#hmm so maybe i might have to turn this into an azul thought
merakiui · 2 years
Ah! That was so good with sneaky Azul sabotaging Riddle's crossword confession! Ooh! But now, can we get the response? Surely, as time passes, Riddle will wonder why you've not answered his confession. And i feel like he'd somehow get the story from you without you suspecting. Azul ruined his romantic gesture, so it's only right that Riddle attempt to ruin his little date. Right?
>:) the rivalry saga continues!!! for those who wish to read what started it, here is that post.
What makes it worse is that you probably catch Riddle in the hall a day or so later and thank him for the fun crossword. Innocently oblivious as ever, you tell him it was an enjoyable way to pass time even if the end result was complete nonsense, to which Riddle becomes very confused. Did you not get the message? Are you trying to joke with him? Oh no... Did he accidentally send you one of the rough drafts instead of the actual final crossword?! You tell him that you had some difficulties with it, and he's about to suggest you visit Heartslabyul so that the two of you can complete some beginner's crosswords so you might be able to re-solve the crossword he mailed you. But then you tell him you enlisted help, and normally Riddle wouldn't mind it if the contents weren't the secrets of his heart! To make matters worse, you went to Azul of all people!
Now the picture looks clearer. Azul probably worked alongside you to solve the crossword, but knowing how he operates he probably caught onto the message way before you did and intentionally obscured the meaning so that it would prevent you from knowing the truth while making Riddle look foolish in the process. Riddle isn't normally a vindictive person hellbent on revenge. If someone breaks a rule, he administers punishment fairly and swiftly, nothing more and nothing less. But when it comes to Azul, he finds himself at his worst.
Azul really thinks he's going to have his "kiss the girl" moment with you on his date, but he is in for it once Riddle learns of it. Though knowing Azul, he's probably going to make the twins keep a close eye on the locations he takes you to just to ensure a certain strawberry-scented nuisance won't interfere. Riddle knows this, and so he decides that two can play at that game. Perhaps it's impolite to act so childishly, but Azul has thrown the dice first. This is war now.
Riddle asks Cater if he's ever wanted to crash a date. The first thing Cater says in response is: "Whoa. Since when are you so daring? Who poured bubbly in your tea?" The next thing he says (when Riddle's glare and stern posture indicate that he is, in fact, quite serious and not at all buzzed) is: "Sure. Why not? Whose heart are we breaking today?"
The plan is to trail you and Azul on your date into town so that he and Cater can conveniently run into you. Knowing the twins will likely be lurking somewhere out of sight, Riddle has resolved to use Cater as his excuse just in case they start asking questions. He would never stalk you and Azul; he's simply running some dorm-related errands with Cater! For a while, Riddle and Cater watch you and Azul as the two of you go in and out of shops. Nothing seems to be happening. It really just looks like two friends hanging out. Riddle thinks it might not be a date after all while he and Cater take refuge in a coffee shop, which is situated across from the store you and Azul are currently in. While Cater snaps photos of Riddle's pastry for his Magicam, Riddle verbalizes his ponderings.
"Do you truly think they're here as friends? It doesn't look like a romantic outing to me. But then... Well, I can't say for certain because dates are...unfamiliar territory for me."
"Why don't you go ask?" Riddle turns so swiftly to glare that Cater can't hold his snicker in. "Kidding, kidding." He peers out the window at the storefront, spying you and Azul at the register. He exhales deeply, as if this is all exhausting, or maybe he's just trying to think of a suitable answer to his question and is turning up blank. "I'm not really seeing any fireworks."
"Fireworks? Is there... Are fireworks meant to... Does that normally—" Riddle shakes his head with a huff. "What are you on about?"
"A connection, I mean. Like a spark. It just looks like they're chilling."
"Azul was certainly chilling when he ruined my crossword..." He crosses his arms over his chest with an offended scoff. "I'm sure he had the time of his life ruining my hard work."
"Why don't you just ask (Nickname) in person? Can't hurt to shoot your shot. If you wear your heels, you might even be tall enough to make the basket."
A biting retort rests on the tip of his tongue, but it never leaves his mouth because you and Azul are leaving the shop. Though Riddle is highly against sitting improperly, he slumps in his seat so that you won't spot him as you pass the coffee shop. He notices you and Azul aren't holding hands, but the both of you do have plenty of bags. He's spoiling you. Of course he would. Riddle corrects his posture once he knows the both of you are gone and drags Cater out just as he's finishing the last of his bitter coffee.
"For the record, my heels do not serve that kind of purpose. And shooting my shot—I will do no such thing."
Cater playfully rolls his eyes and allows himself to be tugged along. "I think you're just scared, so you wanted to confess in the most roundabout way possible. That right?"
He opens and closes his mouth speechlessly as he walks, unable to come up with a response. Of course he's scared! Who wouldn't be when trying to confess to their crush? But there's more to it than simple nerves and fear of rejection...
"I do hope you enjoy painting roses, for that will be your designation if you continue to—one moment. They're going to the docks!"
"Ooh, a sailing date. That's super cute and super cammable! A win-win all around."
You cannot be serious, Riddle thinks. However, he is dedicated, and so he walks with more determination in his gait. You and Azul have rented a small sailboat to take out onto the water, and one might assume this is where Riddle draws the line. But he did not come all this way just to let you fall prey to a romance trope, so he hastily rents a sailboat with Cater, who is more than happy to split the fee so long as he can get lots of cute photos for Magicam.
And now Riddle finds himself in a sailboat, a safe distance from you and Azul, while Cater eagerly snaps selfies and photos of the landscape with mounting enthusiasm. At least one of them is having fun... Riddle realizes this would be the perfect spot for a confession, and when he sees Azul take your hands in his he's raising his magic pen and readying a spell to knock the boat sideways when—
"Heya, Goldfishie and Snapper! Fancy seein' you here." He whirls to find Floyd hanging onto the side of the boat, scaly arms glistening under the sunlight. "Whatcha doin' all the way out here?"
Cater startles, nearly dropping his phone, and exhales a laugh that's part amusement, part relief. "Floyd, hey! Geez... You came outta nowhere. Nearly gave me a heart attack."
Riddle feels his lips curling into a frown. "Floyd."
Riddle lowers his pen. Of course Floyd would be here, and where Floyd is Jade should not be very far.
"Good afternoon, Riddle. Cater. It's a very fine day for sailing, wouldn't you agree?"
Right on cue.
Riddle turns to look at Jade, who smiles so amiably at him. "I don't suppose you're playing chaperone for Azul's little outing?" he snaps, folding his arms over his chest.
"Oh?" He raises a brow, submerging himself to hide his wicked smirk.
"Did you come out to chaperone?" Floyd asks, and now Riddle's looking at him again. Floyd giggles. "Azul thought you might get in the way, so that's why we're here! We saw you followin' 'em. It was a real funny sight."
Riddle reminds himself to stay calm. It's times like these where he has to keep a level head before someone loses theirs.
"Ah, you knew the whole time?" Cater deflates a little. "Guess nothing gets passed you guys."
"Not a thing," Jade concurs while Floyd circles the boat lazily. "Although I must admit my expectations for you were rather low. To think you'd act just as Azul had predicted..."
His hands curl into fists, his grip on his magic pen impossibly tight. Floyd's teasing does nothing to help, nor does Cater's casual surrender or Jade's irksome chuckles. Before he can stop himself, he's raised his pen and attempts to hit Floyd in the water. The fire never scorches Floyd, for he dives under with an echoing laugh, and that seems to be the imaginary whistle announcing the start of a fight. Floyd rocks the boat and Cater grabs onto the sides to steady himself as it tips, tips, tips—nearly upturning altogether—before it comes back down with a noisy splash. Riddle almost falls overboard, but instead he slips onto his rear in the belly of the boat.
Normally, he's not one to start fights. But this is a special situation; he can be a little rebellious for now, if only to focus on his main task: stopping Azul's confession. Luckily, the commotion seems to have drawn your attention, for Riddle sees you look over for a moment before his attention is stolen by Floyd and yours is graciously redirected by Azul.
He rises on unsteady legs, runs a hand through his windblown hair, and prepares for battle.
Somehow, with all of his shots and the twins' expert dodges, as well as the waves that are stirred up, which continue to tip the boat, and Cater's attempts at pacifying the situation before he drops his phone, the excitement has brought his sailboat closer to you and Azul. This leaves him with the perfect range. Just as Azul's looking at you sincerely—just as he cups your face to prevent you from looking elsewhere—Riddle raises his pen, ignoring all of the chaos around him, and makes his last spell count, hurling the enchantment directly at the side of the sailboat. He hears it hit its mark and the alarmed shouts from you and Azul as splashes follow suit, but he doesn't see it because next thing he knows Jade and Floyd have tired of this little game, bringing their tails down upon the water to create a strong wave that knocks the boat over, sending Riddle and a distressed Cater into the sea.
He breaks the surface with a gasp, treading water while Cater keeps one arm raised high to save his phone from the water's reach. The twins have slipped into the shadows below, and when Riddle clings onto the upturned sailboat to steady himself he notices you and Azul are in the same predicament. A smug smirk tugs at his lips, growing wider when Cater's holding onto the boat to survey the damage. You're currently in Floyd's arms, while Jade helps a very disgruntled Azul onto his back. Victory brightens Riddle's features. He'll deal with the repercussions after he basks in this win.
Cater rests his head onto the smooth surface of the boat, his phone still held high. "New Riddle, who dis?" he jokes through a tired chuckle. "I'd totally capture this moment with a selfie, but I can't risk it!"
Though he's soaked through to his very bone marrow and will most likely have to pay for damaging the rental sailboats, it is a good day to be Riddle Rosehearts.
Now the score is as follows:
Riddle - 1
Azul - 1
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gimmeurmoneyagh · 14 days
❝𝟏𝟔𝟎𝟎 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭, 𝐄𝐠𝐲𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭❞
- Cleo De Nile
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“NYAH?! The heck is this!?“ Grim frowned.
A half-red, half-black collor appeared around Grim’s neck, Grim tried to claw at it to make it get off.
“Laws of the Queen of Hearts: Number 23 ’One shall never bring a cat into a festival’!“ He glared at you now, you were about to walk over and curse his entire bloodline when Riddle began to speak again.
“You being a cat means you’ve broken the rule. I shall have you leave at once!“
“I’m not a cat!“ Grim cried, “I’ll burn this collar right up and... EH! I can’t use my fire!“
Riddle giggled but tried to pass it off as a chuckle (spoiler alert it did not convince anyone) to Grim’s misfortune, “Hmph! You won’t be using any magic until I remove the collar. Just like an ordinary cat.“
“Wh-what?! I’m not some pet!“ Grim tried to retort.
“Don’t worry I’d never keep a pet like you“ Riddle sneered. “I’ll take it off when you get thrown out anyway.“
Azul butted into the conversation wearing a saccharine smile, “Wonderful as ever. Any and all magic gets sealed by your unique magic, Riddle. I want it..- *cough* No. I would never want that cast on me.“ He nervously chuckled.
’Real smooth’ you thought, frowning a bit when that failure of a person, Crowley decided to reprimand you (for what? you never make any mistakes you’re practically perfect!)
“You must do something about this, (Name)! It is your familiar!“ He scowled. “Maybe properly discipli-“
“It’s not mine,“ You gritt your teeth in anger, you wanted out of this weirdo school. You missed Ghoulia and her doing your homework. 😢
“It’s not yours...?“ he pursed his lips, as you shook your head for a ’no’.
“Yeah, If I’m supposed to be ’magicless’ how am I supposed to have a familiar?“ You asked, motioning for him to answer.
“Ehhh..“ He tugged at his coat and coughed into his hand, “My apologies! Anyway, let’s get it out of the school. And as I am gracious we won’t cook it into a stew. My my, truly my kindess is boundless!“ He smiled.
’boundless my ass’ 
“Someone help please!“ at those words the entire crowd shuffled and went farther from him.
And honestly, same.
“GYAH! LET ME GO!“ Grim shrieked, still clawing at the collar “I am- I’m going to become the greatest mage ever!!“
Two boys were pushed into the open and forced to through Grim out of the ceremony.
’How annoying’ you curled your lips downwards, eyeing Grim with distate. It was deserved as he was annoying and even almost burned you! You took immense satisfaction at his shouts (were you beefing with an animal? yes. do you care? no)
“W-we may have had a bit of trouble along the way but this bring the entrance ceremony to a close!“ Crowley loud ahh voice snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“Housewardens, please show the new students back to the dorms!“ He said, putting his hands on his hips and looking into space as if he was delivering a great speech.
He looked down at the students again before pausing, “...hmm? Now that I think about it, I don’t see the dorm leader of Diasomnia, Mr. Draconia anywhere.“
“That’s no different from usual, is it?“ the were-lion(? you still weren’t sure) snarked.
“Whaat? Did nobody tell him about the ceremo....“
You tuned out and just looked around the room, you were busy looking at some cutie with white hair and purplish eyes when someone with a deep voice spoke up (LOUDLY! VERY LOUDLY! [it wasn’t it really wasn’t])
“It seems I was correct“ people still talk like that? 
“I thought he might come but Malleus really didn’t“ you turned your head to the direction of the voice and...
Draculaura?! She’s here too?
Wait no that was a boy.
But uhm... why was he so fucking short. No short people-hate but you did not expect that voice to come out of that.
You liked his hair though.
“It seems the invitation ’never arrived’ again...“ He lamented.
Not being invited? hah. Could never happen to you. (you miss monster high, even if you’ve only been gone for probably an hour)
“My dearest apologies. I promise we didn’t intend to exclude you“ said Azul, putting a hand on his chest. (he seemed fake)
“His aura makes it hard for us to approach him.“ Riddle defended himself (and the others ig).
Meanwhile you went back to looking at the cutie with white hair again.
“It’s fine. Members of Diasomnia can come follow me. I just hope this doesn’t upset him...“
That was a weird interaction. 
You were standing blinking wide eyed wondering what just happened when- “Then (Name), I’m terribly sorry about this but..-“
“You’re making me leave? Yeah I figured“ (you really didn’t but you would rather die then admit that)
“*ahem* Correct! Those without any talent for magic cannot be allowed to attend class here“ You shrugged at that you didn’t really care about this place and if you were gone for too long that bitch Torelai might steal your spot as fearleading captain.
“However there is no need to worry. The dark mirror will send you directly back from whence you came from“ He motioned his hands toward the big mirror.
You smiled a bit at that one, who knew a clown could actually make people smile!
“Enter the gate and picture your home clearly in mind...“
“Oh Dark Mirror! Guide this one back to the place she belongs!“  He belloed raising his hands ip
At that you scrunch your eye-lids tight causing some of those color/light spots. You thought of the sea Lagoona’s family came from, the normie town near Monster High, your room. Your room filled with clothes, posters, and burn books. You thought of your jewels and all your credit and debit cards. You missed your money already. And all your friends even Clawdeen’s annoying little sister. Uhhhh... Growleen. Yeah her.
You even crossed your fingers and spoke an old egyptian chant for luck. (you however didn’t notice someone jolting in surprise at the chant)
Crowley looked around (probably embarrased) “Oh... Uh once more. Oh Dark Mirror! Guide thi-“ 
“It is nowhere“ 
That’s a lie. You wanted to go already. ☹️☹️☹️.
“Eh?“ Crowley looked shocked “The place she belongs is nowhere in this world... It does not exist“
What?! Now you were shocked, you were standing hunched over mouth open and your eye was twitching. This wasn’t in (whatever Monster High world is called)?! And apparently (whatever Monster High world is called) doesn’t exist here either?!
Where the fuck were you?! You missed your ghoulfriends...
“What did you say? That is unbelievable! Hmm, well, the unbelievable has been on parade today.“ Crowley hummed, putting stroking his chin again.
Meanwhile you were having an existential breakdown, iconically.
“This is the first time it’s ever happened since I became headmaster, what should be..“ Crowley’s sockets narrowed. “Where exactly did you come from?“
“Are you dumb? I told you earlier Monster High, which is located in (wherever the fuck Monster High world is called)“ you stood straight up at the attention being brought back to you. Even if you were scared you had to make good impressions because you didn’t have daddy’s money anymore.
“I’ve never heard of such a place“ Crowley admitted. Yeah, you were absolutely screwed. 
“I have a general grasp of where all the students came from but I’ve never even heard that name before. Let us do some research in the library.“ 
And with a swish of his cloak he quickly motioned for you to follow him.
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filypadreams · 2 years
Cater's Birthday Gift (par1-'Getting Ready')
Part 2 click here!
What started as a drabble based on Ruggie's became a huge fic about all dorms celebrating Kantokusei's Bash! This is how each are handling the event~
•Heartslabyul Dorm•
Somewhere in the Rose Maze stern shouts are heard...
"Off with your head! Off with your HEAD! ...Of with-"
" Housewarden? Wh-what is..."
Although a rare feeling, Trey is left at a lack of words upon finding Housewarden Riddle 'punishing' 3 trainning dummies.
" Oh? Trey. I'm simply trainning my signature spell, but magic responding dummies seem to be too weak to give myself anything to contain or deny."
The shorter boy sighs, rubbing his temple. The little crown atop his head threatening to fall.
" You are literally able to shackle 3 people at a time, Riddle. I believe dummies are past your league since you became housewarden."
The taller, green haired man runs his hand on the back of his neck, head tilted a little low and sheepish smile on his face.
" Hmm... I should have realized that sooner. Unfortunately there's no other ethical way to do it without breaking the rules."
He crosses his arms with a neutral, stern face, eyes now fixed on the vice-housewarden in front of him.
" Is there something you need? I believe it's your turn to feed the hedgehogs and as for Cater... he is once again on flamingo handling duty, correct?"
" I wish it was that simple but I can't find that self-centered procrastinator again."
" I wouldn't call him that... He HAS been avoiding doing his task for almost a week now.
Not to sound like an idiot but have you checked his room? The most obvious of places are sometimes the least expected. Maybe he is already preparing the present there-"
" Present??"
Raising an eyebrow, he interrupts the housewarden, confused. In truth both seem confused right now!
" Yes... Ramshackle's Kantokusei birthday gift.
Rule 29 of The Queen of Hearts: One must not forget a confidant's most special day and should be prepared at least a week in advance for it!
You haven't forgotten, have you Vice-Housewarden Trey?"
It's the smaller boy's turn to raise an eyebrow, one hand on his hip.
Trey is comprehensively panicking.
" Well, I... yes. I apologise, housewarden! I guess I've been worried about Crewel-sensei Pop Quizz to pay much attention to our Calendar. We haven't got the results yet."
He bows, realizing his error before lightly rubbing his temple, facing away troubled.
" Hmm, I was in need of a test subject anyways~"
A small smuggish smirk creeps onto Riddle's face before he sighs closing his eyes for a moment.
"Although, even I wasn't expecting a birthday so close to the end of a month. I'm sure most of Heartslabyul is still clueless, so I might let it slide this time."
" I'm grateful for your kindness, housewarden. You haven't gone soft, have you?"
Trey adds with a smirk of his own
" Careful Vice-Housewarden... I can always change my mind. Anyways, please do help me clear these dummies so I can put everyone up to speed on the celebration's particularities."
" Yes, Housewarden Rosehearts! But... what particularities exactly?"
• Octavinelle Dorm•
VIP Room (Azul's Study)
" Azul~ May we come in?"
" You already made yourself at home, Floyd."
The silver haired glass wearing housewarden comments with a shaky eyebrow, slightly annoyed at his subordinate's antics. Not getting up from his chair and only giving a spare glace, ignoring the stack of papers for a moment but still holding his precious ink pen.
Said subordinate had opened the door without caring to knock and taken his fedora off already, playing with lose strands of his teal hair.
" My apologies sir. I'm afraid a certain someone is too eager for tomorrow's event."
The carbon copy of the more laid back subordinate chuckles as he too walks in right behind his brother. Not forgetting to close the door though.
"Sooo what? It's not everyday you make...ah... how old is shrimpy again?"
The ever laid back Floyd scratches his chin in thought, plopping down on one of the black leather sofas.
" Ah yes, Ramshackle's Kantokusei's birthday bash. Or whatever is actually being planned for the day. I do hope our fellow classmates are working hard with their gifts, no one wants to disappoint the birthday star after all~"
" Haha! Shrimpy is not a star, silly Azul. Shrimpy is...shrimpy!"
" You understood what I meant. Hopefully. So what are the news Jade, Floyd?"
Azul Ashengrotto gets up from his seat of power with a flourish to adress his two close confidants.
And business enforcers...
" From what I gathered, there are some hiccups but the preperatives are underway, specially on Heartslabyul part. Now for the actual gifts..."
Jade relates with his almost constantly composed and calm voice, only dropping it for a slightly more sinister tone as he trails off.
" Ne, ne! I do like shrimpy, they are fun to play with and all~
But why are we worried about a Freshman's birthday party agaaain??? Sounds like extra work."
The twin moray interrupts, slightly annoyed this time and looking intensely at the dark streak in his hair.
" Why, because birthdays are like the Winter Solstice. Everyone trotting around like sea-horses to get the perfect last minute gift! Which I, with all my 'generosity' and benevolence am more than happy to help with! Fufu...
So, I take it we are receiving our prestigious clients back by the end of the day?"
