#and my neighbors all gave them the info they asked for so I just followed suit
kiradical · 7 months
I’m. Gonna. Fucking. Scream.
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palepinkgoat · 1 month
I was asked by someone in the @shamelessdvdcommentary community to share things "behind the scenes" one of my fics. I just think it's the coolest thing so I decided to participate! I hope you enjoy it. <3
Which Fanfic is your DVD commentary about?
Restoration. It's my most "popular" fic by far!
Give us some stats - (when you wrote it, word count, how long it took to finish, is it a one-shot/multi-chapter, etc)
Restoration is a multi chapter fic written in (big gasp!) 2016. It's 14 chapters and took me four months to write. For me that's very fast! But back in that day I was cranking fics out faster. The story is 112,794 words.
What was the initial inspiration for your story?
Well, our air conditioner needed a tune up and we called Bowman HVAC (a real company here, as well as the name I gave the HVAC company in Restoration) and a redheaded technician showed up. The wheels started turning immediately. At the time a lot of houses were being knocked down in the neighborhood (gentrification sucks) so there was a lot of construction happening. I'm sure that helped too.
If the story is written from a character’s POV, why did you choose this character?
I wrote it from Ian's POV. I had only written in his POV one other time. I fell even more in love with him in the process, and exclusively wrote him for years afterward. I can connect to Ian as a bipolar person, and his bipolar features heavily in the story. It seemed like a great opportunity to explore that.
What was your favourite scene to write?
I loved writing the scene with them in the bar bathroom in chapter 3. The first time they kissed . The whole scene felt very alive to me when I wrote it. I also really loved all the scenes with Ian and Sully - they were very fun to write.
How did you come up with the title?
I heard from a neighbor that there were different ways houses could be built, and if you leave any part of the house intact (the neighbor's front porch was left and they built out from that) you can categorize it as a restoration. I liked that. I also really liked the image of rebuilding things metaphorically.
Are there any little moments or references you hope readers will notice?
I'm not sure if this counts but I worked really hard on the construction elements and making them metaphorical to the chapters at the same time!
Was there anything you struggled to write? If so, how did you overcome this?
I don't really remember but I know that a lot of it just flew out of me. I don't remember struggling with any of it, surprisingly!
Favourite line in the story?
I'll pick the end of chapter 4, which includes a scene a lot of readers like. It's the "teaching" scene, wink wink. The last line is "He leans forward and meets Ian's mouth, opening wide and tasting him, them, this."
Did the storyline change in any way as you wrote the story?
I initially thought it would be a lot shorter, but I realized it needed breathing room and a longer timeline. I'm glad I followed that instinct.
If you are writing a particular trope or genre, was it your first time writing this?
I don't think it fits securely in a trope? I'm always a little confused about those.
What are you most proud about in the story? (plot, characterisation, dialogue, twist/cliffhanger, etc)
I'm proud of the bipolar elements to this story, and some of the dialogue. I feel like the dialogue in this was the easiest I've ever written. It was just really nice to write.
Are there any deleted scenes that didn’t make it to the final story?
In the era when I was writing it Amanda was very much in the picture on the show, and I thought her personality would really fit to be one of Ian's "helpers." But I never really got into any scenes with featuring both Lip and Amanda being with Ian at the same time.
Are there any ‘behind the scenes’ info you’d like to share - e.g. what’s going on in a characters head in a certain scene or how you came to write a certain line?
A lot of Ian's med stories and his notebook he keeps for processing episodes and health in general were mine, as well as most of the scenes with the doctor. The office is modeled after that doctor's office and everything. Honestly that doctor and the office were pretty terrible in real life, but I made her better than my doctor was. Now I have a fantastic doctor!
Reading back the story now, is there anything you’d change or add?
I actually did not re-read it for YEARS and re-read it in its entirety for perhaps the first time ever a year or so ago. It probably sounds really vain but I was surprised how cohesive it was and how much I liked it. I'm really proud of it and so glad people like it as much as they do. I don't think I'd change anything really.
Would you ever write a sequel to this story?
I have been asked, but I don't think I could do it! Like I literally think I couldn't write it in the same tone now that it's been so long.
Are there any ‘easter eggs’ in your story - e.g. references to other stories you’ve written, a trope you often use etc?
As far as easter eggs from story to story, I didn't add any of those things to Restoration. I did however reference the Restoration building and street in my recent fic Paragraphs! Another thing to know about me is most of the names I chose for original characters are real names of people I know. For example the developer of the property, Kowalski, is named after one of my besties. Do these people even know I write fanfic? Not really. So it's just for my own amusement. :)
If you’ve chosen your most popular story, are you surprised by the popularity?
I'm amazed at its staying power. I can't believe people are still recommending it and re-reading it. It makes me feel so loved.
Were you nervous or excited to post this story?
Back in that day I didn't feel very nervous. After I wrote this story I felt more nervous because people loved the fic so much and I felt like it was a lot to live up to!
Did you have a beta or a friend who helped you as you wrote?
I did not! Solo act, baby. I have used a beta on Paragraphs and The Ink is a Witness to This though and I think it helps tremendously. Fun fact: it makes me more nervous to share with one person than it does to share with the world which is funny to me.
Ask your followers to pick a snippet (no more than 500 words) and share your thoughts about it.
"Ian nods. Fuck it. He slides off his bed and settles on the floor between Mickey’s legs. “You want to feel it again?” Ha! This is a big reader favorite in this story (and referenced above) and even made into art. I didn't even mean to make it hot. I thought it was just a little scene, no big deal. The response was fun. The gist is Mickey is saying he doesn't know how to give an, uh, below the belt job and Ian kind of "teaches" him by talking him through what he's doing. Thanks to @wehangout for giving me this moment to work with!
Anything else you’d like the readers to know about the story?
I cherish every single reader and all the comments and kudos over the years. Writing this fic completely changed my life. I'm serious. So anyone who likes it or talks about it feeds in to that beautiful change and I'm just so, so grateful. I loved writing it.
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In July, I moved into a house for a six month lease, and two weeks in, me and a roommate were talking outside when a little white kitten came up to us, meowing. The neighbors approached us and said the kitten was theirs and if it was bothering us to let them know. We assured them it was no bother and played with him for a while before heading inside to escape the mosquitos.
Fast forward to October. It's getting cool at night, and me and my roommate decide we'll have a campfire night in the backyard and roast marshmallows and make bread-on-a-stick. The kitten came up to us and begged us for food. He was bigger, but skinnier and dirtier, and had a big belly that we thought could be worms or malnutrition. We gave him some bread and pet him, and went inside.
Two weeks after, I was going through a bad break-up, and was crying on the backyard porch. The kitten came up and snuggled me, and followed me into the warm house when I went in and slept in my bed with me overnight.
I decided I'd keep him, thinking maybe the neighbors didn't want him. There's a lot of birds of prey and fast cars, and he didn't look well fed, so I thought he might be better off with me.
It was a rough transition. I grew up with adult cats but this is my first cat of my own, and first time with a kitten, and I get frustrated and angry a lot. He's super playful and needs lots of attention, and destroys a lot of my stuff. I love him anyway, because he's still so cuddly and sweet, and I know he's just a baby and may grow out of a lot of this. But I wonder whether it's my fault that he acts up, like I get insecure that someone else could be doing a better job.
I don't know my neighbors well, but I hear them scream at their kids, and their kids crying. They all seem friendly with each other and in general outside the house, but inside seems like a different story.
Now it's the end of December, my lease is up, and I'm moving. My window was open for the kitten to look out of, and I heard my neighbors' kids greeting him as they got home: "I love you, Little One" in these sad resigned voices. My heart broke. I cried for a while and thought about how I'm moving soon and asked myself if I was doing the right thing, taking him in, moving away with him. Like these kids clearly have a bond, and their parents yell so much- cats were my family, when I was that age going through a tough home life. I don't want to hurt them. I wonder whether my cat would be happier with them, whether kids would match his kitten energy better. I don't know. I want to keep him. Am I in the wrong here?
What are these acronyms?
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König HC part 1/? - Name/Background
Alright! I've fully committed to the cringe! Imma share with y'all my König hcs let's go!
Part 1 - Name/Background
First off!
General info:
Name: Konrad
Nationality: Austrian-German
6'10, almost 6'11 (209 cm)
Former Foster Kid
Has Albinism
König was born to an Austrian mother and German father. His mother was from a very traditional catholic family, and when she got pregnant because of an affair/premarital sex, she wouldn't have an abortion and she felt she couldn't "bring such shame upon her family," so she gave him up for adoption/foster care.* His father never knew his "fling" became pregnant, so he had no idea of König's existence.
*König was born in 1995 in my au, but the laws regarding anonymous births and/or baby-boxes/safe-haven laws in Austria and Germany don't line up with this, with anonymous births and baby hatches becoming legal in Austria in 2001 and 2000 respectively, and in Germany 2013 and 2000* (Not legally, but they did exist), so forgive my historical and legislative inaccuracies. If you can't suspend your disbelief that these laws/measures existed earlier in the cod universe, you could say that when at the hospital, when the doctors asked his mom to write information so that König could access it at 18, in the case of many closed adoptions, his mother just dipped while they were in the bathroom or something...But are you really that hung up on cod headcanon legal inaccuracies? Moving On!
His mother really did love him, and she feels incredibly guilty, but she felt that raising him in an environment that would condemn his existence would not be great. König is my au also has albinism*, which would add another layer to this, with many who would associate his albinism as some sort of curse/retribution for his mother's sin, which is totes uncool y'all. All König knows is that his mom was incredibly religious, and named him accordingly. König has a complicated relationship with religion, with it both being one of the only connections he has to his birth parents, but also as the reason why they rejected him (we'll get more into his beef with god later, I went to catholic school, I live to project my religious trauma on characters I love).
*part 2/3, will expand on this
König's full name is Mathias Gunther Konrad Bauer né Mustermann. Now let's get into the explanations (with edgy commentary from König on each of them). First off, the reason why Konrad is bolded, is because it's his rufname, which is how names work in germany (according to my mediocre research). Basically you commonly have 2+ first names in germany, but your middle/second/third name is the one you actually go by. eg. Amalie Emmy Noether, this is her full name, but she goes by Emmy, and in legal docs, the rufname is underlined, so you can tell which one it is. Konrad's mother decided to follow more german naming conventions because of his german parentage from his father's side, and because her family was also very old-school. Ok! Now onto name meanings, König knows all of the meanings for his names because he has spent very long obsessing over them, because they're one of the few things he knows about his birth parents, and he finds many of meanings very ironic, and kind of sad,( imagine his commentary is from teenage/preteen König who is straight up not having a good time, and is very edgy)
Mathias means "gift of god," ("Wow! If I was such a gift, why did you use the gift receipt, mom")
Gunther means "warrior," ("I'm the epitome of bravery...", said in reference to his severe social anxiety)
Konrad means "Brave counsel," ("Same as the previous one, no comment)
Mustermann is the german equivalent of Doe, as in John/Jane Doe, and because people didn't know his parent's last name, this is what he ended up with. The né is in reference to the fact that it is no longer his last name, which is explained in the next one.
Bauer means "farmer, neighbor, fellow citizen", and is König's last name once he gets adopted at the age of 17 (and a half). We'll get to the Bauers in part 2!
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whatiwillsay · 7 months
Late to the larrie chat but it's really made me question and doubt your sources.
You said one of your sources is your gf, Gabriella because some of the 1D guys follow her and she collabed with Lottie but none of the 1D guys follow her and there's no sign of a collab with Lottie other than a makeup tutorial INSPIRED by Lottie like 10 years ago.
Gabriella seems lovely but it also seems like her prime time as a credible YouTuber has passed so she's trying to use old "dirt" to stay relevant.
So if all your sources as as watery as this one, then I'm starting to rethink anything you've ever posted about.
zayn and niall literally both follow her on twitter (receipts below) why are you lying? and she doesn’t have a gossip account but she’s certainly clued me to all the british celeb gossip she’s heard over the years. you think all the tea she’s heard over the years is no longer true because her youtube career is in a different era? does a smaller number of followers change the fabric of space time? she was friends with a girl who hung out with the guys as a groupie and saw all of them fucking different women but now that she makes little home vlogs and less makeup videos that just didn’t happen?
you can question my sources all you want but i’ve proved time and time again i have legit connections to the music industry and none of that has anything to do with gabbie. gabbie just gave me a bit more info on the guys. my main larry debunk came from a different british source who works for a record label. i also know for a fact harry was really with olivia (got in touch with harry’s neighbors).
y’all need to let larry go or at least don’t ask me for my take on it because you aren’t gonna like it.
receipts on gabbie’s twitter (screenshots she just sent me):
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and an old funny moment:
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anyway i shouldn’t have answered a larry question but i saw “new larry” and just wanted to save an innocent 😭
yall can crawl out of my ass now tho i’m begging
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leam1983 · 1 year
So... I just saw Barbie
I'm not sure what to think, honestly.
What I do know is that the gifset representing the opinions of mediocre men that's going around is, indeed, representing mediocre opinions. If anything, the movie very indirectly acknowledges the fact that men are also victims of the Patriarchy as a concept. Allan's one big scene can be played for laughs, but it can also be used to underline that men do not, in fact, uniformly identify with what's come to define the concept of masculine identity. As for Michael Cera kicking the snot out of burlier men, well - that's nothing new. See Scott Pilgrim VS The World for more info.
On the other hand, Barbie's awakening and the other Barbies' losing themselves to rules more or less assigned to them by the male gaze feels like it's missing its goalposts a bit. I understand that America Ferrera's character more or less reaches her arc in defining the complexities and injustices of womanhood, but am I being naïve in assuming that there's more to it all, more that should be expressed but isn't?
My confusion sort of mirrors the movie, honestly: it's one-third exhortation, one-third celebration and one-third denunciation, and this sort of tonal mess underscores the fact that apart from the fact that Stereotypical Barbie does find herself, nothing of importance changes - and the malaise in Ken that's at the root of the movie's conflict isn't really given proper closure.
The movie ends with Barbie becoming Barbara Ann Handler and signifying her accession to full womanhood by going to the gynecologist - which I'm sure will strike plenty of women as being simplistic - and Ken is just told to... find himself. Somehow.
Considering how both characters began as ersatzes of human beings, shouldn't they both receive a transformative arc? All Ken does is follow along, fuck up majorly, cope and apologize - and retreat back to the rear.
It's so vague I'm afraid it'll enable a ton of misinformed readings from parties better left in the dark. Will Radfems feel spoken to by the possible undertones of uselessness that defines men in the movie's thesis? Will Incels feel vindicated and excused in their toxicity? Does the movie tear down Mattel's icon to Capitalism and gender roles, or does it say that things are really so much better when Barbie's in her nice clothes and in her Dreamhouse, not making a fuss?
Honestly, I don't think it's saying anything. It's too muddled. It wants to say something, sure, but it's a thing of many mouths and many of them spew truth as much as they do lies and exaggeration, if not while coyly eluding to feel-good reactionary crap. I think Greta Gerwig wanted to speak to everyone in Barbie's audience - from the kids who played with their dolls as intended to the weird ones who grilled off strands of hair using Mom's Zippo; to even the guys who picked up a Barbie out of inclination, boredom or curiosity. She also had to allay Corporate's fears, I'm sure, and toss in a bone for bored parents expecting their quota of referential humour for grown-ups...
It's a lot. This movie is, simply speaking, a lot.
I can't say it's bad. I can't say it's good, either. It's a thematic overload and its lack of focus - from my own personal perspective - sort of makes me want to ask who this was for.
Was it for me? I didn't play with Barbie dolls as a kid; I had a yen for Barbie's convertible! It was big enough for most of my figurines, so I gave its associated Barbie to my neighbor after buying it and then stuffed the fuschia conveyance with all manner of Crash Test Dummies, Ninja Turtles, LEGO and Playmobil figures! My Barbie convertible turned into the receptacle for Nickelodeon GAK slime! Barble herself never so much as stayed in my orbit! Instead, my softer, perhaps stereotypically less-"masculine" side came through my long-maintained interest and need for plushies.
Even more confusingly, none of this strikes me as a bad thing. The only thing that really comes to mind is that 1998's Pleasantville seems to want to address similar themes of self-discovery and self-refinement in ways that feel more cohesive.
So. Barbie.
It's made me feel things and ask questions. Two thumbs up for Greta Gerwig, I guess? The box-office sure seems to think so; quite likely deservedly!
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pbandjesse · 8 months
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I am feeling just slightly stressed out. I think I am just very tired. I am feeling better but I am just exhausted.
It was a pretty good day. I slept alright. And woke up feeling fine. Getting up was hard. But I got myself together and James made the bed and gave me my lunch and offered to carry my drinks to the car but I was alright. I just wanted to leave with them.
I was surprised that the car had frost all over it. I didn't want to scrap it off the glass so I waited for the car to warm up and watched James bike off. I didn't have to wait long.
It was a fine drive to camp. I don't know why but I did not wear my puffer jacket and I was very cold outside even with a sweater and a fleece. I would be inside for the majority of the day though and would be fairly comfortable.
I drove up to arts first to drop off all my large stuffed animals. Some will probably still come home but for now at least they have a safe place to be. Once those were put away I went back down to the office.
I could see over at the nurse's office there were some work trucks. I wasn't sure what part they were working on but they were doing something.
When I got to the office I microwaved my breakfast and set myself up. I drew the card for my neighbor's. I wrote out some well wishes and told them I was sorry I couldn't do more. It was nice to draw. I was in a drawing mood.
I would actually do some more prep work for my daily sticker project. Just getting some early work done so if I fall behind I will have something to fall back on. Especially since everything is so busy right now. And it's only going to get worse. Not at work but in life. And it was nice to work on the style I'm going for.
As I was drawing I saw the men from the nurses office walk over. They came in the office and said they needed the nurse key and that they would be back to work in the basement. They were very nice. I texted our office group chat and told them we had men in the basement. Which is the most ominous way to say that. But it was true!
Eventually everyone else came in. I told them about the detectives coming to my house. And the card I wrote. I had James print that to give to the neighbors and apparently Jessica thought it was incredibly sweet. I'm glad no one thinks it's weird. I just felt like it was the least I could do.
It would be a nice day. I would have emails to write and some things to create for sending interest emails out for staff. Me and Sarah would also do a bunch of research to find vendors to email about possibly being a part of our music festival. That took a surprisingly long time because we had to find emails and not everyone made that easy!!
I did get a lot of reading done today too. I finished my book about the 1793 yellow fever endemic. It was very interesting and honestly while it was sad it wasn't as bad as I anticipated. There was some hope at the end. I do wish they did an epilog like the Dear America ones do but that's okay. I still enjoyed it.
The day would go pretty fast. At one point Dad asked me to call and we discussed some house stuff. And he asked if I could try installing zippers in some of his pants. I can sure try! He's sending them with Mom tomorrow. And I will do my best to get that done ASAP. It was also just nice to talk to him. He sounded healthy. And he's really proud of us about the house and that feels good.
I am a little stressed though because Jennifer, the loan processor, asked for some information from me but when I followed up with what I think is what she's asking for she didn't say anything! I wish she would send confirmation emails but she didn't with the last documents either and it just stresses me so bad. Especially on a holiday weekend. Like girl. Please just tell me this is what you need so we aren't going to have to push back the closing. James thinks it was the correct info though so fingers crossed I guess.
I am excited though. Like it's happening. That's so cool. I'm going to miss this apartment a lot but this is new! This is going to be great! And if I keep that energy it will be true even if it is hard.
The end of the day came pretty fast. I was ready to get out of there, mainly because I was excited to go hang out with Callie. I said goodbye to everyone and they reminded me that MLK day is Monday. But I already don't work on Mondays so it didn't matter to much. But I hope they all enjoy the extra day and I'll see them Tuesday.
On my drive my blood sugar felt incredibly low. My hands started shaking. I sent Callie a text I would need to run to the grocery store to grab a piece of a pizza. And she was totally cool about it. I just couldn't think and needed food immediately.
As soon as I parked I saw her and we walked over and I quickly got my pizza and basically inhaled it. I was actually able to talk and focus once I ate and I was slightly embarrassed that I got that bad. But she was cool about it and she filled the air while I couldn't talk.
We went over to amazing glaze and I finished eating my pizza and we decided what to paint. She picked a tiny trinket dish and I got a pasta bowl/plate. I have done this shape before buts its one I go for at home a lot so it seemed right.
And I had so much fun painting. She filled me in about school. I filled her in about the house. She painted a bunny and I painted a bedroom with little beads all tucked in. I impressed the workers which is all I'm ever trying to do. And while we were there for 2 hours, and I for sure could have been there longer, I am super proud of my piece.
