#and maybe flirt with an unhinged cat man
obsidian-art04 · 8 months
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Haha, oops
Have an out of context smp content for your enjoyment
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strawberry-cowmilk · 10 months
dinner date with the brothers (realistic)
-> brothers x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: this is lowkey a shitpost, bad attempts at flirting
a/n: I don't know basic physics so forgive me if not every star can emit light ?? idk also I have no idea if I did something like this before at this point I don't even know what I did and did not already write
your date was probably rescheduled at least 7 times because this man either forgot or arrived way too late the fancy restaurant couldn't give you a table after you missed your reservation (because of work)
hopefully your 30 grimm soup is perfect because he'd get mad at the waiter if the food is 'too cold', he's basically a karen
when he's done eating a meal but you're not he'd just stare at you with no expression on his face and when you're done or notice him he starts a conversation
oh he has it all planned out, he's gonna take you to the best restaurant in the devildom and make you madly in love with him
but mammon ends up knocking over a glass of water, falling off of his chair and knocking three waiters down with him like dominoes when trying to flirt with you, it's like he just says your name and chaos unfolds (it's kind of cute)
also mammon wants to pay the bill but he forgot he bought a huge motorcycle the day before so hopefully you brought your card
listen to me, never let this guy plan date night because it will be akuber pizza at 3am in his room (unless you like that I guess) also levi is probably a picky eater so imagine you take him to a fancy place and all he orders is fries
if he likes you enough he will talk about tsl lore the whole time despite mentally swearing not to before the date
sometimes he reads romantic stuff from his phone under the table to you and then proceeds to be embarrassed
honestly nothing could really go wrong, he arrives on time, he's nice and direct with the waiters, the place has a very nice vibe and his attempts at flirting with you aren't horrible
he's just not the best at starting and keeping conversations alive so maybe there's an awkward silence here and there
the worst thing that could happen is a cat somehow making it into the restaurant and satan climbing over tables to get to it as fast as possible
he can probably get you into exclusive places, since he's kind of famous
downside to being kind of famous: you might encounter an overly happy fan who isn't rude but just eats your time
asmo doesn't want to be mean and completely ignore his fan but cmon he's literally on a date
he looks at you with the biggest 'help me' eyes so you have to make up some fake emergency so you two can leave
you know what happens
please book your dinner date 5 weeks in advance and tell them you're bringing beel so the staff can mentally, physically and culinary prepare
but beel is an actual sweetheart to you he lets you eat his curliest curly fries (meanwhile there are waiters crying in the background trying to bring the 100 steaks to your table)
if you tell him you like something he will order 20 more of said dish for you (please give the waiters a huge tip)
he was nervous honestly so he asked to burrow a fancy suit from one of his brothers (even if the date is at akudonald's)
but this man can say the most unhinged stuff with a straight face, followed by a cute compliment
'hey mc you know I wonder if the devildom would notice if I took away the stars one by one until nothing but darkness is left also your eyes look pretty :))'
you know that one song about blinking in morse code to get the waiter's attention? that
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tare-anime · 11 months
SxF Mission 84
(Beware of spoilers)
Oh woooooowwwwwwwwww!!!
Wheeler is really one capable spy!!!
Totally love him, Endo!!!
He can easily defeat 3 WISE agents!
Turning the table when it seems like he was already arrested
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Using a small knife to nullified gun threats
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And not falling for Twilight's tricks, even beat him down!!
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Yea I know Twilight is already injured. But Wheeler really is a league of his own
With that kind of stamina, agility, skills, and adaptable analysis accuracy, are we sure he is not triple agent? That he's actually part of Garden?? Because I don't think SSS can have an agent of this caliber 🤣🤣🤣🤣 (sorry SSS).
Anyway, the chapter end with unhinged Fiona.
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After unhinged Melinda back then, now we have unhinged Fiona. Endo sure loves his female characters, eh?? (And I love Endo for that 🥰)
Now the questions are, what is the reason for Fiona's rage? Is it:
1. A simple fangirl getting angry because her idol is hurt? Which is, tbh, rather meh. I really hope Endo use this narrative to develop Fiona's character. Which make possible reason no.2 is more interesting. That is...
2. Fiona's ideal or perfect Twilight (in her fantasy) is being broken to dust. She has to accept a bitter truth that at the end, Twilight is just another human and that's he is not invincible. So she better stop putting him on pedestal, and worship him. It is about time she surpass her mentor.
"Ambitious Fiona" is still a far more interesting characterization rather than "crazy fangirl with crazy dreams Fiona".
3. Fiona that has realized that Twilight is just mere human, now change her target to Wheeler. She has to kill this man (but Wheeler survive) and thus begin the cat and mouse game between the two. (What? Fiona and Wheeler? Don't you guys see it in that panel? How Wheeler flirt with Fiona by mocking her incapability? Fiona-Wheeler--> Feeler? 🤣🤣🤣 lol, I'm joking. Or maybe not 👀)
4. Fiona and Yuri first meet! She is upset cause Yuri is getting beaten down! (Ok, this is just my YuriIona impossible wish 🤣)
Ahem, what? Twilight is destinied to be with Yor. So let's make harem for Fiona instead.
Ok ok.
Angsty thought now.
What will happen when Yor heard the news that both of her boys has now been hurt and hospitalized? They might tell her that both got in a "totally happen in different place" car accident. But Yor herself is not a stranger to martial arts. She would definitelly recognize the wounds on Loid's and Yuri's body as a result from fighting. She will be devastated for sure. But her reaction can be:
1. She blame herself, and then start to do her night job harder. Kill harder. Clean the place harder.
2. She connects the dots and realized that Loid and Yuri has fight the other. She might be very upset at both of them. Yor herself might be not thinking about the boy's secret identity, but this will lead Yuri to realize who Loid really is.
Either way, this arc is getting more and more interesting!!!
I can't wait to read more, Endo! 🥰🥰
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cheolism · 10 months
if you knew svt irl what do you think your relationship with the members would be - like who would be your mortal enemy, who is bestie, who is the guy that’s always just around, who is bullying you LOL whatever it is lmk I’m curious!
This is such an interesting question and tbh I thought abt it for waaaay too long
seungcheol: i wouldn't know how to approach him out of a group setting. i'd get the fattest crush on him and would try my best to hide it, but he'd do something that gets my heart fluttering and it would be so obvious bc my face turns so red and i just like. freeze up? and from then on he'd 100 percent become my mortal enemy and take advantage of my crush and make me flustered 24/7
jeonghan: my mortal enemy and best friend. We are essentially the same person I fear. I am extremely nurturing and mature, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try and trick you. I act like a second mother, but I will try and convince you of something ridiculous. (example: I am very nurturing to my brother but I also convinced him that if he touched train tracks he would be electrocuted). Jeonghan, Josh and I would be absolute terrors. At the same time, much like how jeonghan and josh can be each others enemies and set the other up, I would fall into the same category. But I can definitely see jeonghan trying to get me to do something I don’t want to do and making me irritated lol
josh: same with jeonghan, my mortal enemy and best friend. but he'd no doubt try and trick me into doing something weird. however. sometimes. i can be just as unhinged? it's rare but. it happens. he's also extremely caring to the people around him and i think he'd make me have a crush on him just by being kind n polite :( but i'm also extremely naive when it comes to most things so he'd 100 percent take advantage
jun: we would bond over our love of cats and being silly. i'd love to introduce him to all my silly little games i play and stuff!! we'd absolutely spam each other with kitty photos.
hoshi: he would make it his mission to make me flustered. i know it. he'd bully me so much. he'd like "DON'T LOOK" and when i look because i'm hella curious he'll have his shirt off and gasp and be like, fake-scandalized, making me flustered.
wonu: now. he's an extreme introvert. but i can make him be my friend. i'm good with getting ppl to come out of their shells (my bff all through elementary and middle school was an extreme introvert who hated talking to pretty much everyone). it'd take a minute, but i'd get him to at least be comfy with me. he'd definitely get me giggling with his little one-liners, but idk if we'd be bffs :( but maybe i'd try to rope him into friendship and make him play minecraft w me
jihoon: i would compliment this man so much that it would be taken to be bullying. i'd praise him constantly. he would get that fondness for me that he does for hoshi, where he's exasperated and fond at the same time. i'd try and rope him into silliness too, try and make him gang up against hoshi with me
dokyeom: the loml. my target. he and chan would be the target of my teasings. i would try and convince him of the stupidest stuff. but i'd also try and protect him and spout knowledge at him. however he'd also be the first person i go to whenever i'm in a huff or want to rant and he'd make me feel better just by smiling and being his sweet self
mingyu: we'd be bullies to each other. mutual bullies. he'd get me flustered on purpose when he chooses to be charming and i'd retaliate by teasing him mercilessly.
minghao: just some guy, but we'd bond over talking about philosophy and morals and stuff!!
seungkwan: i'd go out of my way to tease him. he would be so exasperated by my antics of teasing the others and making things up. we'd have verbal spats with one another where we 100 percent use our teasing and spats as flirting. i'd tease him and then compliment him to get maximum flustered seungkwan.
vernon: some guy who i send cat tiktoks too </3 but also he'd crack me up whenever he makes random comments? i think eventually we'd get close tho because i'm seungkwan-jeonghan adjacent
chan: he'd be one of my other teasing victims. he makes it so easy? and i'd be so endeared by his cuteness. however i'd also inevitably realize he is extremely talented and amazing and get a big ass crush on him and would have to resort to dialing up my teasing to try and get even with him even tho he has no clue why
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gravehags · 5 months
thank you for feeding my cardinal copia brainrot ugh i swear this guy is making me bad at being a lesbian
like the way i'd let this man pet all three of my cats on the first date and that i know that even my most asocial human-hating baby would accept him scratching her little cat head. not to be a soft bitch on main but i'd like to go to the videoclub with him and borrow star wars cassettes and watch them while drinking homemade hot chocolate like i used to do it with my parents on snow days when i was a kid. except we cuddle on the couch, ultimately made unable to stand thanks to my cats deciding it's hug time for them too.
anyways, let me make love to cuddle the rat man
-unhinged family anon
your brainrot is my brainrot bestie, we’re in this together (including being bad lesbians whoops)
but like truly all i want is to curl up on the couch on a rainy day with him and watch old horror movies until one or both of us dozes off. maybe have him take me to his favorite restaurant. get a little wine drunk and flirt a little too boldly at the table. UGH.
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the-underthinker · 6 months
The Avengers are actually Crack Addicts.
Part 2: Daddy Bucky can get it, just sayin’
Description: Bucky’s been undercover for a little over six months now, and the the man is exhausted to say the least. But before he can go home he must capture the enemy before he can escape and disappear off the face of the earth for good. The only thing is, he needs help to do that. So who other than two of the greatest avengers (Y/n and Peter’s words, not his) to help him out.
Pairings: Enhanced!Reader x Avengers (Platonic), Enhanced!Reader x Bucky Barnes (tiny smidge? maybe? he won’t admit it lol)
Warnings: idiocy, foul language, randomness, crack, humor, slight flirting? A whole lot of spelling errors and grammar mistakes, oops. 
- divider credits to @promenadewithme-graphics
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The wind blew harshly all around Bucky as he trudged up a snowy hillside in the middle of Russia. He was making his way toward a secluded warehouse where he was to meet the others. His skin was glazed over in a light blanket of ice that was beginning to harden all around his body, snow had etched itself into every crevice of his beard, and fingernails. Grunting in annoyance, he chipped at the ice that was beginning to grow like a rash rapidly around his body. He thought he’d be able to tolerate the harsh freeze that bordered him, but moments like this reminded him that maybe he’d never be able to look at snow the same again.
It was supposed to be two weeks in Portugal where he would only be tailing his target, then finding the right moment where he would get the intel (with the help of an inside source that was cooperating with Shield), and finally head back home where he’d make a nice big cup of tea and cuddle Alpine to sleep, with his favorite show (Golden Girls) in the background. 
But you don’t always get what you wish for, trust him, he would know.
Said ‘inside source’ was squealing behind their backs, and plans had to be rearranged from two weeks that turned into two months, then four—now he’s in the middle of Russia six months later playing a cat and mouse game he quite frankly did not sign up for. 
Six months without Alpine and he was in desperate need of cat cuddles.
Bucky sighed, this would not be easy.
Because although he was finally given the ‘Green Light’ to take out these criminals he was not allowed to proceed without a witness. Shield still didn’t trust him and would not allow him to make any move without monitoring it in the event that “he” decided to come out and play. So, instead of sending Steve, or even Tony, they decided that the best option, the ‘best team’ that would help prevent him from “going all psycho winter on us” (definitely not his words) were to send the most unhinged and incredibly unstable humans of all. 
“Bucky, over here!” 
Bucky sighed once more, the weight of the snow on his boots did not compare to the weight he now felt on his shoulders.
Letting out a heavy sigh, Bucky trudged on over toward dumb and dumber as they flailed there arms around like baby geese. Giant smiles glowed upon there faces as he gave them a small salute in greeting.
“Ready when you are Sargent.” Peter said, as he stood in a way a proud soldier would almost slapping himself as he attempted to salute Bucky.
Rolling his eyes, Bucky couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at the young hero’s gesture.
“At ease soldier, don’t hurt yourself before we even begin.”
Peter laughed, his eyes crinkling like crumbled paper. He quickly gave Bucky a side hug and then moved aside just in time as Y/n hurled herself into Bucky’s chest.
Bucky laughed as Y/n wrapped her arms and legs around him like a baby koala. She quickly assessed him scouting for any sign of injury or pain. When all was good, she jumped off and patted his cheek gently while nodding her head in contentment.
Shaking his head at Y/n’s antics, he clapped his hands together ignoring the warm blush that began to appear on his cheeks.
There was no time to get distracted. It was time to get down to business.
Peter let out a big yawn as he stretched his arms above his head. His eyelids struggled to remain open as he nodded off into space.
Bucky chuckled, amusement coursing through him.
So much for the “best team” to help him out.
Bucky’s gaze then moved over to thing 2, where she was assigned to keep watch on any moving targets from a distance. Except he started to notice that she hasn’t been able to take her eyes off of him for the past few hours.
Each time Bucky caught a glimpse of her, she was staring at him with these type of fish eyes that were starting to creep him out.
Fixing his coat around the collar, Bucky cleared his throat as he adjusted the weapon that was ready to shoot at any given moment.
He wanted to ask her what her deal was, but he hasn’t been quite good with words for a while now. Before Bucky could muster up the courage to question her oddness at this time, Y/n spoke up after six long hours of staring and awkwardness.
“Daddy Bucky can get it, just sayin’.” Y/n stated, before walking a few feet in front of him and surveying their surroundings. Acting like she didn’t just almost kill Bucky with her words.
All Bucky could do was pound his fist against his chest as he attempted to recover from almost choking and dying from his spit.
Peter cackled in the background as he jumped onto the top of a snow covered boulder. His masked eyes sealed shut as he clutched tightly onto his abdomen. Laughing harder at the faint pinkish hue that painted itself on the canvas that was Bucky’s cheekbones.
Y/n turned back around, smirking at the sight in front of her. Fist pumping Peter as she walked by him to pat Bucky on the back as he continued to hack and pound on his chest like a gorilla.
As the trio continued to be distracted by one another, they failed to recognize a troop of figures heading towards them, their weapons aimed and ready to shoot when necessary.
Just when Peter was about to explain “beard burn” to Sergeant Barnes. The young spider-ling felt a tingle shoot up his spine and travel down his arms, causing him to shiver slightly. His Peter tingle was definitely tingling, and warning him about something.
Quickly he jumped off the boulder he was perched upon just before a stray bullet could land a hit on his shoulder. He yelped in fear as he made eye contact with an unknown figure just a few meters below him.
Grabbing Peter by the neck, Bucky dragged him a few feet back before grabbing his rifle and began shooting towards the enemy.
“Dammit kid, are you okay?” Bucky screeched, shooting bullet after bullet at the enemy. He’s eyes drifting to Peter, but not once missing a moving target.
Peter only nodded as he sat in shock behind Y/n’s form. Still trying to recover from his almost run-in with death. His pearls were clutched tightly as he started to mimic the breathing techniques shown to him by his therapist—Betty. She be proud of him with the way he was taking in gulps like he was finding a way to breath while sucking dic—
Y/n growled lowly, snapping Pete out of his NSFW thoughts. Y/n began muttering curse words under her breath as she caressed Peters head tenderly, hovering over him like a mama bear would her cub. Her hands skillfully maneuvered the weapon she held onto tightly as she landed kill shot after kill shot on each target she set her eyes upon.
“Son of a bitch” Y/n yelled, cursing as she attempted to head shot the damn enemy that just wouldn’t stay still.