The tone in the room suddenly changes. Serious, cold but also with some kind of natural malice.
" Yes, sir. Me and Floyd have already talked with a few of them beforehand. Do expect some crestfallen customers by 9pm."
" They better arrive on time~
Or I'll squeeze them! HAHAHA!"
Floyd sing-songs, letting out his characteristic unnerving laugh and squeezing his fedora against his chest to prove a point.
" Good. Poor unfortunate souls, desperate for one of my unique items to offer just in case they fail to make or buy the perfect gift in time... will have to pay the price now. They worry too much, honestly.
What was it again we get in exchange~? This is all so ironic, hmm..."
A rethorical question that doesn't stop him from reviewing the contracts he is finishing the details of.
" Whatever it is, I'm sure (Y/N)-san will love the treasures we have to offer. "
Jade comments, quite content with a job well done and nearly finished. Given, it was a tiring day of work.
" Right, right! Like free lunch meal tokens, old plushies, oohh there was jewelry too, right~! And vacation vouchers, oh shrimpy will be sooo happy!
I'm almost jealous."
The tweels laugh cynically at the same time.
• Savanaclaw Dorm•
Jack Howl's (freshman) surprisingly messy room
" Oi~ What's with the ruckus Jack- Ack! Why did you throw a shoe at me?!"
The hyena looks around the room in confusion, while rubbing his nose. It's chaotic, unlike his underclassmate's usual, unnaturally well kept posture. Unnatural in comparison to the rest of the dorm that is.
" Sorry for that, but what is it Ruggie-senpai? I'm busy right now. Where did I hide it...?!"
Jack doesn't spare a glance at the curious beastman.
" Hide? What, you lost the gift? Laaame, shehehe! I already got mine prepared for tomorrow ~"
Ruggie brags, leaning against the wall closest to the exit. Just in case.
"I'm surprised you even got someone, that isn't Leona-senpai, something. It better not be a prank."
Jack huffs, giving his dormmate a fleeting glare as he seems to find the small box stuck behind a drawer in his desk.
"Gotcha! Yosh!"
" A prank? You wound me Jack~
Nope, it's genuine. I've been saving these lunch coupons for an emergency but I guess this is good enough of an opportunity too."
" Cafeteria food, really? No matter... Was that your last resort? You are not one to share food."
Jack crosses his arms, one eyebrow furrowed while the other arches high, in an incredulous and suspicious way. Turning himself fully to Ruggie, who just shrugs.
" Well, some people know to appreciate free food when it lands on their lap! And whatcha got there? Jewerly?? Thats a classic."
Ruggie smiles wide, trying to contain his laugh.
" Yes, kind of. Nothing wrong in giving someone something to wear! And before you inquire further, it's handmade. Didn't spend a penny on this one. Now scurry out of here, it's past my bed time."
"Yeah, yeah sir~ I need to wake Leona-senpai soon in the morning anyways. This will be a pain..."
• Ignihyde Dorm •
That same night, Idia Shroud's shared room
"Big brother, I believe I fixed the inconsistencies that broke down the phone. The software should now be able to open Magicam and MagiTube seperately!"
" Good job Ortho! Let me see. Can't believe two conceited apps caused so much trouble..."
Idia gives out a smile at his younger brother before taking the makeshift phone, back to a somber, probably bored expression. Maybe slightly annoyed.
" MagiTube isn't that bad, there's lots of videogame analysis and theorists there. And the speedruns are fascinating!"
Ortho, the ever optimistic robot teen points out. Happy as usual.
"Uh-uh...I guess it isn't that bad, if you know how to avoid the beauty and lifestyle influencers. Too annoying. Yet, I prefer a livestream to a well planned video, it's easier to avoid cheaters while they are live to the whole world if you know where to look."
Idia distractedly comments, messing with the phone.
" What was he thinking making such a last minute request? That preppy, socialite wannabe better be able to get what I asked or I might burn his hair..."
He speaks with a slight growl, tendrils of hair flicking around but otherwise, keeping the same deep blue colour.
" You are not serious, Idia~! Also I'm sure Kantokusei will love it after I finish adding the requested stickers!"
Ortho floats (or flies) to a small table where lots of unique stickers are laid out, colour and theme ordered. None of which make sense close to the others...
Idia sighs, even more agitated at this.
" Oh, of course. We are also supposed to guess which ones 'looks best'. Do I look like a professional decorator- Wait, which Kantokusei???"
And now he looks closely at Ortho, eyes slightly wide, small trembles seem to follow up his body from toe to a now brighter blue with black tips hair. Evidences of panic settling in at the new piece of information.
" Well, that firey cat demon tamer in Ramshackle. (Y/n) (L/N)-san! It's their birthday tomorrow... well...in one hour actually. It's getting late."
" (Y- Y- Y/N)-shi birthday??? Ortho show me our schedule!"
He gets up, almost knocking over a Genie funko figurine as well as a can of Twisted Energy over, risking ruinning his tools in the process. Cursing at the pain on his hip that hit the table and speed walking towards Ortho who is slightly taken aback and looking worriedly at the more agitated hair in Idia's head, that could burn the ceiling if it wasn't made of sturdier material than most dorms.
" Sure. Preparing the projector and opening it...right now!"
A blue and white hologram almost smacks Idia's face by how close he is. A not so cheerful one as he scrunches it before stepping back, arm defensively in front of his upper body as if the schedule almost bit him, eyes wide and hair fully bright with noticeable black streaks.
" Oh no. No, no, what now? What does one do when they forget someone's birthday?! Panic and buy a last minute third quality gift from a thrift store? No. No, all options are horrible-"
And as Idia walks back and forth trying to remember a series or game where the outcome for the same cliché dilemma was for once positive, Ortho takes a closer look at the schedule.
" We are supposed to get some lights to make Ramshackle a little more festive. Or at least fix some if Lilia-senpai finds old ones in Diasomnia's basement...er...catacombs?"
" Right, the lights. We can fix those no problem. I dunno about making new ones until we finish this stupid phone!"
Idia slightly calms down, giving the side eye at Cater's idea of a 3 day DIY gift.
" I'm throwing this thing at him if he doesn't appreciate it..."
• Ramshackle Dorm •
The next morning in (Y/N) and Grim's shared room
"O~medetou, (Y/N)! (Y/N), wake up! You are going to miss your whole special day if you use Grim-sama special Signature Nap-
Agh! Mrooww, that hurt..."
From overly excited, (Y/N) managed to make Grim teary eyed with a mighty throw of his own pillow.
" What's all the ruckus for? Let me sleep 30 more minutes..."
" 30?! That's not how the saying goes..."
Grim floats to me as I get up from bed, mind still foggy.
" In case you missed my morning announcement, Happy Birthday! Again."
" Thanks, I'm 2 years older now~"
I joke, almost dreading the cold water I'll hit my face with.
" I really don't understand you humans, shouldn't this be a special occasion?"
Grim proceeds to imitate my morning routine almost to a T. It's amusing really. Eventually I offer an explanation to his comment.
"It's not that I hate my birthday but it was always more exciting with my family... before I reached teenagehood that is.
Now I would be grateful if you didn't scream the news to the entire college. Heck you might wake up the Royal Sword students."
I gently push Grim out the door for the sake of some privacy as I take a bath.
" Oi, don't use all the hot water!"
" Why not, it's my special day~ Besides you didn't do me any favors yesterday morning."
" Hmph! It's too late anyways..."
Grim slides down to the floor, against the wooden door with arms crossed and a pout.
" Too late for what?"
I ask, barely able to discern his words amidst the torrent of hot water occasionally falling on my head.
" Well, almost everyone knows it's your day of course. And the rumors spread like delicious tuna being sold, nyah~!"
As Grim dreamily speaks of his dear tuna, I momentarily stop the water and open the feeble door harshly.
"What?! Also you mean like hot cakes."
"Mroow-! Who...who eats their cake hot...?"
One paw holds his dizzy head, the other respectfully covers his eyes.
I sigh and waltz back in to finish my bath and put some clothes on.
It wasn't unexpected for the ghosts to be aware of today's event, none the less their congratulations during breakfast were still very appreciated. As well as warning me that some flamboyant Heartslabyul student has been missing for a day.
"That's worrisome, Cater can't spend 1 hour without posting something at the very least appealing on Magicam. Unless he has been doing that while evading Trey and Riddle-kun.
...That's a scary prospect actually..."
" Seems to take some skill..."
I share my thoughts as Grimm adds to them, while walking up the staircases of the college not at all ready for my Astrology class. It's very much like Astronomy which includes lots of math and geography and maybe geometry.
Which I can't handle. At the very least Grim manages to get the metaphorical puzzle pieces right so I can say that Pisces sun is going to have financial problems, specially with air signs because... specific coordinates, planetary interventions and depending on the moon sign and the ascendant of the specific person honestly.
" And so I conclude that Mr. Ashengrotto should spend more of his time pursuing creative endeavors like creative writting or photography. And then apply those to his job during this year until Mercury retrograde is not a thing anymore."
I say outloud in class. Apparently it's not unusual to have a mix of students from all years and Azul seems... well, he manages to keep his face neutral.
"Thank you for your reading (Y/N)-san, I'll make sure our next agreement looks more appealing to the eye~"
Forget what I said, he is still unsufferable.
• Cafeteria during Lunchtime •
" Monsieur Cherry Apple!"
"Eek! R-Rook-senpai!? You scared me..."
Epel puts a hand over his heart trying to calm down. He was surrounded by intricately looking envelopes as well as envelope paper. There was a pile to the side that looks like a miscellany of discarded origami.
" Oh, mes excuses. Vil requested me to check on your progress.
Mon dieu, what are those for?! I cannot deny I like the swans and paper roses though~"
"Oh, ah...it's going well. Smoother than when I started, who would have thought my apple carving talent could be used to make envelopes."
Epel gives a gentle smile and a quiet chuckle, quite proud of himself.
" Those are failed attempts. I decided, it would be a waste to just throw paper away if it still could turn into something...nice?"
" Oui, very beautiful. I take it you are almost done? You did make quite the amount..."
" Yes! I'm almost finished. All that is left is the invites themselves."
" Ah, do not worry your pretty little head about it, me and Beautiful Vil are taking care of those. He is doing the writing of course, while I do the poetry! Or help with it at least."
Rook finally decides to sit besides Epel instead of crouching to talk or look at the symmetrical mess on the table.
" Have you had lunch yet? If you need, I can hunt you something delicious while I go get my own."
" Thank you for the offer, Rook-senpai, but I already ate. Do tell me... aren't these a little too flourished for such an event? And the birthday star...just doesn't seem their...face I guess."
" Blasphemy! This is a once in a year event, plus it's a surprise for our fellow Trickster! We were just given the task to prepare presentable and dignified invites for the party and that's what we shall create. Ahh~, if you forgive moi, best I get my nutritious dose of the day before all the worthwhile catches are gone. Adieu~"
Rook gets up from the table and gets in line. Epel just looks at him for a while confused and then gets back to work.
" Rook-senpai sure is something else."
Also in the Cafeteria, but on the farthest away table full of Diasomnia students.
"I do love the colour combination and aesthetic you are proposing Sebek, but it is quite dark for the event itself. Ramshackle is already a sinister place by nature after all. Have you seem the ghosts?! It's truly full of personality, fufu~."
Lilia discusses with Sebek, and the others, the decorations planned for that evening.
" Malleus-sama seems to like them though."
" Yes, I do. But it's not my party I'm afraid. I'm also sure Rosehearts didn't envision this when he requested our help."
" Then why doesn't Heartslabyul take care of the preparations?"
Sebek protests in slight irritation.
" They are but apparently Cater-senpai is missing so they have a lot more on their hands, besides monitoring all the participants for the event."
Silver softly interrupts, careful to not be seen as rude. This seemed to pick Lilia's interest.
" Ohh? The selfie boy? I saw him hiding in the library yesterday afternoon and arriving sooner than most to the Cafeteria before that. I think he is trying to avoid being caught by his peers. I wonder what he is planning..."
That's when a familiar pair of loud students interrupt the fragile peace in the Cafeteria. They stood at the entrance discussing for a while.
" Ahh~ We managed to survive this time! I wasn't enthusiastic to work in that place again, at all!"
It's the hearts and spades boys!
" I'm pretty sure he only offered the extra time because we are close friends with Kantokusei. I feel like we still cheated though..."
Deuce shakes his head ashamed.
"Oi, it's either a underwater potion or some card tricks."
He adds emphasis by making one, then another, then a third card appear on his left hand seemingly out of thin air.
" Hm. I guess you are right, even I know the trick for that one. Do you always keep so many under your sleeve-Uffgha!"
" Shh! These are trade secrets you dimwit!"
Deuce pries Ace's hand from his mouth.
"Alright, no need to panic!"
" Do you want to see a really cool magical trick~?"
A voice sounds playfully from above their heads. The two freshman are hesitant to look up.
" Ding Ding! Here, let me show you a little friend of mine."
The small, wise beyond his years boy, descends to Earth and with some flourish opens his right hand. A small bat lands on Deuce's nose.
"Ahhgh! W-what is- A bat?!!"
" Yes, now don't move too much, you might scare him. He bites when scared."
" That didn't help..."
He says, a tremble in his voice.
" That hardly counts as a magic trick, you are constantly surround by them! Hey! Don't get close to me-"
Ace swats in front of him hoping to scare off the bat.
" Kids these days..."
"Lilia-sama! We require your input."
Sebek calls for the mysterious boy from their table.
As Lilia walks (or flies) away, Deuce adds to their previous topic.
" I can't believe you managed to get a 1 for 2 potion in exchange of a 1 for 2 couple of hand tricks as a gift..."
(Note: The 1 for 2 refers to both Deuce and Ace getting 1 thing for 2 people, them, in exchange of 1 thing that represents both of them.)
" It's called sleight of hand. Besides did you have anything better?"
Meanwhile two other students were making a rare appearance in the never ending cafeteria line.
" I don't see why we need to go through this, Kalim. I'm sure i'm capable of cooking the most apropriate dishes from The Land of Hot Sands for the event."
" I don't doubt your culinary skills Jamil, nor how delicious your dishes are! But it's good to have some variety and to get to know what our guest loves."
" Hardly our guest and more 'the person of the moment' but anyways... how does coming here help? We rarely come here unless ABSOLUTELY necessary and barely see Kantokusei and their food choices."
Jamil keeps a well practiced neutral face even when memories of those times they happened to eat on the Cafeteria surge.
A skill that truly takes years to perfect.
" Well first...I believe we need to familiarize with the school's food! But only after I get your approval, I cannot dare to get sick right before the party..."
Kalim's enthusiasm turns into a pout remembering all the times he got 'ill' after eating something not made by Jamil back home.
"Of course. Although I...doubt the quality of the dishes here is that bad."
"I'm happy you are so positive today, Jamil. Now, aahh...hmm...oh! I remember him, he is... ehhh, Leona's attendee from Savanaclaw, right?"
" You mean Ruggie? Ruggie Bucchi if I'm not mistaken. Hard to forget, you almost burnt yourself getting me Cream Stew that time..."
While Kalim is seizing the poor hyena that got in line for the second time, Jamil scratches his chin in thought, almost smiling at the memory. No one got too seriously hurt so it feels like a nostalgic and interesting experience now that he thinks back.
Kalim turns to Jamil rubbing the back of his head, with a nervous smile.
" Haha, sorry about that. Maybe we should ask him?"
"Hmm...he doesn't have the brightest mind but he sure knows his way around the school and it's social groups, as well how to take advantage of that gathered knowledge but still I'm not sure- ...Kalim? Kalim?!"
And while Jamil was monologuing to himself, Kalim already has Ruggie in a side hug as if they are pals from the basketball team. Or Magift.
"Ruggie! Long time no see. Well, except in classes but those don't count..."
" Ehh?! Y-you again!? Look pal, I really don't want to get in trouble, I just need to retrieve the main course to Leona-san after he surprisingly ate the soup. I guess it was mostly chicken today. Anyways, I really, really need to speed this up, ah... Kalim right?"
" So you also remember me! And don't worry, I can help you with that if you want-"
"NO! N-no need, I promised Leona I would do this myself..."
Ruggie immediately interrupts the chirpy boy trying to find a good excuse to run away from his clutches. He IS curious though...
" But well...what are you doing here? Jamil is lacking ingredients or something?"
" Oh, we have plenty to make food for a whole month but someone decided a last minute field research would be a great idea."
"I'm the someone!"
Jamil interrupts their conversation, preparing for any imaginable scenario that could come out of this interaction.
Kalim is being Kalim so everything seems fine for now.
" Research? I'm afraid you walked into a War Zone buddy."
Ruggie grins before sneaking past a few freshmen and taking the famous, sought after, dish of the day that Leona once again had to ask for.
" I still don't know how you do that-"
" Ah? Where did Ruggie go?!"
This time Kalim interrupts Jamil who facepalms mentally as Kalim looks around and then further the line finally finding Ruggie again. And running after him leaving Jamil to pick their food else they starve until dinner.
" There you are! Did you just walk ahead of others?"
"Hmmm maybe. Like I was saying you either need to be fast or cunning enough to get the best the canteen can offer, otherwise you'll get yesterday's leftovers."
Ruggie makes an exaggerated disgusted face.
" Not that I'm not used to eating what autocrats would call trash. Still, I wouldn't mind knowing Pomefiore's secret. They always get the fancy food, I bet Vil-san would have a crisis if that was ever denied to them, shehehe!"
" Looking after yourself is not a laughing matter. It would do both of you well to vary your diets in my...humble opinion."
Ruggie's fur stands on end at the delicate yet cold voice.
" H-hey, Vil-senpai... I, ah... enjoying your lunch?"
" I will with less gossip."
" Trash food, fancy food, Jamil's... so hey. What does (Y/N) like?"
The two men turn to the young prince, taken aback.
" Kantokusei?"
" Is that what your field research is about? I thought you were preparing Scarabian food."
" The correct term is Hot Sands gastronomy. As for your question... I have no idea. They usually eat what they get. Frankly if not for that flying weasel, Kantokusei would get the leftovers and probably whine about it for only a minute."
Vil corrects Ruggie and makes a slight disgusted face when trying to recall (Y/N) food choices.
" Remember when you cooked inside the botanical garden during Beanfest? They seemed to like the shawarma, before we ruined the party that is, hehe."
" But that's still Hot Sands gastronomy."
Kalim sighs dispirited.
" I need to go to my table and finish lunch so Pomefiore can accomplish their task in a timely manner. Why don't you ask Kantokusei themselves? They are chatting with Jamil since Ruggie started talking about autocrats. Goodbye gentlemen."
Enphasis on 'gentlemen'.
Ruggie grumbles under his breath.
" I better go too before Leona-san bites my head off instead. Jamil should be worried about you, why don't you return to him and... you know get your needed information out of (Y/N)?"
He takes this opportunity to take his leave.
Meanwhile close to the front of the line, Jamil and (Y/N) are making small talk.
" So you have cultures with similar tastes to ours? Hm. Fascinating."
"Yeah, the similarities are rather uncanny, haha."
" Indeed. Although I should have expected as much, the studies on alternate universes and dimensions are still in their early stages and are an advanced matter but still well discussed all over Twisted Wonderland. Oh, forgive me I didn't mean to deviate. Do tell me more."
Jamil speaks with honest passion before catching himself, voice lowering an octave, mischief presented in his face.
" It's fine, I always fancied the thought of alternative dimensions being real! I mean, look at my situation. Anyways, where to start-"
" Jamil! Have you gotten our food yet? Oh, (Y/N), hello! How are you doing? You must be excited~"
" Kalim..."
Jamil tries to warn his eager friend but whatever he tries to say falls on deaf ears.
" Excited? Hmm, not really? But I'm well enough. Astrology wasn't so bad today..."
" Really? Well I guess you are not yet aware of the surpri- hmmghf!"
As a last resort, Jamil clamps Kalim's mouth shut with his and whispers.
" Remember what I told you about surprise parties? They are...a surprise for a reason."
No one has any idea what Kalim responded with, except that he nodded and that was enough for Jamil who proceeded to pick a napkin to clean his hand.
(Y/n) just looks at the scene unfold with wide eyes and soon loses interest on whatever antics are going on, turning back to the line. As long as it's not another overblot, they don't care.
" Those two are eccentric. Hey, is there tuna left for the Great Grim-sama?! I'm hungry..."
He ends up pouting again as the lunch specter searches for something under the counter and hands over one canned tuna.
(Y/N) giggles at Grim's behavior and pics the can for him before picking up a fresh sandwich.
" Oohh, #Jackpot! As Cater would say. Looks delicious~"
" You are really only gonna eat that?"
" You only eat tuna Grim. Don't judge. Although this reminds me of how I miss that pita bread, the minced meat and veggies, the shawarma-!"
" Which almost cost us an early game over~ Good afternoon Kantokusei-chan!"
A familiar ginger hair interrupts while winking and...doing one of his poses for some reason.
Wait, Cater?!
" Cater-senpai?! W-where have you been?!!"
"Shhh! Don't cause such a ruckus please, I had important matters to...take care of for today and didn't have time for...some of my duties."
Cater twirls a piece of his hair nervously.