I really enjoyed Callie's company. We talked about camp and life and she offered to help us move because she's great. And I had a very good time.
We finished up a little after 630. Just as the rain started. We hugged and said goodbye. And it really felt like we left at the perfect time because right after I got home the storm picked up and got very heavy and very windy. I was happy to be home.
But I was in a weird mood. While me and Callie were painting I texted James something time sensitive and they didn't answer me. It was going in 40 minutes and I finally called them and asked them to answer my texts and I hate the this is something we continue to struggle with. It's literally the only thing in our relationship that makes me angry. And it's because it makes me feel like I can't call them in an emergency. And it upsets me really bad. And they felt terrible but it doesn't fix it. And I just want them to try to be better.
So my mood was sour but I'm sure I also was just tired and it made things feel worse. James did tell me they knocked on our neighbor's door and gave them my card and apparently she was super grateful and told James if I didn't call her husband could have died. And I am horrified that it was that bad. I am glad that he's home. I'm glad I was able to help. I still wish I could have done more.
James was in the kitchen doing something for a long time. I opened the mail and texted my mom about tomorrow. I'm really excited to have her and my aunt visit. I just have to be well rested for it!!
I took a shower. I was hurting a bit. My lip has been doing better and I didn't wear a bandaid today. But then I hit the wound with the zipper of my fleece and it hurt so deeply and continued to hurt for hours. Cleaning it in the shower also hurt but I am still trying to baby it. It's getting better but it's still split. At least it's not as swollen.
I am in bed now. And I am very very ready to sleep. We are going to have a long day tomorrow.
Mom and aunt Nadine will be here for brunch. And then we are going to the visionary museum. And I'm really hoping for a good day. I hope you all sleep well and have a nice day tomorrow. Be careful in the heavy winds. I love you all. Goodnight!!
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lovextriangle · 3 years
Imagine Thorin before The Unexpected Journey
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a/n: early release draft, I’ll probably edit more later!
You were never one to fall for the brooding type, but there was no stopping for the inevitable.
The dwarves showed up out of nowhere. They were passing through Gondor on their way to Dunland where Thror, Thrain, and Thorin had decided that place was their best option. Many of their following had dwindled, most headed for the Blue Mountains or the Iron Hills. Dunland was a place of no importance, it was just a place for them to seek refuge. They had no plans of staying there, for the true goal was to take back their home, Erebor. Though a plan like that already had people grimacing for the bloodshed was still fresh and the loss was many. How could they overcome a beast that had defeated them so easily on their own home front.
They needed allies, they needed help, not from men, and definitely not from the elves, but from their own people, dwarves assisting other dwarves. That is what Thorin thought anyways. But with supplies running low and spirits at an all time downward spiral, they would have to start from the ground up.
About a month after the traveling dwarves had passed through Gondor and finally settled into the neighboring Dunland, Thorin seeked out work. The big city was the best place to look for it, though no one cared about the tragedies a person had been through, if you had no talent or skill, you wouldn’t find a job. Luckily dwarves were brimming with skills and their expertise was known for crafting weapons. The grandson of the King Under the Mountain, became a blacksmith of Gondor for the sake of putting food on the table. He had a perpetual frown on his face as if it was engraved there permanently.
He had all the reason to be, rumors spread fast in Gondor of what had happened to the dwarves and the almighty Smuag, the terror of their lifetime. Everyone was afraid of what the dragon would do next. Most thought that the dwarves would bring it with them somehow, as if they carried bad luck. So Thorin was well aware of how much the people of Gondor didn’t want him there. He wasn’t wanted anywhere. But the skills he possessed as a smith kept his employer from kicking him to the curb like others had done before.
“Another fine piece of weaponry Thorin. The next order is a pair of long swords,” grunted Izec the chief blacksmith of the establishment that Thorin worked for. Sweat ran down Thorin’s forehead as he leaned back to stretch out from the hammering position he had been in. His back ached, he had been finishing up the fine details of his last assignment, the entirety had taken three days, the last five hours he had just completed. He was tired and in need of a break. But Thorin liked pushing himself past that point nowadays. He didn’t really care much about his body at all, he was angry all the time, and it felt good to hammer down something that would bend to his will. If only other things in his life went that way…
“Take a lunch and be back before long, ya hear?”
Thorin only gave a nod as he wiped the sweat from his hands onto his pants as he took his leave from the shop. It was midday in Gondor and people were everywhere. The weather was hot and stuffy, no summer time breeze in the air, Thorin guessed it was just his luck. He had eaten at a couple of stands in the past, the food men served were at least better than elves but it was nothing like home. Weaving through the crowds, he ignored the glances he got, it wasn’t exactly rare to see a dwarf in Gondor but this was definitely the birthplace of men.
He hadn’t been to this particular meal stand before, he was complacent enough to try it since the others hadn’t left a lasting impression for him to seek them out. He just wanted a good, quick meal to regain his strength and head back to work.
“What’ll it be?” Thorin had to take a slight step back to take in the whole menu. “Roast will do.” His response was a curt reply, quick and ready to move on. “7 shillings,” you matched his reply, not really wanting to drag out the conversation either. This was only business after all. Out came a pouch from one of his pockets as he gathered the correct amount. You hadn’t exactly been looking directly into his eyes, just glancing over everything else about him.
He was dirty, a hard working dwarf. Long dark hair, that was thick but not matted. He took care of himself or at least his hair. His cheeks had what looked like dirt or maybe ash from a fire. Dwarves were usually blacksmiths around here so you took an educated guess. “You work with Izec?” you hadn’t intended to ask out loud but it seemed you couldn’t help yourself. There was a reason for asking after all.
Thorin met your gaze, ice cold irises told you one thing. That he wanted his meal and to be left alone. “Yes.” The one word reply, a clear warning to not ask anymore questions. “I’ve placed an order for a piece of metal myself..” it was a low response from you as you had gauged his reaction. He didn’t seem curious or to care about the details of what you had ordered at Izec’s. With that you gave him his meal and he gave you the shillings.
“Thanks.” He was gone, not stopping at any of the nearby tables set up to sit and eat. You watched as he parted ways, and wondered if he would come to your stand another day. Such cold eyes, you had the feeling he wouldn’t. Lunch hour was busy, and more customers took up your thoughts and as soon as the dwarf had came he disappeared from your mind.
A week passed before Thorin decided he had a particular craving. He had thoroughly enjoyed the roast from last time, and had wanted to stop by again. He had lasted a week only because he did not wish to be remembered, he simply wanted the good food and nothing more. Chitchat could wait until after he had reclaimed Erebor. But Thorin found that you simply couldn’t just hand him over the meal without at least one question being asked.
“How’s work?”
“What’s it like being a smith?”
“What do you think of Gondor?”
“You must really like roast, would you like to try our roasted chicken?”
No matter the angry stares or the frustrated sighs, Thorin would respond begrudgingly to each question. He liked the chicken now too, and from the four more times he had stopped by (on different days of course) it was quite apparent that this was his favorite food stand now. Because of the appetizing meals. Not because of your curious brown gaze. Our the sprinkle of freckles that were cast across your face. You had steady hands too, careful in passing and gentle in receiving. The few times your fingers had touched when he had exchanged his money had given him surprising chills. Your touch was quite cold and felt foreign from his hot temperatures.
It was getting a little easier to talk with one another. But Thorin didn’t make it to where it was ever a fluent conversation. He was only here for one thing after all. “Do you eat at Izec’s?” You decided to use up your one question on that this time. If you had counted right this would be your fifteen encounter and you still hadn’t caught his name, they just had so many other interesting things to know first, but you were getting pretty curious about that particular piece of info.
“Yes.” Thorin nodded, and the exchanged of meal for money transpired. You decided you weren’t satisfied, “Well isn’t it a bit stuffy to eat in there?” Thorin had taken one step away, “Sometimes” he agreed, not very happy that this was turning into more than the one usual question. “Well you could eat by the stand.. I give out complementary bread to my customers who do.” This was a lie, but maybe some enticing fresh bread would make him stay a little longer. “Maybe next time…” He wasn’t buying it, or maybe he wasn’t that hungry, or maybe he didn’t want to answer anymore questions. Whatever the reason, he was gone before you could talk him into it further.
Your sigh was obvious as it was loud.
“Maybe he’s just not into ya”
Your eyes immediately rolled, “Can it Howser.” The neighboring stand was a flower seller. He sold beautiful orchids when in season. But he was terribly nosy. “Well I’m just sayin, he’s only ever given you one-worded responses. Can’t get much dryer than that!” He laughed to himself at your misery. It was true you were getting nowhere in the sense of progress. Progress in what exactly? You weren’t entirely sure, maybe you could admit you had a crush on the recluse dwarf. “Any ideas then? I’ve tried to point out at least my interest,” you glumly stated, not wanting this to turn into some laughing stock at your failures.
“How about giving up?” Howser laughed, and the laughingstock it was. You glared at him as he tried to choke back his giggling. “Thanks.” You answered sarcastically and stopped paying attention to him, to which he tried to offer real advice but was left to be ignored.
Maybe giving up would become an option if the dwarf never came back. But he did come back, and it no longer took a week in between his visits. It was more frequent which had him occupying your thoughts more than the usual. The only thing that didn’t change was how uninterested he seemed in you. Which had Howser teasing you as soon as the dwarf departed. The game of chase felt like forever until that one fateful day.
It was a Tuesday afternoon, the sun taking its course to the west. It was unusual for the dwarf to come so late and even more unusual for him to be carrying a package. “What’s th-“ Your words were cut off with the thud of the item being placed on your counter. “Your order.” Thorin replied, already knowing the answer to the unfinished question. Izec was well acquainted with most in Gondor, which made him a good businessman. But once Thorin had told him about your stand and how good the food was, it was now tasked to him to deliver the finished product.
“Thank you for bringing them, you didn’t have to,” Thorin didn’t say anything as he had been told to do so it wasn’t like he was doing you a favor. With the silence, you decided to tear the parcel excited to see the results. Two beautifully slender long swords were revealed to you. Your breath was sucked in as you saw the fine lines and detailed swirls,
“Is it to your liking?”
This was the first question, he had ever asked to you. Just that had your heart rate accelerating. You assumed he had not only brought it to you, but had been the one to create such refinery. “It is, absolutely.” You beamed and he nodded, “To what name can I thank for such hard work?” You figured now was as good as anytime to finally ask the burning question. He was a mystery man, a stranger with no name, and you couldn’t continue to go on like such.
“Thorin.” He answered and had thought to himself that you had already known since most in Gondor knew from the rumors. “Thank you Thorin, I will treasure them.” He was never one for smiles, but somehow you knew he was at least proud of his work, and satisfied in knowing that you would be the one the wield them. You were positively optimistic in thinking that things would only get better with the two of you from here as he walked away. You let him go with no questions trailing him. With his back turned he held up his hand in departure, you couldn’t hold back your grin.
“Until next time,”
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narrators-journal · 3 years
Step one
Hoo boy, this one is potentially dark as fuck, so remember that this is entirely fantasy. Do not think this is healthy or copy anything here.
Cw: heavy heavy nsfw. Drugging, b+e, somnophilia, Illumi gets possessive lowkey
previous part: here
First part: here
Illumi used the month or so you were closed off and mourning to try and dig up as much intimate info on you as he could, from childhood fears to how many times you've had sex. With this knowledge added to his collection, the last thing he needed to do was set up a cover story, than introduce himself. If this fails, she can be killed, or trained He told himself as he read through your social media on his laptop, ignoring a nagging sense of dread he hadn't felt since his first solo kill as a child.
The cover story was easy enough, murdering the people across the street from your home was boringly simple, setting them up to die of heart attacks and a break in, waiting out the investigation, nothing new to the assassin. By the time things had cleared up there, you were beginning to cheer up anyway, which was good, it'd be easier for Illumi to court you if you weren't verging into suicidal territory. Finally, the day came when he moved into the home, much to the teary refusal of his mother.       "I'm not leaving permanently," Illumi assured her the day he moved out, taking only a duffel bag of clothing with him, the issue was that his mother was holding him in a hug and refusing to let go. "You were so excited for me to be courting a woman, you can't sob and cling to me when I need to move out to properly 'woo' her." His voice was level and uninterested, as always, though on the inside he did feel a bit of reluctance at leaving, which was why he guessed he didn't use a lot of force to remove his mother's iron grip.        "I know, but why can't you go about the process from home?" she blubbered, Illumi's father standing a bit behind her sighing at her antics,              "To build up proper propinquity I need to be near her a lot, I cannot do that from here while also doing my work. Besides, it is relatively frowned upon for a 24 year old to still be living with their parents, so I need to have my own place for...the later portion." Sadly, even logic didn't calm Kikyo down, so Silva was forced to pry her from Illumi and simply wished the long haired assassin well as the man left. To atone for the sin of leaving the Zoldyck estate, Illumi was required to call his mother at least once a day, but other than that, he was free to live across the street from you when he wasn't working. This set up proved to be very useful, as it allowed him to linger on the street without suspicion, watch you from his windows, and it gave him more opportunities to run into you 'organically', despite having your meager outing schedule memorized already, and more. The day he moved in properly, Illumi was helping a trio of butlers move furniture in, trying to seem as normal as possible since he could see you sitting on your porch, getting some fresh air while also watching your new neighbor curiously. It's good to see her out at least, vitamin D is necessary for good health. he thought as he moved the last bit of strategically aged furniture into the home, letting the butlers return home after that. If he was to blend in, he'd have to slum it for a while after all. Though, he could put up with that as long as you stayed as friendly as you were the first night he was there. It was pretty late, the dark hours cooling the relatively warm air of the late spring day when he heard a knock at the door, but when he opened, there you were, your (h/l), (h/c) hair pulled away from your face, in a (f/c) jacket and some of your nicer casual clothes,       "Hello! I'm sorry if you were asleep or anything, but I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood!" you chirped, your kind smile making something weird happen to his heart, but he hid that, not wanting to scare you by saying he was having a heart attack,      "Ah, hello miss. No, I was just trying to cook some dinner, not to worry." he assured, watching you relax a bit before tilting his head, "I'm sorry if this is curt, but have we met?" he asked, your (e/c) eyes shining with confusion for a moment before realization washed that away,       "Oh! you're the man I bumped into at that party!" he mimicked your stunned reaction, chatting a bit before you heard angry sizzling from his kitchen, the sound earning a concerned look from you. "Um?? Should you step outside?" you suggested, and when he looked in your eyes again, he saw that undeserved concern in those captivating orbs. That weird feeling returned in response, but Illumi repressed it once again,        "No, I believe that's just my food," he said nonchalantly, watching your expression change to panic, it was so intriguing to see how expressive you were compared to his family,        "Maybe you should go check on it??" you urged gently, the panicked look in your eyes compelling the empathy-less assassin to do as you said, so he nodded simply and returned to the pot of boiling water that was leaking with angry bubbles splashing water onto the burner. He simply turned the stove off and returned to you once the water had settled again. You were still there, nervously peeking in to try and check on him he assumed.        "Why didn't you come in?" He asked, making you jump,        "I-I wasn't invited, it's rude to just walk in." you pointed out, and he mentally kicked himself for forgetting that fact briefly. Though he verbally just sighed in defeat, running a hand through his long, silky hair.         "Actually, would it be uncouth of me to maybe ask if you would help me with something?" He asked, and when you shook your head he reluctantly continued, "You see, my family is rather well off, so I've...never learned to cook. Would you maybe teach me how to make the food?" He asked, and he liked to think it was the power of his natural charm that made you agree, not the pitiful mask of helplessness he put on. Either way though, you were now inside of his new home. Could this be considered a date? Illumi mused as he followed your instructions to bring the water to a boil again and put the store-bought noodles into the rolling liquid, People cook together as a date, so this should count as a date. He decided after a moment of watching you prepare food, following your orders until the two of you had managed to make a rather respectable looking dinner. He cemented this occassion's 'date' status by handing you a plate,          "It's fair that since you helped make it, you eat some of it with me." he pointed out when you went to refuse his offering. After that, the two of you sat in his living room in silence, neither making the first move to speak. For Illumi, the silence was comfortable, it gave him time to judge the weird thing that had happened with his insides. He wasn't dead, and the warm, fluttery sensation was fading, so it didn't seem to be fatal. I should get the family doctor to check me over. he decided as he ate, finally glancing over at you while you sat on the opposite end of the couch. Judging by the tension in your limbs and how you radiated discomfort, you were about to bolt like a scared rabbit. That's not good...
        "so." He hummed, hoping to ease your anxiety with some conversation, plus it'd give him a chance to dig into you, "why were you at that party?" There was a stretch of silence, your mood falling again for a moment, but than you seemed to put on a fake smile for him, how sweet.         "I'm a bit shy, so my friend decided to try and hook me up with a man she worked with." you explained, shrugging it off, "He ended up ditching me for some friends when we got there, so I didn't ask for a second date." Well of course your date went badly, you're supposed to be with me, not some stranger. a dark part of him thought, than stopped. What brought that up? I haven't even decided if she's really worth 'dating'. He reminded himself, but that possessive thought still lingered a bit more than he would've liked. However, that issue was for later, right now he wanted to see just how much information he could get you to willingly tell him.       "So, are you looking for a partner?" he asked, and he just caught a bit of a flustered epression on your (s/c) face at his question. He was beginning to enjoy seeing such an expression.        "R-right now? Um..not actively, b-but I'm not against a relationship." you said, not looking at him as you spoke, your body language screaming how flustered you were. After that, the two of you simply chatted, Illumi enjoying when you fully relaxed and opened up a bit more, but what felt like only a short time later, you were thanking him for the food and leaving for your own home. The tall man was polite back, but for the third time that night, his torso felt odd inside. He wanted to ask you to stay, maybe offer you a drink and slip a sedative into it, that way you'd stay the night, but no, he refrained from stopping you. If you drug her, she'll wake up tomorrow and be terrified of you. Maybe even call the cops. He told himself as he shut his door behind you. However, the thoughts were already there, making him groan. What is going on with me?! I'm losing control of myself so easily now. he thought, rubbing his face as if that would wipe away the bubbling waves of dark lust that were once again flooding his mind with images of you naked beneath him, calling out his name, mixing with the urge to control that he usually kept a close eye on. This is absolutely pathetic. She's not even that attractive! He chided himself, glaring down at the growing bulge in his pants as if it were to blame for his urges. Which, to a point was true, but either way it still twitched, demanding to be tended to. However, he refused to masturbate again. His sperm was precious, and while he could produce quite enough to impregnate a woman despite such a shameful act, he didn't like wasting his DNA. So, for a bit, he tried to cook up ways to relieve himself, unable to shake the lustful thoughts of you. Could he wait until tomorrow and lure you over again? No, that'd leave a horrid impression of him in your mind. Maybe he could sneak some aphrodisiacs into your food and than offer to help? No, that'd take too long, and he didn't know how long he could control his lust. Around eleven or so, Illumi finally came up with a satisfactory method. So, he turned his lights off and slipped out into the cool night to slither across the street and into your dark home. It was late enough that he knew you were asleep, so he was free to make his way in and towards your bedroom, What he wasn't expecting though, was to find you sleeping on your couch, your blanket fallen to the floor, revealing your pajamas to him. The sight only seemed to throw gasoline on the fire of neglected needs within him.       "now this is simply inappropriate," he breathed, shaking his head at your baggy t-shirt and (random color) panties, "(y/n), you should know better. Such outfits should be saved for your husband." He kept his voice low, making sure not to wake you as he chided you and his lightless eyes zeroed in on the bit of panty he could see with the way your shirt was ridden up ever so slightly. teasingly. He sighed, this would make his plan easier anyway. So, he just pulled out a needle of sedative and carefully moved you so that he could get access to your neck without waking you, sticking the needle in and injecting you with the fast acting drug. Within a few moments you were certain to stir for nothing less than a natural disaster, so he was free to do whatever he wished. The assassin's body burned with lust, his cock throbbing within his pants while he moved your thighs apart, revealing more of your panties. You weren't much to look at, he'd seen prettier women, but the feeling of your perfectly malleable thigh in his hand, seeing you so complacent and welcoming for him while his hormones were so out of control, you could've passed as a goddess in that moment. He wasted no time in removing your underwear, leaving your shirt and bra on so it'd be less work afterwards, revealing your most intimate parts to him with no arguments. It gave him such a rush to see you so obediently laying on your back, your legs apart and welcoming. your vulnerability was like a form of foreplay for him, but when he ran a slender finger up your slit and realized just how dry you were, it ruined his fantasy. Though, not enough to deter him. Instead of stopping, Illumi simply pushed your shirt up with your bra, using one hand to massage your breast while he kissed down your sternum and up the soft mound of flesh. His free hand slipped between the two of you, rubbing slow circles around your clit until breathy whines and moans slipped from your lips. Carefully, he teased your nipple between his fingers, simultaneously moving up to your throat until he found the spot that made you gasp and whine in your sleep again. The only downside was despite how badly he wanted to mark you, he couldn't. He had to wait until he securely had you, until then he couldn't leave any visual evidence of his actions. So, he nibbled and kissed the spot, but didn't bite too roughly and claim you. He simply teased you, rubbing your clit, massaging your breasts or hip, and pressing hungry kisses to your unresponsive lips until he could dip his fingers down into your warmth and pull them back coated with a healthy amount of slick. With you properly aroused, he eagerly freed his throbbing dick from his pants, giving himself a few pumps before running the head up and down your slit, making you hum at the stimulation. God, how he relished how your face twitched and you groaned at the feeling of him grabbing one of your legs with one of his hands before pushing into you. God the tight warmth alone could've made him cum, but he once again held himself back. He'd gone this far, he wasn't about to squander the opportunity to indulge himself by not savoring it. No, He simply grabbed your hips once fully inside and began moving, pretty soon slapping his hips into yours roughly. He might regret being so aggressive later, when it undoubtedly left you sore, or at the very least left bruises and scratches, but right now he just enjoyed the way your pussy squeezed around him and your breasts bounced with each rough thrust into your womb. He let out a few soft noises after a bit when the waves of pleasure began fogging over his mind again. The combination of your breathy moans, your warmth squeezing around him, begging to be filled, and the possessive urge to claim you continuously driving him forward, encouraging him to go until the blinding waves of pleasure erupted and he stilled himself so that every drop of cum was safely inside of your womb. It took him longer than usual to regain his composure afterwards, but when he did he swiftly pulled out, pulling his pants up and slipping your panties back onto you before too much of his essence escaped. He grimaced at the marks of his nails on your (s/c) flesh, though hopefully they would fade before you noticed. Right now though, his main priority was to get out of your home, and leave as little evidence as possible, save for his cum. He refused to feel sorry for filling his obviously needy wife with perfectly good semen. That's right. his wife. The phrase seemed to fit perfectly.
