#and my Japanese homework I guess >:(
my homework for japanese is to write about my favourite movie or book and i can barely do that in english so lord knows how i’m gonna do that with the idk 250 words i know in japanese
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ayakashibackstreet · 2 years
ngl though, I think I actually do a bit more just... playing around with homebrew than I do gaming on my Nintendo systems lately? That and just, general upkeep, turning them on to play around in the menus and say nice things to them, that kind of thing.
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yo9urt · 3 months
guys i kind of love being graduated
#mine#nothing wrong with school i love learning and i always did well but god i just hated the time drain#and last summer when i had a (nearly) full time job and was putting in good work and getting paid relatively well#it made me realize how much time i was spending on school and how i was NOT GETTING PAID FOR ANY OF IT#and i was like -_- fuck this#so anyway it's just nice to not have to go to class and do homework and all that shit anymore#i actually have time in the day for hobbies and personal studies and goofing off and doing whatever#(alongside job apps)#which is nice :)#im starting to dig my claws in a little more with japanese im learning about pitch accent now :) even tho i never speak it lol#but im trying to set good habits for myself so when i DO get to speak it i can speak it better#i had a sudden burst of motivation yesterday i was thinking about how bad i wanna go to a bbhf concert and i was like man..!!#i was even googling how much it costs to go to japan lol it was actually cheaper than i thought it would be#maybe because of the yen usd exchange rate? like the flights were $$ but hotels and food and stuff sounded pretty inexpensive#maybe sometime next year if i'm lucky...hmm...i guess first step is getting a job so i can get more $ and benefits and vacation and stuff#i want to get my hysto next year too though...hmmm...maybe i could do both...#when i do visit japan i also want to go to nara (<- deer furry wants to see deer irl)#this is really off topic ok point is im having fun being in charge of my own time and my learning. :)
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stars-tonight · 15 days
hi! congrats on 100 followers!!! 🎉🥳 for the event could i do milkshakes and gossip pls? thank you! ^^
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milkshake -> sakusa kiyoomi
gossip -> study date
synopsis: one would think sakusa kiyoomi would be decent at studying. pre-timeskip, pre-established relationship, fluff
word count: 610
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“come on, ‘omi, you have to focus.” you gently tap your boyfriend’s homework, which is spread out--undone, mind you--across his desk. sakusa is mindlessly spinning his pencil around in his hand, staring out the window. he had asked you to come over to his house to help him study today. you had agreed, although you’re starting to think you definitely should’ve guessed beforehand that no homework would be done on sakusa’s part.
sakusa blinks as you bring him back down to earth. “huh? oh.” he scowls as he looks away from the window and back down at his papers. “i am focusing.”
you sigh, exasperated. he had been staring at his english worksheet for the past hour. you had already finished your chemistry lab and your history homework. you have to put your foot down. “if you don’t start focusing, i won’t come to your game tomorrow. and i know it’s an important one.” itachiyama is set to play fukurōdani, another huge powerhouse team from tokyo, tomorrow, for a spot at this year’s spring nationals tournament.
sakusa’s eyes snap over to you. “you can’t do that,” he complains. “you promised you’d come to all of my games. and we’re almost at the finals.”
if there was one thing you would never think you’d see sakusa kiyoomi do, it was puppy dog eyes. but the look he gives you right now might just count. “i’m not good at english,” he mutters. “and you’re not helping me anymore.”
you sigh again. “i gave you all of my vocab flashcards two weeks ago,” you say. “it’s your job to actually look at them. if you don’t look at them, of course you’re not going to learn anything, and of course you’re going to have trouble doing the homework.”
sakusa rolls his eyes. “japanese people don’t need to know english,” he insists. “i’m not planning on going abroad after high school. i’ll play for the japanese team. i’m not like wakatoshi-kun, he’s planning on going to europe.”
“ushijima-san is going to europe?” you set down your pencil and lean forward in interest. “to play volleyball?”
“he’s considering it,” sakusa says. “he told me he’s received some offers and is looking into a team in poland. but he’ll probably stay in japan for a few years after graduation before going abroad.”
“poland? can he even speak polish?”
“no. he’ll have to spend a few years learning.”
“see,” you say, “even ushijima-san is going to learn another language. and before you say that it’s for his career, you have to learn english for school. it’s similar. so focus. come on.” you tap his paper again.
he sighs roughly. “five more minutes,” he bargains. “tell me what you’re working on now.” he eyes your paper.
“statistics,” you say. “you know, normal distributions, standard deviations?” your eyes sparkle. “it’s one of my favorite subjects.”
sakusa definitely doesn’t know. but it’s a strategy to waste time and stall before you get on him again about doing his work. and you’re interested in it.
“oh, yeah?” he sets his pencil down. “read me some stats.”
that’s not exactly how it works, but you don’t tell him that. “hmm, let’s see. . .” you twirl your pencil around your fingers and tap your chin with it thoughtfully. “there’s a ten percent chance you’ll finish your homework on time, and a ninety percent chance you’ll get over twenty-five kills tomorrow, and a zero percent chance that i’ll miss your game. and. . .”
“and?” sakusa prompts.
you look at him slyly. “and a hundred percent chance that, even though you’re awful at studying and don’t know how to say ‘stupid’ in english, i love you.”
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alexa-fika · 3 months
Hi, hope you have a good year. Can i request for a whitebeard piratesx child,f!reader ff. So this is what if when the whitebeard found her when her parenst abounded her, she didnt do those bratty things or childish,things. Instead she becomes more stotic (emtionless if you want). So how would the whitebeard pirates help her?
Abandoned Treasure (Whitebeard pirates x f!child!Reader)
A/N Okay guys listen, listennn After I got sick I had to catch up with homework and packing and moving so I left you guys again 😭 I ‘m sorry. This is kind pf a flop I don’t know if I like it but but I am cooking another piece as we speak with characters I’ve never written before 🤭
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Pops, I’m worried about her. It’s been a few months already, and the most she has done is get up to walk away from us,” Thatch piped up after bringing his lunch to the Captain.
Whitebeard sighed, looking at the young girl still sitting on the ship’s bow, not shying away from the scorching sun that had been penetrating her skin for days.
He had found the girl on a small island they had passed on the way to their next destination. The island itself, if one could call it that, was but a patch of sand, a small mountain protruding from the vast ocean. He could only assume that she was abandoned there, seeing as she had no signs of wear you would expect from one at the mercy of the sea and its waves. After being brought on the Moby, she simply remained in the bow, her stare never straying away from the direction in which she was found.
