#and my friend was like “what” and i said “goncharov the movie!!”
just-4nother-ghost · 1 year
Me seeing that goncharov was trending and that the first post was a fan art, just to discover that we're actually talking about the invented TikTok movie:
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I'm assimilating into tumblr culture (I guess you could say I'm... asmi-milating hahaha) (sorry) today I told my friend Bee (@bat-plus-moth-equals-both) about Goncharov. She asked what it was. I said it was a movie that was really famous on tumblr, people keep analysing like every scene, it was a mafia movie and I thought it was by Martin Scorsese but I wasn't sure. Bee then asked about the pronunciation of Goncharov and if it was a weapon, debated about the language origins, and I said I didn't know because I actually do not. I said they should probably check it out, and they said sure it sounded interesting but they probably wouldn't like it because it's a Scorsese film.
I hope this entire hellsite is proud of me.
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karalynlovescake · 2 years
Best Dreamling Tropes
the other lists I saw for this on discord were just fic tropes that got used in dreamling fics. This list is ones that are SPECIFIC to dreamling and that most of us made up out of whole cloth and agreed upon.
1.) Fishbowl rescue - very important (The tag Hob Gadling Saves Dream of the Endless from Roderick Burgess has its own tag, as it should.)
2.) Let’s rewrite Season 1! (always a classic)
3.) In fact, let’s rewrite the whole fucking arc, solving problems as we go.
4.) Dream sex, either accidental or on purpose. (Who needs prep for dream sex? No one, that's who.)
5.) Hob owns the New Inn and lives in a flat above it
6.) New Inn as a temple to Dream (personal fav)
7.) Dream can just dissolve everyone’s clothes into sand when it’s time for that E rating.
8.) Hob has pets and Dream can talk to them.
9.) Gender is fake, ie The fandom said it’s my turn to have a vulva
10.) Meowrpheus
11.) Desire, stop Interfering in our relationship. (”Stop doing what? I was minding my own business, asshole.”)
12.) Hope of the Endless - he's all ours baby, Neil hands off!
13.) Make Dream Watch Movies (frontrunners are Mary Poppins, Princess Bride and Goncharov.)
14.) Dream’s been making romantic interludes in Hob’s dreams but unfortunately Hob doesn’t remember his dreams. (Morpheus may or may not be aware of this.)
15.) When Dream gets laid it’s EVERYONE’S problem (based in canon, to be fair, but we like this one a lot.)
16.) NGCU (Neil Gaiman Cinematic Universe, ie, Aziraphale and Crowley show up)
17.) Hob coped with the last part of the 20th century by fucking a lot of goth twinks
18.) When dream stormed out of the White Horse in 1989 he left behind his hat, gloves and cloak. Hob took them home and may or may not have used them in his, ahem, personal activities.
19.) When they fight, Hob either refuses to sleep or Morpheus refuses to let him dream. (Or sends him nightmares, but I think that one is less common.)
20.) Flower language and symbolism
21.) “You know I can see daydreams as well, my friend.”
22.) "I hate it when you get big." (Lying)
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This Idiot Has Seen Goncharov
So today marked the coalescence of the Goncharov Incident as I’ll be calling it, so I think it’s finally time to share.
For a bit of context, you need to know a little more about one of my co-workers. We’ll call him Zeke. First it’s important to note that despite being in his early thirties, Zeke doesn’t have any sort of social media accounts outside of a MySpace page. Dude has straight up been living like it’s still 2007. Zeke also has a fixation with my friend/roommate who also works with us. Zeke will hop onto whatever bandwagon this friend, who we’ll call Jesse, is on. But most importantly to this whole tableau, Zeke likes to tell tall tales, like no matter what you’re talking about, or what you’ve done, this guy has done it but bigger and crazier.
That alone would be annoying, but it wouldn’t be enough to push myself and Jesse to the level we’ve hit with him. For me, it’s the constant need to put other people down for ‘knowing less than he does’ despite the obviousness of his knowledge being a collection of poorly constructed lies. Like not only does he lie, but this dumbass doesn’t even bother to check into the things he lies about. Several times he’s tried to convince me of something in a subject I know everything about. He refuses to admit to being wrong and he won’t back down from anything he’s said, it’s infuriating.