Peter, now getting over his initial shock of almost facing death, grabbed onto his bestie’s shoulders as he hid behind her intimidating form.
“Not the enemy trying to shoot his damn shot!” Y/n screeched as a bullet flew past her head, causing her to see red as she threw her now useless weapon aside. With all the anger she could summon after almost witnessing her best friends death, she levitated the ginormous boulder Peter was perched on just moments before, and hurled it towards the group of hydra agents heading towards them.
The boulder was thrown onto the group of hydra operatives fiercely. The sound of screams blew through the icy wind around them almost like a bitter melody.
Bucky and Peter stood in shock, mouths agape as they witnessed the cliff the enemy troop were just on crumble as they succumbed to their deaths.
“Holy shit,” Bucky muttered. Shivering slightly, not only because of the cold wind that surrounded them like a blanket, but because he thinks he might’ve been a bit turned on.
Peter on the other hand only shook his head to rid away the surprise that was written on his face. He then ran forward kicking a rock towards the avalanche of snow that was making its way down the mountain. The slippery ice causing him to trip and fall flat on his face.
“At least ask us out to dinner first, bitches!” Peter said, his voice muffled from the snow underneath his mask as he raised his fist aggressively in the air.
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I’ve been having writers block for so long now. This was bad, but I needed a filler to help me out fr 😭😆 thanks for reading! :)
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misterbardman · 2 years
I’ve kinda been thinking like ‘oh fire emblem three houses empires SMP Au’ and while it probably wouldn’t be the exact plot of fe3h, False is 100% Edelgard for the very obvious reasons of empires!false lore. But I also think Jimmy as Dimitri would be funny? Mister law man being the unhinged fella in blue. Oli as Claude would just be so funny.
Joel is Rhea, that’s the whole church thing. Maybe Gem is someone like Flayn? Katherine as Byleth or Hilda really fits. Shubble as maybe Annette because of the magic school?
Sausage would be like… Maybe that one church of seiros knight who’s name I can’t remember but he keeps making puns
Fwhip as the goblin man doesn’t immediately fit but I wanna say Metodey or whatever his name was from the empire? Or if I had to give a student, I think Caspar? Shortest and fights yes sir
Pix somehow ends up as Seteth that’s what. Lizzie is either a literal cat or just one of the students but as a cat person. No lore reason, just is
Scott ends up as either Lorenz, Ferdinand, or Sylvain he is one of the flirts that’s what but I’m leaning more towards Lorenz cause magic? I mean Sylvain can do magic but the vibes are slightly off
Joey would be whichever Scott isn’t so like Ferdinand or Sylvain but could also just see Felix?
All the emperors in one house would be so chaotic but so fun
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Final Fantasy prompts #48
1. Jenova moms Cloud, but he doesn't realize it's Jenova.
Everyone else recognizes her in all her purple tentacly glory, but say nothing because Cloud hasn't looked this happy in years. Maybe its OK to let him live a lie, if only for a little while...
Also, they're kinda afraid of her
2. "Why do you live all the way out in the sticks?" Cid growled, munching on an unlit cigarette.
"Cause I can do this." He said, before whistling and promptly falling onto his back.
"What the hell are you even doing-" Cid began before they were both swarmed by dogs.
Big dogs, medium dogs, fluffy dogs, dogs with small tails so many dogs. Many of whom where licking the blonds face where he lay.
Aka Cloud owns a cabin in the woods for the sole purpose of getting swarmed by wild dogs and letting them lick his depression away.
3. Time traveler Cloud, but not quite.
Its a 12 year old escaped expirement created by fusing Clouds and Sephiroths DNA. S2, as he was labeled, kidnapped Cadet Cloud and kept the struggling blond with him as he traveled to the northern crater.
He keeps referring to Cloud as Mother and Sephiroth as Father, something that freaks Cloud out and made Sephiroth highly curious.
Upon closer inspection, the silverette saw peices of himself in the boy, in his eye shape, in his fighting style, and especially in his personality.
S2 dotes on his Mother, giving him everything he desires, everything but his freedom.
Cloud just has to get used to his life of semi-luxury...and being brodal carried by S2 and every gods damned SOLDIER he meets apparently.
4. RM Cloud wacking Sephiroth in the face with a broom. The silverette just stares at his puppet and says, "Really?"
5. Cloud finding Sephiroth in a moment of weakness and deciding a bit of revenge was in order.
6. Slightly unhinged time traveler Sephiroth x Slightly unhinged time traveler Cloud
7. Yuffie stalking different members of AVALANCHE out of boredom, only to wind up saving one of thier lives
8. Reeves Cait Sith dolls go rouge and declare war on the remaining SOLDIERS, believing that the living J cells in thier bodies were harming the planet.
Reeve doesn't want to hurt his sons. But Cloud has become something of a baby brother to him, and he would never forgive himself if something were to happen to the stubborn blond
9. Time traver Cloud coming to Aerith for advice after he lands, but she immediately sensed the Calamity from the Stars in him and started screaming bloody murder.
He had to fight Reno and Rude and easily defeated them, but by the time he was done, Aerith had escaped, leaving a confused and distraught blond.
He gives Reno an alias to protect his younger self and then promptly decides to GTFO.
Aerith winds up running into Tseng and Angeal, and she spills the beans about the Cetra and her heritage, as well as the Calamity and her child.
Angeal tries not to vibrate with excitement, after all, it looks like his lifelong dream of saving the world might be coming true. It seemed further reinforced by the fact the blond broke into the tower and freed several expiraments and killed many of the scientists. He was seen running off with a red lion-wolf creature before they lost track of him.
He, Aerith, Genesis, and Sephiroth wind up joining a party together to stop him. They essentially blackmailed the company to keep them off thier backs while they saved the world.
Cloud however, joined up with Nanaki and Vincent, but was also being targeted by the AVALANCHE of this time as well as thier own mad scientist, Fuhito, who's almost giddy that three of the esteemed professor Hojo's powerful expirements have escaped and are "Up for grabs"
Cloud may or may not also have a deal going with Jenova, who is offering him guidance with his new abilities as well as love. He knows she's manipulating him, but he feels so lost and vulnerable. He let her in and he wasn't even sure if he regrets it.
Also Jenova manipulating Sephiroth and his group by convincing them that she's "The Goddess Jenova" and revealed that she's Sephiroths mom. She convices them that the blond is evil and must be stopped. No one questions why she only speaks to them when Aerith is away.
Yeah, Clouds not having a good time. Kinda based off of another prompt of mine and I felt the need to expand on it. So, yeah.
10. The president, his son and the directors are killed off by Reeve, who has finally taken a stand and did a hostile takeover of the company.
11. Time traveler Reeve?
Better, Cait Sith gains sentience and time travels
12. Sephiroth revives again after the events of DeepGround and grabs up Cloud, embracing him like a lover as he flies into the air with him.
He basically tells Cloud that he's defeated him three times in a row, he's fascinated by him, and that Clouds going to be his bride.
Cloud is not okay with this
As it turns out, neither is Tifa, Clouds girlfriend.
The ensueing catfight is glorious
13. Cloud gets catcalled more often than anyone in thier little group. Apparently, he's a living creeper magnet, he couldn't tell you how many times people have just disregarded his personal space, bought him crap expecting a 'favor' in return, randomly touched his hair, bugged him for his number or a date, strait up tried to follow him home, ect.
The sheer entitlement both men and women seem to think they have over him is astounding. It's gotten to the point everyone has noticed and became protective of him. The blond himself? He's not afraid to make someone swallow thier teeth, regardless of gender.
14. Angeal loves photography, everyone knows that.
What people don't know is that he takes pictures of anything he deems beautuful. Birds, trees, flowers, clouds...406 pictures of the moon and even more of the stars. That was fine.
The problem arose when Genesis snooped through Angeals computer/apartment and found his secret photo collection. He swiped it and brought it to Sephiroths office to go through it with him.
Everything was normal, until they found a gorgeous picture of Genesis igniting his surroundings in flame.
Then they found some pics of Sephiroth standing in the moonlight with Masamune drawn. They were both extremely flattered by how lovely these were...until it got wierder. There were pictures of monsters, Cadets, Angeal's pup, Zack, several a few pictures of a blond trooper, an anthropomorphic cat with a cape and crown and...Turks?!
The worst part, however, was when they noticed that not a single person, not even themselves, where looking at the camera.
The fact they didn't remember having thier picture taken chilled them further.
Aka Angeal might have an addiction. Or an obsession.
15. Cloud has had a crush on Zack for a long time, but when Zack starts play flirting with him he thinks he has a chance and makes his move...and is promptly rejected.
Cloud plays it off as a joke and Zack buys it. The heartbroken blond finds a place to hide and quietly sob his eyes out.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, for him, he gets found and comforted by the Lord of Loveless himself, Genesis Rhapsodos.
Genesis had followed the subtle sounds of sorrow with the intention of either taunting the individual or reciting Loveless to them, as he adored a literal captive audience...but this...this was different.
He found himself rocking the pretty lovesick fool in his arms and mentally kicked himself for winding up in this situation.
On the other hand, he managed to score a date.
Bonus: Time traveler Sephiroth causing a scene by hard core flirting with CC Cloud and destroying a building and a man with a single swipe of Masamune, thus getting the attention of the entire Shinra army.
Fortunately the battle between the Sephiroths was cut short when Time traveler Cloud intervened with a spray bottle full of Aeriths holy water and essentially held him at gunpoint (spray bottle point?) as he retreated.
He fled before anyone could do much of anything, thus leaving everyone involved with so many unanswered questions.
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rainbowpandas23 · 4 years
Blow Me For Luck-
*Hazbin Hotel. Angel and Husk have date night at a casino. They flirt and gamble. Gay ensues. This is the setup and if y'all want more then the second part will be E for extra spicy*
The casino was packed, bustling with demons all looking to win big or screw someone else over; a typical night in any of Hell's casinos. Angel leaned against the beautiful polished bar, smoking a cigarette while waiting on the bar tender to finish mixing his Cosmo and pouring Husk’s regular- a whiskey sour, neat.
He looked across the crowded casino hall and saw the throng of sinners at the craps table surrounding his boyfriend. Husker was usually a poker player (which Angel found both attractive and hilariously on-brand thanks to the pattern on the cat demon's wings) but when they came to this gambling house for tonight's date night, Husk made a beeline straight for the dice. And, boy, was he on a roll…some pun intended.
Husk knew when to bet on Pass or Don't Pass like it was second nature. Everyone was flocking to his table to throw chips down and cheer him on. His come-out rolls were frequently 7’s and 11’s but every so often he would place other bets around the table to spice things up and rake in more dough.
Angel smiled to himself as he took a final drag off his cigarette, smashed it in the ashtray and plucked the two glasses of liquor off the counter to head back to his lover. It was fun to watch Husk on a hot streak. It was even more fun being his arm candy and feeling like the most powerful couple in the room. Heads turned and the crowd parted as Angel slinked forward in his short, tight dress.
“Here ya go, baby.” Angel pressed his chest to Husk's back and draped two of his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders as he returned to the table, setting the whiskey sour on a coaster. “Just how ya like it.”
The spider demon kissed Husker on the cheek, feeling everyone around eyeing them with envy and/or approval. Not quite the same type of high as hard drugs, of course, but definitely a high that Angel enjoyed basking in.
Husk snaked one arm around Angel's waist and pulled him close.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” Husk smirked at Angel Dust, mirth in his eyes from win after win. “I needed a stiff drink. This table is fucking crazy!” The cheers kicked up at that comment, everyone hooting, hollering and throwing down more chips before Husk rolled again.
Husk leaned up to whisper to Angel while the crowd was distracted by the revelry.
“Welcome back, my beautiful corno portafortuna. What took you so fuckin’ long?”
Angel Dust felt a warm blush spread across his cheeks. The “lucky horn" nickname was a new one (and, if Angel was being honest, a very smooth one at that). Clearly Husk was riding a high of his own if he felt confident enough to drop sweet-nothings in Italian while out in public.
“Tha line was long, bello. But now I'm back an’ I’m ready to watch you win…big." Angel stroked Husk's chest and looked down at the stack of chips in front of them. He did a quick mental tally of the winnings-good so far- but knew Husky was just getting started.
More bets were placed, more dice were rolled. People swore, cheered and laughed around them. About an hour in and Husk had more than doubled his starting cash amount, despite a few sour rolls. But…it was about time for Angel and Husk to head back to the hotel. Charlie and Vaggie had let them borrow the limo for their date on the condition that the boys be home before midnight.
*Like fuckin’ Cinderella* Angel thought, looking at his phone. A little past 11….they could play for a little while longer but Angel would be double-damned if he wasted an opportunity to fuck in the back of Charlie's limo. It would piss Vaggie off to no end knowing that him and Husk had a kinky time in Charlie's lux family car, ESPECIALLY if they made sure to leave it pristine afterwards. She couldn't get him in trouble if there was no proof, after all. All he had to do was pull Husk away from the craps table and get him in the mood.
One was definitely easier than the other, in Angel's experience.
“How're ya feeling, Husky? What do ya say we call it a night? Maybe take our fun back to the hotel?” Angel crooned, leaning his arms against the table and pressing them together to accentuate his chest floof. Husk, like many others, was a sucker for Angel's fluffy figure.
“Huh?” Husk looked over to Angel, seemingly about to protest, but the spider gave him a coy smile and a few bats of his long eyelashes. That stopped the older man in his tracks and he took a moment to think before responding with a happily defeated sigh. “Okay, Angie. But one more roll before we go? I feel it in my fuckin’ bones…this is the big one!”
Angel expected about as much.
“Fine, I'll take that deal! One more roll, then we cash your big, fat winnings and get outta here.” Angel let his voice drip with seduction to make sure Husker knew that he wasn't gonna get a chance to roll again after this last one. The spider had plans, after all.
Husk grinned, gathered all his chips and turned to the stickman.
“All in. Horn high snake eyes.”
Angel's jaw dropped. Not only was Husk going all in, but he was doing so on the bet with the shittiest probability of winning. The demons around the table exploded in reactions and clamored to place their own bets in response.
“Holy shit Husky! Honey, are ya sure?”
“Of course I'm sure, mi corno portafortuna,” Husk picked up the dice, rolled them between his paws and then held them out on his palm in front of Angel. “Now give Daddy a blow for luck.”
Angel was taken aback. Husker's current confidence was completely different than his normal curmudgeonly self. Normally Husk would rather chew on glass than admit to a single soul that he and Angel enjoyed some Daddy kink every now and again. Not to mention the blatant innuendo in front of a large group of strangers. It was surreal, but at the same time incredibly hot to see.
This was gonna be fun.
“Anything for you, Daddy.” Angel leaned down and blew a steady stream of air onto the two red dice. Then he turned, grabbed Husk's face and gave him a hard, deep kiss.
“And if you win, I'll blow you too.” Angel murmured as he pulled away, smiling to show a glint of his gold tooth.
Husker grinned a sharp, almost feral, grin in response to Angel's promise. He looked fierce, determined and borderline unhinged- he was truly a different demon while riding the high of his vices.
He shook the dice in his hand once, then let them fly across the table. The crowd went dead quiet as the little red cubes bounced around, tension in the air. They came to a stop on the felt covered table.
Snake eyes! Everyone surrounding the table shouted in excitement, impressed by the cat beating the very small odds.
“Fuck! YES!” Husk slammed the last of his drink in celebration.
“OHIMIGOD HOLY SHIT HUSKY!” Angel hugged Husk from behind with all four of his arms, jumping and beaming with joy.
They collected their chips immediately and brought them to the cash out counter, getting several large stacks of bills in return. Angel clung to Husk's arm as they walked, trying to hurry him out the door and into the limousine as fast as possible. After seeing Husk act so intense and confident, Angel was yearning to give his boyfriend what he promised.
And after that, well…Angel Dust had no doubt that he was gonna get lucky too.
