over and she covers it up with, “so just let me know about the Celtic runes quiz when you find out.  Thanks Sky.”
Huh. Using earth runes for Otherworld magic.  I feel an extra post about this comin’ on.
Stella leaves.  Silva doesn’t even have to give Sky a look, Sky says, ‘you don’t have to lecture me, I’m lecturing myself for it in my head.’  Heh.  And Silva says, ‘My guess is you would ignore your own lectures as well.’  Hah!  And they have a great little teacher-student chat.  Silva promised Sky’s dad to look after him, and the famous Andreas of Eraklyon would’ve said the same thing but with more profanity.  Heh.
Is Sky’s dad dead?  I got the vibe he died in the last magic battle with the Burned Ones but I don’t think they’ve actually said it. Anyway, good lil scene there, show!
We go now to Bloom’s room where she has, ooh! A spell book!  Of Celtic runes!  It’s a fat book, and ok I only know the Norse runes but there’s only 24 of ‘em and you could maybe squeeze out a few pages of meanings and uses for each one plus readings and ok if you added lots and LOTS of spells...  And the Celts didn’t use runes, strictly speaking, they used the Ogham alphabet which is basically runes being an alphabet of straight lines but it does have its own name.
Her other book is called Magical Flora and Fauna.  
While she unpacks these books from her bag Bloom is on the phone with her mom.  Bloom describes her roommate as, ‘Perfect.  Overachiever, athlete, morning person...’ and mom says, ‘and you get to spend so much time with her...” just savoring it, but in a joking way. This conversation was very sweet.  And Bloom’s mom has a watch set to Switzerland time so she knows it’s time for Bloom to go to bed. that’s really sweet.  It’s clear Bloom’s parents do love her, but how regular were meltdowns like the one that set the house on fire?  Like Riven, people can be both great people and horrible people.
And they are so unlike Mike and Vanessa that I’m not calling them Mike and Vanessa.  Fate clearly didn’t mean for them to be the same characters.
Late afternoon outside.  Beatrix approaches Riven and enlists him to break into Dowling’s office because he seems like a “proper delinquent.” and also “because you’re a guy and I’m hot.” Pfft!  Uh.  Go, Beatrix?  Own your power?  “Or did I underestimate the depth of your character?”  Heh.  Beatrix heads off without waiting for Riven’s answer.
In the cafeteria Aisha and Musa get dinner.  Aisha is wearing a bright yellow ankle-length skirt what is with the costumes in this show!  At least Musa’s got her appropriately colored red jacket.  She talks about her power being always on and how that makes crowded places a nightmare, and reads some people’s minds.  Then she reads one guy’s mind and meaningful music plays.  What is this?
They go sit with Terra and Bloom and Aisha is again on the ball trying to help Bloom figure out her emotions so she can control her magic because she’s worried bloom’s too distracted by the changeling thing.  And yeah everybody knows about that now.
Terra: “Oh is that why you were freaking out about the vessel that makes so much sense because that’s about the easiest assignment we’ll have aaaaand I’m making it worse.”  Musa had to signal Terra to shut up, but good save.  The girls are being nice to each other, I like that.  Aisha is epically bad at the skill of helping, but she is trying to help.  Gee, if only there were school councilors who had studied the skill of helping!  
Stella and Sky come over with a map of Alfea and Terra starts pointing out all the locations and starts a story from her childhood and even Stella’s glare won’t shut her up.
Sky sits down by Bloom and asks if she’s ok after last night.  “I think you’re freaking out and pretending you’re not.”  
Poor Stella can’t decide who she hates more, chattering Terra or talkin’-to-my-guy Bloom!  Hope Stella gets her head on straight about Sky soon.  After Musa and Riven in season 8 my eyes have run out of roll. 9_9  
They figure out the likliest place for the Burned One to be chained up and Stella says, “We just have to go there and get my ring.” But Musa and Aisha say this isn’t a “we” problem, more of a “you” problem.  Stella pulls out her worst side and says to Bloom, “But ‘I’ didn’t lose it.” and Bloom’s down to go.  Even knowing she has no control over her magic.  But the Burned One is chained up and drugged with some oil that Terra’s father makes.  Called Zambak or something.  They can maybe get some more.  that’s sensible. Nasty Stella says, ‘thank you Terra, thank you Bloom for taking responsibility, and everyone else thanks for… nothing.’ and smirks and gathers up her map.