For this, and quite a few other reasons transphobic cough cough augh, he’s been bothering Jesse and I for quite a while. Badly enough that the spite fueled wasp nest that lives in the back corner of my brain Morse coded a plan to me.
What better way to trip up a ride or die compulsive liar than a piece of media well known for being entirely fictional?
The next day, when Zeke climbed into my car during our lunch hour, Jesse and I began talking about this old movie we’d recently watched. The two of us have known each other more than long enough to able to follow each other’s bullshit like second nature, we’ve played an assload of DND together. In ten minutes we’ve got the whole first arc talked out with a few of the “best scenes” highlighted. (Personal favorites being Andrey juggling guns “a la John Wick/Guns Akimbo” and Katya killing a man point blank after saying ‘Get Gonch’d bitch’ in a 1973 film.)
Zeke didn’t respond too much, just kind of nodded and ignored most of the convo since it wasn’t really about him. I didn’t really expect him to engage to start, he usually doesn’t, but we’d planned to keep this up for another couple days anyhow.
But like clockwork, the more Jesse talked about it, the more Zeke seemed to remember it. Enough that I jumped ahead a little and pulled up the faux movie poster to show him.
He squinted at it then nodded and said he’d definitely seen the movie before.
When I tell you I almost fucking screamed.
Of course he couldn’t remember many details because it had been so long since he’d seen it. To tell you the truth I’d checked out at that point, I was focused on not losing my shit, I have no fucking idea what he said.
While this was an entire meal served up on a silver platter, it would have been pretty easy to say he’d seen the poster somewhere despite not having socials. I want this man incinerated, not merely singed.
Which leads me to the events of the last couple days.
So Zeke came up to Jesse and I and told us he wanted to re-watch Goncharov and asked us if it’s on Netflix.
Jesse and I both said that it is, without hesitation.
Zeke went to look for it (at work, while we’re working no less, again I missed the rest of what he was saying here I was mentally biting him) and obviously found nothing. So he searched every other streaming platform he had, and Youtube, all once again coming up empty.
At this point, I was sure the jig is up. He was actually searching it now so obviously he’d find one of the search results letting him know Goncharov’s true nature. I’m fairly certain the first result for it on Google says that it’s fake.
Oh hoo hoo, no.
Zeke came to me to complain about not being able to find the movie and in a fit of clandestine fervor, I told him that we probably watched it on a pirating site.
It was beautiful, it was inspired, and it worked.
Zeke asked me for the site and I told him that I’d have to get it from our other roommate since she’s in charge of the tech in our house. Then I hauled ass to go find Jesse and spill the latest tea before Zeke could. 
Later on Jesse sent him the link to the site, and he told us he’d find it over the weekend.
Well today, friends, is Monday.
Most of today we spent too busy to go grill Zeke about whether or not he’s crossed over into the fucking Mandela timeline and managed to watch Goncharov. But ten minutes before close, while we’re waiting to go, suddenly Zeke perks up, and remembers that when he gets home, he has to finish watching the movie. He’d had trouble getting the site to work on his phone, but his Xbox had run it, and he’d started watching it, but had unfortunately fallen asleep before he’d finished.
Now. I am a calm man, I can keep a straight face if I need to. But hearing this fucking idiot tell me he’d started watching a fictitious movie made up by Tumblr.com of all places nearly sent me to the fucking Shadow Realm with the amount of effort it took not to crack.
He talked for a couple more minutes before fucking off to do something else, I have no idea again I wasn’t fucking listening, I was trying not to visibly cry from holding back laughter.
But then he left and like instinct, like the inevitable impact of atoms inside of the Hadron collider, Jesse and I turned to look at each other. I knew what Jesse would say, Jesse knew what I would say, and like fate, like destiny, like two people who had witnessed a man commit manslaughter against his own damn self, we spoke at once.
“This idiot has seen Goncharov.”