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svucarisiaddict · 3 years
If you're still taking them, #47 from the prompt list please? 😊
// there will be a part two. may even make it into a series...//
THEN CAME YOU SERIES (working title)
“Thank you. I’ll be more than happy to answer any questions after lunch,” you said to the audience. A round of applause followed your presentation.
When your business partner asked you to speak about DNA collection and testing advances, you were thrilled. Not only would new samples be run faster, but old samples could also still be run even on some that have deteriorated due to damage or age. You were excited to get the chance to share the new information. The only downside was you missed your six-month daughter, Adalyn Reese.
“Excuse me, Y/N. I’m Michael Dodds. Sorry to interrupt your lunch. Mind if I sit?” he asked, pulling a chair out and sitting his plate on the table.
“Yes, please,” you said. But, oh, holy smokes, he had gorgeous green eyes. You shook your head. “Uh, what can I help you with, Michael?” you asked.
He took a sip of water. “I’m a sergeant with Manhattan SVU. I think my precinct would benefit from your presentation.”
“Of course. What precinct?” you asked.
“We’re the 16th precinct on East 51st. My commanding officer is Olivia Benson,” he informed you.
“Great. I live in Murray Hill so I’m close,” you said as you pulled your datebook from your bag.
“I live close to Bryant Park. We’re practically neighbors. We should get coffee or lunch sometime,” he offered.
“I’d like that.” A big smile crossed your lips. Was he flirting? No, probably just business.
“Oh, here this fell from your book,” he said, picking something off the floor. “Is this your daughter?” he asked, passing a picture to you.
“Thank you,” you said. “Yes, that’s my daughter, Adalyn,” you answered. “She’s six months old.”
Mike smiled. “She’s beautiful.”
“Yeah, she is,” you said softly. “She’s with my parents while I’m here.”
You and Mike conversed for a few more minutes. Mike was very easy to talk to and not to mention he was very handsome.
“I have taken enough of your time. Here is my card,” he said, reaching into his pocket. “My desk and work phone are on the front, and my personal cell is on the back,” he explained.
You gave him a business card with your info as well. “It was nice meeting you, Michael.”
“The pleasure was all mine. I look forward to hearing from you,” he said.
“Bye, Addy! Momma loves you!” you said to your six-month-old daughter later that evening. “I’ll be home tomorrow evening,” you told your Mom when she turned the screen back to her face. “Thanks again for keeping her.”
“Oh, honey. I’ve enjoyed having her. How are things going with the conference?” she asked.
“It’s going well,” you responded. “I already have a couple of precincts that want me to present to their staff.”
“That’s wonderful, darling,” she said.
“Yeah, and one of the sergeants, Michael, lives just a few blocks from me. He is in Manhattan SVU. I had a great conversation with him. We’re going to meet up for coffee to discuss things more,” you explained.
A smile crossed your Mom’s lips. “He seems very nice. I’m glad to hear you’re meeting new people, especially after…” she trailed off, and the smile fell from her face. “I’m sorry, dear,” she apologized.
“It’s okay, Mom. I’m going to get off here and get some dinner,” you said. “Love you.”
“Love you too, my darling girl.”
After the phone call with your Mom, you went to the hotel restaurant. No tables left, of course. “How long is the wait for a table for one?” you asked the hostess.
She glanced up from the podium. “About 30 minutes. There is one person ahead of you.”
“Hey, you can sit with me,” a familiar voice behind you said.
When you turned, it was Michael. “Oh, no. That’s ok.”
Michael stood from the bench where he was waiting. He had changed from a suit into a pair of jeans and a fitted sweater. “Please. I hate dining by myself. You would be doing me a favor.” He flashed you a sweet smile.
“So, have you lived in New York your whole life?” Michael asked after the hostess sat you and took your drink and meal order.
“From the time I was two. My father was in the army and stationed in Italy when I was born. After that, he taught at West Point until he retired,” you explained.
“West Pointe. That’s impressive,” Michael said.
“What about you?”
“I lived in Chicago for a while growing up. I enlisted in the army after college. Then went to the police academy. Been in New York for about ten years,” Michael said. “How did you get into forensic science?”
The conversation continued through dinner and into dessert. And you didn't want it to end. You could talk to Michael all night. Not only did he have good stories, but he also listened to what you had to say. In the little time you spent with Michael, you knew there was a deep connection. You just hoped he felt the same.
After dinner, Michael invited you to take a walk in the hotel's courtyard. It was a beautiful but chilly autumn evening. You rubbed your hands up and down your arms.
“Here,” Michael said, offering you his sweater.
“Thanks,” you said with a smile when he draped it over your shoulders. It was warm and smelled of his cologne.
“Listen. I want to ask you a question, and please don’t take offense,” he stated. Michael scratched the back of his neck. He was nervous, you could tell.
You furrowed your brow. “Ok. Shoot.”
“Are you married? In a relationship?” He stopped and gauged your reaction.
Shaking your head, you answered his question. “None taken. I’m single,” you continued. “I can explain Adalyn’s father-”
Michael held up a hand. “Not my business. I only asked because I like you and I think that you like me-”
Turning, you grabbed Michael’s T-shirt. “Would you just shut up and kiss me?”
Michael grinned. “Yes, ma’am.”
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murderslugs · 4 years
Slasher Bf/Gf Scenarios/Imagines! || Meeting Them
Jason Voorhees (Friday The 13th)
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You were out with friends, and it was getting awfully late. But still, there you were, with a flashlight and a backpack with a first-aid kit, some snacks, and water in it, just in case, walking through the abandoned camping trail with your friends. You guys had grown up in a town not too far away from the little old camp, and you’d heard all the stories that surrounded the place. For years you had just dismissed it, you all had passed it off as a local legend or rumor, but still there was a little spark of curiosity. Of course, this is what led you to where you reside now, exploring the camp in search of something peculiar, maybe a story to tell.
“Maybe we should go home...It’s late and I’m not feeling well..” your friend, Ruby, said wearily. It was true, you could see the illness in her dark, drooping eyelids. “Oh, bullshit! You’re fine, just drink some water and go throw up on a tree or something!” another friend yelled out. You just rolled your eyes. “Shut up! She doesn’t look too good, Otis! I think I should bring her back to the car to sit down.” You said with concern. To the dismay and groaning of the group, they let you and Ruby on your way back down the trail and to the car while they continued down the path. 
As you made your way to the car, Ruby fell close behind in your steps. Your flashlight flickered continually, and then suddenly gave out; leaving you two in the dark, and the pale moon barely illuminating through the trees above you. “Shit,” you muttered to yourself, hitting the battery pack to the light repeatedly. “Stop, quiet,” Ruby whisper-shouted. That’s when you heard the rustling of the branches getting closer. Closer. Closer. “Maybe we shou…” You turn around, to see Ruby gone. 
“Ruby? Ruby?!” You shouted out, to no response. You turned frantically, searching for any sign of her presence. A large man in a ski mask and an old, ruined jacket stood before you, silent. Before you could turn to run or get around him, you felt a sudden pressure on the side of your head, and then you saw black.
Michael Myers (Halloween)
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It was Halloween night, and you were home from college for fall break. Your mom insisted that you took your younger sister trick-or-treating, even though you refuted that she was 12 years old, and could handle herself. So, you just took her block to block instead and sat on the corner of the street for her to walk down to the other end and get to all the houses. It was a small town, so there were never really concerns about kidnapping and such. It was just never a problem, you guess. 
“Go, Riley. You’re a big kid, you can go down the street.” You groaned, tired of her constant whining. “But (y/nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn), It’s dark down there!! There’s not a street light at the end!!” she whined insistently. You sighed heavily and pulled your phone out of your pocket. “Here. You can use the flashlight on my phone, just don’t snoop through my info.” You told her, handing over the old smartphone, and pulling a pumpkin-shaped sucker from her trick-or-treat bag. “You owe me this.” 
You unwrapped the cheap candy and popped it into your mouth, leaning on the house fence as your sister skipped down the sidewalk. The leaves rustled in the trees, and suddenly you heard footsteps behind you, and whipped around to see who it was. It was on the quieter side of town, and it was getting late. This meant that there shouldn’t be many people out, so there shouldn’t be someone behind you. But still, you came face-to-chest with a tall man in a dark blue jump-suit type outfit, and a white mask. You panicked, and thought quickly about how to fight back. Unfortunately, he seemed to be faster than you, and your mouth was covered as you were picked up and carried off into the darkness, legs kicking uselessly. 
Carrie White (Carrie)
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You were at the library when you saw a pale girl browsing through the young adult fantasy section. You observed her actions, as she readjusted her dress and collar. She carefully picked a book from the shelf and flipped it to the back to read the description. You saw a flash of the cover, and realized it was one of your favorite series, Chronicles of Narnia. You hesitated but stepped forward in a bit of excitement.
“That’s a good one, I, um, really recommend checking it out.” You told her with a smile, and she looked up, seemingly a bit taken aback. You realized this, and took a step back to give her space. “Sorry, didn’t mean to alarm you...I’m (y/n).” You stuck out your hand, and she just looked down at it, book in hand. “Carrie...Sorry, mama never liked me talking to strangers…” “No, no, it’s okay, I underst-” “No, it’s okay...She’s been gone a while now.” She looked down. 
You stood awkwardly, feeling a bit bad now. “You seem kind enough. I’ve got to go, but we can talk again another time. I come here every Sunday, around noon.” Carrie said quietly, smiling softly and turning, taking Narnia with her. You sat to yourself, a bit confused about the interaction. You shook your head and carried on. “Next Sunday it is,” You thought to yourself.
Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body)
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There was a new girl at school, as you had heard. How could you not have when everyone was talking about it? She had moved here recently after some sort of tragedy occured, or so you’d heard. It was rumored that she had to have surgery cause someone tried to kill her, she was all stabbed up and shit and nearly bled out. You can’t imagine how awful that would be, and you kept thinking about how she probably came here for a new start, and wouldn’t want people asking about it, but you knew it would happen anyways.
It was 3rd period, Anatomy, when a girl you’d never seen before walked into the classroom. This, of course, must have been the new girl. She was absolutely glowing, even from afar. Her hair was voluminous, rich, and dark, her skin was clear and shiny, her eyes were sharp and bright. It took your breath away trying to take in the sight. The girl’s heels clicked as she trailed to the back of the classroom, to where you were. She sat beside you, at the lab table. 
You tried not to look at her, after all, you didn’t want to seem weird. You looked at the floor and over to her shoes. A few drips of a thick, crimson substance were on the floor beneath her, seemingly originating from her shoe. You wondered for a moment if she was hurt. Or, could she have hurt someone else..? It scared you a bit to think about the second option. God knows this school didn’t need another bully, or anything worse than it.
You were tranced, stuck in your own looming dark thoughts, when a velvet voice came to your ears. You snapped your glance up from the floor, to see the girl looking at you, specifically. To your dismay, blood rushed to your face out of embarrassment. “I’m Jennifer. Do you have a pen I can use?”
Billy Loomis (Scream)
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You were in your brand new house, you had moved out and into the next town over from your parents. You wanted to be further away, but you knew that your mom would be upset, she was always so protective. She even said that she expected you to come visit her on the weekends. The relationship was a bit exhausting sometimes. But now, you were in your own house, and it was great. You could decorate it however you wanted, you could have whoever you wanted over, you could do basically whatever.
Though, for now, you decided to just make some off-brand pizza rolls and blare some music, maybe even dance around a little bit. Season Of The Witch by Donovan was playing on your stereo when suddenly your phone rang. You paused the music, and quickly answered. Normally, you would check the caller ID, but you were in a good mood and it completely slipped your mind. I mean, who cares if it's a scam caller? You can just hang up. To your surprise, it wasn’t a familiar voice, but didn’t seem to be a scam-caller. Maybe a wrong number? 
“Do you like scary movies?” The other line said. You were suspicious, and for a second you considered that maybe it was a survey. It didn’t seem to be a harmful question, so you replied, “Yeah, duh. If you don't, you're pretty lame.” You turned the music back on, but turned the volume down. He asked a few follow-up questions, and you gave your honest answers. You just strolled around the kitchen, occasionally checking the timer on your food so that it doesn’t burn. 
You had your phone pressed between your ear and your shoulder, and you had on oven mitts as you grabbed your pizza rolls from the oven. “What’s your name?” The caller suddenly asked. You paused for a second as you put the cooking sheet on the counter. “Why do you wanna know..” You asked cautiously. “Well, I wanna know the name of the cutie I’m looking at.” He said, and your heart damn near stopped. “Excuse me..?” You hung up and quickly ran to the doors, double-checking the locks and locking the windows and shutting the curtains. You grabbed a knife from the silverware drawer and locked yourself in your room, where you eventually fell asleep in the dark silence.
Thomas Hewitt (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
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You had just moved out to the country-side to start anew, planning to start a small farm and just live in peace on the quiet little land. Little did you know, you had neighbors across the field that weren’t exactly the type of neighbors that you could ask for a cup of sugar. You were hanging the new drapes for the windows after having taken the old ones down. They were old, dirty, ragged. Honestly, the old farmhouse was sort of let to rot for a while, and you knew it. It was cheap though, and you were up to the challenge. You decided that you would decorate it, clean it up, and make it like brand new, even with the little money that you had. 
As you were hanging the drapes, you kept looking out into the distance of the rolling fields outside the window, littered with patches of wild flowers in the grass. You fantasized about making gardens, maybe even building a little stable for a horse or two. It was a lovely thought; there was a small village a little while away from the farm that you could ride a horse to if you wanted. 
Though, some distance away in the field, you saw the figure of what looked to be a man wandering in the field. You weren’t too worried, as you had all the locks in place, it was the middle of the day, and he looked peaceful. So, you just forgot about it and went on fixing up your house, unpacking, and getting the rest of the things in place. Although you had been there about a week, you still understandably weren’t completely unpacked. 
A few hours later, you were doing a bit of drawing on the couch and taking some time to relax. That’s when you heard a thud on your door. Just a single thud, that’s all. Still, you had reason to be concerned, as you were sort of in the middle of the country and it was starting to set into the evening. You quietly walked to your bedroom and grabbed a shotgun from the closet that you kept for protection, a tradition in your family. You carried it with you as you checked the door. You looked through the thin peephole, but saw nothing. You opened the door to find a paper stuck to the door by a rusty hatchet, buried deep into the oak. Your heart rate spiked as you tore the note from the door and read it. “Welcome to the neighborhood, pretty person” was spelled in crude handwriting.
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im-whatchamccallit · 4 years
Crushcrushcrush//Kim Hongjoong (ATEEZ)
Request:  Hi i was wondering if you could do a soulmate werewolf hongjoong x human female reader angst and fluff like she over hears hongjoong saying something and she gets sad and shy and worried and stuff.....
Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst with fluff at the end, Werewolf!AU, Soulmate!AU, a bit of College!AU
Warnings: Hongjoong’s kind of a dick with irrational thinking, cussing I guess
Word Count: 7.2k
(A/N: Lets just pretend I didn’t disappear for 6 whole months, but i am back and my medication is no longer giving me the big sad so I’m a little more motivated to write.This isn’t the best work I’ve done, this is actually idea 10 for this prompt and idk if it’s executed properly but Imma keep trying and hopefully, to keep from falling back into a slump, I’ll start a new series so I have a regular scheduled fic for everyone. Also, I think I botched expressing the AUS here but just let me know what you think. Sorry for always disappearing, I can’t promise I won’t go off the grid again but I’ll try harder to be active in anyway)
Your mother always said crushes stayed crushes for a reason: they hurt. Bad. But you thought she was wrong, that your feelings for someone could one day be reciprocated later if not sooner, and that’s what led you to him. Kim Hongjoong. The day you met was a complete accident, your body slamming into his as you wandered aimlessly during your freshman year of high school. He was gorgeous with wide brown eyes, beautiful pink lips and cheeks, his hair styled differently from the other boys to reveal his forehead, showing his individuality. He was perfection.
“I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” Those were the first words he spoke to you, his voice so gentle, so sweet. And the way he reached out to help you with no hesitation, holding your hands as he pulled you up effortlessly.
It was love at first sight, all until he looked down to your hands, eyes catching a glimpse of your wrist, a row of zeros peeking through the sleeve of your uniform jacket. He slowly pushed the fabric up, both your eyes widening to see your soulmate clock had finally timed out, his hands releasing yours to check his own wrist, a quiver to his lips as his clock matched yours, his once soft eyes now hard as he stared you down.
“Stay far away from me.” He warned, not saying another word as he headed to his homeroom, your body frozen as you watched him disappear. He was so harsh, yet you liked him. Maybe suddenly finding his soulmate scared him, but it was no problem to you! You were bound to end up together so you played the waiting game with him, being the perfect soulmate you could possibly be whether he accepted it or not.
And that led you here, now seniors in college and still acting the way you were when you met. Hongjoong was still cold, treating you like some plague while you could only smile along. You weren’t sure how you missed the fact you lived in a predominantly werewolf area until a public service announcement came on your television one night to remind humans to stay indoors during the full moon, that night dedicated to werewolves being as free as they could be, but it made you even more hopeful when you were on your way home from work one night, taking a shortcut through the woods since it lead right to your backyard.
You were 16 at the time, so the sight of a shirtless person would obviously make you flustered, but a shirtless Hongjoong? Enough to cause a nosebleed. He was 16 as well, the exact age a werewolf develops a mate bond and, seeing as you’ve already been confirmed as soulmates in the human world, the sudden desire to latch onto you and never let you go once you locked eyes only made your lifelong attachment more real, and he was freaking out. He didn’t speak, opting to shift without removing the remainder of his clothes, your eyes wide as he moved deeper through the thick trees and towards the horizon where the orange sky was in full view and, the grin on your face just couldn’t stop growing. You knew werewolves had a stronger drive to their mates, so the idea that he could avoid you forever was laughable. Sure, you were both 23 and he has uped his disdain for you from staying silent to calling you any vile name he could think of, but it was only a matter of time before he came around. You just knew it.
“(Y/n), stop gawking.” Miyeon joked, poking your side to snap you from your daydreams, your eyes widening when you noticed a few of Hongjoong’s friend’s catching your gaze, a blush painting your face as you turned away.
“I wasn’t gawking, just making sure their table was okay. I am their waitress tonight.”