Even as the storm hit the boat, she did not waver, having to be forcefully brought inside lest the waves took her away. Relieving herself and taking a few spoonfuls of food every few days was the only reason she would deviate from her scouting, waiting for what he guessed was her family to return. Any attempt the crew made to interact with her was promptly shut down as his sons simply found themselves making empty conversations with someone who would never answer; extended attempts at conversation or trying to get words out of her would only end in her walking away, placing herself in a different post and resuming her search.
“Marco,” he rumbled, glancing down at first mate, who let out a quiet hum in acknowledgment of the call as he continued to browse his father’s latest changes in health.
“How is she?”
This gets the Doctor’s attention as he moves from the papers in his hands to the girl sitting at the ship’s bow.
“Thatch, when did she eat last?”
“Ah, the last time I noticed something missing from the food I brought her was a week ago; it was less than a bite, though.”
Marco takes a minute to get the information and take in the child’s current state.
“If she keeps this up, she won’t make it another month; her body is barely hanging on as it is from the starvation, dehydration, and sun poisoning she has been taking. I would be surprised if she made it that long.”
“We have given her enough space and time; it’s time we talk whether she wants to or not,” he states, slowly standing up.
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Dokucha is quick to notice the overwhelming presence of the Captain behind her.
“You have to stop, brat”
A single glance from the young girl was all the man got in response to his statement before she stood up to change her position, only to be stopped by Thatch.
“Sorry, not this time, sweets.”
She glared up at him at his words, ignoring the way he winced.
“Geez, ray of sunshine aren’tcha”
“you’re bossy for someone who Is stowing away in our ship,” Marco stated.
“I didn’t ask to be a stowaway; my parents are coming back.”
“They are,” she voiced, looking up at the huge man.
“They aren’t coming; your parents are not coming back.”
“You are wrong.”
“I’m sorry; it has been over a month since your parents left you behind,” Izou stated, stepping closer to the girl.
“They didn’t.”
“Then why haven’t they come back?”
“They are restocking supplies; that’s why they are taking so long,” she reasoned, glaring at the gun user.
“Sweets...” Thatch trailed off, a frown on his face at her stubbornness
“You are all liars. I won’t fall for your lies; my parents are coming back.”
Whitebeard closes his eyes, sighing; they are unlikely to get anywhere with the way it was going. He has many sons, and none were free from pain and anguish. They often turned to denial to ground themselves from people’s cruelty, so he has become adept at reaching such people.
“Leave us,” he ordered, opening his eyes.
“Go to your posts.”
“Aye, aye, Sir”
Dokucha watched the commanders slowly retire from the bow, some lingering for a while longer until they finally gave in to their Captain’s orders and left the two alone.
Dokucha said nothing as she simply sat back down in her original spot, ignoring the presence of the yonko
“You already know they are not coming back,” he rumbled, looking down at her small figure.
“You’re wrong,” she repeated.
“There is nothing wrong with you.”
“What are you talking about, you old man?”
“You’re parents abandoned you because they are a bunch of bastards who can’t take responsibility. It’s not because there is something wrong with you.” He stated, raising a brow when she did not respond
“They are coming back,” she finally stated, continuing her words before Whitebeard had a chance to tell her off.
“I was good; I helped them find the best treasure. I had a hard time finding some for a while, but I’m really good at it, so they will come back,” she stated, a crack to her otherwise emotionless facade beginning to shine through.
“I’m useful, so they will come back. They have to,” she muttered, her voice filling with emotions the more she went on in her tangent.
“They won’t.”
“No..No, I can find the treasure, so you just need to find them again so I can tell them,” she replied, rubbing her eyes.
He frowned, kneeling down and taking hold of the girl.
“That’s enough.”
“No, I c-
“Enough,” he repeated louder.
“If your parents loved you only when you found treasure for them, then they only loved the treasure you found for them.”
“I don’t care! They praised me if I found treasure, which made me happy; they loved me if I found treasure, and that made me happy,” she cried.
“Let me go! Let me go!” she hollered, struggling against his half.
“Stop that,” he growled.
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“Did she fall asleep?” Ace asked, approaching the two hours later
“Damn brat was screaming and crying for two hours before she finally gave in to exhaustion,” WHitebeard grumbled.
“Is she going to be okay?”
Whitebeard glanced at his youngest son, stopping for a minute to think.
“It will be a while before she is okay; just like all of you, she has to deal with her trauma slowly. Just hope she’s not like you and goes on assassination attempts.”
“Come on, Pops, stop bringing it up; it’s embarrassing,” the young man replied with a frown, this one only growing as his father just let out a massive laugh.
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Okay I ‘ll give you a hint, this one is really general, maybe if you ask I can give another hint but they are marines, technically I have given you two hints, I have never written them before and they are marines any guesses?
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tokidokitokyo · 4 months
Cool Kanji Party Tricks
Or “How I Use Kanji to Impress My Friends”
Learning kanji can be daunting, especially for those just starting out in their Japanese studies. There are two thousand standard kanji needed to read a newspaper, but Japanese people know and use many thousands more. There are several methods available to self study kanji (just do a quick Google search to find the most popular), but any serious study of kanji takes time. Lots of time. It can feel like studying kanji over and over is a waste of time, especially since you have the internet at your fingertips to look things up at any time. However, I really believe that having a good foundation in kanji is essential to mastering Japanese, and I wanted to share what I call "cool party tricks" to encourage you in your kanji studies.
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What are "cool kanji party tricks"? This is just a list of things I have noticed that having a solid understanding of kanji will allow you to do. I have been studying Japanese for more than 10 years, and most of these things I just noticed one day in an a-ha moment, and even though someone had told me for years that learning and practicing kanji is important, it took several realizations for me to truly grasp what that meant. I would say that many of these require an intermediate grasp of the language to be able to use consistently, but I think that you can start doing any of these after achieving a basic foundation in the Japanese language.
So when your hand is cramped from writing the same kanji for hours, when on'yomi and kun'yomi have become swear words, and when you lost that one little point on the exam because the kanji you were supposed to use was only off by one stroke from the kanji you actually used... I hope you will remember this post and feel a little bit encouraged.
Find the appropriate kanji to use when typing in the romaji/hiragana on a computer/phone
Since I started my Japanese studies during high school, the formal classes I was taking had me writing out kanji for homework in order to remember it and to be able to pass the quizzes and exams. So I spent many hours writing out kanji only to end up with hand cramps and ugly looking written characters. It took ages and the stream of kanji that I had to learn seemed endless. However, one benefit I quickly saw was that I was able to quickly adapt to typing in Japanese on a computer/phone because I was able to correctly identify the kanji that I had practiced, and knew which one to select when several choices came up.