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cha-melodius · 2 years
Oh a TMFU/Gorncharov cross over??? Maybe Illya, Napoleon, and Gaby are just in Naples for an unrelated issue. Or Gorncharov knows Illya from childhood and calls his old friend in for help. We all know that Gaby and Katya would get on great. Illya and Gorncharov can both be idiots pining together over Napoleon and Andry respectively. Napoleon and Andry can probably bond over their tastes for finer things in life or something I dunno.
This is of course a very natural crossover! It's no secret that Goncharov is one of Guy Ritchie's favorite movies, and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. definitely shows the great influences of all his movies; he's said before that he wanted to set TMFU in Italy as a nod to Goncharov, and in the original script Victoria's name was Sofia. However, since Goncharov was more or less still lost in 2015, I feel like the parallels are definitely underappreciated, especially all the clock/watch imagery and its ties to both the themes of broken families and Goncharov/Illya's trust issues. Few people realize that Illya's "You know what my mission is?" line when Napoleon returns his father's watch is a direct reference to Goncharov's "You know what the job is?" line in the clocktower scene when he confronts Andrey. Of course the very fact that Illya gets his watch back shows that Illya still holds on to his sense of self, unlike Goncharov, who loses it for good. (Goncharov google doc, short analysis of Goncharov's watch)
Now about that crossover.
I assume we're going on a crossover before the events of the movie, since, well, spoilers (can you spoil a 50 year old movie?), but there's not a lot of opportunity after. Perhaps set in the late 60s, after UNCLE has been a team for a while.
I like the idea that Goncharov knows Illya from his past, before Illya's father was arrested, and before Goncharov was truly inducted into the family business. When Illya's father is arrested and he's sent to an orphanage (common for children of political prisoners), he of course loses touch with everyone from that life, including Goncharov. I think Goncharov, even well-connected as he is, wouldn't know Illya is a KGB agent now, but perhaps Illya does know about Goncharov's move to Naples. He finds out about it during a KGB operation and doesn't really think much of it, but then the UNCLE team ends up in Naples on a mission and whoops, it's connected to Goncharov. This could definitely lead to some angst and conflicted feels since they were good friends as children, but now Goncharov is part of the mob, so they're obviously thrown into this antagonistic relationship. Despite himself, Illya can't help but want to try to find a solution that doesn't end with his old friend dead.
He's surprised to find that his partners support him in this, but of course Andrey and Napoleon hit it off (leading to some scenes of jealous Illya & Gonch; Goncharov gets threatening toward Napoleon because he thinks Napoleon is trying to make a move, only to be shocked that Illya is deadly serious about protecting his American; Illya and Napoleon have an argument about all the time Napoleon is spending with Andrey), and Gaby and Katya would definitely share a certain kinship. I think that seeing Goncharov and Andrey's relationship, fraught with unresolved homoerotic tension, and how destructive repressing those feelings is, would help Napoleon and Illya recognize the cycle in their own relationship and break it, finally admitting what they mean to each other. Perhaps Gaby secretly tries to convince Katya to leave Goncharov and the mob behind, but of course she fails because Katya's not at the breaking point yet, she still believes things can work out.
Obviously there's a ton of potential here for a crossover! And that's not even delving into the hints at Goncharov, Katya, and Andrey's histories with the KGB in canon, which is pretty much unexplored.
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souldagger · 5 months
Book asks: 5, 20, 45 ?
(5 answered!)
20. Where and how do you find new books to read?
all kinds of places! recommendations from friends/mutuals, various online rec lists, storygraph, browsing recently added books in genres i like on libby/my audiobook app/netgalley
45. What book(s) would you sell your soul to get a TV or movie adaptation of?
help. I Don't Trust Like That.jpg. that being said i think it'd be SO funny if Starfarers by Vonda McIntyre got adapted bc before it was a book series it was a fake tv show. the goncharov of 80's scifi if you will. and i want it to come full circle so bad
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btwimkindagay · 2 years
About me
Thanks @littledreamling for the tag
Nickname: Usually Breezy! My first name is a place name, so some of my friends call me by other place names (but more commonly acquaintances who think they are funnier than they are 🙄)
Sign: Sagittarius sun, Taurus moon, Aquarius rising. I hope that doesn't give away all my secrets
Height: 5'7 or 170cm!
