#and mole distributions
ohii-san · 1 year
"but x and y don't look related" "bad character design" ( because they're not copies of one another ) will forever irritate me . go outside . look at siblings with visually different parents who take traits from opposite parents . think about adopted people . think about half related people . think about how people can modify their appearance however they like and shut up for the love of GOD
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illeaadante · 2 years
Character Creators need to Git Gud
I’m talking about the programs here.
Look, I looooooooooooove, love, love dress-up games and character creators. Love them. Favorite part of a lot of games. But dear lord.
I’m not even talking about the lack of skin tone diversity! (although that is also a problem) because that can be solved with, like, 3 color sliders. (base, highlights, and shadows at the minimum)
I’m talking about how I cannot, for love or money, give my characters their actual nose.
For things like picrews, vtuber makers, and other stylized character creators you generally have 2 options: small pointed anime nose, or the ugliest goddamn shape you have ever seen that, despite what the creator may tell you, has never actually been on a human face before. Sometimes, you don’t even get the ugly option and it’s all just, like, a few micrometers of width shift or pulling the tip of the nose up or down slightly.
I would be perfectly alright with the pointed anime nose and even the ugly not-a-nose shapes being present as long as I could also get some actual nose shapes. A lot of my characters have large, flat noses, or long, high bridged noses, or noses with a bump in the middle! But whenever I see options like those, they tend to look like caricature! and I’m sure we all know why... but this is especially egregious and indefensible in creators that have sliders for proportions. I actually like my vtuber software that I downloaded, but it is a bit frustrating to know that I’ll have to port the model into a different software to actually get the correct proportions for things you can already edit in the original because it doesn’t go far enough. I should be able to make my character’s nose look like a lightbulb or an ax or a hole, especially considering just how many goddamn sliders there are for noses. No, seriously, vroid (the program I use) has, like, at least 8 sliders for noses that barely do anything.
I also can’t give most of my characters their canon weight/build. You want a fat woman? that’s a no. You want a broad shouldered, muscular woman? absolutely not. You want someone with a square jaw or chin? lol. lmao, even. You can make them as tall as you want, you can give them big boobs and wide hips, but you can’t actually give them an ass or muscle definition.
And I know, I know I’m complaining about freeware right now, but I shouldn’t have to pay to model something that looks like me or like the characters I build when the program is already there!
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as-flowers-by-rain · 8 months
It just fully set in that the fracturing of the Fundamentalist church of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) Is a large part of the reason why I have the two cats I currently have (Teaberry (Mine) and Kimchi Fried Rice Boy(My wife's))
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sunnixsunshine · 27 days
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*spritzes Sanji with a water bottle* Down boy down! Leave those love handles alone!
A big factor in Zoro’s inability to lose this last bit of weight months and months later is just the general fact that pregnancy changes your body :d his fat distribution is different is all. Also doesn’t help that he most likely experienced quite a lot of stress that just made things harder that first year Sora was born. He’s still just as strong, nothing’s changed in that department, he did regular exercises that got more and more limited until he physically couldn’t do those exercises anymore. His stretch marks will probably fade more within a another couple years but probably wont be gone entirely, just faint lines—also I thought itd be funny to give him a mullet. But also its for good reason. It’s a physical indication that he isnt really paying attention to his needs, hes either just ignoring them or paying too much attention to Sora’s needs, which is reasonable, shes a toddler. Eventually hes forced to get a haircut, hes gotten into a better habit of taking care of his hygiene—still bathes once a week but hey at least hes using actual soap now that isnt 4 in 1 or plain water.
I think his weight and physical appearance would be a sore spot because this man has been training rigorously since he was like 10. Hes always had a very fit, sharp, toned body. He fully expected to have that body back shortly after giving birth and when that didnt happen in true Zoro fashion he tried to speed run his bedrest to train only a week postpartum. It didnt work out obviously, hes still human, hes still a slave to his body’s limitations. I think that now that hes back with the crew and sees that theyre fine with his own eye, hes far less stressed, and collaborating on a good dietary plan with both Chopper and Sanji would eventually produce the physique Zoro would prefer having (Chopper keeps saying he’s perfectly healthy this way, hes not underweight or overweight, that this is a common aftermath with pregnancy, but noooooo Zoro wont listen and is insistent that he wants the rest of this weight gone tomorrow) which wouldnt be what it was like before. The closest I can think of would be a typical body that Ive seen many wwe wrestlers have which is apparently called an endomorph body type? Either way, his body has changed, he has to really learn how to accept that because obviously he doesnt think too highly of his physical appearance in the comic above.
Also I went ham and gave him a mole on his tiddie that tbh I think Sanji likes to kiss :) ^3^
Anyway heres a cute bonus doodle of daddy-daughter workout!
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crishayle · 1 year
Astrology notes
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If you see a person in the store who has been standing at the same stand for 2 hours, then know that he has placements in the Libra
I noticed that it is people with the ascendant square/opposition Sun who don't know how to take compliments. They blush, are silent and embarrassed
People who have the Neptune/Uranus aspect to the ascendant or Neptune/Uranus is in 1 house,they like to throw off strange but funny Reels to their friends
People with loud and funny laughter may have aspects of the Moon to Mercury or Mercury to Pluto
I noticed that Mercury in Virgo loves to mow down like a fool, like it's stupid to joke or get confused in words and in 5 minutes give out something insanely clever and philosophical at the Harvard level
With a person with Lilith in the 1st/3rd house,you can discuss literally EVERYTHING
People with the ruler of the 10th house in the 9th can explain the most difficult things in simple words.They have excellent teaching abilities
Whatever ascendant you have, the Moon aspect to the ascendant adds a sweetness to your appearance.Even if you have Pluto in the 1st house with an ascendant in Scorpio, you will burn people with your eyes, but they will be touched from your cheeks or lips :)
Saturn in the 1st house,asc in Capricorn or aspects of ascendant-Saturn is an indication that a person lives according to his principles.When making a choice or decision, they may put their principles above logic or feelings, not because they are stupid or stubborn, but because they have experienced a similar situation in the past
If you want a guy the size of a closet, then look for a guy with the ascendant-Jupiter aspect
People with Uranus/Neptune in the 3rd house could be a hyperactive child in childhood
People with the Sun square Uranus aspect like to be needed. They like it when they are asked for advice or help. Also, such people are afraid of not being the best of everyone. Such people especially need to stay away from the cult of productivity
People with Mars in Sagittarius/Mars conjunct or trine Jupiter/Mars in the 3rd house is sooooo fast. At work or in sports, this is especially noticeable
People with Mars conjunct/trine/sextile Jupiter are good at time management
People with birthmarks or moles on their face most often have an ascendant to the Sun/Jupiter
People with the ascendant ruler in Leo like to send their friends their current look or when they meet, ask "Do I look okay?"