In Japanese, many words have the same sounds but different kanji and meanings (these are called homophones). So when you type in the hiragana or romaji for a word into the keyboard, it will prompt you with a list of kanji to choose from. Being able to correctly select the right one is something I suddenly realized I could do one day, even if I hadn't used the word often. I knew and could recall a larger number of kanji than I thought, and I could eliminate any incorrect kanji for the word I was trying to use. Having a good solid foundation in kanji characters means that you don't have to go look up every word in the dictionary to check that you have the right kanji, and you also don't have to leave the word in kana because you can't guess the right kanji, but rather you are confident enough to pick the correct kanji for the word on your own. This makes typing more efficient and saves time!
Understand the meaning of a word just by looking at the kanji
When you know a significant amount of kanji and what they mean, sometimes when you encounter new compound words you can guess at what they mean. Or if you are like me and sometimes forget how to read words you are already supposed to know, you can magically relearn them by looking at the kanji and interpreting the meaning. So sometimes when I am reading text in Japanese and I see a compound I don't know, I can interpret the meaning from context and from my understanding of the individual kanji, and continue through the text without stopping to look up the word. This helps you to get the gist of a text without having to look up all the words, and is how you can start reading more advanced books or manga.
Guess at the pronunciation of a word from the kanji
On the flip side of the previous cool party trick is being able to guess how to pronounce a word by knowing the on'yomi and kun'yomi of the kanji, and therefore being able to guess at the pronunciation of a word. Unless the word has 人 or 生 in it. This helps most when reading out loud in class or to another person. It will also help you to feel smug about yourself while reading a book that is of a more advanced level and being able to determine the reading of several compound words in a row.
Understanding a new word using kanji clues
As an extension of the previous cool party tricks, I eventually reached the point where I could hear a word in conversation that I had never heard before, and figure out the meaning using kanji clues.
For example, not all Japanese people know English (shocking, right?), and busting out your phone to look up every single word you don't know can become burdensome in continuing the flow of a conversation. So, if I hear a word that I don't know during a conversation (and the continuation or flow of the conversation hinges on my understanding of the word), I will stop the person and either ask what kanji the word is written with, or if I have a guess I will ask "is this using the kanji for X?" This way I can gain clues to the key word without stopping the flow of conversation too much. (It's also a fun way to show off to Japanese speakers.)
For example, if you hear the word jishin (じしん) in conversation, and you aren't sure which meaning the speaker intended:
自信 self-confidence
自身 one's self
You can ask:
"Did you mean 自信 (jishin) with the "shin" from 信用 (shin'you) or did you mean 自身 (jishin) with the "mi" (another pronunciation of 身) as in one's body?"
Then the person can respond:
"Oh, I mean 身 (mi)! As in, 自分自身 (jibun jishin), or one's self."
Then, you can continue the conversation, having an understanding of what the speaker is saying and not having to take out your phone to translate as often. This also can give the person you are speaking to a better sense of your level and help them to tailor the conversation to you.
[I hope this conveys what I am trying to illustrate ^.^]
TL;DR: Kanji is Fun
Honestly, when kanji clicks and you can read words or understand their meanings, it's like deciphering a secret code, and this is one of the things I find so cool about Japanese, and why I have studied it for so long. So if you are just starting out and are daunted by kanji - don't worry. I am still daunted by kanji, but I also find it a useful tool to improve my knowledge of Japanese and to communicate in a way many people cannot. I hope this information was useful and inspires you to suffer through learn more kanji.
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taffybear · 8 months
random list of my bay Leo headcanons ❤
working on Raph next! let's see how many ideas i get lol
also opening my inbox for writing (and perhaps even drawing) requests! feel free to drop me an ask <3
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literally loves mitski and mac demarco. he likes very indie hopeless romantic type music, it's literally hilarious to catch him just vibing in his feels
SECRETLY HAS PINTEREST BAHAHAHAHA but just for finding poetry and looking at bonsai trees. Mikey found out (like he doesn't have pinterest too??) and they all ended up making fun of him for it to the point where Leo debated deleting the app but ended up forgetting about it.
very specific but he has this unique type of love language where he'll ask you something and without any further questions he will go get or accomplish whatever he hinted at. for example, y'all will just be hanging out, and he'll go, "are you hungry?" and if you just as much nod your head hesitantly he will run to the kitchen and make you a 3 course meal. or, he'll just ask you if you're cold, and if you say yes he brings you a heater and a blanket. he doesn't ask things like, "can i get you a water?" he'll just ask if you're thirsty and go from there.
has the most gorgeous handwriting on the planet. this beautiful cursive print that is lowkey unreadable but so aesthetically pleasing. at first you were shocked but as you got to know him it made lots of sense, literally probably his biggest hobby is just remembering some random thing and then spending weeks straight perfecting it until it's natural for him. he loves to challenge himself to be perfect at literally anything, and his hand writing is one of those instances.
speaks fluent japanese OF COURSE but his brothers don't know it as well as he does (they all know a little at least) and he'll curse them out quietly in japanese behind their backs.
Leo wouldn't say he had a favorite brother of course but he definitely prefers Don's presense over the others. they always go to each other first when they have a problem or just want to rant, and they have a bunch of inside jokes.
after Donnie, Leo's the biggest insomniac. he gets nightmares a lot unfortunately, and most times when he wakes up he physically can't go back to sleep. literally Mikey will get up for a glass of water at 5:37 in the morning and Leo is up doing flips.
very random, but Leo is AWFUL at math. he meant to learn at some point but the time passed and he missed the boat. ofc math is Don's second language and Mikey and Raph couldn't care less (but somehow Mikey always guesses the right answers without doing the correct work??) but Leo is lowkey embarrassed that he struggles with it so much. he can do basic math and most things that come up in daily life like practical equations, but anything past times tables and division he is cannot understand. if you come over and need help on your math homework he will try his HARDEST to help you but ultimately he's completely clueless.
always takes bugs outside. if the creepy crawly is creepy enough or makes you screech, he'll whip it with his katana but normally he'll take the time to scoop it up in his hands (literally no fear) and walk it outside calmly.
literally LOVES doing chores. it's like a form of self care for him. folding laundry, sweeping, mopping, washing the dishes, organizing the dojo, he'll literally put on some music and go to town. when he visits you he will literally just start straightening things up and picking things off of the floor. he hates having nothing to do so he'll just ask for something he can clean while y'all chit chat.
incredibly flexible. he can bend every which way, sit comfortably in a split for hours, can bend over IN HALF and grab the back of his legs--he's literally maxed out on flexibility. but splits training is his private time so unless you sneak you won't catch a glance. but when you do, in between of sliding dojo doors, it is... something. like excuse me sir how tf doesn't that hurt your bAWLLS
smells like lavender. dead serious his signature scent is lavender. it's not like he wears cologne or anything, he just lights a lot of lavender incense and candles to the point where if someone even steps foot in his room they walk out aroma-fied.
everyone in the fandom has their personal opinion of who's the best cook and who's the worst cook of the four, and it is finally time for my hot take of the century. i think Leo is by far the best chef, and Raph is the one who can't even make toast right. a lot of people say Mikey is the chef of the family, which i agree with, he enjoys cooking and baking very much, but this doesn't mean the food he makes is good 💀💀💀 he trusts himself over any recipe and so he just throws in whatever he feels like. Leo can't stand being in the kitchen while Mikey is cooking, his ocd can't stand it. this said, you'd think this would mean the guys prefer Leo's cooking over Mikey's but fact is Leo is such a perfectionist he will spend hours working on a meal it's past 11 by the time he's done. and he doesn't take requests, he only makes what he wants and then on top of that the healthnut version. he makes sushi a lot and goes crazy when you bring him salmon.
