#and much like Machete he's very interested in his looks and has made his favorite tailors very rich
canisalbus · 1 year
EQUESTRIAN VASCO and here I thought I couldn't love your ocs anymore 😩 as an equestrian it is so nice when you find someone who also has equestrian ocs!!
It is literally so hard to find equestrian ocs outside of the immediate equine art community and its a nice breath of fresh air! <3
Yeah! He's an outdoorsy type and wealthy enough to keep horses, I reckon he's been riding since very young age and usually gets along with animals well. On top of that, his hobbies include falconry, hunting and fencing.
Please temper your expectations though, I know very little about horses, how they work and what you do with them ´v`' There's a good chance I might get things backwards despite my best efforts.
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feydpauls · 9 months
for the ao3 wrapped: 1, 6, 12, 13, 20, 29, 30 and and and!!!! alright, i'll stop here for now haha. if that's too much, you can also just answer the ones that seem the most interesting to you 💙💙💙
my sea!!! 🥹🥹 you didn't have to send more, but thank you <33
How many words have you written this year?
according to ao3 i published 130,131 words this year but i've written a lot more since i don't post everything i write and i still have WIPs.
2. Favorite title you used
'i can't lost when i'm with you' since it's from a song i associate with gunwoojin. i listened to it on repeat to write the fic and i think it fits them perfectly!
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
at least five but tbh idk if i'm gonna finish even half of them. it all depends on my fickle muse lol
13. What’s your longest work of the year?
i want your fortress next to mine - started posting it in 2022 but i finished it this year. it's 44k words long and it's one of my fav fics i've ever written.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
to be honest, i have no idea. i remember reading over the first chapter of 'a juxtaposition in fate' too many times until i was finally satisfied with it though.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
from you need a big god:
"Without wasting any more time, Seungho picks up a machete, stained with blood, off the floor and stabs the back of the nearest man. He does it again to the second man that’s directly on his way, tearing through them like they’re just obstacles. One after the other, Seungho slices through their flesh, stabs limbs and backs and slits throats. He punches and kicks when necessary, but he doesn’t care for etiquette right now.
He has to keep Euijeong safe. And Gicheul... He has to keep them both safe, his brain supplies. 
Blood splashes on his clothes (the white suit he knows belongs to Gicheul) until there’s no more white left. Everything is red. His clothes, his hands and, without a doubt, his face too. He can smell the blood, its pungent, almost sweet scent. And taste it too - thick and metallic on his lips, invading his mouth. 
Seungho’s left eye hurts from a punch he was too slow to dodge, but he doesn’t care. All he cares about is getting to the two people he needs to protect. 
He leaves a trail of bodies behind him as he enters the main office. He can’t see neither Euijeong or Gicheul. All he registers are the men, these strangers, turned into foes by posing a threat to the woman he loves and the man he’s sworn his loyalty to.
Seungho hacks away at the thug's back with the machete over and over until he’s lying on the floor motionless. He doesn’t feel anything as he watches the men bleed out for a moment before moving on to the next. Later he’ll surely ask himself what has become of him. 
The answer precedes the question when he sinks his teeth into another thug’s flesh, ripping off part of his ear: an animal. 
A beast. 
And for what? He doesn’t even know anymore.
His job, sure. The one thing that he’s clung to since he was a teenager, while he watched his junkie of a father ruin his family. He didn’t want to be like him, he wanted to be good. And now look at him.
His body moves like it was made for this: maim, kill, tear through flesh and break bones. He’s a killing machine. He’s transformed into the very thing he’s vowed to fight against. Right in front of Euijeong’s eyes.
The cut on his hand doesn't hurt nearly as much as her look of utter shock. It's like something shatters between them and the shards cut into the deepest parts of him.
When their eyes meet through the glass, that’s when Seungho finally stops. And for a moment, finally, he’s Junmo again. He is the man that proposed to Euijeong inside a police car, who stumbled over his words as he asked her to date him instead of a ‘Seoul guy’. The man who made her laugh with his silly jokes and brought home her favorite dessert every Friday to cheer her up after a long week of work.
But this man, standing behind the glass, is no longer that man. He realizes that now. Even before Gicheul is by Euijeong’s side, in a way better state than Seungho is, holding her as he says something Seungho can’t make out.
That’s his wife. And Gicheul is touching her, looking at her like she is his. He notices the necklace around her neck and the fabric soaked in blood tied around her hand, and he thinks,  maybe she is . Maybe she belongs to him just as Seungho does."
this was easily my fav scene from the show so writing about junmo's thoughts here was really fun and i love how it turned out.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
that i can actually write canon compliant(ish) fics if i put some effort into it haha. still not my absolute fav thing to write but it's not as difficult as i thought it'd be.
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the-slasher-files · 4 years
Hii, i saw your requests are open so I guess I could try asking,
Can I ask how would Michael and Jason (and the other slashers if you'd like) react finding out that it's their S/O's birthday. Like they noticed how much food they prepared but s/o didn't mention the occasion because it's not that big of a deal to them but still celebrates it in a way.
Hey, thanks for the request! I love this idea and it was really fun to write.. also added more slashers so I hope you enjoy 🔪💕
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How he finds out: when you left your wallet face open with your drivers license out.. boy was curious
Ever since living out at the camp you just kind of forgot about your birthday, it never really mattered, you were happy just as is with what you had
but he plans it for weeks, Jason can’t give you much in the day to day and he just wants to spoil you and give you the best day after years of looking after him
Waking up in the morning you smelt fresh coffee and sweets, which was more than unusual in the cabin
Rolling over to look at the nightstand you found your favorite mug steaming with hot coffee and Jason had put in your preferred creamer, just the way you liked it. Beside the mug was a small little note sloppily marked with drawn hearts and the words “I love you”
Jason melted your heart on a daily biases but this... it made your heart feel like it oozed right out of your ribcage
Propping yourself up to sip the coffee there was a sudden crash in the kitchen making you jump out of bed... was there an intruder?? was Jason in danger??... grabbing the heavy machete that was resting against the nightstand you faltered to the kitchen, hair dishevelled, barefoot, only wearing one of Jason’s ripped oversized shirts
oh... OH.. it’s just Jason cooking??? flour was everywhere, about 10 different bowls were scattered along the counter, the bacon was smoking and the pancakes? were burnt
Turning around owl-eyed, with flour on his mask and tattered clothes, Jason gives his biggest grin and signs “happy birthday!!”
Once you help him with breakfast he will be glued to your side all day.. more than usual.. Jason wants to give you back rubs, hugs and kisses as much as he can
His gift to you is a bracelet his mom had worn, it is the most meaningful gift Jason could ever give, and it’s beautiful
In the evening he will take you to a new trail you had never been on, old camp lanterns to light your way through the woods and into a large meadow. A large blanket covers the damp grass and there is a small basket with all your fav snacks
A picnic to watch the sunset and stargaze... perfect
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How he finds out: Michael knows everything about you, he had watched you for a solid year before you even knew, but it will take him a long time to get comfortable and trusting with you so it will probably be like the 5th year together before he really does something for you
Now Michael is not affectionate and caring is just not in his nature so your birthday is going to be interesting... to the average human it will seem like it is a shit birthday but knowing Michael the way you do it is the best birthday he can give you
All these years together he had done nothing on your birthday so you expected it to just be another day, but nope
Waking up to the smell of fresh tea or coffee (which ever you prefer) a steaming cup was on the nightstand
Michael was still in bed with you which was unusual but it was even stranger when he was running his large hands all over you.. gently
There will most likely be some morning sex but he is oddly gentle, making your pleasure a priority over his own
Michael will allow you to touch him for however long you want and where you want without protest, but ONLY today so take advantage
Going to the living room you will see a present you had been eyeing for yourself for a while now. It could either be a really nice blanket to clothes to cookware to a laptop. Michael is observant about everything so he will notice the tabs in your phone or that time you walked by a clothing store and almost screamed at how nice the shirt was in the window
of course he stole it and there might be a tiny amount of blood on it but who cares lol
That is honestly about the extent Michael will go with you and that’s more than enough for you
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How he finds out: Bo isn’t exactly a gentleman with a lot of things so he really doesn’t mind just asking how old you are or when your birthday is
Most likely Bo will forget when it is the first 2 years but the 3rd year.. oh baby he’s got it now... with the help of Vincent reminding him
Birthdays have never been big for the Sinclair brothers, especially for Bo, he literally has no idea what to do
One of the only ways Bo knows love is through fast pleasure... aka waking up to him eating you out. Like Michael, he will put your pleasure first today and is going to be gentle with you, so enjoy it
Be careful because he might want to spend your whole birthday in bed if you don’t stop him
Your presents will probably be some lingerie he bought you (which is basically his present) and a night out on the town, going to your favorite restaurant and taking you where ever you want
Even in the truck he will let you pick the music which is honestly a miracle
Bo will try to bite his tongue as much as possible and try to be the best gentlemen he can be until you get home ;)
Going home to Ambrose he takes a different road, up a hill that’s long and twisted, Bo just smiles when you ask where you’re going, man is saying nothing for once and it might freak you out
Getting to the destination, it’s a small walk in the woods until there is a large clearing and a small lake to your right, this is where he used to go swimming as a kid and this is sometimes where Bo will disappear to on bad days
He will lead you to the dock and will lay you down, watching the stars and hearing the splashing of the water mix in with the Louisiana nature... It is pure bliss
Bo cannot help himself and will initiate a heavy make-out session
This is the way of showing you he loves you
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How he finds out: Baby boy is far more observant than his brother thank god, so he will probably check your drivers license if you left your wallet out
Vincent will honestly plan something for weeks if he can
Usually he is a night owl but today Vincent will get up nice and early cooking your favorite breakfast, well at least trying, honestly he can make fantastic omelets
Waking up you will see a small tray of food at the edge of the bed, an omelet, bacon, a glass of juice and some small bouquet of native Louisiana flowers he had picked
Along with a little note card saying “happy birthday” probably with some little doodles on the sides making it fancy
Waking into the room Vincent will have either your coffee or tea, handing it to you with a gentle kiss
It will probably be just a slow, gentle, quiet morning with wandering hands, little kisses and soft words
Today he will let you do whatever the hell you want and will try desperately to get Bo to leave you alone for the day
If you want to go for a walk he’ll go with, if you want to stay inside all day in your sweats watching movies that’s perfect.. whatever you want
Towards the evening Bo will come home with your favorite foods, since Vincent hates leaving town. Dinner will be candle lit with soft music in the background. Vince will try to dress nice and in something that isn’t covered in wax
After dinner he will take you to the theater, watching the old movies you grew up on, even though half of the time you are only paying attention to the tongue down your throat  
For some reason my head kept saying slow dancing in the rain, so I guess when you are coming home it starts to rain and you guys slow dance in the streetlight
Once home he has 2 boxes for you, lovely wrapped. In one box it is your very own knife with a carved handle of your favorite animal to match his blades. In the next box is something you had been looking at getting for a long time, a new pair of boots he watched you look for online
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How they find out: Honestly they’re probably just going to ask you
Stu is probably going to be the more outgoing one and screaming happy birthday to you when you first wake up, Billy would just let you sleep in and drink his coffee beside you, running his hands on you and gently whispering happy birthday to you instead
Stu would make you a big breakfast and even try to make you a cake but something would be so off lol.. he tried
Billy just takes a store bought one from the fridge that he had saved just in case this happened
yes, they want cake for breakfast
Whatever you want to do that day they will make it happen, honestly it’s going to be fun regardless with them
An arcade or bowling or crashing some little kids laser tag party is probably going to be it for your afternoon. Winning silly arcade prizes, stu will get you a stupid whoopie cushion and Billy will probably win a little stuffed bear for you
Driving home Billy will let you play your music and he will just drive around the city, just signing your hearts out and laughing and just making memories, watching the nightlife and city lights
Ending up at the City viewpoint, seeing all the lights in the dark never looked so pretty with your boys, it might even leave Stu speechless
Whenever you are ready to come home a horror movie is defiantly on the list, whatever one you want and they will order pizza
Honestly Stu will probably pass out on the couch from the long hilarious day and Billy will quietly drag you to the bedroom.. really getting to show how much he loves you ;)  
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adorethedistance · 3 years
9 P.M. - Alive!Luke Patterson x Reader Modern Day!AU
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JATP masterlist
Warnings: swearing, mentions of suicide, painful breakup, and angst.
Words: 1991
Summary: Luke breaking up with you made your world stop turning, and when it finally starts moving again after four long months, Luke is back in typical agitator fashion.
A/N: Not requested, and I wrote this in about two hours so bear that in mind. I’ve been toying with an angst idea for a little bit now, and because all of my requests rn are fluff, I decided why not give Luke a little love since it’s been a minute since my last Luke fic. This isn’t proofread so proceed with caution.
“What are you doing here, Luke?” Dana’s voice cuts clear over the mindless chatter in the busy diner. She tucks a stack of menus under her arm to brush a loose strand of sandy blonde hair out of her face.
“I’m here to talk to Y/n. She isn’t returning my calls and she only has her phone on silent when she’s working.”
A solid four months ago, Luke Patterson had broken Y/n Y/l/n’s heart into a couple billion pieces in this very diner. After Luke requested to meet up as soon as possible, Y/n told him she’d be clocking out for the night around 9 PM, and true to his previous request Luke had arrived at 9 on the dot. He considered taking her to his car for more privacy but in fear of forgetting his long, crafted speech, he opted for a secluded booth in the very back corner of her diner.
He still remembers the evening, clear as day. They sat down across from one another on the red vinyl seats with nervous tension exponentially rising between them. He remembers the way she ruffled her loose hair after having it pulled back for an 8-hour shift. He remembers the way she rested her right ankle on her left knee to massage away the calf pain from 8 hours of waiting tables. And he remembers the way her warm smile disappeared after he uttered the words “I think we should break up.”
Y/n was so shocked she couldn’t respond. Everything seemed to be going well between them. They had said their first ‘I love you’s and she had even opened up to the possibility of giving him her virginity. And here he was, a mere week later, claiming that he had fallen out of love with her over the span of a month.
Tears clouded her vision. She was quick to wipe them away before they fell, something Luke noticed that she only did when she was crying out of anger. With her normal sadness or even stress she just lets her emotions run their course. But the anger swelling inside of her at that moment, she so desperately wanted to hide. As a result, she brushed them away. She bit her tongue. She saved face, not wanting to let Luke know just how much he had hurt her.