Last thing I googled: "Wilfred Owen Letter to Wife poem". It's actually called "The Letter"
Song stuck in my head: I don't have one at the moment which I'm grateful for because I have a headache which feels like someone is trying to lobotomise me through my left eye. (I've taken some painkillers so I'm just being dramatic until they kick in)
Followers: 138! Thanks to everyone for politely waiting out the Goncharov phase
Amount of sleep: I regularly get 9-10 hours of sleep because otherwise I feel so bad 😥 I am envious of people who need less because for me 8 hours and 4 hours feel the same 🤢
Dream job: probably also a professor, like Crow! I'd love to be able to do research on things I'm interested in (it's always gay nuns, but recently it's also polygyny within medieval Jewish communities), and chat with colleagues about theirs, and write articles, and make lots of powerpoint presentations (I love them because I can even script in my jokes), and see what the younger generation are interested in when it comes to history! However, as we have established I am a very tired person, so I'm not sure how well I would cope with the expectation of out of hours work.
Wearing: Blue silk pyjama bottoms decorated with little white vines and flowers, brown walking socks, and a long fluffy hooded! dressing gown which I would probably call maroon or burgundy. Don't judge me for this (or do, I deserve it).  For the more wattpad experience we can also say that I have thrown my long brown hair into a messy bun.
Books/movies that summarise me: I could ask my friends, or I could just insert a picture of the DSM-V here because that's what they'll all send me
Favourite song: I don't have favourite anythings to be honest, but my most played song this year (at a whopping 22 times) was Zitti e Buoni by Måneskin. Lyric-wise I'm still obsessed with Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives, specifically "I know that you mean so well, but I am not a vessel for your good intent".
Favourite instrument: I've played clarinet, recorder, guitar, and keyboard, none of which I had any talent for 😂
Aesthetic: I've been told so many things about how I dress so I'll try to keep it brief. I own an eclectic collection of dresses (probably 60+) and tend to favour colourful patterns for daily wear and single colour grecian-style drapes for formal events. I likewise own lot of colourful patterned tops (described by my friends as "pretty", "flattering", "interesting", and "like you took it from your mum's wardrobe" (she gave it to me)) which I wear with jeans. That said, I can most commonly be found in my "grandad" looks of a men's shirt open over a vest or buttoned to the bare minimum of decency, or one of my two favourite golf jumpers (one grey, one beige).
Favourite authors: I don't have favourite authors of books (though I definitely do for fanfiction), but I do want to read more Margaret Atwood because I've only read The Handmaid's Tale and that one quote from The Robber Bride that lives rent free in my head.
Random fun fact: I managed to get super glue in my mouth when I was decorating a christmas bauble with watch parts last night! Very on brand, I'm notoriously clumsy. I also only managed to super glue two of my fingers together, so that is a new record
Tagging @bidet-and-legolas @a-liittle-bit-of-both and anyone who fancies it!
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twilightknight17 · 2 years
Some tag reactions to the ongoing Goncharov DVD Saga!
But first, an update. According to my friend, no one has picked it up yet. Which is sad. But I'm placing my hopes in the guy who comes in once a week and picks up like 20 random movies. He'll hit it eventually!
I'll check on it myself when I go in to return my book.
And now, tags, under a readmore! Because there are a lot of them. If this thing passes the Color of Bees post in like 3 weeks, I'm going to lose my mind. XDDD
First, we have enthusiastic librarians, distressed librarians, and people with Opinions about our DVD shelving. XDDD
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Unfortunately, even if I'd wanted to go that far, all cataloging is done at Headquarters(TM). Might have been able to wrangle a barcode if I'd planned better, but no actual catalog entry.
I'm very distressed by the idea of not alphabetizing past the first letter. However, I am intrigued by the idea of separating the movies and TV shows. But god, we can barely get them to separate the manga and graphic novels, and can't get them to catalog the manga in a way that makes sense, so that's asking too much.
And if someone decides to steal it, more power to them. XD
Next, things people want in the case!