Yeesh, Stella’s catty!  
Also, how do they know Dowling and Sliva haven’t already searched the Burned One?  Do Burned Ones have pockets?  And Burned Ones carry a disease that kills you if you get scratched by one, so is it even safe to touch them at all?  Does Stella have a plan for a magical hazmat suit or something?  Have y’all really thought this through?
I think Bloom stealth rolls her eyes at the cattyness, and then she goes outside.  To what looks like a hedge maze with a pond where IS this place?  Sky follows and says, ‘You don’t have to go along with what Stella says just because she’s got a… strong personality.”  But Bloom’s mind is made up which makes her also a strong personality.
Sky awkwardly explains he dated Stella last year and they had a rough breakup, trying to set out his situation for Bloom so she won’t think he’s ‘that guy’ but Bloom sensibly points out they only met yesterday and she already has enough complication in her life.  
Meanwhile our conspirators are working out Dowling’s schedule in a library somewhere.  Riven knows already!  Dowling’s secretary is named Callan.  
And Riven is trying soooo hard to prove he’s a bad boy.  Hood up, pouring booze from a decanter, saying he smokes weed with his vape. If you gotta try that hard, you have already failed.
Beatrix meanwhile is petting the books.  She’s not after test answers, she’s beyond the stuff they teach.  She wants secrets.  “the history of this place is a lot darker than Dowling an the rest of the faculty want us to know.’
Riven: “So wait you’re like some hot fucked-up history nerd.’  Heh.
And Beatrix comes over and sits on Riven and the camera thankfully doesn’t make us watch them making out!
Musa’s in the cafeteria, she detects that guy again.  She follows him-- to a closed door.
Bloom’s gone back to the stone circle!  The vessel is still there, which seems stealable, and we see it’s full of crystals.  Bloom opens her red notebook and we see her notes “clear mind = emotional control + stronger magic” and “positive magic > lasts longer.”  But just as she starts trying to summon fire…
“I hear you’re broken.  In more ways than one.”  Stella, that was mean and that costume does nothing for you.  Are long skirts in style in Italy?  Heck, they could be in style in America for all I know, I haven’t seen other people in ten months.
Stella briefly acts nice, telling Bloom her notes are the problem magic has to come by feel.  Then she turns and starts a mocking list of things she thinks Bloom might have listed as sources of positive emotion. Then Stella goes for the changeling thing, and pushes Bloom to use her rage to call fire.  Bloom summons fire and jumps back.  Stella says, ‘What?  You think you’re done?” So Stella is going to just abuse Bloom to get her magic working?  Great, just great.  Ugh. I suppose later on she’ll say, “It had to be done, we didn’t have time for you to figure it out the normal way.’ and that’ll be fine and nobody will punish Stella for creating a danger to herself and the whole school.
Also, Stella goes for “worthless changeling” which ok anything will be nasty in that voice but what’s wrong with being a changeling?  not like Bloom had any say in what her parents did when she was just born.  And Aisha called it barbaric… was changeling-swapping used for some awful purpose back in ancient times that created a stigma? What?  I sense worldbuilding, and Fate you’d better deliver!
Or there is no stigma to being a changeling and Stella’s just poking Bloom where it hurts.  Or if Stella knows about the mysterious Rosalinda she may have put the dates together and realized Bloom could be the daughter of the great heroine and destined for main-characterhood.  And Stella may be getting jealous.
Also 2, Stella’s basically using Sith philosophy.  Didn’t you ever see Star Wars, Stella?  Heck, maybe she has and she’s doing it on purpose.
Also 3, I may need to do a separate post about magic and emotion.  It’s easier to get to angry from happy than to happy from… anywhere. it’s just how brains work.  So everybody ever would discover rage works better and… I don’t even know where the worldbuilding would have to go from there.