It is harder for people with the ruler of the 10th house in the 6th to move up the career ladder than others.Most often they are left in the same position and do not seem to notice their merits.
Mercury in the 10th House/aspect Mercury-Mars knows all the gossip at work. I'm not talking about that they distribute them, but they know everything about everyone
People with the aspect Mercury-Venus ADORE smart people. For them, this is one of the most important aspects when choosing a partner.
People with Venus/Moon in the 4th house prefer rest at home to any other rest. "If there is an opportunity, then I will stay at home"
I noticed that people with the Moon square Venus suffered a love disappointment in their lives, and sooo traumatic. Treason or deception of a loved one, they could also be rudely rejected (giving hope)
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Pornhub is a crime scene. You read that right. The site was purchased by a hastily concocted private equity firm, ironically called Ethical Capital Partners, last year. But its owners are continuing the monetization and global distribution of scores of homemade, user-generated sex videos that were never reliably verified to ensure the individuals in them are not children, rape victims, trafficking victims, or revenge porn victims. Even under new management, the site is still infested with illegal content.
Over the past few years, Pornhub has had a dramatic downfall after being exposed and held accountable for profiting from mass sexual crime. The fallout included the site taking down 80 percent of its videos, totaling 10 million unverified videos and over 30 million images; being completely cut off by Visa, Mastercard, Discover and PayPal; and losing all mainstream advertisers. The CEO and COO of its parent company resigned in disgrace, and the distressed company was sold.
However, it appears the new owners aren't much better than the old ones.
The new owners of Pornhub renamed the site's parent company from "MindGeek" to "Aylo" in an attempt to distance it from its toxic reputation as a peddler of sexual crime. But behind the scenes at its Montreal headquarters, men who have been with the company well before it was exposed—men who enabled the global distribution and monetization of victims' trauma—still occupy executive offices.
Perhaps even more concerning is that the public face of Pornhub's new ownership, a Canadian criminal defense attorney named Solomon Friedman, advertises his firm's experience defending men accused of possessing and distributing filmed child sexual abuse and has spoken on his work defending possessors of child sexual abuse material. He even twice congratulated another attorney who got a man off on a technicality who had been in possession of 7,730 images of child sexual abuse, including images of infants being raped by grown men. Does he intend to try and get Pornhub off the hook in the same way? I can assure you the victims of Pornhub won't allow it.
The consequences for victims of this abuse are severe. Victims of Pornhub often describe the widespread dissemination of their rape and abuse as the "immortalization" of their trauma. Once the abuse is uploaded, these survivors are perpetually tormented by the fact that they could be fighting to remove their abuse from the internet for the rest of their lives.
Even when they can get crime scene videos down, they face a continual game of whack-a-mole as the abuse is uploaded again and again online. It's not surprising that many survivors become suicidal. Academic studies have cited that victims of the nonconsensual distribution of sexual images have a very high suicide risk, with almost half of the victims contemplating suicide. Some tragically end up dying by suicide.
Since 2020, nearly 300 victims have sued Pornhub in 25 lawsuits for its knowing distribution and monetization of rape and trafficking. These lawsuits include multiple class actions representing tens of thousands of child victims, and the U.S. federal government has criminally charged Pornhub for knowingly profiting from sex trafficking. Just last month, 13 child victims sued Pornhub as well as its owners and financial enablers.
The legal discovery process continues to uncover explosive evidence. It found emails from Pornhub's CEO debating whether to remove or leave up a specific child sexual abuse video, admitting that the site didn't verify age or consent and tried to hide it from the credit card companies. It found executives admitting they only employed one person to review flagged videos five days per week and had a backlog of 706,000 flagged videos and much more. Depositions confirmed that Pornhub purposefully hid child sexual abuse videos from authorities for over 13 years and didn't report a single instance of abuse even where the law required mandatory reporting.
No amount of whitewashing, renaming, and rebranding can hide the truth. As one attorney defending over 100 victims who were trafficked on the site said about the attempted rebrand, "If you swim in a sea of s**t, it's hard to lose the smell."
The Canadian government conducted a multi-year investigation of Pornhub, culminating in a damning report that found it had violated Canadian privacy law. Pornhub's new owners sued the government in an attempt to hide the report from the public, but lost the fight, and the report was released earlier this year.
After all of this, the site recently began to claim it would start verifying the age and consent of those featured in new videos uploaded to the site. However, it refused to remove all of the unverified content uploaded before the new policy change.
A quick search on Pornhub today turns up highly monetized, unverified, shaky, low-quality, homemade videos that show vulnerable, drug-addicted, homeless women being coerced with a place to sleep, some food, a few dollars, or drugs to engage in sex acts in jurisdictions where it is illegal even to purchase sex. The definition of sex trafficking in the U.S. and internationally makes it clear that coercing a commercial sex act from a vulnerable individual constitutes trafficking. In minutes, I was able to find unverified homemade videos that have been on the site for years of women yelling at their abusers to stop, crying out "it hurts!" and "turn the camera off." There is no doubt that Pornhub is still a trafficking hub. It's time to force it, at a minimum, to delete every unverified video on the site.
But that isn't nearly enough. Victims deserve the full weight of justice to be brought to bear on this predatory company. They need to see criminal convictions, and they deserve significant restitution for how their lives have been shattered. Preventative policies also urgently need to be adopted. Specifically, we need laws mandating reliable, third-party age and consent verification for every individual in every video that exists on every website distributing user-generated porn.
It's time to finally hold Pornhub and its owners accountable to the full extent of the law and to enact policies to prevent this kind of abuse in the future. We can do it. We must do it, because serious harm demands serious consequences in order to bring true justice to victims and deter future abusers.
Laila Mickelwait is the Founder and CEO of the Justice Defense Fund, Founder of the Traffickinghub movement, and the author of Takedown: Inside the Fight to Shut Down Pornhub for Child Abuse, Rape and Sex Trafficking (Penguin Random House/Thesis, July 23, 2024).
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lilacmingi · 10 months
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All my works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Fashion designer!Hongjoong x fashion designer!fem reader
Word count: 3,170
Note: Since December is starting soon I thought it would be the perfect time to start posting Christmas imagines from 2021. Since this imagine originated on Wattpad, there will not be any continuations
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You sat at your station, your half-finished sketch left abandoned and forgotten, your eyes following Hongjoong as he made his way through the massive room, collecting different fabrics for his next masterpiece. The outfit he wore was flawless, as usual—he was flawless. His choppy mullet was tousled perfectly, he wore a black bleach-stained shirt; the collar had been cut, making it hang lower, showing off his beautifully sculpted collarbones and that adorable mole at the base of his neck. On top of the shirt was a leather jacket paired with ripped black jeans and chunky boots.