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Obviously the overwhelming response was a rickroll. XD But also the Bee Movie, the Sonic Movie, Morbius, and several things that would be really cool, if I had any kind of video editing skills at all.
Shoutout to the two people who said "empty" and "post-it note" for being correct.
Other good tags!
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I cannot for the life of me think of what kind of ethical issue this would be, but that one made me laugh, because a running joke (and source of frustration) while I worked there was the idea of committing Ethics Violations.
I doubt anyone would deny me a good reference for a joke. My bosses liked me. And no harm done, after all. It's not like I took a joyride through the building in the rolling mail bin like I wanted to during curbside. :P
And lastly, whatever is going on here:
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This could have been the love story of our age, but that other person missed out. Tragic.
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the-lions-mouth · 2 years
i feel i have misled yall with my once upon a time in america posts... i love this movie but please proceed with caution. 
reasons why u may like it:
the Vibes are out of this world. the Aesthetic. the nostalgia. The Depth and Scope. The Tragedy and Romance
#1 cinematography of any movie. not kidding
top five soundtracks of all time
set in the 1920′s??? the outfits alone
closest movie to goncharov in many ways
WOULD say “if you really loved me you wouldn’t have missed”
this is where the pocket watch/clock hands thing in goncharov came from
no doubt in my mind that the james woods character is supposed to be in love with the robert de niro character. they really did not fuck around about that
gay betrayal - from both sides!!
“come on maxie, wherever you go, i go, remember that”
non linear narrative
an insane amount of gay psychosexual bullshit
surprise ending
maybe top five robert de niro performances?
“as boys they said they would die for each other. as men they did”
this movie is purely about the relationships, the Vibes, etc
somehow both “old repressed gay men” “young hot gay men” and “boyhood friends” all at once
reasons why u may not:
brutal - emotionally as brutal as raging bull
2 on screen rapes by the robert de niro character (if you have seen mikey and nicky i do not find them to be half as difficult as that scene or the scenes in raging bull but others may disagree)
women who do not react to being raped in a realistic way... you know what i mean... i can’t even say sexist because that feels like underselling
no healthy relationships (including the james woods/robert de niro one)
no sympathetic characters
no plot (was supposed to be a 6hr movie, studio would only release 4hrs 11mins of it... plot points begin and then just go nowhere) on the other hand this movie is not about the plot it is about the VIBES so who cares. They kept all the relationships parts so you can see what’s important to them
it is possible that a jewish man loses the moral high ground to a nazi, i can’t actually recall this scene. he definitely looses the moral high ground but to WHO i can’t recall
robert de niro character probably not supposed to be in love with the james woods character: unrequited gay angst
probably other stuff i’ve forgotten - i know we all love #problematic movies but i want everyone to be ok. I think it’s easier than raging bull or Mikey and Nicky but. That is only my opinion
the soundtrack my beloved
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heavenknowsffs · 2 years
I AM SCREAMING AHSAKLSJSHAGA yesterday i was with my film buff friend and we were drunk talking about movies and i was like "i really loved goncharov should have watched it sooner" and he said he didn't know it and i went "what??? You know all the movies how do you not know about this? It's by scorcese even that's a crime what" and he kept sayong he didn't know and asking about the movie ifit came out this year and i gave him all the details with the intention of later telling him it's a joke but.... didn't tell him that and i just remembered now 15 hours later
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bobbybutterfly · 1 year
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Saki Sanobashi fanart!
I kind of failed this week to post my Stardew Valley fic. The last two chapters are going to need some more work. Chapter four should be coming out tomorow.
Instead enjoy this picture!
TW for the post:
mentions of suicide and bullying
I love fandoms that pop up around stuff like Goncharov where there's practically no original work. I kind of want sometimes that people stop trying to find the Go for a Punch anime. Not because I wouldn't want the anime to be real. From what I heard it sounds fucking awesome. Shoujo Tsubaki is one of my favorite movies of all time. Probably because it reminds me of my favorite book Lolita.
The reason why I want people to stop searching for the anime is that Saki Sanobashi to me is the fanart and fanfiction. Saki Sanobashi can be so many things. But once we would find the anime, it would be one definitive thing.
