#and mens too like tf
kitkatcadillac · 2 months
god it is WEDNESDAY on LESBIAN WEEK and i have not had ANY TIME to do any of the research ive wanted to on trans lesbians through history bruh
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I'm not sure if this will take off but I'd love to be indulged. I just read through an old reddit thread where butches talked about what colognes they wore and liked, and got to thinking that it'd be fun to do the same.
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radsplain · 3 months
“trans women do not get periods. they may experience some period-like symptoms from the estrogen they’re taking but-”
nope, not even that!!! men cannot and will never experience even “some period-like symptoms” because they don’t have a fucking uterus. none of the side effects that come along with males taking exogenous hormones have anything to do with a female human-specific biological process. the male body, inundated with estrogen, does not suddenly get confused and then try to mimic female biological processes. that’s not how any of this works. whatever side effects they’re experiencing is male-specific, because they’re male. males cannot and will never have “period-like symptoms” ever, i don’t care, fuck OFF
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trlvsn · 1 year
that one guy who texted me for a group project and started talking about ace attorney is now. friends with me i think? idk man he texts me daily and also just offered to confront the professor about my grade being unfair, and when i refused bc ehh not worth it he did it anyway??? feeling like edgeworth in turnabout goodbyes rn WHY IS HE BEING SO NICE??? defending me and shii
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glacialswordsman · 1 month
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decided to draw a ref for how i view my yaya since i have bunches of headcanons for him
i'll put it in the headcanon masterpost but i'll give him an individual post too
pls DO NOT rb bc i dont want it getting out further than my circle aslkdjaslfj thank yewww <3
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enden-k · 1 year
putting al haitham in my autism club, currently consisting of zhongli and shenhe (bc he def is, i know bc i am autistic and i relate to him too much in some points 😤)
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okay i want to spill the tea on this guy i met with recently because i couldn’t tell my friends bc they don’t play genshin (relevant for later) but since you guys follow me, you’re my besties by default so here’s the sitch
also, if you identify as a man, i’m sorry to say this but some of you just aren’t the brightest candle in the summoning circle and that’s okay as always, not everyone is the same
so, i was hanging out with this guy i’ve known for a few years now, he used to have a crush on me, it never went anywhere but we kept in contact; let’s say he likes me at least enough as friends to invite me over to hang out but he also tried the “arm around the back of the couch” thingy while we were watching a movie so idk if that means anything, i’m horrible at picking up on signs
anyway, he likes video games so i was like “oh, i can tell him i play genshin, maybe he plays too” or at least, we have a common interest (video games); idk what i expected, maybe either he plays too or he doesn’t play but hey! we share an interest, are there perhaps any games we both play or sth that he or i might enjoy, whatever really
so tell me why, this guy goes “genshin impact? only girls and pervs/p*dos play that, right? you should play league though” excuse you what—
out of all the things to say, that’s what you went with??
somehow al-haitham came up as well, it was the release date of his official art and stuff i think, and he literally went “oh, so it really is just some anime guy” oh okay another topic i will literally never mention around you
maybe i’m reading too much into this but if your friend who you may or may not be interested in tells you about something they enjoy, how is the best option ridiculing them for it? or at least talking disrespectfully/ condescendingly about it? listen, i took interest in your colourful pixels shooting each other, at least try to understand my colourful pixels shooting monsters?
they want a gamer! gf until a girl says she likes that game, then it’s either criticising/ belittling them or “name every minuscule detail about this ever or you’re a fake”; how can you fumble the bag this badly?
anyway, i learned that day even if he was the most attractive man on this godforsaken planet, i probably wouldn’t date him genshin+ anime >>> boys
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smoocheys · 7 months
determining any other oc details: i sleep
lovingly constructing every detail of my ocs' pussies (<- gender neutral) in my brain: 🧪🔍🔬🧐
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m00nz-writes · 2 months
lowkey wanna make an x-men / child's play crossover simply so olivia and jake can be found family because god fucking forbid they both suffer with immense daddy problems and trauma alone.
like liv would be the best mom to jake because she knows what it's like to feel so out of place and alone due to who you are (albeit she's a super soldier created to destroy and kill and he's just an ostracized queer kid who needs a strong community to love and cherish him) and also i feel like everything charles xavier taught liv would make her a great parent.
she literally lives by the saying "never give up on someone who's lost their way, especially if it's someone you love" because that's that the professor always told her when he would tell her stories of when he and erik were still close.
plus the idea that liv would just be the perfect thwart to chucky is HILARIOUS to me. like he'd try to kill her the first time and she pulls a "dead possum" move just to give him a taste of his own medicine by popping out of nowhere and being like "OOGILY BOOGILY BITCH!"
long story short; if i make a child's play / x-men crossover (as well as with heroes nbc because that's just so tightly ingrained in olivia's story that i fucking refuse to remove it and not even god can make me) then we all know it's because i LOVE LOVE LOVE found family stories.
and the idea of liv and andy being forced to work together but simultaneously hating each other for no other reason other than andy finds her unbearable and olivia finds him ridiculous is amazing. i just know eventually they'd become great friends, but andy hates her because she punches and claws her way through everything and she hates him because he's too overly cautious for her liking. literally bffs in the making.
also dad peter petrelli to jake is really fucking cute to me because i know pete would just be the best dad whether it's through blood or not. like pete would 100% try to connect with jake at any costs and would try and relate to him through shared interests. also peter feels like the kinda dude who'd be like "woo gays, gay it up" unironically because he wants to be supportive so so badly but is also lowkey a lil confused. def not bigoted because i could never imagine peter discriminating against anybody for their sexuality, gender, race, or anything like that. he's just a very very straight italian man who wants to connect with his foster son.