A pair of hands slammed onto your desk as a body blocked your view. Glancing up, you saw your coworker, Minghao, with a Santa hat in hand.
"Move." You waved your hand in a shooing gesture. "You're blocking the view."
"You can stop staring at Hongjoong long enough to put your name in the hat."
"Put your name in the hat. It's for secret Santa."
"I'm not into the whole secret Santa thing."
"Come on. You get three gifts, one on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, plus we're having a big party to end the week."
You gave an indifferent hum in response.
"Hongjoong signed up for it." Minghao mentioned in a sing-song voice.
"If I put my name in the stupid hat, will you let me continue staring at him?"
"Of course."
You quickly scribble your name down on a small piece of paper, dropping it into the hat.
"Thank you." Minghao grinned, sauntering away.
Once he left, Hongjoong had already returned to his station, which wasn't a problem because you had a perfect view of him.
You'd always admired Hongjoong for his killer style and out-of-the-box ideas. You admit, you've only spoken to him a handful of times, so you don't know him that well, but every conversation you've shared with him has been a good one.
Later that day, the names in the hat were shuffled around and every employee drew a slip of paper from the hat. You unfolded your paper seeing the name Taehyung scrawled on it. You were familiar with Taehyung and knew he would be pretty easy to buy for. In fact, you already had a few things in mind.
"Alright." Your boss clasped his hands together. "Now that everyone has drawn a name, I'll go over the rules. Gifts will be given Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We have a ₩60,000 (about $50) limit on each gift. You don't have to spend that amount, but try not to go over if you can. The presents will be collected under the Christmas tree over here and distributed to everyone at the end of the work day. Sound good?"
Everyone nodded in understanding.
"Okay, good. Secret Santa starts in two weeks, so you've got time to shop. Have fun."
A couple weeks passed and you had purchased three gifts for Taehyung and had them all wrapped neatly. You carried gift number one into work with you, placing it underneath the tree before heading over to your station. You stopped when you saw a gift sitting on your desk. You picked up the small box, examining it.
You wondered why the gift was on your desk and not underneath the tree and why your secret Santa would put it there. Glancing around, you decided to go ahead and open it.
You pulled the paper back, revealing a small black box with a sticky note on the top that read: To Y/n. Upon removing the lid, you saw a beautiful pair of earrings and a matching necklace. Your eyes widened as you ran your fingers over the flashy jewelry. There was no way what you held in your hand was worth just ₩60,000. You glanced around the room again to see if anyone was watching, but everyone seemed to be busy doing their own thing.
You couldn't think of anyone that would buy you such an extravagant gift, let alone leave it on your desk.
With no answers to your many questions, you decided to just get to work. You had a few sketches you worked on in the past weeks and had started making a blouse. You headed over to the fabric wall and began picking out the ones you needed. Once you had all the materials at your station, you got to work.
The day seemed to pass by fairly quickly and before you knew it, your boss was handing out secret Santa presents. Since you already opened yours, you watched for Taehyung to get his. Once the present was placed on his desk, he started unwrapping it. His mouth dropped open when he pulled out canvases and a paint set equipped with brushes, an easel, and even a palette for the paint.
You tried to hold back your smile as you watched him pull out the small note you typed up.
You then turned your attention to Hongjoong who had just finished unwrapping his gift. It was some sort of sweater, which didn't seem to be his style. Your face twisted in slight distaste as you saw it. If it were you, you would have gotten him a more edgier-looking sweater, or even a beret. You've seen him wear them before and would assume he'd enjoy receiving one as a gift.
Everyone got ready to leave for the day, you decided to walk up and talk to Hongjoong.
"Hey." You greeted.
"Hi, Y/n."
Your heart melted when he said your name. It sounded so beautiful and melodic when it came from him.
"Nice sweater." You told him.
"Thanks. It's..." He trailed off, giving you a wary glance.
"Don't worry. I'm not your secret Santa." You assured him.
"Ah." He seemed relieved. "Well, it's honestly not my style, but I'm sure I'll find a way to dress it up." He smiled.
"I'm sure you will. You're extremely talented."
He let out a tiny chuckle, glancing at the floor for a moment. "Thank you. So, what did your secret Santa get you?"
"Jewelry. Expensive-looking jewelry too. They also left it on my desk."
"Really?" He raised a brow. "What does the jewelry look like?"
"Here." You dug around in your bag, pulling out the tiny box and opening it.
"Wow." He marveled. "That's beautiful."
"It is. It's my style as well. Makes me curious about what else my secret Santa has in store."
"Well, let's hope they get you stuff you like."
"I'll be thankful no matter what I get." You smiled. "Anyway, I'm gonna head home. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah." Hongjoong smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow."
When secret Santa day two rolled around, you placed your present for Taehyung underneath the tree and headed to your work station as per usual.
Sitting on your desk was a sizable box wrapped in metallic deep blue wrapping, a white bow on top. You placed your hand over your mouth, glancing around the workplace. You lifted the small tag on the box, reading the writing on it.
I don't like following rules.
- Your Secret Santa
You debated about wether you wanted to open it right away or just wait. After debating for a moment, you decided to hold off and be patient. However, you found it hard to concentrate as you worked on the blouse. Your eyes kept drifting over to the shiny gift sitting on your desk.
Whoever has been leaving presents at your workspace seems to be a risk-taker, as they're coming in and leaving the gift, chancing getting caught by someone. You could only assume they were arriving before everyone else and making sure no one saw them.
"Ooh." You heard someone say.
You placed your needle onto your desk, turning to see no other than Minghao.
"What?" You asked.
"That shiny gift on your desk." He pointed with a grin.
"It's from my secret Santa."
"Why didn't they put it under the tree?"
"Beats me." You shrugged.
"You're not opening it now?"
"No. I opened the first one as soon as I came into work Monday, but I'm holding back for this one."
"You sure?" Minghao asked.
"Yes, I'm sure. I'm gonna be patient."
"Okay, then. Good luck with your blouse." He waved, returning to his own work station.
The end of the work day approached and it was time for secret Santa once again.
You watched as everyone's gifts were handed out, deciding to watch Taehyung open his again.
You knew how much Taehyung loved his dog, Yeontan, so today's gift was a matching top you made for him and his beloved pet. You used beautiful brown and beige printed fabric and made a button down shirt and a mini version for Yeontan. A bright and brilliant boxy smile spread across Taehyung's features as he saw his gift. You couldn't hold back your own bright smile as you saw his reaction. It made you feel like you'd done a pretty good job of choosing his gifts thus far.