" Whatever it was, Im sure it won't be worth facing Riddle's rage! The whole Heartslabyul Dorm is worried for you and they seem busier than usual. Actually everyone does...I'm having a bad feeling."
Grim chuckles knowingly while sitting on my shoulder as I pick the tray up after choosing a juice cartoon that seemed normal flavored. Wonderland has some weird tastes, only comparable to a visit to Japan.
" Really? I just passed by Deucey and Acey, they seemed relieved but not because of me. I felt invisible actually..."
He ends with a deadpan expression before restoring his face to something selfie-worthy.
" After missing for a whole day, what did you expect? Specially from those two. Care to tell me what is going on?"
" Hmm..Se~cret!◇"
" You are the worst."
"The worst of the worst is still the best~"
"When the going gets tough the tough gets going!"
We sing song in turn before laughing. After looking at each other for a moment or so, we give a high five.
"Where do you learn these?!"
I ask in small gasps after the unexpected bout of laughter.
" Hmm...I read that one in a book while waiting for Lilia-chan in the Light Music Club room."
"You read- ouch!"
Cater elbows me before I can finish.
(Note: I have no idea if Cater calls Lilia by -chan since from what I gathered anyone besides 1st years and Yuu are treated as -kun.
But putting aside Diasomnia, who doesn't want to call Lilia, Lilia-chan???)
" I was bored, besides those books on beauty tips can be a difficult read since it's sometimes hard to understand the logic behind what people are doing to themselves nowadays!"
"I get you, those magazines are ridiculous-"
Thud. I got so distracted with Cater I hit something smooth and eel like...oh right, because it's Jade. Still in his Dorm uniform as Cater quickly notices.
"Eh? You guys sure never relax~"
A quick flash and he is typing on his phone.
"#workhaolic; #octavinelle; #half-a-tweel aaand send! Wow, you are really photogenic Jade-kun!"
" Ah...thank you?"
He asks more than affirms any kind of gratitude, eyes wide, either from surprise or the sudden camera flash but quickly composes himself.
"Jade?! You also have free period now? Wait, you are clean, where's my tray then?! Cater give it back!"
"No can do, you are a walking disaster with this. Where exactly were you planning to sit down? On the far end across from Diasomnia???"
He tsks while balancing my food tray in one hand and typing with the other. Heartslabyul should create a circus troupe.
" Well since someone is feeling so generous, you may put it down on that table across from Diasomnia as you predicted. Thanks and see ya soon~!"
Cater just huffs but complies. He trapped himself.
"(Y/N)-san, omedetou. I believe it's the first time I see you today, correct? Congratulations are in order."
" Oh so you also...of course you of all people know. Thanks, I guess-"
" Oooh, that's right! Omedetou, (Y/N)-chan!!!"
" Cater, use your inner voice!!! He also...ugh. Socialites, paparazzi-"
" I wouldn't call myself a paparazzi, more of an adept in social inner circles."
" Underwater mafia..."
I sigh at Jade's practiced smile. He seems to tilt his head at the 'mafia' part, good luck getting more reactions from him.
" As much as I hate cutting conversations short-"
" You don't. "
" I require some help. Have you seen my brother?"
Irked and starting to frown from my smart-ass remarks he goes directly to the point while keeping a strained smile.
" Floyd-senpai? He also has free time now?! Let me guess, Azul too."
'Why is only Floyd called senpai?' He thinks to himself perplexed.
"Luckily no, or I would probably have gotten a happy birthday squeeze by the look of things. What, did you lose him or something? You two are like peas in a pod, it's strange not seeing you together outside of school activities...or classes from what I heard."
" Yes, he can be quite...sweet. And like me he wanted to see you before this evening."
" What will happen in the evening?!"
I ask agitated, maybe a little too jittery. To which Jade just chuckles, a glint from a row of sharp teeth barely visible, before dismissing himself with a short bow.
" Is he gone...?"
" Yes Grim, you can stop hiding behind my head. We better join Cater, he has been watching over our food for long enough...actually is that his tray in front of mine?"
" When did he get the tray? Did he leave my tuna alone?!!"
" Besides Ruggie, I don't believe we have that many food stealers."
" You forget about those Savanaclaw guys?"
" They are chomping and biting to their hearts content."
I say pointing to a table full of beastmen, from both Savanaclaw and other dorms. Certainly there IS a difference with the Heartslabyul and Pomefiore beastmen but they cannot hide their contentment.
" Now stop being rude and let's dig in!"
" Myeh?! You are the one that used the words chomping and biting..."
After a while of eating in an awkward silence, only making small talk about the weather and how are classes going, to which I learnt more of how much he is avoiding Trey by sitting pretty far away in one of them, I finally ask.
"Ok, but why all the hiding? I mean at this point? I quite understand wanting to avoid Riddle after missing your chores but you know...you have a phone. You can type really fast. You could have sent a text!"
" All I got from trying that was 'Cater where are you?! You said you were at the school's store but Mr.Sam told me you left 10 minutes ago!' And so and so."
" ...This is a lost cause. What were you doing at Sam's? I mean I like the guy, he is funny, creepy but not too scary, adapts well to customers, but he sells the weirdest stuff and rarely has anything school related. Except the grimoires and some questionable potion ingredients but aren't those an extra for...extra credit needs? Or Magic Analysis and most probably CCAS-AMMH?
And Poison Making..."
I add unnerved.
" Hey, I'm in Poison Making class! What is CCAS blah blah?"
I take a deep breath before answering.
" Changes and Comparison of Abbreviated Spells in Ancient and Modern Magic History."
When I finish I dramatically hit my head on the table, after pushing my tray away, as Grimm then adds.
" Mmow~ I'm surprised you memorized all that."
" Hmm... you can just call it Abbreviated Spells in Ancient and Modern History or Abbreviated Spells in History."
" Are any of those official?"
I ask looking up at him.
" Not yet! We should though!"
Cue intense light and a snap and Cater typing again.
" Not that I care about what you two are talking about but isn't Mr.Flamboyant being careless after all that evasion, nyah?"
Grim points out as I hear a shout of 'He's here!' front the Heartslabyul table.
" I guess it's time you resign yourself-"
" Not yet, there's someone I need to pay a visit to first! Toodles~◇"
Before I can speak, Riddle's voice booms over mine.
"Cater! Come back here and explain yourself!!!"
" Calm down Riddle, he can't run forever."
Trey sighs and tries to reassure a slowly reddening mad housewarden.
" He sure did during your class. (Y/N)! You know where he is going to, right??"
That sounded more like a demand than a question.
" Actually, no. He kept me pretty much in the dark. I mean I guess he said he was occupied with something and that he needed to visit someone before being captured..."
" Cater doesn't avoid his duties to socialize just with anyone...so who is unnaconted for here right now? Leona-senpai got out a few minutes ago, I haven't seen Jack yet, Jade-san was searching for Floyd, forbid Idia-san making an appearance without Ortho, Kalim-"
" He and Jamil were in line with me."
" Well, that's a surprise. I wonder why they are here..."
I shrug at Trey.
" Jamil and I were making small talk about cultural similarities."
" We are waisting time. We need to make sure everything is ready before noon. Let's go back to what we were doing."
" Yes Housewardern Rosehearts!!!"
After the chorus of obliging Heartslabyul students, I'm left alone again wondering what's happening later today.
• PE Class•
Later that afternoon in the Sport's Field
"Alright, let's see who skipped leg day! At my signal, pick your brooms."
I'm discussing with Grim who should fly today and how.
"So, magical brooms apparently aren't innately magical or very intuitive which means our usual plan of me being on the broom and you controlling the flow of the magical surge should work just fine. Hopefully. Besides they haven't got one your size yet...
But this leaves with me having more face during class and you seeming lazy, which I wouldn't disagree, but I'll need your grade if I want a grade, if WE want a grade-"
" You talk too much! I can ride a broom just fine!"
" You sound like Azul. You'll need to do most of the work while I simply guide you-"
An all too familiar silky voice interrupts my and Grim's argument.
"What a weird serendipitous day we are having. We meet again Kantokusei."
" Serendipity is a little much, don't you think? I would prefer the thorns of fate."
" You hurt me so."
" And your mommy was looking for daddy, do you know where Floyd is?"
" Mommy? Daddy?!"
" Jade was looking for Floyd, do you have any idea where he is so I can hide?"
" Even if I wanted to inform you, which I don't, unfortunately I have no idea what those two are doing. Mostro Lounge is having a small break today and all the payments should be completed and documents archived by yours truly."
" .........You went on a dealing spree again?"
My voice wavers thinking of anemones.
" More or less, I guarantee you it was mutually beneficial and only lasts for a day so I should perform better in this wretched class today!"
He speaks with excitement and I can't help but be weary of my surroundings. No one has anemones on their heads, should be fine...
And that's when the whistle sounds. I hurriedly put Grim on the broom, to his surprise and give a thumbs up.
30 minutes later...
"Well...we beat Azul..."
Apparently unless you are a magical fairy descendant, controlling your own broom is harder than it looks. I managed to land Grim in a bush instead of a tree hole thanks to my directions.
" Nice effort, but practice before doing something ridiculous like this again! I'll let it slide for now..."
Coach Vargas is being surprisingly lenient.
And that only makes me more paranoid!
"Ashengrotto you did...fine. Maybe some 50 squats and stretches will help you 3. Start now!"
Brrr! Goes the whistle and I sit down to stretch my arms towards my feet.
"No way am I doing 50 squats, I prefer to turn into a pretzel!"
Azul just chuckles
" Where I come from, stretching is much easier."
" If I was a thin spined creatures, I would also agree!"
That shuts him up momentarily. I swear I could hear him mutter that octopie don't have spines though.
" You know (Y/N), you were right. Maybe I should start writting poems and doodling on my contracts! The effects could potentially reach astronomical levels!!!"
For a moment he loses his face composure, giving off a creepy smile.
" I KNOW I'm right, it's hard to doubt astrological calculations from, you know, ASTROLOGY class."
" I was being ironic."
" I'm having the last word."
"Grim-sama is hungry~"
Grim-sama also seems to have fallen unconscious...oh nope. He is just asleep.
• Ignihyde Dorm (at the entrance) •
" Here you go peach hair. We built your own magic smartphone copy. "
" And I decorated it! I think I did a good job, right?!"
Cater smiles at the brothers and takes it from Idia.
" Hmm-hm! Not too cute, not too edgy, perfect! Thanks for the favor~"
" Aren't you forgetting something?"
" Yeah, I even missed PE today just solving the last few bugs and choosing the stickers! My body needs to stretch too, you know?"
Ortho pouts.
" Oh right, right! Here's the payment I promised~"
Cater hands Ortho a figurine of Alice and to Idia a personalized autograph.
" You are lucky the play happened back in the Summer and they visited the Shaftlands. No better timing! Trey-kun had encouraged me to go watch it. It was quite hard getting back in contact with the shows main star to get your dear autograph..."
" She looks as funny as in the photos!"
" Thanks for the effort, you may go now. We still need to fix some lights Lilia-shi found."
Idia waves his hand dismissively in a tired manner but clutching onto that piece of paper closely. He must like the actress.
Ortho is still gushing over the figurine.
" Hai, hai~I'll keep this safe, then surrender myself to Riddle-kun~."
Cater promptly speed walks away from the haunting looking dorm as Idia mumbles.
" How can he be so cheery by such prospects?"
" At least he seemed to like the gift! Now...are we gifting acts of service, big brother?"
At this Idia stiffens, shaking in place, his hair even more unruly than usual and bright blue again.
" A-Acts of service?! N-no such thing Ortho! But...but if we have time, I'm sure I can come up with something..."
Later that evening
"Are these all the lights?"
Ortho inquires looking at the messy pile of tiny bulbs they spent these last hours fixing, somehow.
" I sure hope so. I have my eyes in slits from looking at all the tiny circuits. I think most are Winter Solstice lights."
" Looks like it. Lilia Vanrouge-san or an intermediary should be arriving soon for these. Wait, Big Brother about the gift! I know, I know~!"
The Droid starts jumping around.
" O-Ortho? Are you ok? You jumpscared me. Also, be careful and don't overwork the spring mechanisms."
Idia asks, some mix of worry and fearful surprise in his eyes.
" I'm more than ok Nii-san! I know what your gift will be."
" Is that so... alright, I'm curious. What's this brilliant idea you had?"
Idia decides to indulge Ortho...which was a mistake.
" Well you don't actually plan on showing up, right?"
" You'll be sent there along with my tablet but technically speaking...no. Birthday parties are the perfect nest for social chaos-"
Ortho interrupts before Idia finishes some kind of philosophical metaphor about the meaningless of celebrating one's birth every year.
" You should come too!"
... ... ...
For a long moment Idia stopped working correctly. His hair is rapidly changing colours as he processes what Ortho meant. From happy bright yellow, to a vivid dangerous red back to an alarming roasted yellow to a rather passionate lavender then an anxious gloomy grey and black to a fearful purple.
And back to a darker sad blue.
"My analysis says you are overthinking."
Ortho deadpans as in a matter of fact.
" I-I...sure that would be unexpected I guess b-but..."
" I heard Ramshackle has ghosts, it will be like home!"
" The ghosts I'm used to are the gloomy or suffering ones, those three are rather mischiveous and loud."
"Pleeaase, Nii-san! For Kantokusei!"
"Specially not for Kantokusei!"
" I thought you didn't mind their company..."
" Exactly because I don't that this is more troublesome! Strangers are easier to deal with, classmates are too close to my bubble and people I'm relaxed with are even closer, this party is a mix of everything that can and will go wrong!!!"
He explains walking around the room, back and forth, nail biting.
Nothing Ortho hasn't seen before.
" Just be there. It can be on a corner, as long as you control your...emotions so you don't burn the place down-"
" Ramshackle is a fire hazard too!"
Ok, that didn't help.
Finally a knock on the door brings Idia back to Earth.
______ to be continued_____
0 notes
lynnie-ee · 2 years
Hello hello!,I love your writing and was hoping to request a lil floyd leech x gender neutral reader oneshot?,where he realizes he has a crush and tries to figure out how to ask his crush out?
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╰┈➤"A weird sensation of hunger has taken over Floyd, and with the help of Jade and a bag of chips, he might discover the cure."
╰►Gender neutral reader, oneshot, 1.3k words.
╰►Note: Thank u for requesting! 💫. English is not my first language, so feel free to tell me if there's any grammatical mistake <3.
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"Jadeee, I think I'm hungry."
"... Care to elaborate?"
"I have had a weird feeling ever since yesterday, so I'm probably hungry. Can you get me something? I'm tireeed."
"We ate lunch ten minutes ago."
Jade quickly discarded his brother's comment, as he seemed to find a cereal bar in his pockets a few seconds after they spoke. He thought it was a mere small complaint that was now satisfied.
"Heyyy bro, I think I'm still hungry."
He was wrong.
After that day, the second-year student complained about his hunger every two minutes, no matter where he was.
At class, at the cafeteria, in the middle of his shift at the Mostro Lounge, and Jade could have sworn he heard him mumble about it in his sleep.
“Are you sure you’re just hungry?” Questioned the Octavinelle vicehousewarden, while he folded his clothes, as Floyd was laying on his bed on the other side of the room, with a frown on his face.
“Of course it is, why else would I feel that weird thing on my stomach and face? Sounds like I should go buy some takoyaki. Maybe Azul would want to join me, hehe.”
“On your face, you say? Do you think that’s normal when you feel hungry?”
“I mean, it never happened to me before, but I guess it’s because I’m really really hungry or something.” He replied with a relaxed voice.
“… Don’t you think it has something to do with the fact that almost every time you complain about wanting food, the prefect of Ramshackle is near you?”
The other twin remained silent for a few seconds, as he reflected on his brother’s question.
“Uhm, I don’t think so. Besides that I like them, I guess.”
“You mean, romantically?”
Jade stared at his brother with an amused smile, and then chuckled, not really surprised at his sudden confession.
“Since when, may I ask?”
“Dunno, but I realized a few seconds ago, so thanks, bro.”
“You’re welcome, Floyd, but please confess to them before you spend all your money on snacks, if you can.”
“I’ll try, bro.”
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“Aw, this one sucks, shoulda bought the pizza-flavored chips.”
The second-year eel complained with a frown on his face, as he was laying in the middle of the sports field, a bag of potato chips in his hands. It has been a couple of days since his chat with Jade, and he still didn’t know how to confess to his dear Shrimpy. He just wanted for them to get together without having to investigate human courting, as his brother suggested to him.
It sounded boring, but he understood the prefect might feel better with a familiar approach for them, instead of the traditions Floyd learned ever since he was little.
"Hmm, I think I saw someone give flowers to his partner a while ago, maybe if I give them a bouquet of dandelions? Maybe no, Sharksucker might want to eat it, humpf."
Even though his eyes were fixed on the sky above him, he could easily recognize the voice that called his name, his mind quickly imagining their curious gaze at him even when he didn't actually turn his eyes towards them.
"Shrimpy~Come here, do you want chips?" He lazily extended the bag in their direction, and the prefect was able to spot an amused smile on his face.
(Y/n) sat next to him, without questioning further about why was he lying in the middle of the field when he was supposed to be at the cafeteria, as it was lunch break. It was fine, either way, they also didn't want to explain why they were walking in the middle of the field when they were supposed to be at the cafeteria. Definitely not because they were looking for him, of course.
"You've been pretty busy at Mostro Lounge lately, haven't you?" The prefect asked, as they picked a few chips from the bag.
"Yeah, Azul has been making me work extra hours to pay for all the food I eat in my shifts."
"Oh? And why's that?"
"Because I got hungry, duh."
"Makes sense." They shrugged off the comment, as they ate one of the chips. "These are awful, the pizza-flavored ones we ate yesterday were a lot better."
"I was thinking the same, but they're more expensive now and Jade says I shouldn't spend so much money if I want to get out of my extra shifts." He pouted, suddenly getting up from the grass to sit properly, looking at (Y/n), who smiled fondly at him. "I think we should date, y'know? I like you a lot, Shrimpy."
The prefect widened eyes gazed into the relaxed ones of the eel, as he didn't seem bothered after such statement. Bewilderment could be read on the first-year's face, as they scanned Floyd's face in an attempt of looking for signs of it being a joke. They found nothing.
"You mean, like, being lovers?"
"Lovers, high school sweethearts, spouses, you call it. That's how humans address each other romantically here, right?"
"Yeah..." They tried to speak through their bashful state, as they felt their cheeks being warmer than usual. "It's just that...I didn't expect you to confess so suddenly."
"I just felt like it, it's better if I get it out of my system fast, I guess."
Well, maybe the prefect should have expected a confession of that kind, now that they thought about it.
"But what do you say? Wanna be my partner? I promise to squeeze you carefully, and to buy you chips as soon as Azul pays me~."
(Y/n) laughed nervously, not knowing immediately how to answer. The expectant eyes of Floyd were kind of hypnotizing as they silently hurried them up to speak.
But his entire expression gave them a different feeling, a sensation of honesty and fondness they didn't see before on his face, as they never dared to look at him for too long due to shyness. He looked so adorable, so genuine at that moment, the prefect couldn't help but want to see him more often in that state.
To be able to admire his features as he smiled, when he got bored, when he felt relaxed, when he was angry, when he was comfortable, when he was being himself.
Most of the students of NRC found the demonstration of his moods scary, as they said he was unpredictable and intimidating, but (Y/n) knew he was just being honest. Not a single trace of falsehood was spotted in his voice as he proclaimed his intentions of being lovers.
"Of course. As long as you buy different chips, these ones are really bad." They pointed at the bag that now was laying on the floor, as they chuckled.
Floyd suddenly celebrated, quickly throwing his arms around the prefect's body, in a hug that was significantly softer than his usual squeezings, but that still had enough strength to tackle them into the grass of the field.
"Careful, careful! You almost throw the chips out of the bag, don't waste your lunch in that way." The first-year laughed once again, as Floyd nuzzled his head into their neck.
"Don't worry, Shrimpy. I'm not hungry anymore."
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╰► Bonus:
"Here ya' have, a pretty dandelion for a pretty Shrimpy." Floyd extended a small flower he found nearby to the magicless student, who received it with a fond expression. "Careful not to let Sharksucker see it, though."
"Uh? Ruggie?"
"And why would that be?"
The eel scanned his surroundings suspiciously as if he was about to reveal a big secret.
"Seagull has told me things about him." He said whispering.
"C'mon, what did Rook tell you?"
"I'll tell you if you give me a kiss~."
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539 notes · View notes
Do we have a mafia boss yuu?? Cause I would love to talk about one
I can just imagine them coming in during chapter 3 and ruining azul’s plan so quickly.
Azul is trying to get them to sign the contract yet yuu is just playing some mental games on him, or just flirting to catch him off guard
Azul is turned on Furious at this yuu because how did he get played at his own game???
Ramshackle is their base of operations, and I’d feel like this yuu might recruit NPCS
This yuu would never be blackmailed by Crowley, they would find dirt on him and indirectly threaten him with no hesitation
Bonus points if they have some cool looking tattoos
Ok this gave me a mini idea. Forgive me for this ramble but i am verybtired. Nor exactly a super mafia boss type. Maybe an ayato or just clever yuu but:
I heard mafia ans immediately thought like a royal guard in charge of rules oops
Jade: is this your first time her-
Yuu: Cut the shit I know how this works. Let Azul know we need to speak to him. I'd like a cola and get Jack here a tea. Also if you woukd be so kind to allow me to change servers to Ace, you wouldn't mind would ya leech?
