#and not an actual thing to hold dice but more of a joke -
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I need to paint stuff more, I like having something to work on like this. It’s gonna be a dice box of course :D
Plans are to maybe do gold numbering on the die (I might have to outline the gold with black or dark blue though if it isn’t visible enough), add smaller paintings of the other dice around the sides (no d100, since I don’t want to squish one under the little buckle/latch/whatever you call that), and to put felt inside the box to look ~fancy~ and limit the rattling when it actually holds dice
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catknives · 1 year
soulmate-esque au where steve is born with a psychic power where the first time he touches someone who will be important to him, he gets flashes of future moments between the two of them.
the first time he touches nancy he sees flashes of the two of them happy together, then an argument. the flashes clearly jump ahead a few years, as if they maybe stopped talking for a while, but they still look happy in that future. he thinks that maybe they get in a big fight, but clearly they’re still in each others lives for a long, long time.
when he ruffles dustin’s hair looking for dart, he gets flashes of laughter and jokes and a long life of brotherhood. he sees secret handshakes and little plastic dice and being invited to thanksgiving.
they’re not always positive. the first time he brushes past billy in the locker room, he’s filled with flashes of anger and dread and pain, and none of what he sees makes sense in the moment.
on his first day at scoops, he shakes robin’s hands and gets his biggest vision yet. there’s so much love and happiness and joy there, including a montage in which they seem to work a frankly absurd variety of jobs. but he gets stuck on an image of himself in a tux, robin in a wedding dress, and thinks this must be my future wife.
it isn’t until much later, on a dirty bathroom floor, that he realizes he was standing behind robin in that vision of her in a wedding dress, and, oh, he’s her best man.
almost a year later, when eddie pushes him against a wall with a broken bottle to his neck, steve is almost convinced he’s passed out because of the sheer number of visions running through his head. some of the flashes are innocent happy moments—sharing a joint, laughing at a movie, making dinner—but there’s also flashes of pleasure and adoration and devotion on a level that steve’s never felt before.
he sees flashes of waking up next to eddie in bed, walking a dog around a lake hand in hand, watching eddie perform on stage, a soft kiss to a bare shoulder.
and suddenly steve yearns, thinks he’s never fully known the meaning of that word until now. he tries to play it cool, doesn’t want to freak eddie out, but he’s seen so many visions of them holding hands that his fingers itch with the need to interlace with eddie’s.
when eddie is attacked by demobats, everyone tries to get steve and dustin to leave eddie’s body behind, because clearly eddie is dead. and steve can’t explain to them why he knows that can’t be true, he just stubbornly insists and drags eddie to a hospital as he promises again and again to dustin that eddie is going to make it.
everyone but steve is shocked when the doctors find the barest hint of a pulse.
it’s touch and go at first, but they put eddie in a medically induced coma and he starts to improve. steve is there the whole time. he tells the unconscious eddie about all of the things they still have to do together, about how he knows eddie will live a long, happy life because he’s seen eddie with gray in his hair, laugh lines etched into his face, as they welcome their first grandchild to the world.
and eddie makes it, and when he was up eddie tells steve he heard everything. steve steels himself for denial or disbelief, but eddie tells him that it’s the first thing he’s heard in the past month that actually makes sense.
they share their first kiss right there in the hospital room, and even though steve has seen this moment before, it still takes his breath away.
as he grows older, steve notices more and more of the moments he’s seen in visions as they happen. he happily discovers that there’s so much the visions don’t show, and there’s still so much to see.
because yes, just like he saw all those years ago, he stands behind robin at her wedding, and it’s as moving and special as it always looked. but he also gives max away at her and lucas’s wedding, and he helps dustin propose to suzie, and he helps erica pick out her wedding dress. and, of course, robin stands behind steve at his own wedding.
steve lives a long happy life, with so many memories—seen and unseen—to look forward to.
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dreamisols · 3 months
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—the rare moments of free time allow you and your boyfriend to talk about anything and everything that comes to mind... at this point, you two might as well be the third division's free podcast! —wc: 1050; fluff but mostly crack —original canon, x fem!reader, you and hoshina are just silly, hibino leno and kikoru mentions, one cuss, general pov more or less, i advocate for silly unhinged dynamics —rimi's ramble: told myself not to rush the series but i wrote this in one sitting... my summer's gonna be spent writing about this man, buckle up folks! >:]
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The Third Division considers you and Hoshina as their power couple. 
Charming looks paired with commanding auras, levels of strength that no one would dare go against, all topped off with endearing one-of-a-kind personalities. Two puzzle pieces that fit as if they’re made for each other.
Everyone within the division quickly accepted and supported your relationship with the Vice Captain. And with that support comes your status as the “local love team"—an inside joke and a makeshift badge of honor (if one could even call it that).
In their defense, there isn't even any sort of competition to begin with. You two are the only couple within the division.
Every member, no matter how long they’ve been in the Defense Force, holds high respect towards both of you. They trust you with a lot of things—the wisdom you both give to your members is actually useful, and your attack combos on the field are nothing to scoff at. 
Yes, they would trust you two with their lives, and yes, the way they’d say it might blur the lines of comedy and seriousness. There’s simply one thing that’s holding everyone off…
No one trusts the both of you with coffee. 
Ironic, considering it’s one of Vice Captain Hoshina’s favorite things. 
Another inside joke is that whenever a member enters the lounge room and they’re greeted by the rich inviting scent of brewed coffee, they will be tuning in to some sort of a podcast episode hosted by their one and only dynamic duo. 
No one session is the same. Sometimes you two end up talking about some story you read or some personal experiences. Other days, it’s just opening as many controversial topics as you both can while expressing your opinions in a lighthearted debate. One time, to the division’s surprise, you two started doing a deep dive into a conspiracy theory, complete with a whole digital presentation and proven statistics. 
It’s even more surprising how convincingly well put the entire thing was to the point even Captain Ashiro listened in with interest. 
The members found it pleasant, enjoyable even. A chance to hold more conversations about different non-kaiju-related topics thanks to you and Hoshina’s exceptionally random conversation starters.
All they ask is that you guys don’t open up a topic that might get you random looks at best, or—hypothetically—get the both of you canceled on the internet at worst.   
Today was one of those days, the team figured, when you and your boyfriend step into the (initially busy) lounge with matching porcelain cups. Hibino, Leno, and Kikoru were the ones present in the room… this marks their first time listening in on the two of you rambling.
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“I don’t know, Soshiro-san, don’t you think that may be a little too intense?” you made a beeline and assumed your spot on the couch right in front of Kikoru, drinking from your cup the moment you sat on the soft cushion.
Hoshina follows after you and settles right by your side, “No way!” If he weren’t holding anything, you can envision the way he’d cross his arms and huff. He mimics your movements from a while ago, taking a sip from his drink before placing the cup down with a small ‘clink!’. 
A childish pout graces his lips as he stares right at you. “If you think hard enough, I’m telling ya, dicing those kaiju is just like makin’ intricate fruit carvings!”
May the gods give the juniors strength because what the actual fuck were you two talking about?
The room is radio silent. You and Hoshina continue to glare at each other as if you’re both in a mental debate. Which seems likely enough.  
Kikoru nudges Leno’s arm to get him to break the ice and the poor guy sputters. Hibino breaks into a cold sweat when he catches the way you and Hoshina sharply look at the three of them. 
“V-Vice Captain..! (Name)-san… go–good afternoon!” Leno prays his salute doesn’t give away the fact he’s shaking.
By record, this may have to be the oddest conversation they’ve heard in passing.
You flash the three of them a small smile and Hoshina does a small wave of his hands. Not even a second later, the man beside you jumps at the opportunity to find allies for his claim.
“You guys think that slicin' kaiju is like slicing fruits, right?”
Bless your soul that you’re stubborn enough to match his energy. “If anything, it’s more like carving wood! You have to be intricate about it!” 
Hoshina looks back at you like you’ve transformed into the kaiju you were talking about, “Wood carving?! Darlin’ I love you more than the coffee I’m drinking right now, but you’ve reached a new level of insanity!”
“Comparing anything to kaiju neutralization is already some form of insanity…” Leno whispers under his breath. “Let alone wood carving and fruit dicing…” Kikoru murmurs back in agreement. 
“Aww, you love me more than coffee?”
The immediate shift from a lighthearted argument to some sappy lovey dovey confession while talking about carving patterns on kaiju may be just as impressive as your combat prowess, the trio decides. 
Hibino breathes a sigh of relief and mumbles, “Those two fit each other so well… wonder if it’s a match made in heaven or hell…”
“We’re soulmates!” Hoshina corrects him, instinctively reaching out to hold your hands as if it’ll prove his point further. He gently laces his fingers with yours before glowering at Hibino, “You also called us demons with the whole 'hell' comment. Thirty push-ups for the three of you, ya hear?”
Leno nudges his senior’s ribs like he wants to end him right then and there. Kikoru was probably devising ways to successfully kill him on the spot. Hibino’s fighting for his life, but he still manages to catch the way you and Hoshina look at each other with mirroring lovesick smiles. 
If he manages to scrape out alive, maybe this coffee talk wasn’t that bad.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, but please don’t copy or repost my work! [edited: 062424]
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writingduhh · 2 months
hii so i was wondering if you could do hansumfella x chef!reader and tyler’s doing a cooking stream and she helps him do it doesn’t turn out like ass 😇🙏🏼
You got it!! Hope this is okkk! I’m still new to writing for him so bear with me
Hansumfella || Cooking Stream
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Tyler had been hyping up his cooking stream for weeks. He wanted to show off his culinary skills—or at least try to acquire some. You, his partner and a professional chef, had reluctantly agreed to help him when he had offered.