After seeing Taehyung open his gift you went to open yours. Unlike Monday's gift, this one didn't have to be unwrapped. The box and lid itself were wrapped separately so all you had to do was remove the top. Upon removing the lid, you saw a pair of heels. They were black suede platforms with a block heel. There were two straps on them; one strap to go across the toes and one to buckle around the ankle. They were simple, but beautiful and seemed like they'd be easy to walk in, which was perfect for you.
You lifted one of the shoes from the box, examining it and checking the size.
"These are my size." You muttered to yourself.
Placing the shoe back into the box, you put the lid on it and began to gather your things.
You were going to say goodbye to Hongjoong, but he was already gone.
Secret Santa day three rolled around and you weren't sure what else to expect. Your secret Santa had gotten you a stunning set of jewelry and an adorable pair of heels. You weren't sure what would be next.
When you arrived at work, you weren't surprised to see yet another gift sitting on your desk. Today's gift was in a long, flat box and it was wrapped in beautiful glittery red paper with white snowflakes printed all over it. Since it was the last day of secret Santa you decided to wait again to open your gift.
Today proved to be more difficult than the others. You kept glancing over at the present waiting for the work day to end.
Hours passed and your patience paid off. Your boss emerged from his office with a warm smile on his face.
"Alright. As everyone knows today is the last day of secret Santa. I'll start handing gifts out shortly, but first I want to remind everyone of the Christmas party that we're having tonight. It starts at 7:00 and it'll take place at a wonderful venue down the street. They have a huge room that we've rented out for this party. I hope to see you all there."
Like all the other days, you watched Taehyung open his present before you opened yours. For his last gift, you got him a diamond painting kit of Van Gogh's Starry Night. It was a fun little thing he could do during his free time, plus you knew Taehyung loved Van Gogh. After watching his reaction, you turned your attention to your own secret Santa gift.
You pulled back the decorative wrapping revealing a clothing box. You discarded the wrapping paper and opened up the box. Inside was a stunning dress in your favorite color. On top of the formal clothing was a note that read:
Meet me outside under the gazebo at 8:00. Wear all your gifts, please.
- Your Secret Santa
You pressed your lips together, trying to suppress the smile that threatened to break out onto your features. You pulled the dress from the box, getting a better look at it. The garment was medium length, not too short but not long enough to drag the floor. It was a simple dress, but stunning nonetheless. You placed it back into its box and went to chat with Taehyung before he left. You wanted to tell him that you were his secret Santa.
"Taehyung." You called.
He looked up at you with a warm smile.
"Hi, Y/n."
"I just wanted to let you know that I was your secret Santa."
A look of surprise flashed across his face.
"Really? It was you?"
"Mhm." You nodded.
He pulled you into a tight hug. "Thank you. Everything was perfect, especially the matching shirts for me and Tannie."
"I'm really glad you liked it."
He pulled away and ruffled your hair slightly. "I'm gonna head home now. I'll see you at the party tonight."
"See ya." You waved, heading back to your station to pack up.
To your surprise, Hongjoong was standing by your work area waiting for you when you turned around.
"Hey, Y/n." He greeted you.
"Hi, Hongjoong."
"I was wondering if you wanted to walk out together."
"Oh, sure." You placed your bag onto your shoulder and walked out with him.
"Are you coming to the Christmas party tonight?" He asked.
"I am. Are you?"
"Yeah." He nodded. "I'm excited."
"Me too." You smiled, trying to hide your elation.
Hongjoong walked you to your car and bid you goodbye, saying that he would see you at the party.
You arrived at the venue just before 7:00. The building was decked out in bright Christmas lights, wreaths were hung on the windows giving the place a warm and festive feel. Upon entering the building you heard Christmas music being played, accompanied by the low murmur of partygoers chatting.
Your hair was styled perfectly and your makeup was done with a festive theme in mind. You also donned all of the gifts from your secret Santa. The dress, surprisingly, fit you perfectly, as did the shoes. Whoever got them for you knew exactly what they were doing.
You hadn't really considered who your secret Santa could be. You were just so giddy about your anonymous gift giver wanting to meet, you didn't really think about it.
You first stopped at the food and refreshments table to get yourself a glass of punch. You then made your way around the room greeting your coworkers and even danced with Taehyung for a bit. Before you knew it, it was 8:00. Your heart jumped when you glanced at the clock.
It was time to meet your secret Santa.
You made your way to one of the side doors and stepped outside. A concrete landing sat just outside the door, beyond that was a stone path that led to a gazebo. You could see someone standing there, but you were too far away to know who it was. Stepping across the stone path you moved closer to the gazebo, the quiet gasp leaving you when you saw who it was.
He turned around with a grin on his face.
You had to stop for a moment because he looks so handsome. His hair looked beautiful as always. His bangs were styled in a side part and pushed away from his face, showing off his perfect brows and sharp eyes. His outfit was pristine and high-end. He sported a very nice suit with a large, extravagant fur coat. It was typical Hongjoong attire.
"I'm glad I got your measurements right." He spoke, eyeing your dress.
"You made this?"
"I did."
"You're my secret Santa?"
"I am." He nodded with a shy smile.
You couldn't believe it. Out of all the people that could've been your secret Santa it was your crush.
"Everything you got me was so beautiful." You told him. "It was all perfect."
"I'm glad you liked it. I went a little over the price limit, but like I said, I don't like following rules." He smirked.
His hand extended to you, his rings glimmering under the fairly lights strung up. You took hold, allowing him to lead you all the way under the gazebo.
"This is... really romantic." You commented.
His answer surprised you a bit.
He meant for it to be romantic?
"I'm sure you're wondering why I wanted you to wear the things I gifted you." He spoke up.
"Sort of."
"I began planning this the day our boss made the announcement for secret Santa. The jewelry, the shoes, the dress, and meeting up with you right here tonight."
"Why would you plan something so wonderful like this for me?"
"Because I like you, Y/n."
"I'm sorry? Did I hear you correctly?" You asked in disbelief.
"You did." He chuckled. "I've liked you for so long, but I wasn't sure you felt the same. That is until I caught you staring at me from across the room... more than once."
You face dropped, your cheeks becoming hot.
"You have?"
"Yes, and I find it adorable. I find you adorable." He emphasized.
"You do?"
He nodded.
All you could do was stare in disbelief, unable to comprehend what in the world was happening.
Hongjoong's sparkly eyes darted down to your lips before he started leaning in, causing your breathing to quicken. His lips came to a stop just centimeters from yours.
"Look up." He whispered, his minty breath fanning against your cheeks.
You did as he said and glanced above you to see a mistletoe hanging from the wooden beams of the gazebo.
"Oh." Was all you could say as you turned your gaze back to Hongjoong.