IS SUCH A DORK BAHAHAHA if you even so much MENTION a book or a show he likes he will blabber for HOURS about it. he knows every single fact there is to know about star trek it is insane. you amuse him not because you're interested of course but he is just so damn adorable when he's talking about something he enjoys (which he rarely gets the chance to without being made fun of LMAO)
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agendabymooner · 1 year
live tweets, japan and all that romance fiasco ! oscar p. x ofc (filo!gen z!ofc)
summary: paloma san pedro was a papaya amongst the prancing horses. OR how everybody found out that oscar piastri managed to win over the crush that he hard launched. spoilers to the 2023 japanese grand prix.
content warning: 2023 japanese gp spoilers, use of explicit language, hard launch, oscar and ofc stay simping 😅, mclaren admin being besties with ofc, oscar is canonically obsessed with jollibee, crackfic basically, carlos’ in-law (briefly mentioned)
note: i can work fast when it comes to smau but never on my homework 🫠🤡 enjoy xx
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tagged oscarpiastri
liked by landonorris, carlossainzjr, mclarenf1
mclarenf1 wombat bf for p3 ❤️🧡 liked by lomisanpedro
user1 admin ships them soooo bad 🤣
mclarenf1 we goaded oscar into making it official with her that’s why
landonorris not a congrats for me ? 🫣
lomisanpedro are you my bf? (congrats landoooo)
landonorris fair enough (thank u lomiiii)
logansargeant soooo like… what do i get for compensation for being traumatized by your awkward encounters
lomisanpedro a better personality asides from being american???
logansargeant ouch but okay 🤧
arthur_leclerc wombat bf 🧡 liked by lomisanpedro
lomisanpedro wombat bf ✨❤️
oscarpiastri i guess my new name is now wombat bf 😅 liked and pinned by lomisanpedro
lomisanpedro if it makes u feel better, niño declared me as your bee 😭
oscarpiastri no that was all me. i said you’re my bee because you make me jolli all the time 🐝😊
mclarenf1 oh my god, piastrizz and his jollirizz are at it again 🤭🤭 jollibee
user2 too many filo rizz coming from our favourite aussie on the grid 😭✨🐝 you can’t make this shit up, philippines 🇵🇭
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jommycham · 6 months
Spirit Hunter NG Radio Drama Bonus CD [Ultra Rough Translation]
[Spirit Doctor Yashiki Kazuo's Consultation Room]
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An honest attempt at a translation of the bonus drama CD that came with the purchase of NG: Extreme Kaidanchi. Beware of some minor spoilers if you have not played through all the Spirit Hunter games.
Note: Only did this for fun, and I am not fluent in Japanese, so inaccuracies are expected.
This bonus CD is an edited version of Yashiki's Consultation Room that was originally broadcasted on the EXP channel. Some questions sent in by viewers have been altered. What occurs in the Consultation Room should be treated as a parallel universe to the main storyline— therefore all comments made in these sessions are NOT canon.
(btw, Yashiki's title here is "Kai Ika" (怪医家)— or literally "Strange Doctor," which is probably where the "Spirit Doctor" came from.)
I did my best with my (admittedly) shoddy translation, and cleaned it up a bit to have it sound more coherent. Again, I do not speak or understand much Japanese, so despite my best attempts, portions can be wrong (though most of it should be reasonably correct). I will highlight those unsure sections accordingly. There are also very small parts I've omitted, either due to it being too difficult to understand (for me) or to smooth the flow of the translation. 🙇‍♀️Thank you very much for your understanding and putting up with my impulsive DM brain rot.
This CD features Yashiki and Mashita answering the audience's concerns/worries. Yashiki receives these burning questions through occult magazines. This time, however, Yashiki specifically calls Mashita in due to a request from OOPArts, much to Mashita's chagrin.
☕︎ Late for School Reader: This question is basically taken from EXP 4th Season #3 Voice Drama (where it's Yashiki, Moe, and Mashita) regarding the viewer who couldn't get up early.
Yashiki: Moe has answered this before, and I suggest rather than buying a cat, to take supplements, don't accumulate stress, go to bed early, get plenty of sleep, and have yourself plenty of coffee and sugar as soon as you wake up.
Mashita: Well, I guess that's the sort of advice you'd give. At my previous job, I'd take a shower or wash my face with cold water.
Yashiki: Even if someone else wakes me up, I still have to put in majority of the effort through the rest of the process.
➥The answers to this question are a lot more fleshed out in the actual livestream VD, such as the cat thing, the supplements being part of Mashita's answer, and Saya mention for the "someone else."
☕︎ Bug Hater Reader: Also a question taken from the above mentioned Voice Drama about a reader asking about how to handle cleaning the house while bugs are roaming during the summer.
Mashita: You're the type of person who doesn't hesitate to pick things up and put it in your bag. You (the reader) can also try hiring someone or contacting a cleaning company.
[Yashiki is concerned that Mashita also doesn't really like touching gross things and asks if he's okay.]
[Mashita explains that both of them are basically in the same line of work, so it's not like he hesitates either to touch things.]
Yashiki: That's true.
☕︎ Summer vacation is almost over, but my eldest daughter hasn't finished her homework. What should I do, Mr. Yashiki? What did you do with your homework during summer vacation?
Yashiki: The Kujo Family already finished their homework early into summer vacation. How about you, Mashita?
Mashita: Well, it's kind of a hassle, so I tried to finish it early. But I always remember not being able to finish my literature essay/book review until the last moment. It was the only part I didn't fully understand.
Yashiki: I loved reading books and I don't remember having difficulties with them. Shou doesn't do his in the first place. Moe and Tsukasa seem to be the types who get it done first thing. Suzu seems like she'd get it done unexpectedly early. Eita probably does it early, too. Ai seems the type to get it done and put the rest of her energy into her hobbies.
Mashita: If your parents are willing to help you, it might not be a bad idea to plan your hobbies and leisure activities for the latter half of your summer vacation and finish the homework by then.