After yuu enters the VIP room they give a kiss to Azuls hand, surprising him before sitting down.
Jack is staring at you bewildered. "You aren't actually gonna make a deal with him are you?"
"Hmm not yet. I want to see those three squirm for a bit more" yuu smirked and laughed.
"It was their fault for signing a contract so easily, after all. Not even bothering to look it over. Taking the easy way out... in a way i admire how Azul run things..."
Azul beamed "Im flattered and glad we have a mutual understanding. Its good to know that someone in that group has a bit of brain."
"Hmm yes, however sadly, we both know I'm not here for idle chatter. If it were up to me I wouldn't bother with any of this, but Crowleys orders, yknow?"
"I understand. Here is the terms of the contract." Azul reveals the golden paper to Yuu, who takes it and thoroughly reads it.
"Now perhaps if you three actually payed attention in your classes, you would have learned how to see through such deceptive wording." Yuu tutted.
"Oh please you never pay attention in classes!" Ace retorted. "You have no room to talk."
"Well I already graduated college alongside royalty and doctors by my side to serve directly as the Queens right hand man. I don't really need to pay attention to what I already know. I pass every test anyways."
Ace huffed and Deuce looked away. "Okay well good for you. You don't have to try because-"
"-because I already did. Now listen Ace. Imagine if your in charge of practically... everything and always have to keep up appearances. Then suddenly you end up in a place where no one know you with no responsibilities and have to attend a school on the same level as the kindergarten you attended... wouldn't you also skip a few classes?" Yuu raised a brow, their voice eerily cold. "That's what I thought. Now..."
As Yuus eyes skimmed through the contract, Jack nudged them. "Dude, you cant be serious."
"Oh but I am. Besides I'm not too worried. Even without me this is a situation that would most definitely solve itself."
"Oh? And what do you mean by that, Yuu." Azul inquired smugly.
"I've seen this exact scenario play out time and time again, Azul. Do you want to know they all ended? In failure."
"Oh please, you doubt me."
"I don't doubt you. You and I both know you're quite smart. However, how much longer do you think you can manage all these contracts realistically, Azul?"
"Organization is key when-"
"Allow me to rephrase that. How much longer do you think your contractors will put up with you?" Azul frowns at that.
"You see, Zul. There are a few ways to get out of contracts like these. To destroy the contracts. To kill yourself. To kill your contractor. Or a rebellion. Usually they all happen at once. No matter how clever you are, you can never account for any of that. Given your reputation, it wouldn't do well to hear some of your clients decided they were better dead because of you. And when that happens, people get angry... people will figure out how to overthrow you. It's happened to kings before."
Azul sat in silence, eye twitching ever so slightly at the gall of this... nobody.
"You have set yourself up for failure. You sit at the very peak of your achievements, the only way to go from here is down, Azul. And when you inevitably do, take it as a lesson. I've seen many promising figures such as yourself dissappear into obscurity. Believe me."
'It was practically my job to ruin stuff like this' Yuu thought. 'Just plant the bait now. Then wait for the fish to come.'
"Before I try and negotiate this, answer me this: do you expect a heist from me, Ashengrotto?"
"Oh no, that would be ridiculous. The photo you would be stealing is public property if anything. Nothing more than gum on the wall, no one would notice it missing."
"Uh-Huh and what about it being under the sea."
"You will be provided a premium potion to help you breath underwater. Rest assured, I made it myself."
Azul raised a brow when they saw Yuu scribble, circle, and underline certain words and sentences on the contract before pulling out a small pocket journal and ripping out a few small pages.
"I must applaud you work, Azul. You definitely know your way around a contract like a true scumbag."
Azul merely chuckled off the insult. "Of course, however I'm most curious on what your doing with that notepad of yours."
Yuu examines Azuls contract one last time, before ripping it in two, making Azuls eyes widened.
"How about, you make a deal with me?"
Azul quirked a brow at the small piece of paper in front of him.
"I have made a simpler deal that sweetens the pot for you. I'm sure you would enjoy it."
Azul looks at the paper, smug grin back on his face when he reads it.
Jack looked over at Yuu confused, before he could ask they answered.
"I have to retrieve that photo in that time span of three days. If I am successful, you release everybody. If I fail, not only will Ramshackle belong to you, but I will transfer to Octavinelle as your personal secretary or butler, no anemone needed. All of my knowledge and experience, yours. I've had a lot of experiencing serving, so I am sure you will be satisfied."
"That's crazy!" Deuce yells. "He's gonna run you ragged!"
"I'm part of a corrupted monarchy as an... upholder of the law... There is nothing worse than that. Besides. I win either way."
"How?" Deuce asked.
"Right..." Azul smirks. "I'll sign your contract then, Yuu. Just one—"
"Is there any benefit to staying in Ramshackle? Truly? If I win, Crowley gets what he wants and I get paid and fed. If I loose... well. Would I really? I would be in a new dorm that isn't rotten. I would have more access to food. Crowley couldn't boss me around as much. All this with the only downside of being a servant which I probably will get paid for— something Crowley doesn't do. I don't see a downside for me really."
'Plus if things turn out bad. I can just kill the bastard' Yuu thought.
"You need something from me to make sure I uphold this deal and don't try and change it, yes , yes... give me one moment."
Out of a hidden breast pocket, Yuu pulled out a small decorative box. It's design wasn't like anything from twisted wonderland and it looked quite expensive.
"This is the only personal item I was summoned with. The only think I have left of my family and home. If this ends up ruined in anyway, the deal is off, and depending on how bad the damage is, I may even have your head." Yuus voice stayed eerily calm as ever once again.
Likewise, the fellow businessman Azul stayed calm as well. You both understood each other. This was an act. "Alright then, so far this sounds like a deal..."
"And to calm your nerves, Azul, I'll show you what's in the box so you know I can't lie about anything being broken." Yuu opened up the box and carefully took a few items out. Old friendship bracelets. A couple foreign coins. Damaged Polaroids. "That is all." Yuu said, before putting them all back in.
"Now I would like to receive the potion right before we both sign this to ensure there is no time wasted." "Of course Yuu. It's a deal."
"May the best man win."
After another kiss to the hand and exchanged formalities, it was back to the Savannaclaw dorm, where you informed the others about what happened.
"You seriously just signed your life away." Leona snorts.
"Oh please you doubt me. I have a plan. One that you may enjoy..."
"Oh yeah?" Leona asks, unimpressed.
"The entire box is a lie." Leona looked over at Yuu, raising a brow.
"You see, there is several small machines within that box. Regardless if the box is places in that safe of his of not, they'll find a way in and seize all the contracts."
"You really think it would work?"
"If not i have a back up. However I would appreciate if you can be a part of this plan."
"Tch, what's in it for me?"
"Aww, I was being so kind to let you watch Azul squirm..."
"To the point."
"You see my first thought was to burn the contracts, but then I realized they may have a protection spell on them. That's where you come in. You're unique magic can turn it all to dust. Considering that potion you had for that stunt you pulled a while back, I'm sure this isnt your first time making a deal with him too, huh? And don't you hate the bastard? Not only do you get rid of any old deals you made, but you also get the snuff out the light in his eyes."
Leona smirked at your proposal.
"Do we have a deal?"
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Janswnensj requests are open! Yay! Ok ok so I have this in mind for, like, the whole day and I was wondering if you watched Squid Game?? If not, feel free to delete this request! Could I have head cannons of the dorm leaders where their s/o decides to dress up as a triangle guard from Squid Game for Halloween??
>.< Tysm!
No Riddle, Leona and Kalim ;-;;;;;
TWST S/o dresses up as the Pink Soldier
Azul Ashengrotto
He got scared shitless-
He was just minding his own business, watching his plans for the Halloween unfold, seeing all the other students wearing the fashionable mummy outfits,
and then-
"Hmm what is i- WOAH- WHO ARE YOU???"
He sees this dressed in all pink, having a rifle in hand, belts with heavy looking pockets he does not want to know what's in them and they wear a black mask with a white triangle on it.
He can't see their eyes, but he felt his soul being pierced as the white triangle leered at him.
Then, you revealed yourself. "Hey, Azul! Like my outfit?" You smiled at him, now seeing the full picture of you holding a fake, plastic rifle.
Holy sevens, s/o. You scared him! But he has to say, your outfit isn't bad.
He might ask where you got the inspiration from, and maybe learn about it just for fun.
"Squid Game? What's it about?" The turning point and era where Azul would become traumatized for life. <3
Vil Schoenheit
In his vampire costume, holding his red drink of whatever is in it (that I don't want to know-)
And he decided okay, one sip,
looks up with his lips still on the rim of the glass, red liquid still flowing down his throat,
....and he sees this figure dressed in all pink, holding a gun, a black mask with a white triangle in the middle silently giving him a glare.
And he spitted it out almost immediately-
"OH MY GOD- VIL, ARE YOU OKAY?!" Looking back up, he sees your face, holding your mask as you looked at him worriedly and placed the fake plastic gun in your holster.
"I'm fine... I'm fine.." Vil muttered regaining his posture and looked at you.
Damn, that startled him. He actually thought you, or at least before he knew it was you, that someone was gonna kill him.
Vil thinks the fashion is plain yet... kind of creepy, and it oddly fascinates him.
Like Azul, he might ask you where you find inspiration from.
"Squid Game, hm? I'd like to know more about it."
Idia Shroud
Idia is masked like you-
And he insisted his outfit and mask especially is real scary, until he sees yours.
He didn't even know it was you-
All he saw was a figure dressed in some sort of pink, plain military uniform, whilst holding a rifle with a black mask that had a white triangle imprinted. And that triangle was... was plotting his murder he knows it-
His first instinct was to scream, cower, and take his phone and hold it as if it was a gun.
And then the figure uncovered their mask, revealing your face. "Idia, what are you doing??" you chuckled slightly, a little worried for your boyfriend who just fcking screamed his lungs out.
Feeling embarrassed when he realized it was just you, he blushed so hard, keeping his own mask tightly on his head, not wishing for you to see how hard he was blushing. Of course, the pink burning on the tips of his hair gave away otherwise.
He may or may not know Squid Game, and he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.
"P-pink soldier...um... it- it's cool...yeah...c-cool.." <3
Malleus Draconia
He was waiting for you outside Ramshackle. Scanning the rest of his surroundings, seeing a few students dressed for Halloween,
a figure caught his eye and he squinted.
As it approached, he notice their pink, military uniform stained in... red liquid...
Holding a gun, black mask with a white triangle imprinted. Malleus' eyes widened as it approached your dorm.
He stood defensively, until he saw the figure removed their mask, revealing the Child of Man they know.
"Hi Malleus! Sorry I kept you waiting. I got caught up with the stuff back at the normal campus, ehehehe..."
Malleus blinked, relaxed since he now knows it was you. But my, my did you look incriminating.
He wonders... what inspired to have such costume? It's intriguing.
"Squid Game? I haven't heard of such program. Mind showing me?"
And that was Malleus first invitation (2nd if after VDC okay, whatever-) and first horror movie he's ever watched. He loves it- <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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takuyakistall · 3 years
to yuu.
Note: I wanted to write short HCs for each character as they wrote the letter when I finished reading everyone's thank you messages (◕ᴗ◕✿) ! All of them are very cute and I couldn't help but get some midnight rot so I had to write it down. Here's the link to the post where every message is listed down. Before you start reading, just a heads up, most of these are written in a romantic light. I also recommend reading the letters themselves first before heading here.
Characters: All students + Grim (Excluding Ortho)
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Riddle Rosehearts
"Dear friend," Riddle thought that it was the most appropriate way to address you—or at least, that's what his brain is trying to make him think. Ever since overblotting and you helping him snap out of his frenzy, he had difficulty in labeling what exactly you were to him.
Before everything, you were supposed to be just a mere acquaintance to him and yet here you were sending him gifts out of the blue. The general "rule" towards receiving gifts was to give the giver your thanks. Albeit the better option was to thank you personally, he thought that maybe a letter would be better so that he can sort out his thoughts.
Friend. He nodded, proceeding to write down the rest of his message until he realized that this was an opportunity to invite you to tea with him under the pretense of paying you back for the gift. He furrowed his eyebrows slightly as he continued writing.
Surely, you would accept his invitation, right?
Trey Clover
"Hey you," was that too casual? Too rude sounding? Trey shook his head as he stared at the two words. He hadn't been expecting a gift from you and frankly, he was more than a bit surprised. Though perhaps he hadn't read the "gift" part when he suddenly started writing down questions about what you liked.
He immediately started thinking of how he should pay you back—gifts? He doesn't know your taste that well. Favours? Hmm, he's not too sure about that one. That's why he decided to ask, if there was something you wanted���he'll do his best to find it for you. A tempting offer, right?
It seems like you have to tell him that this wasn't a trade.
Cater Diamond
"Helloooooo," he started off. The extra amount of Os he used was proof that he's trying to take this occurrence casually. Though in the inside he was absolutely beaming. Gifts never fail to put a smile on his face, especially if it came from someone you didn't expect to give you a gift or someone special to him.
In this case, it was probably the latter. He took a small break as he stared at your gift, wondering what he should write. A small smile took over his face as he picked up his phone and snapped a few selfies of him with your gift with a caption before hitting the post button.
"Received a gift from a dear friend, isn't it amazing? ♪"
Deuce Spade
"Friend," Deuce rarely got to experience receiving gifts from friends to one another judging how his past years were spent as a delinquent. To say that he was happy to receive one from you was an understatement, he was over the moon.
He felt the need to mention it to you with a huge grin on his face. He thought of various ways to give you something back as he let out a small hum, he felt like he was having a field day. He signed the message and told himself that today was going to be a great day.
Ace Trappola
"Hey you," Ace was terribly suspicious of the fact that you sent him a gift out of the blue. Were you trying to buy him silence over something you did? Were you trying to convince him to do your homework for you? A lot of questions springed up inside his mind but not once did he think that it was just a genuine, sweet gift with no ulterior motives hidden beneath.
He knew that you would get mad at him if he continued to suspect you so he said that he was kidding in all caps with three dots after that—which didn't help his situation at all.
He felt awkward trying to convey his feelings like this and he ruffled his own hair as he told you that he just needed to tell you something later, when you're face-to-face. That would make it easier for him to speak.
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Leona Kingscholar
"Good day," Leona uncharacteristically typed. He felt like he was being held at gunpoint by his past etiquette teachers as he tried to think of an appropriate response. If it were up to him, he would've just slapped a "thank you" on a piece of paper and asked Ruggie to give it to you.
Though he thought that perhaps it was better for him to actually put in effort for once. Even if it seemed like his so called effort seemed like something he just stole from the internet—that was more than enough, right? He'll just put his signature at the bottom and ask Ruggie to give it to you.
Ruggie Bucchi
"Hey you," a big grin took over his face as he wrote down his first few words. He wasn't as experienced as other people when it came to writing down messages of gratitude, he once tried consulting Leona about it—asking how to make it sound decent only to be met with an answer that went like: "Just put whatever."
And that's what he did! Truly, he's thankful for receiving a gift. For a split second, he wondered if he should share it with the people back in his homeland. Though he pushed that thought to the back of his head as he signed the bottom of the paper with his signature. He'll figure that out once he gives the letter to you.
Jack Howl
"Friend," he doesn't know what to say it's embarassing. Even in letters, he still manages to retain that straightforward yet somewhat roundabout personality of his. A tinge of embarrassment seeping through the letter.
He wished he could've just talked to you in person instead but alas, he was stuck here trying to rack his brain for words. In the end, he felt like it was best to keep it simple—the slightly demanding tone at the end was the result of him getting flustered at the thought that it's possible that it could be a date between the two of you.
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Azul Ashengrotto
"My dear friend," Azul couldn't count the number of times he had crumpled a piece of paper and threw it into the trashcan only to get a new one—rinse and repeat. Jade and Floyd had to stifle their laughter when they saw how distressed he was over a single message. Though, perhaps that was the fruit of his unconventional feelings towards the giver.
He didn't want to sound too stiff and professional to the point that he sounded like a robot but also, he didn't want to sound too casual to the point that you might find it weird. He had to let out a small sigh as he ruffled his hair, another piece of paper thrown into the trash can before deciding that he should just play it safe and give you a free drink.
Jade Leech
"To my dearest," oh no. His hand slipped and accidentally made his greeting more intimate than it should be, he could go back and change it but—fufu, where's the fun in all of that? His lips tugged up into a smirk as he continued writing, knowing full well that what he was implying would evoke an interesting reaction out of you. But, if that wasn't enough to stir you up a bit then why not put a little more something? He was a prick this way.
He spotted an empty space on one of his shelves in the corner of his eye, glancing at it for a few seconds before an idea popped into his head. A smile that barely showed off his sharp canines, hidden beneath his gloved hand.
"Truly. Would I lie to you?"
Floyd Leech
"Little shrimpy," he grinned. Floyd was in an especially good mood today after receiving such a thoughtful gift from you. He played with his pen in hand, spinning it around as a distant look took over his face when he tried thinking about the reason why you gave him a gift out of nowhere.
Knowing that Floyd pays a little more attention to you than others, he was bound to be curious and he was more than eager to find out—there's always a reason behind someone's actions, after all. He tried expressing his intent to get the answer out of you which came out a little threatening but if you saw the look on his face there's no mistaking that it was an even bigger threat than you initially thought.
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Kalim Al-Asim
"Hey love," Kalim was as straightforward as ever. Not a single filter as he wrote down his raw feelings. There was no reason for him to hesitate especially now that he was practically about to shake from pure joy—he was incredibly close to signing the letter and hopping into his magic carpet to give it to you personally but Jamil was there beside him to stop him if he ever does that.
Though that didn't mean that it was gonna stop him from wanting to ask you out on a magic carpet date with him, he'll just have to explain to Jamil when you accept his invitation. That is assuming you'll accept, right?
Jamil Viper
"Dear friend," Kalim practically forced him to write a letter back to you. Jamil wasn't an ingrate, he knew when to show gratitude when it was appropriate but he preferred thanking you in person. He had to settle for this in the meantime, he thought that maybe he'll just invite you to Scarabia to talk about what he could give in return.
He hadn't really expected a gift from you, especially with all the trouble he might've caused you due to his overblot. Though he didn't think it was all that bad. In fact, he felt a little relieved that you didn't hold any grudge against him.
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Vil Schoenheit
"My dear," Vil had an unmistakable smirk placed upon his lips. The choice of words he wrote managed to give out a slightly smug vibe as he stared at your gift on his desk. Impressed by your ability for finding him a suitable gift, he decided to give you a little bit in return.
His smirk slowly turned into a gentle smile as he imagined your face probably tearing up at the thought of him giving you a signed card, he couldn't help but put an offhanded comment near the end. But it was quickly followed up with a single bit of rare praise from him.
Rook Hunt
"Hey love," Rook was always one to act dramatically whenever he had the chance and even in letters, he managed to sound dramatic. As soon as he realized that you had sent him a gift he started gushing about how wonderful it was and how inspiration was raining down on him like tiny droplets.
What's a better way to let his raw emotions out than poetry? That's right, this man wrote you a poem expressing how he feels because of your gift. He almost forgot to say his gratitude because he got carried away but thankfully, Epel pointed it out to him before he could give it to you.
Epel Felmier
"Dear friend," he rarely got any gifts from anyone outside his relatives so when he saw you give him a gift, he was excited to say the least. There's always a certain joy you can evoke in a person when you give them a gift it was almost euphoric for some. He thought that it was sweet of you to give him a gift and decided to give one back with a small message.
Friend. For some reason, it felt a bit off addressing you as that but he quickly shook his head and shot down that thought. As for his gift, he prepared a little something he made himself. Hehe, he's quite proud of it too!
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Idia Shroud
"@YOU" it was interesting how Idia didn't bother changing to formal speech when he decided to give you a thank you message for your gift. He's typing the same way he would to his friend, namely "Crimson Muscle", but perhaps that was because he didn't know of any other way to talk to you without sounding unnatural or weird.
People would normally not even think about giving him something and yet you gave him one. He couldn't help but smile a bit when he said how you were a bit of an oddball—he came up with various nicknames for you inside his head. Most of them being different words for the term "weirdo". Yet they always had a hint of affection whenever he would think of it.
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Malleus Draconia
"Dearest," Malleus started off. It was rare that he received gifts from people outside his family or nobles back in the Valley since a lot of people found him intimidating—terrifying for some, even. He was glad that you felt comfortable enough around him to show simple gestures such as these. Upon receiving your gift, Lilia noticed how it came from you and urged Malleus to write his thank you message differently from how he usually writes it.
Did you perhaps know of the legends surrounding the Thorn Witch...? If so, then maybe he could sneak in a little joke. The gift of beauty and the gift of song—ah, nevermind. He pursed his lips slightly, he'll just handpick a gift for you himself. A small gargoyle statue, maybe. Or he could ask the other members of Diasomnia to help him.
Lilia Vanrouge
"My dear," his lips formed a small smirk. Lilia appreciated all surprises, big or small. Though, in particular, something about your surprise gift made him more excited about it than usual. Was that just his old age getting to him or was it something else? He couldn't be bothered to think about it that much.