“And every other night because you said, and I quote, ‘I wanna work at any table my Joongie’s going to be at!’” She mocked, your eyes rolling as you looked back towards them.
You took a job at a diner just a few blocks from both your apartment and college campus, the pay great and the distance convenient. It was the only time you had to yourself instead of lingering to Hongjoong, figuring out his classes and breaks to give him snacks and lunches you’d personally make for him since you overheard him complain about the campus food before, only to be told they tasted like shit and he’d find his own food. It was a bit of a kick to the face to hear that, but you had one saving grace: his pack. The first time Hongjoong sent you away with a bitter remark, they were curious about you, tracking you down when they weren’t with their alpha to get more info on who you were and what you found so loveable about the man treating you like some demon. They were surprised by how sweet you were and how accepting you were to be the unwanted luna of an eight-wolf pack. They could never hate Hongjoong but they sure as hell loved you just a little more than him. Unbeknownst to both of you, Yunho and Mingi found out where you worked, making a plan with the others to take Hongjoong there as much as possible so he would have no choice but to interact with you, even if he stayed silent to not appear like an asshole in front of the various strangers dining as well. Hongjoong would honestly never return if he had the choice, but something about the restaurant’s signature burger kept bringing him back, which is why he was here, sipping his soda angrily as he waited on his meal that would be served by his worst nightmare, you.
“I don’t know why you don’t just find someone else. Isn’t it easy for humans to reject soulmates? You could move on with no problems.” She said, helping you grasp onto the steel tray covered in various meals, a huff leaving you as you put on a bright smile.
“Because I know it’s harder to move on for wolves. You guys don’t have a choice on who your mates are, and you just accept it once you meet them. I know Hongjoong will accept me eventually, it’s just gonna take some time.” You gave one more smile before wobbling towards the table in question.
Hongjoong tried not to follow the gaze of his pack as they watched you happily approach them, letting out a huff as you adjusted the tray onto your shoulder, grasping the plates and placing them in front of the respective person, Hongjoong’s nose twitching at the smell of his burgers and fries, not wasting anytime to dig in as the other’s thanked you, but you shyly looked at the male before you, the tray pressed to your chest as you tried to find a casual way to speak with him.
“I-uh- I-I remembered last time you asked for extra cheese, so I decided to put cheese in the burger too! I hope you like it better than the tofu stew I made you for lunch the other week.”
“I didn’t ask for extra cheese this time, so why put it inside my burger where I can’t take it off?” He said spitefully, mouth still full as he set the half-eaten burger down.
Your smile faltered but bounced back as you reached towards his plate.
“O-oh! Well, I can take it back and make you another! This time I ca-“
“’This time’? You should’ve just done it from the start. Your job is to listen and do what you’re told and you can’t even do that? What can you do right?”
You swallowed hard, your eyes wandering to the people now staring at you as the scene unfolded, your heartbeat ringing in your ears as you tried to hold it together. The worst he’s called you in an idiot and that was usually under his breath, so to practically say it out loud, in front of strangers while you were in the middle of a shift and forced to do nothing but smile like you usually would, felt like you were being stabbed and burned simultaneously. You couldn’t keep smiling, looking down as you tried to apologize, only for him to cut you off once again.
“Go bother someone else. Or hide in the back if you’re just gonna keep fucking up this much.”
The space was eerily silent, even with the soft music playing, your eyes not leaving your shoes as you shuffled away. It was a pitiful sight, Seonghwa releasing a breath he didn’t realize he was holding as you went to a neighboring table to retrieve plates and glasses left by a couple from before. He was ready to tear Hongjoong’s head off, not as a gamma to an alpha but as one friend to another, his jaw tight as he prepared to berate him the way he did you but, somehow, Wooyoung beat him by asking a question none of them thought to ask before.
“What did she ever do to you that you have to treat her like that?”
There was a strange but tense silence as they awaited his answer, watching him taking small bites of his fries as he stared ahead at nothing before turning to them with what could only be described as a sadistic smirk.
“Imagine being 13 and finding out the best years of your life, the years of dating, hooking up, just discovering who you are, are gone because your mate decides to show up and take that from you.”
“Are you fucking stupid? That’s the reason we have mates, so we can do those things with one person instead of random people!” Seonghwa nearly yelled, trying to keep his voice low as to not alarm anymore spectators again.
“For the past 7 years, I’ve been trying to get her to leave or just reject me, but it’s clear to me now that she’s just an idiot that doesn’t understand she’s not needed, by me or anyone. And, if you’re as dumb as her, I’ll simplify it for you: she’s unwanted.”
Whatever pain you felt before suddenly disappeared into a numbness you couldn’t explain. He knew you were there, that you could hear him, that you would hear him, and yet he still said it. You were conflicted and sad, your lips curling in a mixture of disgust and anger before settling on a bright smile. Never mind the fact your tears finally spilled over, that your heart ached with every beat and your body felt heavy with the weight of being rejected by someone you waited so long for, you just had to smile. Soulmates were supposed to be a sure thing, supposed to be your happily ever after, yet it just turned out to be a crush, one that you should’ve let die the day you met him.
“(Y/n/n)…” Miyeon spoke cautiously as you made your way towards the bar, your other coworkers watching from beside her as if you were some strange spectacle.
“We have to start cleaning, y’know? It’ll help us get out of here a lot faster tonight.” You said in your usual cheerful tone, tears still flowing and a faint crack to your voice.
“How about you just head home for the day, (Y/n)? We can handle everything from here.” Your manager said, her eyes scanning your face as you moved past them and to the kitchen, their bodies following instinctively.
“What? No! I’m fine! We still have 4 more hours to go and I think if I get a head start with the chefs for tomorrow lunch specials I ca-“
“(Y/n), please-“
“I’m fine, Miyeon! Really! It’s not like I got broken up with or anything, I never even had a boyfriend! Just a crush on someone that thinks I’m a waste of space! Isn’t that super ironic? Spending most of your life chasing after someone that wants nothing to do with you? That’s really funny, right?” You choked out, lips pursing into a thin line to keep in your sobs but your attempts were futile, everything slowly starting to hit you at once until your body collapsed, one of the other servers catching you before you hit the ground.
It was all a blur from there, the words of comfort everyone offered turning into muffled noise as your cries of agony came out freely, the way Miyeon dragged you from the emergency exit at the back of the building and to her car to take you home, and even when you crawled into bed and managed to sleep despite the pounding headache. 7 years came and went and there was nothing to show for it. No soulmate, no boyfriend, no romance, not even a friendship. You were empty and for some reason the only thing filling your heart and mind was the person who broke you.
It felt like time stood still yet hours had passed, Hongjoong back in his own bedroom pressing away at his keyboard, stopping occasionally to write a few notes down from his new composition, but he wasn’t distracted enough to hear his door open, various footsteps entering and even a few bodies settling in on his bed, his eyes not bothering to leave his notebook as he figured this moment would come.
“You don’t need to lecture me.” He grumbled, going back to play a few more notes only to find his keyboard unplugged, Mingi tossing the cord away as his alpha stared him down.
“It’s only a lecture if you listen and learn, which you won’t, so we’re gonna make you feel as bad as possible for driving away the only person that gave a shit about you.” San said with a bright smile, a scoff leaving Hongjoong as he finally turned in his chair to face them, eyes scanning the room to see this situation wasn’t playful but truly hostile, almost like an ambush.
“So, you guys don’t care about me?”
“Trying to get you to accept your soulmate so you don’t die shows we care a lot more than we should.” Yeosang spoke, making himself comfortable as he sat against the pillow and headboard.
“But we’re the real assholes for trying to force her with someone as shitty as you.” Seonghwa finally said, Hongjoong’s head snapping in his direction as he let out a dry chuckle, shifting in his seat so he was leaning backwards, arms crossed as he told himself to stay calm during his friend’s potential tantrum.
“I feel like you have the most to say since you’ve been in love with my mate the longest, so go ahead, tell me how I’m such a bad man, Seonghwa. I’m all ears.” His smugness made the tension worse, Seonghwa stepping closer with clenched fist.
“I’m not in love with you mate, but if I didn’t know someone was waiting for me because we were fated to be together, maybe I would have asked (Y/n) out, because she deserves better than a lowlife with the brain function of a dead goldfish. But I respect her too much as your mate and my luna to not push those boundaries so I tried to help her get closer to you because I know you, Hongjoong. You’re not an asshole or a jerk, but to her? You treat her like shit, when really you’d have no one without her. You’re a short, scrawny, nerdy moron that locks himself in a dark room for days on end just to complete a single project, then emerge to eat cold pizza and watch Despicable Me because your pea-sized brain can’t comprehend anything that isn’t brightly colored animation. If you take away your alpha status, no girl would even look in your direction but you have someone literally at your side, the only human not afraid of you, trying to figure out everything there is to know about you, yet you can’t give her the time of day. You probably don’t even know a damn thing about her.”
“Unfortunately, I know more than enough about her.” Hongjoong spoke, all amusement gone as he glared at the older male, their mindlink clogged with threatening growls and barks, trying to keep their fight from getting physical.
That first sentence alone made Hongjoong’s blood boil, his face contorted in a mixture of pain and disgust. How could Seonghwa even say that to him, plotting to steal his mate all because he was a bit uncertain? That all it was, uncertainty! He didn’t hate you, or wish you weren’t around, he actually grew to anticipate and enjoy your ramblings about your day or whatever new thing caught your attention, he actually even loved the lunches that you’d make for him. He couldn’t help that over the years he grew to crave you more, but the thought of fully accepting you and solidifying that the best years of his life were about to be gone, restricted to one person forever before he could even determine for himself his likes and dislikes, what he considered real love rather than what fate wanted him to feel, was terrifying. So he distanced himself from you, spending the years watching you from afar in hopes that if he didn’t get too close he wouldn’t lose his free will completely.
But it was a bad habit that seeped into your college years, everyone assuming he cared so little for you when he knew everything there was to know. He knew where you worked before any of the boys did, where your apartment was, the fact you were a business major planning to open a bakery once you graduated, he knew you didn’t have classes on Fridays but always came back on campus because you prepared meals for the men’s and women’s wrestling team which is where Jongho first met you, he knew you hated mint chocolate chip ice cream just like him but loved chocolate ice cream with mint chips, he knew you were always cold but overheat at night and wake up at exactly 3am to change into shorts and a tank top to be more comfortable, he knew about the birthmark on your lower back and a scar on your hip from a cat scra-
“Holy shit, you’re insane.” Wooyoung breathed out, Hongjoong’s eyes focusing on the room in front of him, a mixture of shocked expressions and amused ones filling his vision.
“I liked it better when we thought you hated her but, hyung, you’ve been stalking her since your freshman year of high school?” Jongho asked cautiously.
It was a weird feeling bubbling inside Hongjoong, the primary one being embarrassment. He knew he’d sometimes unintentionally rant in their mindlink whenever he was upset but to make an almost decade long secret public to his pack, revealing the intimate details of how you slowly but surely ingrained yourself into not only his brain but his life until he felt like he was going crazy? It made him tear up, his face burn with a blush as he was finally forced to face the truth. He pushed you away but wanted you more than anything. He wanted to spend his years free to explore before finally settling down only to reject every girl that came close to him simply because they weren’t you, and he took that anger out on you. What was he so mad about? The fact you stood by his side with a smile happily accepting him while he tried and failed to lust after other women? Was he that pathetic? He could admit now that he was and, if he could turn back time, he would’ve introduced himself and walked you to class. Just the first step of fully accepting you.
“You’re still ranting in the mindlink, you know?” Seonghwa said softly, regaining the once again lost focus of his alpha who was too consumed in his own pity to notice the tension died down, their gazes soft as they tried to sympathize with their leader.
“Sorry. I wish none of you heard that stuff.” He admitted, sniffling as he realized he’d been crying, hand hurriedly wiping away tears from his cheeks.
“Well, it’s a good thing we did. We still think you’re a moron, but at least we know you’re feeling guilty about all of this.”
“Don’t worry, Joong, if you know (Y/n) like we do, she always sees the best in people, so she’ll forgive you. But you still have to apologize.” San followed up Mingi’s words, wrapping an arm around Hongjoong shoulders while giving a bright smile in response to his weak one.
“She’s my TA in Calc 3 and I have that class around noon tomorrow. She always stays after in case anyone has questions, so I can stall until you get there.” Yunho offered, Hongjoong feeling a slight warmth in his chest thinking about it all. He’d let go of his insecurities, fix everything he’s done wrong, and finally have you as his. Tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough.
And tomorrow did come, but you were nowhere to be found. When Hongjoong arrived to Yunho’s class, he was met with a sympathetic apology on the account that you didn’t show up that day, you weren’t even at any of your other classes. The boys even tried to find you at work only to be met with a mob of your pissed coworkers led by Miyeon, threatening to rip their heads off if she saw their faces again. And that lasted for nearly 3 days, Hongjoong’s hope slowly dwindling away until he noticed two figures sneakily meeting halfway at the school’s entrance to exchange a large white cooler.
He recognized those bulky arms anywhere, and the thick Aussie accent was a dead giveaway as well, especially when it was followed by a distinct giggle. There was no mistaking it was Chan, but he could barely see the person with him, their voice low as they spoke to him and face hidden beneath a hood, but the scent emitting from them was strong, and beautiful, his eyes widening as he finally took it all in. You looked different, wearing a dark grey matching sweat suit which was a complete 180 from your usual attire, and you smelled faintly of passionfruit, possibly a change to your normal shampoo in an attempt to disguise yourself, but that thought only made his heart hurt more. Were you intentionally avoiding him? He could understand you hating him now but you were even ignoring the others in his pack, going from friends to complete strangers in a matter of hours and leaving them all devastated. He was going to fix this, here and now, if not for him and you than for his friends.
“Jongho’s been pretty upset about you not responding to his text. It’d really help if you stopped by to at least let him know you’re okay.” Chan pleaded, giving you a dimpled smile and hopeful gaze that made it impossible for you to hide your blushing face and grin.
“I just need a little more time, Chris. It’s like if you broke up with your mate and all the friends you made through her left you too. Except it’s me being broken up with by someone who was never my boyfriend and his friends came to me instead of me going to them. But, still, it hurts all the same.” You laughed slightly, trying to find some humor in the situation.
“You’re the only person that still calls me Chris.” He commented, trying to redirect the conversation as you clearly weren’t fine, neither of you noticing the burning glare just a few meters away.
“I just think it fits you best.” You admitted, neither of you breaking eye contact until you gasped, staring down to the box of food and drinks you bought.
“You should hurry to practice. You need to eat beforehand otherwise you’ll be weak after warmups alone. And I worked hard making those sandwiches and cutting that fruit, if it goes bad because you stayed here to cheer me up, I’ll really be mad.” You tried to put on your best scowl, your scolding undermined by his amused laughter.
“Alright, fine. Just stay safe, please?” You nodded, waving as you watched him turn to head to the school’s gymnasium, missing the way Chan glared at Hongjoong as he continued forward. Chan and Hongjoong’s packs were close, family almost, so the news of what Hongjoong did and why reached them in no time, and Chan was hoping today things would be fixed soon because, apart from you being the wrestling team’s beloved personal chef, you were like a sister to him.
You wasted no time leaving the campus behind, ready to go back into the darkness of your bedroom to forget you existed. You really wish you could disappear, that the ground would split beneath you and swallow you whole, but you couldn’t just leave when your phone was filled with calls and messages from friends and coworkers wondering where you were and if you were fine. So many people cared, what kind of person would you be to leave them all alone like this, especially when all they wanted was to help you? But being alone helped, trying to live life as normal as possible while adjusting to a Hongjoong-free lifestyle helped. It would take some time, but you’d find your normal someday. All you had to do was avoid-
“(Y/n)!” Your body froze.
He rarely called you by your name but his voice was distinct on its own, and it was the most sickly sweet thing you’ve ever heard. You wanted to run, to never have him see you like this. Dear god, how did you even look right now? You felt like shit, you probably looked the part. Dammit, Hongjoong was right all along, you were shit. You were worse than shit, you were just pathetic. A pathetic, lovestruck loser itching to just turn and say hi, to have the conversation you always dreamed of but you knew that wouldn’t happen. He’ll yell at you again. He’ll-
“(Y/n)? H-hi…” Hongjoong said shyly, standing right in front of you as you shrank into yourself.
His brows furrowed as you looked away, mentally arguing with yourself as you went over the days of self-reflecting you did, trying to find some lesson from your solitude to aid in this situation and it was starting to scare him. You were never quiet with him, you always had something to say even if it wasn’t important but, luckily, he had something important to say and hopefully you’d listen.
“I- T-the other day…. I w-was…. I-I’m sorry.” He stammered out, this confession a lot harder than he thought, especially now that you were facing him, eyes just as innocent as the day he met you, but he couldn’t run away this time.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me, honestly. Everyone told me I was an idiot and I think they’re right. I treated you like you were garbage for years, all because I didn’t want to be mated so young. I just wanted to date around before I finally settled down with someone and, m-maybe I could’ve just said that, so you didn’t have to wait around for me all these years but, I never hated you, and I can’t hate you. I know you won’t forgive me right away but I think it’s only fair that I can be a good mate to you now.”
He swallowed hard, trying to suppress the desperate ‘please’ he wanted to add as your pupils began to shake, almost as if you were a machine malfunctioning, none of your self-reflecting preparing you for this moment, the only thing coming to mind being some sad blog article you found during your second day of isolation. ‘Forgiving and forgetting too soon is dangerous. Find yourself’. It wasn’t what you wanted but maybe what you need, what he needed. So, without hesitation, you smiled brightly at him although it never reached your eyes, clearing your throat as you tried to keep your voice steady.
“Hongjoong, I can’t forgive you easily. I waited for you, I tried to make you accept me and it always ended up with me getting hurt. Honestly, if I just treated you like a regular crush, maybe we could’ve forgotten we’re meant to be together until after graduation or something.” You laughed awkwardly, wanting to look away as his eyes softened in the saddest way, but you needed to do this, eyes locked on his as you exhaled through your nose.
“I couldn’t be by your side all the time, so whether you dated anyone is still a mystery to me but, I’ve been alone for seven years hoping you’d come around, and I think it’s time I take those years back. I’m not sure if what you said counted as a rejection or if we’re still mates but, if we are, we’ll come back to each other eventually. For now, I just need some time.”
You managed to walk past him without completely collapsing in tears, speed walking back to your apartment as you tried to swallow sobs, not even taking in the way Hongjoong stumbled to follow you, almost like a zombie as he attempted to plead for you to reconsider, to force himself to accept your decision but ask how long you needed, but he couldn’t do that. He tried to picture himself in your shoes, seven years of pining only to be publicly humiliated by the person you were meant to spend the rest of your life with. He couldn’t blame you for not forgiving him, and he sure as hell couldn’t force you, so he let you go, trudging in the opposite direction to his two story apartment just to hide in his bedroom until he didn’t feel like dying anymore.
But as more days passed and it only got harder for Hongjoong. He barely left his room but also never slept, every song he created was played in minor scales to fit his now melancholy life. The charisma he typically exuded was hidden with puffy red eyes from crying and a yellow knit sweater a few sizes too large for his body but it was the only thing that comforted him at this point, especially when knowing you had reconnected with everyone but him.
After exactly one week of distancing yourself from the world, you caved and meet with the boys individually (sans Hongjoong), apologizing for needing space although they completely understood, but the way each interaction ended made your guts churn with guilt. ‘Stay safe, luna’, that’s how all of them addressed you before they left, leaving you filled with the desire to return to how things were before. You missed your friends and, the fact your mate was finally ready to claim you, only made you want to forgive Hongjoong sooner. But you needed to be your own person for once. You had seven years worth of relationships to catch up on and you wouldn’t let them keep you from that.
Except when they did.
You should’ve known it was risky letting them know you had a date so soon, just some other human on campus that had yet found his soulmate. They sounded happy for you, Wooyoung going so far to ask where you met and where your date would be and what time, giving suggestions on what to say and wear since it was “your first”. It was a sweet gesture, and you thought nothing of it, but that information meant everything to him which led to now, the boys huddled together in their living room with a slightly paler and sickly looking Hongjoong curled into the corner of their loveseat.
“So they’re going bowling tonight at 8:30? We could ask her about it tomorrow in case she’s into him because hyung isn’t looking too great.” Yeosang commented, everyone looking to Hongjoong as he managed to drown his entire body within the sweater, only his head visible as he stared ahead like some lost puppy.