Luke expected a full-on interrogation. He knew Y/n’s mind was one of insatiable curiosity and she had to have at least a million questions. However, if she did, she didn’t show it. The only question she asked, “Is this really what you want?” Her voice was steady, but Luke knew how badly she wanted to tear him apart, to ravage him right then and there. But after losing such a huge part of herself, Luke, she held onto her dignity so tight it nearly crumbled into dust and blew out of her clenched fingers. Without asking for any more information, she slipped out of the booth and hurried to her car as fast as her walk could take her.
At the time, Luke felt guilty for making her cry. Now he feels guilty for ever having let her believe she wasn’t good enough for him. The only problem is she wouldn’t give him the chance. And her best friend, Dana, didn’t seem like she would give him one either.
“Well, she’s not here. Have you ever considered she’s not returning your calls when she’s off of work, too?”
“Dana, I need to talk to her-”
“What could you possibly have left to say, Luke? Whatever you said to her that night broke her, it absolutely destroyed her. She hasn’t been the same since.” Luke had no trouble believing that was true, which is why it hurt so bad to hear, granted it didn’t hurt as bad as how Y/n felt that night.
“What? No- I-I really need to talk to her.”
“You really don’t.”
“I have to get her back, Dana!” A tornado of shock and anger consumes Dana to the point where all she can do is let out a bitter laugh. The look in Luke’s eyes indicates how hurt he is by her laughter, and Dana’s desire for vengeance has never been so strong. So, she continues to tell the truth. The ferocious, unabridged, hurtful truth,
“You don’t deserve a second chance. You don’t even deserve an attempt at a second chance. Knowing her, Y/n would never tell you this, but I will: you fucked up so bad, you made her almost make the biggest mistake of her life.”
“What?” Luke almost hesitates to ask, knowing he won’t like the answer.
“That night, she came to my place and cried so hard for three hours before she could even get a coherent word out. She stayed with me for three days and, had my shift not ended early that Tuesday, she wouldn’t be alive today.” The dumbstruck look on Luke’s face is only more motivation for Dana to twist the knife, “She almost didn’t survive losing you, Luke. And god forbid she gives you a second chance because she won’t survive losing you again.”
The diner is just crowded enough that no one is paying the two of them any mind as they faceoff by the hostess stand. Dana spent four long months consoling her best friend back to life, and she was not about to let Luke destroy all the hard work Y/n had put into healing.
“I can make this right.”
“How could you possibly make this right?”
“I know more now than I did before. I’ve changed!”
“So has she.” Dana’s biting words render Luke speechless. Once she realizes her work here is done, she continues setting up tables as they’re disinfected.
Luke’s conversation with Dana in the diner left him shellshocked, but it also lit a fire under his ass that he needed to move forward. Rather than discouraging him, Dana’s words gave him a greater incentive to win her back: proof that he was willing to do what he said he would. At least, that’s what Luke told himself. Rather than stepping into the future with greater clarity, Luke went into the world with confidence so large and blinding, his actions may sabotage his true intentions.
That’s how he found himself so determined to win Y/n back. And that’s how he found himself face to face with the front door of her home. It’s 9 PM, just early enough to where she’d be home for the day, just early enough to where she wouldn’t be asleep, and hauntingly just the exact time he had broken her heart all those months ago. Before giving his conviction a chance to back out, he was raising a steady hand to ring the doorbell of her residence.
Y/n opened the door without much thought, expecting a food delivery; she was drastically off-put by Luke’s presence at her doorstep this late.
“Oh.” Was the only response manageable for the tired waitress.
“Hi. Can we talk?”
There it was. The phrase that was a paradoxical toss-up regarding her emotional state. Half of her has been waiting for this day for so long, dreaming of the boyfriend she once knew to come genuinely heartbroken and remorseful to win her back. The other half was terrified of this impending day as she realized she wasn’t nearly as emotionally strong enough to handle the situation as she thought. 
‘Oh’ was the only response manageable for the tired waitress.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Please just give me five minutes and if you never want to hear from me for the rest of your life, I’ll never bother you again,” he rushes out, knowing his time is finite. For what short period of time he thought it over, Luke always imagined pouring his heart out on her front doorstep. That’s why her silent sidestep and opening of the door caught him so off guard. He hadn’t anticipated her to actually give him a decent chance. Why would she? He broke up with her in the very diner she works in full time and crushed her heart so completely, the only things left behind had to be contempt and resentment.
Luke crossed the threshold of her small, cramped LA home with his heart on his sleeve. Reluctantly closing the door behind him, Y/n walks to her living room and sits on the couch amidst a mess of popcorn, her favorite chocolates, used tissues, and a bottle of Advil. The night Luke broke up with Y/n was four months ago and she’s still spending her Friday nights alone crying on her couch with a rom-com on the tv. A sharp pang of guilt cuts through Luke’s chest like a machete and his previous confidence completely dissipates into sadness. Though, he can’t tell if it’s actually remorse or just general pity.
“What did you want to talk about?” Y/n asks as if she doesn’t know what conversation they’re about to have. Luke takes a deep breath to prepare himself as best as he can before explaining what’s been on his mind.
“I am so sorry, Y/n.” His hopes for any sort of reaction are crushed once her blank stare doesn’t waver. In spite of everything that’s happened thus far, this is the moment Luke realizes this would be a lot more difficult than he anticipated. “That night, you asked if taking a break from… us was what I really wanted.”
“I remember.”
“I said yes and you left right after that. I know you’ve blocked my socials, but you haven’t blocked my calls, you just don’t answer. I’m sure you’ve got to be interested in why, you’re a very curious person.”
Luke wasn’t wrong there, Y/n had been wondering why. She had been wondering why since the words left his mouth that night, but she repressed that curiosity. She repressed it because she knew that whatever the answer was, it didn’t make any difference. Luke wasn’t hers to have anymore and that was what really mattered.
“I did it because I thought I was falling out of love with you.”
“You thought?”
“I wasn’t actually falling out of love with you.”
“You weren’t?”
“Then why’d you break it off?”
“I thought I was falling out of love with you but really my attraction was just changing. Instead of just spontaneous and passionate and exciting, I began to see our relationship as comforting and secure as well as those other things. I thought my comfortability was falling out of love, but really, I was falling in love. I was no longer just super infatuated with you, I was in love with you. Genuine love.”
“Luke…” Y/n trails off. She has no real idea of what it is she’s thinking so she opts to let Luke continue until she can figure it out.
“I love you, Y/n. And I broke things off because, before you, I didn’t understand love. Hell, with you I didn’t understand it was love, but now I do! I love you.”
“So, what does this all mean?” Luke draws in a nervous breath, identical to the one he used to soothe his nerves as he stepped into the all-too-familiar house.
“I know I don’t deserve it because of what I put you through… but all I’m asking is for a chance to prove that I really do love you.” The looking shimmering across Y/n’s eyes tells Luke how her thoughts are running wild. She’s experiencing a new train of thought at a mile a minute and it terrifies both of them.
“You hurt me, Luke. And I want to hate you so much for everything that you put me through, but I don’t, and I hate myself for that. But, I’m sorry. I can’t give you a second chance.”
Taglist: @caitsymichelle13​ @kaitlyn2907​ @itz-jas​ @crybabyddl​ @kcd15​ @kinda-really-lost​ @calamitykaty​ @morganayennefertyrell @n0wornever​ @dream-a-little-bigger-x​ @mrstodorooki @vicesvsvirturesfanfic @curlybrownhairedboys​ @amazinggracy​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @ghostlygreenbean​ @juliefromaustralia @merceret​ @jemimah-b99​ @ifilwtmfc​ @thesweetestsinner​ @imsydneywalker​ @lovesanimals​ @thebloodthirstyvampress​ @bumbleberry-pie​ @losers-club6​ @tefilovesreading​ @dmcfarland1​@joynerxmercer @kexrtiz​ @talk-on-the-street​ @phantompogues​ @konciousdreamer​ @sunsetcurvej​ @warmnesss0ul​
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jojo-reader-hell · 4 years
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You think she didn’t notice you staring at them? Staring with those big ol eyes?
Wrongo bucko.
You stared in class at them. Stared when they walked out of the school building, stared when she showered her handmade gifts on him. It was nauseating.
The smell of infidelity, it was something she could get a whiff of in the air like a beagle locked on the scent of butthole balloon cocaine at a TSA checkpoint. Be it if Koichi had a new love interest, or someone was interested in him. Not something someone as paranoid as her would be able to miss even if there were thousands of life’s distractions to put her off the scent. She caught you the first time when she had finally invited Koichi to a cozy little cafe setting, waltzing on by like you didn’t follow him part of the way and glance longingly at their love. She wasn’t fucking stupid. Yukako knew what a longing glance was, and she was going to wring your neck out for it.
Every single time she caught you staring you ran, face turning red as a beet as you scurried away from the scene. At one moment she got so caught up in Koichi’s hesitation that she spilled her coffee and screamed at him.
She also decided after that date and confession got tainted that she was going to slam your face into the pavement, because after she returned from showing that class rep bitch who Koichi really belonged to, she saw you sucking up to him, trying to get sympathy from her one true love. You both were in an empty classroom, Koichi patting your back as you wailed in agony at his feet, kneeling on the floor.
How dare you... how dare you make a move on him behind her back.
You were twisting your skirt in knots, probably trying to make sure he got a peep of your underwear. From where she stood she could see it was a rose print pattern. What a fucking... you were just after one thing weren’t you?!
“How could anyone love me?!” she heard you blubber like a dying walrus. “I... I’ve never even had a boy like me. I’m so stupid and ugly and worthless-...”
“Hey hey hey!”
Yukako was seething. Spewing lava and hate when she saw Koichi lunge to hold you, rubbing your back gently as you got your filthy pedestrian tears all over the blazer of his uniform.
“Don’t talk like that...” Koichi’s voice was so soft, so kind, nothing like Yukako had ever heard before.
“You’re not any of those things. I think you’re beautiful and smart, and funny, and anyone who can’t see that has got to be blind! I think you’re very sweet and lovable too.”
“Yeah! Totally, I mean if you were even interested I’d even go out with you!”
Now, it didn’t help that you had essentially turned the knife counter clockwise in her chest, sealing your fate forever to be just another teen casualty. Because her mounting rage was of Friday the 13th proportions, ready to burst through the window of your room with a machete in the dead of night and hang your entrails like fairy lights around your wall. She knew when she’d do it too. She was going to patiently bide her time and wait for your little “heart to heart” to end, lurking at the edge of the shadows and planning to ambush you when you least expect it.
That was the plan originally. She was waiting for you after school when there were no witnesses, confident she would get you. But how could she have any clue... Not the faintest idea of what to do came to her mind when she heard you cry out her name.
“Yukako! Yukako Yamagishi, I love you!”
She whipped around, almost too angry to hear what you said until she found herself immobile. You’d taken her hands, nearly falling out of your penny loafers when you leaned in, and you kissed her right on the mouth.
The whole time her eyes were wide open in shock. The mounting rage she felt... the burning flames of hatred, where did it go?! Suddenly her first kiss was gone and she noticed you didn’t really know what else to do from there because all you did was give her a quick peck and you were already shaking and out of breath.
She didn’t even focus that long on her kiss being taken by another girl, too busy wondering what had changed as she watched your eyes glitter wetly with tears.
“Yukako, I’ve loved you ever since the first time I laid eyes on you. I think you’re wonderful, and I don’t care if I’m weird or wrong or whatever, because I love you so much it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.”
Yukako blinked. That’s all she could do. Didn’t really have the coherence to do much else except blink owlishly at you. All her feelings were in such a jumbled mess, like clothes in a dryer.
“I... I’m not good at sewing or cooking, I can’t give you material things like a sweater with love in the stitches or some adorable box lunch... I don’t even have money to buy you expensive presents. All I have is a heart full of all my love to give, and I’d do anything to make you happy. Will you... will you be my girlfriend?”
It was as if the fire that burned brightly in her heart had burned so hot and fast that every bad feeling, every negative thought or psychotic fantasy she had about you had suddenly gone up in smoke. Every single part of Yukako’s consciousness seemed only left to ash. You didn’t want Koichi. She heard that part as you continued to babble on helplessly despite her silence, completely unsure of how to respond as she learned the obsessive thoughts she had about one person had been the thoughts you had for her. You continued to pour out your heart, not giving her one opportunity to speak. Anyone could hear it in the way that you were talking to her that you were on the verge of breaking down into tears. Your face was contorted into embarrassment, from the kiss she could feel the heat of your cheeks radiating on her clammy skin. You were still holding her hands and she felt her whole body vibrate because of your nerves.
“Yuka-... I... Yamagishi?! I... I’m sorry...!” Now your voice was starting to crack when you realized she was immobilized. “I... I’m sorry... I shouldn’t have kissed you... I...”
Tears. Great fountains of tears and bubbles of snot appeared and melted like ice cream down your cheeks, lips and chin. Your voice only got more choppy and your legs started to give. Her silence was deafening. She didn’t even know what she felt anymore and could only just watch as you sank to her knees, still holding her hands and not making a move to wipe your face.
Without thinking, she squeezed your hands.
The shock of her touch made you squeak like a mouse being crushed under a combat boot. Yukako knelt down to the floor with you. One of her perfectly embroidered hankies peeped out of her skirt pocket, and she only let go of one hand to fish it out as she carefully wiped every tear and bubble, wordlessly telling you to blow your nose as she placed the cloth over your face.
A soft, pale hand touched your burning cheeks. Her skin was so clammy and cold, like a compress when you had a fever it helped soothe you into calming down. A hiccup sounded in your chest, making you look small and vulnerable.
You looked her in the eyes. Locked with her. She saw the passion. The love. The devotion and pure worship. Everything she wanted staring her in the face.
Still unsure, but willingly, Yukako leaned into your space. Her lips cushioned yours, begging for another first kiss.
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
Ok I meant to answer you're question about what I thought of the show ages ago but I forgot.
I LOVED IT OMGGGG! I got so many kitty vibes from Wilhelm and Simon! The touching! The softness! It's those vibes exactly! I want that energy in TWP.
COMRADE SIMON!! We stan! That speech he made at the very beginning about the differences in attitudes towards "tax evasion" vs. "Welfare fraud." Legend behavior.
Sara!!!! My girl!!!!!! An autistic/adhd character PLAYED BY AN AUTISTIC ACTRESS!!!! THIS IS SO HUGE!!! I would die for my problematic queen. I made an entire post on her but the gist is, I get where she's coming from and understand why she feels the way she feels but dear God girl make better choices and stay the hell away from August.
Speaking of.... I wanna run August over several times. Vroom vroom motherfucker. The fact that he
-kissed Sara behind Felice's back when they were still dating WITHOUT HER CONSENT BTW
- Wanted to blame Simon for the drugs because he knew it would be easy because Simon's family is lower class and doesnt have the same social standing as one of the "members of the society"
- Also it didn't escape my notice that the cult like faternety type group with all the rich, mainly white boys is called The Society. This shows commentary on class is vv interesting. Especially the little things like two girls just randomly advocating for THE DEATH PENALTY. The rich people audacity.