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reversecreek · 3 years
✵ zloane , bravier , nyla and sean
their first impression of your muse:
sexy. tugged on her hair literally the first time he saw her hadn’t even had a conversation bt was just like target? located. going? ✈️ annoy her. probably initially just thought she was only at the skate park bc sean was n was like 🙄 then she cld actually skate n he was like 😏 liked that she gave him shit. found it funny pushing her buttons. liked her eyes. probably was like wtf is in the fuckin water in this town yo why all my friends got hot sisters that shit aint right tryna make me a dog....... not that he was even. phased by betraying those boundaries bt. still. i won’t lie his main first impression was probably jst damn bit hot when she glares at me like that. KJHFSGKSJHGKGHSFKGH
current impression:  
knows her a little more than he likes to know people. favourite person to argue w. can possibly skate better than him bt if she said so he’d be like “ur off ur fuckin tits man” n then practice secretly on his own for hours that night n get 9457295 scrapes. doesn’t like talking abt her dad like him so one time he put a firework in his mailbox n never admitted it was him. has reactions to youtube videos tht make him snort. quite funny in general rly. drinks a lot not that he can judge it’s just sometimes he notices n once he even snatched her cup n drank the rest so she couldn’t. played it off as their typical fuckery bt he isn’t sure what that feeling was. hasn’t been concerned often enough to know it by name. finds her hot at inappropriate moments like when a movie chara’s dying n he’s meant to be sad. finds her hot when she pisses him off too. thinks mayb she likes the excuse to hold onto him when she rides on his vespa but he kind of likes it too so he’s not about to call it out bc “he isn’t about that deep shit”. 
are they attracted to your muse?:  
KFJHGKJGHFGKFHSGKSHGKSFGH. imagine i was jst like no <3... yes. he likes to act like he’s less so than he is bt it’s obvious.
something they find frightening about your muse:
i wouldn’t say it frightens him bt sometimes he catches her looking at him a certain way n it unsettles him but he doesn’t know why. usually just pretends he didn’t catch it.
something they find adorable about your muse:  
he likes her short hair he’s always ruffling it n tugging on it. whenever she hs bumps n scrapes n bruises from falling off her board n getting back on over n over again jst never giving up or giving a fk. when she acts like she isn’t jealous.
would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
umm. no. he’s an asshole. KGJSHFKGHSKFHGSKFGHKGH. sighs.
would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
no..... sees that as dangerous territory wouldn’t wna blur the lines. looks away.
one word my muse would use to describe yours:  
baddie. FKGJHSKGHFGSFHGSKGHSFKHG. demonic (when they’ve had a fight). 
would my muse slap yours if they could?:
no. he loves to argue w her but it never feels that Real u know... more like flirting. even when they’re rly pissed off. wld never enter that territory he hates shit like tht w a passion. cue round of applause from the audience for this absolutely low bar.
would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
i feel like they’re not rly huggy people...... ziggy probably puts his arm around her a lot tho he loves doing that. hs kissed her more times than he can count too n doesn’t plan on stopping
their first impression of your muse:
funny. mean in a more digestible way than she was used to. he had barbs n she liked the way people winced when they tried to swallow his company. when she got paired w him for a class project she met his eyes across the room n he didn’t quickly look away like most ppl. something abt that intrigued her. a sharp fingernail inside her head kept having to itch at something n she realised it was the urge for him to call her a bad name. this weird craving to hear an angry word inside his mouth just for her. she used to think that’s what someone wanting her was like. still does sometimes. this both pissed her off n caught her attention which is a bit of an accomplishment fr someone who gets bored by everyone n everything.
current impression:  
his heart’s more good than she expected. it felt a bit like having a cat drop a dead mouse at ur doorstep that u don’t know what to do with when she realised that. she felt uncomfortably like her mother when she couldn’t get out of his bed bc she was too depressed n that rly made her feel like. ill honestly. he did all the right things but suddenly she just felt sick abt the whole situation which is Not the normal reaction to ur bf caring about u but bradley doesn’t understand ppl caring abt her. felt more like pity. she thinks he’s better off. she misses him sometimes bt then she reminds herself she doesn’t miss people. does a good job of believing it. one of the best ppl she’s dated not that she’d say it.
are they attracted to your muse?:  
yes..... ws probably. unhinged n rabid when they were dating. very good at hiding it now however. cold at the drop of a hat.
something they find frightening about your muse:
that he witnessed her being vulnerable............ literally grosses her out so much like she’d rather die than. anyone see her like that. when they were dating she’d get paranoid her dad wld somehow find out too n smthn wld happen to him for it. it ws definitely weird for her like the fact she even cared enough to consider tht.
something they find adorable about your muse:  
adorable is rly not a word that fits into bradley’s vocabulary GHSFGHSFKGHSFKG bt hm. maybe if he ever tried to tell her what to do one time even casually. she’d b like awww..... u think i do what anyone tells me? that’s so fucking sweet. 
would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
in most cases no :/..... however if it was smthn to do w the guys that work for her dad then ya she’d put herself in danger to avoid him being in it.
would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
i mean she has in the past bt bradley’s idea of dates is like. starting a bar fight together. getting thrown out of a club n both falling over into trash cans in a dingy back alley. stealing a car. breaking into a random house n fking in a stranger’s bed. fking in the bk of a movie theatre w a horror movie screening. definitely not dinner or anything like tht. she wldn’t now........ they’re not exactly in a place fr that..... 
one word my muse would use to describe yours:  
ex. whatever. i know it’s not one word but “some guy”. FGHSKGHFGKSHG >_>
would my muse slap yours if they could?:
no. she’s a violent person bt not xavier.
would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
NO hugging...................... she fronts like she wldn’t kiss him bt like. if a discussion got heated n they were in each other’s faces who’s to say. 
their first impression of your muse:
strange little fella which is a very high compliment. kind of reminded them of an animated turtle come to life in the human realm altho they honestly don’t have an explanation for that it’s just the way their brain works. they love the turtles in finding nemo tho so maybe there’s some sort of correlation. very nice face. they kind of wanted to hold his head like a bowling ball just so they could examine it properly. i feel like when they first met him they probably reached out n smoothed a sticky label onto his forehead that said ‘catfish in chernobyl’ n they had one on their forehead that was blank n then they just wafted a pen mid air n were like ‘wanna play guesses?’ even tho that isn’t the name of the game. as if that was just. a completely normal introduction to someone. FGKHSKHGSFKGHSFKG. feel like sean wld have rolled w that tho so nyla was like :P i like.... if they played another round they’d give sean another sticky label that said ‘the loneliest whale in the world’ n then it’d start a whole conversation abt how nyla thinks they can speak whaleish. (whale spin on elvish). 
current impression:  
sean makes them think of that artificial blue raspberry flavour some popsicles have n how it’s always rly fun when they stain ur tongue. sweet n exuberant n leaves a bright impression. he lets them ride on his skateboard sometimes rolling along being lead by them holding his hand n nyla likes to shut their eyes like they’re a bird sailing above the clouds. one of their favourite things to do especially when the sun’s out. bc of this nyla thinks sean was a bird in his past life but not a greedy one like a seagull or a plain one like a pigeon. maybe a bluebird bc of his eyes. he makes them laugh a lot. they entrusted him to babysit their children (as pictured) in his hair for a whole day and night once n they had lots of fun with him so nyla thinks he’s very trustworthy and kind. he also is rly easy to talk to like they cld randomly be like “i’ve been thinking lately that maybe homer simpson could’ve been a good figure skater” n sean wldn’t look at them like they’ve lost their marbles he’d just go w it. they like his company a lot.
are they attracted to your muse?:  
something they find frightening about your muse:
ummm nothing in particular altho one time when they were rly tripping out bc his eyes are blue n it got them thinking abt the ocean n they always think they can talk to ghosts underwater so they were kind of like. thinking abt ghosts whenever they looked him in the eyes. maybe covered their own w their hands n if sean asked why they told him abt it. suddenly he shut his eyes to make them feel better n it turned into a whole thing where nyla had to lead him around the party like a guide dog.
something they find adorable about your muse:  
his nose. watching him talk to his siblings. his hands.
would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
😌 yea
would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
yes............ feel like they’d have fun if they went anywhere tbh........ cn imagine them at a fair eating from the same cotton candy n chattering as they point out things. nyla trying to do that hammer game where u make the meter reach the top n lifting the hammer in the air n falling backwards bc it was heavier than they anticipated.... sean yelling like man down man down..... mayb they take a tab n suddenly the fair is so scary they’re like 😳 we’re in danger...
one word my muse would use to describe yours:  
silly (affectionate). sailor (also term of endearment). gnome (same thing again). cool.
would my muse slap yours if they could?:
no ur sick....
would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
ya to both. jst suddenly had a vision too of nyla being cold one time n clinging to sean from the front like a bushbaby in a hug as he carries her around. suddenly this mode of transportation hs happened more thn once (godmod) (contact my lawyers if u dare bebe) (bitch) (i take it back) (it wasn’t right alli it jst wasn’t right) (pelase forigev m eim shakign)
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writinglionqueen · 5 years
For My King Series Blurb How would (this can go either way) the king/queen react to someone flirting with their spouse?
~Pray for the person that decides to flirt with the queen. Drew is quite protective of his beloved.~
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It wasn’t like this was your fault…having some strange nobleman come up to you like this. This was not Drew’s hold or your own keep but some random one Drew needed to check in on. He wanted to bring you along so you can see how his business is dealt. So not a lot of people realize that you are no ordinary women but the Queen. 
Which included the nobleman trying to worm his way into your affection. He kept getting closer while he said words with lewd intent underlying each sentence. You were trying to tell him you weren’t interested….because he couldn’t see the gold ring on your right hand. You were also trying to explain how rude he was being to the queen when a rumbling noise descended on your words. 
Drew was lumbering behind the nobleman, a deep frown was settled into the features of his face. His frame shadowed the man and his bear cloak made him look larger than life. The man’ s eyes widened. 
“My queen, is this man bothering you?” Drew asked with a deeper voice than what he used with you. It made you want to roll your eyes at the façade of appearing bigger, stronger, and scarier than the man between you…but…you had to say he had great timing so you couldn’t be too upset at his behavior. You shook your head as you moved around the nobleman to settle yourself against Drew’s side. He wrapped his arm around your smaller body. 
“No, my king, I think this man was just about to leave,” you answered, turning to smirk at the man who looked pale at the sight of your husband. Drew huffed. 
“Then he should leave, and do so quickly,” he muttered. The man took the hint and scurried away like a rat when spotted. You smiled at his retreating form before you felt Drew’s arm tightened around your waist. You heard him growl out the Gaelic word for prick. 
“My king, I don’t find you scary,” you told him, peering up into his eyes that pointed down at you. You could only smirk up at him, liking him when he’s jealous. “But I do like that deep voice of yours.” Drew dropped his angry mask and smirked down at you. 
“My queen, I never planned to scare you,” he murmured, leaning down to place a kiss to your lips. “But, if you like my voice like this,” he said, his voice dropping another octave and making you shiver in his hold. “Then you’re going to love what I plan to do to you when we retire for the night.” You smiled at that, feeling the twinge of lust take ahold of you. 
“Ooh, I know I will,” you whispered with a seductive octave as well. Drew flicked his tongue over his lips for a moment before he lead you away. 
~~~But also….hell hath no fury like a jealous queen~~~
You smiled at the gathering you and Drew were invited to. There were people from all over several of the holds, filling the small space with so many bodies that it looked like there was no room to move. The music was nice and light and uplifted you and made you want to dance with your king…your king who was supposed to have found you wine by now. 
You scanned the room, you were almost unable to see your king’s notorious bear cloak between the masses of people…but you found him by the foods. You smiled to yourself as you made your way towards him. The prospect of dancing merrily with him on you mind and how it would be so much fun for your king to hold you in his arms and spin you about to a joyful tune. 
You were close enough to the foods that you were able to see him better…and…a noblewoman talking to him. It wasn’t just talking though…not how the woman was trying to look. She was giggling, twirling a loose strand of hair and chatting up your husband. The man only smirked, amused out of his mind. You watched as she leaned closer, brushing her small hand along his forearm that held a glass of wine. She tried reaching for the wine, but Drew pulled it above his head, out of her reach. You heard his amused voice tell her that the wine wasn’t meant for her. You could see the confusion in her face before she masked it with a smile. 
You heard her say they could pass the wine between their lips then. 
The giggle in her voice made you clench your jaw as she suggested, next, that they move somewhere away from preying eyes. You noticed your king glance in his peripheral…at you, smirking. He knew what his queen was seeing and he knew your fury wouldn’t be at him. He was trying to tell this woman of his disinterest, but maybe he would need to show her. 
You cleared your throat in a theatrical manner before approaching. The woman looked confused as Drew handed you the wine meant for you and you turned your back on her, peering up into the playful grey eyes of your king. 
“I would like a dance with you, my king,” you said to him in a seductive voice. Drew chuckled as he hid away in your neck, kissing along your skin. You wrapped your arms around his neck to hang onto him.
“Is that so, my queen?” he teased. 
“Yes, so stop toying with field mice,” you replied. Drew pulled away to peer down at you. 
“What good are field mice to me, beloved, when I have a cat like you?” he teased. You smacked his chest making him chuckle. You tried to peer over your shoulder to see if the woman had gone. She was still there, looking dumbfounded. You smirked before looking up at Drew. Your fingers moved up, playing with his hair at the nape of his neck and using it to pull him down to whisper in his ear. 
“Then know that this cat has claws, beloved, and I plan to use them tonight,” you whispered. There was no malice at Drew for this. It was more lustful than vengeful. Not his fault he’s such a handsome king. But you wanted to drive the point to the mouse behind you that the cat had her cream and she needn’t be there anymore. 
You moved Drew’s head so you could kiss his lips, hearing him hum in satisfaction as you led the passion and persistence. He held you taught to his body, knowing why you were doing this but it pleased him nonetheless. He pulled away with darkened eyes. 
“Hmm, I think the field mouse had vanished, my queen,” he said. You turned to look to, indeed, see that the woman was gone. You smirked back at Drew. “You don’t plan to chase her down for it, do you?” You shook your head. 
“A cat with her cream has no need of field mice,” you replied. “Come. I still want that dance.” Drew chuckled as you lead him to a spot to dance for the night, a smirk on your lips before your tongue slid across them, still reminiscing the feeling of leading the kiss. 
Tag: @adriennegabriella @alwaysbenhardysgirl @amariemoore @andie01 @annoyingasian @artemisapalla316 @aspiringhorrorfilmmaker @balorstrowmanblackmurphy @biforbecky2belts @blackmoonrising @br0th3r-n3r0 @burning-coco @calicina @calwitch @claymoreme @darlingambrose @dcnmarvelgamergeek @demonqueen29 @desstehhnee @detectiveramen @drewmcintyreinarefereeoutfit @finnsauroraborealis @fireyegale @fivefootxo @flawlessglamazon @haharollins @hardcoresweet45 @homeorbust @i-have-saracasm @itsicantbelievethis666 @kalliravenne @king-drew-mcintyre @lilred91 @littledeadrottinghood @littlesuperstar @lolorockstar101boom @madamaholmes @madebypointlesswerewolves @meishaabae @mermaidqueen @moxleysbaby @moxley-unhinged @moxtiel @neversatisfiedgirl @new-zealand-chic @nicolewoo @nothinginlifebutgreif @number1120 @queenofthearchitect @reigns420 @rollynch-roman-empire @sassymox @sassyspacedust @savemeroman @scuzmunkie @shieldgirl18 @snowtroopergirl @softmoxymuffin ​ @superrezzy00 @taryn-dibiase @thatpanpal @the-beastslayers-queen @thehoundsofjustice @thewrestlingwarehouse @theworldofotps @trashofambrolleigns @trent7thirsting @twistedbeautifully @unprettypeony @voidstrugh @writing-reigns @writtingrose @xbreezymeadowsx @xladyxfatex @xprincessofthefallenangels @yaint-me @youcantreignonmyparade 
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waterloou · 4 years
the new kid in town from zombies 2 with nooks
This took longer than I expected bc it ended up waaay longer than I expected but:
Apollo was feeding Malachai, a soft, large black cat, when the cat jumped from the table and trotted towards an approaching woman. She was beathtaking.
Her lips were painted black, black hair shiny and fell to her shoulders. Her outfit was a similar color, chic and sophisticated.
A wide smile broke across her face as the cat approached her, stretching its paws up to be held.
“Hello” she cooed, picking him up with ease and cradling him, scratching his ears as he happily purred in her arms.
Apollo stood up, mouth unable to form words, as she got closer, her short stature becoming more and more apparent.
“Who’s this cutie?” She asked, looking up at him. A hint of pink flashed across her cheeks.
“Malachai” she looked back down at the cat and cooed.
“And you are?”
“Brooks. But you can call me Apollo”
She looked up and smirked, “fits. I’m Nai.”
“What brings you here today, Nai?”
“Just looking. Need my cat fix. I’m moving here soon, was thinking about getting a cat.” She hummed, bouncing the cat, who nuzzled his head against her arm.
“Is he always this snuggly?”
“Not usually. He’s a big lug who steals everyone’s food.” He scratched the cat under his chin. “Little stinker”
“You two close?”
“Yeah, he’s my best mate”
When it came time for her to leave, Apollo nearly had to pry the cat off the woman.
“I’ll be back soon, Mally “ she waved to them both before leaving.
Malachai slumped in Apollo’s arms and let out a sad mewl.