“He’s just weak from not being around her for so long, but their bond is still there so he’s fine. But we have nothing to worry about. She won’t fall in love with him so don’t get too involved, she’ll just stop talking to us again if we meddle too much.” Seonghwa warned, a chorus of ‘Okays’ confirming their dismissal as they all stood to retreat to their bedrooms.
“Wait, who is she going out with anyways? There’s only 10 other humans at that school.” Mingi’s question cause everyone to freeze, the silence in the room contrasting with the faint answer Woooyung gave in their mindlink, Hongjoong turning to look at him with hurt and pain.
“Why didn’t you say it was Yugyeom?!”
“I did! Just not to you, until now because I forgot to tune you out.” He said shyly, flinching as Hongjoong ran past him and right out their front door, none of them sure of what to do at that point.
It was such a minor yet major detail. Kim Yugyeom was admittedly the most wanted person any of them could think of. Human girls wanted him, werewolf girls wanted him, most guys couldn’t help but stare whenever he passed by. He was gorgeous with eyes that sparkled every time he smiled. He spoke about his soulmate with so much passion despite never meeting her, following his words with how he’d treat any girl before her with the same love and care. It was a pick up line meant to hook any hopelessly romantic girl in, the sweetest way to say their relationship wouldn’t last. But this was Kim Yugyeom, they knew it was only meant with good intentions, not wanting to string someone along with the false hope they’d be together forever. And that’s exactly what you needed. To explore while knowing you’d always come back to Hongjoong. But that’s not what Hongjoong wanted. He didn’t want you dating anyone else, finding temporary happiness when he was supposed to give you a lifetime of it. And humans were more flexible with their soulmates, they had the privilege to move one without the pain or withdrawals of losing their mate. Werewolves just died if they were rejected, heartbreak and loneliness consuming them, so there was no telling how your heart would react to someone exactly like you. Maybe you’ll fall in love with him. Maybe he’ll abandon his soulmate for you once he learns how amazing you are. Maybe Hongjoong would die from lack of food and sleep before he even reached your apartment, which he was still sprinting full speed towards. It was only 7:30pm, meaning he had an hour before you and Yugyeom went out, but he didn’t have a plan. He had no idea what he was doing, but he needed to stop you before you found yourself in love with someone else.
It was like some scene in a drama, Hongjoong’s chest heaving as he finally came to a stop just outside your apartment. His body felt like giving out as he climbed the two flights of stairs to your door, only to find you waving shyly to Yugyeom just as he turned away, trying not to lock eyes with Hongjoong but Hongjoong’s eyes were only trained on you, yours finding his as a panicked look crossed your face. Should you look away? Go back inside? What was he even doing there? You never told the boys your address… You gasped as he approached you, swallowing hard as you tried to remain calm, but how could you stay calm when you finally got a good look at him?
“Oh my god, are you okay?” You didn’t hesitate to ask, stepping further from your door to examine him, reaching for his face only to stumble back to your original position. You were making great progress, you can’t do that now.
“I’ve been better, but even then I wasn’t fine.” He said with a dry chuckle, your lips curling into a fake smile to not show how much his appearance affected you. He looked like he was on the brink of death. You knew wolves would get sick without their mates, but was it really killing him? Were you killing him?
“Joongi-Uhm, Hongjoong, how about you sit down? You look like you’re going to faint.” You offered, stepping back to allow him inside, watching him stumble past you and straight to your sofa as if he owned the place.
It was such an awkward moment for you, watching the poor boy curl into himself as his sweater practically became his body, a sigh leaving your lips as you shut your door. Instead of healing yourself, you had to heal him. It was oddly pitiful but your instincts screamed at you to do it.
Hongjoong shut his eyes as he eased into your sofa, feeling more comfortable than he was in his own home, even more so with your scent invading his senses, your body warmth radiating onto his as you carefully took a seat, trying to figure out what to do.
“Do you need food, or water? Or a doctor?” You asked, the giggle he let out this time weak but still enough to make your heart beat a bit faster.
“I just need you near me.” He admitted.
You let out a squeak as he shamelessly fell into your lap, head comfortably resting against your thighs as he laid face up. You couldn’t stop your hand from easing through his unnaturally colored locks, melting at how soft they were, bottom lip trapped under your teeth as you had to fight off the desire to cup his face. You’ve never gotten this close to him and he wasn’t telling you to go away, instead letting out content purrs as he nuzzled closer to you, your eyes burning with unshed tears. Why couldn’t he just want you from the start? You’d would’ve been able to hold him like this all the time, to see him happy and healthy rather than a shell of his former self. But he didn’t want you, and now he was at your apartment just to keep himself from dying. It was silly to think he cared about you as much as he did himself.
“Of course you do.” You whispered, laughing bitterly as your hand left his hair, moving to his arm to ease him back up into a sitting position.
You couldn’t get past him no matter how hard you tried, nor did you want to, but every word he said, everything he’s done, followed you like a ghost haunting some poor unsuspecting soul. Why did you have to love someone who didn’t love you the same? Why was this your life?
“Can you just hold me a little longer? P-please?” He asked with a cute whine to his voice.
You sighed and grabbed his arm, gently pulling him back into his previous position, fingers massaging his scalp as he finally opened his eyes to look at you. You were beautiful, even with the frown lines etched into your face. He wonder how long they’ve been there, especially when he’s only seen you smiling. Maybe you spent your alone time more upset than he thought. Where you upset before he came? You couldn’t be when Yugyeom was here, no one could be upset with him around. Except Hongjoong. He felt a grudge building inside him just from the mere thought of him with you. He felt like interrogating you on what he was doing here in the first place and why you gave your address out to just anyone, but it wasn’t his place to ask and probably wouldn’t be for a while, but jealousy and rage was all he felt so any reasonable thinking was thrown out the window.
“I don’t want you to see Yugyeom anymore.” He said definitely, your eyes widened as you stared at him incredulously, an amused giggle leaving your lips.
“That’s not for you to choose, Hongjoong. I told you I need time-“
“Those seven years you’ve been waiting I couldn’t be with anyone else. I always compared every girl I met to you and none of them came close to being as perfect, now I have to watch you date some dance major with pretty eyes because I was an insecure dumbass? He has a soulmate, and he’s always going to choose them no matter how much you like each other, so why not save your feelings? I’ll wait as long as you want me to, but just don’t fall in love with anyone else.”
You tried so hard to hide your smile. This wasn’t something you typically liked, possessive guys being on the list of things you found annoying, but considering it was Hongjoong, his soft eyes hard and sharp as their hue seemed to go pitch black as his words were both sweet and demanding, made you fall in love just a little more than you already were. You wanted to take this as his confession, as a truce in your previous one-sided enemyship, to tell him that you told Yugyeom you couldn’t go out with him because you could only see yourself with Hongjoong, but you needed time. Not time to date and explore the way you thought he had, but to watch him work as hard as you did to prove he was ready and willing to love you. It was a little malicious, sure, but it was all in good fun. He’d always be your mate after all.
“I don’t know, Hongjoong, you really hurt me…”
“It hurt knowing I wasn’t with you.” Your smile cracked through, causing his own to appear, your game already over.
“And how do you think I felt? You think you can make up seven years worth of waiting so easily?”
You squealed as he shot up, magically seeming more alive than when he arrived, eyes full of life and his lips and cheeks the same rosy color as when you met him, hands warm and soft as he cupped your face.
“Good thing I have forever to do it.”
The silence was comfortable but unbearable, especially as he hesitated to lean closer, your lips puckering to guide him but he didn’t seem to be catching on and, when he did, you shifted back, laughing awkwardly as you stared at one another, both of you taking a deep breath as you finally closed the gap between you, a weird electric sensation you could only dream of as your lips slowly grew accustom to one another, moving so slow yet feeling so urgent. It was all still new to the both of you, romance and dating only now becoming part of your lives, but it was exciting knowing that you had years ahead of you to perfect it, your entire lives dedicated to loving one another. And it only took a seven year crush to get you here.
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moonlit-han · 4 years
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part i: he came in through the bathroom window
genre: college au, neighbor au, fluff, humor pairing: femme reader x 3racha in poly relationship part word count: 5k part warnings: suggestive, alcohol consumption, explicit language request: yes and no~ a/n: this is in no way represents stray kids or bang chan, seo changbin, and han jisung, as it is a work of fiction. and to my readers: this is the first part in a series that’s rather dear to my heart, and while i’m not sure how long it’ll end up being at the moment, i hope you enjoy it!
✧ masterlist & tag list info in bio ✧
Just before your final year of college, you moved into a new apartment—well, your part of a shared house that had been made into several apartments. There was another one on the ground floor with yours, and then two upstairs. It was clean, with lovely light and a surprisingly nice kitchen. Your bedroom was nicely proportioned, too, with amazing closet space. The bathroom adjoined your neighbor’s, and there was even a little door that connected the two, for some reason. You quickly found that you had to leave the window open, even just a crack, to air out the room—an old house meant no ventilation fan. Occasionally, the proximity to your neighbor made it a little weird when you ended up taking a shower at the same time because he sang in the shower. On more than one occasion, you had to stop yourself from joining in.
You later found out that said neighbor was a music student at the same university as you, and you were sure you would have never met him if he hadn’t been your neighbor. He didn’t hang out with the same people as you, didn’t have any of the same classes, seemed to spend all his time shut up in his apartment occasionally strumming on a guitar, and was just generally an introvert. He did seem to have two best friends whose laughter you heard through the walls on a regular basis.
On the second day you lived there, a Friday, he knocked on your door, a mango in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. 
“Hi, I’m Jisung,” he chirped. “I live next door. I brought you a house-warming gift—sorry it isn’t fancier. Hope you like it!” Jisung thrust the wine and mango into your surprised hands and then darted away to the other side of the house before you could even invite him in. You just stood there for a solid two minutes, staring into nothing with the mango and bottle of wine.
Wow, he was hot. Shit.
For the rest of the day, you went about your business, unpacking and arranging your things. The bottle of wine drew your eye but you resisted temptation, knowing that you wouldn’t get anything done if you opened it in the mid-afternoon. Occasionally, you heard music or slightly worrying thumps from Jisung’s apartment. But, you’d only just moved in and didn’t know him well enough to feel comfortable going to check on him. Surely he was fine, right?
Around 6 pm, you gave in and got the bottle of wine. Rummaging in one of the boxes still lounging on the kitchen floor, you found a wine glass, and miraculously, the bottle opener, too. As you poured out the liquid, it smelled fruity and a little sweeter than you normally liked wine, but it was a gift and you’d been working all day. You couldn’t pass up free alcohol. And perhaps because you’d been moving in all day, the wine tasted delicious and you soon poured yourself another glass. Thinking there had to be a reason for Jisung including a mango, of all things, with the wine, you sliced it and ate a few pieces in between sips of wine. The combination was perfect, and you wondered how Jisung had discovered such a lovely pairing.
As you settled in for evening, your thoughts strayed to your new neighbor. He seemed nice enough, albeit a bit shy, and was thoughtful enough to bring a housewarming present. That had to count for something. But what you couldn’t get out of your head was just him—the way his eyes sparkled with mischief, the way his hair swooped around his face. And with the hoodie that practically swallowed him whole, Jisung was absolutely the cutest, most handsome guy you’d ever seen. 
Pausing the show you were watching on your computer, you had to take a few deep breaths to calm your racing heart. You’d only just met the man, and you hadn’t even said anything! How could you be falling for him already? Heck! Giving up completely, you decided to go to bed . . . on the sofa you were currently occupying because you hadn’t set up your bed yet.
Three months later, you were successfully moved in and your classes were in full-swing. You’d seen Jisung a few times as you came and went from your apartment, but you hadn’t really talked much. You were okay with that, though—classes were busy and it wasn’t as if there was some mystical Book of Rules for New Neighbors that you had to read and follow directions from. When you did talk, though, he was perfectly nice, making sure to ask how you were doing and actually listening to what you had to say—a rare quality, you’d found. He always gave you a toothy grin that seemed to light up his whole body, too.
Your door knocker barely ever got used, which was why when very loud knocking echoed through your apartment on Saturday, you were sure the apocalypse was coming. Cautiously, thinking of all the bad things that could happen if the person on the other side of the door meant you harm, you opened your front door. Revealed on the threshold was Jisung, along with two other young men who could only be the best friends you heard so often. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Jisung said, moving slightly to the side so you could see his companions. “So, I figured I’d introduce you to my friends, since they’re around a lot. Also, I usually ask one or both of them watch the apartment when I’m gone sometimes.”
“Oh. Okay,” was all you could manage while being stared at by three highly attractive young men.
“Can we . . . come in?” Jisung asked hesitantly.
“Um, yeah sure,” you said, blinking, and moved out of the way.
So that was how you ended up with Jisung and his two best friends lounging on the couch in your apartment. They seemed perfectly at home, not noticing or simply not caring about the mess of books and mugs on your coffee table, nor the—
Oh shit, the laundry. 
Your laundry—underpants, bras, and all—was hanging on a drying rack in the corner of your living room under the window. You scurried over to the rack and quickly threw a towel, which had been catching any rain that happened to fall on your windowsill, over the clothes. Turning round, you found the guys looking at you. You smiled nervously, knowing you were blushing.
Jisung put his head in his hands. You felt like doing the same thing just then.
“So, let me guess,” said the one sitting on Jisung’s left, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. “You’re name’s Reina, right? Since you’re lovely as a queen?”
You burst out laughing. You couldn’t believe someone had actually just used such a ridiculous pick-up line on you. “Sorry to disappoint,” you said, still giggling. “My name’s Y/N.”
“Oh well,” Chan said in mock-sadness, “that’s a pretty name, too. Just about as pretty as you!”
“Chan, fucking hell, man,” Jisung groaned. “Can you not flirt with every single person I introduce you to?”
“Sorry, ’Sung.” He still winked at you, though.
“Yeah. Okay.” Jisung addressed you again. “So this,” he pointed at the one he’d called ‘Chan,’ “is Chan. And the other dork who insists on being friends with me is Changbin. They’re also studying music composition and production.”
“Nice to meet you. And honestly,” you added conspiratorially, “I don’t understand why you’d want to be around Jisung either. Did you know he sings in the shower?”
Now it was Chan and Changbin’s turn to burst out laughing, falling onto the sofa’s arms.
“Jisung, your neighbor’s cool!” Changbin chuckled once he got himself under control. “Why didn’t you introduce us sooner?"
Jisung blushed faintly and grumbled something about not getting the chance. He’s really cute when he blushes, you thought.
“But yeah, we’re the bane of the Music Department’s existence,” Changbin said cheerfully. His voice was slightly husky, but somehow melodious, too.
“Just call us 3racha—because we’re spicy like Sriracha sauce!”
“Chan!” Jisung hissed, shoving his friend but he couldn’t wipe the grin off Chan’s face. Even though he seemed determined to be the cheesiest person ever, you noticed that Chan had extremely cute dimples and kind eyes.
“Wow, you three really are something,” you observed, with only a hint of sarcasm tinging your voice. “Jisung, did you really just come over and insist on coming into my apartment just to introduce your friends? Or, did you need something?” It came out slightly harsher than you’d meant it, but still. He’d practically barged in!
“Um, yeah, pretty much,” Jisung said. “Like I said, I wanted you to at least know who the people coming and going were.”
“And if you ever need anything,” Changbin added, “we’ve got you.”
“Thanks?” you said, not quite sure how they’d be able to help you, since you’d a) only just met them, and b) didn’t have any way to contact them. Although, Changbin did have a quiet confidence about him that was actually quite reassuring.
Jisung sighed, a little fidgety. “Well, I think we’ve trespassed on your time long enough. Let me know if the music’s too loud, okay?”
All four of you stood at the same time, Changbin leading the way to the door. “See you later, Y/N,” he said. “It was lovely to finally meet the person we’ve been hearing so much about.” And then he winked, too. 
What was with these guys and winking? you groused to yourself, trying to keep ahold of your expression. Wait, he didn’t mean… oh fucking hell. Judging by Changbin’s smirk that’s exactly what he’d meant. Why did the walls have to be so thin? Why!
Clearly exercising all the self-control he had, Chan just waved and said “Bye” on the way out. Jisung stopped as he was halfway out your door.
“Sorry this was unexpected, Y/N. I just thought you’d like to get to know them.” Jisung smiled a little sadly, and with that, carefully shut your door after himself.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding just as a small scuffle broke out on your front step. You could almost hear Jisung berating his friends for something. Running a hand through your hair and massaging a temple in the process, you walked back over to sit on the couch. As you continued massaging your head, your eyes were caught by a folded piece of paper on the coffee table. 
Strange, you thought, I don’t remember ever having that pattern of note paper. You picked it up and opened it to see. . . 
Wow, the audacity.
One of the guys had left all three of their numbers for you on that slip of paper. Chan’s even had a heart next to his. They really had some nerve. Then again, you weren’t exactly complaining that three hot guys had just left you their numbers. You never knew when that could come in handy.
You were finally snuggled in bed when you heard a crash. You went stiff for a moment, thinking through the various things that could have made that sound in your apartment. The sound seemed to have come from the bathroom. Okay. So, it might have been the mirror or a glass you forgot to move off the edge of the sink. It didn’t have to be the window. Besides, there hadn’t been any other noises after the first.
Reluctantly, you got out of bed and trudged to the bathroom to see what had happened. The shelf you’d put up two days ago lay on the floor surrounded by the shards of a vase you’d placed on said shelf just earlier that evening. 
“Damn it,” you muttered, bending to pick up the shelf and the larger pieces of glass. The weight of the vase must have been too much for the shelf, even though you’d properly attached it to the wall. You methodically cleaned up the glass and reattached the shelf to the wall, not putting anything on it this time in hopes that it wouldn’t fall again.
When you woke up, the shelf was still up and you felt rather smug for putting it back up properly. And when you got home, the shelf was still up, too.
That night, you took a lovely bath—taking care to crack the window to let out the steam—twisted your hair up into a comfortable top-knot, and then laid down on your bed with just yourself for company. You sighed gratefully. It had been a long week and you desperately needed some rest.
But, before you could even settle into the softness of your mattress, you heard the distinctive sound of shattering glass. From inside your apartment.
Fuck, not again.
You slipped out of bed, throwing on your sleep shorts and a loose tank top before padding out of your bedroom. Walking as silently as you could, by putting your the balls of your feet on the ground before your heels, you made your way to the bathroom.
You heard a thump just as you put your hand on the doorknob. If that shelf had fallen again…
It was not the shelf.
None other than Han Jisung was sprawled on your bathroom floor, arms and legs going everywhere, and a look of distinct puzzlement on his face. He shook his head, clearly having banged it on the floor. There were bits of broken glass scattered all around him, and you could see a light dusting of it in his hair.
“What the fuck?” you shrieked, backing up to just outside the door.
Jisung looked up at you and grimaced. “Hi?”
“What the hell are you doing in my bathroom? How are you in my bathroom? You had better have a damn good explanation, Han Jisung.” You couldn’t believe it. You’d thought Jisung was nice, that he was normal. But this? Sneaking into your bathroom at 12:30 am? That was just too much. Only a creep would do that.
Jisung scrambled onto his knees, his back to the wall. Under the window. The window that had just been broken. “I can explain!” he said, hands going up in front of him as his shoulders shrugged, as if expecting a blow. 
“You’d better talk fast,” you said, your voice dangerously low. 
“So, like a dumbass, I forgot my key.” He gulped, then took a breath. “And the guy who lived here before you used to let me come through here when I forgot my key because there’s the connecting door.”
You glanced at said door, which you’d assumed was sealed permanently. Apparently not. You glared at Jisung, who continued.
“Um, I thought I’d just climb in and go through the door. I didn’t mean to break the glass, I promise! My foot just got stuck and so I kind of tripped through the window, if that makes sense? I’m so sorry, Y/N! I thought I’d told you about the whole window thing!” Jisung’s face was screwed up like he might cry, his whole body tense as he made himself as small as he could.
You almost felt sorry for him. Almost. But, you didn’t say anything, waiting for Jisung to provide more of an explanation.
“I— My front windows don’t open and the back and side ones open onto the hill, so there’s nowhere I can use to climb into my own apartment. That’s the only reason this has happened. Really, I’m sorry!”
“So,” you said, hands on your hips, “you’re telling me that you used to climb through this window whenever you forgot your keys.” Jisung nodded. “Did you ever think of making of copy of the key and hiding it under a rock or something?” You were in utter disbelief—how hadn’t he done that? Or given Chan and Changbin keys? You mentally rolled your eyes.
“Shit,” Jisung lamented. “No, I hadn’t thought of that. Like I said, he just let me come in this way and it seemed to work fine. Plus, I don’t think the landlord would like us making copies of the keys, right?”
