#and maybe start a religion
mousysims · 2 years
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@yellowmoodlet ♡♡
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bet-on-me-13 · 13 days
The cult of...Danny Fenton?
So! Way back when Danny first moved into his new neighborhood in Gotham, he had some trouble controlling his Powers. The different Types and Levels of Ectoplasm in the air when compared to Amity had thrown off his control.
He was used to being in places where his Ectoplasm meshed well with the Atmosphere, like a Water Balloon in a Pool, but in Gotham that analogy would be closer to a Water Balloon in the sewers. It was too different from what he was used to to fully control his Powers.
So it's understandable that he messed up a few times and his neighbors found out about his Abilities.
They took it well at first, Danny wasn't going to go Rogues or anything, and he never used them maliciously, but eventually they got curious.
They asked what his limits were, how he got them in the first place, and what the hell the Ghost Zone was. The answers "None Really", "I died and was reborn", and "A Collective of every Afterlife at once" did spark some interesting reactions from them.
Most importantly, a few of them joked about him being an Eldritch God that they needed to worship. He was good enough friends with them that at that point they felt comfortable pranking eachother, so they did just that.
Danny woke up one day on his birthday, and saw all of his friends and neighbors surrounding the makeshift Throne they had made and put him on while he was asleep. The entire day they chanted stuff like "The Great One requires Ms. Smiths Apple Pie for his day of birth!" And "The Great One Wishes for us to sing the Ritual Song! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birth-"
After his birthday, they kept up the joke.
It didn't help that his powers had evolved Again! And now he could bestow abilities onto his friends. The jokes they made about their God granting them Supernatural Powers to rule the world with were insufferable.
Then, one day while he was just resting at home, watching a movie on his TV, he felt a Pull at his Core. The same kind of Pull whenever he was being summoned. But why would they summon hi- Oh Shit! It's Mr Jenkins Party today! He was supposed to meet them at the Warehouse they used for special events an Hour Ago!
He quickly accepted the Summoning, but was met with a suprising sight. His Neighbors all tied up in a pile to his right, a spilled table of party food to his left, and right in front of him, Batman and his Family watching him with wary eyes.
Slowly, he opened his mouth. "...so, did you come for the party or..."
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vulpixelates · 4 months
i know it will never happen but i so desperately desire an origins-type playable backstory thing in all games but especially veilguard. i feel like it added so much depth to origins and made you feel instantly connected to your character in a way that gets lost in games like inquisition where you fill in the blanks as you go except for the bare basics. like, i do enjoy the freedom to willy nilly decide where a character was before the events of the story from a creative perspective, but the playable origins were just so good! especially when you go back to where your warden is from and can engage differently with the arcs there
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justaz · 2 months
merlin slipping up early on around arthur and trying to assuage his fears by assuring that the gods would look out for them and arthur pauses before asking “the gods?” and they have a awkward lil conversation where merlin is like “yeah i worship the gods of the old religion” and arthurs like “why?” and merlin goes “well why do you worship the god of the new religion? we just believe in them” and arthur takes in this new information and is eventually like “yeah. sure. i guess its not illegal in escetir is it?” anyways thats it. it doesnt get brought up again until later on
when arthur + the knights and merlin and in that shrine and the knights aren’t taking it seriously and merlin goes “in the time of the old religion, they built shrines like this to appease restless spirits. we shouldn’t be here” and the knights brush it off but arthur knows merlin truly believes in it all so he redirects the knights away and later on its him and merlin at the well and arthur is there to calm merlin after he sees the visions from the raid. merlin’s crying and pleading with arthur to leave, that they shouldn’t be here. arthur agrees and goes to leave when merlin calls out to him. arthur stops but doesn’t turn. merlin wraps his arms around his middle
“you were here”
arthur doesn’t say anything more and walks away
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sereniv · 4 months
Can someone who is NOT a zionist tell me why Jewish people have so much conspiracy and hate? when did it start and why? how and why did it spread?
Preferably someone who is jewish or really knows what theyre talking about answer
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emberwritesinsight · 5 months
I know we all kind of assume Anthy and Akio are Indian because of the brown skin and bindis (Google tells me that while it's less common, men do wear bindis sometimes), and I agree, but also. "Dios" is Spanish, "Anthy" is derived from a Greek word, "Himemiya" is Japanese (I would theorize that her name hasn't always been "Himemiya", though she does seem to have had the name "Anthy" as far back as we're allowed to see into her past), and Akio drives an American car and plays jazz (a style of music that developed in America) over the radio in said car. Also, despite bindis being a Hindu, Jain and Buddhist thing, all the religious shit the two of them have going on (the martyrdom, Akio drawing a comparison between himself and Satan, Ohtori looking like a fucked up Cathedral and Dios appearing to Utena in a church) is Pretty Christian.
I know all of this is probably just a product of the writers not having a concrete idea of where they wanted Akio and Anthy to be from other than "not here" but it implies a lot of travel, which does kind of fit with Dios' whole "trying to rescue Every Girl Ever" thing.