Yashiki: And if you don't finish your homework...
*dramatic sound effect*
Yashiki: ... you'll die at dawn. Well, if you can imagine a curse like that/wouldn't be surprising if there was a curse like that.
Mashita: Tch, I wouldn't want that.
➥ The term Mashita uses here is "Dokusho Kanshoubun," and I am not familiar with the specifics of what summer homework consists of, so the closest thing I went with was a book review of sorts.
➥ I got kind of lost on his descriptions, so I honestly wasn't sure who was being described, so the details may be mixed up.
☕︎ I'm waking up in the middle of the night with the need to go to the bathroom. But there are times where I get scared and don't want to go. What should I do in times like these? If you have any tips or advice, please let me know!
Yashiki: Actually, come to think of it...
Mashita: Wait. Just turn on the lights, that's the answer.
Yashiki: What's the hurry, Mashita? I was just trying to...
Mashita: I'm trying to keep you from making an ill-advised comment.
Yashiki: Was it going to be that terrible?
Mashita: No doubt. With this, we're done with the question.
Mashita: Tch, who was the one who chose this question? Maybe they were half-asleep at the time. Well, off to the next one.
➥ I could not tell if Yashiki was asking if his answer was going to be that awful or he was saying "that's terrible (coming from Mashita)." I went with the former to be safe.
☕︎ One afternoon, I was taking the bus to the hospital, and the bus stopped at a bus stop. It was on a main street with only cars and a few pedestrians passing by, making it look quite deserted. The bus driver opened the doors and stared outside. I watched from the back seat as the driver repeatedly, with an impatient tone, asked someone if they were getting on or not. The driver gave up on asking and started driving off. As the bus drove away, I kept looking outside, but didn't see anyone at the bus stop or on the sidewalk of the main street. I wondered who the driver was talking to, or if he had talked to anyone in the first place.
I suddenly remembered this recently— what exactly happened, and how would you interpret it, Mr. Yashiki?
There's a section where Mashita goes into a short explanation in regards to this particular question. I am not sure if he is talking about the reader's question or their reply— but basically either this question has been submitted before (didn't make it into the actual Consultation segment) or it has been replied to, but the reply was not published. Therefore, the editorial department has requested this question be submitted/replied to again.
Yashiki: I remember this question. My original reply was that since it was the driver's actions, it's technically not a paranormal phenomenon.
Mashita: Well, if we can't be sure, we still need to interpret it from that angle (?). What do you think about the situation?
Yashiki: I think it might be someone from the future who came to your rescue, and thanks to them delaying the bus' departure, a major accident was avoided.
Mashita: You're still naive as ever, but worse. No matter who that person was, in the end, you're the one who created that anxiety. You shouldn't willingly go with their plans.
Yashiki: By interpreting the situation in a way that doesn't make me anxious, it allows me to avoid getting swallowed up by fear.
➥ The specific phrase Mashita uses is "お花畑," or "ohanabatake," which means a field of flowers. It seems to be used to describe someone who is carefree or blind.
➥ The answer sort of starts leaning into the more philosophical side towards the end? At least on the basis where my interpretation of "that person" is the imagined time traveler of Yashiki's explanation. If not, I'm terribly sorry.
☕︎ At my previous workplace, there was a tree (?) that always made a ringing noise at night. It was close to a residential area, with an apartment building and a small community center in its parking lot. For some reason, it doesn't bother me on my way to work, and I only hear it on the way home. It also doesn't bother me during early shifts, so I assume the noise only occurs at night. The sound is different every time, ranging from the metallic sound like that of gold or a sandstorm. On bad days the ringing in my ears causes headaches and anemia. I had heard from a friend that the place was haunted/visited by spirits; so I started wondering if it was a paranormal experience.
Yashiki: I answered this question at the time it was originally submitted, but it remains the same. I can't deny the possibility [of it being a paranormal event]. I'm pretty sure the advice given to you was to sing a song. There's also the option of keeping an omamori and listening to your favorite music through earphones. I don't know how effective it is, but as I have said previously— try to avoid feeling anxious as much as possible.
☕︎ I'm an idol who loves the occult, and I love reading about them. I want to consult Mr. Yashiki, as there have been many instances of paranormal sightings in H City. There are also rumors of new sightings circulating on message boards as of late. I'm a bit nervous about investigating it by myself, so can you please help me out? I wonder if the rumors are true or not...
Yashiki: I don't recommend investigating it, because there's a chance you could die.
Mashita: But I guess they can't just leave it be.
Yashiki: This is a difficult question...
Mashita: In any case, I would like to have some more information so I can do some research on this.
Yashiki: I'm sorry, but I'd appreciate it if you could send what you know to the editorial department. I recommend you never investigate matters like these alone.
Yashiki: Alright.
Mashita: I think this is enough, about 10 minutes.
Yashiki: I’ll hand the audio recording to Moe later today.
Mashita: I'll leave it to you.
Yashiki: I hope this helps someone with their troubles.
Mashita: Perhaps.
Yashiki: Will you be willing to help out next time?
Mashita: ... Tch. Hm.
Yashiki: Please look after me./Thank you in advance.
➥ The phrase is "yoroshiku tanomu yo," which I've seen can be translated into "please look after —" or just used generally for requesting a favor. I was debating using "I'm counting on you" since it sort of made better sense in this context, but Yashiki ended it with "よ" which is much more casual/polite than "ぜ." I ended up opting for a more... gentler way of phrasing this? I genuinely didn’t know how to write it in a way that conveys how he spoke other than this ( ´_ゝ`).
Spirit Doctor Yashiki's Consultation Room: In addition to our regular consultations, we are also accepting everyday troubles. Please contact us here.
Thank you very much for sticking til the end here. ヾ(´ー`)ノ゛ I've been going through some pretty severe rot and this helped to alleviate it somewhat (despite how piss poor my efforts are). It's interesting to see different sides to characters even if it's not entirely canon.
As a lil bonus, I want to show those of you who haven't watched Nezuka Ryo's voice over for the entirety of DM1— Kawabata Yoshiaki's (Mashita's VA) introduction! The gap is... actually really cute in a way???