“Jisung, right now that’s the least of your worries. Please remember that you’re sitting on my bathroom floor. At 12:45 am. I was in bed!” You sighed loudly. Jisung just looked so dejected, you couldn’t stay angry at him for long. “For fucks sake, come here,” you said, reaching out a hand.
He took it, careful not to step on any broken glass from the window, and let you pull him up. His hands were calloused from playing the guitar. And suddenly, Jisung was very close to you. Very close. You could see how long his eyelashes were and the place where he must bite his lip when he’s nervous—you could smell his shampoo. You were also all too aware of just how thin your tank top was, and, it would seem, so was Jisung. You crossed your arms, hoping he’d just think you were cold from the breeze coming in the open window.
“I’ll contact the landlord tomorrow and say I was playing baseball or something and accidentally hit a ball through the window,” he said quickly, stepping back and trying not to look any lower than your face.
“Okay,” you replied, heartbeat faster than you’d care to admit. “Thanks. Now please get out of my bathroom, Jisung. I really do want to go to bed.”
“Yeah, sorry. Really, Y/N. I’m so sorry about this. I’ll— I’ll go get some cardboard and tape to cover the window. I’m sorry!” Jisung seemed like he would start rambling wildly any moment now.
“Just go back to your apartment. I’ll take care of the window, okay?” you tried to be as firm as you could, but Jisung could do sad puppy eyes better than anyone you’d ever met. Dear god, this boy… You gave in. After all, it would be one less thing for you to do. “Fine, Jisung. You can patch the window. Do it quickly, since I want to go to bed.”
With a soft, apologetic smile, Jisung went to the half-door next to your bathroom cabinet. After a moment of him fiddling with the latch, the door swung inward to reveal a small space through which he could crawl. Sighing, Jisung bent down and looked up at you. It did not escape your notice that this was the second time that night that you’d seen Jisung on his knees. 
“Again, I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “I’ll be right back to fix the window—just go back to bed.”
Before you could respond, Jisung was crawling forward into the slightly dingy area between your apartments.
Jisung did, indeed, take care of the window getting fixed. When you went out to check how it looked, you noticed a conveniently placed log that would make it much easier to, say, climb through the window above. You estimated the height from the ground to the windowsill, and realized that Jisung would have had to jump and then pull himself up just with the strength in his arms in order to get through the window. Yes, the wood shingle siding provided fairly good footholds, but not that much. Damn, you thought appreciatively, he’s strong. You were suddenly glad for the chill in the air to cool your now too-warm face.
You found yourself thinking about Jisung at the most inconvenient times, such as in your lecture classes, and quickly realized that, even though you didn’t know him as well as you’d like, you had a crush on your neighbor. Strangely, you still hadn’t run into each other on campus, but you’d seen Chan and Changbin—in the distance and too far away to talk to. You weren’t sure what to make of the fact that you were into Jisung, but your daydreams had certainly become much more vivid.
That one night was just the first time of many that Han Jisung crawled through your window in the middle of the night. By the sixth time it happened, you decided to talk to Jisung.
You heard the familiar rattle of the window and immediately raced into the bathroom in time to help Jisung down. It was a bit sad to see him on the floor after he accidentally caught a piece of clothing, his backpack, or, one memorable time, an earring, on the window. You held out a hand to him, and he took it, hopping into the room like a lady exiting a carriage.
Holding Jisung’s hand was surprisingly nice. His grip was firm and comforting, as if he were transferring his warmth and affection—
Wait, affection? Huh . . .
You quickly dropped Jisung’s hand, but not after checking that his feet were planted on the ground.
“Jisung, why don’t you come into the living room, okay?” you said, hoping you didn’t sound nervous.
“Oh. Sure!” Jisung was clearly baffled, since you’d never done anything like this. Remembering to shut the window behind himself, he followed you into your apartment. By now, he should have been almost used to seeing you in your pajamas, but he wasn’t. Your tank tops left nothing to the imagination, which was maddening for him.
You pointed Jisung to the couch, and he took a seat, sitting with his back ramrod straight and an expectant look in his eyes. You couldn’t help but smile a little as you curled up on the other end of the couch. Jisung, who took this as encouragement, smiled back. 
“Jisung, I’ve noticed that you’ve come through this way once a week for over a month,” you said. “There’s no way you’ve actually lost your key every single fucking week. So, why have you been coming through into my apartment every week?”
You knew it sounded a little silly, but he had been appearing between 9:30 pm and 1:30 am every Friday. 
“Um, yeah. I may or may not be really bad at keeping my keys on me. Also . . .” Jisung’s voice trailed off so quietly that you couldn’t hear him properly.
“What did you say?” you asked.
“I’m really bad at keeping my keys on me?”
“No, the other part,” you said slowly.
“Damn, I was hoping you wouldn’t hear that,” Jisung grumbled.
“Jisung, what the hell?”
“I wanted to see you,” Jisung said and ran a hand through his hair, embarrassed.
You were stunned. It almost made sense—Jisung was clearly an introvert and seemed to be one of those people who would rather do something outrageous than actually have to talk to someone, much less someone they had a crush on. Neither of you had exactly made many other attempts to see or talk to each other, besides random meetings at the mailbox and leaving your apartments at the same time. Although, he had asked you to bring him soup when he got a cold in September, and you’d happily taken him some. Amazingly, the fact that he’d been all but sneaking into your apartment for the last six weeks didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. That, you realized upon later reflection, probably had something to do with your crush on him.
“You . . . wanted to see me?” you asked, voice soft. You barely noticed as you uncurled your legs and shifted closer to Jisung. Your hands rested on the upholstery beside you. 
“Yeah.” Jisung had moved closer, too, and now you were sitting side-by-side, facing each other.
“But why?”
“Because,” Jisung said as he reached out and linked his pinky finger with yours. You nearly jumped, the contact seeming like a spark leaping from him to you. “Well, you’re beautiful and kind, and I’d like to get to know you better. And whenever I hear you laugh at whatever silly thing you’re reading or watching, I end up giggling because it’s the best sound I’ve ever heard. Did I mention you’re beautiful?”
You were silent for a minute, staring into space level with Jisung’s elbow; he shifted nervously but you didn’t let go of his hand. Your mind raced nearly as fast as your heartbeat.
“Kiss me, then,” you said, and Jisung’s eyes went wide. “Kiss me, Jisung.”
Jisung hesitantly placed his hand on your waist as you gently cupped his cheek—you could feel his pulse jumping in his neck. His touch was light as a feather and you could feel his hand shaking, even as he drew you closer. He leaned forward at the same time as you did, too, and a dull ache spread through your forehead where it had hit Jisung’s.
You crinkled your nose, leaning your head against the couch, and rubbed your brow.
“Oh my god, Y/N, are you okay?” Jisung said, not even thinking as he ran his hand over what was now a slightly red spot of your forehead.
You giggled and said, “I’m fine. Are you okay, though?”
“I’ve had worse,” Jisung chuckled. He also leaned against the couch, resting his arm on its back as, throwing all caution to the winds, he traced the arch of your cheekbone with a fingertip. “Here,” he said as he leaned toward you again and placed a kiss on your forehead. 
“Aw, you’re too sweet,” you said. Jisung was directly in front of you and you thought, Well, since he’s already this close. So, you leaned in and placed kiss after kiss down his jaw. Still hesitant, Jisung turned his head slightly and brushed his lips against yours. It was only for a second, but you immediately caught his lips with yours, wanting more. As you took the lead, Jisung relaxed into the kiss. His lips were warm as you renewed the kiss over and over. 
You took a breath, smiling and moving your free hand to Jisung’s hair—It really was as soft as you’d always expected. He hummed contentedly, leaning his head back slightly into your hand.
“I’ve been waiting to do that for so long,” Jisung breathed, letting out what might have been a laugh or a sigh. 
“Me, too,” you said, still carding your fingers through his hair.
“And now you’re too far away,” Jisung pouted, and slanted his lips to yours again. Continuing to twine your fingers around his hair, you let your other hand run over Jisung’s arms and chest, then down to wrap around his waist. As you did, Jisung held your hip and pulled you closer so you were nearly sitting in his lap. Not that you minded. You transferred a hand to his shoulder so you wouldn’t topple over. Jisung swiped his tongue along your bottom lip and you gladly opened to him. He tasted of the vanilla chapstick he clearly used, and as you explored each other’s mouths, you slipped your hand under the hem of his shirt. 
The feeling of your hand on his skin nearly made Jisung faint from surprise and he gasped against your lips before kissing you even more enthusiastically. After long moments of wonton kissing, your arm ached a little from resting on the back of the couch and, reluctantly, you broke the kiss. Jisung’s lips were very red and swollen.
“Are you okay?” Jisung asked, worried as he pulled back, just in case. You didn’t let go of him, though.
“Can we change positions a little, Ji?” The nickname had just slipped out and you didn’t realize you’d call him that until you saw his expression.
“Of course.” Jisung paused, not exactly sure what to do next. “Um, what do you want to do?”
“Well,” you pretended to think for a moment, “we could lay down a bit?”
Jisung blushed a little at the implication that hung in those words. “That’s,” he began and cleared his throat. “That’s just fine with me.” 
Taking a deep breath, Jisung slouched back onto the arm of the couch, bringing you with him. You had to do some scooting yourself, and soon found yourself straddling his legs. Jisung reached up and pulled you down to him, running his hands up and down your back as he did so. You rested your forearms on the couch behind Jisung and brought your lips back to his, leaving little kisses around his lips before fully kissing him again. Kissing him was like finding a lucky penny: unexpectedly sweet and such a simple yet exciting thing that you couldn’t help but want to leap with joy. All of a sudden, a giggle burbled up out of you and you hid your face in the crook of Jisung’s neck. 
“What?” Jisung asked.
“Nothing,” you mumbled.
“No, really. What is it?” Jisung was quite curious now.
You lifted your head, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. “I kind of want to see you shirtless now,” you admitted and immediately burrowed your head in his shoulder again.
Jisung laughed, really laughed, as he said, “Yeah? Well, I can’t take my shirt off with you on top of me.”
Still quite embarrassed that he’d even considered what you’d said, you sat up and Jisung lifted the hem of his t-shirt. You couldn’t help yourself once his shirt was off: you whistled, murmuring, “Holy shit.” While you’d guessed that Jisung had nice muscles, you weren’t expecting him to have abs for days and killer arms, not to mention perfectly proportioned pecs.
Jisung smiled, a little embarrassed. “Um, like what you see?”
“Oh, you have no idea,” you said, and trailed a finger down his chest. Jisung let out a shaky breath and you felt a hard pressure underneath your bum. Your pajama pants felt quite thin at the moment. Swooping down, you captured his lips again and continued to run your hands over every inch of him you could reach. Jisung moaned every time your hands returned to his chest, and he slipped a hand down to your bum to hold your hips to his. Your kisses were soon so heated they were almost desperate, your hands ranging over each other’s bodies as the warmth inside grew.
“Jisung,” you said, breathing hard. You sat up, realizing, belatedly, that your top was dangerously low now. “If we don’t stop now—”
“I don’t want to stop,” he whispered. “But if you do, we will. It’s okay, I promise.”
Jisung was so gentle and careful, you could almost cry. “Oh, Ji,” you murmured, and kissed him again, lingering at his bottom lip before pulling back. “I don’t want to stop either.”
Jisung craned his neck to kiss just below your ear. “Then we won’t.” As you continued kissing, any hopes of going back to sleep disappeared like mist in early morning sun. But you didn't want to go to bed, not when Jisung’s hands were slipping under your tank top.
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soulmatesabroad · 3 years
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Soulmate Prompts:
Since this is a fic fest about soulmates, we are in need of prompt suggestions! Please send in some prompts that have to do with soulmates! You do NOT have to be writing for this fest to send in prompts!
More info can be found at @soulmatesabroad​!
A: The One au. The One is a tv series that's sort of dystopian in that it explores a reality in which you could suddenly apply to this program that will match you to your soulmate and it follows how specific people deal with that.
B: Where you wake up with a tattoo after meeting your soulmate. Larry are vacationing at the same hotel, they meet and then every day for 4 days after they both gain a new tattoo. When they meet again, they realize their tattoos match perfectly. Rope & anchor, compass & ship, heart & arrow, rose & dagger. 
C: Ziall soulmates au where their first words to each other are tattooed somewhere on their body. Both of them have the phrase “fuck you” on their arms. Of course the first time they meet they both say...
D: in uni, prof is giving a lecture, his student is his soulmate, figuring it out over the semester
E: reverse Wellington: Larry meet, drunk Louis shouts "soulmate" at Harry, then they get to know each other and fall in love
F: Larry please- soulmates who meet in dreams and appear the way they see themselves so that irl one doesn’t recognize the other because he sees himself as plain/boring
G: Larry please - One of them either doesn’t want to meet his soulmate and has been doing everything to avoid meeting them. He gets stuck in a time loop (like Groundhog Day) until he meets and acknowledges his soulmate. 
H: One of them is a surfer, the other is a photographer and they meet somewhere warm. They're 26 and kinda gave up on finding their soulmate but then it happens.
i: any pairing: universe in which soulmates recognise each other by having the same song stuck in their head. cue person a hearing person b humming the song under their breath in location x
J: Larry please - fic where each year you get opportunities to meet your soulmate and live life with them but as soon as the clock hits 00:00 on Dec 31st your memory resets in regards to who your soulmate is. There’s no way to go around this...or is there?
K:  A is a hopeless romantic who has always dreamed of meeting their soulmate. Unfortunately their remote location means they see the same few people every day, none of whom is their match. When Character B arrives and A falls in love with them, the question arises: are they soulmates? Or does A just want them to be?
L: Food is love, and supposedly your soulmate's cooking will taste better than anything you've ever eaten before. Too bad Character A is hopeless in the kitchen. Character B is the chef who promises they can teach anyone how to cook-- is that the only reason A finds their food so delicious? Or is there something more at play?
M: Characters A and B are working together on a yacht. They share a room, and as crew they also happen to share most of their working hours and duties as well. Is that the reason they're so drawn to one another? Regardless of their connection, they're both determined to keep it professional. 
N: It's not only humans who have soulmates, apparently. At least if the pet psychic Character A has consulted about their dog's depression is to be believed. The psychic claims the pup met his soulmate at doggie daycare. Now A is trying to see if she's right by seeking out every possible dog from the playgroup. Will helping a dog find it's soulmate lead Character A to the same thing?
O: Hybrids aren't accepted many places, but in a few countries they have full rights and equality, even if prejudice still exists. Character A was raised in an anti-hybrid country and is now studying/working in a hybrid friendly place. Character B is the hybrid neighbor who they feel drawn to in ways they've heard are typical of soulmates. The possibility is as frightening as it is enticing.
P: Nontraditonal ABO: it's generally accepted doctrine that alphas and omegas are made to go together. Character A has always been attracted to people of their own secondary gender, and has therefore run away from the concept of finding a soulmate. When they meet character B, who shares their secondary gender, and find that the two of them share a soulmark-- the sign of a true mate --their world is turned upside down.
Q: (larry) They have been penpals for years now, sharing their little creative thoughts with each other. Will they ever meet? A new job, a different city, some crossed paths and fate might help.
R: Louis is 30 and the CEO of his family business in Toronto and he has hired a new assistant, Harry, 27. A lot of sexual tension, business trips, coincidences and ‘if he my soulmate or I just have a stalker and also a big crush?’
S: Strangers to friends with benefits to lovers larry; Louis and Harry has finished college and they both are doing a tour across Europe visiting different countries. They start from different cities in and meet in the second/third country they’re visiting. They get along quickly and have a one night stand because they think they won’t meet again. But they meet again in the next city or in the trip to the next city. Is their connection due to their sexual attraction or because they’re soulmates?
T: Louis and Harry are both Niall’s friend but they don’t know each other, however they meet in Niall’s wedding (with his soulmate) in Ireland (or another country if the author prefer another place for the wedding)
U: Larry: Soulmates have a special connection, they have visions of their more important events of their life - both sad and happy but they can’t see their faces, bodies or their friends/families faces. Louis and Harry know everything important that happen to them but they haven’t met yet, they live in different countries and they know that but they don’t know the country they live in. How will they meet? What will happen?
V: Larry: Exes to lovers - People have their soulmates mark in their 18 birthday. Harry and Louis were together during high school and break up before Louis 18 birthday because person A was afraid of not being their soulmates. Louis goes to travel aboard so they don’t know about their mark. They meet again some years later when they’re in their 20...
W: Larry enemies to lovers: Both of them work for the same company and has the same job position but they hate each other because the first time they met it wasn’t “meet cute”. All their coworkers think they are similar and would make an amazing couple so they try to get them together. Most people don’t believe in soulmates anymore, they think it was a legend or maybe it’s not a legend and they’re soulmates?
X: Untraditional soulmates !! For example, a pairing (or poly) comprised of people who aren’t soulmates but are in love anyway. Maybe their “true” soulmates died or just didn’t work out for some reason. Maybe their “true” soulmates are platonic and separate from the romantic relationship. But ultimately the theme being something like “i am choosing to love this person” rather than the world telling them who to love :) 
Y: Character A is a writer who pours their heart and soul into everything they write, though their focus on the soulmate trope is underappreciated. They go away on a writer's retreat to give it one last try and meet Character B, a person who seems to have stepped right out of one of their novels. Is this their soulmate or a figment of their imagination, or have they truly had one of their characters come to life?
Z: In a world where you see in color after hearing the sound of your soulmate's voice, Character A doesn't remember seeing in black and white. When they realize they're different, nobody can explain the reason. It isn't until they meet Character B, a stranger with the same affliction, that they begin to put things together. Or: A and B hear one another's cries as babies, changing their vision from black and white to color before they could possibly have realized it.
AA: Characters A & B somehow keep running into each other inexplicably all over the world. Maybe they happen to study abroad together then have a work conference in the same city then vacation in the same city, etc. Eventually they realize they've been seeing each other all over and maybe the universe is trying to tell them something.
BB: Louis gets a call from an unknown number from across the world. When he answers it, he's asked if he is a Mr. Harry Styles' previous employer and to give a recommendation on his performance. Amused, he pretends he is Harry's old boss and gives a glowing recommendation without knowing who he is. The job that this Harry is going for must be quite intense, because a few days later Louis is asked to fly out to interview in person to attest to Harry's character, where he ends up meeting Harry and falling for him.
CC: OT4/5 platonic soulmates with all the main characters being aro, ace, demisexual, etc. A soulmark appears when you meet a soulmate-- whether they're a platonic, romantic, or sexual soulmate(or sooner combo of the 3) is something each person has to discover for themselves. OT4/5 are grateful to find soulmates who are excited to experience beautiful and deep platonic relationships.
DD: Soulmarks are a trait that most humans have lost. Character A is a vampire who was born in a time when they were far more common. Imagine their surprise when they meet Character B, a human, whose soulmark complements their own.
EE: Larry: An AU where magic exists, Louis has always thought he’s a dark wizard and Harry doesn’t know if he’s a wizard or a normal human. Spoiler: he’s a wizard! They meet when they are 18/20 in a trip and they find more than themselves.
FF: Larry: Louis and Harry are friends of Zayn and Liam but they haven’t met yet. Ziam is having a wedding and their bachelor parties in Hawaii, they meet them.
GG: Louis and Harry haven’t met yet but they meet in a reality show that consists of traveling around the world. The rules of the reality show: Choose a person in the first program to travel with them (Louis and Harry travel together) and spend as little money as possible.
HH: Louis and Harry have been working in the same building for years but they haven’t met officially although they’ve seen each other around. They officially meet when their boss decided to do a work trip to Sydney
ii: Louis and Harry go to Orlando to visit the amusement park. They meet when they’re waiting in the queue for one of the rides and they spend a lot of time together because their other friends are tired of visiting different amusement park and they want to chill.
JJ: Famous/Non-famous larry: “Every time that you and your soulmate are in the same city, you’ll have a mark in your wrist. If one of you leave, the mark disappears” Person A is an actor who loves love but is tiring of two things: fake pr-relationships that make the general public believes that he’s not interest in having a soulmate and traveling. Person B wants to find his soulmate but he knows it’s not in his city so he’s traveling around. They have been in the same place several times but they haven’t met. How many countries will they visit until they meet?
KK: larry please: It is well known that the first time soulmates touch they leave a vivid mark on their partner's skin.  Well one morning Louis wakes up with a bright stripe across his cheekbone and no idea what happened.
