#i always get names mixed up
just-4nother-ghost · 1 year
Me seeing that goncharov was trending and that the first post was a fan art, just to discover that we're actually talking about the invented TikTok movie:
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kettlefire · 1 month
As Good as Good Gets (DP X DC Snippet)
Richard "Dick" Grayson is the golden child. In the eyes of the public, and in the eyes of the league. Dick is a sweet, caring son, a man who went from being a sidekick to being a hero. The pipeline from Robin to Nightwing had many people applauding his dedication to keeping Gotham safe.
No one knew the full story, not truly. No one but Bruce Wayne himself. And maybe a certain butler. Many don't know that Dick only became Robin to stop him from hunting down and killing the man who killed his parents.
No one really knows about the harsh fights and arguments he has had with Bruce. The times when Dick would find himself cut off from the Wayne name for a week or so. No one knows that the first person Dick warmed up to was Alfred. Having been bribed with cookies.
Things weren't always this good, trusting, happy relationship between Bruce and Dick. It had been a rough ride, a complicated one. But that was okay, because it got better.
Dick stopped being so moody and angsty. He grew up, he learned, and he changed. He became an older brother, found people that needed him. Needed him in a way that the citizens of Gotham didn't need him.
His brothers like to call him annoying. A goody two shoes who Bruce trusted more than everyone else. They couldn't fathom how someone like Dick could be so stupid and bubbly at all times.
All times, except when shit hits the fans. Despite the name calling, despite coining Dick as the stupid Wayne. They all knew better. They knew that when it mattered, Dick Grayson always pulled through. He was a force to be reckoned with when needed.
The whole Wayne family was a force to be reckoned with when called for. It didn't have to be under the guise of costumes and vigilante acts. Whether he was Officer Grayson or Nightwing, Dick was a man with his morals and values.
One night on patrol as Officer Grayson, Dick found someone who needed that force. A force willing to protect and care for the innocent. The hurt. The damaged, yet still good.
It started like any other night. A call of shots fired by an empty warehouse. There was no sighting or knowledge of any rouges being there, so Dick took the call. Told the team he'll contact them if it seems more than just a civilian incident.
The warehouse was dark, reeked of copper and oil. It didn't take long for Dick to find the trail. The liquid he found looked like the person had been dragged before walking. There was a clear struggle, even with the mess and emptiness that was the warehouse.
That wasn't Dick's biggest concern. The concern lay in just how much blood there was. Too much for any normal person to lose and still manage to stumble through the warehouse.
It wasn't just blood. It wasn't that much, but Dick could spot the strangeness in the liquid. The mixed in green that had an eerily similar color and glow as a certain pit.
Without thinking, Dick followed the trail. Barely remembering to make contact with his family. Give them an update on what he found. Words telling him to stay put for backup went in one ear and out the other.
Something in Dick's gut was telling him he couldn't wait. He needed to find the source. Whoever was currently bleeding out in this warehouse. He silenced the comm, moving further through the dimly lit building.
Then Dick found it. Or more so, he found him. It was just a boy. A boy that reminded Dick too much of the youngest Wayne. A boy sat against a wall, looking pale and weak.
Red and green coated the front of the boy's shirt, arms wrapped tightly around his middle. An attempt to stem the bleeding. A puddle had already started to form beneath the boy, and Dick moved without thinking once again.
He quickly found himself kneeling beside the boy, hands carefully reaching out. Before Dick even touched him, the boy flinched. Eyelids suddenly opened, wide and terrified blue eyes landed on Dick's.
In just that one look, Dick knew what he had to do. The haunting, terrified, and pained look in the boy's eyes told Dick everything he needed to know. The boy was in danger. Someone had hurt this kid, and it was clear it wasn't the first time.
The boy struggled weakly against Dick's touch, terrified whimpers, and barely coherent pleas spilled from the kid's lips. It had Dick's heart aching, clear as day the poor kid has been through hell and back.