As a form of gratitude, he weighed his options. It was either giving you a gift back or letting you ask a favour of him. He thought the latter would be more acceptable until an idea popped into his head as his eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. He knew you didn't know what it exactly meant but he gave you his signature nonetheless—he'll leave you to figure out.
"Hey you," Lilia taught Silver that it was common courtesy to show gratitude when someone gives him a gift. He tried thinking of countless ways to say thank you with his old man bugging him to ask you out on a date instead in the background. In the end, he paid Lilia no attention and instead went with the standard short message and giving a gift back.
He urged himself not to fall asleep as he typed out his message even though he already let out a yawn without him noticing. He glanced at the screen blankly, wondering if he forgot to add anything until he slowly felt himself snoozing off. Head resting on the keyboard and typing out whatnot. When Lilia arrived at the scene, he didn't bother waking him up and just sent the message as it is.
Silver was so embarassed the next day and refused to talk to Lilia temporarily.
Sebek Zigvolt
"Human," he didn't even try addressing you as anything else other than that even in letters. When he found a gift lying by his room, he was a tad suspicious but loosened up when he read the tag attached to it. As stated, it came from you and the gift was meant for Malleus—wait, what. Sebek scrunched up his face as his eyes scanned the words printed on it.
"To Sebek Zigvolt" This was a mistake, right? Sebek was a bit flushed but quickly shook it off by saying how it was probably a subterfuge or whatever that was. There was no way it was for actually for him, right? Surely, you must've sent this in hopes of hearing more about the great Malleus Draconia. Right?
That is... Wonderful!
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"Dear underling," it was cute how he made an effort to write you a letter despite being in the same dorm wherein he could just talk to you directly. But perhaps he was so touched to the extent that he wanted to do this—did you give him tuna? He struggled thanking you properly and ended up boasting about how he was going to be the greatest sorcerer.
Even though he called you underling at first, he couldn't help but soften up a bit. That didn't sit right with him somehow, he didn't know why. He let out a groan as he racked his head for a more appropriate word until-!
Partner... Sounds about right.
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harfanfare · 3 years
How to win a heart of Floyd Leech?
a/n: Someone requested this; ask got deleted by accident! Hope you will like it, Anon!
Once you start walking through the specific points of the guide, your life will be exposed to the presence of Floyd Leech. Interrupting the action at one of the stages may cause many problems; F. Leech categorizes stopping as "boring", which puts the user of this guide in great danger.
The only way out is to get to the very end. Or not to start at all.
You act at your own risk.
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1.   Be an easy new target.
To one’s surprise, it is much harder not to catch his attention.
You can easily become another entertaining target of Floyd, mostly by doing silly things or him just considering them as ones.
And to automatically get labelled as “silly”, you just need to fall into one of his traps—he prepares them for someone else, maybe for goldfish, maybe for another person given a sea-inspired nickname, expecting to enjoy watching how familiar face twitches with terror as he jumps into the scene and tightly embraces passing student.
But no. You were the one who showed up in the wrong place and time as Floyd jumped out from his hideout, scaring you half to death. With a strangled yelp, you sharply backed away. After gaining a slight flush on your cheeks, you recognised who you just bumped into and quietly gasped.
However, he was much more bewildered than you were.
He had never encountered somebody who wouldn’t just freeze under his touch. Jumping away, gasping, muttering half-hearted apologies and flushing? That’s new.
That’s also entertaining.
Even after your quickly disappearance from the scene, his gaze somehow inexplicably started returning to you.
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2.   Visit Mostro Lounge often.
“We’re looking for someone who would like to work part-time for Azul~” Floyd said, sliding poster across the table. He popped up in front of you unannounced, having your thoughts return to dark reality.
“Oh,” you replied quietly, packing your things faster. “Good luck with it.”
You got up from your seat, but the thought of letting you go just like that didn’t even cross Floyd’s mind.
“Ehh? Shrimpy, aren’t you going to try?” he asked, frowning. You winced a little at the nickname he called you, not sure how to feel about it. “You know, you won’t work there for free.”
Azul will grant your wish.
You fidgeted a little, questioning your response. You heard—who didn’t?—rumours that Octavinelle leader could fulfil any request for a certain price. Ones were working for it, others were paying, and lasts were trading their request with Azul’s one.
The thought of having anything just by working in some café made you consider the offer again—this time quickier.
“I will go,” you decided.
“Hooray!” Floyd smiled cheerfully, just as if he won some grand prize in the lottery. “But what could Shrimpy possibly wish for, to change your response so drastically~?” he wondered but didn’t get any answer in return.
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3.   Be honest.
You passed Floyd, without sparing him a look. Anyone who has known you for a while would notice that your movements were a bit stiff and creaky.
Once you heard Floyd’s voice, a wave of tiredness struck you as if you didn’t get any sleep last night after working your shift in Mostro Lounge.
There were so many people to serve, so many things to do... and yet, you couldn’t help with anything, still not knowing how everything works, messing up with orders and breaking some plates in process.
Floyd buzzing around you, asking you some random questions (“Shrimpy, have you done it before?”). You answered them quickly, but each of them bumped you out of rhythm, making you forget what you were doing. It also didn’t help that Floyd certainly liked you being disoriented, replying with a shrug and grin on his face at your thundering glances.
So now, after gaining a little trauma from working in Octavinelle’s café, all you could do is ignore Floyd’s presence, silently accusing him of your infamous fiasco.
“Hey, Shrimpy!” he called you again, catching you up. “Are you mad?”
“I am not mad,” you snapped and took an unstable breath. “Look, I just started working, and on my first day I made already so many mistakes—”
“Yeah,” he replied indifferently. “And what with that?”
“...I couldn’t even correctly serve drinks—”
“Oh, stop!” Floyd muffled your mouth with his hand, an annoying look on his face. “I know where it is going. And no, you can’t quit a job, after all my efforts to get you there. It will get boring again!”
“Stop, stop, stop,” he corrected his hand on your mouth, now not letting even a sound get through his fingers. “Azul knows that you tried your best. And for these plates you broke, he already added them to your paycheck. You need to practice! Not to give up, Shrimpy!”
You looked up at him, quite stunned by these words. Perhaps he quoted someone from the book or heard someone talking like that...
But it was encouraging. In some way, considering that you couldn’t protest, having your mouth covered. But still, it was encouraging.
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4.   Take classes together.
You can have the power of controlling Floyd’s behaviour, making other students’ life easier. Or you two can be a walking disaster.
Turning alchemy lesson into putting random ingredients into a boiler and praying that the mysterious mixture won’t explode.
History classes started being a regular pinching ritual to keep yourself from falling asleep (you are being pinched more, even when you don’t feel sleepy).
In contrast, flying lessons are peaceful. Nor Jade, nor Floyd, nor Azul are fond of these classes. Floyd is much eager to stand both feet on the ground, watching you practice or having you sulking next to him about heights.
However, if you are a calm, shy, or tranquil person, exchanging little notes or drawings will be a little habit of yours. Handing them discreetly under the eye of sir Crewel is quite a challenge, but it also gives satisfaction once the note was given.
Floyd throws away most of your paper conversations, but the ones he really likes, he cherishes them by keeping them with him, stuffed in his pockets. He will be irritated if anyone would like to see what you two were writing about, even if the talk was about new strawberries delivery for the new recipe.
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5.   Being ticklish or not.
There are two possible scenarios, whether his new, lovely target is ticklish or not.
If is: prepare for being touched a lot. Observing how you quiver with surprise, when he lightly—he especially makes his touch less fierce, knowing very well that tickling isn’t violent—wraps his hands around your waist, making you hold your breath.
He would tickle you a lot, very often making you cry out of laugh and pain that follows sharp writhing and fidgeting, but never that much, to seriously upset you. That’s some luck in such unlucky situation.
If not: he will try to find other weak point. Or will try to make you ticklish—his hands are particularly cold and pressing them to your warm skin, might make you give him a reaction he would enjoy.
Albeit, if you also won’t return any expression even then, he will seriously search for some other weakness. Slightly biting an ear lobe, whispering next to your ear or anything that could make his smile appear, once he made you put him somewhere between “I despise you with each and every cell” and abstract mumbling with the heat on your checks.
Oh, he loves your reactions so much.
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6.   Learn all nicknames he gave other people (you will unlock an option to slightly dish other people).
“Oh Lord...” you muttered to yourself, as your gaze followed scribbled list of names that Jade just passed to you. He willingly connected all student’s names with pseudonyms Floyd gave other people and handed the roaster over to you once you helped him with some kitchen cleaning.
“There are so many, right?” Jade replied with a polite smile on his face. “I’m sure you already memorised some of them, being around Floyd that much.”
You nodded mindlessly as you tried to get names into your head. You mouthed them soundlessly one by one, motivated to learn them by the end of the week.
The chuckle that escaped Jade’s lips startled you, and you realised that he still was in the room. Or that you didn’t leave the Lounge even after your shift has already ended.
“My brother surely didn’t exaggerate anything about you,” he said, his tone a bit more buoyant than ever, although you couldn’t be sure as the thick air of mystery still echoed in his voice. “I wonder how it will finally end?”
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7.   Always share your takoyaki with him.
“What are you hiding, Shrimpy?”
You shuddered at a voice that you did not want to hear at this moment, not for all the world. Unless that the world included a chest filled with takoyaki, which you could give to certain somebody.
You felt that instead of a shashlik of tasty balls, you were holding a knife in your hands, a veritable proof of a crime you had committed. It weighed heavily in your grip, and Floyd's approaching footsteps did not make your situation any better.
It was a time to hide the evidence.
You pushed as much as you could into your mouth and swallowed a few balls without even gnawing them much. You almost choked on them.
“Me? I?” you asked innocently. You sincerely hoped that no sauce or a stray piece of cake was left on your face. “What could I possibly hide?”
"Hmm, hmm~," he drew closer, and you needed all your will gathered, to make yourself stay where you were. Even without looking in the mirror, you knew you were all pale on the face. “With my little eye, I spy something...”
His gaze went down, just to your hands, which you tried to hide behind your back.
Not giving him a clear look at your palms or wooden stick, you turned around on the heel and run with all your might. Your muscles felt somehow stiff as if they also didn’t see a chance to win this race.
Now Floyd was sure you are hiding something, and there is no chance he’ll let it go.
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8.   Watch him at his basketball practice.
81:30 for the blue team!
“Floyd once again started playing wild,” Ace breathed with clear regret in his voice. He glanced your way, frowning at you. “It’s your fault. Please come at practices when Floyd is in my team, not otherwise.”
You laughed awkwardly as he walked away.
A moment later, Floyd reached for a bottle with water and a towel you bravely guarded through the whole practice. He smiled wholeheartedly, happy with the win, water, and your presence.
“How did you like the game?” he asked once he changed from PE clothes and you two started heading towards Octavinelle.
“It was really fun!” you admitted, a speck of amusement appeared in Floyd’s eyes. “The red team didn’t have much time to capture a ball before you got hold of it again.”
“Hehe~ I’m glad you liked it,” he said. “I really like to play basketball, even more than ever, when I know that you are watching! That’s why,” he added, sincerity well-heard in his voice, “you need to come even more often!”
You nodded happily.
You just couldn’t mind it, all that accompanying him.
It was... fun.
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9.   Dance, dance, dance!
Heels tapped on the floor and the sound of these steps would probably have spread through the room, if not for the jazz music pounding through Mostro Lounge’s speakers.
Floyd pulled you closer, letting a playful smile on his lips stretch even more. You couldn’t help but smile back, before gasping as he spun you around your axis. You lost balance and would fall if not steady grip around your waist, as Floyd leaned on closer to you, making you bend on one leg more and entirely rely on his touch.
Last notes of melody faded, and you still were in that pose, facing each other. With each second, Floyd’s face was changing from some form of amazement to amusement, finally letting you properly stand.
“Ha... When did you learn to dance so smoothly?” you asked smiling in wonder.
“Hehe~ With legs you can dance a lot more than in the sea,” he answered. “On land, it’s super fun~”
You nodded at his words.
Floyd was a wonderful dancer.
But you can’t be sure if being a good dancing partner is the only thing that made you feel all warm and fuzzy because butterflies still didn’t leave your stomach.
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10.            “Let’s do something fun!”
“Here is your paycheck,” Azul handed you a white envelope, sealed with a stamp with the Octavinelle logo. “And you, [Name], was also working for some request, right?”
You nodded as you stared at the envelope.
Somehow, knowing how stupid the lingering thought in your mind was, you couldn’t bear to look up. If you would, your gaze would probably ignore all the elegant furniture of the room, even the owner of the room, Azul, just to settle on Floyd.
If you saw anything more than his shoes, that stupid thought would make their way outside, turning plans into action.
And Floyd unknowingly did everything to make them come true.
“Shrimpy,” he cupped your face with his hands, judging by his voice he seemed quite... worried? When he made you look in his olive and gold eyes, you started holding your breath. “Are you okay?”
With that question, your strong will to wish for something expensive or practical was broken.
You started fidgeting more, not knowing how to express your thoughts in words. “I think I have a request... a question for Floyd, rather than for you, Azul...”
Azul nodded at first uncertain and the room has fallen into silence once again until you spoke.
“Well, Floyd,” you turned to him, trying your best not to wander your gaze away from him, “Please, take your time with answering, but I want your response to be, uh, honest.”
You were tripping onto your own words, embarrassment soaring in your body as you started to think that you should’ve kept quiet. But Floyd was patient with your answer, as well as Jade and Azul who observed the situation as if they predicted it before.
“I mean- Okay, just answer the question.” You took an erratic breath. “Would you like to—”
“Sure!” Floyd interrupted you before even hearing the whole question. “I would like to do everything with you.”
You stood there, all confused. But, by Floyd’s expression you knew that he guessed what you wanted to say. Face heating up, you forgot about Azul and Jade, who hid a chuckle by turning his head to the side.
“How fun,” he said as Floyd wrapped his arms around you, as if shielding you from other people in the room.
“I won’t share Shrimpy with you, Jade. Not a chance.”
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magicpumpkin3 · 3 years
hewwo! if you feel like it, may i please have hc's for the twst first years (or dorm leaders) hearing Yuu scream and rushing in to see them cornered by a giant spider? totally not replicating the situation i found myself in earlier today
My first request! Gogndkfnodomsjckdbc-
Dorm leaders (+ MC) VS spider
Warning: Maybe A bit OCC; (SFW)
Kalim Al-Asim
The moment you let out a scream of terror, him and Jamil were at your doorstep. Aaand after seeing that it was a giant spider Kalim now has to save you and Jamil, who's having a heart attack.
In all honesty, he was scared a bit himself. It's a giant spider. In your bathroom. Who wouldn't be terrified?!
Kalim's first instinct was, what we all do when we see a spider in our bathroom. Flush it. And there he goes summoning his unique magic-
So imagen a suprise of the dorm students, when there's a giant wave of water leaves the bathroom with you guys and a giant spider.
After the incident, Kalim has to comfort you and Jamil (therapists for both of you, that's for sure). This sunshine spends a whole week with you nonstop (literally), making sure there's no spiders around! I hope you ain't complaining about snuggles 24/7.
Vil Schoenheit
When he hears your scream of terror, first thing Vil thinks, it is his haters. (Or his overprotective fans...). Rushing into your room, like his life depends on it, Vil is prepared to take his hills off and fight.
But when he sees that it was mere a bit bigger then every spider, he was ready to slap you. He messed up his hair, clothes and for what?! Okay, he'll get rid of it, just stop screaming.
Vil isn't angry at you, don't get him wrong. He was just worried! Imagine you on his place!
He'll scold you a bit and probably will tease you about it for a few hours but Vil isn't judging.He knows that everyone are afraid of something. Be it a spider or death itself.
He'll make some more space in his tight schedule to visit you a bit longer then usual (don't get used to it. It's only going to last till you fully cool down).
Riddle Rosehearts
This guy right here had no idea he could go that fast. Riddle was running like one crazy Sonic after he heard you screaming in the garden. Running into one of the mazes many turns, where you were, he screams "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!!" to punish whoever decided to scary or harm you.
At first, he only saw you pushing yourself more and more into one of the many corners of the maze. He was so confused, he didn't even hear your shoutings about a giant spider for a second.
Once he realizes what was the problem, he immediately cools down and is there to help you. I mean he will ask you about the screams and all but he won't judge you.
Once the spider is gone, he'll take you with him to a private tea-party, so you could talk about it. Please don't scare him like that. Ever again. Ever.
Riddle will definitely add a rule about bringing spiders to his dorm that's for sure. Or spiders in general if you're that scared of them.
Leona Kingscholar
He didn't even realize what was happening. He was asleep and now he's here. Leona only knew that you screamed in terror in your room and his instincts acted on their own.
Once he was in your room ready to fight whoever was stupid enough to mess with you, Leona sees that there was no danger. Only a really big spider.
Oh? Herbivore wants his help? After you woken him up from his nap for this? Hmm, let him think... Okay he'll help just stop screaming like bloody murmured is happening here. (That mf will act like he's about to throw that spider at you though-).
After the spider is gone...oh boi. Be prepared as they say it. King of the teasers is going to rain hell fires upon you. Leona will tease you about it for a long time. Good luck.
Overall, he isn't angry at you or anything. He's just iterated that he had to wake up for this. Please understand him. That lion really thought you were in danger. You owe him a few cuddle session after you cool down though-
Malleus Draconia
Malleus was never this thankful that he could teleport. When he heard you screaming in your dorm, he was right there and then. Malleus was ready to burn anyone who was there to harm you.
Including spiders... Okay he'll just set this little fella free. He isn't making any fuss about it. Everything happens. Some students in his dorm are terrified of food (Lilia's food to be specific), so he isn't the one to judge you or make fun of you.
He will question your reaction later though. While you explain your issue with spider, Malleus takes mental notes about this.
No spiders around his dear human. That's going to be a problem, considering the fact that there's some in Diasomnia and routes he planned taking you to.
Don't worry. Now every time, before going anywhere with you, he searches the whole place for any kind of spiders. He'll offer his help whenever you're about to clean your dorm. Those spider combs must be really freaking you out.
Azul Ashengrotto
He was peacefully sitting in his office, filling in some papers. It was after time and he had nowhere to be. Leech twins are gone, You are waiting for him in the lounge screaming like someone's trying to mur- wait WHAT?
Swinging door open (almost breaking it down-), Azul is there with his staff raised like it's a baseball bat. Looking around, he only finds you and a...spider cornering you.
So...You know the 'UNACCEPTABLE' meme, with lemen head? Yep, that's him. He isn't a fan of those creaters either. The fact that there's one in his fine restaurant (and it scares you?! It gets crushed by his staff and is flushed in the nearest toilet)?! Oh no, he ain't taking it.
After that nightmare of yours is gone, Azul immediately calls Leech twins. This place get disinfected. Now.
Don't think he forgot about you though! He takes you to his office and sits you on the couch so you could cuddle and try to forget about this accident. (Sweet boy will make you some calming tea!)
After a few days of disinfecting whole lounge and Azul himself checks every corner to make sure there's no bugs or spiders left, Monsto lounge is finally open again.
Idia Shroud
He was outside trying to get back to his room as fast as possible ignoring everything and he's almost there! Just another turn and-
His thoughts were cut off by someone's scream. No, wait- Idia maybe shy, insecure and have social anxiety but when people that he loves are in danger, it all disappears.
Imagen his suprise when he was ready to defend you, with his life and he was met with you cowering away from a big spider. He isn't afraid of them so, Idia doesn't really get it. He let's the thing free through the mirror and sighs, looking at you. Why are you afraid? I mean yeah it's bigger then usual once but hey-
Taking you too his room, Idia grumbles and scolds you a bit ( immediately apologizes after). He isn't mad just confused. Shroud sometimes forget that people can be afraid of such simple things.
You're going to have a very long cuddling and playing sessions after that, I guarantee you that! And he might tease you (more like attempt to) about this small misunderstanding later. Though he blushes through the whole thing.
Note: Sorry for taking so long! Author has big things going on rn!
Note№2: you're still free to leave a request thought! I'll get to it whenever I can.
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"This might be my warmest recipe yet." Azul sighs, setting a meal before you. The aroma of seafood against tamarind as well as leafy vegetables stewing in it.
"Eat up." He says, removing his apron from his waist. "It will take me some time before I can get used to the food from your world." He says ehol washing his hands. "But nevertheless, you should at least enjoy a taste of home while you're here."
"Tell me what I need to improve on later."
Anon ksnjnbjsbgjsg I actually got this ask a long time ago but I typed the first 2k words in the first week I got this and left it alone for who knows how long because my motivation to write plummeted 😭 and it was only recently that I even got the will to write again knsnfknkksngsd 
Thank you for making me write 3k+ words on a brainrot fic about sinigang 🤡 sobs so hard This has been in my drafts for more than 6 months, and I feel a little embarrassed about that, but I hope you guys enjoy ahahaha :”) 
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Feet dragging on the stone path of Main Street, I walked with a groggy pace past the statues of the Great Seven, whose unmoving eyes sent a cold feeling on my back that only judgmental stares could give. My eyelids threatened to lower until my vision turned black, craving for the comfort of thin blankets and a firm mattress. 