LL: hl au: harry is a well-known anthropologist from england but he’s requested to join the discovery of an ancient palace in mexico city. louis is a historian that has lived in said city for several years now, so he’s almost a local. the discovery they both take part of includes a blue greeny jewel that holds a legend about soulmates.
MM: Zouiam ot3 matching soulmate tattoos
NN: A and B are childhood friends and have known they're soulmates since they got their marks in their early teen years but they never develop romantic feelings for each other but they Do want to spend the rest of their life together. Bit of conflict / comfort.
OO: Lirry Shrek au. Harry Fiona has always expected their perfect soulmate to break their curse. Liam Shrek is tired of playing the role of the ogre and being rejected by prejuices. They meet.
PP: Zayn is travelling with his van, he picks up some hitchhikers along the way. They stargaze and bond with each other. They find out they are soulmates when some dangerous situation arises.
QQ: ot5 1d era au. A slowly finds out they are soulmates with each of the others while in the bus or travelling/staying abroad together.
RR: Ziam: In a world where magic exists but soulmates are rare, Liam and Ziam met in the same Magical College and have an instant connection. In history of magic, they learn about soulmates and Character A know that they (Ziam) are soulmates but he’s  afraid and tries to avoid Character B all the time.
SS: Larry - Louis needs a break of his job and travels to a place where Harry lives and Harry needs a break of his past relationships. They meet in a pub and after too many drinks, they decide to do a road trip around the country. The author decides how people know who is their soulmates.
TT: Zouis: they discover they’re soulmates in Zayn’s wedding. Louis is the boyfriend of one of the best mates
UU: Larry - A reality show is trying to prove that soulmates still exist and Louis and Harry are participants in it
VV: HL Monday AU with Harry as Mickey and Louis as Chloe (but with a happy and not toxic ending please!)
WW: The voice you hear your thoughts in is your soulmate’s but you don’t know who they are until you hear them speak for the first time
XX: You’ve been sketching your soulmate’s face since you were old enough to pick up a pencil, the drawings become more realistic through the years as the day you meet comes near
YY: Red strings of fate au. Person A cuts their string. Person B is devastated to find their string has been cut but moves on with their life and finds love with, you guessed it, Person A who doesn’t believe in soulmates. When Person B finds out that Person A cut their string they’re so angry because they know how devastated they were to find their cut string. And Person A is confused at first because they thought Person B didn’t believe in soulmates either and didn’t realize that it was because they had no way of finding their soulmate. And then it hits Person A that there might be a slight chance that Person B IS their soulmate. So they nervously show up with their string and ask if Person A wants to see if the ends fuse together or not. Up to writer if the ends fuse or not.
ZZ: Person A reads tarot cards and while reading Person B’s cards, Person A can see that the cards are telling them that the two of them are soul mates
AAA: Soulmates can hear what their soulmate is singing.  Harry grows up with a soulmate who exclusively sings a weird blend of Oasis, Green Day, and the odd Light Killers song.  Louis grows up with a soulmate who mostly sings Fleetwood Mac and Peter Gabriel. They both hate their soulmates taste in music.
BBB: Every person is born with a golden string on their finger attached to their soulmate.  Everyone but them can see it but it is considered highly rude to tell people without prompting (like taking away a coming of age experience).  Or Harry and Louis fight a lot and everyone looks at them knowingly until one of them cracks and asks someone about it.
CCC: Character A runs a clothing boutique of some kind and one day uses a steamer too close to the smoke detector and sets off the fire alarm. Character B is one of the firemen to respond. Character A is very embarrassed that they did this in front of a super hot fireman, but the firemen are super nice about it. It just so happens they have to come back the following week for an annual inspection of the building and Character A jokes around/flirts with B. Soulmate aspect up to writer. (One idea could be matching soul marks?)
DDD: When soulmates touch for the first time, an electric shock goes through each person. They can’t touch each other without a shock...until they fall in love with each other. Too bad Character A & B hate each other and are not thrilled that when they touch by accident they finally feel the electricity they’ve always been waiting for. 
EEE: The color of your eyes act like a mood ring and changes according to your soulmates' mood. The first time you make eye contact with your soulmate, they turn the same color.
FFF: Reluctant soulmates where one or both of them keep their soulmarks covered at all times because they want to fall in love without the person soulmates
GGG: AU where your soulmate smells like HOME only they’re both too dirty and disgusting to smell like anything other than yuck
HHH: Older Larry AU where they’re both in their 40s or older and still haven’t met The One. Embracing this, they each go on a trip alone, but wind up meeting
iii: Fleetwood Mac/ Rumours AU - Larry as Stevie and Lindsey, Ziam as Christine and John. A breakup and a divorce while recording and touring an iconic album. Endgame Larry. Lovers to exes to soulmates.
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Homestay 2
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Part 1
You are on part 2
Part 3
Taishiro Toyomitsu / Fatgum x Reader!
Summary: after developing a relationship from his time as a guest in your home, the two of you have been surviving on text messages and phone calls ever since he left to go back to the city. The both of you missed each other terribly...so a little surprise wouldn’t hurt....
Sorry for typos
Masterlist / request info in masterlist
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Ever since those three heroes had left at the end of the week, your semi large home had become painfully quiet. Without Taishiro though? It had become painfully lonesome. Every night you expected his figure to appear in the door way to your room to cuddle the night away like the two of you had done the week that he, Suneater and Red Riot had been guest in your home, but every night you were left disappointed. After a week or so the feeling had slowly faded away, but you still yearned for Taishiro. You wanted to see that grin, be in those arms, and listen to those laughs rumble through his chest as your head would be rested upon it. Instead, you were left to impatiently check your phone every second it was in your hands or listen for the telltale signal of your obnoxiously loud ringtone whenever you would be tending to your garden are bothering the chickens for their eggs or to toss out their feed. The times you did receive a text message and did hear that loud text tone, your heart would drop down in your chest and end up in a ball of flutters and fast heart beats. A blush would always manage to find it’s way onto your cheeks, even if it were to be a simple text that would be wishing you a great day, good morning, night, and or jus a plain hello. That man always kept your heart in a flutter and your cheeks hotter than the rays of a summer sun. What really made your hear go boom was the calls the two of you would had, mostly at night. The two of you could spend the moment the sun goes down and when the sun goes back up talking and giggling over the phone, but the two of you didn’t care if your heads were an exhausted haze throughout the next day. Spending the whole night talking and laughing was worth it, but sometimes he would have to sadly skip the phone call of end it early since he is a pro hero after all. As the months went on, that feeling had crawled it’s way into your core. That bitter loneliness and yearning for that man that made you swoon. So, having a neighbor agree to watch your home, you made the hike along those dirt and gravel roads with your suitcase in hand, the straps to your stray hat adjusted to keep it snug upon your head and away from the ghostly grasp of the wind the fluttered along beside, whipping the train ticket in your hand playfully as if it were a cat teasing a feather. 
Now you had a bit of experience when it came to the city, you didn’t live under a rock and you surely never just decided to never leave the area of sparse farming towns and villages either, but when the city had come into view through the window that was situated next to your seat on the train...you couldn’t help but let a childlike excitement creep up within you. The city still was quite amazing! The roads always zipped and zoomed with vehicles, people would move from one side of the street to the other in a HUGE heard, and then the city always had heroes patrolling and dashing by to keep the streets safe. And the buildings! You couldn’t help but always feel that they might just fall on top of you as you shuffled past people, eyes darting to the directions that was open on your phone, gushing out apologies if your suit case would have accidentally wacked a passerby’s legs. Your footsteps had soon came to a stop once your phone chimed a pleasant ‘your destination is to your left’ up to you. 
“Fatgum...” you muttered out as you read the huge letters that were upon the face of the building. You couldn’t help but let out a giggle once you finally got a good look at the hero agency. “Hey...it looks like him!” you spoke out to yourself with a grin upon the revelation. Your amusement was soon mellowed out as you took in a deep intake of air, now beginning to make your way up to those glass doors, not pushing through, a blast of air pressing past your face and pushing the small little hairs around your face. “Whoa...” you mumbled out as you let your eyes scan the area. It was your very first time in a hero agency, so yes of course it was going to bring a childlike excitement to accompany the new experience. 
“Can I help you?” A voice asked from the reception desk, snapping yourself out from your star struck haze. Now looking to the woman at the front desk, you quickly offered a smile before lugging up your suitcase to now lean up onto the reception desk gently, though just as you were about to say something, the woman was already speaking again as she looked up to you from her seat. “I’m sure I can help you find your way to your hotel in no time! What is the address ma’am?” You were kind of caught up in your own confusion for a second before giving a little shake of your head and a laugh to go along with it.
“Oh, no! I’m here to see Fatgum!” You spoke out once you had regained your composure from your little moment of hazy confusion. The other woman only gave you a confused look as she had began to type and click away at the computer that sat off to the side, eyes quickly scanning the screen before looking to you. 
“I’m sorry...but I’m positive you aren’t on the schedule, but I can try and get you a time to meet with him. Either call the agency later or leave your contact information so that someone will be able to contact you..” She professionally explained as she was already handing off a business card towards you across the desk, but you only looked to the card, eyebrows scrunched together. 
“Look...I traveled here from the Niigata area to come and visit him, so you can just tell me where his office is, that would be all I need.” You said with a sheepish smile as the woman seemed to only grow agitated and suspicious of you. “And I was hoping to not let him know I’m here since it is a surprise and all..” you continued on, but your voice seemed to lose it’s up beat tone the more the receptionist casted that cold gaze to you. 
“I’m sorry, but I can’t do that, but you can still leave your contact information in order for us to contact you or try contacting us tomorrow or the next day in order to schedule a meeting, have a nice day.” she curtly spoke once more, her attention now the phone hat run upon he desk, her fingers now rapidly typing away at the keyboard with the iconic loud clicks. You of course only let your smile fall down in a small frown, backing away from the desk with the feeling of embarrassment tearing at your insides as you turned away from the reception desk. 
“Now what...” you mumbled out as you had began to slowly make your way to the glass doors. 
“Boo!” Shouted a voice, hands jabbing at your sides which caused you to give a little yelp, now whipping around to face the culprit. One of your hands were raised to give a good smack to them too, but you only gasped with a grin upon your face. “Did I scare you with how spooky that sounded or what?” chuckled the familiar figure before you
“Red Riot!” You exclaimed, now offering the other a tight hug with your suitcase set at your feet, now pulling back to look a him. “You look so cool! I didn’t get to see you in your costume whenever you, Suneater, and Fatgum stayed!” You pointed as you admired the young, future hero in front of you. 
“Yeah! Must be kind of weird, but what is weirder is that you are here! For a second I thought I was hallucinating or someone else just had that some beat up straw hat..” He teased as he let a finger tap the brim of your hat, you only rolling your eyes and pushing his hand away. “Thank goodness it was you, it would have been embarrassing if I did that to someone I didn’t know” he said with a sigh of relief. 
“Then maybe you shouldn’t do that!” you scolded him, but it was in a joking manor as you leaned down to grab your suitcase again. “But...where is Fatgum? I came to see him, but I wanted to surprise him, ya know? Along with Suneater!” You quickly added with a little laugh. “But I didn’t have much luck with doing that...” you said with a little frown, casting a glance to the reception desk “I should have figured that much, it being a hero agency and all...”
“Hey! She’s with me!” Shouted out Kirishima towards the woman at the desk, now taking the suitcase from your hands as he soon motioned for you to follow as he led you up the stairs. “Suneater is out on patrol, along with Fatgum and I was just about to head out for my own patrol hours” He explained as he looked over his shoulder and at you, now pushing open a door and ushering you in. “So you can just wait in here for Fatgum and Suneater, it shouldn’t be long” Kirishima now set down the suitcase at the large desk. “I really gotta go, but I’ll probably catch you later if you are staying for a few days, catch ya later!” He called out as he was already rushing out the office, door closed to leave you in the silence, eyes scanning the room. At first you hesitantly walked about the room, freezing at every trick sound that your brain teased your ears with. Soon you were now letting your hands touch everything! The chairs in front of the desk, the desk itself, the shelves, filing cabinets, everything that you could reach to glide your fingertips across. Your eyes had finally landed to the chair the sat behind the desk. With a little excited squeal, you let yourself flop down onto the massive chair, letting our a laugh as you let the chair spin, now facing the windows that looked down the streets. The same windows that made up Fatgum’s iconic grin on the outside of the building.
“That’s funny, I don’t remember leaving my chair facing that way. Red Riot must have sat in it again..” Muttered at a voice from the now opened door of the office. That is when you quickly spun around to now face the other within the room. “Holy crap! When did you get here!” Exclaimed Fatgum as he quickly rushed forward, you now standing up from the huge office chair to allow him to lift you up with a tight hug.
“I bought a train ticket to come and visit for a few days! I wanted it to be a surprise, so Red Riot let me up here” You muttered out as you pulled your face back too look down at him. “But look at you! You’re so cute and you look really cool too!” You exclaimed excitedly as you let your eyes admire him once he set you down, hands still gently holding onto his. “And I thought you were tall when the three of you stayed for the week....you’re taller now...” You spoke as you finally looked up to him with your shocked expression, the large grin stretching across him face and just the smallest blush crawling just a tad bit out from under the mask that covered the majority of his face.
“It kind of slipped my mind that you really haven’t seen me like this, sorry” He said as he let out an almost nervous laugh as he looked down at you. The words he was going to speak got trapped in his throat thought as he looked down at you. That giant thud and flutter of his heart was the culprit as he finally got a good look at you, but someone clearing their throat off to the side caught you and Taishiro’s attention, hands now separating and a step taken away from each other.
“And you Suneater! You were cute before, but you are even cuter now!” You giggled out as you were now hugging Tamaki tightly, of course flustering the young adult, but he simply gave the tiniest of hugs back in return. 
“Hey Suneater, you can head home now, since your completed your patrol hours for today, don’t forget to clock in your hours though” Taishiro spoke out after clearing his throat, Amajiki only nodding his head before bidding a quiet ‘nice seeing you’ to you before leaving the office, but once that door closed, Taishiro had you back in his arms, holding you tight and smothering your face with kisses. “You sneaky little thing...” he muttered out with a little laugh before setting you down, though you only rolled your eyes as you let yourself set at the edge of his desk as he sat down upon the huge chair that you once sat in. 
“I probably should have let you know, I kind of made a fool of myself at the front desk..” you said with a small laugh as you swung you feet a little, holding onto Taishiro’s hands that were now rested upon your lap. “She was kind of really suspicious of me...” You said as you let your thumb gently rub upon his hand. One of his hands had slithered out from your grasp to gently pull down the hat from your head, hand soon smoothing the flyaway hairs from your face. The time was spent with of course him explaining a few things about his agency and what not. The time was also spent with laughter, a few blushed and a kiss here and there that the two of you couldn’t resist sharing. He was also elated over the fact that you also planned to stay at his apartment as well. Apparently sleeping alone wasn’t really the same for only you. Once the hours got late and he could head home now, he took hold of your suitcase, your straw hat now jokingly upon his head as he lead you down to the main floor, your hand holding onto his arm as you followed beside his towering figure. 
“Hey, this is my girlfriend, so next time just let her head up to my office, ok? Have a nice night!” Taishiro said with a grin to the receptionist as he had pushed past the doors, holding them open for you. The term ‘girlfriend’ left a grin upon your lips that was being supressed by a bit from your teeth, a blush crawling upon your cheeks. Now you hugged onto the parts of his arm that you could reach as the keys to his apartment jingled around in the lock to his door, finally givin that knob a twist before opening it. “This is my apartment.” He said as he allowed you in first, following after you to close the door shut and lock it to then slip off his shoes and begin removing his protective gear and other parts of his costume such as his mask and along with tugging down the hood to his jacket. Though you were already roaming around the apartment, shoes of course left behind at the front door. You let yourself give a quick walk around the kitchen, then you sprawled out upon the couch in the livingroom, but you quickly got up to continued your self directed tour. Taishiro only laughed as he watched you, announcing he was having food delivered which you only gave a little nod of your head as you continued on.
“Bingo!” You cheered as you opened a door to reveal his bedroom, now already tossing yourself onto the massive bed, letting yourself get lost and buried deep within the covers. You squealed though when the blanket was pulled back, you laughing as Taishiro was down beside you, now pulled up and snuggled against him. “I missed you so much...” you hummed out against his chest.
“Me too....” he spoke out quietly in agreement as he let his hand gently play with your hair, enjoying the sound of your rhythmic breathing against himself. “Maybe you should just move out here, live with me...” Taishiro said, now moving to look down at your face, but couldn’t help but let his his lips press those soft kisses against any available space upon your face.
“As much as I would love to do that, I can’t just give up the house I have....it means a lot to me...” you hummed out with closed eyes as you let those kisses continued to pepper your face, but your eyes soon opened with the disappointment of not feeling those soft kisses anymore.
“Who said you have to get rid of the house? I’ll help you keep it up, you know? When I get weekends off or recovery periods we can just go over there, away from the world to be by ourselves...” he said with a little wink, you only blushing and giving an eye roll, but you couldn’t help the smile upon your face.
“We’ll see about that, now come down here and give me a proper kiss.” You said with a giggle as you leaned up to press your lips against his, but the two of your were interrupted by a knock upon the door.
“The food...I’ll get it...” he said with a disappointed groan as he got up, footsteps lead down the hall and the the front door. The next couple days went a little like this. You would show up to the agency after sleeping in just a little bit which couldn’t be helped, his bed smelt like him and it was EXTREMELY comfortable. Then you would head straight to his office to visit with Tiashiro or maybe Red Riot and Suneater. One night the four of you were back at Fatgum’s apartment enjoying dinner together, Red Riot now speaking up.
“Hey....the receptionist said that she’s your girlfriend, Fatgum...” Kirishima spoke out with a raised brow, looking to the pro hero expectantly how only looked up from his plate with wide eyes, glancing over to you before back to Kirishima.
“Well...she is...” he finally said, small blushes already staining you and his own cheeks. “We have been for a while actually, but you know, it’s mostly just been over the phone and phonecalls.” He said as he looked over and down to you. “I just haven’t told you guys yet or really anyone.”
“Pay up...” came out a hushed voice, Kirishima cursing as he handed over money to Tamaki who quietly took it from him and pushed it away into the depths of his pocket.
“You two were betting cash on this or something?” Taishiro asked in bewilderment as he gawked at the two teens before him. Kirishima was the one to quickly explain himself.
“Well I thought that the receptionist just assumed that the two of you were dating, but Tamaki said that it was so obvious though since you always texted her, called her, talked about her.....and he also mentioned seeing you sneak into her room while we were staying at her place...ow!” He growled out in pain, Tamaki casting him a fearful glance that told him to just ‘shut up now!’ after giving a kick to his shin carefully.
“Wow....and I thought I was being discreet about it.” He said with a laugh as he continued to eat, you only shaking your head as you watched him continue eating.
“Well...we probably really weren’t now looking back at it...”
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yukiwrites · 3 years
Finally Together, Now and Forever
This was a commission for a dear friend that took a long time to finish due to personal life getting in the way, but I want to say that I really enjoyed writing this and that I don’t deserve you!! I love you and thank you so much for entrusting your beloved ship to me! Watch out for sin, ye who enters!
Summary: Claude had to leave Fódlan for the sake of both of their nations, but Byleth was determined to follow her beloved to Almyra as fast as possible. Once there, they would finally be able to live out their lives side by side.
Commission info HERE and HERE!
After a gruesome war that lasted over 6 years, the unification of Fódlan had finally started.
In Claude’s words, Fódlan was now a newborn; frail and easily upset. For that reason, he had moved back to Almyra so he and Byleth could work hand in hand from either side of the border so as to bring both kingdoms together.
To be completely honest, Byleth was slightly upset that she had to be left alone in Fódlan while her promised one went back home to settle things. Of course, she understood that she had to wear the mantle of a ruler after being the so-called hero of the war, but her home was where Claude -- no, Khalid -- was. So, the moment he stepped out of Fódlan, so did the place where she belonged to.
With that in mind, Byleth worked tirelessly as not only the leader of the Church but as the ruler of the Unified Fódlan with only one goal in mind: pass down her duties to Seteth and move to Almyra to stay with Khalid.
Of course, Khalid was aware that that was their shared purpose, but he didn’t know how much Byleth had pushed up that goal in her own agenda. She worked as though possessed -- assigning new officials, moving the capital of Fódlan to Derdriu, creating a new Knight Order with her own connections to spread throughout the land, selecting noble Houses and commoners alike to govern pieces of land by hand so they would offer their allegiance to the seat of the Leader… To the passerby, it felt as if Byleth had more hours in the day, or at least five more pairs of arms to sign and create documents.