Do you understand what I'm getting at?
Anyway. Here are some of my personal ideas for the story of Go for a Punch:
Saki (the girl in the picture) is a personification of the bathroom. The bathroom being like a Lovecraftian creature that feasts on people that commit suicide in it. First trapping people that have suicidal thoughts and then having Saki convince them to go through with it. Kind of like the view from half way down. Where you know you're going to die for certain but you're still alive. Maybe Saki is even a comforting presence, helping people to the other side.
The bathroom could be like a purgatory where you end up when you attempt suicide. I remember there's this girl in one of the summaries of the anime that is super optimistic about getting out the bathroom. She could represent life and Saki would represent death. Each of them trying to convince you that she's right with philosophical arguments.
In the first case I imagine that at first you would think Saki is just one of the girls. She then subtally manipulates all the girls into killing themselves leaving her the last one standing. All the bodies dissapear. Saki maybe smiles to herself. Then when the new girl wakes up in the bathroom and Saki pretends like she too just got there. Repeating the whole cycle.
The second case would be far more hopeful. Because some of the girls will get out of the bathroom in the end. Once again it wouldn't ever be said that Saki or the other girl are like supernatural beings. At first you would think that they are just like the other girls, ordinary highschoolers. At the end you would realize that maybe there was something more going on with those two.
In both cases the bathroom would be like a school one. And all the girls would be in a school uniform. Yeah. In the original they are suposed because anime got to anime. But in my versions the girls would committ suicide because of school bullying so the school thing is pretty importaint. They would also be from diffrent schools, so they wouldn't know each other before the bathroom. Maybe at the end of the second case two girls that survive by becoming friends end up meeting in the real world.
It's really late where I am. So I got to end this post quick. I don't feel like writting a fanfiction based off these ideas at the moment. For the first time in my life really I'm getting the help I need and I don't want to screw up my relatively stable mind thinking about the philosophy of suicide. Maybe when I'm going to feel better. But when I feel better then I tend to gravitate to happier subject matter.
Ither case, feel free to use my ideas for your own work. Please message me if you do because I would like to read it. I might even do some original art for it if I like it.
And don't forget to credit me!!!!
Bobby out!
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andmaybegayer · 2 years
Last Monday of the Week 2022-11-21
My favourite part was when he said "It's Gonchin' time!" and Gonched all over those guys.
Listening: Tom Scott's new trivia game podcast Lateral is great if you love being so fucking mad. If you're the right kind of horrible trivia nerd who knows stupid facts there will be at least one or two entries every single episode that you know offhand so you will enjoy screaming "No! you're so close! It's lasers! It's about lasers!" at your phone for ten minutes.
Watching: Goncharov (1973), of course. We gotta talk about the boat scene, right? The way that Goncharov and Andrey are paralleled by Sofia and Katya! Poetic cinema.
Back in this dimension, passively watching Dead to Me while sewing, my parents liked it and recommended it to me, it's a good dark comedy, good balance of ridiculous and grounded.
Reading: Decided it was time to actually read Matt Levine rather than just seeing screenshots online and he does not disappoint. What if a guy actually understood a complex system pretty well and realized this complex system was run by children who were incompetent even for children.
Making: Penrose quilt continues to go. My mother was off sick this past week so she has significantly outpaced me in the quilting department, she's covered maybe ¼-��� of the quilt, I'm probably down around ⅕-⅙.
Playing: Board game day, played Nemesis with some friends. Nemesis is definitely legally distinct from the Alien movie franchise, despite everything indicating otherwise. Decent breakdown video here:
Ridiculously complex board, like a dozen decks of cards and markers, tons of internal mechanics but very, very simple to actually play, a difficult line to walk. There is a print and play available for free. Just printing this many cards may cost you a significant amount of money.
Every player has a secret win objective that can be anything from pretty benign (study an alien specimen and transmit your research) to catastrophic (kill a specific player or, failing that, destroy the entire ship).
We lost because we thought one player had the goal of "steal a bunch of items and leave" when she in fact had "kill a specific player or failing that, destroy the ship" and so we accidentally let her run free after we all went into hibernation. She sabotaged the engines and hopped an escape pod. She lost too, because she got infected and didn't have time to decontaminate, but it was still fun as hell. Absolutely want to play it again soon.