He wasted no time closing the gap between your mouths, pressing his lips against yours firmly. His hands found their way to your waist running up and down your sides before his arms slid their way around you, tugging you closer to him. Your hands trailed up to his hair, your fingers playing with the long strands of his mullet, carding your fingers through it.
A hum of satisfaction from Hongjoong vibrated against your lips as his head tilted to the side, deepening the kiss.
It was a little cold outside, but with the steamy kiss you were sharing with Hongjoong, you weren't able to feel the frigid chill in the air. In fact, your whole body was getting warmer by the second.
After parting ways Hongjoong let out a chuckle. "That was so worth it."
"What?" You giggled.
"Hanging up that mistletoe." He answered. "It took me forever to get it up there, but all that hard work paid off."
"Yes it did." You agreed.
He looked at you with a fond expression, his hand coming up to brush a strand of hair from your face.
"Merry Christmas, Y/n."
"Merry Christmas, Hongjoong."
"Should we go back inside and join the party? Sounds like they're playing some good music."
"Let's do it."
Seonghwa ❄︎ Yunho ❄︎ Yeosang ❄︎ San ❄︎ Mingi ❄︎ Wooyoung ❄︎ Jongho
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Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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am-i-interrupting · 6 months
Hello I hope you’re doing well! I’m having a moment tonight and I really like your writing so I was wondering if I could ask you to do Angel Dust, Rosie and Husk with a suicidal reader please. Sorry if this makes you uncomfortable in any way, in any case I apologize and it’s totally fine if you don’t want to write this, bye<3!
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Husk isn’t going to sweet talk you. He’s blunt. He’s a bit abrasive. He’s honest.
That also means he’s going to be able to read right through you and all your emotions to get down to the true center of your problems..
“You don’t want this? Yeah, I get it. This all fucking sucks. It’s not a damn picnic but do you really want to end it all or do you actually just want to start over? Because one of those things you can go back and rewrite and fix and the other one you can’t.”
He’ll sit in a room and monitor you if he has to.
He’s not going to say anything unless you start a conversation.
If you have self harming tendencies, he’s not going to stop you.
He will be there to disinfect and clean and if you try to jerk away expect a very tight grip keeping you in place.
He doesn’t want you to suffer and he hates seeing you in pain but he won’t really show it.
He puts up a mask of gruffness and keeps it on with harsh love.
He’s not going to make or stop you from doing anything but he will be there to pick up pieces and put them back together until they’re shimmering gold.
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Rosie will remind you why life’s worth living.
She’ll drag you outside and take you on a walk.
She’ll point out every small thing and stop in the middle of the street so the two of you can watch carnivorous crows pick at roadkill.
When you get home, she’ll get you into the shower and wash you off herself while she compliments every part of you.
“These hands, so wonderful. They craft and mold and fix. Your stomach? Amazing. The way it holds and distributes everything you need to survive. This mole, the perfect place to kiss. Oh, how I could just eat you up! But I won’t. I won’t. I enjoy your company far too much.”
Actually, don’t expect to lift a finger.
She’s drying, brushing, and styling your hair.
She’ll apply skin care and even brush your teeth for you.
“I do love those teeth of yours. They just make my day with that charming smile. Truly, it’s my favorite thing when you smile at me, my love.”
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celestiarambles · 19 days
here’s another criticism of the tropes fans put in the cc tv tropes page, and it’s mostly about angela (another defending angela post i’m so sorry, long post and spoilers ahead!)
angela haters like to look and nitpick certain things she does that could probably hint at her being the mole, but fail to gloss over the good things she actually did do.
for example, her character arc in south asia, especially in plagued by death where she showcases her talents in biology and medicine is severely overlooked. here’s an example:
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if you look at the recap page of plagued by death, shweta and warren are the ones listed as the big damn heroes. while yes they did do those things, they probably wouldn’t have done it if angela hadn’t intervened.
sure, shweta did tell angela all about the final ingredient needed for the cure and she did say that she was planning to share her findings with the bureau later on, but it’s hard to say whether she actually planned to share it or not. after all, angela and lars had been studying and working on finding a cure for WEEKS, but during that timespan shweta had not reached out to them even once, especially since she knew that she was the one who had created that virus. hell if the bureau didn’t find patient zero and flagged shweta as a suspect, would she actually say something to help out? if angela didn’t yell at her for hiding information from the bureau, would she still go to help them? bottom line is that shweta knew that she created the virus that caused the epidemic, and while she did help in finding out the cure, she never said anything about it to the bureau until she was first interrogated. not even basic information or anything. and basically, she only said that she was planning to TRY out the flame lily for the cure, but angela was the one who made it work.
other than that if angela didn’t find the cure, obviously warren wouldn’t have any medicine to distribute. in fact, she and the player were the ones who inform him about it personally. i don’t know if angela was aware that warren was sombra or not (given that she is sombra as well), but she still warned him about o.m medilab too.
i’m not saying that shweta and warren didn’t do enough to help with the epidemic, but it’s kinda off-putting on how angela and lars have been working their asses off to the point of sleep deprivation just to find the cure, and when angela was the one who discovered it the cc community just blatantly ignored that and said that shweta and warren were the ones who saved the day.
“well that’s because angela is the mole! she can’t do good! she’s evil!” in later cases (and seasons), both shweta and warren also became killers as well. how come they get credited with this but all that they can say about angela here is that she was “determined”? regardless of her connections with sombra, angela was the one who CREATED the cure.
“angela only worked on finding that cure because lars got infected!” even before lars got sick, they were BOTH working on it together. yes, it was obviously a factor as to why angela was determined to find the cure, but of course no sane person would want a virus like that to plague an entire country. and she’s a scientist. it’s her job. and imagine trying to find a cure knowing that someone you love’s life is on the line and only that cure would save them: there was a ton of pressure on her part during that case, more so when lars got infected too.
“but angela is sombra, she must’ve wanted that to happen since sombra’s motto is that the weak die! she’s probably been helping o.m medilab too!” she probably was aware of what o.m medilab was doing given her ties with sombra, but she seemed to be most likely against it, given that she’s in the medical field and that their actions harmed a lot of people. here’s another overlooked detail, this time in bad medicine:
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if angela wasn’t against the crimes that o.m medilab had done, she wouldn’t have told elliot that dracoxia is dangerous. this may have been another case of “angela pretending to help so that the bureau wouldn’t think she’s the mole”, but if she wasn’t genuine she would’ve told elliot surface-level information about the drug. she could’ve omitted the part about how the pills weren’t tested yet and claim plausible deniability if they confronted her about it. but she still told him EVERYTHING she knew. she was clearly against their actions from the start.