Ok. That was a lot of thoughts and my mid-episode break on a Friday night.  (dinner, watched some Classic Doctor Who, wrote some fanfic, went to bed, got up, wrote more fanfic, walked my pokemons, and here we are again.) We rejoin the episode at definitely-night at Alfea.  Dowling has no lighting in her office.  Silva comes in saying the other realms have had zero Burned Ones sightings.  Silva wants to move the Burned One to the queen’s prison before the students start trying to find it. Silva is a sensible guy.  (also his first name is Saul, which I learned already on Tumblr.  I’m not the only one who thinks he’s a good character it seems.)
And I guess Dowling goes along with it because here come 3 black SUVs from the queen’s army, lookin’ very Jurassic Park as they roll across the fields.  No roads around Alfea I guess.  Doomful music plays.  I think something very Jurassic Park is about to happen to these poor guys…
Also, it’s day when before it was night.  Is it the next day?  A few days on?  Time & lighting in this show!
The soldiers stop when they see a dark figure, but it’s just someone in a cloak.  There’s a growl…
The girls waking up!  I guess it’s the morning of day 3 now.  Aisha makes her bed as Bloom snoozes away.  Aisha sees Bloom’s notebook, conveniently left open to Bloom’s notes about “Is Stella right that I should use hatred and fear?”  Aisha is concerned that her roommate is considering the ways of the Sith.
She talks to Musa about it on the way to (I presume) breakfast.  Bloom and Stella were ouit late last night.  But Musa thinks Aisha is just jealous that Bloom and Stella may be becoming friends.  And Musa’s eyes glowed so I guess that’s what Aisha was thinking?  Aisha changes the subject to the boy Musa’s chasing.  Musa says she senses him behind her but there’s nobody there… then he Kitty Prydes it in through the wall.  ‘Mystery solved.  Earth fairy.” and Aisha just calls him over and introduces the two of them and says Musa’s been stalking him.  As Musa quietly swears hatred to Aisha’s children unto generations, but is kind of laughing too.  Musa turns and Sam says, ‘Lucky me.” and Aisha leaves them to get acquainted.
We go to Terra in the greenhouse where she’s doing planty things and teaching Dane chemistry.  They have pipettes in the Otherworld, and they’re called pipettes.  Dane has a glass chemistry apparatus.  Is he doing chemistry or potions?  ‘Cause they are two different disciplines!
Terra coaxes a flower from a bud with her magic, and Dane says it’s cool. Cute scene.
Interrupted by Riven texting to ask if Dane is training or busy picking flowers.
More cuteness, Dane teases Terra asking if she’s making drugs, apparently meth exists in the Otherworld too, and Terra tells him about the anti-Burned One oil she’s making.  Dane is helping with preparation while Terra does the magic bits.
Riven sends a picture of someone picking petals off a flower and Dane says he has to go.  Poor Terra is abandoned.
Riven is in a dark room smoking.  He shows Beatrix his phone and she says, ‘Homophobic gay-bashing via gif. Truly you’ve reached your peak clever.”  Riven explains he doesn’t care if Dane is gay, he wants to make him less lame.  Well-intentioned bullying.  That is weirdly thought-out, Riven.  
Sky comes in so I guess we’re in Sky and Riven’s dorm.  Beatrix offers him her vape pen and he declines.  Riven isn’t worried about having a girl in the boys’ dorm because Silva went off to meet the soldiers coming for the Burned One.  Beatrix knows Sky is dating Stella and asks if it’s weird having sex with someone who looks just like him and I snicker.  Sky is unmoved.
Beatrix heads off to the library and Sky says, “I don’t have time to tell you all the reasons that is a bad idea.”  Riven just waves it off.
Over with Bloom and Aisha, Bloom’s trying to write a paper when Aisha interrupts to spill the beans about seeing the notebook and says Stella’s “methods are unreliable” and she’s maybe not the best magic teacher.  Bloom just focuses on “you read my notebook?” and asks Aisha to stop trying to help.