“I know buddy, same here”
Nai came in weekly after that, her time there increasing each time.
“You finally move?” Apollo asked as her hand hovered over the adoption papers, Malachai perched on her shoulder
She nodded, “Just yesterday”
“That sounds like a cause for a celebration”
“It is. That’s why I’m getting the adoption papers” she giggled, moving Malachai to her arm as she filled out the paper with the pen.
“So you taking him away from me? Heartless” he joked.
“As if I wouldn’t let you see him” she looked up and winked at him.
“I’m not one to deprive you of a best friend. You’re always welcome to visit.”
His smile widened.
“Oh yeah, stop by anytime”
“I’ll definitely take you up on that”
She finished up the sheet and handed it to him, her fingers brushing his. He felt his heart stutter in his chest and butterflies flurry in his stomach.
“So. What’s next?”
“Uh, we process this and you’ll have Mally here with you within the week.”
“Can’t wait.” She scratched Malachai’s chin and he purred.
“I think he’s excited too”
“I’d hope so...what time do you get off work tonight?”
“Bout an hour”
“Text me when you do” she handed him her card, “we’ll celebrate.”
“I would, but it’s a roommate bonding night.”
“Bring them too. The more the merrier.”
Apollo felt breathless, and nodded.
“I’ve got to go unpack more,” she started, carefully unhinging Malachai from her shirt and handing him to Apollo. The cat grumbled in his arms.
“See you later” she waved her fingers and walked out.
Apollo looked at the number in his hands for a few moments, gobsmacked.
“You are a lucky man Malachai” he muttered, pocketing the card and pulling out his phone.
‘We’re going out tonight’
“What do you mean we’re going out tonight?”
Nim came through the doors 20 minutes later.
“Little birdie find something that spark his interest?” She sat down across from him, smile spread wide and brow raised.
He pulled out a card and handed it to her.
“Ooo, an editor in Chief? Look at you go” she handed it back to him, “I’m in. But first, gimme”
She held her hands out. He took a clementine from his desk and placed it in her palm.
“While I appreciate you carrying these around, I was talking about this handsome man” she pointed to Malachai.
He handed the cat over to her and the cat curled up in her arms.
“Hello my prince, and how are you today?” She asked, kissing his head. He meowed in response.
“I’m gonna close up, it’s been dead all day anyways.” Apollo got the cleaning supplies out and headed towards the kennels.
They were told to meet Nai at a bar in the middle of town.
She had changed into a slimming dress and boots, her lips shining with a new layer of black paint.
Apollo found himself staring at her mouth, imagining what it would look like on his, how it would feel on his. Were her lips soft? They looked really soft. He imagined black smudges all over his lips, jaw, neck…
“You’re drooling little honeybee” a small voice whispered in his ear. He jumped and looked over to his smiling roommate.
“Let’s go, she’s just noticed us” she pushed him forward as Nai waved in their direction.
“Hey” Nai’s eye’s crinkled when she smiled.
“I’m Nim” Nim stuck out her hand.
“Really nice to meet you” Nai clasped her hand in hers, “oh, this is beautiful” she motioned to the tattoo on her hand.
“Brooks here did it” Nim clapped him on the shoulder”
“You’re a man of many talents.” Nai gave him a sweet smile before turning to the bar, “what do you all want? I’ll pay for the first round. To celebrate Malachai”
Once they got their round and toasted, Nim snuck off to give the two some alone time, taking her time, flirting with the cute bartender.
A few drinks in, the two were giggling together, showing each other cute pictures of animals on their phones. Nim waltzed over.
“Hello little birds.”
Apollo turned to her, the biggest grin on his face.
“Nim! A puppy! Look at this puppy!”
“It has its head in a piece of bread!” Nai chimes in behind him, her cheeks a blotchy drunk pink.
“That’s adorable” Nim looked at the two knowingly.
Nai picked up Malachai within the next few days, and invited Apollo over on the weekend.
He walked up the stairs of her apartment complex, hands sweating and heart pumping. He was excited. She seemed to really like him back and was charming and sweet.
As he raised his hand to knock, the door opened, a black cat darting out to wind around his ankles.
“Hey buddy!” He picked the cat up and kissed its head.
“Hello” he looked towards Nai, who was smiling at him brightly.
“Come in. Would you like anything to drink? Tea? Coffee? Water? Liquor?...soda?”
“Coffee? Iced?”
“Of course” she set her own mug down and poured the coffee into his cup.
“Milk?” He nodded, she grabbed the jug and added a bit in, before reaching for her sugar packets.
“Sweet enough to kill a man”
She laughed and grabbed six, emptying them all into the concoction, Apollo’s eyes widened..
“I could kiss you” he said before he could stop himself.
She hummed in response, grabbing ice from the freezer, “maybe later, if you’re good” she deposited them into the drink and stirred it with a spoon.
Turning to him, she paused as she took in his dazed expression, “Apollo?”
“Coffee?” She held up the drink and he nodded, taking it from her and downing half of it.
Nai giggled and picked up her mug, walking past him to her table.
He spun and looked around before joining her.
“I’m guessing you like black”
“How ever could you tell?” She smiled coquettish behind the rim of her mug, her black lipstick leaving a stain on the white porcelain.
Black smudges against his skin flashed in his mind again before he took another gulp of his coffee.
They made some small talk before breaking off in tangents about random subjects, sometimes leaving them in fits of giggles.
Malachai meowed loudly, giving Nai a dramatic look from his spot in Apollo’s arms.
“Aww baby are you hungry?” She cooed, running her finger gently down his nose. He stretched in response.
“Well I guess it’s food time” she chuckled, getting up and heading to the food cabinet.
Malachai was up and by her feet in an instant, twirling around her ankles as she attempted to pour out his food. Before she had finished pouring, the cat attacked the bowl with the ferocity of a thing starved of food for days.
“I fed you this morning” she sighed.
“He’s a greedy one” Apollo laughed.
“Obviously.” She put the food back and sat back down at the table, placing her chin in hand.
The two had relocated to the park, their hands at their sides, brushing against each other’s every once in a while.
“It’s really nice out tonight” Apollo took a deep breath in, his eyes fluttering closed, lashes brushing the tops of his cheeks.
“Beautiful, definitely.” Nai’s looked at him, a small smile on her face.
He opened his eyes to see her.
Her hand reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear, resting it on his cheek. His hand came up to rest on hers, slightly hesitant, he leaned down, and she closed the distance, their lips completely missing each other at first.
They shared a laugh, before trying again, Apollo’s hand now resting gently on the nape of her neck.
Her lips were softer than he imagined, molding perfectly against his. She tasted of sweet cinnamon and coffee. Her thumbs stroked his cheeks, and he couldn’t help but smile, bringing her closer.
When they finally pulled apart, his hair was mussed, black lipstick smudged all over his mouth.
Nai giggled
“What?” She motioned to her mouth area, which also was smudged.
Apollo chuckled, “I’ve been thinking about that more than you’d think” he gently brushed some off her chin, and she reached up to return but he stopped her.
“Nah I like it” they stood there for a moment before kissing again.
Nai woke up to soft breath on her neck, she looked down to see Apollo sleeping peacefully, his arm and leg slug over her torso and face buried in her neck. She watched as the morning sun glistened off his lashes, his lips slightly parted, hair falling into his face.
She gently moved it, tucking it behind his ear, her hand lingering on his cheek.
Lips moved against her neck, forming into a smile as the man stirred, his lashes tickling her skin as they fluttered open.
“Hmm” he hummed, his arm tightening slightly around her.
She was radiant. Her skin glowed in the warm beam of sunrise, her hair spread like a halo around her head on the pillow. Her thumb came to wipe some black lipstick off his jaw, and he held her hand in his.
“Morning” if only he could wake up to that beautiful song for eternity, he would never live another day in sorrow.
“You’re breathtaking “ he looked at her in awe, causing her cheeks to tint red.
“You’re not too bad yourself “
They sat on her couch, Malachai curled on Nai’s lap as she drank her coffee. Apollo’s eyes kept drifting to her distractedly until she caught his gaze.
“Hey” her phone rang and she sighed, before picking it up, giving him an apologetic glance before getting up. Malachai grumbled as he was displaced, only to be cuddled by Apollo.
“Yes, yes, uh huh. No I told-are you serious?” Nai groaned over the phone, “It’s not supposed to be done for another week!” She ran her hand over her face, nodding occasionally.
“Mhm, yeah, ok, ok, ok. Wish you’d have informed me sooner but I’ll handle it. Just, gimme a day. It’ll be solved.” She sighed before hanging up.
“I hate to kick you out but-“
“I understand. Work gets crazy. But I’ll see you soon?”
Her face softened, “of course. I’ll let you know when I’m free.”
“Great” Apollo got dressed and kissed her on his way out, feeling better than he ever had.
A few days later, he received a text.
‘Work is finally done. You free for dinner? My treat?’ A smile spread across his face.
“Oh does baby bird have another date?” Nim asked, sitting across from him, stirring her tea.
“Possibly. Yes” he grinned wider.
“Good. I like this one.” She took a small sip, “She compliments you well.”
“She really does”
‘Yup. Where we goin?’
He showed up to the restaurant, donning his black pants and lace red shirt, Nim had volunteered to do some eye makeup on him.
He spotted Nai sitting in front, donning a lacy black dress and black lipstick.
She paused for a moment as she saw him, before giving him a small smile. He felt his breath hitch, she got more gorgeous everytime he saw her.
“You look handsome” she kissed his cheek before taking his hand.
“You too. I mean, ethereal.” She chuckled and they walked in to the restaurant together.
They talked and talked until it closed, and talked some more on their drive to hers. They never seemed to run out of things to discuss.
They were greeted by a loud yowl as they got inside, and Malachai rushed up to them, climbing up Apollo’s leg until he rested on his shoulder, purring loudly.
“I think he missed you” Nai giggled as she set her stuff down, “coffee?”
“It’s 10pm?”
“Coffee.” Nai headed to her coffee pot and poured out a cup for herself. He chuckled and grabbed a cup from the cabinet.
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt”
“It usually helps if I’ve drank some wine” She massaged her temples, “love it but it gives me a headache sometimes”
He poured himself a cup and looked for the sugar packets.
“Where’s the sugar?”
“In the black Pot” she motioned to the little black container with a lid next to the spice rack. He opened it to see sugar.
“Figured it would be easier to access” she mumbled softly, her cheeks reddening as she moved towards her bedroom.
“I’m gonna get into something more comfortable, there should be some sweats and shirt on the couch.
“It’s like you were planning on me staying over.”
“Well, aren’t you?” She raised her brow and he chuckled, setting his coffee down to start to undo his shirt. Her eyes lingered on him a little longer before she disappeared into her room, appearing a little later in some shorts and a T-shirt, face clear of makeup and hair pulled up in a bun.
Apollo smiled up at her from his place on the couch, holding his coffee in hand.
“Your head feel a little better?”
“Yeah, a bit” she pulled Malachai into her lap and nuzzled her face against his fur. He purred and started kneading her shirt.
“He’s one lucky cat”
“And why’s that?”
“Many reasons.”
“Like?” She smirked at him, placing her chin on her hand.
“I met you because of him. Also he gets to see you everyday like that’s one lucky cat!”
She leaned forward and kissed him.
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lovemesomerafael · 5 years
El Amor Todo Lo Puede            Chapter 49:  What Has To Be Done
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Source:  @fortheloveofbarba
Chapters 1-45  Chapter 46  Chapter 47  Chapter 48
A young man brought a large bouquet of flowers through the door to the squad room.  
“Oh, no,” Amanda warned, catching Laura’s attention.
“I got flowers for a Laura Parker?”  The delivery man called out, looking around.
Laura rolled her eyes and indicated the chair next to her desk.  “Have a seat,” she said to the delivery man.  “This is gonna take longer than you expected.  Hope you’re not double-parked.”
When Olivia returned from ComStat, she saw the flowers and knew immediately that Parker had received another gift from Simmons.  Catching Rollins’ eye, she pointed to the bouquet and raised an eyebrow.
“Yep.  Him again. Parker and Fin are at the flower shop right now.”
“Is there a card?”  
“Yeah, he’s escalating.  This one is an out-and-out threat.”  Rollins handed Olivia an evidence bag with a florist’s card inside.
I love you.  Don’t make me hurt you like you’re hurting me.
Olivia scowled.  “They should’ve checked with me first.  This isn’t something Parker can be investigating anymore.  What if he’s waiting for her at the flower shop?”
“Fin’s there.”
“That’s something.  But you’re right, he’s escalating.  So this is the last time.”
“I don’t envy you telling Parker that.”
The package delivered to Laura three days later was the size of a shoebox, but heavy.  That, in itself, had been enough to prompt the evacuation of the station house and investigation by the bomb squad.  But it wasn’t a bomb.  It was worse.
Laura felt sick.  The poor cat appeared to have been healthy and well cared for, with a collar that included an ID tag.  Until the sick bastard had decapitated and disemboweled it.  
“Fuck,” she whispered.  She looked up at Olivia, her face pale and her eyes wide.  “I don’t suppose we can keep this from my husband.”
“I don’t see how.”
“Awesome.  Cue the ‘we’re leaving town until they catch this creep’ speech.”
“He’s got a point.”
“Oh, not you, too.”
“Yes.  Me, too.”
“Is that an order?
“Not yet.  But Simmons is out of control.  You need to let us take it from here.”  
“I’m working other cases!  I’ve got work to do.  If he comes for me, Fin and I will deal with him.  Please, Liv.  As long as I’m around, he’ll keep doing this stuff, and every time he does, he’s exposed. That gives us the chance to catch him. I split, he goes to ground until I’m back.  Or worse, he starts on someone else.”
“All right.  For now.  But you stay far away from this investigation.  Understood?”
“Understood, Lieu.”
 Rafael was livid.  The moment he heard about the cat, he was on the phone to Laura, telling her to stay at the station house until he could come get her and take her out of town.  Laura closed her eyes, shook her head, and went into the crib, from which the squad expected to hear arguing from behind the closed door.  There was no yelling, but they could hear the clipped words and exaggerated pronunciation of a very tense discussion.  
“Rafael, I love you.  I know you’re worried about me, and I appreciate it.  But this is not. your. call.”
“Look, Liv’s OK with me staying on.  If you won’t trust my judgment, trust hers.”
“It’s not your judgment I question, it’s this maniac’s. We’re not done talking about this. In the meantime, you be careful.”
“Always.  Now go back to work.”
The following day, as Laura and Fin drove across town working a case, they noticed a car tailing them.  
“You think it’s him?”  Fin asked.
“Let’s check it out.”
“What do you want to do?”
“Give him what he wants.”
“You sure?”  Fin squinted at Laura.
“You got me, right?”  She shrugged, grinning at him.
“If Barba asks, I was against this from the beginning,” Fin said, pulling into a parking lot.  
The blue Hyundai compact pulled into a parking stall near them, but across the aisle.  No one got out.  Fin and Laura decided to push it by getting out of their car and heading to either side of the Hyundai.  As soon as they did, though, the Hyundai pulled back out of the stall and squealed off, nearly clipping Laura in the process.  She jumped and rolled just in time to avoid being hit.
Fin ran to her side and helped her up from the pavement. “You all right?”
“Yeah,” she told him, disgusted.  “Damn, that was him.  We almost had him.”
Laura’s phone rang.  She didn’t recognize the number, but that wasn’t unusual.  Just after she answered, her expression went hard and she pushed the speaker button.
“- and I don’t like that.  You really hurt my feelings, Laura.  Why won’t you love me?”
“Hey, Art, I know you’re upset.  Why don’t you come back here?  Maybe we can talk about it.”
“Get rid of that other guy.”
“I can do that,” she said.  Fin tilted his head and raised his eyebrows, but didn’t interfere.
“You- you will?”  Simmons stammered.  
“Yeah, Art.  I don’t want to hurt your feelings.  Let’s talk.”
“You’re trying to trick me.”
“I’m trying to fix things between us, Art.  That’s all.”  
“You’re a liar!  You bitch, you’re trying to trick me!  Why are you such a bitch?”  At first, he had been shouting furiously into the phone.  Now, Fin and Laura could hear him begin to sob.  “All I ever did is love you!  Why won’t you love me back?”
“Come on, Art, please don’t cry.  Just come back and talk to me.”  
“Yeah, I’m gonna come back, you filthy whore, and I’m gonna rip you apart!”  He was screaming, almost incoherent before the call ended abruptly.  
Laura and Fin looked at eachother, stunned.  
“Next mood swing in 3…2…1…”  Fin murmured.
“Holy crap.  He’s completely unhinged.”
“Yeah.  I think it might be time for you to bow out.”