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ever-4sunlight · 9 months
Blood red moon ||Uppermoons x modern gender neutral reader
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after a long day at school you go home happy instead of doing your homework you want to change and then sleep tomorrow is the weekend so you don't have to do anything great you run up the stairs to your room it's not tidy as usual but that doesn't matter
you too tired right now, you drop onto your bed and watch a bit more demonslayer on your mobile "oh how nice that would be if it's real"
you say to yourself a few hours have passed and you finally go to sleep you slept really well when you wake up you get it directly Headache cause the sunlight is right in your face
,,fuck that shit’‘
while you keep getting upset you hear something downstairs
,,i guess my roommate is back let's see how drunk they are today’‘ you go out of your room and scoot over the banister but instead of seeing your roommate you see a stranger trying like an idiot to block the sun's rays
you reach for the baseball bat that's always by your door ,,who are you and why are you wearing a douma cosplay‘‘
the stranger turns to you his rainbow-colored eyes stare into yours
,,tell me what is a pretty human like you doing alone here‘‘ the stranger asks
is he speaking Japanese?! uff he takes his role really too serious’‘ you mumble
,,but maybe it’s just a friend you want to make a little joke to scare me’‘ you take the bat on yours shoulder where you look really cool with your shirt and pants
you go down the stairs with the bat on your shoulder and are now standing right in front of the stranger ,,get out of here‘‘
you swing the bat but you didn't hit anything there was nothing in front of you
You notice something cold on your ladle behind you as you carefully look down a bit to see what it is
a golden fan aimed at your puls vein ,,you look really delicious you know"
ok, now it's really getting serious he's exaggerating
,,let go of the human douma’‘ another person comes into the hallway he has pink hair light gray skin and conspicuous blue paint on his skin
 while the two are arguing you loosen yourself from the grip of the person with the fans
'i'm hallucinating but there's something the fuck going on here' you mumble to yourself
you go confused into the kitchen to make yourself some tea you get a cup from the bar turn on the kettle and wait until the water is ready during which you wonder if you took any drug yesterday or drank alcohol but you were sure that you were sober
the water was ready and you prepare yourself a tea you take the hot cup and walk past the arguing men to sit down on the sofa 
as you sit down you remind yourself that today is lunar eclipse you take a sip of your tea and look at your cell phone while the argument is still going on in the background
,,are they ignoring us?’‘ Akaza asked
,,just get the hell out of my house damn it’‘ you said not really friendly
,,what did she say‘‘ Akaza asked
,,oh akaza you don't speak english if you want i'll translate for you‘‘
,,She says we should make ourselves at home and that she's ok that we're here‘‘Douma said
,,we should report to the master that someone lives here‘‘ Akaza said
,,your completely right now go on’‘
douma answered with a big smile
,,what I’m not gonna do it I just said we maybe should report It‘‘ Akaza said worried
,,ok I’m gonna do it see you soon‘‘ douma went away and akaza and you are alone now you still sip your tea with a smile and stare at your phone
,,should i start a conversation I mean it’s stupid just standing there and doing nothing but she doesn’t talk Japanese‘‘ Akaza mumbled to himself
,,Akaza where is Douma and why is there a human‘‘ 
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ganondoodle · 5 months
Not to add more fuel to the fire (I do) but seeing all your TotK rants and agreeing with every single part of them, I just remembered that as soon as the first Sages appeared on screen I immediately noticed that even their voice actors were the same as the Champions from BoTW but a bit "deeper" sounding and when I looked up they ARE.
I don't mind when voice actors make a come back for specific roles tbh but this time with how disappointed I was starting to feel about the game's story it felt super odd?? Like it did feel so much like they were reusing stuff ;;
honestly if anyone wants to rant about totk in my inbox feel free to do so, i might not always respond but its really good to hear others be similarly disappointed and maybe you are even pointing out something i havent thought about
(also its fine to not agree with everythign i say, just dont be a dick about xD)
you see ... now that you say that i remember seeing the leaks before the game came out that some of the voice actors from botw said they returned for totk and that was a topic of discussion .... which went nowhere also bc i guess they were too lazy (sorry, that word is way overused when people talk about games but ... well) to find anyone new for the few lines they say
that said it doesnt exactly help the case of ancient ancestor (that looks exactly the same as the modern people!! i cant stand that!! its my character design taste that is more annoyed than the lore nerd but its stilll ... they didnt do that either to differentiate the past thats OVER TEN THOUSAND years ago aaaaaaargh) that all say the same line only with a few words changed around or rephrased like someone badly copying your homework but trying to hide it- without telling you any new information at all that all have no personality, not even a different clothing style (its aaalllll sonau style now woooheeee) and dont even get to have faces bc they are hidden under a SONAU MASK AT ALL TIMES even when NOT FIGHTING (why are they even in their temples after rauru seals ganondorf ... no seriosuly what are they doing there, just standing around waiting for zelda to come beg them to swear yet another oath to some guy in the far future, theres no one in the bg either like idk, they could have been praying or sth- wait .... why are they still wearing the stupid mask and outfit .... raurus gone and minerus getting eaten by miasma i dont think anyone would care (i know its bc they dont want to make another model ... though removing the helmet at the very least ... no?) and then dont even get their own voice ... lol
(i didnt notice bc i played with japanese voices bc the german voice actor for gan sounded like german daruk and that was too weird for me ... i still expected him to say more than a few lines and some yells at that point .. hah ... )
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the-knights-of-rohan · 11 months
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28/100 days of productivity.
I've been assigned a whole bunch of writing assignments concurrently, which is very annoying. I am pretty much forced to not procrastinate, or else lose my weekend and whatever else I have.
(When I biked to and from school, the wind was blowing against me. In the morning and afternoon. My legs feel like jelly. Ugh.)
Today’s productivity:
Continued AP Physics online Lab analysis
Wrote an essay for US Government in about 30 minutes. Yay.
Read another chapter of The Namesake, pretty OK.
Read the first chapter of The Jungle, very strange given the context of the book, but I guess that's why its the first chapter.
Spent an hour flashcarding for Japanese 4 new chapter vocab
Did AP Physics homework on Work & Power
Continued working on my personal console app; before I go any further, I'm trying to figure out how to package and publish the app. Making artifacts for Linux and Windows is easy, but Mac's security features means I have to look into homebrew.
Self Care:
Had some almond chocolate in the morning with my coffee.
took a nap from 3-4 because my eyes were pretty much dying.
Future Goals:
Work on AP Literature story chapter due next tuesday
Start working on US Government project due after Thanksgiving break.
Song of the day:
Name: RNP
Album: The Lost Boy
Artists: Cordae ft. Anderson .Paak
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canmom · 1 year
Animation Night 163 - Yokohama Kaidishi Kikou
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Good evening everyone! It's time at last for Animation Night. And what do we have this week... did you guess an OVA from the 1990s? That's always a safe bet with me and sure enough that's what we have tonight: ヨコハマ買い出し紀行 Yokohama Kaidishi Kikou, or in English, Yokohama Shopping Log.
I'm going to keep my writeup tonight brief, because I am fully kvin's homework on this one and I think rather than paraphrase what he wrote, lemme link the article. Here is an introduction to the series...