-Anyways back to August, when he tried to excuse his actions with Wilhelm and get all teary like no bitch you can't manipulate your way out of this one. And again with Sara! When he said "Wilhelm has everything" I wanted to scream! Like he's fucking closeted and clearly suffering from panic attacks and extreme anxiety you moron.
-Anyways!! I also think that Wilhem might be autistic because he just feels autistic. Like the vibes are there.
- The girl group is so sweet? And to have the popular girl be a Black girl who isn't "stereotypically attractive" with a more medium sized body and bad acne. As someone who has really bad skin I needed that. Felice is kinda awesome imo.
Let me see what else??
-Simon and his mom speaking Spanish consistently throughout the show. It sounded pretty natural to me? But I'm not a native speaker. (Or even fluent honestly lol.)
- Simon and Wilhelm are honestly so adorable and in love and it made my heart ache. (I am so touch starved I swear..)
-My only main beef is the outing plotline and the show using an outdated medical term for Sara, aspergers. It's literally just autism. Also it's kind of offensive because Hans Asperger was a n*zi who literally killed autistic children because they weren't useful to capitalism. SOOOO yeah.
As for the outing plotline, I feel like the cishets have like three plotlines that they use for queer stories. Outing/coming out, one of them dies, or one if them bullies the other until they both fall in love. It's tired.
But overall I really loved it.
I wanted to correctly talk to you about this series so I logged in through my computer to make it easier for me :D
LOOK AT THIS POINT IVE RELATED THEM TO LITERALLY EVERY COMFORT SHIP I HAVE LIKE. I've compared this to kitty, I've compared this to Thomastair, I've compared this to my friends to ocs who she has obsessed me with (youd actually like them if you liked this tbh) IVE COMPARED ME TO MY OCS
what was the point cc??
new favorite character
SHES PLAYED BY AN AUTISTIC ACTRESS?? Sorry I hadn't known! Haven't actually gotten to obsessively look at the cast I've been trying to get over the last episode BUT THATS SO COOL. SARA IS AMAZING AND I ADORE HER. I'll read your post after this! But of course STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM AUGUST GIRL PLEASE
Tbh I understood where she was coming from with everything with Simons image falling apart and her having to suffer when she had just started having friends , just after finding he had been lying to her. But love, AUGUST?
A U G U S T ???
Also random and stealing this from @marzzinaa i totally hc Sara as a demi girl for some reason
Im kinda sad we didnt see her speak spanish as much we did simon :(
You already said it all, I just agree
Ok I'll bring a machete you bring whatever you wish and we kill him sound good?
meanwhile they wanted to pass off to Simon who came from a lower class family the blame
Also I'd like to mention how that would also play into the stereotype latinos are all drug dealers
Which I love how they didnt make his dead beat alcoholic man the latino parent, when I first read the description I thought they might do that, but im so glad they didnt
I think it might have been a comentary idk i liked that they DIDNT make the poc parent the dead beat
I love how they didnt make her stereotypically perfect AND YES MID SIZED REP WAS AMAZING TO SEE
Also im so glad you got to see that represented!!
So I am a native speaker and him talking to his mom MADE ME CRY
pls most her phrases reminded me to my own mom
Autistic wilhelm you say?? omg tell me more (if you want)
Oh thats awful, well I'll just refer to Sara as autistic and hope the showrunners fix that next season because if they dont-
Oh yeah, thats valid critisism. But in my opinion they actually wrote it pretty well so I wont really be complaining about an overall media problem with queer stories rn. If so I'll be here all day. But yeah its an overall problem but it wasnt done bad in my opinion so!
I'll shut up, for now
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flamencodiva · 4 years
Who Do You Think You Are? 4 - Motel Room
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Description: Y/N Y/L/N and Dean Winchester seem to bump into each other quite frequently. What happens when these two hunters rub each other the wrong way?
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Bingo Square: Motel Room 
Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Mentions of Child Neglect, Mentions of Drug Abuse.
A/N: For SPN Dean Bingo Round One
Divider by @talesmaniac89​
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Y/N groaned as she was pushed up against the wall. The vampire she was facing was snarling at her as she tried to push it away. Using all of her strength and with just a hint of adrenaline, Y/N gave a yell and was able to push the monster off her. She was about to chop off its head when a familiar sound of slicing filled her ears and the head rolled seamlessly. As the body dropped Dean Winchester stood with a cocky grin on his face.   
“Well don't you look like a damsel in distress, Princess,” He walked up to her and winked. 
“Please,” she rolled her eyes and gave him a playful shove, “I had him right where I wanted him.” 
“Oh yeah?” Dean chuckled, “I take it that he would be leaving a very nice bloody hickey on your neck.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” she brushed him off. “How did you hear about this?” 
“Garth,” Dean shook his head as they stalked around the warehouse looking for more vamps. 
Sam met up with them as they continued to behead vamp after vamp. After about an hour of hunting, it was deemed that the warehouse was cleaned out. Y/N made her way to her Pontiac, wiping her machete and putting it away. She could feel Dean’s eyes on her. She turned around and smiled. 
“Celebratory drinks at the nearby dive bar?” Y/N turned around. 
“Sounds good,” Dean agreed. 
For the past few months, Y/N had kept her distance from Dean. she could feel the effect he had on her. She was catching feelings. She didn’t like feelings. The relationship between her mother and Nikki proved that love was nothing but a myth.
Dean watched as Y/N knocked back shot after shot of Jack Daniels. He could see the pain in her eyes. There was something going on. 
"You, okay?" He leaned over the bar top as he knocked back his own shot. 
“Peachy,” she rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck. “My stupid sperm donor won’t stop calling.” 
“Your dad?” Dean asked. 
“Sperm Donor,” Y/N amended. “He will never be my Dad. No matter how many times he says he’s sorry or he tries to buy his way into my life.” 
“What if he’s really sorry?” Dean hated seeing her in pain. He could tell that she really wanted a relationship with her father, even if she was being stubborn about it. 
“Too little, too late,” she huffed. “My mother is dead. And all she ever talked about was him and how good he was before the drugs. But I never believed her. He could have stayed clean for her, could have tried to be better. But he found a new pussy to fuck with new kids and I was just a bastard burden to him.” 
Dean stayed silent letting her vent. He had half a mind to find out who her dad was and just knock his teeth in. It didn’t take long for Y/N to develop a good buzz. She joked with Dean and changed the subject to hunting. They were retelling their favorite hunts, one of which landed Y/N in a hospital where her uncles all visited. 
“I have a very nice jagged scar on my side from that one.” She laughed. 
“Might have to see that one later,” Dean whispered in her ear. 
"Not tonight cowboy," she shrugged him off. "We've been getting a little too close to my liking.” 
“I--” Dean opened and closed his mouth as he watched her walk away towards the pool tables. 
Dean frowned as he watched her from the bar. He watched as she flirted and moved her hips almost leaning into a douchebags touch. His jaw clenched and he watched as she leaned in and whispered something in his ear before walking away, heading to the restrooms. Slamming his latest shot down he walked over to the guy and shook his head. 
“Hey man, you sure you want to tap that girl that was just here?” He nodded to the man. 
“You mean hottie with the body?” he smirked. “Yeah, man I mean she has a great set of tits and a nice ass. I mean you would hit that right?” 
“Well,” Dean hissed and leaned back looking around for Y/N before he motioned for douche to lean forward. “Girl is a type 1 clingy bitch. Took me a good month and a half to get rid of her. I mean she was relentless. Don’t get me wrong,” he gave a sly smile. “She was great with a dick stuffed in her. But she was too clingy for my taste.” 
“Pussy is pussy,” he shrugged as he looked at Dean. “I can handle a clingy girl. But she didn’t really seem like the clingy type.”  
“Hey man I was just warning you,” Dean held up his hands and looked around. “But, honestly,” he pointed to a blond girl in the corner, “she looks like she is going to give you the best time of your life.” 
Dean smiled when Douche took a sip of his beer and made his way towards the blond he pointed out. With a satisfied smile, he turned only to be met with a fist to the face. 
“I’m Clingy?!” Y/N growled. “Who the fuck do you think you are?!” 
“Come on, Y/N,” Dean rubbed his jaw. “Guy was a grade-A frat boy douche.” 
“And? What’s your point?”  She sighed. “Dean, I think we should cut the benefits out of the friends with benefits. If anyone is getting clingy here…” She shook her head sadly, “It’s you.” 
With that, she grabbed her leather jacket from one of the chairs and made her way out to her Pontiac. She had just touched the handle to the driver’s side door when her phone began to ring. 
“You got Y/N,” she sighed as she rubbed her eyes. 
"Y/N," her brother sounded scared. 
Rolling her eyes, she took in a deep breath, "this better be good." 
"Dad's in the hospital, Y/N," he rushed out. 
"Did he overdose on something? Because I honestly--" 
"He fell down the stairs," he sounded really scared. "He said he was hearing weird noises and it got cold. All of a side he said he felt hands behind his back and next thing, he was falling down the stairs and hurt his shoulder." 
“I’ll be there as quick as I can,” she breathed. 
If something was haunting her dad, she had to make sure her family was safe. Even if she hated him, she never wanted anything supernatural to get to him. 
It wasn’t in her nature. 
Driving down the highway she barreled through and forced herself to drive all day and night. When she reached San Jose, she made her way to the large estate Nikki Sixx had purchased. Punching in the code her dad had sent her a while ago, she drove up the driveway and parked in front of the door where Gunner was waiting. 
“Okay,” she said, avoiding his gaze. “You need to tell me everything that happened. I need to know if anything was bought at an auction or antique store. Or if it was something given by a family friend.” 
“Y/N, Dad doesn’t know about the other stuff you do, right?” Gunner looked to his older sister. He and storm were the only ones who knew about what Y/N did. 
It was one of the only secrets they shared. But even then, Y/N would never forgive them for how they continued to treat her. Even after saving them from the things that went bump in the night.
“No,” she breathed, “And he’s not going to, and neither are Deker and Frankie.” She pulled out her emf reader and looked at Gunner. 
“Where did he fall?” she made her way inside and towards the staircase. 
“Don’t you want to rest?” Gunner blocked her from moving forward. 
“I’m fine,” she brushed him off. “I’m not here as your sister. In fact, I’m not your sister I’m a hunter. I hunt things, things that give you nightmares so stop trying to be nice.” 
“Y/N,” Gunner looked at her sadly. “We were kids, and mom, my mom, was well she --” 
“Save it,” Y/N ignored him as she pulled out her EMF reader. 
She never noticed Gunner reaching into his pocket for something.  She pulled at the antenna and turned it on. The needle was going haywire with the reader picking up all sorts of activity. She raised her eyebrow at that. There was no way a perfectly good house, with no prior history would have EMF readings like this. 
“Where was Nikki when he said he felt the hands on his back?” She looked at Gunner. 
“It was around here,” he muttered as he watched her work. 
His big sister, who had scared off a monster when he was young. Who endured every nasty thing his mother had spewed about her, and now that he was older, he felt bad for how he treated her. Y/N had lost so much and had seen their father at his worst. He could see the pain in her eyes as she fought against his advances to apologize. He watched as Y/N sighed and shook her head. 
“I need to talk to Nikki about what he felt.” She rubbed at her temples. “Is there anything else you can think of? I mean I know you don’t live here but, have you felt any cold spots? Or heard any strange noises?” 
“I think Dad said he heard a low groan and the temperature suddenly dropped.” Gunner found something on the floor really interesting.   
“Right,” Y/N sighed and grabbed her keys. “What Hospital is he at?” 
“He’s at Cedar-Sinai,” Gunner rubbed the back of his neck. Hoping his plan was working. 
“Okay, I will head over there and talk to him about what happened.” She looked at the time. She had been up for almost twenty-four hours. 
Heading to her car she drove towards the hospital, showing her ID and was shown to his room. She ignored the guilt that was creeping up inside her for keeping him at arm’s length. She saw him there hooked up to the monitor. His shoulder in a sling. He looks older than she remembered. He was asleep when she came in and his current fling Courtney offered her a small smile. She tried to be friends with Y/N. But Y/N kept her distance. She had gone through this dance before. 
“I came to talk to him about what happened,” she whispered to Courtney. “I can come back when--” 
“Y/N?” Nikki’s voice sounded surprised that she was there. “How did you know I was here?” 
“Gunner called me,” she left it at that. “I can come back. I just came to ask you some questions Nik and then I’ll be out of your hair.” 
Courtney took that as her cue to leave father and daughter alone. Y/N walked around the room, her EMF reader secretly hidden. But there were no readings. 
“So,” She took in a deep breath. “Was the house built on an ancient burial ground that you don't know about?” 
“What?” Nikki tried to sit up and hissed. “What’s with the questions?” 
“Just humor me,” Y/N sighed. “Did you notice any cold spots around the stairs? Any weird noises? Or just strange occurrences?” 
“Y/N, what are all these questions about?” Nikki looked at his daughter. “Y/N, are you okay? Are you in trouble?” 
“Just answer the questions please,” Y/N rubbed at her temples. There was something wrong here. This wasn’t your typical haunting. 
“This is a shoulder injury that I had to correct,” Nikki sighed. “I bought the house, and I can tell you that it’s not on a burial ground. Y/N are you okay? Are you in trouble?” 
“So, wait,” Y/N clenched her jaw, “This was a planned surgery?” 
“Yeah,” Nikki reached for the cup of water. “I postponed it so I could finish the tour and then get it fixed.”  
“I’m going to kill Gunner,” she muttered. “Glad you’re alive Nik, sorry to be a burden… again.” she turned to leave ignoring Nikki’s cries to get back into the room. 
“Y/N wait,” He called after her. 
Pushing the Pontiac to rush back to the house, Y/N was ready to punch Gunner repeatedly. As she neared the house, she parked her car and stormed in. pulling out her EMF she turned it on noticing that the house was showing no signs of a haunting. Y/N looked around the house, it was completely empty. She looked from room to room, using the EMF reader to try and find anything. There was nothing. That is until she made her way to Gunner’s room. Opening the door, she gave a low angry growl. There on his bed was an EMF generator. 
Taking the machine in her hands she walked down the stairs and sat on the couch. The device on the coffee table as she waited for Gunner. She wasn't sure how long she was waiting seething before Gunner made his appearance.   
“So, Nikki was pushed by a ghost, huh?” She growled.
“Y/N, I can explain--” he began.