Where do their names come from, anyway? "Dios" sounds like it could have been a name given to him by the people he saved. We never hear hide nor hair of their parents, they're fully irrelevant even by the farthest flashback.
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keshetchai · 1 year
As someone who enjoys religion blogging/discussions, I've come to realize that it's a good practice to be aware of the general signs/symptoms of religious-OCD thinking (aka scrupulosity), because if the conversation is taking on all the hallmarks of scrupulosity, it's actually a definitive sign that we cannot meaningfully and compassionately engage in a conversation about religion in a healthy way. I've actually had this play out a significant number of times online, and when I realized what it was, I also began to realize that the intrusive thoughts/obsessive and compulsive thinking are only ever fed by continuing the discussion with that person.
[[ Important edit to clarify why I am saying it's not healthy — made after I went back to look for more concrete facts about OCD or anxiety (I have GAD, not OCD, but many resources overlap since they're both anxiety disorders):
When Reassurance is Harmful — this explains how/why reassurance-seeking specifically about an OCD fear is a compulsive behavior, and engaging with reassurance-seeking interferes with recovery/management/treatment.
This table from the Anxiety Disorders Center lists key differences between Information Seeking and Reassurance Seeking.
This IOCDF page on Scrupulosity info for Faith Leaders identifies "symptom accommodation" as enabling. Two of the examples of doing this by participating in the OCD behavior are: "Engage in excessive conversation focused on if-then scenarios (e.g., "If I did this, then would X or Y happen? And what if Z was involved? How about W?")" And, "Repeatedly answering questions about ‘correct’ religious or faith practices."
That page also goes on to outline more info about reassurance seeking. "Although providing answers to (often simple!) questions may seem harmless, providing reassurance serves to maintain the anxiety disorder cycle." (This BMC psychiatry article cites a lot of related studies establishing this.)
The IOCDF page on What is OCD and Scrupulosity? ]]
Imo, the responsible thing to do is to recognize that (even if the other person hasn't outright stated it/isn't diagnosed)* the conversation is not about religion, it is about needing mental health support from professionals and experts. Talking to me, the layperson who enjoys chatting theology and my religion — is not only not helping, but is actively harmful. I'm not just talking about the person who I replied to today, either. Like I've said, I've seen this happen dozens of times in various online forums.
*[while I am against diagnosing strangers on the internet, it's important to realize A) lots of people don't know what Scrupulosity is, so it's possible they've never considered this is a mental health concern that could be treated, and that B) for the purposes of my concern, it doesn't matter if they actually have diagnosed OCD. The only thing that matters is that their thought-process causes them genuine distress/fear, and every response given to them seems to only incite new/additional distressing questions/thoughts, or further entrenches the original distress.]
Ultimately, any discussion aside from "you might want to speak to a mental health professional about scrupulosity OCD" seemingly puts me in the position of feeling as if I am being used for their self-harm. I hate that feeling. I do not want to be leverage for fear and pain. I have GAD, I despise the idea that I am making things worse.
No matter how much I love religious discussion, the answer in these cases is always "please reach out to an OCD specialist/mental health professional. I am not qualified to discuss this." And then to stop there. I have never once seen anyone stuck in this compulsive thought spiral be reassured or feel any better by hearing from someone else's approach to theology handled with things like empathy, compassion, logic, or even atheism. It doesn't matter what we say, how we say it, or how we relate to our own religion. The urge to engage in this kind of conversation in order to chat about religion is a sign that we are not equipped to help.
You can't have a conversation here, because intentionally or not, ten times out of ten, you are adding fuel to the fire. Just like people can't simply tell me something that would erase/talk me out of my ADHD/depression/anxiety disorder, you also cannot simply argue/reassure/persuade people out of scrupulosity. We should not try. We have a responsibility to consider that it's outright harmful to do so, and to disengage.
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bitterrobin · 3 months
y'know I don't think Colin is ever magically cured of his various mental illnesses/phobias (at least in the scant appearances I've read writers don't address them)...does he still panic at the sight of Batman? Like, he knows Batman saved his life, giving him an adult figure he trusts for the first time in his life, but still its Batman. Does Colin have to mentally prepare himself when he talks to Batman? Is the snark and tough "street smart" attitude a conversational shield? Is being Abuse (the big guy, the monster) a sort of protection from the world for him?
Maybe Colin still lives in fear of the world. He's a boy abandoned, a boy mistreated, a boy hospitalized and experimented on. An adult, one who's a dark mirror to himself, used him as a weapon against his fear (a bat, a batman). And though he was terrified and the venom took that fear and converted it into rage, and Batman stopped him, theres still the irrational psyche - a child's paranoia - that will always tell him Batman isn't safe.
Maybe he gets close to Damian because, well, they're similar aged kids, but also Damian isn't in a bat costume. Damian is Robin. He doesn't represent a fear Colin has the way the Bat does, as the animal and an adult. Damian's a peer, an equal. Maybe he's Colin's Robin. It's something I really want to explore in future fics - that Chris's first experience with Robin was Tim and that forever shades his perception of Damian, that Maya's first experience with Robin was the face and colors of her father's murderer. But Colin's first impression of Robin was the boy who vomited at the sight of the dead bodies of children who Colin knew and vowed revenge. The boy who stood up to Zsasz and brutally won the fight, but heeded Colin's voice and spared the man's life because a scar (a mark of Cain) is more lasting than death. Something about children used to violence and death, who fear the world, and they find each other because of a search for justice and independence.