Nearly 3 decades after it was first published, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou remains the poster child of mono no aware works in otaku media. Vaguely set after a catastrophe that collapsed both the planet’s ecology and human civilization as we knew it, an event that the series has no intention to explain, YKK stars android Alpha as she runs the desolate café that her long-gone master entrusted her with. Her episodic adventures are all about the appreciation of the moment, often with an emphasis on the evocative environments she casually comes across; after all, author Hitoshi Ashinano was inspired to pen this work by his fondness of taking a stroll or riding a motorcycle without a specific goal. Despite being an ode to spontaneity, YKK is also a thoroughly focused work—and the recipient of that focus is the passage of time, as well as how different beings process the ephemerality of things.
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The manga is beautiful, and highly influential in establishing a certain genre of gentle post-apocalyptic works like Girl's Last Tour. But tonight we're here to see the OVAs, each of them just an hour, pulling out a selection of favourite episodes from the manga.
These two adaptations, despite coming just a few years apart, come at a point of major historical change: the first part is in the cel era, the second in digital.
For the first, we have director Takashi Anno, veteran of The Hakkenden (AN122) and magical girl anime such as Magical Emi. His characteristic direction style puts a huge emphasis on setting and atmosphere, lingering on quiet moments - something he truly ironed out in Semishigure, which returns to the protagonist of Magical Emi years after the events of the story. Which made him a perfect fit for Yokohama. kVin is full of praise for the colour design, the strength of the layouts, and especially the soundtrack.
The second OVA Quiet Country Café dir. Tomomi Mochizuki takes a radically different approach, skipping forward in the manga and introducing a boldly experimental style:
Though its color design can’t match the exquisite work of the preceding series, it makes up for it with the radically distinct art direction by the late legend Shichiro Kobayashi—best known for the likes of Utena, Gamba, Ashita no Joe 2, Castle of Cagliostro, Beautiful Dreamers, Windy Tales, and unarguably being one of the most important figures in the history of stylized Japanese animation. In contrast to the grounded scenery of the first OVA, Kobayashi’s evokes reality with stark forms, implications of movement, and downright expressionistic paintings. Compared to the gentle embrace of the first series, his work feels like it’s demanding your attention in a more proactive way.
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kVin describes the second episode's direction as characterised by more active and layered camerawork and a more 'involved' score - he's particularly taken with the sequence where Alpha returns to her café after the devastating storm that sets the OVA going. He compares it to Mochizuki's direction of the Ghibli film Ocean Waves.
So two approaches to the same material, two different vibes, but it sounds like both should be very strong. Tonight the plan is simple enough: we'll watch both OVAs back to back! (Apologies for the late start, as mentioned I've been having tech problems.)
AN 163 will be going live shortly at twitch.tv/canmom. Both OVAs are pretty short so we'll be watching from about 11pm to 1am UK time. love to see you there nya~
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faraway-sunshine · 9 days
one of them has glasses :0
Meet Whoever's In My Head #3: Austin Shinsuke
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I liked my drawing from the other dump too much, so I just made a copy, isolated him and finished it up.
(Sunday 17th September, 2000, 7:12 AM)
(More under the cut)
I don't remember an exact moment where Austin became separate from me, but I know that there was always some part of me that acted a little extra grown-up than the others. And I guess after whatever led me to develop differently, it grew into him.
He's a caretaker, one of two significant ones. A lot about Austin came from traits I found grown-up and impressive, such as height and glasses. Most of the time, he's either in turtlenecks or a loose outfit with the big sleeves that's almost like a choirboy or some other church person. The scarf is also there almost all the time.
Although I think of him as older, it's a childish sense of older, like the things I'd note set Mari and Hero apart from my friends in the same grade. He doesn't actually know much more than me about things.
Austin always excelled in trying to fix my messes. He's very anxious and finds it hard to talk, especially as he largely wanted me to present as normal most of the time (though he was gentle with the rest of us and would tell us that if it hurts us to hide we should find a compromise). When he'd be in control, he'd do things like tidy up, check on my friends if I hadn't talked to them in a while, read, do homework, and ask for help if we needed it (like in math). He's kind of a team with another presence of mine, coming in after the big feelings (like tantrums or panic attacks) or just before them to try and mitigate them. He's also very much involved with engaging with Haru, and is to him a little like Mari was to me.
He was really helpful to me and important, especially when I'd feel helpless or disconnected, but I did find him a little annoying sometimes as he'd start listing everything I could have done to avoid a bad outcome or finding solutions when I just want comfort. But he's comfortable, and nice, and knows when he's gone too far or listens if I can't take it right now.
Austin also really likes puzzles and mystery books, and he's the best gamer. He keeps trying to get the rest of us to start a more private journal to keep myself oriented, though I rarely have blackouts during important times these days (right now Austin is telling me that therapy counts as "important times", hah).
He's grown-up and black and white as the rest of us, but has soft edges. Most other design choices are in the above. His eyes and Haru's are also different from the others as I used to draw them differently and they're the older ones.
His name in English and Japanese is both new. I let him pick a name and he did a bit of reading and came back with it. Though Austin's mostly happy to present as Sunny to help not confuse people.
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alexa-fika · 7 months
Chilly Persuasion ( Kuzan x gn!reader)
A/N: YALL DID I COOK OR DID I COOK GIVEME AROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR OUR FREEZELORD, and cheers for me getting told by my therapist ‘you need to do your homework young lady’”
Part 1
Here Reader is replaced by Dokusha which stands for Reader in japanese
Dividersby @/saradika
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“What do you want?”
“I just have some questions and want your answers; it’s really nothing major, nothing you can’t answer.” he shrugged as The frost began creeping up further once again
“Stop it; you are going to extinguish it!” They scream, making an effort to keep their blue flames away from the approaching frost
“Seems you care a lot about those flames. That’s very obvious. So ask yourself the important question: Are you willing to lose them?” he questions, leaning against the bars
“You know, if you answer these questions and stop being so difficult, I’d be more than happy to stop the ice.”
“Okay! Just stop the ice!”
He stares at them for a second and then snaps his fingers. The ice stops crawling up their body, remaining stagnant. However, the cold air still fills the room, and frost still covers their body, slowly spreading.
“So… how about we start with your name?”
“Take the ice off first,” they growl, trying to pull their legs free
“Let’s do something; every time you answer a question, I ‘ll make the ice recede.”
“If you keep refusing, however, the ice will keep inching up; you are already weak; if you keep this up, you won’t last much longer, and neither will those flames of yours.”
Their mouth sets in a thin line at his words, thinking of their options
Kuzan oversees them, taking note of their reactions and expressions.