The stream started with Tyler setting up the camera, greeting his audience with his usual charm.
"Hey everyone, welcome to today's special cooking stream! I have my beautiful partner, Y/N, here to make sure I don't burn down the kitchen."
“Finally some good food 😭”
“I missed y/n sm”
You waved to the camera, smiling warmly. "Hi everyone! I'm here to guide Tyler and hopefully, we’ll create something delicious together. Or well, at least edible.” You jest, earning a big reaction from chat.
“$10 he still ruins it.”
“I can actually relax now because he won’t die.”
“Edible 💀”
The plan was to make a simple dish: spaghetti carbonara. Tyler had chosen it because it sounded fancy, but you knew it was straightforward enough for a beginner with some guidance.
"Alright, first step is to boil the pasta. Fill that pot with water and add a generous amount of salt."
Tyler followed instructions, making faces at the camera as he poured the salt. "Is this generous enough?" he asked, holding up the container.
"More," you replied with a chuckle. "You want the water to taste like the ocean." He nodded and proceeded to pour more into the pan. Once he saw the excess salt on his hands he had an idea.
“Hey y/n, y/n, look. Want something salty?” He smirks, his lips now covered in salt.
You rolled your eyes playfully, fighting a smile. "Focus, Romeo. We've got a meal to make."
“Nope. You have to taste some or I won’t help anymore.” He mumbles, lips still puckered.
“But this is your stream… Oh alright.” You playfully scoff, accepting his kiss much to the amusement of the chat.
As the water heated up, you moved on to preparing the pancetta. You showed Tyler how to dice it properly, and he mimicked your actions, though his pieces were noticeably uneven.
"Perfect," you said encouragingly. "Now, let's get that cooking in the pan. Low and slow, we want it crispy but not burnt."
The chat couldn’t help but chime in
“It looks like he ripped them apart by hand”
“Helll nah 💀”
“Y/n is so patient…. Couldn’t be me”
Tyler narrated every step dramatically for the audience, keeping them entertained with his usual antics. "Look at me, slicing and dicing like a pro. How am I doing, chef?" He turned to you with an exaggeratedly hopeful look.
"Not bad, but don’t quit your day job," you teased, nudging him with your elbow.
"Harsh, but fair," Tyler laughed. "I guess I’ll have to rely on my charm to keep you around."
You smirked, leaning closer. "Maybe if you cook this meal right, you'll earn a reward later." You we’re honestly quite shocked by your own words, but it was too late to take them back.
Tyler’s eyes widened, and he turned back to the camera with a grin. "You hear that, chat? High stakes tonight!"
Things started to get more chaotic when Tyler accidentally knocked over the pepper grinder, spilling peppercorns all over the counter. "Uh, that was intentional. That’s what we call 'seasoning the kitchen' in the industry…” he joked, bending down to pick them up.
You laughed, shaking your head. "Less seasoning the kitchen, more seasoning the food."
While whisking the eggs and cheese together, Tyler got a bit too enthusiastic, splattering some of the mixture onto his shirt. "Ah shit. Looks like I’m adding some extra flavor.”
You handed him a towel, still chuckling. "Try not to add yourself to the recipe."
"Noted," Tyler said, dabbing at his shirt. To his dismay he only made the stain worse.
“Ugh. Should I just take my shirt off?”
“I mean, that’s up to you.”
“Nah, I won’t. That’s only for you to see.” He winks, your face uncontrollably turning red as a sea of comments emerge.
"Alright, now comes the tricky part," you said, your tone a bit more serious. "When the pasta is done, we're going to mix it with the egg and cheese mixture off the heat, so the eggs cook gently and make a creamy sauce."
"No pressure, right?" Tyler joked, though a hint of nerves showed in his voice.
"You’ve got this," you assured him, placing a hand on his arm. "And I’m right here to help."
When it came time to drain the pasta, Tyler nearly lost the whole pot in the sink, fumbling with the colander. "Crisis averted!" he declared triumphantly, holding up the drained pasta.
You shook your head, laughing. "Careful! You almost dropped it."
Tyler made exaggerated whisking motions, earning laughs from both you and the chat. "Is this how you do it, or am I just showing off my guns?"
"Less showing off, more whisking. We want it smooth and creamy, not chunky."
"Got it, boss," Tyler said with a mock salute.
You managed the final steps together, Tyler following your lead. When they plated the carbonara, it actually looked—and smelled—delicious. Tyler took a dramatic bite on camera, his eyes widening in exaggerated delight.
"This is amazing! You’re a miracle worker, Y/N," he said, leaning in to give you a quick kiss on the cheek as his arm slung over your shoulder
You blushed, smiling at the camera. "Couldn’t have done it without my amazing assistant."
Tyler turned back to the audience with a grin. "Alright, chat, if you liked this stream, let me know, and maybe Y/N will come back for another round. What do you say?"
The chat exploded with enthusiastic responses, and Tyler wrapped up the stream with a promise to cook more often—with your help, of course. As the camera turned off, he pulled you into a warm embrace.
"Thanks for saving my bacon—literally," he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Anytime," you replied, snuggling closer. "Now, about that reward…"
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dailyadventureprompts · 6 months
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DM Tip: Creating a Campaign Skeleton
Learning to be a better dungeonmaster was a protracted process. A younger me was often so stressed out by the desire to be a better artist that I'd have legitimately mauled a person if it would've revealed to me the wisdom I sought (with my hands or even an actual maul given the chance).
One of my biggest hurdles was the idea of a universal framework for d&d adventures, a guideline that would tell me if the things I was creating were on the right track. It was sorely needed, I loved the process of being creative but without an understanding of how my creative energy was best used I ended up sinking days, weeks, or even months worth of energy into projects that went nowhere. Worse yet, when I DID get a chance to put my ideas into practice at the table they'd frequently spiral out of control and crash, resulting in even more stress.
Over time I learned from these mistakes, I got better, and then I got good. I moved from conscious incompetence to competence, and I ended up having a run of absolutely stellar campaigns that were everything my younger self could have dreamed of: stable, enjoyable, meaningful, and most importantly an absolute delight to my players. Routinely I'd have people, including folks that'd only played with me a few times, mention that getting together to roll dice and listen to me babel on in silly voices was a highlight of their week.
It was as one of these campaigns began to wind down (three years! a satisfying conclusion on the horizon!) and I started looking for a followup scenario that I decided to study all my really successful campaigns and figure out what connected them. The end result was something I'd been looking for for nearly a decade, a reliable format that I could build campaigns around.
I want to preface this section with the understanding that while this information is laid out in a vaguely chronological fashion there's no guarantee that these ideas will occur to you in any particular order. Inspiration is a funny thing, and each idea flows into the others to make a cohesive whole. Due to foreshadowing and setup reasons you're also going to need a pretty solid idea about all of these when starting a campaign, though exact details will likely change/ can be vague up until the moment they're needed.
The Reason: Who are we and what are we doing?
Gives your players a solid background to build their characters around and give them a reason to travel together, rather than having to ad lib one on the spot. Likewise sets expectations of what the campaign is "about" that you can build on or subvert in time. The reason doesn't need to hold true for the entire game, just long enough to serve as a framing device. EG: The Witcher starts out as a "monster of the week" setup and then uses that framework to pivot into politics and prophecy once we've seen the premise play out.
The Pilot/Crashtest Adventure: What's first?
I’ve already written about these, but the general concept is to give your party a mostly contained first outing that doesn’t have any larger bearing on the plot so they can focus on learning how their characters play/building the party dynamic.  By the time the party's finished this first adventure they'll have already started putting down roots in the world: they'll have in jokes, npcs they've started to care about, an understanding of what's on the horizon, and an idea of where they want to go next.
The Central Gameplay Pillar: How does this all work?
It's important to have an idea what your campaign is going to be about in a mechanical sense in addition to its plot and themes. There is a difference between an adventure that has the party delve a dungeon, and a dungeoncrawling focused campaign. I like to lead with these outright during the campaign pitch so that players can know what they're getting into. Your playgroup will likely have strong opinions about what they like and dislike, even if they don't have the words to describe it, so you might need to explain the ideas for them.
The Hub: Where are we?
I think every good campaign has a hub, some kind of settlement that the party returns to between adventures to offload loot, pick up supplies, and sift through the latest gossip to look for the next questhook. Letting the party return to the same place lets them build up a relationship with it, clarifying the picture in their mind as new details are added and they grow more and more attached. It's possible to have multiple hubs over the course of a campaign, but I'd advise really only having one per arc to best concentrate your efforts. Fill up your hub with distractions and side adventures, shorter stories that the party can get tangled up in while the larger adventure slowly reveals itself. Returning to the same hub also means returning to a familiar and expanding cast of NPCs, which helps your party become more and more invested in the setting
The Main Event: What's going to happen?
Here we get to the meat of the issue, the big story you want to be telling using this campaign. To pull off the sick narrative kickflip you wish to perform, you're going to need to lay a lot of groundwork, seeding in details left and right as well as giving the party a chance to stumble across evidence of your schemes without ever realizing the whole thing. To do this, you're going to work in the building blocks of your big reveal/twist/pending disaster into the setting along with those side adventures from the hub. This will give your party an idea that something is going on, but with more pressing matters to take care of they're going to be distracted up until the moment you decide to pull the trigger.
The Setting: What's over there?