“Screw that.  We’ve got him, Partner.  All I gotta do now is stay put and let him come to me.”
Squealing tires drew their attention to the end of the row of cars where a blue compact was tearing around the corner.  
“Go!”  Fin yelled, pushing Laura toward one row of cars while he sprang for the other.  
As soon as Simmons cleared the corner of the row of cars, he aimed his car directly at Laura.  She could see his red face, distorted with rage, teeth bared, as he bore down on her. She ran between two cars to avoid being crushed between Simmons’s Hyundai and their squad car.  He aimed at the space Laura had entered, his compact ramming violently into the cars on either side.  He immediately jammed the Hyundai into reverse, pulled back a few feet and, ramming the gearshift again, shot out the other end of the aisle before either Laura or Fin could get off an effective shot.
Laura slammed her hand down hard on the hood of a car and swore as Fin reached her.  
“You OK?”  He asked, putting a hand on her shoulder and looking her over.  
“Yeah, yeah.  How is that car still drivable?  Just my luck, I get the stalker with the indestructible Hyundai.”
“Let’s call it in.”
 Rafael was stiff and quiet when he arrived at the station that evening to take Laura home. She knew without asking that someone had told him about the incident in the parking lot, which meant he was going to be implacable about making her leave town until Simmons was caught.  
It had been over a week that Laura hadn’t been allowed to work late or to go anywhere alone.  It drove her crazy, but even she had to admit it was necessary.  It would have been nice, working normal hours and going home with Rafael in time for dinner, if it hadn’t been for the reason. At first, they had enjoyed it and taken advantage of the opportunity to spend the long evenings in bed together. But as time had gone by, and Simmons had become more aggressive about stalking Laura, romance had given way to tension as Rafael had become more anxious for her safety, and Laura more determined to stay in New York and live her life as normally as possible.  With each incident, the strain got worse.  
As if by agreement, they didn’t discuss the situation on the drive home, or as they made dinner together, he dressed in jeans and a sweater, she dressed in sweats and a long-sleeved T-shirt.  They both knew the situation had turned a corner.  
Rafael tried to be calm.  He knew they were going to have to have a very difficult conversation, but, for now, he just wanted to enjoy being with Laura.  He looked across the kitchen at her, looking cuter than anyone should look in their most casual clothes; hair in low pigtails, barefoot, cutting up vegetables for a salad.  As gorgeous as she looked in an evening gown with her hair and makeup perfect, as beautiful as she was in the street clothes she wore to work, he found her most irresistible like this; no makeup, hair haphazard, in grubby clothes that only incidentally revealed her curves.  This was a Laura that belonged only to him.  
“You’re staring at me,” she said, giving him a tentative grin.  
“Hard not to.  You’re pretty cute.”
Her smile became more genuine.  “I’m cute?  Have you seen you?”
Rafael took the few steps across the kitchen to where she was.  She turned to him, putting her arms around his neck as she drew her to him.  
“Te amo,”[2] he whispered into her hair.
“Me, too.”  
They stood there, simply holding one another, for quite some time.  They didn’t say anything out loud; there was no reason.  That evening, they flirted throughout dinner, talking about everything but Simmons.  By the time dinner was over, they weren’t in the mood to bother doing more than toss the dirty dishes in the sink before they hurried, kissing and removing clothes as they went, to their bedroom.  
The next morning, as she pulled on a leather jacket, Laura continued the conversation they’d finally begun shortly after waking. She did everything she could to try to convince Rafael that she needed to join her team in the hunt for the creep who was stalking her.  
“Why are we even talking about this?  This is my job.  It’s dangerous.  That’s just how it is.“
“Te amo, Laura, pero lo juro vas a ser mi muerte,”[3] Rafael muttered, shaking his head.
She tried another tack.  “I’m the one he’s looking for, Rafael.  They need me to…”
“I don’t give a rat’s ass what they need.  You are not leaving this house.”  Laura had never heard the steel growl Rafael used.  She blinked in surprise.
“So, what?  I’m a prisoner now?”  She asked.
“If that’s what it takes.”  He looked her straight in the eyes.
Rafael stepped closer to her.  He spoke in his usual rapid-fire manner, his voice low and serious.  “Laura, you are my wife.  Your life is more important to me than my own, and I am going to protect you, no matter how angry you get at me.  I will charge you with a crime if I have to, get you locked up where every cop in the city can watch out for you.  If you turn this into a battle of wills, you’ll find out you aren’t actually the stubborn one in this marriage.”  
Laura stared.  She’d seen him in this mood before, although it wasn’t usually directed at her.  It was useless to argue.  She’d seen the best defense lawyers in New York try.  She sighed and took her jacket back off.  
He started to say something, but Laura did not want to hear “Good girl.”  Or anything like it.  She cut him off.
“If you speak, I will taze you,” she said. Rafael stifled a smile.  
She was restless and hated what felt to her like making the rest of the team fight her battles.  But there was something deeply sexy about Rafael’s masculine protectiveness. His absolute demand that she stay safe made her feel loved and precious to him.  Even in this lousy situation, he managed to give her new reasons to love him.
Laura paced around the apartment, checking her phone every minute.  She knew Rafael was only pretending to work, watching and waiting to see if she would try to leave the apartment.  As she was looking at her phone for the millionth time that morning, there was a knock on the door.  
She stood at the end of the short hall, gun in hand, as Rafael looked out the peephole.
“It’s Liv,” he said, opening the door.
Olivia stepped in while Laura holstered her gun.
“Something’s happened.”  Rafael said.
“Yeah.  You guys are gonna want to pack.”
“What’s he done?”  Laura asked, moving a step closer.  
“His car’s outside.  With a body in it.”
“Outside.”  Rafael looked at Laura, then back to Olivia.  “Outside here?  This building?”
Laura gasped.  “How the hell does he know where we live?”
“Come on,  He knows everything about you.  And now he’s killed a woman.”
“What woman?”  Rafael’s voice was hard.
“One that looks enough like your wife to be her twin.”
“Fuck packing.  We’re out of here now.”  
“Rafa,” Olivia said, “You might as well take the time to pack.  Right now there’s just me and Fin.  In two minutes, there’s gonna be a hundred cops outside.  Take your time.  Call me when you’re ready, and we’ll get you to your car.”
An hour later, the CSU techs had checked Rafael and Laura’s car and found no sign of incendiary devices or tampering with the engine or brakes.  With their luggage hastily tossed in the back, Rafael drove out of the parking garage, out of the neighborhood, and out of the city.  With each mile, they both felt better.  Laura wanted to be working with her squad to catch Simmons, but she could feel Rafael’s anxiety melting away, which mattered more to her.  
“Any idea where we’re going?”  She asked as they emerged from the Lincoln Tunnel into the New Jersey sunshine.
“Where would you like to go, mi amor?[4]  The beach? The mountains?  North?  South?”
“Yeah.  Trenton. That way, there’s no reason to go out. We’ll just stay in our hotel room and I can have my way with you 24/7 until they catch Simmons.”
Laura enjoyed the first real laugh she’d heard from Rafael in a long time.  “Tell you what,” he said.  “Let’s go somewhere wonderful.  We can still just stay in our hotel room and you can have your way with me 24/7.  For as long as you want.”  The look he gave her shot jolts of electricity through her.
“Deal.  You do realize you’re hot as hell, right?”
Rafael just smiled.  
That evening, Rafael and Laura lay on the floor of a small but luxurious cabin in the Poconos, not far from where they’d spent their honeymoon.  They cuddled together in a nest of blankets and pillows they’d made in front of the fireplace.  
“You know the cliché about a bearskin rug in front of the fire?  No one ever tells you the bearskin rug is to cushion your spine from the floor,” Rafael mumbled.  His voice made a pleasant rumble in his bare chest where her head rested on it. 
“Pro tip.  When your wife rocks your world in front of a roaring fire, it’s very unromantic to complain about how hard the floor is.”  
“But as long as we’re being honest, it is a little cold down here.  How about we get in bed and you can rock my world?”  
“Again?  If I’d known you were so demanding, I’d never have married you.”
“Oh, there is so much wrong with that statement. First, you did know how demanding I am. Second, you love how demanding I am. Third, you would still have married me, because you’re hopelessly in love with me.”
“Guilty.  On all counts.”  He tightened his arms around her and kissed her on top of her head, then stood up and helped her to her feet.  
 They were awakened somewhere near dawn by a muted crash. Both Rafael and Laura immediately woke, even from their sated, exhausted sleep.  They sprang apart, leapt from bed and hastily pulled on the closest clothes. Laura signaled Rafael for quiet. Taking her Glock from the bedside table, she flipped off the safety and stepped to him, whispering in his ear.  
“Go in the bathroom and lock the door.  Call for help.  Don’t open the door, no matter what you hear,” she hissed.  
“I’m not gonna let you-“
“Hazlo!”[5]  She whispered harshly.  “I need to know you’re safe, so I can concentrate on him.”  She stepped, barefoot and silent, toward the other room of the cabin, pulling the door nearly closed behind her.
She peered around the cabin’s greatroom, but didn’t see anything out of place.  She slid her back along the wall toward the door as quietly as she could, intending to surprise Simmons when he tried to get in.  She guessed that the sound that had awakened them was Simmons breaking a pane on the front door of the cabin, so she looked for movement there.  She didn’t see any.  When she was as close as she intended to get to the door, she stopped moving and waited.  
She didn’t wait long.  As she stood against the wall, weapon aimed at the floor, looking toward the door, she heard a sound to her left and turned to see Art Simmons swinging a baseball bat at her.  She had just enough time to turn to the side and put her arm up, which prevented the bat from hitting her head, but she was still knocked off her feet by the force of the blow.  She uttered a loud grunt as her impact with the floor struck the Glock from her hand, It went skittering along the pine flooring.  
Simmons roared as he lifted the bat over his head and brought it crashing down on the spot where Laura had been the instant before. She rolled toward him, using her weight against his ankles to unbalance him.  He moved his feet to regain his balance, giving her the opportunity to grab his left leg as he shifted his weight to his right.  He slammed to the ground with a yell.  
“You fucking bitch!”
Simmons rolled to his knees as Laura scuttled away from him.  He pulled a jagged hunting knife from a sheath on his belt.  
“I told you I was gonna rip you apart!  I loved you!”  
He threw himself at her, knife held in his fist, and there wasn’t enough room between him and the wall to evade him completely. He landed on her right leg, which still left her able to kick viciously at his face with her left.  He twisted his neck to avoid most of the force, and grabbed her ankle to pull her toward him, using his knife hand on the floor to lift himself further onto her.  Again he raised the knife, this time able to use his weight to keep her from pulling away from him.  She reached up, grabbing his forearm with both hands to hold the knife away from her.  She screamed wordlessly with the effort of pushing with all the strength she had in both arms to keep him from burying the knife in her chest.
“I know that man is here, you cheating whore.  I don’t care about him.  He’s nothing to us.  It’s you!  You just won’t love me!  Why are you so cold?”  He began to cry as he continued to pull down on his arm, trying to stab her with the wicked blade.  
She tried to twist the knife out of his hand, but he was much stronger than she was, with wrists as thick as her forearms.  The knife moved ever closer to her chest as she tried to kick her legs free from under him.  
“He can’t have you!”  Simmons sobbed.  “You’re making me kill you!  It’s the only way to make you mine forever!  And then I’ll do myself, and we can be together.” 
He suddenly yanked his knife arm up, hard, pulling it out of Laura’s hands.  She was surprised, but used his movement to pull her left leg out from under him, bending her knee and pushing as hard as she could against his abdomen with her foot to get him off of her.  As he was reared up, preparing to thrust the knife down into her chest, a blast thundered through the room and he went still.
For a split second, Laura couldn’t figure out what was happening, but when he began to fall toward her, she used her leg and her arms to shove him away from her with all her strength.  He fell to the floor, limp and heavy, and didn’t move.  In the dim light, she first saw the pool of blood begin to spread beneath his head, then focused on the ragged hole above his left eyebrow.  
She rolled over onto her elbows, gasping from exertion, and looked back toward the bedroom door to see Rafael standing there, still holding her Glock aimed at Simmons.  For a long moment, they simply stared, openmouthed, at one another, both panting.  
“¿Estas bien?”[6] He asked quietly.
“Sí. ¿Tú?”[7]  
“No se.”[8]
Laura got to her feet as Rafael flipped on the safety of the gun and set it quickly onto the heavy oak table in the kitchen area of the room as though he couldn’t get rid of it fast enough.  They rushed to clasp each other, beginning to dimly hear sirens in the distance.  
“He was going to kill you.”
“Not with you around.”
“Laura…”  Rafael crushed her to him, burying his face in her hair.  
“It’s OK, mi amor, it’s OK…”
They were both beginning to shake now that the surges of adrenaline had stopped.  They stood holding one another, waiting for whoever belonged to the approaching sirens.
“I had to shoot him.”  Rafael murmured.
“Yes.  You did. He would’ve killed me.”
“We’re messing up the evidence, you know.  I’m getting gunshot residue on you.”
“Hold me anyway,” she whispered, tightening her arms around him.  “You saved my life.  Thank you.”
“It was my turn.”
Soon, the crunch of tires on the gravel and flashes of red and white light announced the arrival of at least two police cruisers. Still holding Laura’s hand, Rafael led her around Simmons’s body to the door, and turned on the lights.  He opened the door, but they didn’t step out.
“Nobody’s armed,” he called.  “We’re coming out.”
Slowly, hands first, Rafael and then Laura stepped out onto the porch to see three Pocono Mountain Regional Police cruisers and six officers, guns drawn, fanned across the front of the cabin.  
“Is the intruder still inside?”  One of the officers called to them.
“Yes,” Laura called back, “But he’s dead.”
All six officers stood up from their defensive positions behind cars and car doors, holstering their weapons.  The one who had spoken stepped around the front of his cruiser and up onto the porch.  He looked Rafael and Laura over, noting a few smears of blood on her.
“Weapon’s on the table,” Rafael told him.  
“All right, you two step over here while we take a look.” The officer indicated the end of the porch, away from the door.  “You sure he’s dead?”
“We’re sure,” Rafael answered.  
They moved to the side of the porch, putting an arm around one another where they stood.  As several of the officers entered the house, Rafael noticed that the planks of the porch were cold on his bare feet, and the night air raised goosflesh on his bare chest.  Laura was also barefoot, wearing only his T-shirt over a pair of flannel pants.  Two of the officers stepped over to them as the others began their work inside.
“Are we waiting for a crime scene unit?”  Rafael asked.  “It’s cold out here and we could use some more clothes if you need us to stay outside.”
“Let’s give the Sarge a minute inside, and we’ll see what we can do.  So, what happened here tonight?”  
So began a long process that lasted well into the morning. Olivia and Fin arrived shortly after sunrise to find Rafael, now fully dressed, being questioned on the couch in the greatroom of the cabin.  Laura, still barefoot, but now wearing jeans and a sweater that obviously belonged to Rafael, was sitting in a rocking chair in the bedroom giving her statement.  Both looked composed, although Rafael’s mouth was set in a grim line and he was slouched down.  Olivia wasn’t surprised.  Rafael had never had to kill anyone before.  She knew well the feelings that came with even the most righteous of shootings.  She made a mental note to make sure he took the necessary steps to work through it.
Simmons’s body was still there, undisturbed since the shooting.  They were still waiting for a Pennsylvania state crime scene team to arrive.  Olivia guessed that the paper bags sealed with evidence tape on the table contained the clothes Laura and Rafael had been wearing when the shooting occurred.
Olivia quickly identified the officer in charge of the scene and introduced herself and Fin, explaining that this was the culmination of a case her unit had been working.  Once the introductions were accomplished, Fin went into the bedroom to Laura, who hugged him long and hard.  He knew she and Rafael couldn’t be questioned together, and he also knew she would be needing some support right now.  He knew better than most what lay beneath her tough façade.  In her place, he would have appreciated her silent presence, too.  So he simply stood next to her as a local detective continued to take her statement.
“So what was this guy’s beef with you?”
“I arrested him on suspicion of a rape about six months ago.  He wasn’t our doer, but he became fixated on me.  I started to see him, hanging around the station house and the courthouse. For the last two months, he’s been outside the station almost every day.  He’s also been in the courtroom every time I’ve had to testify.  I have no idea how he knew when that would be, but there he was.”
“Did he talk to you?”
“Not at first.  But about a month and a half ago, he started sending me things.  Flowers, with creepy messages about how he loved me. The next time I saw him outside the station, I confronted him.  He acted like he was terrified of me, and ran away.  But he didn’t stop.  He started sending more presents to the station; candy, balloons, jewelry; always with a creepy message, but not threatening until the last couple of weeks. The messages started to be accusatory. ‘You’re cheating on me’, ‘why won’t you love me’, that kind of thing.  And then, last week, he went completely off the rails.”