“That was such a low fucking blow,” she hissed. “I should have known that you would pull something like this. Not like I haven’t been humiliated by you and the others enough.”  Grabbing the EMF generator Y/N lifted it above her head before smashing it on the floor. “Don’t call me ever again.” 
“I just wanted to fix everything I did!” Gunner chased after her, “Damn it, you’re my big sister and I know that there are real monsters out there.” He called out as she reached the door, “I remember you saving me from one! Y/N? Y/N please, Dad wants you in his life, he’s always wanted you in his life.”  
Y/N ignored Gunner calling after her as she tossed her bag in the bag and cursed. It would be a five-hour drive to get to her apartment on the strip. Taking a deep breath, she made her way down the familiar road and towards a motel. All the while she never noticed the black Impala that had followed her. Pulling up to the office she grabbed a room and made her way to it. 
Dean watched as she closed her door before taking a deep breath and exiting his car. Walking to her door he lifted his fist and knocked. He knew what he did to her back at the dive bar was shitty, but he had to make sure she was okay. He gasped when she opened the door and glared at him. 
“Sorry,” She sneered. “I thought I was clingy. But it looks like you’re the one who can’t let go.” 
“I’m sorry,” Dean breathed. “You’re right. I should respect that you don’t want commitment. Hell, the life we live is not easy Y/N. And I’ll stay away if you really want me to.”  
Y/N sighed, “Just… let’s stick to just being friends.” 
“I--” Dean nodded and placed his hands in his pockets. “I guess we can be friends.” 
“Come on,” Y/N sighed as she opened the door wide. “We can watch some Dr. Sexy episodes and drink some whiskey, order pizza…” 
Dean smiled, “Yeah, We can. So, you got the room for the night?” 
“Yeah,” she sighed. “Idiot guy tried to trick people into thinking a house was haunted. Came to check it out.” 
“Man, I hate when it’s a waste of a trip,” Dean took the second bed and stretched out. 
“What can we do,” Y/N shrugged. “People are morons.” 
Dean smiled at her as they settled on to their beds and hung out in the dusty motel room. Dean realized that while he would love nothing more than to hold and kiss Y/N, he would rather be her friend and have her in his life than not at all.
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Who Do You Think You Are? Status: Open
@spnfamily-j2​ @fantasydevil2002​ 
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isingonly4myangel · 3 years
3, 6, 14, 17, 20, 22 :)
3. you're planning a horror movie marathon with your friends - which movies are you picking?
Ooh, either a run through the Conjuring universe, or a whole collection of Stephen King. Also on the table would be really classic horror, like made before the 1970s only.
6. answer for real life vs if you were a slasher movie character: the local movie theater is showing your favorite horror movie but you've heard that something really fucked up happened at the theater in the town over; somebody got stabbed mid screening, apparently- but people are arguing about whether that was actually real or just some sort of publicity stunt... - are you still going to watch your favorite movie?
Lmao yep, I'm still going in real life, and honestly I might go in a slasher movie too, cause might as well.
14. would you rather try to escape from michael myers chasing you with a knife, jason voorhees chasing you with his machete or freddy krueger tormeting you in your dreams and chasing you with his glove?
I'll take Michael Myers, because I stand a better chance of disarming him than with a machete or... ya know... inside my dreams
17. would you rather have chucky try and transfer his soul into your body or have the sawyer family try and put you on their dinner table?
The Sawyer family, on the same principle as the last one- better chance to get away!
20. there's a rip in the fabric of the universe and you find yourself warped into a horror movie. which one is it? pick a movie you actually find interesting enough to want to be a part of, maybe one you've already imagined yourself as a character in- not one you just think would be easiest to stay alive in. the rules to your current situation are unclear; you don't know whether this is one of those "if you die in here, you die in real life" scenarios or not- so why not just aim for some fun right now.
The Conjuring, hands down. (If we're allowed to include tv shows and not just movies, I'd also take AHS Coven, but my preference would be Penny Dreadful, I wanna live there anyway lol)
22. do you have any personal scary stories? something that happened to you or somebody close to you?
So the auditorium at my high school was haunted. Very haunted. Everyone has a story from it, we had the weirdest shit happen. Light orbs, cold spots, doors rattling on hinges, paintbrushes being moved up and down a ladder when the person painting is the only one there, picture frames thrown from a wall at the head of a girl 5 feet away, a persistent feeling of being watched, footsteps on the empty catwalk, and so much more. But one of my wildest stories happened during a rehearsal my senior year.
A cast of probably 20, 25 people are sitting in chairs around the piano onstage. Stage left wing is dressing rooms, stage right wing leads into our scene shop, where the big set pieces and construction equipment are stored. The shop door is huge, sliding, metal, standing open slightly because it's a pain to close fully. It's a music rehearsal, and because it's a difficult piece and the majority of the cast are not choir kids, we just can't get it totally right. But bless our music director, who's trying. All of a sudden, we hear the very loud and distinct sound of the circular saw revving up and running in the scene shop. Except that the lights are off, and there's no one in there. The circular saw is just inside the door, there would be no missing whoever was standing at it. Our music director sends a kid over, and we all watch him walk across the stage, up to the door, poke his head through, and say "hello?" The moment he approaches, within 4 feet of the saw, the sound stops. He announces that there's no one there, he sits back down, we begin rehearsal again. Not 10 minutes later, we hear the saw again. We repeat the above, with the kid looking a little pale the second time.
There's no other entrance or exit from the scene shop, save the stairs to the basement of the building (which we call Hell, for good reason but those are other stories). Those are metal, spiral stairs, and loud as fuck if anyone steps on them. We never heard that sound. The circular saw also needs 2 hands to operate, even after it's plugged in- one to take the safety off and the other to hold your material. No electric issue could have turned the saw on. Twice.
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au10 · 3 years
So I watched all the westerns by Eastwood. Below you’ll find my list of what I’d say are his best to not necessarily worst just not great. Keep in mind that this list is just my opinion and yours very well may differ and hey that’s great. Also keep in mind there will be spoilers but to be fair the majority of these movies are older than me. I would also like to point out that I didn’t view Rawhide as I really didn’t seem like something I’d like. The list is as best as I can tell are all of his westerns. Some are kind of iffy as I don’t consider them a western. 
1.”Unforgiven” 1992
 My original pick was going to be “For a Few dollars more”. I re-watched Unforgiven again and have decided that Unforgiven is his best western. Made in 1992. It features Morgan Freeman, Gene Hackman and Richard Harris. There might even be more stars but those are the ones that stood out to me. The plot basically goes like this. William Munny a ruthless killer back in the day settles down with a woman who changes his life. He gave up his killer ways. The wife is already dead when the movie starts and Munny stays on the good path for lack of better phrasing. I don’t want to spoil to much more but needless to say a large bounty put on some ruffians leads to some nice action. 
I love the soundtrack to this movie. Well at least one song in particular and that’s Claudia’s theme. You can YouTube if you wish. I think it’s really great. 
A couple of quotes that I enjoyed. 
“ I've killed women and children. I've killed everything that walks or crawls at one time or another. And I'm here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you done to Ned”
.”It's a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take away all he's got and all he's ever gonna have.“
2. “For a few dollars more” 1965
 This is the sequel to a “Fistful of dollars”. It’s part of the famous dollar trilogy movies. Made in 1965 Eastwood portrays the man with no name. I really like  Lee Van Cleef as Col. Douglas Mortimer. It’s a revenge type of western. Both Cleef and Eastwood characters are pretty much bounty hunters. Cleef has an entirely different motive for his actions though. They seem to have great chemistry together too. I also like the dialogue between them as well. Clint Eastwood's character calls Lee Van Cleef's character "old man", while Van Cleef's character calls Eastwood "boy". Once more I love the music plays when the pocket watch is opened up. 
3.” A fist full of dollars.” 1964  
The beginning if you will of the the man with no name trilogy or dollars trilogy which ever you prefer. The dollars trilogy is what you call a spaghetti western. “ Spaghetti westerns were not rated highly due to their low budgets, over the top violence and inferior art work. But, these Spaghetti Westerns changed that perception forever. Director Sergio Leone gave one after another hit and this trilogy made Clint Eastwood a mega star. “ Some people don’t like them or they find them to corny. Each to their own. I loved the movies. My father pointed out to me one of the things that bugged him was the constant camera cuts to the other characters in the film. It especially focuses on their eyes. I never noticed it until he pointed it out. I do love the scene where he confronts the bullies/bad guys. On his way to them. He passes by the undertaker and tells him to get three coffins ready. After the shootout he passes back by the undertaker and tells him my mistake 4 coffins.
4. “The Good, The bad and the Ugly.” 1966 
The last of the dollars trilogy. A lot of people will say that this is the best of the three movies. Like the previous  film it also stars Lee Van Cleef. This time though he is one of the villain’s. It’s a good movie. I enjoyed  Eli Wallach as Tuco. Once more you have the music on point with  The Ecstasy of Gold. I heard that song years earlier when Metallica would use it. My last thought on this trilogy is I do love how Eastwood is always smoking those little cigars. I have read though he actually hated them.
“ You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig. “
5. “Two Mules for Sister Sara” 1970
This one is a film I really liked. It doesn’t seem to be as serious as the previous I’ve listed above. It actually has quite a few comedic moments in it. I think one of the best parts of the movie is after Hogan (Eastwood) saves Sara from impending doom. She gets dressed and comes back out in her nun gear. Once Hogan realizes she is a known his expression is great then he exclaims “Jesus Christ”. I noticed this movie had blood in it. A lot of the earlier ones don’t. One guy gets his arm cut off and one takes a machete to the face. It’s a good movie and I enjoyed it. I should note the soundtrack or at least one song they play over at times in the film is a play on the title. It sounds like a mule actually braying. Pretty nifty. 
6. “Pale Rider” 1985
Another good movie. Eastwood is just known as the preacher in this movie. He helps out a prospect town from becoming a mining town. When the prospectors will not give up their land. A marshal and his deputies are sent in to get prospectors out. It’s hinted at that the marshal may know the preacher form the way he reacts after told his description. This is definitely one of my favorites though. It does get a little weird with the preacher having intercourse with a guy’s girlfriend. The action is great though. It should be noted that it’s been told that Eastwood’s charter is a ghost in this film. Richard Kiel is in this movie as well. He is a well established actor. Most likely known for playing Jaws in Moonraker. 
7. Outlaw Josey wales 1976
A lot of people like this movie. It’s Eastwoods only PG rated western. It’s once more a revenge type western. Josey’s family is murdered by the Union army and he joins a confederate group to get his revenge. I think one of the best parts in the movie is when Josey shoots the rope holding a ferry going across the river. Some of the Union soldiers horses fall into the river preventing them from reaching Wales. This movie is said to be George Strait’s favorite. I did find it funny that the old man in charge of the ferry was playing to both sides. If you were a Confederate he would sing “Dixie” if you were a Union solider he would sing “Battle hymn of the republic” Ever the opportunist I suppose. 
"Well Mr. Carpetbagger, we got something in this territory called a Missoura boat ride!"
"Well are ya' gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?"
8.”High plains drifter” 1973
This movie could be almost a part of the man with no name trilogy. It’s just not as good. I liked the midget character named Mordecai . He is one of the best in the movie and funny. This is one of the movies where it’s possible that the stranger (Eastwood’s character) could be a ghost. Some people say he is the sheriff’s brother. Eastwood has said that himself. Then again some people say he is the ghost of the sheriff himself. It’s up to the viewer and how you choose to interpret it. This movie also marks the first movie Eastwood directed that was a western.
“You're going to look pretty silly with that knife sticking out of your ass.“
9. “Hang’em High” 1968
This was Eastwoods first major role in America. The Dollars trilogy had yet to come out over here in America. Jed  (Eastwoods character) is wrongfully hanged by a posse. He naturally seeks revenge after being rescued. He becomes a Marshal and winds up bringing some of the posse to justice. It also stars Pat Hingle. I really only know him from Tim Burton’s Batman. He played Commissioner Gordon. 
10. “Joe Kidd” 1972
To be honest with you this movie really doesn’t do anything for me at all. It’s not a bad movie but it’s not one that really captivates me either. It stars Robert Duvall as a rich/wealthy landowner trying to push Mexicans off of their land. He hires Eastwood’s character named Joe Kidd. It does have some decent moments. A pretty cool scene shows Kidd taking out a gunman upon a rock. The final fight is also pretty neat where Kidd drives a train through the bar.
Honorable Mentions: 
1.”Bronco Billy” 1980
This movie was on the list and I viewed it. I liked it. Eastwood plays a carnival showman. It’s your typical story of guy and girl don’t get along. Then as the movie progresses they start to get along and wind up with one another. It’s not a western but it has the theme. It does have  Scatman Crothers in it as Doc. Throw in a crooked lawyer and a crooked husband and this is the movie you have. 
2. “Paint your wagon” 1969 
This set during the gold rush. It is a musical though and you can get the soundtrack on itunes. I heard about this movie from The Simpsons years ago. It doesn’t have a western feel to me. Eastwood plays Pardner. It’s a cool little musical. It’s an interesting movie though. A Mormon has two wives and he sells one. Well Pardner and his partner Ben rum son played by Lee Marvin buys her. Elizabeth the wife that was purchased basically has two husbands. It’s really a good movie. My favorite song being “Wand’rin Star”
3. “The Beguiled” 1971
They had this movie on the list and there again I witched it. It’s certainly not a western. It’s okay. Eastwood kind of plays a bad guy in it but only to survive. Set in the Civil War era. He is an injured Union solider rescued by a little girl. She takes him to an all girls school. It should be noted that this is the only movie in which a character portrayed by Eastwood dies. 
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fascinatedhelix · 4 years
Some updates to the HK/NSR crossover AU, since the original was made pre-release (the following does contain spoilers!):
Ran away from the Trankil Adoption Agency due to finding most humans too restrictive on their freedom; they’re accustomed to being able to come and go as they please, and the agency doesn’t really approve of trankil running around unattended. BBJ are more relaxed about it, leading to the little one being along the lines of a latchkey trankil.
Mayday and Zuke earn their trust by buying them food and helping them clean up in the restaurant’s bathroom, rather than just grabbing them and dragging them back to the agency. Aunty, for one, adores them, due to their sweet little face and how eagerly they eat her cooking.
Has pulled a knife on Kliff, multiple times, because he’s creepy as hell and sets off all their alarms, much to the exasperation of Zuke and Mayday. He tries bribing them with toys and snacks up until his betrayal, after which he almost gets stabbed again before BBJ drag Ghost with them to stop the fans.
Zuke doesn’t let them draw their blade in the sewer or on the streets, normally, but he doesn’t necessarily ban them from sharps entirely. He can tell they know how to use them, though he opts to let them use a kitchen knife instead of the haphazard scrap of metal they’ve been swinging around on the streets.