While things like genre and tone are definitely things you should have a handle on from the outset, I personally feel like the details of a setting are best constructed on an ad hoc basis, either in a direct response to something required by part of the narrative (be it side story or main event), or pencilled in at the margins as the party explores the world.. That said, creation of the hub and setting often go hand in hand because it's important to match the settlement to the environment and then shape the environment to the quests inside the settlement. As for what's beyond your hub, I happen to have just written something about building out settings.
Now, this next option is one that I recommend you start thinking about only once your campaign is fully underway, so it doesn't clog up your creative process by focusing on something that you might not even get to
The Change: What the fuck?
A little while after the main event has kicked off and your party is off on the quest that will turn them from mere adventurers into heroes, they start to hear rumours of strange happenings. It's certainly not related to the present scenario, it may even be an unexpected windfall, but it's not something they have time to look into. Time ticks on, the land is saved, and the party is able to enjoy their victory lap as well as some dearly needed time off. Before they can get comfortable however they're slammed by some strange occurrence that they could have never predicted that changes the state of the world. A neighbouring kingdom invades, an important ally is murdered and they're blamed for it, a dragon starts rampaging through the realm. Its important that this event is outside the party's skillset, not necessarily diametrically opposed, but counter to what they were planning
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silkythewriter · 2 years
hi this is devil/dice anon again!! I was wondering if I could get hcs for a reader who just smothers the two with affection totally out of the blue one day, just for fun :] again can be seperate/poly/both!! no stress if you don’t feel like it, I hope you’re havin a good day <3
🍡Devil and dice getting smothered with affection by the reader!🍡
Summary: Devil and dice getting smothered with affection by the reader!
Small warning!: sorry for any spelling/ grammar mistakes and if their OOC!
Small note!: Hello anon! Thank you for requesting again! <3 i hope you like this one as much as the other one!
Daily song suggestion:
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✨🎲King dice💜✨
I feel like he would freeze up before slowly getting used to it, once he does he absolutely adores it!
Sometimes on hard days he absolutely loves when you do this it makes his day a bit more barely and to be honest if he had a choice I feel like he would love to spend hours cuddling you!. But sadly being the devils help man is a very busy job but trust me when he gets back he’ll make up for it <3.
As I said he loves playing around and flustering you in public but In situations like this I feel like he’s the flustered one
If you guys are alone and have no where to be he would gladly allow you to kiss his face as much as you want! Sometimes though he does have to wipe it off due to having to go off in public. But when that happens he usually just sneaks back to you and gets another one 💀
The only reason he doesn’t like showing physical affection in public is because it can be easily disturbed also he doesn’t like when others he doesn’t know get into his personal life and start asking to many questions so please don’t take it personally! ):
He would shower you with affection back just a little bit more tame, like holding hands and kissing! But when it come to cuddling you have to take a bit of charge cause he doesn’t wanna accidentally make you uncomfortable
Sometimes when you do give him affection out of the blue he would tease you for it but in a joking manner, sometimes you cant tell if he’s flustered depending on what you did like say you held his hand he is most definitely flustered but can hide it quickly and easily. But on the other hand if you were to kiss him on the face or hug him out of no where he has trouble hiding his blushing mess of a face
He definitely doesn’t let you do it near the devil or cup brothers because he for sure knows he won’t hear the end of it from either one of them. As much as he loves you he hates when people ( other then you) tease him. But sometimes he does hold your hand or kiss you when no one’s looking <3
He’s a gentleman so he would definitely kiss the back of your hand as a thanks or just give a lot of his attention to you!
❤️‍🔥The devil❤️‍🔥
I feel like he does the same to you so he doesn’t mind much!
He actually really loves it when you do but he would definitely brag to his henchmen and any other demon near him!
Like I said previously he would definitely wrap his tail around you and probably pull you closer to him so he can give back some affection as well!
He’s very affectionate so I feel like he would do this often and unlike king dice he doesn’t really care where cause no one would dare tease him about it! I mean who would? He’s the devil
Whatever demon or person that interrupts you and him cuddling or really anything else is instantly getting burned or scared off, sometimes you have to calm him down or else they might end up in hell even though they aren’t supposed to- ( ̄ー ̄ 💧)
You definitely have to give him random affection when he’s in rage cause the only thing keeping the city and forest safe from the raging fires of hell is you which mug man and cuphead is very thankful for having you around when they piss him off💀
Is OBSESSED with you petting his fur or untangling it while cuddling like he’ll just sit there for hours as you do so purring. And the only thing that can probably make him move is you asking or the two cup brothers being annoying but other then that it’s basically impossible-
Sometimes king dice or the devils henchmen get confused when he’s going ballistic and immediately calms down when you inter the room like dude can be setting fires and shouting but when he sees you in the room he’s just like “ oh hello dear!” It’s honestly a bit scary-
He’s a big drama queen when you guys have to stop and have to do something especially when you tell him you got to go to meet up with a friend or something he gets really whiny and dramatic 💀
💜King dice + the devil❤️‍🔥
Oh boy good luck if one of them isn’t enough imagine both of them-
They both would do it together and everything they even map out when your about to give the affection randomly- its like a 6th sense- they usually do this so they can do it before you and absolutely fluster the hell out of you
I feel like you and the devil do the same but king dice is in your potion like not knowing you two are going to. But sometimes he can tells somethings up and try’s figuring out but the devil is very good at lying ( I feel ) so he’ll hide both of your tracks with ease
They both like sandwiching you between them while you guys cuddle! They love it especially sense they find it adorable
Sense dice doesn’t really show PDA the devil would make up for the lack of it! ( if you like it of course!) he doesn’t shy away from flirting with you or out right kissing you in front of anyone, sense no one would say anything nor intrude. But sense people know King dice is also apart of the relationship I feel like King dice would start showing more of it sense people would be less likely to bother him and you
I feel like their competitive ( as said in my last HC I did about them!) so who ever wins more of your affection wins, but of course this all ends up in a tie due to you mostly giving them the same amount of affection, also you mostly give affection to both of them at the same time so they didn’t really plan that out 💀
Sometimes cuphead and mugman accidentally interrupt you guys spending time with eachother like E.X: you, king dice, and the devil are just minding your business going shopping, Eating, etc. Until cuphead bumps into the devil and they both start to argue ( about anything really 💀) while mug man looks a dice with a nervous smile. King dice starts arguing with him too and it all turns into a small fight honestly, you have to pull both of them away while they spit small insults at the cup brothers while glaring at them. Honestly after that they both just drag you to bed to relax after the heated argument
Sometimes when you give both of them kisses,hugs, and other things out of the blue they both have mixed reactions, like the devil will go full head on flirting with you and doing the same thing while king dice is just a blushing mess as he gives you a quick kiss back 💀
Overall these two are absolute idiots in love for you ( and each other ofc) but they can be a handful but somehow you manage ( to others surprise 💀)
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inspo by @whumpshaped
[tw unhealthy bottled up romantic feelings and masochism, honestly whumpee just wants to get wrecked by their friend ok, mild self-harm thoughts, emotional whump]
"Oh, you like this?" Caretaker asked with a mischievous grin, pressing just a fraction more against Whumpee's back. They were helping them with dicing, showing off the correct and safest way to hold a knife and how to avoid unfortunate accidents — which included basically hugging Whumpee from the back and holding their hand. "Who knew?"
"I don't– come on," Whumpee almost whined, face as red as the bell pepper on the cutting board. "Just, just go on. I just wanna learn this shit properly."
"Mhm. You should be paying a little more attention, then."
"I am! I'm trying to! Stop derailing this!"
Caretaker laughed softly, without any malice. It was so clearly just a harmless joke to them. And it wasn't... an unwelcome one, it was just... a touch too real. It was too hard to ignore. It was impossible for Whumpee not to imagine what it would've been like if Caretaker had been serious about these things, and it made their cheeks burn with embarrassment.
Caretaker would never see them in that way, they knew that. They should've spoken up about this; they should've told Caretaker that it made them feel a little like they were being led on, and it wasn't good for anybody. At the same time, the idea of never getting teased in this silly way again made them unreasonably upset.
It was too enticing to be able to delude themself.
Caretaker walked them through the process, only making one joke about how Whumpee seemed a little zoned out. And they were, truly, they wouldn't have been able to recall a single part of the explanation with a gun to their head.
"Got it?" Caretaker asked at the end, and Whumpee nodded mutely. They didn't trust their voice. "Go ahead, then. Show me what you learned." Caretaker let go of the knife and snaked both arms around Whumpee's waist, resting their chin on their shoulder.
"I can't if you keep clinging to me like a leech," they exclaimed suddenly.
"I wanna see."
"You can– you can see it from, from the other end of the kitchen as well."
"You're just stalling, love." Their voice was but a low murmur right next to Whumpee's ear, and they couldn't handle it. It was so ridiculous to feel so helplessly attracted to someone's voice, but Whumpee felt like they would've done anything for Caretaker just on account of how they sounded whenever they'd asked. "Don't get all self-conscious on me now. Would I ever judge you?"
Not seriously, never. But Whumpee remembered all the good-natured teasing they'd been subjected to over the course of the past months, and Caretaker's playful tone was definitely an indication that they were planning on making fun of them for not listening.
Whumpee was just about to tell them to knock it off when Caretaker stepped back, leaning against the counter to their left. "I don't want to distract you to the point where you injure yourself," they said with faux-overconfidence. "I know I'm a painfully seductive presence, and with great power comes great responsibility."
"You're ridiculous."
"But in a hot way, right?"
"In the least hot way possible."
Caretaker burst out laughing, and Whumpee's heart fluttered. Fuck, they loved making them laugh way too much. It made them feel like they had a chance, like Caretaker actually liked them.
"You wound me. But really, don't be nervous. I just wanna see."