She explained the last few incidents.
“How did he find you here?”  The detective asked.
“Good question.  We figure he must’ve put a GPS tracker on our car.  He’s a weird mix of crazy and smart.  He’s no criminal mastermind, but he had some surprisingly good stalker skills.”  
“Our crime scene team will check your car when they get here.  If there’s a tracking device, we’ll need to impound it.”
 “You said the lights weren’t on.”  The officer in charge asked Rafael.  “How’d you drill the guy with a perfect head shot in the dark?”
“Look around.  This cabin is tiny.  I was standing in the doorway of the bedroom.  Look where the body is.  That’s, what? Five feet?  Not much of a shot.”
“You have firearms training?”
“Depends how you define training.  I’m married to a cop who keeps a firearm.  Our jobs, we make enemies.  So we joined a gun club and I learned to shoot.  We have a standing date once a month when we go for target practice.”
 Eventually, the crime scene van arrived and did the expected tests and examinations of Rafael and Laura.  They photographed Laura’s minor injuries and tested their hands for gunshot residue.   At last, they were free to go, although the police impounded Rafael and Laura’s car which had, in fact, been fit with a GPS tracker.  
The four New Yorkers wearily piled into the squad car Olivia and Fin had arrived in.  None of them expected any trouble to come out of the shooting.  
Rafael lay at an angle across the back seat, with Laura lying against him, their arms around each other.  She looked up at him.
“You OK?”
He frowned.  “I think so. I guess we’ll see.  Life with you isn’t going to be boring, is it?”
“Right this minute, I could use a little boring.” With that, she laid her head back down on his chest.
Fin, who usually drove because he was a terrible passenger, was the only one still awake when they reached the New Jersey border.  
[1] Fuck!
[2] I love you.
[3] I love you, Laura, but I swear you’re going to be the death of me.
[4] My love
[5] Do it!
[6] Are you OK?
[7] Yes.  You?
[8] I don’t know.
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maximumkillshot · 5 years
The Letter
Warnings: Some angst, Jealous!Dean, Sam’s just being Sam, Mentions of Hell and sexy times, nothing too bad, Pg-13 at best... not even really, FLUFFFFFFYYYYY
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Random Dude, Reader (Of course)
A/N: Hello all, I wasn’t able to post over the weekend, but hey! I’m doing it now!!! Enjoy everyone.. It’s FLUFFYY and as always.... GIFS AIN’T MINE!!
“All I Could Do” Masterlist- CLICK HERE
Overall Masterlist- Click Here
“When You Call” Masterlist- Click Here
“The Situation” Masterlist- Click Here
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“C'mon Dean, you've gotta tell her at some point” scoffed Sammy as he saw Y/N walk out of the bar, some unknown guy in tow right behind her. Dean stared at the man as he left, sizing him up, trying to understand why he has these feelings for a friend that he's had since childhood.
“Tell her what exactly?” Dean turned to his brother, exasperated. “Oh hey Y/N, what’s up? Oh me? Nuthin much just having a bit of a dry spell because I can't stop thinking about you. Wasn't as bad when we didn't hunt together but now…. Pfft, now I can't even get it up without thinking about you…. She's never gonna see me like I see her, Sammy.”
“But you aren't even giving her the chance to see you like you see her…. C'mon it's better than sulking in every single bar she's in when she doesn't pick you up,” remarked Sam.
“Alright, fine… And how exactly do you expect me to approach this little talk, huh Sammy?” Dean groaned as he took the next shot of Jack with ease and motioned for another.
Sam thought for a bit and continued, “well, you sure as hell can't face her without chickening out.” Dean glared, “but, maybe you don't have to face her at all… or even talk to her for that matter.”
Dean looked at Sam and saw that gleam in his eye. That gleam that said ‘I am about to say something that you'll hate, but I know it'll work and you'll hate that it'll work which will only make this sweeter for me.’
“Out with it Fabio,” Dean commented, now snickering at his own wisecracks.
“Maybe you write to her?” Smiled Sammy...
Dean looked around and back to Sammy.
“What?” Asked Sam as he looked around, following Dean's gaze.
“I was just checking to see if we were in elementary school or not..” Said, Dean, as he sipped on his newly replenished fifth of whiskey, he hissed at the sting, “Yup! This ain't exactly apple juice and I see no children with pigtails so why in Chuck's name would I send a woman a letter when I LIVE WITH HER?!” Dean practically screamed.
“Well, are you going to talk to her on the phone?”
“In person?”
“Then do you have any other ideas?” Questioned Sam as Dean stared at the Amber liquid in his glass, “Dean, it's the most detached way to let her know. And, if you're still too chicken, you could write it and burn it afterward…Either way, it's out of your head…”
At that moment a smoking hot blonde walked up to Dean and said: “Hi, stranger.”
Dean looked at her and said, “Hi” and turned back to Sam immediately, her advances immediately flying over his head at the moment.
The woman walked away mumbling about how the good looking men are either taken or gay and Sam's jaw was completely unhinged, staring from his brother to the blonde.
“What?” Questioned Dean.
“Oh no, we gotta fix you now… that girl was flirting with you!!” Said, Sam, as he pointed to the woman.
“Yeah, I know… it's annoying.”
Sam looked horrified, “Who are you and what have you done to my brother?”
“Oh c’mon it isn’t that bad...”
“Uhh yeah, yeah it is… c’mon, let’s go back to the motel…” said Sam as he slapped down two 20’s, officially closing the tab.
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The next day Dean saw the dude saunter out of her motel room, hickeys all over his neck and what looked like scratch marks on his chest, as he didn’t even bother to button up his shirt. Dean was so lucky as to be working on Baby when he came out. He looked at the guy that looked like the cat that got the cream and he looked back to see Y/N, looking at him starry-eyed completely relaxed…
He traveled her form, nothing on but a stolen shirt from Dean, nonetheless… I mean who is Dean kidding, she begged for the shirt because it was so comfy and he caved, as he always did with her. It was just easier to tell himself she stole it. He looked at her legs that seemed so soft, so welcoming… By the time his eyes met hers again, she simply smiled and closed the door… almost taunting him….
Dean just walked around and leaned on Baby’s grill as he pretended to be messing with her engine… Little did he know Y/N was watching him too, hoping that he’d come to his senses since he was in her head the whole time that other guy was in her bed.
Dean gave her the cold shoulder the entire next day as they traveled home, nearing the end of the drive Y/N couldn’t take it anymore she said, “Dean, did I do something wrong?”
“No, why do you say that?”
“Well I mean I wasn’t exactly quiet with the guy I was with. You looked at me like you were pissed when he left my room so I figured I was too loud or something.”
“You were three rooms away, even if I did want to hear it, which I don’t, I wouldn’t be able to, Y/N.” He replied coldly.
“Then why did you stare daggers into me and looked at him like you wanted to kill him?”
No answer.
“Dean, you’ve been pushing me away and I don’t know why, then I have  a little fun and you look at me like I am public enemy number 1. What did I do?”
“Nothing, just irritated, I guess.”
“How about I make you some pie when we get home, mixed berry?” She asked.
“I don’t want pie I want--” He snapped but his mouth slammed shut before he could say, “You.”
“What do you want? Whatever it is, name it, I hate that you aren’t talking to me… We were so close Dean… I miss it.” Y/N said, her heart near breaking.
He couldn’t even look into the rearview mirror without tearing, he’s never felt hurt by someone sleeping with someone else, especially if they weren’t exclusive. So why does he want to cry when he sees the love bites on her neck, it doesn’t make sense to him.
“I want to be left alone right now, Y/N.” Said Dean, his knuckles white from the pressure of gripping the steering wheel.
Sam tried to distract her by talking about her night out with the guy but… It just made things worse for Dean since he had to listen to Y/N talk about how much of a stud the guy she took home was. It made Dean’s blood boil. Every time she told him about how he ‘touched her in all the right places’ Dean couldn’t help but think that it should’ve been him holding her like he was. Worshipping her. It all should have been him, he should have been making her moan, he should have been feeling her creamy skin on his, he should have been there… not anyone else.
When they entered the bunker Dean made a B-Line for his room. Almost angrily Dean slammed his door and opened his laptop…
“This is so stupid…” He growled to himself as he opened up a blank document and began writing...
After about an hour of writing, Dean stared at the letter on his computer, trying to find a reason not to print it. He couldn’t find one so he decided to get some liquid courage from the liquor cabinet in the kitchen, when he got back Sam was hunched over Dean’s computer…
“DUDE! Privacy!” Dean whispered yelled.
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“Dean... You’ve gotta send this, you have to man.” Said, Sam, as he pointed to the screen, “This… this is beautiful, she’d never hate you. You don’t see the way she looks at you. The way you look at each other.”
“What are you trying to get at, Sammy?” Dean asked as he sat down, drinking straight from the bottle.
“I am trying to say that only good can come from this… just do it.” Responded Sam.
Dean printed the message out and slipped it under Y/N’s door, hoping that the damage wasn’t permanent.
Ahhh why did I pack so much shit? That was the question in my mind as I sharpened and sheathed my fifth blade, six left to go. Then I heard something outside of the door.
“Sam, this is a bad idea” I heard Dean whisper
“Just shut up before she hears us!” Whisper-yelled Sam…
I huffed, if the boys were looking to hear anything weird, they would be sadly mistaken. Then I heard more rustling and a letter was slid under my door.
The first thing I thought was…. Glitter…. It has to be glitter, c’mon it’s an unmarked envelope that was randomly slid under my door. It had to be a prank…. The more I looked at it, the more curious I was.
I decided to pick it up and open it over my trashcan… All I found was a letter…
It said:
Okay so I’m only going to try this because Sam said to try it.
Help me, it’s not two words that I’m used to seeing and using together. I was trained to help others and to never ask for help in doing that. I never had those two words in my vocabulary. Which is why I was so shocked when I found that I needed help. I didn’t need help with ghouls or werewolves. I needed help being human again. To feel like I wasn’t a machine. To feel like I deserved to be loved. It was something that I didn’t even know that I needed until you came around.
It wasn’t something that happened all of a sudden, it wasn’t love at first sight. But it was definitely something. I actually started off being annoyed by you. Your endless optimism, your dorky smile. It put me off. Well, at least I thought it did. The more time I spent with you the more that I realized that you were different. You weren’t self-centered, you weren’t cold-hearted, you weren’t someone that could be fucked with. Someone to be thrown to the side, which made me love you even more.
That scared me. I’ve never loved someone like I love you. It’s too dangerous. It’s not fair to you to have to be worried about me constantly and to have to watch your back. It isn’t fair. So when you asked me why I was pushing you away the reason is that I have been madly in love with you and I don’t know what to do with it. So even if I don’t print this out and slide it under your door at least I can get it out.  
It’s out there now, I actually feel a bit better. I still need you, and I miss being close too, I want to get closer. It’s so dangerous, Y/N. Even knowing us is a danger, being with me is a completely different level of danger, it’s a death sentence. I can’t do that to you, I love you too much. That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt when you talk about other guys, it actually rips me apart inside. I think about how it could be me, not some other random guy.
Some other random guy doesn’t know that you need an extra pillow to prop your head up, they don’t know the stories behind your scars like I do, they don’t know that mean right hook that you have, or that infectious giggle you can’t control when you have too much whiskey, they don’t know you. I do… I know you, I know you hate being tickled and you hate it when someone assumes you aren’t strong simply because you’re a girl, I know you love extra ketchup on your cheeseburgers, and most of all I know you are worth more than a one night stand. You are damn sure worth more than the death sentence of being with me.
I couldn’t not tell you, Sammy says I need to give you the chance to choose… This isn’t a choice, this is just letting you know… I love you… I love you so much, I always have and I always will. I never know how to end these so I’ll just say… Don’t hate me, Sweetheart.
As my eyes read the paper… my heart simultaneously swelled and shattered at the same time… Poor Dean… poor dumb Dean… How could he not see that I don’t care about the danger?
I’ve already died twice and I came back… I came back for him. Sam was the only one who knew. But this… This cements what I’ve always felt about him. For him to have written this. My heart is swelling.
That explains why he’s been distant, why he got tenser when I laughed, why he was angry with me.
I decided to finish unpacking and then talk to him about it.
Dean’s POV:
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“It’s been three hours, Sammy” I said trying to take a breath, “She hates me, I know she does.”
“She doesn’t hate you, she’s probably unpacking, Dean,” Quipped Sam.
He’s right she’s probably finishing everything that she needs to take care of before sh…. OH SHIT HERE SHE COMES.
“Shit, Sam. Act normal” I whispered.
Sam laughed as he commented, “I’m the one actually sitting at the library table, while you’re pacing back and forth like a psycho.”
“Hey Sammy, could we have the room?” Y/N asked her hands behind her.
Oh shit, here it comes. Here’s the ‘I only saw you like a brother’ talk that every guy talks about….
Maybe it’s worse, maybe it’s the ‘I don’t feel comfortable living with you if you have these feelings.’
I’m doomed, who sucked all of the air out of the room, why am I sweating? I need answers damn it!
“Sure,” Said Sam with a lore book in hand, “I’m just gonna grab this and finish it in my room.”
I wanna scream ‘Don’t you fuckin leave me here!’ but I can’t, oh shit she’s looking at me…
“Sooooo,” I said, nowhere near smooth.
“Soooo…. You okay? You look like you’re going to pass out,” she giggled.
“Well, kinda feel that way actually,” I answered honestly…
She sat down on the table in front of me and brought the letter out from behind her.
“Sooo, I got this letter…” She said almost shyly, “You really write this?”
“Ye-yeah I did.” I can’t get my voice to even out, why?
“It’s beautiful… like the guy who wrote it.” She smirked…
“Sweetheart, I’m ruggedly handsome at best… you… you’re the beautiful one.” I answered honestly.
“Well someone hasn’t seen themselves when they’re on an open road singing along to Led Zeppelin, that is a beautiful sight… The sun hits you just right, makes the green pop out of your eyes, all topped with a smile… that’s beautiful if I’ve ever seen it.” She said as she straightened out my flannel… I got closer to her, and she opened her legs to me, so I could be chest to chest with her.
“So I take it you don’t hate me?” I questioned cautiously…
“How could I hate the man I came back from Hell for… twice?” She giggled.
“Only in our line of work,” I chuckled…
“Only for one man…” She smiled up at me… “About damn time, Winchester… Here I thought I was gonna have to sacrifice myself a third time.”
“NONONONO please don’t… I love you too much… But this… it’s dangerous…” I said, immediate worry in my voice, I’m sure.
“Well it’s a good thing I’m more dangerous…” she chuckled.
“Y/N I’m serious”
“So am I, Dean. When I wasn’t with you I died… I’m dying either way… But I get to choose how I live… I want to live with you by my side… always.” She said as she cradled my cheek in her small hand… Trying to smother all of my worry. “Do you want that too?” she asked.
“Yes, more than anything…” I answered.
“Then kiss me.” She said.
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Immediately… I kissed her.
As soon as I pulled away I said, “Oh I’m never letting go of you, am I?”
Her response was perfect…
“Nah, not like I’d want you to anyway, dork.”
@mamaredd123 , @impala-dreamer , @impalaimagining , @jotink78 , @nichelle-my-belle , , @scorpiongirl1 , @ilostmyshoe-79 , @teamfreewillimagines , @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid , @chelsea072498 , @brickwall035 , @maui137 , @mogaruke , @jayankles , @butiaintgonnaloveem , @kawaiilivkitty , @naviwhite , @emoryhemsworth ,              
@cole-winchester , @nanie5 , @emoryhemsworth , @carribear31 , @death-unbecomes-you, @clarinette07, @curlyhairedblueeyedangel, @deansbabygirl01, @anathewierdo , @atc74 , @kickasscas67, @mannls, @adoptdontshoppets, @meganywinchester, @xalgaliareptx , @healojane, @wolfiebucky, @rayvenrider, @screechingartisancashbailiff , @goodgodimaweirdperson, @beltzboys2015-blog, @animegirlgeeky, @paintballkid711, @dolphincliffs
 Wanna join the tag army? Shoot me an ask and consider it done!
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scourgewins · 5 years
A Fateful Encounter
(Presenting my first fanfiction! Well, not my first fanfiction, but the first I’ve posted on a blog of my own. It’s not related to the Mafia AU (I’m still working on that. Get off my back, Drawing Entity!). Anyway, it’s about how Joey and Henry met for the first time. I remember Drawing Entity and I joked once about how they met, and I decided it was actually a great headcanon, so here you go! I hope you enjoy!) 