She made sure to instruct the officials that they should pledge their allegiance to the leader of the Unified Fódlan, not Byleth herself, to which some of them nodded in confusion at first. It was only when Byleth announced that she was passing down the mantle to Seteth mere 5 months after being instated that the people around her finally understood her intentions.
Or seemed to understand, at least. For them, Byleth was someone so unlikely that they referred to her as something more than human. She was charismatic, strong, wielded the Sword of the Creator, defeated the possessed King of Liberation, freed the nation of corruption and completely revamped its law system in less than half a year. It was something impossible for the mere common man to compare, so when Byleth stepped down, they felt as though they had been in the presence of a higher being and were eternally grateful for her service.
Scratching her cheek, Byleth felt bad that the people started to see her even more as something impossible when she was simply using whatever means she had at hand to just go be with her love. Yes, she manipulated hands of time once or twice but if she had the power to, why not use it for the benefit of the people (and her own in the meantime)?
Ahem, anyway, Byleth’s point was that she wanted to get back into Khalid’s arms right away and be a bit mischievous while she was at it, so she did not send word ahead of her arrival.
Of course, as the former Leader of the Unified Fódlan, she had sent a missive about her stepping down from power to all of their friendly neighbors (which included Almyra, obviously), but what she didn’t specify was that she left Derdriu on the very next day towards Khalid’s homeland.
She was all smiles as she galloped through the Throat towards the mountain range that would allow her view of Almyra’s western border. From there, she would ride to the neighboring town and fetch a carriage to the capital where she would finally see her beloved.
So they wouldn’t miss each other, she sent word ahead of her the moment she arrived at the neighboring town, wondering what Khalid’s face would be once he received the news that she was basically already at his doorstep.
This trip was strangely liberating.
Byleth was never one to accumulate wealth or belongings, so she only took what she usually did whenever she went on a mercenary mission. It would probably be weird for the onlooker to know that such a lightly packed woman was moving countries and getting married.
But she didn’t care how she looked -- she only wanted to see Khalid one second earlier, even one moment sooner.
By the time the capital was within view, Byleth started to fidget inside the carriage. Had he received her message? Would he be waiting for her once she got off? She could barely contain the smile blooming at the corners of her face.
To her surprise and pleasure, Byleth found a very disheveled Khalid waiting for her at the boarding station, as though he had hurried to meet her there.
“And here I thought nothing could surprise me anymore!” Khalid huffed as he gave his hand for Byleth to exit the carriage. “You got me, Teach-mmph!” He grinned as he called her nickname, but instead of taking his hand, Byleth took his lips by wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Were you surprised?” She asked after placing smaller kisses on his soft lips, taking all the wind of his sails. Khalid blushed for a moment, pressed his lips into a thin line to hide a childish grin from sprouting and dug his face into Byleth’s shoulder for a deeper hug.
He was glad that he left the palace without an attendant, otherwise he would be nagged at the entire way back for this public display of affection. The prince put more strength in his hug, as though he had only just noticed that his loved one was finally within his arms -- hopefully indefinitely this time.
“Honestly, I was so shocked I think I sprouted some grey hairs. Care to check?” He chuckled with a low voice, slowly lifting his face from her shoulder to press his forehead on hers. Byleth hummed as she ran her fingers through his hair, tickling the tip of his ears.
“Hmm, you’re safe for now.” She threaded her hands through his hair, face and beard, as though committing to memory that she had finally arrived… that she was finally with him, ready to walk along life with him by her side. 
“Good. Hopefully my bride won’t give me any more frights like this one in the future.” He teased, finally letting go of the hug to take her by the hand. “Let’s get you to the palace; you must be tired from the trip.”
Byleth huffed, puffing her chest. “Not at all. Actually, I got reenergized the moment I saw you.”
Khalid pressed his lips as his face once again flushed. And here he thought he was the smooth talker of the relationship! How could she throw such a cheesy line with that straight face?
But, well, it wasn’t as though he didn’t feel the same, so he squeezed her hand in his.
“Yeah? Then let’s walk around a bit. I wanna know what you think about Almyra.” He lifted their hand hold with a shy smile, which made Byleth’s chest tingle with emotion.
Even if she couldn’t feel her own heartbeat, the love sprouting from within it was no less true than if she did. Nodding, Byleth allowed herself to be led by Khalid throughout the busy streets of the capital.
Even the buildings themselves were different -- they were built in a specific way that allowed for better air circulation, so one wouldn’t feel hot even in the middle of summer. The streets he guided her through were narrow, to make up for the large corridors that were home to many peddlers, heralds and gardens scattered throughout the city.
There were people dancing, smoking, eating, selling, buying… all amidst a colorful combination of tapestries, cushions and harmonized lifestyles. There were large mosques, with their domes built on rectangular plans and crescent moons on their top built right beside minarets proportional to the size of the mosque… Some of them were decorated with gold mosaic and marble floors, along with colorful walls.
According to Khalid, the capital was the trading hub of the entire Almyra due to its central location -- it wasn’t that far from the border, it also bordered the sea by quite a bit and there was a canal that crossed the entire city towards the other side of the continent. 
True to his words, the port was immense -- to the point that ‘the city of water’, Derdriu, could barely compare. How wonderful it was that they finally managed to put both kingdom’s differences aside to start the trade! They would both profit immensely with this.
Everything was so new and pretty Byleth couldn’t help but stare everywhere in awe.
Khalid chuckled beside her, squeezing her hand to call her attention to him. “To think that before, I could never tell what went on inside your head… Now you’re basically wearing your emotions in your sleeve!”
Still befuddled with all the colors, smells and beauty all around her, Byleth’s eyes shone. “It was you who helped me get in touch with my feelings, so I’m all the more grateful for that.” She replied as though in passing, quickly looking away to marvel at the song of a beautiful bird.
“...” Khalid covered his mouth with his free hand to hide the happy grin that sprouted on his lips as his cheeks flushed again with his bride’s confession. So that was how it was going to be, huh? He had to up his game if he wanted to compete with these cheesy lines Byleth was throwing at him.
He took a more proactive stance in showing her around, pointing at historical places and asking her what she thought they served for so he could boast his own knowledge.
“That place there was where the civil servants had their meetings in my grandfather’s reign. By the time we start our rule, it’s gonna be a thing of the past.”
Byleth’s eyes twinkled with the line about ‘their rule’, as her chest tingled with emotion for being able to be right there with her loved one as they wrote history side by side. “Show me more.” She nodded, puffing her chest.
“Alright, it’s a bit of a trek, but there’s no way one can visit the capital without going to the Grand Bazaar!” He pulled her to walk a bit faster, almost bumping into people who were carrying goods on their heads. The place was absolutely stunning -- it looked so absurdly large, Byleth wondered if they would be able to leave there by the end of the week -- with small and big merchants haggling side by side, huddling themselves to attract the customers’ attention.
There were tapestries, cloths, books, scrolls, perfumes, body oils, incense, food seasoning, fresh produce, paintings, jewelry… it was all sparkling amidst the merchants’ loud voices and people’s laughter all around.
“But be careful, if you weren’t a compulsive shopper before, it would be for the best not to test your will here.” He pointed at her nose with a serious expression, then shifted his gaze to a bag he was suddenly carrying. “... the merchants WILL get the best of you.”
Byleth burst in laughter, slapping Khalid’s shoulder comically. “What is all this?”
“As you can see, I’m also a victim.” He confessed sheepishly, turning back to the cloth merchant he was talking to a moment ago. “That guy’s your partner, right?” he pointed to the jewelry merchant a few stores away, “tell him to bring those three ornaments and gundle here too.”
“Oh, thank you for your patronage! These will go wonderful with your bride’s fair skin!” The man rubbed his hands together in anticipation for the big sale, smiling eagerly to the happy couple.
Byleth cocked her head to the side. “What’re you buying?”
“Well, I wasn’t planning on buying stuff for our wedding NOW, but there was this sale so it’s best to take the opportunity that’s handed to you, right?” He winked, making Byleth finally blush.
“Oh…” She shyly looked down before raising her gaze back up. “Let me help with the bags.”
“Nah, it’s fine. I’ll send someone to get it later.” He waved his hand, then placed the bag he was carrying on top of the other purchases. He felt like doing a little mischief so he handed a seal to the merchant who eagerly awaited for the payment. “Someone will come with the gold to carry all the stuff, but don’t worry that I remember the price we agreed.”
Once the man took the seal his face went pale, finally recognizing the man he had just sold a bunch of high-quality items for a bargain: the prince! “W-what, Your Highne-”
“Haha, see you later!” Khalid laughed heartily, pulling Byleth so they could leave before the man suddenly remembered that the prices were different.
They had a spring in their step as the sun started to settle in the horizon, a signal that it was time to go back to the palace to finally introduce Byleth to her new family. The view of the sun’s last golden rays illuminating the colorful city made it for yet another breathtaking moment for Byleth, who took it all in with a deep, comfortable breath.
Watching her settle right into the city that raised him made Khalid feel all mushy inside. He scratched his nose as he guided her towards the palace.
“Since Mother is also a native from Fódlan, she really wanted to be able to play the part of the bride’s family. So you’ll have what she didn’t have, her words.” Khalid said with a proud smile on his lips.
“I have a lot to learn about your customs,” Byleth nodded. “I’ll do whatever is in my power to adapt well so we can live out our lives together, Khalid.” Her eyes shone with resolution as her mouth yet again spouted those kinds of lines with a straight face.
Khalid had to clear his throat to chuckle away the embarrassment, his chest tingling with emotion. “Don’t worry; you’re gonna do great.”
They walked the brightly lit corridors of the palace as Khalid explained where everything was located and how to get there, though he promised to give her a tour later.
“Before rushing out this morning, I managed to tell the people here that I was going to pick you up, so now there’s probably a room ready for you and I’ll take you there after dinner.” The prince opened the twin large doors leading to the royal dining room, revealing the large table full of foregin (ah, not anymore, Byleth was the foregin here) delicacies as the warm smell of food wafted around them.
At the top of the long table sat the Almyran king, Arash; and by his side there was the white skinned queen, Tiana. They welcomed Byleth in with twin smiles and open arms.
“What joy it is to finally meet the one my son spoke of in his letters.” Arash nodded so Byleth could sit, gesturing to his empty side. Khalid sat on his father’s left, taking Byleth to sit beside him.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you both, King Arash and Queen Tiana.” Byleth bowed at her seat, watching how Khalid’s familiar smile was reflected between both of his parents, warming the bride’s heart.
“Please, we’ll be family soon. Call me Mother.” Tiana bobbed her head to the sides, wearing a satisfied grin. “We’ll be peas of a pod, you and I.”
“Hey, hey, hey, remember she’s MY bride, Mother.” Khalid laughed as he took Byleth’s hand -- the one where she wore the ring he had given her before they had separated. He, too, wore the ring she gave him in turn.
Tiana laughed loudly as Arash chuckled quietly, in that kind of harmony that only a coupe that had been together for an entire lifetime could display. Byleth felt that she would be right at home amidst this warm and welcoming family.
Everything had been a new experience the moment she stepped out of Fódlan, which Byleth absorbed like a sponge; she took all that Khalid’s homeland had to offer and accepted it gladly, with all of her being. Arash and Tiana were all smiles as they taught Byleth the names of the dishes and how to eat them during the entire dinner, under Khalid’s warm gaze.
After they reluctantly parted from the royal couple, Khalid led Byleth towards the wing designated for distinguished guests -- she would be moved to the crown princess room after the wedding, though -- walking at slow steps seemingly not wanting to leave her for the day.
“How was your mother accepted by the people of Almyra?” Byleth asked as she smoothed her fingers through the engraved walls.
“Hmm,” Khalid looked up in thought. “I told you that people had -- well, still have -- a lot of prejudice against Fódlan, right? It was a rough childhood and from what I heard -- since Mother and Father wouldn’t tell me with their own mouths -- she went through a lot of stuff back then, too. But in Almyra, strength is deeply appreciated and, boy, you wouldn’t want to fight my Mother.” He barked a laugh, remembering the men Tiana piled up whenever she went out to train.
“But even if she earned her place, you were still mistreated, right?”
“Meh, I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t bitter about it all, but it made me who I am today. It led me to Fódlan and, eventually, to you.” He kissed her hand amidst their hold, winking once they made eye contact.
Byleth smiled in turn, squeezing her hold in his as their steps were brought to a halt. They stood in front of Byleth’s room in silence, his fingers intertwined in hers unwilling to let go.
“Today was a long day, and the following days will be equally as long, but I’m glad that you’re here with me, Byleth.” He said in a whisper, as his warmth left hers. Once he was about to take a step back to allow her into her room, Byleth grabbed his sleeve.
“You’re leaving? I thought we would…” She glanced back to the door, biting her lower lip in anticipation.
Khalid’s face heated up with his bride’s suggestion, his body stiffening. “Well, uh, there are still some few weeks to the wedding, so I figured we’d…” He trailed off, awkwardly scratching his cheek.
Byleth tilted her head to the side in confusion. “But we did it before you left.” She said matter-of-factly, forcing the memories of their clumsy first time to resurface. They had been eager to have a taste of one another while also being pressed for time, so their touches were rough and awkward. After they parted, it only made them want each other more; to be able to fully take a hold of one’s beloved body and make it tremble with pleasure under but a touch.
They’ve been longing to be together again for so long their bodies ached.
Khalid gulped with difficulty, suddenly feeling the air very rare around them. “You know what,” he took off the button of his high-necked mantle, “I’m not waiting anymore.” He dove into her lips with a hunger of a starved man, digging his tongue into her mouth.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, Byleth pulled him closer as she leaned on the door. Khalid slid one hand behind her back, gluing their bodies in a way that they could feel all that they had to offer while the other hand shuffled behind her to open the door. Once they were inside, they stumbled between their legs towards the bed, shoving the door closed behind them as an afterthought.
The first thing in Byleth’s mind was how fluffy the bed was -- she bounced right back up once she fell under Khalid -- but soon that thought was replaced by how hot Khalid was when she looked at him from below.
Panting after their long kiss, the couple fumbled with one another’s clothes -- Khalid with the straps around Byleth’s chest and Byleth with the buttons holding his mantle together. She felt the pressure around her chest loosen and immediately took off her top, revealing her bare skin.
Khalid held his breath for a second to appreciate how beautiful his bride was -- down to the shade of pink around her nipples. He licked his lips as he, too, took off his top and set to work on her breasts -- he took one in his mouth as he nudged the other between his fingers.
Byleth’s body shook as she lay down under Khalid’s erotic tongue movements, closing her eyes in pleasure. She dug her nails into his hair, pulling it the better he made her feel.
To be honest, Khalid had researched a lot in the arts of sexual relations after he went back home. He didn’t want Byleth to have that image of the clumsy first timer in her head forever, so he wanted to show off to her as soon as possible -- yet, the moment he had her naked splendor in front of him, his mind drew a blank.
He just wanted to taste her, to have her to himself in all of its meanings.
Trailing his tongue downwards to her navel, Khalid pulled down her shorts with gusto, breathing down on her most intimate part with the intensity of an avid taste-tester. Byleth naturally opened her legs to him, squirming under his touch as he opened her folds to insert his tongue in its midst.
“Ah…” Byleth bemoaned, throwing her head back in pleasure. That served only to spur Khalid’s tongue more as he searched for the spot that made her tremble with only but a tap. Once he felt her twitch with newfound gusto for her beloved’s mouth, Khalid slurped her clit, eager to drink from her most intimate place. “Ahn..!” That made Byleth pull his hair vigorously as her body shook with the sudden jolt of pleasure.
“Your voice is so sweet, my bride.” Khalid murmured in between her folds, threading his fingers through her milky skin towards her sex. Panting heavily, Byleth felt that she was left out, that he had stopped right when it was feeling good.
“You’re, ah… You’re bullying me.” She pouted as he rose from his position to free his pulsating erection from his pants. “You shouldn’t bully your elders, you know.” Byleth tried to tease, but her completely submissive pose made it sound more like a cheeky challenge rather than preaching: completely nude, with her legs spread open and her vulva pulsating with desire.
Khalid licked his lips, feeling the leftover taste of Byleth’s in his tongue. “What if I get addicted to it, Teach?” he said in a low voice, prodding his erection on her entrance. He could feel her twitching around him, as though she wanted to suck him in before he could even penetrate her.
He felt her huffing breath in his neck as he lowered himself to place kisses on her ear, wanting to hear her voice once he put it in from the closest distance as possible. Byleth naturally wrapped her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist as she rocked her hips teasingly, inviting him in; tempting him into claiming her as her rightful husband.
To feel her hot breathing on his ear, her eager nails digging on his back in anticipation, the way she moved herself up and down in wait for his entrance… Khalid felt weak in the legs. He bit his beloved's neck as he slid his erection in, slowly being welcomed into her deepest warmth.
“Ahn…!” Byleth let out a loud moan as he slid it in so gradually she had to bite his shoulder so as to keep herself sane. It felt so inexplicably good; to finally conjoin with the one she’s loved for so long… to have his equally deep desire flood her from within; to share the heat with him and only, oh and only him.
“This feels… you feel so good, my bride.” He huffed, pressing his forehead on hers before succumbing to her lips as his lower body pulled out and pushed in rhythmically.
Their moans became one in their kiss, his movements slow and steady at first, but soon gaining momentum in their blind search for pleasure. He dove deep and pulled out entirely, pounding her insides in a way that Byleth never thought possible; in a way that she would grow addicted to in their shared future.
Unwilling to let his lips out of hers, Byleth dug her nails into his scalp once more, pulling him to her making him go deeper with each thrust, making him love her with each movement.
Khalid squeezed his eyes as he approached the epitome of pleasure, his movements accelerating in harmony with the building discharge of their joined satisfaction. Byleth squeezed his shaft within her, the heat within her womb spreading through her entire body after one last deep thrust.
They came at the same time, panting as though they had reached enlightenment. Khalid fell on top of Byleth, exhausted but also refreshed, content but also in need of more. Huffing, Byleth hugged beloved, her legs still weak from the intense orgasm.
“I love you, Khalid.” She confessed amidst their drunk kisses.
“Stole the words out of my mouth, my bride. I love you too.” He closed his eyes to enjoy her tongue one more time, the vigor of their youth spurring them into succumbing to pleasure again and again throughout the night.
True to Khalid’s words from before, the wedding preparations would take a few weeks to be done. In the meantime, Byleth was instructed in how the usual almyran bride behaved during the ceremony and what to watch out for as they prepared themselves to be bound together for eternity.
Tiana took to Byleth like she truly was her own daughter. The queen taught her everything she wished someone had taught her when it was her turn as a bride, and made sure to be the one to preside the henna night once the time came. She wanted Byleth’s pale skin to shine with the culture Tiana absorbed as her own, wanting her daughter to be as happy as she ever could within this land that would one day house their funerals.
The patterns on Byleth and Khalid’s hands were a mirror of each other -- or rather, they complemented each other once they joined hands, blooming a wonderful pattern that would grow even more beautiful on the day of the wedding.
Bridal preparations were on full swing whenever Byleth’s beauty was concerned: Tiana had her body anointed with oil, applied perfumes and washed her hair with jasmine extracts, not to mention the creams and special diets. Byleth’s make-up was done by the lady who knew best how to enhance one’s eyes with their traditional eyeliner which went in perfect harmony with the henna on her hands and feet.
While she got the final touches on herself, Khalid had left from the entrance of the city to preside over a zaffa, a wedding procession, towards the castle. There were many entertainers, loud music, firecrackers and colorful decorations all around, to showcase to anyone, high and low, that their prince was about to get married.
People flocked behind the zaffa merrily, entering the outer castle along with all entertainers. The prince went up the steps towards the place whence his bride waited for him, bowing to his mother (that acted as the bride’s mother) to allow him to take the bride’s hand towards the wedding hall.
Outside, people from all kinds of backgrounds were allowed to enter and enjoy the festivities -- and later they would distribute more food to those of lesser possessions to share their happiness with the entire land.
Once Byleth took Khalid’s hand to get inside, they were finally able to take a look at one another in their wedding attires, both being washed over with emotion as they wore twin smiles on their faces.
“Forever,” Byleth murmured as they walked in.
“And beyond.” Khalid replied in a low voice, squeezing her hand before they sat on their thrones to watch over the party side by side.
Their vows hadn’t changed ever since they were taken hastily back in Fódlan. But now, oh, now they were finally able to say proudly that they had just taken the first step of the rest of their lives.
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