It took a lot of reassurance, gentle touches, and promises of help before the kid let Dick take a look at the bleeding wound. A promise on Dick's soul had been the final thing that earned him any semblance of trust. A strange promise, but Dick was willing to make it.
That concern turned to pure anger the moment Dick managed to pull the sticky shirt away from the wound. The sight of a Y-incision cut perfectly into the skin, stitches tight on the skin, but blood still leaking heavily from the wound.
It didn't take long for Dick to realize why. Despite the perfect surgical care of the wound, a good couple of stitches had broken. Leaving gaping spots for that red and green liquid to pour out of.
The boy was deathly silent, tears streaking down his cheek as wide blue eyes stayed trained on Dick. In that moment, Dick knew he had to help. Had to get the kid to safety, patch him up, and find out what kind of monster would do this.
It didn't matter if the kid was human or not. It didn't matter if the kid had special abilities or not. No one, absolutely no one, deserved to be vivisected.
The kid was shrouded in mystery, but that mystery only seemed to grow and become clearer when Bruce had entered the scene. The boy had tensed, eyes flashing a bright glowing green.
Lazarus pit green.
It set a pit of dread in Dick's gut. His mind brings forward memories of Jason. Jason, after his revival, after his dip in that cursed pit. The same flash that his brother would get if he got too angry. Too emotional.
As much as Dick wanted to focus on finding who did this, if it had any connection to Ra's al Ghul. He couldn't. Not when the kid tried to get up, to pull away as Bruce and the others made their way closer.
Right now, Dick only cared about making sure the boy was okay. Fixing those stitches, getting him a meal, and a warm bed.
He needed to get this kid someplace where he felt safe and secure. Comfortable and protected. Dick wasn't sure why. Maybe it was the promise he had made, but he wasn't letting anyone get to the kid.
That included his family. As strange as it seemed, Dick put himself between the others and the kid. Shooting them all a glare that they had only ever seen a handful of times.
Dick lifted the poor boy up in his arms, cradling the crying child close as he led the way out of the warehouse. Ignoring the questions or confusion coming from Bruce and the others. As Dick walked, feeling the trembling boy clinging to him, he made a rather obvious realization.
Maybe the eldest son really was more like Bruce than he expected. Just a few short moments the the boy, a boy that Dick didn't know his name, and he was ready to pull out adoption papers. To give the boy a safety he so desperately needs.
Give him the chance that Bruce had given him all those years ago.
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snailwitdamail2 · 8 months
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incredibly low quality Anaya appreciation post bc i think he’s adorable.
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braxix · 6 months
Turgon: I'm not doing it.
Maedhros: Me neither.
Maglor: Oh come on it's necessary!
Maedhros: What part of knowing which of us is the tallest is remotely necessary?
Fingon: The part where I get to tease whoever's the shorter one.
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last night i had a dream that issue one dropped and moja had a meet cute in the sewers with a girl who was secretly a purple dragon and i've been stuck at a desk at work just THINKING ABOUT IT ALL DAY so i had to draw the one scene i could remember in a frenzied state
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buttercupshands · 3 months
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Congratulations on nothing. I'm back to drawing LoV again after a bit of a break
those are mostly just a redraw practice for fun Toga is a try in "more canon way of drawing" with color practice too
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I'm sorry that it's in russian because I have to have some will to localize jokes that came into my head while drawing it
it's like... a robot au??? or something, mostly just a joke "what if AFo just built Tenko and changed what he wanted"
and this is a joke about our 'favorite' 419 plot twist so it's basically just a bunch of joked about AFO failing to get any way to get control instead Tenko's head is not empty. It downloaded games, friends and stuff about being a hero but NOT as a literal hero, more on "villains need help I'm a hero then" way
and yes that text behind is "hands" written all over the place bc I wanted to add hands in handwritten form
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freshbaked-bread · 1 year
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you're the one that i need, i'm the one that you loathe
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naomiknight-17 · 1 year
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I wanted to adopt this baby so so badly
When I walked toward the cage she ran up to me and mewed for attention and it ripped my heart out. Petting her was like petting a cloud. So soft.