If only their stupid, deep-seated sincerity could bleed over to their flirting. If only they saw Whumpee as anything other than a burdensome roommate to take care of. If only they kept going, just once, no matter how much Whumpee insisted they wanted none of it.
Whumpee started dicing the remaining bell pepper, their hand still tingling where Caretaker had held it. Maybe they should cut themself on purpose, so their friend could make fun of them some more.
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omnomnomdomcaps · 1 year
A Guide to Language Domming, Pt. III
Tips and Tricks for Language Players  
Hello again, my curious friends! As I wrap up this guide, I wanted to go through a few important tips for any eager ageplayers and their bigs looking to try this out. There’s a lot to think about, it’s fun to think about, so without further ado let’s dive in!
1. From accent to attitude to activities, immersion is the key.
When we talk about how to language play, it’s always important to remember why we language play. What we’re doing, after all, is using the power of foreign language to immerse our littles in the feeling of being little, to create an escape from the power, responsibility, and sensation of adult life that’s hard to find anywhere else. That immersive experience is what it’s all about, and that understanding is at the core of how we think about making ourselves the best language doms we can be. 
Your accent matters. Does it have to be perfect? No. It doesn’t even have to be particularly accurate. But being confident in the way you use your words helps sell the fantasy of this different world that you’re creating. You’re not Roger anymore - you’re Rodgrido, or whatever it may be. Think about changing the physicality of how you talk (some great videos on Youtube about this). Think about using a different tone or pitch than you usually do. Immerse yourself in your language, and you’ll be able to immerse your little much easier. 
Your attitude matters. Remember this fantasy that you’re building. You have the rest of your lives to treat your partner like an adult. When you’re language playing, you should treat your little like a little - a little baby who doesn’t know their words yet, who can’t read or write or count, who totally and completely needs you. Talk down to them. Tease them. If they break the rules and speak English, remind them that it’s just baby speak, and that they need to communicate like a grownup if you’re going to understand them. Which they can’t, of course. 
And the activities that you choose matter. With the basics of your fantasy in mind, you can choose appropriate activities to suit your little. Maybe they need to be fed breakfast. Maybe they need to be put down for a nap at some point. In between, they should probably have some age-appropriate cartoons and stories, and some healthy learning too. That could be alphabet blocks to spell basic words, or flashcards to learn names of animals and the sounds they make, or a board game where they learn how to count as you roll the dice and methodically move the game pieces. 
Now, how much learning should they actually be doing? Well, that’s a great question, and it brings up the next important tip:
2. You can make it educational, but don’t make it hard. 
Occasionally, my little and I will refer to a language domming session as a “lesson.” We say that half-joking, and it’s important to remember - even if your little ends up picking up a few words from the play, you don’t want to push the learning aspect of things too hard, or you can end up creating an environment that just isn’t quite as fun. 
The best way to avoid this is by making it clear throughout the play that your expectations (for what your little is going to learn) are low. If you’re counting, count very slowly, and don’t make your little try to say more than one number at a time. If you’re talking about what sound a dog makes, use your doggiest voice to do it. If your spelling out words with alphabet blocks, treat your little like they don’t know any of the letters. And if your little is able to repeat back any of it, shower them with gold stars and heaps and heaps of patronizing praise.
With that last example, by the way, it’s worth remembering that “alphabet blocks” as an activity is going to be a wildly different experience depending on what language you’re using. And that’s because…
3. Not every language is created equal.
Whoa there, hold your horses - not going to be any crazy hot takes here. I’m not here to say some languages are superior to others. And even in terms of how easy or hard they are, that depends a lot on your audience and their language background. But different languages do create different dynamics for play, and that should be taken into account. 
In the case of alphabet blocks above, there’s really not much “learning your letters” you can do when it comes to Spanish, German, or French - it’s more about spelling basic words (on the plus side, the blocks themselves are super easy to find). Japanese, with its large syllabaries, can be daunting (but I have seen the blocks, and they’re very cute). Russian and Greek are somewhere in the middle. And Hebrew, with its right-to-left spelling, can be downright trippy. 
And while it’s possible to be gentle or stern in any languages, the same messages are still going to sound and feel very different depending on what they’re delivered in. Italian and French are traditionally seen as romantic, and drive some listeners wild.Spanish might be more familiar, and less exotic, to an American audience, but has a ton of easily accessible children’s media to make up for it. German and Dutch have a reputation for sounding harsh, but may work well for a sterner dom. And so on. 
For many people reading this, though, you’re probably not going to try to learn a new language from scratch to use for play. Still, even if you’re not picking a language based on some criteria, it’s important how the language that you’re bringing to the table is going to sound and feel to your little, and what special advantages and tools it gives you to work with.
4. Know when to stop. 
I’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating, again, and again, and again. Especially in a kind of play like this, where verbal communication might be limited, and where the intensity of the scenes might make it intimidating to ask for a break, you need to be able to recognize when it’s too much. 
Creating nonverbal cues is one good way to approach this. Make sure you have signals in place that you can send, and made absolutely clear to your little that it is 100% okay, and 100% understood, if they need to send them. 
If you’re trying out language play for the first time, it’s also a good idea to limit the session. Maybe make it last from lunchtime through naptime, so that you can just snap back to English when your little wakes up. Don’t feel like you have to give the full experience in your first go-round.  
Again, this is meant to be a deep and immersive form of ageplay. If you and your little just met on Fetlife and are playing for the first time, maybe it’s a bit much. But if you’re comfortable and ready for it, if you’ve built up a strong bond of trust and clear communication, then…  
5. Anything is possible with language play! 
Seriously. There are so many exciting activities and experiences that I’ve talked about, and that’s barely scratching the surface of what you can do when you open up play to a new language. 
Maybe your little already has a year or two of high school Spanish or French classes under their belt. Maybe you can use that heavy accent and very limited vocabulary to set up a preschool scenario, and all the teacher-student fun that you can bring with it. 
And why stop at French and Spanish, or Dutch and Polish, or Swahili and Thai? You can set up some wonderful scenarios with Klingon or one of Tolkien’s Elvish languages, if that’s what you’re into. You could even make up your own alien language - though from what I hear, it’s a bit of work.
Language domming doesn’t even have to be an ageplay thing. You could use it for petplay, teaching commands to your pup with lots of repetition and rewards. You could create a scenario where you’re some mysterious foreign kidnapper, tying up your partner as you threaten them with words they can’t understand. Is it my thing? No, not really, but who am I to judge??
Whatever you choose to do with language play, there is a world of possibility at your fingertips. Explore, experience, enjoy. And please, when you’re done, give us every single juicy detail. 
As always, thank you, and keep it kinky. - ONND     
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talenlee · 4 months
4e: Having A (Weapon) Type
Surely I’ve written about this already.
The 4e weapon system is one of its strongest points and it’s strength is directly linked to the ongoing attempt to make ‘person who uses a weapon’ as someone who can do cool or good things and not just being there to hold the wizard’s bags. The fundamental design of melee weapon-wielding characters’ powers is that the powers tend towards a generic set of effects, doing damage, pushing people around, pulling them, repositioning you – all that kinda jazz. But then, through feats, the powers that checked for weapons would be able to check the weapon you were using and add on special effects.
What this meant is that the weapon system of 4e is one of the most interesting I’ve seen in D&D where weapon choice is not a simple matter of mathematical superiorities. Back in 3e and 2e D&D there were just weapons that were the best in show. 2e went a step further than 3e did by making it so that some classes were simply not allowed to use the best weapons and this was a point of balance for them, which is how you know that the 2e wizard was so weak, since it only got to use the longsword when it was a bladesinger.
That’s a joke, and the only people who are going to get it are older than me.
4e weapons had basically four things that could be used to distinguish one weapon from any another:
A weapon category. All the hammers were listed as hammers. All the axes were axes. All the spears are spears. This sounds simple, but don’t worry about it for now.
A proficiency bonus. This represents the bonus you get to attacks made with this weapon if you’re trained in how to use it. This makes weapons beneficial to use if you’re trained in them and also represents the level of effect you can get out of being an expert in them.
Damage dice! This represents the scale of damage the weapon can do – multiple smaller dice being more even and capable of doing reliable damage, and single larger dice having more variance between high and low numbers.
Keywords. These are the key spice to this whole soupy mess, which means that suddenly you have a lot of standardised ways to make weapon groups relate to one another.
The keywords that a weapon can have isn’t even that long:
Brutal (reroll low numbers, sick as hell, used by the coolest and hottest heroes)
Defensive (gives you a defense bonus, good for people with shield envy)
Heavy Thrown (a huckable item you can use with strength)
High Crit (when you crit, you really crit)
Light Thrown (a huckable item you can use with dexterity)
Load Free (something to do with crossbows, who cares)
Load Minor (oh no more crossbow stuff)
Off-hand (ranger stuff)
Small (it’s small)
Stout (it’s not small)
Versatile (it can be small)
Every one of these factors can be fine tuned and there are trends within a category. For example, most light blades, in the vein of swords (you know, sword, smaller sword, bigger sword, much bigger sword, much smaller sword) tend to have no keywords that change their damage output, and instead their keywords relate to being usable and flexible. To compensate for this, they have the highest proficiency bonus (typically) for their damage dice, and swing at +3.
But that’s swords, that’s the cisgender white boy who listens to podcasts of the weapon sets. Sure, that’s the one that somehow mathematically winds up on top but that’s just because of fundamental biases from the people who designed the system. And in the context of the weapon system of 4e D&D, there are things you want to be able to do that aren’t necessarily damage (and hush up, CharOp board veterans since there are actually better things than dead and shaving fractions of turns only matters when dealing with spherical goblins in a vacuum).