Tools and Equipment: My dad got a drill press after wanting one for literally decades, ultra cheap on Facebook Marketplace. Seems in pretty good nick, nice smooth motor, no noticeable spindle wobble, pretty robust mini benchtop drill press. I'll have to sit and clean it later, eventually it'll get used on my side for Keyboard Stuff, I really boneheaded some of the screw holes trying to do them by hand last time.
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Hi Special!! I’ve been told by a secret source that you like visiting art museums. Is that true? How did you discover this hobby, and do you get to do this often? : )
a secret source? Is the twist that the source is myself? Because I have said so much shit over the years, it is entirely understandable that I could have, uhh, said something I don't remember saying. Eheh.
As for museums, yes! I mean, uhh, you know, disregarding the ethic- of, of displaying the artifacts of living people as art objects, and the theft, and on and on... Oh, art museums! Okay, yeah... I mean, some of them also do the thing of displaying handmade artifacts as objects when there are living people going 'hey, that's ours, we know what it is for, please return it to us,' which is extremely, I mean, I hope they get their ancestral stuff back, you know? As a ghoul, I have no ancestry. We aren't born, don't live in Hell and just, um, just pop up here. We get willed into existence at the very moment of summoning. So I don't have, uhh, say, a blanket sewn by my grandmother ghoul, or a traditional outfit, or any of that. No ancient songs. No famous ghoul artists.
... That's why I like art museums, I think. I get to see a nice cross-section of human culture. Old art, new art, painted, sculpted, things you can walk into or stand next to or watch for hours. Sometimes I don't read the little, um, the signs that tell you what the artist was going through or thinking about when they painted a certain thing or drew or wove or sculpted or glued, I just look at the product of that mind and think about my own idea of the person who made it. Is this dumb? To knowingly obfuscate myself from the realities that bore a work of art just so I can imagine those realities? Maybe I should stop doing that. Eheheheheheehhehh.
How I discovered I like art, well, ehehe, that is simple. When me and Copia were first becoming friends, one of our activities was listening to records. He would go on short, uhh, missionary trips, and he'd buy cool shit and come home like, 'Special, check this out,' and we'd just ... sit in his room and listen. At some point I got to pick a record and that was when I was first exposed to the art, you know, cover art, band photos, illustrations in the gatefold... it really changed my perception of what I'd been listening to. Imagine someone listening to Ghost without ever seeing a Papa, eheheheh. So along with the sound I got super into the visuals and Copia started bringing up art history books from the library to share with me the fucking enormous scope of humanity's art... Cave paintings, hieroglyphics, portraiture, impressionism, fauvism, abstract, statues, costumes, so on and so on... Humans are fucking wild. Y'all are connected by these intrinsic drives to make and create, you know that? It's beautiful. It's, it's this fucking Goncharov, fake movie but pretend it's real and make arts for it kinda shit. You are beautiful, wonderful creatures.
I like to go see art as much as I can. Due to our strict touring schedule and my position as Band Ghoul Coach it is difficult for me to get to as many art places as I would like. But they are always there, and their contents are always changing, which, again, is fucking cool.
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jadetuin · 2 years
My dad talked about Goncharov sometimes when I was younger, and I was like - ok, so it's a mafia movie, but the twist is it's also Russian (like set in Russia, but it was made by an Italian guy, and the movie is in English, ANYWAY), and has a lot of stuff about losing your self identity. For years he always said I should see it when I'm older because it was a "dang good movie," and he rented it when he was in college, then it changed the course of his life. Now I'm here and tumblr's talking about how gay Goncharov and whoever his friend is???????? I don't know what to think.