Fifteen year-old Joey Drew stepped out into the bright sunshine of a Spring afternoon. Taking a deep breath, the young man sighed reverently. The day was still full of potential, despite the long hours he’d spent in school. I think I’ll go home and draw a bit.
It was often Joey’s habit to draw, and sometimes animate, whenever he had free time. Joey already knew that once he was done with the rigmarole of school, he would start a cartoon studio, which had been his lifelong passion ever since he’d first seen an animation. Joey Drew Studios would become one of the greatest companies in the world, outshining all other animation studios. The young artist had absolutely no doubt in his mind that this would all come to pass; he knew he had the skill and the will to make it so. Straightening his bow tie, Joey made his way down the steps leading to the parking lot, excited for the day ahead.
“See you tomorrow, Joey!” someone called.
“You too, pal!” he answered.
“Bye, Joey!”
Joey turned in the opposite direction from his peers, whistling a merry tune. He had parked a little ways away from the parking lot, having arrived at school a tad late, and therefore all the parking spaces had been taken. But Joey didn’t mind the walk. It was at these times when he was alone that he liked to brainstorm cartoon ideas, characters and plot lines and whatnot.
Joey was considered a popular student, by most everyone in school. He got along with almost everybody, and those who made it clear they didn’t like him, well, he let them ponder over it while nursing a black eye. He had often spoken to his peers of his aspirations of being a cartoonist and studio owner. They had all smiled politely, but it was clear none of them understood his vision. No one ever had. Not even his parents, who supported him in everything else, frowned upon his ambition. They thought it wasn’t a “real job” and told him to, “take his head out of the clouds.” But Joey knew he’d show them all what he could do, one day.
In the meantime, he remained an average teenager; he liked to hang out with his peers, to go to parties, to flirt, and sometimes be a bit rebellious, especially when angered. That very morning he’d had an argument with his parents. It had been a small one, about something that didn’t really matter and is of no consequence to this story. All that matters is that young Joey Drew, mad at his parents as one his age usually is, had decided to take his dad’s car to school.
His family owned two cars, so losing one was not so big a deal. The big deal was that Joey barely knew how to drive. He had never given driving much attention, taking it for granted that someone would always be there to chauffeur him. As it was, he had miraculously made it to school in the morning without hitting anything or anyone. That was about to change.
Arriving at his car, Joey tossed his pack in the back seat, and got behind the wheel, revving the car up. There was another car parked right in front of him, so he knew he’d have to back up to get out.
“Now, let’s see…” Joey murmured to himself, “How do I put the car in reverse?”
Joey was too busy eyeing the stick shift to notice a young man his age approaching. The man stopped on the sidewalk a little away from his car, and looked both ways down the lonely street. He, of course, noticed Joey in the car, but since the car wasn’t moving, and he was a satisfactory distance from it, he didn’t think he had anything to fear from it. So, confidently, the young man stepped out into the street.
“Aw, I’ve got it!” Joey exclaimed. In excitement, he stamped his foot on the pedal, and the car sped backward. Alarmed, Joey slammed his foot on the breaks, but not before he heard a loud thump! behind him, along with a sudden cry.
Feeling a cold sense of dread drop into his stomach, Joey sat for a few moments, staring into space, refusing to look behind him. At last, the initial shock of what had happened dissipated, and Joey found himself frantically throwing open his door and dashing to the back of his car. Please don’t be dead! Please don’t be dead!
Joey saw a young man, familiar to him from school, sit up slowly, groaning and rubbing his head. His pack had spilled open at the impact, and the contents were strewn about, but Joey paid them no heed, only sighing in relief that the man wasn’t dead. Descending to his knees, Joey settled beside him, looking him over to make sure he hadn’t damaged him too much. The man at last realized Joey was beside him, and looked at him with confusion in his brown eyes.
“You hit me with your car.” he said, matter-of-factly.
“That I did.” Joey replied, not knowing what else to say.
The man continued to stare at Joey, “Why did you do that?”
“I didn’t mean to!” Joey explained, “You just appeared out of nowhere!”
“Nowhere?” the man said, the initial shock of the event giving way to anger, “I was yards from you. You’re the one who slammed on the gas pedal and nearly ran me over!”
“That was an accident!” Joey said, defensively, “I didn’t know the car would go that fast!”
“Have you never driven a car before?”
“Well…” Joey looked down at the road sheepishly.
The man’s eyes widened, “You haven’t?”
“Not exactly...”
“Then why the heck are you driving one?”
Joey glared, “I don’t need to answer to you!”
“You hit me with your car.” The man said, fury in his gaze, “Heck yes, you have to a answer to me!”
“Well… I don’t know what to say!” Joey said, hurriedly. Panic was making his usually cool and collected mind shut down, so that all he could do was snap at his victim.
The man glared, “How about, ‘Sorry I hit you with my car’ ?”
“I’m sorry I hit you with my car!” Joey practically shouted.
“Thank you!” the man yelled.
“You’re welcome!”
The two of them sat in silence for a minute or two, letting their emotions calm down. At last, Joey glanced at his peer, who he now recognized as Henry.
“Are you alright?” he asked, gruffly.
Henry looked at Joey for a moment, then back at the ground, “My head hurts. I must have hit it on the pavement. But I should be fine by tomorrow.”
Joey nodded, relieved at that. His gaze wandered from Henry’s face to his pack, and the textbooks and papers that had fallen from it. The ambitious young man’s eyes widened as he beheld tons of drawings, even the makings of animations, drawn on many a piece of paper.
“Did you draw these?” Joey asked, seizing one of the papers, and staring at various drawings of cartoon people.
Henry snatched the paper back, his face reddening. “Yes.”
“They’re amazing!” Joey exclaimed, grabbing another.
This time Henry paused before taking the paper from him, “Do you really think so?”
“Absolutely! I’m an artist myself, and it takes one to know one.” So saying, Joey ran back to his car, and pulled out various drawings from his bag, showing them proudly to Henry. Henry looked at each of them in turn, his face slackening in surprise.
“These are great.” he said.
Joey plopped himself back on the ground beside Henry, eyeing his drawings, “You’ve got real talent, Henry.” Henry looked up at Joey, surprised he knew his name.
“Uh, thanks.” he replied, “You, too.”
“You shouldn’t be so shy about your drawings.” Joey continued, “You should show them off to everyone you meet. That’s what I do.”
Henry nodded, collecting his papers and textbooks, carefully placing them back in his bag, not knowing what to say. Joey smiled at him.
“Have you ever considered being a cartoonist?”
Henry paused, a sheet of papers in his hand, “I’ve given it some thought.”
“You should definitely be one.” Joey urged.
Henry looked at Joey for a second, then seemed to shake himself free of a thought. “It’s not a real job.” he mumbled, putting the remainder of his drawings back.
“Bunk!” Joey cried, “It’s as real a job as running a bank!”
Seeing the skeptical look on his fellow artist’s face, Joey said, with the air of one who has rehearsed this speech countless times, “I myself plan on running a cartoon studio when I am old enough. I will create tons of cartoons, that everyone will love the world over! ‘Joey Drew’ will become a household name, and my creations will be even more famous than Felix the Cat!”
Henry stared silently at Joey, thinking he was a tad unhinged, but still intrigued by what he had said. Henry didn’t much care if his animations reached international fame, but the very idea of drawing and animating for a living was enough to fill him with excitement, and Joey’s inspirational tones were very persuasive. Joey sensed the change in his peer’s perspective, and pressed on.
“Of course, I’d need more than just myself to animate. I’d need a score of animators to make my dream come true. Maybe one day you’ll be working for me, eh? What do you say?”
As crazy as it sounded, there was a certain appeal in it for Henry, but he wasn’t ready to commit himself just yet. After all, he hadn’t even made it through high school. “Maybe.” he said, standing up.
Joey rose as well, “I sure hope so, Henry. Oh, by the way, if you didn’t know, my name’s Joey.”
Henry smiled a little, “I knew that.” Everybody knew Joey.
“Well, this is the first time we’ve properly met, so…” Joey stuck out his hand. Henry looked at it a moment, then took it, and they shook hands firmly. Joey offered to drive Henry home, and Henry stared hard at him, letting him know that he most certainly would not be driving anywhere with him, and Joey seemed to recall the circumstances under which they’d met just now.
“Maybe you shouldn’t drive.” Henry reasoned.
“No, I’ve got the hang of it now, and my house isn’t far.”
Frowning, Henry saw it would be useless to argue, and only said, “Drive slowly.”
 “I will.” Joey replied, then looked at him meaningfully, “I’m glad I ran into you, Henry.” Henry didn’t smile at the joke, and Joey only pursed his lips and turned his car on. Henry turned and started walking away, pausing only to say, “See you around, Joey.”
Joey watched as Henry turned the corner, and was lost to his view. He sensed he’d be seeing a lot more of shy-old Henry from now on. Joey pressed the gas pedal lightly and headed home, driving very, very slowly.
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francoeurs · 6 years
Kismet with a Side of Fries
AO3 link · . · . ·
Rating: T.
Words: 5,000.
Status: Complete.
Warnings/Content: Modern AU. Fluff. Angst. Friendship. Romance. Self-esteem issues. Mutual pining. Flirting. Happy ending. Junk food. Cats. Mentions of Jaime/C*rsei (past). Brief mention of canon-typical violence (past). Brief mention of dog fighting (past).
Summary: “You’re the last person I expected to see in here,” a very familiar voice interrupted her pity party. “Bad night?”
Oh, no. Brienne looked up and froze with her burger halfway to her open mouth. A glob of sauce landed on her tray with an annoyingly loud plop.
Jaime Lannister — her co-worker, friend, and possibly the love of her life — was standing next to her table, holding his own loaded tray and looking almost as surprised as she felt.
— • —
Brienne was sitting alone in a McDonald's at one in the morning, grumpily stuffing her face with artery-clogging rubbish and wearing an outrageously expensive dress with a pair of old trainers that were starting to fall apart.
Not her finest hour.
“The blue makes your eyes pop!” the middle-aged saleswoman at the clothing store had gushed. “Blimey, look at those legs!”
Brienne had been so uncomfortable and eager to leave at that point, she would have easily agreed to buy the tackiest pink silk dress in the world if it had meant she could go home.
She hated shopping for clothes.
She didn’t hate dresses, but she hated the way she looked in them (“like a sow in silk!” the memory of Connington’s cruel words mocked her).
She hated fast food even more.
And yet, here she was, lonely and annoyed and punishing herself as though her day hadn’t been terrible enough already.
The young cashier was watching her with a bored look on his face. Not unlike Brienne’s cat had been doing twenty minutes earlier, judging her silently with those cool blue eyes of hers. The spoiled creature could probably smell the shame and self-disgust on her.
Brienne took an unnecessarily large bite of her double cheeseburger and stared back at the young man until he looked away, shifting nervously on his feet. He pretended to be busy with the cash register, then looked up gratefully when the door opened and another customer came in.
Brienne turned her head to the window. From this spot, she had a perfect view of the dumpsters outside. How appropriate.
She chewed her food mechanically, not really tasting it. Maybe it was for the best. What on earth had possessed her to come here? She didn’t even like junk food. Now she was upset and a tad queasy.
A scruffy orange cat jumped on top of one of the dumpsters and sat down facing Brienne. Its round, yellow eyes glinted in the darkness as they assessed her.
It was like the universe was laughing at her.
“You’re the last person I expected to see in here,” a very familiar voice interrupted her pity party. “Bad night?”
Oh, no. Brienne looked up and froze with her burger halfway to her open mouth. A glob of sauce landed on her tray with an annoyingly loud plop.
Jaime Lannister — her co-worker, friend, and possibly the love of her life — was standing next to her table, holding his own loaded tray and looking almost as surprised as she felt.
The universe WAS laughing at her.
Snapping her mouth shut, she lowered her burger and self-consciously tugged the hem of her dress down in a futile effort to cover her legs. “You could say that.”
His gaze flicked down, then back up, almost too fast for her to see. His cheeks and the tips of his ears were bright pink. Brienne hadn’t realised it was that cold outside, but she’d admittedly been distracted on her walk here.
Jaime blew out a breath and licked his lips before speaking again. “Do you mind...?” he asked, pointing his right arm at the empty seat in front of her.
He wasn’t wearing his prosthetic hand, she noticed with a bit of a shock. She hadn’t seen him without it since his stay in the hospital, almost two years ago.
She still remembered her first visit vividly. She’d stiffly handed him a bag filled with his favourite candy bars and snacks, and then he’d made her stay and watch some flowery early afternoon program with him. He’d been high as a kite on morphine and had kept referring to Brienne as his “best friend” every time a nurse or doctor had come into the room.
They’d been barely more than co-workers at that point, but he’d lost his hand because of her, so Brienne had smiled and kept her mouth shut, guilt eating at her insides like acid.
An unhinged, disgruntled client on bail had been waiting for her in the car park after work one evening. He’d sicced one of his fight dogs on her as soon as he’d spotted her. Ironically, his dogs and his cruel treatment of them had been the very reason she’d refused to represent him. Brienne had thought they’d all been taken away by police, but clearly, the maniac had had at least one more hidden away somewhere.
The huge, snarling dog had run straight for her and she’d had nothing but her keys and briefcase to defend herself with. It had been just about to jump on her when Jaime had appeared out of nowhere and put himself between her and the animal. And then... well.
By the time the police had found Vargo Hoat, months later, she and Jaime really had become quite close friends.
Brienne shook her head to clear her thoughts. “Um, go ahead.” She gestured to the chair.
He sat down. “Thanks,” he said, setting his tray down on the table and unwrapping his food.  He didn’t bother taking his jacket off.
Brienne nodded, eyes dropping to his meal. One burger, one large fry, one small... milkshake? But no straw. Strange. Perhaps he’d forgotten to grab one.
“You look nice,” Jaime commented without looking at her. He cleared his throat. “Blue’s a good colour on you.”
“Huh?” Brienne blinked and glanced down at herself. She cringed and brushed white cat fur from her dark blue dress as embarrassment roared inside her. “Oh. I—thank you.” He couldn’t possibly mean that, but it was nice of him to try to make her feel better when she was obviously miserable.
“You’re welcome,” Jaime said softly. He took a bite of his burger and made a horrible face. “Ugh, damn it, I said no pickles,” he complained through a mouthful of food. He glared at the cashier over his shoulder, but the young man’s attention was focused on his phone.
Brienne rolled her eyes and dutifully extended her hand. Jaime picked the sauce-covered pickle slices off his burger and put them in her waiting hand, wrinkling his nose.
She dropped them on her tray and wiped her hand with a napkin, biting back a smile when he asked for a few sips of her Coke to wash the taste away.
“You have your own drink,” she pointed out, but she passed him the Coke anyway.
“It’s not for drinking,” he said, but didn't elaborate. Brienne gave him a puzzled look.
“So, what flavour of ‘bad’ was your night, exactly?” Jaime asked between sips. “Do you need me to give you a hug?”
Yes. “No.”
“That’s too bad. I give great hugs.”
Longing tugged at her. “I’ll take your word for it.”
He heaved a little sigh, almost inaudible, and shrugged one shoulder. “Well, your night must have been truly horrid if you’re willingly eating the food here. Before tonight, the unhealthiest thing I’d seen you eat was a chocolate-covered granola bar. Excuse me—an organic chocolate-covered granola bar.”
“I eat chips on occasion,” she said, defensive. “Real chips.” She held up a sad, skinny fry and gave it a shake. “These are not chips. I’m not sure these are even food,” she said before biting the fry in half.
“Food snob,” he teased. “So what brought you here?”
She huffed and rubbed the back of her neck, hoping to release some of the tension there. "Bad date," she muttered. She’d let Sansa — a legal intern and the daughter of a judge Brienne knew well — arrange a blind date for her. He was one of her older brothers’ friends, apparently.
After weeks of pestering, Brienne had finally agreed. She couldn’t pine after her best friend forever. Well, she definitely could, but she should at least try and see what was out there, what her actual options were. Because no, the shelter cat she’d adopted on an emotional whim half a year ago definitely did not count.
Now that she’d met one of her ‘options’, she didn’t know if she should be offended or not. She knew she was no prize, but really? Brienne couldn’t say it didn’t sting a little.
Maybe a cat really was the best she could hope for. A least she liked the cat. She stared haughtily at Brienne, but she never leered or tried to hurt her feelings on purpose.
Jaime went rigid in his seat, his expression suddenly closed off. “Ah. I didn’t know you were dating.”
“Neither did I. Life is full of surprises,” she deadpanned, then sighed. “Anyway, I kept replaying the whole thing in my head after I got home, and my cat was being a pest. I needed fresh air.” Brienne looked down at the ridiculous amount of greasy food on the table and grimaced slightly. “And a palate cleanser, I suppose. Unfortunately, this was the only available option at this hour.”