“Hm, is it that difficult to just tell me your name? It’s the simplest question I can ask”
He sighs as they remain quiet, the ice beginning to inch closer and closer to their flames
“You know, I was hoping that a few minutes in the cold would soften you up, but it looks like that’s not the case; perhaps more time will make you cave in and accept my terms,” he says, lifting his hand ready to speed up the ascend of the ice
“Dokusha,” they sputter out
“Ara… did that do this trick?” he questions
“People can reach hypothermia in a matter of minutes if it’s cold enough, but I'm guessing you have less resistance towards cold, seeing your fire.”
He rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers. The ice slowly receded until only their lower half remained under their icy prison, their upper half still covered by a light layer of frost, causing them to shiver consistently
“Well then, Dokusha, I’ve got a few other questions for you. Don’t worry though; these will be simple.”
“You said you would take it off if I answered.”
He chuckles for a second
“I never said I would take it all off; all I said was I would make the ice recede a little, which I did.”
They glared at him weakly, their eyes closing, trying to tone him out
“Ara, are you back to being mean?” he says, seeing them trying to block his talking out
“I thought we had an agreement, Dokusha. I suppose it's my fault for expecting you to just fold after a few minutes of us talking."
He then looks at the ice covering them before lowering his voice
"But you're in no position to ignore me, Dokusha."
Their eyes shoot open as the ice crawls dangerously close to their flame
"Well then, I wonder what would happen if I were to... speed things up just a little?”
He snaps his fingers, and the cold from the ice covering them increases tenfold.
They tried to increase their flame once again to combat the rapidly dropping temperature
“I'm not your co-workers of yours will be so happy with you if you were to kill their prisoner,” they spat out
"Oh? Do you think you have any leverage in this situation?
I think they will understand... After all, I want to get answers. And if you're not willing to answer my questions, then I might have to take it a step further..."
He looked at them, watching the flames trying to keep themselves from going out
"I wonder, at what point will the body give in? The cold or your flames? It's a race you won't win.
What is it you’re protecting so much behind that fire? Are your flames that important to you?”
“They are my pride and joy, something you would know nothing about.”
“You talk as if my ice is just some sort of joke to you. As if it won’t eventually take over every inch of you. The way I see it, your fire is simply too weak to compete with my ice.” he said, glancing at their dying flames
“Or would you like me to show you just what my ice is capable of?”
They let a whimper as the flame started flickering out again, slowly getting smaller as the cold began to increase
“Stop, please.”
“Well, then you better start answering my questions, or you’ll lose them.”
“Okay! Just stop!”
“Are we in an agreement?”
“Are you certain this time?”
He removes some of the frost covering their body, allowing the flames on their tail to regain their luster.
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So? What do we think? Am I getting too repetitive? Also any Baldur gate fans? Cause I got a piece on Astarion I have yet to edit 👀
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the-himawari · 10 months
A3! Hyodo Kumon - Translation [SSR] Afterschool Time for Two (3/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Waiter: Here’s your French fries.
Kumon: I’m digging in! *Munch, munch*… mm, that hits the spot! Fresh off the fryer is the best!
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Azami: All you need is salt when it’s hot.
Kumon: Ketchup and mayo are still musts though!
Azami: Oi, don’t mix them with the fries.
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Kumon: Aurore sauce is tasty though. By the way, Tenma-san was in the drama that aired yesterday.
Azami: Ah. Is that why everyone in Summer troupe all got together last night?
Kumon: Yep! Tenma-san wore a school uniform for his role that looked hella cool! He kinda had an aura about him! But it sounded like he had some mixed feelings… about wearing a school uniform even though he’s in university now.
Azami: But he was just wearing one a short while ago. Is that what it feels like when you become a university student? Is it available to stream?
Kumon: He said it was. I think you can still watch it!
Azami: I’ll check it out.
Kumon: Anyways, the homework I got today killed my braincells. I don’t get anything. Do you understand this, Azami?
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Azami: There’s no way I’d get what someone two grades above me is studyin’.
Kumon: Ooh, good point. I guess I have no choice but to rely on Tsumugi-sensei. But I think he’s busy today…
Azami: What’s the subject?
Kumon: English.
Azami: Then you can also ask Chikage-san, can’t you?
Kumon: Ah, right! So true!
Azami: So even students who are preppin’ for their entrance exams get homework, huh?
Kumon: Well, it’s only for English and Japanese history. I ask nii-chan about my Japanese history homework.
Azami: Right. Juza-san’s only good at history.
Kumon: What do you mean by “only”!
Azami: Dude, that hurts, y’know?
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Kumon: Oh yeah! Say, Azami. I wanna go to karaoke tomorrow~.
Azami: Karaoke?
Kumon: Yeah. Also, I wanna go to the batting cage the day after tomorrow, and then the arcade next Monday~.
Azami: All you’re doin’ is goofin’ off.
Kumon: It’s fine, isn’t it! There’s not much time left in my high school life, so I wanna do everything I wanna do.
Azami: You can do all those things you said anytime. You can go to karaoke or the battin' cage even if you're not a high school student. Actually, when I see Juza-san and Taichi-san, it looks like it’s even easier for uni students to go since they have the time.
Kumon: That’s not the point, Azami! It’s like what Tenma-san said—the meaning of wearing a school uniform changes when you become a uni student. The homework will be way different, I’ll have to work a part-time job, and the cats I play with at lunch won’t be there. The only time we’re both high school students is right now. And there’s tons of stuff I wanna do with you while we’re in still high school together.
Azami: …
Kumon: Ah, I finished my drink. I’m gonna go to the drink fountain. Do you want anything, Azami? I’ll bring it back with me.
Azami: Oolong tea. Thanks.
Kumon: Okay!
*runs off*
Azami: …
*runs back*
Kumon: Thanks for waiting!
Azami: That was fast.
Kumon: Huh, really?
Azami: …Y’know, Kumon.
Kumon: Yeah?
Azami: I’ll go with you to all those things you mentioned earlier.
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Kumon: Eh, REALLY!? YAY!!
*jumps up*
Azami: Shut up, dummy. Don’t stand up.
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Kumon: Ahaha. Oopsies, sorry.
Azami: I doubt anythin’ will change between us once next year comes. But, we’re only high school students right now, right?
Kumon: Exactly! Ehehe, I’m so happy.
Azami: I mean, it just feels like we’re hangin’ out afterschool though.
Kumon: That’s fine! Everyone says we should do what we wanna do while we’re in high school.
Azami: Hearin’ that’s like a broken record at this point.
Kumon: Ah, I know! Adding to the list of things to do! I wanna eat a burger from “Burger Royale”!
Azami: What?
Kumon: Also, Kazu-san told me about a store that just opened last month—.
Azami: Can we go to that many places? Well, we’ll do as much as we can.
Kumon: For sure!
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