I yawned. A hand went up to cover my open mouth, lingering until the yawn passed. It dropped to the area of my stomach, where a hollowness ached to be filled. I sighed, inserting another hand into the pockets of my school blazer, and upon feeling the wrinkled texture of old bills, I let myself smile slightly. 
Hmm... I’m gonna be passing by Sam’s shop on the way. Maybe I should buy some things on the way. I do need to restock the cupboards. I planned in my head. 
I made my way down the staircase and through the path that led to the short tower in front of the Mystery Shop, a bit more energy in my steps from a small goal being set. But upon stopping by the shop itself, my legs felt reluctant with moving towards the door.
Hnngh, I’m too tired, though, to interact with anybody. I thought to myself. Maybe tomorrow. I still have some eggs there. I can make a scrambled egg for dinner. Hopefully, it will be enough to keep me sustained for a few hours.
And with empty hands, I walked away from the shop. 
Not much time passed before I arrived at the fork in the road that either led to the Hall of Mirrors or to the Ramshackle dorm. A groan escaped my lips. “Ugh, I’m so tired,” I complained to the air. “I just want to rest already. Why is Ramshackle so far from the school?” Tempting as it is, I didn’t bother to stop and rest, knowing that I can rest for a longer time later. And so, I turned left towards Ramshackle. 
Another grumble emanated from my stomach. I must look miserable right now, with my groggy way of walking, heavy eyelids, and hand over an empty stomach. I miss having a car, I thought. Having a driver to bring you home sounds so nice right now.
At the thought of a car, my mind started taking its own walk down a path, except it’s not dragging itself down a dirt road but wandering through a road of movies playing memories. It felt so long ago that I would wear a long skirt that would flutter from my movements as I picked up my things and walked to my car. Afterwards, I would either be brought to my piano lessons or to my home, depending on what day of the week it was. Should I be brought to my lessons, I would be there for an hour before being brought home. The roads would be filled with eager cars driving home, and I myself would lean on the car window, watching a once blue sky shift to oranges and occasional pinks then to dark blues. Sometimes, in these car rides, dinner would occupy my thoughts. On some days, I would think about simply filling up my stomach after a long day. But on other days, I would envision a certain meal, from its familiar bowl on the dinner table down to the aroma it exuded. 
Right now, as I headed back to the dorm, my mind’s eye could visualize the dinner table filled. Placemats would be laid in front of each chair, where plates and tableware sit. A bowl of rice would sit on the middle of the table, and beside it would be a larger bowl of a tamarind broth filled with leafy vegetables and cuts of pork. The vision was vivid in my mind, to the point that the fragrance of the broth felt real under my nose. 
... Hold on. 
I sniffed the air. 
There’s no way that I just smelled the exact same dish I was thinking of. 
But I sniffed again, and the scent was still there. I frowned in confusion as I looked around for where the smell could possibly come from, and my nose pointed to the Ramshackle dorm that moved closer in my sight. 
“Huh?” I uttered out loud. “Who would be cooking sinigang right now?” 
I wanted to think the ghosts decided to try their hand at cooking, but I knew they barely knew anything about the culinary world. Heck, they probably might not know of a native dish that may or may not exist in Twisted Wonderland. 
Nevertheless, the smell itself rejuvenated me. My pace quickened as I opened the gate and climbed the stone pathway leading to the front door. Turning the knob and pushing the door open, I could smell the familiar sourness of the sinigang, which was now much stronger than it was outside. This time, a subtle flavor accompanied the aroma of the broth, a certain kind of salt that only the ocean could possess. The lights of the corridor, lounge, and kitchen were turned on, bathing the recently painted walls in yellow and white light. 
“Oh, you’re home!”
Appearing through the wall, the three Ramshackle ghosts who resided in the dorm along with me approached me. “Oh hi!” I greet, my voice brighter than earlier. Their goofy smiles brought a smile to my own face before I asked: “What’s going on? I smell food here. Are you cooking something?”
“Oh…” A cheeky smile started forming on one of the ghosts’ faces. “About that...” 
“Hihihi~” the second snickered as a wider grin makes its way onto his face. “You should see for yourself!”
“Go to the kitchen and find out!” The third ghost pointed to the direction of the kitchen.
I look at their expressions with growing suspicion. “Erm… okay…?”
I hesitantly made my way to the kitchen. It doesn’t sound bad exactly, but what if I’m being lured to something, my mind said. A horrible thought to have entered my mind. 
What if it’s a killer waiting for me? Wait, but this place is protected from intruders. Oh no, what if Trein paid me a visit because I missed something that I didn’t know I missed? Or even Crewel? Or what if it’s something else–
As I approached the open threshold of the kitchen, I kept my body by the wall, taking a peek from my hiding spot to see who was there.
A sharp inhale went through my nose. 
Hold the fuck up—!
I immediately retreated and leaned on the wall, my earlier exhaustion gone entirely, replaced by the fast beating of my heart and the butterflies flying about in my stomach. There is no way in the world that he would be there in my messy kitchen, cooking a meal that I hadn’t eaten since arriving in Twisted Wonderland.
But I recognized the silver hair and the undercut below it. That hair is undoubtedly Azul’s. 
“I know you’re there,” his voice echoes from the kitchen. My heart seemed to jump from its place at the same time my breath hitched.
Slowly, I approached the kitchen. Part of me wondered if I was dreaming and if I was going to wake up soon. Standing by the stove, Azul seemed to be stirring the pot of sinigang, with his back faced towards me. He seemed to be in his dorm uniform, judging by the black straps of the suspenders he wears. The familiar coat was absent, however, and so was his black blazer, leaving him in a long-sleeved white polo. From the purple ribbons coming from the front that were tied together, he appeared to be wearing an apron.
Azul always looked like someone of high authority, whose confidence and smugness left me gazing at him with mad love. But here he was, with an unusual domestic-looking appearance, and I felt my already exhausted knees nearly buckling from the shock.
He turned to look at me. The sight of his beautiful face, paired with the apron over a white polo, made me inhale sharply through the nose. “Is there something on me? Why are you simply standing in place?”
His voice shook me from my stupor. “Wait, why are you here,” I finally asked. “I thought you had the Mostro Lounge to take care of.”
“Jade and Floyd are taking care of the lounge in my stead for today,” Azul replied as he picked up a large bowl. “I apologize for intruding into your home and using your kitchen without your knowledge. I simply wanted to try out a new recipe for the Mostro Lounge.”
I raised an eyebrow at that. “Huh? Why here, though? Aren’t the stoves in the lounge better?”
There was a pause in his movements before he scooped up a ladle of the soup dish into the bowl. “Well... I wanted to let you taste test it since you are familiar with the dish, yes? I would have called you over to the Mostro Lounge instead, but it seemed like you were busy, so I decided to cook here instead.”
His words made my heart race. He’s trusting me with something so important, and it drove my mind crazy knowing that he’s asking me for something. Yet skepticism weighed in my head. Something about the reasons seemed a bit odd. His voice, usually so suave and stable with a touch of sass, seemed slightly shakier, though it’s so subtle that I found myself wondering if I must be imagining it. 
The sound of a switch suddenly resounded across the kitchen, causing Azul to move his head to a white rice cooker whose switch is set to warm. “Ah, perfect timing,” he exclaims. His voice regained its usual elegance. “Have a seat while I prepare the food. You must be tired from walking all the way here.”
Again, the butterflies fluttered in my stomach, but this time, an overwhelming feeling of warmth grew in my chest. It was a ball of light that seemed to glow so ardently that I felt my knees might weaken to the point I fall on the spot. Unable to handle it without possibly making a mess of myself, I pulled out a chair with a plate and tableware set in front of it. My gaze immediately landed on Azul, and I watched as he scooped up the white rice into another bowl. The warmth in my chest seemed to grow while gazing at each movement.
“This might be my warmest recipe yet,” Azul spoke up, setting down the bowl of rice on the table before the larger bowl of sinigang with a sigh. Upon closer inspection, a whitish meat floated on the broth with a distinct black skin in the middle of it.
Bangus, I noted with surprise. There is bangus around here?!
He walked to the counter to grab the bowl of rice and arrived back to the table to set it down. Wisps of smoke visibly flew into the air from its soft whiteness, a sight I thought I’d never see again.
I knew my tummy was aching for food a while ago. I knew that. Yet I couldn’t pick up my tableware, and instead, I could only stare at the food with an agape mouth. The feelings within my chest continued to grow, soon spreading to my gut and throat like a fire set ablaze. They threatened to spill out of me into a bunch of ‘I love you’ and ‘why do you always find a way to make my heart beat fast’, but my lips suppressed any form of sound that would let it all leak out. I couldn’t let Azul know how I truly felt for him, not yet. 
“Eat up,” he said as his hands traveled to the ribbon on his back. With an elegant grace, he unraveled the ribbon and lifted the apron from his body, folding the clothing in half in the air before setting it down on a chair with another set up plate in front of it. He then walked to the sink, turning on the faucet with slight difficulty and placing his hands under the running water. 
Despite the shock of seeing Azul in my dorm that still left me stunned, his words moved me to grab a few spoonfuls of rice, my mind mentally calculating how much rice I need to fill myself up before stopping. I got the spoon for the sinigang, scooping myself some kangkong — there’s kangkong around these parts!? — and bangus before scooping the broth and pouring it over my rice. Each grain soaked up the soup, almost reaching the point that it would spill over to the plate.
“I hope that this is to your liking,” Azul spoke up. He approached the table and pulled out his own chair before taking a seat. “This is my first time making this, after all.”
“It…” I paused for a moment, trying to gain enough composure to speak properly. “It’s already smelling the way it’s supposed to! And you even have the kangkong and the bangus, and that’s pretty accurate, and I- I didn’t know you had these things here in Sage Island!” I stopped myself before I could say anymore compliments. Slight embarrassment joined the butterflies in my stomach from letting my excitement leak out. 
He softly chuckled in reply. “We don’t, but I have a few connections that enabled me to buy the best quality ingredients.” He smiles, but there’s a mischievous charm to it. All the same, his voice and his face left me breathless and my chest tight from the intense feelings I felt towards him.
“I see,” I said with a nod. Immediately after, a quiet grumble emitted from my stomach, reminding me once more of my famished state. Wordlessly, I quickly turned my attention back to my plate, relieved for a distraction from Azul. Using my spoon and fork, I cut the bangus into small pieces, a task not difficult thanks to the softness of the fish. Once I was satisfied with the pieces I cut, I moved on to cutting the kangkong leaves and stems to smaller pieces as well, occasionally having to apply a bit more force to cut the fibers completely. 
“Do you always take your time in preparing your meal,” Azul asked as I nearly finish cutting the kangkong. 
I turned my head up back to him, perhaps a little too excitedly. “Oh well, yeah,” I answered. “I don’t usually do this with every meal, but when it’s sinigang, I like cutting the bangus and kangkong and mixing them together with the rice.” 
He nodded with a hum. “I see.”
From the corner of my eyes, I noticed the still empty plate in front of him. “Aren’t you going to eat, Azul?”
“I will,” he answered. “I simply wish to know your thoughts first before trying it. Tell me what I should improve on later.”
My thoughts matter to him? The mere thought caused that ball of warmth and light in my chest to grow more. If I had been paying attention, I would have noticed the subtle tautness of his voice that was there earlier, but I was too caught up in that thought that in some way, he was being considerate of what I thought. 
Okay, calm down, he’s probably just sweet talking you, I told myself. Plus, you still have to eat.
I returned to my food, and I started mixing the food with my rice, taking care that everything is uniformly mixed. And once that was done, it was finally time to satisfy my stomach. 
I’m about to be trying Azul’s cooking for the first time, was the thought weighing in my mind as I scooped a decent amount of rice and viand into my spoon. As I lifted the spoon to my lips, a part of me wondered if I will be let down. Even if it smelled the way it did, even if the ingredients are accurate, will it be delicious? Will I actually be able to genuinely compliment it? And will I end up with an okay stomach or will I end up having to take stomach medicines? There was a time that I had sinigang that caused my stomach to hurt badly, and I didn’t wish for a repeat of that time. I didn’t want to make Azul feel bad by saying that it’s not good. 
But more than that, I was more occupied by the thought that Azul actually cooked this for me, even if it’s for simple taste testing for an upcoming menu item for the Mostro Lounge. What being up in the heavens decided that I was worthy of this? That I, an ordinary human in this world of magic, would let me be blessed with not only the unexpected presence of the most beautiful boy I’ve ever met but also be graced with his cooking just because he wanted to run it by me? 
And that’s why, I quickly told myself, I need to taste this before he gets suspicious about why I’m hesitating!
I put the spoonful of food in my mouth. The spoon barely left my mouth when a my eyes bulged slightly from the undeniably familiar sourness of the broth that coated each grain of rice and each piece of fish. The bangus was soft, and much to my relief, it contained its distinct flavor that I never knew I missed until now. A soft crunching sound reached my ears as I bit into a piece of kangkong stem, adding a texture to the softness of the mixture of rice and the fish. 
A hum of delight left my throat, and a smile formed on my face as I felt my shoulders slackened from the taste of the sinigang. It’s not just good. It tasted like home. 
I scooped myself another spoonful of my meal as I chewed, ready for me to eat once I swallow the food in my mouth. But once I swallowed, I looked at Azul, whose eyes were looking at me expectantly. “It’s so good,” I exclaimed to him. 
His face seemed to relax at my words, a relieved smile forming on his face. “I’m glad to hear that,” he spoke. For what felt like the nth time that evening, my breath nearly hitched from his smile and voice. The genuine relief that he displayed was exquisite. 
As I took my second spoonful of the food, he moved to get his own rice and sinigang. His eyes scrutinized the rice on his plate, getting what seemed to be a cup exactly before getting his own fish and veggies. He got his own spoonful of rice and fish, with a bit of leaf atop of it, and put it in his mouth. His eyes lit up with what seemed like pleasant surprise, a look that made my heart jump in place, and soon, he swallowed, a smile forming on his face as he said, “It does taste good.”
“Yeah,” I exclaimed, “because–” it was you who made it, Azul, I almost said but stopped myself in time, “– the ingredients are correct and everything. It was easy to tell from the smell that this was going to be good! And this is your first try too!” 
His smile grew. “That’s good to hear.”
We continued to eat our meals, but as I ate, I couldn’t help myself and occasionally glanced at him. There was a refinement to the way Azul enjoyed his meal, and my eyes could not leave him or any of the small movements that he made. I knew this feeling: that when you’re in love, every single mundane action that the one you love does brings all the brightest colors in the world in your vision. In that moment, the kitchen lost its drab dreary look, and all I could see was a homey place. The flickering light above gave a nostalgic charm, one that I never noticed. The walls and cupboards seemed brighter, no longer grey or light brown in my vision. The smell of the broth filled my nose, and the taste of the food in my mouth made me melt further in my seat. And in the middle of it all was Azul, the reason why everything was so bright around me, the reason why my heart continued racing even as I ate, the reason why I could be happy no matter how tiring the day may be. 
I felt no arms wrapping around my body, but it felt like I was receiving the warmest hug I ever had. One that brought even a tear to my eye, a tiny bead of water that contained all the emotions that warmed me from within. 
Before I realized it, I was already inserting my last spoonful of rice into my mouth, chewing slowly to savor the flavors before swallowing. A contented sigh left my lips as I propped an elbow on the table and rested my head on my hand, a lazy smile forming on my face. “That was so good. I haven’t had sinigang in so long.”
“I’m very pleased to hear that you enjoyed,” Azul replied, having finished his meal as well. “Is there anything that I could have improved?”
“Mmm, not that I can think of,” I said in reply. “It was really good.”
He nodded. “I see.” He then stood from his seat, picking up his plate while doing so. He reached a hand out to me, and I sat up straight and alert. Is he reaching for my hand, I thought excitedly, but that thought quickly died when he spoke: “Give me your plate.”
“E-eh?” I stood up from my own seat. “No, I can wash the dishes, it’s ok! You already did the cooking.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he says. “I want you to relax for today, so let me do this for you.”
No reply left my lips. I froze in place. unable to stop him as he approached my side of the table and took my empty plate. His blue eyes seemed to twinkle in amusement at my sudden silence, and his lips quirked up in a smile before taking his leave towards the sink. 
“W... why,” I finally asked as the sound of rushing water from the sink filled the kitchen. “Why are you doing this much for me all of a sudden?”
He didn’t respond at first. Instead, I received the squeaky noise of a sponge rubbing a plate first, and that, alongside the running water, was the only sound in the room for a few seconds. I couldn’t see his expression from my spot, only the back of his head and his hands washing the dishes. 
“Well,” Azul finally spoke. For once, he didn’t sound like he’d start talking in palavers and haughty tones, but rather, there was something honest in his voice. “Truth be told, I wanted to do this as a form of payment for everything you’ve done for me.”
I frowned in confusion. “Eh? What for?” 
There was a pause for a moment. “... Remember back when I took your dorm as the collateral for freeing the students from the Mostro Lounge,” he asked, though it seemed like a rhetorical question. Nevertheless, I replied with a hum of approval. 
“I fully expected you to hate me or insult me after everything that happened,” Azul spoke. My eyebrows raised in surprise at his response, but I remained quiet. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you did. After all, anyone who signed my deals come out of it calling me names. Not that it bothers me, since I benefit from our deals more than they do.” A certain smugness accompanied his latter words. 
“But you... you called me a hard worker.” The faucet was turned off, and Azul placed a plate on the rack for wet dishes but made no move to continue washing. “I’ve been meaning to find a proper way of paying you back, and after learning a little bit more about you, I thought that this was the best way to do it. You should at least enjoy a taste of home while you're here.”
No words left my lips. There was no sound in the room except for the beat of my heart thrumming in my ears. My own voice was gripped by the shock that I feel, yet there is a whole speech forming in my head that wanted to make itself known. You shouldn’t be paying me back, Azul. You’re the one who’s done so much more for me. You made my school year so much more beautiful and gave me a reason to keep on going despite me being far away from home. I should be the one doing something for you.
A hand landed on my shoulder. Jolting slightly from surprise, I looked up to see Azul right beside me. At the close proximity, the butterflies in my stomach fluttered even more wildly. “There’s no need to pay me back,” he spoke with a reassuring smile. “For once, I'm letting you take my services for free.”
“H... huh?!” I exclaimed. 
“Of course, I wouldn’t complain if you do decide to repay me,” he adds with a mischievous smirk, a kind of smirk that I want to punch for how much it makes my brain short-circuit from how much it affects me.
“W-well...” I don’t mind paying you back. I wanted to say, but I felt like saying that would be walking onto a landmine. “Tha... thank you, Azul.” 
For a short moment, he appeared stunned by my gratitude, before his face melted into a smile that nearly made me crumble to my knees. “You’re welcome.” 
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The students of Octavinelle dorm felt something different when they watched their dorm leader enter. Usually, they’d feel a slight sense of fear from the sharp tap of his shoes and serious face, but at this moment, his feet had a lightness to it, and his eyes looked softer as a smile accompanied them. 
Azul no longer looked like a dorm leader or a businessman who snagged a win in that moment but a boy who seemed genuinely happy for once.
He made his way to Mostro Lounge, the happy aura he radiated never fading. As he entered the VIP Room, he encountered Jade, who smiled in amusement while he watched Azul sit on the leather couch. 
“So how was your time in Ramshackle, Azul,” he asked. 
The smile on his face widened, and his sky blue eyes gleamed with pure glee. “It went well,” he said with an even voice. 
Jade chuckled. “It seems like it went more than well, Azul.” 
Azul didn’t argue back. Because Jade’s right. It went more than well if it means he got to see that beautiful smile on his beloved’s face. 
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wingblade1357 · 4 years
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I was doodling a scene for Kalim’s personal story part 2 and it suddenly turned to a novel illustration. I was aiming to use Shiro Amano style’s but asdfghjkllll painting is so hard.
I’m still debating whether to do it in a story or comic (since till now I still haven’t finish drawing Azul’s part 2 asdfghjkllllll😂😂😂)
EDIT: I added the draft of Kalim’s personal story part two! It’s right down after the read more because it ended up pretty long.
Before Hikari could turn, someone tackled her from behind, embracing her in a warm hug. She almost stumbled, but she quickly balanced herself and the extra weight on her back.
“Funyaaaaa!” Grim yelped in surprise at the sudden movement. “GAHH It’s him again!”
Hikari patted the person’s arm, “As lively as ever, Kalim-senpai.”
“I thought I told you to call me just ‘Kalim’? No formalities needed!” Kalim said with a huge grin. He released his hold on her and he glanced around when he noticed two of her friends are missing. “Where’s Ace and Deuce?” He asked, tilting his head curiously.
“Those two got club activities.” Grim answered.
“And you two?”
“No club activity for me today.” Hikari said. She also noticed Kalim was alone. After the whole Scarabia fiasco, the two friends sorted things out. Jamil was free to be whatever he wanted and not Kalim’s shadow. The tradition between the Asim Family and the Viper family has changed. Kalim also tries his best to be independent and not rely on Jamil too much. It was a drastic change, but they’re taking it slowly. Step by step. “What about you? You’re in the Light Music Club, right?” She asked back.