Stella arrives in that big olive coat to say the Burned One is about to be moves, their mission needs to happen now.  The coat is something the real Stella would never wear in a million years, but I find myself approving of a practical choice in adventure wear.
Sam and Musa are chatting happily.  Sam is trying to guess what he sounds like in Musa’s head.  Guess she heard emotion as music.  Musa says he sounds like “an absence of chaos.”  And sam describes his power which he calls “boring through anything natural.”  I’ll just call it phasing because obviously.
Terra texts Musa for help in the greenhouse.  I do believe we’re leaping into action.
Stela, Bloom and Aisha stride across the grounds.  Aisha calls Stella “Army Barbie” so wait they have Barbie dolls in the Otherworld?  How does that work, pallets of dolls get spirited away from the Mattel factory?  Stella spends a long time saying Aisha was not invited. But Aisha is coming along, they need her.
Stella: “I fixed her.”
Aisha: “Negative emotions are unreliable. They have limits. Your method won’t help her in the long run.”
Bloom points out neither of them are helping at the moment.  Stella and Musa arrive and the five of them cross the barrier to go find the Burned One.
They find the barn quick, but the Burned One is already gone.  Stella again sounds teary and holds the chains saying “No, my mum’s going to kill me...”
Musa gets a bad vibe and she and Terra follow it.  Suddenly Musa is struck down by a blast of empathic pain.  Ah crap, here are the soldiers, very dead!  Oh good, Silva is just grievously wounded.
But Bloom lagged behind at the barn.  Aisha and Stella go look for her while Terra and Musa hopefully save one of the three adults in the cast.  
Bloom is wandering through the forest, summoned by magic one assumes because this is a bad time to wander off.
Yikes, poor Silva is infected with Burned One venom and not in his right mind!  Luckily Terra takes charge, vines the guy up before he can stab them, and tells Musa, ‘He’s scared, I’m not.  Focus on me.”  the anti-Burned One oil will help with the infection.
Aisha and Stella follow Bloom through the dark forest.  Stella tries to summon light but can’t make it work and Aisha says, ‘I don’t have time for this, go back to school.” and walks off.  So the three of them are now separated.
And there’s the Burned One!  It runs at Bloom, who sends fire at it. Even being on fire doesn’t slow it down but Aisha sends a wave that tosses it into a tree, impaling it through the chest on a branch! The girls creep in for a closer look and they see Stella’s ring, that the Burned One has buried in its flesh!  We don’t see that. The girls waffle about who should pull it out-- did none of you bring a pocket knife?  A stick?  Don’t touch the highly infectious monster!  But Bloom reaches in with her actual hands and grabs the ring and they flee.
Stella did go back to school.  She finds Sky and tells him what happened, that the Burned One got loose.  Sky immediately goes from, “How?” to “How are you?” making him a class A good dude.  Stella begins to cry and says her magic wouldn’t work.  Sky says, “Tell me everything.” when below in the cafateria Musa and Terra enter with the injured Silva.  Terra takes charge, ordering medical help and for Dane to come help them get Silva to the greenhouse.  I guess there’s no infirmary here?  Maybe all the medicines are potions.  Beatrix runs to get Dowling and Sky and Stella rush down to help.
  And we learn Sam is Terra’s brother.
Beatrix rushes into Dowling’s office, tells the news, and Dowling and Callan rush out.  Leaving Beatrix right where she wants to be.  She lightnings up her hands and Dowling’s secret passage slides right open for her.
Down in the greenhouse Terra’s dad Harvey says, ‘You saved his life, I’m so proud of you.” and Terra glows.  Silva is battered but himself again and tells Sky he’ll be fine and sends the students out before telling the adults the real news.  The Burned One was freed and waiting for them.
Beatrix can’t get through the secret door.  There’s a barrier on it. Dowling’s assistant Callan comes in and catches her, but he’s a baddie too!  He says turning loose the Burned One was a good distraction but he can’t get through the trap on the secret door because he’s not a fairy and that’s why “he” sent Beatrix.
The plot thickens!  A mysterious boss-villain has emerged!  And Beatrix, that is a lot of lipstick.