Polearms and spears tend to be reach based! Axes and hammers tend to be heavy! Flails are chainy and daggers are stabby! But for most part, when you pick up one of these items, most of these traits aren’t immediately evident. Instead, you can invest in feats for proficiency with fancy weapons, or feats that support the way those weapons work. Every single weapon expertise feat, representing skill with that weapon, brings with it a special benefit that changes how those weapons relate to the powers that use weapons.
What this means is that when you play a character who uses weapons, what weapon you choose to use can be a part of how you relate to your powers. If your feats are in demand for something else, you can look at the support your weapon gives a small number of things. Just as an example, one of the most poached parts of the game in Character Optimisation is what I summarise as ‘Polearm Malarkey,’ which when fully developed, lets a defender of some variety interrupt an enemy attack, even against themselves sometimes, and push an enemy mid-attack a square away, then knock them prone – which can be their whole turn, since they were already in the middle of an attack. That’s really powerful but it needs a lot of feats. On the other hand, if you like being able to knock people prone and deprive them of actions and only have one feat or two to invest in it, you could try and wield a flail instead, and use Flail Expertise, then choose your powers in a way that let you impose slides on people. All that malarkey the defender with a fully mature polearm build can do, a level 1 Avenger or Swordmage can do with Flail Expertise…
But there’s not a lot more the flail expertise can do with that.
And that means there’s not just the matter of what a weapon can do but what it can grow into. Crucially though, and this is very important, at every step along the way these weapons are pretty good and offer rewards for what you’ve invested. It’s not like the 3e feat chain design where players take feats that suck pants in exchange for the promise of one day being able to Whirlwind Attack and then have nothing more for their build to look forward to.
Great system. I love when I see a coherent, sensible system like this built into a TTRPG from the baseline. Realism and historicity are not that important when the weapons designed in the game are game objects that players are meant to interact with! Make it so nobody has to make bad choices to get to better choices! You don’t get anything by putting traps in front of your players!
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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merakiui · 2 years
Ah! That was so good with sneaky Azul sabotaging Riddle's crossword confession! Ooh! But now, can we get the response? Surely, as time passes, Riddle will wonder why you've not answered his confession. And i feel like he'd somehow get the story from you without you suspecting. Azul ruined his romantic gesture, so it's only right that Riddle attempt to ruin his little date. Right?
>:) the rivalry saga continues!!! for those who wish to read what started it, here is that post.
What makes it worse is that you probably catch Riddle in the hall a day or so later and thank him for the fun crossword. Innocently oblivious as ever, you tell him it was an enjoyable way to pass time even if the end result was complete nonsense, to which Riddle becomes very confused. Did you not get the message? Are you trying to joke with him? Oh no... Did he accidentally send you one of the rough drafts instead of the actual final crossword?! You tell him that you had some difficulties with it, and he's about to suggest you visit Heartslabyul so that the two of you can complete some beginner's crosswords so you might be able to re-solve the crossword he mailed you. But then you tell him you enlisted help, and normally Riddle wouldn't mind it if the contents weren't the secrets of his heart! To make matters worse, you went to Azul of all people!
Now the picture looks clearer. Azul probably worked alongside you to solve the crossword, but knowing how he operates he probably caught onto the message way before you did and intentionally obscured the meaning so that it would prevent you from knowing the truth while making Riddle look foolish in the process. Riddle isn't normally a vindictive person hellbent on revenge. If someone breaks a rule, he administers punishment fairly and swiftly, nothing more and nothing less. But when it comes to Azul, he finds himself at his worst.
Azul really thinks he's going to have his "kiss the girl" moment with you on his date, but he is in for it once Riddle learns of it. Though knowing Azul, he's probably going to make the twins keep a close eye on the locations he takes you to just to ensure a certain strawberry-scented nuisance won't interfere. Riddle knows this, and so he decides that two can play at that game. Perhaps it's impolite to act so childishly, but Azul has thrown the dice first. This is war now.
Riddle asks Cater if he's ever wanted to crash a date. The first thing Cater says in response is: "Whoa. Since when are you so daring? Who poured bubbly in your tea?" The next thing he says (when Riddle's glare and stern posture indicate that he is, in fact, quite serious and not at all buzzed) is: "Sure. Why not? Whose heart are we breaking today?"
The plan is to trail you and Azul on your date into town so that he and Cater can conveniently run into you. Knowing the twins will likely be lurking somewhere out of sight, Riddle has resolved to use Cater as his excuse just in case they start asking questions. He would never stalk you and Azul; he's simply running some dorm-related errands with Cater! For a while, Riddle and Cater watch you and Azul as the two of you go in and out of shops. Nothing seems to be happening. It really just looks like two friends hanging out. Riddle thinks it might not be a date after all while he and Cater take refuge in a coffee shop, which is situated across from the store you and Azul are currently in. While Cater snaps photos of Riddle's pastry for his Magicam, Riddle verbalizes his ponderings.
"Do you truly think they're here as friends? It doesn't look like a romantic outing to me. But then... Well, I can't say for certain because dates are...unfamiliar territory for me."
"Why don't you go ask?" Riddle turns so swiftly to glare that Cater can't hold his snicker in. "Kidding, kidding." He peers out the window at the storefront, spying you and Azul at the register. He exhales deeply, as if this is all exhausting, or maybe he's just trying to think of a suitable answer to his question and is turning up blank. "I'm not really seeing any fireworks."
"Fireworks? Is there... Are fireworks meant to... Does that normally—" Riddle shakes his head with a huff. "What are you on about?"
"A connection, I mean. Like a spark. It just looks like they're chilling."
"Azul was certainly chilling when he ruined my crossword..." He crosses his arms over his chest with an offended scoff. "I'm sure he had the time of his life ruining my hard work."
"Why don't you just ask (Nickname) in person? Can't hurt to shoot your shot. If you wear your heels, you might even be tall enough to make the basket."
A biting retort rests on the tip of his tongue, but it never leaves his mouth because you and Azul are leaving the shop. Though Riddle is highly against sitting improperly, he slumps in his seat so that you won't spot him as you pass the coffee shop. He notices you and Azul aren't holding hands, but the both of you do have plenty of bags. He's spoiling you. Of course he would. Riddle corrects his posture once he knows the both of you are gone and drags Cater out just as he's finishing the last of his bitter coffee.
"For the record, my heels do not serve that kind of purpose. And shooting my shot—I will do no such thing."
Cater playfully rolls his eyes and allows himself to be tugged along. "I think you're just scared, so you wanted to confess in the most roundabout way possible. That right?"
He opens and closes his mouth speechlessly as he walks, unable to come up with a response. Of course he's scared! Who wouldn't be when trying to confess to their crush? But there's more to it than simple nerves and fear of rejection...
"I do hope you enjoy painting roses, for that will be your designation if you continue to—one moment. They're going to the docks!"
"Ooh, a sailing date. That's super cute and super cammable! A win-win all around."
You cannot be serious, Riddle thinks. However, he is dedicated, and so he walks with more determination in his gait. You and Azul have rented a small sailboat to take out onto the water, and one might assume this is where Riddle draws the line. But he did not come all this way just to let you fall prey to a romance trope, so he hastily rents a sailboat with Cater, who is more than happy to split the fee so long as he can get lots of cute photos for Magicam.
And now Riddle finds himself in a sailboat, a safe distance from you and Azul, while Cater eagerly snaps selfies and photos of the landscape with mounting enthusiasm. At least one of them is having fun... Riddle realizes this would be the perfect spot for a confession, and when he sees Azul take your hands in his he's raising his magic pen and readying a spell to knock the boat sideways when—
"Heya, Goldfishie and Snapper! Fancy seein' you here." He whirls to find Floyd hanging onto the side of the boat, scaly arms glistening under the sunlight. "Whatcha doin' all the way out here?"
Cater startles, nearly dropping his phone, and exhales a laugh that's part amusement, part relief. "Floyd, hey! Geez... You came outta nowhere. Nearly gave me a heart attack."
Riddle feels his lips curling into a frown. "Floyd."
Riddle lowers his pen. Of course Floyd would be here, and where Floyd is Jade should not be very far.
"Good afternoon, Riddle. Cater. It's a very fine day for sailing, wouldn't you agree?"
Right on cue.
Riddle turns to look at Jade, who smiles so amiably at him. "I don't suppose you're playing chaperone for Azul's little outing?" he snaps, folding his arms over his chest.
"Oh?" He raises a brow, submerging himself to hide his wicked smirk.
"Did you come out to chaperone?" Floyd asks, and now Riddle's looking at him again. Floyd giggles. "Azul thought you might get in the way, so that's why we're here! We saw you followin' 'em. It was a real funny sight."
Riddle reminds himself to stay calm. It's times like these where he has to keep a level head before someone loses theirs.
"Ah, you knew the whole time?" Cater deflates a little. "Guess nothing gets passed you guys."
"Not a thing," Jade concurs while Floyd circles the boat lazily. "Although I must admit my expectations for you were rather low. To think you'd act just as Azul had predicted..."
His hands curl into fists, his grip on his magic pen impossibly tight. Floyd's teasing does nothing to help, nor does Cater's casual surrender or Jade's irksome chuckles. Before he can stop himself, he's raised his pen and attempts to hit Floyd in the water. The fire never scorches Floyd, for he dives under with an echoing laugh, and that seems to be the imaginary whistle announcing the start of a fight. Floyd rocks the boat and Cater grabs onto the sides to steady himself as it tips, tips, tips—nearly upturning altogether—before it comes back down with a noisy splash. Riddle almost falls overboard, but instead he slips onto his rear in the belly of the boat.