“but angela’s loyal to sombra!” that’s another pet peeve i have in tv tropes’ perception of angela. the fans who put her tropes there think that she is completely loyal to sombra even though she disagrees with some of their methods and that lars is her ‘morality pet’. i really couldn’t blame them because pretty simple had written her poorly in the darkest hour, but i don’t think she was actually THAT loyal to sombra at all. she was just afraid of disobeying them because of the harm they could do to her and her family so she had to comply. and when she got arrested, everyone in the bureau was basically aware that sombra was everywhere at that point so angela had to put on this act that she did agree with sombra.
look at the sequence of events in save the world. in south asia, angela created a cure to a virus that o.m medilab, a sombra front, bought from shweta, then the bureau found out that said sombra front was embezzling funds. in east asia, the bureau discovered sombra’s child trafficking scheme, something angela was CLEARLY AGAINST to the point she feared for her children’s lives. (what didn’t help was that sombra was the one who initially took her in in the first place when her parents died, so the investigation probably made her remember her own trauma in the murder games and the death of her parents.) then in oceania, the bureau found out about the experimentation they did to the children who won the hunt, something that angela wasn’t aware about because it had never happened to her when she was raised by sombra. add the fact that elliot, their teenager colleague, was kidnapped as well.
after everything she had discovered, angela had enough. she probably wanted out of sombra that time. which is why sombra made the bureau’s plane crash in africa to keep her in line. to threaten her.
i’m not trying to say that angela didn’t do anything wrong. i just think that she isn’t as bad as people make her out to be. she clearly knows what’s right and what’s wrong, even if she wasn’t married to lars. she just had to make a lot of difficult choices that time just to protect herself and her family. players know her for all those choices and for all the bad things she did, but fail to acknowledge the good things that she actually did do. i mean girlie won a whole NOBEL PRIZE for god’s sake, which in real life is difficult especially for a woc like her. and even if she did it out of guilt, she created this whole charity to help orphans and adopted children, and it’s even deeper when we acknowledge the fact that she herself became an orphan.
TLDR: angela committed crimes and did a lot of bad things, but whether you like her or not, she still did some good things as well. don’t ignore or downplay that just so that she could fit into this villain narrative.
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makairodonx · 27 days
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Creatures of Potworia: Hell-Mole
Testudotitans may be some of the largest terrestrial vertebrates ever to walk across the Planet of Monsters, but as cow or horse-sized hatchlings, they are assailed by a wide variety of predators. Among them is the 7-meter-long, 2-ton “Hell-Mole” Megacondylura horribilis, a voracious, subterranean ambush hunter that is the largest and heaviest member of the Carnotalpidae, a family of giant carnivorous moles that dwell in some of the arid, temperate or subtropical regions of Potwória. A resident of the vast desert interior of Jariloia, the Hell-Mole uses the many Eimer’s organs distributed across its highly-flexible snout to detect the vibrations produced by ground-dwelling prey, and it then hunts them in a similar manner to ant-lions by using its powerful front claws to dig a 5-meter-long, 5-meter-wide pit in the middle of the desert sands to trap its sheep to rhino-sized prey and crush them to pieces with the use of wide, blade-edged molars that are a unique trait of the Carnotalpidae. The Hell-Mole also uses its claws to dig deep, long passages that stretch for hundreds of kilometers underneath the sand, thereby avoiding the threat of sandstorms, and propel it to new locations where it can set up another trap for prey animals that aren’t 2.5-meter-long worms, beetle larvae, or the other subterranean invertebrates that are usually on its menu.
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princessdimondheart · 11 months
Hot Tamales | Ghost x Canis! OC + TF-141 + Los Vaqueros
Pairing: Ghost x f! OC
Warnings: language, the bois simp for food
Edited: No
A/N: A little post for Hispanic Heritage Month, a day after it ‘ended,’ but it’s always Hispanic Heritage Month for me lol. My mom and I made tamales a few weeks back and that kinda inspired this. I know it’s not what you’re expecting that I update but I wanted to get this posted even though it’s late. This could be considered part of the It’s The Dog series but as a separate one shot. Canis is Mexican but it can be read as any Latina Reader.
Character banner ©️ Me
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For the last day or so, Johnny not Ghost could find Canis and both were beginning to get a bit worried. So, Johnny asked around the base they were on if anyone had seen her. No luck until one of Alejandro’s Corporals said that she had been in the mess’ kitchen. Quickly sending a text to Ghost, Johnny made his way to the mess hall. 
An incredible aroma came from the large room the closer down the hall he went. Ghost was already standing at the doors waiting for him. 
“Ah, that smells so good L.t.” He grinned at the taller man. 
“Very good.” Ghost replied, shockingly in approval. 
Johnny was just about to push the doors open when a loud bang sounded from down the hall. It was Alejandro and Rudy. 
“Te dije, Rudy! The smell is coming from here!” The Colonel shouted. “Mmm… tengo hambre.”
“You were right, Ale. But who’s making them?” The two men jogged to where Soap and Ghost were standing. 
“You know what’s goin’ on, Alejandro?” Johnny questioned. “It smells really good! What is it?”
“No idea, amigo! Those are tamales!” He shook Johnny’s shoulder. “Don’t tell me you’ve never tried tamales before?”
Johnny shook his head and when Alejandro looked at Ghost, he also denied ever having them. Both Mexicans shook their heads. 
“Oh, you’re missing out!” Rudy looked at them with pity. 
“It’s only one of the finest dishes Mexican cuisine has to offer.” Ale added. “You’re in for a treat!”
They finally head in and see that a decent sized crowd had formed around the kitchen doorway. Many of them were practically drooling at the delicious smell. They made their way through the crowd and inside they saw Canis. 
Rudy called out to her first, “Canis! You’re the one making tamales?”
She turned around at his voice. “Rudy, sí. I’ve been prepping since yesterday and now the tamales are steaming. I think they’ll be ready in about ten minutes. Think you boys can wait?”
Canis was wearing an apron that had the Los Vaqueros logo on the front. Earlier that day, she decided she would make one with the 141’s logo on it. It was stained with mole, pork, and masa. There was a very large pot behind her on the stove filled to the brim with tamales. The food station was relatively clean after the mess she had made the previous day and that morning. She’d taken the time to put everything away and clean up. Although, there were still some corn husks left on the table. 
“Of course we can wait, lass!” Johnny called out from behind Ghost. Whose body took up much of the doorway. 
Then the group had the others waiting around go to sit at the tables while they waited for the tamales to finish cooking. When the ten minutes were up, the mess staff helped Canis distribute the tamales to the voraciously hungry soldiers and staff. They thought that the tamales would be gone by then but out came Canis with a large warming platter filled with tamales. 
“I saved a bunch for you guys, and there’s more in the freezer to be steamed later on.” Canis smiled at them, placing the platter of tamales onto the table. She gestured to the food. “Go ahead.”