Evening of day 3, getting ready for bed in the dorm.  Terra texted, Silva will be ok but they should prepare for a lecture.  But bloom’s more interested in teasing Aisha about her toothbrush.  
Stella turns up and says while the others were in the woods she was covering for them at school and Bloom should be grateful.  Which is a total lie.  Bloom returns the ring, joking about what she had to do to get it and Stella says right over her, ‘let;s never talk about this day again.” and leaves.
Sky arrives.  And looks at Bloom, then goes into Stella’s room.  The door shuts behind them with great finality.
So… does “being turned on” count as an emotion for the purposes of magic?  That would make the worldbuilding very odd indeed.  We’d have the Sith and the… hmm… Bacchanates?  Supposedly followers of Bacchus who ran around drinking, having orgies, and tearing apart small animals with their bare hands in the lust of the hunt.  They probably didn’t exist in our world, but in the Fate world they’d make sense.
Also would people with mental illnesses have stronger magic?  Bipolar mania is a heckofathing from what my psych textbooks say.
Anyway Bloom and Aisha talk before going to bed, Aisha apologizes for helping too much, says it’s all new to her too.  Bloom says she wandered off from the barn because she felt something.  “a connection to that thing.”  She talks about how she’s kind of given up on understanding but, “opening up emotionally the magic’s all around me.  And that’s new and kinda scary.”
A meaningful silence falls, and when Aisha looks over Bloom’s eyes have gone blank white!
Boring ending music this time.  i guess the themes from this episode are 1) lots of characters do really awful things and also likeable things.  either this show has nuanced characters or it doesn’t know what the heck it’s doing with its characters.  I’m not sure.  and 2) Has this magic=emotion thing really been thought through?
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agent-styles · 5 years
close your eyes | chris evans
pairing: chris evans x reader
summary: you and chris unwind after a long day of shooting, and, in the process, you reflect on your relationship with chris and why you love him so much
word count: 1.1k
a/n: i got all up in my feels w this one sooo i hope you like it (:
warning(s): this fic is super, ridiculously cheesy and fluffy bc sometimes you need that in your life. it also mentions anxiety a little bit 
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You had been waiting in Chris’s trailer for quite some time now. You knew that he would be shooting for most of the day but you didn’t realize that the sun would set before he returned. You’d managed to finish the draft of your article in the time that Chris had been filming. You’d also cleaned his entire trailer. You thought about using some of his equipment to work out but settled for rubbing Dodger’s stomach instead. 
Before you know it, the makeshift bed you’ve transformed the small couch in his trailer to starts to feel way more comfortable than it actually is. You feel your eyes start to close as Dodger curls up under your arm.
Your eyes dart open at the sound of the door handle rattling. Dodger starts to growl as you pull him closer to your body, like the big fur baby would hurt a fly in your honor. “There’s someone in here!” you warn the stranger on the other side of the door. You tuck your knees towards your chest, trying to make yourself smaller. 
The door swings open to reveal Chris and his equally tired eyes. “Hey, hey... It’s just me.” His soft smile and fluffy hair make your heart flutter and stretch your body out on the couch. You raise your arms above your head and smile, looking at Dodger dancing in circles around Chris. “I didn’t think you were ever coming back,” you say. 
Chris drops a binder and a bag on the table before making his way over to you. He leans down to get as many kisses as possible from Dodger. “Hey, bubba. Did you miss me? I missed you,” he tells the dog between giggles as Dodger prances around him. Then Chris lays down on the other end so his feet are by your head. You sit up and look at him. His right arm lays above his head, his eyes are closed, and a smile is on his face. He looks so relaxed. 
“How was your day,” he asks as he can probably feel you starring at him. 
“I got some work done. Tidied up the place.”
Chris’s right eye peeks open and glances around the trailer, “You didn’t have to do that, babe.”
You scoot forward so you’re sitting near his knees, your right knee falls over his straightened leg. “I don’t mind helping out. It’s been a long day.” 
Chris eyes spark open as his hand finds your knee, “Did you finish the draft of your article?” 
“Yes, it’s finally done! I emailed it my editor and everything.” you cheer. 