Jaime’s jaw worked. “How bad was that date?” His voice had a sharp edge to it.
Brienne blinked and dropped her hand from her neck. “Thirty minutes into it, he point blank told me he wanted to make ‘great big monster babies’ with me.” The first thirty minutes hadn’t been much better.
“Lovely.” Jaime looked utterly repulsed, but a bit of the tension eased from his face and shoulders. His eyes softened. “Are you all right?”
“Yes. I’ve dealt with my fair share of boorish men before.” She absently picked up her burger and took a bite. “Why are you here?” She asked, eager to change the subject.
"Bad breakup,” he answered quickly, as if he’d been dying to tell her since the moment it happened.
Brienne almost choked on her food.
“What?” she asked, louder than she had intended.
Jaime jerked in surprise, wide-eyed.
Her face was on fire. She dug her nails into her palm and closed her eyes briefly. “I’m sorry, I meant... I mean, I’m sorry,” she stammered. “That... that happened.” She eyed her half empty Coke grimly, wondering if it would be possible to drown herself in it.
She knew about his... unusual and disturbing relationship with his sister. Jaime had drunk dialled her one night, almost a year ago. He had been in a very melancholy and very sharing mood, much to his horror the next day at work. He’d only started to calm down after she’d assured him repeatedly that no, she didn’t hate him, and no, she would not tell anyone, and yes, they were still friends.
But secretly, she’d struggled to come to terms with that revelation. Brienne had eventually resolved to think about it as little as possible, because that was all she could do. She cared about Jaime and wanted him in her life. That hadn’t changed. He hadn’t changed.
Jaime took a few seconds to regroup, then waved his hand dismissively. “It’s fine. I’m fine. Truly. We were done for months. A year, even. I only made it official tonight.” He picked at his fries and looked at her for a long moment. “I’m more than ready to move on.”
The longing in his voice was unmistakable, and it tore at her heart.
Brienne offered him a wan smile.
She was happy for him. So, so very happy. She didn’t need to see them together to know that their relationship had been toxic, and for more than the obvious reason. She’d seen what it had been doing to him, the toll it had been taking on his life and mental health.
So yes, she was happy. Ecstatic, even.
But a small, selfish, ugly part of Brienne...
Before—sometimes—she’d been able to forget that his heart was taken. She’d never even met his sister, so it was easy enough. Out of sight, out of mind.
Now she would probably have to actually see him date women. Or men. Anyone. She didn’t even know. It didn’t matter; it would hurt all the same. It would be like Renly all over again, except Jaime was... more. She didn’t know if she would be able to piece her heart back together this time.
“We hadn’t seen each other in weeks before tonight, but my decision to break things off with her still wasn’t well-received,” Jaime continued with a grimace, oblivious to Brienne’s inner turmoil. “After the hour I just endured, I feel I’ve earned the right to scarf down greasy food in the middle of the night,” he said, biting into a fry.
Brienne nodded and swallowed hard, her mind still whirring. She took a good long look at him. He looked a bit tired, but he also looked... good. He always did, but he seemed happier now. Lighter.
“Why end it tonight? After all this time?” she asked, hoping it wasn’t too personal a question.
Jaime stared at her thoughtfully for a few moments and worried his lower lip.
“I dreamed of someone,” he eventually said, and left it at that.
Brienne nibbled on a fry. Maybe he’d dreamed of his father’s petite, perky blonde receptionist. Her dimpled smiles were always brighter when Jaime was around. Or maybe it had been that tall, black-haired beauty who worked in the office next to his. She was always making passes at him, her charming accent melting around each suggestive word like ice cream in the sun. How could he not have noticed? Brienne didn’t even swing that way, and even she felt a little hot under the collar sometimes. Some people were just that beautiful.
Like Jaime.
Beautiful people gravitate towards each other. “So, does this mean you’ll stop ignoring every single person who tries to, um...” She cleared her throat. “Get to know you?”
Jaime’s gaze grew unnervingly intense. “I didn’t ignore you,” he pointed out.
“Well, no, but I don’t count.”
He leaned back in his seat and narrowed his eyes as if she'd offended him on some deep level. “Why the hell not?”
“I wasn’t talking about... I meant people who—" She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. And for the record, I did not try to ‘get to know you’. You insulted me for a few weeks, and then you started pestering me until I agreed to eat lunch with you every day and occasionally spend time with you outside of work. You basically annoyed me into friendship.”
He pulled the plastic top off his milkshake. “One of my many talents.”
“How many friends do you have?”
He chuckled and pointed a fry at her. “Touché.”
“Then again, you did risk your life for me after that rocky beginning,” she said quietly after a moment's silence. She observed his face through her lashes, suddenly shy. “That was quite the smooth move, I have to admit.”
Jaime flashed a cheeky grin and winked.
She almost blushed, but he saved her the embarrassment when he dipped his fry in his vanilla milkshake and put it in his mouth.
Brienne’s jaw dropped open in horror. "You monster."
Jaime swallowed and looked her straight in the eye as he slowly and defiantly sucked the grease and salt off his fingers. Brienne nibbled the inside of her lip and fought to keep her eyes on his, determined to ignore the heat pooling in her belly. There were more important things at hand.
Like the fact that the man she was in love with ate like a bloody animal.
"Have you ever tried it?" he asked.
Brienne let her face speak for her.
“Really? Not even once?”
Her mouth turned down in distaste. "I’ve seen people talk about it online, but I thought it was one of those made up things no one actually does in real life. Like eating Tide Pods."
Jaime shook his head sadly. "Oh, Brienne. The Tide Pods Challenge was unfortunately very real.” He patted her hand. “But it's sweet that you still have so much faith in humanity, considering what we do for a living."
Brienne didn't have time to react to that before he dipped another fry in the thick milkshake — vile — and leaned across the table to wave it under her nose.
She recoiled.
He didn't let that deter him. "I'll keep doing this until you try it. You know how annoying I can be."
"What if I just kicked your chair to the floor? I have very strong legs.”
His expression froze for a couple of seconds. His eyes flicked to the table, as if he were trying to see through it.
“I’m sure you do,” he replied, his voice hoarser than usual. He cleared his throat. “But you're much too honourable to do such a thing." He waved the fry again. "Come on."
Brienne scowled and took the fry from him instead, holding it disdainfully between her thumb and forefinger. She held her breath and popped it into her mouth, screwing her eyes shut as she chewed.
Damn it. It was delicious.
When she opened her eyes, she caught Jaime staring at her lips. Did she have food on her face? She picked up a napkin and self-consciously wiped her mouth.
Jaime blinked rapidly and dragged in a long breath. He met her eyes again. "Well?" he prompted.
She kept her face carefully blank and gave a noncommittal shrug. "It's fine."
He chortled. “Please. You loved it. We’ve finally found a truly trashy junk food even a health-obsessed party pooper like you can’t resist,” he said in an insufferably smug tone. “That expressive, earnest face of yours can't hide anything."
God, she hoped that wasn’t true.
Brienne sipped her Coke through the straw, glaring at Jaime the whole time.
He was not impressed. "You can't look intimidating when you're drinking through a straw. It’s like trying to scare someone while applying chapstick. Impossible." He pushed his milkshake to the middle of the table. "Here, we can share."
“No, thank you.”
He shook his head in exasperation, then shifted in his chair and ate more fries. His knee bumped her bare leg under the table and stayed there. Brienne chanced a quick glance at his face, but it gave nothing away.
She didn’t move her leg.
A group of loud teenagers entered the restaurant, and Jaime instinctively turned his head towards the sound.
Brienne quickly used the opportunity to dip one of her fries in the milkshake and eat it.
"I saw that," he drawled. "You’re many things, but stealthy isn’t one of them."
Brienne felt her cheeks grow warm as she chewed. "I hate you."
Jaime shifted his gaze back to her. A knowing smile tugged at his lips. "No, you don't. You think I'm delightful."
"Do I?" she asked blandly.
"Of course. You always did. Even before we became friends, we were... what’s that word you kids use?” He made a vague gesture with his right arm. “Frenemies?"
"I'm not a kid. I'm twenty-eight." She paused. "And yes, that’s the word, and it sounds bloody ridiculous coming out of your posh, middle-aged mouth, so please don’t ever call us that again. We're not characters in an anime or young adult novel."
Jaime’s look of pure affront brought Brienne perilously close to laughter. "I'm not middle-aged.”
"Close enough."
“I’m barely in my forties.”
Brienne raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.
He leaned forwards and lowered his voice enticingly. “And believe me, I’m well aware that you’re not a kid.” Then his shoulders sagged and his expression grew forlorn. “I guess you’re right. I’m just old.”
Brienne felt a twinge of remorse. She put her hand on his forearm, hesitant. “You’re not old. You’re barely forty.”
Just like that, his sombre look fell away and his eyes lit up. “Ha!”
“Oh, piss off.” Brienne removed her hand from his arm and gave his shin a little kick, ducking her head to hide her smile.
Jaime snorted and stole another sip of her Coke. He put the cup down, then went still, staring at her for an unusual amount of time. His brow wrinkled in thought.
Brienne picked at her cheeseburger and tried not to squirm under his scrutiny.
Finally, Jaime blinked and seemed to snap out of whatever trance-like state he’d fallen in. He nudged her foot with his. “Hey.”
"You don't really hate me, do you?"
Brienne almost rolled her eyes, but stopped herself when she noticed his hesitant tone. It wasn’t like him to sound so insecure. Over a flippant, obviously untrue comment, no less. Was he taking the piss again?
She fixed him with a dubious look. “Of course not. Not anymore. I wouldn’t spend so much time with you if I did.”
He wilted a fraction at her words. “But you used to. Hate me.” He paused, his eyes searching her face. “Was I that horrible to you?"
Brienne shifted in her seat, uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was taking. "You called me a ‘great beast of a woman’ on the day we met," she reminded him quietly.
He winced and lowered his eyes. "I did, didn't I?"
"And then you made fun me every chance you got."
“After those first few days, I only meant to tease you,” he said, his voice thick with regret. "For someone who’s close to being middle-aged,” he threw her a wry look. “I’m no good at talking to women.”
Women. He said it like he saw her as one. Not just a mate. “Right.”
He reached over the table and took her hand in his. His skin was warm and soft. "Well, I like you. You can be a real pain in the arse, but I like you a lot. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like I didn’t."
Brienne’s hand twitched in his. "Why?"
He blinked. “Why am I sorry...?”
“Why do you like me?” She regretted the question as soon as it left her mouth, but she had to know.  She’d always wondered. She wasn’t pretty or witty or smarter than anyone else at work. She’d been told many times that she was too serious, too boring, too straight-laced. The list went on. Why did he seek her company? He didn’t genuinely like many people outside of his family, come to think of it. He hadn’t seemed to like her either, at first.
What had changed? Why her?
His eye softened. He looked down at the table, where their hands were still clasped. "You’re... you’re good. Genuinely good. And you're stubborn as a mule, which drives me up the wall sometimes, but really, I love that you never give up on the things you believe in.” His lips twitched, one corner curling up.  “And I love your dry, deadpan sense of humour. It’s subtle and easy to miss, but now I know you well enough to notice and appreciate it.”
She gaped for a few seconds before recovering. "I—I've never been funny." Her nanny growing up had made sure Brienne would never forget it.
His eyebrows shot up in mock offence. "Are you calling me a liar?"
“I’m questioning your judgement, that’s all.”
“I'll have you know I've always been an excellent judge of character with impeccable taste.” His smile dimmed then, his eyes clouding. He released her hand and looked away. “With a few notable exceptions.”
“All right,” she said softly, sensing the change in his mood.
They ate the rest of their meal in silence. Brienne sneaked glances at him whenever she could. His expression was contemplative, but he didn’t seem upset.
She forced her attention back to her food.
“So, what are you planning to do now?” Jaime asked when they were both done eating. He stood up and stacked their trays, then headed to the rubbish bins.
Brienne wiped her hands with her last clean napkin and grabbed her jacket before following him.
“Go home and watch crime documentaries until I either fall asleep or need to start looking for caffeine.” She put her jacket on. “I’m babysitting Pod in the morning. He wants us to go to the park and play knights with the plastic swords and shields his foster parents gave him for Christmas.”
Jaime opened the exit door for her. “That’s sweet. They’re your downstairs neighbours, right?” He put his hand on the small of her back and left it there until they reached his car.
Brienne hummed an affirmation.
Jaime looked around the dimly lit car park and frowned. “Where’s your car?”
“I walked. I only live ten minutes from here.”
“Right.” He shifted on his feet, looking troubled. “I didn’t know that. I’ve never been to your flat.”
Brienne’s breath hitched. She widened her eyes and raised her eyebrows. “You haven’t?”
She knew he hadn’t.
He jingled his keys. “No. Never. You’ve been to my home a few times, but I’ve never been to yours. Are you a hoarder or something?” he asked lightly, but there was no missing the note of hurt in his voice.
A stab of guilt pierced her belly. She shook her head, and a strand of hair fell in front of her face. “No, not a hoarder,” she said, her words quiet and apologetic.
It was stupid, really. Early on, when she’d started to... feel things, she’d decided it would be easier to deal with it if she kept him at a bit of a distance. If she only saw him outside of her home. She was afraid he would fit there, in her private life, her personal space. She was afraid it would cause her more pain in the long run.
So she’d kept him out.
Fat lot of good that did. She was still hurting, and now she’d inadvertently hurt his feelings too.
Jaime stuffed his keys in his pocket, then stepped closer to her and tucked her hair back in place. His knuckles brushed the curve of her ear before falling away.
Brienne wrapped her arms around her chest, her face flushing hot despite the cold.
“Would you...” he trailed off, licking his lips as he studied her face.
She held her breath. "What?”
His hand hovered over her arm for a moment, then dropped to his side. “Would you mind some company while you watch those... ah, crime documentaries? I don’t fancy going back to my empty house.” Jaime bit his lip, then released it. “Running into you was unexpected, but it was by far the best part of my night. I’m not ready to let you go quite yet.”
Warm happiness blossomed in Brienne’s chest at his casual admission.
“Or at least let me give you a lift? I know you can take care of yourself,” he added quickly, “but humour me, please. It’s late, and I don’t want to spend the entire drive home worrying and wondering if the man who so charmingly offered to breed you on your first date is still lurking around,” he said in a joking tone, but his face was serious.
Brienne suppressed a shudder at the thought. Then she thought of her cold, empty flat. She imagined Jaime sitting on her couch. With her.
And just like that, her resolve crumbled.
He would start dating soon. He’d said it himself; he was more than ready to move on. He could not have been clearer if he’d tried. This was her first and maybe last chance to have him all to herself, even if it was only to watch grim, terribly unromantic documentaries.
She scuffed her shoe against the asphalt. “You’re not allergic to cats, are you?”
Jaime’s face seemed to light up from within. He answered her question by unlocking the car with two quick beeps.
  Sapphire flattened her ears as she watched her human and the male who had followed her home. The room was dark; the flat rectangle with moving shapes was the only source of light.
After they’d sat down and made themselves comfortable, the male had kept sneaking glances at Sapphire’s human and moving closer to her, little by little, until their sides had been touching. His furless paw had covered one of hers, carefully, tentatively, as if he’d been afraid of her reaction.
Sapphire had kept a watchful eye on him, waiting for her human to swat and hiss at him for his presumption.
Then the male had leaned his head forward and rumbled something into her head fur. Her human had turned her head slowly to look at him, her eyes round and shiny. Her mouth had been half-open, ready to bite, and Sapphire had known the moment she’d been waiting for was imminent.
Sapphire had been wrong.
Several heartbeats passed. Her human was now sitting on top of the male, her blunt claws digging into his short head fur. She pressed her mouth against his and made a weak noise, licking into his mouth and pressing her body against his. The male growled in response and clawed at her back. He moved his mouth to one of her odd, round ears and Sapphire’s human whimpered.
Was he hurting her?
No. Her human was young and big and strong. The male was older and big, but not as big as she was. He was also missing a paw. Her human could beat him in a fight, if it came to that. She was already on top of him, asserting her dominance. Good.
Sapphire huffed a small sigh of resignation. All she had wanted was to take a nap on the long, soft chair, but they were play-fighting in her favourite spot. She always made sure to rub her head and paws there, to mark it with her scent, but the rude humans didn’t care.
She flicked her tail in annoyance and made her way to her human’s sleeping nest—her second favourite spot in their home.
Surely, her human wouldn’t invite this strange male into her safe den. Only Sapphire had ever been allowed in the nest.
Sapphire had only just fallen asleep when she was very rudely awoken and proven wrong yet again.
{ The End }
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