Alejandro and Rudy were quick to place a hot tamale on their plates. They were not as careful to spread apart the corn husks and dug into the steaming meal. 
“Ah-Ah!” The two sucked in air to their mouths to cool off their burning tongues. 
Canis shook her head at the two traviesos. “Con cuidado! You’ll burn your tongues.”
“It tastes better when they’re hot and fresh.” Alejandro panted, still cooling his mouth. Canis rolled her eyes at him. 
On the other hand, the Brit and the Scot were going at their food at a much slower pace. They seemed to be enjoying themselves. 
“This is good, Canis.” Ghost looked at her. 
“Thank you, Ghost.” She smiled and her cheeks burned. Alejandro cleared his throat. 
“If a woman makes you tamales, she’s probably in love with you.” Alejandro smirked at her. The other men whipped their heads to look at her with wide eyes. Ghost squinted at her, an unfamiliar emotion in his dark eyes. Canis’ brow rose in question. “Who on the team have you fallen for, amiga?” 
“No one, Alejandro. I just wanted to make some tamales for everyone.” She side-eyed him. “It’s my Abuelita’s recipe. I was feeling a bit homesick so I made these to help cheer me up.”
Ghost hummed while Rudy and Johnny nodded their heads. 
“They’re the best thing I’ve ever eaten, and I’ve eaten lots of things, lass.” Johnny complimented. 
Canis chuckled. “I’m glad you guys are enjoying it.” She fiddled with her fingers. “I was worried that I’d mess it up or something. I even messaged my Abuelita about a few things.”
“Nothing to worry about Canis! They’re the most delicious tamales I’ve ever had.” Alejandro went to go back to eating but jolted upright. “Don’t tell my mama I said that!”
Canis and Rudy burst out laughing. Johnny grinned at them and Ghost ignored them. He basically inhaled the whole tamale in three bites, and was glancing at the plate of tamales. 
Canis noticed. 
“Who wants seconds?”
“They remind me of my grandmother’s tamales.” Rudy teared up. “I miss her.”
“Ayy, don’t cry Rudy.” She pat his back. “Here, have another tamale.” 
Canis placed another wrapped tamale on his plate before turning back to the stove to finish cleaning up. She didn’t see the glint in his eyes nor the smirk on his lips, but Alejandro did. 
“Rudy, you cabrón! That’s your fourth one!”
🔖 Taglist:
@missroro @wobblywolf @animarix @islanderr @sae1kie @abbiesxox @frazie99 @undercover-smutlover
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kemuricoded · 13 days
Nagisa Shingetsu Headcannons (Click To Read!!)
I figured since due to school and other extracurricular activities ,, I don’t have time to draw,, so I can share some of my thoughts about the WOH since that’s basically my thing. Here’s the list of all of the updated ones.
Headcannons for the Lil’ Ultimate Social Studies !!
* Has to wear glasses. His grandmother made his glasses chains for him. He actually does like his grandmother.
* BPDtism
* Deals with NES (non-epileptic seizures). Has a service Husky (Madame Bibi) to help deal with them. 
* Has one white Persian cat. (Claire la plus jolie chatte blanche du monde)
* Likes Garfield and friends, but doesn't really like his friends though, so they skip those segments. 
* Skipped a grade.
* If they can’t find their scarf he gets a little anxious. 
* Was homeschooled earlier in life. 
* Corrects people on their grammar.
* Other than his own taste, he also likes whatever music artist his parents own on CD. 
* Was pushed to the limit of buying youtube premium because they find most advertisement music extremely obnoxious. 
* French,, Japanese,, and Filipino.
* Violist + Violinist 
* Not a fan of loud music.  
* Does not motorcycles and sports cars and the popping noise they make.
* Pescatarian (Doesn’t eat any meat except for seafood) 
* Leaves people on read and dry texts.
* Not please when being woken up from naps. 
* He is not a good swimmer. 
* Bites their nails when feeling anxious.
* Prefers work on paper instead of online. (Finds online work extremely tedious) 
* Invisalign user.
* Good sight-reading 
* Owns a lot of blankets gifted from relatives 
* Very dry humor, he’ll sometimes tell a joke but no one can tell he’s joking, so he sometimes sits in disappointment. 
* Habit of grinding his teeth when angry
* Refuses help even if he needs it desperately, has a “If you want something done right then you should do it yourself” mentality.
* Specifically ordered classical CDs distributed by naxos with the covers with painted pictures in the middle. 
* He doesn’t like being complimented repeatedly 
* Points with their nose sometimes
* Decent amount of needle marks on his arms that just look like moles
End of List!
It doesn’t look like a lot when putting it in this text box,, but here’s a bit.
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
Spamming your Ask box, one prompt at a time.
I'm sure many of us have said it, but thank you, seriously, for indulging us with responses to our prompts. I know I'm having a blast!!! 😍🤩
Alright, here's a question ..... can you be a penis model? Hob is asking for a ,,,,"friend".
See, Hob offered to help one of his old students/a friend/pulled a ticket off an interesting flyer on a telephone pole 🤷🏽‍♀️ and it wound up being for some pictures and/or something like live product testing for an adult services/avant-garde fashion house (something with high volume distribution and/or the ability to go viral.) In any event, Hob's very pretty (girthy, veiny, delicious-looking) penis is essentially hanging overhead on billboards in Times Square.
Now Hob's face isn’t really in these pictures/ads, maybe his cute little chin cleft, maybe his soft smiling mouth, but you would have to know that scar on his left inner thigh and the mole that looks like a raven tattoo (😉) on the right-side of his Adonis belt. To recognize him, is to have been up close and personal with his junk or to at least have seen him very naked. And (regrettably,) the number of people in his current life who have seen him thus is small. All this is to say that it greatly amuses Hob to see his cock towering over people's heads without people knowing it's his.
Now, maybe..... with the virality of the dick pic, there are a critical mass of dreamers dreaming 'bout that dick and that causes some temporary [or permanent (because Dream has seen and wants that dick)] change to the Dreaming.
Dream has to deal with seeing these pictures of Hob's dick all over his home, while he and Hob are working towards a more intimate relationship.
Cue shenanigans!! 🫠
Aww, you're so kind, friend!!! It's an absolute pleasure to work with you guys.
I love the idea of Hob being a dick model. Not only a dick model, but a dick model who breaks containment and becomes The Dick Guy. Before Dream knows what has happened, Hob’s dick is on his stain glass windows and in the shape of the clouds over fiddler's green, and wherever Dream looks he finds himself confronted by his friend's infuriatingly pretty penis. Everyone is talking about the dick. Even Matthew. There's no escape.