“That’s fucking great, y/n!” Chris exclaims, squeezing your knee. His eyes holding the most energy you’ve seen from him since he walked in the door. 
You chuckle and hide your face in your hands. 
You had been working on a draft for your first article to be contributed to the online portion of a print magazine for a few weeks now. Chris would come home late at night or early in the morning and find you huddled over your laptop, trying to make everything perfect. He would help you do research about the topic when he wasn’t reassuring you that your writing was amazing. You’d even find him telling his brother Scott how proud he was that you were getting published.Chris made sure the world knew he was your biggest fan. 
More often than not, Chris would have to pull you away from your laptop to watch The Little Mermaid or to take Dodger for a walk. He could tell when the work got to be too much and started to mess with your mind a bit. That’s something you have in common: being able to notice when the other could use a breather. 
On the days that you would go to set and sit in video village to watch Chris work, you could tell from the way his shoulders would tense or the way he’d rub his hand over his eyes in between takes that he was ready for the director to call it quits for the day. Chris loves his job more than anyone you’ve ever met but he also loves what comes after a long day of work. One of your favorite things in the world is to watch Chris kick off his shoes and plop down on the couch, Dodger’s tail wagging as he takes his usual spot next to him. It brings you so much joy to watch Chris let out a sigh of relaxation as he sinks a little deeper into the sofa. As he flips to the sports channel, you grab your book from the coffee table. That’s how the two of you unwind: sports and books. He always asks what you’re reading and if he should check it out afterwards. Of course if it even mentions space in the slightest way, he’d tell you to leave it by his side of the bed when you’re done. 
But on nights like this, when Chris wrapped so late that it’s the morning, home seems a little too far of a drive and the trailer serves as a makeshift safe haven. Eventually, you’d make it to the car, jogging to the driver’s side when you get close enough to ensure that Chris can rest in the passenger seat during the ride home.
For now, you just want some time with him. Sometimes it feels like you can never get enough time with him; like 24 hours isn’t enough and you wish the days could be longer just to hear his belly laugh when you struggle to reach the top shelf of your cabinet or to watch him pace around the kitchen as he rants about the state of politics in the United States. 
You think about all of the days and nights you’ve spent together and how you want a million more as you look down at him. His eyes are closed, hiding your favorite shade of blue from you, but giving you an opportunity to see those famous eyelashes. You place you right hand on his chest and gently rub it, “Tough day?”
Chris opens his eyes and lets his right hand finds yours, “Long day.”
You press your lips together in a tight-lipped smile. The dimple in his left cheek becomes prominent when he leans forward, grin widening, and wraps his arm around your shoulder. Chris pulls you towards him so you’re laying on his chest, tucked under his right arm. He adjusts his body to pull you even tighter into him, his hand wraps around the small of your back to find a resting spot on your waist. You arm snakes around his waist as you snuggle into him, wishing you could just melt into him. You glance down at your feet to see Dodger fast asleep. You feel Chris’s head rest against yours when he whispers, “It’s better now though.” 
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camiii · 5 years
19. “I’ve missed this.” 35. “Do you regret it?” 44. “Do you regret it?” I'm not saying Madderton, but hello? Am I right or am I right? They meet again, after Rocketman, obviously. 🤷
19. “I’ve missed this.” 35. “Do you regret it?” 44. “I still remember the way you taste.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to order one for you?”
“I’m sure.” Richard replies, and Taron would be able to tell that he’s lying even if he managed to keep the forlorn expression off his stupidly beautiful face.
“One wouldn’t hurt?”
“Nope.” Richard plasters a fake grin on his face. “No can do, mate.”
Taron knows it’s time to let the subject drop. He doesn’t want to be forced into giving Richad yet another one of his, by now, famous ‘they’re pushing you too hard’ speeches. He’ll have to keep his opinions on the contracts Marvel studios put their actors under to himself. “Be right back.”
The pub is almost empty, only a few older regulars that don’t pay attention to the two of them over in their corner. He orders his pint and Richard’s coffee, nodding in thanks before returning to Richard with their drinks. “Here you go.”