Normally, he's not one to start fights. But this is a special situation; he can be a little rebellious for now, if only to focus on his main task: stopping Azul's confession. Luckily, the commotion seems to have drawn your attention, for Riddle sees you look over for a moment before his attention is stolen by Floyd and yours is graciously redirected by Azul.
He rises on unsteady legs, runs a hand through his windblown hair, and prepares for battle.
Somehow, with all of his shots and the twins' expert dodges, as well as the waves that are stirred up, which continue to tip the boat, and Cater's attempts at pacifying the situation before he drops his phone, the excitement has brought his sailboat closer to you and Azul. This leaves him with the perfect range. Just as Azul's looking at you sincerely—just as he cups your face to prevent you from looking elsewhere—Riddle raises his pen, ignoring all of the chaos around him, and makes his last spell count, hurling the enchantment directly at the side of the sailboat. He hears it hit its mark and the alarmed shouts from you and Azul as splashes follow suit, but he doesn't see it because next thing he knows Jade and Floyd have tired of this little game, bringing their tails down upon the water to create a strong wave that knocks the boat over, sending Riddle and a distressed Cater into the sea.
He breaks the surface with a gasp, treading water while Cater keeps one arm raised high to save his phone from the water's reach. The twins have slipped into the shadows below, and when Riddle clings onto the upturned sailboat to steady himself he notices you and Azul are in the same predicament. A smug smirk tugs at his lips, growing wider when Cater's holding onto the boat to survey the damage. You're currently in Floyd's arms, while Jade helps a very disgruntled Azul onto his back. Victory brightens Riddle's features. He'll deal with the repercussions after he basks in this win.
Cater rests his head onto the smooth surface of the boat, his phone still held high. "New Riddle, who dis?" he jokes through a tired chuckle. "I'd totally capture this moment with a selfie, but I can't risk it!"
Though he's soaked through to his very bone marrow and will most likely have to pay for damaging the rental sailboats, it is a good day to be Riddle Rosehearts.
Now the score is as follows:
Riddle - 1
Azul - 1
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littleladymab · 7 months
OC Kiss Week - Reach
This one goes out to @bottlingsound and @laprismaluna thank u for being the #1 fans of my blorbos 8')
I went through several different ideas of how to convey 'reaching' and who I wanted to be the narrator, and then recently, completely unrelated to writing oc kiss week, I thought about Rhys selling the family house and moving in with Kaito. So I decided to roll with that!
Kaito places the mug down in front of Rhys. “You’re distracted.”
As if in testament to his distraction, Rhys actually jumps at the sudden sound. “What?”
“What do you mean what?” He nudges the mug with his elbow. “For you.”
Rhys’ gaze drops to the mug, and then he tucks the stylus back into his tablet and pushes the work aside. It is like watching him move in imperfect stop motion, the hands moving to the mug, fingers wrapping around ceramic, lifting it to his nose.
Then Rhys frowns. “Whiskey?” he accuses.
Kaito grins and shrugs as he returns to dicing the vegetables. “I didn’t think you were going to get back to work any time soon, so I figured I might as well make you a drink.”
“Hmm,” Rhys says into the depths of his mug as he takes a sip, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with the statement.
“What’s wrong?” Kaito pops a piece of carrot into his mouth, then hands one out to Rhys.
Still distracted, Rhys leans across the counter and eats it directly from Kaito’s fingers. Then he shrugs, as if to say, oh no I have a mouthful of carrot, I cannot answer.
“It can’t be that bad.”
Rhys gives another shrug and fiddles with his mug. “I’m just… thinking about selling the house.”
Kaito freezes, knife poised over the cutting board. “The one in Derry?”
This, at least, gets the glare he was aiming for and Kaito holds up his hands in defense. “I’m kidding!”
“Yeah yeah,” Rhys grumbles, rolling his eyes — but it’s not enough to hide the hint of a smirk at the worn joke. “Precious derriere, sure, I’ve heard it all before.” He spins the mug between his fingers before leaning back in the chair and running a hand through his hair. “I’ve been spending more time here now that the twins have moved out, but the nice thing was that I own the house.”
“Well I own this building,” Kaito challenges. “And my offer still stands.”
Rhys, to his surprise, flushes. “I don’t want to inconvenience you.”
“Rhys. Love. We’ve been dating for three years. Isn’t there some kind of rule where if I ask you to move in more than five times, you’re obligated to do so?” Kaito is rewarded with Rhys’ expression doing something complicated between frustrated and embarrassed. “I mean, I’m not trying to pressure you. I’m sure Ayn can help you find something in New Ox if you’d prefer—”
“No,” Rhys says a little sharply, then again, softer, “No.” He sighs and scrubs a hand over his face, knocking his glasses askew. “I would love to move in with you. It’s just… Everything.”
“Have you talked to the twins?”
“Liala’s called, but it’s hard to tell with Lionel. He has a terrible sleep cycle and the time zones don’t make it easy.”
Kaito is about to offer to call Lio, but quickly dismisses the idea. This is something the Darcy siblings need to talk about without his intervention. “If you need help with the property listing or anything, I’ve got some friends that can help.”
A smile softens the worry lines permanently etched into Rhys’ face. “I’ve got a realtor lined up, but if you know any buff guys that can help me move, then—”
Kaito scoffs and tosses the vegetable scraps into the compost bin with a bit more force than absolutely necessary.
Rhys laughs and reaches across the counter. “Come here.”
Kaito does, leaning in just enough that Rhys’ mug-warmed fingers can curve around his jaw and reel him in for a kiss.
“You smell like onions,” Rhys murmurs against his lips.
“I was in the middle of making curry.” Kaito kisses him again. “And you taste like whiskey and honey.”
He can feel the way Rhys’ smile takes over, and Kaito immediately regrets having to reach across the counter instead of moving around it before accepting the kiss.
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fuckin-sick-bih · 2 years
Tattoos and Tissues pt 2!
Fandom: Stranger Things Summary: No Upside Down. Tattoo Artist and Florist AU. Hellfire meets at the library, numbers are exchanged, secrets revealed, and love is starting to bloom... CW: Slight mention of runny nose, arousal, and kink talk in this chapter. (also let me know if I ever miss stuff to tag here!) Word Count: 2.4k Author Note: So this is shorter than I would have liked and a bit more text-y? But it's a bit of a bridge chapter to get things to pt 3 which I'm sure is where everybody wants to be and I'm sure y'all can guess where we're going after reading this part. Bridge chapters are hard, man. Hopefully, there are enough comedic lines and sneezes to hold y'all over til part 3! Enjoy! Eddie is the bold and Steve is the Italics. MINORS DNI
Once Steve the hot pollen magnet was out of his shop, Eddie got better during the day. His appointments went off without a hitch and Eddie left early to shower, have a nap, and head to the library to set up for Hellfire that evening. It didn’t take long for his players to start arriving.
No sign of Steve though.
The session began and Eddie was animated as ever, especially after his nap. Near the end, when Eddie was slumped more on his throne leaning against one arm with his leg haphazardly thrown across the other arm. He was smiling to himself as the brats argued amongst themselves on what to do about the Demogorgon in their path, picking a little at the black nail polish that was starting to chip.
The library had the perfect setup for Hellfire. Their Storytime area was conveniently castle themed complete with a throne for the storyteller to sit in which was where Eddie sat now. And also… sometimes on the weekends to read to kids.
What? He was good at doing the voices!
“Children,” Eddie drawled out, pretending to sound annoyed. “I need an answer if you please. Today preferably.”
There was the sound of a door opening and closing somewhere in the distance and Eddie didn’t pay much attention to it as Lucas piped up to ask him something about what damage resistances the Demogorgon had again.
With a small roll of his eyes, Eddie didn’t even have to check his notes to know he was right, so he rattled it off without looking. “Cold, fire, and lightning, Sinclair… C’mon, man. This is why I tell you guys to take notes during sessions.” He insisted, blowing a lock of stray curls out of his face that had fallen down to block his left eye.
When he looked up, there in the distance stood Steve Harrington looking shocked to see him lounging in the chair amongst his party of children. “Well, I think your mom is here to pick you guys up so how about we call it here and you guys can take the week to plan? Deal? I’ll be nice like that.” He smirks at the group of teens and nods over at Steve, a few looking shocked to see him come inside.
Others were just shocked that Eddie knew Steve. Assuming Steve wanted to keep the tattoo a secret, Eddie simply rattled off that they knew each other in high school which wasn’t an outright lie. He knew of Steve. Who didn’t know of Steve The Hair Harrington? Or King Steve?
Steve made his way over and gave Eddie a sheepish wave. “So, is this why you said I should come to sit in on a session?” He joked, hands in his pockets as he waited for the kids to pack up.
Meanwhile, Eddie had started to pack up too. Albeit, slower than the kids to maybe get some more chatting time with Steve. Even if it already felt like his nose was starting to prickle and burn slightly from Steve’s close proximity. Still, a chuckle escaped him when Steve called him out on his reasoning for wanting Steve to come to sit in. “Yeah, kinda. Just thought it would be funny to see if you actually did what I suggested and I gotta say… I’m surprised you did.” He admits to the other, sliding his dice into their little baggie which he cinches closed to drop into his larger bag.
“Surprised?” Steve asked in amusement and raised a brow at him. “Did you think I’d just… intentionally do the opposite of whatever you were telling me to do?”
Eddie gives a small shake of his head, “No, I just thought you might be too cool for D&D is a-all.” His breath nearly hitched as the itch continued to grow the longer he was near Steve and Eddie brought a hand up to rub at his nostrils. After the information Chrissy had given him, it was like he could feel Steve’s eyes on him. Watching him. Zeroing in on him. It almost made the burning tickle feel worse.