Zam has attempted to conduct interviews with Ghost before, but finds himself mostly just perplexed at their answers. "Okay, I’m looking at what appear to be, uh, hieroglyphics of some kind. I can see something that kind of looks like a rhinoceros beetle head... They’re shaking their head ‘no.’” The little section where he interviews them is nicknamed Ghost Tour.
They were sleeping in DJ Subatomic Supernova’s apartment at the time of the battle, since he didn’t think he’d need their help. They’re too small to be asked for a whole lot, anyway; he mostly has them around to keep himself company and have someone to talk to (or at, as the case may be).
Their sound energy absorbing powers would probably be enough to deactivate some of NSR’s robots; it comes in handy when the rogue robots are getting in the way of reinstating their guardian as charter.
Their favorite stuffed animal is a toy dolphin that DJSS calls Delphinus, though Comet calls them Splashy when they learn how to write.
As they grow older, their horns begin pointing backward and eventually curling into a similar shape to ram’s horns.
DJSS secretly relishes in the opportunity to have a legacy in the form of taking care of Comet, though he doesn’t know that they are probably more likely to carry his name farther into the future than any drones he sends up to space.
They live with Remi, the artist and leader of the Sayu team. He treats them much like a little sibling, in the nice way, and gets them to watch some of the more family-friendly anime he watches; they’re particularly fond of Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z, even if they keep dismantling the figures he gets them. They’re much gentler with the plushies, though.
It takes a few weeks of watching Dodo and Sofa work on machinery to get them learning how to build stuff as well as break it. They make it an entire thing when they grow older, working on machinery.
They eventually grow cheek spines, not unlike some depictions of the adult Ghost, and otherwise heavily resemble Hornet as an adult. Much taller than her, though.
Sayu’s kind of reluctant to attack Ghost because they resemble Bunny so much; “You’re too cute to fight!” Zuke doesn’t like the idea of Ghost acting like a trankil shield in fights, but it does help throw off her aim.
Yinu’s mom specifically chose the former Broken Vessel because they were the only trankil that expressed any interest in Yinu’s infodumping about classical music. They even responded to questions with head shaking or nodding.
They come to Yinu’s side after her piano breaks, letting go of their fight with Ghost quickly enough; they don’t fault their sibling for doing what they thought was right, even if they don’t understand it, but they believed Yinu needed their support more.
They’re taking violin lessons, as it’s a touch easier to adjust to playing with four fingers on that then on piano. They get pretty good at it as an adult, though in the modern day their playing is a touch mediocre.
After their performance at Yinu’s concert, fighting in her defense with a stolen machete, Yinu’s mom at first grounds Thorn for stealing and playing with sharps, but concedes to put them in a fencing program to “get it out of their system.” They turn out a lot more competent than the instructors were expecting, and intimidate the crap out of their peers. When they’re older they take up a proper swordfighting class.
Yinu does wind up joining them in learning fencing, after her mother gets a recommendation to get her to get more exercise to avoid literally rooting herself to her piano (not an unusual issue for plant folks; they have to move pretty regularly or else they get stuck in one spot and have to be cut out). Her mom worries that she takes to it a touch too eagerly, perhaps because of her relative helplessness.
Thorn acts fairly stoic and polite most of the time, but they can be quite the handful when something piques their interest. They get banned from at least one Renaissance fair due to playing with the swords or poking the roasting pig. Yinu starts covering for them after they start bribing her with extra sweets.
Neon J initially treated them like a trainee when he got them, but it quickly slipped into adopted child territory when he realized just how young they were. He did want kids back when he was human, so he took very quickly to the role of adoptive father.
Scotty is very good at learning language and patterns, so they wind up learning English writing pretty quickly for one of their kind. Because of this, Neon J becomes one of the few privy to the nature of the vessels, though he is uncharacteristically quiet about it.
1010 adores Scotty, occasionally posting about them on social media, making them a bit of a fandom darling, though the band does have to put out PSAs about not getting a trankil irresponsibly.
Scotty’s favorite food is cheese tarts and cheese danishes, which they tend to be awarded for good behavior.
Scotty is a very active child; they dance, they run around the mansion, they swim in the pool (and just about any fountain they run across, much to Neon J’s embarrassment), and they can’t be brought within 100 feet of a dog park without trying to pet every animal in the vicinity.
They try their best to comfort their adoptive dad when he’s suffering from phantom pains or flashbacks, though they don’t know the techniques very well. Their usual method is gently patting his hand or leaning against him (among vessels they’d be leaning against each other in large groups, leading to one big cuddle pile; they can’t do it here by themselves, but they’ll sure as hell try).
Much to Neon J’s embarrassment, they become quite the potty mouth (er, hands) when they get older. He’s a sailor, he slips up every now and then!
The former Greenpath Vessel is rather happy to leave behind the harsh life they lived back in Hallownest, though they find the most success in recounting their old life through art.
Eve tends to be a very dramatic teacher, but quite gentle with her little friend. She couldn’t have asked for a more enthusiastic student, though.
Eve’s quite protective of the little thing; she’s not quite as heartbroken about Zuke’s abandonment due to the company of her apprentice/adopted child, but the thought of them being taken away tends to scare her quite a bit. As such, she tends to spoil them rotten, though they’re still quite sweet.
Riley has a degree of PTSD from their experience in Hallownest; they’re very sensitive to sounds and movement in their peripheral, and have bitten and scratched people on more than one occasion for getting in their bubble without proper warning or consent. Eve’s pretty good about avoiding their blindspot and having her footsteps make noise they can track.
Eve’s among the first to learn about the Lord of Shades and the dream realm due to her teaching her magic painting to Riley. With her help, they created the Dark Mirror, which allows people to enter a sort of waking simulation of the dream realm, though it tends to seriously disorient people not accustomed to messing with reality (musicians tend to do fine, but normal folks? Not so much). It becomes a very useful communication tool when discussing Hallownest and how it functioned.
The former Hollow Knight views themselves as deeply indebted to Tatiana, though also viewing her as a friend. She gave them a name, a new purpose, and an opportunity to live again without the constraints of their failed duty; of course they’re going to feel kind of guilty about it.
Only the NSR artists and a few select NSR personnel have seen them in person, and the first thing people tend to notice is their sheer size. Tatiana worries how much renovations will have to be done to accommodate the rest of their kin once they grow up, if they wind up matching their eldest sibling.
They tend to have a reasonably positive relationship with the artists, due to their kindness towards the vessels and generally respectful attitude towards the behemoth of a trankil.  DJSS tends to rant about space in their general direction as his idea of small talk, and they tolerate it. He also not so subtly squees when he sees Comet interacting with their elder sibling. Sayu’s team thinks they’re anime hero levels of cool, sword and all, and Bunny tends to agree, trying to challenge them to fight. Yinu’s mom tends to scrutinize them as reference for Thorn’s later growth, though Yinu herself and Thorn tend to climb the adult trankil like a tree for fun. Neon J respects them deeply as a knight and technical prince, though Scotty’s pretty content to try and get them to play when they visit. Eve appreciates their good manners and willingness to listen, and Riley rather likes showing them their drawings.
Tatiana tends to treat Sterling as something of a confidante, due to their quiet nature and strong sense of loyalty. She worries they idolize her a touch too much to be healthy, but knowing what she does about their past, she’s not sure if a human therapist would help.
The wings grew in a couple weeks before the Rock Revolution; evidently they hadn’t developed quite enough to develop them before they had been sealed, leading to serious back troubles during their fight before their rebirth. It was a pretty chaotic affair helping them through their last molt, considering the other trankil who’ve been molting had a lot less to shed.
Tatiana tends to scold Sterling for digging through her old rock cassettes, though she comes to regret it after the whole debacle with BBJ.
Sterling’s way more ruthless than Tatiana asks for or is fully aware of; they tend to take threats to their new life, siblings, and new companions very, very seriously, and god help the poor soul who convinces them to act. Kliff doesn’t last long after the Rock Revolution, because of this, not that anyone notices.
The vessels were united under the leadership of Ghost to create the Lord of Shades, and upon killing and absorbing the Radiance, they’ve essentially become the collective gods of the Dream Realm as well as the Void and probably Death too. The level of focus and cooperation needed to fully activate these powers is incredibly high, especially after the vessels begin developing individual personalities, so there won’t be any casual appearances of the Shade Lord any time soon.
Vessels don’t need to eat to grow for the first five or six years of their life, as they have a lot of soul energy stored in their bodies from birth to facilitate growth in the Abyss (their “yolk”), but once that’s expended they won’t grow any more until they gain a stable food source and a safe environment to molt, hence why Ghost spent such a long time being so small, despite being the same age as Sterling. While not eating won’t kill them, humans don’t know that.
The average height for an adult vessel is 8 feet, from the bottom of their feet to base of their horns, whereas a newly hatched vessel (like Comet) is about the size of a tennis ball curled up.
People who aren’t accustomed to the otherworldly presence of the trankil tend to freak out when they’re nearby; the sheer emptiness of their eyes, the expressionless faces, the inhuman size and proportions all give anybody not used to it the heebie-jeebies. Of course, Vinyl City locals stopped caring pretty shortly after they first got the trankil.
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evielovebot · 4 years
I don't trust the word limit of the ask so clicked this option...?
Hi Quim(mie like how Shego refers to Kim)!
I hope you’re doing well.
(I hope this is how you send those longer, pic filled asks bc I was in your ask box and totally flummoxed. Hopefully ‘submit’ works? If not, I saved my comments in a doc and just dm them or smthn. Apologies in advance!) 
I love how you started the first chapter; building that hope and the relief that each of the Rotten Four experiences differently before it bursts.  I adore who you picked for each of them to notice/or be noticed by! The contrast of some looking to former, assumed 'enemies’ (e.g. Mal with Audrey and her fam. Evie being surprised that Snow was cheering for her [ah my heart (soft)].) versus others looking to new friends (e.g. Jay with his teammates) really stood out to me.
And then there’s King Adam… >.>
*readies my pruning shears or sheep shears bc he was def acting like a Beast and not Adam…(Adam is a jerk canon-wise too though). Idk, machete???*
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(^^Look I made them golden for his aesthetic.)
I def could feel that buoying happiness abruptly plummet with how you wrote it, taking time to show how each of the VK had a shred of hope for things maybe improving and then that happens.
Oh, the Rotten Four’s continued surprise at the citizens coming to their defense and support gets me. <3 It is def in character given how they were raised; however, it also makes me a little sad bc they did just do something objectively heroic/badass and are still unsure of if it’s enough to outweigh everything else. With that everything else including so much…(e.g. ingrained biases, hate based off of blood, fears, the rotten four did technically plot, etc.).
“Even Audrey pipping in their defense” yes, ppl sometimes forget how soft she was at the end of D1??? Giving that smile to Mal.
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(^^Audrey about to throw hands bc the VKs actually did not bring fire and brimstone to Auradon…and may be marginally, slightly okay in some sense..maybe.)
Me, a person who likes the fang trope in fic bc /vampires/: *reads about King Adam’s fangs peeking through* hmm…
Me: Not on you though…Nope.
That was such a good detail to include; it underscores how his actions are beastly, callous, and aggressive??? He is interrupting (more like shattering) not only the coronation, but the start of healing between the VKs and Auradon. The cold arrogance of his words (me-centric, patronizing,) are a good contrast to his aggressive body language (stepping forward, fang barred smile, and clasping his hands like he is trying to stay the need to act–to strike???) too. You got the beast-man dynamic really well is what I’m trying to say.
“Trust me, I know what’s best for Auradon, and for all of us.”
^I would not trust him as far as I could throw him, which would not be very far bc he’s pretty hulking, so yeah that saying fits well.
Ah my heart (sad). I really respect how you captured them being overwhelmed by the events of their weeks on Auradon, bc I def agree that all that planning,sneaking, plotting, adapting, enduring, bullying, pretending, worrying, and other -ings would be so draining. (You get my point.) I think that was a very good take on it as opposed to them trying to struggle right off the bat. They are tired, they are kids, so that was a smart choice, imo.
King Adam premeditated exactly how to take them down efficiently and effectively….*sharpens deadly object*. :-( I don’t like him. Using magic sealing or inhibiting cuffs to prevent any errant spells was a smart tactical move…He is still a jerk though, but that is in character for a High King to plan ahead. Sedating them? Again, smart. I actually liked the capture scene (even though I love the Rotten Four), since how you had it play out highlights how he thought about any possible objection/obstacle, which makes the disdain for Adam grow. Their voices and ability to argue or reason with the citizens of Auradon was taken with them alongside their ability to fight back and make a stand.
Oh no.
Carlos has a valid point. He was the last to put his hand in the huddle in the film, but also is more of a pessimist/realist, imo, so I liked that insight from him!
You know I didn’t think about how the sedation and rough handling by the guards would make it easier for their parents to get a hold of them. Evie and Carlos trying to find comfort in each other made me a little emotional. I can only imagine how nerve wracking it must have been for Evie to wait all alone…>.> It does make sense to me that she and Carlos would have a better chance of getting free (and possibly less severe punishment). [RIP Mal]. 
I like how the two 'nerds’ are scheming to save the day. <3
Hmm, curious who this 'them’ is that needs to be convinced. I have some guesses, but maybe more hands/help are needed and Evie is def the person who could convince ppl to lend a hand.
Okay. *deep breath* >.> It hurt my bby (Evie in this instance) to smile…I’m not saying we should kill Adam, but he should suffer. (Honestly, in most of my fics I put Evie through some stuff and yet reading yours make me feel protective so ???).
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Oh mystery device ftw. Carlos being a mechanical, tinkering genius ft. Evie’s support and own genius is going to create a deadly duo. Mal and Jay are the priority, though I am also curious as to who they view as there main enemy now (Auradon? Beast? Their parents? Hmm…All of them to some degree. We shall see.).
“Evie had hope for the first time since they crossed the barrier for the second time.”
Yessss. That made me happy and was such a killer line after the heaviness of them reuniting and taking stock of everything (and most notably who is still missing).
Such an interesting, well paced, and amazing start! :D
It would be hard for me to pick a favorite part since each segment lends itself to the overall impact, though as much as I hate him, I think Beast’s mini speech was really well done. Awesome work!
Best wishes! (hope this sends @ Tumblr, please?)
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flowerfan2 · 4 years
Group Texts Are Ridiculous (Or, Five-0 Starts a Group Text)
Somehow I managed to post Chapter 2 on A03 a few days ago without posting on tumblr... I’m not sure how many people actually depend on tumblr for fic these days, but in case you do, here you go!