But she's a Himalayan. And the rescue wants $700 for her. I couldn't possibly
But I love her
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bobombun · 27 days
On one hand, I think that characters being named after famous characters/objects can do them a disservice by suddenly being associated with something that might not fully suit their story and becoming "just another X" that will get drowned out both in the mind of the audience and in the tags of any search engine. That they would benefit from being their own entity instead.
However, on the other hand, I think it's funny to be able to see what media I've recently been into by seeing which character comes to mind at the mention of the word Titania
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fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
Divinity can be found in the handwritten letter
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megkuna · 1 year
most of my favorite characters tend to be the same i.e. characters who think they want power (over others) but what they really want is agency/autonomy and tbh to me anakin falls into that bucket but i feel like half this fandom doesn't see it that way which is always so strange to me
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shwoo · 1 year
Looks like Metazooa got an update a few days ago. It now has two annelids (earthworm and leech), and two myriapods (centipede and millipede), among other things. There's also now enough snakes that the puzzle no longer feels as much like it's about trying to think of every snake in existence until one finally comes up as a possibility. The amount of fish has improved, too.
But a few answers were also removed, for some reason. One of them was "lizard", which I'm in favour of, but the others included more specific stuff like brown crab and whale shark. Maybe whale shark was removed because its closest shared group in this system (Galeoidea) doesn't have a Wikipedia page? You can still get it to come up, though, because the remaining sharks are all in it.
Also, they removed two birds, and added zero. Maybe because the classification they're using splits Neognathae, the clade that most modern birds are in, into twenty-eight direct subgroups? The game only has birds from eleven of those (twelve before the current changes), but that's still enough to justify using a hint if it's not a passerine or fowl.
This game is a cool idea, which is why I just spent so much time rambling about some fairly minor changes, but I still think it could use a lot of improvement.
Actually, here's a probably full list of what was added and removed, just in case anyone else cares! I got the names from the page source, which lists them so they can pop up as suggestion. I had a list to compare from for reasons. In total, unless I missed something, there were thirty-two additions, and eight removals.
Added: Earthworm (annelid) Leech (annelid) Mussel (bivalve) Nautilus (cephalapod) Giant octopus (cephalapod) Bigfin squid (cephalopod) Centipede (myriapod) Millipede (myriapod) Barnacle (crustracean) Pillbug (crustacean) Mantis shrimp (crustacean) Prawn (crustacean) Mayfly (insect) Hercules beetle (insect) Sea cucumber (echinoderm) Sand dollar (echinoderm) Goblin shark (cartilaginous fish) Tiger shark (cartilaginous fish) Tuna (ray-finned fish) Guppy (ray-finned fish) Anglerfish (ray-finned fish) Boa constrictor (lepidosauran reptile) Rattlesnake (lepidosauran reptile) Viper (lepidosauran reptile) King cobra (lepidosauran reptile) Tortoise (archelosaurian reptile) Snapping turtle (archelosaurian reptile) Caiman (archelosaurian reptile) Opossum (mammal) Possum (mammal) Chipmunk (mammal) Moose (mammal) Yak (mammal)
Removed: Brown crab (crustacean) Shrimp (crustracean) Whale shark (cartilaginous fish) Lizard (lepidosauran reptile) Albatross (bird) Rockhopper penguin (bird) Naked mole-rat (mammal) Snow leopard (mammal)
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sp00ky-scary · 1 year
love the way that fall out boy has two songs with the word "lawyer" in the name and lyrics referencing cutting your wrists and how i can never remember which is which
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vernard · 3 months
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i always get really excited seeing ppl post abt david byrne bc every single time without fail i think theyre talking about john byrne ...
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irradiatedsnakes · 2 years
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cipher-fresh · 1 year
one of the most entertaining internet experiences i've had in my entire career was being in a group chat with people who didn't know the Troy Barnes Bringing Pizza scene from community when the group chat's icon was literally that scene
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