Though his statement seems to spark a laugh from Steve which makes Eddie smile. God, that laugh is like music to his ears, and he suddenly knows he wants to hear it just as much, if not more, than his entire metal playlist. “Dude, I hang out and babysit a bunch of kids still in high school. I haven’t been cool since like… sophomore year when Billy Hargrove beat the shit out of me.”
That made Eddie wince and he was just about to reply when he suddenly sucked in a sharp gasp as the tickle peaked, a hand shooting up to pinch his nose shut. “Hiih-! NXG’TSh! Huh… sorry.” He rubbed at his nose a little to try and work away the ticklish feeling to no such luck. “Yeah, shit, I remember when you came in with your face all…” He made a vague gesture to indicate Steve’s face being swollen and bruised, his brown eyes watching the other man carefully.
Steve’s mouth was ever so slightly open, and he was staring at Eddie. He seemed to realize it after a few moments, his jaw snapping shut and his smile reappearing as he refocused. “Um yeah- yeah that sucked. My face and… jeez, everything hurt for days.” He admits, lifting a hand to rub the back of his neck.
There was a brief pause as Eddie shoved the last of his D&D supplies into his bag as the kids chatted amongst themselves. Eddie pressed his wrist to his nose, sniffling and feeling that tickle growing again.
“Were you okay once I left the shop?” Steve asked suddenly, making Eddie look up to find the other’s hazel eyes on him once more.
A chuckle left Eddie and he nods, “Yeah, yeah. Once you were gone I was fiiihh… iihhSHHew! HiiHESSHew! “ He held his long sleeve-covered wrist to his nose which was starting to run similar to his itchy eyes that were streaming a little.
From across the room, the kids had all turned to look at Eddie now with concern and confusion, but it was Max who piped up. “What’s wrong with you? You better not be getting sick because if you get me sick I swear, Eddie…”
“Relax, will you, Mayfield?” Eddie said with a sniffle and went rummaging in his bag for a tissue, surprised when he did find one. “I’m just allergic to your babysitter.” He joked while swiping at his nose.
The reaction from Steve was almost unnoticeable if he hadn’t been looking for it but the moment he said he was allergic to the other man he’d stiffened up. Almost like the first time someone had spanked Eddie. Then he pretty obviously shifted his weight, adjusting his jeans, and Eddie smirked to himself behind the tissue.
The rest of the party was back to conversing with themselves, so Eddie pulled a scrap of paper from his notebook to scribble out his cell number on it which he held out to Steve. “Realized I had your number fr-hih-! from the shop, but you didn’t have mine.”
“Oh.” Steve accepted the piece of paper, smiling a little at the devil horns Eddie had drawn over the ‘E’ in his name. “Thanks, Eddie. I’ll text you tonight after I get these gremlins home.” He jokes and gestured back at the group of teenagers behind him.
A sudden call for Steve from Will had the other looking back at said teenagers, “Steve! My mom is asking for an ETA.”
“Shit, alright, Will. Tell her ten minutes, and I’ll drop you off first. No, Dustin! No complaining.” Steve said sternly, already pointing a finger at the curly-haired teen who had just been about to protest since it meant he got dropped off sooner. “Sorry, Eddie, I gotta go, but I’ll text you!”
“IiiSHhuh! Ugh-” Eddie pawed at his nose with his knuckles again, wincing as his rings caught a little painfully at his pink and sensitive nostril. “Yep! Text me whenever, Harrington. I’ll be awake a while yet.”
Without much ceremony, Steve herded his flock of seniors into his car to begin dropping them off for the night. How they all fit, Eddie would never know.
. . .
It was just past ten thirty when Eddie’s phone vibrated against the couch cushions and the curly-haired man practically dove for it. A few missed tiktoks Gareth had sent him and then an unknown number with a text that read:
Hey! This is Steve from earlier at the shop and the library? Hope you’re feeling okay after everything today.
Eddie could have screamed outright in joy if his neighbors didn’t already hate him for playing guitar at all ungodly hours of the night. As it was he buried his face in the pillows of his couch, kicked his feet, and squealed. Once he had that out of his system, he sat back up and replied with:
steve! aw arent u sweet <3 im fine, big boy. once you and all your plant sperm is gone i stop sneezing eventually.
With the suspected knowledge Eddie had, true or not, it made the text he’d just sent feel almost like a flirt and he kind of loved it. Messing with Steve was kind of fun even if the other wasn’t into guys, but… well he had taken his number, hadn’t he? Or was he just being polite? Oh, shit. Eddie really hadn’t thought any of this through. Oh fuck.
Hardy har. But I am glad you’re okay. I was seriously worried about you for the rest of the day. And I hope seeing me at the library didn’t make it worse again.
That felt… sweet. And hadn’t Steve been sweet back at the tattoo parlor too? Especially about his sneezing, but well that was obvious as to why now. Somehow this felt like concern over Eddie beyond just whatever Steve happened to be into and some cold and blackened part of the tattooist warmed a little.
not too bad, some extra sneezes on my way home wont kill me. im waaay used to it. was totally fine by the time i got home.
Again, somehow it felt like throwing Steve a bone and seeing if he’d bring it back to trust him for more.
I’m glad you’re alright now. You know if you ever need anything, I’m happy to help out?
Eddie wasn’t sure what possessed him. Maybe the devil. Maybe fate. Maybe he was just too damn impulsive for his own fucking good and he was about to ruin a very good thing.
you sure youre not just asking so you can see me sneeze again? >:)
For a solid ten minutes, Eddie’s heart hammered in his chest, and he practically gnawed the corner off his pillow wondering if he’d done or said the right thing. He stared at his phone with growing dread. The waiting was killing him. What was Steve doing? Okay yeah sure Eddie had kind of maybe just dropped some weird fucking bombshell, but-!
The screen lit up and the plastic device vibrated almost angrily at him. This time, Eddie hesitated to grab his phone. He wasn’t sure he wanted to see Steve’s answer now that he thought about it…
Fuck. What gave me away?
Relief. Sweet fucking relief. Steve was receptive and Chrissy was right holy shit! Eddie stared at the reply from Steve debating what to say for so long that another came in.
I’m sorry. This is really weird. I hope I didn’t freak you out or anything like that.
That startled a laugh from Eddie and he immediately replied.
i was king of the freaks, steve. you cant freak me out. i think its pretty cute.
Cute? That’s new.
no one ever called you cute before?
No one has ever called me thinking sneezing is attractive cute before.
well theres a first time for everything, right? besides i like indulging in peoples kinks. its fun.
You’re a strange… strange man, Eddie Munson.
. . .
They texted on and off until Tuesday, the banter between the two becoming much more relaxed as time went on. Then early on a Tuesday morning, too fucking early if you asked Eddie, his phone went off. He groaned while trying to shuffle the blankets off over his head to find his phone buried somewhere in the sheets. Finally, his fingers knock into something hard and plastic and there’s a clatter as it goes skittering to the floor which makes Eddie groan.
He goes sliding half out of bed, tattooed skin becoming exposed to the chilly air as he pulls free from the heavy blankets he usually hides under. The chill of the morning air makes his skin pull tight and goosebumps appear across his flesh while he fumbles aimlessly under the bed for his phone.
The sudden shift from warm air trapped underneath his bed sheets to cold air outside of them makes his sinuses prickle like usual and Eddie’s no stranger to his usual bout of morning sneezes. Before even trying to read the texts, he waits. Lying there covered by just his bedsheets as the tickle grows until finally he sneezes uncovered into the air in front of him, “HiihEXTSHew! Hipt’shew! Et’shhhuh! Ngh…” He rubs a hand over his face while sniffling softly then checks his phone.
Hey, Eddie, I am SO sorry, but I think we have to reschedule the tattoo appointment. I was feeling a little iffy yesterday, but now I’m definitely not making it. I was really looking forward to it. Let me know what days are free and I’ll happily reschedule!
All at once his heart sank.
He rubbed at his eyes a little more, scrubbing the sleep from them. After a moment, Eddie pulls up the schedule on his phone to see what all he’s got going on today. Just… Steve and open for walk in’s which… Something between a whine and a groan escapes Eddie as he makes a decision before texting Chrissy and Gareth he won’t be in today since his appointment is rescheduling.
If Steve was going to go waking him up before his alarm did then he was going to suffer the consequences. And well… Eddie had a crush and a soft spot for the guy. Without further ado, Eddie rolled himself out of bed with a shiver to start getting dressed so he could make a run to the store for some supplies before gracing The Ailing King with his presence.
Link to Part 3
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kerubimcrepin · 8 months
Episode 12 - The Great Glucid, Part 2
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I don't know why, but this episode is very cute to me.
Kerubim being a baker is also just a bit emotionally charged to me, in a good way, — even if it is just a silly little episode.
It feels nice, that he engaged in a hobby that one wouldn't expect of him. This isn't exactly manly, monster-slaying adventurer stuff. And that's good! He should do things that make him happy and proud more!
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It's also nice that he spent time with his mentor's grandchildren, considering Kerubim seems to adore kids. (Perhaps, that's one of the reasons he wants Joris to call him a grampy-cat, instead of a father? Because that was his first real experience with a functional family, as an orphan and a demigod?)
Very succulent and healthy energies all around, compared to his usual tales of violence and divorce and toxic friendships.
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And, perhaps, at least in part, it's also nice because it's his cultural and familial heritage, as a person who grew up in Amakna?