McDanno, T, A03
Summary:  After 10x22 when Steve leaves Oahu to go find himself, Five-0 starts a group text to keep in touch while Steve’s away.  Picks up after the end of Season 10. 
Chapter 2
May 20, 2020
SM:  Hey, where’s Danny?
LG:  With Tani, I think, heading to a crime scene on the north shore.  Sure glad to have him back.  Otherwise it would have been me getting up at the ass crack of dawn when Duke called.
SM:  Does Danny seem ready?
LG:  Ready to come back to work?  Sure.  Shirts are crisp, slacks nicely pressed, hair sprayed firmly in place.  Your boy looks great.
SM:  Ribs not hurting him anymore?
LG:  Maybe a little, but it’s not slowing him down much.
SM:  He hasn’t been answering my texts.
LG:  Did you do something to piss him off?
SM:  Probably.  I usually do. Not sure what this time, though.
TR:  Don’t stress, boss. Danny’s right here, looking sharp as always.  we’re in the car.
SM:  Tani, what have I said about no driving and texting?
TR:  I’m not - Danny’s driving.
SM:  Can I talk to him?  Put it on speaker.
TR:  That would require you to actually call him.  Maybe give it a few minutes though?  We’re a little busy right now.
SM:  What, he can’t drive and talk on the phone at the same time?
TR:  It’s the dodging of bullets that might make that challenging.  Not that Danny isn’t a great multi-tasker, but it seems like an unnecessary risk.
 SM:  Tani, what the hell is going on?
 LG:  Damn.  On my way.
 SM:  Tani, report, now.
 JR:  What just happened?
 SM:  Junior, why aren’t you with Danny?  And where’s Quinn?
 JR:  Day off, sorry sir.
 SM:  Someone call HPD, why don’t you have any back up?
 TR:  No worries, the perp’s not chasing us anymore.  His car flipped over and sort of slid down the dunes. Probably not good for the birds. But he definitely stopped shooting, so it’s all good.
 <i>DW has changed the name of the group text to</i> <b>My Camaro has another bullet hole and it’s Steve’s fault</b>
  <b>May 21, 2020 </b>
 SM:  We have to talk about yesterday.
 DW:  Everything’s fine, Steve.  
 SM:  It didn’t sound like it.  
 DW:  We had it under control.
 SM:  Why was Tani texting when people were shooting at you?  She should have been covering you, or calling for back up. She should have seen it coming. You should never have been in that position in the first place.
 DW:  One, Tani did nothing wrong, and two, mind your own beeswax.
 SM:  Mind my own – what’s that supposed to mean?
 DW:  Think about it for a minute, you’ll figure it out.
 SM:  Are you even recovered enough for active duty?
 DW:  Oh, now you’re interested in my health?
 SM:  Danny, Five-0 is still my team, my responsibility.
 DW:  Is it, now?  Funny, because I’m pretty sure the governor told me I’m in charge.
 SM:  Temporarily.
 DW:  Indefinitely.  Or have you booked a flight home that you haven’t told us about?
 SM:  Danny, we’ve been over this.
 DW:  Don’t I know it.
 SM:  I’m just concerned about all of you.  
 DW:  Great.  Come home and take your job back.  Otherwise keep your mouth shut.
 SM:  I’m not criticizing, it’s just that it doesn’t seem like yesterday went exactly according to plan.
 DW:  According to plan?  Since when have you ever done anything according to plan?  You are the head of not having a plan, the Czar of plan-less-ness, the President of who needs a fucking plan.
 LG:  You guys do remember this is a group text, right?
  <b>June 2, 2020</b>
 JR:  Do any of you know what was in the package Danny got today?
 TR:  You could just ask him.
 JR:  I would, but he opened it up and then locked himself in his office and he’s been on the phone for half an hour.
 QL:  Might be a sign that he wants some privacy.
 TR:  You think?
 JR:  So I shouldn’t ask him?
 TR:  No, you should definitely ask him.  But maybe bring him some malasadas when you barge into his office, it might soften the blow.
 LG:  Or distract him enough that he doesn’t hit your head when he throws something at you.
 DW:  It’s kind of late for malasadas, but I’d love a sandwich from Machete’s.  Turkey and salami, Italian dressing instead of mayo.
 JR:  Yes sir.
 LG:  You’re enjoying this boss thing, aren’t you, Danny?
 DW:  It’s good to be king.  At least where lunch is concerned.
 TR:  So are you going to tell us what was in the package?
 DW:  Will you do my paperwork for the week?
 TR:  Yesterday you said I was worse at paperwork than Steve.
 DW:  Good point.  Will you get Junior to do my paperwork?
 JR:  Hey, wait a minute, I’m getting the sandwiches.
 TR:  Deal.  Don’t worry Junes, I’ll make it worth your while.
 LG:  TMI, children.
 LG:  Tani, spill.  What was in the package?
 DW:  A stuffed squirrel.  A stuffed animal.  Not, like, a once was alive squirrel, like a toy.  
 QL:  Who sent it to him?
 TR:  Apparently that piece of information wasn’t part of the deal.  
 JR:  It’s from Steve.
 TR:  Danny told you?
 JR:  No, I looked at the return address.  He put the package in the recycle bin in the break room.
 DW:  At least someone here has some detective skills.
 LG:  Okay, I’ll bite.  Danny, why did Steve send you a squirrel?  Is it for Charlie?
 DW:  Nope, it’s mine.  And anyone who touches it is dead.
 JR:  So… who’s gonna grab it?
 LG:  Junior, I’d think twice.  Danny’s got the power to assign you to walking the beat for the rest of the summer.  I think that squirrel looks great right there where it is on Danny’s desk.
 TR:  He can be our honorary Five-0 mascot.
 DW:  Exactly.  The very first Hawaiian squirrel.
 DW:  But let me reiterate, you may not touch him.  If I see a tiny aloha shirt or a lei on my squirrel, heads will roll.
 TR:  I like this side of you, Danny.  Very authoritative.
 DW:  The children do not respect me, Lou.
 LG:  Didn’t the governor say he needed extra security at that concert Saturday night?
 DW:  The heavy metal battle of the bands?  The one that lasts for five hours, and features not just professional bands, but appearances from some of the most popular amateur head-banging groups around?  Hm, I think he did.  I was going to check with HPD to make sure it was covered.  Do you think they need personal attention from Five-0?
 TR:  Danny, you might notice that a note has just been slipped under your door. It’s from me and Junior, attesting to our sincere understanding that the squirrel is off limits.  Just in case you were wondering.
 DW:  And all is right with the world again.
 LG:  Amen, brother.
 TR:  But just out of curiosity, what are you going to name your apology squirrel?  Pineapple?
 DW:  Thin ice, my friend, thin ice.
 <i>TR has changed the name of the group text to</i> <b>First Hawaiian Squirrel Fan Club</b>
  <b>June 20, 2020</b>
  JR:  Anyone want to come over and watch Jurassic Park with me and Charlie?  We went a little overboard with the snacks.
 LG:  What kind of snacks?
 JR:  Primarily pretzels.  For some reason I had never really looked that closely at the pretzel aisle at Foodland before.  We got chocolate covered pretzels, pretzels stuffed with peanut butter, honey garlic pretzels, and probably some others too.
 TR:  What brought on this pretzel craving?
 JR:  Actually Charlie wanted pineapple pretzels.
 LG:  There is no such thing.
 JR:  That’s what I thought too, but it turns out I was totally wrong. The ABC store on my block has them.
 LG:  You are shitting me.
 JR:  They’re called Pretz.  Pineapple flavor.  They’re actually pretty good.
 LG:  Okay, I’m coming over just to taste those.  Renee’s out tonight anyway.
 TR:  You’ll have to save me some.  I’m hanging with Koa tonight.
 LG:  And what does our fearless leader think about pineapple pretzels?
 JR:  He probably won’t like them, but he’s not home.  
 TR:  Babysitting, Junes?
 JR:  Charlie’s my pal, he’s not a baby.  But yeah.
 TR:  Where’s Danny?
 JR:  On a date.
 TR:  That seems unlikely.
 JR:  That’s kind of harsh, isn’t it?  Danny’s a good looking guy.
 TR:  Of course he is, that’s not what I meant.
 DW:  Thanks.
 TR:  Fuck I keep forgetting we’re all on this text.
 JR:  Danny, how’s your date going?
 DW:  It would probably be going better if I wasn’t texting you guys.  
 SM:  Learned that lesson finally, did you?
 DW:  Steve, isn’t it a little late where you are?
 SM:  Never too late to help out a friend.  Are you wearing the French blue button-down?
 DW:  No, it got ruined.  I’m just wearing a black polo.
 SM:  Too bad, that’s a great shirt.
 DW:  I’m going to the mall tomorrow, there’s a sale at Lord & Taylor, I need new shirts.  For some reason mine keep getting blood stains on them.
 SM:  Wish I could go with you, you do better with a wingman.
 DW:  It’s true, you talked me into buying two of those slim fit dark blue ones, and those are some of my favorites.
 SM:  Don’t be afraid to try darker shades, Danny.  You resist it but in the end you look great.
 DW:  I did like the dark gray one you made me try on.  But not the purple one.  It made me look like a gigolo.  Anyway blue’s still my favorite.
 SM:  It’s true, nothing makes your eyes sparkle like a blue shirt.
 DW:  And good company, of course.
 LG:  I feel like this thread has been hijacked by aliens.  
 TR:  Aliens who like menswear.  Danny, isn’t your date annoyed that you’re spending all this time texting?
 DW:  Oh, she left.  I’ll be home soon, I’m just picking up some ice cream for the Jurassic Park marathon.
 JR:  I’m so confused.
 SM:  Don’t overthink it.  But make sure Danny tries the pineapple pretzels.
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kogo-dogo · 4 years
I looked at your favorite character top 5 thing and there's the one character you said was your ''problematic fave''. And I've heard of that game before because I saw somebody play it on Youtube once, I think the second one, and I was just curious about the character. Torque?? Because it seems like such a bad game and he didn't seem to have much personality but you seem very attacked so I was wondering if maybe it was worth looking into the series or something. I like old games.
I am so sorry that I said a week ago I’d answer this, Anon. I have so many thoughts about this probably-actually-one-dimensional character because I’ve had sixteen years to pick apart every scrap of info that exists about him. And overanalysis of fictional men is, at this point, my primary hobby.
First of all… eh. I won’t say to definitively not look into the series, but I would encourage you not look into the series. It’s one of those things that’s aged like an open bottle of two-buck chuck and I can tell you right now that it wouldn’t be as palatable in 2020 as it was in 2004. As much as I love Prison is Hell (the first game) and as much as I get what they were trying to do, they messed a lot of things up and it wouldn’t translate well to modern times. This is especially true for Ties That Bind. Oh my god, do NOT play Ties That Bind if you’re easily offended.
It’s fascinating to pick apart, though, even if it seems extremely basic on the surface level, and part of the reason I like Torque so much is because he’s a very interesting character to crack open and inspect. I know he probably Isn’t That Deep, but he’s interesting, figuring him out is a puzzle because of the way storytelling is carried out, and if he’d been handled better, would probably still be remembered beyond “quiet dude in a game Youtubers occasionally play on Halloween.” He’s really an unfortunate casualty of that era of gaming. It’s surprising he was handled with any dignity at all.
Spoilers are to follow, but it’s for the best. Now you don’t have to play the game.
First, a disclaimer: The Suffering games do work on a morality system, where you can get good or bad endings based on how you treat other people. The game is heavily designed to favor the good ending, and most people I’ve spoken to have agreed the good endings are likely canonical considering how much you’d miss while playing neutral/evil. So, we’re going with the “Good Aligned Torque is Canon” angle.
Okay. Now.
- Who is Torque? 
This guy.
Torque is, in essence, what happens when you take every tired trope of a horror movie villain and flip it around on its head. He’s a severely mentally ill inmate convicted of murder (while it’s never outright stated what mental illnesses he has, it’s pretty obviously a mixture of DID and schizophrenia), he never speaks (at least not in the present; he does have scant dialogue in flashbacks in the second game; it amounts to maybe eight words total), and he is… freakishly strong. Beyond that, there’s very heavy evidence that he’s somehow supernaturally inclined. 
The difference is that, instead of being presented as the villain, he’s the hero. He’s not just the hero, he’s basically one of the very few competent people in the games. Nobody treats him any different than they would anyone else, the game doesn’t go out of its way to underline that he’s some kind of “monster,” and even when the most monstrous of his alters presents itself (The Creature, who we’ll discuss later), people are just kind of like, “Oh, well that was different” and then move on with their lives.
He is a character who could very easily take the place of Jason Voorhees, and instead of being given a machete and told to kill everyone he comes across, he’s given a fire ax and a voice in his head that tells him to take care to think about how much other people are struggling and that maybe, being that he is probably stronger than them, he should put forth the effort to get them someplace safe. 
- Okay, but, like… WHO is he? Character-wise?
If you want his backstory, it’s actually one of the best parts about him and one of the few things that Ties That Bind expands upon correctly. To summarize, he’s a victim of the state that fell through the cracks, pieced his life back together, and then ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. 
To be more long-winded: He was a troubled child with psychiatric problems who lost both of his parents in a car accident. With no living relatives beyond his parents, he was placed into the Garvey Children’s Home, where the conditions were less than ideal. A mixture of strain, trauma, loneliness, and desperation prompted his brain to divide up into three: himself, Blackmore, and The Creature. Then, left to navigate life and his own mental health on his own, he ended up falling in with some very bad crowds.
He became a drug dealer. He got in a lot of altercations. He was in and out of prison. This only stopped when he met his wife and became a family man, and began to consciously put forth the effort to right himself. He had two sons, had everything under control… and then ended up in prison again when the guy he used to work for on the streets hired a man to come pay him a visit at his friend’s bar and press every last one of his buttons until he snapped. He wound up in prison, his wife divorced him, and everyone assumed he’d end up back to his old tricks.
Except… he didn’t go back to being a drug dealer. He got a job at a gym instead. He stayed on the right track. He started reconciling with his ex-wife who, right before the events of the first game, moved back in with him. 
This didn’t sit well with the men Torque used to run with, especially not the guy he used to work for… so a hit was ordered on him and his family. He wasn’t home when it was carried out. He walked in, found his wife and kids dead, and passed out in his apartment from the shock, where the police found him after receiving a tip.
He was bloody. He was disoriented. He was known to be a repeat offender. They pinned the whole thing on him and, after a very unfair trial, he was sentenced to death.
The first day he arrives in prison--located on scenic Carnate Island--the ground opens up and monsters begin sweeping over the land. Convenient.
- Wait, this bitch has alters?