Kalim grinned, “Yup! I was on my way when I came across you two!”
“As always, this guy’s easily distracted.” Grim deadpanned, sighing. “Anyways, c’mon!! We need to go to Sam’s before he closes!!” He whined, ordering for Hikari to hurry it up.
The white-haired boy blinked, “Do you need something? I can pay it for you!” He offered genuinely.
Hikari quickly raised her hand to decline. “It’s okay! Don’t worry! I can pay for it.”
Kalim pouted. Hikari was always declining his offer. One time, he even offered to renovate the Ramshackle dorm, but again, she declined saying that was the Headmaster’s responsibility. The other time, he offered jewels from his Treasure room, but again, she declined saying that she doesn’t need jewelry or money. She was strange, but in a good way.
“Gilbert, Ted and Jasper are not in the dorm today! It’s their monthly ghost gathering.” Grim said with a grin. The ghosts often offered to make dinner for the Ramshackle residence, though it was mostly them giving the leftovers from the cafeteria for free since they know the Cafeteria Ghost very well. Hikari and Grim didn’t mind as long as they get free food and still keep the dorm’s budget. “It’s Hikari’s turn to cook!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Hikari sighed, patting Grim’s head. Grim favored her cooking more than ever. He said it was tasty and she should cook everyday, but she declined. To a certain degree, she likes cooking, but she does have those days when she’s too lazy or just don’t want to cook. Her profession wasn’t a chef like her brother.
“Ehhhhh!!!! I wanna eat your cooking too!!” Kalim exclaimed, his eyes sparkling like a thousand stars.
“You’re welcome to eat dinner with us.” Hikari invited. Kalim invited her plenty of times and sometimes, she has to decline since she doesn’t want to trouble them. It was mainly because each time Kalim invites her, he would go overboard with the party. She though it was just going to be a nice dinner, but turns out it was a full party with a parade. “I was thinking Filet Mignon Poêlé and maybe for dessert... coconut cream pie?” She remembers one of Kalim’s favorite thing is Coconut juice, maybe something related to coconut will make him happy.
“Ohhhh! Sounds delicious!!” Both Kalim and Grim cheered.
“We better get going and buy the ingredients from Sam. See you later then Kalim-senpai!” Hikari waved her hand goodbye to her upperclassman.
“Yeah! See ya!”
Kalim stood there, waving his hand above his head.
“No! You can’t!”
“Why not?”
Kalim pursed his lips, closing it tightly. This was the first time he ever disapproved of Jamil’s decision. He would always agree with Jamil’s way since whenever Jamil takes care of it, things would go as planned. Not this time.
Jamil sighed, “I understand your feelings, but things will remain the same if we don’t move.” He said with his arms crossed. “She’s here and you’re doing nothing?”
Kalim stayed quiet.
“I don’t understand why everyone but you forgot about her...” Jamil said. For years, Kalim kept mentioning a name—a person, but no one believed him. “Aren’t you tired of waiting?”
After Jamil overbloted and saved, there was a long forgotten memory that resurfaced. He remember someone—someone who was always there for him and told him to be himself. The person who told him he was free to express himself the way he wanted.
The hands he felt save in.
Finally he could understand what Kalim was talking about all these years.
Kalim’s imaginary friend wasn’t imaginary.
She was real and there with them.
He wants to know. No. He needs to know.
“Hikari... doesn’t seem to remember as well...” Kalim confessed, looking down to his hands.
“You said it yourself and she did as well back then. As long as our hearts are connected—“
“I know! But I.... I don’t want you to use your unique magic to force her to confess... it just seems wrong.”
Silence basked the two.
“...Fine. I suppose you’re right on this one.”
The brunette could hear Kalim all the way from the kitchen. “I’m in the kitchen!” She was too busy preparing for dinner that she didn’t even realize it was already time. Grim was busy doing his homework, but ended up taking a nap in the common area. She turned her head when she heard footstep coming closer. “Sorry, Kalim-senpai! Looks like you have to wait a little longer for dinner.”
“Uwaaaa! It smells so good!” Kalim peeked inside the kitchen, a big smile across his face.
“We bought some snacks. You can eat that first if you’re hungry.” Hikari pointed to the box of biscuits she bought from Sam at a special price. She turned her back on him to continue cooking.
“Thanks!” Kalim sat on the stool and propped his head up, leaning over the island and humming a tune he learned from his club. He stared at the brunette as she moved around to grab some spices from the cabinets.  He remembered everything. She looked the same as she did ten years ago—as if she didn’t age a bit. She had cooked for him and Jamil a few times during the short period when she was his bodyguard. Neither once did he get poisoned or kidnapped when she was around. “You know...”
When was the right time to ask? Jamil had warned him there was no second chance.  And he was right. Tomorrow or the next, who knows how long she was going to be with them.
There was a chance... that she might disappear again.
Everyone will forget her.
And this time, maybe even he will forget her.
“I think I’ve told you that aside from Jamil’s food, I always get a stomach ache, right?” Kalim began.
Hikari glanced over her shoulder, giving a reassured look. “Don’t worry, Kalim-senpai! I didn’t put anything funny—“
Kalim laughed. “I know! I know! I trust you!” He jumped off the stool and stood beside the island, staring at the ingredients on top of it.  “I’ve been poisoned more times than I could count.”
“But there’s one remedy that always healed me. She was the one who taught me how to make it!”
“That remedy is Panacea.”
Hikari turned to look at him with wide eyes.
Kalim smiled. “That person... It really is you, right?”
Cliffhanger lol
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yan-twst · 4 years
Can I have prompt 119 for Jade please?🥺 thankyouu!
yandere prompt 119: “ah… you punched me- that’s ok, too. i hope it bruises; i want a mark to remind me your lovely hands were on my skin.”
warnings: general yandere themes, physical violence
It was useless to try and escape Jade. He was too cunning, too fast, and too strong; he’d find them before they could get far. There’d been one time when they thought these traits made him reliable as a lover, endearing even; but those times were long since over. Whatever kind of love they’d held for him had gone cold, as the relationship grew more and more one-sided, until it was nothing but the eel merman holding them against their will.
There was no escape. More often than not they spent the night in Jade’s room, his arms wrapped around them so tightly they barely got a blink of sleep. And even the days they could rest in their own room, he’d be there in the morning to escort them to classes. Their free time was all but monopolized by him, forced to spend time in the Monstro Lounge as he worked so he could keep his eye on them. They might not have been physically locked anywhere, but they were his prisoner.
“I’ll have a long shift at the Lounge tomorrow, dear. You’ll be waiting in the back room, won’t you? I’ll pick you up when classes end, don’t worry.” Jade chuckled as he smoothed down his beloved’s hair as they laid in his bed, facing away from him. It was another evening; he’d whisked them away from the public eye the second classes were over and dragged them to his room. 
“... I have to study for a test tomorrow. Let me go to the library.” they said, hugging a pillow tightly. They were tense- it was common for them to be in such a way when around Jade. As much as the eel wanted to call them his lover, they weren’t with him of their own accord. They just couldn’t leave; and he knew it. 
“Oya? That can’t do. I can’t let you out of my sight, don’t you know?” said Jade with a chuckle. He peered at his darling’s face; they were frowning, hugging a pillow tightly, as if to ground themselves. At his words, they grimaced. “It’s simply natural that as your lover, I don’t want to let other men lay their hands on you when I’m not looking.”
“That’s not-! Just...!” frustrated words fell from their mouth. They so badly wanted to lash out; this isn’t fair, they don’t belong to him, they don’t want to be here. But the fact remained that Jade was strong, and if he didn’t want them to leave his side, he could just so easily make them stay. They had bruises on their arms from being pulled by the eel, and they were pretty sure that hadn’t even been mean as a show of strength.
“Hmm, you have to get used to being with me. After all, I don’t plan on letting you leave my sight... It’s quite a shame you can’t be incorporated to stay in this room, but that won’t be a problem when we graduate.” said Jade with a hum, not caring about how his darling tensed as he dragged his fingertips over their arm, caressing the skin. “The section of the Coral Sea where I live is quite dangerous, don’t you know? When I take you there, if you stray away from me, you might find yourself in a horrible situation...”
“N-no, don’t say that, I don’t... I don’t want to...!” panic rose in their chest. Jade did always push the fact that he loved them and wouldn’t let them go, but he’d never said he’d take them under the sea. The dark, cold, and dangerous place where Jade came from terrified them; entirely at his mercy, dependant on potions to not drown or be crushed by the pressure of the sea. This was the first time Jade had mentioned his plans, and the mere thought of it made ice cold panic run in their veins.
“Hmm... I wonder, can you turn into some sort of merfolk? If there’s such a thing as a potion for us to become humans, I imagine it could go both ways...” said Jade, his smirk widening at the panic in his darling’s eyes. Oh, he loved them, he truly did; but he also relished in the horror that was clear in their face. “Or maybe I should leave you as a human and give you water breathing potions? I would very much like to have you depend on me as much as possible...”
“Stop that- stop that, don’t say that, holy shit-!” their heart sped up from fear as they scooted away from Jade, shakily standing up. Logically, there was no point in running; Jade would catch them, he’d be mad, they’d suffer, but at the moment their brain wasn’t running the logical path. Fear and adrenaline screamed at them to get out of there, to run from that doomed future the eel merman spoke of; before they knew it, they’d bolted to the door.
“My, how sad... Does thinking of a future with your boyfriend really scare you that much?” Jade just chuckled as he watched his lover’s face fall as they furiously tried to turn the doorknob, finding it to be locked. Before they could begin to bang on the door and cause a ruckus, he made his way to them and pinned them to the door. “You shouldn’t make a scene, darling. You might make Floyd and Azul come see what’s going on.”
“You- let me go!” the fear they’d been holding back was swallowing them whole. Every time they’d simply done as Jade asked out of fear of his anger came to mind; if they let this keep going... It made them nauseous, but they also had no clue how to escape from this situation. 
In their struggles, they managed to free one of their hands from Jade’s grip- he’d been distracted, telling them all his plans for them, for their future. It was sickening, how excited he seemed to be to keep them all for himself; without even thinking, their fist colided with his face. Silence fell between them, for a second- and then he just chuckled, eyes darkening. They’d made a mistake.
“Ah… You punched me- that’s ok, too. I hope it bruises; I want a mark to remind me your lovely hands were on my skin.” he said with a smile, although his tone made it quite clear this wasn’t just something he’d brush off and ignore. Quick like lightning, Jade had pinned both their hands above their head with a single hand, and his free hand gripped their chin. 
“It seems it is my turn to bruise your body until so you may remember my love as well.”
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takohebi · 4 years
Ship: Jamil/Yuu, female MC
Words: 1,502
Fic under the cut
“Hmm? You wanna try riding a broomstick?” Kalim asked light-heartedly. “Jamil’s one of the best in class, maybe you should ask him instead! Hey Jamil!”
Well, all it took was one off-hand remark about wishing to be able to fly like the others on a broomstick and Kalim was already off, dragging a confused Jamil to where Yuu stood in her gym “uniform”- a simple sweatshirt and sweatpants combo. Yuu’s gym sessions consisted of running laps around the grounds and wistfully looking at the students flying. And teasing the Octatrio. 
Now Jamil’s in front of her, eyes carefully assessing...what? He is looking at her but she can’t tell what he’s thinking. With a sigh that hopefully wasn’t out of exasperation, Jamil got his broomstick floating and hopped on, sitting more towards the tail-end of it. He looked enquiringly at Yuu- 
“Aren’t you getting on?” he asked simply, pointing down in front of him.
Oh. Oh. Yuu’ll be sitting in front of Jamil. The thought made her heart skip a beat. Not wanting to keep him waiting, she shoved aside any budding ideas and tentatively sat in the indicated space, gripping the broom tightly. 
Immediately Jamil scooted forward, his chest enveloping Yuu’s smaller back and placed his hands right over hers. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle” he whispered into her ear. 
Yuu felt like this was some kind of cruel dream. There’s no way he chose those words to speak, right? This must be some kind of fantasy her mind conjured up in a last-ditch effort to stay awake in Trein’s class. Thinking about Jamil does make her stay VERY awake.  
However the moment the broom started to fly, Yuu felt her stomach drop at the sudden increase in altitude, jolting her back to the present. “Sorry, was that too fast? Let me know if I should take it slow.” Jamil’s silky voice once again serenaded her ear. “A-a little slower please? I am not used to this.” Jamil chuckled as a response. At this point Yuu was hyper-aware of the proximity of his face to hers, his chest to her back and his arms enclosing hers and his legs- oh- his legs were flush against hers, his sneakered feet tucked under hers and holding them up. Feeling the shared heat of their intertwined legs almost made Yuu gasp out loud. Forcing her eyes shut, she tried to rewire her thoughts to their alchemy homework and just focus on the sensation of the wind whipping through her hair instead of-
“Hey are you alright? Should I stop? Do you wanna get down?” Jamil’s hushed voice sounded genuinely concerned. 
“Sorry! Sorry, I just got a little overwhelmed.”
“Does this make you feel better?” Yuu felt Jamil’s arm snake around her waist, holding her even closer to his body. 
“Yes. Much better” she managed to squeak out, as her face and body seemed to be aflame. 
The rest of the flight was fairly uneventful. Yuu felt comfortable with the gentle pressure of Jamil’s body and turned her head a little to catch a glimpse of his face. He had his usual stoic face on but Yuu thought she might have caught a bit of red there. Soon, Jamil made quips about each student they passed over causing Yuu to giggle over his deadpan delivery of said jabs. They flew at a leisurely pace, mostly quiet save for a few Oohs from Yuu’s side when she had a new view of something she saw everyday. 
Little did she know, every word and sound she let out made the boy behind her blush and feel incredibly proud to be the only one to witness it and (indirectly) be the reason for her reactions. 
Jamil did not know why and how he was suddenly seated behind Yuu, if you gave someone a lift on the broomstick, they were the one who sat behind. But here he is, body lined up closely against her. As if his body moved on instinct without his brain directing it and only now waking up to the fact that they were in extremely close physical contact. Jamil wondered if he was being inappropriate for a moment before he felt Yuu sigh and lean into him more and glance back at him, with a shy smile. Jamil felt like his heart would burst out of his chest any moment. Looking for a way to calm his mind, he spotted Azul down below and immediately came up with a snarky comment. That made her laugh and Jamil’s heart soared once more. They fell into a comfortable banter, Jamil hanging on to every word she said. 
He found it easy to talk to her, especially after the whole Overblot debacle. And he caught himself wishing to talk more and more to her and make her smile, laugh, just react to his words in general (positively of course). He staunchly refused to ponder over his desire for her attention and simply dismissed his tumultuous feelings and convinced himself he cared for her as a friend and all his feelings were platonic. Nevermind the fact that he has NEVER taken anyone for a ride on his broomstick, not even Kalim. And yet…
Kalim MUST have known this would happen. No wonder he asked him to help Yuu despite being a competent flier himself. Jamil felt a twinge of annoyance. But it was quickly quelled as he heard Yuu say his name. Deciding to deal with these troublesome thoughts later, Jamil fell back into conversation, keeping his voice neutral with practiced ease even if his heart was thumping frantically in excitement.
The day was sunny and breezy and they were flying for well over 20 minutes. They had already crossed the grounds a few times. Jamil sighed. They should probably land. His body was getting a little stiff from not moving much from this position. And it was Yuu’s first time flying. 
“I think we should descend soon…” he said, reluctantly.
“Oh. Hmm..” Yuu said. “A little more? Please?” To emphasize her point, she leaned back into Jamil and looked at him again. ‘Unfair!’ Jamil thought. ‘There’s no way I’d say no now.’ he sighed, but smiled at her. 
“Hey Jamil, why don’t we go a bit faster? Can you do a roll? Wait, is it possible to do it with 2 people?” 
The prospect of their ride coming to an end made Yuu curious about all the things she wanted to try.
“It could be done…”
Alright, please hold on tight. Do let me know if I should stop.”
Saying so, Jamil tightened his grip on Yuu and leaned further in, almost pinning her to the broom. With his other hand, he gently tugged hers and repositioned them closer to their bodies and once again placed his over hers, his thumb idly stroking her skin. The gesture was barely noticed by Yuu because immediately then Jamil maneuvered the broom to tilt sharply sideways and quickly roll once, twice and then after a moment’s pause, speed up. With a tug of his hand the broom flew upwards, performing a loop and then slowly decelerated before hovering to a stop. 
Yuu felt the rush of adrenaline coursing through her, her hair was all over the place but she could only breathlessly laugh as Jamil hummed casually against her. 
“That was so fucking amazing!! Ahh thank you Jamil for obliging me.” 
Below them, Kalim whooped while Jack asked (yelled) if Yuu’s okay. Yuu yelled back she is, causing Jamil to pull his face back a little involuntarily as her voice was too loud. 
“Ahh sorry sorry. I am done yelling, you can come back now.” Yuu said lightly before realizing what she meant. She felt herself blush and thankfully Jamil didn’t comment, quietly leaning back in, his lips close to her ear once again. She could hear his steady breathing if she concentrated (not like she was actively trying to!!). 
“Yuu…” he spoke, his words barely a whisper. Yuu could have sworn his lips made contact with her skin. He seemed to drawl out her name and it gave her butterflies.
“J-Jamil?” she asked back, her spirits dampened slightly, knowing full well what he wanted to say. 
He sighed, the action causing all sorts of feelings to bloom inside Yuu. 
“We should get off. I am sorry, it’s getting a little late. BUT- we can maybe do this again later-” 
Jamil smiled. Yuu felt like her heart would burst out of happiness. 
As they got off, Yuu immediately felt her back go cold, missing Jamil’s warmth. As their friends jogged towards them, Jamil ducked close and said in a low voice- “Went a little hard at the end because you asked for it. I hope you can walk straight until our next ride.” then proceeded to saunter off towards Kalim, broom in hand. 
Yuu felt her knees grow weak and it was hard to answer if it was because of the flying or Jamil. 
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seimeinotaka · 4 years
Sword training (Vil x MC)
Set Post-Pomefiore.
Vil learns that Ann has somehow started training with a sword, of all things. He also finds himself getting somehow a knight of sorts.
Thanks to polyphenols@AO3 for beta-reading this!
"Hi yah!"
The yell reached Vil's ears as he was doing his daily walk.  Instinctively, he turned his head to where the sound came from, easily recognizing the person's voice.
Ann swung her blunt sword in an upward arch, possibly the new movement she had been taught. It was too amateurish, inelegant and charmless, Vil thought to himself. It was exactly like her, though unexpectedly so, as he wouldn't have imagined she was interested in sword fighting in the first place.
She swung again.
At least she was passionate about it, though her passion alone wouldn't get her very far.
Ann paused her swings, turning suddenly around, startled when she realized his presence, though this didn't stop her from waving at him and jogging to where he was standing.
"Vil-senpai!" she said in between breaths. "I felt someone watching me but I didn't think it was you."
"Your swing is inelegant."
As well as her appearance: her hair was in a messy ponytail, bangs disheveled all over her flushed face.
"Well, Shishou just taught me this yesterday."
"Yes, Shishou. Silver-senpai. He's teaching me the sword in his free time."
That was surprising to say the least, Silver was from Diasomnia and one of Malleus's guards, everyone knew how they would flock behind him. Weren't they overzealous about Malleus's protection?
"I find it hard to imagine, he is always in Diasomnia doing his duties."
"It's okay! Kanchou said so!" she replied with a smile, as he frowned.
"Kanchou? Do you enjoy not making any sense?"
She rolled her eyes, that infuriating smile not fading in the slightest, and it was so tempting to smack her. "Kanchou is Lilia-senpai. Since Lilia-senpai is Silver-senpai's senpai, that would make him the big boss, so Kanchou."
He arched an eyebrow at her incomprehensible logic. Just like her.
"You make no sense."
"I don't? Huh, that's rude. You always call us potatoes, why can't I give you nicknames? There's Shishou and Kanchou, there's also Tsunotaro though that's his own fault. Trey-senpai is Aniki, Azul-senpai is Boss..." She looked at him with a sly smirk, "Wouldn't you like to know yours, Vil-senpai?"
But he was not going to admit it.
"Too bad, it's a secret!"
"Then why offer something you're not even going to reveal?" He huffed, mildly annoyed to be entertaining her and going on her own tempo. He was the one who should be setting it, not her.
"Maybe I wanted to see if you were interested?"
"Why would I be interested?"
"Just a wild thought," she dared to say with a smirk. "I enjoy talking to you too."
Sometimes their paths crossed, almost like strangers fated to meet. He didn’t like leaving things to something intangible as fate, the same as how wishes worked. Like wishes, fate undermined hard work. There was no value to becoming the fated hero…or villain, cursed to a forgone conclusion especially if fate deemed you unworthy, no matter what. However, he wasn’t so sure he liked the only other logical explanation to these meetings, how he seemed to come across her during his walks, almost yearning for her.
Just as she was now standing in front of him, having interrupted her sword practice just to talk to him. And he was somehow entertaining her.