It feels like we're exploring a part of Kerubim's identity that isn't something like "gambler, cheater, warrior, ORPHAN WITH A DEAD FAMILY who's only brother left HATES him, god's plaything, divorcee," and instead something more gentle, kinder, like "guy who likes babysitting," or "an Amaknean man in his natural environment (making baked goods)"
Like yes. He should be baking. Yugo, his fellow countryman, should also be baking. From both of their shows, we can see that Amaknean men are at their happiest when they're in the kitchen. So, chop-chop!
...We will see that despite trying really hard to hate one another, Atcham and Kerubim are... quite passionate about their family history and heritage. No wonder he became a baker.
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*Wakfu: One More Gate is an unreliable source due to its plot being a dream, however, if it is based off things that really happened to Oropo during his youth, and considering the fact that, to my knowledge, the game's plot was changed into the dream thing during development, it would imply that the Crepin family has been selling things, especially weapons, for generations.
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Yessss another dice moment.
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Me @ fictional men I like.
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He switches between holding two different weapons. BOOO tomato tomato tomato, how dare they have an animation error in their children's cartoon. (I'm joking.)
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To reiterate, I really think we should talk more about Kerubim being good at baking and being really proud of it. (To the point of being a show-off, as he is with everything else he's good at.)
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My headcanons of the day:
Kerubim is definitely the one who made the food in the beginning of the Julith movie.
I think Kerubim would learn how to make macarons without any machines involved, and give himself carpal tunnel and actual hand damage over it. Because he'd like the idea of being A Guy Who Can Make Macarons that much.
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People in this house LOVE standing on tables and counters. Micromen. Manlets. Tinyguys.
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On one hand,
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On the other hand, he looks genuinely sad about what happened.
I suppose, considering this whole thinly-veiled-symbolism-for-addiction-played-for-funnies thing happened after this story, this might have been one of the last times Kerubim spent with his mentor while he was healthy.
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And while it is only in my head, bc we here on this blog take this show way too fuckin' seriously: This guy might have been the first normal familial figure in his life, considering the whole Demigod/Orphan thing.
Aaand I just made myself sad.
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
the thing about. even & the doctor in their main verse vs even & the master in that theoretical alternate ending is that. you break it down far enough and neither of these relationships are actually healthy. but it is funny to joke about the one with the master being healthier.
being with the doctor is certainly more pleasant, overall, but he is also someone who will let you promise him forever, who might even let himself believe it a little bit because he has to hold onto something, right? but his own track record is against him. it’s a relationship on borrowed time; you’re going to die or be left behind or worst of all, the thing even would actually be most afraid of, fail him somehow, do something Wrong that he can’t abide and be kicked out. it’s chaining yourself to a comet, and it’s glorious, and all the more unstable for that. and when you’re scared of instability, you’ll give any part of yourself to shore up the foundations, you know?
whereas. in that hypothetical au. their relationship with the master is more like two animals trapped in a cage with the dice constantly rolling on whether they’ll tear each other’s faces off or cooperate to open the lock. but it’s honest in that way. if they get tossed aside, stabbed in the back, even killed, that is what they signed up for. they can understand this, and the fact that they despise him means that they are also comfortable saying no to him. because that’s not going to actually change whether or not he fucks them over in the end, he’s going to do that, they’re aware he’s going to and they’re still sitting in ‘his’ tardis anyway because technically, if they took the first shot to protect themself, they wouldn’t be able to properly fly the damn thing without him.
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writerrobinarnett · 1 year
ok i turned normal now (no, not really).
is it possible to change gender when you use a miraculous? how is it possibile?
now with the identity reveal everything will go to shit, i can feel it.
oh my god.
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He did lol. It was a one off joke but he's old enough, so I was like sure, why not lol
It happened. No take backsies 😂
Thank you!! And Ik!!! I feel like I'm not even writing them that way, they're just naturally adorable 😭 I'm just like, so how's it going my characters and Will and Mike are like, hold my dice Imma just be super adorable for a minute, okay byyyyyeee. It's like, I love it but please guys, my heart can't take it
Yeah! I really loved the kwagatama and past holders in the show so I really wanted to put it in my story. And my version of Mike is obsessed with knights and fairytales so it just worked (at least, it worked in my opinion lol)
Absolutely! I'd have to go back and count it but I think Mike has actually interacted with Victor more than Will. Not sure, if that's right but they're at least even
Can confirm, some crazy things will happen before the story is over (and lots of crazy happened already) 😄
Idk if it's actually possible, but I was like, you know what. Magic? Tikki is powerful and basically the god of creation, she could probably change someone's gender, right? And I decided early on that Grevinna Vallmo/Count Bielke was transgender in a time where they didn't even know the word. So yeah. Tikki was like, oh. You're actually a girl but you were born a dude. That sucks. I'll fix it 😊
Things always go to shit when good things happen don't they... Feels that way irl sometimes too 😭
Anyway! I'm happy I finally got to share the reveal chapter! I really love this one! 😁
(also, omg is that a Mr. Travis Willingham gif?? I love Critical Role! Tho I never have time to watch it anymore 😢)
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epickiya722 · 2 years
Now that we're halfway through the season, quick recap of how this works!
My reactions consist of jokes, thoughts, pictures but not too many, praises, emojis, all that good stuff. This is all for fun and I don't expect for anyone to take this seriously.
Spoilers are under the cut!
Are we getting a new OP? Are we getting a new OP? Are we getting a new OP? Are we getting a new OP?
The answer is no... BUT I AIN'T MAD, THIS SONG IS A BANGER!
Usually, they change it up with arcs. So I'm guessing next arc we're getting the new OP and ED.
"What's wrong with Shigaraki anyways? Aren't you the one who summoned us?" Well, yeah, but that was before he got jumped.
What kind of horror movie crap is this?!
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"... despises human mutants..." Oh, hell no. Spinner brought a sword and I hope he gets every single one of you. Slice and dice, honey!
GOOD, I'M GLAD YOU GOT GOT! Discriminating disappointments...
"League of Villains is flat broke." That line delivery is hilarious.
*Dabi shows up* I actually just realized Dabi wasn't with them the night before.
Aah, Spinner spilling out some of his backstory... don't make me cry right now.
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All I wish you didn't do, Spinner, is choose polka dots. Look, this is the first time I actually despise polka dots on someone, okay? AND THEY'RE BLUE! He does not have blue anywhere else, damn it!
"You mindless cosplayer." Dabi, villain or not, can you not be be mean for 5 seconds?
"That's right. I am empty on the inside!" DAMN! That... that shouldn't hit me right in my chest. But it did and it did HARD.
The way Tomura is just... that face... "why are you grabbing me? Calm down, my guy."
"I still liked the League of Villains." Aaaaaw, Mr. Compress!
Please, stop showing Spinner choking. He even has tongue action going...
"A show can't go on without its supporting characters..." *has flashbacks to the time I and some of my moots was getting messages about wanting some of the characters to die, hero and villain*
"I applaud his courage..." Me, too! Because I ain't taking a chunk out of my thigh on purpose!
But go off, Mr. Compress! Start the show!
Oh, oh! That's... um... his grandfather!
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Dabi! He is still your little brother! Damn! You did not have to knock him out the sky like that! Just rude! Rude as hell!
Okay, great-great grandson!
"The blood of the Burgular King flows in my veins." Okay, king, do your thing!
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Spinner got his card with that "COME AT ME, BRO" pose. Love that purple! Ooh! And Mr. Compress!
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... I don't care how much you shine through this episode, I'm still mad about what you did to Miss Midnight.
Burnin's reaction to Master Driller sacrificing himself and killing that Tremor... I mean... Nomu is exactly my reaction.
This season really turned up on the horror!!!
Oh, my green boy is up again!!! WAIT, IS THAT... *smirks in manga reader*
That shot is meme worthy... I am so sorry...
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DANGER SENSE!!! AAAAAH!!! Wait, hold up. He kinda pretty in this shot.
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"It's free to watch." Sadly, that can't be said for a lot of things today.
Damn, did Lemillion just do that before he could do any ultimate moves?! I'm so sorry, but damn... that is funny! 😆
"I'm counting on you, Spinner. You admire Shigaraki more than anyone." Aaaaw, that's kind of sweet. I have to admit though, at the beginning of this series, I would not have guessed that out all the League, it's Spinner that becomes close to Tomura. It's a pleasant surprise though. I mean, I have a soft spot for characters that at first glance you didn't think would be buddies later on.
"I get this heartburn that makes me want to throw up." Maybe you should get checked out, my guy.
I forgot he had that hand this whole time.
Spinner... SPINNER!! 🤣🤣🤣 "Well, damn... it worked!" That's his face!
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"Tomura got himself a bunch of great friends." And what would you know about that?!
"Did you just call me Iguichi? Just who are you?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
"This is all my sake." YOU SELFISH PRICK!
"Midoriya and Bakugou need medical attention." You are right, Class Prez! My boys needs help ASAP! LOOK AT THEM! Shoto, too!!
"Move now... Izuku Midoriya!" I swear Daiki be delivering Izuku's frustration so well that it makes me want to cry! 😭💚
"Shut your trap, All For One!" Like please! Like today!!
"It looked like a signal asking for help!" 😭😭😭 Izuku's heart is too big for his body, I swear it is! Like... why he is so good? WHY?! It's a cruel world and here you are wanting to save people no matter what side they're on!
And that concludes this half of this season!
By far, this was the most gut punching arc of the anime. I had cries, laughs, screams, times I rethink my life choices...
Like... what else can I say? I loved it! And I'm scared for what's coming because... oh, boy. *shivers in manga reader*
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