Yeah. This… isn’t really a part of the game that’s handled well, but it’s interesting. There’s a lot of weirdness going on with Torque (remember that supernatural bend I mentioned?), and one of the two is… well, I’m not sure he’s an alter at all.
First, there’s Torque himself who is just a short-tempered, easily frustrated, but generally reasonable guy who really just wanted to keep his head above water. Secondly, there’s The Creature, a defense mechanism and literal monster that is incapable of communication and rears its head whenever he feels threatened. Physically threatened, generally, which resulted in The Creature being a bit violent. Torque has a pretty extensive arrest record and most of his arrests seem to revolve around “punched a guy at an inopportune time.”
Blackmore is more complicated, because he isn’t really clear. You see, there’s a snippet of dialogue in the second game and a lot of environmental storytelling that indicates that Torque is supernaturally gifted somehow (something he likely inherited from his mother), and that some of his mental illnesses are actually paranormal interference. Blackmore is the biggest gray area, because while he is presented as an alter, he… very much defies that. 
He’s presented as a presence that Torque experiences externally and that only he can see (not really uncommon; Torque hallucinates pretty frequently throughout the game), but he also seems to be aware and consciously trying to control Torque. When that fails, he settles for trying to find a way to take over Torque’s body permanently. He’s capable of actually getting in physical altercations with Torque, but at the same time can hijack his body to do things he wouldn’t normally be able to do. He honestly smacks more of something Torque is possessed by instead of something his brain came up with itself, made all the more obvious by the fact that the final battle in the second game is literally Torque and Blackmore beating the everloving hell out of each other after Torque consciously realizes that nobody can perceive Blackmore but him.
But at the same time, that guy that Torque worked for that ordered the hit on his family? That’s Blackmore. There’s a lot of talk about how nobody has ever seen Blackmore (indicating he only communicated via writing or phone or what have you), and it’s all… very, very stupid. It’s one of those things in TTB that made me throw up my hands and go, “Well, sure. Okay. Let’s just do that, then. That makes perfect sense thanks.”
(I do not like most of Ties That Bind.)
- Okay, so he’s supernatural somehow?
Mm-hm. Again, it’s never explicitly stated, but heavily implied through some dialogue from my second favorite character in the game (DR. Q.L. KILLJOY, MOTHERFUCKER) and just the way the story plays out. 
Carnate Island erupts with a bad case of monsters the second Torque sets foot on the island. A prologue you unlock after you beat the game once reveals that Torque actually hallucinated the first game’s end boss before he even saw it, indicating he has some precognitive abilities. The sentient spirits of both games know who Torque is and take a special interest in him, and plenty make allusions that they’re “more alike” than he thinks. Blackmore is very clearly paranormal in origin and seems to even be able to command the monsters in some way. 
Hell, Dr. Killjoy even implies at the end of the first game that Torque is somehow making all of this happen and, only by tackling the root of his problems, can he make everything stop.
While there’s never been an active fandom for this game, I used to associate with a small group of fans, and there was actually a lot of discussion/disagreements about whether Torque actually had any form of psychosis or if maybe he had latent psychic abilities he couldn’t control. Seeing things all the time, causing things to accidentally happen that nobody would believe; it’d be easy to be chalked up with a disorder when there’s no way to know or prove what you’re experiencing is Real Shit.
- Why do you hate Ties That Bind so much?
Because of the way it improperly handles a bunch of mental health stuff that the first game wisely didn’t actually touch on much beyond acknowledging the fact that This Guy Are Sick.
Prison is Hell makes it very evident that Torque has psychiatric problems but never dwells on it overmuch. There’s even an entire chapter of the game that takes place in an old asylum with an early 1900s alienist ghost (DR. KILLJOY) trying to diagnose and “treat” Torque, and it still is mostly hinged on the horrors of old-timey treatment of mentally ill patients than anything about Torque. That and Dr. Killjoy’s misguided good intent (that dude deserves a whole essay of his own, to be honest).
Instead of hammering it home that he has Issues and deciding to talk too much about Issues, it just treats Torque like a human being. Your main goal is getting off the island and saving stragglers along the way, all of which react to Torque just the same way they would to anyone. COs will either be authoritative or condescending. Fellow inmates will be suspicious but more likely to work with him. Everyone is always gracious for his help, and nobody makes any odd remarks about anything weird he does (barring when The Creature shows up; then, they just remark on, “DUDE HOW IN THE FUCK?” because you find out, later on, that all they see is Torque getting in fist fights with things twice his size and winning).
Torque is just Torque. He just do what Torque do.
Ties That Bind then goes barreling into a bunch of tired tropes and tries to make a convoluted twist ending, and then there’s the whole matter of the secret underground organization that wants to capture Torque and have been working with Blackmore and you end up fighting a helicopter and some SWAT-looking motherfuckers and… they try so much harder to be edgy and gritty and it’s really fucking stupid.
The only good things you get out of it are some further snippets into Torque’s backstory (appreciated), the return of Dr. Q.L. Killjoy (always welcome), and a set of monsters known as Gorgers (they make purr-gle sounds when they eat and I love them).
Oh, and Consuela. She is mentioned in the first game and actually shows up in the second, and I can respect any woman who gets captured by an evil paramilitary organization and, immediately upon being rescued, takes the biggest gun she can find, looks you dead in the eye, and says, “I’m going to steal a fucking boat, drive it straight into a warzone, and rescue my goddamn husband. You with me or not?”
She is literally some female parallel to Torque and my headcanon is they are bros.
- Anything else?
Yeah. The soundtrack for the game is pretty awesome and ended up inspiring some other music in a couple of other video games of the time (Mortal Kombat: Armageddon immediately comes to mind). They actually rigged up some pretty cool contraptions to make unique sounds and ambience using shit like scrap metal and garbage, and the results are pretty fucking cool.
Favorites of mine are the boss themes for Hermes, and Dr. Killjoy, with Dr. Killjoy’s being my absolute favorite of all of them. The main theme of the game is pretty great, too, and is probably the most iconic of all of the songs on the OST. I’ve even heard it used in stuff where I doubt people knew what the hell The Suffering was, lol.
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lloftvlly · 4 years
MysMe Characters in a Zombie Apocalypse Headcanons
Here I go again. I like zombie moves/shows and mysme so I figured I wanna combine them. 
All the headcanons under the cut because this became long! 
Scared boy ™
Yet shows strength when he has to protect you
Cries as he runs away from zombies
Also cries and/or gags when he sees the gory stuff
Builds contraptions to keep zombies out of your camp / hide-out
Which never rly work... but it’s the thought that counts
Always compares every situation to video games he played 
And can sometimes even come up with useful plans due to his experience with post apocalypse setting video games
But whines a lot about how “this is way harder than it looked like in xx game”
Ready to die for you and thus ends up doing unnecessary dangerous stuff, so the group has to often stop him to do the dumb thing.
“I’m not a child anymore I WANT to protect MC TOO!”
Weapon of choice: a sword like his favorite video game character even if he’s clumsy in using it. So he ends up reaching for a simple gun when he finds himself in a dire situation. 
Knows recipes of post apocalypse type foods and cooks for the group.
If you’re bitten by a zombie he falls into complete denial and firmly believes you won’t turn because he can’t accept you leaving him like that. 
You didn’t expect it but she suddenly turns into a very capable apocalypse warrior
When she doesn’t kick ass, she researches about the outbreak and comes up with theories to potentially one day find a cure
Keeps the group organized even in chaotic times
Always able to come up with plans when the group finds itself in dangerous situations
Call herself your sidekick but it feels more like you’re her sidekick
Doesn’t trust any new people at all, if someone wants to join your group they have to get through Jaehee first (and most times don’t manage to do that.) 
Scavengers from outside groups always underestimate her and then end up getting their ass kicked. 
Keeps an organized list of how many zombies and how many people (in self defense) she has killed. She feels guilty for the people side of the list, even if it was in self defense every time. 
Makes you feel the most safe when you are on errand runs together.
She sees and hears EVERYTHING so no zombies or people can approach you unnoticed. She’s just always really alert.
Weapon of choice: her own martial arts skills and if necessary uses a machete to assist her.
Always tired, yet always on top of her game when the situation requires it. 
If you’re bitten she wants to make the last moments for you as comfortable as humanly possible, while she closely stays by your side. She’ll act tough to not show her own pain and will not show you her tears because she wants you to see her strong in your last moments to make you feel at peace with leaving her behind. 
Leader of the group even though he never signed up for this
The group just suddenly decided he would be the most level headed for that position and for Jumin it would be too much trouble to decline
Negotiates with other groups you meet on the road and often gets some good trades for supplies done
Surprisingly is a good fighter when he has to put down a zombie or two
Really knows how to shoot a gun and land a head shot after the other for some reason ( he probably had private shooting classes before the apocalypse for fun) 
Sighs yet composed when blood gets on his fresh white shirt
Where does he get all these clean white shirts from? 
Way too clean for someone who lives in a world that ended.
If he has to kill other people who seem to be a danger to your group he will do so without hesitation and zero regret, they had it coming. 
Weapon of choice: a simple yet powerful handgun
Sometimes makes questionable choices and tries to control the group too much to keep track of everyone. 
He means it well for everyone’s safety but it can be too much.
But when you tell him he does things wrong he gets soft and is willing to listen to you when you advice him on doing things differently.
This is making you somewhat of the right hand of the leader. 
If you’re bitten he gets too emotional about it to asses the situation and you end up being the one comforting him because he loses his fucking mind. 
Looks bomb even after 5 days on the road without a shower
Still somehow manages to hold a somewhat proper meal plan
And gets enough sleep cos “his skin needs it”
Protects you always! And never lets you out of sight if he can avoid it.
Gets way too comfortable with shady strangers you meet on the road
But if someone of these strangers becomes a danger to you, doesn’t think twice before cutting their throat
On supply runs he brings back shampoo, beer and magazines instead of things like canned food and water
He avoids fighting whenever he can to keep his hands clean, but if he has to do it, he’s very capable and smooth
Weapon of choice: a katana 
Looks like a beautiful warrior when he fights
His long hair gets in the way sometimes and can cause zombies grabbing at it but he WON’T cut it EVER. Sacrifices are to be made in the name of beauty. 
The members of your group all somehow rely on Zen for emotional support in rough times because he knows just the things to say to make everyone feel better and never stops being positive even after the world was literally ending.  
Nothing seen of this positivity however, when it’s about Jumin. 
Yes, he is not okay with Jumin being the leader but also doesn’t do anything about it, even if it causes him to nag sometimes.
If you’re bitten he will blame himself forever for not protecting you better and go on a rampage to kill every zombie within a 10 mile radius to let out his frustration. One of them hurt you, so all of them must die. 
Runner of the group, meaning he does most of the supply runs, goes out to clear roads and check locations and safety thereof 
Somehow became always that guy of the group everyone looks at when they discuss about needing a member to do something that’s ridiculously reckless. Because “its Seven, he’ll manage.”
And will do everything the group asks from him, because what does he have to lose?
Most reckless of the bunch but also luckiest of the bunch, always gets away completely unharmed no matter what dumb risky thing he does. 
Still you worry about him a lot for his lack of self-preservation, but don’t tell him you do or he’ll get mad at you. 
Boy knows all the little secret pathways, hideouts and escape routes.
Also comes up with clever inventions he can make out of random junk he finds. It really helps out the group
Zombie puns all day everyday “ Zombodie had to do it.”  “That’s a no-brainer” “You undead all your good work” “Don’t outbreak my heart.” 
Tries to avoid killing or fighting off zombies to save his energy for other things. He’s more into being stealthy when he has to get shit done. 
But when he has to, he will be pretty good in getting rid of a handful zombies.. :
Weapon of choice: a wooden baseball bat with nails sticking out of it.
He likes it, it makes him look badass
Tries hard to avoid getting emotionally attached to you or anyone in the group because you all could die at any moment and there’s no point.
But slips into caring too much about you and the group anyway 
If you’re bitten he will have an emotional break first but then quickly start to think of ways to save you, no matter how. And if he has to chop off the infected body part to see if it works he will do so. 
Saeran [ Unknown ]
Not part of your group but always knows where you all are and what you are doing.
Instead belongs to this other surviving group that ordered him to keep an eye on yours.
Comes out of nowhere when you’re in a situation where you can’t defend yourself from a group of zombies to save your ass.
But will be gone again before you can even thank him. He only did it because he needs you alive anyway.
At least that’s what he tells himself. Although he starts caring for you for some reason. 
And really wants to bring you back to join his own group instead of sticking with the RFA.
You get very interested in this masked stranger but your questions remain unanswered because he keeps his distance to continue to watch from afar. 
Casually uses zombie blood, skin and guts to camouflage himself when he has to walk through herds of them. 
He is a skilled assassin who was trained to get the job done.
Weapon of choice: a simple hand knife in close range and a full-on automatic rifle for when it’s about killing many zombies at once.
Will use either of the weapons not only on zombies but on other humans, with the same lack of hesitation, if they piss him off.
Biggest kill count of them all. 
If you’re bitten he won’t even think twice before grabbing a sharp tool to chop off your infected body part if it’s in a location that can be removed. If it’s not he might wait for you to turn and keep you as a zombie pet. 
The original leader of the group who mysteriously vanished about 10 days into the outbreak.
It’s because he’s been infiltrating the other mysterious group to gain information on them just to find out his ex is the leader of this other group.
Thus is stuck between two groups and because of that became a solo-surviver without really a group to belong to.
Elegant fighter. Will knock down 5 zombies gracefully without a single drop of sweat.
Sometimes picks up helpless stranded survivors on the streets and allows them to travel with him and protect them until he finds them a save community to join.
Weapon of choice: a makeshift wooden spear with a blunt end for humans and a pointy end for zombies.
Pacifist who will never kill another human, even if they tried to kill him first.
But never hesitates even a second before killing a zombie.
Probably saved your ass from the distance a few times without you knowing.
Leaves water and food on your hideout doorstep in secret when he knows your group is low on supplies because he never stops taking care of all of you from the shadows. 
If you’re bitten he will be by your side and do everything in his power to make your last moments comfortable. Unable to end your pain while you’re still alive and yourself, he will wait for you to turn before he can eventually kill you. 
Leader of this other group and still goes by the name savior.
Her group has a questionable pyramid scheme: They are basically a apocalyptic cult who believes that this end of the world is a sign for them to build their new society.
Somehow mastered to build the most powerful survival group in a safe locations with strong walls.
Is interested to bring in people of your group if they are useful to her.
Especially interested in Seven, since he got the brains she could need to further build up her own little society behind her walls.
And will sacrifice everything for her cause, especially the lives of people working for her.
Uses force to make people stay and work for her. Will kill her own “believers” and turn them into zombies if they astray from the beliefs she forced onto them, then have them in cages within their walls to show them off to the other members her community as an example of what happens when you go against the grain. 