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scraps-by-mack · 2 years
I love that Goncharov is finally getting the recognition it deserves because it takes me back to my hospital days, where there was only old movies on the free channels all day everyday, and my friend I met there was there so long he was obsessed with movies and especially Scorsese because sometimes on the weekends there’d be back to back Scorsese classics
And I remember when we got closer talking to him about it and he said how he loved the clock symbolism with Katya because her clock was started without her realising it, like he said his was with his mental illness and prolonged stay and he always liked her most because she was trying so hard to get away from everything and do the most, but her clock was still always ticking in the background no matter what she did
And I got so sad after hearing that, but then- we watched the movie again, and the scene where Andrey starts his watch hit me in the chest- like I had a full on panic attack, because while my friends mental illness was hereditary (he had bipolar disorder/depression) and mine wasn’t - I was the first in my family to ever be hospitalised for mental illness, and it’s like the night I decided to commit su1c1de I started my watch myself
And then it ended how it was supposed to end, both the movie and me and my friend- I had to go and he had to stay so in my mind I killed him, which killed me and it is such an underrated movie that will always leave me in tears
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The Funny Joke
Goncharov (1973) fanfic. Boy that movie will be the death of me.
(Goncharov x Andrey)
set on the balcony scene before the kafuffle, and what it mightve been like if they had more time alone.
"Isn't it funny?" Goncharov stared out over the balcony, Andrey standing inches beside him.
"What?" Andrey turned to look at his.. Friend.
Goncharov took a long drag of his cigar, taking his time as he blew out the smoke. "The way we all run around chasing what we can't have."
Andrey paused, brows knitting together with confusion. He hoped that the veil of the thick curtain and doors would be just far enough out of the way that they wouldn't be bothered.
"How do you mean?" One of the things he love- liked about Goncharov was his ability to enthrall one with what he had to say.
"We all are here, trying to reach the end of our long careers, trying to settle down and be content with our life, right? Just trying to keep the family safe, to an extent." Goncharov looked at his hands, as he spoke.
If Andrey looked close enough he might've seen him tremble.
"That.. Sounds.. About right." Andrey was unsure where he was going with this.
"I think it's impossible to reach that goal, huh?" He chuckled, bitterly. Taking a smaller inhale of his cigar. "Like I said, funny."
Andrey sighed looking away. Oh boy he felt guilty now. "Mi dispiace." He muttered, under his breath. He couldn't find the strength to tell Goncharov face to face.
Goncharov heard his mutter, not what he said but he heard the noise and hummed in response. "It would be nice if we could have that. Wouldn't it Andrey? Together?"
Andrey felt heat rise to his cheeks, but was thankful for the cool air that fought to keep it at bay. "... Yes, Goncharov, you and Katya deserve that much-"
"I'm not talking about Katya." He huffed dismissively. Katya did a lot for the family name, and he owed her respect, but in all fairness this conversation wasn't about her. "I'm talking about us. Goncharov and Andrey, living contently with one another, no trouble to be found. Just us."
Andrey had to admit, he liked the thought. But it was stupid to entertain fairytales. Besides. Life wasn't fair that way.
"Andrey.." Goncharov sighed. "Andrey, I care for you deeply." He turned to face the other.
"No, Andrey, you know I don't like interruptions." He chuckled, hoping to lighten the mood, just slightly. "Andrey, I want you to know..." He took a deep breath, preparing himself. "I want you to know that.. You're one of the best things to happen since I've arrived in Naples. And i- well I would just be sorely hurt if you didn't know that."
Andrey was at a loss for words, and surely after tonight he just couldn't let Goncharov go on like this. No, it would be too horrible. Before he could open his mouth however, Goncharov turned and grabbed Andreys wrist.
"Andrey in a perfect world I would want you by my side... Do you understand what I am saying?"
Andrey had a good enough guess. And while he liked what he heard, it just had to be stopped- right?
"Goncharov-" the name died on his lips as Goncharov kissed him, the kiss couldn't have been more than a couple of seconds, but it made him breathless all the same as he returned the kiss.
Goncharov finally pulled away, And turned back towards the balcony, and lighting his dying cigar.
Andrey watched stunned ass Goncharov took the now lit cigar from his lips, breathing out before he spoke again.
"I just needed you to know." Goncharov spoke somberly.
Andrey sat in silence, his heart stop when he heard the steps of someone else.
And then Ice pick Joe was thanking him...
Here's my contribution!! 😎
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