i just want to force this concept down everyone's throat now and i will never stop until i've done so :)
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mac dating escapades is just him being weird (affectionate) and always casually mentioning dennis in a way as if he was just someone that everybody knows
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guideaus · 4 months
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another cute, not depressed thorfinn moment, but snake needs to be removed. lichrally snake propaganda right here having them all eat and laugh together
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snekdood · 5 months
oh you want to force the label "butch" on to me? well looks like its time to go back to strictly fucking cis men
#damn and i was really comin around too! too bad ig. yall know whats best or whatever you need to tell yourselves.#im a man. call me a gay man before you think of calling me that shit. call me EVERY slur one would call a gay man before ever calling me#ANYTHING NEAR a fucking lesbian of ANY variety.#i will stab women to prove a point to you until you fuck off.#we'll never be seen as equal to cis ppl till yall stop forcing identities on to people. literally doing the exact same shit cis ppl#do to me already but bc you tell yourself you're above it and woke n shit suddenly you're somehow different. fuck the entire fuck off.#until you can look at me and see me as just a fucking dude. we will never have equality. until you're able to STOP trying to see me as#ANYWHERE NEAR adjacent to women- we- as trans people- will never have equality.#and no i dont think that means lesbian = basically just women but it does subconsciously in plenty of yalls minds.#otherwise why tf would someone be saying trans men/butch as if they're equivalents? why cant you just say trans men?#or better yet and more accurate would be trans men and/or butches. bc otherwise using a dash in between trans man and butch#means you think they're the same thing and just different phrases for the same thing. thats what it means to use that dash#like that.#yall make being a stealth trans guy sound so much more appealing. if as soon as i mention im trans you start thinking#'butch' or 'afab' subconsciously and go on about the struggles of afabs or whatever then ig that means i gotta be stealth and never reveal#that im trans ever tf again bc yall STILL dont fucking get it.
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a PSA for anyone dressing as Ron Mael for Halloween
(Or any other time of year, because that is also completely valid :))
Idk if deciphering horrendously pixellated scans of old magazine articles is a talent unique to me, but I managed to decipher the entirety of that Groom at the Top one so here you go: Ron's hair regimen.
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The article is from 1974, so Sparks would've been living in England at the time and thus the Yardley brilliantine will be most authentic -- but if you're in the US and want to grab everything on one trip to Walmart, there's another brilliantine from a brand called Tres Flores. A bit stickier and shinier, but it works just as well.
And okay, Ron didn't actually use Aqua Net, but the hairspray he mentioned is no longer made. Everything I've ever read about 1970s hair care, though, says that all the "dry look" spray products for men were basically just repackaged Aqua Net.
So without any further ado, let's hear the facts from Ron. (Article transcribed below)
"First of all it's essential that your hair is fairly short. Remember that maintaining this style involves a daily ritual every morning. Otherwise it won't last very long."
"To start with wash your hair, to get rid of all the grease from the day before. After it's washed leave it quite damp, don't towel it off too much. This is quite important."
"Then spread some Brylcreem on one of your index fingers, rub it between your palms and apply it to the hair. Then do the same with an equal amount of Brilliantine."
"Next you have to comb it using preferably the wide end of the comb so that it leaves wide tracks in the hair, for some reason it looks better if you have fairly fallow grooves running across your head."
"Once that's done you can then spray it with a kind of lacquer called Brut Extra Hold Hair Spray. After that you're all set for the rest of the day. It's a long process, about 10 minutes every morning, but once you've done it you can forget about it for the next 24 hours."
"If you suffer from electricity in the hair you can add some anti-static spray -- the sort that's meant for records. We tried it for a while. I don't know whether it cured the static, but it sure does wonders for the hair."
So successful has Ron's image been that he is quite prepared to adopt it for the rest of his life.
"I've got quite used to it now, it's become a habit. It's my natural style. I'm not trying it out to see how it works. This isn't a phase I'm going through. This is the way I am. Till death do us part."
Naturally enough as with all progressive ideas, there are many drawbacks to the Ron Mael look. Ron is only too well aware of them.
"When I'm walking on the streets I get people yelling wanting to know who let me loose or telling me how much I look like their father. Also having short hair means you can get very cold in the ears at times."
But there are still advantages.
"It's a good way of starting conversations at a party. All you have to say is, 'So what do you think of my hair then?'"
A couple tips from me: "quite damp" doesn't mean "still dripping", you'll want a VERY generous fingertip full of product if your hair is a bit longer (like present-day Ron length), and try to fuss with your hair as little as possible when combing it into the desired shape so that it doesn't lose too much of its hold.
Not gonna lie, I'm still looking for a more "socially acceptable" way to wear this stuff as a female, 'cos it makes my hair feel soooooo soft and nice, and it smells fucking AMAZING...
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arsonist-twink · 6 months
ever check up on ur ex and be like wow. youve fallen off without me
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doctorwormcore · 8 months
i am still unfortunately in love with sanji
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screamingay · 1 year
ok so is there actually a crazy sjw mra misandrist truther cult or have i just been seeing a lot of questionable strawman arguments on here lately abt feminism and how we need to remember Real Feminism because we're "reinventing the patriarchy" by like.. idk being nicer to people??
gender roles are like the oldest and most complex and nuanced topic in existence especially since the internet began and it feels to me like everyones opinions are wildly swinging from one extreme to another rn and while it's nice to discuss and exchange ideas and all that... at the end of the day it's still just about how u treat the people around u.
do u drive away anyone with any connection to masculinity? do u intentionally exclude them from public events and spaces? do u see trans women as a different species? do u see gnc and/or trans men as threats to the community? like, even subconsciously??
ive been trying to think on this for a few days and this still isnt exactly what im trying to say but every post i see isn't saying what im thinking so here we are
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