“Cheers, mate.” Richard makes a sound of discomfort when he shifts in his seat. “Fuck, I’m so sore.”
Taron bites back the joke, watching Richard reverently reach out to touch his pint of ale and dragging his index finger through the condensation on the glass.
“I still remember the way you taste.”
Taron shouldn’t laugh but it’s impossible not to and he only laughs harder when Richard shoots him a betrayed look, grumpily sipping his coffee. “I hate you.”
“You don’t.”
“Almost as much as 4.30 PT sessions.” Richard grimaces, digging the fingers of his left hand into his shoulder. “Shit.”
“Do you regret it?”
“Ask me tomorrow when my alarm clock rings at four in the morning.” Richard replies, but his eyes soften and he reaches out to squeeze Taron’s arm. “Don’t worry, T. I’m fine.”
“I’ve missed this.” Taron admits, the ‘missed you’ heavy on his tongue. They left things in a weird state of limbo, prolonged by promo obligations and new work on different sides of the Atlantic. Not to mention that the last time they saw each other, Taron wasn’t single, even if he may have acted as if he was. The shame he feels remembering how he’d acted still sits heavy in his gut, blending with the undeniable thrill of Richard and the two of them and memories of wandering hands and a feeling of want he’s never experienced before. A need to touch and kiss and take that he’s never known before he met Richard. It has made for a gigantic mess and it’s taken him months to untangle it all. 
“I missed you too.”
Richard was always the braver one. Proves it further by pushing his leg against Taron’s, hooking his foot around Taron’s ankle.
“How are you doing, T?”
“I’m… good.” It should be a lie and it pains him that it’s not. Emily deserved so much better. She’d known, sooner than he did himself, probably. Put things into words before he’d even found where to start untangling all the knots he found himself in. ‘You’re in love with him’.
“Yeah.” Taron nods, has a mouthful of beer. “You?”
“Good, yeah.” Richard nods, leaning forward, dragging a finger around the rim of his coffee cup. “Waiting for productions to send out the schedule for the reshoots, eagerly awaiting the day I won’t have to maintain this anymore.” He pats himself on the stomach.
His biceps stretch the arms of his black t-shirt and Taron can’t look away. He wants to taste, wants to find out what else has changed underneath the hindering layer of cotton. Richard’s foot is still hooked around his ankle and his leg is steady when Taron moves his own, putting more weight against Richard’s calf. A memory sparks. The two of them in Richard’s trailer, Taron pushed up against the door and Richard’s hand covering his mouth to keep him quiet, his other hand hot against Taron’s dick.
“And you’re not listening to a word I’m saying.”
Richard laughs, quietly, pushing a hand through his hair as he leans back in his chair. “Jesus, Taron, you’re not helping.”
“Helping with what?” Taron pulls the sleeves of his jumper down over his hands to keep from reaching out. 
“How am I supposed to sit here with you, having a bloody coffee and talk about how much I hate working out when you keep looking at me like that.”
“Like how?”
His voice has gone hoarse and every nerve ending on his body seems to be bracing itself for something, anything. 
“Like you’re undressing me with your eyes.”
“Oh.” Taron clears his throat, shifts in his seat and inhales roughly when his jeans move against his dick. He’s half hard, had barely noticed. “I broke up with Emily.”
The calm expression on Richard’s face doesn’t waver. “I heard.”
“Are you-”
“Still with Brandon?” Richard finishes the question for him. “No. He dumped me.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I wasn’t. Not the way I should’ve been.”
Taron can’t breathe. This feels significant, this moment, but he has no clue how to get them from A to B or if they’re even heading in the same direction. Once again it’s Richard who takes the lead; putting his arm on the table, palm up. Without hesitation, Taron takes Richard’s hand in his. It’s the scariest thing he’s ever done. It’s the easiest thing in the world. 
“What do you want, Taron?”
He couldn’t have kept it in if he’d tried.
“Are you gonna take me home, then?”
“Please.” He’d feel pathetic if it wasn’t for the blinding smile he’s rewarded with.
“Let’s go.”
No looking back.
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