"If you were in my situation, like you were thrown into a foreign world, wouldn't you try things you normally wouldn't be able to do in your home world? We don't fight with swords, and the only remaining sword fighting styles are sports. Actually, one would suit Pomefiore, it's kind of elegant now that I think of it... But anyway, swords in my world are only good for sports, collection bragging rights, and to make money in gacha games, so you can't exactly train to wield one. "
He folded his arms over his chest, not fully convinced. “That’s quite a leap in logic, potato. Surely the first thing you would consider trying isn’t something involving fighting. I would understand if you were trying magic, but to want to engage in this kind of combat? You certainly don’t look the type.”
“How rude!” She huffed. “You should know better than to judge someone for their looks! Maybe I just wanted to try something really extra? This school has the gothic and medieval style that it begs to try something knights do.”
“That logic is too obtuse, even for you. I knew you were an otaku like Idia, but I didn’t take you as the delusional type.”
Something was off. She was unreasonable, but even this was a big stretch for her.
“Perhaps I could protect someone...!”
For a second, he thought something flashed in her eyes, but it was too brief to make sense of it.
"Must be nice to be able to take things like a game."
"Does it look like that way to you? I wish it was.”
Her soft expression was unreadable and somehow, it was disconcerting. It was the first time he had seen it in her eyes.
She didn’t seem to mind his silence, as she pondered for a brief moment, before breaking the tension. “Hmm, I guess if it were a game, I could say this…”
Ann knelt down in front of Vil, one knee on the ground, hand on her chest above her heart. Bowing her head down, she said with a regal tone, "I vow by this sword I wield, that I will protect you with all my might, my Queen."
Vil immediately froze up, heart stammering inside his chest, when she had just said before... was she even being serious? Was she playing, and like this? But the tone of her voice was so clear, playful but oddly sincere, making blood rush to his cheeks, heart racing so much it ached.
"How can you say such things without even the slightest hint of embarrassment?" he reproached, controlling the emotion within. It was unbecoming of a queen to show this inner and violently increasing turmoil that this…prank had stirred.
Ann stood up, laughing softly with a flushed face he wanted to smack.
"It's not like I'm not embarrassed but..." The expression in her eyes changed faintly, a mix of softness and...despair. "You don't know if you can say those words tomorrow so it's best to say them when you can."
She was most likely fooling around, she could stop doing that with him, as his heart was still recovering from the shock.
"So, you're one of those people, living your fullest every day," he replied, trying to sound unamused and unaffected by her.
"...I guess." Her gaze was fixed in the horizon, not looking at the orange colored sky but somewhere else, somewhere distant and foreign. That faint odd feeling from before heightened, it was briefly in her eyes. Perhaps she was just homesick, and this was her way of dealing with it. It could be something else too.
But he wouldn't pry, and he had the feeling she wouldn't say it either. Even someone as open as her had things sealed deep inside.
Because she was so open about everything, it was why she could hide something.
“Just so you know,” Ann began, as she casually stretched, suddenly tagging Vil on his walk because she knew no limits and he was feeling charitable that day. “Paladins are supposed to protect the King and Queen.”
“I am aware of it, thank you for the useless information,” he replied dryly. “Also, Paladins are supposed to be master equestrians. How is your progress in the Horse Riding club?”
She flinched at his words, a large grimace replacing her teasing expression seconds before. “It’s a work in progress…” she mumbled. Though he was already aware that her progress was nil, it was bold of her to speak such words.
“Do your best to improve then, potato.”
“I don’t only need the horse, alright!” she huffed quickly. “It’s important to know you’re protecting someone! After seeing Shishou and Kanchou, even the annoying Sebek, protect Tsunotaro earnestly, I realized… I guess those speeches you hear in shonen anime do make sense, you do get a stronger purpose if you’re protecting someone.”
"I don't need you to protect me."
"Who said I was going to protect you?"
He could feel the flare up his cheeks, his mind already thinking of thousands of rebuttals because how dare she. He was the Queen, it was natural to imagine her proposal.
Did he need her help?
Absolutely not, he was more than capable of defending himself. The bodies of many who tried to fight him and lost were proof of that.
Did he want her to...
He stopped that trail of thought.
And most importantly…
“Didn’t you make that silly vow before?” he snarled, feeling the heat in his cheeks.
“Ah, so you remembered!” She gave him a big, bright, cheeky and infuriating smile. “It was just a test, but I can tell you do want me to stick around.”
“You’re really…”
She still had that smile of hers as she waved him goodbye. Softer and odder this time, but a smile nonetheless and he wanted so much to wipe it from her face. When he reached his dorm, he avoided Rook’s piercing gaze as the hunter complimented his newest blush.
But once his racing heart had slowed down, there was still that odd feeling he couldn’t shake off.
"Don't you want to go back?"
This time, he had reached out to her, catching her off guard as she had finished her sword practice. She was startled, both at being reached out to and him asking her that question. She probably never expected him to do either, but there was something he had to figure out.
"To your world. Crowley is looking for a way to send you back, isn't he?"
"Well, looking is a stretch, he conveniently forgets it every time except when he wants me to do something. Then he excuses himself by saying that it is so hard that he can't do anything."
"You're avoiding the question."
She covered her mouth, but he could see hints of a gleeful smile. "Could it be you don't want me to go back? Hehe, that's actually sweet of yo-ack! Why did you smack me!?"
"You always think so highly of yourself, potato. Wouldn't you want me to beg you to not go back? Of course you would."
'So you keep deflecting the question,' he thought to himself. And it was then when he noticed, the smile she had held had softly, almost imperceptibly transformed. It was painful to watch, a mirthless expression behind that mask.
“There was something bothering me for a while, about you specifically. I finally realized it now. Your smile doesn’t always reach your eyes. I can tell you aren’t lying to me, but your true feelings are another thing entirely.”
She froze immediately, all pretenses and forced expressions vanished, replaced with a fearful expression of being caught.
“…You must be mistaken, Vil-senpai,” she replied softly, her hand gripping her arm awkwardly, as she couldn’t hold eye contact anymore. The attempt of a smile was so stiff that he didn’t need to say anything, as she realized it was futile. “I’m….”
She couldn’t finish that sentence and their meeting didn’t last much longer. Her distraught silence was more than enough proof for him that he was right, but she didn’t say anything else. He had caught her off guard, so used to hiding something in plain sight that, she didn’t know how to react when she met someone who knew where exactly to find it out.
Even though Vil didn’t know what it was.
As her figure disappeared in the horizon, he thought of his own Overblot. The feelings he had carried for so long, as they weighed him down, no matter how hard he tried to go on. Choking him gently, until he found it hard to breathe, to think.
Ann wasn’t capable of magic, that was certain, but…
That didn’t mean she couldn’t break.
Ann enoys giving people nicknames as you can tell. Hers for Vil is actually S-paisen, on the logic that he looked like an DoS but then he wasn’t (as she dealt with him during their stay at Ramshackle) and THEN NVM he is a DoS during his speech about making people kneel. Paisen, because she is affectionate towards him. She also has uhhh some issues but she’s not really the kind to say them out loud. Yet,
Thank you for reading!
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Meanie (Azul Ashengrotto x Reader)
Based on a manga I think you know when you read it-
I suck I know-
Warning: Slight under aged drinking but it’s purely fluff, nothing serious.
Part 1
part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8 (END)
“Sevens, y/n. What do you want?”
“A hang out! At the VIP room!”
“You know how much that’s going to cost you right? You don’t have much on you.”
“Yeah, yeah I know but, I spend it on my friend!”
“You’re paying me.”
Azul sighed in irritation. He can never get enough of you, can he?
“YES!! I’ll bring some things along!”
“You got to be kidding me..”
Lying on the table, there were an assortment of chips, soft drinks, sweet snacks and to top it all off, a bottle of plum wine.
“Y/n, you shouldn’t be drinking. You’re under aged.”
You laughed heartily. “Don’t worry! It’s only once in a while! Besides, I really like plum wine! I’m not drinking it for the sake of looking cool! Ahehehe~!”
He sighed, putting his hat and jacket suit by the table and plopping himself on the couch, leaving him with his white collared shirt with his sleeves rolled up and pants.
He cringed slightly as all the snacks were unhealthy.
“Couldn’t you have bring snacks of healthier options?”
“Azul, you should treat yourself every once in a while. Being healthy is good, but you can eat junk just once! Besides, it’s a happy occasion!”
“You do this at least twice a week.”
“Not at night or with snacks.”
He saw you stuff chips in your mouth in one goal, like a rapid animal.
“Geez, y/n eat slowly. You might choke.”
“Awww, does Azul care for me~?”
“I don’t want a dead body filled with chips in the VIP lounge.”
“So mean!!”
He smiled a little. Your outgoing and cheerful attitude annoyed him at times, but he still couldn’t help but smile at how endearing you could be.
“Geez, you eat like it’s the end of your world.”
You took out a pack of poker cards and slam it on the table.
“Well geez, sorry.”
You took the cards out and began shuffling them, clearing the snacks to one side and spreading the cards in a circle.
“Alright, the rules are simple: You can’t quit in the middle!”
“Well, obviously.”
You had always bring about weird games to play. Like the time you played with 2 chess boards for no reason. One to play chess and one to play checkers, then if you get to take one chess or checker piece away, you had to do math question on your assignment, both of which you lost, and had to do the homework yourself. So this isn’t new to him. Maybe you’ll pull out your magic history homework.
“Alright just pick a card!”
“I got the twelve of spades.”
“You don’t have to yell.”
“Now, since I have the larger number, I’ll ask you truth or dare!”
“So, truth or dare??”
“So~ Do you think Idia or Jade is more handsome to you?~”
He nearly spit out the canned grape juice he was drinking.
“W-what type of question is that?!”
“Those are the rules! If you don’t want to answer a question you pick “dare”! And with “dare”, I’ll make you do something and you can’t quit or complain!”
This is the game of the devil, he thought. What is worse? Answering your ridiculous question or doing you ridiculous “dare”?
Screw it. Better answer than do it, right?
“I’ll stick with truth...”
“Okay! So.. Idia or Jade is handsome to you??”
“Oooh, really ? I thought Jade was pretty handsome himself though. Ah well!”
For some reason, he felt a little irritated when you said Jade was handsome.
“Moving along!”
You two pick your cards.
“Hmm~ five of diamonds? I got twelve of clovers!~~”
“Oh goodness..”
How is he having this much of bad luck today? He’s thinking you shuffled the cards in your favor.
A little flustered due to the plum wine, you slurred a little with the next question.
“Truth or dare??”
“If Idia was a girl, and she’d be the prettiest girl in NRC, and everyone else are girls, where would I be ranked in looks?”
“H-heh???” Now you were very flustered.
“So I am pretty to you??? Aww you’re so sweet, Azul!!”
“That’s because I can never imagine NRC being a girls’ school.”
“Huh??? Aw man I got two of spades!”
“Twelve of hearts.”
“Oh no..”
Well looks like the tables have finally turned. 
After answering your many ridiculous dares, it’s finally his turn. By now he can tell you’re very drunk. You weren’t think straight and you were slurring and getting flustered a lot.
“Truth or dare.”
He paused to think for a while on what he wanted to ask you.
“Have you ever had a first kiss?”
“HuH?? WHAT? ”
“Silence fool.”
“But... No I haven’t. Wonder who would wanna kiss me~~?”
“Your lips would reek plum wine, I don’t think anyone would.”
He smiled.
“I’m just joking.”
“Hehehehe~ Truth or dare??~~”
He said hesitantly. It’s been what? 9 to 11 rounds already and you only had truths, while you complained all his questions were like job interview questions.
“Ohohoho~ Well then,” you spread your arms open, “carry meee to beddd~~”
He blanked. His face was unreadable.
“Hey! Carry-”
Suddenly, you felt your entire body being lifted from the couch. Azul was carrying you bridal style close to his chest. You felt his steady heartbeat and you couldn’t help but blush at the sudden contact.
He went over to the secret guest bedroom and plopped you down on the bed.
“I’ll make sure you’ll go back to Ramshackle tomorrow. It’s a weekend anyways.”
You buried your face in your hands as you squirmed, giggling.
“Ehehehehe~~ That really surprised me! Thank you, Azul!~~”
“Okay, Azul! Pick a card for me.”
“It’s getting very late.”
“But like what you said tomorrow is the weekend!!!!”
“Still. You should be sleeping.”
“Okay! One last dare! I promise!”
He sighed. “Fine.”
He picked a card.
“What did I get??”
“King of Spades.”
“Oooh~ What did you get???”
He picked a card. “Three clovers.”
“Hmmm~ My turn then! This one would be truth only!”
You paused and he heard the blankets being ruffled as you shifted to a different position.
“If I said.. I was really scared of dying, what would you do?”
He swerved his head to look at you, his eyes scanning you.
You were completely calm that it scared him.
“Nonsense, you aren’t going to die.”
“Aheheheh~ Well I’m super tired! You should go to sleep too!”
He off the lights, the only light shining now was the lamp beside your bed on the night stand.
“Call me when you wake up. I’ll be in my room.”
“Got it~!”
And he closed the door.
To be continued..
HEYA FOLKS WANT ME TO DO PART 2??? Just reblog or request I don’t know I-
I died.
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wonderland-in-bloom · 4 years
an unexpected day off
[leona kingscholar x fem!pomefiore!reader]
anon asked: Yay requestss are open! May I request a oneshot where Leonas fem Pomfiore s/o's little sister comes to Night Raven to visit her and meets Cheka who is also visiting Leona and they become friends and all that cute stuff ( bonus Leona and readers reaction )
yes!! cute indeed uwu hi guys how are you all, are you dying over silver and lilia’s cards as much as i am? heheh 
le fic under the cut
TODAY was going to be a chill day filled with activies which could be tied to lazing around. well at least that’s what both you and your boyfriend thought. but the both of you were wrong. horribly wrong. that morning leona was woken up by cheka literally jumping on top of him. while on the other hand, you were having a beautiful dream until the door to your room slammed against the wall after it swung open. “(Y/N)-NEEEEEEEEE!!! WAKE UP! I’M SPENDING THE WHOLE DAY WITH YOU TODAY!” in your half awoken state, you were still able to recognize that high pitched voice. it was your younger sister. 
“what the hell are you doing here?” you groaned as you buried your head in your pillow. “mom and dad want me here! besides i want to see how miserable you are.” you growled and threw a pillow at her. you two argued and fought so loud that vil came storming into your room with his face still full of cucumbers and a face mask and scolded both you and your younger sister. you really did just want to have one day off without anything crazy or chaotic happening, but hey, when is life ever calm? you sighed as your little sister dragged you around the whole campus. some students gave you glares and in return you gave them back glares which signaled “please help me i beg you”. they legitimately just laughed at you. after all, it was only entertainment for them. in the middle of the way as you trailed behind your sister in the courtyard, she suddenly stopped. 
your eyes sparkled when you saw your boyfriend walking towards you from the other end. “leona!!!” you cheered as you rushed over to him. you saw a glint in his eyes as he was happy to see you too. you wrapped your arms around his torso and he placed his hand on your waist. “please help me....” you whispered. “yeah i could say the same.” you both turned around to face the children you were forced to babysit. they both froze as they eyed each other up and down. “oho? what do we have here?” cheka stepped closer to your little sister and eyed her even more intensely. “who are you?” cheka asked. 
“i could ask you the same! i didn’t know kids were allowed here.” she shot back. “i’m cheka kingscholar...ojitan...leona’s nephew. and you?” you and leona saw the two bashful kids. “i’m (l/s/n). (y/n)’s litle sister.” it was a little awkward for a while. you were debating with yourself wether to break it up or do something at least. however as you were about to step closer to them, leona grabbed your hand. “wait, (y/n). this might be a really good chance. if the both of them gets along, then they’ll just wander off on their own. less work for us, ya know?” you bit your bottom lip. a negative multiplied by a negative equals a positive. which means that both their chaotic-ness and irresponsibility would cancel each other out and you and leona would have no trouble. you two would have a day filled with relaxing and lazing around just as you both thought. “hmm, you’re right.” you smirked. you and leona chuckled evilly as the two kids started a conversation. 
you and leona didn’t even pay attention to them for five seconds and they were already running off to go play somewhere else. leona smirked as you both turned around, planning to head over to his room and just continue your beauty sleep which was cut short. leona slung his arm over your shoulder as you snuggled close against him and started walking to the savanaclaw dorms. however not long after, you heard a surprisingly high pitched yet familiar screaming coming from somewhere not too far from you. you and leona briskly made your way to the source of the scream to see...idia in a tree? “idia...senpai?” his eyes were wide filled with terror and fear. “(Y-Y/N)! L-LEONA! PLEASE HELP ME!” he pleaded. you two looked down to two very familiar figures right below the branch idia was gripping to dear life on. “YOUR HAIR IS SO COOL! WE JUST WANNA PLAY!” your little sister chirped. “PLEASEEE COME DOWN.” cheka joined her. 
leona growled and grabbed cheka by the collar. “oi, what are you doing?” cheka pouted. “we were just curious!” he replied. “we just wanted to play with him...it’s not our fault he’s a scaredy cat.” your little sister joined. you smacked the back of her head. “that’s not nice. we’re so sorry idia-senpai. you can go now.” he slowly climbed from the branch and down to the ground and started running off. “heeeh, what a weird guy.” your little sister commented. “well you two were basically invading his boundaries. so.” she rolled her eyes. “sheesh (y/n)-nee, can’t you just let us have a little fun? come on cheka! we have more places to go to!” she giggled and the two kids started running off. remember when you thought that the chaotic-ness would cancel each other out? yeah. wrong. instead it multiplied and now they get into more trouble as a duo than you both thought. 
and thus your day off from school was filled with running around, trying to catch the two kids, and apologizing to the other dorm leaders and students. to keep things short and simple, there were a lot of things those two did which disturbed the other students. first, they managed to leave the hedgehogs riddle used in his game of croquet to almost die because of shock and fear. this left riddle in a frenzy and it took the adeuce duo and cater to calm him down while trey urged the two kids to run off. but he didn’t even hesitate giving you and leona a little lecture. second, they sneaked into savanaclaw’s daily magift training sessions and held onto a couple of senior’s brooms. they almost fell a couple of feet from the air and had to be caught by jack and ruggie. ruggie (wholeheartedly) told leona off and when you wanted to catch the two troublemakers, they were already gone. third, they managed to infiltrate the mostro lounge and begged jade and floyd for piggyback rides. it went well at first but let’s just say the lounge didn’t look so good after the whole session ended. azul ended up threatening leona with blackmail and scolded the both of you for doing that to his precious lounge. (of course he threatened to sue leona but he just brushed him off. after all, leona was a rich boy so he didn’t really mind. lol)
fourth, they played hide and seek with kalim in his treasure room. for once, this was the one instance where the dorm leader wasn’t mad or troubled, but rather joined them in the fun. in the end, jamil had to drag kalim by the collar and scold him instead of you and leona. they continued their game without kalim and this time it was hide and seek with you and leona. of course you didn’t find them anywhere in scarabia and concluded that they headed off to pomefiore. rook was in a panic because the peacocks from the gardens escaped and started to cause havoc, making the garden a mess. epel was chasing the two children (as ordered by vil) but they just laughed and thought it was a game of tag. your dorm leader didn’t hesitate to blabber a handful of comments which made your ears ring and he also didn’t hesitate to slap the back of leona’s head. “irresponsible. just like their relatives.” he mentioned, hinting at the fact that like nephew/little sister like uncle/older sister. finally, cheka and your little sister stepped foot into diasomnia but regretted it the instant they stepped in. 
they were greeted with sebek and silver who scared them off and made them not even dare to do anything which involves diasomnia. lilia tried to be nice to them and tried to calm the down as best he can (he is a father after all ha ha) but he managed to make them cry. at the end of your tiring and NOT AT ALL peaceful day, you found the two snuggled next to each other under a tree. they were both fast asleep. you and leona sighed in relief. you exchanged glances with each other before collapsing yourselves. “finally~” the storm has passed and you two could finally calm down. you both leaned against the tree and sat down with a ‘thump’. with aching feet and ears just having enough of lectures and rambles, both your eyes felt heavy. you were already drifting off to sleep when you felt leona’s hand position your head to lean against his shoulder. you smiled and that’s when you were engulfed in a deep slumber. 
this really wasn’t the day off both leona and you were expecting. but at least you spent the whole day together and managed to work together as a pair to solve the mischief caused by the two children. well....somewhat solved it at least. 
BONUS: “AAAWH THEY’RE SO CUTE! THEY’RE LIKE A LITTLE FAMILY!” cater whisper shouted from behind a bush. he took out his phone and readied his camera. you and leona were out cold. snoring and dead asleep as leona leaned against the tree and you leaned against his shoulder. cheka rested his head on leona’s lap whilst your little sister did the same thing to you. the four of you really did look like a cute, little family. “this might be a good time to ambush. don’t you think my beautiful queen?” rook commented as he put aside the binoculars. “hmm...maybe we can make use of cater-kun. those pictures can easily be blackmail. we can get them to do our bidding as long as we have their picture.”
“ah! smart and beautiful! that is our dorm leader, vil schoenheit!”
“that’s what the both of you get for disrupting my day off.” 
lol i included a sentence or two related to math (simple math tho lol). wai? i finished like four weeks of math hw in a day haha. yeah well it was stupid for teachers to give us summer hw. like i’m already stressed sm and now they’re just yeeting more stress to me. yeeeets. rant over. 
love, a♕
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