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royalnavyart · 6 months
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you’re my religion 🙏
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nobetafortomorrowedie · 7 months
People are like "God knows all your sins and loves you anyways" like bitch I can do that. Tell me all the bad shit you've done we're all fucking human we deserve love.
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rainofthetwilight · 2 months
just saw someone call muslim women opressed and op, who made fluttershy a literal hijabi, agree with them 💕
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aftertheradar · 2 months
hey so you know that thing that a bunch of medias are doing now. where the whole premise is exploring abrahamic/judeochristian mythology and cosmology and being like "Hey this is pretty fucked up" and making god/the angels/heaven the bad guys actually? Good Omens did it, Hazbin Hotel did it, Darksiders did it, the Salvation Wars did it, just as some examples. EDIT: just remembered, The Good Place kinda does this, Bayonetta defs does this, and as far as i know the devil may cry games are kinda like this too? And then they are about how some of the concepts of either abrahamic or (usually just) the christian religion is bad? And also they are kinda edgy too i've noticed. And also they can be like the first thing to open the eyes of people in that religion to some contradictions in theology and also some bad stuff that that religion is/does?
First: is there a name for this trope, genre or concept?
Second: is there any media that does the same but for other religions? like, using buddhism as an example: the equivalent might be if there was a hypothetical edgy anti-buddhist anime about the characters realizing "hey nirvana is bad actually let's stay in the cycle of samsara where all of our loved ones and cool earthly possessions are" and then buddha and an army of boddhisatvas come down to try to stop them or something? and it would also probably touch on the problematic traits of the ways buddhism is used to hurt people? that's kinda the vibe of the edgy anti-christian media i listed, and so I'm curious if this is mostly a western thing made about christianity or if there are (popular modern) works that do that
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rivertigo · 9 months
crazy to think I was so peculiar as a very young child before the abuse started setting in to change me. I would get so pissed off because we had a game in preschool where you would do a certain move around the carpet in a circle and I was convinced everyone was galloping wrong and I was the only one doing it right and I would just stew in annoyance. this is a symptom of something
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silly-ehggy · 6 months
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Finally somewhat made an angelcore spamton ref sheet
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(Plz reblog if you like)
Close ups with alt text + more extra lore down here
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Ok uhm character bullshit uhh. He's like. If spamtons whole thing with "H e a v e n" was cranked up to eleven and he like. Was like one of those Bible websites I guess.. or an email to follow Jesus or smthn not sure..
He always talks extremely formally and always uses correct grammar cuz he feels like. Compelled to do so. Also the wings were shrunk in his ref for ease of coloring they can b drawn HUGE if that's cool
Other things uhm. Funny idea his weapon of choice is the bible gun from that one meme. Yknow the one? Yeah. Also his hair is REALLY flowie and it's cool teehee
Oh ya and he only wears pastels and muted tones this guy has never worn anything saturated in his life istg 🙄🙄🙄 also he's always had that hairpin yeah. And his hair always did the. Big thing
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randomnameless · 8 months
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't FE15 state that although god's control is removed, there's still evil in mankind's heart that must be vanquished or something along those lines? It kinda makes the whole "humanity f*ck yeah" shtick feel hypocritical doesn't it?
Because FE15 couldn't nuke FE2 from its DNA, by virtue of being a remake.
So we have two, contradictory messages in this game : Duma BaD and Gods BaD and must go because BaD and they "make humans do BaD things"...
and you have the "gods might be bad, but humans are still BaD without their influence" message at the end - when the entire game (and the timeline and supplementary materials!!) has been pushing the first message.
In a sea of "Gods BaD" waters coming from the remake, you still have the lone "evil remains in the hearts of men" raft that is, somehow, pushed to the forefront in Part 6 where both Celica AND Alm call Thabes the result of human folly, and the player knowing that Grima - who was originally the RED CAPSLOCK eldritch monstruosity before FEH retcon'd them in a tits'n'ass character to uwu about by stealing Anankos' backstory - was "man-made".
And yet, given how the "last word" about FE15 - as in last material revealed - was the timeline in the Memorial Book, we close FE15's book by "and Duma was BaD".
I mean, look at all those mentions of Rudy being so brave and strong and uwusome -> Duma's degenaration is directly tied to how awesome Rudy needs to be in this calendar.
Rudy is so brave to stand in front of a degenerating Duma? -> Duma was insane!
Rudy is so thoughtful and sticks to his promise to Duma by sealing Mila -> akshually Duma wasn't completely insane because he told him to seal Mila and not to kill her even if I said the inverse 3 lines earlier...
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guys if I started a religion about the divinity of nature and the idea of a sorta reincarnation of matter would yall join????
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