Especially uses Saeran as her most active tool in whatever mission she plans.  
Weapon of choice: Her charm and manipulation tactics.  
Legit thinks life after the outbreak is better than before and the apocalypse is somehow a gateway to paradise. 
If you get bitten she locks you up to see the process of a human turning as a sort of experiment. 
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cosmicknives · 4 years
I really liked falloutfandomeventhub’s Meet The Muse template and thought it might be fun to fill it out for a few of my kiddos. And then, Animal Crossing happened and I got sidetracked for like a week. Oh well! Six’s was pretty much done so I’m tossing him up first. Enjoy the future Architect of an Independent Mojave~!
Tumblr media
|| The Basics ||
Name: Sixpence Ira Richelieu Nicknames: Six, Courier Six Age: Twenty-Six Species: Retribution Made Human
|| Personal ||
Alignment: Lawful Evil actions mixed with Chaotic Good ideals? Six is an odd duck. Religious Belief: Six was raised alongside religious iconography, but his first family didn’t do any strict beliefs. They believed more in just collecting knowledge and sharing knowledge, showing kindness to others and the like. Six quite likes the Followers of Apocalypse because of that. Sins: Wrath, hands down. Virtues: Diligence? Kid does work hard and has pretty strong ethics for being partly wasteland-raised. Primary Goals In Life: Well, he’s always seeking out knowledge. His preteens and teen goals were probably like ‘be gay, do crimes’ and now him just really wants to free the Mojave from all hands that seek to own it. Because fuck them all. Especially Benny. He’s not sure how figuratively or literally he means that fuck either. Definitely something to figure out to. Languages Known: English, Latin, Spanish, and some Mandarin Chinese. He spent a lot of time studying and learning when he was younger. Secrets: He lost his right eye as a child and that’s why he favors melee weapons and why his perception is pretty low. He refuses to tell people because it’s a bit of blind spot for him and people have taken advantage of it in the past.
Savvies: Generally intelligent, but he definitely has a good handle of the Medical, Science and Repair skills. He really loves robots and robotics too. 
|| Physical ||
Build: Slender / Scrawny / Bony / Fit / Athletic / Herculean / Babyfat / Pudgy / Obese / Other Height: 5′7 Weight: (...I can’t calculate out realistic weights so whatever is reasonable for someone his size?) Scars/Birthmarks: Two scars on opposite sides of his head. It looks like it could be an entry and exit wound of a single gunshot to anyone who doesn't know better, but it's just the lingering marks of the two times he's been shot in the head. 1 Luck, indeed. Abilities: Extremely skilled combat medic, great at hacking both systems and robotics, can swing a golf club like its expertly sharpened machete, and he is a devastating liar when he has a motivation to lie. 'I've learned while, at least at first, it seems like the young courier wears his heart on his sleeve, it's just solidifying intent. You see what he wants you to see and when the pure extending depth of that finally settles into your bones… Well, I'll let you know when the chill leaves mine.' Restrictions: Incredibly guarded and emotionally closed, he has put up all the walls and scaling them is not simple or easy, absolutely hellbent on revenge when people slight him, very flirtatious but refuses to allow anyone past that stage, the very definition of hot and cold.
|| Favorites ||
Favorite Food: Grilled Nightstalker Tail! He'll also fist-fight a deathclaw for a box of Sugar Bombs. Favorite Drink: Purified Water, always. Though he's fond of Black Coffee and whatever it was that Dean made while he was scrambling around Sierra Madre. Favorite Color: Purple and yellow, as it reminds him of wildflowers. Favorite Music Genre: He's not picky. Whenever he can safely listen to something to fill the void, he'll take whatever (especially if it’s coming from ED-E). Favorite Book Genre: He devours any book he can get his hands on. That being said, folk tales and TS Eliot’s Wasteland are his favorites. Favorite Movie Genre: I don't think he's ever seen a movie. And if he had any interest prior to the events of FNV, Old World Blues completely killed it. Favorite Season: Winter! Favorite Butt Type: Classified! Favorite Swear Word: Fuck’s a good classic. Favorite Scent: Inks, old leathers, and rain on cement. Favorite Quote:  “Exvrgat Devs Dissipentvr Inimic.” The words themselves aren’t particularly significant to him. It’s just what’s on the sixpence coin his father left for him and something his mother often hummed to him like a lullaby at night. It’s something like ‘let God arise and His enemies be scattered’.
|| Fun Stuff ||
Boss Theme Music: My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)  by Fall Out Boy. The song links to a Homestuck AMV because I always pictured Six doing at least one Kanaya 3x Showdown Combo Curbstop in his lifetime, so it’s extra fitting to me. Loud Burper Or Soft Burper: Generally soft. He's spent a lot of time traveling alone so he tries to minimize his presence. Sings In The Shower: Yes / Not Really, No Likes Bad Puns: Yes / No / Only if they are relevant to the situation
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internaljiujitsu · 4 years
F*%! FEAR: 6 Steps To Becoming Fearless
I lived in fear for forty years. It felt like weakness — as if there was something wrong with me that made me more scared than everyone else. My mother would always tell me about how sickly I was when I was born. How I stayed at the hospital for a month afterwards and how my aunt just barely saved me from dying once (so I guess I was kind of on borrowed time). I hated eating as a kid and was really skinny, adding to my weak mystique. In school, what I now know was anxiety would create psychosomatic illnesses. I’d feel sick, but it was all in my head. Stomach aches, dizziness, shortness of breath  —  It frustrated my dad — especially when he’d have to come pick me up from school again because I was freaking out on the inside.
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We grew up watching the crack epidemic take over our neighborhood. The drug dealers did their business out of the fourth floor of our building. My brother and I would sweep up crack vials on the weekends to get our allowance from the superintendent — our dad. The tiny plastic cylinders with colorful caps filled the dustpan as we swept the roach infested vestibule leading down to the spooky, filthy basement.
Several young immigrants that had just arrived from Mexico were found dead over the years in the building next door, where Dad was also the super. Death from unnatural causes was a very real thing where we lived. Around age eight or nine, my alcoholic uncle, who lived in a storage room in the aforementioned basement (and would sometimes walk me to school), was killed when he fell while trying to climb a building to get to his ex girlfriend. I was about ten when our close family friend’s son, a squeaky clean kid visiting from the marine corp, was murdered defending a girl in the playground. At eleven or twelve, I watched my best friend’s dad kill a guy in an argument over a prostitute.
When I was fourteen, I was mugged at gunpoint around the corner from my family’s apartment. My big brother, wielding a large, rusty machete, took me around the entire neighborhood that night looking for the robber. The dude had worn a mask, so my brother put the blade to every thug’s neck that we passed on the street and asked me to look him deep in the eyes. They all knew my brother and respected him. They pleaded for mercy. Thankfully, we never found the guy.
That kind of shit was common in my old neighborhood. Baseball bats were swung in search of skulls and group rumbles were still a thing. I had family members snorting coke in front of me by the time I was in the fourth grade (and immediately making me promise I’d never do the same). Forty ounce bottles of beer were smashed over people’s heads in street fights. My crackhead cousin once robbed a dude using my favorite toy gun. He confessed to me when I found the gun broken and complained to him about it. Bullets fired from roof tops for fun whizzed through the ganja heavy air. It feels like we fought every day at school. That big yellow bus was like the fucking octogan.
We finally moved out of that neighborhood when I was sixteen after a gunfight forced our entire family to jump behind a parked car for cover. That shit was stressful. I was jumpy as hell. It didn’t help that Mom and Dad were very old school disciplinarians, if you know what I mean. There were fights outside and fights inside — all the time. I was always scared.
And that’s how I continued to grow up — I just didn’t show it, or let it stop me from fighting. When it was time to throw down in the street or at school, I always did. Partially because I knew my badass big brother would disown me if he heard I punked out. Backing down meant you were a victim. I once accidentally stepped on his buddy’s shoe and apologized. I’ll never forget what the guy said, “You never say sorry. It makes you look weak.” But a man’s sneakers were sacred in the hood, and I sure as hell never looked for a fight — unless I was channeling big brother.
He loved throwing the first punch and bragged about knocking guys out cold at night clubs — until a near death experience and one hundred and fifty stitches thanks to razor blade slashes made him reconsider his life choices. I’ll never forget when the call came in the middle of the night. I don’t remember why I answered the phone instead of my parents, but the voice on the other end is clear as day, “Your brother has been stabbed.” At that moment I thought the worst, and was relieved to see him gingerly walking through the door later that morning, battered, bruised and slashed to bits — but alive.
When I pretended to be my brother, I wasn’t above throwing a preemptive strike. We all had it in us. Hell, my dad was known to go into some destructive ass kicking rages when people pissed him off. I certainly tried my best not to get on his sizable bad side. Mom and sis aren’t exactly shrinking violets either.
My recurring nightmare as a child was of me walking down a beautiful tree lined street, the very one I always wanted to live on. It was only a few blocks from our shithole, but felt like a world away. In the dream, as I reluctantly step, there is the overwhelming feeling that someone is hiding in the shadows, waiting to attack. I’m petrified to move forward, but I keep going — slowly heading toward the inevitable. It was terrifying torture.
I don’t remember ever actually seeing the attacker. I’ve attached a bunch of meaning to that dream ever since, but at the root was my fear. For most of my life I moved forward, steadily but fearfully. I did things that made me want to shit my pants and forced my way through, hating every minute. In retrospect, these all helped build toughness and character, as did my old neighborhood, but the fear persisted. I became a bouncer, champion bodybuilder and an expert martial artist, but felt like a fraud for the unease that was my base level.
It wasn’t until I took these seven steps that terror’s grip on me loosened. Fear doesn’t have to be your enemy. If you learn how to use it, it will energize your actions and help you break past limitations. But first, you have to acknowledge that it’s there.
Accept that you and everyone you know will die. There’s no way around it. Yeah, it’s bleak, but if you wanna live in denial of death, you’re liable to swallow a bunch of bullshit to ease your mind. At its core, all fear is fear of death. When I was a kid, I hated when anyone brought up dying, especially my parents. The uncertainty was too overwhelming. There’s nothing more worthless than fear of the inevitable. It took me a couple of years of suicidal depression, meditation and time in sensory deprivation tanks to get comfortable with the idea of not existing. The tank feels like you’re floating in the womb. It’s pitch black, soundproof and the water is the same temperature as your body, so it feels lke there’s no separation. You and the enviornment become one. It’s blissfully peacful. Sure, I don’t want to die right now because I’m loving life, but I know it will happen one day — and I hope to enjoy that ride as much as I’m enjoying this one.
You’re not your personality. It’s easy to feel like a single, solitary soul drifting in a vast sea of faces. Valuing our individuality as we do, many of us strive to be unique while others do their best to blend into the collective. The way I see it, we’re all the current that powers these appliances we call our bodies. I feel like I’ve lived several separate lives filled with rich, distinct experiences and at the end of each, I mourned the death of an identity. While it feels like I was different people, the throughline was the same. The real me didn’t change. Our personalities are just things made up by our circumstances. They’re the features of the toaster. We’re the electricity that makes it work. I had to lose everything I had built to figure that one out. Once my marriage, home, business, students, money and identity were gone, it was just me — I had to be OK with that.
Your ego is not your life. Learning how to lose isn’t about being resound to failure. Losing is vital because it’s the only way to discover that life will go on when you do. The first time I lost something when I was sure I’d win was devastating. Everything I believed about myself was shattered. My invincibility was gone. Once I realized that defeat wasn’t death and the people that mattered would love me either way, I began to enjoy every aspect of competition instead of only focusing on the result. It wasn’t until I stopped giving a shit that things clicked. Being afraid of the embarrassment of failure is guaranteed to keep you from enjoying success.
Forgive your fear. Far worse than being afraid was my sense of shame. I hated that I wasn’t brave, like the thugs in my neighborhood. To me, being tough meant never being scared. As I became dedicated to martial arts and more interested in understanding fear, I realized that all those guys were probably just as scared as me. It would have been abnormal for me not to be afraid. The environment was so consistently charged with the potential for violence that I frequently lived in a survival state. Getting out unscaved would have taken a level of psychopathy I didn’t possess. When I forgave the little kid I was for being afraid, the shame melted away and the residual fear soon followed.
Whatever happens, everything always works out. You always know you’re in the right place because that’s where you are. No matter what, the world will keep moving on. It will do the same thing it’s doing now when you’re gone. You don’t need to worry quite so much about making the wrong choice when you accept that it doesn’t really matter what choice you make. Yes, of course you matter, your family will miss you and you’re a beautiful soul — all that jazz. But in the end, the world will continue to unfold, and the Earth will be incinirated by the sun — so fuck it. Embrace the experience but don’t cling to any result.
Step up. A sure fire way to kick fear’s ass is to look it in the eye and blow it a kiss. Fear is a bully. It’s all talk. It will try to shout you down until you grovel your way back to mediocrity. Pick something you’re afraid of and do it! Don’t try to not be afraid. Be afraid and do it anyway. But here’s the important part: Smile while you’re doing it. For me, it was roller coasters. I hated them as a kid. They terrified me, and each time I got on one, I regretted every click up to the top. The thought was always the same, “Why did I get talked into this? Let me off!” I never enjoyed the ride, closing my eyes tight and clenching my body until the hellish few seconds was over. One day, I decided that roller coasters represented the fear I wanted to conquer, so I got on the legendary Cyclone. It’s the old, rickety wooden monster at Coney Island in Brooklyn. The thing screeched a death knell and I loved it! I forced myself to smile from the moment I sat in the seat. I told myself that if that car came off the track, I was gonna soak in my final moments. I was sick and tired of being afraid of fear. My mindset shifted, and the click clack became excitement and anticipation instead of anxiety and fear. Funny how those can feel the same.
If you wanna take it a step further, start embracing pain. It may sound a little masochistic, but I like to stare at the needle when it goes in at the doctor. I like going to the dentist. They both used to scare the shit out of me. Even though I had always sought out the painful burn of a brutal workout, it was the pain I deemed unwanted that I sought to relabel. Smiling at the dentist or laughing after my knee was popped back into place in training were not ways to prove to myself that my body was tough, but that my mind was strong. The anticipation of pain is normally much worse than the physical sensation. Change the way you see pain and the way you interpret the sensation will transform
Of course, no one is fearless — unless they’re a psychopath. Fear will always be with you. It’s what you do with it that determines how far you go. The fluttering in your belly is a sign to take action that scares you because it will force you to grow. The quicker your pulse, the bigger the potential change. Don’t deny your fear. Jump on, throw your hands up and enjoy the beautifully terrifying thrill ride.
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