Even worse, when he visits Hob in the waking world, Dream has to try and pretend that he doesn't know. They're just starting out on their romantic relationship, and Dream doesn't want to ruin to whole thing by staring at Hob’s lap the entire time! But the fact that he knows that Hob’s cock is right there is infuriating. He can't help conjuring replicas in the dreaming: testing the weight in his hand, running his fingers over each vein. He's so fucking needy.
Perhaps eventually Hob’s little (not so little) secret comes out and he feels the need to come clean to Dream, too. He's a little bit mortified; saying "my cock is famous" wasn't something he wanted to admit at such a stage in their relationship. But since Hob’s colleagues, friends, students, acquaintances and pretty much everyone else knows, Dream deserves to as well.
Imagine Dream’s relief! He can finally let out his feelings about Hob’s cock! He can talk about how he wants to suck it, lick it, hold it, nuzzle it, play with it...
...not the reaction that Hob was expecting, but a very welcome one nonetheless. In fact, he drags Dream right off to bed, to show him the famous cock in the flesh. If anyone deserves to get up close and personal, it's Dream.
Those pictures in the windows get very very detailed indeed.
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The general public doesn’t know about the Qanon leanings of this film. When I first saw the ads I googled it to see if Dinesh D’Souza was involved (he wasn’t) and to check out the studio (nothing special on the net). I couldn’t find anything at the time. I was suspicious because of Jim Caviezel’s involvement but he does do plenty of ordinary roles as well as the occasional right-leaning project. It wasn’t until it started gaining traction that the MAGAts began claiming it.
Plenty of ordinary folk were duped into seeing this movie and believing it to be true. The film has no overt political or Qanon references but does falsely claim the majority of the world’s trafficked children end up in the US. Also there’s no proof that what transpired in the film actually happened as the writer is a known liar. Further the producer has right wing Qanon ties but he’s not a well known player. At the end of the film Caviezel addresses the audience and vaguely whines about how roadblocks were put in the way of getting this film made and distributed and how people should buy tickets for others so they can see the “important” message.
Qanon is nothing but recycled and updated KKK tropes. Secret tunnels where Democrats, Catholics, African-Americans, Jews, and LGBT keep “mole children” for sexual abuse and literal consumption. When the right-wing Republikkkan types say “save the children” they mean save them from the aforementioned groups.
Actual groups that work to save children have begged Qanon to stop pursuing this agenda because it has cut off donations to the actual charity groups and funneled it into the pockets of Republikkkan fraudsters. Further the Qberts have flooded agencies with false and malicious reports that have distracted from actual investigations. To date not one single child has ever been saved by any Qnut. Just the opposite as many who have gotten into this Qanon cult are the actual sexual predators.
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sporesgalaxy · 9 months
Maybe your dream is saying an Animal Crossing land is coming to Universal Studios
no see there was a giant labyrinth beneath universal studios (the labyrinth was in part funded by disney to make universal studios look bad) and you could travel the reality-warping physics-defying labyrinth to find fabulous treasures and powers at the risk of your own life. So many people had gone into the labyrinth that it had its own society of dungeoneers trying to band together to control the danger of the labyrinth and distribute wealth fairly and the giant mole was a part of that. so what Im saying is the dream was definitely about how we need to dismantle capitalism
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backwaterscum · 3 months
character sheet.
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full name. daryl dixon nicknames / aliases. daryl. "big ass kicker", if you're judith height. 178cm / 5'10"-ish age. early thirties (twd s1-s4) / mid-forties (dd 2023) zodiac. "I dunno, don't talk to me" spoken languages. english, ASL, high school spanish (better at listening than speaking), some french, some FSL
hair colour. dark brown eye colour. blue skin tone. fair, daryl tans instead of burns body type. broad-shouldered, broad back and chest, straight and narrow down the torso and legs. more practical muscle than for aesthetic. daryl is solid as a rock and has the core strength of a golem dominant hand. left, but he was trained to use his right hand as a child. technically ambidextrous, but defaults to the left hand more for everyday things that don't involve writing or hunting posture. decent. subconsciously tries to make himself smaller whenever he sits down anywhere scars. a smattering on his back, chest, legs, arms-- ranging from cigarette burns to whipping scars from a belt. there's a light scar on his temple where a rifle bullet grazed him. by the time he's in france, he has a visible scar that runs from his left brow to his cheek and a new scar from a cut on his chest tattoos. snake (left leg), heart (right wrist), star (right hand), cross (above left clavicle), two devils (right back, shoulder blade), one more devli (right bicep), skull (right hand) birthmarks. none too special, though he's got a mole over the left side of his upper lip most noticeable features. it's got to be the hair, if not the surly expression on his face (and the glare that comes with it). his thick arms might also be one, considering he's sleeveless often
place of birth. blue ridge, georgia siblings. merle dixon (older brother) parents. will dixon (father) and caroline dixon (mother)
occupation. in the apocalypse, daryl functions best as a hunter and tracker, with a natural instinct to provide for his group. before the world ended, daryl had just quit his job at an outdoor goods store due to merle re-entering his life. after that, he more or less did whatever his brother required of him, legal or not current residence(s). georgia, USA (twd s1-s4) / various locations in southern to northern france (dd 2023) relationship status. single criminal record. public disturbances, vandalism, and underage drinking are on his record. off-the-record crimes from before the world ended include grand theft auto, aiding in robbery, drug distribution, kidnapping, torture, and tax evasion vices. smokes tobacco, drinks alcohol. of the sins it's wrath and gluttony
sexual orientation. functionally on the ace spectrum, but doesn't personally identify with any terms preferred sexual role. top libido. low to non-existent, subjective to whether he has someone to sleep with regularly. in that case, it's pretty high as an extension of physical affection and devotion turn-ons. biting, possessiveness, when someone offers themselves to him wholly. a nice ass turn-offs. disrespect love language. acts of service, quality time, and physical touch (in that order); he also deliberately adjusts to partners, though, and tries to provide for them no matter what relationship tendencies. not much, considering daryl has very little experience (if at all). he's loyal and would prioritise someone he deemed his (and who in turn he belonged to) above all else. if you asked him then whether he'd let a loved one die to save the world, he'd rather the earth get razed and hold his lover in the ashes after
hobbies to pass time. hunting, walking, wood carving and crafts, weapons upkeep, horticulture, cooking. with merle gone he's been trying to read more, too. he'll play a piano if one is available and nobody is around to look at him mental illnesses. "I don't wanna talk about it" self-confidence level. high as far as his skills and wisdom are concerned. very, very low when it comes to his "worth" as a human being. daryl doesn't see himself as a person worth saving
tagged by: no-one, stole it somewhere
tagging: @deputyrabies, @polyodynos, @kkriitters (miri), @stingslikeabee, @auroradicit (sabi)
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